HomeMy WebLinkAboutAniak Waste Heat 1990State ot s.a9e mm Steve Cswee Soversc’ Alaska Energy Authority A Pups Cerperation TEL ECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecepy Prone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: NAME OF COMPANY: ere COMPANY ADDRESS: ‘ TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: 1. oz SENDER: —aieme Foe rt TELEPHONE NUMBER: Z2Ot— 7zFe CHARGE CODE: Sr Sezrsoz NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: =z INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: get sed eet oa SF IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) _ 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: = PO. 80x AM Juneau, Alaska 99814 (907) 465-3575 BY PO Box 190869 = 6701 East Tudor React Anchorage Alaska 99619-0369 (907) 561-7877 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (‘REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT *k COUNT ** # 2 * SEND EK r - NO REMOTE STATION I. D. 1 START TIME DURATION #PAGES | COMMENT } 1 001 907 5617028 if 6-14-90 12:14 1°12" 2 | L TOTAL 0:01'12" 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 Alaska Energy Authority A Puplic Corporation TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: Tim JAnINECY NAME OF COMPANY: Ere COMPANY ADDRESS: An CHORAGE. TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: Gi- Forgan SENDER: Joun Burciout TELEPHONE NUMBER: 261-7 ZZ\ CHARGE CODE: BiB 24307 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: Z INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: cl Just TO IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: - PO.BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 XX PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 to: Tim Janneck, FPE from: John Bulkow, AEA date: 14 Jun 90 re: Waste Heat - Aniak No corrections are requested for the final draft of this report. Let me request once again, however, that the last invoice for this project (and all the other projects) be marked FINAL BILLING so that we may close out these accounts. FPE — consuttinGe _\EERS LETTE OF TRANSMITTAL 560 E. 34th Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 DATE JOB NO. Ph. (907) 561-1666 ment wols0 Aae Ss! FAX (907) 561-7028 TO John Bulkos, RE. | _Aniak Whshe bea? Hecovery _| Alaska Energy Authority RECEIVED vat 30 1990 SK, ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY ; WE ARE SENDING YOU [& Attached (© Under separate cover via__Courie® ste ‘following items: © Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples O Specifications O Copy of letter OO Change order Oo COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION l La, Orrgnal un-bound report b 2a Bond Cepoch coptes \ ea. Dick versions of Auto cAD drawings See ee ae a gg ed THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval O Approved as submitted O Resubmit copies for approval wy For your use OO Approved as noted OO Submit copies for distribution a9 ff As requested O Returned for corrections O Return corrected prints O For review and comment O O FOR BIDS DUE. CCCCCSC—S'_CCCCd) PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO. SIGNED: Fale 4) f+ — nmansue aan (EES) tne Ponta Meee 08038 if ancineures are not as noted. kindly notify us at once. Alaske Energy Authority A Pupne Serporation TELEeEcOPY (ANCHORAGE Telacopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (QUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: Tash => nt et eee. NAME OF COMPANY: Ere COMPANY ADDRESS: Premier > SAGE TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: S6t—- Fo2z = SENDER: se ee Fenn Kee tet TELEPHONE NUMBER: Zeot- 7TEzr CHARGE CODE: Si ezusozr NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: => INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: Z1 ma~x ISD IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 466-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: SS BO BOX AM Juneau. Aiaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 PO. Box 190869 8704 East Tuder Rosa) Anchorage Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT ** COUNT ** # 3 wR SEND aK T T T NO| REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT | 001 907 5617028 5-21-90 13:29 1°37" 3 TOTAL 0:01'37" 3 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 Alaska Energy Authority A Punic Corporation TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: Tim SAniNect’ NAME OF COMPANY: FrE COMPANY ADDRESS: ANCHO CAGE TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: sé6l- 7Toze SENDER: Jour Buvctoul TELEPHONE NUMBER: Zel- 7zz CHARGE CODE: SIBZ43 072 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 3 INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: Zi MAY FO IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 — PO XX PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road ~=Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 to: Tim Janneck, FPE from: John Bulkow, AEA date: 21 May 90 re: Waste Heat - Aniak 1. Add the asterisks to Table 1 on page 8 to show which month the footnote applies to. 2. If no records are available for the Elementary School buildings’ fuel use this needs to clearly stated to avoid questions of why such records were not used instead of estimates based on building size. 3. Clarify why the second page of Table 5 indicates that the fuel oil use figures shown are for 1988 rather than 1989. 4. Page 28 incorrectly indicates that AEA directed using two heat exchangers in the power plant. Clarify why two heat exchangers are being used, it seems more logical to connect the generator cooling systems to a common header and use a single heat exchanger. 5. Correct the way the AMOT valve is drawn on sheet 5 and coordinate with comment #4. 6. Correct the spelling of ’Aniak’ in the last paragraph on page 2, ‘His’ in the first paragraph on page 5, and ‘media’ in the third paragraph on page 9. to: Tim Janneck, FPE from: John Bulkow, AEA date: 21 May 90 re: Waste Heat - Gambell 1. Coordinate page 58 with pages 60 & 61. Also clarify that the increased heat recovery utilization in Alternative #1 is because the insulating of the power plant modules makes more waste heat available to be used at the school. 2. Provide an Economic Summary sheet such as provided in previous reports in the Cost Estimate Appendix. FPE consuttince \EERS LETT OF TRANSMITTAL 560 E. 34th Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 DATE JOB NO. Ph. (907) 561-1666 mee lao AEA 8705) FAX (907) 561-7028 To Sohn Gulkew, PE. Anak Waste Heat a ei RECEIVED ntert--i990 UTHORITY, WE ARE SENDING YOU wr Attached ([ Under separate cover via r KA ENERGY O following items: O Shop drawings O Prints O Plans OO Samples OO Specifications O Copy of letter OO Change order oO COPIES DATE No. DESCRIPTION | ta. ( fa- Borrowed copy £ Tt dah Bua) repo THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: OO For approval OO Approved as submitted O Resubmit. copies for approval ® For your use OO Approved as noted O Submit copies for distribution w As requested OO Returned for corrections O Return corrected prints OO For review and comment O (FOR BIDS*:.DUE = a ee ee (PRINTS -REFURNEDGAFTERALOAN 10 US: REMARKS a aa 2 ee BEX 20 7 COPY TO. SIGNED: “Je Al 4 PRODUCT 240-3 (WEBS) Inc., Groton, Mass. 01471 If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. i State of Alaska DS Steve Cowper, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation December 5, 1989 Mr. Steve Theno, P.E. Fryer/Pressley Engineering, Inc. 560 E. 34th Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Contract AEA 2800097, Work Order: #12, Aniak Dear Mr. Theno: You are hereby given notice to proceed on Work Order #12 to perform a concept level design of a waste heat system as presented in your proposal of December 1, 1989 (attached). Fee for this Work Order shall be a lump sum of $7,344.00 and expenses shall not exceed $1,857.00. As soon as possible, but no later than February 18, 1990, you will submit the final report to the Alaska Energy Authority. Please signify your agreement with the conditions of this Work Order by signing below and returning this document to the Energy Authority. Sincerely, Bud be Ft — Robert E. LeResche Executive Director GS:REL:dm Attachment as stated cc: Brent N. Petrie, Alaska Energy Authority David Denig-Chakroff, Alaska Energy Authority Gary Smith, Alaska Energy Authority Arnold Reimer, Alaska Energy Authority Susan White, Alaska Energy Authority Concurrence with conditions of this Work Order: FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING, INC. Signature Title Date PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 PO. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 7185/1021(6) P ee E RECEIVED @ December 1, 1989 me: 11989 Mr. David Denig-Chakroff, Director ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY. Rural Programs Alaska Energy Authority 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Reference: Revised Proposal to Render Professional Services, Generator Waste Heat Recovery Concept Design for the Communities of Glennallen, Kongiganak, Aniak, Sand Point, Gambell, Selawik and Fort Yukon Dear Mr. Denig-Chakroff: Please accept this letter, together with its attachments, as our statement of interest and our revised fee proposal to perform the referenced projects. We have reviewed documents provided by your office and base our proposal on our interpretation of the requirements suggested in those documents. Specifi- cally, we have based our fee proposal on the review of: 1. “Request for Proposals - Waste Heat Systems - Concept Level Designs," dated 20 November 1989. 2. One page Project Descriptions dated 20 and 21 November 1989. 3. "Concept Level Documents," a paper describing the minimum technical con- tent of the final product of each project. 4. "Failure Analysis," a paper briefly describing the requirements of an analysis of system failures. Our interpretation of the projects requirements is restated in the attachments entitled, "TASK LIST FOR ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY HEAT RECOVERY PROJECTS" and "FAILURE ANALYSIS FOR HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEMS". If awarded this project during the week of November 27, 1989, we anticipate adherence to the following schedule: Community Field Work Interim Final Week of Report Report Glennallen 12/04/89 12/29/89 1/15/90 Sand Point 12/18/89 12/29/89 1/15/90 Fort Yukon 1/01/90 1/12/90 1/26/90 Gambell 1/01/90 1/17/90 2/05/90 Kongiganak 1/15/90 1/29/90 2/12/90 Aniak 1/15/90 2/05/90 2/19/90 Selawik 1/29/90 2/08/90 2/22/90 FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING, INC. 560 E. 34th Ave., Suite 300 © Anchorage, AK 99503 e Ph: 907/561-1666 ¢ FAX: 907/561-7028 Mr. David Denig-Chakroff December 1, 1989 Page 2 In summary, we propose to render the required services for lump sum fees as indicated in the following table: Community Professional Expense Totals Fees Budget Glennallen $ 8,834 $1,712 $10,546 Sand Point 8,510 2,127 10,637 Fort Yukon 7,344 1,904 9,248 Gambell 7,862 2,274 10,136 Kongiganak 7,344 1,979 9,323 Aniak 7,344 1,857 9,201 Selawik 7,344 2,104 9,448 Totals $54,582 $13,957 $68,539 Attached hereto are detailed cost estimates for each project. The costs of providing failure analysis, conducting meetings with the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative and coordinating the project with the Alaska Energy Authority has been allocated among all projects. The fees proposed, there- fore, are quoted based on the assumption that all seven projects will be un- dertaken; if one or more of the projects are canceled or delayed, compensation for the other projects should be reviewed. Should you have any questions regarding the content of this proposal, or its attachments, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Sincerely, IG, INC. Vice President, Mec Engineering Attachments COMMUNITY GLENNALLEN Ao y--2--4 $y A B C D E SAND POINT —4 H-+-—+—«- - = = = +———k AB C D E FORT YUKON — H+} - - - + A B C D E GAMBELL — He—-+——** - - - - +k A B C D E KONGIGANAK —— H-+-—_+———-- - - - + A B C D E ANIAK 4 / +f} —_- - - - - + A B C D E SELAWIK J H+ e - = - 4 12/4 12/1 12/18 12/25 1/1 1/8 1/15 1/22 1/29 2/5 2/12 2/19 2/26 ANCHORAGE DATA COLLECTION AND MEETINGS A B FIELD DATA COLLECTION AND MEETINGS C INTERIM REPORT PREPARATION D E * AEA REVIEW FINAL REPORT PREPARATION REPORT SUBMISSION WEEK BEGINNING ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY WASTE HEAT SYSTEMS - CONCEPT LEVEL DESIGN PROJECT SCHEDULES TASK LIST FOR ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY PROJECTS Task 1. Data Collection (in Anchorage) Right-of-Way/Easement Map(s) This task is limited to coordinating the search of the Anchorage based sources of land status information with AEA. An exhaustive search among all possible sources of informa- tion is not intended. 1) Gather information available in Anchorage for the Glennallen site. Data for subsequent sites shall be furnished by AEA. Data to include: ° Aerial Photos . U.S. Geological Survey information . Plats . Alaska Dept. of Community and Regional Affairs data 2) Digitize a single base site map with general site fea- tures (roads, airports, etc.). Include platting in- formation only where it impacts pipeline routing. 3) Data collected on site will be added to the graphic presentation as appropriate. 4) Survey computations and verification of accuracy of material collected is not proposed to be a part of this task. Community Contact Contact community officials as suggested by the AEA, or as otherwise determined by FPE, to discuss the schedule and purpose of the site visit. The objective is to seek the community’s assistance and sup- port in the field work and the project, as well as to provide the community with background information regarding the project. Electric Utility Interviews Conduct face-to-face interviews with Anchorage based repre- sentatives of electric generation utilities who provide service to the communities under study. Develop Criteria Listing Create a list of codes, standards and regulations to be adhered to during the design of the heat recovery systems. e. Interview with the Alaska Energy Authority Before leaving for the first site visit, discuss plans and schedules with representatives of the AEA. Meeting will cover plans, schedules and progress regarding all systems to be analyzed. FPE to create meeting agenda and take the initiative in scheduling this coordination meeting. Task 2. Data Collection (Field) a. Mobilize to the Field The people who will travel to the community must prepare to go to the field. They must buy supplies such as film, make transportation reservations, and coordinate the information requirements of the field work with the project manager and other disciplines. b. Field Work 1) Travel to the field. 2) Meet and visit with local officials of the community, the electric generation utility and managers of poten- tial heat-user facilities (e.g, school principals, hospital administrators, etc). 3) Walk and document potential waste heat pipeline rights-of-way (with community administrator if possible). 4) As-built electric power generation plant for purpose of waste heat recovery project. 5) Create preliminary waste heat recovery design. 6) As-built potential waste heat user facility mechanical systems as required to create system concept design. 7) Acquire generation plant production profile informa- tion as may be available on-site. 8) Acquire potential heat-user energy demand profile in- formation as may be available on-site. TASK LIST FOR ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY PROJECTS Page 2 9) Take complete photographic coverage of the as-built condition, rights-of-way and other community features as may be required for the complete description of ex- isting conditions. 10) Participate in exit interview with community officials as is deemed appropriate. 11) Leave community and travel to next destination. Task 3. Project Products a. Prepare Field Report (FPE in-house product) 1) Prepare photo captions and mount photographs. 2) Prepare report of field activities (field diary). 3) Prepare report of community features. 4) Prepare notes of interviews with local officials. 5) Prepare separate estimate of thermal production and use profiles based on field information. 6) File as-built information in project file or with graphics department supervisor (as appropriate). b. Prepare Interim Report Assemble and submit field notes, draft project map and preliminary estimates of energy generation and consumption into an interim report. Include preliminary observations and narrative description concerning system configurations. c. Prepare Final Project Documentation 1) Prepare project summary statement. 2) Prepare narrative statement including discussion of heat source and sink(s). 3) Prepare graphic and tabulated estimates of potential thermal energy production and simultaneous demand. 4) Prepare schematic system graphic. 5) Describe piping and pumping system. This effort in- cludes right-of-way discussion and drawing. TASK LIST FOR ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY PROJECTS Page 3 6) Describe heat exchangers with location and layout sketch. 7) Describe any miscellaneous systems (e.g., associated building modifications or controls) required of the project. 8) Discuss user requirements, if any. d. Technical Analysis 1) Prepare month-by-month estimates of electric power production. 2) Prepare estimates of generation machine performance (KW per gallon) for various electric demand scenarios. 3) Prepare month-by-month estimates of thermal energy demand for the various potential thermal energy user facilities. 4) Prepare an integrated, month-by-month thermal energy use model and generate estimates of potential energy conserved through the use of waste heat recovery tech- niques. 5) Develop failure analysis. Create a brief description of the major modes of sys- tem failure. {See attached discussion of "Failure Analysis for Heat Recovery Systems" for a more detailed description of this task.] e. Construction Cost Estimates Based upon the compilation of the information discussed above, prepare an estimate of probable construction costs. ft. Report Publication 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Select photos required for reproduction. Edit and compile materials. Produce final graphics. Review by Principal of final version of all materials. Reproduce, bind and transmit final report to AEA in 6 (six) copies. TASK LIST FOR ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY PROJECTS Page 4 Task 1. Task 2. Task 3. Task 4. FAILURE ANALYSIS FOR HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEMS Identification of Failure Points Each major component in the heat recovery system will be iden- tified and described in brief, schematic form. Major components are envisioned to include: ° boost pump ° heat exchanger . radiator ° control valve ° piping system . user side heat recovery loop This effort will require 16 hours. Define Failure Mode and Impact Potential modes of failure for each major component shall be determined. The following shall be analyzed: . Effect on operation of heat recovery and generation system. . Potential environmental impact. . Required action of operators to mitigate short term and long term damage to the system. Each shall be addressed in brief narrative form. This effort will require 35 hours. Define Failure Frequency The frequency of failure of each major component shall be es- timated. Also, estimates of annual down time, effort to return to service, and effect of system life on frequency of occurrence shall be estimated. Results shall be presented in brief narrative form. It is assumed that there is no significant statistical data base existing from which to secure the above information. Detailed research is not proposed. Estimates shall be based upon brief conversations with major equipment suppliers, the utility companies and engineering judgment. Fault tree analysis of the problem is not proposed. This effort will require 35 hours. Failure Impact Study Input to Design Decisions The results of tasks 1, 2 and 3, described above shall be incor- porated in concept level design decisions. Estimate of Professional Fees and Expenses Waste Heat Systems - Concept Level Design ANIAK Key personnel to be utilized: Principal-in-Charge - Project Manager Steve The Tim Janne Task 1 a: Compile Right-of-Way Information Effort Project Manager Senior Engineer (Civil) Staff Engineer Senior Graphics Tech. Clerical Sub-task total EXPENSES Misc. Air Photos & Expense (e.g., Expense Budget Task 1b, Other Pre-Field, Home Office Acti c,dé&e: Title Effort Principal-in-Charge 1 Project Manager 2 Senior Engineer 6 Clerical 1 Sub-task total 10 EXPENSES Misc. Expense Expense Budget Task includes: Page 1 of 4 no ck in Anchorage Rate Fee 64.82 $65 64.82 65 59.52 119 42.71 171 41.28 83 $502 etc.) budget $150 $150 vities (Note 1) Rate Fee 88.98 $89 64.82 $130 64.82 389 41.28 41 $649 budget $25 $25 a) Face-to-face interview with representative of electric generation utility (if available in Anchorage) .~ b) Development of criteria listing. Estimate of Professional Fees and Expenses Page 2 of 4 Waste Heat Systems - Concept Level Design ANIAK Task 2: Site Visit Title Effort Rate Fee Senior Engineer (Mech.) 16 64.82 $1,037 EXPENSES Air Travel Budget $330 Subsistence 3 85.00 255 Weather Day 8. 64.82 519 Expense Budget $1,104 Task 3 a: File Field Report Title Effort Rate Fee Principal-in-Charge 1 88.98 $89 Project Manager 1 64.82 $65 Senior Engineer (Mech.) 16 64.82 1,037 Senior Graphics Tech. 4 42.71 171 Clerical 2 41.28 83 Sub-task total 24 $1,444 EXPENSES Photo Processing budget $50 Expense Budget $50 Estimate of Professional Fees and Expenses Page 3 of 4 Waste Heat Systems - Concept Level Design ANIAK Principal-in-Charge 1 Project Manager 2 Senior Engineer (Mech.) 8 Senior Engineer (Elec.) 1 7 Senior Engineer (Civil) 1 64.82 65 Staff Engineer 4 4 2 Senior Graphics Tech. 42.71 171 Clerical 41.28 83 Sub-task total 23 $1,358 EXPENSES Blue Lines Budget $10 Computer Use 4 $10 40 Misc. Reproduction Budget 20 Expense Budget $70 Task 3 c, Prepare Final Report d, e & ff: Title Effort Rate Fee Principal-in-Charge 1 88.98 $89 Project Manager 4 64.82 $259 Senior Engineer (Mech.) 16 64.82 1,037 Staff Engineer 4 59.52 238 Technical Editor 8 59.51 476 Senior Graphics Tech. = 42.71 171 Clerical 2 41.28 83 Sub-task total 39 $2,353 EXPENSES Blue Lines Budget $10 Special Reproduction Budget 150 Computer Use 4 $10.00 40 Construction Cost Consulting Budget 250 Expense Budget $450 Total Fees $7,344 Total Expenses ~ $1,857 Page 4 of 4 LIST OF EXPECTED FIGURES NO. SUBJECT 1 EXISTING POWER PLANT PLAN 2 EXISTING POWER PLANT PIPING SCHEMATIC 3 EXISTING BUILDING 1 PLAN 4 EXISTING BUILDING 1 SCHEMATIC 5 EXISTING BUILDING 2 PLAN 6 EXISTING BUILDING 2 SCHEMATIC 7 SITE PLAN/ROUTING 8 GEN. ROOM PLANS 9 GEN. ROOM SCHEMATICS 10 BUILDING 1 PLAN 11 BUILDING 1 SCHEMATIC 12 BUILDING 2 PLAN 13 BUILDING 2 SCHEMATIC 14 ARCTIC PIPE/UTILIDOR SECTION Thi REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS WASTE HEAT SYSTEMS CONCEPT LEVEL DESIGNS Contracting Point of Contact: Dominic Costanzo, Contracts Officer Technical Point of Contact: Gary Smith, Manager of Rural Projects Submission: Attention of David Denig-Chakroff, Director of Rural Programs Project Manager: John Bulkow, Rural Systems Engineer (after 4Dec89) Attached are individual RFP’s for the performance of concept level design work at the listed sites. Each project will require a separately executed Work Order and cost. Each project description identifies completion dates as to when the Authonty requests that the work be accomplished. Each responding proposal must include a proposed completion date for each of the two required submittals if quality products cannot be produced by the dates specified. It is requested that, if changes in the submission dates are proposed, work be accomplished as soon as possible with at least two projects being completed prior to mid-January. Project priority is to be maintained as listed. The final submittals must be of high presentation quality including color copies of photographs, color copies of CAD drawings, and laser printer produced text. CAD drawings will use color to distinguish among primary loop, secondary loops, existing and new construction, and other separation that enhances the ease of reviewing the design. Legends indicating the use of colors will be provided on the drawings. Covers for the final submittal will be provided by the Authority as will AutoCAD files of the title blocks for the required CAD drawings. If existing maps are marked-up for inclusion in the report, high quality results are required. If the 8.5" x 11" format of CAD drawings does not produce legible drawings, 11" x 17" fold-outs are required. The initial submittal is to be of draft presentation quality with black and white products only. Submitted products are subject to rejection for quality of presentation as well as technical content. The users of the final products will include Authority staff, State and local government personnel, personne of affected utilities, using facilities’ staff, and bond market consultants. The concept level designs and costing may be reviewed by an independent firm. Depending on the availability of funds and the results of the initial work, it is anticipated that some of the projects will result in RFP's for work orders to complete final construction documents for summer 1990 construction. Each proposal will present the following items: 1. By major task and submittal, the discipline, manhours proposed, and previously negotiated rate. 2. By major task and submittal, the names of personne assigned. 3. By major task and submittal, identify the hours and rate for CAD workstation charges. 4. By major task and submittal, estimated expenses (to include weather contingencies for field investigations). 5. By submission, an estimate of the number of CAD drawings to be produced (initial submittal is to be black and white, final submittal to be in color - additional charges for color plotting effort is to be identified). 6. Proposed cost estimating firm and fee (in-house costing is not acceptable). It is required that one single kick-off meeting with Authority personnel be held prior to field investigations for all sites listed. The proposed costs must be allocated among the projects. It is required that one meeting be heid with senior representatives of each utility. The proposed costs must be allocated among projects at sites serviced by the same utility. Telephone contact in lieu of a meeting is not accceptable. Right-of-way and easement assistance will be provided by the Authority - the consultant is required to collect platting information prior to a single meeting to be held at the Authority's offices at which time a review of the anticipated potential requirements will be discussed and guidance issued. The proposed costs must be allocated among the projects. Field investigations should be of sufficient depth to negate the future requirements of further field investigations for completion of the construction documents. The consultant must submit a single, simple graphic presentation of the anticipated overall schedule indicating work on major tasks by project. Concept Level Documents Waste Heat Systems Concept level documentation shall include as a minimum the following: Right-of-way/Easement Map(s) A map showing property boundaries that would be crossed by the proposed system and existing right-of-ways / easements (markup of existing map(s) is allowed). Criteria Listing A list of all codes and regulations used in determining the system design. Distribution Piping and Pumping A brief description is required of the proposed distribution piping system (both primary and secondary loops) including material, insulation, pumping scheme, and connection procedures. Sketches are to be included as appropriate. Heat Exchangers A brief description is required of the proposed heat exchangers including potential configuration, locations and sizing. Sketches are to be included as appropriate. Miscellaneous Systems A brief description of all supporting systems including controls, engine modifications, powerhouse modifications, etc. is required including sketches as appropriate. User Requirements A brief description of modifications required to potential end user systems including sketches as appropriate. Technical Analysis A presentation of the assumptions made, data collected, and calculations performed is required to support the design approach taken. Cost Estimate Cost estimates are to be presented with unit costs by task, anticipated contract cost, project contingencies of 10%, SIOH as provided, and a total estimated project cost. Uniess otherwise directed, construction contract costs will be estimated assuming publicly advertised bidding, summer construction, and "mini-Davis-Bacon” wage rates. Major system components are to have separately identified life estimates and yearty maintenance cost estimates. Estimates of yearty fuel costs displaced by each user facility are to be identified. FAILURE ANALYSIS A brief description of the major modes of failure is to be presented. Each of which must include as a minimum concept ‘evel details of the following: 1. Description of failure 2. Effects on the continued operation of the power generation system. 3. Description of environmental impacts. 4, Required immediate actions of the power house or facility operators to minimize short-term and long-term damage to the system. 5. Estimate of frequency (occurances per year). 6. Estimate of down time (days/year). 7. Description and estimate of effort and material to return to full service (tasks/year). 8. Effects of system life on frequency of occurance. 9. Design decisions made to minimize failure rate and impacts. Assumptions to be made include: 1. On-site operators’ skills are that of a "care taker”. 2. Skilled PM is performed three times per year (Fall, Winter, Spring). 3. Weather delay in reaching site is one day (assuming winter failure). 4. Travel for emergency response or major repairs is via jet service to major community and charter from local carrier to site. 5. Skilled mechanics for emergency response or major repairs are mobilized from Anchorage, Fairbanks, or Juneau as appropriate. 20Nov89 gds Aniak Waste Heat System Concept Level Design Problem There is an identified opportunity for the installation of a waste heat recovery and distribution system in the community of Aniak The intent of this work order is to provide the Authority with sufficient detail to perform an economic analysis and to prepare for the later development of construction documents. Tasks 1. Data Collection (Anchorage) Existing drawings and site maps and/or aerial photos are to be collected and reviewed prior to field investigation. A discussion with the Authority's Rural Projects staff is required to be accomplished prior to field investigation. In addition, discussions with ANIAK LIGHT & POWER CO. personnel is to be accomplished to collect construction and operating concerns of the Utility. 2. Data Collection (Field) A field trip is required with the consultant furnishing the services of a senior mechanical engineer. Field work is to include examination of the power house, potential distribution routes, and the HVAC equipment of the facilities determined by the consultant and the Authority to be potential candidates for use of the proposed waste heat system. Historical fuel consumption data are to be collected from facility owners or operators as weil as load data from the Utility. Corresponding heating fuel costs are to be collected as well. Coordination with the Utility, the City government, and the owners and operators of the potentially served facilities is to be accomplished prior to the field work. 3. Products Two products are required. The initial submittal is to be a letter quality report including as a minimum: field trip notes, contacts made, list and description of potential served facilities, tabular and graphical presentations of the historical or estimated heating fuel consumption, tabular presentations of corresponding fuel costs of each potential facility by month, tabular and graphical estimates of available waste heat by month (identifying heat required at the power house), and a map showing locations of the power house and the potential facilities to be served. A narrative description of the proposed system is to be included. Three copies of the report are to be submitted. Work on the second submittal is to commence after receipt of the Authority's review comments. Review comments will be provided to the consultant within 10 working days after receipt of the report for incorporation into the final submittal. The second submittal is to be a letter quality report with an executive summary of the investigation. It is to include one copy in 8.5 x 11 format of all drawings produced as weil as color copies of appropriate photos. All drawings are to be provided in AutoCAD reil0 compatible drawing files (either sketches or to scale as appropriate). The report should summarize the investigation and present a concept level design of the recommended system including concept level specifications and construction cost estimates based on publicly advertised, sealed bid procurement using “mini-Davis-Bacon” wage rates. Six copies of the report are required (including one unbound copy for use as a reproducable master). Proposed construction bidding is to be assumed as occuring in April of 1990. The basic intent of this product is to present the recommended solution and its construction and operating cost estimates in suitable detail to allow for the follow-on development of an Authority produced economic analysis. Schedule It is required that the work be completed oa or prior to 19Jan90. The initial report is to be submitted on or prior to 1SDec89. State of Alaska Steve Cowper, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation August 30, 1990 Mr. Mark Fryer, P.E. President Fryer/Pressley Engineering, Inc. 560 E. 34th Ave., Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Contract #2800097 Work Order #12, Aniak Waste Heat Dear Mr. Fryer: We have received your final invoice (#7013) in the amount of $73.44 on the work order referenced above. This is to notify you that this work order is being closed out. Sing 7 Ve \ / A007, Bavid Denig-Chakrof Director of Rural Programs DDC:ekn cc: Gary Smithy Alaska Energy Authority Arnold Reimer, Alaska Energy Authority Dominic Costanzo, Alaska Energy Authority 1 PO.BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 % PO. Box 190869 701 EastTudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 ANIAK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN MAY 11, 1990 Contact Names The following people were contacted in the field: Bob McHenry, Superintendent Kuspuk School District (675-4250) Steve Hill, Facilities Manager Kuspuk School District (675-4250) Arte Bemandel, Owner of Aniak Light and Power (675-4334) Carl Morgan, Manager for Aniak Properties (675-4413) Aniak Properties (in Anchorage, 276-2101) Terry Hoefferle, Aniak City Manager (675-4481)