HomeMy WebLinkAboutBering Straits Wind Project, January 1984_Searchableook LIBRARY COPY Bering Straits Wind Project Final Report January 1984 prepared by Contract # CC08-2607 for the State of Alaska Division of Energy and Power ISSUED TO 3 z = j =x Architecture Engineering Interior Design Planning February 3, 1984 Ms. Pat Woodell State of Alaska Department of Commerce 3601 "C" Street, Suite 722 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Pat: We are pleased to submit the Final Report for the Bering Straits Wind Project. As |! worked through the project files, beginning with our proposal, | was impressed by how many circumstances had changed since we began. The Division of Energy and Power Development went through three directors and two project managers before finally going out of existence. The governorship of the state changed, resulting in a new administrative direction which has significantly affected alternative energy projects such as this one. Authority for the Bering Straits Wind Project shifted from the Department of Commerce to Community and Regional Affairs and back again. Construction Systems Management changed its name to Livingston Slone and relocated its offices. Despite the discontinuity, we think we've brought Phase One of the project to a successful conclusion. We've learned a great deal. We've identified Shishmaref, Wales, and Savoonga as good candidates for project expansion. Teller may yet be in the running. The small size of the installations showed us that while small wind machines are easy to maintain, they are not of much interest to communities. Nor did these small machines tell us much about utility interface effects on the village power grids. It is safe to assume, however, that most small diesel electric grids will toler- ate a wind system in the 20 to 40 KW size range. These machines are large enough to be of significant economic benefit to a village. They are no longer in the developmental stage; the technology has accelerated with the pace of wind farm development in the Lower 48. But they require maintenance, just like any other machine, and a factory trained, experienced operator should remain on site for several months after the wind generator is operational. This should be enough time to demonstrate the system's practicality, work out technical problems, and most importantly, identify a village resident who can be trained to assume maintenance responsibilities. Thereafter, maintenance should become a paying job which can benefit the cash-short village economy. Thomas W. Livingston, AIA Donald E. Slone, PE Donald F. Newman, AIA, CCS 3900 Arctic Blvd. Suite 301 Anchorage, Alaska 99503-5790 (907) 562-2058 We think it's time for private investment to enter into wind energy utilization in Alaska. This can be in the form of individuals utilizing Federal tax cred- its in conjunction with income derived from reasonable utility buy back rates. Native Corporations could enter the market with the proper State tax incen- tives, to the ultimate benefit of all the people of their regions. The technology is ready, the wind resource is there, and the leveling of oil prices is only temporary. The State can encourage the development of wind electric energy by enforcing the mandate of PURPA, by passing a State Corporate tax credit for renewable energy, and by recognizing the social and political problems which have worked against the success of its previous wind projects. We think these problems can be overcome by properly structured projects which can be of real benefit to rural Alaska. | would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this report with you. | also have some slides of the project that might enhance your understanding of the work, and | can make copies of them for you if you wish. Sincerely, LIVINGSTON SLONE, INC. An Pamela Root Project Manager PR/srw ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS State of Alaska Department of Commerce Division of Energy and Power Development 3601 C Street, Suite 722 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 (907)561-4201 Pat Woodell, Energy Project Manager Livingston Slone, Inc. 3900 Arctic Blvd., Suite 301 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 (907)562-2058 Donald E. Slone, Principal in Charge Pamela Root, Project Manager Polarconsult 2735 East Tudor Road, Suite 201 Anchorage, Alaska 99507 (907)561-1933 Mark Newell, Project Engineer Enertech Alaska P.O. Box 111582 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 (907)561-1993 Pamela Root Kenny Forrest Arctic Energy Systems P.O. Box 843 Nome, Alaska 99762 (907) 443-2717 Phil Kaluza, Energy Specialist Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 CONTENTS Acknowledgements Introduction Chronology of Events Methodology Shishmaref Golovin, White Mountain and Teller Buckland Conculsions Recommendations Current Village Conditions Executive Summary Shishmaref Village, Environment, and People Local Contacts Present Power System Project Description Findings and Recommendations City Site Plan Project Location Plan Project Engineer's Report Golovin Village, Environment, and People Present Power System Local Contacts Project Description Findings and Recommendations Project Site Plan Data Collection and Analysis White Mountain Village, Environment, and People Present Power System Project Description Findings and Recommendations Local Contacts Project Site Plan Teller Village, Environment, and People Present Power System Project Description Findings and Recommendations Local Contacts Project Site Plan Data Collection Bering Straits Wind Project ‘Livingston Slone, Inc.. 1/84: 73 PAGE NO. —KOOOuUUNF EN ey 16 17 19 30 31 32 33 44 46 46 47 47 49 50 56 58 58 60 61 62 64 67 68 69 69 71 PAGE NO. Buckland Village, Environment, and People 74 Present Power System 75 Local Contacts 76 Project Description 78 Data Evaluation 79 Savoonga Village, Environment, and People 82 Present Power System 86 Findings and Recommendations 87 Site Plan 88 Brevig Mission Village, Environment, and People 89 Present Power System 90 Findings and Recommendations 90 Wales Village, Environment, and People 91 Present Power System 95 Findings and Recommendations 98 Site Plan 99 Diomede Village, Environment, and People 100 Present Power System 103 Findings and Recommendations 104 Appendix A: Shishmaref Data Appendix B: Installation Logs Appendix C: Equipment Specifications Appendix D: Buckland Data (single copy, bound separately) Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 INTRODUCTION In January of 1982, the State of Alaska, Division of Energy and Power Development, issued a Request for Proposal for a wind project in the Bering Straits, to design, construct, and demonstrate wind energy systems in Golovin, Shishmaref, Teller and White Mountain, and to provide the planning for project expansion to Brevig Mission, Buckland, Diomede, Savoonga, and Wales. This is the Final Report for that project. Previous studies, including the Bering Straits Energy Reconnaissance Study, the Alaska Power Authority reconnaissance studies, and the 198! Wind Energy Resource Atlas for Alaska had all identified wind energy as one of the best ways of decreasing dependence on diesel fuel for elec- trical generation. An in-depth instrumentation and continuous recording of data on an actual village had never been accomplished in Alaska. The Bering Straits Wind Project was to go beyond the generalizations of the reconnaissance studies and provide the specific detail of actual instal- lations and data collection. To that end, two small wind machines were intertied to the AVEC utility grid at Shishmaref, and fully instrumented. Single wind systems were installed at Golovin, White Mountain, and Teller. Planning for project expansion was to take place as lessons were learned from the first installations. The lessons of this particular project turned out to be not technical, but political and sociological in nature. We encountered no major hardware failures. The wind machines operated so reliably for the first few months that they were largely ignored. The village operators that had been trained to look after the machines soon lost interest, although some continued to send monthly bills. As operat- ing time progressed, none of the maintenance people noticed when minor problems occurred, such as deployed tip brakes, icy blades, or faulty capacitors. We had the best luck with Shishmaref, and those two ma- chines have run continuously for over a year. Another criterion for project expansion was the degree of penetration by wind systems that could be tolerated by a small diesel electric grid. There is no prior experience anywhere in the country that approaches Alaskan conditions. For instance, most diesel electric utilities in Alaska are 208 volt, 3 phase. All small utility intertie wind machines, such as the Enertech 1800 used in this project, are 120 or 240 volt, single phase. Unexpected utility voltage dips were encountered at every site. Much utility equipment was substandard and outmoded, even the recently installed systems at Golovin and White Mountain. Any combination of wind and diesel electric systems would involve a complex interaction of climatological and electrical variables. It is not possible to jump from very small 2 KW systems to 100 KW wind machines, letting engineering calculations fill the gap. Development at the sites selected for project expansion will have to be done incrementally, with each step carefully evaluated. This is most consistent with the rate of technological development of wind systems and easier for small villages to assimilate and maintain. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page ‘1 Our goal at this point in the project is to identify those sites that seem to be good candidates for a larger wind generator, and to recommend what installations, if any, should take place in Savoonga, Diomede, Wales, Brevig Mission, and Buckland. The first phase of this project covered nine sites, and left too little money for construction. The second phase should narrow the scope and concentrate the effort on those sites with the greatest potential for success. That effort should consist of wind machines in the 20 to 40 KW size range, which are being rapidly developed and perfected for the windfarm market in the lower 48. CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS Our proposal for the Bering Straits Wind Project was accepted in March of 1982, but a contract was not signed until June 23, 1982. The delay was due to determined challenges to the award by a competitor, Kinetic Energy Systems, and to changes in the State's contracting procedures. As a result, preliminary site visits, approvals, and engineering design were not completed until the end of the summer construction season. Illness forced our installation subcontractor to delay another month. Construction actually began in Shishmaref in October, 1982. Despite increasing cold and darkness, installation progressed smoothly at Shishmaref, and was completed by Thanksgiving. The wind generators were fully operational and about half the data collection sensors were installed. The complexity of the monitoring requirements forced some changes in the required sensors, and these were not available until January, 1983. In February, two representatives from Aeolian Kinetics flew to Shishmaref with the project engineer. They installed the remain- ing sensors and optimized the system. Foundation construction began at Teller in September, 1982. The engi- neer designed concrete piers for a self-supporting tower. No permafrost had ever been encountered at Teller, and the concrete mass was designed to a high water table. However, large amounts of ice were discovered in the third foundation hole. We feared that the heat of hydration as the concrete cured would melt the ice and destabilize the foundation. The weather was getting cold, making it impossible to pour concrete. We therefore decided to suspend construction until the following season, relocate the foundation, and dig test holes. Construction proceeded through the winter at Golovin and White Mountain. Both sites were completed by the end of January. Although we engaged operators for the wind machines, they were largely unattended for the rest of the project period. Golovin sent in some data which indicated unusually low winds. White Mountain sent almost no data. As the time approached to complete the Teller installation, it was also time to turn ownership of the Shishmaref, Golovin, and White Mountain wind machines over to local entities. Shishmaref and Golovin Bering Straits Wind Project Livinaston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 2 could see no economic benefit from the installations, despite our efforts to convince them that was not the intent of the project. We gave the Shishmaref equipment to AVEC. White Mountain had no usable wind, and could not possibly benefit from the wind machine, although they liked having it in the village. Rather than abandon the installations at White Mountain and Golovin, we decided to remove them for safety and liability reasons. We combined that effort with completion of the Teller installation to mini- mize costs. Teller was completed in August 1983, and ran reliably until October 1983. The problem, once again, is one of minor maintenance, but politi- cal turmoil between the Blodgett family, on whose land the machine sits, and the City of Teller, whose clinic the machine serves, have prevented any attempt at repair. What data we have received indicates only mod- erate winds; the machine utilized them fully. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 3 METHODOLOGY The wind system selected for this project was the Enertech 1800, a 2 KW utility interface induction generator. The Enertech 1800 is a simple, reliable wind machine that has been installed at over a thousand sites in the Lower 48 and Alaska. The project budget did not allow us to use a larger machine. Budget constraints also forced us to economize on tower foundations. We adopted a semi-building-mounted approach at Shishmaref, Golovin, and White Mountain to save on foundation costs. A larger wind machine would not have allowed us that money-saving option. Finally, my position as both an Enertech dealer and as project manager for Livingston Slone not only influenced the choice of machine, but streamlined the project considerably. My first hand experience with installations at other sites allowed me to budget realistically and plan the project more effectively. It enhanced communication with the factory and the installer. And it provided a lot of background knowledge about wind energy technology. Because the wind machine was to benefit all the people of each village, we located it at a community facility. A local person was hired at each site and trained in maintenance during each installation. Although our contract did not require us to maintain the machines, we paid the local operators an average of $150 per month to check the machine daily and do minor troubleshooting. This had mixed results. We were able to keep the Shishmaref machines running until our operator found a better paying job. The machines have been unattended for the last several months, but to the best of our knowledge continue to perform. The money we spent on local operators was viewed by Golovin and Shishmaref as an expense they could not afford to assume if they took ownership of the equipment. Although we even attended a City Council meeting in Golovin to explain that their cooperation could result in a larger, more economically viable wind system, there was no interest. The Golovin and White Mountain machines are now available to reinstall at another site. SHISHMAREF Both the wind systems and the diesel plant at Shishmaref were fully instrumented in an effort to identify some sort of relationship between the two sources of power. We wanted to find out if and how the wind systems affected the diesels, and vice versa. We also wanted to simply measure the performance of each system separately, and to see if Shishmaref has a usable wind resource. The two wind machines were mounted at different heights to see how that affects their power production. We wanted to know whether the wind machines have operated reliably, what kinds of winds blow over Shishmaref, what the seasonal and daily variations are, and whether or not high wind periods coincide with high energy demand. We hoped to learn the operating characteristics of the diesel plant and know more about village electrical loads. Bering Straits Wind Project ‘Livingston Slone, Inc.. 1/84 - Page 4 The monitoring equipment installed at Shishmaref is an Aeolian Kinetics PDL-24 microprocessor. It collects data on wind speed, wind direction, village power consumption, power factor, air temperature, wind genera- tor operation, and diesel generator operation. The system was made as automatic as possible within the budget constraints and a local resident trained to maintain it. Data was collected on a cassette tape and sent to Anchorage for reduction. Our findings to date are included in this report. Further data reduction will cost about $200 per month. AVEC, which now owns all the equipment, has no money for data reduction. GOLOVIN, WHITE MOUNTAIN AND TELLER At these sites, much simpler data gathering devices were installed. Our contract required only a kilowatt hour meter to measure wind machine performance. However such information is useless without wind data. So we installed a recording wind odometer in conjunction with an Enertech Performance Monitoring Package (PMP). The PMP is a kilowatt hour meter with two additional counters which record wind machine run time and on-off cycles. We developed a chart on which to enter all informa- tion, and local operators were to take daily readings. The charts are sent to Anchorage for analysis and then to Enertech for confirmation. BUCKLAND Buckland's wind characteristics were little known. We invested in an expensive, fully automatic data collection system, the Weather Wizard from Meteorological Research, Inc.(MRI). This device measures wind speed, wind direction, temperature, humidity, precipitation, and barome- tric pressure. The Weather Wizard was installed near the Buckland airstrip, on a 20 ft. tripod. It is powered by a small photovoltaic array and a special cold weather battery. We hired the school science teacher to make daily checks of the microprocessor and to change the data collection tapes every 90 days. The tapes were sent to Los Angeles for reduction at MRI. The system performed almost flawlessly. The data is extremely detailed and _ complete. Daily checks of the equipment were _ probably unnecessary. It has the added advantage of being compact, easily installed, and relocatable. It should be re-used at another site. We recommend this system highly. Bering Straits Wind Project : Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 5 CONCLUSIONS At this writing we have accomplished the following: Accumulated fourteen months running time on the two wind gener- ators at Shishmaref, and seven months of data collection at that site; Accumulated seven months running time on the wind generators at White Mountain and Golovin. Data collection depended on _ local people and was disappointing. The machines have been removed. Collected thirteen months of climatological data at Buckland, which indicates that Buckland is a poor wind site; Completed the installation at Teller with three months run time. We anticipated that a lack of local involvement might be the primary problem of the project, and this proved to be the case. The wind machines were too small to be of any economic benefit to the villages. Although we hired local people to install and maintain the machines, the money was not good enough to hold their interest. All the equipment performed well, although nothing was _ completely trouble free. The only problems encountered by the wind machines were icing on the blades and tip brakes, and.in Teller a suspected faulty start capacitor (although we haven't yet been able to verify this). Icing reduces machine output and prematurely deploys tip brakes. It is a maintenance problem which requires that someone climb the tower, knock off the ice, and reset or replace the tip brakes. Machines should be - carefully watched during such weather to see that they don't run while loaded with ice, which can cause more serious problems. None of the installations had any verifiable negative impact on diesel generators. The wind machines are too small. The utility operator at Golovin complained that the wind machine caused lights to dim when it started up, but the project engineer assured us that this was caused by poor wiring in the building, not the wind machine itself. The utility operator was influential in persuading the City of Golovin to reject ownership of the wind machine. We encountered voltage drops, substan- dard equipment, and jerry-rigged work at every service entrance, at every site. We expected this, and used transformers and voltage boost- ers where necessary. Our recommendations for wind electric/diesel interface are necessarily based on the current state of wind technology. Our objective is to concentrate project expansion efforts at those sites which demonstrate the greatest potential. Of the four installed sites, only Shishmaref appears to be a candidate for project expansion. We were not able to fully evaluate Teller because of the delayed installation. White Mountain's wind machine probably Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 6 should be moved to the airport. Golovin's should be relocated to another village. Buckland's equipment should be relocated, perhaps to Teller, to supple- ment the simple data collection device on the wind machine. Diomede, Savoonga, and Wales are well known for their windiness, but Diomede has prohibitive logistical constraints. Given the good reliability of the wind machines, the next most important factor is the local individual responsible for the machine, and that he be able and willing to communicate with the area wide and state wide dealers representatives and engineers. He should have the appropriate training, tools, spare parts and support to be effective in his job. To accomplish this a network system is required which logically will come out of the private sector as more machines are installed in the rural areas. This networking must be helped along by proper incentives from state government such as: corporate tax credits, educational functions, and financial recognition of the tremendous subsidy the fossil fuel based system presently receives. The driving force behind the installation of some 4,000 large units in California is the federal tax credit. Just as important are the state tax credits. This has stimulated a private sec- tor movement of small investors which is providing a significant alterna- tive to utilities faced with adding nuclear or coal fired capacity. While this project proved fairly conclusively that small wind generators will not in any way affect a relatively good size diesel electric system it did not answer the question of large wind generators. Before any of the larger generators are installed it would be imperative to assess the condition of the utility system in configuration of the load - supply situation so that the utility could be assured that under no circumstance could the wind generator disrupt the power supply. The installation of an anemometer prior to going through the expense of installing a wind generator can save a lot of money and shattered hopes. We recommend the equipment used at Buckland. It is entirely automatic and trouble free. A simple site visit by someone trained in climatology, wind generator siting, power perimeters and utility engineering can provide a very useful screening process for sites which should be monitored. The wind generators performed well and served the purpose of familiarizing many of the people of the Bering Strait region with the technology of utilizing wind power. The most successful site was Shishmaref where two machines were installed which involved the largest savings of money over time. The driving force behind success of any project, from the results of this demonstration, clearly has to be economics. Unless an individual is going to somehow profit from his time spent monitoring or maintaining anything, particularly a wind generator, there must be some incentive besides "boy isn't this fun". Therefore, any future funding should direct itself to larger more economical machines which can have a more significant impact. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 7 With somewhere around 4,000 machines in the 20-50 kw size range installed in California and remote mountain passages and ridges it could no longer be said those machines are in the demonstration mode. Rather they are commercially available and many of them ready for the Alaskan environment. However ready these machines are technologically, the remoteness of the Alaskan bush does present logistical problems. This project however has been able to get a good handle on what it takes to successfully install, maintain, operate and monitor a group of wind generators in such a region. ‘ RECOMMENDATIONS If wind energy can be harnessed reliably and become a necessary port of village power generation, it will eventually win the support and under- standing of the people it serves. But we do not recommend the installa- tion of any more small wind machines on a community basis. The two machines which were removed from White Mountain and Golovin should be reinstalled elsewhere, but to serve individual homes. At White Mountain, Carl Ashenfelter seems an excellent candidate. Carl lives at the airport, which now has utility power and looks to be a promising wind site. Carl should have the benefit of the wind machine, and eventual ownership of it, in return for conscientious maintenance and data collection. The Golovin machine should be similarly disposed of, and we recommend Phil Kaluza in Nome. In Teller, we are forced to conclude that the project would have been better served if the Blodgetts had had total control and benefit from the wind machine. We recommend that they assume ownership in return for maintenance and data collection. The machine is situated on their land and could be rewired to serve their facilities. Although the politics of the Bering Straits region may work against such a "subsidy" to non- Natives, everyone would eventually benefit from the more reliable re- sults. Phil Kaluza's ownership of a machine could be similarly justified. The village of Wales is very likely to benefit from the installation of a wind machine in the 25 to 40 KW size range. It's wind conditions are well documented. Logistics are about as good as Shishmaref's. The village seems to be enthusiastic about alternative energy, although we've learned not to count too heavily on that. An installation of this size would be of considerable economic benefit to the village. However, to insure its success, the expense of maintaining a factory trained service man on site for at least three months should be made a project cost priority. The enthusiasm that surrounded the revival of wind energy technology has been tempered by several years of actual experience. The industry is shaking down to a few manufacturers who are producing reliable products and who have an adequate financial base. As_ installations become more commonplace, engineers, specifiers, and utilities will become more familiar with the technology. Expectations will become more realis- tic, and projects more appropriately scaled. Dealers and contractors will have better credentials. As more projects are successful, and the Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 8 technology becomes "mainstreamed", the need for a special educational effort will diminish. The real need is for a continuation of Federal tax credits, augmented by State corporate tax incentives to encourage pri- vate investment. Wind machines at Altamont Pass Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 9 CURRENT VILLAGE CONDITIONS Residential electrical use in all villages is extremely low, averaging about 125 KWH per month. The average village house has the following appli- ances: oO oo ooo0o°o 2 to 3 incandescent light bulbs (older homes) 8 to 10 fluorescent bulbs (1979 and 1980 housing), 1 horizontal chest freezer (kept in entry vestibule and usually plugged in only in summer). 1 radio 1 television set Forced air heating equipment Electric coffee pot Virtually no one uses electric heat, clothes washers and dryers, electric ranges, ovens, or skillets, dishwashers, hot water heaters, small kitchen appliances, refrigerators, or engine preheaters. The village school and community center is the largest user of electric- ity in all villages. These facilities are usually equipped with wood/me- tal shops, food service (with electric ranges) and hot showers. Current diesel fuel costs, and projected increases, are in the following table: Bering Year $/Gallon 1981 2.00 1982 2.07 1983 2.14 1984 auae 1985 2.30 1986 2.38 1987 2.46 1988 2.54 1989 2.63 1990 aeea 1991 2.82 1992 2.92 1993 3.02 1994 3.13 1995 3.23 1996 S.ae 1997 3.46 1998 3.58 1999 3.71 2000 3.84 2001 3.97 Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In January of 1982, the State of Alaska, Division of Energy and Power Development, issued a Request for Proposal for a wind project in the Bering Straits region. The purpose of the project was to design, construct, and demonstrate wind energy systems in Shishmaref, Golovin, Teller, and White Mountain. Shishmaref was to receive the most attention, with two small windplants and extensive monitoring of both the wind generators and the diesel electric plant. Planning for project expansion to Brevig Mission, Buckland, Diomede, Savoonga, and Wales was to take place as lessons were learned from the first installations. The project team consisted of Construction Systems Management, Inc., (now Livingston Slone) project managers; Polarconsult Alaska, project engineers, Phil Kaluza, energy specialist and local contact in Nome; Enertech Alaska, supplier of the wind systems; and Kenny Forrest, installation subcontractor. Electrical installation was to have been done by Westinghouse, but was actually performed by Titan Electric and Ed Kiely. The project budget was $378,500. Because nine sites had to be covered, much of this money went to travel. Each site was visited at least once, and most sites required several visits. About I/3 of the project budget was expended for the wind equipment and _ installation labor. The rest went for project management, engineering, planning, and project documentation. The project budget did not allow the installation of large wind machines at so many sites. We selected the Enertech 1800, a 2 KW utility inter- face induction generator. The Enertech 1800 is a simple, reliable wind machine that has been installed at over a thousand sites in the Lower 48 and Alaska. It has been used successfully on a building-attached tower at several sites in Alaska, and allowed us to save on foundation costs. The lack of pile drilling rigs in most villages forced us to dig all foundations by hand, so pilings were kept to a minimum. Finally, the building attached tower enabled us to locate the wind machines on community facilities in fairly constricted areas, and close to the vil- lage diesel electric plant. Although the work was awarded to CSM in March, 1982, a contract was not signed until June 23, 1982. The delay was due to challenges by a competitor, Kinetic Energy Systems, to changes in the State's contract- ing procedures, and to a change of director at DEPD. As a result, preliminary site visits, approvals, and engineering design were not completed unit the end of the summer construction season. Con- struction actually began in Shishmaref in October, 1982. Despite increasing cold and darkness, installation went smoothly. Construction time averaged about three weeks at each site. Local residents were hired to dig foundation holes and to help erect the towers and wind machines. At the end of each installation, we were able to identify a local resident whom we thought was familiar enough with the system to perform minor maintenance duties and collect data. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Although all the villages were enthusiastic about the project, no one was willing to maintain equipment for nothing. Our contract did not require us to provide machine maintenance, but the success of the project depended on keeping all equipment running. We paid village operators to maintain the equipment out of our limited surplus con- struction funds. This money was expended quickly, and the results were disappointing. At White Mountain, the operator never even sent us a bill. There were no operating problems with the wind machine because it seldom operated. There is no wind in the village of White Mountain. At Golovin, there were minor maintenance items that the operator ignored, such as blade icing. The Shishmaref operator was the most conscientious. We also installed a sophisticated weather monitoring device at Buckland. The limited data available from the Arctic Environmental and Data Information Center suggested that Buckland might be in a "wind corridor" and have a usable wind resource. An MRI Weather Wizard was installed at Buckland Airport in August, 1982, and gather climatalogical data without interruption for over a year. The results indicate that Buckland is not a good wind site. The installations at Shishmaref, Golovin, and White Mountain were completed by January 1983. Teller had. the only concrete foundation design in the project, due to the high water content of the soil. The foundation holes were hand dug, and ice was found in the third hole. Ice had never been encountered in Teller (buildings there are slab on grade). Impending winter weather made it impossible to relocate the foundation and still pour concrete, and the work had to be postponed until the 1983 construction season. Teller was completed in August 1983, and ran until October. Political turmoil in Teller resulted in a lack of maintenance, and it is not now operational. All equipment. performed very well. There were no particular operating problems associated with extreme cold. The Weather Wizard at Buckland has achieved 99% data recovery. The sensor array at Shishmaref yielded good data from that site. The Shishmaref installation was turned over to AVEC, which has no money to continue data collection. The Golovin machine was removed after the City decided not to assume ownership. Rather than leave the machine unattended, we took it down before it could become a safety hazard. We removed the White Mountain machine for the same reason. We recommend that the Teller machine be turned over to the Blodgett family. The City of Teller has shown no interest in maintenance. The Buckland equipment should be relocated, perhaps to the White Mountain airport, which looks like a good wind site, or to Teller. The Golovin and White Mountain wind machines are available for reinstallation else- where. Successful wind projects at remote sites in the Bering Straits region, and elsewhere in Alaska, will depend on a favorable combination of wind resource, reasonable logistics, local support, and reliable equipment. Wind is a resource that is always overestimated, and a site should be carefully evaluated before any installation takes place. Logistics will Bering Straits Wind Project Livinaston Slone. Inc. 1/84 impact any project, and some sites are much more accessible than others. There is no point in planning a large wind project at a site like Diomede, which has no airstrip and often cannot even receive a barge, until either accessibility improves or the need for service and repairs diminishes. Teller, on the other hand, has road access from Nome for half the year, and good access by air. We have yet to verify that it has sufficient wind. Local support means a paid employee to maintain the wind system, just as most villages have electric utility operators and water treatment plant operators. This individual should be able to climb the tower, do electrical troubleshooting - even replace a major component, if necessary. Manufacturers' warranties cannot be expected to cover maintenance. The wind industry is maturing rapidly, and reliable equipment is at hand. Machines in the 20 to 40 KW range are being perfected for mass installations at wind farms in California and elsewhere. Project expan- sion in the Bering Straits should keep pace with the development of wind energy technology, and the installation of 20 to 40 KW wind ma- chines has a high probability of success. The 100 KW and larger wind machines are still experimental and are not yet recommended; we cannot predict how they will interface with small village electrical grids. None of the presently installed sites has a large enough wind system to have any effect on the diesel electric grid. Only a 20 to 40 KW wind installation will begin to penetrate the village utility, and only then can a reasonable evaluation of utility impact and economics be made. We highly recommend that the State consider some economic incentives that would encourage private investment in wind energy in rural Alaska. A 25% State tax credit for renewable energy for corporations would encourage Native Corporations to invest in the technology. More economically significant projects could be developed at much lower cost to the State. A State tax credit to corporations would substantially off- set the dwindling Federal alternative energy tax incentives, which now are available only to individuals. Enertech wind machines at Altamont VILLAGE, ENVIRONMENT, AND PEOPLE Shishmaref is a Native village located on Sacrichef Island, a barrier island off the northwest coast of the Seward Peninsula. It is in an area of transitional climate, between the Arctic and the continental interior. Winters are windy, cold, and dry. Discontinuous permafrost underlies parts of Sarichef Island at depths of two to four feet, and may be critical to the island's stability. Erosion and flooding are serious problems. flying into Shishmaref There are 100 or so houses in Shishmaref. An elementary school and a high school accomodate about 150 students. There is a post office, a village health clinic, a community building, a Native corporation building housing the city office, IRA offices and a pool hall, National Guard Armory and a community workshop building. There are three privately owned stores, a Mukluk Telephone office, AVEC plant, reindeer herders building and a church. Oil stoves heat most homes. Fuel oil sells for over $2.00 per gallon. A few residents heat with driftwood. There is no central sewer system. Most residents use outhouses or honeybuckets which are dumped at the city dump. The high school has its own sewage lagoon with flush toilets; it also serves the teachers quarters. Incinerating toilets were installed in the 20 BSRHA housing units and the clinic, but were abandoned due to their excessive use of electricity. Shishmaref is served by Mukluk Telephone Company from Teller, and most residents have telephones. Satellite television reception began last year. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 14 Shishmaref has had difficulty maintaining a source of fresh water for drinking. A freshwater lagoon constructed by PHS collects surface runoff and snowmelt, and is used to fill a 300,000 gallon tank. (We mounted the wind generators on this tank.) Residents do not drink this water as it is said to collect runoff from the cemetary adjacent to the lagoon. For drinking water, residents rely on reinwater collected from gutters, or travel to the Serpentine River 20 miles away, or to four other creeks, the closest of which is six miles from the village. In winter, residents cut ice on the mainland about ten miles from Shishmaref and melt it for drinking water. ah Water Tank Air traffic to Shishmaref originates in Nome. Service is daily except Sunday, weather permitting, and is provided by Wien Air Alaska through subcontractors. Planes are small single and twin engine models, with an occasional Skyvan or Otter. Passengers, small freight and mail travel reliably, but long or large objects are subject to considerable delay. There is a supply barge in the summer. Data collected from Jan. 1980 - June 1982. Month Monthly Average # of Readings 1/80 9.7 mph 10 2/80 11.4 mph 26 3/80 15.8 mph 20 4/80 10.1 mph 25 5/80 9.2 mph 29 6/80 8.4 mph 28 7/80 8.0 mph 23 8/80 12.9 mph 25 9/80 11.6 mph 22 10/80 11.9 mph 25 11/80 11.9 mph 25 12/80 8.6 mph 24 1/81 10.6 mph 23 2/81 11.2 mph 24 3/81 11.5 mph 27 4/81 8.8 mph : 16 5/81 8.8 mph 14 6/81 10.6 mph 12 7/81 8.9 mph 19 8/81 13.0 mph 17 9/81 12.1 mph 14 10/81 15.0 mph 14 11/81 14.5 mph 16 12/81 12.7 mph 17 1/82 16.0 mph 22 2/82 13.0 mph 23 3/82 12.3 mph 22 4/82 12.6 mph 22 LOCAL CONTACTS Helen Pootogoolook, City Clerk (649-3781) Danny Ningealook, Alternate Water Plant Operator and Windgenerator Operator/Data Collection Charlie Okpowruk, AVEC operator (649-3611) Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 16 PRESENT POWER SYSTEM The Alaska Village Electrical Cooperative (AVEC) supplies power to the city of Shishmaref. Diesel-powered generators can produce up to 700 KW of power for the 100 AVEC customers in the village. The average resident uses only about 120 KWH per month, at $.45 a KWH. The electric utility is located adjacent to the water plant and the high school, on the southwest edge of the village, and well away from the eroding bluff to the north. It is owned by the Alaska Village Electri- cal Cooperative, whose central offices are in Anchorage. As in most villages, electricity is very expensive and individual power consumption is low. Many residents rely on state assistance to pay their electrical bills. AVEC itself is only marginally economical. Diesel fuel to run the generators is very expensive, and the plant is seldom run at capacity. The underloading of the generators causes them to run inefficiently, increasing maintenance costs. Specifications of AVEC equipment are as follows: 2 - CAT D535 w/Dato 300 kw generators (for winter operations) 1200 RPM 375 kva 0.8 P.F. 1 - Detroit Diesel w/Kato 105 kw generator (for summer operations) 1200 RPM 132.25 kva 0.8 P.F. "NIFE" Ni-Cad Battery System for start-up 20 cells Installed Capacity: 705 kw Peak Demand: 152 kw Annual Energy Use; 433 megawatt-hours Average Total Consumption per capita: 120kwh/mo. The objective of our installation in Shishmaref was to fully instrument both the wind and diesel electric systems. A totalizing anemometer had been up since January 1980, and readings for over two years had indicated an encouraging wind speed average of 11.5 mph. The existing anemometer is a "Wind Power Systems, Inc." windometer totalizing anemometer using a "Stewart" Four Cup aluminum head. A Rohn telescoping antenna tower is attached to water tank for an effect- ive height of instrument of approximately 40 feet. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 17 SHISHMAREF HIGH SCHOOL SAND BAGS AT NEW FUEL STORAGE - ee DIKE BEING DAMAGED BY WEATHER, SNOWMOBILES, ETC. looking toward school from water treatment plant, showing utilidor PROJECT DESCRIPTION Discussions with local and regional leaders indicated that the City was the most logical entity to work with on this project. The City is well organized, supportive, and represents the people of Shishmaref. We felt it was important to plan the installation for maximum community benefit. The energy generated by the wind machines should therefore provide power for a community facility. Soil conditions require a pile foundation. Self-supporting and guyed towers both have unique foundation and land requirements. The City of Shishmaref has limited usable land available within its power grid which could be dedicated to a windgenerator. A self-supporting tower foundation appeared to be too expensive, despite its minimal land re- quirements. There were no piling rigs. in town, and no_ heavy equipment with which to dig foundations. Because of successful past experience with the Enertech 1800, sites were surveyed for possible connection to structures which could serve as an anchor. The water tank was chosen and approved by the City Council in a resolution. The water tank is connected to the water treatment plant and has the additional advantage of being next to the AVEC plant. Monitoring of both the windgenerators and the diesels could therefore take place with minimal wire runs and be associated with a facility which has a respon- sible operator and alternate. Danny Ningealook, the alternate water plant operator, was chosen to help erect the wind generators and collect data. We were to install two machines, one at 50! and one at 60', to compare the difference in output. The foundations were dug by hand. Kenny Forrest arrived on site in mid-October and hired local people to do much of the work. Since much of the summer construction work was finished, there were plenty of people seeking employment. Although early darkness made it difficult to put in a full day's work, the cold enabled the pilings to freeze back quickly. An electrician was hired on site at a substantial cost saving. The money saved went to pay Danny Ningealook to maintain the wind machines until they were transferred to AVEC ownership. Wind Machine 1957 Single Otter, loaded with equipment x Except for two brief occasions when icing deployed the tip brakes, the wind machines have been in continuous service, since November, 1982. During the months of April and May, 1983, the anemometer on the 50! machine was signalling erratically, causing reduced power production. Once that problem was identified and corrected, the machine again ran well. The only technical problem encountered with the data collection system was due to a bad splice in a junction box. One of the sensors shorted out and gave an erroneous reading until it was corrected. The non-technical data problem was simply getting the operator to change tapes and send them in. 100% of the data retrieved was recovered; however, there were gaps in the tape changing process, when the tape was full and the next tape would not be promptly inserted. Danny Ningealook maintained the installation through May, 1983, when our funds ran out. We began the search for an owner for the installa- tion. Because the winter of 1982-83 was an unusually poor wind season, the wind machines did not generate a lot of power. The City of Shishmaref could see no economic benefit to assuming ownership and maintenance responsibility. AVEC seemed willing to maintain the equipment, but has no funds for further data collection. We decided to give the equipment to AVEC, hoping the utility would benefit from experience with the technology. The data collection system performed well from February, 1983, when it became fully operational, until May, 1983, when maintenance ceased. Gaps in the data are due to operator inattention, not technological failure. Data collection definitely suffered during the summer of 1983, when there was no maintenance. A final site visit by Phil Kaluza determined that all systems had been working, and the installation was fully operational when we turned it over to AVEC in September, 1983. In general, Shishmaref has shown itself to be a very good wind site. As suspected, the taller 60' tower is in a steadier and more powerful wind stream and should be considered a minimum height for a turbine in Shishmaref. The monitoring system on the utility showed no significant impact from the wind generators on the grid. There were many days that the wind generators produced more power than the water plant consumed and actually did pump energy back into the grid. The limits of calibration on the fuel flow sensors were not sensitive enough to pick-up any minute difference in fuel flow which may have occurred. This was to be expected since the average penetration of the wind generators on the entire diesel grid is only about 5%. However, no negative impact could be measured either. The power factor measuring devices were many times sensitive than the fuel flow sensors yet could not verify any significant production in the lagging power factor of the diesel system. The last data tape arrived in Anchorage in January, 1984, although it probably had expired sometime in November. Attempts to retrieve the data from the tape failed. Apparently whomever inserted the last tape neglected to follow instructions and clean the heads on the recorder. The resulting tape was full of "noise". Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 20 Water Treatment Plant Inside AVEC = Main breakers bala alain Bi | Sie AVEC meters geo atea? fuel hook-up AVEC KWH meters AVEC generator, fuel close-up a Spee fill line on day tank AVEC day tank Aeolian Kinetics sensor terminal boards Waste heat plumbing, Water Treatment Plant Sensor terminal box, showing spare pairs of cable Fao ~ Electrical, water tank to treatment plant Terminal board Water Tank, showing wind machines and towers ready to install vr inside Water Treatment Plant, showing cable to existing wind odometer Overhead wiring Weatherhead drop: Wind generator into Water treatment plant Tower base Existing Wind direction sensor Kenny Forrest on tower Bering Strai Livingston Slo ne, Inc. ts Wind Project 1/84 Page 29 ie FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Shishmaref has a wind resource adequate to justify installation of larger wind systems. They should be installed, of course, in the context of the program outlined in the general recommendations. Another complication exists in Shishmaref with regard to siting: there has been some discussion of moving the entire village out of the flood plain and on to higher grounds. This would involve reworking the electrical distribution system and would be an excellent time to progress with an energy management system coupled with a wind generator/diesel grid. Regarding the existing machines, the wind turbines are providing useful power to the city's water treatment system and are reducing that cost for the community. More important, the machines are providing the people an opportunity to become acquainted with the technology, and thus make important sociological decisions about future wind generators in the village. The practice of paying the operator on a monthly basis as we did for this project should be discontinued. Rather an incentive program by which the operator earns his salary based on a percentage of the money saved by the wind generators would be more viable. Based on the number of hours the operator put in on this project and on experience with similar machines in other villages, he should be able to make a good hourly wage with this type of arrangement. This also personalizes the wind generators and gives them a much better chance of receiving the care they need when they need it. The Data Collection System as installed has been extremely cus- tomized to the specific sensors and construction of the Shishmaref installation. While technically not difficult to move the system it would require a significant amount of money to redevelop the software and purchase and install new sensors. More important however is the valuable data the system is providing on the opera- tion of the utility and wind generators, not to mention the clima- tological information. The problems of data retrieval could easily be solved with the installation of a modem at the computer terminal in Shishmaref for several hundred dollars. This modem could then be interrogated from Anchorage and the data retrieved remotely. Otherwise the manual system of changing cassettes will have to become part of somebody' routine. Funds should be made available to continue the data collection effort. Bering Straits Wind Project ‘Livingston Slone, Inc.. 1/84 Page 30 AVEC PLANT »YWINOGENERATOR O ? TER-TMT WINDGENERATOR ba area TANK FARM oO ~ OO SITE PLAN Prosect O LOCATION /7 Mt SHISHMAREF Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 TRIP REPORT FOR THE BERING STRAITS ~ WINDGENERATOR PROJECT FEBRUARY 1983 POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. for the STATE OF ALASKA DIVISION OF ENERGY AND POWER DEVELOPMENT #CC08-2607 Don Markle, Project Manager William Beardsly, Director Page 33 INTRODUCTION The)iiiipurposeliOL Chast xrapliiwasiiilli coMinstalllllllandillilimake lif lly operational the data collection computer and necessary sensors not previously installed. Simultaneously, existing sensors were thoroughly checked. Finally ,)|a)| formal || testing) of) the |) total system was completed. Through experience gained on other projects, the following steps were incorporated to increase reliability and efficiency in operation and maintenance of the system. ° Computer program start-up was made automatic in the event of a “CRASH.” The program was burned in "ROM," Read Only Memory. ° The sensors and computer are protected from surges in the line by an Uninterruptible Power Supply (battery and inverter), thereby increasing the system's reliability. ° The computer manufacturer, Aeolian Kinetics, was brought ||||||/i'n'|\))||£rom)||||/Rhode Island to perform the installation. ° A Shishmaref resident was trained in simplified operation of the system. ° A Local Energy Specialist/Troubleshooter from Nome has been trained in indepth operational and troubleshooting procedures. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 34 is 2. SHISHMAREF TRIP REPORT: February 15 to February 19, 1983 R.A. Beckman Phil Kaluza D. A. Halperin Arctic Energy Systems Aeolian Kinetics Nome, Alaska Providence, Rhode Island PURPOSE OF TRIP Completion of installation of all sensors’ and commencement of data collection "in earnest." CONTACTS Helen Pootoogooluk, City Clerk (649-3781) Charlie Okpowruk, AVEC Operator Benjamin Kokech, Water Plant Operator Danny Ningelook, Water Plant Operator, Alternate Phil Kaluza, Arctic Energy Systems, Nome (443-2717) INSTALLATIONS COMPLETED (See Trip Log for more details) MONITORING EQUIPMENT Islatrol Line Protector Module: Spikes and transients may occur on the AC-power line to the microcomputer. This device, which is placed between the AC-plug and the Uninterruptible Power Supply, helps to protect the PDL-24 Microcomputer. Wilgood Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) and Battery: Providing additional emergency power capability to the PDL-24, the UPS and battery are placed on a small shelf below the PDL-24 Microcomputer. It is plugged into the Line Protection Module and the PDL-24 and Paper Winder are plugged into it. Bering Straits Wind Project Page 35 Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Small Shelf: A place to put the UPS and battery was built in the high school wood shop and put in place in the SE corner of the room housing the PDL-24 directly below the Microcomputer shelf. Aeolian Kinetics PDL-24 Microcomputer: The major components of the AK PDL-24 installed here are the Microcomputer and Sensor Terminal. It is placed on a shelf in the SE corner of the entry room to the water plant. It is plugged into the UPS. Its lid is left partially open, and a single cable attaches it to the Sensor Terminal. In addition, non-volitile memory containing initialization parameters were installed in the Microcomputer. Aeolian Kinetics Paper Winder: The PDL-24 Microcomputer paper is wound up automatically by the winder in the well of the Microcomputer. It is plugged into the UPS. Aeolian Kinetics PDL-24 Sensor Terminal: All sensors connect through the TPMs (see top of page 4), to the Sensor Terminal. It is placed on the east wail in a 1-foot square enclosure. A cable connects it to the Microcomputer, several sensor wires connect to the TPMs and a ground wire leads to the conduit ground. Signal Conditioning Cards sit in slots inside the Sensor Terminal. Enclosure: A 1-foot square by 8-inches deep enclosure is screwed to the east wall of the room housing the PDL-24. It contains the PDL-24 Sensor Terminal. Aeolian Kinetics Signal Conditioning Cards: Associated with each analog and pulse-counting sensor is a_ Signal Conditioning Card. These are placed in slots inside the Sensor Terminal. Bering Straits Wind Project Page 36 Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Aeolian Kinetics Transient Protection Modules (TPMs): Three TPM-105s are screwed to the east wall below the Micro- computer shelf. All wires from the sensors connect to a TPM on the "OUT" side of the TPMs and wires lead to the Sensor Terminal from the "IN" side of the TPMs. Technically, this arrangement places the spark gap late in the lines of defense against lightning strikes. While this is not preferred, it should not be a problem at the Shishmaref site. A ground wire runs from each TPM to the conduit ground. Conduit Ground: Through testing, the conduit containing the sensor wires that pass from the outside to the room that contains the PDL-24 proved to be as good as any other achievable ground. As a consequence, all ground wires were clamped to it. If, at a later date, jlightning poses a problem or AVEC constructs its proposed site ground grid, a different grounding method could be used. Junction Box: The Enertech anemometer cables come through the same conduit as the monitoring project's outdoor sensors. They are spliced to the Enertech control boxes. The splices are hidden in a common 4-inch -square junction box on the east wall below the TPMs. OUTDOOR SENSORS (Previously installed) Anemometer, Wind Direction Sensor, and Cutdoor Air Temperature Sensor (AD590): These three sensors sit three-fourths the way up one of the wind generator towers. Calibrations on all three sensors were checked. It was found that the 0O-degree reading on the Wind Direction Sensors is in the southeast and that a 220-degree reading is given by wind from the North. Bering Straits Wind Project Page 37 Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 WIND GENERATOR CONTROL SENSORS Kilowatt-hour Meters: A pulse-initiating kW meter was installed above each Enertech control box. An associated current transducer was placed in each control box to monitor energy produced (or consumed) by the windgenerators. The sensor wires run directly to the TPMs. Generator Status Sensors: Relays placed in each of the Enertech control boxes monitor the generator's status. The relay wires run directly to the TPMs. Contactor Status: A relay monitors whether the windgener- ator control boxes receive AC-power. It sits in the AC-box which connects to the generator control boxes. The relay wires run directly to the TPMs. DIESEL PLANT SENSORS Monitoring Wire Junction Box: All sensor wires lead to one central location. From this point, they run through the conduit out of the diesel plant. The junction box is positioned on the east side of the plant's control unit. Indoor Air Temperature: An analog devices, AD590 Temperature Transducer, measures the ambient air temperature. Temperature Transducer, Serial Number 10460, is placed in the ceiling above the northerly diesel generator. Sensor wires run along the ceiling back to the Monitoring Wire Junction Box. Fuel Temperature: The AD590 Transducer, Serial Number 10462, is used to measure the fuel temperature. The transducer is wrapped in fiberglass insulation and located at the outlet of the diesel plant's day tank. Sensor wires run along the east wall back to the Monitoring Wire Junction Box. Bering Straits Wind Project Page 38 Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Fuel Level Gauge: To automatically measure the fuel level in the diesel plant's day tank, an Amprodux K1-PA Fuel Level Gauge is’ used. The elbow at the beginning of the vent/overflow line from the tank has been replaced with a tee. The vent line continues as before and the Amprodux sensor terminates at the top of the tee. Wire runs from the sensor to a control box that is screwed to the wall above and behind the tank. The control box has’ a plug to the AC-power outlet near the tank and lines running to the Monitoring Wire Junction Box along the east wall. KW_and KVAR Output: The Rochester instruments RIS Series Watt and VAR Transducer automatically measures and monitors the watt and VAR outputs of the diesel plant. The sensor control box is placed on the inside of the east wall of the plant's control unit. From this, several wires run: three wires connect to the two legs and neutral lines of the electric generation system below the panel meters of the plant's control units, two wires go to each of three current transducers inside the plant's control unit (each being clamped around the wires for a given phase of generated power by the diesel plant's three phase system), and a sensor wire runs through the east wall of the control unit to the Monitoring Wire Junction Box. DATA REDUCTION After only 15 minutes of data collection, the daily printout shows the information detailed on page 7. (See also Figure la). Note that the past hour and past day refers to just 15 minutes of collection time. The software outlined in Appendix B of this report details the sensors and functions. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 39 CHANNELS COA: Wind speed total of 135 hundredths of a mile for the hour (just 15 minutes). COB: The wind averages out of the southeast. (Recall North is 220-degrees, so 29.6-degrees is 169.6-degrees east of North.) COC and COD: The diesel plant is generating 97 kW and 71 KVAR. COE and COF and SOl and SO2: The Windgenerators were not on during the past hour. COG: The temperature above one of the diesel generators averaged 72° in the past hour. COH: The outdoor air temperature averaged -19° in the past hour. COI: The fuel as it left the day tank averaged 27°F in the past hour. COJ: The fuel level in the day tank averaged 21.7 inches in the past hour. S03, SO4 and SO5: These are unused status sensors meant for the diesel generators. S06: For the entire past hour, AC-power was supplied to the wind generator control boxes. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 40 FUNCTIONS F1-F23 and F25-F48: No data was collected for hours 0 through 22. F(24): Hour 23 (time between 23:00 and 24:00, here just 23:45 to 24:00) showed a mean energy speed of 5.654 mph. F(48): The rate of change of wind direction for Hour 23 was -163 degrees per second. E49) FU EACSO Mande CS is ni the day), a|itocawOL 124 33) KW were generated (this corresponds to the average hourly rate of 97 kWh during the quarter hour of data collection which peaked at a rate of 104 kWh per hour during the second half of the) 23rd ‘hour, | and slowed to a minimum rate of 94 kWh during the same time period. F(52), F (53) and F(54): LOM CHS MAAY eal COCE Lull OL 30 Kilovolt-ampere-hours were generated at a peak rate of 127 KVAH and a low rate of 115 KVAH. F955), F(56) and F(59): The average power factor in the diesel plant was .805 with a maximum of .82 and a minimum of 78. F(60) and F(61): The maximum wind speed was 7 mph and the minimum zero. Note that the minimum occurred at the very end of the 23rd hour, i.e. at the beginning of the Oth hour. F(62) and F(63): The maximum rate of change of wind direction was 1.60 degrees per second and the minimum, at the beginning of the Oth hour, was no change at all. Bering Straits Wind Project Page 41 ‘Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 F(64) and F(65): The maximum outdoor temperature was -19° and the minimum was -20°F. Note that because these numbers are negative, adding the fractional time to them, leaves the interger part of the function value one less than the actual temperature readings (e.g., -19 + .321 = -18.769). F(66) through F(70): Accumulated hours that status sensors 1 through 5 are on are recorded by these functions. Functions 66 and 67 indicate that the wind generators were not on. Functions 68, 69 and 70 will always be zero since status sensors 3, 4 and 5 are presently unused. NOTES Three status sensors originally planned upon were not used. Given the sensitivity in placement of two status sensors monitoring which diesel generator was running and the paucity of useful information that such sensors could generate, they were abandoned. A third status sensor for a third diesel was abandoned for lack of a third diesel generator. Danny Ningelook was trained to check the operation of the PDL-24. He will change data cassettes every two weeks, change paper tape as needed and inform Phil Kaluza of any problems that arise. Danny Ningelook should be made aware that: (1) Cassette tape heads should be cleaned with the supplied head cleaner every second time he changes data tapes. (Otherwise, erroneous tapes may result.) (2) The PDL-24 Microcomputer lid should remain open. (Otherwise, the Microcomputer may overheat.) Bering Straits Wind Project Page 42 Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 (3) The windgenerator Kilowatt-hour meter readings should be monitored at least weekly, preferably daily, and a log of them kept. (Because both kWh expended in starting the generator and kWh produced by _ the generator are seen in the same fashion by the PDL-24 - the pulse-initiating part of the kWh sensor does not differentiate. However, the dials of the kWh meter show the net result. Logging the dial reading will permit one of two things: either (1) the conclusion that the start-up kWh expenditure is negligible or (2) a correction of stored data via Danny's manual logging with the eventual installation of ratcheted meters one emitting pulses for energy expended and the other emitting pulses for energy output. Phil Kaluza has been designated as Danny's contact to Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. in case of problems with the monitoring equipment. CONCLUDING REMARKS The purposes set forth prior to the trip were accomplished and all sensors and software appeared to be operating normally when Shishmaref was departed. b= sa GOLOVIN VILLAGE, ENVIRONMENT, AND PEOPLE Golovin is located on a point of land between Golovin Bay and Golovin Lagoon on the Seward Peninsula. It is 70 miles east of Nome and 42 miles east of Solomon. Golovin has a marine climate during the summer. Winds from the north and northwest predominate most of the year, with southwest winds prevailing in the summer. The Fish River flows into Golovin Lagoon and there is a large area of wetlands and tidal flats at the northwest end of the lagoon. The land to the north and east of Golovin is characterized by gently rolling hills with some relatively flat, marshy valleys in between. The soil at Golovin is sand and gravel. Soils inland from the existing village site tend to be poorly drained, with a peaty surface layer and shallow permafrost. Vegetation is primarily tundra sedges, mosses and low shrubs, with some spruce forests in upland areas to the north and east. There is discontinuous permafrost. Golovin, as seen from new subdivision on hill The population of Golovin in 1980 was II8 persons. There were 38 single-family dwellings, all of wood frame construction. There is an elementary school and a high school equipped with a gym, classroom, metal shop, and library. Other buildings in Golovin include a health clinic, washeteria with showers and washing machine, and a community center. Privately owned buildings include a general store, a fish buying and cold storage unit, a reindeer processing plant and the Covenant Church. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 44 The people of Golovin have a subsistence economy based on reindeer herding, fish processing, and commercial fishing. Residents go to summer fish camps to catch salmon, whitefish, trout, grayling, pike and herring. Other subsistence hunting includes seal, beluga whale, moose, ducks, geese, and ptarmigan. Bird eggs and berries are gathered from the surrounding tundra. Some cash income is available from construction, Olsons Air Service and store, commercial fishing, reindeer herding, and government employment. Oil and wood-burning stoves heat most homes. Fuel oil is brought in by barge from Nome at a cost of over $2.00 per gallon. PHS constructed a central watering point with bathing and laundry facilities in 1976. Some problems occurred with saltwater contamination, but a new line from Cheenik Creek was installed in 1979 and water is now stored in a 300,000 gallon holding tank. The water is treated using a pressure sand filter chlorination and flouridation. Stored water or melted snow and ice must be utilized during the winter months. There is no sewer system in Golovin. Residents use honeybuckets or outhouses. A landfill area for solid waste is located approximatley one-quarter mile east of Golovin. PHS supplied 50 garbage cans for the residents of Golovin in 1975. Some residents still burn their garbage on the beach in summer or dump it on the ice in winter. old Windcharger tower old inn at Golovin As there are no roads connecting the city with other areas, access to Golovin is limited to air and sea. The state-owned airfield has a 2,400 foot north/south gravel runway. Another 800 foot east/west airstrip is sandy, weedy and in poor condition. Wien Air Alaska and Munz Northern Airlines both schedule three flights a week from Nome to Golovin. Olson Air Service provides charter and freight service to Nome and surrounding villages. Bering Straits Wind Project Page 45 Clana Inne 1/Qn The BIA cargo ship North Star III brings fuel oil, gasoline and supplies once each summer. Cargo is lightered to the beach from about one-half mile offshore. Arctic Lighterage Service brings petroleum products, supplies and building materials from Nome to Golvoin. The store supplies Golovin with fuel and groceries from barge services. There are 3.5 miles of maintained roads within the village. Overland travel occurs by snowmachine and dogsled during the winter. The historic Iditarod Trail passes through Golovin and serves as a winter trail. Summer transportation to camps and nearby villages is provided by privately owned skiffs. Transportation is influenced by _ ice conditions; break-up of Golovin Bay averages mid-May and freeze-up usually occurs in early November. PRESENT POWER SYSTEM Until the summer of 1982, Golovin had no central electric utility. The village now runs a utility co-op consisting of two Cat 3208 diesel generators of 130 KW each. Fuel costs $2.12 per gallon, and the price of electricity to consumers is 42¢ a KWH. generator building LOCAL CONTACTS Olson's Store is the only phone (775-8001) in the village Abraham Amaktoolik, Windgenerator Operator Carol Oliver, Postmistress Data Collection Page 46 aS City Hall before second storey addition PROJECT DESCRIPTION The windgenerator was located at the City Hall, which had just been expanded to two stories. It was also situated next to the new diesel plant. The land is owned by the City of Golovin, and the installation was approved at a City Council meeting with a resolution. The new utility is also owned by the City, which approved the interconnection of the wind machine. Foundations were again dug by hand, by local people hired by Kenny Forrest. The weather was extremely cold, allowing the pilings to freeze back quickly. Pilings were placed at a depth of nine feet. Abraham Amaktoolik was hired to assist Kenny with the actual installa- tion. Kenny instructed him in maintenance procedures when he left the site. We agreed to pay Abraham to keep an eye on the machine and notify us of any malfunction. His payment was to come out of our limited surplus construction funds. Carol Oliver, the postmistress, was hired to take readings from the Performance Monitoring Package and the wind odometer. Carol was paid $2.00 per reading. On August 8, 1983, the wind machine was shut off. Later that month we removed it. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The data showed an average windspeed for the project period only 10.5 mph. The machine produced almost 1000 KWH worth about $420 of electricity. It could be that ice buildup on the wind machine blades affected output, but Abraham indicated no malfunction. The lack of telephone communication during the project period to Golovin seriously affected our ability to solve problems. Our camera froze during the installation, and few pictures turned out. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 47 Golovin was clearly a case where the influential people in the community decided that a wind generator is not in the best interest of the people, at least not when located so close to town. This has a significant sociological implication however, taken in the context of the city not seeing a great deal of revenue being produced by the wind generator versus the amount of money that we were paying the operator to main- tain the machine and collect data. In our effort to insure good mainte- nance and project success, we created some artificially high economic barriers. However, given a machine with a greater impact on their pocketbook, the City's conclusions would most likely be different. We recommend therefore that Golovin not be considered for immediate expansion of wind generator projects, but this does not preclude the city from the possibility of being a good site if attitudes change over time. Golovin does appear to have an adequate wind resource but the local energy to use it is not there. Before a wind system or any further money is put into power at Golovin we recommend that the existing diesels be retrofitted with at least the most rudimentary kilowatt hour meters. Presently there is no way of knowing what the total village energy consumption is and likewise what the savings would be from an energy saving device. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 48 ENERTECEHI WIND SYSTEMS Post Office Box 420 - Norwich, Vermont 05055 - (802) 649-1145 March 23, 1983 Enertech Alaska P.O. Box 10-1582 Anchorage, AK 99511 Re: 1800 #734 Dear Pam, We have examined the data from Golovin you sent. There are a few general comments; AM or PM with the time entry makes daily averaging easier, all six digits should be recorded for odometer readings, run time should have the tenths digit logged as well. Overall the output appears to be a little low for the 10.3mph average; but, these are unusual numbers. From the 22nd to the 31st performance was excellent - 9 days and 64kwh; I assumed the run time readings are whole minutes only, otherwise this 1800 is putting out 10kw in 9mph winds, that's better than excellent. From the lst to the 17th only 6kwh were generated; winds during that period ranged from 2 to 13mph and on the 5th and the 6th, the machine cycled 63 times. This period just doesn't look right, I wonder if something happened we don't know about. Because, the 18th thru the 26th look great again 9 days and 80kwh. For the first month of operation I wouldn't want to say there's anything wrong. There are some very good times and not so good times, if we can continue to monitor the performance we'll know more. Sincerely, wt Kuli kows ki Service Manager JK/kg Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 50 1800 8 10 9a a s 2 AVERAGE WINDSPEED/MONTH - Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 51 DATE | TIME |COUNTER| ACTUAL WINDS DAILY AVERAGE WEEKLY AVERAGE || KWH ' | RON TIME | ON-OFF READING ouTPUT CYCLES No. Counts/Minute | Counts’ Minutes Average! Counts! Minutes Average [[aa| 546 |000030) — onze | OO7IS Via LBO » ip iL CP |sch - ‘— ese © |S rae = ~ COUNTER| ACTUAL WINDS READING No. Counts/Minute DAILY AVERAGE i OUTPUT WEEKLY AVERAGE RUN TIME | ON-OFF CYCLES Counts Minutes Aver DVI | 12/0) 13.2135 bo] L =e . 10 _ |e#ll , aaiee04 | b4% ayitih Beton | — THO bal sic hsora ee D lgat Bil 43347 37 Voy} lb U7144 13 | 4er and $1 D/A Y013F 1007 Mb [1,00] 504821 -| COUNTER| ACTUAL wINDS DAILY AVERAGE WEEKLY AVERAGE || kwe "| | RUN TIME | ON-OFF READING OUTPUT CYCLes No. Counts/Minute | Counts’ Minutes Average| Counts’ Minutes Average res rg - oo) 1.445572] 175 3S by pal si 13 6 | DATE TIME | COUNTER ACTUAL WINDS READING No. Counts/Minute A505 A350 Sob Dd {1 5y 9 DAILY AVERAGE WEEKLY AVERAGE | Kwa | ‘| OUTPUT Counts’ Minutes Average| Counts’ Minutes Average RUN TIME | ON-OFF VILLAGE, ENVIRONMENT, AND PEOPLE White Mountain is located on the west bank of the Fish River, near the head of Golovin Lagoon, on the Seward Peninsula. It is 80 miles east of Nome and accessible by snowmachines from Golovin, I5 miles away. White Mountain has a transitional climate with less extreme seasonal and daily temperature vairations than interior Alaska. Continental influences prevail in the winter. Construction on this project was accomplished in December, when temperatures held at -30°F. The village is surrounded by high, rolling hills covered with evergreen trees, willow, berry bushes, grass and moss. Soils consist of a shallow, poorly drained surface layer over several feet of sand with some gravel and fractured bedrock. There is discontinuous permafrost. We had been warned to expect solid rock a few feet down, but did not encounter anything that required power tools. Winds from the southwest predominate at White Mountain during the summer and northwest winds prevail the rest of the year. The village is located in a valley, and residents report that winds are seasonal and variable, and often calm. There are 52 houses in White Mountain, 50 of which are served by the new City-owned utility. There is a small elementary school and a high school, a post office and a health clinic. There is also a community hall, a store, and a church. Oil and woodburning stoves heat most homes. Fuel oil is brought in by barge once a year. Bulk fuel storage tanks hold about 24,500 gallons. Fuel oil sells for $2.22 per gallon. Since White Mountain is surrounded by forests, many residents heat with wood. flying into White Mountain Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 56 In 1965, PHS constructed a community water system in White Mountain. The distribution system is no longer is used only as a summer watering point. In 1982 a washeteria was constructed with showers and expanded water storage facilities. This building became the site of the windgenerator installation. IPS es el Re os White Mountain Washeteria There is no central sewer system. Residents use pit privies and honey buckets for sewage disposal. White Mountain is connected to the Alascom system, and most houses now have telephones. Communication is usually good, although the week before we submitted this report, the phones were out of order. White Mountain is accessible only by air and sea. It has the same three times a week airline schedule that serves Golovin. Overland travel in winter is by snowmachine. A supply barge makes one stop in the summer. PRESENT POWER SYSTEM The City utility was completed during the summer of 1982. There are two diesel generators of 130 kw each. They each use about ten gallons of fuel per hour. Since the village is now short of fuel, the generators are shut down between midnight and 6 a.m. The City could use an additional 50 kw generator to run in the summer, when loads drop off and the larger generators run inefficiently, but they can't afford to purchase them. the city charges consumers 42¢ a KWH, but at that rate only collects one-third the revenue it needs to operate the utility. washeteria power panel PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City Council met during our first site visit to discuss the wind project. Community facilities were chosen as the most desirable locations for the windgenerator. Since the town is bounded on three sides by mountains, these appeared to be the best sites from a wind availability standpoint. But since there were no community facilities outside of town, it was decided that the benefit of measuring the resource in town and the experience to be gained with a utility intertie machine outweighed the remote site considerations. The council decided on the washeteria site, and approved it with a resolution. They also agreed to the utility intertie. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 58 Kenny Forrest arrived in WhiteMountain on December 1, 1982. Local labor was easy to find and willing to work. Kenny hired George Ashen- felter theMayor's son, and Eddie Titus to dig the foundation and help with the tower. He lodged with the Shoogukwruk family and hired Kenny Shoogukwruk to help install the wind machine, and maintain it after he left. Steve Buffas, the utility plant operator, was asked to read the wind odometer and the KWH meter. He never sent in any data. George Ashenfelter and Eddie Titus working on foundation White Mountain appears to have little usable wind. When Kenny read the on/off cycle counter on a return trip from Golovin, the machine had started up over 800 times and consumed 2 KWH more than it had produced. This means that the prevailing wind speed at White Mountain was just at cut-in velocity. Kenny adjusted the wind machine to cut in at a higher windspeed, and now it seldom runs. We also encountered a foundation problem. Two of the pilings cracked from the top down, along the bolt line of the anchor brackets, and one piling broke completely in half along the crack. Kenny Forrest repaired both pilings with metal straps and stabilized the installation. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 59 FINDINGS § RECOMMENDATIONS The village of White Mountain does not appear to be a good wind site, and the surrounding mountains are too distant to benefit the community. Kenny Forrest working on FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Although we failed to collect daily data from the wind odometer install- ed on the wind machine, readings taken on inspection trips and subse- quent site visits showed very little wind and almost no power produc- tion. Clearly the installation was of no benefit, but the village of White Mountain really liked the wind machine and did not want to see it go. However, they had not maintained the machine and had no incentive to do so. Unmaintained, the installation could become a safety hazard and a liability. We removed it in August, 1983, and stored all the com- po- nents at the White Mountain airport. Carl Ashenfelter, a retired FAA employee, former mayor of White Moun- tain, believes the airport to be a good wind site. If this can be sub- stantiated, the most cost effective use of the wind machine would be to install it in Carl's care at the airport. The machine is too small to benefit the community, so the community has no interest in maintaining it. Carl, however, could maintain the wind machine in return for all the power it produces as credit against his electric bill. The city would benefit by finally having a working installation gathering data for possible future, larger, wind installations. LOCAL CONTACTS Kenny Shoogukwruk, Windgenerator (638-3761) Operator Steve Buffas, Data Collection (638-3671) Power Plant Operator Roy Brown, City Council! Secretary George Ashenfelter, former mayor (638-3691) Al fred Apodruk, Mayor (638-3691) Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 61 WINDGENERATOR MN, 4 Yi / | i PROJECT LOCATION \_ il } on & Ngee pete Acie Nee WHITE MOUNTAIN nee , im, a A lle Pet + wi Repaired pilings at White Mountain Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 63 VILLAGE, ENVIRONMENT, AND PEOPLE Teller is located on Port Clarence, 55 miles southeast of Cape Prince of Wales, on the Seward Peninsula. It is 72 miles from Nome. Teller's climate is maritime when the Bering Sea is ice-free from early June to mid-November. The freezing of the sea causes a change to a more continental climate with less precipitation and colder temperatures. Winds from the east predominate at Teller during the winter, and southwest and north winds in the summer. The average wind velocity is 15 knots. Soils in the area range from well- drained to poorly drained. Permafrost varies from shallow to deep and is discontinuous around Teller. Most of the townsite is ice-free, but our project encountered ice in one foundation hole. There are 90 single-family dwellings in Teller including some vacant rental units in the old townsite. Thirty units are located on Coyote Creek, two miles from the city. Funded by HUD and built in 1976, the new housing site was chosen because of flooding problems at the old townsite. The site is outside the Teller city limits and accessibility has been a problem for some residents. power lines to new Teller Teller has an REAA elementary and high school in one structure. Four teachers serve grades_ K-I2. The elementary/junior high was constructed in 1970 and a high school addition was completed in 1979. This facility includes a dining area for all grades, a high school shop, and a multipurpose addition used by all grades for physical education and other programs. . Bering Straits Wind Project Page 64 ‘Livinaston Slone. Inc. 1/84 : 25m, New Teller high schoo Other buildings in Teller are a post office, an old school building, two DOT/PF highway garages, a health clinic, a National Guard Armory and a city office building. The Mary's Igloo Corporation received a grant for construction of a community building at the Coyote Creek site. Privately owned buildings include the Teller Commercial Company general store, the Teller Power Company, Mukluk Telephone, a Roman Catholic Church and a Lutheran Church. Oil and wood burning stoves serve as the primary heat source in most homes. Fuel oil is brough in by truck from Nome and may _ be purchased by residents from the Teller Native Corporation. Bulk storage tanks will hold approximately 125,000 gallons. Coyote Creek is the major water supply source for Teller. The PHS installed pipe on Coyote Creek which serves as an infiltration gallery and watering point for the residents. There have been some water quality problems since the completion of the new housing units just up the hill from the gallery and residents no longer drink the water. PHS is exploring alternatives to Teller's water supply system. There are also two private wells in the city but none are considered potable. Some residents continue to haul water directly from the creek upstream from the watering point, while others travel across Grantley Harbor to Sunset Creek for water. Rainwater is also collected and the city operates a water truck when it is in working order. Residents melt ice for drinking water during the winter. The school relies on a brackish well and has a small treatment plant for its water. There is a laundry operated by the Teller Commercial Company. There is no central sewage facility in Teller. Honeybuckets are used by most residents and dumped in the sea. The school has a sewage lagoon along the shore. A _ few residences and the clinic have cesspools. As there is no solid waste disposal facility in Teller, solid waste is dumped on the ice in winter and carried out to sea at break-up. Trash is burned on the beach in summer and solid waste dumped along the spit or shoreline. ; Bering Straits Wind Project Page 65 Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Mukluk Telephone Company is a privately owned company headquartered in Teller. They have installed an automated switching system in Teller. There are 28 phone hookups at the old townsite and I4 more at Coyote Creek. Long distance calls are transmitted via UHF radio from Teller to Port Clarence, then via microwave to Tin City. The system is adeqvate for future expansion. Teller has a highway link to Nome and is easily accessible by sea and air. The state owns a 2,600 foot northeast/southwest gravel runway located on a hill above Teller. The runway accomodates single-engine and some multi-engine aircraft, and many aircraft land on a frozen pond adjacent to the city in the winter. Wien Air Alaska and Munz Northern Airlines both operate scheduled flights on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from Nome to Teller. Teller Air Service owns two aircraft and provides charter service throughout the Seward Peninsula. Bering Air, Seward Peninsula Flying Service and Foster Aviation provide charter and freight service from Nome. There is no regular barge service to Teller. Most residents own skiffs to travel to fishing and hunting camps. Port Clarence is a natural harbor which has been considered as a site for a deep water port. The Nome/Teller road, also known as State Route 131, is a 72 mile gravel road completed in 1966. In summer, supplies can be trucked to Teller from Nome. The road to the airport and Coyote Creek housing is maintained during winter, but the Nome/Teller road is not. There are about 20 vehicles in Teller. A 15 passenger Dodge van is privately maintained and operated as the local school bus. Winter travel is primarily by snowmachine and a few dogsled teams. Winter trails radiate from Teller to Brevig Mission, Mary's Igloo and Nome. As the road from Teller to Coyote Creek is plowed, some vehicles operate in the winter. Romer ae Ree eo: s ses - Rae SS ~ Fa ae Bulk fuel storage at Teller PRESENT POWER SYSTEM Teller Power Company supplies power to the city of Teller and the new housing on Coyote Creek was recently connected to the system. Three diesel-powered generators supply power to most residences and public buildings; the capacity from the 100 kw, 130 kw and 210 kw generators is more than ample for Teller's needs. Detailed information was available from the Blodgett family, “owners of Teller Power Company, as follows. One 100 KW caterpillar diesel electric set, Model D-333. Slip ring commutators on the DC side. AC side is solid state excitation (diodes) 3 phase 60 HZ, 120/208V. This generator is ten years old and seldom run. : One 130 KW Caterpillar diesel electric set, Model 3306. Has UG8 Woodward hydraulic governor. 3 phase, 60 HZ, 120/208V. This machine is seven years old and supplies 99% of all the power generated in Teller. ft can run in parallel with the above machine. One 210 KW Caterpillar diesel electric set. Solid state, same Woodward governor. 3 phase, 60 HZ, 120/208V. This is the prime back-up generator. It cannot run in parallel with the other two. It is four years old. Arthur Young Associates handles accounts and metering for Teller Power Company. A comprehensive accounting is being performed by Utility Services and Applications Company, 24I| Bentzen Circle, Space: 20, Anchorage, Alaska 99503. Jerry Scantlin, 243-3808. The owners of TPC have maintained these machines extremely well. They pointed out the 130 KW unit has run continuously for the past five years (except to be shut down for oil changes and minor maintenance) with generating facilities. One contributing facotr to the unusually long service of this machine is likely to be the foundation provided in the generator building. There is a large reinforced concrete pedestal which has steel pipes embedded in it for supporting the diesel sets. Few other bush facilities have concrete foundations. Those which do generally have better service records for their diesels. The village load is presently at about the maximum output for the 130 KW machine, in mid-December. Installed capacity: 440 KW Peak Demand: 130 KW Annual Energy Use: 320 megawatt hours Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 67 KWH meters Teller diesel generators PROJECT DESCRIPTION Teller has the only self-supporting tower and concrete foundation in the project. The machine is located on land owned by the Blodgett family and wired to serve the village clinic. Foundation construction was abandoned in the fall of 1982 when ice was encountered in the foundation holes. Work began again in June of 1983 at a nearby site, and installation was completed in August. An anemometer, mast, and recording odometer were sent to Teller and installed in April, 1983. Readings were taken by Mrs. Blodgett for several months. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 68 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Teller is reputed to have a 15 mph annual average windspeed. The older part of town is on a spit with good wind access. In pre-diesel generator days the Blodgett family had a Jacobs 1800 watt wind genera- tor which took some looking after in high winds but produced a "rea- sonable" amount of power. looking from site to clinic Phil Kaluza and Rick Blodgett \\ Wind generator site LOCAL CONTACTS Bob or Rick Blodgett (642-3261 ff Teller Power Company Charlie Lee, City Clerk (642-3401) Morris Kuzwruk, Mayor Page 69 The project has been seriously crippled by the City of Teller's lack of interest in the wind machine, and by political turmoil between the City and the Blodgett family. In November, Kenny Hughes called us and reported that the wind machine had not been working since October. Kenny had not worked on the installation with Kenny Forrest, but was interested enough to call and offer his services. We offered to pay him to help us diagnose the problem. We suspected a faulty start capacitor and mailed a new one to Teller. The climbing belt and owners manual which we left on site seem to have disappeared. We mailed a new owners manual to Rick Blodgett in mid-January. We have exchanged letters and telephone calls with Rick and Kenny Hughes (Kenny does not have a phone) and have some hope of getting the machine running again. There is reason to believe that Teller is a good wind site. Past his- tory with the old Jacobs machines, and existing weather data indicate a usable wind resource. Since the wind machine is located on Blodgett property, we feel the project would be best served by transferring ownership of the installation to Rick Blodgett, in return for data col- lection and maintenance. Once again, the wind machine is too small to be of any interest or benefit to the village. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 70 230 eM S| Sepp ert ALS ]43] 10330. a faa} 0.99 yes [0-83 | 8 |S . LAS) | \ | \\.Q0 “68 bor ee ee — 1 te: —— -——— 143 XC ou ~TRhae 110.5 —q 44904 IC f18]52| WW:O0Qu] OOO Le AMS J0:30 am | CDO 24, falls |i:45pm [0004 Hilo) QS }00 0 | pois [nO j00IS7 0015 \ OO\SS D0\4b oO 14% ana Priav§les Cora AANG ORAS 5S O30%IL. 1O4A043 044149 OSTL64 obL814 | oJOIS \wbaie 19AwO IAS0AS 93408 | 309388 | va b on 4b i A \Eoenoy 6 Ve lepkoK «3 He F. DPK \&3. eI : -+—-—__—- — =_—_---- Ly7e 7.272 —IG6-83| 2.70 AM | COA04 IZ17-§3 R’0Oem) CO AIL. _ \P-L8-83| 135m |0032\ NALF- 83 10.50 AN DOAY/ D20-B3\ [1/00 AIM\OOC AST intng st IG -A/-F3 | /0/304m| 0 0ASB _ 1222-83 |/0-/-Am| CATO |L23- 93 |0,20407|0CO28) '25-53\ /'/5-pm| LOQT]D. A Tease __VO-/-83 |\// 20pm | 00322 V0Q-83 |b pm 100 379. RLS Ouffe wT Wa0IeS Tort Qcles QATIIVG 130 A36537 (Of see AYT3 /e6 [se- S53 Ole. AbkL3Y/S |©O19VG 275ABA | CQLT7 QIBSTA | OWS Q2IJQIYL |OAaY7 BLAICTES | 230 WHF GA \OZ2_ See Se 3440/5. | O37 Lee 34S2a6 | O3e_ |CTopkokE BLIYSY |040Y_| C.Tepko = = 024-83\/6/ AM | 00382 |36922/_ |\OWT7 |.C Topko ky: Sete ee = == = = | S| pees Sos ee tee ls BUCKLAND VILLAGE, ENVIRONMENT, AND PEOPLE Buckland is an inland village located southeast of Kotzebue at about the same northerly latitude as Shishmaref. Buckland's climate is characterized by long, cold winters and cool summers. Temperature extremes of -60°F in winter and in the mid-80's in summer have been recorded, with temperatures in July and August averaging 60°F. Winds are easterly in winter and westerly in summer and average 10 knots. The 1980 census showed a population for Buckland of 177 people, living in 44 wood frame houses. Buckland has an elementary school and a high school. The high school science teacher, Howard Massey, was hired to maintain the weather monitoring equipment which we installed at Buckland. The village has three stores, a post office, a community hall and health clinic, and a Friends Church. The people of Buckland have a subsistence economy based on caribou, fishing, marine mammals, and hunting. Some cash income is derived from trapping and part time employment as teacher aides, school cook, store clerk, health aide, and a few city jobs. Attempts to develop a groundwater supply by BIA failed. A test well was drilled into frozen sands and gravels to a depth of |64 feet at the school but no water was obtained. Water is presently hauled from the river in summer and melted from lake ice in winter by each individual user. The U.S. Public Health Service is in the process of developing a central water supply which will pump water from the river through 700-foot circulating line into a 25,000-gallon wood stave storage tank. The water tank is large enought to store about one month's supply of water for the village's current needs, so water will be available during periods of flooding or in case of a breakdown or freezeup in the water line. A water treatment plant next to the tank will filter, chlorinate, and fluoridate the water, but residents will have to haul it from this central point to their homes in winter. In summer a _ 3,000-foot distribution line with surface hydrants at specific points will be used. Household sewage is emptied into four disposal bunkers which are dumped into a sewage lagoon northwest of the village on a weekly basis. Garbage is hauled approximately one mile downriver and dumped on the tundra. Buckland has regular telephone communication and we were always able to reach Mr. Massey at the high school. Most supplies are brought into Buckland by air. The State Division of Aviation built a gravel airstrip 100 feet wide and 2,000 feet long in the mid-1960's. Flying weather is considered good year-round, but is best in late winter and spring and poorest in summer. Wien Air Alaska, Inc., currently serves the community by Skyvan or Otter twice a week. Munz Northern Airlines, Inc., stops in Buckland Twice a week on its route from Nome to Kotzebue and back to Nome. Several licensed air-taxi operators offer charter service to people in Buckland. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 74 Barge service can be unreliable due to low water levels in the Buckland River. Small boats are often used for travel to other villages for visits and supplies as well as for subsistence hunting and fishing. The Buckland River is normally navigable from the end of May to the middle of October. Label school and utilidor Buckland diesel plant Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 75 PRESENT POWER SYSTEM The village operates the primary generating facility which supplies electric power to all electrical consumers within the community. The utility consists of a modularized trailer unit housing a 140 KW and a 75 KW Emerson diesel generator set. These were installed in the spring of 1980 to replace the old generation facility which was completely destroyed by fire. The school maintains standby generators consisting of a 135 KW and a 55 KW set. Distribution is of overhead triplex construction operating at a voltage of 208/120 volts, 3 phase, the average residential consumer uses 250 KWH per month. There is a flat rate of $87.50 per month for each residence. Bulk fuel oil storage at Buckland is 96,700 gallons for electrical generation and space heating. Electrical generation accounts for about 27% of total energy consumed, while heating requires 58%. The diesel electric generators at Buckland use about 1000 gallons of fuel per month, at a cost of over $2.00 per gallon. Buckland diesel plant LOCAL CONTACTS Howard Massey, science teacher (494-2127) Donald Powell, high school principal (494-2127) Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 76 transmission lines to new subdivision Bering Straits Wind Project } ‘Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 ° PROJECT DESCRIPTION What little wind data was available from Buckland suggested that the village might lie in a north/south wind corridor. Conversations with Jim Wise at the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center en- couraged us to instrument the site to further define the wind resource. An MRI Weather Wizard was installed at the Buckland airstrip on August 25, 1982, by Mark Newell of Polarconsult, and Phil Kaluza. The system was activated and began collecting data. In mid September we hired Howard Massey to check the equipment daily and forward the tapes to us. We decided to remove the first tape early to verify system func- tion. The tape was replaced on November 6 and forwarded to MRI in Los Angeles for data processing. MRI reported 100% data recovery. The second data tape yielded 99% data recovery. A summary of the results follows, and suggests that Buckland is a poor wind site. In June, 1983, Tom Cyrus replaced Howard Massey. Weather Wizard Weather Wizard instal led at Buckland airstrip Page 78 WIND ENERGY DATA EVALUATION for Buckland Alaska Period of Record: Data Recovery: Problems: Conversion: WIND SUMVARY: August 1982: September 1982: October 1982: November 1982: December 1982: January 1983: February 1983: Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 26 August 1982 to 15 September 1984 Greater than 90% Some short periods when wind vane was frozen and associated minor data loss during periods with air temperature below -35°C. Miles per hour (mph) = Meters per second (MPS) x 2.24 Winds from the northwest and east southeast at 2 to 3 mps peaking in the afternoon. Winds from the southeast at 3 to 4 mps peaking in early afternoon. Winds from the southeast and northwest at 2 to 3 mps. Mly two days have average speed greater than 5 mps. (11.2 mph). Winds from the southeast and north northwest at 3 to 4 mps with little diurnal change. Seven days had average speed greater than 5 mps. (11.2 mph) Winds from the southeast at 2 to 3 mps. Seven days had average speed greater than 5 mps. (11.2 mph) Winds from the south southeast and north northwest at 2 to 3 mps. Two days had average speed greater than 5 mps. (11.2 mph) Winds from the southeast and northwest at 2 to 3 mps. Four days had average wind speed greater than 5 mps (11.2 mph). Page 79 March 1983: April 1983: May 1983: June 1983: July 1983: August 1983: September 1983: Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Winds from the southeast and northwest averaging 2 to 3 mps. Two days had an average wind speed greater than 5 mps (11.2 mph). Winds from the southeast and northwest averaging 2 to 3 mps. Southeast winds predominant. Four days had an average wind speed _ greater than 5 mps (11.2 mph). Winds from southeast and northwest averaging 2 to 3 mps. There were no days on which the daily average wind speed was greater than 5 mps. In fact, only three days achieved a daily average greater than 4 mps (8.9 mph). Winds from the southeast and northwest averaging 3 mps. Northwest winds predominated. On only two days was_ the average wind speed _ greater than 5 mps (11.2 mph). Winds from the southeast and northwest averaging 1 to 2 mps. South southeast winds slightly predominated. On only one day did average wind speed exceed 5 mps (11.2 mph) and on no days did average wind speed approach 4 mps_ (8.9 mph). Winds from the southeast and northwest averaging 2 to 3 mps. South southeast winds predominated. On no days did average wind speed exceed 5 mps, and on only two days did it exceed 4 mps (8.9 mph). Tape expired September 15. North nortwest winds were slightly more frequent than south southeast winds. One day had an average daily wind speed greater than 5 mps (11.2 mph). Page 80 SUNMARY The wind regime at Buckland is characterized by gentle winds from the southeast and northwest quadrants. The entire data collection period shows a daily pattern of wind from the northwest peaking in early afternoon. The daily average wind speed was well below 10 mps (22.4 mph) on all days during the period. Based on this data, the wind energy potential at Buckland appears very low. | . id We recommend that these instruments be relocated to another site as soon as possible. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 81 SAVOONGA - VILLAGE, ENVIRONMENT, AND PEOPLE Savoonga is located on the northern coast of St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea. It is 164 miles west of Nome. St. Lawrence Island has been inhabited for several thousand years. The Natives have lived by subsistence for many years and had little contact with the rest of the world, including Siberia, until European traders began to frequent the area. A unique culture developed and persisted, largely due to the island's isolation. Residents are almost completely bilingual, with the Native dialect, St. Lawrence Island or Siberian Yupik, being the preferred language for nearly all domestic conversation. A herd of 70 reindeer were introduced to the island in 1900. The size of the herd grew substantially over the next 40 years, increasing to a peak of 10,000 animals. The herd had a tendency to remain on the eastern side of the island, and managing them from Gambell became impossible. A reindeer camp was set up at Savoonga, four miles west of the old Eskimo village of Kookoolik, in 1916. Good hunting and trapping in the area attracted more residents. The population of Savoonga steadily increased. A U.S. post office was established in Savoonga in 1934. In the [8th and [9th centuries, St. Lawrence Island supported a population of about 4,000 persons living in 35 settlements around the island, but a tragic famine from 1878 to 1880 reduced its population considerably. In 1903, only 261 persons were reported on the entire island. The earliest official record of Savoonga's population was 139 residents in 1930, and the population has steadily increased since. 1980 census figures show 49I residents. Savoonga has a cool, moist, subarctic maritime climate with some continental influences during winter, when much of the Bering Sea freezes. Precipitation is relatively light but persistent, with an average of only ten inches a year and annual snowfall of 58 inches. Winter temperatures average between II°F (-I2°C) and -7°F (-22°C), with an extreme low of -34°F (-37°C). Summer temperatures average between 5I°F (II°C) and 40°F (4°C), with a record high of 67°F (19°C). The average wind speed at Savoonga is |8 miles per hour, with north and northeasterly winds predominant in every month except July, when southwest winds prevail. The maximum wind speed ever recorded at Northeast Cape on St. Lawrence Island was 94 knots from the southeast. Savoonga is situated on a bluff above the Bering Sea. Atuk Mountain rises to a height of 2,207 feet only eight miles to the south. Permafrost underlies the entire area and the surface-thaw layer is only two to three feet. There are 125 or so houses in Savoonga, of wood frame construction, and heated by oil and wood burning stoves. There is a modern Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 82 elementary school and high school. Other buildings in Savoonga are a PHS clinic, the National Guard Armory, a U.S. post office, a community building, a teen center, an IRA/village corporation office, a city public safety building, the old village hall (now the Reindeer Herder's Association Building) and the new _ washeteria, which opened in September 1980. DOT/PF is constructing a maintenance facility. Privately owned buildings include a six-room lodge, three coffee shops, the Presbyterian Church, the Seventh Day Adventist Church, the telephone company building, the Native store and two privately owned stores. An experimental cold storage facility constructed in 1972 has developed a leak and is no longer in use; a new freezer building is being considered by the city. old community freezer project Fuel oil is the primary source of energy in Savoonga for producing electricity, heating and for cooking. Oil is delivered annually on the BIA cargo ship North Star III and held in various storage tanks with a capacity of over 400,000 gallons. Some families purchase their fuel from the village store on an almost daily basis, as they have no storage capabilities. Some residents use wood as a supplemental source of heat, but there is no wood supply on the island and driftwood supplies on the shoreline near the village are low. PHS drilled a 195 foot well in 1972. It is located about a half mile south of the village at the end of the airstrip. A pipe carries the water to a treatment facility located at the BIA school, where the water is fluoridated, chlorinated and stored in a 100,000 gallon steel storage tank. Residents obtain water at a watering point near the 1975 housing development, and at a second watering point near the treatment facility, which houses four washing machines and two dryers. A new washeteria has washing machines, dryers, showers, bath tubs and hot water heating equipment. The BIA grade school and teacher's quarters have a water/sewer system that uses the village water. Bering Straits Wind Project Linzinnetan Clana Ine 1/Qn Bana 0? Savoonga washeteria The majority of Savoonga residents use honeybuckets for liquid waste disposal. Two dumping areas are located along the shoreline, one on either side of the village, which are not fenced or controlled by the city. The BIA school and clinic are served by a bio-pure sewage treatment plant. Expansion of this plant to include community sewage collection has been proposed. Solid waste is deposited in the dumping area along the shoreline. Individuals must haul their own garbage to the site. There is an Alascom satellite station in Savoonga, and the telephone exchange serves most residents. There is one satellite television station. Savoonga's isolated location on an island with no seaport and with iced-in conditions during the winter results in heavy dependence upon air transportation Savoonga has a lighted gravel runway that is 4600 feet long. Small airlines provide daily air service out of Nome, except Sundays. Both passenger and freight charter flights are available. Flights are often cancelled due to weather. The annual supply barge hauls in the bulk of Savoonga's incoming freight. ' boardwalk at Savoonga The economy of the village is largely based on subsistence hunting, with a little cash income from trapping, ivory carving, government employment, and tourism. Savoonga is hailed as "The Walrus Capital of the World". Umiaks PRESENT POWER SYSTEM The Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) provides power to the city of Savoonga for a cost of $ .42 per kilowatt/hour of residential power. Nearly all occupied buildings are connected to the system, which is powered by three deisel-powered generators. There have been problems with underground electric’ lines breaking in winter in the older part of Savoonga, but new lines are installed in wooden above-ground utilidors. Savoonga utilidor and oil storage tanks PRESENT POWER SYSTEM The AVEC facility at Savoonga consists of the following: ° oO ° 250 KW 120/208 V.-3 phase, diesel-electric generator. (1976) 300 KW 120/208 V.-3 phase, diesel-electric generator. (1978) 100 KW 120/208 V.-3 phase, diesel-electric generator. Associated switchgear and transformers. Community-wide distribution system housed in an on-the-ground wooden utilidor and overhead transmission lines, Bulk storage tanks capable of holding a full years supply of fuel oil. Modular generator building. This utility provides electric power community wide. The majority of residences, and all commercial and public agency buildings, as well as the REAA and BIA school complex purchase power from this utility. Power is provided 24 hours per day, year-round. The 100% back-up capability of the primary generator is augmented by the smaller 100 KW generator used during the summer months when power demand is low. Savoonga's current annual fuel consumption is approximately as follows: Fuel Oil 78,000 gallons KWH 650,000 KWH AVEC plant at Savoonga Bering Straits Wind Project Livinaston Slone. Inc. 1/84 Page 86 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Savoonga has a very good wind resource and several sites with good wind access. The soil conditions will necessitate the use of pilings and construction costs can be expected to be high on St. Lawrence Is- land. The AVEC run utility complicates ownership, but the City has a high interest in windgenerators. AVEC has indicated that it will buy wind generated electric power at its avoided cost of 11¢ KWH. The diesels now have some waste heat recovery and because of their location are with good land use planning well situated for installation of a small farm of wind generators. The logistics and transportation problems which would increase the initial cost of a wind system are the same problems that plague the diesel system in terms of maintenance and fuel requirements. These coupled with the tremendous wind poten- tial on St. Lawrence Island are good reasons to plan an installation of larger wind machines in Savoonga as soon as practical. J “ Enertech wind machines at Altamont Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 87 SAVOONGA SITE PLAN VILLAGE, ENVIRONMENT, AND PEOPLE Brevig Mission is located on the north shore of Port Clarence, a large bay protected from the Bering Sea by the Port Clarence spit. The village lies on a gently sloping coastal plain, but Red Mountain rises to an elevation of |,380 feet only three miles to the northeast. Soils in the area are generally poorly drained with a peaty surface layer and shallow permafrost. A soil core taken by BIA to a depth of 255 feet found clay, gravel and sand in the first I4 feet below the surface, various frozen layers of mixed clay, sand, gravel and seashells to a depth of II2 feet, and unfrozen clays and gravels from II2 to 255 feet. Permafrost underlies much of Brevig Mission and was measured at a depth of 14 feet from the surface in one area. The depth to permafrost may show substantial variation in the area, particularly near the shoreline. Brevig Mission is exposed to flooding and erosion caused by storm surges and storm-driven waves from the Bering Sea and Port Clarence. All buildings along the beach _lie in the Army Corps of Engineers 100 year floodplain. Major flooding occurred in 1970 and 1974, and the gravel beach is eroding. The flood and erosion hazard areas follow the shoreline and along drainages running through the village. Storm winds from the southwest and south have the greatest potential for causing damage at Brevig Mission. There are 37 occupied houses in Brevig Mission. Many of the older houses are of frame and tar paper. Nine new units were constructed by BIA in 1979, four units were constructed in 1978 and five units in previous years. Residents report that many of the houses were constructed too quickly and are of poor quality. Other buildings in Brevig Mission include a small city hall, a community hall, a health clinic, a National Guard Armory and a U.S. post office. There are two stores, the Brevig Mission Native Store and a new Native corporation store. A new Lutheran Church replaces the old Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Mission Church. The new REAA state high school has a multipurpose room, a library/study, one classroom, a small metal shop, and a home economic room. Oil and wood-burning stoves serve as the primary heat source in most homes. The total storage capacity for oil and gas in Brevig Mission is 19,400 gallons. Fuel oil is sold at the Native corporation store or purchased at Teller. There are ample driftwood supplies along Port Clarence and the Bering Sea. Brevig Mission has telephone service provided by Mukluk Telephone Company out of Teller. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 89 The PHS installed a 300,000 gallon wood-stave storage tank and 3,400 feet of three-inch plastic pipe from a well to a new pumphouse which included a watering point, four. washing machines, four showers and two flush toilets. the water was chlorinated, but no domestic distribution system was _ installed. After construction by PHS, the facility was to be turned over to the city in 1979, but the pumphouse and washeteria were destroyed by fire and the water tank was heavily damaged in December of that year. Plans to rebuild are still uncertain. Most residents of Brevig Mission now obtain their summer water supply from Shelman Creek, and blocks of ice are melted for water in winter. The church, clinic, school and store also haul water from the creek during the summer and melt ice in the winter. The U.S. Public Health Service constructed a bio-pure unit for liquid wastes as part of the central pumphouse facility, but it was destroyed in the washeteria fire. A 2,000 gallon bio-pure plant serves the BIA school. Pit privies and honeybuckets serve individual houses, the church, the clinic and the stores. Honeybuckets are dumped along the shore in summer and on the ice in winter. PRESENT POWER SYSTEMS 2 AC434D 169 KVA 1,800 RPM 1 WAKESHA 50 kW 1,200 RPM 1 GM DIESEL 40 kW 1,800 RPM 1 KOHLER 25 kW 1,800 RPM The school presently provides all the power for the entire town of Brevig Mission. The school's diesels are well maintained, but not well metered. Several of the units are very old and on their last legs. The school district presently does not have a signed contract to sell power to the village and are waiting for a council meeting to be able to get one. Under the agreement, the City is to collect user fees and pay the school for all the energy sold. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The wind resource in Brevig Mission is above the margin for economic feasibility, but not overwhelming. From a utility standpoint, a wind system would be difficult to recommend at this time because of the ownership complications. The school district would be the logical recipients, but the village could not be expected to support such a move. There are many good sites in the area with good road access and reasonable soil conditions. The airport is in excellent condition with close proximity to Nome. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 90 VILLAGE, ENVIRONMENT, AND PEOPLE Wales is located on the western tip of the Seward Peninsula on the coast at Cape Prince of Wales. It is seven miles west of the Tin City Air Force Station, IIl miles northwest of Nome, and is the westernmost community on the North American continent. Wales was a major center for whale hunting due to its strategic location along the migratory route of whales. Much of the whaling culture was destroyed by the 1918 influenze epidemic which claimed the lives of many of Wales' finest whalers. The village retains a strong Eskimo culture. Ancient songs, dances and customs are still performed here. Wales is located at the mouth of Village Creek, at the west end of the Seward Peninsula. Cape Mountain rises abruptly above Wales to a height of 2,289 feet and forms the terminus of the continental divide separating the Arctic and Pacific watershed. The land to the northeast along the Chukchi Sea is very flat and poorly drained, with numerous thaw ponds and lakes. Soils in the village are generally well drained sandy or gravelly loams. Well logs reveal that the city is underlain by 25 to 45 feet of beach and dune sand; coarse gravel and clay underlie the sand. Bedrock in the area is limestone. Wales is located within the zone of continuous permafrost. Permafrost is shallow to deep and has been found at depths of four to six feet locally. Wales has a maritime climate when the Bering Strait is ice-free, usually from June through November. Summer temperatures average between 40 and 50°F. The freezing of the strait causes an abrupt change to a cold continental climate in winter. Wind data from Tin City, seven miles to the east, show an average velocity of I5 knots. Northeast, north, and northwest winds predominate at Wales. The 1980 census showed 139 people in Wales. Their economy is based on subsistence hunting and fishing, trapping, some mining, and Native arts and crafts. A private reindeer herd of almost 1500 head is managed out of Wales, and employs some local residents. Other cash income is derived from municipal, state, and federal employment. The naval monitoring station employs one person who lives there with his family. Vast herds of whales and walrus migrate through the Bering Straits and villagers hunt them from early April to the end of June. Ice cellars are used to store and peserve the meat. Polar bear, moose, waterfowl, salmon, ptarmigan, tom cod and flounder supplement the Native diet. Berries and greens are also important foods for the people of Wales. There are about 5! wood frame single-family houses in Wales. Wales has a post office, a new National Guard Armory and a community center. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 91 The city offices are housed in the washeteria building. There is also a U.S. Navy Scientific Station in Wales. Privately owned buildings include the Lutheran Church, a Native store, the Mukluk Telephone Building, and the Alaska Village Electrical Co-op (AVEC) facility. The Wales Native Corporation is constructing visitor accommodations and corporation/IRA offices. Oil and wood burning stoves serve as the primary heat source in most homes. Fuel oil is brough in by barge from Nome and may be purchased by residents directly from the distributor or from the commercial store. Bulk storage tanks hold approximately 63,900 gallons. Fuel oil costs about $2.25 per gallon. A watering point on a small spring-fed creek on Razorback Mountain was developed by PHS in 1976. A 9,000 foot summer transmission line brings the water to the village, where it is stored in a 400,000 gallon insulated steel tank. The water is untreated and must be hauled to the clinic, community center, stores and homes. There is a washeteria with four washing machines, showers and toilets. An older water supply system provides water in summer to the school's 30,000 gallon tank. The school's system is not adequate due to its small storage capacity. In summer, water is also supplied to the village with hoses running through the village from a spring on the hillside. All water is of excellent quality. Honeybuckets are used by most residents of Wales. Most residents have their own seepage pits for dumping honeybucket wastes, and the PHS washeteria includes four 8xl0x8 seepage pits for the disposal of liquid waste. There is a fenced disposal site for solid waste about three-quarters of a mile north of Wales. When the city truck is functional, the city hauls refuse to the site. During the summer, trash is burned on the beach. The privately owned Mukluk Telephone Service serves the city of Wales. It has installed a 100 line capacity system and had 25 suscribers in .1980. A public telephone is located in the Wales Native store. Wales is accessible only by air and sea. Frequent fog, wind and occasional blizzards further limit access to Wales. The airport consists of a 2,600 foot gravel airstrip running north/south. Most aircraft use the airstrip in the winter, although the ice on the Straits is sometimes used as a runway. Wien Air Alaska flies a scheduled route from Nome into Wales six time a week. Munz Northern Airlines flies scheduled flights from Nome to Wales three times a week. Foster Aviation, Seward Peninsula Flying Service and Bering Air from Nome all fly charter and freight, as does Teller Air Service. The BIA cargo ship North Star II! brings fuel and supplies to the village every summer, and Arctic Lighterage Service provides barge service from Nome to Wales. Freight must be lightered a half mile to shore because of shallow water and lack of dock facilities at Wales. Freeze-up of the Bering Straits ends the season for waterborne travel; the average freeze-up for the straits occurs in early December at Bering Straits Wind Project : Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 92 Wales, and the average break-up date is in early June. The skin boat is still a popular method of sea travel and many Eskimos use them to travel between Little Diomede Island and Wales during the summer months. There are also many runabout boats in Wales. The only maintained road runs from the village to the airstrip. A tractor trail connects Wales to Tin City, seven miles to the southeast. There is one truck, one car, and two jeeps in Wales, and there are many three-wheel all terrain vehicles and snowmobiles. A trail runs from the airport to Lopp Lagoon. Winter trails connect Wales to Tin City and the interior of the Seward Peninsula. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 93 WALES FUEL OIL STORAGE NO DIKE AROUND BULK FUEL STORAGE TANKS FOUNDATION OF COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL HIGHER THAN 12" Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 94 PRESENT POWER SYSTEM 1 DETROIT DIESEL 105 kw 1,200 RPM 1 DETROIT DIESEL 50 kw 1,200 RPM Wales is an AVEC village with the conventional Butler building. However, one of the winter generators is missing - reportedly packed away in the snow somewhere between the power plant and airport and in a state of extreme wear. During lunchtime, the load was only 24 kW on the 105 kw generator, with the peak running in the 40 kW range. The plant maintenance appeared average. Bering Straits Wind Project ‘Livingston Slone, Inc.. 1/84 Page 95 WALES POWER/UTILITY BUILDING GENERATOR ROOM IN UTILITY BUILDING - GUTTER NEEDS COVER Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 96 WALES POWER/UTILITY BUILDING GENERATOR ROOM IN UTILITY BUILDING - DISMANTLED GENERATOR Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 97 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Wales has an extremely strong wind resource with great potential for use of wind power. The city council has included windgenerators in their priority list and, land can be made available with good wind access. The city is interested in alternative energy and would, by their attitude, mitigate some of the logistic problems associated with working in Wales. Wales generator building Wind machines at Altamont Pass Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 98 BERING STRAIT ES SITE PLAN VILLAGE, ENVIRONMENT, AND PEOPLE Diomede is located on the west coast of Little Diomede Island in the Bering Straits, 80 miles northwest of Teller. The international boundary between the U.S. and Russia lies between Big and Little Diomede Islands. Little Diomede has a maritime climate when the Bering Strait is ice-free from June through November. Summer temperatures average between 40 and 50°F. Intense fog covers the island in May and June. The freezing of the strait causes an abrupt change to a cold continental climate. Except for a few days in May, winds blow consistently from the north. Local observations on Diomede indicate that average wind speed is well over I5 knots, with gusts of 60 to 80 miles per hour. Most of Little Diomede is steeply sloping rock rising to a rocky plateau of 1,200 feet above sea level. The island is predominantly granite rock with slopes of 45 degrees. Many areas are unvegetated, but what vegetation does exist is alpine tundra, composed of salmonberries, moss and greens. Permafrost does not occur on Diomede, due to the lack of soil and abundance of granite rock. In April 1980 the village population was 143 Ingalikmiut Eskimos. The Diomede villagers depend almost entirely upon a subsistence economy for their livelihood. Cash income is derived from part time employment in government, the village store, and from the production of ivory carvings. Sitene 17 AO Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 100 Eighteen new houses were built by BIA between 1973 and 1975. They are single-family units, of wood frame construction 16 by 20 foot in dimension. The houses include kitchen sinks and honeybucket-type toilets. Four of the houses have been enlarged. There are 20 older wood frame houses of approximately the same size, most of them overcrowded. Many of the houses have electrical problems and are in need of safety inspection and rewiring as necessary. The wood frame houses are replacing the historical homes which were, in some cases, built completely underground. Homes were dug into the steep banks that rise up from the sea, creating semi-domed shelters. Diomede has two churches, a community store, a National Gurad Armory, a clinic, the Inalik Tribal Council building, an elementary school and a high school. Most homes depend on oil-burning stoves as their primary heating source. Oil is barged to Diomede, and the total bulk storage capacity for oil and gas is 15,500 gallons. Due to population increase in recent years, the supply is only sufficient to last eight to ten months. The villagers are totally dependent on oil for their heat, since no other type of combustible heat source, such as wood, is available. There is no community sewer system in Diomede, and most residents use honeybuckets. The waste is dumped into the sea or, in winter, onto the ice. The school has a chemical toilet with a 12,000 gallon bio-pure treatment plant. Because of the rocky terrain, steep slopes and inaccessability, PHS and BIA have ruled out alternate methods of liquid waste disposal. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 101 In 1973, the Public Health Service developed a village water source from a spring connected by pipe to a 125,000 gallon storage tank. A small building was erected to house the water treatment facilities, where the water is chlorinated and fluoridated. Each family was provided with two five-gallon containers to transport water and a 32 gallon covered container for water storage. This source also supplies the school, clinic and store. The system was turned over to the city in 1975. For convenience, many residents melt snow or ice accumulated around their dwelling during the winter. Due to Diomede's remote location and the accompanying environmental limitations, transportation accessibility to the village is restricted to airplane in the winterand spring and to boat in the summer and fall. The island itself is not conducive to modern modes of surface travel. Due to the steep slopes and rocky terrain, there are no roads. There are no automobiles or trucks on the island; walking is the only means of land travel. The high plateau above the city is the only relatively flat place on Little Diomede; however, its rough and rocky surface has prevented the construction of an airstrip. Since there is no airport on Little Diomede Island, planes generally fly in only during the winter and spring when there is smooth ice to land on between Big and Little Diomede. The straits are generally frozen between mid-December and mid-June, but winter winds may prohibit plane access. Foster Aviation, out of Nome, flys a mail route to Diomede every day in the winter, conditions permitting. They will carry a maximum of five passengers. Float planes rarely fly into Diomede during the summer due to limited visibility from fog and dangerous landing conditions from the high surf on the Bering Sea. Villagers must pilot their boats to Wales when in need of supplies. Barge service is also very limited. The BIA supply ship North Star III attempts to make an annual stop in Diomede. Restrictive ice conditions, fog or choppy waters and the absence of a dock or protected landing area sometimes inhibit supplying the village. PRESENT POWER SYSTEM The village is supplied by the BIA diesel power plant located north of the school. The city operates the distribution system and sells power to residential consumers at a cost of approximately $.90 per kilowatt/hour. All the houses in the village are supplied with electricity. "The water supply system has a separate generator, as does the clinic. The electrical distribution system suffers from. salt corrosion, among other deficiencies, and is in need of major upgrading. DETROIT DIESEL 60 kw 1,800 RPM CAT 3304 90 kw 1,800 RPM (with another CAT 3304 for spare parts) Rd The BIA school runs the power system in Diomede. Jacket water heat recovery pre-heats the school boilers located in the generator building. The system appears well maintained, but poorly metered regarding energy produced. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Page 103 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS While the wind resource at Diomede is outstanding, the site is very imposing. The village, being built into a 45° hill, has no local land available for a wind system. As long as the BIA runs the generators, there is additionally no incentive to the village to have an interest. Logistically, Little Diomede Island is about the worst and soils are rock. Locating a wind system on top of the Island would be possible, but not very cost-competitive at present. Bering Straits Wind Project livinactan Slana Ine 1/8 Pano 1Nk WG1 WO WG1 WO? (KWH) ** DIR-VAR (BH) (D/3} VEL1I-VEL2 (MPH) * 0.2 0.0 O.2 Q.2 : 0.4 6.3 1.0 pe ™S 0D pa O,3 27 9.1 6.0 9.60 6.0 0,0 Bz 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 107 55 1.0 0.64 0.0 0.4 0,0 103 7d 57 1.4 G.2 0.0 O.2 6.0 i110 : ol 420.5 60.0 0,0 0.0 0.6 «2 4 SS 1.1 0.2 6.4 0.5 O.3 4 of 430.5 0.5 0.2 1.0 0.2 »i0oF.5 76 O22 O.4 O.1 1.0 0.1 113 1400 S.1 8.7 Ss? 0.8 0.64 0.0 0.9 0.0 121 1700 9.0 9.7 54 1.3 0.3 6.6 0.4 6.0 BOO . So-1.3—O.9 Get 10-051 1 oe 7 0 mF on x, ? Q 4 1 AVERAGE VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 9.7/7 9.4 DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC ¥ TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC a3. OUTSIDE AIR PRs DTimn KWH TOT.= 1744.7 EW 115.4 EVAH TOT.= 3270.4 EVA POWER FACTOR 845 EB —Leoo FP RFOR-MAMCE «x. AVG. KW ose 1.144 & AE WG i WG 2 SYWvwa Teri TAPE ERRORS= 0 NOTES * VI=SHOURLY AVERAGE» OATA # OF 115 114 114 134 0.0 133 137 0.2 131 1 S7 i 60.4 0.60 0.2 6,0 I 41 i 0.4 0.0 6,58 0,0 i 54 1 6.3 G.4 1.0 06.4 12 V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. SVA PF MAXIMLIM (2200) S.07 (1700) wr (1700) (1100) (1600) oO (14600) »?1 (1400) HOURS ON 16 1.5 SCANS= 3777 ##*% VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS *% RATED ON TCFT) TCFUD HT CHR'S) CF} (F) CIN} Go (oOdag) . Oo CQG00) 7i (O706) -20 (O75) (O700)} Sy 108 80 TOTAL EWH¥¥* 5.4 2.1 AT 1.SKW Polarcomsult | DATE= Lila rons SHISHMAREF + ALASKA = 0 ND 100 Loe eee { TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WGZ WG1 WOZ KW KVA PF ON T(FT) (MFH)* = (DO) (D/S) (KWH)** = CHRS) (HRS) (F) oo 28 0.83 1.0 78.2 Lies tc S2 1.2 0.2 0.6 1.0 0.4 104 10,2 10.9 47 0.4 0.40.5 0.7 0,5 120 0.81 1.0 74.7 t 12528 13.7 S3.1.4 O.3 0.7 1.0 0.9 & 114 0.77 1.0 70,5 3&3 ' 12.9 13.6 S? i.2 0.20.8 1.01.0 85 111.0.77 1.0 68.0 29 1 O500 12.8 13.5 41 1.4 0.3 0.7 1.01.0 &5 113 0.74 1.0 467.4 28 1 6400 13.0 13.4 21.1 0.30.7 1.01.0 84 112 6 ZL : 0700 11.1 12.3 me 1.1 0.3 0.4 1.00.5 87 114 27 t ?.4 10.2 43 0.7 0.5 0.0 1.0060,0 0 1146 27 t B16 9.4 42 0.% 0.2 0.0 6.4 0.0 94 117 27 ! Sal) 922 SS te2° 0.1 030 0.21 0.50) 101 22 25 t 1100 97.4 10.8 57 1.4 6.1 O.2 6.4 0.1 99 i230 24 ta 200 a7 12S $41.4 0.20.7 1.00.8 9 121 24 | 1300 11.4 12.2 So 150 O22 O15 1.0 0:5 93 119 2 1 1400 10,2 11.1 4621.2 0.3 0.2 1.00.2 37 113 t 1500 S.1 8.6 49 6.8 0.1 0.0 06.1 0.0 99 i231 t 1400 Sal eo SZ Oar 066 0.0 01.0 020 99. 122 : 7.8 §.4 54:°1.0 6.1 0.0 6.1 6,0 118 134 ! ' 9.4 9.8 436.4 0.00,0 6,0 6,0 125 144 ay Lt t 7.8 $8.5 40 O.1 0.0 6.6 0.6 6,0 144 Sit ' 8.8 9.3 20.3 0.0 060,.0 0.0 0.6 isi 296 | ' &.1 8.5 34.0.2 0.0 0,0 6.0 0.0 27.8! ' S29 1051 40 0.3 23 0.0 0.5 0.0 26.45 t Choo ey 206.2 0.3 0.0 .0.5 0.0 242 |} : 4.9 7.5 35 0.2 0.06.0 6,0 0,0 26.54 AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 9.9/7 10.7 13 (0200) 2 (orv00) DIRECTION-DEG/SEC 3 4.97 (1500) » O (2200) TEMPERATURE , INSIDE AVEC Ted 7 (1900) S4 (i500) DUTSIDE AIR ~15 -13 (1400) “1? (0700) AVEm FRoouUuCT Timon KWH TOT.= 2502.5 KW 104,35 1497 (1800) 77 (04600) KVAH TOT.= 3015.7 EVA 144 (1900) POWER FACTOR »F1 (2100) E-—-i1eo0o FER ORPIAMNMCE «x. AVG. KW HOURS ON WG i 2263 14.1 WG 2 B24 Tak MATA SY Teri TAPE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= 3409 Mores * VISHOURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. #** RATED AT 1.5KW #** VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsyl | DOATE =: LiaMmAT ION = SHISHMAREF + ALA: EL ease WIND-----— -----E-1300---- --------- AVEC FPLANT---~--------- ‘ TIME VELiI-VELS DIR-VAR WGO1 WGS WG1 WG2 EW KVA FPF ON T(FT) TCFLUD HT | (MPH) * (BD) (2/5) (KWH) #* CHR) CHRS)(F) ‘FP? t 5.8 7.0 34 1.5 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 1ii 21.0 70.0 33 of 9.5 3.9 42 3 6,2 0.0 104 1.0 65.5 ' 8.4 9.2 44 0,2 0.6 104 1.0 64.4 ‘ 7.1 7.8 44 0,0 0.0 104 1.0 : 7.2 8.3 44 0,0 0.0 105 ia ‘ 4.5 7.0 46 0,0 0.0 107 1.0 : 5.3 | 6.5 3 0.0 0,0 107 ' 4.23 5.7 22 0.2 0.0 06,0 115 : 4.9 5.4 16 0,0 0.60 0,6 144 : 5.4 5.7 15.0.1 6.0 0,6 is7 t Seo | | Gul 27 |O.2| | 0.0/0.0 145 : 5.4 4.3 440,52 0.0 0,0 143 ' 4.4 %.3 54 0.9 0,0 0.0 st 3.2 4.4 53.0.5 0.0 0,0 by 4.9 5.8 45 0.7 O.0 0.0 Ot 7.8 3.3 740.5 0.0 0,0 3 6.6 6.9 B5 0.0 6.0 0.0 Ss; 5.1 6.5 77 O.2 0.0 6,0 2 4.4 Sai 71 G.2 G.0 0.0 24 5.0 5.2 1 0.2 6.0 0.0 14 S24 | | S.7 43 0.4 0,0 0.6 ; 5.4 5.5 s 0.0 : S.2 hie . O.0 S.1 Sas 0.0 AVERAGE VELOCITY Vi-V2 DIRECTION-DEG/SEC (MPH) S.8/ & TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC OUTSIDE AIR OSVEm FRO EWH TOT.= KW EVAH TOT.= 3123.7 EVA i= POWER FACTOR BASE PES ES-—-iSeeo FPeRFORPIANIC Ex AVG. KW 799 0,0 PATA ¢ TAFE ERRORS= 0 # OF Mao TES * VISHOURLY AVERAGE» #*¥% YALLIES SCANS= VE=MEAN POWER SPEED. MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS MINIMLIM (TIME) MAXIMUM (TIME) -—.13 v2 (1500) 54 -3 (1300) =i7 i432 (O5800) 70 (O46005 (0800) oe (G800} 73 TOTAL KWH a) oO BA20 #* RATED AT 1.5KW Polarconsult TIME 0100 QO200 O200 0400 o500 0400 0700 Lio DIR-VAR WG1 WOE (D)(D/5) (KWH) ** W1 WO2 (HRS) VEL1-VEL2 (MPH) # cc Cc 36 Se ZOLO 1a sOnO 702 0.020.0 Sian iio sie OsOs0. OnOsOL0+0) 457 --10420.0--60.020,0210.0.0.0 4.1. 102 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 S37 ZOHO. Oe Oe OOO. 02050 2.2 37060 O,040.65105050,0 a 66 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 Ss 73 0.2 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 4 SOO. 0-050 702410,020-0 6.0 0,0 0.0 0.6 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.6 OnOZORe 0202020 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,0 0,0 O7O=O00 0.0 0,06 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.2 0,0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 9.0 0.6 0.G 0,0 OZ O20.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 9.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 6.0 0,0 6.0 0,0 0.2 0,0 0.5 0.0 40 6,0 735 0.3 33 1.2 “OU oe eo o moO YUN DORN RN pee Re Pp Pe PN po Ne ee OU Oo pa Us wy VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 4.7/ 5.8 DIRECTION-DEG/SEC o2 TEMFERATURE INSIDE AVEC OUTSIDE AIR PROD TIOnN KWH TOT.= 2455.4 KW 112 KVAH TOT.= 3131.4 EVA POWER FACTOR oy E-Leeoo FE RF ORMANITE «x AVG. EW AYE WG 1 wed WG 2 0.0 BATA SYSTeri TAPE ERRORS= 6 NMMTEsS * VISHGURLY AVERAGE + # OF AT IONE ----- E-1800---- - V2=MEAN POWER SPEED, -------- AVEC KVA PF = 110 O.& 103 0.77 114 0 145 oOo. 154 O.?1 1a) 1.0 (22300) (1100) o (1200) 1 (0060) iSy (0800) (O800) 272 (1400) HOURS ON 7 9 on ScANS= *** VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS SHISHMAREF + PLANT ON TCPT) TCFLIY HT CHRIS) CF) 1.0 64.1 1.0 40 1.0 & 1.0 83 ALA CIN 31.7 1 : ‘ ‘ ' : t 320.1! ; ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ; & = TIS AOZLO sel OLOO. TOC OOO Gel O Loo 27 ao 77. +101 0.76 1.6. 59M 26.0 i= OZER GistiniO pos See 1604 0.75 1.0 93 5 1 1 134 149° 0.9 a3 LeSSeo She caaely. Ons 129 145 0.89 1.0 129 1447059 ---1.0 130 = 120 125 LO: 137 LO 127 0 130 Liao 125 1.6 tito, Hao 1iz Lo 124 1.0 io? 1,0 MINIMUM (TIME) (0400) i TOTAL EWHass ae oO #* RATED AT 1.5KW Polarconsyl PLANT---~-------- ----- WIND------ -----E-1500----) --~--~-----AVEL ! ' TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WGO1 WGE WGO1 WGE KW KVA PF ON TCRT) TOFU HT ¢ . (MPH) * (D)(D/5) (KWH) #* (HRS) CHRIS) (F) (F) CIN) ¢ ' 9.0 6,0 1.0 280 “ : 6.0 0.0 eo = 0.0 0.0 1.0 i a4 0.0 0.6 1.0 ! 2.405 0.0 G.4 1.0 5 9.7 0.0 1.6 1.0 44.2 : e2 0-050 120 -67ico t a.4 0 0.0 O06 1.0 7 9.2 : 9 0.0 6.0 1.0 > Pav : «i ©.0.-0.7 ©, Q 1.0 v t v4 22 Oo. 1 6.0 0.0 0.1 0.6 1.0 3 ‘ 9.5 163 Gi 0.6 0.0 9.0 0.0 1.0 47.0 9.1 126 0.3 0.10.0 0.2 0.0 111 1.0 47.4 oA ITLY iiririaky AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM ( TIME} LDN VELORITY Vi-VE (MPH) F.2/ 3.3 ii 1 DIRECTION-DEG/SEC 2 3.30 2 Oo TEMFERATIURE INSIDE AVEC 70.3 84 (1200) &0 OUTSIDE AIR -.5 2 (0000) -3 GEM FR TDs KWH TOT.= 1270.46 EW 79S 142 (1700) 8 EVAH TIOT.= 1455.4 EVA 114.5 iS7 (1900) o POWER FACTOR SEPP PITS PO (1700) «|0 E—-—Leco PEREORMANC AVG. E HOURS ON TOTAL KWHa*x WG 214i 2.5 4 Wi 11.25 QO Oo PATA SY TEP TAPE ERRORS= ¢ # OF SCANS= 4112 BETES * VISHOURLY AVERAGE: VE=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.58W ##% VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult Po eee ees WIND------ ----- E-1800---- --------- AVEC PLANT------------ | TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WG2 WG1 WOE KW KVA PF ON TCPT) T(FU)D HT t H)* (D)(D/S) (KWH) ¥* CHRS) (HRS) (F) (F) CIN} | ' 5.7 108 0.2 0.0 0,0 0.1 0.0 $2 1.0 44.7 3 t 10.1 » O“.S O<£.1 O<£.0 OF 0,0 O 75.7 t 0.4 6.16.0 06.4 0.6 ' 6.0 0.0 0,1 0,0 6.1 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.1 0,0 0.4 0.0 0.1 0,0 06.4 0,0 5 1.0 0,0 1.0 6.0 1.0 0.6 1.0 6,6 1.0 0,6 1.0 0,0 O.& 0.6 140 O20 1.0 0.0 95 1.0 6.4 i601 1.0 1.6 107 1.0 1.0 107 1.0 1.0 115 1.0 111 1.0 110 1.0 164 1.0 94 Lie PAakY AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) VELOCITY Vi-Ve (MPH) 1060.57 11 15 5S (0100) DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC a] 4,54 » O (BBO) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC 7 4e By (oO?00} 41 (0000) QUTSIBDE AIR 11.1 15 (G000) 2 (0000) AVE FR tron KWH TOT.= 2152.7 > KW v4 123 (2000) 40 (6400) EVAH TOT.= 2479.4 EVA 111.4 144 (18006) BS (200) POWER FACTOR 2815 2a? (1400) 269 (0600) E-haoo Fee FoR anil x. AVG. EW HUA ON TOTAL EWHe#% WG 1 : i? Sul WO 2 22k 7b 1.? DATA BWSR TEP TAPE ERRORS= G # OF Mio T ES. * VISHOURLY AVERAGE» 4% VALUES MAY READ VE=MEAN POWER HISH IN LOW-WIND ONDITIONS SPEED, ** RATED AT 1.5kW Polarronsult Sees ere WIND------ -----E-1500---- -~--------AVEE PLANT------------ t “TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WG2 WG1 WG2 KW KVA PF ON TCPT) TOFU) HT | (MPH) * (D(D/5) (KWH) #* (HRS) CHR) (CF) (F) CIN) | PSS tO So Onc Ono hO.4 tint. O ; DL OnZ7) 1.0) 76.5 | 49 .S)) 22az. LOA SE Oe 7) Oot) Coe | Ooe iO 0.75) Ba0)70.0 | 4657 | S221 PO Loe Occ OsO1 Oral One) te0) O37 4) 10 (Gees) | 45 s17, At 9.6 10.4 1697 0.4 0.00.2 0.4 1.0 Ooo 10 45.5 43 0500 1060.4 11.4 147 6.8 0.1 0.2 0.46 1.0 } OL72 1.0 ae 0600 Dis) Ee od ys Oe lO) Gre) Once iil. 1.0 OF 0700 Ao sO i7e (Oe) | O.0)Oao | LOO TO iO At=d ‘ 0 Ao) | Gee) |) 170 O23) | O20 OBO HINO 1.0 sh 12 4eo | 245 (0,450.0 O20 AO 1.06 elie O.5 2.7 i286 1.8 G.0 0.0 1.6 1.0/S202 24; 4.3 4.7 67 0.1 0.0 O20) 1.0 1.0 54, als A sect 36 O24) | 0.0 O.G |L70 by 204 4.9 6.1 64 (6,3) | 0.0) 0.6 | O50 150 as 6.6 6.9 440.7 0.00.5 9.01.0 73 8.4 8.9 40 0.5 0,60 6.3 0.0 1.0 a 1400 23 11.4 So) O5S 2001: O25 (0.1) 130 4 “DATEs 3/7/1983 Lesa ton © |||) | | SHISHMAREF, ALASKA 1700 11.5 11.9 37 0.3 0.4 0.2 1.0 1.0 1300 11.9 12.4 30.4 0.40.3 1.01.0 1900) | 12.2 |21.8 49 1.6 0.3 0.2 1.0 1.0 2000 11.0 11.5 440.6 0.3 0.2 1.0 1.0 2160 $1.1 115 41 0.4 0.3 6.2 1.0 1.0 2200 12.1 12.5 43 0.4 0.40.3 1.01.0 2300 10.8 11.5 310.5 0.3 0.2 1.0 1.0 2400 10.7 11.4 2? 0.4 6.3 0.2 1.0 1.0 DATLY SUPiparky AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) tI EN VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) S.3/ 9.3 17) | (1700) G DIRECTION-DEG/SEC ao 17.85 (O700) ie TEMrERATURE INSIDE AVEC Toaa4 B7 (2100) &3 30} OUTSIDE AIR 11.6 34 (0700) =) |) (2200) AWVEMm FRONT Ion EWH TOT.= 2447.5 KW 1602.5 144 (o%700) 58 (0400) EVAH TOT.= 2713.4 4 EVA 121.4 1490 (0900) 82 (0300) POWER FACTOR SS4Geeeeeye a72) | (200) 247 (0400) E-—-1Sl&0o0 FER OREM ANCE «x* AVIG. K HOURS ON TOTAL WG 1 Ae WG 2 24 DATA SYWSijTeEr TAPE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= & Neh * VISHDOURLY AVERAGE, VE=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.3KW *%*% VALUIES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsuit | DATE= LimAT ION: SHISHMAREF, ALASKA Pe ene |e ee ages ee Ut Ager | PeaANTes nee ee! ||] | ni - TIME VELI-VELS DIR-VAR WG1 WOE KW OKVA PR ON T(PT) TCFLID HT (MPH) * (D)(D/S) (KWH) ¥* CHRIS) (F > (F) CIN’ | 1.0 i.0 41,6 12.2 310.4 #O.4 0,3 S6 i111 6.79 1.0 ti.7 | id. 24 0.5 0.4 0.4 77. 101 0.76 1,50 12.4 i 27 0.5 0.5 0.4 7&4 102 6.75 1.0 12.5 135. 300.5 0.5 0.4 72 9? 0.73 1.0 i 12.7 14.4 44 0.5 0.7 0.5 1.0 1.0 73 1.0 t 14.7 15.1 30.4 0.79 0.7 1.01.0 72 21.0 65.7 t 3.5 On? 0.5 | 1.0 150) 77 1.0 44 : 1.3 oO. 1.0 1.0 5 1.04 i 1.4 @ 2 1.0 ' 1.4 1.6 ' i235 1.6 ! 1.0 1.0 i 1.0 1.0 i 1.1 10 t 1.0 25 1.0 i ii a1 1.0 40 ' 1.4 22 1.0 § t 1.1 1 1.0 4 t 1.4 23 1.0 I 1.4 1.0 t 1.4 1 | 240 t Lae 1.6 ' is ' 1.5 DAILY SUPA AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM ( TIME} LJ EMO VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MFH) i5.1/ 14 ae & DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC Lal 7.vS o TEMPERATURE INSIBE AVEC Fan¥ BY (1200) - 5 (1700) OUTSIBE AIR = 2 (1006) -12 B00} AVE FRM Don! KWH TOT.= 2435 KW 14% (1200) 40 (0400) EVAH TOT.= ° 7 EVA 144 (12006) a7 (0400) POWER FACTOR VL (1200) 47 (O500} EB—£Ll00 FER ORPiAMiile «4% AVIG. EW HOURS ON TOTAL KWH ¥* Wo 1 1.013 : 24.3 WG 2 hed L.F PATA SW Ter TAFE ERRORS= 0 # °0F SIDANS= : BETES * VISHOURLY AVERAGE+ VE=MEAN POWER SPEED. ##* RATED AT 1.5KW xe* VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult -------- WIND------ TIME VELI-VELZ DIR-VAR (MPH) # (bo (p/S) O500 0400 1000 1100 1200 1300 1406 30 i500 2 1400 2 1700 27.0 18006 62 _ 1900 29.9 % 2000 30,7 S2P.4 ° 24.0 24.5 25.1 KVA D4 O.73 » O71 20.74 42 0, SHISHMAREF» ALASKA AVEC PLANT------------ PF oN T(PT) T(FLD (HRS) (F) 0.77 1.0 467.0 0.73 1.0 1.0 55 1.0 § 5 1.0 5s 1.0 58,3: 1.0 0.72 0.72 QO 0.77 oO VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) DIRECTION-DEG/SEC TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC OUTSIDE AIR Pema ribir: EWH TOT.= AVE EW EVAH TOT.= 3331.5 EVA POWER FACTOR E-—1Soo FeRr WG 1 WG 2 DATA SWSTeri S./ 24 1 77.8 -16,5 TON CRMANE AVG. KW 1.781 1.418 TAPE ERRORS= 0 MOTES * VISHDOURLY AVERAGE» EEE VALUES MAY READ ----—| E-1500---- WG1 WGS WG1 WGO2 CRWH ) #3 (HRS) 1.4 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.7 1.4 1.6 1.0 Bee |ie@| | eC) 1.0 1.7 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.7 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.4641.2 1.01.0 1.6 1.4 1.0 1.0 1.81.5 1.01.0 Le? in97 I-60 1.0 1.7 1.7% t.6 1.0 1.7 2.0 1.01.0 1.9 1.7 1.90 1.40 1.6 159) | 1.7% 2.0 1.0 1,0 1.9° 1.9 129/1.0 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.0 1.6 1.8 1.0 1.0 1.01.0 i |i.) | 1,071.0 1.9 1.7 1.0 1.0 1.6 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.8 1.5 *2.0 1.0 1.7 1.4 1.0 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.0 1.0 RY AVERAGE # OF MAXIMUM (TIME) SCANS= ¢& VE=MEAN POWER SPEED. HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS (2300) 190 = (O106) (0500) » O (2100) (1100) 54 (1000) —24 mm 6=6 (1 100} 45 B4 (1100) w2 (1100) 47 cl 34 =. 24 *#% RATED AT 1.3KW Polarconsult 1 DATE=: 0700 O800 22.5 ovog 21i.l 16000 26,5 19.5 1200 135.9 i300) 15.7 1400 5 i500 os 1400 1700 22.0 1800 20,4 ivoo 15.7 ‘ t t 1 1 1 t 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 ' t 1 ' ' + 1100 ‘ 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 ' 4 ‘ 1 1 1 ' 4 1 ' ' VEL1-VEL2 (MFH ) * ye pe (BD) (D/S) (KWH) e* (HRS) (HRS) (FD v2 0.9 1.97 1.7 1.01.0 8464 113 70.4 103 0.7 1.8 1.6 1.0 1.0 75 107 45.5 9S 0.5 1.58 1.6 1.0 1.0 77 i604 4 77 0.4 1.2 1.4 1.91.60 74 104 2 b 921.0 1.81.7 1.01.0 7& i106 4 = 2 B4 2. 1.2 1.7 1.01.0 75 105 1 O 22, 22 1.41.4 1.0 1.0 S82 ili 5 2 23.1 1.71.5 1.01.0 91 117 = 3 ais? 1.4 41.4 1.0 1.0 124 i45 a 4 21.4 1.5 1.3 1.01.0 141 157 1 1 20.2 wo if 1,1 1.0 1.0 131 i468 9 - 7.5 101 1.0 1.31.0 1.01.0 134 152 3 7 9.3 104 0.4 1.3 6.7 1.0 1,0 127 144 4 o 7.4 1000.4 1.31.0 1.01.0 128 145 QO Zz 21.0 104 0.5 1.4 1.1 1.0 1.0 129 : z = 22.4 105 0.4 1.5 1.2 1.01.0 121 7 Se." 104 0.4 1.4 1.2 1.0 1.6 it af 21.4 101 1.0 1.5 1.2 1.01.0 122 o 19.2 74 2.5 1.23 0.7 1.0 1,0 125 18.3 75 1.5 1.2 0.7 1.0 1.0 125 14.4 975 1.8 1.0 0.4 1.0 1.0 120 14.8 103 1.1 1.0 0.5 1.0 1,0 115 17.6 117 0.8 1.106.6 1.0 1.0 118 17.7 125 0.5 1.1 6.5 1.0 1,0 107 Loot ATION = SHISHMAREFs ALASKA ----- E-1900---- WG1 WOE WG1 Woz PLANT------------ DIR-VAR EVA ON T(FT) PF DA TLY AIririaky AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) WEN VELOCITY Vi-V2 {MPH? (21/7 Si.7 SP (0100) 2 (1000) DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC 1 11.15 (6500) 2» O (2100) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC 73.2 v1 (1200) 58 (1700) OUTSIDE AIR -141.8 -5 (1300) -454 (1200) AVEC PRODUCTION } KWH TOT.= 2434,3 KW 107.8 iS5 (0800) 65 (Q200) KVAH TOT.= 3145.2 i KVA 13 172 92 (O300) POWER FACTOR »f1 (O700) 66 (O500} EF—250 DATA BEI TE FER oR Ppa AVG. KW 1.445 Ss ON TOTAL KWH##* i WG 2 WG = SWS TEP TAPE ERRORS= 0 * VISHOURLY AVERAGE, VE=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.2KW *#*% VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS 1 # OF SCANS= Polarconsult “DATES : 3/11/1982 SCL A TP N = SHISHMAREF, ALASKA DATE= Loe MAT IOAN = SHISHMAREF » ALASKA -----E-1800---- WG1 WG2 CHRS) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.4 0.6 o.5 6.0 0.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.4 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 9.0 0.0 0.0 o.0 9.0 0.0 9.0 0.0 1 hohe bo Oo Go bo Og PRUNE BES fon pk et ee 15 VA 114 104 102 101 103 102 104 1 i3 is? we PF 0.77 0.74 0.73 0.73 0.72 0.738 0.75 0.79 CHR) (F > > 1.0 ? 1.0 > 1.0 Dd sO > 1.0 TCFU) (F) ON T(PT) 1.0 74.9 1.0 48,5 Leo) 1.0 i.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ra Moon hak p on 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 yao hg s > ta Nw se 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 6 ere WIND----~-- TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WGi WG2 (MPH) * (D)(D/S) (KWH) ** 0100 15.2 15.4 124 0.5 0.7 6.4 O200 14.28 15.5 124 0.4 06.4 0,3 O200 14.0 14.4 124 0.4 0.5 0.3 0400 13.1 13.4 124 06.3 06.4 0.2 OS80 12.3 12.8 123 6.3 6.2 0.2 0660 11.3 11.5 127 0.2 0.1 3 0700 11.111.7 136 0.3 0.2 3 0800 S.2 feo 125 0.2 0,150.6 OF00 10.8 11.3 123 O.2 O.1 0.4 1000-87 10.0 135 0.3 0.1 0.4 1100 Tied. 8 0.5 1200 11,1 12.2 : is0o 615.9 14.4 S 1400 13.0 13.7 5 i500 13.3 13.4 3 1400 11.0 11.4 - 1700 9.921001 3 1500 9.5: Fao om 1700 9.4 9.6 oa 2000 8.2 8.6 el 2100 ted. Far O.1 2200 9.1 9.3 124 0,1 0.0 0.0 2200 9.1 9.3 131. Q.2 0.0 6.0 2406 9.3 9.8 .129 06.2 0.0 0.0 DAILY SUMMARY WwIMNMO VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 10.9/ 11.3 DIRECTION-DEG/SEC TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC OUTSIDE AIR AVED FRODLST Ton KWH TOT.= 2607.5 KW RVAH TOT.= 3080.1 KVA POWER FACTOR eS -LSece WG i WG 2 RATA jSYWwaijTeEM TAPE ERRORS= 0 Mm TeS * VISHOURLY AVERAGE + 3 aw 71.9 -453.3 108.4 128.3 eB4GIESIID FERRE ORPIANI E *** AVG. KW 2318 235 # OF V2=MEAN FOWER 17 =©(0000) BS (OFO00) 4,08 (1300) . O (2200) 87 (o70G) 41 (0400) -454 (1700) -454 (0000) 141 (o900) 40 (G2O00} 177 (0700) 87 (0200) 2P2 (OF00} 247 (O00) TOTAL EWHx#* ** RATED AT 1.5KW SPEED. #** VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult WG1 WG2 CEWH ) #* WG1 WG2 KW CHRS) KVA PF - TIME DIR-VAR (D> (B/S) ON VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) ?.1/7 3.4 14 (1400) DIRECT ION-LEG/SEC 3 5.99 (1700) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC 73.8 P4 (2200) OUTSIDE AIR -453.5 -454 (1700) AVEDm FROST rior EWH TOT.= 2424.4 KW 101.1 140 (1400) EVAH TOT.= EVA : POWER FACTOR E-1So0o FER aR AMICE x 2925.9 (1400) (O?700) 121.9 329 ay AVG. KW HOURS ON WG i «16d 12.5 Wo 2 o.0 Oo DATA SYSTEM TAFE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= 8433 NOTES * VISHOURLY AVERAGE, VE=MEAN FOWER SPEED. #*% VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS SHISHMAREF + CHRIS) (FD 1 O100 9.3 9.5 1 0.0 6.0 0.06.0 99 121 0.82 1.0 1 oO 3 7.3 13 0.1 0.0 0.1 6.0 87 111 0.77 1.0 t g Oar || 13 0.3 0.0 06.68 0.0 S81 107 0.74 1.0 ' : Ser | 43 60.0 0.0 6.00.0 77 102 0.74 1.0 : $.3 1 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 75 100 0.75 1.0 t ee a 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 74 101 06.74 1.0 t 7.3 #41 0.0 0,0 0.00.0 75 103 6,76 1.0 4.2 2 6.00.0 0.06,0 85 104 6.5 1.0 Sel || 1: 0.0 06.0 0.0 0,0 %4 7 1.0 5.4 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 109 2 » 1,0 4.0 13 0.0 0.0 06.0 6,0 103 123i 1.0 7.5 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 060,0 %9 115 ¢ 1.0 10.1 107 6.3 0.2 6.0 0.4 6,0 100 120 1.0 » 12.3 121 0.5 06.2 0.90 1.00.0 101) 12¢ 1.0 13.5 122 0.4 0.3 0.0 1.00.0 112 151 » 1.0 = 12.1 150 0.3 0.2 0.0 1,0 06,0 115 1235 1.0 40 11.5 112 0.5 0.1 6.0 1.00.0 119 1 > 1.0 42 > 11.6 118 0.5 6.10.0 1.00.0 113 1 1.0 o 11.4 118 0.4 0.1 6.0 1.06.0 115 i 1.0 45 11.4 127 0.4 06.1 6.0 1.96.0 120 1 1.0 § m 44 11.2 122 0.5 0,1 6.0 1.00.0 114 1 » 1.0 & 44 11.4 121 0.4 6.16.0 1.006,0 113 1 1.0 4 38 12.4 128 0.3 0.2 6.0 1.0 06,0 120 1 1.0 27 406 11.4 135 0.4 06.1 6,0 1.00,0 117 134 » 1.0 92.9 42 TOTAL KWH*s% ** RATED ALASKA T(PT) TCFLY) (04600) (0000) (O200) (0400) (E00) aS 71 oO AT 1.3EW Polarconsult -----E-1800----. --------- AVEC PLANT------------ 2 KW OKVA PFO OON T(PT) T(FLD HT (I = oa rare = o ho = a pers = at bea (KWH) = (HRS) 0.2 6.0 1.0 0,6 1.0 0.0 (HRS) (F ) (F) o WwW 4 2 O.8 1.0 75.7 43.9 0.77 1.0 t i3z 0.3 1.0 0,0 7 0.74 1.0 1 O.4 1.00.0 7 m3 0.73 1.0 5 O500 1 O.4 1.0 0.0 7 O.73 1.0 t 0600 i Ons 1.90 06,0 72 C 1.0 ° * 0700 125 6.4 1.0 0.0 74 1.0 OBO 121 6.4 1.0 0.0 = » 1.0 i OFOG 112-0.5 * 1.0 6,0 a 1.6 ' 1000 Zee 165 0,4 ot 1.6 6.60 1.0 1100 160.46 10.9 77 OS ai 1.0 6.0 1.0 . 12600 10,4 11.1 108 0,4 ol 1.0 6.6 L.40 | 1300 10.23 10.4 97 0.3 = O.,F 0.0 1.0 14060 10.5 10,5 PvE O35 oi 1.0 0.0 4 ¢ 1.0 & i500 9.1 97.4 104 0.4 ai 0.5 0.0 101 1 450° 65 | 1400 9.6 9.9 #4 0.2 6.1 0.0 0.4 0,6 103 1: 1.0 49 \ 1700 7.4 10,3 21.4 0.2 6.0 0.7 6.0 103 i2 1.0 48 1200) 10.0 10,4 45.0.7 0.1 60.0 6,7 6.0 104 1 1,047 i 1700 10,0 10,5 42 1.4 0.1 O.0 1.0 06.0 109 12 1,0 °6S Ad 9.2 9.9 44 0.7 0.1 0.0 6.7 0.0 114 1: 1.0 465 7.4 8.1 St 0.7 O<.0 6.0 6,0 0.0 114 i t& 41.0 70 ‘ 7.7 8.3 30.5 0.00.0 6.0 6,0 107 1: 0,55 1.0 49 : £.4 7.0 37 0.4 #O.6 60.0 0,0 6,0 107 124 0.85 1.0 & Sel. ae 50 0.4 06,0 6.0 6.06.0 100 120 0.384 1.0 6 AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) VELORITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 10.7/ 11.2 12 (0700) i DIRECT TON-DEG/SEC 0 11.07 (1500) » 0 TEMrERATURE \ INSIDE AVEC OUTSIDE AIR AVE PRODUCT rian KWH TOT.= 2222. EW 92.6 127 = =6(1800) 60 (0600) KVAH TOT.= 2742.4 SS (0000) S57 (0400) -454 (1700) -454 (0000) EVA 114.3 (1900) 87 (0400) POWER FACTOR 31 (1500) 247 (0300) E-LSeeo FPeRFORPAMICE 44 AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWH**# WG 1 247 13.5 4.& WG 2 0.0 Qo Oo DATA SYWSTeEPri TAPE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= BHIOTES * VISHDURLY AVERAGE, VE=MEAN POWER SPEED. #* RATED AT 1.5KW *#% VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult Lia AT ION = anne WIND---~--- 9 -----E-1200--—- AVEC PLANT------------ - TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WG2 WGO1 WG2 KW KVA FPF ON T(FT) T(FU) (MPH) * (D(D/5) (KWH) ¥* (HRS) CHRIS) (Fd (F) 5.0 5.9 52.0.3 0.0 06.0 0.0 0,0 S& 107 0.81 1.0 44.5 35.1 9 4h ; 6.1 0.0 0,0 0.09 0,0 103 0,73 1.0 4 z a9 0.0 06.0 0.6 6.6 0,0 101 0.77 1.0 59 ean ¢ O.1 0.0 06.0 0,0 0.0 99 0.76 1.0 $ 5 0.1 0,0 0.060 6,6 6,6 » 100 0.74 1.0 & 70.2 0.90.0 60.0 6,0 75 100 0.74 1.0! 46,2 0.00.6 6,006,0 5 104 0.78 1.06 20.1 0.0 6.0 0.0 6,0 112 4 > Qo i> fp ty CO So 1.0 ¢ - » O.1 0,0 0.0 0.0 6.6 134 1.0 2 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,06 145 1.6 ad 0.0 0.0 0,0 06,0 1 144 1.0 2 0,0 6.0 06,0 6,0 127 1,0 2 0.0 0.0 6.0 0,0 120 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 122 ¢ O.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 0,0 124 0.00.0 0,0 0,0 121 0,0 0.0 06.0 06.06 117 0.0 0.0 6.0 0,0 111 0.0 0.0 6,06 0,0 ili 0.0 6.0 0,0 0,060 125 0.1 6.0 6.4 0,6 123 0.0 6.0 0,0 0,0 122 0.0 0.6 06,0 0,0 105 0,0 0,0 06,0 6,0 103 1.0 § 1.0 1.0 1.6 fA 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Coo OO x Ng Of ng oO oe Be pNn oem Oy Pap Pop Poti et NoPeao hei pho m pmeN yoshi PayNoo ean Oy Poe p Ue & p UDO AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) S.3/ 5.7 11 (1 DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC . TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC 70 B4 (1400) SS (O200) OUTSIDE AIR 453.5 -454 (1700) -45 (0600) AVEMm FReoLs Toons KWH TOT.= 2557.1 EW 1046.4 144 (o0G) 43 (0200) KVAH TOT.= 3005.1 EVA 125.3 14 POWER FACTOR 2251 aie E-—-LSloo FPERFaORPMAMil Ee x AVG. EW HOURS ON TOTAL EWHxs* 5 4 al oO QO OD) . O (0000) 84 (OF00} 272 (0400) WG 1 WG 2 RATA jSYWoTeri TAFE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= NOTES * VISHGURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN POWER SPEER. ** RATED AT 1.3KW *%*% VALUIES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult DATE: 3/ LicaAT Ions SHISHMAREF» ALASKA WOW IIIII II IWIND------ —-----E-1300---- —---------AVEt PLANT------------ i TIME VELI-VELZ DIR-VAR WO1 WGOS WGL WGZ KW KVA PFO ON T(PT) T(FLU) HT 0100 2.1 4.0 134 6.0 06.0 0.0 06.0 0,0 111 0.78 1.0 70.0 33 31.4 6200 5.5 7.7 1420.0 6,006.0 6,006,060 102 6.75 1.0 2 : O300 10.3 10.4 141 0.2 06.1 0.0 6.5 0.6 102 0.73 1.0 0400 10.0 11.3 145 6.5 6.1 0.0 0.7 0.0 997 0.73 1.0 « (MPH ) * (D>(D/S) (KWH) #* (HRS) CHRIS) (F) (F CIN} | 0500 7.5 10.1 196 0.2 6.0 6.0 0.1 6.0 9 0.73 1.0 ( 0600 10.4 11.1 180 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.0 101 0.74 1.0 ‘ 0700 13.7 14.6 174 06.8 6.4 6.0 0.8 6.0 105 6.746 1.06 o800 14.0 14.5 172 0.7 0.50.0 1.00.0 112 0.8 1.0 70 i OFOO 12.0 12.4 150 0.7 0.2 6.0 0.9 0.0 133 0.88 1.0 50.4 ' 1600 3.4 14.3 181 0.8 0.4 6.0 06.7 6.0 142 0.57 1.0 87.5 1100 14.5 15.5 173 0.7 0.5 0.0 1.0 0.0 144 0.57 1.0 92.4 . 1200 14.7 177 1.0 0.5 06.0 1.0 0,0 144 0,58 1.0 94,9 it 1300 » 14.1 #188 0.7 6.4 6.0 1.0 0,0 iS3 0.57 1.0 42.5 1400 » 14.2 170 1.0 0.4 6.0 1.0 0,6 144 0.87 1.0 78.5 1500 14.3 1970 1.0 6.4 6.0 1.0 06,0 146 0.87 1.0 70.46 it 1400 + 13.6 1910.9 0.3 06.0 1.00.0 147 6,87 1.0 68,0 * 1700 12.1 12.5 181 0.7 0.2 6.0 1.0 0.0 149 0.84 1.0 44.3 1800 13.1 13.4 172 0.5 6.23 0.0 1.0 0,0 147 0 1.0 40.4 i 1900 11.8 12.2 142 6.8 O.2 0.0 1.0 0.6 150 0,54 1.0 54,4 ' 2000 15.4 14.3 145 0.4 0.8 6.0 1.00.60 154 0.54 1.0 546.5 2100 18,0 18.2 1700.5 1.2 0.0 1.00.0 140 0.57 1.0 58.0 . 2200 17.3 17.8 175 1.1 1.00.0 1.00.0 157 0.54 1.0 54.9 | 2300 197.0 19.2 171 0.8 1.30.0 1.0 0.0 15S 0,84 1.0 54,1 2400 17.7 15.0 147 O.5 1.20.0 1.0 0.0 140 0.82 1.0 48.2 DATLY SUPrriaAry AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) WMD VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 12.57 13.5 22 (2200) Oo (8000) DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC 7 4,08 (1700) » O (2000) TEMFERATURE INSIDE AVEC 4&4 9S (1100) 48 (2200) OUTSIDE AIR -452.2 -454 (1700) -454 (0000) AVYVEm FRO Tian EWH TOT.= 2475.1 KW 111.5 i55 (11060) &t (0400) EVAH TOT.= 3203.5 KVA 22.5 174 (1200) 87 (O200) POWER FACTOR PSS4IP PSR? »PO (1100) 2&7 (O5800) E100 FERFOREPMANMILTE +** Avi. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWHx¥% WG 1 oD 9.6 ee WG 2 o.0 Qo oO DATA SYijTer TAPE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= ¢ MOTE * VISHOURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.8KW ***% VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult ' DATE = 3/ 14/1953 Lola TION = SHISHMAREF+ ALASKA LO Saree se WIND------ 9 ----— E-1800----. --------- AVEC PLANT------------ '' TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WG2 WGO1 WG2 KW KVA FF ON T(FT) T(FLIY HT ' (MPH) * (D)(D/S) CEWH) (HRS) CHR) (F) (F> ' | 0100 14.3 14.9 178 06.9 0.5 0.0 1.006.060 99 128 6.77 1.0 75.4 31.8 ' ( O200 13.2 13.7 173 0.7 0.30.0 0.8 0.0 3 124 6,75 1.0 72.4 31.2 ' 1 O200 7.0 9.8 215 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.30.0 89 121 0.74 1.0 468.9 2 ' 1 0400 S.7 9.4 197 0.4 0.00.0 06,00.0 84 114 0.73 1.0 ' 1 O500 11.4 12.1 210 0.4 0.1 6.0 0.8 06.0 84 114 0.72 1.0 t 1 0600 11.2 12.2 233 0.1 0.10.0 0.56.0 84 112 0.73 1.0 ot 1 0700 2.4 8.7 225 0.1 6.0 06.0 6.00.0 92 2 1.0 ' i O8OO sf 1041 2ie GO.z 011 0.0 -Ois 0.10 FP 1.0 t i Oo 9.7 9.2 0.0 6,0 6,0 142 1.0 ' 1000 11.0 11.5 0.0 6.4 0,0 142 1.0 ' i 1100 10.7 11.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 1.0 ' i 1200 9.1 10.3 0,0 0.2 6,6 1.0 t 6.4 8.6 0.0 0.0 0,0 1.60 5 t Jun | | Gal 0.0 6.0 6,0 > 1.08 t 2.4 10.3 0.0 0.2 0,0 1 ' 8.8 9.5 0.0 0.0 0,0 1.0 : .4 8.6 0.0 6.0 06,0 t 1800 3.0 3.5 60.0 0.0 0.0 1 19600 11.3 123.2 0.0 0.58 0.0 t 2006 9.9 10.9 0.0 06.4 0,0 t 7.0) 9.7 Oi) 0.1/0.0 t 8.5 9.23 > 0.0 6.0 0.0 ' 7s1. Sti 0.0 6.0 0,0 t 7.1 2.4 0.0 6,0 0,6 AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 9.4/ 10.3 13 (0000) O (1400) DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC 4 5.41 (O300) »- O (2300) TEMFERATURE INSIDE AVEC Teal a9 (G00) 64 (O500) OUTSIDE AIR -453.8 -454 (1700) -454 (0000) AVE FRO Trion EWH TOT.= 2744.4 KW 114.4 145 (6900) 75 (0300) EVAH TOT.= 3311.4 EVA POWER FACTOR : E-LSet9o Fe RF oRPiAhil AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWHe** WG 1 2h4 4,3 1.2 WG 2 0.0 oO oO DATA SYWYSTer TAPE ERRGRS= 6 # OF SCANS BETES * VI=HOURLY AVERAGE, VE=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.3KW **% VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS i7? 8 (ov00) (0200) ol (O?700) éa (0460) Polarconsult 7DATE: 2/17/93 LoOcATION® . SHISHMAREF» ALASKA --~----- WIND------ -----E-1300----. -----~----AVEL FPLANT--------~--- t © TIME VELI-VELS DIR-VAR WGi WGS WGO1 WG2 KEW KVA PF ON TC(FT) T(FLUD HT t (MPH ) (D(D/S) (KWH) ¥* (HRS) (HRS) (F > { 6100 5.7 8.8 2264 0.1 0.00.60 0.00.0 8&9 117 0.75 1.0 75.6 St O200 2.5 4.1 200 0.1 0.00.0 0,0 6,0 £7300 74 OL 71a Or | 0200 4.6 8.0 1589 0.4 6.00.0 0.00.0 81 111 0.73 1.0 72.2 St 9400 4.64 3.0 174 1.0 06.0 06,.0 0.60 0,0 9 110 0.72 1.0 72.9 at 0500 4.1 6.64 193 1.1 0.00.0 0.0 06.0 7% 11060 0.72 1.0 71.4 4 wT 1 0400 6.4 7.4 182 0.5 0.00.0 0.00.0 81 112 0.73 1.0 72.4 4 &t ' 0700 6.2 7.5 185 6.6 0.06.0 0.00.0 86 115 0.74 1.6 73.9 4 St S00 &.9 7.5 172°0.6 0.0-0.0 0.60 0.0 91 117 0.76 1.0 -74.3 4 Bt 1 OF00 7.9? 8.6 189 0.8 0.00.0 0.00.0 124 141 > 1.0 87.6 45 Zt : 1600 7.9 9.5 1900.6 0.00.0 0.16.0 130 147 1.0 92.4 4 Si 1100 2.7 10.3 202 0.6 0.00.60 6.2 06.0 130 144 1.0 96.5 4 tt 1200 4.4 7.9% 134 0.6 0.00.0 0.0 06.0 121 -138 1.0 935.8 4: Si i 1300 7.7 8&8 172 0.9 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 119 136 1.0 93.4 § 1 1400 9.2 9.2 1760.6 0.0 @O 0.00.0 119 137 1.0 24.0 5 St i500 7.7 &.% 157 0.7 0.06.0 06.0 6.0 119 134 1.0 84.1 5: St t 1406 4.6 8.4 1570.4 0.06.0 0.00.0 117 134 1.0 34.3 3.5 or * 1700 7.6 8.3 156 0.4 0.00.60 0.00.0 114 132 1.0 81.6 54.3 2: 1300 9.3 10.3 173 0.4 6.00.0 0.20.06 110 129 1,0: 36].1 33,2 Bt 1 19006 7.% #%&.6& 157 0.6 0.00.0 0.0 6.0 112 132 1.0 78.7 Si.? &t : 2600 8.7? 3.5: 155-0.4 0.10.0 0.20.0 120 139 1.0 ae 32.0 ot 2100 9.2 10.3 164 6.7 G.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 127 144 1.0 B2 52.9 14 | 2200 10.1 10.5 16% 0.7 0.10.0 117 137 5% St i 2200 7.9% 8.5 177-06 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 117 135 S Bt 2400 7.4 7.8 1840.5 0.00.60 0.60 060.0 107 1258 S23 t DAILY SUPrMArRY AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME> MINIMUM (TIME) Lal IND VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 7.3/7 8.4 15) (2000) o DIRECTION-DEG/SEC 26 11.93 (0400) . 0 TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC 1.4 vo (1100) &7 (0400) OUTSIDE AIR -433.5 -454 (1700) -454 (0000) AVEDm FPRoOnITion KWH TOT.= 2572.9 EW 107.2 150 6(0500}) 72 (60400) EVAH TOT.= 3075 7 KVA 1297 21 171» =(0800) 100) (0460) POWER FACTOR 2 aD 272 (OPOO} 269 (0400) ES-—1So0 FERRE LRM ARI EE xxe AVIS. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWH¥#* WG 1 20? 1.4 4 WG 2 o.0 Qo QO DATTA SYWSlfTeEri TAPE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= S433 NM TEeS * VI=SHOURLY AVERAGE, VE=MEAN POWER SPEED. #* RATED AT 1.5KW #*% VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult 1 DATE=: 3/ 18/1933 LorcATION = SHISHMAREF» ALASKA - TIME VELI-VELZ DIR-VAR WG1 WG2 WG1l WO2 KW KVA FF ON T(FT) TCFU) HT ¢ o100 Too fee ed Ono Onl OsO+1O.O7O 10 O20 7.5 10,1 172 6.4 0.00.60 0.0 0,6 O200 4.5 8.2 144 0.5 0.0 06,0 0.0 06,0 0400 4.0 4.7 175 0500 2 7.6 168 2310.0 0.071 050-0,0 K 04600 7.3 7.5 182 0.5 6.00.0 0.0 6,0 O23 0,72 1.0 74.7 0700 7.5 10.5 172 0.4 0.1 0.6 O.3 0,0 ¢ O<.74 1.0 75.5 : 3 154 0,1 0.06.0 0,1 6,0 20,77 1.0 7 1100 11.4 1200 1200 2.4 “172 0.7 0.1 0.0 0.5 6.0 1,0 = 172 0.0 0.0 0,0 6,0 1.0 1400 7 is4 0.0 6.0 0.0 0,0 1.0 2 147 O.1 0,0 0.2 0.0 1500 1400 SS WIND------ 9 -----E-1500---- ---------AVEC PLANT------------ (MPH ) * (D)(D/S) (KWH) #* (HRS) CHR) (F) (F) 2 O.77 1.0 51.7 0.74 1.0 73.1 0.73 1.0 75.5 3.0.73 1.0 73.0 30.72 1.0 73.4 49.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,6 140 O.1 O11 6.0 6.7 0,0 140 0.4 6.1 06.0 1.0 0.6 170 G.7 O<£2 6.0 1.0 0,0 1.0 1.0 1.0 174 151 174 149 144 roe So Ue te ce a agi 0.1,0.0 90.5 0.0 O.1 G.0 22 0.0 9.10.0 6.4 6.0 G.1 0.0 0.4 0.0 9.0 06.0 0.2 6.0 0.1 6.0 6.8 6,0 0.1 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.1 6.0 6.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 he tle Sth gn nee pe NS be LIMP aR AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) VELOTITY Vi-Ve (MPH) 3.9/7 9.4 14. (2100) Oo DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC oo 7.02 (0700) . o TErMrPEeRATURE INSIDE AVEC DUTSIDE AIR AVEDm FRO Timn EWH TOT.= 2431.8 EW 101.3 140 (16000) 45 (O200) EVAH TOT.= 2951.3 Fil (1300) & —-4354 (1900) -45 EVA 154 (1000) 92 (OR00) POWER FACTOR »F1l (OPO) 242 (0400) EK-iaeoo FER oA Aarit AVIS. EW HOURS TOTAL KWH Wo i aoc 7.8 ioe WG 2 0.0 o QO DATA Wa Ter TAFE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANs= BETES * VISHOURLY AVERAGE, VE=MEAN POWER SPEED. *#* RATED AT 1.5KW #%% VALLIES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult SHISHMAREFs ALASKA <---WIND-—---- E TIME VELI-VELS DIR-VAR WG1 WG2 WG1 z ( (D(D/S) (KWH) x* CHRE} 73 6,0 SOO LO Choe CLO LOL 0,0 O26 /6.0 GG oO. 5 0.0 o,0 0.0 0.0 (oMara 0,0 o.0 Q.0 SW EVA PF 3.0.8 1 O75 3 Osve - O76 0,76 On77 0,35 oO UE pb ee ee ee ee a te er af ee ee O,0 4 O.0 1 0,0 99 0.0 99 G.0 165 0.0 114 O.0 114 ORG 1 0.0 105 0.0 106 too Ul re OD oo PATILY AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) With VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 10.2/ 3.7 14 (1400) 0 (6000) DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC ni 5.52 (1500) . 0 (2200) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC 44.5 49 (2100) 52 (2000) OUTSIDE AIR -452.8 -454 (1900) -454 (1460) AYE FRODLIOCTIOonNn KWH TOT.= $73.5 i KW 44,2 125 (2060) 73 (1500) KVAH TOT.= 1139.5 KVA 84 (1500) POWER FACTOR a +77 (2300) E-LS00 FERFORMANCEs: y , TOTAL EWHs** Wars £2 10 aed a — DATA SWS Teri TAFE ERRORS= © BETES * VISHOURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.8KW x*#* VALUIES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS b Polarconsult SHISHMAREF + aa WINDD------ owen ———--AVEL PLANT<~-----~----— t TIME VELi-VELZ2 DIR-VAR WO61 Woe WL Wi < EVA PF ON T(FT) TCFLD HT _ (MPH) # (D) (0/5) CEWH) #* CHRS) CHRIS) (F) (F) CIN) ¢t = i7z 0.2 9.0 0.0 9.090 6.6 : O02 0.77 1. 31.9% 29.7! 174 O,1 OVO O20 || 'O.6) 0.0) 7 a. 74 5 t 154 0,1 0.0 |0.0)| |0.0 06 2? a ' 0.0 0,0 0 DC t O11) O20 GOL) |OLO 0,0 0.0 G.0 O,0 Oo.0 O.0 0.0 O.0 O.2 6.0 o.1 0,0 OO. On| Oe oO,0 6.0 oO,0 o,o0 oO,0 0.0 oO,o oO,o0 2 OLO 0,0 3.0.0 AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME} MINIMUM (TIME) VELOCITY Vi-V2 ne DIRECT ION-DEG/SE TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVE OUTSIDE AIR SAR IT ee cere EWH TOT.= 1955.4 7 EW B2.7 \ EVAH TOT.= 2512.4 EVA 104.7 FOWER FACTOR 7 E—-1 Soo ree FoR Piano eee AVG. KL 3 (1200) o 4.058 (0405) » Oo (1400) 33 (1900) -454 TOTAL EWH**# 2214 e Lica 3 o,0 oO Ch ey TT WE TE TAPE ERRORS= © # OF SCANS= & * VISHOURLY AVERAGE, VE=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT i.SKW #4% VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult (MPH }* (D(D/S) (KWH) ex 2 7.9 153 90.4 6,6 0,0 & OL0) O16 0.0 0.0 0,0 O.,0 0.0 0.6 0,60 6,0 0,0 O,0 650) 0.6 0,0 0,6 O.0 o.,0 o.0 2 0.0 @.0 Oe oO,0 r 1O.O o,o 0.0 oO.,0 o,0 0.0 O.0 o.0 G.75 1.0 41.5 O.72 1.0 58.7 0.73 1.0 34.9 t 0.72 1.0 0.73 1.0 § 1 0 1.0 I fs 4.5 4.3 Det oD fl Mong be pa bi Oo po Oo oo b VELOCITY Vi-Ve (MPH) S/ 8.5 14 (1400) Oo RIRECT TON-DEG/SEC «2 7.43 (6000) “| O TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC OUTSIDE AIR AVE FR oD Drops EWH TOT.= 2° KW 98.5 145 (o800) Se EVAH TOT.= 2825.2 KVA POWER FACTOR 25 E-—-ieoo Fe RF oR Ahi ses 72 (1500) si WO 1 WG Day TA Sa Teri TAPE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= 3 NT ES ie? oO a a AVEC FLANT-------- VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WO1 WO2 WO1 WOE EW KVA PF ON T(PT) T(FLD HT (HRE)(F) CF) CIND -454 (1900) —454 AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) (0400) C€Q060) (0400) TOTAL KWH * VISHOURLY AVERAGE, VE=MEAN POWER SPEED. #** RATED AT 1SKW eee YALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS enlarrancut+ os TE = DIR-VAR 5) WG1 WOE CEWH ) VELI-VEL2 (MPH ) * TIME ' t ' t ' t 9.5 10.2 0.1 0.6 t 11.1 11.4 O.1 0.0 i 12.5 ; 0.9 0.0 i 11.3 Ons Os Oso t 7-O 0.10.0 ' 21.0 G.1 0.0 ‘ QO 70. O40. ©) 22 8 o.0 tt pk ke C } 4 om bon t a Oo ' Oo OF i a O.7 : 20 1.0 : q : Oi t O.5 : O.4 : o.4 ' O.4 PUP Ss VELOCITY Vi-¥ DIRECTION-DES ErMrreRAaATuURe INSIDE AVE OUTSIDE AIR Fe Peril ati: EWH TOT. EW EVAH EVA POWER FACTOR E-LaSeoo FE RF roreiPicA, y & AEN TOT.= 2 ERAGE + READ * VISHOURLY #%#* VALUES AV MAY HISHMAREF + AVEC PLANT PF ON TCRT> CHRS3 (CF) OoQ---- WOl WOE CHRE) O.0 TCR (F) 27.4 Q 0.77 De . 150 61.2 1.0 0,0 78 0.76 ) 27.1 1.90 0.0 75 161 0,74 12070.0 Ti7ot Loot O,7o 1.9 6,0 75 100 6,74 O.4 0.0 74 100 6,74 o.1. 00-3 104 0.7 0.2 0.1 a.0 a,a o,0 O.7? Oo, OG; o,0 One ¢ 6.0 1.0 0,0 150-050 1.60 0,0 1.0 9,6 o,0 o.0 0.0 Mir # OF SRANS= § eH VESMEAN POWER SPEED. RATED HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS AT 1.5K Polarconsiudt VELI-VEL2 (MPH) BIR-VAR (Dd (p/S) E-1500---- WoL WGS WGO1 WG CEWH ) ## CHR) 7? O.2 0.0 1.0 0,0 20) 1 OG 1.0 | Gi6 30.0 1.00.0 oO,0 120 0.6. O.0 1 7 o.O O20 3 6.0 o,G oO.G Go -g 2 6.0 1.0 0.0 5 O.0 Ce7 0.0 ae o,0 6,0 G,0 11.8 2 O.0 0,0 G,0 12.4 30.0 0.0 0.0 12.0 }-0.0-—_0.0-0.0 11.5 Dig! Os 117.0 O.0 ig.i 3,0 Ba a ke RR pa Ep G.G o,0 oO.0 o.6 o.0 ae NS RoR poe po bo ON CHR 104 0,74 iG1 0.75 77 O.73 95 Os72 Fo Ost2 oh 0,72 05 O75 1 TORT) TOFU) HT (F) VELOCITY Vi-Ve (MPH) DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC TEMPERATURE INSTOE AVED 7O.4 OUTSIDE AIR -453.8 QE Fea T Toh KWH TOT. x KW EVAH TOT.= 3¢ EVA POWER FACTOR et —2LEeoo FER oRPieasle AVG. pees KW ii WG 1 WG 2 SYSTeri TAFE ERRORS= 6 MET ES * VISHOLIRLY #%% VALUES DAT Ay AVERAISE + MAY READ #°0F SCANS= 28 VE=MEAN POWER HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS HOURS ON SPEED. *# RATED MINIMUM (TIME? TOTAL EWHees 5.4 ie) AT 1.SKW Polarconsult Lacon Ay T TI = SHISHMAREF, ALASKA t ats ame AVEC PLANT ~<<—<--------—= ' | TIME VELI-VEL2 ODIR-VAR WG61 WOE WO1l WOE KW KVA PF ON TCPT) ' (MPH) # (D)(D/S) (KWH) #* (HRS) CHRIS (CF) & Se ¢ 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 DLSTO Se lle a O.0 GO,0 6.0 6,0 108 0.77 1.0 44.3 0.0 0.0 0,0 0,0 107 0.74 1.0 44,4 6.0 0.0 0,0 0,6 107 0.74 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.6 0 1LCEO som im© O.0 0.0, 0,0 6.0 112 0.78 1.0 j--—— __ > se yop N Ee mS oe PN Ue So on 1.0 6.60 0.06 6,6 ono Re 7.3 0.90 0.0 6.6 0.6 1.0 2 7.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 1.0 & 4,9 O.0 0.0 6.0 0,6 .@ 7.0 O70) O.0O . O,0-6.0 77 F.4 0.1 6.0 6.60 0.0 22 F.4 6.1 0.0 ©.0 0,6 oF wee 0.0 0.6 06.6 0,0 i0.4 ii.i 0.1 0.0 0.0 0,6 1239 13,4 0.4 6.0 6.0 0,6 14.4 15.5 0.64 0.0 0.0 0,0 15.1 146.2 0.70.0 0.0 0.0 lige lee7. O.3 0.0 0.0 0,6 = 14.2 14.3 0.4 0,0 6.0 6,0 7 17.5 18. 1.10.0 06.0 06.6 : 14. 14, 14. 13. HUphpPpPpPp 16.2 2 oO.F7 O.0 6.0 a0 5 Ley, o 0.8 0.0 6,6 6,0 4 Lore) a O.8 O<.0 0.0 0,0 ZnO LIiniriAarow AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME? VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 10.2/ 16.9 21 a? 1700) Go (0700) TON-DEG/ SEC a7 7239 i? QO (2300) TEMreRnS INSIDE AVEC 77 & ?7 DUTSIDE AIR -453.8 —4£54 SAE mM FRIST Toh EWH TOT.= 2747.4 ~ KW 114.5 143 74 EVAH TOT.= 3244.2 EVA 133.2 174 POWER FACTOR 2246 wy —1S0oO rem FoR ias Mite esx AVG. EW HOURS ON TOTAL EWHe#* WO 1 0.0 Qo 7.9 WG 2 CRO 6 Q DAT ¢y Sym TE TAFE ERRORS= © # OF SCANS= NITES * VISHOURLY AVERAGE, VE=MEAN POWER SPEED. *# RATED AT 1.5KW eee VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS 97 72 Hy Polarconsuly SHISHMAREF: ALASIEA ----WINII---~--- ----- E TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR W611 Woe ae : ON T(PT) TCFLD : ' (MPH) * (D(D/S) (KWH) s* (HRS) (HRS) CF) (CE) CIN}: DG 15.5 : 0.5 0.20.0 0.00.0 8 50.74 1.0 45.0 3 20.7! O.4 oC O.0 0.060 6,0 ' 2 O,4 0.0 06.60 0.0 o.4 0.0 0.0 2,06 iz.1 1159 o50a O.4 0.0 0,0 0,6 C400 0.0 0.0 0,0 G.0 62.06 -6.6 : 8700 3 7O.C @8.0 O20 6,0 6.60 6.0 O.0 0.0 6,6 2 0.0 0.0 0.6 6.0 6.6 6.¢ 0o.0 6.60.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 ¢ O.0 0.7 6.0 0.00.9 6.0 1.0 105.4 1.0 49.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 3 1.0 3 iz : 125 i O.0 1.0 0.06 117 7 Q.0 1.00.0 121 6.0 1.6 06.0 121 i O35 0.0 --1.0 0.0 121 : 6.0 1.00.0 124 CG.0 150 G20 121 v 6.60 1.00.0 119 t 0.0 41.0 0.0 113 EPA ELY SUPiPahy AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 13.57 14 20 (1500) 4 DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC D 7.45 (2100) oe) TEPFPERATIURE INSIDE AVEC Wao 105 (11003 24 (1100) OUTSIDE AIR -453.8 -454 (1700) -454 (0000) AVE Peo EWH TOT.= 24 5 EW tii 67 149 (O800) oO (1100) KVAH TOT.= 3178.4 EVA POWER FACTOR 243 E—-LiSoo FER oORPIALICE x** AVG. EW HOURS ON WO i 1.244 Oe iG os o.0 G DATA, DW Tet TAFE ERRORS= 6 # OF SCANS= S432 BMT EsS * VISHOURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.8KW ##% VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS (1100) (1100) Polarconsult TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WO1 WGE PLANT------- ON T(ET) T (HRED(F) ¢ 8 1.0 74.3 WEL WBE S) (EWH) #* CHR'S } 0.0 1.0 0.0 O.0 1.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 (MPH) * (DoD 172 1.3 177 1.0 137 1.0 194 1.2 4 Lo 4 “diag Moot sy tee ba i? 1.4 3 oO.0 7. Led o.0 oO,G is. me o.0 O.6 1 17. O.8 o.oo O,0 19. 1.0 0,6 OG || ahs $41 /0.0 oO.G is. ¢ OF 0.0 0.0 21. oat is. 0.7 6,0 L| 17. O.6 O.0 1‘ Oo,7 0.0 BE ep VELOCITY Vi-Vi (MPH) 19.27 20.1 & DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC 5.9? -3.55 “oR Mra RA TURE INSIDE AVEC 54 OUTSIDE AIR —454 AAA FRc EWH TOT.= EW EVAH TOT.= 2 EVA = 2 POWER FACTOR Ot EB-Laeoo FER oR Piast bese AVG. EW WO i Leie2 WG 2 0.0 RATA 2YyWH Teri TAFE ERRORS= 6 # OF SCANS= 8432 29 BEIT ES * VISHOURLY AVERAGE, VE=MEAN POWER SPEED. #% RATED AT #%* VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS 47.7 44.0 CFL} HT Fd 4.& 2 (1200) (O700) (0400) (9400) 1.5EW Polarconmsul, CING | ! OATE = SHISHMAREF»s ALASE AVEC FLANT- Pr ON TCPT) TCFLD CHRIS) (FD (F} 21.0 73.9 TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR Wi WG (MPH ) * (TD) (D/5) (KWH) e# 22 205 9.97 1.3 0.0 1.2 0.0 oe Soo ney 0400 + O700 one fe wont fe pM Se a pe See eR pe om Op bo fe pak pk pe om We Ue sy oo VELOCITY Vi-Ve (MPH) 1o.8/ DIRECTION-BDEG/ SED 2 TEMFrERATURE 19.5 3 (1100) & (1000) 2.5 17.50 (0400) “Z.12 (0400) INSIDE AVEC 73.4 84 (1400) 43 (9400) OUTSIDE AIR -452.5 -454 (i FOO} -454 (0000) AVE FRM KWH TOT.= 32 > KW 74.4 EVAH TOT.= 2 EVA SS (1500 POWER FACTOR «799 2FO 1700} E-iSeoo FPR RF OR AnH mess AVG. EW Wo i 1.112 WG = O.0 DATA EWS TeE TAFE ERRORS= © # OF SCAND= 3 RHO TES * VIFHOURLY AVERAGE, VE=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.SKW ¥#% YALUIES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS (1800) Polarconmsult SHISHMAREF, ALASE AVEC PLANT------------ TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WO1 WOE WG1 WOZ KW KVA PF GN) T(FT) T(FUY HT (MPH) * (KWH)*% = (HRS) (HRS) (FD toe 9.4 0.0 1.0 0,0 2 O.79 » O<.0 1.0 0,0 D777 0.0 1.0 06.0 D& O76 phe pa Re “e #O.0 1.0 6,06 O.74 1.0 45.4 On) || 1G) O0 96 O.74 7 o 0 O.0 $ a 7 i G40 1 o.F |i aa Lilt) |i 4 O.9 1 7 O07 || |i 4 200!) || a = Le) | ae 3 1.0 1.0 0.6 o O.8 1.1 . O,? OF 2 LO 2 ee | . 1.1 O.4 LiPi hia AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIMES MINIMUM (TIME) VELOCITY Vi-Ve (MPH) 14.4/ 17.1 27 (0706) ra DIRECT ION-DEG/SED 7 4.530 (1006) » Oo TEMPERATURE AVE v4 (1500) 43 (0100) -454 (1700) -454 (0600) ASE Eraapd S606.9 7 165.4 £4 (0400) EVAH TOT.= 3111.7 EVA 1: 92 (0400) FOWER FACTOR 2S »71 (O00) EK hSoto FER oR Pi Ahile xe AVG. TOTAL KWH*#* 19.9 o KW ERRORS= © # OF SCANS= & * VISHOURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. #%* RATED AT 1.5KW aes VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult 1OATE® 3/29/1983 LioMcATION: SHISHMAREF, ALASKA TT WIND------ -----E-i800---- -—--------AVEL FLANT------------ TIME VELI- VEL2 DIR-VAR WGOi WG WG1 WG2 KW EVA FF ON TCRPT) TCFUD (D> (pY/S aie CHRE pals Crd 2 : 0.0 1.00.0 82 O17 | tate & 43.3 O.0 1.0 0.0 75 0.72 1.0 41.3 : O40 1.0 0,0 7 O.72 1.2 40.4 oO.a 1.0 0,6 O.7 e 0.2 i) Oo 1,0 |\0.0 G0 4,60 \G1L0 || 7 0.0 1.00.0 34 O.0 1.0/@.0 oo: Dae ||.0'%5 a 0.0 0.2 0.0 I 1000 1.0 0.20.0 90.9 0.0 ; 1106 1.9 6.1 0.0 06.4 6,0 0.7 0.1 6.0 0.0 0,0 + LE0G O.4 0.1 6.0 6.2 6.0 114 t 1406 0.3 6.2 0.0 0.5 06.0 116 1500 GO.) | O.1.0.0 0.3 0.0 115 1400 G,4 0.0 6,0 -6.0-6.0 117 e 6.2 0.0 0.0 6.0 0,0 O.2 2 0.0 0.0 OS 0.0 9,0 oS G.0 0.0 2 0.0 0.6 a 0.0 0,6 4 0.0 0,0 a 0.4 0.6 AVERAGE VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 11.4/ 1 DIRECT TON-DEG/SEC & TEMPERATURE INSIBE AVEC OUTSIDE AIR SARIS PRET EWH TOT.= 2 KW EVAH TOT.= = EVA POWER FACTOR Fi ES-LSoo FRE RF oor 4s Pil HOURS ON 1 6.5 WO 1 WG 2 DATA SYSTEM TAPE ERRURS= 0 # OF SCANS= BHO TE SS * VISHBURLY AVERAGE, VE=MEAN POWER SF ##% VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND ATED AT 1.SkW Polarconsult — Location: = SHISHMAREF, ALASKA 0 -------AVED PLANT------------ TIME VELI-VEL? DIR-VAR WG WO2 WO1 WOZ KW KVA PFO ON T(FT) T(FU) HT (MPH)* = (DN (DV/S) (KWH) *® (HRS) (HRS)(F) CF) CIN) | | | | | ! ! ! | = ary a m | | { { | | | | ! mM 200 G.1 G.0 34.9.0 0.06.0 6,06 6,0 93 115 0.51 1.0 74.4 44,4 VERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) VELOCITY Vi-Ve (MPH) »i/ OG 4 DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC O 1.61 TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVE FF 7 QUTSIDE AIR -453 5 -45 ASAE Prem P Tiapd EWH TOT.= 2.1 . KW 2.4 we || (12003 FO EVAH TOT.= 2.5 EVA 2.9 ii? WER, ACTOR o wei EB-bLEeoo Fe RF coe AABsit exe AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWHess i Gee oO oO OG oO oO 112 79 TAPE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= & * VISHOURLY AVERAGE, VE=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT i.ckW s#e VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WINE CONDITIONS Polarconsult te ALASKA SHISHMAREF » VELI-VELS DIR-VAR ; ae g EVA PF ON TCPT) TCFLI) ' (MPH }* (D)¢CB/S) CRWH)e* CHR) CHRIS} CF) (F) CIN) | 0.6 16/0) |6L60 O..6 406 0.0 0,6. 0.0 6.56 6.0-0.0 6,0 0,0 _0..0. 016 0.6 0,0 o.,0 O,0 0,0 0,0 G.0 0.0 o,60 O.0 0200-6 0.90 0.0 9.0 0.0 i120 6.6 G.0 6.0 6.6 125 > 0,4 6.9 - 121 54 1.0 0.2 0.0 @.0 114 “om “fh “ee ky NA ts “oon ee oo sl RS pay & fal. o PP p Pp Pop Pp Pop aa LIM ram AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 5.4/ 4.2 is DIRECT ION-DEG/ SEC oh 7.67 TEMPERATURE INSTIQE AVEC a3 72 IDE AIR AE FRM ML Trop EWH TOT.= 1221.2 KW Lil 138 EVAH TOT.= 1422.5 EVA POWER FACTOR ; ; E-beoo FRR Partai bx AVG. KW HOWIRSS: 227 GO. o oO TOTAL DAT AS Qo $ OF SCANS= S541 BHT mS * VISHOWURLY AVE VESMEAN POWER SPEED. #% RATED AT 1.8kW #%*% VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsul? TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR Wol Woz 6100 97.4 10 SHISHMAREF, ALASKA a WIND------ -----E-1800 AVEC FLANT------------ WO1 WOE KW KVA PFO OON TFT) T(FLD (HRS) (HRS) (CF) (CF) 1.0 42.2 (MPH) * (D(B/S) (KWH #% oO o.1 0.0 Oo2 0.0 O.2 0,0 Oo? OLO On 1)| O20 o.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 O.1 O.0 OE) Os 2 0,0 G,0 0,0 0.06 O.0 O,6 O0.0 0.0 O10) GG 0.0 0,0 OO OLO O.1 0,0 “fr on F te oe mp oni op Pan on Clon 0 age ag et pad 10.7 \1 O.F G.0 Oo 16.7 1 G.1 O.0 Q 12 1s 0.4 0,6 GO. 14 17 1.0 0.0 Q 4.2 14 O.7 O.0 Ci 15.4 15 O.8 G,0 14.7 14 t.' 0.0 AVERAGE : (9500 } «| 2 TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVE 70.7 OUTSIDE AIR SED FR mole ERH TOT.= ; EW EVAH TOT.= : ; EVA ii? POWER FACTOR EAH boo FRR Pm ria AVG. EW 24,477 aO.a (1800) 5 CL700} —454 Ay TT Ay Teri TAPE ERRORS= 6 ATT S * YVI=HOURLY AVERAGE, VE=MEAN POWER see VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-NWIND Fs Polarconsyult Loc AT Times SHISHMAREF + Po eee WIND------ 0 =---- E-1800---- --------- AVEC PLANT------------ | TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WO WO2 WO1 WOE KW KVA PFO ON T(PT) T(FU) HT} (MPH)* = (DI) (D/S) (RWH)#* (HRS) (HRE)CF) 9 CFS CINDY | 1306 O.2 0.0 147 6.0 0.8 0.0 6.006.060 125 142 6,588 1.0 54.1 50.0 15.9! MINIMUM (TIME? AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME? VELOCITY Vi-Ve (MPH?) oO (0000) DIRECTION-DEG/SEC oO - 6 (a000) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC 54.1 OUTSIDE AIR 2AL7 PAA yt Frei PT Fran EWH TOT.= .7 = a 7 125 (1300) EVAH TOT.= .& KVA 28 142 POWER FACTOR G 87 E-LSeo FER ORPANTE +e AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWHex WG 1 oO.6 oO a WG 2 O.0 Qo G DATA SYSTEri TAPE ERRORS= © # OF SCANS= 2 BHI TE SS * VISHOURLY AVERAGE, VESKEAN POWER SPEED. *# RATED AT i.SKW MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND IDONDITIONS Polarconsud> | DATE= S/ 4/1983 LiMaAT Tors SHISHMAREF+ ALASKA -------- WIND------ -----E-1800---- | ---------AVEC: PLANT------------ TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WG2 WG1 WO2 KW KVA PF ON T(PT) T(FU) HT (MPH)* (D)(D/S) (KWH)** (HRS) (HRSS(F) CF) CIND + 1400 2.0 7.7 142 0.6 0.00.0 6.06.0 121 139 0.87 1.0 54.7 50.5 14.0 DAILY SUMMARY AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) WIND VELOCITY V1i-V2 (MPH) 17.7/ 3.9 1i (1400) 4 (1300) DIRECTION-DEG/SEC aac] 3.77 (1300) » 1 (1500) TEMPERATURE ; INSIDE AVEC 54.4 57 (1400) 55 (1300) OUTSIDE AIR 20.4 SO (1400) “5S (1300) AVEDm FRODLaITT ron KWH TOT.= 54 KW 23 134 (1300) 112 (1300) KVAH TOT.= 64.1 KVA 32.1 153 (1300) 130 © 6(1300) POWER FACTOR 2875 282 (1300) 285 (1300) E-—-i1iSs00 FPERFORPrANILE *** AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWH*** Wo 1 0.0 0 Oo WG 2 0.0 QO Q DATA SYSTeEri ; TAFE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= 143 NOTES * VI=HOURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN FOWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.SKW *** VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW" WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsuls iva mes Df 4h YS Lea! LLMs SHISHMAREF? ALASKA a WIND====== ——-=-—— E-1800---- --------- AVEC FLANT-----------— ‘ | “IME VELi-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1i WG2 WG1 WG2 KW KVA PF ON T(PT) T(FUD HT | i (MPH) * (DB) (B/S) (KWH) ** (HRS) CHRS ) (F } CF) CIN) ‘ ' | *500 4.7 7.2 1480.5 0.00.0 0.00.0 1346 152 0.9 1.0 59.2 51.5 14.2! t 600 5.4 64 198 0.9 0.00.0 6.00.0 122 141 0.87 1.0 57.9 53.0 15.31 t 21700 4.7 35.4 232 0.4 0.00.0 0.00.0 121 140 6.86 1.0 54.3 54.2 14.01 i 1800 6.7 7.2 207 0.6 0.00.0 0.00.0 98 121 0.81 1.0 53.0 55.1 12.2! t 900 7.5 8.0 171 0.7 0.00.0 0.06.0 94 116 0.81 1.0 52.1 55.7 9b t+ 2000 5.5 6.4 154 0.5 0.06.0 0.00.0 105 125 0.64 1.0 Si.1 546.1 9.4 | 2100 4.3 4.5 134 0.2 0.00.0 0.00.0 101 120 0.84 1.0 48.4 54.3 2.0; + 2200 3.4 3.8 115 6.0 0.00.0 6.00.0 106 124 0.84 1.0 44.0 54.4 Pols t 2300 2.7 4.2 144 0.1 0.00.0 0.00.0 105 122 0.94 1.0 44.0 52.7 17.31 t+ 2400 1.1 3.5 271 0.2 0.00.0 0.00.0 102 124 0.83 1.0 446.2 47.8 21.2! DAILY SUMMARY AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) WIND VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 4.4/ 5.7 11 (1400) 6 (0000) DIRECTION-DEG/SEC 4 7.5 (2300) » O (0000) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC S14 42 (1500) 44 (2100) OUTSIDE AIR 32.4 = (1400) -S (1300) AVED PROIDLITTION KWH TOT.= 1110.2 KW i1i 147) (1400) 84 (1500) KVAH TOT.= 1313.2 KVA 131.3 143 (1400) 107) (1800) POWER FACTOR 2845 »f1 (1400) 77 2200) E100 FPERFORMANITE + AVG. EW HOURS ON TOTAL KWH*x* WG 1 9.0 o o WG 2 0.0 Qo o DATA SYSTEM TAFE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= 3454 NOTES * VI=HOURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.8KW #** VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult i DATE= S/ S/1983 LOMAT ION: SHISHMAREF? ALASKA fe eee | WIND--—---- ----—— E-1800---- -----=--— AVEC FLANT------------— : | TIME VELi-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WG2 WG1 WG2 KW KVA PF ON T(PT) TCFU) HT t (MPH) * (B) (B/S) (KWH) ** (HRS) CHRS ) (F} (F) (IN). ' 0100 3.4 5.1 172 0.2 0.00.0 0.00.0 83 108 0.77 1.0 55.2 47.5 24.51 | 0200 4.9 5.7 142 0.1 0.06.0 6.00.0 7464 102 0.74 1.0 54.6 47.4 23.9 0300 7.4 7.9 1370.6 0.00.0 0.00.0 84 110 06.78 1.0 54.5 47.1 21.9 | 0400 7.4 8.0 129 06.3 0.06.0 0.00.0 80 109 60.723 1.0 54.1 47.4 21.9! | 0500 7.3 7.9 1330.3 0.00.0 0.00.0 75 103 0.73 1.0 53.0 47.6 21.1° t+ 0600 9.6 10.1 124 0.4 0.1 06.0 0.60.0 74 101 0.73 1.0 52.3 47.7 18.7 | O7OO 11.0 11.5 111 1.0 0.3 0.0 1.00.2 80 104 0.77 1.0 51.5 47.4 17.0: ' O800 13.8 14.2 101 0.4 6.7 0.4 1.01.0 8& 110 6.77 1.0 52.1 47.7 16.2! | 0900 14.7 15.1 910.4 0.97 0.7 1.01.0 114 34 0.84 1.0 54.0 468.1 15.1 + 1000 14.2 16.4 87 0.3 1.1 0.9 1.01.0 124 144 06.87 1.0 58.1 49.2 20.4, t 1100 17.0 17.3 #7 0.4 1.2 1.1 1.01.0127 1446 0.87 1.0 58.4 48.5 23.51 + 1200 17.4 18.0 93 0.5 141.3 1.1 1.0 1.0128 147 0.87 1.0 60.0 47.8 22.9 | 1300 17.3 17.7 90 0.4 1.3 1.1 1.01.0118 138 0.85 1.0 59.1 48.2 20.5 1-1400 17.0 17.5 71 0.5 1.21.0 1.01.0 124 144 0.86 1.0 58.4 48.4 18.51 1 1500 14.4 15.0 82 0.3 0.8 06.5 1.01.0 132 151 0.88 1.0 58.5 48.3 17.3° + 1600 15.0 15.4 $0 0.2 0.9 0.6 1.01.0125 145 0.84 1.0 58.0 48.3 15.0 | 1700 16.2 14.3 80 0.3 1.00.8 11.01.0114 137 0.85 1.0 55.2 48.2 13.8: : 1800 15.5 15.8 0 0.2 0.9 0.7 1.0 1.0 100 124 0.81 1.0 52.5 48.1 12.4! | 1900 13.8 14.3 740.5 0.70.4 1.01.0 93 1128 0.78 1.0 49.9 47.7 10.5 i 2000 13.5 14.1 70 0.7 O17 O13 1.01.0 104 126 0.83 1.0 50.4 47.4 9b, | 2100 11.9 12.7 47 1.0 0.40.2 1.00.9 111 132 0.84 1.0 50.0 44.9 &.41 + 2200 11.0 11.7 71 0.6 0.3 0.1 1.00.9 111 132 0.84 1.0 59.2 45.2 22.1 ' 2300 10.7 11.4 80.8 0.30.1 0.90.4 111 132 0.94 1.0 42.2 43.2 22.8 : 2400 12.0 12.5 42 0.5 0.4 06.3 1.01.0 102 124 0.82 1.0 40.3 42.98 19.8: DAILY SUMMARY AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) WIND VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 12.4/ 13 206 (1300) Oo (0000) DIRECTION-DEG/SEC =o &£.50 (0700) » O (2300) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC $5.6 43 (2200) 45 (0000) OUTSIDE AIR 92.46 BZ (0000) -243 (1200) AVED FROIDUTTION KWH TOT.= 2493.5 KW LOS3S 142 (1400) 42 (0000) KVAH TOT.= 3022.5 KVA 125.9 147 (1400) 92 (0000) POWER FACTOR 2822 270 (1400) 270 (O200) E—15S00 FERFORMANITE «** AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWH*** WG 1 783 Sao 14.5 WG 2 626 14.4 10.4 i DATA SYSTEri TAPE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= 8432 NOTES * Vi=HOURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1i:SKW #*#* VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult — “SS DATE = S/ 6/1983 LOoOcATIONS: SHISHMAREF, ALASKA ‘IME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WG2 WG1 WG2 KW KVA PF ON T(PT) TCFU) HT | (MPH) * (BD) (L/S) (KWH) *# CHRS) CHRS) (F) (F) CIN): 01060 12.5 13.1 390.5 0.50.4 1.01.0 77 105 0.73 1.0 53.9 42.7 25.9! 200 14.0 14.5 370.4 0.60.5 1.01.0 71 101 0.7 1.0 50.2 40.9 22.43 300 14.5 15.1 410.5 0.86.7 1.01.0 81 1100.74 1.0 49.4 39.9 20.9% 0400 13.3 14.2 33.0.4 0.70.4 1.01.0 75 108 0.49 1.0 49.7 40.0 19.5% 500 11.7 12.4 200.5 0.40.3 1.01.0 71 102 0.7 1.0 49.6 39.5 20.4: 400 12.0 12.6 16 0.4 0.40.2 1.01.0 70 1000.7 1.0 49.1 39.7 18.1: 0700 11.3 12.0 15.1.0 0.30.3 1.01.0 80 105 0.74 1.0 50.1 39.4 16.2: 9800 12.2 12.9 180.5 0.5 06.3 1.01.0 90 113 0.79 1.0 53.4 40.1 15.1: 900 «11.9 12.4 110.3 0.40.3 1.01.0 124 141 0.93 1.0 61.2 41.7 16.0% 1000 «610.4 11.1 151.0 60.2 0.2 1.00.9 12% 145 0.89 1.0 468.4 44.5 24.9% 1100 9.4 9.9 15 0.3 0.16.1 0.80.5 124 137 0.89 0.9 70.4 45.5 20.51 {2006 &.2 8.7 17 0.8 6.26.0 06.8 0.0 120 137 0.85 1.0 71.1 46.4 22.41 200 $.0 8.5 141.4 0.06.0 0.10.0 117 133 0.88 1.0 71.8 48.2 25.31 1400 7.9 8.3 210.4 0.00.0 0.06.0 118 133 0.87 1.0 72.7 50.0 25.21 500 7.5 7.8 25 0.4 9.00.0 0.00.0 107 120 0.89 0.8 49.4 50.8 12.4: 600 6.6 &9 27 0.6 0.00.0 6.0 0.0 123 141 0.87 1.0 71.4 52.3 25.41 1700 5.8 6.1 23.0.4 0.00.0 0.06.0 120 140 06.86 1.0 1046.8 54.4 23.9: “800 5.4 5.8 10 0.2 0.00.0 6.06.0 114 134 0.85 1.0 108.5 59.7 24.4; 200 5.4 5.7 ?7 6.1 0.00.0 0.00.0 104 126 0.83 1.0 100.5 40.7 28.0: 2000 7.5 7.9 339 2.9 0.00.0 0.00.0 103 125 0.83 1.0 4.1 640.2 24.2: 2100 7.1 7.5 357 3.3 0.00.0 6.006.060 110 131 0.84 1.0 92.9 640.3 24.5: 200 8.1 8.5 323 7.3 0.10.0 0.4 6.0 113 133 0.85 1.0 92.5 40.0 22.9% 300 8.2 8.7 151 2.8 0.00.0 0.06.0 114 135 0.84 1.0 92.9 58.5 21.11 2400 4.3 4.7 342 1.2 0.06.0 6.00.0 101 124 0.8 1.0 85.5 57.5 19.15 DAILY UPMrmMARY AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) WIND VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) %.3/ 9.8 18 (0300) O (2300) DIRECTION-DEG/SEC 1.4 17.83 (2100) ~1.49 2300) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC 72.3 112 (1400) 3 (1400) OUTSIDE AIR -35.2 21 (1100) -290 (1800) AVED FPRODLUCMTION ; KWH TOT.= 2455.9 KW 102.4 152 (1000) oO (1400) KVAH TOT.= 2983.4 KVA 125.7 174 (1000) Oo (1400) POWER FACTOR 2323 1.00 (1000) » O (1400) E-—-1500 FERFORPMANILE *** AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWH*¥** WG 1 »442 12.3 5.4 WG 2 2367 10.4 3.8 DATA SYSTeEri TAPE ERRORS= © # OF SCANS= 843 NOTES * VI=HOURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.5KW #*% VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult — \ \ ~ a | Se oe WINDSees | Sea E-1800---- --~------- AVEC PLANT------------ | TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WG2 WG1 WG2 K KVA PF ON TCPT) TOFU) HT : (MPH) * (D) (B/S) (KWH) #* (HRS) CHRS ) (F) (F) CIN): + 0100 4.2 5.0 13 1.0 0.00.0 0:00.0 90 117 0.77 1.0 83.0 54.4 27.2' + 0200 0.9 2.6 70.0 6,0 0.0 0.00.0 82 111 0.74 1.0 78.8 51.4 246.3 + 0300 1.9 3.0 300 1.3 0.00.0 0.00.0 84 1120.75 1.0 74.9 50.5 24.46. + 0400 0.7 2.0 341 0.0 6.06.0 0.00.0 83 113 0.73 1.0 78.2 Si.S 23.1! + 0500 3.5 5.0 3400.0 0.00.0 6.00.0 80 111 0.72 1.0 73.0 50.9 22.1 1 0600 4.5 4.7 242 0.1 0.06.0 0.00.0 75 103 0.73 1.0 71.3 49.2 20.0 t 9700 2.4 3.1 352 0.1 0.00.0 0.00.0 78 104 0.73 1.0 73.4 48.98 15.4: + O800 0.8 2.2 242 0.0 0.06.0 0.00.0 82 107 0.75 1.0 74.4 45.9 17.4 + OF00 0.0 1.2 274 0.1 0.00.0 0.06.0 90 114 0.79 1.0 79.7 49.5 14.3 + 1000 O.5 1.4 7 0.2 0.00.0 0.00.0 93 116 0.8 1.6 79.9 50.3 19.41 + 1100 3.1 4.1 1100.9 6.00.0 0.00.0 99 122 0.81 1.0 82.4 497.4 26,3' + 1200 5.2 6.4 145 1.0 0.0 06,.0 0.0 06,0 10% 129 0.64 1.0 93.7 Si.1 25.1 + 1300 7.1 7.9 1420.7 0.00.0 0.00.0 107 127 0.84 1.0 99.5 54.5 24.1, + 1400 S.7 9.2 141 1.2 0.1 0.0 0.3 06.0 104 125 0.83 1.0 102.0 57.4 23.1: t 1500 9.1 9.8 135 0.5 0.10.0 0.60.1 114 137 0.985 1.0 105.5 59.4 21.5 + 1400 10.2 11.1 133 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.9 0.0 115 137 0.84 1.0 105.7 41.5 20.4 : 1700 10.5 10.9 127 0.4 0.20.0 1.00.4 117 140 0.85 1.0 108.2 43.5 19.11 ' 1800 10.0 10.4 131 0.5 0.1 6.0 1.0 0.0 108 131 0.82 1.0 104.6 65.2 17.5 + 1900 9.7 10.0 320.4 0.10.0 1.00.0 103 128 0.51 1.0 104.1 64.5 15.9 + 2000 $.7 8.8 127 0.2 0.00.0 0.70.0 96 1200.8 1.0 99.6 67.5 14.81 + 2106 7.5 8.1 112 0.2 0.00.0 0.06.0 93 122 0.8 1.0 94.3 65.2 3.3' 1 2200 #.8 9.4 1130.0 6.006.0 0.00.0 99 125 0.8 1.0 93.2 63.5 20.9 i 2300 9.5 9.4 1170.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 97 125 0.79 1.0 92.4 54.7 25.4: + 2400 97.3 9.5 125 0.0 0.06.0 0.0 0.0 102 128 0.79 1.0 90.7 57.3 24.4: DAILY SUMMARY AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMLIM (TIME) WIND VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 5.7/ 4.5 14 (1500) O (1000) DIRECTION-DEG/SEC 4 17.13 (0100) -1.44 (0100) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVE B96 110 (1400) 6% (0400) OUTSIDE AIR -34 B2 (0900) -345 (2000) AVEDm FPRODLISTION KWH TOT.= 2313.2 KW 96.4 135 (1400) b& (0500) KVAH TOT.= 2908.4 KVA 171.2 154 (1400) 90 (0500) POWER FACTOR L795 L289 (1400) 649 (0200) E—-100 FERFORMANCE*«#£ AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWH#«% WG 1 132 5.5 7 i WG 2 14 5 ie DATA SYSTEM TAPE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= 8432 NOTES * VI=HOURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN POWER SFEED. ** RATED AT 1.5KW ¥*¥* VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult DATE= 5/ 8/1983 LOCATION: SHISHMAREF, ALASKA -------- WIND------ -----E-1800---- ---------AVEC PLANT------------ : TIME VELi-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WG2 WG1 WG2 KW KVA PF ON T(PT) T(FU) HT } (MPH)* (D) (B/S) (KWH)** (HRS) (HRS)(F) 9 (F) CNY 0100 4.5 7.9 1250.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 104 128 0.81 1.0 99.2 55.6 28.1! 3200 «2.1 3.6 0204 1.4 0.00.0 0.00.0 99 1240.8 1.0 89.0 55.0 26.4! 1300 0.5 3.0 3470.1 0.00.0 0.00.0 91 119 0.77 1.0 84.0 54.5 25.2! 0400 «2.4 5.0 115 0.0 0.00.0 0.06.0 85 114 0.73 1.0 81.0 55.0 23.7! 500 3.9 5.2 840.2 0.00.0 0.00.0 82 111 0.74 1.0 79.1 54.0 22.3! %00 «494.5 5.3 121 0.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 82 111 0.74 1.0 78.3 53.3 20.8! 0700 4.7 5.8 1340.1 0.00.0 0.00.0 81 107 0.74 1.0 79.9 53.3 19.5! 9800 3.0 4.2 141 0.1 0.00.0 0.00.0 82 109 0.75 1.0 81.1 53.5 18.3! 9900 1.6 3.1 2260.1 0.00.0 0.00.0 88 113 0.78 1.0 84.1 54.7 17.2: 1000 1.0 2.8 191 06.3 0.00.0 0.00.0 92 115 0.8 1.0 88.7 56.1 20.5! 1100 2.4 4.4 1030.1 0.00.0 0.00.0 93 117 0.79 1.0 89.3 54.7 27.6! 1200 5.2 5.6 1130.4 0.00.0 0.00.0 90 113 0.79 1.0 89.0 55.4 26.0! 1300 4.4 7.0 1190.4 0.00.0 6.00.0 99 121 0.82 1.0 95.9 57.5 25.11 1400 7.4 7.9 1200.5 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 107 128 0.84 1.0 101.3 40.4 28.01 [5007.5 7.9 1250.4 0.00.0 0.00.0 112 131 0.85 1.0 106.1 62.4 26.5! 1600 8.1 8.5 1276.5 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 104 126 0.83 1.0 105.5 64.3 25.2) 1700 8.2 8.5 1250.4 0.00.0 0.00.0 96 121 0.8 1.0 104.5 46.3 22.9! 1800 §.7 9.0 125 0.4 0.00.0 0.00.0 95 1200.8 1.0 102.8 47.2 25.5! 1900 9.2 9.4 «128 0.3 0.00.0 0.00.0 97 1220.8 1.0 102.0 67.3 27.2! 2000 «8.0 8.5 133 0.4 0.06.0 0.00.0 96 121 0.79 1.0 100.0 66.9 26.2! 2100 9.0 9.3 1370.2 0.00.0 0.50.0 94 117 0.79 1.0 94.9 67.0 23.4! 200 8.7 9.0 1440.3 0.00.0 0.50.0 98 1220.8 1.0 95.3 46.2 22.1! 300 9.4 9.7 145 0.3 0.1 0.0 100 125 0.79 1.0 93.0 64.7 20.9! 2400 10.0 10.2 152 0.2 0.20.0 1.00.0 99 125 0.79 1.0 94.9 63.7 19.5! DAILY SUMMARY AVERAGE = MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 5.8/ 4.7 DIRECTION-DEG/SEC TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC OUTSIDE AIR AVED FPRODLUCTION KWH TOT.= 2264.1 KW KVAH TOT.= 2948.8 KVA POWER FACTOR 3 red 92.2 hae 94.4 119.5 79? E—-1200 FERFORMANILE+«+** WG 1 WG 2 DATA SYSTEM TAFE ERRORS= 0 NOTE=> * VI=HOURLY AVERAGE, AVG. KW 143 0.0 # OF SCA V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. 11 (2300) oO (1000) 14.40 (0100) » O (2300) 109 (1300) 73 (0400) 36 (0900) -129 (1300) 127 (1300) 70 (0600) 144 (1300) 95 (0400) SY (1300) +71 (0300) HOURS ON TOTAL KWH*** 2.7 4 o o NS= 84632 ** RATED AT 1.5KW #*% VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult | DATE= S/ Y/1983 LOCATION:= SHISHMAREF, ALASKA HO WIND------ ----— E-1200---- --------- AVEC PLANT-------~----- : | TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WG2 WG1 WG2 KW KVA PF ON T(PT) T(FU) HT t (MPH ) * (BD) (B/S) (KWH) ¥* CHRS) (HRS) (F >) (F) CIN). 1 0100 9.2 9.2 159 0.0 0.1 0.0 1.00.0 87 114 0.75 1.0 91.8 40.7 237.41 | 0200 9.1 9.2 157 6.0 0.1 0.0 1.00.0 85 115 0.74 1.0 89.5 55.3 24.5 | 0300 8.3 8.7 167 0.2 0.10.0 0.70.0 89 116 0.77 1.0 389.5 57.7 24.5 + 0400 5.4 4.2 177 0.3 0.00.0 0.00.0 83 113 0.74 1.0 87.0 58.4 22.21 1 9500 3 7.5 1440.4 0.00.0 0.00.0 82 111 0.74 1.0 87.4 57.7 22.07 t 04600 5.5 5.7 154 0.1 0.00.0 0.00.0 & 1120.75 1.0 83.5 54.9 20.4 1 0700 4.2 67 154 0.2 0.00.0 0.0 0.06 111 0.74 1.0 85.0 54.4 19.5% t 0800 7.1 7.6 148 06.5 .6.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 117 0.78 1.0 88.1 54.5 18.4' 1 OFO00 4.1 5.2 149 0.4 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 134 0.96 1.0 94.0 58.0 17.4 + 1000 5.4 6.8 134 0.4 6.0 06.0 06.0 0.6 150 0.897 1.0 104.8 40.4 14.0, t 1100 4.7 7.2 133 0.4 0.00.0 06.0 0.0 153 0.59 1.0 108.4 63.1 14.41 t 1200 £.0 8.6 143 0.4 06.1 6.0 0.2 0.0 150 0.88 1.0 114.0 44.0 2.4 + 1300 9.9 10.6 1564 0.9 0.1 0.0 0.7 0.0 142 0.87 1.0 115.3 69.7 12.0 t 1400 7.3 9.8 1564 1.0 6.1 0.0 0.5 0.0 147 0.88 1.0 121.2 73.9 11.41 1 1500 10.1 10.4 153 0.9 O.2 0.1 1.0 0.7 151 0.89 1.0 123.4 77.1 11.5 $1400 10.5 10.9 153 6.4 0.2 G.2 1.0 1.0 131 0.84 1.0 118.7 79.3 10.4 1 1700 611.5 11.8 151 0.4 0.40.2 1.01.0 147 0.85 1.0 121.5 50.7 9.1i t 1800 7.9 10.5 151 0.6 0.20.0 0.4 0.3 128 0.84 1.60 114.4 81.7 7.6! 1 1900 10.4 10.8 156 0.7 06.2 0.2 1.00.9 123 0.8 1.0 111.3 31.5 5.7 t 2000 7.2 9.4 151 0.5 0.00.0 0.4 0.1 128 0.84 1.0 110.0 80.5 4.15 t 2100 9.5 9.8 1560.4 0.1 0.0 1.0 0.0 31 °0.85 1.0 109.2 79.2 2.43 1 2200 &.7 10.0 143 1.4 0.1 06.0 06.3 0.0 137 0.85 1.0 108.7 78.2 2 i 2300 9.2 9.4 14641 0.4 0.00.0 0.4 0.0 125 0.81 1.0 105.5 45.4 13.2 1 2400 9.5 10.0 143 0.7 0.1 0.0 0.6 0.0 128 0.61 1.0 102.7 51.4 27.33 DAILY SUMMARY - AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) WIND VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) §.4/ 8.8 13 (1700) @ (0700) DIRECT LON-DEG/SEC 3 4.87 (2100) 2 O (2300) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC 103.5 124 (1400) 80 (0500) OUTSIDE AIR 2E.4 Sy (O00) 20 (0300) AVED FPRaIDUMTION KWH TOT.= 2548.8 KW 107 143 (1400) 74 (0200) KVAH TOT.= 3119.3 KVA 130 144 (1500) 22 (0400) POWER FACTOR 2224 291 (13500) 270 (0300) E-1200 FERFORMANICE «++ : AVG. EW HOURS ON TOTAL KWHe** WG 1 2153 11.9 1.5 WG 2 »177 4 7 DATA SYSTEM TAFE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= 8432 NOTES * VI=HOURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN FOWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.5KW ¥**% VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult ——————— WIND------ -----E-1800---- ---------AVEC PLANT------------ ' fIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG61 WG2 WO1 WG2 KW KVA PF ON T(PT) TCFU) HT (MPH) * (BD) (B/S) (KWH) ¥* (HRS) (HRS) (F) CE) CIN): 9100 11.6 12.0 149 0.9 0.30.2 1.00.9 G1 117 0.78 1.0 99.9 52.9 30.15 9200 10.4 11.0 171 6.8 0.1 6.0 1.0 0.3 82 110 0.75 1.0 97.9 54.2 28.351 J200 11.9 12.1 145 0.5 0.40.0 1.00.1 91 117 0.78 1.0 98.5 54.1 24.7! 0400 11.5 12.0 189 1.1 0.20.0 1.00.2 82 111 0.74 1.0 95.1 58.4 22.91 9500 13.0 13.7 188 0.7 0.50.3 1.00.8 80 108 0.74 1.0 94.7 59.6 21.5! 2400 10.2 10.6 203 0.8 6.00.0 0.5 0.0 77 103 6.75 1.0 93.2 60.1 20.31 0700 11.0 11.5 197 0.9% 0.20.0 0.9 06.2 797 104 0.74 1.0 94.9 60.9 19.0! 2600 11.0 11.7 190 1.3 06.2 0.1 0.7 06.6 SB 111 06.8 1.0 97.7 62.0 17.9! 9700 11.7 12.4 191 1.4 0.3 0.2 1.00.7 122 140 0.87 1.0 108.7 64.0 17.3! 1000 610.5 11.2 183 1.2 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.4 134 150 0.89 1.0 119.0 67.0 14.4! 1100 8.8 9.4 172 1.2 0.06.0 0.20.0 129 146 0.89 1.0 117.3 467.9% 27.4! 1200 10.8 11.4 174 1.3 0.2 0.1 0.7 0.5 13 147 0.89 1.0 118.2 48.5 30.01 1300 10.4 10.9 164 1.2 0.10.0 1.00.1 127 145 0.95 1.0 119.0 70.9% 30.21 1400 11.0 11.8 167 1.2 0.2 0.1 1.00.4 128 144 0.89 1.0 112.9 72.5 31.9! [500 14.3 14.7 149 0.9 0.70.5 1.01.0 141 157 0.89 1.0 103.97 73.2 28.4! 1400 11.7 12.1 172 1.2 0.3 0.2 1.00.8 125 145 0.87 1.0 102.1 73.7 24.9! 1700 12.3 12.9 1463 1.0 0.40.3 1.00.8 115 133 0.946 1.0 100.9 74.7 27.2! 800 12.5 13.1 165 1.3 0.5 60.4 1.00.9 100 122 0.82 1.0 101.2 73.4 33.2! 700 15.0 15.7 147 1.3 0.80.7 1.01.0 97 120 0,81 1.0 98.0 72.1 31.3! 2000 14.1 14.5 143 06.8 0.76.5 1.01.0 107 127 6.84 1.0 97.8 71.2 29.31 2100 #15.7 14.1 147 1.64 0.60.4 1.01.0 114 133 06.95 1.0 97.0 70.9 27.1: 2200 14.7 15.2 175 0.9 0.80.5 1.01.0 113 133 0.85 1.0 94.64 69.5 24.51 2300 7.7 8.8 2000.5 0.00.0 06.1 0.0 117 137 0.84 1.0 94.4 48.2 20.4: 2400 7.5 8.7 191 0.4 6.00.0 0.06.0 103 125 0.82 1.0 90.5 64.4 20.2! DAILY SUMMARY AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) WIND VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 11.4/ 12.2 19 (1700) 1 (2200) DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC 1 7.2 (1800) » O (2300) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC 102 121 (1200) 85 (2200) OUTSIDE AIR 35 43 (1000) 24 (0300) AVED FPRaIDLISTIOoOM : KWH TOT.= 2573.7 KW 107.2 141 (1300) 79 (0400) EVAH TOT.= 3054.5 KVA 123.4 175 (1300) 94 (0500) POWER FACTOR S34 22 (1300) *71 = (0300) E-15200 FPERFORMANILE *** AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWH¥** WG 1 237? 20 7.& WG 2 38 12.46 4.8 DATA SYSTEM TAPE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= 8432 NOATES * VI=HOURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN POWER SFEED. ** RATED AT 1.5KW #**% VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult — N 1 DATE= 5/ 11/1983 LoOcATICON=: SHISHMAREF» ALASKA bo eee WIND------ ----- E-1800---- --------- AVEC FLANT------------ ! TIME VELi-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WG2 WG1 WO2 KW KVA PF ON T(PT) T(FU) HT : (MPH)* (DB) (D/S) (KWH)** (HRS) (HRS) (F) 9 (F) CIN) $0100 10.7 11.0 1740.5 0:20.0 85 110 0.77 1.0 87.4 41.9 28.6 ! 0200 11.7 12.1 182 0.6 0.3 6.1 0.80.4 83 110 0.76 1.0 85.4 460.3 24.7 1 0300 8.7 9.4 1960.8 0.00.0 0.10.0 87 114 0.77 1.0 84.0 59.7 24.4 ! 0400 12.9 13.2 172 0.6 0.5 0.2 0.90.6 78 109 0.72 1.0 82.5 60.1 22.7 0500 11.5 12.2 1891.0 0.30.0 0.80.1 75 1040.73 1.0 90.9 59.3 22. $0600 11.1 11.7 189 0.9 0.26.0 6.90.1 74 101 06.73 1.0 81.4 58.5 19.7 1! 0700 7.2 8.3 2161.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 77 103 0.75 1.0 80.2 58.2 18.7 1 0800 8.2 9.3 185 1.2 0.00.0 0.20.0 87 111 0.79 1.0 84.3 58.4 17.8 $0900 7.5 8.6 181 1.1 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 124 142 0.87 1.0 93.2 59.7 18.2 11000 «8.5 9.2 166 0.8 0.06.0 0.2 0.0 134 151 0.89 1.0 100.4 40.5 27.4 ! 1100 9.2 9.7 1771.2 0.00.0 130 147 0.89 1.0 104.0 40.2 28. 11200 8.7 9.2 155 0.8 0.10.0 0.5 0.0 132 149 O.89 1.0 104.1 62.8 24.4 11300 9.2 9.7 1580.8 0.10.0 0.60.3 126 144 0.88 1.0 105.1 45.2 25.4 1 1400 8.1 8.6 158 0.7 6.06.0 0.0 6.0 119 127 0.87 1.0 104.9 67.1 24.1 11500 42 7.1 1550.4 0.00.0 6.00.6 129 146 0.89 1.0 106.3 468.4 22.4 11600 6.1 7.9 134 0.5 6.00.0 0.0 6.0 120 139 0.84 1.6 102.0 48.9 21.0 ! 1700 8.2 8.4 1410.5 06.06.60 0.00.0 119 1397 0.86 1.0 98.8 49.1 19.0 1 1800 9.0 9.2 164 0.8 0.1 0.0 0.6 0.0 105 126 0.83 1.0 99.7 70.4 17.64 11900 9.1 9.5 197 1.4 0.00.0 0.10.0 93 118 0.78 1.0 99.8 72.2 16.3 1 2000 8.3 8.7 19% 1.2 0.00.0 0.60.0 93 1160.8 1.6 99.0 72.7 15.0 1-21004 920! 19524 165 0.80.0 0-0 10.0 0-0 97, 121 018 1.0 9841 67257) 1356 ! 2200 10.4 10.7 183 6.8 0.1 06.60 0.40.0 94 1196.8 1.0 95.9 71.6 15.2 1 2300 7.1 9.5 2231.0 0.00.0 0.20.0 96 1200.8 1.0 92.7 41.4 27.5 ! 2400 6.3 7.1 2120.4 0.00.0 0.00.0 95 122 0.78 1.0 91.1 61.1 25.8 DAILY UMMARY AVERAGE = MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) WIND VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 8.9/ 9.4 15 (0300) 0 (2200) DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC 8 7.41 (1900) . 0 (2300) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC 94.3 109 (1400) 74 (0400) OUTSIDE AIR 32.5 44 (1800) 28 (0200) AVEC FPRODUCTION ; KWH TOT.=.2454.5 KW 102.3 143 (1100) 67 (0400) KVAH TOT.= 2996.9 KVA 124.9 144 (1100) 92 (0400) POWER FACTOR .S19 671 (1300) .69 (0300) E-100 FPERFORMANCE*+: AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWH¥** WG 1 .244 7.4 2 wo 2 .229 1.4 3 DATA SYSTEM TAPE ERRORS= NOTES * VI=HOURLY AVERAGE» **% VALUES oO # OF SCANS= S64 V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.5KW MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult -------- WIND---~-- -=----E-1800---- ---------AVEC PLANT------------ : TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WG2 WG1 WG2 KW KVA PF ON T(PT) T(FU) HT | (MPH)* (D)(D/S) (KWH)#* (HRS) (HRS)(F) CF) CIND 0100 5.8 6.1 2020.1 0.00.0 0.00.0 83 112 0.74 1.0 87.1 60.3 29.2! 2200 4.3 4&8 188 0.2 0.00.0 0.00.0 75 106 0.71 1.0 83.7 59.0 27.7) 300 <3 7-6 2280.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 89 114 0.76 1.0 84.9 58.7 25.8! 0400 7.4 7.8 2223 0.2 0.00.0 0.00.0 78 110 0.71 1.0 83.4 59.3 24.3! 500 7.5 8.0 1823 0.4 0.00.0 0.00.0 79 108 0.73 1.0 82.2 58.7 22.4! 3600 4.9 7.3 186 0.6 0.00.0 0.00.0 74 103 0.72 1.0 80.9 58.0 21.2! 0700 9.2 9.6 206 1.1 0.00.0 0.00.0 77 104 0.74 1.0 93.0 57.7 20.2! 9800 12.0 13.1 222 0.5 0.26.2 0.80.5 91 116 0.79 1.0 88.2 58.3 18.9! 9900 14.9 16.3 231 0.5 0.70.4 1.0 0.9 123 143 0.86 1.0 97.4 59.7 20.4! 1000 15.7 14.7 229 0.5 0.80.7 1.0 1.0 132 149 0.88 1.0 105.5 40.1 29.3! 1100 14.7 17.5 217 0.7 0.90.8 1.01.0 135 153 0.89 1.0 109.7 61.8 28.2! 1200 12.8 13.9 204 0.6 0.40.3 1.0 0.8 134 152 0.88 1.0 110.9 64.5 28.5! 1300 10.7 11.8 1650.9 0.20.1 0.9 0.4 129 148 0.87 1.0 108.4 47.1 26.8! 1400 10.3 11.8 164 1.2 0.20.1 0.80.3 127 146 0.87 1.0 105.8 68.4 27.1! 1500 10.4 11.0 1580.7 0.20.1 1.0 0.5 139 157 0.89 1.0 105.6 71.1 31.9! 1600 10.0 11.0 174 1.4 0.10.1 0.6 0.2 130 149 0.87 1.0 104.9 71.9 30.5! 1700 11.3 11.9 180 1,3 0.20.1 0.90.6 128 147 0.87 1.0 95.7 72.4 29.2! 1800 11.8 12.9 177 1.2 0.30.2 0.9 0.4 117 136 0.86 1.0 108.3 73.4 31.4! 1900 14.7 15.5 170 1.1 0.80.4 1.01.0 111 131 0.94 1.0 1046.3 73.1 35.2! 2000 14.1 14.9 194 1.4 0.70.5 1.01.0 99 118 0.84 1.0 103.4 72.3 235.1! 2100 13.5 14.1 174 1.0 0.40.4 1.00.8 94 115 0.83 1.0 97.7 71.3 34.7! 200 15.3 14.2 180 1.1 0.90.7 1.0 1.0 109 129 0.84 1.0 97.7 70.0 234.2! 300 15.0 15.4 1400.4 0.90.5 1.0 1.0 108 129 06.94 1.0 93.8 48.4 233.91 2400 12.2 13.0 157 0.5 0.5 0.3 1.00.9 105 129 0.82 1.0 91.3 66.8 33.2! DAILY SUMMARY AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) WIND VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 11.3/ 12.1 22 (1000) 2 (0000) DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC “3 7.28 (1300) - 0 (2300) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC Fhe 112 (1700) 60 (1500) OUTSIDE AIR 38.8 49 (1200) 2% (2300) AVEC FRODUCTION KWH TOT.= 2569.4 KW 107.1 155 (1400) 69 (0100) KVAH TOT.= 3105.4 KVA 129.4 172 (1400) 97 (0400) POWER FACTOR 827 +90 (1400) 48 (0100) E-1800 FERFORMANCE +s AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWH**x WG 1 541 15.8 8.5 WG 2 489 12.5 bel DATA SYSTEM TAPE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= 8432 NOTES: * VI=HOURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.5KW *#* VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult Se aceataeaannsaae WIND aoa seinen Ba S00 AVEC PLANT------------ : TIME VELi-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WG2 WO1 WG2 KW KVA PF ON T(PT) T(FU) HT i (MPH } * (DB) (D/S) (KWH) ** (HRS) CHRS) (F > (F) CIN): : 0100 13.5 14.2 158 0.5 0.70.4 1.01.0 8464 115 0.75 1.0 84.8 64.9 32.46' $0200 13.9 14.6 169 1.4 0.70.5 1.01.0 78 108 0.72 1.0 83.1 63.1 30.2 + 0300 12.8 13.1 1600.6 0.6 0.4 1.01.0 89 116 0.77 1.0 33.0 61.6 27.7. t 0400 9.1 10.6 177 1.6 0.10.0 0.60.0 85 116 0.74 1.0 91.8 61.7 25.6: + 90500 8.4 9.7 1710.7 0.00.0 0.40.0 79 107 0.74 1.0 80.7 40.2 24.1 + 0600 4.6 5.9 178 1.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 77 104 0.74 1.0 78.5 58.8 22.4 t 0700 7.5 3.9 1410.5 0.00.0 0.30.1 75 103 0.74 1.0 79.5 58.0 20.5: + 0800 7.0 8.1 1564 0.6 0.00.0 0.00.0 84 109 6.77 1.0 83.1 3.0 19.77 : O900 9.8 10.7 158 0.7 0.1 0.0 0.5 0.1 116 135 0.86 1.0 90.8 59.0 20.9 $1000 10.9 11.6 1421.3 0.2 0.2 0.9 0.7 129 147 0.83 1.0 98.8 58.4 29.7: $1100 11.0 11.7 159 0.97 0.20.1 1.00.7 122 143 0.86 1.0 101.2 59.7 28.9! + 1200 8.7 9.2 148 0.8 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.0 130 150 0.87 1.0 103.8 62.0 27.2 + 1300 7.9 8.6 141 0.7 0.00.0 0.4 0.0 125 147 0.87 1.0 102.4 43.5 28.5. + 1400 8.7 9.3 138 0.9 0.00.0 0.5 0.0 126 1464 0.87 1.0 101.2 64.4 30.31 + 1500 9.7 10.3 1440.5 0.2 0.1 0.90.5 128 147 6.87 1.0 105.0 45.3 28. ! 1600 10.3 10.8 143 0.7 0.3 0.2 1.00.9 122 144 0.85 1.0 105.9 67.1 26.7 + 1700 9.9 10.4 139 0.5 0.20.2 0.90.8 114 135 0.84 1.0 102.8 67.7 25.51 ! 1800 10.8 11.4 136 0.7 0.3 0.1 1.06.6 100 124 0.81 1.0 94.7 67.5 24.1° : 1900 10,3 10.5 127 0.4 0.20.0 1.00.0 101 125 0.81 1.0 94.3 67.0 22.4 ! 2000 10.9 11.2 121 06.5 0.3 0.0 1.00.1 106 126 0.83 1.0 92.1 66.3 20.7: + 2100 9.2 9.8 1150.64 0.1 0.0 0.40.1 113 132 0.85 1.0 91.4 45.1 23.4! t 2200 9.4 9.8 107 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.90.0 114 136 0.84 1.0 88.0 60.4 27.2 ! 2300 10.9 11.5 1000.5 0.30.1 1.00.3 113 135 0.83 1.0 35.1 3.7 24.8. + 2400 11.4 12.0 $7 0.3 0.40.2 1.01.0 109 133 0.82 1.0 84.1 54.9 22.63 DAILY SUMMARY AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) WIND. VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) ¥.9/ 10.4 1? (6000) 0 (0500) DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC 3 7.73 (0000) » O (2100) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC 91.7 108 (1500) 7& (0500) OUTSIDE AIR 35.2 44 (1200) 26 (2300) AVED FPRODUMTION : KWH TOT.= 2525.1 KW 105.2 147 (1300) 45 (0400) KVAH TOT.= 3084.2 KVA 128.5 147 (1100) 91 (0600) POWER FACTOR 519 270 (1300) 270 (0000) E-15200 FPERFORMANCECE *** AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWH*** WG 1 2276 17.1 Sl WG 2 256 ? 2.4 DATA SYSTEM TAFE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= S432 NOTES * Vi=HOURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.2kKW ¥** VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult po enn WIND------ ----- E-1800---- --------- AVEC PLANT------------ ‘IME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WOG1 WG2 WG1 WG2 KW KVA PF ON T(PT) T(FU) HT } (MPH)* (DD) (D/S) (KWH)** (HRS) (HRS)(F) CF) CIND | 0100 8.2 0.0 690.0 0.10.0 0.50.0 101 1270.8 1.0 83.1 55.0 29.3! 200 7.9 0.0 490.0 0.06.0 0.00.0 92 120 0.77 1.0 82.8 52.9 27.8! 200 7.3 0.0 580.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 91 118 0.77 1.0 80.5 52.1 24.2! | 0400 «8.9 0.0 47 0.0 6.00.0 0.10.0 85 115 0.74 1.0 78.9 52.7 24.2! 500 8.7 0.0 «300.0 0.00.0 0.10.0 83 112 0.74 1.0 77.5 52.0 22.9! | 400 8.3 0.0 340.0 0.00.0 0.20.1 80 108 0.74 1.0 76.8 51.2 21.0! 0700 8.5 0.0 500.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 82 110 0.75 1.0 74.2 50.4 19.2! 9800 8.1 0.0 39 0.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 85 111 0.76 1.0 77.4 50.2 17.2! 9900 8.9 0.0 35.0.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 97 121 0.8 1.0 79.7 50.4 17.0! 1000 9.5 0.0 «32 0.0 0.00.0 0.1 0.1 108 130 0.83 1.0 83.1 50.2 27.2! 1100 9.2 0.0 390.0 0.10.0 0.7 0.0 107 130 0.82 1.0 84.5 49.4 25.5! 1200 7.5 0.0 500.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 115 1346 0.84 1.0 89.7 50.5 24.5) 300 &9 0.0 450.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 107 130 0.84 1.0 91.2 51.9% 23.4! 1400 4.5 0.0 48 0.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 109 131 0.83 1.0 92.9 53.5 28.0! 500 0.1 0.0 630.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 117 139 0.84 1.0 99.6 56.0 25.8! DAILY SUMMARY AVERAGE = MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) WIND VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 7.5/ 0 2 (1500) © (0000) DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC 6 1.73 (1500) . 9 (0000) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC 84.4 99 (1500) 99 (1500) QUTSIDE AIR 31 42 (1500) 42 (1500) AVEC FPRODUCTION KWH TOT.= 1 KW | 117 (1500) 116 (1500) KVAH TOT.= 1.2 KVA | 140 (1500) 138 (1500) POWER FACTOR 0 -84 (1500) -83 (1500) E—-1500 FPERFORMANCE*«£ AVG. KW HOURS: ON TOTAL KWHx#* Wo 1 0.0 0 a WG 2 0.0 o wi DATA SYSTEM TAPE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= 5395 NOTES * Vi=HOURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.5KW #** VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult -------- WINII------ -----E-1800---- ---------AVEC PLANT------------ : | TIME VELiI-VEL2 DBIR-VAR WG1 W562 WGI WG2 KW KVA PF ON TC(PT) TCFU) HT I (MPH) * (DB) (B/S) (KWH) ** (HRS) (HRS) (F) (F) CIN) | 1600 1.7--S.1 57 0.8 0.0 06.0 6.00.0 115 124 0.64 1.0 97.9 54.5 25.4 | 1700 3.8 4.4 511.1 0.00.0 0.00.0 117 1397 0.84 1.0 99.1 57.5 24.8, t 1800 4.1 4.9 57 0.9% 0.00.0 0.00.0 112 134 0.85 1.0 96.7 S8.9 31.0! | 1900 3.7 4.3 27 0.4 0.00.0 0.00.0 107 129 0.83 1.0 97.1 59.3 25.9 1 2000 4.2 4.7 22 0.2 0.00.0 0.0 06.0 102 125 0.82 1.0 94.2 59.2 246.9 | 2100 5.4 5.4 30.1 0.00.0 6.00.0 101 123 0.82 1.0 90.9 59.4 25.31 | 2200 5.9 6.4 26 1.0 0.0 06.0 06.0 0,0 105 128 0.83 1.0 88.9 56.7 23. | 2300 5.7 4&2 77 1.8 0.00.0 0,090.0 104 125 0.983 1.0 864.1 57.4 21.7 , | 2400 4.4 5.0 2297 1.2 0.00.0 0.006,0 110 1323 0.83 1.0 84.7 54.3 23.2: DAILY SUMMARY AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) WIND. VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 4.3/ 5.2 7 (2200) Oo (1700) DIRECTION-DEG/SEC 3 17.43 (2200) -2.04 (2200) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEID 92.8 101 (1400) 82 (2200) OUTSIDE AIR 34.2 45 (1600) 23 (2200) AVED FPRODLEITTION KWH TOT.= ¥05.5 KW 100.4 129 (1400) 93 (2000) KVAH TOT.= 1090.2 KVA 121.1 152 (1400) 113 (2000) POWER FACTOR 2231 287 (1700) 27% (2000) E—-1S00 FPERFORMANITE **+* AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWH**#* WG 1 0.0 o oO WG 2 0.0 o Q 2 DATA SYiTE?P1 TAFE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= 2002 NOTES * Vi=SHOURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.5KW ¥** VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult }insuosyelod SNOILION MHS"°T LY GaLvVyN ** ‘d Le oO Pi = ***HMA TWLOL No (OOEO) v2" (OOET) (GOTO) SOT (OObT) (0OTO) 08 (O0ET) (OOEO) OZ (000T) (0050) ZZ (0061) (00G0) 9O'Z- (OOTO) (000T) Oo (OOLT) CAWIL) WOWINIW (CAWIL) W Oc) GNIM-MO7 NI HSIH QV3Y AVW SAMA *** 335dS YSMOd NVSW=ZA f39VYSAY ATYMOH=TA * S3SaLONn 73 =SNVI5 40 # QO =SYONNS SdV¥L WALSAS VYivo 9° o°o Zz OM T vet" tT OM SuncH MH “OAV +234 INVANHOSAYHSoA OOS Tt—a 28° sos" YWO13¥4 YSM0d Evt GtGt VAX 7° 6062 ="LOL HVAH vet 7°L6 MH EB" ="101L HMH NOTLaIMmooYos 6mSAwYe ZS L°c& MIv 3q01Sina Lé L’vs IBAV SCISNI . SygomLVySadAWoSL SZ°LT Sat 935/930-NOILI354N10 et 6°S /E°S (HdW) ZA-TA ALIIDOTIA OnNIrIM™ TWIT XV S9VYH3A0 ASMVABNIMS A TIvVvd “22 NTANMODN DOD RAVOARRONDHDENOHMHAGWAS n in ANNAN AAA NO ao ce @6 oh Bk on ce Ok Be aun Oe be O68 on ER ae a On ee oe eles oe oe v°ZS v's O'T T8"O SZt OOF OO OO O°O O°O OO DET BS F°S oore vss 7°S& OTT Zs"O GFT EOT O70 O7O O°O 0°O TO BET v°L EL out? Z2°38S o°48 O°T €8°0O TZT 66 O70 O°O O°O O'O EO OPT FSB E'S OOZE S°6éS 2°26 O'T GSO OZT B64 O'O E°O 0°00 0°O PO SrT LS v's OoTe v°Oy S'S OTT TB°O PZT OOT O70 OO O°O O°O GO Zot =2°3 62 0002 Z2°6S 6°26 OT T8°O GFT TOT 0°O Z°O O°O TO FO HET S'S O'S 006° vss 2°26 O'T 8°O Z2t 46 O°0 ZO OTO TO GO vTTt Z24°3 H's 003) T°ZS S*Z6 OTT B8°O SST 6464 0°90 0°O OO 0°O L°O TIT 68 9°8 OOZLT eB°SsS 42°26 O°T B8°O SZT OT O70 7°O OO TO S'O 246 6 B8°S o07- 7°tS O°26 OTT PE'O OST OTT 0°O O°O O°0 0°O OTT ZOT O'L SY 00S pees 97°88 O°T S8°O TZT OOF 070 O°O O°O O'O ZO Z46 Salk, oorL 7°IS 1°98 O°T ZE°O TET 466 0°90 0°O 0O°00°O F°O ZS e°s o°s o0eT 6°OS Z°SS O°T 2B°O TZT 66 970 O°O OO O'O Z4°0 99 L*v OY 0021 6°OS S°248 O°T 2S°O T2T 66 0O°O 0°O O°O 0°O £°O Sb Ze be oot, B°ZS S°Zs O'T ZB"O TZT OOF O'O OO O°O OO 6°O Bre TES SS oooT Z2£°0S €°242 O°T SO FIT £6 O°0 O°O O°O O°O T°O OSE STE 6°Z O06( T°é6p 6°92 O°T 642°O BIT £6 90°0 0°O OO OO L°0 YE O'S 'O 003¢ L°Sb 6 697°9L O°T SLO STT £6 0°O0 0°O O'O O°O OO ETT 6°T 8'O 0020 c°6v 6 F°tL OTT 22°O LIT 906 9°90 0°O O70 0O°O 6S L422 PS B'S O07 TOS 97°SZ OTT ZZ°O LTT T& O°0 O°O OO 0°O GE TLT FE BZ oo0s¢ Z°ts 2°92 O°T 2Z2°O SIT Th O°O 0O°O O°0 0°O O°OT GZ ee L°2 00v0 71S S62 O°T SO T2t 76 0°90 O°O OO O°O SS TOT Tr BE o0Ee 7°TIS €°62 O°T B2°O STITT O06 GO OO O°0 0°O 6b S6TE Ev Ov oo0z¢ TES pee OTT B°O ZT SE O°O OFTO OO O'O LT 6S2 6b v't ooTG (4) (4d) (SMH) (S4YH) **CHMA)D (5/0) (0) *(HdW) ' mad L (id) tL NO dad VAN MAH ZOOM TOM ZOM TOM UYVA-YMIG Z1aA-T1SA = SWI. _—— Sr eee LNVId JSAV--------~- SS i NIM-------— VHSVW §aaYVWHSIHS ENOTALVvaO1 EB86T/ST /S sea1vda | DATE= S/ 16/1783 LoMaATIONE: _ SHISHMAREF+ ALASKA $0 ern ——| WIND-—----- -—---— E-1800---- --------- AVEC PLANT-----------— : TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WG2 WG1 WG2 KW KVA PF ON TIFT) TCFU)D HT I (MPH) * (BD) (B/S) (KWH) ** (HRS) (HRS) (F > (F) (IN). 0100 Sup oto ie 1 OOO OL0 O24 O10 93 11970079 10179.16) 54.9 1299: + 0200 Soe) ee) £3 0.1 0.00.0 0.00.0 88 114 0.74 1.0 78.9 53.2 28.2 0300 Teor est 107, CoO) 0.0 O50), 0205650 90 1150.75 71.0) Jo 2.8 26.9 | 0400 C2 11941 1111241070110. 1 (O.0)1 (0.5/0.0 165 111s 10075111. 0173 62) Boe eoeOl 0500 s. S20 i2o CeO) 020) 0.0), 02010.07 S2, tlOlOj7o 1.0) Jz Olt coe 1 0606 608 1117.5) 11347 0.0//7020 0-0) 050/020) 183 (811110575111 70.74.11 50.5 22.4 0700) «65.8 46.4 1540.7 0.00.0 6.00.0 87 113 0.77 1.0 78.3 50.9 21.2: 1 O800 SH Stl7A7iS 51 O00. O1LOL ONTO. 0 OFO ISAO 7G eOlocecihoz «2120. Or o700 655 71 144 O17) 10.0 0.0) 0.0 0.0 117 : » 1.0 89.2 54.2 22.1 | 1000 7.% $8.4 141 1.0 6.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 134 AOLSoe 21 S452 30.6% 1100 S2o) ec iss 1 O.S Oe (O.O] 7 Ona CO lot 3 1.0 98.8 55.1 30.1! | 1200 127 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.9 0.0 126 1.0 101.1 57.0 28.4 1200 94) (9811197 OFF 1051 (O50) 1/50 /050 117 5 1.0 90.5 58.7 s0.c- t 1400 9.4 OS 116 O19 120 0.0) 114 SS 1.0 464.9 59.9 28.81 15000 1179 11s 1122056053 70)01 1/50 056 126 931.0 461.4 460.7 23.8 P1600 Oe) likely) ek O) dist | One OsO) 100.1 t2o 3 1.0 56.6 61.4 27.5 1700 9.5 925 940.3 0.10.0 1.00.0 115 134 0.84 1.0 52.2 60.9 25.4! 1 1800 10.1 10.3 964 0.4 0.1 0.0 1.00.0 108 128 0.84 1.0 49.4 59.9 25.07 1700 10,3 10.4 97 0.5 0.10.0 0.80.0 93 111 0.83 0.9 44.3 59.2 22.5 } 2000 11.2 11.5 104 0.8 0.3 0.0 1.00.0 97 118 0.82 1.0 44.8 56.8 28.3i 2100 Fri s2 5.4 910.4053 0511170 O25 (89 M11 OFS 1004201 1 56.3) 24532 1 2200 id'si li. 77 O41) || O.3 0.0) 1.0/0.5) 25) | 1180.81 1.0) se.7 (5452) 23 2300 10.7 10.9 6270527052707, 0 Io Ot oe iio lols iols7 1S Ss issee t 2400 Somos C1 O27 0-0 0.0) One (0-07 197) | 121 0.8 | 1.0/S56.0 (50.0) 16.97 DAILY SUPMMARY AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) WIND VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) &.7/ 9.3 14 (14006) QO (2300) DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC 2 7.32 (0800) -.81 (2200) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC 47.3 103 (1100) 35 (2200) OUTSIDE AIR 34.1 43 (0900) 24 (0000) AVED FPRODLESTIOnN ; KWH TOT.= 2450.4 KW 103.9 143 (0800) ® (1500) KVAH TOT.= 3015.9 KVA 124.3 145 (1000) oO (1800) POWER FACTOR .B22 e977 (1800) » O (1800) E100 FPERFORPrMANCE *** AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWH¥** WG 1 2192 13.4 2.4 I WG = Ze 1.8 Oe DATA SYSTeEeri TAFE ERRORS= © # OF SCANS= £437 NOTES * VI=HOURLY AVERAGE: V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.5KW ##* VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult o DATE=: 5/ 17/1983 LomcAtrTiane:e —— SHISHMAREF, ALASKA ' “IME VEL1-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WO2 WGO1 WG2 K KVA PF ON T(PT) TCFU) HT 3 (MPH } * (D)(D/S) (KWH) #* (HRS >} CHRS >) (F > (F) CIN): 9100 4.9 5.9 230.1 0.00.0 0,00.0 87 112 0.77 1.0 37.2 48.7 23.91 3200 &.7 7a 12 0.1 0.06.0 0.006.060 77 104 6.74 1.0 35.1 46.0 22.5: J300 7.2 8.1 123.0 0.00.60 6.06.0 84 111 0.74 1.0 34.0 44.9 20.7: 0400 5.8 4.4 18 0.7 0.00.0 0.006.060 78 1065 6.74 1.0 32.8 45.2 19.7: 3500 2.0 3.7 74 0.1 6.00.0 06.006.0 75 102 0.74 1.0 31.3 43.3 8.2! 3400 5.5 7.2 114 0.0 0,060.0 0.06.0 75 102 0.74 1.0 30.9 2.0 16.41 0700 5.7 4.3 135 0.4 0.00.0 0.00.0 77 100 0.74 1.0 32.2 41.7 14.13 2800 6.8 7.4 156 1.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 80 104 0.77 1.0 35.7 42.1 15.8: POO 5.5 4.9 237 0.5 0.00.0 0.0 06,0 2 112 0.82 1.0 42.2 44.9 2e3! 1000 4.7 53.7 258 0.5 06.0 0.0 6,0 06,0 110 127 0.57 1.0 44.8 47.1 24.4: 1106 4.4 6.0 170 1.4 9.00.0 06.0 06.0 112 25 0.87 1.0 48.4 48.4 23.9: 1200 S.3 9.0 134 6.8 0.10.0 0.3 0.0 10% 1246 0.87 1.0 47.7 50.2 23.9! 1300 10.2 11.7 141 1.0 0.26.1 6.7 0.4 104 122 0.84 1.0 48.4 51.5 21.33 1400 11.4 12.0 147 0.9 0.46.2 1.01.0 104 121 0.84 1.0 50.0 53. 18.7: L500 9.7 10.4 140 1.0 0.20.0 1.00.4 112 127 0.87 1.0 50.7 54.4 18.2: 1600 10.5 10.7 132 0.5 0.16.0 1.06.0 103 122 0.85 1.0 49.5 55.8 i5.9! 1760 9.0 9.4 33 0.42 0.1 050. 0.9 0305 99 -117-0.8520.9 50.1 S7.0 11.5% 1800 €.2° $.5 135 6.4 :0:0 0.0 1 20.64 0.1 46.4 57.7 -34.11 L700 9.9 10.4 158 0.6 0.10.0 0.7 0.1 970 111 0.81 0.8 48.7 58.5 5.01 2000 &.5 8.9 144 0.7 0.00.0 0.23 0.0 98 119 0.82 1.0 49.1 S8.4 12.8: 2100 7.5 7.7 182 1.0 0.00.0 6.00.0 94 114 0.51 1.0 48.0 58.5 12.1: 2200 6.9 9.2 181 0.8 6.00.0 0.10.0 90 113 0.8 1.0 44.6 58.8 10.5! 2300 9.7 10.0 1740.64 0.10.0 0.60.0 75 115 0.82 1.0 43.2 58.0 B.4t 2400 11.4 12. 194 0.9 0.30.1 0.8 0.4 9S 1197 0.82 1.0 43.8 52.9 20.33 DAILY SUMMARY AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) WIND VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 7.7/ 3.4 14 (2300) ® (10600) DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC oF 17.70 (0100) -2,04 (0200) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC 42.9 S2 (1400) 2? (0400) OUTSIDE AIR Bz.4 45 (0700) 20 (0300) AVED FPRODLITTION . KWH TOT.= 2145.2 KW 94 151 (1800) oO (1700) KVAH TOT.= 2435.5 KVA 1135.6 i181 (1800) Oo (1700) POWER FACTOR SSLE999 999 1.00 (1400) » O (1700) E—-1S00 FPERFORMANTL EE «x* AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWH¥** WG 1 <2tS Feat 1.6 WG 2 215 Zac 5 DATA SYSTEM : TAFE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= 8627 NMmTeES * VISHOURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN FOWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.oKW x#* VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult ! DATE=. 5/18/1983 LOmATICGN= — SHISHMAREF, ALASKA -------- WIND------ -----E-1£00---- ---------AVEC: PLANT------------ TIME VEL1-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WG2 WG1 WO2 KW KVA PF ON T(PT) T(FU) HT (MPH)* = (I) (D/S) (KWH)** (HRS) (HRS)(F) 9 (F) — CINDE 0100 12.7 13.5 214 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.90.8 84 107 0.78 1.0 42.9 47.9 25.4' t 0200 97.2 10.3 1897 1.32 0,0 0.0 0.1 0.0 79 103 0.77 1.0 42.5 46.8 24.7 | O30O 7.4 9.4 1500.5 0.00.0 0.10.0 74 1000.74 1.0 40.9 44.3 22.3. i 0400 3.7 5.1 182 0.1 0.00.0 0.00.0 84 1046 0.79 1.0 37.8 45.8 21.5! 1 0500 4.1 6.8 1730.7 0.00.0 9.00.0 74 77 0.76 1.0 34.4 45.2 15.8 + 0400 4.4 6.7 205 0.7 0.00.0 0.00.0 79 103 0.77 1.0 39.5 45.1 17.4 | 0700 5.4 4.2 237 0.3 0.00.0 0.00.0 77 100 0.77 1.0 42.7 45.9 17.4! + 0800 2.4 3.0 252 0.0 0.0 06.0 0.00.0 846 106 0.61 1.0 45.23 47.3 17.6 1 OFOO 1.7 2.7 242 0.0 6.06.0 0.006.0 84 102 0.83 1.0 49.1 49.4 18.5 t 1000 3.1 7.0 258 0.9 0.00.0 0.00.0 #1 108 0.64 1.0 53.8 53. 24.51 11100 12.2 12.9 243 6.4 $91 111 0.62 1.0 54.9 S35.2 27.7? 1 1200 2.5 10.5 232 0.9 0.00.0 0.4 0.0 91 107 0.84 1.0 58.4 57.4 26.4 1 1300 #.5 9.4 1564 1.0 0.1 0.0 0.50.2 84 104 0.81 1.0 54.9 58.4 25.4, t 1400 $.5 9.1 142 1.14 0.00.0 0.5 0.0 87 107 6.81 1.0 53. 59.5 28.7! 1 1500 8.2 8.8 134 1.2 0.06.0 0.00.0 87 108 0.82 1.0 51.8 59.7 26.1 t 1400 2.4 9.1 135 1.1 6.0 06.0 0.00.0 8% 108 0.83 1.0 51.1 59.7 235.06 t 1700 9.2 9.4 128 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.40.0 85 109 0.51 1.0 50.7 S9.7 22.51 i 1800 $.9 9.0 125 06.3 0.0 06.0 0.00.0 70 107 0.83 1.0 50.3 59.9 26.23 1 1200 9.0 9.2 1310.5 0.006.0 0.00.0 83 1030.8 1.0 47.5 33.4 25.3 1 2000 $.5 8.9 138 0.8 06.00.60 0,1 6.0 83 104 060.8 1.0 45.3 57.2 22.91 | 2100 9.1 9.4 155 0.7 6.1 06.0 1.00.0 84 107 0.81 1.0 44.3 56.0 21.3! 1 2200 S.7 %.1 154 0.7 0.0 0,0 0.7 06.0 89 109 0.82 1.0 42.4 54.5 19.9 | 2300 £.5 8.8 145 6.2 0.06.0 6.00.0 95 115 0.82 1.0 39.0 52.7 17.7: 1 2400 9.2 9.3 134 0.1 0.1 6.0 0.7 06.0 100 121 0.82 1.0 35.9 50.5 16.51 AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 7.7/ 8.5 14 (1000) Oo (0900) DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC e& &.07 (0100) 2 O (2300) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC 44.4 40 (1100) 34 (2300) OUTSIDE AIR 3h SO (1100) 25 (0300) AVEm PRODUCTION : KWH TOT.= 2059 KW 35.8 108 (1500) 48 (0300) KVAH TOT.= 2554 KVA 104.5 129 (2300) 89 (0300) POWER FACTOR 1806 “88 (1500) .72 (0200) E-1200 FERFORMANCE*s«* AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWH*** Wo 1 1172 4.2 ea 3 WG 2 268 1.5 4 DATA SYSTE?ri TAPE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= 24637 NOTES * VISHOURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.8KW ¥** VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND (CONDITIONS E Polarconsult \ \ o DATE= S/ 19/1982 LioTAT IONS SHISHMAREF» ALASKA Sait WIND------ 9 —----E-1800---- ---------AVEC PLANT------------ ' TIME VELi-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WG2 WG1 WG2 KW KVA PF ON T(PT) T(FU) HT | (MPH) * (BD) (B/S) (KWH) + (HRS) (HRS) (F) (F) CIN} | 9100 3.2 8.3 124 0.0 0.20.0 0.90.0 87 113 0.79 1.0 33.5 48.4 23.3! 9200 3. 7.1 204 1.5 0.00.0 0.00.0 73 96 0.76 1.0 33.9 45.2 22.1: 3300 &.7 be? 210.0 0.00.0 0.00.0 80 101 0.79 1.0 32.1 3.5 20.4: 0400 2.7 9.0 35.0.0 0.00.0 06.0 06.0 77 101 0.76 1.0 29.8 42.5 19.11 3500 &.9 7.1 23.0.1 0.00.0 0.00.0 72 96 0.74 1.0 29.7 41.7 18.2! 0600 5.4 6.3 45.0.5 0.06.0 6.00.0 73 97 0.75 1.0 29.5 41.1 17.5! 0700 3.7 4.4 44 0.5 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 3 96 0.76 1.0 31.1 41.0 16.3: 0800 5.3 5.9 42 0.7 0.00.0 0.06.0 76 97 0.79 1.0 32.7 41.6 17.3! 3900 5.4 5.8 34 0.3 0.00.0 0.00.0 82 10601 0.81 1.0 35.46 2.9 19.8: 1000 6.0 4.4 49 0.9 0.00.0 0.00.0 96 114 0.84 1.0 28.9 45.4 27.51 1100 7.4 7.7 SP 0.5 0.00.0 0.00.0 964 112 0.895 1.0 40.4 46.1 25.4! 1200 7.7 8.2 47 0.9 0.00.0 0.00.0 98 115 0.85 1.0 41.4 47.1 24.33 L300 7.4 2 40 1.3 0.00.0 0.00.0 95 114 0.83 1.0 42.7 48.5 25.38! 1400 .3 8.9 64 1.4 0.10.0 0.56.0 95 115 0.82 1.0 43.3 50.0 27.4! [500 12.0 12.4 510.3 0.40.2 1.01.0 97 115 0.84 1.0 41.8 50.4 25.1! 1400 13.8 14.3 840.4 0.70.5 1.01.0 95 115 0.83 1.0 40.8 50.6 24.1: 1700 «615.3 15.9 920.6 0.90.7 1.01.0 101 123 0.83 1.0 38.46 50.1 22.4! 1800 15.3 16.4 100 1.2 0.90.7 1.01.0 100 122 0.82 1.0 37.7 49.4 21.0! 1900 14.8 17.8 105 0.9 1.10.8 1.01.0 91 1140.8 1.035.5 48.4 19.7! 2000 «14.0 146.8 97 1.0 1.10.8 1.01.0 89 1110.8 1.0 33.9 47.2 18.5! 2100 «14.5 15.4 970.8 0.80.6 1.01.0 97 119 0.82 1.0 32.2 46.1 25.7: 2200 15.3 15.6 93 0.4 1.00.8 1.01.0 98 120 0.82 1.0 29.9 43.2 25.1! 2300 12.6 13.1 70 0.4 0.50.3 1.01.0 98 119 0.82 1.0 28.3 41.1 22.6! 2400 14.2 15.8 107 0.8 0.80.5 1.00.9 99 121 0.82 1.0 27.5 40.2 21.3! DAILY SUMMARY AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) WIND VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 9.9/ 10.6 DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC OUTSIDE AIR PRODI T Ton KWH TOT.= 2140.1 KW EVAH TOT.= EVA FOWER FACTOR E—-1Soo0 AVE 2648.1 WG 1 WG 2 DATA SYSTE?rM TAFE ERRORS= 0 NOTES * VI=HOURLY AVERAGE» PERF ORPIANIT Ee +* 23 (1800) ® (0100) LF 14.47 (0100) -1.44 (0100) 35 44 (1200) 24 (2200) 30.1 44 (0800) 19 (2300) B9.2 117 (1700) 63 (0400) 110.3 134 (2000) 84 (0400) . 208 -87 (1400) 272 (0200) AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWH¥** 741 11.5 3.5 2592 9.8 5.8 # OF SCANS= £437 V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. *#* RATED AT 1.5KW #** VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult OO cocanasncananin WIND------ 9 ----— E-1800---- --------- AVEC PLANT------------ : | TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WGO2 WG1 WO2 KW KVA PF ON T(PT) TCFU) HT t (MPH) * (DB) (B/S) (KWH) #* (HRS) CHRS) (F) (F) CIN). | 0100 15.3 17.4 115 1.0 0.90.7 1.00.9 91 117 0.78 1.0 24.2 39.0 22.0: | 0200 14.1 17.2 1271 0.8 1.00.8 1.01.0 S1 108 0.75 1.0 24.5 37.7 18.2 | O300 15.5 14.2 1298 06.8 1.00.7 1.01.0 84 108 0.77 1.0 23.3 34.5 14.8 1 O400 11.9 13.1 1234 06.6 0.4 6.2 1.00.7 78 104 0.76 1.0 22.6 35.5 15.51 | O500 10.4 11.4 131 0.6 0.20.1 0.70.3 78 104 0.75 1.0 22.7 35.1 24.3 t 0400 7.1 8.9 #144 0.8 6.1 06.0 0.8 0.1 77 102 0.74 1.0 24.2 33.2 26.5 | 0700 9.5 10.2 155 1.1 0.1 6.0 0.7 0.1 77 101 0.74 1.0 24.1 32.6 25.1: 1 OS00 12.4 13.8 1427 1.0 0.50.3 1.00.8 83 104 0.77 1.0 28.2 33. 23.9! | o90O 12.9 13.8 157 1.0 0.40,5 1.01.0 74 114 0.81 1.0 31.0 35.7 20.9 ' 4000 13.3 14.2 153 1.1 0.6 0.4 1.01.0 99 121 0.82 1.0 33. 37.5 21.2. | 1100 15.1 14.1 152 1.1 1.00.9 1.01.0 98 115 0.93 1.0 35.4 39.2 20.4: ' 4200 14.7 15.9 153 1.2 0.9 6.6 1.01.0 103 122 0.64 1.0 37.4 40.7 19.3 | £300 14.4 15.4 154 1.1 O.8 0.8 1.01.0 95 117 0,82 1.0 38.5 43.5 25.4 + 1400 3.9 15.1 153 1.3 0.7 0.7 1.01.0 7S 1197 0.82 1.0 40.0 45.3 26.91 | 1500 13.4 14.7 150 0.9 06.7 0.4 1.01.0101 1197 0.85 1.0 41.4 45.9 24.5 ' 1400 14.7 15.7 147 1.1 O19 0.7 1.01.0 95 114 06.82 1.0 41.5 46.9 24.0 | 1700 14.3 15.4 140 1.3 0.9 0.5 1.01.0 977 118 0.82 1.0 41.2 47.6 27.97% ! 1800 13.0 14.2 137 1.3 0.70.5 1.01.0 974 115 0.51 1.0 39.9 47.7 27.0' | 1900 13.7 14.3 131 0.8 0.70.5 1.01.0 81 104 0.78 1.0 38.0 47.2 24.5 t 2000 2.5 13.0 130 06.5 0.5 06.3 1.0 0.9 S23 104 0.75 1.0 34.3 446.9 23.3: | 2100 11.2 11.5 132 0.3 6.30.0 1.00.3 83 104 0.79 1.0 35.0 44.2 20.9: t 2200 9.2 9.9 134 0.2 0.1 06.0 0.4 0.0 84 105 0.8 1.0 33.5 45.1 20.1 | 2300 9.3 9.4 1297 0.1 0.00.0 0.20.0 89 109 0.82 1.0 31.5 44.3 27.1. 1 2400 7.5 8.7 134 0.1 0.00.0 0.50.0 90 110 0,82 1.0 30.4 41.9 22.01 DAILY SUMMARY AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM: (TIME) WIND VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 12.7/ 13.4 25 (0000) 3 (2500) DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC 2 7.238 (0800) . O (23300) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC 32.4 42 (1500) 21 (0300) OUTSIDE AIR 24.1 3 (1700) 14 (0200) AVEDT FPRODLITT ION . KWH TOT.= 2135.8 KW By 113 (1400) 492 (0400) KV4H TOT.= 2672.4 EVA 111.3 1232 (1400) 72 (0400) FOWER FACTOR 2799 287 (1400) e7i (0100) E-1Le00 FPERFORPMANLE *** : AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWH*** WG 1 2624 21.7 13.5 5 WG 2 242 17 10.5 DATA SYSTEFr1 TAFE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= &437 NOTES * VISHOURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.8KW ¥** VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult : DATE= S/ 21/1983 LiiaraTiIons: SHISHMAREF+s ALASKA | eee WIND------ ----- E-15800---- 9 --------- AVEC PLANT-~~--------- t ' TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WG2 WGO1 WG2 KW KVA PF ON TCPT> TCFU) HT ' (MPH) * (D)(D/S) (KWH) #* (HRS) (HRS) (F) (F) CIN}: + 9100 8.5 8.7 140 6.1 0.00.0 0,0 0.0 80 103 0.78 1.0 29.4 40.7 20.4: i 0200 2.4 8.9 144 0.2 06.0 0.0 .2 0.0 3 97 0.75 1.0 2729 40.1 19.3! 1 3300 8.5 9.4 1610.5 0.00.0 0.30.0 S82 104 0.79 1.0 30.7 39.7 22.33 t 0400 9.7 10.1 140 0.2 0.1 60.0 0.7 06.0 75 100 0.74 1.0 29.8 38. 22.61 t 3500 6.4 9.8 177 1.1 0.00.0 0.30.0 74 99 0.75 1.0 31.5 37.9% 21.73 t 0400 9.1 9.64 1468 0.7 0.1 0.0 0.4 06.0 74 98 0.75 1.0 32.7 38.4 21.7! t 0700 8.0 $.4 1540.8 0.00.0 0.1 0.¢ 73 96 0.76 1.0 32.2 39.2 19.4: t 0800 9.2 9.8 1351 0.6 0.10.0 0.8 0.2 78 99 0.79 1.0 33.1 39.7 18.7! t FOO 9.2 9.9 1470.7 0.10.0 0.9 0.1 797 100 0.79 1.0 36.1 40.9 18.2! ' 1000 10.2 11.3 151 1.0 0.2 0.2 1.00.4 87 108 0.81 1.0 38.9 3.0 8.51 + 1100 11.7 12.5 145 1.4 0.40.3 1.00.9 84 107 0.81 1.0 40.5 45.35 23.0: + 1200 13.7 14.8 144 1.5 0.70.4 1.01.0 846 107 0.81 1.0 42.5 47.6 27.3! ' £300 14.5 15.4 1441.0 0.90.8 1.01.0 S81 102 0.78 1.0 42.8 48.1 24,31 + 1400 14.6 15.4 140 1.2 6.90.8 1.01.0 81 103 0.79 1.0 42.9 48.8 25.0! | [500 14.3 15.1 139 1.2 0.90.7 1.01.0 93 114 0.82 1.0 43.8 49.9 27.43 ' 1400 12.8 13.4 138 0.9 0.40.4 1.01.0 87 11060 0.77 1.0 44.8 51.0 27.4: ' 1700 13.0 13.6 1446.7 0.40.5 1.01.0 S88 112 0.77 1.0 44.7 51.3 24.2! i £800 12.5 13.0 136 0.7 0.50.4 1.01.0 88 112 0.79 1.0 42.4 51.1 25.1! : L900 10.5 11.2 137 1.0 0.20.1 0.90.4 84 108 0.77 1.0 42.2 51.5 28.38! t 2000 7.4 9.9 150 1.0 6.1 06.0 6.9 06.0 84 105 0.8 1.0 42.7 50.7 26.9! 1 2106 S.1 8.5 1470.4 0.00.0 0.46.0 82 103 0.77 1.0 41.0 49.9 235.3! 1 2200 6.3 6.5 138 0.2 0.00.0 0.00.0 81 101 0.8 1.0 38.2 49.2 24.03 t 2200 9.8 9.9 136 0.3 0.00.0 0.40.0 85 1060.8 1.035.2 47.9 22.9! 1 2400 9.2 9.5 134 0.2 0.00.0 0.20.0 88 107 0.81 1.0 24.1 4464.5 20.9%! DAILY SuUPrirtaAaryY AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) WIND VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 10.57 11.1 20 (1400) 3 (0100) BIRECTION-DEG/SEC 3 B.11 (1700) » O (2300) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC 37.5 4& (1500) 24 (0100) OUTSIDE AIR 29.1 3 (1500) 15 (0100) AVEMm FPRODLEITTION ; KWH TOT.= 1949 KW 82 104 (1300) 64 (0400) KVAH TOT.= 2504 KVA 104.3 125 (1400) 85 (0600) FOWER FACTOR 27346 285 (1400) 272 (0300) E100 FERFORMANILE *** AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWHe** WG 1 2437 15.4 4.5 WG 2 218 out 4.7 DATA SYSTEM TAFE ERRORS= © # OF SCANS= 8437 NOTES * VI=HOURLY AVERAGE: V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.5KW *** VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult '| DATE= 6/ 28/1983 - LOoMmaATION: SHISHMAREFs ALASKA BILL) ||| || | eeeeoneneeesnnt WIND------ ----— E-1800---- 9 --------- AVEC PLANT-----------— 3 t TIME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1i WGS WG1 WG2 KW KVA PF ON TC(FT) TC(FU) HT t (MPH) * (D) (B/S) (KWH) #* (HRS) (HRS) (F) (F) CINDG § 0100 9.9 0.0 127 0.0 0.00.0 6:30.0 86 110 0.79 1.0 32.3 45.3 18.9! t O200 9.6 0.0 129 06.0 0.1 6.0 1.00.0 78 104 6.75 1.0 30.8 44.4 22.7 t O300 8.7 0.0 132 0.0 0.006.060 6.20.0 81 104 0.78 1.0 30.6 42.4 27.3. + 0400 7.1 0.0 130 0.0 6,006.60 0.0 0.6 3 980.75 1.0 30.4 41.0 25.81 t 0500 9.3 0.0 1340.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 = 95 0.75 1.0 31.0 40.7 24.5 1 6600 9.6 0.0 135 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.80.0 71 95 0.74 1.0 32.3 41.5 23.2 1 0700 8.7 0.0 134 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.76.0 47 910.74 1. 21.71 1+ 0800 9.2 0.0 125 0.0 6.06.0 6.1 06.0 70 92 0.76 1. 21.3 + 1000 O.2 0.0 00.0 0.5 6.3 1.0 1.0107 123 0.87 1.0 53.3 52.3 28.2: DAILY SuUPrraAakyY AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) WIND VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MFH) &.3/ © ¥ (1000) oO (0000) DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC Oo e2l (1000) 2 O (0000) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC 34.3 53 (1000) S3 (1000) OUTSIDE AIR 26.9 37 =©(1000) 37 (1000) AVED FPRODLITTIOnN : KWH TOT.= «4 KW ol 1907 (1000) 107 (1600) KVAH TOT.= .7 KVA el 122 (1000) 122 (1000) POWER FACTOR o 287 (1000) 287 (1000) E-—1200 PERFORMANCE «** AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWHx** Wo 1 140 0 1 j WG 2 45 Oo aa DATA SYSTErM TAFE ERRORS= 0 # OF SCANS= 2379 NOTES * VISHOURLY AVERAGE: V2Z=MEAN FOWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.5KW #** VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult CQ aa WIND------ —-----| E-1800---- --------- AVEC PLANT-----------— t ‘IME VELI-VEL2 DIR-VAR WG1 WG2 WGO1 WG2 KW KVA PF ON T(PT) T(FU) HT ! (MPH) (BD) (B/S) (KWH) #* (HRS) CHRS >) (F) (F) CIN): ' 1 ' ' 1100 1.8 10.2 3.0.1 0.10.0 1.00.7 104 119 0.87 1.0 52.9 S2.3 289.1: 1 L200 9.2 9.5 47 44.9 0.1 0.0 06.4 0.0 103 117 0.85 0.9 52.4 52.4 22.31 2300 10.2 10.5 B35 34.3 0.20.0 1.00.1 103 119 0.86 1.0 53.7 53.0 25.0: | 1400 9.3 8.4 44 8.3 0.10.0 1.00.0 119 134 0.89 1.0 54.4 54.2 28.51 S00 11.1 11.5 7415.6 0.3 0.1 1.00.4 113 131 0.86 1.0 54.5 54.5 27.4: | L600 9.8 10.4 14 2.5 6.26.0 1.06.5 118 135 0.87 1.0 54.4 54.4 22.31 1700 10.4 10.9 300.5 0.20.0 1.00.2 118 137 0.87 1.0 51.8 54.5 19.4: | LBOO 9.9 10.6 31 °0.7 0.2 0.1 0.8 0.3 113 132 0.84 1.0 48.8 54.4 20.4: 200 3.5 3 2? 0.4 0.06.0 0.00.0 111 127 0.864 1.0 49.2 54.1 22.7: 1 2600 97.3 9.8 240.5 0.00.0 06,0 06,.0 107 125 0.84 1.0 47.5 52.58 22.11 2100) «11.4 12.1 310.7 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.2 109 127 0.86 1.0 44.0 532.4 20.4: ; 2200 11.0 11.4 35 0.6 0.00.0 0.00.2 1064 123 0.87 1.0 44.2 52.0 18.31 2300 11.2 11.6 410.5 0.20.1 0.58 6.5 99 114 0.85 1.0 44.1 51.7 14.43 | 2400 9.8 10.4 33.0.4 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.1 100 117 0.85 1.0 44.2 Si.3 15.2: i DAILY SUMMARY AVERAGE MAXIMUM (TIME) MINIMUM (TIME) WIND VELOCITY Vi-V2 (MPH) 9.5/ 10.4 iS) (2100) 4 (1100) DIRECT ION-DEG/SEC 3 17.74 (1100) -45.94 (1100) TEMPERATURE INSIDE AVEC 50.1 Sé& (1400) 42 (2100) OUTSIDE AIR 35.7 40 (1100) SZ (2200) AVED FPRODLNSTIONn : KWH TOT.= 1437.7 KW 103.2 134 (1300) Oo (1100) KVAH TOT.= 1444.5 KVA 119.5 178 (1100) Oo (1100) POWER FACTOR eSE3999999 297 (1100) » O (1100) E-1S00 FPERFORMANLE «** AVG. KW HOURS ON TOTAL KWHx** WG 1 22 7.2 1.4 WG 2 2166 2.7 25 DATA SYSTEM TAPE ERRORS= © # OF SCANS= 4733 NmTeES * VI=HOURLY AVERAGE, V2=MEAN POWER SPEED. ** RATED AT 1.5KW ***% VALUES MAY READ HIGH IN LOW-WIND CONDITIONS Polarconsult \ ‘ 2 3 tf Dp) | , | WIND ENERGY IN YOUR VILLAGE? 1 \ { The State of Alaska has appropriated money for a project to determine if it is possible to utilize wind energy in the Bering Straits region. The project engineer will visit your village during the weeks of June 21 to June 30. He will conduct a meeting to explain the project, locate a site for the equipment, and gather information. Local coordinators will be needed during the project. Please plan to attend the meeting, and ..if you would like to participate in the project, let us know then. This is your chance to help find an alternative to high diesel electric bills! (J. 1K. TK TRF2 Pam Root, Project Manager Construction Systems Management, Inc. 902 W. International Airport Road Anchorage, Alaska 99502 (907) 276-3033 INSTALLATION LOG SHISHMAREF BERING STRAITS WIND PROJECT October 24, 1982 - November 27, 1982 October 24, 1982 Working in warm falling snow overlooking the pounding | surf. Thunderous waves break on my left, the lagoon freezes on my right . and below, the paths bank and carve into the dunes weaving the houses and activity into a maze. | prepared all the brackets and anchors for welding but it took me most of today to make the base plate for the 50' tower. | cut up 30' of creosoted 3"x12" to make the 3'x3! pad. After leveling the frozen ground and bolting together the base plate, the mass was very impressive. A fine 10 hours. October 25, 1982 Pat and Frank started on the second piling hole - they're half done. | bought two auger bits from the school construction firm and immediately went to cutting them down to weld back on some heavy duty long extensions. | also fixed up my "doke" so that it's adaptable to a variety of lengths. Home made tools enhance the character of one's work. Scrounging the materials on site, using the school's shop and fabricating while your helpers are doing it the "old way", both saves money and somehow makes the work more indigenous. Now | have the auger set-up to do Golovin and White Mountain! The snow keeps falling. It acutally comes in horizontal blasts with an encore of equally surprising clearness. The two pilings came to $200.00 and the labor for installing them will be $600.00. One piling is a creosoted telephone pole and the other is a 10"x10" treated timber. | also got the 60' tower pad cut and fitted in place. An all around good Monday; things are rolling. | worked 10 hours. October 26, 1982 Pat and Frank finished the hole and we set the piling. | finished the 60' tower base plate and now we're ready for welding. |! also cut, drilled and set the cap for the first piling. The snow continues to come in flurries. Herbie Nayukpuk, the second place finisher in the Iditarod, regularly run his dogs over the snow-paved spit. I've never seen, and often wandered, though, how fast his dogs pull on the way back. | had akutuk and tea with Ardith and Robert in the evening. We talked of herding and harvesting reindeer - something she did as a child. Her brothers still own the herd. 1! worked 10 hours. October 27, 1982 It was 2:20 when | finally struck my first arc. The contractor relin- quished the welder at 10:00, we put it on a sled, and then | spent the rest of the time splicing cables and jockeying breakers, etc., etc., until | was safely welding. It's beginning to get cold. I! put in a 9 hour day. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 October 28, 1982 Finished the welding! Boy those tank anchors really sapped up the time. Ironically, the welder and rods | got for free but they charged me for the operator and rig that carried it over to my site - $60.00. | visited Dan in the evening to go over the prints with him and let him know we're ready for the tower erection tomorrow. It's getting hard to put in a 10 hour day because of the scarcity of light. Roughly a 9 hour day today. October 29, 1982 | set the pile cap on the 10'x10"x10' in a nicely notched-out niche. Dan Orlano arrived at 11:00 like | had asked and we commenced tower erection! He's quiet but bright, always thinking and the first one to pick up the “other side" of the object. For some reason though, the pace hasn't really picked up, and we only installed the bottom 30! of both towers. It really snowed heavily during the evening basketball game between the visiting Gambell Polar Bears and the Shishmaref Northern Lights. But when the final buzzer sounded the air was clear and we waded home through powder. Danny worked 5 hours and | worked 10 hours. October 30, 1982 What a day! What sunshine! There must be a dozen dog teams in this village and they really get off on this new snow. Dan and | finished the 50' tower and almost all of the 60'. The former is firm and looks real professional, that's what | told Dan anyway. There was a plane crash today but the pilot wasn't hurt - a few hundred yards more, and he would have broken through the sea ice. Progress is slower than my expectations but much smoother, for which | am grateful. The basket- ball game was again very good but the movie following, "Halloween II" stunk. | walked out of the community center after the first reel. | put in a 9 hour day. Dan 6 hours. October 31, 1982 | finished the 60' tower this morning and started erecting the large gin pole. Dan didn't want to work on a holiday. -5° has been the coldest thus far but | was eager to work because the sky was clear and when the sun finally rose it was brilliant. People have begun to ice fish on the lagoon and on my other side to the Northwest, the sea is a still horizon of ice and snow. I'd love the see a Northwest wind swallow this white serenity with blasting waves. | love to work in my parka and mukluks; | feel like of unit of heat in the relentless cold. | worked 8 hours. November 1, 1982 The wind was really blowing and from the Northwest too! But it didn't break apart the land fast ice and slush. There are no more ominous waves; the quiet cold is taking over. We couldn't install the generator so we finished preparing the gin pole, and grounded our guys and Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 wired our turnbuckes from loosening. The elements must be holding us back; | can't recall very much that we accomplished in the day even though Dan put in a steady 7 hours and | put in 8 - we'll get there. I'm still impatient. November 2, 1982 Yesterday | saw a young man, whom | have talked with frequently, being led to the clinic by his fellow construction buddies. His arm was definitely bothering him, but | could not see from the distance that he had cut off two of fingers. That night | followed the blood trail to my door and inside. He was damn lucky to make it to Anchorage that night; | don't know if he saved his fingers. Today we erected the 60!' high windmill - it was the smoothest yet. We struck the erection equipment and transferred it to the 50' tower to be ready for the repeat tomorrow. Dan worked 8 hours, Pat 44, and Frank a half an hour. | put in 9 hours. It was very warm and no wind blew. | told Dan when we were setting the windmill in place that this was the most pleasurable moment of installations. He agreed. November 3, 1982 | got going early to make sure the second generator would go up today. Dan leaves for Fairbanks for a while and | certainly need him up at the tower top so we can complete this unit and leave everything but the electrical hook-up behind us. It again went smoothly, and right at the moment of seating the unit, | wanted to hop down and climb up the higher tower to take birds-eye shots of the action. But when you've drafted pedestrians to hold tag lines at -15°, it's diffi- cult to take time out for photography. Actually, the machine was hanging tilted and the picture would have been less than perfect. We were done and cleaned up before lunch. | finished the day with Ed Kiely organizing the electrical. |! think it will take another 10 days. November 4, 1982 Today was even colder and I'm glad that the first half of the day was spent inside and on the phone organizing the electrical supplies. This will be a real slick installation. On one tower | started on the anemometer boom, weatherhead and power disconnect box. | think starting tomorrow, fresh, we'll really make progress. The wind was bobbing the ice and sea around - an alien, hostile scene. November 5, 1982 | put in an 8 hour day. Dan punched in 4. We didn't get much done today only because its getting cold and | have to provide cursing time for numbness on top of the usual allotment for work. Cussing really only follows stupid mistakes. But to err is not what's frustrating. It's my inability to vent it verbally in front of Dan without feeling childish. I'm ashamed because Eskimos are the patenters of patience. They laugh at their mistakes. We strung half of the aerial wire and installed the towers' disconnects and weatherheads. At the end of the day in the crisp dark twilight high above the village, it was easy to Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 joke of the day's pace. A caravan of snowmachine lights appeared miles away across the lagoon returning from grayling net-fishing, and as they slowly approached the village, fanning out toward their homes, we climbed down. November 6, 1982 Saturdays the atmosphere is happy, lively and productive. It's usually a big mail day. Many are working and the others are excited about travel. We ran some of the exterior conduit for the treatment plant. Sundays are dead. The first sign of life is the sound of the church bell. November 7, 1982 A storm is commencing and there are gale warnings out along the coastal regions. The snow was thick and flying. | had a grand time wiring the lee end of AVEC and running the conduit inside to the main panel. The ocean isn't doing much. There's open water but the wind comes directly up the coast and the waves don't work sideways. | worked about 8 hours and accomplished quite a bit. November 8, 1982 Whenever | start walking around looking for a certain tool in this mess | waste a lot of time. But the distractions expose me to the social life of the village and | guess | welcome the break. It also seems to help integrate the work with the people. We ran the conduit up into the treatment plant and into the terminal cabinet and the two control boxes. | can't believe | worked 10 hours. November 9, 1982 Dan and | got a lot done today. And again, standing back looking at what we completed it didn't seem like much at all. Conduit bending is new to me and some intricate sculptures inadvertantly preceded the successful attempts. 1! will know next time to plan for some surplus material. We finished the control boxes, meters, contact enclosure, main panel and started the wind sensor cabinet. I'm still waiting for the conduit that's been sitting at Wien for days. They really handle boxes expeditiously, but anything larger than a bread box transports like a Buick. | was able to put in 10 hours today, all inside - Dan worked 7}. November 9, 1982 We did some immaculate conduiting and finished all the interior housing for wires and controls. The conduit didn't come from Wien nor the mail because of the 40 mph winds and heavy snow and | doubt the conduit will show up tomorrow because there will be twice as much to carry. | had a great day. We did good work; the wind was warm and clear by dusk and the radio was playing sweet tunes like the theme song from HAIR. It was a 10 hour day for me and 3} for Dan. The high school journalism class interviewed me regarding their town's new mini- Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 windfarm. Not knowing much about the subject, they understandably had difficulty asking pertinent questions. | happily distributed rele- vant matter, but found it amusing when they raised their hands to ask me for help with spelling. November 11, 1982 Snow was melting. It was spring weather. | paid Dan double time on Veteran's Day. We completely wired the 50' towers anemometer, discon- nect, some interior wiring and started on the 60' tower wiring. He worked 7 hours while | put in 8. November 12, 1982 We pulled the instrument cable in AVEC and the power wires to the 3 phase 15 amp breaker bus. We also installed the terminal box. The generators are deafening and a black greasy film covers everything inside the plant. My horn came a few days ago. I've been playing it a lot and writing less in my log. | put in close to 10 hours, Dan 8}. November 13, 1982 | spent the morning on the phone with Pam and Bill McDonald, arrang- ing an inspection trip for next week. Ed Kiely will be on site for at least another month. We discovered that there is no available 3rd phase at AVEC and will have to install another transformer and breaker panel. We rescued a dog that had broken through the sewer pond ice and was struggling to get back on top. God knows how long it was like that; the view of the intake is obstructed and |, being high up, just barely caught sight of the barking dog's head. Barking attracts no attention; there's practically more dogs than people here. We dragged her through the snow to the AVEC plant because her whole back half was numb, yet the muck wasn't frozen enough to want to pick her up. Then the poor thing had to endure the racket and black film in the AVEC plant. A half hour later the old man who runs the plant found a brown crusted dog thawing out in a corner. November 14, 1982 I'm slowing down. One, because the job is beginning to wrap up and two, I'm still waiting for the conduit. I've learned that although this is a fairly large village, because no twin otters service it, only small freight moves reliably. Ed and | determined the approach and materials needed for hooking into the third phase at AVEC. He was originally concerned that because the two windplants would be running off a split phase transformer (one hot leg of 480 volts and a neutral compared to the normal: two 480 v. legs with a neutral center top) they might create phase shifting because they are running off the same phase. Frank Soltis didn't foresee a problem with this, but | will reaffirm through Larry Staudt at Enertech. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 November 15, 1982 | spent the morning ordering parts over the phone and bribing Wein Cargo with what little praise | have left for them. Dan worked an hour and a half and all we did was run the aerial data cable span from AVEC to the treatment plant. | took off at about 3:30 and went back to my horn and writing. November 16, 1982 Today worked out real well and | had a good time with it. At 8:00 a.m. | mailed a letter and walked out to the beach. The wind and warm weather that we've had has left the sea very tired and the end of the open water barely lapped at my feet. the seal hunting is excellent now and they're catching them by the teens to 50's. Most of it is for dog food. “A Wein agent hung up on me - my conduit didn't come. But Earl at AVEC has come through with expensive liquid flex - he will not use. So Dan and | ran the power conduit and wires to the treatment plant weather - head and commenced wiring the Wind Generator Controls and Monitor Cabinet. Carl burned over a drum of #2 heating oil to melt a small trench across the road. It uncovered more than dirt: all pyromaniacs and everyone under eleven. The ESP | ordered yesterday came today - in less than 24 hours. November 17, 1982 The conduit arrived on a Twin Beach, but it wouldn't take my gin pole. This may be a problem because this is the largest plane that regularly flies in here. | now have all my material and in the few hours of daylight we had left, we installed the data terminal cabinet up at the tower, its conduit running down, and the data's conduit service en- trance into the treatment plant. | worked a long day. November 1!8, 1982 Bill McDonald and Jack arrived just as the day was warming up. The day started with a real biting chill factor. By noon, a blanket of clouds slid over, and the engulfing heat sink of sea aroused all the village dogs. We briefly went over the remaining details and everything seemed to be well covered. They'll leave tomorrow and Dan and | should have the generators operating in a couple of days. We ran the data cable and some of the power aerial span. November 19, 1982 Today we fired them up or rather flicked the switch. They both ran very nicely and | was as excited as Dan. In the blizzard conditions the generators immediately were pegged at their maximum output and the treatment plant's meter ran backwards. The only tasks now that remain are connecting the contact to the 3rd phase in AVEC, insulating the tank, maybe installing anti-climb sections and miscellaneous cleanup. The planes didn't fly and Bill and Jack are still here. It's a coinci- dence we got the wind machines running in one month - to the day. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 November 21, 1982 | got a late start but it was just perfect. I'll be here until the day after Thanksgiving, will finish before then. The 50! generator was producing poorly but | was happy to see this morning that it was a deployed tip brake. She now runs like her taller sister. | ran the power cables over to AVEC, made all the connections and worked on final touches. The 60' generator's watt meter on the control box was sticking but now seems fine. The generators also are leaking hydraulic fluid but it seems to be the overflow from the reservoirs. Typical when new. November 22, 1982 | guess today | completed the project. Wiring live off of 480V. was a new experience, but the excitement came at the Basketball game this evening. We were finally defeated by Point Hope - but only by | basket. | also insulated around the house brackets where it meets the tank. The tank guy anchors will have to be done with spray foam. In the evening the generators were running but very inefficiently - draw- ing power at I5-18 miles an hour. Last time it was the tip brake on one machine. I'll have to wait till morning to check them out. November 23, 1982 Blades are very icy and spoil efficiency. I'm beginning to be disap- pointed with Dan. He's showed little desire to really get to know the system and now I'm afraid he might not get to learn it at all. 1 did some cleaning up, brought power to the computer and brought my conduit out to the airport. | think I'm in luck with’an airplane coming to town. November 24, 1982 I'm not as confident as I'd like to be leaving the installation in the hands of Danny. He's bright enough to understand anything you tell or show him, but he doesn't*have the incentive or confidence to tackle or troubleshoot problems. We redrew the wiring schematic and took volt readings throughout the system with the city's ohm meter. We also installed two heavy plywood anti-climb sidings to the bottom sections. We programmed the computer. I! will leave Danny with money to spray foam the tank guy anchors. Other than that, is fin. November 25, 1982 Thanksgiving couldn't be nicer. Reindeer soup, berryokootuk and high spirits. November 26, 1982 | was up very early packing and cleaning up in the clinic. All debts paid, stuff hauled to airport and final farewells sent me up, up and away in a flashing 402. The windplants are off because of the thick sticky icing on the blades. I am very pleased with the way the instal- Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. .1/84 lation turned out and my only concern at this time is that Danny moni- tors these icing conditions and acts accordingly. | charged 1,100 Ibs of freight and also the airfare to CSM. November 27, 1982 Transferred material to Bering Air. They will possibly get to my stranded gin pole before Wien does. | can not leave Nome before it arrives. | bought all my groceries and most of the electrical supplies needed for Golovin. Nome has a fairly well equipped Builders Supply Store and I'm well prepared now for the second generator installation. Kenny Forrest Aeolian Kinetics' Doug Halperin "burning software" Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 INSTALLATION LOG WHITE MOUNTAIN BERING STRAITS WIND PROJECT November 28, 1982 - December 18, 1982 November 28, 1982 Down time in Nome on a Sunday with thick carpet, shower and TV at Phil's new house. But then the hot water and only station went out so | enjoyed the floor and caught up on my writing. November 29, 1982 Again, I'm down, because of my gin pole in Shishmaref while Wien lost my other; one fact is, they keep no records of incoming bush freight. | rounded up the final material needed. In the wee hours with a number of beers and pretty persuasion, | decided it should be White Mountain and not Golovin |! travel to. My reasoning was this: With only a few hours of daylight to work in, why work in windy Golovin, when | can return there in longer daylight months and thus have longer torment for a shorter duration. Well, something like that. November 30, 1982 | didn't sleep. | guess | was excited about having a non-blowing Christmas with trees. Checker Cab was less than delighted to haul all my conduit, iron, boxes and wire to Bering Air. As the light diminish- ed, we touched down in White Mountain and quickly unloaded the relic aircraft. Nestled in a wooded valley, 30 spruce heated homes dot the foothill which divides the serene mouth of Fish River from the distinct but naked White Mountain. No one was there to meet me, so | happily rode by tote box the quarter mile of twisting dense forest and rabbit track into town. December |, 1982 Allen and Eddy brought all the supplies including the tower to the washeteria. Many have asked me for work; it's a shame | can only hire two. It's ironic how when the summer jobs leave the winter bills commence. Speaking of ironies, | believe | will never find the perfect blend of accommodations; while the only problem with Shishmaref's clinic was its lack of water, financial drain and incoming wounded, | am now granted a free washeteria, secluded and locked, but with a concrete bare floor. December 2, 1982 | slept in the attic so | could at least be around wood. Wilson Shoog- ukawuk offered me a room at his house and | happily accepted. 1! have hired wild drop-out Eddy, and mild George Jr. - the Mayor's son. They were both on the top of the asking list. We started the first Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 piling hole and after we broke through 8" of frozen surface, the dig- ging couldn't have been easier. What a beautifully landscaped village! They say it's -35°, but its refreshing to me to see wood smoke lazily climb straight up. December 3, 1982 Eddy and George's hole came to over 9' in depth and the fastest way to accomplish this was to descend down with it. | started the other piling hole - the possible crux of this installation, and verified that | will have to fabricate heavier bits. | also prepared the base plate and piling caps for mounting. It's nice to come home to a family and laugh about the day. Wilson's wife Stella is blind and | found it amusing how she discovered my height: she told me to sit down and relax. | did. December 4, 1982 We set the piling. Eddy and George are good workers. Getting a welder may take some doing; the pieces are in the village but to match rod, breaker, welder and power will take time and shuffling. Installed the guy anchor house plate. Kids are having a glorious time on skis zooming about. It's warmed up and gorgeous out. Spent dusk dressing and packing a moose and came home late from up river with a sled load of meat for four happy souls. December 5, 1982 It remains warm, like spring in the Sierras. I'm getting paid to expe- rience this? | even had little trouble getting a welder; | packed the school's welder to a nearby house, wired it to the box, and welded off the back porch. Later, | mounted the roof guy guide plate. December 6, 1982 I've hired a third hand. Slightly eccentric but he comes with a chain- saw and desperately needs money. John is “married in" and has been living on and off here since his co-workers were little boys. His relentless monologue has a callous convincing perspective but is certainly interesting. John's hewing 4 feet sections of telephone pole to be used as the tower base pad. The joy of the day, and it was a true blessing, came throughout: all Eddy and George hit were a few pebbles digging through limish dirt. They will be ready to set the piling tomorrow. Rick Blodgett had warned us we might hit solid rock. December 7, 1982 George and Eddy were feeling really good when they left work; they accomplished a lot. We set the piling, fitted the anchor brackets and made, mounted and set the tower pad. The days are getting awfully short, but work is tiring and the light conveniently wanes with the productivity. Bering Straits Wind Project ‘Livingston Slone, Inc., 1/84 December 8, 1982 Half the tower was erected. It was a little slow, but smooth and the borrowed gin pole from Nome probably saved us days. December 9, 1982 We finished the tower but the guys aren't complete because the pear rings from Anchorage aren't in yet. We only worked half the day as | later called in my electrical order and improved my winch brackets. December 10, 1982 George and Eddy lumbered up to the Washeteria promptly at nine but within an hour we were done. | was banking on the morning mail plane to bring in those rings and keep everyone working. | suppose the mail is now getting slow. | installed all the conduit from the power and anemometer weatherheads to the breaker panel. December 11, 1982 For the first time since I've been here, White Mountain has blowing snow. But it's all the more disheartening because Golovin across the bay (I2 miles) is experiencing 50 knot winds. The tower received its power disconnect and 40' of conduit. Good ole ESP is punctual. Everything ordered was right on including unexpected surprises! Merry Christmas to you and Happy Hanukkah to Wien because they charged us for it like it was worth our first born son. 1! worked late putting in the meter, control box and all the wiring and conduit be- tween it and the panel. December 12, 1982 Most of the daylight hours | was several miles out of town felling trees and loading firewood on a sled. It's been a week since I've escaped from within the village compound. Traveling the bouncing, blowing tundra is unsettling; so is the twisting sloughs with frozen overflow, the powdered forest and driving the Bronco with a cord of spruce home. | installed the wind odometer and all the monitoring conduit and wiring. There is ample room and the detail is clean and tight. Cest bon! December 13, 1982 We ran all the wiring from the controls to the tower top. After tomor- row, there will be nothing to do for lack of the pear rings - now 8 days mailbound. But if they do arrive, | give this installation 3 more days. We're almost done! Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 December !4, 1982 Pear rings came. Even with 4 of us, Jack Kenny, George and |, we didn't get the tower completely tight and true. It was a day of con- stantly adjusting turnbuckles, shackles, a comealong and ropes on a pulley system, to correctly install the pear rings between the anchors and tensioned guys. These large rings were just barely big enough, and if | were to do this over at another site, | would have an equalizer fabricated similar to that on the Rohn Print. The specific item needed to connect 3 turnbuckles to the piling anchor is not illustrated on Polarconsult's prints. Mark Newell and | discussed over the phone that an item such as a large pear ring would solve the problem easily and it did. However, the arrangement looks cumbersome and a different piling anchor or special equalizer would be superior. The arrangement stands as follows: 2 5/8" shackles and the 7/8", 6" throat pear ring are connected in series to the piling bracket or anchor. 33" shackles are connected individually to the pear ring to meet the 3 claws of the three (3) turnbuckles. December 1[5, 1982 This is the day! Five of us, Kenny, George, Eddy, Jack and | started as early as daylight allowed. We struck set removing all tiresome guying paraphenalia and hoisted the large gin pole. By lunchtime, the generator was ascending. | threw in double time not to interrupt the pace and Serial # 736 went up and in smooth as silk. December 16, 1982 Tie-wraps easily break in this cold, and | can't even use some of my electrical tapes. | installed the anemometer, secured all wire, ran some splices and flicked the switch to "test". It doesn't run. Al- though it desperately tries, the thermal switch cuts off the machine after a 10 second effort. It's dark and I'll leave it for tomorrow no to ruin today. December 1|7, 1982 It took Kenny, George and | a long time to straighten the tower. They ran the lightning protection while | secured the final details and volt- age readings. The line voltage reads 118V at the control box and 116V at the generator under no load. At start-up the voltages drop to 111V and 103 respectively. She draws about 43 amps. I have finished the installation except that | need to get it to run. Being Friday, |! will run thorough checks over the week-end, breaking the drive train down if necessary, and call Joe at Enertech on Monday. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 December 18, 1982 Chopped wood and traveled upriver to a fish camp. Kenny Forrest Subsequent trip report was lost in the mail. Kenny left the machine fully operational. He spent Christmas in White Mountain, then went on to Golovin. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 INSTALLATION LOG GOLOVIN BERING STRAITS WIND PROJECT January 2, 1983 - January 29, 1983 January 2, 1983 This is the last day in Nome to recooperate and refuel before going on to Golovin. | grabbed a moment for a pinching crisp freight run to Bering Air on Kaluza's Enticer. There's no warmth in Nome's sun. | bought a telephone pole from the Native Corporation. Since they own the Hardware Store, | found their man with the flatbed. I! explained | had a lumber delivery for Bering Air and he obligingly dug it out from the drift and delivered with me. January 3, 1983 It took over an hour to load the infamous Otter (60' tower, generator, pilings and gear). We unloaded at Golovin on glassy runway and roads. The school provides a good deal for room and board. | sprawl between the books but receive warm space, a hot lunch, and a 25" TV! Gene Willoya, the City Administrator found me, and we put together a notice for employment and a position for a windgenerator maintenance person. | explained that until the City Council makes this selection, | may hire labor at my will. January 4, 1983 Bear and Abraham dug a 3!' pit through frozen gravel before hitting frozen silt. Drill bits meeded frequent sharpenings until they hit thawed sandish-muck. | looked high and low, but | could not produce, from the village, a long-handled spoon-shovel. So we capped the hole with insulating powdered snow and we'll get these tools from White Mountain. We made up the tower foundation pad from three 4'x8"x8" treated pilings bought from the school. January 5, 1983 A frightening chill factor kept up until the sun set. Abraham and | set the base plate to the pad, leveled the ground and erected 20' of tower. We had to cut a hole through an exterior staircase that runs up the community building's wall and through the path of the tower. The digging or chipping is naturally tiresome but fairly trouble-free and with |/3 of tower up, day #2 was encouraging. January 6, 1983 Bear and Abe started the second or westward piling hole. The measured location lies precariously close to the edge of the large bulldozed pad and not a foot's distance from the lip of the radar dish. I've thus arbitrated a location within several feet of the "printed Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 diameters" to insure sufficient bearing for the piling and to include adequate space for the dish and my spoons. | spent most of the morn- ing on the phone calling in a ESP order, and in the afternoon, installed the guy attachment anchor plate. Looking good! January 7, 1983 Of the many design changes in discrepancy between my obsolete prints and the "actual" building's construction, one revision needed to be brought to Mark Newell's attention: the roof attachment plate that the guy wire runs through will not be able to attach to the original fascia of the building but rather the fascia of the second story vestibule. The building is not split level as Polarconsult's print indicates, but rather a two story different dimensioned building with open vestibules and exterior staircases on both upstair entrances. The vestibule fascia is actually a 2"x6" trim that | thickened with a paralleled 2"x8" and a lapping 2"xl0". The attachment plate bolts on this wide bearing. | explained this development and my solution over the phone to Mark, and as he understood it, the remedy is sufficient and "overkill". | have taken pictures. January 8, 1983 At -30°, Abe and | took generous stints of L.A. Raider viewing to sustain our drive of 3 feet and goal: first piling placed. This one goes down 9 feet. We buried it in slurried fashion. January 9, 1983 | came up to White Mountain last night to party off my birthday and moose hunt this morning. It was a cold ride: -30° and 40 mph winds. Twice we stopped to calm open bay and vaulting heavens. The machine in White Mountain had cycled 298 times, had run for over 1,000 minutes and produced a negative 4 KWH in two weeks time. This means on the average, the machine turned on and off every 3 minutes. | recalibrat- ed the control board so it will not attempt to operate until it sees at least I5 mph winds. January 10, 1983 Abe and | set the second piling. Both pilings' bearings are 9! in gravel. | traveled up the lagoon to fill a drum of water for the back-fill of slurry. January 11, 1983 We chainsawed and chisled the brackets into place. Because their bit only spans 5", the piling's 8" diameter is greatly reduced in strength and effectiveness. Creosote treatment only penetrates a few inches into the piling. Thus the bracket is fastened to rot susceptible wood. | noticed this before | had them fabricated, but Steve (the welder) ignored my alteration and followed correctly to print. The bracket's design also requires labor intensive notching. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 The largest discrepancy, unique for Golovin, which might have been tragic had | not caught it, was the manner for anchoring the first set of guys. The print will show two of the guys anchored in the normal practice, but the third is deleted, and replaced with a house bracket. There is little or no assurance that the house bracket, let alone the wall, with its weak characteristics could hold the pulling force from the two opposing guys - a tensioned guy achieves an alarming force. The remedy was simply to raise the tower bracket above the roof level to include a third guy which runs parallel to the roof - much like White Mountain's design. The house bracket becomes obsolete although I'll include it. January 12, 1983 While Bear and Abe drove in 4 ground rods, | installed the house bracket and 20 more feet of tower. The mid-afternoon dark brought us inside, and in the furnace room we mounted the controls. January 13, 1983 We ran the conduit inside and out, almost reaching the tower. There will be no electrical overhead or aerial spans; strictly a continuous metal raceway from generator to controls. January 14, 1983 It's finally warmed up to a comfortable sub-zero weather except 30 knot gusts are doing their damndest to discourage such relief. We're pretty much tied up for lack of tower bolts, so I'm literally writing off the day. January 15, 1983 The bolts came this afternoon. Darrell and | were able to install the bottom tower bracket and guys pending the southern push of iron sun and sailing snows. January 16, 1983 Sunday, and Golovin is very quiet. | went to find David Amaktoolik up on the hill but the whole family was sleeping so | grabbed Wayne on the way down. We erected the last 20' of tower with its guy bracket and guys. Wayne is unenthusiastic help. It's cold and windy and | don't feel like working either. In the evening | wrote up the previous week's journal at the High School. January 17, 1983 Thank goodness for Abe. He's reliable and quiet but with cheerful coolness. We adjusted the guys - cut and crimped, their servicing is complete. The generator's gin pole goes up. Because the roof guy Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 attachment had to be mounted on the second story vestibule, which drops lower than the eave of the main building, the guy scarcely grazes the facia of the building. Therefore, we made an additional yet simple roof guy attachment with 3/8" steel stock and lagged it through the molding into the hidden facia (pictures will explain). January 18, 1983 The wind will just not cease. We had to put the generator up blade- less. Estelle, the high school teacher was hoping for her eleven stu- dents to participate in the event, but in the cold and its nakedness, the generator is undramatic. It went up quietly like a chicken to its roost. We struck the gin pole and winch and finished the day running conduit to the power disconnect. January 19, 1983 Snowy and windy but | welcome the new powder. Abe and | ran the power cable from the disconnect to the panel. We also mounted the disconnect switch and wired out of it to the weatherhead. January 20, 1983 Two #4 aluminum wires and three #10 copper wires were stuffed in a short span of 3/4" thin wall (EMT) conduit running from breaker panel to control box. A storm was forecast for late today and it appears we have a long wait if we want to put up the blades easily. With Abe at the tower top | carried the blades individually up the tower in my rucksack strapped to my belly. At this time the gusts were getting quite strong with visibility getting worse. Even though we could barely make out the ground from up above, the blowing snow was warm and a delightful change for my face and hands. We managed the nacelle, spinner and final splice in eagerness to jump down and flick the switch. The meter pegged almost immediately. Without any anemometer we could not leave it unattended but to hear the familiar sound was truly inspiring. This installation is solid and sound electrically, in generator and in foundation. The sites' wind paths are less obstructed than Shishmarefs' and perhaps this is the best all around Enertech installation in the state. | hope we monitor it well because I'm curious of its progress. Now that it runs there's little left to do and we're both getting impa- tient to finish. Abraham saw this light at the end of the tunnel and really started anticipating things to do - to say the least we got a lot done. He ran the anemometer wire down the tower while | ran it in the building using large staples to secure it to the sheetrock. The eastern piling began to crack around the guy bracket and | turned the machine off and called Pam to send up some sort of clamping mechanism. | cinched it back together temporarily with nylon webbing and a ratchet buckle. We fitted the guy reflector tubes, anti-rotation turnbuckle cables and a plywood anti-climb section with Enertech's infamous warn- ing sign. Later that night | went to White Mountain and returned Blodgett's long handled shovels. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 January 22, 1983 It is absolutely gorgeous outside! The sun is really lighting up the world again. The cold weeks are over and a warm breeze from the southeast lulls the installation to a close. Inside the furnace room | wired the anemometer to the control box and wind average sensor. | rebent a slightly deployed tip brake. | believe in a high wind condi- tion, a momentary voltage drop in the utility could take the load off the rotor without tripping the brake. This could cause overspeeding for instantaneous moments occuring as frequently as the utility permits. Actually, there doesn't have to be high winds for this phenomenon. | weatherized the disconnect box, grounded it to the tower and began the clean-up. January 23, 1983 | took some food, my laundry, and a few tools to White Mountain to tighten the guys of a tower | heard were shaking. New overflow banded the bay and we were lucky to find a narrow opening of trail where the snowmachine wouldn't get stuck in the water. January 24, 1983 Kenny and | traveled inland to cut dead stands of woods around the hills. In the afternoon | tightened the guys. By then, the wind was picking up, and | observed the anemometer and sounds of the guys vibrating. The winds were very squirrelly and the machine never ran for more than one minute. In fact, the controls showed the machine cycled 52 times that day yet had an undetectable change in KWH output. January 25, 1983 This morning, | came out to recheck the tower and found the south guy bracket broken away, and it was being held back from the tower by three strands of ground wire. This site was as staggering for me as the precarious windplant. The piling had split from its top down through the plane of the bracket bolts to the ground where it cracked off. This piece still held the bracket with all attached guys. As | was temporarily tying this loose leg down, | noticed the generator de- flecting about 6', and thanked God for sparing total disaster. Ed Kiely came in from the airport riding on a sled at 11:00 a.m. He took a couple of pictures of the crisis because my camera was on the blink. We ate lunch at Wilson's and then chartered T.J., the local pilot, to Golovin. After Golovin's inspection, | gathered necessary materials to take back to White Mountain for fabricating a new bracket and arranged to have T.J. pick us back up. | thanked Ed as | unloaded my gear on the river ice, and went in search of steel stock. January 26, 1983 Kenny began to dig around the broken piling. | ran two I%" stainless steel bands around the other bracket and piling and only now am | assured of its integrity. The steel stock | found the night before Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 measured 3" x 6" x 68" and from it | cut off a 6" x 6" square. This | welded at a 45° angle to one end of the long plate. Two evenly spaced holes drilled midway in the square will be the anchor for two $" shack- les. Together in parallel, these shackles will hold a 5/8" shackle connected to the 3/4" pear ring and the 3 turnbuckles. Jack Titas jumped in to help out with the hole digging. January 27, 1983 Using the strapping rod deep in the hole to fasten the new guy anchor to the back of the piling took time. We could not, however, drive the plate as deep into the ground as | would have liked, so the 6" square remained 12" above the top of the piling or ground level. When the tension of the guys were applied, this unsupported I2" section acted as a spring and began to bend. This bothered me, because although it was superior to the previous bracket and extremely strong, it was less than ideal and further tensioning couldn't be achieved easily. However, the installation is sound and secure. Janua ry 28, 1983 With final farewells to Wilson and family, | boarded Munz's Islander and arrived in quiet Golovin for my final day of this project - until spring anyway. The telephone pole pilings received the banding treatment. Carol Oliver agreed to log the controls' readings at $1.00/reading. The manual, climbing belt, and related supplies | left with Abraham Amaktoolik with the agreement that he's the maintenance-man while the machine is in state ownership, and that he should send his time spent and his brief maintenance descriptions to Enertech Alaska as billing. | also strongly suggest that Enertech Alaska send letters to these people including Kenny Shoogukwruk of White Mountain and Danny Ningealook of Shishmaref to formalize their positions. January 29, 1983 Early rise. T.J. will pick me up this morning to take me to Kivalina. I'm taking minimum basics with me, about |,000 Ibs worth, and sending the rest (8 boxes) back to Anchorage. We loaded his plane until the tail hit the ground and bottomed out the landing gear; my two gin poles were strapped to the belly. The entire flight was truly memora- ble; spectacular and sunny. We flew over villages, pressure ridges and open water. The take-off was just barely that and the landing broke the gin poles loose from the craft while the zany company of T.J., alias Tom Joe, made the trip a real joy ride. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 INSTALLATION LOG TELLER BERING STRAITS WIND PROJECT August 3, 1983 - August 18, 1983 August 3, 1983 There was a tight squeeze at the airport checkout counter this morning but everyone between Barrow and Nome was eventually accommodated. The bulk of my baggage I've taken as excess, while the oversized and awkwards | left with AIA two nights ago. Unlike Anchorage, Nome is rainy and deserted but | immediately called Rick Blodgett, and Kenny Hughes comes to pick me up. We haul the generator and my Wien baggage to Teller by truck. My AIA freight didn't arrive in time. The Blodgett's driveway is certainly long but nonetheless interesting; scads of reindeer and a continueum of gold rush history relics. | get situated at the clinic and later make the acquaintance of Rick Blodgett. August 4, 1983 Up early. | began assembling tower pieces and people started coming by. Steve, Sam and Ray almost finished its construction, working 7,7 & 6 hours respectively. Kenny drove in with my AIA freight at noon and we started working on the service entrance. I| payed him for 9 hours. 1! had lots of energy and got a lot accomplished. August 5, 1983 I'm waking up early and feeling pretty good. Now | have the crew down to just Steve and he seems like a good guy. He finished up the tower working 7 hours. | also paid Kenny $50.00 for working with Kaluza on the anemometer mast. | installed the watt meter, control box and ran all the interior conduit. 1! didn't work too hard, but found out | can now stay at the school for $10.00 per night. August 6, 1983 All | did today was put on the power disconnect, weatherhead and mast. |! can't believe it took me most of the day. Well, | talked to Rick Blodgett for another long stint today, this time in the rain with tools in hand. He did all the talking just like he always does. He is a rare blend of talent and practical knowledge. August 7, 1983 I'm already waiting for developments out of my control; Bob will be back Tuesday with the crane; Rick said he'll get the linemen (doesn't want me on the*poles) and | need some mounting studs for the tower base. Did little things here and there, like threading pipe for the anemometer boom. Did a lot of visiting today; rainy Sundays are a good time for that. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 August 8, 1983 Put in an E.S.P. order for a few items. The obstacle of this installa- tion, if there is one, will be running the aerial power and communica- tion wire with the least amount of time, money and conflicts with elec- trical codes. Steve and | spliced and wrapped in a messenger to the anemometer wire, pounded in the tower's ground rods which probably did not make a good ground in the loose shale, and. rivetted and stencilled a supporting frame for the warning sign. Steve worked 7 hours. August 9, 1983 Every day it rains and the school has no space heating so I'm wearing long underwear these summer days and keeping active trying to forget the seeping wet cold. | met a Jim May who's an electrician of many years of bush jobs. He'll be working at the school's generator facility and has agreed to oversee and inspect my electrical work. August 10, 1983 We got our E.S.P. around 1:00 and erected the tower with Bob Blodgett's crane. His crane is older than me and its stick is only 40', so it was impressive watching her chug and grind to maneuver the heavy tower. Set my camera down for a few minutes and it got swiped-| liked that little thing. Steve put in 54 hours. The tower foundation wasn't poured exactly to print, but | got it approved verbally by Mark Newell, and | also believe the alteration is just fine. August 11, 1983 In the rain and wind the tower gets numbing cold. We leveled and bolted her in and Steve tightened up the bottom section. The warning sign could now be hung and we raised the gin pole for the generator. | installed the exterior "J" box at the clinic. We put in a good day in the wet. August 12, 1983 The generator went up very well. 1! hired 3 other guys & with the 5 of us, the positioning of blades and removing of heavy rigging was easy. | went into Nome to pick up one item at Industrial Supply and get more groceries. August 13, 1983 | was up at 5:30 to catch my ride back to Teller but truck troubles didn't get us there until 2:00. 1 installed and wired the anemometer up at the tower and also the service entrance at the clinic. August 14, 1983 Two union linemen came in from Nome to do some work for Bob Blodgett. Being Sunday, they were charging "double time" and | told Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 Bob | couldn't afford them. | told him | would have them do the work which would be hard for me to do by myself and | would keep track of this time and reimburse him for it. He was extremely accommodating. They worked less that 2 hours. | also agreed with Bob that we'd exchange some extra triplex that | had for some conduit and the tower top adapter which he had. | finished wiring the power disconnect and made up some of the aerial anemometer span on the poles. August 15, 1983 I'm moving fast to get this done. About 10 guys are working between the clinic and the tower pouring a concrete foundation for a duplex which is hefty enough to double as a bomb shelter. Bob is experiment- ing with structures... so he says. Everyone is going full tilt. I'm up on poles getting used to this new activity feeling happier as the day progresses and the weather is stupendous. | connected up the power from the pole and last "house knob" to the clinic's entrance mast. Steve and | wired the panel controls together. We ran the anemometer span to the second pole and on inside to the controls. This installation does not have a wind odometer. It was originally installed earlier at the Blodgett's and | thought it best to leave it there since he'll conti- nue to take its readings. The installations wire run is approximately 250' of #2 Al. and 20' of #10 Cu. 1 leveled the generator and we made up the tower lighting protection. The generator works well on "test" and has a "quiet" tower. Teller Power's power plant drowns out any noise the windplant makes. The wind is not blowing and I'm reluctant to leave the site without seeing the automatic cycle function. August 16, 1983 Cleaned up and backfilled hole at tower where the foundation was poured. The 3 health aids at the clinic have agreed to log the wind- plant's outputs; they are: Jenny Lee, Clara Topkok and Frieda Topkok. The check should be sent to Jenny Lee. Steve Okbaok understands his title and responsibilities but is less than an interested candidate for the position. | also went over the system with Kenny Hughes and Rick Blodgett, two locals who are familiar with its design and components and operation. | also explained to the mayor, Morris, that in the past some installations have been neglected and the genera- tor runs inefficiently. | explained to him that the maintenance is negligiable but nevertheless very important. | think this installation will produce a significant amount of power and can be easily serviced if it need be, but like the other installations of this project, it will need some babysitting just to ensure that it stays operational. There is no party in Teller who is as concerned for its well-being as | believe is necessary. August 18, 1983 Loaded up the city dump truck and hitched a ride early in the morning back into Nome. Kenny Forrest Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 INSTALLATION REMOVAL LOG WHITE MOUNTAIN BERING STRAITS WIND PROJECT August 19, 1983 - August 23, 1983 August 19, 1983 | woke up early to catch "T.J." of Fish River Air at Soseunce in downtown Nome. This time we strapped the gin pole securely to the struts of the 206, unlike the near catastrophy in February, and took off for White Mountain completely loaded with gear and an empty generator crate. During the flight | learned that White Mountain's runway will soon have lights. The airport's location could be an excellant site for a windgenerator and now equipped with village electrical service, | feel the generator now might be relocated within the village. | called Pam and requested that the generator be stored in White Mountain instead of Nome. The Mayor agreed to this too, when | visited him on 8/22, and he offered the city's large warehouse for temporary holding space. Eddy hauled my stuff down to the Washeteria and the Shoogukwruks where I'll stay. Eddy Titas and Tony Shoogukwruk and | took down the machine with relative ease. | should mention, however, that before we did this, | was able to monitor the machine at its cut in speed and verified it was efficiently cutting on and off. That it displayed a total of 65 KWH for 7 months of mild wind, prompted our dismantling. August 20, 1983 Eddy and Tony each worked 6} hrs. and we were only able to remove 20' of tower. The process is slow; constantly positioning and repositioning the heavy gin pole assembly and knocking out tightly wedged tower sections. August 21, 1983 We moved to jacking the sections apart, and this was much more successful. We carefully staged the bottom 30' to fall on a bed of dried spruce trees, a climactic ending. In the evening | visited Carl Ashenfelter, a retired FAA employee in the electronics field, and discussed with him the possibilities of reinstalling the machine by the airport. We understood each other in that although project funding might be far away, the largest problems of these installation have been incentive and concern on the community's part to maintain and support the operating windplant. We discussed a possible alternative whereby someone would maintain the machine in return for all the power it produces as credit against his electrical bill. The city would not benefit economically from this so much as benefit by having a viable and productive alternative energy system at its disposal for valuable data and monitoring evaluations. | know that as Mayor of White Mountain, Carl was an activist and very competent and | left knowing that the windmill had good chances of surviving with him around. August 22, 1983 | quickly took down all the controls, conduit, and ane put everything in marked boxes and hauled it to the city's warehouse. The tower sections were stacked outside. This did take a full day. August 23, 1983 | flew to Golovin in the cool morning rain for another cleansing. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston SJone, Inc. 1/84 INSTALLATION REMOVAL LOG GOLOVIN BERING STRAITS WIND PROJECT August23, 1983 - August 26, 1983 August 23: | arrived from White Mountain and hand carried my gear to the community building. With a breeze coming from out of the South, | turned the machine on from "off" position and it started up and worked perfectly. In talking with Chuck Lewis, the electric utility operator and member of the city council, there were a number of reasons why it was requested to be removed. It caused the lights to dim when it started up; It was affecting the diesel generator; It shook the community building during high winds; It disturbed the T.V. reception; It did not meet the Council's economic expectations; In high winds the generator cycled on and off repeatedly, this causing the community's lights to dim and _ brighten repeatedly; 7. There grew just a general feeling from some people who worked around the site that the generator was more a liabi- lity than an asset. aOurbwn— oe ee we | attended a city council meeting at 1:30 pm, where the above reasons were touched upon but the main emphasis of discontent pertained to not meeting their economic expectations. Their concerns were all accountable, but | explained there needed to be a better understanding as to the original intent of the project. | explained the windplant had no influence on T.V. reception. | had never heard of this problem before and the vast majority of homes had no complaints about reception including those closest to the satelite dish and windgenerator. | had confirmed with Enertech's electrical engineer that there was no way the small windplant could adversely affect Golovin's 130 KW diesel generator. The audible deflection in the diesel generator when the windplant starts up is normal. The dimming of the lights was caused by low voltage received at the breaker panel. Their furnace, when it starts up, will also create this nuisance. And in normal operation, the windplant will cycle, overall, far less than the furnace. When the generator was cycling repeatedly in high winds, |! believe this was the result of its thermal protection switch cutting in and out. This problem could have been remedied by cutting a hole in the genera- tor's cowling which would have cooled the generator and enabled it to operate without dimming the lights again until the beginning of a new windy period. This problem of cycling was also the cause of the wind generator's shutdown prior to my visit. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 The building also shook in high winds but this too could have been simply rectified by turning the machine off during these brief and very windy periods. No step was ever taken to either tighten or dampen the guy wires to correct the problem. I! believe the problem could have been easily corrected. Mark Newell says the building is so poorly constructed it would shake without the generator. The strongest point | presented to the council, however, was how the "real economics" of the installation may have been disguised by the incentives and groundwork for administering the project. The council stated that they decided for the generator's removal after weighing the present maintenance costs against the KWH output it produced. However, in speaking to Abraham Amaktoolik the maintenance man, he said almost his entire time spent and billed was for visual "caretaking" of the machine and only once was there need to actually perform "physical maintenance" (Changing the tip brakes - approx. 2 hours). Hypothetically, we would add on the additional maintenance (cutting holes in the cowling and dampening and/or retensioning the guys) and this would have totaled about a day's maintenance for a half a year. The other variable, low KWH output, was due to the fact that the machine had only run in the least windy 5 months of the year. A more realistic picture would show the generator producing around $2,000 worth of electricity a year with a few hundred dollar maintenance bill. | believe | presented the remedies, possible solutions and answers to the City's concerns, clearly and with the intention to explain the proj- ect's merits and ultimate practicality. There was little to no inter- est or initiative on the Council's part in the windgenerator. | there- fore reluctantly believe, as they do, that it is best to take it down. In the most disheartening sense | have yet to feel for my work, | went outside to join Abraham and Don who had already begun the unfortunate task. August 24: Yesterday we took down the generator and today we finished with the tower and guys. We tied up everything neatly and there is little scarring to the building's exterior and interior. We worked 8 hours. August 25: I'm working by myself because there's just organizing of parts to put in boxes and build a wooden frame to hold the generator. Abe, Chuck and | hauled the entire tower, controls and generator to the airport, where Bering Air took me away in the chilling twilight and chapter's end. All the materials are being stored at Phil Kaluza's residence in Nome. August 26: | flew to Selawik and will charge the project for one half ay, the equivilant to flying to Anchorage. Bering Straits Wind Project Livingston Slone, Inc. 1/84 ENERTEC- Raa 800 WIND SYSTEM The ENERTECH 1800 is the world’s most widely used utility interface wind system with more than 800 installations nationwide. The 1800 is designed to reduce electric bills for the average American household by up to 60%. This rugged and reliable machine is easy to install and to service, and has been designed to provide many years of dependable service. BRAKE GENERATOR GEARBOX HUB SPINNER BLADE FRAME SLIP RINGS NACELLE ©ooooecoed 6 Drivetrain Configuration CONTROL SYSTEM Automatic operation of the 1800 is provided by controls conveniently located at ground level. The printed circuit control board — the brain of the system — receives continuous signals from the tower mounted anemometer indicating wind speed. When winds reach the operating range, a mercury relay closes causing the generator to start. If wind speeds become too severe to in- sure safe operation or too slight to produce electricity, the mercury relay opens, actuates the brake and stops the machine. Compo- nents in the control system are pre-checked at the factory to as- sure reliability in the field. SPECIFICATIONS System ENERTECH 1800 Operational Type Utility interface SWECS Characteristics Output power/ 1800 watts @ 24 mph (10.7 m/s) Start-up windspeed 11 mph (4.9 m/s) windspeed 2100 watts @ 28 mph (12.6 m/s) Cut-in windspeed 7 mph (3.1 m/s) Rotor orientation Downwind Cut-out windspeed 40 mph (17.9 m/s) Rotor type Fixed pitch Survival windspeed 120 mph (54 m/s) Axis of rotor Horizontal Rotor diameter 13'-0 (4m) Generator Number of blades 3 | Type Induction generator, nominal 115 VAC Yaw control None; rotates full 360° with wind 60 Hz. sine-wave at all operating Windplant weight 265 Ibs. (120 kg.) speeds Shipping weight 375 Ibs. (170 kg.) Output voltage 115 VAC System design life 20 years Generator RPM 1800 cut-in; 1950 maximum ANNUAL ENERGY OUTPUT Transmission 9600 Type two stage, in oil Ratio o121 8400 a Control System vane Control panel UL approved steel box with watt meter, e000 windspeed indicator, solid state control, lightning protection, 3-way @ 4800 switch and mercury relay 2 Number of conductors 3 (including ground), with 2 shielded E3600 from tower to control anemometer leads < = 3) 2 Rotor Speed Control tS 1200 Normal operating Aerodynamic stall speed ol High windspeed Control system applies rotor brake shutdown Emergency rotor Blade tip brakes deploy AVERAGE WINDSPEED IN MPH overspeed Specifications may change without notice. Output characteristics may vary due to specific site and climatic conditions. ENERTECH Corp. ¢ Post Office Box 420 e Norwich, Vermont 05055 e (802) 649-1145 Telex: 706433 e 379 Earhart Way ¢ Livermore, Calif. 94550 ¢ (415) 449-7227 INDUCTION GENERATOR GEARBOX HYDRAULIC BRAKE SLIP RINGS | NACELLE 1800 = 07S) oer ey , aot 8: sasic 4 iis (( ot =sc Jw id tas QD —_—— a — thins) SYSTTiaws Sa Se — —— =: ee — —= ee Post Office Box 420 - Norwich, Vermont 05055 - (802) 649-1145 SHISHMAREF , AK en resis ENERTECH WIND SYSTEMS SALES NOTIFICATION Machine type &-/fOO- 2 _, serial number 72>> » has been sold by (Dealer) EWER on (Date) A/OW. 2a, /9FR_. ALASKA Quer: STATE OF SLACEA XK Telephone #: (707) A7G-oS0§ DIVISION 6F ENERGY ¢ POWER. Address: S60/ © ST. ANCHORAGE AK G9SD% ATIN. OON MARKLE : SvITE FJ2e Machine Installed By: AEANIN/Y FORRES7Z— Distance from unit to control box: ; RITACHEO ELECTRICAL ORAWI/NGS Wire guage: z Tower type and Height: So’ ¥sg Tower Installed by: KENINY FORREST Unusual site or climatic conditions: Evaluation of wind energy potential: St UVLO BE EXCELLENT. HE SITE /S ON THE NORTH COAST oF THE SEW4RO PENINSULA, ON FLAT, TREELESS TERRSIN, THE INSTALLATION 1/8 MON ITIREO BY AN AEOLIAN KINETICS FPOEC-OY MILRD COMPUTER. i WK THIS Witt CHANGE, WE-WILL NOTIFY You oF NEW OWNER WHEN STATE ACOMPUSHES TRANSFER, lB vn tbo j L=Qou= 2h, TD SYST EWS = Se SS SSE eae a —wWietwte————<« SS = oe ——————— re Post Office Box 420 - Norwich, Vermont 05055 - (802) 649-1145 ENERTECH WIND SYSTEMS SALES NOTIFICATION Machine type E-/800-2 _, serial number 7235 » has been sold by (Dealer) ENERTECH AtAskfen (Date) WOW Aa /7fda~ _.. Owner: te o rn Telephone #: (907) >76-CEO8 e - ANCHORAGE SD es Address: ATTN). OON) AAAR KLE AK F9ISO® svITE 72e Machine Installed By: KENN'Y’ FORREST Distance from unit to control box: . SEE ATTACHED El ECTRICAW ORAWINEGS Wire guage: Tower type and Height: Ceo’ YSGY Tower Installed by: KENIN/Y FORREST Unusual site or climatic conditions? . Evaluation of wind energy potential: SHOULO 86E EXCELLENT. S/TE [5 ON NORTH COAST OF THE SEWARO PENINSULA , ON FLAT, TREELESS TERRAIN . THE INSTALLATION /8 MON /TOREO BY AN AEOLIAN KINETICS PoL-aY MICROCOM PYTER_ Yo THIS wile CHANGE. WE WILL NOTIFY YOU OF NEW @WNER WHEN sTATE ACOMPUSHES TRAN SFER. a a _—~ . . STERTE SH joo VATID SYSTEMS are SS oe eee te —— - ‘ , Post Office Box 420 - Norwich, Vermont 05055 - (802) 649-1145 CMe Phartan, le ENERTECH WIND »SYSTEMS SALES NOTIFICATION Machine type =~ -/“9IO-2, serial number 736 » Nas been sole by (Dealer) Ser fecK ASK on- (Date) (2 [2e/8>D . Owner: STATE OF ALASKA ® Telephone #: (707) 276-0S50F DIVISION OF ENERET ANO POWER, Address: 3H0/ G@ S7. SUITE 722% ANCHORAGE AK 49508 Machine Installed By: xSeny pest SIN! SON MARKLED Distance from unit to control box: /2o~ ‘ Wire guage: O~ ae e GO" # YO) cu. . Tower type and Height: 456 807 Tower Installed by: Koray erees¢ by Unusual site or climatic Rema) Ose esa 227 Krdv(len Sanat ei nehe Evaluation of wind energy potential: ; Joel VA Se at Ce. of Bwoooked SOS“eakeu. Leth Ms *K THIS Witte CHANGE, WE WiLl NOTIFT YOU OF NEW OWNER WHEN STATE ACCOMMLISHES TKINSFER roaereSsp see a BR ee | eoesa q [= oil W/o SYST2ZVMS 4 “el Sa eee ee see oo] Post Office Box 420 - Norwich, Vermont 05055 - (802) 649-1145 eee AAI: a a i ENERTECH WIND SYSTEMS SALES NOTIFICATION Machine type ~ —/SO,-2, serial number 7 34 » has been sold by (Dealer) Zn27eK Aleske. on (Date) Yas /83 Owner: STATE OF ALASKA *® Telephone #: (907 ) 276-6508 DIVISION OF ENERGY ¢ POWER. Address: B360/ C ST. SUITE 722. AN CHORACE AK 99SO AITAI: OON MARKLE "Machine Installed By: Kéor-P forrest Distance from unit to control box: 9p ~ Wire guage: JGOo7of #4 ale Tower type and Height: 453 Gaye Tower Installed by: Gunny ~Seresf Unusual site or climatic Petal excelent S772 espn Ane! feo 1K Evaluation of wind energy potential: . nae Tne focat/ ees | | aa) yor Pee eae eae | [a yi WE witte NOTIFL YOU OF STATE FCCOMPLUSHES TRANSFER ae a =Cis] soras wooed i ts VAUD SYSTEMS — Rane nacemaasnnneiememmmmarann o>] eT ae CR NTT Fe = Post Office Box 420 - Norwich, Vermont 05055 - (802) 649-1145 TEULER, AK mesic ENERTECH WIND SYSTEMS SALES NOTIFICATION i Machine type_E&-/ 00-2. _, serial number 73 ] » has been sold by (Dealer )EneerecH atas«gon (Date) 8//4/e3 . Owner: STATE OF ALASKA * Telephone #: (907) SG/- Yae/ DIVISION CF ENEROY ¢ POWER, : Address: 3@0/ C ST. SVITE 722 ANCHORAGE AK99S03 AITN~ ON MIKKLE Machine Installed By: KEAINNY FORREST Distance from unit to control box: Wire guage: Tower type and Height: @O' SSV Tower Installed by: KEWNY FORREST Unusual site or climatic conditions: SUB-ARCTIC CONDITIONS Evaluation of wind energy potential: EST. 1S KNOT AVG. WITH SEASONAL VARIAT/ON * THIS Witte CHANGE. WE WILL NOTIFY You OF NEW OWNER, WHEN STATE ACCOMPLISHES TRANSFER, . 4CQ a AEOLIAN KINETICS PDL-24 Solar Monitoring System P.O. Box 100, Providence, Rhode Island 02901 / 401 421-5033 Sensor Terminal™ and Signal Conditioner User Guide a) pours” evra te eed Salycecereceserics - He User-specified Sensors: Software STANDARD PACKAGE - 101 Upon receipt of a cassette tape and MRI will provide: A. Raw Data Dump of Each Cassette Tape (Alaskan office) A computer listing of the actual values recorded on the cassette tape. B. Statistical Package Each Month (Los Angeles office) | - Hourly averages (1 parameter per page). - Joint frequency distribution report of WS/WD. - Multiplot for four parameters on one page for each month. - Wind rose plot. The costs for the above package are extremely low and are summarized on this last page of this section. A formatted 9-track 800 BPI ASCII or EBCDIC tape can be provided. MRI possesses a Hewlett-Packard Model 21 MX computer with peripheral equipment, and a library of specialized computer programs. The IBM 370-158 and PDP 10 at Caltech can be accessed, and, through Southwestern Computer Corporation, access to a CDC Cyber 74 computer is available for batch process- ing. Other terminals can be connected to computers at other service bureaus in Southern California. FZ EOS) ppi-24 | PO. Box 100, Providence, Rhode Island 02901 / 401 421-5033 SOLAR DATA LOGGING SYSTEM OFFERS INCREASED CAPABILITIES Aeolian Kinetics has increased the capabilities of its PDL-24 Programmable Data Logger, selected as a “preferred system" by the Solar Energy Research Institute for its Class B Performance Evaluation of passive solar homes. The PDL-24 is a compact, totally integrated, low cost data acquisition system for collection and analysis of data from solar energy installations. Now, solar researchers (architects, engineers, physicists) can do sophisticated research without the trouble and expense normally associated with complex data gathering systems. Incorporating a state-of-the-art microcomputer, the PDL-24 is an extremely versatile tool. It can monitor 24 channels of data ranging from temperature sensors to solar radiometers to current transducers to switches indicating whether a furnace is on or the nighttime insulation is down. The PDL-24 automatically calibrates and linearizes sensor readings to engineering units. It computes and prints channel totals (or averages) and up to 50 user-defined functions interrelating the readings to one another. The processed data is stored hourly on cassette tape for further analysis. + Vv The PDL-24 is a complete system and includes the AK MICROCOMPUTER 65, the AK SENSOR TERMINAL-24, Systems Software and complete instructions. The user need only specifiy the required sensors from an extensive array available from AK or provide their own. Flexibility and ease of operation are two important features of the PDL-24. Its unique software prompts the user from an on-board printer and display to enter the information necessary to get the system up and running. The comprehensive User Guide details the operation of the system and provides explicit and clear examples. 20 October 1980 A NiIN=dGSS Specifications PO. Box 100, Providence, Rhode Isiand 02901 / 401 421-5033 PDL-24 SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Sensor Inputs: Analog Chonnels + 2 reference voltage levels + 14 single ended + 0-1 volt full scale * 250 MQ input resistance Switch Chonnels + 8 SPST (NO or NC) Analog to Digital Conversion + Resolution: +] port in 3333 (11% bits accuracy) + Lineority error: <+.J05% full scale « Temp. Coefficient: +30 ppm/°C + Conversion time: 33 Microseconds Sompling Rate One complete scan every 15 seconds Dota Storage 30 days per side, C-90 cassette (depending on storage requirements) PDL-24 HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS Physicol Microcomputer 65 Sensor Terminal 24 Width: 17.0 in 8.0 in Height: 7.5 in 3.0 in Length: 21.0 in 8.0 in Weight: 27 1b 2 1b Power Supply Power Requirements: 120 VAC, 60 Hz Bottery Pack Dato + Rechargeable sealed lead-acid cells + Operates from AC while charging + Bottery test indicotor + 2 hour operation from full charge Environmental + Operating Temperature: 0°C - 70°C + Storage Temperature: -40°C - 70°C + Humidity: 0-95% Rh without condensation Cossette Recorder + RG-2785 Cassette Recorder e Auto stop, built-in microphone * Tape counter =) Automatic level control LED Display + Complete 64 character ASCII alphanumeric choracters and symbols + 20 choracters wide Thermol Printer + 64 ASCII alphanumeric chorocters and symbols * 120 lines per minute * 20 column, 5X7 dot matrix Progrommoble Variables Sensor calibrations (slope + intercept) Channel totals/averages Print intervol Zeroing interval 50 user-defined functions User-defined constants 3 special voriables Chonnel print/process/store + RS232 interface (optional) Major Softwore Routines . Initiolization/Updote Defaults + Dota Collection + Data Examination ey ce) seine) eile) # i) Real Time Clock & Calendor * Quartz crystal timebose accurate to +2 seconds/day (battery backup provided) + Data filed by month, doy, hour, minute for easy retrieval Keyboord + Stondord 54 key layout + Full ASCII alphanumerics and symbols plus control and function keys Processor and Peripherols “+ 6502 8 bit CPU ot 1 MHz * 6532 RAM Input/Output Timer * 6522 Interface Adopters Memory * 8K ROM System Monitor + 8K byte static RAM 8K ROM Program Monitor 8K BASIC Interpreter Input/Output * 20 ma. current loop TTY interface (RS 232 C optional) + Two audio cassette interfaces + Two 8 bit bidirectional 1/0 ports (TTL levels) ° 44 Pin Applicotion Connector * 44 Pin Exponsion Connector Documentation Full seftwore and hardware documentation includes: PDL-24 User's Guide BASIC Programming Monval Hardware Guide User Operating Manual Monitor Listing Machine Language Progromming Manval System reference cards cee ewe .Weather Wizard™ MRI’S Weather Wizard™ MRI’s Weather Wizard™ represents a new generation in meteorological data recording. The major difference between the Weather Wizard™ and other weather stations is the ingenuity with which the Weather Wizard™ can perform a number of chores. You can now monitor wind speed, wind di- rection, temperature, and a variety of other parameters for a month or longer recording all the information on a single cassette. There is a brain at the center.of the Weather Wizard™. which makes your job easier. This is done so skillfully that some people may be tempted to call it magic. Applications The MRI Weather Wizard™ has been designed with versatility in mind. It is ideally suited to be the heart of a num- ber of data collection systems: Field studies Air pollution monitoring (PSD) Visibility studies Remote site climatology Highway and architectural design data Aviation support Public safety programs Geo-physical studies Hydrological studies Technical Description The Weather Wizard™ is a micro- processor-based weather monitoring system that can measure and record seven meteorological parameters, plus six unspecified analog inputs. The seven meteorological parameters are all converted to engineering units prior to recording while the six analog in- puts are recorded as voltages. The Weather Wizard™ can also re- cord an identification number, the day of the year, time of day, battery volt- age, peak wind gust, and minimum/ maximum daily temperatures. All of this is accomplished by the Weather Wizard™ which operates from a battery power supply putting the data on a magnetic tape cassette. The data is therefore machine processable, mak- ing it easy to summarize. The seven meteorological param- eters that can be measured are: wind speed, wind direction, temperature, rel- ative humidity, barometric pressure, solar radiation, and precipitation. A | | Model 5100 with rain gage and pyranometer. single sensor array accommodates the wind speed, wind direction, tempera- ture, and relative humidity sensors. The barometric pressure sensor is housed in the electronics package while the solar radiation and precipi- tation sensors stand independently. Wind Speed Three 4-1/2” diameter conical alu- minum cups are driven by speeds as low as 0.33 m sec-!. The output is an average of readings taken every 15 seconds. For example, when a 15 min- ute recording interval is selected, the output is the average of sixty, 15 second readings and is in engineering units. As an option, the computer is capable of remembering the highest 15 second gust for any recording in- terval. Sensor leads and cable to the electronic eee attach to terminal strip in sensor ase. Meteorology Research, Inc., Box 637, 464 West Woodbury Road, Altadena, CA 91001 phone (213) 791-1901 Telex 675421 Furi Specifications Performance Barometric Pressure Solar Radiation Precipitation Spare Analog Inputs Wind Speed Gust Min/Max Temperature Station Identification Julian Date Time Of Day Battery Voltage Recording Interval Environment Power Dimensions Weight LITHO IN U.S.A. — 1979 hi fe op it ots foes 1 asl ove eels erst lete = 65.0 to 85.0 kilo Pascals 75.0 to 95.0 kilo Pascals 85.0 to 105.0 kilo Pascals Range (choice of) FROSONUTION | asta: d36)5)5 551 a olailars slo sxeeralei s crore shale 0.1 kilo Pascals. Accuracy ....... te ey bxh whelia age of soles e152 toler ea telsts e 4 +0.2 kilo Pascals PRINS | alos oro o's fe thr co) abs ts xs oleae sso folns ouss anal ais io cae wl to 0 to 140 milliwatts cm-2 Resolution -..1mwem? ACCUTACY | islsteis cies te ot asic ctt ciate sips laze srerlshe s = +5 mw cm? PRONG | tee cle sta tis cole ose hala ons at she lar efaresel ais sl aia aye tao 0 to 99.8 mm of rain PROBOUT ote ta see oh oie are io cro ess oe aeere sere folore ol one 0.2 mm of rain Accuracy . ae ah aka festa: eng toon fecal ofl fsb 1% at 5 cm per hr. Reset 2.0... 0. cc cece eee eee teens Data is accumulated on a continuous basis unless reset manually PRU ae alae fa occ ieh oka loi co chal laslart et elha /at/ostra sal oe ise dno] ahs ji 0 to +2 VDC Resolution . . .0.01 VDC PCCUN OGY) ole 5 oes cl cys lee ests ous i etl leas ors alse oe iste qs SOU VOC Maximum 15 second wind speed gust recorded for each recording interval Minimum and maximum daily temperature recorded at midnight each day Three-digit station identification recorded at midnight each day Julian date recorded at midnight each day Time of day recorded with each scan Battery voltage recorded with each scan Selectable for 5, 15, 30 or 60 minutes Operates under all conditions outlined in the performance specifications 12 VDC at an average current of less than 3 ma Electronics package ............... ccc eeeeee 38.1 cm x 25.4 cm x 26.6 cm Sensor array + WVINd! SENSOE sits. weples neniclmensle asm seca es 48.5 cm overall height 20 cm body diameter 85 cm vane length 30.5 cm diameter x 14 cm maximum height 20.3 cm x 16.5 cm x 13.7 cm ...13.3 cm diameter x 12.5 cm maximum height . .20 cm diameter x 61 cm height 17.3 cm x 38.7 cm x 5.1 cm Radiation shield Battery pack Solar Radiation sensor ... Precipitation ........... Solar charger Electronics package ... 7.5 kg i shipping ......... -.10.9 kg 7 Sensor array .. 6.2 kg ‘ shipping ......... --10.9 kg Battery pack . 4.0 kg shipping ......... . 55 kg Solar radiation . 0.7 kg shipping ......... 1.2 kg Precipitation gage ... 4.1 kg shipping ......... 7.7 kg Solar charger 1.8 kg SHIPPING) feels eectbtsaacessmeees see eos 2.5 kg thos bu om — Communication Optional Sensors Optional Wind Direction Wind direction is sensed by an alu- minum vane with nose damping. The output is an arithmetic average based on readings taken every 15 seconds and is averaged in the same manner as wind speed. A special algorithm is used to avoid any ambiguity. The data is converted into engineering units prior to recording. Temperature The temperature is measured by a radiation shielded, naturally aspirated sensor which is located below the wind sensor. The output is a sample taken just prior to the recording time. As an option, daily minimum and maxi- mum temperatures may be remem- bered and reported by the computer. Relative Humidity Temperature Optional Sensors The relative humidity sensor is housed in the naturally aspirated radi- ation shield along with the temperature sensor and is recorded as an instanta- neous reading. The barometric pres- sure sensor is housed in the electron- ics package and is recorded as a single point reading. The solar radia- tion sensor stands alone and is re- corded as an instantaneous reading. The precipitation sensor also stands alone and is recorded as an accumu- lation of events. eee nen Barometric Pressure Sensor Cassette Tape Recorder Control/ Display | Module Central Processing Unit pesaasem (under cover) The electronics package is a lock- able aluminum housing containing the Control/Display Module, the Cassette Recorder, and the Central Processing Unit. The Control/Display Module The control/display module can be permanently mounted in the electron- ics package or used as a portable, plug-in unit. The operator is able to set and display the day of year and time of day. He is also able to select and read the last recorded data for each parameter. The Recorder All data is recorded on a standard cassette in a serial ASCII format. The data can be played back by a compat- ible cassette reader. The field operator has the option of choosing a 5, 15, 30, or 60 minute recording interval. Oper- ating at a fifteen minute interval, the cassette tape has a minimum life of thirty days. The Central Processing Unit The central processing unit is the brain for the entire system. It consists of the signal conditioning circuits and the computer. An optional output port is provided that will respond to an out- side command to transmit information over telephone lines or via radio trans- mission. Field Installation The Weather Wizard™ is designed to operate outdoors in all environ- ments. It is a portable system. Only one cable connects the sensor array to the electronics package. This makes it easy to mount the electronics package immediately under the sensor array or up to a maximum distance of 200 meters. There are also single cables from each of the independently stand- ing sensors. These cables are shielded and enter the electronics package housing through a watertight gland. Inside the housing, there are con- nectors for attaching the necessary in- put, output, and power cables. The Weather Wizard™ operates on ing power sources are available: 2—6 volt dry cell batteries, rechargeable 2—6 volt low temperature batteries, non-rechargeable 2—6 volt gel cell non- batteries, re- AC adaptor The batteries are located in their own housing. This housing may be buried where low temperatures effect the life of batteries. An optional solar charger is available for use with the a twelve volt power supply. The follow- chargeable gel cell batteries. 2 “f ont of wha ee ~ » A ee 0 wR Het z 2 2 y : < : 2 y cy > e g& Ke weer e® ¢ ee fg’ . So ot “a 2 x? BE Pare? Gar Cree ee rays oat sg a ae ew” gs ans . - - 2 Oo : 247-JULIAN DATE 407 ooo +15 S6 oo.0 0.00 0.090 06.00 0.00 O.00 WO oF TEMP ee Lae < W100 oOLF7 mia 417 0: ado E ays D 01.0 341 +16 7] “ a 00 03 +16 ao +15. +15 Performance Wind Direction RBI ear roleeioeclol oe rectors aso rine 0 to 359° FIONN aor naceniom sectosiafcreieteince Ac PUD a. area 6 aor r5- 015 oie oe ae ew COT OS SISLE ORS +1% of full scale Starting threshold . Delay distance Damping ratio .. Averaging .... Wind Speed Range ....... Resolution ... Accuracy .... Starting threshold .. Response distance . Flow coefficient .... Averaging .... Temperature Resolution Accuracy Relative Humidity Resolution Accuracy Range ......- Range ......- aeaios Less than 0.33 m sec"! ee areere 1.2 m, 50% recovery TeEos 0.5 to 0.6 Brayatel olotelotetotorstersteroiscotors raver tereteiorere Arithmetic average of 15 second readings for selected recording interval to provide wind direction without ambiguity BaoPaTa UOTE TY Were Pol pin orsy tokouctolensYoirecToNelotase 0 to 50 m sec"! 0.1 m sec: +1% of full scale ..-Less than 0.33 m sec m-1 ..-5.5 m, 63% recovery 7. 2am Sooo oe Pare .. Arithmetic average of 15 second readings for selected interval Bees enone there oc cioe —30°C to 50°C penne +1°C including effect of radiation in winds greater than 1 m sec-! SeP Aerators oni eat oso 10% to 95% -1% Sree acess So ase eee eee RON ILNIERTECI | WIND ODOMETER For persons living in windy areas, wind-powered electric systems represent an increasingly attractive way to reduce electric bills. Electric rates continue to rise; wind system technology is developing rapidly, and the government now allows wind system owners to deduct up to 40% of the installed cost of a wind system from their federal income taxes. (Many states offer additional credits against state income taxes). The economics of these wind systems depend largely upon wind speeds at the owner's site, and the simplest way to measure average wind speed is to install a “wind odometer” near the owner's house. The odometer itself is placed inside the house, garage or other weather-protected enclosure; the anemometer head is mounted on a mast sufficiently high to place it at least 30 feet above any wind obstacle within IOO yards and at least 40 feet above ground level. The odometer works much as a car odometer. The initial reading is OOO0COO. If the display reads OOOO10 after one minute, the present average windspeed is 10 mph. If the display reads 028800 after one day (1440 minutes), average wind speed for the day has been 20 mph. If, after 30 days (43,200 minutes), the display reads 432000, winds for the month have averaged 1O mph. Average wind speeds can be recorded daily, weekly, or monthly - then compared with similar data recorded at a nearby weather station. If, over a three month test period, there is consistent correlation between the two sets of figures, the correlation factor can be applied to the monthly historical aver- ages recorded at the weather station, and monthly average wind speeds at the owner's site predicted with rea- sonable accuracy. If no correlation exists, a full year's test is desirable. The Enertech Wind Odometer is a simple, reliable, battery- powered instrument, complete with anemometer head and all necessary wiring and hardware except for a small 6 volt battery. It will operate in temperatures ranging from -40 °F to 140 °F. Enertech and its dealers also offer a low-cost, 5O foot telescopic mast on which to mount the anemometer head, as well as rental pro- grams for both the odometer and mast. For further information write Enertech Corp., Box 420, Norwich, VT. O5055, or your nearest Enertech dealer. Authorized Dealer Post Office Box 10-1532 Anchorage, Alaska $9511 nina j= N j= R T j= C I-] Wind-Powered Generating Systems Solar Heating Systems P.O. BOX 420 . e . NORWICH, VT. 05055 Systems Design and Engineering 802/649-1145 . INSTALLATION © PARTS @ SERVICE Enertech Wind Odometer: Specifications The Enertech Wind Odometer is designed to enable the user to re- cord average windspeed at a potential wind system site, at modest cost. The odometer instrument consists of an anemometer head which is to be mounted at an appropriate height on the site, and an electronic instrument which records one count for every one- sixtieth of a mile of wind run past the site. Thus the number of counts recorded over any time period divided by the number of min- utes of time elapsed will yield the average windspeed (in mile- per-hour) over that time period (up to several months). The number . of counts recorded in a one minute period is the average windspeed for that one minute period. The wind odometer is recommended as the simplist and lowest cost continuously recording instrument for determining the wind po- tential and estimating the output of a given wind system at a par- -ticular site. Technical Specifications Odometer : Size: 7 3/8"W X 8 3/8"H X 3 3/4"D Weight: 1 3/4 pounds Display: 6 digits LED, push button to light display Power Supply: 6 volts DC Lantern Battery, not included Current Drain: -45 ma - display off 200 ma - display on Average Battery Life: 2 1/2-3 months Circuitry: Low power solid-state CMOS integrated digital circuitry Accuracy:. Error is less than .05% Operational temperature ranae: 40°C to +85°C Accumulation: 16 revs = 1 count : Anemometer Head: t Type: 3-cup Lexan plastic, Maximum type 40 AC generator Accuracy: Error is less than 1/2 mph Mounting: Aluminum tube mounting stub, stainless clamps and pin Connection Cable: 100 feet 22 ga. 2 conductor wire Survival Speed: 150 mph The odometer may be connected to the anemometer leads in the Enertech 1500 control box to enable you to continue to directly monitor the average windspeed while the machine is operating. When used in conjunction with a KWH meter, the odometer can help verify that a 1500 is performing in accordance with our output estimates. ie — — —_r™ Wind-Powered Generating Systems IEN = R I = IS : 1 Solar Heating Systems P.O. BOX 420 i i NORWICH, VT. 05055 Systems Design and Engineering 802/649-1145 i INSTALLATION @ PARTS @ SERVICE Operating and Installation Instructions Enertech Wind Odometer - Model A-80 Introduction The purpose of a wind odometer is to measure average windspeeds over a period of time - a minute, a day, a week, or longer. With this data any wind system manu- facturer or his dealer can approximate the number of kilowatt hours (kWh) any of his systems would have generated during a comparable period at the same site and the same height. It is also possible for the manufacturer, dealer, or the owner to compare this information with similar information collected by the nearest weather station during the same period and - if a correlation between the two can be established - to apply the correlation factor to the historic data recorded at the weather station and thereby estimate average wind speeds at the owner's site for each month of the year. The name of the nearest weather station and wind speed information for that station can be obtained from the National Climatic Center, Federal Buildina, Asheville, N.C. 28801. The Enertech Wind Odometer Model A-80 includes the following component parts: . one three cup anemometer with 100' of 22 gauge two conductor wire already attached. - one 8" aluminum rod on which to mount it. . one cotter pin to secure the rod to the anemometer. . two hose clamps to attach the rod to the mast. . one odometer box with two leads for attaching to the battery terminals. The mast and the battery are not included (see below). Planning the Installation Decide first where you wish to locate the anemometer and mast. If you are con- sidering the purchase of a wind energy system, the mast should be placed at or near the best location for the wind system. The mast should also be 30' higher than any wind obstacles within a 100 yard radius, and at least 40’ high. For most installations a 50' telescopic mast is available from Enertech or any of its dealers and is the most practical solution. Decide next where you wish to place the odometer and battery. Normally these are placed indoors, and normally a 6 volt heavy duty battery with screw-type terminals is the most suitable. If the odometer and battery are to be placed outdoors, they must be protected against gain and/or snow; if placed where temperatures are likely to drop below -20 F, a 12 volt battery (or two 6 volt batteries wired in series) should be used in place of the standard heavy duty 6 volt battery. 100' of 22 gauge two conductor wiring is pre-wired to the anemometer. If 100° will not reach from the anemometer to the battery, an additional length of simi- lar 22 gauge two conductor wire can be attached, for a total run of 250 feet Consult Enertech for wiring recommendation if a still longer run is necessary. Assembling and Testing Before making the final installation, assemble and test the system as follows: 1. Attach the red wire coming from the odometer to the positive terminal on the battery, and the black wire to the negative terminal on the battery. Press the "display" button and the LED display should read all zeros. If there is no display, the battery is either very weak or the wires have been reversed. 2. Insert the 8" aluminum rod (the end with the hole in the shaft) into the base of the anemometer; line up the rod hole with the hole in the base of the ane- mometer, insert the cotter pin, and spread the end of the cotter pin so that it is flush with the anemometer base. Attach the leads from the anemometer to the two center terminals on the terminal strip on the left front face of the odometer. Either wire may be wired to either terminal. Then spin the anemome- ter 20 to 50 times, punch the display button again, and the display should read "J", "2". or more. If the display has not advanced, make certain that the ane- mometer is firmly attached to the rod with the cotter pin, and that the leads are firmly attached to the two center terminals. 3. Read carefully any instructions provided with the mast you propose to use. If these do not include instructions for mounting the anemometer, we strongly recom- mend you consider first installing the mast without the anemometer, and then re- install it with the anemometer mounted. This will significantly reduce the risk of damaging the fragile anemometer cups. Installation Secure the anemometer rod to the supporting mast with the two hose clamps provided. The mast must be aligned vertically to insure proper anemometer operation; the wires should be tied to the mast at frequent intervals for neatness and to avoid wind-slap; the guying system should be double checked for security. Place the odometer and battery in their permanent position, providing adequate pro- tection against the weather, if outside. If there is a breeze, the odometer should start recording one count for every 1/60th mile of wind run, that is one count for each mile per hour recorded in a minute. Thus, ten counts in one minute means that the average wind speed during that time was 10 mph. . 3a We recommend grounding anemometer leads to protect against possible lightning strikes by inserting a double-pole double-throw switch just prior to wire entering into the building. Connect one pair of contacts together and also to a good ground. If added safety is desired, a double fuse block holding two type 3AG fuses may be inserted in the wire between the DPDT switch and the odometer. Throw the switch to ground during electrical storms. In areas where severe lightning is a problem, the mast should be adequately grounded to a good earth ground, preferably a grounding rod driven six feet into the earth. LEACT FI? ANEIA LINE EE WN Ds (OAT FUSE ELOCK COMELE FCES COUELE TH BOY SWITCH . ‘ LEADS TD CLO, ETE CUP TOY bai FEO Sg et WEL AF LA eh Reading the odometer is simple - just like reading the odometer in your car. The number of counts divided by the number of minutes equals the windspeed: j.e. the number of counts registered in one minute is the actual windspeed; the number of counts in an hour divided by 60 is the average windspeed for the prior hour; the number of counts per day divided by 1440 (60 minutes times 24 hours) is the average windspeed for the prior 24 hours; and the number of counts per week divided by 10,080 (60 minutes times 24 hours times 7 days) is the aver- age windspeed for the prior week, and so on. Examples: Average Windspeed Counter Minutes (counts - Date Time Reading Counts Elapsed minutes ) 1) 8/1/80 12:00 +~—-00000 8/1/80 12:01 000010 10 1 10 mph 2) 8/1/80 12:00 000000 8/2/80 12:00 015840 15840 1440 11 mph 3) 8/1/80 12:00 000000 8/8/80 12:00 151200 151,200 10,080 15 mph 4) 8/8/80 12:00 151200 8/15/80 12:00 282240 131,040 10,080 13 mph Data Gathering Techniques For comparing data with winds at a nearby weather station, windspeed readings should ideally be taken at the same time that the weather station makes its readings: normally at 1:00 am and every three hours thereafter. If this is impractical (as it normally is) the next best is to measure windspeeds at the times the weather station makes its observations whenever possible, and keep track of the daily and/or weekly averages. A record sheet for this purpose is attached, with one sheet filled out as a sample. Maintenance The electronics in the system should operate indefinitely provided no damage is done to the solid state components by lightning or by contact of transmitter cable with electrical power lines. Warranty All parts are guaranteed for one year against defects in workmanship. In case of damage, the odometer should be returned to Enertech or the dealer from which it was purchased via parcel post, prepaid, and we will advise you the costs of repair. Defects in workmanship during the warranty period will, of course, be repaired free of charge. ENERTECH - Tl erecta (||) P.O. BOX 420 Systems Design and Engineering NORWICH. VT. 05055 c 802/649-1145 INSTALLATION @ PARTS @ SERVICE ENERTECH PERFORMANCE MONITORING PACKAGE (PMP-1 & 2) The performance monitoring package is designed to’record the net KWH output, number of on/off cycles and total time the wind plant has operated. The PMP-1 (120 VAC model) is for use with the -Enertech 1500 and 1800 windplants. The PMP-2 (240 VAC model) is for use with the Enertech 4000. These packages, when used in conjunction with an Enertech Wind Odometer will provide an inexpensive means of measuring the total performance of your Enertech windplant. The kilowatt hour meter (KWH) will measure the number of KWH the wind- plant produced, less that power required to start the windplant. The on/off counter will advance each time the windplant starts. Please note that the counter will advance when the windplant is started in the “test” mode, so the number of "test" starts should be recorded. The time clock will indicate the total time the wind plant has been operating in the motor mode (starting) or the generator mode (operating). The data accumulated using the performance monitoring package can be used to evaluate windplant performance using the power curve; estimated monthly output; and discussions of temperature and altitude published in Enertech manuals and Bulletins. A qualified Enertech dealer can analyze the data to determine if the electronic controls should be fine tuned to increase the performance at a specific location. INSTALLATION: Install the performance package close to the control panel in a position where it will be convenient to route power wiring through the monitoring box. Connections inside the monitoring box are made according to the wiring diagram. The counter and timer are connected to the power relay coil terminals. RECORDING DATA: The data provided by the performance monitoring package should be recorded on a regular basis. The most accurate way of record- ing data is to choose the shortest possible intervals. As a minimum, daily readings should be considered essential. More frequent readings should be recorded during periods of high wind. If on some days it is not possible to make a recording, it is not necessary to attempt an inter- polation, but proceed to record data at the available time in any case. Power failures and test starts should also be recorded. 8/14/81 EIBUV MONTIORING PACKAGE PMr-1 NOTES 1, TIMER NOTES TOTAL MACHINE "ON" TIME, 2,.COUNTER RECORDS THE TOTAL NUMBER OF STARTUP/SHU TDOWN CYCLES. 3. KILOWATT-HOUR METER RECORDS NET ENERGY OUTPUT OF WINDPLANT. 4.20 GA. WIRE ADEQUATE FOR i COUNTER AND TIMER HOOKUP, ee _ LARGER WIRE IS ACCEPTABLE. iS. THE COIL OF THE POWER RELAY IS THE TWO SMALLER TERMINALS ON THE RELAY FACE. To CONTROL BOX POWER RELAY COIL GND NEUTRAL HOT GND HoT NEUTRAL FROM CIRCUIT ' FROM WINDPLANT