HomeMy WebLinkAboutTok Waste Heat AP&T 1992State of Alaska Oy Walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation June 12, 1992 Mr. Don Mahon Alaska Power and Telephone PO Box 207 Tok, AK 99780 SUBJECT: Tok Waste Heat Potential Dear Mr. Mahon: I am writing in response to our telephone conversation Monday 6/1/92. I suggest that you write a letter to my Director requesting assistance in determining the feasibility of a waste heat recovery system in Tok. Address the letter to: Mr. David Denig-Chakroff Director/Rural Programs Alaska Energy Authority PO Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519 In conjunction with that letter, lease provide to me a sketch (aerial photo is best) that shows the relative location of the AP&T power plant to the proposed new Tok school and any other large facilities in the vicinity of the power plant (such as the library, lodge, clinic, etc.). Please indicate the distance from the power plant to these buildings, the proposed piping route right-of-way, and any major road crossings. Any information that you can provide me regarding the annual fuel consumption of the proposed end-user facilities is very helpful in determining the feasibility of a waste heat system. © PO.BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 x PO. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road =Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 In addition to the above information, I also need data on your generation equipment including the following: Manufacturer and model number AR number Engine horsepower kW rating of the diesel-genset RPM of genset Governor type and serial number Performance Spec. A sketch of the power plant showing the relative location of the gensets, cooling system piping location and size, radiator locations, etc. is also required for me to put together a cost estimate for a waste heat project. If you have any questions, please call me at (907) 561-7877. FAX (907) 561- 8584. Sincerely, A Ly ¢ Steven J. Stdssel Remote Systems Engineer II SS/ The Problem Spec «Legislative Fina -e Report RURAL BULK FUEL STORAGE FACILITIES IN NON-COMPLIANCE Senator Johne Binkley Representative Lyman Hoffman RE une 1990 SS guy 98? AUTHCAITY Late this session, the Bureau of Indian Affairs notified our offices that fuel delivery services rasa S community bulk fuel storage facilities could be terminated because of state and federal code compliance deficiencies. Among the problems cited were poor footings, defective pipelines, and inadequate or nonexistent dikes. UNITED STATES OEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS Sours Supp Carer ?.0. Box 80%? Sante. Wassimgivn 98108 (706) 764.3378 April 17, 1980 Howorabie Lyra Hoffman dures, Alaska C081! Dear Me. Hedi maa: We would Uks © bricf you On 4 crithal RADON Which Is premEMiy Usvulnrung in re Nal delivery mvc my mony ror Aleka rillagee AS yw ore aware, the Roresy of Indian Alfesrs has provided 4 mimmburuabie service © ropa Aleska for many year. Unni 1963 we provided delivenes © villages wiliang mw own vessel. The fowth ond last vessel our service was the USMS NORTH STAR UL Sums IGS we lowe prewcimd this service trough 2 concact arrungerceat wich a privam carrier, This service is Known us the Cust Marge The Unrwd Siows Navy's Miltary Sealift Coramand (MSC) developed and monary thi: gpewect on betalf of tre Unie Suues Air Fone’s Absten Au Comenand (AAC). ‘That culuary agency spangon as, and. we in ure Sponsor the many differem Neowe Communities who cither cunnce pet Urlwery service or whe cannct afford the bigh core of vervics which mgm be avaiable. ricased from any indemmificanon provisions for wry exposure w liability redung frum Uelrwery uf fuel under ihe eurung comeract «The Navy's Milimry Sealift declined 1 great the coswecwr say exepUR Wo ralie (mm ihe existing corinat lengangs However, they iafonmed the conwactor that they would mot have (© deliver fucl © amy acuity whch uney (res Umirmanr) rines ant foal noes ine enviermenc ma) maadards prescribed by down Fodersl und Sum loos re pulaiore We are enciomag ¢ hat uf the sims which Uw comuactr furnished. the March 16 nweimg. we comractor provuies 3 list of sims they wer concerned dow. Recenuy, the congmcur mile mibone! village sits fail w meet the necemary uandard We are caciosing 8 copy . We expect Use wy mkt mblitinmd Gem on the lit as the delivery wasce progresses. We Mave becca mformasd Umi Uncec villages are la grave danger of mt having [ual Galiweres Uae x» ihe onndiunn of che fue) morage facilities | Communities Affected Bureau of Indian Affairs Notification Sunn To date, 59 communities are identified with some type of deficiency, including: Northwest Arctic/Norton Sound: Brevig Mission, Buckland, Chevak, Diomede, Elim, Gambell, Golovin, Hooper Bay, Ki ana, Kivalina, Kobuk, Kotzebue, Koyuk, Noatak, Noorvik, Savoonga, Scammon Bay. Selawik. Shishmaref. Stebbins. FROM: Rogers, Richard TO: Stassel, Steven DATE: 05-27-92 TIME: 3:43 PM cc: Rogers, Richard SUBJECT: Tok Waste Heat PRIORITY: ATTACHMENTS: Call Don Mahon re. waste heat for new Tok school. Also when you get a chance let me know what your doing on this, I'm in the process of finalizing a report on wood heat for the same facility. Rick oe eo 2S KIn nad © Hay Q