HomeMy WebLinkAboutTanana Heat Project Agreements, Contracts, & Budget 1992FROM: Stassel, Steven TO: Nelson, Emily DATE: 05-28-92 TIME: 9:06 AM cc: Gray, Brian Smith, Gary Stassel, Steven Woodell, Pat SUBJECT: Tanana WH Investigation Close-out PRIORITY: ATTACHMENTS : Please close out the above referenced project. The L/C is 81824127. Thanks, Steve ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROGRAMS Revision No. PROJECT BUDGET Community BIOXS TAN ANA Budget G3344 TAN AAA wr INVEST GATioN Ca PJ CODE NAME PJ CODE PROJECT NAME Preparer 5, CLAY Project Manager S, STASSEL— Date Z2/\\ jgz Source(s) of Funding PROJECT Line Chart of Accounts F{92- ZITA TOTAL 1 Direct Personal Serv W/Benefits 2 Indirect Personal Services 3 71000 PERSONAL SERVICE SUBTOTAL Z L702 4 72000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 5 Engineer & Prof Serv Contracts 6 Freight 7 Project Contingency 8 Indirect Non-Personal Services wecccccceee Te eeecccccceeeeeeees | ceceeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeee Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 0 teeeeeeteeereeeeeeeeeeeee [Line 6 = 18% X Line 1) 9 73000 OTHER SERVICES SUBTOTAL 530 [Line 9 = Sum of Lines 5,6,7,8) 10 74000 PROJECT MAT'LS & EQUIPMENT 120 1/60 Ml 75000 AEA EQUIPMENT oO oO 12 77000 GRANTS oO © _ [SEE BUDGET ON REVERSE SI [Line 13 = Sum of Lines 3, 13 TOTAL iS 500 2 500 4,9,10,11,12) NOTES: Matrix Code iad Project AR Bad¢9 Project CC OF(4A9G/A Project LC S/S AF cc: Gloria Manni BUDGET APPROVALS (Please initial and date) Don Whelan GarySmith Project Manager 5\ zZ {I Zz Director/Rural Programs Pat Woodell Janet Hansen Manager/Rural Projects BA foe CPS On [92 —— Executive Director ALASKA ENERGY AUTHOF RURAL PROJECT DEVELOPMENT WORKSHEET Project Manager: 4, STASSEL— Date: 2/11 |92_ Community: TAWANA Project Description [Describe reason for initiating project (response to correspondence, Site visit, etc.) the situation, needs, proposal for resolving same, and issues pertinent to funding source restrictions (e.g., life, health, and safety improvements; efficiency improvements; emergency risk, etc.)} THE CITY REQUBTED ove MsISTANCE 75 INVESTIONTE PROBLEMS WITH THEIR WASTE HEAT SYSTEM (Oonstevctep WIT PEA GeaaT), Scope of Work (__ Preliminary _Final) [Itemize tasks in as much detail as possible] |) INVESTIGATE SYSTEM + DETERMINE Source OF Peoeien, 2) HAE LEtONMENTATIONS JO ATy FOL coveectve ACTio AS, Preliminary Cost Estimate (Total): $ Proposed Funding Source(s) noe? appropriation(s), Outside funding source(s), Other agency funding, Financing through onds or other means] FX 92 2a If any outside source funding is involved, describe on reverse side the proposed billing __ arrangements, conditions for receipt of and use of funds, and any other issues affecting project management. Project Management Plan (__ Preliminary _y, Final) 1. Who will be the eventual owner of this project? City Alaska Energy Authority IRA Council Other (specify) Private Utility Nj& INVESTIGATION) ONLY 2. Will AEA grant funds for the project? Yes IK, No If so, specify method: Through Trustee Directly to Grantee 3. Check proposed extent of involvement of AEA staff, contractors, City/Utility staff, and/or force account labor for the activities listed below: IVITY ACTIV GROUP None Minimal Oversight Moderate Heavy Project AEA Staff a Management AEA Contractors Poe City/Utility Staff PE City/Utility Contractors a Design | AEA Staff Se AEA Contractors PT City/Utility Staff PT City/Utility Contractors a Materials. | AEA Staff a Purchasing AEA Contractors City/Utility Staff PT Ni | apy Conran, | Construction | AEA Staff P| AEA Contractors Force Account Labor PT N/~ City/Utility Contractors a Inspection AEA Staff PT AEA Contractors N / City/Utility Staff Ld AO OO a Act ae Yin & AEA Staff | | aintenance AEA Contractors PC v | City/Utility Staff LT b City/Utility Contractors se 4. Estimated Project Start Date _Z2//7/9Z _; EndDate 5 i 5. On reverse side, provide additional information and/or describe pertinent issues that will affect the management of this project. Project Development Schedule IN YN |c << < | Item Staff Responsible A. Project Planning Tasks: PCE Analysis George Matz Other Econ./Finan. Analysis Final Scope of Work Final Management Plan Project Budget Budget Review - Directorate Gary S./Dave D-C - Agency (over $50K) Brent Petrie Loan/Financing Application Marcey Rawitcher B. Grant/Project Agreement Preparation: Draft Grant/Project Agreement Pat Woodell In-house Review of Draft Community/Utility Draft Review Attorney General Draft Review Pat Woodell Final Grant/Project Agreement Pat Woodell Attorney General Approval Pat Woodell Community/Utility Approval Agency Approvals Marlys Hagen C. Trustee Project Setup: Complete Set-up Sheet Request Check From Accounting Pat Woodell Receive Check at AEA Don Whelan Forward Check/Set-up to KPMC Pat Woodell D. Commence Project (i.e., purchase materials, let contracts, hire labor, etc.) Estimated Completion Date RTT TTF ALASKA ENERGY A___ORITY PROJECT BUDGET WORKSHEET Project Information Community: TAMA AS Project Name: Number: AEA Proj Manager: 2 SZASSE] Date prepared: _ZI|1J9Z ‘Date of Basis: _ Prepared by: &- GeAy Approved by: LABOR (field work Name | Task irs [Rate | Subtowal STeve FID IvesTiCATiOnS [725 [33.00/26 | | | | 2 ee ee po CommunityLabor Total | 2 GO | | | Tou | O PER DIEM AND TRAVEL LABOR —_ work) ame [His [Rate [Subtotal PIEVE geet at ET et AX© BIA OveesiaHT, Assistance | 5 | 38a 90 | | | | | | | | | PT | Toul |25 ASO _ RPO401-1 ALASKA ENERGY AL... .DRITY PROJECT BUDGET WORKSHEET Project Information MATERIAL Description Notes Amount Description Notes Amount {_ A eo: eee eee ee ee Total 2 CONTRACT Description Notes Amount ‘community equipment rental SUMMARY ae Personal Services(A+D) Travel & Perdiem (C) Material (E) Freight (F) Contract (B+G) Total RP0401-2 wae mem funeannany P, @1 4greens, a on a ny the Cit: Fenana, P.O. Box 161, Tanana, Ainek Tenana Power ‘. Inc., P.O. Box 873809, Weeilla, AK 99607. RECITALS Owns and Operates the Blectric na. Tanana Power has recently constructe a new rhovse in tageous docation to utilize waste heat for Community facilities. 2. The oity, of Tanana owns and Operated several pupiic fectaae @ it ter Building, Deycere City Office, Tanana 1 Edugation Bus iding. Alaeka Power Authority hae constructed in Tanana to connect #11 facilities Granted the completed Project to fanane + FOr operations and seintenance. 4. The parties Spree to operate, maintain, sUpply, and coneune available regidua}] heat from the power Plant to heat Public facilities. SkCTION ong AORERMENT TO SELL AND BUY Tonane Power Company. rne, Preeises to sell, 11 avaliable waste heat from its Giegel electrica) g tore to the City of tan, ae noted, The city of , promises to purcha Company, Enc, under the terma of thig agr. furnieh and deliver KML JI be based on the tote? of fuel conaunca eT} less any tue) used from current SUCTION Tuareg MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR bo 97 i | B77 N,797 i g. 6, 2% a ga lS AD fin 7 Qu aoc7m TERM ‘This agreemen sft be in force forjfive (5) years from and after the f ; day of 1985. ro SECTION SIX AGENCY MODIFICATIONS This agreement shall at all times be Subject to changes or modifications required by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission within the scope of their authority. This agreement shall be reviewed and modified each year based on fuel used and average current fuel price, On site examination by an Officer of Tanana Power Company or ai duly appointed individual is required to verify reported inventory, fuel deliveries and yearly consumption. This agreement constitutes the complete and final agreement between the parties. No modifications of this agreenent, except those required under section six, shall be binding upon the parties unless the modifications are accepted in writing by the parties listed above. In mise, aneis ee Dp ties exegute this agreement this Z, 1986. ayor STATE OF ALASKA d : ) Yyi, Judicial District ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this s day of a 1986 by Linda Swenson, ine Nayor of Tanana. , STATE OF ALASKA ) ) Yse~ Judicial District ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of |. » 1986 by u ne SY 5 of Tanana Power JAS 7 7 cates Panegeu P.@1