HomeMy WebLinkAboutCold Bay Waste Heat 1991Aa j ff Pi Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. RECE FE py 7. 1991 Mr. Brian C. Gray FEB 0 8 199] Rural Systems Engineer Alaska Energy Authority Alaska Energy Authority Post Office Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Subject: Waste Heat Reports Dear Mr. Gray: Work on the final copies of the waste heat studies for the communities of Anvik, Cold Bay, Hoonah, Kotlik, Lower Kalskag, Russian Mission and White Mountain will begin again on February 11, 1991. As we discussed during our phone conversation Monday, the target date for completion is February 22, 1991. Discussions with HMS, Inc. this afternoon resulted in a verbal commitment from them to begin working on the construction cost estimates February 12th or 13th. They understand that the target date for completion is February 22, 1991. Your comment concerning the previous invoices is correct. Our billings/accounting department has been notified of your letter and will comply with your request. If you have any other questions or concerns or comments on this matter, please contact me at 263-1579. Sincerely, FRANK MOOLIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. os ~ 1) Vecsws, Edward P. Mjolsnes, P.E. Chief Mechanical Engineer EPM/rcl ce: File 495-300 P.O. Box 107044, Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044, (907) 276-7484, Telecopier No. (907) 276-1830 3669/FM495/2-7-91 An Ebasco Services Incorporated Engineering and Construction Company Store of Aama oN Walter a nickel eeveenae Alaska Srergy Authority A PUBiIc Cerperation TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (QUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: _Li- ed Miclevnec NAME OF COMPANY: Eco “s ke Meelin =< A oS a COMPANY ADORESS: AA. sree le aa = TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: 27@e - 1@so SENDER: Brian Sra TELEPHONE NUMBER: Z@)l-7Z29<+ CHARGE CODE: NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: = INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: Zs £21 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) _ 261~7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: (907) 465-3575 S PO 80x AM Juneau. Alaska 998114 Anchorage Alaska 99619-0869 (907) $61-7877 ME PO. Box 190869 867041 East Tudor Road TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT *k COUNT ** # 2 mK SEND eK [no] REMOTE STATION I. 0D. START TIME | DURATION | spaces [ COMMENT | j 1 9072761830 2- 4-91 14:06 1°24" | 2 ‘| TOTAL 0:01'24" 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 Q Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation February 4, 1991 Ed Mjolsnes Frank Moolin and Associates P.O. Box 107044 Anchorage, AK 99510-7044 Re: Waste Heat Reports Dear Mr. Mjolsnes: To date we still have not received final copies of the waste heat studies for the communities of Anvik, Cold Bay, Hoonah, Kotlik, Lower Kalskag, Russian Mission, and White Mountain. It is important that the reports be completed as soon as possible to allow these sites to be included for consideration in the funding package that is currently being developed. In addition, it has come to our attention that we are currently holding invoices for the draft reports for the communities of Anvik, Kotlik, Lower Kalskag, Russian Mission, and White Mountain. Payment of the invoices was withheld because the amount billed did not correspond with the current level of completion of the reports. On the final invoices for these communities, please include a note indicating that the previous invoices are void and bill for the total amount due. Thank you for your prompt attention. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at 261-7294. Sincerely, ee Me Brian C. Gray Rural Systems EngYneer BCG enclosure ce: John Bulkow, Alaska Energy Authority ANVKBGLI © PO.BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 BK PO. Box 190869 704 EastTudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 (deplore Nore. ce Hioloace called Ce ou 2/s/29/ 2 iS$Cuss @ ov xt lation or Mee waste eat repack! We. agreed +o a Covayleté on date x Vio later thar Z/2z/s\. a7 Alaska Brergy Authority A Pubiie Corperanen TEL Ecopy (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-a584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT To: ea Myecelenes NAME OF COMPANY: Fon k TAeclin « Ascce tate s COMPANY ADDRESS: Awckeoraa 2. TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: z Le t= >< SENDER: Bo et ore A TELEPHONE NUMBER: SLe| — 1znat CHARGE CODE: NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: L= INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: jeer l=na NOY RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) 261~-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Waste Hea.7Z Kgcents — PRewtienws IF you po s mx AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 Anenorage Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 = PO Bo ME PO. Box 190869 890704 East Tuctor Road TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT *%& COUNT *x # 15 4K SEND 2k NO REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION RPAGES COMMENT 1 9072761830 12-21-90 16:25 8°23" 15 TOTAL 0:08'23" 15 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 MEMORANDUM Date: 12/11/90 To: Ed Mjolsnes Frank Moolin & Associates From: Brian Gray Alaska Energy Authority Re: Cold Bay and Hoonah Waste Heat Recovery Draft Reports In a set of review comments for the Cold Bay Waste Heat Recovery Draft Report we directed you to revise the calculations using a different hourly heat demand variation. We have since decided that this is not necessary. If the calculations have not been changed, disregard the previous comment. If they have been changed, the revised calculations will be acceptable. We have reviewed the Draft Report and Concept Level Design for the Hoonah Waste Heat Recovery project and have the following comments: 1. General Comment - We have not attempted to perform a thorough check for spelling and grammatical errors but it appears that there are several mistakes. The entire report should be carefully checked and edited prior to resubmittal. 2. Section 1.0 - Do not deduct annual O&M costs from fuel savings but rather show total annual fuel cost savings. 3 Section 4 - Provide a brief description of the location of new equipment within the power plant and connection to existing systems similar to those under Section 5. 4. Section 4 - On the power generation data, add units to the column headings for "PEAK LOAD" and "FUEL USE." 5. Section 5 General Comments - Revise report format as follows: A. Print the narrative for each facility on an individual page followed immediately by the photographs and heating fuel consumption data for that facility. B. At the end of each facility narrative add a sentence listing the annualized average fuel consumption for the building and whether this is based on delivery records or estimated from heat load calculations. i apabastieoes Store of Alaska aA Steve Cowpe: Governor Alaska Bnergy Authority A Public Corporation TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: <therles Fil<r~— NAME OF COMPANY: Frew kk. rMheelin « Asscoa_ COMPANY ADDRESS: Aaron TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: ZrIe~ ie Fo SENDER: Eerciaw rev TELEPHONE NUMBER: 26\ - 729 CHARGE CODE: #Biezo toe NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: Z INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: S/2z7/2vo IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) 261-7240-Anchorage (967) 465-3575-Juneau Wacte TacaS+ Be port Feesiew) Comment. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: a eat RO. BOX AM Jun@au. Alaska 99841 (907) 465-3575 SY PO. Box 190869 869701 East Tuder Read) = Anchorage: Alaska 99519-0869 TRANSMISSION REPORT (907) 661-7877 THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT *%* COUNT ** # 7 we SEND kk NO REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT 1 9072761830 9-27-90 11:39 4°32" 7 TOTAL 0:04'°32" 7 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: Zhearles File NAME OF COMPANY: Frenk Meoolin ¢ Assoc_ COMPANY ADDRESS: Anck. TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: ZIG6-\9ZO SENDER: Brianw Grau TELEPHONE NUMBER: 26\-1294 CHARGE CODE: AlB26306 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 7 INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: 9lz7/90 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ColA aw Waste Heat Draft Revert Feview) Coumerts PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 ® PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 MEMORANDUM Date: 9/19/90 To: Charles Pilch Frank Moolin & Associates From: Brian C. Gray Rural Systems Engineer Alaska Energy Authority Subject: Cold Bay Waste Heat Recovery Draft Report We have reviewed the Draft Report and Concept Design for the above referenced project and have the following comments. While the list of comments may seem excessively long, the majority of items are minor grammatical errors. a5 Section 1.0 - Section 2.3 lists fuel costs as $1.10 per gallon, Total Annual Dollar Savings listed do not agree with this fuel price and the Total Fuel Oil Savings listed. Revise calculations. 2. Section 1.1.2 - Elaborate on whether staff reductions May actually result in closure of the FAA Shop facility. 3 Section 1.1.2 - In paragraph 3 add "warm storage" after "state shop". 4. Section 1.1.2 - In paragraph 4 add "heat" after waste in last sentence. 5. Section 1.1.3 - What are the desires of DOT/PF and FAA personnel and the power plant owner regarding the waste heat project? 6. Section 2.3 - What type of fuel is the cost listed for? A comment should be added here on what type of fuel is used for building heating and electrical power generation. 7. Section 3.0 - Were there any contacts made with DOT/PF personnel? If so list contacts. 8. Section 4.1 - In paragraph 1 correct spelling of "Caterpillar". 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Section 4.1 - Paragraph 2 lists 3 identical generator models with different outputs. Confirm this information or revise accordingly. Section 4.1 - In paragraph 4 the last sentence referring to heating load should be placed ahead of the sentence about structures to be torn down for clarity. Also, in the sentence about structures to be torn down "will be" should be changed to something like "are scheduled to be" since demolition is not part of this project and is therefore unsure. Section 4.1 - In paragraph 5 elaborate on the impact to available waste heat (i.e. will additional electric generation increase waste heat available or does Mark Air intend to buy waste heat). Section 4.4 - Add "(GAL)" below "FUEL USE" in Table 1. Section 5 General Comment - Revise report format as follows: a. Print the narrative for each facility on an individual page followed immediately by the photographs and heating fuel consumption data for that facility. b. At the end of each facility narrative add a sentence listing the annualized average fuel consumption for the building and whether this is based on fuel delivery records or estimated from heat load calculations. Section 5.1.1 - Clarify if steel paneled building is insulated. Section 5.1.3 - In third sentence change "It is" to "It will be" for consistency. Section 5.1.4 - Add length of piping run to first paragraph. Clarify if 391 MBH is for each boiler or combined capacity in second paragraph. Section 5.2 - Statement about present operating mode is unclear (how can return water and supply water both have operating setpoints). Review this section and clarify. Also make an estimate as to the quantity of fuel used for domestic water heating. We question the economic feasibility of providing a second heat exchanger. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Section 5.3.1 - Add "wood" prior to "frame structure" to maintain consistency. Also, was consideration given to adding the City Building to Scenario 1 with a short run of piping directly from the DOT warm storage building? Section 5.4.2 - Add "wood" prior to "frame structure" to maintain consistency. Also add "oil-fired" prior to "boiler". Section 5.4.3 - Is this the building referred to as “pump house" on the site plan? Coordinate names. Also add "feet" after "800". Section 5.5.1 - Would an additional boiler be required for the future building addition? Section 5.5.2 - In paragraph 1 add "wood" prior to "frame structure" to maintain consistency. Also add “each" after "2100 square feet". In paragraph 2 add "unit" or "building" after "Heating in each" in the first sentence. Section 5.6.1 - Add capacity of forced air furnaces. Section 5.6.2 - In paragraph 2 sentence 2 change "a H shaped" to "an H shaped". In sentence 3 change "oil fired hot air" to "oil fired forced-air" for consistency. In last sentence change "oil fired heating" to "oil fired water heaters". Section 5.6.2 - It seems inconsistent to provide fuel consumption data for this complex only and none of the others in this section. Revise accordingly. Section 5.6.2 - In the last paragraph change "buildings will require" to "buildings would require". Clarify which building (50x50 or 50x100) is the terminal and which building is the shop/hangar. Also correct spelling of "hangar". DOT/PF warm sand storage fuel consumption calculation - All heating demand calculations assume 75% efficiency while heat loss calculation uses 70%. Use 75% efficiency for all calculations. Section 6.0 - Has consideration been given to coordination of new waste heat piping with existing buried electrical lines? Would piping generally run alongside, over, or under electrical? Elaborate. Section 6.0 Paragraph 3 - Change "There is" to "There are". 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44, Section 7.1.2 - Change "will be there" to "should be there". Section 7.2 - In sentence 2 of paragraph 2 change "recovery" to "recover", Section 7.2 - The second paragraph does not make it clear that the intent is to utilize the existing heat exchanger for the new waste heat system in addition to the existing waste heat system. Revise accordingly. Also add a statement that by utilizing the existing heat exchanger, the operation of the existing power generators will essentially not be affected by the installation of the waste heat system. Section 7.3 paragraph 1 - Add a statement to the last sentence such as "and will enable the existing building heating systems to function normally in the event of a failure of the waste heat system". Is the owner of the power plant agreeable to having these changes made to the facility? Section 7.7 - Delete "the" prior to "Figure 26". Section 7.8 - Add guide specification for circulating pumps. Figure 1 - Correct spelling errors: "2-WAY CONTROL VALUE", "3-WAY CONTROL VALUE", "AMOT 3-WAY VALUE", and "AIR SEPERATOR". Figure 5 - Differentiate between new and existing piping in accordance with legend. Figure 6 - Will this arrangement affect required service clearances? Figure 14 - Differentiate between new and existing piping in accordance with legend. Figure 23 - Differentiate between new and existing piping in accordance with legend. Figure 26 - Revise to show bedding extending to 6" minimum above top of pipes and indicate 95% compaction of bedding. Section 9.0 - In paragraph 1 change "a least" to "at least". In paragraph 2 change "inexperience" to "inexperienced". In paragraph 4 change "introduce" to "introduced". 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Section 9.0 paragraph 4 - Is the reference here to ethylene or propylene glycol? This would be a good place to expound on the advantages/disadvantages of each. Section 9.1.1-5 - Change "on overload producing" to "on high temperature producing". Also the report should clearly state that this danger currently exists and that addition of the waste heat system will in no way affect this condition. Section 9.1.3 - Since loss of the waste heat does not constitute an emergency (existing building heating systems will still function) stockpiling pipe on site is not justifiable. A better recommendation would be for the Energy Authority to maintain an inventory of replacement arctic pipe in Anchorage to facilitate system repairs. Section 9.4.3 - Commercial glycol solutions always contain corrosion inhibitors. Clarify this point. Section 9.5 - State that this danger currently exists and that addition of the new waste heat system will in no way affect this condition. Section 9.8 paragraph 4 - Change "anyone" to "any one". Graph 1 - Large peak in heat available for January does not agree with heat generated data. Revise accordingly. Appendix 1 - Hourly heat demand variation on page 2 appears to be incorrect. Heat demand should decrease during the daytime due to higher outside air temperatures and increased internal heat gains. We have attached an example heat demand variation that you may wish to use. Revise calculations as required. Note that this comment applies to the calculations for all 4 scenarios. CBAYBGM1DOC a SLENNALLEN WASTE HEAT RECOVERY ESTIMATION PAGE 1 CONCE?T 1B J WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET. E Location: GLENNALLEN Date: Deceaber 26, 1989 Heat rate: 2738 Btu/kwh produced Cc 7 AFL System loss: 625,868 Btu/hour (FOR ALL SYSTEMS CURRENTLY CONNECTED) Total generation: 16,716,844 kwh/year ANNUAL Local degree days 1784 2889 1418 944 685 263 356 811 1854 = 1787 2894 15,849 Assumed diurnal heat Power demand variation: it monthly generation: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OcT NOV DEC CHECXSUM Fraction:6.13569 6.12496 6.12378 6.21736 6.6826 8.6455 6.0088 6.6823 6 6.6158 6.8897 8.15336 1 Kwh: 1454288 1339288 1325688 2329428 885268 488268 94608 25084 6 169486 962206 1643608 16,716,844 Diurnal Winter Summer Hour J Building use per month, gallons of fuel oil a 6.8494 8.0494 1 variation 6.858 6.638 68.838 6.638 6.645 6.645 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.038 6.038 8.6477 6.0477 2 \ 6.036 6.836 6.036 6.036 6.048 6.040 6.046 0.040 8.048 6.040 6.036 6.036 6.0468 9.0460 3 6.054 6.034 6.034 6.034 6.036 6.036 8.836 6.836 6.636 6.036 6.034 6.034 0.0443 6.8443 4 6.034 6.034 6.054 6.034 6.635 6.035 6.035 6.035 6.035 6.035 6.034 6.034 a 8.0428 6.0428 5 6.033 6.853 8.033 6.053 6.035 6.035 8.035 6.035 8.035 8.035 8.033 6.833 6.0414 6.0414 6 8.034 6.034 68.634 6.834 6.038 6.038 4.038 6.038 8.038 6.038 6.034 6.034 6.0481 6.0401 7 8.658 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 8.038 6.038 8.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 3 9.8398 6.0398 8 8.642 6.042 6.042 6.042 6.040 6.040 0.040 0.040 8.040 0.040 6.042 6.042 8.0381 6.6381 9 8.042 6.042 6.042 8.842 6.045 6.045 8.045 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.042 6.042 8.0374 6.8374 16 8.647 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 8.047 6.047 6.047 8.047 6.047 0.047 8.0378 6.8378 MN 8.048 6.048 6.048 6.048 6.048 6.040 0.048 6.040 8.048 6.040 6.048 6.048 a 8.0367 6.0367 12 8.047 6.047 6.047 6.8647 6.048 8.048 6.048 8.048 6.048 6.048 6.047 0.047 8.6367 6.0367 13 IN 8.045 9.045 6.045 6.045 6.050 8.058 6.058 8.050 6.058 8.058 6.045 6.045 8.0378 6.0370 14 6.647 6.047 6.647 6.047 6.052 6.852 8.052 8.052 8.052 8.052 6.047 8.047 a 8.0374 6.8374 15 6.048 8.048 8.048 6.848 6.058 8.056 8.050 8.058 6.056 6.050 8.048 6.048 6.0381 8.8381 16 8.048 6.048 6.048 6.048 6.050 6.050 8.058 0.050 6.058 6.050 0.048 6.048 6.8398 6.8396 17 8.049 6.849 6.649 6.049 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.645 6.049 8.049 a 8.0481 6.0401 18 7 8.046 6.046 6.046 6.046 6.047 6.047 8.647 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.046 0.046 6.0414 6.0414 19 7 8.045 6.843 6.043 6.643 8.058 6.058 6.058 6.258 6.858 8.050 6.043 6.043 8.8428 6.0428 28 8.058 6.038 8.038 6.038 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.645 6.038 6.038 8.0443 8.0443 21 6.058 6.038 6.838 8.058 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 0.041 6.041 8.038 8.038 3 8.0468 6.0468 22 8.041 8.041 6.641 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.641 6.041 0.041 8.8477 6.8477 23 8.045 6.045 6.645 6.045 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.045 08.045 8.6494 8.8494 24 8.048 8.048 6.048 6.046 0.043 6.043 0.043 6.043 0.043 6.043 6.040 08.040 J ; \ 7 J j BUILDING 1A - APARTMENT BUILDING 1186 1288 713 518 372278 248 341 638 766 «1858 1382 8,576 BUILDING 1B - POST OFFICE 1552 1562 1628 615 255 158 38 S 3168 962 «1628 1677 9,768 BUILDING 2A - OLD SCHOOL 6 6 8 6 8 8 6 6 6 4 8 8 a i BUILDING 2B - NEW SCHOOL 6 8 6 6 6 8 8 6 8 6 a 6 8 BUILDING 2B - WEIR BUILDING GYM 8 6 8 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 a BUILDING 6 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 6 Date: To: From: MEMORANDUM 9/19/90 Charles Pilch Frank Moolin & Associates Brian C. Gray Rural Systems Engineer Alaska Energy Authority Subject: Cold Bay Waste Heat Recovery Draft Report We have reviewed the Draft Report and Concept Design for the above referenced project and have the following comments. While the list of comments may seem excessively long, the majority of items are minor grammatical errors. 1. Section 1.0 - Section 2.3 lists fuel costs as $1.10 per gallon, Total Annual Dollar Savings listed do not agree with this fuel price and the Total Fuel Oil Savings listed. Revise calculations. Section 1.1.2 - Elaborate on whether staff reductions may actually result in closure of the FAA Shop facility. Section 1.1.2 - In paragraph 3 add "warm storage" after "state shop". Section 1.1.2 - In paragraph 4 add "heat" after waste in last sentence. Section 1.1.3 - What are the desires of DOT/PF and FAA personnel and the power plant owner regarding the waste heat project? Section 2.3 - What type of fuel is the cost listed for? A comment should be added here on what type of fuel is used for building heating and electrical power generation. Section 3.0 - Were there any contacts made with DOT/PF personnel? If so list contacts. Section 4.1 - In paragraph 1 correct spelling of "Caterpillar". 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Section 4.1 - Paragraph 2 lists 3 identical generator models with different outputs. Confirm this information or revise accordingly. Section 4.1 - In paragraph 4 the last sentence referring to heating load should be placed ahead of the sentence about structures to be torn down for clarity. Also, in the sentence about structures to be torn down "will be" should be changed to something like "are scheduled to be" since demolition is not part of this project and is therefore unsure. Section 4.1 - In paragraph 5 elaborate on the impact to available waste heat (i.e. will additional electric generation increase waste heat available or does Mark Air intend to buy waste heat). Section 4.4 - Add "(GAL)" below "FUEL USE" in Table 1. Section 5 General Comment - Revise report format as follows: a. Print the narrative for each facility on an individual page followed immediately by the photographs and heating fuel consumption data for that facility. b. At the end of each facility narrative add a sentence listing the annualized average fuel consumption for the building and whether this is based on fuel delivery records or estimated from heat load calculations. Section 5.1.1 - Clarify if steel paneled building is insulated. Section 5.1.3 - In third sentence change "It is" to "It will be" for consistency. Section 5.1.4 - Add length of piping run to first paragraph. Clarify if 391 MBH is for each boiler or combined capacity in second paragraph. Section 5.2 - Statement about present operating mode is unclear (how can return water and supply water both have operating setpoints). Review this section and clarify. Also make an estimate as to the quantity of fuel used for domestic water heating. We question the economic feasibility of providing a second heat exchanger. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Section 5.3.1 - Add "wood" prior to "frame structure" to maintain consistency. Also, was consideration given to adding the City Building to Scenario 1 with a short run of piping directly from the DOT warm storage building? Section 5.4.2 - Add "wood" prior to "frame structure" to maintain consistency. Also add "oil-fired" prior to "boiler". Section 5.4.3 - Is this the building referred to as “pump house" on the site plan? Coordinate names. Also add "feet" after "800". Section 5.5.1 - Would an additional boiler be required for the future building addition? Section 5.5.2 - In paragraph 1 add "wood" prior to “frame structure" to maintain consistency. Also add "each" after "2100 square feet". In paragraph 2 add "unit" or "building" after "Heating in each" in the first sentence. Section 5.6.1 - Add capacity of forced air furnaces. Section 5.6.2 - In paragraph 2 sentence 2 change "a H shaped" to "an H shaped". In sentence 3 change "oil fired hot air" to "oil fired forced-air" for consistency. In last sentence change "oil fired heating" to "oil fired water heaters". Section 5.6.2 - It seems inconsistent to provide fuel consumption data for this complex only and none of the others in this section. Revise accordingly. Section 5.6.2 - In the last paragraph change "buildings will require" to "buildings would require". Clarify which building (50x50 or 50x100) is the terminal and which building is the shop/hangar. Also correct spelling of "hangar". DOT/PF warm sand storage fuel consumption calculation - All heating demand calculations assume 75% efficiency while heat loss calculation uses 70%. Use 75% efficiency for all calculations. Section 6.0 - Has consideration been given to coordination of new waste heat piping with existing buried electrical lines? Would piping generally run alongside, over, or under electrical? Elaborate. Section 6.0 Paragraph 3 - Change "There is" to "There are". 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Section 7.1.2 - Change "will be there" to "should be there". Section 7.2 - In sentence 2 of paragraph 2 change "recovery" to "recover". Section 7.2 - The second paragraph does not make it clear that the intent is to utilize the existing heat exchanger for the new waste heat system in addition to the existing waste heat system. Revise accordingly. Also add a statement that by utilizing the existing heat exchanger, the operation of the existing power generators will essentially not be affected by the installation of the waste heat system. Section 7.3 paragraph 1 - Add a statement to the last sentence such as "and will enable the existing building heating systems to function normally in the event of a failure of the waste heat system". Is the owner of the power plant agreeable to having these changes made to the facility? Section 7.7 - Delete "the" prior to "Figure 26". Section 7.8 - Add guide specification for circulating pumps. Figure 1 - Correct spelling errors: "2-WAY CONTROL VALUE", "3-WAY CONTROL VALUE", "AMOT 3-WAY VALUE", and "AIR SEPERATOR". Figure 5 - Differentiate between new and existing piping in accordance with legend. Figure 6 - Will this arrangement affect required service clearances? Figure 14 - Differentiate between new and existing piping in accordance with legend. Figure 23 - Differentiate between new and existing piping in accordance with legend. Figure 26 - Revise to’ show bedding extending to 6" minimum above top of pipes and indicate 95% compaction of bedding. Section 9.0 - In paragraph 1 change "a least" to "at least". In paragraph 2 change "inexperience" to "inexperienced". In paragraph 4 change "introduce" to "introduced". 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Section 9.0 paragraph 4 - Is the reference here to ethylene or propylene glycol? This would be a good place to expound on the advantages/disadvantages of each. Section 9.1.1-5 - Change "on overload producing" to "on high temperature producing". Also the report should clearly state that this danger currently exists and that addition of the waste heat system will in no way affect this condition. Section 9.1.3 - Since loss of the waste heat does not constitute an emergency (existing building heating systems will still function) stockpiling pipe on site is not justifiable. A better recommendation would be for the Energy Authority to maintain an inventory of replacement arctic pipe in Anchorage to facilitate system repairs. Section 9.4.3 - Commercial glycol solutions always contain corrosion inhibitors. Clarify this point. Section 9.5 - State that this danger currently exists and that addition of the new waste heat system will in no way affect this condition. Section 9.8 paragraph 4 - Change "anyone" to "any one". Graph 1 - Large peak in heat available for January does not agree with heat generated data. Revise accordingly. Appendix 1 - Hourly heat demand variation on page 2 appears to be incorrect. Heat demand should decrease during the daytime due to higher outside air temperatures and increased internal heat gains. We have attached an example heat demand variation that you may wish to use. Revise calculations as required. Note that this comment applies to the calculations for all 4 scenarios. CBAYBGMLDOC GLENNALLEN WASTE HEAT RECOVERY ESTIMATION PAGE | CONCEPT 1B WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION MORK SHEET. Location: GLENNALLEN Date: Deceaber 26, 1989 Heat rate: 2738 Btu/kwh produced Ee = AFL Systea loss: 625,068 Btu/hour (FOR ALL SYSTEMS CURRENTLY CONNECTED) Total generation: 16,716,844 kwh/year NNUAL 26891418944 BS 263356 B11 1854 «1787 = 2894 15,049 Local degree days 1784 Assumed diurnal heat Power demand variation: wonthly generation: 2---------------- JAN FEB MAR APR maAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ocT NOV DEC CHECKSUM Fraction:6.13569 6.12496 6.12578 6.21736 6.6826 6.6455 6.6888 6.6623 6 6.6158 6.8897 8.15336 1 Kwh: 1454268 1339286 1325688 2329428 885266 488266 94668 25684 6 169488 962286 1643608 16,716,844 Diurnal “— Winter Summer Hour 6.6494 6.6494 1 variation 6.858 6.658 6.858 6.638 6.845 6.645 6.645 6.645 6.645 6.645 6.838 6.838 6.0477 6.0477 2 6.056 6.656 6.056 6.636 6.046 6.0460 6.046 6.040 6.646 6.048 6.836 6.036 6.8468 6.8466 3 6.654 6.634 6.634 6.634 6.656 6.836 6.656 6.636 6.836 6.636 6.654 6.634 6.0443 6.8443 4 6.854 6.654 6.054 6.834 6.655 6.635 6.655 6.655 6.635 6.035 6.654 6.654 6.8428 6.8428 5 8.633 6.653 6.653 6.653 6.055 6.635 6.635 6.635 6.035 6.055 6.633 6.833 6.0414 6.0414 6 6.8634 6.654 6.634 6.634 6.638 6.638 8.638 6.658 6.638 6.638 6.634 6.034 6.6461 6.0401 7 6.658 6.658 6.658 6.638 6.038 6.638 6.6538 6.658 6.638 6.658 6.058 6.638 9.0398 6.0398 8 6.642 6.042 6.642 6.042 6.040 6.046 6.046 6.046 6.046 6.046 6.642 6.842 8.6381 6.8381 9 6.842 6.642 6.042 6.642 6.645 6.045 6.645 6.645 6.845 6.045 6.042 8.842 8.0374 6.8374 16 6.047 6.647 6.047 6.647 6.047 6.647 6.647 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.647 6.047 6.6378 6.8378 iN 6.048 6.048 6.648 6.048 6.046 6.040 6.048 6.040 6.046 6.046 6.048 6.048 8.6367 6.6367 12 6.647 6.647 6.647 6.647 6.648 6.648 6.048 6.648 6.848 6.848 6.047 8.047 8.6367 6.8367 13 6.845 6.645 6.045 6.645 6.058 6.050 6.056 6.056 6.058 6.056 6.045 6.045 6.0378 6.6376 14 6.047 6.647 6.647 6.647 6.852 6.852 6.852 8.052 6.052 6.852 6.647 8.647 8.8374 8.0374 1S 6.048 6.648 6.648 6.648 6.658 8.656 6.056 6.658 6.058 6.056 6.648 6.048 8.0381 6.8381 16 6.048 6.648 6.048 6.048 6.056 6.656 6.056 8.056 6.058 8.956 6.048 6.048 6.0398 6.8398 17 6.049 6.649 6.649 6.649 6.645 6.645 6.045 6.645 6.645 6.645 6.649 6.049 8.6401 6.0401 18 6.046 6.646 6.046 6.646 6.847 6.647 6.647 6.647 6.047 6.647 6.046 6.846 6.0414 6.0414 19 6.045 6.645 6.045 6.643 6.056 6.056 6.056 6.058 6.656 6.658 6.643 6.043 6.6428 6.0428 28 6.638 6.038 6.638 6.638 6.645 6.045 6.845 6.045 6.045 6.645 6.038 6.838 6.6443 6.0443 21 6.638 6.058 6.858 6.038 6.641 6.641 6.641 6.641 6.641 6.641 6.638 6.038 8.8468 6.0468 22 6.041 6.641 6.641 6.641 6.041 6.641 6.641 6.041 6.641 6.641 6.041 6.041 8.6477 6.6477 23 6.045 6.645 6.045 6.045 6.641 6.641 6.041 6.041 6.641 6.641 6.045 6.645 8.6494 6.6494 6.046 6.646 6.046 6.046 6.043 6.643 6.043 6.643 6.043 6.043 6.040 6.040 ’ Building use per month, gallons of fuel oil BUILDING 1A - APARTMENT BUILDING 1188 1286 113 516 372 276 248 341 636 766 «1856 1382 8,576 BUILDING 1B - POST OFFICE 1552 1562 1628 615 255 158 36 % 318 962 «1628 1677 9,768 BUILDING 2A - OLD SCHOOL 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 6 8 8 a BUILDING 2B - NEW SCHOOL 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 6 8 BUILDING 2B - WEIR BUILDING GYM 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 BUILDING 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 6 FRANK MOOLIN & A@OCIATES ENSERCH Center © 550 West Seventh Avenue L EVER OF TRANSMITTAL P.O. Box 107044 ar Ss ]ic | 46 W08N 495-300 Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044 ATTENTION ‘ Phone (907) 276-7484 Jorn Burnow RE fn gt Fi iT es ALASKA ENERGY AuTHOLT v3 WASTE HEAT ConCEPT 400 Bs. Tube2 2D LEVEL DESIGNS — CoLD BAY gr a la een TE a] GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU XX Attached © Under separate cover via the following items: O Shop drawings D Prints O Plans O Samples © Specifications O Copy of letter O Change order —_—_ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION > as | DRAFT REPORT - Cord BAY RECEIVED MAY 1 7 1990 LL THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval O Approved as submitted O Resubmit. copies for approval O For your use O Approved as noted O Submit. copies for distribution O As requested O Returned for corrections O Return. corrected prints {® For review and comment Oo O FOR BIDS DUE 19 REMARKS. OC PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US * REPORT WLokPWATES AL COnMENTS MADE OW IT iS ESSEOTIALLY —ConPieTE WITH THE “Hoowan ” DRAET, EXCEPTION OF Cost ESTIMATE £ Contiusion (BASED ON Cost ESTMATE) COPY TO It enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. White - Original Canary - Acknowledgement Copy sroner Chel Pile 263 ~-iIS6E Pink - Office File Copy ? FRANK MOOLIN& A CIATES LET 22 OF TRANSMITTAL 3 ENSERCH Conter.* 660 West Seventh Avenue shel asta) Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044 ° : + "*" ATTENTION Phone (907) 276-7484 \ Jorn Butkown 4 RE: i to__ALASKA ENERGY A&uTHOUTY WASTE HEAT Concert MoE. Aube WD. LEVEL DESICWS — CoLD BAY GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached C Under separate covervia___..-===== ste following items: O Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples © Specifications O Copy of letter O Change order COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION | “DRaAeT RePoet - Cord Bay SS ee THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval © Approved as submitted O Resubmit copies for approval O For your use O Approved as noted O Submit copies for distribution O As requested O Returned for corrections O Return. corrected prints _ (i For review and comment Bs O FOR BIDS DUE. 19. O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS * REPORT IWLokPMATES ALL ConmENTS HADE ON "Hooman” DRAFT, IT 1S ESSEOTIALLY —ConPurTe W/TH THE EXCEPTION OF Cost ESTIMATE & Conciusion (BASED ON Cost ESTIMATE) . copy TO P; SIGNED: Cade ‘bel. If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. 263 - IS6 é White - Original Canary - Acknowledgement Copy Pink - Office File Copy State of Alaska Walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation November 23, 1992 The Honorable Julius J. Fay Mayor City of Cold Bay P.O.Box 10 Cold Bay, Alaska 99511 Subject: Waste Heat Concept Design Report Dear Mayor Fay: Please find enclosed a copy of the Waste Heat Concept Design Report prepared by the Alaska Energy Authority for your community. This report identifies potential waste heat end-users and provides an estimate of the amount of fuel that would be saved (in both gallons and dollars) for several different combinations of end-users. A cost estimate based on prevailing wage rates and contractor construction is also included for construction of the most feasible waste heat end-user combination. The designs presented herein are schematic in nature and should not be construed as being complete in design or function. A thorough review of content and correctness should be performed prior to use in the development of construction documents. The Energy Authority is currently in the process of reviewing the cost estimates and proposed waste heat end-user combinations to determine if a waste heat project would be economically feasible for your community. If additional information is required, a member of my staff will contact you. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call Brian Gray or Steve Stassel at 800-478-7877 or (907) 561-7877 or FAX (907) 561-8584. Director/Rural Programs SS:DDC:nk Attachment as stated ce: Gary L. Ferguson, G&K, Inc. (Without Report) PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Fax: (907) 561-8584 92Q4\NK3923D0C(1) Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation December 20, 1991 Mr. Myles C. Yerkes, P.E., General Manager Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 107044 Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044 Subject: Contract #2800158 Work Order #AEA-FMA-00 Work Order #AEA-FMA-003 ystem) Dear Mr. Yerkes: We have received your final invoices, #91-035 in the amount of $1,007, and #91-036 in the amount of $1,377, on the work orders referenced above. This is to notify you that these work orders are being closed out. Any remaining funds that had been set aside for these work orders will be disencumbered and made available for future work under the con) sincerely. /) J of Lawl Moc Uledy Director of Rural Progr cc: Steve Stassel, Alaska Energy Authority Gary Smith, Alaska Energy Authority Don Whelan, Alaska Energy Authority Marlys Hagen, Alaska Energy Authority PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99814 (907) 465-3575 a PO. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 State of Alaska Waiter J Hickel. Governor Frank Moolin & RECEIVED Associates, Inc. JUL 19 1991 pyashe © ecgy Autnority July 18, 1991 Invoice No: 91-035 Job No: FM495-300 Mr. Dominic Costanzo Alaska Energy Authority Post Office Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Subject: Contract No. 2800158 - Cold Bay - Waste Heat System Dear Mr. Costanzo: Enclosed is the invoice for nonlabor expenses incurred while performing services for work order AEA-FMA-005. Appropriate documentation is attached for your review. WORK WORK CURRENT TOTAL AMOUNT ORDER_NUMBER ORDER BUDGET INVOICE INVOICED TO DATE AEA-FMA-005-Services $11,482.00 $ 0.00 $11,482.00 AEA-FMA-005-Expenses 4,246.00 1,007.00 3,510.49 5 15,728.00 YN ERM J4I4 $15,728.00 Contract #21 2800/55 Ani J Project @A< S/S 22 306 $14,992.49 2 EEO Sincerely, FRANK MOOLIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. VERIFIED: . é Project Mor LEE Klee Assoc. Ex. Dir, Myles C. Yerkes, P.E. Accounting btieny VLY General Manager Acctg Sunvr . MCY/sb APPROVED FUR PAYMERT: Amount 4, 227-22 Arc o_ 73/82 ce 08/9300 3 Approving Of. Payment. NLT pm? 226152 y alol4 ce P.O. Box 107044, Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044, (907) 276-7484, Telecopier No. (907) 276-1 830 A FM495 / ACCT An Ebaseo Services Incorporated Engineering and Construction Company : oe ee Contract *£, SIL Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. ~ “aot ara rm ‘y i 1 Swiss. ii Ln JUL O a . July 19, 1990 ALLEY aRaY Invoice No: 90-087 POS TY Job No: FM495-300 Approving Off. Mr. Dominic Costanzo Alaska Energy Authority Post Office Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Subject: Contract No. 2800158 - Cold Bay - Waste Heat System Dear Mr. Costanzo: Enclosed is the invoice for services rendered on the Open Term Services Contract from April 29, 1990 through June 30, 1990 on Work Order #A FMA-005. Appropriate documentation is attached for your review. EA- WORK WORK _CURRENT® TOTAL AMOUNT ORDER NUMBER ORDER BUDGET INVOICE .. INVOICED TO DATE AEA-FMA-005-Services $11,482.00 $ 0.00 $11,482.00 AEA-FMA-005-Expenses 4,246.00 23.00 2,503.49 $15,728.00 $ 23.00: 13,985.49 Sincerely, FRANK MOOLIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dopk Lhe Joseph L. Perkins, P.E. Vice President JLP/bkc P.O. Box 107044, Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044, (907) 276-7484, Telecopier No. (907) 276-1830 FM495 / ACCT An Ebasco Services Incorporated Engineering and Construction Company = Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. RECE 7 May 22, 1990 ~i¢ Ze. Invoice No: 90-073, ov Job No: FM495 Mr. Dominic Costanzo Alaska Energy Authority Post Office Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Subject: Contract No. 2800158 - Cold Bay - Waste Heat System Dear Mr. Costanzo ry Enclosed is the invoice for services rendered on the Open Term Services Contract from March 25, 1990 through April 28, 1990 on Work Order #AEA- FMA-005. Appropriate documentation is attached for your review. WORK WORK CURRENT TOTAL AMOUNT ORDER NUMBER ORDER BUDGET INVOICE INVOICED TO DATE AEA-FMA-005-Services $11,482.00 $ 0.00 $11,482.00 AEA-FMA-005-Expenses 4,246.00 780.00 2,480.49 $15,728.00 4789.00 $13,962.49 Sincerely, FRANK MOOLIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Doro Placa! Joseph L. Perkins, Vice President JLP/bkc P.O. Box 107044, Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044, (907) 276-7484, Telecopier No. (907) 276-1830 FM495/ACCT An Ebasco Services Incorporated Engineering and Construction Company Shhh Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. Mme ee, April 6, 1990 al “Ss! air: a4 Invoice No: 90-051 BS, 7Fy = | ae Job No: FM495 ___ 3.1 Fo. | Che 92003) | Dl cen 5/239 Mr. Dominic Costanzo : ; Alaska Energy Authority { oo Sees Post Office Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Subject: Contract No. 2800158 - Cold Bay - Waste Heat System Dear Mr. Costanzo: Enclosed is the invoice for services rendered on the Open Term Services Contract from February 25, 1990 through March 24, 1990 on Work Order #AEA-FMA-005. Appropriate documentation is attached for your review. we , i WORK WORK CURRENT TOTAL AMOUNT ' ORDER NUMBER ORDER BUDGET INVOICE INVOICED TO DATE hb AEA-FMA-005-Services $11,482.00 $3,776.00 $11,482.00 AEA-FMA-005-Expences 4,246.00 8.85 1,700.49 $15,728.00 $3,784.85 $13,182.49 Sincerely, FRANK MOOLIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Doph LRK2 Joseph L. Perkins, P.E. Vice President JLP/bkc P.O. Box 107044, Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044, (907) 276-7484, Telecopier No. (907) 276-1830 A ; a FM495 / Acct An Ebasco Services Incorporated Engineering and Construction Company —— e e | et : organs. biaa —— Coed (ere Cot. uy 5 1990 | Frank Moolin & ar | Associates, Inc. TOSKA ENERGY AUTHORITY j asce March 14, 1990 ! Invoice No: 90-038 po 6 Job No: FM495 itn Bb SIZ ot PAs St 731% : O81) 2005 Mr. Dominic Costanzo b fers: don CH on Y/R Alaska Energy Authority Post Office Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Subject: Contract No. 800158 - Cold Bay - Waste Heat System Dear Mr. Costanzo: }, Enclosed is the invoice for services rendered on the Open Term Services Contract from January 29, 1990 through February 24, 1990 on Work Order #AEA-FMA-005. Appropriate documentation is attached for your review. WORK WORK CURRENT TOTAL AMOUNT ORDER_NUMBER ORDER BUDGET INVOICE INVOICED TO DATE ') AEA-FMA-005-Services $11,482.00 $7,706.00 $7,706.00 AEA-FMA-005-Expences 4,246.00 1,691.64 1,691.64 ‘ 15,728.00 9,397.64 9,397.64 Sincerely, FRANK MOOLIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ALR hed oseph L. Perkins, P.E. Vice President JLP/bkc P.O. Box 107044, Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044, (907) 276-7484, Telecopier No. (907) 276-1830 A FM495/Acct An Ebasco Services incorporated Engineering and Construction Company