HomeMy WebLinkAboutSt Mary's Waste Heat 1993FROM: Stassel, Steven TO: Denig-Chakroff, David DATE: 01/28/93 Gray, Brian TIME: 3:37 PM cc: Stassel, Steven SUBJECT: St. Mary's Waste Heat PRIORITY: ATTACHMENTS: John Lyons called me today to request that we hold off on sending our letter to St. Mary's (our response to St.M's letter back in October). Apparently, Mr. Walls may change his mind on wanting AVEC to own waste heat systems. Steve. / ( ¢ Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 4831 Eagle Street cramer "RECEIVED (907) 561-2388 FAX JAN 2 8 1993 January 26, 1993 Alaska Energy Authority Mr. Steven J. Stassell Engineer II Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 RE: Response to Meeting Topics of January 13, 1993 Dear Steve: Following are comments or responses to questions posed regarding these specific topics: Wales Waste Heat Project Your recommendation regarding the design of the waste heat system has been noted. It has also been discovered that the AVEC technician that is responsible for Wales has been telling the Mayor that he doesn't recommend a waste heat recovery system based upon his observation that the existing remote radiator fans operate very little. ales Power We will let you know as soon as we hear something regarding Wales’ selection. Wales AVEC hopes to place the order for the impermeable liner for early barge delivery. The thought of utilizing the housing contractor's crane to move the tanks was very exciting, and would greatly speed up completion of the project. AVEC would hope to provide a y supervisor and utilize local labor to accomplish the installation of the liner. purr OD bodia® faa (nA © OD bebe J rsh St. Mary's Waste Heat Project Attached is a copy of the memo forwarded to Charlie Walls regarding the transfer of the Waste Heat System to the City of St. Mary's. Shismaref Bulk Fuel Project We had hoped to complete the installation of an impermeable liner underneath the bulk fuel tanks and, if possible, take advantage of the housing contractor's crane. However, if K the configuration of the tanks might change, we would be unable to order the liner material ‘Ay x 4 until the orientation is established. When might this be? ho! Aw > Chevak Waste Heat Project "We would prefer that the Kashunamiut School District own and maintain the heat exchanger and the secondary loop. Savoonga Waste Heat Project Our technician that is responsible for Savoonga reports that the remote radiator fan motors never run as long as the waste heat system is up and running. This is certainly an advantage to AVEC. Hopefully BSSD will realize the benefits they are receiving so that the system may remain in place. Scammon Bay Bulk Fuel Project We are very anxious to see the plans for this project. Grayling Waste Heat Project The part number for the replacement pin for the electric modulating valve in the waste heat module (not the amot valve) is not immediately available. Sincerely yours, Ve Mark E. Teitzel Assistant General Manager MET/am enc, MEMORANDUM January 26, 1993 MEM-93-5E TO: Charlie Walls, General Manager FROM: Mark E. Teitzel, Assistant General Manager UWlig- SUBJECT: St. Mary's Waste Heat Recovery System The City of St. Mary's has indicated an interest in taking over the ownership of the waste heat system in St. Mary's. (Please see attached letter of October 29, 1992 from Carrie L. Williams to David Denig-Chakroff.) The AEA has drafted a response but has asked for AVEC's review and comments. (Please see attached response letter of January 13, 1993.) Some background information is as follows: 1. When the AVEC plant was rebuilt after being destroyed by fire, several shell and tube heat exchangers were installed to transfer heat from the AVEC plant to the city water plant. When the AVEC plant was rebuilt after being destroyed by fire, two remotely- mounted radiators were installed near the ceiling of the plant wnere ambient air temperatures routinely exceed 100° F, resulting in inefficient cooling and excessive fan operation. When the AEA's contractor modified the cooling system to incorporate a plate heat exchanger, the installation of the pre-existing shell and tube heat exchangers were not changed. The new plate heat exchanger was installed inside the AVEC plant and incorporated a circulating pump for the secondary fluid in an exterior module. After installation of the plate heat exchanger, electric consumption by the remote radiators decreased to nearly zero, but consumption by the circulating pump approximately made up for the decrease. 93-M-5E The City of St. Mary's and the Mission, both recipients of the waste heat, failed to enter into any agreement with the AEA and do not currently pay for any of the waste heat. The gaskets in the plate heat exchanger will require maintenance some time in the future. The City of St. Mary's has enacted a wharfage tax that substantially impacts AVEC. It is recommended that: 1. The waste heat system be modified to relocate the plate heat exchanger outside of the AVEC plant with a bypass line and isolation valves and the secondary side of the existing shell and tube heat exchangers be connected into the plant heat exchanger before ownership is transferred to the City. The City agree to pay for at least 50% of the equivalent value of the waste heat before the ownership of the heat exchanger and secondary loop is transferred to the City. The City agree to install a meter on the circulating pump and be responsible for the energy consumption before the system is transferred to the City. An agreement be established setting forth when and how payments will change and under what conditions AVEC will bypass the heat exchanger. Based upon these recommendations, the following concerns exist: 4: 2. cc: att: Who will pay for the cost of relocating and modifying the existing system. How will 50% of the equivalent value of the waste heat be determined. John Lyons Wr g 4 Sf 93-M-5E FROM: Gray, Brian TO: Stassel, Steven DATE: 12/21/92 TIME: 9:02 AM cc: SUBJECT: AVEC PRIORITY: ATTACHMENTS: I notice that we are granting funds to AVEC for an efficiency improvement project (genset replacement) in Elim (and 8 other locations where we don't have waste heat systems). You may want to talk to your contacts over there to see if we can avoid this becoming another Shungnak. If push comes to shove maybe we can figure out a way to withold grant funds. , “FROM: Stassel, Steven TO: Denig-Chakroff, David DATE: 12/22/92 Gray, Brian TIME: 2:53 PM Versyp, Clois Woodell, Pat cc: Stassel, Steven SUBJECT: AVEC Efficiency RPSU Grant PRIORITY: ATTACHMENTS: I spoke with Mark Teitzel and he informed me that the efficiency project in Elim would not interrupt the availability of waste heat for more than a few hours at most. The project is scheduled to be performed between July and October so any interuption of waste heat should be negligible. The project will replace a Cat D342 1800 rpm gen-set with a Cummins LTA-10, 1200 rpm gen-set. The new gen-set will be more efficient than the Cat and, therefore, there may be a little less waste heat available than currently. FORWARDED FROM: Stassel, Steven FROM: Stassel, Steven TO: Denig-Chakroff, David DATE: 12/21/92 Gray, Brian TIME: 10:26 AM cc: Stassel, Steven Versyp, Clois Woodell, Pat SUBJECT: AVEC Efficiency RPSU Grant PRIORITY: ATTACHMENTS: I have recently learned that AEA is to fund gen-set effeciency projects in several AVEC communities, including Elim. AEA owns a waste heat system in Elim. AEA funded a PCE Efficiency project in Shungnak (an AVEC community) about two years ago. As a part of that project, AVEC disconnected the waste heat system. AEA invested about $40,000 of our waste heat revenues in June 1991 to upgrade and repair the Shungnak waste heat system. AVEC was supposed to have the waste heat system reconnected one year ago this December. To date, the system has still not been reconnected. AVEC has recently informed me that they expect the waste heat system to be reconnected by mid-to-late January of 1993. I brought this situation to Clois's attention today. We agree that something needs to be done to ensure that AVEC does not disconnect the waste heat system in Elim (or leave it disconnected) . I would like to recommend that AVEC complete its Shungnak project and reconnect the waste heat system so that it will work prior to any additional funding being granted to AVEC for effeciency projects. In addition, I recommend that AEA include language in any future grants (INCLUDING THE RPSU EFFICIENCY GRANT) that preventS AVEC from interrupting the availability ‘days during the heating 2ason. AEA bills for waste heat based on an empirical formula that uses AVEC's reported monthly kWh GENERATED and AVEC's cost of fuel. If AVEC interrupts the waste heat during the heating season, we have no way of knowing or accounting (or crediting) for the amount of waste heat not delivered. I think it is bad business for AEA to fund AVEC projects that will interrupt the delivery of waste heat without being able to account (and credit) the end-users for waste heat not received. Steve FROM: Stassel, Steven TO: Gray, Brian DATE: 12/15/92 TIME: 5:04 PM cc: Denig-Chakroff, David Stassel, Steven SUBJECT: AVEC Waste Heat Systems PRIORITY: ATTACHMENTS: I spoke with John Lyons at AVEC today regarding the AEA/AVEC waste heat systems. John Lyons says that he will go ahead and replace the failed thermometers in the waste heat module in Goodnews Bay, replace one radiator with a Massabi core radiator, and change out the radiator sequencers with Honeywell aquastats sometime soon. In Kaltag, the radiators are both leaking and new Massabi core radiators will be installed soon. In St. Mary's, AVEC may be interested in owning the primary loop of the waste heat system and contracting with St. Mary's (if they own the system) or AEA to do O&M on the secondary side of the waste heat system. I will draft a letter to St. Mary's and forward it over to Charlie Walls for him to review. Hopefully, AVEC will add some comments about what type of O&M agreement they will be willing to enter into. In Savoonga, AVEC installed a Massabi core radiator two years ago this Xmas time. To this date, there has been no leaks, drips, or failures with the Massabi core radiator. John Lyons mentioned briefly that AVEC has not excercised its contractural right to have AEA perform repairs. (There is language in our Waste Heat Agreements with AVEC that allows for AEA to perform repairs within a certain timeframe if notified by AVEC, and AVEC can request repayment for work AEA did not perform.) I will send information to AVEC regarding AEA Waste heat revenues and expenses so that AVEC can review the economics of owning the waste heat systems. Steve y : ( : ( to: Gary Smith Marcey Rawitcher from: John Bulkow date: 10Feb90 re: Potential Waste Heat Bond Package Sites The following communities are currently being studied for possible inclusion in a waste heat bond package. The name electric utility serving each community is included for your reference. COMMUNITY UTILITY Aniak Light & Power Co. ; 3. Chevak AVEC em ml 4. Cold Bay G & K, Inc. 5. Cordova Cordova Electric Cooperative, Inc. Gwitchyaa Zhee (G-2) Native Corporation . - allen Copper Valley Electric Association Tlingit-Haida Regional Electric Auth. 11. Kongiganak uvurna Oo. : 12. Kotlik City of Kotlik Kotzebue : Kotzebue Electric Association AVEC @ mi Nome Joint Utility Systems Sand Point ight & Power Co. ite Mountain City of White Mountain eS alee Sin l Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503-7497 (907) 561-1818 (907) 561-2388 FAX RECEIVED JAN 70 1998 alaska Eneray Authority January 7, 1993 Mr. David Denig-Chakroff Director, Rural Programs Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Subject: Waste Heat Concept Design Report - Russian Mission, Scammon Bay, Tununak, Anvik, Lower Kalskag, Mt. Village, Nunapitchuk, Pilot Station Dear David: Would it be possible to receive a copy of the above referenced concept design reports? There continues to be interest in developing facilities for recovering and utilizing waste heat at these locations. Also in the case of Anvik, Pilot Station and Russian Mission, Alaska Village Electric Cooperative is planning on relocating the power generation facilities. Some of the information available in the reports might impact the ultimate location of the power plants and would then be very useful. Receipt of a copy would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Wen ° Seb Mark E. Teitzel Assistant General Manager g MET/sm oe pé NC T ar rere = ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 701 East Tudor Road P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 DATE JOB NO. (907) 561-7877 Phone coal if es E id 2 (907) 561-8584 Fax RE TO ~lahn Lyaes J Mae kTec to bt GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU E.attaches © Under separate cover vi the following items: O Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples Oo Specifications 0 Copy of letter’ = | G Change order O_WASTE Aen T St N12 S [copes] DATE | NO. DESCRIPTION l Anvik . Grubel) (livatina ‘ ko. wh, lye, 6 per We Vi MAGL _ hag eh." pilot ke, 5 LAW M SS tg 5S 74s Bay Solas ik! Time wncle 1 biel: ; Capy A Py4 AIS Fos A exp = Pe THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval O Approved as submitted => O Resubmit_______ copies for approval O For your use O Approved as noted O Submit_______copies for distribution DO As requested O Returned for corrections O Return_______corrected prints O For review and comment 0 O FOR BIDS DUE__. 19 PRINTS:RETURNED AFTER'LOAN 70: US REMARKS. 7} x A . COPY TO Jk A BA ; SIGNED: Vo One ub If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 701 East Tudor Road P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 DATE . 7 ea 3 JOB NO. (907) 561-7877 Phone fee LEST (907) 561-8584 Fax RE 7 / Come oe a ~lahw Oy ons / Mark Te, Prof ( z GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU JB.Attached 0 Under separate cover via____-__— =.» ~—~—~—S———sthe following items: 0 Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples U Specifications C Copy of letter O Change order o__WASTE Aga T Sf ype $ COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION [ Amik , Crubell, kivaliaa, Koyrk, laser j gee ] PT! t= Bee Ka 16 bac } My. .V HAGS F fvun Ap tehvk p fo AP ae / ; ; ; Stefi ‘ ey 5StAw 7 [Nissim oy H4mM QR tn Selauck bye rele » Yfaten | ¢ ao 2» of E V a ( A 184 £2 ve) a ey p 1 ] 7 7 me THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: 0 For approval OO Approved as submitted O Resubmit_______copies for approval O For your use 0 Approved as noted O Submit_______copies for distribution O As requested O Returned for corrections OD Return______corrected prints O For review and comment O O FOR BIDS DUE_____—Ss—s1'7__ ~~ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS. COPY TO. KE (4 / Se Rn SIGNED: <j MAD , HK If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. a to: Gary Smith from: John Bulkow date: 15 Mar 91 Te: WH & BF PROJECTS STATUS The following projects have budgets and are in progress: WASTE HEAT BOND PACKAGE Reports complete and awaiting review for incorporation into bond package: Aniak FPE Ay Yukon FPE ambell FPE yGlennallen FPE cua? Gre Ratna ivalina PCA Kotzebue FPE Koyuk PCA Nome FPE Noorvik FPE Sand Point FPE Selawik FPE Wales PCA Reports complete and awaiting final review: ~ Mountain Vilage BCA Reports awaiting submission of final draft: “Cold Bay-.... FMA VHoonah FMA °Kotlik os FMA Lower Kalskag FMA ussian Mission FMA’ Reports being written by AEA: Chevak Steve Yakutat Brian o-cfFWVHEHNYW New Froajsects Requiring Designs Fort fukorn bocuicpa cpeatiest Selawik Buck ana Proeiects Requiring Modification ( JOTE WE MeV OCP et ellarmy ¢ Nenokotak Frojects Requiring Studies Metiakatla Sammon Bay Frojects with Completed Designs (needing sane minor modifications) Chevak Yokukat Frojects with Unknown Status per. Hay Fotential RFP Breakdown Foiarconsuit Fryer /Pressiey 10 Liaris Foard urbaraya 3 Fort. Yukon 2 Geinbel! 2 ui diewn 8 es y Ruck) ang \ Sha vomeay et q @) oa bus § & tev (Cm) 6 Ghia tee Monit: Designs