HomeMy WebLinkAboutS Intertie report 12-1998CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Shawne, December 29, 1998 \b \\p _ Alaska Industrial Development NS eeC-3 and Export Authority - 480 West Tudor Road ajaska INaVs Anchorage, Alaska 99503-6690 Attention: Mr. Randy Simmons, Executive Director Subject: Southern Intertie Monthly Report for December 1998 W.0.#E9590081 Dear Mr. Simmons: Please find enclosed 1 (one) copy of the Southern Intertie Report for the Month of December 1998. If there are any questions, please contact Dora Gropp, (907) 762-4626. Sincerely, Nrz : 7, work comp! 88% ‘ln used. We will be ad Eugene N- Bjornstad Tle ; nat hadf e GQ. General Manager t ENG/DLG;jb v0 Enclosures: 1 (one) copy of Southern Intertie Monthly Report Cc: Lee Thibert Joe Griffith Michael Massin Dora Gropp Jim Borden Mike Cunningham Don Edwards W.0.#E9590081, Sec., 2.1.3 RF 5601 Minnesota Drive ¢ P.O. Box 196300 « Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 : Phone 907-563-7494 # FAX 907-562-0027 CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Anchorage, Alaska SOUTHERN INTERTIE Report for the Month of December 1998 IV. Vi. TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY FINANCIAL 1. Bank Statement of November 30, 1998 SCHEDULE ITEMS FOR APPROVAL None. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION None ITEMS FOR INFORMATION Power Engineers Monthly Report Phase IB - Environmental Analysis, December 18, 1998 SUMMARY SUMMARY Delays in receiving review comments from the USFWS and continued changes to the maps and environmental sections of the EVAL requested by USFWS during the past two months will cause further delays in completion of the document. Difficulties encountered in interpreting and adapting new data provided by the agency during this time frame has added not only time delays, but has also increased expenses of the consultant’s efforts. Dames and Moore will present an assessment of this impact within the next four weeks. It is not expected that the funding increase granted in October ($118,193) will allow Dames and Moore to complete the EVAL with the data presentation changes. We will define a new schedule for the submittal of the EVAL to RUS after all comments from the USFWS are received. We are still planning on submitting the ANILCA permit application to USFWS at the same time. A new schedule for the EIS development will be established after the EVAL has been submitted to the federal agencies. A refund of $27,159.93 has been received from USFS after it was determined that the agency would no longer be a cooperator in the EIS preparation, when the Quartz Creek route was eliminated from the project. Expenditures for Phase IB of the project stand as follows: DESCRIPTION POWER’ |USFS/USFWS/| CHUGACH TOTAL ENGINEERS RUS BUDGET _| $3,043,423 | $100,000 | $400,000 | $3,543,423 ALLOCATED $0 $0 $40,000 $40,000 CONTINGENCY cl TOTAL $3,043,423 | $100,000 | $440,000 | $3,583,423 AMENDMENTS | $402,554 $4,277 | $0 | $406,831 TOTAL $3,445,977 | $104,277 | $170,000 | $3,720,254 COMMITMENT | i SPENT TO DATE! $3,366,080 _|{ $103,397 $163,912 $3,633,389 % OF TOTAL 98% 99% 96% 98% Total Project expenditures as of December 18, 1998 are $4,591.728, which includes a payment to RUS for the EIS preparation in the amount of $97,670. “ Wo, 800 YH KkO ahorroct HS: \oaxts J \ avarloike . Il. FINANCIAL 1. Bank Statement of November 30, 1998 Southern Intertie Grant Fund Bank Account Activity Summary November, 1998 October Ending Balance Forward Total Deposits Total Withdrawals (Chugach invoice for August & September charges) Interest Earned Balance November 30, 1998 RECEIVED) DE C18 1998 TRANSMISSION & SPEC IAL PROJECT $175,993.02 $0.00 $0.00 $685.38 000 O1 OO PAGE: 1 Oo DATE: 11/30/98 ACCOUNT: 41100033 DMM Lem Srl of Anchorage SUL PLe CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION I 30 PO BOX 196300 0 ANCHORAGE AK 99519-6300 0 MAIN BRANCH TELEPHONE: 907-777-4362 PO BOX 100720 ANCHORAGE AK 99510-0720 NON FEDERALLY INSURED REPURCHASE AGREEMENT ACCOUNT 41100033 DESCRIPTION DEBITS CREDITS DATE BALANCE BALANCE LAST STATEMENT ........- aPeveletetelel sie stelleletteloretonete wel siersie/||LO/ 30/98 175,993.02 _ INTEREST 62.82 11/02/98 176,055.84 INTEREST 22/13 |eL/03/98 176,077.97 INTEREST 22.14 11/04/98 17600. 21) INTEREST 22.14 11/05/98 L716), 122.25 INTEREST 22.14 11/06/98 176,144.39 INTEREST 66.65 11/09/98 176)221...04 INTEREST 22.37 11/10/98 176,233.41 INTEREST 44.75 11/12/98 176,278.16 INTEREST 22.138) |11/13\798 176,300.54 INTEREST 66.79 11/16/98 176,367.33 INTEREST 22.03 11/17/98 176,389.36 INTEREST 22.04 11/18/98 176,411.40 INTEREST 22.04 11/19/98 176,433.44 INTEREST 22.04 11/20/98 176,455.48 INTEREST 66.86 11/23/98 176,522.34 INTEREST 22.30 11/24/98 176,544.64 INTEREST 22.30 11/25/98 176,566.94 INTEREST 44.60 11/27/98 176,611.54 INTEREST 66.86 11/30/98 176,678.40 BALANCE THIS STATEMENT ...ccccccccccccccscccceseseccsoce - 11/30/98 176,678.40 TOTAL CREDITS (19) 685.38 TOTAL DEBITS (0) -00 INTEREST THIS STATEMENT 685.38 INTEREST PAID 1998 18,733.41 - END OF STATEMENT - CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION ANCHORAGE - KENAI INTERTIE Fri 12/18/98 PHASE IB 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 ID | Task Name % Comp. | _Act.Cost | Q2[.Q3] a4 | at | G2 [a3] a4 [a1 [a2] a3] a4 | ar] a2]a3]a4lat | a2] a3] a4| ai) a2z]a3]as|ai 1 | ENVIRONMENTAL & ENGINEER! 77% | $4,512,720.00 cicinieteeiataieiatestaaatnemmemmeneaimnnainnl amcimmmantaael 2 | PROJECTMANAGEMENT | 42%| $168,012.00 — —— : . 5 A = 4 | 5/31 3 ROUTE SELECTION STUDIE 100% | $871,650.00 = - | i 4 EVAL & PREL.ENGINEERIN 95%| $3,369,661.00 , 5 SCOPING 100%| $375,997.34 6 "INVENTORY “100% | $680,396.25 7 IMPACT/MITIGATION 100%| $607,560.00 8 ALTERN.SELECTION | 100%| $335,392.00 9 | EVAL(DRAFTEIS) ~—‘|~ 94%| $846,027.47 10 ANILCA (FINAL EIS) 56% $30,307.20 17/ -~«SSTUDIES ~ | 400%] $101,476.81 12| —_‘ENG.FIELD WORK 100%| $202,645.44 13 PREL. ENGINEERING 100%| $189,858.49 14 AGENCIES 99%| $103,397.00 15 - USFS —t—i‘CSCsr 100% $7,794.00 _ | | USFWS 100% $24,600.00 . = : =| eas 5/34 17 RUS 96% 71,003. a h $71,003.00 ” — | Task [Eee Summary aay Rolled Up Progress Project: ANCHORAGE - KENAI INTE Date: Fri 12/18/98 Progress MUNN Rolled Up Task «= Milestone ro Rolled Up Milestone <> PH_IB.MPP Page 1 Sec. 7.1.8 RE CEI Vv E D Gre W2, CBSFOCES #) TOWER DEC 21 1998 IENGINEERS 9 ne yf TRANSMISSION & SPECIAL PROJEGXember 18, 1998 Ms. Dora Gropp Chugach Electric Association 5601 Minnesota Drive, Building A Anchorage, AK 99518 Subject: POWER Project #120376 EIS & Preliminary Engineering Chugach Contract #95-208 Monthly Status Report No. 28 For Period November 15 - December 12, 1998 Dear Dora: The following activities were performed during this invoicing period on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Preliminary Engineering portion of the Southern Intertie Project. Key Issues: ¢ Completion of the Final EVAL. e Preparation of the ANILCA application. Invoice Period Overview: e Submitted Chapter 3 biology section to Fish and Wildlife for review. e Responded to Fish and Wildlife comments. Throughout the past month, Dames and Moore has been in frequent contact with the USFWS to discuss the map and text revisions. Interface with the USFWS is ongoing in order to prepare the revisions to the EVAL consistent with agency direction. Work Planned for the Next Invoice Period: Submit Chapter 4 to Fish and Wildlife for review. Respond to Fish and Wildlife comments. Address Fish and Wildlife comments on Chapter 3. Continue preparation of draft ANILCA application. HLY 23-588 POWER Engineers, Incorporated SSS 3940 Glenbrook Dr. * P.O. Box 1066 Phone (208) 788-3456 Hailey, Idaho 83333 Fax (208) 788-2082 Chugach Electric Association December 18, 1998 Page 2 Schedule: As reported last month and as agreed with FWS at the September review meetings, Dames and Moore continues to interface with the FWS on biology maps and text for Chapters 3 and 4 of the EVAL. The Chapter 3 biology maps and text were submitted to FWS for review and comment as planned on November 25. Chapter 4 text revisions and impact and cumulative maps, as well as summary tables are planned to be submitted to the FWS for review on December 18. During this past week, Dames and Moore learned from the FWS that the FWS will not be able to return review comments for Chapter 3 on the schedule that they had indicated earlier. Also, one of the key FWS reviewers will now be unavailable for awhile. This reviewer will be out of state the entire month of January 1999. Comments from the refuge staff will also be delayed. As a result, it will not be possible to achieve completion of the EVAL (with FWS review) by February 1999 as reported last month. Completion of the EVAL will likely be delayed at least a couple of months. Until comments and requests for EVAL content and format are received back from the FWS and are reviewed, it is difficult to predict a specific date for completion of the EVAL. The schedule for the final completion of the EVAL is dependent on timely receipt of comments from the FWS and the magnitude of the changes to the maps and text required to comply with ongoing FWS comments and requirements. It has been difficult to keep to a schedule these past few months because of the continuing requests from the FWS and KNWR to incorporate new data and mapping requirements. Every effort has been made to expedite the process; however, the schedule is essentially being dictated by agency requirements. Budget: Dames and Moore has indicated that as compared to the scope of work required to complete the EVAL as agreed with the FWS at the September review meetings, the FWS has substantially added to the effort required to complete the EVAL. The FWS has increased Dames and Moore’s efforts through new requests to add data and make new changes and additions to the EVAL. Dames and Moore is in the process of preparing an explanation of these changes and will submit it during the coming month. This will result in a request for additional funding to complete the EVAL. Monthly Status Report Issues: Please refer to the Activities Summary attached for work completed and planned for each Task. Activity summaries are only included for Tasks 5 and 6, since all other tasks are completed. HLY 23-588 LOWER Chugach Electric Association December 18, 1998 Page 3 Project Overview: Total Budget $3,445,979 Actual $ Expended (to date) $3,366,080 Actual Remaining Project Budget $79,899 Contract Amendment No. 10 for $678,069 (not included above), which provides for Power to furnish support to RUS and USFWS during the DEIS/EIS preparation and review periods has been agreed upon and signed. Contract Amendment No. 10 is expected to be incorporated into the monthly status report after work covered under that amendment begins. Work under Contract Amendment No. 10 is not expected to begin until completion of the EVAL and submission of the ANILCA application. Dora, should you have any questions about this report or any of the backup, please do not hesitate to contact Mike Walbert or me. Sincerely, POWER Engineers, Inc. A « + S Arad Brett Randy Pollock, P.E. Project Manager RP/lk Enclosures cc: PROJECT TEAM HLY 23-588 GR DOWER SOUTHERN INTERTIE ROUTE SELECTION STUDY - PHASE 1 - 120376 PROJECT FINANCIAL SUMMARY DECEMBER, 1998 INVOICE Project Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7 Task 8 Task 9 Total Base Not to Exceed $351,050 $660,706 $584,010 $303,475 $402,570 $247,616 $101,480 $202,655 $189,861 $3,043,423 Budget CWG Contract $23,789 $18,885 $22,602 | $32,866 $4,904 N/A N/A N/A N/A $103,046 Amendment No. 4 1 DFI Contract N/A N/A N/A Amendment No. 5 J | DFI Contract N/A N/A N/A $11,400 N/A N/A N/A N/A $11,400 Amendment No. 6 DFI Contract N/A N/A N/A $3,502 N/A N/A N/A N/A $3,502 Amendment No. 7 DFI Contract N/A N/A N/A N/A $89,487 N/A N/A N/A N/A $89,487 Amendment No. 8 | Task 5 & 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A $194,150 | ($194,150) N/A N/A N/A $0 Reallocation * Contract N/A N/A N/A N/A $31,926 N/A N/A N/A N/A $31,926 Amendment No. 9 Contract N/A N/A N/A N/A $118,193 N/A N/A N/A N/A $118,193 Amendment No. 11 les Total Not to Exceed $374,839 $679,591 $606,612 $336,341 $901,134 $53,466 $101,480 $202,655 $189,861 $3,445,979 Budget Actual Budget $374,839 $679,583 $606,540 $336,315 $826,101 $30,014 $101,476 $202,610 $189,852 $3,347,330 Expended Through Previous Invoice Current Invoice $0 $0 $0 $0 $18,750 $0 $0 $0 $0 $18,750 Amount Actual Budget $374,839 $679,583 $606,540 $336,315 $844,851 $30,014 $101,476 $202,610 $189,852 $3,366,080 Expended Through Current Invoice | Remaining $0 $8 $72 $26 $56,283 $23,452 $4 $45 $9 $79,899 Budget * Task 5 and 6 budget amounts reallocated per April 24, 1998 letter from Robert Martin to Randy Pollock. Task 5 budget amount reflects the addition of Contract Amendment #11 funds. N/A $45,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A $45,000 HLY 23-588 DECEMBER 1998 INVOICE ACTIVITIES SUMMARY TASK 5 - EVAL PREPARATION DESCRIPTION ACTIVITIES DURING CURRENT PERIOD AND PLANNED FOR NEXT 30 DAYS EVAL Preparation ¢ Submitted Chapter 3 biology section to Fish and Wildlife for review. Responded to Fish and Wildlife comments. Submit Chapter 4 to Fish and Wildlife for review. Respond to Fish and Wildlife comments. Address Fish and Wildlife comment on Chapter 3. KEY ISSUES: Production and distribution of the Final EVAL. SCHEDULE: Schedule for completing of this Task has been delayed as a result of USFWS comments and incorporation of additional data forwarded by the USFWS. BUDGET: Contract amendments Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and the budget reallocation! for Tasks 5 and 6 are included in the budget ($402,570 + $4,904 + $45,000 + $11,400 + $3,502 + $89,487 + $194,150 + $31,926 + $118,193 = $901,134). $ Budgeted $ Expended $ Remaining $901,134 $844,851 $56,283 SCOPE: The changes in scope resulting from the September 8-10 USFWS meetings have resulted in Contract Amendment #11 which is included in the budget amount shown above. Additional changes in scope since the September meetings have been claimed by Dames and Moore. They will be preparing and submitting a change in scope and budget for consideration this coming month. ' Tasks 5 and 6 budget amounts reallocated per April 24, 1998 letter from Robert Martin to Randy Pollock. HLY 23-588a DECEMBER 1998 INVOICE ACTIVITIES SUMMARY TASK 6 - ANILCA APPLICATION DESCRIPTION ACTIVITIES DURING CURRENT PERIOD AND PLANNED FOR NEXT 30 DAYS ANILCA Application ¢ continue preparation of the draft ANILCA application. KEY ISSUES: Completion of the ANILCA application. SCHEDULE: — Schedule for completing of this Task has been delayed as a result of USFWS comments on the EVAL document. BUDGET: The budget reallocation’ for Tasks 5 and 6 is included in the budget ($247,616 - $194,150 = $53,466). $ Budgeted $ Expended $ Remaining 53,466 30,014 23,452 SCOPE: No outstanding issues. * Tasks 5 and 6 budget amounts reallocated per April 24, 1998 letter from Robert Martin to Randy Pollock. HLY 23-588a