HomeMy WebLinkAboutChevak Waste Heat Design Notes & Drawings 1991WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET Location:Chevak Date: January 14, 1991 Annual O&M cost: 1811 $/year. Cost Estimate 10000 $ (Savings, year 0, gallons Fuel heat value: 126000 Btu/gall. C Fuel cost 0.91 $/gallon (10 year B/C ratio: Fuel cost escal. 0.02 /year (20 year B/C ratio: Power increase 0.02 /year [Pay back ti Discount rate 0.04 /year C GENERATOR DATA: SYSTEM LOSS DATA: Heat rate at kw-load above: 0 3000 Btu/kwh Constant losses: Heat rate at kw-load above: 35 3000 Btu/kwh Plant piping: 2000 Btu/hr. Heat rate at kw-load above: 70 2950 Btu/kwh Subsurface piping: 0 Btu/hr. Heat rate at kw-load above: 105 2950 Btu/kwh Engine preheating: 2000 Btu/hr. Heat rate at kw-load above: 140 2900 Btu/kwh Total constant: 4000 Btu/hr. Heat rate at kw-load above: 175 2900 Btu/kwh Heat rate at kw-load above: 210 2900 Btu/kwh Variable losses: Heat rate at kw-load above: 245 2900 Btu/kwh Surface piping: 50 Btu/hr.xF Heat rate at kw-load above: 280 2900 Btu/kwh Plant heating: 200 Btu/hr.xF Heat rate at kw-load above: 315 2900 Btu/kwh Radiator losses: 50 Btu/hr.xF Heat rate at kw-load above: 350 2900 Btu/kwh GENERATION DATA: WEATHER DATA: Kwh/month: HDD/Month: January 119080 1804 February 105720 1565 March 106440 1659 April 86680 1146 May 86400 775 June 67440 372 July 75280 326 August 90320 381 September 89400 591 October 107600 1029 November 111120 1440 December 116720 1792 1162200 12880 BUILDING DATA: Fuel use, gallons Seasonal Seasonal Efficiency School Build. Build. Build. Build. Build. Build. Build. Build. Build. WONAVFWN— 50400 0 0 Non- 5600 0 0 HEAT DEMAND VARIATION: Winter +049 -048 -046 +044 «043 -041 -040 ~039 -038 038 037 -037 -037 -037 -037 -038 -039 +040 -041 ~043 «044 046 ~048 +049 SESOCOCODCDDOCOCO OOOO OOOO COOOOD Summer -049 -048 -046 +044 ooocooocooocoocoocooocoocoocoo0ooco0°oco Oo w x Power year factor Year no. Seasonal consumption, gls.: consump. ,gls. Compound boiler efficiency: Non-seasonal Hour: =2 POWUMNAUEWN= Nee oeonsnsans CSCWOONAUEWN NNNN BWN = Boiler 0.7 0 0 1 0 50400 5600 0.70 Building in use, 1=yes, 0=no See eo anni April -038 -036 ~034 ~034 -033 +034 -038 ~042 042 -047 +048 -047 +045 -047 -048 +048 -049 046 +043 -038 -038 -041 =044 -040 SOESDSDDSDDDDDDDAODDOODDDOOCOOOSO 30 1146 86680 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 POWER PRODUCTION VARIATION: January February March 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.044 0.044 0.044 0.040 0.040 0.040 Days: 31 28 31 HDD: 1804 1565 1659 kwh: 119080 105720 106440 Building use per month, Btu's 6.6E+08 5.8&+08 ecoooeoceo0e eoo0000000 6.1€+08 4.4E+08 ceooccococced ee) aoe ea anna 3.1E+08 eoooca00c00o 6.6E+08 5.8E+08 6.16-08 4.4£+03 3.1E+08 See eo ona June -040 -037 035 -034 +034 -037 -037 039 -043 -046 -039 +047 +048 +049 -048 -048 044 +047 +046 +042 -040 -039 -040 -041 SOSDSDDDDDDDOODODODOO OOO OOOO O 30 372 67440 1.7E+08 eoeooooo00e 1.7E+08 ae eo oon July 0.040 -037 -035 034 034 -037 -037 -039 -043 046 -039 -047 +048 -049 -048 -048 +044 -047 046 +042 -040 -039 -040 041 SPOESDDDDDDDDDDADDDDODODOCOOO 31 326 75280 1.5E+08 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 1.5E+0 aoe oaan nnn Bee aon See oon August September October 0.040 0.040 0.037 0.037 0.035 0.035 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.039 0.039 0.043 0.043 0.046 0.046 0.039 0.039 0.047 0.047 0.048 0.048 0.049 0.049 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.044 0.044 0.047 0.047 0.046 0.046 0.042 0.042 0.040 0.040 0.039 0.039 0.040 0.040 0.041 0.041 31 30 381 591 90320 89400 1.7E+08 2.5E+08 eo0000000 1.7E+08 2.56+08 4.0E+08 5.4E+08 6.6E+08 4.9E+0 0.040 0.037 0.035 0.034 0.034 0.037 0.037 0.039 0.043 0.046 0.039 0.047 0.048 0.049 0.048 0.048 0.044 0.047 0.046 0.042 0.040 0.039 0.040 0.041 31 1029 107600 S ° m + ° ao ecooeoeceoo0d Seen nea November 0.038 0.036 0.034 0.034 0.033 0.034 0.038 0.042 0.042 0.047 0.048 0.047 0.045 0.047 0.048 0.048 0.049 0.046 0.043 0.038 0.038 0.041 0.044 0.040 30 1440 111120 wi E> ™m + & eooecocco00e Spee ooo December 0.038 0.036 0.034 0.034 0.033 0.034 0.038 0.042 0.042 0.047 0.048 0.047 0.045 0.047 0.048 0.048 0.049 0.046 0.043 0.038 0.038 0.041 0.044 0.040 31 1792 116720 6.6E+08 ecooeccc000eo 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12880 1162200 Oper. HD 1288 1288 1288 1288 1288 1288 1288 1288 1288 1288 NNYNNY22eeooonowae RUN ACDCRNADEWNBZODMONAUERWNS WCONAURWNH= NNNMBeeeosoaninis NSFCOCMBNAUARWNAO 23 24 Heat available per hour by month 401652 395116 364646 386287 380013 344388 363623 357736 = 3324130 363623 «357736 = 3324130 352292 346598 314001 363623 «357736 = 3324130 401652 395116 364646 446211 438914 397951 446211 438914 397951 501910 493662 447738 513050 504612 457695 501910 493662 447738 479630 471763 427823 501910 493662 447738 513050 504612 457695 513050 504612 457695 524189 515561 467652 490770 482712 437781 457351 449864 407909 401652 395116 364646 401652 395116 364646 435071 427965 387994 468491 460813 417866 423932 417015 384904 3.3E+08 2.9€+08 3.0E+08 Heat demand by hour by month 1057681 1025486 977940 1023424 992272 946266 984885 954906 910632 948487 919616 876978 916371 888478 847284 886397 859416 819569 858563 832429 = 793834 835011 809594 772058 815742 790911 = 754241 813601 788835 752261 792190 768077 732465 785767 761849 726526 785767 761849 726526 792190 768077 732465 792190 768077 732465 815742 790911 754241 835011 809594 772058 858563 832429 793834 886397 859416 819569 916371 888478 847284 948487 919616 876978 984885 954906 910632 1021283 990196 944286 1057681 1025486 977940 6.6&+08 5.8E+08 6.1E+08 308234 291187 274140 274140 265617 274140 308234 342328 342328 384946 393470 384946 367899 384946 393470 393470 394914 376423 350852 308234 308234 333805 359375 325281 2.4E+08 719015 695727 669528 644785 622952 602575 583654 567643 554544 553088 538533 534167 534167 538533 538533 554544 567643 583654 602575 622952 644785 669528 694272 719015 4.4E+08 317177 292512 276068 267846 267846 292512 292512 308955 341843 366509 308955 374731 382953 391175 382953 382953 350065 374731 366509 333621 317177 308955 317177 325399 2.5E+08 491793 475865 457945 441021 426088 412151 399209 388258 379298 378303 368347 365361 365361 368347 368347 379298 388258 399209 412151 426088 441021 457945 474869 491793 3.1£+08 257344 237449 224186 217554 217554 237449 237449 250712 277239 297134 250712 303765 310397 317028 310397 310397 283870 303765 297134 270607 257344 250712 257344 263976 1.9E+08 279173 270131 259959 250352 241875 233963 226617 220400 215314 214749 209098 207402 207402 209098 209098 215314 220400 226617 233963 241875 250352 259959 269566 279173 1.7E+08 279195 257704 243376 236212 236212 257704 257704 272031 300686 322177 272031 329341 336505 343669 336505 336505 307850 329341 322177 293522 279195 272031 279195 286359 2.2€+08 244871 236940 228017 219591 212155 205216 198772 193319 188858 188362 183405 181918 181918 183405 183405 188858 193319 198772 205216 212155 219591 228017 236444 244871 1.5€+08 335912 310127 292937 284342 284342 310127 310127 327317 361697 387481 327317 396076 404671 406128 404671 404671 370291 396076 387481 353102 335912 327317 335912 344507 2.6€+08 275117 266207 256182 246715 238361 230564 223324 217198 212186 211629 206060 204389 204389 206060 206060 212186 217198 223324 230564 238361 246715 256182 265650 275117 1.7E+08 341530 315157 297575 288784 288784 315157 315157 332739 367903 394276 332739 396064 404706 413348 404706 404706 376694 396064 394276 359112 341530 332739 341530 350321 2.6£+08 403625 390552 375845 361955 349699 338260 327639 318651 311298 310481 302310 299859 299859 302310 302310 311298 318651 327639 338260 349699 361955 375845 389735 403625 2.5E+08 395416 364698 344219 333980 333980 364698 364698 385177 418672 448869 385177 458935 469001 479066 469001 469001 428737 458935 448869 408606 395416 385177 395416 398540 3.0E+08 631478 611025 588016 566285 547111 529214 512597 498535 487031 485752 472969 469134 469134 472969 472969 487031 498535 512597 529214 547111 566285 588016 609747 631478 4.0E+08 389581 374765 352911 352911 341984 352911 389581 432547 432547 486255 496997 486255 464772 486255 496997 496997 507738 475514 443289 389581 389581 421806 454030 411064 3.1E+08 886087 857387 825101 794608 767703 742591 719273 699542 683399 681605 663668 658287 658287 663668 663668 683399 699542 719273 742591 767703 794608 825101 855594 886087 5.4E+08 393379 378318 356104 356104 344997 356104 393379 437055 437055 491650 502569 491650 469812 491650 502569 502569 513487 480731 447974 393379 393379 426136 458893 415217 3.2E+08 3.3E+09 1051082 1017039 978740 942569 910654 880866 853206 829801 810652 808524 787247 780864 780864 787247 787247 810652 829801 853206 880866 910654 942569 978740 1014911 1051082 6.6E+08 4.9E+09 Heat delivered by hour by month 401652 395116 364646 308234 317177 257344 244871 275117 341530 395416 389581 393379 386287 380013 344388 §=291187 9292512 237449 §=— 236940 9266207 93315157 364698 + 374765 378318 363623 357736 «= 3324130 274140 §9=.276068 )3=— 224186 )=— 228017 9 256182) 297575 = 344219 9352911 356104 363623 357736 «= 3324130 274140 9.267846 )9=— 217554 9219591 246715 288784 9333980 §9=—352911 356104 352292 346598 314001 265617 267846 217554 212155 238361 288784 333980 341984 344997 363623 357736 «= 324130 274140 §= 292512) 233963) 205216 )3=— 230564 9315157 364698 9352911 356104 401652 395116 364646 «= 3308234. «292512 226617 += 198772) 223324 «= 315157 364698 389581 393379 446211 438914 397951 342328 308955 220400 193319 217198 318651 385177 432547 437055 446211 438914 397951 342328 «= 341843. 215314 = 188858 92121869 3311298 9418672 9432547 = 437055 501910 493662 447738 384946 366509 214749 188362 211629 310481 448869 486255 491650 513050 504612 457695 393470 308955 209098 183405 206060 302310 385177 496997 502569 501910 493662 447738 384946 365361 207402 181918 204389 299859 458935 486255 491650 479630 471763 427823 367899 365361 207402 + 181918 204389 299859 469001 464772 469812 501910 493662 447738 384946 368347 209098 183405 206060 302310 472969 486255 491650 513050 504612 457695 393470 368347 209098 183405 206060 302310 469001 496997 502569 513050 504612 457695 393470 379298 215314 188858 212186 311298 469001 496997 502569 524189 515561 467652 394914 350065 220400 193319 217198 318651 428737 507738 513487 490770 482712 437781 376423 374731 226617 += 198772) 223324 «= 327639 = 458935 475514 = 480731 457351 449864 407909 350852 366509 233963 205216 230564 338260 448869 443289 447974 ne ee WONAUVUFWN HH ODOONAUEWN = 20 401652 395116 364646 308234 333621 241875 9212155 238361 += 349699 408606 §=— 389581393379 21 401652, 395116 = 364646 = 308234. «317177 = 250352 =. 219591 246715 = 341530 395416 = 389581 393379 22. 435071 427965 387994 333805 308955 250712 228017 256182 332739 385177 421806 426136 23 «468491 460813. 417866 = 359375317177 = 257344 «= 236444 «= 265650 9 341530 9395416 9454030 9458893 24 423932 417015 384904 325281 325399 263976 244871 275117 350321 398540 411064 415217 3.3E+08 2.9&+08 3.0E+08 2.4€+08 2.4£+08 1.6€+08 1.5E+08 1.7E+08 2.3E+08 3.0E+08 3.1E+08 3.2E+08 3.1E+09 3744.2 3326.5 3350.8 2768.9 2767.2 1859.8 1742.4 1957.6 2592.1 3443.8 3512.5 3667.3 34733.2 Data table, use DATA-2 command with default values as shown: Year 0 fuel saving, gals. = Year: 34733.21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 Fuelsave: 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 200 Fuel- $-saved: 1856 1894 1931 1970 2009 2050 2091 2132 2175 2219 2263 2308 2354 2401 2450 2498 2548 259 Discntd.: 1785 1751 1717 1684 1652 1620 1589 1558 1528 1499 1470 1442 1414 1387 1360 1334 1308 128 0&M/year discntd.: 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 1811 181 Accuml td: -26 -86 -180 -307 -467 -658 -880 -1133 -1416 -1728 -2069 +2438 +2835 -3259 -3710 -4187 ~4690 -521 Balance : -10026 -10086 -10180 -10307 -10467 -10658 -10880 -11133 -11416 -11728 -12069 -12438 -12835 -13259 -13710 -14187 = -14690-1521 PB-years: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 18 19 20 Fuelsave: 2000 2000 2000 Fuel - $-saved: 2599 2651 2704 Discntd.: 1283 1258 1234 O&M/year discntd.: 1811 1811 1811 Accumltd: -5218 -5770 -6347 Balance : -15218 -15770 -16347 PB-years: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.849692 3428.571 feet of pipe Location: Chevak June 17, 1988. Heat rate 2900 Btu/kwh produced Fuel cost 0.9 $/gallon Fuel cost escal. 0 /year Power increase 0.02 /year Discount rate 0.04 /year tem loss 14350 Btu/hour al generation 1132446 kwh/year Local degreedays: 1804 1565 1659 Assumed diurnal heat demand variation: Power plant monthly generation: JAN FEB MAR Fraction: 0.102 0.095 0.091 Winter Summer Kwh: 112680 105480 108720 Diurnal 0.0392 0.0392 1 variation 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.0384 0.0384 2 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.0382 0.0382 3 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.0375 0.0375 4 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.0382 0.0382 5 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.0388 0.0388 6 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.0411 0.0411 7 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.0433 0.0433 8 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.0436 0.0436 9 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.0439 0.0439 10 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.0439 0.0439 11 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.0442 0.0442 12 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.0446 0.0446 13 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.0436 0.0436 14 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.043 0.043 15 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.0433 0.0433 16 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.0427 0.0427 17 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.0433 0.0433 18 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.0433 0.0433 19 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0.043 20 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.042 0.042 21 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.0417 0.0417 22 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.0401 0.0401 23 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.0392 0.0392 24 0.04 0.04 0.04 Fuel use, Non- Non- gallons Total Seasonal Seasonal Seasonal School 56000 0.1 50400 5600 1 1 1 1146 APR 0.084 93600 -038 -036 +034 +034 +033 +034 -038 +042 -042 ~047 +048 -047 +045 -047 +048 ~048 +049 +046 +043 -038 -038 +041 +045 0.04 SSDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDAGOCOOO0O Building in use, 1=yes, 0=no 1 MAY 0.077 89460 0.045 0.04 0.036 0.035 0.035 0.038 0.038 0.04 0.045 0.047 0.04 0.048 0.05 0.052 0.05 0.05 0.045 0.047 0.05 0.045 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.043 372 JUN 0.066 78040 0.045 0.04 0.036 0.035 0.035 0.038 0.038 0.04 0.045 0.047 0.04 0.048 0.05 0.052 0.05 0.05 0.045 0.047 0.05 0.045 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.043 326 JUL 0.067 66939 0.045 0.04 0.036 0.035 0.035 0.038 0.038 0.04 0.045 0.047 0.04 0.048 0.05 0.052 0.05 0.05 0.045 0.047 0.05 0.045 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.043 381 AUG 0.072 75268 0.045 0.04 0.036 0.035 0.035 0.038 0.038 0.04 0.045 0.047 0.04 0.048 0.05 0.052 0.05 0.05 0.045 0.047 0.05 0.045 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.043 591 SEP 0.078 91737 0.045 0.04 0.036 0.035 0.035 0.038 0.038 0.04 0.045 0.047 0.04 0.048 0.05 0.052 0.05 0.05 0.045 0.047 0.05 0.045 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.043 “PUuMTeS 1029 ocT 0.082 97402 0.045 0.04 0.036 0.035 0.035 0.038 0.038 0.04 0.045 0.047 0.04 0.048 0.05 0.052 0.05 0.05 0.045 0.047 0.05 0.045 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.043 on 1440 NOV 0 10 SSSTSDODODCOCDOOCD ODO DO OOOO OOODO -085 10080 -038 -036 +034 +034 -033 -034 -038 +042 -042 -047 -048 -047 -045 -047 +048 +048 +049 -046 -043 -038 -038 -041 -045 0.04 zlz1f°S 1792 DEC 0.1 113040 0.038 0.036 0.034 0.034 0.033 0.034 0.038 0.042 0.042 0.047 0.048 0.047 0.045 0.047 0.048 0.048 0.049 0.046 0.043 0.038 0.038 0.041 0.045 0.04 1 Year val. 12880 chcksum 0.999 1132446 Chcksum Oper.HDD 9 11802 L882. L882L Les2L Les2L Leg2l Leg2- lesz. L8s2L 1gg2L 60+32°¢ 60+39°S gooeooooeoo +39°S 2 2L 2 2b 2L 2b 2b 2b eb “2957901 “€2e9g90L 20227701 “SOL9LY “985029 “6L9L29 “OSLS6E “OSLS6E “220699 “L9OSL89 “O69E1S “£1620 “£L620S S°LEL269 6°78S027 S°LEL269 6° £16205 S°LEL264 6°SS28e7 6°SS287 S"OSLS6E 2° s702s¢ 6°892L9E 2*sv0ese 2°s70ese 6° L6SELE S°OSLS6E AANNNNMHNAN +3E°S 2°8087S8 L°OSess9 £°L192L8 8° 279999 “6965026 “L2LLEs6 7° 9ELL6E 0 L°OLYS07 0 “EBEB9l8 “6L72el2 “OSOSOS9 “8222092 L°E8229E L°L267BE S°SOLLIE £° 761762 7° LS0O92 S*2SSS0¢ 2° L869L7 P°ISEIIE 7° VL277E 7° L7BSL2 9°BB2L72 1°BL9062 6°E289LE Y°ISEIIE VW VLZ27VE 7° SVB6L2 9° BB2L72 1°8L9062 7 LOZBYE D°ISEIIE VW VL27VE 7° S7B6L2 9° BB2L92 1°8L9062 7 LOZBYE B°B67EOY L°ISLOLE 2° SSBOE E°¥LB2Z2 6°9Ev02E 9°SO06S6E 7°92667 9°E26224 S*22y7HE 7° L2LYOE S*SEILSE L"82S92% 8°690227 2°28996E L*96822E 2° LLSSB2 7° 9LESEE S°OSLES? 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Year i 1045556. 917389.7 967798.5 1026397. 900578.9 950064.0 1045556. 917389.7 967798.5 1061979. 931798.9 982999.6 1124931. 987034.5 1041270. 1185147. 1039868. 1097007. 1193358. 1047073. 1104607. 1201569. 1054277. 1112208. 1201569. 1054277. 1112208. 1209780. 1061482. 1119808. 1220728. 1071088. 1129942. 1193358. 1047073. 1104607. 1176935. 1032663. 1089406. 1185147. 1039868. 1097007. 1168724. 1025459. 1081806. 1185147. 1039868. 1097007. 1185147. 1039868. 1097007. 1176935. 1032663. 1089406. 1149565. 1008648. 1064071. 1141354. 1001443. 1056471. 1097561. 963019.0 1015935. 1072927. 941405.1 993133.6 27373338 24017839 25337575 Heat delivered by hour by month 393846.4 367763.6 379500.8 372362.4 347652.3 358771.8 350878.4 327541.1 338042.8 350878.4 327541.1 338042.8 340136.3 317485.5 327678.4 350878.4 327541.1 338042.8 393846.4 367763.6 379500.8 436814.4 407986.0 420958.8 436814.4 407986.0 420958.8 490524.5 458264.2 472781.3 501266.5 468319.8 483145.8 490524.5 458264.2 472781.3 469040.5 438152.9 452052.3 490524.5 458264.2 472781.3 501266.5 468319.8 483145.8 501266.5 468319.8 483145.8 512008.5 478375.4 493510.3 479782.5 448208.5 462416.8 447556.5 418041.7 431323.3 393846.4 367763.6 379500.8 393846.4 367763.6 379500.8 426072.4 397930.4 410594.3 469040.5 438152.9 452052.3 415330.4 387874.8 400229.8 10408353 9721276. 10030461 3166.221 2957.212 3051.266 692694.8 493740.7 680001.5 484693.1 692694.8 493740.7 703574.9 501495.8 745281.6 531223.6 785175.0 559659.0 790615.1 563536.5 796055.1 567414.1 796055.1 567414.1 801495.1 571291.6 808748.4 576461.7 790615.1 563536.5 779735.0 555781.4 785175.0 559659.0 774295 .0 551903.9 785175.0 559659.0 785175.0 559659.0 779735.0 555781.4 761601.7 542856.3 756161.6 538978.7 727148.3 518298.5 710828.2 506665 .8 18135187 12926442 324726.9 369428.1 306880.7 326786.0 289034.6 292672.4 289034.6 284144.0 280111.5 284144.0 289034.6 309729.2 324726.9 309729.2 360419.2 326786.0 360419.2 369428.1 405034.6 386484.9 413957.6 326786.0 405034.6 395013.3 387188.4 412070.1 405034.6 429126.9 413957.6 412070.1 413957.6 412070.1 422880.7 369428.1 396111.5 386484.9 369342.3 412070.1 324726.9 369428.1 324726.9 335314.4 351496.1 335314.4 387188.4 335314.4 342573.0 352371.3 8587600 8542195. 2612.347 2598.535 SECO OCODO COCO OOOO COCO OOCO SOSCOCSCDCOCDCCOC OCC OOC ODOC COCO OCOD SESCOCCOODOCOCOCCOC OOOO COCOCOOODO SOCOCSOSDDSCDDDDDCCOCOD OOOO COOCOCO eSeOCOOOCOCODOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOO SCOOSTSDSPSCDCDCDODOCCOCOCDOOCCOCOCCOOCCO 395068.0 629951.9 850356. 387828.6 618408.3 834774. 395068.0 629951.9 850356. 401273.3 639846.4 863713. 425060.1 677775.5 914912. 447812.7 714055.4 963885. 450915.3 719002.7 970564. 454018.0 723950.0 977242. 454018.0 723950.0 977242. 457120.6 728897.2 983920. 461257.4 735493.6 992824. 450915.3 719002.7 970564. 444710.1 709108.2 957207. 447812.7 714055.4 963885.9 441607.5 704160.9 950529.5 447812.7 714055.4 963885.9 447812.7 714055.4 963885.9 444710.1 709108.2 957207.7 434368.0 692617.3 934947.1 431265.4 687670.0 928268.9 414718.0 661284.6 892651.8 405410.1 646442.8 872617.3 10343130 16492537 22262871 NENUWW SB OUOCANDA 379196.3 403498.8 348201. 335468.9 357071.1 329119. 300487.0 319929.0 310038. 291741.5 310643.5 310038. 291741.5 310643.5 300497. 317977.9 338500.1 310038. 317977.9 338500.1 348201. 335468.9 357071.1 386364. 379196.3 403498.8 386364. 396687.2 422069.8 434068. 335468.9 357071.1 443609. 405432.7 431355.4 434068. 422923.6 449926.4 414987. 440414.6 468497.5 434068. 422923.6 449926.4 443609. 422923.6 449926.4 443609. 379196.3 403498.8 453150. 396687.2 422069.8 424528. 422923.6 449926.4 395905. 379196.3 403498.8 348201. 344214.4 366356.6 348201. 344214.4 366356.6 376823. 344214.4 366356.6 414987. 361705 .3 384927.7 367283. 8768383. 9331121. 9205969. 2667.342 2838.527 2800.455 PNOFRRAAUNNONONONN ES SW eso 1039121. 1020080. 1039121. 1055443. 1118007. 1177852. 1186013. 1194173. 1194173. 1202334. 1213215. 1186013. 1169692. 1177852. 1161531. 1177852. 1177852. 1169692. 1142489. 1134329. 1090805. 1066323. 27204861 5.6E+09 395150.5 373597.9 352045 .2 352045.2 341268.9 352045 .2 395150.5 438255 .9 438255 .9 492137.5 502913.9 492137.5 470584 .9 492137.5 502913.9 502913.9 513690.2 481361.2 449032.2 395150.5 395150.5 427479.5 470584 .9 416703.2 10442707 2.6E+09 3176.671 25868.58 e.. » 25868 .58 1 2 3 1132446 48170.95 48170.95 48170.95 $-saved: 43353.86 43353.86 43353.86 Discntd. :41686.40 40083.08 38541.42 O&M/year discntd.: 5000 5000 5000 Accuml td:36686.40 71769.48 105310.9 Balance :-213313. -178230. -144689. PB-years: ERR 0 0 1 12 13 48170.95 48170.95 48170.95 0 0 0 43353.86 43353.86 43353.86 28161.84 27078.69 26037.20 0 0 0 5000 5000 5000 324800.4 346879.1 367916.3 74800.48 96879.17 117916.3 0 0 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 48170.95 48170.95 48170.95 48170.95 48170.95 48170.95 48170.95 43353.86 43353.86 43353.86 43353.86 43353.86 43353.86 43353.86 37059.06 35633.71 34263.18 32945.37 31678.24 30459.84 29288.31 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 137369.9 168003.6 197266.8 225212.2 251890.4 277350.3 301638.6 -112630. -81996.3 -52733.1 -24787.7 1890.481 27350.32 51638.64 0 0 0 0 7.929137 0 0 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 48170.95 48170.95 48170.95 48170.95 48170.95 48170.95 48170.95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43353.86 43353.86 43353.86 43353.86 43353.86 43353.86 43353.86 25035.77 24072.85 23146.98 22256.71 21400.68 20577.58 19786.13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 387952.1 407025.0 425171.9 442428.7 458829.3 474406.9 489193.1 137952.1 157025.0 175171.9 192428.7 208829.3 224406.9 239193.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 48170.95 48170.95 48170.95 48170.95 48170.95 48170.95 48170.95 48170.95 48 43353.86 43353.86 43353.86 43353.86 43353.86 43353.86 43353.86 43353.86 43 28161.84 27078.69 26037.20 25035.77 24072.85 23146.98 22256.71 21400.68 20 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 324800.4 346879.1 367916.3 387952.1 407025.0 425171.9 442428.7 458829.3 47 74800.48 96879.17 117916.3 137952.1 157025.0 175171.9 192428.7 208829.3 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rou Qa ) CENTER mS or Se NIOR CITIZEN | TRAIT OMI AURORA STRRET WILLOW ——— a k cmeme | Ls } wor |i 1 j k | U a ___DOMBRONSK! STREET 5 r i n 2 w a z 2 4 —~ a u J} = BARROW et PUMPERNIC KOL DATE: 4-4-85 we CHEVAK ALASKA PONER AUT TY F ALASKA Vi BLeomC Co-ce RURAL ENERGY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM Crew OSTA ION PAN 7-18-16 CHEVAK Gartot a rae RAJ BHARGAVA GHz] or too’ 50’ __o 100 200 ———=— ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING IN ALASKA 301 EAST FIREWEED LANE (907) 276-3768 “ANCHORAGE, AK 99503 3100 5, CUSHMAN ST., #204, FAIRBANKS (907) 452-3768 CHEVAK GENERAL INFORMATION HISTORY: The City of Chevak is located on the north bank of the Ninglifak River, 17 miles east of the City of Hooper Bay, in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. Chevak is also known as New Chevak because residents inhabited another village called Chevak before 1950. "Old" Chevak, on the north bank of the Keoklevik River, 9 miles east of Hooper Bay, was abandoned because of flooding from high storm tides. The mame Chevak refers to "a _ connecting slough" on which "Old" Chevak was situated. New Chevak became the site of a post office in 1951. The new site was first reported by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey in 1948. es Regional Educational Attendance Areas 2-Bering Strait REAA Schoo! District 3-Lower Yukon School District 4-Lower Kuskokwim School Oistrict 5-Kuspuk School District 11-Iditarod Area Schoo! District ——-- —— Native Regions! Corporation Boundaries POPULATION: The population of Chevak has been increasing slowly but steadily since 1950 when census’ statistics revealed a resident population of 230. By 1960, there were 315 residents; by 1970, 387. By 1979, there were 488 residents. The Inventory of Rural Sanitation Services done in April of 1984 estimates 550 residents. ECONOMY : Employment in- Chevak is at its peak in the summer months, with seasonal firefighting for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and summer construction projects. The city usually hires an additional 5-10 people in the summer ffor city improvement and construction programs. The vilage corporation, the Chevak Company, is a viable economic force in the community. In addition, some residents sell their handicrafts (grass baskets, kuspuks, dolls, masks and ivory carvings) to the Native corporation store and to stores in Anchorage, GOVERNMENT: Chevak was incorporated as a second class city in 1967. The city has both a mayor and city administrator. The mayor is selected from the 7-member city council. Under authority granted to second class cities, Chevak levies a 2% sales tax to finance community services, and can assume diverse powers under state law. Chevak is a participant in the State of Alaska's revenue sharing program where communities are eligible to receive financial assistance for certain public services with funds allocated on a per capita basis. TRANSPORTATION: Chevak's location near the Bering Sea_ renders the city subject to heavy winds and rains which sometimes preclude air access to the city. In addition, the 2,300-foot dirt airstrip is usually closed down for a month each year during break-up, There is a public domain seaplane base on the Ninglikfak River. Groceries are shipped air freight from Anchorage to Chevak. Commercial air services provide regularly scheduled flights from Bethel to Chevak Monday-Saturday of each week, In the winter months there is a heavy reliance on the snowmachines in the city for transportation to nearby villages. There are no roads connecting Chevak with other population centers in the region. LAND OWNERSHIP: Pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1971, the Chevak village corporation was entitled to select 138,240 acres of federal land (equivalent to 6 townships). Chevak has a federal townsite. The townsite patent (U.S>S> 5023, on 75.25 acres of land) was issued to the BLM Townsite Trustee on April 30, 1974. The Trustee, in turn, has since deeded occupied parcels to residents and other vacant subdivided lots to the city. As Chevak is within the bounds of the Clarence Rhode National Wildlife Refuge, the village corporation could not select more than 69,230 acres (equivalent to 3 townships) of the land from the refuge. Other identified lands in Chevak include a 3.77 acre withdrawal in 1964 for BIA school purposes. Land was also withdrawn for an Alaska National Guard Armory site. CLIMATE: Chevak has a maritime climate, Temperatures range from between -25 degrees F and 79 degrees F (Cape Romanzof data). The snow depth on the tundra averages between 2-1/2 and 3 feet with an average of 60 inches of snowfall per year for Chevak. Freeze-up occurs at the end of October; break-up occurs in June. SCHOOLS: Chevak schools come under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). The Chevak Day School’ serves grades K-12 with an elementary and a high school program. Fifteen teachers and teachers aides instruct students in 7 classrooms. The facility, built in 1976, includes a maintenance building and shop, warehouses, utility buildings and teachers' quarters. The City of Chevak is currently attempting to gain control of the school when the BIA withdraws in June of 1985. Should this fail the school will be run by the Lower Yukon School District. OTHER STRUCTURES: Chevak has a large Native store which sells food and clothing and operates a fast food snack bar. There are 4 other stores in the city, including a combination hardware store and shop. The pool hall building is a recreation center for meetings, movies and disco dances and has a snack bar. There is also a traditional council building, community hall, city offices, a post office, Catholic Church, laundromat, clinic, armory and Fish and Wildlife building. ELECTRICITY AND HEAT: The Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) provides Chevak with electric power with 3 generators: 350-kw, 300-kw and 160 kw. All occupied structures in the city are hooked up to the system. There are 2 standby generators at the school, each 100-kw. The system appears to be adequate to meet present consumer needs. Fuel oil is shipped by barge during the summer and stored in bulk storage tanks with a total capacity of about 375,000 gallons. In 1983 AVEC paid on the average $1.54/gallon and the BIA School paid $1.44/gallon in 1984. VILLAGE NAME: CHEVAK POWER PLANT OWNER: AVEC Generation Equipment: Generator #l: Caterpillar Model D 353 Prime Rating 300 KW #2: Caterpillar Model D 342 Prime Rating 160 KW #3: Caterpillar Model D 353 Prime Rating 350 KW Production: (estimated) Total Production in 1982: 684960 kwh Total Production in 1983: 812520 kwh Actual Load Variation: Year: 1983 Jan: 9.7% of annual production 79,200 kwh Feb: 8.2% of annual production 66,960 kwh Mar: 7.9% of annual production 69,120 kwh Apr: 8.1% of annual production 66,240 kwh May: 7.5% of annual production 60,840 kwh June: 6.2% of annual production 50,040 kwh July: 6.7% of annual production 54,720 kwh Aug.: 7.9% of annual production 64,080 kwh Sept: 8.3% of annual production 67,680 kwh Oct: 9.4% of annual production 76,320 kwh Nov: 9.6% of annual production 78,480 kwh Dec: 9.7% of annual production 78,840 kwh Jacket heat to electric power ratio, average: 0.97 Stack heat to electric power ratio, average: 0.92 General Description: Generators #1 and #2 are located in the AVEC Butler Building. Generator #3 is located in a_ separate module building. Generator #1 uses a shell and tube heat exchanger to heat the Butler Building but still utilizes standard skid mounted radiator ducted to exterior of building for cooling. Generator #2 uses a standard skid mounted radiator ducted to exterior for cooling. Generator #3 uses a shell and tube heat exchanger with a remote radiator located in west end of module for cooling. The Butler Building is in fair condition and the module is in very good condition, There is space for additional equipment next to generator #2 in the AVEC main Butler Building. AVEC has no plans for modification of the existing plant. VILLAGE NAME: CHEVAK DATA FOR POTENTIAL USER BUILDINGS BUILDING NAME: Main School Building OWNER: Bureau Indian Affairs Current Use: Elementary and High School Classrooms and Gymnasium Type of Construction: Wood siding, metal roof, piling foundation Size: Approximately 35,000 Square Feet General Condition: Good Estimated Annual Fuel Oil Consumption: 60,000 Gallons Type of Heating System: Oil fired furnaces in three fan rooms Method of Waste Heat System Connection: Install coils in ductwork on the two existing oil fired furnaces and install unit heaters in the gymnasium. Plans for Future Building Use: BIA will turn school over to local School District or Lower Yukon School Dostrict. No change other than ownership. BUILDING NAME: School Central Boiler Plant OWNER: Bureau Indian Affairs Current Use: BIA School Utility Building Type of Construction: Wood siding, metal roof, piling foundation Size: Approximately 2,000 Square Feet (Boilers provide heat for 28,000 sq. ft. of School Buildings) General Condition: Good Estimated Annual Fuel Oil Consumption: Included with main school Type of Heating System: Two oil fired boilers Method of Waste Heat System Connection: Direct connect to boiler return piping. No heat exchanger. Plans for Future Building Use: See Main School Building CHEVAK HEAT RECOVERY CONCEPTS Concept A: There is sufficient room in the AVEC Butler Building to locate the new heat recovery equipment and district heating pumps. Remote radiators can be mounted outside of Butler Building. Cooling manifold piping can be run from remote generator module to the AVEC Butler Building in the new utiliduct. District heating piping would run to main school building and central boiler building. Arctic pipe would be routed to main school building in new above ground utiliduct extending from AVEC plant to main school foundation, Once under school the arctic pipe would extend through piling foundation to connect with existing utilidor. Once inside existing utilidor pipe would change to standard pipe with wrap type insulation installed inside existing vapor barrier and insulation, Heating piping would extend in existing utilidor to central boiler building. The district heating system would penetrate boiler building floor and connect directly to boiler return piping. For main school building one set of lines would branch off arctic mains and penetrate classroom area floor in fan room access area. A coil would be placed in ductwork and piping would be run in attic space above corridor to fan room at opposite end of building where another coil would be installed in ductwork, Another branch off district heating lines would penetrate gym floor in corner and piping would extend up inside gym wall to two new vertical unit heaters at gym ceiling. Conclusion: No other alternatives were considered since the school is capable of using all the waste heat produced by the Power Plant. The short Payback figure makes this installation economically justified. CHEVAK 1983 WASTE HEAT PROFILE JAN. FEB. MAR. APR MAY JUN JUL. AUG. SEP. oct. NOV. DEC. ANNUAL, MEAN TEMPERATURE 10.90 26.40 36.50 49.50 52.70 51.00 47.30 34.00 24.10 12.00 HEATING DEGREE DAYS 1677 155) 1655 1158 884 465 381 434 S31 961 1227 1643 12576 ELEC. OUTFUT , KWH 79200 66960 69120 66240 60840 S0040 54720 64080 67680 76320 78480 78840 812520 GEN. JACKET WATER/ELEC. O.97 O.97 O.97 O.97 0.97 0.97 O.97 O.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 MMETU AVAILABLE 262 222 229 219 201 144 181 212 224 253 260 261 2689 HEAT REQUIRED, MMBTU B00 744 790 S52 422 222 182 207 253 459 ses 784 6000 HEAT COINCIDENCE FACTOR 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.93 0.80 0.81 9.86 1.00 1.00 1.00 HEAT RECOVERED, MMBTU 262 222 229 219 201 153 145 168 192 253 260 261 2565 CONCEPT A MILLION BTU CHEVAK 1983 WASTE HEAT PR 4 . s J Is] Pa SU Kh [Is . 9 “| hk k. L a a , a 7 . 5004 | I ‘ fs 4 % s . ls {s s 7 = In Tr, Tt. r Ps 400 4 / Is [* ms a SJ ps * so0 4 bk N oT o ra oe : © a JAM. FEB. MAR, APR. MAY, JUN. JUL. AUG, SEP, MONTH “| AVAILABLE ROS] REGUIRED CONCEPT A CHEVAK COST ESTIMATE l. Outside Work 2. Power Plant 3. Central School Boiler 4. School Classroom 5. School Gymnasium Subtotal 6. General Requirements 38% Te Contingencies-Estimator's Unknowns 20% Escalation to Summer 85 Bid Date 3% 23% Estimated Construction Cost Concept A $ 45,856.00 83,620.00 10,570.00 28,080.00 11,960.00 $180,086.00 68,433.00 57,159.00 $305,678.00 CHEVAK CHEVAK HEAT RECOVERY ECONOMICS Fuel Savings School = 25,650 gallons x $1.54/gallon = $39501/yr Electrical Savings +7 kw (remove unit mounted fans) -0.4 kw (new remote radiator 3.7 kw x 10% run time) -1.9 kw (new district heat circulation pump) Net “+4.7 kw x 8760 hrs/year = 41172 kwh/yr AVEC Production Cost is $0.31/kwh 41177 kwh/yr x $0.31/kwh = $12,763/yr Total Annual Savings = $52,264.00 Installation Cost $305,678.00 Simple Pay Back $305,678/$52,264/yr = 5.8 years 60 Hz Prime Standb Rating: Without Fan kW 300 335.4 With Std. Fan kw 290 325 Cooling System: Coolant Volume Engine Only gal 23 Coolant Volume w/Opt. Radiator & Lines gal 39 NA** Coolant Volume w/Std. Radiator & Lines gal 33 Heat Rejection to Coolant @ Max. - Btu/min 16,200 18,100 Heat Rejection Radiation from Engine @ Max. Btu/min 2800 3200 | Heat Rejection Radiation from Gen @ Max. Btu/min 1110 1335 Radiator Air Max. Flow w/Opt. Arrg. cfm 22,090 22,090 Radiator Air Max. Flow w/Std. Arrg. cfm 14,240 14,240 Radiator Air Max. Outlet Restriction in H,0 0.5 i Radiator Air Max. Temperature w/Opt. Arrg. i 125 125 Radiator Air Max. Temperature w/Std. Arrg. ok 110 1 Water Pump Max. External Resistance ft H,O 28 8 Water Pump Flow @ Max. External Resistance gpm 144 Water Pump Max. Static Head ft 57. Exhaust System: Exhaust Gas Backpressure Allowed Max. in H,O 27 Exhaust Gas Flow cfm 2470 2750 Exhaust Gas Temperature Max. ab 900 Heat Rejection to Exhaust Gas Max. Btu/min 18,700 ““e - Fuel System: f Fuel Inlet Max. Restriction in Hg 6 Fuel Transfer Pump Max. Flow gph 125 Intake Air System: Air Cleaner Max. Restriction Allowed in H,O 30 i Combustion Air Flow Required cfm 960 1040 \ Lube Oil System: | Refill Volume with Filter Change at 40 Mounting System: | Length Overall with Std. Radiator Arrg. in 134.0 134.0 Height Overall with Std. Radiator Arrg. in 65.9 46.8 i Width Overall with Std. Radiator Arrg. in | * Unit Wet Weight Total w/Std. Rad. Arrg. w/o Fuel Ib 10,035 10,265 Starting System: } | Electric Starter Quantity Motors Used 1 1 | i Electric Starter Motor Voltage 32 32 Electric Starter Ground Type Negative Negative | Rolling Current* amps 430 430 | Breakaway Current* amps 1075 1075 | Performance Curves TDO245 TDor@® } ; | } *Cranking current with 70°F (21°C) ambient ' temperature, SAE 30 oil and battery capacity of 1260 CCA. **Not applicable.