HomeMy WebLinkAboutMcgrath Phone Notes, Mtg Notes, Points of Contact 1989‘K’ ondike Advertisi g Specialty House 636 E. 15th, 15th & Gambell Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Oe Ape * JAS HM le P Ye LUG sve KG" avail tee Shon lb Cet yrekhiy,— , LATA SO ath ne OU Asus 4 35% he »kpkey, — og Cogh.l€ Y Yn / Ble em Wane pe fa a Wlaga ike git e , fre y Wek. ¢* 274-3535 “K* ndike Adwrtisi g Specialty House 636 E. 15th, 15th & Gambell Anchorage, Alaska 99501 /) pg Sak neg pkey Cy bot k he Gok 2 Arey an Bh ney lee Ly SY Fy 274-3535 SO fake fay = haste ae Gy ems tet ODL tn Jae, bralie. 744 !s Agha? ronniengh Lewis EF FORE Oe Coles fe a pe Cnbiat provestons: Cea % be pared) pro 2areel th Deck tu Pn BAe alee Sues 7 , (Q Lcd Nims OSE Teben tus ) arnelati pel bed L$ Pllc, O76. tif, 36-40% by Kea Aaersy @ Ba jesse Phe Wistlbe. e a (ee if 3 get] 5 eran GO Le SG PO euie Despont le ae es AGYP 0d, Feo Cal Ke “Re Gecwort BAsTE Popp et oo ae he cu ne Lali Uae cba: ; ee GIOLE [6th - Col eba “rad The ae MERE, ey rs OSG - CL ARMS ray ig We -#d % Aeceveg 126,006 Bhcfilie. 3 Gelllng ee aso pe * ; 2g 0I0 640 JOAY Wate dee ee E, Ne ES, OO ef eS Zee lL Wf0 0% Yee CAL. 36 5O Steve Cowper, Governor Alaska Power Authority State of Alaska February 22, 1989 Mrs. Linda Hawthorne City Administrator City of McGrath P.O. Box 57 McGrath, Alaska 99627 Dear Mrs. Hawthorne: Enclosed is a draft Grant Agreement for your review and comment. Please review the Scope of Work (Appendix D) and Schedule and Deliverables (Appen- dix E) carefully to make sure we have enough time budgeted for the various activities. It would also be helpful to confirm whether McGrath Light and Power can do the work on the "not to exceed" funding basis described in the Agreement. Please let us know if there is a problem in that area. There are many worthwhile energy projects in McGrath, and I am sorry there is not enough funding to do all of them. We are recommending the projects described in the Agreement, because they appear to have the best energy paybacks. There are several improvements to operating controls in the Snow Building we are not able to fund. These items are mentioned in Sunfair Engineering's energy audit. I am still trying to get information on the extractor for the washeteria from a local vendor. If this looks feasible, we may be able to include it in the final draft of the Agreement. Based on earlier discussions, I believe we should not include waste heat modifications to the City water system in this Agreement. If there are delays in ironing out a contract with McGrath Light and Power, it will hold up progress on this Agreement. As you know, funds for this project must be expended by June 30, 1989. We will wait for your copy of the FAA contract, and negotiate separately on a waste heat retrofit, if matters can be worked out with the utility. Please call me as soon as you have had an opportunity to review the Agree- ment. The final version is still subject to review by the State Attorney General's office, so there may be some changes to the enclosed draft. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Project Manager Enclosure as stated © PO. Box AM _—s Juneau, Alaska 99814 (907) 465-3575 ® POBox 190869 701 EastTudorRoad Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 5099/946(1) oo ra ee = \ : | ahrl?4 fe Lie \ Come onFs rh ae CITY OF MC GRATH P.O. BOX 57 MC GRATH, ALASKA 99627 PHONE (907) 524-3825 oy TeSahercsrcy PE aH lar a tUN 2 ALASKA 70.,23 June 17, 1988 SUTHORITY Brent sPetcie@y: Director: Agency Operations Alaska Power Authority Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519 RE: Technical Assistance/McGrath Waste Heat Utilization Dear Mr. Petrie: Enclosed Please find City of McGrath Resolution 88-14 which re-states our request to the A.P.A. for the above referenced project as a high priority for your selection this summer. D In anticipation of saving costs for our community water system through the implementation of various energy improvements, the City commissioned a feasibility study of waste’ heat utilization in January, 1986. Now, two years later, we are doubly anxious to realize the estimated $14,000.00 annual savings to be gained from implementing the Project. When one of your engineers visited our water plant last year, it was his opinion that the project could be implemented swiftly and without much cost. Toward that end, we are very much anticipating your response as. soon as possible. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, oS Linda Hawthorne og City Administrator : : at ih. Enclosure : . aiet CORRESPONDENCE DISTRIBUTION ACTION: | INFORMATION: DSi 4 en a DATE DUE: DATE REC'D: 4-13-89 7:26pm DAPCGLM:MIS:APA Brent Terri,DAPCGLM:MIS:APA McGrath Light & Power Co. (MLPC) Bill Frazier, general manager of the utility, called last week asking for the Power Authority review and possible support to a grant proposal for a SCADA system that MLPC will submit to the Alaska Science Foundation on Apr.15,1988. Bill indicated that he will very much appreciate if we could expedite the review because he feels that a letter of support from the Power Authority to the MLPC proposal would confirm to the Science Foundation the validity of the project. Our response would be needed within ten days or so. The draft grant delivered today by Albert T. Sakata, consultant to MLPC, is being transmitted to you. As Scada systems are not in my area of expertise I am transfering this request to Don. Gloria Apr. 14,1989 Vp O-. te 3¥e "4 "Cha ta mh, 1. Charye iz. Waste heat 7 Leag vs rants (2) SY .ISOPO Cp) (4) lous interest loans - Aisceeant rate ) No- tntevest lean, Ca) loan , Cd) intrete (PPLE) or harelsip (ar bowser % ©) recover costs Q) fru back ADMiw Costs C2 Shaved SAv or acee(eyate on. Fixed) tenon! (not to exceed y oun costs Yicc0 38. or Our Contributed labor > Separate ® Cost of loan @® + $\x ee aur tects Overall eelnia aI or % Value. ot loc. Re- ree! Pans Das SUA 1782. Waste Weal wR <0) Chapter 1V/ v * Sec. 256. The sum of $1,000,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Administration for trooper housing. * Sec. 257. Section 37, ch. 90, SLA 1981 (appropriation for energy loan :iprograms in rural communities) is repealed. iD nn s__35g-—The-oun_af_$2,500,000-te appropriated from she generals SSE 3 — oo mresee Power tethority far the Kodiak waste heat cogeneraeson PROFESS * * Sec. 259. Section 4(a), ch. 61, SLA 1981, as amended by sec- 64, ch. 92, SLA 1981, is amended to read: : w (a) The sum of $4,500,000 [$13,131,100] is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Community and Regional Affairs tor payment of entitlements to unincorporated communities in the unorganized 2 porough for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1982, in accordance with legislation authorizing the payments. : * Sec. 260, The sum of $3,120,000 is appropriated from the general fund "3 cto the division of energy and power development in the Department of Commerce and Economic Development for the following: 7 (1) long-term energy plan $ 250,000 ie (2) wind cost effectiveness study 500,000 91 (3) weatherization program 2,370,000 201 * Sec. 261. The sum of $930,000 ‘is appropriated from the general fund to the Alaska Power Authority for the following: 22 Hy Lower Kuskokwim power plan 500,000 / \ 23 (2) “poses tap for hydropower 430,000 / d 2at * Sec. 262V The sum of $5,000,000 is appropriated =rom the gene 28 co the Alaska Power Authority for the purpose of making loans or grant 26% communities ort qualified utilities in the state on the condition tha 27° loan or grant be for the acquisition or construction of an electric powerz- n o production device that has the effect of decreasing the cost of generati itr) electric power as compared to the cost of generating -37- scS CSHB $43(Fin) tiexisting power production devices, and (2) the loan or grant is 2ielectrical power production device that delivers electric power in 4 com- Zimunity of the state with a population of 2,500 or less that is not connected siby road or rail to Anchorage or Fairbanks. 159,000-+s—eppropriated trom che generat fund See 263--—T: aro - 3 Sant eof is pele L si fox conscruction or = Sec. 264. The sum of $50,000 is appropriated from the gene the Department of Community and Regional Affairs for payment as a grant to '0:Tetlin for resurfacing of the runway. +1 rey ov a 7 * read: read: Sec. 265. Chapter 90, SLA 1981 is amended by adding a new section to Sec. 55. The unexpended and unobligated portion of the appropria- tions made to the Department of Natural Resources in sec. 43 of lapses into the general fund June 30, 1983. Sec. 266. Chapter 82, SLA 1981 is amended by adding a new section to Sec. 33. SPECIAL LAPSE DATES. (a) The unexpended and unodligatec portion of the appropriation allocation for the Euksavik health c made in sec. 28, page 50, line 14 of this Act lapses into the generai fund June 30, 1983. (b) The unexpended and unobligated portion of the appropria allocation for the Bristol Bay Senior Citizens Center made in sec. 28, page 38, line 15 of this Act lapses into the general fund June 30, 1963. (c) The unexpended and unobligated portion of the appropriaticn made to organized research, University of Alaska, in sec. 28, page 25. er o line 24 of this Act lapses into the general fund Decen e ° a (d) thstanding the lapse date set out the unexpended and unobligated portion or che avr -33- scs ¢