HomeMy WebLinkAboutAtka Waste Heat 1987July 22, 1987 Ms. Julie Dirks Atka Village Administrator Atka Rural Branch Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Dear Ms. Dirks: Alaska Power Authority staff visited Atka on July 6 - 7, 1987, to inspect and to witness the start-up of the Power Authority-designed waste heat recapture system. The following outlines the field changes made and any corrective measures that, in the opinion of the Power Authority staff, should be made: 1, 2. 8. The generator manifold bleed lines had been omitted and replaced with automatic air vents without petcocks. A standard expansion tank had been installed instead of the specified Young tank. The new tank was open to the atmosphere at the top. The well-type radiator thermostats had been replaced with surface-mount types. Only two radiators had been installed. As loads increase in Atka, it may eventually be necessary to add a third radiator. As the piping has already been installed, this will be quite easy. The radiators had been delivered with three-phase motors. These motors had been converted to single-phase motors with capacitors. The pipe welds were of somewhat questionable quality. Some had been repaired with brazing after leaks were discovered. The Arctic pipe layout had been changed with a couple of exterior tee's being added. Some parts needed for finishing up the installation were not on hand. These parts, including tee's and 45 degree elbows, should be installed. The heat exchanger installation was not yet complete. The heat exchanger had been installed with radiator hoses. This 9697/DD23/1 a Page 2 9. 10. 11, 12. 13. 14, should be changed to reflect the original design, complete with pressure relief valves. The boiler connection in the Community building had been changed. This new connection does not allow for the boiler to operate correctly as an automatic back-up source of heat, unless the thermostat is turned down to less than 150 degrees. Provided that the thermostat is modified and adjusted to such a setting, no corrective measures are needed, The heating system connection in the Teachers’ Quarters had been changed. The installation of the radiators could develop an air problem in the return line from the radiators. Provided that the operator is aware of this, no corrective measure is necessary. The installation generally was not very pretty. This was mainly caused by some parts not being available. The radiator fan controls had been installed backwards. The fan thermostats had been installed to shut the fans off on rising temperatures. This was changed. The Murphy low-water shut-downs had been installed incorrectly and would not have functioned. This was changed. Generally, quite a bit of clean-up work was needed in order for the installation to appear finished. Once this has been accomplished, the installation should function as intended. If you have any questions in regards to this subject, or if there is any other way in which we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, halk Sf Ceo hic AA Peter N. Hansen Rural Systems Engineer PNH: tg 9697/0D23/2 Put. “Fpp Bill Sheffield, Governor Alaska Power Authority State of Alaska September 29, 1986 Ms. Julie Dirks Village Administrator Atka Village Council Atka Rural Branch Atka, Alaska 99502 Dear Julie: We received your letter requesting assistance with design of the waste heat loop to connect the community building and the central generating plant. Following your suggestion, Susan Rogers called Aleutian Region School District (ASRD) to find out their plans regarding the waste heat loop for the teacher's quarters. The person now in charge of the project is Mike McQueen. Mr. McQueen said that Chris Benedictson would be in Anchorage in about two weeks to discuss the Atka project among other things. They do not have a schedule yet. Susan requested that ASRD contact the Power Authority to coordinate design for the two parts of a waste heat system. Unfortunately Peter Hansen and Jerry Larson, who will be working on the design, will be in northwest Alaska most of October to do a maintenance trip to other waste heat systems. They likely will not be able to work on a plan for Atka until their return around the middle of November. If you find out that you need to have the design work done before November 15, we will be unable to assist you. However, if you do not have a time limit on beginning the project, we will be happy to assist with design for waste heat to the community building. We look forward to working with the community to expand the scope of the waste heat recapture project. Sincerely, ButWw betar — Brent N. Petrie Director/Rural Technical Support SGR/BNP/se 6318/642 PO. Box 190869 = 701 EastTudorRoad = Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Atka Village Council Eg a ATKA RURAL BRANCH ATKA, ALASKA 99502 (907) 839-2233 September 22, 1986 Mr. Remy Williams Project Manager Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Dear Mr. Williams: The Atka Village Council requests the Alaska Power Authority to complete a design with costs for a waste heat system from the generator building to the community building located nearby. Before any design work is completed you should probably contact the Aleutian Region School District. They have done some work on a waste heat system for the teacher's apartment. I don't know who is in charge of the project now since the former maintenance man for the District is no longer employed there. According to the former maintenance man, Chris Benedictson, the equipment they will be installing will be sized to allow the village to connect to the system at a minimal cost The ARSD system was to have been installed in August but no work has been started as yet. Andreanof Electric will be in touch with you regarding repair of the switchgear and existing hydro-electric system. Any assistance you can provide will be appreciated. Sincerely, Julie Dirks Administrator FIELD TRIP REPORT Date: 7/6-7/87 Site: Atka Crew: Peter N. Hansen Purpose of trip: Inspection of APA-designed waste heat system. I left Anchorage at 8.00 a.m. and arrived in Atka at 2.30 p-em. I was greeted at the airport by Mr. Chris Benedictson, who has been contracted by the Aleutian Region School District to install the waste heat system. My inspection of the installation of the system produced the following comments: 1. Generator manifold bleed lines had been omitted and replaced with automatic air vents without petcocks. 2. A standard expansion tank had been installed instead of the specified Young-tank. The new tank was open to the atmosphere at the top. 3. The well-type radiator thermostats had been’ replaced with surfacec-mount types. 4. Only two radiators had been installed. 5. The radiators had been delivered with 3-phase motors. These motors had been converted to single phase motors with capacitors. 6. The pipe welds were of somewhat questionable quality. Some had been repaired with brazing after leaks were discovered. 7. The arctic pipe layout had been changed with a couple of exterior tee's being added. Some parts needed for finishing up the installation were not on hand. 8. The heat exchanger installation was not yet complete. The heat exchanger had been installed with radiator hoses. 9. The boiler connection in the Community building had been changed. 10. The heating system connection in the Teachers' Quarters had been changed. a1. The installation of the radiators could cause an air problem in the return line from the radiators. 12. The installation generally was not very pretty. This was mainly caused by some parts not being available. 13. The radiator fan controls had been installed backwards. The fan thermostats had been installed to shut the fans off on rising temperature. This was changed. 14. The Murphy low water shut downs had been installed incorrectly and would not have functioned. This was changed. I left Atka at 11.30 a.m. on 7/7/87 and arrived back in Anchorage at 8.00 p-m. that same day after a long trip back via Adak and Shemya. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 334 WEST 5th AVENUE - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Phone: (907) 277-7641 (907) 276-0001 December 11, 1985 Ms. Julie Dirks Atka Village Administrator Atka Rural Branch Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Dear Julie: Thank you for your assistance preparing for the public meeting December 2. We also appreciate your taking time to answer our questions and to provide us with missing information. I apologize for not returning to pay you directly for my room and hope that by now you have the money from Mr. Zaochney. We thank him and Victor Golodoff for driving us back and forth from the airport. This letter sums up what you can expect from the Power Authority. 1) Remy will use the labor costs of $15/hour for laborers and carpenters and $18/hr for equipment operators (information from the meeting and George Kudrin) to refigure the labor cost for the small hydro con- struction. He will also investigate freight costs using the cool barge and recalculate freight costs for the project. 2) When we have a new construction cost, we will look at the project again in assess its benefit/cost ratio. We will send all this information to the community when it is complete. 3) As Alice Petrivelli requested at the meeting, I will research possi- ble sources of grant funding for the project and report back to the community. I will state again that the Power Authority does not have grant funds, but we do administer grants and loans which the legis- lature make to a community through the APA. Because a request for this kind of grant/loan is initiated by a legislator, I urge you to contact your legislators. With regard to Power Authority assistance for the present diesel plant and small hydro, we need to have a letter from the council to our director, Robert D. Heath, requesting technical assistance. The letter should come from the council rather than the utility because the council actually owns the generators. Your should mention in the letter that you believe some switchgear is present in the powerhouse but that it has never been wired in so that the generators can run in parallel. It would help us speed up the technical assistance request, if you send us any information you have on the switchgear. This would include manu- facturer's name and model number and any other nameplate information. 2235/521/1 Ms. Julie Dirks December 11, 1985 Page 2 Pictures of the switchgear and how it is arranged would be extremely helpful also. If you send this information to me, I will see that an electrician follows up on the problem. George Kudrin asked if the present small hydro could be made workable. Remy did give George some ideas for making the intake better, and we talked about making the dam less leaky. We will write down various ideas which might make the small hydro work and send them to the community. In the letter requesting technical assistance, please ask for assistance regarding the small hydro problems also. Thank you again for your help setting up the meeting and providing infor- mation. I would appreciate a copy of the sign-in sheet from the meeting for our records, if one is available. The Power Authority is moving to another office on December 28. As soon as I know the new address and phone number, I will call to let you know. Thanks to everyone for making the meeting a good one and happy holidays to you all. Sincerely, Susan G. Rogers Administrative Assistant SGR/tg cc: Alice Petrivelli, Atxam Corp, Atka Peter Hansen, Alaska Power Authority” 2235/521/2 re nae hae + t ; a if at 1 atone ca Beier 4. neees U.2. VEPAHIMENT UF ENERGY Og ‘ NOTTCE OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AWARD > UNDER AUTHORITY OF PUBLIC Law ¥5-619 AND SUBJECT TO PERTINENT LEGISLATION, REGULATIONS AND ic “ i POLICIES APPLICABLE TO TITLE III-ENERGY CONSERVATION PROGRAMS FOR SCHOOLS & HOSPITALS ry af AND BUILDINGS OWNED BY UNITS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND PUBLIC CARE INSTITUTIONS ; ne 1.PRQJECT TITLE: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND ENERGY CONSERVATION 2, INSTRUMENT TYPE MEASURES: GRANTS PROGRAMS FOR SCHOOLS AND HOSPITALS AND FOR (X) GRANT '{ } COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BUILDINGS OWNED BY UNITS OF: LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC :; ' CARE INSTITUTIONS 4.INSTRUMENT NO, ¢ 5.AMENDMENT NO. DE~FGO6-86RL10915 aooo. S.RECIPIENT (NAME, ADDRESS, ZIP CODE,AREA CODE AND PHONE NO, } i Ti oe ALEUTIAN REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT 8.BUDGET PERIOD —FROM:05/01/1988 THRU:09/30/e7, RURAL SCHOOL DISTRICT (REAA) 7.PROJECT PERIOD — FROM:05/01/1986 THRU:09/30/87 h, 640 W. 36 ae RECEIVEN ay 4 ANCHORAGE AK 99503 TELEPHONE:907-562-2924 1O.TYPE OF AWARD ASK =o '8.RECIPIENT PROJECT DIRECTOR (NAME AND PHONE NO, ) : : “ 4 " ' (x) NEW. () CONTINUATION —( ) RENEWAL CHRIS BENEDIKTSSON TELEPHONE NO, SAME AS ABOVE 86 NOV 25 M0 :49 e. 9.RECIPIENT BUSINESS OFFICER (NAME AND PHONE NO, } { } REVISION £ 1 gyDDLeMeNe 12.ADMINISTERED FOR DOE BY (NAME,ADDRESS,ZIP CODE, PHONE NO. INFORMATION NOT AVAILABLE MS, JERRI J. ADAMS 11,D0E PROJECT OFFICER (NAME, ADDRESS, ZIP GODE,PHONE NO.) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY JULIE RIEL, ADDRESS:SEE # 12 (509)376-s222 P.O. BOX 550 13, RECIPIENT TYPE RICHLAND, WA, 99352 (509)376-2956 () STATE () INDIAN TRIBAL GOVT [ ) HOSPITAL (] FOR PROFIT ORGANIZATION —[_) INDIVIDUAL (X) LOCAL GovT —_[_ )_ INSTITUTION oF {] OTHER NONPROFIT P SP (.) OTHER (SPECIFY:) HIGHER EDUCATION ORGANIZATION |4,ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATIONS DATA A. APPROPRIATION SYMBOL B. B & R NUMBER C. FT/AFP/OC D, CFA NUMBER 15.EMPLOYER I.D. NUMBER/SSN 89X0215.91 EFO103 RL-65-91 92-0057620 6.BUDGET AND FUNDING INFORMATION i A.CURRENT BUDGET PERIOD INFORMATION B.CUMULATIVE DOE OBLIGATIONS (1)DOE FUNDS OBLIGATED THIS ACTION $ 18217.00 (1) THIS BUDGET PERIOD (2)D0E FUNDS AUTHORIZED FOR CARRY OVER $ 00 [TOTAL OF LINES A(1) AND A(3)] $ 18217.00 (3)DOE FUNDS PREV, OBLIGATED IN THIS - (2)PRIOR BUDGET PERIODS $ 00 BUDGET PERIOD : $ 00 : (4)DOE SHARE OF TOTAL APPR. BUDGET $° 18247,00 (3)PROJECT PERIOD TO DATE (S)RECIPIENT SHARE: OF TOTAL APPR, BUDGET $ 18218.00 . [TOTAL OF LINES B(1) AND B(2)] $ 18217.00 (6)TOTAL APPROVED BUDGET $ 36435 .00 ‘ . 7.TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF PRUJECT WA THIS IS THE CURRENT ESTIMATED COST OF THE PROJECT, TT IS NOT A PROMISE TO AWARD NOR AN AUTHORIZATION TO EXPEND FUNDS IN THIS AMOUNT. } 3,AWARD/AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS. a THIS AWARD/AGREEMENT CONSISTS OF THIS FORM PLUS THE FOLLOWING: AsGENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND (X) SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS, ; "BLAPPLICABLE PROGRAM REGULATIONS (SPECIFY:) 10 CFR 455 (DATEJAPRIL 30, 1985 C.DOE ASSISTANCE REGULATIONS, 10CFR PART-600, AS: AMENDED, SUBPARTS A&B, — D.APPLICATION/PROPOSAL DATED 02/28/1988. [ ) AS SUBMITTED (X) WITH CHANGES AS NEGOTIATED |. |.REMARKS: INCLUDES: TA CREDIT $5,958, ' hoy NsEVIDENCE OF RECIPIENT ACCEPTANCE : 21,AWARDED BY . ; _ eee ; ee (SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED RECIPIENT OFFICIAL) ; (SIGNATURE) | (DATE) - JERRI J. ADAMS (NAME ) ' (NAME) i ; " CONTRACTING OFFICER ' (TITLE) (TITLE) Wrath Berek few 7).£0. NORMAN BAIR STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY OFFICE OF ENERGY PROGRAMS. & REGIONAL AFFAIRS 949 E. 36TH AVE., SUITE 403 DIVISION OF ANCHORAGE, AK 99508 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PHONE: (907) 563-1955 AM mornvrey ouvvuci TUN ALCUILAN REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT GRANT. NUMBER: ENDMENT NUMBER: PAGE 1 OF 1 DE-FGO6-86RL10915 - A000 BUILDING NAME ST LAT TTT Te ac ee eT AT nea NOU TAHUFTT TT TANTRA Tae { I. Object Class Categories | Teacherage | I ! | >» | TOTAL { a. Personnel $2,740.00 | STINT ATITTHTIATI(INIHT aires b. Fringe Benefits 7 $760.00 TTI c. Travel i $1,996.00 TUES TAT See aeea d. Equipment I $4,879.00 $4,879.00 \ e. Supplies if $3,720.00 t iTimetaadcen f. Contractual 7 $13 546.00 eer! | g. Other-TA GrediaiPrstghtt $7,208.00 HHUA TATRA stesso | ho TOTAL DIRECT GrARGES | aes oo ‘eT TATA eERea ATM iareneee coteeae Fy uistsecen, AA ALIATORATNTETTBTNNNeseeea hi 0000 ATT sc EAL II. Funding Sources a. Federal Share b. Grantee Share ** c. Other. : | i { ! i ! | ! ——Xeeeeeere———————————————— III. Percentage of Participation] | ml —_————__ ! - a. Federal ! 50.000%! | Ai i | | \ Sn Serene ——————t ! b. Grantee - ! 50.0002} I 7 ee 7 2 | | eT Other nn) | | ! c. Other © | | i Pree ee ee a _** Includes $5,958 in TA Credit - included in line I.g. above. . ee ! | $18,217.00 | t | | | I aaSRARAU AEE | | 1 $18,217.00 } | cE ee LLL, $18,218.00 | | I = > f* -$18,218.00 | - Pe ee | ! | | | | ere ! ! ! building Name Atka School Teacher age ECM No. " . INSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATION PROGRAM Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) List Grant No. DE-FG06-86RL10915 - Amendment No. AQOO Total Description Cost Install a water jacket heat $30,477 exchanger and insulated plastic pipe between the teacherage and the generator building to recover waste heat to provide heat for the teacherage and provide heat source for domestic hot water. Estimated Cost Savings $3 ,865 Simple fF Payback ‘ Period 7.89 ECM #4 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY Discussion: The teacherage is located approximately 40 feet from the building which i houses the village generation plant. The plant contains three deisel ; powered generators, two John Deere rated at 75 KW and 125 KW and the © prime generator, a Kohler Electric model 35-COT-61 rated at 35 KW. continuous. Total electrical production by Andreanof. Electric Association in fy 1085 was 251,000 kwh; an average of 20,833 KWH per month. The generators are housed in a 36” x 20” wood building with metal roof and piling foundation. The generators are lined across the north wall and all of the electrical Panels are against the west wall. All three os generators are cooled by standard skid mounted radiators ducted to the "| txterior. The plant is in good condition and the reliability is rated as "good" by local users. There is sufficient room for additional a equipment along the east wall of the plant. ‘ ‘ This ECM addresses the installation of water jacket heat exchanging equipment of the Kohler 35-COT-61 which carries the winter electrical loads for the village. Waste heat will be used to provide heat for the Atka teacherage and in addition, provide a heat source for domestic hot water. i.) thes gs Ld Vanade eM Assumptions and Data: J 1.. Jacket heat to electric power ratio is on average 0.74. 47.4 ee JAE saa Pao Assume an average production of 20,000 KWH per sopth st = Powe 3 te we 2. Assume the installation of waterjacket heat exchangers with Similar specifications to the exchangers in place on the False Pass Electric generators (ICP Grant, Cycle VII). 3. Teacherads design joad As, approximately 32,000 BTU per hour. Tati > Hor oa! 4. 80 LF insulated 1 1/2" polybutylene plastic pipe from generator to school burried 3 1/2 ”’. Design ground temperature is 29 degrees F (ASHRAE 1981 Fundamentals, p 26.6). 1" Rubatex pipe insulation. S. Down time for generator is approximately less than 5% (from AtkKa village records). 6. 60 LF of 1.1/2 " pipe under the teacherage and in the generator building. a 7. Water temperature leaving the exchanger is 192 degrees F. 8. Labor estimate data are from Crooch and Harris, Plumbing. and Heating Company, 3300 - C - Street, Anchorage. This and other 4 following estimates are presented for fixing a maximum forcost ' % 3 1. a 5 $ e 4 Uy Pegg estimation only. The actual cost of the labor portion of the utlidor will probably vary with confirmed mechanical specifications and drawings. The mechanical subcontractor will be selected competively. 9. Estimates of transportation and administration costs came from ARSD experience. 10. Estimates of engineering are from ATC; Inc., Anchorage, Alaska. Actual engineering costs will be from competetive bids. 11. Material costs estimates from Pacific Deisel and Electric 206-283-1011 Calculations: Available waste heat. oN Hout > 1 KW = 4413 BTU (20,000 KWH) (3413)(0.74) = 50,512,400 BTU/month 50,:512,;400/30 days/24 hours = approximately 70,000 BTU/Hour 4 available waste heat Supply Pipe Loss (BTU/hr. ft. degree F) x T ‘ 0.196 (from Rubatex specs) x 40 LF x (192 F - 29 F) Total Design heating load 1277.92 BTU/HOUR m4 Teacherage Design Heating load + Supply pipe losses = 32,000 BTU/HOUR + 1278 BTU/ HOUR Hot Water Heating Load Assume the utlization of existing tank. As calculated on page equals 1935 KWH/year 23413 BTU per KWH/year = 6,604,155 BTU/year = approx. 1000 BTU per 33,278 BTU/HOUR Hot Water Heater as an insulated O and M.domestic hot water load hour fei ty 4. Total load on waste heat exchanger 34,278 BTU Load/ 70,000 BTU avail. 48% of available water jacket heat Quant. item cost 1 Young shell/tube heat exchanger $850.00 2 booster pumps (to support engine) 100.00 2 1/2 hp circulation pumps 200.00 3 AMOT valves 2$500.00 per 1500.00 1 50 gal surge tank 1500.00 1 Young Remote Radiator 2000.00 1 Thermostatic controls 500.00 140 LF ‘1 (1/2 polybut. pipe 2%2.00/LF 280.00 140 LF 1" Rubatex 0$1.50/ft , 140,00 Misc Couplings and fittings \, 500.00 | Misc Controls and Valves , 500.00 wm Bomesnc HW Hatt Exchanger 500 00 | subtotal mtl. $8,070.00 Freight: Estimated at 2500 lbs max 2 $.50/1b $1,250.00 Labor: Trench and Utilidor 1500.00. Generator work 3500.00 Backhoe rental 150.00, ‘Plumbing Work 1875.00 subtotal labor $7025.00 P/O 015% 1054.00 Design and Engineering Contract Management Transportation/perdiem total labor GRAND TOTAL $8079.00 « $4,000.00 — $3,500.00 16% Savings: 1 Hestinn Crete . ‘ Dubdve . Ue, drone N- brs Dyolk _ Base Cure Tmerge( ou) Lez 21, ALO” Be Jue uy Suyrty, (OAM US3 ~ Cuts Ja CAS Grte® te /year) —€ Wy Tx toe OW Apu) DCSE AWS BTS yew) rd (32.5 Alo” Bre / yer ty ef Ww A > {Von Tar to are, Uae ” Sfuwth, Crs - 3: 2 0 AW Sitvrsyn & Turk be Cou 4() C (4 ue” Bw Ap ) Set kes Fw MeatutCOomHter) Cy .Adnto® Btw a) Aig ter genet iN] ef Drow, Use ‘ 04 _* yee Yor. Wrekin <A Awe bY 44 T7 Bet /Ap. he, Ld KI g, , Bet va Aad € bie “a aed or rote Cran, Lyte B oe Ws a> w Davey B Aus Jie Chasen’ ay ae rgd | , power ant 4 HOA how ee i Xte L732 fue ete BE Lig & x I Ve tte LY 37 ¢ -poe « , # . gro — Behe. py 2 D2EM 2 1g eae Aber Fissy7, ~ 18 axere “ Simple Payback With the generator operating approximately 95% of. the time, the ‘ savings will equal 95% of the post O and M load (202,500,000 ; BTU/Year ) : = 0.95 x (202,500,000) . 192,375,000 BTU/ Year 135,000 btu/ gallon #1 Heating Oil 1425 gallons oil 2$2.10 / gallon $2992.50/year heating 2. Domestic Hot Water Costs Assuming O and M measures in place, Yearly costs for heating domestic hot water are approximately 1935 KWH/ year Assuming a cost of $.42 per KWH this equals = $872.70/ year 3. Total savings = $2992.50 + $872.70 = $3865.20 = costs/Savings = $27,649.00/$3865.20 7.15 years RECEIVED BY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY 86 JUN 30 All ‘20 "87 64761 16:21 B 2013593720 BBC 61 Atka AK. by Peter Hansen April 01, 1987 Part n Inoh Description Qty Item Pr Total 6124 2" 60/126 Pipe 12 Metres with alarm wires 7 197.33 1,381.31 $125 2 1/2" 76/140 Pipe 12 Metres with alarm wires 9 234.72 2,112.48 1032 125 Taper Lock Muff 6 26.36 158.16 1033 140 Taper Lock Muff 8 27.58 220.64 1052 125 Bend 90 Deg. 4 37.25 149,00 1053 140 Bend 90 Deg. 6 42.87 257.22 1362 125 Wall Entry Sleeve 8 6.24 65.92 1363 140 Wall Entry Sleeve 6 9,64 TT.12 1829 125/140 End-cap 12 16.65 199,80 2814 2” 60 Welding Bend 90 Deg. 4 3.70 14.80 2815 2 1/2" 76 Welding Bend 90 Deg. 6 5.64 33.84 1726 Dual-Plug (10 pcs) 1 7.99 7.99 1727 Steel bolts, Complete (25 pcs) 1 5.27 5.27 8103 Foam Pack no. 3 7 7.05 49.35 8104 Foam Pack no. 4 13 8,29 107.77 8106 Foam Pack no. 6 7 9.70 67.90 1605 Sealing Strip 60 Metres Roll 2 27.52 55.04 6601 Felt (2 pes) 19 3.00 57.00 6639 Wire Holder (50 pcs) 3 4.05 12.15 6602 Roll of Crepe Tape 1 5.46 5.46 6603 Crimp connector single wire 1 6.46 5.46 Freight 1 1,000.00 6,043.68 RECEIVE LEZ 2 57)\ vy) fa=— DQ, [Day , | Ty 5 sea Fe ae ‘DR [Time aa _ what tare L pelosi) M tt) AML E s s A G | | E 0 TSIGNE | i __ i === — OSmS= mz0rv, CALL RETURNED > WANTS TO —> | WILL CALL 7 pHoneo [_]| Sack (_]] Gaue ut sence Te AIGNER FORM NO. 50-176 FROM: ™E 2 _ Dept./Div./Sect. SUBJ.: - Date 7 Wola wit pda tem Pofio/er hegen SD. Seren, Leet ft sometn @ hike the Gres Aes) ted they pire & Maen GAL? nendeog tnt a ptheAute Mbyo- lg. a plow ts hare Heaehera’ gration /ICP wire dove Lome, IS) SF hat Cris Crtret fete si That | @ taal ti Ss igen By wot bes twordine th @) She caren ae Se ~ — _ _ ~— — — ~— — —— aE soEay ~—-— super iret ode rr eeatero mo See 8 _ a cine — oe