HomeMy WebLinkAboutShishmaref Waste Heat Correspondence 1992ALASKA ENERGY AUTHGRITY LIE WE ii PUP AR CANNES WY ALM Ue 701 East Tudor Road P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 2 /G (907) 561-7877 Phone oa ae 12/3 2 (907) 561-8584 Fax DATE JOB NO. SAteoy LACE Na feck 367 Ble Sg SS Aas 7 RE TO Me ch. feck MApel 2nory > land Accoc's Tre Sv ite. 205— HI94O Busuecs Blip Erg Rivée, Ale 99577 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU “pfattached (© Under separate cover vi the following items: O Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples O Specifications f . 0 Copy of letter 0 Change order th (4p af Ro pbc s COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION ~ 1930 Besa Lhot As LM Ap ef Boenparw<t A 7, —_—— - , . d of. C; s: CS s — Ale ef wp of (sof swiss Z UZ. He A pos, 5 BR. whey g THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: 0) For approval O Approved as submitted O Resubmit________copies for approval O For your use O Approved as noted O Submit______ copies for distribution O As requested O Returned for corrections O Return________corrected prints Oj For review and comment 0 O FOR BIDS DUE____SSCS—Ss'7.__-_© PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS ZELAK cred for Sho os 2 ba pes 2 FIZ GA COPY TO. SIGNED: 22 ff. Adz Pome If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. State of Alaska DS Walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation February 27, 1992 Mr. Tony Weyiouanna, Sr. City Clerk Shishmaref, AK 99772 SUBJECT: Request for Waste Heat System Feasibility Assessment Dear Mr. Weyiouanna: Thank you for your letter of February 20, 1992, requesting assistance to determine the feasibility of a waste heat recovery system in Shishmaref. We intend to send an engineer out to perform an on-site evaluation and collect data necessary to put together a concept design and cost estimate. The site visit is tentatively scheduled for mid April. An engineer will contact you in late March or early April to arrange a visit. In the mean time, please provide us with at least one year worth of fuel consumption data for the City Hall, Fire Hall, and Water Plant so that we may estimate the amount of fuel that can be saved by use of waste heat. If you have any questions, please call Steve Stassel (Remote Systems Engineer II) at 1-800-478-7877. ave [ alla f/ Director/Rural Programs SS/dde cer John Lyons, AVEC Brian Gray, Alaska Energy Authority Steve Stassel, Alaska Energy Authority [ PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 2% PO. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road =Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 907) RECEIVED”: 1 > We FEB 2 4 1992 City of Shishmaref anh alaska Energy Authority SHISHMAREF, ALASKA 99772 February 20, 1992 TO: Alaska Energy Authority Attn: David Denig-Chakroff Director of Rural Programs P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 FR: Tony A. Weyiouanna Sr. City Clerk RE: Waste Heat Dear Mr. Denig-Chakroff, The City of Shishmaref is interested in a waste heat recovery system from the AVEC Power Plant to the City facilities. We are wondering if your department would he able to help the City do an assessment on the feasibility of a heat recovery system here. We feel that the feasibility to put a heat recovery system is feasible since the City buildings are closely situated to the AVEC Power Plant. The distance to the Power Plant is only 100 feet from the closest City building. Also, the yearly expense of heating fuel would be greatly reduced which would be the most important benefit to the City. We appreciate any help you may have to offer and a prompt response is requested. Sincerely, yb Sy. aoe Tony-A. Weyiouanna Sr. City Clerk Alaska State Legislature REPAERENTATIVE STAFF WcHaRo POSTE“? OR. LARRY LABOLLE 80x 1028 JOR WALSH, CPA NOME 2.+.SK4 99762 LZ WALTERS #O BOX Vv JUINE AL. 2x 89617 {907} 488-3789 August 18, 1989 Sue White Special Assistant Power Authority P.0. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Dear Sue: The fol priorities have been identified in House District #23. We d appreciate your consideration of these projects as you compile the Governors FY-91 budget. : aru [7 an Wuec peeds Can pEron) CN oFfREP sleicieserere mee E aes P3000 OE age Gambell.........- .-. Waste Heat Project — /FASMMeCR e . WS Golovin. .....-....0- Waste Heat. Expansion — #2 “nore 6 Elim. .....ccees .»--. Waste Heat Expansion — 79.) ucem Of Syme St.Michael-Stebbins. Inter-Tie-Line 2 Zagcconnfjuee™ trent seen the list of requests fram regional villages which are members of AVEC. Since many of the requested projects are probably necessary to protect health, life and property the list srruild ta SWeLDet tool sachs peesbess should be given the same priority as projects from non-AVEC villages. Thanks for all of your assistance. ye EE a % York Neel. %Y DE" ACT S3 Srerrnerel. Wes. Comece. Brevg Memon, Teter. Norra. Bevoongs. Gerroel, Wie Maurtan. Gotow, Ein. Kok. Snek toc. Unemiest a O3Nov89 gds Shismaref Waste Heat System Rural Technical Assistance Problem There is an identified opportunity for the installation of a waste heat recovery and distribution system in the community of Shismaref.The intent of this work order is to provide the Authority with sufficient detail to perform an economic analysis and to prepare for the development of a follow-on construction project. Tasks 1. Data Collection (Anchorage) Existing drawings and site maps and/or aerial photos are to be collected and reviewed prior to field investigation. A discussion with the Authority’s Rural Projects staff is required to be accomplished prior to field investigation. In addition, discussions with AVEC personnel is to be accomplished to collect construction and operating concerns of the Utility. 2.Data Collection (Field) A field trip is required with the consultant furnishing the services of a senior mechanical engineer. Field work is to include examination of the power house, potential distribution routes, and the HVAC equipment of the facilities determined by the consultant and the Authority to be potential candidates for use of the proposed waste heat system. Historical fuel consumption data are to be collected from facility owners or operators as well as load data from the Utility. Corresponding heating fuel costs are to be collected as well. Coordination with the Utility, the City government, and the owners and operators of the potentially served facilities is to be accomplished prior to the field work. 3. Products Two products are required. The initial submittal is to be a letter quality report including as a minimum: field trip notes, contacts made, list and description of potential served facilities, tabular and graphical presentations of the historical or estimated heating fuel consumption, tabular presentations of corresponding fuel costs of each potential facility by month, tabular and graphical estimates of available waste heat by month (identifying heat required at the power house), and a map showing locations of the power house and the potential facilities to be served. A narrative description of the proposed system is to be included. Three o copies of the report are to be submitted. Work on the second submittal is to commence after receipt of the Authority’s review comments. Review comments will be provided to the consultant within 10 working days after receipt of the report. The second submittal is to be a letter quality report with an executive summary of the investigation. It is to include one copy in 8.5 x 11 format of all drawings produced as well as color copies of appropriate photos. All drawings are to be provided in AutoCAD rel10 compatible drawing files (either sketches or to scale as appropriate). The report should summarize the investigation and present a concept level design of the recommended system including concept level specifications and construction cost estimates based on publicly advertised, sealed bid procurement using "mini- Davis-Bacon" wage rates. Six copies of the report are required. Proposed construction bidding is to be assumed as occuring in April of 1990. The basic intent of this product is to present the recommended solution and its construction and operating cost estimates in suitable detail to allow for the follow-on development of an Authority produced economic analysis. 4. Schedule It is required that the work be completed on or prior to 19Jan90. The initial report is to be submitted on or prior to 15Dec89. e a DUM State of Alaska Steve Cowper, Governor Date: 11/29/88 Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation To: Donald L. Shira Director/Program Development & Facilities Operations From: Peter N. Hansen Rural Systems Engineer Subject: Potential projects for 1989. Please find listed below a number of potential waste heat projects to be built during 1989. Please note that this list is quite preliminary and may have to be amended once more is known about some of these sites. Also, no contracts have been negotiated as of this time, and in the past contract negotiations have certainly been known to delay actual construction efforts. Please note that the cost estimates shown are very rough and are based on APA in-house construction and in-house design. No contingencies are included and while I believe that the estimates are realistic for a group of projects, it is certainly conceivable that individual projects could experience cost over runs. Le would not be prudent to assume that these estimates are valid for any other type of design/construction and the estimates should be used for budgetary purposes only. Tununak $124,000 Gambell $ 73,000 Hooper Bay $ 99,000 - Shismaref $142,000 Selawik $132,000 Glennallen $165,000 Aniak $152,000 Yakutat $105,000 ‘PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 {) PO. Box 190869 704 EastTudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 DUM State of Alaska Steve Cowper, Governor Date: 11/29/88 u Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation To: Donald L. Shira Director/Program Development & Facilities Operations From: Peter N. Hansen Rural Systems Engineer Subject: Potential projects for 1989. Please find listed below a number of potential waste heat projects to be built during 1989. Please note that this list is quite preliminary and may have to be amended once more is known about some of these sites. Also, no contracts have been negotiated as of this time, and in the past contract negotiations have certainly been known to delay actual construction efforts. Please note that the cost estimates shown are very rough and are based on APA in-house construction and in-house design. No contingencies are included and while I believe that the estimates are realistic for a group of projects, it is certainly conceivable that individual projects could experience cost over runs. Le would not be prudent to assume that these estimates are valid for any other type of design/construction and the estimates should be used for budgetary purposes only. Tununak $124,000 Gambell $ 73,000 Hooper Bay $ 99,000 Shismaref $142,000 Selawik $132,000 Glennallen $165,000 Aniak $152,000 Yakutat $105,000 PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 [= PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 ~_ Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503-7497 (907) 561-1818 October 8, 1987 Brent Petrie Alaska Power Authority P.0. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 SUBJECT: AVEC Projects for System Efficiency Improvements Dear Brent: According to our recent telephone conversation, attached is a copy of the list recently sent to Senator Hensley on a variety of capital project which would be useful in AVEC villages. Many of these are related to energy effi- ciency improvement and are self-explanatory. As you can see, there are numerous places where we can use money for upgradings. We could compile some statistical information about what these improvements can do since we have similar installa- tions in other villages. If after reviewing this, you wish to have more details on any projects, we would be pleased to work with you in this regard. Best Regards, yd M. Hodson General Manager XC Derr SG wire G.. Du gale. S.tdta. & SVS. Devry Vette ~ EFFICIENCY, RELIABILITY, AND SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS TO THE VILLAGE ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS OBJECTIVES: Each AVEC power plant would be equipped with waste heat recovery equipment capable of capturing a portion of the heat rejected to the engine coolant and transferring that heat to an end user such as the school, water plant, or city for use in decreasing oi] requirements for space heating. Each AVEC power plant providing peak loads in excess of 175 KW would be equipped with two all-steel, fireproof, long-life generator modules. Each AVEC power plant would be equipped with two of the latest design diesel electric sets featuring peak fuel efficiency. Each AVEC power plant providing peak loads up to 175 KW would be equipped with all-steel, fireproof, long-life generator modules. Each AVEC power plant would be equipped with an insulated, all-steel, fireproof, long-life control module for housing the control equipment in a protected weatherproof area. Each AVEC power plant would be equipped with three control panels capable of providing complete control and protection of each diesel engine and generator. Each AVEC power plant would be equipped with a waste oil blender which would filter waste lubricating oi] and blend it into the normal engine fuel supply to be burned off by the engine. Each AVEC fuel tank farm would be installed on top of an impermeable barrier which would prevent the escape of any leaked or spilled fuel. Each AVEC power plant would have a chain link fence installed around both the power plant and the fuel tank farm to keep children and unauthorized individuals away. Each AVEC distribution system would be converted to an overhead pole supported system having higher reliability and lower losses. COST ESTIMATES BY LOCATION (21 VILLAGE LOCATIONS) Waste Heat Recovery Completed Generator Modules Completed Latest Design Generator Sets - 2 Each LTA 10s $ 150,000 Control Module Completed Latest Design Control Panels - 3 Each @ $35,000 Completed Waste Oi] Blender $ 10,000 Impermeable Dike Liner $ 48,000 8. 9. Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Alakanuk WONANPWNHre oc © © 6 we 6. 6) Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets - 1 Each KTA 1150 Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels - 3 Each @ $35,000 Waste Oi] Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Chevak m _ ~- 3 WONAMPWNH- eee Soares | 8 eS 0" 0) 8 0 18 Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets - 2 Each KTA 38s Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels - 3 Each @ $35,000 Waste 0i1 Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets - 2 Each LTA 10s Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels - 3 Each @ $35,000 Waste 0i1 Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Emmonak WONAMhPWNHe . eee Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets - 1 Each KTA 38 Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels - 3 Each @ $35,000 Waste 011 Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Completed $257,000 3465000 493,000 200,000 100 ,000 200,000 35,000 10,000 64,000 10,000 Completed ot — AMM MMmm~m $ 305,000 $ 200,000 $ 300,000 $ 200,000 $ 35,000 $ 10,000 $ 72,000 $ 10,000 $146,000 31,278,000 Completed $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ 200,000 $ 35,000 $ 10,000 $ 32,000 $ 10,000 C leted ome a Completed $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ 200,000 $ 35,000 $ 10,000 $ 64,000 $ 10,000 Completed Gambel1 WONAMAM HONE aye ale Tere) riers Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Hooper Bay ee ee WONAMSWNHe Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Kiana WODWNAMHLWNHH ee oe we ee Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Kivalina WONANLSWNHH eee ee Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste 0i1 Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution 1 Each KTA 38 3 Each @ $35,000 2 Each KTA 38s 3 Each @ $35,000 1 Each KTA 1150 3 Each @ $35,000 1 Each LTA 10 1 Each @ $15,000 $ 493,000 Completed $ 150,000 Completed Completed $ 10,000 Completed $ 20,000 $ 246,000 3-919, 000 $ 332,000 $ 200,000 $ 300,000 $ 200,000 $ 35,000 $ 10,000 $ 80,000 $ 10,000 $ 299,000 31, 466,000 Completed $ 200,000 $ 100,000 $ 200,000 Completed $ 10,000 $ 56,000 Completed $226,000 3752,000 $ 348,000 Completed $ 75,000 $ 200,000 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 $ 48,000 $ 10,000 $ 245,000 3ST 000 Koyuk WONANHPWNH oe o 8 © © Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste 0i1 Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Noatak WONAMNAWNHE . ee Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Noorvik WONAMLWNHH oe ee © we ew ew nn co WONAMN LS WwWnr eres Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution . Michael Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module Latest Design Control Panels Waste 0i] Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution =P Each KTA 10s Each @ $35,000 Each LTA 10s Each @ $15,000 Each KTA 1150 Each @ $35,000 Each KTA 1150s Each LTA 10 Each @ $35,000 $ 248,000 $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ 200,000 $ 35,000 $ 10,000 $ 32,000 $ 10,000 porpaeted > $ 348,000 Completed $ 150,000 $ 200,000 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 $ 40,000 $ 10,000 $191,000 $967,000 $ 493,000 Completed $ 100,000 Completed Completed $ 10,000 $ 52,000 $ 10,000 $ 108,000 3—775,000 Completed Completed $ 200,000 $ 75,000 Completed $ 35,000 $ 10,000 $ 40,000 $ 10,000 competes Savoonga WONAM PWM 8))| ef) oh ollie Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Scammon Bay WOONDAMN PWN . Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Selawik - . WONAM HWM ee @« #6 Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oil Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Shaktoolik WONAMSWNHH Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oil Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Each KTA 38 Each @ $25,000 Each LTA 10 Each @ $25,000 Each KTA 1150 Each @ $35,000 Each LTA 10 Each @ $35,000 Completed $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ 200,000 $ 25,000 $ 10,000 $ 64,000 $ 10,000 $ 246,000 Completed 332,000 200 ,000 100 ,000 200 ,000 Compretee Shishmaref ee WOrNIAMOLWNHHE cis 0 2 Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste 011 Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Shungnak oe ee WONAMLWNH . Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Stebbins ee WONANPWMHH oe Wales Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module --1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution WONANSWNHHE . . Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste 0i1 Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Each KTA 1150 Each @ $35,000 Each KTA 1150s Each @ $15,000 Each LTA 10 Each @ $35,000 Each LTA 10s 1200 RPM Each @ $35,000 $ 450,000 $ 200,000 $ 100,000 $ 200,000 $ 35,000 $ 10,000 $ 56,000 $ 10,000 epepreted Completed Completed $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 $ 56,000 $ 10,000 $ 201,000 3-652,000 $ 348,000 $ 200,000 $ 75,000 $ 200,000 $ 35,000 $ 10,000 $ 40,000 $ 10,000 $ 155,000 31,073,000 $ 191,000 $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ 200,000 $ 35,000 $ 10,000 $ 24,000 $ 10,000 SUMMARY Waste Heat Recovery Installations $ 4,729,000 (13 Locations - Ambler/E1im/Emmonak/Kiana/St. Michael/ Savoonga/Shaktoolik/Shangnak) ; Waste 0i1 Blenders $ 210,000 (21 Locations) Fence Plant Sites $ 200,000 (19 Locations - Kiana and Ambler Already Fenced) Impermeable Barriers (249 Tanks) $ 996,000 (Only Gambel] NIC) Control Modules $ 3,400,000 (17 Locations - Ambler/Noorvik/St. Michael/Gambel1 NIC) Generator Modules $ 2,800,000 (14 Locations) Control Panels $ 480,000 (40 Each) Overhead Distribution Conversions $ 2,626,000 (12 Locations) Generator Sets: 15 LTA 10s $ 1,125,000 9 KTA 1150s $ 900,000 7 KTA 38s $ 1,050,000 TOTAL $18,516,000 RECOMMENDED PRIORITY Emmonak Waste Heat Recovery Completed Generator Modules - 1 Each $ 200,000 Latest Design Generator Sets - 1 Each KTA 38 $ 150,000 Control Module - 1 Each $ 200,000 Latest Design Control Panels - 3 Each @ $35,000 $ 35,000 Waste 0i7 Blender $ 10,000 Plant Site Fence $ 10,000 Overhead Distribution eoeretes Hooper Bay ONAN PWNH— oe oe © we ew ew 1. Waste Heat Recovery $ 332,000 2. Generator Modules - 1 Each $ 200,000 3. Latest Design Generator Sets - 1 Each KTA 38s $ 150,000 4. Control Module - 1 Each $ 200,000 5. Latest Design Control Panels - 3 Each @ $35,000 $ 35,000 ig 6. 7. 8. Waste Oi] Blender Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Selawik ONAN WNRHE oe oe we ew we ew Waste Heat Recovery Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Kiana 4. 5. 6. Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste 0i1 Blender Alakanuk 2 3 4. 5. 6 Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Savoonga CONDOM PWM oe ee we ew Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module Latest Design Control Panels Waste 0i1 Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Shishmaref t 4. 5. 6. Waste Heat Recovery Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste 011 Blender Each KTA 1150 Each @ $35,000 Each @ $35,000 Each KTA 1150 Each @ $35,000 Each KTA 38 Each @ $25,000 Each @ $35,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $299,000 31,236,000 $ 332,000 $ 100,000 $ 200,000 Completed $ 10,000 $ -0- $ 10,000 $ 306,000 $958,000 $ 200,000 Completed $ 10,000 $210,000 $ 200,000 $ 100,000 $ 200,000 $ 35,000 $10,000 $345,000 $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ 200,000 $ 25,000 $ 10,000 $ 64,000 $10,000 3659,,000 $ 450,000 $ 200,000 $ 35,000 $10,000 3-835,000 Chevak 1. Waste Heat Recovery $ 305,000 2. Generator Modules - 1 Each $ 200,000 3. Latest Design Generator Sets - 2 Each KTA 38s , $ 300,000 4. Control Module - 1 Each $ 200,000 5. Latest Design Control Panels - 3 Each @ $35,000 $ 35,000 6. Waste Oi] Blender $ 10,000 31,050,000 TOTAL $5,958,000 SUMMARY Waste Heat Recovery Installations $ 1,419,000 (4 Locations) Waste Oi] Blenders $ 80,000 (8 Locations) Fence Plant Sites $ 40,000 (4 Locations) Impermeable Barriers (16 Tanks) $ 64,000 Control Modules $ 1,600,000 (8 Locations) Generator Modules $ 1,000,000 (5 Locations) Control Panels $ 200,000 (17 Each) Overhead Distribution Conversions $ 605,000 (2 Locations) Generator Sets: 2 KTA 1150s $ 200,000 5 KTA 38s $750,000 TOTAL $ 5,958,000 \ BI ‘ Fl Es LL SHEFFIELO Ep GOVERN Oe ( eee 4 IS 3\ . ; ° \ QREIVED a cae a wy ©, Ra” 5 arta beat STaTE OF ALASKA a SP AICE Ci nini-EOVieBNOS ALASkh POVER AUTHORITY JuUNeau February 22, 1985 Mr. Vincent T. Beans President Alaska Village Electric Co-operative, Inc., Board of Directors 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, AK 99503 Dear Mr. Beans: I have received your correspondence of January 31 regarding the capital project request by the Alaska Village Electric Co-operative. Thank you for informing me of your organiza- tion's support of the twelve programs to convert village electrical systems to overhead distribution. As you may be aware, I had proposed a Fiscal Year 1986 operating and capital budget for the State of Alaska total- ing $2.97 billion in general funds. With declining oil prices reducing our projected revenue, we will not know with certainty what amount will be available for the capital budget until we receive our March revenue forecast. We do know, however, that the total capital budget will be far less than it has been in recent years. Funding for the projects requests you have submitted has not been included in the proposed budget. In order for the projects to receive consideration throughout the budget process, it is important that the communities submit them as community priorities. I encourage those communities that rate the system conversion project as a top priority to work closely with their legislative delegation, as well as with the appropriate State agencies. You may be assured that all projects included in the final FY 86 budget presented to me by the Legislature will receive full consideration. I have referred a copy of your letter to the Office of Management and Budget, as well as to the Alaska Power Authority, for their information and review. XC. Ed Moms Suna White Mr. Vincent T. Beans -2- February 22, 1985 Again, thank you for providing me with this information on your request for funding. Sincerely, /s/ Bill Sheffield Bill Sheffield Governor cc: Jay Hogan, Associate Director Division of Budget Review Office of Management and Budget w/attachment Larry Crawford, Executive Director Alaska Power Authority Department of Commerce and Economic Development w/attachment 4831 EAGLE STREET, ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99503 TELEPHONE: (907) 561-1818 January 31, 1985 Mr. Bill Sheffield, Governor Office of the Governor Pouch A Juneau, Alaska 99811 rt Dear Governor Sheffield: Alaska Village Electric Cooperative serves 48 cities across Alaska with a total population in excess of 15,000. AVEC provides electric service to a majority of communities in Western Alaska with populations from 125 to 800 citizens. The Cooperative has in the past received the large majority of Cooperative money for construction of generation and distribution facilities from REA in the form of loans. This adds an element of interest cost to our KWH retail rates. In addition, the loan funds must be repaid. Many villages and cities have received numerous grants, sometimes ranging into the millions of dollars, for electrical facilities. AVEC originally constructed distribution systems with underground and later surface utilidor in some areas. While well intentioned at the time with funds available, both types of systems have proven to have reliability or maintainabil- ity limitations in the arctic environment. Damage due to ground cracks and frost heaving action causes safety problems to develop. Accordingly, AVEC has been subject to some criticism from regulatory agencies as a result of practical problems associated with providing service in remote village areas, necessitating accelerated conversion action to reduce future problems. Many consumer service entrances were also found to be substandard by investigators and subjects the village consumers served by regulated utilities to immediate disconnection under . eee rigid interpretation of statutes/regulations by State agencies in small villages. The Cooperative has started a program to convert to overhead distribution to improve safety and reliability. The cost to complete this is estimated to be some $15,000,000 in current dollars. We therefore request that AVEC receive a grant to the Cooperative in the amount of $3,890,000 in the new state budget as a first installment on this project with similar annual increments each future year until this task is satisfactorily completed. Included in the list of conversion projects scheduled with the first installment are as follows: Mr. Bill Sheffield, Governor January 31, 1985 State of Alaska Page Two of Two Estimated City/Village Cost Shishmaref $454,000 Selawik 630,000 Scammon Bay 258,000 St. Mary's 2nd Phase, St. Mary's Airport Line, 506 ,000 Pitkas Point Intertie, Pitkas Point Stebbins 263,000 Holy Cross 2nd Phase 263,000 Alakanuk 2nd Phase 188 ,000 Marshall 109,000 Noatak 300 ,000 Koyuk 245,000 Elim 264 ,000 St. Michael 410,000 Total $3,890,000 This project will provide long range benefits to the village people in many communities with more reliable and longer life electrical facilities. Accordingly, the Board of Directors of Alaska Village Electric Cooperative unanimously forward this request and encourage the strongest support of the Administration and our elected officials to ensure this receives high priority and adequate funding. |. OF THE BOARD: A [mor he Vincent T. Beans, President AVEC Board of Directors cc: Sen. Frank Ferguson Sen. John Sackett Rep. Al Adams Rep. John Binkley Rep. Jack Fuller Rep. Kay Wallis CLTY OF SHISHMAREF, ALASKA RESOLUTION 85-1 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATLVE'S REQUEST FOR FUNDS TO CONVERT THE URD SYSTEM TO OVERHEAD IN SHISHMAREF, ALASKA. WHEREAS, the City of Shishmaref receives it's electrical power thru an agreement with Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, 4831 Eagle Street, Anchorage Alaska, and | WHEREAS, the current system intact is an overgound "URD' system. inadequate to serve the City of Shishmaref's needs because of numerous failures within the ‘system, causing power outages throughout the City, and WHEREAS, che Alaska Village Electric Cooperative has requested monies from the Stace of Alaska to convert the current URD system to an overhead system in the City of Shishmaref, Alaska, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Shishmaref City Council fully supports the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative's request for funding to convert the current URD system to a more reliable overhead system. ] 2) PASSED and APPROVED THIS 2A7e day of Seo , 1985 ae el A Melee Clee eels Lau ae CITY CLERK