HomeMy WebLinkAboutNewhalen Waste Heat Feasibility Report 1985Newhalen Waste Heat Feasibility Report ~ by Peter N. Hansen Rural Systems Engineer Brent N. Petrie Edwin L. Morris Director/Systems Planning - Associate Executive Director/Planning Robert D. Heath Executive Director © 1985 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 1128/458 . | | I i l NEWHALEN WASTE HEAT SYSTEM FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS TABLE OF CONTENTS ana aon oo Oo PHPHPHLHLHL WWWW WW POP PY PON PY PO eee ary ee . . Page No. 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.....cccccccscccscvcccccccce 1 1.1 Introduction and Background...........6- 1 1.2 CONCTUSIONS. ... cee ec ceeecccccecseeeeeees 2 -0 FACILITY DESCRIPTION. <s..cccessasesncnesemeses 3 1 GENEVal... cece eee e cree eee ce ce eccececes 3 ae POW? Plantain cscesrnnreeworerineiseseccees 3 =o SCNOON isi ccsc dee scapiecsnmsccwumnesnmmnes 4 4 WaSheteria....ccccceccccccccccccecsveves 5 “o City Building............. Pies sisierrsies 6 -6 Utility OF f1Cessccacccasasscnsonseennens 6 .0 WASTE HEAT SYSTEM CONCEPTS............eeeeeee 7 el GENEral... ccc cece cece e ce cce ce esceeeeeees 7 ae GCONCEDE Ais reis 1001010101610 010101 8:01.00 101016: 0:010 jorere: 90 8 < CONCEDE Bi sssasscacssscasdensnnesssanaes 8 4 CONCODE Cre 5 tein a: i0in eters: os 10 totes) 0 winisi 010) 0 elie wisigie,e 8 5 CONCEPE Dissccsccsnsscecanesnnnvecaanees 8 sO COST ESTIMATES ois i6.c:00 csisieiaescirssicmieiee es eiieisee 11 el GENeral..ccccccccccccccccccccccceceseees 11 2 COMCe pt Ais iaisis: «0s wisiereie teies oie ieieiereiw easels or0.e 12 so CONCEPT: Bisc.coccccsgsesscssssaresasoness 13 4 Concept Cr... cece eee ece cece cece eeeees 14 35 Concept Disswccssiwassemoscenmossommaces 15 O ECONOMIC ANALYSIS. «ccnicinecsisicesisiwieeeswiivesis 16 1 Generals sccsccsceaacsscassceawnessancoen 16 ae Concept Ar.rrccccscccccccccsccccscccveees 7 ad CONCEPE Bis.cdsscuscisswiuistoccamsecenqes er 18 4 Concept Cr... .cccscccscccccccccceeccveees 18 5 Concept. Di cnicscscmaswendnvsswanewenmaneis 18 O CONCLUSIONS 0:00 cieree:tejieieins sistsisie's Iisiei eis teisiai's 20 1 General DiscuSSiONnS........ceeeeccceeeee 20 2 CONCIUSIONS... cece ce cece eee se cece eeccees 21 APPENDICES jccsccccsecencssscsnsosansssenvesseasess 22 A. Computer print out, concept A............ 22 B. Computer print out, concept B............ 28 C. Computer print out, concept C............ 34 D. Computer print out, concept D............ 40 1128/458 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Introduction and Background In the spring of 1985 the City of Newhalen requested that the Alaska Power Authority investigate the feasibility of utilizing waste heat from the local power plant to heat the Washeteria and the new City Building. Power Authority staff made a visit to Newhalen, where the facilities were audited for compatibility with waste heat recovery systems. Due to the proximity of the School and the Iliamna-Newhalen-Nondalton Electric Coop (INNEC) Office Building to the Power Plant, these facilities were also included in the study. Power Authority staff contacted INNEC and Lake and Peninsula School District staffs, as well as City of Newhalen staff. After return- ing from the site visit, these contacts were expanded in order to obtain a clear picture of power loads, fuel consumptions, future community development plans, etc. Also, Power Authority staff con- tacted various consultants who have worked on relevant projects in Newhalen. Based on the information gathered, staff drew up several concepts for waste heat recovery systems. Staff calculated a preliminary estimate of costs and pay back time for each concept using Lotus 1128/458 Page 1 1-2-3. Using relevant climatic and statistical data as well as a number of assumptions concerning future growth and fuei price de- velopment, this program simulates the operation of the waste heat recapture system over the life span of the project. This study does not include detailed engineering data such as soils conditions, local availability of skilled labor, and local experi- ence in undertaking construction projects. Thus, the cost esti- mates should be used with great caution. The economic analysis of system performance over the life span of tne project is fairly ac- curate, provided that minimum maintenance is performed on the sys- tem. 1.2 Conclusion The most feasible waste heat utilization concept in Newhalen is a system which would deliver heat to the Utility Office and to the School, provided that the proposed central school heating plant be built at the school to provide heat to all buildings. An extension of service to the Washeteria may be marginally feasi- ble, while it is unlikely that provision of heat to the new City Building would be feasible at al?. This may seem surprising con- sidering the closeness of the City Building to the Power Plant; however, due to the expected energy efficiency of the City Build- ing, the potential savings are quite smail. 1128/458 Page 2 2.0 FACILITY DESCRIPTION 2.1 General The following facility description is limited to facilities and items that are relevant in connection with waste heat recovery in Newhalen. 2.2 Power Plant. The INNEC power plant is a well designed and well built facility incorporating three Caterpillar 3412 diesel generator sets. The three generator sets are connected to a common cooling manifold which is connected to three externally mounted horizontal core ra- diators with thermostatically controlled two-speed fan motors. Al- so, the cooling manifold is connected to a flat plate heat exchanger which is designed to transfer heat to a district heating system. Currently this heat exchange system is only being used for heating the fire station, which is housed in one end of the power plant. With limited modifications, the existing heat exchange sys- tem can accommodate a larger district heating system designed to deliver heat to the School, the Washeteria, the City Building and the INNEC Administration Building. ‘The modifications would include minor piping and controls revisions, as well as possibly enlarge- ments of pumps and the heat exchanger. 1128/458 Page 3 2.3 The School The Newhalen School incorporates a large main building of recent construction, plus a number of older and smaller structures of BIA design and construction. The large main building is heated with two oil-fired forced air heating systems, while the smaller build- ings mainly use oi!-fired boilers for heat. Even though the main building has heen prepared for the utilization of waste heat, the School is currently not very well suited for this. Each of the smaller buildings has its own heating system, so several con- nections to the various heating systems would have to be made. This in return increases the cost of installing a waste heat recap- ture system. However, personal communication with Lake and Penin- sula School District staff has indicated that the School District is planning to construct a common neating plant for all buildings. This building would be located fairly close to the Power Plant (in following sections of this report, the new building will be re- ferred to as the School Heating Plant). This would reduce. the num- ber of heating system connections to only one, which in return would improve the feasibility significantly, especially if the con- nection to a waste heat recovery system is planned at the design stage for this building. In this study it is assumed that this School Heating Plant is actually built between the main building and the Power Plant and that ail school buildings are connected to this heating plant prior to waste heat construction. Also, it is 1128/458 Page 4 assumed that the School Heating Plant is designed in such a way that it is suitable for the utilization of waste heat. 2.4 The Washeteria In the Washeteria all heating is provided by an oil-fired boiler. The boiler provides heat for space heating, hot water heating and for clothes drying. Because high temperature air is required for clothes drying, the boiler is operated at 200 degrees Fahrenheit. This makes the Washeteria less suited for waste heat utilization, as 185 degrees Fahrenheit is considered the maximum temperature which can be expected from a waste heat recovery system. Also, a fairly large temperature drop is desirable in a district heating system in order to reduce pumping costs; such temperature drops are difficult to obtain in high temperature systems of the type in- stalled in the Washeteria. If this system is operated at lower temperatures, the drying process will be less efficient and (con- trary to common belief) it will consume more energy even though the air temperature in the dryers will be lower. Depending on the de- sign of the dryers, it might be possible to install a pre-heat coil in the intake-air duct and thereby increase the efficiency of the dryers. 1128/458 Page 5 2.5 The City Building The City Building is a new and highly energy efficient structure equipped with a simple hot water base-board heating system and an electric hot water heater. This type of heating system is well suited for using waste heat, as low temperature heat can be utilized without extensive alterations. Because the heating load in this building is very limited, the feasibility of installing a waste heat recapture system for this building may be questionable. 2.6 INNEC Office Building The INNEC Office Building is located close to the Power Plant and is well suited for the utilization of waste heat. The heating sys- tem consists of an oil-fired boiler connected to sections of baseboard. This system is capable of using fairly low-grade heat, and the connection to the system will be very simple. 1128/458 Page 6 3.0 WASTE HEAT SYSTEM CONCEPTS 3.1 General This section describes the waste heat system concepts that have been investigated in this study. Due to the Alaska Power Authori- ty's extensive experience with waste heat recapture systems, this study will not attempt to investigate all possible waste heat sys- tem concepts for use in Newhalen. Based on the field date collect- ed, it seems clear to Power Authority staff that several details are pre-determined. Differences between the concepts are therefore limited to pipe routings, the number of buildings connected, and, to some extent, the method of connection. All concepts studied in- clude the following elements: The system would consist of a common cooling manifold in the Power Plant connected to remote, thermostatically controlled radiators. Heat will be extracted using a large flat plate type heat exchanger. Heat would be delivered to the user buildings through a constant output temperature, variable flow glycol-based system, which feeds into an underground distribution network. The network would consist of pre-insulated pipe using a steel carrier pipe, high density urethane foam insulation and high density polyethylene jacket pipe. The use of "arctic pipe” of the type delivered to the City of Newhalen has not been considered. In each user building, a large flatplate heat exchanger would transfer heat to the boiler 1128/458 Page 7 return line in the existing heating system. A simple control valve would maintain a pre-set temperature in the existing heating system by limiting the flow in the waste heat recovery system. With this concept the boiler would function as an automatic back up heat source in case insufficient heat is available from the Power Plant. In the Washeteria a pre-heat coil may be installed in the supply air system for the dryers. As mentioned in Section 2.2, the INNEC Power Plant is already equipped with a waste heat recapture system which, with very few and minor modifications, will be capable of providing large amounts ‘of heat for a district heating system. The use of BTU-meters or “heat meters" is not anticipated, as such meters have shown very poor reliability in rural applications. Written agreements detailing billings based on current and previous fuel consumption records will be made prior to construction of any waste heat pecanture system. In the following concepts all: build- ings will have equal priority concerning delivery of heat. Thus if not enough heat is available to satisfy all demands, each building will receive a proportionate share of its needs. If, however, one building is capable of utilizing lower grade heat than the other buildings, it will receive more than its proportionate share of the heat. From an economic stand point, this is beneficial as both in- stallation and operating and maintenance costs decrease with the buildings' capability to utilize low grade heat. 1128/458 Page 8 3.2 Concept A Under this concept the School would be connected to the waste heat recapture system through an underground line from the Power Plant- to the planned School Heating Plant. It is assumed that this building will be constructed close to the Main Building. The Util- ity Office would be connected through a small diameter branch line. 3.3 Concept B This concept includes the connection of the Washeteria to the Power Plant through a main line running in the road. The City Building would be connected through a small diameter branch line. 3.4 Concept C This concept expands Concept A to include the Washeteria. Thus an extension would be provided from the planned School: Heating Plant: to the Washeteria. As in Concept A, the INNEC Utility Office would be connected through a small diameter branch line. 3.5 Concept D Under this concept all relevant buildings would be connected to the Power Plant. A main line would connect the School Heating Plant to 1128/458 Page 9 the Washeteria. Smaller diameter branch lines would connect the INNEC Utility Office and-the City Building. 1128/458 Page 10 4.0 COST ESTIMATES 4.1 General The cost estimates presented in this report are based on the fol- lowing assumptions: a. All work is performed on a "force account" basis. b. No Davis Bacon or Title 36 wage scales are used. c. Sufficient skilled, local labor is available. d. No mobilization of man power or equipment is needed. e. No air freight is used. 1128/458 Page 11 4.2 Concept A. Cost estimate: Outside work, 425' trench, 3" pipe $ 23,494 Power Plant work 8,300 Utility office work 4,300 School modification 7,700 Net construction $ 43,794 Contingency 25% 10,949 Total construction $ 54,743 Administration, engineering etc. 20% 10,494 Total Project Cost $ 65,691 1128/4658 5 Page 12 4.3 Concept B. Cost estimate: Outside work, 600' trench, 3" pipe Power Plant work City Building work Washeteria work Net construction Contingency 25% Total construction Administration, engineering etc. 20% Total Project Cost 1128/458 Page 13 $ 33,168 8 ,300 4,300 5,300 $ 51,068 * 12,767 $ 63,835 4.4 Concept C. Cost estimate: Outside work including $ 36,049 425' trench, 3" pipe 270' trench, 2" pipe Washeteria work 5,300 Power Plant work 8,300 Utility office work 4,300 School modification 7,700 Net construction $ 61,649 Contingency 25% 15 ,412 Total construction $ 77,061 Administration, engineering etc. 20% 15,412 Total Project Cost $ 92,473 1128/458 Page 14 4.5 Concept D. Cost estimate: Outside work including 425' trench, 3" pipe 270' trench, 2" pipe 250' trench, 1.5" pipe Washeteria work Utility office work Power Plant work Utility office work School modification Net construction Contingency 25% Total construction Administration, engineering etc. Total Project cost 1128/458 Page 15 20% $ 44,885 5,300 4,300 8,300 4,300 7,700 $ 74,784 18,696 $ 93,481 18,696 $112,178 5.0 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 5.1 General The economic analysis for the waste heat recapture system concepts addressed in this report was performed using the LOTUS 1-2-3 soft- ware with the following methodology: ° Based on actual power production figures provided by INNEC and on load variation data compiled at the INNEC power plant to- gether with specific data for the generators in use, the available waste heat was calculated for each hour during the year. ° Based on heating degree variations for Newhalen together with fuel consumption data and operational characteristics provided by the Lake and Peninsula School District and the City of Newhalen, the actual heat demand was calculated for each hour of the year. i A comparison was made between the available heat and the de- mand; then, how much waste heat actually used was calculated . At this point the estimated heat loss for the district heating lines was also taken into account. The waste heat utilized was added up hour by hour for the entire year. 1128/458 Page 16 i With a set of assumptions for load growth over the next 20 years, the same calculations were made for each of the next 20 years, and the annual fuel savings were derived. Based on current fuel cost and estimated fuel cost escalation together with the cost estimates presented in this report, a cash flow analysis and a pay back time were calculated for each of the concepts. 7 The annual operations and maintenance cost for each concept “has been estimated at 3% of the construction cost. 5.2 Concept A. Using the assumptions listed, this concept shows a pay back time of only 2.9 years. It should be noted that this concept is based on the assumption that the School Heating Plant is constructed prior to construction of the waste heat system. According to Lake and Peninsula School District personnel, plans are well underway to build such a facility; thus, no attempts have been made in this re- port to estimate the cost of connecting the school to waste heat if this facility is not built. It is, however, clear that the lack of a central facility to which a connection could be made will in- crease the construction cost considerably. Sufficient heat is available at the Power Plant to supply the entire needs for the School and the INNEC Utility Office from the very first day of con- nection. 1128/458 Page 17 5.3 Concept B. It does not appear feasible to connect the Washeteria and the City Building to the waste heat recapture system, if no other con- nections are made. The two facilities combined use less than 6,000 gallons of fuel per year. Even though these needs could be met completely by this waste heat recapture concept, the actual pay back time would be more than 20 years. 5.4 Concept C. If concept A is extended to also provide heat for the Washeteria, the pay back time increases from 2.9 years to 3.6 years. The added construction cost would be approximately $27,000, and the added fuel savings would be approximately 3,700 gallons per year. Added operation and maintenance costs are $800 per year. Considering the fact that the Washeterta is only marginally suited for the uti- lization of waste heat due to temperature parameters as described elsewhere in this report, it may not be feasible to extend service to the Washeteria. 5.5 Concept D. The extension of service to the City Building does not seem feasible. With all buildings (the INNEC Utility Office, the School, the Washeteria and the City Building) connected to the 1128/458 Page 18 waste heat system, there will be a slight shortage of heat on the coldest days. Even though it is reasonable to assume that this shortage will disappear with increasing power loads, the pay back time on the line extension to the City Building would be substan- tial. Compared to Concept C, the additional yearly fuel savings would be 1,800 gallons and the additional operations and mainte- nance costs would be approximately $600 per year. Assuming a fuel price of $1.25/gallon, this leaves only $1,050 to amortize the ad- ditional $19,705 in construction costs. Thus, even though this concept has a pay back time of only 4.3 years, it does contain some unfeasible elements. 1128/458 Page 19 6.0 CONCLUSIONS 6.1 General Discussion The Power Plant in Newhalen is very well suited for the utilization of waste heat. Most of the equipment needed is already in place, and necessary expenditures in the Power Plant would be quite limit- ed. The nearest larger heat user is the School, and with the con- struction of a-central boiler facility for the School, connection for waste heat will be very simple. Utilization of waste heat in the INNEC Utility Office appears to be quite feasible, if a connection is made to the School simultaneous- ly. Because the line to the School would be placed next to the Utility Office, the added expense for connecting this building would be very limited. Utilization of waste heat in the Washeteria seems somewhat ques- tionable. Typically, sitien washeteria dryers are hot water heated, the drying efficiency and, surprisingly, the energy efficiency in- creases with hot water temperatures. The boilers in the Washeteria are currently operated at 200 degrees Fahrenheit. If waste heat is supplied to the Washeteria, this temperature will have to be de- creased to 180 degrees and a drop in efficiency will follow. Seen in the light of the rather limited potential fuel savings and the 1128/458 Page 20 added construction costs, it is only marginally feasible to provide waste heat to the Washeteria. The new City Building is highly energy efficient and the fuel con- sumption may be as low as 1,800 gallons per year. This would not provide for a feasible utilization of waste heat. Regardless of the concept used, the additional expense associated with installing the necessary equipment and district heating lines will not be paid back by the fuel savings felt at the City Building. 6.2 Conclusion The most feasible waste heat utilization concept in Newhalen is a system which delivers heat to the INNEC Utility Office and the School, provided that the new School Heating Plant is built at the School to provide heat to all School buildings. An extension of service to the Washeteria may be marginally feasi- ble, while it is unlikely that provision of heat to the new City Building will be feasible at all. This may seem surprising con- sidering the closeness of the City Building to the Power Plant; however, due to the expected energy efficiency of the City Build- ing, the potential savings are quite small. 1128/458 Page 21 WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET. Location:Newhalen Concept; A Date: dune 15, 1985, Heat rate 2548 Btu/kwh produced Fuel cost 1.95 $/gallon Fuel cost escal. $6.82 /year Power increase §.62 /year Discount rate $.64 /year Systew Joss 29508 Btu/hour Total generation 1512080 kwh/year Year val. Local degreedays: 1528 1358 1498 1998 728 426 328 358 526 928 1158 4606 = 11278 Assused diurnal heat Power plant aonthly generation: demand variation: | JAN FEB HAR APR HAY JUN dUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC = chcksua Fraction; 9.079 §.685 6.877 6.871 | 6,87 | 6.067 «9.067 = 4.974 6.09 6.102 6.197 oi i Winter Sumaer Kuh: 177493.4 193226.7 172999.9 159519.4 $57272.6,950532.4 158532.4 166259.6 202207.7 229168.7 240482.5 247142.7 2246752. Diurnal 9.9392 §.8392 1 variation 9.038 69.638 6.038 6.838 9.045 6.045 6.045) 6.045 9.045) = (6.045 = 9.838 = 6.038 6.0384 «6.8394 2 $.036 6.036 «6.835 «= 9.836 644 on 6.04 6.64 §.04 6.04 §§,936 = 9.936 4.6382 9.0382 J 6.034 «6.034 6.034 6.834 8.936 8.836 0.036 6.936.836 TG 8.834834 8.0375 8.8375 4 9.034 «6.034 9.034 9.034 6.035) 35.035 8835 8.835 S34 8834 9.0382 8.0382 5 6.033) 6.033) 6.033) 6.833 6.835 8835 8.835 8.035.835.3533. BSS 9.0588 9.8388 6 9.934 «66.034 8.034 8.034 6.038 6.938 6.038.838 8380384884 O.0411 B.0411 7 9.038 6.638 6.638 86.638 6.938 6.638 9.638 8.838 8.038 6.038 8.038 6.038 9.9433) 8.8433 8 9.942 6.042 9.042 6,842 6.04 $.04 9.64 . 6.04 6.64 $.04 6,842 8.042 0.0436 8.8436 7 6.042 6.042 6.042 6.042 6.045 «6.845 AS45442 842 9.0439 «8.8439 ig 6.047 «9.057 «9.047 9.047) 6.047 8847) 0478478847 AT 47 8847 9.6439 = 8.8439 i 6.648 «9.8048 9.048 9.648 6.64 9.04 6.04 6.04 9.84 6.04 6.848 98.848 9.9442 8.9442 12 6.947 9.0457 «6.047 6.057) 48 8048 048A 048A 47 847 9.0446 = 8.8446 13 6.045 6.645 9.045 6.845 9.65 9.65 6.85 §.05 6.85 6.85 6.845 = 6.045 G.0436 0.8436 M4 6.047 9.047 9.047 8.047 6.052 8,852 9.952 9.052 8.052 6.052 6.647 6.047 9.043) = 8.043 15 6.048 6.648 6.048 6.048 6.95 6.65 9.65 6.05 4.85 §.65 6.048 8.948 §.8433 8.8433 16 6.049 6.049 6.949 6.648 9.65 $.85 6.95 6.95 §.65 $.05 6.999 8.949 6.0427 6.0427 7 6.049 «890.049 6.049) 8.849.456.8454 B44 OS AD AD 9.0433 = 8.9433 18 6.946 «9.946 «9,046 «8.046 8.847847 8047) 9847847047 845 88K 9.0433 8.0433 9 9.653 8.043 8.043) BAS 6.65 9.65 6.05 6.95 6.65 6.95 8.843 6.043 8.043 = 9.843 26 $.638 6.038 9.938 8.638 6.045 86.645 6.945 9.045 8.045 6.045 9.938 0.938 6.042 8.042 ai 6.938 9.938 «9.038 «8.038 8.041 8.04) OAL 4 BAL 48,838 8.838 6.0417 8.9417 22 6.641 8.091 O.8N1 6.041 04) Nt 64 tO ON 9.0401 6.5481 23 9.045 6.045 8.045 6.645 8.041 O.88t OAT 4) 4) B45 8.045 Zz abeg Fuel use, Non- gallons Total Seasonal Seasonal Seasonal Build J 23866 6.1 «20788 Build 2 1506 6.1 1350 Build 3 9 8.1 8 Build 4 6 4.1 8 Build 5 a 6.1 6 Build 6 8 8.1 8 Build 7 9 8.1 9 Build 8 8 $.1 6 Build 9 § as § Build 19 6 8.1 6 Total use 24580 $.1 = 22658 Power gen. year #: 1512088 Calc. Fuel Saving year 8: 24508.29 9 Power gen. nth. years 2246752. Pay back time based on fuel savings and D&M: 2.569949 Assumed O&M cost per year: 1777.23 CostEstioate 59241 Building in use, 1=yes, 9=no Re ®*s Zeta ee ee ee oS tan OS gee Oe Om we OP te wee ee Re Ree Oe ee ie ee ee Soe ga, OP ies gas OP ce Oe — eee ee Hee ee Ke LK ew ee ee me He ee eR ee ee SS a owe iors Pan es ee (os Sel ge Building use per aonth, Btu’s S.3E+88 S.GE+HMR S.1Et88 2. 3E+08 19456915 17419816 18618698 13227641. 9873902, 6288699. perth caain i7esig 1.36488 7478373, ' 2. 1E+98 5082845. 5442174. 12269438 ese ®e Fe Be F&F ete Fo Ze & ef&e Feo te & ea®e ®e fe & sa® aVe Bee eteceeee ea Se Se Fe @& sre rerae a S&ea Se Se BS se Se BF a & S.5E+8B 3.2E+68 3. 3E+08 2.46489 1.86498 6288609, 5682845. 5442174. ee ee 2.6888 3. 5E+88 15624287 28414226 1.46408 2,2E+9B 2.7E+@R J.7E+O8 2. 4E+8 9 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 2. 3E+89 1,5E+68 Cette BVPota BD Cheksue Oper .HDD 19181 11271 41271 41271 41271 11271 41271 41271 41271 11271 €z abeg WARNING: Pay back tise Heat available per hour by aonth ssscecee is only accurate 1 537671.1 587572.4 523413.6 480641.1 565435.7 540199.9 546189.9 599203.5 734274.5 835577.8 737276.1 758662.4 after execution of 2 588038.5 555305.4 494523.4 454082.1 4997762 477264,4 477264.4 529792.8 649955.1 739902.5 697138.8 717398.6 the DATA command 3 478398.6 523038.4 465633.2 427363.1 447248.6 426987.9 426987.9 474262.8 582319.6 663362.2 656983.9 676118.9 in cell A-168, 4 478390. S233B.4 465633.2 427363.1 434116.7 414418.8 414418.8 469388.5 565435.7 644227.2 656983.9 675118.9 5 463569.7 586904.9 451188. 1 414843.6 434116.7 4149418,.8 414418,8 $603B8.5 565435. 7 644227.2 b36919.8 b554B3.1 & 478390.8 5238384 465633.2 427363.1 473512.4 452126.1 452126.) 582627.4 616887.4 701632.4 655983.9 676118.9 7 -337674.1 5875724 525413.6 480641.1 473512.4 452126.1 452126.1 562827.4 616087.4 701632.4 73727b.1 758662.4 8 596952.3 552196.3 5B1194.9 533919,2 499775.2 477264.4 477264.4 529792.8 649855.) 739982,5 B17568.3 841205.8 9 9§96952.3 652106.3 581194.@ 533919.2 565935.7 546109.9 549109.9 599283.5 734274.5 835577.8 B17568.3 841205.8 18 671953. 732773.7 53419.5 b00516.7 591699,5 565248.) 565248.) 626708.) 768942.3 873047.9 917933.6 944385.8 AL 685874.1 748987.2 667864.6 613B36.2 499776.2 477264.4 477264.4 529792.8 649855. 1 739902.5 93808b.7 965028.9 42 671953. 732773.7 653419.5 b90516.7 694831,4 577817.2 577817.2 49859.4 784926.2 892983.8 917933.6 944305.8 13 641413.2 780506.8 624529.3 573877.7 631895.3 662955.5 662955.5 668615.8 818693.9 931253.1 B777B7.5 9B3113.3 44 671953.8 732773.7 653419.5 688516.7 657359. $ 628893.7 628093.7 696379.6 852461.7 959523.2 917933.6 944385.9 15 685874.1 748907,2 667864.6 613B834.2 631995.3 6629755.5 682955.5 668615.8 818693.9 931253.1 938086.7 945828.9 16 685874.1 748967.2 667864.6 613836.2 631895,3 6829755.5 602955.5 668615.9 818693.9 931253.1 738006.7 965820.9 17 768594. 4 765046.7 682389.7 627155.7 565$35,7 946109.9 546189.9 $99283.5 734274.5 835577.8 958079.7 985654.7 18 656233.5 716648.3 638974.4 587197.2 591697, 5 56524B.1 565248, 1 626968.1 768842.3 873947.9 897860.6 923749.2 19 611772. 668239.8 595639.1 547238,7 631695.3 682955.5 662955.5 668615.9 818693.9 931253.1 37641.4 Bb1851.6 26 537671.1 587572.4 523413,6 $86641.1 565435.7 549199.9 548109.9 599203.5 734274.5 835577.8 737276.1 758662.4 24 537671.9 9B7572.4 523413.6 $0641.12 512988.) 489833.5 48983.5 543674.3 666739.8 759837.5 737276.1 758662.4 22 982132.6 635972.8 566748.9 520599.7 512968.1 489833.5 489833.5 543674.3 666739.8 759837.5 797495.3 920569.9 235 O41413.2 768586.8 624529.3 573877.7 512968.) 489B33.5 489833.5 545674.3 666739.8 759637.5 877787,5 983113.3 24: 567311.7 619839.3 552383.8 587288.) 539871.9 SI4971.7 SI4971.7 574438.9 700506.8 797307,7 777422.2 799934.) 14223114 USSITOIB 13847541 12720824 13071446 12485012 12485012 1IBSIIS7 16981002 19326736 19481129 2084448B 5. 6E+89 yz abeg Heat demand by hour by month 1 456248.6 489683.4 422955.5 311980.3 234297.6 893.356 6549.886 7812.927 178819.8 289785.2 353596. 478443.1 2 446936.9 488734,9 414323.7 305613.3 229515.1 7928.185 415.215 6869.96 175160.9 283871.3 346379.7 4$68678.9 3 444609.1 398647.8 412165.8 364021,6 228328.7 7884.892 6382.797 6834.925 174248.6 282392.8 344575.7 466237.9 4 436461.8 391342,7 464613,0 299458.5 224136.8 7742. 368 6265.835 6789.795 171955.5 277218.8 338261.5 457694.3 5 444689.1 398647.8 412165.8 304021.6 228320.7 788.892 382.797 6834.825 174248.6 282392.8 344575.7 446237.9 6 451592.5 484999.3 418639.6 389796.8 231985.9 8618.77 6483.050 6941. 366 176985.5 286828.3 349987.9 473561.8 7 478362.1 42B941.6 443455.9 327191.8 245653.9 8485.36 6867.355 7352.839 187476.9 3@3831.8 370734.6 561632.9 8 563967.9 451878.4 467193.2 344518.9 258883.3 8939.855 7234.958 746.422 197512.1 320894.4 398579.2 528484.3 9 587459.6 455001.1 478430.1 346998.5 268596.4 9901.794 7285.677 7808.092 198988.6 322312.2 393285.3 532145.9 18 518951.3 459131. 9 473667.0 349386.1 262389.5 9853. 733 7335. 284 7853. 762 260249.6 324529.9 395991.4 535807.4 ML 510951.3 45B131.9 473667.8 349586.1 262389.5 9863.733 7335. 204 7853. 762 200249.0 324529.9 395991.4 535807.4 12 S14493.0 461262.6 476983.9 351773.7 264182.6 9125.67) 7385.338 7967.433 201617.5 325747.7 399697.5 539469.68 43 51909B.5 465436.9 481219.8 354957.2 266573.3 9208. 257 7452.166 7978.993 203442.6 329704.6 482305.6 544351.1 14 507459. 455001.) 470438.1 346998.5 269596.4 900).794 7285.877 7890.892 198986.6 322312.2 393285.3 532145.9 45 500476,2 448739.7 463956.3 342223.3 257018.2 877.916 7184.824 7692.751 196143.7 317876.7 387873.2 524822.8 1b 503967.9 451878.4 467193.2 344616.9 258883.3 8939,855 7234.950 7746.422/197512.1 328094.4 399579.2 528484.3 17 496984.5 445668.9 460719.4 339835.7 255217.) 815.977 7134.697 7639.681 194775.2 315458.9 3B5147.4 521161.2 18 563967.9 451870.4 467193.2 344619.9 258883.3 8939.855 7234958 746.422 197512.1 320994.4 390579.2 528404.3 19 503967.9 451878.4 467193.2 344616.9 258883.3 8939.855 7234.958 746.422 197512.) 320094.4 398579.2 52B484.3 26 508476.2 449739.7 463956.3 342223.3 257819,2 8877, 91 71B4,824 7692.75) 196143.7 317876.7 387873.2 524822.8 21 488837.2 438303.8 453166.6 334264.6 251633.2 8671,452 7817.735 75135. 858 191582.2 310484.2 378852.8 512617.6 22 485345.5 435173.1 449929.7 331877. 249248.) 8609.514 6967.668 7469,180 196213.7 38926b.4 376146.8 598954, 8 23 466723.1 41B475.8 432666.2 319143. 1 239676.9 8279.172 6780.266 773.938 182915.4 296438.5 361714.3 489427.7 24 496248.8 489983.6 422955.5 311988.3 234297.6 893.356 6549.886 7812.927 178819.6 289785.2 353596.8 478443.1 $1648145 10436856 18798761 7959477, 5977579. 266483.8 167105.6 178919. 4561938, 7393221. 9821289. 12266402 2.5E+89 G2 a6ed Heat delivered by hour by month 4 456248.6 469883. 422955.5 311988.3 234297,6 8993.356 6549.886 7612.927 178819.9 289785.2 35359b.8 47B443.1 2 446936,9 400734.9 414523.7 385613.3 229516.) 7928.185 6416.215 6869.886 175168.9 283871.3 346379.7 469678.9 3 444689.1 398647.8 412165.8 384621.6 228329.7 7886.892 382.797 6834.825 174248.6 282392.8 344575.7 466237.9 4 436461.8 391342.7 484513.0 299456.5 224136.8 7742.368 6265.835 6799.795 171955.5 277218.8 338261.5 457694.3 5 444689.1 398447.8 412165.8 304021. 228320.7 7886.892 6382.797 6834.625 174248.6 282392.8 344575.7 446237.9 6 451592,5 484909.3 418639. 389796.8 231986.9 8819, 776 b483.958 6941.366 176985.5 286828.3 349987.9 473561.8 7 478362.1 428911.6 443455.9 327161.8 245653.9 8485.636 6847.355 7352.839 187476.9 363831.8 378734.6 581632.9 8 583957.9 451870.4 467193.2 344519.9 258803.3 8939, 855 7234.958 746.422 197512.1 320094.4 398579.2 520484.3 9 507459.6 455081.1 476430.1 346998.5 266596.4 9001.794 72B5.677 7800.692 198888.6 322312.2 393285.3 532145.9 1B S1H9S1.3 45G131.9 473667.9 349386.1 262389.5 9863. 733 7335. 204 7853. 762 208249.9 324529.9 395991.4 535887. 4 UL S18951.3 450151.9 473667. 349384.) 262389.5 9863.733 7335. 204 7853. 762 206249.8 324529.9 3959914 535807.4 12 514443.8 461262,6 476903.9 351773.7 264182.6 9125.67) 7385.338 7987.433 201617.5 326747.7 398697.5 539469.8 43 519998.5 465436.9 481219.8 354957.2 266573.3 9268.257 7452.16 7978.993 203442.8 329704.6 402385.6 544351.1 $4 587459.6 455001.) 4704308.) 346998.5 268596.4 9901.794 7285.077 7808.892 199889.6 322312.2 393285.3 532145.9 15 568476.2 448739.7 463956.3 342223.3 257618.2 8877.916 7184.824 7692.751 196143.7 317876.7 387873.2 524822.8 16 583967,9 451870.4 467193.2 344618.9 258883.3 8939,855 7234.9568 7746.422 197512.1 328094.4 398579.2 528484.3 47 496984.5 445608.9 468719.4 339835.7 255217, QB15.977 7134.697 7639.681 194775.2 315658.9 385167.1 521161.2 $B 583967.9 451878.4 467193.2 344618.9 258883. 8939.855 7234.958 7746.422 497512.1 326894.4 390579,2 528404.3 19 503967.9 451878.4 467193.2 344619.9 258883.3 8939.55 7234. 958 746.422 197512.1 326894.4 390579.2 528484.3 28 596476.2 448739.7 463956,3 342223.3 257619.2 8977.916 7184.824 7692. 751 196143.7 31787b.7 387873.2 524822.8 21 488837.2 438303.B 453166.6 334264.6 251633.2 8671.452 7617.735 7513.85 191582.2 318484.2 378852.8 512417.4 22 485345.5 435173.1 $49929.7 331977.8 249248.) 8699.514 6967.88 7469, 188 196213.7 3082b6.4 376146.8 500956.8 23 466723.1 498475.8 432666.2 319193.1 239676.9 8279.172 780.266 7173.938 182915.4 296438.5 361714.3 499427.7 24 456248.8 409883.6 422955.5 311988.3 234297.6 8893.356 6549.885 7912.927 178018.9 289785.2 353996.8 470443.1 12640145 16436858 10796761 7959477. 5977579, 286483,8 167105.6 178919.8 4561938. 7393221. 9621289. 12266402 2. 5€+89 92 abeg Data table, use DATA-2 command with default values as shown? Year # fuel Saving, gals. Year 24508.29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 9 is 1512608 24588.29 24599.29 24508. 29 24589, 29 24568. 29 24589.29 24599. 29 24588.29 24589. 29 24980. 29 $-saved 26239.81 2764.61 27299.98 27845.98 28402.82 28979.87 29558.29 36141.30 30744.12 31359. 61 Discntd,:25238.59 24745.39 24269.5) 23882.79 23345.94 22896.18 22455.79 22023.95 21608.41 21§85,82 O&N/year : discatd.: 1777.23 1777.23 1777.23) 1777.23) $777.23 $777,238 1777.23 1777.23 1777.23 1777.23 Accum] td; 23453.36 $6421.52 689153.) 90939.37 112507.) 133626,8 154384. 174551.3 194374.5 213782.3 Balance :-35787.6 -12B19.4 9672.11 31698.37 53266.19 74395.67 95063.64 115316.3 135133.5 154541.3 PB-years: 6 6 2.569949 9 6 8 4 ‘ ? 5 i 12 13 14 15 4s 17 1B emg Podec. 26 24598. 29 24586.29 24508.29 24508.29 24508.29 24588.29 24509.29 24589.29 24588,29 24586. 29 31986.19 32625.91 33278.43 33944.06 34622.88 35315. 54 3621.64 36742.87 37476.92 38226,45 20777,62 20378.05 19986,16 19601,81 19224.85 19855.14 18492.54 18136.92 17788,13 17446.85 1777.23) 1777.23) 1777.23) $977.23 1777.23 1777.23 1777.23 1777.23, 1777.23 1777, 23 232782.7 251383.5 2695924 287417.8 394864.7 321942.6 338657.9 355017.6 374828.5 386697.3 173541.7 192142.5 216351.4 228176.6 245623.7 262761. 279416.9 295776.6 311787.5 327456.3 8 § 4 $ 6 a i 6 § 6 LZ abed WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET. Location: Newhalen Concept: B Date: _ June 15, 1985. Heat rate 2548 Btu/kwh produced Fuel cost 1.65 §/gallon Fuel cost escal. §.92 /year Power increase 9.02 /year Discount rate 9.94 /year System loss 41760 Btu/hour Total generation 1512089 kwh/year Year val. Local degreedays: 1520 1358 1469 1996 728 426 326 350 926 928 4158 1698 «19278 Assumed diurnal heat Power plant aonthly generation: deaand variation: , JAN FEB NAR APR HAY uN due AUG SEP OCT nov DEC = chcksua Fraction; 9.979 9.086 6.677 6.97) 6.07 = 6,067 = 8.067.074 6.69 6.192 9.187 $11 1 Winter Susser Kwhs 177493.4 193228.7 172999.9 159519.4 497292,6.450532,4 150532.4 146259.6 202287.7 229168.7 249402.5 247142.7 2246752. Diurnal : ‘ 6.6392 8.0392 1 variation 6.038 9.638 8.038 96.038 §.045 9.045 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.045 9.038 6.838 9.9384 9.9384 2 9.035 9,036 9.035 6.9636 §.84 6.64 (8.84 6.04 9.04 6.04 9.936 = 8.836 8.8382 9.9382 3 6.034 «0.834 9.834 8.834 6.03636 36 836 OSG 83634 8.884 §.9375 9.0375 4 9.634 «= 9.934 9.034 8.034 6.035 35 8.835833 O34 O34 9.9382 §.8382 5 6.033 6.033) 0.833) 8.833 6.835 8.835 8.835.353 BSS 8.833 $.0388 9.8388 6 9.934 866.034 «9.034 9.834 9.038 8.038 6.938 8838 8.038 8.838 8834 SE 6.0411 8.0411 7 6.038 9.038 «9.038 «6.038 6.838 8. O38 8.838 8.838038 838.38 SB 9.0433 9.8433 § $.942 §.0452 9.842 6.942 6.64 9.64" 6.84 6.04 9.04 9.64 6.842 9.942 6.8436 8.0436 9 6.092 6.042 6.042 6.642 6.645 6.095 0.645 ° 6.645 6.045 9.045 «8.042 8.042 9.9439 = 8.8439 19 6.047 9.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 8.047 «6.9457 684760479847 847 8. 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Pay back time based on fuel savings and O&M: 20 Assumed O&H cost per year: 2298.86 CostEstiaate 76682 189 990.5 1476.5 Building in use, !=yes, 9=no Chcksum Oper HDD 1 4 j j 1 6 8 8 1 { j ' 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 \ 1 4 12 S 1 1 1 J } ‘ j { j { 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 ) 1 4 4 1 j 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 i 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 \ 1 1 | 1 j 1 1 1 12 = 1 1 1 t ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 { 1 1 i 1. 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513592.8 633655.1 723782.5 680939.6 761198.6 the DATA command 3 462190.8 5O6838.4 449433.2 411163.) 431648.6 410787.9 418787.9 4$58862.8 566119.6 647162.2 648783.9 659918.9 in cell A-$66, 4 462199.8 SB6B38.4 449433.2 411963.1 417916.7 399218.8 39821B.8 444198.5 549255.7 628027.2 649783.9 659918.9 5 447369.7 $90704.9 434988.1 397843.6 417916.7 398218.8 398218.8 4$44189.5 549235.7 628027.2 628710.8 6392B3.1 6 462190.9 SOOB3B.4 4$49433.2 491163.1 457312,.4 435926.1 435926, 485827.4 599987.4 685432.4 649783.9 659918. 9 7 S20471.1 571372.4 587213.6 4$b4448. 1 457312.4 435926.) 435926.1 485827.4 5998B7.4 685432.4 721676,1 742462.4 8 580752.3 635906.3 564994.0 517719.2 483576.2 461864,4 461054.4 513592.8 633655.1 723782.5 801368,3 925085.8 9 580752.3 635986.3 564994.9 517719.2 549235.7 523989.9 523909.9 583883.5 718674.5 819377.8 801368.3 825005.8 $9 654853.8 716573.7 637219.5 5B4316.7 575499.5 549048. $ 549040.1 616768.1 751842.3 857647.9 981733.6 928185.6 AL 669674.1 73278722 651664.6 5976356.2 483576.2 461864.4 461064.4 513592.8 633655.1 723782.5 921886.7 948829.9 12 654853.8 716573.7 637219.5 SB431b.7 588631.4 56)617,2 564617.2 624658.4 768726.2 876783.8 961733.5 928185.8 13 625213.2 684366.8 608329.3 557677.7 614895.3 586755.5 586755.5 652415.8 882493.9 915853.1 B61587.5 886913.3 14 654853.8 716573. 7 637219.5 584316.7 641159.) 611893,7 611893.7 680179.6 836261,7 953323.2 981733.6 928185. 8 15 669674, 1 732787.2 651664.6 597636.2 614895.3 586755.5:586755.5 652415.6 B82493.9 915853.1 921886.7 948828.9 16 669674.1 732797.2 651664.6 597636.2 614895.3 586755.5 586755.5 652415. 982493.9 915053.1 921886.7 949929.9 17 684494. 4 748B48.7 666109.7 610955.7 549235.7 523989.9 523909.9 5B3883.5 718874.5 819377.8 941879.7 949454.7 18 549933.5 760440,3 622774.4 579997.2 575499.5 549648. 1 549040.1 618768.1 751842,3 857647.9 881468.6 987549.2 19 599572.6 652639.8 579439.1 531838.7. 614895.3 586755.9 5B6755.5 652415.8 882493.9 P1555. 821441.4 B45b41.6 29 521471.) 571372.4 587213.6 464441. $49235,7 523969.9 523909.9 583003.5 718074.5 819377.8 721076.) 742462.4 2 521471.1 571372.4 507213.6 464441.1 496708.) 473633.5 473633.5 527474.3 659539.6 742837.5 721076.1 742462.4 22 565932.8 619772.8 550548.9 584399. 7 496708.) 473633,5 473633.5 527474.3 659539.0 742837.5 781295.3 804369.9 23 625213. 2 684306.8 608529.3 557677.7 496708.1 473633.5 473633.5 527474.3 650539.8 742837.5 861587.5 886913.3 24 SGU. 7 693639.3 536183.8 491880.) 522971.9 498771.7 49877).7 555238.9 694306.8 781187.7 761222.2 783734.1 ASBS4314 15148818 13458741 12332624 12682646 12996212 12896212 13464557 16592282 18937936 19892329 19655688 5. 5E+69 og abeg Heat demand by hour by aonth 1 92362.66 83437.89 B6062.45 65064.59 50365.96 34617.42 29367.91 38942.76 3986.93 6864.99 72938.86 96561.67 2 98477.12 81735:08 84306. 25 63736.75 49338.88 33918.94 28768,56 38311.28 39853.32 59622.84 74450,32 94591.92 3 99805.89 81309.37 8387.17 63464.78 498B1.21 33734.32 28618.73 38153.41 3B849.92 59512.31 71078.19 94898, 36 4 88356,56 7919.41 B2338.34 62242.92 48181.72 33116,15 28894.38 29608.86 38138.8) 58225.43 69775. 79 92374.85 5 90805.89 81389.37 83867.57 63404.78 496B1.11 33734.32 28618.73 3O153.41 3849.92 59312. 31 71878.18 9498.35 & 91419.59 82586.48 85184.46 64498.67 49852,62 34264.18 29868. 24 30627.82 39468.13 60243.9) 72194.59 99576.35 7 96838.79 87482.07 98234.85 6B218.24 52887.17 36295.31 36791.35 32442.54 41799.26 63815.87 76474.17 101241.9 8 162022.3 92164.81 9504.19 71869.82 5533.83 38238.12 32439.55 34179.12 $4836.69 67238.97 B9567.67 106661.2 9 182729.2 92863.37 95722.74 72367.76 56819.28 3B583.05 32664.31 34415.93 $4341.79 67696.77 81125.88 187488.2 4 193436. 93441.92 96391.38 72855.71 56484,74 38767.98 32889.06 34652. 74 $4646.96 68162.57 B1684.99 18B139.2 11 183436.8 95441.92 96381.38 72865. 71 56484.74 38767.98 32889.06 34652.74 44646.98 6862.57 81684.89 188139.2 12 194142.9 94989. 48 97849.02 73363.65 56798.19 396832.9) S3113.81 34889,54 4495298 68628.38 82242.29 189878.2 13 165085.4 94931.88 97918.21 74027.58 57384,13 39386.15 33413.49 35285.29 $5358.61 69249.45 82986.56 109863.5 14 142729.2 92803.37 95722.74 72367.76 56619.28 38503.05 32664,31 34415.93 44341.79 67696.77 B1125,.88 187488.2 15 161315.5 91526.26 94405.45 71371.88 55248.37 37973.19 32214.89 $3942.32 43731.59 66765. 16 B6@89.47 185922.2 16 $82622.3 92164.8) 95654.19 71869.82 59633.83 38238.12 32439.55 34179.12 $4036.69 6723.97 90567.67 165661.2 17 \08608.6 98887.70 93746.81 76873.93 54863, 92 37798. 26 31998.94 $3785.51 43426.48 66299.36 79451.26 105183.2 18 192622.3 92164.81 9564.19 71869.82 55633.83 38238.12 32439.55 34179.12 $4036.59 7239.97 8567.67 18466).2 19 162622.3 92164.81 95064.18 71869.82 55633.83 $8238.12 32439.55 34179.12 $4836.69 67238.97 80567.67 196661.2 26 191315.5 91526.26 94465.45 71371.88 55248.37 37973,19 32214.89 $3942.52 $3731.59 66765.16 89009.47 185922.2 24 98959. 35 B9397.74 9229.98 69712.07 53963.53 37698.69 31465.62 33152.96 $2714.57 65212.48 78148.78 183458.9 22 98252.56 98759.18 91551.54 69214.12 53578.07 36825.16 31248.86 32916.15 42409.47 64746.68 77598.58 182719.9 23 94482.62 85353.56 BBO3B.57 66558.42 $1522.32 35412.21 36642.17 31653.18 40782.25 62262.37 74613.48 98778.65 24 92362.06 93437.89 €6052.65 65064.59 50365.96 34617.42 29367.9) 30942.76 3986.93 60864.98 72738.86 96561.47 235418. 2128738. 2195695. 1659977. 1284974, BB3IBS.8 749256.3 789435.2 1817115. 1552833. 1B4@B71. 2465554. 5. BE+#8 Te a6eq Heat delivered by hour by eonth 4 92562.86 85437.89 84962.65 65064.59 58365.96 34617.42 29367.91 30942.76 39866.93 60864.98 72930.86 96561.67 2 -90477,12 81735.08 84306. 26 63736.75 49338,08 33916.94 28768.56 30311.28 39053,32 59622.84 71458.32 94591.62 3 90005.B9 81389.37 83867.17 63404. 7B 490B1.41 33734.32 28618.73 3153.41 38849.92 59312.31 71078.18 94898. 34 4$ 88356.56 79819.41 8233.34 62242.92 49181.72 33116.15 28094,30 29680.8h 38138.01 58225.43 69775. 79 92374.95 5 78005.89 81309. 37 83867.17 63404.78 4981.11 33734,32 28618.73 30153.41 38B49.92 5931231 7178.18 94098, 34 6 9419.59 82586. 48 B5194.46 64400.67 49852,.02 34264.18 29068. 24 38627.02 39460.13 68243.91 72194.59 95576.35 7 96838. 79 87482.87 906234.05 68218. 24 $2867.27 36295. 31 30791.35 3244254 41799.26 63015.87 76474.17 101241.9 8 162822.3 92164.81 95064.19 71969.82 55633.83 38238.12 32439.55 34179.12 4403.69 67230.97 86567.47 186661.2 9 162729.2 92803.37 95722.74 72367.76 56819. 2B 38503.05 3264.31 34415.93 44341.79 67696.77 81125.88 167469.2 19 193435.8 93441.92 96381.38 72865.71 56404.74 38767.98 32889.06 34652. 74 $4646.98 68162.57 1684.09 188139.2 41 183436.6 93441.92 96381.39 72865.71 56484.74 3B767.9B 32889.86 34652.74 44646.90 68142.57 81684.69 168139.2 12 164142,9 94889. 48 97649.82 73363.65 56790.19 39632.91 33113.81 34889.54 44952,08 68528.38 82242.29 199878. 2 13 185885.4 94931.88 97918.21 74827.58 57304.13 39386.15 $3413.49 35205.29 45358.81 69249.45 82986.56 189863.5 $4 102729.2 92893.37 95722.74 72367.76 56019.28 38503,05 32664.31 34415.93 $4341.79 67696.77 81125.88 107409.2 15 181315.5 91526.26 9445.45 71371.88 55248.37 37973.19 32214.88 33942.32 43731.59 66765.16 88809.47 185922.2 16 102822.3 92164.81 95064.19 71869.82 55633.83 38238.12 32439.55 34179.12 $4836.69 67238,97 99567.67 186661.2 17 198608.6 99887.70 93746.81 70873.93 $4862.92 37768.26 31998.04 3375.51 $3426.48 66299.36 79451.26 105183.2 18 102622.3 92164.81 95064,19 71969.82 S5633,.83 38238.12 32439.55 34179.12 44036.69 67238.97 99567.67 185661.2 19 182622.3 92164.81 95664.19 71869.82 55433.83 38238.12 $2439.55 34179.12 44036.6% 67238.97 80567.67 10661.2 26 $01315.5 91526.26 74405.45 71371.68 55248. 37 37973.19 32214.88 33942.32 43731.59 66765,16 80099.47 165922.2 21 98959.35 89397.74 92209.98 69712.97 53963.53 37090.69 $1465.62 3352.96 42714.57 65212.48 78148.78 163458.9 22 98252.59 8759.18 91551.34 69214.12 $3578.87 36825.16 3124.86 32916.45 42489,47 64746.68 77590.58 182719.9 23: 94482.62 85353.56 8938.57 66558.42 $1522.32 35412.21 38092.17 31653.18 40782.25 62262. 39 74613.48 98778. 65 24 92362.06 83437.89 86962.65 65064.59 58365.96 34617.42 29367.91 39942.76 39866.93 68864.93 72938.06 96561.67 2356418. 2128738. 2195695. 1659977, 1284974, B831B5.8 749256.3 789435.2 (817115. 1552833. 1B6OA71. 2463554. 5. BE+88 ze abeg Data table, use DATA-2 command with default values as shown: Year 6 fuel saving, gals. Year 5762.168 { 2 3 4 5 $ u 8 9 16 1512008 5762.168 5762.168 5762. 168 5762.168 5762.168 5762.168 5762,169 5762.168 5762. 168 5762. 168 $-saved: “171.282 6294.708 6426.82 6549.014 6679.994 6B13.594 6949.846 708.864 7238.641 7375.254 Discntd.:5933.925 5819.81) 5787.892 5598. 125 5498.448 5384.882 5281.327 5179. 763 5980, 152 4982. 457 O&M/ year ' e nate discntd,: 2298.86 2298.06 2298.86 2298.06 2298.86 2298.06 2298.86 2298.06 2299.08 "2290.46 Accual td: 3635.965 7157.617 18567.44 13867.5) 17859.92 20146.74 23138.81 26911.7) 28793.8) 31478. 26 Balance ¢-729bb.1 -69444.3 -66034.5 -b2734.4 -59542.@ -56455.2 -53471.9 -50598.2 -47B08.1 -45125.7 PB-years; 6 6 8 § 6 8 § § 5 § it 12 13 4 15 16 WY 18 19 26 9762.168 5762,168 5762.68 5762.168 5762. 168 $762,168 5762. 169 5762.168 §762.168 5762, 168 7522.759 7673.214 7826.67B 7983.212 8142,876 8305.734 8471.848 8641.285 BB14.111 8996.393 4896.649 4792.667 4790.508 4610.186 4521.456 4434.499 4349,229 $265,581 4183.55) 4193. 098 2298.06 2298.85 2298.06 2298.86 2298.06 2298.64 2298.86 2298.86 2278.96 2298.86 34066. 78 3561.39 38963.B3 41275.88 $3499.27 45635. 71 47686.87 49654.39 51539.89 53344.92 -92535.2 -40040.6 -37638.4 -35526.1 -33102.7 -38966.2 -28915.1 -26947.6 -25062.1 -23257.8 § 8 § 6 6 § § 8) 5 8 ee obed WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET. Location: Newhalen Concept: C Date: June 15, 1985. Heat rate 2546 Btu/kwh produced Fuel cost 1.65 $/gallon Fue) cost escal. §.02 /year Power increase 9.82 /year Discount rate §.94 /year Systea loss 41768 Btu/hour Total generation 1512689 kwh/year Local degreedays: 1528 1358 1409 1908 726 420 328 356 520 928 fssused diurnal heat Power plant aonthly generation: depand variation: . : JAN _ FEB NAR APR WAY JUN JUL AUB SEP OCT Fraction; 9.979 6.686 9.977 98,071 87 «= 6,667) = 6.087) 8 874 6.09 = §.162 Winter Sumner Kwhs 177493.4 193226.7 172999.9 1595194 $97272.4°I8O532.4 156532.4 166259.6 262267.7 229168.7 Diurnal i 9.6392 6.0392 1 variation 6.038 §.038 6.038 6.938 6.045 6.045 6.645 6.845 6.045 6.645 9.9384 9.9384 2 9.935 6.936 9.035 8.036 9.04 664° (6.84 §.84 9.04 9.94 9.0382 9.9382 © 3 6.034 «6.034 8.034 O34 8.836 6036 3G B36 SNS 6.9375 = 9.9375 4 9.934 «68.034 «6.034 6.934 8.035) 8358S OSS 35 0.6382 9.9382 5 6.033 6.033) 8.033) 8.033) 6.835) 8.035 OSS. 8.835 9.6388 9.0388 6 6.934 866.034 «9.934 6.034 9.038 8.038 8.838.838.8388 6.0411 9.0411 7 6.038 9.638 96.038 8.038 6.038 9.038 8.038 9.638 8.038 9.839 9.9433 8.8433 8 6.042 6.042 9.042 6.042 6.04 6.04 6.04 (9.04 6.04 4.04 8.0436 8.0436 9 6.052 6.042 8.042 9.042 6.045 «(6.045 8045 4S NSS 9.9439 9.8439 ig 6.947 «66.997 9.047) 6.847) 68478047 684780478847 B47 8.8439 = 8.0439 oF 6.048 6.048 6.048 6.648 9.44 6.04 9.64 8.04 6.64 6.04 6.0442 8.9442 12 9.947 «6.047 9,047 6.047 6.648 6.048 §.048 6.648 $949 8.049 0.0445 9.0446 13 6.045 6.045 8.045 6.845 8.65 6.85 4.65 6.95 6.85 9.95 8.0436 = 6,.0436 14 6.047 6.047 9.047 9.047 852 852 8.52 8.043 = 6.843 15 9.048 9.048 9.048 6.848 9.85 4.05 9.85 6.05 6.85 6.05 9.9433 8.0433 16 6.648 8.048 9.049 9.048 9.95 6.95 6.85 §.05 6,95 $.95 8.6427 9.0427 17 6.049 «6.849 8.849 6.049.045 4S AS 4S 84S 9.0433 8.8433 18 6.046 8.046 6.045 «6.046 «6.047 O47 8.047 8478047 8 88T G.0433 8.6433 19 6.045 6.843 8.6438. 843 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.95 §.95 6.65 9.043) 9.843 28 6.038 8.838 6.038 8,838 | 8.845 64S 88498458. 6.042 = 8.042 2) 9.038. 9.038 9.038 6.038 6.041 6.041 8.84) 4 88.84) 9.8417 = 9.0417 22 6.041 (8.041 «6.041 «6.041 4d O44) 884 6.04501 0.0401 23 6.045 8.045 (6.845 08454 A) a Ok @ avo? a aan > ~ agar gas aaa aos a aaz a@ aay a aa7 a aay a as aan Year val. J156 1668 = 11278 NOV DEC chcksua $.167 9.11 1 240402.5 247142.7 2246752. 9.038 «66.838 6.836 = 9.836 6.034 «6.934 9.934 8.834 6.033 = 6.833 6.934 = =9.834 9.038 = 4.938 6.042 6.842 9.042 8.842 6.047 = 6.847 6.048 6.848 9.047 = 8,847 045 = 8.645 9.047 = 6.047 6.048 =. 048 $.048 «8,848 9.049 = 6.049 $9046 9,846 6.043 = 6.043 $.938 9.038 9.038 6.838 6.04) = 6.041 9.045 6.645 pe abeg Fuel use, Non- gallons Total Geasonal Seasonal Build 1 23909 8.) = 26789 Build 2 1568 6.1 1358 Build 3 4 6.4 § Build 4 3692 9.25 2769 build 5 9 8.5 § Build 6 ® 6.1 4 Build 7 6 41 § Build 8 8 8.1 8 Build 9 8 8.1 4 Build 19 6 6.1 é Total use 28192 9.119643 = 24819 Power gen. year 6: 1512608 Calc. Fuel Saving year @: 28889.73 § Power gen. nth. year: 2246752. Pay back time based on fuel savings and D&M; 3.551624 Assuged O&M cost per years 2589.72 CostEstinate 86624 Non- Seasonal 2306 158 8 923 3373 Building in use, t=yes, §=no 1 1 i 1 { § § 9 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 i i 1 | 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 | i i 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 j i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 ‘ 1 1 i 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i | j 1 j 1 j i i 1 1 4 1 i 1 1 4 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 Building use per aonth, Btu’s a [eat S.3E+88 3.0E+08 3. 1E+08 2.360004 TEN8 Hes s ‘6 # 1.3E+08 2.1E+88 2.6E+88 3.5E+88 1945HG15 17419816 18918698 1322764) 9873902, 6280689. 5882845. 5442174. 7478373. 12269438 15024287 28414226 6 4 6 § § § 6 4 § 8 8 6 45034227 49857756 42686138 32259148 25380247 18819005 15553258 16298282 28444753 38293742 35944261 46999625 6 $ 8 6 § 6 9 4 8 4 § a 9 a 4 6 5 6 6 8 4 6 § 6 6 8 a 8 ' § 6 4 8 8 6 6 8 9 § ‘ 5 6 5 8 § a 8 a 6 4 a § 6 § d 4 8 é 6 6 8 6 § § § 8 6 § § 6 6 é $.QE+8B S.SE+88 S.7E+OR 2.76408 2.1688 24298615 206356183 ‘21732457 1.898 2.66+08 3.4E+88 4.26488 Chcksua Oper .HDD 2 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12° 2.3689 1, 5E+98 § 3. 7E+#8 6 § 6 8 8 6 9 2. BE+6 19181 11271 41271 11271 1127) 11271 11271 11271 11271 11271 ge abeg WARNING: Pay back tine Heat available per hour by sonth zssesss= is only accurate 1 S2471.1 571372.4 507213.6 464441.1 549235.7 523987.9 523909.9 583003.5 718674.5 819377.8 721076.1 742462.4 after execution of 2 491839.5 539195.4 478323.4 437892.1 485576.2 461864.4 461064.4 513592.8 633655.1 723782.5 680938.6 701198.6 the DATA command 3462198.6 S66838.4 449433.2 411165.1 431048.6 410787.9 410787.9 458862.8 566119.6 647162.2 648783.9 659918.9 in cell A-158, 4 462190, SO6B38.4 449433.2 411163,1 417946.7 398218,8 398218.8 444188.5 549235.7 628027,2 640783.9 659918,9 5 447369.7 496704.9 434998.1 397B43.6 417916.7 398218.8 39821B.8 444188.5 549235.7 628627.2 620718.8 639283. 1 6 462196.8 S@6B38.4 4494332 411163.) 457312.4 435926.1 435926.1 485827.4 599087.4 685432.4 648783.9 659918.9 7 S20471.1 571372.4 587213.6 4$64444.1 457312.4¢ 435926.1 435926.1 485827.4 599887.4 685432.4 721876.1 742462.4 8 588752.3 635906.3 564994.9 517719.2 483576.2 461064.4 461964.4 513592.8 633655.1 723782,5 81368.3 825005.8 9 588752.3 635906.3 564994.68 517799.2 549235.7 523989.9 523989.9 583003.5 718074.5 819377.8 801368.3 825005.8 $6 654853.8 716573.7 637219.5 584316.7 575499.5 549048,1 549048. 610768.1 751842.3 857647.9 961733.6 928185.8 AL 669674.1 732787.2 651664. 597636.2 483576.2 461864.4 461964.4 513592.@ 633655. 1 723782.5 921886.7 948820.9 12 654853.8 716573.7 637219.5 584316.7 S8B631,4 561617,2 561617.2 624558,4 768726.2 876783.9 901733.6 928185.6 13 625213, 2 684306.8 668329.3 557677.7 614895.3 586755,5 586755.5 652415.8 892493.9 915853.1 861587.5 886913.3 $4 654853.8 716573.7 637219.5 584316.7 641159. $ 611893,7 611993.7 680179.6 836261.7 953323.2 901733.6 928185.8 15 669674,1 732787.2 651664.6 597636.2 614895.3 586755,5 586755.5 652415.8 892493,9 915853.1 921886.7 949828.9 46 669674.1 732797.2 651664.6 597636.2 614995,.3 586755.5 586755.5 652415,6 962493,9 915053.1 921806.7 948928.9 17 684494.4 748848.7 665199.7 619955.7 $49235.7 523909.9 523989.9 583603.5 718074.5 819377.8 9418797 96945b.7 18 640033,5 789449. 3 6227744 570997.2'575499,5 S49948.1 549848. 619768,1 751042.3 857647.9 801660.6 987549, 2 19 595572.6 652039.8 579439.1 531038.7 614895.3 586755. 5 586755. 5 652415. 862493.9 915053.1 821441.4 845641.6 26 S20471,4 571372.4 507213.6 464441.) 549235, 7 523989.9 523989.9 583803.5 718074.5 919377.8 72187h.1 742462.4 QL S2U474.1 S71372.4 5872135.6 40444161 496788. 4 473633.5 473633.5 527474.3 650539.0 742837.5 721876.1 742462.4 22 565932, 619772.8 558548.9 504399.7 496708.) 473633.5 473633.5 527474.3 658539.6 742937.5 761295.3 884369.9 23 625213.2 684306.8 668329.3 557677.7 496768.1 473633.5 473633.5 527474.3 656539.6 742837.5 861587.5 886913.3 24 SOM. 7 663639. 3 536183.8 491680. 522971.9 499771.7 498771.7 555238.9 684386.8 781187.7 761222.2 783734.) 13834314 NGL4BBIB 13458741 12332024 12682646 12096212 12896212 13464557 16592282 18937936 19892329 19655688 5. 5E+89 g¢ abeg Heat deaand by hour by aonth 1 514280.3 461733.9 4771B8.8 353550.2 267083.3 3131.51 26592.21 28685.88 205184.8 328822.5 399914.7 559808. 2 503784.8 452310. 467458.2 346334.9 261554.2 36662. 78 26849.51 27433.47 268996,6 322111.9 391753.2 528887.9 3 501160.9 449955.8 465815.6 344531.1 260192.6 36563.08 25913.84 27290.59 199949.7 320434.2 389712.8 525257.8 4 491977,3 441709.8 456494.4 338217.7 255424.) 29944.05 25438.98 26796.50 196285.7 314562.4 382571.5 515632.7 5 5G1168.9 449955.8 465015.6 344551.1 260192.8 38583.08 25913.84 27298.59 1999497 320434.2 3B9712.8 525257.8 6 569032.6 457822.4 472319.5 349942.6 264279.8 38982.11 26328.86 27719.24 203999.3 325467.2 395833.9 S33507.9 7 539267.2 484113.9 500317.8 370686.6 279944.8 $2818.68 27881.12 29362.39 215129.2 344769.4 419298.3 565133.4 8 568069.8 519027.6 527078.8 398528.7 294929.) 34575.39 29373.54 39934.18 226644.6 363214.7 441742.5 595383.9 9 572005.7 S13561.2 530750.8 393234.5 296973,1 34814.95 29577.85 31148.42 228214.9 365731.2 444803.1 599508.9 $8 575941.5 517094.9 534482.7 395948.2 299816.4 35054.58 29780.57 31362.75 229785.2 368247.7 447863.7 693634.8 $4 575941.5 517094.9 534482.7 395948.2 299616.4 35054. 56 29788.57 $1362.75 229785.2 368247.7 447863.7 683634.8 42 379877,3 526628.6 538954.7 378646.9 361859.8 35274.65 29994.08 3577.67 231355.5 376764.2 459924.2 697759.8 43 585125.1 525348.2 542924.0 402253.6 303784. 4 35613.45 38255.43 31862.83 233449.2 374119.5 455005.9 613259.1 14 572685.7 513561.2 538758.8 393234.5 296973.) 34814.95 29577.05 31148.42 228214.9 365731.2 $44803.1 599508.9 15 564134.6 566493.9 523446.9 387823.@ 292886.3 34335.84 29176.03 36719.77 225874.3 360698.2 438681.9 59125.8 1b 568869.8 516827.6 527098.8 399528.7 294929,7 34575.39 29373.54 39934.10 226544.6 363214.7 441742.5 595383.9 47 566198. 2 562968.2 519794.9 3BS117.2 270842.9 $4896.29 28966.52 30585.45 223564.8 35B181.7 435621,4 587133.7 18 5b8969.8 519627.4 527898.8 398528.7 294929, 7 $4575.39, 29373.54 3893418 226544. 363214.7 441742,5 595383.9 19 368669.8 516827. 527898.8 39852B.7 294929,7 $4575.39 29373.54 38934.16 226644.6 363214.7 441742.5 5953B3.9 26 564154.8 586493.9 523446.9 387823.8 292886.3 34335.04 29178.93 30719.77 225874.3 369698.2 430681.9 591258.8 21 551014.6 494714.9 511273.7 378B83.8 286675.8 $3537.33 28491.46 30985.36 219840.8 352309.9 428488.0 577588.4 22 547078.8 491181.3 567621.7 374098, 284931,6 $3297.78 282B8.15 2979).04 218269.8 349793.4 425419.5 573383.5 23 526087.8 472335.0 488144.6 361647.5 273133.5 32626.17 27202.75 28647.97 209894.9 336372.9 489096.4 551383.2 24 514208.3 461733.9 477188.8 353550.2 267603.3 $1381.51 26592.21 28905.08 205194.8 328822.5 399914.7 539808.8 13126789 $1788166 12174401 96268042. 6811998. 798587.9 678448.7 714484.8 5234811. 8389178. 18282926 13751580 2. BE+89 LE abeg. Heat delivered by hour by eonth 1 514286.3 461733.9 4771BB.8 35355.2 267683.3 3)361.51 26592.21 28005.08 205184.8 328822.5 399914.7 S3960B.8 2 491830.5 452318.8 467458.2 344334,9 261554.2 3662.78 26849,51 27433.47 260996.6 322111.9 391753.2 528867.9 3 462199.6 449955. 449433.2 344531. 268192.6 30583.00 25913.84 27290.59 199949.7 326434.2 389712.8 525257.8 4 462196.6 441709.8 449433.2 330217.7 255424.) 29944.95 25438.98 26799.50 196285.7 314562.4 382571.5 515632.7 ) 447349.7 449955.6 434988.1 344551.1 266192.8 36583.60 25913.84 27298.59 199949.7 320434.2 389712.8 525257.8 6 462196. 457022.4 449433.2 349942.6 264278.8 36982.11 26329.86 27719.24 263090.3 325467.2 395833.9 533587.9 7 520471.1 484913.9 500317.8 370686.6 279944.8 32818.68 27881.12 29362.39 215129.2 344760.4 41929B.3 545133.4 B 568669.8 519627.6 527898.8 399528.7 294929.7 34575.39 29373.54 38934.18 226644.6 363214.7 441742.5 595383.9 9 572005.7 513561.2 530758.8 393234.5 296973.1 34814.95 29577.85 31148.42 228214.9 365731.2 444863.) 599508.9 46 575941.5 517094,9 534482.7 395940.2 299616.4$ 35054.58 29780.57 31362.75 229785.2 368247.7 447863.7 663634.8 44 575941.5 517094,9 534482.7 395948.2 299616.4 35954.56 29789.57 31362.75 229785.2 3b8247.7 447863.7 663534.8 12 579877.3 526628.6 538854.7 398646.6 301959.8 35294.65 29984.08 31577.87 231355.5 379764.2 459924.2 667759.8 13 585125.1 525348.2 542924.0 402253.6 303784.4 35613.45 36255.43 31862.83 233449.2 374119.5 455005.8 613259. $4 572685.7 513561.2 538756.8 393234.5 296973.1 34844.95 2957785 34148.42 228214.9 365731.2 444963.1 599508.9 15 564134.8 586493.9 523446.9 387823.6 292886.3 34335.84 29178.03 38719.77 225674.3 3b8b78.2 438681.9 591258.8 46 568869.8 510827. 527899.8 398528.7 294929,7 34575,39 29373.54 38934.18 226644.6 363214.7 $41742.5 595383.9 17 56@198.2 562766.2 519794.9 385117.2 298842.9 34696.29 28966.52 36505.45 225564.8 SS81B1.7 435621.4 587133.7 18 568669.8 518027.6 527898.8 398528.7 294929.7 34575.39 29373. 54 39934.19 226644.6 363214.7 $41742.5 595383.9 19 568669.8 510827.6 527898.8 390528.7 294929,7 $4575.39 29373.54 38934.16 226644.6 363214.7 441742.5 9953B3.9 26 S21471,1 586493.9 587213.6 387823.@ 292886.3 34335.84 29179.03 38719.77 225074.3 369698.2 438681.9 591258.8 21 521471.1 494714.9 597213.6 378803.8 286075.6 33537.33 20491.66 36605.36 219840.8 352389.9 428480.8 577588.4 22 547078.8 491191.3 597621.7 376098.1 284931.6 33297.78 28288.15 29791.04 218269.8 349793.4 425419.5 573383.5 23 526087.8 472335.@ 488144.6 361667.5 273133.5 32620.17 27202.75 28647.97 269894.9 336372.8 469996.4 551583.2 24 514286.3 461733,9 477188.8 353550.2 267683.3 31381.51 26592.21 26685.08 285184.8 328022.5 399914.7 539808.8 128494268 11786186 12078556 9820042. 6811998. 798587.9 678448.7 714484.8 S234B11. 8389178. 18202926 13751588 2. BE+89 ge e6eg Data table, use DATA-2 comaand with default values as shown: Year @ fuel saving, gals. Year 28086. 73 i 2 3 4 5 4 7 8 9 16 1512868 28989.73 28680.73 28989.73 28080.73 28998.73 28989.73 28880.73 28080.73 28899.73 28688.73 $-saved: 38874.46 38675.95 31289.47 31915.26 32553.57 33204.64 33868.73 34546.1) 35237.83 35941.77 Discntd.:29917.75 20361.64 27816. 23 2721.38 26756.66 26242.11 25737.45 25242.58 24757,07 24280.97 O&N/ year discntd.: 2580.72 2580.72 2588.72 2580.72 2586.72 2589.72 2580.72 2588.72 2588.72 2589.72 Accu) td: 26337.83 S2117.96 77353.47 102654.8 126238.8 149891.3 173048.) 195789.9 217886.2 239586.5 Balance :-596B6.9 -33906.6 -8678.52 16038.66 49206.88 63867.39 87924.13 169685.9 131862.2 153562.5 PB-years: 8 6 § 3.351824 4 6 8 5 § § N 12 13 14 15 16 17 eg ag, 20889.73 2889.73 2889.73 2988.73 28088.73 28880.73 28088.73 28088.73 20088,73 2890.73 36669.60 37393.82 38141.69 38984.53 $9682.62 $0476.27 41285.86 $2111.51 42953.74 43812.82 23814,83 23356.87 22986.91 22466.39 22834.35 21618.6) 21195.82 28787.42 26397.67 19995. 68 2588.72 2588.72 2588.72 2589.72 2588.72 2580.72 258.72 2588.72 2588.72 2588.72 268919.8 281595. 381921.3 321887.6 341269.6 360290.5 378904.8 397111.6 414918.5 432333.4 174795.8 195571. { 215897,3 235783.6 255236.6 274266.5 292880.8 3116B7.6 328894.5 346309, 4 6 6 9 8 6 6 5 ‘ 6 6 6€ abeg Location:Wewhalen Heat rate Fuel cost Fuel cost escal. Power increase Discount rate System Joss Total generation Assused diurnal heat demand variation: Winter 4.6392 9.9384 8.6382 $.9375 4.9382 $.9388 o.0411 §.0433 9.8436 §.8439 6.8439 9.8442 8.8446 8.0436 6.643 9.9433 8.6427 9.8433 6.8433 9,643 9.642 9.0417 9.8401 @ at07 Summer 9.0392 8.9384 8.8382 9.9375 6.8382 8.8398 #0411 9.9433 #. 0436 6.0439 9.0439 8.6442 8.0446 8.8436 8.043 8.8433 8.8427 8.9433 6.0433 §.843 8.842 8.0417 8.8481 @ azaa WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET, SPorte Mean - - - ro oN rh _ - - -_ PARES sSeTt Seas a Concept: D 254@ Btu/kwh produced 1,65 $/gallon 9.82 /year $9.82 /year $.64 /year 56768 Btu/hour 1512088 kwh/year Local degreedays: Fraction; Kuhi Diurnal variation Year val. 11278 chcksue j June 15, 1985, 1526 1358 1498 1966 726 428 326 356 526 928 4158 1606 Power plant monthly generation: JAN FEB MAR APR nAY SUN Ju AUB SEP OCT NOV DEC 6.079 9.886 9.677 9.971 . $6.67 8.967 6.967 8.874 8.69 9.102 6, 187 6.11 177493.4 193228.7 172999.9 159519.4 157272.6 990532.4 458532.4 166259.6 262267.7 229168.7 240482.5 247142.7 2246752. 6.938 = 8.638 6.938 6.045 (6.045 9.045 8.045 48.845. 83B 8.838 6.036 = 8.836 9,936 6.64 6.04 9.04 6.94 6.64 6.04 9.836 9.836 6.034 9.634 6.034 $.03b = 1,836 0.836 8.036 836 83h 34 BL OTA 6.034 = 9.034 6.034 «69.035 6.835) 8.835) 8.835) 6 O35 S534 8.34 6.033 8.833 . 4.033) 6.035 (6.635 6.035 «8.835 6.035.835 8.33 HBTS 6.034 «66.934 9.034 8.034 8.838) 8.838 6.388.838 683883834 AS §.038 869.638 «9.038 «= 8.038 6.838 8.838 8.838 8.838 8.838.838. 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Fuel Saving year @; 29605.39 § Power gen. nth. year: 2246752. Pay back time based on fuel savings and O&M Assumed O&M cost per year? CostEstiaate 4.288232 3365, 34 112178 Building in use, 1=yes, #=no 1 1 i 1 1 i 4 1 1 ! 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 i 1 ee ee ee ee ee ee Building use per month, Btu’s S.3SE+OB 3.GE+88 J.1E+88 2. 3E+08 $.2E+HB S.BEHOR S.9E+OB 2.96408 2.26488 31827346 26735518 28263866 $.7E+#R 2.7E+8D I.3EHSR 4.4EtGR 3. BEt8 ee \ nasy the. Sith 1, 7E+88 meee ee eee ee ee ee i eee Ree Ke Ct et a Chcksua Oper. 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O68 g 6 § 6 8 8 9 19181 41271 41275 41271 41271 {1271 11274 11271 11271 11271 Ip abeg WARNING: Pay back tie Heat available per hour by month ssseses= jg only accurate 1 506472.1 556372.4 492213.6 $49441.1 534235.7 598909.9 568989.9 568083.5 783674.5 864377.8 766876.1 727462.4 after execution of 2 476838.5 524195.4 463323.4 422802. 468576.2 446064.4 446064.4 499592.8 618655. 1 788792.5 665938.8 685199.6 the DATA command 3 447190.8 491938.4 934433.2 396163.1 416048.6 395787.9 395787.9 443862.8 551119.6 632162.2 625783.9 644918.9 in cel) A-168. 4 447196.9 491038.4 434433.2 395163.1 492916.7 383218.8 383218,8 429198.5 534235. 7 613827.2 625783.9 644918.9 5 432369.7 475704.9 419988.1 382843.6 402916.7 383218.8 383218.8 429188.5 534235.7 613827.2 685710.8 624283.1 6 447190.0 APLB3B.4 434433.2 396163. 1 442312.4 420926.) 420926.) 470827.4 594887.4 670432.4 625783.9 b44918.9 7 SO6471.1 556372.4 492213.6 $49441.1 442312.4 426926.1 420926.1 4706927.4 584887.4 670432.4 704076. 727462.4 8 565752.3 626996,3 549994.9 582719.2 468576.2 446064.4 446064.4 499592.8 618655.) 7887082.5 786368.3 819805.8 9 365752.3 626996.3 549994.8 582719.2 534235,7 568909.9 568989.9 S6B0G3.5 763074.5 884377.8 786368.3 819005. 18 639853.8 781573.7 622219.5 569316.7 560499.5 534048.) 534948.1 595768.1 736842.3 842647.9 B96733.6 913195.8 41 654674.1 717787.2 634664.6 582634.2 468576.2 446064.4 445064.4 498592.8 618655.1 708782.5 966886.) 933829.9 12 639853.8 761573.7 622219.5 569316.7 S73631.4 546617.2 546617.2 589658.4 753726.2 861783.8 996733.6 913185.8 13 618213.2 669366.8 593329.3 542677.7 $99B95.3 $71755.5 571755.5 637415.6 787993.9 960053.1 846587.5 871913.3 $4 639853. 781573.7 6222195 569316.7 6261591 596893.7 596893.7 665179. B21261.7 938323.2 986733.6 913185.8 15 654674.1 717787.2 636664.6 582636.2 599895.3 571755.5 571755.5 637415.8 787493.9 968853.1 966866.7 933820.9 16 654674.1 717707.2 636064.6 582636.2 599895.3 571755.5 571755.5 637415.8 7874939 989853.1 906806.7 933828.9 17 669494. 4 733848.7 651189.7 595955.7 §34235,7 588999.9 568999.9 568483.5 793074.5 884377.8 926879.7 954456.7 1B 625833.5 685448.3 687774.4 555997.2 568499.5 334948. 1 534048. 595769.1 736842.3 842647.9 Bb6668.6 892549.2 19 386572.6 6370539.8 564439.$ 516038.7 §99895.3 571755.5 571755.5 637415.8 787493.9 968053. 1 806441.4 830641.6 2 SO471.1 556372.4 492213.6 $49441.1 534235.7 598989,9 508909.9 568083.5 703974.5 804377.8 70607b.1 727462. 4 21 586471. 1 556372.4 492213.6 4494461.) 481788.1 458635.5 458633.5 512474.3 635539.8 727837.5 786076.1 727442.4 22 558932. 684772.8 535948.9 489399.7 481798.1 459633.5 450633.5 512474.3 435539.8 727837.5 766295,3 789369.9 23 618213.2 669306.8 593329.3 542677.7 481708.) 458633.5 458633.5 512474.3 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Sh1795.1 45363.22 38055.48 48229.80 239418.3 384172.9 447485.3 639253.1 17 592978.3 532382.5 558145.9 407398.1 367474.7.44675.46 $7528.15 39672.35 236169.7 378B48.6 468928.5 621519.8 $8 661382.4 539782,1 557876.3 443122.7 3$1795.1 45383.22 38055.48 48229,88 239419.3 384172.8 457495.3 639253.1 19 661382.4 539782.1 557876.3 413122.7 311795.1 45363.22 38055.48 46229.8@ 239418.3 384172.8 467405.3 630253.1 28 397136.3 S3b842.3 S54G11.1 418268.4 399634.9 44989.34 37791.82 39951.88 237759.5 381518.3 464166.9 625886.5 21 5B3249.4 523576.2 541127.1 408719.5 392434.1 43943.68 36912. 94 39821.98 232238.2 372637.9 453372.3 b11531.8 22 379983.4 519836.4 537261.9 397857.2 390273,8 43629.28 36649. 28 38743.25 238571.5 369976.2 456134.8 686964.3 23 556864.4 499890.6 516647.6 382591.7 288752.5 41955. 18 35243.87 3725.78 221724.6 355788.5 432862.6 583475.5 24 544366.1 488671.1 565952.8 374004.8 28227§.8 41013.54 34452.08 36426.51 216748.2 347795.4 423147.5 570575.6 13BBB2B1 12447347 12885269 9541894. 7261532. 1846368, 878967.5 929187.8 5529845. 8873219. 16795666 14556956 3.8E+89 ey abeg Heat delivered by hour by month 1 506471. 48B471.1 492213.6 374804.8 282271.8 4113.54 34452.08 36428.51 216748.2 347795.4 423147.5 570575.6 2 476836.5 478698.2 463323.4 566372.1 276511.2 48476.53 33748.97 35677.24 212324.8 349697.5 414511.9 558931.2 3 447198.6 476285.9 434433.2 364463.9 275671.6 39967.27 33573.26 35491.42 241218.9 338923.1 412352.9 556828.1 4 447196.0 467478.7 434433.2 357785.2 278038.4 39234.89 32957.98 34841.65 207348.4 332712.4 464796.7 545831.2 5 432369.7 475704.9 419988.1 344463.9 275871.6 39967.27 33573.28 35691.42 241218.9 338923.1 412352.9 556028.1 6 447198.8 483684.7 434433.2 379188,5 279391.5 48595.63 34100.52 36048.88 214534.5 344246.5 418929.7 564755.4 7 3@6471.4 512356.7 492213.6 392132.6 295953. 4 43681.44 $6121.95 $8185.88 227253.9 364652.8 443657.2 59B231.8 8 565752.3 539782.1 549994.8 413122.7 311795. 45303.22 38955. 48 46227.88 239418.3 384172.8 467405.3 636253.) 9 $65752.3 543521.9 549994.6 415985.6 313955.4 $5617.18 38319.15 4@588.53 241877.1 386833.7 476643.7 634619.8 18 699634.5 547261.8 565606.7 $18047.2 316115.6 $5938.98 38582.81 48787.26 242735.9 389495.4 473982.8 538986.4 41 689634.5 547261.8 565686.7 418847.2 316115.6 45930.98 38582.81 $8787.26 242735.9 389495.4 473882.0 638986.4 12 613088.6 S51601.6 569471.9 $21789.5 316275.9 46244.86 38B46.47 $1065.99 244394.7 392157.1 477128.4 643353.1 13 618213.2 55598B.8 574625.5 425525.9 321156.2 46663.36 39198.83 $1437.63 246686.4 395786.8 481438.3 64917535 $4 605468.5 543521.9 561741.5 415985.@ 313955.4 45617.18 38319.15 486508.53 241977.1 3B6833.7 470543.7 634619.8 15 597136.3 536042.3 554611.1 410260.4 389634.9 $4989.34 37791.82 39951.08 237759.5 381518.3 464166.9 625884.5 16 691382.4 539782. 5578763 413122.7 342795, $+ 45383.22 38055.48 46229.88 239418.3 304172.0 467405.3 639253.1 17 59297.3 532302.5 350145.9 487398.1 367474. 7 $4675.46 $7528.15 $9672.35 236188.7 378848.6 468928.5 621519.8 18 681302.4 539782. 557876.3 413122.7 J44795.$ 45383.22 38055.48 48229.88 239418.3 304172.8 467465.3 639253.1 19 58@572.6 539782. 1 5578763 413122.7 311795.4 45383.22 3BG55.4B 40229.88 239418.3 384172.0 467405.3 630253.1 26 586471,4 536842,3 492213.6 410268.4 389634,9 44989.34 37791.82 39951.08 237759.5 381518.3 464166.9 625896.5 24 506471.1 523576.2 492213.6 400719,5 302434.1 43943.08 36912.94 39921.98 232238.2 372637.9 453372.3 b11531.8 22 556932.8 519836.4 535548.9 397857.2 308273.8 43629, 28 36649,28 38743.25 238571.5 369976. 2 459134.6 666964.3 23 556864.4 499898.6 516647.6 382591,7 288752.5 41955.18 35243.07 37256.7@ 221724.6 355788.5 432862.6 583475.5 24 S3bi1%.7 48867).$ 565952.8 374094.8 282271.8 41813,.54 $4452.88 3426.51 216748.2 347795.4 423147.5 578575.6 13874183 12466847 12427541 9541894. 7281532. 1046368. 878967.5 929187.8 5529845. 8873219. 16795648 14556956 3.9E+69 pr abed Data table, use DATA-2 command with default values as shown: Year @ fuel saving, gals. Year 29685.39 i 2 3 4 5 4 7 8° 9 49 1512609 29495.39 29605.39 29685. 39 29605.37 29685. 39 29685.39 29685. 39 29685.39 29605.39 29685, 39 $-saved: 31787.37 32341.52 32988.35 33648.11 34321.08 35607.50 35787.65 36421.88 $7156.24 37893. 24 Discntd.:38497.85 29901.55 29326.52 28762.55 28289.42 2764.93 27134.88 26613,85 2611.26 25599. 31 O&N/year discntd.: 3365.34 3345.34 3365.34 3365.34 3505.34 3345.34 3365.34 3365.54 3365.34 3565.4 Accugltd:27122,51 53658.73 79619.91 1O5017.1 129861.2 154162.8 177932.3 281188.8 223916. 246149.9 Balance :-85855.4 -58519.2 -32558.6 -7160.86 17683.21 $1984.81 65754.35 89982.07 111738.6 133971.9 PR-years: § 8 § § 4.288252 6 8 5 § § ‘ “hh ‘bes iad * il 412 13 14 15 16 17 18 M19 26° 29695.39 29685.39 29685. 39 29695.39 29685.39 2985.39 29695.39 29685.39 29695.39 29685. 39 S8H51.11 59624.13 48212.61 $1016.86 $1837.26 42673.95 43527.42 44397,97 45285.93 46191.65 25197.82 24624.59 24158.65 2386.21 23238.71 22783.97 22345.81 21946.09 21494,62 21981.26 $365.54 3365.34 3565.54 3365.54 3365.54 5565.34 3365.54 3565.54 3365.54 3365, 267891.6 289158.5 369935.8 336256.7 359122.6 369549.7 3885212 487871.9 425201,2 442917.5 1S5713.6 176972.5 197757.8 218078.7 237944.6 257362.7 276343.2 294893.9 $13623.2 336739.4 6 6 § 6 4 § 8 8 § 5 Sp abeg