HomeMy WebLinkAboutManokotak Waste Heat Project Agreement, Contracts 1991 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROGRAMS Revision No. PROJECT BUDGET = comunity ¥I0S2 HAO ~oTAL Budget § 3345 HANOVOTAYL WH INKS TIGATionWI PJ CODE NAME PJ CODE PROJECT NAME Preparer . GEAY Project Manager fb, GRAY Date /0/2zz/9/ Source(s) of Funding PROJECT Line Chart of Accounts LIA-_FY9z TOTAL 1 Direct Personal Serv W/Benefits LZ lOe evens 2 Indirect Personal Services bt 2 2Q..... 3 71000 PERSONAL SERVICE SUBTOTAL 31 —] [Line 3 = Ln 1 + Line 2] 4 72000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 5 Engineer & Prof Serv Contracts 6 Freight 7 Project Contingency 8 Indirect Non-Personal Services cseseseeeCeEEaeee csesesnesesenenensnns tetssnsesesesesersnsee tereusescenesezeananen seeseasanscscecesnestes [Line 8 = 18% X Line 1) 9 73000 OTHER SERVICES SUBTOTAL 2) [Line 9 = Sum of Lines 5,6,7,8) 10 74000 PROJECT MAT'LS & EQUIPMENT Ze2 200 11 ~—- 75000 AEA EQUIPMENT ° o 12 77000 GRANTS 2] © _ [SEE BUDGET ON REVERSE SIDE] [Line 13 = Sum of Lines 3, 13 TOTAL 4505 4,509 4,9,10,11,12] NOTES: Matrix Code tA Project AR ary4-4 Project CC De 1496/2. Project LC E/E 64/(0 cc: Gloria Manni BUDGET APPROVALS (Please initial and date) Don Whelan [ 4 ‘y GarySmith Project Manager x lo 22/4] Director/Rural Programs \ ’ / Manager/Rural Projects AAbrd/ Executive Director etme sf v Pat Woodel) Janet Hansen ‘ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROJECT DEVELOPMENT WORKSHEET Project Manager: DB. GAY Date: J0/22/9, Community; MANO KoeTAt Project Description [Describe reason for initiating project (response to correspondence, site visit, etc.) the situation, needs, proposal for resolving same, and issues pertinent to funding source restrictions (e.g., life, health, and safety improvements; efficiency improvements; emergency risk, etc.)] PELAVED COMPLAIWT From Tue COMMvoANTY THAT Powe ie AAST Coornwe stent 16 MALELNCETIONING 4 THEY BEUEVE IT IS BEING CAvSEO BY THe WASTE Heat SYSTEM (Stool DsTeICT owWED 4 OPERATED Scope of Work (__ Preliminary \\_ Final) [Itemize tasks in as much detail as possible} |) TrouplesHooT SYSTEM 4 DETERMME CAUSE OF FroBLens, 2) HE RELOMMEN DATIONS 70 StitooL DisTecT AND /oR. UNUTY Foe CoFFECTIONS_ Preliminary Cost Estimate (Total): $ Proposed Funding Source(s) Ee appropriation(s), Outside funding source(s), Other agency funding, Financing through onds or other means] FYoz_ VTA If any outside source funding is involved, describe on reverse side the proposed billing arrangements, conditions for receipt of and use of funds, and any other issues affecting project management. Project Management Plan (__ Preliminary _4 Final) 1. Who will be the eventual owner of this project? City Alaska Energy Authority IRA Council Other (specify) Private Utility Nk - STUPY OWLY 2; Will AEA grant funds for the project? Yes _ No If so, specify method: Through Trustee Directly to Grantee 3. Check proposed extent of involvement of AEA staff, contractors, City/Utility staff, and/or force account labor for the activities listed below: : I IVITY ACTIVITY GROUP. None Minimal Oversight Moderate Heavy Project AEA Staff xX Management AEA Contractors | eet City/Utility Staff fee Ee teeta City/Utility Contractors a Design | AEAStaff | See AEA Contractors ee eee City/Utility Staff eX es rae emit Cig Contractors | Materials AEA Staff P| = Purchasing AEA Contractors fret te ee ) City/Utility Staff fe ee es a Construction . AEA Staff eee ee ee AEA Contractors ee W / A Force Account Labor fee CiniUiy Conractors | [FT Inspection AEA Staff fT rd] CTC AEA Contractors ee N/A City/Utility Staff See! Eee Cie Conracors || Operation & AEA Staff x| | | intenance AEA Contractors afi ee City/Utility Staff Po ee City/Utility Contractors Ps eee 4. Estimated Project Start Date _/0/2Z/9) _; End Date IZ) 31/9) - 5. On reverse side, provide additional information and/or describe pertinent issues that will affect the management of this project. Project Development Schedule Y/N Item N Nv x K «K A. Project Planning Tasks: PCE Analysis Other Econ./Finan. Analysis Final Scope of Work Final Management Plan Project Budget Budget Review - Directorate - Agency (over $50K) Loan/Financing Application B. Grant/Project Agreement Preparation: Draft Grant/Project Agreement In-house Review of Draft Community/Utility Draft Review Attorney General Draft Review Final Grant/Project Agreement Attorney General Approval Community/Utility Approval Agency Approvals C. Trustee Project Setup: Complete Set-up Sheet Request Check From Accounting Receive Check at AEA Forward Check/Set-up to KPMC D. Commence Project Staff Responsible George Matz Gary S./Dave D-C Brent Petrie Marcey Rawitcher Pat Woodell Pat Woodell Pat Woodell Pat Woodell Marlys Hagen Pat Woodell Don Whelan Pat Woodell (i.e., purchase materials, let contracts, hire labor, etc.) Estimated Completion Date jolzz/ 92] ALASKA ENERGY AUTHC Y PROJECT BUDGET WORKSHEET Project Information Community; —_HANOkoTak Project Name: MAwIo NVESTi~oATion Number: AEA Proj Manager: B®. Gta Date prepared: _/0/22/9j __—_ Date of Basis: SEAR sees eee Prepared by: _B. OkAY Ss Approved by: LABOR (field work Name Task | Hrs | Rate | Subtotal RPO401-1 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHC = Y PROJECT BUDGET WORKSHEET Project Information MATERIAL Description Notes Amount Mist FETS & TOOLS Zoo Total 20d Description Notes Amount EEE EE es Total d CONTRACT Description Notes Amount (Communityequipmentrenal | SC Pd [Cid LT —Ci‘“CSCSCsidzC fT Ci(‘CS;OC*C [CC TCU T C—“Csi‘CSCSC‘sdCS SUMMARY Tos Zs Personal Services(A+D) Travel & Perdiem (C) Material (E) Freight (F) Contract (B+G) Total Alaska Energy Authority MEMORANDUM To: Don Whelan Date: March 28, 1991 Accountant/Auditor ‘\ ( \ | . : \y Val Denig-Chakroff ( via Woodell From: John Bulkow Project Manager Subject: AEA Contract #2800278 (Manokotak Waste Heat) This project is now ready to be closed out. This requires that the Southwest Region School district be billed for the services provided by the Energy Authority. Please have a billing prepared as follows: Personal Services 13,810.87 Travel & PerDiem 7,315.44 Contingency 642.49 (Freight & Project Supplies) Indirect Non-personal 1,260.25 Allocated personal _ 7,422.37 Total $30,451.42 These amounts are taken from the attached AKSAS listing. Note that the School District should have already been billed for $22,158.21 for waste heat supplies separate from those listed here (ref. 23 Aug 90 memo from Pat Woodell). Also note that the School District was supposed to make a $16,715 advance payment last spring. We need to check on both of these payments. If the advance payment was made then $16,715 should be deducted from the $30,451 listed above. If the materials payment was not made then we need to press the School District for payment. eV MUPUNL HY CANCUN HALE LiDGeR CODE EXPENDITURES KY 81626907 MANUKUIAK WH-SWRSD COAI1991 ENITIY NUMBER - DESCRIP YON REMUK I ‘OUNI RAN 00U68C8 BSN SO0C04Y US/22/ 91 Dex 71172 REGULAR FAY De® 71422 OF STRAIGHT Time Dex 71324 UY - Time & ONE-HALF Dex 71790 AK SUPELERNTL HENEFT DE 71800 PUXLE EMPL RET LREMNT Dex 71620 UNEMELYPINT INSURANCE Dex 71830 GRUUF HLTH INSURANCE bee 41640 WURKMANS Cure INSUR DHE 41870 TERINLNAL LEAVE CHARG Dre 7179S MEDICARE TAX Dex 71980 APAMLie Dik ALLOCATIN Dee 719865 APA-CIF INDIR ALLUC DEK 71990 APA-CiP DIR ALL RENE De% 41995 ARA-CIF ADC ALL BENE =) COLUMN TOTALS FUR NEXT SECTION ENIER==> NUMBER YeAK BR L=MENU T1D ACTUAL AND ENCUMBRANCE REFOKT LEDGER CODE EXPENDITURES BY ACCUUNT $1826907 MANUKUTAK WH-SWRSD CUA=1991 ENTIVY NUMBER - DESURLE TION 2250 INSTATE TRANSPURTAIN Dex e252 W-2 EE MILEAGE REIMK Dex 72255 ALKCRAFT CHARTER De® 72550 INSTATE PER DIEM Dex 73161 INDIRECT COST ALLUC Dee 73460 FRGHT & EXPRESS CHRG Dex 74626 CASE/PROJCT SUPPLIES De* 74696 PLUMHING & ELECTRICL Bes===>) COLUMN (UTALS FUR NEXT SECTION ENTER==) NUMBER YEAR HP L=MENU 11D ACTUAL AND ENCUMKRANCE RKEFURT LEDGER CODE EXPENDITURES BY ACLCUUNT 61826907 MANOKUTAK WH-SwRSD CUAS1991 ENTITY NUMBER - DESCRIPTION S*¥* 70000 TFOTAL EXPENDITURES See 71000 PERSONAL SERVICES See 72000 TRAVEL Sex 73000 OTHER SKVCS & CHARGE See 74000 SUPPLIES FUR NEXT SECI10N ENTER==) NUMBER YEAR PFI. =RMENU 17D ACTUAL AND ENCUMBRANCE REPORT LEDGER CODE EXPENDIYURES BY CULLUCATION CODE 61826907 MANOKOTAK WH-SWkSD CUA:1991 ENTITY NUMBER ~ DESCRIFTION inCeHy-1-D GuiStAND EXHENDITUR ENCUMRCR 6,843. 32 00 480.90 60 3,427.57 -00 646.42 00 1,052.09 00 104.13 00 $84.41 00 116.64 -00 119.65 -00 147.67 00 95 480. /2 -00 1,545.64 00 47.22 -0U 460.75 00 21,233.24 «00 we LEVEL LIiMil FRG=KET REQUEST! MAINTENANCE RK 0056628 KSM202049 05/22/91 INCEHI-1-D UUTSTAND EXPENDITUR ENCUMBER 2,973.00 -00 64.63 200 462.56 00 3,815.25 200 1,260.25 00 636. 88 200 5.61 200 22,158.21 200 31,376.39 500 _ LEVEL Limi) __ BFG=KET REQUES) MAINTENANCE RRN?20056628 RSN:02049 05/22/91 INCEPI-1-p QUISTAND EXPENDI TUR ENCUMBER 52,609.63 00 21,233.24 ~00 7,315.44 200 1,897.13 200 22,163.82 200 LEVEL LIMIT “PRS=RET REQUEST MAINTENANCE RRN:0056826 RSN:02049 04/22/91 S** 08108009-91 RURAL ENERGY CUNT AS S¥* 08108009-90 RURAL ENERGY CONT AS INCEP1-T-D GUTSTAND EXPENDITUR ENCUMBER 51,555.89 00 1,053.74 200 FOR NEXT SECTIUN ENTER==) NUMBER 0 YEAR | LEVEL Limir _ ; HE I=RENU FEG=RPT REQUEST FAINT ENANLE MGMT KUDGE! VS. PERCENT INCURRED/OBLIGATED RRNDO01L06248/ KSNS02049 03/22/91 LEDGER CUDE EXHENDi TURES KY ACCUUNT 81826307 MANUKUTAK Wit SWkSD CURF199) rom ENTLVY NUMBER ~ DESCRI-D LON RUDGE! s¥* 70000 FUTA XMENDL TURES 49020 0 39 SKe 70008 UFERATING ACCT TOTAL 83020 0 Sy SRE 70100 GROUF Cint-KER SER SI6L9 0 B4 Se 71000 PERSONAL SERVICES 25075 0 8S See 70200 GROUF Cint - OTHER 49401 0 64 See 70201 GC-UTHER~NUNGRANT 423860 0 74 See 72000 TRAVEL 11500 0 64 SH 7$000 UIHER SRKYCS & CHARGE 8721 0 ee Dee 74000 SUPE GES 22159 0 100 FUR NEXT SECTION ENIER==>) NUPRIKER YEAR LEVEL Limit HF L=MENU “PRG=RET REQUEST RAINTENANCE Manokotak Waste Heat Agreement THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of , 1990, between the SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT (the District) and the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (the Energy Authority), to outline the responsibilities of the parties and the procedures to be followed in connection with design, construction, start-up and future operation and maintenance of the Manokotak Waste Heat Project, hereinafter called the "Project." Article A. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY COVENANTS The Energy Authority will: 1. Perform a detailed review of the existing site conditions and design the Project. 2. Review with Manokotak Power Company and the District, all designs affecting their respective systems; secure the approval of Manokotak Power for all design features affecting the operations, maintenance, or interface with Manokotak Power’s electrical generation system; and provide Manokotak Power with an accurate copy of the as-built drawings of the Project. 3. Provide specifications for all materials, components, and services necessary for the construction of the Project and place orders for these items in coordination with the District. Provide to the District purchase and freight pickup slips or other paperwork presented by vendors as a result of purchase orders, pickup or delivery. 4. Using District personnel as determined by the Energy Authority, construct the Project as designed; after having secured the approval of Manokotak Power as referenced in Paragraph 2, above. The construction schedule will be made in cooperation with the District to ensure availability of District maintenance personnel. Make every effort to ensure that a City field mechanic is available during Project work on City-owned facilities. 5. Assist the District in starting up and trouble shooting the waste heat recapture system, if needed, during the first two years of operation, and make recommendations on operations and maintenance procedures as necessary to secure safe and efficient operation of the system. 6. Immediately notify the District of any situation that may affect the safe and efficient operation of Manokotak Power’s electrical generation facilities while construction is in progress. SManokotak Waste H greement ontract No. Page 2 of 7 ia Set up the following account within the Energy Authority Rural Energy Construction Assistance (RCA) account to receive funds from the District as described in Article B, Paragraph 9: Collocation Code: 08108009 Ledger Code: 81826907 8. Receive and expend District funds in accordance with the budget and purchasing authority described in Appendix A to this Agreement, and return any unused funds to the District upon completion of the Project. If District- budgeted materials and freight costs are in excess of the budget in Appendix A, secure the District’s approval prior to spending project contingency and any amounts above the contingency listed in the budget. Article B. SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT COVENANTS The District will: 1. To the extent provided in the District’s Waste heat Agreement with Manokotak Power Company, ensure all necessary access to the Manokotak Power and District-owned or operated property by Energy Authority personnel and its contractors. A copy of the Manokotak Waste Heat Agreement is attached as Appendix D. 2. To the extent provided in the District’s Waste Heat Agreement with Manokotak Power Company, ensure that all necessary permits and rights-of-way to Manokotak-owned property or operated facilities are secured for the Project. 3. Delegate to the Energy Authority full authority over all engineering decisions in connection with design, construction, start-up, and run-in of the Project subject to the Districts’ right of design approval in Paragraph 4 below. The District, however, reserves the right to disapprove the modification of any part of the system located on its own premises. 4. Review the Energy Authority’s Project design on those parts of the system that directly affect the operation of the District’s system in the school. Within ten working days after the Energy Authority submits the Project design for approval, suggest changes to or reject changes in the design, or provide the Energy Authority with a signed copy of the written approval form in Appendix B. 5. Provide local manpower assistance for the construction of the Project at the request of the Energy Authority. This will include making available current District staff to work on the Project, hiring temporary staff, and assisting SManokotak Waste H: jreement ntract No. Page 3 of 7 the Energy Authority in contracting for local services as needed. All local labor used for the Project shall be paid for directly by the District. This will also include coordinating with Manokotak Power Company to ensure availability of a Power Company field mechanic to stand-by during normal work days while modifications are being made to systems directly affecting the operation of Manokotak Power Company’s power plant. 6. Coordinate budget and purchasing of materials, components, and services with Energy Authority field staff. Some materials will be purchased out of existing Energy Authority inventory, and are included in the budget described in Appendix A to this Agreement. 7. Ensure access to any part of the waste heat recapture system located on any District-owned or operated property or in any District-owned or operated structure for performance testing by Energy Authority personnel or its contractors over the life of Project facilities. 8. Upon written request, provide the other parties to this Agreement access to and copies of any information or documents related to any phase of this Project over the life of the Project facilities. 10. | Reimburse the Energy Authority for labor and travel expenses associated with trouble shooting the system during the two-year period described in Article A, Paragraph 5, and only in response to the District's request. These costs must be pre-approved by the District. 11. Pay invoices presented for payment by third party vendors. Make payment to the Energy Authority within 30 days after receipt of invoice for materials provided by the Energy Authority for this Project. Project payments will be made in accordance with the budget categories described in Appendix A of this Agreement. 12. If the amount budgeted for District labor exceeds the estimate presented in Appendix A, provide additional staff labor to the Project at no extra cost to the Project. 13. Within seven working days after issuance of a Notice of Project Completion by the Energy Authority, sign an acknowledgment of Project completion or identify in writing any specific task the District considers incomplete. A copy of the Notice of Project Completion is in Appendix C. SManokotak Waste + greement _ ontract No. Page 4 of 7 Article C. MUTUAL COVENANTS The Energy Authority and the District agree to the following: 1. Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement is two and one half years from the date of signature by both parties. This Agreement may be cancelled by the mutual consent of the parties after the Notice of Project Completion has been signed. 2. — Indemnification. (a) The Energy Authority and the District shall indemnify, save harmless, and defend the other party to this Agreement, their Officers, agents, servants, and employees, from all liability, including costs and expenses, for all actions or claims resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or property arising directly or indirectly as a result of any error, omission or negligent act of the indemnifying party, its officers, agents, servants, or employees or anyone directly or indirectly employed by it in the performance of this Agreement. The labor and manpower assistance provided by the District under Article B, Paragraph 5 of this Agreement shall be considered the officers, agents, servants, or employees of the District for purposes of construing these indemnification provisions. (b) All actions or claims, including costs and expenses, resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or property arising directly or indirectly from the District’s performance of this Agreement which are caused by the joint negligence of the Energy Authority and the District, shall be appropriated on a comparative fault basis. Any such joint negligence on the part of the Energy Authority must be a direct result of active involvement by the Energy Authority. 3. Declaration of Cooperation. (a) It is the intent of this Agreement that the Manokotak Waste Heat Project be used to reduce the energy expenses for the residents of Manokotak. The parties agree to work towards this goal through cooperative efforts. (b) The parties agree to make every responsive and cooperative effort possible in order to complete and start up the system by September 30, 1990. At the request of any one party, project meetings with all parties to this Agreement will be held within seven calendar days after the receipt of such request by the other parties. All meetings will be held in Anchorage unless a different location is mutually agreed upon. 4. Disputes. Either party to this Agreement may bring an action against the other party in the superior court for the State of Alaska to resolve a dispute arising under this Agreement. Any lawsuit involving this Agreement shall be heard by the superior court, Third Judicial District at Anchorage. All legal costs, including attorneys’ fees not otherwise provided for in this Agreement, shall be allocated pursuant to Alaska Civil Rule 82. 5. Rights of other Parties. It is the intent of the parties that this Agreement confer no rights on any third parties. SManokotak Waste H jreement ntract No. Page 5 of 7 6. Binding Effect. This Agreement and all of its terms, covenants, conditions and appendices represents the entire Agreement and shall extend and be binding upon the respective heirs, executors, administrators, grantees, successors and assigns of the parties to this Agreement. 7. Parties not Being Agents of Each Other. It is agreed that the Parties, their officers, agents, servants and employees shall act in an independent capacity and not as agents of the other parties in the performance of this Agreement. 8. Severability. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Agreement or any agreement referred to in this Agreement shall be adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall be unaffected by such adjudication and all the remaining provision of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as if such section, paragraph, clause or provision or any part thereof so adjudicated to be invalid, had not been included herein. 9. Notices. Any notice required of any of the parties shall be in writing. Unless receipt of such notice is expressly required by the terms of this Agreement, it shall be deemed served when deposited in the mail in a sealed envelope, with sufficent first class postage affixed, and addressed to the appropriate party. The notices shall be sent to each party’s place of business, which in the case of the Energy Authority shall be: Robert E. LeResche, Exective Director Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 in the case of the District shall be: Martin A. Myhre, Business Manager Southwest Region School District P.O. Box 3196 Dillingham, Alaska 99576 SManokotak Waste H jreement intract No. Page 6 of 7 THIS AGREEMENT has been reviewed, agreed to, and executed by the following parties: for the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Robert E. LeResche ate Executive Director Approved: STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ss. The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of , 1990, by Robert E. LeResche, the Executive Director of the Alaska Energy Authority, a public corporation of the State of Alaska, on behalf of the Corporation. Notary Public, State of Alaska My commission expires: Assistant Attorney General ate SManokotak Waste H: yreement ntract No. Page 7 of 7 for the SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT Superintendent ate STATE OF ALASKA ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of , 1990, by , Superintendent for the Southwest Region School! District. Notary Public, State of Alaska My commission expires: APPENDIX A Manokotak Waste Heat Agreement Budget st f ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROGRAMS DIRECTORATE PROJECT BUDGET COMMUNITY _MANOKOTAK PROJECT NAME WASTE HEAT RECOVERY PREPARER DAVID DENIG-CHAKROFF DATE PREPARED 5/2/90 en 4 PROJECT Source of Funding PY Rca _** SWRSD_*** TOTAL 71000 Personal Services $25,075 $_14,000 $ $_ 39,075 72000 Travel and Per Diem: 11,500 11,500 73000 Other Services 6,500 6,500 77730 ~=Grants * 73140 Grant Handling Fees 4 73872 Project Contingency _8,721 14,057 22,778 74000 Material (AEA only)" + 68,312 68,312 73460 Freight (AEA only) © | 4,900 4,900 SUBTOTAL, $45. 296 - $107,769 $. $153,065 70200 Indirect Non-personal © 7,021 = 7,021 70100 Allocated Personal a 14,544 TOTAL $66.86) $174,630 _ Matrix Code “Project AR Project CC Project LC NS Contribute c! (ruescer Aer Run over— BUDGET APPROVALS ! At (cokS Manager of Rural Projects I~ = O ce —Dir. Acct. & Admin. . Mgr. Rural Projects Director of Rural Programs 5/3/92 Preparer Bap s/alee Director of Agency Operations © Return original to Dir. (If budget greater than $50,000) Initials Date of Rural Programs * If project includes grant funds, see addendum attached. ** Funds provided by the school district to the Energy Authority's Rural Energy Construction Assistance account. *** Funding provided directly by the school district that will NOT be managed through an Energy Authority account or bookkeeping service. KF ad MANOKOTAK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY - BUDGET ESTIMATE DATE: 19 APR 90 Lt MATERIAL COST LABOR HOURS TOTAL TOTAL CO WORK DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS UNIT TOTAL UNITS TOTAL LAB. COST W/O O.H. ARCTIC PIPE Trenching 1280 Lin. Feet 3.90 4992 0.060 76.8 3840 8832 Backfill W/Orig. Material 1280 Lin. Feet 2.00 2560 0.060 76.8 3840 6400 Bedding 1280 Lin. Feet 2.00 2560 0.000 0.0 0 2560 0 Arctic Pipe 2560 Lin. Feet 9.75 24960 0.171 437.8 21888 46848 Pipe Ells 20 Each | 88.08 1761.6 0.667 13.3 667 2429 Couplings 54 Each 56.96 3075.84 0.000 0.0 0 3076 Misc. Fittings 1 Lot _ 1000.00 1000 =20.000 20.0 1000 2000 SUBTOTAL: ARCTIC PIPE A 40909 624.7 31235 72144 Labor rate assumed $50/hr te * MATERIALS TO BE TAKEN FROM ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY'S INVENTORY ‘ 4 -_—_—————— MANOKOTAK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY - BUDGET ESTIMATE DATE: 19 APR 90 nn ea — — 4 MATERIAL COST LABOR HOURS TOTAL TOTAL CO WORK DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS. UNIT TOTAL UNITS TOTAL LAB. COST W/O 0.H. rn USER BLDG CONNECTIONS PIPE & FITTINGS Piping 2 1/2" 100 LF v4 4.70 470 0.300 30.0 1500 1970 Ells 2 1/2" 10 Ea. 7 10.00 100 0.400 4.0 200 300 Tees 2 1/2" 2 Ea. uM 20.00 40 0.500 1.0 50 90 Insulation 100 LF ps 1.65 165 0.074 7.4 370 535 Misc. Fittings 1 Ea 500.00 500 7.500 7.5 375 875 VALVES Gate Valves 2 1/2" 3 Ea. 185.00 555 1.500 4.5 225 780 Check Valves 2 1/2" 1 Each *‘— 110.00 110 1.500 1.5 75 185 EQUIPMENT 0 ye Heat Exchanger 1 Each 2695.00 2695 8.000 8.0 400 3095 Pumps 1 Each 450.00 450 4.000 4.0 200 650 Electrical Connections 1 Each "150.00 150 3.000 3.0 150 300 Expansion Tank 1 Each 150.00 150 3.000 3.0 150 300 re SUBTOTAL: USER BLDG CONNECTIONS 5385 73.9 3695 9080 Labor rate assumed $50/hr a a a a a a a _—_____oo>::? }kKkRYRrTXT[Y[Y[[]Tl[]T[Ul— MANOKOTAK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY - BUDGET ESTIMATE DATE: 19 APR 90 ee MATERIAL COST LABOR HOURS TOTAL TOTAL CO WORK DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS UNIT TOTAL UNITS TOTAL LAB. COST W/O O.H. ee POWER PLANT PIPE & FITTINGS Demolition 1 Job 500.00 500 24.000 24.0 1200 1700 Piping 4" 180 LF 17.00 3060 0.400 72.0 3600 6660 Ells 4" 22 Ea. 25.00 550 1.000 22.0 1100 1650 Tees 4" 10 Ea. ” 44.00 440 1.500 15.0 750 1190 Piping 2 1/2" 40 LF 4.70 188 0.300 12.0 600 788 Ells 2 1/2" 8 Ea. 10.00 80 0.400 3.2 160 240 Misc. Fittings 1 Ea. 1000.00 1000 24.000 24.0 1200 2200 VALVES 0 B.F. Valves 4" 17 Ea. 140.00 2380 3.000 51.0 2550 4930 Check Valves 4" 3 Ea. 115.00 345 1.500 4.5 225 570 Gate Valves 2 1/2" 2 Ea. 85.00 170 1.500 3.0 150 320 AMOT Valve 4* 1 Each ‘300.00 300 3.000 3.0 150 450 EQUIPMENT 0 Heat Exchanger 1 Each 2695.00 2695 10.000 10.0 500 3195 Radiators 2 Each 3830.00 7660 10.000 20.0 1000 8660 Expansion Tank 1 Each 150.00 150 3.000 3.0 150 300 Misc. Electrical 1 Each 2500.00 2500 16.000 16.0 800 3300 SUBTOTAL: POWER PLANT a 22018 282.7 14135 36153 Labor rate assumed $50/hr CLARK'S POINT WASTE HEAT RECOVERY - BUDGET ESTIMATE DATE: 18 APR 90 rr Se Se es SS a aes eae eee a \ ~ "\ MATERIAL COST “LABOR HOURS TOTAL TOTAL COST WORK DESCRIPTION” QUANTITY” UNITS UNIT TOTAL UNITS TOTAL LAB. COST W/O 0.1. & PROFIT oe ARCTIC PIPE State of Alaska Steve Cowper. Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation June 18, 1990 Mr. Martin A. Myhre Business Manager P.O. Box 3196 Dillingham, Alaska 99576 Subject: Project Agreement No. 2800277 (Clarks Point Waste Heat) Project Agreement No. 2800278 (Manokotak Waste Heat) Dear Mr. Myhre: Enclosed for your files are original signature copies of agreements for the Clarks Point and Manokotak Waste Heat Projects. If you have any questions about the scope, schedule or procedures for the project, please contact Gary Smith, Manager of Rural Projects at 261-7311 or at the address marked below. We are pleased to be able to assist with these projects and look forward to working with you. : “W\ Sincere] Nu AN WN hei enig- “Chakrok? a Director of Rural Programs ‘ DDC:ekn > Enclosures as stated cc: Senator Fred F. Zharoff, Alaska State Legislature Representative George G. Jacko, Jr., Alaska State Legislature Susan White, Alaska Energy Authority Pat Woodell, Alaska Energy Authority John Bulkow, Alaska Energy Authority Gary Smith, Alaska Energy Authority Dominic Costanzo, Alaska Energy Authority PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99814 (907) 465-3575 x PO. Box 190869 701 EastTudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 P8OO2TY Manokotak Waste Heat Agreement THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this | 3 —_ day of Tae. 1990, between the SOUTHWEST REGION SC STRICT (the District) and the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (the Energy Authority), to outline the responsibilities of the parties and the procedures to be followed in connection with design, construction, start-up and future operation and maintenance of the Manokotak Waste Heat Project, hereinafter called the "Project." Article A. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY COVENANTS The Energy Authority will: 1. Perform a detailed review of the existing site conditions and design the Project. 2. Review with Manokotak Power Company and the District, all designs affecting their respective systems; secure the approval of Manokotak Power for all design features affecting the operations, maintenance, or interface with Manokotak Power’s electrical generation system; and provide Manokotak Power with an accurate copy of the as-built drawings of the Project. 3. Provide specifications for all materials, components, and services necessary for the construction of the Project and place orders for these items in coordination with the District. Provide to the District purchase and freight pickup slips or other paperwork presented by vendors as a result of purchase orders, pickup or delivery. 4. Together with District personnel, construct the Project as designed; after having secured the approval of Manokotak Power as referenced in Paragraph 2, above. The construction schedule will be made in cooperation with Manokotak Power in order to ensure availability of Manokotak Power’s field mechanic and in cooperation with the District to ensure availability of District maintenance personnel. 5. Assist the District in starting up and trouble shooting the waste heat recapture system, if needed, during the first two years of operation, and make recommendations on operations and maintenance procedures as necessary to secure safe and efficient operation of the system. 6. Immediately notify the District of any situation that may affect the safe and efficient operation of Manokotak Power’s electrical generation facilities while construction is in progress. Manokotak Waste He eement ontract No. Page 2 of 7 7. Set up the following account within the Energy Authority Rural Energy Construction Assistance (RCA) account to receive funds from the District as described in Article B, Paragraph 9: Collocation Code: 08108009 Ledger Code: 81826907 8. Receive and expend District funds in accordance with the budget and purchasing authority described in Appendix A to this Agreement, and return any unused funds to the District upon completion of the Project. If District- budgeted materials and freight costs are in excess of the budget in Appendix A, secure the District’s approval prior to spending project contingency and any amounts above the contingency listed in the budget. 9. Invoice the District for materials from Energy Authority inventory and for Energy Authority labor, travel and other expenditures described in Appendix A to this Agreement. 10. Pay for any Energy Authority labor, labor overhead and travel costs in excess of the amounts estimated in the budget in Appendix A. Article B. SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT COVENANTS The District will: 1. Pursuant to the District’s Waste heat Agreement with Manokotak Power Company, ensure all necessary access to the Manokotak Power and District-owned or operated property by Energy Authority personnel and its contractors. A copy of the Manokotak Waste Heat Agreement is attached as Appendix D. 2. Pursuant to the District’s Waste Heat Agreement with Manokotak Power Company, ensure that all necessary permits and rights-of-way to Manokotak-owned property or operated facilities are secured for the Project. 3. Assign to the Energy Authority full authority over all engineering decisions in connection with design, construction, start-up, and run-in of the Project subject to the Districts’ right of design approval in Paragraph 4 below. The District, however, reserves the right to disapprove the modification of any part of the system located on its own premises. 4. Review the Energy Authority’s Project design on those parts of the system that directly affect the operation of the District's system in the school. Within ten working days after the Energy Authority submits the Project design for approval, suggest changes to or reject changes in the design, or provide the ee ean with a signed copy of the written approval form presented in ppendix B. 5. Provide local manpower assistance for the construction of the Project at the request of the Energy Authority. This will include making available Manokotak Waste Hea yement yntract No. Page 3 of 7 current District staff to work on the Project, hiring temporary staff, and assisting the Energy Authority in contracting for local services, such as backhoe operator, as needed. All local labor used for the Project shall be paid for directly by the District. This will also include coordinating with Manokotak Power Company to ensure availability of a Power Company field mechanic to stand-by during normal work days while modifications are being made to systems directly affecting the operation of Manokotak Power Company’s power plant. 6. Coordinate budget and purchasing of materials, components, and services with Energy Authority field staff. Some materials will be purchased out of existing Energy Authority inventory, and are included in the budget described in Appendix A to this Agreement. 7. Ensure access to any part of the waste heat recapture system located on any District-owned or operated property or in any District-owned or operated structure for performance testing by Energy Authority personnel or its contractors over the life of Project facilities. 8. Upon written request, provide the other parties to this Agreement access to and copies of any information or documents related to any phase of this Project over the life of the Project facilities. 9. Pay to the Energy Authority, $16,715 within 7 working days after approval of this Agreement to cover the initial 25% of the Energy Authority’s labor, overhead and travel expenses for the Project. These funds will be used to provide the design and project management services described in Article A, Paragraphs 1-4. Remaining charges will be billed on a cost-reimbursable basis. Pursuant to Article A, Paragraph 9, any amount not expended at the time the Project is completed, will be returned to the District. 10. Reimburse the Energy Authority for labor and travel expenses associated with trouble shooting the system during the two-year period described in Article A, Paragraph 5. These costs must be pre-approved by the District, and services must result from a written request by the District for assistance with system problems. 11. After the Energy Authority provides specifications for equipment, places orders, and arranges for freight delivery and storage, make payment on invoices presented for payment by third party vendors. In the case of materials provided by the Energy Authority for this Project, the District will make payment within 30 days after receipt of invoice. Project payments will be made in accordance with the budget categories described in Appendix A of this Agreement. 12. If the amount budgeted for District labor exceeds the estimate presented in Appendix A, provide additional staff labor to the Project at no extra cost to the Project. 13. | Within seven working days after issuance of a Notice of Project Completion by the Energy Authority, sign an acknowledgment of Project Manokotak Waste He eement ontract No. Page 4 of 7 completion or identify in writing any specific task the District considers incomplete. A copy of the Notice of Project Completion is in Appendix C. Article C. MUTUAL COVENANTS The Energy Authority and the District agree to the following: 1. Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement is two and one half years from the date of signature by both parties. This Agreement may be cancelled by the mutual consent of the parties after the Notice of Project Completion has been signed. 2. Hold Harmless Agreement. As to all actions taken pursuant to or under color of this Agreement, the Energy Authority and the District shall indemnify, save and hold each other harmless, and defend the other party to the Agreement, their officers, agents, servants, and employees, from all costs and any other amounts which the other parties, their officers, agents, servants, and employees become obligated to pay on account of any demands, claims, liabilities, or losses arising out of, or in any way connected with the acts or omissions of the indemnifying party, its officers, agents, servants, and employees. 3. Declaration of Cooperation. (a) It is the intent of this Agreement to commission and use the Manokotak Waste Heat Project to reduce the energy expenses for the residents of Manokotak. The parties agree to work towards this goal through cooperative efforts. (b) The parties agree to make every responsive and cooperative effort possible in order to complete and commission the system by September 30, 1990. At the request of any one party, project meetings with all parties to this Agreement will be held within seven calendar days after the receipt of such request by the other parties. All meetings will be held in Anchorage unless a different location is mutually agreed upon. 4. Disputes. Either party to this Agreement may bring an action against the other party in the superior court for the State of Alaska to resolve a dispute arising under this Agreement. Any lawsuit involving this Agreement shall be heard by the superior court, Third Judicial District at Anchorage. All legal costs, including attorneys’ fees not otherwise provided for in this Agreement, shall be allocated pursuant to Alaska Civil Rule 82. 5. Rights of other Parties. It is the intent of the parties that this Agreement confer no rights on any third parties. 6. Binding Effect. This Agreement and all of its terms, covenants, conditions and appendices represents the entire Agreement and shall extend and be binding upon the respective heirs, executors, administrators, grantees, successors and assigns of the parties to this Agreement. Manokotak Waste Hea vement ntract No. Page 5 of 7 7. Parties not Being Agents of Each Other. It is agreed that the Parties, their officers, agents, servants and employees shall act in an independent capacity and not as agents of the other parties in the performance of this Agreement. 8. Severability. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Agreement or any agreement referred to in this Agreement shall be adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall be unaffected by such adjudication and all the remaining provision of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as if such section, paragraph, clause or provision or any part thereof so adjudicated to be invalid, had not been included herein. 9. Declaration of Public Benefit. The parties acknowledge that the Project is to be constructed for the benefit of the general public and will not deny any person use of Project facilities or use of energy produced from Project facilities due to race, religion, color, sex or national origin. 10. Notices. Any notice required of any of the parties shall be in writing. Unless receipt of such notice is expressly required by the terms of this Agreement, it shall be deemed served when deposited in the mail in a sealed envelope, with sufficent first class postage affixed, and addressed to the appropriate party. The notices shall be sent to each party’s place of business, which in the case of the Energy Authority shall be: Robert E. LeResche, Exective Director Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 in the case of the District shall be: Martin A. Myhre, Business Manager Southwest Region School District P.O. Box 3196 Dillingham, Alaska 99576 Manokotak Waste Hee sement ontract No. Page 6 of 7 THIS AGREEMENT has been reviewed, agreed to, and executed by the following parties: tlle To Robert E. LeResche at Executive Director Approved: STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ss. ~——HYS The, foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this [3% day of wWiurt — , 1990, by Robert E. LeResche, the Executive Director of the Alaska nergy Authority, a public corporation of the State of Alaska, on behalf of the Corporation. ZU ly DUygathe'e _ otary Public, State of Alaska My commission expires: («+ (2/974 5 A3-% istant Attorn neral Date Manokotak Waste He: eement ontract No. Page 7 of 7 for the SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT DSS Ch x: Lt tC te, —-+% uperintenhdent ~ ate STATE OF ALASKA ss THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT The foregoing 1300. by ps vitae eee this _// day of Bon 4 uperintendent for the Southwest Région ae bistrior J aa! eke sler Vi) (I~ Ootary Public, State o' My commission expires:_ 2/5 /7/ APPENDIX A Manokotak Waste Heat Agreement Budget ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROGRAMS DIRECTORATE PROJECT BUDGET COMMUNITY _MANOKOTAK PROJECT NAME WASTE HEAT RECOVERY PREPARER DAVID DENIG-CHAKROFF DATE PREPARED 5/2/90 PROJECT Source of Funding RCA_** SWRSD_*** TOTAL 71000 Personal Services $.25,075 $_14,000 $s $_ 39,075 72000 Travel and Per Diem 11,500 11,500 73000 Other Services 6,500 6,500 77730 Grants * 73140 Grant Handling Fees 73872 Project Contingency 8,721 14,057 22,778 74000 Material (AEA only) 68,312 68,312 73460 Freight (AEA only) 4,900 4,900 SUBTOTAL $45,296 $107,769 $. $153,965 70200 Indirect Non-personal __7 921 7,021 70100 Allocated Personal 14,544 14,544 TOTAL $66,861 $107,769 $. $174 630 Matrix Code 82 NA Project AR 32354 NA Project CC 08108009 ___NA Project LC 81826907 NA BUDGET APPROVALS | VW anages of Rural Projects ‘A = TO ce: Dir. Acct. & Admin. . Mgr. Rural Projects Director of Rural Programs 5 3 / ¢ ] Q Preparer Director of Agency Operations LA 5 / Y LO Return original to Dir. (If budget greater than $50,000) Initials Date of Rural Programs * If project includes grant funds, see addendum attached. ** Funds provided by the school district to the Energy Authority's Rural Energy Construction Assistance account. **k Funding provided directly by the school district that will NOT be managed through an Energy Authority account or bookkeeping service. KK MANOKOTAK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY - BUDGET ESTIMATE DATE: 19 APR 90 ee MATERIAL COST LABOR HOURS TOTAL TOTAL CO WORK DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS UNIT TOTAL UNITS TOTAL LAB. COST W/O 0O.H. a sannsne omasecesmmnean men ARCTIC PIPE Trenching 1280 Lin. Feet 3.90 4992 0.060 76.8 3840 8832 Backfill W/Orig. Material 1280 Lin. Feet 2.00 2560 0.060 76.8 3840 6400 Bedding 1280 Lin. Feet 2.00 2560 0.000 0.0 0 2560 0 Arctic Pipe 2560 Lin. Feet 9.75 24960 0.171 437.8 21888 46848 Pipe Ells 20 Each 88.08 1761.6 0.667 13.3 667 2429 Couplings 54 Each 56.96 3075.84 0.000 0.0 0 3076 Misc. Fittings 1 Lot 1000.00 1000 20.000 20.0 1000 2000 i SUBTOTAL: ARCTIC PIPE 40909 624.7 31235 72144 Labor rate assumed $50/hr a a a * MATERIALS TO BE TAKEN FROM ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY'S INVENTORY MANOKOTAK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY - BUDGET ESTIMATE DATE: 19 APR 90 MATERIAL COST LABOR HOURS TOTAL TOTAL CO WORK DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS UNIT TOTAL UNITS TOTAL LAB. COST W/O O.H. i ) USER BLDG CONNECTIONS PIPE & FITTINGS Piping 2 1/2" 100 LF 4.70 470 0.300 30.0 1500 1970 Ells 2 1/2" 10 Ea. 10.00 100 0.400 4.0 200 300 Tees 2 1/2" 2 Ea. 20.00 40 0.500 1.0 50 90 Insulation 100 LF 1.65 165 0.074 7.4 370 535 Misc. Fittings 1 Ea. 500.00 500 7.500 7.5 375 875 VALVES Gate Valves 2 1/2" 3 Ea. 185.00 555 1.500 4.5 225 780 Check Valves 2 1/2" 1 Each 110.00 110 1.500 1.5 75 185 EQUIPMENT 0 y- Heat Exchanger 1 Each 2695.00 2695 8.000 8.0 400 3095 Pumps 1 Each 450.00 450 4.000 4.0 200 650 Electrical Connections 1 Each 150.00 150 3.000 3.0 150 300 Expansion Tank 1 Each 150.00 150 3.000 3.0 150 300 ee SUBTOTAL: USER BLDG CONNECTIONS 5385 73.9 3695 9080 Labor rate assumed $50/hr ec MANOKOTAK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY - BUDGET ESTIMATE DATE: 19 APR 90 MATERIAL COST LABOR HOURS TOTAL TOTAL CO WORK DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS UNIT TOTAL UNITS TOTAL LAB. COST W/O O.H. POWER PLANT PIPE & FITTINGS Demolition 1 Job 500.00 500 24.000 24.0 1200 1700 Piping 4" 180 LF 17.00 3060 0.400 72.0 3600 6660 Ells 4" 22 Ea. 25.00 550 1.000 22.0 1100 1650 Tees 4" 10 Ea. 44.00 440 1.500 15.0 750 1190 Piping 2 1/2" 40 LF 4.70 188 0.300 12.0 600 788 Ells 2 1/2" 8 Ea. 10.00 80 0.400 3.2 160 240 Misc. Fittings 1 Ea. 1000.00 1000 24.000 24.0 1200 2200 VALVES 0 B.F. Valves 4" 17 Ea. 140.00 2380 3.000 51.0 2550 4930 Check Valves 4" 3 Ea. 115.00 345 1.500 4.5 225 570 Gate Valves 2 1/2" 2 Ea. 85.00 170 1.500 3.0 150 320 AMOT Valve 4" 1 Each 300.00 300 3.000 3.0 150 450 EQUIPMENT 0 Heat Exchanger 1 Each 2695.00 2695 10.000 10.0 500 3195 Radiators 2 Each 3830.00 7660 10.000 20.0 1000 8660 Expansion Tank 1 Each 150.00 150 3.000 3.0 150 300 Misc. Electrical 1 Each 2500.00 2500 16.000 16.0 800 3300 SUBTOTAL: POWER PLANT 22018 282.7 14135 36153 Labor rate assumed $50/hr CLARK'S POINT WASTE HEAT RECOVERY - BUDGET ESTIMATE DATE: 18 APR 90 a a worn nae a ee a a <== a | 7 MATERIAL COST ~~ LABOR HOURS TOTAL TOTAL COST WORK DESCRIPTION” QUANTITY UNITS UNIT TOTAL UNITS TOTAL LAB. COST W/O O.H. & PROFIT ARCTIC PIPE APPENDIX B Manokotak Waste Heat Agreement Design Approval APPENDIX B MANOKOTAK WASTE HEAT DESIGN APPROVAL Manokotak Power Company | have reviewed the Alaska Energy Authority design for construction of the waste heat system with respect to how it affects the operations, maintenance and interface with Manokotak Power's electrical generation system. My signature * below indicates approval of the design and gives my permission to enter the power house to perform construction work related to the Project. Nels Franklin Date President SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT | have reviewed the Alaska Energy Authority design for construction of the waste heat system with respect to how it affects the operations, maintenance and interface with the District’s school heating system. My signature below indicates approval of the design and gives my permission to enter the District’s facilities to perform construction work related to the Project. Name ate Title APPENDIX C Manokotak Waste Heat Agreement Notice of Project Completion Page 1 of 2 Notice of Project Completion Alaska Energy Authority NOTICE OF PROJECT COMPLETION Date: Project Name: Contracting Party: Contract Agreement Number Agreement Execution Date: THE ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY certifies that the Project Agreement named above is complete In accordance with the terms and conditions referenced in Contract Agreement Number The Energy Authority acknowledges that all expenses incurred under the Agreement have been paid in full, and no further claims for reimbursement can be made. Project Manager, Alaska Energy Authority STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of , 1990. by , Project Manager of the Alaska Energy Authority, an Alaskan Corporation, on behalf of the Corporation. Notary Public, State of Alaska My commission expires: Page 2 of 2 Notice of Project Completion SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Southwest Region School District acknowledges that the Project referenced above has been completed, and that all tasks have been satisfactorily carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Project Agreement. The District accepts full responsibility for ownership, operation and maintenance of facilities that were constructed under the terms of this Agreement. Southwest Region School District Date Title STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of 1990, by , Superintendent for the Southwest Region School District. Notary Public, State of Alaska My commission expires: APPENDIX D Manokotak Waste Heat Agreement MAY 88 SO GS'26 SOUTHWEST RESION SCHOCL DISTRII7 U MANOKOTAK WASTE HEAT AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into this _— day of ak , 1989 between the Manokotak Power Company (Power Company) and Southwest Region Schoo! District (District) to outline the responsibilities of the parties and the procedures to be followed in connection with design, construction, and future operation and maintenance of the Manokotak Waste Heat Project, herein after call the The Project. The Power Company will: 1. Ensure all necessary access to the Power Company owned or operated property by the District, or the Districts contractors on The Project. 2. Assist the District in obtaining right of way easements between the power plant and the school 3. Review the Districts design for system improvements on those parts of the system that directly affect the operations of the power plant, the Power Company will have ten working days after submittal to approve, suggest changes to, or reject changes in the system design. 4. Provide all glycol solution needed for the operation of The Project primary loop connections the engines, the heat ex. anger and radiators. 5. Operate and maintain the primary loop of the system. The primary loop includes all piping and components carrying primary loop fluid, except the heat exchanger. In the event the heat exchanger becomes unserviceable, the Power Company will not be responsible for the maintenance, operation, repair or replacement of the heat exchanger. 6. Ensure access to any part of the waste heat recapture system located on the Power Company owned or operated property for performance testing over the life af The Project. MA- 88 9@ @B!2T SOLTHWES™ REGION SCMOOL DISTRICW u vw C Manokotak Waste Heat Agreement Page 2 of 4 7. Immediately notify the District of any situation that may affect the safe and efficient operation of the waste heat recapture system. The District will: 1. Purchase and provide for the project any and all materials, components and services for the installation of the waste heat recapture system. 2. Provide and add to the system any make-up glycol needed in the heat recovery system's secondary loop. 3. Provide all power needed for the operation of the heat recovery system circulation pump which will be installed in the school. C 4. Operate and maintain the entire secondary loap, including all heat exchangers associated with the secondary loop. 5. Immedicately notify the Power Company of any situation which may affect the safe and efficient operation of the waste heat recapture system. MUTUAL CONVENIENT The Power Company and the District agree to the fallowing: 1. Term of Agreement. The term of this agreement is twenty years from the date herein above first written. This agreement may be cancelled by the mutual consent of both parties or by either party to this agreement after giving two years prior written notice to the other party. 2. Hold_Harmiess Agreement a) As to all actions taken pursuant to or under color of this ( Agreement, the Power Company and the District shall indemnify, MAY 88 °98 G6:27 SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRIC™ = 7 ' U g c Manokotak Wast Heat Agreement Page 3 of 4 save and fold harmless, and defend the other party to the Agreement from all costs and any other amounts which the other party become obligate to pay on account of any demands, claims, liabilities or losses arising out of, or in any way connected with the acts or omissions of the indemnifying party. b) It is recognized by the parties to this Agreement that while the Power Company will attempt to maximize the amount of heat available to the District, the Power Company will, under no circumstances, be held responsible for any consequences resulting from heat not being available due to planned or unplanned autages or due to equipment malfunctions or human error. 3. Declaration of Cooperation a) It is the intent of this Agreement to secure the - commissioning and continued utilization of the Manokotak Waste C Heat Project in order to reduce energy expenses for the . residents of Manokotak, the parties to this Agreement agree to work towards this goal through cooperative effort. b) The parties to the Agreement agree to make every responsive and cooperative effort possible in order to complete all systems modifications and to commission the system in the second quarter of 1989. 4. Energy Cost Savings, a) During the first ten years of this agreement the District will receive from the Power Company waste heat at no cost to the District other than the installation and maintenance cost of the system. b) During the last ten years of the Agreement the District shall monitor in the school the energy consumption from the waste heat recovery system. The value of the energy consumed as determined by an engineer familiar with the Districts physical plant, will be shared equally with the Power Company. Payment shall be made annually to the Power Company. rm. a Uv N y MAY @8 (9Q BE:28 SOUTHWES™ REGION SCHOOL DISTRIC™ Manokotak Waste Heat Agreement Page 4 of 4 This Agreement has been reviewed, agreed to and executed by the following parties authorized by their respective Organizations. Southwest Region School District ls Franklin, President oe ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROGRAMS DIRECTORATE PROJECT BUDGET COMMUNITY _MANOKOTAK PROJECT NAME WASTE HEAT RECOVERY PREPARER DAVID DENIG-CHAKROFF Source of Funding RCA_** 71000 Personal Services 72000 Travel and Per Diem SWRSD_*** $25,075 $_14,000 11,500 73000 Other Services 6,500 — 77730 Grants * 73140 Grant Handling Fees 73872 Project Contingency 8,721 14,057 74000 Material (AEA only) 68,312 73460 Freight (AEA only) 4,900 SUBTOTAL $45,296 $107,769 70200 Indirect Non-personal __7>021 70100 Allocated Personal 14,544 TOTAL $66,861 $107,769 $ Matrix Code 82 NA Project AR 32354 NA Project CC 0g108009 __ NA Project LC 81826907 NA BUDGET APPROVALS Veanages of Rural Projects = Te Director of Rural Programs 5/3 /4 2 Director of Agency Operations BN S/Y oO (If budget greater than $50,000) Initials Date * If project includes grant funds, see addendum attached. DATE PREPARED 5/2/90 PROJECT TOTAL $_ 39,075 11,500 6,500 22,778 68,312 4,900 $153,065 7,021 14,544 $174 630 ce: Dir. Acct. & Admin. Mgr. Rural Projects Preparer Return original to Dir. of Rural Programs ** Funds provided by the school district to the Energy Authority's Rural Energy Construction Assistance account. *kk Funding provided directly by the school district that will NOT be managed through an Energy Authority account or bookkeeping service. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROGRAMS DIRECTORATE PROJECT BUDGET COMMUNITY MAL OLOTAY PROJECT NAME MASTE He AT RéEcoveey PREPARER SRD DATE PREPARED 19 AP% 10 71000 Personal Services Se SST ? SUIS 72000 Travel and Per Diem [, ooo 73000 Other Services BF OP Ceaynes 77730 Grants 73140 Grant Handling Fees m 73872 Project Contingency weesesao.CU°* ile 376 74000 Material (AEA only) 603 12% a 73460 Freight (AEA only) 4qOO / pesumes APROOF Hye - : SUBTOTAL $__EaeO-S-77 |Z007 9" “AER MAE TIT %, 70200 Indirect Non-personal 709) ~% 70100 Allocated Personal 14504 TOTAL = S__Les77F 151639 REA Appropriation Name Matrix Code Project AR Project CC Project LC Amount BUDGET APPROVALS Manager of Rural Projects Aa Lotezo ce: Dir. Acct. & Admin. Mer. Rural Projects Director of Rural Programs Preparer Director of Agency Operations Return original to Dir Mo budget greater than $50,000) Initials Date of Rural Programs ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PROJECT BUDGET WORKSHEET Community: MAN OLOTAY _ Project Information Project Name: WASTE _ HeaT Fe coves! oe Nuh eo ABAProjManager oo Oute prepared: 1G APE FO Date of Basis SS Prepared by: i = eat Dateof Completion ——- — —----- --- LABOR (field work ane = =o Names ioe d no a Hrs T Rate | Subtot TO eark Subs zie [dowel Be | STE Viger See ee | se | 275 17 % 244 Sout Be 1 Comettuction NSPE CTION 77 !se} 375° 1 I DYES [ eaey T | Peoseet __ COoPSTluUtTion | 420 Fe ;AO7O | MBF 6464 eee wees laees jr 7 ! Community Labor _ Total e Bars | A \7 34 | Sweso ecpte: Tor = —— | FA BX SHE SL L_ BAcr Hot oe! | etter : pert DIEM AND _ TRAVEL _ = Name | Field Sub- } Number | Rate | Sub- | { Total i | Days | Rav Rate | total | ot Trips | total | | jours B | 10 | }00° 120] 3 | sco {1500 | 2500 | GARY T 3 loo 3500! 2 | S00 yooe' 4500 | CHie bas! Lom 's500! Za. i500 |1000 _ 4500 | “LASOR (office work) _ Norme ‘Vask JoHn B. oo L RPESIGN _Joun Bo _ }_PROW. Mari ACE Mee NT _ Renner, pearrwe f As BUTS 1 TAT poopere |. “Conrt acres. Don WL. ACE CUNTING ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PROJECT BUDGET WORKSHEET Project Information MATERIAL Deseriptien | Nates Ameunt Ste ATTACHED | ‘E68.312_ a ese = — ta Oe ee See aa et a SS a : i : Eee eee ee { : t ioe = _ arenes 1 Bode ‘Total 16 B3\ Zz. FREIGHT , Notes Amount Assum( 7 _ToOvs 417 0O__: Deseription Matrseiars As Per Artracurd | { a a oT ARERRERRRLE 1 ! Lo - ! zs 1 ' Total | d9IOO | CONTRACT | Description | Notes ; Amount | t - + i Communityequipmentrental i TC oe ee CD i i | an Susy, j 7 1 BAcY Nor lio Dans x SPAM 4 soo 7 : ‘ i i ! Soo ans Je 7 sainiy rea ee | oars ig Aramis Sefer ese i ! — —— 4 peo! _— — bas | dal ls Hemet chee SUMMARY Personal Services(A+D) ALYSBT Travel & Perdiem iC) 11500 Niseriategey I 68312 Promhn cl) 4700. Chantencr (Hay 6500 ‘Mlocntt Cost, 2156S otal Sere IB? RTL ee MANOKOTAK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY - BUDGET ESTIMATE DATE: 19 APR 90 MATERIAL COST LABOR HOURS TOTAL TOTAL CO WORK DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS UNIT TOTAL UNITS TOTAL LAB. COST W/O O.H. ARCTIC PIPE Trenching 1280 Lin. Feet 3.90 4992 0.060 76.8 3840 8832 Backfill W/Orig. Material 1280 Lin. Feet 2.00 2560 0.060 76.8 3840 6400 Bedding 1280 Lin. Feet 2.00 2560 0.000 0.0 0 2560 0 Arctic Pipe 2560 Lin. Feet 9.75 24960 0.171 437.8 21888 46848 Pipe Ells 20 Each 88.08 1761.6 0.667 13.3 667 2429 Couplings 54 Each 56.96 3075.84 0.000 0.0 0 3076 Misc. Fittings 1 Lot 1000.00 1000 0.000 20.0 1000 2000 SUBTOTAL: ARCTIC PIPE 40909 624.7 31235 72144 Labor rate assumed $50/hr * MATERIALS TO BE TAKEN FROM ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY'S INVENTORY yer eins Ae MCA git; ze | f OSLCE BEING. Mae ead MANOKOTAK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY - BUDGET ESTIMATE DATE: 19 APR 90 MATERIAL COST LABOR HOURS TOTAL TOTAL CO WORK DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS UNIT TOTAL UNITS TOTAL LAB. COST W/O O.H. USER BLDG CONNECTIONS PIPE & FITTINGS Piping 2 1/2" 100 LF 4.70 470 0.300 30.0 1500 1970 Ells 2 1/2" 10 Ea. 10.00 100 0.400 4.0 200 300 Tees 2 1/2" 2 Ea. 20.00 40 0.500 1.0 50 90 Insulation 100 LF 1.65 165 0.074 7.4 370 535 Misc. Fittings 1 Ea. 500.00 500 7.500 te 375 875 VALVES Gate Valves 2 1/2" 3 Ea. 185.00 555 1.500 4.5 225 780 Check Valves 2 1/2" 1 Each 110.00 110 1.500 ee, 75 185 EQUIPMENT 0 >< Heat Exchanger 1 Each 2695.00 2695 8.000 8.0 400 3095 Pumps 1 Each 450.00 450 4.000 4.0 200 650 Electrical Connections 1 Each 150.00 150 3.000 3.0 150 300 Expansion Tank 1 Each 150.00 150 3.000 3.0 150 300 SUBTOTAL: USER BLDG CONNECTIONS 5385 aaao 3695 9080 Labor rate assumed $50/hr eee MANOKOTAK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY - BUDGET ESTIMATE DATE: 19 APR 90 a MATERIAL COST LABOR HOURS TOTAL TOTAL CO WORK DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS UNIT TOTAL UNITS TOTAL LAB. COST W/O 0.H. a nee POWER PLANT PIPE & FITTINGS Demolition 1 Job 500.00 500 24.000 24.0 1200 1700 Piping 4" 180 LF 17.00 3060 0.400 72.0 3600 6660 Ells 4" 22 Ea. 25.00 550 1.000 22.0 1100 1650 Tees 4" 10 Ea. 44.00 440 1.500 15.0 750 1190 Piping 2 1/2" 40 LF 4.70 188 0.300 12.0 600 788 Ells 2 1/2" 8 Ea. 10.00 80 0.400 3.2 160 240 Misc. Fittings 1 Ea. 1000.00 1000 24.000 24.0 1200 2200 VALVES 0 B.F. Valves 4" 17 Ea. 140.00 2380 3.000 51.0 2550 4930 Check Valves 4" 3 Ea. 115.00 345 1.500 4.5 225 570 Gate Valves 2 1/2" 2 Ea. 85.00 170 1.500 3.0 150 320 AMOT Valve 4" 1 Each 300.00 300 3.000 3.0 150 450 EQUIPMENT 0 Heat Exchanger 1 Each 2695.00 2695 10.000 10.0 500 3195 Radiators 2 Each 3830.00 7660 10.000 20.0 1000 8660 Expansion Tank 1 Each 150.00 150 3.000 3.0 150 300 Misc. Electrical 1 Each 2500.00 2500 16.000 16.0 800 3300 22018 282.7 14135 36153 SUBTOTAL: POWER PLANT Labor rate assumed $50/hr CLARK'S POINT WASTE HEAT RECOVERY - BUDGET ESTIMATE DATE: 18 APR 90 a se mgs ee ae a ae: anes \ ~ MATERIAL COST | ~~ LABOR HOURS TOTAL TOTAL COST WORK DESCRIPTI QUANTITY UNITS UNIT TOTAL UNITS TOTAL LAB. COST W/O O.H. & PROFIT ARCTIC PIPE Gha/ae Y DANINGI, Inc. 11/02-89 12 Hamilton Lane Plainsboro od. 3 Ss REALE oh Phang (e095) 278 9070 Assume Seg orice ve \ U ae ‘ > Fax (609) 799 2579 oe ce. erktatl Aegie 7tTP Manokotak School Proj. Alaska Part n Inch Description Qty i447 eis 1034 160 Taper Lock Joint gq 2-85 43.24 1054 160 Bend 90 Deg. ZO 43.28 64.87 2815 24%" 76 Welding Hend 90 Deg. 20 4.99 Tus 1344 160 Wall Entry Sleeve 4 1830 160 End-cap 6 2034 160 Joint Coupling for E-joint 4 41s C/E _soisoelua-pipe 12 faire __, so 27557 | (BSR 7441 140/160 Foam Pad SO OE 24 7655 2 1/2" 76 E-joint 4 1984 24"/3" 746/ 89 BENDING TGOL FOR CURVED PIPES 1 1607 Ratchet Spanner 17 mm 1 1645 Zink Anode (1 pcs) 2 1726 Dual-Plug (10 pcs) i 1727 Steel bolts, Complete (25 pcs) 1 1728 Clamp 1 1729 Tool tray/Sealing Strip holder 1 1731 Bolt retainer 1 1757 Ring Spanner 13/17 mm 1 1758 Screwdriver 4 mm 1 1760 Eclipse Saw with Blade 1 1913 Wedge (2 pcs) 2 1914 Scissors for Sealing Strip 1 1955 Cleaning cloth (10 pes) Al 1957 Scraper 2 1958 Extra Blade 2 1962 Pressure test equipment 1 2335 24" 76/140 Alu-shields (2 pcs) 1 BO4S Installatiun tools 42-168 a 8105 Foam Pack no. 5 se qs 13.72 8106 Foam Pack no. 6 a 9S ZTE 8107 Foam Fack no. 7 22 /0.uB po 7e 1605 Sealing Strip 60 Metres Roll q 24-65 36,94 7PIOD 500 mm Plastic film 100 Metres 2 1406 Warning Tape Soo Meters 1 _ po eT (PERRE ae toot /PT = 41> ze ~ ZO Eh, PIE Pe ELL = 88.08 be Cosy Fee 70 oa @4 prt wt (9616 cow Teh oe ei Ps? » rAises 100° Ageume DOS / for menu Subj: NEW LEDGER CODE 100% Page 1 6&6&&ééé Date: 5-3-90 11:46am From: DAPCEKN:mis: apa To: HAN cc: ARNOLD, DONW, GARY, MARY, DAVE, EMILY, PAT, JOHNB Subj: NEW LEDGER CODE Return receipt: Done PLEASE ESTABLISH THE FOLLOWING NEW LEDGER CODES: PROJ 20-CHARACTER LEDGER COLOCATION APPROPRIATION CODE TITLE CODE CODE NUMBER 82055 Manokotak WH-SWRSD 81826907 08108009 32354 82151 Clarks Pt WH-SWRDS 81826908 08108009 32354 Thanks, Emily TIME: 14:42:27 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROGRAMS DIRECTORATE PROJECT BUDGET COMMUNITY MAT OKOTAY PROJECT NAME BWIATTE HeAT Recour ey PREPARER SR? DATE PREPARED _ 19 APZ 10 71000 Personal Services 5s 4YS 87 72000 Travel and Per Diem Lj goo 73000 Other Services 6SOD Ccepaes 77730 Grants 73140 Grant Handling Fees 73872 Project Contingency 12580 Mo” an 74000 Material (AEA oaly) 603 12 we 73460 Freight (AEA only) 44OO _ Acoumes APR Ot. Fi oe Peers BY Sues SUBTOTAL $__/ 49 379 menses 70200 Indirect Non-personal 70100 Allocated Personal TOTAL «=S_1 44379 ‘REA Appropriation Name Matrix Code Project AR Project CC Project LC Amount BUDGET APPROVALS Munager of Rural Projects Ah SMES ve: Dir. Acct. & Admin Mer. Rural Projects Director of Rural Prograins Preparer Director of Agency Operations Return original to Dir. $50,000) Initials Date of Rural Programs Nbudget ert ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORI.. RURAL PROGRAMS DIRECTORATE PROJECT BUDGET COMMUNITY MAN OLOTAL PROJECT NAME MATTE HeAT RE coveey PREPARER SRE DATE PREPARED 19 AP% 10 71000 Personal Services Sa ST ? SUIS 72000 Travel and Per Diem Lj¢goo 73000 Other Services 6SOO cages 77730 Grants 73140 Grant Handling Fees i 73872 Project Contingency wes i an? 765 74000 Material (AEA only) 69312 roa 73460 Freight (AEA only) = “4 0200 Indirect Non-personal Jo) 5 iy Y 5° z0100 Allocated Personal te 4 TOTAL « S__Laes7T 15/637 Reh Appropriation Name Matrix Code Project CC Project LC Amount BUDGET APPROVALS Manager of Rural Projects Aa Sote7o ce: Dir. Acct. & Admin. Mer. Rural Projects Director of Rural Programs Preparer Director of Agency Operations Return original to Dir Sen ee 8 MW hudget greater than SS0.0G0) Initials Date of Rural Programs £ § t ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PROJECT BUDGET WORKSHEET Project Information Communine De eee Te ee ts cmv! bt Project Name: __ SE eS oe 7 Le Nuaaben) || UL WTP AB AProjManager oo Oaute prepared: _ 1G APA 90 Date of Basis Sapm NENA SEG SRE oyna Prepared by: a SEE (Date of Completion ——- — —----- ---- LABOR (field work + OTT eee ETI all il Ties Rate] Subtotal OE Subw PREVO r Jou B. Cite Viet [7= [se | 37s \R% 244 Cask oh Sout B t CONST UL TION __ erection | 397 '!sea | 3750 _ aes | eps ee EU PRostcT _ConeTtucrow | 280) ¥e | [MOTO | UBF 6 1 oP | ‘ is izgol 2) 14082 | 9746 7689 | | , ommunioy Labor Total | = Bere | A \7 34 1 SwWRkso a 117O ho pRERaee | Pc Bt SHESL | BAcHet of BO125 2€C00 | Total | ___ommed zoom | & Ue ARO ROR : ee DIEM AND TRAVEL _ ee [ Name iFicld | PD | Sub- Namber| Rate | Sub- { Tol | i | Days | Rate | toral | ot Trips | total | | ) down B | 10 | 100 Paleal 3 | soo i7se0| 2500 | GAM 35 loo 3500) za | 500 yece| 4500 | i CMe 25) Lom 35 I eel |g00 | 000! _ 4500 C Adee eS UUVUTUVVULU) et resembles UII STMT TTL LEU Seisea seers || ekemeveet U0) | aia or ro Yount Bo Pes MA Aas MiT fis a FO: ) Qué To _o) BeaETwe £. As: BUTS | “20,68 76 Coback | TAT bloomer |. CenTeAcT ING | 36,46 74 Acer , Dor WL. ACCOUNTING. 30.21 120% TW HW WE ) VOeF ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PROJECT BUDGET WORKSHEET Project Information MATERIAL i Deseriptien UCN tes i Amount: Ste ArtACHED EE EU Alea tlZ | : ' : : { Hittite ani Th WI 7 TTI TTD aan — SIAL TIE LAE EM VAAL UE ee LE Toul | 6BZie 1 & FREIGHT Notes i Amount | Description \Marseiaus AS Pee Atracuse Asguat 7 Tors | 49700 _' \ wt. Popp pop oo | { ! f — —- -: ——. — | | + 3 | ! \ j—- -- 1 aad i | ! ( t ote Ly HOH I 4 Total | IO | k CONTRACT ; Description [ Notes bo Amount lunityeguipmentrental 1 eet oe t— i ' Susy Vii | |\O Dans ¥ Tomy 1 4gsoo “7 rt | . i i APMREUSUAEAE SI { veut Lee Se | ! TT | SUMMARY PersonalSernvices(A+D) oe T7 25075 Travel & Percdiem iC) [7/5 O0O Nikgeriatiopea _68312% Prershr ley 49oO0 Cunreacr (aay 6500 Alocw ITD Cost, 2156S EE ee a DANINGI, Inc. 11/92-89 12 Hamilton Lane Plainsboro, N.J. 08536 yg Phone (609) 275 9070 AsSu A sore Fax (609) 799 2579 PRE Sie ee Covr of STARA LL Manokotak School Froj. Alaska Part n- Inch Description Qty 1034 160 Taper Lock Joint a4 1054 160 Bend 70 Deg. 20 2815 24" 76 Welding Hend 90 Deg. 20 1364 160 Wall Entry Sleeve 4 1830 160 End-cap 5 2034 ww 160 Joint Coupling for E-jo0int 4 41us @ 1/252 sosToOlus-pipe 12 metres, oo 7441 140/160 Foam Pad 4% 8" 24 76355 2 1/2" 76 E-joint 4 1984 24"/3" 76/ 89 BENDING TGOL FOR CURVED PIPES 1 1607 Ratchet Spanner 17 mm 1 1645 Zink Anode (1 pcs) 2 1726 Dual-Plug (10 pcs) i 1727 Steel bolts, Complete (25 pcs) 1 1728 Clamp 1 1729 Tool tray/Sealing Strip holder 1 17321 Bolt retainer 1 1757 Ring Spanner 13/17 mm 1 1758 Screwdriver 4& mm 1 1760 Eclipse Saw with Blade 1 1913 Wedge (2 pcs) i 1914 Scissors for Sealing Strip i 1955 Cleaning cloth (10 pes) FAI 1957 Scraper 2 1958 Extra Blade 2 1962 Pressure test equipment 1 2335 2%" 76/140 Alu-shields (2 pcs) 1 BO45 Installation tools 42-168 a 8105 Foam Pack no. 5 a? 8106 Foam Fack no. 6 4 8107 Foam Ffack no. 7 22 16035 Sealing Strip 60 Metres Roll 4 7PLD 500 mm Plastic film 100 Metres 2 1406 Warning Tape Soo Meters 1 256° er ZO és. pIcees Gha/ae Ys pwocReAce 1h sTrrue ve Dee Aepre a7 1.5 22.52 43.24 42.vs 64,87 4.99 Tae 257 tee WAS 13,72 Bis 13.72 jo,4& 7h ‘24.62 36,94 peeoe™ Cosy Fee qo ELL = oa eA. peece— 5 sont = 56.1 L or PK he aT Pee “ @io0° "" rAvees ENT 10 Clarks Point Waste Heat Agreement THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of , 1990, between the SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT (the District) and the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (the Energy Authority), to outline the responsibilities of the parties and the procedures to be followed in connection with design, construction, start-up and future operation and maintenance of the Clarks Point Waste Heat Project, hereinafter called the "Project." Article A. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY COVENANTS The Energy Authority will: 1. Perform a detailed review of the existing site conditions and design the Project. 2. Review with the District all designs affecting the City’s and the District’s systems; secure the approval of the City for all design features affecting the operations, maintenance, or interface with the City’s electrical generation system; and provide the City with an accurate copy of the as-built drawings of the Project. 3. Provide specifications for all materials, components, and services necessary for the construction of the Project and place orders for these items and services in coordination with the District. Provide to the District purchase and freight pickup slips or other paperwork presented by vendors as a result of purchase orders, pickup or delivery. 4. Together with District personnel, construct the Project as designed; after having secured the approval of the City as referenced in Paragraph 2, above. The construction schedule will be made in cooperation with the City in order to ensure availability of a City field mechanic, and in cooperation with the District to ensure availability of District maintenance personnel. 5. Assist the District in starting up and trouble shooting the waste heat recapture system, if needed, during the first two years of operation, and make recommendations on operations and maintenance procedures as necessary to secure safe and efficient operation of the system. 6. Immediately notify the District of any situation that may affect the safe and efficient operation of the City’s electrical generation facilities while construction is in progress. Te Set up the following account within the Energy Authority Rural Energy Construction Assistance (RCA) to receive funds from the District as described in Article B, Paragraph 9: Clarks Point Waste He: eement c ct No. Page 2 of 7 Collocation Code: 08108009 Ledger Code: 81826908 8. Receive and expend District funds in accordance with the budget and purchasing authority described in Appendix A to this Agreement, and return any unused funds to the District upon completion of the Project. If District- budgeted materials and freight costs are in excess of the budget in Appendix A, receive the District’s approval prior to spending project contingency and any amounts above the contingency listed in the budget. 9. Invoice the District for materials provided from Energy Authority inventory, and for Energy Authority labor, travel and other expenditures described in Appendix A to this Agreement. 10. Pay for any Energy Authority labor, labor overhead and travel costs in excess of the amounts estimated in the budget in Appendix A. Article B. SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT COVENANTS The District will: 1. Pursuant to the District’s Waste Heat Agreement with the City of Clarks Point, ensure all necessary access to City and District-owned or operated property by Energy Authority personnel and contractors. A copy of the Clarks Point Waste Heat Agreement 1988 is attached as Appendix D. 2. Pursuant to the District's Waste Heat Agreement with the City of Clarks Point, ensure that all necessary permits and rights-of-way to City-owned property or -operated facilities are secured for the Project. 3. Assign to the Energy Authority full authority over all engineering decisions in connection with design, construction, start-up, and run-in of this Project subject to the District’s right of design approval in Paragraph 4 below. The District, however, reserves the right to disapprove the modification of any part of the system located on its own premises. 4. Review the Energy Authority’s Project design on those parts of the system that directly affect the operation of the District’s system in the school. Within ten working days after the Energy Authority submits the Project design for approval, suggest changes to or reject changes in the Project design, or provide the Energy Authority with a signed copy of the written approval form presented in Appendix B. 5. Provide local manpower assistance for the construction of the Project at the request of the Energy Authority. This will include making available current District staff to work on the Project, hiring temporary staff, and assisting the Energy Authority in contracting for local services such as backhoe operator as needed. All local labor used for the Project shall be paid for directly by the District. Clarks Point Waste Hee pement c ct No. Page 3 of 7 This will also include coordinating with the City of Clarks Point to ensure availability of a City field mechanic to stand-by during normal work days while modifications are being made to systems directly affecting the operation of the Clarks Point power plant. 6. Coordinate budget and purchasing of materials, components, and services with Energy Authority field staff. Some materials will be purchased out of existing Energy Authority inventory, and are included in the budget described in Appendix A to this Agreement. 7. Ensure access to any part of the waste heat recapture system located on any District-owned or operated property or in any District-owned or operated structure for performance testing by Energy Authority personnel or its contractors over the life of Project facilities. 8. Upon written request, provide the Energy Authority access to and copies of any information or documents related to any phase of this Project over the life of Project facilities. 9. Pay to the Energy Authority $8,000 within 7 working days after approval of this Agreement to cover the initial 25% of the Energy Authority’s labor, overhead and travel expenses for the Project. These funds will be used to provide the design and project management services described in Article A, Paragraphs 1-4. Pursuant to Article A, Paragraph 8, any balance of this amount not expended at the time the Project is completed, will be returned to the District. 10. | Reimburse the Energy Authority for labor and travel expenses associated with trouble shooting the system during the two-year period described in Article A, Paragraph 5. Payment must be pre-approved by the District, and must result from a travel request by the District in response to system problems. 11. After the Energy Authority provides specifications for equipment, places orders, and arranges for freight delivery and storage, make payment on invoices presented by third party vendors for payment. In the case of materials provided by the Energy Authority for this Project, make payment to the Energy Authority within 30 days after receipt of invoice. Project payments will be made in accordance with the budget categories described in Appendix A of this Agreement. 12. If the amount budgeted for District labor exceeds the estimate presented in Appendix A, provide additional staff labor to the project at no extra cost to the project. 13. | Within seven working days after issuance of a Notice of Project Completion by the Energy Authority, sign an acknowledgement of Project completion or identify in writing any specific task the District considers incomplete. A copy of the Notice of Project Completion is in Appendix C. Clarks Point Waste He: ‘eement C ict No. Page 4 of 7 Article C. MUTUAL COVENANTS The Energy Authority and the District agree to the following: 1. Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement is two and one half years from the date of signature by both parties. This Agreement may be cancelled by the mutual consent of the parties after the Notice of Project Completion has been signed. 2. Hold Harmless Agreement. As to all actions taken pursuant to or under color of this Agreement, the Energy Authority and the District shall indemnify, save and hold each other harmless, and defend the other party to the Agreement, their officers, agents, servants, and employees, from all costs and any other amounts which the other parties, their officers, agents, servants, and employees become obligated to pay on account of any demands, claims, liabilities, or losses arising out of, or in any way connected with the acts or omissions of the indemnifying party, its officers, agents, servants, and employees. 3. Declaration of Cooperation. (a) It is the intent of this Agreement to commission and use the Clarks Point Waste Heat Project to reduce the energy expenses for the residents of Clarks Point. The parties agree to work towards this goal through cooperative efforts. (b) The parties agree to make every responsive and cooperative effort possible in order to complete and commission the system by September 30, 1990. At the request of any one party, project meetings with all parties to this Agreement will be held within seven calendar days after the receipt of such request by the other parties. All meetings will be held in Anchorage unless a different location is mutually agreed upon. 4. Disputes. Either party to this Agreement may bring an action against the other party in the superior court for the State of Alaska to resolve a dispute arising under this Agreement. Any lawsuit involving this Agreement shall be heard by the superior court, Third Judicial District at Anchorage. All legal costs, including attorneys’ fees not otherwise provided for in this Agreement, shall be allocated pursuant to Alaska Civil Rule 82. 5. Rights of other Parties. It is the intent of the parties that this Agreement confer no rights on any third parties. 6. Binding Effect. This Agreement and all of its terms, covenants, conditions and appendices represents the entire Agreement and shall extend and be binding upon the respective heirs, executors, administrators, grantees, successors and assigns of the parties to this Agreement. 7. Parties not Being Agents of Each Other. It is agreed that the Parties, their officers, agents, servants and employees shall act in an independent capacity and not as agents of the other parties in the performance of this Agreement. Clarks Point Waste Hee eement c ct No. Page 5 of 7 8. Severability. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Agreement or any agreement referred to in this Agreement shall be adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall be unaffected by such adjudication and all the remaining provision of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as if such section, paragraph, clause or provision or any part thereof so adjudicated to be invalid, had not been included herein. 9. Declaration of Public Benefit. The parties acknowledge that the Project is to be constructed for the benefit of the general public and will not deny any person use of Project facilities or use of energy produced from Project facilities due to race, religion, color, sex or national origin. 10. Notices. Any notice required of any of the parties shall be in writing. Unless receipt of such notice is expressly required by the terms of this Agreement, it shall be deemed served when deposited in the mail in a sealed envelope, with sufficent first class postage affixed, and addressed to the appropriate party. The notices shall be sent to each party’s place of business, which in the case of the Energy Authority shall be: Robert E. LeResche, Exective Director Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 in the case of the District shall be: Martin A. Myhre, Business Manager Southwest Region School District P.O. Box 3196 Dillingham, Alaska 99576 Clarks Point Waste He. ‘eement C ict No. Page 6 of 7 THIS AGREEMENT has been reviewed, agreed to, and executed by the following parties: for the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Robert E. LeResche ate Executive Director Approved: Assistant Attorney General Date STATE OF ALASKA ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of , 1990, by Robert E. LeResche, the Executive Director of the Alaska Energy Authority, a public corporation of the State of Alaska on behalf of the Corporation. Notary Public, State of Alaska My Commission expires Clarks Point Waste He ‘eement ¢ ict No. Page 7 of 7 for the SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT Superintendent Date STATE OF ALASKA ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of , 1990, by , Superintendent for the Southwest Region School District. Notary Public, State of Alaska My commission expires: APPENDIX A Clarks Point Waste Heat Agreement Budget ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROGRAMS DIRECTORATE PROJECT BUDGET COMMUNITY CLARK'S POINT PROJECT NAME WASTE HEAT RECOVERY PREPARER DAVID DENIG-CHAKROFF DATE PREPARED _ 5/2/90 PROJECT Source of Funding RCA ** SWRSD *** TOTAL 71000 Personal Services $_12,096 $__9,736 5 $_21, 832 72000. +Travel and Per Diem 5,400 5,400 73000 Other Services 1,950 1,950 77730 ~~ Grants * 73140 Grant Handling Fees 73872 Project Contingency 4,185 5,846 10,031 74000 Material (AEA only) 23,788 23,788 73460 Freight (AEA only) 3,500 3,500 SUBTOTAL $_21,681 $_ 44,820 $ $ 66,501 70200 Indirect Non-personal 3,387 3,387 70100 Allocated Personal 7,016 7,016 TOTAL = $_32,084 $_44,820 $ $ 76,904 Matrix Code 82 NA Project AR 32354 NA Project CC 08108009 NA Project LC 81826908 NA BUDGET APPROVALS VG saangee of Rural Projects TMbr{V ce: Dir. Acct. & Admin. ; 5/4 Mgr. Rural Projects Director of Rural Programs 40 Preparer Director of Agency Operations L SM ? S/ Y [2 © Return original to Dir. (If budget greater than $50,000) Initials Date — of Rural Programs * If project includes grant funds, see addendum attached. ** Funds provided by the school district to the Energy Authority's Rural Energy Construction Assistance account. **k Funding provided directly by the school district that will NOT be managed through an Energy Authority account or bookkeeping service. eS a a a SS SS = CLARK'S POINT WASTE HEAT RECOVERY - BUDGET ESTIMATE DATE: 18 APR 90 eee a a eS SS MATERIAL COST LABOR HOURS TOTAL TOTAL COST WORK DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS UNIT TOTAL UNITS TOTAL LAB. COST W/O O.H. & PROFIT ere ec ee Ss SS SS SS USER BLDG CONNECTIONS PIPE & FITTINGS Piping 2 1/2" 200 LF 4.70 940 0.300 60.0 2560 3500 Ells 2 1/2" 20 Ea. 10.00 200 0.400 8.0 341 541 Tees 2 1/2" 2 Ea. 20.00 40 0.500 1.0 43 83 Misc. Fittings 1 Ea. 500.00 500 7.500 7.5 320 820 VALVES Gate Valves 2 1/2" 6 Ea. 185.00 1110 1.500 9.0 384 1494 Check Valves 2 1/2" 1 Each 110.00 110 1.500 1.5 64 174 EQUIPMENT >* Heat Exchanger 1 Each 2695.00 2695 8.000 8.0 341 3036 Pumps 1 Each 450.00 450 4.000 4.0 171 621 Electrical Connections 1 Each 150.00 150 3.000 3.0 128 278 Expansion Tank 1 Each 150.00 150 3.000 3.0 128 278 SUBTOTAL: USER BLDG CONNECTIONS 6345 105.0 4479 10824 Labor rate assumed $42.66/hr ee eS SS SS CLARK'S POINT WASTE HEAT RECOVERY - BUDGET ESTIMATE DATE: 18 APR 90 eae eee eee ee ee ee SSS SSS SS SS SS SS SSS SS SS SS SS SSS MATERIAL COST LABOR HOURS TOTAL TOTAL COST WORK DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS UNIT TOTAL UNITS TOTAL LAB. COST W/O O.H. & PROFIT cee eS SS POWER PLANT PIPE & FITTINGS Demolition 1 Job 500.00 500 24.000 24.0 1024 1524 Piping 2" 80 LF 4.70 376 0.320 25.6 1092 1468 Ells 2" 10 Ea. 10.40 104 0.500 5.0 213 317 Tees 2" 4 Ea. 44.00 176 0.800 3.2 137 313 Piping 2 1/2" 20 LF 4.70 94 0.300 6.0 256 350 Ells 2 1/2" 6 Ea. 10.00 60 0.400 2.4 102 162 Misc. Fittings 1 Ea. 1000.00 1000 =16.000 16.0 683 1683 VALVES Gate Valves 2" 8 Ea. 44.00 352 2.000 16.0 683 1035 Gate Valves 2 1/2" 2 Ea. 85.00 170 1.500 3.0 128 298 AMOT Valve 2" 1 Each 200.00 200 2.000 2.0 85 285 EQUIPMENT * Heat Exchanger 1 Each 2695.00 2695 10.000 10.0 427 3122 Misc. Electrical 1 Each 2500.00 2500 16.000 16.0 683 3183 SUBTOTAL: POWER PLANT 8227 129.2 5512 13739 Labor rate assumed $42.66/hr CLARK'S POINT WASTE HEAT RECOVERY - BUDGET ESTIMATE DATE: 18 APR 90 MATERIAL COST LABOR HOURS TOTAL TOTAL COST WORK DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS UNIT TOTAL UNITS TOTAL LAB. COST W/O 0.H. & PROFIT a ARCTIC PIPE Trenching 360 Lin. Feet 3.90 1404 0.060 21.6 921 2325 Backfill W/Orig. Material 360 Lin. Feet 2.00 720 0.060 21.6 921 1641 Bedding 360 Lin. Feet 2.00 720 0.000 0.0 0 720 600 FT Arctic Pipe (es site» 720 Lin. Feet 5.66 4075.2 0.171 123,14 5252 9327 * Pipe Ells 10 Each 52.58 525.8 0.667 6.7 285 810 > Couplings 8 Each 33.83 270.64 0.000 0.0 0 271 SUBTOTAL: ARCTIC PIPE 7716 173 7380 15095 Labor rate assumed $42.66/hr eee eee ee eee eee eee eS SS SS SS SE SS SSS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SSS SS SS SSS SS SSS SS * MATERIALS TO BE TAKEN FROM ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY'S INVENTORY. APPENDIX B Clarks Point Waste Heat Agreement Design Approval APPENDIX B CLARK’S POINT WASTE HEAT DESIGN APPROVAL City of Clark’s Point | have reviewed the Alaska Energy Authority design for construction of the waste heat system with respect to how it affects the operations, maintenance and interface with the City’s electrical generation system. My signature below indicates approval of the design and gives my permission to enter the power house to perform construction work related to the Project. Honorable Jospeh L. Clark ate Mayor City of Clark’s Point Southwest Region School District | have reviewed the Alaska Energy Authority design for construction of the waste heat system with respect to how it affects the operations, maintenance and interface with the District’s school heating system. My signature below indicates approval of the design and gives my permission to enter the District’s facilities to perform construction work related to the Project. Name ate Title APPENDIX C Clarks Point Waste Heat Agreement Notice of Project Completion Page 1 of 2 Notice of Project Completion Alaska Energy Authority NOTICE OF PROJECT COMPLETION Date: Project Name: Contracting Party: Contract Agreement Number Agreement Execution Date: THE ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY certifies that the Project Agreement named above is complete in accordance with the terms and conditions referenced in Contract Agreement Number The Energy Authority acknowledges that all expenses incurred under the Agreement have been paid in full, and no further claims for reimbursement can be made. Project Manager, Alaska Energy Authority STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of 1990. by , Project Manager of the Alaska Energy Authority, an Alaskan Corporation, on behalf of the Corporation. Notary Public, State of Alaska My commission expires: Page 2 of 2 Notice of Project Completion SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Southwest Region School District acknowledges that the Project referenced above has been completed, and that all tasks have been satisfactorily carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Project Agreement. The District accepts full responsibility for ownership, operation and maintenance of facilities that were constructed under the terms of this Agreement. Southwest Region School District Date Title STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of 1990, by , Superintendent for the Southwest Region School District. Notary Public, State of Alaska My commission expires: APPENDIX D Clarks Point Waste Heat Agreement \ { “Mitt WS CLARKS POINT WASTE HEAT AGREEMENT 1988 SEPTEMBER 22, 1900 The following represents an Agreement between the City of Clarks Point, herein referred to as the City, and Southwest Regional School District, herein referred to as the District. The District will at the Districts expense, install heat exchangers and other necessary equipment in order to capture waste heat from the Citys generators. The waste heat connections to the Citys generators will allow for use of waste heat by the City and the District. There will be a valved off fee for the City to connect piping for the Citys use of waste heat incurred by the District during hook- up of the system ta the District School. In return, as good and due consideration, the City will provide for a five (5) year period, free waste heat to the District, up to the capacity of the generators to generate waste heat. In the aven that the Citys generators have capacity to generate waste heat in "excess" of the District's demand, tha City may utilize this "excess heat“. It is understood and agreed that the Citys use of waste heat shall not limit or interfere with the District's uee of waste heat. The City will allow the District reasonable access to the generator building for initial hook up and subsequent inspection and/or maintenance. The City will provide a 10 foot easement between the City generator building for initial hook up and subsequent inspection and/or maintenance. The care, maintenance and upkeep of the waste heat. system shall be the responsibility of the District. The maintenance of generation shall be the responsibility of the City. The City will indemnify and hold the District harfiless for claims of property damage or personal injury from the Citys operation of its power production facility, including the distribution of power or lack thereof. In the event of termination of contract within a five (5) year period the City will reimburse at current cost or return to the District the heat exchange equipment provided by the District in the City generator building. This agreement will be automatically renewed at the end of five (5) years for an additional five (5) years unless either the District or the City objects thirty (30) days prior to the end of the initial five (5) year period. Additionally, at the end of the five (5) year period the heat exchangers will become the property of the CITY OF CLARKS POINT and a rate will be set for the DISTRICT to pay for the waste heat not to exceed the cost of fuel purchased for the nine month period. v CLARKS POINT WAStE HEAT AGREEMENT SEPTEMBER 22, 1988 PAGE 2 of 2 PAGES If either the District or the City objects, the Agreement will be renegotiated for an additional five (5) year period. This agreement will be binding on all subsequent organizations, and/ or political subdivisions envolving from the City and the District. The above hereto mutually agreed to on September 22, 1988 and as executed below, being duly authorized by their respective organiza~ tions. SOUTHWEST REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT TTONEN , SUPERINTENDENT CLARKS POINT CITY COUNCIL JA: TLC:sc