HomeMy WebLinkAboutLower Kalsag Waste Heat Report 1991ALA Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. RECE Fyppy 7. 1991 Mr. Brian C. Gray FEB 08 1991 Rural Systems Engineer _pjaska Energy Authority Alaska Energy Authority Post Office Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Subject: Waste Heat Reports Dear Mr. Gray: Work on the final copies of the waste heat studies for the communities of Anvik, Cold Bay, Hoonah, Kotlik, Lower Kalskag, Russian Mission and White Mountain will begin again on February 11, 1991. As we discussed during our phone conversation Monday, the target date for completion is February 22, 1991. Discussions with HMS, Inc. this afternoon resulted in a verbal commitment from them to begin working on the construction cost estimates February 12th or 13th. They understand that the target date for completion is February 22, 1991. Your comment concerning the previous invoices is correct. Our billings/accounting department has been notified of your letter and will comply with your request. If you have any other questions or concerns or comments on this matter, please contact me at 263-1579. Sincerely, FRANK MOOLIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. = ~1 Yecsus, Edward P. Mjolsnes, P.E. Chief Mechanical Engineer EPM/rcl CC: File 495-300 P.O. Box 107044, Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044, (907) 276-7484, Telecopier No. (907) 276-1830 om 3669/FM495/2-7-91 An Ebasco Services Incorporated Engineering and Construction Company Store of Aaa worrers. Siena: Governor Alaska Grnergy Authority A PuBIIo Corperation TEL € ¢ 6 # ¥ (ANCHCRAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (QUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: Ea ma jolernes NAME OF COMPANY: Eee, Tees Ns ok A me cn COMPANY AODRESS: PA srccls a | TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: = - 1 = SENDER: Berrian Sra TELEPHONE NUMBER: Z@)—-7Z29<t CHARGE CODE: = INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: DATE SENT: Zs f=} IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: C8073 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: DS BO. 80x AM Juneau. Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 ME PO. Box 190869 869701 East Tucior Road) = Anchorage Alaska 99619-0869 (907) 561-7877 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT *%& COUNT *%* # 2 we SEND ke 1 Cone ny no| REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT | | 9072761830 | 2- 4-91 14:06 1°24" 2 TOTAL 0:01'24" 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 State of Alaska DS Walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation February 4, 1991 Ed Mjolsnes Frank Moolin and Associates P.O. Box 107044 Anchorage, AK 99510-7044 Re: Waste Heat Reports Dear Mr. Mjolsnes: To date we still have not received final copies of the waste heat studies for the communities of Anvik, Cold Bay, Hoonah, Kotlik, Lower Kalskag, Russian Mission, and White Mountain. It is important that the reports be completed as soon as possible to allow these sites to be included for consideration in the funding package that is currently being developed. In addition, it has come to our attention that we are currently holding invoices for the draft reports for the communities of Anvik, Kotlik, Lower Kalskag, Russian Mission, and White Mountain. Payment of the invoices was withheld because the amount billed did not correspond with the current level of completion of the reports. On the final invoices for these communities, please include a note indicating that the previous invoices are void and bill for the total amount due. Thank you for your prompt attention. If you have an questions feel free to contact me at 261-7294. : Sincerely, HC Brian C. Gray Rural Systems Eng#¥neer BCG enclosure cee John Bulkow, Alaska Energy Authority ANVKBGLI1 PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 PO. 4 Box 190869 704 EastTudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 ‘eo Heflime Mote. Ed Moolones called Ye eur 2/s/2/ fo discuss the date fer Conpletion oF He weste Nest repoct We agreed to a Coupleti on cade ee Wo later thar Z/ez/s\. 7 State of Aicske Welter. hicke! Soverns: ™ | Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TeELecopyY sent to: _t@ ad 1 yolenes NAME OF COMPANY: Far b Mieelin zx A seecocrate s COMPANY ADDRESS: Avnet <A = TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: Zim (2Zzo SENDER: Be ci an Cora TELEPHONE NUMBER: Le} - Izzat CHARGE CODE: NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: ‘= INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: la/ Zt l =z IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) _ 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Waste Hea7 E-ecects cm (907) 561-8584) (907) 465-3575 (907) 561-7877 AM Juneau. Alaska 99841 Anencrage Alaska 99519-0869 S RO. Box EE PO. Box 190869) 890-704 East Tudor Road TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT *%* COUNT ** # 15 weK SEND eK NO REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME | DURATION #PAGES COMMENT 1] 9072761830 12-21-90 al 8'23" - 15 TOTAL iiieelianl " XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 MEMORANDUM Date: 12/13/90 Toye Ed Mjolsnes Frank Moolin & Associates From: Brian Gray Alaska Energy Authority Re: Lower Kalskag Waste Heat Recovery Draft Report We have reviewed the Draft Report and Concept Level Design for the above referenced project and have the following comments: a General Comment - We have not attempted to perform a thorough check for spelling and grammatical errors but it appears that there are several mistakes. The entire report should be carefully checked and edited prior to resubmittal. 2. Section 1.0 - Do not deduct annual O&M costs from fuel savings but rather show total annual fuel cost savings. 3. Section 4.1 - Does each radiator have sufficient capacity to reject all of the heat from any one of the generators? ae Section 4 - On the power generation data, add units to the column headings for "PEAK LOAD" and "FUEL USE." Sis Section 5 General Comments - Revise report format as follows: A. Print the narrative for each facility on an individual page followed immediately by the photographs and heating fuel consumption data for that facility. B. At the end of each facility narrative add a sentence listing the estimated annual fuel consumption for the building that was used in the calculations. iC. On the heating fuel consumption data add units to the column headings for "FUEL" and "DAILY CONSUMPTION." 10. dale, 12. 13% 14. LS. 16. ir Section 5 - Change photo title from "Clinic/Post Office Heater" to "Clinic/Post Office Boiler." Section 5.1 - Use of waste heat for domestic hot water production is probably not economically justifiable given the relatively low energy consumption and high cost of a double-wall heat exchanger. Delete the domestic water heat exchanger. Section 7.3 - Revise paragraph 2 in accordance with comment #7. Section 7.9.1 - Delete the domestic water heat exchanger. See comment #7. Section 7 - Provide a brief description of the new structure that will be constructed to house the waste heat equipment and describe modifications/connections to existing piping and equipment. Section 7.2 - Elaborate on the type of local soils and compatibility with buried heating piping. Also, address possible existing buried utilities along the proposed route. Section 7 - Provide figure numbers on Figures 1 through 17 and coordinate sheet titles with those in the List of Figures and Tables. Figures 4, 5, & 10 - The Amot valve appears to be in the wrong position (the A port is the common port). Figures 5, 7, & 10 - Delete the domestic water heat exchanger. See comment #7. Figure 17 - Refer to comment #9. If local soils are compatible with buried heating piping, revise to show bedding extending to 6" minimum above the top of pipes. Section 9.0 - Is the reference here to ethylene or propylene glycol? This would be a good place to expound on the advantages/disadvantages of each. Section 9.1.1, last paragraph - Change "on overload producing" to say "on high temperature producing." Also, the possibility of the sequence of multiple failures described currently exists and is not affected by installation of the waste heat system. Clarify this point. 18. 19. 20. 2i. Section 9.1.2 - Since failure of the waste heat system does not constitute an emergency (existing building heating systems will still function) stockpiling pipe on site is not justifiable. A better recommendation would be for the Energy Authority to maintain an inventory of replacement arctic pipe in Anchorage to facilitate system repairs. Section 9.4.3 - Commercial glycol solutions always contain corrosion inhibitors. Clarify this point. Appendix 1 - There appears to be an error in the system heat loss values. Scenario #2 should have considerably higher subsurface piping losses than Scenario #1. Check calculations and revise as required. Provide color photographs in the final report. LKSGBGMI1 FRANK MOOLIN &£ OCIATES ENSERCH Center © 550 West Seventh Avenue P.O. Box 107044 Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044 Phone (907) 276-7484 ALASKA ENELOY AuTHOuUTY Let 3R OF TRANSMITTAL ATTENTION JOun Butkow RE: TO WASTE HEAT ConceEPT Tot &, TuboR RD, LEVE_ DESICWS ~ Lower KALSKAG | a alt lial) GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU X Attached O Under separate cover via the following items: O Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples © Specifications OD Copy of letter O Change order COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION \ DRart RePont - Lower KALSKAG THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval O Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit. copies for approval O For your use O Approved as noted O Submit. copies for distribution O As requested O Returned for corrections O Return. corrected prints OY For review and comment oO © FOR BIDS DUE 19, OC PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: REPOAT 1S ESSENTIALLY = ConPLeTe WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THe CosT ESTinaTe G& Contcusion (Based On CosT ESTM«ATE) , COPY TO If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. White - Original SIGNED: Canary - Acknowledgement Copy Chit P.tt 263-/s66 Pink - Office File Copy ¥ 3 FRANK MOOLIN & 4 OCIATES LET 3B OF TRANSMITTAL ENSERCH ree : = eed ee Avenue ; ; - Pr Celte aes 38 | Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044 ATTENTION j Phone (907) 276-7484 i Joun) Burkxow ro__ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY WASTE HEAT ComcePT eb. 2; TDR RD‘ LEVEL. DESICWS ~ Lowe KALSKAG GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU & Attached © Under separate cover via the following items: O Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples : O Specifications O Copy of letter O Change order (RcBpIEse GADATEM es] SaYROL eT We. ie, ama eRe alle DESCRIPNON 7 RON Ven NT \ Dhart RePont - Lower KALSKAG Ca ecm testes Sd erred THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval O Approved as submitted O Resubmit. copies for approval O For your use O Approved as noted O Submit. copies for distribution O As requested © Returned for corrections O Return. corrected prints by For review and comment Oo O FOR BIDS DUE 19. OC PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS REPT 1S ESSENTIALLY ConPLETE WITH THE EXLEPTIN OF THE Cost ESTimaTE & Contcusion (Based Ow Cost ESTuTE), copy TO SIGNED: de Pde If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 263-1566 White - Original Canary - Acknowledgement Copy Pink - Office File Copy State of Alaska DS Walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation November 23, 1992 The Honorable Wassillie Kameroff Mayor City of Lower Kalskag P.O. Box 81 Lower Kalskag, Alaska 99626 Subject: Waste Heat Concept Design Report Dear Mayor Kameroff: Please find enclosed a copy of the Waste Heat Concept Design Report prepared by the Alaska Energy Authority for your community. This report identifies potential waste heat end-users and provides an estimate of the amount of fuel that would be saved (in both gallons and dollars) for several different combinations of end-users. A cost estimate based on prevailing wage rates and contractor construction is also included for construction of the most feasible waste heat end-user combination. The designs presented herein are schematic in nature and should not be construed as being complete in design or function. A thorough review of content and correctness should be performed prior to use in the development of construction documents. The Energy Authority is currently in the process of reviewing the cost estimates and proposed waste heat end-user combinations to determine if a waste heat project would be economically feasible for your community. If additional information is required, a member of my staff will contact you. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call Brian Gray or at 800-478-7877 or (907) 561-7877 or FAX (907) 561-8584. yi Dh Gur g- ff ( Director/Rural Programs SS:DDC:nk Attachment as stated ce: Mark T. Teitzel, AVEC (Without Report) PO. Box 190869 704 EastTudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Fax: (907) 561-8584 92Q4\NK3923DOC(1) RECFIVED Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. OCT 20 1992 4831 Eagle Street aska Enorgy Authe Anchorage. Alaska 99503-7497 “!#° EPerBy Authority (907) 561-1818 (907) 561-2388 FAX October 16, 1992 Mr. Steve Stassel, Engineer II Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Re: Waste heat Project Cost Estimate for Lower Kalskag. Dear Steve: Wassillie Kameroff, Mayor of Lower Kalskag, is very interested in obtaining a waste heat system for their water plant in Lower Kalskag. One of the biggest advantages supporting the installation of such a system is the close proximity of the water plant to the power plant. Another advantage is the existing installation of two remote radiators at the power plant with two of the three engines currently connected to a common cooling manifold. Mayor Kameroff was expecting an inspection of the existing facilities by Brian Gray, but that apparently hasn’t taken place yet. Having reviewed the summary letter that you provided the City of Mekoryuk, a similar summary for Lower Kalskag may answer many of his questions. Would it be possible to complete a similar evaluation and cost estimate for Lower Kalskag? Sincerely, Wit ‘hid Mark Teitzel Assistant General Manager MET \bg cc: Wassillie Kameroff Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503-7497 REC E \V ED (907) 561-1818 (907) 561-2388 FAX 30 4992 JUL thority July 28, 1992 pyaska Enews AB Mr. David Denig-Chakroff Director of Rural Programs Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Subject: Lower Kalskag Waste Heat Availability Dear Mr. Denig-Chakroff: Several years ago, Alaska Village Electric Cooperative installed two remote radiators at the power plant at Lower Kalskag along with a common cooling system manifold for two of the three generator sets. The installation of this equipment should have substantially reduced the scope of work required to capture and distribute waste heat from this power plant. Since the power plant is located directly adjacent to the water plant and across the road from the school, it should be considered one of the more likely candidates for the complete installation of a waste heat recovery system. Sincerely, Wi 6 At Mark E. Teitzel Assistant General Manager MET/sm cc: Wasillie Kameroff, Mayor Lower Kalskag letters.112 SAE RECEIVED Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. FM495E/ACCT JUL 19 1991 Alaska Energy Autnority July 18, 1991 Invoice No: 91-038 Job No: FM495-308 Mr. Dominic Costanzo Alaska Energy Authority Post Office Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Subject: Contract No. 2800158 - Lower Kalskag Dear Mr. Costanzo: Enclosed is the invoice for nonlabor expenses incurred while performing services for work order AEA-FMA-008. Appropriate documentation is attached for your review. WORK WORK CURRENT TOTAL AMOUNT ORDER NUMBER ORDER BUDGET INVOICE INVOICED TO DATE AEA-FMA-008-Services $ 8,225.00 $ 0.00 $ 8,225.00 AEA-FMA-008-Expenses 2,963.00 1,007.00 2,153.53 $11,188.00 907.400 $10,378.53 6 W_FRMSY OY Contract # Lue 2800/57 LY Project @A% S/AYH/S Sincerely, VERIFIED: FRANK MOOLIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project Mor. yy, ZLs Assoc. Ex. Dir ¢ ; o le OG MyYes C. Yerkes, P.E. Acctg Sunvr, APPROVED FCR PAYMENT: Amount 4227.22 woe 23/86 General Manager MCY/sb CC 03/93003 Approving Off. Payment: NLT P.O. Box 107044, Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044, (907) 276-7484, Telecopier No. (907) 276-1830 A An Ebasco Services Incorporated Engineering and Construction Company LAE MA eras, Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. | Project Mor r - ¢ 3 Aro pnd ra MEGEIVE TA | Acc | | , July 25, 1990 Ui wi my Sos he U i qu. eul Faw Pre eel Mr. Dominic Costanzo Alaska Energy Authority Post Office Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Subject: Contract No. 2800158 -.Lower Kalskag Dear Mr. costanzo:( {J Enclosed is the invoice for services rendefed on the Open Term Services ENA Be from April 29, 1990 through Jupé 30, 1990 on Work Order #AEA- FMA-008 Appropriate documentation is attached for your review. WORK WORK =CURRI TOTAL AMOUNT ORDER NUMBER ORDER BUDGET ) INVOICED TO DATE AEA-FMA-008-Services $ $ 454.00 $8,225.00 AEA-FMA-008-Expenses 23.28 1,146.53 $11,188.00 184773288 $9,371.53 Sincerely, FRANK MOOLIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dok 2 Bhat Joseph L. Perkins, P.E. Vice President JLP/bkc ' 5 | 79el4t / yo? P.O. Box 107044, Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044, (907) 276-7484, Telecopier No. (907) 276-1830 FM495E/ACCT An Ebasco Services Incorporated Engineering and Construction Company Invoice No: 90-090/ °° <" ° LAS Sep coe Job No: FM495 AY GH athe Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. May 23, 1990 ,oOADS a. Invoice No: 90-076)... (Bl 'H. Job No: FM495 Cone IG BSGE “y a er, Fi om t/e,p 1? Bop Mr. Dominic Costanzo i a ' Alaska Energy Authority | Pee ee Post Office Box 190869 -_ OT Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Subject: Contract No. 2800158 - Lower Kalskag Dear Mr. Costanzo: \\ Enclosed is the invoice for services rendered on the Open Term Services Contract from March 25, 1990 through April 28, 1990 on Work Order #AEA- FMA-008. Appropriate documentation is attached for your review. WORK WORK CURRENT TOTAL AMOUNT ORDER NUMBER ORDER BUDGET INVOICE INVOICED TO DATE AEA-FMA-008-Services $ 8,225.00 $ 898.00 $7,771.00 AEA-FMA-008-Expenses 2,963.00 283.70 1.123125 $11,188.00 $1.8) .70 $8,894.25 Sincerely, FRANK MOOLIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Doo Clos! Joseph L. Perkins, P Vice President JLP/bkc P.O. Box 107044, Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044, (907) 276-7484, Telecopier No. (907) 276-1830 FM495 E/ ACCT An Ebasco Services Incorporated Engineering and Construction Company ai V4. Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. (ae ni ~~ J April 6, 1990 bal Invoice No: 90-054 . * Bz, 2 Job No: FM495 7 BIK\ do OLS . “tenn. ALASKA FO) AUTE Mr. Dominic Costanzo Alaska Energy Authority a oe Post Office Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Subject: Contract No. 2800158 - Lower Kalskag Dear Mr. Costanzo: Enclosed is the invoice for services rendered on the Open Term Services Contract from February 25, 1990 through March 24, 1990 on Work Order #AEA-FMA-008. Appropriate documentation is attached for your review. we WORK WORK CURRENT TOTAL AMOUNT \ ORDER NUMBER ORDER BUDGET INVOICE INVOICED TO DATE AEA-FMA-008-Services $ 8,225.00 $2,898.00 $6,873.00 AEA-FMA-008-Expenses 2,963.00 15.03 839.55 $11,188.00 $2,913.03 7,712.55 Sincerely, FRANK MOOLIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Doh LQhwe Joseph L. Perkins, P.E. Vice President JLP/bke P.O. Box 107044, Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044, (907) 276-7484, Telecopier No. (907) 276-1830 FM4 9 5E J ACCT An Ebasco Services Incorporated Engineering and Construction Company hhh ene Frank Moolin & | i Associates, Inc. RECEIVED i? VAX 15 1990 1" March 14, 1990 ‘ ce es ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Invoice No: 90-041) * oe Job No: FM495 | hoot 729 — joer — FB 1b | ~O8f%mees Mr. Dominic Costanzo i feoenn eit FUL ays 23h Alaska Energy Authority s Ser Post Office Box 190869 ee : Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 aan Subject: Contract No. 2800158 - Lower Kalskag Dear Mr. Costanzo hr Enclosed is the invoice for services rendered on the Open Term Services Contract from January 29, 1990 through February 24, 1990 on Work Order #AEA-FMA-008. Appropriate documentation is attached for your review. WORK WORK CURRENT TOTAL AMOUNT ORDER NUMBER ORDER BUDGET INVOICE INVOICED TO DATE . AEA-FMA-008-Services §$ 8,225.00 $3,975.00 $3,975.00 AEA-FMA-008-Expenses 2,963.00 824.52 824.52 $11,188.00 $4,799.52 $4,799.52 Sincerely, FRANK MOOLIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Vi) mph Z: oseph L. Perkins, P.E. Vice President | JLP/bkc P.O. Box 107044, Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044, (907) 276-7484, Telecopier No. (907) 276-1830 FM495 E/ ACCT An Ebasco Services Incorporated Engineering and Construction Company