HomeMy WebLinkAboutLarsen Bay Electric Furnace 1991_FROM: Marchegiani, Eric TO: Sieczkowski, Stan DATE: 12-16-91 TIME: 11:57 AM cc: Khan, Afzal Marchegiani, Eric Petrie, Brent SUBJECT: larsen bay electric furnace PRIORITY: ATTACHMENTS: In an effort to make sure that you have all the facts on the above subject, I decided that I should put together what information I have collected so it does not get lost and then I have to generate it again. Generally what we need to know is what is the break even point of the oil fired furnaces that are located in the School and the Village offices. In my opinion the only thing that we can displace is the oil which runs approximately $1.35/gal to residential customers. This could be less if one purchased the oil in quantity. Then what we wish to do is convert what the cost of fuel is to convert it to the cost per KWH. The following are the assumptions: Use #2 fuel which has an energy rating of approximately 140,000 BTU/gal Price of #2 fuel oil at $1.35/gal 1 KWH = 3413 BTU Assume fuel oil furnace efficiency = 0.80 PWNEB Then, $/KWH ($1.35/gal) (1/140,000 BTU/gal) (3413BTU/KWH) (1/0.80) = $/KWH $0.04/KWH Depending upon the assumptions, I would guess the break even point may vary between $0.03/KWH and $0.04/KWH. KKRKKKRKKEKRK KKK ERK EEK KKK ERK RK KKK RR ERK EKER KRKKRKKKKKKKKKKKKKRKKEE Presently the school furnace is a Weil McLain, 542,000 BTU/hr oil fired furnace. We checked with a local vendor here in town and found that a comparable electric furnace would be a Weil McLain, CE-128-W, 436,864 BTU/hr, 3 phase, with 8 elements each at 16kw, with a cost of approximately $3,800. The City furnace is a Burnham, 150,000 BTU/hr oil fired furnace. The comparable electric furnace would be a Weil McLain CE-48-W, 164,000 BTU/hr, 3 phase, with 3 elements, each at 16kw for a cost of approximately $2,900. A rough estimate of the cost to install the above electrical furnaces including all expenses is as follows: Parts/Equipment etc School Furnace $3,800 Plumbing Parts $1,000 Electrical Meter/Conduit/wiring $3,000 Load Management Modules (8 at $200) $1,600 Village Building Furnace $2,900 Plumbing Parts $1,500 Electrical Meter/Conduit/wiring $2,500 Load Management Modules (3 at $200) $0,600 Travel Airfare $1,600 Per Diem $2,000 Freight $1,500 Labor (Including overhead) Plumber (7 days,10hr/day) $4,200 Electrician (7 days,10hr/day) $4,200 Manager (7 days,10hr/day) $5,500 Engineering (3 days at 8hr/day) $2,000 Contracts Thompson & Howe Site Visit $3,000 Total $40,900 This total is substancially higher than what we originally estimated but I believe it includes all of the major expenses that would be necessary to complete the work. We might be able to trim it some and get the costs down to approximately $30,000 but I think between $35,000 and $40,000 is more likely. If one were able to obtain approximately $0.04/kwh; it take approximately 1,022,000 KWH to break even with the investments. Given the information I have been able to gather we have run approximately 150,000 KWH into the load dump over the past five months. This works out to be approximately 30,000 KWH per month. This would relate to approximately 360,000 KWH per year or it would take approximately three years to exceed the 1,022,000 KWH to break even. We need to look at this closer. It is unlikely that we would be able to use all of this energy since the furnaces do not come on and run continuously, during the summer the school is not open, and the Village probably does not use much heat during the summer therefore one might wish to assume that we would only be able to use 1/3 of this energy; in which case it would take approximately 9 years to recoup our investiment not including any interest or rate of return during that period. All of the above does not consider that an agreement will need to developed and negotiated with both the Kodiak School District and the City of Larsen BAy concerning the arrangement of purchase of surplus energy. Please review the above information, and discuss more indepth with Brent and advise me as to how you wish for me to proceed. As of the present I am assuming that nothing will move forward until someone decides where the money would come from along with beginning negotiations with the School District and the City of Larsen Bay. Please note no funding was included for negotiations in the above budget. ERIC DEC 13 ’91 11:53 PSI — ANCH ATTN STEVE FROM “IN Well-McLal . : ; HEATING CAPACITY; aR Dea eda at em ea ee) ees. WATER: 164,000 to 436,864 BTU/Hr. STEAM: 55,000 to 327,648 BTU/Hr. CE WATER BOILER CE STEAM BOILER 7 well: MoLain ae: CE — Bole is designed pn — oi = i: a sieeve. someon or foe ‘or hot water or steam heating systema in homes, apart- emall area, aa) value ving space, No flue or ven ments, commercial and institutional buildings. The CE is necessary. Standard components are used, and electri- ia factory assembled and wired with all controls; before cal connections are required only for power supply, cir- shipping, each boiler {is factory inspected and tested with culator, and thermostat. Piping is the same as for any hot all components. water or steam boiler, and two or more units may be The CE is designed for fast, low-cost installation for new headered together for multiple applications, heating aystems or for replacement of older boilers, The DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION FEATURES yf of the unit facilitate wall mounting. Elements are easily Agi. —- removed through the aide plate on the right side of the jac! HEATING ELEMENTS = Incoloy-sheathed, low-watt-density elements resist the corrosive effects of all chemicals found in domestic water syatems. | FACTORY-WIRED CONTROLS All controly are factory { wired and standard electrical components are used, The componentized control system provides the advantage of | easier replacement at lower unit cost, INTERNAL FUSING The CE Boiler ig supplied with a rate fuse for each element leg. This safety feature i eliminates the need for additional external sub- using. aoe CONTACTORS ca res a lege 0! ower source on a ++ Open 8 of each element when the thermostat is satisfied. si CAST IRON CONSTRUCTION The one-piece cast iron OPERATING SEQUENCE The CE control system uses boiler section is built in accordance with the Tequirements heavy-duty contactors and time-delays to sequence the heat- erm of the ASME boiler = rn — code. Large water ing elements. pe (ory meatal otmemigg Siatigk sonateee tees On a call for heat, the firat contactor instantly energizes the ly temperature. The internal baffling system assures first heating element and the first time-delay, Additional ele- p= steam and a steady water level, Thecastingis insulated nents are sequenced in intervals az long aa there is a call for with fiberglass to reduce heat logs. A built-in air separator eat. . , lel at the top of the casting diverts air bubbles to the automatic The elements remain energized until the thermostat is satie- ait vent or expansion tank , . , no separate air eliminating fied or the boiler water temperature reaches the o erating device is necessary. control setting. When either condition occurs, the first ele- HEAVY-DUTY JACKET The steel jacket is finished in at. ‘Ment energized is immediately de-energized, tractive blue hammerloid with a hinged front door to per- If the boiler water temperature exceeds the high-limit setting, mit access to all internal components. Brackets on the back all elements are immediately de-energized Before purchasing this appliance, read Important energy cost and efficiency information avaliable from your retailer, C13 ’91 11:54 PSI - ANC ——?P . 2/2, @UsTeD] oo: CH) {evs No. of Circuits ie on pena teat nip prescribed by the United States Department of Energy, rounded to nearest 1,000 BTU) Hr, NOTE, Baptog in atte Inad to the pe A apacg si Shoukd be added {eo the building |oss to determine total heating requirement, Syriac neon reat supe wis he baller. Mini it r hn ' ap curain cee 1c a HS neato ae only, Cengult national or local etsetrical code ‘manuals for temperature ratings of conductors other than 90°C. yaa eh onl oe os fae shee ree Goren ne zea) eae: Seam—7.0 -“. ES orn treited a8 Re Sn rue Steere ae WATER . WATER "WATER /STEAM LEFT SIDE 0S FRONT RIGHT SIDE "a4 minimum wall clearance required for lament romavel, eo vist vate , oFANDARD FQUIPMENT pci path Wal Mountin i For Water Boilers Fer Steam Bollers , Lowel & rt ASME Satety Relief Valve ASME Vaive fA Nol ee om rDenalty Elements Corbina Pesur and igh Limi researc Control Borie re Att ns “mmermrens = eet ny asi core iayR ela lays = Low Wat Cutoff (CE-128-W only) ge Cd setante Pat Conger Relay aid : te and of cantinead Improvement In products and pertormance, Weil-McLain reserves the right to change specifications without notice. WEIL McLAIN s:.:i:a0. van { Michigan City, Indiana 46360 @ A Marley Company InCanege WyianCanasa (TO .7EE. 120 Eat: Srampion Gownoner 162 Forn Na. C-523R6(382) Litho In U.8.A. FROM 12.13.1991 11152 ae | PSC hoe f Farris Bo'foe tremace — ECA Lidctor! Farmee f bes |- LAW ~ rmnufictnmwry Ylarre PA Je into. ag foVows cd Mt umier Pee Beam = 1S ps," LAde-. 50 ps. Yun, relief ule cap- oy (4/ke, OR MOH Bor'for- S2e- BL. 976 Ws Input FS 749 mad rapape o'l- Stoo or Fr outa p_ 62Y arp 19S0 4. FE Stam - YORe/ Mitem- — py2 Ftegry - Presyuve Veyse /s Ln. - Mma fe terywedh vn £7. wap fs Pees 4 rare We 1, <Q . eee Fp rs AL Alas miter ¢ Aasoe +e F¥ol Pemed Kd. youd / FF 2ZO-N Anes, IK a1 509 2a ald, - 1RI-A-O Shige mp, jay- v5; xr ,, Sem, ; "79349 )25 ee Lor x, Ths. POD treo You, 160 ps,' “yrtisde, Tegel Ls loo “2 water me iy» Lr 37 b “Of . 4 57! J _ Ate a 1S “ 35 = ae ? ae ih Zz, Meter “ 30 pies’ TO, we hy “/ + ee END eee moec: Mike L)i150n @ Ap Sot Ceeg Weil MeClyx Bakers -Ebectert mu HS Ce aCER > papueee version Z prarm Un 24%, ow BM