HomeMy WebLinkAboutWhite Mountain Bids Orders Invoices Payments 198924 28 Average: 32 37 42 Average: 34.3 31. 28. 26. 23. 02 76 04 54 fF 5 5 3.18 3.28 9.62 2.72 2.5 5.22 WHITE MOUNTAIN GENERATOR SET TEST RESULTS WAAAY Fuel Density (Lbs./Gal.) Heating value (Btu/Lb.) Specified heating value: Correction factor: Time 48. 50. 52. 54. 56. 59. Average: WMannrnn 16 20 24 28 Average: 32 37 42 Average: Scale Lbs. 39. 37. 35. 33. 30. 27. 40. 37. 98 64 48 26 98 38 64 48 34.3 31. 28. 26. 23. 02 76 04 54 7.076 19468 19590 0.993772 Load Elapsed Kw 144. 144. 144. 144. 144. 144, 103. 103. 103. 103. 61. 61. 61. FREES WWWWWW woono Minutes WHNHMN PD FEEL wn Burned Lbs. 2.34 2.16 2.22 2.28 3.6 12.6 3.16 3.18 3.28 9.62 2.72 2.5 5.22 6.893333 0.464206 6.893333 0.478803 20.68 0.468098 5.158333 0.530606 5.158333 0.487689 10.31666 0.509148 (Preliminary) Generat. Kwh. 4.81 4.81 4.81 4.81 7.215 26.455 6.893333 6.893333 6.893333 20.68 5.158333 5.158333 10.31666 Spec. BurnSpec. Burn Lbs./Kwh Kwh/Gal. oooco oooocoo°o ooo -489535 -451878 - 464430 -476982 - 502087 -479265 -461286 464206 - 478803 - 468098 - 530606 -487689 - 509148 15. 14. 15. 13. - 60014 13. 14 14. 15. . 33133 14. - 18148 14. 15 14 15 13. 14. 13. 33875 87110 21119 41925 98481 54511 75720 92787 85679 -43583 15. 14. 2 33875 87110 21119 41925 60014 98481 © 99°? 0.77% 0.99? ITD EXPENDDITURE REPORT RRN:0010039 RSN: 47 02/16/89 APPROPRIATION EXPENDITURES BY AC NT 32314-15 WHITE MOUNTAIN POWER ORIG:89 ALLOCATIONS (T BS R) FN:11100 230A: 1989 NET I-T-D UNEXPENDED ENTITY NUMBER - DESCRIPTION AUTHORIZAT EXPENDITUR BALANCE 3** 70000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 75,000.00 33,824.12 41,175.88 3** 70008 OPERATING ACCT TOTAL 79,000.00 33,824.12 41,175.88 3** 70100 GROUP CTRL-PER SER 15, 100. 00 7,518. 86 7,581.14 3** 71000 PERSONAL SERVICES 15, 100. 00 7,518. 86 7,581.14 3** 70200 GROUP CTRL — OTHER 59,900.00 26,305.26 33,594.74 3** 70201 GC-OTHER-NONGRANT 59; 900. 00 26, 305. 2 33,594.74 3e* 72000 TRAVEL 2,018.27 2, 428. 94 410. 67- 3** 73000 OTHER SRVCS & CHARGE 56, 757.38 a) 266. 9S 52, 490.43 3** 74000 SUPPLIES 1,054. 35 1, 085. 07 30. 72- 3** 75000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 70.00 18,524.30 18,454. 30- FOR NEXT SECTION ENTER==) NUMBER YEAR _ LEVEL LIMIT PF 1=MENU FFG=RPT REQUEST MAINTENANCE ITD EXPENDDITURE REPORT RRN:0010039 RSN:01447 02/16/89 -EDGER CODE EX BY ACCOUNT 20A:1989 NET ee UNEXPENDED ENTITY NUMBER — DESCRIPTION AUTHORIZAT BALANCE 3#* 70000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES -00 34,359.09 34,359.09- 3¥* 70008 OPERATING ACCT TOTAL -00 34,359.09 34,359. 09- 3¥* 70100 GROUP CTRL-PER SER 00 7,518. 86 7,518. 86- 3xx 71000 PERSONAL SERVICES .00 7,518. 86 7,518. B6- 3¥* 70200 GROUP CTRL — OTHER -00 26,840.23 26,840.23- 3¥x 70201 GC-OTHER-NONGRANT 00 26,840.23 26, 840.23- 3¥* 72000 TRAVEL .00 2, 868. 94 2, 868. 94- ex 73000 OTHER SRVCS & CHARGE 00 4, 361.92 4, 361. 92- sex 74000 SUPPLIES 00 1,085. 07 1,085. 07- ee 75000 CAPITAL OUTLAY .00 18,524.30 18,524. 30- FOR NEXT SECTION ENTER==) NUMBER YEAR _ LEVEL LIMIT 3F 1=MENU PFG=RPT REQUEST MAINTENANCE (TD EXPENDDITURE REPORT RRN:0010039 RSN:01447 02/16/89 -EDGER CODE EXPENDITURES BY COLLOCATION CODE 31823001 WHITE MOUNTAIN 20A:1989 NET 1-T-D UNEXPENDED ENTITY NUMBER — DESCRIPTION AUTHORIZAT EXPENDITUR BALANCE 5** 08171002-8 -00 33,82 33, 824. 12- 344 08193003-69 WASTE HEAT PROGRAMS | 100 tsganaze "S34. 57 “OR NEXT SECTION ENTER==) NUMBER YEAR LEVEL LIMIT oF 1=MENU ~PFE=RPT REQUEST MAINTENANCE INVITATION TO BID NO. APA-89-R-016 FOR PROCUREMENT OF A GENERATOR SET FOR THE VILLAGE OF WHITE MOUNTAIN ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY P.O. Box 190869 701 E. Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 1. INVITATION TO BID Date: February 24, 1989 THIS IS NOT AN ORDER: SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED IN SINGLE COPY AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS UNTIL 2:00 P.M. ON March 17, 1989 AT WHICH TIME THEY WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED. DELIVERY AT FINAL DESTINATION NO LATER THAN FIRST COMMERCIAL BARGE AVAILABLE TO WHITE MOUNTAIN, ALASKA DURING THE SPRING OF 1989. ALL ITEMS ARE FOB FINAL DESTINATION. ~— IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO RETURN THIS FORM IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO BID. 2. BIDDER'S NOTICE: By signature on this form the bidder certifies that: (1) the bidder has a valid Alaska Business License and has written the license number below or has submitted one of the following forms of evidence of an Alaska Business License with the bid; (a) a cancelled check for the Business License fee, (b) a copy of a Business License Application with a receipt date stamp from the State's Business License Office, (c) a receipt from the State's Business License Office for the license fee, (d) a copy of the bidder's valid Business License, (e) a sworn notarized affidavit that the bidder has applied and paid for a Business License; (2) the price(s) submitted was arrived at independently and without collusion and that the bidder is complying with (a) the laws of the State of Alaska, (b) the applicable portion of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, (c) the Equal Employment Opportunity Act and the regulations issued thereunder by the State and Federal Government, and (d) all terms and conditions set out in this Invitation to Bid (ITB). If any bidder fails to comply with (1) and (2) of this paragraph, the State reserves the right to disregard their bid, terminate the contract or consider the contractor in default. v D0 ALASKA BIDDERS PREFERENCE? ( )YES ( )NO SEE PAGE 6, CONDITION 18, ALASKA BIDDERS PREFERENCE FOR EXPLANATION OF CRITERIA TO QUALIFY “TAX T.D. NUMBER. TELEPHONE NUMBER 5108/946(1) INVITATION TO BID NO. APA-89-R-016 FOR PROCUREMENT OF A GENERATOR SET FOR THE VILLAGE OF WHITE MOUNTAIN INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS 1. Bid Review: Bidders shall carefully review this ITB for defects and questionable or objectionable material. Bidders comments concerning defects and questionable material in the ITB must be made in writing and received by the purchasing authority at least ten (10) days before the bid opening date. This will allow time for an amendment to be issued, if one is required. It will also help prevent the opening of a defective bid, upon which award cannot be made, and the resultant exposure of bidders prices. Bidders original comments should be sent to the purchasing authority listed on the front of this ITB. 2. Bid Forms: Bidders shall use these forms in submitting their bid. A photocopied bid may be submitted but must include original signature on page 1 hereof. 3. Submitting Bids: Envelopes containing bids must be sealed, marked and addressed as shown in the example below. Do not put the bid number and opening date on the envelope if you are requesting bid information or submitting questions. Envelopes with bid numbers annotated on the outside will not be opened until the scheduled date and time. All bids must be submitted to: (Bidder's Return Address) TO: Alaska Power Authority 701 East Tudor Road P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Attn: Dominic Costanzo, Contracts Officer SEALED BID Invitation to Bid No: APA-89-R-016 Opening Date: March 17, 1989 Multiple or alternate bids will be declared nonresponsive in accordance with 2 AAC 12.830. 4. Prices: The bidder shall state prices in the units of issue on this ITB. Prices quoted for commodities must be in U.S. funds and include applicable 5108/946(2) federal duty, brokerage fees, packaging and transportation cost to the F.0.B. point so that upon transfer of title the commodity can be utilized without further cost. Prices quoted in bids must be exclusive of federal, state and local taxes. If the bidder believes that certain taxes are payable by the State, the bidder may list such taxes separate- ly, directly below the bid price for the affected item. The State is exempt from Federal Excise Tax under Registration No. 92-73-0006-K. 5. Filing a Protest: A bidder may protest the award of a contract or the proposed award of a contract for supplies, services, or professional services. The protest must be filed in writing and include the following information: (1) the name, address and telephone number of the protester; (2) the signature of the protester or the protester's representative; (3) identification of the contracting agency and the solicitation or contract at issue; (4) a detailed statement of the legal and factual grounds of the pro- test, including copies of relevant documents; and (5) the form of relief requested. Protests will be treated in accordance with AS 36.30.560 - 36.30.610. 5108/946(3) INVITATION TO BID NO. APA-89-R-016 FOR PROCUREMENT OF A GENERATOR SET FOR THE VILLAGE OF WHITE MOUNTAIN STANDARD CONDITIONS 1. Authority: This bid is written in accordance with AS 36.30 and 2 AAC 12. 2. Compliance: In the performance of a contract that results from this ITB, the Contractor must comply with all applicable federal, state, and borough regulations, codes and laws, and be liable for all required insurance, licenses, permits and bonds; and pay all applicable federal, state, and borough taxes. 3. Suitable Material, Etc.: Unless otherwise specified, all materials, supplies, or equipment offered by a bidder shall be new, unused, of recent manufacture, and suitable for the manufacturer's intended purposes. 4. Specifications: Where the description of an item includes both specifications and a brand name and number, the specifications will govern in case of conflict. Brand name and number are for reference as to the type and quality required and do not preclude offers of a comparable or better product, provided full specifications and descriptive literature are provided. Failure to provide such literature with the bid may be cause to reject the offer. 5. Firm Offer: For the purpose of award, offers made in accordance with this ITB must be good and firm for a period of one hundred twenty (90) days from the date of bid opening. 6. Extension of Prices: In the case of error in the extension of prices in the bid, the unit prices will govern. 7. Bid Preparation Costs The State is not liable for any costs incurred by the bidder in bid preparation. 8. Consolidation of Awards: Due to high administrative costs associated with processing of contractu- al documents, a single low bid of $50 or less may, at the discretion of 5108/946(4) the State, be awarded to the next low bidder receiving other awards for consolidation purposes. This paragraph is not subject to the protest terms enumerated in Instruction #5 above. 9. Contract Funding: Bidders are advised that funds are available for the initial purchase and/or the first terms of the contract. Payment and performance obli- gations for succeeding purchases and/or additional terms of the contract are subject to the availability and appropriation of funds. 10. Conflict of Interest: An officer or employee of the State of Alaska may not seek to acquire, be a party to, or possess a financial interest in this contract if (a) the officer or employee is an employee of the administrative unit that supervises the award of this contract; or (b) the officer or employee has the power to take or withhold official action so as to affect the award or execution of the contract. 11. Assignment(s): Assignment of rights and duties under a contract resulting from this ITB is not permitted unless authorized in writing by the Alaska Power Authority. 12. Subcontractor(s): Within five working days of notice, the apparent low bidder must submit a list of the subcontractors they propose to use in the performance of the contract. The list must include the name of each subcontractor and the location of the place of business for each subcontractor and evidence of each subcontractor's valid Alaska Business License. Subcontractors can only be changed per AS 36.30.115(b). If a subcontractor on the list did not have a valid Alaska business license at the time the bid was opened, the bidder may not use the subcontractor in the performance of the contract, and shall replace the subcontractor with a subcontractor who had a valid Alaska business license at the time the bid was opened. 13. Force Majeure: (Impossibility to perform.) The Contractor is not liable for the con- sequences of any failure to perform, or default in performing, any of its obligations under this agreement, if that failure or default is caused by any unforeseeable Force Majeure, beyond the control of and without the fault or negligence of the contractor. For the purposes of this agree- ment, Force Majeure will mean war (whether declared or not); revolution; invasion; insurrection; riot; civil commotion; sabotage; military or usurped power; lightning; explosion; fire; storm; drought; flood; earth- quake; epidemic; quarantine; strikes; acts or restraints of governmental authorities affecting the project or directly or indirectly prohibiting or restricting the furnishing or use of materials or labor required; inability to secure materials, machinery, equipment or labor because of 5108/946(5) 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. priority, allocation or other regulations of any governmental authori- ties. Late Bids: Late bids are bids received after the time and date set for receipt in this ITB. Late bids will not be accepted. Contract Extension: Unless otherwise provided in the ITB, the State and the successful bidder/contractor agree: (1) that any holding over the contract exclud- ing any exercised renewal options, will be considered as a month-to-month extension, and all other terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect and (2) to provide written notice to the other party of the intent to cancel such month-to-month extension at least thirty (30) days before the desired date of cancellation. Default: In case of default by the Contractor, for any reason whatsoever, the State of Alaska may procure the goods or services from another source and hold the Contractor responsible for any resulting excess costs and other remedies under law or equity. Disputes: Any dispute arising out of this agreement shall be resolved under the laws of Alaska. Any appeal of an administrative order and any original action to enforce any provision of this agreement or to obtain any relief from or remedy in connection with this agreement may be brought only in the Superior Court for the Third Judicial District of Alaska. Alaska Bidder's Preference: The award of a contract, based on an ITB, will be made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder after an Alaska bidder's preference of five percent (5%) has been applied. An "Alaska Bidder" is a person who: (1) holds a current Alaska Business License; (2) submits a bid for goods, services, or construction under the name as appearing on the person's current Alaska Business License; (3) has maintained a place of business within the state staffed by the bidder or an employee of the bidder for a period of six months immediately preceding the date of the bid; (4) is incorporated or qualified to do business under the laws of the state, is a sole proprietorship and the proprietor is a resident of the state or is a partnership, and all partners are residents of the state; (5) if a joint venture, is composed entirely of ventures that qualify under (1) through (4) of this subsection. Type of Bid: This bid is intended to result in the purchase of either Item A or Item B. The Power Authority reserves this right to purchase either item or none at all at its discretion. 5108/946(6) 20. 21. 22. 23. Required Descriptive and Technical Literature: Sufficient descriptive and technical literature must be submitted with the bid to permit a detailed analysis and a determination by the purchas- ing authority, that the product offered meets the ITB specifications. The State reserves the right to waive minor deviations from these speci- fications when such deviations do not substantially affect the product performance. Payment for State Purchases: Payment for agreements under $500,000 for the undisputed purchase of goods or services provided to a State agency, will be made within 30 days of the receipt of a proper billing or the delivery of the goods or services to the location(s) specified in the agreement, whichever is later. A late payment is subject to 1.5% interest per month on the unpaid balance. Interest will not be paid if there is a dispute or if there is an agreement which established a lower interest rate or pre- cludes the charging of interest. Discounts: Discounts for prompt payments will not be considered in computing the low bid. However, discounts will be taken if earned. In this regard, the discount time will not begin until receipt of merchandise, correct invoice, or completion of tests (if required), whichever is later. Please indicate in space below discount offered. %, days Hold Harmless: The Contractor shall indemnify, save harmless and defend the State, its officers, agents or employees from any and all claims or actions for injuries or damages sustained by any person or property arising directly or indirectly from the Contractor's performance of this contract; how- ever, this provision has no effect, if, but only if, the sole proximate cause of the injury or damage is the State's negligence. 5108/946 (7) INVITATION TO BID NO. APA-89-R-016 FOR PROCUREMENT OF A GENERATOR SET FOR THE VILLAGE OF WHITE MOUNTAIN BID SCHEDULES 1. Bids: The Alaska Power Authority is seeking bids for the supply of a generator set. Bids are accepted for the supply of a generator set as follows. 2. Bid Items: Item Description Quantity Price A Complete diesel generator set rated at 1 ea. $ 140Kw intermittent capacity at 1200rpm. B Complete diesel generator set rated at 1 ea. $ 140Kw intermittent capacity at 1800rpm. 3. Additional Information Required: a. If no bid is submitted on one or more of the Bid Items listed above, please state so in the bid. b. A copy of the packing list covering each shipment must be mailed, or otherwise provided to the Alaska Power Authority so as to be on hand prior to or concurrent with the arrival of the shipment. Common carrier way bills are not sufficient for this purpose. 4. Award: Award will be made by individual item to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder(s). 5. Delivery Time: Delivery is required via the FIRST available commercial barge to White Mountain, Alaska in the spring of 1989, F.0.B. White Mountain, Alaska. Delivery time is an essential element of this contract. Failure to comply with the delivery requirements will render bids non-responsive. 6. Project Contact: All questions pertaining to this project must be directed to: Dominic Costanzo Contracts Officer Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Phone: (907) 561-7877 5108/946(8) INVITATION TO BID NO. APA-89-R-016 FOR PROCUREMENT OF A GENERATOR SET FOR THE VILLAGE OF WHITE MOUNTAIN SPECIFICATIONS FOR ITEM A 1 ea. complete diesel generator set rated at 140 kw intermittent capacity at 1200 rpm with the following equipment, features, and performance specifi- cations: a. Steel base frame mounted on vibration isolators or on Caldyn $T2100 mounting pads. b. 24 VDC electric system for D.C. equipment and engine starting. (No alternator required.) Unit to be supplied with 10 feet long battery cables, attached to ground and starter. c. Electronic governor for load sharing and speed control, Woodward 2301; please note the following requirements: 1. Actuator to be unit mounted. Wiring to be terminated in instrument panel. 2. 2301 load sharing and speed control module to be supplied loose. AC and DC input and output requirements to be terminated in the instru- ment panel. 3. Idle/run switch to be mounted in instrument panel. 4. Supply loose frequency adjust potentiometer to trim engine speed; knob-type adjust with lock, 10 turn minimum. d. Voltage regulator to regulate generator terminal voltage; note the following requirements: 1. Terminate power input sensing and field in instrument panel; supply regulator loose. 2. Supply loose voltage adjust rheostat, knob-type, +/-5%. Acceptable voltage regulator manufacturers: Kato and Bassler. e. Racor fuel filter/water separator. f. Pulley guard. g. Detached instrument panel with gauges for engine coolant temperature, engine lubrication oil temperature, engine lubrication oi] pressure, fuel oil pressure, turbo boost pressure (turbo-charged engines only), oil pressure activated hourmeter, and exhaust gas temperature meter with compatible probe. Also: Engine control module with OFF, RUN, and start and shut-down logic for low oil pressure, low oi] level, high coolant temperature, and low coolant level. Supply, install and make operational 5108/946(9) the complete instrument panel using appropriate sensors. Supply loose "Murphy" low coolant level gauge. This instrument panel must be supplied with sensor leads to allow for mounting 2' above the generator center line and 2' to the left of the generator centerline, flush with the rearmost point on the generator. Supply loose floor mounted saddle-type frame. h. 2- or 4-cycle diesel engine, wet-sleeve, replaceable type, water cooled, with gear driven water pump, normally aspirated, turbo- charged, or turbo-charged and intercooled. One-circuit cooling system. (No separate intercooler cooling system allowed. ) i. Unit mounted water jacket heater with thermostat, plumbed and wired with 4' pigtail. Kim Hotstart model MB110, 120 volt, or equal. j. 8'flexible fuel hoses, type FC300 or equal, connected to engine supply and return points. k. Critical grade muffler, side in, end out, with all necessary mounting hardware for roof mounting above the engine. All necessary hardware shall be included, including roof penetration, weather shield, bolts, gaskets, companion ends on 18" stainless steel flex adjacent to the engine outlet and no less than 5' of tubing to make up the vertical through-roof connection to the muffler. 1. Synchronous generator, single bearing, 12 lead, reconnectable Class F insulated, wired for 120/208 Volts 3-phase and meeting NEMA MG-1. Excitation shall be solid state with a permanent magnet generator pilot exciter. Windings shall be form-wound and winding pitch shall be 2/3. The generator shall be sized for a maximum of 80 degrees C. temperature rise at the engine's actual maximum intermittent output at 1200 rpm as measured on the generator output leads. The actual maximum intermittent output is subject to verification through load testing prior to accep- tance. Actual maximum intermittent output and the actual temperature rise at this output shall be displayed on the generator data plate. Supply generator with unit mounted circuit breaker with shunt trip device, complete and wired to trip breaker in case of any engine fault, and complete to accept trip-signal for reverse and out if phase conditions. Supply and install appropriate current transformers and terminate wiring in instrument panel. Acceptable generator manufacturers: Kato, Newage-Stamford, Marathon. m. Supply the following additional items loose: 1. Voltmeter/ammeter selector switch; 4-position type for line current and line-line voltage reading. 2. Ammeter, 2% accuracy, 600 amps scale. 3. Field circuit breaker. 4. Wilmar model 710X reverse power relay. 5108/946(10) Seaikainer* 5. Wilmar model 1810DBX 120 volt paralleling relay. 6. 3 ea. sets of fuel filters and gaskets. 7. 3 ea. sets of lubrication oil filter elements. 8. 2 ea. sets of air filter elements. 9. 2 ea. sets of V-belts, if used. Performance requirement: For any addition of load up to and including 140 kw, the voltage dip shall not exceed 10% of rated voltage. The voltage shall recover to and remain within the steady state band in not more than 2.0 seconds. For any addition of load up to and including 140 kw, the frequency dip shall not exceed 10 cycles. The frequency shall recover to and remain within the steady state band in not more than 5.0 seconds. Fuel economy requirements: The fuel consumption for this unit must not exceed the following values for the corresponding loads: 60kw: 33 1bs./hr. 100kw: 49 1bs./hr. 140kw: 64 Ibs./hr. In order for a bid to be acceptable, the vendor must certify through manufacturer's literature and/or certified tests performed by the vendor, that the equipment will meet the fuel economy requirements and other performance specifications as outlined in this ITB. Performance testing Prior to delivery, a performance test must be performed by vendor personnel and witnessed by Power Authority personnel. During this test, the vendor must demonstrate, that all fuel consumption and performance specifications outlined in this ITB are met. The test must be performed under the following conditions and with the following accessories: Water pump Air cleaner Muffler SAE 30 lubrication oi] must be used and a sample of the lubricating oil must be provided to Power Authority personnel at the end of the test. 5108/946(11) No radiator fan needs to be attached. The use of a cooling pond or tank will be permitted. Diesel #2 with a higher heating value of 19,590 Btu/1b. is used; al- ternatively, if a different fuel is used, the fuel economy will be calculated based on the higher heating value of the fuel used. A sample of the fuel used must be provided to Power Authority personnel following the test. Voltmeters, amperemeters, frequency meters, and power factor meters used during the test will be provided by the Power Authority. If the unit fails to meet the performance specifications and if the vendor elects to question the accuracy of one or more of these meters, the Power Authority will arrange to have an independent laboratory calibrate the equipment in question. Unless the inaccuracy of the test equipment in question can be shown to have caused the unit to fail to meet the performance specifications, the test results will stand, and the vendor will be required to pay all costs associated with the calibration and any additional tests subsequently required on the unit. If the unit fails to meet the performance specifications, additional tests can be made at vendor request following necessary modifications, adjustments, etc. Any additional cost incurred by the Power Authority as a result of such additional tests will be the responsibility of the vendor. Such extra costs will include, but will not be limited to: Ticket cancellation and re-booking fees, per diem, and staff salaries for this purpose established at $250 per employee per day. In lieu of adjustments, modifications and additional tests for minor performance discrepancies, the Power Authority reserves the right to negotiate price reductions and/or the addition of alternate features. 5108/946(12) INVITATION TO BID NO. APA-89-R-016 FOR PROCUREMENT OF A GENERATOR SET FOR THE VILLAGE OF WHITE MOUNTAIN SPECIFICATIONS FOR ITEM B l-ea. complete diesel generator set rated at 140 kw intermittent capacity at 1800 rpm with the following equipment, features, and performance specifi- cations: a. Steel base frame mounted on vibration isolators or on Caldyn $T2100 mounting pads. b. 24 VDC electric system for D.C. equipment and engine starting. (No alternator required.) Unit to be supplied with 10 feet long battery cables, attached to ground and starter. c. Electronic governor for load sharing and speed control, Woodward 2301; please note the following requirements: 1. Actuator to be unit mounted. Wiring to be terminated in instrument panel. 2. 2301 load sharing and speed control module to be supplied loose. AC and DC input and output requirements to be terminated in the instru- ment panel. 3. Idle/run switch to be mounted in instrument panel. 4. Supply loose frequency adjust potentiometer to trim engine speed; knob-type adjust with lock, 10 turn minimum. d. Voltage regulator to regulate generator terminal voltage; note the following requirements: 1. Terminate power input sensing and field in instrument panel; supply regulator loose. 2. Supply loose voltage adjust rheostat, knob-type, +/-5%. Acceptable voltage regulator manufacturers: Kato and Bassler. e. Racor fuel filter/water separator. f. Pulley guard. g. Detached instrument panel with gauges for engine coolant temperature, engine lubrication oi] temperature, engine lubrication oil pressure, fuel oil pressure, turbo boost pressure (turbo-charged engines only), oil pressure activated hourmeter, and exhaust gas temperature meter with compatible probe. Also: Engine control module with OFF, RUN, and start and shut-down logic for low oil pressure, low oil level, high coolant temperature, and low coolant level. Supply, install and make operational 5108/946 (13) the compete instrument panel using appropriate sensors. Supply loose "Murphy" low coolant level gauge. This instrument panel must be supplied with sensor leads to allow for mounting 2' above the generator center line and 2' to the left of the generator centerline, flush with the rearmost point on the generator. Supply loose floor mounted saddle-type frame. h. 2- or 4-cycle diesel engine, wet-sleeve, replaceable type, water cooled, with gear driven water pump, normally aspirated, turbo- charged, or turbo-charged and intercooled. One-circuit cooling system. (No separate intercooler cooling system allowed. ) a Unit mounted water jacket heater with thermostat, plumbed and wired with 4' pigtail. Kim Hotstart model MB110, 120 volt, or equal. j. 8'flexible fuel hoses, type FC300 or equal, connected to engine supply and return points. k. Critical grade muffler, side in, end out, with all necessary mounting hardware for roof mounting above the engine. All necessary hardware shall be included, including roof penetration, weather shield, bolts, gaskets, companion ends on 18" stainless steel flex adjacent to the engine outlet and no less than 5' of tubing to make up the vertical through-roof connection to the muffler. 1. Synchronous generator, single bearing, 12 lead, reconnectable Class F insulated, wired for 120/208 Volts 3-phase and meeting NEMA MG-1. Excitation shall be solid state with a permanent magnet generator pilot exciter. Windings shall be form-wound and winding pitch shall be 2/3. The generator shall be sized for a maximum of 80 degrees C. temperature rise at the engine's actual maximum intermittent output at 1800 rpm as measured on the generator output leads. The actual maximum intermittent output is subject to verification through load testing prior to accep- tance. Actual maximum intermittent output and the actual temperature rise at this output shall be displayed on the generator data plate. Supply generator with unit mounted circuit breaker with shunt trip device, complete and wired to trip breaker in case of any engine fault, and complete to accept trip-signal for reverse and out if phase conditions. Supply and install appropriate current transformers and terminate wiring in instrument panel. Acceptable generator manufacturers: Kato, Newage-Stamford, Marathon. m. Supply the following additional items loose: 1. Voltmeter/ammeter selector switch; 4-position type for line current and line-line voltage reading. 2. Ammeter, 2% accuracy, 600 amps scale. 3. Field circuit breaker. 4. Wilmar model 710X reverse power relay. 5108/946(14) 5. Wilmar model 1810DBX 120 volt parallelling relay. 6. 3 ea. sets of fuel filters and gaskets. 7. 3 ea. sets of lubrication oil filter elements. 8. 2 ea. sets of air filter elements. 9. 2 ea. sets of V-belts, if used. n. Performance requirement: For any addition of load up to and including 140 kw, the voltage dip shall not exceed 10% of rated voltage. The voltage shall recover to and remain within the steady state band in not more than 2.0 seconds. For any addition of load up to and including 140 kw, the frequency dip shall not exceed 10 cycles. The frequency shall recover to and remain within the steady state band in not more than 5.0 seconds. o. Fuel economy requirements: The fuel consumption for this unit must not exceed the following values for the corresponding loads: 60kw: 33 lbs./hr. 100kw: 49 1bs./hr. 140kw: 64 1bs./hr. In order for a bid to be acceptable, the vendor must certify through manufacturer's literature and/or certified tests performed by the vendor, that the equipment will meet the fuel economy requirements and other performance specifications as outlined in this ITB. p. Performance testing Prior to delivery, a performance test must be performed by vendor person- nel and witnessed by Power Authority personnel. During this test, the vendor must demonstrate, that all fuel consumption and performance specifications outlined in this ITB are met. The test must be performed under the following conditions and with the following accessories: Water pump Air cleaner Muffler SAE 30 lubrication oi] must be used and a sample of the lubricating oi] must be provided to Power Authority personnel at the end of the test. 5108/946(15) No radiator fan needs to be attached. The use of a cooling pond or tank will be permitted. Diesel #2 with a higher heating value of 19,590 Btu/lb. is used; alterna- tively, if a different fuel is used, the fuel economy will be calculated based on the higher heating value of the fuel used. A sample of the fuel used must be provided to Power Authority personnel following the test. Voltmeters, amperemeters, frequency meters, and power factor meters used during the test will be provided by the Power Authority. If the unit fails to meet the performance specifications and if the vendor elects to question the accuracy of one or more of these meters, the Power Authority will arrange to have an independent laboratory calibrate the equipment in question. Unless the inaccuracy of the test equipment in question can be shown to have caused the unit to fail to meet the performance specifications, the test results will stand, and the vendor will be required to pay all costs associated with the calibration and any additional tests subsequently required on the unit. If the unit fails to meet the performance specifications, additional tests can be made at vendor request following necessary modifications, adjustments, etc. Any additional cost incurred by the Power Authority as a result of such additional tests will be the responsibility of the vendor. Such extra costs will include, but will not be limited to: Ticket cancellation and re-booking fees, per diem, and staff salaries for this purpose established at $250 per employee per day. In lieu of adjustments, modifications and additional tests for minor performance discrepancies, the Power Authority reserves the right to negotiate price reductions and/or the addition of alternate features. 5108/946(16)