HomeMy WebLinkAboutUnalakleet Waste Heat Project Agreement Contracts & Budgets 1992State of Alaska d Walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation July 9, 1992 The Honorable Francis Soxie, Mayor City of Unalakleet P.0. Box 28 Unalakleet, Alaska 99684 Subject: Materials Trade and Tool Loan Agreement Dear Mayor Soxie: Enclosed for your files is an original signature copy of the subject Materials Trade and Tool Loan Agreement. If you have any questions, please contact Steve Stassel, Remote Systems Engineer II, at 800-478-7877 or at the address marked below. We are pleased to be abl to assist with this project. Si eee h, pif | Luic\bu vid Denig-Chakrof Director of Rural Programs DDC:ekn Enclosure as stated cc: i uthorit. at Woodell, Alas Marlys Hagen, Alaska Energy Authority (0 PO. Box AM = Juneau, Alaska 99814 (907) 465-3575 ee PO, Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road ~=Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY CITY OF UNALAKLEET Materials Trade and Tool Loan Agreement THIS AGREEMENT and its Attachment A entered into this — day of : hy , 1992, between the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (the Energy Authority) and CITY OF UNALAKLEET (the City) provides for the trade of construction materials for waste heat systems and for the loan of construction tools by the Energy Authority to the City. This Agreement is effective through August 28, 1992. A. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Alaska Energy Authority will provide the following materials to the City upon approval of this Agreement: 1. 26 sticks of 2-1/2" (76/140 mm), 12 meter-long |.C. Moller pre- insulated arctic pipe. 2. 28 each 2-1/2" (140 mm) Taper Lock Joints (straight shells) with hardware. B. CITY OF UNALAKLEET City_of Unalakleet will provide the following materials to the Energy Authority FOB Anchorage no later than August 28, 1992, in return for the materials listed in Section A. above: 1. 26 sticks of 2-1/2" (76/140 mm), 12 meter-long I.C. Moller pre- insulated arctic pipe. 2. Miscellaneous shell fittings and foam paks as indicated below: 14 each 2-1/2" (140 mm) Bend 90 degree (shells), Part #1053 12 each Foam Pack No. 4, Part #8104 4 each Foam Pack No. 6, Part #8106 ~ 1 each Sealing Strip 60 meters roll, Part #1605 1 each Dual Plug (10 pcs), Part #1726 1 each Steel Bolts (25 pcs), Part #1727 ™oaogp C. TOOLS LOAN 1. Alaska Energy Authority will loan the City the tools described in Attachment A, upon approval of this Agreement. 2. The City will return the tools to the Energy Authority no later than August 28, 1992. The City shall note defects in writing, if any, at the time it receives the tools. The City will return the tools to the Energy Authority in the same condition as when they were loaned. If any of the tools are damaged, the 92Q2D3136(1) Materials Trade and Tool Loan Ag ent Page 2 City will replace them with tools of equal quality and value, at no cost to the Energy Authority. 3. The City assumes all responsibility for the proper use of the tools and agrees to hold the Energy Authority harmless from any damage that may result from misuse or accidents. D. CONSIDERATION 1. This is an agreement for exchange of construction materials at equal value. No cash shall change hands. 2. The 26 sticks of I.C. Moller pipe provided by the Energy Authority to the City and returned to the Energy Authority by the City shall be considered equal in dollar value, FOB Anchorage, at the time this Agreement is approved. 3. The miscellaneous items referenced in Section B 2 to be provided by the City shall be of a value approximately equal ($1,067.60) to the 28 Taper Lock Joints ($1,047.20) provided by the Energy Authority. 4. The Energy Authority will not charge the City for the tool loan described in Section C. 5. Item 2 and 3 above shall be delivered FOB to the Energy Authority warehouse located at Hiland Drive at no cost to the Energy Authority, no later than August 28, 1992. E. NOTICES The following representatives shall be the points of contact for all matters concerning this Agreement: for the Alaska Energy Authority: David Denig-Chakroff Director, Rural Programs Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 (907) 561-8584 (FAX) and for City of Unalakleet: Francis Soxie, Mayor City of Unalakleet P.O. Box 28 Unalakleet, Alaska 99684 (907) 624-3531 (907) 624-3130 (FAX) 92Q2D3136(2) Materials Trade and Tool Loan Ag ant Page 3 THIS AGREEMENT has following parties: Director, Rural Programs STATE OF ALASKA E been reviewed, agreed to, and executed by the ) ) ss THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this 7 day of ula , 1992, by Toad (be Chakectt, the see the of the Alaska Energy Authority. ~ For CITY OF UNALAKLEET: - LGIP¢ Tru duly & Zs By (Signature) (Date) ols fee Wa Pyek (Title) (Name Printed) STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) ) ) The, foregoing saree ee. was ,acknowledged before me this ott lay of de Z 1992 : ' Vi Lp of : : 920Q2UD3136(3) Attachment A Alaska Energy Authority Property Transfer Agreement 9202UD3136(4) NUUTESS! 1 +U. DUX 2B Unalakleet, AK 99684 Phone Number ( 907) _624 - 3531 Contact Person: Nancy Cannington The below listed Inventory Is a temporary transfer. The inventory must be used and maintained for its Intended purpose. The receiving agency is responsible for losses, theft and any damages beyond normal ware and tear and for any transportation costs to and from the AEA’s designated location. Upon request by the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), must be returned to the AEA in the same physical condition as when It was received on the date shown. Project No. _—— Alaska Energy Authority Temporary Transfer Report Issued Date: ___/ SERS) SEAR Return Date:___/ SED SOMME Required Return Date:___ 8 28 92 From: _Alaska Energy Authori Property Model Control Number Condition Item Description or igi / Serial Number Remarks 08-08940|Piping Bender 1983 Shell Clamps (2 each) 1728 E. Joint Tool 8045 —_- Signature Type or Print Full Name corm Filename H:\RP\RPBUDGET.XLS Alaska Energy Authority Rural Programs Revision No. 0 Project Budget Community 2 / Tl Unalakleet Budget 3Y0Y Unalalkleet WH Review PJ CODE NAME PJ CODE ROJECT NAME Preparer Line @nooaseoan = Budget Approvals (initial and date) Sus Project Manager SJS Date 4/6/92 Fn, LM ny Code S2VO Source(s) of Fundin PROJECT Chart of Accounts FY92 RTA TOTAL Direct Personal Services w/ Benefits $835 $835 Indirect Personal Services $418 $0 $0 $0 $418 [Line 2 = 50% x line 1] 71000 Personal Services SUBTOTAL $1,253 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,253 |[line 3 = line 1 + line 2) 72000 Travel and Perdiem $600 $600 Engineer & Prof Services Contracts sof $0 Freight $0 $0 Project Contingency $97 ———— $97 Indirect Non-Personal Services [| ss sisofCSOSC~—“‘“COCSOL#*OWOC#‘«éSOY|~S=~‘“‘CSCO‘#SSO‘dS $150 [line 8 = 18% x line 1] 73000 Other Services SUBTOTAL $247 ) COC‘ SOTC~*C“‘SOCYL:COWO#OC‘(#(#SO‘YL!«SOOOC#S2a7idi [line 9 = sum of lines 5,6,7,8] 74000 Project Materials and Equip. Sop $0 75000 AEA Equipment $0 77000 Grants $0_[see budget on reverse side] TOTAL $2,100 | sol wo so | go aa [In 13 = sum of lines 3,4,9,10,11,12] = — = Matrix Code 2— Replace-weste-heat piping wi Moller pipe Project AR Bef Replace glycot wit Propytereplycol Project Cc gia 4g pat aor Project LC PIE IZNT OD Paean Dsyw ues fe- Syotein. . “Cen bect ite visit cc: Gloria Manni Project Manager _ } Director Don Whelan Rural Programs Gary Smith Pat Woodell Manager/ Rural Programs / TY? a Executive Director ‘pea * ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROJECT DEVELOPMENT WORKSHEET Project Manager: ds Date: L/y J 9? Community: YMA LAKLEFT Project Description [Describe reason for initiating project (response to correspondence, Site visit, etc.) the situation, needs, proposal for resolving same, and issues pertinent to funding source restrictions (e.g., life, health, and safety improvements; efficiency improvements; emergency risk, etc.)} eo vw GArgaso BA Loney frebiy WH desigvr ty Ci an Urals (Leet reg vestep Desir Revie Scope of Work (__ Preliminary _> Final) [temize tasks in as much detail as possible] Sit usst tf Uneda bed Desigr Leven Tre Ma shck of Jew piPig % HOR ty mae tensVvRechar eclede ke | MR wily) Pepoee sich UT mod Arse $7 Preliminary Cost Estimate (Total): $4, /22 Proposed Funding Source(s) [List appropriation(s), Outside funding source(s), Other agency funding, Financing through onds or other means} Pr FyYaz If any outside source funding is involved, describe on reverse side the proposed billing arrangements, conditions for receipt of and use of funds, and any other issues affecting project management. Project Management Plan (__ Preliminary >< Final) 1. Who will be the eventual owner of this project? X_ City Alaska Energy Authority IRA Council Other (specify) Private Utility nN Will AEA grant funds for the project? Yes < No If so, specify method: Through Trustee Directly to Grantee 3. Check proposed extent of involvement of AEA staff, contractors, City/Utility staff, and/or force account labor for the activities listed below: E QO NT IN ACTIVITY ACTIVITY GROUP None Minimal Oversight Moderate Heavy Project AEA Staff Management AEA Contractors XK [oT City/Utility Staff iit xX City/Utility Contractors x Lecnseasasdevencnsaces [ovorrscrososcesocenenneneasasasenensnenethanscseeeheonensnenenedacnenenronseeeeciacnensenenenenepeod Sven Design AEA Staff Cin/Uuuy start See eee ity x< | City/U tility Contractors nik Materials AEA Staff ET se Purchasing AEA Contractors el City/Utility Staff PS City/Utility Contractors x seeeeenwcerccccccceces. frrcstreceses weeccece. ecco nnndpecnnccnnnceeennpien- shee Construction AEA Staff ~< | : AEA Contractors ae a Se Force Account Labor et i iy Ss ree ITF NNN ETT al Inspection AEA Staff CEAS Coron x | - ity copay omen Fe 7 ibaa & AEA Staff UT TIL aintenance AEA Contractors ea od City/Utility Staff Se City/Utility Contractors Se ee 4. Estimated Project Start Date cl 1s %__; EndDate__9/ 30/4 Zz. 5. On reverse side, provide additional information and/or describe pertinent issues that will affect the management of this project. Project Development Schedule Y/N Item A. Project Planning Tasks: PCE Analysis Other Econ./Finan. Analysis Y Final Scope of Work Y Final Management Plan Y Project Budget Budget Review Y - Directorate - Agency (over $50K) Loan/Financing Application B. Grant/Project Agreement Preparation: Draft Grant/Project Agreement In-house Review of Draft Community/Utility Draft Review Attorney General Draft Review Final Grant/Project Agreement Attorney General Approval Community/Utility Approval Agency Approvals C. Trustee Project Setup: Complete Set-up Sheet Request Check From Accounting Receive Check at AEA Forward Check/Set-up to KPMC D. Commence Project Staff Responsible George Matz Gary S./Dave D-C Brent Petrie Marcey Rawitcher Pat Woodell Pat Woodell Pat Woodell Pat Woodell Marlys Hagen Pat Woodell Don Whelan Pat Woodell (i-e., purchase materials, let contracts, hire labor, etc.) Estimated Completion Date ———— PROJECT BUDGET WORKSHEET Project Information Community: Unalakleet Project Name: Waste Heat Design Review Project Number: AEA Project Manager: S. Stassel Date Prepared: 28-May-92 Date of Basis: 29-May-92 Prepared by: S. Stassel Date of Completion: Labor (Field Work) Name Task — Site Visit L TE Local Labor STASSEL STASSEL PROJECT BUDGET WORKSHEET Project Information Material Description Po Po Po Po Po Po Po E Freight _ PO Po Po F Description G Personal Services (A+D) $835 Travel and Per Diem (C) $600 Material (E) Freight (F) Contract (B+G) eo @ ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY CITY OF UNALAKLEET Materials Trade and Tool Loan Agreement THIS AGREEMENT and its Attachment A entered into this day of , 1992, between the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (the Energy Authority) and CITY OF UNALAKLEET (the City) provides for the trade of construction materials for waste heat systems and for the loan of construction tools by the Energy Authority to the City. This Agreement is effective through August 28, 1992. A. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Alaska Energy Authority will provide the following materials to the City upon approval of this Agreement: 1. 26 sticks of 2-1/2" (76/140 mm), 12 meter-long I.C. Moller pre- insulated arctic pipe. 2. 28 each 2-1/2" (140 mm) Taper Lock Joints (straight shells) with hardware. B. CITY OF UNALAKLEET City_of Unalakleet will provide the following materials to the Energy Authority FOB Anchorage no later than August 28, 1992, in return for the materials listed in Section A. above: 1. 26 sticks of 2-1/2" (76/140 mm), 12 meter-long |.C. Moller pre- insulated arctic pipe. 2. Miscellaneous shell fittings and foam paks as indicated below: 14 each 2-1/2" (140 mm) Bend 90 degree (shells), Part #1053 12 each Foam Pack No. 4, Part #8104 4 each Foam Pack No. 6, Part #8106 1 each Sealing Strip 60 meters roll, Part #1605 1 each Dual Plug (10 pcs), Part #1726 1 each Steel Bolts (25 pcs), Part #1727 C. TOOLS LOAN “~paoop 1. Alaska Energy Authority will loan the City the tools described in Attachment A, upon approval of this Agreement. 2. The City will return the tools to the Energy Authority no later than August 28, 1992. The City shall note defects in writing, if any, at the time it receives the tools. The City will return the tools to the Energy Authority in the same condition as when they were loaned. If any of the tools are damaged, the 92Q2\JD3136(1) Materials Trade and Tool Loan @ @e® Page 2 City will replace them with tools of equal quality and value, at no cost to the Energy Authority. 3. The City assumes all responsibility for the proper use of the tools and agrees to hold the Energy Authority harmless from any damage that may result from misuse or accidents. D. CONSIDERATION 1. This is an agreement for exchange of construction materials at equal value. No cash shall change hands. 2. The 26 sticks of |.C. Moller pipe provided by the Energy Authority to the City and returned to the Energy Authority by the City shall be considered equal in dollar value, FOB Anchorage, at the time this Agreement is approved. 3. The miscellaneous items referenced in Section B 2 to be provided by the City shall be of a value approximately equal ($1,067.60) to the 28 Taper Lock Joints ($1,047.20) provided by the Energy Authority. 4. The Energy Authority will not charge the City for the tool loan described in Section C. 5. Item 2 and 3 above shall be delivered FOB to the Energy Authority warehouse located at Hiland Drive at no cost to the Energy Authority, no later than August 28, 1992. E; NOTICES The following representatives shall be the points of contact for all matters concerning this Agreement: for the Alaska Energy Authority: David Denig-Chakroff Director, Rural Programs Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 (907) 561-8584 (FAX) and for City of Unalakleet: Francis Soxie, Mayor City of Unalakleet P.O. Box 28 Unalakleet, Alaska 99684 (907) 624-3531 (907) 624-3130 (FAX) 92Q2\JD3136(2) Materials Trade and Tool Loan @®@ @e® Page 3 THIS AGREEMENT has been reviewed, agreed to, and executed by the following parties: for the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY: By Dave Denig-Chakroff Date Director, Rural Programs STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT _) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of , 1992, by ; the of the Alaska Energy Authority. Notary Public, State of Alaska My commission expires: For CITY OF UNALAKLEET: By (Signature) (Date) (Name Printed) (Title) STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT _) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of ,1992,by_ of . Notary Public, State of Alaska My commission expires: 92Q2\JD3136(3) Attachment A Alaska Energy Authority Property Transfer Agreement 92Q2\D3136(4) Rec. Agency: City of Unalak Project No. Address: P.O. Box 28 Alaska Energy Authority Unalakleet, AK 99684 Issued Date: L - Phone Number ( 907) _624 - 3531 seu Contact Person: Nancy Cannington Temporary Transfer Report Return Date: / / The below listed inventory is a temporary transfer. The inventory must be used and maintained for its intended purpose. The receiving agency is responsible for losses, theft and any damages beyond normal ware and tear and for any transportation costs to and from the AEA’s designated location. Upon request by the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), must be returned to the AEA in the same physical condition as when it was received on the date shown. Required Return Date: — 8 7 _28 92 From: _ Alaska Energy Authority Cit Property Model = Control Item Description Original Number Serial Number Cost aa S| 08-08940}Piping Bender 1983 Shell Clamps (2 each) E. Joint Tool Pee 5 pr} | — rotors [_- Tt [Ss [ep hen bee pace gees gce pee] Issued By: Received By: Signature Date Signature Date Type or Print Full Name XFERREP FORMS _LS REV 10/17/89 Type or Print Full Name