HomeMy WebLinkAboutTogiak Superchanger Installation & Operation Manual 1988SC-IOM-6 INDEX GENERAL DESCRIPTION ........- Inside Cover PLATE DESCRIPTION AND CONSTRUCTION.. 1 Plate details and Pressure Ratings.......... 2 Plate and Gasket Data..................06 3 Plate Pack Widths ............... eee eee eeee 4 Plate Material and Date of Manufacture Data. 5 Plate Technical Data....................... 5 Plate Designations. ...............0. eee eee 6 Plate Arrangement.............. eee eee eee ee 6-7 Plate OE eer el stola lie secelele 7 Mixed Plate Units............ 0... c cece eee 7 Gasket Information ............... cece eee 8-9 Mixed Gasket Materials .................05. 9 DRAWINGS toe sttere tee srete eee srerete re scale ie easter 10 Element Composition Diagram .............. 10 Isometric Flow Diagram...................-- 10 PASS AND FLOW ARRANGEMENT .......... 11 Plate Pass Arrangement.................... 11 Flow Arrangement......<..22.e.42. 0.05 see ees 12 Hte Ral IO Weare es ceer ete ee cece tees ae iecee eran creat 13 DrainS.sseiseicreeinec area ities ares ee seerecielces 13 Connecting “C” Frames.................... 14 TINS TA LEA LOIN ee ecee ees errata eee eet aaa 15 UU DACKING eee ea Se 15 Recommended Procedures.............. 15-16 Tightening the Plate Pack.................. 16 Tightening Sequence ...................45. 17 START-UP PROCEDURES.................-. 17 Precautions Prior to Start-Up............... 17 SERMICING See te ie ee ee et 18 Shutting Down the Unit .................... 18 Disassembly Procedures .................0. 18 Removal of Platess7 3.) a. 18 Replacing Plates....... 7 18 Replacing Gaskets....................0. 19-20 CEEANING tea sees 21 Manual Cleaning Jiic. ea 21 Removing Lime Deposits.................-. 21 Cleaning-In-Place (CIP)...............-. 22-23 Back Flushing and Strainers ............... 23 Cleaning Guidelines .. TROUBLE-SHOOTING How To Find a Defective Plate ............. 24 STORAGE PROCEDURES ................... 25 MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTIONS .......... 26 General Maintenance ...................0.. 26 ern eats ell uses teatdiaed 26 Returned Material. ......... 0600.00 eee 26 Damaged Shipments....................... 26 Additional Information ..................... 26 GENERAL DESCRIPTION SUPERCHANGER units are plate and frame type heat exchangers consist- ing of corrugated heat transfer plates, frames, nozzles and tightening bolts. The corrugated plates are held in between the stationary and movable frames and are compressed by tight- ening bolts. The plates are equipped with elasto- meric gaskets and have port holes pierced in the corners. When the unit is tightened, the gaskets seal the struc- ture and, in conjuction with the port- holes, allow fluids to flow in alternate channels and almost always flow counter-currently. The thin fluid inter- space coupled with the corrugated plate design induces turbulence that produces extremely high heat transfer coefficients. Plates are manufactured in standard sizes in virtually any material that can be cold worked. The size, number and arrangement of the plates is contin- gent upon the duty to be performed. Accordingly, the units are custom de- signed for each application. SUPERCHANGER frames are pro- vided in two basic designs, differing primarily in their support systems. One type uses an external support column (Models HP, UP, and SP) while the other type uses a self-contained supporting pad (Models HJ, UJ, and SJ). The “J” Models conserve more space, but have a limited plate capa- city while the “P” Models can contain up to 500 plates in a single frame. See Figures 1 and 2. Information in this brochure is sub- ject to change without notice. The manufacturer reserves the right to change specifications at any time. “S” Frame — “E” Frame Tightening Yq \ Bolt pS Frame poe Frame Tightening Bolt + Ky Upper Upper Guide Guide Straight Bar Nozzle Support Column (P-Frame) Plate Pack Plate Pack Elbow Nozzle Straight = | | Support Bar Nozzle Pad Lower FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 Bar SUPERCHANGER FRAME SUPERCHANGER FRAME Models HP, UP, SP, MP Models HJ, UJ, SJ PLATE DESCRIPTION AND CONSTRUCTION SUPERCHANGER corrugated plates are available in two designs. Depending on the application, either S-series or UX-series plates are used to achieve maximum heat transfer.coefficients. S-series plates, with corrugations in a parallel (washboard) pattern, are normally used in applications involving viscous type liquids and solutions containing solids. UX-series plates have corrugations in a herringbone (chevron) pattern and are ideally suited for handling aqueous solutions under high operating pressures. However, the actual temperature profile in each application will determine the optimum unit selection. Both S-series and UX-series plates are manufactured from die-formed sheet metal in virtually any material that can be cold worked, such as stainless steel, titanium, Alloy C-276, Alloy-20, etc. There are grooves around the circumference of the plates which accept the sealing gasket and also add reinforcement because of the ribbed edges. Fluid passage holes are pierced at the corners of each plate, with the number and location of holes dependent upon the design conditions. The gaskets are single piece, molded construction, and generally bonded to the plates with Pliobond 30 adhesive. The gasket material is selected for compatibility with the fluids being processed and operating temperatures. Each plate also contains flow directors at the top and bottom of the heat transfer surface in the porthole areas which evenly distribute the fluids. In addition, most plates require a hanger which attaches the plate to the upper guide bar. The upper guide bar is the plate’s sole support member in.the frame, while the lower guide bar serves as an alignment member. These plates are provided with hanger setting holes at both top and bottom positions. Accordingly, a plate can be hung from either end. UX-80 Series plates have no hangers and are also supported by the upper guide bar. The lower guide bar supports UX-01 plates with the upper guide bar serving as the alignment member. Elbow Nozzle (where required) Guide PLATE DETAILS Hanger” Flow Directors Nozzle Numbers on Fixed Frame Flow Directors orrugated urface “B” Plate “an Has Narrow Plate — Gasket Groove Gasket In This Area 1 At Ports #2 & #4 “A” Plate Has Wider Groove Chevrons Point Up On “A” Plates ; Slots In This Area At Ports #2 & #4 and Down On “B” Plates * Not Required on UX-01, UX-10 and UX-80 FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 TYPICAL UX-SERIES (HERRINGBONE) TYPICAL S-SERIES (WASHBOARD) PLATE WITH GASKETS AND HANGER PLATE WITH GASKETS AND HANGER (See Pages 6 &7 Also) TABLE | FRAME PRESSURE RATINGS MAXIMUM ASME CODE PRESSURE RATINGS, PSIG Frame Type | Design Pressure Test Pressure HJ/HP 100 150 UJ/UP 150 225 SJ/SP/MP 300 450 EP 350 525 TABLE II MODEL VS. PLATE DATA Model |) yx-o1 | ux-10 | s-3 | UX-21 s-8 | UX-41* | UX-81 Plate Data | Heat Transfer Surface Plate (Sq ft) 94 2.15 3.4 4.04 7.6 8.2 18.3 Plate Width (In) 8 11 13/16} 16 3/4 16 1/2 24 1/4 24 40 13/16 Plate Length (In) | 249/16 |34 11/16] 46 1/4 49 5/8 68 3/8 |69 11/16} 89 1/4 Porthole Dia. (Nominal) (In) 2.0 2 7/8 4.0 4.0 7.0 T\ 13 Channel Volume Between Plates (Gal) .08 13 .40 34 .90 .87 2.4 Plate Weights With Gaskets, Lbs. Stainless Steel 1.3 2.43 9.5 5.7 19.1 11.4 24.4 Plate Thickness (0.0236") | (0.0197") | (0.0394") | (0.0236") | 0.0394") | (0.0236”) (0.0236") Stainless Steel 1.8 2.63 None 7.5 None 15.0 32.8 Plate Thickness (0.0315") | (0.0236”) (0.0315") (0.0315") (0.0315") Titanium 9 1.32 5.7 3.3 11.2 6.6 13.9 Plate Thickness (0.0236") | (0.0197") | (0.0394") | (0.0236") | (0.0394") | (0.0236”) (0.0236") Titanium 1.1 1.54 None 4.4 None 8.6 18.7 Plate Thickness (0.0315") | (0.0236") (0.0315”) (0.0315") | (0.0315”) * Also available in 0.0394” stainless at 18.6 Ibs./plate and gasket TABLE III GASKET MATERIALS AND TEMPERATURE RATINGS | Max. Max. Gasket Material Temp. Gasket Material Temp. NBR (Industrial Grade) 270° F Viton B (FPMB) 220° F NBR (FDA Approved) 270° F Resin Cured Butyl (RRC) | 265° F EPDM (Industrial Grade) | 350° F Neoprene (CR) 255° F EPDM (FDA Approved) 300° F Hypalon (CSM) 158° F Viton E60C (FPM) 302° F “Teflon Encapsulated Viton A (FPMA) 302° F Nitrile 270° F * This gasket requires the use of .8mm (.032") thick plate and a special double side tape instead of Pliobond. Do not over tighten. The above temperatures are the maximum allowable regardless of application. In some cases, the upper limit may be lower depending on the fluids being handled and on the unit design pressure. Although Viton E60C is capable of 302° F, no Viton compound is acceptable for use with steam, or water above 212° F. Maximum temperature for steam use is 350° F utilizing EPDM gaskets. PLATE PACK WIDTHS “A” DIMENSION FOR STANDARD THICKNESS MATERIALS Calculating the “A” dimension (Plate Pack Width in Inches) for various SUPERCHANGER Models can be accomplished using the formulas indicated. N = Number of Plates. MII TABLE IV Plate Type A Min* A Max | “S” Series: (0.18601)N + (0.20775)N + (0.07874) (0.07874) UX-016: (0.12205)N (0.12992)N UX-018: (0.12992)N (0.13780)N UX-10: (0.0197) (0.1009)N (0.1117)N UX-10: (0.0236”) (0.1048)N (0.1157)N UX-216, UX-226, UX-296: (0.1308)N (0.14074)N UX-218, UX-228, UX-298: (0.1387)N (0.14864)N [_UXx-416, UX-426, UX-496: (0.1584)N (0.16834)N UX-418, UX-428, UX-498: (0.1663)N (0.17624)N UX-410: (0.1742)N (0.1841)N UX-816, UX-826, UX-836, UX-846, UX-886, UX-896: (0.200787)N (0.208661)N UX-818, UX-828, UX-838, UX-848, UX-888, UX-898: (0.208661)N (0.216535)N Contact Texas Division for “A” Dimension when other Plate thicknesses are involved. “Applicable to units with elastomeric gaskets. Units with teflon encapsulated gaskets should be tightened to the “A Max.” formula. TABLE V 5 PLATE MATERIAL AND DATE OF MANUFACTURE DATA All plates are stamped with identification numbers. The numbers are located on the ends of the plates as indicated in the sketches below. The heat number, material and month and year of manufacture can be determined from these numbers. PLATE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER HI MATERIAL HEAT NO. CODE MATERIAL COLOR CODE PROCURE FROM ENGINEERING 001 THRU 999 PINK ane YELLOW HAST-C-276 BROWN INCOLLOY 825 - YELLOW-RED COMVAMSONA MONEL 400 --~ BLUE-WHITE 316 HIGH MOLY PINK-BLACK 304L .. GREEN ---- OTHER NICKEL --. TAN RED-GREEN -- RED-BLACK *Prior to March 27, 1984. Material code #4 was used to designate HAST-C-4. LOCATION DETAIL UX-01 we T~% he fs a) UX-10 NUMBER TO BE STAMPED ON SIDE OPPOSITE GASKET GROOVE UX-81 NUMBER TO BE STAMPED ON SIDE OPPOSITE HANGER PLATE DESIGNATIONS SUPERCHANGER units are designed so that a fluid which enters the “A” plate circuit (nozzles #2, 4, 5 or 7) always flows in the “A” circuit only. Fluids which enters the “B” plate circuit (nozzles #1, 3, 6 or 8) always flows in the “B” circuit only. The right side of stationary frame is always the “A” side. The left side of the stationary frame is always the “B” side. See Figure 6. “B” PLATE “A” PLATE FIGURE 5 Two hole plates are shown. The same rule applies to plates with four holes. PLATE ARRANGEMENT AA or BB (placing A on A or BonB) must be avoided because the two different fluids must be on opposite sides of each plate in order that effective heat transfer be ac- complished. By mistakenly arranging plates AA or BB, the unit will short circuit and there will be a loss of heat transfer. How- ever, because of the unique gasket and hole combination design, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for side “A” fluid to mix with side “B” fluid even if the plates are arranged AA or BB. FIXED END MOVABLE FRAME FRAME END B SIDE FIGURE 6 SUPERCHANGER FLOW DIAGRAM AND NOZZLE NUMBERING SYSTEM Facing the gasketed side of the plate, if the fluid flows in and out on the right side, the plate is called an “A” plate. A plate is termed “A” or “B” depending upon gasket orientation. An “A” plate be- comes a “B” plate when reversed (turned upside down) and vice versa. Figure 5 shows the difference between an “A” and “B” plate. NOTE: Every other plate must be rotated 180 degrees; i.e. A-B-A-B, in order to prevent short circuiting and loss of heat transfer. ALSO NOTE: The plate adjacent to the stationary frame is called a“D” plate and has a special gasket arrangement (see page 19, item 10). “A” Plate “B” Plate || “A” Plate “B” Plate 1234 1234 1004 1004 1230 0234 1030 0204 1204 1034 0204 1030 1034 1204 1000 0004 0234 1230 0200 0030 1200 0034 0030 0200 0034 1200 0004 1000 0230 0230 0000 0000 TABLE VI “A” AND “B” EQUIVALENTS PLATE ARRANGEMENT (cont.) As shown in Figure 7, the pierced holes at the corners of the plate are designed as: 1 for upper left, 2 for upper right, 3 for lower left, and 4 for lower right when facing the gasketed side of the plate. Plate 1 in Figure 7 is represented by A1234 and plate 2 by B1234. When no hole is provided ata position, itis represented by a0. Therefore, plate 3 is represented by A 1200 since there are no holes at position 3 (lower left) and position 4 (lower right). Plate 4 is represented by B 1230 since there is no hole at position 4 (lower right) and holes are in all other locations. Table VII, Page 6, shows A & B plate equivalents when an “A” plate is rotated to become a “B” plate. (1) (2) (3) (4) 1 C> 2 1 2 3IDr~C}4 3 4 A1234 B1234 FIGURE 7 PLATE ORDER IN ASSEMBLING, THE GASKETED SIDES OF THE PLATES ALWAYS FACE THE STATIONARY MEMBER AND “A” PLATES AND “B” PLATES ARE ALWAYS AR- RANGED ALTERNATELY. (FIGURE 8) FIGURE 8 MIXED PLATE UNITS Some SUPERCHANGER units combine plate models. Certain mixed-plate units will feature Model UX-41 plates combined with Model UX-42 plates. Other units combine Model UX-81 plates with Model UX-82 plates, or Model UX-83 plates with Model UX-84 plates. Plate designations, arrangement and order are the same for these mixed-plate units as for units with single plate models. Listed below are the unit model numbers for mixed plate SUPERCHANGER units currently available: TABLE VII MIXED PLATE UNIT MODELS Unit Model Number Designation Plate Combination UX-096 UX-016 + UX-026 UX-196 UX-116 + UX-126 UX-296 UX-216 + UX-226 UX-496 UX-416 + UX-426 UX-896 UX-816 + UX-826 UX-886 UX-836 + UX-846 The last digit 6 in the above model numbers indicate plate thickness (0.0236”). Mixed plate models are also available with 0.0315” thick plates (last digit = 8), except the UX-100 models which have 0.0197” thick plates (last digit = 5). The UX-410 plate is available 0.039” thick. GASKETS BLEED PORTS Each plate has a molded one piece boundary gasket which is glued into the continuous gasket groove in each plate. The liquid flowing on the surface of each plate flows on the inside of each boundary gasket. If one of the liquids should leak beyond a boundary gasket, it will flow to the outside of the unit, thus preventing any possible intermix. Each porthole gasket contains four bleed passages allow- ing this to be accomplished. (Figure 9) FIGURE 9 GASKET STORAGE PROCEDURES When SUPERCHANGER heat exchanger plate gaskets are maintained as spare parts, itis important that certain storage procedures be followed to assure that the rubber compounds making-up the gaskets do not deteriorate and the useful life of the gaskets is preserved. 1. Store in an area where the temperature does not exceed 70° F. Ideally, the temperature should not exceed 60°F. NEVER STORE IN AN AREA WHERE THE TEMPERATURE MAY FALL TO OR BELOW 32°F. 2. Low humidity should be maintained in the storage area. A maximum of 70% relative humidity is recommended. Store in a darkened room. Ultra-violet light must be avoided. Store gaskets so they are free from tension. Do not store stretched or severely bent. All potential sources of Ozone, such as operating electric motors, or welding equip- ment, must be removed from the storage area. 6. Organic solvents, acids, etc. must not be kept in the storage area. Do not store near heating system radiators. 8. Cover or keep the gaskets in bags or: boxes to minimize exposure to air circulation. MIXED GASKET MATERIALS Most SUPERCHANGER units are equipped with gaskets made of one material. However, there are two conditions that dictate the use of different materials on a plate. The first is gasket/fluid compatibility. In this case, one material is not suitable for both fluids in the heat exchanger. An example is heating quench oil with 285° F steam. Quench oil dictates the use of nitrile rubber gaskets, while steam temperature requires EPDM gaskets. The second reason for using two gasket materials on a single plate is cost. This is encountered when an expensive material (usually viton) is required on only one side of the SUPERCHANGER unit. A significant savings can be realized by using a less expensive gasket material on the other side. As an example; cooling 180°F sulphuric acid with tower water requires viton on the acid side, but nitrile is sufficient on the water side. Each plate has contact with both fluids in a SUPERCHANGER unit. One fluid travels across the plate while the other fluid passes through the gasketed portholes. In a mixed gasket unit, each plate will have two materials. The fluid traveling across the “A” plate requires gasket material 1. The fluid on the “B” plate requires gasket material 2. The “A” plate will have material 1 on the perimeter while portholes 1 and 3 are material 2. The “B” plate will have material 2 on the perimeter with portholes 2 and 4 of material 1. ALL SUPERCHANGER gaskets are purchased as one piece-molded items. To physically accomplish mixing gaskets on a plate, the portholes are cut from both gaskets. Subsequently, the portholes of material 1 are matched with the perimeter of material 2 and vice versa. The following illustrates the above ina typical UX Series Plate. \ 1 4, et, Gasket Material 1 Gasket Material 2 wou Fluid on “A” Plate uses “A” PLATE portholes 2 and 4 Fluid on “B” Plate uses portholes 1 and 3 Note Chevron Orientation As Related to “A” & “B” Plates JN Oy 4 = FIGURE 10 10 DRAWINGS SUPERCHANGER units are custom designed for each application. A drawing is supplied with each unit depicting all required dimensional data, equipment specifications, unit performance, nozzle locations and sequence of plates in the heat exchanger. Most in- formation contained on the drawing is self-explanatory. However, sections illustrating the internal working of a plate and frame heat exchanger are sometimes difficult to interpret. The following should enable easy understanding. ELEMENT COMPOSITION DIAGRAM Figure 11 shows an “S” frame (stationary member), “E” frame (moveable member), and plates of the plate heat exchanger de- picted in an element composition diagram. In an element composi- tion diagram, “B” plates are lo- cated at the upper part of the drawing and “A” plates are shown on the lower side. A plate is indicated by the line centrally located within a rec- tangular compartment. The designation of plate holes is written in the hole designation box formed by extending the ver- tical plate lines above the center line for “B” plates and below the center line for “A” plates. The plate sequence numberis written in a box above and below the plate hole number respectively for “B” and “A” plates. “S" FRAME “EB” FRAME A: MULLIN AL Plate Number B SIDE A SIDE PLATE NO. 4 PLATE NO. 11 FIGURE 11 ISOMETRIC FLOW DIAGRAM 6 7 8 9 10 W 12 13 FIGURE 12 FLOW DIAGRAM Figure 12 shows the actual flow in a multi-pass plate and frame heat exchanger. PASS AND FLOW ARRANGEMENT B-1230 ~]-lelelels i. Tt t+ t Ui l8l8) 8} 18 =| oO 2 6 1204 E0230 tk EEE EGE | *No Number Indicates a 4-Hole Plate (1234) WW 3 1 FIGURE 13a PASS ARRANGEMENT PLATE PASS ARRANGEMENT Positions 1 and 2 as shown above in Figure 13a, are upper connections, left and right respectively, and positions 3 and 4 are lower connections, left and right respectively. Each vertical line in between the “S” and “E” members represents a heat transfer plate while the arrows show the direction of flow in the channels between two plates and in the portholes. The position of a plate hole is indicated by the intersection between a vertical line representing the plate and a horizontal line indicating the flow direction and passage. Holes for passage of fluid flowing on the surface of a “B” plate are always located on the left side (the upper side of the center line), and holes for passage of liquid flowing on the surface of an “A” plate are always found on the right side (the lower side of the center line). In the element composition diagram (Figure 13a), plate numbers are shown in boxes as: [1] D1200 }|(“A” side), | 1230] 2 | (“B” side). “D” in D1200 represents the plate adjacent to the “S” frame. “D” also de- notes that no fluid runs on the heating surface. Similarly, “E” in E0230, represents the plate adjacent to the “E” frame. A box with no porthole numbers, [11[ _], in Figure 13a means 1234 |. This is done for simplicity as most plates in a unit have four (4) holes. 11 12 2 4 6 8 | 10 1004 0234 | 12 B SIDE o +ALL ACT AC : = —_ = m ° A SIDE S x st at 2 Ss oO 2 | So 2 N * N °o N N = S -f[r So a WwW Q,/3 - o wo N (o>) = 2 *No Number Indicates a 4-Hole Plate (1234) FIGURE 13b FLOW ARRANGEMENT FLOW ARRANGEMENT Figure 13b shows the plate arrangement in which side “B” is arranged in two parallel channels with three passes in series and side “A” is arranged in three parallel channels with two passes in series. In two parallel channels with three passes in series, the fluid flow Q: flows on the heating surfaces of two plates separately (Q ,/2) and gathers again in the porthole. This operation is repeated three times. In the case of three parallel channels, with two passes in series, flow Q, similarly flows on the three heating surfaces separately (Q,/3), gathering once again in the porthole. The product of the number of channels in parallel, times the number of passes in series, is always equal or different from each other by one plate when comparing side “A” with side “B”. The total number of plates can be obtained by adding the number of “D” plates to the number gained by adding the products of side “A” and side “B”. In Figure 13b (2x3) + (3x2) +1= 13. INTERNAL FLOW Finalizing our description, suppose hot water runs on side “B” and cool water flows on side “A”. First, the hot water moves toward plate number 2 via nozzle 1 separately running in parallel on the heating surfaces of two plates (numbers 2 and 4 as shown in Figure 12). Then, the hot water gathers in the passage hole at the lower left of the plate and runs upward in two parallel channels the same way as above except reverse direction. When it reaches the top, the hot water again runs down two parallel channels and flows out the “E” frame nozzle. The same is true for side “A” except the arrangement is three parallel channels times two passes in series. The cool water runs out the “S” frame nozzle as heat exchange is performed countercurrently. When the number of passses is even, and if the liquid enters the unit at the top nozzle, it must go out the top at the opposite end. If it enters at the bottom on one end, it must go out the bottom of the other end. When the number of passes is odd (and greater than one), if the liquid enters the top; it goes out the bottom at the opposite end and vice versa. Fora one pass unit, the flow can come out the same end at the lower nozzle. Most units have all four nozzles on the “S” stationary frame and are 1 pass x 1 pass. The figures below, however, illustrate other arrangements. L? Factory installed drains through frame. FIGUR Cannot drain out f Field supplied drain. = S| | SG m ay ey FIGURE 15 Showing a 5 pass unit with 2 passes that are not drainable. 3 i i eS pe ) posto] aforaTs [oy FIGURE 16a Lo “4 Ro = = Same as Figure 15 except showing Small holes in plates 8 & 9 ic pass 3 & 4 as drainable. Drain FIGURE 16b Showing 12 of the 21 plates in Figure 16a. DRAINS ‘ There are three methods used for draining SUPERCHANGER units. 1. One pass/one pass (also two pass/two pass with all lower nozzles, but not shown) units can be drained by opening the piping to the lower nozzles or by opening drain valves that can be provided in the field in the connecting piping. See Figure 14. 2. Multi-pass unit may require factory installed drains, i.e. an additional nozzle in the end frame. These must be factory installed. See Figure 14. 3. If the number of passes is greater than four as in Figure 15 the above options require the addition of small holes in plate corner sections as shown in Figure 16. The amount of by-pass through these holes is negligible and there is no possibility of fluid intermix. These drain holes in the element composition diagram are noted by @, as the small hole is always placed in the corner without a passage hole. For example, 1204 is changed to 1204 if a drain hole is present. The size and position of the drain hole is separately specified. NOTE: On multipass units which are sized for a close temperature approach these drain holes are not provided due to the small amount of bypassing that occurs. Check the drawing to determine whether drains are present. 13 14 ‘C" Frame Brine 4 5 6 7 9 10 Ia Liquid Liquid 0 L > 7 Water SQ Cg 7 <— Brine Water FIGURE 17 CONNECTING “C” FRAME FLOW DIAGRAM CONNECTING “C” FRAMES When more than one heat exchanger operation is required, SUPERCHANGER units can be partitioned into multiple sections by employing the required number of connecting “C” frames. Connecting frames allow several liquids to be processed at the same time or allow the same liquid to run through several stages of heat transfer. The flow arrangement with use of a connecting frame is illustrated in Figure 17 isometrically and in Figure 17ain an element composition diagram. “C” Frame Plate No. |=|?| Sele} 2 8 318 8 3/3/35 SIDE B |= sig 5 s}e/s Liquid Inlet at LF _—Liquid Outlet Water Outlet ~ U tl sO Brine Inlet “S" Frame z\o slslslg “E’ Frame o|}0 o|2 SIDEA |2/8 E Sis/S}s w w Plate No. |n| s/o o/O|X}s Water Inlet ue KO Brine Outlet 1x2 1x3 tTx3 *1 2x2 °! FIGURE 17a CONNECTING “C” FRAME ELEMENT COMPOSITION DIAGRAM 15 INSTALLATION UNPACKING SUPERCHANGER units with shroud asembled are bolted to and shipped on a skid and covered with a polyethylene cover. Other items, if supplied, are packed separately. All items should be checked against packing lists. SHOULD ANY PARTS BE MISSING OR DAMAGED, NOTIFY TRANTER, Inc., Texas Division, P.O. Box 2289, Wichita Falls, Texas 76307, Phone: (817) 723-7125, IMMEDIATELY. RECOMMENDED PROCEDURES All frame models are provided with special lifting eye-holes for transportation and installa- tion by crane. Although not required, all models may be rigidly set on the floor by means of foundation bolts. The following installation tips are also recommended. 10. 11. . The unit should be level. It should be located in an area that is not congested with piping and other equipment. Approximately three feet of working area around the unit should be provided. . Allow for flexibility in the piping system to provide for thermal expansion. This can be accomplished inherently within the piping layout or by flexible connections. (See Figures 18a and 18b, Page 16). If the unit has been opened and before closing the unit, be sure that the gasket areas are free from sand, gravel, pieces of iron, etc. Debris can cause damage to the gaskets. The unit should always be tightened to plate pack dimension per assembly drawings prior to making any assembly connections. . The plate pack should be evenly tightened on each side of the unit. (See tightening instructions, Page 16 and 17). Make sure connecting piping is flushed of all debris prior to hook-up with the heat exchanger. When inserting a gasket between pipe flanges, make sure it is centered correctly between the flanges. Place pipe supports as close to the connections as possible so that valves and piping do not apply loads to the nozzles. Shutoff valves are recommended at all nozzle locations. (Continued) 16 RECOMMENDED PROCEDURES (cont.) 12. Vent valves for draining (if required) should be placed at the highest possible. 13. Pumps sending liquids into the SUPERCHANGER should be provided with throttling valves. 14. If the maximum pressure output of the pumpis greater than that of the heat exchanger, a safety relief valve should be installed. 15. When a pressure control valve is installed, it should always be placed at the inlet of the heat exchanger and never at the outlet, even if a pressure control switch is provided. Plate Pack Tightening A Length (Top View) Disconnecting A & B connections will permit movement of the end frame. The End FIGURE 18a -Frame is Immoveable With This (Side View) Piping Arrangement FIGURE 18b INCORRECT PIPING INSTALLATION CORRECT PIPING INSTALLATION TIGHTENING THE PLATE PACK The plate pack tightening length (distance between the facing surfaces of the “S” and “E” frames) is given on the assembly drawing and on the unit data plate. (See Figure 18a). The tightening dimension is identified as A/Max and A/Min. The unit is normally tightened at the factory to the average dimension between A/Max and A/Min. A/Min is a minimum length and the unit should not be tightened to a smaller dimension without consulting the SUPERCHANGER Engineering Department. The wrench size required for the various SUPERCHANGER tightening bolt diameters is shown below. Refer to the SUPERCHANGER drawing for the actual bolt diameter. BOLT DIAMETER WRENCH SIZE (Across Flats) 1" 15/8” 11/8" 1 13/16" 11/4" 2” 13/4" 23/4" 2" 3 1/8" Due to manufacturing tolerances, a unit is sometimes shipped with a plate pack dimension greater than the minimum dimension stated on the drawing. If, after a period of time, leakage should occur, the unit can be further tightened to minimum length. If the plate pack length is shorter than the minimum length, damage to the plates at contact points may result. If leakage should occur at minimum length, contact the SUPERCHANGER Engineering Department for recommendations regarding gasket replacement or addi- tional tightening. Te TIGHTENING SEQUENCE The tightening bolts should be tightened uniformly and the plate pack length should be checked on both sides of the plate pack at all tightening bolt locations. DO NOT TIGHTEN THE PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER WHEN IT IS FULL OF LIQUID, UNDER PRESSURE OR OPERATING. The sketches below give the tightening sequence for each of the 4 available units. Tighten in the sequence indicated for the units involved. Be careful to tighten uniformly so that the moveable frame is kept parallel with the fixed frame within 1/4”. Tighten according to this procedure to the plate pack dimension stated on the assembly drawing or unit data plate. This dimension should be measured with a metal ruler. Nozzle Numbers on Stationary Frame 6 BOLT UNIT 8 BOLT UNIT 10 BOLT UNIT 12 BOLT UNIT 14 BOLT UNIT FIGURE 19a — TIGHTENING SEQUENCE START-UP PROCEDURES PRECAUTIONS PRIOR TO START-UP 1. Before starting the unit and after piping has been completed, the inside of inlet and outlet piping to the heat exchanger should be cleaned to prevent entrance of gravel, sand, welding flux, etc. into the plate assembly. Damage to the plates and gaskets could result if the unit is contaminated with solid matter. 2. Confirm that the plate pack length is correct. 3. Open completely all outlet valves. 4. Close completely pump discharge valves to the heat exchanger. 5. Start pumps and increase the pressure by opening the pump discharge valve slowly. 6. Although all SUPERCHANGER units can withstand single side design pressures without leakage, it is recommended that the inlet valves for both fluids be opened slowly and simultaneously to avoid extreme overpressure due to hydraulic shock. 7. The amount of heating or cooling should be controlled by throttling valves in conjunc- tion with product thermometers. 18 SERVICING SHUTTING DOWN THE UNIT 1. THE PRESSURE OF BOTH LIQUIDS SHOULD BE SIMULTANEOUSLY DECREASED GRADUALLY WHEN SHUTTING DOWN A UNIT. 2. NEVER OPEN A SUPERCHANGER UNIT WHEN IT IS HOT — THE UNIT SHOULD BE COOLED TO ROOM TEMPERATURE BEFORE OPENING TO PREVENT LOOSEN- ING OF GASKETS. DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURES To open the exchanger it is necessary to disconnect all connections (if any) to the “E” movable frame. Then completely loosen and remove all bolts except those indicated by an asterisk in the sketch below for the size unit involved. The (4) remaining bolts can then be loosened in any left-right sequence at 1/4” increments until they can be lifted out. C) le D g D 2) @ ® ®) q D © ® e| DO 2) OD Q D ® ID a ® ® ®) ® ® ) gq D OD Q D 6) 6 Bolt Unit 8 Bolt Unit 10 Bolt Unit 12 Bolt Unit 14 Bolt Unit FIGURE 19b - LOOSENING SEQUENCE REMOVAL OF PLATES 1. The plates should be dismantled one by one to remove from the frame. 2. Whenever practical, it is preferable to clean and/or inspect the plates by moving them one by one while in the frame without removing them. 3. To remove a plate from the frame: (a) UX-01 and UX-10 series - tilt the plate and remove it. (b) S-Series, UX-200 and UX-400 series - lift the plate, push down on the hanger to release it, tilt the plate and remove it. (c) UX-800 series - remove the sectional guide bar track which is bolted into the bottom of the upper I beam near the movable end. Tilt the plates and remove them one ata time. (There are three of the removable track sections along the guide bar length.) CAUTION: CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN HANDLING PLATES, THE EDGES MAY BE SHARP. LEATHER GLOVES MUST BE WORN. REPLACING PLATES A faulty plate can easily be removed and replaced by a spare plate. Check that the new plate has the holes and gaskets arranged in the same way as the faulty one. IF A 4-HOLE PLATE IS DEFECTIVE AND NO SPARE PLATE IS AVAILABLE, THE DEFECTIVE PLATE AND ONE ADJACENT 4-HOLE PLATE CAN BE REMOVED. The capacity of the plate heat exchanger is then reduced, but usually only slightly. When plates are removed calculate new “A” tightening dimensions from Page 3. REPLACING GASKETS 6sce Figures 3, 4 & 10) 1. When a gasket requires replacement, remove the plate from the frame and lay itonaclean, flat, horizontal surface. Examine and note exactly how the gasket is positioned on the plate, particularly what grooves the gasket does and does not occupy. 2. Insert a pointed tool (screw driver) under the gasket until a finger can be inserted. Then pull slowly until the gasket is removed. 3. Clean the gasket groove. Adhesive residue, oil, grease and other foreign matter can be removed by applying a solvent such as Methylethyl Ketone (MEK), Acetone, or other Ketones with a nylon or stainless steel brush. Commercial paint stripping compounds are also effective in removing the gasket adhesive. Dry/wipe the gasket groove. (Note: All solvents should be used at room temperature and in a well ventilated area not exposed to open flame, electric motors, etc.) Torches, grinding wheels and powered steel wire eal are not to be used to remove adhesive residue since such tools will damage the plates. 4. Apply a uniform layer of adhesive in the appropriate gasket grooves. (A plastic bottle makes an ideal applicator, provided the tip of the applicator is designed to provide a bead that is approximately 1/8” wide.) Do not apply adhesive in amounts that will allow it to ooze out when the gasket is pressed into the groove. Apply adhesive at room temperature. The recommended adhesive for all elastomeric gaskets is Pliobond 30. Pliobond 20 can also be used, if Pliobond 30 is not available. Hardening adhesives are not to be used. The number of gaskets which can be glued from one pint bottle of Pliobond 30 glue is approx- imately as follows: Model # Number of Gaskets UX-01 100 gaskets/pint UX-10 85 gaskets/pint UX-20 60 gaskets/pint S-3 50 gaskets/pint UX-40 30 gaskets/pint S-8 25 gaskets/pint UX-80 12 gaskets/pint 5. Correctly position the gasket on the plate making sure that the recess in the gasket at the bleed passage location is up. Also, when the proper side is up, the gasket code number will be visible in the bleed passage area. (See Figure 9) Correct end-to-end positioning is also important for proper groove fit and flow diverter access. 6. Using finger pressure, firmly press the gasket into the same grooves from which the original gasket was removed. 7. Compress the gasket by placing the plate under weighted sheet of wood. The longer the compression time, the better the bond. Twelve hours cure time at room temperature (70°F) should be allowed to assure maximum adhesion of the gasket to the plate for all elastomers except EPDM. EPDM gaskets require a minimum of 24 hours cure time at room temperature (70° F) to assure an adequate bond. (When several plates are being gasketed, they can be stacked on top of each other with the weighted wood sheet placed on the top plate of the stack.) 8. After adequate compression time, use solvent to remove any excess adhesive that may have seeped-out past the edges of the gasket. 9. Re-install plate/plates in unit insuring that the gasket surface and the sealing surface of the plate ahead are wiped clean to provide a positive seal. 10. Note that the “D” plate (always the plate next to the fixed frame end) requires different gaskets. The purpose of the “D” plate is to prevent fluid from flowing across the fixed end frame. The only sealing surface on the “D” plate is the port hole gaskets. “D” plate gaskets for the UX series consist of two half gaskets. “D” plate gaskets for the “S” series consist of (4) port hole gaskets and straight strips which fit in the gasket groove around the periphery of the plate. It is only necessary to change the port hole gaskets. The wide port gasket fits the widest groove and the narrow port hole gasket fits the narrow groove. 19 REPLACING GASKETS (cont.) INSTALLATION OF TEFLON ENCAPSULATED GASKETS > Onon 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. For mixed gaskets, refer to page 9 of Installation & Operation Manual for special instructions. Portholes are to be cut so the bleedport will be on each piece. Install double-sided tape only where the teflon encapsulated gaskets will be. Use continuous strips. Use Pliobond 30 on all other areas. Pliobond 20 may be used if Pliobond 30 is not available. Take care not to contaminate the tape surface. Do not overlap tape strips as this will cause leakage in that area. Install Teflon such that bleedports (notches) in each section in rubber core are installed in the up position. Install plates per assembly drawing. Check top surface of Teflon & gasket seal surface for cleanliness. Install all bolts and tighten the unit (snug tight only). Refer to page 17 of Installation & Operation Manual for tightening sequence. Tighten unit in 1/16” increments to ensure even compression of gaskets. Tighten to maximum dimension as shown on assembly drawing. Single side test to design pressure shown on assembly drawing. Double side test to test pressure shown on assembly drawing. If unit leaks at either of the above tests, tighten to average dimension as shown on assembly drawing using same increments as in step 9. Re-conduct the hydro test. If unit still leaks, mark plate and area of leakage. Disassemble unit and check gasket and seal surface for defects, especially at the leakage sites. If no apparent defect is found, apply an even thin layer of “Teflon TFE Pipe Thread Sealer” furnished by McMaster Carr (Cata. 93, page 1250, part #4538K1) to teflon gasket at leakage site. Re-tighten unit using same procedure as listed above. Re-conduct the hydro test. Unit should now seal. If unit is still leaking, contact factory. CLEANING SUPERCHANGER plate and frame type heat exchangers are designed for both manual cleaning and cleaning-in-place operations. Where possible, it is recommended to utilize a cleaning-in-place system which will allow pumping water or cleaning solutions into the unit without disassembling. The following procedures for both cleaning methods are recommended: “one CLEANING Open the unit in accordance with disassembly procedures on page 18. 2. Each plate should be cleaned separately. Depending upon the amount of cleaning to be performed, the plate can be cleaned while still hanging in the unit or removed, placed on a flat surface and cleaned. 3. NEVER USE A STEEL BRUSH OR STEEL WOOL ON THE PLATES. If a brush is re- quired, a fiber type is recommended. If iron is forcibly rubbed on a stainless steel surface, it is impossible to remove all imbedded particles and will result in accelerated rusting and/or corrosion. If it is absolutely necessary that a steel brush be used, a brush material compatible with the plate material—such as stainless steel—is re- commended. 4. Be careful not to scratch the gasket surfaces. 5. After brushing, each plate should be rinsed with clean water. THE GASKETS MUST BE WIPED DRY WITH A CLOTH. Solid particles adhering to the gaskets can cause damage and may result in leakage when the unit is put back in operation. 7. The lower portion of each plate should be inspected carefully and cleaned appro- priately as this is the primary area where residual solid material tends to accummulate. 8. Wipe off the mating surface i.e. the rear of the plate where the gasket seats. 9. Upon completion of cleaning and final inspection of each plate, the unit may be closed and tightened per assembly drawing and tightening instructions (Page 17), and put back into operation. REMOVING LIME DEPOSITS Precipitates of calcium compounds from cooling water and other sources can be removed in the following manner: Wet the plate at room temperature with a solution of Nitric Acid (1 volume concentrated Nitric Acid [specific gravity 1.41] to 9 volumes of water) and let stand for approximately 5-10 minutes. Water rinse and then fiber brush. If necessary, repeat this operation several times. An alternate cleaner is Oakite 131 (Inhibited Phosphoric Acid) at up to 1507E: Upon completion of acid treatment, neutralize with a dilute caustic solution followed by a clean water rinse. 21 22 CLEANING-IN-PLACE (CIP) Cleaning-in-place is recommended when especially corrosive liquids are being processed ina SUPERCHANGER unit. Drain piping should also be installed to avoid corrosion of the plates due to residual liquids left in the unit after an operation cycle. (See Figure 20) Return To Process CLEAN IN PLACE FLOW DIAGRAM. ast Self-Priming Pump SUPERCHANGER KK Unit CIP Cleaning Solution Tank Process Tank or Process Stream FIGURE 20 — PIPING FOR CIP SOLUTIONS To prepare the unit for cleaning, the following procedures should be followed: 1. Drain both sides of the unit. If it is not possible to drain, push liquids out of the unit with flush water. Flush the unit on both sides with warm water at approximately 110°F until the effluent water is clear and free of product. Drain the flush water from unit and connect CIP pump. (See Page 21 for suggested cleaners.) For thorough cleaning it is necessary to flow CIP solution bottom to top to insure wetting of all surfaces with cleaning solution. When cleaning multiple pass units it will be necessary to reverse flow for at least 1/2 the cleaning time to wet all surfaces. For optimum cleaning, the flow rate of water, rinse and/or CIP solution should be greater than normal product flow rate. Some cleaning solutions are capable of dis- solving scale at lower flow rates. In either case, a CIP operation will only be effective if performed before full fouling. Flush thoroughly with clean water after CIP cleaning. CLEANING-IN-PLACE (CIP) cont. IF BRINE IS USED AS A COOLING MEDIA, IT SHOULD BE COMPLETELY DRAINED FROM THE UNIT AND THE UNIT FLUSHED WITH COLD WATER PRIOR TO ANY CLEANING OPERATION. CORROSION WILL BE KEPT AT A MINIMUM IF ALL TRACES OF BRINE ARE ELIMINATED BEFORE USE OF HOT CIP SOLUTIONS ON EITHER SIDE OF THE HEAT EXCHANGER. REFER TO FIGURE 21. (Top View) =I WATER/CIP OUTLET 1 CLEAN WATER & {| | CIP SOLUTION FIGUBE 71 A FROM BRINE TANK PIPING FOR USING BRINE BACK FLUSHING AND STRAINERS Often, when fibers or large particulates are present, back flushing of the unit proves to be very beneficial. This may be accomplished by either of the following methods: 1. Flush the unit with clean water in reverse flow at 1 to 1% times product flow. 2. Arrange piping and valves so unit may be operated in reverse flow mode on the product side for certain periods of time. This method is particularly well suited for steam-to-product units. 3. The use of strainers are recommended in supply lines ahead of the exchanger when the streams contain significant solids or fibers. This will reduce the requirements for backflushing. CLEANING GUIDELINES In order to avoid damage or corrosion to plates and/or gaskets from cleaning operations, the following guidelines are recommended: 1. NEVER OPEN THE UNIT WHEN HOT. 2. NEVER CLEAN THE PLATES WITH A STEEL BRUSH OR STEEL WOOL. 3. ALWAYS WIPE THE GASKETS CLEAN BEFORE CLOSING THE UNIT TO PREVENT DAMAGE RESULTING FROM ADHERING PARTICULATE MATTER. 4. ALWAYS USE CLEAN WATER (FREE FROM SALT, SULPHUR OR HIGH IRON CONCENTRATIONS) FOR FLUSHING AND RINSING OPERATIONS. 5. IF STEAM IS USED AS A STERILIZING MEDIA, DO NOT EXCEED 270°F STEAM TEMPERATURE. WITH NITRILE GASKETS AND 300°F WITH EPR GASKETS. 23 24 CLEANING GUIDELINES (cont.) 6. 10. IF CHLORINATED SOLUTIONS ARE USED AS THE CLEANING MEDIA, THEY SHOULD BE AT MINIMUM CONCENTRATION AT THE LOWEST TEMPERATURE POSSIBLE WITH THE MINIMUM EXPOSURE TIME TO THE PLATES. CHLORINE CONCENTRATION SHOULD NOT EXCEED 100 PPM AT TEMPERATURES NOT HIGHER THAN 100°F WITH A MAXIMUM EXPOSURE TIME TO THE PLATES OF 10 MINUTES. CLEANING SUPPLIERS RECOMMENDATIONS RELATIVE TO CON- CENTRATION, TEMPERATURE AND TREATMENT TIME SHOULD BE FOLLOWED. CONCENTRATED CLEANING SOLUTIONS SHOULD ALWAYS BE ADDED TO WATER BEFORE CIRCULATING THROUGH THE UNIT. NEVER INJECT THESE SOLUTIONS WHILE THE WATER IS CIRCULATING. IF RUSTED OR PITTED AREAS APPEAR ON THE PLATES, THEY SHOULD BE REMOVED WITH COMMERCIAL SCOURING POWDER, FOLLOWED BY FLUSHING WITH CLEAN WATER. CLEANING SOLUTIONS SHOULD ALWAYS BE CIRCULATED WITH A CENTRI- FUGAL PUMP. DO NOT USE HYDROCHLORIC (MURIATIC) ACID FOR CLEANING PLATES. FOLLOWING ANY TYPE OF CHEMICAL CLEANING THE PLATES SHOULD BE THOROUGHLY RINSED WITH CLEAN WATER. TROUBLE-SHOOTING HOW TO FIND A DEFECTIVE PLATE Severe corrosion may cause defects to occur. The following method is recommended to determine the location of the defective plate or plates: 1. = OND ononm Open the unit, remove all fouling from surfaces and dry the plates after cleaning. After completely drying the plates, re-assemble the unit. Supply water to one side (side A) and raise the water pressure to approximately 50 psig. Open the drain valve at the lowest point or break the flange on side B. By removing the flange and fittings it is possible to look into the nozzle and measure to the exact leaking plate. Stop the test if water flows out of the drain valve or flange on side B. Open all valves and empty the unit of all water. Open the unit promptly and find which plate is wet on side B. A defective plate can also be found by placing a lamp on the rear side of the plate and finding the defective plate by observing light passing through. If the defect is small, the use of dye penetrant may be required to locate the defect. Because of the metal to metal contact the defect can be larger at pack dimension than when it is in the free state. NOTE: A unit with multiple pass circuits that do not allow the fluid to drain out of each channel on one side cannot be tested in this way unless the special center plates are first removed. See Figure 15 on Page 13 as an example. STORAGE PROCEDURES When a SUPERCHANGER plate and frame heat exchanger is to be placed in storage foran extended period of time, the procedures listed below must be followed: 1. 10. If the unit has been recently shipped from our factory and is unused, disregard statements 2, 3, and 4; follow instructions 5-10. If the unit has been used and long term storage is required, it must be completely drained. Prior to draining remove the shroud and let the unit cool to ambient temperature. Units with plate packs arranged with one pass on each side (all nozzles on the stationary end frame) are self-draining. Simply vent at the upper nozzle location and drain from the lower nozzle for each side individually. A two pass/two pass orone pass/two pass plate arrangement is also self-draining, provided all two pass side nozzles are at the lower elevations (numbers 3, 4, 7 and 8). Other units may be self- draining if they have been fitted with separate drain and vent nozzles, or with vents and drain holes. Units that are not self-draining must have the plate pack completely loosened to drain all liquids. Before opening the plate pack, wipe off the exterior surfaces to make sure no fluids or debris fall onto the plate pack. Open the plate pack and thoroughly clean the unit internally and externally. Dry the unit. (Blowing dry, hot air at approximately 150° F on all areas is an excellent method.) Install blind flanges with gaskets on all nozzles. Plug all other openings. Coat all unpainted carbon steel component surfaces with light grease, SAE 30 oil, or other rust inhibiting products. Coat all bolt threads with light grease. To minimize gasket compression set, the plate pack length dimension needs to be adjusted. This must be greater than the unit’s stated minimum tightening dimension (T.D.). As a guideline, the unit's minimum tightening dimension should be increased by a factor of 1.20 (e.g., 50” T.D. x 1.20 = 60"). . Protect the unit from direct sunlight, intense heat radiation, or ultraviolet radiation by loosely covering the unit with an opaque, reflecting type plastic film or similar material. Make sure air is allowed to circulate around the unit. It is preferable to store the unit indoors, well protected from the weather. The temperature in the storage area should ideally be 60° F to 70° F with a relative humidity of 70% or lower. NEVER STORE THE UNIT IN AN AREA WHERE THE TEMPERATURE IS AT 32°F OR LOWER. All potential sources of Ozone, such as operating electric motors, or welding equip- ment, should be removed from the storage area to preclude Ozone attack on gaskets. 25 26 MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL MAINTENANCE It is recommended that tightening bolts and tightening nuts be lubricated periodically in order that they can be easily loosened at time of disassembly. The upper guide bars where the plates slide should be coated with a lubricant to avoid corrosion and to enable the plates to slide smoothly. Rollers in the moveable end frame and connecting frames should be lubricated with oil periodically. ORDERING PARTS When ordering parts or requesting information, always give the Model and Serial Number of the unit. Refer to the parts list on your assembly drawing for correct nomenclature and numbers. RETURNED MATERIAL Units or parts are not to be returned without first obtaining permission. Parts accepted for credit are subject to a service charge plus all transportation charges. Any items authorized for return must be adequately packed to reach TRANTER, inc., Texas Division, at the address shown below without damage. DAMAGED SHIPMENTS Tranter incorporated equipment is carefully packaged at the factory to protect it against the normal hazards of shipment. If Tranter, inc. equipment should arrive in a damaged condition, the customer must file a damage report with the carrier. A copy of this claim should be sent to: TRANTER, inc. TEXAS DIVISION P.O. BOX 2289 1300 OLD BURK ROAD WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS 76307 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For any additional information concerning the operation, care or maintenance of your SUPERCHANGER, feel free to contact our SUPERCHANGER technical specialists at the address indicated above or give us a call at 817/723-7125. Our Telex Number is 73-4410. NOTES 27 28 NOTES