HomeMy WebLinkAboutS Intertie report 7-1997 ach Cie ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. BOX 196300 Anchorage. Alaska 99519-6300 CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. niga ASSOCIATION, INC. July 31, 1997 ECEIVE)) Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority AUG 0 4 1997 480 West Tudor Road / ‘ Anchorage, Alaska 99503-6690 Alaska Industrial Developmen and Export Authority Attention: Mr.Randy Simmons, Executive Director Subject: Southern Intertie Monthly Report for July 1997 W.0.#E9590081 Dear Mr. Simmons: Please find enclosed 1 (one) copy of the Southern Intertie Report for the Month of July 1997. If there are any questions, please contact Dora Gropp, (907) 762-4626. Sincerely, Ere yn ot Eugene N. Bjornstad General Manager ENG/DLG:ahw Enclosures: 1 (one) copy of Southern Intertie Monthly Report c: Lee Thibert Joe Griffith Michael Massin Dora Gropp John Cooley Mike Cunningham Don Edwards W.O.#E9590081, Sec., 2.1.3 RF 5601 Minnesota Drive * PO. Box 196300 * Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 Phone 907-563-7494 * FAX 907-562-0027 CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Anchorage, Alaska SOUTHERN INTERTIE Report for the Month of JULY 1997 Report for the Month of July 1997 W.0.#E9590081 Southern Intertie - Phase IB July 31, 1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page IL. SUMMARY (4 aletslspoters, stone leroy efeye els] obs oitete folet eel letter skenererel ete leleleetelsporereleteetelslelete I-1 I. RIN ANGTAE Hey siete cole lorereeteleicicietoleietslsinisictercievststetelelelctevelsioreiereisieletetelcisisters Il-1 lil. IV. VI. 1: Total Project Expenditures as of May 1997 2s Chugach Statement for May 1997 3: Bank Statement of June 1997 SCHEDULE 2... cccsnccccccccvccccecccccccccsssescccccssccscecce Ii-1 ITEMS RORVAPPROVAT ites acrteitteloleleielsielslelstelelereietereretoiersietelcisietelevelelets Iv-1 nm Recommendation to Delete Quartz Creek Route ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION None ITEMS FOR INFORMATION L Power Engineers’ Monthly Report Phase IB - Environmental Analysis, July 17, 1997 2s Interagency MOU ii Report for the Month of July 1997 W.0.#E9590081 Southern Intertie - Phase IB July 31, 1997 is SUMMARY The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the federal lead agencies (RUS, USFS, USFWS) and the “applicant” (Chugach Electric on behalf of the IPG) has been signed by RUS and is currently at the USFWS offices for execution. We expect the document to be fully executed within the next two weeks. RUS will request that we allow them to hire a “third party consultant” to assist them in timely completion of the EIS. Costs for their work are estimated at $96,000, which will have be borne by the “applicant”. IPG members approved this expenditure in their May 22, 1997 meeting. The “third party” arrangements will have to be made by a RUS Borrower and HEA has agreed to take on this role. The Scoping Report (draft) is still awaiting final review by the lead and cooperating federal agencies. The consultants have recommended that the Quartz Creek route be deleted from the EIS effort and be treated as a non viable alternative (see Section IV). This recommendation is based on non attainable ROW through Chugach State Park for an overhead line and an assessment of the reliability of facilities along this route. Concurrence has been requested from all IPG members. A response has not yet been received from AML&P and MEA. The cost/benefit study of 1990 is under review by DFI and NERC has agreed to review the 1990 reliability assessment of the Railbelt electric system. Both updates should be available by the end of August. IPG member technical staff will meet with the NERC Relability Subcommittee on July 25, 1997 in Seattle to discuss system operations. Community Working Group meetings are scheduled for July 21, 1997 (Kenai) and July 23, 1997 (Anchorage). The groups will address impact mitigation measures for the routes under consideration. The Consultant’s schedule continues to show the effects of delays encountered in bringing the federal agencies together in the scoping , inventory and impact assessment tasks, standing at 60% completion compared to 75% planned. The overall schedule still allows for filing of the draft EIS in early 1998 if no further delays occur. This will now depend on the “third party consultant”, who will prepare the DEIS on RUS’ behalf. I-1 Report for the Month of July 1997 W.0.#E9590081 Southern Intertie - Phase IB July 31, 1997 DESCRIPTION POWER USFS/USFWS | CHUGACH TOTAL ENGINEERS BUDGET $3,043,423.00 $100,000.00 | $400,000.00 | $3,543,423.00 ALLOCATED $156,295.30 $10,000.00 $40,000.00 $206,295.30 CONTINGENCY TOTAL $3,199,718.30 $110,000.00 | $440,000.00 | $3,749,718.30 $148,047.00 $0.00 $0.00 $148,047.00 TOTAL $3,347,765.30 $110,000.00 | $440,000.00 | $3,897,765.30 COMMITMENT SPENT TO DATE $1,912,592.00 $41,754.00 $84,339.00 | $2,038,685.00 % OF TOTAL 57.13% 37.96% 19.17% 52.30% Note: “Invoiced to Date” shows charges received (not yet accrued) as of June 20, 1997. I-2 Report for the Month of July 1997 W.0.#E9590081 Southern Intertie - Phase IB July 31, 1997 Il. FINANCIAL 1. Total Project Expenditures as of May 1997 2. Chugach Statement for May 1997 Bs Bank Statement of June 1997 II-1 CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Southern Intertie Transactions Inception Through May 31, 1997 Project Expenditures Year to Date Month Through Through Ended Inception 12/31/96 4/30/97 5/31/97 Through 5/31/97 Direct Labor $68,678.93 $13,141.19 $5,143.63 $86,963.75 Indirect Labor 23,471.09 5,165.07 1,925.90 30,562.06 Power Engineers 1,918,877.36 356,253.03 151,693.27 2,426,823.66 Miscellaneous 30,326.81 35,212.89 4,278.13) (1 61,261.57 Total $2,041,354.19 $409,772.18 $154,484.67 $2,605,611.04 (1) This balance is lower than the 6/30/97 invoice for May charges due to the reversal of a $4,278.13 invoice accrual. Chugach does not include accruals in project invoices; only actual expenditures are reimbursed from restricted grant funds. Grant Fund Expenditures Month Month Through Ended Ended Inception 12/31/96 4/30/97 5/31/97 Through 5/31/97 Direct Charges that Chugach has been Reimbursed for $1,433,087.47 $670,829.02 $177,117.40 (2) $2,281,033.89 Plus General, Administrative & Construction Overhead 7,165.42 3,354.15 885.59 (2 11,405.16 Total Amounts Paid to Chugach $1,440,252.89 $674,183.17 $178,002.99 (2 $2,292,439.05 (2) Chugach April 30, 1997 invoice for March, 1997 charges. R ECEIVE D JUL 0 1 1997 suusoue CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Anchorage, Alaska June 30, 1997 TO: Dora Gropp - Manager, Transmission & Special Projects FROM: Kimberly Pond, Plant Accountant KP SUBJECT: 9590081 - Southern Intertie Route Selection Study You had previously requested establishment of this work order to study route selection for the Souther Intertie for the Intertie Participants Group. The Association will be reimbursed for charges to this work order. The following charges occurred during May 1997. Direct Labor 5,143.63 Indirect Labor 1,925.90 Power Engineers Invoice # 44602 (693.19) Power Engineers Invoice # 44603 126,887.69 Power Engineers Invoice # 44604 1,274.70 Power Engineers Invoice # 44605 4,990.86 Power Engineers Invoice # 44606 5,156.71 Power Engineers Invoice # 44607 32.55 Power Engineers Invoice # 44608 13,943.95 Sub-Total $158,762.80 General, Administrative & Construction Overhead (0.5%) 793.81 Total Charges $159,556.61 Please review the attached backup and indicate your concurrence below if you are in agreement that these charges are correct for this work order and time period. As you requested, I'll keep the original in my files. Concur: Bova A Zap C0/¢7 Signatu at KP/kp Wofies/E9590081 R ECEIVE D Attachments JUN 3 0 1997 SPOIL PROJECT REPORT #: CTOO1OR1 WORK SOURCE POWER ENGINEERS 44602 CON95-208 Ss 06 CON95-208 5,156.71 1862000002 4300 £9590081 APINV 098342 PROF SVCS POWER ENGINEERS 44605 CON95~-208 4,990.86 1862000015 2101 &9590081 GLO11 GRANT FUNDS GLO11 177, 117.40- GLO82 SOURCE ID TOTAL , 4,278.13- 1862000001 4300 £9590081 PYADM 574264414 ADMIN PAY PER. ENDING 05/11/97 DIRECT LABOR 1,753.11 1862000001 4300 E9590081 PYADM 574264414 ADMIN PAY PER. ENDING 05/25/97 DIRECT LABOR 1,590.03 10 1862000001 4300 £9590081 PYBWK 574667013 BI-WEEKLY PAY PER. ENDING 04/29/97 DIRECT LABOR 96.25 1862000001 4300 £&9590081 PYBWK 574667013 BI-WEEKLY PAY PER. ENDING 05/13/97 DIRECT LABOR 192.50 1862000014 4300 9590081 PYILA ILCD ADMIN ADMIN ILCD 051697 740.50 186200001 1862000014 —9590081 ILCD UNION UNION ILCD 052197 —9590081 WORK ORDER TOTAL 22,632.73- DUN AND BRADSTREET HR: M SYSTEM REPORT 946 Aer Pe pa ACCOUNT WORK ORDER CHECK EMP # NAME MAJOR CENCC NUMBER TASK DEPT HOURS AMOUNT DATE “8742644140 GROPP D L. : “e931 43.00 1753.11 05/16/97 5742644140 GROPP D L. 231 39.00 1590.03 05/30/97 DUN AND BRADSTREET HR M SYSTEM REPORT 944 OBS HR :M : oS , IN ONO ACCOUNT WORK ORDER EMP # NAME MAJOR MIN CE CC NUMBER TASK DEPT HOURS 5746670131 WILLIAMS A 231 1.00 19.25 05/21/97 W/O-TOTAL E9590081 TOTAL ssountnasasas s34 Se iad daatenas INVOICE 3940. Glenbrook Drive P.O. Box 1066 Hailey, Idaho 83333 é . (208) 788-3456 JOB: 120376-01 TASK 1 SCOPING INVOICE NUMBER: 44602 CONTRACT#: 95-208 , P.O0.#: INVOICE DAME : 16-may-1997 BILL THROUGH DATE : 10-may-1997 PAGE NUMBER: i CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION S601 MINNESOTA DR. PO BOX 196300 ANCHORAGE. AK 99519-6300 ATTN:MS. DORA GROPP : Bid REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Amount SUBCONTRACTOR EXPENSE -593. 19 ; |- 7 TOTAL EXPENSES -5$93.19 -583. 19 Ay CURRENT CHARGES -593. 19 uA ZO ; Y - ¥ . Wy S [,ol S , “ALA \ . é ; S| Ave ? [Ef S297 7 3/4" N] pw ALA NIA: f | Iga00000° (B00 os es IGa4 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT $0.00 LANDS/REGULATORY $0.00 fo fe gee fe 2 For any accounting question@ please contact Ginaveve McGraw at (208) 788-0311. For any other questiona please contact Randy Pollock. TERMS: NET 30 DAYS FROM RECEIPT OF INVOICE. PAST DUE AMOUNT SUBJECT TO FINANCE CHARGE OF 1%% PER MONTH. INVOICE 3940 Glenbrook Drive P.O. Bax 1066 Hailey, idaho 83333 (208) 788-3456 JOB: 120376-03 TASK 3 IMPACT ASSESS/MITIG PLN INVOICE NUMBER: 44603 CONTRACT#: 95-208 P.0.#: 5 tes INVOICE DATE : 16-may-1997 BILL THROUGH DATE : 10-may-1997 PAGE. NUMBER: 1 CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION S601 MINNESOTA DR. | - PO BOX 196300 a » ANCHORAGE. AK 99519-6300 He ATTN:MS. DORA GROPP PROFESSIONAL SERVICES “asl . Hours Rate Amount Clark, Kandace T ys 2.00 32.55 65.10 Cross, Vicki L 7 1.00 61.20 61.20 Givens. Shirley oD 10,00 32.55 325.50 Henriksen. Larry a 25.00 110.25 2756.25 Horne. Joyce M : 1.00 44.10 44.10 Liman, Claire L 1.00 44.10 44.10 McGraw. Ginaveve 14.00 53.55 749.70 Pollock. Randy 43.00 110.25 4740.75 Valbert. Michael E 39.00 93.45 3644.55 rota tasor 4//A36.00 12431.25 12431.25 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES any a ~ Py if 5 Yor sno Amount VEHICLE S10, - MEALS See 99 125.17 LODGING & RENTS 433.50 REPRODUCT IOM Sev4z 1471.83 BLUEPRINT 147.00 PHONE & FAX Kn /A 70.07 POSTAGE & SHIPPING 63.34 SUBCONTRACTOR EXPENSE E%599051 earavin Liseaores (3.21) — 95-307 etd ues brine - TOTAL SEE . Weed yy. Tey, CURRENT CHARGES 126890.90 120,/03.10 / 124 933 Public Involvement $6,784.59* I@K IF 5 (lab le | 4¥-¢6 (337.07 yg 8 POT, 8 900 Faak S26, 484.57 — 0 y £14 Oa | Pinel Hhies in Invoice Total vy "9 For any okies questions please contact Ginaveve McGray at (208)788-O311. For any other questions pleage contact Randy Pollock. ; , TERMS: NET 30 DAYS FROM RECEIPT OF INVOICE, PAST DUE AMOUNT SUBJECT TO FINANCE CHARGE OF 1%% PER MONTH. INVOICE 3940 Glenbrook Drive P.O: Box 1066 Hailey, Idaho 83333 = o (208) 788-3456 JOB: 120376-04 TASK 4 ALTERNATIVE SELECTION INVOICE NUMBER: 44604 CONTRACT#: 95-208 P.O.#:. = eo INVOICE DARE : 16-may-1997 BILL THROUGH DATE : 10-may-1997 PAGE NUMBER: 1 CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION S602 MINNESOTA DR. PO BOX 196300 ANCHORAGE, AK 99519-6300 ATTN:MS. DORA GROPP PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ri Hours . Rate Amount Clark. Kandace T : 1.00 32.55 32.55 Givens. Shirley 1.00 32.55 32.55 McGraw. Ginaveve 2.00 53.55 107.10 Pollock. Randy 10.00 110.25 1102.50 -\ TOTAL LABOR 14.00 . 1274.70 1274.70 Aix gf » SLA ~; fi My ‘ fe Ss [2% K _ . Y~elGr7 C Ln Loe a |A Public Involvement $0.00 N [A Lands/Regulatory $0.00 Ale sib 008) Bux? 00004 E900 1h! . a “ rf 7 Rey For any accounting queations please contact Ginaveve McGraw at (208)788-O0311. For any other questions please contact Randy Pollock. TERMS: NET 30 DAYS FROM RECEIPT OF INVOICE. PAST DUE AMOUNT SUBJECT TO FINANCE CHARGE OF 1%% PER MONTH. g INVOICE 3940 Glenbrook Drive P.O. Box 1066 Hailey, Idaho 83333 (208) 788-3456 JOB: 120376-05 TASK 5 DRAFT EIS INVOICE NUMBER: 44605 CONTRACT#: 95-208 P.0.#: INVGECE DATE. : 16-may-1997 BILL THROUGH DATE : 10-may-1997 PAGE. NUMBER: 1 CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION S601 MINNESOTA DR. PO BOX 196300 ANCHORAGE. AK 99519-6300 ATTN :MS. DORA GROPP - Fe aut og ye if te PROFESSIONAL SERVICES e" Hours Rate Amount Pollock. Randy 6.00 110.25 661.50 TOTAL LABOR 6.00 661.50 661.50 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES a! Amount SUBCONTRACTOR EXPENSE 4329.36 aorera-----Fegk 33 TOTAL EXPENSES __ 4329.36 4329.36 (| ~-\CURRENT CHARGES 4990. 36 U af , ue brea & VY Tae N29 a | Public Involvement $0.00 ly Lands/Regulatory $0.00 : eae NCH | For any accounting questions please contact Ginaveve McGraw at (208) 788-0311. For any other questions please contact Randy Pollock. TERMS: NET 30 DAYS FROM RECEIPT OF INVOICE. PAST DUE AMOUNT SUBJECT TO FINANCE CHARGE OF 112% PER MONTH. " INVOICE 3940 Glenbrook Drive P.O. Box 1066 Hailey, idaho 88333 ee (208) 788-3456 JOB: 120376-07 TASK 7 SYSTEM STUDIES INVOICE NUMBER: 44606 CONTRACT#: 95-208 . P.0.#: “ ‘ = INVOICE DATE. : 16-may~1997 BILL THROUGH DATE : 10-may-1997 PAGE NUMBER : t CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION S601 MINNESOTA DR. PO BOX 196300 : ANCHORAGE. AK. 99519-6300 spaces ATTN:MS. DORA GROPP Rate Amount PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Hours Arpp. Lilian 3.00 44.10 132.30 Beazer. Ronald E 12.00 99.75 1197.00 Givens. Shirley 2.00 32.55 65.10 Johneaon- Jerry A 38.00 61.20 2325.60 Landis. Amy 10.00 61.20 612.00 Levis. Joel 1.00 61.20 61.20 Valberte Michael E 7.00 93.45 654.15 TOTAL LABOR 73.00 _ 5047.35 5047.35 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES ae ‘Amount REPRODUCTION i AL) ‘109.36 TOTAL EXPENSES 109.36 109.36. A. CURRENT CHARGES 5156. 71 Al a Alia Avo, Fat Py Vife7 A/a Public Involvement $0.00 Lands/Regulatory $0.00 At ) B weet fry v8 AL) A = 459008 | [5420 (0 02 GBA For any accounting questions please FAQ t Ginaveve So at (208)788-O311L. For any other questions please contact Randy Pollock. TERMS: NET 30 DAYS FROM RECEIPT OF INVOICE. PAST DUE AMOUNT SUBJECT TO FINANCE CHARGE OF 112% PER MONTH. INVOIC! 3940 Glenbrook Drive P.O. Box 1068 Hailey, Idaho 83333 (208) 788-3456 JOB: 120376-08 CONTRACT#: 95-208 P.O.#: TASK 8&8 ENGINEERING FIELD WORK INVOICE NUMBER: 44607 INVOICE:DATE : 16-may-1997 BILL THROUGH DATE : 10-may-1997 PAGE. NUMBER: i CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION S60! MINNESOTA DR. PO BOX 196300 ANCHORAGE. AK 99519-6300 ATTN:MS. DORA GROPP PROFESSIONAL SERVICES , '. Hours Rate Amount Givens. Shirley 1.00 32.55 32.55 TOTAL LABOR 1.00 32.55 32.55 peer Ay d/h i j ot fre e. Poy WY 87 A oh ar . A] 14 a E454 008} . . 18450000 0? $00 — 9508 May WIFE Public Involvement $0.00 Lands/Regulatory $0.00 & Poppe fod For any accounting questions please contact Ginaveve McGraw at (208) 786-0311. For any other questions please contact Randy Pol lock. TERMS: NET 30 DAYS FROM RECEIPT OF INVOICE. PAST DUE AMOUNT SUBJECT TO FINANCE CHARGE OF 112% PER MONTH. / x P.O. Box 1066 Hailey, Idaho 83333 (208) 788-3456 JOB: 120376-09 TASK 9 PRELIM ENGINEERING INVOICE NUMBER: 44608 CONTRACT#: 95-208 P.O. #: INVOICE DATE : - BILL THROUGH DATE : PAGE NUMBER : CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION S601 MINNESOTA DR. PO BOX 196300 ANCHORAGE. AK 99519-6300 ATTN :MS. DORA GROPP PROFESSIONAL SERVICES . z Houre Rate = Amount Arndt. Steve M 4.00 93.45 373.80 Boutelle. Dave 69.00 72.45 4999.05 Brink. Zane E 4.00 61.20 244.80 Catchpole, Peter 3.00 99.75 299.25 Joyner. Linette 1.06 44.10 44.10 Karst. Dan L 4.00 44.10 176.40 Pollock. Randy 6.00 110.25 661.50 — Riall. William A 34.00 93.45 3177.30 Sostrom, Stanley D. 39.00 99.75 3890.25 _— TOTAL LABOR 164.00 13866. 45 ; a uf . : REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES ANY U Amount ENGINEERING WORKSTATION \/ 60.00 PHONE & FAX he | 17.50 fi A TOTAL EXPENSES 77.50 / oe f CURRENT CHARGES | H/A | u(F Public Involvement $0.00 Lands/ Regulatory po vi vs u } a bea £ ff at (208) 788-0311. For any other questions please contact Randy Pollock. TERMS: NET 30 DAYS. FROM RECEIPT OF INVOICE. PAST DUE AMOUNT SUBJECT TO FINANCE CHARGE OF 142% PER MONTH. Cadi Mak 52 E459008) Koaoa0.op4xco For any accounting questions 1220 Sontact Gti a a INVOICE 16-may-1997 10-may-1997 iz 13866. 45 13943.95 e ECEIVE D Southern Intertie Grant Fund Bank Account Activity Summary JUL 1 5 1997 June, 1997 TRANSMISSION £ May Ending Balance forward $1,393,505.83 Total Deposits $0.00 Total Withdrawals (Chugach invoice for April charges) ($166,643.42) Interest Earned $5,982.00 Balance June 30, 1997 $1,232,844.41 O) CHECKING ACCOUNT STATEMENT First National Bank —_ yee Waits Account Number: 0110 606 1 Member FDIC Prepared After the Close Of Business On: Jun 30 1997 Pog: 1 Of 3 CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION INC SOUTHERN INTERTIE GRANT FUND PO BOX 196300 ANCHORAGE AK 99519-6300 FIRSTLINE: (907) 265-4700 BRANCH: MAIN BRANCH (907) 265-3525 1 CYCBI osc 5938 Semen nese asa tawn enemas anes nasnasscececorn Account Summary ---------- nner nnn nnn nn nn enn nn nnn nnn nnnnn "REVIOUS BALANCE AS OF 05/30/97 $.00 Service Charge This Month $.00 42 Deposits & Other Credits $28, 497,725.38 Interest Paid This Month $.00 22 Checks and Other Debits $28 497,725.38 CURRENT BALANCE AS OF 06/30/97 $.00 eeeeaSeesees=sna— 2 esses oe se <a S=s— Daily Account Balance Summary -------------- nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nnn nn Balance Date Balance Date Balance Date Balance Date 00 06/02 :00 06/10 -00 06/18 -00 06/26 -00 06/03 -00 06/11 -00 06/19 -00 06/27 -00 06/04 -00 06/12 -00 06/20 -00 06/30 -00 06/05 -00 06/13 -00 06/23 00 06/06 -00 06/16 00 06/24 00 06/09 -00 06/17 00 06/25 a Other Credits. <<<<<ss<9<<<<esnscssesecssessesnsessasenesseses= Amount Date Description +,393,505.83 06/02 REPO CREDIT 605.01 06/02 REPO INTEREST 1,394, 110.84 06/03 REPO CREDIT 197.89 06/03 REPO INTEREST 1,394,308.73 06/04 REPO CREDIT 197.91 06/04 REPO INTEREST 1,394,506.64 06/05 REPO CREDIT 197.94 06/05 REPO INTEREST 1,394, 704.58 06/06 REPO CREDIT 197.97 06/06 REPO INTEREST 1,394,902.55 06/09 REPO CREDIT 594.00 06/03 REPO INTEREST 1,395, 496.55 06/10 REPO CREDIT 198.47 06/10 REPO INTEREST 1,395,695.02 06/11 REPO CREDIT 198.50 06/11 REPO INTEREST 1,395,893.52 06/12 REPO CREDIT 198.53 06/12 REPO INTEREST 1,396,092.05 06/13 REPO CREDIT 198.56 06/13 REPO INTEREST 1,396,290.61 06/16 REPO CREDIT 595.75 06/16 REPO INTEREST 1,396, 886.36 06/17 REPO CREDIT 196.34 06/17 REPO INTEREST 1,397,082.70 06/18 REPO CREDIT 196.37 06/18 REPO INTEREST 1,397,279.07 06/19 REPO CREDIT 196.40 06/19 REPO INTEREST 1,397,475.47 06/20 REPO CREDIT 196.42 06/20 REPO INTEREST 1,397,671.89 06/23 REPO CREDIT 589.35 06/23 REPO INTEREST 1,231,617.82 06/24 REPO CREDIT 175.16 06/24 REPO INTEREST ® CHECKING ACCOUNT STATEMENT Baa rents eee tr Account Number: 0110 606 1 Meniber FDIC Prepared After the Close Of Business On: Jun 30 1997 Pac 30 of 6 3 CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION INC 1 CYCBI o8sC 5938 ADVICE OF CHARGE [TAR PRRST NATIOOAL VASE OF ARCWORAGE I2OAZ ‘THIS IS TO ADVISE YOU THAT OW THHS DATE _€-23-57_ WE HAVE GHARGED YOUR ACCOUNT AT TRIS BANK FOR ‘THE FOLLOWING REASON: score, OLrieso6s CHUGAC ELECTRIC ASSOGIATIOS, DAC. $ SOUTRERS TATSUTIE GRAKT ACCOUNT 010081962 0035 co 166,663.42 700459748 ©SO03060 265 Serial? 63 $168,643.42 Report for the Month of July 1997 W.0.#E9590081 Southern Intertie - Phase IB July 31, 1997 Il. SCHEDULE III-1 CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION ANCHORAGE - KENAI INTERTIE 7/18/97 PHASE IB 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 ID__| Task Name %Comp. | Act.Cost__[Q2[ a3 [a4] a1] a2[ a3] a4[ at [a2] a3] a4] ai[a2[a3[a4| ai] a2zfa3][a4{ai [a2] a3[aslai 1 |ENVIRONMENTAL & ENGINEE 39% | $2,909,114.77 : : ‘ . ‘ : 2 | PROVEGT MANAGEMENT |" 21%| $4006 | 5 RE 3 ROUTE SELECTION STUD 100% | $871.0 ls TT 2730 i 4 Els & PREL.ENGINEERIN 55% | $1,911,704.77 i ey 5 SCOPING 97%| $364,715.78 6/11 ini rr) 6 INVENTORY 91%| $615,553.87 6/11 iii 9/12. 7% IMPACT/MITIGATION 74% | $446,966.49 iE 311 : 8 ALTERN.SELECTION 21%| $63,728.26 lar ce iE ‘ RAFT ES tas| seatas 1 TT +: 10 FINAL EIS 0% $0.00 i i ans 1 "STUDIES -63%| $67,419.92 ia Baril 12 ENG.FIELD WORK 94% | $190,486.44 6/14 icici 8/16 13 PREL. ENGINEERING 60%| $113,914.33 2 il one. ; 14 AGENCIES 20%| $41,754.00 Freeman yg 15 USFS 20%| $34,954.00 wc a ees ert MD Task SO Summary kolled Up Progress Project: ANCHORAGE - KENAI INTE ee eres Date: 7/18/97 Progress Rolled Up Task Milestone - Rolled Up Milestone Oo C:\WINPROJ\SOUTHTIE\PH_IB.MPP Page 1 Report for the Month of July 1997 W.0.#E9590081 Southern Intertie - Phase IB July 31, 1997 IV. ITEMS FOR APPROVAL 1. Recommendation to Delete Quartz Creek Route IvV-1 July 3, 1997 SOUTHERN INTERTIE QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE ALTERNATIVE Recommendation for Elimination The Quartz Creek Route altemative was identified and studied as a potential routing opportunity for the Southern Intertie Transmission Project (Intertie) because it would follow an existing transmission line comidor. The Quartz Creek Route alternative would involve siting the proposed Intertie in a right-of-way adjacent to the existing 115 kilovolt (kV) transmission line right-of-way. The parallel right-of-way would extend from one of three endpoints in the Anchorage area—University Substation, APA Substation, or AML&P Plant No.2 Substation—to the Soldotna Substation on the Kenai Peninsula. There have been numerous comments on the Quartz Creek Route alternative from federal, state, and local agencies and the public through the scoping process, extensive inventory studies, and legal review. At this time, the Quartz Creek Route alternative does not meet the purpose and need for the project and is recommended for elimination from further study in the Environmental Impact Statement. The following discussions highlight the key issues leading to the recommendation to eliminate the Quartz Creek Route altemative from further study, including reliability/purpose and need and land rights constraints. Reliability/P 1 Need The primary reasons for constructing the Intertie is to increase the reliability and electric transfer capability of the Railbelt electrical system by establishing a second tie between Anchorage and the Kenai Peninsula which would be independent of the existing Quartz Creek transmission line. Reliability of the electric power supply to Anchorage and the Kenai Peninsula is compromised because the Quartz Creek line is vulnerable to weather and avalanche-caused outages. Constructing a second, parallel line along the Quartz Creek line right-of-way would make both lines vulnerable to the same weather and avalanche-caused outages. The existing Quartz Creek 115kV transmission line is exposed to potential avalanche hazard in several locations between the University and Quartz Creek substations. Studies by the Alaska Mountain Safety Center (1991) show that 88 structures and 117 spans along the line are exposed to some degree of potential hazard from destructive avalanches. Extended outages to the existing line have occurred because of avalanches in the Bird Flats area, between Girdwood, and Portage as well as in the Summit Lake area. Historic records indicate that during an 18-year period from 1971 to 1988 the line was hit and severely damaged by avalanches on 11 occasions at six different areas, for an average of once every 1.6 years or more frequently. The largest period of time without interruption was eight years while the least was less than one year. From 1988 to 1989 Chugach Electric Association implemented mitigation to reduce the overall risk of exposure to avalanche damage, including tower relocations and diversion structures; however, the remaining hazard is still rated as moderate. A moderate risk means that one to four large, potentially destructive avalanches may reach an individual structure or span during a 50-year period. Since the Quartz Creek line is the only transmission line between the Kenai Peninsula and the Anchorage Bow, the loss of the line has a severe impact on the electrical systems on both the Kenai Peninsula and the Anchorage Bowl, causing outages for consumers in both areas. A second parallel line would be subject C:\WPWIN60\WPDOCS\SOUTHTIE\POWER\QUCRELIM. 1 July 3, 1997 to the same potential for outages as the existing line, and would only marginally increase the reliability of the system. Thus, the Intertie would not meet the purpose and need for the project in terms of significantly increasing the reliability of the system. In terms of increased energy transfer, a second parallel line would increase the transfer capacity of the system between Anchorage and the Kenai Peninsula. However, with the second line parallel to the existing Ime and subject to the same outage events as the existing line, an avalanche or similar event could remove both lines from service. Consequently, the new parallel line would be subject to the same single contingency outage events as the existing line, and would not reliably provide increased energy transfers dumng a significant outage event on the existing line. Conversion of Chugach State Park Lands The existing 115kV transmission line crosses 23.8 miles of Chugach State Park, traversing Powerline Pass to Indian, and then generally paralleling the Seward Highway National Scenic Byway to Girdwood. The Quartz Creek Route alternative would parallel this existing line. In 1973, Chugach State Park applied for funding assistance from the National Park Service under the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act (L&WCFA). The funds were to be used for certain acquisitions within the park to support outdoor recreation activities. Accompanying the federal funds assistance is legal protection which states that grant-assisted areas are to remain forever available for public outdoor recreation use or be replaced by lands of equal market value and recreation usefulness. Section 6(f)(3) protection states: No property acquired or developed with assistance under this section shall, without the approval of the Secretary [of the Interior], be converted to other than public outdoor recreation uses. The Secretary shall approve such conversion only if he finds it to be in accord with the then existing comprehensive statewide outdoor recreation plan and only upon such conditions as he deems necessary to assure the substitution of other recreation properties of at least equal fair market value and of reasonably equivalent usefulness and location. The entire park was placed under this legal protection, and Alaska Department of Natural Resources- Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation staff have indicated that they perceive an additional overhead transmission line as a conversion of use. The existing 115kV line predates the park and funds assistance. Division of Parks staff have indicated that they would not support a request for conversion to the National Park Service for conveyance of additional right-of-way for a second overhead line. Undergrounding the transmission line through Chugach State Park would require 18.8 miles of underground cable. The length of the route through the Park is 23.8 miles, and approximately 5 miles of the line would be constructed as a double circuit on the existing steel lattice tower section west of Girdwood, which is the only practical alternative for that section. The additional cost of undergrounding (excess cost of underground minus overhead cost) would be on the order of $22 million. By using the alternative route along Sixmile Creek the distance through Chugach State Park is approximately 15.3 miles resulting in an additional $19 million for undergrounding and associated reactor/transition stations. C:\WPWIN60\WPDOCS\SOUTHTIE\POWER\QUCRELIM. 2 July 3, 1997 A double circuit configuration of the existing facilities would be another alternative, which would not require additional ROW, but is viewed by the Division of Parks as a significant change in the visual aesthetics of the property. Division of Parks therefore would not support a request for conversion to the National Park Service for a double circuit line. Conversion of the existing line would require an amendment to the FERC license, under which this line was originally constructed. With the known opposition of the underlying land owner (Division of Lands), it is very unlikely that such an amendment would be approved. It should be noted that any plans for double circuit construction of existing lines have generally been avoided for the Intertie, because of the need for increased reliability of the Railbelt system. If both circuits occupy the same transmission structure, the resulting line would not enhance the single contingency performance of the electrical system for a structure failure. C:\WPWIN6O\WPDOCS\SOUTHTIE\WPOWER\QUCRELIM. 3 Report for the Month of July 1997 W.0.#E9590081 Southern Intertie - Phase IB July 31, 1997 Ve ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION None. V-1 Report for the Month of July 1997 W.0.#E9590081 Southern Intertie - Phase IB July 31, 1997 VI. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 1. Power Engineers’ Monthly Report Phase IB - Environmental Analysis, July 17, 1997 2. Interagency MOU VI-1 ECEIVE SOWER R D ENGINEERS July 17, 1997 JUL 18 1997 TRANSMISSION & Ms. Dora Gropp SPECIAL PROJECT Chugach Electric Association 5601 Minnesota Drive, Building A Anchorage, AK 99518 Subject: POWER Project #120376 EIS & Preliminary Engineering Chugach Contract #95-208 Monthly Status Report No. 13 For Period June 8, 1997 - July 12, 1997 Dear Dora: The following activities were performed during this invoicing period on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Preliminary Engineering portion of the Southern Intertie Project. Key Issues: e The Memorandum of Understanding has been signed. Invoice Period Overview: prepared MOU revisions #17 and #18. revisions to the Scoping Report. revisions to the Work Plan. distributed MOU/Work Plan for agency signatures. conducted field review of new Anchorage area alternatives. conducted informal meetings to discuss Victor/Klatt landing and proposed development. continued analyzing centerline reports and inventory maps for visual, land use, recreation, cultural, and biological resources. confirmed CWG meeting #3 presentation. developed impact analysis tables. began assigning initial impacts to resource by link. refined project description/construction activities. revisions to text for justification of elimination of the Quartz Creek Route. continued editing draft text for EVAL chapters 1-3. worked on Phase I of the Decision Focus, Inc. (DFI) benefit revision study Draft Supplemental Studies Report is being reviewed by the IPG members. continued work on preliminary engineering. PEI-HLY 23-246 POWER Engineers, Incorporated 3940 Glenbrook Dr. * P.O. Box 1066 Phone (208) 788-3456 Hailey, Idaho 83333 Fax (208) 788-2082 Chugach Electric Association July 17, 1997 Page 2 Work Planned for the Next Invoice Period: finalize work plan and project schedule. finalize and distribute scoping report. complete field inventory of resources. finalize inventory maps and associated data tables. conduct impact assessment. conduct CWG meeting #4. define alternative comparison criteria. complete drafts of Chapters 1,2, and 3 for EVAL. initiate preparation of Chapter 4 for EVAL. continue work on preliminary engineering. incorporate comments to the engineering system studies draft report. complete Draft Cost Estimate Report. complete draft of Phase I of the DFI Study. Schedule: The schedule includes tasks to account for the Alaska National Interest Land Claims Act (ANILCA) application process. Now that the MOU has been signed, the schedule and projected cash flows will be updated for the August Status Report. Monthly Status Report Issues: Tasks 1-5 This monthly status report contains a Project Summary Report spreadsheet to reflect the current and projected cash flows. The continuing development of the Memorandum of Understanding has led to delayed efforts in project tasks 1 through 5, however with the signing of the MOU we expect to expend our efforts that were planned for previous months. Task 1 - Scoping Refer to Tasks 1-5 comment. Task 2 - Inventory Refer to Tasks 1-5 comment. PEI-HLY 23-246 #) TOMER Chugach Electric Association July 17, 1997 Page 3 Task 3 - Impact Assessment/Mitigation Planning Refer to Tasks 1-5 comment. Task 4 - Alternative Selection Refer to Tasks 1-5 comment. Task 5 - Draft EIS Refer to Tasks 1-5 comment. Task 6 - Final EIS No action. Task 7 - Studies The Draft Supplemental Studies Report comments have been received. Task 8 - Engineering Field Work Additional field investigations were performed. Task 9 - Preliminary Engineering The draft Summary Cost Report has been delayed we now expect to submit this report in August. Project Overview: Total Budget $3,191,469 Actual $ Expended (to date) $1,912,592 Actual Remaining Project Budget $1,278,877 Dora, should you have any questions about this report or any of the backup, please do not hesitate to contact me or Mike Walbert. Sincerely, “LPL Inc. Randy Pollock, P.E. Project Manager MW/th ce: PROJECT TEAM PEI-HLY 23-246 4) SOUTHERN INTERTIE ROUTE SELECTION STUDY - PHASE 1 120376-01 PROJECT FINANCIAL SUMMARY JULY, 1997 INVOICE Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7 Task 8 Task 9 Project Total Base Not to Exceed Budget $351,050 $660,706 $584,010 $303,475 $402,570 $247,616 $101,480 $202,655 $189,861 $3,043,423 CWG Contract Amendment No. 4 $23,789 $18,885 $22,602 $32,866 | $4,904 N/A N/A N/A N/A $103,046 DFIContract Amendment No. 5 Total Not to Exceed Budget Actual Budget Expended Through Previous Invoice N/A $374,839 $364,787 N/A $679,591 $611,627 N/A $606,612 $375,678 $336,341 $37,408 $45,000 $452,474 $34,396 N/A $247,616 $0 N/A $101,480 $61,685 N/A $202,655 $183,142 N/A $189,861 $94,099 $45,000 $3,191,469 $1,762,822 Current Invoice Amount $1,307 $1,302 $73,791 $27,023 $13,991 $0 $5,855 $7,510 $19,261 $149,770 Actual Budget Expended Through Current Invoice $365,824 $612,929 $449,469 $64,431 $48,387 $0 $67,540 $190,652 $113,360 $1,912,592 Remaining Budget PEI-HLY 23-246 $9,015 $66,662 $157,143 $271,910 $404,087 $247,616 $33,940 $12,003 $76,501 $1,278,877 JULY 1997 INVOICE ACTIVITIES SUMMARY TASK 1 - SCOPING DESCRIPTION ACTIVITIES DURING CURRENT PERIOD AND PLANNED FOR NEXT 30 DAYS Scoping prepared MOU revisions #17 and #18. revisions to scoping report. revisions to Work Plan. distributed MOU/Work Plan for agency signatures. finalize Work Plan and project schedule. finalize and distribute scoping report. KEY ISSUES: No outstanding issues. SCHEDULE: No outstanding issues. BUDGET: Contract Amendment No. 4 is included in the budget ($351,050 + $23,789 = $374,839). $ Budgeted $ Expended $ Remaining 374,839 365,824 9,015 SCOPE: No outstanding issues. HLY 23-246bk 1 JULY 1997 INVOICE ACTIVITIES SUMMARY TASK 2 - INVENTORY DESCRIPTION ACTIVITIES DURING CURRENT PERIOD AND PLANNED FOR NEXT 30 DAYS Inventory conducted field review of new Anchorage area alternatives. informal meetings with the MOA and Carr/Gottstein properties to discuss Victor/Klatt landing and proposed developments. complete field inventory of resources. KEY ISSUES: SCHEDULE: BUDGET: SCOPE: HLY 23-246bk finalize inventory maps and associated data tables. No outstanding issues. No outstanding issues. Contract Amendment No. 4 is included in the budget ($660,706 + $18,885 = $679,591). $ Budgeted $ Expended $ Remaining 679,591 612,929 66,662 No outstanding issues. JULY 1997 INVOICE ACTIVITIES SUMMARY TASK 3 - IMPACT ASSESSMENT/MITIGATION PLANNING DESCRIPTION ACTIVITIES DURING CURRENT PERIOD AND PLANNED FOR NEXT 30 DAYS Impact Assessment / continued analyzing centerline reports and Mitigation Planning inventory maps for visual, land use, recreation, cultural, and biological resources. confirmed CWG meeting #3 presentation. developed impact analysis tables. began assigning initial impacts to resource by link. refined project description/construction activities. conduct impact assessment-assign initial impacts and mitigation measures. conduct CWG meeting #4. KEY ISSUES: No outstanding issues. SCHEDULE: No outstanding issues. BUDGET: Contract Amendment No. 4 is included in the budget ($584,010 + $22,602 = $606,612). $ Budgeted $ Expended $ Remaining 606,612 449,469 157,143 SCOPE: No outstanding issues. HLY 23-246bk 3 JULY 1997 INVOICE ACTIVITIES SUMMARY TASK 4 - ALTERNATIVE SELECTION DESCRIPTION ACTIVITIES DURING CURRENT PERIOD AND PLANNED FOR NEXT 30 DAYS KEY ISSUES: SCHEDULE: BUDGET: SCOPE: HLY 23-246bk Alternative Selection e revisions to draft text for justification of elimination of Quartz Creek route. e define alternative comparison criteria. No outstanding issues. No outstanding issues. Contract Amendment No. 4 is included in the budget ($303,475 + $32,866 = $336,341). $ Budgeted $ Expended $ Remaining 336,341 64,431 271,910 No outstanding issues. JULY 1997 INVOICE ACTIVITIES SUMMARY TASK 5 - DRAFT EIS DESCRIPTION ACTIVITIES DURING CURRENT PERIOD AND PLANNED FOR NEXT 30 DAYS KEY ISSUES: SCHEDULE: BUDGET: SCOPE: HLY 23-246bk Draft EIS continued editing draft text for EVAL chapters 1-3. complete draft of Chapters 1-3 for EVAL. initiate preparation of Chapter 4 for EVAL. complete draft of Phase I of DFI Study No outstanding issues. No outstanding issues. Contract amendments No. 4 and No. 5 are included in the budget ($402,570 + $4,904 + $45,000 = $452,474). $ Budgeted $ Expended $ Remaining $452,474 48,387 404,087 No outstanding issues. JULY 1997 INVOICE ACTIVITIES SUMMARY TASK 6 - FINAL EIS DESCRIPTION ACTIVITIES DURING CURRENT PERIOD AND PLANNED FOR NEXT 30 DAYS Final EIS e no action. KEY ISSUES: No outstanding issues. SCHEDULE: No outstanding issues. BUDGET: No outstanding issues. $ Budgeted $ Expended $ Remaining 247,616 00 247,616 SCOPE: No outstanding issues. HLY 23-246bk 6 JULY 1997 INVOICE ACTIVITIES SUMMARY TASK 7 - STUDIES DESCRIPTION ACTIVITIES DURING CURRENT PERIOD AND PLANNED FOR NEXT 30 DAYS KEY ISSUES: SCHEDULE: BUDGET: SCOPE: HLY 23-246bk Studies Draft Supplemental Studies Report comments have been received. Incorporate comments into final Studies Report. Complete EMF, Inductive Coordination, & Cathodic Protection Study. No outstanding issues. The final Supplemental Studies Report will be issued in August. No outstanding issues. $ Budgeted $ Expended $ Remaining 101,480 67,540 33,940 No outstanding issues. JULY 1997 INVOICE ACTIVITIES SUMMARY TASK 8 - ENGINEERING FIELD WORK DESCRIPTION ACTIVITIES DURING CURRENT PERIOD AND PLANNED FOR NEXT 30 DAYS Engineering Field Work |e performed field investigations. KEY ISSUES: No outstanding issues. SCHEDULE: No outstanding issues. BUDGET: No outstanding issues. $ Budgeted $ Expended $ Remaining 202,655 190,652 12,003 SCOPE: No outstanding issues. HLY 23-246bk 8 | KEY ISSUES: SCHEDULE: BUDGET: SCOPE: HLY 23-246bk DESCRIPTION JULY 1997 INVOICE ACTIVITIES SUMMARY TASK 9 - PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING PLANNED FOR NEXT 30 DAYS cables and substations. No outstanding issues. ACTIVITIES DURING CURRENT PERIOD AND Preliminary Engineering |e Continued work on preliminary design and cost estimates for overhead lines, submarine The draft Summary Cost Report will be submitted in August. No outstanding issues. $ Budgeted $ Expended 189,861 113,360 No outstanding issues. $ Remaining 76,501 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT EIS Proposed Anchorage to Kenai Peninsula Transmission Line 1996 1997 1998 1999 ID__| Task Name Start Finish | % Compl | Apr |May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Jan |Feb | Mar | Apr |May| Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Jan |Feb| Mar | Apr |May| Jun} Jul | Aug |Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Jan [Feb] Mar | Apr [May | Jun | Jul 2 TASK 1 SCOPING 6/11/96 4125/97 92% 6/11 Remar eee NNER AT ARES s 4/25 i 3 FILE NOTICE OF INTENT WITH 10/9/96 | 10/10/96] 100% © 1019 FEDERAL REGISTER 4 MOU AND WORKPLAN WITH CO LEAD 11/6/96 | 3/31/97| 75% AGENCIES 116 i 3/31 6 FILE ADDENDUM TO NOTICE OF 3/31/97| 4/11/97 12% INTENT. 3/31 7 DEVELOP BASE MAPS AND ORDER 6/11/96| 8/30/96 100% PHOTOGRAPHY 6/11 3/30 9 PUBLIC/AGENCY SCOPING MEETINGS | 11/6/96] 11/14/96] 100% - INITIAL INTERAGENCY MEETING 146 1114 1 PREPARE MATERIALS/DEVELOP 7/15/96 | 10/25/96] 100% eee 715 EE 40/25 13 FINALIZE ALTERNATIVES AND FIELD 6/24/96 | 10/11/96| 100% nil 25 10/11 15 DRAFT SCOPING REPORT 11/14/96 | 2/14/97] 100% 7 AGENCY COMMENTS 3iais7| 4/11/97; 100% 1114 2714 19 FINALIZE SCOPING REPORT 4/11197| _4/25/97| 100% 314 A 4/11 21 TASK 2 INVENTORY 6/11/96| 9/12/97/ 89% ant M425 22 INVENTORY ALTERNATIVES 6/11/96 | 2/28/97) 100% 6/11 ee OB on2 24 CONDUCT FIELD REVIEW AND 6/11/96 | 3/31/97 100% 6/11 PT 2/28 AGENCY CONTACTS 9 26 AGENCY FIELD RECONAISANCE 6/2/97| 6/6/97, 65% C1 TE 3/3: 27 DATA 8/13/96| 9/12/97| 75% MANAGEMENT/DOCUMENTATION 6/2 HP as 29 ADDITIONAL FIELD REVIEW SURVEYS | 4/21/97| 6/27/97] 90% : AND DOCUMENTATION Ss ee 912 31 TASK 3 IMPACT ASSESSEMENT AND 7/22196| 8/1/97| 31% : MITIGATION PLANNING 4/21 EE ci27 32 DEVELOP PROJECT 7/22196| 5/2/97| 55% i DESCRIPTION/LOCATION 0), mee wy an 34 DEVELOP IA/MP APPROACH AND 10/21/96 | 5/2/97| 28% i CRITERIA 72, a 5/2 36 AGENCY REVIEW AND APPROVE 5/5/97| 5/23/97| 0% 10/21 37 CONDUCT INITIAL IA/MP 2/3/97| 6/6/97| 0% ier 39 AGENCY REVIEW AND APPROVE 6/9/97| 6/27/97| 0% 5/5 5/23 POWER Engineers, Inc. Summary Vv ®iMiilestone r Task HE Percent Compete Project: 120376-01 Revision #3 (0920 07/12/97 PROJECT SCHEDULE SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT EIS Proposed Anchorage to Kenai Peninsula Transmission Line 1996 1997 1998 1999 ID | Task Name Start Finish | % Compl | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Jan |Feb| Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Jan | Feb} Mar | Apr | May | Jun} Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Jan |Feb| Mar | Apr |May| Jun | Jul 41 FINALIZE IA/MP/DOCUMENTATION 6/30/97| 7/11/97; 0% ; 43 AGENCY REVIEW AND APPROVE 7/14/97| 8/1197| 0% 45 TASK 4 ALTERNATIVE COMPARISONS 12/16/196| 8/1/97| 0% i 1216 a 46 DEVELOP ENVIRONMENTAL 12/16/96| 5/9/97| 1% i SELECTION CRITERIA 1216 5/9 48 AGENCY REVIEW AND APPROVE 5/12/97| 5/30/97| 0% i 5/12 5/30 : 49 CONDUCT ENVIRONMENTAL 5/12/97| 6/27/97| 0% i ALTERNATIVE COMPARISONS 5/12 EE ci27 51 AGENCY REVIEW AND APPROVE 5/12/97| 7/18/97| 0% ; 512 i 713 53 PREFFERED ALTERNATIVE 6/30/97| 7/25/97| 0% : SE IN i LECTIO 6/30 MM 7/25 55 APPLICANTS PROPOSED 718/97| 8/1/97| 0% : ALTERNATIVE : 56 TASK 5 DRAFT EIS 12/10/96| 10/5/98) 0% 78 w 8 57 DEVELOP PURPOSE AND NEED 1/6/97| 6/27/97; 0% tanto © : F 105 59 PREPARE PDEIS 12/10196| _8/29/97| 0% 1 27 61 AGENCY REVIEW 9/1/97| 10/3/97 0% 120 es 2/29 63 PREPARE ANILCA APPLICATION 8/1/97| 10/6/97] 0% 91 HE 10/3 64 PREPARE DEIS 10/16/97| 11/14/97| 0% a GH 1016 66 FILE ANILCA APPLICATION 10/3/97| 10/3/97! 0% i 106 MM 14/14 67 ANILCA REVIEW 10/3/97| 10/5/98| 0% 10/3 WH 10/3 68 PRINT DEIS 11/24/97 | 12/19/97| 0% 10/3 B O 10/5 70 FILE DEIS WITH EPA 1/5/98| 1/5/98| 0% 11124 ME 1219 71 DISTRIBUTE 12/22/97| 1/6/98| 0% i oO 115 73 PUBLIC REVIEW 1/5/98| 2/19/98] 0% i 12/22 El 16 75 FEDERAL HEARING 1/5/98| 2/19/98| 0% 1/5 CE 219 77 TASK 6 FINAL EIS 2/23/98| 5/20/99; 0% i POWER Engineers, Inc. Summary v ® Milestone SA Task EE Percent Complete Project: 120376-01 Revision #3 (0920 07/12/97 PROJECT SCHEDULE SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT EIS Proposed Anchorage to Kenai Peninsula Transmission Line 1996 1997 1998 1999 ID__| Task Name Start Finish | % Compl _| Apr |May| Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Jan | Feb} Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Jan |Feb| Mar | Apr |May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov] Dec | Jan [Feb] Mar | Apr [May] Jun | Jul iy ; 78 RESPOND TO COMMENTS 2/23/98| 3/20/98] 0% 223 MI 3/20 80 PREPARE PRELIMINARY FEIS 3/23/98| 4/17/98] 0% 3/23 417 82 AGENCY REVIEW AND APPROVE 4/20/98| 5/8/98] 0% 4/20 TH 58 84 PREPARE FEIS 5/11/98| 5/29/98] 0% 5/11 MM 5/29 86 AGENCY REVIEW AND APPROVE 6/1/98] 6/12/98; 0% 6 Mi e2 88 PRINT 6/15/98| 6/26/98| 0% 615 MB 6/26 90 FILE FEIS WITH EPA 7/3/98| 7/3/98| 0% 91 DISTRIBUTE 6/15/98| 7/3/98| 0% o 73 93 PUBLIC REVIEW 7/3/98| 8/2/98| 0% sis MM 73 95 RECORD OF DECISION 10/5/98| _2/5/99| 0% 713 MM 82 97 APPEAL PERIOD 2/5/99| 5/20/99 0% 10/5 i 2/5 99 TASK 7 STUDIES 12/15/96| 7/18/97| 56% ; FS 105D L a 100 BENEFIT ANALYSIS 3/17/97| 7/11/97| 100% 4245 ——<< 718 101 RELIABILITY STUDIES 3/17/97| 7/11/97] 99% : 37 at 102 ELECTRIC SYSTEM STUDIES 12/15/96| 7/11/97] 10% i 37 at 103 AGENCY REVIEW 7/14197| 7/18/97] 0% ‘ 115 Bt 104 TASK 8 ENGINEERING FIELD WORK 6/14/96| 7/15/97| 86% 714 78 105 HYDROGRAPHIC STUDIES 6/14/96 | 10/14/96; 100% : 616 es 8 ms 108 GEOTECHNICAL EVALUATION 7/2I96| — 1/2/97| 100% i 614 i 10/14 110 FIELD INVESTIGATIONS 6/14/96 | 7/15/97| 100% 7. es 1/2 112 SUMMARY REPORT 10/15/96 | 7/15/97| 50% : 1 es 7/15 114 TASK 9 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING 8/1i96| 9/16/97| 36% i 11 7/15 134 UPDATE COST ESTIMATE 1/15/97| 7/11/97| 40% : POWER Engineers, Inc. Summary ve ® Milestone * Task EN Peccent Complete Project: 120376-01 Revision #3 (0920 07/12/97 PROJECT SCHEDULE SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT EIS Proposed Anchorage to Kenai Peninsula Transmission Line 1996 1997 1998 1999 ID __| Task Name Start Finish | % Compl | Apr |May| Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Jan |Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Jan |Feb| Mar | Apr | May Jun} Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Jan | Feb} Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul 135 PUBLIC/AGENCY INVOLVEMENT 8/5/96 | 11/15/98| 26% OT i 1s PROGRAM 136 INTERDISCIPLINARY TEAM 116/97 7/3/98 20% 1 8 7:3 137 ID TEAM FORMULATION 1/6/97 | 4/25/97 0% 17 rT FB 138 MEETINGS 1/14/97 7/3/98 25% i CMMMMIMMIITIMI: TK) 139 COMMUNITY WORKING GROUP, 8/5/96 6/27/97 43% i i 5 @ s27 140 INTERVIEWS 8/5/96 | 10/10/96 100% : 35 BW 1010 141 MEETINGS 1/13/97 | 6/27/97 20% i TM y) 4 Separate Meetings 142 PUBLIC MEETING/HEARING 11/11/96 | 2/19/98 16% i i Sere 143 SCOPING MEETINGS (3) 11/11/96 | 11/15/96; 100% aa x9 144 PUBLIC HEARINGS (3) 1/15/98| 2/19/98 0% @ 3 Scoping Meetings 145 NEWSLETTERS/FACT SHEETS 2/24/97 | 11/15/98 30% (|) Public Hearings 146 SCOPING 4130/97 | 4/30/97 0% ell MM NHAHUAUH IMT 4 Newstetters/Fact Sheets 147 ALTERNATIVE COMPARISON/ANILCA 8/1/97 8/1/97 0% APPLICATION aa || 148 FEIS 7/1198 7/1/98 0% ari ¥ ai 71 B70 POWER Engineers, Inc. Summary ve ® Milestone > Task Percent Compete Project: 120376-01 Revision #3 (0920 07/12/97 PROJECT SCHEDULE POWER Engineers __ Deliverable Tracking System Deliverables by Project Report Printed: Thu, Jul 17,1997 10:58 AM Period Ending: 7/12/97 Project: 120376-01 TASK 1 SCOPING Client: CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Project Manager: Randy Pollock MIS Project Start Date: 6/10/96 MIS Project End Date: 6/10/97 Task/Subtask Deliverable Resp Indiv Milestone Dates 8g Gon Scheduled Review Dates ID Number Description P Start Finish . P 50% Client Final 120376-01-55-01-01 1.1.01 Reproducible Map/Atlas(using quad maps) Tim Tetherow 6/11/96 9/30/96 100 1.1.02 Presentation Maps(EIS/Public Meetings) Tim Tetherow 6/11/96 100 141.03 Color Aerial Photos(1 stereo) Tim Tetherow 6/11/96 9/30/96 100 1.1.03-A 3 Sets Aerial Photos 1":500' Tim Tetherow 6/11/96 9/30/96 100 1.1.03-B 3 Sets Aerial Photos 1":2000' Tim Tetherow 6/11/96 9/30/96 100 120376-01-55-01-02 1.2.01 File Notice of Intent with Fed Register Lead Agency 10/15/96 10/15/96 100 1.2.02 Develop MOU with Agencies Tim Tetherow 11/1/96 113/97 98 1.2.03 RUS Scheduled Review Times Tim Tetherow 9/30/96 1/31/97 90 1.2.04 Identify scope of issues to be addressed Tim Tetherow 11/1/96 = 12/31/96 96 1.2.05) Develop Preparation Plan Tim Tetherow 6/24/96 1/15/97 98 1.2.06 Review Preparation Plan Chugach Electric 1/15/97 1/31/97 95 1.2.07 40 Copies of Preparation Plan for EIS Tim Tetherow 2/20/97 2/28/97 0 1.2.08 Public Notification for Scoping Meetings Tim Tetherow 10/1/96 10/31/96 100 1.2.09 Conduct/Coordinate Agency Scoping Tim Tetherow 11/4/96 12/31/96 100 A240) Conduct/Coordinate Public Scoping Tim Tetherow 11/4/96 = 12/31/96 100 AZ 1 Meeting Anchorage(public/agency scoping) Tim Tetherow 11/1/96 11/29/96 100 1242 1 Meeting Cooper Landing(public/agency scoping) Tim Tetherow 11/1/96 11/29/96 100 1.2.13 1 Meeting Soldotna(public/agency scoping) Tim Tetherow 11/1/96 11/29/96 100 1.2.14 Attend 1 Mtg(Anch,Cooper,Soldotna) Randy Pollock 11/1/96 11/29/96 100 _ a RSE SE nS SSSR Et el CES RED SPE RETR 1 Deliverable Tracking System Deliverables by Project Period Ending: 7/12/97 1.2:16 Prepare Mat for Public/Agency Scoping Mtg Tim Tetherow 7115/96 9/3/96 100 1.2.16 Prepare Issues/Scoping Report(documentation) Tim Tetherow 12/2/96 12/31/96 95 1.2.17 Provide Mailing List Tim Tetherow 7/15/96 9/3/96 100 1.2.18 Update Existing Public & Agency Mailing List Tim Tetherow 7/15/96 9/3/96 100 1.2.19 Review & Approve Mailing List Chugach Electric 8/15/96 9/3/96 100 1.2.20 Newsletter # 1 (prior to scoping) Tim Tetherow 8/15/96 9/3/96 100 1.2.21 Review and Approve Fact Sheet/Newsletter Chugach Electric 8/15/96 9/3/96 100 1.2.22 Establish CWG in Anchorage Tim Tetherow 9/2/96 10/31/96 100 1.2.23 25 Key Informant Interviews(Anchorage) Tim Tetherow 8/1/96 9/30/96 100 1.2.24 12-15 Interviews Kenai/determine need for CWG Tim Tetherow 8/1/96 9/30/96 100 1.2.25 Agency Contacts (Continuing) Tim Tetherow 6/11/96 100 1.2.26 ID Team Meeting #1 (Scoping) Tim Tetherow 12/2/96 12/31/96 100 1.2.27 50 Copies Executive Summary Report Revision 1 Tim Tetherow 10/1/96 10/30/96 100 1.2.28 20 Copies Environmental Report Revision 1 Tim Tetherow 10/1/96 10/30/96 100 120376-01-55-01-03 1.3.03 Review Alternatives Tim Tetherow 8/1/96 10/31/96 100 1.3.04 Field Review of Alternatives Tim Tetherow 6/24/96 9/27/96 100 1.3.05 Identification of Alternatives for EIS Tim Tetherow 12/2196 = 12/31/96 100 1.3.06 Agency Meeting to finalize Alternatives Tim Tetherow 12/2/96 12/31/96 80 120376-01-55-01-04 1.4.01 Agency Review & Approval of Scoping Rpt Tim Tetherow 9/30/96 1/31/97 80 1.4.02 40 Copies of Scoping Report Tim Tetherow 1197 1/31/97 0 Deliverable Tracking System Deliverables by Project Period Ending: 7/12/97 Project: 120376-02 TASK 2 INVENTORY Client: CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Project Manager: Randy Pollock MIS Project Start Date: 6/10/96 MIS Project End Date: 6/10/97 Task/Subtask ee Deliverable Heshae Milestone Dates eae Scheduled Review Dates ID Number Description Start Finish 50% Client Final 120376-02-55-02-01 2.1.00 ID Team Mtg(Inventory Results) Tim Tetherow 12/2196 = 12/31/96 80 2.1.01 Agency Contacts (Continuing) Tim Tetherow 6/11/96 80 2.1.02 Inventory of Resource Data/Alternatives Tim Tetherow 6/11/96 11/6/96 95 2.1.30 CWG Mtg(Inventory/Assessement Criteria Tim Tetherow 12/2/96 = 12/31/96 100 120376-02-55-02-02 2.2.01 Compile and Reproduce Inventory Maps Tim Tetherow 10/15/96 11/29/96 95 2.2.02 Provide Associated Data Tables by Route Tim Tetherow 10/15/96 11/29/96 95 2.2.03 Additional Review & Documentation Tim Tetherow 5/7/97 11/20/97 95 120376-02-55-02-03 2.3.01 Identify Number of Parcels for Routes Frank Rowland 8/13/96 11/27/96 100 2.3.01-A 5 Routes Anchorage Frank Rowland 8/13/96 11/27/96 100 2.3.01-B Tesoro Route-Kenai Frank Rowland 8/13/96 11/27/96 100 2.3.01-C Tesoro Route - Soldotna (up to 3 routes) Frank Rowland 8/13/96 11/27/96 100 2.3.01-D Enstar Route Frank Rowland 8/13/96 11/27/96 100 2.3.01-E Quartz Creek Route - Kenai Peninsula Frank Rowland 8/13/96 11/27/96 100 2.3.01-F Quartz Creek between Portage & University Frank Rowland 8/13/96 11/27/96 100 2,3,02) ID Owner,Size, Config sub cable landfall sites Frank Rowland 8/13/96 11/27/96 100 2.3.02-A 3 Sites Kenai Peninsula Frank Rowland 8/13/96 11/27/96 100 2.3.02-B 5 Sites north side of Turnagain Arm Frank Rowland 8/13/96 11/27/96 100 2.3.03 ID Owner, Size,Config of t Alternate Substn Sites Frank Rowland 8/13/96 11/27/96 100 Deliverable Tracking System Deliverables by Project Period Ending: 7/12/97 120376-02-55-02-04 2.4.01 Provide Right of Entry for ElS Field Studies Frank Rowland 10/15/96 9/8/97 0 120376-02-55-02-05 2.5.01 Conduct Centerline Surveys Soldotna Area Frank Rowland 5/7/97 11/20/97 0 2.5.02 Conduct Centerline Surveys Bernice Lake Area Frank Rowand 5/7197 11/20/97 0 Deliverable Tracking System Project: 120376-03 Project Manager: Randy Pollock Task/Subtask Deliverable TASK 3 IMPACT ASSESS/MITIG PLN Deliverables by Project Period Ending: 7/12/97 Client: CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION MIS Project Start Date: 6/10/96 MIS Project End Date: 6/10/97 Milestone Dates Scheduled Review Dates ID Number Description Resp ini Stat Finish “°°"P 50% Client _Final 120376-03-55-03-01 3.1.00 Develop Project Description Tim Tetherow 7/22/96 11/8/96 90 3.1.01 ID Team Review of impact criteria, results, mtg Tim Tetherow 1/1/97 1/31/97 0 3.1.02 Attend CWG Meeting(Impact Assessement) Tim Tetherow 2/3/97 2/28/97 100 3.1.03 IPG Review of Impacts Chugach Electric 2/14/97 2/28/97 0 3.1.04 Final Determination of Project Description Tim Tetherow 11/1/96 11/8/96 80 120376-03-55-03-02 3.2.01 |A/MP Site Specific Models Tim Tetherow 10/21/96 11/29/96 80 3.2.02 Impact Maps & Tables Tim Tetherow 10/21/96 2/28/97 80 3.2.03 Develop/Conduct IA/MPP Tim Tetherow 10/21/96 12/31/96 60 3.2.03-A Define:Potential Direct/Indirect/Cumltv Impacts Tim Tetherow 10/21/96 12/31/96 60 3.2.03-B Define: Interrelationships(cause/effect)impacts Tim Tetherow 10/21/96 12/31/96 60 3.2.03-C Define: Criteria Definition Tim Tetherow 10/21/96 12/31/96 60 3.2.03-D Define: Determination of Impact Significance Tim Tetherow 10/21/96 12/31/96 60 3.2.04 Preliminary Mitigation Asessement(mitigation ID) Tim Tetherow 10/21/96 12/31/96 50 3.2.05 Review Preliminary Mitigation Criteria Tim Tetherow 11/1/96 = 11/29/96 50 3.2.06 Review Prel Assessement & Mitigation Plan Randy Pollock 1/16/98 1/31/97 0 3.2.07 Agency Review & Approval Lead Agency 4/1/97 4/25/97 0 3.2.08 Impacts Reassessed Tim Tetherow 2/3/97 2/28/97 0 3.2.09 Residual Impacts Determined Tim Tetherow 3/3/97 3/31/97 0 3.2.10) Finalize Results IA/MP Address Cumulative Effects Tim Tetherow 5/1/97 5/30/97 0 Deliverable Tracking System Deliverables by Project Period Ending: 7/12/97 120376-03-55-03-03 3.3.01 |A/MPP Incorporated into DEIS & FEIS Tim Tetherow 3/3/97 5/30/97 0 3.3.02 Mitigation Measures incorporated into ROD Tim Tetherow 3/3/97 5/30/97 0 3.3.03 Agency Review & Approval Tim Tetherow 5/15/97 5/30/97 0 3.3.04 Review & Approve Selection Criteria Chugach Electric 5/1/97 5/30/97 0 3.3.05 Review & Approve Preliminary Results Chugach Electric 5/1/97 5/30/97 0 Deliverable Tracking System Deliverables by Project Period Ending: 7/12/97 Project: 120376-04 TASK 4 ALTERNATIVE SELECTION Client: CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Project Manager: Randy Pollock MIS Project Start Date: 6/10/96 MIS Project End Date: 6/10/97 ID Number Description Start Finish 50% Client Final 120376-04-55-04-01 4.1.01 Compilation of Impact Data/by Alternative Tim Tetherow 4/1/97 4/18/97 15 4.1.02 Development of Criteria&Rte Comparison Mat Tim Tetherow 4/1/97 4/18/97 20 4.1.03 Two Day Route Comparison Meeting Tim Tetherow 4/16/97 4/18/97 0 4.1.04 ID Team Meeting(Envirn Pfrd Rte & Agency/Pro Tim Tetherow 6/2/97 6/30/97 0 4.1.05 CWG Meetings(Comparison of Alternatives) Tim Tetherow 5/1/97 5/30/97 0 4.1.06 IPG Meeting Chugach Electric 6/2/97 6/30/97 0 4.1.07 Public Open House (Optional) Tim Tetherow 5/1/97 5/30/97 0 4.1.07-A Anchorage(Optional) Tim Tetherow 5/1/97 5/30/97 0 4.1.07-B Cooper Landing(Optional) Tim Tetherow 5/1/97 5/30/97 0 4.1.07-C Soldotna(Optional) Tim Tetherow 5/1/97 5/30/97 0 4.1.08 Review & Approve Selection Criteria Chugach Electric 4/21/97 4/30/97 0 4.1.09 Select Agency Preferred Route Lead Agency 5/15/97 6/13/97 0 4.1.10 Comparison & Cross Discipline rankings/Alt Corr Tim Tetherow 4/1/97 4/30/97 0 4.1.11 Consideration of Public & Agency Comments Tim Tetherow 6/13/97 7/18/97 0 4.1.12 Select Environmentally Preferred Alternative Tim Tetherow 6/13/97 7/18/97 0 120376-04-55-04-02 4.2.01 Newsletter # 2 (Route Selection Results) Tim Tetherow 71197 7131197 0 4.2.02 Review & Approve Newsletter # 2 Chugach Electric 7115/97 7131197 0 4.2.03 Documentation of Route Selection Process Tim Tetherow 4/1/97 8/29/97 10 eS As A aS SEES YAS RnR AR RE Si RSE SR EC A ESS SET igi cs pe 7 Deliverable Tracking System Deliverables by Project Period Ending: 7/12/97 Project: 120376-05 TASK 5 DRAFT EIS Client: CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Project Manager: Randy Pollock MIS Project Start Date: 6/10/96 MIS Project End Date: 6/10/97 Task/Subtask fe Deliverable Reso ina Milestone Dates 4, eon Scheduled Review Dates ID Number Description Start Finish 50% Client Final 120376-05-55-05-01 5.1.01 ID Team Mtg # 4 (PDEIS Review/Approval) Tim Tetherow 9/1/97 9/30/97 0 5.1.02 Environmental Data Maps Tim Tetherow 2/3/97 9/15/97 20 5.1.03 14 - 8 1/2 X 11 Color Map Photos Tim Tetherow 2/3/97 9/15/97 0 5.1.04 2 - 18 X 30 Color Maps Tim Tetherow 2/3/97 9/15/97 0 5.1.05 23 - 11 X 17 Color Maps Tim Tetherow 2/3/97 9/15/97 0 5.1.06 Develop Purpose and Need Statement Tim Tetherow 2/3/97 9/15/97 10 5.1.07 Prepare Preliminary DEIS Tim Tetherow 6/23/97 9/17/97 15 5.1.08 40 Copies (150 pages each) PDEIS Tim Tetherow 9/15/97 9/30/97 0 5.1.09 Distribution of Copies Chugach Electric 9/15/97 9/30/97 0 5.1.10 Review PDEIS Chugach Electric 9/1/97 9/15/97 0 120376-05-55-05-02 5.2.01 ID Team Mtg # 5 (DEIS Review/Approval) Tim Tetherow 11/3/97 11/28/97 0 5.2.02 Compile & Incorporate Changes to PDEIS Tim Tetherow 10/31/97 = 11/21/97 0 5.2.03 Finalize DEIS Tim Tetherow 10/31/97 = 11/21/97 0 5.2.04 Review DEIS Lead Agency 11/25/97 12/19/97 0 5.2.05 Review & Approve DEIS Chugach Electric 11/25/97 12/19/97 0 120376-05-55-05-03 5.3.01 Provide Lead Agency Signature Lead Agency 1/14/98 3/16/98 0 5.3.02 File with EPA Tim Tetherow 1/14/98 3/20/98 0 5.3.03 Print & Distribute DEIS Tim Tetherow 12/22/97 1/9/98 0 5.3.04 200 Copies(150 pgs/each) to Lead Fed Agency Tim Tetherow 1/26/98 1/30/98 0 Re SSS RS SSE SESS SSS SESS SSS a EEE SCE Sg ESE 8 Deliverable Tracking System Deliverables by Project Period Ending: 7/12/97 §.3.05 Publish Notices of Availability Lead Agency 2/2198 3/20/98 0 5.3.06 Distribute Copies to Interested Parties & Agencies Lead Agency 2/2/98 3/20/98 0 120376-05-55-05-04 5.4.01 ID Team Meeting # 6 (Pre-Hearing) Tim Tetherow 1/1/98 1/30/98 0 5.4.02 Newsletter # 3 (Announce Public Hearings) Tim Tetherow 1/1/98 1/30/98 0 5.4.03 Review & Approve Newsletter # 3 Chugach Electric 1/15/98 1/30/98 0 5.4.04 Schedule & Conduct Public Hearing #1 Tim Tetherow 2/2/98 2/27/98 0 5.4.04-A Anchorage Tim Tetherow 2/2/98 2/27/98 0 5.4.04-B Cooper Landing Tim Tetherow 2/2/98 2/27/98 0 5.4.04-C Soldotna Tim Tetherow 2/2/98 2/27/98 0 5.4.05 Public/Agency Review of DEIS Lead Agency 2/2/98 3/20/98 0 5.4.06 Recieve/Compile Public Comments on DEIS Tim Tetherow 2/2/98 3/20/98 0 5.4.07 Respond to Comments Tim Tetherow 2/2/98 3/20/98 0 5.4.08 Attend Federal Hearings Tim Tetherow 2/16/98 3/11/98 0 120376-05-55-05-22 5.22.01 Review Comments on SIP Randy Pollock 6/1/97 6/20/97 0 5.22.02 Increased Reliability Randy Pollock 6/1/97 7/25/97 0 §.22.03 Increased Transfers-Econ Energy Randy Pollock 6/1/97 7/25/97 0 5.22.04 Reduced Transmission Losses Randy Pollock 6/1/97 7/25/97 0 5.22.05 Increased State Gas Royalty Randy Pollock 6/1/97 7/25/97 0 5.22.06 Deferral/Avoidance New Generation Cap Randy Pollock 6/1/97 7/25/97 0 5.22.07 Reduced Maintenance Cost Randy Pollock 6/1/97 7/25/97 0 5.22.08 Teleconference-Rww Project Status Randy Pollock 6/23/97 6/27/97 0 5.22.09 Issue Draft Statement Randy Pollock 7I1197 7/25/97 0 Deliverable Tracking System Deliverables by Project Period Ending: 7/12/97 Project: 120376-06 TASK 6 FINAL EIS Client: CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Project Manager: Randy Pollock MIS Project Start Date: 6/10/96 MIS Project End Date: 6/10/97 Task/Subtask Deliverable Resp iidiv Milestone Dates % Comp Scheduled Review Dates ID Number Description Start Finish 50% Client Final 120376-06-55-06-01 6.1.01 Newsletter(Announce FEIS) Tim Tetherow 7/1198 7/31/98 0 6.1.02 ID Team Mtg(Rvw Comments) Tim Tetherow 3/20/98 3/31/98 0 6.1.03 Respond to comments Tim Tetherow 3/20/98 4/17/98 0 6.1.04 Prepare PFEIS Tim Tetherow 4/20/98 5/20/98 0 6.1.05 ID Team Mtg(Review PFEIS) Tim Tetherow 5/1/98 5/29/98 0 6.1.06 Agency Review & Approval Lead Agency 5/21/98 6/10/98 0 6.1.07 Review PFEIS Chugach Electric 5/21/98 6/10/98 0 6.1.08 40 Copies of PFEIS Tim Tetherow 5/11/98 5/20/98 0 120376-06-55-06-02 6.2.01 Compile & Respond to Comments Tim Tetherow 5/21/98 6/10/98 0 6.2.02 Prepare FEIS Tim Tetherow 6/11/98 713/98 0 6.2.03 Review & Approve FEIS Chugach Electric 7/6/98 7/27/98 0 6.2.04 Provide Lead Agency Signature Tim Tetherow 8/10/98 8/20/98 0 6.2.05 Prepare FEIS for Printing Tim Tetherow 7/28/98 8/18/98 0 6.2.06 Agency Review & Approval Lead Agency 716/98 7127198 0 120376-06-55-06-03 6.3.01 Print & Distribute FEIS Tim Tetherow 9/4/98 9/9/98 0 6.3.02 200 Copies for Distribution Tim Tetherow 9/4/98 9/9/98 0 120376-06-55-06-04 6.4.01 FEIS Available to Public Tim Tetherow 9/9/98 10/23/98 0 6.4.02 Public Review Tim Tetherow 9/9/98 10/23/98 0 SSS SS SSS SES SRST YR A A ESS 10 Deliverable Tracking System Deliverables by Project Period Ending: 7/12/97 120376-06-55-06-05 6.5.01 File FEIS with EPA Lead Agency 8/20/98 9/2/98 0 6.5.02 Record of Decision Lead Agency 7/6/98 8/28/98 0 11 Deliverable Tracking System Deliverables by Project Period Ending: 7/12/97 Project: 120376-07 TASK 7 SYSTEM STUDIES Client: CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Project Manager: Randy Pollock MIS Project Start Date: 6/10/96 MIS Project End Date: 6/10/97 Task/Subtask Deliverable Milestone Dates, Scheduled Review Dates a Resp Indiv — % Comp . . ID Number Description Start Finish 50% Client Final 120376-07-22-07-05 7,5.01 Summary Report William Riall 7/15/96 8/14/97 50 7.5.02 Recommend Dsg Parameters William Riall 7/15/96 8/14/97 70 7.5.03 Telephone Contacts William Riall 7/15/96 8/14/97 70 120376-07-22-07-06 7.6.01 EMF Models Larry Henriksen 7/15/96 8/14/97 75 7.6.02 EIS & Prelim Eng Calculations Larry Henriksen 7/15/96 8/14/97 75 7.6.03 Text & Graphs or Charts-ElS Larry Henriksen 7/15/96 8/14/97 75 7.6.04 RFI/TVI & Audible Noise Analysis Larry Henriksen 7/15/96 8/14/97 1S 7.6.05 Attendance at Public Hearings (Mike Silva) Larry Henriksen 2/2/98 2/27/98 0 120376-07-22-07-07 7.7.01 Summary Report William Riall 7/15/96 8/14/97 90 7.7.02 Recommend Design Parameters William Riall 7/15/96 8/14/97 90 7.7.03 Office Visit to Pipeline-Anchorage William Riall 715/96 8/14/97 100 7.7.04 Telephone Contact of Pipeline William Riall 715/96 8/14/97 60 120376-07-23-07-01 7.1.01 Determine System Requirements Ronald Beazer 7/196 12/31/96 100 7.1.02 Transfer Limits Ronald Beazer 7/1196 12/13/96 100 7.1.03 Meeting with IPG Members Ronald Beazer 8/5/96 8/6/96 100 120376-07-23-07-02 7.2.01 Emergency Transfer Limits Ronald Beazer 7/1196 12/13/96 100 Deliverable Tracking System Deliverables by Project Period Ending: 7/12/97 120376-07-23-07-03 7.3.01 Dynamic Stability Analysis Ronald Beazer 71196 12/13/96 100 120376-07-23-07-04 7.4.01 10 Copies Draft Report Section Ronald Beazer 11/25/96 12/6/96 100 7.4.02 IPG Teleconference Ronald Beazer 12/2/96 = 12/9/96 0 7.4.03 Final Report Section Ronald Beazer 12/9/96 12/13/96 75 13 Deliverable Tracking System Deliverables by Project Period Ending: 7/12/97 Project: 120376-08 TASK 8 ENGINEERING FIELD WORK Client: CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Project Manager: Randy Pollock MIS Project Start Date: 6/10/96 MIS Project End Date: 6/10/97 Task/Subtask Deliverable Reapiidlv Milestone Dates Comp Scheduled Review Dates ID Number Description Start Finish 50% Client Final 120376-08-22-08-01 8.1.01 Hydrographic Rpt Bottom Profiles William Riall 6/14/96 10/14/96 100 8.1.02 One Mobilization-Hydrographic Subcontractor William Riall 6/14/96 8/15/96 100 120376-08-22-08-02 8.2.01 Report Findings of Investigations William Riall 6/14/96 10/14/96 100 8.2.02 Work Log of Hydrographic Survey William Riall 6/14/96 10/14/96 100 8.2.03 Field Eng Present During Hydro Survey William Riall 6/14/96 10/14/96 100 8.2.04 Analyze Data-Hydrographic Survey William Riall 6/14/96 10/14/96 100 8.2.05 Feasibility Submarine Cable Crossings William Riall 6/14/96 10/14/96 90 8.2.06 Assessment of Cable Embedment Opt. William Riall 6/14/96 = 10/14/96 90 8.2.07 Recommend Prelim Cable Const William Riall 10/1/96 = 10/14/96 35 8.2.08 Prelim Recommend-Armoring & Install William Riall 10/1/96 10/14/96 35 120376-08-22-08-03 8.3.01 Geotechnical Information Summary Larry Henriksen 11/1/96 1/2197 0 8.3.02 Review Existing Geotech Data Larry Henriksen 7/1196 1/2/97 5 8.3.03 Review Construction & Operations Experience Larry Henriksen 7/1196 1/2/97 0 8.3.04 Arrange For & Use Geotech Larry Henriksen 7/1196 1/2/97 0 8.3.05 Visit to Enstar's Offices Lower 48 William Rial 7TIN196 1/2/97 0 8.3.06 Visit to Tesoro's Offices Lower 48 William Riall T1196 1/2/97 0 120376-08-22-08-04 8.4.01 Summarize Field Notes Larry Henriksen 6/14/96 8/15/97 95 8.4.02 Field Observations-Environ Personnel Tim Tetherow 6/14/96 8/15/97 95 14 Deliverable Tracking System Deliverables by Project Period Ending: 7/12/97 8.4.03 Field Observations-Eng Personnel Larry Henriksen 6/14/96 8/15/97 95 8.4.04 Identify Propective Centerline Locations Larry Henriksen 6/14/96 8/15/97 95 8.4.05 Identify Potential Mitigation Methods Larry Henriksen 6/14/96 8/15/97 95 8.4.06 Identify Most Appropriate Structure Types Larry Henriksen 6/14/96 8/15/97 95 8.4.07 Select Submarine Cable Landfall Locations William Riall 6/14/96 8/15/97 95 8.4.08 Identify Tech or Environmental Challenges Larry Henriksen 6/14/96 8/15/97 95 8.4.09 Note Other Observed Features Larry Henriksen 6/14/96 8/15/97 95 8.4.10 Fixed Wing Aircraft Overflight-ID'd Routes Larry Henriksen 6/14/96 8/1/96 100 8.4.11 3 Days Helicopter Reconnaissance Larry Henriksen 6/14/96 8/1/96 100 8.4.12 9 Days on Ground Reconnaissance Larry Henriksen 6/14/96 8/15/97 100 8.4.13 Detailed Field Review/Alternatives in Table 1 Larry Henriksen 6/14/96 8/15/97 95 120376-08-22-08-05 8.5.01 Copies of Summary Field Report Michael Walbert 10/15/96 2/13/98 15 8.5.02 Prelim Submarine Cable Recommendations William Riall 614/96 =. 2/13/98 30 8.5.03 Observations & Conclusions Impacting Project William Riall 6/14/96 2/13/98 75 15 Deliverable Tracking System Deliverables by Project Period Ending: 7/12/97 Project: 120376-09 TASK 9 PRELIM ENGINEERING Client: CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Project Manager: Randy Pollock MIS Project Start Date: 6/10/96 MIS Project End Date: 6/10/97 Task/Subtask Deliverable Seana Milestone Dates 4, Comp Scheduled Review Dates : : ee ‘o . - ID Number Description P Start Finish 50% Client Final 120376-09-21-09-07 9.07.01 One-Line and General Arrangement Drawings Stanley Sostrom 8/1/96 12/2/96 95 9.07.02 Modify Existing General Arrangement Plans Stanley Sostrom 8/1/96 12/2/96 95 9.07.03 Identify & Note Bus Connct & Phasing on DWGS Stanley Sostrom 8/1/96 12/2/96 95 9.07.04 Determine Const/Operation/Maintenance Stanley Sostrom 8/1/96 12/2/96 95 120376-09-21-09-08 9.08.01 Supplemental Design Criteria Stanley Sostrom 8/1/96 12/2/97 85 120376-09-21-09-09 9.09.01 Modify One Lines and General Arrangements Stanley Sostrom 8/1/96 12/2/96 95 9.09.02 Determine Const/Operation/Maint Requirements Stanley Sostrom 8/1/96 12/2/96 95 120376-09-21-09-10 9.10.01 Cost Estimates William Riall 1/15/97 5/14/97 10 120376-09-21-09-13 9.13.01 Cost Estimate Stanley Sostrom 1/15/97 5/14/97 50 9.13.02 Compile/Review Vendor Support Data Stanley Sostrom 1/15/97 5/14/97 50 120376-09-21-09-14 9.14.01 3 Identified Alternative Routes Cost Estimates Frank Rowland 1/15/97 5/14/97 25 9.14.02 Develop Land Costs Frank Rowland 1/15/97 5/14/97 25 9.14.03 Develop Labor/Exp Costs to Acquire Easements Frank Rowland 1/15/97 5/14/97 25 120376-09-22-09-01 9.01.01 Manufacturer & Factory Inspections William Riall 10/16/96 4/15/97 100 9.01.02 Utility Specific Operating Data William Riall 10/16/96 4/15/97 100 5 SS SSS SSS Sa SSS SSS SSS SSeS SS SEES 16 Deliverable Tracking System Deliverables by Project Period Ending: 7/12/97 9.01.03 1 - 7 Day Trip for 2 people to Denmark William Riall 10/16/96 4/15/97 100 120376-09-22-09-02 9.02.01 Preliminary Design Parameters William Riall 10/16/96 4/15/97 40 9.02.02 Preliminary Performance Specs William Riall 10/16/96 4/15/97 40 9.02.03 Determine Const/Operation/Main Requirements William Riall 10/16/96 4/15/97 40 120376-09-22-09-03 9.03.01 10 Copies of Summary Report William Riall 2/3/97 4115/97 0 9.03.02 Recommend Specific Cable Type William Riall 2/3/97 4115/97 0 9.03.03 Recommend Most Probable Method of Installation William Riall 2/3/97 4/15/97 0 120376-09-22-09-04 9.04.01 Preliminary Site Specific Arrangements William Riall 1/1197 4/15/97 0 9.04.02 Engineering Sketches of Transition Station William Riall 1/1/97 4/15/97 0 9.04.03 DSGN Parameters/EIS Support/10 Sub CBL Landfalls William Riall 1/1197 4/15/97 0 9.04.04 OSGN Parameters/EIS Support/2 Transiton Sites William Riall 1/1197 4115/97 0 120376-09-22-09-05 9.05.01 Preliminary Design for Wood Pole H-Frame Larry Henriksen 9/16/96 9/16/97 90 9.05.02 Prel DSGN for DBL Circuit Single Pole Structures Larry Henriksen 9/16/96 9/16/97 90 9.05.03 Est/Dist Underbuilt to Single Pole Struct Larry Henriksen 9/16/96 9/16/97 90 9.05.04 Determine Const/Operation/Maint Requirements Larry Henriksen 9/16/96 9/16/97 90 120376-09-22-09-06 9.06.01 Site Visits Stanley Sostrom 8/1/96 8/30/96 100 9.06.02 Data Acquisition/Drawing Collection Stanley Sostrom 9/2/96 10/15/96 100 9.06.03 Schedule and Attend Meetings Stanley Sostrom 9/2/96 12/2/96 100 9.06.04 Provide Supplemental Design Criteria Stanley Sostrom 9/2/96 12/2/96 100 9.06.05 One Mobilization/Office Visit Stanley Sostrom 9/2/96 12/2/96 100 17 Deliverable Tracking System Deliverables by Project Period Ending: 7/12/97 120376-09-22-09-11 9.11.01 Cost Estimates guyed "X" Larry Henriksen 115/97 5/14/97 80 9.11.02 Cost Estimates Single Stl Pole Single Circuit Larry Henriksen 1/15/97 5/14/97 80 9.11.03 Cost Estimates Wood Pole H-Frame Larry Henriksen 1115/97 5/14/97 80 9.11.04 Cost Estimates DBL Circuit Single Pole Larry Henriksen 1/15/97 5/14/97 80 9.11.05 Cost Est Addition of Underbuilt to Single Pole Larry Henriksen 1/15/97 5/14/97 80 9.11.06 Narrative of Cost Estimate Process Larry Henriksen 1/15/97 5/14/97 80 9.11.07 Summary Cost Report Larry Henriksen 4/15/97 5/14/97 80 120376-09-22-09-12 9.12.01 Cost Estimate for 2 New Endpoints Stanley Sostrom 1/15/97 5/14/97 60 9.12.02 Narrative of Cost Estimate Process Stanley Sostrom 1/15/97 5/14/97 60 9.12.03 Summary Cost Report Stanley Sostrom 4/15/97 5/14/97 60 120376-09-23-09-15 9.15.01 15 Copies Summary Reports Michael Walbert 4/15/97 5/14/97 0 18 TA7/97 Rev. 1 Updated as of 1/1/97; includes Contract Amendment #4. As of 6/1/97 the DFl Contract Amendment #5 is included in Task 5 and the Total. SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT THROUGH PERIOD ENDING: PROJECT SUMMARY REPORT we ee 3RD QUARTER 1996 4TH QUARTER 1996 1ST QUARTER 1997 | 2ND QUARTER 1997 3RD QUARTER 1997 TASK MONTH| _JUN/JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP SCOPING Actual % Work Completed a 5% 20% 28%! 33%) 1% 72%| 77% 93% 99% 99%) 99%| 99% _ Base Planned % Complete $ (to date) 2% 25% 26% 33% 52% 74% 87% 93% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Rev. 1 Planned % Complete $ (to date) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 77% 93% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Actual % Expended $ (to date) 5% 30% 30% 33% 51% 63% 77% 93% 99% 99% 99% 97% Base Planned $ (this period) $6,743 $81,045 $2,745 $25,645 $67,045 $75,045 $46,045 $23,645 $23,092 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Rev. 1 Planned $ (this period) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $67,538 $60,112 $27,222 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Actual $ Expended (this period) $15,925 $89,330 ()) $9,848 $63,340 $42,082 $67,538 $59,509 $25,800 $0 ($593) ($7,434) $0 $0 Base Planned $ (to date) $6,743 $87,788 $90,533 $116,178 $183,223 $258,268 $304,313 $327,958 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 Rev. 1 Planned $ (to date) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NA] $287,505 $347,617 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 Actual $ Expended (to date) $15,925 $105,255 $104,697 $114,545 $177,885 $219,967 $287,505 $347,014 $372,814 $372,814 $372,221 $364,787 Base NTE Budget (Amend. #3) $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 CWG Contract Amend. #4 Budget N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $23,789 $23,789 $23,789 $23,789 $23,789 $23,789 $23,789 $23,789 Total Task NTE Budget $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 Actual Remaining Task Budget $335,125 $245,795 $246,353 $236,505 $173,165 $131,083 $87,334 $27,825 $2,025 $2,025 $2,618 $10,052 INVENTORY Actual % Work Completed 0% 6% 25% 45% 60% 67% 73% 80% 87% 88% 88% 90%} Base Planned % Complete $ (to date) 0% 5% 23% 53% 73% 83% 84% 84% 84% 84% 84% 87% 100% 100% Rev. 1 Planned % Complete $ (to date) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 73% 82% 85% 86% 86% 89% : 96% 100% Actual % Expended $ (to date) 0% 5% 24% 43% 58% 72% 73% 78% 87% 88% 88% 90% 7 Base Planned $ (this period) $941 $29,441 $121,000 $200,500 $129,500 $69,768 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $16,500 | 00 $34,056 $1,000 Rev. 1 Planned $ (this period) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $19,728 $58,932 $20,240 $8,817 $3,000 $17,500 5 $29,613 $26,975 Actual $ Expended (this period) $0 $32,162 $124,454 $129,043 $100,796 $89,331 $19,728 $33,908 $63,502 $2,888 $0 $15,815 | $0 $0 Base Planned $ (to date) $941 $30,382 $151,382 $351,882 $481,382 $551,150 $556,150 $556,150 $556,150 $556,150 $557,150 $573,650 $659,706 $660,706 Rev. 1 Planned $ (to date) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A| $495,514 $554,446 $574,686 $583,503 $586,503 $604,003 $652,616 $679,591 Actual $ Expended (to date) $0 $32,162 $156,616 $285,659 $386,455 $475,786 $495,514 $529,422 $592,924 $595,812 $595,812 $611,627 Base NTE Budget (Amend. #3) $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 CWG Contract Amend. #4 Budget N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $18,885 $18,885 $18,885 $18,885 $18,885 $18,885 $18,885 $18,885 Total Task NTE Budget $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 Actual Remaining Task Budget $660,706 $628,544 $504,090 $375,047 $274,251 $184,920 $184,077 $150,169 $86,667 $83,779 $83,779 $67,964 IMPACT ASSESSMENT/MITIGATION PLANNING Actual % Work Completed 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 5% 7% 10% 16% 31% 52% 62%|_ Base Planned % Complete $ (to date) 0% 0% 0% 5% 10% 25% 40% 50% 60% 80% 95% 100% 100% 100% Rev. 1 Planned % Complete $ (to date) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 7% 20% 37% 55% 69% 82% 96% 99% Actual % Expended $ (to date) 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 5% 7% 9% 16% 31% 52% 62%|_ Base Planned $ (this period) $0 $0 $0 $29,000 $30,000 $85,000 $90,000 $57,000 $58,000 $117,000 $90,000 $28,010 $0 $0 Rev. 1 Planned $ (this period) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $10,408 $81,590 $99,490 $111,370 $88,030 $78,700 | $37,600 $18,000 Actual $ Expended (this period) $0 $383 $64 $0 $5,788 $23,901 | $10,408 $14,998 $41,883 $92,212 $126,891 $59,150 $0 $0 Base Planned $ (to date) $0 $0 $0 $29,000 $59,000 $144,000 $234,000 $291,000 $349,000 $466,000 $556,000 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 Rev. 1 Planned $ (to date) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $40,544 $122,134 $221,624 $332,994 $421,024 $499,724 $579,619 $597,619 Actual $ Expended (to date) $0 $383 $447 $447 $6,235 $30,136 $40,544 $55,542 $97,425 $189,637 $316,528 $375,678 Base NTE Budget (Amend. #3) $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 CWG Contract Amend. #4 Budget N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $22,602 $22,602 $22,602 $22,602 $22,602 $22,602 | $22,602 $22,602 Total Task NTE Budget $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 Actual Remaining Task Budget $584,010 $583,627 $583,563 $583,563 $577,775 $553,874 $566,068 $551,070 $509,187 $416,975 $290,084 $230,934 Page 1 77/97 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT THROUGH PERIOD ENDING: PROJECT SUMMARY REPORT 7le9t 3RD QUARTER 1996 4TH QUARTER 1996 1ST QUARTER 1997 2ND QUARTER 1997 3RD QUARTER 1997 [TASK MONTH| JUN/JUL AUG SEP OcT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY 4 ALTERNATIVE SELECTION _| 3 Actual % Work Completed 0%| == 0% 0%| 0% 0%| 0%| 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 10% | ieee Base Planned % Complete $ (to date) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%’ 0% 0% 0% 0% 11% 35% Rev. 1 Planned % Complete $ (to date) N/A N/A N/A| N/A N/A N/A 0% 5% 15% 31% 49% 71%J Actual % Expended $ (to date) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 11%, Base Planned $ (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 | $0 $0 $0 $0 $32,400 $74,400 |S 0 $58,400 $60,875 Rev. 1 Planned $ (this period) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $0 $15,000 $35,000 $52,000 $62,000 $72,000 | $69,000 $29,972 $0 Actual $ Expended (this period) $0 $1,369 $0 $0 $0 $o| $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,275 $34,764 | $0 $0 Base Planned $ (to date) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $32,400 $106,800 | $184 $242,600 $303,475 Rev. 1 Planned $ (to date) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NA| $1,369 $16,369 $51,369 $103,369 $165,369 $237,369 | $ $336,341 $336,341 Actual $ Expended (to date) $0 $1,369 $1,369 $1,369 $1,369 $1,369 $1,369 | $1,369 $1,369 $1,369 $2,644 | $37,408 | Base NTE Budget (Amend. #3) $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 | $303,475 $303,475 CWG Contract Amend. #4 Budget N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $32,866 $32,866 $32,866 $32,866 $32,866 $32,866 | $32,866 $32,866 Total Task NTE Budget $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 | 6 $336,341 $336,341 Actual Remaining Task Budget $303,475 $302,106 $302,106 $302,106 $302,106 $302,106 $334,972 $334,972 $334,972 $334,972 $333,697 $298,933 5 DRAFT EIS | Actual % Work Completed 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 8%| Base Planned % Complete $ (to date) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%’ 0% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 19% 34% Rev. 1 Planned % Complete $ (to date) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 1% 1% 1% 2% 2%| > 39% Actual % Expended $ (to date) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%|_ 1% 8%| 5 Base Planned $ (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,772 $1,572 $5,772 $1,582 | $31,570 Rev. 1 Planned $ (this period) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $0 $6,100 $0 $0 $4,000 $332 | $100,386 Actual $ Expended (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,991 $29,405 | i $0 Base Planned $ (to date) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,772 $7,344 $13,116 $14,698 | : $77,838 $135,408 Rev. 1 Planned $ (to date) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $0 $6,100 $6,100 $6,100 $10,100 $10,432 $176,452 $218,469 Actual $ Expended (to date) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,991 $34,396 g Base NTE Budget (Amend. #3) $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 CWG Contract Amend. #4 Budget N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $4,904 $4,904 $4,904 $4,904 $4,904 $4,904 | $4,904 $4,904 DFI Contract Amend. #5 Budget N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $45,000 | $45,000 $45,000 Total Task NTE Budget $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $407,474 $407,474 $407,474 $407,474 $407,474 $452,474 | $452,474 $452,474 Actual Remaining Task Budget $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $407,474 $407,474 $407,474 $407,474 $402,483 $418,078 6 FINAL EIS Actual % Work Completed 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%| 0% 0% 0% |_Base Planned % Complete $ (to date) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%] : 5 0% 0% Rev. 1 Planned % Complete $ (to date) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 0% 0%’ 0% 0% 0%) 3 0% 0%’ Actual % Expended $ (to date) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%| 0% 0% 0% |e Base Planned $ (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 | $0 $0 Rev. 1 Planned $ (this period) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Actual $ Expended (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 | $0 $0 Base Planned $ (to date) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 E $0 $0 Rev. 1 Planned $ (to date) N/A N/A’ N/A N/A N/A N/A $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 | $0 $0 Actual $ Expended (to date $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 | Base NTE Budget (Amend. #3) $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 , $247,616 $247,616 CWG Contract Amend. #4 Budget N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A\ N/A N/A N/A] N/A N/A\ Total Task NTE Budget $247,616 | $247,616 | __ $247,616 |_—$247,616 | $247,616 | $247,616 | $247,616 | $247,616| $247,616| $247,616| $247,616| $247,616 $247,616 | _ $247,616 Actual Remaining Task Budget $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 Rev. 1 Updated as of 1/1/97; includes Contract Amendment #4. As of 6/1/97 the DFI Contract Amendment #5 is included in Task 5 and the Total. Page 2 7IA7/97 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT THROUGH PERIOD ENDING: Rev. 1 Updated as of 1/1/97; includes Contract Amendment #4. As of 6/1/97 the DFI Contract Amendment #5 is included in Task 5 and the Total. Page 3 PROJECT SUMMARY REPORT Taleo 3RD QUARTER 1996 4TH QUARTER 1996 1ST QUARTER 1997 2ND QUARTER 1997 3RD QUARTER 1997 TASK MONTH| _JUN/JUL AUG SEP ocT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 7 STUDIES | 3 Actual % Work Completed 1%| BHM] 7%] 8% 14%| 27% 35% _ 48% 55% 60% 60% 5 i ——| Base Planned % Complete $ (to date) 1% 5% 9% 21% 51% 73% 73% 73% 76% 78%| 80%) 83% ll 91% 91% Rev. 1 Planned % Complete $ (to date) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 27% 38% 55% 56% 56% 67% fo 89% 90% Actual % Expended $ (to date) 0% 3% 7% 7% 8% 14% 27% 33% 47% 55% 60% 61% : Base Planned $ (this period) $927 $3,927 $4,427 $12,200 $30,325 $22,780 $0 $0 $2,300 $2,300 $2,280 $2,300 $4,175 $0 Rev. 1 Planned $ (this period) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NA| $13,352 $10,492 $18,035 $500 $500 $11,156 $11,207 $802 Actual $ Expended (this period) $0 $2,569 $4,177 $637 $1,148 $5,705 $13,352 $5,455 $14,793 $8,252 $5,157 $440 $0 $0 Base Planned $ (to date) $927 $4,854 $9,281 $21,481 $51,806 $74,586 $74,586 $74,586 $76,886 $79,186 $81,466 $83,766 5 $92,080 $92,080 Rev. 1 Planned $ (to date) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A| $27,588 $38,080 $56,115 $56,615 $57,115 $68,271 1 $90,778 $91,580 Actual $ Expended (to date) $0 $2,569 $6,746 $7,383 $8,531 $14,236 $27,588 $33,043 $47,836 $56,088 $61,245 $61,685 67,540 Base NTE Budget (Amend. #3) $101,480| $101,480 | $101,480| $101,480] —$101,480| $101,480] $101,480] $101,480 | $101,480| _$101,480| $101,480, $101,480 | $101,480 | $101,480 CWG Contract Amend. #4 Budget N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A} /A N/A N/A Total Task NTE Budget $101,480 | $101,480 $101,480| —$101,480| —$101,480| $101,480 $101,480| $101,480| $101,480] $101,480| $101,480 _ $101,480 | 0 $101,480 | $101,480 Actual Remaining Task Budget $101,480 $98,911 $94,734 $94,097 $92,949 $87,244 $73,892 $68,437 $53,644 $45,392 $40,235 $39,795 ) 8 ENGINEERING FIELD WORK Actual % Work Completed 5% 15% 50% 60% 70% 74% 77% 79% 84% 87% 87% 90% Base Planned % Complete $ (to date) 5% 18% 52% 63% 68% 78% 86% 91% 91% 91% 91% 94% 100% 100% Rev. 1 Planned % Complete $ (to date) N/A N/A N/A\ N/A N/A N/A 77% 79% 81% 81% 81% 88% 100% 100% Actual % Expended $ (to date) 5% 13% 48% 60% 70% 74% 77% 79% 84% 87% 87% 90% Base Planned $ (this period) $9,600 $27,600 $68,900 $20,980 $10,800 $20,680 $16,600 $9,955 $0 $0 $0 $5,500 $6,540 $0 Rev. 1 Planned $ (this period) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $7,645 $4,000 $2,601 $0 $0 $15,000 $10,026 $0 Actual $ Expended (this period) $10,330 $17,007 $69,770 $23,487 $20,840 $7,949 $7,645 $2,827 $10,789 $4,825 $33 $7,640 $0 $0 Base Planned $ (to date) $9,600 $37,200 | $106,100] $127,080| $137,880] $158,560 —$175,160| $185,115] $185,115| $185,115] $185,115] $190,615 $202,655 | $202,655 Rev. 1 Planned $ (to date) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NA| __$157,028| $161,028 | —_$163,629| —_$163,629| —$163,629| $178,629 $202,655 | $202,655 Actual $ Expended (to date) $10,330 $27,337 $97,107 | $120,504] $141,434 | $149,383| $157,028 | $159,855| $170,644| _$175,469| —_$175,502| $183,142 Base NTE Budget (Amend. #3) $202,655 | $202,655 | $202,655| $202,655 $202,655 —$202,655| $202,655| $202,655| $202,655| $202,655| $202,655| $202,655 $202,655 | $202,655 CWG Contract Amend. #4 Budget N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A\ Total Task NTE Budget $202,655 | $202,655 | $202,655| $202,655 —$202,655| $202,655] $202,655] $202,655| $202,655| $202,655, $202,655, $202,655 $202,655 | $202,655 Actual Remaining Task Budget $192,325 | $175,318 | $105,548 $82,061 $61,221 $53,272 $45,627 $42,800 $32,011 $27,186 $27,153 $19,513 9 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING Actual % Work Completed 1% 1% 1% 1% 12% 17% 18% 20% 25% 36% 45% 50% Base Planned % Complete $ (to date) 1% 2% 4% 9% 23% 31% 44% 57% 71% 88% 97% 98% 98% 98% Rev. 1 Planned % Complete $ (to date) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A\ 18% 36% 53% 71% 85% 98% 98% 98% Actual % Expended $ (to date) 1% 1% 1% 1% 12% 17% 18% 20% 24% 36% 44% 50% Base Planned $ (this period) $2,580 $2,137 $2,137 $10,337 $27,417 $14,557 $23,697 $25,557 $26,837 $32,397 $16,076 $2,132 $0 $0 Rev. 1 Planned $ (this period) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $1,937 $33,000 $33,000 $35,000 $25,000 $25,330 $0 $0 Actual $ Expended (this period) $1,694 $0 $1,080 $0 $20,307 $9,513 $1,937 $2,746 $8,432 $23,434 $13,944 $11,012 $0 $0 Base Planned $ (to date) $2,580 $4,717 $6,854 $17,191 $44,608 $59,165 $82,862 | $108,419 | $135,256| $167,653| $183,729] $185,861 $185,861 | $185,861 Rev. 1 Planned $ (to date) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A| $34,531 $67,531 | $100,531 | $135,531 | $160,531 | $185,861 $185,861 | $185,861 Actual $ Expended (to date) $1,694 $1,694 $2,774 $2,774 $23,081 $32,594 $34,531 $37,277 $45,709 $69,143 $83,087 $94,099 Base NTE Budget (Amend. #3) $189,861 | $189,861 | $189,861 | $189,861 $189,861| $189,861| $189,861| $189,861| $189,861| $189,861| $189,861| $189,861 | $1é $189,861 | $189,861 CWG Contract Amend. #4 Budget N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Total Task NTE Budget $189,861 | $189,861 | —$189,861| $189,861| $189,861| $189,861| $189,861 | $189,861| $189,861| _$189,861| _$189,851| $189,861 $189,861 | $189,861 Actual Remaining Task Budget $188,167 | $188,167| —$187,087| ‘$187,087 $166,780 | $157,267] $155,330| —$152,584| $144,152] $120,718 | ‘$106,774 $95,762 77/97 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT THROUGH PERIOD ENDING: PROJECT SUMMARY REPORT aleOh 3RD QUARTER 1996 4TH QUARTER 1996 1ST QUARTER 1997 2ND QUARTER 1997 3RD QUARTER 1997 TASK MONTH] _JUN/JUL AUG SEP OcT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN AUG SEP TOTAL PROJECT 120376-01 3 Actual % Work Completed | 1% __ 5% 12%! 18%) 24%| 30% 33%! 38%) 40%| 46%) 51%) 55% a Base Planned % Complete $ (to date) 1% 5% 12% 22% 31% 41% 47% 51% 55% 60% 64% 69% 83%] Rev. 1 Planned % Complete $ (to date) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 33% 42% 49% 56% 62% 68% 84% Actual % Expended $ (to date) 1% 6% 12% 18% 24% 30% 33% 37% 42% 46% 51% 55% Base Planned $ (this period) $20,791 $144,150 $199,209 $298,662 $295,087 $287,830 $181,342 $116,157 $116,001 $153,269 $147,528 $130,424 $134,741 $119,445 Rev. 1 Planned $ (this period) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $120,608 $269,226 $235,588 $207,687 $182,530 $220,018 $218,804 $87,794 Actual $ Expended (this period) $27,949 $142,820 $198,987 $163,015 $212,219 $178,481 $120,608 $119,443 $165,199 $131,611 $151,698 $150,792 $0 $0 | Base Planned $ (to date) $20,791 $164,941 $364,150 $662,812 $957,899 | $1,245,729 | $1,427,071 $1,543,228 | $1,659,229 | $1,812,498 | $1,960,026 | $2,090,450 $2,395,800 | $2,515,245 Rev. 1 Planned $ (to date) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A] $1,044,079 | $1,313,305 | $1,548,893 | $1,756,580 | $1,939,110 | $2,159,128 $2,599,161 $2,686,955 Actual $ Expended (to date) $27,949 $170,769 $369,756 $532,771 $744,990 $923,471 $1,044,079 | $1,163,522 | $1,328,721 $1,460,332 | $1,612,030 | $1,762,822 Base NTE Budget (Amend. #3) $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 CWG Contract Amend. #4 Budget N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $103,047 $103,047 $103,047 $103,047 $103,047 $103,047 $103,047 $103,047 DFI Contract Amend. #5 Budget N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 Total Project NTE Budget $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,146,470 | $3,146,470 | $3,146,470 | $3,146,470 | $3,146,470 | $3,191,470 $3,191,470 | $3,191,470 Actual Remaining Project Budget $3,015,474 | $2,872,654 | $2,673,667 | $2,510,652 | $2,298,433 | $2,119,952 |_ $2,102,391 $1,982,948 | $1,817,749 | $1,686,138 | $1,534,440 | $1,428,648 | BASE PLANNED QUARTER TOTALS $364,150 $881,579 $413,500 $431,221 $424,795 BASE PLANNED YEARLY TOTALS $1,245,729 REV. 1 PLANNED QUARTER TOTALS $369,756 $553,715 $625,422 $610,235 $527,827 [_REV. 1 PLANNED YEARLY TOTALS $923,471 all ACTUAL QUARTER TOTALS $369,756 $553,715 $405,250 $434,101 $149,770 ACTUAL YEARLY TOTALS $923,471 Rev. 1 Updated as of 1/1/97; includes Contract Amendment #4. As of 6/1/97 the DFl Contract Amendment #5 is included in Task 5 and the Total. Page 4 TIN7/97 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT THROUGH PERIOD ENDING: Rev. 1 Updated as of 1/1/97; includes Contract Amendment #4. As of 6/1/97 the DFl Contract Amendment #5 is included in Task 5 and the Total. Page 5 PROJECT SUMMARY REPORT Pleo 4TH QUARTER 1997 1ST QUARTER 1998 _| 2ND QUARTER 1998 3RD QUARTER 1998 4TH QUARTER 1998 TASK MONTH OcT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OcT NOV DEC 1 SCOPING Actual % Work Completed : | ue He — ee a Base Planned % Complete $ (to date) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%| =: 100%| ~—=—=—=—-100%| ——:100% 100% Rev. 1 Planned % Complete $ (to date) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Actual % Expended $ (to date) Base Planned $ (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Rev. 1 Planned $ (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Actual $ Expended (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Base Planned $ (to date) $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 Rev. 1 Planned $ (to date) $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 Actual $ Expended (to date) Base NTE Budget (Amend. #3) $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 $351,050 CWG Contract Amend. #4 Budget $23,789 $23,789 $23,789 $23,789 $23,789 $23,789 $23,789 $23,789 $23,789 $23,789 $23,789 $23,789 $23,789 $23,789 $23,789 Total Task NTE Budget $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 $374,839 Actual Remaining Task Budget 2 INVENTORY Actual % Work Completed = Base Planned % Complete $ (to date) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Rev. 1 Planned % Complete $ (to date) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Actual % Expended $ (to date) Base Planned $ (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Rev. 1 Planned $ (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 _ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Actual $ Expended (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Base Planned $ (to date) $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 Rev. 1 Planned $ (to date) $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 Actual $ Expended (to date) Base NTE Budget (Amend. #3) $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 ii $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 $660,706 CWG Contract Amend. #4 Budget $18,885 $18,885 $18,885 $18,885 $18,885 $18,885 $18,885 $18,885 $18,885 $18,885 $18,885 $18,885 $18,885 $18,885 $18,885 Total Task NTE Budget $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 $679,591 Actual Remaining Task Budget 3 __|IMPACT ASSESSMENT/MITIGATION PL Actual % Work Completed Base Planned % Complete $ (to date) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Rev. 1 Planned % Complete $ (to date) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Actual % Expended $ (to date) Heated Base Planned $ (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Rev. 1 Planned $ (this period) $8,993 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Actual $ Expended (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Base Planned $ (to date) $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 Rev. 1 Planned $ (to date) $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 Actual $ Expended (to date) — | Base NTE Budget (Amend. #3) $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 $584,010 CWG Contract Amend. #4 Budget $22,602 $22,602 $22,602 $22,602 $22,602 $22,602 $22,602 $22,602 $22,602 $22,602 $22,602 $22,602 $22,602 $22,602 $22,602 Total Task NTE Budget $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 $606,612 Actual Remaining Task Budget 77/97 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT PROJECT SUMMARY REPORT THROUGH PERIOD ENDING: 7-12-97 TASK MONTH 4TH QUARTER 1997 1ST QUARTER 1998 2ND QUARTER 1998 3RD QUARTER 1998 4TH QUARTER 1998 OcT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OcT 4 ALTERNATIVE SELECTION Actual % Work Completed ft | jo _ —_ a - ee a a jo Base Planned % Complete $ (to date) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Rev. 1 Planned % Complete $ (to date) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Actual % Expended $ (to date) Base Planned $ (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Rev. 1 Planned $ (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Actual $ Expended (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Base Planned $ (to date) $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 Rev. 1 Planned $ (to date) $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 Actual $ Expended (to date) Base NTE Budget (Amend. #3) $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 $303,475 CWG Contract Amend. #4 Budget $32,866 $32,866 $32,866 $32,866 $32,866 $32,866 $32,866 $32,866 $32,866 $32,866 $32,866 $32,866 $32,866 $32,866 $32,866 Total Task NTE Budget $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 $336,341 Actual Remaining Task Budget DRAFT EIS Actual % Work Completed Base Planned % Complete $ (to date) 50% 55% 60% 66% 85% 95% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Rev. 1 Planned % Complete $ (to date) 63% 69% 76% 87% 93% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% |____ Actual % Expended $ (to date) Base Planned $ (this period) $64,570 $21,570 $19,570 $25,570 $74,570 $42,570 $18,742 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Rev. 1 Planned $ (this period) $66,200 $29,000 $29,000 $49,900 $28,000 $30,001 $1,904 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Actual $ Expended (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Base Planned $ (to date) $199,978 $221,548 $241,118 $266,688 $341,258 $383,828 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 Rev. 1 Planned $ (to date) $284,669 $313,669 $342,669 $392,569 $420,569 $450,570 $452,474 $452,474 $452,474 $452,474 $452,474 $452,474 $452,474 $452,474 $452,474 | Actual $ Expended (to date) Base NTE Budget (Amend. #3) $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 $402,570 CWG Contract Amend. #4 Budget $4,904 $4,904 $4,904 $4,904 $4,904 $4,904 $4,904 $4,904 $4,904 $4,904 $4,904 $4,904 $4,904 $4,904 $4,904 DFI Contract Amend. #5 Budget $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 Total Task NTE Budget $452,474 $452,474 $452,474 $452,474 $452,474 $452,474 $452,474 $452,474 $452,474 $452,474 $452,474 $452,474 $452,474 $452,474 $452,474 Actual % Work Completed Actual Remaining Task Budget 6 FINAL EIS 1 Base Planned % Complete $ (to date) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 16% 26% 50% 60% 74% 84% 94% 100% 100% Rev. 1 Planned % Complete $ (to date) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 17% 40% 53% 73% 86% 90% 93% 96% 98% 100% Actual % Expended $ (to date) Base Planned $ (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $39,100 $25,100 $59,600 $25,100 $35,100 $24,600 $24,600 $14,416 $0 Rev. 1 Planned $ (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $42,900 $55,563 $33,700 $48,065 $33,804 $8,200 $8,700 $6,660 $6,163 $3,860 Actual $ Expended (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 | $0 $0 $0 1 Base Planned $ (to date) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $39,100 $64,200 $123,800 $148,900 $184,000 $208,600 $233,200 $247,616 $247,616 Rev. 1 Planned $ (to date) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $42,900 $98,463 $132,163 $180,229 $214,033 $222,233 $230,933 $237,593 $243,756 $247,616 Actual $ Expended (to date) Base NTE Budget (Amend. #3) $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 CWG Contract Amend. #4 Budget N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A’ N/A N/A N/A Total Task NTE Budget $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 $247,616 Actual Remaining Task Budget Rev. 1 Updated as of 1/1/97; includes Contract Amendment #4. As of 6/1/97 the DFl Contract Amendment #5 is included in Task 5 and the Total. Page 6 7/17/97 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT THROUGH PERIOD ENDING: Rev. 1 Updated as of 1/1/97; includes Contract Amendment #4. As of 6/1/97 the DFI Contract Amendment #5 is included in Task 5 and the Total. PROJECT SUMMARY REPORT 7-12-87 4TH QUARTER 1997 1ST QUARTER 1998 2ND QUARTER 1998 38RD QUARTER 1998 4TH QUARTER 1998 | TASK MONTH oct | NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OcT NOV DEC TL STUDIES tee Actual % Work Completed a _ —_ — a | a _ a: oT Base Planned % Complete $ (to date) 91% 91% 91% 91% 91% 96% 96% 96% 96% 96% 96% 100%]: 100%) 100% 100% Rev. 1 Planned % Complete $ (to date) 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 96% 96% 96% 96% 96% 96% 100% 100% 100% 100%} Actual % Expended $ (to date) Base Planned $ (this period) | $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,400 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,000 $0 $0 $0 Rev. 1 Planned $ (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,900 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,000 $0 $0 $0 Actual $ Expended (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Base Planned $ (to date) $92,080 $92,080 $92,080 $92,080 $92,080 $97,480 $97,480 $97,480 $97,480 $97,480 $97,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 Rev. 1 Planned $ (to date) $91,580 $91,580 $91,580 $91,580 $91,580 $97,480 $97,480 $97,480 $97,480 $97,480 $97,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 Actual $ Expended (to date) Base NTE Budget (Amend. #3) $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 CWG Contract Amend. #4 Budget N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Total Task NTE Budget $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 $101,480 Actual Remaining Task Budget 8 ENGINEERING FIELD WORK Actual % Work Completed Base Planned % Complete $ (to date) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Rev. 1 Planned % Complete $ (to date) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Actual % Expended $ (to date) Base Planned $ (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Rev. 1 Planned $ (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Actual $ Expended (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Base Planned $ (to date) $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 Rev. 1 Planned $ (to date) $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 Actual $ Expended (to date) Base NTE Budget (Amend. #3) $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 CWG Contract Amend. #4 Budget N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Total Task NTE Budget $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 $202,655 Actual Remaining Task Budget 9 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING Actual % Work Completed Base Planned % Complete $ (to date) 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 100% 100% 100% Rev. 1 Planned % Complete $ (to date) 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 100% 100% 100% Actual % Expended $ (to date) Base Planned $ (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 L $0 $4,000 $0 $0 Rev. 1 Planned $ (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,000 $0 $0 Actual $ Expended (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Base Planned $ (to date) $185,861 $185,861 $185,861 $185,861 $185,861 $185,861 $185,861 $185,861 $185,861 $185,861 $185,861 $185,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 Rev. 1 Planned $ (to date) $185,861 $185,861 $185,861 $185,861 $185,861 $1 85,861 $185,861 $185,861 $185,861 $185,861 $185,861 $185,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 Actual $ Expended (to date) __ Base NTE Budget (Amend. #3) $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 CWG Contract Amend. #4 Budget N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Total Task NTE Budget $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 $189,861 Actual Remaining Task Budget Page 7 TIN7/97 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT THROUGH PERIOD ENDING: PROJECT SUMMARY REPORT TA287 4TH QUARTER 1997 1ST QUARTER 1998 2ND QUARTER 1998 3RD QUARTER 1998 4TH QUARTER 1998 TASK MONTH) OcT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OcT NOV DEC TOTAL PROJECT 120376-01 Actual % Work Completed _ ee _ __| _ {| _ fo _ a _ | Base Planned % Complete $ (to date) 85% 85% 86% 87% 89% 91% 93% 94% 96% 96% 98% 99% 100% 100% Rev. 1 Planned % Complete $ (to date) 87% 87% 88% 90% 91% 93% 95% 96% 98% 99% 99% 99% 100% 100% Actual % Expended $ (to date) alk Base Planned $ (this period) $64,570 $21,570 $19,570 $25,570 $74,570 $47,970 $57,842 $25,100 $59,600 $25,100 $35,100 $28,600 $28,600 $14,416 Rev. 1 Planned $ (this period) $75,193 $29,000 $29,000 $49,900 $28,000 $78,801 $57,467 $33,700 $48,065 $33,804 $3,200 $12,700 $10,660 $6,163 $3,860 Actual $ Expended (this period) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $O | $0 $0 $0 $0 Base Planned $ (to date) $2,579,815 | $2,601,385 | $2,620,955 | $2,646,525 | $2,721,095 | $2,769,065| $2,826,907 | $2,852,007| $2,911,607] $2,936,707] $2,971,807 $3,000,407 | $3,029,007 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 Rev. 1 Planned $ (to date) $2,762,148 | $2,791,148 | $2,820,148 | $2,870,048 | $2,898,048 | $2,976,849 | $3,034,317 | $3,068,017| $3,116,082] $3,149,886 | $3,153,086 $3,170,786 | $3,181,446 | $3,187,609 | $3,191,469 Actual $ Expended (to date) Base NTE Budget (Amend. #3) $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423] $3,043,423 $3,043,423 $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 | $3,043,423 CWG Contract Amend. #4 Budget $103,047 $103,047 $103,047 $103,047 $103,047 $103,047 $103,047 $103,047 $103,047 $103,047 $103,047 $103,047 $103,047 $103,047 $103,047 DFI Contract Amend. #5 Budget $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 Total Project NTE Budget $3,191,470 | $3,191,470 | $3,191,470 | $3,191,470 | $3,191,470 | $3,191,470] $3,191,470 | $3,191,470 | $3,191,470] $3,191,470] $3,191,470 $3,191,470 | $3,191,470 | $3,191,470 | $3,191,470 Actual Remaining Project Budget BASE PLANNED QUARTER TOTALS $105,710 $148,110 $142,542 $88,800 $43,016 BASE PLANNED YEARLY TOTALS | $1,375,226 $422,468 REV. 1 PLANNED QUARTER TOTALS | $133,193 $156,701 $139,233 $54,704 $20,683 REV. 1 PLANNED YEARLY TOTALS it $1,896,677 $371,321 ACTUAL QUARTER TOTALS $o $0 $o $0 $o ACTUAL YEARLY TOTALS $989,121 $o Rev. 1 Updated as of 1/1/97; includes Contract Amendment #4. As of 6/1/97 the DFI Contract Amendment #5 is included in Task 5 and the Total. Page 8 No. 18 06/20/97 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN RURAL UTILITIES SERVICE, U.S. FOREST SERVICE, U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, AND CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. FOR THE PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FOR THE SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT USFS: STMOU-10-04-002 USFWS: 1448-7018 1-97-K004 CEA: E9590081 I. INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE Seven electric utilities that are collectively known as the Intertie Participants Group (IPG) have proposed to construct a new transmission line in Alaska. The IPG consists of Chugach Electric Association, Inc. (Chugach); Municipality of Anchorage - Municipal Light and Power; City of Seward - Seward Electric System; Matanuska Electric Association, Inc.; the Municipality of Fairbanks - Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System; Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. (GVEA); and Homer Electric Association, Inc. (HEA). These seven utilities are jointly identified as the Applicant. The proposal, which is referred to as the Southern Intertie Project (Proposed Project), consists of the construction and operation of a 230 kilovolt (kV) transmission line and associated facilities to be operated initially at 138kV between Anchorage and a location on the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska. Chugach will act as the construction manager for the Proposed Project. Whereas Federal lands and/or Federal financing assistance may be required, the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) will be the Lead Agency; and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and U.S.D.A. Forest Service (USFS) will be Cooperating Agencies for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. It is the purpose of this memorandum to establish an understanding between the Lead Agency, Cooperating Agencies, and Applicant regarding the conditions and procedures to be followed in preparation of the environmental impact statement (EIS) through a joint Applicant/Agency effort. The EIS will be prepared in compliance with NEPA, as implemented by the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Regulations 40 CFR Parts 1500-1508 and RUS environmental policies and procedures (7 CFR Part 1794) plus the pertinent regulations of the USFWS and USFS as appropriate. One or more of the alternative routes being considered would cross the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, a designated conservation system unit under the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) (P.L. 96-487). Therefore regulations implementing Title XI of ANILCA will apply to the entire project (43 CFR Part 36). The Title XI Transportation/Utility Systems Permit Application will P109203\00\MOU18.DFT 1 06/20/97 No.18 be prepared in conjunction with the EIS and will be filed with the USFWS and USFS 16 months prior to the issuance of the Record of Decision (ROD). The objective of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to ensure the timely preparation of an EIS that (a) satisfies the environmental review requirements of the Lead Agency, Cooperating Agencies, and other applicable Federal environmental regulations and legislative requirements; and (b)establish a process to conduct an environmental review of the alternatives identified that would meet the needs of the IPG. The Lead Agency and the Cooperating Agencies have agreed to achieve consensus on the process and content of the EIS, and the decision-making in accordance with their applicable laws and regulations. The EIS will be prepared by a third-party contractor under the direction of the lead and cooperating agencies. To facilitate the environmental review process, the Applicant will provide an environmental analysis (EVAL). The EIS will be based on the EVAL prepared by the Applicant’s Consultant. The Applicant and its Consultant will also provide the Lead Agency and Cooperating Agencies technical assistance for the EIS preparation, as required. Il. JOINT RESPONSIBILITIES The Lead Agency, Cooperating Agencies, and Applicant, to the extent of their involvement and jurisdiction in the Proposed Project, shall: = Identify the significant issues to be studied, identify the project alternatives to be studied and the environmentally preferred alternative, and coordinate the decision process. = Actively participate in all phases of EVAL and EIS preparation as specified in the attached work plan. The work plan may be modified by the Lead Agency with input from Cooperating Agencies in the event that action or policy changes occur which affect proposed project scope, or as a result of the public participation process. = Participate in the process as appropriate with Federal, state, regional, and local agencies and the public for the purpose of increasing communication and soliciting comments on the EIS. = Facilitate coordination of efforts and exchange of information. = Designate a representative(s) to serve as the day-to-day liaison and/or contact person for this proposed project. = Hold public hearings on the draft EIS (DEIS) as required. = After the close of the DEIS review and comment period, review the comments submitted by the public and Federal, state, and local agencies, and develop responses to comments for incorporation into the final EIS (FEIS). P:\09203\009\MOU18.DFT 2 06/20/97 No.18 = Prepare a mailing list for distribution of project information. Ill. INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITIES In addition to the joint responsibilities mentioned above, the parties will have the following individual responsibilities: 1. LEAD AGENCY RESPONSIBILITIES RUS as the Lead Agency will: provide direction to the Applicant’s Consultant in the preparation of the EVAL ensure that the DEIS is based on the Applicant’s EVAL and other information, with support from the Cooperating Agencies direct the development of the DEIS by the third-party contractor receive all comments on the DEIS direct the preparation of the FEIS by the third-party contractor, with support from the Cooperating Agencies issue a ROD if required, review the S.F.299 application 2. USFWS RESPONSIBILITIES (COOPERATING AGENCY) The USFWS will: provide assistance to the Lead Agency and the Applicant’s Consultant in the preparation of the EVAL to ensure that USFWS issues are incorporated review and formally comment on the Applicant’s EVAL or sections thereof review and comment on the DEIS and FEIS prior to filing with EPA if required, review the S.F.299 application for a right-of-way across National Wildlife Refuge lands under Title XI of ANILCA and issue a ROD 3. USFS RESPONSIBILITIES (COOPERATING AGENCY) P:\09203009\MOUI8.DFT 3 06/20/97 No.18 The USFS will: provide assistance to the Lead Agency and the Applicant’s Consultant in the preparation of the EVAL to ensure that USFS issues are incorporated review and formally comment on the Applicant’s EVAL or sections thereof review and comment on the DEIS and FEIS prior to filing with EPA if required, review the S.F.299 application for a right-of-way permit across Chugach National Forest lands and issue a ROD 4. APPLICANT RESPONSIBILITIES The Applicant will: IV. provide engineering, construction, financial analysis, technical and environmental informa- tion to the Lead Agency and Cooperating Agencies for the preparation of the EIS be responsible for identifying and securing all Federal, state, and local permits and authorizations required for construction and operation of the proposed project in accordance with applicable laws reimburse the lead and COPE Agencies for costs associated with preparation of the EIS prepare the EVAL through their Consultant no the following EIS support: prepare work plan/scoping report - develop purpose and need statement and project description - conduct supplemental public involvement activities - assist in preparing responses to the DEIS comments and incorporation into the FEIS - maintain project mailing list - print and assist in distribution of the EIS - schedule public hearings if required - manage the schedule MODIFICATIONS AND TERMINATION 1. Each party to this MOU may terminate this agreement after thirty days prior notice, in writing, to the other parties. During the intervening thirty days, the parties agree to actively attempt to Tesolve any outstanding disputes and disagreements. P:\09203\00\MOU18.DFT 4 06/20/97 No.18 . The Applicant shall not direct the modification, inclusion, or exclusion of any materials pertinent to the EIS preparation excepting the exclusion of confidential information. . The Applicant recognizes the responsibility of the Lead Agency and Cooperating Agencies to comply with NEPA, determine the necessity for preparing an EIS, define the issues, review and require modifications of the EIS, and respond to the public and the agencies’ comments on the EIS. However, in executing the MOU, the Applicant reserves the right to contest, in any administrative or judicial proceedings, any adverse decision concerning the issues in the EIS or any other Federal or state requirements relating to the proposed project. . No member of, or delegate to, congress or resident commissioner shall be admitted to any share or part of this agreement, or to any benefit that may arise therefrom; but this provision shall not be construed to extend to this agreement if made with a general corporation for its general benefit. . This MOU becomes effective upon the signature by the last party. It will remain in force thereafter, unless terminated in writing as discussed in Item 1 of this section. The MOU may be subject to annual amendments, or as otherwise becomes necessary, which will outline work to be accomplished during that period. In no event will this MOU remain in effect longer than three years from its effective date. . Nothing herein shall be construed as delegating the government to expend, or as involving the United States in any contract or other obligation for the future payment of, money in excess of appropriations authorized by law and administratively allocated for this work. . During the performance of this MOU, the participants agree to abide by the terms of Executive Order 11246 on non-discrimination and will not discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The participants will take affirmative action to ensure that Applicants are employed with no regard to their race, color, religion, age, or national origin. P:\09203\00AMOU18.DFT 5 06/20/97 No.18 We have read the foregoing and agree to accept the provisions herein. For the U.S. Forest Service: For the Rural Utilities Service: Date: Date: Signed: Signed: Title: Title: For the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: For Chugach Electric Association, Inc. for Intertie Participants Group: Date: Date: Signed: Signed. Title: Title: P.\g9203\00AMOUI8.DFT 6