HomeMy WebLinkAboutPilot Station District Heat Report & Concept Level Design 1991 Pilot Station District Heat Report & Concept Level Design PREPARED FOR State of Alaska DS Alaska Energy Authority | 701 East Tudor Road PO. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 April 1991 ENGINEERS e SURVEYORS « ENERGY CONSULTANTS 1503 WEST 33RD AVE.e ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE: (907) 258-2420 FAX: (907) 258-2419 mmr ss ‘R polarconsult alaska, inc. This study was prepared under contract with the Alaska Energy Authority by: Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. 1503 West 33rd Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 The accepted conclusions are: 1. A potential for waste heat recovery has been identified in the community of Pilot Station. 2. Based on the proposed design and project cost estimate, the project is not economically feasible and does not appear to justify conventional financing. Alternate funding sources and/or revisions to the project scope will need to be evaluated. 3. The designs presented herein are schematic in nature and should not be construed as being complete in design or function. A thorough review of content and correctness should be performed prior to use in the development of construction documents. The concept-level project cost estimate for Scenario #1 is $378,728. Final review comments and responses which were not incorporated into the report have been included in Appendix A. Accepted: Ze CS a. 24/92 Brian C. Gray Date Project Manager Accepted: Koallt AYFEET = ary D. Smith Date Manager of Rural Projects polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating Executive Summary Pilot Station is a bush community with a population of 420, located in western Alaska on the north bank of the Yukon River, approximately 15 river miles upstream from St. Mary's. Pilot Station gets its electricity from a Alaska Village Electrical Cooperative (AVEC) diesel plant. There is a potential to recover heat from these diesels. This report was commissioned by the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) to determine whether introduction of a district heating system which would recover the heat, would save the community money. With the 1990 cost of heating oil at $1.15 per gallon, a considerable amount of money is expended to heat community buildings. A district heating system is not complicated. Typical baseboard-heated buildings have a boiler which transfers heat to water, and a pump to circulate the water through the baseboard radiators. At the radiator the heat is transferred to the air which heats the building. A district heating system works in the same manner, with the exception that the engine performs the same function as the boiler, and provides waste heat instead of burning fuel. This report discusses how this heat may be used in Pilot Station, and what results may be expected. The two school complexes, the water treatment plant, and the City buildings were studied as likely candidates to be served by a district heating system in Pilot Station. The location of the power plant may be changed because of flooding. Connection at present, and new, power plant location was investigated. The most economical connection would be the High School. This building would utilize 100% of the heat available at the power plant during the winter months. Project cost, annual amount of fuel saved and fuel cost savings for concept #1 are as follows: Project Cost $378,728 Amount of Fuel Saved per Year 15,793 Annual Savings $18,162 Straight Pay Back in Years 20.8 Total project cost includes design, supervision, inspection, administration and construction. The project includes construction of a new module at the power plant to Page i polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating house the district heating equipment, renovations to the AVEC power plant cooling system and the school-complex heating system, and construction of a hot water transmission line. The life of a district heating project is a function of availability of waste heat from the electric generation plant, the requirement for heat at buildings connected to the system, and system maintenance costs. In this case the requirement for electricity and space heat in the community imply an infinite project life. With proper maintenance the life of the district heating system will exceed 25 years. The present power plant location is flooded by the Yukon River each year. The proposed new location for the power plant is behind the High School on the road to the Airport. This location is out of the flood zone. It is estimated that it will cost an average of $800 per year to repair actual failures in the district heating system. Routine maintenance will be performed during three trips to Pilot Station by a skilled crew each year. Operation will be by a local person who will monitor the system. Because annual operational and maintenance costs and economic decisions will be made by AEA, final economic conclusions are not presented in this report. The straight pay- back time for the best alternative, Concept 1, is 20.8 years. The project could be made more attractive economically by reducing its scale through minimizing new construction and renovations at the existing power plant. Integral design of the new power plant with district heating considerations will eliminate renovation costs, and help reduce connection costs. Another approach would be to combine this project with waste-heat projects in other Northwest Alaska communities to reduce Pilot Station's share of the high mobilization, shipping, travel, and supervision costs required. Page ii polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating CONTENTS Executive Summary List of Figures List of Tables I, Introduction A ODJOCHVE (....<000-<sesccenceeressosconcensetsassssiccssecesceseesercoscacseacsscenseesacsetsesssSTs00TUITSSETSTS® 1 BeDistrict Heating Sy Stem ececccacsceccseccxescescasccnsssssocsressesesessecesscsvsascsusesvasusseseerseeses 1 GES Method logy ercevcccsers-scccesecccsenceseceaccsesesescscasesusescosencncaceacesesvesnenescersesessesesesetat® 1 DD), Community, Description ccceccocessesecessosesncesesecsusvescescusscssssvosssssssvasssssusessstvivessescns 3 ES PrOjeCteds load CHANGES irccsscscescncecsescsccsccssrszsasccescassssnocssaccrecesncssaessesersnceesesseeses 3 I. Site Visit Il. Power Plant WAS, GONETAL, ....<:.0.ceceraosne sen edossto5s550506 S50ss80% SOSSTOU 604 SSSSTCSUTRSTSSCGSGSISSSTSSUSTSSUNSESETSUSESESS 5 B. Available Load Information & Available Heat . aS GC, Building Heat ........<..<ccssssvarvscensssevesssscasscavssvavscsnsuvscseseussrrscsarersvscersevessusutaseseseew 7 D. Proposed District Heating Connection ........ccesescessesescecescscssesesescececeeesesescees 8 IV. Potential District Heating Users A. School TS Genel iessscscesesocsecscesoxsexscocsnensesonensensenesaarsesestunsenssssadsstsnsstssessostsacsasecsesses 2. Location 3. Heat Use 4. District: Heating COnnectiOM :scscseccossccecccsecvescasensenssvcseusussusessusssseteusatensetss 10 B. Water Treatment Building LGenerall sccsssscsccccnsssssensevsesscessescavecasenveassncexsvucwssxnscrmvexescsessvaisvusesesseissetsoes 13 De EOCATLON Preece. sererrreerecetecteeeteeeee tere eee 13 Ds FHCAL USE: cascevssenesessessovssswscssconsocswssunses cgusscssasssseesunsrsccsseversgrsstsscestesncsnosecs 13 4; District Heating Connection | 5.ss<ocecsocsseccsscsesscscssvesessesusssussesssssstasstswersweee 14 Wai Concept! Design! Dra win gs|(-:....sc.ccecessesesecnsacssecescesssecsessesseneeeeistsictssnserosscseseavavenesese 16 VI. Failure Analysis PA IMtPOGUCHOM eresererec-cccocsercescasacssencescvesescxeceversesersuecstocerrerssceeresratestrerecteneeteee 21 B. Failure Analysis of District Heating System wo... ecescesseeeseseeeesceseseeeeeeeee 22 De Power, Plant: cccccsccescesesssreocsenccececerarserscenseacsussnsenssssencecsetstsuituttastesiSs0S55z0 23 2s DistriUtiOM S YStCml \eccacceecescesescescacessucrceacevecesscsewesesesaesacasescarcessereneeereests 26 Page i polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating 3 USOT CONMOCHIONS eo nssszecesassncocnserassneaoneasuosensssusnosnsseseessnossnvessseqsasseatseneasos C. Failure Frequency and Cost ..........ccccssesescssssssssssssessssssseseecesscssesseseseeesenenenes D. Design Decisions to Minimize Failure VII. Project Specifications A. Codes and Regulation) x.s<osssessosvcnsssesssusssssossvsaasssonssnenssesanessessesenssesesrssvesseesess 32 B. DIVISION 01 - General Requirements ... is OZ C. DIVISION 02 - SiteWork .o..cccceeseseseeestseeessetetetscsessssscssscsssesssesssesasseseaes 32 D. DIVISION 13 - Special Construction 00... sseesessescsesssesseescsssesseessessseesees 33 E. DIVISION 15 - Mechanical Outline Specification ...........cscscseseseseseeseseneeee 34 F. DIVISION 16 - Electrical Outline Specification 00... eeeeeeeeceseeteeeeteeee 37 VIII. Project Cost Estimate A. Power Plant Heat Recovery System ........cscscssesssssssessescsssssssssssseessssssssessesees 40 B. District heating Distribution System sscsssscossssssessessssessessocassesssvessosesoesencesssseas 40 C. Operation and Maintenance Costs .........ccscssssessssesesessssesesessseeseneseenesseeeneseeeeee 40 D; Project Cost Summary’ s.::s:c<v-u.0-eevesssensssesnsenssonsnsssrossssuveevonsnsssnsoessusevessenesensees 41 IX. Conclusions A. Heat Availability & Fuel Consumption .......cesscscssssesesessetsessssessssesseessssees 42 B. Project Cost SOMMALY,:. cs sssscascissssonsnon sass msmnsnsternncamsrsrmimemeesteeeeee Ad C. Project Summary KX. RECOMMENRAAUONS: cssssssisiscescssccassssvsssvssnssecssvsvessssissscassssessenssssascemsssenaessassmasessbwseve C&ICUIATIONS ..........00secscenosscssosensesssnitssdssssisiessssesesssnsssenesssossensessnssesssnsesetsoess Field Trip Notes .. COSt E Stim ate ccscsscsscsscssesccsnsassvszsscvssescsessaacsavvessassvansvesensssesevassesesastesasesaaseass Page ii polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating List of Figures I-1 Unit #2 & Proposed District Heating Piping Location II-2 Proposed New Power Plant Location .............ssssssssssesesssseseseeses es IV-1 Proposed District Heating Pipeline Alignment to High School ........s.sssssssseses 12) IV-2 Proposed Location of District Heating Equipment & Proposed Connection to Boilers in High School pes IV-3 Proposed District Heating Pipeline Alignment to Water Treatment Building ... 15 IV-4 Proposed Location of District Heating Equipment at Water Treatment Building 15 V-1 Site Plan & Proposed District Heating System Distribution ............scscsesessseeees 16 V-2\__ Proposed System Schematic <ccscssosevoussssonssonsovescussvassonsscnsacssecssesesnsessesescscseeesesss 17 V-3 Detail of Revisions to Existing Power Plant & District Heating Connection .... 18 V-4 High School Piping Connection Schematic & Floor Plan ..........ssseseseseesenenees 19 V-5 Water Treatment Building Schematic & Floor Plan .0........esessssssssessesseseeesseeees 20 IX=1 2S Heat Avatlableivsi Heat Required i:..cc.ccacccsac.ccecconesecescencacsaseseseessnesestecseesesotessests 43 TX=2' Gallons of Heating! Oil Displaced | <cccccecessonsecoscscoscscussscscasusesessaouceccscosescesvasasacese 43 List of Tables NITRA Em cine Data rerecaccesscsscsscssacesscscsncnsccsvsactstnscntezessuasscucesscsicensessonsescccseyecocerecesseseccecee 5 II-B Monthly Power Generation & Available Heat .... sa IV-A Estimated Distribution of Fuel Oil Use at School .........cesssessesesessesssseetsesseeees 11 IV-B_ Estimated Distribution of Fuel Oil Use at Water Treatment Building .............. 14 VIII-A Summary of Alternative Project Costs..........sssssssssessseeees we 41 IX-A_ Annual Heating Fuel Displacement & Pipeline Heat Losses ..........sssssseseseseeees 42 DX-B sPLOject: SUMMATY vesesercsstorcesucarsesacnssesasecsatnacassacsceccscecsacncecacesscsecaseasecescecsstesesasses 44 Page iii polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating Glossary AEA: Alaska Energy Authority, the State agency which commissioned the report. AVEC: Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, the electric utility providing electric power to the community. APUC: Alaska Public Utilities Commission, the body which regulates most utilities throughout the State of Alaska. Capital Cost: Total cost to construct the project, including actual costs as well as design, management, contractor's overhead, risk and profit. Operating Cost: Cost to keep the project operational, computed on an annual basis over the life of the project. District Heating: Concept of recovering engine waste heat which would otherwise be lost through radiators to the air. This heat is circulated in pipes as hot water, to heat buildings. Present Worth: The value of a future or past sum of money at a given time, usually the present, taking into account the time value of money, using an interest rate. Net Present Worth: The value of a project where costs and income have been converted to a common time and combined. polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating I. Introduction A. Objective The objective of this report is to determine the feasibility of recovering and using the waste heat from the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) power plant generators in Pilot Station. In view of the present cost of heating oil at over $1.15 per gallon, and the amount of heat presently being wasted to the outdoors through the engine radiators, the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) determined that utilization of waste heat showed potential savings in heating costs. The scope of this report is to determine if a district heating system is feasible, identify optimal applications, and estimate the cost of constructing this system in Pilot Station. B. District Heating System A district heating system takes energy that would otherwise be wasted and converts it to beneficial use as space heat. A brief description of a district heating system follows. A district heating system is not complicated. Typical baseboard-heated buildings have a boiler which burns fuel, usually oil, and transfers the heat to water, and a pump to circulate the heated water through pipes to radiators. At the radiator the heat is transferred to the air in the building. A district heating system works similarly, with the water heated by diesel generators in the AVEC power plant instead of being heated by a boiler. The water heated by the engines is normally cooled by the radiators at the plant. In a district heating system, this heat is recovered for beneficial use instead of being rejected to the atmosphere. This teport discusses how waste heat can be used in Pilot Station, and the likely Tesults. C. Methodology The feasibility of waste heat use in Pilot Station has been investigated in the following manner: 1. Information Gathering: Prior to the site visit all pertinent and available information was gathered, including estimates of the amount of heat Page 1 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating available and identification of potential user facilities. The field trip was coordinated with village officials and AVEC operators. 2. Field Trip: The site visit was made to discuss the project with the Village Council and interested persons, to survey potential user buildings and determine possible distribution pipe routes. Criteria for potential user facilities included public ownership, substantial heat use and proximity to the AVEC power plant. The manager or operator of each candidate building was interviewed. Information was gathered concerning: Rights-of-way; o Amount, type and quality of construction equipment available in the village and the rental rates; o Availability of village-supplied labor during the probable construction period; o Specific weather problems such as drifting snow; and Soils information. Field trip notes are shown in Appendix B. 3. Analysis: Field trip notes, photographs, general information and additional site-specific features of the village were analyzed. Historical power production, weather information, and fuel usage records obtained during the field trip were entered into a computer model to determine the quantity of waste heat available to each potential user facility. On the basis of economics, several potential user facilities were eliminated. Specific details for hook-ups to the district heating system, including distribution pipe routing and location of user heat exchangers, were considered and included in the report. (See Figure V-1, "Site Plan and Proposed District Heating System Distribution," on page 16.) The elementary school and building located along the banks of the river were eliminated as potential user facilities due to the distance from the proposed new location of the AVEC Power Plant. The Clinic and Fire Station did not have enough demand to justify extending the district heat line. Page 2 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating Concepts investigated included the following combinations of buildings: Concept __ Buildings #1 High School #2 High School & Water Treatment Plant #3 High School (From Existing Plant Site) 4. Initial Submittal: A preliminary report on the project was written and distributed to the Alaska Energy Authority staff for comment. 5. Final Submittal: The final report will include all comments received from AEA and other interested parties who have reviewed the interim report. D. Community Description Pilot Station is located in western Alaska on the north bank of the Yukon River, approximately 15 miles up river from St. Mary's. The population is made up mostly of Yupik Eskimos, and the economy is based mainly on commercial fishing and subsistence hunting. Pilot Station states it has a population of 450. The existing AVEC power plant is located next to the Yukon River and is subject to flooding each spring. It is proposed to move the existing power plant to a new location adjacent to the High school. The community has a water distribution system throughout the community. The water is obtained from the Public Health Service facility on the hill above town. E. Projected Load Changes Since the school complex is not scheduled for expansion, according to Lower Yukon School District officials, its heat requirements should remain constant. The heat requirements of the water treatment system should grow with the community. AVEC projects an increase of 7% in the community's energy needs over the next three years with an increase of 13% over the following four years, according to its Power Requirements Study and 10-Year Plan. This increased requirement will proportionally increase the amount of heat available for use. Page 3 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating II. Site Visit The site visit was conducted during February of 1990 to discuss the project with the Village Council and interested persons, survey potential user buildings and determine possible routes for district heating distribution pipe. The principal of the school complex and operators of the water treatment building and the AVEC power plant were interviewed. Information was gathered concerning rights-of- way, soils, specific weather problems, and local availability of construction equipment and labor. Field trip notes including a list of people contacted in the field, are shown in Appendix B. James Luke, maintenance director of the Lower Yukon School District, was contacted in Mt. Village about fuel usage of the school buildings. Page 4 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating Il. Power Plant A. General The power plant is housed in a standard AVEC Butler type structure. It is presently located on the banks of the Yukon River. This site floods each spring so it is planned to move the existing power plant structure to another site, behind the High School. It now houses three generators, one equipped with a remote radiator, the other two with skid-mounted radiators, switch gear, and a day tank. Table I-A Engine Data Position/Unit 1 2 3 Engine Allis-Chalmers Cummins John Deere Model 685 I KTA 1150 6619 A Speed (rpm) 1800 1800 1800 Rating, Engine (kw)* 186 306 204 Heat Rejection** To Coolant (Btu/min) 7,000 9,320 7,430 To Stack (Btu/min) 13,990 7,430 To Ambient (Btu/min) 2,160 2,480 1,583 Water Flow (gpm) 77 125 90 Intake Air Flow (CFM) 520 930 685 * Engine rating at shaft. ** Rating at full load. B. Available Load Information & Available Heat Monthly power production figures for Pilot Station were obtained from AEA. The 1989 figures were rounded to the nearest 100 kwh for use in this report. The amount of waste heat available off the engines was calculated using these generation values and the engine manufacturer's heat rejection figures listed in Table III-A. System losses were subtracted from the amount of heat available off the engines to arrive at the equivalent number of gallons of fuel oil available for use. System losses include building heat, distribution pipeline heat losses, radiator losses and plant piping heat losses. Page 5 polarconsult Table II-B Monthly Power Generation & Available Heat Month Power Produced Values Used. Heat 1987 1988 1989 inStudy’ Avail.’ (kwh) (kwh) (kwh) (kwh) Gal.) Jane 85,800 99,600 99,600 2,280 Feb 00 w= 80,800 83,400 83,400 2,089 Mar == 81,600 87,000 _—87,000 2,185 App w= 75,200 81,800 _—81,800 2,064 May == 67,400 73,800 73,800 1,938 June 56,600 64,000 64,000 1,643 July 57,000 58,000 66,400 66,400 1,710 Aug 63,600 66,600 75,800 75,800 1,951 Sept 63,200 70,800 77,480 77,500 2,009 Oct 68,600 80,800 ----- 89,2007 2,279 Nov 74,800 82,662 = ----- 91,2007 2,278 Dec 91,400 93,200. ----- 102,900” 2,271 Annual 832,883° 899,462 992,490? 992,600 —- 24,698 1 Values used in this study were the 1989 kwh production figures rounded to the nearest 100 kwh. From Jan. to Sept. the load increased 10.3% from 1988 to 1989. This rate of increase was used to project the load from Oct. to Dec. 1989. Annual production for 1987 and 1989 was estimated, as data were not available for all months. Equivalent gallons of heating oil available from District Heating Simulation Work Sheet. Pilot Station District Heating Page 6 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating C. Building Heat The Butler building is a metal frame building with 2 inch insulation in the walls and roof. The building has an uninsulated wooden floor. Intake air comes from a ventilation louver by the door, and cooling air from the radiator is exhausted through motor-controlled dampers behind the two enclosed skid mounted radiators. (See Figure III-1.) Heat losses from the building will reduce heat availability for distribution by the waste heat recovery system. Heat given off by the engine and generator is usually sufficient to heat the structure in which the equipment is operating. Calculations show a quantity of heat equivalent to 839 gallons of oil per year would be required to keep the Butler building at 65°F with an operating engine. Insulating the floor of the building would reduce this requirement to 423 gallons of oil per year. It was assumed that the floors were insulated in the waste heat utilization work sheets. The engines are to be kept warm by circulating heated coolant through their blocks. The amount of heat required to heat the engine blocks is less than that required to heat the module during cold weather. This means that the minimum heat requirement is that required to heat the engine blocks and that the values used are conservative. D. Proposed District Heating Connection The proposed district heating system schematic is shown in Figure V-2 (page 17) and the connection to the power plant is shown in Figure V-3 (page 18). Interconnection between the existing remote radiator and the new remote radiator proposed for this project is included. This will allow for any generator to be run off either of two remote radiators. Existing skid mounted radiators will be removed. Connection to the proposed building unit heaters and engine warming system connections are also included in the new piping, as well as insulation in the floor of the Butler building. The primary heat exchanger will be located in a housing module next to the butler building. The expansion tank(s) and district heating pumps will be located at the user end of the system. The heat exchanger module housing will use 2x4 Page 7 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating standard wood frame construction mounted on an extension of the existing butler building foundation. The unit will be insulated with fiberglass batt insulation and covered with metal siding on the exterior and plywood on the interior. Heat exchangers will be stainless steel plate type units. The primary side piping will run from the heat exchanger, under the floor of the Butler building to each unit. The piping will be black welded steel pipe with flanges for valves and other removable fittings. The piping will be insulated outside of the structures to prevent excessive heat loss. The district heating electrical systems in the module will be connected into a new electric panel located in this module. The new panel will be connected through a meter to the existing station service panel in the Butler building. Equipment located at the user facility will be connected to the user electrical panel. The cost estimate for the connection of the heat exchanger, pumps, and module at the power plant is covered in Section VIII, Project Cost Estimate. Page 8 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating Figure II-1 Unit #2 & Proposed District Heating Piping Location Figure II]-2 Proposed New Power Plant Location Page 9 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating IV. Potential District Heating Users A. School 1. General The school has an enrollment of 126, with 48 high school and 78 elementary, and is operated by the Lower Yukon Borough School District, based in Mt. Village. The school buildings are grouped in two locations; the high school complex and the elementary school complex. The high school complex comprising the new high school building and administration building will receive waste heat as part of Concept #1 of this report. Supplying the school will require heat exchangers and pumps for each structure planned to be served. The elementary school, warehouse, and residential buildings at the BIA complex do not receive district heat as part of Concept #1 of this report. 2. Location The elementary school is located next to the existing power plant by the river, and the high school is located next to the proposed new power plant site at the top of the hill. From the new power plant location the pipeline will extend about 530 feet to the high school building. (See Figure V-1.) "Arctic" distribution pipe will be buried on AVEC or School property, as shown in Figure V-1. Easements will not be required as the pipeline is on public property. The high school is on piles, and the district heating piping will come up through the floor into the existing mechanical room which is on the second floor. 3. Heat Use Fuel records for the school facility in Pilot Station were obtained from James Luke of the Lower Yukon Borough School District in Mt. Village. The entire complex used 36,165 gallons per year during 1988 and 1989, with 19,530 gallons used by the high school, 6,510 gallons used by the elementary school, and 10,125 gallons by auxiliary buildings. A monthly breakdown of fuel consumed by the school complex was not available. Domestic hot water is heated off the boilers in the High School. Page 10 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating Monthly fuel use was estimated by distributing the average annual fuel consumption based on the number of heating degree days per month. Table IV-A Estimated Distribution of Fuel Oil Use at School Month Heating HS Elem Degree Days Gal. Oil Gal. Oil January 15739: 2,943 981 February 1,627 25753 918 March 1,541 2,608 869 April 1,185 2,006 669 May 697 590 197 June 422 0 0 July 299 0 0 August a5, 302 101 September 601 1,018 339 October 1,072 1,814 605 November 1,436 2,431 810 December 1,810 3,063 1,021 Annual 12,785 19,527 6,509 Purchase Cost / gal $1.15 S115 4. District Heating Connection The district heating pipe will enter through the floor of the existing mechanical room in the high school building. There is an open area next to the boiler that will easily accommodate the heat exchanger, pumps and expansion tank. The secondary side of the heat exchanger will be connected to the return header of the boilers. (See Figure IV-2) Additional head from the heat exchanger should not require the existing circulation pumps to be replaced. The cost of connecting the school to the district heating system is covered in Section VIII. Page 11 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating Figure IV-1 Proposed District Heating Pipeline Alignment to High School Figure IV-2 Proposed Location of District Heating Equipment & Proposed Connection to Boilers in High School Page 12 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating B. Water Treatment Building 1. General The water treatment building is owned and operated by the City of Pilot Station. Technical assistance is provided by the U.S. Public Health Service when required. The facility includes a water storage tank, water treatment equipment and boilers to heat the water. The water is circulated throughout the community in insulated buried water lines. 2. Location The water treatment building is located on the hill above Pilot Station. The district heating distribution pipe to the treatment facility will be "Arctic" pipe. This pipe will be buried in an easement through the school property and on through the unsubdivided tract. (See Figures V-1 & VI- 3.) The length of the hot-water transmission line, from the tee off the main line to the high school, to the water treatment building will be 870 feet. 3. Heat Use The water treatment building's two boilers supply heat to the water treatment building, the water tank, and the circulating water in the distribution lines. The water tank is insulated and is heated to about 40°F in the winter. Fuel records for the water treatment building were obtained from the City of Pilot Station. Monthly fuel use was estimated by distributing this fuel consumption, using the number of heating degree days per month. (See Appendix A for sample calculation.) Page 13 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating Table IV-B Estimated Distribution of Fuel Oil Use at Water Treatment Building Month Net Fuel Heating Oil Use Degree Days Gal. D’ January 329 1,739 February 316 1,627 March 306 1,541 April 264 1,185 May 207 697 June 175 422 July 160 299 August 167 357 September 196 601 October 251 1,072 November 293 1,436 December 337 1,810 Annual 3,000 12,785 Purchase cost / gal. $1.16 4. District Heating Connection The two district heating pipes will be buried and will emerge outside the water treatment building, and extend into the building through the boiler room wall. The heat exchanger will be located in front of the boilers just off the north wall. The connection will be made to the return header of the existing boilers. (See Figure IV-4.) A unit heater will be installed to replace the existing space heat furnace which will be retained for emergency heating purposes. Additional head from the heat exchanger should not require the existing circulation pumps to be replaced. The cost of connecting the water treatment plant to the district heating system is covered in Section VIII. Page 14 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating Water Treatment Building Figure IV-3 Proposed District Heating Pipeline Alignment to Water Treatment Building Figure IV-4 Proposed Location of District Heating Equipment at Water Treatment Building Page 15 polarconsult V. Concept Design Drawings PILOT STATION SITE PLAN PROPOSED DISTRICT HEATING SYSTEM WATER TREATMENT PLANT ° UNSUBDIVIDED TRACT Pilot Station District Heating PROPOSED NEW AVEC POWER PLANT SITE SCHOOL WATER Fe) WELL / / & I | //HIGH all IP 4 \. 2 ty TO AIRPORT LEGEND Z| PROPOSED WASTE HEAT USER PROPOSED WASTE HEAT LINE Sve EASEMENT REQUIRED -—f—- EXISTING FUEL LINE --S-- EXISTING SEWER LINE -—-—- EXISTING UG POWER LINE EXISTING POWER POLE les EXISTING AVEC. -O.W, CLINIC FIRE STATION ae < Pp GB a =x w 3 = rs Bo POWER PLANT = wl VP : Mia! bs \ FIGURE Ver Page 16 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating PILOT STATION — PROPOSED SYSTEM SCHEMATIC WATER TREATMENT (SEE FIG. V-5S> (nn cn on wl CONNECT | TO USER USER | SYSTEM HEAT J_exchander | c al L_—— —}. i | CONCEPT 2 SS q 870’ - Loe | HEAT CONNECT | JEXCHANGER TO USER | | SYSTEM BURIED ARCTIC PIFE SN CONCEPT 1& 2 530’ - 25a SN as es es ed HIGH SCHOOL CSEE FIG. V-4) Ito ENGINE a le oh | COOLING system | | | é | t= PRIMARY HEAT L J EXCHANGER BUTLER BUILDING DISTRICT HEAT MODULE (SEE FIGURE V-3) SEE FIGs V—3? LEGEND P<] ISOLATION VALVE fNI CHECK »=VALVE — — EXISTING NEW DISTRIBUTION NEW @ USER NEW @ PLANT €) USER PRIMARY DISTRIBUTION PUMPS SCALE: NTS FIGURE V-2 Page 17 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating PILOT STATION DETAIL SHOWING REVISIONS TO POWER PLANT AND DISTRICT HEAT CONNECTION EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE HEAT EXCHANGER 400,000 BTU/HR RADIATORS YOUNG, SERIES 33 PLANT PIPING 4" STEEL, WELDED UNIT HEATER 60,000 BTU/HR 1” cu TO DISTRICT HEAT SYSTEM SEE FIGURE VI-1 [EXISTING NEW |_ RADIATOR RADIATOR i {i} 3 Zz a o © DISTRICT HEAT MODULE | GINE el cine wl peat [ENGINE #1 | | | | J l J I | l i UNIT HEATER ~~ EXISTING POWER PLANT NOTES i) BUTTERFLY VALVE 1, LOCATION OF POSSIBLE BOOSTER PUMP Bh nner vane 2, PUMPED ENGINE WARM SYSTEMS FOR ENGINES 1, 2, 3 AND EXP, TANKS NOT SHOWN. PNU CHECK VALVE ft) FLEX CONNECTOR . EXISTING SYSTEM COMPRISES TWO ENGINES =. BSG EACH WITH SKID MOUNTED RADIATORS AND NEW AT PLANT ENGINE #2 CONNECTED TO AN EXISTING NEW DISTRICT HEAT PIPE REMOTE RADIATOR. SKID MOUNTED RADIATORS WILL BE REMOVED. » ALL PIPING TO EXISTING REMOTE RAD NOT SHOWN, WILL BE REMOVED. FIGURE NTS V=3 Page 18 61 o8ed > Dd GATE. VALVE — EXISTING BUILDING HEAT EXCHANGER 400,000 BTU/HR a Pa DX BAL. VALVE -—- EXISTING PUMPS GRUNDFOS, SERIES G4 €& PUMP —— NEW DISTRICT HEAT PIPE 200, UPC50-160 wn tA CHECK VALVE AX STRAINER EXPANSION TANK 26 GAL. a —— NEW @ USER 0 = TEMP CONTROL VALVE PIPING: oS Ps a SUPPLY SIDE 2.5” STEEL, WELDED XO U0 ii VS x Q a “” a DISTRICT HEAT - PIPING Q tf S f re ‘] SPACE a ‘ FOR USER a Borcer}| | \. | EQUIPMENT (y \ | eeu) ZONE SUPPLIES “0 °F 5s) ZUNE (cour WATER TANK —pe<ip— — + ———-5 RETURNS T T —sheaT SYSTEM EXPANSION TANK b qGtYCoL FILL |} «FROM DISTRICT “HEAT SYSTEM HEAT EXCHANGER AIR SEPARATOR FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1’=10' SYSTEM SCHEMATIC ynsuoorejod Sunvoy IOMsIG UONeIS 10]Iq 0z o8ed LEGEND EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE aU i —_— Dd GATE VALVE — EXISTING BUILDING HEAT EXCHANGER 100,000 BTU/HR AK DRI BAL. VALVE -—- EXISTING PUMPS GRUNDFOS, SERIES 45 @ PUMP —— NEW DISTRIBUTION 200, UPC50-80 a 1” CHECK VALVE Sy STRAINER EXPANSION TANK 13 GAL. Sos —— NEW @ USER rt ~=TEMP CONTROL VALVE PIPING: onal SUPPLY SIDE 1.5" STEEL, WELDED xO BOILER SIDE 1.5” CU | 2 (= vd a = > 4 mM a 4 D m > bo LI 5 m (ee eee | Zz WELL | I | | | | || | | oO BOILER a1) BOILER He | = PUMPS =e L—we—-5 ZONE ) =—= -y-- Le 5 SUPPLIES S — = ENTRY Pca \ eo ¥ -—<+—= Z7Ke SPACE FOR. = a nS LL —a——5 RETURNS = EQUIPMENT [> x cocroCOr 4 al 1 \\ | BLA #1 \ | dies __<70 DISTRICT tr 4 EXPANSION TANK \ ial HEAT SYSTEM Ls, (Sree te | | Bu #2) | | By Sq oeicor ice Qa L2Q— a He 9 oc | FROM DISTRICT == ft HEAT EXCHANGER >HEAT SYSTEM AIR SEPARATOR FLOOR PLAN SYSTEM SCHEMATIC SCALE: 1’=10' ynsuoorejod Supvoy IOMNsIq uOneS 10]1d polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating VI. Failure Analysis A. Introduction Failure analysis is the process of predicting the operational reliability of a system. It provides information on the probable type and frequency of failures, and indicates how the system should be designed and maintained for optimal reliability. Reliability (R) is defined as that portion of time a system is functional. Unreliability (UR) is defined as (1 - R). Reliability is determined using the total time of operation (Total Period), mean time between failures (MTBF), and mean time to repair (MTTR). A district heating system depends on a number of components to provide heat to the user. The total unreliability of the system is the sum of the unreliabilities of these components. For example, if a pipe had an MTBF (mean time between failure) of 8,760 hours, and an MTTR (mean time to repair) of 8.77 hours, the reliability would be 1 - (8.76 / 8760) = 1 - 0.001 = 0.999. This means that the pipe will be operating 99.9% of the time. If there were a heat exchanger that could also fail, and it had the same reliability as the pipe, the reliability of the combined items would be 1 - (8.76 + 8.76) / 8760 = 1 - 0.002 = 0.998. This means that both the pipe and the heat exchanger would be operating 99.8% of the time and unable to deliver heat for 0.2% of the time. The system would then be out of service 0.002 x (8760 hours / year) = 17.52 hours per year. Equipment with moving parts, such as pumps, are generally less reliable than Static equipment, such as pipes. It is typical practice to install two pumps for this reason, with the second acting as a stand-by. The following illustrates how reliability is calculated for a system with two or more components of which either can perform the task. The system must be such that more than one piece of equipment can perform the same function, and failure of each piece of equipment is independent, that is, it does not affect the performance of other equipment. Two circulating pumps, each capable of pumping all the necessary fluid, is a common situation that will be used as an example. Assume that one of these pumps will fail once per year and Page 21 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating will require an entire day to repair. The system will be unable to deliver heat if both units are unable to pump. Assuming both pumps fail at the same time, system unreliability would be only 0.07 hours per year, as compared to 24 hours per year with a single pump installed. Expressed in percentage of the year not serviceable, the value is 0.000751% for the two-pump system. The preceding example, comparing the failure rate of one versus two pumps, illustrates how important and powerful it is to provide redundant equipment for failure-prone items. This is economically feasible only where the costs of duplication are not great. All reliability analysis has limitations. The limitations of this study are as follows: First, it is based on historical data acquired from military, nuclear, and electrical industries, and is limited to the equipment used and the specific application conditions. Because the equipment and conditions will be different for this project, the outcome will be different. Second, the analysis is based on average conditions, and it is probable that for each individual system there will be a greater or lesser number of failures than predicted. Third, actual failure rates for a large number of plants will be closer to the calculated values, on average, than results from a smaller number of plants. Although the values derived by mathematical failure analysis for these systems cannot be exact for the individual installation, because the results are average values, they do provide important information. First, performing the analysis requires the designer and builder determine what causes system failures and take measures to avoid them. Second, the analysis provides the basis to determine which functions need emphasis during maintenance programs. Third, some degree of scale is provided on how failure affects project income. B. il is of District Heatin A description of major system components, their failure modes, and impacts of failure on the system is presented below. The description starts at the power plant and works toward the served structure(s). Page 22 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating 1. Power Plant a. Components Engines. The engines are the source of heat; if they are not running, heat is not available to be delivered. Most AVEC plants have three engines, as does Pilot Station. In general, the plants are operated so that a single engine can serve the entire community. The reported average down time for AVEC generation systems during 1989 was a total of 33 hours per year for each plant. This quantity was from 12 hours forced outage of generators, 3 hours power line outages caused by storms, 8 hours planned maintenance outages, and 9 hours all other outages. Based on these values, the system will not generate heat 0.377% of the time. Cooling system. The power plant cooling system associated with the district heating system requires connecting the engines to a common manifold which, in turn, connects to the primary heat exchanger and two radiators. As radiators are unreliable components, two will be used at Pilot Station to reduce failure probabilities. The primary generation system failure modes are: Failure or shutdown of the engines; Failure of the radiators due to leakage; Failure of the hoses, valves and piping system; Failure of the engine block itself, and Failure of the primary heat exchanger, piping, pumps, and valves CP Soy = associated with the engine. Generation plant: Full failure of the generation plant, due to shut down, will stop heat production and disable the district heating system. AVEC reports that these occurrences average 33 hours per year, out of the 8,760 hours in a year. Radiator failure: Radiators usually fail by coolant leakage from cracks which are caused by rapid and extreme temperature changes. Usually radiator failures do not result in total plant shut-down but do require isolating the leaking radiator and running the system off the standby. If a radiator or engine connection hose breaks it can drain glycol coolant at Page 23 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating a rapid rate, requiring plant shut-down. Controls are installed to shut down the plant in the event that coolant levels fall to a dangerous level. Alarms are installed to alert the operator prior to automatic shut-down. This allows the operator to isolate the leak, repair it, by-pass the leak, add additional glycol, or shut down the plant, as appropriate. The primary environmental problem associated with engine radiator failure is discharge of glycol onto the ground. Impacts on the environment from glycol leakage include thawing of permafrost, glycol contamination of groundwater, and glycol contamination of adjacent surface water bodies. Leaked glycol is difficult to recover because volumes are small, the terrain is usually rough, glycol mixes with water and ice, and it will disperse rapidly in water unless it is confined to a catchment basin. The above analysis applies to the existing system and the proposed district heating system upgrade. The only changes will be an increased potential volume of lost glycol, a slightly less reliable system as all equipment is connected to a single cooling system manifold, and a slight decrease in reliability caused by the addition of a heat exchanger. Primary feat exchanger. This component is composed of a series of formed stainless steel plates which are separated and sealed by rubber gaskets. The plates are bolted together within a steel frame to compress the gaskets and hold the plates together. The heat exchanger is used to transfer heat from the engine cooling fluid to the fluid circulated in the distribution pipes supplying the user's heat exchanger. The engine heat exchanger thus serves to isolate the power plant from the distribution system. This isolation means that failures in the distribution piping or at the user facility will not affect the power generation system. Failure modes of the engine heat exchanger are: 1. Blown or leaking gaskets; 2. Broken frame; Page 24 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating Valve failure and stem leaks; Cracking or corrosion of plates; Connecting piping system failure; Fouling; Soy ae Freezing while generation system is down, if water is used as coolant instead of glycol, and 8. Structural damage to exchanger supports due to fire or other events. Generation plant operational impact: is A large, sudden loss of coolant on the engine, or primary, side of the heat exchanger will shut down the engines. A slower leak on the primary side can shut down the plant as a result of low coolant levels in the engines. If found in time, the failed exchanger can be isolated with valves. It is unlikely that valves will not work during a heat exchanger failure. District heating system operational impact: 1% Small leak: Operation of system will continue. According to maintenance procedures the bolts will need to be tightened, valve packings tightened, new glycol added to the coolant system, and spilled glycol recovered. Large leak: If on the primary side and if too much fluid is lost before the shut-off valves can be closed, the engines will shut down under low water level control. If on the secondary side: Without fluid, the district heating system will be out of operation until repaired. Pipeline will be drained of fluid and operator will notify main maintenance office. Environmental Impact: Glycol spilled on the ground is the environmental impact of an exchanger failure. Glycol can escape into the ground, thawing permafrost which can weaken structural supports, and enter groundwater Page 25 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating and surface water bodies. Required immediate actions: Determine cause of failure, isolate heat exchanger at valves or add additional glycol as required by procedures. Catch dripping glycol in pans and recover spilled glycol. Call maintenance office if extra help is required. 2. Distribution S a. Components: Transmission pipe will be 2.5 inch diameter insulated pipe made up of a steel carrier pipe 2.996 inches in diameter with a 0.114 inch thick wall. The carrier pipe will be covered with high density urethane foam. Encapsulated in the foam will be two tin plated copper wires. These wires will provide a method to determine if water or glycol has leaked into the insulation. Covering the insulation will be a high molecular weight polyethylene jacket with an outside diameter of 6.30 inches. The pipe will run from the district heating module, which houses only the heat exchanger, 530 feet to the high school. The pipe will be buried about 2 feet deep in the ground. Failure modes of the district heating transmission system are: 1. External or internal corrosion of the carrier pipe; 2. Mechanical damage to the pipe from equipment or digging into the pipe; 3. Failure of the pipe; 4. Failure of pipe welds; and 5. Mechanical failure caused by frost heave or thaw settlement. Generation plant operational impact: None d. District heating operational impact: 1. No operational impact from minor leaks in jacket or pipe which are detected and corrected by the maintenance crew during routine inspections. Page 26 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating 2. Larger leaks which cause a measurable loss of glycol will require shutdown of the line with isolation valves, and pipe repair to put system back on line. Environmental impact: Glycol spilled on the ground is the environmental impact of a pipeline failure. Glycol can escape into the ground, thawing permafrost which can weaken building supports, and also enter groundwater and drain into surface water bodies. Required immediate actions: Determine cause of failure, isolate pipeline at valves or add additional glycol as required by procedures. Catch dripping glycol in pans and recover spilled glycol. Call maintenance office if extra help is required. 3. User Connections a. Components: Each system is composed of a heat exchanger similar to the one at the power plant, two circulation pumps, an expansion tank, provisions for adding glycol coolant, a btu meter, piping, and valves. Failure modes of the heat exchanger are: Blown or leaking gaskets; Broken frame; Valve failure and stem leaks; Cracking or corrosion of the plates; Connecting piping system failure; Fouling; Freezing while generation system is down, if water is used as coolant instead of glycol; and 8. Structural damage to the exchanger supports due to fire or other events. NAYES ENP Page 27 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating Failure modes of the pumps are: 1. Failure of electrical circuit; 2. Seal failure; 3. Motor failure; 4. Impeller cavitation; 5. Pump body failure; and 6. Connection leakage. Failure modes of the expansion tank are: 1. Water logging or bladder failure; 2. Corrosion; and 3. Broken sight glass. Failure modes of the piping system are: 1. Leakage of valve stems; 2. Failure of valves to open or close; 3. Failures due to corrosion; and 4. Failures due to materials or installation defects. Failure modes of each of the school connections are: 1. Failure of the school system to hold fluid; and 2. Failure of the school's circulation pumps. c. Generator operational impact: Failure of the above items will not affect the generation plant. d. District heating system operational impact: Heat exchanger: As described for the power plant, minor leaks from the heat exchanger will be corrected by catching and returning leaking glycol, tightening bolts, and scheduling the unit for gasket replacement. Major leaks of the heat exchanger will require the system to be isolated with the valves until it is repaired. Pumps: If a pump fails the system will be off until the failure is detected and the standby pump is put into service. If two pumps fail the system will be down until one can be repaired. Page 28 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating Expansion tank: An expansion tank failure could be caused by the sight gage breaking, which will require system shut down until it is repaired. Corrosion is not a likely form of failure for an ASME 125 psi rated tank. Piping: Failure of the piping will generally occur at valve stems and where there are gaskets or joints. Slow leaks from these causes and from corrosion will not require shutting the system down. Shut-down of the system could be caused by a valve stem being twisted off or by a broken casting; repairs will be required before the system is returned to operation. Environmental Impact: The environmental impact will relate to glycol spillage. A large, rapid leak might enter the ground, where it could lead to thawing and structural failure. There is potential for groundwater and surface contamination. Small leaks are likely to stay in the building, but will require immediate and complete cleanup. Required Immediate Actions: For a slow leak, pans will be placed to catch leaking glycol, packings and joints will be tightened if appropriate, and fluid replaced. For a large leak, isolation valves will be closed to reduce loss of fluid. Repairs and replacements will be made, or maintenance crew notified, as required by procedures. For a pump failure, the failed pump's valves will be closed, the standby pump's valves opened, and the motor energized. If both pumps fail, one or both will require repairs. If an expansion tank fails, the tank will require recharging or repairs. For extensive repairs or replacement the maintenance crew must be notified. C. Failure Frequency and Cost The most common modes of failure are listed below, along with the associated frequency of occurrence, repair cost per occurrence, amount of down time, and a description of the effects on system life. Failure rates are calculated using the method shown in the Introduction. It should be noted that maintenance of certain items will require that the system be removed from service. This maintenance Page 29 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating can be scheduled during a period when the power plant is out of service or when the user building does not require heat. For a school this would be in the summer. Therefore, the potential effects of loss of energy sales during routine maintenance are not included in the calculations. AVEC generation: The most common form of failure is engine failure. Frequency is variable but outage time is estimated at less than 33 hours per year as four generators will be available. Repair cost to system is $0 as it is not related to district heating system. Heat exchanger at power plant. The most common form of failure is failure of seals. Frequency of occurrence is 10.6 years. Down time is 72 hours, repair cost is $2,000. There will be no measurable effects on system life from repairs. District heating pipe: The most common form of failure is from poor installation. Frequency of occurrence is 9.96 years. Down time is 48 hours, repair cost is $2,000. There are no measurable effects on system life from repairs. User connection at school: The most common form of failure is the heat exchanger. Frequency of system failure for each system is estimated to be 4.3 years. Down time ranges from 24 to 72 hours depending on which item fails. Repair cost is $2,000. There will be no measurable effects on system life from repairs. Total system: Failure frequency of the total district heating recovery system is summarized in the following table. Item Failure Rate Heat recovery at power plant 0.000507 Transmission pipe 0.000550 High School heat assemb. 0.000597 Total 0.001654 Average outage rate 14.5 hours/yr* * A portion of the annual 33 hours of generation plant outage should be Page 30 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating added to the total waste heat recovery system outage time. The proper number should be 25 hours per year (33 total hours minus the 8 hours of scheduled outage which occur during the summer.) The 25 hours would be distributed randomly. The total time the system would be unable to deliver heat based on outage of the engines and the transmission pipe, would be about 39 hours per year, which is 0.45% of the time. In terms of the delivery of salable heat, the total system outage time would be about 39 hours per year. D. Design Decisions Made to Minimize Failure Rate and Impacts Some of the design decisions that will be made to assure long life and reliability are the selection of corrosion resistant materials, the use of duplex pumps, and the use of isolation valves so a failure on one leg will not necessarily shut down the entire project. Where possible, flanges will be used for valves and all interior plant pipe will be welded to improve system reliability. Items which the reliability analysis shows are of critical importance will be duplicated if economically feasible. All connections to the district heating system are separated from the power plant by isolation valves and a heat exchanger to minimize the consequences of a failure. User building heat will not be interrupted by a failure of the main district heating system, or by the failure of another user's system. The design includes the use of "Arctic" pipe which includes a steel carrier pipe butt-welded together and from 1 to 2 inches of insulation covered with a non- corrosive jacket. Two tin-plated copper wires are carried in the insulation to indicate the presence of moisture as an alarm. These alarm wires are read by a $1,500 alarm device which can connect to as many as four individual pipe loops. These devices allow for failures to be detected before they have time to become a major problem. They also minimize the time required to locate the failure and reduce excavation costs. At this time we know of no failures of this piping system in Alaska. Page 31 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating VII. Project Specifications A. Codes and Regulations The listed versions of the following codes and regulations were used in the preparation of this report: Uniform Building Code (1988) Uniform Mechanical Code (1988) Uniform Plumbing Code (1988) Uniform Fire Code (1988) National Electric Safety Code (1987) oo0o09o8 080 B. DIVISION 01 - General Requirements This is a general information section covering the coordination of work, description of the work required for this project, regulatory requirements, definitions, payment procedure, submittals, quality control, materials and equipment, starting, testing, contract closeout and maintenance. C. DIVISION 02 - Sitework A. Support for waste heat structure will consist of an extension of the building beams, attached to the Butler Building piles SECTION 02700 - PIPED UTILITIES A. This section covers specific requirements, products and methods of execution relating to the water distribution system for the project. The interior piping is specified elsewhere. B. Distribution will be buried "Arctic" pipe with a steel carrier pipe, polyurethane insulation and a high density polyethylene jacket. The pipe shall be I.C. Moller Plus pipe, or equal and approved. Page 32 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating D. DIVISION 13 - Special Construction SECTION 13120 - Pre-Engineered Structures A. This section includes specific requirements, products and methods of construction relating to the district heating module for the project. The foundation is specified elsewhere. B. District Heating Module will be of wood frame construction insulated with fiberglass batt insulation, metal siding on exterior and plywood on the interior. Page 33 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating E. DIVISION 15 - Mechanical Outline Specification SECTION 15010 - GENERAL PROVISIONS This is a general information section correlating mechanical work to other divisions of the specifications, defining terms, referencing codes and standards, itemizing submittal requirements, and defining submittals and information required for operation and maintenance manuals. SECTION 15050 - BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS A. This section includes a description of specific requirements, products, and methods of execution which are typical throughout the mechanical work for this project. Additional requirements for the specific systems will be found in the sections specifying those systems, and supersede other requirements. B. Piping inside the buildings shall be type L hard copper or black sch. 40. Steel piping shall be welded and flanged. Valves shall be 150 psig. butterfly or gate for isolation, plug type for balancing. SECTION 15160 - NOISE AND VIBRATION CONTROL A. This section lists specific requirements, products, and methods of execution which relate to the isolation of all mechanical systems for limitation of transmission of vibration and sound to acceptable levels. B. All connections to engines and radiators, and between the power plant and the district heating module, shall be stainless steel flexible type. SECTION 15180 - INSULATION A. This section describes specific requirements, products, and methods of execution which relate to the insulation of ducts, pipes, and other surfaces of the mechanical installation. Page 34 polarconsult B. Pilot Station District Heating Insulation is provided for the following purposes: Energy conservation; Control of condensation; and Safety of operating personnel. Piping inside the power plant shall be uninsulated. Piping inside the district heating module and user buildings shall be insulated 1" thick rigid F/G, with all-service jacket. Piping outside and between the Butler building and the engine-modules which connects to the heat exchanger will consist of i.c. Moller or equal "Arctic" insulated steel pipe. SECTION 15191 - OUTSIDE TRENCH EXCAVATION, BACKFILL, COMPACTION This section describes general requirements, products, and methods of execution relating to excavation, backfill, and compaction of utility trenches outside of buildings. SECTION 15600 - HEAT GENERATION A. This is a description of specific requirements, products, and methods of execution for interrelated systems, necessary for the generation of heat which will be distributed to the locations shown. The method of distribution of this heat is specified elsewhere. Heat generation (transfer) will be accomplished with stainless steel plate heat exchangers, as manufactured by Tranter, or equal and approved. Primary heat exchangers will be located in the district heating module and will interface with the power plant. Secondary heat exchangers will be located in the user facility and will interface with the user's heating system. Page 35 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating SECTION 15650 - COOLING SYSTEMS A. This section describes specific requirements, products, and methods of execution relating to the cooling systems for the project. The work of this section includes provision of systems and equipment for removal and transfer of excess heat from the locations shown, including the furnishing of interface apparatus and controls and the connection at interfaces with other mechanical systems. B. Generator cooling systems will consist of existing Young horizontal radiators, controlled by Volkman variable speed controllers. SECTION 15850 - BALANCING AND TESTING This section covers general requirements and methods of execution relating to the testing and balancing of the mechanical systems provided on this project. SECTION 15900 - CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTATION This section describes specific requirements, products, and methods of execution relating to the system of temperature controls and instrumentation for the project. Page 36 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating SECTION 16010 - GENERAL PROVISIONS This is a general information section correlating electrical work with other divisions of the specifications, defining terms and indexing the various Division 16 sections, referencing codes and differences from Division 01 requirements, and defining submittals and information required for operation and maintenance manuals. SECTION 16031 - DEMONSTRATION OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS This section includes procedures to be used during final inspection, instruction of operating personnel, and a certificate of completion for the convenience of the Contractor and Owner to determine whether each item has been completed. SECTION 16040 - IDENTIFICATION This section covers labels and name plates for equipment, branch circuit panel board directories, and other identification needed for electrical equipment. SECTION 16050 - BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS A. A major part of the electrical specification, this section covers the workmanship, coordination, and standards necessary for the electrical work. The products covered include raceways, conductors, and connectors. Installation techniques to cover various construction methods are noted so that fireproofing is maintained, water penetration and moisture migration through raceway systems are prevented, and the proper connectors are used for various conductor terminations and splices. B. Only copper wires and cables shall be used. Raceways shall be rigid galvanized, sherardized steel conduit or electrical metallic tubing with compression or set screw type fittings, for all conduits concealed in the walls, above the ceilings or exposed in work areas. Page 37 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating SECTION 16130 - BOXES, CABINETS, AND PANEL BOARDS A. This is a general section that outlines various standards to follow in the construction of these items, with specific notation on certain types of cabinets to suit various systems. Mounting heights for outlets and cabinets are covered in this section. B. Panel boards shall have copper busing with bolt-on type circuit breakers. SECTION 16140 - WIRING DEVICES A. Receptacles, switches, device plates, and special purpose outlets are covered in this section. B. All outlet devices shall be specification grade or better. SECTION 16150 - MOTORS AND CONNECTIONS Motor specifications regarding voltage, phase, and temperature rise are covered in this section. Distinctions between which motors and control items are included in Divisions 15 vs. contract or responsibilities are also shown. Appliance and miscellaneous equipment connections, whether owner- furnished or contractor-furnished, are covered to provide suitable connection techniques. SECTION 16160 - MOTOR STARTERS AND DISCONNECTS Specific requirements for overload and phase failure protection to be included in motor starters are covered. Also included is a listing of various devices suitable for use as equipment disconnects. SECTION 16180 - OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES This section contains a general listing of various devices suitable for overcurrent protection, such as circuit breakers, fuses, and current limiters. Page 38 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating SECTION 16190 - SUPPORTING DEVICES This section covers, in a general way, the various supporting, fastening, hanging, and securing techniques approved for use by the contractor in the installation of the electrical work. SECTION 16450 - GROUNDING This section itemizes complete grounding requirements and techniques for connections. SECTION 16480 - BRANCH AND FEEDER CIRCUITS This section clarifies drawing preparation technique as being diagrammatic rather than "as-built" and gives the contractor flexibility in conduit routing and circuiting, as may be determined by job site conditions. SECTION 16500 - LIGHTING A. Light fixture construction for both interior and exterior fixtures, lamps, and ballasts are covered in this section. B. Interior light fixtures shall be fluorescent, of industrial design. Exterior fixtures shall be high pressure sodium wall packs controlled by photocell. Page 39 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating VIII. Project Cost Estimate A. Power Plant Heat Recovery System The first cost component is construction of the building to house the district heating system. This includes the mechanical and electrical equipment inside the module and the connection to the modified AVEC power plant as shown in Figure V-3 on page 18. The second cost component is the modification of the existing power plant system. This includes the connections of Unit #1, Unit #2, and Unit #3 to a common manifold, installation of a new remote radiator, and the connection to the heat exchanger as shown in Figure V-3 on page 18. B. District Heating Distribution S The connection of the high school to the district heating system includes installation of piping from the face of the district heating module to the high school, and all equipment and connections within the schools mechanical room, as shown in Figure V-4 on page 19. The connection of the water treatment building to the district heating system includes installation of the piping, from a tee off the main line at the school, to the water treatment building, and all equipment and connections within the mechanical room as shown in Figure V-5 on page 20. C. Operation and Maintenance Costs Annual operation and maintenance costs are determined by the regular system maintenance required as well as the number of failures. Regular maintenance will be performed three times per year by a skilled maintenance crew. Day to day operation will be by a local person who will monitor the system and notify the maintenance department of any failures or problems. Repair of these failures will result in an additional 0.4 trips per year to Pilot Station by a skilled repairman. With a cost of $2,000 per incident the result is an average cost of $800 per year to repair failures. Cost of the three annual maintenance trips must be added to this failure repair cost to arrive at the total annual operation and maintenance cost. Page 40 polarconsult D. Project Cost Summary Pilot Station District Heating Total project costs for the two alternative concepts are shown below. Table VIH-A Summary of Alternative Project Costs Concept 1 2 High High School School & Water Plant Module Construction $122,643 $76,748 Plant Piping Revisions $21,837 $15,744 High School Conn. $234,248 $225,260 Water Treatment Conn. --- $230,412 Total Project Cost $378,728 $548,164 Total project cost includes design, supervision, inspection, administration and construction. The complete cost estimate is included in Appendix C of this report. Page 41 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating IX. Conclusions A. Heat Availability & Fuel Consumption There are presently over 24,700 gallons of equivalent fuel oil per year available as waste heat at the Pilot Station power plant. The district heating system can displace the following amounts of the proposed user heat requirements: Table IX-A Annual Heating Fuel Displacement & Pipeline Heat Losses Concept 1 2 High High School School _& Water Plant Heat off Engines 24,698 24,698 Annual Heat Loss in Dist. Pipes 2,085 4,807 Heat Available to User 22,613 19,891 Bldg. Heating Fuel Required 19,527 22,527 Amount of Fuel Displaced by District Heating System 15,793 15,417 Percent of Available Heat Used 10% 78% During the winter months the school complex would use all of the heat available, as can be seen in Figure [X-1 on the next page. Heat lost from an additional distribution pipe, to the water treatment building, for example, would reduce the total available useful heat. This would make the water treatment building a net loss to the system in the winter, if included, as the distribution line would remain heated but would provide no heat to the building during the winter. Heat at the water treatment building is displaced by the district heating system during 5 months of the year. Page 42 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating Heat (Gallons of Oil) Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Month Bg Multi—Purp. Village Corp. Water Treat YW . R24 Bem School High School —#- Available Heat Figure IX-1 Heat Available vs Heat Required Equivelent Gallons of Fuel VJ» Li). 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Month of the Year Concept 1, High School —a— Concept 1 Pipe losses ~a- Available Figure IX-2 Gallons of Heating Oil Displaced Page 43 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating B. Project Cost Summary The school paid $1.15 per gallon, and the city paid $1.16 per gallon for heating fuel during 1989. The annual savings is computed using these costs for heating fuel. The three concepts are summarized in the following table. Table IX-B Project Summary Concept 1 2 High High School School _& Water Plant Amount of Fuel Saved 15,793 15,417 Annual Savings $18,162 $17,730 Total Project Cost $378,728 $548,164 Straight Pay Back (yrs) 20.8 30.8 C. Project Summary The life of a district heating project is a function of availability of waste heat off the electric generation plant, the requirement for heat at buildings connected to the system, and system maintenance. The requirement for electricity and the need for space heat in the community imply an infinite project life. With proper maintenance the life of the district heating system will exceed 25 years. Because annual operational and maintenance costs and economic decisions will be made by AEA, final economic conclusions are not presented in this report. The straight payback time for the best alternative, Concept 1, is 20.8 years. Page 44 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating X. Recommendations One way to make the project more economically attractive is to reduce its scale by minimizing new construction and renovations at the power plant. Another approach would be to combine this project with waste-heat projects in other western Alaska communities to reduce Pilot Station's share of the high mobilization, shipping, travel, and supervision costs required. Page 45 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating APPENDIX A Calculations polarconsult alaska, inc. ENGINEERS ¢ SURVEYORS * ENERGY CONSULTANTS Alaska Energy Authority February 5, 1992 P.O. Box 19086 Anchorage, Ak. 99519-0869 Atm.: Brian Gray Rural Systems Engineer Re: Waste Heat Reports for nine Villages. Dear Brian: We are transmitting this letter as requested in response to your technical questions on the nine waste heat recovery reports prepare for AEA. The questions are from the second teview of these reports by Steven Stassel of AEA. Copies of the review comments are included with this letter. There were a number of basic assumptions made during the progress of these reports. As the projects are to be constructed in AVEC power plants, the modifications and connections within the plant were to meet with their requirements. We feel that there are a number of ways to decrease the cost of these projects without major impact on the reliability of the power plants by revising the piping connection schematics. Electric demand at the plants varies both hourly and seasonally. As the use of engines is entirely up to the local operator, it is difficult to determine which single engine, or which combination of engines, will be running at any one time. AVEC is also in the process of replacing aging or failed engines, and increasing the size of some plants due to demand as part of their normal maintenance. New engines are mostly Cummins engines that are more efficient. These engines produce less waste heat than the older engines they are replacing. These two factors have a major impact on the amount of waste heat available. Our analysis assumed that the most efficient engine at each plant would run continuously. Station heat requirements were based on having the engine requiring the greatest amount of supplementary waste heat to keep the buildings warm, running continuously as shown in the builling summary sheets in Appendix A. 1503 WEST 33RD AVENUE ¢ SUITE 310 *e ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE (907) 258-2420 * TELEFAX (907) 258-2419 polarconsult alaska, inc. February 5, 1992 District Heat Report Engine manufacturer's specification data is listed in Table III-A. Waste heat utilization simulation work sheets used more detailed heat rejection information at various loads, supplied by the engine manufacturer's. Heat loss figures input into the station heat loss section of the waste heat utilization simulation work sheets were for the engine requiring the most waste heat to keep all the AVEC buildings at 65°F. Heat content of 96,000 BTU for a gallon of heating oil was used for this report. This value was arrived at by using a gross heating value of 132,000 BTU for arctic grade diesel times an estimated efficiency of 73% for boilers. Since the report conclusions are entirely in gallons of oil saved, these assumptions are critical. The BTU content of oil varies depending on the source, blending and grades used, so results can vary plus or minus 5% due to variations in heat content. Further, oil fired equipment efficiencies vary greatly which introduces another plus or minus 5% possible variation in the results. All reports assumed that three trips would be made to each village by a skilled crew each year, to perform routine maintenance. Follows are answers to review comments for each report, as well as copies of the review comments. Sincerely Yours Earle V. Ausman wh9; WHILO9GB. DOC polarconsult alaska, inc. February 5, 1992 District Heat Report Pilot Station Waste Heat Recovery 3. Allreports assumed that three trips would be made to each village by a skilled crew each year, to perform routine maintenance. 5. Cummins KTA1150 in position 2 is 1200 rpm, not 1800 rpm as indicated in Table I-A. 1200 rpm used in all calculations. (See Appendix A.) 7. As the use of engines is entirely up to the local operator, it is difficult to determine which single, or which combination of engines will be running at any one time. It was assumed that the most efficient engine, the Cummins KTA 1150 in position 2, would be running continuously. 8. Preliminary analysis has shown that circulation in the piping system can be accommodated by the engine pumps. If during final design we find that engine pumps are marginal, then small booster pumps would be employed. 11. Gallons of fuel consumed were rounded to the nearest 10 gallons in the text of the report. 13.A We could not locate an as-built of the sewer collection system in Pilot Station. The sewer is a gravity system that drains from the School, North across the State road ROW into a lagoon. 13.B There is a fuel fill line from the beach. The beginning portion of this line is shown in the figure. The exact alignment is not known past the location shown, although it can be assumed that the line crosses the proposed pipeline from the new power plant. 15. There are 24,698 gallons available. 16. Available heat to users should be as indicated in the waste heat utilization summary. Values listed in the text are 39 gallons high. 19. Air changes for the building add up to 12 as shown in the building heating summaries, and listed in Appendix A, page 1. 20. Annual fuel usage was distributed on a monthly basis using heating degree days. A base of 125 gallons per month was used to flatten the curve and make it conform to the monthly fuel usage indicated by the operator, and common to other buried water distribution systems in rural Alaska. The water is heated to keep the water lines from freezing. 21.A Fluid used in the user building hyd:. nic heating systems vary, and would not be changed by the connection to the district heating system. Heat exchangers are provided between district heat system and building hydronic systems. 22.B Waste heat utilization simulation worksheet indicates 21,897 btu/hr heat loss in the pipeline. This is close to the calculated 21,900 btu/hr listed in the letter. Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation May 16, 1991 Mr. Earle Ausman Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. 1503 West 33rd Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Pilot Station Waste Heat Recovery Pre-Final Report Dear Mr. Ausman: We have reviewed the Pre-Final Report and Concept Level Design for the above referenced project and have the following comments. Please provide written responses to all review comments indicating if comment was incorporated or providing an appropriate answer/explanation with the final submittal. Ls Page i, Executive Summary, 4th Paragraph - capitalize "C" in "concept #1." Ze Table of Contents: A. List of Figures - Tables and glossary page numbers don't correlate with actual page numbers. Coordinate. B. Section III. D. is on page 7, not 8 C. Section IV. A-1 through 3 are on page 10, not 9. Section IV. A. 4 is on page 11, not 10 D: Section VIII. C. - capitalize H in heating. Sie Page ii, Executive Summary, paragraph 4 - "Routine Maintenance.... three trips..... each year." Replace “three" with "two." 4. Page ii, Executive Summary, paragraph 6 - replace "Northwest" with "Western." Se Page 5, Section III, Power Plant=Is KTA 1150 1800 rpm or 1200 rpm? Please verify correct data in table. 6. Section III C, paragraph 1 - Figure III-1 does not show what is stated. CPO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 >) 704 t Tudor Road =Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 oP RARAII9EE? 704 East Tuco 9 Mr. Ea May 16 Page 2 10. 11. 125 13% 14. 15. 16. V7. 18. 19. 20. 21. rle Ausman #1 E991 Section III C, paragraph 2 - Please specify which engine is assumed to be operating. Rather than "an operating engine." Section III-D, Figure V-3, page 18 - Can engine circulating pumps handle piping losses without a booster pump (see note one on drawing.) Figure III-2 is not called out in Section III. Section IV A.2 - "See Figure IV-1", not "V-1." Section IV A.3 - Number of gallons doesn't agree with Table IV-A. Section IV B.2 - Who owns the unsubdivided tract. Figure V-1: A. Is there a sewer line at the high school? If so, where. B. How are the high school fuel tanks filled? Is there a fuel fill line or transfer line. If so, indicate on drawing. Page 24, last paragraph - replace "engine" with "primary." Section IX, page 42, first paragraph - According to table IX-A there is less than 24,700 gallons available. Table IX A - Heat available to engines does not agree with waste heat utilization worksheet. Coordinate. Section IX, page 44, paragraph 1 - Only "two" concepts summarized, not “three." Section X - capitalize "W" in western. Appendix A, page 1, Power Plant Heat - Total air changes should be 14, rather than 12. Appendix A, page 1, User's Monthly Fuel Oil Usage - Explain the purpose of "125" in the water treatment plant calculation. Appendix A, Waste Heat Utilization Simulation Worksheets. A. Page 3 of 3 - please identify fluid used in the "User Building." Q1N2\.1NN764 191 Mr. Earle Ausman May 16, 1991 Page 3 Br According to figure V-1, page 16, the school is 530 feet away from the new power plant location. Therefore, the arctic piping run should be 2 X 530 = 1060 feet. At 20.66 BTU/HR/FT. the heat loss would be 21,900 BTU/HR, not 10,948. Coordinate. If you have any questions, please call me at 561-7877 or 261-7282. ee ‘Steven few fm Rural Systems Engineer SS:jd 9102\.1N0754/2) Power Plant Heat The amount of heat required to keep the power plant building at 65°F was calculated. The number of air changes in the building was assumed to be equal to the amount of combustion air required by the engines plus 2. This added up to 12 air changes per hour in the Pilot Station power plant. The conduction heat loss was then added to the infiltration heat loss and the amount of heat rejected to the ambient air off the engine subtracted to come up with the hourly heat requirements for the building. : nth il The annual fuel oil usage, as obtained from the users, was distributed over 12 months using the number of heating degree days (HDD) as follows: School (Monthly HDD) x (Annual Fuel Consumption) Monthly fuel oil usage = «—------------------------ n-ne nnn nn nn nn nnn nn nn nn nn nnn nn nn nnn nena ( Annual HDD ) Water Treatment Building (Monthly HDD) x (Annual Fuel Cons. - 12 x 125) Monthly fuel oil usage = 125 + ------------------------------------------------------------- ( Annual HDD ) ilabl H 1 Heat Displ The amount of waste heat available at the power plant and the amount of heat required by the user were calculated using a computer model with the following input and assumptions: 1. Historical monthly power generation data for the power plant, annual users’ heating oil consumption, and monthly heating degree days were input. 2. The amount of heat available off the engines versus power production, from the engine manufacturer's data, was input. 3. The heat losses for the proposed piping system, plant heat, etc. were input. 4. The hourly diurnal power generation variation per month and the hourly diurnal heating requirements were input to distribute the power and heat data over a one- year period in the model. 5. The amount of heat usable by the proposed users is summed up for each month to determine the equivalent number of gallons of oil which will be displaced by the Appendix A Page 1 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating district heating system each year. Program Notes: a. The amount of heat available off the engines listed in Table II-B is from the engine manufacturer's engine specs. The amount of heat available off the engines used in Appendix A comes from the engine manufacturer's test data which they indicated was good to *y 5%. We used 95% of their test data values for use in Appendix A as the heat available off the engines. b. Fuel oil heating value is assumed as (132,000 Btu/Gal) x (0.73% efficiency) = 96,000 Btu/Gal. Appendix A Page 2 Piloz Sta 04/02/91 12:24 PM Sateen eee e eee wen eee n seen nese ee ne ce nena sae ee ee ase sess seas eaeen sees sessssesesaseeeneeneeenesesssesessssessessesessssscsesesenceee Cummins KTA 1150, 1,200 RPM 1 High School GENERATOR DATA Concept Pilot Station Apr-91 WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET Location Date: Annual 365 12,785 996,600 PFO PON ON DOAHOMMDANOD OOO TPP TP PT TOOT IOGBOGG0G0000000000000 [olelolololololololololololololololololololololo} Dec +038 036 Dec 31 1,810 OTTO FOU OM ODAOMBDH4iND MMMM G TPT T TET TTT CIO TS OCOOGGGOGG0G0000000000, OOOCODSGSGOCSCCCC000000 600 103,300 Nov 038 Nov 30 436 , , ° 1 Amb. DO PPL ATONE AAAATONTOOON MOMMMMMOM GIO TCO TTT T IIS T TS O90000000060999988099990 SddddccccdddddddddcdccG 31 1,072 500 91 Oct re) oO ° Oct 1,072 io. 088 DNTP PAA ATONE AAHDATONTOOON AAMAMMO GF PFO TG TOG IT GTS TT BO000000000000000600080 Sddddcccddddddddddddcca Sept 601 Sept Sept 30 601 Output Heat To Heat To 0.044 ANT SON ATOANAGAATOATOOON IAIIIIIS LIS LOSSLESS SSS 800 78,400 89, 357 Aug Aug 31 357 IOSOOOOGGG0G00000000000 OOOCCCSCDDDCCCCCCCCC0CC00O Aug , 75,800 78,400 89,500 0.044 75 DO SPH ATGOANAAIADATONTOOON AON MMOS POG TOP IPG TS ITT SS OOGOOGGGG00006000000000, OOCSCSGSSSSSSSOSCCCSC0CCCO 31 299 400 299 July July 0.044 , DOSS ATONE AGHDATONTOOON OMMM MMM GIOTTO GI TIS IST SS BOCCOGOSGSG0GS90000000000, OoccooCeCCCCCCCCCCCCSCCSCO Pipe OSs June 044 June 30 422 ,000 66 L 0 Heat rate at kw-load abo 64 Heat rate at kw-load above: Heat rate at kw-load above: Heat rate at kw-load above: Heat rate at kw-load above: Heat rate at k Heat rate at kw-load above Heat rate at kw-load above: Heat rate at kw-load above: ANF TOOATONNAGAATONTOOON MMMM GIOTTO TI TIT SIS IT SS OOOSSOG0G0GG00000000000, OOOCSDDDCCCSCCCCCCC000CO May May 31 697 800 Heat Loss 0.044 OTTO PFOA ON DONOMBDANO AMMO MOG PPP PTI TTI SOO Ts 2999090900908909008090000 SdddccGCCCCCCNCCCCCCsdG0 Pipe Dige April QO. -938 April 30 7185 7800 75 1 1 o OTTO TOA ON DOHOMBDAND MMMM FIT TTT TIP ITISNO TS DoD90S0990SS9S99S00000S0 IOOOCOSSSSG00000000 Piy Dist March 0.038 0.0. 0.0. 0 March OTP TOU ON DDHOMBDH4ND MMMM TPG PTT IPTC ISON TS 999909900090069000080908000 SocdccdccSSSSdddddsdddG Feb Feb Feb on sO a Me 2038 QO Btu/hr. 897 Btu/hr. 0 Btu/hr. , Boiler 21,897 Btu/hr. 50 Btu/hr.xF 444 Btu/hr.xF 50 Btu/hr.xF 600 83 OPPO PFOUNT OSM DOHOMOOANG caOMoM TB SBS8SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS5 é Jan In Jan Jan IOODOOOGOGOG0G0000000000, Sdccddcddccddcccdcdcccca ’ 1, 9 1,739 0.038 19,52 0 Power Plant Production & Hourly Variation in 21 in ANMTMOFODHDOTAMTNOrAHROdNMS AAA AANA ip sses Non- Hour: ig P. ea onstant ng beings Radiator lo: Kwh/Mth: HDD/Mth: ast ry o ue o hy a ° a Oo & 3 ° 2. & Oo oO pipini ace Engine preh P. Total cr Variable losses: gl cons., ooo Subsur: Surface Plant he 529 Summer t ' LADODODATM TIT PMN ITMMMMMMANOM | QanIIINstIsI SITS SSS SSE SS | eogacgqgoesocsessessesen 1 1 1 t 1 OOOCODSOSCSSSCCCCSCCCCSCCO oO Winter Power year factor Year no. Seasonal cons., Building in use; l=yes, O=no Non-seas. GENERATION DATA: WEATHER DATA: BUILDING DATA: High Schoo 19, Assumed Diurnal Heat Demand Variation Fuel 19,527 PAGE 1 OF 3 302 1,018 1,814 2,431 3,063 0 ©0000 0 0 590 0 9 0 Gallons 590 0 006 0 0 0 10} April , 2,006 2 er month 0 2,608 March 0 0 2,608 QO 20758 Feb 0 0 2,753 QO eats Jan 0 0 Gallons of Oil used 2,943 Building Water Treat High School Total Use POrONOOr Lr OCoNoNowNTMON ! ' 1 4 las ia at a lo~ 9 10 a! 3 Imm 3 im 31 5 lea § is 81 a RAN 8 1 a 3 nm a id VI AMErOARaAndvOTNTOOWMMAAMAN OD LOAN aTMoAAANwOAMAMMHADAT. 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In 205 180 190 160 Temp Out 190 200 170 180 T Avg. 197.5 190 180 170 Flow 95.00 39.94 Gpm (Max Heat Demand) /8,000 Calc. 36.14 36.22 39.93 Gpm Fluid Glycol50Glycol 50 Glycol 5 Water Density 63.34 63.53 63.78 62.40 lb/ft*3 Spec Heat 0.863 0.859 0.854 1.004 Btu/lb F Ther Cond 0.233 0.234 0.383 Btu/Hr Ft F 0.759 0.819 ce 0.234 0.900 0.425 Viscosity Pipe Ground Temp. In 190 Temp Out 180 T Avg. 185 deg F 30.0 deg F Flow 39.94 gpm Length 530 to: High School Size 2.5 in 0.20833 feet Heat Loss 20.66 Btu/Hr/Ft Heat Loss 10,948 Btu/Hr 10,948 Used above Velocity $113 Ft/Sec Friction Factor 0.0469 From Calc. Below Pipe Head Loss 8.35 Ft Darcy-Weisbach Pipe Head Loss 3.62 psi Calc. PAGE 3 OF 3 Sta 365 12,785 996,600 3,000 19,527 702/91 13 PM Annual 12,785 Annual Annual lo 996,600 12: KWH KWH KWH KWH KWH KWH KWH KWH KWH KWH KWH OTTO COVA ON DOHOMMDANO MMMM TP PPC TSI STSCI TS IPBOOOGGGG0000000000000 OOOSGOOOSSSC00G00000000, Dec Dec 31 810 300 Dec 337 063 , , 1,810 1 3, 3 QO 0 OTTO TOUR OM NM DONOMDOHNO MMMMMOMTT TTT T STITT TOOTS BO90G0000000000000000 IDPOOSOSCSCSSSCDESD00000000 777 79 (B 516 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Nov 7600 103,300 Nov 30 1,436 Nov 293 2,431 1,436 0 0 DSS ANTPOANAAAATONTOOCON AMMMMMNMT TOT TNT ITI TITS TS IOOOOO0GG09000000000000 IOOOSOGO900000000000000 372 7 5 9 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Oct Oct 31 1,072 Oct 251 1,814 1,072 0 0 PISO STERN ATOANAdAATOATOOON Al stoMnnnnnssOsTToHsvsTs9CCC" OO9000G000000000000000 IOOOOOOOOGOSS0000000000 30 kw Coolant Ambient 601 196 601 1,018 306 306 Sept Sept Sept 1,200 RPM Output Heat To Heat To DOF IOSATOAAGAATONTOOON MMMMNMOMTIN TTT ITT TITS ODOOOG0G000000000000000 IODOOOCOGSSDCOSD0000000000 Aug 357 Aug 31 357 Aug 167 302 0 0 0 DY FSD PON-AAAATONTOOCON AMMO SP TOG TOG GPT TTT TT OOO0G0G900000000000000 WOCOOGDOGCODC0000000000 load above 31 299 7000 66,400 75,800 78,400 89,500 91,600 103 160 July 299 July 66,400 75,800 78,400 89,500 91 July 0 0 0 DOF POE ATPFONLAGAATONTOOON OMMM OOM TG POTC TO GPITS IST S IIOOOGOGOGGOGSG00G0000000, OCOCCSSCCCCSCCCCCSCCCC000, June 422 Pipe Loss June 30 422 June 175 64,000 2,721 2,085 Heat rate at kw-load above: 0 QO Heat rate at kw-load above: Heat rate at kw-load above: Heat rate at kw-load above Heat rate at kw-load above Heat rate at kw-load above Heat rate at kw-load above Heat rate at ki Heat rate at ki Heat rate at kw- Heat rate at kw- Flow Rate DO PILL APONNAAAATONTOOCON AMMMMMNMPFIOTCTNT STIS ISS SS IOOOVOOS09G0000000000000 OOOSSOSSSCSCSCCCCCC000000, May 697 May 31 697 May 207 590 GENERATOR DATA: Cummins KTA 1150, Gallons QO OTTO POUND DOHOMMOANO OOM MOG PGT ITS I TTT IO TIS OOOBOO0CGG0G0000000000 EOOCCD000000000000000 30 1,185 800 75,800 64 April 1,185 pe ae (IN) April Apri. 264 2,006 er month, WOT FOUN OM DDAOMOOH4ND MMMOMNT TTT TTT TIT T TS IOOOOOGGOG0000000000000 IOOCOOGSSSGSS0000000000 PB ooo 81, March 31 541 306 608 March 1,541 Pd bist March 1, , 2, Q Q OPPO FONE OM N-DOHOMOOH4ND MOMMNNNMTT TTT TST TINTS IOOOOOGGOGGG00000000000 IOOOSSGOSSSSOSC000000000 28 1,627 400 87,000 81,800 75,800 99,600 83,400 87 Feb Feb 316 753 Feb 1,627 QO Btu/hr. 471 Btu/hr. Btu/hr. 2, OPPO FOU OMN-DONOMOOKGHNG cdOMOM AMONG TFT TOOTS aor IDOOOOGOOGG000000000000 ons IOOOOGGSSSSSSSS0G000000 da 9 50,471 Btu/hr. 50 Btu/hr.xF 1,444 Btu/hr.xF 50 Btu/hr.xF Jan 31 739 Jan 329 Jan a Gallons of Oil used 99,600 83, 1,739 In Power Plant Production & Hourly Variation in 50 in INMPNOFOROANM TNO ORGANS ttt ddA ANNAN e constant Non- 4 SeasonalSeasonal Use Kwh/Mth: HDD/Mth: being? Radiator losse prehea' 1. ¢ iping ace p. g ’ Compound boiler e OOO DN AM PTO TFMMMMMMAINOD ONNNNNVT TITIES SST CO0009909000000000000000 { | oddddddddddddddddddoddsd { ooo 5 7500 +529 agers Total c Variable losses: a 1 cons. High Schoo 19 High School Building Water Treat o a D a 2 1a Plant Subsur. Surface Plant he: DOODAN AM PTT ITMMMMMMANOD MMMM TICE TTT TTT IOOOVGOG0G0S00000000000, OCCCCCCCCCCSCCCSCCCCCC0CO ’ year factor ear no. Constant losses: Power Seasonal cons., Non-seas. x Building in use; l=yes, O=no SYSTEM LOSS DATA: BUILDING DATA: Assumed Diurnal Heat Demand Variation Fuel use, GENERATION DATA: gallons WEATHER DATA: Water Trea PAGE 1 OF 3 on ' ! 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In 205 180 190 160 Temp Out 190 200 170 180 T Avg. 197.5 190 180 170 Flow 95.00 36.37 Gpm (Max Heat Demand) /8,000 Calc. 32.91 32.98 44.32 Gpm Fluid Glycol50Glycol 50 Glycol 5 Water Density 63.34 63.53 63.78 62.40 lb/ft*3 Spec Heat 0.863 0.859 0.854 1.004 Btu/lb F Ther Cond 0.233 0.234 0.234 0.383 Btu/Hr Ft F Viscosity 0.759 0.819 0.900 0.425 cP Pipe Ground Temp. In 190 Temp Out 180 T Avg. 185 deg F 30.0 deg F Flow 36.37 gp" Length 530 to: High School Size 2.5 in 0.20833 feet Heat Loss 20.66 Btu/Hr/Ft Heat Loss 10,948 Btu/Hr 25,236 Used above Velocity {194 Ft/Sec Friction Factor 0.0483 From Calc. Below Pipe Head Loss 7.12 Ft Darcy-Weisbach Pipe Head Loss 3.09 psi Calc. PAGE 3 OF 3 Pilot Station Building Heating Summary One Std. Butler Bldg.; No insulation in floor. Fuel Oil: $6,000 BTU/Gal Engine: Cummins KTA 1150, 1200 REM. Combustion Air: 930 CFM = 11.96 Airchanges/Hr Heat to Ambient: 2,480 Btu/Min Heat to Coolant: 9,320 Btu/Min Engine Rating: 306 Kw Generator Eff.: 93.4% Bldg Conduction Heat Loss: 456.1 BTU/hr/F Infil. Heat Loss: 98.1 BTU/hr/F/AC Heat to Bldg. Heat to Additional Kwh HDD Coolant Heat Ambient Heat Reqd Jan 99,600 1,739 2,030 109 540 168 Feb 83,400 1,627 1,700 663 452 210 Mar 87,000 1,541 tS 628 472 156 hoe 81,800 LL 8o 1,667 483 444 39 ay 15,800 697 1,545 284 411 0 Jun 64,000 422 1,304 ly 347 0 Jul 66, 400 299 1,353 22 360 0 Aug 75,800 S57 1,545 145 411 0 Se 78,400 601 1,598 245 425 0 Oc 89,500 1,072 1,824 437 485 0 Nov 91,600 1,436 1,867 585 497 88 Dec 103, 300 1,810 2,105 737 560 177 996,600 12,785 20,312 5,209 5,405 839 Kwh = Historical Records Input HDD = Historical Records Input Bldg Air Changes = (Combustion Air/Building Volume) + 2.0 Heat to Coolant = Heat rejected to coolant by euaae pose Heat = Heat Loss from building at 65 deg. F Heat to Ambient = Heat rejected to ambient by engine Heat Reqd. = (Bldg Heat) = (Heat to Ambient) Heat required to keep bldg at 65 deg. F With 6" of Insulation added to the Floor Building Conduction Heat Loss: 270.9 BIU/hr/F Infiltration Heat Loss 98.1 BTU/hr/F/AC Bldg. Heat to Additional HDD Heat Ambient Heat Reqd Jan L739 628 540 88 Feb 1,627 587 452 135 Mar 1, 541 556 472 85 Apr 1,085 428 444 0 ay 697 252 411 0 Jun 422 152 347 0 Jul 299 108 360 0 Aug 3577 129 411 0 Se 601 2a 425 0 Oc OZ 387 485 0 Nov 1,436 519 497 22 Dec 1,810 654 560 93 b N s x oC a nas = ° B “I ao s b ° a bh N w Pilot Station Building Heating Summary One Std. Butler ae insulation in floor. Fuel Oil: 96,000 BTU/Gal _Engine: Allis Chalmers 685I, 1800 RPM Combustion Air: 520 CFM = 7.57 Airchanges/Hr Heat to Ambient: 2,160 Btu/Min Heat to Coolant: 7,000 Btu/Min Engine Rating: 186 Kw Generator Eff.: 93.4% Bldg Conduction Heat Loss: 456.1 BTU/hr/F Infil. Heat Loss: 98.1 BTU/hr/F/AC Heat to Bldg. Heat to Additional Kwh HDD Coolant Heat Ambient Heat Reqd Jan 99,600 1,739 2,508 521 174 0 Feb 83,400 1,627 2,100 488 648 0 Mar 87,000 1,541 27,191 462 676 Q apr 81,800 1,185 2,060 355 636 0 ay 75,800 697 1,909 209 589 0 Jun 64,000 422 1,612 LZ 497 0 Jul 66,400 299 1,672 90 516 Q Aug 75,800 35, 1,909 107 589 Q Se 78,400 601 1,974 180 609 0 Oc 89,500 Oe 2,254 321 695 Q Nov 91, 600 1,436 2,307 430 AZ 0 Dec 103,300 1,810 2,601 542 803 0 996,600 12,785 25,098 3,832 nad 0 Kwh = Historical Records Input HDD = Historical Records Input Bldg Air Changes = (Combustion Air/Building Volume) + 2.0 Heat to Coolant = Heat rejected to coolant by ao a Heat = Heat Loss from building at 65 deg. F. Heat to Ambient = Heat rejected to ambient by engine Heat Reqd. = (Bldg Heat) - (Heat to Ambient) Heat required to keep bldg at 65 deg. F With 6" of Insulation added to the Fl Building Conduction Heat Loss: i ° a F .9 BTU/hr/F Infiltration Heat Loss -1 BTU/hr/F/AC Bldg. Heat to Additional HDD Heat Ambient Heat Reqd Jan 1,739 441 774 0 Feb 1,627 412 648 0 Mar 1 S40 390 676 0 Apr LBS 300 636 0 ay 697 177 589 0 Jun 422 107 497 0 Jul 299 16 S16 0 Aug Soy 90 589 0 Se 601 152 609 0 Oc 1,072 272 695 0 Nov 1,436 364 712 0 Dec 1,810 459 803 0 BR N . a © oO w s N o °o ~ . ~ nw ao o Pilot Station Building Heating Summary One Std. Butler oe insulation in floor. i Fuel Oil: 96,000 BTU/Gal Engine: John Deere 6619, 1800 rpm : Combustion Air: 685 CFM —s = 9.34 Airchanges/Hr Heat to Ambient: 2,000 Btu/Min Heat to Coolant: 7,430 Btu/Min Engine Rating: 204 Kw Generator Eff.: 93.4% Bldg Conduction Heat Loss: 456.1 BTU/hr/F Infil. Heat Loss: 98.1 BTU/hr/F/AC Heat to Bldg. Heat to Additional Kwh HDD Coolant Heat Ambient Heat Reqd Jan 99,600 T7139 2,427 597 653 0 Feb 83,400 1,627 2,933 558 547 dal Mar 87,000 1,541 2,120 529 Syl 0 Apr 81,800 1,185 1,994 407 537 0 ay 715,800 697 1,847 239 497 0 Jun 64,000 422 1,560 145 420 0 Jul 66,400 299 1,618 103 436 0 Au 75,800 3517, 1,847 22. 497 0 Se 78,400 601 1,911 206 514 0 Oc 89,500 1,072 2,280 368 587 0 Nov 91,600 1,436 2,232 493 601 0 Dec 103,300 1,810 2,518 621 678 0 996,600 12,785 24,289 4,386 6,538 ea Kwh Historical Records Input HDD = Historical Records Input _. Fedele Bldg Air Changes = (Combustion Air/Building Volume) + 2.0 Heat to Coolant = Heat rejected to coolant by ai. Bldg. Heat = Heat Loss frdém building at 65 deg. F. Heat to Ambient = Heat rejected to ambient by engine Heat Reqd. = (Bldg Heat) = (Heat to Ambient) Heat required to keep bldg at 65 deg. F With 6" of Insulation added to the Floor Building Conduction Heat Loss: 270.9 BTU/hr/F Infiltration Heat Loss 98.1 BTU/hr/F/AC Bldg. Heat to Additional HDD Heat Ambient Heat Reqd Jan 1,739 516 653 0 Feb 1,627 483 547 0 Mar 1,541 457 Sylali 0 Apr 1,185 352 Soi 0 ay 697 207 497 Q Jun 422 125 420 0 Jul 299 89 436 0 Aug 357 106 497 0 Se 601 178 514 0 Oc 1,072 318 587 0 Nov 1,436 426 601 Q Dec 1,810 S37, 678 0 rR N . ~ Co Oo WwW ~ a wo ns Oo) - on WwW @ oO polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating APPENDIX B Field Trip Notes polarconsult Pilot Station Field Trip Notes February 7, 1989 Leslie Moore, Michael Dahl, PCA Met with the following people in Pilot Station (Tutalgaq) and discussed the project and their concerns. (Interior river pilots traded boats with coastal pilots @ Pilot Station.) Nicky Meyers Mayor 549-3211 Ruth Borromeo City Clerk 549-3211 Andrew Makaily Water Operator 549-3211 Tommy Heckman AVEC 549-3226 Art Heckman Mgr., Village Corp. 549-3234 Dan Gillegio School Prin. 549-3212 Pat Edwards School Maint.Man 549-3212 Lower Yukon School District (Mt. Village, Scammon Bay, Pilot Sta.) James Luke Maint. Dir. 591-2411 Eunice Beans Secretary 591-2411 1. Weather: Inland weather influence. Drifting and blowing snow a problem with lots of snowfall and wind. Population: 450+. During the summer most people are fishing, although a many workers are available and like to work in town. Labor: Wages $11.00 / hr operator, $8.00 / hr assistant. (12.67 workers comp. rate). Materials: City sells gravel for $50 per load delivered. 2. Utilities: Water: Year-round distribution and truck haul to some sections. PHS Project # AN-81-239, 2-81. Water treatment plant and storage tank is located on the hill above town at about the same elevation as the new AVEC site above the school complex. Use about 3,000 gal/yr for water heating and pumping. Paid $1.16/gal last year. Provides heat to the building, water tank and the water distribution system. Building is founded on gravel pad. 2 boilers in plant, Weil Mclain model P366-E-W (SN 791089 & 791090) 94.8 mbh, operating at 180°F. Building furnace, Sears model 155.707262, 56.6 mbh output. Appendix B Page 1 polarconsult Pilot Station Field Trip Notes February 7, 1989 Sewer: Piped to lagoon. Elec: Overhead distribution. TV: Cable installed. Fuel: Barged in. Underground fuel lines to the school complex and village corporation store. 3. Right of Way 4. Equipment They use the "Rental Blue Book" for rental rates. Have sent in request for funds from legislature for a JD 450 dozer and a JD 500 series loader. (2) JD 450 Loaders w/ backhoes - Use old 450 for parts. Cat 215 Excavator - Good/Excellent condition, New JD 350 Dozer - Rough condition, needs work 1 F700 Dump Truck - good condition 5. Down by river dig down 6 - 8' to thawed ground. Soils either mud over gravel, or gravel right under the tundra. 6. School, Dan Gillegio, Principal. Total enrollment of 126, 48 HS, 78 Elem. High school building, shop, and administration located up the hill above town towards the airport. Elementary school is in the old BIA complex down by the river. High school has boilers, Shop has a hot air furnace, and administration building has a single boiler. Elementary school complex has central boilers and domestic hot water heat in a utility building. Fuel records were obtained from James Luke in Mt. Village, Lower Yukon School District. The high school used 36,165 gallons purchased for $1.15 per gallon. Elem School (K-6), (2) Weil Mclain model BL676-SW boilers in utility building (354.8 mbh output.) Pat Edwards (maintenance man) indicated that both operate during cold weather. PVI model 1.4N9OA0, (SN 68247883) 199 mbh input, 90 gallon water heater. Crane model 70146 127 mbh boiler located in generator building. High School (2) Burnham model PF 509 (SN 7526318), 1,446 mbh output boilers. Appendix B Page 2 polarconsult Pilot Station Field Trip Notes 10. 14. February 7, 1989 Domestic hot water runs through boilers. Plant in second floor. Shop building, (1) Bard model F-86CF (SN 30639) 84 mbh output furnace. Administration building has single boiler, Weil Mclain model P368V-W, 99 mbh. No domestic hot water. Community Hall/City Hall: Single Furnace downstairs, Bard model F86-CF (SN 30664) 84 mbh; Single heater upstairs in office, Kerosun model 30 (SN 820703285) 32.6 mbh. Fuel records; Building Oil Usage City Office 190 gal (Nov 15, 89 - Jan 29, 90) Civic Center 290 gal (Nov 7, 89 - Feb 1, 90) Multipurpose Bldg 1,412 gal (Nov 7, 89 - Feb 7, 90) New Clinic 313 gal (Dec 19, 89 - Feb 6, 90) Old Clinic 509 gal (Nov 7, 89 - Jan 26, 90) Post Office 421 gal (Nov 7, 89 - Feb 6, 90) Dome 68 gal (Nov 7, 89 - Jan 19, 90) Total 3,203 gal 11,000 gallons total used by the City last year. Dome: Leo Snegler model CMF100PO (SNL153168) 81 mbh output forced air furnace. Recreation Center: Single Furnace, Magic Chef model L5211217 (SN A24507ADB) 112,000 output. Clinic: Single boiler, Weil Mclain model P368VW (SN CP1746242) 99mbh. Electric hot water heater, Rheem model 81V52D, 50 gal., 9W. Village Corp Store & Offices: (2) 2 story buildings connected with hallway, 8 years old. Boilers located in hallway. 2 boilers, (New boiler) HV Smith model FD12 (SN 791918) & (Old Boiler) Weil Mclain model PS66EWT (SN 787104) 1504 mbh. Electric water heater located upstairs. Use 2,000 gallons of fuel per year on average. Pay $1.24 to $1.35 per gallon on heating oil. Appendix B Page 3 polarconsult Pilot Station Field Trip Notes 12. February 7, 1989 Art Heckman, ROW's not a problem. What is platted is what will remain, no new roads or realignments proposed. AVEC Moving AVEC plant to (proposed site) above School Complex because the present site is in the flood plain and is flooded and out of service almost every year when the Yukon River floods. 2 intakes w/ motor controls, 1 manual control intake, 1 manual control intake by door. Building well insulated. -18F outside, 68F inside. Station service panel 120/240V 1ph. Units 1 and 3 have enclosed skid mtd rads., unit 2 connected to a remote radiator. 1) Allis Chalmers 6851 2) Cummins KTA 1150 - 1 rpm 3) John Deere 6619 Appendix B Page 4 polarconsult Pilot Station District Heating APPENDIX C Cost Estimate HMS 9022 CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PILOT STATION, ALASKA Cost Consultant Engineer HMS, Inc. Polarconsult Alaska 4103 Minnesota Drive 1503 W. 33rd Street, Suite 310 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 (907) 561-1653 November 29, 1990 (907) 562-0420 FAX WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 1 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 NOTES REGARDING THE PREPARATION OF THIS COST ESTIMATE This study has been prepared from five (5) 8 1/2"x11" sketches and outline specifications linking five facilities in different configurations at the village, as detailed by Polarconsult. This estimate is a statement of probable construction cost only, and is priced using A.S. Title 36 prevailing labor rates and current materials, freight and equipment prices, and to reflect a competitive bid in Summer 1991. Removal of hazardous material has not been considered in this cost estimate. CONCEPT NO. 1 - School Only $ 378,728 CONCEPT NO. 2 - School and Clinic and Water Treated Building $ 548,164 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM : PAGE 2 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #1 CONCEPT #2 CONSTRUCTION COST 01 General Conditions, Overhead and Profit 109,838 126,677 02 Sitework 65,641 134,282 05 Metals 0 0 06 Wood and Plastics 4,376 4,376 13 Special Construction 4,910 4,910 15 Mechanical 37,299 52,008 16 Electrical 5,936 hol Subtotal 228,000 330,004 Estimate contingency for elements of project not determined at this early level of design (10%) 22,800 33,000 Esclation at .50% per month ( 4%) 10,032 14,520 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST 260,832 377,524 PROJECT COST Design (10%) 26,083 37,752 SIA (Supervision, Inspection and Administration) (20%) 57,383 83,055 Project Contingency (10%) 34,430 49,833 TOTAL PROJECT COST 378,728 548,164 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 3 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #1 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 4 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #1 01 - GENERAL CONDITIONS, OVERHEAD AND PROFIT QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Mobilization 1 LOT 8,300 Freight 26,000 LBS 45 11,700 Supervision, equipment, utilities clean site, tools and protection 10 WKS 3100.00 31,000 Per diem 230 DAYS 110.00 25,300 Travel costs, including time in travel 6 RT 1375.00 8,250 Bond and insurance 2.25 % 4,561 Profit 10 % 20,727 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 5 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #1 02 - SITEWORK QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Piles Mobilize 1 LOT 8,500 Treated timber pile 4 EA 80.00 320 Drill pile hole 24 LF 30.00 720 Slurry 1 Gy. 280.00 280 Freeze back 4 EA 220.00 880 Test and demobilize 1 LOT 3,000 Piped Utilities Excavate trench for arctic pipe, including backfilling and spread and level surplus 530 LF 12:30 6,625 2 1/2" diameter Schedule 40 pipe with insulation and arctic pipe protection 1,060 LF 41.10 43,566 Bend 10 EA 175.00 1,750 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: = sts—=<CS=‘~*™*S*S”S”SSSS ae WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 6 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #1 06 - WOOD AND PLASTICS QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Glulam beams to support new module 48 LF 37.00 1,776 Miscellaneous metals 800 LBS 1.75 1,400 Access steps, including handrail and base 1 LOT 1,200 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 7 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #1 13. - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Pre-engineered 8'0"x8'O" building module with floor, exterior wall structure and roofing complete 1 EA 2600.00 2,600 Hole through exterior wall for heating pipes 10 EA 110.00 1,100 Exterior door 1 EA 710.00 710 Louver 1 EA 500.00 500 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 8 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #1 15 - MECHANICAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Exchanger and Connections Connection to existing piping to cooling system of generators 2 EA 72.50 145 Form hole through existing wall for heating pipes 2 EA 195.00 390 4" diameter black steel welded piping 60 LF 34.50 2,070 Fittings 16 EA 63.50 1,016 Butterfly valves 5 EA 490.00 2,450 Control valve 1 EA 89.00 89 Insulation to pipe, 4" diameter 60 LF 7.74 464 Booster pump 1 EA 1590.00 1,590 Heat exchanger, 400,000 BTUH 1 EA 3850.00 3,850 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 9 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #1 15 ~- MECHANICAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Unit Heater (1 Each) (7 - Module Building) Unit heater, 60 BTUH, including thermostat 1 EA 330.00 330 1" diameter piping including fittings 40 LF 9.70 388 Gate valves 2 EA 77.00 154 Insulation 40 LF 4.30 172 Hook-up Form hole through existing wall for heating pipes 2 EA 195.00 390 2 1/2" diameter black steel piping 120 LF 22.10 2,652 Fittings 30 EA 40.70 17221 Gate valves 10 EA 290.00 2,900 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 10 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #1 15 - MECHANICAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Hook-up (Continued) Check valves 2 EA 290.00 580 Strainer 2 EA 58.00 116 Balancing valve 3 EA 58.00 174 Temperature control valve 1 EA 225.00 225 Insulation 120 LF 6.46 115 Heat exchanger, 400,000 BTUH 1 EA 3850.00 3,850 Expansion tank, 26 gallon capacity 1 EA 1260.00 1,260 Air separator 1 EA 495.00 495 Pumps, circulation Grundfoss 200, 2 1/2" diameter 2 EA 815.00 1,630 Connection to existing piping system 2 EA 72.50 145 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 11 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #1 15 - MECHANICAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Hook-up (Continued) Make-up glycol system connection, including tank 1 EA 610.00 610 Glycol 110 GAL 8.80 968 Test and balance system 36 HRS 75.00 2,700 Controls and Instrumentation Generator building and new module 1 LOT 2,000 Hook-up inter ties 1 LoT 1,500 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 12 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #1 16 - ELECTRICAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Motor Connections Breaker in existing power panel 1 EA 175.00 W775 Connection to motor 1 EA 115.00 115 3/4" EMT conduit 50 LF 3.10 155 #12 copper 200 LF Oe 104 New Module Main feeder and conduit 40 LF 8.50 340 Breaker in existing distribution panel 1 EA 277.00 277 Panel 1 EA 800.00 800 Exterior light fixture 1 EA 330.00 330 Light fixtures 6 EA 190.00 1,140 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 13 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #1 16 - ELECTRICAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST New Module (Continued) Switch 1 EA 55.00 55 Duplex outlets 4 EA 68.00 272 Equipment connection 1 EA 115.00 115 1/2" conduit 70 LF 2.80 196 #12 copper 210 LF 352 109 Hook-Up Breaker in existing panel 1 EA 175.00 175 Connection to motor 2 EA 115.00 230 Disconnect switch 2 EA 330.00 660 3/4" EMT conduit 120 LF 3.10 372 #8 copper 400 LF = 316 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 14 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #2 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE CONCEPT #2 01 - GENERAL CONDITIONS, OVERHEAD AND PROFIT QUANTITY UNIT PAGE 15 NOVEMBER 29, 1990 UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Mobilization Freight Supervision, eguipment, utilities clean site, tools and protection Per diem Travel costs, including time in travel Bond and insurance Profit 10 WKS 270 DAYS 6 RT 2.25 % 10 % 8,300 45 12,825 3100.00 31,000 110.00 29,700 1375.00 8,250 6,602 30,000 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 16 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #2 02 - SITEWORK QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Piles Mobilize 1 LOT 8,500 Treated timber piles 4 EA 80.00 320 Drill pile hole 24 LF 30.00 720 Slurry 1 CY 280.00 280 Freeze back 4 EA 220.00 880 Test and demobilize 1 LOT 3,000 Piped Utilities Excavate trench for arctic pipe, including backfilling and spread and level surplus 1,400 LF 12350 17,500 2 1/2" diameter Schedule 40 pipe with insulation and arctic pipe protection 1,060 LF 41.10 43,566 1 172" ditto 1,740 LF 32.45 56,463 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: = SSSst=~CS~SCS~S<C<C CO Continued ss—~—S WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 17 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #2 02 - SITEWORK QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Piped Utilities (Continued) 2 1/2" bend 8 EA 175.00 1,400 2 1/2" tee 2 EA 226.50 453 1 1/2" bend 10 EA 120.00 1,200 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 18 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #2 06 - WOOD AND PLASTICS QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Glulam beams to support new module 48 LF 37.00 1,776 Miscellaneous metals 800 LBS 1.75 1,400 Access steps, including handrail and base 1 LOT 1,200 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYS'TEM PAGE 19 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #2 13. - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Pre-engineered 8'0"x8'0" building module with floor, exterior wall structure and roofing complete 1 EA 2600.00 2,600 Hole through exterior wall for heating pipes 10 EA 110.00 1,100 Exterior door 1 EA 710.00 710 Louver 1 EA 500.00 500 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 20 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #2 15 - MECHANICAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Exchanger and Connections Connection to existing piping to cooling system of generators 2 EA 72.50 145 Form hole through existing wall for heating pipes 2 EA 195.00 390 4" diameter black steel welded piping 60 LF 34.50 2,070 Fittings 16 EA 63.50 1,016 Butterfly valves 5 EA 490.00 2,450 Control valve 1 EA 89.00 89 Insulation to pipe, 4" diameter 60 LF 7.74 464 Booster pump 1 EA 1590.00 1,590 Heat exchanger, 400,000 BTUH 1 EA 3850.00 3,850 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 21 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #2 15 - MECHANICAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Unit Heater (1 Each) (7 - Module Building) Unit heater, 60 BTUH, including thermostat 1 EA 330.00 330 1" diameter piping including fittings 40 LF 9.70 388 Gate valves 2. EA 77.00 154 Insulation 40 LF 4.30 172 Hook-up Form hole through existing wall for heating pipes 2 EA 195.00 390 2 1/2" diameter black steel piping 120 LF 22.10 2,652 Fittings 30 EA 40.70 1,221 Gate valves 10 EA 290.00 2,900 Check valves 2 EA 290.00 580 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE CONCEPT #2 15 - MECHANICAL Hook-up) (Continued) Strainer Balancing valve Temperature control valve Insulation Heat exchanger, 400,000 BTUH Expansion tank, 26 gallon capacity Air separator Pumps, circulation Grundfoss 200, 2 1/2" diameter Form hole through existing wall for heating pipes PAGE 22 NOVEMBER 29, 1990 QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST EA EA LF EA EA EA EA 58.00 58.00 225.00 6.46 3805.00 1260.00 495.00 815.00 174 225 71S 3,805 1,260 495 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 23 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #2 15 - MECHANICAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Hook-up (Continued) 1 1/2" diameter black steel piping including fittings 120 LF 14.95 1,794 Gate valves 10 EA 135.00 1,350 Check valves 2 EA 135.00 270 Strainer 2 EA 50.00 100 Balance valve 3 EA 52.00 156 Temperature control valve 1 EA 225.00 225 Insulation, 1 1/2" diameter pipe 120 LF 5120) 624 Heat exchanger, 100,000 BTUH 1 EA 3175.00 3,175 Expansion tank, 13 gallon 1 EA 956.66 957 Air seperator 1 EA 495.00 495 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYS'TEM PAGE 24 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #2 15 - MECHANICAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Hook-up (Continued) Circulation pumps, Grundfoss, 1 1/2" diameter 2 EA 620.00 1,240 Connection to existing piping system 2 EA 12550 145 Make-up glycol system connection, including tank 2 EA 610.00 1,220 Glycol 220 GAL 8.80 1,936 Test and balance system 48 HRS 75.00 3,600 Controls and Instrumentation Generator building and new module 1 LOT 2,000 Hook-up inter ties 2 LOTS 1500.00 3,000 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 25 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #2 16 - ELECTRICAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Motor Connections Breaker in existing power panel 1 EA 175.00 75 Connection to motor 1 EA 115.00 15 3/4" EMT conduit 70 LF 3.10 217 #12 copper 200 LF =D2 104 New Module Main feeder and conduit 40 LF 8.50 340 Breaker in existing distribution panel 1 EA 277.00 207 Panel 1 EA 800.00 800 Exterior light fixture 1 EA 330.00 330 Light fixtures 6 EA 190.00 1,140 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 26 PILOT STATION, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE NOVEMBER 29, 1990 CONCEPT #2 16 - ELECTRICAL QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST New Module (Continued) Switch 1 EA 55.00 55 Duplex outlets 4 EA 68.00 272 Equipment connection 1 EA 115.00 115 1/2", conduit 70 LF 2.80 196 #12 copper 210 LF ~52 109 Hook-Up Breaker in existing panel 2: EA 175.00 350 Connection to motor 4 EA 115.00 460 Disconnect switch 4 EA 330.00 1,320 3/4" EMT conduit 240 LF 3.10 744 #8 copper 800 LF 79 632 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: 7,751