HomeMy WebLinkAboutLevelock Correspondence 1989ANCHORAGE MESSENGER SERVI 310 K STREET, SUITE 406 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 $ ~, (907) 278: [}asKa CHAE Ad ¢ P - SAT af. A Litl9ert ld mstrucnons From avry./ 77 CAO // CEI 1-34 ry es Date picked up. Lue O/ sew 5 wt » \ 7? Lint Pracess (y RECEIVED PLS 77 Sctoow St, 1 1990 Are hor age J ALASKA ENERGY A fl Cec F 6 C tor Cc FRIMAF G brerucond 74 as. 7S Sad DOCUMENTS (Identify Each): NUE LRINIS =! intallatew (11 Shruchin. Pjanual tor A eat eee Cesar. COURT No. To: INSTRUCTIONS (State 4, 2, 3, ete). _ 7 Seward Nay Son Oi neta cf west oN LY mordD f* sh Dy nen Av CeaMe~ Le Wa A as & 44S O@TOreE. STA foact ov rf S POPE E'S pera Al OW Scher, Zz W hire CS OM Corner et Sahin 7% 47% 5 DV ERRILC Cenler, Jale 2 2 Ofcevd Via J ‘fT Jess Press. Schwan) lou Cea) Fa er IN KILN G- S7 ASE FoR. NAVE. NOV 20 iggg it Lake and Peo Ss Manager FROM: Dave McClure cl Village Council & Electric Administrator DATE: 15 November 1989 SUB: Waste Heat and Energy Contract At the Electric Cooperative Board Meeting today, the board instructed me to invite you to a special meeting at which time we can negotiate the waste heat and energy contract. It is the wish of the board to come to a settlement which will allow the Alaska Energy Authority to complete the transfer of the waste heat retrofit grant to Lake and Peninsula from Southwest Region. As well, we would like to proceed to reach an agreement for the electrical usage. As for preliminary ideas, we are looking perhaps at a five year agreement which might entail free waste heat in exchange for site buildings and facilities (trailer, steam, outbuildings and oil tanks) which are of little or no use to you. As well, we would like the village council to be involved to the extent that the land on the beach might be traded for uplands which recently came into the council’s jurisdiction. Land might be traded fora permanent picnic site, field trip station, etc. Let me know your schedule as to when you and/or Frank could come over and meet with us. Thanks. CC: LECI Board Members Sara Hornberger - Site Aamitiistrator . Ne _ Pat Woodell, Alaska Energy Authority State of Alaska N\ Steve Cowper, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation July 27, 1989 Mr. Chuck Beatie Facilities Coordinator Lake and Peninsula School District Box 498 King Salmon, Alaska 99613 Dear Mr. Beatie: This letter is to let you know that I will be out of the office from August 3-11. Please call Dave Denig-Chakroff at (907) 261-7311 if you need to make contact with our office in my absence. Sincerely, bE ft heli Pat Woodell Development Specialist PW:it PO, Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 X PO. Box 190869 701 EastTudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 6322/983(2) W- 19-99 Ai ach Pa att oe i Cit heheh we AZZ. all __ pie mn herr te @ Ale : Ab al of rn Bf hlemy et (3) Phong lai Ev ( Zur Cry Cawo hi ete Ti en tne Ch W/3/$9 oes ty de oe: S22-/e0, er ae a <i Cxaa & Kiybn- EN a es oS SS a Oe a ee BK fe. AN LK, (7 & Carl. On Te Sk G Mo Cro azel — Parte =— In - cee Seprench, — CPR phil. hs Wiehe, Chaher a Ky ee pe wet Mn fr cag reece week e ORDER =0On eens Alaska Power Authority Preemie -~vs D.O. 135771 Alaska Power Authority 701 E. Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99503 Attn: Pat Woodell DATE DELIVERY REQUIRED AT DESTINATION DATE OF ORDER 4/15/89 3/8/89 F.0.B. POINT AGENCY REQUISITION NO./STOCK REQUEST NO. Anchorage ORDER ISSUED IN CAs Exp. Date ACCORDANCE WITH QUOTE# Dated c COMPANY CONTACT NAME TELEPHONE NUMBER GSS Vgndor Code | Order is © air Parcel Post O Surface Parcel Post OC Other - See Text . Based O1 ° Mike Steele 522-1010 Shipment Via O Air Freight O Surtace Freight O Vendor's Choice : TRAVTER , /a c. % SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS R Unit Process Company ‘ 7721 Schoon St., Suite 2 Please instruct shipper to contact Pat T Anchorage, AK 99518 Woodell at 561-7877 when order arrives in O ANchorage. R Note: This order constitutes a binding commitment between the state and the contractor listed hereon. Unauthorized modification without the expressed prior approval of the purchasing authority will result in a financial obligation on the contractor and/or unauthorized state personnel making the change. irewwo.| “cove oneneo | MEASURE (Mote: Include CA. tem number If eppropriate) unr Price EXTENDED Price 1 1 ea Tranter Model UX-195UP-36 Heat exchanger 3,446.00 3,446.00 FOB Anchorage met Alaska Power Authority, P.O. Box 190869 pace 1 0F| TOTAL OF DUPLICATE TO Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 PAGES|ALL PAGES $ 3,446.00 REF | TYPE NUMBER AMOUNT DATE COMMENTS ’ 1 [ew TO LEVELoCR — WASTE HEAT pe DO FIN AMOUNT sY cc PGM uc ‘CCT E a 1 | 3,446.00 189 | 08193004 81826305 FOF Ix? 2 3 4 PURCHASING AUTHORITY NAME TITLE PURCHASING AUTHORITY'S SI NATURE. ___7__| TELEPHONE NUMBER ie, Di Sit ACT Moor) Brent N. Petrie, Dir. of Agency Operations Oud t Cty 907 / 561-7877 IMPORTANT: 1. D.O. number and receiving agency name must appear on all invoices and documents relating to this order. 2. Do not overship or substitute. 3. Receipted freight bills must accompany all claims for freight charges. 4. The state is registered for tax free transactions under Chapter 32, IRS code. Registration number 92-73-0006 K. Items are for the exclusive use of the state and not for resale. 02-601 (Rev. 5/87) CONTRACTOR ae fea an Be GE flue ee ai ae the "ddan hes 0 ill eter of ayaa. 2 _ ds . Alaska Power Authority Sore st Haske TEL ECORPyY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone Ne. 6907) S61-8saa) (JUNEAU Telecopy Prone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY seNT To: Ger L Recess C a mets NAME OF COMPANY: Kve Cw sane COMPANY ADDRESS: <L. Lnctnmad Or OO TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: ~Se2? 2 ~ pocy SENDER: Vaz=a dere TELEPHONE NUMBER: SE-- Ferre CHARGE coDE: LIEr se “eve NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: oa nctuorne tmrs COVER Page DATE SENT: Sees TF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907 262~-7240-Aanchora 2 Cad75 468-3578-Sunese SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Hees is He user svc So (e rT e. VO a ~O2 = — foe ‘ CerBawyr. FS Mv Yeue Mee TS PX ARTI“ COME ATOS ey JS Bs eeer an igaece OTL Atsene c0a11 (907) asa-asyy ORO TE, @ 2 8B 7 goece 70% €ear tucter eas AMcrore@e Aicans 99819-0840 (PO?) Se1-7a77 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT **k COUNT *x& # 3 eK SEND kx _ 7 T iNo| REMOTE STATION I.D. START TIME DURATION | #PAGES COMMENT | fane | “| 1 907 522 1001 5- 9-89 11:19 2°10 | 3 | TOTAL 0:02'10" 3 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 t INFORMATION CONTACT: LYNDEN fie 127 Ri ICHORAGE, AK 99501 - (907) 274 - agoo TRANSPORT ...,,, wen DAL-S401444 Jy (206) $75-0575 * 6250 SOUTH 228TH « KENT, WA 96032 DAL-S601444 PRO NUMBER i 26-89 ANC Is Is JTLS Josssasos=1 ini [o4-25"89 | VANPACEO4S pe jane nei uonee 9O7-S461-7877 «dT swieen ASKA_POWER AUTHORITY TEXAS DIV TRANTER 1 € TUDOR 1300 OLD BURK RO B 190869 POB 2289 CHGRAGE, AK 99519-0849 WICHITA FALLS, TX 76307 3346.80 46.62 046202 : K | oe Sk UHEAY Ek EHaN ER abv i 77 7 7 oe $2 i CHANG 2) 43.5 234580 | NGA PAT WOODELL AT $61-7877 aie | 135770 LEVELORK 1} TOTAL cOCLECT iy? COLL 773 383.42 CR 3 0 A ” 7 om 7 ALABERE <4 OF 1 END_OF BILL. 9570176 7. 7 RA aheary iy Pest ccarmons tee 42 ASKA_ POWER AUTHORITY : custowen x _ [NCIAUK [Bete Saati 1 E. TLBOR " 'B 190849 fie poo bor ADM. #38 (8/88 ) 100M ICHORAGE, AK 99519-0849 aie i boty | O Za el Seseribed shipment 1 Randied wn ac {sane sa> H PRODUCTS: Bs ae 46203 ® } PLATECOIL Famer aevccess ms, FLEXOPLATE PAGE O1 OF O1 TRANTER, inc. 1054 Claussen Rd. + Suite 314 + Augusta, GA 30907 KOLD-HOLD INTERNAL REF Telephone: 404/738-7900 * Telex: 543-275 * FAX: 404/738-6619 * D-U-N-S 537-8880 SC45732-28DROO Wy CUSTOMER ORDER NO 15049 DATE ENTERED REQUESTED DELIVERY WILL SHIP WEEK OF: CUSTOMER VENDOR NO 93/23/89 > Ss UNIT PROCESS CO SEE BELOW OT Ss ; ' « Oo 7721 SCHOON ST. SUITE 2 HT D ANCHORAGE, AK 99518 10 b P (SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS NOTES DEST AK TERMS: FOB SHIP VIA PREPAID SHIP DATE INVOICE DATE &-A0D couect NET 30 WICHITA FALLS Tx.| LYNDEN CI La | o4725/89 2 rrem | quantity DESCRIPTION Geesereel!| tenoren |r oueces AMOUNT | QUOTED SHIF 4-6 WKS -SHIF TO: “ALASKA FOWER AUTHORITY ~7O1 E TUDOR RD ~ANCHORAGE, AK 939503 “ATTN: FAT WOODELL ~135770, LEVELOCK —-CARRIER TQ CONTACT PAT WOODELL AT ~S61-7877 WHEN ORDER ARRIVES IN -ANCHORAGE A i 0820 1 SUPERCHANGER MODEL 304/NER DWG D-4-46203 1 SKID WEIGHT: 773 UX195SUF'O1 9018 1N/N1T22T22T22T22/ //TB2/// Tee UX~195-UF- 36 WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THESE GOODS WERE PRODUCED IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTIONS 6.7.AND 12 OF THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT. AS AMENDED. AND OF REGULATIONS AND ORDERS OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ISSUED UNDER SECTION 14, THEREOF PACKING LIST 2O2Z7 RAMPART ANCHOR rrommeca LIAL oate mic O4-24, 2746 - 4500 (208) $75-0575 + 6250 SOUTH 228TH © KENT, WA 96032 ING LINE PRO NUMBER SHIPPER PO7-S4A1-72 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY TEXAS DIV TRANTER (ocr NOn mECEIVAGLES Wise. REV. — ob G4G2 : OESCAIFTION ANO MARKS aev C/L PAYABLE ary 1 Sk. HEAT EXCHANGER 1A PAT WOOKELL AT 541-7277 35770 LEVELOCK STAL COLLECT COLL OS/OL/a2 | BRI customer: x av i le 4 ae | 1 CLO BURKE SHiPreR NUMOER LYNDEN TRANSPORT ..... Unit wr VANFACEO Ro WICHITA FALLS, Tx 7. 773 RECEIVED THE ABOVE OESCRIBED PROPERTY IN GOOD CONDITION ExCErT as NOTED al DATE OF Oeuvery Bout cout 2.48 Fo [GNCOADER Jocs LOacER oN «tmOl 93a aT S, : Al L , , oStrs SORE FERS GRR ERS Se a pgp papas en ace, DELIVERY RECEIPT — i Sreve Sowce- Ss.e--=2° | Alaska Power Authority State of Aiaska TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 8561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (3907) 466-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: Z ke “ S> ee’ Ce 2 Da va NAME OF COMPANY: Lack Y~pQRocess Co. COMPANY ADDRESS: YA 2 Saher. Kea’ TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: DVeR -vocy SENDER: L2-~ Albaocte /K TELEPHONE NUMBER: SGav- 7e7F CHARGE CODE: 42 SS 2EFO S— NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: a= INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: 36e ee IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) _ 261~7240-Anchorage (807) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Deumeey MmebeEe Bass 22 pee Se oe Se ee ee ee > oan Pica eel Salles by ence Bienes oe Preject as {3th ls (- “Than ke. DP. Wooetle /y RPO. Box AM Juneau. Alaska: 99814 (907) 265-3575 Anencragm Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Mo Ree GBCte? =——701 East Tudor Read TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT *%& COUNT ** # 2 weK SEND kK NO REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT 1 907 694 1241 3- 9-89 7:58 4°39" 2 TOTAL 0:04'39" 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 DELIVERY aT aN STATE OF ALASKA DELIVERY ORDER NUMBER ORDER IM Alaska Power Authority D.O. 135 { (1 DATE DELIVERY REQUIRED AT DESTINATION DATE OF ORDER Alaska Power Authority 4/15/89 3/8/89 701 E. Tudor Road F.0.8. POINT AGENCY REQUISITION NOJSTOCK REQUEST NO. Anchorage, AK 99503 Anchorage Attn: Pat Woodell ORDER ISSUED IN cae Exp. Date ACCORDANCE WITH QUOTE# Dated ° C | COMPANY CONTACT NAME TELEPHONE NUMBER GSS Vendor Code | Order is O air Parcel Post CO surface Parcel Post CO other - See Text ‘ Based On O| Mike Steele 522-1010 Shipment Via Air Freight O Surface Freight O Vendor's Choice : SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS R Unit Process Company . 7721 Schoon St., Suite 2 Please instruct shipper to contact Pat T Anchorage, AK 99518 Woodell at 561-7877 when order arrives in oO ANchorage. R Note: This order constitutes a binding commitment between the state and the contractor listed hereon. Unauthorized modification without the expressed prior approval of the purchasing authority will result in a financial obligation on the contractor. and/or unauthorized state personnel making the change. lrewno| “cove —_- fonoeneD | measune (Note: Include C:A tom number I approptate) wat ence Exrenven Pract 1 1 ea Tranter Model UX-195UP-36 Heat exchanger 3,446.00 3,446.00 FOB Anchorage Tent Alaska Power Authority, P.O. Box 190869 pace 1 of| TOTAL OF DUPLICATE TO Anchorage, AK* 99519-0869 PAGES|ALL PAGES $ 3,446.00 NUMBER ““AMOUNT DATE COMMENTS . LE Velock — WASTE HEAT > pPRT| < 3 | : 4 | | FIN AMOUNT sy cc PGM Lc ‘CCT se os 1 | 3,446.00 |89 | 08193004 81826305 767 1871 2 7 + 4 PURCHASING AUTHORITY NAME TITLE PURCHASING AUTHORITY'S SIGN UR [TELEPHONE NUMBER Brent N. Petrie, Dir. of Agency Operations | 207 ) 561=7877 IMPORTANT: 1, D.O. number and receiving agency name must appear on all invoices and documents relating to this order. 2. Do not overship or substitute. 3. Receipted freight bills must accompany all claims for freight charges. 4. The state is registered for tax free transactions under Chapter 32, IRS code. Registration number 92-73-0006 K. Items are for the exclusive use of the state and not for resale. }2-601 (Rev. 5/87) CONTRACTOR | a, : ANCHORAGE MESSENGER SERVICE 310 K STREET, SUITE 406 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 > ae (907) 278-2736 i INSTRUCTIONS FROM wn Lar bocce re / ? Date picked up__ af Z Lint srocess Ce 44 f?- By FFA Sctoow SH. Sate ok A nchoRACE F9SISE cer 14 Tikal [REE ca a ae a a De L DOCUMENTS (Identify Each): Dewi VERY Or per. _No gecei nt ceguired) Crem Veniclor INSTRUCTIONS (State 1, 2, 3, etc): twit PRorS Coston la-/ pm _ _ Fear liepey 3/ rol 85 eer -- tou Much VmeE do Hey need T ORDER MATERIALS & Vet 15 4 9er Atte for March 13, 1989 Mr. Martin A. Myhre Business Manager Southwest Region School District P.O. Box 3196 Dillingham, Alaska 99576 Dear Mr. Myhre: Enclosed are two copies of the Project Agreement for the Levelock waste heat re-construction. Please sign and notarize both copies and return them to me. I will contact you when the Agreement has been approved, so that you may begin work on the project. Please note that minor wording changes have been made to Article C(2)(b), C(2)(c), and Article C(4). Article E, Consideration, moved up ahead of Article D, Mutual Covenants. Travel limits have been adjusted upward to allow for charter costs. Accordingly, project contingency and the overall contract amount have been adjusted upward to reflect this change. Last week we placed the order for the heat exchanger. The success- ful bidder was Unit Process Company of Anchorage. The vendor estimates a four to six week delivery time FOB Anchorage, so we should come fairly close to the mid-April start date we have planned. In the meantime, Peter Hansen will complete design work for the system and send you copies. We will also mail you a materials list, so that you can place orders for the remaining items (Article B(3) of Project Agreement). Please use the two forms at the back of the contract to secure written approvals of the new design. I look forward to working with you in the coming months on this project. Please contact me if you have any questions on accounting or contract administration matters. Sincerely, ample fing Aesi'gn inet ma crak Lest eC Pat Woodell EXPRESS MAIL NEXT DAY SERVICE oi Re alal el Ake), marca "cee scm + The Customer Receipt must be presented when a claim 1s fed, Mail Marwal tor deta , | wish delivery to be made without obtaining the signature of the addressee or Waiver of the addressee’s agent (if in the judgement of the delivery employee, the Signature article can be left in a secure location) and | authorize the delivery employee : to sign that the shipment was delivered and understand that the signature of Express Mail and Indemnity the delivery employee will constitute valid proot of delivery. Corporate Federal Agency Account No. Account No. (Domestic Only) | soneo. FROM: TO . Telephone Number: . A. Myhbre nager Pat Weodel!l ion Label 11-B (July 1988) Thank Vau Far Ileina Fynrace Mail Garviro x Steve Cowper, Governor Alaska Power Authority State of Alaska March 13, 1989 Mr. Martin A. Myhre Business Manager Southwest Region School District P.O. Box 3196 Dillingham, Alaska 99576 Dear Mr. Myhre: Enclosed are two copies of the Project Agreement for the Levelock waste heat re-construction. Please sign and notarize both copies and return them to me. I will contact you when the Agreement has been approved, so that you may begin work on the project. Please note that minor wording changes have been made to Article C(2) (b), C(2)(c), and Article C(4). Article E, Consideration, moved up ahead of Article D, Mutual Covenants. Travel limits have been adjusted upward to allow for charter costs. Accordingly, project contingency and the overall contract amount have been adjusted upward to reflect this change. Last week we placed the order for the heat exchanger. The successful bidder was Unit Process Company of Anchorage. The vendor estimates a four to six week delivery time FOB Anchorage, so we should come fairly close to the mid-April start date we have planned. In the meantime, Peter Hansen will complete design work for the system and send you copies. We will also mail you a materials list, so that you can place orders for the remaining items [Article B(3) of Project Agreement]. Please use the two forms at the back of the contract to secure written approvals of the new design. I look forward to working with you in the coming months. Please contact me if you have any questions on accounting or contract administration matters. Sincerely, PYiletu Pat Woodell Development Specialist PW/ch Enclosures as stated. PO. Box AM = Juneau, Alaska 99814 (907) 465-3575 PO. Box 190869 = 704 EastTudorRoad Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 5250/950(1) LEVELOCK WASTE HEAT AGREEMENT PURPOSE This Agreement is entered into this day of > 1989 between SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT (the District) and ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY (the Power Authority) to outline responsibilities associated with the re-design and re-construction of the Levelock School's waste heat system. At the present time, the Levelock School is using electricity in excess of normal requirements for a school of its size and electrical load. The quality of waste heat recovered from the community's generators is also below what such a system is capable of producing. The origin of the school's high energy costs has been traced to design problems with the waste heat recovery system. 5147/930/(1) ARTICLE A ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY COVENANTS The Power Authority will: 1. Analyze the existing waste heat recovery system and prepare a new design. 2. Provide copies of the new design to the District for written approv- al by the District and the Levelock Electric Cooperative. 3. Purchase the replacement heat exchanger for the project, and provide a detailed materials list to the District for other materials needed to complete the project. 4. Provide advice and assistance to the District during the re- construction, start-up, and initial operation of the re-constructed system. 5. Inspect the final installation, and prepare letters of acceptance of project completion for signature by the District and the Levelock Electric Cooperative. 5147/930/(2) ARTICLE B SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT COVENANTS The Southwest Region School District will: 1. Present the re-design of the waste heat recovery system to the Levelock Electric Cooperative for their review and written approval of re-design features that affect power plant operations. A form for written approval is presented in Appendix 1 to this Agreement. Written approval shall be secured within 10 working days of receiving the new design. 2. Review the Power Authority's re-design of the waste heat system and provide written approval of those parts of the system that directly affect the operation of the District's system in the Levelock school. Written approval shall be secured using the form in Appendix 1, within 10 working days of receiving the new design. 3. Order all materials detailed in the work list specified by the Power Authority and maintain responsibility for accounting and payment of invoices. 4. Obtain all permits, renewal of easements, licenses or any other approvals necessary to re-construct the waste heat system. 5. Hire and supervise work force to complete re-construction of waste heat system according to Power Authority plans, specifications and directions. This includes responsibility for payroll, on-site interim inspections and other activities necessary for completing this project in a timely manner. The costs of project supervision shall be borne by the District. 6. Provide the Power Authority with the school's heating fuel records for the 12 months preceding and following completion of the waste heat system re-construction. 7. Notify the Power Authority of any operational problems occurring within the 12 month period following re-design of the waste heat system. 8. Provide necessary tools and equipment. 9. Provide color slides of system re-construction illustrating changes made. The Power Authority-will use these slides to provide information on energy programs to the public. 5147/930/(3) ARTICLE C SCHEDULE AND BUDGET 1. Completion Date. This project shall be completed prior to June 30, 1989. Billings for work performed before this date may be processed through August 31, 1989. The approximate duration of the project will be about one month. The Southwest Region School District shall Provide the Power Authority with a schedule indicating dates for completing activities outlined in this Agreement. 2. Project Budget. (a) Labor. The District shall provide labor for this project at the hours and rates estimated below: Job Class Rate Number of Hours Total ($7Hour ) (3) Welder 35 120 4,200 Welder's Assist 20 60 1,500 (b) Travel. Travel is estimated at 8 one-way trips for the project supervisor, welder, welder's assistant, and materials. Cost is estimated at $180 per one-way trip, for a total cost not to exceed $1,440. (c) Materials. The estimated cost of materials to be purchased by the District for this project is $5,000. The heat exchanger will be purchased separately and shipped by the Power Authority. The cost for this item is not included in the $5,000 budgeted for materials. (d) Contingency. An amount of 10% of the total Agreement shall be set aside to cover unforeseen costs. These costs shall be incurred pursuant to conditions stated in paragraph 4 of this : Article. 3. Reimbursement. Reimbursement shall be based upon actual costs incurred by the District. Invoices shall be accompanied by time sheets indicating labor rates and hours billed, vendor receipts, and other documentation that supports requests for reimbursement. 4. If the District's actual costs exceed the budget estimate outlined in Article C, paragraph 2, the District shall receive written authoriza- tion from the Power Authority prior to incurring expenditures that will be claimed against the funds in this Agreement. 5147/930/(4) ARTICLE D CONSIDERATION Funds for this Project Agreement are available in SLA 1988, Chapter 173, Page 38, line 19. Expenditure of project funds will be recorded under Alaska Power Authority Ledger Code 81826305. The total amount of this Agreement shall not exceed $13,500. This amount shall be encumbered under the Ledger Code listed above to fulfill obligations for work performed and approved as part of this Project Agreement. Unused funds shall be returned to Power Authority Colloca- tion Code 81899498. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands the day and year of the contract. Dated: By: Robert E. LeResche Executive Director Approved: Assistant Attorney General 5147/930/(5) STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of >» 1989, by Robert E. LeResche, the Executive Director of the Alaska Power Authority, an Alaskan Corporation, on behalf of the Corporation. Notary Public, State of Alaska My Commission Expires: SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT Dated: By: Its: (Officer) STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) SS. The foregoing Agreement was acknowledge before me this day of » 1989, by Martin A. Myhre, the Business Manager of Southwest Region School District. Notary Public, State of Alaska My Commission Expires: 5147/930/(9) ARTICLE E MUTUAL COVENANTS The Power Authority and the District agree to the following: 1. Indemnification (a) The Power Authority and the Grantee shall indemnify, save harmless and defend the other party to this Agreement, its officers, agents, servants, and employees from all liability, including costs and expenses, for all actions or claims resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or property arising directly or indirectly as a result of any error, omission or negligent act of the indemnifyina party, its officers, agents, servants, or employees or anyone direct- ly or indirectly employed by it in the performance of this Agreement. The labor provided by the District under Article 3, Paragraph 2 of this Agreement shall be considered the officers, agents, servants or employees of the District for purposes of constru- ing these indemnification provisions. (b) All actions or claims, including costs and expenses, resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or property arising directly or indirectly from the District's performance of this Agreement, which are caused by the joint negligence of the Power Authority and the District, shall be appropriated on a comparative fault basis. Any such negligence on the part of the Power Authority must be a direct result of active involve- ment by the Power Authority. 2. Rights to Rescind Funds and Terminate Agreement. The District acknowledges the right of the Power Authority to rescind the funds authorized by this Agreement and terminate this Agreement without payment of liquidated damages to the District if it is determined by the Power Authority to be in the best interest of the State to do so, if funds are no longer available, or for cause. For the purpose of this paragraph, "cause" is defined as "the provision of incorrect or misleading information by the Grantee or the Grantee's failure to provide information that, in the opinion of the Power Author- ity, is a material fact that would have influenced its actions. Under these conditions, the District waives any right of recourse and will reimburse the Power Authority for all funds the District has received as a result of this Agreement plus all costs, including attorneys' fees, incurred by the Power Authority to perfect its claim or collect those funds. 5147/930/(6) Availability of Funding. The District acknowledges that this Agreement is subject to availability of money from the State of Alaska or other sources to finance performance under this Agreement. If funding is withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any way after the effective date of this Agreement and before the completion of performance, the Power Authority may terminate the Agreement without incurring liquidated damages. The Power Authority may, in its discretion, renegotiate the terms of this Agreement to comply with any new funding limitations or conditions. 3. Audit Requirements. This grant is subject to the audit requirements of titTe 2, thapter 45 (Grant Administration) of the Alaska Administra- tive Code (AAC), commonly referred to as the "Single Audit Regulation." 4. Grantee not Being Agents of the Power Authority. It is agreed that the Grantee, its officers, agents, servants and employees shall act in an independent capacity and not as agents of the Power Authority in the performance of this Agreement. 5. Disputes. Either party to this Agreement may bring an action against the other party in the superior court for the State of Alaska to resolve a dispute arising under this Agreement. Any lawsuit involving this Agreement shall be heard by the superior court, Third Judicial District at Anchorage. All legal costs, including attorneys' fees not otherwise provided for in this Agreement, shall be allocated pursuant to Alaska Civil Rule 82. 6. Rights of Other Parties. It is the intent of the parties that this Agreement confer no rights to any third parties. 7. Binding Effect. This Agreement and all of its terms, covenants, conditions and appendices represent the entire Agreement and shall extend to and be binding upon the respective heirs, executors, adminis- trators, grantees, successors and assigns of the parties to this Agree- ment. 8. Severability. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Agreement or any agreement referred to in this Agreement shall be finally adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall be unaffected by such adjudication and all the remaining provision of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as if such section, paragraph, clause or provision or any part thereof so adjudicated to be invalid had not been included herein. ~ 9. Declaration of Public Benefit. The parties acknowledge that the Project 1s to be constructed for the benefit of the general public and will not deny any person use of Project facilities or use of power produced from Project facilities due to race, religion, color, sex or national origin. 5147/930/(7) 10. Notices. Any notice required of either party shall be in writing. Unless receipt of such notice is expressly required by the terms of this Agreement, it shall be deemed served when deposited in the mail in a sealed envelope, with sufficiently first class postage affixed, and addressed to the appropriate party. The notices shall be sent to each party's place of business, which in the case of the Power Authority shall be: Robert E. LeResche, Executive Director Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 and in the case of the District shall be: Martin A. Myhre Business Manager Southwest Region School District P.0. Box 3196 Dillingham, Alaska 99576 5147/930/(8) LEVELOCK SCHOOL WASTE HEAT RE-DESIGN I have reviewed the Alaska Power Authority design for reconstruction of the waste heat system between the Levelock power house and the Levelock school. My signature below indicates approval of the design and gives my permission to enter the power plant to perform reconstruction work. Jon Apokedak Date Levelock Electric Cooperative 5147/930/(10) LEVELOCK SCHOOL WASTE HEAT RE-DESIGN I have reviewed the design for reconstruction of the waste heat system between the Levelock power house and the Levelock school. My signature below indicates approval of the design. TitTe ate Southwest Region School District 5147/930/(11) ~ MEMORANDUM eeriet commnnications) : State of Alaska TO: |Nam Dept./Div./Sect. Ct. A] cL te ne f FROM: [Nal ) Dept./Div./Sect. Telephone fe V4 a he, SUBJ: , Zz Soe ee Zz Kee Phe: KE. ae Kkne’s 4a bre of he Ati fe Cree fie GLEE eviews Uno. Ne FEL SAL Lb @ papel sta go? ti te Cipprd. a vs LE Ah, 2) aes - Fe foe ze D You Engh tnt tte 6 trecke Vo cbs We Kit é gpa me Cae (A. oe de 2 Xe 1357 LIBR 5 Jee (2) S binhl & ke 7 A AS ee PET oy Len or he Be He Ake! Lo 5 satan Aare pn. Vo to le re- Lo Ga Y FH tke sa° 3 W0i inde TOF Ao Clipe) Deke SKY Le Se 02-001C (12/80) ®s Mail Stop MEMORANDUM (Brief Com=:~‘zations) State of Alaska TO: |Name Lbs Y , Dept./Div./Sect. Mail Stop VU +RA FROM: |Name 4 Dept./Div./Sect. Telephone p47 Meech ll SUBJ.: i i Wa < cod we he ge Date "(2 “i 3 CARUCR ¢ i meHinad) We pera Choke, tes pi vs ae pee L020 an egy By Oi oa [Aer E71 Ctr oa in Ca40 Ce, fing tat ¢ Lae 2 ASL, LY; alos. sae Vek, LAT 02-001C (12/80) ®@s Filename: Leveloc2 Disk : Rural Energy Efficiency Community: Levelock Phone Contact: Martin Myhre Business Manager Southwest Facilities - School District Dillingham 842-5287 Most of the schools in their district have been pretty much weatherized and had lighting upgrades. In Levelock they have no heat tapes on the plumbing of the school, but a hot water circulat- ing loop to keep pipes warm. They have know that the billings for this school are extremely high and have checked the meter (and multiplier); have checked for phase imbalance and have checked to see if electricity is running to ground. He would appreciate our review of the situation and any suggestions we can make. Myhre said they have watt miser bulbs installed in the main part of the school and he is not sure what is in the gym, but he thinks low pressure sodium. We should contact principal Joe Scheiber (287-3060) about coordi- nating a review of the building. Myhre also mentioned that the grade school in New Stuyahouk is in need of insulation. The gym and the high school are receiving waste heat with the new project, but it is uncertain whether there will be enough for the grade school. It is in an old BIA building and the insulation is poor. To coordinate a review of this building we should contact Nels Nichols (he), principal at 693-3144. There is a similar insulation problem in Koliganek, where an old, 1950's BIA building is in use, but they have waste heat to the school.