HomeMy WebLinkAboutNew Stuyahok Waste Heat Correspondence Memos 1991 A Fax From The Alaska Ener. Author: ‘A Publia Corporation of tha Dieta af Akan . Reveatat 1 har choek” BooteSboe Diener , are aos ° yor He ee Bene et Fc Anchaage, AK 99519-0869 Afain Telephone Number (907) Sé62-7877 Fax Nuwsber: (907) 551-8584 ; 2 UPE-VPEL # of Pages Sent. Teka a) Date Fax Sere. Ur you done rgcatee ot a spie fers felpaoe alt: TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT **k COUNT ** # 2 we SEND kK T NO REMOTE STATION I.D. | T j START TIME DURATION #PAGES CCITT G3 4- 1-93 13:35 1°59" 2 COMMENT | | | oat | TOTAL 0:01'538" 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 Sy I™N ay —— Deas ss a eee Lig. fe? thew) A Fax From The A nergy A i A i P.O. Bax 190869 701 East Tudor 2nd Floor Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Anchorage, AK 99503 Main Telephone Number (907) 561-7877 Fax Number: (907) 561-8584 Deliver Fax to: Company Name: Q2veS Company Address: 7 Fax Phone #: 6S3 -3/é3 ; Sender: Siew Shane Sender's Phone # I _47§ - 7677 # of Pages Sent: aX Date Fax Sent: / | <(¢ 3_ amar Me come show Um en ste SLE em ot SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO FAX RECIPIENT: Pier. CoLX wh, / fA Cer GE yt RADIAE < "2 PENTIAL Te “1 v Ar /A_ ~ Brwr State of Alaska Walter J *.cxel Governor Alaska Energy Authority YF olic Corparc June 10, 1991 Mr. Martin Myhre Business Manager Southwest Region Schools P.O. Box 90 Dillingham, AK. 99576 yor RE: Togiak, New Stuyahok Waste heat Projects Dear Martin: A refund check for $5,514.61 for Togiak and New Stuyahok waste heat projects is enclosed. for the delay in processing. Please accept my apologies - I am also enclosing two copies each of the Energy Authority’s Notice of Project Completion form for your signature and notary. Please sign and return them to us, and we’ll send you fully executed copies after we’ve processed them here. We have enjoyed working with you on these projects. Sincerely, Is eye We Pat Woodell Development Specialist Enclosures as stated FN:myhr\plw PO. Box AM Juneau. Alaska 99814 (907) 465-3575 {5 PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Neo veers otter the dot of inwve per AS 3705 180 STATE OF KA . DATE OF ISSUE TREASURY WARRANT ‘ 0S 33 93. 89-52/1252 NO. 22612539 MO DAY YR $57 514-61 PAY |G xxrnencneS2 516061 TO THE ORDER OF 08137 22612539 22699274 SOUTHWEST REGICN SCHOOLS wwe n—PeCe BCX YO CILLINGHAM ak 99576-0000 meecGeesaqe 25200523 8 §=226%25399G0 REMITTANCE ADVICE - STATE OF ALASKA TREASURY WARRANT - NOT NEGOTIABLE <9, No. 22699274 WARRANTNO. MO DAY YR VENDOR VENDOR ID 22612539 05 31 91 SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOLS SRSB84323 STATE OFFICE PHONE DOCUMENT AMOUNT PAID OON WHELAN ACCT III 907 561-7877 A04450500649 $5251406) TYPE REFERENCE NUMBER DATE COMMENTS AMOUNT JOB 81826902 OS 30 $1 TOTAL COST TOGIAK W/H PRY 36? 866-70 JOB 81826905 OS 30 $1 TOTAL COST NEW STUYAHOK WH PRJ 7618069 INV SWRSO REFUND OS 30 91 SURPLUS FUNDING RETURNED SWRSD S2-S14061 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN3 05730791 SUMMARY OF PROJECT FUNDING PROVIDED TO AEA BY THE SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEMS IN THE COMMUNITIES OF TOGIAK AND NEW STUYAHOK: PROJECT FUNOING RECV FYB7 WTR RR nne nme nee $257000-00 PROJECT FUNDING RECV Free STK Semen eenenanen ne 257000¢e00 LESS COST OF TOGIAKk PRY corer enrnnwnnmanw= $367 866070 LESS COST OF NEW STUYAHOK PRI ws3wecesce 79618069 TOTAL CCST ADMINISTERED THRU AEA rte tes eeecens (442485039) NET OF PROJECT FUNDING RETURNED TO SWRSD enwsenne meerewnn-$ 5951406) MAKE INQUIRIES ABOUT PAYMENT TO OFFICE LISTED ABOVE MEMORANDUM State of Alaska TO: Don Whelan DATE: May 3, 1991 Accountant FILE NO: PHONE NO: THRU: SUBJECT: Togiak and New Stuyahok Waste Heat F Dave Denig-Chakroff irector, Rural Programs This memo is in reference to our recent correspondence with the Southwest Region School District and your May 2 memo to Pat on closing out the Togiak and New Stuyahok waste heat projects. | recognize that everyone has worked very hard to identify all of the costs associated with these projects--a difficult task at best considering the environment in which we were operating at the time they were underway. As your May 2 memo points out, indirect costs were not consistently applied through out that period, a fact that makes it difficult--even today--to determine what they should have been in 1989. It is my preference that staff not devote any additional time to identifying costs that might have been associated with these projects. In doing so, we would only add costs to the projects, while taking away time that we need to spend on current activities. In addition, we have already told the School District, in writing, what the project costs would be, and | do not wish to go back on that commitment. With this in mind, | would like to request that you close out the Togiak and New Stuyahok accounting files using the summary that you prepared in May 1990. Please issue a check for $5,514.61 to the Southwest Region School District and send it to Pat. We’ll prepare Notices of Project Completion to send along with the check and a cover letter reconfirming our understanding of the billing and refund. Thanks for your assistance. ce: Jack Templeton Pat Woodell April 4, 1991 qW Mr. Martin Myhre Business Manager Southwest Region Schools P.O. Box 90 \ Dillingham, AK. 99576 U\A RE: Togiak Waste Heat Project oo New Stuyahok Waste Heat Project Dear Martin: After our discussion about closing out these two projects last week, | reviewed accounting records with our staff. We came up with the cost summary on the attached page, which includes all of the costs specifically documented to these projects in the state accounting system (AKSAS). As | mentioned on the phone, there may have been additional costs, but we were not able to identify them because they were charged to general accounts rather than specifically to the two projects. During our telephone conversation, we attempted to reconstruct@q the School District/AEA purchasing relationship for the projects. You mentioned that you were certain that you had purchased waste heat pipe, but were unsure about heat exchangers, foam packs, and so forth. After reviewing project files, it seems clear to me that a majority of the materials purchases were invoiced directly to the School District. There is an April 1988 letter from Peter Hansen to you requesting that you order and ship waste heat pipe to the Energy Authority to replace AEA inventory that was used for the Tokiak, New Stuyahok and Clarks Point projects. It appears that waste heat pipe materials were received by the Energy Authority later that summer and that SWRSD was invoiced by Daningi. | can’t be certain from the records whether this was the original waste heat pipe purchase for the projects or this was the replacement purchase. | would appreciate knowing what your records show. As you can see from the attached summary, Energy Authority records document some contractor expenses that we incurred directly. The largest of these is for the Tranter heat. exchanger that was installed in Togiak. Please review this summary of charges and let me know if they concur with your recollection of how project billings were handled. Our records show that you advanced us $25,000 on June 22, 1987 and another $25,000 on June 15, 1988. After deducting all of our combined costs for both projects, we show a refund balance of $5,514.61. We are prepared to refund you this amount, unless your records show some differences on how the waste heat pipe replacement was handled. We certainly apologize for the delay in closing out these two projects. | am certain that the billings for Clarks Point and Manokotak will go more smoothly. For your information, Steven Stassel on our staff is the engineering contact for questions concerning waste heat projects. Sincerely, Pat Woodell Development Specialist Enclosure as stated FN:togstuy\piw Togiak and New Stuyahok Waste Heat Projects Expense Category Personal Services Travel & Per Diem Misc. Office Exp. Contractual Tranter Heat Exch. Northland-Frt. Misc. Frt. Charges Photo Processing Personal Gear Van Waters--Glycol Ak. Pipe & Supply Misc. Vendors-Mtrl. Ak. Steel-Mtrl. TOTALS Total Revenues Received June 22, 1987 June 15, 1988 Balance Due SWRSD Summary of Expenditures (May 11, 1990) Togiak ($) 12,060.04 1,116.31 418.18 11,963.00 6,081.94 157.50 1,474.00 2,950.59 296.89 348.25 36,866.70 New Stuyahok ($) 6,293.54 1,101.48 147.12 20.57 55.98 7,618.69 Total i) 18,353.58 2,217.79 565.30 11,963.00 6,081.94 157.50 20.57 55.98 1,474.00 2,950.59 296.89 348.25 44,485.39 25,000.00 25,000.00 5,514.61 Southwest Region Schools \ P.O. Box 90 ° Dillingham, Alaska 99576 Phone (907) 842-5287 3 (sS RECEIVED APR 78 1991 Pat Woodell, Development SpaskaEheeoy Authority Alaska Energy Authority P. O. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage AK 99519-0869 April 16, 1991 Dear Pat: I have reviewed your letter of April 8, 1991 on the Togiak Waste Heat Project and the New Stuyahok Waste Heat Project. Your cost summary appears reasonable and we look forward to closing these projects for a total A. E. A. cost of $44,485.39. Our records indicate that the Togiak Waste Heat pipe was originally drawn from your inventory to allow the project to proceed prior to the fishing season while the pipe was in transit from the manufacturer. The District appreciates the services received on these two projects. Respectfully, ~ZZZ Martin*Myhre Business Manager MM: yz From: DWhelanzsAnch:AEA Fos PATW @ Supj: TOGIAK/NEW STUYAHOK CUNFIRMATION "080" CLOSEOUT S/2/91 REF: OUR DISCUSS1UMN GF 4/30/91, REGARDING YOUR PHONE CUNVERSATIUN WITH THE SOUTHWEST REGIUN SCHOOL DISTRICT. RE: CLUSEGUT OF TUGIAK AND NEW STUYAHUK WASTE HEAT FRUJCLIS. MLEASE FURWARD A WRITTEN CUNFIRKMALLON/AUTHURTIZATION FO RPRUCECD whim tric PINAL SUMMARY AND CLOSEUUT UF Trt TOGIAK AND NEW SIUYAROK W/H RKUJECIS. i wOULD ASK UNECE HAGAN THAT YOU CONSIDER THE AMOUNT UF FERSUMIL ShRKVILCS CHARGED TO THE PROJECTS, ESPECIALLY InN LIGHT Gr THE F/S CHARGES ReCURDED DURING THE SAME FERIOD OF Time 10 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Ur THe wisic HEAT PROGRAM. I7VE INCLUDED A SUMMARY (RELGW) GF PERSONAL SERVILES AND ALLUCATION RATLUS CHARGED TO LC’s 81826902 (TUGIAK) AND 81626905 (Ncw STUY@HUK) IN RELATION TU THOSE CHARGED TO GENERAL ADMINISTRATION OF Tre WASTE HEAT PROGRAMS DURING THE SAME FPERIUD OF Time: HE HEHEHE HEHE IE IE HEE HIE HE IE IE HEE HE IE TE FEE TE IE IE TE HE IE HE IE HIE FE IE IE FE FE IE IE IE HE IC TE FE HE FE FEE TE FETE TE TERETE OIE EE RE PROJECT Site DiReCT InDikeECT TOTAL NUN F/5 DESCRIP IT LONS ALLOC F/S (ALLOC F/S) (ALLUCATiONS) FEIT IIE EE FEE FE OIE TOGIAK W/HEAT 10,641. 84* #,303.55 = 21.6% 461.15 = 4.3% NEW STUYAHOK WH 2,341. 42* 1,245.20 = 53.2% NONE (27?) **GEN ADMIN W/HE® 4/88 - THRU FY89 42,947.67%* 30,997.84 72.2% 20,924.78 = 48.7% FY90 28,139.79 5,389.66 19.2% 13,999.13 = 49.8% 2933 3 EGE IEEE IEEE EIEIO IEEE IEEE HE (*) NOTE THAT THESE "ASSUMED" DIRECT P/S CHARGES REPRESENT PRE-FY31 FPAYRULL. FY89 & FYIO PAYROLL WAS HANDLED IN A DIFFERENT MANNER (eg; DIRECT F/S WAS ALLOCATED Out OF CiF TO A/C’s 71980 & 71990). (**) NEW L/C’S WERE ASSIGNED AND IMPLEMENTED IN APRIL 1988. TRESE CUSIS REPRESENT CHARGES TO GENERAL ADMINISTRATION OF WASTE HEAT FROGRANS FROM APRIL 1988 THRU THE END OF THE RE-APPROPRIATION PERIOD FY89. I wOULD ALSO ASK THAT YOU MAKE REFERENCE IN YOUR MEMO (0 THe ErFrFURT THAT HAS BEEN EXPENDED TO VERIFY THAT ALL AFFLICAKLE PROJECT COSTS (isCLUDING ALLOCATIONS OUT OF INVENTURY) HAVE BEEN "REASONABLY" REFLECT<D iN AKSHS. TEMPLE TON stu Yihe itor], EC and Power € Dear Mr. Hsdson On 4/5/89 Power Authority statt made an unscheduled inssecticn a+ the waste heat system in Kaltag, and it was discavered that oniy = sma.! amount of heat was seing delivered to the schoo! as the day- pass lime around the AMOT valve in the heat recovery maduie hac seen opened cs AVE Dan Johnson this had been done t of rtment statt’ was made with Mr. John of you ssue and assured aur that stcococ the work oarder ag ta ent tha this iine was openec New % that asa y was due t n AMO vae.ve staff discussed the issue with AVEC 2id Mechanic ald stat that the by-pass {ine had seen opened ir & work order issued by Mr. Mark Teit It s af ts us that the waste heat systems in t communities nue to function as designed as ostantia! investments have gone ints these systems. Unforte e@iy i appears that on systems installed on AVEC taci! ities pr ems oft the kind described above are quite comman. Please note that we nave not experienced any such probiems on non-AVEC systems in spite af that fact that we have designed and installed systems in some of the least maintenance capable non-AVEC communities in the state. The Power Authority continues to set requests trom AVEC as we!) as non-AVEC villages far teasibility analysis and/or insta!latian o¢ waste heat systems. With the operating conditions experienced in AVEC communities recent!y, it would be necessary ta take ints accounts, anc to make it clear to any community !ooking to invest its maney in a waste heat system, that similar situations cuic Seen in new installations. in order tor any future systems in ui :¢ you have any questions cr if you would like tc ssue further, please <¢o not hesitate to contact me Sincerely; Brent N. Petrie Directsr ot Agency Operations bo Southwest Region Schools % P.O. Box 3196 2 Dillingham, Alaska 99576 Phone (907) 842-5287 sg aS January 22, 1988 RECE! ALASKA OREO BY ape 88 JAN 26 «10:27 Peter Hanson Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519 Dear Mr. Hanson: Southwest Region Schools requests technical assistance to install a waste heat system in New Stuyahok during this coming summer. The school district has $250,000 available for the project and can make avail- able an experienced plumber to provide on site supervision and assistance during installation. The district can also provide purchasing services if technical specifications are provided. Heavy equipment needed for installing the waste heat lines are available in the village. Please let us know about the availability of technical assistance and the steps needed to be taken to implement the process. Respectfully, SA & 7 John Anttonen Superintendent JR/rs 64705788 15:3! 8 907 8425251 8425295 NUSH9®9K CO OPS o1 NUSHAGAK ELECTRIC CO-OPERATIVE, INC. P.0. BOX 350 TELEPHONE (907) 842-5251 DILLINGHAM, ALASKA 99576 * * TELECOPIER (907) 842-2799 * * ALASKA Telecopy Transmittal Sheet Shoei L g from Canon FAX-610) basta AOA =s Attn? Le LO Re aaa FAX Number: SG¢/- BSES No. Pages: 7 DATE: z. ks f PF TIME: 3 13 Oar FROM: SSR ER AL a. Zl AL oti La A-t-0—og 1 THERE ARE ANY PROBLEMS WITH THIS VWRANSMISSION, PLEASE CALL: (907) 842-5281 OR (907) 842-5295 O4/85/788 15:31 @ 307 8425251 8425295 NUSHO&9K CO OPS 62 NEW STUYAHOK WASTE HEAT AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into this 7 A day of ’ pide c ; 1988 between the SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT (the Ustrict) and the ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY (the Power Authority) to outline the responsibilities of the parties involved and the procedures to be followed in connection with delivery of certain materials for the New Stuyahok Waste Heat Recepture Project, hereafter called “the Projece”. The Power Authority will: 1. Ship the Brown Boveri arctic pipe needed for the project on Northland Barge from Anchorage on April ll, 1988. ARTICLE B. SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT COVENANTS: The District will: l. Replace the arctic pipe shipped to New Stuyahok before July 1, 1988. The replacement pipe will be shipped f.o0.b. the Power Authority's warehouse, in Eagle River, Alaska. 2. In lieu of replacement of the pipe as outlined in Article Cc. Section 1, pay the Power Authority for the pipe according to the Power Authority's cost for this pipe F.0.B Anchorage with a 50% mark-up for time and expenses involved with the procurement. ARTICLE C MUTUAL COVENANTS: The Power Authority and the District agree to the following: 1. Hold Harmless Agreement It is recognized by the parties to this Agreement that the Power Authority has no economic interest in this Project. Thus the District agrees to hold the Power Authority harmless for any and @ll claims against the Power Authority for actions in connection with this Project, unless sucn claims are caused by willful 4785/88 15:3? & 907 8425251 8425295 NUSHOROK CO OPS negligence on behalf of the Power Authority. 2. Assignment of Authority The District hereby assign to the Power Authority full authority over all decisions in connection with selection and shipment of the arctic pipe. 3. Declaration of Cooperation The parties to this Agreement agree to make every responsive and cooperative effort possible in order to make shipment of the arctic pipe on the barge which leaves Anchorage on April ll, 1988, 4. Limitations to Power Authority Expenses Unless otherwise approved by the Power Authority Board of Directors, the Power Authority will not expend more than $1,000 on this Project. Funds provided by the Power Authority can only be spent on Power Authority staff's salaries. travel expenses, per diems etc. Under no circumstances will the Power Authority reimburse the district for any services or materials procured for this Project er for any legal expenses incurred in connection with this Project. This Agreement has been reviewed, agreed to, and executed by the following parties: Alaska Power Authority ene teet ere re ae ret bn en ere Robert E. LeResche Date Executive Director Approved: Assistant Attorney General Date STATE OF ALASKA ) SS. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this — == day of oo 1988. by Robert E. LeResche, the Executive Director of the Alaska Power Authority, an Alaskan Corporation, on behalf of the corporation. 04765788 15:37 @ 987 8425251 8425295 NUSH®*29K CO OPS a4 Notary Public, State of Alaska My commission expires: iin fh thwest Region School District 5 ae YGF ~BR endent t “pate STATE OF ALASKA ) THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) - th The foregoing Agreement was cia ledged before ma this 9 day of pink + 1988, ye Le Antlenen + Superintendent for the Southwest Region Geaoae District. We L Ke Cer Notary Publics State of Alaske M - - . s Prals/oo y commission expires: /A/s ZL 64/85/88 15:33 & 907 8425251 6425295 NUSHAGAK CO OPS CLARKS POINT WASTE HEAT AGREEMENT this Agreement is entered into this day of — , 1988 between the SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT (the District) and the ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY (the Power Authority) to outline the responsibilities of the parties involved and the procedures to be followed in connection with delivery of certain materials for the Clarks Point Waste Heat Recapture Project, hereafter called "the Project". ARTICLE A. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY COVENANTS: The Power Authority will: l. Ship the Brown Boveri arctic pipe needed for the project on Northland Barge from Anchorage on April ll, 1988. ARTICLE B. SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT COVENANTS: The District will: 1. Replace the arctic pipe shipped to Clarks Point before July 1, 1988. The replacement pipe will be shipped f.o.b. the Power Authority's warehouse, in Eagle River. Alaska. 2. In lieu of replacement of the pipe as outlined in Article C¢, Section 1, pay the Power Authority for the pipe according to the Power Authority's cost for this pipe F.Q.B Anchorage with a 50% mark-up for time and expenses involved with the procurement. ARTICLE C.- MUTUAL COVENANTS: The Power Authority and the District agree to the following: l. Hold Harmless Agreement It is recognized by the parties to this Agreement that the Power Authority has no economic interest in this Project. Thus the District agrees to hold the Power Authority harmless for any and @ll claims against the Power Authority for actions in connection es 64/85/88 15:33 & 907 8425251 8425295 NUSHAGAK CO OPS with this Project, unless such claims are caused by willful negligence on behalf of the Power Authority. 2. Assignment of Authority The District hereby assign to the Power Authority full authority ever all decisions in connection with selection and shipment of the arctic pipe. 3. Declaration of Cooperation The parties to this Agreement agree to make every responsive and cooperative effort possible in order to make shipment of the arctic pipe on the barge which leaves Anchorage on April iil, 1988. 4. Limitations to Power Authority Expenses Unless otherwise approved by the Power Authority Board of Directors, the Power Authority will not expend more than $1,000 on this Project. Funds provided by the Power Authority can only be spent on Power Authority staff's salaries, travel expenses, per diems etc. Under no circumstances will the Power Authority reimburse the district for any services or materials procured for this Project or for any legal expenses incurred in connection with this Project. This Agreement has been reviewed, agreed to, and executed by the following parties: Alaska Power Authority Robert E. LeResche Date Executive Director Approved: Assistant Attorney General ~~ pate STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this 66 64785788 15:34 & 907 8425251 8425295 NUSHOROK CO OPS a7 day of oy) (1988. by Robert E. LeResche, tne Executive Director of the Alaska Power Authority, an Alaskan Corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public, State of Alaska My commission expires: @ Southwest Region School District 4-539 perintendent C ~ Date STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foragoin Agreement was acknowledged before me this 5h day of ~Aeast eae 1» 1988, by obn Antteonen - Superintendent for the Solithwest Region School District. . ; re) ; Kena (A oher 7 Notary Public, Stare of Alaske My commission expires: /2/f/e Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503-7497 KRcIVEN R (907) 561-1818 Y August 2, 1988 “38 «AUG 4 P12 :43 Mr. Peter N. Hansen State of Alaska Alaska Power Authority P.0. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 RE: Review Comments on Draft Design for New Stuyahok Waste Heat Project Dear Peter: It is requested that the following modifications be made to the piping schematic. 1. For Unit #1, pipe the heat exchanger in series with radiator #1 and use the existing valves to completely bypass all of the engine coolant flow around the existing AMOT valve. the coolant upon leaving engine #1 would flow first through the heat exchanger and then through radiator #1 and then return to the engine. Delete the proposed AMOT valve for Engine #2 and #3 and change the piping so that the heat exchanger and radiator are in a series path. The coolant upon leaving Engine #2 or #3 would flow first through the heat exchanger and then through radiator #2 and then return to the engine. Install a bypass line with valve so the heat exchanger can be completely bypassed in the event of a freeze up or core failure. Install a bypass line with valve between cooling system #1 and #2 so that under emergency conditions, Engine #1 could be cooled by radiator #2 or Engine #2 and #3 could be cooled by radiator #1. Size the piping to properly accommodate a future LTA 10 in Position #3 with a maximum cooling system restriction of 5 PSI at 90 gpm. Install] the Volkmann variable speed drive thermocouple sensor in the engine coolant outlet lines so they sense the temperature of the coolant leaving the engine. Mr. Peter Hansen August 2, 1988 Page 2 Ts cc: Install a small circulating pump for Engine #1 which will circulate flow through the heat exchanger and back to Engine #1 in order to keep it warm when either Engine #2 or #3 are on line. Install a small circulating pump for Engine #2 and #3 which will circulate flow through the heat exchanger and back to Engine #2 and #3 in order to keep them warm when Engine #1 is on line. Sincerely yours, Vet 6 SeRsh Mark E. Teitzel Manager, Engineering Dave Biegel Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503-7497 RECEIVEL (907) 561-1818 \LASKA "88 AUS P2:35 August 18, 1988 88 19 Mr. Peter Hansen Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 RE: New Stuyahak Waste Heat Dear Peter: Dave Biegel has completed the engineering associated with the installation of the remote radiator cooling system in conjunction with work to be performed by the Alaska Power Authority. Attached is a copy of his field notes which outline the responsibilities of both parties. Please review these notes and let me know if there are any misunderstandings or areas where additional clarification is required. It is understood that the APA will be supplying one Young HC22D2Q remote radiator equipped with a high efficiency 2 H.P. nominal 1200 RPM motor equipped with Arctic grade lubrication and a strip heater. A full sized bypass should be installed around the proposed Amot with the necessary valves to completely bypass the unit should any maintenance or valve replacement be required. Sincerely yours, Mak ¢ Sf Mark E. Teitzel Manager, Engineering MET/cl Attachment cc: Dave Biegel hes C ¢ WORK ORDER 64G022--Install a remote radiater ip position &. New Stuyahok oO. Engineering highly recemmends that work erders 646014, S4G016A, 646020, 646021, 646022, 64M116, 64M145, 64MiS0, S4G1X7, and 64G1X8 be completed simultaneously. This will save AVEC thousands of dollars in travel costs and material reorcer costs. These work orders should not be started until the control canel is completely assembled by O&M in the AVEC shoo. In the past, many extra trips te the field have occurred because the construction crew could not continue work when a control panel was nat avail- able, 1.@. Shishmaref, Mountain Village, Emmonak, Kaltaq, Wales, Shaktoolik, Savoonga, Grayling, and Nulate. 64G016--Install LTA-iO in Fosition 3 64G016A--Install Contrel Section for position 3 64G020-—-Install Control Section for position i 64G021--Install Control section for position 2 646022-—Inetall remote radiator for position = 64M116—-—-Install Diamond Flate Floor in Fower Flant 64M145-—-Replace daytank room window 54M150--W.0.D. 646017 (install AC 11000, pos. 1) 64G1X7--Retire old control panels for position 1 S4G1X8--Retire old contral panels for position 2 i. Read the contents of the field folder and review the work order package, prints and material with Engineering before leaving the Anchorage office for the field. 2. Inventory material in the field and notify the office af any missing or additional material required as soon as possible. Verify all given dimensions in the field prior ta the start of work. ZS. All new building wiring shall be installed in E.M.T. unless specified otherwise. Liquid-tight flex is used outside or inside only in short runs to vibrating equipment from & neerby jJ~box. 4. Alaska Power Authority will be installing the second remote radiator at the New Stuyahok plant and all> ‘the associated piping for connecting the engines in positions 2 and 3. The AFA project is headed by Feter Hansen. AVEC will be responsible for all of the electrical wiring associated with the radiator, the volkman variable speed electric drive and accessories, the high water jevel shutdown, and running conduit and wire to the engine circu- lating pump switches. These notes define the work required by AVEC construction workers. i 5. Remave the engine-mounted radiator from the LTA io and all accessories associated with the radiator. Install the guard over the moving parts on the front of the engine. At this point, the new LTA 10 should be installed in position three according to W.O0. <4 é 646016, and the cantrol panel installed on W.d. S54G6016A, 646020, and 646622. Crate the radiator and all accessories. Label “CREDIT W.O. 646016", and ship to Anchorage according to instrucy tions from logistics. &. GENES Reser therradiator “core bolts specified on the radiator. If this is not done, the radiator will develop leaks from the restrained thermal expansion. Blaska Fower Authority should install a #4 hose vent line from the upper engine coolant eystem outlet (at the top af the aftercooler return tube) to a tee installed at the top of the low water level switch at the expan- sion tank. 7. Insure that the thermocouple probes are installed according to the AFA design. The probes should sense the engine outlet temper ‘ature of the coolant. aPA should inetall a hose from the expany sion tank overflow tube to a bucket on the floor. Wher abbothe» -cnolina system components are installed, AFA should ill “the system with 60% gliycol-40% water mixture antifreeze, insure that the automatic air eliminators are in place and working properly, and fix any leaks. IMPORTANT! ! $-—-~WHEN | FILLING, DETERMINE THE “ACTUBL VOLUME OF COOLANT IN THE ENTIRE FRIMARY SIDE OF THE SYSTEM (AND REPORT THIS INFORMATION TO JOHN LYONS AND ON THE AS-BUILT PLANT FLANS. This information is needed to calculate the proper amount of inhibitor required for this cooling system. g. Using the Butler building plan view as 4 guide, install the Volkman variable speed drive for pos. 3 in the location shown. Install the remote radiator kill switch weatherproof box, switch, and switch cover outside, near the radiator, opposite the VSD inside. Join the boxes with a 1/2" conduit nipple, locknuts, and plastic insulating bushings. Install one run i/2" Liquid Tite flex from the outside switch box to the radiator motor and the motor strip heater. Install one run i/2" EMT from Variable Speed Drive to the engine gauge panel. 9, The thermocouple prabe wire pairs shall be installed ina conduit separate from the AC wires. Inetall a weatherproof box outside near the thermocouple probe opposite 4 j-box inside. Use 1/2" i.T. flex between the probe and the bax. Use a conduit nipple, locknuts, and insulating bushings to connect through the wall to j-box, and use 1/2" EMT from the j-box to the valkman drive. These conduit connections 4re depicted on the building plan, print 2-64-8000. to. Mount the radiator motor control panel selector ewitch on the side of volkman position Be See the details on 3-44-5018. ii. In i/2" EMT, run two #14 wires from each gauge panel to the volkman drive selector ewitch. The engine running signal needed by the drives wili come from the auxiliary crank disconnect relay cantacts in the speed §& gtch bex. Connect terminal #1 in the speed switch box to terminal #21. Use terminal #20 as the +24 vde “engine running” signal, and terminal #4 as ground (sattery —). AUG | TIELe “4 (See print B-O0-2435). The wiring 3-44-6018. TZ. Install the strin heater thermostat next £o volkman pos. 3. Mount the remote bulb outside soa that it accurately senses the temoerature air temperature. Run 1/2" canduit from the thermostat te the Volkman drive. Use locknuts and insulating bushings. Set the radiator strip heater thermoetat to 49 degrees F. Connect the Volkman to the station service breaker panel with EMT. Connect the wiring to the Volkman as shown on print peoo-1045. rev. =. Use the single-phase, 120/240 volt, 2-horse- power connections. Note the thermocouple probe especial connection instructions. 14. Connect the low water level ewitch on the expansion tank to the original engine low water level shut down terminals. See print 3-00-2452, Use #14 AWG wire in i/2" L.-T. flex. is. Install the direction arrows on the piping near the radiator and enoine inlets and outlets and on major pipe runs to clearly show the direction of flow. ta. Install the valve tags according to the schedule on print 3-44-7009. Call Engineering if you do not have this print, the cooling system schematic for New Stuyahok. Set the valve handles accardingly. Put a plastic laminated cooling system schematic on the wall inside the plant. This is available in engineering. 17. Install the plastic laminate labels on the equipment which they identify according to the following list. They should be clearly visible when installed. ae Install the labels with the 40 degree setpoint near the radiator motor strip heater thermostats. b. “Radiator fan motor shut off switch" for the outdeer kill switch. Ce Place the vent. system t-stat labels and t-stat set point labels near the thermostat. ad. On the control enclosures, attach the ventilation system controls labels. Place the vent. fan labels under the damper opening. e. Flace the “radiator fan motor control panel" labels and position labels on the volkman drives. f. The expansion tank labels and the mixing instructions labels with position labels go near the expansion tanks. g. The het caclant circulating pump and position labels go on the respective pump switches and pumps. h. Attach the radiator labele on their yeepective radiators. is. Install the guards aver the setpoint wheel on the valkman drives. 19. Inetall the 2" angle braces on the ventilation hoods accard- ing to orint F-O0-6010, je shawn in the detail on © . Ff € 20. Replace the wooden blocks that support the piping in position i with framing channel supports. See the details on 3-44-6015 as examples. Bil. Replace the worm-drive hose clamps on the 6851] connectians with the AQ heavy duty band clamps. Also use AQ clamps for the LTA iC connections. Review all drawings, drawing notes, and construction notes any missed items. Complete the remaining construction and installation. Complete the Valkman drive set-up procedure in these notes. Alsa do the following. The set point for the engine outlet temperature will be 300 degrees F. However, we will use the therimna er at the engine outlet as the accurate temperature. Far maple, if the thermometer reads 195 and the Volkman digital readout says 180 then put the digital set point at 200-15 = 185 decrees, or SETPOINT = 200 ~ THERMOMETER_READING + DIGITAL_READ- ING. 24. Complete the engine safety check as outlined on the attached sheet. 25. On the Butler Building Flan, neatly mark the location and dimensions of the plant equipment, including: control panels, ewitchgear, panels, fire suppressicm system equipment, daytank, pumps, engine gauge panels, batteries, charger, etc. REQUIRED FRINTS 27 64-B000 Butler Building Flan -B8205,M-1, rev. 3. Cummins LTA-10 1600 RPM Installation 2-00-1945, rev. 3 Variable Speed Drive Connections 2-00-1070 Wiring Diagrams for Volkman Drives with West-Gulton Controllers 2-O0-1O71 Wiring Diagrams far Volkman Drives with Barber-Coleman Controllers 23 Engine Gauge And Speed Switch 3 Cumming Engine Wiring Diagram JOOLS REQUIRED 1. Conmduit bender. AUG 1 6 1988 ger? Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503-7497 RECEIVED B° (907) 561-1818 SLASKA 88 AUG 26 August 16, 1988 88 AUG 19 P1 Mr. Peter Hansen Alaska Power Authority P.0. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 RE: Review Comments on Draft Design for New Stuyahok Waste Heat Project Dear Peter: In our telephone conversation of August 10, 1988, you expressed concern that the heat rejection of the remote radiator core alone without the fan turning was appreciable and would severely reduce the amount of heat available for the heat exchanger. On this basis it was agreed that the AMOT Valve should be left in the circuit allowing the coolant to bypass the remote radiator if sufficient heat was removed by the heat exchanger. However, a 3/4" bypass is required around the AMOT to prevent thermal shocking of the radiator. It is requested that AVEC be provided with data showing the heat rejection capability of a Young 22D series radiator core without forced air flow under varying ambient air temperatures and typical coolant temperatures. It is also requested that the proposed Cummins LTA 10, planned for Position #3, be piped with a #4 Blue Aeroquip Hose from the engine vent outlet on the after cooler return tube to the top of the expansion tank as specified by Cummins. It is assumed that the APA will supply and install the necessary switches and wiring for the engine block circulating pump. Sincerely yours, Wak ¢ Ike? Mark E. Teitzel Manager, Engineering MET/c1 cc: Dave Biegel “prop -AMOT ate! for Engine #2. Sel #3 and: chang the Bipitg so that the heat exchanger and radiator are in a series path. ~The coolant upon leaving Engine #2 or #3 would flow first through the heat Sas and then through, diator #2 and then return to the engine. : Install a bypa ling: with Valve so the heat exchanger an be eonleiay bypassed in the event of a freeze up or core failure “ Install a bypass ine with valve between cooling system #1 and #2 so that under emergency conditions, Engine #1 could be cooled by radiator #2 or Engine #2. and #3 could be cooled by radiator #1. Size the piping to properly peconaate a future-LTA 10 in Position #3 with a maximum cooling system restriction of 5 PSI at 90 gpm. ~ : Install the Volkmann variable speed drive thermocouple sensor in the engine coolant outlet lines so they sense the temperature of the coolant leaving the engine. ‘circul Pp! } n he heat. exchanger and back when Engine #1 is on line. to Engine August 19, 1988 Mr. Mark E. Teitzel Assistant General Manager Alaska Village Electric Cooperative 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503-7497 Re: Your Letter of 8/2/88 Subject: New Stuyahok Waste Heat Project Design Review Comments Dear Mr. Teitzel: Please find attached a set of revised drawings for the above mentioned project. In reference to your numbered comments, please note the following: 1. In accordance with our phone conversation, the AMOT valve is still incorporated in the design. 2. In accordance with our phone conversation, the AMOT valve is still incorporated in the design. 3. We agree, opening valve no. 2 and closing valves nos. 3, 4, and 11 will bypass the heat exchanger and the AMOT valve on one side of the system. On the other side of the system opening valve no. 21 and closing valves nos. 16, 17, and 19 will do the same thing. 4. We agree. Opening valves nos. 7 and 15 will interconnect the radiators to provide emergency cooling. When this mode of operation is utilized, the Volkman drives should be operated in the "Manual" mode. 5. We agree, the components have been sized accordingly. 6. We agree. 7. a — and will locate the appropriate tap on the engine in the eld. 8. We agree and will locate the appropriate tap on the engine in the field. 3610/899(1) rays ~ I appreciate your expedient review of this design and will keep you informed in reference to construction schedules etc. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Dy f how Yo nin AoUbeter N. Hansen Project Manager PNH:t1j Attachments as stated 3610/899(2) A Stuya Steve \- wag §K 4 Fax From The Alaska Freer; Armthori. A Publis Corpsrstiass of dem Toate of ti icwtes Rewaid A = P.O. Bos 190869 vor BE Me Re oT Fite Anchorage, AK 99319-0862 Anchorage, AX DP9IET Matn Telephone Number (P9@7) 362-7877 Fax Nusmbar: (927) 62-8586 Deliver Fax to: sophie Company Name. SS ae WB es Sry eee Company Address. i Fax Phone # a Sender: Se SH se fT Sendar’s Phone # ese <7 £2? : # of Pages Sevit: Bhs oer Dete Fax Sent. 2 A pom ony eerie ES Leipone oat: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO FAX RECIPIENT: TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT **K COUNT **& # 3 eK SEND KK [no] REMOTE STATION I. 0D. | START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT | | | 86933163 | 3-31-93 16:20 | 2°17" 3 | { 1 { olin —) TOTAL 0:02°17" 3 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 A Fax From The A Energy A i A i P.O. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road, 2nd Floor Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Anchorage, AK 99503 Main Telephone Number (907) 561-7877 Fax Number: (907) 561-8584 Deliver Fax to: 1S; Lveshy Company Name: WRSD— Mer Ske t Company Address: Fax Phone #: G6935—S3/E5 Sender: 2 (o* » SHasse [ Sender's Phone # soe U7y-2 e727 : # of Pages Sent: Y Date Fax Sent: ae Ue ee se ff le cl SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO FAX RECIPIENT: BYPASS N.O. J AMOT 11/2 BOTC 18514 4 (175 THERMOSTAT INSTALLED) | { 3/4" AMOT) Ly— RADIATOR AQUASTATS YOUNG HC11D02 RADIATOR 2 1/2’x 2" (2 TYP.) #2 f SO - Lo pact & TH Gag HIT A coldCPS RL wus & CHE EXP. TANK LOW COOLANT WARNING SWITCH LIOHOH EXP. C TANK YOUNG. WC) He1102 RADIATOR #1 q 1/4” HOSE [i= We" 1" PIPE EXPANSION TANK = — : WASTE HEAR (WASTE HEAT RETURN SUPPLY Te! 1/2” ARCTIC PIPE WASTE HEAT RECOVERY MODULE NO SCALE cc ag er TTT Ergue tot = 132 zap Fs ||| Laue eae lela CES f B12 Big GRUNDFOS MODEL UP 43-75F PuMP (2 EA) { 2-1/2'x1" (4 TYP) 2 | ae “edn | NC S ><] iim 0 = SCHOOL PIPING SCHEMATIC wre = Me glue geply = (9 I? il Qin 2 140 3145 ¢ CLARK'S POINT WASTE HEAT SYSTEM SCHOOL FLOOR PLAN