HomeMy WebLinkAboutSheldon Point PCE Economic Analysis Summary Sheet 1990PCE ECONOMIC ANALYSIS SUMMARY SHEET Village: Sheldon Poin /: Analysis Date: 4/17/90 IB Wf 9O Summary: There is the potential for $53,110 from the PCE Utilities Efficiency Improvement program to be used toward implementing the following project. The estimated project cost is $67,558. RSA estimates a fuel efficiency improvement of 1.7 kWh/gal achieved by installing a 50 Kw gen-set in place of the existing 110 kW gen-set, and running an existing 45 kW and the new 50 kW genset in parallel in the winter. Existing generation equipment consists of a 2-John Deere gen-sets (1-110 kW and 1-45 kW). The measured connected load 6/19/89 was 22 kW. The estimated peak connected load is 56 kW. The Capital cost for the New Project Scenario assumes the 45 kW genset is installed in FY90 at an estimated cost of $69,287. The Capital cost for the Current Scenario assumes the 110 kW gen-set will be replaced in-kind in FY 90 at an estimated cost of $100,055. The Maximum Construction cost based on a 10 year discounted Economic payback is $136,845. The Maximum Construction cost based on a 10 year PCE payback is $53,110. SHELDON .XLS PCE ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Village: Sheldon Point Construction Cost: $69,287 Date: April 17, 1990 Elec. Sold FY89: 237257 Kwh* Elec. Increase: 0.00% Net Benefit: $67,558 Fuel Effy FY89: 9.6 Kwh/gal** New Effy: 1.7 11.3 Kwh/gal Present Value Current Scenario: ($100,055) Fuel Price: 1.16 $/gal* Present Value PCE Scenario: ($32,497) Fuel Price Increase 0.00% Discount Rate: 3.00% Max Construction Cost: $136,845 CURRENT SCENARIO NEW PROJECT SCENARIO Capital Fuel Fuel ($) ($ saved) |(gal_saved)|($ saved) Investment Year 0 Savings: 0 " 0} "“ 0] " 0] “" 0} “" 0} “ 0 “ 0 “ 0 Savings: $0 $0 0} $0 $0 $0 frotat: [¢s100,055y] so [of $0. «a9, 2879] $0. | 7, tei] $43,130 | [pv 1990: |cs100,055)[ so TT 0 ese, 2a7mf 836,790 | NOTES: CURRENT SCENARIO Capital Cost includes the estimated cost to replace a 110 Kw gen-set IN-KIND There are no fuel savings since the gen-set will be replaced in-kind NEW PROJECT SCENARIO Capital Cost includes the estimated cost to install a 50 Kw gen-set Generating fuel efficiency is improved 1.7 Kwh/gal to 11.3 Kwh/gal Fuel (gallons saved) is based on the generation efficiency improvement and Kwh sold in FY89 Fuel ($ Saved) is based on FY9O $/gallon and gallons of fuel saved O&M costs savings are assumed negligible Maximum Construction Cost is equal to the Construction Cost minus the Present Value Current Scenario plus the Present Value PCE Scenario * FY89 AEA PCE data ** 1/26/90 APUC PCE rate filing Page 1 SHELDON. XLS PCE RATE ANALYSIS |APUC/PCE CURRENT |NEW PROJECT SCENARIO Capital Cost: $69,287 DATA FY89 | SCENARIO | Pce ($) | PCE ($) CAPITAL(S) | PCE ($) Simple Payback, years: 13.05 Investment Year $o $0 ($69, 287) $0 Benefit Cost Ratio: 0.77 Savings: ($18,197) ($23,521) ($18,210) “ ($18,197)| ($23,521) ($18,210)| Maximum Cost for 10yr Payback: $53,110 . ($18,197)} ($23,521) ($18,210) " ($18,197)| ($23,521) ($18,210) = ($18,197)| ($23,521) ($18,210) " ($18,197)] ($23,521) ($18,210) * ($18,197)| ($23,521) ($18,210) 7 ($18,197)| ($23,521) ($18,210) : ($18,197)| ($23,521) ($18,210) Savings: ($18, 197)|_ ($23,521) ($18,210) ($181, 968) ($235,213)] ($69, 287)] ($182, 102) APUC/PCE DATA, FY89 CURRENT SCENARIO, FY90 NEW PROJECT SCENARIO, FY90 Fuel Cost: $32,955 Fuel Cost: $28,669 Fuel Cost: $24,356 Kwh Sold: 263,628 Kwh Sold: 237,257 Kwh Sold: 237,257 Non- fuel Cost: $53,438 Non-fuel Cost: $65,932 Non- fuel Cost: $53,438 Kwh Sold: 263,628 Kwh Sold: 237,257 Kwh Sold: 237,257 PCE Rate: 0.2306 PCE Rate: 0.2980 PCE Rate: 0.2307 Elig. Kwh Sold: 78,920 Elig. Kwh Sold: 78,920 Elig. Kwh Sold: 78,920 PCE Total Costs: $18,197 PCE Total Costs: $23,521 PCE Total Costs: $18,210 PCE Annual Savings: ($13) PCE Annual Savings: $5,311 NOTES: New Proj vs. APUC/PCE New Proj vs. Current APUC/PCE DATA, FY89 Fuel Cost, Non-fuel Cost, and Kwh Sold are from the latest APUC PCE rate filing Eligible kWh Sold is from the AEA FY89 PCE DATA CURRENT SCENARIO Fuel Cost is calculated based on CURRENT generating fuel efficiency, kwh sold, and $/gallon for fuel Non-fuel Cost includes APUC/PCE DATA Non-fuel cost PLUS depreciation and interest expense for the new equipment kWh Sold is from the AEA FY89 PCE data Eligible kWh Sold is from the AEA FY89 PCE DATA NEW PROJECT SCENARIO Fuel Cost is calculated based on NEW generating fuel efficiency, kwh sold, and $/gallon for fuel Non-fuel Cost is from the latest APUC PCE rate filing kWh Sold is from the AEA FY89 PCE data Eligible kwh Sold is from the AEA FY89 PCE DATA CURRENT SCENARIO NON-FUEL COSTS Non-Fuel Cost: $53,438 Capital Cost: 100,055 Depreciation Term: 10 yrs Depreciation and Interest Expense $12,494 per year Interest Rate: 7.00% Real Interest Rate: 3.00% Inflation Rate: 3.90% Non-fuel Cost plus depreciation and interest expense: $65,932 per year Page 2 SHELDON POINT Summary: Generation efficiency was estimated at 9.0 kWH/gallon for the year of 1987. Using the existing 45 kW and the new 50 kW generator in parallel operation during winter will increase the generation efficiency to 10.7 kWH/gallon. % of Generation Prorated ‘ Efficiency Construction kWH/Gallon Priority # Item # Description improvemen' —_Cost __ _increase 1 1 Replace the existing 110 kW generator 100.0% $ 80,022.00 1.7 with a new 50 kW generator and its associated devices 2 2 Install station service kWH meter 0.0% 1,537.00 0.0 3 3&4 Train the operator and village manager 0.0% 4,335.00 0.0 to improve the PCE monthly report with accurate readings Subtotal 100.0% $ 85,894.00 1.7 Safety/Health/Code: 5 Install diamond steel plate on floor 0.0% 9,690.00 0.0 7 Install emergency light 0.0% 864.00 0.0 6 Install dike around daytank 0.0% 2,422.00 0.0 9 Install equipment coverplates 0.0% 482.00 0.0 8 Install dike for bulk fuel storage tanks 0.0% 67,749.00 0.0 ~ TOTAL 100.0% $167,101.00 1 CoOBNaNUaUN— MAUNNKNUNDR ERE R ER RR RWW YN NNN YSHS HHH QYRAFAN ZFS SBNAUNEWN = COBNANRWAN=BGOVIBNVNRUVEUWNAODOBNAUNEWN = ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PAGE: of PCE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM OATE: 13-Oec-89 LOCATION: SHELDON POINT , ALASKA PREPARED FOR RSA ENGINEERING FILE: SHELDON By Clark-Graves, Inc. = = ~ a asses === sssss== = CONSTRUCTION COSTS QUANTITY UNIT MATERIAL = FREIGHT LABOR LABOR TOTAL OISCIPLINE/ITEMS Hours/ Rate Item Oescr. $/Unit = $/Unit Unit $/Hour Cost ($) k 115 T LoS BES OTST = 35,6 % SERVICE METER,SOCKET & BREAKER 1 EACH 252.00 25.00 6.000 40.95 $523.00 FURNISH/INST. SO KW GENERATOR 1 EACH 18,250.00 2,772.00 40.000 40.95 $22,660.00 23 444 Freight Out For Old Generator 1 JOB 100.00 3,024.00 16.000 40.95 $3,779.00 ‘ ELECTRONIC GOVERNOR 1 EACH 600.00 25.00 4.000 40.95 $789.00 OPERATOR TRAINING Transportation 1 R.TRIP 600.00 25.00 $625.00 Room And Board 6 MANDAYS 125.00 $750.00 Misc. Expense 1 ALLOW 100.00 $100.00 (Salarys Not Included) CHECKERED PLATE DAY-TANK DIKE 200 LBS 2.01 1.00 $602.00 Fasteners And Caulking 20 s«L. FEET 2.00 1.00 0.198 40.95 $222.00 CHECKERED PLATE GENERATOR DIKE 800 LBS 2.01 1.00 $2,408.00 Fasteners And Caulking 80 =L. FEET 2.00 1.00 0.198 40.95 $889.00 EMERGENCY LIGHTS 1 EACH 276.00 13.00 0.114 40.95 $294.00 RELOCATE 10,000 GAL. TANK Move Tank (Assm. Local Equip) 3 EACH 250.00 40.000 40.95 $5,664.00 Piping And Misc. 300 «L. FEET 3.50 2.00 0.214 40.95 $4,279.00 DIKE AROUND STORAGE TANK Membrane 1,395 S.FEET 0.65 0.023 40.95 $2,221.00 Furnish, Fill,Place Sand Bags 1,200 EACH 1.05 1.00 0.167 40.95 $10,666.00 Sump, Valve And Orain Assy. 1 EACH 115.00 25.00 2.000 40.95 $222.00 (Assumes Locally Available Sand) REINSTALL COVER PLATES 1 ALLOW 4.000 40.95 $164.00 2a34dGS 144 . OIRECT EXPENSE SUBTOTAL: 33862233444 38444 = $56,857.00= 4/2 GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUPPORT TOOLS & EQUIP 2 5% * LABOR: 1 ALLOW 1,041.00 $1,041.00 HOME OFFICE EXP.AT 15%*DIRECT: 1 ALLOW 8,529.00 $8,529.00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Mob/Demob Tools And Equipment 10,000 LBs 0.84 $8,400.00 Crew 12 R.TRIPS 370.00 210.00 8.000 40.95 $10,891.00 Room And Board 81 MANOAYS 125.00 $10,071.00 Supervision 2 WEEK 100.00 84.00 60.000 40.95 $4,796.00 GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUPPORT SUB-TOTAL: $43,728.00 OIRECT EXPENSE AND CONTRACTOR SUPPORT SUB-TOTAL: $100,585.00 PROFIT 2 25% $25,146.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST (FY89) $125,731.00 CONTINGENCY 2 10% $12,573.00 CONTRACT COST (FY90) $138,304.00 DESIGN COST @ 6% OF FY90 CONTRACT COST $8,298.00 SIOH 2 15.0% OF FY90 CONTRACT COST $20,746.00 PROJECT COST (FY90) $167,348.00 SALVAGE VALUE (Assumed To Be Negligble) (Not Incl.) TOTAL INVESTMENT COST (FY90) (Assuming Summer Construction) [444 69.387 floo oss] -4ILX $168,000.00££9 387