HomeMy WebLinkAboutTuluksak YSD Elect Inspection Correspondence 1992OK ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY 701 Bast Tudor Roma Anchorsgs. Alaska 99519 (907) -361-7877 iG ™ brand tax tre | MEMORANDUM a DATE: August 10, 1992 hese LIS Fe he - FOS ro: Dave Denig-Chakroff Director, Rurul Programs THRU: Brian Gray, P.E. PC thief Pe Chief Mechan.cal Engineer FROM: Clois Versyp. P-E. /“4,_)> ‘BALES Remote Systems E: meer é < SUBJECT: Review Of Transformer Installatior By Copper Valley Construction Company At Tuluksaic Dave: As discussed with Steve Stassel and yourself, I do not agree with the assertion by Copper Valicey Construction Compeny (CVCC) that the transformer installation meets the requirements of the NESC and tbe NEC. Please note that my observations are based on discussions with personnel who have visitecdt the site and pictures that have been presented to me. I have not personally visited the site. Following is moy rational as to why I feel this way. NESC It appears that CVCC is correct im stating that, due to the voltage of the primary conductors and the fact that they arc insulated, the primary cable installation is not required to meet the requirements of 14 feet clearance for unguarded live parts over 750 volts as listed in table 232-2. However, I find no exemption for the transformer cese and therefore the transformer case must be clevated to il feet above the ground. Also the secondary traasformer taps are exposed and rnus: be 12 feet above the ground. TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT **k COUNT ** # 2 END 0k cot —— T T 7 {NC ; REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME OURATICN | #PAGES | COMMENT i —_ } 4 = —— t t 1 {3 9072694915 | 8-21-92 6:41 1° 46° 2 | | i : _ i . 4 TOTAL o°01°45 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519 (907)-561-7877 MEMORANDUM DATE: August 10, 1992 TO: Dave Denig-Chakroff Director, Rural Programs THRU: Brian Gray, P.E. FLA G/\o 92 Chief Mechanical Engineer FROM: Clois Versyp, PE. 4, )~7 fle 2 Remote Systems Engineer’ / SUBJECT: Review Of Transformer Installation By Copper Valley Construction Company At Tuluksak Dave: As discussed with Steve Stassel and yourself, I do not agree with the assertion by Copper Valley Construction Company (CVCC) that the transformer installation meets the requirements of the NESC and the NEC. Please note that my observations are based on discussions with personnel who have visited the site and pictures that have been presented to me. I have not personally visited the site. Following is my rational as to why I feel this way. NESC It appears that CVCC is correct in stating that, due to the voltage of the primary conductors and the fact that they are insulated, the primary cable installation is not required to meet the requirements of 14 feet clearance for unguarded live parts over 750 volts as listed in table 232-2. However, I find no exemption for the transformer case and therefore the transformer case must be elevated to 11 feet above the ground. Also the secondary transformer taps are exposed and must be 12 feet above the ground. The non-shielded, insulated primary conductors must meet the requirements of Table 232-1 for “Spaces and ways subject to pedestrians or restricted traffic only." This requires a minimum clear vertical distance of 14 feet. NEC CVCC is correct in saying that the buildings fall under one management. However this does not relieve the installation from the requirements of Article 230-24,b which requires a minimum vertical distance from ground to the bottom of the drip loop of 10 feet. Article 230-91 allows the service overcurrent protection of multiple buildings under one management to be remotely located. However, Article 230-84 and 230-70 requires a disconnecting means to be installed “either inside or outside a building or other structure at a readily accessible location nearest the point of entrance of the service conductors." Therefore, the service entrance conductors extend to the disconnect located at the building and must maintain a minimum clear distance of 10 feet from the ground. From both a layman’s and professional’s viewpoint the installation does not "look" safe, and in my opinion it is not safe. It is obvious that the secondary conductors, forming the drip loop, are too low and present a hazard for children. It is also a known fact that snow drifts will raise the ground elevation and amplify the problem. The standard solution seems to be to build a fence and call the installation a substation. In my reading of the NESC I do not find reduced standards simply because an installation is a substation. Additionally, building a fence around the installation will create both a maintenance nightmare and will violate the readily accessible requirements of NEC Article 220-70(a). State of Alaska DN Walter J. Hickel, Governor > Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation August 4, 1992 Mr. Leland L. Dishman, Superintendent Yupiit School District P.O. Box 100 Akiachak, AK 99551 Re: — Electrical Code Violations on Tuluksak School Electrical Intertie Dear Mr. Dishman: In a telephone conversation on August 4, 1992 with Brian Gray of my staff, Aaron Downing of Copper Valley Construction Company indicated that he did not want to raise the transformers and service drops at the Tuluksak schools and that he did not feel that the installations violated code. He proposed to install a fence around the transformers to restrict access and requested a letter from the Energy Authority stating that this would satisfy the code. Mr. Gray informed him that we cannot make a statement to that effect since we are not the enforcing authority for electrical codes. In a follow up conversation, a representative of the Department of Labor indicated to Mr. Gray that based on the description of the installation it does not meet code and installation of a security fence will not remedy all of the deficiencies. It is the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the installation meets code. The State Electrical Inspector (Department of Labor) for the southwest region will be in the Bethel area in September and intends to inspect the system at that time. If any code violations are encountered during the inspection, the Department of Labor will issue citations and ensure that the necessary corrections are made. If you need further clarification of code issues and enforcement procedures, please contact Al Dwyer, Supervisor, State of Alaska, Department of Labor, Mechanical Inspection. If you have any questions please call me or Brian Gray, Projegt Manager, at 1-800-478-7877. i ig Director of Rural Programs Dénig-Chakro’ cc: Frank D’Elia, Department of Community and Regional Affairs Aaron Downing, Copper Valley Construction Company TULUBGL2 © PO.BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 fo. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road §=Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 State of Alaska d Walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation July 30, 1992 Mr. Leland L. Dishman, Superintendent Yupiit School District P.O. Box 100 Akiachak, AK 99551 Re: — Electrical Code Violations on Tuluksak School Electrical Intertie Dear Mr. Dishman: We have reviewed the letter from Copper Valley Construction Company (CVCC) of July 28, 1992 indicating that the transformer installations do not violate the NESC. We have also discussed the matter with the State of Alaska Department of Labor, Mechanical Inspections. It appears that CVCC is correct in their assertion that based on the voltage of the secondary conductors and the method of connection of the primary conductors that the transformer installations do not violate the requirements of NESC Tables 232-2 and 234-1, assuming that the cable entrance on the primary connection is a "tight" fit. However, in the opinion of the Department of Labor the secondary conductor drops from the transformers to the weather heads are service-drop conductors and are required to have a minimum 10’ clearance from the ground per NEC 230-24(b). It appears that raising the service drops will require raising the transformers as well. If you need further clarification we could forward photographs of the installation to the Department of Labor to initiate a formal response and compliance order. If you have any questions please call me or Brian Gray, Project Manager, at 1-800- 478-787 / | ° Jf vid Denig-Chakroff Director of Rural Programs cc: Frank D’Elia, Department of Community and Regional Affairs Carol Neeley, Copper Valley Construction Company TULUBGLI1 PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99814 (907) 465-3575 PO. oO B Box 190869 701 EastTudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P.O. BOX"165 GLENNALLEN, ALASKA 99588 July 26,1892 ’ Leland L. Dishman Yupiit School District P.O.Box 100 Akiachak, AK. 99551 We are in receipt cz the Alaska Energy Authority letter of July 9,1992 citing two variances to the national electrical safety code for tha transformer installations at Juluksak. The sections cited (282-2 & 234-1) are clearances required for liva —parta, above 750 volts which the tuduksak transformer installations do not have. The present banks are 120/208 volts on the secondary side and the primary (2400/4160) is cable connected. No live parts exist except for the transformer secondary Which is at 120/208 volts, well below the 750 volt minimum threshold. We have directed our field personnel to tape the secondary terminals and to tape the cable entrances to the high voltage bushings, This work is not a requirement of NE8C and we aré performing the additional work only for peace of mind. Our Aaron Downing has oonfirmed the above with Brian Gray of Alaska Energy Authority. Mr. Gray’s comment was that acceptance by the district of the installation will constitute acceptance by the Authority. We thank you for the opportunity of performing the project for the district. Very Truly Yours Coppar Yiey Conatruation Company Carol Neeley ‘ MEMORANDUM State of Alaska TO: Lisa Vaughn DATE: July 22, 1992 Accountant THRU: Brian Gray LL SUBJECT: Yupiit School District RCA Paoject Manage/t< AEA No. 2800538 tw FRO Dip Woodell velopment Specialist Work has been completed on this contract, and | would like to request that you prepare an invoice for the Yupiit School District describing AEA project costs. For your information, | have attached page one of our project agreement, which describes what information should be provided in the billing breakdown and states the not-to-exceed amount (paragraph 5). All payroll for the project was submitted as of the July 1-15 pay period and all travel has been completed. | would appreciate your letting me know when the billing is ready so that | may include a cover letter to the School District Superintendent. As you can see from paragraph 6 of the project agreement, we will not actually be receiving payment from the School District, but deducting the invoice amount approved by the District from the $28,000 we still owe them. cc: Sove Staal Dave Denig- off FN:yupbill\pw Contract No. XO 53 6 YUPIIT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PROJECT AGREEMENT Yupiit School District Waste Heat Review PURPOSE AND DESCRIPTION This Agreement entered into this 4 cA day of cE ; is between the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (Energy Authority) and the YUPIIT SCHOOL DISTRICT (the District). The Agreement provides for an engineering review by the Energy Authority of the District's recently-installed waste heat recovery system and school intertie in Tuluksak (the Project). Funds to cover the Energy Authority's costs for the Project will come from a $28,000 advance payment received from the District for an earlier contract that was not initiated. This Agreement is effective through June 30, 1992. Article A. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY COVENANTS The Energy Authority will: 1. Perform the Scope of Work described in Appendix A. 3. Complete all work on the Project before June 30, 1992. 4. Budget and oo funds received from the District in the State Accounting System (AKSAS) under AR 32354 Collocation Code 08108009 Ledger Code 81824913. 5. Submit an invoice describing the Energy Authority's Project costs for review by the District when the Project is complete. The invoice will include a Statement of actual personal services and travel costs, and shall not exceed $3,500. 6. Refund the balance of the $28,000 owed to the District under the Energy Authority's Contract No. 2800265 (now void), after final inspection costs for this Project have been accepted by the District. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHC™"TY LEVve @F TRANSMITTAL 701 East Tudor Road P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 DATE 7 = - JOB NO. (907) 561-7877 Phone net! (ofS 2 “ \ (907) 561-8584 Fax FRanc D'FLa To F Rank (Fl cs E VYsD Tetvkst Deka e ape Aor be port GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU “af Attached O Under separate cover via___...-—=——~——— SSCS following items: O Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples O Specifications Z-Copy of letter 4 OO Change order oO repcat COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION <i i A zi { 7 LaleAae@arzt P3140 Vilek 40: i givceigia CH fep rat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval OC Approved as submitted O Resubmit______ copies for approval OO For your use O Approved as noted O Submit_____ copies for distribution TAs requested O Returned for corrections O Return______corrected prints O For review andcomment 0 O FOR BIDS DUE_____—s'7_ SSC «2PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS. COPY TO LL) fy f 5 SIGNED: ___ bb z / LA fad {iy C If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. at State of Alaska Walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation July 9, 1992 Mr. Leland L. Dishman, Superintendent Yupiit School District P.O. Box 100 Akiachak, AK 99551 Subject: Alaska Energy Authority Contract No. 2800538 Tuluksak Waste Heat & Intertie Inspection Report Dear Mr. Dishman: The report on the Alaska Energy Authority's inspection of the waste heat and intertie project in Tuluksak is enclosed for your review. The report is based on a field trip completed by Steve Stassel of my staff on June 22, 1992. Steve's general conclusion is that the project was done in a workmanlike manner with the exceptions noted below, and the project costs fell within those estimated in the District's original grant agreement with the Department of Community and Regional Affairs. It is our opinion that the installation of the step-up and step-down transformer banks for the electrical intertie at both the high school and elementary school does not conform with the intent of the 1990 Edition of the National Electric Safety Code (NESC) Tables 232-2 and 234-1. The transformers are located approximately nine feet above grade, Table 232-2 requires a minimum clearance from ground to unguarded rigid live parts (Section 1.d, 750V to 22kV) of 14 feet. During the winter months, the packed snow becomes the grounded surface on which operators or other individuals stand. Therefore, the transformers need to be elevated so that the minimum clearance to ground will be maintained during the winter months. Table 234-1 requires a minimum horizontal clearance from wires, conductor, cable, and unguarded rigid live parts adjacent but not attached to buildings (Section 1.a(1)) of 5.0 feet. Both sets of transformer banks are located less than five feet from the nearest building wall. Therefore, the poles on which the transformers are mounted need to be relocated so that the transformers meet the minimum 5.0 foot clearance to the wall. Finally, the electrical panel for the step-up transformer bank at the high school needs to be locked. O PO. Box 110809 Juneau, Alaska 99811-0809 (907) 465-3575 BPO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road ~=Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 92Q3\JD3140A(1) Page 1 Mr. Leland L. Dishman, Superintendent Subject: Alaska Energy Authority Contract No. 2800538 Tuluksak Waste Heat & Intertie Inspection Report July 9, 1992 We also recommend the following actions be taken by the District to improve the performance of the waste heat system: 1. A 50/50 mixture of glycol/water should be added to the waste heat piping between the high school and power plant and the air vented from the system. 2. Additional baseboard radiation should be installed in the classroom area so that waste heat may be provided to that end of the building. Please let us know if the report is satisfactory of if you would like additional information. We will proceed with the District's refund of the balance of the $28,000 retained for the project earlier, after you have approved the report and our billing for Energy Authority costs. David Denig-Chakroff (/ Director, Rural Programs Enclosure as stated SJS:it cc: Frank D'Elia, Department of Community & Regional Affairs, w/enclosure 92Q3\JD3140A(2) Page 2 § 2 wae Und deed Alaska Energy Authority A Pudlic Corperanor TELEFCOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: S > i cue EAD ns NAME OF COMPANY: Coreer Nha Moeg Censtrac tron C2, COMPANY ADDRESS: ¢ leu et ee TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: R22 - 32s 7 SENDER: Ay Lx bowece TELEPHONE NUMBER: (DG - "7? 24-3 CHARGE CODE: NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: | INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: GS /3a /a2 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: Amckorage: §387 561-7877 Juneau: 907) 465-3575 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Sk Pn fon oft Tree sae Csr SS ee Se ye Tre CK all secu ae ster lo inde ‘if Le -Cy Giecnrg le pe DAS pec hen, Ve mort toctay + te rerrcen ith amy Par - TS coe have Srcstions. L) RO. 8Ox AM Juneau. Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 ME PO. Box 190869 = =—704 East Tudior RoGa Anchorage Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 541-7877 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT WAS CONFIRMED (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE - SEE DETAILS BELOW) *k COUNT > TOTAL PAGES SCANNED TOTAL PAGES CONFIRMED — sek SEND > [No : REMOTE STATION START TIME DURATION | #PAGES MODE RESULTS 1 6-30-92 8:50 0°48" 1/7 1 COMPLETED | 9600 TOTAL 0:00°48" 1 NOTE: No. + OPERATION NUMBER 48 +: 4800BPS SELECTED EC : ERROR CORRECT G2 : G2 COMMUNICATION PD : POLLED BY REMOTE SF : STORE & FORWARD RI =: RELAY INITIATE RS : RELAY STATION MB : SEND TO MAILBOX PG : POLLING A REMOTE MP : MULTI-POLLING RM : RECEIVE TO MEMORY Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: ¢ QO ClLMAN!) NAME OF COMPANY: — ( een Ua llc Construction Co, COMPANY ADDRESS: | Alle, TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: x a2 ~ 38S 7 SENDER: (Ar UA boven TELEPHONE NUMBER: GI- 424 3 CHARGE CODE: NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: | INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: 6/30 Jar IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: Anchorage: (907) 561-7877 Juneau: (907) 465-3575 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Cf - ha wks fe [ he y | UCUE Vk Co OST Su papenry = Sov ry a Con (ot. 4 Call Vow yester clas. We ‘I be Fins lieing Ou KR pSpecbar ye port toclay t+ Lo mrerrouy cvill Cal is we have Questions. Pat Cleecle (| & PO.BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 SE PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 10: 4 EA FAX NO. SEL-8B5 Ep mm ab Waddle) ce in a es er are ce rn nr ee —<—< FROM Gr. HARD COPY TO FOLLOW: YES, — wo ‘ Mile 187 Glenn Highway P.O. Box 165 FAX NO 907-822-3257 Gtenvallen, Alaska 99588 (807) 822-8252 State of Alaska DN Walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation May 20, 1992 Mr. Leland L. Dishman, Superintendent Yupiit School District P.O. Box 100 Akiachak, Alaska 99551 Dear Mr. Dishman: Two copies of a project agreement for the Energy Authority's engineering review of the District's newly-installed waste heat system and intertie are enclosed for your review and signature. This review is in response to your April 27 request letter to Sue White. As the initial Purpose and Description paragraph in the project agreement indicates, we propose to use a portion of the $28,000 of District funds held by the Energy Authority pending the outcome of talks between the District and the IRA Council on a power sales agreement sometime earlier. | understand that the District and the IRA Council did not reach an agreement, and that the District subsequently hired a private contractor to complete the waste heat project. If you concur, we would like to deduct our actual inspection costs from the $28,000 and refund the balance to the District when the review project is completed. If you would like to discuss this or the language in the project agreement before you sign, please contact me. Hans Jensen of my staff will coordinate the engineering review, technical questions and information requests, the field inspection and completion of the report on the District's waste heat and intertie project. He can be reached at 261-7266. | understand that the Department of Community & Regional Affairs has requested that this work be completed before June 30, 1992, because of limits on their ability to retain federal grant funds for this project after that date. For * QO PO. Box 110809 Juneau, Alaska 99811-0809 (907) 465-3575 ® PO. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 K this reason, we would like to more forward on the review right away. On May 13, your contractor contacted my staff about completing as-built drawings for the system. To date, we have not received these and would like to have them before making the field inspection. If this agreement meets with your approval, | would appreciate your signing and returning both copies to me by Express Mail or Federal Express. We will send you a fully-executed copy after it has been approved at the Energy Authority. Sihcerely, ( 5 { : { he Lull wrx Dave Denig-Chakroff Director, Rural Programs Enclosures as stated cc: Robert Shipley, Department of Community & Reg. Affairs Fn:yupdish\piw 884 PQ1 SUH VURH HNCH ve 1uidn rinmt iz Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) List Exxon Projects Post-It™ brand fax transmittal memo 7671 ” Brian Gra AEH #ofpages » 2 Of 4 pnone# 2 649-46 FI 8584 FP 269-4520 N “ax 56] - ii i: Acquired & Installed i! Xupiit School District q Simple; suas Payback Building Name ECM No. DESCRIPTION Total Cost Period Tuluksak Elementary 4 Replace circulating pumps with enclosed SST Type (smalier more effi- $ 1,300.00 4.8 Years cient). 12 Install self door closure devices to limit infiltration. $ 941.00 2.0 Years (Originally #20) 2 Install occupancy light sensors. $ 715.00 3.2 Years Tuluksak Mechanical 19 Modulate temperature of hydronic system water supply. Install instru- $ 2,445.00 3.1 Years Building ments for controls. 22] Replace existing generators and install waste heat recovery system. $ 129,391.36 5.1 Years Akiachak Elementary 3 Insulate ceilings to a R-value of 40. $ 20,007.64 9.5 Years 7 Install self door closure devices to reduce infiltration. $ 2,760.00 6.1 Years 884 Pa@2 SOA DCRA ANCH "92 18:48 MAY 19 INSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATION PROGRAM Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) List Exxon Projects 7 . Acquired & Installed . Yuniit School District q Simple er Payback Building Name ECM No, DESCRIPTION Total Cost Period Akiachak Elementary 21 Replace exterior lights with high pressure sodium lamps and integral $ 1,810.95 3.0 Years photo cells. 22 Replace incandescent ceiing fixutres with 13 watt PL style fluorescent $ 1,073.99 4.5 Years fixtures. 23 Replace two lamp classroom adn office lighting with three lamp open $ 20,446.30 3.3 Years parabolic fixtures. 24 Install occupancy sensors for lavatories, janitor room, and storage closets. $ 1,271.01 6.3 Years AkiachakMechanical 20! Operate generators as co-generation to contribute to high school. $98,364.26 2.7 Years Building No. 206 . 24 Replace DHW circulating pumps. Modulate pump speed by sending $ 529.35 6.3 Years Tetum water temperature. 29 Re-insulate all piping in utility sector under main school, using 1-1/2" $ 0.00 6.9 Years fiberglass. Average Overall Project Simple Payback of ali ECM's combined. 4.8 Years