HomeMy WebLinkAboutGalena Waste Heat Project Agreements Contracts & Budget 1989FROM CITY OF GALENA AK CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL 4 DECISION ON ELECTRICAL PROJECT 7.18.1909 15023 Pha 5 ; NET MINUTES [2] Ls of : SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TT APRIL 15, 1989 AT 1:00 P.M. IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mayor White called the special meeting of the Galena City Council to order at 1:00 p.m. Council Members Present John Billings Ed Fears Max Huhndorf Alfred Nollner Edgar Nollner, Jr. Harry Purdy Vernon A. White, Mayor Nancy Gross, City Ross Klooster, Electric Utility Superintendent Dan Patrick, Power Plant Supervisor Bruce Davison, Davison & Davison Mike Hubbard, Frank Moolin é Associates Brent Stonebraker, Frank Moolin & Associates H. Purdy moved, second by M. Huhndorf that the City continue the Alr Force Electrical Upgrade Project. Mayor White informed the council and public that a decision on the Project had been postponed until further clarification could be obtained. Bruce Davison informed council that if the city chooses not to go ahead with the project, the government has two options. They can terminate the contract on the terms of convenience or they can terminate the contract on default. The termination for convenience means that the government walks away and the city walks away, with neither side paying the other any money. Occasionally the contractor is entitled to recover costs expended. He felt that the government would be very unlikely to compensate the city if this option were chosen. The termination for default involves the government telling the contractor they arc in breach of contract and the government would attempt to recover all the dollar damages caused by this breach. Mr. Davison went on to explain to the council the various areas of possible financial loss the city may face if a termination for default is chosen. Minutes of Special Ci ty Council Meeting April 15, 1989. Page 2 of 3. There was some discussion on the qualifications of Bruce Davison in the area of construction law. Also discussed was the possible courses of action the Air Force may chose and the ramifications of those decisions. Mike Hubbard and Brent Stonebraker were called upon to give a short synopsis of their presentation given to council at the April 11, 1989 meeting. Mr. Hubbard presented council with that summary. If the council did decide to give up the project there would be RECESS MOTION TO PROCEED WITH ELEC, PROJECT APPROVED Extenged Page approximately a $600,000.00 loss in revent’-- “iat they would not have if the project is continued. There wa: )and 20 year analysis done on the project. H. Purdy moved, second by J. Billings to have a ten minute recess so that material could be copied for the public. Motion passed unanimously. Mayor White reconvened the meeting at 2:12 p.m. There was further discussion on the 10 and 20 year analysis done by Frank Moolin & Associates. The possible savings to the Galena rate payer was addressed as well. H. Purdy moved, second by M. Huhndorf that Mayor White move the meeting into Public Hearing so that the citizens could have a chance to comment. Motion passed unanimously. Mayor White moved the meeting into Public Hearing at 2:30 p.m. Various citizens from the town came forward to speak. Mayor White moved the meeting out of Public Hearing at 3:00 P.m., and returned to council discussion on the continuation of the electrical project. N. Gross gave a brief critique of Tom Johnson’s analysis of the electrical project. Voting on the motion for the city to continue with the electrical upgrade project was as follows: _ 8. Nollner, Jr. - no J. Billings - yes H. Purdy - yes E. Fears - yes A. Noliner - yes M. Huhndorf - yes Motion passed. wamENDame 1 1 PRUM CAtY UF GMLEAM HK. rele. a7e7 speed Minutes of Special City Council Meeting April 15, 1989. Page 3 of 3, CONST. MNGT, The possibilities of hiring a firm for construction management SERVICES . Services and a possible joint venture was addressed. H. Purdy moved, second by M. Huhndorf that the council authorize the city manager to advertise for construction management services and that it be sent out tu selected candidates. Also that the dead line for that solicitation be two weeks. Motion passed unanimously, DISCUSSION ON N. Gross informed the council that she received a letter from NQI FACILITY Mapoo, in the packet, which was said to have been sent a month ago that we did not receive. H, Purdy moved, second by M. Hukndorf that the city enter into exploratory negotiations with Mapco, with no commitment on the city’s part. Motion passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 89-11 Mayor White read aloud the resolution as it was submitted. H. APPROVED Purdy moved, second by E. Nollner, Jr. that Resolution 89-11 be approved as submitted with it being distributed to the Governor, and every member of the Alaska State Senate and Alaska State House of Representatives. Motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT H. Purdy moved, second by E. Fears to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously. Mayor White adjourned the special meeting of the Galena City Council at 3:50 p.m. FRUM CITY OF GALENA AK. 7.18.198% 15528 polarconsult: ska, inc. ENGINEERS - SURVEYORE < BNERGY CONSULTANTS 1503 WEST 338D AVENUE - SUITB 310 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 TELEFAX: (907) 258-2419 = PHONE: (907) 258-2420 Galena Power Project Project Presentation to: Alaska Power Authority July 7, 1989 FROM CITY OF @nLENn nk. 7.41G.3068 15:27 Table of Contents 2. Building......... oils Wiallao ap tatiece quel of oie ere licetctaa 9 B) StAtUs. eee cee eee eee 10 3. Engine-Generators.................. Foiseesiela 1 a) Status... ee eeaaas 212 4. Switchgear............0., @) Status................. Sopa etaceledete tes t-1-5 13 C. Tank Farm....., er 2. Design... 6. eee eee aa-sbatefetecesaceaers 16 3. Substations... jaa lee ooo 16 F. Air Force Connection... ......... 00.2 cece eee eee 17 Wl. Construction Schedule... 0... eee c eee e cece eevee eee A Exterces Page iv. Project Est | » 18 V. Construction Cash Flow Appendix A = Engine/Generators & Switchgear Transmission Line Poles 1988 Sitework Contract GALENA SYSTEM DESCRIPTION t. General The Clty of Galena is in the process of constructing a small power system to provide electricity and waste heat to the city and provide electrical energy and capacity to the Air Force under a contract for service, The power system will consist of a diesel power plant, bulk petroleum fuel storage facility Including fuel supply lines, a power line to the Air Force power plant and a substation at the Air Force power house. This power plant will be the sole power source for the City of Galena and the Galena Alr Force Station when it is completed in 1990. The City currently sells about 2,422,00 Kwh In the Galena area and its normal peak output is 600 to 6§0 Kw although It peaked near 750 Kw during the record cold winter this year. The Air Force uses some 5,707,000 Kwh and normally peaks near 11@0 Kw. During the same record cold period, this spring, they peaked at 1,380 Kw. The City’s contract abttn Part ener Perey taba tha Ale Cavan uilth a aananitu nf at laset 1 FAN ad Extercec Pege Kw. The Ai rce guarantees they will utilize a mini 1 of 390,000 Kwh per month or 4,680,000 Kwh per year. Part of the power currently generated by the Air Force is used to supply civillan and other governmental agency loads on or near the base. The City anticipates that these loads will be added to the city side of the system when this construction project is finished. The annual non Air Force load Is estimated at 350,000 Kwh. The City currently has a diasel electric power plant which has three generators installed. The generators consist of two 250 Kw and one 500 Kw machines. The electricity is transmitted throughout the Alexander Lake Townsite at 2400 V and at 4160 V in Old Town. The City Is now changing over the entire system to a 4160 V grounded Y system which will be compatible with the generation voltage of the new plant. The existing power piant has waste heat recovery which is provided to the school and other nearby community buildings. The contract with the Air Force created the need for expansion of the Galena power system. The Air Force contract has a series of technical requirements which were instituted to assure the Air Force that the supply of energy will be reliable. These requirements include a minimum plant capacity of 2,883 Kw dedicated to the Alr Force and the ability to supply 1,700 Kw with the largast two units out of service. At the City this translates to a minimum capacity of 3244 Kw to serve the Air force alone. The peak city load brings the needed generation capacity to 3894 Kw. 4 2 7.10.1909 153930 FROM CITY OF GALEKA AK. il, Project Descriptions A General Presented in the Sections that follow will be a description of the planned system. Also included will be a description of what has been constructed and what materials, Supplies and services have been purchased. illustrating system plans are drawings as listed below and inventories of Purchased items shown in the appendix. The drawing titles which are Included are as follows: L1 Project Location Map and Transmission Line C1 Site Plan C2 Fuel Pipeline, Barge Landing C3 Power House Site Plan C4 Power House Floor Plan C5 Power House Section FROM CITY GF GRLENP KK. 7.18.1989 15832 a) Air Force The basic Alr Force Criteria in the contract that established system parameters are outlined in this section, The Alr Force basic requirements were that power would be supplied to the air force from a diedel fueled plant which would meet the following conditions. 0 Be 99.9% raliable;i.e. not be Incapable of delivery power for less than 8.76 hours per year. © Maximum down time of 2 hours In any one period. o Have 1,700 Kw capacity with two largest generators out. o Have load factor no less than 60%; i.e. Install a minimum of 2,833 Kw. © Include a recording disturbance analyzer to assure that the contract voltage and frequancy requirements are met. © Be subject to a $400 penaity each time an outage results In the Alr Force radar dropping off line. © For an outage period, give up a prorated share of the money to be paid by the Air Force for the service. © Provide the service to the Air Force for 20 years following at completion of construction and testing of the system. 0 Provide a Reliablilty, Availability, and Maintainability, (RAM) analysis to prove that the system will meet its requirements. FROM CITY OF GALCNA AK. 72.10.1909 16831 b) City The City’s basic requirements are to construct a power system that would anable the City to provide power to the Air Force and to expand and make more reliable their existing system. To achieve these criteria the City responded to the Air Force RFP ina proposal which was dated May 13, 1987. In this proposal the Clty stated that they would build a system with 4 new diesel generators and the old plant. The new units had been bid by Craig Taylor. The new units would be placed in a power house which would be attached to the old building. The City would also build a tank farm with enough capacity to store all of the fuel oll required by the Air Force and the City. In addition the City would construct a power line to the Air Force Station and connect to the Alr Force's existing switchgear as required in the RFP. Further, the City would construct the generating plant in accordance with the RAM analysis that was included as part of the proposal. c) RAM The RAM analysis prepared for the proposal dealt with the criteria which needed to be built into the system to meet the Air Force requirements. in basic terms the RAM analysis required that no single long term failure could cause the system to be out for more than two hours and that equipment and the operations of the system, would achieve a failure rate well below the 8.76 hour maximum Air Force requirement. FROM CITY OF QALENR AK. 7.10.4909 15832 The basic way of meeting this requirement was to provide at feast one level of redundancy in all critical items. The one exception to this was the power line which was predicated on dedicated equipment and repair parts, and retainage of personnel with the experience and ability to do repair work while the system was energized. As a result of this analysis, the design and construction are proceeding on the basis that many functions will be duplicated. As an example there will be two air receivers to start the engines, two separate connections to the fuel system, two cooling piping loops and two transformers will be supplied for each end of the power line. A total of 6 engines and generators will be used as the engines are the most unreliable portion of the system. Based on the criteria and analysis which has been briefly presented here the project features were selected, and designed and will be constructed as detailed In the narrative and the illustrations which follow. The purpose of the section is to show the reader that the power system being constructed will have special characteristics which wil! enable It to meet the contract requirements. B. Power Piant iSite The site of the power plant and the tank farm as shown on the drawings is located on a remnant filled meander channel of the Yukon River. The site ig just south of the sewage treatment lagoons and east of the city Warm Storage building. The location was chosen as It Is adjacent to all of the & Extenced Page city buildings Ich include; the City Hall, Warm Stor _ Mental Health o Clinic, Health Clinic, Police Station, existing Power Plant, Laundromat, City Garage, and School. As a result all of these structures can be served with waste heat. The site is located on thawed ground which grades from silt at the surface to silty sand hence to gravel at depth. Because of the site elevation It is being filled with clean non frost susceptible gravel from the Yukon River. This grave! was underlain by geofabric which serves as @ filter, to prevent the gravels from mixing with the underlaying materials. The elevation of the fill was brought up to the grades shown on the drawings. The result is that the powerhouse ftioor will be at elevation 134 which Is 3 feet above the 100 year return frequency flood level. The outside walls of the dikes around the Fuel Tanks at the site will be protected by earth and grass to prevent erosion during floods. To complete the powerhouse FROM CITY OF GALENA AK. 7.10.1969 15834 foundation estimated it will require an additional 16,000 cubic yards of gravel. a@) Status A competitive contract was let during the fall of 1988 to strip the top soll off the site, place a geofabric overiay over the site with a minimum of one foot of gravel cover, to place a compacted gravel fill for the pow- erhouse, and a surcharge and fill for the large oil storage tank. Asara sult 18,000 cubic yards of gravel were placed at the powerhouse and the tank. The top 6 feet of fill at the powerhouse was not compacted, nor was the geofabric and one foot of fill placed over the balance of the area that was stripped, due to the cold weather. Settlement rods were in- stalled in the fill and very little settlement was recorded. At this time the geofabric is being placed and the uncompacted fill re- moved from the powerhouse site. The powerhouse will have compacted till added to bring the powerhouse foundation to the grades shown on the drawings. This work which is under way Is being done by city crews. Future work In accordance with the schedule will be to stockpile gravel this fall when the water level In the Yukon recedes and then finish con- struction of the Fue! Tank area dikes and tank areas the summer of 1990. 2 Building The Power House will be a standard stee! framed metal clad insulated type building. 't will be 80 feet long by 50 feet wide. The bullding walls will be 18 feet to the eaves and the roof will be pitched. The bullding Extacces Page metal finish ani of will be warranted for a perlod of 20 ts. The bullding will be aquipped with an overhead door and three personne! doors. The building will be equipped with full load frames on both ends so it can be extended in length, At this Stage the only interior fixtures tn the building will be an enclosure for the elght sections of switchgear. The switchgear enclosure will be wood framed with windows which will be designed to limit noise from the engines. The Interior wil! be designed to allow for the construction of offices, a restroom and storage above the switchgear room. The structure will have sufficient room to hold the five 780 Kw Craig Taylor engine-generators, which have been purchased, and one 450 Kw engine-generator. The 450 is Presently used as a standby plant for Old Town in Galena. The structure wiil be set ona reinforced concrete foundation and slab. The general slab thickness will be eight inches with some additional thickness under the engines themselves. The concrete will be treated to seal and harden the surface so it will not cause dust in the Powerhouse, The concrete will be placed by city force acoount workers as soon as the loading and footing requirements are available trom the building supplier. The building will be equipped with auxiliary equipment which will be needed for the generation of Power. These items include station, power for lights and auxiliary power to motors, a fuel Pumping supply and filtration system, two Starting alr compressors and recelvers, heating system, alr handling systems including ventilators and fans, piping for the engine cooling system and Provision for the addition of a heat exchanger for waste heat recovery. The exhaust silencers and radiators for engine water cooling will be located outside the building. The fides building will alse have roughed In nlumbinn tac et 1 rest room, and, J water. a) Status The powerhouse was bid during the spring of 1989. As a result of cost evaluation it was down sized 20 feet in length, deleting the section to be 10 FROM CITY OF GALENA AK 7210.1989 i507 rie used for the future water treatment plant. The powerhouse building con tract Is now being renegotiated so It can be supplied before the last barge leaves Nenana, about September 1, and erected before the onset af cold weather, Engine-generators have been purchased from Craig Taylor. The equipment that was obtained Is listed in detail in the appendix. The tive basic en- gines are evindor 1,200 RPM Mitsubishi diesels with a prime power rating of 780 Kw and a one hour Standby rating of an additional 10%. This equipment is mounted, along with the generators from Newage, on large steel | beams. These | beams will be mounted on vibration isolators which will be bolted to the floor. Each of the engine-generator sets weights about 26,000 pounds. The Newage generators are highly efficient, reaching levels of 936% or more. The generators are eastly capable of absorbing the full output of the engines as they are rated at 1,000 Kw, The generators are two bear- ing machines which keeps the added weight off of the rear engine bearing and makes it easier to remove and replace a generator. The generators were selected to operate at 4160 V because this allows direct feed to the town without the added losses and expense of transformers. A smaller engine generator, which was purchased for use at Old Town, is rated at 450 Kw and is already in Galena. This set which has only a few hours on It will have the generator replaced so it will operate at 4160 V. This 1,800 RPM set will be used to operate during the time period when the system needs less than 450 Kw over the amount capable of being pro vidad bv the laraar machines. As this is the only electric start machine on EH. wees, bs Extencas Pega 10. it will also | sed for biack starts to get the syste” line if the air receivers are discharged. a) Status The machines have been manufactured, tested in Renton, Washington, and shipped to Alaska. They are now In storage in Anchorage awaiting ship- ment to Galena. The tests were observed by representatives from the City and Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation. 4. Switchgear Switchgear was furnished along with the engine-generator sets by Craig Taylor. The switchgear is § Kv class. There are eight sections of gear to be located at the City power plant, operating at 4160 volts, and one sec- tion of gear at the Air Force power plant, operating at 2400 volts. The switch gear is equipped with breakers, alarms, synchroscope, synchro- check relays, protective relays, meters and a programmable logic control ler, (PLC), at the City end. The PLC Is programmed to automatically start and synchronize engines and connect them to the buss In accordance with the load demands. ine system is also programmed to shed Wis Cily load in the event of a lack of power. At the Alr Force end is switchgear which enables the Alr Force to syn- chronize their power plant to the City's plant. This synchronizing will all be done manually. This switchgear Is equipped with a breaker, protective relays, meters, synchroscope, and recording disturbance analyzer. a) Status The switchgear was assembled and tested in Renton, Washington along 1 Extances Pasa 15.2 with the units **4 was also shipped to Anchorage and awaits turther snip- ment to Galena. 13 Cf. Tank Farm The city proposed to utilize arctic grade diesel in their bid for the Air Force contract and to provide a tank farm with sufficient storage to assure the Air Force their needs would be met. The city will install a 500,000 gallon steel tank, constructed to AP! 650 standards, of arctic grade steels. In addition, the clty has acquired two 65,000 gallon horizontal tanks. These tanks were cieaned and tested for metal thickness and are in excellent condition. The city intends to install these tanks as part of this project. One 65,000 gallon tank will be used as an operational tank. The second will store Number 1 diesel for emergency use. The 500,000 gallon tank will be equipped with heating colis and a means to circulate warmed oll so the engines can continue to operate when the temperature reaches the extremes it did in the winter of 1988. The fuel lines will be Insulated and heat traced. The tanks will be located in a lined diked enclosure. The dike helghts will be at elevation 133 ‘ which is two feet above the 100 year flood level. The enclosure will be designed in accordance with fire codes and will be equipped with drains. All piping within the diked area will be steel. 1_Status The 65,000 gallon tanks are onsite. A 500,000 gallon tank and fuel piping specification has been written and is ready for bid. 14 7.18.1989 15841 FROM CITY OF GRLENA AK. D2 Fuel Ling The tanks require a fuel line from the river to enable them to be filled. The tine has to have enough capacity to insure timely filling of the tanks. There are additional costs for delaying a fuel barge which will be the means of shipment. Most fue! comes from Nenana at this time. Doiphins will be constructed for mooring the barges. The fuel line which will run from the tank farm to the river will either be 6 inch steel or polyethlylene Pipe. It will be buried about three feet under the ground and run through a conduit under the existing road. {f it is determined that steel is the most Suitable material, it will have a corrosion protective coating. It is likely that this line will be Installed by the city. The line could also be bid as Part of the tank erection package. The line has been designed and Is included as an alternate with the tank farm specification. ET 5 , The transmission line will be built to high standards with no service lines from it. As discussed earlier the line is the single link over which the power will flow to the Air Force. The line will have three conductors and will operate at 23 Kv. The line is relatively short, with a total length of about 2.8 miles in several sections. From the city power plant there will be 502 teet of line to the Antoski double circuit section. This section which is 1,200 feet long and is already constructed, terminates at the intersectlon of Anmtoski and Campicn Roads. From this point it is 12,850 feet to the Air Force power Plant. 15 1_Route. The route is shown on drawing L1. The route, after leaving the Antoski double circuit, follows Campion Road and parallels a bicycle/ snow machine trall which was built along the abandoned Campion pole fine. To pass through the airport area, the route follows the south edge of the north dike until reaching property the Air Force has leased from the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT/PF). _—__£. Extaccas Page 1i.} Most of the rig f way questions have already been res id as a result of extensive negotiations with DOT/PF and the local Native corporation Gana a Yoo, Limited. Desion The basic parameters for design of the transmission {Ine have bean calculated and determined. The 23 Kv class line will be designed and constructed In accordance with the NESC Class B standards. The Structures will be wood pole and will generally conform to REA standards for 14.4/24.9 class construction. The conductor size will be 1/0 ACSR and the spans will range from 250 to 300 feet, with the exception of the Antoski section which will be above city IInes in a double circuit configuration. . Line staking awalts final resolution of one remaining ROW Issue which should be resolved shortly. Substations The two 23 Kv substations, one located at the power house and one at the Alr Force Base each will be equipped with two low loss transformers. 16 Either transformer wiil be capable of carrying the full contracted load. The substations will be equipped with air switches and cable elbows so each transformer can be rapidly isolated if it is necessary. The transformers will be specified so that the losses will be evaluated In their design. Each of the transformers will have the low side, 4160 volts at Galena and 2400 volts at the Alr Force base, connected with cables and load break elbows. The cables will go In conduit to thelr respective switchgear. Extra cables will be pulled into each of the two condults at each end, The high side, 23 Kv, will be comprised of tank mounted bushings. The transformers and take off structure will be located within a chain link, barbed wire topped, enclosure. 4, Status. The route has been selected and has the rights-of-way resolved, with the exception of one, as stated earlier. Basic design parameters are set. The transformer specification Is completed and ready for bid. The city has constructed a new double circuit link along Antoskl Drive. The city has purchased and has poles for much of the line on site. The city has purchased'and has two bucket trucks on site, one of which is equipped with , an auger fo- ““'lling and setting screw anchors. Eyessued fags 1)? E. Aire C : The Air Force connection will be via two complete sets of cables in two conduits through their building, over the top of thelr switchgear, to the city's add on section of switch gear. This will be equipped with a breaker, meters, synchroscope and recording distrubance analyzer all as required in the contract. The switchgear is designed to use the same breakers as the gear at the city so only one spare breaker will be required. ‘Stone é Webster Enginesring Corporation July 3, 1989 SCHEDULE GALENA ELECTRICAL UPGRADE PROJECT City Of Galena Alaska FROM CITY OF GALENA AK. polarconsul, ~——~na Power Project GALENA POWER PROJECT ESTIMATS 80’ x 50’ Bldg & (1) 500,000 gal. Tank DESCRIPTION | TOTAL PROJECT t | | Materials Labor | Total] Bulk Fuel Storage | | ! 500,000 Gal Tank | $156,000 $94,000 | $250,000) Set (2) 65k Gal Tanks | $2,367 . $4,000 | $6,367) Gravel | $80,019 $120,029 | $200,048: Liner | $13,050 $8,700 | $21,750; Valves, Piping, Misc | $30,720 $20,480 | $51,200) Pipeline from Yukon { $22,200 $14,800 { $37,000) | rr ww oe wr we ne | ee eee eee Subtotal | $304,356 $§262,009 | $566,365) | | | New Line Truck | $66,500 $0 | $66,500) Tools & Equip. { $20,000 $0 | $20,000] | | | Generators/Switchgear 1$1,110,902 $0 ($1,110,901) Generator Inst, & Testing} $69,440 $67,720 | $137,160 Switchgear/AF Sta. | $58,588 $7,000 | $65,588) | ! | Building 80’ x 50° | i Gravel Foundation Pad | $44,484 $66,726 | $111,210) Concrete Floor | $30,130 $27,405 | $57,535] Bldg. Shell i $88,500 $29,500 | $118,000) Interior Construction | $18,065 $17,865 | $35,930) Elec. Service & Dist. | $15,505 $7,410 |} $22,915| Bpecteteat Building | $23,395 $11,975 | $35,370) uiiding Mechanical | $65,775 $27,520 | $93,295) Beat Recovery Mech. 1 $35,675 $24,130 | $59,805) Fire Suppression { $12,960 $5,040 | $18,000| 1 ee ee a ww ww oe oo ee eee Subtotal | $334,489 $217,571 | $552,060{ | I ! Distribution System t | | Transmission Line | $83,093 $184,938 | $268,031] Substations 1 & 2 | $100,300 $17,700 | $118,000) AF Interconnections | $0 $0 | $0] | rn om ww we we www eee Subtotal | $183,393 $202,638 {| $386,031] Semmes 2225 seeeeeseceeeeee sss ase cond senenccmeneeeneeneenees Construction Total (|$2,147,667 $756,938 1$2,904,605| | | | Engineering | $0 $116,000 | $116,900} Project Management | $0 $172,000 | $172,000} | | | Contingency on Remaining | $86,147 $92,211 | $178,357) Profit | $0 $0 | $0) Administration | $21,477 $7,869 | $29,046) 7.18.1989 15945 Seeseeeccomeeneenesnseemeensinoccsseeeanscoeess=saeeeeneee Project Total |$2,255,290 $1,144,718 |$3,400,008| (SUOTTT TH) quads S2¥TTOd sazaetTnunp ° w ° ” s “ e » < “ on a N a a ° ° 1k a, \ | C= - a ¢! Oo} Loe! o 2) = 3. oO @ a 8 —_ ° oe | +s o © ° $ 2 €@ § 8 8 8 8&8 (spuosnoy.) queds sucljog Appendix A Purchase Orders Engine/Generators & Switchgear Transmission Line Poles 1988 Sitework Contract Construction Week Exterses Page 12.2 FROWN tty oF. aaccna ax, ! AUG BL '8B 14134 CRAIG TAYLOR EQUIF fe. osedewe teidy SO 9OT27s06e¢ ' oweaT ow CONSTRUCTION AGRICULTURAL ' GRAIG TAYLOR EQUIPMENT Co, OIMARL ELECTRIC SYSTEM: PROPOSAL Bi Ancrornge, axeesor 2). Wesiiie, ak 06a? D Feitsanka, AK 99701. Renton, WA 98088 7) Soldoina, AK 90680 733 Yhitney Head .* SRag 1733 Well treet Road = Route (007) 276-6089 - Sip (007) 378-9098 onasscion faoajastacas’ j (oor) seseore : ml] DATE August 31, 1988 ar City of Galena F.0.B. Anchorage, AK — | ontiveny Four Additional nits wen ety nes Sm Craig taylor t Cd. model DESi2b0H0 Diesel Generator per 436,588 Fo, * . 04839 ws ("rr A phehons ¢. a GTATEANO LOCAL SALG8 TAXES EXTRA, IPAPPLICARLE . "FES 2 = —— es fa Prieas ore Bubfect ta change and willbe these in atteat at time ) Betvery Sate hosed usta cur sieting stook or @ promise piven by Cut supptier and 16 subjent to delay (er eonaitions beyond eursentra. . FROM CITY 1 each OF GALENA AK. 7.16.1989 15:56 RUG Zi’ 98 iaics IS TAYLOR EQUIP co sa7Tz760869 Page___2. Proposal to: City of Galena B 87-015 RE: Lakeshore Electric ‘Sections of Free~ standing Switchgear pest reearl to include prog vemebie controller, to allow full Deimasic operation of 1-5 units according to Genend. Start-up DES1200MQ GENERATOR SET OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT PRICING 1) TE 42407 spring mount each unit 2) Racor fuel/water filter seperators to facilitate filter je w/out shutting dow wgieeacedl 79/L000FG 3) Duplex lube ofl filter systems to facilitate oil change w/out shut! down engine xing 5) Ran ModelFDC2000 waste lube oil buming system 6) Engine pre-lube pump aystems 7) Weleon ¢ritical grade exhaust silencers OME 10 x 14 1,876.00 1-326 .00 2,915.00 8) 8/8 flex 9) Newage generators DEDUCT SATICHGEAR OPTIONAL PRICING Utility grade relays 2) Automatic VAR/PF controller and necessary switch, logic and motor Operated potentiometers 3) 4=1/2" switchboard meters ist Section 325.00 <3,300.00> 1,722,009 eee $176,750.00 10,640.00 3,000.00 4,415.00 9,850.0¢ 9,390.0 6,630.¢ 14,575 .( 1,625. <16,500. Include 10,332.( e 1,825 FROM CITY OF GALENA AK. 7.10.1989 15:52 AUS 31 ‘se laras) F TAYLOR equip CO 3O7z7EReE= P.4 4) Nicad battertes with racks 2,667.00 / Hy ~ 5) Sens model 0c524-25 dual battery 1,942.00 . . charging system — 6) Trunion mounted potential trang~ 2,400.00 ¢ formers ; Vulkan 13412=2800/21 for two bearing 3,200.00 16,000.00 + _° | * Qne spaze’ element kit for coupler unit 600.00 3,000.00 ¥ Special engine instrumentation package 10,625.00 ~, to include: eet Water tamp gauge out O81 pressure gauage out Fuel pressure gauge out Intake manifold pressure gauge Ol temp gauge cut Water gauge in Differen: oil pressure gauge Puel preasure differential gauge Oil temp gauge in Exhaust pyromater out 2,125.00 EREESEREES ar Section gear for 450 RW at 4160v with all options sity subestations one for Air Force and one for New town and one old tow. Also, service station for in Plant for service needed 50 KW. Set of removable links for switch gear Air Force sub-station at Air Force plant per specs. 38,302.00 49° 35,514.00 71,028.00 /%. 2,940.00 “** $8,588.00 /¢ tst as REND te RA ae ee ithe ae ated wads be iw 6 MCE A NIT BRIG” sr cannes i@AMg, ¥.0.B.: . " . . . se * , SHIPMENT: WR DA Prices WILL 8 THOSE IN EPPECT aT TIME net elie QF SHIPMENT UNLESS OTHERWisa STATED. - == ACCEPTANCR: THIS QUOTATION SUSJECT TO ACCEPTANCE WITHIN ____ GAYS, “a . ee er — 2 PRw wher We UN Bm mAe af Mu aT 7 Extended Page 3.1 —w ae . aw " polarconsult INVITATION TO BID Clty of Galena Bulk Fuel Storage and Powerhouse Foundatlon preconsolidation. Se oa. , September 9, 1988 Request for Bids:' The followin ara ‘the estimated: quantities and Bid Teens for this progect. 7 The construction is shown o1 the attached drawing “Sheet 1 of 1 Foundation Plan" and the enclosed specifications. _ ¢ ; - 20.03 Clear 3 acre 7 WO0.e1,s. 20.04 Excavate ; "900 oyd O*1.s. 20.0$a Place City supplied rill 1,900 eyd’ Lu.s. 20.055 Classified Fill and Backfil) 18,800 cyd 140 exp (12,780 cyd Type I & 7650 cyd Type II Reqd.) 20.22 Plnee Geofabric 14,500 yd? 4) 9952 L.S. 20.23 Install Settlement Plates 3 ea WOO? us. e ; Gravel *\$4,100 # / YD Lump Sum Items = 4..§. ev a 819 ee. ae dud C SCHEDULE: Bid Reciept To: City of Gaiena Jim Olsan Urility Manager Bid Opening Monday 9-12-88 4:00 PM 9-12-88 @ Council Meeting Notice of Award 9-12-88 @ Council Meeting Vrojact Completion Nqvember 1S, 1986 ae “a! ° eve on SS a : *HREND Om REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS APA 87-R-015 a Power Authority ast Tudor Road -Box 190869 ge, Alaska 99519 (907} 562 7877 oO 3 oO J wy be mh 0 th et ~ w oO £ 3 0 % The City of Galena, ¢ roposals for tne supply of ries with the option t and id lounits. The City of Galena intends livery of on it as soon es possible. Delivery of thr optional units may take place if the City of Galena i ssful in securing a contract for delivery of power to Galen force Station. In order to facilitate future equipm andardization, all units will be required to be identical an meet the “Buy American Act and Balance of Payments Program" outlined elsewnere in this RFP. The equipment will be install and operated by the Owner. Proposals are accepted for the supp of equipment as follows: renese on wn o row 2 ee, wD wd enyo8 "% nt < we w pe Qa.o rt 30 o Ha ts 9 oO o tO PH et et WW I Otwrecwe woe KAN AA ao iy o ~~ oO 2 Item A: l ea. diesel generator set rated at 700-800 kw prime power. This unit shall be equipped with the following accessories: Steel base frame with spring mounts. De. Gear driven coolant pump preferred; belt driven pump may be acceptable. c. Compressed air starter. (Compressor and tank will be supplied by Electronic governor with speed droop capability. e By-pass lubrication oil filter with shut off valves. orn nsulated exnaust manifold and turbocharger. @: Cooling system will be supplied by others; no radiator or i to pe included. e . generator shall be a Class F insulated generator wired for §22400:volts. ‘3-phase-delta. -connection.: Excitation shall be solid state. Acceptable manufacturers: Kato or equal. Control Panel and Switch Gear: a. Floor mounted control panel with the following features: 1 Voltmeter. Ycaneous kw-meter. Power factor meter. 8. Totalizing kwh-meter. 9. Engine-hour meter. 10. Alarm system with automatic generator shut down and independent fault indicator lights for low coolant level, e high coolant temperature, low oil level, low oil pressure, to Automatic/manual paralleling switch gear: a. Synchronizing lights b. Switch and resistors c- Adjustable time delay reverse power relay and reset breaker. (Reverse power relay operations opens the breaker by energizing the shunt trip coil.) d. Circuit breaker open and closed position lights. y Cc ea pens aa w n a0 Cc - ct ort @- Open-closed circuit breaker switch. £. Synchronizing check relay. g- Over current relays, current transformers and potential transformers as required. nh + Automatic start-up, warm-up, synchronizing, cut-in, cut-out, ool down, and shut down system. a io 3 te: Vendors are encouraged to submit proposals on o n which the Vendor may judge as being beneficial P . ra c a O° h fas o e Oo submit a complete package including all en data for the unit proposed. The proposals de detailed engineering data to allow for si following systems: ing and waste heat recapture system, Connection to switch gear, Foundation system, and Power plant ventilation system. B. Other Information: The availability and price of spare parts must be adressed detail. C. Price for one unit: The engine generator set price submitted in the proposal must pe valid for at least 60 days and must be F.O.B. Galena, Alaska. itional units: Qu D. Price for 3 ad The Vendor must guarantee availability and provide a firm price quote F.O.B. Galena for three additional and identical units valid for not less than 240 days from the date of submittal of the proposal. E. Certification of Compliance: The Vendor will be required to certify that the equipment proposed complies with the “Buy American Act and Balance of Payments Program" (October 1980, DOD FAR SUP 532.225-7000) and that the vendor will hold the City of Galena harmless for any and all expenses and losses resulting from the equipment's failure to comply with this Act if such failure occurs after the time the first generator set has been ordered from the Vendor by the Cit of Galena. Failure to provide satisfactory certification may, at the Owner's option, cause the proposal to be rejected. F. Certification of Acceptance: 2 Vendor will be required to certify that he has read, understood, and accepted the Owner's rights to select one or more units or no units at all according to the Owner's own selection criteria as outlined in this Request for Proposals. Failure to provide satisfactory certification may, at the Owner's option, cause the proposal to be rejected. THE OWNER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT ANY OR NONE OF THE PROPOSALS ACCORDING TO THE OWNER'S OWN SELECTION CRITERIA ADDITIONALLY, THE OWNER RESERVES THE RIGHT T NEGOTIATE PORTION OF ANY PROPOSAL WITH THE APPROPRIATE VENDOR. WHILE TH OWNER WILL HAVE THE OPTION TO PURCHASE ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT AS OUTLINED, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL THE PURCHASE OF ONE GENERATOR SET OBLIGATE THE OWNER TO PURCHASE ADDITIONAL GENERATOR SETS FROM THE SAME VENDOR. The Owner's selection c limited to the following bey ria will include, but will not be Completeness of information offered in Proposal. Engine generator set design. Physical space requirement. Delivery time. (Guaranteed, based on 2/1/87 contract award). B.M.E.P. Rotating speed. Serviceability of engine-generator. Price (Based on 2/1/87 contract award). Parts prices (current and guaranteed maximum for the next three years) and availability. Experience of Vendor in Alaska. Warranty provisions. installation/start-up services included in proposal. Engine operating flexibility. Replacement parts included in the proposed package. Foundation and building alteration requirements. Guaranteed fuel economy. Satisfactory certification of compliance with the "Buy American Act and Balance of Payments Program". Satisfactory certification of acceptance of the Owner’ t to make selections according to the Owner's selection cri as outlined in the Request for Proposals. te: The Vendor will be required to perform a fuel economy rformance test which will be witnessed by Alaska Power tnority staff. The proposal must include specific information pertaining to the guaranteed fuel an must address the extent to which the Vendor will hold | the Owner narmiess for delays and expens caused by differences between guaranteed fuel economy and sceuad fuel economy experienced during the performance test Proposals addressing these matters in an incomplete and/or ambiguous manner will be considered non- responsive. Project Contact: ee at All questions pertaining to this project must be directed to: Mr. Peter N. Hansen Rural Systems Engineer. Alaska Power Authority P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 Phone: (907) 261 7221 All proposals must be submitted to: Alaska Power Authority 7Ol East Tudor Road 2nd. floor -O-Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 995 eter > Attention: Mr. & N. Hansen, Rural Systems Engineer. Proposa All proposals ived before 2.00 p.m. on January 9, 1987 will be evaluated in accordance with this Request for Proposals. ua MENDMENT NC. 21 a TO FOR PROPOSALS APA 87-P-C15 Alaska Power Autnority %Ol East Tudor Road P.-0.Box 19086S Ancnoragea, Alaska 99519 Pnone (907) 561 7877 item l. Add the Oliowing note to tne equipment/feature list for the hn e ti Controls/Switch Gear: Note: “The first unit will i itt : he above mentioned eguipment/features eutomatic start-up and paralleling. capable of starting up, warming UD, syn mnecting to tne grid automatically, upon The optional 3-unic Ge a programmable er whi snali tic operetion of 1-5 T° 2d for the 3-unic clude ing between 4 units able fully automatic and t sys Please find attacned, ‘for your convenience, a copy of the “Buy. American Act and Balance of Payments Program". Please note: THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT THE COPY PROVIDED IS COMPLETE AND/OR CURRENT. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROPOSER TO ASSURE THAT THE PROPOSAL IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE COMPLETE AND CURRENT VERSION OF THE "BUY AMERICAN ACT AND BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM". a fi: om wv v QO & “Ou ADDENDUM #1 to REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Alaska Power Authority 701 East Tudor Road P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 Phone (907) 561 7877 GALENA EMERGENCY GENERATOR Delete: "APA 88-R-006" Insert: “GALENA EMERGENCY GENERATOR" H wt o 3 w Delete: Generator: The generator shall be a 12 lead Class F insulated generator wired for 277/480 Volts 3-phase. Excitation shall be solid state. Rating shall hi = 105 degrees Cc. perature rise. : Performance requirement with voltage regulator supplied: For any addition of load up to and including 100% of rated load, the voltage dip shall not exceed 10% of rated voltage. The voltage shall recover to and remain within the steady state band in not more than 2.0 seconds. Insert: Generator: a. The generator shall bea 12 lead Class F insulated generator wired for 277/480 Volts 3-phase. Excitation shall be solid state. Rating shall be at 80 degrees C. temperature rise. The stator winding shall be of 2/3 pitch design. Performance requirement with voltage regulator supplied: For any addition of load up to and including 100% of rated load, the voltage dip shall not exceed 15% of rated voltage. The voltage shall recover to and remain within the steady state band in not more than 5.0 seconds. Item C: Clarification: This project is not funded by the State of Alaska. The Alaska Power Authority is soliciting this proposal on behalf of the City of Galena, who will ultimately select and procure this emergency generator. Clarification: The muffler may be mounted on the roof, provided it can be removed for transportation. Item D: Acknowledge the receipt of this Addendum #1 in all proposals. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS APA 87-R-015 Alaska Power Authority 701 East Tudor Road P.O-Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 Phone (907) 561 7877 On behalf of the Owner, The City of Galena, the Alaska Power Authority is accepting proposals for the supply of 1 ea. diesel generator set with accessories with the option to purchase three additional and identical units. The City of Galena intends to take delivery of one unit as soon as possible. Delivery of the three optional units may take place if the City of Galena is successful in securing a contract for delivery of power to Galena Air force Station. In order to facilitate future equipment standardization, all units will be required to be identical and to meet the “Buy American Act and Balance of Payments Program" as outlined elsewhere in this RFP. The equipment will be installed and operated by the Owner. Proposals are accepted for the supply of equipment as follows: Item A: l ea. diesel generator set rated at 700-800 kw prime power. This unit shall be equipped with the following accessories: a. Steel base frame with spring mounts. b. Gear driven coolant pump preferred; belt driven pump may be acceptable. Cc. Compressed air starter. (Compressor and tank will be supplied by others.) d. Electronic governor with speed droop capability. e. By-pass lubrication oil filter with shut off valves. # Insulated exhaust manifold and turbocharger. Note: Cooling system will be supplied by others; no radiator or engine fan is to be included. Generator: a. T erator s Cla insulated generator wired for Excitation shall be solid state. Acceptable manufacturers: Kato or equal. Control Panel and Switch Gear: a. Floor mounted control panel with the following features: 1. Voltmeter. 2. Frequency meter, dial type. 3. Voltage adjust rheostat. 4. 3 pole circuit breaker with shunt trip and auxiliary contacts. 5. Ampere meter. 6. Instantaneous kw-meter. 7. Power factor meter. 8. Totalizing kwh-meter. 9. Engine-hour meter. 10. Alarm system with automatic generator shut down and independent fault indicator lights for low coolant level, high coolant temperature, low oil level, low oil pressure, N over speed, and reverse power. Lis Run/idle switch. 12. Automatic/manual paralleling switch gear: a. Synchronizing lights b. Switch and resistors c. Adjustable time delay reverse power relay and reset circuit breaker. (Reverse power relay operations opens the circuit breaker by energizing the shunt trip coil.) d. Circuit breaker open and closed position lights. e. Open-closed circuit breaker switch. £. Synchronizing check relay. g- Over current relays, current transformers and potential transformers as required. h. Automatic start-up, warm-up, synchronizing, cut-in, cut-out, cool down, and shut down system. Note: Vendors are encouraged to submit proposals on optional equipment which the Vendor may judge as being beneficial to the project. Additional Information Required: A. Technical Information: Vendors are required to submit a complete package including all available engineering data for the unit proposed. The proposals must include enough detailed engineering data to allow for detailed design of the following systems: Cooling and waste heat recapture system, Fuel supply system, Exhaust system, Connection to switch gear, Foundation system, and Power plant ventilation system. B. Other Information: The availability and price of spare parts must be adressed in detail. Cc. Price for one unit: The engine generator set price submitted in the proposal must be valid for at least 60 days and must be F.O.B. Galena, Alaska. D. Price for 3 additional units: The Vendor must guarantee availability and provide a firm price quote F.0O.B. Galena for three additional and identical units valid for not less than 240 days from the date of submittal of the proposal. E. Certification of Compliance: The Vendor will be required to certify that the equipment proposed complies with the “Buy American Act and Balance of Payments Program" (October 1980, DOD FAR SUP 52.225-7000) and that the Vendor will hold the City of Galena harmless for any and all expenses and losses resulting from the equipment's failure to comply with this Act if such failure occurs after the time the first generator set has been ordered from the Vendor by the City of Galena. Failure to provide satisfactory certification may, at the Owner's option, cause the proposal to be rejected. F. Certification of Acceptance: The Vendor will be required to certify that he has read, understood, and accepted the Owner's rights to select one or more units or no units at all according to the Owner's own selection criteria as outlined in this Request for Proposals. Failure to provide satisfactory certification may, at the Owner's option, cause the proposal to be rejected. Proposal Selection: THE OWNER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT ANY OR NONE OF THE PROPOSALS ACCORDING TO THE OWNER'S OWN SELECTION CRITERIA. ADDITIONALLY, THE OWNER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO NEGOTIATE ANY PORTION OF ANY PROPOSAL WITH THE APPROPRIATE VENDOR. WHILE THE OWNER WILL HAVE THE OPTION TO PURCHASE ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT AS OUTLINED, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL THE PURCHASE OF ONE GENERATOR SET OBLIGATE THE OWNER TO PURCHASE ADDITIONAL GENERATOR SETS FROM THE SAME VENDOR. The Owner's selection criteria will include, but will not be limited to the following items: Completeness of information offered in Proposal. Engine generator set design. Physical space requirement. Delivery time. (Guaranteed, based on 2/1/87 contract award). B.M.E.P. Rotating speed. Serviceability of engine-generator. Price (Based on 2/1/87 contract award). Parts prices (current and guaranteed maximum for the next three years) and availability. Experience of Vendor in Alaska. Warranty provisions. Installation/start-up services included in proposal. Engine operating flexibility. Replacement parts included in the proposed package. Foundation and building alteration requirements. Guaranteed fuel economy. Satisfactory certification of compliance with the "Buy American Act and Balance of Payments Program". Satisfactory certification of acceptance of the Owner's right to make selections according to the Owner's selection criteria as outlined in the Request for Proposals. Note: The Vendor will be required to perform a fuel economy performance test which will be witnessed by Alaska Power Authority staff. The proposal must include very specific information pertaining to the guaranteed fuel economy and must address the extent to which the Vendor will hold the Owner harmless for delays and expenses caused by differences between guaranteed fuel economy and actual fuel economy experienced during the performance test. Proposals addressing these matters in an incomplete and/or ambiguous manner will be considered non- responsive. Project Contact: All questions pertaining to this project must be directed to: Mr. Peter N. Hansen Rural Systems Engineer. Alaska Power Authority P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 Phone: (907) 261 7221 All proposals must be submitted to: Alaska Power Authority 701 East Tudor Road 2nd. floor P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 Attention: Mr. Peter N. Hansen, Rural Systems Engineer. Proposal Deadline: rroposal peagiine: All proposals received before 2.00 p.m. on January 9, 1987 will be evaluated in accordance with this Request for Proposals. un AMENDMENT NO. TO =O REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS APA 87-R-O15 Add the following note to the equipment/feature list for the Controls/Switch Gear: Note: "The first unit will be supplied with all the above mentioned Pp equipment/features for manual as well as for automatic start-up i paralleling. h it shall be capable of starting up, t h 1g and connecting to the grid ° signal. snall include a fully automatic ope 1@ price quoted for ary interfacing bet to create a fully a stem 2. Please find attacned, for your convenience, a co of the "Bu PY Y American Act and Balance of Payments Program”. Please note: THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT THE COPY PROVIDED IS COMPLETE AND/OR CURRENT. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROPOSER TO ASSURE THAT THE PROPOSAL IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE COMPLETE AND CURRENT VERSION OF THE "BUY AMERICAN ACT AND BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM". € =o wv Note: 4 yator snall meet NEM temperature rise t the propo rating shall be limited to 8 End of Amendment no. l. A No MG-1 specifications sed generator set's © degrees Cc." prime - ADDENDUM #1 to REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Alaska Power Authority 701 East Tudor Road P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 Phone (907) 561 7877 GALENA EMERGENCY GENERATOR Delete: "APA 88-R-006" Insert: "“GALENA EMERGENCY GENERATOR" Delete: Generator: a. The generator shall be a 12 lead Class F insulated generator wired for 277/480 Volts 3-phase. Excitation shall be solid state. Rating shall be at 105 degrees Cc. Cemperature rise. Bhp csteron Performance requirement with voltage regulator supplied: For any addition of load up to and including 100% of rated load, the voltage dip shall not exceed 10% of rated voltage. The voltage shall recover to and remain within the steady state band in not more than 2.0 seconds. Insert: Generator: a. The generator shall be a 12 lead Class F insulated generator wired for 277/480 Volts 3-phase. Excitation shall be solid state. Rating shall be at 80 degrees C. temperature rise. The stator winding shall be of 2/3 pitch design. Performance requirement with voltage regulator supplied: For any addition of load up to and including 100% of rated load, the voltage dip shall not exceed 15% of rated voltage. The voltage shall recover to and remain within the steady state band in not more than 5.0 seconds. Item C: Clarification: This project is not funded by the State of Alaska. The Alaska Power Authority is soliciting this proposal on behalf of the City of Galena, who will ultimately select and procure this emergency generator. Clarification: The muffler may be mounted on the roof, provided it can be removed for transportation. Item D: Acknowledge the receipt of this Addendum #1 in all proposals. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 1.1 GENERAL The hot coolant from the diesel engines is led through a coolant manifold placed in front of the engines to a flat plate heat exchanger. After passing through the heat exchanger, the coolant is led to the radiators for further cooling if needed and from there back to the engines. The other fluid which passes through the heat exchanger is heated to a temperature which is only 5 degrees cooler than the outlet temperature from the engines. After being heated, this fluid is pumped through insulated steel pipes to the High School, the new Elementary School, the Old Garage, the Water Treatment Plant, and to the Clinic. In these buildings (Except the Clinic) the hot fluid passes through another flat plate heat exchanger, in which heat is transferred to the boiler return water, again without mixing the two fluids. After giving off heat to the boiler return water, the fluid is returned to the Power Plant, where it again is led through a circulating pump and finally to the flat plate heat exchanger. The system is slightly different in the Clinic; here the fluid is pumped directly into the boiler return line and circulated through the Clinic heating system. In order to avoid excessive pressures in the Clinic heating system, a pressure reducing valve is inserted in the line to the Clinic. This valve is located in the Power Plant. A unit heater is placed in the Southeast corner of the High School crawl space. This unit is controlled by a separat thermostat and uses the fluid returning to the Power Plant for providing heat in that corner of the crawlspace. 1.2a THE POWER PLANT COOLING SYSTEM The Power Plant cooling system consists of a manifolding system, three radiators with separate controls, and an AMOT valve. All three engines pump hot coolant into the upper manifold through a check valve. The check valves have been provided with a small leak hole, which allows hot coolant to circulate slowly backwards through engines, that are not running, thereby keeping those engines warm and ready for immediate start up when needed. Generator #3 is equipped with an exhaust gas boiler, which cools the exhaust gasses down to 350-400 degrees F. and heats the coolant coming from the engine before it is pumped into the top manifold. ~ After passing through the heat exchanger, the coolant is led either directly to an AMOT valve or to the radiators, from where it then is led to the AMOT valve. An AMOT valve is a thermostatically controlled mixing valve, which mixes the coolant returning directly from the heat exchanger with the coolant returning from the radiators to obtain a temperature of 180 degrees fahrenheit. Under normal conditions the temperature of the coolant coming from the heat exchanger will be 180 degrees or lower and thus very little flow goes through the radiators. During periods with a limited heating demand, the temperature of the coolant from the heat exchanger will be higher and a part of the flow will be directed through the radiators. At a temperature of approximately 185 degrees fahrenheit, all of the coolant will be directed through the radiators. When the temperature in the lower manifold reaches 185 degrees fahrenheit, the radiator fans are intended to cycle in order to maintain this temperature. In order to limit the amount of power consumed by the radiator fans, the thermostatic switches located on the lower manifold in front of engine #1 should cycle in the following order: 1. Radiator #3 on low speed 2. Radiator #1 on low speed 3. Radiator #3 on high speed 4. Radiator #1 on high speed 5. Radiator #2 on high speed. (This is a single speed motor only) All three radiators are to be included in the cooling circuit at all times. Due to their different internal flow resistances, the flow will be divided between the radiators approximately as follows: Radiator #1: 2/7 of the flow Radiator #2: 2/7 of the flow Radiator #3: 3/7 of the flow These values are almost proportional to the cooling capacities of the radiators and thus no regulation of the flow is necessary. The expansion tanks located at the top of the radiators will normally be completely flooded. Thermal expansion of the coolant will be compensated for in the expansion tank located in front of engine #1. This tank should be approximately 3/4 full when the system is hot. 1/4" copper vent lines are connecting the radiators, the engines, and the exhaust gas boiler to the expansion tank in order to remove air that may have been trapped in these locations. The valves on these lines should be kept open at all times. 1.2b. THE POWER PLANT WASTE HEAT SYSTEM The waste heat system in the Power Plant consists of a heat. N exchanger, 2 pumps, a thermostatic valve (AMOT), and an expansion tank. Under normal operation fluid (50% ethylene glycol and 50% water) will return from the user buildings to the Power Plant at approximately 160-170 degrees fahrenheit. After passing through one of the two pumps, the fluid will pass through a y-strainer and into the heat exchanger, where it will be heated to at least 178 degrees fahrenheit. The temperature is controlled by the AMOT valve located on the outlet of the heat exchanger on the east wall of the Power Plant. This AMOT valve operates as follows: When the temperature of the fluid coming out of the heat exchanger is below 175 degrees, the entry port (A) is open to port B. However, port B is blocked with a blind flange and thus flow through the valve is stopped. In order to allow a small amount of fluid to pass through the valve for measuring purposes, a small hole (1/4") has been drilled between port A and port C. Thus, when the temperature is below 175 degrees, only a trickle is passing through this valve. Once the temperature increases above 175 degrees, the AMOT valve slowly opens between ports A and C, thereby letting fluid coming from the heat exchanger continue out into the waste heat system. Since the amount of heat available from the engines is limited, only a certain amount of fluid can be heated from the initial 160-170 degrees to 180 degrees. By limiting the flow through itself, the AMOT valve keeps the outgoing temperature at or above a 178 degrees F. 1.2c THE POWER PLANT, ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Every day: l. Check that one pump is operating by noticing if there is a pressure differential over the pumps. This differential should normally be more than 10 PSI. If no pressure differential is shown check to following: Does pump operate? Valves in right position? Fluid in system? (Check pressure) Pressure gauge petcocks closed? 2. Check the pressure on the pressure gauge adjacent to the connection to the expansion tank. With one pump operating this pressure should be 15-17 PSI. If pressure is lower, add fluid to the system. USE A 50/50 MIXTURE OF WATER AND DOWTHERM SR-1 ONLY. DO NOT USE AUTOMOTIVE ANTIFREEZE SUCH AS PRESTONE, SHELLZONE ETC. If the system keeps loosing prressure, check the entire system for leaks and repair as necessary. Under normal conditions this system should loose very little fluid. 3. Check the coolant level in the expansion tank in front of engine #1. The tank should be approximately 3/4 full. If less than 3/4 full, add a 50/50 mixture of water and antifreeze such as Prestone, Shellzone etc. Check that the valve on the over flow line located on the upper rear connection on the expansion tank is closed. (Temperatures in the exhaust gas boiler's first stage may cause boiling if the system is not under slight pressure.) 4. Check the temperature of the return line to the engines on the thermometer located in front of engine #1. This temperature should not be above 190 degrees. if it is: Are radiators operating? Are radiators plugged with dust? Is there sufficient coolant in system? Check valve positions. Check thermometer adjustment If it is still not possible to reduce return temperature below 190 degrees: Open by-pass valve around the AMOT valve. If this reduces temperature, dismantle AMOT valve and replace thermostats. 5. Check the coolant temperature on each engine in operation. This temperature should not be above 200 degrees. If it is: Check thermometer adjustment. Check valve positions. Check temperature on upper manifold thermometer located between engines nos. 1 and 2. Every Month: 1. Operate each radiator fan motor for 1/2 hour on manual override to prevent bearing seizure and moisture collection in the motor. 2. Check all piping for leaks. 3 Open the inspection doors on the heat recovery boiler and check that the finned tubes are not plugged with soot. If they are, clean the finns using a vacuum cleaner and/or a stiff brush. Every year: l. Lubricate bearing on stand by pump. 2. Have a sample of the coolant and a sample of the waste heat recapture loop tested in a laboratory. (Van Waters and Rogers, Anchorage, phone 272 9507) 3. Clean the strainer on the waste heat recapture loop. This strainer is located adjacent to the heat exchanger. 4. Stop the pumps, and drain enough fluid out of the waste heat recapture loop that the pressure gauge adjacent to the expansion tank connection reads 0 PSI. Check the air pressure in the expansion tank adjacent to engine #3 with a tire gauge. The pressure should be 12-15 PSI. 5. Check the condition of the hose sections between the coolant manifold and the engines and generators. Replace if not in good condition. 6. Check the radiators and clean the exterior surfaces of the core if necessary. 7. Open the inspection doors on the exhaust gas boiler and clean the finns using a vacuum cleaner and/or a brush. 1.3 THE ARCTIC PIPE. l1.3a. Routine Maintenance. The arctic pipe (manufactured by Brown Boveri Corporation, 1460 Livingston Avenue, North Brunswick, N.J. Phone 201 359 4002) does not require any maintenance except for periodic inspections as follows: Every month: 1. Visually inspect the line for leaks and exterior damage from vandalism etc. Make sure that all hangers and pipe anchors are in place and that all half shells are in place over joints. Repair exterior damage to the High Density Polyethylene jacket pipe with sheet metal jackets in place with hose clamps until a permanent repair can be made with "“wedge-joint" half shells identical to the half shells used over joints on this pipe. 1.4 THE CLINIC. 1.4a. GENERAL The hot waste heat fluid from the power plant is pumped directly into the boiler return line and circulated through the boiler and uw out through the Clinic heating system. After returning from the heating system the fluid is returned to the power plant through the 2" AMOT valve located in the storage room adjacent to the boiler room. This valve contains 160 degree elements and is installed so as to limit the outgoing flow, if the return temperature of the fluid exceeds 160 degrees F. Due to the Operating band of the valve elements, the outgoing temperature can be as high as 166 degrees. 1.4b. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Every month: Check the system for leaks. Check that the expansion tank is not completely filled with fluid. Activate the oil fired boiler for 1 minute using the temperature controls. Check that the high temperature limit on the boiler controls is set below 180 degrees. Recommended setting: 150-160 degrees. The low temperature limit should be set at 140-150 degrees. 1.5 THE WASHETERIA 1.5a. GENERAL The hot waste heat fluid from the power plant is pumped through a flat plate heat exchanger and is returned to the power plant through the 3" AMOT valve located adjacent to the heat exchanger. This valve contains 165 degree elements and is installed so as to limit the outgoing flow, if the return temperature of the fluid exceeds 165 degrees. Due to the operating band of the valve elements, the outgoing temperature can be as high as 171 degrees. 1.5b. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Every month: Check the system for leaks. Activate the oil fired boilers for 1 minute using the temperature controls. Check that the high temperature limit on the boiler controls is set below 180 degrees. Recommended setting: 150-160 degrees. The low temperature limit should be set at 140-150 degrees. Check that the circulating pump located above the heat exchanger is operating. 1.6. THE OLD GARAGE 1.6a. GENERAL The hot waste heat fluid from the power plant is pumped through a flat plate heat exchanger located outside the boiler room. After passing through the heat exchanger, the fluid passes through a thermostatic Danfoss valve, which is controlled by a = sensor located in the line feeding into the boiler. By turning the knob on this valve to increasing numbers, the temperature in the boiler return line is increased. This temperature should be set at approximately 175 degrees. 1.6b. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE. Every month: Check the system for leaks. Activate the oil fired boiler for 1 minute using the temperature controls. Check that the high temperature limit on the boiler controls is set below 180 degrees. Recommended setting: 150-160 degrees. The low temperature limit should be set at 140-150 degrees. 1.7 THE NEW SCHOOL 1.7a. GENERAL The hot waste heat fluid from the power plant is pumped through a flat plate heat exchanger located in the boiler room. After passing though the heat exchanger, the fluid passes through a thermostatic Danfoss valve, which is controlled by a = sensor located in the line feeding into the boiler. By turning the knob on this valve to increasing numbers, the temperature in the boiler return line is increased. This temperature should be set at approximately 175 degrees. In case of a leak in the New School, the shut-off valves located underneath the New School adjacent to the district heating lines can be used to isolate the New School from the waste heat system. 1.7b. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE. Every month: Check the system for leaks. Activate the oil fired boilers for 1 minute using the temperature controls. Check that the high temperature limit on the boiler controls is set below 180 degrees. Recommended setting: 165 degrees. The low temperature limit should be set at 160 degrees. 1.8 THE SCHOOL The the waste heat supply and return lines enter the School crawl space adjacent to the the utilidor connection and run in the crawl space to the boiler room. The hot waste heat fluid from the power plant is pumped through a flat plate heat exchanger located in the boiler room. After passing through the heat exchanger, the fluid passes through a thermostatic Danfoss valve, which is controlled by a sensor located in the line feeding into the boiler. By turning the knob on this valve to increasing numbers, the temperature in the boiler return line is increased. This temperature should be set at approximately 175 degrees. A small circulating pump and a unit heater is mounted on the return. line in the crawl space, adjacent to the utilidor connection. The pump and the unit heater are controlled by a line voltage thermostat mounted adjacent to the unit heater... This thermostat should be set 5 degrees above the temperature desired in the crawl space. A small heat exchanger is mounted adjacent to the pump. manifold in the boiler room. This heat exchanger transfers heat from the boiler system to the hot water system. The temperature is controlled with a thermostatic Danfoss valve located adjacent to the heat exchanger. Hot water temperature is increased by turning the control knob to a higher number. 1.8b. ROUTINE MAINTENANCE. Every month: Check the system for leaks. Check that the circulating pump located adjacent to the heat exchanger is operating. (During the summer months this pump) can be used to circulate the entire heating system in the school. Flows will be reduced but adequate at low heating loads.) Activate the oil fired boilers for 1 minute using the temperature controls. Check that the high temperature limit on the boiler controls is set below 180 degrees. Recommended setting: 165 degrees. The low temperature limit should be set at 160 degrees. Check that the pump and the unit heater in the crawl space are operating by changing the thermostat setting. If the unit heater gives off heat, the pump is operating as intended. Check that the unit heater/pump thermostat is set 5 degrees above the desired temperature in the crawl space. Alaska Power Authority contact: Peter N. Hansen, phone (907) 261 7221. Home phone: (907) 345 5819 CITY OF GALENA Project Schedule 119 8/6 10/1/87 10/1 Design || Order Receive Install Transmission Line Material Material Line a 9/3 1/21/88 1/21 Design A.F. Order Receive Install AF Control System Equipment Equipment Switchgear dye 7/30 8/20 9/24 12/3 Design . Solicit Award & Construct Freeze Foundation Contract Mobe. Foundation In 5/82 6/25 les 8/20 9/10 4/21\ 7/14/88 Contract Solicit Design Solicit Award & Construct Building | Award Enaineerina Building Contract Mobe. Building Complete 7/9 9/3 9/24 7/14 Design Building Solicit Award & Construct A Interlor Contract Mobe. Interior Ree 9 9/3 1/21/88 7/14 Final ONLINE ; Test Design Generating || Order Receive Install 7 Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment La 34.1.2 (Figure 1) 77k 7308/13 9/17 11/26/87 Design L} Solicit Award & Construct Tanks uel Tanks Contract Mobe. Tanks Complete /30 8/13 1/5/87 Solicit Order “| Receive Vendor Fuel Fuel 12/31/87? CITY OF GALENA Project Schedule 1/7 2/4 8/4/88 8/11 Order Install Line Receive Material Design sub-station Transmission line Material 8/4/88 Receive Install AF Equipment \] Switchgear 2/18 3/10 Solicit Contract Construct Building Design Building Interior Build Earthwork Tanks Complete 5/4/88 Solicit Engineering Contract Award CITY OF GELENA Project Schedule 5/18 6/15 8/24/88 10/17 ae < ay, " = Note: Accelerated Work Schedule esign sub-station irder insta 3 a Aes : Transmission line Material Material nie Generators air lifted to site. Z oo x 5/18 6/15 11/30/88 12/7 ees a Design AF. Order Receive Install AF Control System Equiprnent Equipment Switchgear f Sere 6/15 TAS 8/24 9/26 wh eS oa Design Solicit | Award & Construct Freeze NAY Foundation Contract Mobe. Foundation In NA, = \ 6/3 7/6 9/14 3/27/89 \ Design Solicit | | Award & Construct ( Bun dina ne Building Contract Mobe, Building Complete \ 6/15 7/13 977 a Q . s : ; a Design Building Solicit Award & Construct Interior Contract Mobe. Interior 6/22 12/21/88 a, ah 10/1/89 f Design Generating Order Receive Install PROJECT Plant Equiprnent Equiprnent | Equipment Equipment COMPLETE 5/18 6/29 TA B/15 Design Solicit [ award & Build Bulk Fuel Storage Contract Mobe. Earthwork ae zit "3.49 11/14/88 f Me \ ‘ Pe Order Construct Tanks SNe Tankage Tanks | Complete [J 6/29 7427 med = a Solicit Order fuel bids Fuel 5/4/88 Contract Award Note: Normal work schedule. Generators/switchgear airlifted tite. 5/19 6/13 Ses 10/18 Design sub-station Order Receive Install 58/88 Transmission line Material Material Line ‘ f < 5/49 7/22 1/20/89 2/3, Design AF. Order Receive Install AF Control System Equiprnent Equipment Switehgear eel 3712 10/2 ore \ \ iy \ - ‘ 677, 6/17 78 9/2 YY Solicit Design Solicit Award & Construct AY Building Contract Mobe. Building \ x “SITS i? 8/29 T2AA2 \ Design Building Solicit Award & Construct he | Interior Contract Mabe. Interior \ svg 8/2 12/1/88 4/24 qitg 11/15/89 Se ——— Design Generating _| Order Receive Plant Equipment Equipment Equiprnent % 5/19 77 7/28 10/3 i Design Solicit Award & Build / Bulk Fuel Storage Contract Mobe. Earthwork Ny. 7/28 “4/16 4/19/39 6/4 veo f SA rs [eae q : in Order Construct Tanks Receive ~~ Tankage Tanks | Complete Fuel git 9/15 ae ———— Solicit Order <a fuel bids Fuel 5/4/38 Contract Award S718 6/ Design sub-station Transmission line 15 5/18 6/15 Order Receive Install Material eres Line LLY OF GHLENE Project Schedule oi eee nore \ \ 6/1/89 6/8 Note: Accelerated Work Schedule Generators barged to site. —_—— Solicit Order |} fuel bids Fuel a Design AF. Order Receive Install AF Control System Equiprnent Equipment Switchgear : 6/15 ¢ 9/24 / Design Solicit |_| award & Construct Freeze : Foundation Contract Mobe. Foundation In o X a, \ 5/18 6/3 76 9/14 Design Solicit Award & | | Construct Building Building Contract Mobe. Building Complete 118 6/15 FAIS of7 po ee ce *, a .| Design Building Solicit Award & Construct hy Interior | Contract Mobe. Interior \ S48 6/22 6/17/39 615 bial a Design Generating Order Receive Plant Equipment Equipment Equipment N 5/18 6/29 Tf 8/15 [iF Design Solicit Award & Build Buk Fuel Storage Contract Mobe. Earthwork a 7M B49 11/14/88 6/10/7389 ~ e ‘, " Order Construct Tanks Sc Tankage Tanks foc “3424 4/21 s/iy Receive fo PROJECT COMPLETE LY OF GALENA Pro ect Schedule Note: Mormal work schedule. Generators /switchgear barged to site. 5/19 6/13 pallies Bee 10/18 oa Design sub-station Order Receive Install 5/8/88 Transmission line Material Material Line I, : 5/ #9 7/22 6/1/89 6/15 Design AF. Order Receive Install AF Control System Equipment Equipment Switchgear i > f 5/yr9 7/11 8/1 9712 10/24 NS / Design Solicit Award & Construct \ / /\ Foundation Contract [ | Mobe. | Foundation - 5/4/88 UY * afd/e8 “sila 6/17 7/2 9/2 4/24/89 Contract Design Solicit Award & Construct Building a Award Buildine Contract Mobe. [| | Buildi wilding jobe uilding Camplete | ty SAND Ti? 8/29 ee 12/12 et \ ON} Design Building Solicit [ award & Construct Ne \ Interior Contract Mobe. Interior \, \ 5719 go 6/1/33 BPR? ate 1/19/90 Design Generating Order Receive | i PROJECT Plant Equipment Equiprnent Equipment COMPLETE 5/18, 77 7/28 10/2 } Design Solicit Award & Build | Bulk Fuel Storage Contract Mobe. Earthwork ! —— ? 28 he16 4/18 rey siides | on ’ ! oN y Order Construct Tanks Receive aL Tanka Tanks | Complete | Fuel ; ma A See 4 Solicit Order fo fuel bids Fuel ~ \, a i el ~ =) 2 an