HomeMy WebLinkAboutSoldotna VX Evaporate Condensers Pamphlet 1989 EVAPORATIVE CONDENSERS ...extend proven V-Line advantages to provide more sizes, a greater capacity range, anda new line of low energy models. —~__ © Gi Standard sizes rail 51 Standard Sizes 147 to 20,000 MBH 147 to 18,230 MBH 10 to 1360 Nominal Tons 10 to 1240 Nominal Tons Industrial and Commercial Refrigeration Air Conditioning / Process Vapor Condensing Bulletin S117/1-0 ® Dependability through engineering leadership and experience Since its founding in 1938, Baltimore Aircoil Company has specialized in the design and manufacture of evaporative cooling equip- ment, and has become a worldwide leader in this field. B.A.C.’s continuing program of engineering research has resulted in many evaporative condenser design innovations, including the introduction of the V-Line Evaporative Condenser in 1968 which has become the standard of the refrigeration industry. Evaporative condenser research and product development programs are conducted at B.A.C.’s 20,000 square foot test facility that was designed and built exclusively for the testing and development of evaporative cool- ing equipment. Here Research and Develop- ment engineers can simulate the broad range of environmental and refrigeration system operating conditions that are encountered by evaporative condensers in actual use. The VX Evaporative Condenser design is the latest result of B.A.C.’s commitment to product innovation through engineering research. While maintaining the basic fea- tures of the original V-Line, major improve- ments have been built into the VX design to meet the needs of today’s refrigeration and air-conditioning systems. Patents: This equipment is manufactured under one or more of the following US. Patents: 3132190, 3198441, 3442494, 3572657, 3575387, 3844682, 4196157. This equipment is also manufactured under numerous foreign patents and pending United States and foreign applications. Baltimore. Research and Development Laboratories PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION The vapor to be condensed is circu- lated through a condensing coil, which is continually wetted on the outside by a recirculating water sys- tem. Air is simultaneously blown upward over the coil, causing a small portion of the recirculated water to evaporate. This evaporation removes heat from the coil, cooling and condensing the vapor in the coil. 4 AIR si ania 4 EVAPORATIVE CONDENSERS «for vapor condensing in mechanical refrigeration or industrial process systems with minimum energy requirements and low life cycle costs. ENERGY SAVINGS Evaporative condensers offer energy savings by providing lower system horsepower than conventional air- cooled and water-cooled condensing systems. Compared to air-cooled systems: Evaporative condenser capacity is a function of ambient wet bu/b temper- ture while air-cooled condenser capacity is a function of ambient dry bulb temperature. Since design wet bulb temperatures are generally 15° to 20° lower than design dry bulb temperatures, system condensing temperatures using evaporative con- densers can be 15° to 20° less, resulting in compressor and system horsepower savings of up to 30 percent. Compared to shell and tube condenser/cooling tower systems: The evaporative condenser rejects heat directly to the ambient air in one step of heat transfer. In the shell- and-tube condenser/cooling tower system, heat must be first transferred to the cooling water by the con- denser, and then to the atmosphere by the cooling tower. The single heat transfer step in evaporative con- densers provides lower condensing temperatures and compressor horse- power savings of up to 15%. LOW LIFE-CYCLE COST is inherent in B.A.C. VX Evaporative Condensers. VX Evaporative Con- densers are generally lower in first cost than air-cooled condensers or shell-and-tube condenser/cooling tower systems. The compact design requires less supporting steel and less space than other condensing systems, and factory-assembled sec- tional construction minimizes costly field erection time. As a result, B.A.C. VX Evaporative Condensers offer low total installed cost. Blow-through design, a simplified water distribution system, a proven corrosion protection system, and other B.A.C. design features mini- mize maintenance costs. Low first cost and low maintenance costs, combined with the energy savings benefits of evaporative con- densers, result in lower life-cycle costs than alternative condensing systems. CONTENTS VX Advantages / 6 Construction Details / 10 Selection / 12 VXC Engineering Data / 16 VXMC Engineering Data / 20 Optional Accessory Equipment / 24 Application / 26 Support / 27 Engineering Specification / 28 3 VX EVAPORATIVE ... extend the many proven advantages of B.A.C.’s V-Line condensers by providing more sizes and a completely new low-energy model to meet the need for efficient energy utilization. Centrifugal fan VXC models and multi- stage, axial-fan VXMC models are described to the right with the distinguishing performance character- istics and application differences noted. Both are compact, single-fan- side designs to aid in locating units in tight spaces and in orienting them for minimum radiated noise. A new heat transfer arrangement* in both models combines increased spray waterflow with a new coil design to improve coil wetting, enhance heat transfer, and reduce scaling tendency. Both the VXC and VXMC models are designed to ensure dependable performance, long life, and ease of maintenance. All units are factory assembled for uniform quality of construction. Major components are designed, tested, and manufactured by B.A.C. for quality of performance. Product life is extended and mainte- nance costs minimized by the blow- through design which places all moving parts in the dry entering airstream. The units are constructed of heavy-gauge, hot-dip galvanized steel with a proven corrosion protec- tion finish that is significantly better than galvanizing alone. All air handling components are protected with the exclusive BALTIBOND® Corrosion Protection System.** Ease of maintenance is provided by the self-cleaning V-pan, an improved strainer design, and a new, large orifice nozzle water spray distribution system. *U.S. Patent No. 4196157. Numerous foreign patents granted or pending. **Patent Pending 61 STANDARD SIZES 147 TO 20,000 MBH 10 TO 1,360 NOMINAL TONS 51 STANDARD SIZES 147 TO 18,230 MBH 10 TO 1,240 NOMINAL TONS CONDENSERS V. C CENTRIFUGAL FAN VXC Evaporative Condensers are improved centrifugal fan, blow- through models which continue the tradition of V-Line condensers, the standard of the industry for many years. Designed to meet any appli- cation need, the compact VXC condensers are suitable for any installation space, provide low sound levels, close capacity control, and reliable year-round operation. Single fan side design and a variety of width and length combinations provide alternative configurations to fit the required capacity in the available space. The compactness of the V-pan and the ability of the centrifugal fans to handle static pressure make VXC condensers the logical choice for indoor locations or restricted outdoor enclosures. e FOR INDOOR OR RESTRICTED OUTDOOR LOCATIONS e QUIET OPERATION e CLOSE YEAR-ROUND CAPACITY CONTROL Because the recessed centrifugal fans are inherently quiet, VXC condensers are preferred whenever low sound levels are required. Sound attenuation accessories, engineered and manufactured by B.A.C., are available for projects requiring very quiet operation. VXC condensers are ideally suited for applications requiring close control of condensing pressure and/or reliable cold weather opera- tion. Optional modulating fan dampers provide accurate capacity control and protection from freezing not possible with fan cycling control. The dampers also save fan energy while controlling capacity. MC MULTI-STAGE, AXIAL FAN VXMC Evaporative Condensers are the result of an extensive research and development effort aimed at providing the required condensing capacity with as low as 50% of the fan horsepower of centrifugal fan units, and with acceptable sound levels for most installations. This has been accomplished using the same compact blow-through con- figuration of VXC models but with a different pan-fan arrangement em- ploying axial-flow fans. The combina- tion of the carefully engineered VXMC pan, plus the innovative new VX coil* and water distribution sys- tem designs, provides the low air resistance required for efficient, low horsepower operation of axial-flow fans. e FOR LOWER ENERGY CONSUMPTION ON NORMAL UNRESTRICTED INSTALLATIONS The effectiveness of the axial-flow fans is further improved by a multi- stage arrangement (two fans in series) which reduces the static pres- sure loading per fan and allows them to operate at higher efficiencies. The multi-stage fan design also has the additional benefit of operating at rotative and tip speeds slower than most conventional single-stage axial- flow fans, thereby yielding lower noise levels for VXMC units. *U.S. Patent No. 4196157. Numerous foreign patents granted or pending. VXMC Evaporative Condensers are ideal for unrestricted open installa- tions which do not require static pressure capability, extremely low sound level or condensing pressure control more accurate than that provided by fan cycling. They can satisfy the requirements of most condensing applications with low energy consumption. VX Advantages for the Designer BROAD RANGE OF UNIT CAPACITIES The versatile VXC and the low horsepower VXMC models are available in a broad range of unit capacities, with small capacity increments to permit close matching of unit size to design load. A variety of width and length combinations provides alternative selections to fit the available space. Single unit capacities extend to 20,000 MBH (1360 nominal tons), so large system capacities can now be handled by a LOW ENERGY OPTIONS GUIDE VANE SECOND 7 STAGE / FAN ; : FIRST STAGE FAN FAN CYLINDER VXMC fan system. LOCATION VERSATILITY Single air entry saves space. single unit, which minimizes rigging, piping, and support costs. With a total of 112 models to choose from, the VX line offers the widest selection of evaporative condensers in the industry tomeet virtually every installation and application need. VXMC Evaporative Condensers operate with low fan horse- power — as low as 50% of the horsepower of centrifugal fan units of comparable capacity. The unique design of the VXMC utilizes two-stage axial-flow fans, mounted in a close-fitting cylinder. A curved inlet ring minimizes resistance and directs the air into the fan cylinder. Dis- charge guide vanes at the outlet of the first stage direct air into the second stage fan and further maximize fan efficiency. Each fan operates against only one-half of the static pressure, resulting in low fan speeds and unusually quiet operation, not generally possible with conventional single-stage axial-fan designs. VXC centrifugal fan condensers are excellent for a wide range of applications, such as those with indoor or restricted outdoor locations, strict noise codes, or close condensing pressure control requirements. Lower energy levels can be achieved on VXC units by furnishing them with capacity control dampers and/or two-speed fan motors to reduce air flow and fan horsepower during periods of low ambient wet bulb temperatures and/or light loads. The ability to locate compact VX Evaporative Condensers in tight locations allows design engineers to better utilize available space. Units can be placed close to walls or in narrow set-backs. The single side air entry design permits compact multiple unit installations on large projects, in either close back-to-back or side-by-side arrangements. VXC Evaporative Condensers with centrifugal fans are ideally suited for indoor installations which are often desirable for freeze protection, noise abatement, space limitations, or aesthetic considerations. Single side air entry on all units reduces inlet duct costs, and uses a minimum amount of valuable indoor space. QUIET OPERATION Concern about noise pollution has resulted in the enact- ment of strict local noise ordinances in many areas. The sound developed by mechanical equipment is now fre- quently an important design consideration, even on indus- trial projects. Baltimore Aircoil has the ability to solve sound problems because of long experience in the acoustical analysis of evaporative cooling equipment and the lower sound levels of VX Evaporative Condensers. Evaporative condenser sound data. Accurate Sound Data and Noise Evaluation B.A.C. has sound level data available for all VX Evaporative Condensers, and has developed in cooperation with a leading sound consultant, a method for evaluating the environmental noise impact of large evaporative cooling equipment. VXC/Very Low Sound Levels When noise criteria are stringent, VXC Evaporative Con- densers are the choice to provide minimum sound levels. Their centrifugal fans with inherent low noise character- istics will, in most cases, meet the specified sound requirements. VXMC/Low Sound Levels The unique lower energy multi-stage, axial-flow fan design of the VXMC condensers provides low sound levels suitable for most installation noise criteria. The two fans operating in series handle only half the static pressure of a conven- tional single axial fan, with resultant lower rotative and tip speeds — and lower sound levels. Directional Capability In situations where one direction is particularly noise sensitive, the single-fan-side design of VX Evaporative Condensers allows the quiet back panel side to be oriented toward the noise sensitive direction. In many instances, this procedure eliminates the need for additional acoustical treatment. Sound Attenuation Available When even quieter operation is desired, VX Evaporative Condensers can be supplied with packaged sound attenu- ators designed and built by B.A.C. to further reduce sound levels. They are sound tested and rated for the units on which they are used and octave band sound rating data is available for all models. CAPACITY CONTROL Capacity Control Dampers - VXC Some refrigeration and air-conditioning systems, partic- ularly those utilizing halocarbon refrigeration with evapo- rators fed by thermal expansion valves, require relatively constant condensing pressure. Modulating fan discharge dampers are available on VXC units which match evapora- tive condenser capacity to system heat rejection, while maintaining constant condensing temperature. This close capacity control can be provided year-round under all climatic conditions because the dampers admit only enough air to the unit to meet the required capacity. Additionally, fan horsepower is reduced as the dampers modulate from the full open position, resulting in year- round minimum energy consumption. Fan Cycling - VXC/VXMC Many refrigeration systems, particularly those utilizing ammonia refrigerant, do not require close control of con- densing pressure. Both VXC and VXMC condensers with fan cycling may be satisfactory for these systems. If addi- tional steps of control beyond on/off operation are desired, these units can be provided with two-speed fan motors. LONG LIFE Bulletin S650/1-0 Corrosion Protection ® Standard Corrosion Protection System VX Evaporative Condensers are carefully protected against corrosion to ensure many years of dependable operation. First, the unit is constructed of heavy gauge, hot-dip galvanized steel, universally recognized as resistant to normal corrosion. Second, all critical air handling components are provided as stand- ard with the BALTIBOND® Corrosion Protection System? This technological advancement, developed by B.A.C., is a cost effective alternative to stainless steel and provides superior corrosion protection for evaporative cooling equip- ment. Scribed samples with the BALTIBOND® Corrosion Protection System’ were subjected to over 6,000 hours of testing in a 5 percent salt spray per ASTM Standard B117 and over 6,000 hours of submersion in acidic (pH 4) and alkaline (pH 11) solutions without failure. Other tests showed BALTIBOND® resistant to impact, ultraviolet radiation, thermal shock, and abrasion. (Refer to B.A.C. Bulletin S650/1-0.) Remaining hot-dip galvanized steel components have a zinc-rich primer applied to exposed edges prior to assembly and are coated with B.A.C.’s special Zinc Chromatized Aluminum finish (ZCA). First developed and introduced by B.A.C. in 1954, this finish has been successfully used in over 100,000 installa- tions worldwide. @ Entire Unit with BALTIBOND® Corrosion Protection System* Available as an option on the entire unit, the BALTIBOND® Corrosion Protec- tion System* extends the life of Evaporative Condensers beyond that of the Zinc Chromatized Aluminum finish. Therefore it can be economically justified for any application. However, for application involving poor water quality, environmental conditions or equipment location, BALTIBOND® on the entire unit should be used to ensure long life. Contact your local B.A.C. representa- tive for guidance in selecting the appropriate corrosion protection system required for your particular application. Protection for Moving Parts Long life for fans, motors, and drives is ensured by their location in the dry entering airstream, instead of the saturated discharge air. Moving parts are sheltered from the weather within the unit enclosure and as noted above, they are provided with the BALTIBOND® Corrosion Protection System? Quality Assurance All major components of VX Evaporative Condensers are designed and manu- factured by B.A.C. specifically for evaporative cooling duty, ensuring high quality construction and long life. Extensive quality control programs monitor unit fabrication through the entire manufacturing process. *Patent Pending LOW INSTALLED COST Single fan side means lower installation cost. Single Fan Side Saves Cost Having a single fan side design means fewer motor starters to install and wire, fewer motors to maintain, and fewer accessories to purchase. This fan arrange- ment also saves cost by enabling the units to fit close to walls or in narrow set-backs to allow more profitable use of premium space. Lower Rigging Cost Rigging costs are greatly reduced with the modular design of the VX Evapora- tive Condensers. The fan sections are built into the pan with the motors and drives factory-installed and aligned eliminating the need for handling these items in the field. As a result, rigging consists only of placing the fan/pan section in place and mounting the heat transfer section on top of it. EASY MAINTENANCE (Actual Size) Large orifice nozzles, Easy access. Moving parts located at base of unit. Few Moving Parts Less maintenance is an inherent benefit of B.A.C.’s single fan side design because there are a minimum number of fans, bearings, motors, and drives. Easy Access All moving parts are located near the base of the unit within easy reach for cleaning, lubrication, or adjustment. Belt adjustment on VX units is accomplished by a single threaded bolt and nut assembly accessible from outside the fan assembly. The interior of the unit is easily acces- sible through leak-proof, man-size access doors for adjust- ing the float valve, cleaning the strainer, or flushing the sump. Trouble-Free Water Distribution The possibility is reduced for scale buildup on the coil because the spray water flow and nozzle spacing have been selected to ensure complete wetting of coil surfaces during all operating conditions. Maintenance of the water distribution system requires little time because the large spray nozzle orifices resist clogging and are grommetted for easy removal. Easy To Clean Pan Large pan space simplifies cleaning the unit interior — another inherent benefit of single fan side design. The cylindrical pan strainer provides a large effective area in a single strong, but lightweight, piece which mainte- nance personnel can remove for cleaning without entering the sump. RELIABLE OPERATION Improved Heat Transfer System The reliable operation and performance of VX Evaporative Condensers are the result of an extensive B.A.C. research and development program. New lower resistances, better wetting coils and water distribution systems in combination with carefully engineered fans and pumps ensure efficient heat transfer and reduce scaling tendencies. Factory Assembled VX Evaporative Condensers are fabricated and assembled at the factory to ensure consistent, high quality construc- tion at minimum cost. Major component parts are designed and manufactured by B.A.C. providing single source responsibility for every unit. Directed Air Discharge The eliminator section at the top of the unit performs a dual function. In addition to effectively removing entrained moisture, the hooked leaving edge of the eliminator blades produces a high velocity discharge directing the air away from the fans. This leaving air pattern helps prevent recirculation of warm, moist discharge air back into the fan intake where it could cause a reduction in cooling performance. 10 COIL SECTION Typical for all VXC and VXMC models. The coil section consists of the condensing coil, the water distrib- ution system, and the moisture eliminators, enclosed in a heavy- gauge, hot-dip galvanized steel casing protected inside and out with B.A.C.’s Zinc-Chromatized Aluminum finish. 1. The condensing coil is all prime surface continuous serpentine steel tubing, tested at 350 psig air pressure under water. It is designed for low pressure drop with sloping tubes for free drain- age of the condensed liquid. The coil is encased in a steel framework and the entire assembly is hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. 2. The water distribution system consists of Schedule 40 PVC steel headers and spray branches with large diameter, non-clog, plastic spray nozzles oriented for complete wetting of the coil under all operating conditions. The nozzles, spray branches, and headers are connected by rubber grommets which permit easy removal for cleaning. 3. The eliminators effectively recover entrained moisture by imparting three directional changes to the leaving airstream. Hooked leaving edges increase the discharge velocity and direct the discharge airstream away from the fan intakes. The individual eliminator sections are easy to remove for access to the water distribution system. PAN SECTION The pan section is a combination pan and fan arrangement with the fans in a blow- through configuration, mounted on one side of a sloping pan. The entire assembly is constructed of heavy-gauge, hot-dip galvan- ized steel, with the critical air handling components provided with B.A.C.’s exclusive BALTIBOND® Corrosion Protection System,” and the rest of the unit protected by B.A.C.’s Zinc-Chromatized Aluminum finish. 1. Circular access doors provide convenient access to the interior of the pan for inspec- tion, adjusting the float valve, cleaning the lift-out strainers, and flushing the sump. 2. The water pump is a close-coupled, bronze-fitted, centrifugal pump with a mechanical seal. It is completely piped from the suction strainer to the water distribution system. The pump is installed vertically to drain when the pan is drained, and the motor is protected with a drip-proof canopy. 3. A water bleed line is installed between the pump discharge and the overflow connection with a metering valve to control the bleed rate. 4. The water makeup valve is a solid brass float valve actuated by a large diameter plastic float, adjustable by means of wingnuts on the float rod. 5. The strainer is a lightweight, but strong, cylindrical design which is easily removed for cleaning of the perforated strainer surface. 6. Standard fan motors are drip-proof design with 1.15 service factor. The motors are shel- tered from the weather by their location within the unit or a protective motor housing. Other motor types are available. 7. Fan bearings on models VXC-150 and larger and all VXMC models are heavy-duty, pillow-block-type, grease-packed ball bear- ings with cast iron bodies, eccentric locking collars, and easily accessible grease fittings. All bearings on models VXC-10 to 65 and the end bearings on models VXC-72 to 135 are heavy-duty, grease-packed, self-aligning ball bearings with cast iron bodies, eccentric locking collars, and accessible lubrication fittings. The remaining bearings on models VXC-72 to 135 are spherical, self-aligning, pillow- block-type, sleeve bearings with split cast iron bodies, cast bronze sleeves, graphite oil grooves and integral oil cups. *Patent Pending 8. Protection for moving parts is pro- vided by inlet screens on the front of the fan housings, solid panels on the end of each fan section, or by protec- tive motor housings. Screens and panels are easy to remove for access to fans, bearings, motors, and drives. Bottom screens, or solid bottom panels, are available if the installation requires this additional protection. 9. Fan shafts are solid steel on models VXC-10 to 135 and all VXMC models. Hollow steel shafts with solid end jour- nals are used on models VXC-150 and larger. 10. Fan drives on VXC models are individual V-belts. Drives on VXMC. models are one-piece, multi-groove, banded belts. All drives are designed for not less than 150 percent of motor nameplate horsepower and are adjust- able by means of a threaded bolt-and- nut arrangement accessible from outside the fan assembly. Where one motor drives two fan assemblies (VXMC-300 to 1240), the motor base is free to pivot to ensure equal tension on the drive belts of both fans. 11. VXC centrifugal fans are forwardly curved, statically and dynamically bal- anced, mounted in special B.A.C.- designed housings with curved inlet rings for smooth air entry. Fan dis- charge cowls mounted inside the sloping pan sides minimize static pres- sure loss for increased fan efficiency and lower horsepower. Air inlet guide vanes prevent prerotation of air entering the fans. 12. VXMC two-stage, axial-flow fans are mounted in series in a close-fitting cylinder with a smooth contoured inlet ring and intermediate guide vanes to maximize fan efficiency. Each fan operates at one-half the static pressure, allowing lower fan speeds and quieter operation than single-stage fans. Fan cylinder extensions inside the pan pre- vent water from splashing into the fans. Pump end Typical VXC centrifugal fan model. Typical VXMC Models 300 to 1240. Typical VXMC Models 10 to N345. 11 12 Selection Two methods of selection are presented in this section, the heat rejection method shown on these two pages, and the evaporator ton method shown on Pages 14 and 15. Selections may be made from the heat rejection method for any type of positive displacement compressor: open reciprocating, hermetic reciprocating, or rotary screw. The evaporator ton method is based on evaporator heat input only, and is limited to systems utilizing open reciprocating compressors. Heat Rejection Method In a mechanical refrigeration system, the function of an evaporative condenser is to reject heat to the environment. The heat to be rejected is the sum of the heat input at the evaporator and the energy input at the compressor. Fora given set of operating conditions, the energy input through the compression process can vary for the several types of compressors—centrifugal, rotary screw, open reciprocat- ing, and hermetic reciprocating. Therefore, in order to accurately determine the proper evaporative condenser required, it is necessary to establish the compressor energy input as well as the heat absorbed in the evaporator. Frequently the total heat rejection of a system is specified. When it is not specified, it can be readily calculated. Total heat rejection is the sum of the compressor evaporator capacity in BTUH at the specified operating conditions, and the energy corresponding to the compressor brake horse- power in BTUH. For open compressors: Total heat rejection = Compressor evaporator capacity (BTUH) + Compressor BHP x 2545 TABLE 1 - Base Heat Rejection — Model VXC (MBH — THOUSANDS OF BTU’S PER HOUR) For multi-stage open compressor systems, total heat rejec- tion is calculated from the high stage compressor capacity and brake horsepower, expressed in BTUH. In the case of hermetic compressors, compressor input is commonly expressed in KW and must be converted to BTUH: Total heat rejection = Compressor evaporator capacity (BTUH) + Compressor KW x 3415 The base heat rejection of each Baltimore Aircoil evaporative condenser is Shown in Tables 1 and 2. This represents the total heat rejection of each unit when operating at 105°F condensing temperature and 78°F wet bulb temperature, using refrigerants R-12, R-22, R-500, or R-502. Tables 3 and 4 present correction factors to be applied to the system heat rejection for other operating conditions of condensing temperature, wet bulb tempera- ture, and refrigerant. Selection Procedure 1. Establish total heat rejection required by the system (See above). 2. Determine the refrigerant and design conditions for condensing temperature and wet bulb temperature. 3. Using the appropriate factor (Tables 3 and 4) for the proper refrigerant, determine the correction factor to be applied to the system heat rejection. 4. Multiply the correction factor by the total system heat rejection. TABLE 2 - Base Heat Rejection - Model VXMC (MBH — THOUSANDS OF BTU’S PER HOUR) 10 147.0 185 2,719.5 590 8,673.0 150 7,791.0 15 220.5 N205 3,013.5 N600 8,820.0 15 220.5 170 2,499.0 560 8,232.0 20 294.0 N230 3,381.0 620 9,114.0 20 294.0 N195 2,866.5 N570 8,379.0 25 367.5 N250 3,675.0 ] 650/N650 | 9,555.0 25 367.5 N215 3,160.5 585 8,599.5 30 441.0 N275 4,042.5 680 9,996.0 30 441.0 N235 3,454.5 600 8,820.0 38 558.6 N300 4,410.0 } 720/N720 | 10,584.0 38 558.6 N265 3,895.5 620 9,114.0 46 676.2 320 4,704.0 } 760/N760 | 11,172.0 46 676.2 N285 4,189.5 N630 9,261.0 52 764.4 N325 4,777.5 N800 11,760.0 51 749.7 300 680 9,996.0 58 852.6 340 4,998.0 840 12,348.0 57 $37.9 N315 N690 | 10,143.0 65 955.5 | 360/N360 | 5,292.0 900 13,230.0 65 955.5 340 4,998.0 760 | 11,172.0 72 1,058.4 | 380/N380 | 5,586.0 980 14,406.0 71 1,043.7 N345 5,071.5 860 12,642.0 80 1,176.0 N400 5,880.0 1060 15,582.0 80 1,176.0 380 5,586.0 920 13,524.0 90 1,323.0 420 6,174.0 1100 16,170.0 90 1.323.0 N390 5,733.0 1020 14,994.0 100 1,470.0 450 6,615.0 1180 17,346.0 100 1,470.0 | 430/N430 | 6,321.0 1120 16,464.0 110 1,617.0 N460 6,762.0 1240 18,228.0 110 1,617.0 460 6,762.0 1170 17,199.0 125 1,837.5 490 7,203.0 1300 19,110.0 125 1,837.5 N470 6,909.0 1240 18,228.0 135 1,98 1360 20,000.0 138 2,028.6 510 7,497.0 2,425.5 | 550/N550 | 8,085.0 nr rn SS SE 5. Using Table 1 or 2, select the evaporative condenser whose base total heat rejection equals or exceeds the corrected heat rejection calculated in Step 4. Desuperheaters Because of space limitations, it is occasionally necessary to specify a desuperheater coil on an ammonia evaporative condenser to obtain the required capacity. (See Page 24 for details.) A desuperheater will remove most of the super- heat from the refrigerant prior to its entry into the con- densing coil, thus permitting additional condensing capacity in the unit. Table 5 provides additional capacity factors that must be used when selecting an ammonia evaporative condenser with a desuperheater. To determine the selection of an ammonia evaporative condenser with desuperheater, follow Steps 1 through 4 as outlined above, but in addition, multi- ply by the appropriate desuperheater selection factor from Table 5. Then from Table 1 or 2, select the evaporative condenser whose base heat rejection equals or exceeds the corrected heat rejection. Add the suffix ‘‘D” to the condenser model number to indicate a unit with a desuperheater (Example: VXC-450D). Notes: 1. Consult your B.A.C. representative for evaporative condenser selections for systems utilizing: a. Hydrocarbon refrigerants such as propane, butane, or propylene. b. Centrifugal compressors. c. Rotary screw compressors with water-cooled oil coolers. 2. Desuperheaters provide no capacity benefit when used on systems with rotary screw compressors, due to the low discharge gas temperatures that are characteristic of this type of compressor. TABLE 3 — Heat Rejection Capacity Factors /Refrigerants 12, 22, 500, and 502 Selection Examples 1. Given: R-22 refrigerant, hermetic reciprocating compressor Compressor evaporator capacity = 80 tons Compressor KW input = 58 Condensing temperature = 95°F Wet bulb temperature = 75°F Solution: 1. Determine the total heat rejection of the system Compressor evaporator capacity = 80 x 12,000 = 960,000 BTUH Compressor KW input = 58 x 3415 = 198,000 BTUH Total heat rejection = 1,158,000 BTUH 2. Determine the heat rejection capacity factor for R-22 at 95°F condensing temperature and 75°F wet bulb temperature from Table 3, which is 1.45. 3. Multiply: 1,158,000 x 1.45 = 1,679,000 BTUH (1,679 MBH) 4. From Table 1 or 2, select a unit with a base total heat rejection equal to or greater than 1,679 MBH. In this case, select a VXC-125 or a VXMC-125, with a heat rejection rating of 1,837.5 MBH. 2. Given: R-717 refrigerant, rotary screw compressor (refrigerant-cooled) Compressor evaporator capacity = 480 tons Compressor BHP = 600 Condensing temperature = 90°F Wet bulb temperature = 72°F Solution: 1. Determine the total heat rejection of the system Compressor evaporator capacity = 480 x 12,000 Compressor BHP input = 600 x 2545 ,527,000 BTUH Total heat rejection = 7,287,000 BTUH 2. Determine the heat rejection capacity factor for R-717 at 90°F condensing temperature and 72°F wet bulb temperature from Table 4, which is 1.59. 3. Multiply: 7,287,000 x 1.59 = 11,586,000 BTUH (11,586 MBH) 4. From Table 1 or 2, select a unit with a base total heat rejection equal to or greater than 11,586 MBH. In this case, select a VXC-800 (or VXMC-860), with a heat rejection rating of 11,760 MBH (12,642 MBH). 5,760,000 BTUH Wl 91.8 . 85 1.22 [1.3 . . 13 | 2. 2.94] —| — 99.8 | 168.4 90 93 [1.02 [1.14 [1.32 [1.47 [1.59 | 1.75 | 2.00 | 2.38 | 2.78 | —| — 108.3 | 181.8 95 80] .87 | .95 [1.08 [1.16 | 1.22 | 1.32 | 1.45 | 1.61 | 1.79 12.56 | — 117.2 _| 195.9 100 71] 76 { 82] 89 | .93{ .98 | 1.03 | 1.12 | 1.23 [1.33 | 1.72 | 2.50 126.6 | 2108 105 63{ 66{ 70] 76] 79] .83| 86] .93 | 1.00 | 1.05 | 1.27 | 1.61 136.4 | 226.4 110 56 | 59] 62] 66 {| 70] 71] 75] .79] 84] 88 [1.01] 1.19 146.8 | 242.7 115 —] 52] 55] 58] 60] 62] 64] 67] 70] 73] 81] .92 157.7 [2599 | 120 —[ —[ —T[ si s3[ 54] 55] 57] 60] 62] 68] 75 TABLE 5 —- Ammonia Desuperheater Heat Rejection TABLE 4 - Heat Rejection Capacity Factors /Refrigerant 717 (Ammonia) Capacity Factors . —20 0.86 151.7 85 [1.00 | 1.11 | 1.26 | 1.52 76 [ 1.93 | 2.23 | 2.68 = = _ = 9.0 —10 0.88 165.9 | 90 | 85 93 | 1.03 [1.19 | 1.33 | 1.45 | 1.59 | 1.82 | 2.17 | 2.50 = = 15.7 0 0.89 181.1 95 | 73 79 87 98 | 1.06 [ 1.11 | 1.19 | 1.32 | 1.47 | 1.61 | 2.33 = 23.8 +10 0.90 185.1 96.3] .71 J6 83 91 98 | 1.04 [1.11 [1.23 | 1.36 [1.49 | 2.13 = 33.5 +20 0.91 197.2 | 100 | .64 69 15 81 85 | .89 | .93 [1.02 [1.12 [1.20 [1.57 [2.27 45.0 +30 0.92 214.2 | 105 | .57 60 64 69 73 | 76 79 84 91 96 [115 | 1.47 58.6 +40 0.93 232.3 | 110 | .51 53 -56 60 63 65 | 68 | 71 /6 80 92 _| 1.08 251.5 | 115 | — 7 -50 53 55 | 56] 58] 61 64 66 74 | 84 1 3 271.7 | 120 | — = —| 46 48 | 49 | 50 | 52 54 96 62 68 14 Selection Evaporator Ton Method The evaporator ton selection method should only be used for selecting evaporative condensers on systems utilizing open reciprocating compressors. The selection method is based on average horsepower requirements for open reciprocating compressors, and cannot be considered to be precise. Critical selections of this type should be checked by the heat rejection method on Pages 12 and 13. Tables 6 and 7 give capacity correction factors for various refrigerants and operating conditions of condensing temperature, suction temperature, and wet bulb tempera- ture. The evaporator capacity (in tons of refrigeration) must be multiplied by these capacity correction factors in order to determine the recommended evaporative condenser model number from Tables 1 and 2 on page 12. Selection Procedure 1. Determine the evaporator capacity in tons of refrigera- tion (one ton = 12,000 BTUH). 2. Determine refrigerant and design conditions of con- densing temperature, suction temperature, and wet bulb temperature. 3. Using the appropriate table for the system refrigerant, determine the correction factor for condensing temperature and wet bulb temperature, and the correction factor for suction temperature. 4. Multiply the evaporator capacity (in tons) by the two correction factors determined in Step 3. 5. From Tables 1 or 2 on Page 12, select the evaporative condenser whose model number equals or exceeds the corrected evaporator capacity calculated in Step 4. Desuperheaters Because of space limitations, it is occasionally necessary to specify a desuperheater coil on an ammonia evaporative condenser to obtain the required capacity. (See Page 24 for details.) A desuperheater will remove most of the superheat from the refrigerant prior to its entry into the condensing coil, thus permitting greater condensing capacity in the unit. Table 8 provides additional capacity factors that must be used when selecting an ammonia evaporative condenser with a desuperheater. To determine the selection of an ammonia evaporative condenser with desuperheater, follow Steps 1 through 4 as outlined above, but in addition, multiply by the appropriate desuperheater selection factor from Table 8. Then from Table 1 or 2, Page 12, select the evaporative condenser whose model number equals or exceeds the corrected evaporator capacity. TABLE 6 - Evaporator Capacity Factors /Refrigerants 12, 22, 500 and 502 91.8 | 155.7 85 1.05 | 1.16 | 1.33 | 1.61 | 1.87 | 1.98 | 2.26] 280] —|[.-—]| —| — 99.8 | 168.4 90 90 | .98 [1.11 [1.28 [1.43 [1.54 [1.72 [1.96 [2.33 [270] —] —] 108.3 | 181.8 95 78 | .85 | .93 | 1.04 | 1.12 | 1.18 | 1.28 | 1.39 | 1.59 | 1.75 | 2.50] — 117.2 | 195.9 100 J0| 75] 81] 88] 93] .97 | 1.03 | 1.11 | 1.22 | 1.32 [1.70 | 2.53 126.6 | 210.8 105 63{ 66{ 70{ 76| 79] 83] .86] .93| 1.00 | 1.05] 1.27 [1.67 136.4 | 226.4 110 57 | 60] 63] 67 | 70} 72] 75] 80] 85] 89] 1.02 | 1.26 146.8 | 242.7 115 — | 54] 57] 60} 63] 64] 66] 69] 73] 75] 84] .99 157.7_} 259.9 120 —| —| --| 53] 55] 56] 58] 60] 63] 65] .70] 81 Suction Temp (°F) | —20 —10 0 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 Capacity Factor 1.32 1.23 1.17 111 1.07 1.03 1.00 0.97 TABLE 7 - Evaporator Capacity Factors /Refrigerant 717 (Ammonia) 151.7] 85 [1.01 | 1.11 | 1.28 | 1.55 | 1.79 | 1.95 | 2.17 | 2.69 = _ = = 165.9 90 | .87 95 | 1.06 | 1.22 | 1.37 | 1.47 | 1.61 | 1.85 | 2.22 | 2.57 = = 181.1 95 | 75 82 89 | 1.00 | 1.09 { 1.15 | 1.22 | 1.35 | 1.54 | 1.72 | 2.41 = 185.1] 96.3} 73 | .79 | .85 | .95 | 1.03 [| 1.09 | 1.16 | 1.28 | 1.41 | 1.56 | 2.14 = 197.2] 100 | 67 12 19 85 -90 94 | 1.00 | 1.08 | 1.18 | 1.29 | 1.65 | 2.45 214.2| 105 | .61 64 | 68 { 74] 78] 81 85 89 .97_| 1.03 | 1.23 | 1.62 232.3] 110 | 55 | .58 | 61 65 68 | .70 13 J7 83 87 | .98 | 1.22 251.5] 115 | —] 52] 55] 58 61 62 64 67 | 70 73 | 81] .96 271.7 | 120 | — = — | 52 54 55 56 58 | 61 63 {| 68 | .79 Suction Temp. (°F) | —20 —10 0 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 Capacity Factor 1.25 1.16 111 1.04 1.00 0.97 0.93 0.91 TABLE 8 — Ammonia Desuperheater Capacity Factors Suction Press. (PSIG) 3.6 9.0 157 23.8 33.5 45.0 58.6 Suction Temp (°F) —20 —10 0 +10 +20 +30 +40 Capacity Factor 0.86 0.88 0.89 0.90 0.91 0.92 0.93 Selection Example Recommended Evaporator Ton Selections at Common Conditions (Open reciprocating compressors only) Given: TABLE 9 : VXC TABLE 10 : VXMC R-22 refrigerant tion Condensing temperature — 105°F Suction teruperature = 30°F 10 9.7 8.6 78 | 71 10 9.7 8.6 18 71 Wet bulb temperature — 80°F 15 146| 129] 117] 106 15 | 146 | 129 | 117 | 106 20 194] 17.2 156 | 142 20 | 194 | 172 | 156 | 142 Solution: 25 24.3| 21.6| 195] 17.7 25 | 243 | 216 | 195 | 177 1. Determine the capacity factor for R-22 30 29.1) 25.9} 23.4] 213 30 29.1 25.9 23.4 21.3 at 105°F condensing temperature and 80°F 38 36.9| 32.8| 297 | 27.0 38 | 369 | 328 | 297 | 27.0 wet bulb temperature from Table 6—1.05. 46 44.7| 397| 3591 326 46 44.7 39.7 35.9 | 32.6 2. Determine the suction temperature cor- rection factor for 30°F from Table 6—1.03. 2 8 ef i se 2: = ue is see 3. Multiply: 150 x 1.05 x 1.03 = 162 : : : : : ’ : : corrected tons. 65 63.1] 56.0| 50.8| 46.1 65 | 631 | 56.0 | 508 | 46.1 4. From Table 1 or 2, Page 12, select a 72 69.9 | 62.1} 56.3 | 51.1 71 68.9 61.2 55.5 50.4 unit with a model number equal to this or 80 77.7 | 69.0 | 62.5 | 56.7 80 7717 69.0 62.5 | 567 larger, in this case VXC-165 (or VXMC-170). 90 87.4| 77.6 | 70.3 | 63.8 90 87.4 716 70.3 63.8 100 97.1| 86.2| 781| 70.9 100 | 97.1 | 862 | 781 | 709 110 106.8| 94.8] 85.9 | 78.0 110 [1068 | 948 | 85.9 | 780 125 121.4] 107.8] 97.7 | 887 125 | 1214 | 1078 | 97.7 | 887 135 131.1] 116.4] 105.5 | 957 138_| 134.0 | 119.0 | 107.8 | 97.9 150 145.6 | 129.3 | 117.2 [106.4 150_| 145.6 | 129.3 | 117.2 | 1064 165 160.2| 142.2 | 128.9 {117.0 170 | 165.0 | 146.6 | 1328 | 1206 185 179.6 | 159.5| 144.5 [131.2 Ni95 | 189.3 | 1681 | 152.3 | 1383 N205 199.0| 176.7 | 160.2 [145.4 N215_| 2087 | 185.3 | 1680 | 152.5 Tables 9 and 10 show system evapora- N230_| 223.3] 1983] 1797 [163.1 N235_| 2282 | 202.6 | 183.6 | 166.7 tor capacity for each VXC and VXMC N250__| 242.7] 2155| 195.3 [1773 N265 | 257.3 | 208.4 | 207.0 | 187.9 unit at common conditions of con- N275 | 267.0] 237.1] 214.8 ]195.0 N285 | 276.7 | 2457 | 222.7 | 202.1 oe ee N300 | 291.3] 258.6 | 234.4 [212.8 300 | 291.3 | 2586 | 2344 | 2128 ac eee or 320 310.7 | 275.9 | 250.0 |227.0 N315_| 3058 | 2716 | 246.1 | 223.4 selected wet bulb temperatures. These N325__| 315.5| 280.2 | 253.9 |230.5 340 | 330.1 | 2931 | 2656 | 241.1 7 quick election ofa VX 340 330.1| 293.1 | 265.6 [241.1 N345_| 335.0 | 297.4 | 269.5 | 2447 tables permit quick selecti vanlane 360/N360 | 349.5| 310.3 | 281.3 |255.3 380 | 368.9 | 327.6 | 296.9 | 269.5 condenser at any of the listed ammonia 380/N380_| 368.9] 327.6 | 296.9 |260.5 n390_| 3786 | 336.2 | 3047 | 2766 conditions without utilizing the - : = - - = - = selection procedure N400 | 388.3| 344.8 | 312.5 [283.7 N430_| 417.5 | 370.7 | 335.9 | 305.0 . 420 | 407.8] 362.1 | 328.1 [297.9 430_| 417.5 | 370.7 | 335.9 | 305.0 450 436.9 | 387.9 | 351.6 [319.1 460 | 446.6 | 396.6 | 359.4 | 326.2 N460__| 446.6 | 396.6 | 359.4 [326.2 Nn470_| 456.3 | 405.2 | 367.2 | 333.3 490 475.7 | 422.4 | 382.8 [347.5 510 | 495.1 | 4397 | 3984 | 3617 N500 485.4 | 431.0 | 390.6 [354.6 N530_| 5146 | 456.9 | 414.1 | 375.9 530 514.6 | 456.9| 414.1 [375.9 560 | 5437 | 482.8 | 437.5 | 397.2 550/N550 | 534.0/ 474.1| 429.7 [390.1 N570 | 5534 | 491.4 | 4453 | 404.3 590 572.8 | 508.6 | 460.9 [418.4 585 | 568.0 | 504.3 | 457.0 | 414.9 N600 582.5| 517.2 | 468.8 [425.5 600 | 582.5 | 517.2 | 4688 | 425.5 620 601.9 | 534.5 | 484.4 [439.7 620 | 601.9 | 5345 | 4844 | 4397 650/N650_| 631.1| 560.3| 507.8 [461.0 N630 | 6117 | 543.1 | 4922 | 4468 680 660.2 | 586.2 | 531.3 [482.3 680 | 660.2 | 586.2 | 531.3 | 4823 720/N720 | 699.0| 620.7| 562.5 |510.6 N690 | 669.9 | 5948 | 539.1 | 4894 760/N760_ | 737.9| 655.2 | 593.8 [539.0 760 | 737.9 | 655.2 | 593.8 | 539.0 N800__| 776.7 | 689.7 | 625.0 [567.4 360 | 835.0 | 741.4 | 671.9 | 6099 340 815.5| 724.1| 656.3 [595.7 920 [ 893.2 | 7931 | 7188 | 652.5 900 873.8 | 775.9 | 703.1 [638.3 1020 [| 990.3 | 8793 | 796.9 | 7234 980 951.5 | 844.8| 765.6 [695.0 1120_[1087.4 [| 965.5 | 875.0 | 794.3 1060 [1029.1] 913.8| 828.1 [751.8 1170_[1135.9 [10086 | 914.1 | 8298 1100 [1068.0 | 948.3 | 859.4 |780.1 1240 [1203.9 [1069.0 | 9688 | 879.4 1180 [1145.6 [1017.2 | 921.9 [836.9 1240 | 1203.9 [1069.0 | 968.8 [879.4 1300 [1262.1 [1120.7 [1015.6 [922.0 1360 __| 1320.4 [1172.4 [1062.5 |964.5 ayineering Vata / Mouels VXu 1C€ Do not use for construction. Refer to factory certified dimensions. This brochure includes data current at the time of publication which should be reconfirmed at the time of purchase. Models VXC 10-135 Models | Models VXC 30-65 Models VXC 72-90 VXC 10-25) i ‘B | 65 10% b- 30" 10%”. @ Fan Motor Location * 4¥4” on VXC 10 through 25 4%" on VXC 30 and larger **® See Note 2 Models VXC 150-185 only SS SS] Models VXC 100-135 i Models VXC 150-185 Bo A= i I fi : 7 vd |__49 —_____] tid L- —__4214 ——__1 Models VXC N205-N400 | Models VXC N205-N275 Models VXC N300-N400 acces — ES) 16 VXC 10 1270 1400 1270* 2900 Ya | 35 Va VXC 15 1460 1600 1460* 3800 1 35 v3 25 2v% 1420 25% 88% VXC 20 1620 1770 1000 4400 1% | 35 ¥3 32 2% 1590 34% 98 VXC 25 1670 1820 1050 5300 3 35 Ya 34 2%. 1640 34% 98 VXC 30 2010 2300 2010* 8200 3 75 V2 35 3 1990 143% 79 VXC 38 2240 2560 2240* 8900 3 75 V2 45 3 2250 24% 88% VXC 46 2540 2880 1650 8500 3 75 Ve 61 3 2570 33% 98 VXC 52 2590 2930 1700 10200 5 75 V2 65 3 2620 33% 98 VXC 58 2860 3230 1940 9800 5 75 Ya 76 3 2920 43% 107% VXC 65 2930 3300 2010 11600 7¥2 | 75 v2 80 3 2990 43M 107% VXC 72 3510 4210 2400 12300 5 115 % 90 4 3350 37% 102 VXC 80 3580 4280 2470 14500 7¥2 1115 % | 100 4 3810 37% | 102 VXC 90 4000 4750 2850 14000 7¥2 1115 % | 110 4 4310 48M 112% VXC 100 4450 5420 3060 19600 7% | 150 1 120 4 4810 37% 102 VXC 110 4530 5500 3140 22000 10 150 1 130 4 4890 37% 102 VXC 125 5060 6080 3640 21000 10 150 1 145 4 5470 48Y%4 112% VXC 135 1 4 f 5 3 3 /y 6 ie VXC 185 8170 9770 5930 33300 15 220 1% | 230 6 8860 481% 132% VXC N205 10170 13710 6580 42000 15 305 3 240 6 11280 37% 1385 VXC N230 11410 15000 7810 40500 15 305 3 295 6 12570 48% 149% VXC N250 11550 15130 7950 45000 20 305 3 320 6 12700 48% 149% VXC N275 12770 16410 9000 47100 25 305 3 350 6 13980 58% | 159% VXC N300 14900 20090 10180 62000 20 460 5 360 8 16550 37% 1385 VXC N325 15040 20220 10320 66800 25 460 5 390 8 16680 37% 1385% VXC N360 16930 22170 12060 64000 25 460 5 440 8 18630 48% 149% VXC N380 17140 22370 12270 68000 30 460 5 460 8 18820 48% 149% VXC N400 18920 24220 13980 69000 30 460 5 520 8 | 20680 58% 159% * Unit normally ships in one piece. NOTES: 1. The standard right hand arrangement as shown has the air inlet side on the right when facing the connection end. Left hand arrange- ment can be furnished by special order. Water and refrigerant connections are always located on the same end of the unit. 2. Standard refrigerant connection sizes are 3-inch MPT inlet and outlet for models VXC 10 through 25, and 4-inch MPT inlet and outlet for models VXC 30 through N400. Other connection sizes are available on special order. 3. For indoor application of VXC evaporative condensers, the room may be used as a plenum with ductwork attached to the discharge only. If inlet ductwork is required, an enclosed fan section must be specified; consult your B.A.C. representative for details. 4. Models VXC 10 through N400 are single coil section units. Fan cycling results only in on-off operation. For additional steps of control, two-speed fan motors are available. More precise capacity control can be obtained with modulating fan discharge dampers (see page 24 for details). 5. Fan motor sizes shown in the table are for 0 inches external static pressure (ESP). For additional ESP up to ¥% inch, use next larger motor size. 6. Refrigerant charge listed is R-717 operating charge. To determine operating charge for other refrigerants, multiply by the following factors: R-12, 2.13; R-22, 1.93; R-500, 1.87; R-502, 1.99. 17 18 ayineeriuy vata /Mouels VXu N4 Do not use for construction. Refer to factory certified dimensions. This brochure includes data current at the time of publication which should be reconfirmed at the time of purchase. Tal “MPT REFRIG IN -¢ uiliee Models VXC N460-N550 It 23’ 8¥2" 120’ he — Models VXC N600-N800 @ Fan Motor Location 35' 9%" a1” FAN REMOTE SUMP APPROX. | APPROX. | HEAVIEST MOTOR PUMP | R-717 | BOTTOM | APPROX. MODEL NO. SHPG. OPER. SECTION CFM HP GPM MOTOR | CHARGE | DRAIN F 4 WEIGHT WEIGHT (coll) (0” ESP) HP (LBS.) SIZE VXC N460 | 22760 30100 7810 81000 | (2) 15 610 (2)3 | 590 8 484 149% VXC N500 | 23030 30360 7950 90000 | (2) 20 610 (2)3 | 640 8 48% 149% VXC N550 | 25470 32900 9000 94200 | (2) 25 610 (2)3 | 700 8 58% 159% VXC N600 | 29750 40290 10180 124000 | (2) 20 920 (2)5]| 720 10 37% 138% VXC N650 | 30030 40540 10320 133600 | (2) 25 920 (2)5 | 780 10 37% 1385 VXC N720 | 33800 44450 12060 128000 | (2) 25 920 (2)5 | 880 10 48Y% 149% VXC N760 | 34080 44720 12270 136000 | (2) 30 920 (2)5 | 920 10 48% 149% | VXC N800 | 37780 48560 | 13980 138000 | (2) 30 920 (2) 5 | 1040 10 58% 1595 NOTES: 1. The standard refrigerant connection sizes 3. Models VXC-320 through 680 are single coil 4. Fan motor sizes shown in the table are for for all models are 4 inch MPT inlet and outlet. Models VXC N460 through N800, and VXC 720 through 1360, have refrigerant connections on both ends of the unit. Other connection sizes are available on special order. 2. For indoor application of VXC evaporative condensers, the room may be used as a plenum with ductwork attached to the discharge only. If inlet ductwork is required, an enclosed fan section must be specified; consult your B.A.C. representative for details. section units. Fan cycling results in only on-off 0-inches external static pressure (ESP). For operation. On models VXC N460 through N800, additional ESP up to % inch, use next larger and VXC 720 through 1360, two coil sections motor size. are provided; fans for each section can be . . cycled to give 50% capacity control. For addi- 5. Refrigerant charge listed is R-717 operating tional steps of control, two-speed fan motors charge. To determine operating charge for are available. For more precise capacity con- other refrigerants, multiply by the following trol, all VXC units can be furnished with factors: R-12, 2.13; R-22, 1.93; R-500, 1.87; modulating discharge dampers (see page 24 R-502, 1.99, for details). 0 to N800 and 320 to1360 [egipe ees J ] | Models VXC 320-420 Models VXC 450-680 Lr 2 3 2 wer waxeur | 3 MPT OVERFLOW = s | | 5 Lover om | @ | : a | 20°} 44744” 4] 20’ 4 ——17'8%4” —___——-| 97101@" ———___» ® Fan Motor Location | Models VXC 900-1360 dee lak | 20” LL ___ 23'8%2” ———_____| 24” 20” il EB a [__Remote sump] APPROX. | APPROX. | HEAVIEST MOTOR pump | R717 [BOTTOM | APPROX. MODELNO. | sHPG. | OPER. | SECTION crm | HP pM | MOTOR| CHARGE} DRAIN | OPER. F 4 weight | weicHT | (COIL) (0” ESP) HP | aps) | SIZE | WEIGHT VXC 320 14890 18530 9760 63800 20 490 VXC 340 15030 18660 9900 68700 25 490 VXC 360 16760 20480 11580 58700 20 490 VXC 380 16890 20610 11720 63200 25 490 VXC 420 18790 22580 13400 65600 30 490 VXC 450 21640 27010 14750 84500 | (2) 10 740 VXC 490 21900 27250 15010 93500 | (2) 15 740 VXC 530 22150 27490 15260 101000 | (2) 20 740 VXC 550 24470 29970 17430 94000 | (2) 15 740 VXC 590 24750 30230 17710 101500 | (2) 20 740 VXC 620 25020 30490 17990 106000 | (2) 25 740 VXC 650 27650 33240 20230 104000 | (2) 25 740 830 10 29400 58% 178% VXC 680 27950 33520 20530 110200 | (2) 30 740 860 10 29680 58% 178% VXC 720 32300 40900 11580 117400 | (2) 20 980 (2)5 | 920 10 35450 48% 168% VXC 760 32710 41280 11720 126400 | (2) 25 980 (2) 5 | 960 10 35820 48% 168% VXC 840 37520 45110 13400 131200 | (2) 30 980 (2) 5 | 1100 10 39660 58% 178% | VXC 900 43220 53810 14750 169000 | (4) 10 | 1480 (2) 5 [1120 12 46160 37% 157% VXC 980 43720 54280 15010 187000 | (4) 15 | 1480 (2) 5 | 1200 12 46630 37% 157% VXC 1060 | 44230 54760 15260 202000 | (4) 20 | 1480 (2) 5 |1280 12 47110 37% 157% VXC 1100 | 48900 59720 17430 188000 | (4) 15 | 1480 (2) 5 | 1400 12 52080 48% 168% VXC 1180 | 49450 60240 17710 203000 | (4) 20 | 1480 (2) 5 | 1480 12 52600 48V%4 168% VXC 1240 | 50000 60720 17990 212000 | (4) 25 | 1480 (2) 5 | 1540 12 53070 48V%4 168% VXC 1300 | 55230 66270 20230 208000 | (4) 25 | 1480 (2) 5 | 1660 12 58620 58% 178% VXC 1360 | 55830 66820 20530 220400} (4) 30 | 1480 (2) 5 {1720 12 59170 58% 178% 1 9 380 8 15840 37% 157% 400 8 15970 37% 157% 460 8 17790 48 V4 168% 480 8 17920 48 V4 168% 550 8 19890 58% 178% 560 10 23170 37% 157% 600 10 23400 37% 157% 640 10 23640 37% 157% 700 10 26130 48% 168% 740 10 26380 48Y%4 168% 770 10 26640 48% 168% aqannanaglannan n ineering vata/Mouels VXMuv 10 Do not use for construction. Refer to factory certified dimensions. This brochure includes data current at the time of publication which should be reconfirmed at the time of purchase. Models Models VXMC VXMC 30-65 10-25 aq | | | | 1 | 10V2%} 35%” +27” 109" Ls -—l27” Models VXMC 71-90 | Models VXMC 100-125 won| + 811% zane we }-———1111 2” ——+}+-3'0” FAN ] REMOTE SUMP APPROX. | APPROX. | HEAVIEST MOTOR PuMP | R717 [BOTTOM | APPROX. MODEL NO. SHPG. OPER. | SECTION crM HP GPM | MOTOR | CHARGE] DRAIN OPER. F H WEIGHT | WEIGHT | (COIL) 10” ESP) HP (LBs) | SIZE WEIGHT VXMC 10 1070 1380 4070* 2900} % 35 Ya 19 | 2% 1140 | 15% 80% VXMC 15 1260 1580 850 3800| % 35 Va 25 | 2% 1340 | 25% 90% VXMC 20 1420 1760 1000 4400] 1 35 Va 32 | 2% 1520 | 34% 99% VXMC 25 1470 1810 1050 5300] 2 35 Ya 34 | 2% 1570 | 34% 99% VXMC 30 1850 2550 1120 8200} 2 75 Va 35 3 2090 | 14% 89% VXMC 38 2100 2810 1350 s900| 2 75 Ya 45 3 2350 | 24% 99% VXMC 46 2390 3130 1650 8500| 2 75 Ve 61 3 2670 | 33% 108% VXMC 51 2440 3180 1700 10000} 3 75 Ve 65 3 2720 | 33% 108% VXMC 57 2700 3480 1940 g600| 3 75 Ve 76 3 3020 | 43% 118% VXMC 65 2770 3550 2010 11600] 5 75 Ye 80 3 3090 | 43% 118% VXMC 71 3670 4980 2400 12100] 3 115 % 90 4 4230 | 37% | 121% VXMC 80 3740 5050 2470 14500| 5 115 % | 100 4 4300 | 37% | 121% VXMC 90 4160 5270 2850 14000} 5 115 % | 110 4 4520 | 48% | 132% VXMC 100 | 4600 6370 3060 19600] 5 150 1 120 | 6 5360 | 37% | 121% VXMC 110 | 4680 6450 3140 22000| 7% 150 1 130 | 6 5440 | 37% | 121% vxMc 125 | 5230 | 7060 3640 21000} 7% | 150 1 145 | 6 | 6050 | 48% | 132% VXMC 138 | 7130 8920 4920 25900] 5 220 1%. | 170 6 7510 | 37% | 133% VXMC 150 | 7220 9010 5830 28300 | 7% 220 1% | 190 6 7590 | 37% | 133% VXMC 170 | 8120 9930 5930 28000 | 7% 220 1% | 210 6 8510 | 48% | 144% VXMC N195} 9950 | 13540 6580 40000 | 7% 305 3 | 240 6 11100 | 37% | 145% VXMC N215|11190 | 14840 7810 37900| 7¥%2 | 305 3 | 295 6 12400 | 48% | 156% VXMC N235]11330 | 14970 7950 42300] 10 305 3 | 320 6 12530 | 48% | 156% VXMC N265| 15230 | 20790 | 10180 54800 | 7% 460 5 | 360 8 17070 | 37% | 157% VXMC N285| 15360 | 20920 | 10320 58600| 10 460 5 | 390 8 17200 | 37% | 157% VXMC N315| 17160 | 22790 | 12060 56000] 10 460 5 | 440 8 19070 | 48% | 168% Lvxmc N345]17370__| 22980 | 12270 61700] 15 460 5 | 470 8 19270_| 48% | 168%} * Unit normally ships in one piece. NOTES: 1. Standard refrigerant connection sizes are 3-inch MPT inlet and outlet for models VXMC 10 through VXMC 25, and 4-inch MPT inlet and outlet for models VXMC 30 through VXMC N345. Other connection sizes are available on special order. 2. Models VXMC 10 through VXMC N345 are single coil section units. Fan cycling results in only on-off operation. For additional steps of control, two-speed fan motors are recommended. 3. Refrigerant charge listed is R-717 operating charge. To determine operating charge for other refrigerants, multiply by the following factors: R-12, 2.13; R-22, 1.93; R-500, 1.87; R-502, 1.99. 21 22 Nyineering vata / Mouels VXMvu N Do not use for construction. Refer to factory certified dimensions. This brochure includes data current at the time of publication which should be reconfirmed at the time of purchase. St (een a | tt} Models VXMC N390-N470 ! ! [wey mena Tieiesnal : Ligheee | LI TE ted | ter LK 4 114" ———e-g 10” Few is70 ro er Peasia r=] — q ie | | Models VXMC N530-N690 ley ono T | | Theres : LL Ff bem | re fille 20" |—______—48’ om” ———-- 10” | a [_REMOTE SUMP approx. | APPROX. | HEAVIEST moTOR pump | R717 {BOTTOM | APPROX. MODEL NO. spc. | oper. | section | crm | HP | Gem | MoTOR | cHARGE| DRAIN | OPER. | F 4 weight | weigHr | (cow (0” ESP) we | ap) | size | welcur vxme ago | 17360 | 27080 | 6580 | soo00| (2)7% | 610 | (2)3 | 480 | (26 [22200 | 37m | 145% vxmc Na30 | 22380 | 29680 | 7810 | 75800| (2)7% | 610 | (2)3 | 590 | (26 |24800 | 48% | 156% vxme Na7o | 22660 | 29940 | 7950 | 84600] (2)10 | 610 | (2)3 | 640 | (2)6 |25060 | 48% | 156% vxme Ns30 | 30460 | 41580 | 10180 | 109600] (2)7% | 920 | (2)5 | 720 | (28 |34140 | 37% | 157% vxme N570 | 30720 | 41840 | 10320 | 117200) (2)10 | 920 | (2)5 | 7a0 | (28 |34400 | 3734 | 157% vxme N630 | 34320 | 45580| 12060 | 112000] (2)10 | 920 | (2)5 | ago | (28 |3e140 | 48% | 168% vxmc Nego_| 34730 | 45960 | 12270 | 123400] (2)15 | 920 | (2)5 | 940 | (28 |3e540 | 48% | 168% NOTES: 1. Standard refrigerant connection sizes are 4-inch MPT inlet and outlet for all models. Models VXMC 600, and 680 through 1240, have refrigerant connections on both ends of the unit. Other connection sizes are available on special order. 2. Models VXMC 300 through 585, and VXMC. 620, are single coil section units. Fan cycling results in only on-off operation. Models VXMC N390 through N690, VXMC 600, and VXMC 680 through 1240 are furnished with two coil sec- tions; fans for each section can be cycled to give 50% capacity control. For additional steps of control, two-speed fan motors are recommended. 3. Refrigerant charge listed is R-717 operating charge. To determine operating charge for other refrigerants, multiply by the following factors: R-12, 2.13; R-22, 1.93; R-500, 1.87; R-502, 1.99. '90 to N690 and 300 to1240 Models VXMC 300-380 s L2oeb 44’ 734” ———+l @) Fan Motor Location SS Lee] d q | Models VXMC 430-585, 620 L20e}- 178%" _________-| 760 | Models VXMC 600, 680, Models VXMC 860-1240 l ee 23'8 9" +}. 2444 35'9% wl nn ik REMOTE SUMP APPROX. | APPROX. | HEAVIEST moToR pump | R717 [BOTTOM | APPROX. MopeL No. | upc. | OPER. | SECTION | CFM HP cem | motor | cHarce| DRAIN | oper. | F 4 WEIGHT | weIGHT | (COIL) (0” ESP) we | ue) | size | WEIGHT VXMc 300 | 14420 | 18950 | 9760 | 59800 | 10 490 | 5 | 380] 8 | 15680 | 37% | 157% vxmc 340 | 16280 | 20900 | 11580 | 55400 | 10 490 | 5 | 460] 8 | 17630 | 48% | 168% vxmc 380 | 18180 | 22870 | 13400 | 59400 | 15 490 | 5 | 550} 8 | 19600 | 58% | 178% vxmce 430 | 20370 | 27120 | 14750 | 80700 |sa7% | 740] 5 | seo | 10 | 22600 | a7% | 157% vxmc 460 | 22920 | 27360 | 15010 | 87700 | 5a10 | 740] 5 | 590 | 10 | 22840 | 3734 | 1577 vxme 510 | 23080 | 29960 | 17430 | 87200 | 5a10 | 740] 5 | 700 | 10 | 25440 | aa | 168% vxmc 560 | 23360 | 30220 | 17710 | 95700 |7%a&15 | 740 | 5 | 750 | 10 | 25700 | 48% | 168% vxme 585 | 25980 | 32970 | 20230 | 93600 |7% &15 | 740] 5 | 30 | 10 | 28460 | 58% | 178% vxmc 620 | 26280 | 33250 | 20530 | 100500 | 10a20 | 740] 5 | 860 | 10 | 28740 | 58% | 178% vxmc 600 | 28840 | 37900 | 9760 | 119600 | (2)10 | ogo | (25 | veo | 10 | 31360 | 37% | 157% vxme 680 | 32560 | 41800 | 11580 | 110800 | (2)10 | 980 | (2)5 | 920 | 10 | 35260 | 48% | 168% vxme 760 | 36360 | 45740 | 13400 | 118800 | (2)15 | 980 | (2)5 | 1100 | 10 | 39200 | sem | 178% vxmc 860 | 44740 | 54240 | 15240" | 161400 (3) Sys 1480 | (2)5 | 1120 | 12 | 45200 | 37% | 157% vxme 920 | 45840 | 54720 | 15820° | 175400 (3 $) frag0 | (25 | 1180 | 12 | 45680 | 37% | 157% vxme 1020} 46160 | 59920 | 17430 | 174400 3} 5) [1480 | (25 | 1400 | 12 | sosso | 48% | 168% 1 vxme 1120} 46720 | 60440 | 17710 | 191400 (3 TB | 1480 | (25 | 1500 | 12 | st400 | 4am | 168% ; vxmc 1170} 51960 | 65940 | 20230 | 187200 (3 TH | 1480 | (25 | 1660 | 12 | se920 | 58% | 178% vxme 1240 | 52560 | 66500 | 20530 | 201000 (3 oy {1480 | (25 | 1720 | 12 | 57480 | sex | 178% fons dann —_1_ 4 *Pan Section 23 24 Optional Accessory Equipment Subcooling Coils Subcooling coils are available for those halocarbon refrigerant installations where subcooled refrigerant is specified, or where the pressure drop or a vertical rise in the liquid line is great enough to cause excessive flashing. Standard subcooling coil sections provide approximately 10°F of subcooling at standard conditions. Where greater subcooling is specified or required, consult your B.A.C. representative for selection and pricing. Subcooling sections are approximately 7” high and are mounted between the coil and pan/fan sections. Coils are hot-dip galvanized after fabrication and tested at 350 psig air pressure under water. Multiple Circuit Coils In general, multiple circuit coils are required primarily on halocarbon refrigerant systems where it is common practice to maintain individual compressor systems. VX Evaporative Condensers can be provided with a wide range of multiple circuit arrangements. Consult your B.A.C. representative for circuiting details. i EEN EE SS Capacity Control Dampers DAMPER BLADE Modulating capacity control dampers are available for VXC centrifugal fan evaporative condensers, and are recommended when close control of head pressure is desired and/or the condenser will be operated under varying loads at below-freezing ambient temperatures. The use of capacity control dampers also affords greater power savings over the operating season than can be obtained by fan cycling alone. Fan discharge dampers consist of a single airfoil type damper blade located in the discharge of each fan housing. In this location, the dampers are protected from the cascading water in the unit, preventing corrosion of the damper linkage and blade icing at low ambient temperatures. Controls for dampers are available from B.A.C. as a standard electrical control package consisting of a control transformer, damper motor actuator with linkages, and end switches to shut off fan motors when the dampers reach the closed position. A propor- tional acting pressure controller is also furnished for installation in the discharge line from the compressor, or in the receiver. It modulates the dampers to control airflow through the condenser, matching capacity to the load, and minimizing energy consumption. Desuperheaters Desuperheaters are available for VX Evaporative Condensers for those ammonia (R-717) installations with space limitations, where the addition of a desuperheater would permit the use of a small frame size unit. The desuperheater section is mounted on top of the condenser in the discharge air stream. The finned coil is constructed of B.A.C. standard steel pipe, hot-dip galvanized after fabrication, and tested at 350 psig air pressure under water. Piping between the desuperheater coils and the condenser coils is not included with the desuperheater section. a ———————————— Sound Attenuation VX Evaporative Condensers will meet most sound level criteria without acoustical treatment. For extremely noise sensitive installations, VXC and VXMC units can be provided with factory assembled sound attenuators for field mounting. Pan Water Evaporative condensers that will be exposed to below-freezing ambient temperatures l require protection to prevent freezing of the pan water when the evaporative condenser is Heaters idle. Heaters selected to maintain +40°F pan water temperature afford a simple and inexpensive way of providing such protection. Factory-installed pan heaters of two types are available from B.A.C.: electrical immersion heaters and pan coils. Immersion Heaters — Electric immersion heaters are factory installed in the evaporative condenser basin. The heaters are controlled by a remote thermostat with the sensing bulb located in the pan. A low water level control, also factory installed, prevents heater operation unless the heater elements are fully submerged. Pan Coil — A steam coil or a hot water coil can be factory installed in the evaporative condenser basin. The coil is constructed from galvanized steel pipe ready for connection to an external steam or hot water source. Immersion Heater KW Requirements 10-25 10-25 . ; 30-65 30-65 2.0 3.0 72-90 71-90 4.0 6.0 100-135 ; . 100-125 5.0 7.5 150-185 3.0 6.0 138-170 5.0 9.0 N205-N275 5.0 7.5 N195-N235 7.0 12.0 N300-N400 N265-N345 12.0 18.0 320-420 300-380 8.0 12.0 N460-N550 N390-N470 14.0 24.0 450-680 . 430-620 12.0 18.0 N600-N800 14.0 24.0 N530-N690 24.0 36.0 720-840 12.0 18.0 600-760 16.0 24.0 900-1360 16.0 27.0 860-1240 i 24.0 36.0 Electric A factory-set electric water level control system can be substituted for the standard mechanical makeup valve to provide exceptionally accurate water level control. No field Water adjustments are necessary regardless of variations in load on the condenser or variations Level in makeup water supply pressure. This system consists of a weather-protected electric float switch with stilling chamber mounted on the pan/fan section, and a solenoid valve Control factory installed at the makeup water connection on the unit. All wiring must be provided by others. Because this system assures a constant water level without adjustment, it is recom- mended for use on units that will require year-round operation in a freezing climate. Bottom Panels and Screens Factory-installed bottom panels are available for VXC condensers. They are required when the intake air is ducted to the unit. Air inlet screens can be factory-installed on the bottom of VX Condensers when location makes this additional protection desirable or necessary for safety purposes. 25 Application Satisfactory evaporative condenser performance is de- pendent on correct selection and proper attention to overall system design. Some of the major planning con- siderations are highlighted below, and attention is called to published B.A.C. bulletins and manuals which provide a more detailed treatment of evaporative condenser applica- tion, operation, and maintenance. and purging. Refer to the “Evaporative Condenser Engineering Manual” for recommendations on such areas of application as location, year-round operation, capacity control, piping Refer to the “Maintenance Manual” for recommendations on proper maintenance procedures. Refer to Pages 12 through 15 of this bulletin for selection procedures. LOCATION Evaporative condensers must be located so as to have an unimpeded supply of air to all condenser fans. When units are located in enclosures or against walls, discharge air from the unit must be carried above the adjoining walls so that the warm saturated discharge air is not de- flected back to the air intakes. In the case of inside condenser installations, discharge air to the outside must be directed away from the air inlet to avoid recirculation and loss of capacity. YEAR-ROUND OPERATION Most evaporative condenser installations operate year-round so consideration must be given to protection against freezing. A most satisfactory method involves the use of an auxiliary sump tank with a spray water recirculating pump located within a heated space. The condenser pan drains to the indoor sump whenever the recirculating pump is not operating. This permits dry operation of the condenser when the load and ambient temperatures are low, but spray water is immediately available if required. When dry operation is planned for low ambient conditions, the centri- fugal fan evaporative condenser should be provided with the next largest size fan motor(s) to prevent motor overload when the spray water is not operating. The indoor remote sump must be sized to provide an operating suction head for the pump and with a surge volume above this operating level to hold all the water that will drain back when the pump is shut down. This includes water in suspension in the condenser and the water in the con- denser pan during normal operation plus that in the pipe lines between the condenser and sump. The total 26 quantity of water in suspension and in the condenser pan is approximately 3.0 gallons per square foot of con- denser cross-sectional area. The cross-sectional area of any size unit can be obtained from the dimensional data on Pages 16 through 23. Recirculating water pumps for remote sump applications (by others) must be selected for the required flow at a total head which includes the vertical lift, pipe friction (in supply and suction lines) plus 2.0 psi at the inlet header of the condenser distribution system. A valve should always be installed in the discharge line from the pump to permit adjusting flow to the condenser requirement. Inlet water pressure should be measured by a pressure gauge installed in the water supply riser at the condenser inlet, and ad- justed to the specified inlet pressure. Occasionally, because of the conden- ser location or space limitations, a remote sump application may be im- practical. In such cases, electric heaters or pan coils can be installed in the condenser pan to prevent freezing at low ambient temperatures when the spray pump and fans are off. CAPACITY CONTROL Many air-conditioning and refrigera- tion applications are subject to wide load variations and where refrigerant controls require a reasonably constant condensing pressure, some form of capacity control is necessary. Modulating dampers in the fan dis- charge of VXC units as described under optional accessories, Page 24, are the most desirable and recom- mended method of capacity control. This is particularly the case for single fan section units where fan cycling produces only ‘“‘on” or “off” steps of control. Modulating control is also important for halocarbon refrigerant installations where evaporator thermal valves require a reasonably constant pressure differential across the valve. Damper control affords an infinite number of capacity steps and has the added advantage of reduced fan horsepower as the airflow is reduced. Fan cycling is a convenient method of control. This method of control is subject to wider condensing pressure variations than the use of dampers but is satisfactory for many installations. Water pump cycling should not be used for capacity control. Condenser capacity changes so greatly with and without spray water that this method of control often results in short cycling of the pump. In addition, alternate wetting and drying of the condenser coil promotes scaling of the con- densing surface. PIPING Proper piping is most important to successful and economical evapora- tive condenser operation. Piping should be adequately sized according to standard refrigeration practice and laid out to allow flexibility for expan- sion and contraction between compo- nent parts of the system. Suitably sized equalizing lines must be in- stalled between the condenser and high pressure receiver to prevent gas binding and refrigerant backup in the condenser. Service valves should be installed so that the component parts may be easily serviced. On multiple evaporative condenser installations, or evaporative condensers in parallel with shell-and-tube condensers, or single condensers with multiple coils, refrigerant outlet connections must be trapped into the main liquid refrigerant header. The height of the trapped liquid legs must be sufficient to bal- ance the effect of unequal coil pres- sures without backing up liquid refrigerant into the condensing coil. This type of liquid line piping permits independent operation of any one of the paralleled circuits without man- ually closing inlet and outlet valves. Support The recommended support arrangement for VX units is two | beams running the full length of the unit. Be- sides providing support, the steel also serves to raise the unit above any solid foundation which might restrict air movement or prevent access to the bottom of the unit. The steel support beam must be located directly beneath the unit and extend the full length of the pan section. Support beams and anchor bolts are to be furnished and installed by others. Refer to the B.A.C. unit certified print for bolt hole location. BEAM SIZE AND LENGTH Beams size should be cal- culated in accordance with accepted structural prac- tice. Use 65 percent of the operating weight as a uni- form load on each beam. The length of the beam must be at least equal to the length of the pan. Refer to Engineering Data section pages 16 to 23 for pan dimensions. Maximum permissible beam deflection and center line distances between bolt holes are tabulated at the right. VIBRATION ISOLATORS If vibration isolators are used, a rail or channel must be provided between the unit and the isolators to provide continuous unit support. Refer to vibration isolator drawings for the length of the rails and mounting hole locations, which may differ from the length and the hole loca- tions of the unit itself. \_ STEEL SUPPORT All VXC Models VXMC Models 10 to 170, and all N models rt JC a All VXC and VXMC models, except VXMC N390 through N690 Tt »«—ACCESS___,.— D LANE D ’ v ST Th Ju ou VXMC N390 through N690 \4% STEEL SUPPORT VXC 10-25 45% Ye VXMC 10-25 39%¥2 Ya VXC 30-65 45% he VXMC 30-65 39% % VXC 72-90 45% Me VXMC 71-90 50% he VXC 100-135 45% % VXMC 100-125 50% % VXC 150-185 54% % VXMC 138-170 57% % VXC _N205-N275 | 92% % VXMC N195-N235 | 76% % VXC_N300-N800 | 92% Ye VXMC N265-N345 | 85 Ye. VXC 320-420 115% % VXMC N390-N470 | 76% % VXC 450-1360 115% Ye VXMC N530-N690 | 85% Ye VXMC 300-380 115% % VXMC 430-1240 115% Ye \ 7 STEEL SUPPORT VXMC Models 300 to 1260 Safety Adequate precautions should be taken to safeguard the equip- ment and the premises from damage and the public from possible injury as appropriate for the installation and location of these products. Air inlet bottom screens or solid bottom panels may be desirable or necessary for safety and other reasons depending on the location and conditions at the installation site. Warranties Please refer to the Limitation of Warranties applicable to and in effect at the time of the sale/pur- chase of these products. Freeze Protection These products must be pro- tected against damage and/or reduced effectiveness due to possible freeze-up by mechani- cal and operational methods. Please refer to the Product cat- alog or contact the local B.A.C. representative for recom- mended protection alternatives. 28 Engineering Specifications for VX Evaporative Condensers EVAPORATIVE CONDENSER —Furnish and install, as shown on plans, factory-assembled evaporative condensers of counter-flow blow- through design, with single side air entry. The condenser(s) shall have fan assemblies built into the pan, with all moving parts factory mounted and aligned All steel components shall be made from hot-dip galvanized steel, with all edges given a protective coat of zinc-rich compound. In addition, the final Zinc-Chromatized Aluminum finish shall be applied to the unit(s) after assembly to provide additional corrosion protection All air handling components shall be protected with the BALTIBOND ® Corrosion Protection System”. CAPACITY — The evaporative condenser(s) shall have condensing capac- ity of BTUH heat rejection, operating with refrigerant at °F condensing temperature, and °F design wet bulb temperature. PAN/FAN SECTION—The combination pan/fan section shall be con- structed of heavy gauge hot-dip galvanized steel. The fans and motors shall be located in the dry entering airstream to provide greater reliability and ease of maintenance. Standard pan accessories shall include circular access doors, large area lift-out hot-dip galvanized steel strainer of anti- vortexing design, waste water bleed line with valve, and brass make-up valve with large diameter plastic float arranged for easy adjustment. VXC MODELS —The forwardly curved centrifugal fans shall be statically and dynamically balanced. Fan housings shall have curved inlet rings for efficient air entry, and rectangular discharge cowls shall extend into the pan to increase fan efficiency and prevent water from entering the fans. Fans shall be mounted on a steel fan shaft supported by heavy-duty, self-aligning, relubricatable bearings with cast iron housings. The fan wheels, complete fan housings, the sloping fan panel, discharge cowls and the bearing supports are protected with the BALTIBOND® Corrosion Pro- tection System” VXMC MODELS—The multi-stage axial flow fans shall be statically bal- anced. Fan cylinders shall have curved inlets for efficient air entry. Each fan cylinder assembly shall contain two axial flow fans mounted in series ona common shaft, with discharge guide vanes between the fans for increased fan efficiency. Fan shaft shall be mounted in heavy-duty grease-packed self-aligning relubricatable ball bearings with eccentric locking collars. Fan discharge cowls, air inlet vanes, fan cylinders, fan panels, and bearing supports are protected with the BALTIBOND® Corrosion Protection System". FAN MOTOR AND DRIVE — hp, rpm drip-proof ball bear- ing fan motor(s) shall be furnished. Motor(s) shall be suitable for outdoor service on volt, hertz, phase electrical service. Each motor shall be located in a protective enclosure on an easily adjusted heavy-duty motor base. V-belt fan drive(s) shall be designed for not less than 150% of motor nameplate power rating. Drive(s) and all moving parts shall be protected by removable hot-dip galvanized screens and panels. COIL SECTION —The heat transfer section(s) of the condenser(s) shall be encased with hot-dip galvanized steel panels and the section(s) shall be removable from the pan The condensing coil(s) shall be all prime surface steel, tested at 350 psig air pressure under water and hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. The coil(s) shall be designed for low pressure drop with sloping tubes for free drainage of liquid refrigerant. Baltimore Aircoil Subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. Worldwide manufacturing and sales facilities in: BALTIMORE AIRCOIL COMPANY, INC., P.O. Box 7322, Baltimore, Maryland 21227 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM — Water shall be distributed uniformly over the condensing coils at a minimum flow rate of 4.5 gpm/sq. ft. of coil cross-section to ensure complete wetting of the coil at all times. The system shall consist of Schedule 40 PVC header and spray branches with plastic distribution nozzles having a minimum opening of 3/4” x 5/16”. The branches and spray nozzles shall be held in place by snap-in rubber grom- mets providing quick removal of individual nozzles or complete branches for cleaning or flushing. WATER RECIRCULATING PUMP(S) — Aclose-coupled, bronze fitted cen- trifugal pump equipped with a mechanical seal, shall be mounted on the pan and completely piped to the suction strainer and water distribution system. It shall be installed vertically so that it will drain freely when the pan is drained. hp pump motor(s) shall be furnished for operation on volt, hertz, phase electrical service. ELIMINATORS — Eliminators shall be constructed of hot-dip galvanized steel and be removable in easily handled sections. They shall have a minimum of three changes in air direction with a hooked leaving edge, and shall direct discharge air away from the fans. UNIT SIZE — Overall dimensions shall not exceed approximately feet x feet with an overall height not exceeding approximately feet. The operating weight shall not exceed Ibs The evaporative condenser shall be Baltimore Aircoil Model BALTIBOND® Corrosion Protection System* All (or designated) metal parts shall be supplied with the BALTIBOND® Corrosion Protection System” applied in the manufacturer's plant by the manufacturer consisting of: 1. hot dip galvanized steel 2. parts prepared in a four-step (clean, pretreat, rinse, dry) process 3. electrostatically sprayed thermosetting, hybrid polymer fuse-bonded to the hot dip galvanized substrate during a thermally activated curing stage 4. quality assurance inspection program including 23 steps throughout polymer application and unit fabrication. Units (parts) shall be assembled with phenolic-epoxy coated, cadmium- plated, washerhead fasteners. The BALTIBOND® Corrosion Protection System* shall have the follow- ing final characteristics: 1. when “X" scribed to the base substrate it shall be able to withstand 6,000 hours of 5% salt spray test according to ASTM standard B117. No blistering or chipping around the intersection of the scribes or any undercutting or creepage along the scribes, shall occur. 2. when “X" scribed to the base substrate, it shall show no signs of chemi- cal attack after 6,000 hours exposure in acidic (pH 4) and alkaline (pH 11) water solutions at 95°F 3. shall not fracture or delaminate after 160 inch pounds direct impact from a 0.625 inch radius impact tool according to ASTM Method D2794 4. shall not crack as a result of 6,000 hours of continuous ultra-violet exposure, equivalent to 120,000 hours of normal sunlight radiation. 5. shall not show signs of deterioration after minimum of 200 thermal shock cycles conducted between -25°F and 180° F. 6. shall show no signs of erosion when exposed continuously for 6,000 hours to high pressure (60 Ibs.) water jet. * Patent Pending @® BALTIMORE AIRCOIL OF CALIFORNIA, P.O. Box 960, Madera, California 93637 BALTIMORE AIRCOIL COMPANY, INC., Midwest Division, Route 2, P.O. Box 7, Paxton, Illinois 60957 BALTIMORE AIRCOIL COMPANY, INC., Milford Plant, P.O. Box 402, Milford, Delaware 19963 BALTIMORE AIRCOIL OF CANADA, 35 Sinclair Avenue, Georgetown, Ontario, Canada BALTIMORE AIRCOIL INTERNATIONAL, Industriepark, B-3100 Heist-op-den-Berg, Belgium BALTIMORE AIRCOIL (AUSTRALIA) PTY., LIMITED, P.O. Box 42, Milperra, N.S.W., 2214, Australia BALTIMORE AIRCOIL COMPANY, S.A. (PTY.) LTD., P.O. Box 88, Philippi 7781, Capetown, Republic of South Africa BALTIMORE AIRCOIL ITALIA S.R.L., 23030 Chiuro (Sondrio)—ltaly BAC JAPAN CO., LTD., 34-6 Bodai, Hadano City, Kanagawa, 259-13, Japan BAC-PRITCHARD, INC., P.O. Box 7322, Baltimore, Maryland 21227 PACO-PUMPS, P.O. Box 12924, Oakland, California 94604 Licensees: INDUSTRIAL MEXICANA S.A., Apartado Postal 292, Col. del Valle, Monterrey, N.L., Mexico SEMCO do BRAZIL S/A, Avenue Ruyce Ferraz Alvim, 2443 Diadema-SP, CEP 09900, Brazil G. J. CAMPBELL & ASSOCIATES C URGENT 11613 RAINIER AVENUE SOUTH L] PLEASE RESPOND BY SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98178 oO NO-REPLY/NECESSARY 206-772-1111 (PERE SS a aay Sacer ae = Alasea Por Perot y DATE: 3 (? Ofox OBCIF SUBJECT: i forclerrwoe Ales 77574 Arzw ferore Henson/ FOL p $ 3 ¥ ‘ x Go. iele SIGNED: DATE: Be loinen. cen wnuite Ain nau AAnice mrrAnT FORM NO. MR13N