HomeMy WebLinkAboutChignik Waste Heat Feasibility Study 1985CHIGNIK WASTE HEAT FEASIBILITY STUDY BY PETER N. HANSEN RURAL SYSTEMS ENGINEER BRENT N. PETRIE EDWIN L. MORRIS DIRECTOR/SYSTEMS PLANNING ASSOCIATE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/PLANNING ROBERT D. HEATH EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ©1985 Alaska Power Authority 1560/468(1) BRI 038 Ty aes CHIGNIK WASTE HEAT FEASIBILITY STUDY BY PETER N. HANSEN RURAL SYSTEMS ENGINEER BRENT N. PETRIE EDWIN L. MORRIS DIRECTOR/SYSTEMS PLANNING ASSOCIATE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/PLANNING ROBERT D. HEATH EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ©1985 Alaska Power Authority 1560/468(1) CHIGNIK WASTE HEAT SYSTEM FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Tel TNE MOMUCTHON cle rctisielecisleleieieciclelere/sielele Meleterere Te2 GONCTUSHONS ee cic leleicleleleicjscicie sisie'e slelelclelsicle 2.0 FACILITY DESCRIPTION Zoi General..... eke leveleleleletele erele's alate eielelalsteiereie ae POWOY? Plan Gece cveteleieioie «vice oie 'e eine wieleieieisicrs 2.3 Seno. Main Butiding. .o.cancscsuasusans 2.4 School Gymnasium..........06. Ere ielorslols'sleloxs 2.5) COMMUNTEY Hall... .cccsccccscccecccssccces 2.6 Fil re) Hail o/e crete'e vie: cle oie ao ain s'e1e'0! sts0 sels wie overs 3.0 WASTE HEAT SYSTEM CONCEPTS sed Generalicccsccosccsccescncs ole le ie avelels olaveres ae Concept A and Concept Al......... arelele diets Sad Concept B and Concept Bl..... Dielereiel sere ee Ss Concept C and Concept Cl............ eee a0 CONCEDE Oss cccscccscces MesGSRRANEREMSERS 4.0 COST ESTIMATES 4.1 GeNeValls/rclerceles cee ptelele cloveisleleleleleielelereie crore 4.2 Concept A and Concept Al........... svete 4.3 Concept B and Concept Bl........... otale’ ote 4.4 Concept C and Concept Cl.............0.- 4.5 CONCEPE [Diicrsvere« srpiele otsievere eersvoie els aiclelcreleraiele 5.0 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Sal General........ lol cletel ove) ol ele) clove! siatelsisie}e!sieie\ 552 Concept A and Concept Al...........00- Sad Concept B and Concept Bl........ re 5.4 Concept C and Concept Cl........ eee eeeee 555) Concept D..... COREE REREEESER EEE Sho elelele 6.0 CONCLUSIONS 6.1 General DiscuSSiOnsS......sseecseeecceees 6.2 CGNGTUSTONS | coe sissiselneslecece ceca Mersielelets APPENDICES A. Computer Printout, Concept A..........-- B. Computer Printout, Concept Al........... C. Computer Printout, Concept B.......seee. Ds Computer Printout, Concept Bl........... Es Computer Printout, Concept C............ Fs Computer Printout, Concept Cl........... G. Computer Printout, Concept D............ 1560/468(2) re Aan WMHMMMP OowoOoOnwn 13 19 25 31 37 43 49 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Introduction and Background In the spring of 1985, the City of Chignik requested that the Alaska Power Authority investigate the feasibility of utilizing waste heat from the local power plant for heating the nearby buildings. Power Authority staff made a visit to Chignik, where the facilities were audited for compatibility with waste heat recovery systems. Power Authority staff contacted Lake and Peninsula School District staff, as well as the City of Chignik staff. After returning from the site visit, these contacts were expanded to obtain a clear picture of power loads, fuel consumptions, future development plans in the community, etc. Staff drew up several concepts for waste heat recovery systems based on the information gathered. Staff calculated a preliminary cost estimate and the pay back time for each concept using LOTUS 1-2-3. Using relevant climatic and statistical data as well as a number of assumptions concerning future growth and fuel price development, this program simulates the operation of a waste heat recapture system over the life span of the project. This study does not include detailed gathering of engineering data such as soils conditions, local availability of skilled labor, and local experience in undertaking construction projects. Thus the cost estimates should be used with great caution. The economic analysis of system performance over the life span of the project is fairly accurate, provided that minimum maintenance is performed on the system. 1.2 Conclusion The most feasible waste heat utilization concept in Chignik is a system which would deliver heat to the Fire Hall, the School Gymnasium, and the School Utility Building. This concept would use jacket water heat as well as exhaust gas heat. An extension of service to the Community Building would not be feasible, due to the distance involved and the relatively small heating load of this facility. 1560/468(3) “1. 2.0 FACILITY DESCRIPTION 2.1 General This facility description is limited to facilities and items which are relevant in connection with waste heat recovery in Chignik. 2.2 Power Plant The Power Plant is a relatively well built and well maintained facility incorporating two Caterpillar 3306 generators, each rated at 150KW continuous power; and one Caterpillar 3304 generator rated at 75KW. Each generator has a separate skid-mounted radiator with an engine driven fan. Limited space is available inside the power plant for the installation of a waste heat system. If remote and horizontal core type radiators are used, however, the waste heat system can be installed in front of the generators. 2.3 The School The Chignik School incorporates a large Main Building, a Class Room Building and a Utility Building. Total floor area is approximately 6,200 square feet. These buildings are of BIA design and construction and are all heated from the same two boilers located in the Utility Building. These boilers also provide hot water for the school, making the connection to a waste heat system very simple. The Utility Building is located 210 feet from the Power Plant. Total fuel consumption for the Utility Building has been estimated at approximately 8,000 gallons per year. 2.4 The School Gymnasium The School Gymnasium is a 3,800 square foot Quonset hut of recent construction. The facility is very nice and well maintained inside. The heating system consists of a hot air furnace located in the attic. The ductwork leading to the furnace would allow fairly easy installation of a hot water coil between the filter and the fan. Hot water for showers, etc., is provided by an oil fired hot water heater. The furnace and the water heater are located in the east end of the building, only about 40 feet from the Power Plant. Total fuel consumption for the School Gymnasium has been estimated to be approximately 4,000 gallons per year. 2.5 The Community Building The Community Building is a fairly new and well built facility located approximately 200 feet from the Power Plant. Heat is supplied by a residential grade forced air furnace. The floor is utilized as a return air plenum. Hot water is supplied by an electric hot water heater. Total fuel consumption has _ been estimated by the City of Chignik to be approximately 1,500 gallons per year. 1560/468(4) -2- 2.6 The Fire Hall The Fire Hall, with approximately 900 square feet of floor area, is located less than 15 feet from the Power Plant. This building is currently heated by oil fired unit heaters and a future utilization of waste heat would most likely be made with hot water based unit heaters. The total fuel consumption for this building is approximately 1,000 gallons per year. 1560/468(5) -3- 3.0 WASTE HEAT SYSTEM CONCEPTS 3.1 General This section describes the waste heat system concepts that have been investigated in this study. Due to the Alaska Power Authority's extensive experience with waste heat recapture systems, this study will not attempt to investigate all possible waste heat system concepts for use in Chignik. Based on the field date collected, it seems clear to the Power Authority that several details are pre-determined. Differences between the concepts are limited to pipe routings, the number of buildings connected and, to some extent, the method of connection. All concepts studied include the following elements: ° The system would consist of a common cooling manifold in the Power Plant connected to remote, thermostatically controlled radiators. Heat would be extracted from this jacket water cooling system using a large flat plate type heat exchanger. In concepts where exhaust gas heat could be utilized, this would be done with a fin-tube type exhaust gas boiler mounted in place of the muffler. During times when the exhaust gas heat is not needed, a bypass valve would lead the exhaust gases around the exhaust gas boiler. Heat would be delivered to the user buildings through a constant output temperature, variable flow glycol based system, which would feed into an underground distribution network. The network would consist of pre-insulated pipe using a steel carrier pipe, high density urethane foam insulation and high density polyethylene jacket pipe. In buildings with hydronic type heating systems, a large flat plate heat exchanger would transfer heat to the boiler return line in the existing heating system. A simple control valve would maintain a preset temperature in the existing heating system by limiting the flow in the waste heat recovery system. With this concept, the boiler would function as an automatic backup heat source in case insufficient heat is available from the Power Plant. Buildings with existing hot air heating systems would be supplied with heat either through a hot water coil in the existing ducts or through new hot water based unit heaters. ” The use of BTU-meters or "heat meters" is not anticipated, as such meters have shown very poor reliability in rural applications. Written agreements detailing billings based on current and previous fuel consumption records will be made prior to construction of any waste heat recapture system. In the following concepts, all buildings will have equal priority concerning delivery of heat. Thus, if insufficient heat is available to satisfy all demands, each building will receive a proportionate share of its needs. If, however, one building is capable of utilizing lower grade heat than the other buildings, it will receive more than its proportionate share of the heat. From an economic stand point, this is beneficial 1560/468(6) -4- as both installation and operating and maintenance costs decrease with the buildings' capability to utilize low grade heat. 3.2 Concept A Under this concept, the School Utility Building and the Community Building would be connected to the waste heat recapture system through underground lines from the Power Plant. The School Gymnasium would be connected via a branch line connected to the main line between the Power Plant and the Utility Building. The Fire Hall would be supplied through a small diameter line suspended between the Fire Hall and the Power Plant. In the Fire Hall, heat would be supplied through one or two hot water based unit heaters with thermostatically controlled fans. In the Community Building, two cabinet unit heaters with thermostatically controlled fans would be installed. The School Gymnasium would be supplied with heat through a hot water based coil installed in the existing ductwork between the filter and the fan. Heat would be delivered to the School Utility Building via a flat plate heat exchanger installed on the boiler return line. In this concept, only jacket water heat is utilized. : 3.2.1 Concept Al This concept is identical to Concept A with the only difference being the utilization of exhaust gas heat in addition to the utilization of jacket water waste heat. 3.3 Concept B Under Concept B, heat would be delivered to the School Buildings only. Connections would be made to the Utility Building and the School Gymnasium as described under Concept A. 3.3.1 Concept Bl This concept is identical to Concept B with the only difference being the utilization of exhaust gas heat in addition to the utilization of jacket water waste heat. Only the School Buildings would be supplied with waste heat. 3.4 Concept C This concept is identical to Concept A except for the deletion of the connection to the Community Building. Thus the School Utility Building, the School Gymnasium and the Fire Hall are supplied with waste heat. Connections would be made as described for Concept A. 1560/468(7) -5- 3.4.1 Concept Cl This concept is identical to Concept C with the only difference being the utilization of exhaust gas heat in addition to the utilization of jacket water waste heat. 3.5 Concept D This concept includes connections to the School Gymnasium and the Fire Hall only. The connection would be made as described under Concept A. 1560/468(8) -6- 4.0 COST ESTIMATES 4.1 General The cost estimates presented in this report are based on the following assumptions: a. All work is performed on a "force account" basis. b. A base hourly wage of $20/hour is used for skilled labor. c. A base hourly wage of $10/hour is used for unskilled labor. d. Sufficient skilled, local labor is available. e. No mobilization of manpower or equipment is needed. f. No air freight is used. g. System design follows Alaska Power Authority standards. In the following estimates for work on each building, the laying of arctic pipe between the power plant and each particular building is included in the estimate if applicable. 4.2 Concept A Cost Estimate: Power Plant Work $ 16,360 School Gymnasium Work 6,330 School Utility Building Work 12,980 Fire Hall Work 2,470 Community Building Work 12,880 Net Construction $ 51,020 Contingency 25% 12,775 Total Construction $ 63,775 Administration, Engineering etc. 20% 12,775 Total Project Cost, Concept A $ 76,530 KREKKEKRKEREKREREREREREREREKRERERERERKEE Addition Of Exhaust Gas Boilers roy ua So So o Total Project Cost, Concept Al $ wo ry uo w oOo 1560/468(9) -7- 4.3 Concept B Cost Estimate: Power Plant Work School Gymnasium Work School Utility Building Work Net Construction Contingency 25% Total Construction Administration, Engineering etc. 20% Total Project Cost, Concept B FEI III III TAK I Addition Of Exhaust Gas Boilers Total Project Cost, Concept Bl 4.4 Concept C Cost Estimate: Power Plant Work School Gymnasium Work School Utility Building Work Fire Hall Work Net Construction Contingency 25% Total Construction Administration, Engineering etc. 20% Total Project Cost, Concept C KRIKKEKREEEEKER EKER ERE EKER EERE Addition Of Exhaust Gas Boilers Total Project Cost, Concept Cl 1560/468(10) -8- ee ua So So o ww a © a oOo oO $ 16,360 6,330 12,980 2,470 $ 38,140 9,535 $ 47,675 9,535 A uo —_ nD ee Oo we N |e ny [oO nm [Oo re 19 oOo |o 4.5 Concept D Cost Estimate: Power Plant Work $ 16,360 School Gymnasium Work 6,330 Fire Hall Work 2,470 Net Construction $ 25,160 Contingency 25% 6,290 Total Construction $ 31,450 Administration, Engineering etc. 20% 6,290 Total Project Cost $ 37,740 1560/468(11) -9- 5.0 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 5.1 General The economic analysis for the waste heat recapture system concepts addressed in this report was performed using the LOTUS 1-2-3 software with the following methodology: ° Based on actual power production figures provided by the City of Chignik and on typical diurnal load variations compiled in other locations together with specific data for the generators in use, the available waste heat was calculated for each hour during the year. Based on heating degree variations for Chignik together with fuel consumption data and operational characteristics provided by the Lake and Peninsula School District and the City of Chignik, the actual heat demand was calculated for each hour of the year. A comparison was made between the available heat and the demand and it was then calculated how much waste heat was actually utilized. At this point, the estimated heat loss for the district heating lines was also taken into account. The waste heat utilized was added up hour by hour for the entire year. With a set of assumptions for load growth over the next 20 years, the same calculation was made for each of the next 20 years, and the annual fuel savings were derived. Based on current fuel cost and estimated fuel cost escalation together with the cost estimates presented in this report, a cash flow analysis and a pay back time were calculated for each of the concepts. Additionally, the internal rate of return was calculated for each concept to facilitate comparison of concepts with varying construction costs. Generally speaking, the pay back time indicates the period of time during which the project will have to operate as intended in order to pay off the initial investment. In this study, a discount rate of 4 percent has been used. The discount rate is approximately equal to the difference between the interest rate and the inflation rate. The internal rate of return can be used to compare feasibility of concepts without any knowledge of interest or general inflation rate. In calculating the internal rate of return, it has been assumed that the project will function as intended for 20 years. The annual operations and maintenance cost for each concept has been estimated at 3% of the construction cost. Additionally, $900 per year has been allocated for maintenance of exhaust gas boilers. 1560/468(12) -10- 5.2 Concept A Using the assumptions listed, this concept shows a pay back time of 13.3 years. The long pay back time is caused mainly by the fact that insufficient heat is available to satisfy demands in all the buildings. Only 59% of the total demand for the buildings connected can be met the first year of operation. If exhaust gas heat is utilized as explained in Concept Al, the pay back time is reduced to 9.4 years. With this concept, 96% of the heating demands are met. 5.3 Concept B If only the School Gymnasium and the School Utility Building are connected to the waste heat system, the pay back time will be 8.1 years. The School buildings alone are able to utilize all the heat available from the Power Plant. If exhaust gas heat is utilized for the School buildings alone, the pay back time is increased to 8.7 years. Under this concept the School buildings are supplied all their heating demands from the Power Plant. However, the added fuel savings does not compensate for the increase in construction costs and operations and maintenance costs, 5.4 Concept C If the Fire Hall and the School Buildings are connected to the system without exhaust gas heat utilization, all the jacket water waste heat will be utilized. This concept does not, however, compare favorably with Concept B, in which the Fire Hall is not connected. This is due to the fact that the additional connection to the Fire Hall only increases the fuel savings by 246 gallons per year. This does not justify the added construction costs, as can be seen from the 8.6 year pay back time. If exhaust gas heat utilization is added to this concept, the pay back time is reduced to 8.1 years. With this concept, almost all the heating needs of the buildings connected are satisfied with waste heat. 5.5 Concept D If only the School Gymnasium and the Fire Hall are connected to the system, a pay back time of 10.4 years results. This concept will provide all the heat needed in the two buildings; however, the total demand in these two buildings is only 5,300 gallons which limits the annual savings. Since the heating needs can be satisfied with jacket water waste heat alone, there is no need to add exhaust gas heat utilization. 1560/468(13) -11- 6.0 CONCLUSIONS 6.1 General Discussions The power plant in Chignik is very well suited for the utilization of waste heat. Current maintenance seems to be of sufficient quality that the addition of exhaust gas boilers to a waste heat recovery system can be justified. Such exhaust gas boilers require limited but regular maintenance in order to function well. Without the utilization of exhaust gas waste heat, it appears that Concept B (in which only the School receives heat) is the most economical concept. In spite of the short distance between the Power Plant and the Fire Hall, it would not be economical to provide heat to the Fire Hall if all the School Buildings are connected to the waste heat system. If exhaust gas heat is utilized, it does become economical to connect the Fire Hall to the waste heat system. The pay back time for this Concept (Concept C1) would then be 8.1 years, which is the same as the pay back time for Concept B. The internal rate of return for both concepts is approximately 14.5 percent. 6.2 Conclusion One of the most feasible waste heat utilization concepts in Chignik is a system which delivers heat to the School Utility Building and the School Gymnasium. No exhaust gas heat would be utilized in this concept. Equally feasible is a concept in which both exhaust gas heat and jacket water heat are utilized, and waste heat is supplied to the School Buildings as well as the Fire Hall. An extension of service to the Fire Hall may be marginally feasible, but it is unlikely that the provision of waste heat to the Community Building would be feasible at all. The recommended waste heat scenario is Concept Cl. This concept utilizes exhaust gas heat as well as jacket water heat and supplies this heat to the School Buildings and to the Fire Hall. Because a very low cost of fuel ($0.95/gallon) has been used in this study, Concept Cl becomes increasingly favorable in comparison with the other concepts if the cost of fuel increases more than the 2 percent assumed for this study. 1560/468(14) -12- WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET. Location: Chignik Concept: A Date: September 5, 1985. Heat rate 2738 Btu/kwh produced Fuel cost #.95 $/galion Fuel cost escal. $.82 ‘year Power increase $.82 /year Discount rate 8.94 /year System loss 24448 Btu/hour Total generation 327983 kwh/year ‘ Year val. Local degreedays: 1198 1875 1288 975 625 498 459 449 558 TH 998 1958 9548 Assused diurnal heat Power plant monthly generation: demand variation: JAN FEB MAR APR HAY UN due AUS SEP Oct NOY DEC cheksua Fraction: 9.984 9.893 9.978 6.884 $985 #888 876 G.876 9.979 9.076 9.877 8.484 Winter Sumner Kwh: $9826.36 $5200.61 37918.19 48926.36 41798.41 42779.47 36938.13 3693843 37918.19 3695813 37424.46 58546.92 486028.1 Diurnal 9.6392 8.8392 1 variation #838 #038 9.838 8.938 9.045 6.845 9.945 8.045 8.945 8.845 8.038 4.038 $.9384 «9.8384 Z 8.936 8836 = 6,835 8 838 2.84 9.04 9.04 8.94 8.4 $94 9.935 9.938 9.8382 8.8382 3 $034 88.934 (8.934 8.034 6.936 8.836) 836 BOG 936 ATG 344 $.8375 9.8375 4 9.934 9.936 $934 9.939 G.035 8.855 9.935 8.835 6.935 8.835 8.034 8.834 §.8382 © 8.8392 5 8.833 6.839 8.933) 8.0335 8.935 8.835 8.035 9.835 6.835 8835 8.OTT BL 883 8.8389 9, 0388 6 9.034 8.934 9.834 8.934 6.039 8.038 9.638 G.838 9.839 G.938 8834 BL RS4 O.0411 8.8411 7 9.938 8.638 8.038 6.039 898.838 «8.838 BR 388A AIR 838 8.8433 §.9433 8 9.942 9,942 9.842 8, 842 9,84 8.84 9.84 5.84 8.04 4.64 9,942 8,942 9.0435 9.8436 9 8.942 8.042 9.042) 6.942) 645 BSS AS ONS 4S BAS BAZ AZ 9.9439 9, 8439 18 8.047 8.047 6.947 8.847 9.947) 47 8847 OA? 84? 8474? 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Fuel Saving year #2 9865.820 4 Power gen. nth. year: 484028.1 Pay back time based on fuel savings and O&M: 13.27971 Assumed O&M cost per year: 2295.9 CostEstinate 76538 Internal rate of return 9. #81969 Building in use, t=yes, #=no i 1 1 1 1 { 1 1 1 1 { 1 i i i i 1 i 1 1 we Siege eg ee pe OP ne Building use per month, Btu's 1,BE+8B 1, 8E+68 1, AE+88 93969485 63427732 52438626 51347858 56891734 46994742 31713866 22827795 22368982 24903049 26233728 12978338 AS218538 14872654 16692033 13499152 8646892 8 g 8 a 8 8 a a $ g a 8 & 8 g g 8 a g 8 8 $ § 8 2.8E+88 1. 9E+0R 2.1E+8B 1. 7E+88 i. Ge Se Va S g 8 8 { 6 8 § { } i i { 1 1 4 1 I 1 s 1 i 1 4 i 1 1 i ! 1 ! { 1 s s 4 1 1 1 i 1 8 § @ 56883871 a § @ 29443535 SILL. F3IB4T. PLTLLLB. 11413897 SOS4Si1, 6225752, 6897412, 7689265 a g 8 8 8 8 a g 8 4 & 8 § 8 & 8 & 8 a 8 8 8 8 § 13835027 15564486 1521B538 1. fE+88 THAFOSS 87424823 39259527 43712411 58257873 16683219 18577287 21798168 $0722146 12451524 14526779 S mn Dm 4 1. 4E+88 8 Be Ss $ 1, 6E+89 i 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 1.86 +88 a Om 2 mS oy 1. 9E+8 Cheksun Oper. HDD 9 9 2 “ 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 8. 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JHG196B. TIZ3MBH. 3413987. 2B6H5B9. 2868599. 2959489, 2868589. 2776337. J9GG19B. 1. 1E+O9 -SI- Heat demand by hour by #onth 1 251748.8 246417.7 273873.9 225893.4 158458.4 17B28.17 22856.59 19618.99 134465.2 182444.B 209189.2 2410Bb.6 2 246b11.8 241398,7 267508.1 220499.7 147387.8 17464.33 19647,37 19218.76 131721. 178721.5 204832.9 236166.5 3 265326.6 248131.5 266186.9 219351.2 146628.2 17373.37 19545.84 19118.71 131835.8 177798.6 203766.8 234936.4 4 240831.1 235731.2 261238.6 215351.7 143933.4 17855.8) 19186.89 18768.5) 128633.8 174532.7 208932.1 239631.3 5 245326.6 240131.5 266166.9 219351.2 146628.2 17373.37 1955.84 19148.71 131835.8 177798.4 2037b6.8 234936.4 6 249179.9 243993.2 278286.6 222796.5 148923.1 17646.25 19852,03 19418,99 133093.1 189593.1 206966.5 230626.5 7 263956.9 25B361.4 2853@8.7 236863.5 157751.6 19692.29 2128.83 2561.52 148982.5 191287.8 219235.1 252771.9 8 278879.6 272191.8 361634.3 24863b,3 166195.) 19692,95 22154.45 2142.14 149529,2 281527.) 238979.4 265302.3 9 280606.3 274976.8 363724.1 250359.8 167346.6 19829. 29 22307.95 21812.22 149558.2 282923.3 23257#.6 268147.4 1 281932.9 275962,7 305813.9 252881.5 168498.1 1995.73 22461.45 21962,35 150587.3 284319.6 234178.9 269992.4 11 2819382.9 275962.7 395813.9 252881.6 168498.1 19965.73 22451.45 21962.31 150587.3 204319.6 234178.9 209992.4 12 283859.6 277849.5 387963. 253804.3 169649.5 28162,17 22614.94 22112.39 $51616.4 285715.9 235771.1 27§837.5 13 286428.4 288363.8 3108698.2 256181.2 171194.8 20284.09 22819. 48 22312. 58 152988.5 287577.5 237984.8 274297.5 14 286005.3 274876.8 383724.) 258359.0 167346. $9929.29 22387.95 21812.22 149558.2 202923.3 232579.45 268147.4 15 276153.8 270305.1 299544.4 246913.7 165843.7 19556.41 22800.9b 21512.05 147568.1 208130. 229379.1 264457.3 16 278879. 272191.8 381634.3 248636.3 156195.1 19692.85 22154.46 21662.14 148529.2 281527.1 238978.4 265382,3 17 274226.3 268419.3 29745$.6 245191.8 163892.2 19419.97 21847.47 2131.97 146471.8 198734.5 227769.8 262612.2 18 278879.6 272191.8 381634.3 248636.3 166195.) 19692.85 22154.46 2$662.14 $49529,2 281527.1 230979.4 266362.3 19 278679.6 272191.8 301634.3 249636.3 166195.) 19692.85 22154.46 21652.14 149529.2 201527.1 238978.4 246382.3 28 276153.8 270385.1 299544.4 246913.7 $65043,7 $9556.41 22860.95 21512,05 147508.1 208130.8 229378,1 264457.5 21 269738.8 264818.9 292579.3 244171.5 161285.4 1911.64 21489.31 21814.77 144869.8 195476.6 224835.9 258307.1 22 267884,2 262133.1 298488.4 239448,8 160854,6 18965. 17 21335.82 28861.69 143948.9 194980.3 222435.7 256462.8 23: 257528.7 252675.2 279942.6 238261.4 153912.B 18237.49 20517.19 26661.24 137552.4 196633.5 2139¢1.8 246621.8 24 251749.8 246417,7 273073.8 225093.4 150450. 4 17828.17 20856.49 19610.99 134465,2 182444.8 209186,2 241896.5 6422895. 6286795. 6966844. 5742753. 3J83RG09. 454845.8 511781.6 S0G33¢.4 3430578. 4654471, 5334723. o152794 1, 5E+89 -9I- Heat delivered hy hour by sonth 1 $14B28.3 129745.6 184883.45 114828.3 144481.3 (7828.17 2085.69 19618.99 12B698.8 124773.2 183226. 147977.9 2 197506.5 121632.7 98879.89 187508.5 125045. $7464.33 19647, 37 19218.76 111687. 188198. 4 P4588. 84 1I9985.4 3 198172.7 113519.8 91274.69 182172.7 118641. 1737337 19585.84 1911871 9887988 99938.59 8979148 129832.9 4 198172,7 $15519.8 91274.59 188172.7 196889.9 17855.8) 19186.89 18768.5! 94676.89 91423,53 9791.69 $29852.9 5 96508.84 129463.3 87272.49 96588.94 186889.9 {7375.27 (9545.04 19118. 71 9467.89 91623.53 B6433.18 125296.6 6 198172.7 $13519.9 91274.59 100172,7 $18145.3 17646.25 19952,83 19419,88 104983,4 18568,5 B9791,69 $29832.9 7 (4828.3 129745.6 1848B3.4 114828.3 118143.3 18692.29 21828.83 28561.52 164983.4 181568.5 183226.8 147977.9 8 129483.9 145971.5 $19492.2 129493.9 125645.6 19692,85 2215445 21662.14 (1197.8 $819.4 116660.3 156123.8 9 1274B3.9 145971.5 118492.2 129483.9 144461.3 19829.29 22387.95 21812.22 128698.8 1247735.2 11h668.3 166123.8 18 147883,5:166253.8 135583. 2 147805.5 151983.5 $9965.73 22461.45 21962.31 135503.2 131483. 1 133453.2 189804,3 11 1594754 179310.3 138985.4 151467.4 125645.6 19965. 73 2241.45 21962.31 111687.8 189190.4 134B11.7 1933486 12 147883.5 166253.8 135593.2 147983.5 $55654.? 26182.17 22614.94 22112.39 139995, 4 134718.1 133455.2 199884.3 13 148475.6 158148.9 128698.9 146475.4 163157. 28284.09 22819.68 22312.58 145789.8 141548.8 126736.8 179731.8 $4 147883.5 166253.8 135503.2 $47883.5 1473446.6 19929.29 22397.95 21912,.22 149558. 2 147977.9 133453.2 199884,3 15 151667.4 178318.3 139905.4 151467.4 163157.8 19556.41 22608.96 21512.95 145789.8 141348.8 136BL1.7 193348.6 fh $51467.4 179318.3 138985.4 §51467.4 163157.8 19692.85 22154. 46 21662.14 $45789.8 141348.9 134B11.7 193348.6 17 $95131.3 £74366.8 142307.5 L55L51.3 144404.3 19919.97 2184747 21361.97 128698. 124773.2 148178. 3 197876.8 $8 144139.6 1621974 132181. 144139.6 $51983.5 19692.85 22154.46 21662. 14 135503.2 131483. 136894. 194269.8 19 133147.8 150828.8 121894.4 133147.8 163157.8 19692.85 22154.46 21662.14 145709.8 $41348.8 12818.8 178659. 2 20 1$4928.3 129745.6 184883.4 114829.3 144481.5 19556.41 22088.95 21512.95 128498.9 124773.2 193226. 147977.9 21 149828.3 129745.6 184983.4 114828.3 129396.7 191B1.61 21489.31 21911.77 115898. 8 1L1515.4 £83226.8 1479779 22 125829.8 148915.8 115999.8 125928.8 129395.7 $9965.17 21335.92 20865.69 (15098. 8 111515.4 L13591.7 $61586.7 23 148475.6 158140.9 128698.8 140475.6 129396.7 $8237.49 26517.18 2861.24 115896.8 LL1515.4 126736.8 179731.8 24 122156.1 137858.6 114687.9 $22456.$ 134999.8 1782847 26056.69 $9618.99 121894. 4 118143, 3 199943,1 157858.5 3081968. 3474922, 2819999. 3081969. 3319775, $54845.8 F11781.6 598338.4 2956533. 2868599. 2776337. 3955198. 9, 1E+88 -iI- Year @ fuel saving, gals. Year 9985.82 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 a g 16 {i 12 43 44 15 16 17 48 327883 9955. 828 9865,928 9955.926 9865.828 9065,828 9965.92% 9865,.929 9945.828 9965.829 9865,828 9065.829 9945,92@ 9945.82 9865.928 9865.928 9265.928 9945.928 9865. 828 $-saved: 8784.779 B968.475 9139.684 9322.478 9508.928 9699.186 9293. 988 18098.95 18292.76 10498.62 12788.59 19922.76 L1141.22 11564.84 LYSOL. 33 11923.15 12859.62 12388. 8! Discntd.:8445,983 8284.43 8125.146 7968,893 715.645 7665.344 7517.934 7373, 358 7231.563 7892,494 6956. 188 6922, 329 Gb 138 $562,455 438.254 5512. 498 $191,996 6872.026 DMM/year: 2295.9 2295.9 2295.9 2295.9 = 2295.9 = 2295.9 «2295.9 2298.9 «= 2295.9 = 2295.9 = 2295.9 2295.9 2295.9 2295.9 «2295.9 «2295.9 2295.9 2295.9 discntd.:2287.576 2122.688 2841.046 {962.544 1887.062 114.493 1744.695 1677,591 1613.069 1551.827 1491.372 1454.812 1379. 8598 $325,925 $274,931 1225.799 1478.653 1133.32 Accum] td:6239.387 12401.88 18495. 18 24491.53 36428.41 36276.97 $2644.21 $7739.98 S3359.47 58899.94 64364.67 $9752.98 T5Pb5.26 BPI8L.89 9465.21 98549.99 95562.42 18B5H1.1 Balance :~76299.6 -6$128.9 -58044.8 -52038.4 -46199.8 -40259.@ -34495.7 -2B79H.8 -23171.5 -17638.9 -12165.3 -6777.81 -1464,73 3775.89) B9BT. 314 1419.99 $9832.42 23975.13 PB-years: g g $ 4 8 a & 8 8 4 8 g 8 13.2797! § a g a ~7$538 9412.697 8526,869 9845, 324 9859.149 9295,438 9527,256 9743.728 18024. 91 19 2@ 9865.928 9855. 828 g a 2546.82 12797. 75 5955.257 §848.733 2295.9 © 2295.9 1889.731 1847.918 $85346.6 $19159.5 28936.65 $3629.57 8 i $9258.92 1581.86 - 8I- WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET. Stussnesccz: sHsssssezzss: Location: Chignik Concept: Ai Date: September 5, 1985, Heat rate 5897 Btu/kwh produced Fuel cost $.95 $/gallon Fuel cost escal. 9.92 /year Power increase $.82 ‘year Discount rate $.94 /year Systea loss 24468 Btu/hour Total generation 327883 kwh/year Local degreedays: 1106 1875 1209 975 - Assumed diurnal heat Power plant monthly generation: desand variation: JAN FEB MAR APR Fraction; $084 8.093 9.878 8,894 Winter Sumer Kwht 49826.36 $5208.61 37918.19 4826.34 Diurnal 9.8392 8.8392 1 variation 9.938 #.838 9.838 4.938 9.8384 6.8394 2 0.036 8.036 9.035 9.836 9.8382 8.8382 3 9.934 8.854 6.034 4 $.9375 9.8375 4 9.634 9.934 9.934 8.934 9.8382 8.9382 5 6.033 8.833) 6.833) 8.833 9.9388 9. 8388 6 6.934 8.934 «9.034 834 8.0411 O.841h 7 9.938 9.938 9.038 6.838 8.9433 8.8433 8 9.042 6.042 9.942 8,842 8.0430 © 8.8436 9 8.892 8.042 9.842 8.842 9.0439 8.8439 18 0.047) 8.047) G.B47 8,847 9.8439 8.8439 Mt 9.948 8.049 9.049 8.648 6.9442 9.8442 12 9.947 9.047) 6.847) 8.847 9.8445 8.8445 43 6.845 6.045 8.845 8.845 9.8436 6.9436 44 9.947 = O.847 G84? 9,947 9.943 6.043 15 8.648 899.048 6.248 8.948 9.9433 6. 433 16 9.948 6.949 9.049 9,948 9.9427 8.8427 17 8.049 «8.0869 9.849) 8.849 8.8433 8, 8433 18 8.946 9.046 «9.845 (8,845 8.0433 8.8433 19 8.045 8.843 6.843 8.943 8.043 8.945 28 9.938 6.938 9.938 9,938 8.842 9.942 21 $.038 8.038 866.939 =. 838 O.0417 8.9417 2 $941 9,04) G84 BAY O.6401 = 8.6491 23 6.945 8.095 9.845 a. B45 9.9392 8.8392 24 9.24 8.94 0.84 5.94 $25 469 MAY JUN 9.085 9.098 $1798.41 42778.47 6.945 #845 O.04 8.94 6.036 8.036 $935 6.835 $035 9.835 $.938 = 6.838 €.938 = 8.838 8.04 8.04 6.045 = 8.945 8.047 8,047 4.84 9.94 $.948 = 6,048 8.85 9.95 9,952 8.952 8.85 4.05 4.85 9.85 8.045 8.845 9.947 8,047 §.85 6.05 8.045 6 BAS 8.04 6.645 G94 a.84$ 9.941 = 6.841 8.943 8,943 58 du 8.976 36938. 13 8.845 9.04 8.836 9,935 8.835 9.938 8.838 8,84 8.945 9.047 9.04 8.848 6.45 8.952 4.65 9.85 §.945 9.047 8.95 9.945 6.941 8.041 8.841 9.043 448 AUG 8.875 34938. 13 8.945 #.04 #,835 8,935 4.935 $,938 8.838 £,94 8.045 6,947 $.84 8,948 8.85 8,952 8.95 $.95 8.945 9,847 8.05 $.845 8.841 9,041 8.841 $, 843 SEP 8,978 775 oct 9.976 988 NOV 9.977 S7FBAF 36938. 13 37424. 16 #.645 9,04 8.936 $.935 $.835 9.939 6.838 8.94 8.945 $.947 8.94 $,048 9.85 $,952 8.95 8.85 8.045 9,347 §.295 $.948 6.04 $841 6.041 9,943 9,845 6.84 8.835 9,935 8.835 9,938 8.838 §.94 8,845 8.847 6.84 #,849 9.85 9,952 8.85 $,95 8,845 8,947 9.95 8.845 8.041 $94) 8.841 9.943 £.038 9,835 9.834 $,934 £.033 8.934 8.938 $942 #.842 #047 8.048 £.947 $.945 8,847 9.948 9,948 8.849 8,845 8.043 8,933 $.238 $041 8.045 8,94 Year val. 1958 9548 DEC cheksum S104 1 58546.92 496928. 1 2.238 8.834 8.834 #,834 4.833 8,034 8.938 8,942 6.842 8,947 6.948 8.947 8.045 8,047 9.948 9,948 8.849 8.946 9.243 $. 939 #.838 #945 8.045 8.94 -61- Fuel use, fon- gallons Total Seasona] Seasonal Seasonal Build 1 9698 9.1 7288 Build 2 4908 at 38a Build 3 1988 8 1986 Build 4 1326 6 1328 Build 5 8 $.1 § Build & 8 a1 6 Build 7 8 gt 8 Build 8 8 $3 8 Build 9 6 8.1 § Build 18 $ 8.1 § Total use 15388 9.978431 = 14109 Power gen. year 9: 327883 Calc. Fuel Saving year @: 14763.88 § Power gen. nth. year: 486828. 1 Pay back time based on fuel savings and O&M: 9.433898 Assumed O&M cost per year: 3445.9 CostEstiaate 9538 Internal rate of return 9.123578 868 408 1298 Building in use, S=yes, f=no 4 1 5 i { 8 8 8 5 1 5 1 1 1 { 1 j 8 a g ! 8 i 1 1 i ! } 1 i 1 i 1 i j 1 1 1 { 1 1 1 1 i i § 1 ! 1 1 1 1 { 1 { 1 ! j i 1 1 i 1 1 oe 1 1 1 1 r 1 { 1 { { 1 i 1 j f y 1 { { 1 1 1 1 1 { 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i } t 1 1 1 i j j 1 i 1 1 ! 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 Building use per aonth, Btu’s 1.BE+O8 1.GE+89 1.1E+88 93969485 634277352 8 8 @ 5688387! 76517955 87424923 1. 8E+88 52438626 51347858 56891734 46984742 31713866 6 $ @ 29441535 39258527 43712411 58257973 22827795 22308982 24983849 20233728 12970338 G3H1MLb. F3IGHAT. PLILI1G. 11413897 14893219 18677287 21798148 15219538 14872654 16682833 13499152 8646892, 5534811. 6225762, 6887412, 7689265. 18722146 12451524 14524779 § a 8 g é 8 8 a 8 g 8 a § $ § 8 8 8 8 9 § § % 4 8 $ g 6 8 8 g 8 § 8 a a 5 8 £ 3 g 8 § 8 g g 8 8 § 8 g 8 § 8 g g 8 8 g a 8 8 g $ 8 8 8 8 $ 8 9 8 2.GE+#8 1.9E+88 2.1E+8B L.7E+OB 1,2E+9B 13835027 15564486 15218558 1.ME+R 1.4E+89 1.66488 1.96488 Chcksua Oper. HDD 9 9 12 12 12 12 12 12 9 2 12 8. BE+#8 4,98+88 2. 0E+H8 1, 5E+08 §251 8251 9541 9541 9541 9541 9545 9541 TAN 9541 -02- WARNING: Pay back tise sssssss= js only accurate after execution of the DATA command in cell A-168. Heat available per hour by sonth 4 235543.9 263395.8 216976.5 235543.9 298757.6 298086.8 254311.3 254111.5 261940. 254111.3 215881.9 297435.3 2 221862.6 2498247.9 264272.4 221852.6 258740,0 252254.9 223165.6 223165.6 229688.5 223165.6 261348.7 280496.6 3 208181.4 233108.8 191568.4 288181.4 227726.8 233599.4 198489.1 198489. 1 284272.4 198489.$ 188799.6 2635579 4$ 20B181.4 233108.8 191568.4 288181.4 228722.5 226423.) 192219.9 192219,9 197928.4 $92219.9 188799.6 263557.9 5 201348.7 228527.3 185216.4 281548.7 228722.5 226423.1 192219.9 192219.9 197928.4 192219.9 182529.8 255088.6 & 20818b.4 233160.8 191568.4 289181.4 241733.8 247922.2 218787.3 216787.3 216974.5 219787.3 198799.6 263557.9 7 235543.9 263395.8 216976.5 235543.9 241733. 247922.2 218787.3 216787.3 216978.5 216787.3 213881.9 297435.3 B 262966,4 293689.5 242384.5 262985.4 255749,.8 262254.9 223165.6 223165.4 2296908.5 223165.6 238964.2 331312.7 9 262906. 4 293689.3 242394.5 262986.4 298757.6 2788B6.9 254111. 3 254)11.5 261448.6 254111.3 238904.2 351512.7 16 297109,6 331557.8 274144.6 297589.6 394764.6 312419.6 2h6489.6 2664897.6 274144,6 266499.6 270317. 373659.5 i 303 2 339138.6 286496.6 383958.2 255740.8 262254.9 223165.6 223165. 229688.5 2231465. 274587.7 382128.8 12 297189.6 331557,8 274144.6 297189.6 S117b9.1 319585.9 272678.9 272678.8 288494.6 2726788 278317.1 373659.5 13 28342B.3 316409.9 261448. 283428.3 325775.1 333918.7 285057.9 295957.9 293208. 295057.@ 257775.9 336728.8 $4 297499.6 331557.6 274144,5 297189, 339782.1 348251.4 297435.3 297435.3 395904.7 297435.3 278317.1 373859.5 15 383950.2 339158.6 288496.6 38395@.2 325775.1 333918.7 285057.8 285857.6 29328%.6 285057.8 274587.7 392128.9 16 303959.2 339138.5 299496.5 383958.2 325775.1 333918. 7 285857.8 285057.8 293288.5 285057.9 276587,7 382128.9 17 8798.8 346704.1 286848.6 518798.8 298757.6 298884.8 254111. 3 254211.3 261948.6 254111.3 282858.3 398598. 2 18 298268.9 323983.5 267792.5 298268.9 304764,5 312419.6 266489,5 256489.6 274144.6 266499.5 264845,5 3o5198.1 19 269747.1 381262.8 248736.5 269747.1 325775.1 333918.7 205057.8 285857.8 293288.6 285857.6 245234.8 339782.1 2@ 235543.9 263395.8 216976.5 235543.9 290757. 299086.8 254111.5 254411.3 261440.6 254111.3 213881.9 297435,3 21 235543.9 263395.8 216976.5 235543.9 262743.5 269421.3 229354.8 229354.8 236832.5 229354.9 213881.9 297425.3 22 256865.8 286115.7 236932.5 256865.8 242743.5 269421.3 229354,8 229354.8 235832.5 229354.8 232693.4 322343.4 23 283428.3 316489.9 261448. 293428.3 262743.5 269421.3 229354.8 229354.8 236832.5 229354.8 257775.9 356728.8 24 249225.2 278542.1 229688.5 249225.2 276750.6 2B3754.1 241733.8 243733.8 248736.5 24)733.8 226423.1 314374.8 6261878. 6995528. 5772765. 6261878. 6712849. 6BB1762. 5863485. 5863485. 4833198. 5963485. 5691248. 7892221. 2. 3E+89 -Iz2- Heat demand by hour by sonth 1 251748. 246417.7 273873.8 225993.4 15@458,.4 17929.17 28854.69 19618.99 134465,.2 182444.9 269188.2 241886.6 2 24b611.8 241389.7 267588.1 228499.7 147387,9 1746$.33 19647,37 19218. 76 131721.8 179721.5 204932.9 236166.5 3 245326.6 248131.5 266186.9 219351.2 146628.2 17373.37 $9545.04 (9418.71 131835.8 177798. 2037bb.8 2349544 4 2hGO31.1 QEG731.2 261258.5 QN53TL.7 143933.4 17955.01 19196,89 $9768.51 128633.8 $74532.7 260952.1 238431.3 5 245326.6 246131.5 266186.9 219351.2 146628.2 17373. 37 19545.04 (9118.71 L31835.8 177798.6 283766.8 234936.4 & 249179.9 243993.2 278286.6 222796.5 148923.1 17645,25 19852.85 19419.99 133693.1 189503,1 286964.5 2338626.5 7 263950.9 258361.4 286388.7 236883.5 157751.8 18692. 29 21828.83 2561.52 148982.6 1912B7.8 219235.1 252771.9 8 278679.6 272191.8 3O1S34.3 249H34.3 156195.1 19692.95 22154,46 21662,14 148529.2 281527.) 23897G.4 265382.3 9 288806.3 274075.9 383724.1 250359.8 167346.6 19829.29 22387.95 21812.22 149558.2 282923.3 232578.6 268147.4 16 281932.9 275962.7 395913.9 252881.6 169498,1 19965.73 22461.45 21962.31 158597.3 204319.6 234178.9 249992,4 Af 28193269 275962. 7 385813.9 2526B1.8 168498.1 19965.73 2261.45 21962. 31 150587.3 204319.6 234178.9 2699924 12 203859,6 277848.5 367903.9 253804.3 169649.5 28182.17 22614.94 22112.39 151616.4 2057159 235771.1 271837.5 13 286428.4 288563.8 310690.2 256161.2 171184.8 20284.09 22819.8 22312.58 152998.5 207577.5 237984.8 274297.5 14 298006.3 274076.8 383724.1 2563597.8 167346.6 19929.29 22387.95 21912.22 149558.2 282923.3 232578.6 28147.4 15 276153.8 278385.1 299594.4 246913.7 165643.7 $9556.41 22088.96 21512.85 147588.1 288130. 229378.1 264457.5 16 278879. 2721918 361634.3 249636.3 166195.1 19692.95 22154.46 21662.14 148529.2 201527.1 238979.4 266382.3 17 274226.3 268419.3 297454.6 245191.8 165892.2 19419.97 21847.47 21361.97 146471.8 198734.5 227769.8 252612.2 18 278679.6 272191.8 381534.3 248635.3 166195.1 $9692.85 22154.46 21662,.14 $48529.2 281527.1 239978.4 266382.5 19 278879.6 272191.8 381634.3 248636.3 166195.1 19692.85 22154.46 21662.14 148529.2 261527.1 238978.4 266382.3 26 276153. 278305.1 299544.4 246913.7 165843.7 19556.41 22080.96 21512.95 147580.1 260130.8 229378,1 264457,3 21 269738.8 26401B.9 292578.3 241174.5 161205.4 19981.61 21489.31 2011.77 144869.8 195476.6 224838.9 258387. 1 22 267884.2 262133.) 290488.4 239448.9 168054.8 18965.17 21335.92 20861.59 143846.9 19498@.3 222435.7 256462.8 23 257528.7 252875.2 279342.6 236261.4 153912.8 18237.49 28517.18 26861.24 137552.4 186633.6 213981. 246621.8 24 251748, 246417.7 273073.0 225093.4 158458.4 17828.17 26856.69 1961.99 134465.2 182444.9 209108.2 241086. 6422885. 6286795. 6966846. 5742753. 3838609. 454845.8 511781.6 580330.4 3438579. 4654671. 5334723. 6150784 1,56+89 -22- Heat delivered by hour by aonth 1 235543.9 246417.7 216976.5 225893.4 150458.4 17B28.17 28956.07 19618.99 134465.2 182444.9 289188.2 241896.6 2 221862.6 241388.7 204272.4 228499.7 1473878 17464.33 19647,37 19238.74 131721.2 179721.5 261398,.7 236166.5 3 2OB1B1.4 233188.8 191568.4 2831B1.4 146628.2 17373.37 19545.84 1911.71 131035.8 177798.6 199799.5 234936.4 4 208181.4 233198.8 191568.4 209191.4 143933.4 $7055.83 $9186.89 18758.51 128633,.8 174532.7 188799.6 238631.3 5 281346.7 225527.3 185216.4 28134@.7 14662¢.2 17373.37 1954584 19110.71 131835.8 177798.6 182529.8 234934.4 6 26B181.4 233198.8 19569.4 288181.4 148923.1 $7646.25 19952.83 19419.89 133893.) 198593.) 198799.5 238426.5 7 235543.9 258361.4 216978.5 235543.9 157751. 18692. 29 21828.83 2951.52 140982.6 194287.8 213881.9 252771.9 B 262906.4 272191. 242384,5 249634.3 140195.1 19692.95 22154.46 21662.14 1485292 281527.) 238978.4 265382.3 9 262986.4 274876.8 242384.5 259359.8 167346.6 $9827.29 22387.95 21812.22 1495958.2 282923.3 232578.6 268147.4 A@ 2B1932.9 275962.7 274144.6 252881,6 168499.1 $9965.73 2241.45 21962.31 1585B7.3 284319. 234179.9 269992.4 M1 2819329 275962.7 286496.6 252881. 168498.1 19965.73 22461.45 2192.31 150587.3 284319.6 234178.9 269992.4 12 283859. 277848.5 274144.5 253984.3 169649,5 20102.17 22614.94 22112.39 151616.4 285715.9 235771.1 271837.5 13 283428.3 288363. 261449.6 256181.2 171184.8 28284.89 22819.49 22312.5@ 152998.5 287577.5 237984.8 274297.5 14 288686.3 274976.8 274144.6 250359.8 167346.5 19929,29 22387,95 25912.22 $49559.2 282923,3 232578.5 268147.4 15 276153. 278385.1 280496.6 244913.7 165043.7 $9556.41 22888.96 21512.85 147588.1 260138.8 229370.1 264457.3 16 278979. 272191.8 288496.5 248636.3 166195.1 $9692.85 22154.46 21662.14 $48529,2 281527.) 236978.4 265382.3 17 274226.3 268419.3 286848.6 245191.8 163892.2 19419.97 21847.47 21301.97 £46471.8 198734.5 227769.8 242612.2 18 278879. 272191, 267792.6 248636.3 1o6195.$ 1992.95 22154.46 21662.14 $48529.2 201527,1 238978.4 266382. 19 269747.1 272191.8 248736.5 248636.3 166195.1 19692.85 22154.45 21662.14 148529.2 261527.1 238978.4 268382. 26 235543.9 263395. 216976.5 235543.9 165043.7 19556.41 22088.96 21552.85 147588.) 288138.9 213881.9 264457. 21 235543.9 263395.8 216976.5 235545.9 161205.4 $9181.61 21489.51 21811.77 144669.8 195476.6 213891.9 258397. 22 256865.8 262533.1 236932.5 239448.8 168054,8 $9965.17 21335.92 20861,69 143048.9 194098.3 222435.7 256462.8 23 257528.7 252875.2 261449.6 238261.4 153912.8 18237.49 28517.18 2081.24 137552.4 186433.6 213781.8 246621.8 24 249225.2 246417.7 229688.5 225093.4 158459.4 17829.17 28856.59 $9618.99 134465.2 182444.8 289188.2 241886.5 6866882. 6244193. 5772765. 5474351. 3B38099. $54845.8 511781.6 590339.4 3430578. 4454671. 5234632. O158704. Me te Rd et 1.5E+89 -€2- Year # fuel Saving, gals. Year 14763.98 i 2 3 4 5 4 7 8 9 18 i 12 3 44 15 16 17 18 327883 14763.88 1473.88 14763.98 14763.98 14763.88 14753.88 14763.98 14753.99 14743.99 14753.98 14763.98 14763.98 $4753.88 14753.98 14763,99 14763.988 14763.88 14763. 88 $-saved: $4386.28 14592.32 14984.17 15981.85 15485.49 15795. 28 16111.18 15433.32 16761.99 17897.23 1743917 17787. 96 18143. 72 18586.59 18876. 72 19254. 26 19639.34 28832.13 Discntd.:13755.96 13491.42 13231.97 12977.51 12727,94 12483.47 12243.11 12687.67 11776.75 1455G.27 1132815 11619.38 19895.64 10687,09 16481.57 $8298.98 19092.31 9888.425 D&N/year «3645.9 5845.9 «3645.9 3685.9 = 5OK5.9 = 5445.9 «3685.9 «5645.9 3645.9 3845.9 3845.9 38K. 58K 3845.9 8S. 9 5645.9 | 3645.9 | 3845.9 discntd. $3585. 673 3378.839 3241.191 3116.538 299,664 2881. 497 279.584 2564.023 2561.59 2463.839 2368.387 2277, 218 2189.533 2185.416 2824. 438 (946,575 1971.707 1799, 718 Accuml td: {6250.28 28376.87 38361.65 40222.63 49953.92 59555.69 69828.22 78371.86 A7587.86 96674. 3@ 185634.1 114467.2 123174.2 131755.9 140213.8 148546.5 156757.1 164945.9 Balance :-81279.7 -71199.1 -61168.3 -51387.3 ~41576.@ -31974.5 -22581.7 -13158.1 -3942.93 5144, 383 $4194.15 22937.24 31694. 25 48225.94 $8683.99 57916,51 65227.12 73355.82 PR-years: § 8 8 8 “6 a g g @ 9.433998 8 8 8 8 & 4 6 a ~WN538 18668. 38 18946.42 11238. 27 11535.95 11839.59 12149.38 12465. 28 12787,492 1311.89 1345.33 13793. 27 14142,8b 14497.82 14069.69 $5238.82 15508.36 15993.44 16305. 23 19 28 $4753.98 14763. 98 8g 8 20432.77 28941.43 9898.263 9511. 758 3045.9 = 3645.9 1738.498 1663.94 72813,5 18861.4 91293.59 99131. 48 8 8 $6786.87 17195.53 -p2- WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET. Location: Chignik Concept: B Date: Heat rate 2730 Btu/kwh produced Fuel cost 4.95 $/gallon Fuel cost escal. 8.82 ‘year Power increase $.92 /year Discount rate 6.84 /year System loss 12488 Btu/hour Total generation 327883 kwh/year September 5, 1985. Local degreedays: 1188 1975 1289 975 625 408 Assumed diurnal heat Power plant wonthly generation: demand variation: JAN FER MAR APR MAY JUN Fraction: 9.084 9.993 9.878 8.884 6.995 8.998 Winter Summer Kwh: 49826.36 $5208.61 37918.19 $8926.36 41798.41 42778. 47 Diurnal 9.0392 6.8392 { variation §$.638 #.8638 9.038 6.838 6.845 0.845 9.0384 8, 6384 Z 9.935 8.036 9.935 8.936 9.94 8.04 9.8382 8.8382 3 6.934 §=9.934 6.834 8.834 BBS BL BSG $.9375 9.8375 4 6.934 8.034 9.034 6.034 6.935 6.835 9.9382 9.0382 5 033 8.033 8.033) 8.933) 8.835 8.835 9.6383 9.8388 6 G.034 6.635 9.834 9.934 6.038 8,838 $.6411 6.8411 7 $.038 9.938 9.938 8.838 6.838 8.838 $.8433 9. 9433 g 9.942 6.042 9.942 8.842 9.84 9.94 9.8436 9.8436 2 6.642 9.042 9.042 6.842 8.845 6.045 9.0439 $, #439 18 6.947 6,047 «= 9.047) =. 847) 8047) 847 8.0439 = 8.8439 i} 6.6439 «8.048 898.048 =. 48 8.65 $.04 9.0442 9.8442 12 9.047 8.047 8.047 9.847 8.949 848 9.0446 8.8446 13 6.045 9.085 8.045 8.845 8.85 8.95 9.9436 © 8.8435 14 $.047 6.847 9.047 8.947 9.852 8,652 8.943 8.843 45 6.948 9.648 9.048 6.848 8.85 $.65 9.0433 = 9, 8433 16 9.049 9.048 9.048 9,949 8.85 $.95 0.6427 = 8.9427 47 6.949 «68.049 6.049 8849 85 AS 9.6433 9.8433 18 $945 6.045 9.045 8.945 9.047 6,047 8.0433 8.9433 19 6.843 8.043) O.8483 (8.843 8.25 9.85 9.843 9,943 26 $938 6.039 9.8938 8.038 6.945 8.985 6.842 8.042 21 8.038 4.038 8.838 8.838 9.04: BBs 9.0417) 8.0417 22 8.04) 8.041 9.84) B.S OSH OO #.849) 9.9481 23 6.045 8.045 8.045 6.245 8.041 6.081 9.8392 8.8392 24 8.94 9.04 4.04 6.94 9,053 8, O43 458 JUL $.976 3O93B.1T 8.845 8.04 9.034 4,035 $.635 $.939 8.838 9.84 $.845 9,047 8.84 $.948 8.85 » $952 8.85 8.85 $.045 9.047 6.65 §.045 9.041 9,041 8.041 9.943 440 358 AUS SEP 8.976 9,878 3693B,13 37918.19 4.845 8.045 8.94 8.94 8.935 8.836 9.835 9 9,035 8.835 8.835 8.938 © 9.938 8.938 8.238 9.94 $.84 9.845 9 8.845 8.847) 9.947 8.94 8.84 9.948 = 9.049 4.65 8.85 8.852 9.852 8.85 8.85 8.95 9.85 8.045 = 8.045 8.947 = 9.847 9.05 8.85 8.995 9 8.945 8.041 8.041 8.841 9 §.84) 8.241 6.841 $845,853 775 oct 9,976 36938, 13 8.045 8.94 9.836 $835 §.835 9.938 9.038 9.84 $.045 8,847 9.04 $848 6.05 8.952 8.85 $.05 8.245 4,847 $.95 8.845 8.84! B84) 8.041 8,843 998 NOV $.377 37424. 16 8.038 9.935 8.234 9.834 8.833 9.834 8.838 §.942 9,042 9.947 $948 §.047 9.645 9.047 9.843 4,945 8.849 6.945 9.243 9,938 9.838 $245 6.045 4.84 Year val. 1958 9549 DEC chcksua 8.184 { $8546.92 486628.1 #,038 8,936 8.834 9.934 6.033 9.834 2.938 8,842 9.042 9.947 9.948 8.94? 8.045 $947 9.948 9.948 9.049 8,046 6.843 8.938 6.038 8.941 8.045 9.94 =Gz5 Fuel use, Non- galions Total Seasona} Seasonal Seasonal Build | 8999 al 7288 Build 2 4008 a. Joe Build 3 § Build 4 & Build § 4g Ruild 6 g Build 7 8 Build 8 6 Build 9 4g 8 1 8 i Fs i 1 1 Build 18 1 Se Pan Se Sis Total use 12088 G1 = 18889 Power gen. year 8: 327883 Calc. Fuel Saving year #: 9123.994 8 Power gen. nth. year: 484028.1 Pay back time based on fuel savings and D&M: 8.415204 Assused O&M cost per year: 1605.55 CostEstinate 53585 Internal rate of return 8, 144653 = oo Se Qe Be Bu Be Bs 1298 Building in use, !=yes, @=no 1 j 1 { i 1 i 1 1 { i 1 1 i i 1 i 1 i i { i i i ! j i 1 1 i i j i 5 1 ! 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 j i 1 1 i 1 i Building use per month, Btu’s 1.OE+88 1.GE+88 1. 1E+@B 93969485 63427732 52438626 51347858 56801734 46984742 31713806 8 a 8 # 8 § 8 4g 8 8 8 8 8 a 8 8 8 g 8 8 8 g 9 8 9 g § g 3 g 6 # 8 g $ § a 8 8 4 1.6E+88 1.SE+OR $.7E+88 1.4E+8B 95141598 r_ Qe Pe Be Ks S fe ee ee te ao Pe Da Sa So e { a 1 i ! 1 { ! ! 4 4 ‘ 1 1 4 1 § 1 1 @ 58883871 @ 29441535 4 a 8 4g a a a § 8 g 8 § 8 8 a § 9 85324697 Chcksua Oper. HDD ! 1 j 9 825! 1 1 1 9 8251 } } S 12 954i i ! i 12 9541 i 4 { 42 954s i 1 { 12 9541 t i i 12 9544 1 4 i 12 9541 i i 1 12 9541 1 1 1 12 9544 765178535 87424823 1. HE+OR 8.86 +88 38258527 43712411 58257873 4,dE+89 8 a 6 a 8 8 4 & 8 a 8 g a a 8 # 8 8 4 a a 8 g a a g 8 g 8 § 9 8 LMEHOR L.3E+88 1.5E+88 1. 2E+69 -92- WARNING: Pay back tise Heat available per hour by month ======== ig only accurate 1 126748. 3 141665. 116803.4 126748.3 156521.3 168246.9 136695.2 $36693.2 140618.8 136693.2 115146.8 159897.9 after execution of 2: 199426,5 133552.7 189999.8 119428,5 137595.6 S44055.8 120118.4 120118,4 123687.9 120118.4 198428,9 150825.4 the DATA command 3 112892.7 125439.8 103194.6 112892.7 122561.8 125701.5 166858.5 166858.5 169999.8 186858.5 101711.6 141752.9 in cell A-168, 4 112092.7 125439.8 $03199.6 112892.7 119889.9 121863.1 183543.6 103543.4 196599.9 103543.6 181791. 141752.9 5 188428.8 121383.3 99792.49 198429.B 118889.9 121B63.1 183543.6 183543.6 186596.8 183543.4 IBISI.1@ 1372166 6 142092.7 125439,8 193194.6 112892.7 138063.3 13337B,2 115498,5 115488,5 116803.4 113488.5 101711. 141752.9 7 126748.3 141665.6 116883.4 $26749.3 {38663.3 13337B.2 11T4BB.5 1134B8.5 116803.4 115488.5 115146.8 159897.9 8 148483.9 157899.5 138412.2 141493.9 137565.6 141055.8 120119.4 $20119.4 123087.9 128118.4 128588,3 179843.6 9 (41483.9 157891.5 130412.2 141403.9 156321.3 168246.9 136693.2 13695.2 198618.8 136693.2 128588.3 179043.8 48 159723,5 178173.8 147423.2 159723.5 163823.5 167923. 145323, 143523, $47423,.2 143323.1 145373.2 208724.3 AL 163387.4 182238.3 150925. 4 163387.4 137565.6 141855. 120118.4 $20118.4 123687.8 120118.4 148731.7 285260.6 12 159723.5 178173.8 147423.2 159723.5 147574.7 171762.8 146658.1 146638.1 156825.4 146638.) 145373.2 286724.3 13 152395.6 170068.9 146618.8 152395.6 175077.8 179438.8 153268.8 153268.4 157629.8 183268. 138656.0 191651.8 $4 159723.5 178175.8 147423.2 159723.5 182579.2 197915.5 159897.9 199897.9 194434.2 159897.9 145373.2 208724.3 15 163387.4 182236.3 150825.4 163387.4 175877.8 179438.8 153268.0 153268. 157629.8 153268. 148731.7 295260.4 16 163387.4 182230.3 1568925.4 163387.4 175877. 179439.8 153269.9 153269.8 157629.8 153268,8 148731,7 285260.6 17 167851. 3 186286.8 154227.6 167051.3 1563524.3 168246.9 136693.2 136b93.2 148618.8 136693.2 152098.3 289796.8 18 156859.6 174117.4 144921,8 156959.6 163823.5 167923,6 143323.1 143323.1 147423,2 143323.1 142014,.6 196189. 8 19 145067.8 161948.8 133B14.4 145867.8 175877.8 179438.8 153268.8 153268. 157629.8 153268. 13193B.8 182579.2 28 126748.3 141665.6 116983,4 125748,3 $56321.3 169246.9 136695.2 136693.2 148619.9 136693.2 115146.8 159897.9 24 $26748.3 141665.6 116863.4 12674B.3 149316.7 144893.4 123435.4 123433.4 127818.8 123433.4 115146.8 159997.9 22: 137740. 193835.9 127919.9 137748.8 141546.7 144893.4 123433.4 123433.4 127019.8 123433.4 125221,7 173586.7 23:152395.6 $78860.9 148618.9 152395.6 144516.7 144893.4 123433.4 125433.4 127818.8 123433.4 138656.8 191651.8 24 134876.1 149778.6 123987.8 134076.1 148819.6 152578.) 138863.3 130863,3 133014,4 138863. 3 121863.1 148978,5 S56B048. 3761882. 3196079. 3369048. 3689168. 3760067. 3154669. 3154669, 3245569. 3154069. 3#62917, 4241278. $.26+89 -/2- Heat demand by hour by aonth 1 202721.3 198584.5 219588.5 181637.2 122691.9 2 198584.1 194453.3 215187.) 177938.3 128999.8 3 197549.8 193448.6 213986.9 177883.6 119474.3 4 193929.8 189995.8 210965.5 173768.! 117285. 5 197549.8 193448.6 233986.8 177883.6 119474,3 & 260652.7 §96478.9 217347.8 179783.8 12135¢.9 7 242547.8 288125.9 230251.8 176481.1 4 8 223924,3 219266.4 242555.7 209635.9 135425.8 9 225475.7 226785.4 244236.2 202825.1 156343.3 18 227827,1 222384.7 245916.7 203415.2 137381.6 V1 227827.4 222384.7 245916.7 203415.2 137381.6 12 228578.6 223823.9 247597.3 264985.2 139239.9 13 238647.2 225849.5 249938.8 286658.7 139498.9 14 225475.7 228795.6 244236.2 282825.1 {3363.3 15 222372.8 217747.2 24@875.2 199244.9 1344B6.8 16 223924.3 219266.4 242555.7 208635. 135425.¢ 17 228821.4 216228.1 239194.4 197854.8 133548.5 18 223924.3 219266.4 242555.7 280635. 135425.8 19 223924.3 219266.4 242555.7 208635.8 135425. ¢ 20 222372.8 247747.2 248875.2 199244.9 134496.9 24 217281.4 242683.4 235273.4 194511.3 151359.2 22 215649,9 211164.2 233592.9 193221.2 130429.9 23 207375.6 203862. 224638.1 185987.5 125414.7 24 262721.3 198504.5 219588.5 181637.2 122601.9 S171979. 5864396. 5602589. 4634857, 3127912. 28544.3 Re Pe Be Pe Be Qe Bo Be Fwy Pw Dm Bw S B 199951.4 147992.7 168986.8 194287.6 $ $O7707.5 144884.3 165538.) 198322.6 @ 197146.6 1441297.7 164675.9 189331.3 @ 195183.) 141488,6 161658,3 185961.9 @ 187146.6 144129.7 164575.9 199331.3 B 108929.5 145393,5 $67262.4 192385. 1 @ $15290.7 155871.5 177177.5 283784.7 8 124451.5 163372,2 186661.4 214588.6 @ 122292.9 164584.1 187954.7 216895.5 @ 123134.4 165638.8 189248.9 217592.3 @ 123134.4 165636.68 189249.9 217582.5 $ $23975.9 165767.9 198541.2 219869.2 125897.9 168277.1 192265.6 221851.8 $22292.9 169504.1 197954,7 216895.5 20618.8 162246.3 195388.2 210121.7 21451. 163372,2 18b66!.4 214698,.6 19768.5 161188.3 184874.9 241634.8 2N451,5 163372.2 186661.4 214698.5 21451.5 163372.2 18b661.4 214688.6 28619,9 162248,3 195369.2 213121.7 17885.1 158447.2 181857.3 288165.3 @ $16963,7 157535.3 179764.9 286578. 4 @ 112475.8 151298.5 172866.6 198749.3 @ 199951,4 147982,7 168986.8 194287.5 @ 285165. 3773487. 4311519. 4958814, 6 a at ai at at ah Bs at 1, 2E+89 -82- Heat delivered by hour by month 1 126748.3 141665.5 1168@3.4 126749.3 122681.9 2: 119426.5 133552.7 189999.8 119428,.5 128899.8 3 112892.7 125439.8 183194.6 112892.7 119474.3 4 142692.7 125439.8 183194.6 112892.7 117285.9 3 188428.8 121383.3 99792.49 168428.8 £19809.9 142092,7 125439,8 193194.5 112892.7 121559.8 7 12674B.3 141665.5 116983.4 126748.3 $2544.35 8 141463.9 157891.5 138412.2 $414083.9 135425.9 9 (48403.9 157891.5 130412.2 141483.9 13343.3 4 159723.5 §78173.8 197423.2 159723,5 137381.6 “$f 163387.4 182238.3 150825.4 163387.4 137381.6 42 199723.5 178173.8 147423.2 189723,5 138239.9 13 152395.6 $70068.9 148618. 152395. 139498.9 $4 $59723.5 §78173.8 147423.2 1597235 135363.3 15 163387.4 182238.3 150825.4 163397.4 134486.8 {6 163387.4 192238.3 150825.4 163387.4 135425.8 17 167851.3 186286.8 154227.6 167851.3 133548.5 18 156859.6 174117.4 $4421.08 156859,5 1354256 19 $45667.8 161948.8 133814.4 145@67.8 135425.8 28 126748.3 141665.6 $16983.4 126748.5 134486.8 21 12674B.3 141665.6 £16883.4 126748.3 131559.2 22 137740.8 153835.8 127958.9 137748,8 138428.9 23: 192395.6 170868.9 148618.8 152395.6 125414.7 24 134876.1 14977B.6 123687.9 134976.1 $22601.9 3368848. 3761062. 3186879. 3369848. 3127248. Sa ie Seg Wa WC se Ge Rete Bia Pa Ba S 9 189951.4 136693.2 115146.8 159897.9 @ $97787.5 $28158.4 199428,8 158825.4 @ 197146.6 (6858.5 181711.6 141752.9 @ 1851B3.1 $83543.6 (AYP h.6 141752.9 # 186596.8 183543.6 98353.19 137216.6 B $98929.5 113488.5 181711.6 14175269 9 145288.7 113488.5 $15146.8 159897.9 @ $21455.5 128118.4 129588,3 178043.8 @ 122292,9 136693.2 128598.3 178843.8 @ S23134,.4 143323.$ 145373.2 286724.3 B $25134.4 126118.4 148731.7 205268.6 # 123975,9 146638.1 $45373.2 200724,3 @ 125097.8 153268.2 138656.9 191601.8 @ 1222929 $59897.9 145373.2 289724.3 8 128613.8 153268.8 148731.7 265268.6 @ 121453.5 15326B.8 148731.7 285268. 5 @ 119748.5 136493.2 152098.3 299794.8 B Y24451.5 143523,.1 142014.6 196198. 8 @ 121451.5 153268.8 131938.8 192579.2 G $28618.8 136693,2 115146.8 159897.9 @ 1785.1 123433.4 115146. 159897.9 @ 116963.7 $23435,4 $25221.7 173586.7 # 112475.8 123433.4 138656.6 191651.8 G 169951.4 138863.3 121863.1 168970.5 @ 2804615. 3154669. 3662417. 4241278. 9, LE+OR -62- Year 8 fuel saving, gals. Year 9123.994 1 2 3 4 5 é 7 8 9 i6 Mt 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 327883 9123.994 9123.994 9123.994 9123, 994 G125,994 9123.994 923.994 F123.994 9125.994 9123,994 F123.994 9125.994 9125,994 9123,994 9123,998 9123,994 9123,994 9123. 994 $-saved: BB41.158 9817.973 9198. 333 9382, 308 9569.946 9761.345 9956.571 $8155.78 19359.91 18565.99 18777.31 18992.95 (4212.71 11436.97 1665.71 11899.82 12137.88 12379.74 Discntd.:8501.186 9337.623 B177.284 8628.829 785.798 714.552 756.176 7428.672 7277,967 7138.886 7669.737 6866.187 6734.867 6684.566 6477,555 6352.986 6238.813 6118.998 OWN/year 1685.15 1685.15 1605.15 1605.15 1605.15 1695.15 1h85.15 1605.15 105.15 1605.15 1685.15 LOPS. 15 1h0S.15 LOOT 1S 1685.15 1685.15 1685.15 1685.15 discntd.:1543.413 1484.95! 1426.972 1372, 988 1319,3hb 1268.573 $219,782 1172,867 $127,757 1894.39! 1042.574 1992, 571 764.8414 926.9341 991.2928 857.8827 824.0418 792.3471 Accualtd:6957.693 13811.26 20561.57 27269. 51 33756.68 $0261.95 46540.35 52796.15 58946.37 64999.99 78958.85 7821.59 92591.64 28269. 28 93855.55 99351.53 184758.3 119874.9 Balance :-46547,3 -39693.7 -32943.4 -26295.4 -197! 9 -13383.8 -6956. 64 -708.B48 5441.378 11494.99 1745385 23316.59 29896.64 $4764.28 $8358.55 4046.53 51253.51 56571.95 P8-years: 8 $ § yes a a @ 9.115254 a 8 a a 4 a $ 8 a “53585 7236.088 7412,823 7593183 7777158 7964.796 9156.195 8351.42) 9558.553 B755.667 998,843 9172.163 9397. 789 9687.56) 9831.821 1985.56 10293.87 18531.85 10774, 59 19 28 FAZ3,994 9123.994 8 a 12627.34 12879.98 5993.47% 5879. 212 1695.19 1605.15 761.8722 732.5095 115389.5 120454.1 61803. 55 66949. 19 a 8 41622.19 1127473 -0€ - WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATIGN WORK SHEET. saressssssssesstsssssz: Location: Chignik Concept: 81 Date: Heat rate 5897 Btu/kwh produced Fuel cost $.95 $/gallon Fuel cost escal. §.82 /year Power increase $.82 ‘year Discount rate 9.04 /year System loss 12498 Btu/hour Total generation 327883 kwh/year September 5, 1985. Local degreedays: fies 1975 $208 975 625 Assumed diurnal heat Power plant’ monthly generation: demand variation: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY Fraction; 9.084 4.893 4.978 4.994 6.086 Winter Suaaer Kwh: $9826.36 $5280.61 37918.19 $2826.36 41798.41 Diurnal 9.9392 8.8392 { variation §.038 9.838 @.638 8.938 2,045 $.8384 = 9, 6384 2 8.936 9.036 9.035 8, 836 8.04 9.8382 9.9382 3 9.038 9.034 8834 O34 BLN 9.8375 8.8375 4 6.934 6.9034 9.034 «8.834 8,855 §.8382 9.0382 5 6.833 8.033) 8.833) 6.833.835 9.0388 = 9,389 6 $935 6.834 9.934 8.834 9.939 9.6411 8.8411 7 8.938 9.938 9.638 6.038 9.838 $.9433 9.9433 8 9.942 6.042 9,942 9,842 9,04 9.8436 8.0436 9 $042 9.042 6.042 9.842 8.845 9.6439 $,.9439 19 9.947 6.047 9.047 «8.0478. 847 9.0439 4.0439 il 9.948 8.048 6.048 9.048 9.94 9.6442 6,0442 12 9.047 «9.047 8.047) = 8.947, 948 9.0445 8.8446 13 6.945 6.045 9.045 | 8.845 8.85 9.8435 9, 8436 14 8.847) 8.847) 9.8457) 8.847) 8.852 8.843 8.043 45 6.048 6.048 9.948 8.848 8.85 9.9433 9.8433 16 6.948 6.048 6.049 9,948 6.85 9.8427 9.8427 17 $049 9.9049 9.049.849) 8.045, $.0433 8, 8433 18 6.945 8.846 6.046845 A B4T 9.2433 8.9433 19) 8.043 6.043 9.843 B43 6.85 9.043 9.043 28 9.938 9,938 9.039 6.939 9.945 8.842 6.842 21 $.038 9.038 9.038 88.838 9 8.841 O.9417 8.8437 2 9.945 8,841 9.041 8.84) $. B45 8.648! = 8.8481 2 8.045 8.845 6.045 6.245 6.84) 9.8392 9.8392 24 8.84 9.84 9.04 8.94 §.843 499 aUN 8,939 $2778.47 8.045 6.64 8.936 6.035 8.835 $038 4.838 8.94 8.845 8.847 8.84 4.848 8.85 8.052 8.85 9.95 4.045 6.047 0.05 4.045 6.841 6.541 6.941 4.843 45¢ JUL 9.876 36938,13 6.045 8.94 9.936 9.935 8.835 $.938 9.938 $94 8.845 9.947 8.94 8,048 8.85 $.952 8.95 9.95 8.845 9.047 8.85 9.045 8.041 9.941 9.041 9,945 449 AUS 8,975 36939.13 8.045 2,84 8.938 8,835 8.835 8.838 8.838 6,04 9.845 8.947 8.84 9,948 8.05 $.952 6.85 $.95 9.045 §.047 6.85 9.045 8.041 9.64! #841 8,843 358 SEP 9.979 37919619 8.055 #88 8.838 $.935 8.835 $,938 6.938 8,84 8.845 9,947 #.84 $949 $.85 #,852 8.85 8.85 8.245 $.947 8.25 8.045 8.04) 8.241 9.24! €,943 775 act 8.976 982 NOV $,977 34938.13 37424. 14 8.845 $94 9.836 8,935 8.835 9,938 8.838 9.84 8.845 9,947 9.04 6,049 §.85 9,852 $.65 6,95 8.045 9.047 8.05 8.945 8.641 2.04) 9.641 2,943 #938 9,835 §.834 $.834 9.833 9,934 8.838 $.942 #.842 §,847 9.048 $,047 8.845 $.947 8.848 $,848 9.849 $.944 8.843 4,838 8.838 9.84) 8.845 8.94 Year val. 1958 9548 QEC checksum 8.184 i 50546.92 486628. 1 8.838 9,035 $.934 8.934 8.933 §,934 9.938 8,942 4,842 $047 8.843 9.847 6.945 8.847 6.948 8.848 8.849 8.946 8.843 9,939 8.938 $.841 2.845 $.04 -1I€- Fuel use, Non- gallons Total Seasona) Seasonal Seasonal Build 1 8889 el 7289 Ruild 2 4038 at 36a8 Build 3 8 8 g Build 4 8 a 8 Build § g 9.3 8 Build 6 6 a1 a Build 7 § at 8 Build 8 8 8.1 § Build 9 8 8.1 § Build 18 8 al § Total use 12888 6.3 19889 Power gen. year &: 327983 Calc. Fuel Saving year @: 11979.36 8 Power gen. nth. year: 496628.1 Pay back time based on fuel savings and O&M: 8.654248 Assumed OkM cost per year: 2995.15 CostEstinate 68585 Internal rate of return 9. 135827 Building in use, f=yes, #=no i 1 4 { i i 1 1 1 i mh Mle He eS oe as ee ee { 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Building use per month, Btu’s 1.BE+88 1.HE+88 1.18+88 93969495 92438626 51347850 56881754 46994742 a Fa Pasa & =a Ba Be Sa = = > ete Se =a 2 pe Bis Big 1.bE+88 1.5E+88 1, 7E+8G 1.46+08 9514159 ee em ee oe be gs Oe ee OO ee gy mem Eee 63427732 31713866 56883871 29441535 76517855 B7424823 38259527 43712411 Bae Pea Bea Ba BS Se ase Pe De S Sea Rain tan Baw eS Ris S wo a@e 2a 2 wo & aro Pa Bn DS 85324687 1.1E+98 1. 3E+88 } | i i } 1 1 1 1 1 1. 8&+89 ‘538257973 Sie Sse Dm wm a 1.5E+98 1, 26 +8 7 9 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 9. 2E+88 4, 96+08 $ 4 8 8 £ g a 9 Checksum Oper. HOo 8251 9251 9541 941 Fiat 9541 954 9541 9541 9541 -2€- WARNING: Pay back tiae Heat available per hour by agnth sensss== is only accurate 1 247463.9 275315.8 228896.5 247463.9 382577.b 310086.8 266031. 2b6831.3 273340.6 206831. 3 225881.9 399355.3 after execution of 2 2337826 268157.9 216192.4 233782.6 26768.9 274174,9 235885.6 235085.6 241608.5 235885.6 213268.7 292416.6 the DATA command 3 226191.4 245820.8 283489.4 228181.4 239646.8 245509.4$ 216329.1 218329.1 216192.4 218329.1 208719.6 275477.9 in cell A-148, 4 229181.4 245028.9 203488.4 220181.4 232642.5 238343.) 264139.9 284139.9 289948.4 204139,9 208719, 2754779 5 213268.7 237447.5 197136.4 243268.? 232642.5 238343.1 204139.9 284139.9 209R43.4 284139.9 194449.9 267888.6 & 228161.4 245828. 263498,4 228161.4 253653.8 259B42.2 222787.3 222787,3 228994.5 222787,3 268719.4 275477.9 7 247463.9 275315.8 228896.5 247463.9 253653.8 259842.2 222767.3 222707.3 228896.5 222787.3 225881.9 389355.3 8 274826.4 395589.3 254384.5 274826.4 267669.9 274174.9 235085.6 235085.5 241488.5 235885. 259884.2 343232.7 9 274826.4 385489.3 254304.5 27482h.4 382677.6 319066.8 256851.3 266831.5 273308.5 26HG851.3 25G884.2 343252.7 18 309829.6 343477.8 286064,6 39829.6 31684.6 324339.6 278489.4 279409.6 286054.6 278489.6 292237.1 385579.5 11 345878,2 351958.4 292416.6 315878.2 267668.8 274174.9 2350B5.6 2350B5.b 241608.5 235885. 288587.7 394848.8 12 369029.6 343477. 286064,6 389029.6 323685.1 331505.9 284598.8 284598.8 292416.5 284598,9 292237.) 385579.5 13 295348.3 328329.9 273368.6 295348.5 337695.1 345938.7 29977.8 296977.8 305128.6 296977.8 269695.9 348b48.8 14 389629. 343477. 286964. 389829.6 351782.1 2OG171.4 389359.3 389395.3 317824,7 349395.3 282237.1 385579.5 15 315878.2 351858.5 292416.4 315878.2 337695.1 345838.7 296977.8 296977. 305128.6 296977.8 2B8587.7 394848.8 $6 315879.2 351858. 292416. 315878.2 337695.1 345838,7 296977.8 296977.8 395128. 296977.8 208587.7 394848.8 17 322718.8 358624.1 298768. 522718. 382677.5 3198H4.8 26b9I1.3 266831.3 273348.6 266H31.3 294778.3 482518.2 18 382188.9 335983.5 279712. 382198.9 346684.6 324339.6 278409.6 278489.6 296864.5 278499.6 2759b6.5 377118.1 19 281667.1 313182.8 260656.5 281667.1 337695.) 345838.7 296977.8 296977.8 305128.5 296977.8 257154.8 351782.4 28 247463.9 275315. 228896.5 247463.9 382477. 310806.8 266831.3 26931.3 273368.5 266831.3 225981.9 389355.3 21 247463.9 275315.8 229896.5 247463.9 274663.5 281341.3 241274.8 241274.9 247952.5 241274.8 225R81.9 389355.3 22 267985.8 298035.7 247952.5 267985.8 274663.5 284341.3 245274.9 241274,8 247952.5 241274.8 244613.6 334763.4 23 295348.3 328329.9 273368.6 295348.3 274663.5 281341.3 241274.8 241274.8 247952.5 241274.8 269095.9 36864%.9 24 261145.2 2908462.1 291686,5 261145.2 298678.6 295674.1 253653.8 253653.2 268656.5 253653.8 238343.) 326294.9 6547958. 7281688. 6859845. 6547958. 6998129. 7167842. 4149565. 6149565. 6319278. 6149565. 5977329. 8179361. 2. 4E+89 -€€- Heat demand by hour by month 1 202721.3 198504.5 219588.5 181637.2 122681.9 2 1985B4.1 194453.5 2/5107.1 177938.3 $20899.8 3 197549.8 195440.6 213986.8 177083.6 119474.3 4 193929,8 199895. 2100865.5 175768.) 117285. J 197549.8 193448.4 23986.8 177883.6 119474.3 6 298652.7 §96478.9 217347.8 179783.8 121356.8 7 292547.6 208125.9 238231.8 190441.1 128544.3 B 223924.3 219266.4 242555.7 288635.8 135425.8 9 225475.7 228785.4 244236.2 262825.1 136363.3 18 227827.1 222364.7 245916. 7 203415,2 137381.6 11 227827.1 222384.7 245916.7 203415.2 137381.6 12 228578.6 223823.9 247597.3 284885.2 138239.9 13 238647.2 225849.5 249938.8 2@6658.7 139678.9 14 225475.7 228785.6 244235,2 282825.1 134363.3 13 222372.8 217747.2 248875.2 199244.9 134486.8 46 223924.3 219266.4 242555.7 200635.8 135425.8 17 220821.4 216228.1 239194.6 197854.8 133548.5 $9 223924.3 219266.4 242555.7 280635.8 135425,8 19 223924.3 219266.4 242555.7 200435.8 135425.8 28 222372.8 217747.2 248875.2 199244,9 $34484.8 - 21 217281.4 212685.4 235273.4 1946113 131359.2 22 215649.9 241164.2 233592.9 193221.2 130429.9 23 207375.6 203062.8 224638.1 185807.5 125416.7 24 202721.3 198504.5 219589.5 181637.2 122681.9 5171979, 5864396. 5682389. 4634857. 3127912. Se PFs BSB Vsen VPs Be’ se SPs De Bam ®se Bs Rea Ba Re Sa Weg Be Pe Vs Ke Rs VPs Bae Ds & 199951.4 147962.7 !68986.8 194287.6 @ $87797,5 144994.3 $65538.1 198322.6 @ 187146.6 144129.7 164675.9 189331.3 @ {G5183.1 141498. 161558.3 185861.9 8 187146.6 144129.7 164675.9 189331.3 B 199829.5 146595,5 167262.4 192385.1 $ 115288.7 $55871.5 177177.5 283784.7 $ 121455,5 163372.2 186661.4 214588.6 8 122292.9 164564.1 187954.7 216895.5 @ 123134.4 165636.8 199249,8 217592.3 # 123134.4 155636.8 189248. 217582.3 9 $23975.9 196787.9 $9B541,2 219869.2 @ 125697.8 168277.3 192265.6 221851.8 8 122292.9 164504.1 187954,7 216895.5 B 128616.8 162248.3 185368.2 213121.7 @ 121451.5 163372.2 186661.4 214688. 6 @ 1197b8.5 161108.3 184074.9 211634.9 8 121451.5 163372.2 {8661.4 214688.6 @ 121451.5 163372.2 186661.4 214688.6 § $20619.8 162248.3 195368.2 213121.7 @ {17805.! 158467.2 181957.3 208165.3 @ 116963.7 157335.3 179764.9 285678.4 @ 112475.8 151298.5 172866.6 198749.3 8 399951.4 147992.7 169986.8 194287.6 @ 2895165. 3773487. 4311519. 4956814. 1, 26+89 “pe- Heat delivered by hour by month 1 202721.3 198584.5 219588.5 181637.2 122681.9 2 :198584.1 194453.3 215187.5 177938.3 $26699.9 3 197549.8 193448.5 283488.4 177983.4 119474.3 4 193929,8 189895.9 203489.4 173766.1 117285.9 5 197549.8 193448.6 197136.4 177883.5 119474.3 & 268652.7 196478.9 203488.4 179783.8 $21359.8 7 212547.8 288125.9 228896.5 198441.1 128544.3 8 223924,3 21926.4 242555.7 260635.9 135425.8 _ 9 225475.7 2207B5.6 244236.2 282625.1 136343.3 18 227627.4 222384.7 245915.7 283415.2 137381.5 ¥4.227827.1 222384.7 245916.7 283415.2 137341.6 * 42 228578.6 223823.9 247597.3 284895.2 138239.9 13 236647.2 225849.5 249838.0 266658.7 139498.9 14 225475.7 228785.6 244236.2 282825.1 136353.3 45 222372.8 217747.2 240875.2 199244.9 134486.8 $6 223924.3 219266.4 242555.7 280635.8 $35425.9 17 228821.4 216228.1 239194.6 197854.8 133548.5 19 223924.3 219266.4 242555.7 280635.9 135425.9 19 223924.3 219266.4 242555.7 208635.8 135425.6 26 222372,8 217747.2 228896.5 1992449 134486.8 21 217281.4 212683.4 228896.5 194611.3 131359.2 22 245649.9 241164.2 233592.9 193221.2 130428.9 23 287375.6 263862.8 224638.! 195887.5 125414.7 24 262721.3 199584.5 219588.5 191637.2 122601.9 5171979. 5664395. 5534832. 4634867. 3127912 Sama De SPSEWQse Ba De Pa Wn de Ba Pia S Sa Be Dam ®Qn De Qe W® eg We Wa ® ae BaD @ 189951,4 147962.7 168988.8 194297.6 8 197787.5 144984,3 165538.1 199322.6 @ $87146.6 144129.7 164675.9 189531.3 @ 1G51B3.1 141488.6 161658,3 185861.9 8 107146.6 144129.7 $64675.9 189331.3 @ $88829.5 146393.5 167262.4 192385. 5 @ 115288.7 155071.5 177177.5 203784.7 8 124451.5 105372.2 186661.4 214698.6 @ 122292.9 164584,.! 187954.7 216895.5 @ 323134.4 165636.8 199248.8 217582.3 8 125134.4 165656.8 189248.8 217582.3 # 123975.9 166767.9 1985491.2 219869.2 A 125897.8 168277.1 192245.6 221851.8 $ 122292.9 164504.1 187954.7 216895.5 @ 126619.8 162248.3 185348.2 213121.7 B 121451.5 163372.2 186661.4 214088. $ 119768.5 161108.3 184874.9 211634.8 $ 129451.5 $63372.2 196651.4 214688. $ 121451.5 163372.2 1Boab1.4 214688.6 @ 128518.8 162240,3 195368.2 213121.7 @ 117B85.1 158467.2 181857.3 288165.3 @ 116963,7 157335.3 179764.9 266679. 4 # 112975.9 151298.5 172866.6 198748.3 @ 199951.4 147982.7 158986.9 194287.6 $ 2985165. 3773487. 4311319. 4956814 4. 2E+89 -Se- Year # fuel saving, gals. Year 11979.36 1 2 3 4 5 4 7 8 7 16 1 12 13 14 {5 16 17 18 327883 11979.36 11979.36 $1979.35 11979, 36 $1979.36 11979.36 11979.36 $1979.36 11979, 36 11979. 36 1197936 $1979.36 14979. 36 11979,36 11979. 3 $1979.36 1197936 11979. 36 S-saved: 11698.88 11B40.16 12876.96 12318.56 12564.87 12816.17 13072.49 {3353.94 [3668.62 13872.05 14158.99 14433.09 14721.75 {5016.19 (5916.5! 15622.84 15935.38 16254. 89 Discntd.211161.54 19946.89 18736, 39 18529.91 19327.41 18128.88 9934.824 9742.985 7555.628 9371.858 9191.638 9814,869 841.505 9571.476 8564. 717 9341.164 8188.757 8923. 435 OSM/year 2955.15 2955.15 2755.15 2955.15 2955.45 2955.15 2955.15 2955.15 2955.15 2955.15 2955.15 2955.15 2955.15 2955.15 2958.15 2995.15 2955.15 2955.15 discntd. +2841, 499 2732, 262 2627.117 2526974 2428.917 2335.497 2245.671 2159, 299 287.249 199.393 1919.609 1945.777 1774.786 1786,525 1648.989 1577, 778 1517,894 1458. 745 Accun] td:8328.852 16534. 74 24644.01 32647.86 40546.34 48339.65 56028.28 53611.67 71891.86 7846.52 85738.55 92987.64 99974.35 186939.) 113883. 128566.5 127238.1 133794.8 Balance :-681B4.9 -51978.2 -$3860.9 -35857.1 -27958.6 -26165.3 -12476.9 -4993.38 2586.64 9961.529 17233,55 24482.64 31469.35 38834.31 45298.15 52861,52 59725.18 65289,97 P8-years: 8 8 $ 8 6 8 g 6 8.654248 $ g a 8 8 8 8 g 2 ~O8585 8652.54 8885.014 9121.817 9363.357 9699.727 98b1.624 $9117.34 18379. 79 19645.47 $9917.48 18194.94 11477,94 11766.49 12861.84 12361.36 12567.69 1298R.15 13299.95 19 28 $1979, 38 11979, 36 a a 16577.83 16919. 47 7869.138 717.9889 2985.15 2955.15 1482.39 1348.691 $49261.3 14b638.4 71756.37 78125, 49 8 8 13623.92 13955.52 -9€- WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET. wesenssasessness=: Location! Chignik Concept: € Date? Septesber 5, 1995. Heat rate 2738 Btu/kwh produced Fuel cost 4.95 $/gallon Fuel cost escal. $.02 /year Power increase $.02 /year Discount rate 9.94 /year Systea loss 13528 Btu/hour Total generation 327893 kwh/year Local degreedays: 1186 1975 1288 975 Assumed diurnal heat deaand variation: Power plant monthly generation: JAN FEB HAR APR Fraction: 6.984 0.093 §.678 9,884 Winter Sumner Kwhi 49826.56 45298.61 37916.19 $9826.34 Diurnal 9.0392 8.8392 1 variation $.938 9.038 9.638 #.839 9.0384 = 8,8384 2 6.036 869.935 = 9.836 =. 836 9.8382 .9382 3 6.034 «6.034 8.854 8.834 9.9375 9.9375 4 9.934 6.834 «6.834 8,834 9.9382 #.9382 5 8.933) 8.833) 8.933 6.833 9.0388 8.0388 b 9.034 8.034 9.034 = 8,834 9.0411 8.8411 7 $.038 «8.838 8.838 8.838 9.9433 8.8433 8 9.942 6.842 9.842 9.842 8.0436 8.8436 9 6.042 6.942 9.242 8,842 9.9439 8,.8439 19 9.047 8.047 9.047 9 A847 8.0439 = 8.8439 i 9.048 6.048 8.048 96 (8.848 6.0442 9.9442 12 8.947) 9.847 9.847 9. GA? $.0446 9.0446 13 $945 @.045 6.845 8.945 9.9435 9.6436 14 9.047 8.847 9,947 8,847 6.043 8.843 15 6.048 8.258 6.048 68.848 9.9433 9, 8433 16 6.045 8.848 9.049 88.848 9.8427 = 8.9427 17 6.849 8.049 8.849 8.849 9.0433 8.8433 19 9.846 8.846 8.945 8.046 9.0433 9 8.0433 19 $.843 9.083 0.843 8.843 8.053 9.943 28 8.038 9.838 9.839 8.938 8.042 9.842 2 8.038 8.838 8.038 «9.838 $0417 B.9417 22 8.04 O.641 84S BBN $8401 9.8481 2 6.045 8.245 §.845 8.8495 9.9392 9.8392 24 9,84 8.84 3.04 9.24 $25 498 MAY JUN $.085 4,088 41798.43 42779.47 8.945 8.045 8.845 = 9.04 8.835 9.936 $035 © 8,935 6.835 4.835 6.039 9,838 6.038 9.838 9.08 = 8,04 6.045 8.045 9.047 6,947 0.04 | 6.04 #.058 6,048 6.85 6.05 #.052 $,052 8.65 = 9.95 8.05 = 8.95 6.885 = 8.045 $997 9,047 a25 06 (8.05 6.945 9.845 @.041 6.00 6.941 8,041 9.041 6.841 8.983 8,843 45¢ Jub 9.976 36938. 15 8.045 6,04 8.036 9.835 8.835 9,939 $. 838 8.04 9.945 9.947 8.24 9.949 8.85 9.952 #.85 9.95 9.845 9.947 8.85 §.045 9.041 9.04! 8.841 $,943 449 AUS 8.975 36938.13 8.945 4.94 8.036 8,835 8.835 8,839 8.938 $.94 8.845 9,847 8.84 8,948 6.85 9,852 $.65 8.85 6.845 $, 947 6.85 9,945 8.841 4.841 8.041 9, B43 558 SEP 8,978 778 oct 8.876 998 NOV 9.077 379G.19 34938. 13 37424. 16 8.945 $84 6.938 9.935 6.935 9.938 8.838 $.84 $845 8,947 8.84 $.249 $.85 $,852 9.95 8.95 8.845 4.047 2.85 8.945 8.84) $.94) 6.241 9,942 9.855 $.84 8.836 §.835 8.835 9,838 $.838 6.94 8.845 8,047 6.84 #,949 8.85 6.952 9.85 8.85 8.845 $947 8.95 9.945 8.045 8,04! B94) 8,843 8.038 9.93 8.934 8,934 #.033 $.934 9.838 $842 9.842 9,047 8.248 $.847 8.845 9.947 8.049 $.848 8.849 $,046 9.643 9.933 8.938 9.041 8.845 6,84 Year val. 1958 9548 DEC cheksum 8.134 1 5€546.92 486829. ! 4.038 #.936 8.934 8,934 9,833 8.834 9.239 #,942 8,842 4.847 9.848 8,847 #.945 8.947 4.048 9,948 8.849 8.846 8.943 4.838 8.938 8,945 4.045 £94 -Le- Fuel use, Non- Non- gallons Total Seasonal Seasonal Seasonal Build 3 908 a! 7208 Build 2 4008 #4 3688 Build 3 8 8 $ Build 4 1328 8 1328 Build 5 8 B.S $ Build 6 8 a1 8 Build 7 $ a1 8 Build 8 6 al $ Build 9 8 8.1 $ Build 18 8 a4 8 Total use 13328 8.098898 §=— 12128 Power gen. year #: 327883 falc. Fuel Saving year #: 9349. 364 § Power gen. nth. year: 486028. 1 Pay back time based on fuel savings and O&M: 8.558762 Assuaed OM cost per year: 1716.3 CostEstinate 57218 Internal rate of return 4.136936 808 408 1268 Building in use, 1=yes, g=no aioe pn OD ee Mee OO Building use per month, Btu's 1 1 j 1 ! 1 1 i 1 1 ! { 1 i 1 1 { 1 1 1 L.BE+BR 1. E+ 1.16488 93969485 63427732 52438626 51347858 56801734 46994742 31713866 8 § 8 g 6 15218538 14872654 14692833 13489152 8646892. 8 8 8 a 8 8 8 $ 4 8 8 a a 8 8 g § 4 g 8 8 8 8 8 @ 8 8 g 8 g ne ee ee é g a é 4 a 8 g a 8 g 1 1 i g 8 1 1 1 : 5 { i { } 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 { i 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 ! { j 1 1 $ { 1 i i 1 3 { 1 i 1 S 1 4 @ 56883071 76517855 87424823 8 8 28441535 38258527 43712411 8 8 8 a 8 S534G11. 6225752, 6897412. 7689265. 18722146 12451524 g 8 8 a a 8 8 % a g 8 8 8 8 8 8 g 4g a § 4 8 8 g § g 8 $ $ 9 1.3688 1. 4€+88 L.7E+88 1. 7E+OR 1. 9E+OB L.5E+GR 1. HE+OR S5S4M11. 6225762. 0887412. 92933872 Chcksua Oper HOO { 2 1 ‘ 12 1 12 i 12 ! 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 1, BE+88 9, #E+88 50257873 4, 8E+88 8 8 $4526779 {,3E+88 @ 8 = Pp? se 8 8 8 8 a 9 1. 7E+98 1, 3E+8! 9251 8251 954) 9541 9541 9541 9541 954! 9541 9541 -g¢- WARNING: Pay back tine ee = is only accurate after execution of the DATA command in cell A-168, Heat available per hour by aonth 1 125708.3 148625.6 115765.4 125728.3 155281.5 159285.9 135653.2 135653.2 139578.8 135653.2 114186.8 158957.9 2: 118388.5 132512.7 19B959.9 119338.5 136525.6 140815,8 119878,.4 199878,4 122567.8 139879,4 187398,9 149785.4 3 192052.7 124399. 182154.5 111852.7 120521.68 124661.5 185818.5 1@5818.5 188959.8 185B18.5 188671.6 148712.9 4 414852.7 124399.8 192154. £15952.7 117769.9 128823,1 192583.6 192583.6 185556.9 182583.6 $OBb71.5 140712.9 5 167388.8 126343.3 98752.49 187388. 117769.9 126823.1 1825@3.6 192583.6 185556.8 192503.6 97313.19 136176.6 6 114052.7 1243998 182154.6 $$1852.7 129823.3 132338.2 142498.5 192448.5 115763.4 112448.5 108675.5 $49712.9 7 12570B.3 148625.6 115763.4 125788.3 129823.3 132338.2 11244B.5 112448.5 115763.4 112448.5 114186. 159857.9 8 148363.9 156951.5 129372.2 149363.9 136525,.0 148815,8 119079.4 119878,.4 122567.8 119878.4 127548,3 177883.8 9 196363.9 156851.5 129372.2 148363.9 155281.5 159286.9 135653.2 135653.2 139578.8 135553.2 127548.3 177883.8 $8 $58683.5 $77133.8 146383.2 159683.5 162783.5 166883.6 142283.1 142283,1 146393.2 142283,1 144333.2 199484.3 $4 162347,8 181196.3 149785. 162347.4 136525.6 149815.8 119878.4 $19A78.4 122567.8 119879.4 147691.7 2646228. 12 158683. 5:477133,8 146383.2 159583.5 166534.7 178722,@ 145998. 145590.) 149785.4 $45598.1 144333.2 199684.3 13 151355.6 169828.9 13957B.8 151355.4 174837.8 178398.8 152228.8 152228.8 156589.8 152228. 137616.8 19611.9 44 $58683.5 177133.8 146383.2 158693.5 §91539.2 186875.5 158957,9 198857.9 103394.2 158857.9 144333.2 199684.3 15 162347.4 181198.3 149785.4 162347.4 174837.8 179398.8 152228. 152228.8 156589.9 152228. 147691.7 264228.6 16 162347.4 191198.3 149785.4 162347.4 174037.8 179398.8 152228.8 152228.8 156589.8 152228,8 147691.7 284228.4 17 166611.3 185246.8 153187.6 166811.3 155281.3 159206.9 135653.2 £35653.2 139578.8 135655.2 15195¢.3 248754.8 $8 195019.5 173877.4 142981.8 155819.4 162793.5 166883.6 142283.1 142283. 1 146383.2 1422831 140974.5 195148.8 19 144827.8 1689@8.@ 132774.4 144827.8 174837.8 179398.8 152228.8 152228.@ 156589.8 152228.8 13@898.8 181539.2 2@ $25788.3 149525.6 115753.4 125788.3 155281.3 159286.9 135653.2 135653.2 139578.8 135655.2 114186.8 158857.9 24 125788.3 148625.6 115763.4 125788.3 148276.7 $43853.4 122393.4 122393.4 125978.8 122393.4 114186. 158857.9 22 $36768.8 152795. 125978.9 30788.8 148276.7 143853.4 $22393.4 §22393.4 125978.9 122393.4 124)81.7 172466.7 23 151355.6 169826.9 $3957B.8 151355.6 148276.7 143853.4 1223934 122393.4 125978.8 122393.4 137616.6 198611.8 24 133836.1 14873B.6 122567.9 133836.1 147779.8 151538.1 129823.3 129023.3 132774.4 129923,3 120823.1 167930.5 33430BB. 3736042. 3081119. 3343888. 3584208. 3675187. 3129789, 3129709. 3228689. 3129789, IH37457. 4216318. 4, 2E+89 -6€- Heat demand by hour by sonth 1 222332.3 217669.7 248982.3 199819.7 133744.5 7131.278 8822.678 7844.397 139756.9 161719.6 185832.1 215007.2 2 217794.9 213227.5 236064.3 194958.1 131015.8 6985.733 7956.958 7684.307 117312.9 198419.2 191255.8 268648. ! 3 21b668,5 212116.9 234834.8 193942.7 £38332. 6949.349 7B1B.018 7644.284 116781.9 157594.1 18@311.9 287575.4 4 -212698.3 208238.8 230531.5 199388.7 127944.5 $822.05 7574, 756 7504.206 114563. 4 154786.2 $77087.9 283769.7 5 216668.5 212116.9 234834.8 193942.7 130332.6 6949.3$9 7818.818 7644.284 116781.9 157594.4 1BP314.9 287573.4 6 220063.6 215448.5 238523.3 196988.9 132379.7 7858.502 794@.814 764.352 118534.9 166859,4 183144.5 218833.7 7 233108.6 228228.1 252662.6 268666.1 140227.8 7476918 S411.533 8224.618 125561.5 167559.8 194088.5 223331.6 8 245586.4 240436.2 266187.1 219835.5 147733.1 7877.142 B61. 785 8664, 856 152282. 5 178634.1 284385.9 235286. 1 9 24728729 242182. 1 268831.4 221358.6 148756.6 7931. 718 8923. 183 B724.898 135199. 179871.8 285B1.1 236916.2 49 248989.5 243767.9 269975.6 222881.8 149788.2 7986. 294 8994.58! 9784.924 134115.6 181189.4 267217.5 239546.4 11 248 5 243767.9 269875.6 222881.8 149789.2 7986.294 B984.581 8784.924 £34115.6 181189.4 207217.1 238546.4 42 oO 245433.8 2717199 224484,9 150903. 7 8048.878 9645.979 $844,957 135032.1 182347. 208533.2 246176.5 13 252959.7 247654.9 274178.9 226435.7 152169.5 8113.633 9127.843 8925.882 {36254.1 183997.3 218521. 242358.1 $4 247287.9 242192. 268931.4 221358.5 14875$.6 7931. 748 8923. 183 8724.898 $33199.) 179874. 285881.) 236916.2 15 243884.9 230778.4 264342.9 218312.4 146789.5 7822.566 8880. 387 8694.923 131366.8 177396.5 262968.9 233655.9 16 245586.4 240436.2 266187.1 219835.5 147733.$ 7977.142 9861.785 9664.956 132282.5 178634.1 284385.9 255286. 1 47 242183. 4 237104. 262498. 216789.3 145686.8 7767.998 8738, 989 8544.789 138449.5 176158.8 281552.9 232825.7 18 245586.4 248436.2 266187. 219835.5 147733.1 7977,142 8861.785 8664.856 §32282.5 178634.) 264385.8 235286.! 19 265586.4 24043h.2 266187.1 219835.5 147733.1 7877.142 881.785 B664.856 132292.5 178634.1 204385.8 235284.1 28 243884.9 238778.4 264342.9 219312.4 146789.5 7822.566 9809.387 8684,823 131366.8 177396.5 202969.9 233655.9 24 238213.1 235217.6 258195.3 2$3235.4 145297.7 7648.646 8595. 727 844.711 128311.8 173271.8 198248.7 228222.8 22 236514.6 231551.7 2Z56351.1 211712.3 142274.1 7596,078 9534.329 8344,677 127394.5 172833.3 196832.7 226591.9 23: 227436.8 222667.3 246515.1 283589.8 136B15.2 7294.998 9286.872 8624.498 122586.5 165432.5 189286.3 217897.7 24 222332.5 217669.7 248982.3 199819.7 133744.5 7131.278 8822.078 7844,397 §19756.9 161719.6 195032.1 213987.2 5672389. S553356. 6149124. 5877541. T412191. 181958.3 204698.6 208132.) FOSSTIM. 4125913. 4728681. 5434482. 1, 3E+89 -Ob- Heat delivered by hour by eonth 1425788. 3 146625. 115763.4 425788.3 133744.5 7134.278 8622.678 7844.397 $19756.9 135653.2 114185.% 1588579 2 148388.5 132512.7 188959,9 119388.5 1319159 6995.733 7856.956 7694. 387 117312,9 119678.4 187388.9 149785.4 3 $42852.7 124399.8 162154. 111852.7 121521.8 6949.349 7818.818 7644. 284 188959.8 $85819.5 198b71.6 148712.9 4 $11852.7 $24399.8 182154.4 111852.7 117769.9 6822.885 7574.756 7504, 286 185554.9 182583.6 180671.5 $40712.9 5 187388.8 120343.3 98752.49 187388.9 1177h9.9 6949.349 7818.018 7644.284 185556.8 182503. 97315.18 136176.6 & 191052.7 124399.8 192554.6 111852.7 129823.3 7858,562 7948.814 764.552 115763.4 112448.5 188871.6 149712.9 7 125768.3 148625.6 115763.4 125768.3 129623.3 7476.918 8411.533 8224.618 115763.4 112448.5 114186.3 198857.9 8 140363,9 156851.5 129372,2 $48363.9 136525.6 7877.142 B861.785 8664.85 122567. 119878.4 127540.3 177803.8 9 (4363.9 A5OB5L.5 129372.2 149563.9 148756.6 7931. 718 8925.183 B724.99H 133199.) 135653.2 127548.3 177883.8 1 $58683.5 177133.8 146383.2 159583.5 $49789.2 7996.294 8984,581 8794.924 134)15.6 142283.1 144335.2 199684.3 11 162347.4 181198.3 149785.4 162347.4 136525.6 7986.294 B9B4.581 8784.924 122567.8 119878.4 147691.7 284228.6 12 $59683,5 177133.8 140383.2 158683.5 150983. 7 940.878 9045,979 844.957 135832. $45598,1 144333.2 197684.3 13 151355.6 169828.9 139578.8 151555.6 1$52168.5 113.638 9127.843 8925.002 136254.1 152228.8 137616.8 198611.9 14 $58683.5 177433.8 146383.2 159583.5 148754.6 79731.718 9923.183 8724.998 133199. 159857.9 144333.2 199684.3 15 162347.4 1B1198.3 149785.4 162347.4 146789.5 7822.56 8800.387 B604.823 131364.6 152228. 147691.7 284220. 16 162347.4 $81198.3 $49785.4 152347.4 147733.) 7877.142 8861,785 $664,856 132282.5 152228.8 147691.7 284228.6 17 166B41.3 185246.8 153187.6 166@11.3 145686.8 7767.998 9738. 989 8544. 789 130449.5 135453.2 15185¢.3 208754.8 18 155619.6 173877.4 142983. 155819. 147733.1 7877,142 8861.785 9644.85 132282.5 142283.1 148974.6 195148.8 19 144827.8 168908.8 132774.4 144827.B 147733.1 78772142 9861. 785 8664.856 132282.5 152228. 138898.8 181539.2 28 125788.3 148625.6 115765.4 125788.3 146789.5 7822, 566 8880,387 9684,823 13136h.9 135653.2 114196.8 158857,9 24° 125788.3 148625.6 115763.4 125708.3 146276.7 7648.646 8595. 727 8404.711 125978.8 122393.4 114186.8 158857.9 22 136788.9 152795.@ 125978.8 135788.8 149276.7 758.878 8534.329 9344,677 125978.6 122393.4 124181.7 172466.7 23:151355.6 169928.9 139578.8 151355.6 136815.2 7294.998 8206.872 8824.498 122506.5 122393.4 137616.9 190611.8 24 133836.1 148739,6 122567,8 133836.1 133744,5 713.278 8822.4678 7844,597 119756.9 1298233 120923.) 167930.5 S343BB. 3736042. 3OB1119. 3343088. 3336602. 181938.3 264688.6 268132.1 2989838. 3129789, 3037457. 4216318. 9. 4E+88 -Ib- Year # fuel Saving, gals. Year 9369.364 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 18 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 327BB3 9569. 364 9369. 364 9369.34 9309, 364 939.364 9369, 364 9369. 364 9349, 364 9569. 364 9367. 354 9369. 364 9369. 354 7369, 354 9369.364 9569.34 9559, 344 9369, 364 9569, 364 S$-saved: 987B.914 9268.492 9445.782 9634.616 9827,388 19023.85 10224.33 10428.81 18637.39 1858.14 11867.14 1128B.48 11514.25 11744.54 11979.43 12219.62 12463.4@ 12712.47 Discntd.:8729,725 $561,846 397.195 8235.718 8677.331 7921.998 769.652 7528,235 7473.692 7329.967 7189.087 7858.756 6915.165 4782.18) 651.754 4523,836 6398.378 6275. 332 OWM/year 1716.5 $746.3 1716.3 703 A7NOS17LOLS 1746.3 1706.3 71S 1726.3 17183171863 17to.3 171663171863 1716.3 1716.3 1718.3 discntd. 21658. 288 1586.815 1525. 784 1467.108 1418.673 1356.416 1384.246 1254,893 1285.949 1159.47 1114875 1071,995 1638, 765 991.4284 953.8694 914.3466 881.1925 847.2139 Accusltd:7979.4956 14054.46 26925.87 27694.48 34361.14 48926.72 47392.13 53758.28 6826.12 6194.62 72278.75 78249.51 84133.91 B9924.97 95623.73 181231.2 106740.4 112176.6 Balance }-58138.5 ~43155.5 -36284.! -29515.5 -22848,8 -16283.2 -9817.84 -3451.71 2816.128 8986.525 15860,75 21939.51 26923.91 32714.97 39413.73 4421.22 49538,49 54966. 51 PB-years: 8 a 6 6 u's 4g 4 8 8.550782 6 8 8 § 8 g 8 8 8 ~57218 7362. 614 7544.192 7729482 7918.316 B111.808 387,555 8598.32 8712.518 8921.095 9133.843 9359.46 9572, 189 9797.958 14828, 24 18253.13 19582.72 19747.48 19994. 37 19 28 9349, 364 9367. 364 8 & $2966.92 13226. 26 6154,652 838.274 1716.3 1716.3 814.6287 783.2969 $17514.8 122769.6 62504.44 65959. 62 a 8 11250.52 11589. 9 -2b- WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET. Location*Chignik Concept: Ci September 5, 1995. Heat rate 5097 Btu/kwh produced Fuel cost 9.95 $/gallon Fuel cost escal. $.82 /year Power increase #,02 /year Discount rate $.04 /year Syste loss 13528 Btu/hour Total generation 327883 kwh/year Year val. Local degreedays: 1166 1875 1208 975 625 488 459 448 55¢ 775 989 1858 9548 Assumed diurnal heat Power plant monthly generation: demand variation: . JAN FEB MAR APR RAY JUN JUL AUS SEP OCT NOV DEC chcksue Fraction: 6.984 9.093 @.978 6.999 6.895 #898 8.075 9.875 9.979 8.875 §.977 8.194 ‘ Winter Susser Kuh? 49826.36 $5208.61 37918.19 $8826.34 4179B.4! 4277847 3693B. 13 36939.15 37918.19 36938.13 37424.16 58546.92 484228.4 Diurnal 8.0392 $.8392 4 variation 6.038 9.938 9.038 6.838 #.945 6.945 6.045 8.845 9.845 6.845 8.838 8.938 4.9384 = 9. 8384 2 $936 8.936 9.935 #836 8.84 8.84 8,94 $04 8.04 $84 9.035 9.836 0.0382 #8382 3 034 6.034 G.838 B34 6856 AG BSG B83) BT) OBIS S48 ATG 9.6375 9.6375 4 $934 9.834 9.834 8.034 8.935 8.835 O35 O35 O35 3S G34 ODE 9.8382 9.9382 5 6.033) 8.033) 9.833) 8.835) 8.835) 8.835 8.835 835 OI BOIS BBS BLOTS 9.9388 © 8, 8398 6 9.934 8.834 9.034 6.038 8.939 8.938 8.038 9.938 8,933 8.838 $8,393 8,934 $041) B.6411 7 6.938 8.038 $.838 6.932 6.938 #838 9.038 6.838 6.838 9.838 8.838 4.839 9.9433 9.8433 8 6.942 8.842 9.842 6,842 a.94 6.04 G94 8.94 6.04 $.94 $842 £8,842 $.0436 © 8.8436 9 $.042 «9.082 6.8420 84200 B84 O45 8 HS BRAD ESS O42 42 9.0439 = 8, 6439 {8 8.947) 9.047 9.847) 6947 B.G47 B47 O47 8,847 B.O47 847. B4T 8. B4P 9.2439 9.0439 i 9.048 8.048 9.048 8.048 6.04 6.84 8.04 8.94 6.84 0.05 69.848 | 4.048 9.8442 8.9442 12 8.047 9.047 9.847 B.047 88,848 «049 8988 O44 B48 47 BBA? 9.0446 = 8.8545 13 #055 8.885 8.045 6.945 8.85 8.85 8.85 9.85 8.85 2.05 8.845 | 8.045 9.9436 8. BASS 14 9.047 868,047 «99,047 9.887 = 6.952) 8.852) 8.852) P52 B52 G52 O47 A? 8.843 8.943 { 9.048 8.048 6.058 9.948 2.85 8.95 £.85 8.95 8.95 6.25 8.048 8.948 9.9433 8, 8433 16 8.848 868,948 99.849 9 4.848 8,95 4.95 ° 8.85 8.85 9.25 8.95 9,949 «8.849 8.8427 8.8427 ? 6.059 868.989 8.889 BAG S45 ONS AG 4S OSS BAAS LBA BLA 9.8433 8.8433 18 $046 8.046 9,966 46 B47 ONT 6847 6047847 OAT HSB 8.0433 6.0433 19 $053 6.043 -O.843 8.843 8.85 6.95 6.85 §.05 9.95 8.95 8.843 9 8.843 8.843 $943 28 9.938 8.838 9.839 9.938 9.885 9.045 $945 8.045 8.945 2.845 | 8.8I8 | 6,038 8.842 9.942 21 8.338 8.038 8.038 8.838 B.S BRB 41 SLRS) BOS] OBB BIB 9.8417 9.8417 22 2.04) 8,881 9,04) 8.841 84t | AOAT 4d AL BOSE BBS B48 Bat 8.2401 «8.6481 23 8.085 8.245 8.685 85 BAS OAL AL BAL BOSE BBS1 SOAS 8.845 $9392 9.8392 24 8.84 8,34 9,64 $94 6.38) GOSS 8843 BONS SH} BL BaD e.04 8.84 -€p- Fuel use, Non- gailons Total Seasonal Seasonal Seasonal Build | 9608 9.1 7288 Build 2 4008 8.1 3686 Build 3 8 a 8 Build 4 1328 4 1326 Build 5 8 a. § Build & 6 8.1 $ Build 7 8 8.1 $ Build 9 8 at 8 Build 9 8 a1 ¢ Build 18 6 a1 6 Total use 13328 9.999998 = 12128 Power gen. year #: 327883 falc. Fuel Saving year @: 13224.86 8 Power gen. nth. year: 486828. 1 Pay back time based on fuel savings and O&M: 8.879134 Assumed O&M cost per year: 3066.3 CostEstinate 72218 Internal rate of return ‘8.145929 808 490 1288 Building in use, i=yes, 8=no a Building use per sonth, Btu's 1, 9E+88 1 i 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 4 1.96+98 ee Pe ee gee ee ee 1, 1E+#9 93969495 63427732 52438626 51347858 56881734 46984742 31713866 3 15218538 14872654 16582833 15489152 846892. eto Pat 1.7E+88 1. 7E+OB Sa Ra $ 1. 9E+89 asta Sm S 1.56+88 mR im Ro, & a ard a a 8 S534811. 2 Pay Rs DS em a 8 8 4225762 ea Fa Fa eco, Bel pm (pcs NS @ 56883871 76517855 87425823 $ 29441535 3825952? 43712814 6997412, 7699265, 18722146 12451524 14526779 a Sa Rm 8 § 8 8 8 a L.GE+9B 553411. 6225762. o887412. 92933872 eS Se eS 1 \ 1 1 : 1 { 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 i 4 1 i 4, 98+83 56257872 a £ & a a f a & g 8 g g a g 1. 7£+88 1. 3E+89 1.46+99 Cheksue Oper HDD 3 7 12 12 42 12 12 12 12 12 B.BE+89 4, 06+89 a 1.36+88 a 8 g 8 6 8 9 1. 3E+8 9251 251 954) 9541 9541 9541 9541 9541 9541 9841 -pb- WARNING: Pay back tise == is only accurate after execution of the DATA command in cel] A148, Heat available per hour by sonth 1 246$23.9 274275.8 227856.5 246423.9 301637.6 388956.9 254991.3 264994.3 272328.6 264991.3 224761.9 398315.3 2 232742.6 259127.9 255152.4 232782. 246626.8 273134.9 234045, 6 2349456 248509,5 234845.6 212226.7 291376.6 3 219661.4 243988.8 262448.4 21961.4 238606.9 244467.4 289289. 289289.1 215152.4 289289. 199679.4 274437.9 4 219861.4 243998.8 202448.4 2196.4 231682,5 237383, 1 203099.9 2830997,9 288808.4 283899,9 199679.6 274437,9 5 242226.7 236487.3 196096.4 212228.7 231682.5 237383.1 283899.9 283897.9 288888.4 293899.9 195489.2 2465968.6 & 219061.4 243998.9 282448.4 219051,4 252613.8 258882.2 221667.3 221467,3 227856.5 221467.3 199679.6 274437.9 7 240423.9 274275.8 227956.5 246423.9 252613.% 258802.2 221667.3 22167.3 227856.5 221667.5 224761.9 388315.3 @ 273786.4 304569.3 253264.5 273786.4 266528,8 273134.9 234045.6 234845.6 248568.5 234945,.6 249944.2 3421927 9 2737B6.4 304569.3 25324.5 273786.4 301637.6 398966.8 264991.3 264991.3 272328.6 264971.3 249844.2 342192.7 16 367989.6 342437.9 285924.5 307989.6 315644.5 323299. 277369.5 277369.6 285824.5 277369.6 284197.1 3B4539.5 3 2 350818.5 291376.6 S14838.2 266628.8 273134.9 234045.6 234845.6 248568,5 234845.6 287467.7 3930888 12 307989.6 342437.8 285924.6 307989.6 322649.) 330465,9 293558.9 283558,9 291374,6 283958.8 281197.1 384539,5 13 294368.3 327289.9 272328.5 294389.3 336855.1 344798.7 295937.8 295937.8 394890.5 295937.8 268655.9 347608.8 14 397989.6 342437,@ 295924.6 387789.5 358652,1 359131.4 JOBHS,3 388315.5 316784.7 388315.3 281197.) 384559.5 15 314838.2 350818.6 291375.6 31493@.2 336655.) 34$798.7 295937.8 295937.8 364082.6 295937.8 287467.7 393808.8 16 314838.2 J5G818.6 291376.6 314858.2 336655.1 344798, 7 295937.9 295937.8 394088.6 295937.8 287467.) 393988.8 17 321679.8 357584.1 297728.6 321678.8 301637.6 388966.8 264991.3 264991.3 272528.6 264991.3 293738.3 481478.2 18 381148.9 334863.5 278672.6 385148.9 315644.6 323299. 277309.6 277369.6 285024.6 277369.6 274926,5 3768781 19 288627.1 312142.9 259616.5 28@627.1 336655.1 344798.7 295957.# 295937.3 3M4888.6 295937.8 256114.8 358662.1 26 246423,.9 274275.8 227856.5 246423.9 301637.6 389966,.8 264991,3 264991.3 272328.6 264991.3 224761.9 388315,3 21 246$23.9 274275.8 227856.5 246423.9 273623.5 2B6301.3 248234.9 248234.8 246912.5 248234.8 224761.9 308315.3 22 260945,8 296995.7 240912.5 266945.8 273623.5 288381. 3 248234.9 240234.8 246912.5 246234.9 243573.6 333723.4 23 294389.3 327289.9 272328.6 294388.3 273623.5 298381.3 248234.8 248234.B 246912.5 246234.8 268655.9 367684.8 24 26G185.2 289422.1 248568.5 269195. 2 287638.6 294634. 252613.% 252613.8 259616.5 252633.8 237383.) 325254.8 6522998. 7256648. o833B85. 6522990. 6973169. 7142892. O124685. 6124685. 6294318. 6124685. 5952568. B1SI241. 2.46 +89 -Sb- Heat desand by hour by gonth 1 222332.3 217669.7 248982.3 199819.7 135744.5 7131.278 8822.678 7844.297 119759.9 161719. 185832.1 213887.2 2 217794.9 213227,5 236664.3 (94958, 1 $31815.8 $995,733 7958.958 7694. 387 117312.9 159419.2 191256,9 288568.1 3 216668.5 212146.9 234834.9 193942.7 138232.6 6949.359 7818.818 7544.284 116781.9 157594.) 188311.9 287573.4 4 212698.3 288238.6 238531.4 199598,7 127944.3 6B22,485 774.755 7564. 286 114563.4 $54784.2 177887.8 283709.7 5 246668.5 212115.9 234854.8 193942.7 130332. 6949.549 7O1G. O18 7644.284 116781.9 1575941 18G311.9 287573.4 6 226863.6 215448.4 238523,3 195988.9 132379.7 7858,582 7940.954 7764. 552 118534.9 160869.4 183144.) 218833.7 7 233188.6 228228.1 252662.6 288666.1 148227.8 7476.948 8414.533 8224.618 125561.5 Lo7558.8 194986.5 223531. 8 245586.4 249436,2 266187.) 219935.5 147733.1 7877.942 8861.785 2664.956 132282.5 179h34.1 294385.9 235286.1 9 247287.9 242182.1 268831.4 221358.6 148756.6 7931. 718 8923. 183 8724.898 133199.1 179871.8 2e5BH1.1 236916.2 18 248989.5 243747.9 269975.6 222885.8 149789.2 7986,294 8984.59) 9784.924 134)55.6 181189.4 207217.1 239546.4 41 268989.5 243767.9 267875.6 222881.B 149788.2 7986.294 994.581 8784.924 134115.6 181189.4 287217.1 258544.4 12 250691.0 245433.8 271719.9 224484.9 150883,7 948,878 9845.979 9844,957 135832. 182347.) 268635.2 249176.5 13 252959.7 247654.9 274178.9 226435.7 152168.5 113.638 9127.843 8925.002 136254.1 183997.3 210521.3 242358.1 14 247287.9 242162.1 268831.4 221358.6 148756.5 7931.718 9923.183 9724,998 133199.1 179871.8 2858H1.1 236914.2 15 243884.9 238778.4 264342.9 218312.4 146789.5 7822.566 §88¢.387 8684.823 131366.8 177396.5 282968.9 233655.9 16 245586.4 240436.2 266197.1 219835.5 147733. 7877.142 9861.795 8664.956 132282.5 178634.$ 284385.8 235294. 1 17 242183.4 237184. 262498.6 216789.3 145685.8 7767.99 8738.989 8544, 789 138449.5 176158.8 281552.9 232825.7 18 245586.4 248436.2 266187.1 219835.5 147733.) 7877.142 9861.795 9664.856 132282.5 178634.) 284395.9 235286.1 19 245586.4 248436.2 266187.1 219835.5 147733. 7877.142 8861.785 8464.856 132282.5 178634.1 204385.8 235286.1 28 243884,9 238778.4 264342.9 259352.4 146789.5 7822.66 9849.387 9684.923 131366.9 177396.5 262968.9 233655.9 24 238215.1 233217.6 258195.3 213235.4 143297.7 764.646 8595. 727 9404. 711 128311.8 $73271.8 198248.7 228222.8 22 236511.6 2551.7 256351,$ 211782.3 142274.1 7586.878 8534. 329 9344.677 $27394,5 172833.3 196932.) 226591.9 23 227436.8 222667.3 246515.! 283589.8 134815.2 7294.998 8286.872 8424. 499 122586.5 165432.5 189280.3 217897.7 24 222332.3 217669.7 248982.3 {99859.7 133744.5 7431. 276 9822.679 7844.397 §19756.9 141799.6 185932.1 213087.2 5672389. 5553356. 6148124. 5877541. 3412194. 181938.3 264688.6 280152.1 JO5SITB. 4425983. 4728681. 5434482. 1.38489 -9p- Heat delivered by hour by sonth 4 222332.3 217669.7 227956.5 199819.7 133744.5 7131.278 8622.678 7844.397 119756.9 161719.6 185832.1 215487.2 2 212794,9 213227.5 215152.4 194958. 131815.@ 4995. 733 7859.958 7484, 387 117312,9 158419.2 181256.0 208669. 1 3 21bbb8.5 212116.9 2862448.4 193942.7 138332.6 6949349 7818018 7644.204 116701.9 157594.1 188311.9 287573.4 4 212698.3 208238.8 282449.4 {90388.7 $27944.3 6822.085 7674. 756 7504, 206 114563.4 154786.2 177087.9 293769.7 5 212228.7 212115.9 19699.4 193942.7 £38332.6 6949349 7818. 818 7644.284 116781.9 157594. 188311.9 287573.4 & 219861.4 215448.4 262448.4 194998.9 132379.7 7958.582 7940.914 7764.352 119534.9 168869.4 193)44.1 216833.7 7 233108.6 228226.1 227856.5 268666.1 148227.8 747.918 8411.533 8224.418 125561.5 169558.8 194888.5 223331.6 8 265586.4 248436.2 253264.5 219835.5 $47733.1 7877,142 8861.785 864.856 132282.5 178634.1 284385. 235286.! 9 247287.9 242182.1 253264.5 221358.6 148756.6 7931.718 923.183 8724.99 130199.1 179871.8 26SBAL.1 236914.2 1 249989,5 243767.9 269975. 222891.8 149788.2 7986.294 8794,581 8794.924 134115.5 $81109.4 267217.1 238546.4 Af 248989.5 243767.9 269875.6 222881.8 149788.2 7986.294 8984.5B1 8784,924 134115.6 181199.4 287217.4 238546.4 12 250691. 245433.8 271719.9 224464.9 158983,7 9948.878 9845.979 8844.957 135832.1 182347.) 208633.2 248176.5 13 252959.7 247654.9 272328.5 226435.7 152168.5 8113.638 9127.843 8925.862 136254.1 183997.3 216521.3 242358. 1 14 247287.9 242192. 268931.4 225358.6 148756.b 7931. 718 8923.183 8724,998 i33199.1 179871.8 2658H1.$ 236916.2 15 243884.9 238778.4 264342.9 218512.4 146789.5 7822.566 BB@G.387 8684.825 131366. 177396.5 282968.9 233655.9 16 245586.4 248435.2 266187.) 219835.5 £47733.1 7877,142 9861. 785 8564,856 $32292,5 178634.1 284385.0 235286.1 17 242183.4 257184.4 262498.6 216789.3 £45686.8 767.998 8728. 989 8544. 799 130449.5 176158.8 281552.9 232825.7 18 249586.4 248436.2 266487.1 219835.5 $47733.1 7877,142 8961.785 8664,856 132282,5 178434.1 284385.9 235286.1 $9 265586.4 248436.2 259616.5 219835.5 147733.1 7877.142 BBb1,7B5 8664.954 £32282.5 178634.1 284385.8 235286. 1 28 243884.9 238778.4 227856.5 219312.4 $40789.5 7922,566 ABM. 387 B484.823 131366.8 177396.5 282968.9 233655.9 "DL 238213.4 233217.6 227856.5 213235.4 143297.7 7648.64 595.727 8484. 711 12B311.8 173271.8 198248.7 228222.8 22 236514.6 231551.7 246942.5 291752,3 142274.) 7586.878 8534.529 8344.677 $27394.5 172833.3 196852.7 226591.9 23 227436.8 222667.3 246515.1 283589.@ 136815.2 7294.998 826.972 8824.498 122586.5 165432.5 189288.3 217897.7 24 222332.3 217669.7 248566.5 199819.7 133744.5 7131,278 8622.678 7844.397 119756.9 161719.6 195932.1 213907.2 5666867. 5553350. 5841193. 5877541. 5412991. 181938.3 264688.6 26#152.1 JOSSTIG. 4125913. 4720681. 5434492 1. 3E+89 -lt- Year @ fuel saving, gais. Year 13224.86 { 2 3 4 S$ é 7 8 5 16 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 48 327883 3224.86 13224.86 13224.86 13224.86 13224.86 13224.86 13224.86 13224,96 $3224.86 13224.86 13224.86 13224.96 $3224.86 13224.96 13224.96 1224.96 13224.86 13224. 86 $-saved: 12814.89 13871.18 $3332.61 13599.26 13871.24 14148.67 14431.64 14728.28 15014.68 15514.98 1621.27 15933.78 16252.37 18577.42 (6988.97 17247.15 17592.89 17943.9. Discntd.:12322.88 $2685.64 11952.54 $1629.78 114O4.15 111B1.98 10965.86 18755.95 19549. 15 1634.25 18147.28 9952.145 9768. 757 9573.858 9388, 953 9289. 397 9931.512 8857.633 OuM/year 3865.3 3866.5 3856.3 | 386b.3 | 5Hbb.3 5864.3 3844.3 | 3H.T | 0HHLS | OO.3 bb. 38S. 6b. SHOWS 30.3 ROHS 36H SHEE. discntd.:2948.365 2834.96 2725,929 2621.086 2526.275 2423.341 2339.135 224.515 2154.34) 2871.482 1991.918 1915.20) 1941.548 1778.71) 1782.687 1637.122 1574.156 1515.61! Accunltd:9373.644 18623.72 27758.43 36754,06 $5634.96 54393.50 63830.23 71545.68 79940.46 88215.22 96378.78 104407. 112326.9 128129.2 127815.5 135386.8 142843.9 150188.¢ Balance :-62836.3 -53586.2 -44459.5 -35455.9 ~26575.8 ~17816.4 -9179,76 -bS4.317 7738. 469 16005.22 24158.78 32197.64 48116.95 47949.28 55605.55 $3176.82 78633.99 77979. 08 6 "6 ca PB-years: 8 § $ 8 § & 8.879134 g & a a g 8 8 # 72219 9748.598 19084.98 19266.31 $6532.96 19884.94 $1692.37 11365. 34 1155.98 $1949.59 $2248.68 $2554.97 12867.48 13196.87 13511.2 13842.67 14196.95 14525.79 14877.53 19 28 13224.86 13224.86 8 g 18382.81 {9649.97 8687, 294 8528. 238 3068.3 3866.3 1455. 396 1399. 419 197419.9 169548.7 95289.98 92338. 71 6 g 15236.5! 15682. 57 -8p- WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET. Location: Chignik Concept: D Date: September 5, 1985. Heat rate 2738 Stu/keh produced Fuel cost 6.95 $/gallon Fuel cost escal. 8.82 /year Power increase §.82 /year Discount rate 8.04 /year Systes loss 3648 Btu/hour Total generation 327083 kwh/year Local degreedays: 1198 1975 128 5 $25 498 450 Assused diurnal heat demand variation: Power plant aonthly generation: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN Ae Fraction; 8.984 8.893 9.979 8.094 $086 899 4,975 Winter Suamer Kwht 46826.36 $5208.63 37918.19 4062b.36 $1798.41 42778.47 36938.15 Diurnal 8.0392 8392 1 variation 6.038 @.838 9.038 9.838 8.045 9.945 2.845 9.9384 = 8.9384 2 6.936 8.836 9.836 9.836 6.08 9.84 8.04 9.8382 8.9382 3 6.034 8.834 6.234 6.934 8.835 8.835 8.036 $.0375 9.8375 4 9.935 9.834 9.836 6.934 9.935 8.835 9.835 6.6382 8.8382 5 6.833) 8.833) 8.833) 8.833) 8.035 8835 SS 9.9388 © $, 9398 6 9.934 9.834 9.034 «034.038.838.838 G.8411 6.8415 7 8.858 9.939 0.958 8.938 6.058 6.839 9,938 9.9433) 9.8433 8 $.942 8.942 9.942 9,842 9.04 9.84 8.84 6.0436 «8.8436 7 8.042 6.042 8.042 8.042 6.045 8.845 8.845 9.8439 8, 8439 18 9.947 6,847 9.847 8,047 9.947 8.8478, B47 9.8439 8.8439 NM 8.058 899.848 «9.048 2.849 9.04 8.84 8.84 $.9452 9.9442 42 6.047 8.847 «9.047 8.847848 4B 848 9.8445 8.9446 13 $.045 8.945 9.045 8.845 #05 $.95 9.85 9.9435 8, 8436 i4 8.047 8.847) 9.047 «9.047 «9,052 9,852. 952 0.943 8.843 15 6.048 G.048 8.048 8.848 8.85 $.05 6.85 9.0433 8.8433 16 9.048 9.848 9.840 8.848 4.95 8.95 9.95 9.9427 9.9427 17 8.049 6.889 = 9.099.089) Bd5 8845 8.845 9.0433 8.8433 18 9.945 6.895 9.045 9.845 6.947 8,847 $847 #.0433 8.8433 Ww 9.043 8.843 6.043) 8.983 8.85 $.85 6.85 $953 9.843 26 6.938 «68.838 99,838 8.828 9.945 6.945 9.945 8.042 8.842 21 8.938 8.838 6.838 8.938 6.04) 6.881 | 0.841 $.0417 8417 22 8.941 9,99) 9.051 8891 80st ad 6.840! «6.8401 23 8.845 9.885 8.245 8.945 f.041 B.0d1 | OBA 9.8392 8,9392 24 8,84 9.64 8,84 $94 9.043 8.843 8.943 448 AUS 8.975 558 SEP 9.973 75 ocr 4.876 36938.13 37918.19 30938.13 8.945 9.94 8.936 8,835 9.035 $,938 9.838 9.94 8.845 #.947 8.04 9.848 8.85 8,952 8.85 9.95 8.945 9.047 6.85 $845 6.041 8.941 8.041 8,943 8.845 8.94 6.836 8.235 #.938 9,939 6.038 9.94 $.045 $.947 9.94 9.848 §.85 $.052 8.85 $85 9.945 8,947 $.85 $45 8.981 O.94t 6.841 9,843 8.645 $.94 8.836 8.835 9.835 8.938 $.938 9.94 8.245 8,047 &.84 9.048 9.95 9,952 9.05 9.85 8.845 §.847 8.65 8,945 8.041 B.G4$ 8.241 8.943 996 NOV $.977 37424, 16 #939 9.938 8.834 9.934 8.633 9.934 9.038 8,942 8.842 $,947 $.048 9.04? 8.945 8.947 9.048 9,943 8.849 9.846 9.843 $.939 3.938 4,04) 9.845 8.94 Year val. 1858 9548 DEC chcksue 8.184 58546,92 485628. $,238 8,836 8.934 8.934 6.933 8,934 8.838 9,942 9.942 9,047 #.848 8.847 8.945 9.847 #048 9.948 8.849 8.346 8.843 9.938 §,838 8.84) 8.845 5.34 i -6b- Fuel use, Non- gallons Total Seasonal Seasonal Seasonal Build 1 8 8.4 g 8 Build 2 4988 9.1 3688 490 Build 3 a 8 8 8 Build 4 1326 6 1320 $ Build § 4 at 8 § Build 6 8 8.1 § 6 Build 7 8 8 8 8 Build 8 4 6.1 6 6 Build 9 8 8.1 8 § Build 18 g $4 % 8 Total use 5328 8.875187 4928 499 Power gen. year : 327983 Calc. Fuel Saving year #: 5319.957 § ” Power gen. nth. year! 484628. 1 Pay back time based on fuel savings and O&M: 1942798 Assumed O&N cost per year; 1132.2 CostEstiaate 37746 8.109871 Building in use, !=yes, B=no 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 1 i ! j 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 i ia 1 j 1 1 Ped 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 1 Building use per month, Btu’s 8 8 8 8 8 52438626 5154785 56981734 46994742 31713865 8 8 8 a & AS24956 14872654 16602633 13489152 8646892. 8 8 g a g 8 8 g 8 8 8 4 § gz 8 § g & & g é 8 a 8 6 9 8 3 g g 67657157 66228584 73483747 68473894 40368758 9 8 e i s i 5 3 a a ! ! 1 1 1 i j S } j 1 4 { i 1 1 i 1 i 1 S j i i 1 1 i 1 ! 1 i 1 1 1 i ! 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 } i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 e a 8 g a a 8 a 8 % 28441535 38259527 43742411 58257875 8 a a 8 8 g a SSS4B1!, 6225752. 6887412. 7689265. 19722145 12451524 14526779 & g 8 6 8 § g 8 8 8 § 8 8 g 8 a é § a g é 8 g 8 8 a % 8 g & 8 § 3 $ a 6 8 8 £ 8 8 g SSMB11, 6225762. 6087412. 3Jo@5G80E 48982674 56143936 64783852 Chcksum Oper. HDD 9 7 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 825i 8251 9541 9541 9541 954 9541 9541 954i 9541 -0S- WARNING? Pay back tine Heat available per hour by sonth ssssecs= js only accurate 1 135588.3 156595.6 125043. 4 135588.5 165161.2 169886.9 145553.2 145533.2 149458.9 145553.2 £23986.8 168737.9 after execution of 2 128260.5 142392.7 119839.8 128268.5 146405.6 149895.# 128958.4 12995B.4 132447,9 128958. 4 11726.8 159665. 4 the DATA command 3 126932.7 134279.8 112834.6 128952.7 131401.8 134541,5 11569B.5 115698.5 118839.8 115698.5 11@551.6 158592.9 in cell A-168, 4 128932.7 134279.8 112834.6 120932.7 $27649.9 138703,.1 112383.6 112383. 115436.9 112383. $16551.5 158592.9 3 117268.8 136223.3 108632.5 11726B.3 127649.9 130783.1 112383.6 $12383.6 115436.8 112385.6 187193.1 146854.6 6 120932.7 154279.8 112034.6 120952.7 1399@3.3 142219.2 122329. 122328.5 125643.4 122328.5 119551.6 158592.9 7» 135588.3 158585. 125643.4 13558B.3 138983.3 142218.2 122528.5 122328.5 125643.4 122328.5 123986.9 148737.9 8 150243.9 166731.5 139252.2 150243.9 146405.5 199895.8 128958.4 126958.4 152447. 128958.4 137428.3 186883.8 9 158243.9 166751.5 139252.2 150243.9 1oh161.3 169886.9 145533.2 145533.2 149458.8 145535.2 157420.5 1868B3.8 1@ 168563,5 187813.8 156263.2 169563.5 172663.5 176763.6 152163.) 152163.1 $56263,2 152163.1 154215.2 289564.3 $4 17222704 191878.3 159665.4 172227.4 146405.6 149895.8 128958.4 1289598.4 $32447,8 128958.4 157571.7 214188.6 $2 16B563.5 187813.8 156263.2 168563.5 176414. 7 186502,8 155479.1 $59478.1 199665.4 159478.) 154213.2 289564.3 13 161235.6 178908.9 149458.8 161235.6 185917.8 188278.8 162188. 142188. 166467.8 162188.8 14749.9 288491.8 14 16B563.5 197813.8 156263.2 169563.5 191419.2 $95955.5 168737.9 169737.9 $73274.2 169737.9 154213.2 289544.3 15 172227.4 191678.3 159665.4 172227.4 183917.@ 188278.8 162188.6 162168.9 166469.8 162198.8 157571.7 214108.6 $6 172227.4 194876.3 159665.4 172227.4 {93917.9 198278,9 162198.6 162106.0 166459.8 162108. 157571.7 214188.6 17 175891.3 195126.8 163067.6 175891.3 LaSt61.3 169086.9 145533.2 145533.2 149458.8 145533.2 169938.3 218635.9 18 $64899.6 182957.4 152861.9 164899.6 $72663.5 176763.6 152163.1 152463.1 156263.2 152163.) 150854.6 205820.8 19 $55987.8 178788.8 142654.4 153987.8 183917.8 188278.8 162188.9 162168.8 166409.8 162108.8 148778.8 191419.2 28 $355B8.3 158585,6 125643, 4 135598.5 16516$.3 169886.9 145533.2 145533.2 149456.8 145533.2 123986.8 169757.9 24 135588.3 $50505.6 125643.4 135588.3 156156.7 153733.4 132273.4 132273.4 135850.8 132275.4 123986.9 169737. 22 146588.8 162675.8 155958.9 146588. $58156.7 153733.4$ 132273.4 132273.4 135850.8 $32275.4 134861.7 182346.7 23 161235.6 178908.9 149458.8 161235.6 158159.7 153733.4 132273.4 132273.4 13SB5G.8 132275.4 147496.8 200491.8 24 142916.1 158618.6 132497,8 142915.1 157659.6 161418. 138983.3 139903.3 $42654.4 136983.3 138705.1 177918.5 3588268. 3973162. 53318259. 3586208. 3821528. 3912227. 3366829. 3366929. 3457729, 3366829. 3274577, 4455438. 1, 3E+89 -1S- Heat demand by hour by santh 1 87184.76 85333.45 9459.99 77928.22 52869.91 7134.278 8622.678 7844.397 46455.99 63117. 76 72374.38 B3482.15 2 85495.48 83591.95 92659.59 7337.85 58748.49 6985. 733 7859.958 7694.37 45587.91 $1829.64 7897.27 81778.43 3 84968.66 85156.58 92176.98 75940.26 59683.15 6949.349 781.818 7644.294 45278.99 b1587.61 74528.62 81352. 58 4 83483.79 91652.77 90497.87 7454869 49754,39 6822,8085 7474.755 7584. 286 $4441.32 50380.51 69235.62 79861.75 9 84968.66 83156.58 92176.98 75948.26 54683.13 6949.49 7818.819 7644, 2B4 45278.99 61507.61 70528.82 81352. 58 6 B6295.12 94452. 78 93624.79 7133.94 51479.26 7858.582 7949.914 774,352 45991.95 62473. 78 7135.79 92638,29 7 91448.55 99469.51 99474.71 B1785.36 54538.88 7476918 B411.533 8224.618 48787.08 d6177.94 75882.24 87528.47 8 96383.58 94259. 64 194493.3 86978.98 57449.73 787.142 861,785 9664.856 S1314.91 69719.36 79944.96 92213. 78 9 96978.81 94911. 78 185287.2 86675.27 57847.76 7931.718 8923. 183 8724.898 S147. 44 78282.41 98497.95 92852.59 18 9763884 95564. 76 195931.1 87271.66 58245. 86 7996,294 8984,581 9784,924 52825.97 70695.95 81051.83 93491.48 AL 97638.84 95544.76 165931.1 87271.66 5245.90 798.294 8994.581 9784.924 52825.97 7685.45 81851.83 9349148 12. 98365.27 96217.82 186555.9 37968.95 58643.93 8049.876 9945.979 9844,957 5238).50 71168.58 B1685.72 94130. 38 13 99194.91 97088.57 187628.2 88663.23 59174.55 8113.638 9127.843 8925.882 52855.54 71812.55 82344.23 94992. 24 14 96978.81 94911. 78 195287.2 86575.27 57847.75 7931. 718 8923.193 9724.898 51678. 44 70282.4) 88497.95 92852. 59 15 95636.35 93605.57 183759.4 85482.49 57851.09 7922.56 9888.387 8404.823 58959.38 69236.32 79399.18 91574.998 16 96383.58 94259.64 184483.3 $6978.98 57449.73 7877.142- 886). 785 8664,956 51314.9) 69719.36 79944.85 92213. 78 17 $4969.11 $2952.51 103835.5 84886.18 S6653.65 7767.998 8738.989 544.799 58683.85 68753. 28 79834.29 99935. 91 $8 96383.58 94258.64 104485.3 95878,98 57449,73 787.142 986). 785 864,956 51314.91 9719.36 79944.85 92213. 78 19 96303.58 94258.64 104483. 3 86878.88 57449.73 7877.142 9861.785 8664.856 51314.91 69719.34 79944.86 92213. 78 28 95636.35 9385.57 1937594 B5492.49 57051.69 7822.55 8989,.387 9684,823 5@959.39 69236.32 79398.13 91574.98 21 93412.24 91428. 78 101346.4 83494.52 55724.91 7648.646 8595.727 8404. 711 49774. 28 67626.17 77543.89 89445. 16 22 92745.81 99775.64 188522.5 92898.13 55326.87 759.878 8534.329 8344.477 $9419.75 $7143.13 76998.81 98986. 26 23 891B6.45 87292.64 96761.78 79717.39 53284.82 7294.998 B2#6.872 9424.498 $7522.58 6456.89 74835.95 95398. 83 24 87184.76 95533.45 94599.99 7928.22 52889.91 7131.27 8622,678 7944.397 46455.99 S3117.75 72374.38 93492.15 2224323. 2177091. 2413251. 1988163. 1326916. 181938.3 2846B6.6 280132.1 1185228. 1619388. 1846447. 2129859 5. SE+88 -2S- Heat delivered by hour by aonth 1 87184.76 85333.45 4589.99 77928.22 52289.91 7131.278 8622.678 7944.397 49455.99 63117.76 72374.38 83482.15 2 85495.48 9359).95 92659,58 76337.05 58948.49 6995,733 7958.95 7694. 307 $5587.91 $1829.64 78997.27 91778,43 3 04960.66 85156.59 9217.98 75946. 26 5865.13 6949.549 7918.818 744.294 45278.89 91507.61 70528.82 81352.58 4 3483.79 1632.77 98437.87 7454.68 49754.38 822,985 7674.756 7584, 286 44441.32 68398.51 69235.62 79861.75 5 84966.66 85156.58 92176.98 75948.26 SGb83.13 6949.389 7819.818 7644.284 45278.99 61587.61 78528.82 91352. 58 6 8295.12 94452.79 93624,79 7133.94 51479, 29 7958. 582 7949.914 7764,352 $5981.95 62973.78 71635.79 92638.29 7 Y9418.55 9469.51 99174.71 B1705.36 54538.88 7476.918 8411.533 8224.18 48787.48 66177.84 75982. 24 97528. 47 8 96383,58 94258.64 184495,3 96979.98 57449,73 7877.142 8861, 785 $664.95 51314.91 9719.36 79944.86 92213, 78 9 96970.81 94911.78 185287.2 84875.27 57847.76 7931. 71B 8923.183 9724.898 51678. 44 78282.41 8497.95 92852.59 18 97638.64 95564. 76 185931.1 87271.66 58245,98 798.294 9984. 581 8784.924 52825.97 78685.45 81851.83 93491.48 11 97638,84 95564.75 185931.1 87271.66 58245.9@ 7986.294 8984.59! 8794.924 52825.97 78685.45 91951.83 93491.48 12 98305. 27 96217.82 8655.9 87869.85 59643.83 9040.878 9845.979 944.957 S2381.59 71168.58 81495. 72 94150.38 13 99194.91 9768B.57 187628.2 88663.23 59474.55 8113.638 9127.843 8925. 082 52855.54 71812.55 82344.23 94982. 24 14 96979.81 94911. 78 195287.2 $0675.27 57847.76 7931.718 8923.183 9724.998 1678.44 78262.41 88497.95 92952. 57 15 95636.35 93605.57 183759.4 85482.49 57@51.69 7822.56 8808.387 Bbd4.823 56959.38 6923.32 79398.18 91574, 88 16 76383.58 94258.64 184483.3 8979.98 57449.73 7877.142 9861. 795 964.956 S1314.9) 69719.36 79944,85 92213, 78 17 94969.11 92952.51 183835.5 8488.18 56653. 66 7767.998 8738.989 8544. 789 5083.85 69753.28 7883.29 99935. 91 18 96383.58 94258.54 184483.3 96978.99 57449.73 777.142 9861,795 9664.85 51314.91 69759.36 79944.86 92213, 78 19 96383.58 94258.64 164483.3 B6878.88 57449.73 7877.182 8861. 785 9664.85b 51314.91 69739.55 79944.86 92213, 78 26 9563.35 93685. 57 103759. 4 95482.49 57851.69 7822.566 9890.387 8684.823 58959.38 69236.32 79398.18 91574.98 21 93412.24 91428. 78 181346.4 8349.52 55724.9! 764@.646 9595. 727 8404. 711 $9774.28 67626.17 77543,.99 99445. 10 22 92745, 81 98775. 64 188522.5 92898.13 55326.87 758.878 8534.329 8344.677 49418.75 o7143.13 76998.81 88986. 26 25 9186.45 87292.64 96761. 78 79717.39 53284.82 7294.998 82@6.872 8824.498 47522.58 64566.89 74035.95 85398. 83 24 8784.76 85333.495 94589.99 7928.22 52089.91 7131.278 9622.678 7844. 397 4455.99 O3117.76 72374. 38 93482.15 2224323. 2177891. 2415251. 1988163. 1526944. 181938.3 284698.6 288132. 1185228. 161038B. 1846467. 2129859 5. 3E+88 -¢5- Year @ fuel saving, gals. Year 5319. 957 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 if 1 12 13 14 15 fa 1? {8 32783 5319.957 5319.957 5319.957 5319. 957 5319.957 5319.957 5319,957 5319.97 5319.957 9319. 997 5319.957 S319, 957 319,957 5319,957 5319.95? 5319.957 5319,957 5319. 957 $-saved: 5155.038 5258.139 5343. 382 5476.568 5579.979 5671.579 $805,418 S921. 518 6839.947 6168. 748 6283. 963 6409.6$2 O557.835 6668.592 6801.93 6938.883 7976.763 7218.2 Discntd.:4956.767 4861.445 $767.956 4676. 264 4586-336 4495.137 4411.635 4326.795 $243,588 4161, 998 4881.942 4893,443 3926.454 3958.945 3775, 889 3784, 256 3633.028 3563. 155 OUN/year = 1132.2 1132.2 1132.2 WN$2.2 © 193202 183262 1132.2 183262 113202 103202 113202 1032.2 213262 113202 113202 13202 «113262 © 1132.2 discntd.:1988.653 1845. 782 1866.52! 967.8093 938.5858 894.794) 848.3789 927.2874 795.4687 764.8737 735.4555 787.1687 479.9599 453.8172 628.6704 584.4998 51.241) 558.9957 Accunl td: 386B. 114 7682.776 11444.21 15152.66 18808,41 22$11.76 25963.91 29462.52 32918.64 36387.75 397654. 23 42958.51 4819.99 $9394.12 52542.34 55042. 11 58693.89 61698. 16 Balance :~33871.8 -38857.2 -26295.7 -22587.3 -18931.5 -15328.2 -11776.9 -8277.47 ~4829.35 -1432.24 1914.239 5218. 514 9456,998 11654.12 14892.34 17982.11 26953.89 23959, $6 PB-years: 8 4 8 6 6 8 8 a § @ 18.42798 8 g 4 g 8 8 a S774 4822, 838 4125. 939 4231. 182 4338, 368 4447.779 4559.379 $673,219 4789. 318 4987, 749 $628,548 S151.763 5277,442 5485.435 9936.392 5659. 763 5895. 993 5944,563 6006. 998 19 2g S319.957 5319. 957 # 8 7342.64 7589.917 3494,632 3427.428 1132.2 1132.2 557.3981 516.7213 64655, 48 67566. 11 26915.48 29826. 11 8 g 6238.464 6377.717 -9S-