HomeMy WebLinkAboutMcgrath Waste Heat Correspondence 1988CITY OF MC GRATA P.O. BOX 57 MC GRATH, ALASKA 99627 PHONE (907) 524-3825 June 17, 1988 Brent Petrie, Director Agency Operations Alaska Power Authority Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519 RE: Technical Assistance/McGrath Waste Heat Utilization Dear Mr. Petrie: Enclosed Please find City of McGrath Resolution 988-14 which re-states our request to the A.P.A. for the above referenced project as a high priority for your selection this summer. In anticipation of saving costs for our community water system through the implementation of various energy improvements, the City commissioned a feasibility study of waste heat utilization in January, 1986. Now, two years later, we are doubly anxious ta realize the estimated 14,000.00 annual savings to be gained from implementing the project. When one of your engineers visited our water plant last year, it was his opinion that the project could be implemented swiftly and without much cost. Toward that end, we are very much anticipating your response as soon as possible. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Linda Hawthorne City Administrator Enclosure CORRESPONDENCE DISTRIBUTION ACTION: | INFORMATION: LOUSY DATE REC'D: CITY OF MCGRATH, ALASKA RESOLUTION 68-14 A RESOLUTION RE-STATING THE CITY’S REQUEST TO THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE REGARDING WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION FOR THE COMMUNITY WATER SYSTEM AS A HIGH PRIORITY FOR SELECTION THIS SUMMER. WHEREAS, the City of McGrath operates the community water system as an enterprise fund and recognizes its fiscal responsibility to water service customers to minimize costs and keep rates as low as possible; and, WHEREAS, the City of McGrath commissioned a professional energy analysis of the Cap‘n Snow Building which recommended the implementation of waste heat utilization from McGrath Light & Power for the community water system; and, WHEREAS, a representative of the Alaska Power Authority, Mr. Peter Hansen, toured both the water plant facility and McGrath Light & Power and concluded the feasibility of the waste heat utilization projects and, WHEREAS, the City of McGrath requests this Project be selected as a high priority for implementation during the summer of 1988. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of McGrath re-states its request to the Alaska Power Authority for technical assistance and priority selection for the waste heat utilization project. PASSED AND APPROVED BY A DULY CONSTITUTED QUORUM OF THE MCGRATH CITY COUNCIL THIS 17TH DAY OF MAY, 1988. ATTESTs Picts) y CUTTY CLERK S/7/e¢ 7 DATE op ae - AGrith ? pa i Pony Nera A Noha 29627 £907) 524-5593 January 11, 1983 Federal Aviation Administration 701 C Street, Box 14 Anchorage, Alaska 99513 ATTN: Sis Williams, AL58B Re: DTFAO4-81-D-81028 as amended. Dear Ms. Williams: As you are aware McGrath Light & Power Co. began delivery of waste heat from its power plant on a full time basis on December 11, 1982. Under the above referenced contract ari The ntract for the month ef December is equal to the prorated daily charge times 20 days or $3,060.00. Please accept this letter as our bill for the minimum charge for December and -tender pay- ment as soon as possible. At the end of January and every month thereafter we will bill pom office for the monthly minimum charge The rate for the additional BTU's will be agreed upon prior . to any such billing. Hopefully, this rate can be established mext week and I will be contacting you then. Thank w enn AW a Natestne pe kntat McGrath Light & Power LAW/bjt oo SHIPPED FROM - -—?* wu ~ WEIGHT GOVERNMENT B/L SUMBER WNIT PRICE aU TOTAL a5. MUMBER DATE OF ND DATE DELIVERY ater OF ORDER OR SERVICE supply SAN wity FY 83 Electricity For FAA heating syster Dec. . | Per Contract/pro rated for Decenber : Amount ef Advance $200,000, 00 Prior Recoup Aut. this recoup 75. 20 Zo be ecct. for 199,326.80 (Us contincation sheetie) Weecessay) ~~ ne ee must NOT use the space below) rv — :o V = ” pirrerences LESE ty Recoupment ae mS y NG : yo . EE ae. ee ee 1° ean : oe eg ee . a oot captain + eee ad aed OOO ING CLASSIFICATIONS s : a — —— ‘2 fAnabAl Y 398¢ 1 — = 4 essere eee AMENDMcNT IDF SOLICITATION/MODIFICA.._.« OF LONTRACT 1 Gua Dab MODPLATION = 3. MSVEO BY ODE Federal Aviation Administratto 701 C Street, Box 14 AAL-58 Anchorage, Alaska 99513 & ADMINISTERED BY Of/ ether tan black 3; a iam! AND ADORESS [Ltouctanon 0 TU - 7 . aoucna —_—_—_—_=_=_=_=_=_—_——_—_—_——— ; McGrath Light & Power Company aTED —______ Ser block 9) oe far, Box 52 MODIFICATION OF eae . McGra th > Al aska 996 27 BR CONTRACT/ORDER NO. _DTFA04-81-D-81028 LL . _| paren VO-3-B1 see brat 11) 9. THIS BLOCK APPLIES ONLY TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS [0 the above mitered solicitation is emended os set forth in block 12. The hour end dote specified bor raceips of OF ers [] i extended, [] is not extended Offeror: wus! ecknowledge receip! of this emendment prio: to the hour ond dole specified in the solicitation, er os omended, by ene of the following methods: {0)By signing ond retvrning __copies of this emendment, [b) By ecknowtedging receipt of this omendmen' on each copy of the ole: submitied; o (c) By seporote bene or telegrom which includes © reference to the solicitction end omendment numbers, FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE ISSUING OFFICE PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. ff, by virtue of this emendment you Besire to chonge on offer wlreody aubmined, such chonge moy be mode by telegram eo tenes, provided such telegrom or lette: motes reference bo the solicitotion end this amendment, end is received prior to the opening how end dote specified 10. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (If required) 11. THIS BLOCK APPLIES ONLY TO MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTS/ ORDERS fo) [[) tris Chonge Order is issued pursvont to The Change: se! forth in block 12 ore mode to the above mumbered controct/erder. fe) [7] The oboe nombered controc/orde: is modified to reflect the administrative chonges [such os chonge: in poying Office, eppropriction doto, etc.) set forth in block 12. (6) [X) tris Supplemental Agreement is entered into purswont to ovthority of basic contract ® modifies the obove numbered contract os set forth in block 12. 12. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION The contract referenced in Block 8 above is hereby amended as follows: 2. Section 6 - rates and charges, changed from $2,550 per month to $4,590 per month. Excopt os provided herein, at terms end conditions of the Gocoment referenced i= bloc 8, os heretofore chomged a merged ond in hace ond ect US Deparmey Alashan Regior. 701 © Street. Bo ve of ronsporion Anchorage, Alaske Federal Aviation 29512 Administration OCT 8 - 1982 Mr. Larry Wiggins McGrath Light and Power Co. Box 52 McGrath, Alaska 99627 Dear Mr. Wiggins: McGrath Waste Heat Contract No. DTFA04-81-D-81028 Enclosed is Amendment Number 1 to the above referenced contract to include electrical cost for the circulating pumps. The Amendment has been changed per your conversation with Sis Williams on October 7, 1982. If the Anendment is satisfactory, please sign and return two copies to this office attention AAL-58. Please contact Sis Williams at 271-5877 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Lich. Thomas J. Busker Manager Real Estate and Utilities Branch Enclosure eo | zy _SAWARD/CONTRACT - i eon Ei tel Barat) 2 Briers “Tis Wovssmewrumcnss! Ove rmoRG pan ~PTFAO! -b- 0/371 3 2134 B. SSSUED BY a on “ 6. ADMPESTERD BY . Federal eel eiae dmintstretio Tl; ator’ then Beck 5) 701 "C" Street, Box 14, AAL-58 Anchorage, AK 99513 8. CONTRAG OR «ODE FACILITY CODE, sf ¥. BECO FD? PROAeT Ba INAWE AND ADDRESS : = | McGrath Light and Power Company (Sree. si. Box 52 sad ZIP ete) McGrath, AK 99527 VO. SUBMIT INVOICES (4 ampics wales: otherwise | . | | 7 specified) TO ADDRESS SHOWN IN BLOCK B. SHIP TO/:AARK FOR CODE | | 12. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY CODE - | Federal Aviation Administration McGrath, Alaska . Attn: AAL-20 701 "C” Street, Box 14 Anchorage, Alaska 99513 (LJ 10 usc. 2208 fox 9 Dd 4) usc. 257 10) Sole Source 3. THIS PROCUREMENT WAS oO ADVERTISED, |X! NESCTIATED, PURSUANT TO. 4& ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA a9. 20. ts. =| 36. . 17. TEM NO | SUPPLIES /SERVITES QUANTITY UNTT PRICE _ @SAOUNT Furnish the following services to the Federal viation Administraticn, McGrath, Alaska job JACTUAL ‘COST |NOT TO 1. onnection to waste heat recovery system in i 1 we ccordance with Contract Conditions attached EXCEED $200 4000.00 $ hereto and made a part hereof. 2. Provide waste heat in accordance with Contract |Winter - * Conditions and DOT (FAA). Form P-8, dated Janurary,1,000,000BTU 1980, supplemental provisions - utility service |per mont contract attached hereto and made a part hereof. Simeen 360,000 per mont! $35,400 per annum. nh ; TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT $ CONTRACTING OFFICER WILL COMPLETE BLOCK 22 OR 26 AS APPLICABLE 12. [X) ConTRACTOR'S NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT (Contractor bs veguired bo sign 26. [1] AWARD (Contractor ib mot required 0 sign this document.) Your fw Bis document and return 2 ___ apie: 30 issutag office.) Contrete: agrees . on Sclictotion Number teacleting the ~ Be Furnish ond Setrvet oli Bems oF porters oll the services se! berth or otherwise @bditions or cheages mode by you which eddition: or chenges ore set berth be tol ‘WWenihed wbove end on amy coctinvation she rts for the eoastderation tated herein. @bers, ts herby accepted 0: be the Bems hited shove cad an ony continuation too ‘The igh: ond shigchens of the porkes te thes contract shel! be subject to and gov “Chit eword consummate: the controct which consists of the sowing Socv cents: fo) sera by Cas SeRiing Covemedes $e) Gis ovent/ matron, We) Se, ee SO he Government's solicitchen ond you olie:, and fo) thi everd/comtrec. Sle end [c) och provisions, sepresentotions, cerfiic stom, apecifi.cefiens, es ‘Futthe: cortrecescl document is pecenery. 3 ate thed &: incerpacsted tpg rel sronee herein. GAsecharets are Sisted herein.) pte ke eto. atta. Sb caer ater weet e! mr rere geet mea CONTRACT ©ONDITIONS Contract No. DTFAD4-B1-D-£1028 i. Contract Terms The term of this contract shall begin as of October 1, 1981, and remain in effect until September 30, 1982, and thereafter _from October 1 through September 30, of succeeding fiscal . . . years; provided that no legal liability on the part of the es Government for payment of money shall arise until an : oF appropriation therefor shall be provided. This contract does. : not obligate, nor purport to obligate, funds not yet appropriated by Congress. °2. Service Characteristics a. The contractor agrees to furnish, install, operate, and maintain, a waste heat recovery system required to furnish service hereunder and to measure service at the point of Gelivery specified herein. Title to all such facilities shall remain in the contractor. The contractor shall be responsible for all loss or damage to such facilities, except that which is due to the negligence of the Government. : b. The contractor -shall furnish an uninterrupted supply of waste heat to be delivered to the FAA Complex, McGrath, Alaska, in accordance with the following specifications: Minimum temperature of water delivered to the FAA wtiliduct shall be 180°F in winter and 175°F in summer, with a maximum temperature difference of 20°F between supply and return lines. 1, e n SWipiee™ ne specified temperatures shall apply to supply an urn lines on the FAA side of the heat exchanger. 3. Measurement of Service . it a. All service furnished by the contractor shall be measured by suitable metering equipment of standard manufacture, to be furnished, installed, maintained, calibrated, and read by the contractor at its expense. In the event the meter fails to register or registers incorrectly, “the parties shall, after considering all of the evidence available £rom the contractor's and the Government's records, ‘agree upon the length of period during which the meter failed to register or registered incorrectly and the quantity @eliveread Guring such period; and, upon agreement, an . ' . appropriate adjustment based thereon shall be made in the - Milling. = = * i ‘ b. “Whe contractor, BO far as possible, shall zead the "meter at periodic intervals of approximately 30 days. 4. Connection Charge ¢200,000 provided that as a condition precedent to f peor e CO tor, if required by the-contracting icer, e a release erms a ptable to contracting officer of claims against FAA arising under or by virtue of the installation. Said facilities shall be completed on or before October 15, 1982. 5. Payment a. The contractor shall be paid for service furnished at the rates specified; PROVIDED, that the Government shall be liable for the minimum monthly charge specified in this | contract commencing with the billing period in which service is initially furnished and continuing until this contract is terminated, except that the minimum monthly charge shall be equitably prorated for the billing period in which. commencement and termination of this contract shall become effective. LC b. Payments hereunder shall be contingent upon the availability of appropriations therefor, and shall not be made in advance of the service rendered. ; | : ; c. All bills for service shall be paid without penalty or interest, and the Government shall be entitled to any discounts customarily applicable to payment of bills by all customers of the contractor. - : _ 6. Rates and Charges For all service furnished under this contract to the service locations, the Government shall pay the contractor at the rate of $2,950 per month. For the purpose of charges under this clause, any demands due to faulty operation of, or to excessive or fluctuating pressure on the contractor's system shall not be included as part of the Government's demand. ; 7. Changes in Rates . At the reguest of either party the xate shall de revievwe on September 30, 1983, and thereafter every 2 years. - IE Provided, however, that any rates So megotiated shall not be in excess of rates charged other customers of the contractor at the same location. i . yeti 8. Credits to the Government : a. The contractor shall discount the bills to be a submitted to the Government by twenty-two percent (22%) until, ; as a result of such discounts, the connection fee has been | refunded to the Government. b. in the event the contractor, prior to any termination of this contract by subsequent to completion of the facilities provided for in this clause, serves any customer other than FAA (whether FAA is being served simultaneously, intermittently, or not at all) by means of the facilities, the racto i i ! serve rated share of the connection costs. c. In the event the contractor terminates service under this contract, or_defaplts in performance, prior to full credit of any connection charge paid by FAA, in accordance with the terms of this contract, the contractor shall pay to FAA an amount equal to the uncredited balance of the connection charge as of the date of such termination or _ default. 9. Changes in Volume or Character of Service The contracting officer shall give reasonable notice to the contractor regarding any material changes anticipated in the volume or characteristics of the utility service required at such location. 7 10. Continuity of Service and Consumption : a. The-contractor shall use reasonable diligence to i provide a regular and uninterrupted supply of service at the service location, but shall not be liable to the Government for damages, breach of contract, or otherwise, for failure, suspension, 'diminution, or other variations of service occasioned by any cause beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the contractor. Such causes may include, but are not limited to, acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of the Government either in its sovereign or wcontractual wapacity, fires,“£loods, epidemics, sguarantine -xestrictions, strikes, mr failure or breakdown of €acilities: provided, ‘that When a@ny failure, suspension, Giminution, or variation of service shall aggregate more than 2 hour @uring any billing period hereunder, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the monthly rates specified in the contract. b. In the event the Government is unable to operate the service location in whole or in part for any cause beyond its . control and without its fault or negligence, including but not limited to acts of God or of the public enemy, fires, floods, — epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes; an equitable adjustment shall be made in the monthly rates specified in this contract if the period during which the Government is unable to operate the service location in whole or in part shall exceed 15 days during any billing period hereunder. 11. Interference With Government Ooderetions The contractor agrees that in the event from the contractor's equipment causes interference with the Government's operations, the contractor shall, upon being notified by the Government's contracting officer, make every reasonable effort to eliminate the cause of such interference. 12. Notice to Parties Notices to the contractor as provided herein shall be sent by mail, postage prepaid, addressed to McGrath Light and Power Company, Box 52, McGrath, Alaska 99627, and the contractor's notices to the Government shall be by mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the Federal Aviation Administration, AAL-58, 701 C Street, Box 14, Anchorage, Alaska 99513, or such other addresses as the parties hereto may designate in writing from time to time. jl 13. Termination This agreement: may be terminated at any time by either party hereto by giving the other party written notice at least ninety (90) days prior to the effective date of such termination. 14. General Provisions : ~ ; ' This contract is subject to all pertinent conditions and provisions contained in DOT Form P-8, February 1977 edition, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mr. Peter Hansen Alaska Power Authority P. O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 UabesbobocebedecssD Pebeatbsssdesdealbecdelerdeal