HomeMy WebLinkAboutWales Heat Correspondence & Invoices 1990 Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation December 20, 1990 Frank K. Oxereok, Jr. Mayor City of Wales Wales, Alaska 99783 Subject: Wales Waste Heat Recovery Project Dear Mr. Oxereok, Thank you for your letter indicating your continued interest in this project. Wales is one of the 26 communities that have been investigated for waste heat recovery potential in the past year. We have been looking for systems whose fuel savings would be great enough that they could pay for financing the construction, these projects shall be included in a bond package to obtain funding next spring. The proposed system in Wales is unfortunately not in this category. As indicated in the report sent to your office, the fuel savings realized by the proposed waste heat recovery system would take approximately 40 years to pay for the cost of installing the system. When the cost of operating and maintaining the waste heat ) ease is deducted from the fuel savings the project looks even less attractive. onstruction of the waste heat recovery system would only be practical if grant monies can be obtained to pay for the project. The Energy Authority is willing to assist Wales in approaching the legislature for State funding of this project if you desire. Given the economics of the project, however, we cannot recommend that the waste heat system be given a high priority. If you have any questions regarding this project, please feel free to contact John Bulkow at our Anchorage office at 800-478-7877. Sincerely, / Jt Jf “2 Freee a (7b EC a ¢-rDavid Deni ‘Chakroff Director of Rural Programs cc: John R. Bulkow, Alaska Energy Authority QO PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 $B PO. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 907) 664-3671 ( ) |2 [al (40 December 5, 1990 ib (bear John Bulkow V4 po+t hi 4 f Alaska Energy Authority | /) P.O. Box 190869 fr Wows 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 S 5 portire RE: Wales District. Heat Report & Concept Level Design Dear Mr. Bulkow: On behalf of the Wales City Council, I am requesting that the installation of the waste heat to the Wales Washeteria from the Wales AVEC Power Plant become a reality. This installation would save the City of Wales on the cost of purchasing fuel oil for the Washeteria. The Wales Washeteria expenditures override the revenues due to the high cost of fuel and electrical used. Let us know who should we contact and how we should get this waste heat instal- lation become a reality in our village Respectfully, Frank K. Oxereok Jr. Mayor State of Alaska Steve Cowper, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation November 6, 1990 The Honorable Jonah K. Tokeinna City of Wales P.0. Box 489 Wales, Alaska 99783 Subject: Wales District Heat Report & Concept Level Design Dear Mayor Tokeinna: Enclosed is a copy of the Wales District Heat Report completed by Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. This report was conducted to determine whether the introduction of a district heating system would save money for the community. If you have any questions concerning this report, please contact John Bulkow, Project Manager, at 800-478-7877. Sincerely, \ fo Int 44 mily K. Nelson Administrative Assistant Attachment as stated _ — cc: John Bulkow, Alaska Energy Authority \ OQ PO.BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Alaska erate Leyislature PE DSERENTATIVE DR. LARRY .AGOuL£ RICHARO POSTEN * Box 1028 JOAN WALSH, CRS NOME 2L4+SK4 99762 L@ WALTERS °O BOXV JUINE AD. 2X 39617 190714655-3789 August 18, 1989 Sue White Special Assistant Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Dear Sue: The fol priorities have been identified in House District #23. We d appreciate your consideration of these projects as you compile the Governors FY-91 budget. . White Mountain...... Technical Assistance hte Brevig Mission...... Power House and Generators & Waste Heat \oagononn iT TAIN os ves 0nee sis Bulk Fuel Tanks Nome.....- seccccceee Coal Generation Pilot Project WWec Shishmaref.........- Waste Heat Project — Goo® WF ph < caopemren . Cary oF PE: eee Waste Heat Project — Cn yy P2000 H/F ye AS Gambell soos... eee ees Waste Heat Project — /@FASMMEE Bee i= Golovin... es. ese eee Waste Heat fon — wo WAHOTE® TT ™ ean Elim, .....ceeeeeees Waste Heat don — V2 ce Of Scttace_ St.Michael-Stebbins. Inter-Tie-Line 2 SP Fpjocockul/ Jt” T haven't seen the list of requests fram regional villages which are members of AVEC. Since many of the requested projects are probably necessary to protect health, life and property the list reviewed and such projects should be given the same Ss. priority as projects from non-AVEC villages. Thanks for all of your assistance. lay Fg test 9 DS" ACT SS Brarrrerel. Wes. Oorece. Grevg Memon, Taller. Vorre. Bevoongs. Gerriel. Virwne Maurrtan, Goto, Ein. Koyk. Sneak voce. Uneakieet = Yori ne ees / Alaska Energy Authority August 1, 1990 Mr. Earle V. Ausman, P.E. Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. 1503 West 334rd Street, Suite 310 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Contract #2800098 Work Order #9, Wales Waste Heat Dear Mr. Ausman: We have received your final invoice (06/90) in the amount of $1,301.97 on the work order referenced above. This is to notify you that this work order is being closed out. Any remaining funds that had been set aside for this work order will be disencumbered and made available for future work under the contract. fo Sincerely, / were bs ah ctff David Denig-Chakroff- fo Director of Rural Programs DDC:ekn cc: Gary Smith, Alaska Energy Authori Dominic Costanzo, Alaska Energy Authority PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 PO. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 polarconsult alaska, it LETTL_. OF TRANSMITTAL 1503 West 33rd Avenue e Suite 310 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 258-2420 FAX (907) 258-2419 ———————— [DATE £131 \20 to AeA |_lous Burkow DV Vinge Diepeicr HeaT RECEIVED JUL 34 1990 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached () Under separate cover the following items: C Shop drawings C) Prints C) Plans C) Samples CO) Specifications Copy of letter ( Change order Oo ae copies DATE NO. DESCRIPTION _ \s WALES DisteicT HEAT LEPeeT ReEepeaceneny HES 5 coveg, 9) 4,17) Be 1 \.L HG FwepyY , ACAD Dgs < Zepoey » Ares | .2He Ferry, Acao Duiqs + Lereet, KoquK THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: C For approval { Approved as submitted C) Resubmit copies for approval \For your use (C) Approved as noted [) Submit copies for distribution K As requested C] Returned for corrections ( Return corrected prints () For review and comment [1] (1) FOR BIDS DUE CG Ss) PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS copyto Fite _______ SIGNED: UM AXIAL ee if enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. State of Alaska /™ Steve Cowper. Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Publile Corporation T ££ ¢ OP YY CANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecepy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: NAME OF COMPANY: ro = COMPANY ADDRESS: Ariat 2f aoe TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: 2 e~ 2oi7 SENDER: see Ft ee TELEPHONE NUMBER: 2e'1- 7JeZ2e2 CHARGE CODE: @iepzsso= NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: =z INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: BS te I IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: ($07) _261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: — PO BOX AM suneou, Alaska 99811 — (907) 406-3575 Be PO. Box 190869 960701 Ecet Tucer Roca) = Anchorage. Alaska 99519-0869 (907) $61-7877 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT **k COUNT ** # 3 *KK SEND **K NO REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION RPAGES COMMENT 1 9072582419 7-30-90 9:30 1°59" 3 TOTAL 0:01'59" 3 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 State of Alaska Steve Cowper, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: EAtre AusmaArt NAME OF COMPANY: TPOLAR COnySucT COMPANY ADDRESS: ANCHORAGE TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: 268-2419 SENDER: Sonn Buryovws TELEPHONE NUMBER: 261-7282 CHARGE CODE: gsiBzsz0S NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: SS INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: BO Sur FO IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 xX PO. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 to: Earle Ausman, PCA from: John Bulkow, AEA date: 30 Jul 90 re: Waste Heat - Wales 1. Provide a replacement cover for this report that shows Wales located at the tip of the Seward Peninsula rather than at Point Hope. 2. Provide a replacement page 12 with a paragraph "B. Other Buildings" that lists what other buildings were investigated and eliminated as potential waste heat users. 3. On future reports provide a breakdown of how the $2,000 repair cost on page 37 was determined and address operational costs such as glycol upkeep and circulating pump operating cost. 4. Having the total project cost on page 38 be $10 different than the cost listed on pages i & 41 isn’t going to make much difference in the great scheme of things, but it does tarnish our illusion of perfection. You may wish to provide a replacement page 38. 5. Provide floppy disks with copies of the Autocad drawings for this report. to: Earle Ausman, PCA from: John Bulkow, AEA date: 30 Jul 90 re: Waste Heat - Koyuk Please provide floppy disks with copies of the Autocad drawings in this report. polarconsult alaska, ir 1503 West 33rd Avenue e Suite 310 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 258-2420 FAX (907) 258-2419 Ax. TO WE ARE SENDING YOU [Attached Enekarx = Autueziry !] Under separate cover via-_——- = LETTEu OF TRANSMITTAL | 4: 30-76 ATTENTION _ dan Borvor _ oo | J Der. tear Suoes ___the following items: C) Shop drawings C) Prints ! Plans {1 Samples | Specifications (1 Copy of letter (1 Change order Yf Cepeers “copies | oarte [so — 7 DESCRIPTION oo le | | Koyow, Dieter HEaT Sty Fina Covroe® GeaApaics | y 2 | us 4 u 4 as Be Geapuics \ a | | an us a a o@iGiINaAW | | | | | | | CG | | Wares Distecr Heat Soy Fnac Lowe Geaprics c) | W Btw acaruics ; | uw o2aINaL— THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: CO For approval fro your use 7 As requested (] For review and comment ([) _ [J FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS copYTO_ Fe C) Approved as submitted (J Approved as noted C) Returned for corrections 19__ —— SIGNED: Wf enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. CJ Resubmit copies for approval C) Submit copies for distribution {J Return corrected prints CJ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US state of Alaska Steve Cowper Governor Mlaske Energy Authority A Public Corporation TELEC OF Y (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (QUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: NAME OF COMPANY: od eos COMPANY ADDRESS: Arise) © Sey Ge TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: 258-2419 SENDER: soo) se teh ck TE ta tee ee TELEPHONE NUMBER: = zee CHARGE CODE: @.e8@ 2e5s0o5- NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: ) INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: = PA a Be 3S IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: =) PRO. BOX“ AM Juneau. Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 GY PO. Box 190869 704 East Tuder Road) §=Anchorage Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT **k COUNT %*% # 3 *KK SEND aK NO REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT 1 3- 7-90 13:23 2°14" 3 TOTAL 0:02°14" 3 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 State of Alaska DN Steve Cowper, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: Esgvce AusemMAn NAME OF COMPANY: POLAR Comsurt COMPANY ADDRESS: ANicHoeAGe TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: 258-2419 SENDER: Jou Buryou ; TELEPHONE NUMBER: 261-7z2Z1 CHARGE CODE: 81823305— NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 3 INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: TT Mar 90 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 ® PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 to: Earle Ausman, PCA from: John Bulkow, AEA date: 7 Mar 90 re: Waste Heat - Wales 1. List Richard Ried as a point of contact on page 5 and in Appendix C. If he was not met with then indicate that he was contacted by phone. 2. Include the phone numbers of the points of contact in Appendix C. 3. Indicate the units for the Speed and Rating in Table IV-A on page 6. 4. Fill in the blanks for at least the Rating, Heat Rejection to Coolant, and Water Flow of unit #3 in Table IV- A on page 6. 5. (Same comment as 28 Feb 90 Koyuk comment #3) It would be better to obtain Monthly Power Production figures directly from AVEC rather than AEA. Going through AEA simply adds one more level at which errors could creep into the data. 6. Page 10 is missing. 7. Correct the caption of Figure IV-4 on page 11. 8. Clarify how the domestic water heating fuel oil use was figured into the equation on the first page of Appendix A and show the assumed monthly use in Table V-A on page 13. 9. Correct the captions of Figures V-1 & V-2 on page 14. 10. (Same comment as Koyuk comment #7) Assume a 20 degree F temperature drop and the maximum BTU/HR delivered (based on the program output) to calculate preliminary sizes of the main piping, heat exchangers, and pumps so that an accurate cost estimate may be done. 11. Either show more valves or delete the three valves shown in Figure VI-2. 12. (Same comment as Koyuk comment #8) Make the following corrections to Figure VI-3 on page 17: a. Add check valves to the engine outlets. b. Connect engine #2. c. Show isolation valves on the secondary side of the heat exchanger. d. Delete the second bypass line on the primary side of the heat exchanger. e. Using a valve to force flow through the unit heater just increases the pressure drop that the engine pumps have to pump against. Connecting the unit heater between the engine supply and return headers should provide sufficient flow through the unit heater. f. Relocate the AMOT valve so that the normal flow is from the engine through the heat exchanger to the AMOT and then either back to the engine or through the radiators depending on the amount of cooling required. The radiators loose a lot of heat even when the fans are not running and the configuration shown forces flow through the heat exchanger to pass through the radiators as well. g. If the pump and heat exchanger symbols are not used in this drawing then they should be deleted from the legend. h. Delete ‘AND UNIT HEATERS’ from note 3. 13. Show the system return lines that go with the system supplies shown for the existing washeteria heating system in Figure VI-4. 14. (Same comment as Koyuk comment #9) Describe the "Arctic" pipe in paragraph B of SECTION 02700 on page 23. (ie. steel carrier pipe with polyurethane insulation and HDPE jacket) 15. (Same comment as Koyuk comment #10) Change the title of Figure X-2 on page 33 to read: Gallons of Heating Oil Displaced. 16. Coordinate the generator full load output data in Appendix A with Table IV-A. Table IV-A indicates that the Cummins LTA 10 at 1200 RPM is rated at 115 kw rather than the 123 kw used in Appendix A. polarconsult alaska, inc. ENGINEERS ¢ SURVEYORS « ENERGY CONSULTANTS Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 February 26, 1990 Re: Contract AEA 2800098, Work Orders 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15. Dear Mr. Bulkow: Please find enclosed the interim reports for Koyuk (Work Order 10) and Wales (Work Order 9) and an invoice for the work completed to date on the following villages: Work Village Labor Expenses Total Order $ $ $ 7 Kivalina $2,281.67 $798.05 $3,079.72 8 Noatak $2,181.67 $798.05 $2,979.72 9 Wales $5,961.67 $1,303.47 $7,265.14 10 Koyuk $6,376.67 $1,303.47 $7,680.14 11 = Mt. Village $2,906.67 $690.17 $3,596.84 12 Pilot Sta. $2,906.67 $690.17 $3,596.84 13. Scammon Bay $2,856.67 $690.17 $3,546.84 14 ~=Tununak $2,906.67 $690.17 $3,596.84 15 Nunapichuk $1,533.67 0.00 $1,533.67 Total This Invoice $29,912.03 $6,963.72 $36,875.75 Sincerely Yours Lace Clete — Earle V. Ausman encl.: 3 copies each, Koyuk & Wales Interim Report 1503 WEST 33RD STREET e SUITE 310 ¢ ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE (907) 258-2420 e TELEFAX (907) 258-2419 polarconsult alaska, in LETTE OF TRANSMITTAL 1503 West 33rd Avenue e Suite 310 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 258-2420 FAX (907) 258-2419 va JOB NO. : Fee |, 1990 rt ae ATTENTION 7 A ¥} ; AEA Ac W Bvrreow TO , mA anh RE oaN = a 2 Vw NES * or Maexr's WE ARE SENDING YOU PrAttached (J Under separate cover via_________ the following items: CJ Shop drawings 0 Prints C Plans (Samples © Specifications C Copy of letter CJ Change order Bm —Keeoers a copies DATE NO DESCRIPTION nS B® | 1-1-% Koyun tds Dieteiet Heat SwPY Dear ee Z- \-90 Wares Disreicy Heer stop+r ) Deaer \ AVEC Syste Vaganerers € Const, Pans. % |Z-2-90 av. M\ner's Foer Spesqe Cepoer ¥ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: CO For approval (C Approved as submitted OC Resubmit copies for approval DiFor your use C Approved as noted C Submit copies for distribution Di As requested C Returned for corrections C Return corrected prints SaAFor review andcomment () C1 FOR BIOS DUE 1 «C.D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO'US REMARKS Pa eee AL gle or i COBY (Osa) sue ele ee ee sar Feels aroner A LOT>ASS re vaes if enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. State of Alaska \ Steve Cowper, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation December 11, 1989 Mr. Earle Ausman, P.E. Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. 1503 West 334rd Street, Suite 310 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Contract AEA 2800098, Work Order #9, Wales Dear Mr. Ausman: You are hereby given notice to proceed on Work Order #9 to perform a concept level design of a waste heat system as presented in your proposal of December 7, 1989 (attached). Fee for this Work Order shall be a lump sum of $8,870.00 and expenses shall not exceed $1,385.00. The total cost of work under this Work Order shall not exceed $10,255.00 unless subsequently revised. As soon as possible, but no later than February 7, 1990, you will submit the final report to the Alaska Energy Authority. Please signify your agreement with the conditions of this Work Order by signing below and returning this document to the Energy Authority. Sincerely, — LAMKEL _k-—Robert E. LeResche A~~Executive Director GS:REL: js Attachment as stated cc: Brent N. Petrie, Alaska Energy Authority David Denig-Chakroff, Alaska Energy Authority Gary Smith, Alaska Energy Authority Arnold Reimer, Alaska Energy Authority Susan White, Alaska Energy Authority Dominic Costanzo, Alaska Energy Authority Concurrence with conditions of this Work Order: POLARCONSULT ALASKA, INC. Signature Title ate PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 Kx PO. Box 190869 704 EastTudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 7220/1023(1) polarconsult alaska, inc. ENGINEERS # SURVEYORS «© ENERGY CONSULTANTS December 6, 1989 Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Subject: Contract APA 2800098 Work Order #5. Waste Heat 9 Villages Atm: Mr. Gary Smith Project Manager Dear Mr. Smith: This proposal is made in response the scope of work you provided us for doing Concept Level Designs on nine western Alaska AVEC villages. This proposal contains a Lotus spread sheet which shows the work items and their associated fees and expenses. Included is a proposed fee for HMS's estimating work, This proposal is based on supplying a concept level design in accordance with the work items as listed in the general work tasks and the individual designs. Travel is based on a site trip to each village by local carrier then by charter back to a central location, which will be Kotzebue, Nome or Bethel in the afternoon. If this charter can be avoided, the local mail carrier will be used. As you can see by the enclosed sheets from Quality Travel this may be possible in some situations. We will use this potential cost savings in travel for our weather allowance. We will amempt to work if we are held up by weather. If we can use our time productively there will be no standby. We have planned on two people traveling to all of the villages with the exception of the first two kick off locations. These personnel will be the future designers who will provide the asbuilt information and get the data necessary for design. We will attempt to acquire information on land status so we can locate the pipelines in the most advantageous position, avoiding existing utilities and reducing to the extent feasible, problems with land acquisition. It is important to note: that we will get what records we can within the time available. We can not guarantee that the land records will be complete or accurate. Only a detailed more time consuming analysis with title searches by Tom Arminsky will accomplish this. 1503 WEST 33RD STREET # SUITE 310 ¢ ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE (907) 258-2420 # TELEFAX (907) 258-2419 VOL UD OF isis ULAR UINSUL WASTE HEAT CONCEPT DESIGN PROPOSAL DATA YEAR 1990 Sire Inuxim Final Fee =—- Expenses Repou Repon. 1. Kivalina 2 Jan 24 Jan $8870 $1106 2. Naotak 2 Jan 2 Feb $8870 $1106 3. Wales 2 Jan 7¥Feb $8870 $1106 4. Koyuk 2 Jan 13 Feb $8870 $1106 5. Mountain Village 30 Jan 16 Feb $8870 $1106 6, Pilot Station 30 Jan 21 Feb $8870 $1106 7. Scammon Bay 30 Jan 26 Feb $8870 $1106 8, Tununak 30 Jan 1 Mer $8870 $1106 9, Nunapitchuk 30 Jan 6 Mar $8870 $1106 Subtotal $79,830 $9,954 TOTAL $89,784 a WASTE HEAT CONCEPTUAL DESIGN SCEDULE FOR 9 VILLAGES DEC. JAN. FEB. MARCH VILLAGE 11. «18 = «25 1 8 15 22 2¢ 5 12 19 26 5 12 tt Kivalina OFIELD WORK *AEA Review final Report Noatak OFW *AEA Review OFinal Report Wales OFW #AEA Review OFing! Report Koyuk OFW *AEA Review Final Report Mountain Village OFW *AEA ReviewOFinal Report Pilot Station OFW *AEA Review Final Report Scammon Bay OFW +*AEA Review OFR Tununak OFW *AEA Review . OFR Nunapitehuk O FW +AEA Review OFR DEC 26 °89 15:14 POLAPRL UNS T 297 P2s District Heating Catimat 12/04/89 cE WORK ITEM ome EE (Tech |zech_ $35 $72 | 880 |"$32 | $72, DATA GATHERING Edito|Type | Total Gad jconsult; | Totel Unde _— ite Situ. 33 core Cost Coat Rey Cet 4 . Peoting icienctee 4 8 AZA Kick off wos 2 seth PYEveatory & BeEbate Ua 3: PHS owes, AS Builts 2.0 Coens & Reg. Affairs 1.0 Tend status . BLM Lend Status 1.0 | 3.0 4.0 $90 SCHOOL DIST $33 Bethel Noma 350 Kotzebue 1.0 3.0 1.5 1 0.0 9.0 c.0 43.0 $525 C0000 wo we o wenn Oe Goro ce 20 1.€ } 6.0 $20 | 0.0 a orn w woo Ort OOD sean rs ovo 2.0 $150 1 $250 $2 330 me a a on co - o . 2 » » a a ~----|---— | -0--- |—~-- FIELD TRIPS Review C. a Ca et Arrange Loca) Contac 2.0 4.0 375 $75 $9,361 0.0 | 4.0 Fature Plans Suile Date Community Oesires Power Houg Big her aees Pipe piste ution 8:3 Pibe Loeation 8:3 o. &: Q.1 Reucing . Eek i ok Qt orwn GooD0e SOHN GbE aN HN Beawe Bie Locations ity Locations Records Pictures arip Report ree, Photos aaeSas ao tangs Aut Sioced ab eae OCOooeo~e woVeew + HOrerHHOO BOOLCO CHOUBMOeEN COOK ROMCVL-O sumo: BOAH IAW BU WOTE 1.0 1.0 | 3.0 1.0 a www Cnanros = 8 0.3 3.0 eR Bm > COD 10:0 ;: 3 $53 6 18.0 90 935,949 | 03,994 6.0 | 0.0 wunco ae 10 | Cwoece 0 Te 0 ie minoeratat e e ANALYSIS . Corr. Tomp «/ Fuel Const. Master 1 Const. Ind. Models Input o2g. & fve! ayeet t loads route, & aw oo i ta ua wun tote 2 20 0.5 | 0.5 | Cee eowowsercosorne 11.0 0.01 0.0 | 0.0 | 243. 30 | 0.0 a0 Drefe OUTPUT | Gens Sitte paca 1.0 1.0 | 1.0 i dees ulti fees, 3 8 ° genregser faiths Estimate ie Specitie village Conclusions 1.0 | 0.5 | G.3 | 0.3 Recommendations 0.5 | 0.3 | C.3 Executive Summary 0.8 | 0.3 | 0.3 el teeter clelielen a Wmowoeorr 7 1.0 O-8 { 4 € 7 1.0 } 2.0 | 0.8 2 * Q oo © oF te $4,770 8:33 9.5 | 0.5 8.0 49.9 $.0 } Qa eo © of ae w #O 1.0 31.8 1.0; 22.5 2.90 33.6 Orawin tise nig | $c Pint Dw. wow Extended Page 5.1 | Y "apelon 923, |_9 a )2.8 | ; |; _ | 16 * 550 | | ls | $2,209 saan 12.5 oi 1.8] 7.01 0.0 | 6.0 112.0 117.0 | aat $#5 116.0 194,390 | $30,072 Agency Review / Coord, 3,0 fe 1.0 ! 7.0 ssa ' $554 $62 Final Oraft Output | 4.0 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 0.5 | | | 1.0 | 2.9 58.5 | | \ $3,150 8350 | er AT TST eT 11920.) 203°] 8c0 114s0 126-0 11283.6 |oic,171 134.0 1e4,770 | (800,700 | $9,977 1 —_ > = — —J —_—— aa