HomeMy WebLinkAboutNaknek Waste Heat Correspondence 1993= — * soryotCd oo* Ts est “ oe se yo “> vee on wi ~~ yy OF oe! deme ( 3.2¢ 4i / Mea. _ a RECEIVED Ah Je NAKNEK ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. POST OFFICE BOX 118» NAKNEK, ALASKA 99633 * PHONE (907) 246-4261 * FAX (907) 246-6242 July 14, 1993 1- 1933 1s ERP & browtey ajaska Energy, Authority ~~ Mr. Brent N. Petrie Manager, Agency Operations Alaska Energy Authority 701 East Tudor Road P. O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Dear Brent: As we have discussed many times in the past, we would like to formally request assistance from the Alaska Energy Authority ona waste heat project in Naknek. The project involves the installation of approximately 2200’ of insulated 4" line to provide available waste heat from our generating plant to the Borough owned community swimming pool. The Borough had approached the 1993 Alaska Legislature seeking a general appropriation for this project but evidently did not make the final cut. NEA would like to go forward to install this line and a heat exchanger at the pool because the potential benefit to us and to the community is quite considerable. Following are some of the financial and other advantages from such a project: 1. Other than during approximately 6 - 10 weeks in the summer, NEA has available approximately 1,000,000+ BTUs per hour of recaptured jacket water heat that is currently being vented to the atmosphere. Using this energy to heat the swimming pool saves the Borough from burning diesel, thereby reducing a fairly significant source of air pollution. 2. During the high load summer months, NEA actually has a physical problem with excess heat in the plant, which would be reduced were the pool to utilize our waste heat. The school, our major waste heat user, is closed during this high load time and utilizes very little of our available waste heat. 3. Providing simply the excess waste heat to the pool at no charge will save the Borough up to $20,000.00 annually in pool heating expense. 4. By providing the heat, we can be assured that the Borough will not charge us for the use of their dock to transport our diesel fuel across. This translates to approximately $18,000.00 a year that NEA might otherwise have to pay. Mr. Brent N. Petrie July 14, 1993 Page Two I estimate the total cost of the project to be approximately $100,000.00. This is arrived at as follows: Bee PIPL 2,200’ Insulated 4" Pipe @ $20.00/Ft. $ 44,000.00 44,000# Freight @ $0.20/Lb. 8,800.00 XZ Trenching/Backfilling 1,100’ @ $5.00/Ft. 5,500.00 _, Welding, Pipefitting 10,000.00 — wok jyettett- Heatshrinks & Miscellaneous 2,000.00 Design, Engineering, Survey 10,000.00 Heat Exchanger 6,000.00 Installation & Connection 5,000.00 . / . Total $ 91,300.00 es fot ieclpe te-w to Contingency 8,700.00 PP sror Pumps tehec Grand Total $100,000.00 The Borough informs me that they had estimated the cost of installation at $113,500.00, and I have a copy of a contractor's proposal to supply and install the waste heat line for $204,236.00. This did not include the heat exchanger or connection at either end. I have had a local contractor, who has done a lot of our waste heat work, look over my estimated costs and he concurs that my numbers appear reasonable. I realize that the AEA is in the process of attempting to transfer operations to the Department of Community and Regional Affairs and that things are probably in some turmoil over there. Nevertheless, if we are able to procure this grant in the near future, we may be able to actually get this project accomplished by late October and close out the grant before the transfer to Community and Regional Affairs is finalized. I would be happy to provide you with any additional information you May need to favorably consider this project. Sincerely, \ior ¥ General Manager MK:md cc: Ronald A. Garzini, Executive Director, AEA avid Denig-Chakroff, Director, Rural Programs, AEA Sov S61 4529 JUL-02-1993 11:57 Fi LIVINGSTON SLONE, INC. To 246624210830 P.@2 Woodard CONSTRUCTION Livingston Stone, Inc. August 27, 1992 3900 Arctic Blyd.. Ste. Zot Anchorage, AK 99503-5750 GEIVE: oj i RE: Your Fax of August 13, 1992 SUBJ: Waste Heat Line tor Pool AUG 27 1992 ATTN: Calvin Koshivama LIVINGSTON. SLONE INC. 907-563-305: bear Calvins We are in receipt of your request for a proposal on the Waste Heat Line for the Swimming Fool Frojyect dated Gugust 19, 199. Submitted for your review 1s the following cost estimate. We propose to furnish labor, material and equipment to install 1,200 lineal feet - of 4" steel inner pipe, 12" CMF insulated jacket water line - “neatloop” from the NEA Generator Building to the new Bristol Bay borough Community Swimming Fool Building. This includes a “loop system“ of actually 2.400 lineal teet of pine to be installed along the “West side“ of the School House Road. Exclusions include any piping or connections inside the existing NEA Building, or connection tc include the new Fool Building. (We believe this portion of connection inside the building requires some additional Engineering.) The proposed pipe will be buried at a depth of & feet. We also note that it 1s our understanding that the heat toop line to the existing clinic 15 constructed of fiberaltass an requires repair at least two to three times annually. You may wish to include a new line to the clinic as well. General Contractor Labor and Material $ 12,518.04 Subcontractor Costs 76 ,205 .00 Administrative Fees : 375.00 Subtotat $158 ,898 .00 insurance & Bond 8 2% 3.778 .00 Sub-Total $192,676.00 Contractor Fee # 5% 11,560.00 Total $204 ,236 .00 ebirectty attributed to Administrative costs related ta the description of work. 511 WEST 54TH AVENUE 99518-1136 - P.O. BOX $-2539 - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509 SOT S61 4523 _ JUL-02-1993 11:38 F LIVINGSTON SLONE, INC. 1 246624210830 P.@3 Livingston Sione, Inc. August 27, 199E Fage 2 Flease see attached breakdown of costs. It you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Leth aberd — nteor C.E. Woodard Fresident CEW/tip Ser. 920087 307 S61 45298 JUL-02-1393 11:38 F LIVINGSTON SLONE, INC. TO 246624210830 P.a4 Livingston Stone, Inc. August 27, 199e 2 Fage 3 General Contractor Casts board & Room. 16 Man Days & $70/Day S$ 1,120.00 Review, Estimate and Frocess, 1&6 Hours © $45/Hour 720.00 Clean-up & Misc. i6 Hours @ $45/Hour 720.00 Layout-Grade Contro!-Testing, 15& Hours & 345/Hour 7020.00 Utilitias, Fuel, Rental 2,018.00 Expedite, 8 calendar days & @ Hours/Day = 1& Hours © $45/Hour 720 .00 Total General Contractor Costs $ 12.2315.00 Subcontractor Costs Excavation, Backfili & Compaction 3,205.00 Fiping, Welding and Installation 173 900.00 Total Subcontractor Costs $176,205.00 Administrative Fee & Hours & $75/Hour 375.00 insurance & Bond @ 2% of $188 .895 3,778.00 Contractor Fee @ 6% of $192,576 11,560.00 Total $204 ,236 .00