HomeMy WebLinkAboutQlinhagak Correspondence, Memos 1988Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 4831 Eagle Street Hye fSercent Us Anchorage, Alaska 99503-7497 Lt ue isa (907) 561-1818 a aann AAR 0 4 isso ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY March 3, 1988 Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 ATTN: Brent Petrie REFERENCE: Quinhagak Line Agreement Dear Brent: The proposed agreement appears to ignore the problem that the overhead line at Quinhagak is not completed in the sense that not all of the service entrances have been converted to accept an overhead service drop nor have all the service extensions and other required connections and jumpers been completed. This problem needs to be addressed in the agreement. It seems like this would be in the best interest of the village since all of the residential consumers should have an overhead service upon completion of the project. The second major problem is the intent of the agreement to not have the contractor complete the actual connection of the overhead system to each service and to disconnect the URD system. This must be done to insure a smooth transition and a verification of the quality of work. AVEC requests a procedure whereby the contractor would disconnect each incoming URD service and connect each overhead service. A load would thereby be applied to the system and would give some indication that all connections have been made up properly. It is not clear why a 14 day time period is required between completion of the project and transfer of temporary ownership. It seems that both parties would agree that far too much time has already transpired and there is no need to wait another two weeks after the project has been completed. Therefore, it is proposed that the transfer of temporary ownership be made immediately upon completion of the project. In order for AVEC to continue to receive REA loan funds for future service extensions and upgrades that might be required over the next twenty years, it is necessary that these mortgaged facilities remain the property of AVEC until such time the loan amount is retired and an acceptable sales agreement is reached. These facilities cannot be limited to just poles or primary assemblies. Appropriate language has been added to address this requirement. Mr. Brent Petrie March 3, 1988 Page 2 It is also felt that the temporary ownership agreement is much more palatable to REA and is actually in the best interest of the village in terms of liability and for this reason will be the only format to be considered. Finally, it is not clear what will take place in the event that a final design is approved by both the village and AVEC, that it jis put out to bid, and the lowest acceptable bid exceeds the funds available. It is felt that something should be added to the agreement to address this contingency. Attached is a list of required clauses or changes. Sincerely yours, Mark E. Teitzel Assistant General Manager Mr. Brent Petrie March 3, 1988 Page 3 Required Clauses or Changes under Section A: 1. Perform a detailed review and inspection of the existing site conditions and perform all necessary final engineering design for the completion of the overhead distribution system so that all residential consumers will have an overhead service upon completion of the project. 2. Secure the approval of the other parties for the designs to upgrade and complete the existing overhead distribution system before soliciting bids. 3. Contract with the successful bidder for the upgrade of the previously installed overhead primary distribution system to meet REA specifications in accordance with the final design for this task as produced by the Power Authority and approved by the other parties to this Project Agreement. 4. Contract with the successful bidder for the overhead primary distribution system in accordance with the final design for this task as produced by the Power Authority and approved by the other parties to this Project Agreement. $: Prior to releasing the contractor from the Project, assure that the Project has been energized for at least 72 hours. 6. Provide a full accounting for the full amount of state grant funds associated with this project. Required Clauses or Changes under Section B: 1. Upon acceptance of this agreement, agree to transfer temporary ownership of the entire system to AVEC immediately upon completion of the project which will occur after each residential consumer in Quinhagak has satifactorily received electrical service for a minimum of 72 hours from an overhead system meeting REA specifications. 2. Provide written approval of the final design within 14 calendar days after comments and suggestions have either been incorporated into the design or addressed in an acceptable manner. ae Prior to expiration of this agreement, retire the debt owed to REA for distribution facilities added to the overhead distribution system with REA loan funds after transfer of temporary ownership. Required Clauses or Changes under Section C: 1. Provide written approval of the final design within 14 calendar days after comments and suggestions have either been incorporated into the design or addressed in an acceptable manner. 2. Upon acceptance of this agreement, agree to accept temporary ownership of the entire system immediately upon completion of the project which will occur after each residential consumer in Quinhagak has satisfactorily received electrical service for a minimum of 72 hours from an overhead system meeting REA specifications. Mr. Brent Petrie March 3, 1988 Page 4 3. Maintain accurate records of all distribution facilities added with REA load funds after the acceptance of temporary ownership of the overhead distribution system financed by Alaska State grant funds. Continue to own all distribution facilities installed with REA loan funds both prior to and following acceptance of temporary ownership of the overhead distribution system financed by Alaska State Grant Funds. Prior to expiration of the agreement, provide the city with records showing what distribution facilities have been installed with REA loan funds since acceptance of temporary ownership of the overhead distribution system financed by Alaska State Grant Funds and the outstanding loan balance. Required Clauses or Changes under Section D: 1. 2. All project meetings following acceptance of this agreement will be held in Quinhagak unless a different location can be mutually agreed upon. It is agreed by the parties to this agreement that any facilities which are installed by AVEC using REA loan funds shall remain the property of AVEC until such time that the debt is retired. This will include the meters at time of transfer and will not be limited in any way. It shall be made known to the Alaska Public Utilities Commission that prior to June 26, 2009, the temporary ownership of that portion of the distribu- tion system in Quinhagak financed by state grant funds shall automatically be transferred to that entity, which holds the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the distribution and sale of power in Quinhagak. Consequently, AVEC's temporary ownership of that portion of the distribution system in Quinhagak financed by state grant funds shall not adversely affect the City's effort to obtain, through legal means, a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the distribution and sale of power in Quinhagak. Effective at the end of June 26, 2009, AVEC's temporary ownership of that portion of the distribution system in Quinhagak financed by state grant funds is automatically terminated. That portion of the distribution system in Quinhagak owned by AVEC prior to acceptance of this agreement and that portion of the distribution system in Quinhagak installed after acceptance of this agreement with REA loan funds will remain the ownership of AVEC until such time as the REA debt is retired and an acceptable sale agreement is executed. Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503-7497 (907) 561-1818 September 14, 1987 ECE! VE Mr. Brent Petrie Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 RE: Completion of Quinhagak Overhead Electrical Distribution System Dear Brent: Please find enclosed 48 pages of staking sheet and two sets of design prints showing proposed additions and changes to the overhead system in Quinhagak as requested by Peter Hanson. This design was based on previous field visits and photographs. An additional field visit would be required to verify the actual status of each service. These changes and additions should provided the following general improvements: 1. System to be changed from a 3 wire delta configuration to a multi-grounded 4 wire wye configuration by stringing a neutral and reconnecting all transformers phase to neutral. 2. All aluminum services and secondaries to be terminated with compression type pigtails at transformers. 3. All. service to secondary connections to be made up with compression connectors. 4. All service and secondary supports at poles to utilize spools and not J-hooks. 5. All step down transformers to be connected phase to ground. 6. All transformer hot line clamps to be installed over armor rod. 7. All poles to be numbered. 8. Services on south side of main road to be transferred to the existing AVEC overhead line on the south side of the road. Mr. Brent Petrie September 14, 1987 Page 2 9. Services on north side of main road to be transferred to the existing overhead line on the north side of the road. 10. Overhead line to be extended out to the city tank farm. 11. Overhead line to be extended out to the airport. 12. Framing to be changed to have source on the top at deadended angle poles. 13. Additional secondary to be strung to allow for easier service extensions in the future. We are anxious to see the overhead system put into service and are willing to proceed if an agreement could be reached. Sincerely yours, Mark E. Teitzel Manager, Engineering RECHT Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Jing. . : 9 18 gle Street ALASKA POWER, ge, Alaska 99503-7497 : -AUTHORHY : ceee= a 61-1818 48 An (90 oO Om 34 cn )7) an February 18, 1988 Mr. Brent Petrie Alaska Power Authority P.0. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 RE: Quinhagak Power Distribution System Upgrade and Completion Project Agreement Dear Brent: Please find attached a marked up copy of the above-referenced agreement. Sincerely yours, Waa ¢ LH Mark E. Teitzel Assistant General Manager CORRESFPONSEVOT MIsTe sti saN PROJECT AGREEMENT od Z7u bos Gere This Project Agreement entered into this _ BP ee@ys Ofte . 1987 between the City of Quinhagak (the Cify), Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) and the Alaska/Power Authority (the Power Authority) outlines the responsibiYities of the parties involved and the procedures to be followed in connection with the Quinhagak Power Distribution System Upgyade Project, hereafter referred to as the “Project”. This Project Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties involved with the Project and may only be modified in writing by mutual agreement between the parties. SECTION A. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY COVENANTS: u The Power Authority will: fling l. . Perform a detailed review and inspection of the existin site conditions and perform all necessary final engineering design for the upgrade of the existing overhead distribution system to REA standards. NK Cmpre Ti) = Awo Review the design with the other parties to this Project Agreement prior to soliciting bids for the construction phase of the Project. 3. To the extent constitutional and not otherwise unlawful the Power Authority will require the successful bidder to use locally available labor on this project to the extent that locally available labor is qualified. 4. Solicit bids for the construction efforts needed and select a contractor in accordance with the Power Authority's selection procedures. 3. Select and procure any owner-furnished materials for the Project. ‘. front fi Contract wih the successfull bidder for the upgrade/'of the previously “installed overhead primary distribution system to meet REA specifications in accordance with the final design for this task as produced by the Power Authority and reviewed by the other parties to this Project Agreement. 7. Perform all necessary construction management tasks for the 9 Crt Pr») construction phase of the Project. pmouw— ov at om 8. Prior to releasing the contrac ve the Project, assure/ that all connections between the. sip down transformers ard the service drops have been digcénnected and that the “primary distribution system and the ‘step down transformers have been energized for at least 72 hours. Subsequently the Power Authority will require the contractor to disconnect all connections from the step down transformers to the , primary distribution system. y fant pam U2 9. Assist the City of Quinhagak and AVEC with Operational difficulties of the Project if needed for one year after completion. (This pertains only to items which would normally be covered by the contractor's warranty and does not include items normally considered as being a part of routine maintenance. ) SECTION B. CITY OF QUINHAGAK COVENANTS The City of Quinhagak will: Me Grant all necessary access and Rights of Way for the Alaska Power Authority and its consultants and contractors on the Project to property owned or operated by the City of Quinhagak. 2. 9 Secure all necessary Rights of Way from the a Church, the Lower Kuskokwim School District, the Native Corporations, the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, United Utilities, Inc-., and all other relevant parties for the purpose of constructing and/or rehabilitating the distribution system in Quinhagak. For assuming full responsibility for all Right of Way 1ssues for the Project, the City will charge a fixed and non- negotiable annual fee of $300 escalating at a fixed 4% per year. This fee will be charged to the current owner of the Project tnroughout the term of this Project Agreement. Payment of any expenses and fees associated with obtaining necessary Rights of Way will be the responsibility of the City. 3. Review the design as presented by the Power Authority for the completion of the Project, and return comments and suggestions to the Power Authority within 7 calender days of receipt of design documents. Failure to submit comments and suggestions within 7 calender days from receipt of design documents will constitute a full and unconditional approval of the design as presented. 4. Refrain from levying any taxes or fees, and refrain from requiring payment for any licenses, permits, or certificates of any kind for any purpose from any vendor, consultant, contractor, or any other entity involved with any phase of the Project. Additionally, the City agrees to give full and final authority to the Power Authority to resolve any dispute between the City and any other entity involved with the Project over the applicability of this article in a given situation. 5. For the purpose of this Project Agreement agree not to assert tribal sovereignty as a defense against enforcement of the City of Quinhagak's obligations under this Project Agreement. 6. Accept in writing, to the Alaska Power Authority, full ownership responsibilities of the Project and full responsibility for its operation and maintenance within 14 calendar days from receipt of Notice of Project Completion from the Alaska Power Authority. 7 Fino? YY Bit Poo #__ 4 *__— Within 14 calend days from acceptance of ownership, as outlined in Section B,/ Article 3, transfer temporary ownership of the entire system“ to AVEC. AVEC's ownership will be temporary in mature and will be in effect until such time,’ when the City of Quinhagak receives a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the distribution and sale of power to the residents of Quinhagak, i - The transfer of temporary ownership shall not be contingent on any other or ate oe than those outlined in this Project nerece. Ab and sha not be governed by any other agreement or contract. Ad Tr Ae 8, Gys, Arvest s, COVILENMS, TRaprs, DOM a2 Ce omer Pewin Didm. Biae Fhe a7zs ae “fem Pe Dare or Tonpoeet) poeusre Spru frus 8. Jeon ty Te Cacbay ae AV, fous Gnrys , Avcmms, Grdu cuts , TPANS iI AS Secure access for Alaska Power “authority personnel or consultants on contract to the Alaska Power Authority to any part of the Project over the life of the Project for performance testing. 9. On request provide Alaska Power Authority personnel access to and copies of any information or document related to any phase of the | Project over the life of the Project. \ 10. | Prior to its authorized officer signing this Project Agreement, | draft and pass a City Council Resolution in which this Project Agreement is recognized and agreed to as being the sole governing contract for the completion and future use of the overhead power distributions system installed in Quinhagak. SECTION C. ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE COVENANTS: / Alaska ee Electric Cooperative Will: y C2 brn O 2 DIS 70 Bue Aue Puripie Away [re meley 4/ Moon. Gam Spa fwivs farm De FOR we Ake, 3 (Line Dw Fe Thea se hx) 1. Grant all necessary access and Rights of Way for the Alaska Power Authority and its consultants and contractors on the Project to property owned or operated by AVEC. 2. Perform a detailed investigation of the existing site conditions and within 14 calender days of the date of this Project Agreement submit to the Power Authority an updated and current list of all corrections which, in AVEC,s opinion, should be made in order for the distribution system to meet REA specifications. 3. Review the design documents as presented by the Power Authority for the completion of the Project, and return comments and suggestions to the Power Authority within 7 calender days of receipt of design documents. Failure to submit comments and suggestions within 7 calender days from receipt of design documents will constitute a full and unconditional approval of the design documents as presented. 4. Accept in writing, to the City of Quinhagak and to the Alaska Power Authority, temporary ownership of the Project and full responsibility for its operation and maintenance within 14 calendar days from receipt of Notice of Temporary Ownership Transfer from the City of Quinhagak. Pay to the City an annual fee for Right of Way services as outlined in Section B, Article 2 during any time in which AVEC holds temporary ownership to the Project. 7. jeu : CM Secure access for Alaska Power Authority personnel or consultants a on contract to the Alaska Power Authority to any part of the ~ Project over the life of the Project for performance testing. On request provide Alaska Power Authority personnel access to and ue copies of any information or document related to any phase of the OF Project over the life of the Project. 9. Operate and maintain the Quinhagak power distribution System in accordance with prudent utility standards and in accordance with Alaska Public Utility Commission guidelines throughout the period, during which AVEC retains temporary ownership of the-— Project. It is understood that while this Project Agreement does not require the Project to be brought into “as new condition" at w one” Ceertt ATAU LY ar Ae VAIS LT F.L reaw THe Ve dee ae ae V1 6 Res Cn, MSP bh Furuse LI nert Syhae r (CEP Mr ¢ FIIlee TF; x DATE 7 Pu A TUTTO ER Aipn u any time, it also does not allow prudent maintenance to be deferred in anticipation of an upcoming change of ownership. ro. Op Immidiately after acceptance of temporary ownership of the Project, negotiate in good faith with United Utilities, Inc. in order to reach a pole sharing agreement, which will allow United Utilities, Inc. to utilize poles, that have been placed as part of the Project, for suspension of telephone lines throughout Quinhagak. All proceeds from a pole sharing agreement will become the property of that entity, which at the time of Payment holds the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the distribution and sale of power in Quinhagak. v NN Within one year after acceptance of ownership of the Project, remove and dispose of all parts of the old utilidor distribution system. SECTION D. MUTUAL COVENANTS: The Power Authority, the City, and AVEC agree to the following: i. Term of This Project Agreement. This Project Agreement expires at the end-of—sune 26, —-20039-- A Cericcare CF haBuc Crbboftce< Camere hyd Mete>sii¥ In [he esr 8007, 2: Hold Harmless Agreement. Ad Fle [wei We fees 0s Kv. ited It is recognized by the parties to this Project Agreement that the Alaska Power Authority has no economic interest in this Project. Thus the City of Quinhagak and the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative agree to defend, indemnify, hold and save the Alaska Power Authority, its officers, agents, and other employees harmless from liability, including costs and expenses for any and all claims for injuries or damages sustained by any person or property in connection with the Power Authority's performance under this Project Agreement, unless such claims are caused by willful negligence on behalf of the Power Authority. 3: Assignment of Authority. The City of Quinhagak and AVEC assign to the Alaska Power Authority full authority over all decisions in connection with initial study, design, construction, and energizing of the Project. The Alaska Power Authority will have full authority over all disbursements of funds and over choices of scheduling, manpower, methods, materials, procedures, etc. for the Project. time Mer Ayee Wo lobo thvs 4. Declaration of Cooperation. The parties of this Project Agreement agree to make every reasonable effort to promote timely completion of the Project through responsiveness and cooperation. At the request of any one party, project meetings with the parties to this Project Agreement will be held within 7 calendar days of the receipt of such request by the other parties. All meetings requested by the City of Quinhagak will be held in Anchorage and all meetings requested by AVEC or the Power Authority will be held in Quinhagak unless a different location can be Mutually agreed upon. 3. Limitation to Power Authority Expenses. Unless otherwise approved by the Alaska Power Authority Board of Directors, the Alaska Power Authority will not be committed to expend more than $152,000 on the Project. These funds can only be used to pay for materials, freight, in-house Power Authority expenses for personnel services, travel, and legal expenses, and for services provided by contractors and consultants. The Alaska Power Authority will not reimburse the City of Quinhagak or AVEC for any expenses, including legal expenses. 6. Other Parties Not Being Agents of the Power Authority. It is agreed that the City of Quinhagak and AVEC, their agents and employees shall act in an independent capacity and not as agents of the Alaska Power Authority in the performance of this Project Agreement. 7. Disputes. This Project Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Alaska. Any lawsuit involving this Project Agreement shall be heard by the Superior Court, Third Judicial District at Anchorage. All expenses in connection with disputes including all legal expenses shall be paid by the party incurring these expenses. 8. Rights of Other Parties. It is the intent of the parties that this Project Agreement confer no rights to any third parties. 9. Future Ownership of the Project. It shall be made known to the Alaska Public Utilities Commission that—pricorteo—sune—26,—2005 the ownership of Sh€ Quinhagak Power THE Tac fate oF | ve om a 2 vd ; hp © a ue maha | v Distribution System‘shall automatically be transferted to that entity. which holds the Certificate of Public Cofvenience and Necessity for the distribution and sale of power /in Quinhagak. Consequently, AVEC's temporary ownership of the Quinhagak Power Distribution System shall not adversely affect the City's efforts to obtain, through legal means, @ Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the distribution and sale of power in Quinhagak. Bffec ails b pre to This Project Agreement has been reviewed, agreed to, and executed by the following parties: Alaska Power Authority Robert E. LeResche Date Executive Director Approved: Assistant Attorney General Date STATE OF ALASKA ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT The foregoing Project Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of » 1987. by Robert E. LeResche, the Executive Director of the Alaska Power Authority, An Alaskan Corporation, on behalf of the corporation. ee Notary Public, State of Alaska My commission expires: City of Quinhagak STATE OF ALA: THIRD JUDICIAL DIST The foregoir: =r-: day of AdministTato: - - Alaska, on b= : Alaska Villace £12. Loyd Hodson General Manage: STATE OF ALAS- - THIRD JUDICI- t The foregoi- 7 day of for Alaska V._.::- re_ Date art ge megs ant was ack -987. by Quinhagak, of Quinhag, efore me th mg, the <+ Class City plic, State of Alas My com fon expires: ss. ant was ackndladged before me th 387, by Loyd Se operative. lic, State of Alas: jon expires: March 18, 1988 Mr. Loyd Hodson General Manager Alaska Village Electric Cooperative 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Re: Quinhagak Distribution System Subject: Letter from Mark Teitzel dated March 3, 1988 Dear Mr. Hodson: The Power Authority has reviewed the above mentioned letter with com- ments to the latest versions of the Quinhagak Project Agreement. Please find below our response to these comments: a. Page 1, First Paragraph: In the very early stages of this project, Power Authority staff outlined to your staff the procedures which would be followed in order to try to final this project. As part of the process, Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) was requested to provide a very detailed list of all changes and improvements, which would be necessary prior to AVEC's utilization of the system. However, according to Mr. Mark Teitzel of your office, this task would not be performed until AVEC was convinced that this project would actually take place. Consequently, the Power Authority as of this date, has not received a detailed list of changes and improvements requested by AVEC. Depending on the extent of service drop related work to be performed, this work may not be possible within the existing budget. It must be noted that the primary intent of this project is to upgrade the system to meet Rural Electrification Association (REA} specifications, thereby allowing AVEC to utilize the system. b. Page 1, Second Paragraph It remains the opinion of the Power Authority that the actual cut-over from the utilidor system to the overhead system should be the responsibility of the utility. The existing utilidor system is in a state of disrepair and the liability associated with having a 2056/0D32/1 rays c e. Power Authority contractor work on this system does not appear acceptable. Page 1, Third Paragraph A 14-day period has been allowed between project completion and transfer of ownership (provided that a transfer does indeed take place). This was done in order to accommodate normal response times for office transactions. Page 1, Fourth Paragraph City of Quinhagak officials have stated that they desire a fully functioning distribution system immediately following a termination of AVEC's contract with the City of Quinhagak at some future date. Consequently, the City of Quinhagak is not willing to accept any contract language which may later be the subject of time-consuming interpretation. In order to settle this transaction, it is the recommendation of the Power Authority that only additional primary structures constructed at AVEC's expense should remain the property of AVEC in case of a future contract termination. At the time of commencement of AVEC's utilization of the new system, this system will be fully serviceable and consequently, AVEC would be expected to maintain the system in serviceable condition. Page 2, First Paragraph The City of Quinhagak has expressed strong reservations concerning the acceptance of a temporary transfer of ownership. At the City's request, two versions of this Project Agreement have been devel- oped, one covering a temporary transfer of ownership and one covering a temporary lease of the system. Page 2, Second Paragraph Language will be added to the agreement detailing the return of the funds to the General Fund in case insufficient funds are available. Responses to numbered comments: Section A: 1-5: As previously stated, the Power Authority will upgrade the existing system to REA specifications in accordance with a design provided and certified by an independent engineer on contract to the Power Authority. As mentioned above, AVEC has yet to provide a detailed list of changes and improvements requested. Once this list has been received, the changes and improvements requested will be incorporated to the extent that they are directly related to 2056/DD32/2 rays v compliance with REA specifications and to the extent that they are within current budget. 6: In accordance with Alaska Statutes, State agencies will provide specific information on request. Section B: 1-3: These issues have been addressed in previous sections. Section C: 1: We agree. 2-5: As previously addressed, a detailed accounting of ownership for minor items does not appear to promote an orderly transition in case of future termination of AVEC's contract with the City of Quinhagak. While it will be reasonable for AVEC to maintain ownership of AVEC-installed structures and maybe even new trans-~ formers, this is not the case for minor hardware or service drops from existing structures. Section D: 1. We agree. 2. See response to Section 8 comments. a. See response to Section B comments. General: It is the intent of the Power Authority to develop a reasonable Project Agreement which is simple to interpret and enforce. Consequently, the Power Authority will continue to encourage the parties to show a great deal of flexibility in order to resolve all differences and put the system into use. Sincerely, Bi aled | Clik rector of Agency Operations PH: BNP: tq cc: Mark E. Teitzel, Alaska Village Electric Cooperative 2056/D032/3 es *. Soa - ae wer > City of Quinhagak General Delivery EGEIY Quinhagak, Ak 99655 =) Ph: (907) 356-8315 July 20, 1987 Alaska Fower Authority 4 W. Sth Ave. Anchorage, Ak 99501 Dear Sir or Ma‘ ams The Quinhagak City Council is officially asking Alaska Fower Authority to come in and help the city and AVEC come to a mutually agreeable contract for the upgrading of the overhead electrification and bringing it into utilization as requested on the July 15, 1987 Quinhagak City Council Regular Meeting. Sincerely, hBerat. Larry D. Strunk City Administrator CORRESPONDENCE DISTRIBUTION ACTION: ION: D.SWwG LDS:hif ee. Petey Hanson DATE REC’D: | DATE DUE: ; MEMORAF )UM Stat- of Alaska THRU: FROM: 02-001 A(Rev 10-84) Guy Bell, Senior Analyst DATE: July 16, 1987 Office of Management & Budget Office of the Governor FILE NO.: TELEPHONE NO.: SUBJECT: Comments Ref HB29 Robert E. LeResche Executive Director Alaska Power Authority Per your request, the following comments are provided regarding HB29. Section 150 - Change in Language of Railbelt Alternatives Study Appro- priation The Alaska Power Authority does not object to this change. Section 151 - $2,700,000 Reappropriation from Power Development Revolv- ing Loan Fund to Power Project Fund for Loan to City of Nenana The City of Nenana intends to provide detailed information regarding the cost, schedule and conduct of a feasibility study in the form of a loan application to the Power Authority. While this amount was not in the Governor's budget request, the Power Project Fund statute 44.83.170(b)(1)(a) does contemplate loans to municipalities to conduct feasibility studies. The Power Authority has received some preliminary information on the proposed project and would like to know an answer as to the feasibility of a coal-fired power plant at Nenana. During the Susitna Hydroelectric Project feasibility and licensing efforts, Nenana was considered to be one of the sites with favorable characteristics for development of a coal fired power plant. Given the economics and financial parameters in use in the early 1980's detailed feasibility of that option was not pursued since other alternatives seemed more favor- able in the long term at the time. However, financial and economic conditions have changed significantly in the past several years and coal fired options warrant additional consideration. However, there may be a problem with availability of sufficient funds to cover a $2.7 million loan. HB75, Section 17, line 24 appropriated $5,805,600 from the Power Development Revolving Loan Fund to the General Fund. If this appropriation has precedence over the $2,700,000 reappro- priation in HB29 (and we understand there may be some question as to whether it does), the following is an estimate of when funds would be avai japle to cover the $2,700,000 (see Exhibit A for detailed informa- tion): September 1987 $ 323,375 August 1988 560,000 September 1988 1,816,625 $2,700,000 9652/DD24(1) Guy Bell, Seni Analyst July 16, 1987 Page 2 Section 158, Page 42, Line 6 - $152,000 for Quinhagak Electrification Project Completion The City of Quinhagak received a State grant of $440,000 several years ago to build an overhead distribution system. There is some question as to whether the City should have received the grant since AVEC is the local certified utility; however, there were problems with AVEC's underground distribution system. Unfortunately the City's system was not constructed to REA specifications and it cannot be operated. Although the City's system is a duplication of AVEC's system, problems do exist with the AVEC system. The $152,000 in HB29 should bring the City's overhead distribution system up to REA specifications. It appears from discussions with AVEC and the City of Quinhagak staff members, that both parties are anxious to reach some sort of reasonable agreement concerning AVEC's use of the new distribution system. Both parties appear to realize that the length and the severity of the ongoing problems have seriously reduced the potential for the two parties coming to an agreement without the help of a mediator such as the Alaska Power Authority. The Power Authority is willing to accept such a role. If an agreement between the two parties cannot be reached, the Power Authority would then probably recommend that the funding be lapsed. Section 158, Page 59, Line 10 - $46,000 Grant to the City of Seward for Camelot Subdivision Electrical Line The Camelot subdivision electrical line is in need of replacement because the existing line is in very bad shape and is substandard. The existing line is also inadequate in terms of not providing service to the entire subdivision. The $46,000 is sufficient to accomplish the engineering and design for the electrical line upgrade and extension into the Camelot subdivision. The actual construction costs are esti- mated by the City of Seward to be about $200,000. GD: it 9652/DD24(2) ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY POWER DEVELOPMENT REVOLVING LOAN FUND ANALYSIS OF FUND AVAILABILITY FOR $2.7 MILLION REAPPROPRIATION TO POWER PROJECT FUND FOR LOAN TO CITY OF NENANA (HB29, SECTION 151) Source (Use) of Funds °Repayment of Principal by APA Due to Lower Construction Completion Costs Estimates --Contingencies $1,695 ,000 --Mid-Point of Remaining Costs $1,070,100 °FY87 Interest Earnings on Self-Insurance Reserve °Reduction of Self-Insurance Reserve from $7,000,000 to $6,500,000 °FY87 Debt Service Payment Not Previously Reappropriated During 1986 Legislative Session --Amount Originally Identified by DCED $1,939,300 --Additional Amount Identified by APA 323,375 °HB75, Section 17, Line 24 Reappropriation to General Fund ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 30, 1987 °FY88 INTEREST EARNINGS ON SELF-INSURANCE RESERVE °FY88 DEBT SERVICE PAYMENT TOTAL AMOUNT REQUIRED FOR NENANA LOAN 9641/748/1 Date August 1987 August 1987 August 1987 September 1987 September 1987 August 1988 September 1988 Amount $2,765,100 601,200 500 ,000 2,262,675 $6,128 ,975 (5,805 ,600) $ 323,375 560 ,000 1,816,625 $ 2,700,000 EXHIBIT A ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY LETTER CF TRANSMITTAL 334 West 5th Avenue, 2nd Floor Anchorage, Alaska 99501 OATE ie NO. (907) 276-0001 (907) 277-7641 ATTENTION Margie Odland RE Quinhagak To _ Attorney General's Office P.O.Box K Juneau, Ak. 99811 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU [ Attached OC Under separate cover via... _—~—_———_sthe following items: O Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples O Specifications O Copy of letter O Change order oO COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Draft 3-party agreement L THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: DO For approval 0 Approved as submitted O Resubmit__________ copies for approval 4) For your use 0 Approved as noted O Submit_________ copies for distribution DO As requested O Returned for corrections O Return_______ corrected prints O For review and comment & 0 FOR BIDS DUE —___________19_______] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ? REMARKS _Please note that this is a draft. A few changes are forthcoming to the Hold Harmless clause and probably also to a few other sections. However, the general content of the contract is not likely to change eignificantly, unless DOA declines to acfe pt the concemt. Please call me, if you have any questions. COPY TO / SIGNED: [tu [y ea If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Peter "87 JUL 24 «M1042 Ma‘am; The Quinhag is officially aQwer Authority to come in and help the cit y cone to a mutually agree able nt for the upgre g af the averhead ele trifi ion and bringing it into utilization as requ Joon the July P87 Ouinhag City Regular ting. August 10, 1987 Mr. Larry D, Strunk City Administrator City of Quinhagak General Delivery Quinhagak, Alaska 99655 Subject: Draft Three-Party Project Agreement Dear Mr. Strunk: Please find enclosed a draft three-party Project Agreement for the completion and future utilization of the overhead distri- bution system in Quinhagak. Please note that this is a first draft which has been sent to the City of Quinhagak and AVEC concurrently. The draft represents what I believe could be the basis for a future agreement based on my conversations with the parties. Please do not hesitate to suggest changes, additions, deletions or anything else which you may want in the Project Agreement. My initial plan of action provides for the parties to come to an agreement while the present City Council is still in office. Concurrent with contract negotiations, the engineering efforts will be completed and bids on the construction phase solicited. However, no construction contract will be awarded before the new City Council has reviewed and agreed to the final version of the Project Agreement some time after October 4. = Hopefully, that approach will allow us to get the system into use this year while at the same time giving the new City Council a chance to in- fluence the process. As I have previously mentioned to you, Power Authority staff will be happy to come to Quinhagak to discuss this draft Project Agreement with you and the City Council at any time. Please give us a few days notice, if possible, so that our travel plans can be coordinated with other on-going projects. 9883/761/1 rage < If you have any questions or if there is any other way in which we can assist you, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, S be Peter N. Hansen Rural Systems Engineer PNH: tg Enclosure as stated 9883/761/2 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY LETTER JF TRANSMITTAL 334 West 5th Avenue, 2nd Floor Anchorage, Alaska 99501 DATE. 111/87 b he / {of (907) 276-0001 (907) 277-7641 aes Loyd Hodson, General Manager MF Quinhagak TO Alaska Village Electric Coopeaative GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU DC Attached UO Under separate cover via________9_ the following items: O Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples 0 Specifications O Copy of letter O Change order @ Draft Project Agreement COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION he 1 Draft Project Agreement i a ii seca ca an ca THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval O Approved as submitted O Resubmit_________ copies for approval O For your use O Approved as noted O Submit____ copies for distribution O As requested O Returned for corrections O Return ________ corrected prints For review and comment o O FOR BIDS DUE —___________19______( PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS__Yhis Project Agreement was missing from our letter of 8/10/87, I apologize f£ yv inconvenience copy To jf p SIGNED: LOW -l nN If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. April 12, 1988 Larry D. Strunk City Administrator City of Quinhagak General Delivery Quinhagak, AK 99655 Subject: Draft 3-Party Project Agreement Reference: Changes Made After the April 8, 1988 City Council Meeting Dear Mr. Strunk: Please find enclosed two draft 3-party Project Agreements for the completion and future utilization of the overhead distribution system in Quinhagak. Please note that these are drafts only which has been sent to the City of Quinhagak and AVEC concurrently. All changes proposed during the April 8, 1988 City Council meeting have been incorporated and special attention in the ownership version should be paid to Section 8, Article 3, Section C, Articles 3 and 13, and Section D, Article 7. In the lease version changes have been made to Section B, Article 3, Section C, Articles 3 and 14, and Section D, Article 7. If you have any questions or if there is any other way in which we can assist you, please do not hesitate to call. oF hie JA? dy Mev ‘ Peter N. Hansen Rural Systems Engineer PNH/tf Attachments as stated 2355/845/1 April 5, 1988 Mr. Larry Strunk City Administrator City of Quinhagak General Delivery Quinhagak, Alaska 99655 Subject: Draft Three-Party Agreement Dear Mr. Strunk: Please find enclosed 2 draft three-party Project Agreements for the com- pletion and future utilization of the overhead distribution system in Quinhagak. Please note that these are drafts only which have been sent to the City of Quinhagak and Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) concurrently. The drafts represent what I believe could be the basis for a future agreement based on my conversations with the parties. Please do not hesitate to suggest changes, additions, deletions, or anything else which you may want in the final Project Agreement. I have discussed both agreements with AVEC's management and it appears that AVEC has very strong reservations about the lease version while the tem- porary ownership transfer versions appears to be acceptable to AVEC. I quite frankly do not believe that the lease version would provide the City any more benefits than the temporary ownership transfer version. On the contrary, there is a potential that the lease version would subject the City to more liability in case of an accident involving the system. Consequently, I would recommend that the City give serious consideration to the temporary transfer of ownership version. If you have any questions or if there is any other way in which we can assist you, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, We he. ly Peter N. Hansen Rural Systems Engineer PNH: tg Enclosures as stated 2283/D034/1 x August 10, 1987 Mr. Loyd Hodson, General Manager Alaska Village Electric Cooperative 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503-7497 Subject: Draft Three-Party Project Agreement Dear Mr. Hodson: Please find enclosed a draft three-party Project Agreement for the com- pletion and future utilization of the overhead distribution system in Quinhagak. Please note that this is first draft which has been sent to the City of Quinhagak and AVEC concurrently. The draft represents what I believe could be the basis for a future agreement based on my conversations with the parties. Please do not hesitate to suggest changes, additions, deletions or anything else which you may want in the Project Agreement. My initial plan of action provides for the parties to come to an agreement while the present City Council is still in office. Concurrent with con- tract negotiations, the engineering efforts will be completed and bids on the construction phase solicited. However, no construction contract will be awarded before the new City Council has reviewed and agreed to the final version of the Project Agreement some time after October 4. Hopefully, that approach will allow us to get the system into use this year while at the same time giving the new City Council a chance to influence the pro- cess. As I have previously mentioned to you, Power Authority staff will be happy to discuss this draft Project Agreement with you at any time. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, / og ik f Peter N. Hansen Rural Systems Engineer Me IE wa PNH: tg Enclosure as stated 9885/761/1 April 12, 1988 Mr. Mark E. Teitzel Assistant General Manager Alaska Village Native Cooperative 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, AK 99503-7497 Subject: Quinhagak Distribution System Reference: Proposed Changes Resulting from the April 8, 1988 City Council Meeting Dear Mr. Teitzel: Please find below the latest versions of the draft Project Agreements for this project. Please note that a change proposed during our last meeting was requested reversed by the Quinhagak City Council. This change provided for a 7 day review period for the final design; however, in spite of a desire to expedite the process, the council did not feel that it would be capable of responding in 7 days. Consequently, a 14 day review period was requested. Special attention in the ownership version should be paid to Section B, Article 3, Section C, Articles 3 and 13, and Section D, Article 7. In the lease version changes have been made to Section B, Article 3, Section C, Articles 3 and 14, and Section D, Article 7. Please give due consideration to these comments and feel free to contact me with questions and comments, and suggestions at any time. Sincerely, Mi Gide Peter N. Hansen Project Manager PNH/ tf Attachments as stated 2354/845/1 Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 4831 Eagle Street 0 = fecenn Fy Anchorage, Alaska 99503-7497 Stl su (907) 561-1818 tye og 1233 NYY a March 3, 1988 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Alaska Power Authority P.0. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 ATTN: Brent Petrie REFERENCE: Quinhagak Line Agreement Dear Brent: The proposed agreement appears to ignore the problem that the overhead line at Quinhagak is not completed in the sense that not all of the service entrances have been converted to accept an overhead service drop nor have all the service extensions and other required connections and jumpers been completed. This problem needs to be addressed in the agreement. It seems like this would be in the best interest of the village since all of the residential consumers should have an overhead service upon completion of the project. The second major problem is the intent of the agreement to not have the contractor complete the actual connection of the overhead system to each service and to disconnect the URD system. This must be done to insure a smooth transition and a verification of the quality of work. AVEC requests a procedure whereby the contractor would disconnect each incoming URD service and connect each overhead service. A load would thereby be applied to the system and would give some indication that all connections have been made up properly. It is not clear why a 14 day time period is required between completion of the project and transfer of temporary ownership. It seems that both parties would agree that far too much time has already transpired and there is no need to wait another two weeks after the project has been completed. Therefore, it is proposed that the transfer of temporary ownership be made immediately upon completion of the project. In order for AVEC to continue to receive REA loan funds for future service extensions and upgrades that might be required over the next twenty years, it is necessary that these mortgaged facilities remain the property of AVEC until such time the loan amount is retired and an acceptable sales agreement is reached. These facilities cannot be limited to just poles or primary assemblies. Appropriate language has been added to address this requirement. Mr. Brent Petrie March 3, 1988 Page 2 It is also felt that the temporary ownership agreement is much more palatable to REA and is actually in the best interest of the village in terms of liability and for this reason will be the only format to be considered. Finally, it is not clear what will take place in the event that a final design is approved by both the village and AVEC, that it is put out to bid, and the lowest acceptable bid exceeds the funds available. It is felt that something should be added to the agreement to address this contingency. Attached is a list of required clauses or changes. Sincerely yours, Mak & Suds Mark E. Teitzel Assistant General Manager CORRESPO? IDENCE nmiretTRiat er ITION i Mr. Brent Petrie March 3, 1988 Page 3 * Required Clauses or Changes under Section A: ie 6. Perform a detailed review and inspection of the existing site conditions and perform all necessary final engineering design for the completion of the overhead distribution system so that all residential consumers will have an overhead service upon completion of the project. Secure the approval of the other parties for the designs to upgrade and complete the existing overhead distribution system before soliciting bids. Contract with the successful bidder for the upgrade of the previously installed overhead primary distribution system to meet REA specifications in accordance with the final design for this task as produced by the Power Authority and approved by the other parties to this Project Agreement. Contract with the successful bidder for the overhead primary distribution system in accordance with the final design for this task as produced by the Power Authority and approved by the other parties to this Project Agreement. Prior to releasing the contractor from the Project, assure that the Project has been energized for at least 72 hours. Provide a full accounting for the full amount of state grant funds associated with this project. Required Clauses or Changes under Section B: 13 Upon acceptance of this agreement, agree to transfer temporary ownership of the entire system to AVEC immediately upon completion of the project which will occur after each residential consumer in Quinhagak has satifactorily received electrical service for a minimum of 72 hours from an overhead system meeting REA specifications. Provide written approval of the final design within 14 calendar days after comments and suggestions have either been incorporated into the design or addressed in an acceptable manner. Prior to expiration of this agreement, retire the debt owed to REA for distribution facilities added to the overhead distribution system with REA loan funds after transfer of temporary ownership. Required Clauses or Changes under Section C: 1. Provide written approval of the final design within 14 calendar days after comments and suggestions have either been incorporated into the design or addressed in an acceptable manner. Upon acceptance of this agreement, agree to accept temporary ownership of the entire system immediately upon completion of the project which will occur after each residential consumer in Quinhagak has satisfactorily received electrical service for a minimum of 72 hours from an overhead system meeting REA specifications. Mr. Brent Petrie March 3, 1988 Page 4 3. Maintain accurate records of all distribution facilities added with REA load funds after the acceptance of temporary ownership of the overhead distribution system financed by Alaska State grant funds. Continue to own all distribution facilities installed with REA loan funds both prior to and following acceptance of temporary ownership of the overhead distribution system financed by Alaska State Grant Funds. Prior to expiration of the agreement, provide the city with records showing what distribution facilities have been installed with REA loan funds since acceptance of temporary ownership of the overhead distribution system financed by Alaska State Grant Funds and the outstanding loan balance. Required Clauses or Changes under Section D: 1. 2. All project meetings following acceptance of this agreement will be held in Quinhagak unless a different location can be mutually agreed upon. It is agreed by the parties to this agreement that any facilities which are installed by AVEC using REA loan funds shall remain the property of AVEC until such time that the debt is retired. This will include the meters at time of transfer and will not be limited in any way. It shall be made known to the Alaska Public Utilities Commission that prior to June 26, 2009, the temporary ownership of that portion of the distribu- tion system in Quinhagak financed by state grant funds shall automatically be transferred to that entity, which holds the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the distribution and sale of power in Quinhagak. Consequently, AVEC's temporary ownership of that portion of the distribution system in Quinhagak financed by state grant funds shall not adversely affect the City's effort to obtain, through legal means, a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the distribution and sale of power in Quinhagak. Effective at the end of June 26, 2009, AVEC's temporary ownership of that portion of the distribution system in Quinhagak financed by state grant funds is automatically terminated. That portion of the distribution system in Quinhagak owned by AVEC prior to acceptance of this agreement and that portion of the distribution system in Quinhagak installed after acceptance of this agreement with REA loan funds will remain the ownership of AVEC until such time as the REA debt is retired and an acceptable sale agreement is executed. STATE OF ALASKA / ==" DEPARTMENT OF LAW O 1031 W 4th AVENUE SUITE 200 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501-1994 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL PHONE: (907) 276-3550 © 1st NATIONAL CENTER 100 CUSHMAN ST. SUITE 400 FAIRBANKS, ALASKA 99701-4679 February 1, 1988 (P.O. BOX K-STATE CAPITOL RECEIVED BY JUNEAU, ALASKA 99811-0300 ALASKA POWER AuTeS PHONE: (907) 465-3600 Mr. Jerry Larson 88 FEB -3 Pt :44 Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Re: Quinhagak overhead system Dear Mr. Larson: This is to confirm our telephone conversation of last week during which I advised that the state would not object to a temporary transfer of the ownership of the City of Quinhagak's overhead system to AVEC if such a term was part of the project agreement anticipated to be finalized shortly. For the purposes of the project agreement, and with the goal of the original grant monies being to provide electricity to the residents of Quinhag- ak, the temporary transfer of ownership may be regarded as a long-term lease which will not be violative of the grant agree- ment between the City of Quinhagak and the Department of Adminis- tration. The "project agreement,'' to which I am referring in this letter is the draft agreement, dated September 18, 1987, which was sent to me from Peter N. Hansen. After talking to you, I called Larry Strunk, City Administrator for Quinhagak, and ad- vised him of the state's position. I further informed you and Larry Strunk that this of- fice would not interfere or advise as to other terms in the agreement made between Quinhagak and AVEC, such as Quinhagak's interest in a right-of-first-refusal clause, price to be paid for the temporaray transfer of ownership, or similar terms which are matters to be determined and negotiated by the contracting par- ties. However, I would certainly be available to look over terms which you believe may affect the state's interest in the contract. 03-C5LH Mr. Jerry Larson February 1, 1988 Alaska Power Authority Page #2 Re: Quinhagak overhead system Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need fur- ther assistance in this matter. Good luck with everything. Sincerely yours, GRACE BERG SCHAIBLE ATTORNEY GENERAL By: supp ter K Ohba en € Marjofie L. Odland Assistant Attorney General MLO/pjg cc: Keith Gilmore Dept. of Administration Larry Strunk City Administrator City of Quinhagak ‘ Atask Pee AUTHORITY ts. ia Sharp, Mayor ‘e8 MAR 21 PI2 City of Quinhagak _ General Delivery © ~ inne Alaska 99655 gaa of RE: Quinhagak High School Transformers Dear Mayor Sharp: _ Following is the sequence of events known to AVEC regarding three 25 KVA. pol lemount transformers presently in service at Quinhagak providing electric cal service to the Quinhagak High School. Joe Sullivan from the Lower Kuskokwim School District contacted AVEC and requested that the electrical service to the high school at Quinhagak — be converted from its then existing underground configuration to an overhead configuration. f ‘a fe nformed the LKSD that substantial monies had already been expended by ting underground service was adequate and that the LKSD would be. ired to pay for the cost of supplying and delivering the required overhead transformers to AVEC in Quinhagak and be responsible for converting their service to accept an pverheass drop if they desired a. change in their service. { The I sD agreed with the conditions required to obtain an overhead service _ to he High School in Quinhagak. f The LKSD notified AVEC that a Purchase Order had been issued to the Quinhagak IRA Council for purchase of three polemount transformers. AVEC dispatched a construction crew to Quinhagak. During the installation of the new overhead service, the construction crew was stopped by someone in. -Quinhagak with a report that the LKSD had not yet actually paid for the transformers. The LKSD was notified of the work stoppage. 0 supply and install the then existing underground service, that the tified AVE 1 been com and use truction crew vd connected converted. his project ol in Quinhage debits or any fund Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503-7497 (907) 561-1818 May 2, 1988 RECE! Y ALASKA ECeIVED BY ' Mr. Peter N. Hansen * ‘ Project Manager 88 MAY -3 ANI ‘25 Alaska Power Authority P.0. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 SUBJECT: Quinhagak Distribution System REFERENCE: Review of Latest Agreement Dear Mr. Hansen: We have reviewed the latest version of the draft project agreements for this project. The temporary ownership version is still felt to be advanta- geous to all parties involved. Our only concern regarding the latest version involves Section D, Article 4, Declaration of Cooperat ton. The location of the meetings should either alternate between Quinhagak and Anchorage or follow the same schedule as set forth in the lease agreement version rather than being held solely in Quinhagak. If the City can accept this change for the temporary ownership, agreement appears to be suitable for signature. Sincerely yours, Wier 6 SEL Mark E. Teitzel Manager, Engineering RECEIVED BY 519-0869 ALASKE Ref: Addition to 55 ion C of 7 emagr fPy 22 AM Ownership Hansen, The public meeting on the 19th of April with the vill ion, Moravian Church and IRA Council ga their of the Transfer of Ownership version of the ction for AV pproval greement, with only an addition of as follows: ction C. 14. To submit plans for expansion of the overhead to the City Council, GQanirtuug Inc., and or Quinhagak Moravian Church for review and comments for not le than 14 days from receiving documents. If no comments returned with ft prescribed time, it will be viewed an approval. and I mentione this to Lloyd Hodson by phone on 4/ he seemed \ tle to the request. Also, when can we be reimbursed for the survey of the poles Enclosed are copies of the invoices we received and 2aid from Alaska Consulting Surveyors. This is the time of year that we have cash flow problems. Thank you for your help. I think we are almost there. Lacy D. Strunk City Administrator