HomeMy WebLinkAboutFort Yukon Waste Heat Recovery Report & Concept Design 1990FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN Prepared for Alaska Energy Authority 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519 Prepared by Fryer/Pressley Engineering, Inc. 560 East 34th Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 FEBRUARY 2, 1990 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ] 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF SITE VISIT 4 4.0 POWER PLANT DESCRIPTION 5 5.0 POTENTIAL WASTE HEAT USER BUILDING DESCRIPTIONS 12 6.0 CONCEPT DESIGN 23 7.0 ECONOMIC DATA 4 8.0 FAILURE ANALYSIS 49 9.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 59 APPENDICES 1. Calculations 2. Contact Names 3. Cost Estimates LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Fort Yukon Power Generation - 1989 Power Plant Photographs Water Pumping and Heating Plant Photographs G-Z Office Building Photographs G-Z Garage Photographs Main School Building Photographs School Shop Bullding Photograph Community Building Photographs State Office Building Photographs Figure 1 - Symbol Legend Figure 2 - System Schematic Figure 3 - System Site Plan Figure 4 - Power Plant Floor Plan Figure 5 - Power Plant Piping Schematic Figure 6 - Furnace Modification Schematic Figure 7 - Unit Heater Piping Diagram Figure 8 - Main School Building Fumace Schematic Figure 9 - Unit Heater Piping Diagram Figure 10 - Arctic Pipe/Trench Cross Section Figure 11 - G-Z Office Building Plan Figure 12 - G-Z Garage Building Plan Figure 13 - Main School Bullding Schematic Figure 14 - School Shop Building Schematic Figure 15 - Community Center Building Schematic Figure 16 - State Office Building Schematic Graph 1 - Heat Available -vs- Heat Required Graph 2 - Fuel Oil Displaced By Each Concept FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN 9,10 i 13 14 16 18 22 24 25 27 28 31 32 33 37 38 2838S FEBRUARY 2, 1990 1.0 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 SUMMARY A potential for waste heat recovery exists In the community of Fort Yukon. Fort Yukon Is located on the north bank of the Yukon river, Just upstream of its confluence with the Porcupine river, 141 air miles northeast of Fairbanks. The heat energy could be recovered from the diesel engine-generator sets operated by the Gwitchyaa Zhee (G-Z) Native Corporation and circulated to user buildings in the community. Three possible waste heat users have been identified: the G-Z Native Corporation which has several buildings In the vicinity of the power plant, the Yukon Flats School District with operates several buildings approximately 3,500 ft from the power plant, and the State of Alaska which operates an office building across the street from the school. An analysis was made that evaluates several concepts as to which buildings could be connected to the waste heat recovery system. It appears that the most economical system Is concept 1 which provides heat to only the G-Z buildings near the power plant. A summary of the construction cost estimates for each concept along with design and SIA costs is included in the Cost Estimate Appendix. If the system Is Installed connecting only the G-Z buildings, concept 1, the follow- Ing are the estimated results: Estimated Project Cost $148,649 Total Annual Fuel Oil Savings 5,249 gallons Total Annual Dollar Savings $7026 Page 1 2.0 2.2 2.3 24 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 INTRODUCTION 2.1 Objective The objective of the field Investigation and report is to ascertain the viability of waste heat recovery and use In the community of Fort Yukon. It has been established that there Is a potential source and use for the heat energy, and that the community Is Interested in pursuing the matter. Methodology The approach for investigation and analysis has been as follows: 1. Pre-site visit Information gathering: this has consisted of contact with the community officials, owners/operators of potential user buildings, and contact with the local utility. The site visit was coordinated with the local building owners/operators. Field Investigation: a visit was made to the community to view the site. Photographs of the potential user buildings were taken as well as of the electrical generation buildings and equipment. Sketches were made of the equipment and piping connections. The project was discussed with local interested parties. Office Analysis: additional Information was collected regarding weather and historical electrical energy production. This was used in a model to predict the system performance and the amount of energy available for recovery. Report Preparation: a draft version report was prepared for the expected audience - users and agencies with an interest. Community Description Fort Yukon is a community of 550 persons located on the north bank of the Yukon river, just upstream of Its confluence with the Porcupine river, 141 air miles north- east of Fairbanks. Most of the terrain is relatively level with a portion of the com- munity in the river flood plain. See Figure 3 in Section 6 for a partial community site plan. Applicable Codes and Regulations Page 2 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 The most recently State of Alaska-adopted editions (1985 for all except as noted) of the following codes and regulations have been used in the preparation of the concept design. These are listed below: Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC - 1979) Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) Uniform Building Code (UBC) Uniform Fire Code (UFC) National Electrical Code (NEC - 1987) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Codes Page 3 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF SITE VISIT 3.1 3.2 Field Notes Contact names are included as part of the Appendix at the end of this report. They include both field contacts and contacts made by phone. Field Contacts The following people were contacted In the field: Nancy James - President of G-Z Corporation, City Council Member 662-2322 David Thomas - Operator of G-Z power plant 622-2359 Grafton Bergman - City Public Works Director, City Fire Chief City Water/Sewer Superintendent Chairman of G-Z Corp. Utilities Board 662-2479 Tom Knudson - City Manager 662-2479 Sampson Peters - Yukon Flats Sch. Dist. maintenance 662-2452 Page 4 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 4.0 POWER PLANT DESCRIPTION 41 Narrative Description The power plant is located in the southwest part of town. This area Is generally the older part of town which Is on lower ground and Is often In the Yukon river spring flood plain. The power plant bullding is a 2,000 square foot steel structure with exposed foll faced blanket Insulation and metal siding and roof. Ap- proximately 2,000 square feet of garage and maintenance shop facllities are at- tached to the power house. The structure Is approximately 20 years old and Is In fair condition. A new 20,000 gallon, above grade, fuel storage tank provides fuel for the gener- ators. The 3,000 gallon fuel storage tank which was previously used to provide fuel to the generators now is used as a back-up fuel supply. A 500 gallon tank which Is located in the power plant Is also used for back-up fuel supply. Fuel is delivered by fuel truck by the local fuel company. #2 diesel fuel Is used most of the year. #1 diesel Is used during the coldest 2 months of the year. Four diesel engine/generator sets are currently Installed in the power plant, a 275 KW Caterpillar (CAT) 343 which Is used in the summer, a 480 KW CAT 3412 which Is also used in the summer, a 600 KW CAT 3508 which Is used in the winter and an old 500 KW Cummins which has reached the end of Its useful life and is scheduled to be replaced with a new 500 KW CAT 3508 when the first barge ar- tives In the spring of 1990. Generator cooling system radiators are located inside the power plant. During the summer, the overhead doors in the wall of the power plant are opened for cooling. No security fencing Is provided for the power plant. No combustion air system Is provided. The loose construction of the building provides combustion air through infiltration. There is however, a slight negative pressure that develops in the power plant. Currently, the CAT 3508, which is used in the winter, Is connected to a waste heat recovery system which Is used to heat the City’s domestic water circulating dis- tribution system. The water is maintained between 60 F and 68 F In order to prevent freezing and to improve the operation of the septic systems which are used in the area. Engine jacket water is also used to heat the power plant and Page 5 4.2 43 44 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 the attached garage and shop areas. Propylene glycol Is used as generator heat transfer fluid because of its non-toxic nature and Its use with the domestic water system. Tne connected heat recovery loads are significant. At the time of the site vistt, the outside air temperature was -47 F and there was no excess heat being rejected from the power plant. This fact becomes apparent in the calculations which show that often in the winter, there is no additional waste heat available. Floor Plan and Schematics See the Figures 4 and 5 of Section 6 for a simple floor plan and schematic of the power plant. Photographs See the attached copies of the original color photographs. Available Load Information Refer to the attached Table 1 indicating historical power production. This infor- mation Is from G-Z Corp. for the year 1989. Page 6 45 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 Possible Power Plant Relocation Over the past ten years, there has been some discussion about moving the power plant to a new location. The reason for this is that the current location Is subject to spring flooding by the Yukon river. On some years, as much as two feet of water has filled the power plant, necessitating a shut down of the entire electrical system. Also the current location Is on the approach to the runway and there Is reason to believe that In the moisture from the engine exhaust causes localized fog in the vicinity of the runway. A relocation of the power plant could alleviate both problems. The site which Is most often mentioned Is the old White Alice site which is east of town. The site is approximately 500 ft from the High School and if it was indeed relocated, the High School would be a very good candidate for a waste heat recovery installation. Also, if the power plant Is relocated to this site, any waste heat recovery system distribution and end use In- stallations connected to the power plant at the current location would be ren- dered useless. As far as we can ascertain, there is no definite plan or funding source committed to relocating the power plant at this time. Page 7 TABLE 1 FORT YUKON POWER GENERATION 1989 TOTAL HOURS DATE PRODUCTION (KWH ) DEC 26 88 284, B29 JAN 2% 89 212,600 FEB 23 206, 629 MAR 24 213, 626 APR 24 169, B96 MAY 23 138, BOB JUNE 26 153, 908 JULY 21 166, 608 AUG 22 173, 908 SEP 26 191,806 OCT 2% 257, 828 NOV 21 223,600 DEC 2¢ ANNUAL 2,385,698 AVG. LOAD (KW) 744 382 816 268 696 296 744 286 696 243 672 265 744 296 768 216 696 249 728 265 768 335 696 328 8769 272 Page 8 PHOTO 1; POWER PLANT South corner of building PHOTO 2: POWER PLANT North comer of building Page 9 PHOTO 3: POWER PLANT CAT 3412 Gen Set PHOTO 4: POWER PLANT Existing Waste Heat Recovery Piping To Water Heating/Pumping House PHOTO 5: WATER HEATING/PUMPING PLANT Waste heat piping entrance on left. PHOTO 6: WATER HEATING/PUMPING PLANT Boilers Page 11 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 5.0 POTENTIAL WASTE HEAT USER BUILDING DESCRIPTIONS 5.1 5.2 General During the site visit, all bulldings within a reasonable distance of the power plant, and with a significant heating load were considered. The bulldings were visited and information about them gathered. The information is presented below. Photographs accompany each building description. Plans and schematics can be found in Section 6. G-Z Corporation buildings. General There are four buildings in the immediate vicinity of the power plant which are owned by the G-Z Corp. The bulldings are generally small, but their proximity to the power plant makes them candidates for heat recovery. The bulldings consist of two 1000 square foot (SF) residential houses, the 2,000 SF G-Z administrative of- fice bullding and the 2,500 SF G-Z vehicle storage garage. All of the buildings are 15 or more years old and In fair to poor condition. Heating Energy Use Each of the buildings Is equipped with a fuel oil fired fumace. The annual fuel oll use for each building Is provided in the table below. The figures were provided by the G-Z Corp. Monthly figures were estimated based on average degree days for the area. G-Z Office Building 2,350 GAL/YR G-Z Residences (2) 1,300 GAL/YR ea G-Z Garage 8,500 GAL/YR Floor plans of the G-Z buildings are provided in Figures 11 and 12. Page 12 PHOTO 7: G-Z OFFICE WEST CORNER PHOTO 8: G-Z OFFICE Furnace located In basement of bullding. PHOTO 9: G-Z GARAGE NORTHEAST SIDE Page 14 5.3 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 Yukon Flats School District Main building General The main school building Is the largest building in town with a total area of ap- proximately 35,000 SF, It is located approximately 3,500 ft from the power plant. The bullding Is In fair to good condition. Heating Energy Use The building has been expanded over the years and generally consists of three parts, each served by a large fuel oll fired furnace. A schematic floor plan of the building is provided in Figure 13. The yearly fuel oll of the building heating systems Is 32,000 gal/yr. The yearly figure Is provided by the School District. Monthly figures were estimated based on average degree days for the area. Page 15 PHOTO 10: MAIN SCHOOL BUILDING EAST CORNER PHOTO 11: MAIN SCHOOL BLDG. TYPICAL FURNACE, 1 OF 3. Page 16 5.4 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 School Shop Building General The shop building Is a 4,000 SF stand alone building adjacent to the main school building. The building is in good condition. A schematic plan of the bullding Is provided in figure 14. Heating Energy Use The shop Is heated with a fuel oll fired furnace. The annual fuel oll use of the building Is 2,500 gal/yr. The yearly figures were provided by the School District. Monthly figures were estimated based on average degree days for the area. Page 17 PHOTO 12; SCHOOL MAINTENANCE SHOP WEST CORNER Page 18 5.5 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 Community Center General Tne Community Center is an 8,000 SF building which contains a gymnasium and other spaces for use by the public. The building was previously managed by the City. The School District is now assuming the operation of the building. The bulld- Ing Is in fair to good condition. A schematic floor plan of the bullding Is provided in Figure 15. Heating Energy Use Tne Community Center is heated with a single fuel oil fired furnace. The annual fuel oil use for the building is 9.500 gal/yr. The yearly figures were provided by the School District. Monthly figures were estimated based on average degree days for the area. Page 19 PHOTO 13: COMMUNITY CENTER Exterior Elevation PHOTO 14: COMMUNITY CENTER Existing Furnace System Page 20 5.6 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 State of Alaska Office Bullding General The State Office Building is a 4,500 SF building which houses several State agencies including the Troopers, Fish and Game and the Court room. The build- Ing Is relatively new and In good condition. A schematic floor plan Is provided in Figure 16. Heating Energy Use The State building is heated with a single fuel oil fired furnace. The annual fuel oil use for the building Is 6.568 gal/yr. The yearly figures were provided by the State. Monthly figures were estimated based on average de- gree days for the area. Page 21 PHOTO 15: STATE OF ALASKA OFFICE BUILDING Exterior Elevation PHOTO 16: STATE OF ALASKA OFFICE BUILDING Existing Furnace System Page 22 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 6.0 CONCEPT DESIGN 6.1 System Narrative In keeping with the previous AEA recommendations, the current concept design includes two flat plate heat exchanger at the power plant. The flow will be without any booster pump on the engine side of the system. Since the actual operating point of the engine-mounted pump Is not known if Is assumed that there Is some allowance for a low pressure drop heat exchanger. On the primary heat distribution loop, a main circulation pump will be designed for the pressure drop to and back from the furthest connected building. In addi- tion, an alr separator, and expansion tank, and a glycol make-up system Is re- quired and will be provided. The pump’s design flow rate will be for the maxi- mum heat available at a 20 degree temperature drop. The piping to each of the connected buildings will be arctic pipe buried under- ground to protect it from damage. Two separate arctic pipes are envisioned, one for supply to the building, and one for return to the power plant. See the at- tached Figure 2 for the system schematic. Balancing valves are used at the connection to existing piping for two reasons. The first is to allow balancing of the flow to the heat exchanger; the second Is to provide a means of measuring the flow rate at that point in the piping. Since most of the potential users of the waste heat are small, individual heat ex- changers, pumps and other associated hydronic equipment are difficult to jus- tify. None of the systems interface with a boiler system and none of the systems will prevent the existing heating systems in the buildings from operating if the waste heat distribution system fails. We propose that only the main schoo! bulld- ing be provided with a flat plate heat exchanger since there will be significant piping installed In that bullding to the three fumaces installed there. We believe this approach will provide the most cost effective system. Precautions must be taken to prevent overcooling of the generator jacket water system. This issue can be addressed with controls and valving. The system can also be automated to some degree but the design solutions must be carefully balanced with the need for system simplicity. Page 23 BALANCE VALVE GATE VALVE 2-WAY CONTROL VALVE 3-WAY CONTROL VALVE CHECK VALVE STRAINER UNION CIRCULATING PUMP THERMOMETER EXPANSION TANK LOW WATER CUTOFF FLOW ARROW PIPE DOWN PIPE UP NEW RETURN LINE NEW SUPPLY LINE EXISTING RETURN LINE EXISTING SUPPLY LINE NEW EQUIPMENT/VALVES IN THIS COLOR EXISTING EQUIPMENT/VALVES IN THIS COLOR SYSTEM SCHEMATIC USES ADDITIONAL COLORS TO DEFINE SYSTEMS 947MSYMB.DWG FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT AEA-90047 SYMBOL LEGEND FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING 560 EAST 34th AVENUE SUITE 300 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99603 (907)561—-1866 Page 24 sz ebeq di L 1 EXISTING CAT 3412 HEAT EXCHANGER <TYP.> ONIYAANIONGA AWISSTd/ qaAud * EXISTING CAT 3508 0966 VHSVIV ‘SDVYOHONY JILVNSHOS WALSAS AYSAODSY LVSH SLSVM NOWNA LYOS 3 ; 3 ALL PIPING SHOWN RUNNING OUTSIDE BUILDINGS IS IN ARCTIC PIPE. ILS LLL COIL IN FURNACE RETURN AIR DUCT STATE BUILDI GENERATOR SYSTEM | DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM BUILDING SYSTEM FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY a Aye 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 Site Plan/Routing The routing will be as shown on the attached plan. Several concepts are defined as follows: Concept 1 provides heat to the four G-Z bulldings only. Concept 2 provides heat to the main school building only. Concept 3 provides heat to the main school bullding, the school shop and the Community Center. Concept 4 adds the State Office building to Concept 3. Concept 5 combines concepts 1 and 4. All five of the above concepts include modifications to the power plant to ac- commodate the heat recovery system. The buried arctic pipe routing is shown on Figure 3. Generator Room Plans/Schematics See the attached Figures 4 and 5 for the design concept for changes to the power plant. User Building Plan/Schematics See the attached Figures 6 through 9 for proposed changes to each of the potential user buildings. Arctic Pipe Installation Detail A cross section of the anticipated trench and arctic pipe installation is shown in the Figure 10. Page 26 MAIN NOMA JONIGISSY 7-9 SONSASIY Z-9 5 oniating \ S OAL NY oniv3H ONY Wvuyvd 7-9 Zs ie § nae “WOIdAL SAVMGVOY INOTY NNY S3did NYNLZY ONY AlddMS .¢ MIN (907)561—1666 PIPE ROUTING FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING 660 EAST 34th AVENUE SUITE 300 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Re <x Ll aie Li = n x = a oO we =) = Ke OZ SS Lc SITE PLAN P SNITTING TOOHOS NIVA SNITIING 3040 ALVLS Y3LN3O ALINNINNOD Page 27 EXISTING 6" SUPPLY AND RETURN PIPING TO WATER PLANT. EXISTING RADIATOR, TYP. UNUSED RADIATOR SUPPORTS CAT 3412 CAT 343 GENERATOR OLD CUMMINS GENERATOR GENERATOR CONTROL CENTER oO tI ] 1 EXISTING HYDRONIC UNIT HEATERS CONNECTED TO EXITING WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM, TYP. SHOP FORT YUKON POWER PLANT F P EXISTING FLOOR PLAN FRYER / PRESSLEY ENGINEERING 660 EAST 34th ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99603 (907)561-1666 Page 28 NEW 20,000 GAL. ABOVE GRADE FUEL TANK a NEW HEAT RECOVERY DISTRIBUTION PUMP NEW HEAT EXCHANGER NEW HEAT RECOVERY DISTRIBUTION PIPING OLD 3,000 GAL. FUEL TANK FOR STAND-BY 947PWP01.DWG NEW EXPANSION TANK FOR HEAT RECOVERY DISTRIBUTION NEW AIR SEPARATOR PIPING SYSTEM. oo CONNECT TO EXISTING SUPPLY AND RETURN PIPES TO WATER SYSTEM PUMP HOUSE. CONNECT TO EXISTING 2” SUPPLY AND AND SHOP HEATING SYSTEM. “= D<] CAT 3412 GENERATOR es D4 EXISTING NEW GENERATOR COOLING SYSTEM ANSION Ti NEW CAT 3508 oT bain GENERATOR CAT 343 INSTALLED BY OTHERS il Nh GENERATOR FORT YUKON POWER PLANT F'\P cenerator COOLING SYSTEM SCHEMATIC . ERYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99603 (907)561-1666 Page 29 FOR INSTALLATIONS WITH GRAVITY RETURN SYSTEMS, A SHORT PIECE OF RETURN DUCT WILL BE ADDED TO THE FURNACE TO ACCOMODATE THE INSTALLATION OF A NEW HEATING COIL AND FILTER. FOR INSTALLATIONS WITH DUCTED RETURN SYSTEMS, THE COIL AND FILTER WILL BE INSTALLED IN THE EXISTING RETURN AIR DUCT. MODULATING CONTROL VALVE INTEGRATED INTO EXISTING FURNACE CONTROL SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED IN STATE BLDG. AND COMMUNITY CENTER, ONLY. On 525<) y, ° Oooo EXISTING OO” v, OS? (x) ~ 58 - 7 oe o ¥, ° eo > » FURNACE CONTROLS SHALL BE MODIFIED SO THAT FORT YUKON HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM F|P ryeicat FURNACE MODIFICATION SCHEMATIC FRYER {PRES SLEY ENGINEERING 660 EAST 34th ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99603 (907)561-1666 Page 30 UNIT HEATERS WiLL BE PROVIDED UNIT HEATERS SHALL CYCLE ON FORT YUKON HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM F|P typical FURNACE MODIFICATION SCHEMATIC . FERYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99603 (907)561-1666 Page 31 NEW UNIT HEATER LOCATED IN FAN SECTION. SEE FIGURE 9 FOR INSTALLATION DETAILS. EACH OF THE THREE FURNACES IN THE MAIN SCHOOL BUILDING WILL THE RETURN AIR CONFIGURATION OF THE EXISTING INSTALLATIONS. PHEUMATIC CONTROL VALVES AND INTETRATED INTO THE EXISTING FURNACE CONTROL SYSTEMS. TYPICAL FURNACE MODIFICATIONS F\P main scHoot BuiLpinc . FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99603 (907)561—1666 Page 32 EACH OF THE THREE ACES IN THE MAIN SCHOOL BUILDING THE RETURN AIR PLENUM. CONFIGURATION OF THE EXISTING INSTALLATIONS. THE UNIT HEATERS WILL BE PROVIDED MTH MODULA PHEUMATIC CONTROL VALVES AND INTETRATED INTO THE EXISTING FURNACE CONTROL SYSTEMS. FOR A DIAGRAM OF THE FURNACE CONFIGURATION. FORT YUKON HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM F P TYPICAL FURNACE MODIFICATION SCHEMATIC 4 FRYER /PRESSLEY ENGINEERING ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99603 (907)561—1666 Page 33 BACKFILL, COMPACT WASTE HEAT SUPPLY AND RETURN PIPING. BEDDING. BEDDING, COMPACT TO 95%. 6” MIN. BEDDING. 947TRDT.DWG ARCTIC PIPE AND TRENCH F\P cross section FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING 660 EAST 34th ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99603 (907)561-1666 Page 34 NEW HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM SUPPLY AND RETURN PIPING THROUGH BASEMENT FOUNDATION WALL TO FURNACE. n-i G-Z OFFICE BUILDING. G9 947TPLN1.DWG FORT YUKON HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM F|P c-z oFFicé BUILDING PLAN . FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99603 (907)561—1666 Page 35 NEW BURIED HEAT RECOVERY SUPPLY AND RETURN PIPING. 947TPLN2.DWG FORT YUKON HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM FIP cz carace PLAN . FERYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99603 (907)561-1666 Page 36 Ww 947TPLN3.DWG FORT YUKON HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM F\P main scHoot BUILDING PLAN . ERYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99603 (907)561-1666 Page 37 SUPPLY AND RETURN PIPING UP THROUGH FLOOR 10 NEW COM IN EXISTING FURNACE. FORT YUKON HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM F|P scoot shop BUILDING PLAN . FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99603 (907)561-1666 Page 38 947TPLNS.DWG FORT YUKON HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM F|P community CENTER BUILDING PLAN . FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99603 (907)561—1666 Page 39 NEW HEAT RECOVERY SUPPLY AND RETURN PIPING TO RUN BURIED TO BUILDING AND ENTER FURNACE ROOM THROUGH FLOOR. FORT YUKON HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM F P STATE OFFICE BUILDING PLAN 7 FRYER / PRESSLEY ENGINEERING ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99603 (907)561—1666 Page 40 6.6 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 Outline Specifications The outline specifications for the major components of the system are shown below. 15010 GENERAL CONDITIONS The system shall be balanced by the Contractor to the flow specified in the construction documents. 15050 BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS Valves: Valves for isolation use shall be gate type rated for 150 psig. Piping: Piping inside bulldings shall be type “L" copper or steel schedule 40 with dielectric unions at connection points of dissimilar metals. 15120 ARCTIC PIPE Arctic Pipe: Carrier pipe shall be schedule 40 steel. Insulation shall be foamed polyurethane with no voids. Thickness of Insulation to be minl- mum of 2 inches. Jacket pipe shall be galvanized steel or high density polyethylene. Arctic pipe system shall include kits or fittings for take-off connections to main loop that provide a water-tight seal. 15250 MECHANICAL INSULATION Piping Insulation: Plpe insulation for Interior piping shall be fiberglas with an all-service jacket. Minimum insulation thickness shall be 1-1/2 inches. 15750 HEAT TRANSFER Heat Exchangers: Heat exchangers shall be plate and frame type with minimum 20 gage stainless steel plates, painted steel frame with head and end support, top carrying bar, and bottom guiding bar. Ports shall be international pipe thread. Capacity shall be as specified. Accept- able manufacturers are Bell & Gossett, APV, Tranter, Alfa Laval and American Standard. Page 41 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 Circulation Pumps: The primary loop circulation pump shall be a base- mounted centrifugal pump capable of 85 GPM at 240 feet of head. All pumps shall be compatible with a glycol heating fluid. 15900 CONTROLS Sequence of Operation: All of the pumps shall be manually switched. 16010- GENERAL This Section of the Division 16 Specifications will Include the following sub- headings with appropriate explanations of the requirements covered in each. GENERAL AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS Refers the Contractor to the Project Specifications’ General and Special Conditions. DRAWINGS Explains the nature of the Drawings and how the information depicted on the Drawings should be used and interpreted when viewed in the context of the entire set of Contract Documents. DEFINITIONS Defines some of the major terms used In writing the Specifications. SUBMITTALS AND APPROVALS Defines the acceptable information considered to constitute the material submittals required for verifying the actual equipment and materials proposed for use in the Project’s electrical systems. Page 42 16020- 16021- FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Directs caution in the storage and handling of materials to ameliorate thelr possible damage prior to thelr installation. JOB CONDITIONS Advises the Contractor to visit the site to acquaint himself with the actual conditions at this Project’s location. PRODUCTS Establishes general criteria and standards of quality for the Project which apply to all of the materials proposed for the Project. This sub-section also requires all electrical materials to be labeled for their intended use and environment by UL. CLEANING Tne Contractor Is required to clean all surfaces of equipment and remove debris and unused materials in this sub-section. WORK INCLUDED This area of the Division 16 Specification lays out the generalized descrip- tions of the electrical systems and work required in this Project. It also covers which area of the Specifications will define the requirements for equipment or installations which must be coordinated with other building trades. WORK NOT INCLUDED This Section deals with those Items which will definitely be provided within other areas of the Project’s various disciplines. An example of such an item would be the motors provided on a fan unit (obviously specified in Division 15) which is specified complete with a motor starter, disconnect or other accessories normally found in Division 16. Page 43 16032- 16111- 16120- 16131- 16147- FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 MANUALS AND AS-BUILT DRAWINGS Sub-paragraphs describing the required contents of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals, defining the periods of instruction for the Owner's designated personnel and the updating of Information necessary to prepare record drawings of this Project’s final configuration are con- tained in this Section. CONDUIT All types of raceways and their associated appurtenances will be covered in this Section of Division 16. Galvanized rigid steel conduit, PVC-coated galvanized rigid steel conduit, intermediate metallic con- duit, electrical metallic tubing, flexible metal conduit and liquid-tight flexible conduit will be specified. Fittings, couplings, grounding and where each type of raceway may be used will be specified. WIRES AND CABLES Bullding wires and cables for the distribution, feeders and branch circuits required for this Project are defined In this Section. This Section typically covers only wire with voltage ratings below 600 V. PULL BOXES AND JUNCTION BOXES The various types of pull boxes and junction boxes which will be allowed and/or required for installing the systems defined within Division 16 are specified In this Section. DEVICE PLATES AND COVERS Surface mounted boxes shall be galvanized steel plates. Weatherproof Installations will have gasketed metal plates. Page 44 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 16155- MOTOR STARTERS This Section will specify the motor contactors and controllers required by mechanical equipment. All controllers will be specified to have integral thermal overloads for motor overload protection. Combination starters utilizing circuit breakers or motor circult protectors and that are UL listed for the application, will be acceptable. Combination starters utilizing fuses will not be allowed. 16161- GROUNDING This Section expands on the National Electrical Code requirements. 16164- BRANCH CIRCUIT PANELBOARDS Branch circuit breakers required to connect new equipment to existing panelboards will be specified in this Section. All circuit breakers will be bolt-on molded case circuit breakers of the rating and configuration necessary to serve general branch circuits and other defined loads. 16170- MOTOR AND CIRCUIT DISCONNECTS Unfused switches will be specified. Disconnects for motor applications will be required to be horsepower rated. Other disconnects will be specified to have ratings as necessary for the application. Enclosures will be NEMA 1 except where otherwise required. 16190- SUPPORTING DEVICES This Section will contain the requirements for hardware, anchors and fas- teners used to support raceways, equipment and any other electrical apparatus. Page 45 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 7.0 ECONOMIC DATA 71 7.2 Current Fuel Oil Costs Fuel cost for the G-Z power plant and other large fuel consumers in 1989 were $1.3385/gal for 2# diesel and $1.435/gal for #1 diesel. Displaced Costs Due to Heat Recovery The calculations that model the waste heat system are shown In the Appendix at the end of this report. These calculations essentially make comparisons of the waste heat available to the waste heat demand of the connected buildings. These comparisons are made for each hour of an average day of each month of the year. Since it may not be economically feasible to connect all of the potential build- Ings, the calculations were made In logical groupings of bullding connections. In this analysis, we looked at connecting only the G-Z buildings, Concept 1, only the School and State bulldings, Concept 3, and at connecting the G-Z, School and State buildings, Concept 5. Other logical combinations were analyzed as indli- cated in the report. The results of the calculations for each Concept, based on the most recent fuel oil costs, were as follows: SAVINGS SAVINGS CONCEPT GAL/YR S/YR 1 5,249 $7,025 2 7.122 $9,532 3 8,349 $11,175 4 8,946 $11,974 5 10,069 $13A77 Page 46 7.3 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 Summary Cost Estimate Cost estimates are listed below for each of the Concepts investigated. These are rough estimates based on other estimates that have been completed for other projects. Complete cost estimates will be provided with the final report. The assumptions for the cost estimate was that bidding would take place in April of 1990. Prevailing local wages as defined by the Department of Labor were used. The cost estimate is presented with costs identified for the total project, but broken out separately to show the component costs for the work at the power plant, for the arctic pipe, and for each of the connected buildings. Energy Authority SIA (Supervision, Inspection, and Administration) costs are Included in the figures shown below. CONCEPT CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE $148,649 $863,609 $923,129 $937,833 $958,323 ahwond— Page 47 74 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 Estimated Component Life and Maintenance Costs The following estimates of maintenance cost were made based on the In- cremental cost of a technician who Is already on-site. Assumptions were made for each of the pieces of equipment regarding frequency of inspection and repair. The total yearly maintenance cost will depend on the scope of installa- tion. The costs for all buildings connected Is shown. ttem Life (yrs) Maint. Cost (S/Y) Heat Exchangers 20 $126 (each, 3 total Circulation pumps 16 $112 (each, 4 total) Arctic Pipe 15 $700 total) Interior piping 15 $70 (each location, 9 total) Interior valves 16 $140 (each location, 9 total) Expansion Tank 15 $70 (each, 4 total) Alr Separator 15 $35 (each, 4 total) Glycol 15 $300 (total) TOTAL (CONCEPT 5) $4,136/year Page 48 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 8.0 FAILURE ANALYSIS 8.1 General The purpose of this section Is to analyze the reliability If the various components of the proposed waste heat recovery system. The analysis of the system will help guide the direction of the design to avoid systems with increased failure rates and repair costs and reduced waste heat recovery effectiveness. 8.2 Identification of Major Components The following components are those whose failure Is likely in the normal course of operation and whose failure could affect the operation of the generator or waste heat recovery systems. A brief description of the component follows the identification. Circulation pump(s): This is the pump (centrifugal) that will be used to cir- culate fluid from the heat exchanger in the power plant to the user buildings through the arctic pipe. This discussion also applies to booster pumps (in-line type) that can be used In the user bulldings to help overcome the additional pressure drop of the waste heat recovery system heat exchanger. A pump may also be used on the generator side of the system to help overcome the added pressure drop of the heat exchanger or the case where hydronic coils have been added to an all air system. Jacket Water Heat Exchanger: This component is the device used to transfer heat from one liquid to another. In the design presented here, tt Is a flat plate, or plate and frame type heat exchanger. The device consists of vertical plates separated by gaskets with the fluid of one system flowing in alternate plates heating (or cooling) the other fluid. There are no moving parts during operation. Stack Gas Heat Exchanger: This Is a device similar In concept to the jacket water heat exchanger with the exception that the fluids being considered Include both a liquid (the waste heat recovery transfer medium) and a gas - the exhaust gases from the engine. Although there are no moving parts, the heat exchanger surface Is subject to very high temperatures from the exhaust gases (to 1400 degrees F). Radiator(s): These devices are part of the generation system rather than the waste heat recovery portion. They are used to provide cooling for the engines by transferring heat from the engine coolant to the atmosphere. In conjunction Page 49 8.3 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 with the waste heat recovery system, they would be used only when cooling is required beyond the cooling that has occurred through the use of waste heat by the recovery system. Control Valve(s): Control valves are used to maintain a setpoint tem- perature at a specific location In a piping system. In the case of the generation system, they often are the self-contained type as manufactured by Amot. The valve operator movement is based on the expansion of wax in the valve case. Altematives are an electrically operated valve to serve the same function. Exterior piping (arctic pipe): The arctic pipe Is a pipe-within-a-pipe system used for transferring fluid between locations. The center pipe, or carrier pipe is used for fluid transfer. The carrier pipe Is insulated to reduce heat transfer. Outside the insulation is a second pipe called the Jacket. This is used to protect the insulation. Interior piping/valves: This portion of the system is found at the power plant or at the user buildings. Its purpose is to transfer and control the fluid to the com- ponents of the system. Failure Mode and Impact For each of the components identified above, the likely mode or modes of fallure Is discussed. These fallure modes have been surmised based on conversations with equipment manufac- turers and based on engineering experience and judgment. In addition, the impact of fallure on the generation and the waste heat recovery system is gauged as is the environmental ef- fects. Recommended immediate actions by the system caretaker are also noted. Circulation pump(s) Failure Mode: The pump assembly can fail by the failure of Its in- dividual components. These include shaft seals, shaft bearings, motor, impeller, or casing. Impeller or casing failure is not expected to occur before the life of the com- ponent has been reached. This life is expected to be 15 years. Generator Operational Impact: Since fallure of a booster pump used on the gener- ator side of the system could result in a high-temperature shut-down of the engine, its use is not recommended. The likely reason for addition of a booster pump is to over- come additional pressure drop imposed by the system by new heat recovery equip- Page 50 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 ment. To avoid the need for the pump, the system should be designed to keep addi- tional pressure drop below the maximum rated pressure drop of the engine mounted pump. Waste Heat System Operational Impact: Where only a single circulation pump has been installed for heat transfer services, its failure could result in complete suspension of heat recovery. Shaft seal and shaft bearing fallures in their early stages would have little effect on operation but could eventually reduce heat recovery to zero after complete fallure. When duplex pumps have been Installed, the heat recovery will be affected only until the standby pump can be put into service which can occur minutes after the failure is noted. Environmental Impact: Minor - a shaft seal failure could result in a slow fluid leak that could reach the ground outside. Required Immediate Actions: If no significant loss of fluid has occurred (due to shaft seal failure), replacement of the pump will restore the system to service. The pump should be isolated with the valves on either side of the pump, fluid checked and proper fluid level restored as needed, and the back-up pump (if installed) started. Jacket Water Heat Exchanger Failure Mode: Since there are no moving parts, the failure of this component can occur from failure of the gaskets, or failure on the frame or plates. Since the plates are generally of stainless steel, failure is unlikely during the rated life of the equipment - or approximately 20 years. The frame Is also unlikely to fail during the 20 year life. The only probable fallure during the life would be the gaskets, probably exhibited as a slow leak that worsens with time. Generator Operational Impact: If the gaskets failed serving the generator cooling system fluid, enough fluid could leak out to cause a low water shut-down of the engine. Waste Heat System Operational Impact: Similar to the scenarios above, if fluid from the waste heat system were to leak from failed gaskets, the system could be in- capacitated. Page 51 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 Environmental Impact: A major loss of the fluid, most likely an ethylene glycol mix- ture could have some environmental impacts. Ethylene glycol is toxic. The problem could be reduced by using propylene glycol which is potable. The problem that often results when using propylene glycol is failure of operating or maintenance personnel to use compatible glycol for system make up. Required Immediate Actions: If an engine side gasket has falled, the heat ex- changer should be bypassed and manual shut-off valves used on the leaking side. If the leak occurs on the waste heat side, Isolation valves should be closed and the circulation pump shut off. Stack Gas Heat Exchanger Failure Mode: Three mechanisms can lead to this component failure. The first is through operational wear. This wear is caused by the passage of hot exhaust gases over the heat exchanger surface. The failure through this mechanism determines the life of the equipment which Is approximately 5 years. Two other forms of failure can occur: the first Is through thermal shock by passage of relatively cold fluid into the exchanger which has been heated to the exhaust gas temperature. Sudden contraction will destroy the heat exchanger. The second type of failure could occur If the heat exchanger Is kept at too low of a temperature allowing sulfuric and hydrochloric acids to form from the exhaust gases. Rapid corrosion would result in the heat exchanger fallure. Generator Operational Impact: If the heat exchanger is located away from the generator, its failure would probably not release glycol onto the engines surface. Since the flow path of the exhaust gases would not be any more restricted after fallure, no significant backpressure Is expected to develop. If the stack gas heat exchanger is used to heat fluid after passing through the main jacket water heat exchanger, no loss of en- gine coolant will occur. However, to avoid pipe contamination, the generator should be shut down. If available or designed, a bypass device that allows exhaust gases to fol- low a path away from the heat exchanger would allow generator operation with a damaged or missing heat exchanger. Waste Heat System Operational Impact: The waste heat system would be disabled by a sudden stack gas heat exchanger failure. Environmental Impact: The loss of fluid to the environment could represent a problem as outlined in previous discussions. Page 52 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 Required Immediate Actions: After failure of the stack gas heat exchanger, the exchanger should be isolated with valves and a bypass mechanism used for the stack gases. Fluid should be added to make up for losses, and lost fluid collected where pos- sible. Radiator(s) Fallure Mode: The main component of the radiators Is the heat exchanger for cooling of the liquid. The heat exchanger is expected to last the life of the radiator or 15 years. The other modes of failure are similar to for circulation pumps: shaft bearings or motors, or controls. The controls in this case are assumed to be variable speed controls for the fan motor. Generator Operational Impact: Failure through leakage would drain the fluid and cause a low water shutdown of the generator. Failure of the fan-related hardware would result in insufficient cooling and a high-temperature shut down. Waste Heat System Operational Impact: There would be no effect on the waste heat system until generator shut down. At that time of course, no more heat would be avail- able for recovery. Environmental Impact: The only environmental impact would be if a leakage failure occurred which is not the highest probability failure. Required Immediate Actions: The radiator should be isolated and an altemate radiator used for cooling until repairs can be made. Control Vaive(s) Failure Mode: The valve casing Is expected to last the life of the valve or 20 years. The most likely fallure before the life is reached Is that of leaking seals or seats, or failure of the operating mechanism. The seal or seat failure will normally result in a low-loss leak of fluid until repaired. The control mechanisms that can be used In this Instance include Amot type operators which use the expansion characteristics of wax to operate the valve or electric motor driven operators. Although Amot-type operators fail less fre- quently than electric motor operators, they have the disadvantages of less control (which means less heat recovery) and do not indicate current control position. Page 53 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 Generator Operational Impact: Failure of the operators will normally result In loss of control. Often time these fallures can occur at a mixing condition which may not Im- mediately cause a system fallure. The extreme cases would result In overheating. Waste Heat System Operational Impact: As discussed above, a fallure In a mixing mode may not cause complete failure, but It is possible. Environmental Impact: Minor - only small leaks normally develop through seal and seat failures. Required Immediate Actions: The valve should be Isolated as soon as the seat or seal failure is discovered. If the failure Is an electric operator, the valve could be manually positioned to an acceptable position until the operator can be replaced. When an Amot-type valve is used, manual bypass valves can be used. Exterior piping (arctic pipe) Failure Mode: The only failure mode likely to interfere with the system operation would be a fluid leak at a joint. Generator Operational Impact: None. Waste Heat System Operational Impact: A significant leak would shut down the sys- tem. Environmental Impact: The leaking fluid could drain the entire piping system. Required Immediate Actions: The pump would be turned off, the system drained as much as possible, and the leaking line Isolated as close to the leak as possible. Interior piping/valves Fallure Mode: Interior piping joints will normally last the length of the pipe life - about 20 years - unless physically damaged. The valves may suffer the same failures as men- tioned above for control valves. Generator Operational Impact: A fluid leak would generally be small but it is pos- sible that enough fluld would leak until a low water shut down occurred. Waste Heat System Operational Impact: Same as for Generation system effect. Page 54 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 Environmental Impact: Minor. Required Immediate Actions: Isolate the leaking valve, shut off pump if fluid loss is significant. 8.4 Failure Frequency and Cost Frequencies of failure have been estimated based on conversations with manufacturers and on engineering judgment. Assumptions made regarding the repair include: On-site operator's skill are that of a "caretaker." Skilled preventive maintenance is performed 3 times yearly. Aone day weather delay is included for all winter repair trips. Travel to site for repair Is via Jet, and then charter. Skilled mechanics are mobilized from Anchorage, Fairbanks, or Juneau as ap- propriate. Costs are based on $43/hour labor costs. Travel time Is 12 hours round trip. Travel cost Is $600 round trip. Subsistence costs are $100 per day. QRwn> lt de Circulation pump(s) Most common failure: Shaft seal, shaft bearings, or motor. Frequency of Occurrence: 0.1 per year Repair Cost: $1900/occurrence Estimate of Down Time: 2 days after discovery Effects of System Life on Frequency: Increase in probability only. Page 55 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 Jacket Water Heat Exchanger Most common failure: Gasket failure. Frequency of Occurrence: 0.1 per year Repair Cost: $1900/occurrence Estimate of Down Time: 9 days Effects of System Life on Frequency: Increasing probabllity. Stack Gas Heat Exchanger Most common failure: Operator error - damage to heat exchanger Frequency of Occurrence: 1 per year Repair Cost: $6600/occurrence Estimate of Down Time: 30 days Effects of System Life on Frequency: No effect due to frequent expected replacement Radiator(s) Most common failure: Motor failure Frequency of Occurrence: 0.1 per year Repair Cost: $1800/occurrence Estimate of Down Time: 5 days Effects of System Life on Frequency: Increased probability. Page 56 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 Control Valve(s) Most common failure: Electric operator (seal for Amot valve) Frequency of Occurrence: 0.33/year (0.1 for Amot valve) Repair Cost: $1800/occurence Estimate of Down Time: 3 days Effects of System Life on Frequency: Increasing likelilnood due to wear Exterior piping (arctic pipe) Most common failure: Accidental damage Frequency of Occurrence: 0.1 per year Repair Cost: $1800/occurrence Estimate of Down Time: 21 days Effects of System Life on Frequency: None Interior piping/valves Most common failure: Valve seat/seal failure Frequency of Occurence: 0.25 per year Repair Cost: $1800/occurrence Estimate of Down Time: 2 days Effects of System Life on Frequency: Increased likelihood due to wear Page 57 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 8.5 Design Decisions Impact on current concept design from the above failure analysis Includes the recommenda- tion that stack gas heat exchangers not be used In a location where the operator Is not a skilled maintenance person, continually monitoring the system. This recommendation is due to the sensitivity of the equipment to operator error and the delay that could be encountered in retuming the system to service. Other recommendations Include design of duplex pumps so that damaged pumps will not halt service for any. length of time. This type of approach can also be extended to spare parts stock so that some failures may be attended to during the preventive maintenance visits to reduce costs. To avoid compromising the reliability of the generation system, booster pumps of the generator side should be avoided. A way to avoid the need for the pumps Is to design the heat ex- changer and piping system to be as low as possible and to be less than the maximum recom- mended external pressure drop as listed by the engine manufacturer. Although the failure rate of the electric motor operators on control valves Is higher than for self- contained Amot-type valves, the additional control and heat recovery may provide incentive for their use. Page 58 9.0 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The final economics will be completed by the Alaska Energy Authority so a definitive conclusion is not made at this time conceming the feasibility of a waste heat Installation at Fort Yukon. Some conclusions that can be made are that the project Is technically feasible, that the people and agencies In the community seem quite enthusiastic about the project, and that if the economics prove acceptable, a waste heat system for the community can be recommended. Two graphs follow this page that illustrate the current waste heat situation In Fort Yukon. The first graph entitled “Heat Available Vs. Heat Required” shows the relationship be- tween these two quantities for each month of a year. The lowest line represents the heat available from the power plant in terms of equivalent gallons of fuel oil. Each of the other three lines represent a construction option: the concept 1, the concept 3, and the concept 5. The second graph Is entitled “Fuel Oil Displaced" and shows the amount of recovered energy in equivalent gallons of fuel oil for each of the three construction options for the year. A similar shape as was shown in the previous graph is displayed. The Information provided In the graphs clearly indicates the affect of the existing heat recovery system on the availability of additional waste heat for other uses. The graphs indicate that little additional energy will be saved in the middle of winter since the exist- ing heat recovery system Is at peak demand and electrical energy production is down since many of the people in town are gone on vacation. The majority of the additional energy that can be saved by any new system occures in the spring and fall when the loads imposed on the existing waste heat recovery are low, electrical production is high and a significant heating load exists In the bulldings In question. Page 59 09 e6bg FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY HEAT AVAILABLE VS. HEAT REQUIRED FUEL OIL EQUIVALENT (GALLONS) 12,000 10,000 > 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 Sirona p vonosananmnaniraiianenssaanndaSensaeeeSone ge SS i 0 : g JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH OF THE YEAR LEGEND —— HEAT AVAILABLE —— HEAT REQ. - 1 —— HEAT REQ. - 3 —&—_ HEAT REQ. - 5 2/02/90 19 e6ed FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY FUEL OIL DISPLACED FUEL OIL EQUIVALENT (GALLONS) 3,000 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH OF THE YEAR LEGEND MM ar.1 Aa. 3 H Alt. 5 2/02/90 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 APPENDIX 1. Calculations 2. Contact Names 3. Cost Estimates 4, Raw Data Page 62 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN ‘ FEBRUARY 2, 1990 Calculations Page 63 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY CALCULATION METHOD Input Before the calculation of recovered waste heat can take place, the user must input In- formation about power production, fuel use, and system heat loss. The Information Is for each month of a year. The year is assumed to be either an average year or a represen- tative year. The power production information must include the amount of power produced for each month of a year and the amount of heat rejected to the jacket water for each KWH of power produced. The power production Is from historical records and the heat rejection data is from the manufacturer of the engine/generators being used for power production. The fuel use data Is for each of the potential waste heat user buildings. It Is fuel oil use for each month of the "average" year. It Is also assumed that the fuel oil use reported here is only for heating energy that can be displaced by waste heat recovery. It would not include fuel oil used by a separate fuel oil-fired water heater. The information ideally should be based on historical information but can also be estimated on a monthly basis for yearly fuel oll use. The system heat loss Is a number that represents the energy that is rejected to the jacket water, but Is lost or used before It can be used by the end user buildings. Examples of this system loss can include: heat loss of the generator cooling system piping, heat loss from the arctic pipe, and heat recovery in the power plant for space heating or fuel oil heating. This figure must be estimated based on available information. Assumptions The most important assumptions made in this model are the diumal variation of the heat demand, and the power production. The figures shown in the calculations represent a ‘typical’ patter for rural environments. Tne heating demand follows an approximate sine curve with minimum demand at solar noon, and maximum demand at solar mid- night. The diurnal variation for power plant production Is less regular. The variation as- sumed has peaks in the moming (around 8:00) and near noon and at 6:00 pm. The lowest power production occurs near midnight. Page 64 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 When calculating the energy demand for the buildings based on thelr fuel oll use, it is as- sumed that each gallon of fuel oll corresponds to 100,000 BTU. This represents ap- proximately a 71% efficient boller or fumace. Actual efficiencies will vary. Calculations The heat available Is calculated by dividing the monthly power production by the num- ber of days in the month - yielding the power production on an average day, then by multiplying that figure by the hourly power production variation for each hour, This is the power produced for each hour of the average day of the month. This figure Is multiplied by the manufacturer's factor for heat rejected to the jacket water. The result is the gross heat available at the power plant on an hourly basis. The system heat loss Is subtracted from the gross amount, leaving the amount available for building use. The heat required by the buildings is accomplished in a similar manner. The sum of all the buildings fuel use is multiplied by 100,000 BTU/gallon and adjusted to yield the houriy heat demand for the average day of the month. The heat recovered Is just the smaller number of the heat available and the heat demand; if the heat avallable Is larger than the heat demand, all of the heat avallable will be used. If the reverse Is true and much more heat Is available, then all of the bulld- Ing heat demand requirements will be met. The number of gallons displaced also as- sumes that each 100,000 BTU’s saved corresponds to one gallon of fuel oil. Page 65 FCRT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY WAST HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET Loca ion:FORT YUKON Date: January 26, 1998 Heat rate: 2258 Btu's rejected to jacket water/kwh produced Tota generation: 2,385,000 kwh/year Local degree days 2646 2229 2008 1332 649 Assu ied diurnal heat Power plant measured monthly generation: dema d variation: oo | Month JAN FEB MAR APR MAY Fraction:8.11758 8.07279 6.68865 8.67289 6.6635 Wi ter Summer Hour Kwh: 282268 174726 212784 174968 152520 Diurnal 0. 494 6.6494 1 variation 8.038 0.038 6.038 0.038 6.045 6. 477 6.0477 2 0.036 6.036 6.036 8.036 0.040 6. 466 6.6466 3 0.034 6.034 6.034 6.034 6.036 O. 443 0.0443 4 6.034 0.034 6.034 6.034 0.035 6. 428 6.0428 5 6.033 6.033 6.033 6.033 6.035 6.414 8.0414 6 6.034 6.034 6.034 6.034 6.038 6. 401 6.0401 2 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 6. 398 6.0398 8 6.042 6.042 6.642 6.042 6.040 6. 381 6.6381 9 6.042 6.042 6.042 6.042 8.045 0. 374 6.0374 16 0.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 6. 378 6.0376 W 6.048 6.048 6.048 6.048 0.046 6. 367 6.0367 12 6.047 0.047 6.047 6.047 8.048 0. 367 6.0367 13 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.058 0. 376 6.0376 14 6.047 0.647 6.047 6.047 6.052 6.374 6.8374 15 6.048 6.048 6.048 6.048 0.050 6.381 6.0381 16 0.048 6.048 6.048 8.048 6.058 5. 398 6.6398 7 6.049 6.049 6.049 6.049 8.645 8. 401 6.0481 18 0.046 0.046 6.046 6.046 6.047 0.414 8.0414 19 0.043 0.043 6.043 6.043 0.050 H. 428 6.6428 20 0.038 6.038 6.038 8.038 8.045 8. 443 6.0443 21 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.041 0. 460 6.8468 22 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 8.641 6. 477 6.6477 23 0.045 6.045 6.045 8.045 6.041 8. 494 6.8494 24 6.046 0.040 6.040 6.048 6.043 Page 66 182 JUN 0.6617 148328 0.045 0.048 8.036 8.035 8.035 6.038 6.038 6.648 6.045 6.047 0.048 6.048 6.0508 6.052 6.058 8.058 8.045 6.047 6.058 8.45 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.043 128 JUL 8.0669 166704 0.045 6.040 8.036 8.035 0.035 6.638 6.038 0.048 8.045 6.647 6.040 8.048 9.058 8.052 6.050 6.058 6.045 6.047 0.058 8.045 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.043 298 AUG 8.6746 1792868 8.045 6.040 6.036 8.035 8.035 6.038 6.038 6.040 8.845 6.047 6.048 6.048 6.058 8.052 6.050 0.058 6.045 6.047 0.058 6.045 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.045 715 SEP 6.8821 197168 8.645 6.048 6.036 6.035 8.035 6.638 8.038 6.648 8.045 6.647 6.048 6.048 6.058 8.052 6.050 6.0508 6.045 6.847 6.058 6.045 6.041 6.041 0.041 8.043 1434 ocT 6.1004 241208 6.045 6.048 6.036 8.035 6.035 6.038 6.038 6.848 6.845 6.647 6.048 6.048 6.058 6.852 6.058 6.050 0.045 6.047 6.058 0.045 6.041 6.041 6.041 8.043 2141 NOV 6.0991 238686 6.038 6.036 6.034 6.034 6.033 6.834 8.038 8.642 6.642 6.647 6.048 6.047 6.045 6.047 6.048 6.048 8.049 6.046 0.043 0.038 6.838 6.041 6.045 0.048 2588 DEC 6.09919 238086 6.038 6.036 6.034 6.034 8.033 6.034 6.838 6.642 8.042 6.047 6.048 6.047 6.045 6.047 6.048 6.048 6.049 0.046 6.043 6.038 6.038 6.041 6.645 6.048 ANNUAL 16,326 CHECKSUM 1 2,408,016 FORT BUIL BUIL BUIL BUIL BUIL BUIL BUIL BUIL TOTA TOTA TOTA TOTA TCTA YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY ING 1A - G-Z OFFICE BUILDING ING 1B - G-Z GARAGE ING 1C - G-Z OWNED RESIDENCE ING 1D - G-Z OWNED RESIDENCE ING 2 - MAIN SCHOOL BUILDING ING 3A - COMMUMITY CENTER ING 3B - SCHOOL MAINTENANCE SHOP ING 4 - STATE OFFICE BUILDING Building use per month, gallons of fuel oil used for heating 381 321 289 192 93 1378 1161 1045 693 338 211 177 166 106 52 211 177 168 106 52 5186 = 4369 3936 2611 = 1272 1548 = 1297 1168 775 378 519 437 394 261 127 1064 897 808 536 261 MONTHLY FUEL USE IN GALLONS FOR EACH CONCEPT FOR CONCEPT 1 BUILDINGS FOR CONCEPT 2 BUILDINGS FOR CONCEPT 3 BUILDINGS FOR CONCEPT 4 BUILDINGS FOR CONCEPT 5 BUILDINGS WATER SYSTEM POWER PLANT AND SHOP TOTAL EXISTING LOAD 2179.87 1836.33 1654.26 1097.35 534.67 5186.32 4368.98 3935.86 2610.88 1272.6 26 95 14 4 0 106 73 17 62 16 18 b 7) 6 48 149.93 98.860 7244.65 6102.92 5497.83 3646.96 1776.9 105.98 69.827 8309.14 6999.65 6305.65 4182.83 2038.8 179.12 118.18 16489.8 8835.99 7959.92 5280.18 2572.7 329.06 216.96 EXISTING LOADS ON THE GENERATOR COOLING SYSTEM (BTUH) JAN FEB MAR APR MAY 695182 604693 556736 410644 261833 92616 78615 76288 46628 22715 787792 682708 627016 456664 284548 Page 67 JUN 8 6376 6376 JUL 6 4206 4208 42 183 151 372 23 57 23 57 6 1461 169 416 6 148 117 288 206 747 114 114 2811 834 281 577 308 115 176 178 4196 1246 426 861 371 1343 205 205 5057 1581 506 1038 238.91 589.04 1181.3 1763.8 2125.50 B 1401.4 2818.7 4196.4 5056.96 168.74 1957.6 3926.2 5861.9 7063.94 285.41 2245.2 4503.1 6723.3 8101.88 524.33 2834.3 5684.5 8487.1 16227.3 AUG SEP ocT NOV-DEC 8 6 432178 585597 680860 16158 25025 58198 74935 90308 18158 25625 482368 660532 771168 GAL/YR 2,358 8,500 1,308 1,306 32,008 9,508 3,206 6,568 GAL/YR 13,458 30,848 43,424 49,992 63,442 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY Daily totals Heat available per hour by month (BTU’s) for each Concept JAN 5396.16 eoeaoans 5396.16 88889.6 88889.6 193256. 214129. 193256. 151589. 193256. 214129. 214129. 235003. 172383. 169763. 5396.16 5396.16 68016.2 151589. 4742.9 2356851 FEB BSBOOoOoeOSeEasdeesesesBaesseaanaaasa MAR 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 33999.3 33999.3 112691. 128438. 112691. 81214.7 112691. 128436. 128436. 144168. 96953.2 49737.8 6 6 18260.9 81214.7 2522.46 APR 35687.4 9205.82 6 6 6 8 35087.4 86858.7 86850.7 151554. 164495. 151554. 125673. 151554. 164495. 164495. 177436. 138614. 99791.6 35087 .4 35687 .4 73969.9 125673. 60969.1 MAY = JUN 223099 487298 166694 432446 121578 388564 118289 377594 118289 377594 144132 410505 144132 410505 166694 432446 223899 487298 245662 569239 166694 432446 256943 526209 279585 542158 302067 564691 279505 542158 279585 542158 223099 487298 245662 589239 279505 542158 223699 487298 177975 443416 177975 443416 177975 443416 200537 465357 1265436 2073477 5E+06 1E+07 Page 68 JUL 530687 471255 423710 411823 411823 447482 447482 471255 530687 554460 471255 566346 590119 613892 590119 590119 530687 554460 590119 530687 493142 493142 483142 AUG SEP 520264 558288 467222 499957 453962 485374 453962 485374 493743 529122 493743 529122 520264 558288 586565 631202 613086 660368 520264 558288 626347 674951 652867 764117 679388 733282 652867 764117 652867 704117 586565 631282 613086 660368 652867 704117 586565 631202 533524 572871 533524 572871 533524 572871 ocT 231241 159888 142848 142848 195568 195568 231241 320442 356123 231241 373963 409643 445324 409643 409643 320442 356123 409643 320442 249881 249681 249681 NOV-DEC 586565 631202 320442 8627.7 8627.7 79865. 79865. 167112 56484. 184722 74094. 167112 56484. 131894 21266. 167112 56484. 184722 74894. 184722 74094. 262331 91783. 149583 38875. 96675. 8627.7 8627.7 61456. 131894 21266. 586914 560045 602037 284762 43846. 1E+87 1E+07 7E+66 2E+06 564849. 1E+07 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 4 9 8 9 4 4 9 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 BTU/YR 2196127381 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY Heat demand by hour by month (BTU) for Concept 1, HOUR = JAN Daily totals 1 354108. 2 341695. 3 329514. 4 317791. 5 306744. 6 296588. 7 287487. 8 279636. 9 273171. 16 268215. 11 264858. 12 263164. 13 263164. 14 264858. 15 268215. 16 273171. 17 279636. 18 287487. 19 296588. 26 306744. 21 317791. 22 329514. 23 341695. 24 3541088. 7165939 6036613 5438097 3607343 2E+06 492895 324985 785382 2E+06 4E+86 6E+06 6987197 FEB MAR 298362. 268726. 287845. 259306. 277584. 258062. 267788. 241166. 258403. 232782. 249840. 225069. 242186. 218169. 235566. 212210. 230128. 207304. 225945. 203543. 223117. 266996. 221698. 199718. 221698. 199718. 223117. 268996. 225945. 203543. 238128. 207304. 235566. 2122108. 242188. 218169. 249848. 225069. 258403. 232782. 267788. 241166. 277584. 256062. 287845. 259306. 298382. 268726. APR MAY 178258. 86854. 172618. 83809. 165878. 88821. 159976. 77946. 154415. 75237. 149299. 72744. 144721. 76513. 148769. 68588. 137515. 67802. 135819. 65786. 133338. 64963. 132477. 64547. 132477. 64547. 133330. 64963. 135619. 65786. 137515. 67062. 140769. 68588. 144721. 78513. 149299. 72744. 154415. 75237. 159976. 77946. 165878. 88822. 172618. 83809. 178258. 86854. Page 69 JUN JUL 16059. 15496. 14943. 14412. 13911. 13458. 13037. 12681. 12388. 12163. 12611. 11934. 11934. 12011. 12163. 12388. 12681. 13037. 13458. 13911. 14412. 14943. 24356. 23582. 22665. 21858. 21698. 20399. 19774. 19234. 18789. 18448. 18217. 18101. 18161. 18217. 18448. 18789. 19234. 19774. 20399. 21698. 21858. 22665. 23582. 24356. 15496. 16059. AUG 38810. 37449. 36114. 34829. 33619. 32565. 31588. 30647. 29939. 29396. 29628. 28842. 28842. 29828. 29396. 29939. 30647. 31508. 32565. 33619. 34829. 36114. 37449. 38810. SEP 95686. 92332. 89041. 85873. 82888. 86141. 77684. 75563. 73816. 72476. 71569. 71112. 71112. 71569. 72476. 73816. 75563. 77684. 80141. 82888. 85873. 89041. 92332. 95686. the G-Z buildings. ocT NOV 191989 286525 185182 276481 178588 266625 172227 257139 166248 248281 168731 239976 155884 232619 151548 226266 148045 221035 145359 217625 143548 214309 142621 212938 142621 212938 143548 214389 145359 217625 148045 221035 151548 226266 155884 232619 168731 239976 166248 248261 172227 257139 178586 266625 185182 276481 191989 286525 DEC 345275. 333172. 321295. 309864. 299693. 289182. 280316. 272661. 266357. 261524. 258251. 256680. 256600. 258251. 261524. 266357. 272661. 280316. 289182. 299093. 309864. 321295. 333172. 345275. BTU/YR 1345000008 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY Heat delivered by hour by month (BTU’s) HOUR JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ocT NOV DEC 1 5396.16 6 8 35087.4 86854. 24356. 16059. 38818. 95686. 191989 8627.7 6 2 a 8 8 9205.82 83889. 23582. 15496. 37449. 92332. 185182 6 6 3 6 8 6 8 88821. 22665. 14943. 36114. 89841. 159888 6 6 4 6 6 6 6 77946. 21858. 14412. 34829. 85873. 142046 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 75237. 21898. 13911. 33619. 82888. 142048 6 6 6 6 6 6 B 72744. 20399. 13458. 32505. 80141. 160731 a 6 7 5396.16 6 ® 35087.4 70513. 19774. 13037. 31508. 77684. 155864 8627.7 8 8 88889.6 ® 33999.3 86858.7 68588. 19234. 12681. 30647. 75563. 151548 79065. 8 9 88889.6 ® 33999.3 86850.7 67062. 18789. 12388. 29939. 73816. 148845 79065. 6 16 193256. ® 112691. 135019. 65786. 18448. 12163. 29396. 72476. 145359 167112 56484.9 11 214129. ® 128430. 133330. 64963. 18217. 12011. 29028. 71569. 143548 184722 74094.4 12 193256. ® 112691. 132477. 64547. 18181. 11934. 28842. 71112. 142621 167112 56484.9 13 151569. ® 81214.7 125673. 64547. 18181. 11934. 28842. 71112. 142621 131894 21266.8 14 193256. ® 112691. 133338. 64963. 18217. 12611. 29628. 71569. 143548 167112 56484.9 15 214129. ® 128430. 135019. 65786. 18448. 12163. 29396. 72476. 145359 184722 7494.4 16 214129. ® 128436. 137515. 67662. 18789. 12388. 29939. 73816. 148645 184722 7494.4 17 235003. ® 144168. 148769. 68588. 19234. 12681. 30647. 75563. 151548 262331 91703.9 18 172383. 6 96953.2 138614. 70513. 19774. 13837. 31588. 77684. 155804 149583 38875.5 19 189763. ® 49737.8 99791.6 72744. 28399. 13458. 32505. 80141. 160731 96675. 6 28 5396.16 6 8 35087.4 75237. 21098. 13911. 33619. 82888. 166248 8627.7 6 21 5396.16 6 6 35087.4 77946. 21858. 14412. 34829. 85873. 172227 8627.7 6 22 68616.2 ® 18268.9 73989.9 88822. 22665. 14943. 36114. 89641. 178588 61456. 6 23 151569. ® 81214.7 125673. 83809. 23582. 15496. 37449. 92332. 185182 131894 21266.8 24 47142.9 B 2522.46 66969.1 86854. 24356. 16059. 38818. 95686. 191909 43846. 6 Daily totals 2356851 ® 1265436 1895358 2E+86 492895 324985 785382 2E+06 4E+66 2E+06 564849. BTU/YR 524927612. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC GAL/YR FUEL DISPLACED BY CONCEPT 1 77 6 385 577535 158 99 239 589 = 1159 628 172 5,249 Page 70 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY Heat demand by hour by month (BTU) for Concept 2, the Main school building. HOUR = JAN 1 842488. 2 812956. 3 783975. 4 756083. 5 729801. 6 705619. 7 683985. 8 665305. 9 649925. 18 638132. 11 630146. 12 626115. 13 626115. 14 630146. 15 638132. 16 649925. 17 665305. 18 683986. 19 705619. 26 729882. 21 756083. 22 783975. 23 812956. 24 842488. 2E+87 FEB 709715. 684837. 660423. 636927. 614787. 594416. 576192. 560455. 547499. 537565. 530837. 527442. 527442. 530837. 537565. 547499. 560455. 576192. 594416. 614787. 636927. 660423. 684837. 769715. 1E+87 MAR APR MAY 639348. 424189. 206642 616937. 489243. 199398 594944. 394654. 192298 573777. 380613. 185449 553833. 367383. 179002 535481. 355209. 173071 519864. 344319. 167765 504887. 334915. 163183 493216. 327173. 159411 484266. 321236. 156518 478206. 317216. 154559 475147. 315187. 153571 475147. 315187. 153571 478206. 317216. 154559 484266. 321236. 156518 493216. 327173. 159411 584887. 334915. 163183 519864. 344319. 167765 535481. 355289. 173871 553833. 367383. 179002 573777. 380613. 185449 594944. 394654. 192290 616937. 489243. 199398 639348. 424189. 206642 1E+87 8582527 4E+06 Page 71 g 8 Been BEBBEaseese sae eee esaaans ABE e Be BEABAHASEAAAAHSHHRASAARABSE AUG SEP OCT NOV 8 227656 456586 681696 ® 219676 448582 657808 ® 211845 424875 634350 ® 204308 469759 611782 8 197286 395516 598516 198671 382416 576948 184826 378686 553444 179778 368562 538329 175622 352227 525884 172435 345835 516342 176277 341587 569880 169188 339323 506619 169188 339323 506619 176277 341587 589880 172435 345836 516342 175622 352227 525884 179778 368562 538329 184826 370686 553444 198671 382418 576948 197286 395516 590516 204308 409759 611782 ® 211845 424875 634350 8 219676 440582 657800 ® 227656 456586 681696 6 SE+66 9E+O6 1E+87 BSBSBBoEBARHREAHTHASASBAA DEC 821473. 792678. 764420. 737224. 711598. 688018. 666925. 648718. 633714. 622215. 614428. 610498. 610498. 614428. 622215. 633714. 648710. 666925. 688018. 711598. 737224. 764420. 792679. 821474. 2E+87 BTU/YR 3883964228 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY HOUR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 16 NW 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 26 2 22 23 24 DAILY TOTAL FUEL DISPLACED BY CONCEPT 2 Heat delivered by hour by month JAN 5396.16 Sea aes 5396.16 88889.6 88889 .6 193256. 214129. 193256. 151589. 193256. 214129. 214129. 235003. 172383. 169763. 5396.16 5396.16 68616.2 151589. 47142.9 2356851 JAN 77 FEB SeRseeoeoessn sds sBBesesessaanassns MAR 8 a 33999 .3 33999.3 112691. 128438. 112691. 81214.7 112691. 128436. 1284306. 144168. 96953.2 49737.8 6 6 18268.9 81214.7 APR 35087 .4 9205.82 8 8 6 6 35087.4 86850.7 86856.7 151554. 164495. 151554. 125673. 151554. 164495. 164495. 177436. 138614. 99791.6 35087 .4 35087.4 73989.9 125673. 6 2522.46 66969.1 B 1265436 2073477 4E+66 FEB MAR 385 APR 631 (BTU's) MAY 206642 166694 121578 118289 116289 144132 144132 163183 159411 156518 154559 153571 153571 154559 156518 159411 163183 167765 173871 179862 177975 177975 177975 200537 AUG BS OO eOeOnoOoOBBBEEABVDEeEeasse ss saass g SSeeesBOBnsBsaee®se BVP saasssesaans = Sooo esBEBBDassBseB®DQeBQoe Ssas MAY 1166 AUG 6 ai af Page 72 SEP ocT NOV DEC 227656 320442 8627.7 219676 211845 284308 197266 198671 184826 179778 175622 172435 176277 169188 169188 176277 172435 175622 179778 184826 196671 197286 204308 211845 219676 227656 5E+O6 ‘SEP 1401 231241 159888 142848 142848 195568 195568 231241 320442 345835 231241 339323 339323 341587 345836 352227 320442 356123 382418 320442 249081 249881 249881 284762 TE+O6 ocT 2021 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8627.7 6 79865. 6 79865. 6 167112 56484.9 184722 74694.4 167112 56484.9 131894 21266.8 167112 56484.9 184722 74094 .4 184722 74094.4 282331 91703.9 149583 38875.5 96675. 8 8627.7 6 8627.7 6 61456. 6 131894 21266.8 43846. 8 2E+B6 564849. NOV-DEC 628 172 BTU/YR 712164695. GAL/YR 7,122 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY DAILY TOTAL = wovaneun-8 eRe eee woe ao PRQRBRPRSsGRGrAsStsS Heat demand by hour by month (BTU) for Concept 3 buildings. JAN 1176858 1135599 1095115 1056154 1619442 985661. 955442. 929348. 907864. 891391. 886235. 874605. 874605. 888235. 891391. 907864. 929348. 955443. 985661. 1819442 1056154 1695115 1135599 1176851 2E+07 FEB 991383. 956632. 922529. 889708. 858781. 830325. 804868. 782886. 764788. 750911. 741513. 736778. 736778. 741513. 750911. 764788. 782886. 804868. 830325. 858781. 889708. 922529. 956632. 991383. 2E+87 MAR 893096. 861784. 831662. 801496. 773635. 748600. 725667. 705265. 688961. 676468. 667994. 663721. 663721. 667994. 676468. 688961. 705265. 725667. 748008. 773635. 801496. 831862. 861784. 893090. 2E+87 APR MAY 592428. 288653 571662. 278535 551282. 268605 531669. 259849 513188. 250044 496183. 241759 486971. 234347 467835. 227946 457620. 222677 448727. 218636 443111. 215988 440277. 214519 440277. 214519 443111. 215988 448727. 218636 457620. 222677 467835. 227946 480971. 234347 496183. 241759 513188. 250044 531669. 259049 551282. 268605 571662. 278535 592428. 288653 JUN 17283. 16608. 16068. 15439. 14962. 14408. 13966. 13585. 13271. 13030. 12867. 12785. 12785. 12867. 13038. 13271. 13585. 13966. 14408. 14982. 15439. 16688. 16688. 17203. JUL 11343. 10945. 10555. 16179. 9825.8 9500.2 9268.9 8957.4 8750.4 8591.6 8484.1 8429.8 8429.8 8484.1 8591.6 8750.4 8957.4 9208.9 9500.2 9825.8 16179. 10555. 16945. 11343. AUG 27412. 26451. 25508. 24608. 23745. 22958. 22255. 21647. 21146. 20763. 20563. 20372. 20372. 20583. 20763. 21146. 21647. 22255. 22958. 23745. 24660. 25568. 26451. 27412. 1E+87 6E+86 348141 229543 554731 Page 73 SEP 318007 306860 295921 285393 275472 266344 258179 251127 245322 240871 237856 236335 236335 237856 240871 245322 251127 258179 266344 275472 285393 295921 306868 3188067 6E+6 ocT 637794 615438 593498 572383 552486 534179 517882 503668 492017 483089 477843 473992 473992 477043 483089 492017 503668 517882 534179 552486 572383 593498 615438 637794 1E+B7 NOV 952244 918865 886108 854583 824877 797544 773092 751978 734594 721265 712239 707683 767683 712239 721265 734594 751978 773892 797544 824877 854583 886168 918865 952244 2E+87 DEC 1147496 1187273 1867799 1629816 994813. 961876. 931611. 906167. 885219. 869157. 858279. 852789. 852789. 858279. 869157. 885219. 906167. 931611. 961876. 994013. 1629816 1867799 1107273 1147496 2E+87 BTU/YR 4342360651 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY DAILY TOTAL FUEL DISPLACED BY CONCEPT 3 Heat delivered by hour by month HOUR = JAN 1 5396.16 VP wun Baa an 6 7 5396.16 8 88889.6 9 88889.6 18 193256. 11214129. 12 193256. 13 151509. 14 193256. 15 214129. 16 214129. 17 235003. 18 172383. 19 189763. 28 5396.16 21 5396.16 22 68616.2 23 151589. 24 47142.9 2356851 JAN 7 FEB FEB Bee eeoeBee Boo sBssae ee aasaaaas MAR APR 6 35087.4 9205.82 6 6 6 6 8 35087.4 33999.3 86850.7 33999.3 86850.7 112691. 151554. 128430. 164495. 112691. 151554. 81214.7 125673. 112691. 151554. 128430. 164495. 128436. 164495. 144168. 177436. 96953.2 138614. 49737.8 99791.6 6 35087.4 6 35687.4 18268.9 73909.9 81214.7 125673. 2522.46 60969.1 1265436 2673477 Beoaaa MAR APR 385 631 (BTU's) MAY 223699 166694 121578 116289 116289 144132 144132 166694 222677 218636 166694 214519 214519 215988 218636 222677 223699 234347 241759 223699 177975 177975 177975 200537 5E+O6 MAY 1388 Page 74 JUN JUL AUG 17203. 16600. 16688. 15439. 14982. 14408. 13966. 13585. 13271. 13030. 12867. 12785. 12785. 12867. 13036. 13271. 13585. 13966. 14468. 14982. 15439. 16088. 16680. 17283. 11343. 27412. 18945. 26451. 10555. 25588. 16179. 24600. 9825.8 23745. 9506.2 22958. 9208.9 22255. 8957.4 21647. 8758.4 21146. 8591.6 20763. 8484.1 20503. 8429.8 20372. 8429.8 20372. 8484.1 20503. 8591.6 20763. 8758.4 21146. 8957.4 21647. 9208.9 22255. 9500.2 22958. 9825.8 23745. 10179. 24688. 10555. 25588. 16945. 26451. 11343. 27412. 348141 229543 554731 JUN JUL AUG 166 7 169 SEP ocT NOV DEC 318007 320442 8627.7 306868 295921 285393 275472 266344 258179 251127 245322 248871 237856 236335 236335 237856 240871 245322 251127 258179 266344 275472 285393 295921 306868 318007 6E+6 SEP 1958 231241 159886 142048 142048 195560 195568 231241 320442 356123 231241 373963 409643 445324 409643 409643 320442 356123 409643 320442 249081 249881 249681 284762 TE+O6 ocT 2133 167112 56484. 184722 74694. 167112 56484.9 131894 21266.8 167112 56484.9 184722 74094.4 184722 74094 .4 282331 91703.9 149583 38875.5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8627.7 6 79865. 6 79665. 6 9 4 96675. 6 8627.7 6 8627.7 6 61456. 6 131894 21266.6 43846. a 2E+06 564849. NOV-DEC 628 172 BTU/YR 834870781. GAL/YR 8,349 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY Heat demand by hour by month (BTU) for JAN 1349771 1302458 1256026 1211348 1169233 1138498 1095831 1865982 1041261 16 1622368 11 1689573 12 1083115 13 1803115 14 1889573 15 1622368 16 1041261 17 1865902 18 1695831 19 1130498 28 1169234 21 1211348 22 1256826 23 1382458 24 1349771 DAILY TOTAL 3E+O7 wonryrnuewUn = g FEB MAR 1137052 1024316 1697195 988411. 1058081 953175. 1026437 919263. 984966. 887309. 952328. 857907. 923132. 831605. 897920. 808893. 877162. 798194. 861246. 775856. 850468. 766146. 845028. 761245. 845028. 761245. 850468. 766146. 861246. 775856. 877162. 798194. 897928. 888893. 923132. 831605. 952329. 857987. 984967. 887309. 1628438 919264. 1058881 953175. 1697195 988411. 1137852 1824316 2E+07 = 2E+87 APR 679476. 655659. 632285. 6097968. 588593. 569098. 551642. 536576. 524172. 514661. 508228. 584969. 584969. 508228. 514661. 524172. 536576. 551642. 569098. 588594. 609798. 632285. 655659. 679476. MAY JUN JUL 331066 29697. 319461 28877. 308073 27076. 297112 26113. 286784 25205. 277281 243708. 268780 23623. 261446 22978. 255396 22446. 258762 22039. 247623 21763. 246046 21624. 246048 21624. 247623 21763. 256762 22839. 255396 22446. 261448 22978. 268786 23623. 277281 24378. 286784 25205. 297112 26113. 308073 27676. 319461 28877. 331066 29697. 19185. 18512. 17852. 17217. 16619. 16068. 15575. 15150. 14800. 14531. 14349. 14257. 14257. 14349, 14531. 14880. 15150. 15575. 16068. 16619. 17217. 17852. 18512. 19185. Concept 4 buildings. AUG 46364. 44739. 43144. 41689. 40162. 38832. 37641. 36613. 35767. 35118. 34678. 34456. 34456. 34678. 35118. 35767. 36613. 37641. 38832. 40162. 41689. 43144. 44739. 46364. SEP OCT 364734 731508 351949 705867 339402 680703 327327 656486 315949 633666 305480 612669 296114 593885 288027 577665 281368 564311 276263 554072 272806 547138 271861 543638 271861 543638 272886 547138 276263 554072 281368 564311 288827 577665 296114 593885 305488 612669 315949 633666 327327 656486 339402 680703 351949 705867 364734 731569 1E+87 7E+06 588835 388243 938254 7E+66 1E+07 Page 75 NOV 1E+66 1E+66 1E+66 980151 946088 914731 886687 862476 842532 827244 816892 811666 811666 816892 827244 842532 862476 886687 914731 946088 980151 1E+06 1E+06 1E+06 2E+67 DEC 1316103 1269978 1224697 1181126 1140069 1182291 1868497 1639315 1815289 996866. 984391. 978094. 978894. 984391. 996866. 1615289 1039315 1868497 1162292 1148869 1181126 1224697 1269978 1316104 3E+O7 4999168651 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY DAILY TOTAL FUEL DISPLACED BY CONCEPT 4 Heat delivered by hour by month HOUR = JAN 1 5396.16 Ve wn aBESaS 6 7 5396.16 8 88889.6 9 88889.6 16 193256. 14 214129. 12 193256. 13 151509. 14 193256. 15 214129. 16 214129. 17 235003. 18 172383. 19 169763. 26 5396.16 21 5396.16 22 68816.2 23 151589. 24 47142.9 2356851 JAN 717 FEB MAR 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 33999.3 33999.3 112691. 128430. 112691. 81214.7 112691. 128430. 128438. 144168. 96953.2 49737.8 6 6 6 18268.9 BSBseseoeSBBnss BB essa aeaeaeas APR 35087.4 9205.82 8 6 8 6 35087.4 86858.7 86850.7 151554. 164495. 151554. 125673. 151554. 164495. 164495. 177436. 138614. 99791.6 35087 .4 35687.4 73969.9 (BTU’s) MAY JUN JUL 223699 29897. 166694 28877. 121576 27876. 118289 26113. 116289 25285. 144132 24376. 144132 23623. 166694 22978. 223099 22446. 245662 22039. 166694 21763. 246048 21624. 246048 21624. 247623 21763. 258762 22039. 255396 22446. 223699 22978. 245662 23623. 277281 24376. 223099 25205. 177975 26113. 177975 27676. 6 81214.7 125673. 177975 28677. ® 2522.46 60969.1 260537 29097. 19185. 18512. 17852. 17217. 16619. 16068. 15575. 15158. 14800. 14531. 14349. 14257. 14257. 14349. 14531. 14880. 15158. 15575. 16868. 16619. 17217. 17852. 18512. 19185. AUG 46364. 44739. 43144. 41609. 40162. 38832. 37641. 36613. 35767. 35118. 34678. 34456. 34456. 34678. 35118. 35767. 36613. 37641. 38832. 40162. 41609. 43144. 44739. 46364. SEP OCT 364734 320442 351949 231241 339482 159886 327327 142048 315949 142648 305480 195568 296114 195568 288827 231241 281368 320442 276263 356123 272886 231241 271061 373963 271061 469643 272806 445324 276263 469643 281368 429643 288027 320442 296114 356123 305488 409643 315949 320442 327327 249081 339462 249081 351949 249881 364734 284762 NOV DEC 8627.7 6 6 6 6 6 6 8627.7 6 79865. 8 79665. 6 167112 56484.9 184722 74694.4 167112 56484.9 131894 21266.6 167112 56484.9 184722 74094.4 184722 74094.4 202331 91783.9 149583 38875.5 ® 1265436 2673477 5E+66 588835 388243 938254 7E+06 7E+06 2E+06 564849. FEB MAR 8 385 APR 631 MAY JUN JUL 1452 179 Page 76 118 AUG 285 SEP OCT 2245 = 2133 96675. 6 8627.7 6 8627.7 6 61456. 6 131894 21266. 43846. 6 NOV-DEC 628 172 BTU/YR 894566866. GAL/YR 8,946 7ORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY Bwmrsraueuwun = g " 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 DAILY TOTAL Heat demand by hour by month (BTU) for Concept 5 buildings. JAN 1763886 1644154 1585541 1529132 1475978 1427678 1383318 1345538 1314433 1298583 1274431 1266280 1266288 1274431 1298583 1314433 1345538 1383319 14270678 1475978 1529132 1585541 1644154 1763888 3E+O7 FEB 1435354 1385041 1335665 1288146 1243369 1262169 1165312 1133486 1187283 1687191 1873585 1666718 1066718 1873585 1087191 1187283 1133486 1165312 1282169 12433768 1288146 1335665 1385841 1435354 3E+O7 MAR 1293842 1247718 1283237 1160438 1128692 1682977 1849774 1821104 997499. 979399. 967142. 960956. 960956. 967142. 979399. 997499. 1821164 1849774 1682977 1128692 1160438 1283237 1247718 1293042 3E+67 APR 857735. 827669. 798163. 769767. 743089. 718389. 696364. 677345. 661687. 649681. 641550. 637447. 637447. 641558. 649681. 661687. 677346. 696364. 718389. 743069. 769767. 798163. 827669. 857735. MAY JUN JUL AUG 35244. 34069. 32796. 31629. 30538. 29518. 28613. 27832. 27188. 26695. 26361. 26192. 26192. 26361. 26695. 27188. 27832. 28613. 29518. 30530. 31629. 32796. 34009. 35244. 417928 53454. 403271 51580. 388895 49741. 375859 47972. 362622 46364. 350626 44776. 339294 43397. 330828 42212. 322398 41236. 316548 40488. 312587 39981. 310587 39725. 318587 39725. 312587 39981. 316548 40488. 322398 41236. 330628 42212. 339294 43397. 350826 44776. 362622 46304. 375859 47972. 388895 49741. 403271 51588. 417928 53454. 2E+87 8E+06 1E+86 Page 77 85174. 82188. 79258. 76439. 73781. 71337. 69158. 67261. 65766. 64514. 63766. 63299. 63299. 63766. 64514. 65766. 67261. 69158. 71337. 73781. 76439. 79258. 82188. 85174. SEP OCT 460421 923418 444282 891049 428443 859284 413288 828713 398837 799966 385621 773401 373799 749689 363598 729214 355185 712357 348748 699431 344375 696678 342173 686266 342173 686268 344375 690678 348748 699431 355185 712357 363598 729214 373799 749689 385621 773461 398837 799986 413268 828713 428443 859284 444282 891849 460421 923418 713229 2E+06 9E+66 2E+87 NOV 1E+66 1E+86 1E+66 1E+86 1E+66 1E+86 1E+86 1E+86 1E+86 1E+66 1E+86 1E+06 1E+06 1E+B6 1E+B6 1E+66 1E+86 1E+06 1E+O6 1E+86 1E+66 1E+66 1E+06 1E+86 3E+O7 DEC 1661379 1603143 1545992 1498998 1439163 1391474 1348814 1311976 1281647 1258391 1242643 1234694 1234694 1242643 1258391 1281647 1311976 1348814 1391474 1439163 1498998 1545992 1683143 1661379 3E+67 BTU/YR 6344168651 FCRT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY DAILY TOTAL FUEL DISPLACED BY CONCEPT 5 Heat delivered by hour by month JAN 5396.16 Beane 5396.16 88889.6 88889.6 16 193256. 11 214129. 12 193256. 13 151509. 14 193256. 15 214129. 16 214129. 17 235003. 18 172383. 19 109763. 20 5396.16 21 5396.16 22 68616.2 23 151569. 24 47142.9 2356851 wovausunwe JAN 717 FEB MAR APR 6 35087.4 6 9205.82 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 35687.4 33999.3 86850.7 33999.3 86850.7 112691. 151554. 128436. 164495. 112691. 151554. 81214.7 125673. 112691. 151554. 128430. 164495. 128438. 164495. 144168. 177436. 96953.2 138614. 49737.8 99791.6 6 35087.4 6 35087.4 18260.9 73909.9 81214.7 125673. 2522.46 66969.1 ® 1265436 2073477 BSB ood BsoBsBseew2eAee ses wae eaaaa FEB MAR APR 6 385 631 (BTU's) MAY JUN JUL 223899 53454. 166694 51580. 121576 49741. 116289 47972. 116289 46364. 144132 44776. 144132 43397. 166694 42212. 223099 41236. 245662 40488. 166694 39981. 256943 39725. 279585 39725. 302067 39981. 279585 46488. 279505 41236. 223099 42212. 245662 43397. 279505 44776. 223099 46304. 177975 47972. 177975 49741. 177975 51586. 208537 53454. 35244. 34009. 32796. 31629. 30538. 29518. 28613. 27832. 27188. 26695. 26361. 26192. 26192. 26361. 26695. 27188. 27832. 28613. 29518. 30530. 31629. 32796. 34009. 35244. AUG 85174. 82188. 79258. 76439. 73781. 71337. 69158. 67261. 65766. 64514. 63766. 63299. 63299. 63766. 64514. 65706. 67261. 69158. 71337. 73781. 76439. 79258. 82188. 85174. SEP OCT 460421 320442 444282 231241 428443 159886 413200 142048 398837 142048 385621 195568 373799 195566 3635968 231241 355185 320442 348748 356123 344375 231241 342173 373963 342173 469643 344375 445324 348740 469643 355185 409643 363598 320442 373799 356123 385621 469643 398837 320442 413208 249881 428443 249081 444282 249081 460421 284762 NOV-DEC 8627.7 6 8627.7 79865. 79665. 167112 56484. 184722 74894. 167112 56484.9 131894 21266.6 167112 56484.9 184722 74894 .4 184722 74094.4 282331 9173.9 149583 38875.5 5E+B6 1E+86 713229 2E+06 9E+06 7E+O6 2E+66 564849. MAY JUN JUL 1498 329 Page 78 217 AUG 524 SEP OCT 2834 = 2133 96675. 6 8627.7 a 8627.7 6 61456. 8 131894 21266.6 43846. 6 NOV-DEC 628 172 BTU/YR 1866923892 GAL/YR 18,069 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 79 Contact Names FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 The following people were contacted in the field: The following people were contacted in the field: Nancy James David Thomas Grafton Bergman Tom Knudson Sampson Peters - President of G-Z Corporation, City Council Member 662-2322 - Operator of G-Z power plant 622-2359 - City Public Works Director, City Fire Chief City Water/Sewer Superintendent Chairman of G-Z Corp. Utilities Board 662-2479 - City Manager 662-2479 - Yukon Flats Sch. Dist. maintenance 662-2452 Page 80 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 Cost Estimates Page 81 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SIMPLE ECONOMIC SUMMARY COST SUMMARY CONCEPT 1 $148,649 $44,595 $193,244 CONCEPT 2 $863,609 $259,083 | $1,122,692 CONCEPT 3 $923,129 $276,939 | $1,200,068 CONCEPT 4 $937,833 $281,350] $1,219,183 CONCEPT 5 $958,323 $287,497 | $1,245,820 FUEL OIL SAVINGS SUMMARY ela ae ea ONCEP $1.339 $ SA CONCEPT 1 5,249 $7,026 CONCEPT 2 7,122 $9,533 CONCEPT 3 8,349 $11,175 CONCEPT 4 8,946 $11,974 CONCEPT 5 10,069 $13,477 SIMPLE PAYBACK SUMMARY CONCEPT 1 $193,244 $7,026 CONCEPT 2 $1,122,692 $9,533 117.8 CONCEPT 3 $1,200,068 $11,175 107.4 CONCEPT 4 $1,219,183 $11,974 101.8 CONCEPT 5 $1,245,820 $13,477 92.4 Page 82 €9 eBdg Cost Consultant HMS, Inc. 4103 Minnesota Drive Anchorage, Alaska (907) 561-1653 (907) 562-0420 FAX 99503 CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM FT. YUKON, ALASKA HMS 9009 Engineer FPE Consulting Engineers 560 East 34th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska January 30, 1990 99503 vg eBDg WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 1 FT. YUKON, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY JANUARY 30, 1990 NOTES REGARDING THE PREPARATION OF THIS ESTIMATE This study has been prepared from fourteen (14) 8 1/2"x11" sketches and narratives linking nine (9) buildings. There are five (5) Concepts for this study. The estimate is priced using A.S. Title 36 prevailing labor rates and current materials and equipment prices to reflect a competitively bid date of Spring 1990. This is a statement of probable construction cost only and excludes the following costs. 1. A/E fees 2. Administrative costs 3. Cost for any other remodel work 4. Cost of asbestos abatement, if found in existing pipes/equipment. gg eBdd WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM FT. YUKON, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY PAGE 2 JANUARY 30, 1990 Concept 1 OR 2 OR 8 OR 4 OR 5 1. Arctic Pipe 25,145 464,085 503,286 514,814 532,179 2. Power Plant Modifications 53,864 53,864 53,864 53,864 53,864 3. Furnaces 3,855 2,570 6,540 9,225 13,080 4. Unit Heaters 4,320 2,880 7,200 10,080 14,400 SUBTOTAL 87,184 523,399 570,890 587,983 613,523 5. General Conditions, Overhead & Profit 55% 47,951 50% 261,700 47% 268,318 45% 264,592 42% 257,680 6. Contingencies 10% 13,514 10% 78,510 10% 83,921 10% 85,258 10% 87,120 TOTAL 148,649 863,609 923,129 937,833 958,323 NOTE: Concept 1: G-Z Buildings 2: Main School Only 3: #2 plus Shop and Community Center 4: #3 plus State Office 5: #1 plus #4 98 660d WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 3 FT. YUKON, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY JANUARY 30, 1990 1. ARCTIC PIPE QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Concept 1: G-% Buildings (4) Excavate, backfill and dispose surplus 490 LF 12.50 6,125 Arctic pipe comprising 3/4" copper pipe, 2" polyurethane insulation and 5" Pvc jacket pipe (2) 980 LF 17.50 17,150 Connect 3/4" tee 1 EA 165.00 165 Connect 3/4" cross 1 EA 215.00 2S Connect 3/4" bend 2 EA 120.00 240 Connect arctic pipe to buildings 10 EA 125.00 1,250 29 e60g WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 4 FT. YUKON, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY JANUARY 30, 1990 1. ARCTIC PIPE QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Concept 2: Main School Only Excavate, backfill and dispose surplus 3,930 LF 12550 49,125 Arctic pipe comprising 3" schedule 40 steel pipe, 2" polyurethane insulation and 7" Pvc jacket pipe (2) 7,860 LF 52.50 412,650 3" tee 3 EA 280.00 840 3" cross 1 EA 400.00 400 3" bend 7 EA 210.00 1,470 Connect arctic pipe to buildings 4 EA 150.00 600 9g 860d WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM FT. YUKON, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY PAGE 5 JANUARY 30, 1990 1. ARCTIC PIPE QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Concept 3: Main School, School Shop and Community Center All as Concept 2 1 LOT 465,085 Excavate, backfill and dispose surplus 475 LF 12.50 5,938 2 1/2" schedule 40 arctic pipe, 2" insulation and 8" PVC jacket (2) 334 LF 35.70 11,924 1 1/2" ditto with 6" PVC jackets (2) 616 LF 31.50 19,404 1 1/2" bend 1 EA 155.00 155 Connect arctic pipe to buildings 4 EA 195.00 780 68 080d WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 6 FT. YUKON, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY JANUARY 30, 1990 1. ARCTIC PIPE QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Concept 4: State Office Building All as Concept 3 1 LOT 503,286 Excavate, backfill and dispose surplus 145 LF 12.50 1,813 1 1/4" schedule 40 arctic pipe, 2" insulation and 6" PVC jacket 290 LF 31.50 9,135 1 1/4" bend : 2 EA 140.00 280 Connect arctic pipe to buildings 2 EA 150.00 300 06 eBbg WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 7 FT. YUKON, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY JANUARY 30, 1990 1. ARCTIC PIPE QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Concept 5: Combines G-Z Buildings and Concept 4 All as Concept 4 1 LOT 514,814 Excavate, backfill and dispose surplus 310 LF 12.50 3,875 3/4" arctic pipe and 5" PVC jacket to G-Z (2) 620 LF 17.50 10,850 3/4" bends 4 EA 120.00 480 3" to 3/4" reducer 4 EA 210.00 840 Connect to buildings 8 EA 165.00 1,320 16 @60d WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 8 FT. YUKON, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY JANUARY 30, 1990 SUMMARY OF MODIFICATIONS TO BUILDINGS QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE SUBTOTALS TOTALS 2. POWER PLANT 1 LOT 53 3. FURNACES G-Z Buildings (Concept 1) 3 EA 1285.00 3,855 School Building (Concept 2) 2 EA 1285.00 2,570 School and Shop and Community Center (Concept 3) 5 EA 1285.00 6,425 Modulating valve at Community Center 1 EA 115.00 115 Total Concept 3 6,540 School and Shop and Community Center and State Office (Concept 4) 7 EA 1285.00 8,995 Modulating Valves (Community Center and State Office) 2 EA 115.00 230 Total Concept 4 9,225 G-Z Building and Concept 4 (Concept 5) all as Concepts 4 and 1 10 LOTS 1285.00 12,850 Modulating valves 2 EA 115.00 230 Total Concept 5 13,080 26 080d WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 9 FT. YUKON, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY JANUARY 30, 1990 SUMMARY QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE TOTALS 4. UNIT HEATERS G-Z Building (Concept 1) 3 EA 1440.00 4,320 School Building (Concept 2) 2 EA 1440.00 2,880 School and Shop and Community Center (Concept 3) 5 EA 1440.00 7,200 School and Shop and Community Center and State Office (Concept 4) a EA 1440.00 10,080 G-Z Building and Concept 4 (Concept 5) 10 EA 1440.00 14,400 €6 eBDq WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 10 FT. YUKON, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY JANUARY 30, 1990 MODIFICATIONS TO POWER PLANT QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Cut existing pipes for new equipment 6 EA 110.00 660 700 MB, 20 gauge stainless steel heat exchanger 2 EA 5250.00 10,500 1/2 HP circulation pump 1 EA 985.00 985 40 gallon generator cooling expansion tanks 2 EA 1120.00 2,240 400 gallon heat recovery ditto 1 EA 4700.00 4,700 Air separator 1 EA 550.00 550 85 GPM, 240' head, 9 HP circulation pump 1 EA 3870.00 3,870 1 HP circulation pump 1 EA 1270.00 1,270 4" insulated schedule 40 steel header 80 LF 42.00 3,360 3" ditto 250 LF 30.50 7,625 4" gate valves 14 EA 390.00 5,460 4" check valves 4 EA 370.00 1,480 76 BD WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 11 FT. YUKON, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY JANUARY 30, 1990 MODIFICATIONS TO POWER PLANT QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST 3" gate valves 20 EA 285.00 5,700 3" check valve 1 EA 250.00 250 3" strainers 2 EA 225.00 450 3" balance valve 1 EA 185.00 185 4" tees and elbows 8 EA 120.00 960 3" ditto 14 EA 98.50 1,379 Connections to equipment 28 EA 80.00 2,240 96 eB WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 12 FT. YUKON, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY JANUARY 30, 1990 TYPICAL FURNACE MODIFICATIONS QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Cut and install new hydronic coil in existing ducts 1 EA 325.00 325 Ditto filter 1 EA 115.00 115 1" glycol supply and return lines connected to H.C. (2) 30 LF 16.50 495 Connect pipes to arctic pipe 2 EA 45.00 90 1" gate valves 2 EA 40.00 80 1" balance valve 1 EA 35.00 35 1" strainer 1 EA 25.00 25 1" tees and elbows 6 EA 20.00 120 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: BB 96 @60d WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 13 FT. YUKON, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY JANUARY 30, 1990 TYPICAL MODULATING VALVES AT FURNACE QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST (Only at State Building and Community Center) 1" modulating valve 1 EA 115.00 115 16 880d WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM FT. YUKON, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY UNIT HEATERS QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE PAGE 14 JANUARY 30, 1990 ESTIMATED COST 200 MBH new unit heater Thermostat 3/4" supply and return pipes (2) 3/4" gate valves 3/4" balance valve 3/4" tees/elbows Connection to supply and return and equipment LF EA EA EA EA 25 90 80 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 Raw Data POWER PLANT Generator: Cat 3508, 600 KW, (used in winter) Radiator: Young, model # MWC 106D7. This cooling system was connected to the existing waste heat recovery system. Operating Conditions during site visit: 240 V, 1150 Amps, 60 Hz. Min. Return Temp to Generator: Not available. Engine Design Flow and Max External Pressure: Not available. Generator: Cat 3412, 480 KW, (used in summer) Radiator: Young, model # MWC 8607 Operating Conditions during site visit: not operating. Min. Return Temp to Generator: Not available. Engine Design Flow and Max External Pressure: Not available. Generator: Cat 343, 275 KW, (used in summer) Radiator: Cat, Engine mounted Operating Conditions during site visit: not operating. Min. Return Temp to Generator: Not available. Engine Design Flow and Max External Pressure: Not available. Page 98 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 USER BUILDINGS G-Z Office Building Furnace: 105,000 BTUH, fuel oil fired, vertical configuration residential type, gravity return. Located in basement. Fan cycles with burner to maintain setpoint. G-Z Garage Furnace: Approximately 250,000 BTUH Used as required when garage is in use. G-Z residential buildings (2) Furnace: 105,000 BTUH, fuel oil fired, vertical configuration residential type, gravity return. Fan cycles with burner to maintain setpoint. Main School Building Three furnaces: each rated at approx. 1 million BTUH. Fan runs continuously to provide ventilation, burner cycles to maintain setpoint. School Shop Building Furnace: rated at 150,000 BTUH. Fan cycles with burner to maintain setpoint. Page 99 FORT YUKON WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 2, 1990 Community Center Furnace: rated at apprx. 400,000 BTUH. Fan runs continuously and burner cycles to maintain setpoint. State Office Building Furnace: rated at apprx. 250,000 BTUH. Fan runs continuously and burner cycles to maintain setpoint. Page 100 ne o+? -FT FPE _ consuttine ENGINEERS et 560 E. 34th Avenue, Suite 300 SHEET NO: OF ‘Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Be Ph. (907) 561-1666 CALCULATED BY FAX (907) 561-7028 DATE CHECKED BY DATE -. SCALE ie STIMATE, OF LoAD ON RXISTING HEAT RRCoVREY SYSTE Ww: DOMESTIC LyAteeR 8 O HE Ayemroe (pire Use Kearel 2O° From He LyRLE TO THRE DO(STELBUTPON SYST /. Uses & IALOOO BraH#. (D HEAT Loss feo THE OR STE LoS ESTIAATEL FeRon AM Esrit-sr£l) SYSBEM UA VACUR OF 5208 BUH/F TRMmes THE DECKER DAYS Tir eur. @© Ws sVsrenw ic Shut TUNE, OULY, AuGUS Gk Bide, SHOP RATINGS beh =LOSs PND CohmeusnreN me wks LumPer Ineo AN @arertedy Buicdine U-A yvauke of 8B4O BMn/ °F. PRODUCT 204.1 (WEBS) Inc. Groton, Mass. 01471