HomeMy WebLinkAboutSt. Paul Waste Heat Project Agreements, Contracts, & Budget 1986PROJECT AGREEMENT This agreement between the City of St. George, The Fribilaf Islands School District, and the Slaska Power Authority outiines the responsibilities of the parties involved and the procedures to be followed in connection with design, construction, and start-up of the St. George Waste Heat Preject. It is recognized by all parties of this Project Agreement that the Alaska Power Authority has no economic interest interest in this praject and that the Owners of this. project are the City of St. George and the Pribilof islands School District. It is also recognized by all parties of this Project Agreement that all funding for the procurement . shipment, and. installation of all details of this project will by provided by the City of St. George and the Pribilef Islands Schoal District. The Alaska Power Authority Aide Al. Perform a detailed review of the existing site conditions. AZ. Design the Power Flant Waste Heat Recevery system with connection to three generators. This design will include all piping details far the generator cooling system. AS. Design a system to provide heat directly to the School boiler system, and ta the Shop adjacent ta the Power Plant. Aa. Assist in the identification of equipment suppliers and help coordinate the procurement and shipment of equipment and materials for the project. AS. Be available for consultations in reference to practical details af the construction of the system. AGa Perform at least two on-site inspections-during the construction period in order to assure correct installation. A. Assist in start-up and run-in procedures and operator training as needed. a8. Froavide a brief operations and maintenance manual for the system. Bi. Secure all necessary access and Rights of Way to City of St. Gearge owned ar operated property for the constructian of this project. B2. f Provide transportation, loacdging and limited man power assistance to Power Authority Personnel on site as requested in cannection with performance of Power Authority responsibilities as described in sections AL-AS. Transportation to/from St. George will be paid by the Alaska Fower Authority. BS. Purchase and install all waste heat recovery equipment in the Power Plant as specified and shawn an the design drawings as delivered by the Alaska Power Authority. This responsibility will be limited toa the following items: Flat plate heat exchanger Circulating pump Expansion tank Amot valve on waste heat piping Amet valve on generator coolant piping All necessary piping as shown on drawings All necessary electrical connections Remote hoarizental core radiator with cantrels Remote vertical core radiator with controls The partion to be completed by the City of St. George includes the wall penetration through the Power Plant wall facing the School. B4, ‘ If it is decided by the City of St. George to connect the Shop to the waste heat receavery system, then to purchase and install all waste heat recovery equipment as specified and shown oan the design drawings as delivered by the Alaska Power Authority. This responsibility will be limited to the following items: Unit heaters All necessary piping All necessary electrical connections 411 necessary cantrol valves BS. In case any error, ambiguity, or other discrepancy is found on the design drawings as delivered by the Alaska Fower . Authority during the construction process, immediately stop all work on the items in question and notify the Alaska Power Authority that clarification or correction is needed. nh BS. Hold the Alaska Power Authority harmless for any and all claims against the Alaska Power Authority arising from and directly caused by actions in cannection with the Alaska Power Autharity’s invelvement in this project, unless such claims are caused by gross negligence by the Alaska Power Authority. BG. Operate and maintain the system for at least 19 years from date of start up in accordance with the Operations and Maintenance Manuel as delivered at project campletion by the Alaska Power Buthority. B7. Continue the provision of heat to the Pribilef Islands School District for at least one year past the date at which the payment for heat delivered during the previous calender year becomes due regardless of any dispute between the parties over such payment. The yearly payment for waste heat will be calculated using the following methodology: 1.The amount of waste heat delivered to the Pribilof Islands School District during a specific year shall be considered ta be equal to the difference between the School’s fuel consumption during that year and the average consumption during the last three years prior to the installation of the waste heat system. 2.7The amount ta be paid by the Pribilef Islands School District shall be the number of gallons saved (as determined in Sectkian R7, item 1) times the average fuel price per gallon as paid by the Pribilof Islands School District for fuel delivered into (the School*s tank in St. George times @.5. The amount to be paid for waste heat delivered as calculated by the methodology described above shall be payable in full no later than 68 days after the end of the Pribilof Islands School District"s fiscal year. Re. Secure access for Alaska Power Authority personnel or consultants an contract to the Alaska Power Authority to any part of the waste heat recapture system located on City of St. George owned or operated property oar iin any City of St. George owned = or operated structure over the life of the praject for performance manitering. Such system monitaring may include system shutdawn for not more than S hours per year. BY. ‘ On reguest provide Alaska Power Authority personnel access toa and capies of any infermation or ducument related to any phase of this project over the life of the preject from the date of signature on this Praject Agreement. Ihe Pribilof Islands School District will: C4. Secure all necessary access and Right of Ways to Pribilof Islands School District owned or operated property for the censtruction of this project. Ck. Provide transportation, ladging and limited man power assistance ta Power Authority Personnel on site as requested in connection with performance of Power Authority responsibilities as described in sections Al~-AG. Transportation to/from St. George will be paid by the Alaska Fower Authority. Purchase and install all waste heat recovery equipment between the existing School heating system and the Power Plant wall penetration as described in section BS of this Project Agreement. The installation is to be made as specified and shown on the design drawings as delivered by the Alaska Power Authority. This responsibility will be limited to the following items: Aretic pipe fram the Power Plant to the School Heat exchanger in School boiler room Danfoss cantrel valve in school boiler raom @ @&. new circulating pumps in school boiler room General piping in School boiler room Glycol for waste heat system and School boiler system C4. In Case any error, ambiquity, or other discrepancy is found on the design drawings as delivered by the Alaska Fower Authority during the construction process, immediately stop all work on the items in question and notify the Alaska Power Authority that clarification or correction is needed. CS. Hold .the Alaska Power Authority harmless for any and all. claims against the Alaska Power Authority arising frem and directly Caused by actions in connection with the Alaska Power Authority’ s invelvement in this project, unless such claims are caused by grass negligence by the Alaska Power Authority. C6. Operate and maintain the system for at least 18 years from date of start up in accerdance with the Operations and Maintenance Manuel as delivered at project completion by the Alaska Power Authority. cy. Fay the City of St. George for waste heat received in accordance with Section BY of this Praject Agreement. ca. Secure access for Alaska Fower Authority personnel or consultants on contract ta the Alaska Power Authority to any part of the waste heat recapture system located on Pribilef Islands School District owned or operated property or in any Pribilof Islands School District awned or operated structure aver the life of the project for performance monitoring. Such system monitoring may include system shutdown for not more than S hours per year. ca. On request provide Alaska Pawer Authority perseannel access to and copies of any information or ducument related to any phase of this project over the life of the project fram the date of signature on this Froaject Agreement. Miscellaneous Provisions: Di. Assignment of authority: The (City of St. George and the Pribilof Islands School District assign te the Alaska Power Authority full authority over all engineering decisions in ceannection with initial study, design, start-up, and runcin of this project. D2. Declaration of Coaperation The parties of this Project Agreement agree to make every reasonable effort to promote timely completion of this project within the 1986 construction season through responsiveness and coaperation. At the request of any one party Praject Meetings with the parties of this Project Agreement will be held within 7 calenderdays of the reciept of such request by the other parties. The party or parties requesting project meetings will pay all expenses incurred in connection with such meetings. otn Limitations to Alaska Power Authority Expenses: Unless otherwise appraved by the Alaska Power Authority Board of Birectors, the Alaska Power Authority will not be committed ta expend more than $15,408 on tagks outlined ain this Project Agreement. D4. Limitations to Pribilof Islands School District Expenses: The FPribilof. Islands School District will mot be committed to expend more than $17,882 on this project. The above Project Agreement as been reviewed, agreed ta, and executed by the fellowing parties: Alaska Power Authority Robert D. Heath Date Executive Director City of St. George Richard Wilson Date City Manager Pribilof Islands Sehool District Denver Bowden Date Superintendent