HomeMy WebLinkAboutGalena Waste Heat Status Reports, Trip Reports, & Field Notes 1989-1991Ys/9! CwlendA lWashe beat - reyosal Site las: x Feam > John Diekersm Grivel //120 AM Net at— givpgert by Lphrnis Hleltck-. Tare facility rete fo Aiport @ 3/32Phm Pretes! RU Tf Ss fyem nee /Pdimer jo lot 2x stirs waste heat ves Yo elie, udrer plant, Kite Ad/ primary, scheol trl high schex, The stope of Yhis Proc sto Hie jnfo tke CVMSTi rs Syston th fhe. clinic. net tyke. udste-hajt to neur feat xchemgers 10 fente/ health Le iicling » PrehiEe sa be) ire ) cthy cliicre sucl <P Shep, Pheflos show orientttian of bulebyas, Fisure xf fvel Usage for Sh ese. built, JS aludi/able~, Scheme ic A7515h Av4//4be tren Wei) Hesthere, 349-4 >, Some vpa rics fo fle CHS ro System gu désq Pelwt ct this Proyesdl, ~LU 4e7 Vtore dfoordtien Frere Ae:'/ Nauwthome, MEMORANDUM Date: 2/3/89 To: Donald L. Shira Director. Program Development & Facilities Operations Through: Jerry Larson Ve Manager of Rural Projects From: Peter N. Hansen IW Rural Systems Engineer Subject: Memorandum to Brent N. Petrie. Please find attached for your review a memorandum to Brent N. Petrie regarding Galena Power. Date: 2-4-89 1:34pm From: DAPCBNP:MIS:APA To: MARCEY, DON cc: DAPCBNP:MIS:APA,MARGIE, PETER, SUE Subj: GALENA Return receipt: Done BOB’S MEETING WITH NANCY GROSS ON FRIDAY, FEB. 3 IN JUNEAU SEEMS TO HAVE GONE WELL. I ALSO SAW NANCY BEFORE THE MEETING AND IN THE AIRPORT ON THE WAY TO ANCHORAGE. I TOLD HER THAT WE WERE NOT AWARE OF THE CHANGED SCOPE UNTIL HER PHONE CALL AND WERE SURPRISED AT THE EXTENT OF THE SCOPE CHANGES INDICATED IN THE INFO THAT SHE SENT TO US. IT WAS TRULY A SURPRISE TO HER THAT WE DID NOT KNOW WHAT WAS HAPPENING. I SAID THAT SINCE THERE HAD BEEN NO REQUEST FOR A DRAW ON THE LOAN YET WE WERE NOT AWARE THAT THEY HAD ACTUALLY BEGUN SOME CONSTRUCTION EFFORTS. SHE LIKES THE IDEA OF A SITE VISIT TO GALENA TO INVENTORY CURRENT STATUS AND WOULD ALSO LIKE US TO GET A DETAILED BRIEFING FROM POLARCONSULT- - THIS WOULD BEST BE DONE BEFORE ANYONE GOES TO GALENA. I TOLD HER THAT ONE ALTERNATIVE WOULD BE TO STOP THE PROJECT, BAIL OUT, AND CUT ANY LOSSES NOW. SHE DIDN’T LIKE THAT AND SAID THAT THE CITY COUNCIL WAS COMMITTED TO COMPLETING THE PROJECT. (MY INTERPRETATION OF THE INFO IS THAT THE COUNCIL HAS BEEN PUBLICLY CHALLENGED ON THIS PROJECT AND IT HAS NOW BECOME A MATTER OF ‘FACE’ FOR THEM. ) SHE SAID THAT CLARISSA QUINLAN HAD RUN NUMBERS TO ASCERTAIN RATE IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT AND THAT THEY SHOULD BE ABLE TO HOLD THEIR CURRENT RATE OF $0.28/KWH BUT WOULD HAVE NO FURTHER RATE REDUCTION. (THEY RECENTLY REDUCED RATES FROM SOMETHING IN THE 30's.) BOB SUGGESTED SHE SEE AIDEA ABOUT EXPORT/IMPORT BANK FINANCING FOR THE MITSIBUSHI GENERATORS. SHE SAID THEY HAD ALREADY BEEN ORDERED BY GRAIG TAYLOR . (QUESTION- WOULD CRAIG TAYLOR BE ELIGIBLE FOR EX/IM FINANCING AND BE ABLE TO PASS ALONG ANY SAVINGS TO GALENA?) NANCY SAID IN HINDSIGHT SHE THOUGHT MAYBE THEY SHOULD HAVE CUT AN ARRANGEMENT WITH WAUKESHA OR VECO TO BUILD THE PLANT AND HAVE GALENA RUN IT. (QUESTION-- IS IT TOO LATE TO STILL TRY SOMETHING LIKE THAT WITH CRAIG TAYLOR, MITSIBUSHI OR OTHERS? IS IT TOO LATE FOR A LEASE/PURCHASE DEAL?) SEEMS THAT A SUBSTANTIAL PORTION OF THE EXTRA COST ($1.2 MILLION WAS MENTIONED, BUT NEEDS TO BE VERIFIED) IS BEING PURSUED AS A DELAY CLAIM AGAINST THE AIR FORCE. BOB MENTIONED THAT THE DELAY CLAIM WOULD BE RECOVERED THROUGH RATES TO THE AIR FORCE--IF SO --THEY STILL NEED THE UP FRONT FINANCING. HOWEVER AN UPWARD ADJUSTMENT IN RATES IN THE AIR FORCE CONTRACT WOULD CHANGE THE PRESENT VALUE AND MAKE THE FINANCING MORE ATTRACTIVE. NANCY SAID THEY HAD TO GO TO A CONTRACT RATHER THAN FORCE ACCOUNT BASIS IN ORDER TO MEET THE NEW TIMETABLE. SHE ALSO HAD SOME CONCERNS ABOUT THE TYPE OF GENERATORS (SHE HAS BEEN TOLD THOSE TYPES HAVE NOT BEEN USED FOR PRIME POWER UNITS FOR COMMERCIAL UTILITY PURPOSES IN THE UNITED STATES. -- -NEED TO VERIFY.) THAT'S ALL FOR NOW. BRENT MEETING TO DISCUSS CONTRACTOR CONCERNS GALENA POWER PLANT CONTRACT F65517-~87—C-O001 Welcome. Introduction of attendees, Review of purpose and direction of the meeting ~ - Major Hodges. Review of Contractor concerns identified to date ~ ~ Mr. Wyatt. Discussion and clarification of Contractor items presented. Additional comments. Adjourn. BY-PASS CONNECTION FOR COMMERCIAL POWER AT GALENA AFS It is recommended that the equipment to be provided for connecting the incoming commerical power at the Air Force Plant be arranged so that a dual (parallel) cable run with 5 KV elbow type connectors can be plugged in to feed directly into the Air Force electrical distribution system. This can probably be done in the initial design of the connecting facilities for virtually no additional cost. Such terminals may simplify the actual connection to the plant bus by allowing the plant switchgear to be completely deenergized while the connections and associated work is being done. The connections would provide for totally by-passing the plant. This would permit continuing service direct to the Air Force distribution system in event there is any problems in the Air Force plant or for maintenance or repair of the plant switchgear. The connection point should be on the load side of the metering and on the supply side of the tie breaker so that the incoming power would be isolated from the Air Force bus. It is envisioned that the connection would be made using temporarily installed cables; however, it would be possible to make it a permanent arrangement. Contact Maj Hodges, HQ AAC/LGCCN, 907 552-4146 or Capt Richard Henry, HQ AAC/DEMU, 907 552-4148 if there are any questions on this recommendation.