HomeMy WebLinkAboutTuluksak YSD Elect Inspection Field Data 1992 ZNO Dept Rede mr » Awe QPL C28 @F% Det Rete antes? »aor MM @ Gu5 Ar Z 22/42. le Je wk Ap /) DcLA Ee 422) Gout Cecp) YWeez @) CGeslse 65 es & ity term dow lek cae fea es7= Ny), bam A $e cy we/pe M39 /yQ inxpeX + plbde bp ES herom Prat Te, 402 Las i), 2 let ri 13, corgqa{ > ES ort 7 7 i Pest 203%! mm Bh / Pel Is2¥rn Gra badlen 764, yooks, S 57 LO /ie lag toe fac (5a $a keene 4 AAA rot comsceleh © psér pr AL oD D Por C/ é) Pose CS 7 Bem list we 22 %esrss , hoy eve sein z) A)Pew Dos pi Feost es7 . Comte nf AS-BUITS AND Coo t 42 ~SE/bo Ruy deots by liste g<2- a prot LAA DJ ReworstQe chaye, 3) i pA Cart & me? AS—RBuilts Can pL On, st rel pr -pserw BAS Bits Se Pp Yrnme vS vSen mt1s 4 COST APR 29 'S92 13:48 SOR DCRA ANCH P eS 518 P@2 TOUECT ~RopeeTy IN VENTORP Yupiit School District P.O. Box 100 Akiachak, Alaska 99551 (907) 825-4428 or 825-4127 RE CEIVE 0 April 21, 1992 APR 2 3 isyz Mr. Robert Shipley, BUBAL DEVEL ore ON, Energy Specialist STATE OF ALASKA Dept. of Community & Regional Affairs 333 W. 4th Avenue, Suite 220 Anchorage, AK 99501 RE: EN#2192104 Dear Mr. Shipley: Attached is a Property Inventory listing as required by the above referenced grant conditions. Also enclosed is the agreement with Copper Valley Construction Company to complete all the old projects that had deadlines attached. Copper Valley Construction did complete the projects and all within budget. There were no cost overruns. Mr. Dishman contacted the Alaska Energy Authority by telephone and an engineer will be in our district the first week of May to assess the completed projects. I believe that we have met all the requirements of the grant and will await the final reimbursement. Professionally, ; 7 ALE: weLhpap! LUCIENNE E. HARGER_‘ Business Manager LEH: Attachment HPR 29 ’92 13:48 PROPERTY INVENTORY SOA DCRA ANCH Yupiit School Distri ECM Grant No. EN2192104 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Wire XHHW 3/0 Black 1,200 Ft. _ CHDG 324NRK 200A 2Ee GE Breaker 3P125 1Ea. Conduit 2-In Therm 130 Ft. Caterpillar/KATO 75 KW Generator 1Ea. Caterpillar/KATO 75 KW Generator 1Ea. 5 KV UG Wire 21,000 Ft. Transformer 15 KVA 2400/4160 120/240 SEC Pole Mt. No Taps 12 Ea. Transformer MTG Brkt Triple 3- 50 KVAS, J6865/C212-0142 4 Ea. 2° Sch 40 Conduit 300 Ft. 518 P@3 SERIAL NO, N/A N/A N/A N/A 81234-2 81234-7 N/A — N/A — N/A — “4 N/A sapie 232-2 Vertical Clearance of Equipm Cases and Unguarded Rigid Live Parts Above Ground or Roadway Surfaces (Voltages are phase-to-ground for effectively grounded circuits and those other circuits where all ground faults are cleared by promptly de-energizing the faulted section, both initially and following subsequent breaker operations. See the definition section for voltages of other systems.) FT = Unguarded rigid Unguarded rigid live parts of over 750 V live parts of 0 to 750 V to 22 kV and Effectively and ungrounded cases ungrounded cases that grounded that contain equipment contain equipment equipment connected to circuits connected to circuits cases @) of not more than 750 V of over 750 V to 22 kV Nature of surface below: (ft) (ft) (ft) es] 1. Where rigid parts overhang: So a. Roads, streets, alleys; nonresidential driveways; parking lots and other areas subject to truck traffic @ 15.0 16.0 18.0 b. Residential driveways 15.0 16.0@ 18.0 c. Other land traversed by vehicles such as cultivated land, grazing land, forest, orchard, etc. 15.0 16.0 18.0 d. Spaces and ways subject to pedestrians or restricted traffic only © 11.0@ 12.0 ® 14.0 2. Where rigid parts are along and within the limits of highways or other road rights- of-way but do not overhang the roadway: a. Roads, streets, and alleys 15.0 16.0 18.0 b. Roads in rural districts where it is unlikely that vehicles will be crossing under the line 13.0 @ 140 @ 16.0 © This clearance may be reduced to the following values: encountered or not reasonably anticipated. (feet) © Spaces and ways subject to pedestrians or restricted I a. Insulated live parts limited to 300 V to traffic only are those areas where equestrians, vehicles, ground 12 or other mobile units, exceeding 8 ft in height, are |b. Insulated live parts limited to 150 V to ground prohibited by regulation or permanent terrain and drip loops of service drop conductors configurations or are otherwise not normally encountered limited to 150 V to ground and meeting or not reasonably anticipated. e Rules 230C2 or 230C3. 10 © The bottom of the housing of traffic control signals a © Where a supply line along a road is limited to 300 V to suspended over the traveled portion of the roadway shall be ground and is located relative to fences, ditches, embankments, etc, so that the ground under the line would not be expected to bé traveled except by pedestrians, this clearance may be reduced to 12 ft. | © This footnote not used in this edition. @ For the purpose of this rule, trucks are defined as any vehicle exceeding 8 ft in height. Areas not subject to truck traffic are areas where truck traffic is not normally not less than 15 ft nor more than 19 ft above the grade at the center of the roadway. @ Effectively grounded equipment cases such as fire alarm boxes, traffic control boxes, or meters may be mounted over a walkway at a lower level for accessibility provided such equipment does not unduly obstruct the walkway. Table 234-1 Clearance of Wires, Conductors, Cables, and Uung,uarded Rigid Live Parts Adjacent but Not Attached to Buildings and Other Installations Except Bridges (Voltages are phase to ground for effectively grounded circuits and those other circuits where all ground faults cleared by promptly de-energizing the faulted section, both inttlally and following subsequent breaker operatior See the definitions section for voltages of other systems.) Insulated communication conductors and cables; messengers; surge protection wires; grounded Unguarded rigid live parts, 0 to 760 V; non-insulated communication Supply cables over 760 V guys; neutral conductors; meeting Rules Unguar conductors meeting supply cables of 230C2 or 230C3; Open supply rigid | Rule 230E1; supply 0 to 760 V open supply conductors, part cables meeting meeting Rules conductors, over 760 V over TEL Rule 230C1 230C2 or 230C3 0 to 7650 V to 22 kV to 22 kV Clearance of (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1. Buildings a. Horizontal (1) To walls, projections and guarded windows 45@ 5.0 656 O©O® 75O@O@O@ 70 (2) To unguarded windows © 45 5.0 656 OO® 76 @@ 7.0 (3) To balconies and areas accessible to pedestrians @ 45 5.0 65® 756 O@ 7.0 b. Vertical (1) Over or under roofs or projections not accessible to pedestrians @ 3.0 3.6 10.6 12.6 12.0 (2) Over or under balconies and roofs accessible to pedestrians @ (3) Over roofs accessible to vehicles but not subject to truck traffic © (4) Over roofs accessible to truck traffic © . Signs, chimneys, billboards, radio and television antennas, tanks, and other installations not classified as buildings or bridges a. Horizontal © 3.0 b. Vertical over or under ® 3.0 ® Where building, sign, chimney, antenna, tank, or other installation does not require maintenance such as painting, washing, changing of sign letters, or other operations which would require persons to work or pass between supply con- ductors and structure, the clearance may be reduced by 2 ft. 7 @® Where available space will not permit this value, the clearance may be reduced by 2 ft provided the conductors, including splices and taps, have covering which provides sufficient dielectric to prevent a short circuit in case of momentary contact between the conductors and a grounded surface. @ A roof, balcony, or area Is considered accessible to pedestrians if the means of access is through a doorway, ramp, window, stairway, or permanently mounted ladder. A permanently mounted ladder ts not considered a means of access if its bottom rung Is 8 ft or more from the ground or other permanently installed accessible surface. pence einem ong Ane ronment cen 3.6 3.5 75O@@OD 7.0 8.0 7.5 @ The required clearances shall be to the closest ap- proach of motorized signs or moving portions of installa- tlons covered by Rule 234C. © This footnote not used in this edition. © For the purpose of this rule, trucks are defined as any vehicle exceeding 8 ft in height. @® This clearance may be reduced to 3 in for the grounded portions of guys. ® Windows not designed to open may have the clear- ances permitted for walls and projections. © This clearance shall be not less than 3.6 ft with the conductor or cable displaced by wind; see Rule 234C1b. @ This clearance shall be not less than 4.5 ft with the conductor displaced by wind; see Rule 234C1b. @ Where available space will not permit this value, the clearance may be reduced to 7.0 ft for conductors limited to 8.7 KV to ground. Yupiit School District Waste Heat System Suggested Report Parameters from Contract Scope of Work I. Background and Statement of Purpose A. _ Brief project history B. Brief work description and budget statement for Energy Conservation Measure #22 in DCRA grant, description of popper Valley Construction project synopsis, comparisons & contrasts, if any. C. Purpose of inspection 4 Il. Scope of Work Topics (A) Inspection of the waste heat system,and electrical intertie between — the two schools TO ~ (1) How well does it perform as an integrated operating system? Efficiencies, ‘/& etc in comparison with industry standards? Y (2) Materials selection: right materials for the job? Installation: done correctly for intended application? (B) Design Plan and Cost Estimate for Waste Heat System & Electrical Intertie (1) | How do design plans for each system compare/contrast with as-built — “~ ~ drawings? (a) are as-built drawings for intertie and waste heat system accurate? (| “ If not, how do they differ from the actual installation? (b) does the District have any initial cost estimate for the project, with pl P which the final project costs can be compared? why Lm tb ee (2) Property Inventory 54 S (a) are all major items on the list present and accounted for inthe — ve? 6 operating system? pat f (b) are there additional items that are in the operating system that 4 d should be included in the property list? D (c) what are the actual costs payed for major items in the property ~ mo \ ke inventory? q poor 6. | v (d) are these costs reasonable and customary? ~ ‘ A (e) based on a field review of the project, are the amounts of materials Apo listed in the property inventory reasonable for what was actually \p )° installed? (C) Total Project Cost \ (1) Including labor, materials, freight, etc., what were the total costs for Je this project? How do these costs compare to the budget that was established forECM 7 | #22? (2) Are total costs for this project reasonable and customary for the type of job that was done? YO AQprer"T (D) Photographic Documentation / (1) color photos and notations to be included in the final report. The Vupi't School =Desve;5ct Rece) 2p A CRA TROVE The Depaetyrst =7” Cerne nn ty Awd bala Afppres Oe be), o F é- Prrang mont embet paaseb ier rt! Amanemodt AS?Y to Up PAD fis— Diesel Goran ctnr AA Waste Alegt sysherr ww fr. “Te/eufsek Elemmntiry Schorh 4 wstHtl AW Chocleia! MAS ty Hr pigh Schook, Art parsing parry fe He Gr of Tululesnk - Fre Sape of ae IMClu pod eee Two fared Commyvs LTR 10, (20a, IWS ee Deesel gan-seh Aud assocuter sie Sata PLY HEB ert, AnD ane EClecteianl te he ft beth tre Hag Scho aro He City, The po fuel s pvirao hae ee ae cAT SH, 12S Gttlowr 5 13,000 541 Agrar far “as wits heat sys Mero 27), 125 Oller AAreD lay oparart, ne shag carta} pra plat “nv ee ase Dron 42 Mayr Schml aw City The Payect poyrmes by — Cappian Uddluy Carat Co Cons: STE 4 The fo Haepihg ay! oh é \) Keperra tHe ptwro Diared gen -seby Oar Hho toh S chook wo ttn Caterpillar 3304 l800 vpn dMesals ~ Ongecrer ratep aX IS Fy part paren. 4) UP qpundliing Ora Waste Heat Roger Aw Coal jay sySOGm AT The. Hrofh Scho Pree plrt— Stee AK City tren neh fea te He Sebo Power Plat RR Crty istihes ead to spoke Its Pow plat, | TIX elecbilecS ic CUPP GO slo k Purrer Pp Usk Wo 2Stinaten tr ho pect 4Sh of KL > Bstrmateo" Getpet iS ts, ORigwal Scope 4 &w ce ) Hew 1s Bn waste heat Aveiteble. than ov Genadby, Rist matey And & Ime aweroll freR, saving Aeghsad / LE 2) Rewir» Cvec'® plano pro CO acter fe wanek par fou mao 1 Ueland ea Aa ~ belt D Rk 9p AAD 7, anal aim niall nsen, Deke ninr2 Pret. prope ort Ung Rernrguible aw Il, Seope % Lowele Japres A) Erg pechoon off FH Lust, AT ay stir 4d CLeTn at ~~ jate, hié beter Pre tivo Sclah T2334 PC Cate piiye Dierskidrgdes aOaa wStlao ak tre High Sched Powe, pUnK on LD Kate 1308 ypr brughlen Gerenrcter , A 2Heof yWeokv Direck bury ele Rico pb conned wan Instr/lep por On Hist Sehood to “Gee E Cana Say & chroot Complete wit SGp--p aw stp-dan Tint. of CFS Ste uwusrt mm ordory/ Tu. 22, /5¢2, Vant #e Wwe on Arr caery ig A loan 7 Abr 20 Kd) watifn 2S Ames on ehQ Cher pkuoo. The Elman Scho wo Races its power Crom TRA Hak Scher 2 pow puck ao th chin) incor ~ppewerp fo ha forncTuanras, propaty, Ae wate het sy SO~ who previo: heat To “th Hien Chok | Gna by stan neoos to here sree mbites «aphto Benne aah heat piping System ded are VIM For The Wotlltion fe Derek Dyess pro 2bected Urfayeta Ap peer b here hen wstlean jw *”% Profernona| Aen U9 105 aap propy ae wren o& Ge the poos fhe step-up Ano Stp-danr Cans fer reg ot ote Ch the scha2 ar Choma ary Codon 2! Ap pese to be foo Jan foe Grok ao shrtd be thrcho sopiit they em -F po reel Porth. Sond), +) - BY) Desdn Pla ann lost Fahmy NS pe eol i \ ber were Avbmitey fe OF Lee [Heentt, “Sh 7 ples Cad + built dane oes Geant dah ign of OS syst 2 ‘Ay Ini ftiel lest ast) wate Lon CuCe wks Krost eer bee for ths pry TAR cost on WAP popdTap ly wi PRA "ORR + henntinn eaunereee Arn oun, The Vepit schook dis taick pProiheap 4 Property INutrtoe ¥ lisq-| [tp | eRe Faengy Avtho tty Par: > Oe ert vist, IT appeses FreT some player One pot mm hist Avr Sore F COR (Br wth list ray hare besn frome AflersF precisa. Cvec Daw Dap Cop ier via Zr vol coy fom BCfenn~ And Dehmbw~ Ele tee on Costs ASSOCUFRS with the eleMire2 ,rZa, he. Thee appear ‘do k2 Some 1Tn on “TRL wveicon =a e Weve hen fam Anotte proet (5), Mo cosh fr Os S304 Ctevpllue enescer oR waste heat marteuls por Proridey, C) Tl Prgech fost + of ths Lonel reo prneck uta Lotta ot 4125), sv0 by “Ere A.thony Sop (AL Anachen 2estinete sheet), © - = he | 2 otprrtep fprogek cosT (ax CH On ignot Scope 7, Lice for Eom #2S AD WH |, eco ° CueEs- -reprten to fre Soy Avthen ity ot Fein jane ,199% AeA Re Ptoest oS ar0 AB Abn #12s, 200 » LE Appearrn ChaA Chay Cost te Iw Nas th the) wark. prgr—20, a) | he ebaalle prrfrrss by CVCC on Tho Proeed appeary to Covfrer wy th Gord wfekwrr shop prurctr do, 4) LEVEE Sted Prwin® fe HAR Yepiit sce pistich 40 1 Torrryed eo BAe! lust fae Phe mayer Gp of Che pop 5S) CveC Stree Ranwe2 Pre Cre sforreA ax— So CK iba tobe be tren Amt pord, Corn A TA S22 muyes Re ve © ie fies) e SS ppt 46, S20 For ped rt £ Ne No baby e. ts [ie = {So [ls murs — Mey # lemos esc l/ype~ %, 0 20 Dy s pardiam fr 2@cvec CPC py = 6,00 Fret \ 1 $= cx TeaveR% 4 tune 00/2 420008 Logue mits: 1) Gian’ Beto % 22, cco =) Hit [Ef rtiny shane ay 12,000 ibyhon 3) 2S hg 3, Sb 4) ? lasek Lrererementiey ~ 4200 Prey Plant Colina |wAase Meet Sy shor 3&, S00 Later 2 427, soo Par Den ¢G, 200 Fer 3 * S000 TRaved | 4 toce mites | 2 36, SPO | 2rq'5.@ (Sp 1,560 Ove, hewn e Ith Pep t(o 2o7o ~e [5,950 21,00 | 4/25, SOO RE: TULUKSAK HORK TO BE ACCOMPLISHED ‘The Tuluksak High School was being served by two (2) “60 “KW 3 phase John Deere powered generators, both of which were reading high time . The Elementary School was served by one (1) 50 KW single phase GM powered generator with no standby backup. There was no interconnection existing between the schools. After reviewing peak demand records for both schools, it was apparent that the average high peak demand reached 63 KW; therefore a 75 KW generator was determined adequate to supply both schools. A cost analysis of available options showed that up-sizing the High School generators and providing an inter- connect between schools would provide the most cost effective system within available funds. BRIEF SYNOPSIS. OF THE WORK ACCOMPLISHED IS AS FOLLOWS: poor 4 . The John Deere 70 horsepower engines which powered op hikie generators at the High School were replaced with pust\ — 116 HP Caterpillar 3304’s providing 75 KW prime power with peaking capacity of 90 KW. Ane underground inter-connect was installed, 1D pel ineluding transformers and fused disconnects. gt AI. A new main distribution panel was installed at the yen m4 elementary school which included load bakencing and checking of wiring within the elementary school generator room. 4. The waste heat recovery system at the high school was cleaned and flushed with some parts being replaced XK to provide a functional and efficient operation. Sfp WD 4 DRTALLED DESCRIPTION OF AGH OPERATION 15. As BOLLGH: 1. GENSRATOR REPOWER Caterpillar 3304 PC engines rated at 115 peak horsepower were installed» ion Kato.1800-RPM brushless generators. After an initial run-in period both plants were tested for up to four (4) hours at 90 KW demand. Both plants maintained RPM, and cycles, with no noticeable rise in generator temperature. In accordance with manufacturer specifications all systems were monitored and checked for torque at 250 and 500 how : Both plants are ¢ functioning properly. pu rues (BO) whey pt cost ZA, 2. INTERCONNECT << 600% one : As shown on the One Line Diagram a direct-bury interconnect was installed between the high school and the "elementary school, Included is a Pole Mount 15 KVA Transformer at each end with fused disconnects. The buried cable is 6 KY cu'l 6824-B airport lighting cable. The cable route is marked with REA specification buried cable markers in accordance with REA specifications for underground cable marking. Materials purchased for the project are shown on the enclosed invoices from Potelcom and Debenham coepey wy hows . (do mela { tesi_ *% /0000— 3.MAIN_ DISTRIBUTION PANEL : ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A new MDP was placed in the old elementary generator room to replace the existing load center. As part of that effort, each circuit was checked for maximum loading and the load was balanced to comply with NEC regulations. New breakers Were installed and. tested. Aw Hoes GO) mAG wt cost 45, Sd0 — 4. WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM. The existing waste heat recovery system in the high school was tested and found deficient in several areas including: .a. Inadequate circulation of glycol from the generator module to the school, ‘Me Saett Pu 7p b. Various sensor and control problems: . 1. Fused wiring in main control penel Gonahleo" & [laws - tohat 19 Your est ow cost & matey Gar te DWAste arf cay syste uo le Oum WW Mew ce pup (Bgosy perative low water alarms. ng Sow Sire 3. inoperative return water temperature sensor 0 aa gra4rs 4. Improperly adjusted valving 6. Inoperative thermostats. 50°° 24: ec. Water flow restricted’ by scale. ~ : ci eee ford d. Dirty radiators in overheat system. /1t e. Worn pumps. ( [90 Cael pte Aed A Gitte fre 4¢O All of the above problems were corrected by replacing inoperative parts or cleaning and adjusting the remaining pieces. 5. TOTAL SYSTEM The total system was tested and brought to a fully - functional status. Kiar) 4 oop a NN? | ay yee 4b, 2 So “TatA DAYs tn fiz (A SO Fielel Dayd Z peep KF ber ymek & be mob Days 7 ST retes sie 2 2° sz0 ib coor s-S000? ee “LPR cesT ae 15: 2 Ay Pew ivy Cqep aK @ 5 HO X USdlps a 42 520 Ary atts inf rata be appecertey — Mort plore LL 686-3937 HE St 7 FR bee © YO We] ure 44 wb eo TS [ye Pry 30 vise Hope VU soTAreg uot#e3Ig —— Pay C 1991-1992 ONE LINE DIAGRAM TULUKSAK HIGH SCHOOL GRADE SCHOOL INTERCONNECT 2.4/4.16KV SKVA 435 KW Generators f r 4#6 SKV Cable X 75) f 120/208 KVA 200 Amp Disconnect Grade School yr onl CIRCUIT RIDER yo 0624 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY )) abe 2° CONDITION REPORT DIESEL GENERATOR SET po volt pn G-¥L site_ “Jul ves ak WORK ORDER # Date Q [22 6 y Requested By Sc /ren/ DisT Inspector A B ~ Utility Name #! <q a 2 Gen Set Rating Engine Model voltage 2? 75a /GFACEve — Generator Model \GOO rT pr om Gow. Phase <I 22x, Hour Meter w Y16 [440° 20-277 apo" Visual Damage: : Ld 45 bes £6.25 kv, | 29[ 240 Vv Utility AEA Corrected Contacted |Contacted} On Site ISUAL CHECKS 4 Radiator Core 2 rie ateaguaae | ee tei Loe ema ae a ne tas | oh | el ek ee a 2D PT iteonevet Sd Vane Coveruesng | ge | ar Cleaner rousing Bflement_| _——_] Z, exnast Mantes a epee a ee a a Fe = PT sereyy cables = § ? AINE ; HH : : HT #C EXPLAIN DEFECT 7 OPERATES Utility AEA Corrected ee LO Ie ee Fs Cece ee eget ae Sleeiaetas De eee eee eee Te Temes Te emerraremee Toe [Outeaks POEL Ura Cerne LEE a TT) Pier peer reer a eee eee ee eee Cee OU LeU a TL ineeroneemcnge CLL lagee Ret LLL TT) eeeanaeaweme RT ae te eI eet eee [Unusual Nowses (Try toidentify) | A? fetta ee i? allege Opucunovas Tee eer Te PS Governor Operating control | =] oray) _[NotSaustactoy( ) 2h at eC ee es CS SS Pree ea eee Se rere errr e eee eee eee ee ete eee eR Per Cee CC LL A.C. GENERATOR ee Contacted|Contacted| On Site ee ee TE Fan Guards iinet cmcaeeareen TT NTL Me EL eee oe “Gakeeies a ie te ee ported eivieg 1 Mire lose) panty) OM) See ae ee [Regulator okay) Wot Satsfoctoy ee es oe PE ieee Wetraewee ee TT oc ie ee ee eae EE: WEEEENS HET iste apr tet ie Pe ELLE LL OPERATES Utility AEA Corrected foremarmacneas an | | exmainperecrcomactes pee eevee ee ee ee A Teena vom Le ee eee ee ee vom ee eee ee Se 2) TG PUTT Per Cee ee eae! eee ee eee ee eee ee ae Pocranevanocontaors | ae | | _EXPAINDEFECT I conacta| comacies orcs Gage YR hn re — pe ee oe Best Tr ect gee eee ee ea eee eae P_vorMeter Peete eee etic Ca LL Lei Thames TD Pee a a eee Te nis Oil By-Pass Switch y taf «4 WMD ese WEE at wt ae |e) ahem Na eee ere Pr cede Ren a ieee Tree ey, Lt lV —orasesunch Cd dd —aarmignsdydY_d CCC ls ncscopes—C*dSC Cd dSOCOSOOOOTTSCSCCCCCCCCCTCTCSP a SS ES T—raralleling Toe | ape) |Manual’) Notequpped() TTeadsnarng facto pp [Marval ) ~Faralieling performance | okay) | Notsansfactoy() —noortoas Sst OC eC Came LLC TS EE [Doubletrrowswacn it TdT TTT T—~soarerues—sd—SCidL_ dT | TT ee a ES a eT TL A ES ES TT NL TRY Ee CN: NT: NE ee eee r sareTYSHUTOOWN [Sree] | comactesfcomasies| One High Water Temperature a fps ef | a Tow opresuresdtssss~=*dESC“ NG Do 7 ao a SE CE ES: a Send dL Okay( ) | Not Satistactory(_) a rr el eel a ee PC Utility AEA Corrected Contacted |Contacted} On Site VISUALLY EXHAUST SYSTEM APPEARS O.K. PD I ein gene ied Pexnaustfles PE Es a Siencerseaure dT PV PT ZS g A DAY TANK SYSTEM Fill Pump and Motor — LE SAY AeA A SS ae FT —— Semoe| os —_ OPERATING VENTILATION SYSTEM CHECKS O.K. EXPLAIN DEFECT Utility AEA Corrected Contacted |Contacted} On Site Fresh Air intake Hot Air Discharge Louvers and Hoods Motor Operators Thermostates By-Pass Dampers Rg Y I Performance ee | WASTE HEAT SYSTEM a TT [—“soosterpumpss—~—‘“‘cV OOO [—“Heattachange dC TC caiman Dg ed FO] Peete MD a ef lt eT a Nl T Performance ef Okay(_)__Not Satistactory(_) TOUT Fe gee cncrnceltlh mene atone =| ree Lg cn ed cl aN IN hi ae rine Ie mh me a pecs Ne a Pena atge i teed en I rc ee ae ep ent nce oa ae eel pee paereeme Oe De area neo Bak a Pee aeemeene TR ea ae per commer pm Te meee Pc Rainy Chara AN ines TCleaniness Sa ae eee cetera il neta cl ret DISCUSS ANY ITEMS NOT FULLY COVERED, AND YOUR COMMENTS REGUARDING THIS UNIT I ECO NN a AEA CR 1090-1 FROM: Stassel, Steven TO: Vaughn, Lisa DATE: 10/14/92 TIME: 9:54 AM cc: Stassel, Steven Woodell, Pat SUBJECT: YUPIIT SCHOOL DISTRICT WASTE HEAT REVIEW PRIORITY: ATTACHMENTS: The $2835 is the management budget figure put together to do the work. The $3,500 is the agreed to Not To Exceed amount for the work between the YSD and AEA. AEA's invoice to YSD should be not greater than the $3500 amount. After completion of the Invoice, I will have the budget amended at closeout FORWARDED FROM: Stassel, Steven FROM: Sinha, Amit TO: Stassel, Steven DATE: 10/13/92 TIME: 9:50 AM cc: Vaughn, Lisa SUBJECT: YUPIIT SCHOOL DISTRICT WASTE HEAT REVIEW PRIORITY: ATTACHMENTS : May be you can help Lisa. I am not involved in this project. FORWARDED FROM: Sinha, Amit FROM: Vaughn, Lisa TO: Sinha, Amit DATE: 10/13/92 TIME: 9:46 AM cc: Vaughn, Lisa SUBJECT: YUPIIT SCHOOL DISTRICT WASTE HEAT REVIEW PRIORITY: ATTACHMENTS: I HAVE BEEN ASKED TO PREPARE AN INVOICE FOR BILLING ON THIS PROJECT. HOWEVER, I HAVE A QUESTION, THAT PERHAPS YOU CAN HELP ME WITH. ACCORDING TO THE MANAGEMENT BUDGET WE HAVE A BUDGET OF $2,835.00. BUT, ACCORDING TO THE CONTRACT, WE CAN BILL THEM FOR UP TO $3,500. IS THERE ANY PAARTICULAR REASON FOR THE $665.00 DIFFERENCE? THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!! STATE OF ALASKA EC/PL INSPECTION REPORT PAGE OF REPORT NUMBER DEPARTMENT OF LABOR - MECHANICAL INSPECTION P.O. Box 107020 3301 Eagle Street, Suite 301 Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7020 (907) 264-2447 CONTRACTOR NAME CONTRACTOR MAILING ADDRESS CONTRACTOR CITY STATE ZIP JOB / LOCATION ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION CITY electrical temporary service rough-in final partial Cl -G0 363 Compliance Card underground rgugh-in final gas alteration residential 77 commercial addition O Cease & Desist # NN oO Warning Tag # item code # reference abatement date NAME AND TITLE TO WHOM REQUIREMENTS WERE EXPLAINED 4 € Le) EC ieCwina) Feeder gad ) Jee (ied NAME OF PERSON CONTACTED ON 1d Ae o L4 Lie L SIGNATURE OF INSPECTOR , Alaska faw requires that satisfactory arrangements be made to correct the oireet HL above violation(s) prior to the applicable abatement date(s). _ SEP-30-82 WED 9:13 D.O.L, L S&S Dir. OFF, FAX NO. 9072694915 P. 02 STATE OF ALASKA EC/PL INSPECTION REPORT PAGE OF REPORT NUMBER DEPARTMENT OF LABOR - MECHANICAL INSPECTION P.O. Box 107020 3301 Eagle Street, Suite 301 Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7026 (907) 264-2447 CONTRACTOR NAME CONTRACTOR MAILING ADDRESS SeNTSscTOn CITY STATE ZIP Ce pee Us CLE Cost’, Co. Ke. how 2&7 re JOB / LOCATION ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION CITY TUL U SAIC Tb HS Egle a SO (foe LULU KSA ie construclion electrical plumbing O Compliance Card new =e temporary ______| underground > {alteration Peer service ___| rough-in aan O Cease & Desist # residential pies rough-in final oe i ‘ commercial final ve gas —— 1 Warning Tag # addition _____| partial Zw item code abatement acty # reference VIOLATIONS | date code f Z REVAL (a oT $ext 7 ieeuded ¢ LOWOED _of | 44 NE S¢ lDrrce Ht 1S Cela pon GLb) axfor 3 DEVE AL AREAS pore f -VORD LE VEC itstT CE an an fic f TED ror pt COP LS TO AEN eee ‘aa CANOE L . NAME AND TITLE TO WHOM REQUIREMENTS WERE EXPLAINED Hele Eewerma (Gece) Toe - tar NAME OF PERSON CONTACTED ON PR JECT : = SAULE Ataska law requires that satisfactory arrangements be made to correct the above violation(s) prior to the applicable abatement date(s). ireét Inquiries to: } tH —— ——-—- _ — PAGE L — 7h) ‘| CONTRACTOR Yu SUBCONTRACTOR ADDRESS: P.O, BOX 165 GLENNALLEN, AK 99588 \a : i EL 82209252 -—_—1* . COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONTRACTOR LIC # AA363 7 5 —_ ; fa ° , PROJECT/CONTRACT H: 91-13 ANT 125755. 8/15/91-9/30/91 10 to Ht BRIBE fff ep OS A REM“ r3| \ EMPLOYEE NARE No ST SUN NON TUE WED) THU FRI SAT HOURLY TOT ANT GROSS ANT tal 7 ADDRESS W/H WORK PC 2826728298 LCTOTAL «PAY FRINGE THIS PROJ FICA/ STATE TAX MISC DEON 15) 2 S51 SER EE }-HAHHRS BER H HPRS EBH R Hi {SEEE HO EP} "5 A 18 19) 5 20] 6 rs rT) ; — aaceeesuecens 22 7 ALLEN, DANIEL € 6 NON-TRADE ° 4 4.00 26,1000 1e4.ae SEP 11 1991 9 a ASHER EHH HEE RB HS PPP - eens) recency $85 - — es ‘o COPPER CENTER, AK 99573 PU OP GP I AL6OL s 8.00 7.50 8.08 23.50 24,4700 575.05 Wage & Hour Admin. 26 +4 57-36-9259 | ALLENDANIEL *** OVERTIME TOTALS *** ° 4.08 2.00 3.08 9.00 ~ 287.93 Anchorage Office | —trtees en —fttebe————— SHAE Bg et gt 2486 S25 4b 4 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEOUCTIONS 198.50 862.98 143.75 70.27 1c 188.58- 41.95 902.87 3 . * 944.82 16.43 2 — — ee 3 * FLETCHER, CHARLES & 6 NON-TRADE ° a 2.00 26.1008 52.20 34] : OW RIVER/NXT LMORY/PO BOX 1 NON-TRADE $ 2.06 2.00 17.4008 34.88 | x HER ABEEB AE REE EES ER tH oo 4 ve 383-498-9089 | FLETCHERCHA PU OP GP I AL6OL 5 5.00 5.08 8.06 22.00 24.4700 3e Caucasian | Male ++ OVERTIME TOTALS *** ° 2.8 2.08 3.08 1.00 391 =| <= SH HH hae - ——_-—_——--— __th4tn “4 : TOTAL EARMINGS & DEDUCTIONS 325.00 388.85 110.51 ESC 8.91 Lc 325.00- 209.11 1248.23 aa} ¥ — | « Tires 25.84 «3 33] al aa] — - — ee — ——— a 7 HJAR, JUHL B 1 NON-TRADE ° ie 3.00 37.5008 112.50 ae] al BOK B/2OO8 (ELSINORE RD APT3B NON-TRADE 5 1.08 ee 25.00 47] = iH $6 2} EEE ht SHH +4574 — — ra se 329-308-3811 / KIARJUKL ELEC/LINAN AQ7O4 s 7.00 8 8.00 8.00 31.00 26.1068 809.10 50} ce Caucasian | Male *** OVERTIME TOTALS *** ° 3.00 2.08 3.88 8.08 308.25 7} # iced ra — HH RE ete -- 43ttt — $$$ tif ne 7 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEOUCTIONS 372.81 1142.35 $19.80 123.88 ESC 9.99 Le 372.81- 309.89 1315.37 sa “2 ‘Tren 28.97 ss se al — — ~ —_ — = ~ —_ ~~ ~ ~ 57] aa SWITH, ROGER } NON- TRADE ° 3.08 3.00 37.5008 112.50 joel a 328 E. EAGLE NON-TRADE s 10 1.08 25.0008 25.00 s°) gh SIRE B88 SEE EE —— RA Rr 7 496-465-8065 / SMITHROGER ELEC/LINMN ROTO s 7.00 8.00 8.08 25.00 26.1000 500.38 ool Caucasien | hale ++ OVERTIME TOTALS *** 0 soe 2.08 ee ae 308.25 ee SABC —— es so TOTAL EARNINGS & DEOUCTIONS 372,81 933.55 $92.61 123.88 ESC 9.99 Te 372.81- 322.64 1302.56 len + ere T 28.91 |er ss) jee ~ i SSE eave rn ee - - ——— —__5 3 70 7" sa ee _ 72] Po Se — eee es eee NN T37} se o 74) . 75| s _ . 79) CAROL FERGUSON WAGE & HOUR TECHNICIAN STATE OF ALASKA 3301 EAGLE STREET, SUITE 301 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR P.O. BOX 107021 WAGE & HOUR ADMINISTRATION ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99510-7021 FAX: (907) 269-4915 PHONE: (907) 269-4900 EEE FEOF Fr ERP REESE AEE 90S BBE Pte 4 TF 3 o-4. DAY AND DATE [ene] 2 : 5-54 8} HE iH SE nt J °C 6 26 2 a fa " u TOTAL PAY FRINGE THIS PROJECT . 7 Oh [-------2222eceeeeee HOURS WORKED EACH DAY ---==--2--202--0>- } HOURS RATE. BENEFITS *ALL PROJECTS 7 7 a | a to \, 5U8J08 © TOTALS BY CLASS AND RATE ha rep 3] vy NON- TRADE 14 lel o 6.00 6.00 26.1008 156.66 7 16 is + oo Ht fe 7 Iva s 2 2.08 17.4008 34.88 18) a s 2 2.00 2s so. 19) LECH HEE 20 vel 2) o oe 16.08 39.1508 391.50 22] ‘ 1400 16.08 8.08 54.08 26.1000 1409.40 ea as 4 EGP eo 25] ool 0 4 6.08 18.08 36.7050 367.06 = 26) oy s 16.08 15,58 16.08 45.50 24.4700 1113.40 a a af 7 a sal 5U8J08 0 TOTALS a : {32 as) =I 2 ot 12.08 8.08 12.08 32.08 11016 . a” st 32.00 31.58 32.08 8.08 193.58 2,607.60 ai pal tS SEHR TEENS HH ~ 5 " 20 ees eect teehee ee cab ce lems dee teehccadelagdebseecdasnesnpeancdolssmdebscnelssesslannshannntennaebansttarrdzaousbesnsedaenashaashdesnal y on s a ay - 42] 4 >| laa a4 - 7) 4a) 1) - a ~ 7 a5) as} ac | 36} as] sz] a9] 38} 7 s1 so] ol =2] lao : 9 es s-4 ss 42] se al | 44) o so) as} so 46 | - _ 7] ev a> laa lea 40] laa a0] cl sO] ee} 67 ss leo in| 7. I a ~ - 7). [7 1) rn a 70 171) na +2 ss] 7 _ 7 a 73 nl va 7 | ee aa . bs) ‘ HE Es 8 Ha ed Sd DL — ~ Pao: 3 _ sy ; ececeecsecsssenececceesseesssseseesteressess? seaesseeenstesseesee. anecnecescecesscescaecseseessensnscsstesszssessgeeesnnscssssezssecasessssssiesecse |} , - 4. DAY AND DATE: =----2--25-02=- - 6] [eres Te --e] il 5 S$ — on te ne $4 DUEL YE M6 8.0.5 AN OU | . Pe 6 2b a 3 a ie a Vorat PAY FRINGE THIS PROJECT 6 * OA [------------- 22-2 HOURS WORKED FACH DAY --------~ ceceeee] HOURS RATE «BENEFITS «ALL PROJECTS. 7| A . ‘ . JOB 91-13 TOTALS BY CLASS AND RATE 0 10} — sas ~ a oo aa “hha a NON- TRADE 14 12 5.08 26.1008 156.66 ° a v ttt Tot tet rl va s 2.08 17.a0ee uM. rl a s 20 50.00 “ ‘a EEE HI REE — : 17] 0 ee 5.08 39.1908 391.56 18) s 14.06 16.00 16.00 26.1008 1,409.40 jel PHB EP et ot i ° 4 8.88 16.00 36.7058 367.06 . et s 14.8 15.50 16.00 45.50 24.4708 1,113.40 22, _ a | Ww) JOB 91-13 TOTALS a a] _ , ot 12.06 5.00 12. 32.00 yal st 32.00 31.508 2. 8.08 103.58 ss 1" <- ———_-—"4 an} 20 ; %0 a 3 a es KEY 10 MISC DEDUCTIONS aa] a9 a9] ba REESE EP FTES ERE HE RI ESR HE SI ESE EE 4 se wee ce eeeeceeceeeeee tee tee eec eee eees eee coe ceeeeeeeeeseeeee cee ce eeeec eee cec ee nee cree es eens ee ee cee ceeeecececeeeeee tee ceeeeeee noes esos + -- ae! * Le CERTIFIED FRINGE "I 37] as sal Wo code = Requiar Employee Deduction, which decreases employee earnings. | 40 “c" = Negative Employee Deduction, which increases employee earnings and is included in Fringe Benefit Total. This is usually used for cash in liew of benefits. inl te tetnborsed-taptoyer-tetuction-tmetited tr tring tenetit-totat 7 — —— —— ——= Pi "bh" = tmployer Paid Deduction included in Fringe Benefit Total. Ooes not aftect employee earnings. aa] "+". Employer Paid Deduction. Does not affect employee earnings or Fringe Benefit Total. RECEIVED * ey 5 - ; Is 7) inn 7 SEP 11 1991 - 46) ons a ae a Sin ni ——— Wage & Hour Admin. _ er 47] Anchorage Office es 40) lea] jac, — : a el so) ee 67 51 : ia i Annee tn anette ee —_—_____—_—_—_3 53} 70} Dy elon 72] iss a - : nd ne 7A | + a a a 7 ee pe ; Date have been or vill be made to appropriate programs for the benefit of such 7 Coe cee Perce TLE ——aployers-except oe noted-in section dt e} bebe “ Oe “ ; \. Denott Evans. “a daca eee ; (Name otf signatory party) Title) (bd) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID IN CASH : do hereby state: & ach laborer or mechanic listed in the above referenced payroll has been . paid, as indicated on the payroll, an amount not less than the sum of the ia rol t + 13 We Ae ey benefits as Listed in the contract, except as noted in Section 4(c) belou. 1a \"" 1s] > PSI @a th Aulnke sa nae "s feuding or verry ———ttontractor-or- subcontractert 7 that during the payroll period commencing on the tS i day Plaga st 19 QJ. and ending the BL day of August gf. >>| iJ all persons eMployed on said Project have been paid the full veekly uages ened, that no rebates ba ia ——heve-been-orit + + ty-te-or tn behest 5al 20) 26 7 CO, trom the ful a zal; ne cere eee |29] i veebly vages earned by any person and that no deductions have been made either directly or indirectly 0) il from the full wages earned by that person, other than permissible deductions as defined in ed os > . . ; amended (48 Stat. 948, 63 Stat. 108, 72 Stat. 967; 76 Stat. 357; 40 U.S.C. 276c), and described a0 | a “4 ” a aterm SO pu L ERERAD vs a tt hatin peyretis otherwise umter this -contract-reqrired tebe strbettted tortie oboe period are correct and complete; that the vage rates for laborers or mechanics contained therein are not less than the applicable wage rates contained in any wage determination incorporated into the vs ——<rontract: thet the ciasettications-set-torththerein for-each-toborer-ormechsnte—contorm-etth-the— eI Jf vorh he pertormed sal ss 12] I I se P= t+ thet-ony-opprenticeseaptoyed-in-the shove-pertod-aretnty registered tne bone tide — ce a apprenticeship program registered with a State apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau of sal ty Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor, or if no such recognized agency Ca i exists ins States are-renistered-with- the fires of toprenticeshtp-omt training, tntted st rtes———— lar i Department of Labor. 62] 63) sal 64] el — ot thats ————_———— — —— aa (a) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAIO TO APPROVED PLANS, FUNDS, OR PROGRAMS 5 ea so} i { ]--Im addition to the basic hourly vage rates paid to each Laborer or mechanic listed in The villtul falsification of anyfot the above statenent@aay subject the contractor | 70] i the above referenced payroll, payments of fringe benefits as listed in the contract | or subcontractor to civil or criminal prosecbtion. See section 1001 of Title 18 | 1 ~ oe a ait ie at te tt the dni ted Ste tes def} cocsseneneeeeeesneecneesnneenesensnnenscencnneeceessnecseessaenscnesesnnnanenmsennanene 7 q CERTIFIED PAYROLL PREET—T Py 3 CONTRACTOR 6 or SUBCONTRACTOR AODRESS: P.O, BOX 165 GLENNALLEN, AK 99588 M4 la TEL YOT=B27=3TST 3 5 RACTOR LIC # AA363 ° i) 8 7 ° e Ho} ° en seneecceessecseneseeanaesanee: eaceauesenccnsessscccersensessenee # fro T2-IT-- -) oT T--= == 0. DAY AND DATE —TT8. Te TT SF RTT HIMTINNT TATE NE ATATITE TT 3) ny EWPLOYEE NAME No. ST SUN NOM TUE WED THU FRI SAT HOURLY TOT ANT GROSS ANT tel 2] ADDRESS W/H WORK poo 9h AL A213 AK TOTAL PAY. FRINGE THIS PROJ FICA/ STATE TAX MISC DEON ie 3] SON | 10 | MINORITY | SEK UMP CLASSIFICATION wT = ee ee ee 17] nal Lids sclbecSdbunseuucsabesesknubandamenebilelnccacuonclecoc sdcabibel co cgtgciied slid Ue aghiiti Secu siasccknesnu hur ei MEE INCED MAW sna eutuibs MNCs i inghiace sis. .saccekciuibedeninen 18] v6] ‘SUBJOB ® 2" BeAr aac terrace aI 8) ALLEN, DANIEL E. 6 LNB GRP AL AL2OL MUS 1 1.00 20.0008 0 al 19) 15 OLD EDGERTON/HCOOBOX 345 PW OP GP T AioNt ° TW TATU Wt. 25} 20 COPPER CENTER, AK 99573 PW OP GP I ALGOL s 8.08 3.58 11.50 24,4700 —~ 281,42 ze las 57-36-9259 | ALLENDANIEL #8 OVERTINE TOTALS *** ° 2.00 2.00 13.41 al j22) Caucasian / Nale ** STRAIGHT TOTALS *** $ Te OT TE38 TTT | les TOTAL EARNINGS § DEDUCTIONS 303.79 374.83 406.76 127.44 Ye 383,79- 180.21 1491.55 *) lea * 1671.76 29.80 bes obs 617 3 l2e| FLETCHER, CHARLES R 6 PH OP GPT AléeD ° 2.0 2.00 96.7050 13.42 3 l2>| OW RIVER/HXT {HORT /PO BOX 1 = PH OP GP I ALGOL s 8.00 6.00 14.08 20478 342.58 i as] CROOKED CREEK, AK 99575 *FS QVERTINE TOTALS *** ° TH Ta THAT P| 20 383-48-9089 / FLETCHERCHA *** STRAIGHT TOTALS *** s 8.00 6.08 1 342.58 3 30} Caucasian | Kale TOTAL EARNINGS § DEDUCTIONS 377.00 416.00 461.45 125.02 ESC 10.08 Le 377.00- 248,79 1390.72 te, Ai Lax cs Sy TTT W.0 at 32) 4 33 SHITH, ROGER ELEC/LINNN AO704 ° 2.00 2.08 8.00 12.00 37.5758 450.90 a j34| 328 E. EAGLE ELECTUINNW AGT OR $ te 0 TET 5 TT TH | las PALMER, AK 99645 *** OVERTIME TOTALS *** ° 2.00 2.00 8.08 12.00 450.90 a [se 496-465-8065 / SHITHROGER *** STRAIGHT TOTALS *** s 8.00 8.08 16.00 at ls7| Caucasian | Wale TOTAL EARWIWES & DEDUCTIONS IT a 38 > _ 40] SUBJOB @ TOTALS BY CLASS AND RATE |: lar tall |S. 42 ELEC/LINKN AO704 55) 43) ° nw 80 12.00 37.5180 a4 s 80 16.00 25.0500 4s} LAB GRP IL A1201 6] 5 1.0 i. 0 Ti 47] PU OP GP I Al6O a0) 40 | 1 sa Isa] sal (ss! ne a f TT PROJECTS YUPTIT SUH OTST GENERATOR DOLE? “PREET zt 7 2 stensceenenessensaneseneeze snarsenceecescnsensetcssecseccsscsnensessanensenscoesasenscesesnssenscanessnetensze 2 3 = 4. DAY AND DATE ~ [-- 5. +) [- 6+] : 4 sT UW Won ‘TUE wey THT FR aT HOURTY TOT AAT GROSS RAO 5 5 PC 8 4 10 ul 12 13 4 TOTAL PAY FRINGE THIS PROJECT 6 6 -- HOURS WORKED EACH DAY HOURS RATE BENEFITS —*ALL PROJECTS 3 5 ° e 10} 1 el 12 | 10 eee 3) " ELEC/LINMN AGTO4 = 12] o 2.00 7.00 8.00 12.00 37.5756 450.90 16 13] $ Tw TOO 75 5T TT 17] 14 LAB GRP I AL2@1 18} 15 $ 1 1.00 20000 AL sol 16] PU OF OPT ATeaT 21 17 9 2.060 4.00 36.7050 146.83 22| 1a s 9.50 25.50 24.4700 624, al v9] 25} 120] ae 26} ler 308 91-13 TOTALS ea | __w eo “| 23} ot 4 2.00 10.08 16.00 $97.73 loa st 20.00 18.58 (2.50 1,044.80 sal las 26) |27) ize! |29| KEY TO MISC DEDUCTIONS |30} 31 NUN DESCRIPTION WOW DESCRIPTION WU DESCRIPTION 32] mee aerneeeenennwnne ane ceenanenacecneee 33) te CERTIFIED FRINGE |34] sie Pak {35} Wo code = Requiar Employee Deduction, which decreases employee earnings. “ |36| "c" = Negative Employee Deduction, vhich increases employee earnings and is included in Fringe Benefit Total. This is usually used for cash in liew of benefits. a [37] Oh Relmbursed Employee Deduction Included In Fringe Benetit Total. a ise “b" = Employer Paid Deduction included in Fringe Benefit Total. Does not affect employee earnings. [39] “** = Employer Paid Deduction. Does not affect employee earnings or Fringe Benefit Total. * lao) 53) las sa] ss a2 sel laa} 7] aal se so) jas) : i 4 te eo) a6] lev a7] : le2 les} 48) je) a9] les $0) hea \67| 81 leo! 2] Jeo] 3] 79) 71) sal 72 ss 73] se 7a a & : Pe 4 ?) 2 2 3 vate Fr et O: GL have been or will be made to appropriate programs for the benefit of such 3 4 employees except as noted in section (c} belov, s 5 ri » R he mM ee Js 6 6 (Name of sifmatory party) Tag ad (b) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PALO IN CASH 7 7 ° e do hereby state: JCS laborer or mechanic listed in the above referenced payroll has been 10) ° » paid, as indicated on the payroll, an amount not less than the sum of the ns rol (i) That 1 pay or supervise the payment of the persons employed by carrity VALLEY CUNSTRUGTION Gi, applicable basic hourly vage rate plus the amount of the required tringe in " benefits as listed in the contract, except as noted in Section 4(c) below. Ne t2 on the Lys {uksak Geuce abe 16 13) (Contractor or Subcontractor) uilding or vor Tey EXCEPTIONS 17] 14 18) ‘8 ; that during the payroll period commencing on the x 7 rr) 21 ” day Set. 19 GL. and ending the Lo dy of Sept 9, pa ‘9 all persons employed on said project have been paid the’ full weekly wages earned, that no rebates > 9) have been or will be made either directly or indirectly to or on behalf of said 25] 20] 26) a COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION CO., from the full al 2a] (Contractor or Subcontractor) 29) 23 veekly wages earned by any person and that no deductions have been made either directly or indirectly 2a from the full wages earned by that person, other than permissible deductions as defined in i 25 Regulations, Part 3 (29 CFR Subtitle A), issued by the Secretary of labor under the Copeland Act, a8 3: 26) amended (48 Stat. 948, 63 Stat. 108, 72 Stat. 967; 76 Stat. 957; 40.U.5.C. 276c), and described i 27] below: B 28) a 37 ] Wasaal + State 7 : - ted AK int Ge teat thos a ‘32 “4 a: oo ‘ 38 46} se 47) 7 (2) That any payrolls otherwise under this contract required to be subsitted for the above GI 38| period are correct and complete; that the wage rates for laborers or mechanics contained therein are 30 not less than the applicable wage rates contained in any wage determination incorporated into the ia |40| contract; that the classifications set forth therein for each Taborer or mechanic conform with the 53] lar vork he performed. 54 ‘a {3) That any apprentices employed in the above period are duly registered In & bona Tide 37 lad apprenticeship program registered vith a State apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau of Se) 45) Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor, or if no such recognized agency ee as| exists in a State, are registered with the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States le {47 Department of Labor. 62 +a oa aol Tay That: t es so] | es! js (a) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAIO 10 APPROVED PLANS, FUNDS, OR PROGRANS ( ea pa - =f 69] |s9| ( ]--In addition to the basic hourly wage rates paid to each laborer or mechanic listed in the villful falsification of any of the abSve stategMnts may subject the contractor | 70) || the above referenced payroll. payments of fringe benefits as listed in the contract | or subcontractor to civil or criminal prosecution. See section 1001 of Title 18 | rl |e) t 3 lee! - 74 ley 73 e : 79! t JOB: T1-15 € i Dektddehiey a v 1 GUERLAIN a ADDRESS: F.0, BUX 165 GLENNALLEN, ak S958 iy i TEL YOTEIT=TIST Th) 2 COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONTRACTOR LIC # AASES : a ¥ =3 WORRY FADING: FT oT FROTECT EUOCETION: OPTIT SUH OTST GENERATOR DOL’ > TOLUKSAR Ak 5 5 PROJECT LUNTRACT @: 90-15 AMD 125755. @/15/9)-9/ 30/91 7 7 eaeress Tore dae r TUT TAY ARD DATE = “=P T eed Tr AT T= Ey DEDUCTIONS, CONTRIBUTIONS AND PAYRENTS --J(-¥. -J ° iD EMPLOVEE NAHE No. 31 Suh HON TUE WED THU FRI SAE HOURLY TOT AMT GROSS AMT oI \e ADDRESS WH HORE PC 1S) té O47 B19 224 TOTAL. «PAY. -FRINGE TRIS PROJ FICA/ STATE TAX NISC DEDN a! ito 5 Th RTET TS THE TASS 7 THT THORS HOPPE EAT 7 TOOTS PTE PEMETT FAT PPT Par? R ars 7 9 my 3) nt « « - - een nee cerene cece: weecee danny heat . ve 12 ie rr SURIO 17] 7 igs fai 19] is ALLEN, DANIEL E. § €#8 ADIUSTNENTS eee 418 is) val LET PE TERT THE eT ET “He: 48 Stott THEI TT ob #706 a PrER LENT 3% * 1BS3.95 33.06 22! igi Pa CeaCseT aT Tete 251 oe 26| SUBJO® O TOTALS BY CLASS ANG RATE o | i: 31) (a as Sette TotRtS 5 lo? ADIUSTHENTS 418 al rt PESTO It 3: 2s 30 [31] at 32] : 133) fsa ss be » [37 a pe st 39} 5: 20 5 ” RECEIVEQ a aa OCT 01 1991 as 46) 47] 48] aa so} 51 52] s3| 4 ss se ERIPSTEL Fi Mltc FOR: COPPER SALLE® aren “ Fi gbi iit: i FUMED Ls BT SOF TOT TOE TH tT SHT ROORTS TOT aT GROSS ANOUAT FC 18 16 7 48 i 2 a TOTAi PAY FRINGE THIS PROJECT DA fonnon sere cen eeene~ HOURS WORKED EACH Gar : ! PALE BENEFITS tALL PROJECTS @Veulauns nos Ott . 17] 19] 20) j21 HOT DESCRIP TTT MON DEST RTE TT te CERTIFIED FRINGE l22| l23| \24] Eaplovee Dedur trun Meqeli-e Ewplovee Deduction, wax! FS l26 l27 iat 32] Bee seats a3] 44 jas) a6] 47] | 40} 51) 52] sis ws x ccreasce emplure earnings. rings and is rectaded am tringe Kenelit total. Oh PETRUS TEMP TOES MENU TT I Te TMT IPT INTE BENET TE TET Employer Paid Deduction jncluded in Fringe Benefit total. Boes not affect employee earnings. “e" = Employer Paid Deduction. Does not aftect employee earnings or Fringe Benefit Total. ihis :¢ usually used for cash in lieu of benefits. 33 Qaiviess OPT Ope ted in Section Stet betas Foane | Sa 3 b) WHERE FRINGE BEMEFIIS ORE Pale IN CASH ‘ ~ 5 . perd, e¢ andiceted on ine payroll, an amount oot lees ine gua ti the i. 7) TT That T pay a supervige the er sone eaployed & GOPPERVALLEY-GONSTRUGTION 605 — applicable Gesic hourly wage rate plus the amount oF the required fringe | 8 AG Cc benefits as listed in the contract, except as noted in Section dir) below. i | oo A alafeoak, Cobeeatoe.. 13 tol ; trait i Tit TTT 3] " al 15 12 y lngh age e pastels peried commencing « AS sree ct oceneeee ceeeenes weaves sees ie 7 EXPLANATION T 17] 3 cour HIGH, ant endiog the Pf day of Dept ncaa 1 i atwneenn scence rwornneennerancnne} "° all persone emptoved on said project have been paid the tull weekly wages earned, that no rebates ‘ ' 20] 22] COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTIUN Cu., e thes wo 9 COMPACT OT ON Sono ae Tt T 25) sol meghiy wages d by any person and thet no deductions have been made either directly or indirectly oaeae ceetseese soceeesectenneew ne} 26! les iron the full wages earned by that person. glver tha permissible deductions a5 defined in : ‘ . ca : 3 RECEIVED}: os 1 . ere aed : 2° oa 32 | ct-o.11991 23 : A Soaiial Sado. Stade 1 ay Te 3 * oemal 4 ate” Lay wees Wage & Hour Admin. ; 27] bss Anchorage Office vs oup se Ss. ~ ; ” : 7 _ 4 0} . - ac " 7 7 al 12 - | snaseesee : 22 ‘ meni of Laver se “| so ‘s| [60} re ler ' Je2| 7 . , le) ‘| t Rete le] 19] 65) so i t or mechanic listed iv he wilTHhl talerfication of anf of the abovelstatem may subsect the contractor | ee) + okt ‘ \67| : p Ube con or subcontra: to civil or criminal prosecution, See section 1G) of Jithe 18 ‘ a Tt TETNT TET Ste Pe TT 69] {70} 53) ot “4 2 ss 73) : 74 6 - 75 7| 2 7 CONTRACTOR or SUBCONTRACTOR COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY =. ==TIE EMPLOYEE WANE No. ADDRESS W/H WORK ys / KJAR, JUHL B 1 ELEC/LINMN AO704 apr TTA STRAT [se WASILLA, AK 97687-2008 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 329-308-3811 | KIARIUHL ii) | peaweaekan | (Tale ITT MW TW SMITH, ROGER K ELEC/LIWAN AQ7O4 Fy THVT PRES seusceassanasesssessstsessaseseresessseesenssseessssssssssesssseesssszszsassesess ADDRESS: P.O, BOX 165 GLEWNALLEN, AK 99588 TATTITTV IVAW eee eeeeereeee IT Tt CONTRACTOR LIC # AA363 PROJECT/CONTRACT #: 91-13 ANT 125755. 8/15/91-9/30/91 aeeasencnesnscecseessennanseasenesenenenesnesseessessauesaenerasanssssesessesseeesesessessse: HOURLY TOT ANT GROSS AMT TUE WED) THU FRE SAT or) 1 2 TOTAL PAY FRINGE THIS PROJ FICA/ STATE TAX MISC DEON 1.50 5.00 6.58 25.0500 162.83 To. ToT THT 178,88 162.83 $56.84 131.28 ESC 10.59 te 178.88- $50.53 1988.11 1 30.78 Lk# Gia TES ERLE —OVERTINE TOTALS FF PALWER, AK 99645 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 496-46-8065 / SHITHROGER Taeasian 7 Wale $U8J0B @ TOTALS BY CLASS AND RATE ot 1.50 Tee iti rst Se TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 1.50 1.50 37.5750 56.36 12,48 $6.36 $29.38 123.23 ESC 9.94 1c 12,48- 678.89 1296.22 = * 1975.11 28.82 37.5750 EDWG 56.36 ~T67.8F 219.19 ~—TERTTFIED-PAYROLU- FORE” COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION CORPARY WEEK EWDING: IT] 7791 JOB: S113 PROTECT: YUPTIT SCH DIST GERERATOR DULY 7 eae! sanesessenazecsesssesseeze2zeszenseesesssesssssssaasssssssssesszsesesseaesssszesenessssenssssrsesessscsszenszseesees: | OT [---- 4. DAY AND DATE ---) [-- 8. -) [+ 6) [re-- 7. ---] 4 | TSUN WOW TE WED THY FRE SAT ~ HOURLY TOT ANT GROSS AMOUNT PC ar 28 29 38 31 1 2 TOTAL Pay FRINGE = THIS PROJECT OA [-- HOURS WORKED EACH DAY HOURS RATE BENEFITS —*ALL PROJECTS ol ? saseezezezese 1.50 37.5750 20} TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 219.19 ad 24 KEY 10 NISC DEDUCTIONS 26 WU DESCRIPTION WON DESCRIPTION MUM DESCRIPTION WOH DESCRIPTION MUN DESCRIPTI NUN DESCRIPTION MUN DESCRIPTION WU DESCRIPTION duction, which decreases employee earnings. as] ””™”C«S Wega ve Ep Veduction, which increases employee earnings and is included in Fringe Benetit Total. This 18 wewally used Tor cash in lieu of benefits. 32 OR Reimbursed Employee ction included 99) “b" = Employer Paid jetion included in Fringe Bi na E'S Employer Paid Ton. Does not affect employ 30] Wo code = Regular Emplo: ; Date & = FL ain have been or will be made to appropriate programs for the benefit” of such ; 5 Set ~eMproyees except as noted tn section a(t) betow. Te eee 0 PLS: lakolhy lI LdMMS. fag hohh ‘ (ewe “t Signatory party) (Title) (b) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID IN CASH je Saas Se eee ina acne ee S| do hereby state: pf--tach laborer or mechanic listed in the above referenced payroll has been Be paid, as indicated on the payroll, an amount not less than the sum of the a TY THAT T pay OF SUpEFVESE THE eg persons employed by COPPER -VALLEY-CONSTRUGHON COn—-——gpprreabte paste -nourty Wage Tate PTUs tHe aMoUNT OF THE FeqUIFES te AgE i benefits as listed in the contract, except as noted in Section 4(c) belov. bd th Zl sale Genera toe. Ha Contractor oF Subcontractory Ta. RULT ONG OF WORK oe 17 18 19 a _3 that during the payroll period Commencing on the z 7 20 ce oo t a 1 ot 21 toy eToheR . v2L., wi ating te 2 tn) 'loderabek 01. | 2 all persons employed on said project have been paid the full weekly wages earned, that no rebates | 2a have been or vill be wade either directly or indirectly to or on behalf of saig” T 25] 26] COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION cu. fen the tll | be = 20) a (Contractor or Subcontractor) i TM iil T 29| weekly wages earned by any person and that no deductions have been made either directly or indirectly |roencoener nnn n cece nner cece nnnennce ne [-cennen nnn n nnn e nnn nnn nn nnnnen nnn n nee nceneeeneee | a from the full wages earned by that person, other than permissible deductions as defined in | | | 3a ~ Regulations, Part 3 (29 CFR Subtitle A), issued by the Secretary of Labor under the Copeland Act, as T amended (48 Stat. 948, 63 Stat. 108, 72 Stat. 967; 76 Stat. 357; 40 U.S.C. 276c), and described | below: | Coord i DA eR Nag ee ! ~ Chawp Hearth TAS. Sree ee | ee ee | seus | 7 TTY THAT BY PAYFOLIS OTHErUIse Under This Contract required TO be submitted Tor the above TOY rT . 7 a9] period are correct and complete; that the wage rates for laborers or mechanics contained therein are | {: i * se not less than the applicable wage rates contained in any wage determination incorporated into the | | sa contract; that the classifications set forth therein for each laborer or mechanic conform with the 1 ee ia ey To T 53} work he performed. | | Sa | | a ~~ [3] That any apprentices employed in the above p d are duly registered in a bona fide Te T iM 57) apprenticeship program registered with a State apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau of | | sa Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor, or if no such recognized agency | A eo} exists in a State, are registered vith the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States a Tt Oepartment of Labor. je! ea min 64, ~~ Tay That: - i ae AND TITTE i ~ es 6s 7 (a) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID 10 APPROVED PLANS, FUNDS, OR PROGRAMS jt Kees Arad. “ { J--In addition to the basic hourly wage rates paid to each Laborer or mechanic listed in The willful falsification of any of the above sta bag the above reterenced payroll, payments of fringe benefits as listed in the contract or subcontractor to civil or criminal prosecution. 72 | and Section 231 of Title 31 of the United States Code. 73 74 si my CERTIFIED PAYROLL Ti i PAGE: TT 7 . 225, eensasss gesceccrnsssensseasasesssessesssecrsssssasssssssassrsassassssssessrsesssssseessseesseesses 2 CONTRACTOR or SUBCONTRACTOR ADDRES: « BOX 165 GLEMNALLEN, AK 99588 : ee ee eee Seer 3 COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONTRACTOR LIC # AA363 e PAYROLL AS FOR WEEK ENDING: TI] 9/91 — PROJECT & UOCATIONS YUPIIT SUH UIST GEMERATOR DULY 7 TULOKSAK AK ae ° PROJECT/CONTRACT #: 91-13 AMT 125755. 8/15/91-9/30/91 ho ssacazezanscesceezecesazscscesczessazsecessecesenezecnserasezssasezensnessa sasssnsceststeresesesednescceessessessusessasesesss: + 5 1. DAY AND DATE TIS TT Hise: tee] , == 13 ENPLUYEE KANE No. WE WED THU FRI SAT HOURLY TOT ANT GROSS ANT He ADDRESS W/H WORK poo SB TOTAL PAY. FRINGE THIS PROJ FICA/ STATE TAK MISC DEON bp SSH] TO 7 MIWORITY / SEX XNP CLASSIFICATION 17) 10) 19} 20| lav 22] KIAK, UHL B 1 ELEC/LINNH AO704 ° 2.00 37.5750 15.16 ra BOX B72OB/ELSINORE RO APTIG — ELECTLINWN E704 SC T2075 O58 TO 2 WASILLA, AK 97687-2008 *** OVERTIME TOTALS *** ° 2.00 ~ 18.16 329-308-3811 / KJARJUHL *** STRAIGHT TOTALS *** s 300.68 CLOUD Caucasian] Male TOTAL EARNINGS & DEOUCT re T0T2 SSS OTST TTD AT ESE TOT Te 8 T2- 05568 1203.06 * 1638.74 26.30 37.5750 25. ot 1.00 1.00 st 5.00 1.06 5.08 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS CERTIFIED PAYROLU FOR: COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY WEEK ENDTW TP 99 BE PROT ELTE YUPTIT SCR OTST GENERATOR OTE? PRES 2 rT) . sanesee: 22ness5ss39s225525 2222 saaetes Staerseeesessreess: Bectessrrssassrsssesasseseastsas case saseaessessseesssesszsesesszaeertaeseesseness: jSeemssersterssessezeseessszeses 2 HI. -- 4. OAY AND OATE -a-} [= Se =] fe 6) [---- 1. ---] i. ST SUN ON TUE WED THU FRI SAT HOURLY TOT WAT GROSS AMOUNT ~ rs — 3 PC 3 4 5 6 / 8 9 TOTAL PAY FRINGE THIS PROJECT 7 OA | ----nn nnn ee-n enone HOURS WORKED EACH DAY HOURS RATE BENEFITS *ALL PROJECTS 3 sstugegeetezees-.ce-sesteceszeeczescce — . 10} hy 12] 13] ha 15} 16] 7 18] 19] 20 at 2a 23) ot 1.00 1.08 2.00 75.16 24] st 5.0 1.06 5.8 TO 7 00.8 25} TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 375.76 ~ esl - 20 KEY TO MISC DEDUCTIONS 32 a itd bid ener : NUM DESCRIPTION WUM DESCRIPTION NUM DESCRIPTION NUM DESCRIPTION MUM DESCRIPTION NUM DESCRIPTION 7 ic CERTIFIED FRINGE - 3 No code = Keqular Employee Deduction, which decreases oyee earnings. “e¥ = Wegative Employee Deduction, which increases jee earnings and 1s Included In Fringe Benetit lotal. hie Is usually used for cash In [lew of benefits. 41] OR Reimbursed Employee Deduction included in Fringe Benefit fotal. “ "b" = Employer Paid Deduction included in Fringe Benefit Total. Does not affect employee earnings. “+ = Employer Paid Deduction. Does not affect employee earnings or Fringe Benefit total. a vate L-fg- FL tol 21 EVANS. ‘nade eof signatory party) Dao eee WU (Title) do hereby state: (1) That I pay or supervise the payment of the persons employed oy” the Zea La fs hK benethlk (Building or work) (Contractor or Subcontractor) i that during the payroll period commencing on the - day ee aul 19, and ending the __ day st Malbeeibeael|. (9 OL, all persons employed on said project have been paid Z full weekly wages earned, that no , rebates * VALLEY CONSTRUGTION 60,' have been or will ben made to appropriate programs for” the benefit of such employees except as noted in Section 4(c) below. (b) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE Palo 1 IN CASH GA-tach laborer or mechanic Listed in the above referenced payroll has been paid, as indicated on the payroll, an amount not less than the sum of the ~~~“applicable baste hourly wage rate plus the amount of the required fringe benefits as listed in the contract, except as noted in Section 4(c) below. ipleeeveazonsy 13) T EXPLANATION have been or will be made either directly or indirectly to or on behalf of said a weekly wages earned by any person and that no deductions have been made either directly or indirectly from the full wages earned by that person, other than permissible deductions as defined in “Regulations, Part 3 (29 CFR Subtitle A), amended (48 Stat. belou: Nokank Led» S14lé Tak... bhoup MeAZth Drs... oe 948, 63 Stat. 108, 72 Stat. 967; 76 Stat. 357; 40U.S.C. 276c), and described (2) That any payrolls othervise under this contract required to be submitted for the above period are correct and complete; that the wage rates for laborers or mechanics contained therein are not less than the applicable wage rates contained in any wage determination incorporated into the contract; that the classifications set forth therein for each laborer or mechanic conform with the uork he performed. (3) That any apprentices employed in the above period are duly registered in a bona fide apprenticeship program reqistered with a State apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor, or if no such recognized agency exists in a State, are reqistered with the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor. (4) That: (a) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAIO TO APPROVED PLANS, FUNDS, OR PROGRAMS | |--In addition to the basic hourly wage rates paid to each Laborer or mechanic listed in the above referenced payroll, payments of fringe benefits as listed in the contract issued by the Secretary of Labor under the Copeland AcE, as The villful falsification of any of the above statem | or subcontractor to civil or criminal prosecution. See section 1001 of Title 1 [and Section 731-of Title 31 of the United States Tode. 7 ——————— ——pagtr——4t- -- seascessessecssseensesesseessenssas! CERTIFIED PAYROLL CONTRACTOR seasscossesss2eseesess2zes2ec2esscecssaesezesssessasszsesssssssszsssssesses eutenanseessecsssesseesssessse or SUBCONTRACTOR ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 165 GLENNALLEN, AK 99588 TEL SOT BITES COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONTRACTOR LIC # AA363 JR WEEK ENDING? TI/T6/9T ~ PROJECT § LOCATIONS YUPIIT SCH DIST GENERATOR DOLE 2 TUCUKSAK AK PROJECT/CONTRACT #: 91-13 ANT 125755. 8/15/91-9/30/91 PAYROLL ¥: ¢ eeesensssesssenzes: Fi TONY AND DATE” yy = TEV . EMPLOYEE NAME WO. ST SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT HOURLY TOT ANT GROSS ANT ADDRESS W/H WORK 12 13 14 15 16 TOTAL PAY FRINGE THIS PROJ FICA/ STATE TAX MISC DEON SSW] 10] WINORITY ] SEX XWP CLASSTFICATIO Bea alaas uly -o 02 ve ala wn -) ALLEN, DANIEL E. 6 NON-TRADE 03.08 15.00 17.4008 261.00 Tepe RoR S TOT 308 37 580 T.37 13.00 24.9700 424.61 4.5 OLD EDGERTON /HC6OBOX 345 = PU OP GP 1 Ai6e1 COPPER CENTER, AK 99573 PU OP GP I ALGOL 57-36-9259 | ALLENDANIEL *** QVERTINE TOTALS *** 3.00 112.37 eereoe Caucasian | Kale *e8 STRAIGHT TOTALS *** CO TT FT 505.87 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 114.40 697.98 = 84.85 te 114.40- 16.76- 784.34 * 167.58 12.79 KRAMER, KEN B 3 PW OP GP I A16O1 3.00 37.4550 112.37 P.O. BOX G45/MI 183.5 GLENN © *** OVERTINE TOTALS *** ° 3 3.00 112.37 GLENWALLEN, AK 99588 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEOUCTIONS a ~ _ TASTE EST Te TS TTS 53-50-3410 / KRANERKEN * 976.42 1447 Caucasian | Nale 33 27| 34] 32 33) el SUBJOB @ TOTALS BY CLASS AND RATE NON-TRADE s 8.00 4.08 3.00 15.00 17.4008 261.00 PW OP GP I Al6OL fai 42] 43) se 47] 40) 1] 52] 53) sl ss st a 4 37] lev \e2! \e3| \e7 70] 71 72 73] 7a wy CERTIFIED PAYROLL FOR: COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY WEEK ENDING: 11/16/91 JOB: 91-13 PROJECT: YUPIIT SCH DIST GENERATOR DOLD ? im PRR Eee Ecc I?) 4. DAY AND DATE ~ +) [-- 8. =) fe 62) : eee else : Pe t st. SUN Won TUE WED THU FRI saT HOURLY TOT ANT GROSS AMOUNT Til TT Te Mn 5 rc 1 it 12 13 14 15 16 TOTAL PAY FRINGE THIS. PROJECT 7 HOURS WORKED EACH DAY ENEFITS —*ALL fs A ° ho hs 12 13] NON-TRADE ts 3 i fy 4 3.08 15.00 17.4000 261.00 he Pu OP GP I AL6OL ee ee 77 ° 1.00 6.00 37.4550 224.74 el s 8.00 13.00 24,9700 20 lat l2a| l23| JOB 91-13 TOTALS it Eee a et a aes ents 23} ot 5.00 1.00 6.0 224,74 ~ bal st Ch) ee | 585.61 el eal 3 a KEY TO NISC DEDUCTIONS NUM DESCRIPTION NUN DESCRIPTION NUM DESCRIPTION NUM DESCRIPTION © NUM DESCRIPTION — WON DESCRIPTION WOW DESCRIPTION WON DESCRIPTION 1c CERTIFIED FRINGE No code = Regular Employ: duction, which decreases employee earnings. "c* = Negative Empl ction, which incre: ployee earnings and is included in Fringe Benefit Total. This is usually used for cash in liew of benefits. OR Reimbursed Employee Deduction included in Fringe Benefit Total. i in "b" = Employer Paid Deduction included in Fringe Benefit Total. Does not affect employee earnings. = Employer Paid Deduction. Does not affect employee earnings or Fringe Benefit Total. eae eo ig aso catieee ‘ id att aad ata at Date LAL ZA EETI I, Lokalhy 1 £ dit §. oe Te eg tee et een of signatory party) (Title) do hereby state: ETT wleludesth Leaetelee. ane have been or will be made to appropriate programs for the benefit of such ‘eMployers except ss noted tm section (ec) petoue (b) Warne FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID IN CASH --Each laborer or mechanic listed in the e referenced payroll has been paid, as indicated on the payroll, an amount not less than the sum of the applicable basic hourly vage Fare plus the amount of the required fringe benefits as listed in the contract, except as noted in Section 4(c) below. (Contractor or Subcontractor) (Building or work) ; that during the payroll period commencing on the L2. day of Luvempet. 19F/., and ending the LG. day ot floven her A fiat all persons employed on said project have been paid the full weekly wages earned, that no rebates have been or will be made either directly or indirectly to or on behalf of said oA COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUQTION C0., (Contractor or Subcontractor) weekly wages earned by any person and that no deductions have been made either directly or indirectly from the full wages earned by that person, other than permissible deductions as defined in Regulations, Part 3 (29 CFR Subtitle A), issued by the Secretary of Labor under the Copeland Act, as amended (48 Stat. 948, 63 Stat. 108, 72 Stat. 967; 76 Stat. 357; 40 U.S.C. 276c), and described below: (2) That any payrolls otherwise under this contract required to be submitted for the above period are correct and complete; that the wage rates for laborers or mechanics contained therein are not less than the applicable wage rates contained in any wage determination incorporated into the contract; that the classifications set forth therein for each laborer or mechanic conform vith the work he performed. (3) That any apprentices employed in the above period are duly registered in a bona fide apprenticeship program registered with a State apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor, or if no such recognized agency exists in a State, are registered vith the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor. (4) That: (a) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID TO APPROVED PLANS, FUNDS, OR PROGRAKS [ J--In addition to the basic hourly wage rates paid to each laborer or mechanic listed in the above referenced payroll, payments of fringe benefits as listed in the contract Ae arene gu reg EE (ey EXCEPTIONS | REMARKS i. Tea falsification of any of the above statemen or subcontractor to civil or criminal prosecution. See section 1001 of Title 18 and Section 231 of Title 31 of the United States Code. © 535-50-3410 | KRANERKER ~ELEC/LINNN AO704 CONTRACTOR 4“ or SUBCONTRACTOR COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PAYROLL B (-- [2.)L- EMPLOYEE NAME No. ADDRESS W/H WORK SSN / SSH / 10 / MINORITY [SEX XMP CLASSIFICATION SuBI08 8 ALLEN, DANIEL E. - 4.5 ULD EDGERTON/HC6OBOX 345 *** STRAIGHT TOTALS *** COPPER CENTER, AK 99573 57-36-9259 / ALLENDANIEL Caucasian / Male KJAK, JUHL B 1 ELEC/LINAN AO704 BOX B/2008/ELSINORE RO APT3B — ELEC/LINMN AB/04 *** QVERTINE TOTALS *** * STRAIGHT TOTALS * TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS WASILLA, AK 97687-2008 329-380-3811 KJARJUHL Caucasian | Male KRAMER, KEN 8 3 PH OP GP I AlbOL P.0. BOX 645/MI 183.5 GLENN PH OP GP 1 A16O1 +8 OVERTIME TOTALS *** *** STRAIGHT TOTALS *** TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS GLENWALLEN, AK 99588 Caucasian / Male SUBJOB @ TOTALS BY CLASS AND RATE 0 2.00 : 8 4.00 8.00 8.00 8.08 PH OP GP I Al6O1 st 16.08 24.00 16.00 16.00 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 6 PW OP GP I Al6@1 2.00 8.08 16.08 JOB: 91-13 TEL 907-822-3252 Cl PAGE: =o 0. BOX 165 GLENNALLEN, AK 99588 ACTOR LIC # AA363 PROJECT & LOCATION: YUPIIT SCH DIST GENERATOR DOL® ? TULUKSAK AK PROJECT/CONTRACT #: 91-13 ANT 125755. 8/15/91-9/30/91 4. DAY AND DATE WON TUE WED i THU FRI SAT 8.) 6) [-- 7. =] [- 8. DEDUCTIONS, CONTRIBUTIONS AND PAYMENTS --] [- 9. -] HOURLY TOT ANT GROSS ANT 28 29 38TOTAL PAY FRINGE THIS PROJ FICA/ STATE TAX NISC DEON ele veaaan RKED EACH DAY -------- ] HOURS RATE BENEFIT *ALL PROJ FED TAX MEDICR LOCAL TAX (SEE KEY) TOT DDN NET PAY TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 6.08 25.50 39.1500 40.00 26.1 37.4556 = ua. 88.00 8.00 24.9700 199.76 8.00 199.76 114.400 199.76 * 399.52 29.64 eo 114.40- 1.45 TT.31- 476.83 K# (167 $30.23 1964. * 2076.53 037.4550 767.84 24.9700 998.88 7167.84 wn 998.80 432.58 1766.64 * 1033.12 708.51 161.62 ESC 13.04 tc 536.23- 37.80 572.36 152.88 ESC 12.33 1c 432.58- 35.75 390.74 1685.79 340,74 1692.38 tk 1170 CERTIFIED PAYROLL FOR: COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPA PROJECT: YUPLIT SCH DIST GENERATOR DOLE ? PAGE 2 11/30/91 WEEK ENDIN' OT [- a = 4. DAY AND DATE LI (; ST SUN WON TUE WED THU FRI SAT HOURLY TOT ANT. GROSS AMOUNT PC 24 a5 26 21 28 29 30 TOTAL PAY FRINGE = THIS PROJECT oA [- HOURS WORKED EACH DAY - HOURS RATE BENEFITS — *ALL PROJECTS ELEC/LINNN | Q 2.00 | ! ro} san a 4 26.10 | PW OP GP 1 ALGO ° 5.089. 37.4550 ye 16 24.9700 | Jr JOB 91-13 TOTALS Taal |r| ot 4. a. if 1,687.87 st 18.00 24.08 16.00 16.00 . 2,242.56 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 3,930.43 ~ PSS seen ss KEY TO NISC DEDUCTIONS — NUN DESCRIPTION NUN DESCRIPTION NUN DESCRIPTION NUN DESCRIPTION NUM DESCRIPTION NUN DESCRIPTION fe © Le CERTIFIED FRINGE _No code = Regular Employee Deduction, which decreases employee earnings. "ce" = Negative Employee Deduction, which increases employee earnings and is included in Fringe Benefit Total. This is usually used for cash in liew of benefits. , | OR Reimbursed Employee Deduction included in Fringe Benefit Total. r"| "b" = Employer Paid eduction included in Fringe Benefit Total. Does not affect employe ie “** = Employer Paid Deduction. Does not affect employee earnings or Fringe Benefit Total. A a aie a SS 215 8s Sis sf ols 2 3 wale po wae (2-3. PL have been or will be made to appropriate programs for the benefit of such —— employees except as noted in Section 4(c) belov. [ \. Deholhg ME pas... lay hele. : (Name “ot signatory party) (ith Z (b) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID IN CASH ee a |. | _ 3 do hereby state: --Each laborer or mechanic listed in the above referenced payroll has been : 8 (1) That 1 pay or supervise the payment of the persons employed by::.”, > L©Y CONSTRUCTION CO, — - ° — nn on tie Zoe = oa 12 (Contractor or Subcontractor) (Building or work) 7 1s _i that during the payroll period commencing on the ZY 16) 17 day t\lodembek. 19 D/, and ending the LO day of Lode heh. vFl, ‘a all persons employed on said project have been paid the full weekly wages earned, that no rebates 20} have been or will be made either directly or indirectly to or on behalf of said a 23) 2 EY SUR STRUOTION COS from the full 24 (Contractor or Subcontractor) i al weekly wages earned by any person and that no deductions have been made either directly or indirectly 27| from the tull wages earned by that person, other than permissible deductions as defined in | 21 Regulations, Part 3 (29 CFR Subtitle A), issued by the Secretary of Labor under the Copeland Act, as cl amended (48 Stat. 948, 63 Stat. 108, 72 Stat. 967; 76 Stat. 357; 40 U.S.C. 276c), and described 31] below: 32 - ~ _ ~ 33) Moknhh.. Fed + STale Tay * 36) Fhou? Heal Zas ee » 3 _ 3 ai 42 a a ree TEN 4 7 - | REMARKS _ L 4: (2) That any payrolls otherwise under this contract required to be submitted for the above | | i. period are correct and complete; that the wage rates for laborers or mechanics contained therein are | | per not less than the applicable wage rates contained in any vage determination incorporated into the I I jae contract; that the classifications set forth therein tor each laborer or mechanic conform with the | | 7 vork he performed. | | . _ | - _ (3) That any apprentices employed in the above period are duly registered in a bona fide | | apprenticeship program registered with a State apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau of | | Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor, or if no such recognized agency __ | _ I exists in a State, are registered with the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States Oepartment of Labor. PSS 28 ss se sress (4) that: | WANE AND TITLE | SIGNATURE 7 t | | | (a) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID TO APPROVED PLANS, FUNDS, OR PROGRAKS a GT EUAIS LE a Gena | es { |--In addition to the basic hourly wage rates paid to each laborer or mechanic listed in | The willful falsification of any of the above statements, he the above referenced payroll, payments of fringe benefits as listed in the contract | oor subcontractor to civil or criminal prosecution. SeeAection 1001 of Title 18 t = _ _ 60} | and Section 231 of Title 31 of the United States Code. | 69} i ancneeennwencnnneesnenorenesnnnnnnnennenceceeceneneneaneenececceeencenenneneenaneceeenes 7 72 ~ ee ~ ~ ~~ 73) va rs 9 PAGE: 1 saeassasszzssessssec2esss2e222222_ $ X 165 GLENWALLEN, AK 99588 TEL 907-822-3252 CERTIFIED PAYROLL JOB: 91-13 sassesssassanasessaaasqesssssaeessss225222e222se2essess2esesesss2ens22ss22s22sazsesssazeszezes22: soassaasssnssaagacsaaaesseaasssess2525555295252222222) CONTRACTOR (-~ or SUBCONTRACTOR ADDRES: COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 3 ° ROJECT & LOCATION: YU 7 __PROJECT/COMTRACT #: 91-13 ANT 125755, 8/15/91-9/30/91_ — s sasanaasazsasseases: auceeansacaseesssecsesassanaseazese: aassenesaesesesess: wl 3. 4, DAY AND DATE ~~~ [ 5. ] [- 6-) [-- 1. -] [- 8. DEDUCTIONS, CONTRIBUTIONS AND PAYMENTS --] [- 9. -] nt ENPLOVEE WANE ST SUN MOM TUE WED THU PRT SAT___HOURLY TOT ANT. 6R0SS_ AMT $2 ADDRESS W/H WORK pot 28 FS BT CTOTAL «PAY. FRINGE THIS PROJ FICA/ STATE TAX NISC DEON 7 SSH / 10 { MINORITY / SEX XMP CLASSIFICATION OA [-------- HOURS WORKED EACH OA --] HOURS RATE BENEFIT *ALL PROJ FED TAX MEDICR LOCAL TAX (SEE KEY) TOT DDN MET PAY | anne nnn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nnn ann nnn nn enon en nnnnnannnannr cannes sannmaanamanamana: 16} 17] 18} suBI08 0 19 ee a 20) PETER ALEXIE JR. 5 PH OP GRY A1685 s 3.00 17,7500 $3.25 I BOx 168 *** STRAIGHT TOTALS *** s 3.00 53.25 23 TULUKSAK, AK 99679 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS = —— - 24-45 —_$3,28. pa 574-20-8384 / ALEXIEPETER * 494.25 al Ak Wative / Wale = 27| 2 JUHL B KJAR 1 ELEC/LINNN AO7OA 352.35 3 BOX B872008/ELSINORE RO APT3B — ELEC/LINNN AOTOA 626.48 31 WASTLEA, AK 97687-2008 #02 OVERTIME TOTALS *** 352,35 3 329-30-3811 / KIARJUHL *** STRAIGHT TOTALS *** 7 A 626.48 | Caucasian / Kale TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 459.25 978,75 572.06 134.33 ESC 10.83 te 459.25- 289.38 1417.97 3 a #110736. HAL CF 12106 3 37| 3 KEN B KRAMER 3 PH OP GPT ALGOL ° 2.08 11.00 11.00) 24.00 37.4550 898.93 Fe P.O. BOR G4S/ME 183.5 GLEMM PH OP-GP I ALGOL s 3706-4. HA 21461. a9 GLENMALLEN, AK 99588 *** QVERTINE TOTALS *** ° 2.0 11.00 11.00) 24.00 898.93 a2 53-50-3410 / KRANERKEN *** STRAIGHT TOTALS *** s 30 11.00 214,67 4 Ad U 43) Caucasian | Hale TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS RRA ESE 0 2 9 a4 * 1702.51 28.32 ‘el 47] SUBJOB-# TOTALS BY CLASS AND RATE —_——_____— — aa so} 1 PA 29.36> Ba) s 8.00 8.0 8.00 “iP eal PW OP GP I ALGOL a ss to 2.00 10) 1 sv 9 s 3.00 8.00 g @ ‘ sol PH OP GR V ALGOS a m s9| 0 eo} o 2 ea = 63) . lea SUBIOR-A TOTALS ao _ L e “ }66) ot 13.00 16.00 33.08 1,251.28 67] ee A 300 38.08 954.92 2st nnn ct Fes TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 2,205.60 70} bs i CERTIFIED PAYROLL FOR: COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY WEEK ENDING: 12/ 7/91 0B: 91-13 PROJECT: YUPIIT SCH DIST GENERATOR DOLE 2 eveseesnerseecersceeseeseerecsennesosecesee cameanseeceswonneee 7 oT [- == 4. DAY AND DATE -) [-- 8. -) [6] [ oo] 2 st TE = WED TURE. SAT HOURLY — TOT ANT GROSS_ANOUNT 3 PC 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 TOTAL PAY FRINGE FHES-PROJEET- ae $ oA [- HOURS WORKED EACH DAY - HOURS RATE BENEFITS —*ALL PROJECTS 6 7 ~ = _ _ — 6 ° JOB 91-13 TOTALS BY CLASS AND RATE No wenene ht ELECPLEWNN AOTEA — Ne o 10 20 5.00 39.15 352.35 a 5 8 8 6. 26.10 626.40 hs PH OP-GP E ALGO — ——- 4 ° ve Te) 37,4550 898.93 18 s . an 24.9700 274.67 19 PH OPER VY ATGES oa eo s a0 17.7500 53.25 22| 23 ‘aa JOB 91-13 TOTALS el pa = 27| ot a 13.00 16.46 NNN LLiLtk ee i st i, sae a0 954.32 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 2,205.60 | KEY FOES DEDUCTIONS: saan na a OnnnCnenET CEOS 7 NUN DESCRIPTION WU DESCRIPTION NUN DESCRIPTIO! WUN DESCRIPTION MUN DESCRIPTION le CERTIFIED FRINGE No code-= Regular taployee Deduction, which decreases employ "e itive Employee Deduct: which increases empl OR Reimbursed Employee Deduction included in Fringe Benefit Total. WU DESCRIPTION MUN DESCRIPTION WUN DESCRIPTION earnings. - — i ings and is included in Fringe Benefit Total. This is usually used for cash in lieu of benefits. ay 42} Pl 47} ““b* = taptoyer Paid deduction inctuded in Fringe Benefit Total. does not affect eaptoyee-earnings; ——— "** = Employer Paid Deduction. jes not affect employee earnings or Fringe Benefit Total. 3] | ss so} 57] sa so lev 62] jes} 67] Ho] 71 lal 7 7 79 as tor the benefit of such d in Section 4(c) below, vate / VLGL _ have been or vill be Maki. _—Lleckey . bike (lbith ae. — (Title) (b) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAIO IN CASH (Name of signatory party) do hereby state: -$4--Each laborer or aechanic Listed in the above referenced payroll has been _ = paid, as indicated on the payroll, an amount not less than the sum of the (1) That I pay or supervise the payment of the persons employed by COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION CO., applicable basic hourly wage rate plus the amount of the required fringe Af . 7 benefits as listed in the contract, except as noted in Section 4(c) below. __ anneal on the Lil leesk ( heheh ATOR (Contractor or Subcontractor) (Building or work) (c) EXCEPTIONS ; that during the payroll period commencing on the / a EXCEPTION (CRAFT) day “Pearher, 90 F/, and ending the Z day of Recembek _, wl, - dae all persons employed on said project have been paid the full weekly wages earned, that no rebates have been or will be made either directly or indirectly to or on behalf of said COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUGTION C0, from the full (Contractor or Subcontractor) weekly wages earned by any person and that no deductions have been made either directly or indirectly from the full wages earned by that person, other than permissible deductions as defined in Reguiations, Part 3 (29 CFR Subtitle A), issued by the Secretary of Labor under the Copeland Act, as amended (48 Stat, 948, 63 Stat, 108, 72 Stat, 967; 76 Stat. 357; 40 U.S.C, 2766}, and descrided below: Mekmnr fed Stale Tad Chon Hetlid Lys. (2) That any payrolls othervise under this contract required to be submitted for the above period are correct and complete; that the vage rates for laborers or mechanics contained therein are not less than the applicable wage rates contai in any wage de nation incorporated into the contract; that the classifications set forth therein for each laborer or mechanic conform with the work he performed. (3) That any apprentices employed in the above period are duly registered in a bona fide apprenticeship program registered with a State apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureat of Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor, or if no such recognized agency exists in a State, are registered with the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor. (4) That: | NAME AND TITLE | | —______—_}—— (a) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID T0 APPROVED PLANS, FUNDS, OR PROGRAMS 2) . Yael heckey dice Lhe... [ ]--In addition to the basic hourly wage rates paid to each laborer or mechanic listed in | the witiful-fetsi fication of eny-of the above stetements-moy-subject-the- or | ———___—_—__——_ 1 the above referenced payroll, payments of fringe benefits as listed in the contract | or subcontractor to civil or criminal prosecution. See section 1001 of Title 18 | 70] | and Section 231 of Title 31 of the United States Code. | P U ———————— a — a 73| zal CERTIFIED PAYROLL CONTRACTOR “or SUBCONTRACTOR COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY paveout 4: /O JOB: 91-13 peprrperrrrerrerrrrrrrrrrerrrrrrrrrrrrrerrrrr OX 165 GLEMNALLEM, AK 99588 PAGE: $$: P. TEL 907-822-3252 1 ofa ve ula un) aecenneeeee 4. DAY AND DATE - } (5. ) [- 6-) [-- 1. -] [- 8. DEDUCTIONS, CONTRIBUTIONS AND PAYMENTS --] [- 9. -] iS EMPLOYEE MAKE Tue WED THU FAT SAT =———SSOURLY TOT ANT GROSS ANT y ADDRESS pC 8) 9 M8 AE 1213 CTOTAL «PAY. FRINGE THIS PROJ FICA/ STATE TAK MISC DEON 4 ssw | WIMORITY / OURS WORKED EACH DAY ] HOURS RATE BENEFIT *ALL PROJ FED TAK MEDICR LOCAL TAX (SEE KEY) TOT DON NET PAY See suBI0B 0 ee ~ Bi - lav PETER ALEXIE JR. 5 PH OP GR V A1GOS v ° 1.00 27.3750 27.38 ia BOX 168 PU OP GR V AL6OS s 2.00 3.00 6.00 32.00 18,2500 5e4.u al TULUKSAK, AK 99679 *** OVERTINE TOTALS *** ° : oO 27.38 25) 574-20-8384 / ALEXIEPETER *** STRAIGHT TOTALS *** s 2.00 3.00 6.08 5. 404 > ee Ak Native | Nale TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS a 235.95 611.38 05.85 $2.59 ESC 4.24 Me 235.95-— 81.04- 692.42 OK LAS Y ae + bi.38 12.29 2 JUKE BKJAR 1 ELEC/LINWN Ab/O4 0 19,00 39.1500 143,85 3 BOX 872008/ELSINORE RD APT3B — ELEC/LINWN AQ704 s i 28.00 26.1000 730.80 3 WASILLA, AK 97687-2008 *** OVERTINE TOTALS *** ° : 8.00 8.08 19.08 143.85 . 329-30-3811 / KIARJUAL *** STRAIGHT TOTALS *** s e408 - 0 730.88 4 (243 Caucasian / Male TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 492.65 1474.65 607.37 141,39 ESC 11.40 fe 492.65- 300.58 1487.27 37 * 1787.85 33.07 — ee - are a KEN 8 KRAMER 3 PH OP GP I AL6OL v te 10.50 37.4550 393.29 ay P.O. BOX G4S/MI 183.5 GLENN © PH OP GP I ALGOL 8.00 8.00 8. 40.00 24,9700 998.88 4] GLENMALLEN, AK 99588 *** OVERTINE TOTALS *** st 8 1 393.29 tK4 LIL 35-50-3410 / KRAMERKEN *** STRAIGHT TOTALS *** WO 8.08 8.08 808 4. 998.80 ei Caucasian / Male TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 361.08 1392.09 352.04 108.69 ESC 8.77 1c 361.08- 133.84 1258.25 “| ae a a * 1392.09 25.42 40 a # TOIALS BY CLASS AND RATE 4 — oe SS 32 ELEC/LINNN AO704 cf o 1.0 se 8.e 39.1508 143.85 sol s. 8.00 ae 26.1 — ee se] PH OP GP 1 AL6OL 57] o 1.00 ” se 8.08 10.50 37.4558 393.29 se s 8.08 8.08 88 ee 40.00 24.9700 998.88 eee 0] PU OP GR V AL6eS es o 108 27.3750 ea s 8.0 18,2500 le4| _ ie5} ee| \e7| ee nce nenesannenssssssnnescnste _ a — j6a| [69] ot the 58 16. a0 1,164.52 i st 24.00 18.00 15.08 14.08 21. Bae 2,31: ee 2 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 3,478.12 - 7 75) 29 CERTIFIED PAYROLL FOR: COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY WEEK ENDING: 12/14/91 JOB; 91-13. PROJECT: YUPLIT SCH DIST GENERATOR DOLE ? PAGE; 2 0 ~ i 7 i sesessensessssssezzsseseessenscesssssasscess22252252222222se2esseesseessseesssessesssesss2ss2ze2222 seacseasssesasecssecserescecsscssesessseesssessesssesssessensssssscssessesssesssaesseessese2 ~ 4. DAY AND DATE -- --] [-- $8. -) [- 6] [ 1, ---) 7 TUE WED THU FRI SAT Ce ee tee eee ee ee at tats tatigeta teste 44 Pc 8 9 Ty M1 12 13 14 TOTAL PAY FRINGE — THIS PROJECT i HOURS WORKED EACH DAY - ] HOURS RATE BENEFITS *ALL PROJECTS 7 8 ° 0h 39,1500 SRE 28,00 26.1008 130,80 pu OP GP 1 AL6NL i" o 1.00 58 8.00 37.4550 393.29 " s 8.00 8.08 808 eee 297) 8B |) PH OP GR V AL6eS \ | 27.3750 | | ot 30 3.00 Se 16.00 8. 30.58 1,164.52 el st 24.08 18.08 15.08 4b 2d a A 2,313.60 | TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 3,478.12 KEY TO MISC DEDUCTIONS NUN DESCRIPTION NUN DESCRIPTION NUN DESCRIPTION NUN DESCRIPTION NUN DESCRIPTION NUN DESCRIPTION WUN DESCRIPTION WON DESCRIPTION Te CERTIFIED FRINGE No code = Regular tmployee Deduction, which decreases employee earnings. __e" = Negative te ction, uhich increases employee earnings and is included in Fringe Benefit Total. This is usually used for cash in lieu of benefits. ry OR Reimbursed Employee Deduction included in Fringe Benefit Total. L “b" = tmployer Paid Deduction included in Fringe Benetit Total. Does not affect employee earnings. - "** = Employer Paid Deduction. Does not affect employee earnings or Fringe Benefit Total. Date nn (Wane of Chek flecle of ____. do hereby state: LOLs ae Ahi (Title) (1) That I pay or supervise the payment of the persons employed by COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION Cn on the TiclusKkaak’ bases tlae (Building or work) 1 Meal day of Daweh en. 19_Z, and ending the LY. day ot aretheh . 3H, all persons employed on said project have been paid the full weekly wages earned, that no rebates have been or will be made either directly or indirectly to or on behalf of said (Contractor or Subcontractor) ; that during the payroll period commencing on the _ COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION CO., (Contractor or Subcontractor) : Pet weekly wages earned by any person and that no deductions have been made either directly or indirectly from the full wages earned by that person, other than permissible deductions as defined in Regulations, Part 3 (29 CFR Subtitle A), issued by the Secretary of Labor under the Copeland Act, as_ from the full __(¢) EXCEPTIONS to appropriate programs for the benefit of such in Section 4(c) below. have been or will be employees except (b) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID IN CASH A--Each | orer or mechanic listed in the above referenced payroll has been paid, as indicated on the payroll, an amount not less than the sum of the applicable basic hourly wage rate plus the tof the required fringe benefits as listed in the contract, except as noted in Section 4(c) below. eeaveaaaans =6 amended (48 Stat. 948, 63 Stat. 108, 72 Stat. 967; 76 Stat. 357; 40 U.S.C. 276c), and described below: Ne epee a eae eae Na aT TCT hbo Llealld Tas | = Le tl ttatndetaaeeteneeet OE CCCI ECCI TIC eee EUR EMIT |sssencceosescceascesesseseessenseazsnsansnnanenmnnnannensesscscesesesssesssecesseesszs | | REMARKS | (2) That any payrolls otherwise under this contract required to be submitted for the above = J = sees _ | ones period are correct and complete; that the wage rates for laborers or mechanics contained therein are | | not less than the applicable wage rates contained in any wage determination incorporated into the | | contract; that the classifications set forth therein for each laborer or mechanic conform with the | et Sans yt an ui = vork he performed. | | | | (3) that any apprentices employed in the above period are duly registered in a bona fide fit CERCA RS eneO ae ees LU | apprenticeship program reqistered with a State apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau of | | Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor, or if no such recognized agency | | exists in a State, are registered with the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor. (4) that: (a) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID (0 APPROVED PLANS, FUNDS, OR PROGRAMS { J--In addition to the basic hourly wage rates paid to each laborer or mechanic listed in | the above referenced payroll, payments of fringe benefits as listed in the contract | | {WANE AND TITLE _ (Aeelechey 0: The willful falsification of any of he above Stat or subcontractor to civil or criminal prosecution. and Section 231 of Title 31 of the United States Cod See section 1001 of Title 18 a? CERTIFIED PAYROLL JOB: 91-13 ADDRESS: P. CONTRACTOR | or SUBCONTRACTOR BOX 165 GLENNALLEN, AK 99588 AEL987-822-3252 CONTRACTOR LIC # AA363 COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION CONPANY PAYROLL Bs It PROJECT & LOCATION: VUPIIT- SCH OFSE GEWERATOR DOLE -?-4ULUKGAKORK- PROJECT/CONTRACT #: 91-13 ANT 125755, 8/15/91-9/30/91 “US. Jf 6) [- 1 WL 4. DAY AND DATE [-- 7. -}-[- 8+ DEDUCTIONS, CONTRIBUTIONS AND PAYMENTS --) [- 9. -] EMPLOYEE NAME NO. WON TUE WED = THU I SAT HOURLY TOT ANT GROSS ANT ADDRESS W/H WORK 16 17 1819 e 21 TOTAL PAY FRINGE THIS PROJ FICA/ STATE TAX NISC DEON SSH { 10 { MINORITY / SEX XMP CLASSIFICATION =A [=-~=+-=~ HOURS WORKED EACH DAY - ] HOURS — RATE BENEFIT "ALE PROJ FEO FAX WEDTER LOCAL TAK (SEE KEY) TOT DON NET PAY 5UBI0B 0 JUHL BKJAR 1 ELEC/LINNN AQ7O4 s 1.00 1.00 2.00 26.1000 $2.20 BOK B7200B/ELSINORE RO APT3B *** STRAIGHT TOTALS *** s 1.06 1.00 2.00 52.20 . WASILLA, AK 97687-2008 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 150.30 52.20 104.45 - 38.45 ESC 3.10 te 150.30- 4.69 465.11 329-308-3811 / KJARJUHL + 469.80 8.99 toucasian | Kale $UBJ0B @ TOTALS BY CLASS ANO RATE st 1.00 it 7.08 52.20 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS $2.20 Ww TSN ; oH CERTIFIED PAYROLL FOR: COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY WEEK ENDING: 12/21/91 JOB: 91-13 PROJECT: YUPITT SCH DIST GENERATOR DOLE ? PAGE oI 4. DAY AND DATE [ . [- 6.-] . |r st SUN OW TUE WeO THU FRI SAT HOURLY =—-FOT ANT = GROSS AMOUNT foal PC 1s 16 7 18 19 20 a TOTAL Pay FRINGE THIS PROJECT set eeete een nen nnnne HOURS WORKED EACH DAY ----------------=~ HOURS BENEFITS *ALL PROJECTS Oo 26.1000 KEY TO NISC DEOUCTIONS NUN DESCRIPTION WON DESCRIPTION NUN DESCRIPTION WON DESCRIPTION NUN DESCRIPTION 1c CERTIFIED FRINGE No Regular Employ duction . = Wegative Employee ‘vidietion? vite This is usually used for cash in liew of benefits. OR Reimbursed Employee Deduction included in Fringe Benefit Total. "b" = Employer Paid Deduction included in Fringe Benetit Total. Ooes not affect employee earnings. "*" = Employer Paid Deduction. Does not affect employee earnings or Fringe Benefit fotal. Date 12 Z/- Y J . . have been or will be made to appropriate programs for the benefit of such f° employees except as noted in Section 4(c) below. Lphked. Mecle. tt hice L ahbeR sia (Name of signatory par (Title) (b) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID IN CASH do hereby state: yeaa laborer or mechanic listed in the above referenced payroll has been paid, as indicated on the payroll, an amount not less than the sum of the (1) that 1 pay or supervise the payment of the persons employed by COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION CO., applicable basic hourly age rate plus the amount of the required fringe Z benefits as listed in the contract, except as noted in Section 4(c) below. AK beck tlek.. “(Contractor or Subcontractor) (Building or work) : (c) EXCEPTIONS 3 that during the payroll period commencing on the L2. tay of Lever bee QI, ant ending the Zl tay of LecoutbeR wg, all persons employed on said project have been paid the full weekly wages earned, that no rebates have been or will be made either directly or indirectly to or on behalf of said COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION Ci (Contractor or Subcontractor) weekly wages earned by any person and that no deductions have been made either directly or indirectly from the full vages earned by that person, other than permissible deductions as defined in Regulations, Part 3 (29 CFR Subtitle A), issued by the Secretary of Labor under the Copeland Act, as amended (4% Stat. 948, 63 Stat. 108, 72 Stat. 967; 76 Stat. 357; 40 U.S.C. 276c), and described below: Mikhak. fed+ Siale. Thk Lkouf? Health Ins. from the full | REMARKS (2) That any payrolls othervise under this contract required to be submitted for the above | period are correct and complete; that the wage rates for laborers or mechanics contained therein are | not less than the applicable wage rates contained in any uage determination incorporated into the | contract; that the classifications set forth therein for each laborer or mechanic conform with the | vork he performed. | | | | | (3) That any apprentices employed in the above period are duly registered in a bona fide apprenticeship program registered with a State apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor, or if no such recognized agency exists in a State, are registered with the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor. (4) that: | WANE AND TITLE | SIGNATURE (a) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID 10 APPROVED PLANS, FUNDS, OR PROGRAMS | lew Vf WiLlicdley tte plishees { |--In addition to the basic hourly vage rates paid to each laborer or mechanic listed in | The willful falsification of any of the above statements may subject the contractor | the above referenced payroll, payments of fringe benefits as listed in the contract or subcontractor to civil or criminal prosecution, section 1001 of Title 18 | | and Section 231 of Title 31 of the United States Code. |scesescsncsnsssenssuenssussusnscessansssanesssanessnenssncsessscsssezsssezesssneseszs| SUERTIFIED PAYROLL J0B: 91-13 PAGE: = CONTRACTOR 2 or SUBCONTRACTOR ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 165 GLENNALLEN, AK 99588 TEL 907-822-3252 COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONTRACTOR LIC-4 AN863 PAYROLL 4/2 FOR WEEK ENDING: 12/21/91 PROJECT & LOCATION: YUPIIT SCH DIST GENERATOR DOL® ? TULUKSAK AK PROJECT /CONTRAGT-#: 1-13 ANT 125755, 8/46/91-9/30/95 - —- ——- _ {-~ 1, . =~ 4. DAY AND DATE ---~------~ JUS. 1 & 6-) [-- 1. -] [- 8. DEDUCTIONS, CONTRIBUTIONS AND PAYMENTS --] [- 9. -} EMPLOYEE NAME NO. ST SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT HOURLY TOT AMT GROSS AKT ADDRESS W/H WORK PC 15 16 17 1819 282 TOTAL = PAY. FRINGE THIS PROJ FICA/ STATE TAX MISC DEON SSN] 1D / MINORITY / SEX XMP CLASSIFICATION OA [-------- HOURS WORKED EACH DAY -------- J] HOURS RATE BENEFIT *ALL PROJ FED TAX MEDICR LOCAL TAX (SEE KEY) TOT OOM WET PAY VICTOR R DERR 2 PW OP GP 1 AL6OL 0 2.00 2.008 4.00 37.4550 149.82 BOX 335/M1 111 RICHARDSON HY PW OP GP I AL6OL 8 8.08 408 12.00 24,9708 299.64 Ch# 2 gh GLENWALLEN, AK 99568 *** OVERTIME TOTALS *** o 282 ~ 4 449.82 - OS an een —L Se cep 518-48-6013 / DERRVICTOR *** STRAIGHT TOTALS *** s one 48 12.00 299.64 -~ : Caucasian / Male TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 114.40 449.46 152.87 $2.76 ESC 4.25 te 104.40 422.19 314.37 * 736.56 12.34 29° 314.37 ‘SUBJOB @ TOTALS BY CLASS AND RATE PU OP GP I ALGOL ° 2.06 2.08 4.00 37.4550 149.82 ~~ SUBJOB @ TOTALS - - ~ A SPITE gp ot 200 400 149.82 st 8.08 4.08 12.00 299.64 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 449.46 YUPIIT SCH DIST GENERATOR DOLE ? PAGE: = 2 CERTIFIED PAYROLL FOR: COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY WEEK ENDING: 12/21/91 JOB: 91-13 PROJEC OI [--- commanm 4, DAY AND DATE -) [- 6] -] ST SUN OW TWE WED THU FRI SAT HOURLY — TOT ANT = GROSS. AMOUNT PC 15 16 7 18 19 2b at TOTAL PAY FRINGE = THIS PROJECT OA [- ~ HOURS WORKED EACH DAY HOURS RATE BENEFITS — *ALL PROJECTS JOB 91-13 TOTALS BY CLASS AND RATE 2.00 4.00 37.4550 149.82 s 8.00 12.00 24.9700 299.64 ot 20 2.00 rm) 149.82 st 8.08 4 12.00 299.64 TOVAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 49.46 ee _ oe KEY TO MISC DEDUCTIONS DESCRIPTION MUN DESCRIPTION MUN DESCRIPTION NUN DESCRIPTION NUM DESCRIPTION NUN DESCRIPTION MUN DESCRIPTION ic CERTIFIED FRINGE © 29 GARNISHED WAGES No code = Regular Employee Deduction, which decreases employee earnings. “c™ = Negative Employee Deduction, vhich increases employee earnings and is included in Fringe Benefit Total. This is usually used for cash in lieu of bei OR Reimbursed Employee Deduction included in Fringe Benefit fotal. Be "b* = tmployer Paid Deduction included in Fringe Benefit Total. Does not affect employee earnings. "+" = Employer Paid Deduction. Does not affect employee earnings or Fringe Benefit Total. Date 26-72. ee a i LEM OL Méthe (Name of signatory party) ye I 2 OF L te... LUELMEL. (Title) do hereby state: have been or will be made to appropriate programs for the benefit of such employees except as noted in Section 4(c) below. (b) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID 1N CASH /--Each laborer or mechanic listed in the above referenced payroll has been paid, as indicated on the payroll, an amount not less than the sum of the (1) That 1 pay or supervise the payment of the persons employed RpPPER VALLEY CONSTRUGTION CO, applicable basic hourly wage rate plus the amount of the required fringe tn Lip eh heehee (Contractor or Subcontractor) (Building or vork) pamela ; that during the payroll period commencing on the LS day of Lex, 0F/, and ending the 22/__ day “Recctbe R as 9/, all persons employed on said project have been paid the full weekly wages earned, that no rebates have been or will be made either directly or indirectly to or on behalf of said COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUQTION CO., EI tu from the full (Contractor or Subcontractor) weekly wages earned by any person and that no deductions have been made either directly or indirectly from the full wages earned by that person, other than permissible deductions as defined in Regulations, Part 3 (29 CFR Subtitle A), issued by the Secretary of Labor under the Copeland Act, as amended (48 Stat. 948, 63 Stat. 108, 72 Stal. 967; 76 Slat. 357; 40 U.S.C. 276c), and described below: Noktd Lad? Stéle Tif idea ae eee cae EP Chhished Wwhle. i) (2) That any payrolls othervise under this contract required to be submitted for the above period are correct and complete; that the wage rates for laborers or mechanics contained therein are not less than the applicable wage rates contained in any wage determination incorporated into the contract; that the classifications set forth therein for each laborer or mechanic conform with the work he performed. (3) That any apprentices employed in the above period are duly registered in a bona fide apprenticeship program registered with a State apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor, or if no such recognized agency exists in a State, are registered with the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor. (4) that: (a) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAIO TO APPROVED PLANS, FUNDS, OR PROGRAKS { ]--In addition to the basic hourly wage rates paid to each laborer or mechanic listed in the above referenced payroll, payments of fringe benefits as listed in the contract benefits as listed in the contract, except as noted in Section 4(c) belou. (c) EXCEPTIONS |ssansnsnessssssssusenrsnsensenensnsnassesensusenensnensnssesenenessesensnsztssezszss| | REMARKS | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | WANE AND TITLE | SIGNATURE | | / Wii lcekey Lice Libbiaehe. | The willful falsification of any of the above statements may subject the contractor | | or subcontractor to civil or criminal prosecution. See section 1001 of Title 18 = | | and Section 231 of Title 31 of the United States Code. | CERTIFIED PAYROLL JOB: 91-13 PAGE: = 1 CONTRACTOR «7% or SUBCONTRACTOR WODRESS: P.O. BOX 165 GLENWALLEN, AK 99588 TEL 907-822-3252 COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONTRACTOR, * AA363 PAYROLL #: 3 PROJECT/CONTRACT Fo. . ~ 4, DAY AND DATE ---~------~ 105.) [- 6-) [-- 1. -] [+ 8. DEDUCTIONS, CONTRIBUTIONS AND PAYMENTS --] [- 9. -] EMPLOYEE NAME No. ST SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT HOURLY TOT ANT GROSS ANT ADDRESS W/H WORK PS BB HAL TOTAL «PAY FRINGE THIS PROJ ~~~ FECA STATE TAK NISC DEON SSH] 10 / MINORITY / SEX XNP CLASSIFICATI WOURS WORKED EACH DAY ~ -] HOURS — RATE BENEFIT *ALL 5UBJ0B 0 ALLEN, DANIEL E. 6 PH OOP GP 1 ALGOL 8 4.00 24.9708 8 7 4.5 OLD EOGERTON/HC6OBOX 345 —*** STRAIGHT TOTALS *** s an an COPPER CENTER, AK 99573 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 193.05 99,88 125.93 68.57 ESC §.53 te 193.05- 23.02 889.86 57-36-9259 / ALLENDANTEL UT. 88 16.08 a1) Caucasian / Nale ~ Le, RAY D. LAB GRP LV AL204 s au 4.00 21.0008 ee il WRONG WAY/ P. 0. BOX S2t *** STRAIGHT TOTALS *** 8 au an 84.00 GLENMALLEN, AK 99586 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 183.33 84,00 199.53 68.58 ESC 4.65 fe 183.33- 143.51 650.18 52-48-8323 / LEERAY 0195.69 1.7 1b 47.91 Caucasian / Kale TOLLWAN, JERRY A. 4 WON-TRADE SALARY ‘ 4 18.5 WIDGEON WAY, P.O. BOX 377 *** STRAIGHT TOTALS *** s on : 108.46 GLENNALLEM, AK 99586 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 108.46 144,73 67.25 227,71 856.91 20-46-5981 / TOLLMANJERR "7084.62 15.13 Caucasian / Hale SUBJOB @ TOTALS BY CLASS AND RATE LAB GRP IV A1204 s 4.00 4.08 21.0008 84.08 PW OP GP I AL6OL s 4.00 4.00 24.9700 99.88 WON-TRADE SALARY 4.00) 27.1150 SUBJOB @ TOTALS st 12.08 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS { i 1 J 3 a cea CERTIFIED PAYROLL FOR: COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY WEEK ENDING: 1/11/92 JOB: 91-13 PROJECT: YUPIIT SCH DIST GENERATOR DOLE ? PAGE: = 2 sensesseeaseccsensscesersseeesssssesseessssescaaesss2sesese2es222s20s22222222 eeeeeaszess: enesenseseseossessseese222s22s2c2seesszesezesscze2: OT [--- 4. DAY AND DANE J} [-- 8. -) [+ 64) [---- 1. +] st SUN WON Te weo iu FRI Sal HOURLY — TOT ANT GROSS AMOUNT Pc 5 6 1 8 4 uw ul TOTAL PAY FRINGE THIS PROJECT Dh [----------------222 HOURS WORKED EACH DAY ~-----------------] HOURS RATE BENEFITS ALL PROJECTS JOB 91-13 TOTALS BY CLASS AND RATE LAB GRP IV AL204 s 4.08 4.00) 21,0008 84.0t PH OP GP I Aleed s 4.00 4.00 24,9708 99.88 WON-IRADE SALARY s 4.00 4.00 27.1150 108.46 st 12.00 12.00 292.34 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 292.34 KEY 10 MISC DEOUCTIONS NUM DESCRIPTION NUN DESCRIPTION NUM DESCRIPTION MUM DESCRIPTION NUM DESCRIPTION WUN DESCRIPTION NUM DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION To CERTIFIED FRINGE 10 MEDICAL 125 PLA No code = Regular Employee Deduction, which decreases employee earnings. "co" = Negative Employee Deduction, which increases employee earnings and is included in Fringe Benefit Total. This is.uswally used for cash in Liew of benefits. OR Reimbursed Employee Deduction included in Fringe Benefit Total. "b" = Employer Paid Deduction included in Fringe Benefit lotal. Does not affect employee earnings. Employer Paid Deduction. Ooes not affect employee earnings or Fringe Benefit Total. Date /- SF. have been or vill be made to appropriate programs for the benefit of such DO OROT. iy EVA N S. PA YROLL _ Lo . employees except as noted in Section 4(c) below. (Name of signatory par (Title) (b) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PALO IN CASH do hereby state: =“ pene laborer or mechanic listed in the e@ referenced payroll has been paid, as indicated on the payroll, an amount not less than the sum of the (1) That I pay or supervise the payment of the persons employed by === applicable basic hourly wage rate plus the amount of the required fringe benefits as listed in the contract, except as noted in Section 4(c) below wn Llehth fepctdi Ke (Contractor or Subcontractor) (Building or work) (c) EXCEPTIONS — a __.._ that during the payroll period commencing on the == = -<S 2 a LL EXCEPTION (CRAFT) EXPLANATION day of Yous + WZ, and ending the /0 day of Dp W332, all persons oyed on said project have been paid the full weekly wages earned, that no rebates have been or will be made either directly or indirectly to or on behalf of said OS ee aoe eo from tthe: ful (Contractor or Subcontractor) weekly wages earned by any person and that no deductions have been made either directly or indirectly from the full wages earned by that person, other than permissible deductions as defined in Regulations, Part 3 (29 CFR Subtitle A), issued by the Secretary of Labor under the Copeland Act, as amended (48 Stat. 948, 63 Stat. 108, /2 Stat. 967; 76 Stat. 357; 40 U.S.C. 276c), and described below: GREG | REMARKS (2) That any payrolls otherwise under this contract required to be submitted for the above period are correct and complete; that the wage rates for laborers or mechanics contained therein are not Less than the applicable wage rates contained in any vage determination Incorporated into the contract; that the classifications set forth therein for each laborer or mechanic conform vith the vork he performed. (3) That any apprentices employed in the above period are duly registered in a bona fide apprenticeship program registered with a State apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor, or if no such recognized agency exists in a State, are registered with the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor. (4) that: | WANE AND TITLE | | | (a) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PALO 10 APPROVED PLANS, FUNDS, OR PROGRAKS 34,71, f) - ki Ko Ly LES. hihi bh. {| J--In addition to the basic hourly wage rates paid to each laborer or mechanic listed in | the willful falsification of any of the above statem@hts may subject the contractor | the above referenced payroll, payments of fringe benefits as listed in the contract | or subcontractor to civil or criminal prosecution. “Wee section 1001 of Tithe 18 = | | and Section 231 of Title 31 of the United States Code. | | | | \ | | | | ir A DANES PS Be eh [ * CERTIFIED PAYROLL | sauccumaseensseggtanszsaerensagessasses CONTRACTOR or SUBCOMIRAL TOR COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CAPLOYER NAME ssw / 10 / TY / Sex SUBJOB @ HEHE BT EL = HCG BOX 299C/MI15 ED COPPER CENTER, AK 99573 514-392-1367 | HOVERMALEDA Caucasian / Wale BOK 167 TULUKSAK, AK 99679 ~BTA-46-0769 | WAPOKAIANES: Ak Native | Wale "| WOW-TRaDE ri a 4 r HLEC/GRONN AO705 s 5 Pp —————-pu-ov- season bs lel SUBIOB @ TOTALS WR bh 8 TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS FOR WEEK EW NO. WAH WORK ANP CLASSIFICATION mo WON TRADE on PW OP GP I A161 *** STRAIGHT TOTALS *** TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS A ELEC/ORUAN AGT OD *** SIRATGHI TOTALS *** TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS oe 8.08 HON a ba 8 4 s 8.08 s 5.00 Se St SUN 96-— 9 ——44 908: 91-13 4. DAY AND DATE --~ TUE WED THU FRI SAT Hoe 4B A dh AL RS WORKED EACH DAY J] HOURS 1. J) I 6] peneessesesneseescescnsstausccascecsseenseaneatansassessaseazssscesserssseasasnenennaszaesasesssessaecsezessssezzeez2nteeess2 [-- 1. =] [+ 8. DEDUCTIONS, CONTRIBUTIONS AND PAYMENTS --] [- 9. -] HOURLY TOT AMT GROSS ANT PA ERENGE—HHAS- BROS —————————HG af SET ISDE RATE BENEFIT *ALL PROJ FEO TAX MEDICR LOCAL TAX (SEE KEY) TOT DON MET PAY PAGE: =o SNODRESS +P, 8OX-165 GLENNALLEN, AK 99588. - TEL 907-822-3252 CONTRACTOR, Alaska AA363 aa mecsauesssassscncsenssnesesscusseeascsassn22ieussssscessenasenessacsanssomsscasssaesesassessacsseacssesssssenessenesensssssassscssssassaessassensssasssassessasssesssassssessssassssessasssusseesss re Stare! 4-94 i sa 9.00 24,9700 224,18 ; ane 8.08 8.00 a0 $95.72 64.95 — 596092 46:6 4092-66 — 3-98 —te—6496-—— 9797 667.95 CRE LYSY * $99.72 9.57 rey eT ay TT" $4.58 _ 500 a5 : 351.48 84.50 267.19 TAAL ESC 6.08 te 351.48- 13.57 898.66 ss oS eek ge the s-7 | ' * ae 16.4300 16.9006 Ty47y +t CERTIFIED PAYROLL F sasesensssesesseese: “COPPER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY WEEK ENDING: 2/15/92 JOB: 91-13 PROJECT: YUPIIT SCH Ist “GENERATOR ool ? PAGE: = 2 s2eceesenecseessssssscsssozcsaseusesssessensessszssesentssersseacrssssesseseresscseesseeseasseessseseesescszssseeeesssenssssecenseasneees: seeeseeesseeseecsssessecazsessz= 4. DAY AND DATE ~-~----~------------- T[-- 8. -) I+ 6-1 [---- 1. .+2] onneta a “cialis | SUN HOW TUE WED WH rRI SAT HOURLY 10 AKT GROSS AMOUNT 9 16 iW 12 13 4 1b TOTAL PAY FRINGE THIS PROJECT -o72HOURS WORKED EACH DAY — HOURS ca a NON-TRADE a ere Pt | See es | 8.00 SOM De LS ggg ELEC/GROMN AQ705 8 5.8 5.00 16.9000 84.58 PW OP GP 1 Aneet s 4.00 nec 5.08 8.00 8.08 6.08 8.00 a1 i é andi ci URS ia alii ss TOTAL EARNINGS & DEDUCTIONS 680.22 KEY 10 NISC DEDUCTIONS NUM DESCRIPTION NUM DESCRIPTION NUM DESCRIPTION NUM DESCRIPTION iM DESCRIPTION Wo code = Regular Employee Deduction, which decreases employee earnings, . ss 2 at Employee Deduction, uhich increases employee earnings and is included in Fringe Benefit Total... This is usually used for cash in liew of benefits. a ee cen di as ace adit OR Reimbursed Employee Deduction included in Fringe Benefit Total. "b" = Employer Paid Deduction included in Fringe Benefit lotal. Qoes not affect employee earnings. le |v Employer Paid Deduction. Does not aftect employee earnings or fringe Benefit fotal. a aes ———— a TEY eT TT Eervy | Date Zz ‘B /, IZ have been or will be made to appropriate programs for the benefit of such ‘| ; employees except as noted in Section 4(c) below. \ koh y Lith > SAG RLL {Wame of signatory party) (litle) (b) WHERE FRINGE BEMEFIIS ARE PAID IN CASH. do hereby state: =-Each laborer or mechanic listed in the above referenced payroll has been paid, as indicated on the payroll, an int not less than the sum of the (1) that 1 pay or supervise the payment of the persons employed by™"P"” “’*'IFY CONSTRUCTION CO, applicable basic hourly wage rate plus the amount of the required fringe 7 , i 'd in the contract, except as noted in Section 4(c) below. - J ée . ey benetits as liste ce Om the Late sak. LCM MBE LR - tg ee ' (Contractor or Subcontractor) (Building or work) (c) EXCEPTIONS 2 ca. _ + that during the payroll period commencing on the 7 a. 2 —— — day \ Lah Y 19.FZZ, and ending the /S day ot Anh Ae L722. | -ah+ persons employed’ on said project have been paid the full weekly wages earned, that no rebates. _ | Maa &- have been or will be made either directly or indirectly to or on behalf of said |---4 (ME. “OPER VALLEY CONSTRUOTION CU.t | (Contractor or Subcontractor) weekly wages earned by any person and that no deductions have been made either directly or indirectly ——trom-the fuit wages earned by that person, other than permissible deduotions os defined in— = Regulations, Part 3 (29 CFR Subtitle A), issued by the Secretary of Labor under the Copeland Act, as amended (48 Stat. 948, 63 Stat. 108, 72 Stat. 967; 76 Stat. 357; 40 U.S.C. 276c), and described below: [hath fer sfile Tek Bhaa? Hel TIS from the full — sp he ae | | - 7 + (2) That any payrolls othervise under this contract required to be submitted for the above | period are correct and complete; that the wage rates for laborers or mechanics contained therein are | not less than the applicable vage rates contained in any wage determination incorporated into the | contract; thal the classifications set forth therein tor each laborer or mechamic conform vith the | vork he pertormed. | — | (3) That any apprentices employed in the above period are duly registered in a bona fide | apprenticeship program registered with a State apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau of | Apprenticeship and [raining, United States Hepartment of Labor, or if no such recognized agency | exists in a State, are registered vith the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Iraining, United States a - Department of Labor. | | | | | | ' (4) Thats (a) WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAIN 10 APPROVED PLANS, FUNDS, OR PROGRAMS | }--In addition to the basic hourly vage rates paid to each laborer or mechanic listed in | The vilftul talsitication of any of the abbve statefénts may subject the contractor | a the above reterenced payroll, payments ot tringe benefits as listed in the contract | or subcontractor to civil or criminal prosecution, See section 1001 of Title 18 1 - | and Section 231 of litle 31 of the United States Cod