HomeMy WebLinkAboutTakotna Correspondence Memos 1988. Takotna Community ‘Association, Inc. . a BOX 86, TAKOTNA, ALASKA 99675 ° > Dorothy Anderson, CHAIRMAN Od PHONE: 298-2211 nee QL ct November 20, ‘Pee is iy Mr. Bob Le Resche, Executive Director Noy Li / Alaska Power Authority 27 1387 P.C. Box 190869 ~ ALASKA po Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 AUTHOR Ey A Dear Sir; During the past 8 years we have recieved two State Grants tc, first, put in place an electrical system for the village of Takotna and second, to upgrade the system. At that time we completed every detail to the best of our ability using what expertise that was available in the village. Now, several years down the road we are experiencing tre Following built-in troubles and/or hazards. Le 20-30 amp on a bare nuetral leg at United Utilities Building. Ze 10-12 amp on a bare nuetral leg at several residents, enough that a small spark is observed when a grounding device is atteched. 3. Your dept. along with APUC have both commented and questioned the large line loss we have with the distribution we have. 4. _Qur effenciency has improved fram 3.6 (fuel to KWH) to 7 cr 8, but is still way tc low. 10 KWH per gallon of fuel would be acceptable to us but 11-12 or even 12.5 would be more in line with an efficient system. There are many other small problems that should be changed tc improve efficiency and some that are a defenite safety hazard such as the hot nuetrals. Therefore, we are requesting technical assistance fram your department at your earliest opportunity. Hopinc this request can be placed on your calendar within the very near future. eo . ees Remain , iC» —— jen Newton, Vice/Chairnman i | ‘ ' ' ! STATE WE ALAS IC / econ covemen DEPT. OF COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS 1001 NOBLE STREET SUITE 430 RURAL DEVELOPMENT DIVISION EAS AEASEASSION 452-4468 May 20, 1988” Mr. Peter Hansen Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Dear Mr. Hansen RE: Takotna Electrification Upgrade Per our telephone conversation yesterday, I am sending you a copy of the Takotna Community Association's application for REDI funds to complete their electrification upgrade. The application has been approved for partial funding. I would estimate their grant to be $90,000 - $95,000 maximum. I understand that you will be working with them to provide some guidance and, hopefully, ensure that they end up with a much improved electrification system. Please send me a copy of A.P.A.'s written agreement with Takotna once you've finalized it. In the meantime, feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I'll look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Jo E. SOfe— Community Development Specialist Enclosure Rural Economic Development Initiative Grant Program FINAL Application Name of Applicant (Borough/City/Community/Organization): TAKOTNA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Project Title: TAKOTNA ELECTRAFICATION UPGRADE | Contact Person: Phone Number298-2211 S) ( Co-Applicant (if applicable) Name and Address: (Type of Application: N/A Economic Develojment Technical Assistaiice KK XX (" Type of Applicant: ____ City $140,000.00 x Non-Profit Traditiona/IRA ‘Council S J (Certifications: I the undersigned, certify that am authorized to represent the applicant, that to the best of my knowl- edge and belief, data in this application is true and correct, that the document has been duly authorized by the governing body of the applicant, that the community is empowered by statute to perform the functions and provide the services encompassed by the project proposed, and that the applicant will comply with the attached assurances if assistance is approved. $105,000.00 Community Deve opment _x_ (A separate Final App ‘ication must be ~ submitted for each ap:-licable category) a - aN Borough Total Project Cos.. Unincorporated Community Se ——__ Rianne Amount of RED! Request: } J )\ ye % (- Signature of Authorized Official oe / Printed Name: Dick Newton —) Official's Title Director Date _3/28/88 | NK = D REDI Final Application — PROJECT DESIGN: TV) ese crete ea a Te eer ere enero UL | WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO po? DESCRIBE THE PROJECT AS COMPLETELY AND IN AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE. ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY. 1. Reduce ground loss of 28% to a more acceptable figure by: a. Hanging triplex wire on poles rather than trees, requiring 12 poles, _hardware, anchors, etc. b. Replace all splices made with splitnuts using compression type sleeves. c. Install a suitable ground system in and around the generator house with open copper long enough and deep enough to acquire a good ground in an area where only shale rock is present and good ground is difficult. d. Correct all existing neutral lines that now carry ampherage. This can be accomplished by carefully following wiring procedures and suitable grounding systems at each subscribers metering system. e. Starting at the generator house, change the primary line size to con- form with the code. Our system was installed piece meal in the beginning. As it grew in size, different gauge wire was used and we now have a mix- ture of 1/0,2/0, and 3/0 wire scattered thru out the village. The sec- ondary line is almost as bad, except only two sizes were used. 2. All new poles where existing lines are now hanging in birch trees and replace native cut poles where possible. The native cut poles are beginning to rot and break off at the ground level. Install 25 anchor rods and wire at necessary locations. Wire connot be stretched and sagged without proper anchors in key places. 3. Install switch gear suitable for a system of this size and as recommended by the APA. We now have a single, 3 position switch allowing only one generator at a time to be on line. We need "switch gear" with gauges to separate each line and measure the load on each to properly balance the system. 4. All of the changes will be accomplished upon recommendation and under super- vision of the APA staff. Le ————— __ —{__REDI Final Application / ADMINISTRATIVE CAPABILITY OF THE APPLICANT: TT DESCRIBE YOUR ORGANIZATION AND ITS ABILITY TO COMPLETE THIS PROJECT: INCLUDE A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE; TYPE OF , BOOK-KEEPING SYSTEM USED; NAMES OF KEY PEOPLE INVOLVED IN THIS PROJECT AND THEIR ROLES; HISTORY OF OTHER STATE AND FEDERALLY FUNDED PROJECTS YOU HAVE ADMINISTERED; AND EXPLAIN ANY INVOLUNTARY CLOSE-OUT OF PROJECTS OR GRANTS OR INCOMPLETE PROJECTS YOU HAVE PREVIOU: SLY ADMINISTERED. ATTACH COPY OF MOST RECENT AUDIT REPORT.) The Takotna Community Association was organized in 1980 by all the residents of Takotna, native and non-native for the purpose of becoming the entity and there- fore the manager of the ANSCA 14C3 lands and also to recieve and administer such State grants as recieved in Takotna. Since that time we incorporated as a non-profit organization (May 1982) and have operated an electrical generator and distribution system beginning in 1981. Our system has been in continuous operation since that time except for minor and short break downs. Chairman: ——————-—-—-Dorothy Anderson Vice-Chairman-—------—-Janice Newton Secretary—— Martin Wortman Bookkeeper-—-—--—-—---—-Nell Huffman Directors-—---------—---Lew Whalen Jo Oldham Frank Miller Dick Newton We use an Accural Bookkeeping system. We recieved the following State grants through the CR&A, completing each and every one on time and within the stated budget requirements. We have no audit report as such, but each of the following grants were audited by CR&A. 1. Multi Purpose Bldg. >. . 3. Heavy Equipment 4. Electrification 7 5. Fire Truck 6. Community Hall 7. Solid Waste 8. Village Streets and Roads Bulk Fuel Library Construction Fire House ore -- —C€ REDI Final Application / BUDGET: ——— PROVIDE LINE ITEM COSTS FOR REDI AND OTHER FUNDS TO COMPLETE THE ENTIRE PROJECT. . Cost Summary Form Other Funds Cost Category REDI Fed State Local In-kind Private Total Labor 58,198400_ —- Materials 20,646 Freight 5670150 7 Consultants N/A Inspection Fees Project Planning Architectural N/A Engineering Equipment Rental Insurance Contractua Other (list) ~ 1 ~—(_ REDI Final Application ? BUDGET NARRATIVE: DESCRIBE IN DETAIL EACH LINE ITEM AND AMOUNT SPECIFIED IN THE COST SUMMARY FORM. JUSTIFY ALE COSTS AND SHOW APPROPRIATE COMPUTATIONS. IDENTIFY SOURCES OF NON-REDI FUNDS AND ATTACH APPROPRIATE DOCUMENTATION (LETTERS OF COMMITMENT, ETC.) ATTACH PRICE QUOTES FOR MATERIALS, LABOR, EQUIPMENT RENTAL, ETC. ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY. LABOR $45,720.00 _, ¢, BENEFITS 12,478.00 “=~ EQUIPMENT RENTAL 9,000.00 MATERIALS 20,646.50 (Phone quotes enclosed) FREIGHT 5,670.50 ADMINISTRATION < 6,485.00 CONTINGENCY 5% (5000.00 See attached pages for budget break down and justification. All prices are phone quotes from Debenham Electric, Anchorage. Labor costs and time are my estimates, as are the equipment time and costs. The 7% Administration is also my estimate —~ for bookkeeping, office work, etc.. The 5% contingency will cover the hidden expenses, postal C.O.D's, charters for parts, tools, etc. &? eseclne Community lArdevtation, Die. BOX 86, TAKOTNA, ALASKA 99675 JANICE NEWTON VICE-CHAIRMAN PHONE: 298-2211 Jo Cooper Department Community & Regional Affairs 1001 Newell Suite’ 430 Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 Dear Jo, Please find enclosed an attachment to our preapplication Grant for Takotna's Electrification for matching funds. 4s per our telephone conversation this amount is above the amount that we applied for in the grant. We are hoping this is sufficient to get our Grant as we certainly need the Electrification upgraded before we have another disaster in “our village. If you need more information please feel free to call, Sincerely, Lar Ss < c « ; Jan Newton, Vice-Chairman ra ATTACHMENT f ( | RE: -TAKOTNA'S ELECTRIFICATION UPGRADE REDI GRAN' PREAPPLICATION TAKOTINA'S MATCHING FUNDS TELEPHONE $ 1,500.00 OFFICE , SPACE, MATERIALS, COPIER PAPER ETC. 900.00 2 VILLAGE PICK UPS, $65.00/da x 100 das. x 2 13,000.00 TECHNICAL STAFF ROOM AND BOARD, $70.00 da. x 12%: das x 2 16,800.00 (APA WORKERS) CHARTER OFF LOADING & HAULING MATERIALS TO VILLAGE 6 workers x15.00 P.H. x 8 HRS @ 720.00 TRAVEL TCT-ANCH-TCT RD. TRIP, $309.00 x 2 618.00 TCT-ANCH-FBKS-ANCH-TCT RD. TRIP 568.00 PER DIEM $100.00 da. x 10 1,000.00 TOTAL MATCHING FUNDS NOT INCLUDED IN GRANT APPLICATION $35,106.00 Ve Page 4. Re: TAKOTNA UPGRADE WORK REQUIRED Rewire Village and/or change between pole splices. Rewire Generators and install conduit, install meter base and meter for generator building outlet. (waterproof). Insall switch for Generator building. Rewire 5 wells, including poles, anchors, outlets. Hang 15 Transformers Change out breakers in existing switch box Install ground cable and ground rods at Generator building and other places where needed Move 20,000 gallon bulk fuel tank onto village property Install street lights and metering system Resag Service drops where lines where needed mecessary and resag existing distribution Add additional poles and anchors to existing lines POLES 1-Road Commission 5-Wells 1-Chucks 1-Gen. Bldg 2-Roberts 1-Cosselmon 1- Bar turn 1-Gym ANCHORS 3-Telephone Bldg 2-School crossing 2-Road Commission 1-Chuck 2-Schupps 1-John Esai 2-Cosselmon 2-Bar Turn 1-Puddens 1-Store 1-Gym 2-Roberts Eep's House 7A Meter bases and weather proof Page 5. RE: TKAOTNA UPGRADE 1. 5 men/8 weeks Back Hoe 2. 1 man/2 weeks 3. 1 man/l week 4. 2 men/3 weeks Back Hoe 5. 3 men/2 weeks Back Hoe 6. 1 man/l day 7. 2 men/l week Back Hoe 8. 2 men/l week Back Hoe 9. 2 men/1 week eg 10. 2 men/1 week 1l. 3 men/3 weeks Back Hoe : 12. - Foreman's Pay TOTAL LABOR TOTAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL, BUDGET BREAKDOWN 1600 hours 12 hours “3 hours 40 hours 240 hours 20 hours 240 hours 20 hours 8 hours 80 hours 18 hours 80 hours 10 hours 80 hours 80 hours 360 hours 30_ hours $24,000.00 1,200.00 600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 120.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 5,400.00 2,400.00 $45,720.00 fi8 foie Lithia LC Tse fi G2 $ 900.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,350.00 1,500.00 2,250.00 $9,000.00 SO 2 Page 6. Re: TAKOTNA UPGRADE BUDGET BREAKDOWN 2,500 ft. 1-0 Quad Wire $1188.00 per 1,000 ft. 100 Split Nuts 1-0 4.95 @ 50 Cowboys 1-0 3.75 @ w-201AA 1% Conduit and Fittings (Generator Building) Misc. Bolts, Nuts, Insulators Etc. Connection dope 15-30 Poles 600.00 @ 25 Complete Anchors 100.00 @ 3-90 AMP TED1364150 Breakers 260.00 @ 10 Meter Base's 100.00 @ 10 Meters 75.00 @ 10 Waterproof Outlets and Romex 12/2 Wire 10 8' Ground rods 25.00 @ 8 Street Lights 50.00 @ 15. 10KVA Transformers TOOLS, DRILLS, BITS,BLOCK & TACKLE ETC. (Sleeves versus Split Nuts) . Transportation for Above TOTAL FOR ABOVE PRICED ITEMS /€ $3,974.00 795.00 197.50 500.00 350.00 9,000,00 2,500.00 780.00 1,000.00 750.00 150.00 250.00 400.00 Ci ne0.00 — $25,446.50 yee > of “ve a gle REDI Final Application COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1. “NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO WILL DIRECTLY BENEFIT FROM THE PROJECT: 76 Explain: By operating a more effective electricla system and recovering all but 8 to 10% of the 28% line loss, less fuel will be required, therefore less cost to the subscriber. Twelve people will be hired for a period of 60 to 90 days.” “These funds would roll-over through the businesses in the area. Employees would again be eligible for unemployment, causing another roll-over through the community. Population of Your Community: 76 2. COST OF REDI DOLLARS PER DIRECT BENEFICIARY: REDI Dollars Requested = $105,000.00 * 76 = $1,381.58 Describe how the project will benefit these people. Be specific and justify the number: The benefit s are discribed above. The number of 76 population is justified through its use on our monthly Utility Report to the APA and reports to CR&A for Revenue Sharing and the Volunteer Fire Department. 3. RATIO OF REDI FUNDS TO OTHER FEDERAL AND STATE GRANT FUNDS : Other State Grant Funds = -O- oa Federal Grants Fund = -0- Total Grants Fund = -0- — _ REDI Final Application / RATIO OF REDI DOLLARS TO LOCAL, PRIVATE AND OTHER NON-GOVERNMENT FUNDS: Local Government Funds Private Funds Other Non-Government Funds Total DESCRIBE THE SOURCE OF THE NON-REDI DOLLARS YOU WILL SPEND ON THIS PROJECT. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE DOLLARS AT THIS TIME, EXPLAIN HOW AND WHEN YOU WILL GET THEM. DESCRIBE WHAT PART OF THE FUNDS ABOVE ARE IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS. EXPLAIN HOW YOU PLACED A VALUE ON THESE. All the following are in-kind contributions from The Takotna Community Association, TELEPHONE - $ 1,500.00 OFFICE (space, materials, copy paper, etc. )---------- 900.00 2 VILLAGE PICK-UPS ($65.00/day x 100 days x 2 ) 13,000.00 APA TECHINCAL STAFF ROOM & BOARD -16,800.00 ($70.00 per day x 120 days x 2 ) CHARTER (off loading and hauling to Takotna (6 workers x $15.00 per hr. x 8 hours)—----—- 720.00 TRAVEL TCT/ANCH/TCT 309.00 x 2 - ene §6G6 18.00 TCT/ANCH/FBK/ANCH/TCT (round trip) 568.00 PER DEIM------------$100.00 per day x 10---—-------1,000.00 - ~C_REDIFinal Application |... 5. DEMONSTRATED NEED: _ eeeSeSeSSSFeFFFsFFsFsFsFmmhsFhFhFhFeFeseseF SPECIFY NEEDS FULFILLED BY THIS PROJECT AND HOW THIS NEED WAS DETERMINED. DESCRIBE NATURE AND EXTENT OF PROBLEM, HOW LONG IT HAS EXISTED, AND PAST EFFORTS TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM. ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS AS NECESSARY. We basicly have two problems, fire and safety, along with efficiency. I consider us extremely lacky in not having an electrically caused fire and or someone burned because of an open neutral line carrying 10 to 40 amps of electrical load. A meter can be placed on the neutral at certain locations and the reading will be 10 to 40 amps at any given time. This diffinitely is a safety hazard and should be corrected ASAP. It also probably has something to do with ‘our 28% line loss. The between pose splices and all splices made with split nuts must be replaced along with the odd ball wire. The split nuts loosen with contraction and expansion due to the change in weather from extreme cold to moderately warm, causing a loose splice that heats up, using power generated from diesel fuel that donen't show on any meter and therefore is wasted. The odd ball wire was all we had available when we put it up and after we upgraded from 220 volts to 480 volts in 1983. A smaller size is needed at the geginning for 480 volts , between the split nut splices, odd ball wire and poor ground connections we hope to bring our line loss down to an acceptable figure of 7 to 9%, that the APA would consider reasonable. We have experienced these problems since the very geginning but was only made aware of the causes this winter, when visited by APA staff members Peter Larson and Hans Jensen (upon our request) The seitch gear when installed, would allow us to balance the system by changing loads from one line to another, correcting a situation of unbalance, where in power surges and low voltage now exists causing damage to small and large electrical appliances through out the village, making replacement necessary long before ;the normal expectant life span of the appliance. Most of the existing wire will be salvaged and used at a later date on the very end of the system where it will not effect the whole system. We were made awae of our problems only recently and therefore haven't attempted to correct them due to the timing and lack of funds. +. REDI Final Application BENEFIT ANTICIPATED: SSSFSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEeeee A. SOLVING THE PROBLEM - DESCRIBE HOW THIS PROJECT WILL SOLVE THE CURRENT PROBLEM AND THE BENEFIT TO BE ANTICIPATED AFTER COMPLETION. I believe that solving the problem was pretty well answered on the previous pages. As for the benefits to be anticipated the answer is obvious. By improving our efficiency our KWH produced and sold per gallon of fuel will grow near the 11 to 13 mark from down around the 6 to 8 area, causing a savings of expensive diesel fuel “to the Takotna Community Association Utility, a village owned operation and later possibly a reduced tariff showing a savings to each subscriber out of pocket expense. It will also eliminate all or nearly all safety hazards, fire hazards and personal electrical shocks by eliminating all amperages from open, non-insulated ro insulated neutral lines. We know this problem existed in certain areas but were not aware of how to cure the problems until APA staff members gave us their visit, upon our request. I wonder how may other small utilities in «the state are not aware that APA has staff memebers with expertise available upon request to assist in matters such as ours? We didn't until late this fall. “ —(_REDI Final Application | DESCRIBE THE IMPACT AND IMPORTANCE OF THIS PROJECT TO THE COMMUNITY, AND HOW THE COMMUNITY WILL’ BENEFIT AFTER THE PROJECT IS COMPLETED. HOW MANY PERMANENT/TEMPORARY/PART-TIME/FULL-TIME JOBS ARE ESTIMATED TO BE CREATED BY THIS PROJECT? WILL THE PROJECT ASSIST IN RETAINING ANY EXISTING JoBs? Again, I think the first portion of this question has been answered on the previous pages. This project, if it goes, will provide about 12 to 15 full time jobs for about_90_ days. These people would earn enough in 60 days or so, at the village rate of $15.00 per hour to make them eligible the next winter to draw unemOloyment. The state unemployment rate of 7% as stated on T.V. and in the newspapers does not show a complete picture of reality as it exists in the villages. Working people here and many other areas around the state have not worked for a couple of years due to the lack of jobs and have used up what unemployment funds that were available to them. Considering this the $58,190.00 labor portion of the budget almost doubles the economic impact on the village and spreads the impact over 9 months to a year. Unemployment of $100.00 x 26 weeks x 12 people = $31,200.00 The funds if generated will assist The Takotna Community Association Inc. in retaining our permanent, part time employees. That is a bookkeeper, Meter Reader, 2 Generator maintemance people along with 2 part time maintenance installer people. “@_ RED Final Application 7 READINESS TO PROCEED - PROVIDE A PROJECT COMPLETION SCHEDULE WHICH DESCRIBES THE MAJOR MILESTONES IN THE PROJECT, INCLUDING A START-UP DATE AND PLANNED COMPLETION. TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION ESTIMATES OF TIME REQUIRED TO OBTAIN PERMITS, ETC. There are no permits required in the work we have planned and budgeted. As to readiness, we are prepared to proceed immediately, upon receipt of funding, therefore, I will use time needed to complete each phase of the project rather than unknown dates. ORDER MATERIALS Reciept of Funding CHARTER ANCH/TCT: 10 to 14 days later WORK REQUIRED Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item 60 days - 14 days ~ 7 days 21 days 14 days 1 day 7 days 14 days 7 days 7 days 21 days NOUBPBPWNHE rPrwoOOo FO If funding for this project was in our hands on June 1, 1988 the completion date would be October 15, 1988. This would allow an estimated 15 days to complete all the paper work. Close-oufs, audit, reciept of 10% hold back moniés and justification copies of receipts, checks, etc. —(_REDI Final Application / LOW AND MODERATE INCOME PERSONS (LMI) _ eee ADDRESS THE ALASKA AND NATIONAL OBJECTIVE OF ASSISTING LOW AND MODERATE INCOME PERSONS. NUMBER OF ESTIMATED LMI PERSONS IN YOUR COMMUNITY: 71 FOR ASSISTANCE IN DETERMINING THE NUMBER OF LMI PERSONS IN YOUR COMMUNITY, CONTACT THE DCRA CENTRAL OFFICE IN JUNEAU (465-4890) NUMBER OF LMI PERSONS ESTIMATED TO DIRECTLY BENEFIT: 71 We have only five persons living in the area with steady full-time employment, two of these are from the same household, four of these work for the Iditarod Area School District and one works for Alascom. All others work part time (summer employment) jobs where ever they can find them. Nearly all the men in the village trap during the winter months to supplement their income. We have several widows and single parent families who draw food- stamps and AFDC. Using the figure of $30,400.00 given to us by DC&RA in Juneau, our village is 93% LMI persons. : “ ~C_REDI Final Application > 8. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Se ee ae i ele he PROVIDE A REASONABLE ESTIMATE OF ONGOING COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT ONCE IT IS COMPLETED. DESCRIBE THE SOURCE OF THOSE FUNDS. . The on going costs associated with the operation and maintenance of this project will be absorbed with other O & M costs of the Takotna Community Association Utility, if there are any. Hopefully, there will be none, a portion of this ‘project is to eliminate unnecessary costs and improve our efficiency. “+ (© REDI Final Application «~~ 9. SITE CONTROL: PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT SITE CONTROL (IF APPLICABLE) HAS BEEN OBTAINED. WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION MUST BE OBTAINED IN EITHER A DEED, LEASE, OR EASEMENT TO SHOW THAT THE COMMUNITY HAS OBTAINED AN ENFORCEABLE RIGHT TO USE A PARCEL OF LAND. The Takotna Community Association, Inc. has a written lease with the State Municipal Lands Trust Office for the property occupied by the generator house and fuel tanks. On March 29, 1988, we contacted Leslie Toonels in Anchorage, who advised us she -would obtain a copy of this lease from Mr. Scott Ruby, MLT office. Oo REDI Final Application / ~ CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: DESCRIBE THE LOCAL CITIZEN PARTICIPATION, ESPECIALLY BY LMI GROUPS. PROVIDE MINUTES OF A HEARING OR COUNCIL MEETING WHERE DECISIONS ABOUT THE PROJECT WERE MADE. . Due to the fact we only have five full time people working in the village, I feel the participation ;of the LMI group has been explained quite throughly on the previous pages. Everyone on the payroll will be of this group and will all the ‘cecipients of what money is saved through better efficiency be passed on the members of.this group. Copies of The Takotna Community Association meeting of January 1988, is enclosed where in er agreed torequest a LG Grant to upgrade our Electrification. TAKOTNA COMMUNITY BOARD OF OLRECTOR JANUARY 12, CALLED THE MEETING TO ORDER AT 7:10. AN NEWTON, LEW WHALEN, T WERE DOROTHY QUC THE PRESENCE OF TIN: WORTMAN , JO OLDHAM AND FREQ MILLER. EXCUSSED)? AND FRANK MILLER CEXCUSS id MEETING PRE LF RESD MADE Si Els NUTES OF THE DECEMBER &, OTION.TO EXCEPT MINUTES AS ND’ BY.:JO. OLDHAM. LD BE HE JANUARY -ROOPER GLASS. HAD COME TO THE VILLAGE AND MET WITH JAN NEWTON, . PRANK [LLER: ND DOROTHY ANDERSON. LOT’S OF IDEAS ON HOW TO DEAL WITH ROBLEMS SAND ACTIONS THAT THE VILLAGE COULD TAKE. HE. “GENERATORS iS UNDER GOING A MAJOR OVERHAUL. DICK HAS. BEEN - THE GENERATOR AND. HAS SENT THE HEADS TO TOWN AND A MACHANIC : ARTS BACK AND REPAIR GENERATOR. ESTIMATE OF cosT 1s SE =ROM NORTH PACIFIC TRANSPORT REQUESTING THE SUPPORT OF. cis RESENTED. MEMBERS ARE ASKED TO SIGN THIS LETTER.) + ENTED REGUAROING ELECTRIC M. mn vST wo COC HAVE ELECTRIFACATION THE NUMBER ONE FRIGRITY MADE BY MARTIN. HAVE EMERGENCY , PORTABLE, BATTERY eter Er LIGHTS FOR MOTION TO HAVE WEATHERAZATION OF COMMUNITY BUILDINGS CUR THIRD - J WORTMAN, NEWT.ON INFORMS THOSE PRESENT THAT IT IS SREPRESENITIVE TO JUNEAU FOR OUR CAPITAL IMP 0 SEND DICK NEWTON TO JUNEAU CN JANUARY TI #3 MADE BY DALE EWTON “INFORMED THOSE PRESENT THAT THIS WOULD SAVE ONE ROUND TRIP. HAVING DICK LEAVE FROM ANCHORAGE AFTER HIS SEMINAR. ; 3 eu FORMED THE SGARD THAT TERRY HUFFMAN IS NEXT IN LINE FOR ee A LE BUT DICK HAD learn TO TERRY ABGUT FINISHING UP WHERE H BEEN ORKING LAST YES WHEN FINISHED DICK WOULD HELP MOVE THE - WN TOWARDS THE LANDING AND HELP TERRY SET IT UP. DAVID HAD. - INTERESTED IN USING THE MILL OUT TOWARDS THE COMISSIONERS A “THAT” EVERT ONE | WATCH SPENDING. AT ONE TIME IN THE PAST Hog HE ACCOUNT HAD FALLEN TO CLOSE TO $1,000.00. LOOK AT WAYS TO 0. ADJORN MADE BY MARTIN WORTMAN.— : ’ €_REDI Final Application ( - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT — _— ~~ o IT IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT TO ADDRESS AND APPLY SECTION XI, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND- RANKING SYSTEM, OF THE REDI HANDBOOK WHEN COMPLETING THIS SECTION OF YOUR FINAL APPLICATION, _ 1. RATIONALE FOR SELECTION OF THE PROJECT: —__—_—_—_ DESCRIBE THE LOCAL CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN; SPECIFICALLY ADDRESS AFFECTED LMI PERSONS OR GROUPS. DESCRIBE OR INCLUDE THE COMMUNITY'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND ADDRESS WHETHER OR NOT THE PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR WHICH REDI FUNDING IS SOUGHT IS AN INTEGERAL PART OF THE PLAN. DESCRIBE EFFORTS AND CONSIDERATION OF LOCAL CAPACITY AND AVAILABLE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE RESOURCES. HAS THE COMMUNITY'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN BEEN OFFICIALLY ADOPTED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT (IF APPLICABLE)? DESCRIBE ANY POTENTIAL ADVERSE IMPACT ON LOCAL BUSINESS. Let's treat our local citizens and the LMI group as one group of people because in reality we are one in the same. Our economic Developement plan is to become self sufficient and we are part way there. Grants like this and others may be needed to complete our total sufficiency in other fields, but this REDI grant should improve our efficiency, put our distribution system in good shape, as well as the generator house. The Takotna Community Association Utility has continueds’ since the very beginning to operate in the black, but due to the stated problems we have never been able to accumulate the necessary funding to really complete a finished project such as we have outlined in this project. After this is completed, we can take it to the fair!! No other funds, either public or private are available. There will be no adverse effect on local businesses. We are located in an area where no one would think of extending systems to furnish power. No other business could be affected by ~» this project. te ‘. «C REDI Final Application > 2. PROJECT PLAN (FOR-PROFIT ENTITIES ONLY) eee A.1. DESCRIBE THE NEED AND APPROPRIATENESS OF USE OF REDI FUNDS. ADDRESS LOCAL COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION, LOCAL RESOURCES, FINANCIAL STRENGTH, PAST PERFORMANCE, AND SPECIFY TERMS OF FUNDS LOANED. ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NEEDED. 7 . N/A “ € REDI Final Application ( 2. PROJECT PLAN (NON-PROFIT ENTITIES ONLY) EE A.2 DESCRIBE THE ABILITY OF FACILITY/ACTIVITY TO SUPPORT ITSELF OVER TIME. SPECIFY NEED AND APPROPRIATENESS OF USE OF REDI FUNDS. DESCRIBE IF ONGOING SUBSIDY IS REQUIRED AND THE LONG TERM.BENEFIT OF PROPOSED PROJECT. N/A This Utility has been operating since 1981, pretty much paying it's own way with the help of Power Cost Equalization Program. For the past 6 or 7 years we have had to borrow fuel money, through the State Department of Revenue to purchase our annual fuel, which is delivered to the Village once a year via barge. This loan which amounts to about $30,000.00 a year is paid off, with interest in a nine month period. We have never defaulted a loan and should have a very good credit with this department. This project would inhance our revenues, reduce our maintenance and provide a much better power supply to our subscribers over the long run. . > -( REDI Final Application (> 2. NON-PROFIT AND FOR-PROFIT: a ee mee B. BUSINESS PLAN - DESCRIBE YOUR BUSINESS PLAN, INCLUDING THE PRODUCTS : OR SERVICES OFFERED, ESTIMATED MARKET POTENTIAL, MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE OF - PRINCIPALS, CURRENT FINANCIAL POSTURE AND DETAILS OF THE PROPOSED VENTURE. PLEASE NOTE ANY PROPRIETARY, OR OTHER INFORMATION, THAT SHOULD BE HELD AS CONFIDENTIAL. Our plan is to continue our operation as is with the improvements I have mentioned. . We don't estimate any amount of growth over the next year or so. The people involved in this project all have 7 or 8 years experience. Enclosed is our financial statement for February, 1988, nothing is considered confidential. When we arrived at this point in the final application I contacted *!:DC&RA in Juneau and talked with Judy Holden who advised us that only the white and yellow pages of the application must be completed, the green and blue portions are for other purposes. we or ok ee pepe dg he eee tere tee BANK ACCOUNTS | Rainier Bank Alaska-Checking : . ‘ Beg. Bal. Zeduspg. L19G8 $f, SIRS 7 Deposits ; £ $_/0, 345,13 ‘j Checks OT $7,620.55 §$_G2U3,/S o/s Zt hea sef s_ ZI) ), 4s DIT Sehiarhy $_4 lel 33 $ 7, 758. O33 s_ 7,75 £03 End Bal. Akutan 29, LGGE First National Bank TCA Revenue Sharing-Checking Beg. Bal. Ly cut J, L7¢8 s$_29 6/5 9 maps : Ke 0: COL $ CC peas et ‘rece $.27¢¢.6¢° $¢ 254.5 9 ; C/S % c Lu a“ bet $ Oo DIT fh ¢ 5 eS | End Bal. 5 2 g/. sg 5 25 L9 Takotna Village RSM-Savitigs Beg. Bal. Lionas /; L988 LL 418.86 $ Dep». 2 Sling. Lie Withdrawn edwarye _ S_LL00.00 : end pel. Ziduasy £9,/958 8 (ee1k 6 §_Lé,u 78.86 Cup? . : oe Ieee vA aoe = s GS Certificate 6 6° 710. 74 § 25 F/C.7F f STATE OF ALAS HB / execs sonmos DEPT. OF COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS 1001 NOBLE STREET SUITE 430 RURAL DEVELOPMENT DIVISION FARABANTS ATS Se 70! 452-4468 June 14, 1988 RECFIVFED BY Dick Newton, President Takotna Community Association 7 P.O. Box 86 88 JUN 20 P12 :35 Takotna, AK 99675 Dear Mr. Newton: RE: REDI Grant Award Per our telephone conversation today, I need to finalize your REDI grant; get it signed by you; shipped to Juneau; and obligated by June 30, 1988. In order to do that, I must have all negotiations with you finalized by no later than Monday, June 20, 1988. We can hopefully get this done over the telephone with Peter Hansen's help. If I don't have your signed grant agreement in Juneau by June 30, 1988, Takotna will lose the funding entirely as unobligated State funds revert to the State General Fund on 6/30/88. I'm sure you don't want to see that happen any more than I do. With lots of cooperation (§ luck), I'm sure we can finalize things this week. Please give me a call as soon as you can, but before Monday, June 20th. Thanks much. Sincerely, £0 (Coop — Jo E. Cooper Community Development Specialist cc: Judy Holden, DCRA, Juneau Peter Hansen, Alaska Power Authority dune 30, 1988 Mr. Earl Ausman, P.£, Polarconsult Alaska, Inc. 1503 West 33rd Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Reference: Our Contract No. APA-87-R-012 Dear Earl: Polarconsult Alaska, Inc., is requested to perform the following services: Scope of Services Travel to Takotna and Kotlik, collect necessary field data, design, and provide a materials take-off for improvements to the systems to reduce line losses, improve phase balance, improve generator efficiency, and correct safety hazards in the electrical system, After the projects have been constructed, conduct a final inspection and submit a final inspection letter report for each project. Travel to Kwethluk to conduct final inspection, and provide punch list and report. Budget The following budget represents the maximum allowable expenditure on this task. No payments will be made for services provided and expenses incurred in excess of this budget. Manhours: Earl Ausman and Henry Lang Takotna - 75 hours @ $68/hr $ 5,100 Kotlik - 65 hours @ $68/hr 4,400 Kwethluk - 15 hours @ $68/hr 1,000 Travel: Takotna 1,350 Kotlik 750 Kwethluk 600 Miscellaneous expenses: 200 TOTAL ALLOWABLE BUDGET $ 13,400 3187/879/1 Deliverables Takotna drawings and sketches, materials take-off, and final inspection report. Kotlik drawings and sketches, materials take-off, and final inspection report. Kwethluk punch list and final report. Schedule All work must be completed by December 31, 1988. Please return a signed copy of this document to the Power Authority to acknowledge your concurrence with the conditions of this Request for Services. If you have any aa concerning this request, please contact me or Jerry Larson at 561-7877. Sincerely, 3 tA. lL ae ‘g Donald L. Shira, Director Program Development and Facilities Operations DDC: DLS:aa cc: Jerry Larson, Alaska Power Authority Don Whelan, Alaska Power Authority Concurrence of Polarconsult Alaska, Inc.: Signature Title ate 3187/879/2 C.TY OF NIKOLAI Ay P.O. BOX 25 NIKOLAI, ALASKA 99691 { PHONE (907) 293-2113 of ney RECEIVE ALASK ASE July 13 1988 "eB WU 18 i247 Mr. Dick Newton Takotna, Alaska 99675 Dear Mr. Newton, This letter is to confirm our telephone conversation of yesterday in which we agreed on a hard money price of $4,300.00 for the 25 KW Deutz Generator with filter stock and any of the single phase transformers, usable brackets, line wire and insulators. It is further agreed that you will select which of those items that will be shipped by helping to pallet those items jin Nikolai. The Kuskokwim fuel barge will be here this weekend at the earliest. Please feel free to contact me at 293-2113 if you have any further questions. ¢ Thanking you in advance for your consideration. ce:DCRA: Jo Cooper APA: Peter Hansen Me Udall 7, Ce Meee UCU UUM NM Willie Pe€fruska, Mayor Dick Newton City of Nikolai City of Takotna TOP OF THE KUSKOKWIM RIVER INCORPORATED 1970 STATE (F ALQSI BR /omxmnen DEPT. OF COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS 1001 NOBLE STREET SUITE 430 RURAL DEVELOPMENT DIVISION FAIRBANKS, ALASKA 99701 452-4468 Las PECRIVED BY anit? BORE 1s a8 Dick Newton, President Takotna Community Assoc., Inc. P.O. Box 86 Takotna, AK 99675 RE: REDI Grant #2182356 Dear Dick: As you know, I have been out of the office since September 9th. In a review of your file upon my return, I ran across the September 12th letter which Judy Holden sent suspending your grant. I also see that you submitted a Certificate of Insurance for the General Liability and Worker's Compensation coverage. However, you are still lacking the required Automobile Liability coverage. Please have your insurance agent send me a Certificate of Insurance for the Automobile Liability coverage in the amount of $100,000 per person/$300,000 per occurence bodily injury and $50,000 property damage, as soon as possible, but not later than October 28, 1988. In addition, I still need a copy of the letter of agreement between Takotna Community Association, Inc., and the Alaska Power Authority. Again, please submit this as soon as possible. I am unable to authorize any payments against the grant until these documents are received. I'm still holding the billing from Nikolai for $4,300 for the generator and other electrical equipment, and the invoice from Kuskokwim Transportation for $733 for shipment of the equipment. Dick Newton, President Takotna Community Assoc., Inc. October 12, 1988 Page Two of Two Pages In addition, I also need a progress report from you. I know you have done some work with the consultant Alaska Power Authority referred to you. It would be helpful for me to know where things stand. Thanks much for your prompt attention to these matters. Please feel free to call if you have any questions or if I can assist you in any way. Sincerely, fat epe- Community Development Specialist cc: David Hoffman, Commissioner, DCRA Michael Harper, Director, RDD, DCRA Elstun Lauesen, SEDS, RDD, DCRA Judy Holden, Gr. Admin., RDD, DCRA Peter Hansen, Alaska Power Authority Crry OF NIKOLAI P.O. BOX 25 NIKOLAI, ALASKA 99691 PHONE (907) 293-2113 August -1, 1988 ! KA iLe Mr. Dick Newton Gein) 019 °9 Takotna Village Association 68 AUG -5 PI2:29 Takotna, AK 99675 Dear Dick: Enclosed is a statement for the sale of the 25 KW Deutz Generator, Assorted Filters, Single Phase Transformers and Miscellaneous Wire as agreed upon in my July 13, 1988 letter to you. (Copy Attached) I trust that the offloading at Sterling Landing went as well as the palleting and barge loading in Nikolai. Your Takotna palleting crew did a superb job in Nikolai. I hope the Generator and related materials work well in your system. Please forward the billing to Jo Cooper at DC & RA in Fairbanks as rapidly as possible. Please feel free to contact me at 293-2113 if you have any questions. Thanking you in advance for your consideration. ‘ Rog enkins Nik i City inistrator y' cc: Jo Cooper, DCRA Peter Hansen, APA TOP OF THE KUSKOKWIM RIVER INCORPORATED 1970 srarcak BIO STATEMENT DATE re Mr. Dick Newton 08 343823 _ mcr ® DUP 01 fo 88 ADDRESS city STATE zip TOTAL BILLING | 1a a | en a { — | Gi, Crp | rin REDIFORM. 8s 882 POLY PAK (50 SETS) 8P882 Carbonless Cri Y OF NIKOLAI P.O. BOX 25 NIKOLAI, ALASKA 99691 PHONE (907) 293-2113 July 13 1988 Mr. Dick Newton Takotna, Alaska 99675 Dear Mr. Newton, This letter is to confirm our telephone conversation of yesterday in which we agreed on a hard money price of $4,300.00 for the 25 KW Deutz Generator with filter stock and any of the single’ phase transformers, usable brackets, line wire and insulators. It ‘is further agreed that you will select which of those items that will be shipped by helping to pallet those items in Nikolai. The Kuskokwim fuel barge will be here this weekend at the earliest. Please feel free to contact me at 293-2113 if you have any further questions. Thanking you in advance for your consideration. Cordially cc:DCRA: Jo Cooper APA: Peter Hansen aA , fi well l lel 7B Willie Petruska, Mayor Dick Newton City of Nikolai City of Takotna TOP OF THE KUSKOKWIM RIVER INCORPORATED 1970