HomeMy WebLinkAboutS. Intertie Phase 1 6-14-1996 economicPROJECT NO: 120293-01 t) ay, ISSUED TO: >. GR LUE eo CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. CONTRACT NO. 95-208 SOUTHERN INTERTIE ROUTE SELECTION STUDY PHASE 1 June 14, 1996 FINAL ECONOMIC SECTION REPORT FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: = Randy Pollock, P.E. = Larry Henriksen, P.E. = Tim Ostermeier, P.E. POWER ENGINEERS, INC. @ P.O. BOX 1066 @ HAILEY, IDAHO 83333 (208) 788-3456 @ FAX (208) 788-2082 Chan SOUTHERN INTERTIE ROUTE SELECTION STUDY PHASE 1 ECONOMIC SECTION REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS ECONOMIC SUMMARY AND REPORT OVERVIEW Introduction Summary of Estimates Tesoro Route Introduction Route Descriptions and Cost Estimate Summary Enstar Route Introduction Route Descriptions and Cost Estimate Summary Quartz Creek Route Introduction Route Descriptions and Cost Estimate Summary OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINE Introduction Tesoro Route Enstar Route Quartz Creek Route SUBMARINE & UNDERGROUND TRANSMISSION CABLE Introduction Submarine Cable Land/Underground Cables HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-O1/ab 1 SUBSTATIONS Introduction Bernice Lake Substation International Substation University Substation Soldotna Substation Point Woronzof Substation REACTIVE COMPENSATION Introduction Shunt Capacitor Banks Shunt Reactors Static Var Compensators Series Capacitor Banks Battery Energy Storage ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING Introduction Environmental Impact Statement Pre-Construction / Monitoring RIGHT-OF-WAY & PERMIT ACQUISITION Introduction Permits Right-of-Way Acquisition APPENDICES Appendix - A Overhead Transmission Line (Detailed Estimates) Appendix - B Submarine & Underground Transmission Line (Detailed Estimates & Supporting Data) Appendix - C Substation (Drawings & Detailed Estimates) Appendix - D Reactive Compensation (Drawings & Detailed Estimates) HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 2 REPORT SUMMARY AND ECONOMIC SECTION REPORT OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION The purpose of the Economic Section Report is to provide cost estimates for the Southern Intertie Project Alternatives. The alternatives have been identified in the Design Section Report and System Studies Report. The three primary alternatives are referred to as Tesoro Route, Enstar Route, and Quartz Creek Route. Based on the results of the preliminary design efforts and environmental evaluations, each corridor has a base route identified. These base routes are potential routes that have attributes that may allow the route to be ultimately permitted under an environmental assessment (EA) or environmental impact statement (EIS) process. The cost estimates for the environmental permitting efforts are based on the preparation of an EIS. For purposes of this report, the base routes will be the baseline estimates. Multiple alternatives to each of the base routes are also provided. Refer to the alternative corridor map in the map pocket for the locations of the routes. When referring to the map and in the route tables, please note for the link designations, the first two letters of each route delineate the overall route or area for a routing opportunity as follows: TS Tesoro Route ac Quartz Creek Route EN Enstar Route AN Anchorage Municipal Area This Economic Section Report provides an overview of the project cost estimates, a summary of the estimates, and a detailed breakdown of the various costs. The report is organized as follows: e Report Summary and Economic Section Overview - Introduction - Economic Section Report Overview - Summary of Estimates - Summary of estimates in 1996 dollars for each preferred base route and local alternatives inclusive of submarine, underground and overhead transmission, substations, reactive compensation, environmental permitting, rights- of-way, engineering and construction management - Tesoro Route - Detailed description of the base route and local alternatives - Enstar Route - Detailed description of the base route and local alternatives - Quartz Creek Route - Detailed description of the base route and local alternatives Overhead Transmission - Cost estimate breakdown by link Underground Transmission - Cost estimate breakdown by link Substations - Cost estimate breakdown by substation alternative Reactive Compensation - Cost estimate breakdown by device and application Environmental Permitting - Cost estimate breakdown for EIS, associated studies, and Pre- construction surveys e Rights of Way - Cost estimate breakdown by right-of-way and related permitting HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 1] e Appendices A-D - Supporting detailed documentation for transmission, substation and reactive compensation estimates. SUMMARY OF ESTIMATES The Southern Intertie has numerous technical challenges regardless of the route. The following discussions reflect some of the more economically significant assumptions applied to the cost estimates. OVERHEAD LINES ®@ The overhead transmission structure types are steel guyed-X and single pole steel structures in accordance with the Design Section Report and detailed in Appendix A in this document. SUBMARINE CABLES @ The submarine cable estimates were performed based on double armor (two protective layers of galvanized steel strands of same diameter and lay) for the entire circuit length and embedding the cables. The decision to double armor and embed is based on the operating environment in the Turnagain Arm and discussions with Pirelli. Additional discussion on this information is presented in the “Submarine and Underground Transmission Cable” section of this document, Appendix B, and in the Design Section Report. The recommended cable system at 138kV, except for the Bird Point crossing is 2 - 3 phase flat type SCFF cables. Since this system provides for two completely independent 3 phase circuits, embedment of the cables may not be as important, since if one circuit fails, the line could continue to operate on the other circuit. Since embedment is estimated to add significant costs to the installation, site specific Geotechnical investigation is recommended prior to finalizing a decision regarding embedment. At 230kV, 4 - 1 phase SCFF cables are estimated, with embedment. The recommendation to use the flat type three phase cables at 138kV is based on our conversations and correspondence with the manufacturer, NKT of Denmark, and with two utility users of the cable. Because installation of this cable type has been primarily in Denmark, it is recommended that a visit to the manufacturer and users of the cable be completed during the next phase of the project to confirm our previous discussions in more detail. The alternative to the three phase flat cable is four single phase cables, and we have included an estimate of project costs using this type of cable at 138kV, in addition to the flat three phase cable. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 2 ®& The Bird Point Alternative was estimated using a different technology than the SCFF type submarine cable. We anticipate that it will be possible to set up in the Turnagain Arm and directionally drill towards either shore to place an HPGF type of cable system. @ After additional geotechnical investigations have been performed and the submarine, installation actually bid, we anticipate up to a 10% reduction (0.9 - 3.0 $M) in the cable material price. LAND UNDERGROUND CABLES ® All anticipated underground high voltage cable installations are assumed to be XLPE type. This is reliable type of technology and has the lowest costs. SUBSTATION @ The substation estimates are based on the Design Section Report and the General Arrangements located in Appendix C of this document. @ The termination points for the Southern Intertie were selected for estimating purposes. Actual final terminal (substation) locations may vary in the Anchorage area. REACTIVE COMPENSATION @ Reactive compensation will be required for all scenarios of the Southern Intertie to facilitate steady state power transfer, dynamic stability during system disturbances and to control capacitance of high voltage submarine/underground cables. Additionally, construction of the new transmission facility will require compensation of the existing 115kV Intertie for the same reasons. Our cost estimates include appropriately sized devices for both new and existing facilities. The high voltage underground or submarine type of cables require shunt connected reactors. Generally speaking, the higher the voltage and the longer the cable run, the larger (MVAR) the reactor has to be to control the (higher) capacitance. Also, the existing 115kV Intertie would require shunt connected capacitor banks augmented by a Static Var Compensator (SVC) or a Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) Bank. Estimates are provided for both scenarios; however, the TCSC offers superior steady state and dynamic capabilities and is the preferred choice. It should be noted, a significant capital cost savings of approximately $3M can be made by eliminating the TCSC, if it is determined that some underfrequency load shed can be tolerated. The extent of load shed is highly dependent on the generation mix at the time of a system disturbance and on the ability to be able to very quickly provide transfer trip of at least one HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 3 Bradley Lake unit. The Bradley Lake transfer trip underfrequency trip scenario will require further investigation during the next phase of the project. ® The reactive compensation estimates are based on the System Studies and Design Section Report and information detailed in Appendix D. ENVIONMENTAL PERMITTING ® Each of the three major potential route for the project present significant challenges to successfully securing a permitted route based on meetings with the public, affected agencies and a review of previous study correspondence. It has not yet been determined whether an EA (Environmental Assessment) or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) level of effort will be required to comply with NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) requirements. Cost estimates included in this report are based on an EIS level of effort. = As compared to the effort required for a typical EIS, the project will require additional studies or effort in the following areas (please refer to the Environmental Permitting Section for more detail): Anchorage Urban Study Additional Data Collection Additional Public and Agency Meetings to Facilitate the Decision Process Additional Mitigation Studies PRE-CONSTRUCTION SURVEYS ® Prior to construction and potentially before agency approval on the selected alternative, a number of compliance studies are required. These include Section 106 (cultural) and Section 107 (biology). In addition, a Construction, Operation and Maintenance (COM) Plan would be prepared. The final element of environmental studies includes preparation of EAs (if needed) as well as other permits (e.g. Section 404). HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 4 RIGHT-OF-WAY AND RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION To secure the requisite project right-of-way, two major acquisition processes will occur: e __ Permit acquisition to secure CEA’s transmission line rights to exist on local, state, and federally administered lands; and e Private land easement acquisition to secure CEA’s rights to exist on private lands crossed by the transmission line. The variation of project right-of-way and permit acquisition costs among the three primary ° alternatives is a direct function of the agency lands crossed that require permitting, as well as the amount of private land crossed by the route. The direct cost of subsequent land value of the lands encumbered by the easement on those parcels. Indirect costs are directly related to the number of parcels to be acquired, and the labor and expense costs associated with easement acquisitions. FIBER OPTICS The preliminary design and design criteria as presented in the Design Section Report do not provide for fiber optics. However, based on our experience with similar projects, we have estimated the cost of adding a fiber over the various routes and have summarized those costs below. Costs for the addition of fiber optics to the Project are not included in the overall Project costs as summarized elsewhere in this Report. If the addition of fiber optics is desired to be added to the Project, it is recommended that it be included in the requirements for the final design. Submarine Cable 500 - 1,200 Underground (Land) Cable 50 - 90 Overhead Transmission 1,800 - 4,000 Substations 20 - 40 2.400 - 5.300 Total F.O. costs, depending on route HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 5 COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY TABLES The following tables summarizes the base routes and alternatives by overall corridor and voltage. Refer to the applicable section for detailed breakdowns of summarized costs. The following acronyms are used. *OH - High Voltage (138kV or 230kV) Overhead Transmission Line * SUB - Submarine Type Cable (138kV or 230kV) : *UG - High Voltage (138kV or 230kV) Land Underground Type Cable *SS_ - Substation (138kV or 230kV) *RC_ - Reactive Compensation (115kV, 138kV, or 230kV) ENV - Environmental Permitting (includes EIS) ROW .- Right-of-Way and Permit Acquisition PCS - Environmental Pre-Construction Surveys * Inclusive of labor, material, engineering design and construction management. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 6 SUMMARY OF COSTS 138KV SYSTEM - Submarine: 2-3 Phase Flat Cables ($ Millions) Southern Intertie Project - Phase 1 Route Selection 92:3 93:5, 96.7 100.0 98.9 85.6 87.6 90.5 88.0 88.5 88.6 88.1 87.7 85.1 86.5 94.7 84.7 ree SE PY POP ee | Base Route TESORO Submarine Cable Type: 2 - 3 Phase Flat SCFF Base Route 55 Miles ANC A! 122) ANC B 44 ANC C Ta ANC D Pe] 6.6 Captain Cook” a (6.7) ENSTAR Submarine Cable Type: 2 - 3 Phase Flat SCFF Base Route 77 Miles Base Route 30.5] 24.8] 15.5] 40] 8&7] 25] O4] 12 ANC A a 15 ANC B 2.9 ANC C 0.4 | ANC D TT 09 ANC E 1.0 ANC F 0.5 SOL A® Tol SOL B | (2.5) SOL C (1.1) QUARTZ CREEK Base Route 140 Miles Base Route 80.8] 00] oof 37] 60] 25] os] 12 BIRD A (OH)* (10.0) BIRD B (SUB) High-Pressure Gas-Filled SOL A SOL B SOL C : Local Alternatives: Anchorage Area “ Local Alternative: Captain Cook State Park > Local Alternatives: Soldotna Area * Local Alternatives: Bird Point Area HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab SUMMARY OF COSTS 138KV SYSTEM / Submarine: 4-1 Phase Cables (S Millions) Ss outhern Intertie Project - Phase 1 Route Selection RC ENV PCS | Diff. From | Total SM Base Route TESORO Submarine Cable Type: 4 - 1 Phase SCFF Base Route 55 Miles Submarine Cable Type: 4 - Base Route ANC A ANC B ooo ANC C — ANC D ANC E ANC F SOL A’ SOL B SOL C QUARTZ CREEK Base Route 140 Miles Base Route 80.8 0.0 0.0 3u7 6.0 2.5 0.5 ne) 94.7 BIRD A (OH)* (10.0) 84.7 BIRD B (SUB) | et High Pressure Gas-Filled SOL A SOL B SOL C SSS (5.1) 89.6 Local Alternatives: Anchorage Area Local Alternative: Captain Cook State Park Local Alternatives: Soldotna Area Local Alternatives: Bird Point Area 6 HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 8 SUMMARY OF COSTS 230KV SYSTEM (S$ Millions) Southern Intertie Project - Phase 1 Route Selection Ona Ai a in Ae Base Route TESORO Base Route 55 Miles Base Route 193| 694] 11.7] 107] 86] 25] 10] 12 ANC A? 2.2 ANC B eee 2.2 ANC C Poe 10.0 ANC D 12 135.6 Captain Cook'® LC (8.5) 115.9 Base Route 77 Miles Base Route ANC A ey) 113.4 ANC B | 76 119.3 ANC C 04 112.1 ANC D 12) 112.9 ANC E Ll 112.8 ANC F os | 1122 SOL A” 0.1 111.8 SOL B ro (2.7) 109.0 SOL C (1.2) 110.5 QUARTZ CREEK Base Route 140 Miles Base Route 6.0] 00] oof 61] oo] 25] 05 BIRD A (OH)? (11.1) 91.2 BIRD B (SUB) Fp 13.7 116.0 SOL A (2.2) 100.1 SOL B (2.5) SOL C (0.1) ° Local Alternatives: Anchorage Area '° Local Alternative: Captain Cook State Park " Local Alternatives: Soldotna Area " Local Alternatives: Bird Point Area HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab TESORO ROUTE INTRODUCTION The Tesoro Route starts near Anchorage at Point Woronzof Substation. Significant substation modifications, including additional reactors would bé required. The base route departs the Point Woronzof Substation via submarine cable and crosses to Fire Island. The cable makes landfall on the north end of the island, goes to overhead construction, then back to submarine type cable on the south end. It again makes landfall near Point Possession on the Kenai Peninsula. At this point, the line has a small reactor station and proceeds down the coastline to Bernice Lake Substation via overhead with the exception of Captain Cook State Park, which is estimated as underground. ROUTE DESCRIPTIONS AND COST ESTIMATE SUMMARIES The following tables more fully describe the base route for Tesoro in addition to the identified alternatives and their associated costs. These cost summary tables assume that 2 - 3 phase flat type submarine cables would be installed in the submarine links. Also, please refer to the Alternative Corridors Map located in the map pocket at the back of this report to assist the reader in identifying specific links that constitute the route and alternatives: HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 1 TABLE TE 01 TESORO ROUTE Link/Substation Information Link | Fink Code Location Reactive Point Woronzof Compensation : TE.A.10 From: Point Woronzof Submarine cable. To: Fire Island 138kV: 2-3 phase SCFF cables. New route. 230kV: 4-1 phase SCFF cables. ‘Transition North end Fire Island: new site Transition from submarine cable to ae overhead. From: North end, Fire Island Overhead line on guyed X steel To: Type of Facility 138kV: New 5 Breaker Ring Bus, Reconfigure existing switching arrangement. 230kV: New 230kV line terminal, 230/138kV 200 MVA autotransformer, new 138kV 5 Breaker Ring Bus, Reconfigure existing switching arrangement. 138kV: 1-30 MVAR reactor 230kV: 1-75 MVAR reactor Transition to submarine cable from substation. South end, Fire Island structures. Line Design 3. New route. Route follows eastern side of island to avoid aviation navigation facilities. Facility submarine cable. .E. From: South end, Fire Island Submarine cable. To: Point Possession 138kV: 2-3 phase SCFF cables. New route. Proposed route located on west side of depression on the inlet floor. 230kV: 4- 1 phase SCFF cables. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 2 TABLE TE 01 TESORO ROUTE Type of Facility 138kV: reactors. 1-10 and 1-30 MVAR Reactive Point Possession: new site Compensation : "| 230KV: reactors. 1-30 and 1-40 MVAR Transition from submarine cable to overhead transmission. TE.G-H.80 : Point Possession Overhead line on guyed X steel To: Links TE.G-H.90, and TE.I.130,| structures. Line Design 3. north of Captain Cook State Recreation Area. Parallels Tesoro pipeline. Could follow east side of existing Tesoro pipeline. Separation requirements are not known at this time. From: Link TE.1.130 north of Captain Cook To: North boundary of Captain Cook State Recreation Area Overhead line on guyed X steel structures. Line Design 3. Parallels Tesoro pipeline, could follow the east side of the existing Tesoro pipeline. Transition © N/A North end of Captain Cook State Park: Transition from overhead to Facility new site underground. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 3 TABLE TE 01 TESORO ROUTE Link Code | Total Length From: Northern boundary of Captain Cook State Recreation Area. Southern boundary of Captain Cook State Recreation Area Parallels Tesoro pipeline or roadway. Could follow the Tesoro pipeline or park the pipeline and actual location are TE.J-K.110 From: Southern boundary of Captain Cook State Recreation Area. To: Link TE.J-K.120. Near Bernice Lake Substation Parallels Tesoro pipeline. Would follow the east side of the Tesoro pipeline. Separation requirements are currently unknown. From: Link TE.J-K.110. Tesoro Pipeli To: Bernice Lake Substation Could parallel pipeline, North Kenai roadway, and/or transmission line. 7 Reactive Compensation HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 4 Type of Facility Underground line through the Captain Cook State Recreation Area. 3 - 1 phase XLPE cables. Overhead line on guyed X steel structures. Line Design 3. Overhead/underground transition facility located at the north end. Overhead line on guyed X steel structures. Line Design 3. 138kV: Expand 115kV, new 115kV 3 Breaker Ring Bus, 138/115kV, 200 MVA autotransformer. 230kV: Expand 115kV, new 115kV 3 Breaker Ring Bus, 138/115kV, 200 MVA autotransformer. 1-20 MVAR shunt Capacitor Bank & 0-40 MVAR Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor Cost Estimate for the Tesoro Route ev isan Cost Cost Item Estimated Estimated Cost Overhead Lines (G63 Miles) 193 Point Woronzof Portage PP a a Submarine Cable (142 Miles)[___—S—S3A|CC [Land Underground Cable (.6 Miles) Substations: 10.7 73 Bernice Lake Reactive Compensation: Point Possession Environmental Permitting Right of Way and Permitting [tof 9 Pre-Construction Surveys 230KV 138KV Engineering/Suvey/EIS Suppon™ | |_—« '3 Engineering/survey/EIS support and construction management costs are included in the total above. These costs are shown separately only for clarification. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 5 TABLE TE 02 TESORO ROUTE - ANCHORAGE AREA Link/Substation “Link Code | Total Length Location Type of Facility (Miles) TE.A.10 ~ Please see previous description. Please see previous description. ; TE.D.40 Please see previous description. Please see previous description. TE.E.50 [| 9.1 _[ Please see previous description. Please see previous description. potas ee Cost Estimate for Tesoro Route - Anchorage Area Base Route (Underground Lines TOTAL HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 6 TABLE TE 03 TESORO ROUTE ANCHORAGE AREA ALTERNATIVE A Link/Substation Information Location Type of Facility TE.A.20 5.6 From: Point Woronzof Submarine cable. To: Fire Island 138kV: 2 - 3 phase SCFF cables. New route. 230kV: 4-1 phase SCFF cables. Overhead/submarine transition facilities at both ends. TE.D.40 Please see previous description. Please see previous description. TE.E.50 | 9.1. | Please see previous description. Please see previous description. Pe ———————————————— Cost Estimate for Tesoro Route - Anchorage Area Alternative A Ss nV isa Estimated Difference Cost From Overhead Lines (4.4 Miles) Submarine Cable (14-7 Milles) Underground Lines (0 Miles) TOTAL : HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 7 TABLE TE 04 TESORO ROUTE ANCHORAGE AREA ALTERNATIVE B Type of Facility Link Code | Total Length (Miles) 7 facilities at the north and south ends TE.C.30 3.2 respectively. [TE.D.40 [| 4.4 _| Please see previous description. Please see previous description. TE.E.50 Please see previous description. Please see previous description. 2 A From: Point Woronzof To: Point Campbell Underground line. 3 - 1 phase XLPE cables. New route. Submarine/underground transition facility at Point Campbell. Submarine cable. From: Point Campbell To: Fire Island 138kV: 2-3 phase SCFF cables. New route. 230kV: 4- 1 phase SCFF cables. Submarine/underground and submarine/overhead transition Cost Estimate for Tesoro Route - Anchorage Area Alternative B 230kV 138kV Estimated Estimated Overhead Lines ernaes[23| tal af Submarine Cable (12.3 Miles) ey 395 2) UndergromdLines__G9Mile)| —_____13f___‘af——af Ci Fork el ay le HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 8 TABLE TE 05 TESORO ROUTE ANCHORAGE AREA ALTERNATIVE C Type of Facility From: Point Campbell Submarine cable. To: Links TE.F.70 and AN.70 ; 138kV: 2-3 phase SCFF cables. Generally follows the Tesoro pipeline across the inlet. 230kV: 4- 1 phase SCFF cables. Underground/submarine facility located at Point Campbell. From: Links TE.F.60 and AN.70 Submarine cable. To: Point Possession and Link TE.G-H.80 138kV: 2-3 phase SCFF cables. Generally follows the Tesoro pipeline 230kV: 4-1 phase SCFF cables. across the inlet. Submarine/overhead transition facility located at Point Possession. Cost Estimate for Tesoro Route - Anchorage Area Alternative C iam pe Item Estimated Difference Estimated Cost From Cost ) Overhead Lines Gawiesy| oof ea, 00 ee Submarine Cable (14.9 Miles)[________716[______ 2a] #2] 08 Underground Lines G.9Miles)[_ 103 1af__ 93, 93] TOTAL ef ses] HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 9 TABLE TE 06 TESORO ROUTE ANCHORAGE AREA ALTERNATIVE D From: International Substation To: Links AN.20 and AN.40 near Minnesota and O’Malley Parallels west side of Minnesota Drive. Type of Facility Overhead line on single pole structures. Line Design 2. From: Links AN.10 and AN.40 (near Minnesota and Klatt Road) Links AN.30 and AN.60 (near the new Klatt Road) To: New route. From: Intersection of Links AN.20 and AN.60 To: — Links AN.70 and AN.80 Parallels Klatt and Victor Roads. Transition station at Klatt and Victor Roads. From: Link AN.30 near Victor Road, south Anchorage To: Links TE.F.60 and TE.F.70 New route. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 10 | 5.5 _| Please see previous description. Please see previous description. Pn Overhead line on single pole structures. Line Design 2. Overhead line on single pole structures 0.4 mile along Klatt Road. Line Design 2. Underground line 0.4 mile along Victor Road to the submarine transition area. 138kV: 3-1 phase XLPE cables. 230kV: 3 - 1 phase XLPE cables. Submarine cable. 138kV: 2-3 phase SCFF cables. 230kV: 4-1 phase SCFF cables, overhead. Submarine transition at Klatt and Victor Roads. Cost Estimate for Tesoro Route - Anchorage Area Alternative D 230kV 138kV Cost Item Estimated Difference Estimated Difference Cost From Cost From Base Route Base Route Overhead Lines CI Miles) ze[_____ oa] 23| 01 5 5.1 Submarine Cable (16.6 Miles) a5, a_i Undergromd Lines @4Milesy|______—io| ro] —itai_——i TOTAL ws ne HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 11 TABLE TE 07 TESORO ROUTE CAPTAIN COOK AREA BASE ROUTE Link/S tion Info) ion _ Link Code | Total Length Location Type of Facility (Miles) TE.G-H.90 Please see previous description. Please see previous description. i BL | 4.6 __| Please see previous description. Please see previous description. | TE.J-K.110[ 4.9 _| Please see previous description. Please see previous description. pn Cost Estimate for Tesoro Route - Captain Cook Area Base Route 230kV 138kV Cost Item Estimated Difference Cost From Base Route Overhead Lines (7.1 Miles) 3.5 Submarine Cable Omilesy| oof | ___09 [Underground Lines ____@.6Miley| im] id CST Right of Way EntreRowe) | SiO} Ci i TOTAL a ee ee HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 12 TABLE TE 08 TESORO ROUTE CAPTAIN COOK AREA ALTERNATIVE A Link/Substation Information Link Code | Total Length Location Type of Facility (Miles) . TE.1.130 13.8 From: Intersection of Links TE.G-H Overhead line on guyed X steel 80 and TE.G-H.90 structures. Line Design 1. To: Intersection of Links TE.J- K.110 and TE.J-K.120 A new route designed to avoid conflicts with Captain Cook Recreation Area. Total 13.8 Cost Estimate for Tesoro Route - Captain Cook Area Alternative A ie RW isaRV Cost Item HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 13 ENSTAR ROUTE INTRODUCTION The base Enstar Route starts at the International Substation in the Anchorage area and proceeds via overhead until it gets near Rabbit Creek where it transitions to underground with a reactive : compensation station. The underground continues to about Potters where it transitions into submarine type cable to cross the Turnagain Arm. The submarine cable makes landfall on the Kenai Peninsula near the Burnt Island Creek area. The submarine cable is then transitioned into underground type of cable to a point near Big Indian Creek. At Big Indian Creek there would be a transition station with reactors and go back to overhead construction the rest of the way to the terminus at Soldotna. ROUTE DESCRIPTIONS AND COST ESTIMATE SUMMARIES The following tables more fully describe the base route for Enstar in addition to the identified alternatives and their associated costs. These cost summary tables assume that 2 - 3 phase flat type submarine cables would be installed in the submarine links. Also, please refer to the Alternative Corridors Map located in the map pocket at the back of this report to assist the reader _in identifying specific links that constitute the route and alternatives: HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ ab 1 TABLE EN 01 ENSTAR ROUTE Type of Facility International Substation 138kV: One bay extension to future 138kV breaker and one half yard. 230kV: One bay extension to future 138kV breaker and one half yard, 1- 230/138kV, 200 MVA autotransformer and new 230kV substation area. - - Reactive N/A Compensation’ - Transition N/A Potter: new site XLPE underground to submarine Facility cable type. From: International Substation Overhead line on single pole To: Links AN.50, EN.A.30 and structures. Line Design 2. EN.A.50 (Minnesota and O’Malley Road) Parallels east side of the Alaskan Railroad. From: Links EN.A.20, AN.50 and EN.A.30 O'Malley Road and Alaskan Railroad To: Links EN.A.60 and EN.B.80 (Rabbit Creek) Overhead line on single pole structures. Line Design 2. Parallels east side of the Alaskan Railroad Rabbit Creek area: new site 138kV: 1-22 MVAR reactor 230kV: 1-60 MVAR reactor Transition from overhead to underground. Underground line. 3 - 1 phase XLPE cables. From: Link EN.A.40 and EN.A.60 (Rabbit Creek) To: Potter Marsh and Link EN.B.90 Parallels east side of the Alaskan Railroad. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ ab 2 TABLE EN 01 ENSTAR ROUTE Link/Substation Information Link Code Total Location Type of Facility Length 7 (Miles) EN.B.90 79 From: Potter Marsh and Links Submarine cable. EN.B.70 and EN.B.80 To: Burnt Island/Chickaloon Bay, 138kV: 2-3 phase SCFF cables. Links EN.D.100 and AN.80 230kV: 4-1 phase SCFF cables. Generally parallels the existing Enstar pipeline. Transition Burnt Island Creek: new site Submarine cable type to XLPE ee underground type cable. 3 From: Links AN.80 and EN.B.90, Underground cable. 3 - 1 phase near Burnt Island XLPE cables. To: Link EN.E.110 near Big Indian Creek Underground/submarine and underground/overhead transition Parallels the west side of the existing facilities located at the north and Enstar pipeline adjacent to the right-of- | south ends respectively. way. Right-of-way separation is currently unknown Reactive Big Indian Creek Area: new site 138kV: 1-22 MVAR reactor. Compensation 230kV: 1-60 MVAR reactor. Transition from underground to overhead. From: EN.D.100, near Big Indian Overhead line on guyed X steel Creek structures. Line Design 1. To: QC.M.1.20 and QC.M.1.30 near Naptowne Parallels the west side of the existing Enstar pipeline adjacent to the right-of- way. Right-of-way separation is currently unknown. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ ab 3 TABLE EN 01 ENSTAR ROUTE Li ion I 7D Link Code Total Location Length (Miles) Q.C.M.1.30 12.8 east of Soldotna structures. Links QC.M.1.70 and QC.M.1.50 north of Mackey Line Design 1 — 7.8 miles. Lakes. Line Design 2 — 5.0 miles. Parallels the south side of the existing Quartz Creek transmission line adjacent to the right-of-way. Right-of-way separation is 100’ centerline to centerline. From: Link QC.M.130 and QC.M.1.50 north of Mackey Lakes. To: Links QC.M.1.60 and QC.M.1.80 north of the Sterling Highway. Q.C.M.1.70 Overhead line on guyed X steel structures. Line Design 1. Parallels north, west and southern sides of the Quartz Creek transmission line. Transmission line separation is 100’ centerline to centerline. Q.C.M.1.80 From: QC.M.1.60 and QC.M.1.70 north of Mackey Lakes Soldotna Substation Overhead line on single pole steel structures. Line Design 2. To: Parallels west side of the existing Quartz Creek Transmission line. Transmission line separation is 100’ centerline to centerline. Will need to cross to east side of Soldotna Substation. Substation Soldotna Substation 138kV: One bay extension to existing 115kV breaker and one half layout, 138/115kV, 200 MVA autotransformer, 138kV line terminal. 230kV: One bay extension to existing 115kV breaker and one half layout. 230/115kV, 200 MVA autotransformer, 230kV line terminal. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ ab 4 TABLE EN 01 ENSTAR ROUTE | Link/Substation Information | * Link Code Location (Miles) . Reactive N/A Portage Substation: new site on existing | 1 - 20 MVA Shunt Capacitor Bank Compensation 115kV Intertie and a 0 - 40 MVAR TCSC Bank. A Type of Facility Cost Estimate for the Enstar Route ev isan Cost Item Estimated Estimated Cost Cost Overhead Lines GI Miles Submarine Cable (7.9 Miles) Underground Lines (7.6 Miles) 5 Rabbit Creek Big Indian Creek Portage Environmental Permitting Right of Way and Permitting Pre-Construction Surveys TOTAL 230KV 138KV Engineering Survey/EIS Suppor” | ________3a]|_ 43] [Construction Management | 4340) 'S Engineering/survey/EIS support and construction management costs are included in the total above. These costs are shown separately only for clarification. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ ab 5 TABLE EN 02 ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE AREA BASE ROUTE Link/Substation Information __| Link Code | Total Length Location Type of Facility (Miles) EN.A.20 3.8 Please see previous description. Please see previous description. EN.A.50 3.2 Please see previous description. Please see previous description. EN.B.80 2.3 Please see previous description. Please see previous description. EN.B.90 7.9 Please see previous description. Please see previous description. Total 17.2 Cost Estimate for Enstar Route - Anchorage Area Base Route st ZV isa Cost Item Difference Estimated Difference Cost From Base Route Overhead Lines (7.0 Miles) Submarine Cable (7.9 Milles) Land Underground Cable (2.3 Miles) a) TOTAL HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ ab 6 TABLE EN 03 ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE AREA ALTERNATIVE A Type of Facility From: International Substation To: Links EN.A.30 and EN.A.40 (near O’Malley Road) Overhead line on single pole structures. Line Design 2. Parallels north side of International Airport Road and west side of the New Seward Highway. Follows existing road rights-of-way. From: Links EN.A.10 and EN.A.30 | Overhead line on single pole (near O’Malley Road) structures. Line Design 2. To: EN.A.60 and EN.B.70 near Rabbit Creek Parallels west side of the New Seward Highway and follows existing road right-of-way. From: Links EN.A.40 and EN.A.60 (near Rabbit Creek) To: Intersection of Links EN.B.80 and EN.B.90 at Potter Marsh Underground line. 3 - 1 phase XLPE cables. Overhead/underground and underground/submarine transition facilities located at north and south ends respectively. Parallels west side of the Old Seward Highway and follows existing overhead distribution line adjacent to and outside of existing road right-of-way, within distribution line right-of-way. Please see previous description. Please see previous description. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ ab 7 Cost Estimate for Enstar Route - Anchorage Area Alternative A SA ENTE 230kV 138kV Cost Item Estimated Estimated Difference Cost Cost From Base Route Overhead Lines C65 te N= re Submarine Cable Ce TT TT gw be 98 Me MT eR I HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ ab 8 TABLE EN 04 ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE AREA ALTERNATIVE B Type of Facility From: International Substation Overhead line on single pole To: Links AN.20 and AN.40 near structures. Line Design 2. Minnesota and O’Malley Parallels west side of Minnesota Drive. From: Links AN.10 and AN.40 near Overhead line on single pole Minnesota Drive structures. Line Design 2. To: Links AN.60 and AN.30 near Klatt Road New route. From: Intersection of Links AN.20 and | Overhead line on single pole AN.60 near Klatt Road structure along Klatt Road. Line To: Links AN.70 and AN.80 Design 2. southern Anchorage near Victor Underground cable along Victor Parallels Klatt and Victor Roads. Road. Road 138kV: 3-1 phase XLPE cables. 230kV: 3 - 1 phase XLPE cables. Overhead/underground transition at Klatt and Victor Roads. From: Links AN.30 and AN.70 Submarine cable. southern Anchorage at Victor Road 138kV: 2-3 phase SCFF cables. To: Links EN.C.90 and EN.D.100, Burnt Island near Chickaloon 230kV: 4-1 phase SCFF cables. Bay Underground/submarine transition New route. facilities located at south end. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ ab 9 Cost Estimate for Enstar Route - Anchorage Area Alternative B HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ ab 10 TABLE EN 05 ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE AREA ALTERNATIVE C - HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ ab 11 Link/Substation Information Location From: International Substation To: Links AN.20 and AN.40 (near O’Malley Road) Parallels west side of the Minnesota Drive. From: Links AN.10 and AN.20 near Minnesota and Klatt Roads Links AN.50 and AN.60 near Minnesota and O’Malley Roads To: Parallels southwest side of Minnesota Drive. : Links AN.40 and AN.60 near Minnesota and O’Malley Roads Links EN.A.20 and EN.A.50 near O’Malley Road and the Alaskan Railroad Parallels south side of O’Malley Road. From: Links AN.50 and EN.A.30 near O’Malley Road and the Alaska Railroad Links EN.A.60 and EN.B.80 near Rabbit Creek To: Parallels east side of the Alaskan Railroad. From: Links EN.A.60 and EN.A.50 near Rabbit Creek Links EN.B.70 and EN.B.90 near Potter Marsh To: Parallels east side of the Alaskan Railroad. Type of Facility Overhead line on single pole structures. Line Design 2. Overhead line on single pole structures. Line Design 2. Overhead line on single pole structures. Line Design 2. Overhead line on single pole structures. Line Design 2. Underground line. 3 - 1 phase XLPE cables. Underground/submarine transition facilities located near Potter Marsh. TABLE EN 05 ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE AREA ALTERNATIVE C Link/Substation Information Location Type of Facility From: Links EN.B.70 and EN.B.80 Submarine cable. near Potter Marsh ~ AN.80 and EN.D.100 near 138kV: 2-3 phase SCFF cables. Burnt Island 230kV: 4- 1 phase SCFF cables. Generally follows the Enstar pipeline. Underground/submarine transition facilities and both ends. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ ab 12 TABLE EN 06 ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE AREA ALTERNATIVE D Link/Substation Information Link Code | Total Lengt Location Type of Facility aa Please see previous description. Please see previous description. raxiao—| os — Please see previous description. Please see previous description. [ans [1.0 Please see previous description. Please see previous description. “oO Malley ‘Road and Minnesota To: Links EN.A.10 and EN.A.40 near O’Malley Road structures. Line Design 2. Parallels south side of O’Malley Road. EN.A.40 Please see previous description. Please see previous description. EN.B.70 Please see previous description. Please see previous description. EN.B.90 Please see previous description. Please see previous description. Foam Oe i Pe Cost Estimate for Enstar Route - Anchorage Area Alternative D 230kV Estimated Difference Estimated From Cost Base Route Overhead Lines a Miles) Submarine Cable e79 xe | 390] ———0} 9s ——0 [and Underground Cable @8Miles)| ______71| 03] 57] 07] even (INT VVTTIVOOOT FETTER UI ie USL HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ ab 13 TABLE EN 07 ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE AREA ALTERNATIVE E ion Information Location Type of Facility EN.A.10 Please see previous description. Please see previous description. EN.A.40 Please see previous description. Please see previous description. EN.A.60 From: Links EN.A.30 and EN.B.70 | Overhead line on single pole near O’Malley Road and Seward | structures. Line Design 2. Highway To: Links EN.A.50 and EN.B.80 [Total 89 near Rabbit Creek Parallels New Seward Highway; the specific crossing of the New and Old Seward Highway interchange has yet to be determined. |. Cost Estimate for Enstar Route - Anchorage Area Alternative E ee TV isaRV Cost Item Estimated Difference Cost From Base Route Overhead Lines TMs] Si Submarine Cable C9Mitesy| —_____390[____ 00] 248] 00 Land Underground Cable @3Miles| ____62| 0] sa] 00] rors of te sf HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ ab 14 TABLE EN 08 ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE AREA ALTERNATIVE F Link/Substation Info: ion Railroad EN.A.10 and EN.A.40 at New Seward Highway To: Parallels south side of O’Malley Road in between the Alaskan Railroad and the New Seward Highway. Please see previous description. Please see previous description. Please see previous description. Please see previous description. EN.A.6O [0.4 _| B. Link Code Location Type of Facility Please see previous description. Please see previous description. Please see previous description. Please see previous description. Please see previous description. Please see previous description. EN.A.30 From: EN.A.20 and EN.A.50 near the | Overhead line on single pole structures. Line Design 2. Please see previous description. Please see previous description. Please see previous description. Please see previous description. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ ab 15 TABLE EN 09 ENSTAR ROUTE - SOLDOTNA AREA BASE ROUTE Type of Facility [OC-M.1.70| 6.8 | Please see previous description. | Please see previous description | [OC-M.1.80 | 0.8 | Please see previous description. | Please see previous description. | 2 A Cost Estimate for Enstar Route - Soldotna Area Base Route Estimated (0.0 Miles) 11.2 5) HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ ab 16 TABLE EN 10 ENSTAR ROUTE - SOLDOTNA AREA ALTERNATIVE A Link/Substation Information . Link Code | Total Length Location Type of Facility (Miles) QC.M.1.20 32 From: Links EN.E.110 and Overhead line on guyed X steel QC.M.1.30 east of Naptowne structures. Line Design 1. To: Links QC.M.1.40 and QC.M.1.10 Parallels north side of the Enstar pipeline. Separation requirements are currently unknown. a 6 From: Links QC.M.1.10 and Overhead line on single pole steel QC.M.1.20 structures. Line Design 2. To: Links QC.M.1.50 and QC.M.1.60 Parallels north side of the Enstar pipeline. Separation requirements are currently unknown. From: QC.M.1.40 and QC.M.1.60 Overhead line on guyed X steel To: QC.M.1.30 and QC.M.1.70 structures. Line Design 1. Parallels north side of the Enstar pipeline. Separation requirements are currently unknown. Please see previous description. Please see previous description. Please see previous description. Please see previous description. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ ab 17 TABLE EN 11 ENSTAR ROUTE - SOLDOTNA AREA ALTERNATIVE B Link/Substation Information Location Link Code | Total Length From: Links QC.M.1.40 and Overhead line on guyed X steel QC.M.1.50 west of Mackey structures. Line Design 1. Lakes To: Links QC.M.1.70 and QC.M.1.80 north of Sterling Highway Type of Facility Parallels existing underground pipeline. Follows existing pipeline right-of-way, transmission line separation is currently unknown. QC.M.1.80] 0.8 _| Please see previous description. Please see previous description. Pa Cost Estimate for Enstar Route - Soldotna Area Alternative B Overhead Lines (14.7 Miles Submarine Cable (0.0 Miles) Land Underground Cable (0.0 Miles) Right of Way (Entire Route) HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ ab 19 TABLE EN 12 ENSTAR ROUTE - SOLDOTNA AREA ALTERNATIVE C Link/Substation Information Location Type of Facility From: Links QC.M.1.20 and QC.M.1.40 near Naptowne To: Links QC.M.2.05 and : QC.M.2.10 north of Sterling Highway Overhead line on guyed X steel | structures. Line Design 1. Parallels existing Quartz Creek Transmission Line. Transmission line separation is 100" centerline to centerline. QC.M.2.10 From: Links QC.M.1.10 and QC.L.120 Soldotna Substation Overhead line on steel structures. To: Line Design 1 — 10.6 miles. Parallels existing overhead transmission | Line Design 2 — 3.0 miles. line . Transmission line separation is 100' centerline to centerline. Cost Estimate for Enstar Route - Soldotna Area Alternative C Ae TORY TSR Cost Item Estimated Difference Estimated Difference Cost From Cost From Base Route Base Route Submarine Cable @.0Miley| oo oof oof 00 [Land Underground Cable @.0Miles| 00a] oof 00 Right of Way Entre Route) | too 10] 09 eee A ese TO ee HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ ab 20 QUARTZ CREEK INTRODUCTION The base Quartz Creek Route starts at University Substation in Anchorage and, essentially, follows the existing 115kV intertie all the way to the Kenai Peninsula where it would terminate at Soldotna Substation. At Bird Point, alternative routes crossing the Turnagain Arm from Bird Point to the Snipers Point area and proceeding south along Sixmile Creek to rejoin the existing line near Hope Junction have been estimated. The crossing of the Turnagain Arm at Bird point has been estimated for both overhead and submarine crossing alternatives. The submarine crossings has been estimated using directional boring techniques to enable the installation of an HPGF cable system. ROUTE DESCRIPTIONS AND COST ESTIMATE SUMMARIES The following tables more fully describe the base route for Quartz Creek Route in addition to the identified alternatives and their associated costs. Also, please refer to the Alternative Corridors Map located in the map pocket at the back of this report to assist the reader in identifying specific links that constitute the route and alternatives: HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 1 TABLE QC 01 QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE Link/, tion Inf Link Code | Total Length Location Type of Facility (Miles) Substation N/A University Substation 138kV: One bay extension of existing main and transfer layout. 230kV: New 230kV 4 Breaker Ring Bus. Connect to existing 230/138kV transformers. 71 QC.A.10 From: University Substation Overhead line on guyed X steel To: Link QC.B.20 near Campbell structures. Line Design 2. Creek ion Could parallel south side of existing Quartz Creek transmission line along Tudor Road, then follow either side through Powerline Pass. Transmission line separation id 100' centerline to centerline with potential crossovers. From: Link QC.A.10 near Campbell Overhead line on steel structures. Creek To: Link QC.C.30 near Indian Line Design 2 — 1.0 mile. Could parallel either side of existing Line Design 4 — 10.1 miles. transmission line. Transmission line separation is 100' centerline to centerline. From: Link QC.B.20 near Indian To: Link QC.D.40 near Bird Point Overhead line on guyed X steel structures. Line Design 1. Could parallel either side of the existing transmission line. Transmission line separation is 100' centerline to centerline. From: Links QC.D.1.A.10 and Double circuit steel lattice. Line QC.D.1.B.10 near Bird Point Design 6. To: Links QC.E.50 near Girdwood Rebuild and double circuit existing transmission line for approximately 6.5 miles. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 2 ‘Link Code | Total Length Location Type of Facility (Miles) i will TABLE QC 01 QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE Link/: ion Inf From: Link QC.D.40 near Girdwood To: Link QC.F.60 near Portage Could parallel either side of the existing transmission line. Transmission line separation is 100’ centerline to centerline. From: Link QC.E.50 near Portage To: Link QC.G.70 near Ingram Creek Could parallel either side of the existing transmission line. Transmission line separation is 100' centerline to centerline. From: Link QC.F.60 near Ingram Creek Link QC.H.80 near Turnagain Pass To: Could parallel either side of the existing transmission line. Transmission line separation is 100' centerline to centerline. From: Link QC.G.70 To: Link QC.1.90 Could parallel either side of the existing transmission line. Transmission line separation is 100" centerline to centerline. From: Link QC.H.80 near Turnagain Pass Link QC.J.100 near Hope Junction To: Could parallel either side of the existing transmission line. Transmission line separation is 100' centerline to centerline. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 3 Overhead line on guyed X steel structures. Line Design 1. Overhead line on guyed X steel structures. Line Design 5. Overhead line on guyed X steel structures. Line Design 4. Overhead line on guyed X steel structures. Line Design 4. : Overhead line on guyed X steel structures. Line Design 4. TABLE QC 01 QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE Type of Facility Link Code | Total Length Location (Miles) QC.J.100 21.0 From: Link QC.1I.90 near Hope Junction To: Link QC.K.110 near Daves Creek Parallel western side of the existing transmission line. Transmission line separation is 100’ centerline to centerline. 21.9 From: Link QC.J.100 near Daves Creek To: Link QC.L.120 near Daves Creek Overhead line on guyed X steel structures. Line Design 4. Overhead line on guyed X steel structures. Line Design 1. Parallel western side of the existing transmission line. Transmission line separation is 100' centerline to centerline. From: Link QC.K.110 near Hideout Hill To: Link QC.M.1.15 near Naptowne Overhead line on guyed X steel structures. Line Design 1. Parallels northern side of the existing transmission line. Transmission line separation is 100" centerline to centerline. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 4 TABLE QC 01 QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE Link/Substation Information Location Link Code QC.M.1.15 From: Link QC.L.120 near Naptowne To: Link QC.M.1.20 and EN.E.110 north of Naptowne Parallels eastern side of the existing Quartz Creek transmission line. Transmission line separation is 100' centerline to centerline. From: Link EN.E.110 east of Soldotna To: Links QC.M.1.70 and QC.M.1.50 north of Mackey Lakes Parallels the south side of the existing Quartz Creek transmission line adjacent to the right-of-way. Right-of-way separation is 100' centerline to centerline. From: QC.M.1.30 and QC.M.1.50 To: QC.M.1.60 and QC.M.1.80 Parallels south side of the existing Quartz Creek transmission line. From: QC.M.1.60 and QC.M.1.70 To: Soldotna Substation Parallels east side of the existing Quartz Creek transmission line. Cross to east side Soldotna Substation Substation Soldotna Substation HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab Type of Facility Overhead line on guyed X steel structures. Line Design 1. Overhead line on steel structures. Line Design 1. Line Design 1 — 7.8 miles. Line Design 2 — 5.0 miles. Overhead line on guyed X steel structures. Line Design 1. Overhead line on single pole steel structures. Line Design 2. 138kV: One Bay extension to existing 115kV Breaker and one half layout, 138/115kV, 200 MVA autotransformer, 138kV line terminal. 230kV: One Bay extension to existing 115kV Breaker and one half layout. 230/115kV, 200 MVA autotransformer, 230kV line terminal. TABLE QC 01 QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE Link/Substation Information Location Type of Facility Reactive N/A Portage Substation: new site on existing | 1-20 MVAR Shunt Capacitor Bank Compensation 115kV Intertie & 0-40MVAR TCSC Bank. |e eee Cost Estimate for the Creek Route Cost Item Submarine Cable Underground Lines Substations: University __ Soldotna Reactive Compensation: Portage Environmental Permitting Right of Way and Permitting Pre-Construction Surveys 230KV 138KV Engneering/Suvey/EIS Suppor” | ___—oof_——= [Construction Management | sala A Engineering/survey/EIS support and construction management costs are included in the total above. These costs are shown separately only for clarification. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 6 TABLE QC 02 QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE - SOLDOTNA AREA BASE ROUTE Link Code Total Location Type of Facility Length . (Miles) 72.8 Overhead Lines (22.2Miles) Submarine Cable HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 7 TABLE QC 03 QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE QUARTZ CREEK/SOLDOTNA ALTERNATIVE A Link/Substation Information (Miles) QC.M.2.05 Parallels north side of an existing Overhead line on guyed X steel transmission line. Transmission line structures. Line Design 1. separation is 100' centerline to centerline. 1QC.M.1.10 | 0.8 _| Please see previous description. Please see previous description. [QC.M.1.40 | 6.3 __| Please see previous description . Please see previous description. From: QC.M.1.40 and QC.M.1.50 Overhead line on guyed X steel To: QC.M.1.70 and QC.M.1.80 structures. Line Design 1. QC.M.1.80 | 0.8 _| Please see previous description. Please see previous description. {ieTootal (UNO ANNNU | SOPH 623 ALI | OL LAPT TOC | ATE eee Se Parallels Enstar pipeline route. Transmission line separation is currently unknown. Cost Estimate for Creek Route - Soldotna Area Alternative A HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 8 TABLE QC 04 QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE SOLDOTNA ALTERNATIVE B Total Length Type of Facility QC.M.2.05 “| 4.0 _| Please see previous description. Please see previous description. ; Parallels existing transmission line Overhead line on steel structures. transmission line separation is 100' centerline to centerline. Line Design 1 — 10.6 miles. Line Design 2 — 3.0 miles. Cost Estimate for Creek Route - Soldotna Area Alternative B 230kV 138kV Cost Item HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 9 TABLE QC 05 QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE SOLDOTNA ALTERNATIVE C Type of Facility From: Links QC.M.2.05 and Overhead line on guyed X a QC.M.2.10 structures. Line Design 1. To: Links QC.M.1.20 and QC.M.1.40 New route. From: QC.M.1.10 and QC.M.1.20 Overhead line on single pole steel To: QC.M.1.50 and QC.M.1.60 structures. Line Design 2. Parallels northern side of the existing Enstar pipeline. Separation requirements are currently unknown. From: QC.M.1.40 and QC.M.1.60 Overhead line on guyed X steel To: QC.M.1.30 and QC.M.1.70 structures. Line Design 1. Parallels northern side of the existing Enstar pipeline. Separation requirements are currently unknown. From: QC.M.1.30 and QC.M.1.50 Overhead line on guyed X steel 0: QC.M.1.60 and QC.M.1.80 structures. Line Design 1. Parallels south side of the existing Quartz Creek transmission line. From: QC.M.1.60 and QC.M.1.70 Overhead line on single pole steel To: Soldotna Substation structures. Line Design 2. Parallels east side of the existing Quartz HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 10 Cost Estimate for Creek Route - Soldotna Area Alternative C Difference From Base Route HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 11 TABLE QC 06 INTENTIONALLY DELETED HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 12 TABLE QC 07 QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE - BIRD POINT AREA BASE ROUTE Link/Substation Information Link Code | Total Length Location Type of Facility (Miles) c .D. Please see previous description. Please see previous description. | __9.1 __| Please see previous description. Please see previous description. F.60 Please see previous description. Please see previous description. “G.10 “H.80 a TTT eT 1 Te TET in] in] & & ‘ost Estimate for Creek Route - Bird Point Area Base Route HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 13 TABLE QC 08 QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE - BIRD POINT ALTERNATIVE A (AERIAL) Link/Substation Information Type of Facility QC.D1A.10 From: QC.C.30 and QC.D.40 To: QC.D.2.10 Steel towers located on both shore landings with a single steel tower located in the Ann. New route. Aerial crossing of the Turnagain Arm from the base of Alpenglow Mountain to Bird Point. From: QC.D1A.10 To: QC.1.90 and QC.J.100 Overhead line on guyed X steel structures. Parallels existing distribution line and also will require approximately 2 miles new right-of-way. Transmission line separation is 100' centerline to centerline. Cost Estimate for Creek Route -Bird Point Area Alternative A (Aerial 230kV 138kV Estimated Difference Estimated Cost From Cost Base Route Overhead Lines on aC) Submarine Cable en To Land Underground Cable @.0Miles| _______0[___0af 00] 00] Reactive Compensation: Portage TOTAL ee tees ane | HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 14 TABLE QC 09 QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE - BIRD POINT ALTERNATIVE B (SUBMARINE) Link/Substation Information - Link Code Total Location Type of Facility Length (Miles) , Reactive N/A Bird Point area: new site 138kV: 10 MVAR reactor. Compensation 230kV: 22 MVAR reactor. Transition from overhead to submarine or pipe type cable. QC.D1B.10 From: QC.C.30 and QC.D.40 Submarine cable. To: QC D.2.10 138kV: 1-3 phase HPGF. New route from Bird Point to Six Mile Creek. 230kV: 4-1 phase SCFF cables. Overhead/submarine transition facilities located at both ends of the cable. Submarine: 4.0 miles. Overhead: 1.5 miles. Line Design 4. QC.D.2.10 }— $2 Please see previous description. Please see previous description. Six Mile Creek area: new site 130kV: 10 MVAR reactor. 230kV: 22 MVAR reactor. Transition from submarine or pipe type cable to overhead. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 15 ‘ost Estimate for Creek Route -Bird Point Area Alternative B (Submarine Reactive Compensation: Portage Bird Point Sniper Point HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 16 Cost Estimate for Enstar Route - Soldotna Area Alternative A Difference From HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ ab 18 OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINE INTRODUCTION This section contains spreadsheets which document overhead line cost estimates. These estimates are based on the preliminary designs presented in the Draft Design Section Report for this project. The estimates are organized by route and local alternatives similar to the route estimates contained in an earlier section of this report. Please refer to the route sections for link descriptions. The per mile line costs have been adjusted in some cases to allow for conditions not anticipated in the per mile line estimate. These cases include: e Link TE.D.40 across Fire Island. Costs have been increased because of access. e Links QC.C.30, QC.E.40, and QC.F.50 have been reduced because a reduced clearing effort is anticipated in these areas. e Links QC.D.40 contains a line item for temporary installation and removal of a line during construction of the double circuit steel line. Please note that guyed X structures were selected for cost estimating because they were practical for the locations in which they were applied and have costs which are comparable to wood pole H-frame and guyed vee structures. The type of structure chosen for final design will be determined after a detailed investigation of the route, agency requirements, and other factors. The following table summarizes salient information on the different overhead line designs. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 1 SUMMARY OF OVERHEAD LINE DESIGN INFORMATION Line Design 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Application Kenai Flats/ | Anchorage/ | East Cook | Mountains | Portage Bird Point | Bird Point Turnagain | Kenai Area | Inlet Flats/ Flats to Girdwood | Crossing Arm Fire Island Single Pole | Guyed X Guyed X Guyed X Tubular or =| Tubular Tube Steel | Steel Steel Steel Lattice Steel | Steel Structure Type Conductor 795 kCM 795 kCM 795 kCM 795 kCM 795 kCM Special Special ACSR ACSR ACSR ACSR Typical Span Length 1000 ft 400 ft 1000 ft 700 ft 1000 ft up to up to Toor | 2,450 ft 11,360 ft 138kV Ground Clearance | 28 ft 29 ft 35 ft 28 ft 30 ft 100 ft 230kV Ground Clearance | 30 ft 31 ft 37 ft 30 ft 30 ft 100 ft NESC Load Zone Heavy Heavy Extreme Wind - Conductor | 90 mph(c) |90mph(c) |90mph(c) | 100 mph(c) | 106 mph (c) | 90 mph(c) | 90 mph (c) | Extreme Wind - Structure | 100 mph (c) | 100 mph (c) | 100 mph (c) | 120 mph (c) | 125 mph (c) | 100 mph (c) | 140 mph (c) 6in. snow, |6in. snow, | 3 in. 20 mph 20 mph snow/ice wind (c) wind (c) (10 Ib /cuft), 6 in. snow, 20 mph wind 6 in. snow, 20 mph wind (c) Extreme Snow (7 lb./cuft) 6 in. snow, 20 mph wind (c) 6 In. snow, 20 mph wind (c) 20 mph wind (c) Extreme Ice (57 Ib./cuft) 1.5 in. 1.5 in. 1.5 in..; 1.5 in..; | see above NESC Extreme Wind 80 mph 90 mph 90 mph 80 mph 80 mph Driven Pile | Driven Pile, | Concrete Concrete Piers, or Rock Driven Pile or Rock Concrete Driven Pile Pier Predominant Foundation Driven Pile Types (c) indicates a design load which controls all or a portion of the structure design. HLY 55-0064G (06/96) 120293-01 FINAL/ ab : 2_SIP020.doc TABLE OH00 Tesoro Route Overhead Lines TABLE OH01 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION TESORO ROUTE - OVERHEAD LINES 230KV 138KV BASE ADJUSTED | COST BASE ADJUSTED | COST LINK LINK | LINE COST COST PER LINK COST COST PER LINK IDENT _|MILES] DESIGN] (PER MILE) | (PER MILE) | __ (PER MILE) | (PER MILE) | __ TE.D.40 Ss11| _sa2a7] sas S484 | $2,109 TE.G-H.80 rrE.G-H.90_| 22 | 3 | soa] S404] si,oz1] sao] saa] _$908 reK120-| 1 | 3 | sa] S464] Saou sao] saa] __s440 SUB TOTALS $17,057 $16,164 ENGINEERING 7.00% $1,194 $1,131 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $1,023 $970 TOTALS $19,275 $18,265 NOTE: A 10% contigency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PMS/14/96) th r/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS / TABLE OHO1 TABLE OH02 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION TESORO ROUTE - ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES - OVERHEAD LINES TESORO ROUTE - ANCHORAGE AREA BASE ROUTE & ALTERNATIVES A, B & C 230KV 138KV BASE ADJUSTED COST BASE ADJUSTED COST LINK LINK | LINE COST COST PER LINK COST COST PER LINK ——— MILES] DESIGN] (PER MILE) | (PER MILE) (PER MILE) | (PER MILE) TepD4 | 44] 3 | S44] Ssii] sana7] _Saa0] Sasa] 92,129, SUB TOTALS $2,247 $2,129 ENGINEERING 7.00% $157 $149 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $135 $128 TOTALS $2,539 $2,406 TESORO ROUTE - ANCHORAGE AREA ALTERNATIVE D 230KV 138KV BASE ADJUSTED COST BASE ADJUSTED COST LINK LINK | LINE COST COST PER LINK COST COST PER LINK oe MILES} DESIGN| (PER MILE) | (PER MILE) (PER MILE) | (PER MILE) ANJO. | 29 [| 2 | $self $se1f$1628[ $536 $536] $1,553 | SSE fAN30 [04 | 2 | sor sso] sams] $536 $536] S214 SUB TOTALS $2,302 $2,196 ENGINEERING 7.00% $161 $154 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $138 $132 TOTALS $2,601 $2,482 DIFFERENCE FROM ANCHORAGE BASE ROUTE $62 $76 NOTE: A 10% contigency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PM5/14/96) th r:/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS 1 TABLE OH02 TABLE OH03 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION TESORO ROUTE - CAPTAIN COOK ALTERNATIVES - OVERHEAD LINES TESORO ROUTE - CAPTAIN COOK AREA BASE ROUTE ADJUSTED COST LINK LINK LINE COST PER LINK Sn | MILES | DESIGN |_ (PER MILE) [| TEGHOo[ 22 | 3 | Sor] aos] Sov] aso $40] 3008] rere [ 3 | — ser ser — sen] SUB TOTALS $3,296 $3,124 ENGINEERING 7.00% $231 $219 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $198 $187 SSeS SSS TOTALS $3,725 $3,530 TESORO ROUTE - CAPTAIN COOK AREA ALTERNATIVE A COST LINK |LINKM] LINE PERLINK}| (PER IDENT | ILES | DESIGN feris0 | 8] 1 | sis] sss] Sonei] sale] slo] 35,70, SUB TOTALS $6,281 $5,742 ENGINEERING 7.00% $440 $402 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $377 $344 ———S SS TOTALS $7,097 $6,488 DIFFERENCE FROM CAPTAIN COOK BASE ROUTE $3,373 $2,958 NOTE: A 10% contigency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PM5/14/96) lh r:/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS TABLE OH03 Enstar Route Overhead Lines 230KV 138KV TABLE OH04 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION ENSTAR ROUTE - OVERHEAD LINES BASE] ADJUSTED | COST BASE | ADJUSTED] COST LINK | LINK] LINE | COST COST |PERLINK| COST COST | PER LINK IDENT _j MILES) DESIGN | (PER MILE) | (PER MILE) | meee EER MILE) | (PER MILE) | nel ENA20 [38 [2 [seit Serf 2.134 S36] 536] 2,036) 5 ENE.I0 [337 | 1 | 435] 455] 15,338] 416] 16] 14,00 lecM.30_| 78 | 1 | 438] 435] 3,550] 416] ato 3,245 ocM..70_[| 68 | 1] 455 Qcmiso [os | 2 | soi] soi] 449] 336] 36] 429 SUB TOTALS $29,170 $26,952 ENGINEERING 7.00% $2,042 $1,887 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $1,750 $1,617 SSS se TOTALS $32,962 $30,456 NOTE: A 10% contigency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PM5/14/96) Ih r:/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS 1 TABLE OH04 TABLE OH05 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES - OVERHEAD LINES ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE AREA BASE ROUTE 230KV 138KV BASE ADJUSTED | COST BASE ADJUSTED | COST LINK LINK | LINE COST COST PER LINK COST COST PER LINK a {MILES]| DESIGN] (PER MILE)| (PER MILE)| _] (PER MILE)| (PER MILE)} ___ [2 | _ssoi] ssl] S14] $50] $536] 92,000] ENASO [32 | 2 | ssi] S501] si 797] 536] $536] $1,714, SUB TOTALS $3,930 $3,750 ENGINEERING 7.00% $275 $262 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $236 $225 = — TOTALS $4,441 $4,237 ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE AREA ALTERNATIVE A TBKV BASE ADJUSTED | COST BASE ADJUSTED | COST LINK LINK | LINE COST COST PER LINK COST COST PER LINK = ——— |MILES| DESIGN] (PER MILE)| (PER MILE) | _|(PER MILE)| (PER MILE) | ENAIO | 37] 2 | ssoi] ssol] S320] $536] $536] $3,053, ENAM | 26] 2 | sso1] ssor] sao] $536] $536] $1,393, SUB TOTALS $4,660 $4,446 ENGINEERING 7.00% $326 $311 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $280 $267 SS SSS TOTALS $5,266 $5,024 DIFFERENCE FROM ANCHORAGE BASE ROUTE $825 $787 NOTE: A 10% contingency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PM5/14/96) th r:/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS 1 TABLE OH05 TABLE OHO05 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES - OVERHEAD LINES ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE AREA ALTERNATIVE B 230KV 138KV BASE ADJUSTED | COST BASE ADJUSTED | COST LINK LINK | LINE COST COST PER LINK COST COST PER LINK __ IDENT _|MILES|DESIGN](PER MILE)} (PER MILE) | __ _|(PER MILE)|(PERMILE)| | laNIO [29 | 2 | sso] $51] Sloe] $536] $536] $1,353] N20 [os 2 | ser | ase | — suas | assets fAN30__[ 04 | 2 | _ssoi] $51] 8225] 8536] 536] S214 SUB TOTALS $2,302 $2,196 ENGINEERING 7.00% $161 $154 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $138 $132 eee oS SS TOTALS $2,601 $2,482 DIFFERENCE FROM ANCHORAGE BASE ROUTE ($1,840) ($1,755) NOTE: A 10% contingency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PMS5/14/96) th r:/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS 2 TABLE OH05 TABLE OH05 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES - OVERHEAD LINES ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE AREA ALTERNATIVE C 230KV 138KV BASE ADJUSTED | COST BASE ADJUSTED} COST LINK LINK | LINE COST COST PER LINK COST COST PER LINK _ IDENT _|MILES] DESIGN] (PER MILE)| (PER MILE) | _ __|(PER MILE)} (PER MILE) MAG | ae Pe | seOL LU sinpemLAan Saas geno aes Co CY OE = 20 $561] $561] $536 $536 S714 SUB TOTALS $4,267 $4,071 ENGINEERING 7.00% $299 $285 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $256 $244 ——— —— TOTALS $4,822 $4,600 DIFFERENCE FROM ANCHORAGE BASE ROUTE $381 $363 NOTE: A 10% contingency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PM5/14/96) Ih r:/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS 5 TABLE OH05 TABLE OH05 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES - OVERHEAD LINES ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE AREA ALTERNATIVE D 230KV 138KV BASE ADJUSTED COST BASE ADJUSTED COST IDENT _ |MILES} DESIGN| (PER MILE)| (PER MILE) (PER MILE)| (PER MILE) AN.IO | 2.9 | 2 S561, $561] $1,628T $536 [$536] $1,553 | $268 ANSO fT ot | 2 S561 S561 S561 $536 T8536 [$536 | ENAa [26] 2 | sso] S561] _siaoo] S536] $536] 91,393] SUB TOTALS $4,155 $3,964 ENGINEERING 7.00% $291 $277 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $249 $238 So (SSS TOTALS $4,695 $4,479 DIFFERENCE FROM ANCHORAGE BASE ROUTE $254 $242 NOTE: A 10% contingency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PMS5/14/96) th r:/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS 4 / TABLE OH05 TABLE OHO0S - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES - OVERHEAD LINES ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE AREA ALTERNATIVE E 230KV 138KV BASE | ADJUSTED] COST | BASE | ADJUSTED] COST LINK | LINK] LINE | COST COST |PERLINK] COST cost | PER LINK ee ee ee ee (PER MILE)| (PER MILE) | ENA40 | 26 | 2 | ssoi] $501] 1,400] $536] _ss36] S139, SUB TOTALS $4,885 $4,660 ENGINEERING 7.00% $342 $326 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $293 $280 (FS SS TOTALS $5,520 $5,266 DIFFERENCE FROM ANCHORAGE BASE ROUTE $1,079 $1,029 NOTE: A 10% contingency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PM5/14/96) th r:/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS 5 TABLE OH05 TABLE OH05 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES - OVERHEAD LINES ENSTAR ROUTE - ANCHORAGE AREA ALTERNATIVE F 230KV 138KV BASE ADJUSTED} COST BASE ADJUSTED | COST LINK LINK | LINE COST COST PER LINK COST COST PER LINK __IDENT _ {MILES} DESIGN} (PER MILE)| (PER MILE) (PER MILE)} (PER MILE) | $501] Sol] Sloe] 8536] $536] 31353) E 0.5 lANao_[ 05] > | 8501] _sso1| sve] $536 $536] $208] lAns0 | 1 | 2 | 8501] $561] sor] 8536 $536] $536] ENA30 | 04 | 2 | 8501] $561 | 225] $536 | $536] $214] ENA | 26 | 2 | $51] $561 | 1,400 | $536 | $536] 91,393 | ENASO [04] 2 | S501] $51] _su25] $536] $536] $214] SUB TOTALS $4,380 $4,178 ENGINEERING 7.00% $307 $292 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $263 $251 SSeS SSeS TOTALS $4,949 $4,721 DIFFERENCE FROM ANCHORAGE BASE ROUTE $508 $484 NOTE: A 10% contingency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PMS/14/96) Ih r:/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS 6 TABLE OH05 TABLE OH06 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION ENSTAR ROUTE - SOLDOTNA ALTERNATIVES - OVERHEAD LINES ENSTAR ROUTE - SOLDOTNA AREA BASE ROUTE LINK LINK IDENT MILES Seal INT_| MILES | DESIGN | MILE) | (PERN ADJUSTED COST (PER MILE) COST PER LINK (QC.M.1.30 sof 78 fT sass $455 $455 |__ $3,550] $416 __| QC.M.1.3 ee $561 $2,807 | $536 C.M.1.71 | 1 | $455 $455] $3,095] $416 | 1C.M.1.8 | 2 | $561 $561 $449 | $536 SUB TOTALS $9,902 ENGINEERING 7.00% $693 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $594 TOTALS $11,189 NOTE: A 10% contigency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PM5/14/96) lh r:/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS 1 COST (PER MILE) $53. $53 COST PER LINK $3,245 | $2,678 $2,829 $429 $9,181 $643 $551 $10,375 TABLE OH06 TABLE OH06 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION ENSTAR ROUTE - SOLDOTNA ALTERNATIVES - OVERHEAD LINES ENSTAR ROUTE - SOLDOTNA AREA ALTERNATIVE A ADJUSTED LINK | LINKMIL] LINE COST IDENT ES DESIGN (PER MILE) QCM1207 3.2 [ 1 | $455 $455 P $455] $561 P1455 8485 [4558485 $561 SUB TOTALS ENGINEERING 7.00% CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% TOTALS DIFFERENCE FROM SOLDOTNA BASE ROUTE NOTE: A 10% contigency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PMS/14/96) th r:/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS 2 COST PER LINK $1,456 $3,537 $1,365 $3,095 $449 $693 $594 $11,191 $2 COST | ADJUSTED (PER COST (PER MILE) Ce [sais $416, [sais | __s4i6 | $9,903 $10,410 COST PER LINK $1,331 $3,375 $1,248 $2,829 $429 $9,212 $645 $553 $35 TABLE OH06 TABLE OH06 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION ENSTAR ROUTE - SOLDOTNA ALTERNATIVES - OVERHEAD LINES ENSTAR ROUTE - SOLDOTNA AREA ALTERNATIVE B ADJUSTED LINK |LINKMIL| LINE COST IDENT | __ES DESIGN | (PER MILE) QcMi20] 32 | 1 | QcM.160] 4a] 1 | 9455 _ ecMiso] 08 | 2 _| SUB TOTALS ENGINEERING 7.00% CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% TOTALS DIFFERENCE FROM SOLDOTNA BASE ROUTE NOTE: A 10% contigency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PMS5/14/96) Ih r:/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS 3 ($2,775) $488 $418 $7,871 ($2,504) TABLE OH06 TABLE OH06 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION ENSTAR ROUTE - SOLDOTNA ALTERNATIVES - OVERHEAD LINES ENSTAR ROUTE - SOLDOTNA AREA ALTERNATIVE C ADJUSTED | COST ADJUSTED LINK a4 LINE COST PER LINK] (PER COST Rene DESIGN (PER — (PER MILE) focMi20) 32 | 1 | #5 | 435 1450] 416 _| P 416] 1331 SEMI —08 [1 —| 453 ass — “sea ane] GEM To oe 1 | —a88-—|-—a55] ana] ane a OCM.10 SUB TOTALS $8,329 $7,681 ENGINEERING 7.00% $583 $538 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $500 $461 SS Soa TOTALS $9,412 $8,680 DIFFERENCE FROM SOLDOTNA BASE ROUTE ($1,777) ($1,695) NOTE: A 10% contigency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PMS/14/96) Ih r:/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS 4 / TABLE OH06 Quartz Creek Route Overhead Lines TABLE OH07 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE BASE | ADJUSTED] COST BASE | ADJUSTED] COST LINK | LINK] LINE | COST COST |PERLINK] COST COST | PER LINK IDENT _|MILES|DESIGN| (PER MILE)|(PERMILE)|___ (PER MILE) | (PER MILE) OCA10 Ton lecB20 | 10 [2 | $501] 561 locp20 [tor] 4 | 850s] ss05] 5,704 sar] ssa] $5,460] loc.c30_[ 62 | 1 | sass] saa $2,036 | sais | s386 | 2.394] locp40 [63 [1 | 45 _sson | 83,254 | sais | sas | 2.975 | lecp40 [63] 6 | sez] suas] $5,356 | a2] __sa24 | $5,356] loceso__| 91 | 1 | 8455] $405] 3,809 | sao] 380] 3.513) loc.G70__| 37 | 4 | $505] $505] 92,089 | ssa | ssa] 92,002, joci90 [1s] 4 | $565] 505] 6.494] ssa sar] $0,204, igc.r100 | 210-| 4 | $565 | $565 | $11,859 | ssa | ssa | $11,365 cK110_| 219 | 1] sss] sass $9,967] suis | sais | — 99.112 24] 1 | 455 | 8455 | $5.68] suo | sa | 5.159] cits [18 [1] sass] sass | —_se19 | sig | sig |] $709] 7s[ 1 | _ sss [sass $3,550 | stig | sai |] 33.245 | lecmi30 [50 [2 | 8501 _sso1] $2,807 | $536 $536] 3.078 | loci.70[ 68 | 1 | 8455] sass] $3,095] _sai6 | stig | 32.829 | ecmiso [os | 2 | ssi] ssol] suo] 8536] S536] $429] SUB TOTALS $76,100 $71,538 ENGINEERING 7.00% $5,327 $5,008 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $4,566 $4,292 TOTALS $85,994 $80,838 NOTE: A 10% contigency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PM5/14/96) th r:/WAR/CHUGACHSSIP102.XLS 1 TABLE OH07 TABLE OH08 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE - SOLDOTNA ALTERNATIVES - OVERHEAD LINES QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE - SOLDOTNA AREA BASE ROUTE BASE ADJUSTED COST BASE ADJUSTED COST IDENT {MILES} DESIGN] (PER MILE)| (PER MILE) (PER MILE)| (PER MILE) QcMiis] 1s | 1 | sss] sass] sei] sao] a1 locm.i30_[ 78 | 1 | 8455] sass | 83,550 | suo | sao | 33.245 | x [1 | Q OCM170] 68] 3455] $3,095] S416] S416 | — 2.829] OcMis0 08] sor] sso] sap] 3536] _ss3o] $429, SUB TOTALS $10,721 $9,930 ENGINEERING 7.00% $750 $695 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $643 $596 SSS ———————__—_F TOTALS $12,114 $11,221 NOTE: A 10% contigency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PM5/14/96) Ih r:/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS 1 TABLE OH08 TABLE OHO08 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE - SOLDOTNA ALTERNATIVES - OVERHEAD LINES QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE - SOLDOTNA AREA ALTERNATIVE A 230KV 138KV BASE | ADJUSTED] COST | BASE | ADJUSTED] COST LINK | LINK] LINE | COST COST |PERLINK} COST COST | PER LINK IDENT _ | MILES] DESIGN] (PER MILE) (PER MILE)] (PER MILE) locma0s| 40 | 1 | _‘ss] sass] sian] Salo] stig | S.001] locMii0_| 08 | 1 | _¥43s[ sass] sso] sate] sug | $333, locm.i60 | 44 [1 | $435 [ sass] 2.003] sate] sais | S131, ecmiso [os | 2 | ssoif _ssol] sa] 8536] S536] 429] SUB TOTALS $8,174 $7,631 ENGINEERING 7.00% $572 $534 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $490 $458 ————————— _——__—______—_+ TOTALS $9,236 $8,623 DIFFERENCE FROM QUARTZ CREEK BASE ROUTE ($2,878) ($2,598) NOTE: A 10% contigency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PMS/14/96) Ih r:/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS 2 . TABLE OH08 TABLE OH08 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE - SOLDOTNA ALTERNATIVES - OVERHEAD LINES QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE - SOLDOTNA AREA ALTERNATIVE B 230KV 138KV BASE ADJUSTED} COST BASE ADJUSTED | COST LINK LINK | LINE COST COST PER LINK COST COST PER LINK IDENT _|MILES] DESIGN| (PER MILE) (PER MILE)} ___ (PER MILE)| (PER MILE) lacm20s| 40] 1 | 455] 455] 1801] 416] 41] ood lgcm2.10 [106] 1 | _435] 455] 4824] aio] 416] 4.410 S36] 336] 1,607] SUB TOTALS $8,329 $7,681 ENGINEERING 7.00% $583 $538 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $500 $461 ae SSS SSS TOTALS $9,412 $8,680 DIFFERENCE FROM QUARTZ CREEK BASE ROUTE ($2,702) ($2,541) NOTE: A 10% contigency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PMS5/14/96) th r:/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS 3 TABLE OH08 TABLE OH08 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE - SOLDOTNA ALTERNATIVES - OVERHEAD LINES QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE - SOLDOTNA AREA ALTERNATIVE C 230KV 138KV BASE ADJUSTED | COST BASE ADJUSTED | COST LINK LINK | LINE COST COST PER LINK COST COST PER LINK = MILES |(PER MILE)| (PER MILE) __|(PER MILE)| (PER MILE) Qcm.2.05 [40 [1 | $455 $1,821] $416 [$416 [$1,664 | locMi.10 [08 | 1 | sass] sass] ssa] suo | suis | $333 locm.iso [30 [1 | _sass| sass] sisos| sais | _saio] sia) [1 [sass [$455] 83,095] sate] a6 | 82.829 SUB TOTALS $10,631 $9,878 ENGINEERING 7.00% $744 $691 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $638 $593 TOTALS $12,014 $11,162 DIFFERENCE FROM QUARTZ CREEK BASE ROUTE ($101) ($59) NOTE: A 10% contigency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PMS/14/96) th r/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS 4 . TABLE OH08 TABLE OH09 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE - BIRD POINT ALTERNATIVES - OVERHEAD LINES QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE - BIRD POINT AREA BASE ROUTE 230KV 138KV ADJUSTED | COST ADJUSTED | COST LINK LINK LINE COST PER LINK] (PER COST PER LINK IDENT MILES | DESIGN (PER MILE) ) _| (PER MILE) QCD40 | 65 | 45s] $501] $3,254] $416 $458 | eco. [65] 6 | sea] sara] 85,356 | saa] sara] $5,356, QCesO fT 91 Pt | s42sq $425] $3,869] $416 | lecro [43 | 5 | sas] sas] _sism| sao] 396] $1,701, locG70__| 37] 4 | $505] $505] 92,089] _ssar] $541 | _ $2,002 loca | _37_| 4 | 850s] $505] 82.089] _ssai] $541] $2,002 SUB TOTALS $25,022 $23,773 ENGINEERING 7.00% $1,752 $1,664 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $1,501 $1,426 =——= —— TOTALS $28,275 . $26,864 NOTE: A 10% contigency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PM5/14/96) th 1 TABLE OH09 r:/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS TABLE OH09 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE - BIRD POINT ALTERNATIVES - OVERHEAD LINES QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE - BIRD POINT AREA ALTERNATIVE A (AERIAL) 230KV 138KV ADJUSTED | COST ADJUSTED | COST LINK LINKMIL} LINE COST PER LINK] (PER COST PER LINK IDENT ES DESIGN (PER MILE) (PER MILE) | QCDIAT] 29 | 7 | $3338 53.338 Sa QcDiAt0 | 15] 4 | $505] $505] _sa7| sar] $51] —_s810 ecb210 [82 | 4 | sss] _ss05] 4,631 3458 SUB TOTALS $15,159 $14,931 ENGINEERING 7.00% $1,061 $1,045 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $910 $896 SSS a TOTALS $17,129 $16,872 DIFFERENCE FROM BIRD POINT BASE ROUTE ($11,146) ($9,992) NOTE: A 10% contigency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PM5/14/96) th r:/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS 2 TABLE OH09 TABLE OH09 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE - BIRD POINT ALTERNATIVES - OVERHEAD LINES QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE - BIRD POINT AREA ALTERNATIVE B (SUBMARINE) ADJUSTED | COST ADJUSTED LINK PIS aE LINE COST |PERLINK IDENT_ DESIGN (PER MILE) | (PER MILE) | jocD1pio] 13 [ 4 | ssos] $505] _sea7| _ssai] jecp2.10 [| 82 | 4 | $505] $505] aoa] $541] SUB TOTALS $5,478 ENGINEERING 7.00% $383 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 6.00% $329 = TOTALS $6,190 DIFFERENCE FROM BIRD POINT BASE ROUTE ($22,086) NOTE: A 10% contigency has been included in the "BASE COST (PER MILE)". PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:39 PMS/14/96) th r:/WAR/CHUGACH/SIP102.XLS 3 COST COST PER LINK ($20,932) TABLE OH09 SUBMARINE AND UNDERGROUND CABLE INTRODUCTION Based on all available information obtained during the course of this phase of the project, the best available choice for submarine cable design is a paper-insulated fluid-impregnated lead- sheathed armored design. This cable is expected to perform well in the operating environment of Turnagain Arm. The exception to this is the Bird Point Alternative where installation of a high-pressure gas-filled (HPGF) system, using directional drilling as an installation technique, is recommended. Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) cable is recommended for use on all land based underground cables. XLPE is not recommended for use as a submarine cable because it is not a commercially available product in the spliceless lengths and voltages required for this project. Two types of fluid-impregnated paper-insulated cable are viable for this project. One is self contained fluid filled (SCFF), a pressurized system that is a proven technology used for submarine cables worldwide. The second type of cable that warrants further investigation is a flat three-phase self- compensating design from NTK, Denmark. This design would provide the lowest installed cost and would provide two completely redundant three-phase circuits (vs. four single-phase cables for the traditional SCFF type cable). This unique capability may further influence the recommendation for embedment pending additional geotechnical evaluation. Cost data has been developed for each type of paper-insulated, fluid-impregnated, self-contained fluid-filled (single-phase cables) and self-compensating fluid-filled (three-phase cables). As a result of our preliminary engineering investigations completed during Phase I of the Project, we are providing cost estimates based on the use of the following cable types: 138kV - Bird Point Crossing 138kV & 230kV Land (Underground ) HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 1 SUBMARINE CABLE The cost estimates have been made assuming that double-armored cables will be embedded into the Arm’s bottom using a water jet assisted cable plow. The decision to use this method for the estimates is based on our information about the potential crossings and the recommendations of Pirelli-Jacobson’s Brian Jacobson (see letter in Appendix B). We have also provided a non- embedded cost estimate for each of the cable types we considered by reducing each embedment estimate by an appropriate amount, route dependent. The embedment cost is for embedment only and the associated mobilization and demobilization of all required equipment is covered separately. There are possible exceptions to using embedment for selected portions, or possibly entire lengths, of each alternative. Geotechnical and bathymetric evaluations could indicate that there may be areas where embedment is not needed. It may further indicate that additional armoring (rock armoring) is justified along part of the route (or link) where it is not feasible to embed the cables. Since significant field work is required and this data is to be obtained during the next phase of the project, we have opted to consider direct enbedment of double-armored cable along the entire route of each alternative to calculate the estimates. Based on the available information at this time, the reasons to embed cables are: e Scouring and abrasion of armor in the Point MacKenzie-Point Woronzof cable field has damaged armor on some of the existing cables, causing them to leak and subsequently be taken out of service. ° Pirelli-Jacobson recommends the embedment of armored cables due to the operating environment, based on their experience in the area. ° Embedment may reduce the risks of cables being damaged by anchors and moving boulders and changing Turnagain Arm bottom profile. ° Buried armor suffers significantly less corrosion and wear. To determine areas where embedment is not practical or is unnecessary, we recommend that further evaluations of the sea bottom’s surface and subsurface be conducted. These include evaluations by side-scan sonar, sub-bottom sonar, geotechnical drilling, and investigation of the bathymetry of the Turnagain Arm. These evaluations will help determine where rock armoring is necessary along portions of each link. The reasons not to embed cable in certain areas include: ° The bottom is too steep to use the embedding plow. ° The bottom is so soft that the cable will embed itself. ° Severe currents in the Arm cause the bottom to shift enough to uncover the embedded cable in a short time. e Bottom conditions are too hard (rocky) to embed cable. ° The additional cost of embedding already-protected (armored) cables may be considered excessive. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 2 e Ice scour and/or boulder movement is so severe that embedment at a depth of 10 feet is not sufficient to prevent damage. Should the non-embedded approach be selected for part or all of an alternative’s length, the addition of rock armor over the double armor of the cables should be considered. Rock armor is an additional layer of armor consisting of wires that are typically larger in diameter than the wires of the underlying armor. The rock armoring is applied with a shorter lay than the normal armor wires. Its purpose is to provide additional protection against damage by external forces, such as anchors or boulders, and to support the cables when laid over obstructions or when bottom shifts suspend the cable over a portion of its route. This additional armor may double the weight of the cable and makes the cable stiffer and more difficult to handle. Rock armoring may be applied to selected sections of a continuous cable. The cost estimates are based on a 1,000-foot spacing of cables along the bottom. The Coastal Pilot (reference the Design Section Report) identifies an anchorage just north of Point Possession, near several of the possible cable routes. A final decision on the spacing should be made after the recommended geotechnical and bathymetric evaluations are completed. However, the actual spacing is expected to have little impact on the overall cost of the cable’s installation. For purposes of design and estimating we used 1-1000KMC per phase. This conductor size was utilized due to defined system load flows, dielectric losses, cable construction and ampacity calculations determined by assumed values of soil thermal conductivity, and probable subsurface geological features and profiles. Further geotechnical investigations will be required after a preferred route is selected to optimize the conductor size. This effort would be undertaken in the detailed design phase of the project. LAND UNDERGROUND CABLES All estimates for cables installed on land have been made using a manhole and duct system which is typical and usual for this type of application. Additionally, estimates assume that cross bonding of the cable’s sheaths as described in the Design Report. XLPE is the preferred insulation for land-based cables. This insulation material has proven reliability, is readily available, has the lowest losses and least maintenance requirements, and is the lowest capital cost. COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY Each of the following estimates is a compilation of the individual links and assumptions used to make up the cable costs of a particular route or local alternative. All cost estimates are in millions of dollars. Additionally, the following assumptions were used: HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 3 ° Landfalls were assumed to be within 1,000 feet of water’s edge. The reference to the 1,000 feet of conduit is in the Economic Report, Appendix B, sheet 2. The basis of 1,000 feet of conduit is that it is a typical length for these types of installations. The distance from shore’s edge to cable termination point could be as little as a few hundred feet up to 2,000 feet. Accordingly, 1,000 feet was used for estimating purposes. ¢ Geotechnical estimates includes marine survey, soil borings and soil thermal resistivity testing. ° Labor and expenses related to installation techniques are included in the labor item on the mobilization/demobilization line item. i ¢ Burial conditions for embedment costs are assumed to be without boulders or other significant obstructions. , e Installed cable cost for links in the Tesoro Route is $53.00 per cable foot and embedment cost is $14.00 per cable foot. ° Installed cable cost for links in the Enstar Route (EN.B.90) is $56.00 per cable foot and embedment cost is $14.00 per cable foot. e Installed cable cost for the Bird Point link is $176 per cable foot and embedment cost is $35.00 per cable foot. All cost data was developed from information supplied by Pirelli-Jacobson and Jacobson International. We also considered recently incurred cost of repair of CEA’s submarine cable systems. Subsequent to our evaluation of prices and development of methodology, Pirelli Jacobson’s Pietro Mondim reviewed our work and said that the higher costs per cable foot are justified for the shorter routes because fixed costs would be spread over shorter installation distances. Other items included in the section are a material pricing summary and a spreadsheet detailing the methodology to determine installation costs per cable foot. For additional detail by link and cable type, please refer to the Appendix B. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 4 TESORO ROUTE SUBMARINE CABLES 230 KV . 138 KV: 2-3 PHASE FLAT TYPE SCFF BASE ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES CAPTAIN COOK BASE ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES CAPTAIN COOK LINK | ROUTE] BASE A B Cc D BASE A ROUTE| BASE A B Cc D BASE A TE.A.10} 26.1 26.1 17.1 17.1 | | L TE.E.50| 43.3 43.3 43.3 43.3 27.3 27.3 27.3 27.3 TE.A.20 | 28.3 18.3 TE.C.30 | 18.0 12.2 TE.F.60 44.1 27.6 TE.F.70 27.5 27.5 17.6 | 17.6 AN.70 S14 31.9 | TOTAL| 69.4 69.4 71.6 61.3 71.6 78.9 0.0 0.0 44.4 44.4 45.6 39.5 45.2 49.5 0.0 0.0 DIFFERENCE | FROM BASE 0.0 2.2 (8.1) 2.2 9.5 0.0 1.2 (4.9) 8 5.1 TESORO ROUTE UNDERGROUND LAND CABLES 230KV 138KV BASE ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES CAPTAIN COOK BASE ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES | CAPTAIN COOK LINK | ROUTE] BASE A B Cc D BASE A ROUTE| BASE A B Cc D | BASE A TE.B.15 10.3 10.3 9.3 9.3 | TE.L100} 11.7 11.7 | 9.5 AN.30 1.6 14 | TOTAL|_ 11.7 0.0 0.0 10.3 10.3 1.6 11.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.3 9.3 1.4 9.5 0.0 DIFFERENCE FROM BASE 0.0 0.0 10.3 10.3 1.6 0.0 (11.7) 0.0 0.0 9.3 9.3 1.4 0.0 (9.5) HLY 55-0198 12029301 spectal.xls TESORO ROUTE SUBMARINE CABLES 230 KV 138 KV: 4-1 PHASE SCFF TYPE BASE ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES CAPTAIN COOK| BASE ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES CAPTAIN COOK LINK |ROUTE| BASE | A B c p_| pase | a |roure| pase| a | B c p_| pase] a TE.A.10| 26.1 | 26.1 | 23.9 | 23.9 | TEE.50| 433 | 433 | 433 | 433 | 324 | 394 | 394 | 394 | TE.A.20 [_ 28.3 25.8 TE.C.30 18.0 | Lise | TE.F.60 44.1 40.1 TE.F.70| 27.5 | 275 25.0 | 25.0 AN.70 | 51.4 | 46.7 ToTAL| 694 | 694 | 71.6 | 613 | 716 | 789 | oo | 00 | 633 | 633 | 652 | 560 | 51 | 71.7 | 00 0.0 DIFFERENCE FROMBASE | 0.0 2.2 (®1)_—o2.2 95 00 19 (73) 18 84 TESORO ROUTE UNDERGROUND LAND CABLES 230KV | 138KV BASE ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES _ [CAPTAIN COOK] BASE ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES CAPTAIN COOK Link |RouTE| BASE | A B c p_| Base | a |[Roure| Base] A B c p_| pase] A TE.B.15|_ 10.3 | 103 93 | 93 TE.L100| 11.7 11.7 95 | AN.30 16 [ 14 ToTAL| 11.7 | 00 | 00 | 103 | 103 | 16 | 11.7 [ oo [| oo [| oo | oo [| 93 [| 93 [| 14 | 95 | 00 DIFFERENCE FROMBASE | 0.0 0.010.310.3600 (7) 00 00 93-93, a 08.5) ENSTAR ROUTE SUBMARINE CABLES 230 KV 138 KV: 2-3 PHASE FLAT TYPE SCFF BASE ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES BASE ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES LINK | ROUTE| BASE | A B c D E F |ROUTE| BASE | A B | Cc pv |. F EN.B.90 39.0 | 39.0 | 39.0 39.0 | 390 | 390 | 390 | 248 | 248 | 248 ‘| 248 | 248 | 248 | 248 AN.80 53.0 33.1 | TOTAL 39.0 | 390 | 390 | 530 | 390 | 390 | 390 | 390 | 248 | 248 | 248 | 331 | 248 | 248 | 248 | 248 DIFFERENCE FROM BASE 00 0.014.000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 00 83 0.0 000000 ENSTAR ROUTE UNDERGROUND LAND CABLES 230KV 138KV BASE ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES BASE ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES LINK | ROUTE | BASE | A B c D E F |RouTE| BASE| A B | ¢ D E F AN.30 1.6 14 EN.B.70 1 1 si). 5.7 EN.B.80 62 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 | 5.0 EN.D.100 | 12.9 10.5 TOTAL it | 62 m1 | 16 6.2 1 6.2 62 | 155 | so | 57 | 14 | so | 57 s.0 | 5.0 DIFFERENCE FROM BASE 0.0 09 46) 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 07. G6 00 07 0.0 0.0 HLY 55-0198 120293-01 spectaL.xls ENSTAR ROUTE SUBMARINE CABLES | 230 KV 138 KV:4-1 PHASE SCFF TYPE BASE ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES BASE ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES LINK |ROUTE| BASE | __A B c D E F__|RoUTE| BASE | A B_ | c D E F EN.B.90 | 39.0 | 39.0 | 39.0 30 | 390 | 390 | 390 | 356 | 356 | 356 | 356 | 356 | 35.6 | 35.6 AN.80 53.0 | | ToraL | 39.0 | 390 | 390 | 530 | 39.0 | 390 | 390 | 390 | 356 | 356 | 356 | 482 | 356 | 356 | 356 | 35.6 DIFFERENCE FROMBASE | 0.0 0.0 1400.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0126 0.0 0.00.00 ENSTAR ROUTE UNDERGROUND LAND CABLES 230KV 138KV BASE ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES BASE ANCHORAGE ALTERNATIVES LINK |ROUTE| BASE | _A B c D E r__|roure| Base| a |B c D E F AN.30 16 1.4 | EN.B.70 7A 7A [57 5.7 EN.B80 | 62 | 6.2 6.2 62 | 62 | 50 | 50 | 5.0 5.0 | 5.0 EN.D.100| 12.9 10.5 | | toraL | 191 | 62 [ 71 [| 16 | 62 [ 71 | 62 [ 62 | iss | so | s7 | 14 | so | 57 | so | so DIFFERENCE FROMBASE |_0.0 0.9 (46) 0.00.9 0.000 00 0.7 GH 00 070.000 HLY 55-0198 120293 special.xls/menstaréc MATERIAL SUMMARY SUBMARINE CABLES _ VOLTAGE TYPE SFT. ARMOR | NOTES | TYPE (sce below) W/C XLPE 3/C SCFF (FLAT) 1/C SCFF T HPGF V/C XLPE 230 | 5 230 | 1/C SCFF 138 am SCFF___| nn 24 - {DOUBLET 1.2 138 |3P SCFF [FLAT], 10 DOUBLE) I 138 ERE UNA | LN 97 NN TOUS | 1 138 HPGF 17 ~__ DOUBLE. __0 230 SCFF | 143 DOUBLE 230 XLPE ES a oxey BLE) 283 eens pat ete ae LAND CABLES in | 138 XLPE_| 38 |_ NIA i 230 | XLPE J 3 i 7 3 aft J SPLICES - | TYPE _[ SEACH | 138 3-I/C XLPETO3-I/CSCFF | _44150 0 138 3-1 XLPE TO 1-3/C SCFF(FLAT) | 35770 | __0 138 IC XLPE TO 1/C XLPE OPEN SHEATH | 9950 1 138 |1/C XLPE TO 1/C XLPE CLOSED SHEATH | _7725 if 138000 [al 3/C HPGF | 3300 [0 230 [IWC XLPE TO W/C XLPEOPEN SHEATH | 16754 | 4 WC XLPE TO 1/C XLPE CLOSED SHEATH | 13000_| 4 GROUNDING BOXES _ SHEATH GROUNDING __ X- BONDING Tey i iM IN _O|ACTUAL PRICE | 230 kV PRICES CALCULATED AT 1. 1 2 Bt 4|BASED ON OTHER JOB EXPERIEN( This table and its accompaning notes is the method used to gen detailed estimates. Page 1 4, INSTALLATION SUMMARY INSTALLATION COSTS of _JPT.P-PT.C | BIRD PT. DISTANCE (LINEAR) 76560] 10500 S$PHASE FOOT SPHASE FOOT $ PHASE FOOT S$ PHASE FOOT SUPPLIER PIRELLI JACOBSON _ (4 cables) PORTATION AND LAY : A= ——| — 34 9,300,000 3,800,000 13.100.000/ JAVERAGE COST PER _ PHASE FOOT EMBEDED _ COMMON ROUTES AVERAGE COST PER PHASE FOOT EMBEDDED LENGTH \ 1 PER FOOT EMBEDDED ot. This table is a summary of the methods used to arrive at the $53.00 per phase foot used to estimate the cost of embedding a submarine cable Also, it develops the $14.00 per cable foot used for the embedment allowance . I Es L r Page 1 SUBSTATIONS INTRODUCTION Modifications will be required to existing substations to terminate the proposed Southern Intertie. For the purposes of this report, alternate substation estimates have been prepared to include the University, Point Woronzof and International substations in the Anchorage area and the Soldotna and Bernice Lake substations on the Kenai Peninsula. In the EIS phase of the project, additional termination sites in the Anchorage area will be considered. This section will present the applicable substation cost estimates for the modifications necessary to terminate the Southern Intertie. Cost estimates for each substation are based on the conceptual general arrangement drawings contained in Appendix C and other applicable information as contained in the System Studies and Design Section Reports. Equipment vendors were contacted for equipment prices and shipping costs and constraints. The equipment prices used in preparing the estimates are based on this vendor information and are f.o.b. site. Future plans and additions for the substations were considered and accommodated in these estimates to the extent possible. The preliminary designs have also considered the addition of switches where appropriate to allow future expansion with minimal outages. Additional land purchase and/or expansions of the existing fence will be required for all proposed substation modifications. Land purchase prices are included in the right-of-way Section and were not included in the substation estimates. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 1 Substation Cost Summary by Route Substation 138kV Option 230kV Option TESORO ROUTE $3,743,532 $3,573,337 $7,316,869 $6,586,193 $4,088,579 $10,674,772 Point Woronzof* Bernice Lake Total ENSTAR ROUTE International $850,977 $3,143,384 $3,994,361 $3,482,885 $3,655,477 $7,138,362 Soldotna Total Substation 138kV Option 230kV Option University $557,232 $2,473,180 Soldotna $3,143,384 $3,655,477 Total $3,700,616 $6,128,657 * Contains reactive compensation component for submarine cable for Anchorage area. The following tables summarize the substation estimates by route, inclusive of labor, material, engineering, construction management, and 10% contingency. The tables present costs by category, more specifically: e Equipment - Major electrical equipment including power circuit breakers, disconnecting switches, transformers, buswork, and similar items. e Structures - Galvanized steel substation structures including bus supports, instrument transformer stands, dead-end structures, switch stands, and similar items. e Foundations - Reinforced concrete foundations for structures, control house, and transformer(s). HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 2 aw e Cable & Conduit - Conduit, control cable, and low voltage power cable. e Site Work - Clearing, earthwork, grading, ground grid, fence, and final crushed rock surface. e Control House - Control house structure, AD/DC station service, and protective relaying requirements. e Testing - Pre-energization checkout of equipment, protective schemes, and control schemes; relay calibration; and assistance during commisioning. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 3 BERNICE LAKE SUBSTATION GENERAL The cost estimates for the Bernice Lake Substation are based on a new 115kV three breaker ring bus. The bus has been designed to not alter the existing access. The existing 115kV circuit breaker and voltage transformers will not be reused due to the length of outage required to perform the required modifications. The existing 115kV deadend structure and disconnect switch will be left in place and reused is shown in Figure SS-09, Appendix C. The existing yard must be expanded to the east for the addition of the Southern Intertie. Homer Electric Association (HEA) owns the property east of the substation to North Kenai Road. This area is adequate for the required modifications. 138kV OPTION A General Arrangement Drawing showing the proposed additions is shown in Figure SS- 09. The proposed arrangement requires that additional property, approximately 215 x 185 feet in size, be included in the substation fence. Refer to the more detailed cost estimates contained in Appendix C and the Design Section Report for more information on the specific equipment required. 230kV OPTION A General Arrangement Drawing showing the proposed additions is shown in Figure SS- 10, Appendix C. The proposed arrangement requires that additional property, approximately 235 x 185 feet in size, be included in the substation fence. Refer to the more detailed cost estimates contained in Appendix C and the Design Section Report for more information on the specific equipment required. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 4 COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST SUMMARY 138 KV Option, Bernice Lake Substation Summ UNIT COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. MATERIAL] LABOR _|MATERIAL | HRS [UNIT | | HRS | UNIT $180,000 [| _ $2,100,400 | [FOUNDATIONS Cid; | $1,500] 36 =~ $3,600] $47,000] 1128 | $112,800] ———«$159,800 | [CABLE&CONDUIT_———sédi;«2070 | $153 0.96 | $96] $54,600] 340 | $33,990] $88,590 | ISITEWORK CSC‘ AUSSzYLCOC*‘«SSCYT 2S | S25 $89,275] 1189 | $118,925] $208,200 | [CONTROLHOUSECd|s SS | $111,500] 208 | $20,800] $192,500] 232 | $23,200] $215,700 | [TESTING —~—“‘;‘LSS «~$3,000[ 104 [ $i0400[ $3,000 186 [ $i8600[ ——_—$21,600 | SUB TOTALS $2,378,075 __ 5153 $515,315 $2,893,390 ENGINEERING 6.50% $188,070 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $202,537 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $289,339 TOTAL $3,573,337 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST SUMMARY 230 KV Option, Bernice Lake Substation Summai UNIT COSTS TOTAL NIRTERIAL | LABOR —— TERI cost | HRS | UNIT _| | HRS | UNIT | ISTRUCTURES | 26 | 818,087] 68 | $6,780 $77,700 306 [$30,600 $108,300 | IFOUNDATIONS _— | 219 | $1,500] 36 | $3,600 $54,750] 1314 [$131,400 $186,150 | |CABLE& CONDUIT __| 2070 | __—$153] 0.96 | $96 [$54,600] 340 [$33,990 [$88,590 | SITEWORK___ 51650] $25] 0.25 | sast $94,500] 1253 [$125,250 [$219,750 | CONTROL HOUSE | 5 | $111,500 | 208 $23,200 | _$215,700 | SUB TOTALS $2,763,750 5468 $546,840 $3,310,590 ENGINEERING 6.50% $215,188 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $231,741 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $331,059 TOTAL $4,088,579 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss INTERNATIONAL SUBSTATION GENERAL The cost estimates for International Substation are based on CEA plans to build a 138kV breaker-and-a-half station to the south of the existing 138kV station. If the new station is not built at the time it is needed for the Southern Intertie, additional work will need to be done to the existing substation. The bay for the Southern Intertie can still be built in the location shown on Figures SS-11 and SS-12, Appendix C, but-a strain bus would need to be constructed to connect the bay to the existing substation. Additional costs would be incurred for site work, fencing, grounding, control building, etc. that would not be necessary if the new station were in place. These costs have not been estimated. 138kV OPTION A General Arrangement Drawing showing the proposed additions is shown in Figure SS- 11. Cost estimates for the 138kV option assume that the proposed 138kV breaker-and-a- half station is in place. The general arrangement drawing of the proposed station furnished by CEA shows a bay designated for a future 138kV transmission line. As shown of Figure SS-11, this bay will be used for the Southern Intertie. 230kV OPTION A General Arrangement Drawing showing the proposed additions is shown in Figure SS- 12. Cost estimates for the 230kV option assume that the proposed 138kV breaker-and-a- half station is in place. The general arrangement drawing of the proposed station furnished by CEA shows a bay designated for a future 138kV transmission line. As shown of Figure SS-12, this bay will be used to connect to a 230/138kV autotransformer via an overhead strain bus. The 230kV portion of the station will be constructed adjacent to the proposed station and will require that additional property, approximately 250 x 55 feet in size, be included in the substation fence. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 5 COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST SUMMARY 138 KV Option, International Substation Summa UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL QTY. |MATERIAL MATERIAL COsT | HRS | UNIT __| | HRS [UNIT __| STRUCTURES | ie } sitet 7 _} suit __sigaoo {iso _fsic.gog [$56,500 | FOUNDATIONS 76 $1000] 24 | $2400] $19,000 456 | $45,600 [$64,600 | CABLE & CONDUIT 1375 $123] 0.78 [svt $34,425 [207 [$20,650 [$55,075 | SITEWORK__| 1000 | _$9f 0.09 Tso $4375 [43 84.250 $8,625 | CONTROL HOUSE sf 3 | $29,333[ 8 _[ssoot $88,000] 24 [$2,400 [$90,400 | TESTING CT 9 83,000] 80 _f[ $8o00f $3,000 132_ [$13,200 [$16,200 | SUB TOTALS $502,150 _ 1869 $186,900 $689,050 ENGINEERING 6.50% $44,788 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $48,234 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $68,905 TOTAL $850,977 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST SUMMARY 230 KV Option, International Substation Summa: UNIT COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION MATERIAL | HRS | UNIT _| | HRS | UNIT | $1,778,790 |_1072_| $107,181] $2,110,100 | 1376_[ $137,600 [$2,247,700 | JFOUNDATIONS _ | 194 | $1,250] 30_| $3,000 $48,500 1164 [$116,400] $164,900 | |CABLE& CONDUIT | 2475 | $153] 0.96 | $96 [$68,800 416 [$41,550] $110,350 | ISITEWORK___ 4000] S824] 0.24 [zat $27,100 344 [$34,400 $61,500 | CONTROL HOUSE | 4 | $27,000] 8 {| _ssoofsi08,o00 32 [$3,200] $111,200 | U1 | 96 | $9,600] $3,000 | $16,000 SUB TOTALS $2,441,800 _ 3784 $378,350 $2,820,150 ENGINEERING 6.50% $183,310 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $197,411 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $282,015 TOTAL $3,482,885 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss UNIVERSITY SUBSTATION GENERAL The cost estimates for University Substation are based on the future plans for the station and proposed changes to the 230kV portion of the station. The design takes advantage of unassigned future positions where possible. 138kV OPTION A General Arrangement Drawing showing the proposed additions is shown in Figure SS- 13, Appendix C. Cost estimates for the 138kV option assume that the future 138kV bay shown on the general arrangement drawing furnished by CEA can be used for the Southern Intertie. 230kV OPTION A General Arrangement Drawing showing the proposed additions is shown in Figure SS- 14, Appendix C. Cost estimates for the 230kV option assume that an entirely new 230kV station will be built to the east of the existing station. Proposed changes to the 230kV portion of the station completely utilize all available land within the existing fence. Future plans include the addition of another 230kV line to ML&P Plant No. 2 and a 230/115kV autotransformer. The configuration of the proposed 230kV additions is not easily adaptable to accommodate the future additions. For this reason, a ring bus expandable to a breaker and one-half has been proposed as shown on Figure SS-14. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 6 COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST SUMMARY 138 KV Option, University Substation Summa: UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS QTY. |MATERIAL| LABOR [MATERIAL COST | HRS [UNIT | | HRS [| UNIT | [EQUIPMENT Ts“ 8:134,900[ 436 | $43,600] $177,400] 504 | $50,400] ——«$227,800 | STRUCTURES | ts 815,700[ 57_—*T 85,714 $28,900] 112 | $11,200] —————$40,100 | [FOUNDATIONS | 53_—«|S1,000 24 82,4007 $13,250] 318 | —$31,800[ ——_—*$45,050 | [CABLE& CONDUIT | 480: | SUIS | 0.73 [$73] $1250] 67_—~| 96,675] «$17,925 | ISITEWORK ss C*d;«SQOO|—S$14 | | sI9 86,875] 93 $9,250] $16,125 | [CONTROLHOUSEsd| 3] ($29,333 | 00 ooo { 24 [| $2,400] $90,400 | | 108 | $10,800] ‘$13,800 | SUB TOTALS $328,675 1225 $122,525 $451,200 ENGINEERING 6.50% $29,328 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $31,584 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $45,120 TOTAL $557,232 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST SUMMARY 230 KV Option, University Substation Summa TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. | HRS | UNIT | | HRS [UNIT | [EQUIPMENT —C*dL:Cs2h7_—sd|_—«$:239,677 | 3119 | $311,941] $502,200] 3746 | $374,600] ——*$876,800 | STRUCTURES C*d;CS3_—s|_ $20,943 82 $8,171 | $124,100 504 [$50,400] «$174,500 | [FOUNDATIONS iTS 284 «| $1000] 24 [$2,400] $71,000 1704 | $170,400] —_—$241,400 | 2565, [CONTROLHOUSEsi*d| C3 S| 829,333[ 8 S800] $88,000] 24 | $2,400] $90,400 | TESTING TCTCC™~—“‘idTS SSC ~S83,000[ 80 =~ $8,000 83,000] 108 | $10,800] ~~ $13,800 | SUB TOTALS $1,069,725 9329 $932,850 $2,002,575 ENGINEERING 6.50% $130,167 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $140,180 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $200,258 TOTAL $2,473,180 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (9:52 AM6/17/96) ss SOLDOTNA SUBSTATION GENERAL The cost estimates for Soldotna Substation are based on the availability of the 115kV breaker-and-a-half arrangement for expansion. A 115kV additional bay must be constructed since the bays for the Fritz Creek line and the SVC cross over to the adjacent bay before exiting the station. An additional disconnect switch has been included to accommodate future expansion. The general arrangement drawings furnished by CEA show an area designated for a future 230kV yard. This area was utilized for the Southern Intertie. 138kV OPTION A General Arrangement Drawing showing the proposed additions is shown in Figure SS- 15, Appendix C. Cost estimates for the 138kV option assume that an entirely new 138kV station will be built in the area designated for future 230kV on the general arrangement drawing furnished by CEA and will require that additional property, approximately 150 x 120 feet in size, be included in the substation fence. 230kV OPTION A General Arrangement Drawing showing the proposed additions is shown in Figure SS- 16, Appendix C. Cost estimates for the 230kV option assume that an entirely new 230kV station will be built in the area designated for future 230kV on the general arrangement drawing furnished by CEA and will require that additional property, approximately 170 x 120 feet in size, be included in the substation fence. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 7 COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST SUMMARY 138 KV Option, Soldotna Substation Summa: unr Coss] COSTS EXTENDED EDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY.|MATERIAL]___LABOR_|MATERIAL | _ _LABOR | —_—COST | HRS | UNIT _| | HRS | UNIT __| 7 EQUIPMENT $1,495,700 | 1512 isi a0 SL778.200 $179,600 $1,957,800 ISTRUCTURES | 27 | $15,883] 58 | $5,767] $60,400] 238 [$23,800 $84,200 | [30 | sspo| sn. | oar | sono] as rs [8 | _ $800 | gan| a2} snr n | 96 [$9,600 | | 160 | $16,000 | SUB TOTALS $2,115,350 4299 $429,900 $2,545,250 ENGINEERING 6.50% $165,441 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $178,168 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $254,525 TOTAL $3,143,384 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST SUMMARY 138 KV Option, Pt. Woronzof Substation Summai UNIT COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. COST | HRS | UNIT | | HRS [UNIT | EQUIPMENT CSC*dS;CSCS_—|— $763,767] 2755_| $275,500] _—$1,472,600 | 3434 | $343,400 $1,816,000 | [FOUNDATIONS Cd; 283 «| $1,500] 36 =~ $3,600] $70,750] 1698 | $169,800] $240,550 | $24 | 0.24 $24 $113,250 [| 1508 $150,750 [CONTROLHOUSE——sC*édL;s=Ci:CST;s $110,900] 208 | $20,800] $348,500 280 | $28,000] $376,500 | $28,000 SUB TOTALS $2,215,900 _ 8153 $815,300 $3,031,200 ENGINEERING 6.50% $197,028 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $212,184 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $303,120 TOTAL $3,743,532 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST SUMMARY 230 KV Option, Pt. Woronzof Substation Summa: UNIT COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. |MATERIAL | HRS | UNIT _| | HRS | UNIT __| ISTRUCTURES 47] 817,426] 57 $5,742 $143,300] 520_ | $52,000] $195,300 | [FOUNDATIONS 362 | $1,750] 42 $4,200] $90,500] 2172 | $217,200] $307,700 | [CABLE & CONDUIT 3530 | $171] 1.0675 | $107] $86,600] 531 | $53,100] $139,700 | 79605] $240.24 | $24 $133,575 [1771 :[ $177,075] $310,650 | [CONTROLHOUSE | 12 $110,318] 208 | $20,800] $368,500] 288 | $28,800 [$397,300 | [TESTING 85] $3,000] 109 | $0927 $3,000 374 YT $37,400[ $40,400 | SUB TOTALS $4,380,375 9574 $957,375 $5,337,750 ENGINEERING 6.50% $346,954 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $373,643 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $533,775 TOTAL $6,592,121 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss REACTIVE COMPENSATION INTRODUCTION As defined in the Systems Studies and Design Section Reports, Reactive Compensation will be required for all scenarios of the Southern Intertie Project. This section presents the cost estimates for each of the possible transmission line routes. Please refer to the “Route Descriptions and Cost Estimate Summaries” section of this report for a listing of required compensation requirements for each Alternative identified. Equipment vendors and turnkey/manufacturer’s were contacted to obtain equipment prices, shipping costs and related construction costs. The pricing information is used in preparing the estimates in this section. Land acquisition and/or new right-of-way will be required for all installations involving submarine/underground reactor installations. For the compensation of the existing 115kV line, additional property will be required adjacent to the existing right-of-way. Significant land acquisitions would be required both in the Anchorage area and on the Kenai Peninsula to accommodate Battery Energy Storage (BES) systems. Summary estimate sheets for all reactive compensation scenarios are provided at the end of this section. Detailed estimates and associated general arrangements are provided in Appendix D. The following tables summarize the reactive compensation estimates by base route. One alternative estimate to the Quartz Creek route is also included as the underground Bird Point Crossing requires additional compensation beyond the base route. No other routes require additional compensation due to routing alternatives. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 1 Reactive Compensation Summary by Route TESORO ROUTE Point Possession* $2,122,055 $2,648,797 $5,953,644 $5,953,644 ENSTAR ROUTE Rabbit Creek $1,353,062 $1,708,626 Big Indian Creek $1,353,062 $1,708,626 $8,659,768 $9,370,896 QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE QUARTZ CREEK - BIRD POINT ALTERNATIVE $1,228,212 $1,649,010 Te TT TS ETS TSI TES Reactive Compensation for the Anchorage area is included with Point Possession Substation Costs. ** New site to provide for compensation of existing 115kV intertie. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab a SHUNT CAPACITOR BANKS The cost estimates are inclusive of utilizing shunt connected capacitor banks in 20 MVAR blocks. These are primarily for improving steady-state system operating conditions. As determined in the Systems Studies, the shunt banks must be augmented by a fast-acting device (Static Var Compenstors [SVC] or Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitors [TCSC]) on the existing 115kV Intertie. Accordingly, estimates for the shunt banks are included with either an SVC or TCSC. A general arrangement showing 2-20 MVAR. banks with a 0-20 MVAR SVC is shown on Figure RC-01 and detailed in Table RC-01 in Appendix D. The configuration with the 0-40 MVAR TCSC is provided with a single 20 MVAR Shunt Capacitor Bank. Refer to Figure RC-02 and Table RC-02 in Appendix D. SHUNT REACTORS The cost estimates for the shunt reactor installations are provided for both 138kV and 230kV scenarios. In general, the reactors are placed at the terminus of the submarine/underground cables. The following table summarizes the required shunt reactor installations. Required Shunt Reactor Installations Voltage Reactor Size & Associated Associated (KV) # Locations i Figure Table Quartz Creek 10 MVAR - 2 sites RC-03 Enstar 138 22 MVAR - 2 sites Quartz Creek 230 22 MVAR - 2 sites GOMVAR 2 Tesoro 138 10 +30 MVAR - 1 site 30 MVAR - 2nd site 75 MVAR - 2nd site Refer to Appendix D for all associated Reactive Compensation Figures and Detailed Estimates (Tables). HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 3 STATIC VAR COMPENSATORS The cost estimate provided for the SVC is included with the shunt connected Capacitor Bank, Figure RC-01 and Table RC-02 in Appendix D. The SVC operation for dynamic control is augmented by the more economical 20 MVAR shunt banks for the steady-state support. As described in the Systems Studies and Design Section Reports, the SVC provides dynamic stability during system disturbances. Significant control issues would have to be addressed to coordinate with the-existing SVC installations. SERIES CAPACITOR BANKS The cost estimate provided for the Series Bank is included with a 20 MVAR shunt connected Capacitor Bank, Figure RC-02 and Table RC-02 in Appendix D. As with the SVC, a portion of the var support is more economically provided by standard shunt banks. Normally (mechanically) switched series capacitors can not be utilized for the Southern Intertie application due to response time and Subsynchronous Resonance considerations. A more detailed description and discussion is provided in the System Studies Report. Accordingly, this estimate included a TCSC Bank. This device provides sub-cycle response time and mitigates SSR concerns typically associated with series compensation. TCSC provides the best overall technical solution considering both steady-state and dynamic system requirements. BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE BES has the unique capability of providing full power circle operation. More detailed operational information is provided in the System Studies and Design Section Reports. Estimates for two systems (Anchorage and Kenai) project were provided by vendors. Together the BES systems estimates varied between $41 million and $51 million. These are rough budgetary numbers only. Significantly more study work would be required to refine the BES capacity specifications which could significantly influence the capital cost. Accordingly, detailed cost estimates are not available for this option. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 4 SUMMARY The following tables provide a cost estimate summary for each reactive compensation installation or applicable combination of installations for the Southern Intertie. Additional supporting detail can be found in Appendix D. The following tables summarize the reactive compensation estimates by route, inclusive of labor, material, engineering, construction management, and 10% contingency. The tables present costs by category, more specifically: e Equipment - Major electrical equipment including capacitors, reactors, power circuit breakers, disconnecting switches, transformers, buswork, and similar items. e Structures - Galvanized steel substation structures including bus supports, instrument transformer stands, dead-end structures, switch stands, and similar items. e Foundations - Reinforced concrete foundations for structures, control house, and transformer(s). e Cable & Conduit - Conduit, control cable, and low voltage power cable. e Site Work - Clearing, earthwork, grading, ground grid, fence, and final crushed rock surface. e Control House - Control house structure, AD/DC station service, and protective relaying requirements. e Testing - Pre-energization checkout of equipment, protective schemes, and control schemes; relay calibration; and assistance during commisioning. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 5 SUMMARY - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE TOTAL DESCRIPTION COST $3,578,488 ENGINEERING 6.50% $232,602 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $250,494 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $406,158 TOTAL $4,467,742 APPLY TO THE EXISTING 115KV INTERTIE, NEW SITE AT PORTAGE AS AN ALTERNATE. REFER TO THE "SUMMARY" SECTION IMMEDIATELY PRECEEDING THESE TABLES FOR ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTIONS OF THE COST CATEGORIES. HLY 55-0198 120293-01 0198rc_a.xls SUMMARY - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE TOTAL DESCRIPTION COST $4,768,637 ENGINEERING 6.50% $309,961 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $333,805 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $541,240 ae TOTAL = $5,953,644 APPLY TO THE EXISTING 115KV INTERTIE, NEW SITE PORTAGE. APPLICABLE TO ALL BASE ESTIMATES. REFER TO TABLE RC-O2 FOR DETAIL LOCATED IN APPENDIX D REFER TO THE "SUMMARY" SECTION IMMEDIATELY PRECEEDING THESE TABLES FOR ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION OF THE COST CATEGORIES. HLY 55-0198 120293-01 0198rc_a.xls SUMMARY - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE 138 KV, 10 MVAR REACTOR TOTAL DESCRIPTION COST EQUIPMENT $571,970 STRUCTURES $61,700 FOUNDATIONS $100,875 CABLE & CONDUIT $17,000 SITE WORK $69,205 CONTROL HOUSE $146,000 TESTING $17,000 $983,750 ENGINEERING 6.50% $63,944 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $68,862 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $111,656 TOTAL = $1,228,212 QUARTZ CREEK, 138KV BIRD POINT ALTERNATIVE * | SITE AT BIRD POINT * 1 SITE AT SNIPERS POINT (SIX MILE CREEK) REFER TO TABLE RC-03 FOR DETAIL LOCATED IN APPENDIX D REFER TO THE "SUMMARY" SECTION IMMEDIATELY PRECEEDING THESE TABLES FOR ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION OF THE COST CATEGORIES. HLY 55-0198 120293-01 0198rc_a.xls SUMMARY - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE 138 KV, 22 MVAR REACTOR TOTAL DESCRIPTION COST EQUIPMENT $671,970 STRUCTURES $61,700 -$1,083,750_ ENGINEERING 6.50% $70,444 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $75,862 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $123,006 TOTAL — $1,353,062 ENSTAR, 138KV * | SITE AT RABBIT CREEK (NORTH OF POTTER'S MARSH) * 1] SITE AT BIG INDIAN CREEK (ON THE KENAI) REFER TO TABLE RC-04 FOR DETAIL LOCATED IN APPENDIX D REFER TO THE "SUMMARY" SECTION IMMEDIATELY PRECEEDING THESE TABLES FOR ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION OF -THE COST CATEGORIES HLY 55-0198 120293-01 0198rc_a.xls SUMMARY - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE 230 KV, 22 MVAR REACTOR TOTAL DESCRIPTION COST EQUIPMENT STRUCTURES FOUNDATIONS CABLE & CONDUIT $1,320,793 ENGINEERING 6.50% $85,852 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $92,455 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $149,910 TOTAL — $1,649,010 QUARTZ CREEK, 230KV, BIRD POINT ALTERNATIVE * 1 SITE AT BIRD POINT * 1 SITE AT SNIPPERS POINT (SIX MILE CREEK) REFER TO TABLE RC-05 FOR DETAIL LOCATED IN APPENDIX D REFER TO THE "SUMMARY" SECTION IMMEDIATELY PRECEEDING THESE TABLES FOR ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION OF THE COST CATEGORIES HLY 55-0198 120293-01 0198re_a.xls SUMMARY - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE 230 KV, 60 MVAR REACTOR TOTAL DESCRIPTION COST EQUIPMENT $918,650 STRUCTURES $73,800 $1,368,543 ENGINEERING 6.50% $88,955 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $95,798 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $155,330 TOTAL $1,708,626 ENSTAR ROUTE, 230KV, BASE ROUTE: * SITE AT RABBIT CREEK (NORTH OF POTTERS MARSH) * | SITE AT BIG INDIAN CREEK (ON THE KENAI) REFER TO TABLE RC-06 FOR DETAIL LOCATED IN APPENDIX D REFER TO THE "SUMMARY" SECTION IMMEDIATELY PRECEEDING THESE TABLES FOR ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION OF THE COST CATEGORIES HLY 55-0198 120293-01 0198rc_a.xls SUMMARY - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE 138 KV, 10+30 MVAR REACTORS TOTAL DESCRIPTION COST EQUIPMENT $1,165,950 STRUCTURES $59,400 FOUNDATIONS $125,625 _~ |CABLE & CONDUIT $34,000 SITE WORK $80,708 CONTROL HOUSE $146,000 TESTING $88,000 _81,699,683_ ENGINEERING 6.50% $110,479 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $118,978 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $192,914 TOTAL = $2,122,055 TESORO ROUTE, 138KV, BASE ROUTE: * 1 SITE, POINT POSSESSION, NEW SITE * ADDITIONAL 30 MVAR AT POINT WORONZOF SUBSTATION REFER TO TABLE RC-07 FOR DETAIL LOCATED IN APPENDIX D REFER TO THE "SUMMARY" SECTION IMMEDIATELY PRECEEDING THESE TABLES FOR ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION OF THE COST CATEGORIES HLY 55-0198 120293-01 0198rc_a.xls SUMMARY - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE / 230 KV, 30+40 MVAR REACTORS TOTAL DESCRIPTION COST EQUIPMENT $1,588,500 TRUCTURES $76,300 OUNDATIONS $164,250 CABLE & CONDUIT , $34,000 ITE WORK $90,534 CONTROL HOUSE $146,000 TESTING $22,000 $2,121,584 ENGINEERING 6.50% $137,903 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $148,511 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $240,800 TOTAL = $2,648,797 TESORO ROUTE, 230KV, BASE ROUTE: * 1 SITE, POINT POSSESSION, NEW SITE * ADDITIONAL 7SMVAR AT POINT WORONZOF SUBSTATION REFER TO TABLE RC-08 FOR DETAIL LOCATED IN APPENDIX D REFER TO THE "SUMMARY" SECTION IMMEDIATELY PRECEEDING THESE TABLES FOR ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION OF THE COST CATEGORIES HLY 55-0198 120293-01 0198rc_a.xls ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING INTRODUCTION The proposed Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) cost is estimated at $2.5 million for the Southern Intertie Project. This estimate is based on previous EISs successfully completed by Dames & Moore with similar issues. Initially, we estimated the cost based on estimated miles of alternatives. The three primary routes (Tesoro, Enstar, and Quartz Creek) equal approximately 275 miles total. There are approximately an additional 145 miles of local alternatives within the three primary routes. Accordingly, a total of approximately 420 miles of alternatives are to be evaluated in the EIS. For major EISs in rural areas, costs typically average approximately $4,500 to $5,000 per mile of alternative. Using this average per mile cost, we estimated the overall costs to be approximately $1.9 to $2.1 million. In addition, the Southern Intertie Project has a number of significant issues that will require additional studies or effort. These are: e Urban Anchorage: Typical urban studies vary in cost from $250,000 to $750,000. Because the Municipality of Anchorage has prepared a plan for utilities, we do not anticipate maximum costs for this study. Estimated additional cost is between $250,000 to $300,000. e The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires all alternatives to be evaluated equally. However, the level of data currently existing for the potential alternatives is inconsistent. For example, the Forest Service’s data are the most complete and are at the level of detail desired for a transmission line project EIS. For the remainder of the study area, data gaps exist for soils, vegetation, visual concerns, etc. An additional $150,000 to $200,000 is anticipated for data collection. e Typically, after completing the initial feasibility or alternative identification studies, a solution for most utility projects becomes obvious. However, for the Southern Intertie Project, a combined least-impact and least-cost preference has not yet appeared because of agency issues and submarine crossing conditions. This will result in a difficult decision process with numerous decision meetings with the client, agencies and interested parties, graphics, and data management. Estimated additional cost ranges between $100,000 and $150,000. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 1 The difficulties or agencies with significant issues are as follows: - State Parks - Forest Service - US. Fish and Wildlife Service - Corps of Engineers (404 permits) - Native Corporation Lands and Private Lands (Soldotna and Kenai areas) e The primary concerns include visual, wilderness, recreation/tourism, and wildlife habitat. The concern of federal and state agencies is the management of these resources and the potential impact of the transmission line on them. Since there is no clear resolution of these issues for the primary routes, we will need to conduct major mitigation studies in locally sensitive areas. Visual analysis will include numerous simulations and visibility analyses. Typical wilderness studies will include user identification and areas of potential impact prior to making mitigation recommendations. The level of analysis for recreation and tourism will be generally confined to mitigation of visual and physical impacts, while wildlife habitat may be somewhat more complex. The cost for additional visual and recreation/tourism analyses is estimated to be $100,000 to $150,000. The following table summarizes the overall environmental cost estimates. Environmental Cost Summary ———= Anticipated Cost ($) Potential Cost ($) Urban ane 250,000 300,000 $2,500,000 $2,900,000 " Estimated costs do not include client, legal counsel, or agency involvement (cost reimbursement). HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 2 Additionally, pre-construction surveys, monitoring during construction, and compliance planning are needed’. Their cost is estimated as follows: Additional Environmental Cost by Type The work in preparing the EIS is detailed in the following sections. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT The general technical approach, including the environmental studies and preparation of the EIS, is described below. It is important to note that we are assuming an EIS will be required, although there is always the potential to complete an environmental assessment (EA). Typically, this kind of work can be organized into seven main groups of activities, as shown below. Terminology may vary depending upon the lead agency. 1) Work Scope 2) Scoping 3) Inventory 4) Impact Assessment and Mitigation Planning 5) Preferred Route(s) Selection 6) Draft EIS (DEIS) 7) Final EIS (FEIS) A geographic information system (GIS) will be used to assist in the environmental analysis. This system will provide the ability to summarize the voluminous environmental data, assist reviewers and decision makers in identifying and assessing specific impacts, and compare routing alternatives. GIS applications will include: e Digitizing of resource inventory data as collected and recorded on maps by resource principal investigators e Conversion of mapped resource data to a digital database format > These estimated costs are not based on a final route and will need to be reviewed during the EIS phase. > Cultural and biological surveys may be required during the EIS phase. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 3 e Development of impact assessment models to evaluate how construction and operation of the proposed project would affect resource values and features e Data report and presentation graphics, inventory and impact maps at various sizes and scales WORK SCOPE The environmental consultant would assist in the identification of a federal lead agency, including preparation of documents (e.g. preliminary right-of-way application, etc.), and initial agency meetings. The project’s preparation plan required at the initiation of an EIS will contain the overall scope of work, including management structure and responsibilities, technical approach for the environmental studies, methods for conducting the resource studies, and schedule. This preparation plan will be approved by the agencies. A public involvement program would also be developed and is expected to include the agency interdisciplinary team, newsletters, public open houses, working groups, and perhaps a project information line. In addition, the environmental consultant will assist the lead federal agency in preparing the Federal Register notice. SCOPING Several agency and public scoping meetings would be conducted. Prior to initiating the environmental process, the project team will meet with other federal agencies, which have the potential to become cooperating agencies for the EIS, to inform them of the project, discuss their issues and concerns, and invite their participation in the project. Follow-up meetings with the agencies will be conducted during scoping and throughout the project. The lead federal agency will execute interagency agreements with the cooperating agencies. The lead federal agency would prepare a Notice of Intent to prepare the EIS for publication in the Federal Register and establish the dates and locations for the public scoping meetings. Public scoping meetings would be conducted at various locations within the study area. The purpose of the meetings is to introduce and describe the project, explain the purpose of and need for the project, describe the environmental studies and public planning to be conducted as part of the environmental process, and solicit comments. The lead federal agency would conduct all scoping meetings. CEA, or its representative (e.g. engineering consultant), will participate by presenting the project description and purpose and need. The environmental consultant will present status of initial studies and will prepare displays, including project map and flip chart visual aids, handouts, and sign-in sheets. The environmental consultant will document and summarize the proceedings and prepare a report on the scoping process and results. Potential changes to the scope of work will be documented. A project mailing list would be established and maintained throughout the project. The environmental consultant would prepare fact sheets to send to all addresses on the mailing list HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 4 and would prepare news releases for all media within and nearby the study area, including newspapers and radio and television stations. A plan of development describing what can be expected for construction, operation, and maintenance will likely need to be prepared early on, depending on the lead agency’s requirements. INVENTORY Specific to the alternative corridors, available resource data previously not obtained through secondary sources (i.e., existing maps, databases, published and unpublished reports) and agency contacts will be researched and secured. The collection of data will be systematic and well documented. The environmental consultant will provide the resource study team with corridor base maps and a data documentation packet of standard forms to record the data sources. For example, information about the original scale and sources of data, assumptions used during collection, formats, dates, and additional sources will be part of the data documentation. Important to this procedure is the documentation of variations in data resolution and accuracies in order to understand any limitations of the data. These procedures will provide a means to ensure the applicability of the data and the validity of their sources. Preliminary base data initially will be developed for each alternative corridor based on refinement of the secondary data, supplemented by aerial photo interpretation and additional map studies. Environmental data will then be reviewed in the field, verified, and mapped in final form supported by graphs and tables as appropriate. The environmental resources to be addressed, at a minimum, include: Air Resources Earth Resources Water Resources Biological Resources Land Use Visual Resources Socioeconomics Electrical Effects Cultural Resources (prehistory, history, Native American concerns) It is important to note that the inventory study area or corridor widths will vary by resource depending on the needs and concerns for each resource study. For example, visual resources may be affected up to two miles from an assumed centerline, while effects to earth and water resources may be evaluated approximately one-half mile from the assumed centerline. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 5 Once plots have been completed for each resource study, the resource study teams will input and verify data at an appropriate scale. A refined database for corridor level assessment will be constructed. Corridor base maps created on GIS/Computer-Aided Drafting and Design (CADD) will include roads and other features that allow registration. The environmental consultant will digitize all maps, provide check plots to scale, complete all editing changes, correct maps and cut into grid cells. Each corridor may be subdivided at an appropriate size and, when complete, will serve as the maps for digitizing. Each resource study team will be responsible for checking the accuracy and edge matching of data sets within the corridors. As necessary, corridor information will be produced on an overall map or separately. Technical reports will be produced and given to the lead and cooperating agencies as documentation for the EIS. Presentation maps will be prepared at the appropriate scale. IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND MITIGATION PLANNING The objective of the impact assessment and mitigation planning process ([A/MPP) is to conduct an interdisciplinary analysis of the potential environmental impacts and plan effective mitigation within the alternative corridors. Concurrent with the refinement of the environmental database, we will implement the IA/MPP. The methodology will be reviewed by the ID team, which includes the project participants, so that pertinent issues and concerns are addressed. The ID team will meet at key times during this task to understand the methodology and results. Potential environmental consequences (impacts) are based on the environmental effects that would result from the construction and operation of the transmission line along the alternative routes. Through the use of the IA/MPP, the potential direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts, the interrelationships (cause and effect) of impacts (beneficial, adverse, direct, indirect, local, or regional) will be determined. Determining impact significance is probably the most important and difficult part of impact assessment and will be determined through a systematic process of defining criteria for “thresholds” beyond which impacts are considered significant. Criteria for thresholds will take into account the magnitude, incidence, intensity, duration, and interrelationships of impacts and regulations. The criteria will be developed based on data collected, issues and concerns expressed, and relevant agency policy. Requirements for access involves where and to what extent roads would have to be built or upgraded to construct the proposed project facilities for each alternative corridor. The environmental consultant will assist POWER in determining where existing roads are sufficient or would require upgrading, and where new access roads would have to be constructed. Potential vegetation clearing will also be estimated. Specific impacts of each resource will be documented in the technical reports. The technical reports will be accompanied by data tables that indicate the location and description of specific resource features and values, initial impact levels of these resources, mitigation measures recommended to reduce impacts, and residual impacts expected following mitigation. The technical reports will be reviewed and approved by the ID team. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 6 PREFERRED ROUTE(S) SELECTION Ranking the alternatives and selecting the “environmentally preferred” alternative or alternatives (or corridor) are the final steps before the preparation of the EIS. Ranking and comparing the alternatives are important in understanding the relative impacts of each. A multi-objective decision-making process will be used to evaluate and compare the environmental considerations inherent to the study area. Each resource study team (e.g. land use, biological, etc.) will conduct comparisons or rankings of the alternative corridors. These comparisons will be used to synthesize “cross discipline” rankings of all alternative corridors. The purpose of rankings is to develop an environmental ordering of all corridors under consideration. This comparison of corridors uses information and judgments rendered within each resource study. These data are organized around goals, of which the most important for the EIS is the identification of the environmentally preferred alternative or alternatives. All corridors will be ranked in order of environmental preference. Routing preference will be based on review of generalized impact levels, significant unavoidable adverse impacts, and other pertinent descriptive and impact data. Agency and public comments received through the public contact and information program also will be considered. The lead agency and cooperating agencies will identify the agency-preferred alternative or alternatives for inclusion in the EIS. Critical information from the project proponent is typically considered by the lead agency in its decision. DRAFT EIS (DEIS) The format of the DEIS will be in accordance with the Council on Environmental Quality regulations 40 CFR 1502.10 for preparation of an EIS. A preliminary DEIS will be prepared for review and approval by the lead and cooperating agencies. The schedule for preparing the preliminary DEIS will be carefully synchronized with the schedule of the environmental studies in order to ensure its timely completion and submission. For example, the chapter on the affected environment will be written after the resources inventory material has been developed. The chapter on environmental consequences will be completed after the impact analysis has been determined. Other special sections and appendices will be compiled throughout the preparation of the preliminary DEIS. The preliminary DEIS will be reviewed by the lead agency, CEA, and cooperating agencies. Review comments will be returned for incorporation by the environmental consultant into the final DEIS. Review meetings will be scheduled to clarify all comments on the report. The environmental consultant will then finalize the DEIS for final approval by the lead agency and CEA. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab q/ The environmental consultant will revise the report, if needed, and submit the final camera-ready DEIS to the lead agency. The lead agency will file the DEIS with the EPA, prepare and issue the Federal Register Notice of Availability, and distribute copies of the DEIS to interested parties. During the DEIS review period, the lead agency, with assistance from the environmental consultant, will conduct public hearings to receive comments. on the adequacy of the DEIS, make arrangements for the hearings, prepare notices and media releases, and conduct the proceedings. The representatives of the environmental consultant project team will attend the public hearings and provide input as needed. Preparation of the environmental presentation materials by the environmental consultant will be closely coordinated with the preparation of technical and engineering information by POWER. : FINAL EIS (FEIS) Following the public review period, the comments received will be reviewed by the lead agency, cooperating agencies, CEA, and the environmental consultant. The responsibility for developing appropriate responses for inclusion in the FEIS will be assigned by the lead agency. Presumably, the environmental consultant will prepare responses to all comments on the environmental studies while those related to the purpose of and need for the project, system planning, and engineering design will be completed by CEA. Following the development of the responses, the comments and their corresponding responses will be incorporated into the preliminary FEIS and submitted to the lead agency, cooperating agencies and CEA for review. Based on the comments from the review, the environmental consultant will prepare the FEIS for final approval by the lead agency. The lead agency will file the FEIS with the EPA and prepare and issue the Federal Register Notice of Availability. The environmental consultant will also prepare and issue media releases and newsletters, and distribute the FEIS to interested parties. At the close of the FEIS review period, the lead agency will prepare and issued the Record of Decision. A plan amendment may be required by a land managing agency, such as the Forest Service or Bureau of Land Management. Plan amendments are typically required when a preferred route does not utilize an existing or planned utility corridor documented in the Forest Plan or Resource Management Plan (Bureau of Land Management). PRE-CONSTRUCTION / MONITORING Prior to construction and potentially before agency approval on the selected alternative, a number of compliance studies are required. These include Section 106 (cultural) and Section 107 (biology). In addition, a Construction, Operation and Maintenance (COM) Plan would be prepared. The final element of environmental studies includes preparation of EAs (if needed) as well as other permits (e.g. Section 404). HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 8 RIGHT-OF-WAY AND PERMIT ACQUISITION INTRODUCTION In order to secure a right-of-way along an approved route, significant permitting and acquisition of private easements will be required. Because of the complexity of local, state, and federal agency permits, as well as the need to resolve concerns of private landowners, the right-of-way acquisition process will require close coordination among project team groups, i.e., CEA personnel, project management, environmental consultant , design staff, and the right-of-way personnel. Therefore, costs for right-of-way acquisition do not accrue only to right-of-way personnel. For detailed information about the project land status and anticipated permitting process refer to the Draft Lands/Regulatory Section Report. Cost information presented here was derived from researching the land status and property values along the core route for each of the three primary study corridors and their local alternatives. While the permitting requirements may not vary for a route selected anywhere within the boundaries of a study corridor, the number of private parcels may vary from one side of the corridor to the other, thereby affecting the cost of easement acquisition. PERMITS The three primary study alternatives, as well as their local alternatives, have many common permit requirements. Costs presented for permitting include title services, appraisals, and the assembly of exhibits and submission of the permit applications. Also included are costs to track the permit through the approval and granting process. Costs for conducting the appropriate environmental compliance associated with permits are covered in the costs for the EIS and pre-construction monitoring. Anticipated permit applications required include: Kenai Peninsula Borough Right-of-Way Permit Alaska Department of Fish and Game Title 16 Stream Crossing Permit Alaska Department of Fish and Game Title 16 Waterways Permit Alaska Department of Natural Resources Right-of-Way Permit Alaska Division of Governmental Coordination Coastal Zone Consistency Permit Bureau of Land Management Grant of Right-of-Way Alaska Department of Natural Resources Tidelands Lease Municipality of Anchorage Right-of-Way Easement HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 1 e State of Alaska (DNR), Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation Right-of-Way Permit Corps of Engineers 404 and Section 10 Permit State of Alaska, Mental Health Trust Lands Permit Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Utility Permit U.S. Forest Service Special Use Permit Alaska Railroad Corporation Crossing and/or Easement Permit Kenai River Special Management Area Permit Alaska Department of Natural Resources Tidelands Right-of-Way Permit U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION Land Field Services of Anchorage researched public records to determine estimates of parcels crossed by the various routes. Those sources were also used to gain a planning- level estimate of land values that could be used to derive easement costs. These data sources included: e Municipality of Anchorage Assessor and Recorder records for plats and assessed value; e Motznik Title Service for urban area land values; e Kenai Peninsula Land Management Officer, Assessor; and GIS Manager for maps, plats, parcel and cost information; and e Land Field Services, via past CEA project work, with an extensive in-house data base for lands crossed by the Quartz Creek 115kV Line. An individual parcel-by-parcel examination of location and cost relative to each specific route link was beyond this phase’s work scope and, accordingly, was not conducted. In- depth title searches and appraisals would be conducted for each parcel affected by the ultimately selected route within which right-of-way acquisition would occur. In some cases, particularly in the Anchorage area, the nature of readily available parcel information is such that parcel counts may be incomplete. Again, after a route selection process is complete, this would require an in-depth title search to provide the level of detail necessary to proceed with easement and permit acquisition. The records examinations described above reveal parcel counts for the core, or primary routes as follows: e Tesoro Route - 105 parcels between Point Woronzof and Bernice Lake; e Enstar Route - 58 parcels between the International Substation and the Soldotna Substation; e Quartz Creek Route - 93 parcels between University Substation and Soldotna Substation HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 2 In our analysis, it has been assumed for the links that parallel an existing road, highway, railroad, or other identified public utility corridor, the transmission line would be sited within the existing utility corridor. The rationale for this assumption is based on constraints of the Alaska eminent domain statutes. Those proceedings do not allow a utility to condemn private lands if a public utility corridor is available for the proposed use. Therefore, in those cases, right-of-way acquisition costs would accrue to permitting only, with no costs required for acquiring private lands. An examination of land status in the vicinity of landfall alternatives for submarine cable shows that nearly all are owned or administered by federal or state agencies. Therefore, the costs for reactive compensation stations site acquisition is covered within the appropriate permitting process. If an alternative landfall is chosen in the Klatt Road area, it is likely that private property would have to acquired for the landfall facilities. It is estimated that land values in that area are $152,000 per acre. Costs for acquiring this site are included in the costs for this alternative. As it may become desirable to expand the University Substation, an examination of land status to the east of the substation was made. A suitably sized parcel is privately owned in that area. Land values in this vicinity are currently approaching $200,000 per acre. Approximate land values in other project areas are as follows: Soldotna, $10,000/acre Point Possession, $20,000/acre north of Captain Cook State Park, $3,000/acre south of Captain Cook State Park, $5,000/acre tural lands along the Quartz Creek Route, $1,000/acre These costs form the basis for the direct cost of purchasing the easement. In the case of CEA’s easement payment policy, the landowner would receive 100% of the fee value of his property for the area encumbered by the easement. Costs for acquiring private rights-of-way include: title services appraisal services ($750/parcel) easement surveys and descriptions ($600/parcel) document preparation negotiation recording file transfer/close-out HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 3 The above listed costs form the basis for determining the indirect cost of right-of-way acquisition. Essentially, these costs are associated with the labor and expense of acquiring the easements. It is estimated that the total indirect cost per parcel for acquiring easements on this project would be $3,350. The total cost for right-of-way acquisition for each primary route and local alternative includes direct, indirect, and permitting costs. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 4 Right-of-Way Cost Summary by Route R/W Direct $ R/W Indirect $ Permits Total Cost (S$) * TESORO Base Route 521,900 461,750 31,820 1,015,470 Submarine Alternatives TE.A.20 All Public Lands TE.B.15 All Public Lands TE.C.30 All Public Lands Anchorage Area Alternatives A Within Public Utility Corridor B Within Public Utility Corridor Cc Within Public Utility Corridor Captain Cook Alternative 129,684 : 864,134 ee ENSTAR Bae Route 168,200 194,300 384,210 Soldotna Area Alternatives A 327,272 140,000} 461,272 B 390,000 34,500 S 424,500 Cc 930,000 60,300 990,300 Anchorage Area Alternatives A Within Public | 384,210 Utility Corridor | B Within Public |” 384,210 Utility Corridor | Within Public 384,210 Utility Corridor Within Public 384,210 Utility Corridor HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 2 Right-of-Way Cost Summary by Route Route R/W Direct $ R/W Indirect $ | Permits $ | Total Cost ($) * QUARTZ CREEK Base Route 205,200 311,550 29,380 546,130 Bird Point Alternatives Overhead 22,330 44,290 | . 536,792 Underground 13,332 14,740 fo 498,244 Soldotna Area Alternatives A 1,066,560 117,920 : 1,184,480 B 690,840 76,380 767,220 c 509,040 56,280 565,320 * The Total Cost represents the cost to acquire permits and right of way for the entire route, substation-to-substation. HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01/ab 6 Table OH 10 Table OH 11 Table OH 12 Table OH 13 Table OH 14 Table OH 15 Table OH 16 Table OH 17 Table OH 18 Table OH 19 Table OH 20 Table OH 21 Appendix A Table of Contents 230kV, Single Circuit - Line Design 1 138kV, Single Circuit - Line Design 1 230kV, Single Circuit - Line Design 2 138kV, Single Circuit - Line Design 2 230kV, Single Circuit - Line Design 3 138kV, Single Circuit - Line Design 3 230kV, Single Circuit - Line Design 4 138kV, Single Circuit - Line Design 4 230kV, Single Circuit - Line Design 5 138kV, Single Circuit - Line Design 5 Bird point /Gridwood, Double Circuit Turnagain Arm Overhead Crossing HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01 ab TABLE OH10 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION 230 KV SINGLE CIRCUIT OVERHEAD LINE > Qty/ Extended | Extended L&M LINE DESIGN 1 Mile | Material | Labor | Material | __Labor Total (Clearing (per Mile 100 ROW* [ior] | $52,800] | $52,800 | $52,800 | ee FTangentFoundation | 9 | 82,160 | $2.48] 19.440] 22.356] $41,796) FTangent Screw Anchor | 4.5] $200] si,s00] $900] $6,750] $7,650, Light Angle Steel Pole (Guyed X-Frame) right Angle Foundation ____—_—_—+|_1 | $2,160] $2,484 | 2.160] 2.484 | $4,644] Light Angle Screw Anchor | 0.5_| $200] $1,500] sio0| $750 | _$850] Light Angle Driven Pile Anchor | 0.5] $1,080 | 82.052 | $540 | $1,026 | $1,566] Heavy Angle Steel Pole | 0.5] $12,600 | $18,900 | 86.300 | 89.450 | 815.750] Heavy Angle Foundation | 1.5 | $3,600] _ $4.140| $5,400 | $6,210 | $11,610] [Deadend (30°-90°) Foundation | 0.75 | _ $3,600] $4,140 ] $2,700 | $3,105 | $5,805] 230kV Deadend (30°-90°) PTA] 0.25 | $2,700] 4,050 $675 | S1.013.| 1.688) Double Deadend Steel Pole | 0.25 | $19,200 | $28,800 | 4.800 | $7,200 | $12,000 | Double Deadend Foundation] 0.73 | $3,600] _ $4,140 $2,700] $3,105 | $5,805) [Double Deadend Driven Pile Anchor | 1.63 | $1,080 | $2,052 | Si,760 | 3.345 | 85.105] [Mob/Demob_———— tof | SST «iY (Sz. | sor, TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ** $148,015 $307,121 $455,136 * Clearing costs can be reduced in segments QC.C, QC.D,QC.E, & QC.F ** Estimates include a 10% contigency in the line items. PEI-HLY (3:57 PM3/11/96) 120293-06 Irh 1 r:\WAR\CHUGACH\CH_OHEST.XLS TABLE OH10 TABLE OH11 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION 138 KV SINGLE CIRCUIT OVERHEAD LINE i Extended Extended L&M LINEDESIGN1 | ite awsat|_tator_| Mate | tabor | Ta Clearing (per Mile) 80' ROW * ee $42,240 [| | $42,240 | $42,240 SAN ea Pe NE Tang ent Steel Pole (Guyed X-Frame) | 4.5 | $7,800 $11,700 | $35,100 $52,650 | $87,750 a $2,160 $2,484 | $19,440 $22,356 | $41,796 is ent Suspension PTA $1,050 $1,575 $4,725 $7,088 | $11,813 $200] $1,500] $900] __—$6,750| _$7,650 Tae Driven Pile Anchor ical $1,080 $2,052 $4,860 $9,234 | $14,094 Lie ght Angle Steel Pole (Guyed X-Frame) | 0.5 | $11,700[ $17,550] $5,850 Ligt angle Fomdnion_——_{ 1 {' sauso | saase{szuco{ eset | 546 [138kV Light Angle SuspensionPTA | 0.5 | $1,200] _$1,800| __s600|_—$900|_ $1,500 | Light Angle Screw Anchor | 0.5 | $200|$1,500[ si00 | $750] _—$850 | Light Angle Driven Pile Anchor | 0.5 | $1,080] $2,052 $540 $1,026 | __$1,566 | Heavy Angle SteelPole | 0.5 | $12,600] $18,900 [$6,300] $9,450] $15,750 | Heavy Angle Foundation | 15 | $3,600[ $4,140] $5,400] $6,210] __ $11,610 | 138kV Heavy Angle PTA $1,200] $1,800] sooo] $900 | __$1,500 | Heavy Angle Screw Anchor $250 $1,750 $3,063 $3,500 $3,591 | $5,481 [Deadend (30°-90°) Steel Pole 0.25 | $16,800 | $25,200 | $4200 | $6,300 | $10,500 [Deadend (30°-90°) Foundation] 0.75| $3,600 | $4,140] 2,700] $3,105] $5,805 | M38kV Deadend (30°-90") PTA | 0.25 | $2,400] $3,600] $600] $900] 1,500] [Deadend (30-90) Screw Anchor | .63| —_$250| 1,750] sag | $2,853 | $3,260 Double Deadend Steel Pole | 0.25 | $19,200 $28,800 | $4.00] $7,200 | $12,000 | Double Deadend Foundation] 0.75] $3,600| $4,140 | _$2.700| $3,105] $5,805 | [38kV Double Deadend PTA | 025] $2,400 | $3,600 | _$600| $900 | $1,500] Double Deadend Screw Anchor | 1.63 | $250] $1,750 | sos | 82,853 | $3,260] Conductor dS 84] $1,200] $3,000 | $28,512. | $47,520 | $76,032 ea NAN A TTT TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ** $137,350 $278,703 _ $416,053 * Clearing costs can be reduced in segments QC.C, QC.D,QC.E, & QC.F ** Estimates include a 10% contigency in the line items. PEI-HLY (3:57 PM3/11/96) 120293-06 Irh 2 r:\WAR\CHUGACH\CH_OHEST.XLS TABLE OH11 TABLE OH12 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION 230 KV SINGLE CIRCUIT OVERHEAD LINE = Qty/ . Extended | Extended L&M LINE DESIGN 2 Mawral| “tater | Toa Clearing (per Mile) 70' ROW * [ilo] | $36,960 [| $36,960] $36,960 el ees eee Tan gent Single Steel Pole 95 | 86, 210 [$9,315 | $58,995 | $88,493 | $147,488 Light Angle Foundation 1 $1,800 | $2,700 230kV Light Angle Braced Post PTA 1 $2,400 | _ $2,880 [Conductor C*d 15.84[ 81,800] $3,000] $28,512] $47,520 | $76,032 | [Mob/Demob_ tot fT S11,009 | __ $11,009 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ** $207,417 $354,059 $561,476 * Clearing costs can be reduced in segments QC.C, QC.D,QC.E, & QC.F ** Estimates include a 10% contigeacy in the line items. PEI-HLY (3:57 PM3/11/96) 120293-06 Irh 3 r:\WAR\CHUGACH\CH_OHEST.XLS TABLE OH12 TABLE OH13 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION 138 KV SINGLE CIRCUIT OVERHEAD LINE > Qty/ Extended | Extended L&M | LINEDESIGN2 | sale | Maeriat|_tator_| nar | tap | ‘Toa_| [Clearing (per Mile) 70'ROW* ss Itot]_ sd] $36,900 | sd SS36,960 | $36,960 | nea ee ee eae | [Tangent Foundation | (9S | $825] $1,238] $7,838 [$11,756] $19,594 | 138kV Tangent Braced Post PTA _|_9.5 | $2,400] $2,880 [$22,800] $27,360] $50,160 | Light Angle Single Steel Pole |= 1 $8,190] $12,285[ $8,190[ $12,285] $20,475 | Light Angle Foundation i]s} S| $1,800 $2,700[ $1,800] ——$2,700] $4,500 | 138kV Light Angle Braced PostPTA [1 | $2,400] $2,880] $2.400[ $2,880 | $5,280 | Heavy Angle Single Steel Pole | 1.5 | $14,664 | $21,996 | $21,996] $32,994 | $54,990 | Heavy Angle Foundation 1, 138kV Heavy Angle PTA 5 | $1,350] $1,620] $2,025] $2,430] $4,455 | Deadend (0°-90°) Steel Single Pole 2 Deadend (0°-90°) Foundation 138 kV Deadend (0°-90°) PTA ~ Ann Conductor $1,800 $76,032 [Mob/Demob Print i $10,503 | $10,505 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ** $197,300 $338,377 _ $535,677 * Clearing costs can be reduced in segments QC.C, QC.D,QC.E, & QC.F ** Estimates include a 10% contigency in the line items. PEI-HLY (3:57 PM3/11/96) 120293-06 Irh 4 r:\WAR\CHUGACH\CH_OHEST.XLS TABLE OH13 TABLE OH14 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION 230 KV SINGLE CIRCUIT OVERHEAD LINE > Qty/ Extended | Extended | L&M LINE DESIGN = [Clearing (per Mile) 100'ROW* [lot] $52,800 [$52,800] $52,800 | OA AA A LN TangentFoundation | 9 | $2,160] $2,484 [$19,440 $22,356 | $41,796 | [Tangent Screw Anchor 4.5 | $i75[ $1.250[s7ea] $5,625] $6,413 | Light Angle Steel Pole (Guyed X-Frame) | 0.5 | $14,400 | $17,280 [$7,200 | $8,640 | $15,840 | Light Angle Foundation [1 | $2,160 [$2,484] S260] $2,484] $4,644 | 230kV Light Angle SuspensionPTA | 0.5 | $1,350| $2,025[s675[ $1,013 [$1,688 | Light Angle Screw Anchor _ [0.5 | $i75[$1,250[ seg] $625[ $713 | Heavy Angle SteelPole | 0.5 | $12,600] $15,120 [$6,300 | $7,560 | $13,860 | Heavy AngleFoundation | 1.5 | $3,600 $4140 | $5,400[ $6,210 [$11,610 | 230kV Heavy AnglePTA | 0.5 | $1,350] $2,025] $675 [$1,013 [$1,688 | Heavy Angle Screw Anchor | 1.75] $175 $1,250 $306 [$2,188 [$2,494 | Heavy Angle Driven Pile Anchor____[1.75 | __$1,080 [$2,052 [$1,890 [$3,591 | [Deadend (30°-90°) Steel Pole 0.25 | $16,800] $20,160[ $4,200] $5,040] $9,240 [Deadend (30°-90°) Foundation | 0.75 | $3,600[ $4140] $2,700 $3,105 $5,805 | 230kV Deadend (30°-90°) PTA | 0.25] $2,700] $4,050] $675 | _—$1,013 | $2,327 30kV Double Deadend PTA] 0.25 | 2,700 | $4.050] _so7s] si.013] si.688] 163 Conductor ———SSS—*+d 15.84] $1,800 | $3,000 | S28 sia. | $47,500 | $76,032 MobDemob | iit{_ |_| ___] $22,108 | $22,108 | TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ** $162,395 $301,875 $464,270 * Clearing costs can be reduced in segments QC.C, QC.D,QC.E, & QC.F ** Estimates include a 10% contigency in the line items. PEI-HLY (3:57 PM3/11/96) 120293-06 Irh 5 r:\WAR\CHUGACH\CH_OHEST.XLS TABLE OH14 TABLE OH15 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION 138 KV SINGLE CIRCUIT OVERHEAD LINE si Qty/ Extended Extended L&M | uae esions | sie | wae | tat | wat | “taser | a] [Clearing (per Mile) 80ROW* [tot | $42,240 [$42,240 | $42,240 | He ec ee ee ere cee ee cee ee cls [Tangent Steel Pole (Guyed X-Frame) | 4.5 | $12,060| $14,472] $54,270 | __ $65,124 |_ $119,394 | Tangent Foundation | 9 | $2,160] $2,484] $19,440] $22,356 | _ $41,796 | [138kV Tangent SuspensionPTA 4.5 | $1,050] $1,575] $4,725] $7,088 | __ $11,813 | Light Angle Steel Pole (Guyed X-Frame) | 0.5 | $13,260] $15,912 $6,630] _$7,956 | _ $14,586 | Light Angle Foundation [| 1 | $2,160] $2,484] $2,160] $2,484] $4,644 | [138kV Light Angle SuspensionPTA | 0.5 | $1,200] _ $1,800] $600 |_—$900|_$1,500 | Light Angle Screw Anchor [0.5 [$175] $1,250] ss] $625] $713 | Light Angle Driven Pile Anchor 0.5 | $1,080] $2,052] $540 |_—$1,026 | _$1,566 | Heavy Angle SteelPole | 0.5 | $12,600] $15,120 $6,300] $7,560 | _ $13,860 | Heavy Angle Foundation [1.5 | $3,600] $4,140 $5,400] $6,210 | _ $11,610 | 138kVHeavy AnglePTA | 0.5 | $1,200] _ $1,800] 600] $900] $1,500 | Heavy Angle Driven Pile Anchor [1.75 |_$1,080| __ $2,052] $1,890 [$3,591 $5,481 | Deadend (30°-90°) Steel Pole | 0.25 | $16,800] $20,160] $4.200[ $5,040 | _ $9,240 | [Deadend (30°-90°) Foundation __| 0.75 |_$3,600| _ $4,140] $2,700] __—$3,105 | __ $5,805 | 138kV Deadend (30°-90°) PTA 0.25 | $2,400] $3,600] s600 | $900 | __ $1,500 | [Deadend (30°-90°) Driven Pile Anchor__| 1.63 | $1,080| _$2,052| $1,760 | __$3,345 | __ $5,105 | Double Deadend Steel Pole | 0.25 | $19,200] $23,040 | $4,800] $5,760 | _ $10,560 | Double Deadend Foundation | 0.75 |_ $3,600] $4,140 | $2,700] $3,105 | __$5,805 | 138kV Double DeadendPTA | 0.25 | $2,400] $3,600] S600 $900 | __ $1,500 | 576.032 [MobDemab_|1le[ |__| ___| $20,950 20.950 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ** $156,800 $283,151 $439,950 * Clearing costs can be reduced in segments QC.C, QC.D,QC.E, & QC.F ** Estimates include a 10% contigency in the line items. PEI-HLY (4:08 PM3/11/96) 120293-06 Irh 6 r:\WAR\CHUGACH\CH_OHEST.XLS TABLE OH15 TABLE OH15 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION 230 KV SINGLE CIRCUIT OVERHEAD LINE = Qty/ Extended Extended L&M LINEDESIGN4 | site| nizia | tator_| arnt | “tater | Toa [Clearing (per Mile) 100'ROW* | Alot | | $52,800 | $52,800] $52,800 | po : [Tangent Driven Pile Foundation-1/25' | 4 | $1,800] $2,070] _$7.200| __$8,280| _ $15,480 | [Tangent Anchor Bolt Foundation -4/6' [4 | $500] $2,500] $2,000] _$10,000 | _$12,000 | }230kV Tangent SuspensionPTA [4 | $1,200] $1,800[$4.800| $7,200 | _$12.000 | [Tangent Plate Anchor_ | 5.6 | $100] $1,250] $560] $7,000 _ $7,560 | Light Angle Steel Pole (Guyed X-Frame) |_2 | $14,400 $21,600] $28,800 | $43,200 | _$72,000 | [Light Angle Driven Pile Foundation-1/2| 2 | $1,800| $2,070] $3,600] $4,140 [__$7,740 | Light Angle Anchor Bolt Foundation - 4/6|_2 | $500 $2,500] $1,000] $5,000 |__ $6,000 | }230kV Light Angle SuspensionPTA [_2 | $1,350| $2,025] $2,700 [$4,050 [_ $6,750 ] Light Angle Plate Anchor__— [| 2.8 | $100 $1,250 $280] $3,500] $3,780 | Heavy Angle Steel Pole | 0.5 | $12,600] $18,900] $6,300 [$9,450] $15,750 | [Heavy Angle Anchor Bolt Anchor-1/8'_[ 1.05 [ $200|$i,250["szi0 [$1,313 [$1,523 | Heavy Angle Plate Anchor _ [2.45 $100] $1,250] $245 [$3,063 | $3,308 | }Deadend (30°-90°) Steel Pole | 0.5 | $16,800] $25,200 $8,400 [$12,600 | $21,000 | Deadend (30°-90°) Anchor Bolt Foundatiol 0.75 | $500] $2,500] $375 $1,875] $2,250 | }230kV Deadend (30°-90°)PTA__ [0.5 | $2,700] $4,050] $1,350 [$2,025 | $3,375 | Deadend (30°-90°) Anchor Bolt Anchor-[ 1.95] $200] _$1,250[ $390 [$2,438] $2,828 | [Deadend (30°-90°) Plate Anchor | 4.55] soo] $1,250 [$455 [$5,688] $6,143 | Double Deadend Steel Pole __|_ 1 | $19,200] $28,800 | $19,200 | $28.800 | $48,000 | ~ Double Deadend Driven Pile Foundation -[' 1.5 | $2,880 | $3,312] $4.320[ $4,968 | $9.288 | Double Deadend Anchor Bolt Foundation] 1.5 | $500] $2,500[ $750 | _$3,750 | “$4,500 | 230kV Double Deadend PTA | 1 | s2,700[ s40so] $2,700] $4,050 $6,750 | Double Deadend Anchor Bolt Anchor - 1/ Double Deadend Plate Anchor | 91 | soo] si2so] _ssi0 | $11,375 | $12.285 | Conductor 15.84] $1,800 Mob/Demob Pitot f 826,882 | $26,882 | TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ** $173,687 $390,836 $564,523 * Clearing costs can be reduced in segments QC.C, QC.D,QC.E, & QC.F ** Estimates include a 10% contigency in the line items. PEI-HLY (3:57 PM3/11/96) 120293-06 Irh 7 r:\WAR\CHUGACH\CH_OHEST.XLS TABLE OH16 TABLE CH17 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION 138 KV SINGLE CIRCUIT OVERHEAD LINE > Qty/ Extended Extended L&M Mile | Maal |_tater_| Natr [Clearing (per Mile) 80°ROW* | Lot] | 842.240 | $42,240 $42,240 | LEASED ea TL Nea aa | Aa ae lel eae elated eTae: ela dala Lalas Tangent Driven Pile Foundation-1/25'_ | 4 [| $1,800[ $2,070] $7,200 |___—$8,280 | $15,480 | [Tangent Anchor Bolt Foundation - 4/6" [| 4 | _$s00{ $2,500] $2,000 __ $10,000 | _$12,000 | 138kV Tangent Suspension PTA | 4 {| siosof $is75[ $4,200] $6,300 [$10,500 | angent Anchor Bolt Anchor - 1/8' g | 56 | sioof si2so[ssoo | _—$7,000| $7,560 | ight Angle Steel Pole (Guyed X-Frame) |_ 2 | $13,740 [$20,610 [$27,480] $41,220 | _ $68,700 | ight Angle Driven Pile Foundation - 1/2 ight Angle Anchor Bolt Foundation - 4/ 138kV Light Angle Suspension PTA [Light Angle Anchor Bolt Anchor -1/8' [1.2 | $200] $1,250[ $240] $1,500] $1,740 | Light Angle Plate Anchor | 2.8 | $100] $1,250[ $280] $3,500] $3,780 | Heavy Angle SteelPole (0.5 [| $12,600[ $18,900[ $6,300] $9,450 [$15,750 | Heavy Angle Anchor Bolt Foundation - 4/[ 0.75 [_ $s00[_$2,500[ $375] _—‘$1,875 | | 138kVHeavy AnglePTA | 0.5 | $1,200[ _s1,800[ S600 | $900 | _ $1,500 Heavy Angle Anchor Bolt Anchor -1/8' | 1.05 | $200] $1,250[ S210] $1,313 | $1,523 | Heavy Angle Plate Anchor | 2.45 [ $100[ $1,250[ $245] $3,063 |___$3,308 [Deadend (30°-90°) Steel Pole | 0.5 | $16,800[ $25,200[ $8,400] $12,600 [__ $21,000 | [Deadend (30°-90°) Driven Pile Foundatio| 0.75 | _$2,880[$3,312[ $2,160] $2,484 [$4,644 | Deadend (30°-90°) Anchor Bolt Foundatiol 0.75 | __$so0[__$2,500[ $375 [$1,875 | $2,250 j 38kV Deadend (30°-90°) PTA | 0.5 | $2400] $3,600] $1,200] $1,800 _$3,000 | Deadend (30°-90°) Anchor Bolt Anchor -[ 1.95 | $200] $1.250[ $390 [$2,438] $2,828 | -90°) Plate Anchor 14.55] soo] $1,250] $455] $5,688 [$6,143 | Double Deadend Steel Pole | 1 | $19,200] $28,800[ $19,200 | $28,800 [$48,000 | ion-[ 1.5 | s2.980[ $3,312] $4320] $4,968 | $9,288 | Double Deadend Anchor Bolt Foundation| 1.5 | _ssoo[ $2,500] $750 [$3,750 [$4,500 | 138kV DoubleDeadendPTA | [$2,400] $3,600[$2,400[ $3,600] $6,000 | Double Deadend Anchor Bolt Anchor - 1/ Double Deadend Plate Anchor |-9.1 | $100] $1,250] S910] S11,375 | __ $12,285 | pescmPewnmy Ee ea Ee) TT aes | (S| TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ** $169,022 $372,167 _ $541,189 CICle) g oa RB wy i) oO B s o g nN S18 191818 &/E/6 a }a)s viosje g\sla RIES a o 2. 3 5 9 r Ey E eC. ° 5 ; * Clearing costs can be reduced in segments QC.C, QC.D,QC.E, & QC.F ** Estimates include a 10% contigency in the line items. PEI-HLY (3:57 PM3/11/96) 120293-06 Irh 8 r\WAR\CHUGACH\CH_OHEST.XLS TABLE OH17 TABLE OH18 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION 230 KV SINGLE CIRCUIT OVERHEAD LINE i Qty/ Extended | Extended L&M | _LINEDESIGNS [Nate | waert|_taine_| atonal | tater | Taal_| Clearing (per Mile) 100' ROW * [ito] $52,800 [$52,800] $52,800 | [ee ee ee ee ee ee [Tangent Foundation | S| 82,160 | $2,484] $19,440] $22,356] $41,796 | [230kV Tangent SuspensionPTA | 4.5 | $1,200] $1,800] $5,400] $8,100] $13,500 | Tangent Screw Anchors; 4.5 | S200 $1,500] S900 | $86,750] $7,650 | [Tangent Driven Pile Anchor__s| 4.5 | $1,080] $2,052 $4,860] —$9,234] $14,094 | Light Angle Foundation |_| $2,160] $2,484 [$2,160] $2,484] $4,644 | 30kV Light Angle SuspensionPTA | 0.5 | $1,350] $2,025[ $675] $1,013] __—‘$1,688 | ight Angle Screw Anchor Los | s200[ sisoo[ soo] $750] $850] ight Angle Driven Pile Anchor |.0.5 | sioso| $2,052] $540 [$1,026 | __ $1,566 | N es] Heavy Angle Foundation | 1.5] $3,600] $4,140 | $5,400 | $6,210 ] 11.610] 230kV Heavy Angle PTA | 0.5 | 1,350] $2,025] _so75 | 1.013] — 1.688 Heavy Angle Driven Pile Anchor | 1.75 | 1,080 | $2,052 | 1,890 | 3.591 | $5,481 | Deadend (30°-90°) Steel Pole 0.25 | $16,800 | _ $25,200 | 4.200 | $6,300 | 10,500 | [Deadend (30°-90°) Foundation | 0.75 | $3,600] __$4.140 | $2.70 | $3,105 | $5,805] 230kV Deadend (30°-90°) PTA $5.105 Double Deadend Steel Pole | 0.25 | 19,200 | _ $28,800 | 4.800 | $7,200 | 12,000 | Double Deadend Foundation | 0.75} $3,600] $4,140 | $2,700 | 3.105 | — $5,805 [Double Deadend Driven Pile Anchor | 1.63 | $1,080 | $2,052 | $1,760 | $3,345 | 85.108 | Conductor ——S—S~S~—*diS 84] $1,800] $3,000 | $28,512 | $47,520 | $76,032 [MobDemob————— ttt | Ss SS—«d~CSCi 2186 | 822,146 | TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ** $151,795 $313,264 $465,059 * Clearing costs can be reduced in segments QC.C, QC.D,QC.E, & QC.F ** Estimates include a 10% contigency in the line items. PEI-HLY (3:57 PM3/11/96) 120293-06 Irh 9 r\WAR\CHUGACH\CH_OHEST.XLS TABLE OH18 TABLE OH19 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION 138 KV SINGLE CIRCUIT OVERHEAD LINE + Qty/ Extended Extended L&M LINE DESIGN 5 Material | Labor | Material | Labor Total [Clearing (per Mile) 80 ROW* [tot] $42,240 | 842.240] $42,240 | pa OO (GO Tangent Foundation 9 | $2,160] $2,484] $19,440 | $22,356 | $41,796 | [138kV Tangent Suspension PTA | 4.5 | $1,050 [$1,575] $4,725 [$7,088] _ $11,813 | Light Angle Steel Pole Guyed X-Frame) [0.5 | $11,700 $17,550] $5,850 __$8,775 | _ $14,625 | Light Angle Foundation | 1 | $2,160 $2,484] $2,160] $2,484 | __ $4,644 | 138kV Light Angle Suspension PTA [0.5 | $1,200[ $is00[ sooo] $900] __$1,500 | Light Angle Screw Anchor [os | s200{ sisoof soo 8750 [$850 Light Angle Driven Pile Anchor | 0.5 | si,080 | 2.052] sao] $1,026] 1,566 Heavy Angle Steel Pole] 0.5 | $12,600] $18,900 $6,300 | 9.450. $15,750] [Heavy Angle Foundation] 1.5| $3,600] 4,140] $5,400 | $6,210 | 11,610] T38kV Heavy Angle PTA] 0.5. $1,200] s1.800[ $600 $900 | $1,500] [Deadend (30°-90°) Steel Pole] 0.25 | $16,800 | $25,200 | 4,200 | $6,300 | $10,500, [Deadend (30°-90°) Foundation | 0.75 | $3,600] _ $4,140] $2,700 | $3,105] $5,805] [38kV Deadend G0°-90°) PTA] 0.25 | $2,400] 3,600] 600] $900] $1,500, [Deadend (30°-90°) Screw Anchor |] 1.63| $250] $1,750 $408 | $2,853 | 3,260, Deadend (30°-90°) Driven Pile Anchor | 1.63. $1,080 | 2,052 | 81,760 | 3345 | 5.105, Double Deadend Steel Pole | 0.25 | 19,200 ] $28,800 | 4.800 | $7,200 | $12,000, Double Deadend Foundation] 0.75.| $3,600] __$4.140| _$2.700| $3,105] $5,805] 1I38kV Double Deadend PTA] 0.25 | $2,400 | 3,600| $600 | $900 | 1,500 Double Deadend Driven Pile Anchor | 1.63 | $1,080 | $2,052 1,760 | $3345] 5.105, [MobDemob|lim} | —+| | $20,285] $20,285 | TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ** $141,130 $284,845 $425,975 * Clearing costs can be reduced in segments QC.C, QC.D,QC.E, & QC.F ** Estimates include a 10% contigency in the line items. PEI-HLY (3:57 PM3/11/96) 120293-06 Irh 10 r:\WAR\CHUGACH\CH_OHEST.XLS TABLE OH19 TABLE OH20 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION BIRD POINT TO GRIDWOOD DOUBLE CIRCUIT OVERHEAD LINE * LINE DESIGN 6 Se TS oo Se hi Unit $ Item $ Unit 2 ee TUS Item S [Conductor (R) —_{-205,920-| $2.25 |___$463.320 | 205920 | _$5.00 | _$1,029,600| ec ceap nae ceva peel TS WireRemove(M) || Tf t02,960 [$1.00] $102,960 | Hardware (set) _|_16__—*|_—$6,000[ $96,000 16 | $6,000] ———$96,000 | Foundations (set) | 16 | $5,000] $80,000[ 16_—([ $15,000 $240,000 | SUB TOTALS $2,015,320 $3,340,560 TOTAL $5,355,880 COST PER MILE $823,982 NOTE: Construction labor and material costs include a contingency. PEI-HLY (3:39 PM3/11/96) 120293-06 pe r:/WAR/CHUGACH/OHBIRDPT.XLS 1 TABLE OH20 TABLE OH21- COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION TURNAGAIN ARM OVERHEAD LINE CROSSING ~ F_ttem | Oy Unt'$ lemS | Qy Unt Tems | [Conductor ct) | 45,000] $5.00] $225,000 45,000 [$6.00] $270,000] FTower A (ib) | 15,000 1.50] $22,500 | 15,000 | s2.00 | $30,000 Tower B (b) 100,000 | —_$1.50| $150,000 | 100,000 | $3.00 | $300,000 | Hardware (se) | 9 | 86,000 | $54,000 9 | $6,000 $54,000 [Anchors (set) | 6 | $3,000 $18,000 | 6 | $10,000 | $60,000, Foundation (vd) | 5,000 | — $600 $3,000,000] 5,000 | _$650| $3,250,000 | SUB TOTALS $4,219,500 $4,964,000 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $496,400 TOTAL $9,679,900 COST PER MILE $3,337,897 PEI-HLY (3:39 PM3/11/96) 120293-06 pe r-/WAR/CHUGACH/OHBIRDPT.XLS 2 TABLE OH21 Date 02/16/96 02/05/96 01/11/96 02/26/96 02/27/96 02/12/96 02/06/96 02/01/96 01/09/96 02/02/96 02/08/96 02/21/96 02/26/96 Correspondence Type Letter Fax Fax Phone Memo Fax Fax Fax Fax Fax Fax Fax Fax Fax Appendix B Table of Contents From / To Pirelli Jacobson / POWER Jacobson Intemational / POWER Alcatel/Isberg / POWER Okonite / POWER PCC / POWER Alcatel / PCC PCC / POWER NKT/ PCC Pirelli Jacobson / PCC Pirelli / Aabo PCC / POWER PCC / POWER PCC / POWER HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01 ab Document Description Estimate Estimate LPOF Details Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates Miscellaneous Estimates NKT Cable Construction Estimates NKT Cable Data Link T.E.E.50 TE.A.10 TE.A.20. TE.C.30 TE.F.70 TE.F.60 AN.70 AN.80 EN.B.90 QC.D.1.B.10 SUBMARINE CABLES Voltage kV 138 138 230 138 138 230 138 138 230 138 138 230 138 138 230 138 138 230 138 138 230 138 138 230 138 138 230 138 138 138 230 HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01 ab Cable Type 2-Three Phase SCFF 4-Single Phase SCFF 4-Single Phase SCFF 2-Three Phase SCFF 4-Single Phase SCFF 4-Single Phase SCFF 2-Three Phase SCFF 4-Single Phase SCFF 4-Single Phase SCFF 2-Three Phase SCFF 4-Single Phase SCFF 4-Single Phase SCFF 2-Three Phase SCFF 4-Single Phase SCFF 4-Single Phase SCFF 2-Three Phase SCFF 4-Single Phase SCFF 4-Single Phase SCFF 2-Three Phase SCFF 4-Single Phase SCFF 4-Single Phase SCFF 2-Three Phase SCFF 4-Single Phase SCFF 4-Single Phase SCFF 2-Three Phase SCFF 4-Single Phase SCFF 4-Single Phase SCFF 2-Three Phase SCFF 4-Single Phase SCFF Three Phase HPGF 4-Single Phase SCFF Page # oo 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Link TE.1.100 TE.B.15 EN.D.100 AN.30 EN.B.70 EN.B.80 LAND BASED CABLES Voltage kV 138 230 138 230 138 230 138 230 138 230 138 230 HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01 ab Cable Type 3-Single Phase XLPE 3-Single Phase XLPE 3-Single Phase XLPE 3-Single Phase XLPE 3-Single Phase XLPE 3-Single Phase XLPE 3-Single Phase XLPE 3-Single Phase XLPE 3-Single Phase XLPE 3-Single Phase XLPE 3-Single Phase XLPE 3-Single Phase XLPE Page # 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 RECEIVED COPY FEB 2.0 1996 Iftrecu JACOBSON, INC. 5355 - 28TH AVE. NW. * SEATTLE, WA 98107 * (206) 782-1618 February 16, 1996 Power Engineers Inc. 3940 Glenbrook Drive P.O. Box 1066 Hailey, Idaho 83333 Attn: Mr. Jack Hand Re: Submarine Cable Circuit Turnagain Arm - Cook Inlet, Alaska Dear Jack, We have completed our rough estimate of installation costs for (4) single conductor 138kV oil filled submarine cables at (4) crossings in Turnagain Arm - Cook Inlet Alaska. We believe it would be in the customers best interest to embed these cables under the sea bed for the total length of the crossing. The embedment of the cables is based upon a jetting method utilizing high pressure water being applied to a cable burial machine. The cable is laid through the sled anc is placed at a pre-determined depth via a “stinger” located on the burial machine. It is also recommended that double armor be applied to the outer sheath of the cable for added protection and longer life. The armor should be the same lay for ease of handling. We have broken our estimate into two categories including j just laying the cables on the sea bed and laying and burial of the cables. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you and should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Best regards, Pirelli Ja€obson, Inc. BJ/sk enclosure TURAGAIN ARM 138KV INTERTIE SUBMARINE CABLE INSTALLATION ESTIMATE PT. POSSESSION FIRE ISLAND PT. WORNSOFF PT. POSSESSION PT. CAMPBELL ENSTAR BIRD PT. Transport & Lay (4)cables Includes: Marine Survey, Directional Drill and conduits at each land fall $10,000,000 $9,300,000 $8,000,000 $5,800,000 $4,200,000 Bury to 2-3 m. in jettable material below seabed $3,800,000 $2,500,000 $1,600,000 Total Lay & Embed $14,200,000 ESTIMATE INCLUDES: . Marine Survey - For cable routing : Excavation from H.W.M. to terminal $13,100,000 : Conduits for each cable to a maximum of 1000' offshore . Cable transit from factory to Anchorage . All marine equipment and manpower for installation works ° Installation of (4) 138kV FF D.A. submarine cables . Cable burial to 2 - 3 meters in jettable material ESTIMATE DOES NOT INCLUDE: . Termination & Testing of cables ° Sub-station work (other than cable pull in) . Any material ie: cables, accessories, splices, terminations, pump station, etc. Estimate all in 1996 dollars $7,400,000 $10,500,000 FEFFFEFHEAEAHFEEEFETHELEEFEFEFEFEFE EEA FEET FE FALE ELE LEFF EEE TSH H Ett FAX ; N/ cecstseserersecarssarersitsttee ssesrsrssserssseseage KEE” JACOBSON INTERNATIONAL, INC. FAX 206-744-2791 PHONE 206-744-9765 HOME 206-546-3766 SsSess SSS stew ewesse eos SSS SSS SSSsSeSSSf==SSSSSSSSS=S== DATE: Z- $- 9S FAX REF.#: TO: (LE, ATIN: Tack Hal FROM: =) J No. PAGES (INCLUDING THIS COVER) 2 —. If you have any problem with this transmission, please call 206-744-9765 fs For 2 Suarare -rSaSekS Ease i (ZO°WD- &22-02-¢, TERS FAT TSE! acco FEB O5 1895 reco: | TwteErte eS Nee CHUGAC LE Cc’. (rati/ . 4 F.Le JSAc a [Lian Se NEE ~ Lee 2Z0o=—(eo—20 a. red US Yo 15°41 NO.UU2 P.0i INSTALLATION PRICING TESORO AND ENSTAR CABLE ROUTES The pricing for these crossings is predicated on the following assumptions: A rock free right-of-way In which to pull the trencher. Solls that are considered jetable, such as silt, sand, consolidated sands, gravel, and clay. Burial depth not to exceed 3 meters. « Vehicular access to both shore ends. e One cable loaded on barge at a time, total of 4 cables to be installed. e Cable delivered Anchorage area with 45 days of standby for delivery vessel. Tesoro pricing: in thousands Mobilization $2,000 Shore ends 900 Lay and bury 64 days at $ 80,000. 5,120 Load and refurbish equipment 16 days at $ 80,000 1,280 Risk 3,000 Profit 20% on $12,300,000 2,460 Total $ 14,760 Total estimate for the installation and burial of 4 cables in the Tesoro route is $ 14,760,000.00 US dollars. Enstar pricing: Mobilization $2,000 Shore end south 450 Lay andbury 56 days at $ 80,000. 4,480 Load and refurbish equipment 12 days at $ 80,000. 960 Risk 2,500 Shore end bore under tracks and rip rap north 750 Profit 20% on $ 11,140,000 2.228 Total $13,368 Total estimate for the installation and burial of 4 cables in the Enstar route Is $ 13,368,000.00 US dollars. Isberg & Associates Inc. COPY P.O. Box 5147 Pleasanton, CA 94566-9998 Phone 510-426-4718 Fax 510-426-0323 Facsimile Cover Sheet To: - Company: Phone: Fax: From: Company: Phone: Fax: Date: Pages including this cover page: Three Jack Hand Power Engineers Inc. . 208-788-3456 , 208-788-2082 ‘ 16 tle ! Steve Kanty Isberg & Associates Inc. §10-426-4718 510-426-0323 01/11/96 Subject: Alcate] Wire & Cable Kenai Submarine Transmission Project "Jack, as promised the following pages provide brief details of the LPOF Submarine cable costs that Alcatel would provide on this project. ' | hope this will be sufficient to get you to the next stage of the project. Obviously once the route has been selected and load determined we can be much more specific. As | mentioned in our recent conversation, some key individuals from Alcatel France will be attending the ICC in Houston and | have extended an invitation, on your behalf, for them to visit Hailey. | look forward to working with you on this project. iam) » ~ m ane Lot PA excl. aj} taxce Cable 1x630mm*? Cu LPOF 132/230 $426,800/an } $30,715,200. (245) kV SSWA 4 F AxV9 Py Cable laying (not embedded) + Accessories + Packaging + Transportation Qption 2 Cable 1x500m:n2 Cu LPOF 132/230 (245) kV DSWA Cable isyr'g ee embedded) + Acoesscries + ing + Transportation =o. The estimated prices quoled by us ars subject to the following general. qualifications: a5 Delivery: to ¢ advised once more precise requirements are defined, 2. Prices only valid for above quantity and exclude any taxes or duties. More specific prices can be given once more precise requirements ate defined. we Or Cam Dowlat Director-High Voltage Systems. Enel: Cable Gross Section Drawings rep ave a, ess Tax tuig por: 32 4 ATGC6S1G. ALCATEL URES . + . OW eee ee we ee. = ALCATEL CABLE FRANCE USINE:DE CALAIS . 500mm? r O.F, 132/230 kV. Noubie steel wires armeiicsd submarine cable —_ J COPPER CONDUCTOR ir HT TTT) _ INSULATIO LEAD ALLOY SHEATH BEDDING PE SHEATH ~ GALVANIZED STFEL WIRES ARMOUR FLU: COM Conductor | ~ Ineuladian .* 4 "173 = ; CONDUCTOR SCREEN © INSULATION SCREEN METALLIC - REINFORCEMENT. yk ANTI-TEREDD TAPE ___. BEDDING : POLYPROPYLENT! ‘YARNAND z n | ALCATEL CABLE . FRANCE |. USINEDE CALAIS. — * Lead alloy'sheath |. 52 PEsheath © | 38 — i Armour BL a pper O.F, Outercovering © | 30 | WV ane (245) kV Weight in'water/air. | 244 / 343 kg/m Single steel wires ot in wer IS. | ‘Tapers armoured submarine cable TOTAL P.@4 P O WE. R TELEPHONE RECORD = - Propect Name To: [Souk Leuk 122 28 06 2/ £6 _O2- . job Pho oSwesCédTask OO Susték prom: CAeside eB Kat Lanter = = e Ext. Telephone Number Subject Ath 25 4 yoooklna 4 Sct pct Follow Up: pr \ “Consultants, Inc. EA FoR 6 dca Ae 220 Sweetman Road, Ballston Spa, New York 12020-3211 phone 518-384-1613 + fax 518-359-9517 TELEFAX Please deliver to: Mr. Bill Riall, Power Engineers, Hailey, ID Fax Number: 208-788-2082 Total # of Pages: 2 From: Date: Torben Aabo February 27, 1996 SOF SSO SS ES ESS SESS SES OF OFFSET STSEESESSET SESS SSESES SOE SSPESSSSOSS SE SESTERESHS SESS SSSSHSHSHSSHOSSUSS HSE SASEASESSSETCSSOS CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The information contained in this facsimile message is legally privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the indivichual or entity named above. Lf the reader of this message is not the intended recipiont, you are hereby notified that any dissemination. distribution or copy of this fax is strictly protubited. If you have received this fax in crror, picase immediately notify the sender at the telephone number provided above and return the original message to us at the address above via the United States Postal Service. Thank vou. Pee eM eRe wresesegerTeees ser esereoreroreheeeenseTeseSOEeebou see eeeeesesesessoosesoonssdedhesdeousss besessanusvesGeoneuT Dear Bill: The attached is the Alcatel Norge estimated costs. 1 have summarized it in the table below. Note the cost for the transition joints. I believe it is for the lot of 3 single phase joints. T | still have on Regards, “a Torben Aabo SCFF, 138 kV Submarine able XLPE, 138 kV Submarine cable Transportation and laying of Submarine cable Item $403/ft. $93.23/ft. XLPE, 138 kV Land cable | $58.88/f. tansition joint, XLPE/SCFF $48,300 each (set SCFF Terminations XLPE Terminations ¢ outstanding request (from Japan). Please call me if you have any questions. AW ee Diesrs5317 NR.SdS Soai-7AI ¥ KABEL NORGE - Alcatel Kabs! Norge AS TELEFAX ow Otfce Box 136, Bkern N-0509 Oslo, Nerway Telephone: +47 22 63 88 20 Telefon: +47 22 63 81 20 To: Power Cable Consultants Inc. Fax ne.: 518 399 9517 Att: Torben: Aabo Ref.: 138 kV subm. cables in Alasko. Frem: Bertram C. Middelthon Sender's Girect fax te.: +47 47 22 63 74 44 Sender's diveciiei,men +47 47 22 63 BB 52 Dove: 12 Fab 1996 Ne. of pages, inel. this: W any wort of this ronamdesen be arhsing of ilhegivic, plesee guntact tel. +47 47 23 67 00 Bt Reterring te your fax of Fabrvary 7, 1996, we hava the pleasure of indicating the Following budget prices. - Qil-filled submarine coble 1000 kemil (500 mm2) NOK 2100,-./meter ax worn? 0 4 iL - XLPE submarine cable 1000 kemil (500 mm2) NOK 1900,-./meter ox works 7 ? 3,5 ~ XLPE land cable 1000 kemitl NOK 1200,-./meter ex works S33. aE - Transition joint NOK 300 000,-. each - ¥¥.300 - Tarminatioon for oil-filled cable NOK 70 000,-. each + ld 2306 - Termination for XLPE cable NOK 55 000,-. each ~ 3, 55 - Transportation and laying cost for submarine coble NOK 90.000.000,-. _ v, 430, MH The prices ore to be understood as frirly approximete figures basad on 1995 cost tevels and the vary limited information given to us. We hope to have served you with the above estimates. redo Mbe. Sid lie 2 /27/% Trunks GAs (MOK $0, /é/0 c \oum \ietater e- pe- os coc Received: 02/27/96 07:32:00 Yrom: 22637444 82/06/1996 18:59 5163999517 AABO . PAGE @1 Power Cable COPY Consultants, Inc. Torben Aabo 220 Sweetman Road, Ballston Spa, New York 12020-3211 phone 518-384-1613 * fax 518-399-9517 TELEFAX Please deliver to: r. Bill Riall, Power Engineers, Hailey, ID Fax Number: 208-788-2082 Total # of Pages: 6 From: Torben Aabo Date: February 6, 1996 eee cewaccesressccensccccccerercenesecaes SeEEeaEes FUSES SS Es FSS se EOE TOU ETT OOP EERE REE SES SEES HO rRTSSSSEOETOTSREFEEEESSE CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The information commined in this facsimile message is legally privileged and confidential informaton intended only for the use of the individual or entity naroed abovs. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, vou are hereby Notified that amy dissemination, distribution or copy of this fax is stricthy prohibited [f you have received this Fax in error, please imumediately notify the sender at che telephous aumber provided above and rerum the original message ‘o us st the address above via the United States Postat Service. Thank you. SOO oreeweTsEeeT Te TEAR eeseTEDSeseawess Sats 8e TECSESESERSVSE MESES TE SES ESETSSsErHS SESTTTTERSHACENOSHRSSESEESSEEESTEEES Dear Bill: Jay requited that | fax you the cost information I used for the development of the Chugach cable cost. I have attached the information received from manufacturers. I have promise from several other manufacturers to supply costs. | will discuss the data with you as soon as J get it. The following costs were given to me verbally from SILEC: 2 XLPE land cable: $23/ft ¢ = Splices: $7,000 each e Link boxes: $5,000 each e Grounding boxes: $3,000 each Please call me at 5)8-384-1613 so we can discuss how to present the data in an appendix to the report. Regards, Torben Aabo Cl/0cs7> Oi NKI ENGINSERING 7% @@1S185999517 - NR.329 Saei v TELEFAX ID FAT Jenonceninc Fax No. +45 43 96 07 74 . Phone No. +45 43 48 20 10 COMPANY: Power Cable Consultants, Inc. FAX: 00 1 518 399 9517 ATT: Mr. Torben Asbo “REF: MKJ-0238/1k3 co: DATE: 1 February 1996 FROM: Martin K. Jensen PAGE: 1 OF 2 (Inclusive of this cover) {IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES, PLEASE CALL IMMEDIATELY) Dear Mr. Aabo, Reference is made to previous correspondence on the above subject plus latest pleasant telephone conversation of today. As requested, we take pleasure in indicating rough budget estimate prices for the cables discussed in our telefax of 15 January 1996, ref. MKJ~0206/1k3. Submarine Cables: Alternativ2 2: Cable type: NKT flat type oil-filled (SCOF) 145 kv 3x500 mm? Cu submarine cable. Design details acc. to NKT document No. K 96003, Budget price: DKK 2, 650.00 per metre g %9 2 Mitude, + Cable type: 145 kV 1x500 mm? XLPE-Cu-LRT Submarine GE cable. 4 hy Sel DHKE OrEs3 ( Viz 5,373) Design deteils acc. to NKT document No. K 96004, 24200.00 222 pnel 5 eiteerse wyisy © NKT ENGINEERING 7 0815183959517 . NR.329 Soaz Journal: MKI-0238 NHK TT z ENGINZERING Date & 1 February 1996 Ref. : MKI/1Lkj Page : 2 of 2 Underground/land cables: Cable type: 145 kV 1x500 mm? XLPE-Cu-LRT unarmoured underground cable. Design details acc. to NKT document No. K 96005. $asv2/' Budgat price: DKK 800,00 per metre BLYYiele = $9 : Transition joints: A xough budget estimate for suitable transition joint for interconnection of three-core flat type oil-filled cable with 3 single core 500 mm’? XLPE cables, both 145 kv oD), & voltage level, will amount to approx. ? 56, 72U } Kindly observe that all the above-mentioned budget prices are Ex Works our factory. Hoping that the forwarded is in accordance with your wishes, we trust this will assist you in the further investigations of @ possible submarine cable project. Best regards, NKT Enginesring lsh Martin/K. Jensen Svend 0. Olsen SPN-O9-1996 16:27 FROM PIJRELLI JACOBSON INC TO s3dacs97i « rite FACSIMILE PIRELLI JACOBSON, INC. Date: January 9, 1996 Fax Reference Number: P]I-8051-PM To: = POWER CABLE CONSULTANT Attn: TORBEN AABO From: PIETRO MONDINI Pages (including this cover): 4 i you have any problems with this rensmisaion, plecee call us ot (706) 783-1618 / ker (208) 789-2061 RE: 115/138KV SUBMARINE CABLE FOR ALASKA. REGARDING YOUR FAX DATED JANUARY 9, 1996 Dear Mr, Aabo, In order to respond to your fax in dus time, I will submit 3 rough estimate of a similar cable with a alight difference in the cross section (750 MCM instead of 1000 MCM). The cable that we propose will be SCFF (self contained fiuid filled) cable as per attached cable technical dats with double armor. ee / . : The cable will have a polypropylene yarn serving and it will be manufactur¥d ih a continuous length. The budgetary price for the cable ex-factory Naples (Italy) is $160 USD / ft. To the above cost, you will hare to add the import duties and the transportation cost. Please also note that we have proposed a double armor cable because as you mentioned in some areas there -_ is rocky hard bottom and the cable burial is questionable from s technical and economical point of view. We have to inform you that our company owns different burial machines that use the jetting method but all are usable in sandy/omd bottoms, Le, jettable bottorn, and we do not have available machine for trenching in rocky bottom. Should you require an estimate for construction, please keep in mind the above. 5355 28th Avenue N.W.°** Seattle, WA 98107"*"°U.S A. Received: 01/09/96 07:37:24 From: 206 789 2851 a jee@5-1996 “gig? SROM PIRELLI JACOBSON INC TO 45183999517 P22 Power Cable Consultant Mr. Torben Aabo January 9, 1996 poe wy» Fae Raft PJ1-8051-PAL suggestion is time would be to Is the cable on the sea bottom and have only the shore end Cae ee onal embulowst (Eke backhoe excavator) unless feasible to find a suitable route that is entirely jettable. Please comment if any- pepea Pietro Mondini Vice President j Pirelli Jacobson, Inc. PM/sk 535: Wess 98107"** Received: 01/09/96 07:37:24 From: 206 789 2851 LEDEZBSES0G ‘WOTE g7z:97:E0 96/20/20 :peatsooy ELECTRICAL SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION OPERATION ! 1225 Westfield Averme, Clark, NJ 07066 Lr Tel.z (908) 382-3776 Fax: (908) 382-3437 ; Date: WMA eet - 76 NO. OF PAGES: a7 pec MU I ee acne ese res) aa ao FAX NO.: Bastien eel Spa VLPE cade 3$ sl w ri fen LAW ta 4 fe £ aU x4 ssiodiquce. GGL Zh Ca Te 2vd WD ---- ITGUId LEPEZBERSE b2:St 9661/28/28 Power Cable Ce By Consultants, Inc. Torben Aabo 220 Sweetman Road, Ballston Spa, New York 12020-3211 phone 518-384-1613 + fax 518-399-9517 TELEFAX Please deliver to: Mr. Bill Riall, Power Engineers, Hailey, eer eneneasesdssaseesseTHAUEREET TEE . rortSer 72 oe of Fax Number: 208-788-2082 — Total # of Pages: 3 From: Torben Aabo Date: i February 8, 1996 SASS CESRH SS ESS SSSSS CSSSEE SS ESSE ESS SESTSTSS EES SOBESS BO SSSSSSSSSS EE EHTRESS SST SSSSESTESESEESESSSECSSE SSS SS STSTRSTESET SESS CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The informsnon contaied in this facsirile message is legally privileged and confidential mformation intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. Lf the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby noufied that amy dissermnation, distribution or copy of this fax is swicdy prohibited If you have received thus fax in error, please immediately noufy the sonder at the telephone number provided above and retum the original message to us at the address above via the United States Postal Service. Thank vou BSS 0250 dO CEdSedeSS a serSeTsTLss CRORE ESSSSSeeTEETEsT ED EEEETESESSESSSSSSSSOERSES SSS TESTSESSSSSTUSETN ES CES ER ESTES ESS Dear Bill: Attached please find additional costing for XLPE terminations and the three-conductor flat cable. Also attached is a drawing of the cable. You may want to use this to replace Figure 6.3, which at the moment is a drawing of a two-conductor cable. I was promised additional cost data on the SCFF cable by Friday... Please call me at $18-384-1613 so we can discuss how to present the data in an appendix to the report. Ve Regards, le G eo 4, ?, Torben Aabo a Fé Le, rnse Peco ts 16:22 NKT ENGINEERING + 681518299SS17 NR.471 SB@i TELEFAX NK Tr Benaineenina Fax No. +65 43 96 07 74 ; Phone No. +45 43 48 20 10 ‘ COMPANY: Power Cable Consultants, Inc. FAX: 00 1 sie 399 9517 ATT: ce: FROM: Mr. Torben Asbo REF: MKJ-0260/1k3 DATE: 8 February 1996 Martin K. Jensen PAGE: 1 oF 1 H (Inclusive of this cover) ! (IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVe ALL PAGES, PLEASE CALL IMMEDIATELY) Dear Mr. Aabo, Be: Alaska Project Reference is made to your fax of February 7, 1996, Prices for terminations for flat type Mellerhe} cable is very much depending on how the cable system will look, in particu- lar lay-out of terminating point etc. However, in order to give you an idea of the total project costs involved, we can inform you of the following rough budget prices as follows: 1) 2) Complete termination for 3-core flat type Mellerhej cable with splitter box and connecting tubes, built up as 3 separate porcelain insulators placed on one common steel atructure. ; melas oas SES,067 Porcelain cable termination for termination of XLPE- > % Peainiehy cables (underground as well as submarine cables). . : 0.0 — $13, 08 2ath Both the above prices are excl. installation, Surthermore, we take pleasure in fcrwarding the enclosed drawing of Sur’ flat type submarine-cabte-fur“R¢*porpose, see Journal No. Al057, Two prints of the same have been airmailed to your address by express mail. DK OFS CH. 5.379) Best regards, NXT Bg fad. ta. Martin K. Jensen Received: 02/08/96 10:27:08 From: +45 43 96 07 74 PL LO 96 CD Sb+ MOTE BO:LZ:0T 96/80/z0 :peateoay > Tete a et AC Flat type submarine cable Straaded copper comdector, Carbouized paper. Paper im sxdaticn. Carboalzed paper und screen of Al-foil. COO) XX XXXX NY X x Se ae tt ret Layer of aayhelt and two layers of Oil-ianpreguated paper. Two layers of copper tapes. Cosragsted bronze tape on cach side. Copper wire. Asphalt, pol ypropyicec yarn, saphals, hmpregasod crepe paper, seffe oxi we. PE-ape, asphalt, polypropytene yaro and asphalt. Galvanized sicel wires. ‘Asphalt, polypropyleme yarn, saphnati, Whlypropyieas yarn saphakt and chal. Journal no. A1057 Einion: 0 Date: 08.02.96 me rege ope ~ hone seem enn meg aa ae Peer etn ee wee te KT i ENGINEERING 22:53 96-20-80 LISEEESSTSTAA « ONIYSSNIONS Low 7325 TkP°UN Power Cable Consultants, Inc. Tarbes Ake 220 Sweetman Road, Ballston Spa, New York 12020-3211 phone 518-384-1613 ¢ fax 518-399-9517 TELEFAX COP Please deliver to: Mr. Bilt Riall, Power Engineers, Hailey, ID Fax Number: 208-788-2082 Total # of Pages: 2 From: Torben Aabo Date: - February 21, 1996 SESS SS TOSS SOS TSE SSS FEKETSCSSSESSSSSE SSS SHE SEES CEETUSESS SES SSSSESSTS STE ETSEDERESSS FEES STSESES EY SS ERREERESESESS ES ES S98 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The information contained in this facsimile message is legally privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient. you arc hereby’ notified that any disscrninotion, dissibution or copy of this fax is strictly prohibited [if you have received this fax in error, please immediately notify the sender at the telephone number provided above and retum the origina! message to us at the address above via ihe United Staiss Postal Service. Thank you. PeRwededeeseerevesessveeeEROSEsSECeTeneseTesENT ET UREUSSESTRSTHS SETSONS OHS TCE TESTRCETE SSNS ESEEEE ESSERE SCETST OPES INES Dear Bill: The attached is a summary of the cost information ] received from Nokia Cable. The submarine cable manufacturers are very slow in putting their costs together.. Re Power Cable Consultants, Inc. Chugach Cost Summary Submitted by Nokia Cables USA, Inc. 1,000 kcmil XLPE - Full AEIJC insulation | $32.56/ft XLPE Splice - Field molded XLPE X-bonded Splice - Field molded __! $8,400 cach XLPE pre-molded | $8,450 each Grounding box $2,250 each Note: These costs include delivery to Alaska and delivery duties paid (DDP) The costs are based on single circuit, 5 miles long Torben Aabo February 21, 1996 xipe-chu.cst Power Cable ERT Consultants, Inc. | Torben Aabo 220 Sweetmaa Road, Ballston Spa, New York 12020-3211 phone 518-384-1613 * fax $18-399-9517 TELEFAX = (02) 2 2 Please deliver to: Mr. Bill Riall, Power Engineers, Hailey, ID j Fax Number: — 208-788-2082 Total # of Pages: 1 From: Torben Aabo —_- VIED. fRLLE. Date: . February 26, 1996 OBUO8 e UR RENE EE SSS S SESS RTSEE TES CARESS SSSESRE SELENE SSNS ES SSRERAE SESS SSE STSNETEEOEERERESSE SSCS oaEEESeEEsaoEEsseeese CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The information camtained in this facsimile message is legally privileged and confidential information intended onty for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient. you arc hereby nouficd that any disscmmation, distribution or copy of this fax is stncuy prohibited If vou have received this fax in error, pieasc immediately noufy the sender ot the telephone mumber provided above and reuumn the original message to us at the address above via the United States Postal Service. Thank you. AeewesererccceeaRecleees : Sec eTUEEROEEAEETSESSSESSOSETEASS Tay SESSeSRAGREERSSVeseeTss SAPS EHRSNESSSLeSsEeeeeeEseeewasETS Dear Bill: NKT informed me that the cost of double armoring the 138 kV Flat Type SCFF cable will increase the cost in the order of 15 to 20 %. Based on this information, the cable cost for one foot of cable would be $173 to $180, NKT has not and do not have plans to research the development and testing of a 230 kV Flat Type SCFF cable construction. The NKT research efforts will continue to be in the HVDC area, focusing on voltages up to 600 kVDC. Regarding the other cable costs [ have promised you, I have made inquiries to the manufacturers again. Regards, Pola Torben Aabo TABLE UG07 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINKTE.E.50 COST ESTIMATE 2-138 KV Three Phase SCFF Cable System TOTAL ow csr CABLE) ——————SSSSSC—~S «8096 SIRO $5] 817,297,280 | 95,093,088 | 902,390,508 | TTRENCH/BACKFILL@ | 4000_| {sao S50] $100,000] $160,000] LoT_| 80] _$290,000| $0 | 290,000 | $290,000 SPLICE G-PHASE)(c) ———SSSSSSCdY SO 885270] $50,000[ so] so] 80 FTERMINATIONS (@-PHASE) | 4 | $63,063 | $50,000 | $260,260 | $900,000 | $400,260 ARRESTERS (ea) | 12 | _ $2,000| $1,000] $24,000] $12,000] $36,000 | MANHOLES (ea) [_0|_so|___so| sof —* ——* SHEATH GROUNDING (a) | 4 | _ Si,000| 81,000] 4,000] $4,000] $8,000, SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE | 2 | $13,000 $7,000] $26,000] $14,000 FTRANSITION SITE (CIVIL: FIRE ISLAND) | 1 | $50,000 | $50,000. $50,000 ] $30,000 | $100,000 FTRANSITION STRUCTURE (FIRE ISLAND) | 1 ___| $40,000 | $20,000 | $40,000 | $20,000 ] $60,000 | PTRANSITION FOUNDATION (FIRE ISLAND) | 1] $200] $25,000] $200] $25,000] $25,200 | HYDRAULICRESEVOIRS SST 0 [——SCS«SO]—S—=é<OY] SSCS] SC«SYT SS SCS—=ST IMOB/DEMOB | 1 | $250,000 | $2,000,000 | $250,000 | $2,000,000 SUB TOTALS $17,951,740 $7,868,088 $25,819,828 ENGINEERING $500,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $903,694 TOTAL EMBEDED $27,261,022 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $1,345,344 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $25,915,678 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (3:48 PM 6/12/96) br ; r:/WAR/CHUGACH/TESORO/2TEES0.XLS : TABLE UG07 TABLE UG06 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK TE.E.50 COST ESTIMATE 4-138 KV Single Phase SCFF Cable System UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL QTY. MATERIAL LABOR COST 192,192 $124 8,000 $0 DESCRIPTION $10,186,176 $34,017,984 $320,000 $320,000 TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) |GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strength/Thermal | LOT [| _——sSO | —«'$290,000[ SS] ~—=«$:290,000] $290,000 | SPLICE (1-PHASE) (ea) fn $0 $0) | See $0) | Eset $0) | eee sol TERMINATIONS (1-PHASE) $11,230 $4,000 JARRESTERS(ea)_ ss C‘iEC“(<;SSS CT ~SC«S2,000~——sS000|~———sé816,000| —=—=—$8,000| —_—$24,000 | IMANHOLES |(¢a) 5 et | ee Obs | et EEE $0) | eee 2 90 | Sear $0; et $0) | EEE SO) ISHEATH GROUNDING (ea) | | SCSSLOOOT—CS100|~—S—S—=«S8,000| ~~ 88,000| ——*$:16,000 | |SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE | _2_—s|_——=éS13,000 $7,000] —=$26,000] ~—=—$14,000] $40,000 | [TRANSITION SITE (CIVIL: FIREISLAND) [| sts ———«$50,0007 $50,000] ——=$50,000] —=—«$50,000] —_—_—-$100,000 | [TRANSITION STRUCTURE (FIREISLAND) | its ~——=S40,000 $20,000 ——=$40,000[ ——=—$20,000] —*$60,000 | [TRANSITION FOUNDATION (FIREISLAND) | 1 [| $200] $25,000[ $200 ~—=—«$25,000] —*$:25,200 | , | , SUB TOTALS $24,451,848 $13,033,176 $37,485,024 ENGINEERING $550,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $1,311,976 TOTAL EMBEDED $39,384,500 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $2,690,688 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $36,693,812 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (11:18 AM6/13/96) mh r:/WAR/CHUGACH/TESORO/2TEES0.XLS 2; TABLE UG06 TABLE UG09 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK TE.E.50 COST ESTIMATE 4-230 KV Single Phase SCFF Cable System TOTAL [TRENCHBACKFILL (@) | 8000 | 80] sao] 80] $320,000] $320,000] [GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strengih/Thermal | LOT | 80] $990,000 | so] $290,000 | $290,000 SPLICE (1-PELASE) (Co) MIM NTA AAN IO ANON | Dal ONE | ARAN S02 TAMA SO] AAAS | ATLA SO} | LEAMA SO [TERMINATIONS (I-PHASE) | 8 | $23,000] $4,000 | $300,000 | $32,000 | $232,000 ARRESTERS (ca) SSCS ~~ | 83,000 $1,000 | $4,000 | $8, 000 | $32,000 [MANHOUES (ca) AMIN UU NAA NNUAL UA SINAN LO AGN | LALLA SO | AEA OT SO) AANA SOF MOHANTA SO | LALA SOF} SHEATH GROUNDING a) | 8 | $1,000] 81,000 | $8,000 | $8,000 | $16,000] SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE |__| $13,000] $7,000] $26,000 | $14,000 | $40,000 | TRANSITION SITE (CIVIL: FIREISLAND) | 1 | $50,000 | $50,000 | $50,000. | $50,000 | $100,000] TRANSITION STRUCTURE (FIRE ISLAND) | 1 | $40,000] $20,000 | $40,000 | $20,000 | $00,000, TRANSITION FOUNDATION (FIRE ISLAND) | 1 | _ $200] 25,000 | $200 | $3,000 | $5,200 | HYDRAULICRESEVOIRS __——=——*+| 4 | $35,000] $20,000] $140,000 | $80,000 | $220,000 IMOB/DEMOB es C“(‘*s*s*séiésiLESC(‘(S$#SCSL:‘C(CS$W:CdS:C«CS~C*~=Cé#S250,000 [$2,000,000] $250,000 | _ $2,000,000 | _ $2,250,000 | SUB TOTALS $28,221,656 $13,033,176 $41,254,832 ENGINEERING $550,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $1,443,919 TOTAL EMBEDED a $43,286,251 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $2,690,688 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $40,595,563 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (3:48 PM6/12/96) mh r:/WAR/CHUGACH/TESORO/2TEESO.XLS | TABLE UG09 TABLE UG02 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK TE.A.10 COST ESTIMATE 2-138 KV Three Phase SCFF Cable System EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL or ERAL CABLE (ft) — CC‘“‘SC‘*d:«CS3«856 =~ S180 $53 | $9,694,080] $2,854,368 | $12,548,448 | | TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) ss Cd|C 4000 ST SOTHO SS] ~——«$'160,000] ‘$160,000 | |GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strength/Thermal [ LOT | $0 _—-$290,000[_ _—S=—S«S0'{ $290,000] $290,000 | SPLICE G-PHASE)(ea)___—=—S—S—S*| ~~ | 455270] __$50,000| so] | 80] TERMINATIONS (3-PHASE) | 4 | (865,065[ $50,000] __—$:260,260| $200,000 $460,260 | JARRESTERS(ea)—C—“‘“MC|COI2 OT O$2,000[ _—_—sS81,000 | ~—=—$524,000[ —_—=$'12,000| ‘$36,000 | IMANHOLES(ca)C—“‘(’™SCOCLCOOC OCTUUUUCOSOY)—S—“‘séSSOL!)OUUC™™~CSSOT~S—“‘CSCéCSOL!OUO~(;(;C#‘#SS#O‘d [SHEATH GROUNDING a) | 4 | $1,000 1,000 | 84,000 | $4,000 | $8,000 SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE | 2 [| _—'$13,000[ ~—=—$7,000 ~—=—=«$26,000 | ~——=$:14,000| ——_—+$40,000| [TRANSITION SITE (CIVIL: FIREISLAND) | 1 [_—_—$50,0007 ———$50,000[ $50,000 ——_—~$50,000] __ $100,000 | TRANSITION STRUCTURE (FIREISLAND) | 1 [| _ $40,000] ~—_—‘$20,000] ~——_—'$40,000[ —__—*$20,000[ ——~:$60,000 | [TRANSITION FOUNDATION (FIREISLAND) [1 [ss $200 $25,000] === $200] ~—=—=«$25,000] ——*$25,200 | IHYDRAULICRESEVOIRS CT CCT SCOT SOT StC“‘(‘SSOY]OUUUCSOYSCt~“‘CNCCC#*SSO‘YS IMOB/DEMOB——“‘“CSSCCCCC*dLS Cd SC; $250,000] _ $2,000,000] _ $250,000] _ $2,000,000] _ $2,250,000 | SUB TOTALS $10,348,540 $5,629,368 $15,977,908 ENGINEERING $500,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $559,227 TOTAL EMBEDED LESS $14/CABLE FT. TOTAL NON-EMBEDED PEI-HLY 120293-01 (3:46 PM 6/12/96) br r:/WAR/CHUGACH/TESORO/2TEA10.XLS aaa: $17,074,635 $753,984 $16,320,651 TABLE UG02 TABLE UG01 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK TE.A.10 COST ESTIMATE 4-138 KV Single Phase SCFF Cable System DESCRIPTION QTY. TOTAL MATERIAL LABOR |MATERIAL LABOR COST TRANSITION FOUNDATION (FIREISLAND) | 1] $200 | $25,000 $200] $25,000] ___—$25,200 $20,000 $140,000 $80,000 wn N NX iS HYDRAULIC RESEVOIRS MOB/DEMOB TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) pr |B Ses GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strength/Thermal LOT | _ $290,000[_ _——s——s $0 ~—«$290,000 | _ $290,000 | ISPLICE(I-PHASE)(ca)_ Cd CT CSC“ SCS CC‘ HTC SHOTS [TERMINATIONS (I-PHASE) | 8S, 230 $4,000 $89,840 $32,000 ARRESTERS(ca)_C—“‘“CSC#*SLSOCS&OT «92,000 $1,000 $16,000 $8,000 $24,000 IMANHOLES (ea) C—C“‘“‘“LSOCOOTCOTTCCéSO $0 $0 $0 $0 SHEATH GROUNDING (ea) 8 $1,000 $1,000 $16,000 SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE 2 $13,000 $7,000 TRANSITION SITE (CIVIL: FIRE ISLAND) l $50,000 [TRANSITION STRUCTURE (FIREISLAND) | 1 _—i[|_—_—=$40,000 $20,000] $40,000 $20,000] $60,000 | 1 SUB TOTALS $13,976,328 $8,555,736 $22,532,064 ENGINEERING $550,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $788,622 TOTAL EMBEDED $23,908,186 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $1,507,968 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $22,400,218 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (11:22 AM6/13/96) mh / r:/WAR/CHUGACH/TESORO/2TEA10.XLS 5 ; TABLE UG01 TABLE UG04 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK TE.A.10 COST SUMMARY 4-230 KV Single Phase SCFF Cable System oiik i | TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) | 8,000 | SOT $40 | GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Streng ermal LOT | $0] $290,000 | ISPLICE(I-PHASE) (ca) | STS [TERMINATIONS (I-PHASE) | 8 | $25,000] $4,000 | JARRESTERS(ea) $3,000 | _ $1,000 | IMANHOLES(ea)_ | STS SHEATH GROUNDING (ea) | $1,000 $1,000 | ISUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE |___2_|__—$13,000]__—$7,000 | [TRANSITION SITE (CIVIL: FIREISLAND) | 1 [___—$50,000] $50,000 | [TRANSITION STRUCTURE (FIREISLAND) | 1 |___—$40,000] $20,000 | [TRANSITION FOUNDATION (FIREISLAND)| 1 | $200] $25,000 | IHYDRAULICRESEVOIRS | 4 835,000] __ $20,000 | [MOB/DEMOB CE $250,000 $2,000,000 SUB TOTALS ENGINEERING LAND SURVEY LOT CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% PEI-HLY 120293-01 (3:46 PM6/12/96) mh r:/(WAR/CHUGACH/TESORO/2TEA10.XLS TOTAL NON-EMBEDED EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL MATERIAL LABOR COST $15,402,816 | $5,708,736 | $21,111,552 | SOT $320,000] $320,000 | PST $290,000 [$290,000 | PC SOC SOTO $24,000 $8,000 PSO SOT 80 |___ $26,000 [$14,000] $40,000 | |___-$50,000[ $50,000 | $100,000 | |__ $40,000] $20,000] $60,000 | $25,000 $2,000,000 $16,141,016 $8,555,736 $24,696,752 $550,000 $37,500 $864,386 ——————————————————— TOTAL EMBEDED $26,148,638 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $1,507,968 $24,640,670 — TABLE UG04 TABLE UG12 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINKTE.A.20 COST ESTIMATE 2-138 KV Three Phase SCFF Cable System [UNIT costs] TOTAL CABLE) ——*dY~— rae Sim] 953] _ S10,ou4 a0 | $3,104,308 | 313,778,088 | /TRENCHIBACKFILL @) | 4000_[ so] | $0] $10,000] $160,000 tar || son | $0] $290. 000 | $350 007 a aT TERMINATIONS (G-PHASE) | 4 | $03,065 $50,000 | $260,260 | $200,000 | $460,260 | IARRESTERS (ea) ~~ $2,000 | $1,000 | $24,000 | $12,000 | $36,000 | MANHOLES (ca) ]0_| |_| —»f——sof —_—iso| SHEATH GROUNDING (a) | 4 | 81,000[ 81000] 4000] $4000] 8,000 SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE | 2 | $13,000 | $7,000 | $26,000 | $14,000 | $40,000 TRANSITION SITE (CIVIL: FIRE ISLAND) | 1 | $50,000 | $50,000 | $50,000 ]| $50,000 | $100,000 TRANSITION STRUCTURE (FIRE ISLAND) | 1 | $40,000 | $20,000 | $40,000 | $20,000 | $60,000, TRANSITION FOUNDATION (FIREISLAND) | 1 [| $2007 ——— $25,000] == $200 ~—— $25,000] = $25,200 | FIYDRAULIC RESE VOR ee) ee ee ee IMOB/DEMOB i‘ CO!!!!!UULULULULULULULULUWThhlUd CT __ «$250,000 ] _ $2,000,000] __—*$250,000 | _ $2,000,000 | _—_ $2,250,000 | SUB TOTALS $11,298,940 $5,909,208 $17,208,148 ENGINEERING $500,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $602,285 TOTAL EMBEDED $18,347,933 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $827,904 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $17,520,029 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (3:47 PM 6/12/96) br ; r/WAR/CHUGACH/TESORO/2TEA20.XLS . TABLE UGI2 TABLE UGI1 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK TE.A.20 COST ESTIMATE 4-138 KV Single Phase SCFF Cable System UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. MATERIAL LABOR MATERIAL LABOR COST CABLE (ft) 118,272 $124 $14,665,728 $6,268,416 | $20,934,144 TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) 8,000 $40] $0 | $320,000 | __ $320,000 | GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strength/Thermal LOT $290,000] sss $0] ~——«$ 290,000] $290,000 | SPLICE (1-PHASE) (ea) 0 ee ) TERMINATIONS (1-PHASE) ARRESTERS (ea) MANHOLES (ea) SHEATH GROUNDING (a) SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE TRANSITION SITE (CIVIL: FIRE ISLAND) $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 [ _ $100,000 | TRANSITION STRUCTURE (FIRE ISLAND) $40,000 $20,000 $40,000 $20,000 $60,000 TRANSITION FOUNDATION (FIRE ISLAND) $200 $25,000[ ss $200 ~——« $25,000] ~———*$25,200 | 4 HYDRAULIC RESEVOIRS $35,000 $20,000 $140,000 $80,000 $220,000 MOB/DEMOB | 1 $250,000 $2,000,000 $250,000 $2,000,000 $2,250,000 SUB TOTALS $15,285,768 $9,115,416 $24,401,184 ENGINEERING $550,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% : $854,041 TOTAL EMBEDED $25,842,725 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $1,655,808 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $24,186,917 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (4:36 PM6/13/96) mh r:/WAR/CHUGACH/TESORO/2TEA20.XLS 8 TABLE UGI1 TABLE UG14 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK TE.A.20 COST ESTIMATE 4-230 KV Single Phase SCFF Cable System EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL pescuion a [$4080 $320,000 | —_ $320,000, [$290,000 | ___30, SPLICE (-PHASE)(ea) ———SSSSSSCSC*dSCSCi CCS” $0] TERMINATIONS (I-PHASE) | 8 34,000 ARRESTERS (ea) ——S—SSCSCSCSCS + IMANHOLES (ea) ] 0 SHEATH GROUNDING @@) | 8 SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE | 2 TRANSITION SITE (CIVIL: FIRE ISLAND) | 1 TRANSITION STRUCTURE (FIRE ISLAND) | 1 TRANSITION FOUNDATION (FIRE ISLAND) | 1] HYDRAULICRESEVOIRS___—=—~«dt IMOB/DEMOB CCT SUB TOTALS $17,651,096 $9, 115,416 $26,766,512 ENGINEERING $550,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $936,828 TOTAL EMBEDED $28,290,840 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $1,655,808 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $26,635,032 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (3:47 PM6/12/96) mh r:/WAR/CHUGACH/TESORO/2TEA20.XLS ; TABLE UGI4 TABLE UG19 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINKTE.C.30 COST ESTIMATE 2-138 KV Three Phase SCFF Cable System TOTAL ow CABLE) SSCS 3879S] 953] 90,080,500 | 81,190,970 | STATI SIO | TRENCHBACKFILL @® | 4000_| so] sao] 80 | 160,000 $160,000 | GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Stengih/Thermal | LOT | 80] $290,000] 80 | $290,000 | $290,000 | SPLICE G-PHASE)(a) __——=—S—SCSCS~sCSCiC*dSCSCSS STO 950,000] 0| so] 80] TERMINATIONS (3-PHASE) | 4 | $63,063 | $50,000 | $260,260 | $200,000 | $400,200 ARRESTERS (ca) ——S—SSSCSCSCSCSCSCS 12 | _ $2,000 | $1,000] $24,000] $12,000 | $36,000 IMANHOLES (ea) _____|_0_|_0[ so] so] | __% SHEATH GROUNDING (a) | 4 | 81,000] 81,000] $4,000 | 84,000 | $8,000] SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE | __2 | $13,000 | $7,000 | $26,000 | 14,000 | $40,000 FTRANSITION SITE (CIVIL: FIREISLAND) | 1 | $50,000] $50,000 | $50,000 | $50,000 | $100,000, TRANSITION STRUCTURE (FIRE ISLAND) | 1 | $40,000 | $20,000 | $40,000 | $0,000 | $60,000 | FTRANSITION FOUNDATION (FIRE ISLAND) | 1] $200] $25,000] $200] $25,000 | $25,200 | HYDRAULICRESEVORS ——S—SSS[ 0 | SC«S] SY] SYST SST MOB/DEMOB_________| 1 | $250,000 | $2,000,000 | $350,000 | $9,000,000 | $9,330,000 SUB TOTALS $6,737,020 . $4,565,976 $1 1,302,996 ENGINEERING s $500,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $395,605 TOTAL EMBEDED $12,236,101 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $473,088 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $11,763,013 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (3:48 PM 6/12/96) br r:/WAR/CHUGACH/TESORO/2TEC30.XLS 10 TABLE UGI9 TABLE UG18 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK TE.C.30 COST ESTIMATE 4-138 KV Single Phase SCFF Cable System | __—_UNITCOSTS—_si EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION MATERIAL LABOR MATERIAL LABOR COST CABLE (ft) 67,584 $124 TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) 8,000 $0 |GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strength/Thermal [| __ LOT _| SPLICE (I-PHASE) (ea) i $0 ee reef | UL TERMINATIONS (1-PHASE) $11,230 Stoo | __se9.es0 | __$32,000 [| ___$121,840 ARRESTERS yn | eof "no |" MANHOLES (ca) nL Oat “s cee SHEATH GROUNDING (ea) }—$ Ti can $8,000 SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE $ ; 3,000 $7,000 $26,000 TWANSIrION sre caves Pune tetany 7 || seen | gauge | seam sso | stoopon. TRANSITION STRUCTURE (TRE (SLAND) —_}__|___f__$10,000 | $20,000 oe [TRANSITION FOUNDATION (FIRE ISLAND) | ___t__ HYDRAULIC RESEVOIRS MOB/DEMOB SUB TOTALS $9,000,456 $6,428,952 $15,429,408 ENGINEERING $550,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $540,029 TOTAL EMBEDED $16,556,937 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $946,176 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $15,610,761 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (11:35 AM6/13/96) mh r:/WAR/CHUGACH/TESORO/2TEC30.XLS 11 TABLE UGI8 TABLE UG21 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK TE.C.30 COST ESTIMATE 4-230 KV Single Phase SCFF Cable System TOTAL SRR ON IC CT eee eT ER | TT CRA eg eR es SED A SARC PW RACRME ey Ly ROwLL Te TT me MeL eae SRO GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strengih/ Thermal Lor__| so] $290,000] 80 | $290,000 | $290,000, mM eRe oan MNT TT TT TS a FTERMINATIONS (I-PHASE) | 8 | 823,000] $4,000 | $200,000 | $52,000 | $332,000 | Bee Lp ea ee SOO sod Scenes Petey i CTT MT AL Cem ee TTS SHEATH GROUNDING) | 8 | $1,000] 81,000] $8,000 $8,000 | 16,000, SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE | 2 | 813,000] $7,000] $26,000 | $14,000 | $40,000 | FFRANSITION SITE (CIVIL: FIRE ISLAND) | 1 | $50,000] $50,000 | $50,000 | $50,000 | $100,000 FTRANSITION STRUCTURE (FIRE ISLAND) | 1 | $40,000 | $20,000 | $40,000 ] $20,000 | $60,000 TRANSITION FOUNDATION (FIRE ISLAND) | __1 | $200] $25,000] $200] $95,000 | $25,200 | HYDRAULICRESEVOIRS SS] 4 | $33,000] $20,000 | $140,000 ] $80,000 | $220,000 | IMOBDEMOB | 1 | $230,000 | $2,000,000 | $250,000 | ~~ $2,000,000 SUB TOTALS $10,402,712" | $6,428,952 $16,831,664 ENGINEERING : $550,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $589,108 TOTAL EMBEDED $18,008,272 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $946,176 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $17,062,096 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (3:48 PM6/12/96) mh TABLE UG21 t:/WAR/CHUGACH/TESORO/2TEC30.XLS 12 TABLE UG29 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK TE.F.70 COST ESTIMATE 2-138 KV Three Phase SCFF Cable System EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL CABLE) | seoso_| _siso| 953 | $10,454,400] $3,078,240 | 813,530,640 | | TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) ss —sT «4000 [| SOT SHOT SOY $160,000] $160,000 | IGEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strength/Thermal | LOT | $0] —_ $290,000] == $0] _~—_—-$290,000[ —_—_ $290,000 | ISPLICEG-PHASE)() —=—=—s—S—Ss| ~~ *dY SSO $50,000[ sof | __ 80 TERMINATIONS (3-PHASE) | S22 |_—_—«#865,065 | $50,000 —_—$:130,130] $100,000] —_— $230,130 | TARRESTERS (ea) ™—™—“—‘;C™SC*d:Csi‘ SCT «$2000 | ~——$1,000f ~~ 812,000 86,000] $18,000 | IMANHOLES (ea) —(itsst—“‘—é‘srTsC‘<seC TS SO SO OF SHEATH GROUNDING (ca) | S| $1000 |] ~——— $1000] ~——_—$2,000] ~~ $2,000] ~—S___— $4,000 | SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE | 2 | $13,000] $7,000 | $26,000 | $14,000 IHYDRAULICRESEVOIRS ——CsdzT=CsiCT ti SOi“( te OYi“(siC SOY OTF IMOB/DEMOB.——“‘“ Oé™é™C™S™S™*™;™;C CY UN _CT_ $250,000] _ $2,000,000 $2,000,000 SUB TOTALS $10,874,530 $5,650,240 $16,524,770 ENGINEERING $500,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $578,367 TOTAL EMBEDED $17,640,637 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $813,120 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $16,827,517 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (3:51 PM6/12/96) mh r/WAR/CHUGACH/KLATTPP/2TEF70.XLS B ; TABLE UG29 TABLE UG28 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK TE.F.70 COST ESTIMATE 4-138 KV Single Phase SCFF Cable System TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS DESCRIPTION Q TY. |MATERIAL LABOR |MATERIAL LABOR CABLE (ft) 116,160 $124 $53 $14,403,840 $6,156,480 $0 $40 $0 $320,000 $320,000 $20,560,320 ARRESTERS (ea GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strength/Thermal $0 $290,000 $0 $290,000 $290,000 SPLICE (1-PHASE) (ca) $0 $0 sof] SOT $0] TERMINATIONS (1-PHASE) $11,230 $4,000 $44,920 $16,000 SHEATH GROUNDING (ea) $1,000 | __ $1,000 | $8,000 $4,000 $12,000 | CSO $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $4,000 $4,000 $8,000 SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE $13,000 $13,000 HYDRAULIC RESEVOIRS $35,000 $70,000 $40,000 MOB/DEMOB $250,000 $250,000 SUB TOTALS $14,793,760 $8,837,480 $23,631,240 ENGINEERING $550,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $827,093 TOTAL EMBEDED $25,045,833 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $1,626,240 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $23,419,593 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (11:42 AM6/13/96) mh r:/WAR/CHUGACH/KLATTPP/2TEF70.XLS 14 TABLE UG28 TABLE UG31 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK TE.F.70 COST ESTIMATE 4-230 KV Single Phase SCFF Cable System a _ CABLE) SSCS tw |__| $16,010,880 | 96,156,480 | [TRENCH/BACRFILL (| 8000 | _ sof sao] $0] _ $320,000] LoT_| so] $290,000] so] $290,000 | SPLICEI-PHASE)(ca) =| 0 | sof so] | __0 TERMINATIONS (I-PHASE) | 4 | $23,000] $4,000 | 100,000 | $16,000] ARRESTERS (ca) _—=—SSCSCSCSCSCS SA | $2,000] $1,000] $8,000 84,000] IMANHOLES (ea) | 0 | so] {__so[ _ 80] SHEATH GROUNDING (ca) | 4 | 81000] _s1,000| $4,000 4,000] SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE | 4 | $13,000] $7,000 | $52,000 | $28,000] HYDRAULICRESEVOIRS =| 2 | $33,000] $20,000 $70,000 | $40,000] IMOB/DEMOB =| 1} $250,000 | _ $2,000,000 SUB TOTALS $17,094,880 $8,858,480 ENGINEERING LAND SURVEY LOT CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% TOTAL EMBEDED LESS $14/CABLE FT. TOTAL NON-EMBEDED PEI-HLY 120293-01 (3:51 PM6/12/96) mh r:/WAR/CHUGACH/KLATIPP/2TEF70.XLS 15 TOTAL COST $22,767,360 $320,000 $290,000 $12,000 $25,953,360 $550,000 $37,500 $908,368 aS SSE $27,449,228 $1,626,240 $25,822,988 oOoOoOoOoO—XX_ TABLE UG31 TABLE UG24 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK TE.F.60 COST ESTIMATE 2-138 KV Three Phase SCFF Cable System TOTAL pecan ow rR CABLE) SSCS (89S ———«SY 817 8OT, SIO | 95,200,990 | 93, DBSID | TTRENCH/BACKFILL @®) | 4000 | _ so| sa] 0] $100,000 $160,000 GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Sirengit/Thermal___| LOT | 80] $290,000] 80 ] $290,000 | $290,000 | SPLICE G-PHASE)(ca) ——SSSSSSC*d S| 855,770] $50,000] so] sot $0 TERMINATIONS (G-PHASE) | 2 | $65,063 | $50,000] $130,130 | $100,000 | $230,130 | ARRESTERS (@a) [6 | $2,000 $1,000 | $1,000] $6,000 | $18,000 | MANHOLES (ea) [0 |__| sof so] ‘of __ $0] SHEATH GROUNDING @) | 2 | $1,000] 81,000] 82,000] 82,000 | $4,000] SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE | 1 | $13,000] $7,000] 813,000] $7,000 | $20,000] HYDRAULICRESEVOIRS__—=——+‘[_o0 | __ of sof sof | __0, IMOB/DEMOB | 1 __] $250,000 | $9,000,000 SUB TOTALS $18,274,650 $7,825,992 $26,100,642 ENGINEERING . $500,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $913,522 TOTAL EMBEDED $27,551,664 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $1,389,696 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $26,161,968 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (3:50 PM 6/12/96) br r:/WAR/CHUGACH/TESORO/2TEF60.XLS 16 TABLE UG24 TABLE UG23 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK TE.F.60 COST ESTIMATE 4-138 KV Single Phase SCFF Cable System UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. MATERIAL LABOR MATERIAL LABOR COST | TRENCH/BACKFILL(f) TS 8000 S| SOC CC*é‘KOSYT:~SCC«#8$320,000 ——_—$320,000 | EEE renee Sunes. Stengh/Therma! LOT _}__so_s2v0.000 {__s0. $290,000 SPLICE (1-PHASE) (ea) ; 0 | $0 i [TERMINATIONS (I-PHASE) | tT S230 $4,000] 44,920] $16,000] ——_—$60,920 | JARRESTERS(ea)_ CT T2000 S100 | S800] $4,000] «$12,000 | IMANHOLES(ca)_— CT CT CC SOTC“‘#$SCYT,S—“‘CS#CSOL!OC‘“(#‘*SSYL:SCOC*C*‘CSC‘#SOOYS ISHEATHGROUNDING (ca) | TS | S00 | $4,000 $4,000] $8,000 | SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE ee $7,000 $13,000 $7,000 $20,000 $35,000 $20,000 $70,000 $40,000 $110,000 IMOBDEMOBCC—‘“‘LSC‘éa?.CSN™CdCS ,000 SUB TOTALS $25,007,392 __ $13,202,984 _ $38,210,376 ENGINEERING $550,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $1,337,363 TOTAL EMBEDED $40,135,239 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $2,779,392 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $37,355,847 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (11:38 AM6/13/96) mh 17 : TABLE UG23 r:/(WAR/CHUGACH/TESORO/2TEF60.XLS TABLE UG26 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK TE.F.60 COST ESTIMATE 4-230 KV Single Phase SCFF Cable System TOTAL CABLE) CCSC*dS=Ci*i9SWE SZ $53. $28,389,504 [$10,521,984 | $38,911,488 | | TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) |S 8000 TSO SHO TCS $320,000] —*$ 320,000 | GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strength/Thermal LOT [SOT $290,000 S80 $290,000 [$290,000 | ISPLICE(I-PHASE)(ca) CT CECH CC‘ SYTSCOCOC“(‘#T#SCSSOYL:COWC‘“(‘#SCC#SNO‘YS [TERMINATIONS (I-PHASE) | 4 «825,000 84,000 $100,000 ——=—S«$16,000 | ——_—*$116,000 | JARRESTERS(ea)—ss—‘“‘“CNCOCO*NSO(*SS SC $3,000 [$1,000 [$12,000 | $4,000 [$16,000 | IMANHOLES(ea) et C(ti‘idESC(tCT C“‘SYS CSOT (CSOTC(SS:C“‘“(éSOYT:SCOC#C‘#SOO‘Y; SHEATH GROUNDING(ea) | | CSOD S1OOD $4,000 84,000 «$8,000 | SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE [1 | ‘$:13,000 | $7,000 HYDRAULICRESEVOIRS CT 2S «835,000 $20,000 $70,000] «$40,000 | ——$110,000 | IMOBDEMOBC(‘“‘(CC*SLSCOCL:CCT:~SCC«8$250,000TT $2,000,000 [$250,000] $2,000,000 [$2,250,000 | SUB TOTALS $28,838,504 $13,202,984 $42,041,488 ENGINEERING : $550,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $1,471,452 TOTAL EMBEDED $44,100,440 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $2,779,392 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $41,321,048 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (3:50 PM6/12/96) mh r:/WAR/CHUGACH/TESORO/2TEF60.XLS 18 TABLE UG26 TABLE UGSS - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK AN.70 COST ESTIMATE 2-138 KV Three Phase SCFF Cable System EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL cry TERA ICABLE(ft) —C“‘(CSC(#*d’S«CZ«2IG:*T $180 $53 | $21,098,880] $6,212,448 [ $27,311,328 | 4000 [ss Sof 40] 0 ~——$'160,000] —_—*$160,000 | |GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strength/Thermal | LOT | $0] $290,000 SSO | __—*$290,000] ‘$290,000 | SPLICE G-PHASE)(ca) =| 0 | 855270] $50,000] so] so] 30 TERMINATIONS (3-PHASE) | 2S (865,065[ $50,000] —_—_—$:130,130] _$100,000[ $230,130 | IARRESTERS (ea) C—“‘“CS;™SCOLCOO OCT O$2,000[ —_—sS$1,000] ~——$:12,000[ ——$6,000[ ———«*$:18,000 | IMANHOLES (ea) —i“‘CONCOLOO OO OCT)hUUCOUSOT CS OTS OTC‘ OYSOCOC*;*;*‘#SSOO‘d SHEATH GROUNDING (ca) CT TS $000 $1,000] ~~ 84,0007 ~—S—84,000] ~———«iS$8, 000 | ISUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE | 1 [| _—*$13,000[ ——_—$7,000] ~—_—$13,000] ——=«$7,000] ~———_—*$20,000 | IHYDRAULICRESEVOIRS CT SCT SS SO SOtC~“‘SOCYCOC‘“‘(S(S#VOO IMOB/DEMOB——“(tw—“—tCSsSYCSCi LC SY $2,000,000 SUB TOTALS $21,508,010 $8,779,448 $30,287,458 ENGINEERING $500,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $1,060,061 TOTAL EMBEDED $31,885,019 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $1,641,024 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $30,243,995 aaa PEI-HLY 120293-01 (3:44 PM6/12/96) mh r:/WAR/CHUGACH/KLATTPP/2AN70.XLS 19 TABLE UGS55 TABLE UGS4 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK AN.70 COST ESTIMATE 4-138 KV Single Phase SCFF Cable System CABLE (ft) SPLICE (1-PHASE) (ea) ARRESTERS (ea) MANHOLES (ea) MOB/DEMOB ENGINEERING LAND SURVEY CONSTRUCTION MGMT. PEI-HLY 120293-01 (11:46 AM6/13/96) mh r:/(WAR/CHUGACH/KLATTPP/2AN70.XLS DESCRIPTION TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) GEOTECH: Marine Survey, TERMINATIONS (1-PHASE) SHEATH GROUNDING (ea) SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE HYDRAULIC RESEVOIRS UNIT COSTS Q MATERIAL $53 EXTENDED COSTS $0 $290,000 TY. 234,432 $29,069,568 $12,424,896 8,000 [ «$0 | $40 $0 $320,000 Strength/Thermal LOT —fole SUB TOTALS $29,459,488 $15,105,896 LOT 3.50% TOTAL EMBEDED LESS $14/CABLE FT. TOTAL NON-EMBEDED 20 eS a a $0 $290,000 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 + $11,230 $4,000 $44,920 $16,000 4 0 4 TOTAL COST $41,494,464 $320,000 $290,000 $60,920 $12,000 $8,000 $20,000 $110,000 $2,250,000 $44,565,384 $550,000 $37,500 $1,559,788 $46,712,672 $3,282,048 $43,430,624 TABLE UG54 TABLE UGS7 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK AN.70 COST ESTIMATE 4-230 KV Single Phase SCFF Cable System TOTAL | TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) ss] ~=—8000 | SO HOT $0 $320,000] $320,000 | GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strength/Thermal | LOT | ——_—$0{_~—_—$290,000] = $0] ~——$290,000] $290,000 | [SPLICE(I-PHASE)(ea) =U] CCl] CSO OC ; OC“ O80 TERMINATIONS (1-PHASE) | S44 |] _——__—s«$25,000] ~~ $4,000 $100,000] $16,000] ~—_—$116,000 | [ARRESTERS (ea) —“‘C™SSC*drT:C Si $2,000] ~——_—$1,000 $8,000 $4,000 $12,000 IMANHOLES (ea) ti ittsts—‘“‘(C‘ésrTS Cis Ss ESE) BS | 4 {| __ $1,000] ~—_‘ $1,000 | | ___-$4,000{ —_ $8,000 | SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE |1 IMOB/DEMOB.—“(‘“S;™SLLCLCUdTCl SUB TOTALS $33,968,776 $15,105,896 $49,074,672 ENGINEERING $550,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $1,717,614 TOTAL EMBEDED $51,379,786 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $3,282,048 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $48,097,738 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (3:44 PM6/12/96) mh r:/WAR/CHUGACH/KLATTPP/2AN70.XLS 21 : TABLE UG57 r:/WAR/CHUGACH/KLATTBI/2AN80.XLS TABLE UG60 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK AN.80 COST ESTIMATE 2-138 KV Three Phase SCFF Cable System UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTy. [MATERIAL LABOR [MATERIAL LABOR COST CABLE (ft) 119,328 [| $180 $53] $21,479,040 $6,324,384 $27,803,424 TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) | 4,000 | SOT SHOT 80] $160,000 $160,000 GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strength/Thermal LOT | _ $0] $290,000{ $0 $290,000 $290,000 SPLICE G-PHASE) (ea) Po | __ 853270 $50,000[ so] —s»sot——=«S TERMINATIONS (3-PHASE) T 4.sti«d $65,065 $50,000 $260,260 $460,260 ARRESTERS (ca) 12 | __ $2,000 | $1,000 $24,000 | $12,000 | ____ $36,000 | MANHOLES (ea) po SOO OS SHEATH GROUNDING (ca) 4 $1,000f $1,000 $4,000 $4,000 $8,000 | HYDRAULIC RESEVOIRS po SO SO OT OT 80 MOB/DEMOB } tf _ $250,000 $250,000 | __ $2,000,000 | ___ $2,250,000 | SUB TOTALS $22,017,300 $8,990,384 $31,007,684 ENGINEERING $1,000,000 LAND SURVEY LOT , $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $1,085,269 a= TOTAL EMBEDED ~ $33,130,453 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $1,670,592 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $31,459,861 aS—a—aa—e——————— PEI-HLY 120293-01 (3:45 PM 6/12/96) br TABLE UG60 22 TABLE UGS9 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK AN.80 COST ESTIMATE 4-138 KV Single Phase SCFF Cable System EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL | TRENCH/BACKFILL (ff) —~iE=C ‘i‘tN, «ST S__—s«S sof $0] $320,000] —_—_ $320,000 | GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strength/Thermal ——_ oof SO] ~———«$290,000] ~—_—_—$290,000 | SPLICE (1-PHASE) (ea) 0 |__| | CSO | «SO TERMINATIONS (1-PHASE) ARRESTERS (ea) | 8 | 8 MANHOLES (ea) SHEATH GROUNDING ay — MOB/DEMOB SUB TOTALS $30,097,184 $15,346,768 $45,443,952 ENGINEERING $1,100,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $1,590,538 TOTAL EMBEDED $48,171,990 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $3,341,184 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $44,830,806 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (11:50 AM6/13/96) mh / r:/WAR/CHUGACH/KLATTBI/2AN80.XLS 23 ; TABLE UGS59 TABLE UG62 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK AN.80 COST ESTIMATE 4-230 KV Single Phase SCFF Cable System TOTAL aw CABLE) | 238656 | S143] $53] $34,127,808 | 910,048,708 | $40,170,376 000 [| _0| sao] 0] $320,000] $320,000 [GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strengih/Thermal [LOT | 0] $290,000] 80] $290,000 | $290,000 SPLICE (-PHASE)(@a)——SSSSSSCSCSC~iT Sd CO] SSCS] CO] SCSC~C~C~«SOYSSCSSCSF TERMINATIONS (I-PHASE) | 8 | $25,000] $3,000 ARRESTERS (ea) __————————SC~d SS (| __$2,000] $1,000] $16,000] $8,000 | $24,000 | MANHOLES (ea) __|0 | so] so] {| 0 SHEATH GROUNDING (a) | 8 | _Si,000| 81,000] $8000] $8,000] 816,000 | [HYDRAULICRESEVOIRS ———————(isrdT CCl] «$35,000 ~—__—$:20,000 $140,000 7 $40,000 $180,000 | IMOB/DEMOB— ——“—‘C™s—s—s—sSYSA__ $250,000] _ $2,000,000] ‘$250,000 | $2,000,000 SUB TOTALS $34,741,808 $15,346,768 $50,088,576 ENGINEERING ; , $1,100,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $1,753,100 TOTAL EMBEDED © $52,979,176 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $3,341,184 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $49,637,992 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (3:45 PM6/12/96) mh r:/WAR/CHUGACH/KLATTBI/2AN80.XLS 24 TABLE UG62 TABLE UG36 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION ’ LINK EN.B.90 COST ESTIMATE 2-138 KV Three Phase SCFF Cable System UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL Q MATERIAL LABOR MATERIAL LABOR COST DESCRIPTION TY. (fy) | 83.424 [ sisot $56] $15,016,320] $4,671,744 [$19,688,064 | | TRENCH/BACKFILL(f) |S 000 «ST SOT SHOT SO $160,000] $160,000 | |GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strengtt/Thermal | LOT [| So[_—— $290,000] SO $290,000] $290,000 | SPLICE (3-PHASE) (ea) | oT $55,270 ss0,o00f SOT CtiSOTCCCéS IARRESTERS(ca)_ CT 82,000 S00 [$24,000] $12,000] $36,000 | ane UL INTL PI ET TET IAN TTT Jat 110 eee PAE eee CT eee Tg ee ISHEATHGROUNDING (ca) CidEC SCT SHOOT S000 $4,000] $4,000] «$8,000 | SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE p28 dS $26,000 HYDRAULIC RESEVOIRS $0 $0 Cy En) Er) IMOB/DEMOB ee CC—‘“LSCSC CT «$250,000 $2,000,000 SUB TOTALS $15,580,580 $7,351,744 $22,932,324 ENGINEERING $1,000,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $802,631 TOTAL EMBEDED $24,772,455 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $1,167,936 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $23,604,519 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (1:42 PM 6/13/96) br i r:/WAR/CHUGACH/ENSTAR/2ENB90.XLS, 25 , TABLE UG36 TABLE UG35 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK EN.B.90 COST ESTIMATE 4-138 KV Single Phase SCFF Cable System TOTAL $56 $20,689, 152 $9,343,488 $40 $320,000 $320,000 $0 $0 $0 DESCRIPTION QTY. 166,848 8,000 LOT TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strength/Thermal SPLICE (1-PHASE) (ea) 0 TERMINATIONS (1-PHASE) 8 $11,230 $4,000 ARRESTERS (ea) 8 $2,000 $16,000 $8,000 $24,000 MANHOLES (ea) 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SHEATH GROUNDING (ca) 8 $8,000 $8,000 $16,000 SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE 2 $26,000 $14,000 $40,000 HYDRAULIC RESEVOIRS 4 MOB/DEMOB 1 $250,000 $2,000,000 $250,000 $2,000,000 $2,250,000 SUB TOTALS $21,218,992 $12,095,488 _$33,314,480 ENGINEERING $1,100,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $1,166,007 TOTAL EMBEDED $35,617,987 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $2,335,872 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $33,282,115 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (1:42 PM6/13/96) mh r:/WAR/CHUGACH/ENSTAR/2ENB90.XLS 26 TABLE UG35 TABLE UG38 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK EN.B.90 COST ESTIMATE 4-230 KV Single Phase SCFF Cable System UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS MATERIAL LABOR MATERIAL LABOR $143 $56 $23,859,264 $9,343,488 $33,202,752 $0 $0 $0 DESCRIPTION 166,848 TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) 8,000 GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strength/Thermal LOT $290,000 $290,000 $200,000 $32,000 $232,000 SPLICE (1-PHASE) (ea) 0 TERMINATIONS (1-PHASE) 8 R K ARRESTERS (ea) 8 $1,000 MANHOLES (ea) 0 sof sof So SHEATH GROUNDING (ea) 8 $1,000 SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE 2 MOB/DEMOB | $2,000,000 $250,000 $2,000,000 $2,250,000 SUB TOTALS $24,507,264 $12,095,488 $36,602,752 ENGINEERING $1,100,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $1,281,096 TOTAL EMBEDED $39,021,348 LESS $14/CABLE FT. $2,335,872 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $36,685,476 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (1:42 PM6/13/96) mh . r:/(WAR/CHUGACH/ENSTAR/2ENB90.XLS 27 : TABLE UG38 TABLE UG47 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK QC.D.1.B.10 COST ESTIMATE 2 - 138 KV Three Phase SCFF Cable System TOTAL CABLE (ft) C“‘CSC*CA«DMDsT SIO S176 | ~——*$:7,603,200| $7,434,240 | $15,037,440 | | TRENCH/BACKFILL(ft) Ss sd; «S000 «ST SCOTCH] SSS] ~——«$160,000] ‘$160,000 | |GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strength/Thermal | LOT | so ~—s$290000[ SC SO]—“‘“‘C‘érL!OCO#OYd ISPLICE (3-PHASE) (ea) CCC—=‘RSSCOCOOSCdTCSCC«855,270 $50,000] ~~ CS SO|SC~—=—“iésOYESCOC*C*‘“‘SC;CW#SO‘YS JARRESTERS(ea) ss CCi“‘CSC*L!COZ:S OCT S2,000[ S100] ~———824,000[ —$12,000| ——_—'$36,000 | IMANHOLES(eca) ss C“‘“‘iESOOT CCCC~“‘éSYY:S:C™C~C‘“‘(#®’SS«éSSOCYTC‘“‘#T(C$SN’SN#N§:SNCS]~—~C*~“‘CNS’YYSOWOCOC#C‘#SOT| SESTAHON TERA a SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE 2 $13,000 $7,000 $26,000 IHYDRAULICRESEVOIRS ss C‘iLC(SCOSCdT SC C“‘sSOYT::CCC*C“‘;#SC“SYL’SCOC“‘“(®SN’SNS’N#WN:CYNCSO”™C“‘(‘(‘’T“(S#SGO'dCOWC“‘“(‘#NC#N’”CC#SOY# IMOB/DEMOB_ tt —“‘“C;NCC*LSC(*dSSFCdS;C=C#S250,000 SUB TOTALS $8,167,460 $9,824,240 $17,991,700 ENGINEERING $1,000,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% / $629,710 TOTAL EMBEDED $19,658,910 LESS $38/CABLE FOOT $1,605,120 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $18,053,790 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (12:04 PM6/13/96) mh r:/WAR/CHUGACH/BIRD/2QCD1B10.XLS 28 TABLE UG47 TABLE UG46 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK QC.D.1.B.10 COST ESTIMATE 4 - 138 KV Single Phase SCFF Cable System UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION MATERIAL LABOR MATERIAL LABOR COST CABLE (fi) 84,480 $124 $17 $10,475,520 | _ $14,868,480 | $25,344,000 TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) 8,000 $0 sof SOT $320,000[ $320,000 | $0 > LE |GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strength/Thermal | LOT [80 $290,000 $0 $290,000 $290,000 SPLICE (1-PHASE) (ea) ; o | $0 $0 $0 $0 TERMINATIONS (1-PHASE) | 8 | $11,230 $4,000 $89,840 $32,000 $121,840 ARRESTERS (ea) $2,000 $1,000 MANHOLES (ea) — $0 soft SOT SST ISHEATHGROUNDING (ea) CTC SCT SCOOT SHO S8,000] $8,000 $16,000 | SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE [| 2s | $:13,000{ ———$7,000[ ——$26,000[ $14,000] $40,000 | HYDRAULIC RESEVOIRS $35,000] $20,000] $140,000 $80,000] __—$220,000 | MOB/DEMOB | 1 _[ ___$250,000[ _$2,000,000[ ___-$250,000[ _ $2,000,000] __ $2,250,000 | SUB TOTALS $11,005,360 __ $17,620,480 _$28,625,840 ENGINEERING $1,100,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $1,001,904 TOTAL EMBEDED $30,765,244 LESS $38/CABLE FOOT $3,210,240 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $27,555,004 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (12:04 PM6/13/96) mh r:/WAR/CHUGACH/BIRD/2QCD1B10.XLS 29 . TABLE UG46 TABLE UG49 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK QC.D.1.B.10 COST ESTIMATE 138 KV Three Phase High Pressure Gas Filled Cable System UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. [MATERIAL LABOR —_|MATERIAL COST CABLE (fi) 63,360 $17 $5 $1,077,120 $316,800 $1,393,920 21,120 $0 $300 $0 | $6,336, $6,336,000 | $0 | | __$5,500 | $2,000 3 DIRECT DRILLING (ft) GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strength/Thermal LOT |___$290,000[ SOT $290,000] $290,000 | SPLICE (3-PHASE) (ea) $20,000 $27,500 $127,500 7 TERMINATIONS (3-PHASE) tl | __ $126,000 | 6 i $1,000 $12,000[ $6,000] $18,000 | 21120 $35 $10 $739,200 $211,2 $950,400 BE 3 3 3 ARRESTERS (ea) COATED PIPE 00 CATHODIC PROTECTION $35,000 $70,000 $40,000] —__ $110,000 | SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE 2 $13,000| _———$7,000] —_—$26,000 | $14,000 MANHOLES (ea) $30,000 $120,000 PRESSURIZATION SYSTEM | 1 $50,000 $20,000 [$50,000] $20,000 $70,000 | MOB/DEMOB | 1 | __$250,000 $250,000 [$2,000,000 $2,250,000 SUB TOTALS $2,449,820 $9,462,000 __ $11,911,820 ENGINEERING $1,000,000 LAND SURVEY LOT / $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $416,914 TOTAL $13,366,234 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (12:04 PM 6/13/96) br 30 TABLE UG49 r:/WAR/CHUGACH/BIRD/2QCD1B10.XLS TABLE UGS50 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION - LINK QC.D.1.B.10 COST ESTIMATE 4 - 230 KV Single Phase SCFF Cable System UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. MATERIAL LABOR MATERIAL LABOR COST 84,480 $176 | ___ $12,080,640 8, $40 $0 $320,000 GEOTECH: Marine Survey, Strength/Thermal LOT $290,000 $0 $290,000 SPLICE (1-PHASE) (ea) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TERMINATIONS (1-PHASE) $25,000 $4,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $8,000 $16,000 ARRESTERS (ea) $20,000 $140,000 MANHOLES (ea) SHEATH GROUNDING (ea) SUBSTATION TERMINATION STRUCTURE HYDRAULIC RESEVOIRS MOB/DEMOB $250,000 $2,000,000 $250,000 $2,000,000 $2,250,000 SUB TOTALS $12,728,640 $17,620,480 $30,349,120 ENGINEERING $1,100,000 LAND SURVEY LOT $37,500 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 3.50% $1,062,219 TOTAL EMBEDED $32,548,839 LESS $38/CBLE FT. $3,210,240 TOTAL NON-EMBEDED $29,338,599 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (12:04 PM6/13/96) mh : r:/WAR/CHUGACH/BIRD/2QCD1B10.XLS 31 . TABLE UGS0 TABLE UG33 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK TE.I.100 COST ESTIMATE Single Circuit 138 KV Single Phase XLPE Cable System UNIT COSTS TOTAL ae or CABLE (ft) 72,864 [S385] $2,768,832 | $364,320 | $3,133,152 | CONCRETE (cuyds) | 3598 $120 $150 [$431,774 | $539,718 | $971,492 | | TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) | 24,288 [SOT S4oT SO] $971,520] $971,520 | | CONDUIT(A) 97,152 P82 $194,304 [$97,152 [$291,456 | | GROUNDING CONDUCTOR | 24,288 [$2] SI $48,576 [$24,288 [$72,864 | SPLICE (-PHAGES OPEN SHEATITay_[—16—| —sopan|seooo| —sraro0} sooo | 8 0 SPLICE (1-PHASE) OPEN SHEATH (ea $9,950] $5,000] $179,100 | $90,000 | $269,100 | [SPLICE (1-PHASE) CLOSED SHEATH (cal__36__[ $7,725 [_ $5,000 | _$278,100 [$180,000 | $458,100 | [TERMINATIONS (I-PHASE) | 688,877 $4,000 $53,262] $24,000 [$77,262 | JARRESTERS(ea) | $2,000] $1,000] $12,000 $6,000] $18,000 | IMANHOLES (ca) | 8 $25,000] $12,000] $450,000] $216,000 | $666,000 | GROUNDING X-BONDING | 12 $6,350] $2,000] $76,200] $24,000 | $100,200 | [GROUNDING LINK BOXES | 282,250] $2,000] $4,500 $4,000 $8,500 | [TERMINATION STRUCTURES (ca) | 2__—*[_ $40,000 | $20,000] $80,000 | $40,000 [$120,000 | [TERMINATION FOUNDATIONS (cu yds)|_26 [$200 [$25,000 [$5,200] $50,000 [$55,200 | PAVEMENT RESTORATION (sqyds)_ [| 0 [| Sof Sof SOT SOT S80 | IMOB/DEMOB_ CE St CT SOT 50,0007 SO $50,000] $50,000 | SUB TOTALS $4,681,848 $2,830,998 $7,512,846 ENGINEERING 6.50% $488,335 LAND SURVEY LOT , $92,000 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $525,899 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $861,908 =— TOTAL $9,480,989 PEI-HLY (6/13/96 12:14 PM) 120293-01 br r/WAR/CHUGACH/KLATTPP/2TEI100.XLS 32 TABLE UG33 TABLE UG34 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK TE.I.100 COST ESTIMATE Single Circuit 230 KV Single Phase XLPE Cable System UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. MATERIAL COST $3,861,792 | TRENCH/BACKFILL (f) [| 24,288 [Sof S30] SSS | $728,640 | $728,640 | CONDUIT (ft. 97,152 $2q ST $194,304 [$97,152 | $291,456 | GROUNDING CONDUCTOR 24,288 $1 GEOTECH: Strength/Thermal 1 $50,000] ss $0 | $50,000] _ $50,000 | -PHASE) OPEN SHEATH (ea) 18 $16,745 | $15,000 SPLICE (1-PHASE) CLOSED SHEATH (ca TERMINATIONS (1-PHASE) = $22,000 [__ $4,000 | __ $132,000 | $24,000 | $156,000 | ARRESTERS (ea $3,000 $1,000 $24,000 IMANHOLES(ca) | ST $25,000 [$12,000] $450,000 | $216,000 | $666,000 GROUNDING X-BONDING | 286,350 [$2,000] $76,200 [$24,000 | _ $100,200 | GROUNDING LINK BOXES | 2 $2,250] $2,000 $4,500] $4,000 $8,500 | TRANSITION SITE (CIVIL | 2 | __ $50,000 [__ $50,000 [$100,000 | $100,000 | $200,000 | [TERMINATION STRUCTURES (ea) [| 2s $40,000 [$20,000 [$80,000 | $40,000 | $120,000 | TERMINATION FOUNDATIONS (cuyds) [26 [$200] $25,000] $5,200 | $50,000 | _$55,200 | PAVEMENT RESTORATION (sq yds) o | sof sof Sof SOT 50] MOB/DEMOB 1 $0 $0 SUB TOTALS $6,171,756 $3,128,118 $9,299,874 ENGINEERING 6.50% $604,492 LAND SURVEY LOT $92,000 CONSTRUCTION MGM 7.00% $650,991 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $1,064,736 TOTAL $11,712,093 PEI-HLY (6/13/964:44 PM) 120293-01 br : r:/WAR/CHUGACH/KLATTPP/2TEI100.XLS 33 TABLE UG34 TABLE UG16 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK TE.B.15 COST ESTIMATE Single Circuit 138 KV Single Phase XLPE Cable System TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. [MATERIA p EaP Cs RTEBIAL LABOR COST $2,347,488 | CONCRETE (cuyds) «|S 3051 [S120] $150 | $366,070 | $457,587 20,592 $0 $0 82,368 $2 $1 $164,736 | GROUNDING CONDUCTOR (20,592 [$2 $1 S41, 184 cue | Ee a ta $0 |_ $40,000 $0 | __ $40,000 | __ $40,000 $9,950 | _ $15,000 $179,100 [TERMINATIONS (I-PHASE) | SG |S $8,877] $4,000 ‘$53,262 | $24,000] _ $77,262 | JARRESTERS (ca) —C“‘(RS SOG COT ~SC«82,000 $1,000 —$:12,000| ——$6,000| $18,000 | IMANHOLES (ca) CidT;CsSdS|($25,000| $12,000] $450,000 | $216,000 | $666,000 | |GROUNDING X-BONDING sd] S12 86,3507 $2,000] $76,200] ‘$24,000 | $100,200 | IGROUNDING LINK BOXES sd] 2s S_—*$:2,250 $2,000 | $4,500 $8,500 TRANSITION SITE (CIVIL $50,000 $100,000 7 —[ Sivoo sana | — sono [TERMINATION FOUNDATIONS (cuyds)| 26 | $200] $25,000[ $5,200 [$50,000 | _ $55,200 | [PAVEMENT RESTORATION (sqyds)__ | 9152_ [S10] S10 | $91,520] $91,520 $183,040 | IMOBDEMOB—(CC~C‘aLCSCSdT:C SCST;s(ssCs«CSOY $50,000 ~—S——«sSO | ~—*$50,000| $50,000 | SUB TOTALS $4,249,360 $3,148,627 $7,397,987 ENGINEERING 6.50% $480,869 LAND SURVEY LOT $78,000 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $517,859 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $847,471 TOTAL $9,322,186 PEI-HLY (6/13/96 12:49 PM) 120293-01 br r:/WAR/CHUGACH/KLATTPP/2TEBI5.XLS 34 TABLE UGI6 TABLE UG17 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK TE.B.15 COST ESTIMATE Single Circuit 230 KV Single Phase XLPE Cable System TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. |MATERIA | LABOR [MATERIAL COST $3,274,128 | CONCRETE (cuyds) T3051 | S120 $150] $366,070 | $457,587 | $823,657 | | TRENCH/BACKFILL (fy) | 20,592 TSO] SHOT SO] $823,680 | $823,680 | | CONDUIT(A.) 82,368 TSS $164,736 [$82,368 | $247,105 | | GROUNDING CONDUCTOR _|_—20,592_ [$2 SU S41 184] $20,592 | $61,776 |GEOTECH: StrengtThermal | 1 TSO $40,000] SOT $40,000] $40,000 | |SPLICE (1-PHASE) OPEN SHEATH (ca)__[ 18 [_— $16,745] $5,000 [__ $301,410 SPLICE (1-PHASE) CLOSED SHEATH (ea) $13,000 $5,000 TERMINATIONS (1-PHASE 6 $22,000 $4,000 JARRESTERS (ca) CT $3,000] $1,000] $18,000 $6,000 | $24,000 | IMANHOLES (ca) CT ST $25,000] $12,000 $450,000 | $216,000 | $666,000 | GROUNDING X-BONDING | 286,350] $2,000] $76,200] $24,000 | $100,200 | GROUNDING LINK BOXES $2,250 $2,000 $4,500 $8,500 TRANSITION SITE (CIVIL) $50,000 |__ $50,000 $100,000 TERMINATION STRUCTURES (ea) $40,000 | $20,000 $80,000 $120,000 [TERMINATION FOUNDATIONS (cu yds) [| 26 [$200] $25,000[ $5,200 | $50,000] $55,200 | |PAVEMENT RESTORATION (sqyds)__[|_9152__ [$10] S10 $91,520] $91,520] $183,040 | IMOB/DEMOBCC“‘ETSCOCTC CCT SCS $50,000T ST $50,000] $50,000 | SUB TOTALS $5,572,948 $2,608,627 _ $8,181,575 ENGINEERING 6.50% $531,802 LAND SURVEY LOT $78,000 CONSTRUCTION MGM 7.00% $572,710 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $936,409 ——— TOTAL $10,300,496 PEI-HLY (6/13/9612:52 PM) 120293-01 br r:/WAR/CHUGACH/KLATTPP/2TEBI5.XLS a " TABLE UGI7 TABLE UG40 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK EN.D.100 COST ESTIMATE Single Circuit138 KV Single Phase XLPE Cable System UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION . COST $3,190,176 $3,609,936 $1,119,328 TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) 27,984 | «SO $1,119,360 CONDUIT (f.) 111.936 $335,808 GROUNDING CONDUCTOR $83,952 | «SO $52,800 $179,100 | _ $90, $269, 100 SPLICE (1-PHASE) CLOSED SHEATH (ea $278,100 [| $180,000 $458,100 TERMINATIONS (1-PHASE) $24,000 $77,262 ARRESTERS (ea) i MANHOLES (ca) $2,250 TERMINATION FOUNDATIONS (cu yds $ PAVEMENT RESTORATION (sq yds) MOB/DEMOB SUB TOTALS $5,205,857 $3,137,689 $8,343,546 ENGINEERING 6.50% . $542,331 LAND SURVEY LOT $100,000 CONSTRUCTION MGM 7.00% $584,048 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $956,992 TOTAL $10,526,917 PEI-HLY (6/13/961:32 PM) 120293-01 br r:/WAR/CHUGACH/KLATTBV/2END100.XLS 36 TABLE UG40 TABLE UG41 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION ’ LINK EN.D.100 COST ESTIMATE Single Circuit 230 KV Single Phase XLPE Cable System UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL ecm | RTE EAD ap OR] co $4,449,456 | CONCRETE (cuyds) —Cid;CG ST S120] S150 [$497,479 | $621,849 | $1,119,328 | | TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) | 27,984 [SOT S30 SO] $839,520] $839,520 | | CONDUIT(A.) ———CidE:Ci, 3G“ SST $223,872 | $111,936 | $335,808 | | GROUNDINGCONDUCTOR | 27,984 [| $2] SIT $55,968 | $27,984 |GEOTECH: StrengtThermal | St ST SSO] $52,800] SOT $52,800] $52,800 | [SPLICE (1-PHASE) OPEN SHEATH (ea)__|__18 | $16,745 | $15,000] $301,410 | $270,000 | $571,410 | 36 $13,000 |_$15,000 | __ $468,000 TERMINATIONS (1-PHASE) 6 $22,000 $4,000 $132,000 $156,000 ARRESTERS (ea) 6 $3,000 $1,000 $18,000 $6,000 $24,000 IMANHOLES (cz) C—C—“‘RCSCSC*dRCSCS; $25,000] $12,000] $450,000] $216,000 | $666,000 | IGROUNDING X-BONDING | S12] $6,350] $2,000] $76,200] $24,000 | $100,200 | GROUNDING LINK BOXES $2,250 $2,000 TRANSITION SITE (CIVIL) 2 $50,000 | _ $50,000 TERMINATION STRUCTURES (ea 2 $40,000 | $20,000 $80,000 [TERMINATION FOUNDATIONS (cuyds) [26 | $200 [__ $25,000] $5,200 | $50,000] $55,200 | PAVEMENT RESTORATION (sq yds) po CCST SOT SOT SOT CSO IMOBDEMOB_—“( TC™C~—“;é‘dYSC“C‘aEESCS CS; C§™:~SCC‘SYT $50,000T ~——s So [$50,000] $50,000 | SUB TOTALS $6,862,085 $3,397,849 $10,259,934 ENGINEERING 6.50% $666,896 LAND SURVEY LOT $100,000 CONSTRUCTION MGM 7.00% $718,195 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $1,174,503 TOTAL $12,919,528 PEL-HLY (6/13/961:29 PM) 120293-01 br . r:/WAR/CHUGACH/KLATTBV/2END100.XLS 37 , TABLE UG41 a a TABLE UGS2 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK AN.30 COST ESTIMATE Single Circuit138 KV Single Phase XLPE Cable System TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. |MATERIA LABOR COST | CONCRETE (cuyds) | 313 S120 S1s0] $37,546 | $46,932 [$84,478 | | TRENCH/BACKFILL (fi) | 2,012 | SOT S40 SOT $84,480] $84,480 | | CONDUIT(f.) STS $16,896 | $8,448 [$25,344 | | GROUNDING CONDUCTOR | 2,112 [$2 ST S4224 $82,112 $6,336 | |GEOTECH: Strengtl/Thermal |_| SO $15,000] SO] $15,000] $15,000 | |SPLICE (1-PHASE) OPEN SHEATH (ca)|__3__[__$9,950 | $5,000] $29,850 | $15,000 | $44,850 | |SPLICE (1-PHASE) CLOSED SHEATH(| 0 [__$7,725[ $5,000[ So SOT S| [TERMINATIONS (I-PHASE) | 6_|__$8,877 | $4,000] $53,262 |__ $24,000 | $77,262 | [ARRESTERS(ca) | SGT $2,000] $1000] $12,000] $6,000 | $18,000 | IMANHOLES (ea) St $25,000 $12,000] $25,000] $12,000 | _ $37,000 | GROUNDING X-BONDING o | $6,350[ $2000] sof Sof S80 GROUNDING LINK BOXES 1 $2,250 | $2,000 | $2,250 TRANSITION SITE (CIVIL) 2 $50,000 $100,000 | $100,000 | $200,000 TERMINATION STRUCTURES (ca $20,000 $80,000 $40,000 | $120,000 [TERMINATION FOUNDATIONS (cuyds|__26__[ _ $200 [$25,000 |___$5,200 | __ $50,000 | __ $55,200 | PAVEMENT RESTORATION (sq yds) o | sof sof sof Sof 80 MOB/DEMOB 1 so[sso,ooo] So] $50,000] $50,000 | SUB TOTALS $606,996 $487,652 _ $1,094,648 ENGINEERING 6.50% $71,152 LAND SURVEY LOT "$16,000 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $76,625 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $125,843 TOTAL $1,384,268 PEI-HLY (6/13/9612:59 PM) 120293-01 br r:/WAR/CHUGACH/KLATTBI/2AN30.XLS 38 TABLE UG52 TABLE UGS53 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK AN.30 COST ESTIMATE Single Circuit 230 KV Single Phase XLPE Cable System TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. LABOR [MATERIAL COST ICABLE(fi) Ss C*dS:«C 3386 | $53 SS] $335,808] $31,680 | $367,488 | CONCRETE (cu yds) 313 $120 | $150 $37,546 TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft 2,112 $0 $30 $0 CONDUIT (ft.) 8,448 $2 $1 $16,896 | GROUNDING CONDUCTOR |_-2.112 [$2 SIT $4,224] $82,112] $6,336 | [GEOTECH: Strength/Thermal | 1 | SOT $15,000] $0] $15,000] $15,000 | SPLICE (1-PHASE) OPEN SHEATH (ca)|__3__—|_—‘$16,745 [$15,000 | _ $50,235 [$45,000] $95,235 | SPLICE (1-PHASE) CLOSED SHEATH (| 0 __|{__ $13,000 $0 TERMINATIONS (1-PHASE | 6 | $22,000] $4,000 $132,000 | $24,000 ] $156,000 [ARRESTERS(ca) —C*idEC CGT 83,000T $1000] $18,000 $6,000 [MANHOLES (ea) Cid | $25,000 [$12,000] $25,000 | $12,000 | _ $37,000 | [GROUNDING X-BONDING si S| $6,350] $2,000] So SOT S80 [GROUNDINGLINKBOXES st | _($2,250[ $2,000] $2,250 $2,000] _$4,250 | $50,000 $100,000 TERMINATION FOUNDATIONS (cu yds} 26 [| —_ $200 | $25,000 $5,200 $50,000 $55,200 PAVEMENT RESTORATION (sqyds) | 0 | $0] $0 $0 $0 MOB/DEMOB | 1 | __ $0 [$50,000 $50,000 $50,000 SUB TOTALS $807,159 $496,532 __ $1,303,691 ENGINEERING 6.50% $84,740 LAND SURVEY LOT $16,000 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $91,258 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $149,569 TOTAL $1,645,258 PEI-HLY (6/13/9612:59 PM) 120293-01 br : r:/WAR/CHUGACH/KLATTBI/2AN30.XLS 39) TABLE UGS53 TABLE UG44 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK EN.B.70 COST ESTIMATE Single Circuit 138 KV Single Phase XLPE Cable System TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. LABOR |MATERIAL COST ICABLE(A) 44352 [838 $5 $1,685,376 | $221,760 | $1,907,136 | TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft 14,784 $40 $0 CONDUIT (fi.) 59,136 $2 $1 $118,272 | $59,136 | $177,408 | | GROUNDING CONDUCTOR | 14.784 [S27 SI $29,568] $14,784 | $44,352 | |GEOTECH: Strength/Thermal | tT SO. $30,000 $o| $30,000 | __ $30,000 $5,000 | __$119,400 | $60,000 | __ $179,400 TERMINATIONS G-PHASE) "| — 6 sei | $t000 TERMINATIONS (1-PHASE $8,877 | $4,000 JARRESTERS(ea) | 82,000 $1,000[ $12,000] $6,000 [$18,000 | IMANHOLES(ca2)_ | 8 $25,000] $12,000 | $200,000] $96,000 | $296,000 | GROUNDING X-BONDING | 486,350] $2,000] $25,400 [$8,000 | $33,400 | |GROUNDINGLINK BOXES | 2 $2,250 $2,000] $4,500] $4,000] $8,500 | fr ainaiocase {t-te TERMINATION STRUCTURES (ea) $40,000 | $20,000 [TERMINATION FOUNDATIONS (cu yds)|___26__[__—$200 [$25,000 $5,200 [$50,000 | _$55,200 | |PAVEMENT RESTORATION (sqyds)__ [| 0 | SOT SOT SOTO CSOJ IMOBDEMOB CE TSO 50,0007 SOT $50,000] $50,000 | SUB TOTALS $2,788,497 $1,743,564 $4,532,061 ENGINEERING 6.50% $294,584 LAND SURVEY LOT $56,000 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $317,244 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $519,989 TOTAL $5,719,878 PEI-HLY (6/13/961:01 PM) 120293-01 br r:/WAR/CHUGACH/ENSTAR/2ENB70.XLS 40 TABLE UG44 TABLE UG45 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK EN.B.70 COST ESTIMATE Single Circuit 230 KV Single Phase XLPE Cable System UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. MATERIA | LABOR |MATERIAL LABOR COST CONCRETE (cu yds) 2190 $120 $150 $262,819 | TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) | 14,784 [SOT S4oT $0 [$591,360] $591,360 | | CONDUIT(A) 59,136 | 82ST $118,272 | $59,136 |__ $177,408 | | GROUNDING CONDUCTOR | 14,784 [82ST $29,568 [$14,784 | $44,352 | |GEOTECH: Strength/Thermal | 1ST SOT $25,000T $0 [$25,000] $25,000 | SPLICE (1-PHASE) OPEN SHEATH (ca) $16,745 SPLICE (1-PHASE) CLOSED SHEATH ee $13,000 | $15,000 $336,000 TERMINATIONS (1-PHASE) 6 $22,000 | _ $4,000 $132,000 | _ $24,000 | _ $156,000 ARRESTERS (ea) 6 $3,000 | $1,000] $18,000] $6,000 | $24,000 | MANHOLES (ea) 8 $25,000 | _ $12,000 $96,000 | $296,000 GROUNDING X-BONDING 4 $6,350 | $2,000 $25,400 $8,000 | _ $33,400 [GROUNDING LINK BOXES | 282,250] $2,000] $4,500] $4,000] $8,500 | TRANSITION SIE (CIVIL) 2 SS se So $200,000 [TERMINATION STRUCTURES (ea) ___—|_—2__—sd—_— $40,000 |_ $20,000 $80,000 | _ $40,000 |_ $120,000 |___ $200 | $25,000] $5,200 | $50,000 | $55,200 | | sof sof Sof S80] MOB/DEMOB | «$0 | | $0 [$50,000 | __ $50,000 | SUB TOTALS $3,683,355 $1,978,564 $5,661,919 ENGINEERING 6.50% $368,025 LAND SURVEY LOT $56,000 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $396,334 CONTINGENCY - 10.00% ~ $648,228 TOTAL $7,130,506 PEI-HLY (6/13/961:01 PM) 120293-01 br ; r:/WAR/CHUGACH/ENSTAR/2ENB70.XLS, 41 : TABLE UG45 TABLE UG42 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK EN.B.80 COST ESTIMATE Single Circuit 138 KV Single Phase XLPE Cable System UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL MATERIA | LABOR |MATERIAL LABOR COST DESCRIPTION CABLE (ft $1,384,416 | $182,160 | $1,566,576 CONCRETE (cu yds $215,887 | $269,859 | $485,746 TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) 12,144 $485,760 CONDUIT (ft.) 48,576 $1 $97,152 | $48,576 | $145,728 GROUNDING CONDUCTOR 12,144 $1 $24,288 | $12,144 | $36,432 IGEOTECH: Strengtl/Thermal | $25,000 $0 | $25,000 | __ $25,000 $5,000 | __ $119,400 | __ $60,000 [_ $179,400 SPLICE (1-PHASE) CLOSED SHEATH (cal__12__[_$7,725] $5,000] $92,700 | __ $60,000 | $152,700 | TERMINATIONS (1-PHASE) | 6 | $8,877] $4,000] $53,262 | $24,000 [$77,262 | ARRESTERS (ea) 6 $2,000 Re An a MANHOLES (ea) 8 $25,000 | $12,000 GROUNDING X-BONDING 4 $6,350 [TRANSITION SITE(CIVIL) ss | 250,000 | $50,000 $100,000 | $200,000 TERMINATION STRUCTURES (ea) $40,000 | $20,000 $80,000 $40,000 | $120,000 TERMINATION FOUNDATIONS (cu yds) 26 $200 | $25,000[ $5,200 [ $50,000 | _—_ $55,200 | PAVEMENT RESTORATION (sqyds)_ | 0 __—| PSO SOS MOB/DEMOB 1 | SOT $50,000 $50,000 | SUB TOTALS $2,414,205 $1,521,499 $3,935,704 ENGINEERING 6.50% $255,821 LAND SURVEY LOT $46,000 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $275,499 CONTINGENCY - 10.00% $451,302 ——_—- TOTAL $4,964,327 PEI-HLY (6/13/961:04 PM) 120293-01 br r:/WAR/CHUGACH/ENSTAR/2ENB80.XLS 42 TABLE UG42 TABLE UG43 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION LINK EN.B.80 COST ESTIMATE Single Circuit 230 KV Single Phase XLPE Cable System UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION jars. fren LABOR |MATERIAL LABOR COST CABLE (ft 36,432 $1,930,896 | $182,160 | $2,113,056 CONCRETE (cu vds $ $215,887 | $269,859 | $485,746 TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft 12,144 | —s« $0. | $485,760 | $485,760 $97,152 | $48,576 NIN nr nN wn Ss Lisle So SloluM CONDUIT (ft. 48,576 $145,728 GROUNDING CONDUCTOR 12,144 $24,288 $12,144 $36,432 GEOTECH: Strength/Thermal 1 | «$0 | f $25,000 on” Se SPLICE (1-PHASE) OPEN SHEATH (ea) [12 _[ $16,745 | $15,000 $380,940 SPLICE (1-PHASE) CLOSED SHEATH ef $13,000 | $15,000 $336,000 TERMINATIONS (1-PHASE $22,000] $4, | 6 | | 8 Se 3 3 5 $132, $156, 8 4 3 ARRESTERS (ca) |___ $3,000 | _$1.000 | 000 MANHOLES (ea | $12,000 | $200,000 | __ $96,000 | $296, 3 s slelelaigie ea GROUNDING X-BONDING $2,000 $25,400 $33,400 $4, TRANSITION SITE (CIVIL) $50,000 $100,000 k GROUNDING LINK BOXES F $2,000 $4,500 : 000 TERMINATION STRUCTURES (ea $20,000 120,000 TERMINATION FOUNDATIONS (cu yds) 000 | ____ $5,200 | __ $50,000 | PAVEMENT RESTORATION (sq yds, $0 MOB/DEMOB 000 $50,000 | $50, SUB TOTALS $3,190,263 $1,761,499 $4,951,762 ENGINEERING 6.50% $321,865 LAND SURVEY LOT $46,000 CONSTRUCTION MG 7.00% $346,623 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $566,625 TOTAL $6,232,875 PEI-HLY (6/13/961:04 PM) 120293-01 br ; r:/WAR/CHUGACH/ENSTAR/2ENB80.XLS 43 . TABLE UG43 Appendix C Table of Contents Drawing (D) or Table (T) Figure Number SS-09 SS-10 SS-01 SS-02 syeouo SS-11 SS-12 SS-03 SS-04 AHO SS-13 SS-14 SS-05 SS-06 HAHoo SS-15 SS-16 SS-07 SS-08 qAHoo» SS-17 SS-18 SS-09 SS-10 qAHoo HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01 ab Description Bernice Lake Bernice Lake Bernice Lake Bernice Lake International International International International University University University University Soldotna Soldotna Soldotna Soldotna Point Woronzof Point Woronzof Point Woronzof Point Woronzof kV 138 230 138 230 138 230 138 230 138 230 138 230 138 230 138 230 138 230 138 230 REV. 1 FIGURE SS-09 138KV OPTION RECORD RESON BERNICE LAKE POWER PLANT (© RECORD UPDATE Sc Gave Fae i a é b 5601 Minnesota Drive P.O. Box 196300 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 BLPP~E-0010 RECORD REWSON (CO RECORD UPDATE 2ERV OVIMEAD DESTINATION, OWS, SCALE WOOR CORRECTIONS ‘ASBORT 75 VA MTR & COUPMENT RISTALLATION %0. | RECORO ™P4 | avenoven | apprown | OAT s/n a ® 5601 Minnesota Drive esiz00s2 | so/mem [in7s7or bey P.O. Box 196300 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 REV. 1 FIGURE SS-10 230KV OPTION BERNICE LAKE POWER PLANT SITE PLAN sb /midsto/dipp /strvet/908_2.409 10/24, BLPP-E-0010 >a see Jpace paca TABLE $S01 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE 138 KV Option, Bernice Lake Substation UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. |MATERIAL[LABOR $100 _ |MATERIAL LABOR COST | HRS | UNIT | | HRS | UNIT _| EQUIPMENT | CircuitBreakers CEC 4 $100,000] 60 | $6,000] $400,000] 240 [$24,000] $424,000 | | Disconnect Switches CC—C“Cté‘“‘é‘YSCdC Cs; $10,000 24 | 82.400] $110,000] 264 | $26,400] $136,400 | |_Instrument Transformers and Misc. Equipment [12 | $4,250] 4 | $400 $51,000] 48 [$4,800] $55,800 | [138/115 kV 150/200 MVA Autotransformer__ [| 1__[ $1,300,000 [120 _[_$12,000 | $1,300,000 [120 | $12,000 | $1,312,000 | | Demolition, Removal, Modifications | LOT | $0 120 | sizooof sof 120 [$12,000] $12,000 | STRUCTURES $11,500 | 40 80 HOES witch SS tearachs WOONONA $3,000 12 $1,200 $33,000 | 132 $13,200 $46,200 Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports $1,177 5 | $508] $15,300[ 66 | $6,600] $21,900] FOUNDATIONS | CircuitBreakers CTT $250] 6 S600 $3,000] 72 $7,200] $10,200 | Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports | 40 | $250 | $600 $10,000 240 $24,000 $34,000 Autotransformer and Oil Containment pa ffs $11,000 | $264[ $26,400 [ $37,400 | Control House (a6 $250 $600 $4,000] 96 [ — $9,600[ $13,600 | | Deadend Structures CT 82 $2507 6 | Se00 | s8000[ si92[ $19,200] $27,200 | CABLE & CONDUIT Circuit Breakers 630 $30 Instrument Transformers 390 $10 | 0.05 20 $1,950 Yard Lighting & Convenience Outlets 600 $8 0.05 $3,000 $7,800 Precast Cable Trench (ft ; $22,500 $15,000 $37,500 SITE WORK |_Site Preparation, Access, and Surfacing | 43,000 $0.81 0.016 [$2] $34,750 | 695 $69,500 | _ $104,250 0.166 $17 $9,725] 102 | $10,225 $19,950 | PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss TABLE SS01 TABLE SSO1 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE 138 KV Option, Bernice Lake Substation UNIT COSTS QTY. |MATERIAL | LABOR EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL COST DESCRIPTION Grounding $44,800 | $84,000 CONTROL HOUSE Prefabricated Control Building & Accessories 1 $72,000 $16,000 $72,000 | $88,000 AC & DC Station Service LOT $12,500 $4,000 $12,500 $16,500 Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels 4 $27,000 $108,000 $3,200 $111,200 TESTING Physical Check Out & Misc. Systems $0 36 $3,600 | $3,600 Instrument Transformers $0 12 $ amt $1,200 Circuit Breaker $0 48 $4,800 $4,800 Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels $0 48 $4,800 $4,800 138/115 kV Autotransformer $0 16 $ a] $1,600 Mobilization/Demobilization/Report $3,000 26 $2,600 $5,600 SUB TOTALS $2,378,075 5153 $515,315 $2,893,390 ENGINEERING 6.50% $188,070 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $202,537 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $289,339 TOTAL $3,573,337 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss TABLE SSO1 TABLE SS02 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE 230 KV Option, Bernice Lake Substation UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS DESCRIPTION Qty. /MATERIAL[LABOR $100 [MATERIAL LABOR | HRS [UNIT | | HRS | UNIT _| EQUIPMENT Circuit Breakers | 4 | $110,000 $6,500 | $440,000 $26,000 $466,000 a a aes ieee ROSA S020) MVA Auttrnstormer {1 $1,600,000 zi $13,000 [ $1,600,000 $13,000 | $1,613,000 Bus, Fittings, and Misc. $59,700 | 1008 $100,800 $59,700 $100,800 $160,500 Demolition, Removal, Modifications LOT $12,000 $0 $12,000 $12,000 STRUCTURES Deadend Structures 2 $13,750 Switch Stands ll $3,091 | 12.7273 $14,000 $48,000 Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports $6,600 $22,800 FOUNDATIONS $5,000 | $27,500] 100 $1,273 $34,000 | _140 $508 | $16,200| 66 Circuit Breakers a Sek Sek | | sot 6 ss 000 1a so Sa Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports 43 $250] 6 | sooo] $10,750] 258 | $25,800] $36,550 | Autotransformer and Oil Containment a Control House $4,000 96 $9,600 $13,600 a $10,000 [$240 [$24,000] $34,000 CABLE & CONDUIT ; $18,900 | 113 $11,340 $30,240 $5 $3,900 $1,950 $5,850 [Autotransformerr—=S~S~SCS SY S30 0B | CSB $2,700 $7,200 Yar igh Canes Oaes [con [sans] 5] sto [10] son — sr] Precast Cable’ Trench (ft) $50 $22, 500 150 $15, 000 $37, 500 SITE WORK Site Preparation, Access, and Surfacing $0.81 | 7 $2 aan 25 | ot $108,750 $15.77 | 0.165 $17] $10,250] 108 | $10,750 $21,000 } PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss TABLE SS02 TABLE SS02 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE 230 KV Option, Bernice Lake Substation | DESCRIPTION UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS $90,000 MATERIAL LABOR UNIT Grounding | 6,000 $48,000 | 420 $42,000 CONTROL HOUSE $72,000 $72,000 TESTING $12,500 $12,500 $108,000 160 40 $16,000 $3,200 | $111,200 $88,000 $16,500 Physical Check Out & Misc. Systems | $o] 36 | $3,600 Instrument Transformers | 6 | | $0 122 | $1,200 Circuit Breaker 4 | $o] 48 | $4,800 Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels 4 12 | $0 48 | $4,800 16 | so] 16 $1,600 Mobilization/Demobilization/Report 26 [| __ $2,600] $3,000] _26 $5,600 SUB TOTALS $2,763,750 5468 $546,840 $3,310,590 ENGINEERING 6.50% $215,188 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $231,741 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $331,059 TOTAL —$4,088,579 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss TABLE SS02 PROJECT: ENG. w.O. g 69420096 _ “ CONSTRUCTION REVISON one 06 sine 1A_| SsuD FoR CONSOENATION ss OF Beane Drive MINNESOTA ASPHALT PARKING LOT aur Beowecr ee Le re r va eG mec | ————s4. sav serovar zg L 5 N ay bed \ a I ; na -{|9 i] 3 § VCE 5} & a Te a 138 BELUGA UNE #1 Tesv— 916 SVN stan ASV STRAN BUSES 77/480 $03" 3OKY UEVERSTY UME 1 t onal 2] g ut 4 Mee ween ea] [ase sSa] = ores ¥ | StoRAGe 3 0s. € | 1 caress 5601 Minnesota Drive P.O. Box 196300 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 LEGEND we propery une easeuent o Pee weoeant ° unury Pout ~ votr Pour == vr Foice . STORM ORAM MANHOLE O ECC MaNeOLE ° SATARY SEWER CLEANOUT ° SAMTARY SOMER MANHOLE AspuaLt OO ane ° Moment ———— noercnowno aLecTmen, UNDERGROUND ELECTIICAL, eee WOON FENCE FIGURE SS-11 138KV OPTION INTERNATIONAL SUBSTATION 34.5/138kV SWITCHYARD GENERAL ARRANGEMENT - ALTERNATE #1 £6 [0/094 / 20096 /08) 3-3 TAI WO PRECOUS PTR ane INSS-S-0013 ASPHALT PARKING LOT Sd eet ete saan ae ae 200 awe aes : SScounecr eee eee ee os Fane — A or oe momane (re 10-2 con i An aie mero os | ede: ol}: <e CUE. H ‘ LEGEND om wn] : 34.SkV SMITOHYARO & cH ¥ See PROPERTY UNE b oo dJ Bile : | Seen rn oso -——— \ 2 rae urgent [==] ° unury pour (ea vor pa = ’ 06. 8 & Oo ——— wa ® STORM DRAIN MANHOLE ° ALECTmC MANHOLE o SANITARY SONER CLEANOUT ° SANITARY SEMER MANHOLE ASOMALT Oem s wowuwenT Fovce 30° ou <n _noercrowno EcTCAL UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL penne MOOD ROME ———— SCALE: 1 = £ t &! Bt. : z : 8 me 2] 7 | f ne 1 a = PE ' ; oe “bees ae 5 ! hs ia | Fx ~Saithaoon of ne + ! I ! t i | ie ! i= 1k 1] E12 cook oF PavouenT | 3 j = a 3 Hi i nce Am ¥ STORAGE eli -D 3 ¥ e ' ie j q | : FIGURE SS-12 \ y i ons 230KV OPTION iS aoe > . I TO =o] moro 7 prosect: IN = Se oman] "24 | aremoven | srenoven | ONT INTERNATIONAL SUBSTATION ENG. /DESIGN.: Sx GIRARD _______ ot 34.5/138kV SWITCHYARD = cee 5601 Minnesota Drive GENERAL ARRANGEMENT - ALTERNATE #1 7 sump Fon consoensnon P.0. Box 196300 Anchorage, Alaska [6 [0/004 /20098 jet 8-2 404) 99519-6300 TANG NO. — PREWOUS/RETEROME aoa INSS-S-0013 TABLE S$S03 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE 138 KV Option, International Substation UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. |MATERIAL | LABOR $100 COST EQUIPMENT Circuit Breakers | 2 $100,000 $6,000 $200,000 120 $12,000 $212,000 Disconnect Switches | $10,000 $2,400 | $50,000 120 $12,000 $62,000 Instrument Transformers and Misc. Equipment $4,500 $400 $27,000 24 $2,400 $29,400 Bus, Fittings, and Misc. $35,450 $58,400 $35,450 $58,400 $93,850 STRUCTURES Deadend Structures 1 $11,500 40 $4,000 $11,500 40 $4,000 $15,500 Switch Stands 6 $3,000 $18,000 | _72 $7,200 $25,200 Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports 9 $1,267 5 $533 $11,400 48 $4,800 $16,200 FOUNDATIONS Circuit Breakers 6 $250 6 $1,500 36 $3,600 $5,100 Switch Stands 24 $250 6 $6,000 144 $14,400 $20,400 Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports 30 $250 6 $600 $7,500 180 $18,000 $25,500 Deadend Structures $250 6 $600 $4,000 $96 $9,600 $13,600 CABLE & CONDUIT Circuit Breakers 0.18 $18 $24,000 144 | $14,400 $38,400 Instrument Transformers 0.05 $5 $4,000 20 | $2,000 $6,000 ghting & Convenience Outlets 100 $8 | 0.05 $5 $800 5 | $500 $1,300 Precast Cable Trench (ft 75 $75 0.5 $50 $5,625 37.5 | $3,750 $9,375 SITE WORK Site Preparation, Access, and Surfacing [500 $0.75 | 0.015 $2 $375] 8 | $750[_‘$1,125 Grounding 500 $8.00 | 0.07 $7 $4,000 | 35 | $3,500 $7,500 CONTROL HOUSE Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels 3 [$29,333] 8 | $800 [ $88,000 24 $2,400 $90,400 TESTING Physical Check Out & Misc. Systems . 28 $2,800 $2,800 Instrument Transformers | go] 2 | $200 $0 6 $600 $600 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss TABLE SS03 TABLE $S03 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE 138 KV Option, International Substation TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. [MATERIAL MATERIAL COST HRS UNIT Circuit Breaker $1,200 $0 Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels aoa feta so 26 r f Mobilization/Demobilization/Report SUB TOTALS $502,150 1869 $186,900 $689,050 ENGINEERING 6.50% $44,788 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $48,234 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $68,905 TOTAL $850,977 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss TABLE SS03 TABLE §S04 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE 230 KV Option, International Substation UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. |MATERIAL MATERIAL LABOR COST HRS UNIT $113,333 | 67 $6,667 | $340,000 | _200 $20,000 $360,000 $12,857 | 25 $2,514 $90,000 $17,600 $107,600 $400 $33,000 $2,400 $35,400 $1,600,000 $13,000 | $1,600,000 $13,000 | $1,613,000 $47,100 $84,600 $47,100 $131,700 46.6667 $4,667 | __ $39,000 $14,000 $53,000 13 $1,300 $25,000 $10,400 $35,400 EQUIPMENT Circuit Breakers | | Disconnect Switches Instrument Transformers and Misc. Equipment 230/138 kV 150/200 MVA Autotransformer Bus, Fittings, and Misc. STRUCTURES Deadend Structures $13,000 Switch Stands $3,125 Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports $1,367 $533 $12,300 $4,800 $17,100 FOUNDATIONS Circuit Breakers in $250 6 $600 $2,750 | 66 $6,600 $9,350 Switch Stands $250 6 $600 $9,000 [216 $21,600 $30,600 | Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports $8,250 $19,800 $28,050 | Autotransformer and Oil Containment 58 $250 6 $600 $14,500 | 348 $34,800 $49,300 | _Deadend Structures 56 $250 6 $600 $14,000 336 $33,600 $47,600 CABLE & CONDUIT Circuit Breakers $18 $38,250 230 $22,950 $61,200 Instrument Transformers $5 $5,000 25 $2,500 $7,500 0.18 $18 $13,500 81 $8,100 $21,600 0.05 $5 $800 5 $500 $1,300 0.5 $50 $11,250 75 $7,500 | $18,750 | 12,000 $0.75 | 0.015 $2 | $9,000 | 180 $18,000 | $27,000 $15.00 | 0.150 $15 | $4,500 | 45 $4,500 | $9,000 $8.00 | 0.07 $7 | $13,600] 119 $11,900 | $25,500 CONTROL HOUSE PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss TABLE SS04 TABLE $S04 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE 230 KV Option, International Substation TOTAL DESCRIPTION MATERIAL COST | HRS | UNIT | Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels i Physical Check Out & Misc. Systems $2,800 Instrument Transformers $200 eon) Bo ee Soll Sse a es $3 — $1,200 $3,600 $3,600 Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels fe $1,200 $4,800 $4,800 | «$0 | 230/138 kV Autotransformer $1,600 aa $1,600 [| _ $1,600 | Mobilization/Demobilization/Report LOT $3,000 acl $2,600 $3,000] 26 | $2,600 $5,600 SUB TOTALS $2,441,800 3784 __‘ $378,350 _ $2,820,150 ENGINEERING 6.50% $183,310 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% ; $197,411 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $282,015 TOTAL $3,482,885 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss TABLE SS04 FIGURE $S-13 IBAKV OPTION s SITE PREPARATION pam) 5601 Minnesota Drive UNIVERSITY SUBSTATION fs} 6P.O. Box 196300 An . peer rues en [8 [uirvo/omm/ S201 3/un gos 2/2/46 UvSS—S-0034/E9520113 c:\projects\120293\uvs34_1.dgn Mar. 8, 1996 15:33:27 3 iS NSS )) i z i Ik wt je Sty td to STE th rary ts FIGURE S$S-14 230KV OPTION rz Gimne iD. 5601 Minnesota Drive 99519-6300 SITE PREPARATION UNIVERSITY SUBSTATION [A /atrsiajomn/ S201 3/en aos 2/2/00 UVSS—S—0034/E9520113 c:\projects\120293\uvs34_2.dgn Mar. 8, 1996 15:29:10 TABLE SS05 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE 138 KV Option, University Substation eens COSTS EXTENDED COSTS DESCRIPTION QTY. a $100 EQUIPMENT $100,000 $106,000 Circuit Breakers to $100,000 Disconnect Switches $10,000 7 $2,400 $30,000 $7,200 $37,200 Instrument Transformers and Misc. Equipment [6 _| $4,500] 4 | $400 $27,000 Bus, Fittings, and Misc. LOT $20,400 [ 348 $34,800 $20,400 $34, 800 STRUCTURES Switch Stands $3, 000 | sian i $3,600 $12,600 Bas and int Trnafonmer Sapper $1,200 $514 $8,400 | __36 FOUNDATIONS Circuit Breakers $250 6 $600 $750 18 $1,800 $2,550 Switch Stands $250 6 $600 $3,000 | 72 $7,200 $10,200 a $250 s $600 $5,500 | 132 $13,200 $18,700 Deadend Structures $250 $600 $4,000 $96 $9,600 CABLE & CONDUIT | CircuitBreakers ss C—C—C‘i=Ci ST S30 IB TSS $6,750] 41 =~ ~~—«$4,050] _—*$10,800 | pase eansformers—_}_ 236 | _siof os {ssf snasot in {sus {$3,375 Precast Cable Trench (ft $50 $2,250 500 $8.00 | 0.07 $7 $4,000 | 35 $3,500 $7,500 CONTROL HOUSE j Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels 3 | $293337 8 | $300] $88,000] 24 [ $2,400] —_ $90,400 TESTING Physical Check Out & Misc. Systems LOT $0 28 | $2,800 $0 28 | $2,800 | $2,800 | Instrument Transformers | 38 CT SOT $200 so] 6 $600 $600 | CircuitBreaker C—“‘“SNCLCOC@d $o[ 12] $1,200 sof 12 [$1,200 $1,200 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss TABLE SS05 TABLE SS05 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE 138 KV Option, University Substation UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. |MATERIAL COST Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels $3,600 $3,600 Mobilization/Demobilization/Report cor $2,600 $5,600 SUB TOTALS $328,675 1225 $122,525 $451,200 ENGINEERING 6.50% $29,328 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $31,584 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $45,120 TOTAL $557,232 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss TABLE SS05 TABLE SS06 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE 230 KV Option, University Substation aT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION OOTY: MATERIAL T LABOR te aT MATERIAL qos COST EQUIPMENT Circuit Breakers $35,000 |_87.5 $8,750 | $140,000 [350 | $35,000] $175,000 Dison Suici Jr $12,727 $3,091 | $140,000 | 340 $34,000 | $174,000 $2,750 $189,200 $0 | __ $500 __ $33,000 60 | $6,000 | $39,000 | $279,600 | $189,200 | 2796 $279,600 $468,800 $0 200 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 Instrument Transformers and Misc. Equipment Bus, Fittings, and Misc. Demolition, Removal, Modifications ae Deadend Structures 2 60 $6,000 $32,000 | 120 $12,000 $44,000 Switch Stands 16 $1,600 $31,500 144 $14,400 $45,900 Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports 6 $571 $60,600 240 $24,000 $84,600 FOUNDATIONS Circuit Breakers 6 $600 $5,000 [ 120. | $12,000 $17,000 Switch Stands 6 $13,500 | 324 $32,400 $45,900 Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports 6 $97,200 $137,700 | Deadend Structures —(“‘C;! C*rCOC48C@d $250 6 $600 $12,000 [288 $28,800 $40,800 CABLE & CONDUIT 0.18 $18] $60,000 | 360 $36,000 $96,000 Instrument Transformers 1,000 $10 0.05 $5 $10,000 50 $5,000 $15,000 Yard Lighting & Convenience Outlets 600 $8 0.05 $5 $4,800 30 $3,000 $7,800 Precast Cable Trench (ft) 475 $75| 05 $50 | $35,625 | 237.5 $23,750 $59,375 SITE WORK i eparation, Access, and Surfacing 120,000 $0.77 | 0.015 $2 $92,500 | 1,850 $185,000 $277,500 1,200 $15.42 | 0.158 S16 $18,500 | 190 $19,000 $37,500 2 7,500 $8.00 | 0.07 $60,000 | 525 $52,500 | _ $112,500 CONTROL HOUSE Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels 3 $29,333 ssoo] $88,000[ 24 [| $2,400] __ $90,400 TESTING PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss TABLE SS06 TABLE $S06 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE 230 KV Option, University Substation UNIT COSTS DESCRIPTION QTY. [MATERIAL HRS Physical Check Out & Misc. Systems LOT $0 Circuit Breaker 1 $0 Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels 3 Mobilization/Demobilization/Report LOT SUB TOTALS $1,069,725 9329 $932,850 $2,002,575 ENGINEERING 6.50% $130,167 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $140,180 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $200,258 TOTAL —$2,473,180 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss TABLE SS06 FIGURE SS-15 138KV OPTION tt (SE SH. E-3) HEA SOLDOTNA SUBSTATION [DRAWN TO CAD FROM COFFMAN ONGR.. Owe. E~ SITE PLAN 5601 Minnesota Drive P.0. Box 196300 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 230KV OPTION FIGURE SS-16 HEA SOLDOTNA SUBSTATION SITE PLAN 5601 Minnesota Drive P.O. Box 196300 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 iRgzte attntd J ai JORAWN TO CAD FROM COFFMAN ENGR. DwC. £-2 SCADA RTU NSTALLATION TABLE SS07 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE 138 KV Option, Soldotna Substation UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. |MATERIAL[LABOR $100 [MATERIAL LABOR COST HRS_| UNIT | HRS [UNIT | ooo Circuit | Circuit Breakers $100,000 $6,000 | $300,000] 180 | 3 | Instrument Transformers and Misc. Equipment 6 $4, 500 $400 $27,000 24 $2,400 $29,400 Bus, Fittings, and Misc. LOT "$81,200 1304 $130,400 $81,200 | 1304 $130,400 $211,600 STRUCTURES Deadend Structures $11,500 $4,000] $11,500] 40 ae eee Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports $1, 383 $567 $24,900 FOUNDATIONS Circuit Breakers $250 $600 $2,250] 54 | $5,400 $7,650 ee eee eee Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports $250 $600 $16, 500 396 $39, 600 $56, 100 Autotransformer and Oil Containment $600 | $11,000] $264] $26,400] —_ $37,400 | Deadend Structures $6o0| _$4,000[ $96] $9,600] $13,600 | CABLE & CONDUIT | CircuitBreakers ss C—C—C—‘“‘~d:«C‘izSON | $30] 018 $37,500 $22,500 $60,000 Instrument Transformers 700 $10 | 0.05 $5 ee eee Autotransformer 600 $30 | 0.18 $18 | $18,000] 108 | $10,800] _ $28,800 | Yard Lighting & Convenience Outlets 600 $8 | 0.05 $5 0.5 $50] $15,000 [100 $10,000 $25,000 SITE WORK | $0.88 | 0.018 $2 $17,500 330 [$35,000 $52,500 Fencing 300 $16.67 | _0.183 $18 $5,000 $5,500 $10,500 Grounding 2,400 $8.00 | 0.07 $7 ge cles re PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss TABLE SS07 TABLE SS07 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE 138 KV Option, Soldotna Substation UNIT COSTS LABOR $100 | HRS | UNIT | EXTENDED COSTS | HRS [UNIT | TOTAL COST DESCRIPTION CONTROL HOUSE Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels | 4 | $27,000 8 $800 | $108,000 | 32 $3,200 $111,200 TESTING |_Physical Check Out & Misc. Systems| LOT [S0f 28 Ts2800T S028 [$2,800 $2,800 | | Instrument Transformers | 38 TSO 2 OT S200[ oT S600 | $600] | CircuitBreaker CT SOT 200T S036 =~ 83,600] $3,600 | eee 138/115 kV Autotransformer 1 $0 $o] 16 | $1,600] $1,600 | Mobilization/Demobilization/Report LOT SUB TOTALS $2,115,350 4299 $429,900 _ $2,545,250 ENGINEERING 6.50% $165,441 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $178,168 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $254,525 TOTAL $3,143,384 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss TABLE SS07 TABLE SS08 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE 230 KV Option, Soldotna Substation UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION Qty. [MATERIAL[LABOR $100 _ [MATERIAL LABOR cost | HRS | UNIT __| | HRS | UNIT __| EQUIPMENT Circuit Breakers 3 $113,333 $6,667 $340,000 $20,000 67__| $12,857 | 25 $2,514 | $90,000 $17,600 | __ $107,600 Instrument Transformers and Misc. Equipment [ 6 __| $5,500 4 $400 $33,000 130 1304 230/115 kV 150/200 MVA Autotransformer $1,600,000 $13,000 | $1,600,000 $13,000 | $1,613,000 Bus, Fittings, and Misc. LOT $81,500 $130,400 $81,500 | 1304 $130,400 $211,900 STRUCTURES Deadend Structures $16,000 60 $6,000 $16,000 60 $6,000 $22,000 1 Switch Stands | 8 | $3,125 $1,300 $25,000 | 104 $10,400 $35,400 Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports 18 $1,433 6 $567 $25,800 102 $10,200 $36,000 FOUNDATIONS Circuit Breakers $250 = $600 $2,750 $6,600 $9,350 Switch Stands 36 $250 $600 $9,000 | 216 $21,600 $30,600 Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports | 69 | $250] 6 | $600] $17,250] 414 | $41,400 $58,650 Autotransformer and Oil Containment 58 $250 6 $600 $14,500 348 $34,800 $49,300 Deadend Structures 24 $250 6 $600 $6,000 144 $14,400 $20,400 $360,000 CABLE & CONDUIT Circuit Breakers 1,250 $30 0.18 $18 $37,500 225) $22,500 $60,000 Instrument Transformers 700 $10 | 0.05 $5 $7,000 35 $3,500 $10,500 Autotransformer 600 $30} 0.18 $18 $18,000 108 $10,800 $28,800 Precast Cable Trench (ft 200 $75 $50 $15,000 100 $10,000 $25,000 SITE WORK $2 $19,000] 380 | $38,000 $57,000 $16.43 $18 $5,750 | __ 63 $6,250 $12,000 Grounding $7] $20,800 182 | $18,200 $39,000 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss TABLE SS08 TABLE SS08 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE 230 KV Option, Soldotna Substation EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. |MATERIAL MATERIAL COST HRS UNIT HRS UNIT CONTROL HOUSE Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels 4 $27,000 8 $300 [ $108,000] 32 | $3,200] _ $111,200 TESTING Physical Check Out & Misc. Systems | LOT $0 28 $2,800 $0 28 | $2,800 $2,800 Instrument Transformers 3 $0 2 $200 $0 6 $600 $600 Circuit Breaker 3 $0 12 $1,200 $0 Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels 4 $0 12 $1,200 | $0 48 $4,800 $4,800 230/115 kV Autotransformer 1 $0] 16 $1,600 $0 16 | $1,600 $1,600 Mobilization/Demobilization/Report LOT $3,000{ 26 | $2,600 $3,000] 26 [| $2,600 $5,600 SUB TOTALS $2,499,650 4603 $460,250 _ $2,959,900 ENGINEERING 6.50% $192,394 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $207,193 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $295,990 TOTAL $3,655,477 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss TABLE SS08 = MAX AMPACITY 450 AMPS OF STRUCTURES AT LAND CABLE NO. 1 TERMINATION ELEVATION OF 100.00 ON THE CONCRETE BASE 2.3975 MC 1. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED ON AN ASSUMED NOTES Sp! Ne? 1 I (a ee roe goa Si Be TOE = oom —z —— ral ¢ ee role a ir + eect ins | I 1 /i ----=t —— — 8 I. Sams ¥ LEGEND: REV 1 +112 COOROINATE POINT NUMBER + 98.95 ELEVATION FIGURE SS-17 138KV OPTION eae ET SITE PLAN PT, wORONZOF SUBSTATION x - 6 2 © 8 2 € & = S oS 6 P.O. Box 196300 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 PwSS-S-0002 PROJECT: ENG. /DESIGN. OF STRUCTURES AT LAND CABLE NO. i TERMINATION 1. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED ON AN ASSUMED ELEVATION OF 100.00 ON THE CONCRETE BASE 2. 3975 AAC — MAX AMPACITY 450 AMPS NOTES CONSTRUCTION BASEUNE “6 =z LEGEND: +112 COORDINATE POINT NUMBER + 98.95 ELEVATION REV 1 FIGURE SS-18 230KV OPTION PT. WORONZOF SUBSTATION SITE PLAN 5601 Minnesota Drive P.O. Box 196300 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 PROJECT: ENG./DESIGN.: TABLE SS09 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE 138 KV Option, Pt. Woronzof Substation UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. |MATERIAL MATERIAL COST UNIT EQUIPMENT Circuit Breakers 6 $91,667 55 $5,500 $550,000 | 330 $33,000 $583,000 Disconnect Switches 13 $10,000 24 $2,400 $130,000 B12) $31,200 $161,200 Instrument Transformers and Misc. Equipment 30 $4,500 4 $400 $135,000 120 $12,000 $147,000 1 138 KV Reactor |_$525,000| 80 | $8,000 [ $525,000] 80__| $8,000 [$533,000 | $132,600 [| 2592 $259,200 | $132,600 f $391,800 STRUCTURES Deadend Structures $80,000 Switch Stands Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports $45,300 FOUNDATIONS Circuit Breakers $600 $5,750] 138 $13,800 $19,550 PSvah Sands so 5 sino sion] z00 | — 50] Reactor and Oil Containment : $250 $600 $9,500 $228 $22,800 $32,300 Control House 1st $250 $600 $4,000 | 96 $9,600 $13,600 $250 6 $600 $18,000 | $432 $43,200 $61,200 CABLE & CONDUIT 1,000 $28] 0.17 $17 a $16,800 $44,800 Instrument Transformers 950 $10 | 0.05 $5 $9,500 48 $4,750 $14,250 Autotransformer 200 $20 | 0.12 $12 $4,000 24 $2,400 $6,400 Yard Lighting & Convenience Outlets 600 $8 | 0.05 $5 $4,800 30 | $3,000 $7,800 Precast Cable Trench (ft) 400 $75 0.5 $50 $30,000 200 | — $20,000 $50,000 | SITE WORK fe Site Preparation, Access, and Surfacing 60,000 $0.75 | 0.015 $2 | $45,000 | 900 | — $90,000 $135,000 Fencing 550 $15.00 | 0.150 | $15 $8,250 | 83 | $8,250 $16,500 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss TABLE SS09 TABLE SS09 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE 138 KV Option, Pt. Woronzof Substation TOTAL DESCRIPTION Qry. MATERIAL COST A SS ae | HRS | UNIT | $112,500 CONTROL! HOUSE Prefabricated Control Building & Accessories $16,000] $72,000] 160 | $16,000 $88,000 AC & DC Station Service $12, 500 0 $4,000 | $12,500] 40 $4,000 $16,500 Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels $26,400 $800 $264,000 80 $8,000 $272,000 TESTING Physical Check Out & Misc. Systems 4 $3,600 = 36 $3,600 $3,600 Instrument Transformers : $0 $200 $3,000 $3,000 Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels $0 11.2 $1. 120 $0 a $11, “200 $11, “200 Mobilization/Demobilization/Report Tar $3,000] 26 $2, 600 $3,000 $2,600 $5,600 SUB TOTALS $2,215,900 8153 $815,300 $3,031,200 ENGINEERING 6.50% $197,028 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $212,184 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $303,120 TOTAL _—‘$3,743,532 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss TABLE SS09 TABLE S$S10 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE 230 KV Option, Pt. Woronzof Substation UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS ] TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. |MATERIAL| LABOR $100 _ [MATERIAL LABOR COST HRS UNIT HRS UNIT EQUIPMENT | CircuitBreakers CC—“‘CSC#SYL;COCZ~SC:s«$$:100,0007 60 __—'$6,000] $700,000] 420 $42,000 | __ $742,000 $2,453 |__ $170,000 | 368 $36,800 | __ $206,800 Instrument Transformers and Misc. Equipment $400 | $141,000 | 120 $12,000 $153,000 230/115 kV 150/200 MVA Autotransformer $1,600,000 | 130 $13,000 | $1,600,000 | 130 $13,000 | $1,613,000 230 kV Reactor 1 $800,000 | 100 $10,000 | $800,000 | 100 $10,000 $810,000 Bus, Fittings, and Misc. | LOT $143,900 | 2780 $278,000 | $143,900 | 2780 $278,000 [ $421,900 STRUCTURES Deadend Structures $13,200 40 $4,000 | $66,000 200 $20,000 $86,000 $1,253 | $46,000 [188 $18,800 $64,800 Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports $1, 159 "5 $489 $31,300 | 132 $13,200 | $44,500 FOUNDATIONS . | Circuit Breakers 32 $250] 6 | $600 $8,000 | 192 $19,200 $27,200 Switch Stands 64 $250 6 | $600 $16,000 | 384 $38,400 $54,400 Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports 85 $250 6 $600 $21,250 $51,000 $72,250 Autotransformer and Oil Containment 73 $250 6 $600 $18,250 $43,800 $62,050 230 kV Reactor | 20 | $250 6 $600 | $5,000 $12,000 $17,000 Control House | 16 $250 6 $600 | $4,000 $9,600 $13,600 Deadend Structures 72 $250 6 $600 | $18,000 $43,200 $61,200 CABLE & CONDUIT Circuit Breakers 1,200 $28] 0.17 | $17 $33,500 | 201 $20,100 | $53,600 Instrument Transformers 980 $10 $9,800 | $4,900 $14,700 Autotransformer 150 $30 $2,700 $7,200 230 kV Reactor 200 $20 $6,400 Yard Lighting & Convenience Outlets | 600 $8 A $7,800 Precast Cable Trench (ft) [ 400 $75 $30,000 | $20,000 | __ $50,000 SITE WORK PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss TABLE SS10 TABLE SS10 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE 230 KV Option, Pt. Woronzof Substation | UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. {MATERIAL | LABOR $100 COST ra50-[ S105 Site Preparation, Access, and Surfacing 70,000 $0.75 | 0.015 $2 $52,500 | 1,050 $105,000 $157,500 $15 $9,075 | 91 $9,075 $18,150 Grounding 9,000 $8.00 | 0.07 $7 $72,000 | 630 | $63,000 $135,000 CONTROL HOUSE Prefabricated Control Building & Accessories 1 $72,000 160 $16,000 $72,000 | 160 | $16,000] _ $88,000 | AC & DC Station Service LOT $12,500 40 $4,000 $12,500 40 $4,000 $16,500 Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels ll $25,818 | 8 $800 $284,000 88 $8,800 $292,800 TESTING Physical Check Out & Misc. Systems LOT $0 36 | $3,600 | $0 36 $3,600 $3,600 Instrument Transformers 15 $0 2 $200 $0 30 $3,000 $3,000 Circuit Breaker $0 18 | $1,800 $0 | 126 $12,600 | $12,600 | Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels $0 | 11.2727 $1,127 $0 124 $12,400 $12,400 230/115 kV Autotransformer $0 | 16 $1,600 $0 32 — $3,200 $3,200 Mobilization/Demobilization/Report $3,000 [26 $2,600[ $3,000 | 26 i $2,600 $5,600 SUB TOTALS $4,380,375 9574 $957,375 __ $5,337,750 ENGINEERING 6.50% $346,954 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $373,643 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $533,775 TOTAL $6,592,121 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (6:06 PM6/6/96) ss TABLE SS10 Figure Number Table RC-01 RC-02 RC-03 RC-04 RC-05 RC-06 RC-07 RC-08 Drawing RC-01 RC-02 RC-03 RC-04 RC-05 RC-06 Appendix D Table of Contents Description Application 40MVAR Shunt Caps 0-20MVAR SVC 20MVAR Shunt Caps 0-40MVAR TCSC UG/OH Site 10MVAR, 138kV UG/OH Site 22MVAR, 138kV UG/OH Site 22MVAR, 230kV UG/OH Site 60MVAR, 230kV UG/OH Site 10+30MVAR, 138kV UG/OH Site 30+40MVAR, 230kV 40MVAR Shunt Caps 0-20MVAR SVC 20MVAR Shunt Caps 0-40MVAR TCSC UG/OH Transition Site 138kV UG/OH Transition Site 230kV UG/OH Multiple Reactors 138kV UG/OH Multiple Reactors 230kV HLY 55-0198 (06/96) FINAL 120293-01 ab TABLE RCO! - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COM?LNSATION COST ESTIMATE 40 MVAR SHUN CAPS WITH 0-20 MVAR SVC . UNIT COSTS ‘ EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. |MATERIAL LABOR MATERIAL LABOR COST HRS UNIT EQUIPMENT - $100,000] Go| se,n00 | $300,000] 180 —S1a,000 —SsTA,000 | TiS RV-Dise Sw, 1200A (ea) [3] sino00| — 8 | sa00-| — $30,000 | 24 | — sa.400 | — $52,400] TiS EV, Dise. Sw. 1200A ea) [2 $1,000 | ~s[-sa00| — $2,000 | —16 | 1,500 | $3,600" | UISkV,CCVT(ea) 8 86,0007 S400] 18,0007 12 $1,200 [$19,200 | 115 kV Class Surge Arrestor (ea) || $7,000 i 115 kV Station Post Insulators (ea) $400 $400 $7,200 | 1SkVReactors CT 89,000] $800 $54,000] 48 [$4,800 [$58,800 | FTiS7iS RV 60 MVA Transformer (ca) 1 $500,000-| 100 [$10,000 | $500,000 | —100| — 10,000 | $510,000 1800 | $35] 0.5 [$50] $63,000 | 900 | $90,000 | $153,000 | [IS KV Class Surge Arrestor(ea) | 9 | 86,000] aT $400 $54,000] 36 [$3,600 | $57,600 $i,000{ 3 | __$300|_$15,000 3Phase-20 MVAR Shunt Cap Banks 2 $125,000 $250,000{ 80 | $8,000] $258,000 | av ge ee 5 asm] Toso srsapo| ir —| senor sc $8,000 | 16 [81,600 | $24,000 | as | 83.800 | —s2a-800" | Microwave/Communications | ~LOT [| $12,000[ 40 | _ $4,000] $12,000] 40__ | $4,000] $16,000 | Cooling Equipment/Controls Lot [$75,000] _160_|__ $16,000] $75,000] 160 | $16,000] $91,000 | | Heat Exchangers | =LOT | $10,000] 40 $4,000] $10,000] 40 [$4,000] $14,000 | LOT Fir Protecion Lor | — sro,ai0} 0 | — $4,000 | — $10,000 | — a0 | — $4,000 | — $14,000, | 11SKVT.O.Tower, 12,0004 (ea) Jt $16,000] 40_ | $4,000] _ $16,000 53.000 $9,000 | 36 [$3,600] $12,600 $1,500] 12 [$1200] $10,500] 84_ | $8,400 $18,900 | PEI-HLY 120293-01 (4:12 PM3/10/96) to r:/WAR/CHUGACH/0198RC_B:XLS TABLE RCOI ‘TABLE RCOI - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE FOUNDATIONS nr N wa : So 0 MV PS WITH 0-20 MV TOTAL DESCRIPTION ey, art —arnt[ae — COST HRS aT aso TISKV Inst. Transformer Support, 700#(ea) | 3 | sa00|__4 | sao] 8200] 12 | i200] 3,000 RS ae a Soe ff Saf nS 15 KV Inst. Transformer Support, 600# (ea) [15 kV Three Phase Bus Support, 1000# (ea) | 17 | $1,100] 12 | $1,200] _ $18,700 | 204 | _ $20,400 | _$39,100 | $2,000 24 250] 45 115 KV Breaker, (1) 6'x6'x2' Slab, 3 cy ea. | 5 | $500] $2,250] $4,500 32 115 KV Disc. Switch, 2eyea. | 6 | $250] 5 | 8500] $1,500] 30 | $3,000] 4,500 TIS kV Cap Rack 1.5 cy ea $6,000 TIS/IS KV Transformer 15%1Dx3, 20 ey ea. 115 kV T.O. Tower, 6 cy ea. $250 Microwave Tower, 6cy 90, $9,000 $13,500 15 kV Disc. Switch, 2 cy ea. | 5 | $1,000] 20 $2,000 $25,000 | 500 $50,000 $75,000 8 5 $19,500 | 390 | SVC Exchangers 25'x10x1',9cy | 9 T8250 ST S500] $2,250] 45 | $4,500] $6,750 | CABLE & CONDUIT Control Cabling (ft) Cable Trench (ft) 05 SITE WORK Site Preparation, Ste Plus 20" qf) [68800 | $0.30] 0008 | __S1] $20,640] 3504 | $55,000] $75,680 | o Grounding, 4/0 Cu, 20 ft. grid (ft) $7 $48,000 | 420 $42,000 Access Road $50.00' 1 | $100] $10,000] 200 $20,000 $30,00 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (4:12 PM3/10/96) to r:/WAR/CHUGACHV/0198RC_B.XLS TABLE RCO1 TABLE RCO1 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE ~ Vv. UNIT COSTS ‘EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. MATERIAL LABOR MATERIAL LABOR COST HRS UNIT | HRS ‘| UNIT 258.8 Crushed Rock, 6" (sq ft) | 51766 | $0.30] 0.005 [SIT $15,530] 258.83'] $25,883 [$41,413 | CONTROL HOUSE Prefabricated Control Building, 30'x70' Lor $320,000 _ $30,000 | $320,000 $30,000 $350,000 Building Aux Systems $50,000 $8,000 | _$50,000[ 80 | $8,000 Testing/Commisioning $35,000 $80,000 $35,000 $80,000 $115,000 SUB TOTALS $2,786,715 $7,918 $791,773 $3,578,488 ENGINEERING 6.50% $232,602 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $250,494 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $406,158 . TOTAL $4,467,742 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (4:12 PM3/10/96) to . TABLE RCO1 r:/WAR/CHUGACH/0198RC_B.XLS TABLE RC02 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE 2 SW Io V Ss UNIT COSTS ‘ EXTENDED COSTS QTY. [MATERIAL LABOR MATERIAL LABOR DESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT 115 kV, 1200A, SF6 Circuit Breaker (ea) $100,000[ 60 | $6,000] $100,000] 60 $6,000 $106,000 TISKV, Disc. Sw.1200A(ea)__—=S——«d| 4 + ‘$10,000 8 | $800 $40,000 P uiSkv,CCvT(ea) 86,000 4 S400] $18,000 12 [$1,200 115 kV Station Post Insulators (ea) s400{ 4 | s4oo] $4,800] 48 [$4,800 $9,600 | 115 kV Deadend Assembly | 6 | $2,500{ 3 $15,000 | 18 $16,800 115 kV Bus/Fittings/Jumnpers 0.5 $21,000 | 300 $30,000 $51,000 3 Phase - 20 MVAR Shunt Cap Banks | 1 | $125,000] 40 $125,000 [ 40 $129,000 TTISkV Air CoreReactors_——sSSSCd? S38 | _—'89,000 8 | $800] $27,000] 24 | $2,400] $29,400 | Microwave/Communications | ~LOT | $12,000{ 40 [| __$4,000{ $12,000] 40_ | $4,000 $16,000 | Piping for TCSC Cooling | LOT [$40,000] 160 | $16,000] $40,000 | 160 $4,000 | __$10,000 | _160 $16,000 |___ $26,000 3 $1,850,000 | 1000 | $100,000 | $1,850,000 $300,000 | $2,150,000 TCSC Controls/Instrumentation/Design LOT $750,000 [1000 | $100,000 | $750,000 | [Cooling EquipmentControls =| _LOT | $75,000] 160 | $16,000 | $75,000 $16,000 | __ $91,000 Fiber Communications LOT $75,000 800 $80,000 $75,000 $80,000 $155,000 STRUCTURES (Tapered Tube) 11S5SKV T.O.Tower, 16,000# (ea) 3 $16,000 60 $48,000 $18,000 $66,000 115 kV, Disc. Sw., 2500# (ea) 1 $3,000 60 $6,000 $9,000 115 kV Reactor Support, 2000# (ea) | 12 $1,200 115 kV Bus Support, 700# (ea) 6 12 $13,200 TCSC Supporting Insulators pis | s2,000f 8 [ _s800{ $36,000] 144 [$14,400] $50,400 | TCSC Steel Platforms | 3 | $15,000[ 40_[__$4,000{ _$45,000[ 120 [$12,000 $57,000 | | TCSC Tension Insulators | 24 T8750 4 | S400] $18,000] 96 $9,600 | _ $27,600 115 kV CCVT, 1500# (ea) 3 12 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (4:12 PM3/10/96) to / r:/WAR/CHUGACH/0198R.C_B.XLS TABLE RCO2 TABLE RC02 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE SE ” UNIT COSTS : EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. [MATERIAL LABOR MATERIAL LABOR COST HRS UNIT HRS UNIT < in FOUNDATIONS ( $250 $500 $750] __15 $1,500 $2,250 $500 $500 [10 $1,000 $1,500 $500 | ___ $500 ‘$1,000 | $1,500 | 1ISkVCapRack(12)@1Scyea [18 [$250 | $500 $4,500 $9,000 $13,500 SS Transformer , (1) @ 2 cy ea. s $500 $500 $1,000 $1,500 115 kV T.O. Tower, (3) 6 cy ea. $250 $500 $4,500 $9,000 $13,500 Microwave Tower, (3) @ 6cy 18 $500 $4,500 $9,000 $13,500 115 kV Bus Support, (6) | 9 | $250 $2,250 $4,500 Cast In Place Trenches, 60 f/400 ft 60 $400 Bypass Breaker, (3) 9 $250 Platform 32 $250 Heat Exchangers 15'x10'x1', (1) @ 5.5 cy S35 $250 45 56, 8.4 $840 $24,840 |___ $500 $8,000] 160 [$16,000 | $24,000 | $1,375 | 27.5 [$2,750] $4,125 | $500 Control Building, 24'x48'x1', (1) @ 42 cy $250 $10,500 [210 =| $1,000 $2,000 CABLE & CONDUIT | Fiber Optics Lor [$50,007 60 [$6,000 $50,000T 60 [$6,000 [$56,000 | SITE WORK Site Preparation, Site Plus 20' (sq ft) $38,000 $52,250 Fence, Perimeter & TCSC 720 36 $12,240 Grounding, 4/0 Cu, 20 ft. grid (ft) 0.05 91.5 $20,130 Access Road 1 50 Crushed Rock, 6" (sq ft) | 33696 | $0.25] 0.004 | So] $8,424 | 134.784 [$13,478] $21,902 | CONTROL HOUSE Prefabricated Control Building, 24'x48' LOT [| $184,000 | 300 $30,000 | $184,000 | 300 $30,000 | $214,000 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (4:12 PM3/10/96) to ; r:/WAR/CHUGACH/0198RC_B.XLS TABLE RCO2 TABLE RC02 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE 20 MVAR SHUNT CAPS WITH 0-40 MVAR TCSC UNIT COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. JMATERIAL[ LABOR _ [MATERIAL] __ LABOR. _—'|_—COST See a oT Pao | Building Aux Systems| 1 | _$50,000[ 80 | $8,000] $50,000] 80 | $8,000] $58,000 | Testing/Commissioning LOT $20,000 | 800 SUB TOTALS $3,803,719 9649.18 $964,918 $4,768,637 ENGINEERING 6.50% $309,961 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $333,805 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $541,240 TOTAL $5,953,644 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (4:12 PM3/10/96) to . 1:/WAR/CHUGACH/0198RC_B.XLS TABLE RCO02 TABLE RC03 - CGST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSs: TiUiN COST ESTIMATE UND JUNL/OV EAI 138 KV, 10 MVAR REACTOR EXTENDED COSTS ____UNIT COSTS DESCRIPTION QTY. |MATERIAL MATERIAL EQUIPMENT | 138kV,Disc.Sw.(ea) ss —s—‘idT:Ssia T0000] 8 $300] $10,000] 8 $800 $10,800 138 kV, Circuit Breaker (ea) | 1 |[ $100,000] 60 | $100,000 | 60 $106,000 138 kV Station Service PT See 5 $500 $25,000 5 $500 $25,500 138 kV Reactor, 10 MVAR $350,000 | 100 $10,000 | $350,000 | 100 $10,000 $360,000 138 kV Deadend Assembly (ea) | 1 | $2,000[ 40 $4,000 40 $4,000 $6,000 [-138KV Station Post Insulator(ea) | _12_| $400] 4 | $400] $4,800] 48 | $4,800] $9,600 | ee a ee 129.5_| _812,950| $18,870 138 kV Surge Arrestors (ea) $6,000 $18,000 | __12 $1,200 pe Microwave/Communications 1 $12,000 $12,000 $4,000 STRUCTURES (Tapered Tube) 138KV T.O.Tower, 12,000# (ea) 2 $12,000 138 kV, Disc. Sw., 2700# (ea) 1 $3,300 138 kV Three Phase Bus Support, 2000# (ea) 2 $2,000 8 $24,000 $3,300 $32,000 $4,500 $4,000 | 16 $1,600 $5,600 138 kV Inst. Support, 1200# (ea) | 1 | $1,200] 4 | $400] ‘$1,200 4 $400 $1,600 138 kV Switch Rack, 15,000# (ea) a $3,000 $15,000] 30 $3,000 $18,000 FOUNDATIONS 138KV T.O.Tower, 6 cy $250 $500 $6,000 | 120 $12,000 $18,000 138 kV, Disc. Sw., 2 cy 4 $250 138 kV Three Phase Bus Support, 2 cy 8 $250 40 ; 138 kV Inst. Transformer, 2.5 cy 25 $250 138 kV 10 MVAR Reactor, 15'x12'x2', 13 cy 138 kV Switch Rack, 6 cy Microwave Tower, 6cy 6. 5) 120 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (4:12 PM3/10/96) to / r:/WAR/CHUGACIV/0198RC_L.XLS TABLE RCO3 TABLE RCO03 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE R VE E Tr V,10 MV. UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. [MATERIAL LABOR MATERIAL LABOR COST HRS UNIT UNIT 138 kV Circuit Breaker, 3 cy ea. $250 $500 $750 $1,500 $2,250 B. U. Generator, 4 cy $250 $500 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 Control Enclosure, 16'x16'x1', 9cy Oil Containment, 25cy CABLE & CONDUIT Control Cabling (ft) 500 $4| 03 $30 SITE WORK ; [Site Preparation, Site Plus 20 (qh) | 24500] 8030] 0008] Si] 87350] 196 | _819,600| $06,950 | 470 TAccessRoad——SSSSSCSCSCSC~C~sC*S | 850.00] 1 | S100 82,500] 50 | 5,000] $7,500 | Crushed Rock, 6" (sq ft) CONTROL HOUSE Prefabricated Control Building, 16'x16' $100,000[ 380 | Building Aux Systems 1 $30,000 [ 80 | $8,000 $30,000 80 $8,000 $38,000 TESTING/COMMISSIONING Testing/Commissioning, $5,000 $12,000 $5,000 $12,000 $17,000 SUB TOTALS $774,372 2093.78 $209,378 $983,750 ENGINEERING 6.50% $63,944 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% >) $68,862 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $111,656 TOTAL ‘$1,228,212 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (4:12 PM3/10/96) to t:/WAR/CHUGACH/0198RC_B.XLS . TABLE RCO3 TABLE RC04 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COimMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE J O YOVERHEA I 138 KV, 22 MVAR REACTOR EXTENDED COSTS UNIT COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION COST EQUIPMENT 138 kV, Disc. Sw. (ea) | $10,000 8 $800 $10,000 8 $10,800 138 kV, Circuit Breaker (ea) | $100,000 60 $6,000 $100,000 60 $6,000 $106,000 138 kV Station Service PT | $25,000 5 $500 $25,000 5 $500 $25,500 138 kV Reactor, 22 MVAR | $450,000 100 $10,000 $450,000 100 $10,000 $460,000 138 kV Deadend Assembly (ea) 1 $2,000 40 $4,000 $2,000 40 $4,000 $6,000 138 kV Station Post Insulator (ea) 12 $400 4 $400 $4,800 48 $4,800 $9,600 138 kV Bus/Fittings 370 $16 0.35 $35 $5,920 129.5 , $12,950 $18,870 138 kV Surge Arrestors (ea) 3 $6,000 4 $400 $18,000 12 $1,200 $19,200 Microwave/Communications 1 $12,000 40 $4,000 $12,000 | 40 $4,000 $16,000 STRUCTURES (Tapered Tube) ; 138KV T.O.Tower, 12,000# (ea) | 2 $12,000 40 $4,000 | - $24,000 80 | $8,000 $32,000 138 kV, Disc. Sw., 2700# (ea) | $3,300 12 $1,200 $3,300 120, $1,200 $4,500 138 kV Three Phase Bus Support, 2000# (ea) 2 $2,000 8 $800 $4,000 16 | $1,600 $5,600 138 kV Inst. Support, 1200# (ea) 1 $1,200 4 $400 $1,200 4 $400 $1,600 138 kV Switch Rack, 15,000# (ea) | $15,000 30 $3,000 $15,000 30 $3,000 $18,000 FOUNDATIONS 138KV T.O.Tower, 6 cy $250 $500 $6,000 ee $12,000 138 kV, Disc. Sw., 2 cy 138 kV Three Phase Bus Support, 2 cy $18,000 5 $250 5 $500 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $250 5 $500 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 138 kV Inst. Transformer, 2.5 cy 20 $250 5 | __ $500 | $625 = 5 $1,250. $1,875 138 kV 22 MVAR Reactor, 15'x12'x2', 13 cy 13 $250 | PY $3,250 65 $6,500 $9,750 138 kV Switch Rack, 6 cy 24 $250 5 $500 $6,000 120 $12,000 $18,000 Microwave Tower, 6cy » 18 $250 5 $500 $4,500 90 $9,000 $13,500 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (4:12 PM3/10/96) to t:/WAR/CHUGACH/0198RC_B.XLS TABLE RC04 TABLE RC04 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE 1E I 138 KV, 22 MVAR REACTOR UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. JMATERIAL COST UNIT 138 kV Circuit Breaker, 3 cy ea. $750] 15 $1,500 $2,250 B. U. Generator, 4 cy 4 $250 5 $1,000] 20 $2,000 $3,000 [Convo Enos, 16xt6xT9ey 9 Ysa [5 $500 | __$2,250| 45 $4,500 | $6,750 $250 5 $500 $6,250 | 125 $12,500 $18,750 CABLE & CONDUIT Control Cabling (ft) L300 | $4] 03 | $30[ $2,000] 150 | $15,000 $17,000 SITE WORK Site Preparation, Site Plus 20' (sq ft) 24500 $0.30 | 0.008 $1 $7,350] 196 | $19,600 $26,950 Fence 470 0.05 $5 $5,640 | 23.5 $2,350 $7,990 Grounding, 4/0 Cu, 20 ft. grid (ft) 1550 $6.00 | 0.05 $5 $9,300 | 77.5 $7,750 $17,050 Access Road 50 1 $100 $2,500] 50 $5,000] - $7,500 Crushed Rock, 6" (sq ft) 14946 $0.25 | 0.004 $0 $3,737 | 59.784 $5,978 $9,715 CONTROL HOUSE Prefabricated Control Building, 16'x16' LOT $100,000 | _80 $8,000 | $100,000] 80 | $8,000 $108,000 Building Aux Systems 1 $30,000 [ 80 | $8,000 $30,000{ 80 | $8,000[ - $38,000 TESTING/COMMISSIONING Testing/Commissioning LOT $5,000 120 120 $12,000 $5,000 $12,000 $17,000 SUB TOTALS $874,372 2093.78 $209,378 $1,083,750 ENGINEERING 6.50% $70,444 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $75,862 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $123,006 TOTAL $1,353,062 ‘ PEI-HLY 120293-01 (4:12 PM3/10/96) to r:/WAR/CHUGACH/0198RC_B.XLS TABLE RC04 TABLE RC05 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE GRO VERHEAD N_SI 3 2 RREAC DESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT 230 kV, Disc. Sw. (ea) $10,000 $2,800 $10,000 $2,800 $12,800 230 kV, Circuit Breaker (ea) $140,000] 80 [| $8,000 $140,000] 80 | _ $8,000 230 kV Station Service PT $30,000 16 | __ $1,600 | $31,600 230 kV Reactor, 22 MVAR $575,000 120 1 H 40 UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS MATERIAL LABOR MATERIAL LABOR HRS $12,000 | __ $587,000 230 kV Deadend Assembly (ea) | $3,000] 40 | $4,000 $7,000 230 kV Station Post Insulator (ea) 12] $400] 4 230 kV Bus/Fittings $12,950 | $18,500 $31,450 230 kV Surge Arrestors (ea) 3. | $8,000] 4 | $24,000 $1,200 $25,200 | Microwave/Communications Yt $12,000T 40 | $12,000 $4,000 STRUCTURES (Tapered Tube) 230 kV T.O.Tower, 12,000# (ea) $24,000] 120 $12,000 $36,000 | 230 kV, Disc. Sw., 3000%(ea) +t 1 _| $3,500] 16 | $1,600 | $5,100 [230 KV Three Phase Bus Support, 20007 ea) | 2 | 82,000, 6 | sooo] $4000] 12 | $1,200] $5,200 | 230 kV Inst. Support, 1000# (ea) $1,100 4 FOUNDATIONS | 230kVT.O.Tower,8cy | S82 TS 8250 ST S500 88,0007 160 [$16,000] $24,000 | | 230kV Three Phase Bus Support, 3cy ss {|_—'12_~«[| ~~ $2505 | $500 $3,000] 60 | $6,000] $9,000 | 230 kV Inst. Transformer, 3 cy 3 $500 $750 $1,500 $2,250 230 kV 22 MVAR Reactor, 18'x15'x3', 30 cy 30 $250 5 $500 $7,500 | 150 $15,000 $22,500 $250 18 90 $24,000 Microwave Tower, 6 cy : $4,500 $13,500 $20,000 60 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (4:12 PM3/10/96) to r/WAR/CHUGACH/0198RC_B.XLS TABLE RCO0S TABLE RC05 - COLT ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE V. 230 KV, 22 MVAR REACTOR UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. JMATERIAL LABOR MATERIAL LABOR COST | HRS [UNIT HRS UNIT 230 kV Circuit Breaker, 5 cy (ea) $250 $500 $1,250[ 25 | $2,500 $3,750 B. U. Generator, 4 cy | 4 | $250 $500 $1,000] 20 | $2,000 $3,000 Control Enclosure, 16'x16'x1', 9cy 9 $250 5 Oil Containment, 30 cy 30 $250 5 Control Cabling (ft) | 600 | 4 0.03 J 83 82,4007 18 SITE WORK $1,800 $4,200 o cS cS oo : 2 2 $2,250 $4,500 $6,750 $500 $7,500 | 150 ort ee 2 8 5 5 0 5. CABLE & CONDUIT ; 5 5 0 Site Preparation, Site Plus 20' (sq ft) 27000 $0.30] 0. [st $8,101 $21,600 Fence ___| 500 | $12.00] 005 | ss] $6,000] 25 [$2,500 [$8,500 | Grounding, 4/0 Cu, 20 ft. grid (ft) | 1700 | $6.00] 0.05 [$5] $10,200] 85_ [$8,500 | $18,700 | | AccessRoad SOT 850.00 tT S00 | $2,500] 50 $5,000 [$7,500 | Crushed Rock, 6" (sq ft) | 16912 | $0.25] 0.004 ToT $4,228 | 67.648 CONTROL HOUSE Prefabricated Control Building, 16x16" $100,000 [80 [$8,000 [_$100,000T80_[ $8,000 $108,000 | | Building Aux Systems] tT 830,000 80 [$8,000 $30,000] 80 [$8,000 [$38,000 | Testing/Commissioning $5,000 $12,000 $5,000 $12,000 $17,000 SUB TOTALS $1,078,028 2427.65 $242,765 $1,320,793 ENGINEERING 6.50% $85,852 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $92,455 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $149,910 TOTAL. $1,649,010, PEI-HLY 120293-01 (4:12 PM3/10/96) to a r:/WAR/CHUGACH/0198RC_B.XLS TABLE RCO05 TABLE RCO06 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE UNDERGR(C D/OVERHE iT 2 V, 60 MV : UNIT COSTS DESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT 230 kV, Disc. Sw. (ea) 230 kV, Circuit Breaker (ea) : 230 kV Station Service PT 230 kV Reactor, 60 MVAR 28 [__99,800] 16 $1,600 $31,600 $12,000 $637,000 230 kV Deadend Assembly (ea) 40 $4,000 $7,000 230 kV Station Post Insulator (ea) 48 $4,800 $9,600 00] s10000 | 28] [1] $140,000 80 | 8,000 | $140,000 | 80 | [1 [$30,000] — 16 | $1,600 | — $30,000 $2,800 $12,800 $8,000 230 kV Bus/Fittings $18,500 | __ $31,450 230 kV Surge Arrestors (ea) $24,000 $1,200 $25,200 Microwave/Communications $12,000 000 [| 40 | $4,000 $16,000 STRUCTURES (Tapered Tube) 230 kV T.O.Tower, 12,000# (ea) 230 kV, Disc. Sw., 3000# (ea) 230 kV Three Phase Bus Support, 2000# (ea) 230 kV Inst. Support, 1000# (ea) 230 kV Switch Rack, 18,000# (ea) FOUNDATIONS 230 kV T.O.Tower, 8 cy $12,000 $24,000 $3,500 $2,000 $4,000 $1,100 $1,100 4 $20,000 $20,000 | 60 $24,000 $1,500 $26,000 5 $500 $8,000 esate] so] sof — 0 $500 $3,000 $6,000]. $9,000 Se ea OS Doe BSE ease 230 kV Three Phase Bus Support, 3 cy 230 kV Inst. Transformer, 3 cy 230 kV 22 MVAR Reactor, 20'x18'x3', 40 cy 230 kV Switch Rack, 8 cy Microwave Tower, 6 cy $9,000 $24,000 $13,500 160 30 60 5 $250 $500 $22,500 90 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (4:12 PM3/10/96) to ; / r/WAR/CHUGACH/0198RC_B.XLS TABLE RC06 TABLE RC06 - COST ESTIMA iING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE RGR VE A ITION SI 0 MVAR REA DESCRIPTION QTY. |MATERIAL 230 kV Circuit Breaker, 5 cy (ea) UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL LABOR MATERIAL LABOR COST UNIT HRS 5 $500 $1,250 | 25 $3,750 $500 $1,000 | 20 $3,000 B. U. Generator, 4 cy Control Enclosure, 16'x16'x1', 9cy Oil Containment, 35 cy CABLE & CONDUIT Control Cabling (ft) SITE WORK $500 $17,500 $750 $26,250 Site Preparation, Site Plus 20 (sq ft) . [moe [arsenate scone 0.05 $6,000 $2,500 $8,500 0.05 = $10,200 = $8,500 $18,700 1 $100 $2,500 | 50 $5,000 $7,500 Crushed Rock, 6" (sq ft) 16912 $0.25 | 0.004 $0 $4,228 | 67.648 $6,765 $10,993 CONTROL HOUSE Prefabricated Control Building, 16'x16" LOT | $100,000] 80 $8,000] $100,000] 80 $8,000] $108,000 Building Aux Systems 1 $30,000] 80 $8,000 | . $30,000] 80 $8,000 $38,000 TESTING/COMMISSIONING a Testing/Commissioning LOT $5,000 | 120 $12,000] _$5,000[ 120 | $12,000] __ $17,000 SUB TOTALS $1,127,278 2412.65 $241,265 $1,368,543 ENGINEERING 6.50% $88,955 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $95,798 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $155,330 TOTAL _ $1,708,626, PEI-HLY 120293-01 (4:12 PM3/10/96) to r:/WAR/CHUGACH/0192%C_B.X1 5 TABLE RC06 TABLE RCO07 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE D/OVERHEAD 7 S V, 1043 i —_ UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. {MATERIAL LABOR MATERIAL LABOR COST HRS UNIT HRS | UNIT EQUIPMENT 2 [ sio000T 8 [S800] $20,000] $21,600 $6,000 | $200,000 | 120 | $12,000 | $212,000 |138KV Station ServicePT +1 | _$25,000| 5 5 |_138kV Reactor, IOMVAR || $350,000| 100 | $10,000] $350,000] 100 [$10,000 | __ $360,000 | 138 kV Reactor, 30 MVAR | 1 | $425,000] 100 | __ $10,000] $425,000 | 100 [| _$10,000| $435,000 | 138 kV Deadend Assembly (ea) | $2,000] 40 | _ $4,000] $2,000| 40 $4,000] $6,000 | 138 KV Station Post Insulator (ea) 9 | saool 4 | _sa00f $3,600] 36 | _$3,600| _$7,200 138 kV Bus/Fittings $38,250 138 KV Surge Arrestors (ea) [6 | _s7o00[ 4 | sao0 | $2,000 | 24 [$2,400 | -Microwave/Communications {1 | $12,000[ 40 | $4,000[ _si2,000[ 40 [$4,000 | $16,000 | STRUCTURES (Tapered Tube) [ 138KV T.0.Tower, 10,0007 (ea) | 2 | 810,000] 40 | 84000] $20,000] 80 | 98,000] $28,000 |_138 kV Three Phase Bus Support, 2000# (ea) | 1 | $2,000] 8 | s800| $2,000] 8 | S800 | $2,800 | 138 kV Inst. Support, 1200# (ea) pa 4 $1,200 $400] $1,600 | 138 kV Switch Rack, 15,000# (ea) $15,000 [ 30 $15,000 FOUNDATIONS 138KV T.O.Tower, 6 cy 24 $250 5 | 138KV,Disc.Sw,2cy | 8 8250S 8500 | $6,000 $500 $3,000 5 $500 [138kV 10 MVAR Reactor, 15x12x2, Bey | 13 | $250] 5 | _$500| 138 kV 30 MVAR Reactor, 18'x15'x3', 30 cy $500 $22,500, PEI-HLY 120293-01 (4:12 PM3/10/96) to r:/WAR/CHUG? ~*: 1/0198RC_B.XLS TABLE RCO7 TABLE RCO7 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE /OV. ITT a " | HRS | UNIT HRS $500 120 | Microwave Tower, 6cy |B $250 $500 90 [138 kV Circuit Breaker, 3eyean +4 6 | $250] 5 | $500] $1,500] _30_| B. U. Generator, 4 cy _—< |} 2} $500 $1,000] 20 - $2,000 Control Enclosure, 16'x16'x1', 9cy | 9 | $250[ 5 $500 $2,250 $4,500 CABLE & CONDUIT [ Control Cabling (R) ‘| 1000] 4] 03 | sso] 84000] 300 | $30,000] $34,000 SITE WORK Site Preparation, Site Plus 20' (sq ft) Fence $12.00 | 0.05 $5 $6,480 | 27 Grounding, 4/0 Cu, 20 ft. grid (ft) 2500 $15,000 Access Road $50.00 1 $100 $2,500 | Crushed Rock, 6"(sqft) i t8656 | $0.25] 0.004 [Sot $4,664 [ 74.624 [$7,462 [$12,126 | CONTROL HOUSE Prefabricated Control Building, 16'x16' $100,000 a — $100,000| 80 | $8,000 $108,000 [ Building Aux Systems Tt 830,000] 80] $8,000 $30,0007 80 | $8,000] $38,000 | TESTING/COMMISSIONING Testing/Commissioning $8,000 $80,000 $8,000 $80,000 $88,000 SUB TOTALS $1,353,551 3461.32 $346,132 $1,699,683 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (4:12 PM3/10/96) to TABLE RCO7 r:/WAR/CHUGACH/0198RC_B.XLS TABLE RCO07 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATIGNN COST ESTIMATE + ; UNIT COSTS [_____ EXTENDED COSTS | TOTAL DESCRIPTION aty. [MATERIAL LABOR MATERIAL LABOR COST | HRS | UNIT HRS | UNIT ENGINEERING 6.50% $110,479 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $118,978 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $192,914 TOTAL $2,122,055 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (4:12 PM3/10/96) to 1:/WAR/CHUGACH/0198RC_B.XLS TABLE RCO7 TABLE RCO8 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE INDER! JND/OVERHE SIT SITE +: V, D R DESCRIPTION QTY. {MATERIAL EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL MATERIAL LABOR COST UNIT EQUIPMENT 230 kV, Disc. Sw. (ea) 2 el 330 KV Station Service PT_—_| 1 | $30,000] 8 | soo] $30,000 8 | ._seo0] $30,800 LL A 230 kV Deadend Assembly (ea) 1 $2,000] 40 | $4,000] $2,000] 40 | $4,000] —_ $6,000 | | 230KV Station PostInsulator(ea) sss] 69 S| SS $400 4ST $400 83,600] 36 =| $3,600[ —_—_—$7,200 | 500 230 KV Surge Arrestors (ea) $7,000 Microwave/Communications $12,000[ 40 | $4,000] $12,000] 40 [| $4,000] $16,000 | STRUCTURES (Tapered Tube) 230 kV T.O.Tower, 12,0004 (ea) 230 KV, Disc. Sw., 3000# (ea) 230 kV Three Phase Bus Support, 2000# (ea) 230 kV Inst. Support, 1000# (ea) 230 kV Switch Rack, 18,000# (ea) FOUNDATIONS 230 kV T.O.Tower, 8 cy 230 kV, Disc. Sw., 3 cy 230 kV Three Phase Bus Support, 3 cy 230 kV Inst. Transformer, 3 cy 230 kV 30 MVAR Reactor, 18'x15'x3', 30 cy 230 kV 40 MVAR Reactor, 20'x15'x3', 33 cy 36,000 [$600 | 82,000] — 6 | s00- | $2,600 | $400 $1,100 - $400 $1,500 $8,000 $16,000 $24,000 $500 60 $6,000 $9,000 $500 $1,500 $3,000 $4,500 $500 $750| 15 $1,500 $2,250 $16,500 $24,750 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (4:12 PM3/10/96) to . ; r:/WAR/CHUGACH/0198RC_B.XLS TABLE RCO8 TABLE RC08 - COST ESTIMATING INFORMATION REACTIVE COMPENSATION COST ESTIMATE 230 kV Switch Rack, 8 cy | 32 | s2sot 5 Ts500T$8,000T 160 [$16,000 | $24,000 ] 230 kV Circuit Breaker, 5 cy (ea) $250 $500 $1,250 B. U. Generator, 4 cy $500 Control Enclosure, 16'x16'x!', Icy | $2sof sf S500] $2,250] 45 [84,500 | $6,750 | Oil Containment, 35 cy CABLE & CONDUIT ere a i 800000 00 0 i HOE eS FT eno Fee 00 S84 ce SITE WORK Site Preparation, Site Plus 20' (sq ft) 32850 | _ $0.30] 0.008 | SI $9,855] 262.8 [$26,280] $36,135 | i TCS <9 NTE $2,910 [ $9,894 2100 $12,600 | _105_| Teale Access Road 50 A Crushed Rock, 6" (sq ft) 21392 $0.25] 0.004 | Sof $5,348 | 85.568 CONTROL HOUSE 5 Prefabricated Control Building, 16'x16' LOT $100,000| 80 | $8,000] $100,000] 80 | $8,000] $108,000 | Building Aux Systems $30,000 | _ $8,000] $30,000[ 80 $8,000 [$38,000 | TESTING/COMMISSIONING c 5 - 3 Testing/Commissioning $8,000] _140 $14,000 $8,000 | _140 $14,000 $22,000 SUB TOTALS $1,795,237 3263.47 _ $326,347 __ $2,121,584 ENGINEERING 6.50% $137,903 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $148,511 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $240,800 TOTAL —_—$2,648,797 PEI-HLY 120293-01 (4:12 PM3/10/96) to r:/WAR/CHUGACH/0198RC_B.XLS TABLE RCO8 ee SUPPORT DISC sw OIL CONTAINMENT (TYP) HEAT EXCHANGERS (IF REQUIRED) UU 38 20 MVAR SHUNT CAP FILTER CAPACITORS BANK AND REACTORS CAPACITOR AREA CABLE TRENCH J TSC SUBSTATION AND SVC CONTROL BUILDING 30’ x 70° REACTOR AREA 115KV T.0. TOWER 6’ INTERIOR FENCE WITH OUT BARBED WIRE 3 Shunt CaP ' LAYOUT APPLICABLE FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATION BANK © EXISTING 115KV INTERTIEs NEW SITE NEAR PORTAGE WAS PREPARED BY POWER, 3/96 SOUTHERN INTERTIE 108 NUMBER in Costner he seer 338 EXISTING INTERTIE 120193.02 anime tT CE CRaTiOn TH SPECI XISTING_IN 293. eee ee — PORTAGE "SUB F Tune 6 CONTAINED IN THIS ORAWING FOR any PURPOSE [3 PRONDIND UmESS WITTEN PLRUSSION TSSUED_WITH REPORT 3240, cL EMBROOK DRIVE 40 MVAR SHUNT CAPACITOR ee ee ae ee eee REVISIONS OSGN] CKD. REFERENCE DRAWINGS For 11017 owe wy BANK WITH +/- 20 MVAR SVC [cranteo. B-MAR-1996 15736 futsz. tbr 11SKV LINE € 1.0. TOWER 3 20MVAR SHUNT CAPBANK THIS DRAWING WAS PREPARED BY POWER JENCIMEERS. INC. FOR & SPECIFIC PROJECT. [TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE SPECIFIC Jan UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROJECT. REUSE OF THIS DRAWING OR ANY M6 OFBAATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING FOR ANY PURPOSE 15 PROMIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN PERMISSION JFROM BOTH POMER AND POMER'S CLIENT IS cRanteD. DISC SW. AND BYPASS DISC SW € 1.0. TOWER. ISOLATING. PIPING AND CABLE TRENCH HEAT EXCHANGERS (TYP) TO LINE VOLTAGE INSULATED € PLATFORMS REACTORS CONTROL /COOL ING BUILDING (24°-0" x 48°-0") CAPS RACKS (TYP) + ISOLATING. DISC SW. AND BYPASS DISC SW BYPASS. BREAKER (ONE PER PHASE) 115KV LINE | 20-0" DRIVE GATE ISSUED WITH REPORT REVISIONS REFERENCE DRAWINGS FOR 11x17 DwG OMY LAYOUT APPLICABLE FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATION © EXISTING 115KV INTERTIE. NEW SITE NEAR PORTAGE NOTES 1. BUS CONNECTIONS ON PLATFORM ARE NOT SHOWN. SOUTHERN INTERTIE JOB NUMBER 120293..02 EXISTING INTERTIE CAPS (TCSC) & 20MVAR SHUNT CAP BANK ‘S-wan-V996 15137 | fuler.tor | PORTAGE SUB DRAWING NO |REV 3340, Lenogo 40MVAR THY CONTROLLED SERIES RC-02 JA THIS DRAWING WAS PREPARED BY POWER] JENCIMEERS. INC. FOR A SPECIFIC PROJECT. TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE SPECIFIC WO UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROJECT. ]ACUSE OF THIS DRAWING OR ANT INF ORBATION CONTAINED IM THIS DRAWING FOR ANY PURPOSE 1S PROMIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN PERMISSION] }FROM BOTH POMER ANO POMER'S CLIENT IS GRANTED. OVERHE AD TRANSMISSION STATION SERVICE PT 16’ x 16° CONTROL ENCLOSURE MICRO WAVE TOWER 20'-0" DRIVE GATE CABLE TERMINATION STRUCTURE WITH JACK BUS FOR 4TH CABLE 7 CONTAINMENT UNDERGROUND OR SUBMARINE CABLE ROUTE LAYOUT APPLICABLE FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS QUARTZ CREEK CORRIDOR - BIRD POINT - 138KV 10MVAR QUARTZ CREEK CORRIDOR - SNIPERS POINT - 138KV 10MVAR ENSTAR CORRIDOR - POTTERS MARSH - 138KV 22MVAR ENSTAR CORRIDOR - BURNT ISLAND CREEK - 138KV 22MVAR NOTES 1. REACTOR SIZE SHOWN TYPICAL FOR PRIMARY VOLTAGE ONLY. SIZES WILL VARY SLIGHTLY WITH MVAR RATING. SOUTHERN INTERTIE GR DOWER UNDERGROUND TO OVERHEAD TRANSITION SITE ISSUED FOR APPROVAL REVISIONS REFERENCE DRAWINGS falcess DAO. 85533 WITH REACTOR FOR 11x17 DWG ONY ‘8-MAR-1996 10:41 JOB NUMBER 120293. 02 FIGURE NO RC-03 STATION SERVICE PT LAYOUT APPLICABLE FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS © QUARTZ CREEK CORRIDOR - BIRD POINT - 230KV 22MVAR © QUARTZ CREEK CORRIDOR - SNIPERS POINT - 230KV 22MVAR intr aha * ENSTAR CORRIDOR - POTTERS MARSH - 230KV GOMVAR SE Ur ¢ ENSTAR CORRIDOR - BURNT ISLAND CREEK - 230KV GOMVAR OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINE CABLE TERMINATION STRUCTURE. WITH JACK BUS FOR 4TH CABLE 16’ x 16" CONTROL ENCLOSURE MICRO WAVE TOWER 20-0" DRIVE GATE NS OIL CONTAINMENT NOTES 1. REACTOR SIZE SHOWN TYPICAL FOR PRIMARY VOLTAGE ONLY. SIZES WILL VARY SLIGHTLY WITH MVAR RATING. THIS DRAWING WAS PREPARED BY POWER SOUTHERN INTERTIE JOB NUMBER ewcincens. tn. FOR A SPECIFIC Prueer, [TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE SPECIFIC 120293. 02 caer sdks sausoes th'cee' eta UNDERGROUND TO OVERHEAD FIGURE NO satan In bets roca P48 sa potest 1” = 20'-0" TRANSITION SITE 1S PROAIBITED UNLESS. WRITTEN PERMISSION TSSUED FOR APPROVAL Aaee ee MbANO’ BS395 WITH REACTOR Cc HAILEY. IDAHO 63333 ew REVISIONS REFERENCE DRAWINGS FOR 11217 0G om B-wak-1996 TOrMT 100'-0" : 7 - - - — 7 + . Zo CONTAINMENT 8 | { LAYOUT APPLICABLE FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATION © TESORO CORRIDOR ~ POINT POSSESION - 138KV 1-10MVAR AND 1-30MVAR REACTOR STATION t SERVICE PT a Sa X 23 ras f ez | BE ¢ CC —— 28 . ANSM IN zs. TTT TTT ‘a ? LINE 23 t UNDERGROUND OR = zx SUBMARINE = 5S CABLE. ROUTE we fF ————— }-— — — we / a= se | | | BACK-UP GEN D 16" x 16" CONTROL ENCLOSURE { { MICRO WAVE ~ | TOWER Se CONTAINMENT 20'-0" DRIVE GATE NOTES ' 1. REACTOR SIZE SHOWN TYPICAL FOR PRIMARY VOLTAGE ONLY. SIZES | WILL VARY SLIGHTLY WITH MVAR RATING. 2. 1-30MVAR REACTOR WILL ALSO BE ADDED AT PT. WORONZOF - - aah | SUBSTATION. THIS DRAWING WAS PREPARED BY POWER: OSGN TWO 03/96 SOUTHERN INTERTIE JOB NUMBER JENGINEERS. INC. FOR A SPECIFIC PROJECT. DORN LCM 03/96. ie io eto Str orn <. Wh 120293.02 TPES : fetse ons une re Omen ae DOWER UNDERGROUND TO OVERHEAD FIGURE NO [REV raaiies ta nits tare (es ten earear SCALE: 1” = 20'-0 TRANSITION SITE 1S PROWIBITED MLESS WITTEN PFBSSION 7X_[ISSUED FOR APPROVAL Paice se NBAROY 85335 WITH REACTORS RC-05 |A\ awe REV REVISIONS DATE | DRN |DSGN] CKD | APPD REFERENCE DRAWINGS Fon 11217 Owe ome B-MAR-1996 1012 fulsz. tbl Fc05.a9n LAYOUT APPLICABLE FOR THE FOLLOWING LOCATION ¢ TESORO CORRIDOR - POINT POSSESION - 230KV 1-3OMVAR AND 1-40MVAR REACTOR ‘STATION SERVICE Py OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINE UNDERGROUND OR > SUBMARINE x CABLE ROUTE = #8) CABLE TERMINATION STRUCTURE WITH JACK BUS FOR 4TH CABLE BACK-UP GEN 16" x 16° CONTROL ENCLOSURE MICRO WAVE TOWER 20'-0" DRIVE GATE NOTES 1. REACTOR SIZE SHOWN TYPICAL FOR PRIMARY VOLTAGE ONLY. SIZES WILL VARY SLIGHTLY WITH MVAR RATING. 1-75MVAR REACTOR WILL ALSO BE ADDED AT PT. WORONZOF SUBSTATION. fncictnss nc. Fn b SUCIFIC PROCT. 1 O58 SOUTHERN INTERTIE JOB NUMBER Oe re cocinoms ts he SRC 80 UNIOUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROT. GR QUE PROC RCROUNOLTOLOVERHEAD 120293, 02 eran mans aanonrial 17 =20° TRANSITION SITE FIGURE WO) /ReV [COmTAINED 10 THIS DRAWING FOR unr PURPOSE ESS WRIT 1S PROWIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN PERRISS 10) TSSUED FOR APPROVAL 3240, cLENBROOK DRIVE WITH REACTORS orm Poste io PON'S CLIC 3 lassets cL ERLE REVISIONS REFERENCE DRAWINGS ‘B-MAR-1996 10141