HomeMy WebLinkAboutDiomede Electric Lines 1991FROM: Stassel, Steven TO: Jensen, Hans DATE: 12-11-91 TIME: 11:25 AM cc: Gray, Brian Sinha, Amit Stassel, Steven SUBJECT: Diomede Arctic Pak Module Manual PRIORITY: ATTACHMENTS : Darlene from Diomede called today and asked for two copies of the manual for the new power plant. She needs the cost for the power plant and a list of the contents for the insurance company. Also, she asked when AEA is going to install a kwh meter for the school. Steve YUL 46 FL LO*UD DED SuUDI P.172 FAX COVER SHEET pare: CDishey [Otb. FAX #: [-Stol-€5E4 # OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET: O22 10: Senne Strack, , Icy ORGANIZATION: Ak bt fig dasthciaty. rion Achy. famed Tote Ub ieee MESSAGE: > 8 f 2 ee c S , = a ah < ——— Quen 5 U0 we) re — rrr ee ei SAR ARE Exustin ? Ales New brew head Wew ew Trensformev ~ one New Froutformer fy Spare Pew Feed wire Frou Power Plat for Village and Hig Sckoot June UF ITU a CAcT TA. AT ANS 2/2 State of Alaska Walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation Diomede Joint Utilities February 26, 1991 P.O. Box D10 Diomede, Alaska 99762-8995 Attention: Mr. Roger Ozenna Utility Manager Dear Roger, in regard to the proposed powerline project at Diomede, I would like to make the following comments. At the present time, the plant has three power feeders, grade school, high school, and village. If the only power line out of the plant is modified to overhead, the utility will have only one feeder, making the distribution system difficult to energize and unable to sectionalize. It is recommended that due to the corrosion problem at Diomede, the feeders to the schools be re-routed to parallel the waste heat lines and be protected with non corroding PVC conduit. The village feeder can be overhead or in PVC conduit connected to a riser on the village distribution system. This will allow the powerhouse to maintain the flexibility of three separate feeders, simplify routing of conduit, increase reliability, and help in trouble shooting, if it is necessary. The contractor, Mr. Fred Moody, Pacific North Electric, and I discussed what he proposed and what my concerns are. I asked him to review my proposed scheme and send a revised cost estimate to Diomede Utility. Have you received the new estimate yet? A possible problem may be encountered with an overhead line extension past the Alascom dish. I am not sure if the line would cause a problem but before a final decision is made Alascom should review the planned routing. Let me know how the job is progressing. incerely, ) — rry rgon, Manager ural Technical Assistance PO. Box AM Juneau. Alaska 99811. (907) 465-3575 ; PO. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road =Anchorage. Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 P.1/2 JAN 31 '91 14:24 686 3061 FAX Coversheet RECFIVED Ry TO e- : Pa Jeeey Latson 1 INST P1335 COMPANY: ALA ‘GY ALASsKa Eweegy Authority AUTHORITY SUBJECT: ee PRoposed New Koute Foe EhcTeveal Lines FAX#: | $6/- 85°34 FROM: ae . ‘ ' Rogee Ozenwa — Utility Mauagee~Diomede UtjLities DATE; I~3)-q) NO. PAGES WITH COVER 2 MESSAGE; Couldwt get holed “To get IN F0bmMatiow oF Free Moody ON Power Live Diagram cow "91 14:25 686 3061" “" JAN 31 POA GNENMT AWINVASIT7O00 SUDITTTD So oOrTTTi® & nal Exis TN Powe ExisT*I9 11h Pawel Lines wasTE HEAT sosely <, Ravin “alk, scllek. Feedage (Pouna) > wea suo, Fratlae. ¢ Lowen. CEMSTING) P.1/2 JUN 15 “SL L4+co DOR SuO4 FAX COVER SHEET te rat << cy DATE: it ff mt wn oe wy > oO oO “a nH x= i) 2° xz H a 2 3 o = Lead wn ia} o < a fe Oo + T0: ORGANIZATION: = Oo os Fa Tote liates freter EF Kilowatt hour meter - pwrade ve USH > Westing hous 8 20 Class Tyr< DA B~ FF a 1GOd 2-5 3 Ro oy kh OLE y ary Y Too Stator Vetthouy rev gokz £ eS 7a Leral | ed yee Le 2 ia CT Roly” eee Re ‘71 6/% O3% IS 0 Ser YSOCO2F rare Fa Fs, ww 3.6/7.2 Ms Brg, Raho 555 Dero~ Registey moter 120V 60 hz Kh ug on ee ap “CLbove. » Conriaknon vo hog = U0 Vv V 2) Fosm os \e" a G ANY QuesTIos CALL. All (rf Dive ct Readrn 3 Lov MESSAGE: V Crovple Tot '5 VI PY 756-94 PV -RWPQ Rata zy) IOLVGOIL, 6£ CL. AT 47-99P- 0 Rie Cr Cite G'S wr eg7- 4 Zu-stis Toten lioceas preter a tae Kilowet hourmeter x EN made vue USH : 91 4 Westing hous ALA q Shylx. he s RO Class Tyr DAB ~ FF ys WOCA GOT Vv TH 2G 3 Roy KA 1 vu 4Arv ¥ Joo Stator Wetthour treAv gokz & & VTR 4 5 : 5 V} lv A os JE pRK pnultiplier 3 : ¥§ PY Rark’y CT Rok’ 2 i) wn - 5 * & ‘7! 61% O8% mi Ps S 2° “ 4 0 5 . _- : £9 OST FFOLONF —— rarle En a ~ EE § a Ay FAM HE /72 big Derro~ Regis tey g 7 2 2h Ars, Rat f ti : S =f ne ES Meter 120V 60 he wT aa EB 7 2 nN Pe Drvect Ready’ . n bt ; “3 For 7 — = Kh hg 9 H Ss = oO oS 4H on back of above y Coeneradiion Vo Moge. 7 2) Form 3 494i rf une FOLLIN ALL ww eS Rom SES ef . § 1 ~N We a i ths i a as Rett [se +i BE : fee ee | TRE SM sGsaaseer Sat riasaa gaat Soe See SS a aaNe sete see saa |e ad Pe sas 1aads 33 2603 ~ 6f07}97 89 92:rT 16. ET NMG * AUS 15 Sl 11+ sb béb SUb1 Diomede Joint Utilities P.O. BOX 7020 UTTLE DIOMEDE ISLAND, AK 99762-7020 (907) 686-3051 FAX (907) 686-3061 August 14, 1991 TO: All Utilities Customers and Residents Diomede Joint Utilities has been undergoing major changes which has affected all areas of utilities operations. This year's fuel barge order is estimated to cost Utilities $72,000.00 (fuel cost went up .45¢ per gallon From last year). This alone has created serious financial problems which has forced us to raise all of our rates again. On August 3rd, 1991 the City Council approved and passed the electric kilowatt hours to .50¢ per KWH effective August 1, 1991, This new rate will show on your September 1991 billing. In late April 1992 the City and Utilities will review the KWH rates again in hopes of lowering them, On July 25, 1991 Governor Walter J. Hickel signed a Declaration of Disaster for City of Diomede due to our severe shortage of water, This water shortage is due to not much snowfall and no rain, The November 1990 disaster also contributed ro the water shortage because water had to be used to clean the shore line of fuel oil. Utilities must stress to all residents that we still have a severe water short- age. Even though there is some water in the water tank on the hill, we are still short, The school needs at least 100,000 gallons to Start and the Washeteria (which has heen shut down completely since July 19th) will need at least 50,000 gallons to reopen, As of today, August 14, 1991, we have approximately 62,000 gallons of water. We have not transferred any water to the school yer, The State of Alaska Division of Emergency Services (DES) purchased two Reverse Osmosis (R.O.) machines which convert salt water into drinking water, These R.0, units use a. lot of electricity which means higher fuel use. Utilities was forced to hire a water plant operator (which Utilities had never hired before) and an alternate water/power plant operator. DES and the Company from which the R.O. units were purchased said Utilities must hire a water plant operator and get him trained and certified. If Utilities did not hire one, DES would take the R.O. units and leave Diomede on its own to face the water shortage. These two new positions has forced Utilities to raise the water rates and tokens. On August 3rd, 1991 the City Council approved and passed the water rates to be raised to .15¢ per gallon (75¢ per 5 gallons) and tokens raised to $3.00 each. ~ HUb le “91 11:36 686 3061 P.373 August 14, 1991 Page Two The Washeteria was not opened for dryer use due ro the fact that Utilities ran out of fuel in May, The City has generously donated 1,100 gallons and IRA also generously donated 550 gallons of fuel to Utilities. We may have enough fuel to last until the fuel barge arrives which is scheduled to be here around the end of this month. We are working on Opening the Washeteria again as soon as possible, hopefully within a week. In summary, the new rates are as follows: Electric KWH rates -50¢ per KWH Effective 08/01/91 Water rates -15¢ per gallon Effective 08/03/91 Token rates $3.00 per token Effective 08/03/91 Utilities and City Council has hired permanent staff and all personnel and job positions are listed below: Orville Ahkinga Jr. - Operations Supervisor - Orville is in charge of all operations and staff in the Washeteria, Water Plant and Power Plant. Raleigh Ahkvaluk = Power Plant Operator ~ Raleigh monitors and maintains the power plant, Steve Hoogendorn ~ Water Plant Operator - Steve monitors and maintains the water treatment plant and R.0. units. Rabert Soolook Jr. - Alternate Power/Water Plant Operator ~ Robert works on weekends, holidays and whenever Raleigh or Steve is sick or on vacation, Washeteria Monitor - Utilities is currently hiring for this 30 hour per week, permanent position. Applications are being accepted until August 16th, 1991, Valerie Jennings - Bookkeeper - oversees and Maintains any and all paper- work of Utilities. We are all working hard to see that things are working right, running smoothly and financially stable. Your support, consideration, understanding and suggestions will be appreciated by all staff, Thank you. (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No- TELECOPY SENT TO: NAME OF COMPANY: COMPANY ADDRESS: TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: SENDER: TELEPHONE NUMBER: NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: DATE SENT: Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation TELECOPY (907) 561-8584) (907) 465-3767) State of Alaskes Walters Hicke! Governor Ske. # weve , ne tare Sa i Ber PB-FREE? - oes Sane > CHARGE CODE: IF YOU BDO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) _261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: o~ INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE aI eer Ce vicewre — x fe LL POD. Bex AM Juneau. Alaska 99814 wat PO. Box 190869 = 701 East Tucior Road TRANSMISSION REPORT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) THIS DOCUMENT WAS SENT **k COUNT # 2 weiek SEND 0% KR (907) 445-3575 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-086o a (907) 501-7877 XEROX TELECOPIER T T T 1 NO| REMOTE STATION I.D. START TIME | DURATION | #PAGES | COMMENT T T 1 1] 686 3061++++++++++++ 8- 9-91 16:52 | 2°21" | 2 | | TOTAL 0:02'21" 2 7020 ORVILLE ! TO SHOUT DOWN WRSTE HEAT SysTem, FiesT OPEN varveSA@) Me (FE). Tver oFF pumps P=} ano P-2 Awd Clos€ VAVES (2) AOR) on the Heat exchareeR. Teen Off TR HEATING CIRCLVIANAG Pump AO close values OM MO®. Remove The Tsvouanw Fea THE HEAT §=EXCANMIGER MOD ALLNO /T To Coot. Jo Roar TE m peba tveg. Ccevers| Hoves at LEAST). Relieve Y _ +O TH Pressuen ww THE HEAT Exe HANGER / By TRippwe THE pressve2 Reef Heative Pump Valves ot tHe HEAT ExcHoeee ov Roy} —— ‘ ; Pete yHa, GopeentBR CoolrEe Cres AND PAR ba teubes ETc NeaTiv6e Lines fo TI2 WASHETHISIA « oo Follow MANUFACTURERS TrYs7reucTws ow TIGHTENING THE L22TSe Date: 8-9-91 11:30am From: SStassel:Anch:AEA To: Gary ec: Brian,Hans,Steve Subj: Diomede Power Plant Training Return receipt: Done Valerie at Diomede Joint Utilities called regarding available training for DJU personnel on power plant operations. She said that her primary plant operator has requested a leave of absence and she wants to make sure that his leave does not conflict with training provided by AEA. Valerie expects the operator to be out of the community the last two weeks of August. Valerie would like an answer by Monday August 12th. Steve, x282 bug VT fone A obte 2 Diomede Joint Utilities o Post Office Box DIO fds /70 Little Diomede, AK 99762-8995 / Telephone (907)-686-3051 — Fax (907)-686-3061 4p °2 9 ~ April 25, 1991 Honorable Representative Richard Foster Room 409 Capitol P.O. Box V Juneau, AK 99811 RE: Legislative Funding: Honorable Richard Foster: Diomede Joint Utilities requests your assistance in obtaining legislative funding. The funding is for repairing and improving the existing feeder from the power house to the high school, elementary school and seventeen residential service drops. The existing condition of the feeder from the power house to the schools is bad. The feeders were pulled with a tractor causing a lot of nicks on the line. Over a period of time, these nicks have caused problems. The solution to this problem would be to replace the existing wire and eliminate most of the 45° and 90° angles and change the metal conduit to plastic P.V.C. pipe. The existing condition of the residential service drops are also bad. the wiring that was used for some of these residential drops were already old and leaking. They ran out of wiring and used the best looking wire avail- able. The solution would be to change the wire to tri-plex wire. These recommendations come from certified electricians from Pacific Northern Electric and Alaska Energy Authority. The total of legislative funding requested i€ $45,170.00. Enclosed is the material and cost list. Thank you for your attention. g ao Rogér Ozenna Utility Manager cc: Honorable Senator Al Adams; Rm 423 Capitol, P.O. Box V, Juneau, AK 99811 DN Jae i 1 1 12 500 Ft. 1000 Ft. Material List 3 pole stainless steel box Disannect switch 480 Volt 3 Pole 100 AMP Breaker w/corrision resistant stainless steel enclosure 379 H Connectors Locknuts, Bushings and Nipples #2 Triplex Aluminum Wire #4 Triplex Aluminum Wire 2 inch Schedule 80 PVC pipe #2 XHHW Copper Wire Freight 5416 pounds Total Freight and Material Helicoptor Fare 2 Electricians Nome/Diomede Diomede/Nome Helicoptor Charter (Tools & Materials) Nome/Diomede Labor 2 Electricians 160 Hours each = 320 Hours X 62.00 per hour Room and Board 2 Electricians 2 weeks 2 Little Diomede Electrician Helpers 107 Hours each =214 Hours X 15.00 per hour Total Labor & Transportation Sub Total Contingency 10% Total Estimate Cost $875.00 1995.00 88.00 105.00 392.00 468.00 800.00 5120.00 1950.00 $11,793.00 800.00 3600.00 19,840.00 1,820.00 3,210.00 $29,270.00 $41,063.00 4,106.30 $45,169.30 ~ AUG @9 791 13:54 686 3061 P.172 FAX COVER SHEET DATE: I-G-F / ___ FAX #: na a SF: # OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET: O a, : TO: Lave. SSieael . ORGANIZATION: FROM: yet MESSAGE: Ly ernede Te Tink hhihA €o ‘ 3g UdAl ae ~ AUG BS "91 13:57 686 3061 P.ivt Diom ete Powse, PLANT wren Jolnae. Fenn TREATNEWT Rant Scthoat, ; PtKke +» ar RAAT ica Diomede Joint Utilities tak ys Post Office Box DIO Ke 2) Little Dicomede, AK 99762-8995 S10 —— Telephone (907)-686-3051 Fax (907)-686-3061 4p A #9 April 25, 1991 Honorable Representative Richard Foster Room 409 Capitol P.O. Box V Juneau, AK 99811 RE: Legislative Funding: Honorable Richard Foster: Diomede Joint Utilities requests your assistance in obtaining legislative funding. The funding is for repairing and improving the existing feeder from the power house to the high school, elementary school and seventeen residential service drops. The existing condition of the feeder from the power house to the schools is bad. The feeders were pulled with a tractor causing a lot of nicks on the line. Over a period of time, these nicks have caused problems. The solution to this problem would be to replace the existing wire and eliminate most of the 45° and 90° angles and change the metal conduit to plastic P.V.C. pipe. The existing condition of the residential service drops are also bad. the wiring that was used for some of these residential drops were already old and leaking. They ran out of wiring and used the best looking wire avail- able. The solution would be to change the wire to tri-plex wire. These recommendations come from certified electricians from Pacific Northern Electric and Alaska Energy Authority. Te The total of legislative funding requested if $45,170.00. \ \ 7 Enclosed is the material and cost list. —-- Thank you for your attention. hoger Quer nes Rogér Ozenna Utility Manager cc: Honorable Senator Al Adams; Rm 423 Capitol, P.O. Box V, Juneau, AK 99811 RO/vr j I 1 12 500 Ft. 1000 Ft. Material List 3 pole stainless steel box Disannect switch 480 Volt 3 Pole 100 AMP Breaker w/corrision resistant stainless steel enclosure 379 H Connectors Locknuts, Bushings and Nipples #2 Triplex Aluminum Wire #4 Triplex Aluminum Wire 2 inch Schedule 80 PVC pipe #2 XHHW Copper Wire Freight 5416 pounds Total Freight and Material Helicoptor Fare 2 Electricians Nome/Diomede Diomede/Nome Helicoptor Charter (Tools & Materials) Nome/Diomede Labor 2 Electricians 160 Hours each = 320 Hours X 62.00 per hour Room and Board 2 Electricians 2 weeks 2 Little Diomede Electrician Helpers 107 Hours each =214 Hours X 15.00 per hour Total Labor & Transportation Sub Total Contingency 10% Total Estimate Cost $875.00 1995.00 88.00 105.00 392.00 468.00 800.00 5120.00 1950.00 $11,793.00 800.00 3600.00 19,840.00 1,820.00 3,210.00 $29,270.00 $41,063.00 4,106.30 $45,169.30 2 JUL @8 ’91 16:°@6 686 3051 174 16. vu GSAS 3 FAX COVER SHEET 91:7d 8- 1 ‘ pace: Mitheg- SB YW vex ¢:_ f- 5 6@/- PTE # OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET: L4+ TO: & Gre. wwedk cnowrzirion: Ae Larges Aah Vhrra tay PROM: Zz Wg Brisk Af BA MESSAGE: _--_———— —_—- Sr nn a SS ao rs Diomede Joint Utilities GY, Post Office Box DIO > Little Diomede, AK 99762-8995 ie o> Telephone (907)-686-3051 Fax (907)-686-3061 April 25, 1991 Honorable Representative Richard Foster Room 409 Capitol P.O. Box V Juneau, AK 99811 RE: Legislative Funding: Honorable Richard Foster: Diomede Joint Utilities requests your assistance in obtaining legislative funding. The funding is for repairing and improving the existing feeder from the power house to the high school, elementary school and seventeen residential service drops. The existing condition of the feeder from the power house to the schools is bad. The feeders were pulled with a tractor causing a lot of nicks on the line. Over a period of time, these nicks have caused problems. The solution to this problem would be to replace the existing wire and eliminate most of the 45° and 90° angles and change the metal conduit to plastic P.V.C, pipe. The existing condition of the residential service drops are also bad. the wiring that was used for some of these residential drops were already old and leaking. They ran out of wiring and used the best looking wire avail- able. The solution would be to change the wire to tri~plex wire. These recommendations come from certified electricians from Pacific Northern Electric and Alaska Energy Authority. , The total of legislative funding requested is $45,170.00. Enclosed is the material and cost list, Thank you for your attention, Rogér Ozenna Utility Manager cc:. Honorable Senator Al Adams: Rm 423 Capitol, P.O. Box V, Juneau, AK 998]1 RO/vrj p/2'd TQAF 9RGQ aA:aT TS. AA TANS sae > se Re 12 500 Ft. 1000 Ft. ped Material List 3 pole stainless steel box Disannect switch 480 Volt 3 Pole 100 AMP Breaker w/corrision resistant stainless steel enclosure 379 H Connectors , Locknuts, Bushings and Nipples #2 Triplex Aluminum Wire #4 Triplex Aluminum Wire 2 inch Schedule 80 PVC pipe #2 XHHW Copper Wire Freight 5416 pounds Total Freight and Material Helicoptor Fare 2 Electricians Nome/Diomede Diomede/Nome Helicoptor Charter (Tools & Materials) Nome/Diomede Labor 2 Electricians 160 Hours each = 320 Hours X 62.00 per hour Room and Board 2 Electricians 2 weeks 2 Little Diomede Electrician Helpers 107 Hours each =214 Hours X 15.00 per hour Total Labor & Transportation Sub Total Contingency 10% Total Estimate Cost TSQE 989 2O:9T 16, 8a TNE $875.00 1995.00 88.00 105.00 392.00 468.00 800.00 5120.00 1950.00 $11,793.00 800.00 3600.00 19,840.00 1,820.00 3,210.00 $29,270.00 $41,063.00 4,106.30 $45,169.30 ® 9074433017 PNE, NOME, AK, 04/23/81 16:03 PO 5 P.0, Box 298, Nome, Alaska 99762 © Phone {907} 443-2380 ® FAX: (907) 3017 April 23, 1991 3 pole stain Less Mr. Roger Ozenna Diomede Joint Utilities Diomede Island, Alaska 99672 Diseow meer Guyitel, 157% Dear Roger, Fstimated cost to replace exsisting feeder from Power House to High School and 17 corroded faulting house service drops sTeeu bey Material 1 480 Volt 3 Pole 100 Amp Breaker w/corrosion restive stainless steel enclosure 4995.00 12 379 H Connectors 88,00 Locknuts, Bushings and Nipples 105.00 500' #2 Triplex Aluminum Wire / 392.00 1000° #4 Triplex Aluminum Wire 468,00 2" Schedule 80 PVC 800.00 #2 XHHW Coppex Wire 5120.00 Freight 5446# 1950200 Total Freight and Material 40918.00 Helicoptor Fare 2 Electricians Nome/Diomede/Nome / 800.00 Helicoptor Charter (Tools & Material) Nome/Diomede 3600.00 Labor 2 Electricians 160 Hours each = 320 Hours @62.00 19840.00 Room & Board 2 Electricsans 2 Weens 1820.00 ooueeeee Diomede Electrician Helpers CouTingency 7 Hours each = 214 Hours @15,00 ' 3210.00 Total Labor & Transportation 29270.00 0b.39° Sub Total $0188.00 4,/ e 164.3° OTAL 4 CAE” Administration Costs 10% $018.80 : “estimeate Y P ‘ Total Estimate 44206 .80 T9@E 989 20:91 16. 8A TNE State of Alaska wonrers miguer @overns: Alaska Energy Authority & Pubile Corporation TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (QUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: FoF re COS eaves NAME OF COMPANY: ~ > COMPANY ADDRESS: Lx Soo SS Dig AFT TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: BSS ~ SD Ge Lo SENDER: Nor = himaews > TELEPHONE NUMBER: Sele Fe FS CHARGE CODE: Sve ZZsrec NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: = INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: =—_ o => NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) _ 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: frag ce oe 2 3A Se ues Be ttaatine Fe 228 Dee TD eh ene ee =, ‘ S RO. Box AM Jun@au, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-35 MP PO. Box 190869 86701 East Tuclor Road Anchorage Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 ‘IF you bo TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT *& COUNT x # 4 %wRE SEND aK NO REMOTE STATION I. D. COMMENT START TIME DURATION #PAGES 1-30-91 14:15 2°34" T 4 1 1] 686 3061++++++++++++ | TOTAL 0:02'34" 4 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: Roger OZAWA - NAME OF COMPANY: Diomede lectern UT MT COMPANY ADDRESS: yy oan ale, BAR —_» TELECOPY PHONE NuMBER: — (20 (>~ 2OG Al t SENDER: NOR Ro LAgs a— TELEPHONE NUMBER: SG/-7 £77 CHARGE CODE: EDP FD NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: [4 INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: ~%0-7A IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ( 2. I Koger Loot 0 Thes€é ~N DRPWINo© . AD Hath ¢ LRiL Wolo QO Lb LS & oO . Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-35 Sf PO. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 36 State of Alaska DN Walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation Diomede Joint Utilities January 30, 1991 P.O. Box D10 Doimede, Alaska 99762-8995 Dear Roger, Included in this fax you will find a one line wiring diagram that is an as-built from Border Construction. As you will note this is a fairly complicated intertie of all three power plants and needs to be modified with care so as not to disturb Diomede’s power flexibility. Feel free to mark up this drawing to show expected changes. Also included is a plan view of the waste heat and power feeders to the schools and village. Please mark up the drawings and fax back to me the changes you want to make. The completion of these drawings and a new design showing modifications will do more good to obtain funding than a letter. Sincerely, ang Manager Rural Technical Assistance PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 OO PO. Box 190869 701 EastTudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 oe Ga ess Ss ce Sa OS ce Fae De “ss ee tt ee i j 4 J dheeneeden 2 an a GE eT TT rT rt t t ah at aa eee et “VTE LLG EBee ELL Ler CoOCPeeee yy tt me T : t T CLIT frit SP paar Thiet | | | Trepp pet t Teac i To 9 Senet | Se rere Ty tT -~ 2 c | | | (6 T TT t t tt | Pr ttt +—}- T 1_| it it HEEEEEH waste HEAT sepely & RavRW Hioh school Feed CPowek) | - GRAce shook Feedar. C Power: CEKISTING ) State of Alaska Waites eiekel eeeerner Alaska &nergy Authority A Public Corporetion TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: FreD _s%?200 eter ere vo Ze Zemer & Lo NAME OF COMPANY: COMPANY ADDRESS: TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: CesT — R243 2 SENDER: sje Per Avwves mn TELEPHONE NUMBER: S¢ ia CHARGE CODE: SYS Ye —eEVIe NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: =7 INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: ~~ 3S 2 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) _ 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ZC Dhatece! reese Sapp Doster / ar lhe = . a PIL Box AM Juneau. Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 Anchorage Alaska 99519-08469 (S07) $61-7877 S RO. Mt PO. Box 190869 = 704 East Tucior Road TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT *k COUNT %*& # 4 work SEND aK [No REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT 1 1-30-91 16:33 3°05" 4 | TOTAL 0:03'05" 4 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 State of Alaska IN Walter J. Hickel. Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT 10: _ Fod a NAME OF COMPANY: Face NOE Eletreie COMPANY ADDRESS: = DAnphaeso Ak __ ~ TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: @ S 7 - ALS 2 SENDER: JoRRy LARS On TELEPHONE NUMBER: 9G [LEC7 CHARGE CODE: 3/3 77 =€7L NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: F INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: {- 30-Fy IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: /7@al Qtncol) Meo scplall Poa PS-boilTr By Boel Pee, De Zatedtn po Diande THAe Alok wucgkrAral Argos You eeyooso pad L& . 7 SPO. BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 Sf PO. Box 190869 704 EastTudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 State of Alaska DN Walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation Diomede Joint Utilities January 30, 1991 P.O. Box D10 Doimede, Alaska 99762-8995 Dear Roger, Included in this fax you will find a one line wiring diagram that is an as-built from Border Construction. As you will note this is a fairly complicated intertie of all three power plants and needs to be modified with care so as not to disturb Diomede’s power flexibility. Feel free to mark up this drawing to show expected changes. Also included is a plan view of the waste heat and power feeders to the schools and village. Please mark up the drawings and fax back to me the changes you want to make. The completion of these drawings and a new design showing modifications will do more good to obtain funding than a letter. Sincerely, rry Larson, Manager Rural Technical Assistance ‘ © PO. BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 3 PO. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road =Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 hn arty Rawierepusie “AEE | | rey td Le i ie MAIN Dis? prt. | were | ey 600d 3¢/ au | J, Ace WRN IN | EXTER Oe Con Dui. iP KHRW CU. 2. 4) Hy IN 14 ‘Cand. GAD e Sheol PoweRhov 50 BD #6 IN 1” Cond 4. 4) 40 2 "cond $—}--+—-+ -+ ttt ttt 'D thd sek Pla a Feat Rae eM 4,196. rt bittttttt Hoh school Feeder Pein) > Greve shook Freedlan. ¢ Power: dy FY F an luntk obte"_2 Diomede Joint Utilities - Post Office Box DIO PIS /70 Little Dicmede, AK 99762-8995 / Telephone (907)-686-3051 Tait Fax (907)-686-3061 ae * 2 9 ~ April 25, 1991 Honorable Representative Richard Foster Room 409 Capitol P.O. Box V Juneau, AK 99811 RE: Legislative Funding: Honorable Richard Foster: Diomede Joint Utilities requests your assistance in obtaining legislative funding. The funding is for repairing and improving the existing feeder from the power house to the high school, elementary school and seventeen residential service drops. is bad. The feeders were pulled with a tractor causing a lot of nicks on the line. Over a period of time, these nicks have caused problems. The solution to this problem would be to replace the existing wire and eliminate most of the 45° and 90° angles and change the metal conduit to plastic P.V.C. pipe. The existing condition of the residential service drops are also bad. the wiring that was used for some of these residential drops were already old and leaking. They ran out of wiring and used the best looking wire avail- able. The solution would be to change the wire to tri-plex wire. These recommendations come from certified electricians from Pacific Northern Electric and Alaska Energy Authority. The total of legislative funding requested i€ $45,170.00, Enclosed is the material and cost list. — Thank you for your attention. fag Gye Rogér Ozenna Utility Manager cc: Honorable Senator Al Adams; Rm 423 Capitol, P.O. Box V, Juneau, AK 99811 RO/vri 1 1 12 500 Ft. 1000 Ft. Material List 3 pole stainless steel box Disonnect switch 480 Volt 3 Pole 100 AMP Breaker w/corrision resistant stainless steel enclosure 379 H Connectors Locknuts, Bushings and Nipples #2 Triplex Aluminum Wire #4 Triplex Aluminum Wire 2 inch Schedule 80 PVC pipe #2 XHHW Copper Wire Freight 5416 pounds Total Freight and Material Helicoptor Fare 2 Electricians Nome/Diomede Diomede/Nome Helicoptor Charter (Tools & Materials) Nome/Diomede Labor 2 Electricians 160 Hours each = 320 Hours X 62.00 per hour Room and Board 2 Electricians 2 weeks 2 Little Diomede Electrician Helpers 107 Hours each =214 Hours X 15.00 per hour Total Labor & Transportation Sub Total Contingency 10% Total Estimate Cost $875.00 1995.00 88.00 105.00 392.00 468.00 800.00 5120.00 1950.00 $11,793.00 800.00 3600.00 19,840.00 1,820.00 3,210.00 $29,270.00 $41,063.00 4,106.30 $45,169.30 — TO waste HEAT sopely & REVRW Hioh school Feehan (Power) | - Grave shook Feedlar. C Power: » GABION WALL piome & LETRIC Arc WasTE pisteootorn AS bor CT. /9& LE | LTT. es T p | Ae ae i | | {i {f TT I I il | | + PTT | 1 | om Cr Pi }_} | | |_| f EE seasaeaae: SEEeer [ a Ceo | {I t eI “TTT Per 1 it [| | | ima Ty | [TTT iy I EET I pe ee | pose ct +4 | +} Loy -coecn mal CT | Tt TT It Ll T{ J “TTI Cy [TTT | COPPA Bra LPT a I at Coo I | HR Coo cH Coo TT | — I { HH is t << LIT] | | [tT Ho COCO rrr COC +h Lit tt LT Ty { Ll Coos pos | Lijit | + ; Pit pijiiit | al | | Ht i tt [TT tre Pity Ty | ree LI | LH tat +1 } jj} 4 | | ] Hf | | [iy | | | | | | L | + 1 HH ttt {TI | | | | [| | | | | —_— — — alee | | imal | | L LT I | 1! Tf | | co r+ 1 ql 44} 4 — r | [TTT 4 | - ian | LI UI [TT] ttt zk i | CLL CLL LT im lol X T LI Ch aes Ey CoCr | | Ka Lrttt T | +% 2 CI | | | | | . 3 ¥ AS {ttt FA ™ 1 | cone v | | LI t L{ Tf JAN 25 ’91 12:37 686 3061 TO: Je Rez y L Ag Sew COMPANY: Al SUBJECT: FAX#: Sel-esey FROM: ogeg Ozennve “Ut; DATE; Jas Jq | NO. PAGES | WITH COVER 4 MESSAGE: FAX Coversheet ASKa Eneeqy Authority Need Lettee oF Support Mélude Project Desep; PTI ON P.143 lity Manageg —Diomede Joint UtiLities Aud Mateesal Lizd > 16. HAV Au ily SZ Nur 3 OSAI338 } JAN 25 ’91 12:37 686 3061 P.2/3 xy 606-205 / DIOMEDE JOINT UTILITIES PUBLIC FACILITIES ELECTRICAL UPGRADE Po, Lex DIJO PROJECT DESCRIPTION dD wnake,, pr January 25, 1991 IT102-€ETFS_ Change school service wire from conduit to overhead wire. The existing wires from the generator room to the school is in the conduit.. The existing wires were pulled through the conduity® with the aid of a bulldozer, therefore nicking muéh of the wire. Over a period of time the wires have been giving us some prob- lems. Everytime we have a problem, we have to dismantle the pipe to find the problem, Also, during the winter, we spend a lot of time shoveling snow to get to the conduit. There is also a need for two outside switches, one going to the high school and one to the elementary school. If there is a fire we could turn the power off from the outside of the building without having to go inside the building. The carvice wire change to the reaidenta are the ones with a lot of insta-links connections, When the original residential wiring was being worked on they ran out of residential service wire, so they used the best looking wire from the old leaking wire, This project would improve cur existing electrical system, JAN 25 ’91 12:38 686 3061 100° 175° 12 hme NH Mh DIOMEDE JOINT UTILITIES PUBLIC FACILITIES ELECTRICAL UPGRADE BUDGET NARRATIVE January 25, 1991 400 Amp Transfer Switch 4,165.00 100 Amp 7 Jaw 480 Volt Meter Base 875,00 200 Amp 7 Jaw 480 Volt Meter Base 875.00 2" IMC Steel Conduit 250.00 #3.0 xHHW Wire 280,00 2" Weatherheads 95.00 480 Volt 3 Pole 100 Amp Breaker w/corrosion resistive stainless steel enclosure . 1,995.00 379 H Connectors 88,00 Locknuts, Bushings Nipples 105.00 Service Drop Material #2 Triplex 225' #4 Triplex 900' 2,000.00. Freight 1,545# 1,950.00 MATERIALS AND FREIGHT: 12,678.00 Airfare-Roundtrip Nome/Diomede 400.00 Helicopter Charter Diomede/Nome 3,400.00 Room and Board Electricians-2 weeks 1,820.00 Electricians-160 hrs each @ $62.00 320 hrs x $62.00 19,840.00 Electrical Helpers-107 hrs each @ $15.00 hr 214 hrs x $15,00 3,210.00 LABOR AND TRAVEL EXPENSES: 28,870.00 SUBTOTAL: 41,548,00 Contingency 10% 4,155.00 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS; $45,703.00 P.33 < pon? ge er Hot Age wl } a = \ (V ? Pyle ge st a yf Zs ye ope Q 33 Ke of* : { / faites e- . Steep Slopes. ari 3 Nae Ra Y ey Meat nit USS 2020 (BIA) F23054 Region eee ; F37652 ANCSA (e).03) Bering Strait winter airstri (when frezen “ : ; { : q a 7 . & NEW WATER q ie ; 7 ai £ TREATMENT PLANT | eo v : | : £ ~ g ~ E , 4 Z NEW WATER 3TCRASe TANK J? ‘aM - 4 Z a 4 7 4 4] 4 f NSATELUT / \ \ jf i | | Existine CEN PTO PRAR TO Powe PLAT " f ee CABINS Loft. \PO4 YX RA — Weis Al cornsc 20 aq = 77 Frac’sy. TAHOE (OIRS-2 PNA. — DISH SCALE Design ~~ - Maintens - | +2 Guaiuiow ~yureh gd : - ubisag i co qo zSsyrm dal - o¥ i = 7 phe PMO? owes - OF | O° PRY seem ava - Le ,°! = 1 aATvos ne, Lb x 2 a WJ iE —! —! WJ kK to ( WNVE 2OVeGis 4SLYM MIN : \ | oh ' iY : “ : Z 1 ie 4 ~ i 7 4 oe eg | F F| fANv LNSWLV3ME q ~ deg 7 ie 4 is MILYM M3R N Rt. — > vu a V) Sketh# 2 LACE CORNERS AND Go DIAPHRAGM INTO PLACE a “LARGE” SIZED MATERIAL ‘ PLACED TO PROTECT THE TOE g Oo OAs Se ~~ LARGE SIZED MATERIAL a PROTECTS THE TOE 5 s v2 CD eos WAN var sre oSo 12'-0" | GABION SEA WALL END DETAIL GABION SEA WALL LEFT END VIEW TAIL g7 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/4" = 1-0" Aj 4 b ALL GABIONS 3° X 3X 6 GABIONS SHALL BE LACED TOGETHER AT ALL LOCATIONS WHERE THEY ABUT EACH OTHER i - SEE DETAIL S DOUBLE LooP --%§ , oY SINGLE LOOP x ALL LACING WIRE SHALL BE No. 13 GAGE. ALL SELVAGE WIRES OF ENDS OF ADJACENT BASKETS SHALL BE LACED TOGETHER TIGHTLY. : ag RDER ONTRACTORS, INC. 710 BONANZA STREET, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 (907) 562-6323 TELEX 62810728 BLAINE, WA: (206) 332-5545 Oct. 25,1986 DICMEDE POWER PLANT A.P.A.-86-R-00 . Flectrical Calculations Voltage Drop of Feeders to New High School Wire size #2AMNG XHHW cu Voltage i 80V 4 - Maximum load 55K an Length 560 ft I= 22 = 66.2 amps_ = 2.710 sec 480v X 5° 5.9 ay { BOE IS + 24X_ 6662 X 560 Voltage drop = 2.866 X 66,370 Gm = Uo Vv Ws ’ > Lc 6 1.51 % of Voltage drop = 100 x 480 = 2.41 % 3,02° N.E.C. allowable voltage drop is 3% (N.E.C. 210-19 (a) (FPN) Voltage Drop of Feeders to BIA Utility Bldg Wire size #4/0 ANG XHHW cu Voltage 480V Pope Maximum load 112.5 KVA IF WAz Length 280 ft cc t/o ates 1 Tes Ne ORV A 6am pe 4BOV X 1473 6.0).- oe S720, , Voltage drop =/.866 X 2h) X 155-5 X 280 = 3.72 v — 211,600 Cm % of Voltage drop = 100 ¥ ra = 0.7% 480 Ground Tests (Fall of Potential Method) Ro = Z ley = _8 ohms & My i.5a Pe ; UZ, CEP ¢ | | I 1 i ot y NATIVE eee ee ClUEY OFFICE -=R HOUSE WE ) PL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PLAYGROUND FOR REAR STAIRS A Aekgat 1 "tne spinor een epee amen ie Jag tbh freer nda eri scntetien ichleicntaniiiter iscsi scheint