HomeMy WebLinkAboutTuluksak YSD Elect Inspection DCRA Grant ECM 22 & CVCC Data 1992/ ens RECEIv JUN 12 1992 CK vz Ga ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY 4A. far LLADD! CC PLAESAT FRC REY Aer oer ve 20. Box /POL6I beg, AA- APP SVF-— OBES ASAE D Be £2 FD Foe Lore Z2 LHS Z 2 COPF E24 LH LO XK four FEC? AL o a Fe 4 C2 LYELL feu PIES Me tee. | 2. o i A a 6-/2 -F2 a te b& JVC Pre cb EX Cher LAY Cops , PIPING DIAGRAM - FRONT HALF BRt NN ‘PIPING DIAGRAM - REAR HALF SAE wee FAS NOTES ee D> eee ~ sreea teteersmrs me OK ta ONT EL Ot —] ENGINEERED INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS mc | = a ie Bae roe Pe M 5 IN me ? PIPING DIAGRAM F : . —_—_—_———— ees lai, — Ss, a . T consviting encimeees 4. / —|PowgR GENERATOR Systems| ‘" ~ | — Searne wasmneron * 1 ~ Sarr riierae a —— : [| wiex constauerion co, . we ‘65KW UNIT PIPING DETAIL: <S Ss PIPING DIAGRAM - FRONT HALF ESS _'PIPING DIAGRAM - REAR _HALF SAE wee STS . : Fia3 wots : : Go ee . D> ese a Him srry retest aoe a ONTRLOSEL EEL OnE ~ a . =! eeeceree - —= on [ow eecreree = — ‘ile iene ‘2 a hand =u 5 je ES PIPING DIAGRAM FOR PS=182 - ee ENGINEERED INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS me [a elie M-5. —$— - a comsuitine smometes ous! —- 4 } t i $ a i 7 SEATTLE wasnincton * hand 878 ————— a Set ee renee ee ere eae oan —=— —— Po 2, JUN-29-92 Mon i1i4:2ea P.o2 / paca Valley Construction Company | e Mile 187 Glenn Highway P.O, Box 165 1.) Generator Repower Material & Labor A. 2 ~ 3304 Caterpillar Engines B, Air Freight C. Labor - Install & Test Total 2.) Intertie A. Material Undergromd wire — Transformers Fused Breakers B, Air Freight C. Equipment Rental D. Labor : Total 3.) Waste Heat Recovery Rehab A. Material Panps Controls B. Freight Cc. Labor Total 4.) Panel & Wiring Rehab A. Material Panels Wiring & Breakers Conduit & Misc B. Freight & Handling Cc. Labor Total Total Billing All Phases \ sneer / TULUKSAK LABOR AND MATERTALS BREAKDOWN 42,450. 5,230. 12,600. 60,280. 5,430. 7,600. 7,350. _17,760_ 38,140. 1,870. 300, 9,220. 11,390. 1,425. 280. 11,860. 13,565 , $123,375. Glennallen, Alaska 99588 (907) 822-8252 “aes S- 32 FRI is r= CVC Froject Semnary ot, oO anc Waste He, System As. Rus \t Copper Valley Construction Company e ‘ baat a ‘ Mile 187 Glenn Highwoy Sans ig ag Glennallen, Alaska $3568 (907) 822-3852 PAK NO 907-822-3257 101 ALE Zz : FAX 10S Li/- RELA ATING Pt Llad fell pa tte 56 LFP2. TEs Ta tu lulisafi_Ldectrboal pace,_/_oF Lt I: NESSAGE__ Ft These. Cauuents an be Vawteg Shawl] Show. what pies chhe.. When Conus fed wlth FbE oc _ Material (Lett xh eype.. th, ee __ ef BH. LEY. ooo cepevee ete toute seeeeeie ee neeees no Ln Tolan MAW COPY TO FOLLOW: YES JIUN— Ss- 932 FRtI 16:69 apnue a RE: TULUKSAK HORK TO BE ACCOMPLISHED The Tuluksak High School was being served by two (2) 50 KW 3 phase John Deere powered generators, both of which were reading high time . The Elementary School was served by one (1) 50 KW single phase GM powered generator with no standby backup. There was no interconnection existing between the schools. After reviewing peak demand records for both schools, it was apparent that the average high peak demand reached 63 KW; therefore a 75 KW generator was determined adequate to supply both schools. A cost analysis of available options showed that up-sizing the High School generators and providing an inter- connect between schools would provide the most cost effective system within available funds. BRIEF SYNOPSIS. OF THE WORK ACCOMPLISHED IS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The John Deere 70 horsepower engines which powered Kato generators at the High School were replaced with -— 115 HP Caterpillar 3304’s providing 75 KW prime power with peaking capacity of 90 KW. 2. An underground inter-connect was installed, including transformers and fused disconnects. 3. A new main distribution panel was installed at the elementary school which included load balancing and checking of wiring within the elementary school generator room. 4. The waste heat recovery system at the high school was cleaned and flushed with some parts being replaced to provide a functional and efficient operation. IUN— oe qe wate S- 32 FRI 16:16 . are P.oF DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EAGH OPERATION 16. AS FOLIO: 1, GENERATOR REPOWER Caterpillar 3304 PC engines rated at 118 peak horsepower were installed on Kato 1800 RPM brushless generators. After an initial run-in period both plants were tested for up to four (4) hours at 90 KW demand. Both plants maintained RPM, and cycles, with no noticeable rise in generator tenperatdre. In accordance with manufacturer specifications all systems were monitored and checked for torque at 250 and 500 hours. — Both plants are functioning properly. 2, INTERCONNECT As shown on the One Line Diagram a direct-bury interconnect was installed between the high school and the elementary school, Included is a Pole Mount 15 KVA Transformer at each end with fused disconnects. The buried cable is 6 KY cu’ 1 824-B airport lighting cable. The cable route is marked with REA specification buried cable markers in accordance with REA specifications for underground cable marking. Materials purchased for the project are shown on the enclosed invoices from Potelcom and Debenham Supply. 3.MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL : ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A new MDP was placed in the old elementary generator room to replace the existing load center. As part of that effort, each circuit was checked for maximum loading and the load was balanced to comply with NEC regulations. New breakers Were installed and tested. 4,_WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM. The existing waste heat recovery system in the high school was tested and found deficient in several areas including: a. Inadequate circulation of glycel from the generator module to the school, : b. Various sensor and control problems: 1. Fused wiring in main control pane} as “Wa Heo’ JUN- S-932 FRI 16:18 Ploa4 , 2. Inoperative low water alarms. 3. inoperative return water temperature sensor 4. Improperly adjusted valving 6. Inoperative thermostats. c. Water flow restricted by scale. d. Dirty radiators in overheat system. e. Worn pumps. All of the above problems were corrected by replacing inoperative parts or cleaning and adjusting the remaining pieces, 5. TOTAL SYSTEM The total system was tested and brought to a fuliy functional status. é S- 32 FRI 1 JUN— 28:07 96703792 | nC TER BR? ee OW ay GuAEmSS TI woe tome me Me te wee 147 8 | JUN- 4-92 THU erase Suess eT: TENE» COmRRECATON Ee f/f 1125 Orca Street ” ‘ Anchorage, Alaska 99501 8 i (907) 274-8525 2 ~ soup 70: Alaska Utility Construction 101 £ Swanson Ave “Wasilla, aK 996387 invoice paTE «(9/30/91 Wore No, 248333 '-Gustomenind. = AKUTIL SHIPPED TO: Alaska Utility Construction C/O NORTH STAR AIR TULUKSAK, AK CUSTOMER ORDER NO. | SHIP VIA TULUKSAK | N.STAR AIR FRT. <8: DESCRIPTION UiM | —oapeReS | “BAGKORDERED: 31961 FUSELINK FL11715 15 AMPERE EA 10.00 0.00 1.852 EEI-NEMA FUSE LINK 31952 FUSELINK FL11T25 25 AMPERE EAqH 15.80 9.00 2.300 EEI-NEMA FUSE LINK (M25TA23) 1O189F FUSELINK FLi1Ts@ 8@ AMPERE EA 6.88 0.00 3.080 EEI-NEMA FUSE LINK *HA=N1930-3 CHANCE M1930-3° 6"X 4" MASTIC PK 3.00 0.00 15.000 “i PAD (20/PKG) e672 (\Y | PREFORMED 0ST~0112/0153 1/0 A EA 25.00 0.0@ Sebse ©" [esr-.395"-.411" DBL SUPPORT moe | mee posss ww —|PREFORMED WTC-@112 1/0 ACSR . EA 90.00) = 0 G2I- tos 395"—.421° “WRAP LOCK ne #3 woe ef us . ee 23 y3554 Ww Je PREFORMED SPL-1355-P /1318 1/@ EF 4 - 40.00 @. 00}: = ACSR -.395"~.411" SPOOL TIE oe ecb mid eecer een | MNO DATE 940333 INVOICE e Am POWER + TELEPHONE + COMMUNICATION Risa } ws AKUTIL 1125 Orca Street CUSTOMER NO. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 i on Wi Wi) ee (907) 274-8525 c SOLD To: SHIPPED To: ie Alaska Utility Construction Alaska utility Construction © 1@1 E Swanson Ave C/O NORTH STAR AIR wl Wasilla, AK 99687 ‘TULUKSAK, AK a EC A TULUKSAK N.STAR AIR FRT, “28 2" DESCRIPTION : Une | —sapeee mE 20614 & Signer 8 FT 3-5/8"X4-S/8" D EA 10@ UG FIR REA SPEC #19 DRILLED 26979 Nn CROSSARM 10FT 3-~S/8"xX4-5/8" D EA 6.08 0.90 6.00 32.008 - WY (fouG FIR REA SPEC M19 oORILLEO : em ~ = Mie . : $6040 =. |€740-112P8 FUSE CUTOUT isKV-1 EA 18.00 0.00 18.08 "65.000 | @0A/10000A-~95BIL 2867 » “Pererorneo PG-5718 8' YELLOW P EA 65.00 2.00 65.00 5.000 i OLY GUY GUARD ps : tn alls 2 leg] Ole Cee « . : “3 : ws \—| PREFORMED GDE-1107 3/8" GALV EA 88.08 a.see GUY GRIP DEADEND (HG-210) “\ ~ {PREFORMED -GOE~1108 7/16" catv cal | 60.00 7 GUY-GRIP “DEADEND ~gef ll 2 ay : i F . . a : 7 9 2 #3076 \\ — |PREFORNED D6-4544 1/0 ACSR DI EA 100.00 0.00/ 100.20 335.00" Os STR-GRIP OEADEND (HO-522) | ae E CONTINUED: . fb FORM NO. C170 * a Lae Ponacax a SOLD To: Wasilla, ax 1125 Orca Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (807) 274-8525 Alaska Utility Construction P O Box 872008 $9687~2008 Sure POWER - TELEPHONE = CommUNICATION Be LD AT AIRPORT NvoIcE Dare |= 2@/21/91 “WWVOICE No, . 040758 USTOMERNo,- AKUTIL ka Utility Construction: te Trade Discount | Freight Misc. Charges Sales Taxes ! INVOICE: Fy- 8 x $a “Total -|. JUN— a ar tt i re s=92..QRF1 Seon eo FROM: ‘ DEBENHAM ELECTRIC SUPPLY #802 LOIS DRIVE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 39847 TO1 4289300 ALASKA UTILITY CONSTR,, INC. 101 E, SWANSON WASILLA, ALASKA 99687 16: is QUOTAT t ON 4 ‘ . oO Tey met a0 ae , ? x a REMIT TO 4502 LOIS DRIVE $30467 PAGE: DEBENHAM ELECTRIC SUPPLY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99617 + SHIP TO. COPPER VALLEY CONST, C/O NORTH STAR AIR CARGO TULUSAK UM MERRILL FIELD 1704 E STH AVE LASKA 99504 RELEASE JUHL nero 69,85 89,73 $4,087 116,62 74,09 $4.46 124,99 29,84 419.00 228,80 91.50 118.60 108,00 372,00 422.00 sp Be BP BP BP WH 8 Bw st D QUOTE 4 8L5 NO - DATE - URCHASE ORDER 42229,10 © 4 8/13/91 ( - TULUSAK : wove ee ———— ER va=a-senn-~ BART NO/DESCRIPTION--------=' PRICE UM NE 7 7D “s KONZ00RE RELI KON200 250V CLA: = 7,68 “30 aIMc \ CONDUIT 2-IN INTERME i 499,40 “a pesena. WEATHERHEAD a* —.. F a74s.94 20 - RLTFLEX a FLEX 2‘ LQD TITE : 693,10 r # .4g200cD | 2 Ut FLEX STR CONN ° : 1052,20 4 4Q9200cp -y 2" 90 LT FLEX CONN . 2586,90 @ IBCS00LR0ACaD ‘(8 THRD GRND BUSHING 4962.40 Via? pos” \ #2 CU COMP. CONN. . 248,65 VAs 4 sT9032200 | GE BREAKER NY aaa.oo i “pHa2anr2asin \ C-H PHA24ML2251N 225 = 228.50 1 PHSOBX C-H PW50BX PANELBOAR =—_-94,, 60 1 Pwsors C-H PWSOTS PANELBOAR . 148,50 “Puecus \ C-H PH6CH3 MOUNTING 27,00 4 ckS100 C-H CH3400 $P-200A-2 9,00 2 CH360 C-H CH360 SP-60A-240 64,00 1 cH340 C-H CHI40 3P-80A-240 64.00 EA " 64,00 64,00 1993.63 JUN- S-32 FRI 16:14 APtem ma “ = QUOTATION: PAGE! A ae +6 FROM: REMIT TO) DEBENHAM ELECTRIC SUPPLY DEBENHAM ELECTRIC SUPPLY 4802 LOLS DRIVE 4502 LOfs DRIVE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99517 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99517 TO! 269300 SHIP TO: 990267 | ALASKA UTILITY CONSTR. , INC, COPPER VALLEY CONST, 101 E, SWANSON , C/O NORTH STAR AIR CARGO WASILLA, ALASKA 99687 MERRILL FIELD 1704 £ STH AVE | J Tu KA 99501 QUOTE # = SES NO] = ~DATE = PURCHASE ORDER RELEASE | 62239, 10 4 8/13/91 / TULUSAK "JUNE naman ER Sea-e-cawnna PART NO/DESCRIPTION---=-20=- PRIGE UN NET 9D “4 pasaanek C-H DOSA4NAK 2008 24 = 230,00 EA 460,00 a "30 aiyatne CONDUIT 1-4/4 INTERM 146.02 ¢ 43,81 2 r@s pstaiy¢ 1/4" TOP GRIP NUT 68,82 ¢ 45,79 “a gaasra BUSHING 41/2 INS GRD 417,92 ¢ 0.26 23 “a 995ra BUSHING 44/2 PLAgrre 53,69 °C 4.07 2 “a asasna STRAP 41/2" 2H RIGID §~— 40, 74 a $00 $/oxnaw WIRE KHHW-3/0-BLACK~ 189,82 719,942 50 axHHWB WIRE KHHW-2-BEACK-St 642.53 26.49 3 “¢ 9xenre 9X6 GALV NIPPLE 1498.00 ¢ 59,6008 “a Wres HUB a” W/P INS, 5,09 BA 10,28 02 “4 doere LOCKNU? 2° STEEL 407.87 ¢ 4348 4 $86Ra BUSHING 2° PLASTIC 98,63 °¢ 9.94 0 8 “4 dazero BUSHING 2" INS ORD 529,47 ¢ ai.4000 a 16 dosre LOCKNUT 3" STEEL 167,86 ¢ 42,6603 “6 tag #2 4 COND MECH LUG 64.46 C 3.85 a Ye vaaso 480 1 COND MECH LUG 416.07 ¢ 17,29 3 Fee eS A ae ae —_ x o F _— i ite : | Peencen Ser comer servo: ORDER ORDER NO. 930300 a “HME POWER + TELEPHONE < COMMEENCANONS EE 4 1425 Orca Street 1971 Livengoos Road aaa ee CUSTOMER NO, AKUTIL ' Anchorage, AK 99501 Fairbenks, AK 99701 : a {907} 274-8525 (907) 456-1815 “ PREP RE re ree eee ee ea egeeerry aaa Terra Tere eee eer se — SOLD To SHIPPED TO: Alaska Utility Construction Alaska Utility Construction 101 © Swanson Ave HOLD AT AIRPORT Wasilla, AK 99687 AKIKCHAK, AK 1 “RO AONT = eS et eh MER ORDER NO, - | ___ SALESPERGON- | UR OFDER NO. ANCH/COLLECY_ re NET 30 DAYS -==4 030300 psig a ne ORDERED SACMOROGRES | anenace UM Pee | exrmmen pace | az-e8asB FT =a 8 5KV CU L-824-B AIRPORT LIGHTING i 2 + IO-aAUC~813-1 EA ; TRANSFORMER 15KVA 2400/416@ 120/240 SEC POLE|HT NO TAPS " ~-@g25 EA ; 56865/¢21210142 TRANSFORMER MTG BRET TRIPLE|3-5p KVAS " 993812 EA iE 78812/8812! 5/87 X 12” MACHINE BOLT a @O4152 vd -[ ga. 7107676824| 2-374" SQUARE WASHERS WITH " gy 083925 EA 15 fj—O-— I: 38883/3512) 5/8" M-F LOCKNUT ih, , 862949 EA |:_- S78" X 8° COPPER-BONDED GROUND ROD Stun Dare cos PMR ata REELS [COBY ae ey] RRED by — | Graven GuRGe DCRA GRANT 1TH Yuet SCHoor DiStTeier Cneray =a Mecsure. # ee APPENDIX A Grant Agreement DE-FG-06-80R000892, Amendment A074 Department of Community and Regional Affairs Division of Community Development Amendment ECM #22, Revised Concept TI7758 (9) ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY HL IR TUT Pl ay Saal cn ae Onan Nols WWE DI WRAY S ML AML 2nd Floor Anchorage, Alaska 99501 DATE [* NO (907) 276-0001 10/30/89 ATTENTION (907) 277-7641 Mr. Norm Bair RE Tuluksak elementary school To Department of Community and GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU OC Attached O© Under separate cover via ste following items: O Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples O Specifications CG Copy of letter OG Change order Oo COPIES DATE 0 DESCRIPTION N 1 10/30/89 Amended describtion and analysis of ECM #22 C THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: & For approval OC Approved as submitted O Resubmit______ copies for approval & For your use O Approved as noted O Submit _____ copies for distribution O As requested © Returned for corrections O Return _________ corrected prints , O For review and comment Oo O FOR BIDS DUE —________19____§_© PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Please let me know if you need any further information. COPY TO Wh, UM Yee Cory SIGNED: if enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. ECM # 22 REVISED CONCEPT As the existing diesel generators in Tuluksak Elementary School are of a make and model known to be one of the most inefficient installed anywhere in Alaksa, is hereby proposed that ECM #22 be amended to the following scope: Install 2 ea. new "State of the Art" diesel generator sets with accessories and jacket water waste heat recapture equipment in Elementary School. Provide electrical connections to Tuluksak High School and to the community wide electrical distribution system and operate the generators in the Elementary School on a continous basis to provide all electrical needs in Tuluksak. (The local utility has agreed to this concept.) COST ESTIMATE: 2 ea. generator sets with accessories 82,000 Jacket water waste heat recapture equipment 14,000 Transmission line materials 9,000" Transportation 11,000 Installation labor (Alaska Energy Authority) 25,000 <j < Project cost $141,000 = Note: Design and installation methodology is assumed to follow Alaska Energy Authority standards. GENERATOR CONVERSION EFFICIENCY: The conversion efficiency of the proposed "state of the art" generators (Cummins LTA 10 modified for 1200 rpm continous operation) is based on actual testing of an identical Alaska Energy Authority owned unit in Renton, Wa. on 9/29/89 by Energy Authority personnel. Test results: @ 61.9 kw load: 34.8% or 9,807 Btu/kwh @ 103.4 kw load: 37.8% or 9,029 Btu/kwh @ 144.3 kw load: 38.7% or 8,819 Btu/kwh The loads in Tuluksak will almost consistently be above 61.9 kwh as an annual total consumption for all users including the schools has been estimated at 764,400 kwh/year. including losses. (High Tuluksak n Zt so y. 5 C AN a YS fh 2 a Of - ota Q,- 2 x School consumption has been estimated at 204,000 kwh/year while the remaining community has been estimated to consume 438,000 kwh/year.) A slight conversion efficiency reduction will be caused by fluctuating loads, a Power factor different from 1.0, the use #1 diesel fuel, and Parasitic loads for switch gear and control system operation. Consequently, an average conversion efficiency of 32.0% has been used in the following calculations. JACKET WATER WASTE HEAT AVAILABILITY/SAVINGS The above electric loads will produce 2,087.1 MMBtu of recoverable waste heat on an annual basis with the proposed diesel generators. It is conservatively estimated that the main boiler room, which is proposed connected to the waste heat recapture system, uses 13,000 of the estimated 18,000 - 21,000 gallons of fue] consumed for heating Purposes in the Elementary School each year. At the 13,000 x 0.65 x 134,000 = 1,132.3 MMBtu/year. Even with very limited seasonal variation in electrical consumption patterns, the entire 1,132.3 MMBtu/year needs would easily be satisfied by che waste heat recapture system. The Lower Kuskokwin Delta villages traditionally experience very significant annual electric load variations with low summer loads and high winter loads due to traditional activity patterns. As waste heat availability closely reflects generator loading, this will make more heat available during the winter months and less during the summer, thereby making it a very safe assumption that the entire heating load can be satisfied as shown. SAVINGS FROM IMPORVED GENERATION EFFICIENCY: Annual savings from improved generator efficiency for Elementary School electrical consumption only: Previous generation related consumption: (122,400 kwh x 3413 Btu/kwh) /0.101 4,136.2 MMBtu New generation related consumption: (122,400 kwh x 3413 Btu/kwh) /0.32 1,305.5 MMBtu Savings: (4,136.2 - 1,305.5) 2,830.7 MMBcu In gallons: 2,830.7 MMBtu/ 134,000 Btu/gallon = 21,125 gallons TOTAL SAVINGS: Total annual savings for Proposed system: (21,125 + 13,000) gallons = 34,125 gallons Total annual cost savings for proposed system: 34,125 gallons x $0.898 $/gallon = $ 30,644 /year. Pay back time for project: 141,000/30,644 = 4.6 years Note: The above calculations pertain only to the Elementary School. The very significant fuel savings resulting from drastically improved fuel-to-electricity conversion efficiency improvements for High School and community loads have not been quantified and have not entered into the above calculations. Agency Contact “umber T. Kuthority Numoer TINT N/A TT Optional Renewal? . Years remaining Taatng i 88-21692510-77xxx Sy Agency Assigned encumbrance Nutoer 2192104 Be premerene No TIN » Pinmancia STATE OF ALASKA AMENCOMENT TO PROCESSICNAL SERVICES CONTRACT Inis agreement 1s oetneen the State or A aska 7. arcment of — “ESmmund ty & Regional Affairs hereafter, the State, and Br COO + SOOURFS t School District hereafter, the Contractor Soo lll FaTTDOABE 100, Ak PHERAK, AKG955 1 ni i TAIT rigina FROM: TO: PED SY BB pertormance nce Peryon 1) opr eines 12/31/90 revious amount of contract to Ts amendment 1s tor + This amenced conzract sna $231,080.00 $(0) notgaceed @ggtador wT nm accorcance with she provisions of the above reterenced contract, the parties to that contrac: egree inet the services to be performed by the contractor under the contract are amended as follows: All other terms and conditions of the contract remain in effect. (Use reverse for continuation of amended provisions if necessary.) 6/30/89 In full consideration of the contractor's per foGnarce GBdar @@d including this amendment, the State shall pay the contractor a new total not to exceed $ . The period of performance under this contract is increased/decreased by 18 months to —i0.months IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this amendment, NOTICE! This amendment has no effect until signed by the, Head of Contracting Agency, Procurement Officer or designee ° . N: certify that the facts Rerein ana on CONTRACTOR Supporting documents are correct, that this voucher fi constitutes a legal charge against funds and appro- Name of Firm priations cited, that sufficient funds are encumbered Yupiit School District to pay this obligation or that there is a sufficient balance in the appropriation cited to cover this oblfgation. | am aware that to knowingly make or allow false entries or alterations on a public record, or knowingly destroy, multilate, suppress, conceal, remove or otherwise impair the variety, legibility or avail- ability of a public record constitutes tampering with public records punishable under AS 11,S6.815-870. we - Other disciplinary action may be taken up to and Superintendent including dismissal. o. Tgnature of Head oftco ~~ __ CONTRACTING, AGENC A Dest DepED heyore REO TO ats Wi 7 -*t Dy APPRONED BY ig /) Rural Development -( coNiBippecview commited Lo ape re r Redes ing gr AuEhg ‘ the; Y sey ypes or Printed Name of j ui rectq r ! aS Steve Baden h oy PROMAL iy HE Drranine. we 2pp} \cabie, “Chief, Energy Conservation Section DEPARTMENT OF COMM > j AMM POONA) ace: 02-112 (Rev: 8/86) arses | Hd te _RAGS/9§0587491/37 NODA © J a . STANOARO ACREEMEWT FoR Eamtote grag.y (BACK CONTINUATION) Rev. Oecember | APPENDIX A 7 CEMERAL PROVISIONS a1, Seftntetens, Ta ints contrace and sd0endices, "Proiece Ol rector™ oF “kgency Heaa" oF “Procurement Officer” means the person mmo stons emiy contracts ons of te Requesting Agency and inciuges 4 SWCCessOF OF avenorized representative, “State Contracting Agency" means the Oepartment for mMich etnias contract {3 to be Derformed and for wien the Commissioner o- Autrorizeg Ces ASTHS 1m 1m Signing tris contract. - Article 2. tmapection and Reports, and activities 2.1. The Ceparenene may Inspect, {m tre manner ANd 40 reasanadle tines it Considers appropriate, all tne Contractor's facititt tats concrace, The Contractor small make progress and other reports im the manner and at the times tne Oeparement Peasomadly requires, Arttele 3. Ofsouces, 3.1 Any dtsouee concerning a question of fact artsing unger tenis contract mich 13 noe d!sposed of bY mutual agreement shall de decided tn seco wftn AS 36.30,620-632. reticle 8. Eeual Exe loyment Coportunity *.1) The Contractor may MOl discriminate againse any employee or apelicane for employment becuse of race, religfon, color Mattomel orfatn, of because of 49@, pmysical mandicap, » Change in marital status, Pregnancy or Darenthood wren tne re sonamle cemangs of ae positions do noe require distineri Fe, pmysical Mandicap, sex marital status, chan, in marital status, pregnancy, or barentnood. The Contractor snail Yon to Insure that the applicanes are cons for employmene 4nd (Mat employees ar treates curing employment witnoue te their race, color, religion, nattonal origin, ancestry, physical Manateao, age, sea, + status, changes in marital status, wograding, demotion, transfer, recruitment selection for tratning including 4pprenti eroloyment, notices setting out the prowt This action muse include, but need not be limit t the following: emoloyme ertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay other forms of compensation, Sor smell pose in conspicuous Places, avallaole te employees and 4 Plicanes fe apn, “62 The Coneractor small state, tn al} solfettations or advertisements for employees to work on State of Alasa Contract jobs, that fe ts anes Soportunity emplover and that all qualified apolicanes wil) receive consideration for employment ithoue regard to race, religion, color, Rational ortgin, age, prysteal Randicap, 362, marital sCatus, changes in marital status, pregnancy or parentnood, “.3 The Contractor shalt 39d to each lader union of representative of workers otner contract of wnderstanding notice advising tne labor union or workers Mts article and post cop %.8 Te Contractor small tnely the provisions of this article tn every contract, and smal} freavire the Inclusion of these provisions tn every contract entered tato by any of tes subcontractors, 30 that tho PCONeractor. For the purpose of including tnose Provisions in any contract or Subcontract, as “subcontractor” may de chanced tc reflec: appropri i wl ai serimination, a witn alt otner contract, 2nd direczions ‘rom tne Stace agents relecin riminatory eploymene pracsices, Ing tavelving auestions of unlawful discrimination tf that fs requested by any o or agency of Dermitting employees of tn, Contractor to De sitnesse S3 Im any proceedin f unlewful dt serimination, {f tnac ts request. by any offfcial Or agency of tne State esicipating tn meet 'G Periodic repores on the equal employment 4s0ects of resent ang future enmoloymenc; assisting of tne Contractor’ ometly complying with all State directives consi ed essential DY any office a6 agency of 43k Co Insure compliance with y eral and state laws, regulations, ang policies Raining to tne Prevention of di seriming: erplorment practices, jovect Olrector, by mitten netic, may Cerminate this contract, in whole of in pa wmen {et ts In the dest interes: o¢ Ne State. The State» © only for payment tn eccorgance th the payment Provisions of this contrace for services rendered before ene effective date of Termination, ‘e@ 6. Me Assignment or Oelegation. PR of it, or any right to any of the money to be paig wader {t, excese mite tne a'™ for additional services, no fa thts Contract, performed or ¢ 4CtOr Co any work oF furnish any material not cove: by the contract valess the work of materia oproved by the Agency Head, MOF may tne Se Ofrector les, Inaependent Contractor, . 2ACractor ang any agents ang employees of the. Contractor act fn an Independent Capacity and are Mot officers or employees or 49€NCS of the State fe tormance of this contract, . © 9. Payment of Tases. ondition of performance of this contract, en, Contractor smal} Day all federal, state, and local t. Payment by any Subcontractor or any other persons in the performance of this contrace, Satisfactory fe 50 paymene by tne State unger this contrace, She Contractor ang sal) ree f this Baragraon is 4 conaiets S'ges, tramings, 5 eci fications, Motes, artwork Ormance of tnis agreement ace Orocuced for Mire ang re if 2roperey af tme Stace of Alaska ang may dew "ICMOUE additions! COTBENSation 9 the Contractor. The Cr agrees net + Y FIgGMes and noe to atene or COBYrIGNE las Tre Co: actor, ‘or y perteg 3° 1S contract, agrees to furnism and provi : Mes materials ac he Peaijece Director, tre Contracs eCain copies of all tne materials, © Provecs Director J STANDARD ACREEMENT FORM Exhibit 8146.2 (BACK) “Rev, December 1987 Mrticle 11, Coverning law, his Contrace is governed by the laws of She State of Alaska, ayy) actions concerning this Contract sha}) be oro the Supertor Court of the State of Alaska, Article 12, Conflteting Provisions os Person of agency has been em loyed or retaineg Solicit: of secure 4PON an 29reement op understanding for 'Ssion, Percentage, contin é employees of igencies maintained by the ontractor ¢, breach of Violation Of this farranty, ¢ © Stat Without Viabing Y OF in its di scret{on deduct from © contrace pei iW amount of ¢; © commis jon, Percentage, brokerage, cr contingent fee € /*44/080587-01 29 x SURANCE FORMS - Exhibit 8148 APPENDIX 81 . December 1987 APPENDIX a! INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE Article 1, Indemnification The contractor shal} indemnify, Save harmless and defend the state, fits officers, agents and employees from al] Viability, including costs and expenses, for aj actions or claims resulting from injuries or damaces Sustained by any person or Property arising directly or indirectly asa result of any error, omission or negligent act of the contractor, subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by them in the Performance of this contract, 2.1) Workers! Compensation 'nsurance: The contractor shal} Provide and maintain, for al} employees of the contractor engaged in work under this contract, Workers! Compensation Insurance as required by AS 23.30.0465. The contractor shall be responsible for Workers! Compensation Insurance for any subcontractor who directly or indirectly Provides services under this contract. This coverage must include statutory coveraye for states in which employees are engaging in work and employer's liability Protection not less than $100,000 per person, $100,000 Per occurrence, Where applicable, coverage for al} federal acts (i.e, ULS.L. g H. and Jones Act) must also be 2.2 Comprehensive (Commercial) Ceneral Liability Insurance: With coverage limits not less than $300,000 combined single limit per occurrence and annual eggregateswhere generally applicable ang shall include Premises-operations, independent contractors, Products/completed operations, broad form Property damage, blanket contractual and persona) injury endorsements, 2.3 Comprehensive Automobile Ufability Insurance: Covering a1} owned, hired ang nonowned vehicles with coverage limits not less than $100,000 per person/$300,000 Per occurrence bodily injury and $50,000 Property damage, ’ YUPIIT SCHOOL OISTRICT ICP ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES GRANT SCOPE OF SERVICES APPENDIX C This is a grant under the U.S, Department of Energy’s (DOE) Institutional Conservation Program for Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs), The Contractor named on the Standard Agreement Form and in Appendices a and 8B shall henceforth be called Grantee. This grant is funded This) gran is for implementing the Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) Projects Specified on pages C5 and cé. Pri wri n roval 1; Form EIA-459F, “Federal Assistance Program/Project Status Report (PSR)"; ang 2. Standard Form 269, “Financial Status Report (FSR)", Within Ninety (90) days after the completion of the Ecm installations, the Contractor shall C1 submit two copies of a final Project report, The final report wil] Include the following information (items 1, 2, 3, and 4 below should be included on the completed Form EIA-459F (PSR)): 1. A list and description of each ECM acquired and installed; C5 and cé 3. The average Overall project simple Payback period of all ECM’s combined; 4 A statement that the completed ECM’s grant; 5. A property inventory; 6. A final “Financial Status Report", Standard Form 269; and G. Annually and for three years after the completion of this grant, the Grantee shal] Provide the State with the monthly energy consumption for the Period July tst through June 30th. This annual report is due by July Il. AWARD/AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. This grant is awarded with the special conditions Provided on Pages C7 and cea, 8. The Grantee is governed by the Following: federal regulations: 10 CFR Part 455, dated 4/30/85, “Grant Programs for Schools and Hospitals...": c2 10 CFR Part 600, dated 10/5/82 with revisions dated 7/28/83, 2/3/84, 8/7/84, and 2/4/86, “Financial Assistance Rules"; OMB Circular A-88, dated 12/5/79, “Indirect Cost Rates, Audit, and Audit Followup at Educational Institutions": OMB Circular A-110, dated 7/30/76 with revision dated 2/10/87, “Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and other Nonprofit Organizations; OMB Circular A-122, dated 7/8/80 with revision dated 4/27/84, “Cost Principles for Nonprofit Organizations": 10 CFR Part 1040, dated 6/13/80, “Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs; General Provisions"; Federally Financed and Assisted Construction (Also Labor Standards Provisions Applicable to Nonconstruction Contracts Subject to the Contract Wage Hours and Safety Standards Act); Davis-Bacon Act, dated 3/3/31, and current Published rates; and 18 USC 874, “Copeland "Anti-Kickback? Act"; Federal Procurement Regulations (FPR) 1-15, “Contracts with Commercial] Organizations”, This grant includes appendices A, B, C, D, and E, and the Grantee’s application dated C3 The State of Alaska, the U.S, Department of Energy, the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall have access to any books, documents, Papers, and records of the Grantee which are directly pertinent to this agreement for the Purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts, and/or transcriptions. The Grantee and all subcontractors’ shall maintain all required records for three years after final payment is made and disposition of all other Pending matters of dispute. Any subcontract utilizing funds from this agreement shall specify the requirements of Paragraphs II8 and IID above as well as federal regulations that apply to the subcontractor. c4 Yupiit School District Building Name Tuluksak Elementary 0 Tuluksak Mechanical uo Building Akiachak Elementary ECM No. 4 12 20 19 22 1] 14 17 INSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATION PROGRAM Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) List Exxon Projects Simple Estimated Payback Description Total Cost Cost Savings Period Replace circulating pumps with enclosed $ 1,300.00 $ 271.00 4.8 SST type (smaller more efficient). Install self door closures devices 941.00 463.00 2.0 to limit infiltration. Repipe building to get heat from 715.00 221.00 3.2 central boiler plant as well as DHW. Modulate temperature of hydronic 2,445.00 801.00 3.1 system water supply. Install instruments . for controls. Replace existing generators and instal] 125,755.00 24,842.00 5.1 waste heat recovery system. . Insulate ceilings to a R-value of 40. 20,036.00 2,113.00 9.5 1 Install self door closures devices to 2,760.00 449.00 6.1 reduce infiltration. Repipe hydronics system to provide 10,500.00 1,347.00 7.8 automatic thermostatic control. : Revise gym heating and ventilating 2,900.00 850.00 3.4 system to provide motorized modulating damper operation. Install gym exhaust contro) system. 5,400.00 1,643.00 3.3 99 INSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATION PROGRAM Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) List Exxon Projects (Cont inued) Yupiit School District Simple Estimated Payback Building Name ECM No. Description Total Cost Cost Savings Period Akiachak Elementary 21 Replace exterior lights with high $ 1,700.00 $ 560.00 3.0 Pressure sodium lamps and integral Photo cells. 22 Replace incandescent ceiling fixtures 1,130.00 250.00 4.5 with 13 watt PL style fluorescent fixtures. 23 Replace two lamp Classroom and office 20,540.00 1,643.00 343 lighting with three lamp open parabolic fixtures. 24 Install occupancy sensors for 1,475.00 233.00 6.3 lavatories, janitor room, and storage closets. Akiachak Mechanical 20 Operate generators as co-generation to 96,673.00 35,640.00 2.7 Building No. 206 contribute to high school. 24 Replace DHW circulating pumps. Modulate 975.00 155.00 6.3 pump speed by sensing return water temperature. 29 Re-insulate all piping in utility sector 5,150.00 745.00 6.9 under main school, using 1-1/2" fiberglass. SPECIAL CONDITION(S Eneray Conservation Measure ECM Exxon Projects Yupiit School District 1. Availability of Grantee Share The application for this grant indicated that further authorization was .Meeded before grantee funds would be available. Prior to the release of State of Alaska grant funds, the grantee must submit written assurance to the Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, Anchorage, AK, that grantee funds have been authorized and are available. Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Procedures The Institutional Conservation Program (ICP) Regulations, 10 CFR 455.41(d) and 10 CFR 455.51(a) (4), require that to be eligible to receive financial assistance, each grant applicant must assure that all O&M procedures identified as a result of an Energy Audit (EA), Energy Use Evaluation (EVE), and/or a Technical Assistance Study (TAS) have been implemented, or Provide satisfactory written justification for not implementing a Procedure(s). EA/EUE: Akiachak Elementar #205: 40, 41, 44, 47 Tuluksak Elementary #203: 40, 41, 44 TAS: Akiachak Elementary #205: 2,3, 4,5, 8, 9, 10, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 43,44, 45, 48,49, 50, 51, 52, 57, 67, 69, 71, 75, 76, 77, 79, 81, 84, 86, 87, 90, 95, 97, 98 Akiachak Mechanical #206: 2,4, 5, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 9,30 32, 33, 34, 37, 38 39, 40, 4 44,45, 46, 47 49, 50, 51, 52, 57, 69, 73, 84, 90 I lementary #203: 3, 4,5, 8,910, ] 2, 23 7,28, 29, 30, 3 3 33, 37 4 44 4 4 57, 69, 7 73,75, 76, 77 Tuluksak Mechanical #204: 2,3, 4,5, 8, 9, 22, 23, 24, 25 6 7 O, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37 38, 39, 40, 4 43 44,45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 57, 69, 73, 77, 90 C7 Prior to the release of State of Alaska’s funds, but no later than C-ne 30, 1989, the grantee must submit to the Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, Anchorage, AK, written assurance that these c8 YUPIIT SCHOOL DISTRICT ICP ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES GRANT FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS APPENDIX D This grant is funded on a matching basis, without fee or Profit, not to exceed $231,080, and is subject to a refund to the State of any unexpended grant funds. The approved budget is on Page D4, and the approved ECM costs are on Pages C5 and C6. The State will not provide additional funding for the Projects under this contract Amounts charged to this grant as in-house salary cost must be supported by time and attendance or equivalent records for individual employees, Salaries and wages of other cost objective shall also be supported by appropriate time distribution records. All Procurements made with grant funds, including subcontracts, must be in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 600.119. These requirements include, for example, the requirement for i rov f le- source contracts or when only one bid is received--see 10 CFR 600.119(c) This grant is awarded ona building-by-building basis, as specified in the approved budget. In the case of grants incorporating funding for more than one building, the grantee may expend on an individual building only that portion of the total grant amount budgeted for that building, unless i i Vv is obtained from the Project Director. Within a given building, cost with the work described in the application. at Project completion, the Grantee must be able to identify the actual cost of each ECM in order to provide a revised simple payback Period based on actual costs. Since the financial reports and payment records require the information by building, the Grantee shall maintain financial records that identify actual costs, by funding source, for each building as well as by ECM, The maximum State Participation for each building is limited to the grant dollars reflected in the approved budget as EXXON. Where cost underruns exist in a building, the funding Participation shal] be adjusted down according to the percentage of Participation 01 reflected in the approved budget for the building. To receive Payment, the Grantee must submit to the State two copies of the federal form “Request for Advance of Reimbursement", Standard Form 270. The State may require documentation of all costs accounted for under Paragraph The Grantee must place any advance Payments in an interest-bearing account. Interest earned on advances from this agreement must be reported and repaid to the State on a Quarterly basis as required by omsB Circular A-102. The regulations allow the Grantee to keep up to proposed agreement to confirm completed negotiations establishing the amount of debt. 4 CFR 102.13 or in accordance with State regulations or Was Department of Energy regulations in effect July 1, D3 APPROVED BUDGET FOR YUPIIT SCHOOL DISTRICT PAGE D4 BUILDING NAME Tuluksak School I. Object Class Categories a. Personnel Fringe Benefits - Travel Equipment Supplies Contractual $131,156 $ 66,441 g- Other - TA Credit h. TOTAL DIRECT CHARGES $131,156 $ 66,441 i. Indirect Charges Elem. Sch. $102,798 j. TOTALS $131,156 $ 66,441 $300,395 Akiachak Akiachak Mech #206 TOTAL $102,798 $300,395 $102,798 $300,395 II. Funding Sources a. Contract Share (EXXON) $118,040 $ 59,796 $ 53,244 $231,080) b. Grantee Share $ 13,116 $ 6,645 $ 49,554 $ 69,315 c. Other III. Percentage of Participation b. Grantee 10.00% 10.00% 48.21% ec. Other a. State Contract (EXXON) 90.00% 90.00% 51.79% | APPENDIX E AUDIT REQUIREMENTS O02 AAC 45.010. AupDIT REQUIREMENTS ER REMENTS A. Cc. As part of the financial information required under AS 37.05.030, a State agency that enters into a financial assistance agreement to provide financial assistance to an entity shall, in coordination with any other State agencies providing financial assistance to that entity, submit to the Department of Administration through the State coordinating agency an audit of the recipient entity if that entity is subject to audit under (B) of this section. The audit must be conducted and submitted as described in this section. In order to ensure compliance with this subsection, the audit requirements of this section must be contained in any financial assistance agreement entered into by a State agency. An entity that enters into a financial assistance agreement, or agreements, with a cumulative total of 1. $300,000 or more during a State fiscal year shall submit to the State coordinating agency, within one year after the end of the audit period, an annual audit report covering the audit period; or 2. At least $100,000 but less than $300,000 during each of two consecutive State fiscal years shall submit to the State coordinating agency (a) a biennial audit report covering the audit period, due within one year after the end of the audit period; or (b) if the recipient entity chooses, or the State : requests, an annual audit report covering the audit period, due within one year after the end of the audit period. An audit required by this section must be conducted by an independent auditor, according to the following audit standards: (1) ai Standards for Audit of Governmental Organizations, Programs, Activities, and Functions, 198] revision a dopted by the comptroller general of the United States; or 2. Generally accepted auditing standards, as accepted by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants on July 1, 1985, for the entity being audited. The audit report required under (B) of this section must address the following: 1. The systems of internal control, and whether the recipient entity has effective control over, and proper accounting for, revenues, expenditures, assets, and liabilities; a 2. The systems established to ensure compliance with State statutes and regulations, and applicable financial assistance agreements, affecting the expenditure of State money, and whether the recipient entity has complied with those statutes, regulations, and agree- ments; 3. The recipient entity's financial transactions, financial statements, and accounts; whether those financial statements are presented fairly in accordance with generally accepted accounting Principles; and whether the financial statements contain reliable financial data presented in accordance with applicable financial assistance agreements. financial assistance, However, a Program evaluation May be conducted or requested by the State agency which entered entire operations of the recipient entity, or at the option of that entity, only the departments, agencies, or establishments of that entity which received, expended, or otherwise administered State financial assistance during the audit period. The State coordinating agency may consider a series of audits of a recipient entity's individual departments, agencies, or establishments for the same fiscal "year as a single audit. (H) of this section, - Unless additional audit requirements are imposed by State or federal law, a State agency that Provides financial State agency, the audit work must be based on the audit required by this section and be Paid for by the State section. That recipient entity shall also ensure that appropriate corrective action is taken within six months after a third Party's non-compliance with @an applicable State Statute or regulation, or financial assistance agreement, is disclosed, This section takes effect on August 1, 1985, for an entity subject to audit under (B) (1) of this section and whose This section takes effect on July 1, 1986, for an entity subject to audit under (B) (2) of this section and whose fiscal year ends on or after June 30, 1987, For purposes of this section, if an entity has not identified its fiscal year, that entity's fiscal year is July 1 through June 30. For purposes of this section, 1. "Audit periog" means: (a) for an annual audit under (B) (1) of this section, (b) for a biennial audit under (B) (2) of this section, the recipient entity's two consecutive fiscal years in which the entity entered into the (c) for an annual audit under (B) (2) of this section, entity entered into the financial assistance "Financial assistance" means State grants, contracts, Provider agreements, cooperative agreements, and all forms of State financial assistance to an entity, ang includes all forms of State’ financial assistance Provided through an entity to a third Party; "financial assistance" does not include Public assistance Provided under AS 47; nor does “financial assistance" include goods or services Purchased for the direct Authority: AS 37.05.020 . AS 37.05.0309 AS 37.05.1909 (4)