HomeMy WebLinkAboutS. Intertie Phase 1 Feb 13-1996CHUGACH ELECTRIC yo. ASSOCIATION, INC. Cen kectric February 14, 1996 fF C F [ V E | Alaska Industrial Development 77 6 and Export Authority FEB 16 1996 480 West Tudor Alaska Industrial Development Anchorage, Alaska 99503 and Export Authority Attention: Mr. William R. Snell, Executive Director Subject: Southern Intertie - Route Selection Services Draft Design Section Report Dear Mr. Snell: Enclosed is one copy of subject report for your information. A copy of the report has also been sent to all IPG Technical Committee members. Should you wish to provide separate comments or have questions, please, don’t hesitate to contact me or our Project Manager, Dora Gropp at (907) 762-4626. Sincerely, Fe (2 - +h ¢ Eugene N. Bjornstad General Manager ENB/ cahw ¢:\a\wpdocs¥£959008 I \enb0296.wpd Enclosure: — Draft Design Section Report dated February 13, 1996. CC: Lee Thibert Michael Massin W.O.#E9590081, Sec., RF 5601 Minnesota Drive ¢ RO. Box 196300 * Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 Phone 907-563-7494 ¢ FAX 907-562-0027 PROJECT NO.: 120293-01 OUR ISSUEDTO:_— ERS COPY NO: CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. CONTRACT NO. 95-208 SOUTHERN INTERTIE ROUTE SELECTION STUDY PHASE 1 FEBRUARY 13, 1996 DRAFT DESIGN SECTION REPORT FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: = Larry Henriksen, P.E. = Randy Pollock, P.E. = Tim Ostermeier, P.E. POWER ENGINEERS, INC. @ P.O. BOX 1066 @ HAILEY, IDAHO 83333 (208) 788-3456 @ FAX (208) 788-2082 SOUTHERN INTERTIE ROUTE SELECTION STUDY PHASE I DESIGN SECTION REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS DESIGN REPORT SUMMARY I. Introduction 0. Summary of Preliminary Design Results e Overhead Lines e Submarine and Underground Cable e Substations e Reactive Compensation OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINE I Introduction Il. | Governing Codes and Practices Il. Data Common to all Line Designs IV. Line Design 1 (Kenai Flats/Turnagain Arm) V. Line Design 2 (Anchorage/Kenai Area) VI. Line Design 3 (East Cook Inlet Flats/Fire Island) VII. Line Design 4 (Mountainous) VII. Line Design 5 (Portage Flats) IX. Line Design 6 (Bird Point to Girdwood) X. Line Design 7 (Bird Point Crossing) SUBMARINE AND UNDERGROUND TRANSMISSION CABLE . Corridor Descriptions Il. Engineering Calculations Submarine and Underground Cable Land Cable Cable Designs VI. Cable System Reliability <25 SUBSTATIONS Introduction Governing Codes and Standards Bernice Lake Substation International Substation University Substation Soldotna Substation . Point Woronzof Substation gs<2HFO REACTIVE COMPENSATION Introduction Governing Codes and Practices Shunt Capacitor Banks Shunt Reactors Static Var Compensators Series Capacitor Banks VII. Battery Energy Storage S<<3HR™ APPENDIX A - Overhead Transmission Lines APPENDIX B - Submarine and Underground Cable SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT ROUTE SELECTION STUDY - PHASE 1 DRAFT DESIGN SECTION REPORT DESIGN CRITERIA AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN SUMMARY INTRODUCTION This Draft Design Section Report presents the results of engineering studies to determine preliminary design criteria and designs for electrical facilities required for the Southern Intertie Project. The preliminary designs will be used to develop cost estimates for and evaluate the feasibility of different routes and voltages for the Southern Intertie Project. The preliminary designs may be modified and/or optimized when detailed engineering is performed. This work was performed by POWER Engineers, Inc. and it’s subcontractor, Dryden & LaRue, under Chugach Contract #95-208 for Chugach Electric Association, Manager of the Southern Intertie Project for the Intertie Participants Group (IPG). The objective of the report is to determine: Preliminary overhead, underground, and submarine electric transmission line designs. The preliminary designs will have the electrical characteristics as determined by the Studies Section Report. Preliminary designs were prepared for the routing opportunities identified by Dames & Moore in their environmental analysis through February 9, 1996. Preliminary substation designs. The preliminary designs for substation facilities will perform the functions required by the electrical system studies. These designs will describe modifications and additions to existing substations at both ends of the new Southern Intertie. Preliminary reactive compensation station designs. Electrical system studies have determined the requirement for reactive compensation to control the voltage rise caused by the shunt capacitance of submarine cables and overhead transmission lines. Electrical system studies have also determined the need for reactive compensation installations to provide for dynamic system stability and to contro] steady-state power transfer. The size and design of these compensation stations depends upon the specific route and voltage. The report presents the results of preliminary design and design criteria selection for: Overhead transmission lines at 230kV and 138kV for seven different design cases (combinations of terrain, route characteristics, and climatological loading). Underground and submarine transmission lines at 230kV and 138kV. Modifications for Bernice Lake, International, University, Soldotna, and Point Woronzof substations, for both 230kV and 138kV alternatives. Only one substation in PEI-HLY 55-0064aa 120293-01 (01/96) ab 1 the Anchorage area and one substation in the Soldotna or Bernice Lake area will require modification for the selected project alternative. Reactive compensation installations associated with the existing overhead 115kV line and new 138kV or 230kV Southern Intertie facilities. The preliminary designs and design criteria include: eeeee Preliminary design criteria for overhead lines. Preliminary structure configurations and weights for overhead transmission lines, along with the number and type of structures, anchors, and foundations for a typical mile of line. The “links” where the preliminary overhead and underground transmission designs are applicable. Dames & Moore’s environmental analysis has defined routing opportunities into “links”, which are potential route segments with generally similar design requirements. The cost estimates will be organized by link in the Draft Economic Section Report, that will be provided by March 11, 1996. Refer to the index and map located in Appendix A for “link” identification. Submarine cable crossing preliminary designs discussed by individual crossing. The submarine cable preliminary designs are site specific. Substation preliminary design discussion, with one line diagrams, for each substation. A summary of reactive compensation station requirements. Typical reactive compensation station one-line diagrams. A discussion of reactive compensation options and compensation station descriptions. Supporting material in appendices. SUMMARY. OF PRELIMINARY DESIGN RESULTS The following is a summary of the preliminary designs and associated conclusions recommended for use in preparing cost estimates and evaluating potential scenarios. OVERHEAD LINES @ Single pole tubular steel structures with concrete drilled pier foundations in the Anchorage Area. Guyed X structures with pile or rock-anchor foundations outside the Anchorage area, except for the Bird Point Crossing and the Bird Point to Girdwood section. Wood pole H-frame, guyed V, and guyed X structures were considered. The costs of these structure types are generally competitive. The design which is most suitable for a given line segment is dependent upon the construction techniques used along with the accessibility, soils, and terrain of the specific line segment involved. Guyed X structures were selected because they are a proven design and are suitable for use in a wide variety of situations, and the time constraints and scope of this project did not permit the detailed evaluation necessary to determine the optimum structure for the PEI-HLY 55-0064aa 120293-01 (01/96) ab 2 many line segments in each potential route. The use of guyed X structures will result in realistic cost and feasibility comparisons between routes regardless of the structure type selected in final design. Wood pole H frame and guyed V structures remain alternatives for the final design. ®& Special double circuit steel towers using extra-strength conductor for the Bird Point to Girdwood section. @ Special single circuit steel towers using extra-strength conductor for the overhead Bird Point crossing. @ NESC Heavy loading conditions with extra heavy ice, snow, and wind depending upon location or as further defined by specific link. @ 795 kcmil ACSR conductor except for the Bird Point to Girdwood section and the Bird Point crossing. SUBMARINE AND UNDERGROUND CABLE @ The table included at the end of this section presents a summary of the cable types and installation procedures to be used for preliminary cost estimating. Analysis of available data leads us to believe these are viable options, however, specific marine survey and/or geotechnical investigations will be required to confirm these conclusions. The preliminary cost estimates will allow the determination of which corridors, if any, should be selected for the additional specific investigations and engineering required to arrive at a final design. # Installation of cable using a water jet assisted cable plow to embed the cables is preferred for all corridors except Bird Point. Our preliminary design effort has determined that all corridors present challenges for installation which in some cases may prevent the water jet assisted cable plow’s use, and that marine surveys will need to be performed to determine if a particular route is suitable for the water jet assisted cable plow. Comments on particular corridors follow: # The Beluga Corridor is recommended for elimination from further consideration due to difficulty and expense of installation and poor cable reliability caused by the fast currents, exposed rock bottom, and rolling boulders. Additionally, Chugach Electric Associations Point MacKenzie to Point Woronzof undersea high-voltage cables have performed poorly under similar but less severe conditions. @ The Tesoro corridor is recommended for further consideration if preliminary cost estimates justify additional investigation. This corridor is subject to some of the fastest currents in the area making installation of the cable difficult. Marine surveys PEI-HLY 55-0064aa 120293-01 (01/96) ab 8 will need to be conducted to verify that laying cable in this corridor is practical and that the cable can be embedded and protected successfully. Preliminary cost estimates will be prepared for four rock-armored single-phase self-contained fluid-filled (SCFF) cables and for two three-phase rock-armored SCFF cables. @ The Klatt corridor was identified very recently and little information has been developed for it. Two routes are identified in this corridor. The first is from the Klatt Street landfall in Anchorage to Point Possession. Based on data available at the time of this writing, the character of the route is expected to be similar to the Tesoro Corridor. Preliminary cost estimates will be prepared for four rock-armored single- phase SCFF cables and for two three-phase rock-armored SCFF cables. The second route is from the Klatt Street landfall to near Burnt Island Creek on the Kenai Peninsula. Based on available information, this second route is likely to be practical for cable installation and will allow adequate embedment of submarine cable in similar fashion as the Enstar cable corridors. Preliminary cost estimates will be prepared for four armored single-phase SCFF cables and for two three-phase armored SCFF cables. These two routes will be investigated in more detail and the results of these investigations will be included in the final report. @ The Enstar corridor is recommended for further consideration if preliminary cost estimates justify additional investigation. Analysis of the available data leads us to believe this route will allow adequate embedment to protect the cable. Preliminary cost estimates will be prepared for four armored single-phase SCFF cables and for two three-phase armored SCFF cables. @ The Bird Point corridor is recommended for further consideration if preliminary cost estimates justify further investigation. Analysis of available data for this short (less than three mile) crossing indicates that directional boring is a viable option. A directional bore will permit installation of a casing through which the cable can be pulled. In this type of installation the cable would be very well protected and provide very high reliability. Additional geotechnical evaluations are required to confirm that directional boring can be accomplished. A preliminary cost estimate will be prepared for a directional bore with high pressure gas filled (HPGF) cables. In addition preliminary cost estimates will be prepared for four armored single-phase SCFF submarine cables and for two three-phase armored SCFF submarine cables. * Land based (underground) cables are assumed to be required in some locations. Depending upon individual circumstances, cross link polyethylene (XLPE) insulated cables, SCFF, or HPGF underground cables may be used for preliminary estimating purposes. PEI-HLY 55-0064aa 120293-01 (01/96) ab 4 SUBSTATIONS @ Substation modification and additions will be required two existing substations, one in the Anchorage area and one on the Kenai to terminate any scenario of the new Southern Intertie. @ The terminus of a new intertie in the Anchorage area would be University, International or Point Woronzof substations. @ The terminus of a new intertie on the Kenai would be Bernice Lake or Soldotna substations. # No transformation would be required at the Anchorage area for the 138kV option. All 138kV options required a 138/115kV autotransformer on the Kenai. # New 230/138kV autotransformers in the Anchorage area and new 230/115kV transformers on the Kenai would be required for all scenarios for a 230kV Southern Intertie, except at University where there is an existing 230kV bus. @ No new substation sites are required for any of the Southern Intertie scenarios. REACTIVE COMPENSATION STATIONS * New sites will be required for all reactor sites at the submarine cable landfalls except for Point Woronzof. # Shunt capacitors, static var compensation (SVC), thyristor-controlled series capacitors (TSCS), or battery energy storage (BES) compensation will require significant site additions to existing substations or new sites under all scenarios. # Shunt capacitor banks totaling approximately 6(0MVAR will be needed to support the voltage on the existing 115kV line for increased power transfer capability. SVC control is expected be used for 20MVAR of thyristor controlled reactors to work in conjunction with a total of three steps of 20MVAR shunt capacitors. @ Series compensation of the existing 115kV line could be used, rather than shunt compensation, to counteract the line inductive reactance to reduce voltage drop and increase power transfer. This can be accomplished with a single bank of series capacitors rated at 25 ohms (equivalent to 40MVAR) of either switched series capacitors or TCSC or a combination of switched capacitors and TCSC. ®@ Shunt reactors are required for all 230kV line route options to hold the voltage within operating limits when the line is at zero or low load levels. Reactive compensation requirements range from two banks of 22MVAR each for all overhead line alternatives to two banks of 7SMVAR each for the longest submarine crossing for the PEI-HLY 55-0064aa 120293-01 (01/96) ab 5 Tesoro route. One “bank” is located on each end of the line or submarine cable landing. * Shunt reactors are also required for all 138kV alternatives with a submarine cable crossing to hold the cable voltage within operating limits. Two 22MVAR banks are required for the Enstar route and two 40MVAR reactor banks are required for the Tesoro Route. One reactor bank at each cable landing site will be required. For the Tesoro Route, the Point Woronzof reactor bank is being specified in two steps to allow the cable capacitance to be used in the system to reduce generated reactive power requirements. The Tesoro Route reactive compensation also assumes that one of the existing 11MVAR reactors at Point Woronzof is available for compensating the new submarine cable. @ For the Bird Point Crossing, approximately two-1OMVAR reactor banks would be required to maintain acceptable operating voltages. No specific system studies in the draft studies report were performed to determine this level, only a linear approximation from the other routes. @ Battery Energy Storage (BES) at Anchorage and Bernice Lake would provide a very fast-acting source/sink for real and reactive power during system disturbances. BES systems generally improve system stability by allowing more time (20 minutes) for the system generators to respond to system events. The preliminary studies determined that BES units sized to +/- 40MVA, rated at 20 minutes will improve stability in both Anchorage and on the Kenai. Steady-state power transfer was not increased to desirable levels utilizing only the BES. The addition of a new transmission line was necessary to provide the increased steady-state power transfer capacity desired. PEI-HLY 55-0064aa 120293-01 (01/96) ab 6 SUMMARY OF CABLE TYPES AND INSTALLATION PROCEDURES SUBMARINE CABLE TYPE UNDERGROUND CABLE TYP. E 1 PHASE}3 PHAS! IXLPE SCFF SCFF XLPE | SCFF EPR HPFF ROUTE ELIMINATED Point Possession to Fire Island Cable jet installed in silty bottom area Bottom layed in rocky (hard) areas Fire Island to Point Woronzof Cable jet installed in silty bottom area Point Possession to Point Woronzof Cable jet installed in silty bottom area Bottom layed in rocky (hard) areas ENSTAR Cable jet installed in silty bottom area Cable jet installed in silty bottom area Bottom layed in rocky (hard) areas Cable jet installed in silty bottom area. Bird Point to Snipers Point Cable jet installed in silty bottom area HPGF considered if Directional Drilling is feasible : |C=Conventional A=Armored RA=Rock Armored NA=Not Applicable *=Not to be estimated PRELIMINARY DESIGN CRITERIA AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN OVERHEAD LINES SECTION I: INTRODUCTION The preliminary design criteria along with the preliminary designs based on them are intended for determining the feasibility and relative cost of construction for overhead transmission lines within the prospective corridors identified in the alternative corridor identification process. The preliminary design criteria are based on a review of the 1993 edition of the National Electrical Safety Code, a review of the designs of existing lines in the area, and the judgment of Dryden & LaRue and POWER Engineers. These design criteria will result in designs and cost estimates to allow realistic cost and technical feasibility comparisons between potential corridors, but are not intended for final design. The design criteria used for final design will be a refinement of these design criteria and will require a more detailed investigation of the conditions along the selected corridor than was possible for a study of this scope. The information on the existing line designs has been collected and is included in an appendix for future reference. This design data covers many years and several NESC editions, so direct comparison between the different designs is not always possible. The preliminary designs are based on the design criteria developed in this report. The preliminary designs are representative of transmission line designs appropriate for the design criteria and documented route conditions. In some instances it is expected that designs different from those used in this study may be selected for final design. This study cannot evaluate the requirements of each segment of each potential route in the detail required for final design. ; A specific example is the use of guyed steel X structures for many of the line design cases. Wood pole H-frame, guyed X and guyed V structures were considered. Guyed X structures were selected for this study because they are a proven design and are competitive in cost with wood pole H-frame' or guyed V structures. Guyed X structures have advantages over wood pole H-frames in soil conditions which require extraordinary methods to excavate pole holes and in areas which have difficult access for heavy equipment. Conversely, wood pole H-frames have an advantage in areas that have competent soils which can be augered with conventional line construction equipment and have good access for construction equipment. Similarly, guyed V structures may prove advantageous on some line segments, particularly if helicopter construction is required. ' Reference the Phase 1 - Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Power Project, Feasibility Study of Transmission Line System, Dryden & LaRue, August 1983. This study compared the cost of steel X structure vs. wood pole H-frame line construction and concluded that the transmission line installed costs for the two structure types are virtually the same. PEI-HLY 55-0064B 120293-01 (01/96) ab 1 In final design, the specific route selected would be evaluated to determine which structure type would be most appropriate on a segment-by-segment basis. Such an evaluation requires a detailed, on-the-ground reconnaissance and a_ geotechnical evaluation of the specific route. This will allow economic, construction, and engineering concerns to be weighed to select the most appropriate structure type for each segment. Such an effort is beyond the scope of this study and would be performed in final design. Guyed X structures were selected because of their established track record and versatility, and because the cost estimates prepared using guyed X structures will result in cost comparisons which are representative between routes, regardless of the structure types chosen in final design. The design cases are numbered 1 through 7, and 230kV and 138kV preliminary line designs have been prepared for each design case. The geographic locations to which these designs apply are defined by the line segment identifiers, called “links”, which were assigned by Dames & Moore in the environmental analysis. Refer to the Index and map located in Appendix A for link identification. Information on the preliminary line design is contained in tables in this section. The tables contain structure weights, foundation types and sizes, and similar information. Also included are the number of structures, foundations, and anchors expected for a typical mile of line. When costs are estimated, the design information, along with quantities per mile, will be used to arrive at a per mile cost for typical line construction. If appropriate in specific cases, the per mile cost of the line will be multiplied by a “difficulty factor” to arrive at a per mile line cost for estimating purposes. The per mile cost will then be multiplied by the number of miles in a “link” to arrive at the cost of the transmission line for that “link.” Link costs will then be added to arrive at total line costs for competing routes. In some cases more than one design will be used in a link. For example, a link could have single pole and guyed X structures. SECTION II: GOVERNING CODES AND PRACTICES The 1993 edition of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) governs overhead transmission line design in Alaska. The minimum requirements of the NESC are met or exceeded in the design criteria. In addition to the minimum requirements of the NESC, the experiences of local utilities were considered in developing design criteria. This was done through a review of the design criteria used for existing lines, and when known, the performance of the existing lines. The result was ice and/or wind loadings in excess of minimum NESC requirements. PEI-HLY 55-0064B 120293-01 (01/96) ab 2 SECTION I: © DATA COMMON TO ALL LINE DESIGNS Subsection A: Site Description: No permafrost or significant frost jacking is expected. Shield wires for lightning are not required, due to the low incidence of lightning. Subsection B: Electrical Requirements: 795 kCM ACSR conductor (except for Design 6 and Design 7 for the Bird Point to Girdwood section and Bird Point crossing) 138kV and 230kV Typical insulation levels the equivalent of eight 10-inch diameter porcelain insulators at 138kV and twelve 10-inch diameter porcelain insulators at 230kV Subsection C: Mechanical/Civil Requirements: UUUUUS Conductor tension will be controlled to meet NESC limits, will have a tension of less than 70% of ultimate tensile at extreme loading conditions, and will have a catenary constant of less than 5,000 ft with bare conductor in final condition at 0 degrees F. Note that for Designs 6 and 7, which are long span sections between Bird Point and Girdwood and between Bird Point and Sniper Point, high-strength conductors will be used and the catenary constant limit noted above will be exceeded. Overload Capacity Factors of: Transverse Wind Loads 1.00 (Extreme Wind) Transverse Wind Loads 2.50 (NESC Heavy) Vertical Loads 1.00 (Extreme Snow or Ice) Vertical Loads 1.50 (NESC Heavy) Other Loadings Per Table 261-2, Grade B Construction, 1993 NESC In Line Designs 1, 3, 4, and 5, Guyed X structures are used for preliminary design and cost comparison purposes. The use of guyed X structures in this study will result in — comparisons which are representative of the cost differences and feasibility of the various routes. In final design, wood pole H-frame structures or guyed V structures may prove more desirable for specific line segments. PEI-HLY 55-0064B 120293-01 (01/96) ab , SECTION IV: — LINE DESIGN 1 (KENAI FLATS/TURNAGAIN ARM) Subsection A: Site Description: This design criteria will be used for the preliminary design of 138kV and 230kV transmission lines with potential routes in the flats near Anchorage and on the Kenai Peninsula. The design criteria are based on a rural environment. The terrain is assumed to be generally flat, near sea level, with the lines routed along existing roadways, transmission lines, or pipelines, where possible. The soils will require the use of driven piles. This line design criteria will be used in the following links: © Quartz Creek Route (Existing Corridor), QC.C, QC.E, QC.K, QC.L, QC.M.1, and QC.M.2 e Enstar Route, links EN.E, QC.M.1, and QC.M.2 e Tesoro Route, design not used Subsection B: Electrical Requirements: e¢ Minimum ground clearance of 28 feet for 138kV lines, based on minimum NESC requirements increased to account for three feet of snow accumulation and inaccuracies in survey and construction. e Minimum ground clearance of 30 feet for 230kV lines, based on minimum NESC requirements increased to account for three feet of snow accumulation and inaccuracies in survey and construction. Subsection C:_Mechanical/Civil Requirements: e Controlling Climatological Loading Conditions of: => Extreme Wind on Bare Conductor 21 psf or 90 mph steady => Extreme Wind on Structure 26 psf or 100 mph gust = Extreme Snow 6 radial inches at 7 pounds/cubic foot with a 1 psf or 20 mph steady wind on conductors and structures e NESC Heavy Loading Conditions: 0.5 inch radial ice at 57 pounds/cubic foot with a 4 psf or 40 mph steady wind on conductors and structures ¢ Non-Controlling Climatological Conditions of: => Extreme Ice 1.5 radial inches with no wind => NESC Extreme Wind 16 psf or 80 mph steady wind on bare conductors and structures e Driven pile foundations. e Driven pile or screw type guy anchors, depending upon soil conditions. e Steel guyed X structure e Span length of 1000 feet PEI-HLY 55-0064B 120293-01 (01/96) ab 4 Subsection D: Preliminary Design Data: e Guyed X steel structure family with foundations and guy anchors as described on Tables OH1 and OH2. Subsection E: Anticipated Construction Practices: Construction generally along existing roadways, electric transmission line rights-of-way, or pipeline rights-of-way. Typically using track-mounted excavation or pile-driving equipment and track-mounted equipment to erect structures. Pulling lines will typically be installed from the ground. Same locations will require helicopter construction. Subsection F: Anticipated Maintenance Practices: Maintenance will generally be performed with track mounted equipment working from existing access roads. PEI-HLY 55-0064B 120293-01 (01/96) ab 5 TABLE OH1 - PRELIMINARY LINE DESIGN INFORMATION LINE DESIGN 1 (KENAI FLATS/TURNAGAIN ARM) - 230kV Guyed X Structure Family Foundations, Percent of Total Anchors, Percent of Total Drilled Pier 0% Plate 0% Driven Pile 100% Pile 50% Screw 50% STRUCTURE Angle or Heavy 5to30 | 30to90 Tangent | Tangent | deg Angle} deg Angle | Deadend Height (ft above ground) 85 85 80 80 80 Weight (Ib) 8,100 11,500 10,500 14,000 Foundations Required 2 2 3 3 Anchors Required 7 13 FOUNDATIONS (EACH) Drilled Pier Volume (yds*) 0 Driven Pile Qty/Length (ft) 2/25 ANCHORS (EACH) Plate Area (in?) 0 0 0 0 0 Driven Pile Length (ft) 30 30: 30 30 30 Screw (No. of Helixes) 3 3 3 3 3 AVERAGE QUANTITIES PER MILE OF LINE Structures 4.50 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.25 Drilled Pier Foundations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Driven Pile Foundations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Plate Anchors 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Driven Pile Anchors 4.50 0.50 1/5 1.63 1.63 Screw Anchors 4.50 0.50 1.75 1.63 1.63 PEI-HLY 55-0064D 120293-01 (01/96) ab 6 TABLE OH1 TABLE OH2 - PRELIMINARY LINE DESIGN INFORMATION LINE DESIGN 1 (KENAI FLATS) - 138kV Guyed X cture Famil Foundations, Percent of Total Anchors, Percent of Total Drilled Pier 0% 0% Plate 0% Driven Pile 100% 100% Pile 50% Screw - 50% STRUCTURE 0 to 5 deg Angle or Heavy Tangent Height (ft above ground) Weight (Ib) Foundations Required Anchors Required FOUNDATIONS (EACH) Drilled Pier Volume (yds*) Driven Pile Qty/Length (ft) ANCHORS (EACH) Plate Area (in?) Driven Pile Length (ft) Screw (No. of Helixes) Structures Drilled Pier Foundations Driven Pile Foundations Plate Anchors Driven Pile Anchors Screw Anchors PEI HLY 55-0064D 120293-01 (01/96) ab 7 TABLE OH2 SECTION V: LINE DESIGN 2 (ANCHORAGE/KENAIT AREA) Subsection A: Site Description: This design criteria will be used for the preliminary design of 138kV and 230kV transmission lines with potential routes in the Anchorage, Soldotna, Bernice Lake, or Cooper Landing areas. This design criteria is based on an urban or suburban environment with restricted rights-of-way. The terrain is assumed to be generally flat, near sea level, with the lines routed along existing roadways or railroads in developed areas. The soils are assumed to be competent for normal foundation designs. This line design criteria will be used in the following links: e Quartz Creek Route (Existing Corridor), link QC.A, QC.M.1, and QC.M.2 e Enstar Route, link EN.A e Tesoro Route, TE.K Subsection B: Electrical Requirements: e Minimum ground clearance of 29 feet for 138kV lines, based on minimum NESC requirements increased to account for three feet of snow accumulation, inaccuracies in surveys and construction, and features such as electrical distribution line crossings which are expected due to the developed nature of corridor. e Minimum ground clearance of 31 feet for 230kV lines, based on minimum NESC requirements increased to account for three feet of snow accumulation, inaccuracies in surveys and construction and features, such as electrical distribution line crossings, which are expected due to the developed nature of corridor. Subsection C:_ Mechanical/Civil Requirements: e Controlling Climatological Loading Conditions of: => Extreme Wind on Bare Conductor 21 psf or 90 mph steady => Extreme Wind on Structure 26 psf or 100 mph gust => Extreme Snow 6 radial inches at 7 pounds/cubic foot with a 1 psf or 20 mph steady wind on conductors and structures NESC Heavy Loading Conditions: 0.5 inch radial ice at 57 pounds/cubic foot with a 4 psf or 40 mph steady wind on conductors and structures Non-Controlling Climatological Conditions of: Extreme Ice 1.5 radial inches with no wind NESC Extreme Wind 16 psf or 80 mph steady wind on bare Drilled pier reinforced concrete foundations Single pole tubular steel structures with post insulators Span length of 400 feet LEY PEI-HLY 55-0064B 120293-01 (01/96) ab 8 Subsection D: Preliminary Design Data: e Single pole tubular steel structure family as described on Tables OH3 and OH4 Subsection E: Anticipated Construction Practices: Construction along existing roadways using truck-mounted augers for foundation excavation and truck-mounted cranes and manlifts for erection and construction activities. Pulling lines will installed from the ground. Subsection F: Anticipated Maintenance Practices: Maintenance can generally be performed with rubber-tired equipment working from existing roads. PEI-HLY 55-0064B 120293-01 (01/96) ab 9 TABLE OH3 - PRELIMINARY LINE DESIGN INFORMATION LINE DESIGN 2 (ANCHORAGE/KENAD) - 230kV Single Shaft Self Supporting Steel Pole Famil Foundations, Percent of Total Anchors, Percent of Total Drilled Pier 100% Plate 0% Driven Pile 0% Pile 0% Screw STRUCTURE 0 to 90 deg Double Deadend 15 to 60 deg Angle Height (ft above ground) Weight (Ib) Foundations Required Anchors Required FOUNDATIONS (EACH) Drilled Pier Volume (yds*) Driven Pile Length (ft) ANCHORS (EACH) Plate Area (in) Driven Pile Length (ft) Screw (No. of Helixes) AVERAGE QUANTITIES PER MILE OF LINE Structures 9.50 1.00 Drilled Pier Foundations 0.00 0.00 Driven Pile Foundations 0.00 0.00 Plate Anchors 0.00 0.00 Driven Pile Anchors 0.00 0.00 Screw Anchors 0.00 0.00 PEI-HLY 55-0064D 120293-01 (01/96) ab 10 TABLE OH3 TABLE OH4 - PRELIMINARY LINE DESIGN INFORMATION LINE DESIGN 2 (ANCHORAGE/KENAI) -138kV Single Shaft Self Supporting Steel Pole Family Foundations, Percent of Total Anchors, Percent of Total Drilled Pier 100% Plate 0% Driven Pile 0% Pile 0% Screw 0% STRUCTURE 0 to 90 deg Double Deadend Height (ft above ground) 65 Weight (Ib) Foundations Required Anchors Required FOUNDATIONS (EACH) Drilled Pier Volume (yds*) Driven Pile Length (ft) ANCHORS (EACH) Plate Area (in’) Driven Pile Length (ft) Screw (No. of Helixes) Structures Drilled Pier Foundations Driven Pile Foundations Plate Anchors Driven Pile Anchors Screw Anchors PEI-HLY 55-0064D 120293-01 (01/96) ab 11 TABLE OH4 SECTION VI: _ LINE DESIGN 3 (EAST COOK INLET FLATS/FIRE ISLAND) Subsection A: Site Description: This design criteria will be used for the preliminary design of 138kV and 230kV transmission lines with potential routes on relatively flat terrain on Fire Island and along east Cook Inlet. This design criteria is based on a rural environment. The terrain is assumed to be generally flat, near sea level, with the lines routed along existing roadways where possible. The soils are assumed to require the use of piles. This line design criteria will be used in the following links: e Quartz Creek Route (Existing Corridor), design not used e Enstar Route, design not used e Tesoro Route, links TE.D, TE.G, TE.H, TE.J, and TE.K Subsection B: Electrical Requirements: e Minimum ground clearance of 28 feet for 138kV lines, based on minimum NESC requirements increased to account for three feet of snow accumulation and inaccuracies in survey and construction. ¢ Minimum ground clearance of 30 feet for 230kV lines based on minimum NESC requirements increased to account for three feet of snow accumulation and inaccuracies in survey and construction. Subsection C: Mechanical/Civil Requirements: ¢ Controlling Climatological Loading Conditions of: = Extreme Ice 2 radial inches of ice at 57 pounds/cubic foot with a 4 psf or 40 mph wind on the conductor and structure => Extreme Wind on Bare Conductor 21 psf or 90 mph steady => Extreme Wind on Structure 26 psf or 100 mph gust = Extreme Snow 6 radial inches at 7 pounds/cubic foot with a 1 psf or 20 mph steady wind on conductors and structures e NESC Heavy Loading Conditions: 0.5 inch radial ice at 57 pounds/cubic foot with a 4 psf or 40 mph steady wind on conductors and structures e¢ Non-Controlling Climatological Conditions of: = NESC Extreme Wind 21 psf or 90 mph steady wind on bare conductors and structures e Driven pile foundations e Driven pile or screw-type guy anchors depending upon soil conditions e Steel guyed X structure PEI-HLY 55-0064B 120293-01 (01/96) ab 12 Subsection D: Preliminary Design Data: e Guyed X steel structure family as described on Tables OHS and OH6. Subsection E:_ Anticipated Construction Practices: Construction generally along existing roadways or pipeline rights-of-way. Typically using track-mounted excavation or pile driving equipment and track-mounted equipment to erect structures. Pulling lines will typically be installed from ground. Subsection F:_ Anticipated Maintenance Practices: Maintenance will generally be performed with track-mounted equipment working from existing access roads. PEI-HLY 55-0064B 120293-01 (01/96) ab 13 TABLE OHS - PRELIMINARY LINE DESIGN INFORMATION LINE DESIGN 3 (EAST COOK INLET FLATS/FIRE ISLAND) - 230kV Guyed X Structure Family Foundations, Percent of Total Anchors, Percent of Total Drilled Pier 0% Plate 0% Driven Pile 100% Pile 50% Screw 50% STRUCTURE 0 to 5 deg Angle or Heavy Double Tangent Deadend Height (ft above ground) 90 80 Weight (Ib) 12,000 Foundations Required Anchors Required FOUNDATIONS (EACH) Drilled Pier Volume (yds*) Driven Pile Qty/Length (ft) ANCHORS (EACH) Plate Area (in?) Driven Pile Length (ft) Screw (No. of Helixes) AVERAGE QUANTITIES PER MILE OF LINE Structures Drilled Pier Foundations Driven Pile Foundations Plate Anchors Driven Pile Anchors Screw Anchors PEI-HLY 55-0064D 120293-01 (01/96) ab 14 TABLE OH5 TABLE OH6 - PRELIMINARY LINE DESIGN INFORMATION LINE DESIGN 3 (EAST COOK INLET FLATS/FIRE ISLAND) - 138kV Guyed X Structure Family Foundations, Percent of Total Anchors, Percent of Total Drilled Pier 0% Plate 0% Driven Pile 100% Pile 50% Screw 50% STRUCTURE Angle or Heavy 5 to 30 Tangent | deg Angle | deg Angle Deadend 85 11,050 80 Height (ft above ground) Weight (Ib) Foundations Required Anchors Required FOUNDATIONS (EACH) Drilled Pier Volume (yds° ) Driven Pile Qty/Length (ft) ANCHORS (EACH) Plate Area (in’) 0 Driven Pile Length (ft) Screw (No. of Helixes) AVERAGE QUANTITIES PER MILE OF LINE Structures 4.50 0.50 Drilled Pier Foundations 0.00 0.00 Driven Pile Foundations 0.00 0.00 Plate Anchors 0.00 0.00 Driven Pile Anchors 4.50 Screw Anchors 4.50 PEI-HLY 55-0064D 120293-01 (01/96) ab 15 TABLE OH6 SECTION VII: LINE DESIGN 4 (MOUNTAINOUS) Subsection A: Site Description: This design criteria will be used for the preliminary design of 138kV and 230kV transmission lines with potential routes on mountainous terrain. This design criteria is based on a rural environment. The terrain is assumed to be mountainous, up to 3,500 feet in elevation, with the lines routed along existing power lines or roadways, where possible. The soils are assumed to be a mix of soils and rock. This line design criteria will be used in the following links: e Quartz Creek Route, links QC.B, QC.D.2, QC.G, QC.H, QC.I, and QC.J e Enstar Route, design not used e Tesoro Route, design not used Subsection B: Electrical Requirements: e Minimum ground clearance of 35 feet for 138kV lines, based on minimum NESC requirements increased to account for ten feet of snow accumulation and inaccuracies in survey and construction. e Minimum ground clearance of 37 feet for 230kV lines, based on minimum NESC requirements increased to account for ten feet of snow accumulation and inaccuracies in survey and construction. Subsection C: Mechanical/Civil Requirements: e Controlling Climatological Loading Conditions of: = Extreme Ice 3 radial inches of ice at 57 pounds/cubic foot with a 4 psf or 40 mph wind on the conductor and structure => Extreme Wind on Bare Conductor 26 psf or 100 mph steady => Extreme Wind on Structure 37 psf or 120 mph gust e NESC Heavy Loading Conditions 0.5 inch radial ice at 57 pounds/cubic foot with a 4 psf or 40 mph steady wind on conductors and structures Non-Controlling Climatological Conditions of: = Extreme Snow 6 radial inches at 7 pounds/cubic foot with a 1 psf or 20 mph steady wind on conductors and structures = NESC Extreme Wind 21 psf or 90 mph steady wind on bare conductors and structures e Driven pile or grouted anchor bolt foundations, depending upon soil conditions e Plate or grouted anchor bolt guy anchors, depending upon soil conditions e Steel guyed X structure PEI-HLY 55-0064B 120293-01 (01/96) ab 16 Subsection D: Preliminary Design Data: e Guyed X steel structure family as described on Tables OH7 and OH8. Subsection E:_ Anticipated Construction Practices: Construction generally along existing electric transmission line rights-of-way or pipeline rights-of-way. Typically using track-mounted excavation or pile driving equipment and track-mounted equipment to erect structures. Some locations may require helicopter construction. Pulling lines will typically be flown in. Subsection F: Anticipated Maintenance Practices: Maintenance will generally be performed with track-mounted equipment working from existing access roads. PEI-HLY 55-0064B 120293-01 (01/96) ab 7) TABLE OH7 - PRELIMINARY LINE DESIGN INFORMATION LINE DESIGN 4 (MOUNTAINOUS) - 230kV Guyed X Structure Family Foundations, Percent of Total Anchors, Percent of Total Anchor Bolt 30% A - Bolt 30% Driven Pile 70% Pile 0% Plate 10% STRUCTURE Angle or Heavy Tangent Height (ft above ground) Weight (Ib) Foundations Required Anchors Required FOUNDATIONS (EACH) A-Bolt Qty/Length (ft) Driven Pile Qty/Length (ft) ANCHORS (EACH) A-Bolt Qty/Length (ft) Driven Pile Length (ft) Plate Area (in”) AVERAGE QUANTITIES PER MILE OF LINE Structures 4.00 2.00 Anchor Bolt Foundations 0.00 0.00 Driven Pile Foundations 0.00 0.00 Anchor Bolt Anchors 2.40 1.20 Driven Pile Anchors 0.00 0.00 Plate Anchors 5.60 2.80 PEI-HLY 55-0064D 120293-01 (01/96) ab 18 TABLE OH7 TABLE OH8 - PRELIMINARY LINE DESIGN INFORMATION LINE DESIGN 4 (MOUNTAINOUS) - 138kV Guyed X Structure Family Foundations, Percent of Total Anchors, Percent of Total Anchor Bolt 30% A- Bolt 30% Driven Pile 70% Pile 0% Plate 10% STRUCTURE Oto 5 deg Angle or Heavy Tangent | deg Angle | deg Angle Height (ft above ground) 90 Weight (Ib) Foundations Required Anchors Required FOUNDATIONS (EACH) A-Bolt Qty/Length (ft) Driven Pile Qty/Length (ft) ANCHORS (EACH) A-Bolt Qty/Length (ft) Driven Pile Length (ft) Plate Area (in”) AVERAGE QUANTITIES PER MILE OF LINE Structures Anchor Bolt Foundations Driven Pile Foundations Anchor Bolt Anchors Driven Pile Anchors Plate Anchors PEI-HLY 55-0064D 120293-01 (01/96) ab 19 TABLE OH8 SECTION VIII: LINE DESIGN 5 (PORTAGE FLATS) Subsection A: Site Description: This design criteria will be used for the preliminary design of 138kV and 230kV transmission lines with potential routes on relatively flat terrain in the vicinity of the eastern end of Turnagain Arm. This design criteria is based on a rural environment. The terrain is assumed to be flat, near sea level, with the lines routed along existing power lines or roadways, where possible. The soils are assumed to be a mixture of soft and competent soils. This line design criteria will be used in the following links: e Quartz Creek Route, links QC.F e Enstar Route, design not used e Tesoro Route, design not used Subsection B: Electrical Requirements: e Minimum ground clearance of 28 feet for 138kV lines, based on minimum NESC requirements increased to account for three feet of snow accumulation and inaccuracies in survey and construction. e Minimum ground clearance of 30 feet for 230kV lines, based on minimum NESC requirements increased to account for three feet of snow accumulation and inaccuracies in survey and construction. Subsection C. Mechanical/Civil Requirements: e Controlling Climatological Loading Conditions of: => Extreme Wind on Bare Conductor 29 psf or 106 mph steady = Extreme Snow 6 radial inches at 7 pounds/cubic foot with a 1 psf or 20 mph steady wind on conductors and structures => Extreme Wind on Structure 40 psf or 125 mph gust e NESC Heavy Loading Conditions: 0.5 inch radial ice at 57 pounds/cubic foot with a 4 psf or 40 mph steady wind on conductors and structures Non-Controlling Climatological Conditions of: = Extreme Ice 1.5 radial inches of ice at 57 pounds/cubic foot with a 4 psf or 40 mph wind on the conductor and structure => NESC Extreme Wind 21 psf or 90 mph steady wind on bare conductors and structures e Driven pile foundations. e Driven pile or screw guy anchors, depending upon soil conditions e Steel guyed X structure PEI-HLY 55-0064B 120293-01 (01/96) ab 20 Subsection E: Preliminary Design Data: e Guyed X steel structure family as described on Tables OH9 and OH10. Subsection F: Anticipated Construction Practices: Construction generally along existing electric transmission line rights-of-way. Typically using track-mounted excavation or pile driving equipment and track-mounted equipment to erect structures. Pulling lines will typically be installed from the ground. Subsection G:_ Anticipated Maintenance Practices: Maintenance will generally be performed with track-mounted equipment working from existing access roads. PEI-HLY 55-0064B 120293-01 (01/96) ab 21 TABLE OH9 - PRELIMINARY LINE DESIGN INFORMATION LINE DESIGN 5 (PORTAGE FLATS) - 230kV Guyed X Structure Family Foundations, Percent of Total Anchors, Percent of Total Drilled Pier 0% Plate 0% Driven Pile 100% Pile 50% Screw 50% STRUCTURE 0 to 5 deg Angle or Heavy Tangent Height (ft above ground) Weight (Ib) Foundations Required Anchors Required FOUNDATIONS (EACH) Drilled Pier Volume (yds°) Driven Pile Qty/Length (ft) ANCHORS (EACH) Plate Area (in’) Driven Pile Length (ft) Screw (No. of Helixes) AVERAGE QUANTITIES PER MILE OF LINE Structures 4.50 Drilled Pier Foundations 0.00 Driven Pile Foundations 0.00 Plate Anchors 0.00 Driven Pile Anchors 4.50 Screw Anchors 4.50 PEI-HLY 55-0064D 120293-01 (01/96) ab 22 TABLE OH9 TABLE OH10 - PRELIMINARY LINE DESIGN INFORMATION LINE DESIGN 5 (PORTAGE FLATS) - 138kV Guyed X Structure Family Foundations, Percent of Total Anchors, Percent of Total Drilled Pier 0% Plate 0% Driven Pile 100% Pile 50% Screw 50% STRUCTURE Height (ft above ground) Weight (Ib) Foundations Required Anchors Required FOUNDATIONS (EACH) Drilled Pier Volume (yds*) Driven Pile Qty/Length (ft) ANCHORS (EACH) Plate Area (in”) Driven Pile Length (ft) Screw (No. of Helixes) Structures Drilled Pier Foundations Driven Pile Foundations Plate Anchors Driven Pile Anchors Screw Anchors PEI-HLY 55-0064D 120293-01 (01/96) ab 23 TABLE OH10 SECTION Ix: LINE DESIGN 6 (BIRD POINT TO GIRDWOOD) Subsection A: Site Description: This design criteria will be used for the preliminary design of double a circuit transmission line carrying the existing 115kV circuit plus one new 138kV or 230kV circuit along the existing route between Bird Point and Girdwood. The existing transmission line includes nine lattice steel structures using spans up to 2,450 feet and carrying one 138kV circuit with 203.2 kcmil “Brahma” high-strength ACSR conductors and no shield wires. The design for this section requires the addition of a second circuit on the right-of-way that can operate at 138 or 230kV. The existing structure sites will be used for new structures, with some site-modifications expected. Access for construction will be by the new highway. This line design criteria will be used in the following links: e Quartz Creek Route, link QC.D e Enstar Route, design not used e Tesoro Route, design not used Subsection B: Electrical Requirements: e For purposes of this preliminary study, a minimum clearance of 30 feet for 115kV, 138kV and 230kV lines is used. This clearance acknowledges the proximity of the line to the new highway in some locations and the potential use of the area by recreationalists. In final design the nature of the area and the high weight (expense) of the structures would warrant a span by span analysis to determine appropriate clearances. Subsection C:_ Mechanical/Civil Requirements: ¢ Controlling Climatological Loading Conditions of: => Extreme Wind on Bare Conductor 21 psf or 90 mph steady = Extreme Snow 6 radial inches at 7 pounds/cubic foot with a 1 psf or 20 mph steady wind on conductors and structures = Extreme Wind on Structure 26 psf or 100 mph gust e NESC Heavy Loading Conditions: 0.5 inch radial ice at 57 pounds/cubic foot with a 4 psf or 40 mph steady wind on conductors and structures Non-Controlling Climatological Conditions of: = Extreme Ice 1.5 radial inches of ice at 57 pounds/cubic foot with a 4 psf or 40 mph wind on the conductor and structure = NESC Extreme Wind 16 psf or 80 mph steady wind on bare conductors and structures e Vibration damping of conductors will be required PEI-HLY 55-0064B 120293-01 (01/96) ab 24 Lattice or tubular steel structures Subsection D: Preliminary Design Data: The conductors are 37#6 Alumoweld. The conductor weight is 2.22 pounds per foot. The “rated breaking strength” is 120.2 kips. The conductor tensions under extreme loading conditions are nearly 70% rated tensile strength (RTS) with the everyday, bare-wire tension near 30% RTS. The catenary constant is very high, nearly 20,000 feet. Considerable damping is required. The structures will be tubular or lattice steel. Heights range from 120 feet to 165 feet. The average weight of the structures is estimated at 70,000 Ib., based on a 25 foot square foot print. These weights are estimated based upon the weights of structures of similar loading and height. Refer to Appendix A for a sketch. Foundations will be piles, grouted into rock, or concrete piers. Wood structures and steel structures will be replaced by new steel structures. Steel structures are required by the long spans, double circuit configuration, and constrained structure siting opportunities. Subsection E: Anticipated Construction Practices: Construction will require a temporary line along the existing highway for this section. The existing structures and conductor would be replaced. Pulling lines will be flown in. Rubber-tired equipment can access the route along the new highway. Subsection F:_ Anticipated Maintenance Practices: Maintenance will generally be performed with rubber-tired equipment working from the new highway. PEI-HLY 55-0064B 120293-01 (01/96) ab 2 SECTION X: LINE DESIGN 7 (BIRD POINT CROSSING) Subsection A: Site Description: This design criteria will be used for the preliminary design of a single circuit transmission line carrying one new 138kV or 230KV circuit between Bird Point and Snipers Point. This crossing is a slightly modified arrangement of the design established in 1959 by North Pacific Consultants. The crossing involves one tall tower(B) set on a rock outcropping just offshore of Bird Point and two shorter, guyed mast towers (A and C) at the two-span system’s ends. The line will carry three Alumoweld cables between Tower A at elevation 200 feet on the north shore behind Bird Point and Tower C at elevation 1,000 feet on the cleared right-of- way south of Snipers Point on the south shore of Turnagain Arm. The centerline bearing of the crossing is approximately 205° off of true north. This line design criteria will be used in the following links: e Quartz Creek Route, link QC.D.1.A e Enstar Route, design not used e Tesoro Route, design not used Subsection B: Electrical Requirements: e The low point elevation of the conductors is a minimum 100 feet above mean sea level under all load cases. e Phase spacing shall be a minimum of 50 feet at mid-span. e The voltage will be 138kV or 230kV. e The capacity will be 900 amps. Subsection C:_Mechanical/Civil Requirements: e Controlling Climatological Loading Conditions of: => Extreme Wind on Bare Conductor 21 psf or 90 mph steady => Extreme Ice/Snow 3 lb/ft with a 1 psf or 20 mph steady wind on conductors and structures, 3 inch radial ice/snow at 10 pounds/cubic foot => Extreme Wind on Structure 50 psf or 140 mph gust e NESC Heavy Loading Conditions: 0.5 inch radial ice at 57 pounds/cubic foot with a 4 psf or 40 mph steady wind on conductors and structures ¢ Non-Controlling Climatological Conditions of: = NESC Extreme Wind 16 psf or 80 mph steady wind on bare conductors and structures PEI-HLY 55-0064B 120293-01 (01/96) ab 26 Tubular steel structures Aerial Markers required Subsection D: Preliminary Design Data: The conductors are 127#8 Alumoweld. The strands are manufactured by Alumoweld and the cables can be constructed and prestressed by Wire Rope Industries in Point Claire, Quebec. The conductor weight is 4.80 pounds per foot. The rated tensile strength (RTS) is 288 kips and the “ultimate strength” is 321 kips. Conductor tensions under extreme loading conditions do not exceed 70% of RTS, and everyday bare-conductor tensions do not exceed 46% of RTS. Everyday bare-conductor catenary constants are near 26,000 feet. Considerable conductor damping will be required. The current USGS topographic maps indicate that it is farther across the Turnagain Arm between Bird Point and the south shore structure site than the design by North Pacific Consultants indicates. Our design layout is based on a point takeoff from the USGS map. The distance between Tower B and the Tower C is 11,360 feet. Our design varies from the original by changes in the three structure heights. The design uses a span of 3,060 feet from Tower A to 500-foot-high tubular steel Tower B, then a 11,360-foot span to Tower C on the Kenai Peninsula. Tension strength of deadend insulation to be equal to RTS of conductor. Tower A-three 40-foot guyed masts, deadend. Tower B-500-foot-high tubular steel, suspension insulation. The tubular shapes will facilitate construction and offer much lower resistance to the wind loads, thus reducing the overall weight of the structure. The weight is estimated conservatively at 500 kips (250 tons) based on a 120-foot square footprint. A tubular tower will offer an interior access ladder system through most or all of the tower height. Tower C-three 140-foot guyed masts, deadend. The foundations for Tower B will concrete foundations. Towers A and C will have concrete foundations and guy anchors Subsection E: Anticipated Construction Practices: Tubular construction will allow “‘pre-assembly” of large sections reducing field assembly time. Helicopter erection in large sections is assumed. Subsection F:_ Anticipated Maintenance Practices: Maintenance will generally be performed by accessing Towers A and C from land with rubber-tired or track-mounted equipment. Tower B would be accessed by helicopter or boat. PEI-HLY 55-0064B 120293-01 (01/96) ab 27 PRELIMINARY DESIGN CRITERIA AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN ANALYSIS FOR UNDERGROUND AND SUBMARINE CABLE SECTION 1: CORRIDOR DESCRIPTIONS A total of five routing opportunities were identified for this project based on previous studies, utility experience, and environmental findings. The options are referred to as the Beluga, Tesoro, Enstar, Klatt, and Bird Point corridors. The corridors are shown on the linear utility opportunities map in Appendix B of this report. The corridors considered are as identified below: The Beluga corridor: Named for the power plant located adjacent to the Beluga River at Beluga. The corridor identified traverses the Cook Inlet from Tyonek on the west side of the inlet to Birch Hill on the inlet’s east side. The Tesoro corridor: Named for the existing Tesoro Pipeline that crosses the mouth of the Turnagain Arm from Point Possession on the Kenai Peninsula to Point Campbell in Anchorage. Two potential Tesoro corridor routes have been identified. One crosses Fire Island aerially and has two sections of submarine cable. One submarine section is from Point Possession to West Point on Fire Island, and the second is from North Point on Fire Island to Point Woronzof in Anchorage. The second Tesoro route is one that consists of only submarine cable approximately paralleling the pipeline from Point Possession to Point Campbell. The Enstar corridor: Named for the existing Enstar Pipeline that crosses the Turnagain Arm from near Burnt Island on the Kenai Peninsula to Potter’s Marsh on Turnagain Arm’s northerly side. The specific route considered is from near Burnt Island Creek on the Kenai to a point on the Arm’s northerly side along the Seward Highway, at Potter. The Bird Point corridor: Named for Bird Point on the northerly side of the Turnagain Arm. The route is from Bird Point across Turnagain Arm in a southwesterly direction to a location near Sniper’s Point on the Kenai Peninsula. The Klatt corridor: Named for its departure from the Klatt Road area in Anchorage. The Klatt corridor also provides two routes. Route one would traverse the Turnagain Arm in a south southeasterly direction to near Burnt Island Creek on the Kenai Peninsula. The second route traverses the Arm in a southwesterly direction to join the Tesoro pipeline right-of-way east of Point Possession. Available information and data is limited since this corridor has only very recently been identified. PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 1 The following subsections provide more detailed technical information, findings, and design recommendations pertaining to each potential corridor: Subsection A: Beluga Corridor: The potential cable crossing in this area is approximately 18-20 miles in length. The cable crossing is in a very rough and treacherous part of the Cook Inlet, as the water is swift and the bottom is swept clean or has shifting sands along with the geological rock pattern that covers the inlet bottom. On the Tyonek end there are areas where cable landfalls are technically feasible, but the ability to use them depends on the right-of-way and permitting process for the land portion of the corridor. In addition, there is Native Corporation property that may not allow an area of ingress to the Inlet. The tide runs close to the beach and has left a hard rocky bottom from shore out to where the water reaches approximately 60 feet in depth. An area of a softer bottom is located out of North Foreland in the Bashta Bay area. Once water depths exceed 60 feet or more current speeds of more than 6.5 knots (7.5 mph) for a distance of 7 to 8 miles are expected. This area has a hard bottom with large rocks or boulders, some of which move back and forth with the strong tides. Just north of the proposed cable route is the Phillips pipeline which has required annual repair to support the pipeline’s operation, including sand bags and driven piles along the pipe to hold it in position. When supports were used, the scour would occur in a different location the next year, so it is a continuous and expensive effort to keep the unsupported spans within allowable limits. The proposed cable would behave in a similar fashion as the pipeline, since it is so rigid due to the required armoring. The last few years, side-scan sonar has been used to determine the length of each span, so that appropriate action can be taken if the span has increased or decreased in length. It has been reported that on a dead vessel (no engines on), one can hear the boulders rolling and hitting one another at the peak of a very fast ebb tide. ; Additional challenges regarding the installation and maintenance of the cable have to be dealt with by divers. Diving operations require that divers be lowered to the bottom to test the currents, as there can be a 3-knot (3.5-mph) current running along the bottom, even though the surface tide can be slack.! Approximately half way across the inlet at a depth of 60 feet, the maximum currents slow and settle down into the 4.5-to-5 knots (5.2 to 5.8 mph) range”. This area consists of a lava-based material with boulders and some shifting sands. There are several possible areas that the cable could make landfall on the Kenai once the on-shore routing is defined’. ' See Dejon Corporation memo of January 2, 1996, Appendix B. > Refer Current sheets No. 7, 8, and 9. > Refer Coast Pilot, pages 125 - 129. PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 2 Accordingly, the Beluga cable crossing would be a prohibitively expensive, considering the cost of cable, installation, and the challenging environment in which the cable would have to be installed. There is little chance of burying the cables on this route and, if attempted, the possibility of damage to the cables during burial installation would be very high. It is expected that bidders on the project would include a very high contingency for the risk, and that the bids would only be able to be obtained for “cost plus,” rather than “firm price” contracts. Further evidence of the difficulties that could be expected, if the Beluga route were chosen, are evidenced by the performance history of the cables installed by Chugach Electric Association (CEA) from Point MacKenzie to Point Woronzof. Based on the operating data submitted by CEA, it appears that even though the original cables were embedded, they have been damaged by a ships anchor and may have suffered abrasion damage from silt and or ice. Additionally, cables subsequently installed to maintain the circuits have not performed in a satisfactory manner. Many of these cables were not embedded, and have suffered from scour and mechanical damage. It is also significant to note the bottom profiles have changed as much as +/- 25 feet between 1976 and 1990. Please refer to Appendix B for the referenced CEA operating data. It is our opinion that a non-buried cable could not survive in the Beluga crossing for more than a couple of years even with a rock-type armor on the entire crossing. The history of the Phillips pipeline and also the work performed on the offshore oil platforms resulting from scouring and metal fatigue provide additional factual historical data sufficient to recommend that the Beluga crossing be rejected as a practical solution. Subsection B: Tesoro Corridor: There were two possible routes investigated in the Tesoro corridor. The entrance to Turnagain Arm is a very high-tide area with some of the highest current velocities in the Inlet. These tides are so strong that they develop bore tides, which occur when the water on the surface is running one way while the water below is running in the opposite direction. The surface water is forced to rise up forming a traveling wall of water. Refer to the Turnagain Arm tide sheets in the Appendix B for more detailed data. For either route, the Tesoro corridor has significant installation problems to overcome. A depth of 90 feet with the tide running in excess of 6 knots (7 mph) perpendicular to the cable route while trenching is one extreme, while in the other extreme, no water at all except at high tide. This presents significant navigational problems during the installation of the cable. Due to significant variations in inlet bottom profile, the installation of the cable using subsurface installation equipment will be very difficult. Extensive survey work would be required prior to construction to ensure a successful installation. A minimum burial depth of 10 feet was considered where there is any chance of ice scouring. The 14 miles of cable will have to be armored submarine cable in order to get the cable through the burial machine with the least risk of damaging the cable. PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 3 Each cable roll of the four total required would each weigh approximately 800 tons so the installation barge would need to be in the 200-foot-length range, thereby limiting the draft when entering the north half of the cable run. At Point Campbell there is adequate water depth to get the barge close enough to the beach at the start of each cable lay. This area would also need to be surveyed to determine if the bottom could support the barge when aground. , The first possible cable route in the Tesoro Corridor is from Point Possession to Point Woronzof substation. This route would run north northeast from Point Possession for approximately two miles and then turn northeast on a direct line to West Point on Fire Island. Then the route would go overland to North Point on the northeast end of Fire Island. From North Point it would follow the 20-foot-depth contour line to a point south of the existing Point MacKenzie to the Point Woronzof cable field. This routing would avoid the existing cable landfall and sewage treatment facility. Due to the unstable nature of the bluff between the substation and the beach, it may be necessary to bore conduits through the bluff or install a cable chase to protect the cables and the bluff’s stability. The submarine portion of the route would be 14.0 miles in length with an approximately 5- mile section of overhead line constructed on Fire Island. The first route leaves Point Possession and runs north northwest to miss the deep trench that lies between Point Possession and Fire Island, where a very rocky bottom with boulders will make burial very difficult and expensive. About a mile from Point Possession the main part of the tidal area is encountered. The tide runs perpendicular to the cable with a velocity exceeding 7 knots (8 mph). For specific tidal information refer to Point Possession current sheets in Appendix B. For approximately the next mile, the bottom is periodically swept clean by the tidal action. There is evidence of boulders rolling in this area during the peak of the tide. At a point (61°03’05”, 150°26’00”W.), the cable would turn north and run on a straight line to West Point on Fire Island, with slight deviations as contours may require. There is considerable risk with this crossing as it is in an area where the tide runs strong and it has a very hard bottom making cable burial very difficult. Refer to the current reports for Point Woronzof as a comparison of currents that affect the existing cable field. Currents in a Fire Island crossing would be at least 50% greater than in the Point Woronzof crossing. The second possible route would be to leave Point Possession west of the Kenai Wildlife Refuge, and continue to the Tesoro pipeline right-of-way. The cable would lay 1,000 feet north of the pipeline running east to a point 1,000 feet west of where the pipeline turns north staying 1,000 feet west of the pipeline and laying the cable on a course north northeast into Point Campbell. This would require a run of 14.5 miles of submarine cable. A land based line of 4.8 miles would have to be constructed from the submarine cable’s terminus to the Point Woronzof Substation and would likely have to be an underground cable system due to the proximity to the airport. As an alternative the cable could run direct to Point Woronzof via the mud flats between Fire Island and the bluff using the same approach as the Fire Island cable designed above. The total submarine cable in this PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 4 case would be 18.5 miles. This is very near the maximum length for a four single cable AC system. Supporting documentation in the Appendix B include: Coast Pilot No. 9 1994, pages 129 through 133 Point Woronzof Currents 7 pages with current tables for high rate dates Possession Point Currents 7 pages with current tables for high rate dates Three copies of charts, one in fathoms and two in feet Fire Island tide tables for January 21, and July 31, 1996 Knik Arm tide tables for January 21, and July 31, 1996 Based on our investigation we have concluded both of the routes are “constructable”. Access to the area of Point Possession in the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge and/or Wilderness areas may require undergrounding of approaches to the submarine crossing. Subsection C:_Enstar Corridor: This corridor essentially parallels the existing route of the Enstar pipeline. The Enstar route has many of the same problems and challenges that the Tesoro routes encountered. The water depth is not as great, with a maximum depth of approximately 50 feet. With the total crossing of approximately 9 miles for this route, the landings are the most significant challenge. The cable could be laid from the north if there is adequate water to support the barge with a cable load of approximately 540 tons plus equipment. The width of the north end mud flat is approximately 4 miles. A survey of the mud flats after the ice has left would be required to determine what installation equipment is needed. The laying of the cable will have to be done at high tide and there would be a substantial amount of standby time. The south mud flat is 2 miles in width and would likewise have to be done at high tide. The bottom in this area is of a soft mud or silt. The burial depth required to protect the cable from ice scour will need detailed analysis in the final design. It is possible that a 10-foot burial depth may not be adequate to protect the cables from ice scour. Tidal current meters will need to be installed to obtain current velocity for this area as there is no current data available. Enstar may be able to provide some additional information if this becomes a preferred route. The current flow data is needed in order to size installation equipment and especially the mooring gear. This crossing is probably a little less expensive route than the Tesoro route, but to what degree will not be known until on-site survey work has been done. Accordingly, while this route also appears “constructable," significant investigative work is required to ensure that adequate water depths will be available to float installation equipment. It is apparent that the Turnagain Arm has significantly silted in since the Enstar pipeline was installed, possibly to the point that floating in equipment may be impractical. PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 5 Subsection D: Klatt Corridor: This corridor has been recently added to this study by Dames & Moore due to potential permitting advantages. This corridor presents two alternative routes. Both would make a landfall near Klatt Road in Anchorage. The first route would leave the Klatt Road landfall and proceed in a southwesterly direction until it intersects the “dog leg” in the Tesoro pipeline right-of-way east of Fire Island and then would parallel the pipeline on its south side until reaching landfall near Point Possession. This route is estimated to be 17 miles in length and would use submarine cable for the entire length. Conditions encountered will be similar as those encountered on the Tesoro corridors. The second route on this corridor would leave the Klatt Road landfall and traverse the Turnagain Arm in a southeasterly direction. This route would make landfall near Burnt Island Creek on the Kenai Peninsula. This route is estimated to be 13.5 miles in length and would also use submarine cable on its entire length. Conditions along this route are expected to be similar to conditions identified with the Enstar corridor. However, additional low-water installation conditions do exist making the installation more difficult. Subsection E: Bird Point Corridor: This corridor is the shortest of all of the Turnagain Arm crossings. It would traverse the Turnagain Arm from Bird Point to west of Snipers Point making landfall on the West side of the mouth of Six Mile Creek. This route may present opportunities for installation of several different types of cable systems and may be able to utilize horizontal directional drilling techniques. The use of directional drilling can most likely place the cables “out of harms way” by installing casing(s) deep below the shifting bottom and below the depth of scour by ice and/or moving boulders. The drilling of the crossing needs to be further investigated, as there may need to be | further a “joint” in the crossing. The 10,500-foot crossing is a very long bore, even with new technology. One option would be to bore from both shore ends and have a pipe joint in the middle which would have to be buried after the jointing process. The jointing and burial could be performed from a temporary platform set on piles which could support a small crane and equipment to do the burial. Another possibility may be to bore from Snipers Point North for 6,000 to 7,000 feet and exit in a trench where the pipe would be joined to the pipe from Bird Point then making a 10,500-foot cable pull. There would be only one main sweep in the pipe and that would be near Snipers Point. This may be the best and least expensive if an open trench can be maintained to join the pipe(s) and it is possible to get sufficient pipe burial depth to the shore line at Bird Point. PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 6 Supporting geotechnical documentation for a horizontal drilling effort is provided by data included in the Cooper Lake Project Study conducted approximately 37 years ago. Additional support for the possibility of performing horizontal directional drill is provided by Enstar Pipeline Company. When we contacted them regarding maintenance on the Enstar pipeline they responded that if they had to replace the existing pipeline, they would directionally drill the area of Bird Point Crossing. Subsection F: Conclusions: Based on the analyses performed we rate the crossings from a technical standpoint as follows: (1) Bird Point as the least expensive and most reliable crossing point. (2) Enstar as the next least expensive with fair reliability. (3) Klatt to Burnt Island a moderately expensive route with fair reliability. (4) Tesoro crossing is most expensive with fair reliability. (5) Klatt to Point Possession is prohibitively expensive and has poor reliability. (6) Fire Island crossing is prohibitively expensive and has poor reliability. (7) The Beluga crossings are prohibitively very expensive and has poor reliability. SECTION II: ENGINEERING ANALYSIS Subsection A: Calculations Performed: Numerous engineering analyses are performed as part of the cable system design once a cable type is selected, specific routes are known, soil thermal properties are analyzed, etc. The following basic system-related analyses are required for a feasibility study and route selection once the overall circuit requirements are known: Charging Current Reactive Compensation Dielectric Losses Sheath Bonding Requirements Sequence Impedances Hydraulic Requirements (for SCFF and pipe-type cables) These calculations were performed for each cable type for 138kV for the Southern Intertie study. Refer to the 1996 System Studies Report by POWER Engineers for the Southern Intertie project for circuit length approximation used for engineering calculations. The line lengths used for engineering calculations do not match the lengths in the corridor descriptions. The corridor definitions were provided after the engineering calculations were performed. Accordingly, the corridor description line lengths better approximate the actual lengths anticipated and will be used for cost estimating purposes. Implications, procedures, and results are described in the following subsections for the electrical data for 230kV cables. PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 7 Table II-1 Cable Lengths Used for Engineering Analyses Water Length Land Length Total Cable Route Length Corridor Miles Miles Miles 1. Tesoro 10.4+5.6 5 (est) 21 2. Enstar | 7.4 (est) 5 (est) 12.4 [3. Beluga | 18 5 (est) 23 4. Bird Point 2 5 (est) 7 Data for the Klatt route(s) will be supplied in the final reports. Subsection B: Charging Current: Cables are long-distributed capacitors. For AC systems, the capacitors are charged and discharged 60 times per second. The current required to charge and discharge the capacitor is called charging current. Charging current flows up the conductor and back on the cable shield. Depending upon the transmission system and system operating conditions, all the current could flow out one end, or it could be divided between the two ends. Charging current is in quadrature with the real current, but it generates ohmic losses, the same way that real current does. Ampacity calculations determine the total allowable current, corresponding to MVA. Charging current must be subtracted vectorially from total current, to give the allowable real current. That is: MW = [MVA? - MVAR?]!”, or Trea = [I total - Teharging 1” Total charging currents for each route are given in Table I-2. Two numbers are provided; 1) assuming that the water sections. are self-contained fluid-filled (SCFF) cable, 2) and assuming that the underground sections are cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) cable. Figures are provided only for single-conductor SCFF cable; the three conductor cable flat self-contained cable configuration data will be somewhat different. Table I-2 Total Charging Current, SCFF and XLPE Cables Route and Land Length Water Length Total ! Submarine Cable Type Amperes Amperes Amperes 1. Tesoro — XLPE/SCFF 34 301 335 2._Enstar — XLPE/SCFF 34 139 173 3. Beluga —- XLPE/SCFF 34 338 372 4. Bird Point HPFF 66.7 26.6 93.3 PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 8 Charging current for SCFF cable is higher than XLPE, because the paper insulation is thinner and has a higher dielectric constant (3.5) versus XLPE (2.3). Subsection C: Reactive Compensation Requirements: The reactive VARs generated by the cable must be absorbed by the utility system, either by the system itself, or by shunt reactors installed at the terminal ends of the circuit. Load flow studies must be run to determine the optimum amount of compensation. As noted in EPRI’s Underground Transmission Systems Reference Book’ 60% compensation is often selected as “typical” during initial feasibility studies. Reactive MVARs for each route are given in Table I-3. Two numbers are provided; assuming that the water sections are single-conductor SCFF cable, and assuming that the underground sections are single-conductor XLPE. Note that reactive MVAR equals charging current times the line-to-ground voltage, times three because of the three conductors. Table I-3 Reactive Power, SCFF and XLPE Cables Route Land Water Length Length MVAR MVAR Tesoro — XLPE/SCFF Enstar — XLPE/SCFF Beluga — XLPE/SCFF Bird — Point HPFF Subsection D: Dielectric Losses: The charging current creates ohmic losses as it flows through the conductor and shield. In a perfect capacitor, there is no loss in the dielectric. However, real insulations have a small percentage loss as the molecules flip-flop 60 times a second. That loss is present any time the cable is energized, and is termed dielectric loss. Paper insulation has greater losses than XLPE insulation. Table 1-4 tabulates dielectric losses for each of the routes. * Underground Transmission Systems Reference Book, Electric Power Research Institute, 1992 PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 9 Table I-4 Dielectric Losses, Different Cable Routes Total Land Length Water Length MW Loss MW Loss MW Loss (XLPE/SCFF. or (All XLPE) | (XLPE or SCFF) XLPE/XLPE) . Tesoro — XLPE/SCFF . Beluga — XLPE/SCFF . Bird Point (All HPFF) Subsection E: Sheath Voltages and Currents: Currents flowing in the conductors of single-conductor SCFF or XLPE cables generate currents in parallel conductors, including the cable’s own sheaths. Two conditions can occur: e If the cable sheaths are single-point grounded or cross-bonded, sheath currents are very small since there is no return path for the current. However, voltages are generated in the sheaths, and these voltages can become quite high. e If the cable sheaths are multi-point grounded (also called “solidly grounded” “solidly bonded” or “short circuited”), currents flow in the sheaths. The voltages generated in the sheaths are very small, but sheath currents can be large, generating significant losses which reduce the amount of power that the cable can transmit. Additional details are provided below: Single-point Grounding: Since there is no return path for the sheath circulating currents, ohmic losses in the sheath are quite small, and allowable power transfers are higher than for multi-point grounded sheaths. (Note that a separate neutral return conductor is needed for relaying and to carry fault currents.) Voltages - commonly called “standing voltages” — are generated in the sheath, which can cause safety hazards or electrical problems on the cable. Calculations are quite complex, but a rule of thumb is 50 volts per thousand amperes per thousand feet for normal spacings among phases. Therefore, for the 750 ampere maximum loading on the Southern Intertie cables, induced voltage would be about 38 volts per thousand feet. Utility practices vary; allowable standing voltages range from 17 volts for an unjacketed cable to a maximum of 250 volts. A 50-volt limit is the most common in the U.S. The higher voltages are sometimes allowed in special cases such as utility tunnels. If a fault current magnitude is 50 times as high as steady-state current, the transient sheath voltages will be approximately 50 times as high, too. If 50 volts steady-state standing voltage is permitted, the maximum distance allowed would be only 1300 feet — although 2,600 feet could be tolerated if the sheaths were grounded in the middle of the run rather than at one end. PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 10 Cross-bonding is an alternative that permits much longer circuit lengths. As shown in Figure UG-01, the three sheaths are electrically transposed every 1,000 — 1,500 feet, so that the voltage phasors add to zero every three sections. Sheath currents are very small, and ampacities are high. Cross-bonding introduces additional costs and O&M complications, however: e Sheath insulators must be placed in the splice sleeves. These insulators can be sources of trouble during operation and maintenance of the line. e Connections are typically made from either side of the sheath insulator via coaxial cable to a “link box” that permits connecting the six cables (one cable either side of the sheath insulator, for each of the three phases) together properly. A sheath surge diverter is typically included since high sheath voltages can result from a cable fault or through-fault. e The utility must be able to disconnect the cable sheaths (typically in the link box) to perform maintenance such as checking the jacket integrity on cable sections. e Because of all the connections and the link boxes, maintenance requirements for cross-bonded cables are higher than those for multi-point bonded cables e Using sheath insulators almost mandates that splices be placed in manholes. Otherwise, directly-buried splices could be considered. e Cross bonding is not suitable for submarine cables, because of cable spacing, unreliability of underwater sheath gaps, and inability to inspect the connections. Multi-point Grounding: Multi-point grounding can consist of grounds just at the two terminal ends, or the terminal ends plus intermediate locations. Because of the return path, currents flow in the shield/sheath. These currents can be as large as the conductor currents, and generate significant ohmic losses. For many submarine cable applications, heavy copper shielding tapes are applied to give a low-shield resistance, lowering PR losses. Since magnetic fields beyond the shielding are therefore low, a steel armoring can be used. Subsection F: Conductor Sizing: Ampacity Requirements: The power transfer requirement is 150 MW, which corresponds to 750 amperes at 115kV and 625 amperes at 138kV. To be conservative, we designed the cable to reach 750 amperes at 138kV. PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 11 — LINK BOX — TERMINATOR | ASE AP | INTE — NORMAL JOINT TYPICAL CROSS BONDING ARRANGEMENT SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT | ORR OWER a SCALE: GR ar AWING NO. |REV Se, cma oe TYPICAL CROSS BONDING bed i T2-FEB-1996 14:35, nafsz.1b! | 22sipfS.agn Calculation Procedures: Steady-state ampacity calculations were based upon the well- accepted Neher-McGrath procedure’. Emergency ampacity calculations were performed in accordance with the Neher procedure’®. These calculation procedures are summarized in Chapter 5 of the EPRI Underground Transmission Systems Reference Book. Power Delivery Consultant’s Windows-based program POWERAMP was used for ampacity calculations, supplemented by a spreadsheet program that handled the special cases for losses in the shielding and armoring on the submarine cable. One submarine cable type, the NKT flat configuration described in Section II, is significantly different from the conventional cable constructions. The manufacturer provided both ampacity and impedance data for that type. Temperatures: Ampacities for buried cables are calculated based upon the temperature rise between ambient soil (or water-bottom) temperature and the industry-specified maximum operating temperature for each cable type. We used the following temperatures for this study: Table I-5 Cable Operating Temperatures Cable System Normal, Emergency Temperatures SCFF 85, 105 °C XLPE 90, 105 °C HPGF 85, 105 °C Basic Parameters for Ampacity Calculations: The ampacity calculations were based upon information provided by CEA and POWER Engineers, plus assumptions for certain parameters. Data and their sources are summarized in Table I-6: > “Calculation of Load Capabilities and Temperature Rise of Cable Systems” by J.H. Neher and M.H. McGrath, AIEE Transactions, PAS October, 1957. pp 752-764. ° “The Transient Temperature Rise of Buried Cable Systems” by J.H. Neher. AIEE Transactions PAS, February, 1964. pp. 102 - 114. PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 13 Table 1-6 Basic Data for Ampacity Calculations Parameter 1. Daily load factor, per unit 0.75 Assumed 2. Normal preload prior to an emergency, amperes 500 Assumed ————] | 3. Earth ambient temperature, °C 15 POWER 4. Land soil thermal resistivity, average, C°-cm/watt 90 POWER 5. Land burial depth, inches 48 POWER 6. Phase spacing, land, inches 18 POWER 7. Water bottom ambient temperature, °C 10 POWER 8. Water bottom thermal resistivity, average, C°- 90 POWER cm/watt 9. Water bottom embedment depth, inches 0-120 POWER 10. Phase spacing, underwater, feet 1000 Assumed 11. Landfall earth ambient temperature, °C 15 POWER 12. Landfall soil thermal resistivity, average, °C-cm/watt 120 POWER 13. Landfall burial depth, inches 48 -— 120 POWER 14. Phase spacing, landfall, inches 18 Assumed 15. Insulation thickness Depends upon | AEIC or cable type IEC 16. Dielectric constant, per unit Depends upon Typical cable type 17. Dissipation factor Depends upon Typical cable type Emergency Ampacities: Because of the large thermal inertia of the cable / earth system, significant overloads can be carried for short times without exceeding the allowable emergency temperatures. The allowable currents depend upon the initial (preload) current and the duration of the emergency. For our calculations, we assumed a 500 ampere preload current and emergency durations of 1, 10, and 300 hours. PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 14 Results: Our goal was to provide a cable construction that could meet or exceed the required 750 ampere real-power transfer requirement. We did not optimize cable constructions to achieve exactly 750 amperes. A significant amount of field evaluation, including soil thermal resistivity and stability studies, evaluation of required burial depth, etc. must be performed before optimization can be undertaken. The calculated ampacities for each cable construction, for the assumed conditions in Table I-6, are summarized in Table I-7. Table I-7 Calculated Cable Ampacities Steady-state Ampacity, | 15 Minutes Amperes Amperes 12 Hours | 300 Hours Cable Type : SCFF 1000 kemil (water) 1,165 | 3,080 1,170 XLPE 1000 kemil (land) 850 2,390 1,027 910 HPGF 1000 kemil (water) 805 2,627 | 1,110 | 930 Sensitivity analysis were performed for ampacity vs burial depth for SCFF and XLPE cables. Also, similar analysis was generated to study ampacity vs. burial depth as a function of phase spacing for the landfall section. See associated graphs in Appendix B. Subsection G: Impedances: Cable impedance values are required in load flow and stability studies for the Southern Intertie. Impedance values are also required for calculation of losses and for switching surge studies during detailed system design. PDC’s CableZ program was used to calculate impedances for each of the cable types except the NKT flat construction. The manufacturer provided those data. Impedances are summarized in Table I-8. Table I-8 Calculated Cable Impedances Cable Type Z1, Ohms/mile b, nMHO/mile SCFF 1000 kcmil 0.0975 + j0.1269 225 XLPE 1000 kcmil 0.0873 + j0.4985 80 HPFF 1000 kcmil 0.0625 + j0.2711 185 Subsection H: SCFF Hydraulic Requirements: The single-conductor SCFF cables have a hollow core as shown in Figure UG-02, to ensure that the full cable length is always pressurized with dielectric liquid. The required core size depends upon cable length, viscosity of dielectric liquid, maximum and minimum allowable cable pressures, etc. as well as the manufacturer’s practices. The calculations are very detailed and are not generally performed at the feasibility study stage of a project. PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 15 Reservoirs must be supplied to accommodate cable fluid volume changes during cable expansion and contraction due to load changes. Again, depending upon details of the cable construction and circuit length, the reservoirs can range from simple passive reservoir tanks, to an actively pumped pressurizing system resembling the fluid handling plant on a pipe-type cable system. PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 16 SECTION III: © SUBMARINE CABLE This section of the report address general submarine cable installation considerations. Section I provides a more detailed description of each route and the potential installation procedures. Subsection A: Cable Types: The cable types that can be used for this circuit include: e High-Pressure Fluid-Filled (HPFF) or High-Pressure Gas-Filled (HPGF) pipe-type cable system e Self-Contained Fluid-Filled (SCFF) cable system e Extruded dielectric (XLPE or EPR) cable system Each system was evaluated and is discussed below. HPFF/HPGF Cable System: This type requires that the three cables be pulled into a steel pipe. The maximum pulling length would be in the order of 6,000 feet unless very specialized equipment is used. This requires a pulling and splice location some place in the Turnagain Arm waters. This would be a very costly installation method, and introduce a field-made splice which introduces a possible weak spot in the dielectric system. Installing the 40-to-55-foot sections of cable pipe by floating it in place and sinking it, or pulling it across the bottom, is very slow and cumbersome. Therefore, the pipe-type cable system would only be considered if directional drilling becomes an option. Figure UG-02 shows a typical pipe-type cable. The area inside the pipe can be filled with a dielectric liquid (high-pressure, liquid-filled cable) which is the most common approach. However, an expensive and maintenance-intensive pressurizing plant would be required. The area can be filled with nitrogen gas at approximately 200 psi (high-pressure gas-filled cable) which should be just as reliable, but does not require a pressurizing plant. It is significant to note, however, that HPGF cable cannot be used at 230kV. Of the cable types being discussed, this is the only type that can be manufactured in the U.S. and only by one manufacturer. SCFF Cable System: There are two possible designs that are considered for this circuit: e Single Conductor High-Pressure Self-Contained Fluid-Filled Cable e Three Conductor Flat-Type Self-Contained Fluid-Filled Cable PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 17 APPROX. THIS DRAWING WAS PREPARED BY POWER ENGINEERS. INC. FOR & SPECIFIC PROJECT. TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE SPECIFIC AND UNJOUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROVECT. REUSE OF THIS DRAWING OR ANY INF ORMAT IOK CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING FOR ANT PURPOSE 1S PROMIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN PERMISSION’ FROM BOT FOWER AND POWERS CLIENT 1S GRENTED. STEEL PIPE. NITROGEN GAS SKID WIRES, INSULATION, SCREEN HPGF PIPE TYPE CABLE DRT Ste SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT at LOVER HIGH PRESSURE GAS FILLED SCALE: NTS. 8.625" tO Bit MOISTURE SEAL POWERCRETE COATING PAPER COMPACT COPPER OR ALUMINUM CONDUCTOR eS bas Wes om | ae a i ialcens Ian. 65395 PIPE TYPE CABLE 12-FEB-1996 13:55 00 TWO HALF ROUNDS STAINLESS STEEL INSULATION SHIELD JOB NUMBER 120293 DRAWING NO. [REV uG-02 |/A\ SCFF Cable: This is the design most commonly used for high voltage AC submarine cables. Each phase consists of a hollow core conductor insulated with impregnated paper, a lead sheath moisture barrier, and an armoring system designed for the installation environment. Each cable is installed separately, spaced 500 to 1,000 feet between conductors. Each cable requires a separate trench. The cable location below the normal water level will determine what the cable system pressure must be in order to achieve a nominal minimum pressure within the cable of about 70 psi. The manufacturing of this cable can be done so no field splices would be required in the water. The system design would allow for the installation of a spare phase to increase the cable system reliability. Figure UG-03 is a drawing of a typical SCFF submarine cable construction. This cable construction can be manufactured in Europe (Italy and Norway) and in Japan. This cable has a very good operating record, provided that it is properly installed in good route conditions. Three-Conductor Flat-Type SCFF Cable: This cable system consist of three conductors, each insulated and shielded. A lead sheath is then applied to the three cables placed in flat configuration. Two corrugated bronze tapes are installed longitudinally along the wide side where the three cables are laid together. The cornigated bronze tapes will allow the dielectric fluid volume to expand and contract without subjecting the cable construction to excessive pressures or mechanical forces. A submarine armoring is applied over the oval cable construction. Figure UG-04 is a drawing of a 3-conductor submarine flat type cable construction. No external pressurization system is required for this cable type. Because of the 3- conductor design, it is not possible to install a spare phase. The three phases will be installed in the same trench, making the installation less costly than for the single conductor construction. Because of the three-conductor design, all phases will be affected in case of a cable failure or mechanical damage. Note, however, that it may be less expensive to install two 3-conductor circuits in two trenches versus four single-conductor cables in four trenches. This cable can be manufactured in Europe (Denmark). The cable type has a very good operating record. One of the circuits between Denmark and Sweden, the Konti-Skan project, was installed in 1965. A 400 kVDC circuit was recently completed between Denmark and Germany’ 7400 kV Flat Type Oil-Filled Cables for Kontek, HVDC Interconnection Denmark/Germany,” by S.H. Poulsen, et.al., CIGRE , 1994 Session, 28 August - 3 September, paper 21-204 PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 19 O11 duct a . Copper_conductor , ’ “ Conductor screen fl \ Insulation paper ‘ r Insulation screen : ‘ Insulation binder : : Lead alloy sheath : cD Fabric tape ‘ n Stainless steel tape \ ; Fabric taj Polyethylene jacket / Polypropylene beddii we Galvanized steel wire armour ‘ Polypropylene _servin: CROSS SECTION OF TYPICAL SELF CONTAINED FLUID FILLED CABLE (SUBMARINE ) THIS DRAWING WAS PREPARED BY POWER DSGN| 08 | 2/96 — JOB NUMBER SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT ENGINEERS. INC. FOR & SPECIFIC PROJECT. Taking INTO CONSIDERATION THE SPECIFIC DRN | st_| 2/96 AND UNJOUE REQUIREMENTS OF ThE PROVECT. 9 raceme seo Te OE, Ralls tt CONTAINED IN THIS ORANING FOR any PURPOSE SCALE: NT BOWES RAWING NO. |REV imate ees mtn Peso re | |e Sado, cuenaRoo% 981¥¢ SCFF CABLE FROW OTH POWEE HD FOMER'S CLIERT IS HAILEY. IDAHO 4323 UG-03 /N GRANTED. natsz. tb! STANDED COPPER CONDUCTOR CARBONIZED PAPER (/— PAPER INSULATION / —CARBONIZED PAPER AND SCREEN OF ALUMINUM FOIL LEAD ALLOY SHEATH LAYER OF ASPHALT AND TWO LAYERS OF OJL-IMPREGNATED PAPER ZTE XXXKKKX LIA Y 7 x TWO LAYERS OF COPPER TAPES X a S SSS \/ 7, CORRAGATED BRONZE TAPE (7) COPPER WIRE D\ D\ Ju- ASPHALT. POLYPROPYLENE YARN, ASPHALT. IMPREGNATED CREPE PAPER. COOOOOOOOC ss. SELFADHESIVE PB-TAPE. ASPHALT»POLYPROPYLENE YARN AND ASPHALT GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES ASPHALT. POLYPROPYLENE YARN, ASPHALT.POLYPROPYLENE YARN ASPHALT AND CHAULK AC FLAT TYPE SUBMARINE CABLE Leen = SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT] "=" tuo UGE RCCIREMINTS GF THC. PROAET. 2796 POWER mawing Now REV eee as sc ae = dc FLAT TYPE ORANG WO. 15 PONE URESS aI TIEN rss WAILEY. 1DAHO. 83333 SUBMARINE CABLE UG-04 A nant. 12-FEB-1996 14:35 nofsz.tb! | 22sip#4.agn Extruded Dielectric Cables: Two insulation types may be considered: e Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR) insulated transmission cables e Cross-Linked Polyethylene (XLPE) insulated transmission cable Because of the high dielectric losses of the EPR insulation material, its higher per-foot cost, and the substantial cable length required for each of the potential CEA routes, the EPR design will not be cost-effective for this circuit, and no further evaluation will be performed. The XLPE cable manufacturing process is limited to 5,000 to 8,000 feet in the cable that can be manufactured in a continuous length. The test apparatus available today also limits the length of cable that reliably can be tested, both for partial discharge testing and AC withstand testing. The submarine cable design will include the armor wires and bedding similar to that shown for the SCFF in Figure UG-03. See Figure UG-06 for the land cable XLPE cable design. It is possible to make factory-molded splices with the same diameter and dielectric characteristics as the cable, and apply armor continuously to the XLPE cable to make it a viable submarine cable construction. This approach would require factory splices every 5,000 to 8,000 feet, depending on the manufacturing facilities. Each cable will be installed in trenches separated 500 to 1,000 feet. A spare cable can be installed to increase the cable system reliability, should one cable fail or be damaged. In 1992, Central Power & Light, Texas® installed an 8-mile XLPE submarine cable. Because of the shallow water depth, this cable did not require a steel wire armoring. Copper tape and polypropylene yarn were installed on the submarine portion of the circuit. The submarine portion of the cable was extruded in approximately 3,000-foot lengths, transported to the seaport and than spliced with taped molded joints with approximately the same diameter as the factory insulated cable. The submarine XLPE cable design can be manufactured in Europe and Japan. The land XLPE cable can be manufactured in North America (Canada), Europe and Japan. Subsection B: Cable Armoring and Corrosion Protection: The cable armoring will be designed to the maximum installation depth and type of installation environment. If the cable will be jetted into the sea bottom, a single armor would be recommended. If the installation would be in an area where the cable may be resting on hard bottom and possibly encounter catenary sections, a double armor and possibly the “Rock Armor” would be used. This type of armor is applied with a short lay of the armor wire. The armor wires will be galvanized steel wires covered with a serving or bedding of polypropylene yarn and asphalt. * Minutes of the ICC Meeting, Spring, 1992, Victoria, British Colombia, Appendix VII- B-1 PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 22 With the cables buried in the sea bottom, this type of covering will give the required protection from corrosion. If the cables are exposed to the tides and suspended debris in the water, the yarn and asphalt may be worn off with time, and the armor wires may start to corrode. The situation would be even worse with rolling rocks on the sea bottom. Experience shows that even under severe condition, a single layer of galvanized steel armor wires can have an expected useful life of 30 to 40 years. As an example, a 138-kV Self-Contained Gas-Filled cable system installed between 1956 and 1958 by BC Hydro, Canada’ failed in 1990 after satisfactory service for 32 years. At the failure location, severe corrosion of the galvanized steel armor had occurred where the cable had been exposed to the sea water. In areas where the cable was completely buried in the sea bottom, the armor showed no sign of corrosion. Subsection C: Transition Between Submarine and Land Cable: The submarine cable is armored and the sheath/armor is operated multi-point bonded, whereas land cable has no armor, and the sheaths would probably be cross-bonded. Therefore, a transition joint is needed between the two cable types. In addition, if SCFF cable is used for submarine portions, and XLPE for land portions, then the transition joint would have to also accommodate the two insulation types. There are several options for the transition between the submarine and land sections: e A transition station with terminations and possibly switches, high-voltage surge arresters, etc. e A manhole with transition joints e Continue the submarine cable to the overhead transmission line transition station Transition Station: The use of a transition station may be required if four cables are installed in the submarine cable section and only three cables in the land portion of the circuit. The station would be equipped with termination structures for the submarine cable and the land cable, including provision to use the spare submarine cable for any of the phases. This may require installation of additional buswork within the station. The station would also hold the cable pressurization and monitoring equipment. Breakers or circuit switchers could also be installed if necessary. This installation would require a fenced-in area and relatively large piece(s) of land. A typical transition station is shown in Figure UG-0S. ° Minutes of the ICC Meeting, Spring, 1993, Birmingham, Alabama, Project 9-29 PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 23 ARRESTER BLDG. x TERMINATOR ? Lene Mn TRANSITION/TERMINAT ION Se Moe Sg ee THIS DRAWING WAS PREPARED BY POWER. ENGINEERS. INC. FOR A SPECIFIC PROJECT.| TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE SPECIFIC AND UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROVECT. REUSE OF THIS DRAWING OR ANY INF ORWAT ION] CONTAINED JN THIS DRAWING FOR ANY PURPOSE IS PROHIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN PER&t SION] FPOM BOTH POWER AND POWER’S CLIENT 15 GRANTED. SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT SI I DRAWING NO. |REV TRANSITION/TERMINATION STATION us-05 |A\ T2-FEB-1996 13:56 nafsz. tb! Ginouer 3940 GLENBROOK DRIVE HAILEY, IDAHO 83333 NTS. Manhole With Transition Joints: For both the single conductor and the three conductor cable types proposed for this installation, transition joints to the XLPE cable type exist. The joints could be installed in a manhole. This installation method would require that the fourth cable would be continued to the overhead transition station since it is not feasible to have provisions to readily splice it to one of the other phases in the manhole. The pressurization and monitoring equipment could be installed in a small building in the vicinity of the manhole, or it may be possible, depending on the type of system required for the cable, to install it within the manhole. Grounding boxes for the cable sheaths would also be installed in the manhole. Bring Submarine Cable to Overhead Transition Station: If the distance to the overhead transmission line transition station is short (0.5 miles or less) it may be cost effective to use the submarine cable design on the land portion. A manhole with splices could be located at the cable landing point. All of the pressurization and monitoring equipment could be located at the transition station or at the splicing location. Cable Monitoring: As additional cable system monitoring, a fiber optic cable should be incorporated into the cable construction. The fibers can be used to monitor the cable temperature along the total cable length. They can also be used to determine mechanical damage or the location of a fault. Research is underway to develop a leak detection method using the fiber optic cable as part of the monitoring system; this would be useful for a fiber optic cable installed over the sheath of a SCFF cable. PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 2S SECTION IV: | LAND CABLE It is assumed that the land cable section will be about 5 miles in length. It is also assumed that the cable type will be XLPE. The installation modes to be evaluated are: e Direct Burial e Duct Bank Installation Figure UG-06 is a typical XLPE cable design. Subsection A: Direct Buried Cables: In a rural environment where there will be adequate room for moving the cable reels along the trench, installing the cables direct buried will be the most cost effective mode. The construction right-of-way (ROW) would be approximately 40 - 50 feet wide. The direct-burial method requires that the length of trench between splice locations be kept open during the cable installation. The cables could be spaced 10 - 15 inches apart and placed in a horizontal configuration in a thermal sand or clean fill. After the cable is installed in the trench, an additional 6 inches of thermal sand would cover the cables, and the native soil would fill the trench. Even if no digging is anticipated along the route, mechanical protection such as concrete slabs should be placed over the thermal sand. The splices could be direct buried and the sheath grounding connections installed in a hand hole. It would then be possible to disconnect the ground to perform electrical tests on the jacket to assure the continuous integrity of the lead sheath’s corrosion protection. The section lengths would be limited to the maximum manufacturing length, the maximum reel size and weight that can be transported to the installation site. This distance might be 2000 — 3500 feet. If higher load current capabilities and lower operating losses are required, the circuit could be cross-bonded, which requires the metallic sheath to be open-circuited at the splices and the installation of link boxes made at each splice location. It is recommended that the splices be installed in manholes if this installation mode is selected, so CEA can perform the required maintenance of the splices and link boxes. Direct buried cables have a 10 — 15% higher ampacity than cables in conduit, because there is no dead air space to act as a thermal insulator. However, failure repair would require excavating the trench at the failure location. For a conduit installation, new cable is commonly pulled from an existing splice to an adjacent splice, and there is no need for excavations. Subsection B: Conduit Installation: The installation of the cables into conduit will allow the length of open trench to be short, since the trench can be backfilled as conduit sections are installed. The construction ROW can be as narrow as 20-30 feet. The conduits could be covered with the native soil if its thermal characteristics meet or exceed PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 26 the requirements stated in the specifications. The splices could be direct buried or in manholes as discussed under Subsection A. It is recommended that at least one spare conduit sized for the transmission cable be included in the installation. This could be used for a future cable in case of a failure. It is also recommended that a smaller conduit designed for communication cables be included in the installation. The cables could be cross-bonded or fully-bonded, depending on the load and loss requirements. If the cables are fully-bonded, an increase in the conductor size may be required to carry the required load. For the detailed system design, a cost evaluation should be performed for cross-bonded versus fully-bonded sheaths that includes the material costs (link boxes, splices with sheath interrupts), cost of losses, cost of maintenance for cross-bonded systems, and potentially the cost of increasing the conductor size with added handling and transportation costs for the fully-bonded system. The section lengths would be determined based on the route layout, e.g., the number and type of bends in the conduit. It is expected that the section lengths could be as long as 3,000 - 3,300 feet. The transportation requirements for the direct buried cable installation method also pertain to the duct-installation method. The maximum pulling tension for a 1,000 kcmil copper conductor is 10,000 Ib. The maximum pulling length for a straight section would be in the order of 3,300 feet. Most manufacturers will be able to manufacturer and ship this cable size in that length. Subsection C: Transition Station: The transition between the underground XLPE and overhead transmission circuits can be performed on a dead-end overhead line structure as shown in Figure UG-05. Performing the transition on a structure will eliminate the need for a secure fenced-in station. If switching of the circuit will be required between the overhead and underground portion, structures and switches should be located at the transition location. Additional cable can be looped at the base of the structures to assure enough cable for a repair in case of a termination failure. PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 27 COPPER CONDUCTOR EXTRUDED SEMI-CONDUCTOR EXTRUDED XLPE INSULATION EXTRUDED SEMI-CONDUCTOR SEMI-CONDUCTIVE BEDDING TAPES EXTRUDED LEAD SHEATH PE OUTER JACKET WITH GRAPHITE COATING CROSS SECTION OF TYPICAL EXTRUDED DIELECTRIC CABLE (LAND ) Se SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT] "=e" wo me inno er a GROWER cattina soe conTay IN THIS DRAWING FOR ANY PURPOSE ? serene at ae mecroper mis | — CATED DIELECTRIC CMME eens 1AM 12-FEB-1996 13:55 SECTION V: CABLE DESIGNS Subsection A: Requirements for the Southern Intertie cables were provided to several cable manufacturers for comments on the potential application. The cable designs received from the manufacturers are summarized in the following table: Table 8.1 Submarine Cable Designs Submarine Cable Constructions — 138 kV sheath Reinforcement Stainless steel tape and fabric tape Copper tapes, corrugated bronze tapes on each flat side Cable Item Single Conductor Three Conductor Flat XLPE SCFF | SCFF Core Stranded Conductor shield Carbon black paper Carbon black paper Extruded S/C | material Insulation 11 mm (0.433 in.) 11 mm impregnated paper 18 mm (0.709 impregnated paper in.) XLPE | Insulation shield Carbon black paper and |} Carbon black paper Extruded S/C metallized paper material Metallic sheath Lead alloy Carbon black paper and Lead alloy aluminum foil Overall metallic Lead alloy wrapped with copper wires or galvanized steel wires and zinc wires Binder Fabric tape Anticorrosion jacket | Polyethylene jacket Included in the armor bedding | Polyethylene | jacket Armor bedding Polyethylene yarn Asphalt, polypropylene yarn, | Bituminized asphalt, impregnated crepe creped paper paper, self adhesive PE tape, and Asphalt, polypropylene yarn polypropylene and asphalt |_yarn Armor Galvanized steel wires | Galvanized steel wires Galvanized steel wires or aluminum alloy wires Outer serving Polypropylene yarn Asphalt, polypropylene yarn, | Asphalt and asphalt, polypropylene yarn polypropylene | asphalt and chalk [_yarn Weight kg/meter 30 (approx.) 55 (approx) Not available Note that 500 mm’ is approximately 1000 kemil. PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 29 Subsection B: Land Cable System Design: The following cable design was developed for the XLPE cables that would be used for land installation. The cable is sized for conduit installation; a slightly smaller size may be acceptable for direct buried cables. Table 8.2 Land Cable Design LAND CABLE DESIGN AND SYSTEM COMPONENTS - 138kV Item ! Description Conductor Size mm? 500 — Cu — Stranded Conductor shield Extruded S/C material Insulation 18 mm XLPE Insulation shield Extruded S/C material Metallic sheath Lead alloy Jacket Polyethylene Approximate cable weight — kg/m 16 Transition joints or transition Varies, depending upon design details. Single- structures, submarine cable to land phase joints are needed to connect submarine cable or overhead line. cable to land cable, or an overhead structure is needed to connect submarine cable to overhead line. Terminations 3 required if transition joints are used. 6 required if not using transition joints High voltage surge protectors 1 for each termination Manholes 1 for every 3 splices (if X-bonded) Hand hole boxes 1 for every 3 splices (if solid bonded) Splices — Solid Bonded 3 for approximately every 3,000 feet Splices — X-Bonded 3 for approximately every 3,000 feet Grounding box — if solid bonded 1 at each splice location Link box — if X-bonding 1 at each splice location Jacket surge protection — if X-bonding | 1 on each phase at open sheath connected termination PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 30 SECTION VI: © CABLE SYSTEM RELIABILITY Some of the submarine cable problems that have affected cable system reliability include (not in the order of importance): Failures in joints Failures due mechanical damage during laying Failure due to mechanical stress developed after laying Failures due to fishing trawls Failures due to anchors snagging the cables Splice technology has improved so that joint failures are very uncommon in recent installations. Techniques such as jetting-in of the cables have improved the quality of laying to a point where failures due to improper installation seldom occur. Mechanical damage after installation has been minimized dramatically because of improved installation methods and better knowledge of the cable location during and after laying. No excessive unsupported cable sections should exist. Table 9.1 is a summary of failure data published by CIGRE. Table 9.1 Summary of Submarine Cable Failures, 1967-1982 Konti-Skan I Sardinia-Italy Vancouver I Vancouver II Skagerak I Skagerak II Cross- Channel II Notes: 1h The circuit operated the first 5 years without failures. The fishing industry changed to the use of heavy trawls dragged along the bottom, resulting in cable damage. Subsequent failures were associated with trawling, splice failures, and mechanical damage during repair. 30 km of cable was replaced, and buried to 0.75 meters. 2. 9 cable failures occurred from 1967-1970, most if not all due to anchors and trawling. 3. The 3 failures caused by trawlers or tugboats dragging a hawser along the sea bottom. PI EI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 3] For cable installations in areas where heavy trawling is used or expected to be used, the cables must be buried a minimum of | meter into the sea bottom. The anchor snagging problems will always exist. A cost/benefit study could be performed to evaluated the most economical installation method for a given area. An article” discusses the factors to be considered such as the ship’s anchor size, the frequency of occurrence (number and size of ships passing the cable route), the penetration depth of the anchor into the bottom, type of damage to be expected, the cost of repair, and the cost of burial in terms of depth. The recommendation in the paper: “Bury to 6 feet of cover and accept a slightly higher capital cost of $100,000 (1975 figure) to reduce the cost of maintenance and repair by $600,000 (1975 figure). For the routes being evaluated here, the iceberg population, size range of icebergs, route of iceberg movements, and the number and depth of scours must be taken into consideration when selecting the final cable route. To further evaluate the cable circuit’s availability, the seasonal accessibility by cable repair vessel to the failure location must be considered. The repair time, with a cable repair vessel and replacement cable and required splices at the site, could be 5 to 8 days or longer, if the weather permits continuous repair operation. With the repair vessel to be called in from Europe or Japan, the cable outage time can be quite long. The common repair technique’ is to lift the cable onto the repair vessel and splice in a new cable section, i.e. make two splices. The cable is then laid back onto the sea bottom. If the cable needs to be trenched, a new trench will be required for the additional cable spliced into the circuit. To improve the repair time, it is recommended that spare cable and repair splices be purchased at the time of installation. The length of spare cable will have to be based on how much cable would be required for a repair. Depending on how far from shore the failure occurs, it may be advisable to replace the section from failure to termination or transition joint and thereby eliminate one splice in the water. Some of the required material for the splicing operation may have limited shelf life, so attention should be paid to what should be included in the spare material package. 0 “How to protect offshore pipe lines,” by R.J. Brown, The Hague, Holland, Pipe Line Industry magazine, March, 1975 'l “A Survey of Installation and Repair Techniques presently in use for Submarine Cables,” by K. Bjgrlgw-Larsen, et.al, CIGRE, 1990 Session, 26th August - Ist September, paper 21-202 PEI-HLY 55-0064C 120293 (1/96) ab 32 SUBSTATION DESIGN CRITERIA AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN REPORT SECTION I: INTRODUCTION This section presents the substation design considerations that must be addressed to accommodate the modifications needed to terminate the Southern Intertie. A description of each site along with specific electrical and structural requirements is included in each respective subsection. These design criteria are not intended for use in final design. The design criteria used for final design will be a refinement of these criteria, and will require a more detailed investigation of the conditions at the selected sites than is possible for a study based on project definition to date. Modifications will be required to existing substations to terminate the proposed Southern Intertie. Alternate termination points include the University, Point Woronzof and International Substations in the Anchorage area and the Soldotna and Bernice Lake Substations on the Kenai Peninsula. In addition, cable termination structures and reactive compensation will be required at the existing Point Woronzof Substation and at new submarine cable landfall sites along Turnagain Arm. The design criteria for the cable termination sites will be included in the design criteria sections for the submarine cable and reactive compensation. The Southern Intertie may be constructed and operated at either 138kV or 230kV. Either voltage will require the addition of a transformer at the substations on the Kenai Peninsula, since the transmission voltage on the Kenai Peninsula is 115kV. For the 138kV alternatives, no transformers will be required in Anchorage. The 230kV alternatives will require a transformer at the International and Point Woronzof Substations, but not at University Substation. Additional land purchase and/or expansions of the existing fence will be required for all - proposed substation modifications except for the 138kV options at University Substation. Refer to the individual substation descriptions for additional information. SECTION II: GOVERNING CODES AND PRACTICES e The National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) governs all electrical clearances and provides the minimum recommendations for ice and wind loading. e IEEE Guidelines will be used to provide additional information on certain clearances, such as from fences to energized parts and from control buildings to oil-filled equipment. e Rural Utility Service (RUS) guidelines for substation design will be consulted to determine many design parameters. e Local utility experience will be used to modify ice and wind loading and seismic design criteria as necessary. e Zone 4 ICBO Seismic Requirements PEI-HLY 55-0064E 120293-01 (01/96) ab 1 SECTION III: | BERNICE LAKE SUBSTATION Subsection A: Site Description: The Bernice Lake Substation and Power Plant is located northeast of Kenai. The substation is interconnected by one 115kV transmission line and one 69kV transmission line and has four combustion turbine generators with a total capacity of 87 MVA. Homer Electric Association (HEA) also serves 25kV distribution loads from this substation. The 115kV transmission line feeds a 115/69kV autotransformer through a single circuit breaker. It is recommended that the 115kV portion of the station be modified to a three breaker ring bus to prevent outages to the 69kV system and generators for faults on the Soldotna 115kV line. This recommendation is made to reduce outages while modifications are being made. The existing 115kV equipment and structures cannot be re-used in the ring bus without an extensive outage on the 115kV Soldotna line or temporary connections that sacrifice protection on the 115/69kV transformer. It is recommended that the ring bus be constructed with all new equipment. A much shorter outage can then be taken to transfer the line terminations and control circuits to the new equipment. The existing 115kV equipment and structures would then be removed. Modifications for either the 138 or 230kV options require the addition of one 230kV or 138/115kV autotransformer, three 115kV circuit breakers and associated disconnect switches, one 230kV or 138kV circuit breaker and associated disconnect switches, bus support structures and buswork, 115kV instrument transformers, 230kV or 138kV instrument transformers, and protective relaying for the new line and transformer. Additional requirements include conduit, cabling, foundations, grounding, fencing, sitework, a 115kV deadend structure and a 230kV or 138kV deadend structure. Existing relaying for the Soldotna line and 115/69kV transformer will be reused. The existing control building and communications are adequate for the proposed additions. The existing yard must be expanded to the east for the addition of the Southern Intertie. HEA owns the property east of the substation to North Kenai Road. This area is adequate for the required modifications. As an option, the amount of property required for expansion can be minimized by replacing the HEA 25kV structures, located immediately to the south of the 115kV equipment, with metal-clad switchgear. The vacated area can then be used for some of the equipment required for the Southern Intertie. The preliminary design does not include this option. The existing access will not be changed. Protective relaying for the Southern Intertie will be redundant (primary and backup), microprocessor-based distance relays with microwave transfer trip capability for line protection. Transformer protection will be differential relays with overcurrent relays for overload protection. Subsection B: Electrical Requirements: e A One-Line Diagram showing the proposed additions are shown in Figure SS-01. © One (1) 230kV or 138/115kV 150/200 MVA, OA/FA 55° C rise Autotransformer PEI-HLY 55-0064E 120293-01 (01/96) ab 2 3” schedule 40 aluminum rigid bus, minimum Parallel 795 kCM AAC strain bus Three (3) 115kV, 1200 A, 40 KAIC SF¢ circuit breakers One (1) 230 or 138kV, 1200 A, 40 kKAIC, SF¢ circuit breaker Eight (8) 115kV, 1200 A, 40 kA momentary, vee switches Two (2) 230kV or 138kV, 1200 A, 40 kA momentary, vee switches Three 115kV capacitor voltage transformers Three 230kV or 138kV capacitor voltage transformers Grounding per IEEE-80 BIL levels will be as follows: 115kV: 550kV BIL 138kV: 650kV BIL 230kV: 900kV BIL Subsection C: Mechanical/Civil Requirements: Wind and ice loading per NESC Heavy Spread footer or drilled pier foundations for steel structures Slab-on-grade foundations for circuit breakers and transformer Catch basin oil containment Tubular steel structures Site grading and surfacing Raceway Fencing PEI-HLY 55-0064E 120293-01 (01/96) ab 3 115/69 kV 40/60/75 MVA Figure SS-01 ADDITIONS TO BERNICE LAKE SUBSTATION SECTIONIV: INTERNATIONAL SUBSTATION Subsection A: Site Description: The International Substation and Power Plant is located near the Chugach Electric Association (CEA) office in Anchorage. The substation is connected by three 138kV transmission lines and has three combustion turbine generators with a total capacity of 46 MVA. CEA also serves 34.5kV distribution loads from this substation. ; The 138kV transmission lines are connected through a single bus, single breaker strain bus arrangement on lattice-type structures. Two 138/34.5kV transformers are also connected to the 138kV bus. The only open position in the box structure is between the transformers and the generator buildings and is not suitable for a transmission line termination. The box structure cannot be expanded within the existing fence. It may be possible to expand the fence to the west, however, it will require relocation of an access road. In addition, all three existing transmission lines would need to be relocated or the connection to the Southern Intertie must be underground. A new 138kV three breaker ring bus can be built on CEA-owned land immediately to the south of the existing substation. The connection from the existing bus to the new bus would be through the existing University line bay. The University line would then be relocated to the new bus. Modifications for the 138kV option requires the addition of three 138kV circuit breakers and associated disconnect switches, bus support structures and buswork, 138kV instrument transformers, protective relaying for the new line, conduit, cabling, foundations, grounding, fencing, sitework and three 138kV deadend structures. Existing relaying for the University line will be reused. The existing control building and communications are adequate for the proposed additions. Modifications for the 230kV option requires the addition of one 230/138kV autotransformer, three 138kV circuit breakers and associated disconnect switches, one 230kV circuit breaker and associated disconnect switches, bus support structures and buswork, 138kV instrument transformers, 230kV instrument transformers, protective relaying for the new line and the new transformer, conduit, cabling, foundations, grounding, fencing, sitework, two 138kV deadend structures and a 230kV deadend structure. Existing relaying for the University line will be reused. The existing control building and communications are adequate for the proposed additions. Protective relaying for the Southern Intertie will be redundant microprocessor-based distance relays with microwave transfer trip capability for line protection. Transformer protection will be differential relays with overcurrent relays for overload protection. Bus differential protection will also be required. PEI-HLY 55-0064E 120293-01 (01/96) ab 2 Subsection B: Electrical Requirements (138kV option): A One-Line Diagram showing the proposed additions is shown in Figure SS-02. 3” schedule 40 aluminum rigid bus, minimum Parallel 795 kKCM AAC strain bus Three (3) 138kV, 1200 A, 40 kAIC SF circuit breakers Eight (8) 138kV, 1200 A, 40 kA momentary, vee switches Six (6) 115kV capacitor voltage transformers Grounding per IEEE-80 I BIL levels will be as follows: 138kV: 650kV BIL Subsection C: Electrical Requirements (230kV option): A One-Line Diagram showing the proposed additions is shown in Figure SS-03. One (1) 230/138kV 150/200 MVA, OA/FA 55° C rise Autotransformer 3” schedule 40 aluminum rigid bus, minimum Parallel 795 kCM AAC strain bus Three (3) 138kV, 1200 A, 40 kAIC SF¢ circuit breakers One (1) 230kV, 1200 A, 40 kAIC, SF¢ circuit breaker Eight (8) 138kV, 1200 A, 40 kA momentary, vee switches Two (2) 230kV, 1200 A, 40 kA momentary, vee switches Three 138kV capacitor voltage transformers Three 230kV capacitor voltage transformers Grounding per IEEE-80 BIL levels will be as follows: 138kV: 650kV BIL 230kV: 900kV BIL Subsection D: Mechanical/Civil Requirements (138kV option): e Wind and ice loading per NESC Heavy e Spread footer or drilled pier foundations for steel structures e Slab-on-grade foundations for circuit breakers e Tubular steel structures Site grading and surfacing Raceway e Fencing PEI-HLY 55-0064E 120293-01 (01/96) ab 6 Subsection E: Mechanical/Civil Requirements (230kV option): Wind and ice loading per NESC Heavy Spread footer or drilled pier foundations for steel structures Slab-on-grade foundations for circuit breakers and transformer Catch basin oil containment for the 230/115kV transformer Tubular steel structures Site grading and surfacing Raceway Fencing ee ere PEI-HLY 55-0064E 120293-01 (01/96) ab U 138/34.5 kV ue Wn 138/34.5 kV 75/100/125 MVA re 75/100/125 MVA | | Remove after construction of new ring bus. Beluga #2 138 kV LEGEND Existing ———— _ Proposed Construction Figure SS-02 9 > YOMER ADDITIONS TO INTERNATIONAL SUBSTATION 138 KV OPTION 138/34.5 kV wee 138/34.5 kV 75/100/125 MVA re 75/100/125 MVA Beluga #1 138 kV LEGEND Existing Proposed Construction Figure SS-03 4 ~YOMER ADDITIONS TO INTERNATIONAL SUBSTATION 230 KV OPTION BY: SDS SECTION V: UNIVERSITY SUBSTATION Subsection A: Site Description: The University Substation is located on Tudor Road in Anchorage. The substation is served by one 138kV transmission line, two 115kV transmission lines and one 230kV transmission line. CEA also serves 34.5kV distribution loads from this substation. The 138kV portion of the station is arranged in a main and transfer bus configuration. The 138kV bus serves two 138/115/34.5kV transformers, one 138kV transmission line and one 230/138kV autotransformer. There are two unused bays. One of the unused bays serves as transfer bus position. The second unused bay is designated for a future 138kV transmission line, and has deadend structures in place. The second unused bay could be used for the Southern Intertie if constructed at 138kV. If the unused bays cannot be used for the Southern Intertie, a new bay can be added to the East end of the main and transfer bus. The 230kV portion of the station consists of a single 230kV transmission line connected through a single breaker to a 230/138kV autotransformer. This transformer is rated 300 MVA, which is adequate for the additional capacity of the Southern Intertie. A new three breaker ring bus can be built in the area near the existing 230kV equipment. It may be possible to build inside the existing fence, however, it will eliminate future expansion of the 138kV bus and will block the main access to the 115kV portion of the station. If this option is not desired, the existing fence will need to be expanded into the current access road area or to the east. Expansion to the east may be difficult due to an existing trail. We have assumed that the station can be expanded into the existing access road, and the road relocated. The existing 230kV circuit breaker will be relocated and reused in the ring bus. Modifications for the 138kV option requires the addition of 138kV_ instrument transformers, protective relaying for the new line, conduit and cabling. Existing circuit breakers, disconnect switches, buswork, 138kV deadend tower, grounding, fencing, control building and communications are adequate for the proposed additions. Modifications for the 230kV option requires the addition of two 230kV circuit breakers and associated disconnect switches, bus support structures and buswork, 230kV instrument transformers, protective relaying for the new line, conduit, cabling, foundations, grounding, and a 230kV deadend structure. The existing fencing, 230/138kV autotransformer, control building and communications are adequate for the proposed additions. Subsection B: Electrical Requirements (138kV option): e A One-Line Diagram showing the proposed additions is shown in Figure SS-04. e Three 138kV capacitor voltage transformers e BIL levels will be as follows: 138kV: 650kV BIL PEI-HLY 55-0064E 120293-01 (01/96) ab 10 Subsection C: Electrical Requirements (230kV option): A One-Line Diagram showing the proposed additions is shown in Figure SS-05. 3” schedule 40 aluminum rigid bus, minimum Parallel 795 kCM AAC strain bus Two (2) 230kV, 1200 A, 40 kAIC, SF¢ circuit breakers Six (6) 230kV, 1200 A, 40 kA momentary, vee switches Three 230kV capacitor voltage transformers Grounding per IEEE-80 BIL levels will be as follows: 230kV: 900kV BIL e Reuse one 230kV & circuit breaker and two 230kV Vee Switches Subsection D: Mechanical/Civil Requirements (138kV option): e Wind and ice loading per NESC Heavy e Raceway Subsection E:_Mechanical/Civil Requirements (230kV option): Wind and ice loading per NESC Heavy Spread footer or drilled pier foundations for steel structures Slab-on-grade foundations for circuit breakers Tubular steel structures Site grading and surfacing Raceway Fencing PEI-HLY 55-0064E 120293-01 (01/96) ab 11 | soothers tnierie University oy sissy 138/115/34.5 kV 138/115/34.5 kV Lae ee a Ty 230/138 kV 300 MVA ! ML&P Plant 2 230kV LEGEND Existing Proposed Construction Figure SS-04 Q RDO ADDITIONS TO UNIVERSITY SUBSTATION 138 KV OPTION IDATE: 12/29/95 University 138 kV 138/115/34.5 kV 138/115/34.5 kV Se all oat at 230/138 kV 300 MVA LEGEND Existing Proposed Construction Figure SS-05 DRAWING NO. ADDITIONS TO UNIVERSITY SUBSTATION 230 KV OPTION SECTION VI: SOLDOTNA SUBSTATION Subsection A: Site Description: The Soldotna Substation and Power Plant is located near the Sterling Highway west of Soldotna. The substation is connected by four 115kV transmission lines, two 69kV transmission lines and has one combustion turbine generator with a capacity of 43 MVA. HEA also serves 25kV distribution loads from this substation. The 115kV bus is arranged in a breaker-and-a-half configuration. In addition to the four transmission lines, the 115kV.bus is connected to a 115/69kV autotransformer, a 13.9/115kV generator step-up transformer and an SVC. There is sufficient space inside the existing fence for an additional 115kV breaker-and-a-half bay. Also there is an undeveloped area designated for a future 230kV yard. All 138kV or 230kV equipment will be placed in this designated area. Development of this area may require slight modifications to the circular access road. Modifications for either the 138kV or 230kV options require the addition of one 230kV or 138/115kV autotransformer, two 115kV circuit breakers and associated disconnect switches, one 230kV or 138kV circuit breaker and associated disconnect switches, bus support structures and buswork, 230kV or 138kV instrument transformers, protective relaying for the new line and transformer, conduit, cabling, foundations, grounding, fencing, sitework, a 115kV deadend structure and a 230kV or 138kV deadend structure. The existing control building and communications are adequate for the proposed additions. Protective relaying for the Southern Intertie will be redundant microprocessor-based distance relays with microwave transfer trip capability for line protection. Transformer protection will be differential relays with overcurrent relays for overload protection. Subsection B: Electrical Requirements: A One-Line Diagram showing the proposed additions is shown in Figure SS-06. One (1) 230kV or 138/115kV 150/200 MVA, OA/FA 55° C rise Autotransformer 3” schedule 40 aluminum rigid bus, minimum Parallel 795 kCM AAC strain bus Two (2) 115kV, 1200 A, 40 kKAIC SF circuit breakers One (1) 230kV or 138kV, 1200 A, 40 kKAIC, SF¢ circuit breaker Five (5) 115kV, 1200 A, 40 kA momentary, vee switches Two (2) 230kV or 138kV, 1200 A, 40 kA momentary, vee switches Three 230kV or 138kV capacitor voltage transformers Grounding per IEEE-80 BIL levels will be as follows: 115kV: 550kV BIL 138kV: 650kV BIL 230kV: 900kV BIL oeoeeeeoee#eee PEI-HLY 55-0064E 120293-01 (01/96) ab 14 Subsection C:_ Mechanical/Civil Requirements: Wind and ice loading per NESC Heavy Spread footer or drilled pier foundations for steel structures Slab-on-grade foundations for circuit breakers and transformer Catch basin oil containment Tubular steel structures Site grading and surfacing Fencing Raceway PEI-HLY 55-0064E 120293-01 (01/96) ab 15 Diamond Ridge 115/69 kV Xfmr Generator Unit #1 Bradley Lake LEGEND Existing Proposed YOMWER BY: SDS Figure SS-06 ADDITIONS TO SOLDOTNA SUBSTATION SECTION VII: POINT WORONZOF SUBSTATION Subsection A: Site Description: The Point Woronzof Substation is located near the Anchorage International Airport in Anchorage. The substation is essentially a termination and reactive compensation site for two 138kV submarine cable crossings to the Beluga area. There ae no circuit breakers or protective relaying for the transmission lines in the station. The addition of a third circuit (the Southern Intertie) requires that the station be expanded to provide for a switching station as well as cable terminations and reactive compensation. It is recommended that a five breaker 138kV ring bus be constructed immediately to the north of the existing fence to terminate all existing circuits and the proposed Southern Intertie. Modifications for the 138kV option requires the addition five 138kV circuit breakers and associated disconnect switches, bus support structures and buswork, 138kV instrument transformers, 138kV cable terminations, 138kV reactor, protective relaying for all five lines, conduit, cabling, foundations, grounding, fencing, sitework, and a control house. Modifications for the 230kV option requires the addition of one 230/138kV autotransformer, five 138kV circuit breakers and associated disconnect switches, one 230kV circuit breaker and associated disconnect switches, bus support structures and buswork, 138kV instrument transformers, 230kV instrument transformers, protective relaying for all five lines and the new transformer, conduit, cabling, foundations, grounding, fencing, sitework, and a control building. Subsection B: Electrical Requirements (138kV option): A One-Line Diagram showing the proposed additions is shown in Figure SS-07. 3” schedule 40 aluminum rigid bus, minimum Parallel 795 KCM AAC strain bus Five (5) 138kV, 1200 A, 40 kKAIC SF, circuit breakers Fifteen (15) 138kV, 1200 A, 40 kA momentary, vee switches Fifteen (15) 115kV capacitor voltage transformers Grounding per IEEE-80 BIL levels will be as follows: 138kV: 650kV BIL Subsection C: Electrical Requirements (230kV option): e A One-Line Diagram showing the proposed additions is shown in Figure SS-08. © One (1) 230kV or 138/115kV 150/200 MVA, OA/FA 55° C rise Autotransformer e 3” schedule 40 aluminum rigid bus, minimum e Parallel 795 kCM AAC strain bus e Five (5) 138kV, 1200 A, 40 kKAIC SF circuit breakers e Fifteen (15) 138kV, 1200 A, 40 kA momentary, vee switches PEI-HLY 55-0064E 120293-01 (01/96) ab 17 Fifteen (15) 115kV capacitor voltage transformers One (1) 230kV, 1200 A, 40 KAIC, SF circuit breakers Two (2) 230kV, 1200 A, 40 kA momentary, vee switches Three 230kV capacitor voltage transformers Grounding per IEEE-80 BIL levels will be as follows: 230kV: 900kV BIL Subsection D: Mechanical/Civil Requirements (138kV option): Wind and ice loading per NESC heavy Spread footer or drilled pier foundations for steel structures Slab-on-grade foundations for circuit breakers and reactors Tubular steel structures Site grading and surfacing Raceway Fencing Subsection E:_ Mechanical/Civil Requirements (230kV option): Wind and ice loading per NESC Heavy Spread footer or drilled pier foundations for steel structures Slab-on-grade foundations for circuit breakers, reactors and transformer Catch basin oil containment for the 230/138kV transformer Tubular steel structures Site grading and surfacing Raceway Fencing PEI-HLY 55-0064E 120293-01 (01/96) ab 18 Figure SS-07 ADDITIONS TO POINT WORONZOF SUBSTATION 138 KV OPTION Figure SS-08 -) MER ADDITIONS TO POINT WORONZOF SUBSTATION 230 KV OPTION REACTIVE COMPENSATION DESIGN CRITERIA AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN REPORT SECTION I: INTRODUCTION For the all of the scenarios considered for system expansion associated with Phase 1 of the Southern Intertie Route Selection Study, a combination of supporting reactive compensation equipment will be required to obtain acceptable system-wide, steady-state and dynamic operating performance. As determined in the system studies performed for the project, a combination of both mechanically switched (by circuit breakers or circuit switchers) and solid-state-controlled reactive compensation devices (thyristor controlled) are anticipated. These devices will accomplish the following: e Provide efficient steady-state power transfer.* e Improve system dynamic stability during system disturbances.* e Control capacitance on the high-voltage submarine/underground cable(s).* *Reference System Studies Report Vol. I, Il and II, POWER Engineers, Inc., 1996. This section presents the reactive compensation alternatives, by type, used for the system studies. The alternatives are limited to commercially available devices. A description of each type of device along with supporting requirements, is included within their respective subsection. It is significant to note that some reactive compensation will be required to be added to the existing 115kV line for any new 138kV or 230kV Southern Intertie alternative. The preliminary design criteria, to determine MVAR ratings, will require more refinement after additional definition can be provided on transmission routing, construction type, voltage, environmental limitations, and siting requirements. Additional studies will be required to determine optimal locations and arrays of the suggested alternatives. Some of the devices can be located adjacent to existing substations (such as the existing Daves Creek SVC) or be placed at a new site, dependent on physical requirements (such as existing line location or specific submarine cable landfall points). New land purchases and/or expansions of existing substation facilities will be required for all reactive compensation additions. A summary of reactive compensation requirements for the different alternatives is provided in Table RC-01. The alternative numbers correspond to those used in the Systems Studies Section Report previously submitted. Please refer to the individual reactive compensation descriptions for additional related information. PEI-HLY 55-0064G 120293-01 (02/96) ab 1 TABLE RC-01 - REACTIVE COMPENSATION REQUIREMENTS ee ee eee OMvar to 60Mvar Capacitive connects to 115kV line-line transmission voltage. 20Mvar thyristor controlled reactor with three 20Mvar steps of switched shunt shunt capacitors. Static Var Compensator complete with power transformer, circuit breaker and protective relaying Shunt Reactor complete with circuit Approximately 20Mvar, nominal | each | switcher and protective relaying voltage 230kV line-line a eee Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor |25Ohm (approximately 40Mvar), complete with circuit breaker, continuous through current rating disconnect switches and protective relaying of 730A, nominal voltage 115kV line-line. Shunt Capacitor complete with circuit |20Mvar, nominal voltage 115kV breaker and protective relaying line-line. ALTERNATIVE 2A — PARALLEL EXISTING ROUTE WITH 138KV CROSSING AT BIRD POINT Shunt Reactor complete with circuit 10Mvar, nominal voltage 138kV : 4 2 each breaker and protective relaying line-to-line = Vv quip ee ey Shunt Reactor complete with circuit 22Mvar, nominal voltage 230kV : . 2 each breaker and protective relaying line-line PEI-HLY 55-0064 120293-01 (01/96) ab 2 TABLE RC-01 - REACTIVE COMPENSATION REQUIREMENTS Shunt Reactor complete with circuit | {22Mvar, nominal voltage 138kV breaker and protective relaying line-line ALTERNATIVE 3B — ENSTAR ROUTE WITH 230KV Shunt Reactor complete with circuit 60Mvar, nominal voltage 230kV breaker and protective relaying line-line ALTERNATIVE 4A — TESORO ROUTE WITH 138KV Shunt Reactor complete with circuit 10Mvar, nominal voltage 138kV breaker and protective relaying line-line Shunt Reactor complete with circuit 30Mvar, nominal voltage 138kV : 3 Nel 2 each breaker and protective relaying line-line Shunt Reactor complete with circuit 30Mvar, nominal voltage 230kV breaker and protective relaying line-line Shunt Reactor complete with circuit | |40Mvar, nominal voltage 230kV breaker and protective relaying line-line Shunt Reactor complete with circuit 75Mvar, nominal voltage 230kV breaker and protective relaying line-line PEI-HLY 55-0064 120293-01 (01/96) ab 3 TABLE RC-01 - REACTIVE COMPENSATION REQUIREMENTS ALTERNATIVE 6 ~ BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE (BES) Equipment _— Rating Quantity International BES complete with power |+/- 40MVA, 20 minute output, transformer, circuit breaker and nominal transmission voltage protective relaying and control 138kV line-line Bernice Lake BES complete with power|+/-40MVA, 20 minute output, transformer, circuit breaker and nominal transmission voltage protective relaying and control 115kV line-line Note: Equipment ratings are preliminary. Final equipment ratings for the selected route will be determined from additional detailed engineering analysis. Bird Point ratings are estimates only. PEI-HLY 55-0064 120293-01 (01/96) ab 4 SECTION II: GOVERNING CODES AND PRACTICES e The National Electrical Code (NESC) governs all electrical clearances, and provides the minimum for ice and wind loading. e Rural Utility Service (RUS) guideline for site design will be consulted in determining design parameters. e Local utility experience will be used to modify ice and wind loading and seismic design criteria as necessary. e Additional trained technicians ‘will be required to operate and maintain the majority of the specialized equipment. e Zone 4 ICBO Seismic Requirements SECTION II: © SHUNT CAPACITOR BANKS Subsection A. Shunt Capacitor Requirements: Shunt connected capacitor banks are primarily utilized for voltage and var support in steady-state applications. These can significantly enhance steady-state system performance. Shunt banks for this study range in size from 20 to 60 MVAR depending on the specific alternative and voltage. The shunt capacitor banks would be connected at the appropriate line voltage (refer to Figure RC-01). The banks would be switched via a mechanical device (power circuit breaker). Additional equipment generally required includes air core reactors, Capacitor Coupled Voltages Transformers (CCVTs), and the wye-grounded ee racks. Specific protective relaying for the capacitor banks is required. c Response time for these devices are generally in the 5-10 cycle time and they are considered steady-state type of installations. The shunt banks would be utilized to augment other types of reactive compensation such as Static Var Compensation (SVC) or Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation (TCSC). Accordingly many of the supporting subsystems, such as AC and DC station services, require only minor additions (as compared to SVCs or TCSCs) to existing substations. The required components for the installations are typical of substation construction with a conventional circuit breaker/disconnect in front of air core reactors supported by tubular steel and insulators. The capacitor banks can be installed on an aluminum or steel frame and associated insulators. Generally, these installations are provided with additional personnel fencing (inside the substation perimeter fence) to allow a lower overall profile both for aesthetic and seismic considerations. Operations and maintenance requirements are considered to be mid-level, due to the duties of the switching devices and to the capacitors themselves. System connection points are flexible and allow connection at an existing substation or a new site. PEI-HLY 55-0064G 120293-01 (02/96) ab 5) Operational history for these types of installations are excellent with multiple manufacturers and good track records. Commercial availability is not normally a limitation, as they typically have delivery times of under one year. Required footprints for a typical installation range from 75’ x 75’ for 115kV, 20 MVAR banks to 150’ x 200’ for 2-20 MVAR installations. Typical substation site design or extensions are required for conduit, fencing, etc. Special considerations are required for grounding techniques and control cable shielding. Subsection B: Electrical Requirements: As shown on One-line Diagram - Typical Equipment on Figure RC-01 One 115kV or 230kV Circuit Breaker with Disconnect Switch 1200A One 115kV or 230kV CCVT 3 Single-Phase Air Core Reactors, Size as Required 3 Single-Phase Capacitor Banks Connected Wye-Grounded BIL Levels: 115kV: 550kV BIL 230kV: 900kV BIL e 795 kcmil ACSR Jumpers Subsection C: Mechanical/Civil Requirements: Wind and ice loading per NESC Heavy requirements e e Spread footer or drilled pier foundations for steel structures e Tubular galvanized steel structures e Site grading, gencing, surfacing, raceway PEI-HLY 55-0064G 120293-01 (02/96) ab 6 SECTIONIV: SHUNT REACTORS Subsection A: Shunt Reactor Requirements: Shunt connected reactors will be used for voltage control on the Southern Intertie project in conjunction with a long high- voltage submarine or underground cable installation and would also be required for an all overhead 230kV line alternatives. Typical applications would be on the end points of a long (multiple mile) cable such as the crossing of Turnagain Arm at the Tesoro, Enstar or - possibly Bird Point Crossings. Installation sizes range from 10 to 75 MVAR depending on the alternative. The shunt reactors are connected to the bus via a power circuit breaker. The shunt inductive reactance is switched on (connected) when the high-voltage circuit is energized to counteract the natural capacitive reactance due to the physical construction and length of the high-voltage cable. The sizes and number of reactors required is dependent on the specific application. Generally, one or two 3-phase reactors are required on either end of long runs of high-voltage cable to enhance steady-state operation. The reactors will most probably be located at new sites along the possible routes such as Point Possession, Sniper’s Point, Bird Point, or Potters Marsh. These sites will all require land acquisitions to accommodate the installations with the exception of an installation at Point Woronzof. The required components of a typical reactor installation are depicted in Figure RC-02. A conventional power circuit breaker is utilized in conjunction with a disconnecting switch that would be required for the high-voltage bus of the reactor. The shunt reactor primary terminals would be connected to the high-voltage bus via bushings (identical to a power transformer). The oil-filled reactor would require protective relaying, a ground connection and oil containment similar to a power transformer. Supporting site development would require foundations, grading, grounding, fencing, AC and DC station service and communications, very similar to a substation. Operations and maintenance requirements are considered low frequency. Operational history of these type of installations are good to excellent. A generally small number of switching sequences are required for these types of reactor installations. Reactor installations generally have delivery times of less than one year. Protective relaying is required for these stand-alone types of installations. Station service requirements are typically small but difficult due to the remote location and remote proximity to station service via a local distribution line. Occasionally a voltage transformer with higher than usual VA output is specified for the application, instead of long distribution line extensions. Microwave communication will most likely be used for the remote control of the installation. Required footprints for the reactors range from 75’ x 100’ to 100’ x 100’ for each of the possible applications. PEI-HLY 55-0064G 120293-01 (02/96) ab 8 Subsection B: Electrical Requirements — Each Installation: One-Line Diagram showing typical equipment is per Figure RC-02 138kV or 230kV disconnect switch, 1200 A 138kV or 230kV power circuit breaker, 1200A, 20KAIC, SF, One 138kV or 230kV CCVT Oil-Filled 138kV or 230kV reactor — size as required 2” aluminum bus with 795 kcmil jumpers Microwave Communications Installations BIL Levels 138kV: 650kV BIL 230kV: 900kV BIL Subsection C: Mechanical/Civil Requirements: Wind and ice loading per NESC Heavy requirements Spread footer or drilled piers for stee] structures Slab-type Foundation for oil-filled reactor and control/communication enclosure NEMA 3R enclosure for protective relaying, station service, and communication facilities PEI-HLY 55-0064G 120293-01 (02/96) ab 9 138KV or 230KV Bus Power Circuit Breaker 138KV or 230KV Reactor 10-75 MVAR Per Installation Figure RC-02 3940 GLENBROOK ORIVE HAILEY. IDAHO 83333 SECTION V: STATIC VAR COMPENSATORS (SVC) Subsection A: SVC Requirements: SVCs are used for both steady-state and dynamic system reactive power control and voltage support. These shunt connected devices are typically procured as a turnkey-type of installation due to the complex control and special high-powered thyristors (valves) required for sub-cycle performance. SVCs are typically stand-alone installations requiring a significant footprint of approximately 200’ x 200’. The size is significantly influenced by the number of “steps” in the SVC rating. An SVC is comprised of an array of disconnecting switches, power circuit breakers, power transformer, capacitors, reactors, and instrument transformers per Figure RC-03. Additionally, a separate building is required to house the control and protection, AC and DC station services, thyristor “valves” and associated equipment. SVCs may require water cooling, depending on the duty required. Additional studies would be required to optimally select the site(s) and utilization requirements for an SVC. SVCs can be installed adjacent to an existing substation facility to share some ancillary systems, such as AC station service, access, and spare parts storage. Two Alaska examples of SVC applications are at the existing Daves Creek and Soldotna substations. System-wide coordination would be necessary to interface with existing SVCs as well any other dynamic control. Mechanically switched (power circuit breaker or circuit switcher) shunt capacitor banks may be used to augment the steady-state system operation while decreasing costs and reducing system losses over a total SVC-type installation. Supporting AC station service requirements are significant and require primary and backup sources. The SVC site is generally fenced in a similar fashion as a substation with personnel fences inside the station limiting access to ground/insulator mounted equipment. Typically these interior fences are “kirk-key” interlocked to prevent access until the particular bank is isolated and grounded. Operation and maintenance requirements are considered medium to high for these types of installations. Some special training may be required for operation and maintenance personnel. System connection points can be optimized via further system studies; however, SVCs can be placed at or near existing installations (such as University or Soldotna substations) to share significant ancillary systems or use existing available land. Operational performance for SVCs has evolved to become excellent over the past 10 years. Typical delivery times for SVC-type of installations are 18 months. This is significantly longer than either the Shunt Capacitors or Reactors because studies need to be performed by the vendors prior to sizing and supplying equipment. PEI-HLY 55-0064G 120293-01 (02/96) ab 11 Subsection B: Electrical Requirements: A One-Line Diagram showing typical equipment, see Figure RC-03 One (1) 115kV power circuit breaker, 1200A, 20KAIC, SF¢ One (1) 115kV disconnecting switch, 1200 A One (1) 115kV -15kV class (typical for SVC bus voltage) power transformer Capacitor, reactor and instrument transformers as required to configure the appropriate banks Thyristor valves, 3 Per Reactive Bank Approximately 150-200 kw of primary and backup station service BIL Levels 115kV - 550kV BIL SVC Bus: 200kV BIL (Typical) 4” Schedule 40 aluminum bus with dual 1272 kcmil ACSR jumpers Subsection C: Mechanical/Civil Requirements: Wind and ice loading per NESC Heavy requirements Spread footer or drilled pier foundations for steel structures, equipment mounting, etc. Slab foundation for control building and power transformer Oil containment for power transformer and possible coolant containment for valve cooling Tubular galvanized steel structures Site grading, fencing, surfacing, raceway PEI-HLY 55-0064G 120293-01 (02/96) ab 12 115KV Bus TUTTI ATTN 115KV-15KV (Nominal) SVC Bus / Filters (If Req'd) t 20-40MVAR TSC V 7 Figure RC-03 RDU STATIC VAR COMPENSATION 3940 GLENBROOK DRIVE HAILEY. IDAHO 83333 SECTION VI: SERIES CAPACITORS BANKS Subsection A: Series Capacitor Requirements: This subsection covers applications of both mechanically switched (circuit breaker) and electronically switched (via thyristor) types. The electronically switched type will be referred to as Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation (TCSC). The mechanically switched capacitors are generally only applied for increased steady-state performance while the TCSC enhances steady-state and: dynamic system performance. As with the SVC, series capacitors and TCSC applications are typically procured as turn-key installations. Both the mechanically switched and TCSC-type of devices have the same major electrical equipment except the TCSC has vernier control of the amount of capacitance injected into the line and has sub-cycle performance times. The TCSC can be configured to optimally operate the compensated line. For the Southern Intertie, series compensation would be placed on the existing 115kV line to allow increased power transfers over both interties. The series capacitors or TCSC would have to be “cut in line” to the existing 115kV transmission line on the Kenai. Each series capacitor installation consists of bypass and isolating disconnects that perform functions to either place the bank in service or isolate for maintenance. Each phase additionally has a “platform” that is energized at line voltage. The platform holds the capacitors, controls and MOV surge arrestors. Each platform is capable of being shunted out and is protected by a ground-mounted live tank, single-phase bypass breaker. The MOV surge arrestors on each platform are for capacitor overvoltage protection, however, MOVs may not be needed in the Southern Intertie scenario. Additional studies are required to determine exact protection requirements. Since the equipment and associated controls are on the platform and thus energized to line potential, the communications are transmitted from the control building to the platform via fiber optic cabling routed through hollow insulators that extend from the ground to the platform. The TCSC platforms communicates with the “ground-based” controls in a similar fashion, however, numerous fiber optic cables are required for the more complex controls. The mechanically switched series capacitors do not require significant additions to support systems such as AC and DC station services or a large amount of control room space. The TCSC, however, requires significant ancillary support to house the complex controls and the thyristor cooling system. Additional complexity is involved with pumping coolant from the control building out to the platform, up to the platform and back to the control building. The coolant is routed in ABS or stainless steel piping from the building to the base of each individual platform. From there, the coolant is routed up through a hollow insulator(s) to circulate in the valve cooling on the platform. The “heated” coolant is then returned to the system and waste heat rejected to air via heat exchangers. These systems are generally a closed-loop-type, similar to a SVC installation. PEI-HLY 55-0064G 120293-01 (02/96) ab 14 Mechanically switched series capacitors are generally considered to require a mid-level maintenance effort, due to the capacitors themselves. TCSC should be considered high maintenance, generally more than a SVC. The TCSC requires attention to complex controls, pumping/coolant system, and thyristors. The system connection points can be optimized with additional systems study efforts; however, the location(s) would most probably be based on the rather large footprint required. The series capacitors would require an area of approximately 150’ X 150’. The TCSC would require approximately 150’ X 200’. The mechanically switched series capacitor application is a time-proven technology that has provided excellent system performance enhancements on multiple systems over the years. These devices are provided by multiple manufacturers throughout the world. The TCSC has limited “production” type of installations and, therefore, are not as time- tested as the conventional series capacitors. Additionally, coordination of the TCSC controls would have to be integrated with existing dynamic devices (SVCs). The commercial delivery is generally considered to be 18 to 24 months ARO. The TCSC installations have other significant benefits besides optimally loading transmission lines. These additional benefits are: e Transmission loading may be limited by system stability or dynamic stability of generation. The TCSC is a tool to help relieve these constraints. Its controls can be designed to modulate the line reactance and provide damping to system swing modes with significant results. e The output of generating plants may also be limited by transient instability under certain contingency conditions. The fast-acting TCSC can provide the means of rapidly increasing power transfer upon detection of critical contingencies, resulting in increased transient stability. e TCSC provides a mechanism for greatly reducing a potential sub-syncronous resonance (SSR) problem at thermal generators electrically close to transmission lines with series compensation. In some cases, the inability to mitigate SSR with conventional series capacitors has limited line compensation to levels between 20 percent and 40 percent. With even a small percentage of TCSC, the total compensation can be increased significantly. Subsection B: Electrical Requirements/Series Capacitors: One-Line Diagram showing typical equipment is shown on Figure RC-04 3 115kV disconnect switches, 1200A 3 Insulated (115kV system voltage) steel platforms (one per phase) “Platform” equipment including reactors, capacitors, contro] cabinet, MOV arrestors, current transformers, rigid aluminum bus, and jumpers e 3 115kV single phase live tank bypass breakers PEI-HLY 55-0064G 120293-01 (02/96) ab 15 e BIL Levels 115kV-550kV BIL e Fiber optic communications (on-site) e Microwave communication (site to remote) e New line protective relaying (at both line terminals) Additional Electrical Requirements for TCSC: e One-Line Diagram showing typical equipment is shown on RC-05 e Thryistors on platform e Additional control, both ground based and on platform Subsection C: Mechanical / Civil Requirements: Series Capacitors: e Wind and ice loading per NESC Heavy requirements e Seismic Zone 4 (ICBO 1994) e Spread footer or drilled pier foundations for steel structures, platform mounting, HV instrument transformers e Slab foundation for control building e Site grading, fencing, surfacing, raceway e Interior fence (only around the capacitors platforms) Additional Mechanical / Civil Requirements for TCSC e Slab foundations for heat exchangers e Coolant containment and trench e Additional control house requirements for controls and coolant pumping facilities PEI-HLY 55-0064G 120293-01 (02/96) ab 16 Bypass Disconnect 115KV Line 115KV Line Isolation al Disconnect Bypass Reactor Breaker Capacitor Ni Varistor Figure RC-04 RDI Nee nent Ha 3940 GLENBROOK ORIVE HAILEY. IDAHO 63333 DRAWING NO. 115KV 115KV Line Line A A Bypass | C Dideonnect Isolating po Disconnect Series Varistor Capacitor Tyristor Valve By pass Breaker Figure RC-05 ay, THYRISTOR CONTROLLED QR LUE SERIES CAPACITOR (TCSC) 3940 GLENBROOK ORIVE HAILEY. IDAHO 83333 SECTION VII: BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE (BES) Subsection A: BES Requirements: Battery Energy Storage (BES) systems can provide dynamic system control and support. Some examples of BES application, are spinning reserve, VAR Support, Automatic Generation Control, Frequency Regulation among others. BES systems are very versatile and unique in that they can provide real power or absorb real power in large (20-40MW) quantities with sub-cycle performance. This is extremely helpful in an electrically weak system, such as the Railbelt. As with the SVC and TCSC, these types of installations are normally procured on a turnkey type of contract. The major components required are the Controls, Batteries, Power Conversion System (PCS), harmonic filters, step-up transformer (to go from PCS output to line voltage) and a means of high-side control and protection, generally a circuit breaker. The Batteries, Controls and PCS would be required to be housed inside a controlled environment. The required enclosure would be rather large, approximately 150’ X 250’ and 20’ inside height. The remaining equipment could be placed outside the building for connection to the power grid. The outside configuration would look similar to other air-insulated substations with applicable fencing, grounding and raceway. This would also require an additional 100’ X 100’ area minimum to be graded, grounded, fenced, and surfaced. Communications to integrate the BES would most likely be microwave type to be interfaced with other dynamic devices on the power system. The BES offers sub-cycle performance with ramp rates of over 10 MVA/cycle with full power circle performance. AC and DC station service requirements are substantial, even more demanding than an SVC or TCSC of comparable size. The Batteries have flexibility as to system connection point, much like the SVC. As could be expected, recharge of batteries has substantial demand requirements, possibly up to 20MW. The building (room) for the batteries would also require special access only to trained technicians, and provide a fire protection scheme. Operation and Maintenance requirements for a BES as large as the units anticipated (20- 40MW/20 minutes) are not readily available. However, as with any new technology, and due to the complex nature of the BES, it is considered to be very high maintenance. Delivery time is expected to be 12 to 24 months. PEI-HLY 55-0064G 120293-01 (02/96) ab 19 Subsection B: Electrical Requirements: A One-Line Diagram showing typical equipment is shown on Figure RC-06 One (1) 115kV or 138kV power circuit breaker, 1200A, 20KAIC, SF¢ One (1) 115kV or 138kV disconnect switch One (1) 115kV or 138kV / 15kV class power transformer-sized as required Power conversion system Controls / communications Filter banks — if required BIL Levels 115kV-550kV BIL 138kV-650kV BIL e Batteries Subsection C:_ Mechanical / Civil Requirements: e Wind and ice loading per NESC Heavy requirements e Seismic Zone 4 (ICBO 1994) e Spread footer or drilled pier foundations for steel structures, instrument transformers, power circuit breaker e Slab foundation for building and power transformer Oil containment for power transformer PEI-HLY 55-0064G 120293-01 (02/96) ab 20 115KV or 138KV Bus — se “~~ ~s'115 or 138KV- crYy~w 15KV (Nominal) Filters Power Conversion System Battery Banks Figure RC-06 SRD BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE (BES) SYSTEM 3940 GLENBROOK ORIVE HAILEY. IDAHO 83333 APPENDIX A CONTENTS Overhead Lines Potential Routing Opportunity Link Index Single-Pole Structure Family Sketches Bird Point to Girdwood Structure Sketch Bird Point Center Structure Sketch Guyed X Structure Family Sketches Design Criteria for Existing Lines Linear Routing Opportunity Link Map (in pocket) CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. SOUTHERN INTERTIE ROUTE SELECTION STUDY - PHASE 1 POTENTIAL ROUTING OPPORTUNITIES QUARTZ CREEK ROUTE (EXISTING CORRIDOR) QC.A. University to Campbell Creek QC.B. Campbell Creek to Indian QC.C. Indian to Bird Point QCc.D. Bird Point to Girdwood QC.D.1.A. Bird Point to Sniper Point (Overhead) OG DEB! Bird Point to Sniper Point (Underground) OC D2: Sniper Point to Hope Junction QC.E. Girdwood to Portage QCF. Portage to Ingram Creek QC.G. Ingram Creek to Turnagain Pass OCH: Turnagain Pass Segment QI; Turnagain Pass to Hope Junction (Six Mile Creek) OCA: Hope Junction to Daves Creek (North Kenai Lake) QC.K. Daves Creek to Hideout Hill QL: Hideout Hill to Naptowne QC.M.1. Naptowne to Soldotna (North Route) QC.M.2. Naptowne to Soldotna (South Route) PEI-HLY 55-0006 120293-01 (02/12/96) jh REV 4 1 POTENTIAL ROUTING OPPORTUNITIES ENSTAR ROUTE EN.A. International to Rabbit Creek EN.B. Rabbit Creek to Potters EN.C. Potters to Burnt Island Creek EN.D. Burnt Island Creek to Big Indian Creek ENE. Big Indian Creek to Naptowne QC.M.1. Naptowne to Soldotna (North) From Quartz Creek Route QC.M.2. Naptowne to Soldotna (South) TESORO ROUTE TS.A. Point Woronzof to Fire Island TS.B. Point Woronzof to Point Campbell TS.C. Point Campbell to North Point TS.D. North Point to West Point TS.E. West Point to Point Possession Shs Point Campbell to Point Possession TS.G. Point Possession to Birch Hill TS.H. Birch Hill to Gray Cliff TSI. Gray Cliff to Captain Cook Park South TS.J. Captain Cook Park South to Suneva Lake TS.K. Suneva Lake to Bernice Lake PEI-HLY 55-0006 120293-01 (02/12/96) jh REV 4 2 = x oO ra) N a oO Le zl = Oo a > e oO 1 oO = 65'-0" (TYPICAL FOR 138kV) Sata paw fs SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT dao WNIO REOUIRDENTS OF THE, PRUE. CKD | tH EX, 0°-3° TANGENT STRUCTURE DRAWING NO. [REV REUSE OF THIS DAAMING OR ANY INFORMAT 10M! CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING FOR ANY PURPOSE| SCALE: = NTS Tes) euaoenk fae FOR 138kV OR 230kV a IS PROHIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN PERWISS 10% 1 vane wae i AILEY. Tomo 05335 PRELIMINARY DESIGN ont GRANTED. T2-FEB-1996 09756 nafsz.tb! | 22siponi.agn (TYPICAL ) THIS DRAWING WAS PREPARED BY POMER| ENGINEERS. INC. FOR A SPECIFIC PROJECT. TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE SPECIF IC] AND UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROVECT. REUSE OF THIS ORAWIMG OR ANT INE ORMAT ION COMTAINED IN THIS DRAWING FOR avr PURPOSE 1S PROMIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN PERBISSION] FROM BOTH POMES AND POWER'S CLIENT IS GRANTED. 2/96 2/96 2/96 NTS 3940 GLENBROOK DRIVE HAILEY. IDAHO 83333 SOUTHERN INTERTIE. PROJECT 0°-15° LIGHT ANGLE STRUCTURE FOR 138kV OR 230kV PRELIMINARY DESIGN S-FEB-1996 14:57 DRAWING NO. |REV on2 =|A (TYPICAL ) Ear eats mae SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Serica oie CE QUER | 60 nc cut STRUCTURE Faas oe Se inenates past tired Pome bike 3940 GLENBROOK ote FOR 138kV OR 230KV Fro TH POWER 0 POWER CIENT TS CeEeTeLeeerH Mite PRELIMINARY DESIGN GRANTED. S-FEB 1996 15:00 | hater tol [22sipans.oon wo wo =) e iS) N SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT] “°= M™=e* 0-10 DMBLE CIRCUIT abies air ie ant NO STRUCTU i PRELIMINARY DESIGN —— ELEVATION 530’ —— ELEVATION 30' eee oe ee SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE SPECIFIC wo mot Keo a Be BIRD POINT Sianeie Tae Corll Ulead nd pellet s 3940 GLENBROOK DRIVE CROSS] NG TOWER 15 PROWIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN PERDISSION Fou 201 Pow 380 PoMER'S “LIERT 16 ee PRELIMINARY DESIGN GRANTED. TeFEBTTSoe TTszT | hotezto) | teetlot2-don| PRELIMINARY wo co fe x= x = e TTT ==) 0 li feed = MITT ET ares | APPROX. 45’ 2 FOUNDATIONS AND 2 ANCHORS REQUIRED * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE NAME: GVINO1: TANGENTX.OWG SCALE: _1:250 Deven ¢ tLalRue, lnc. SOUTHERN. INTERTIE ORANG No CONSULTING i) ENGINEERS TANGENT -X DATE: 01/19/96 " DESIGNED BY: DRB 230 kV ORANG hallihars TYPICAL TANGENT X-TOWER PRELIMINARY TWR HT 80 ft. Te ee TS APPROX. 45’ 2 FOUNDATIONS AND 2 ANCHORS REQUIRED * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE NAME: _GVINO1: 1 38TANX.DWG SCALE: _1:250 Drvven ¢ ILalRue, lnc. SOUTHERN INTERTIE Tm CONSULTING / ENGINEERS TANGENT -X DATE: 01/19/96 138 kV DESIGNED BY: DRB ae 1 of 1 DRAWN BY: RAE TYPICAL TANGENT X-TOWER PRELIMINARY TWR HT 85 ft. allied ig ITI" =I STITT APPROX. 45° 2 FOUNDATIONS AND 2 ANCHORS REQUIRED * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE_NAME:_GVINO1: LONGSPAN.DWG SCALE: _1:250 Deven y ARUe ne SOUTHERN INTERTIE ORANNG No, CONSULTING / ENGINEERS Lit ONG Ss PAN DATE: 01/19/96 Xx DESIGNED BY: ORB oy idol DRAWN BY: RAE TYPICAL LONG SPAN TANGENT X-TOWER PRELIMINARY PLAN 3 FOUNDATIONS AND 13 ANCHORS REQUIRED WR HT 40 TO 85 ft. * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE_NAME: _GVINO1: DEADEND.DWG. IDRYDEN Z ILalRug, lnc. CONSULTING / ENGINEERS DATE: 01/19/96 DESIGNED BY: ORB DRAWN BY: RAE ELEVATION SOUTHERN INTERTIE 230 kV TYPICAL LARGE ANGLE AND DEADEND SCALE: _1:300 ORAWING NO. DEADEND ANGLE 1 of 1 LINE ANGLE PRELIMINARY ® PLAN 3 FOUNDATIONS AND 7 ANCHORS REQUIRED TWR_HT 40 TO 85 ft. 1:1 IN TRUE et LENGTH VIEW TYPICAL * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE NAME: GVINO1: MEDANG.OWG IDRYDEN / ILalRue, lnc. CONSULTING / ENGINEERS DATE: 01/19/96 DESIGNED BY: ORB DRAWN BY: RAE ELEVATION SOUTHERN INTERTIE 230 kV TYPICAL MEDIUM ANGLE SCALE: 1: 300 DRAWING NO. MEDIUM ANGLE 1 of 1 PRELIMINARY PLAN 3 FOUNDATIONS AND 9 ANCHORS REQUIRED TWR HT 40 TO 85 ft. > 1:1 IN TRUE J MENGTH VIEW TYPICAL * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE NAME: _GVINO1: 1 38ANG.OWG IDRYDEN : ILalRue, lnc. CONSULTING / ENGINEERS DATE: 01/22/96 DESIGNED BY: ORB DRAWN BY: RAE ELEVATION SOUTHERN INTERTIE 138 kV TYPICAL MEDIUM ANGLE SCALE: _1: 300 DRAWING NO. MEDIUM ANGLE 1 of 1 LoadCases Southern Intertie Study by: Dryden & LaRue, Inc. - DRB Job Code: pwkeni Note: Loads that don't control are shaded. Wind Transmission Load Ice/Snow | Steady Gust Design Line & Section # Temp | Ice/Snow | Density |(on conductor) (on tower Date Load Name (°F) | (rad in) (pcf) [mony | Gs mph (os | DESIGN DATA FOR EXISTING LINES Cooper Lake Flats (Turnagain) & a |1/2" ice, 8psf Wind - conductor o} 0 0.5 57.0 56 8 56 8 1959 & Mountain (Kenai) & An} b |NESC Heavy - Wood Sth Edition 0 0.5 57.0 40 4 40 4 Mountain (Turnagain Pass b1_ |Extreme Ice 0 1.0 57.0 40 4 40 4 "| b2 |NESC Heavy - Wood 5th Edition 0 0.5 57.0 40 4 40 4 Flats (Portage) b3 |Extreme Ice 0 1.0 57.0 40 4 40 4 b4 |Extreme Wind 0 0.0 99 25 99 25 b5 |NESC Heavy - Wood 5th Edition 0 0.5 57.0 40 4 40 4 Mountain (Powerline Pass} c |Powerline Pass Loads -RWR 0 2.0 57.0 40 4 40 4 d_ |NESC Heavy - Wood Sth Edition 0 0.5 57.0 40 4 40 4 Beluga to 7 Pt McKenzie #1 1966 Flats (North Cook Inlet) e |NESC Light - Metal 6th Edition 0 59 9 59 9 ‘f |NESC Heavy - Metal 6th Edition 0 0.5 57.0 40 s 40 4 Anchorage g |NESC Light - Wood 6th Edition 0 59 9 59 9 h_|NESC Heavy - Wood 6th Edition 0 0.5 57.0 40 4 40 4 Beluga to Pt McKenzie #2 1970 Flats (North Cook Inlet) i NESC Light - Metal 6th Edition 0 59 9 59 9 j |NESC Heavy - Metal 6th Edition 0 0.5 57.0 40 4 40 4 Anchorage k |NESC Light - Wood 6th Edition 0 59 9 59 9 | |NESC Heavy - Wood 6th Edition 0 0.5 57.0 40 4 40 4 STHCENL4.WB1 11:42 23-Jan-96 LoadCases Southern Intertie Study by: Dryden & LaRue, Inc. - DRB Job Code: pwkeni Note: Loads that don't control are shaded. Transmission Load Ice/Snow |Steady Design Line & Section # Temp | Ice/Snow} Density |(on conductor) (on tower) Date Load Name (CF) | (rad in) (pcf) Seward - Ebsaco 1984 Mountain (Kenai Mtns) o |Special Extreme Ice 32 1.0 57.0 p |Special Ext. Ice & Wind 0 0.5 57.0 q_ |Special Ext. Wind 40 Special Differential Ice 32 1.0 57.0 r |NESC/REA Extreme Wind - 1984| 40 s |NESC Heavy - Wood 1984 0 0.5 57.0 Bradely Lake 1986 Bradely All t |NESC Light - Metal 1984 u__|NESC Extreme Wind #1 - 1984 v_ |NESC Extreme Wind #2 - 1984 w_ |NESC Heavy - Metal 1984 0 0.5 57.0 Mountain (Kenai Mtns) x |MRI Wet Snow and Wind 1.7 28.5 ~y |MRI Extreme Wind Bradley Canyon .| 2 |MRI Wet Snow and Wind 1.7. 28.5 ‘| aa |MRI Extreme Wind Flats (Rivers) ab |MRI Wet Snow and Wind 2. 28.5 ac |MRI Extreme Wind Flats (Low Plateau) ad |MRI Wet Snow and Wind 1.7 28.5 ae |MRI Extreme Wind Flats (High Plateau) af |MRI Wet Snow and Wind 2.7 28.5 ag_|MRI Extreme Wind STHCENL4.WB1 11:42 23-Jan-96 LoadCases Southern Intertie Study by: Dryden & LaRue, Inc. - DRB Job Code: pwkeni Note: Loads that don't control are shaded. STHCENL4.WB1 11:42 Wind Transmission Load Ice/Snow | Steady Gust Design Line & Section # Temp | Ice/Snow | Density |(on conductor) (on tower) Date Load Name CF) | (rad in cf) _| (mph) | (psf) | (mph) | (ps Fritz Cr. - Soldotna 1985 Flats ah |Special Extreme Ice 32 1.0 57.0 0 0 0 0 ai |Special Ext. Wind 40 110 31 130 | 4 aj |NESC/REA Extreme Wind - 1984) 40 110 31 110 31 ak |NESC Heavy - Wood 1984 0 0.5 57.0 40 4 40 4 Quartz Cr. - Bernice Lake 1968 Mountains (Kenai) al |NESC Heavy - Wood 6th Edition 0 0.5 57.0 40 a 40 4 & Flats (Kenai) am {Actual Design? 0 0.5 57.0 40 4 40 4 Knik Arm : 1974 Flats (North Cook Inlet) an |NESC Light - Metal 6th Edition 0 59 9 59 9 ao |NESC Heavy - Metal 6th Edition 0 0.5 57.0 40 4 40 4 3 23-Jan-96 APPENDIX B CONTENTS Submarine and Underground HV Cable Current Sheets 7, 8 and 9 Coastal Pilot Pages 125-133 Point Woronzof Current Tables Point Possession Current Tables Charts Fire Island Tide Tables 1/21/96 and 7/31/96 Knik Arm Tide Tables 1/21/96 and 7/31/96 Maps of Crossings Profile of Turnagain Arm Hal Dreyer’s Memos to Jacobson Cable Ampacities vs. Burial Depth Cable Ampacities vs. Burial Depth and Spacing Chugach Electric Association 138kV Submarine Cables Description and Operating History } 61 7' 30" LEGEND Population Center o Geo Feature © Town, Small City ses County Boundary Street, Road == Major Street/Road secenmnnanee RIVCT =| Open Water Scale 1:175,000 (at center) 2 Miles — N.FORLAND/MOOSE PT. CURREN] Mag 11.00 Sat Dec 30 08:47:14 1995 GONG, SESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEESEEEEEEESEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESESEEEEEEEEEESEL o DAILY CURRENTS Sunday Jan 21, 1996 Alaska Standard Time o 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444464Ah4hhhhh44hhadddddddaaaddaaN O North Foreland, SE of 61% .20'’N ° Sunrise 05:33 AKDT oO Oo Alaska 151% 4.70'W ° Sunset 22:39 AKDT 32 04444444444644444444444444444464444444444444444446444444444444844a4d4hadadaaaaN QO slack ° FLOOD 062% ° EBB 221% ° PERIGEAN SPRING TIDES: Q 01444444444464444444444444444446444444444444444444644444444444444addhaddhdddaaaN Oo 01:24 047 a Orc ’ °Moon : New Yesterday 3. EOy7 14°21 ° 10:51 4.98 ° o DO 13:37 ° 16:23 aye 1) 5° 2 o Oo 19:37 ° © 23:01 6/12) 0 : o ASSESESEEEENEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEUNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY EBB Current Speed in kts FLOOD TIME: 47 A6 @A5 44 43 42 41 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ¥ 8 9 10 4444444464446 444644664446 4446 44464446 444644464446 4446 ddh6 add Addbddd6 4dab addE 00:00 cS ttttttt+++4+4+4+4+4+448 f -4.13 01:00 ° +++44+ -1.26 02:00 a e St++t++++ z 1.76 03:00 . tt+t+tt+++t++++++++ 3.85 04:00 - e St+ttt++tt++t+t+++t++4+ 4.63 05:00 ° tttttt+t+t++¢+4+t+4¢+44+4++ 4.43 06:00 ° e Stttt++++4+4+4+4+4+ 3.40 07:00 C +tt+t44 Oe 08:00 °C e +++S fi -.73 09:00 c ttttt+t+t+++4+++ -2.91 10:00 ° ttttt+t++t++++++++4+8 f£ 4:49 11:00 o tttt+tttt+++¢+4++44444 -4.96 12:00 © tittttt++++++++4+8 if -3..:97 13:00 o ++++4++4+ -1.72 14:00 oC e Sttt+ 1 eet Or 15:00 © ttttt++t++++++4++ 3.41 16:00 id e Stttt++t++++4++4+4+4+4+ 4.25 17:00 ° ttttttt+tttt+++4++44+ 4.16 18:00 ° e St+t+t++++++4+++ 3.29 19:00 ° tittttt 1.52 20:00 ° e ++4+4+8 E -1.04 21:00 ° tt+ttt++t+4+t+4+++44 -3.50 22:00 e tttttttt+t+++t++++4++4++++48 =e -5.38 23:00 : ttttttttttttttttttttts44+ -6.12 24:00 aé é A TIME 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 0 al 2 3 4 5 6 2 8 9 10 No. 7 SEGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEESEEEE EEE GEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEE 6éée o DAILY CURRENTS Thursday Aug 1, 1996 Alaska Daylight Time o 14444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444446444444hh44444hhhaaadaadaaaNn O North Foreland, SE of 61% .20'N ° Sunrise 05:38 AKDT o Do Alaska 151% 4.70’'W ° Sunset 22:42 AKDT oO 0144444444446444444444444444444644444444444444444464444444444444haaadddhaaddaaNn Oo slack ° FLOOD 062% ° EBB 221% ° PERIGEAN SPRING TIDES: o 04444444444644444444444444444464444444444444444446444444444444hhhaddhhaddaaaaNn oO ° ° 00:08 5.08 °Moon on Equator Tomorrow a Oo 03:00 ° 05:43 4.29 ° ° 2 Oo Oo 08:59 ° ° 12:19 5.88 ° o Oo 15:27 ° 18:17 4.59 ° ° o Oo 21:42 ° ° ° o AGEESSSESEENEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEEESESESESY *** DAYLIGHT SAVING *** EBB Current Speed in kts FLOOD TIME: a5 a4 43 a2 al 0) a 2 3 4 5 6 44444444446 444446 444446444446 44448644484644446 444486 44h4hE44hhdE AddAdEAAdddE 00:00 O ttttttt+tttttt+ttt ttt ttt +++ ++444S f£ =O. 07 01:00 ° tttttttt+t+t+tt+ttt+t+t+t+tt+t++ -4.53 02:00 ec e ttttt+tt+++++4++448 f -2.67 03:00 ° + BO 04:00 S e Stttt++++++4+t++++++ f 2.77 05:00 ° tttttttttt++++++++ +++ +4444 4.10 06:00 G e Stttttt+tt+tt++t+++t++4+t+44+44 4.26 07:00 ° ttttttttt+tttt+++++++444 3.69 08:00 ° e Stttt++++++++++ f£ 2.29 09:00 ° +. -.05 10:00 ° @ st4+++4++4+4++4+4+4+++44+8 f£ -2.59 11:00 c ttttttttttttttttetstttttssttt -4.68 12:00 s+t++44+¢++++t4++++tttt++++4+4+44+44+444S f£ -5.81 13:00 +4+++++4+++++4++++4+4++4+4++4+++4+++4+4++4444 -5.55 14:00 o ttttttttt++4+4+tt¢4+4+4+444445 f£ -3.94 15:00 ° tttttt++4 -1.32 16:00 ° e St+++t++++4+ f 1.67 17:00 s ttttttttttttttt+tt +4 +4444 3.88 18:00 c e Stttt+t+t+ttttt+¢t ttt ett ¢ $444 4.56 19:00 J tttttttttt+++t+t+++++++4++4+444+ 4.39 20:00 Cl e Stttt+t++++++++++4++4+4+44 3.44 21:00 ° +++t+4+4+444 1.66 22:00 © e +++++5 a -.76 23:00 ° tttttttt++++t¢4+44444 -3.00 24:00 A&&6A+4++4+4+4+444+444444444444444+4+44+4+5444446 444486 4h44h6 hf 4486444486 44444. 62 TIME: a5 a4 43 a2 al 0 a 2 3 4 5 6 NO. 8 EEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEE SEES EEEEEEEEEEGEEEEEEEEGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEE EEE EEE EEEEEEEEEEEEL G DAILY CURRENTS Sunday Jan 21, 1996 Alaska Standard Time Qo 044444444444444444444h44444444dddddddd4ddd4d4ddhd6dddddddddddd4dhddddhadaddAN & Moose Point, NNW of 61% .95'N ° Sunrise 05:33 AKDT o & Alaska 150%42.00'W ° Sunset 22:39 AKDT o 014444444444644444444444444446444d44444444ddd4h64dhhd4dhhdddddddaadddaadaaaNn Oo slack ° FLOOD 061% ° EBB 237% ° PERIGEAN SPRING TIDES oO 044444444446 4644446444444444444864444444d4444d4dhh6hhaddhhdhadaddaddddadaaaaNn Oo 01:27 ° 03:24 3.50 || ° °Moon New Yesterday o o 07:37 ° ° 10:07 3.98 ° a mo 13:40 ° 15:30 3223 ||? 7 oO G | |a9332) ||| ° ° 22:17 4.90 ° oO AGSSSSSEEGEUEEEEESSEESEEEEEEEEUEE SEE SES EEEEEEEEEEUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY EBB Current Speed in kts FLOOD TIME: a4 a3 a2 al 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 AdA44444446444da644d4dbdddhdbAddddEdddddEAddAddEAAdAAEAAaAAEAAAAAEAAAAAEAAAAAE 00:00 ° e tttt+t+4+4+448 f£ -1.85 01:00 ° titt44 88 02:00 ° e Sttttt+ttt+ f 1.64 03:00 ° ttttttttttt+ttttttt++++ 3.44 04:00 ° e Stitttttttt+t+t++t++4+ 3.39 05:00 ° ttttttttttittttt+tt 2.92 06:00 ° e Sttttttittttt+ Ff 2.23 07:00 ° ttttttt 1.06 08:00 ° e t++++S £ -.78 09:00 ° tttt+tt+tt+tt++4+44+4+ -2.96 10:00 © tttt4¢+¢ +++ +++4++4+4+4+4+4++448 f£ -3.97 11:00 ° s+44+++4+4+4++4+4+4++4+4+4+4+44 -3.61 12:00 ‘ tetttttt++tt++++8 f£ -2.67 13:00 ° +tttt++4+ -1.30 14:00 ° e Stt+++ f£ -90 15:00 ° ttttttttttttt+ttttst+ 3.12 16:00 ° e Stittttttttttttt+t4t+ 3.16 17:00 ° ttttttt++4+44+44+444 2.79 18:00 ° e Sttttttittttt+ fF 2.18 19:00 ° tt+tt++ ~99 20:00 ° e t+++++8 £ -1.07 21:00 ° tttttttttt+t++++4++4+4 -3.50 22:00 +444++44+4+4+44+4+4+ ++ 4+4+4++4+4++4++4S £ -4.84 23:00 t44+4++44+4+4+44t++t4++++++++++4+4 74.65 24:00 AAA6Attt+++4+4+4+4+4+4+4++4+4++4++4+4++4+5AAdAAbAAddde AA fAEAAhhAEAhAhhESAAAhEAAAA3.71 TIME: a4 a3 a2 al 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 No. 8 SESSESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL o DAILY CURRENTS Wednesday Jul 31, 1996 Alaska Daylight Time o 044444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444h6444444444hahdddddbhhaddddadaN O& Moose Point, NNW of 61% .95'N ° Sunrise 09:48 AKST oO O Alaska 150%42.00'W ° Sunset 16:42 AKST a 144444444446444444444444444444644444444444444444464444444444444444a4ddhhaddaaN Oo slack ° FLOOD 061% ° EBB 237% ° SPRING TIDES: oO 144444444446 444444444444444444644444444444444444464444444444444844h4hhhadadadaN Oo 02:15 ° 04:05 Belo =e °Moon in Perigee Yesterday 14 Oo 08:06 ° : ° 10:52 4.79 °Moon : Full Yesterday 14 Oo 14:46 © 16:41 3.48 ° ° o Oo 20:54 ° ° 23:24 4.07: ° o AEGEEEESESELESEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEUEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEENEEEEEEEEE EEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY *** DAYLIGHT SAVING *** EBB Current Speed in kts FLOOD TIME: a4 a3 a2 al 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 44444444446 444446 444446444446 444446444464hhhdb dadddbdddddeaadddéaadaaeaaaadée 00:00 cS ttt ttt tttttt+4++4++448 £ -3.08 01:00 c ttt+++++ -1.19 02:00 ° e Stttt+++++ if 1.31 03:00 ° tte+++4++4+44+44+ 2.21 04:00 c e Sttttttttt+++++t+t+tt4 3.16 05:00 ic ttttttttt+++++4+t+4t+ 2.97 06:00 ° e Sttttttt++++++++Ff 2.52 07:00 ° t++++4+4++44+ 1.75 08:00 " e S+ £ .22 09:00 ° titt++t+t+++++44 -2.07 10:00 Cetttttttttttttt++t++t++++++8 f£ -4.19 11:00 ++4+4+44+4++4++4++++t++t++t++t++++4++4++ -4.78 12:00 Cetttttttetttetttttt++tt+++t++4+8 if -4.22 13:00 2 ttttttttt++++++44+4+444 -3.12 14:00 cc e tt+++++4++4+5 £ -1.59 15:00 ° +4444 -64 16:00 ° e Sttttt++t+t++t+++++4+4+44++ 3.22 17:00 ° ttttttttttttt++t++++444+ 3.45 18:00 ° e Sttttt+t+t++++++++4+44+ 3.08 19:00 cc titttttt++++++t+ 2.49 20:00 ° e St++t++++4+ f£ 1.48 21:00 ° t+ =521 22:00 ° Cttttttttttt++++S £ ~2.45 23:00 ° t4++4+4++++4++++4+++4++4+4++4444 -3.95 24:00 AdASttte++tte ttt ttt+++++4+++544a6haaaséaaafaéaaaadéadaadéaaaaaéeaaaa3 . 89 TIME: -A4 a3 a2 al 0 1 2) 3 4 5 6 7) aor | SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESESEEEESEEEEEEE o DAILY CURRENTS Sunday Jan 21, 1996 Alaska Standard Time o 04444444444444444444444444444444444h444444444444464444hh44444hhhhhh4aaddddaaaNn & Moose Point, NW of 61% 4.65'N ° Sunrise 05:37- AKDT o Oo Alaska 150%45.00'W ° Sunset 22:40 AKDT og 014444444444644444444444444444464444444444444444446444444444444444h4h4aahadadaaN Oo slack ° FLOOD 085% ° EBB 255% ° PERIGEAN SPRING TIDES: o 044444444446444444444444444444644444444444444444464444444444444hhhhdhddaaaaaNn Oo 01:40 oO > AP 67 eae °Moon : New Yesterday o Oo 07:48 ° ° 10:51 3.98 ° ‘o Oo 13:53 ° 15:41 431 eo ° o Oo 19:43 ° © 23:01 4.90 ° o AGSSESEEEEENEEEEEEEEESEEEEESEEUEEEEEEESESEEEEEEEEUNEESEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY EBB Current Speed in kts FLOOD TIME: a4 43 a2 al 0 bl 2 3 4 5 6 7 44444464446 444446444446 4444h6 444446444446 444446444446 444446 4dd446 hhaddb AdhAdE 00:00 c ttttttttttt+ttt+++4445 £ =3.37 01:00 ° ++4+++++ -1.02 02:00 ° e Stt+++++ f£ 1.11 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F SEEEEESEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL o DAILY CURRENTS Wednesday Jul 31, 1996 Alaska Daylight Time o 044444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444464444444444h4hhdd4hadhadddddAN & Moose Point, NW of 61% 4.65'N ° Sunrise 09:48 AKST o O Alaska 150%45.00'’W ° Sunset 16:42 AKST Qa 014444444444644444444444444444464444444444444444446444444444444444a44d4ahaddaAN oO slack ° FLOOD 085% ° EBB 255% ° SPRING TIDES: o 04444444444644444444444444444464444444444444444446444444444444444h4hhhaddadaaN Oo 02:28 ° 04:16 Nae alee ; °Moon in Perigee Yesterday 2 Oo 08:17 cc OM BENS 4.79 °Moon : Full Yesterday o Do 14:59 © 16:52 4.64 ° ° o Oo 21:05 ° Y © ; o AGSEEEEEEEEUEEEESEEEEESESEEESESUE EEE EEEEEEEEEEEEENEEEEEESESSESESESEEEEEEEEEEEEY *** DAYLIGHT SAVING *** EBB Current Speed in kts FLOOD TIME: a4 43 A2 al 0 at 2 3 4 5 6 7 44444444446 444446444486 444406 444446444446 444446 40dddE4h44db24aaddb addddb 4AAddE 00:00 C tetttttte+4++++4+4+4++4+448 f -3.69 01:00 C tttttt+t+t+++++4+4+4+ -2.58 02:00 ° e +++8 f£ - 43 03:00 c ttttt+444+444 1.91 04:00 ° e Sttt++t+t+tt+++tttt¢¢¢++44444 4.16 05:00 C tttttttttttttttttttttttit 3.99 06:00 ° e Sttt+t+tttt+++++t+ttt+++ 3.29 07:00 ° tt+tt+t++++4+4++4+4 2.30 08:00 ° e St+++ f -65 09:00 ° +ttt+++++4+ -1.63 10:00 ° tttttttttt+tt+t++t++++45 £ -3.54 11:00 tttttttttttitittittttttttitit -4.62 12:00 +4+++44++4+4+++4++t4++tt++++44+448 £ -4.72 13:00 © t+444+44+4+4+4+t+4+4++++++++4++ -3.97 14:00 ° @ ++++44++4++4445 f£ ~2.37 15:00 S + -05 16:00 c e Sttttttttt+++++t+++++4+44 3.67 17:00 c ttttttttttttt+++++tt++++4+4+4+44 4.63 18:00 c e Sttttttt+t++++++++++4+++4+4+4+4+ 4.12 19:00 a ttttttt+tttt++++++4+4t+ 3.23 20:00 ° e Stitt+t+++++4+ f£ 2.02 21200 ce ++ og 22:00 ° e +4++4+++44+4+++5 £ -1.94 23:00 So ttttttttttttttstt4+4¢4¢44 -3.46 24:00 AaAt+t++++4+44+44+44444+4444444+5444hh6 hhh4hF Adhd fE4h4hhEhhhhEh4hhdE6 44484 . 06 TIME: a4 a3 a2 A1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4. CAPE SPENCER TO COOK INLET 125 the head of the bay. This channel shoals rapidly after leav- ing Chisik Island. The passage N of Chisik Island should be avoided, even by small craft. (1200) To enter Tuxedni Channel give the S end of Chisik Island a berth of over 0.5 mile, keep in midchannel until about 2 miles inside the entrance, and then follow the Chisik Island shore at a distance of 0.5 mile. The anchorage is about 3.5 miles above the light, in 13 to 14 fathoms, mud and sand bottom, and has a clear width of 0.7 mile. On the island side, the shore is bold but a shoal makes out 0.6 to 1 mile from the main shore abreast the anchorage; the shoal- ing is abrupt on the sides of the channel and there are boul- ders in places on the shoals. (1201) In 1978, the NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER re- ported the shifting of rocks and the possibility of uncharted rocks in Tuxedni Bay W of longitude 152°40'W. Caution is advised in this area. (1202) Charts 16661, 16662, 16663, 16665, 16660.-From Tuxedni Bay to Harriet Point, the W shore of Cook Inlet is a gravel bluff with trees on top and a few boulders in the water. Redoubt Point (60°17.3'N., 152°25.0'W.), 7 miles NE of Tuxedni Bay, is an alder-covered bluff from 200 to 300 feet high, with a number of bare slides. There are boulders in places on the shoals which fringe this shore, and vessels should proceed with caution when inside the 10-fathom curve. (1203) Redoubt Volcano is an important mark 15 miles in- land from Harriet Point. There is a notch on its SE slope just below the summit. (1204) Double Peak (see chart 16013), 15 miles N of Re- doubt Volcano, has two knobs on top, and is easily identified from the inlet. (1205) Harriet Point is a clay bluff about 100 feet high, with boulders at the water. A boulder reef, bare at low water, ex- tends 0.8 mile E from Harriet Point. The point should not be approached closer than 1.5 miles on the line of the reef. In 1975, the NOAA Ship DAVIDSON observed a danger- ously steep, short, and choppy sea condition between Har- riet Point and the S part of Kalgin Island. This sea condi- tion resulted from strong currents and opposing winds, and the steep waves were of short duration. Harriet Point Light (60°23.8'N., 152°14.2'W.), 95 feet above the water, is shown from a square frame structure with a diamond-shaped red and white daymark on the end of the point. (1206) Fair anchorage is available in moderate weather on the N side of Harriet Point, which so far as known is safe during the summer except for S, SE, and NE gales. Very small vessels can anchor in about 5 fathoms about 0.5 mile from shore, with the point bearing 177°. At the anchorage the ebb current has a velocity of 2 to 3 knots, while the flood current is weak and of short duration. (1207) From Harriet Point to West Foreland, two shallow bights form Redoubt Bay. The shore in the bay is generally low and backed by patches of woods which appear continu- ous, and is subject to overflow at extreme high tides. It is fronted by a flat that extends off a greatest distance of 2.5 miles. The edge of the flat is generally steep-to, but no boul- ders were seen on those parts lying in front of the marshy shore. Drift River is shallow, rapid, and obstructed by rocks and snags. (1208) About 10 miles N of Harriet Point and S of Drift River, is the Drift River Marine Terminal, a privately owned offshore loading platform in 60 feet of water; a heli- copter deck and living quarters are on the platform. Breast- ing and mooring dolphins, connected by walkways, are adja- cent and on the sides of the loading platform. Privately maintained lights on mooring dolphins mark the extremities of the terminal facilities; a fog signal is at the S light. Two 30-inch oil lines lead from a crude oil tank farm on shore to the platform. The platform headings are 035°-215°. Tankers can be loaded at a rate of 50,000 barrels per hour. A small airfield is maintained ashore by the pipeline company. (1209) The platform is a good radar target. (1210) The U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the Port, Western Alaska, has issued the following order to impose vessel traf- fic movement control in the vicinity of the offshore loading platform (Christy Lee) at the Drift River Marine Terminal: 1211) No vessel shall maneuver, anchor or moor in such a manner as to endanger itself, any other vessel or facility in order to prevent any vessel from mooring or departing the Drift River Marine Terminal. , (1212) From early December to mid-March, large pieces of ice have been reported to approach the platform during flood tides. Caution is advised. (1213) A prominent wooded butte is 4 miles inland and 14 miles W of West Foreland. (1214) Kalgin Island, wooded and fringed with boulders, is higher at its N and S ends. Kalgin Island Light (60°29.0'N., 151°50.6'W.), 140 feet above the water, is shown from a square frame structure with a diamond-shaped red and white daymark on the NE point of the island. Kalgin Island South Light (60°20.7'N., 152°05.1'W.), 65 feet above the water, is shown from a square frame structure with a dia- ee red and white daymark on the S point of the island. (1215) A shoal, marked at its S end by a seasonal lighted bell buoy, extends 16 miles S from Kalgin Island. (See chart 16640.) There are spots bare at low water for nearly 8 miles from the island, and thence S the least depth found is 2 fath- oms. The bottom is very broken. No boulders show at low water, however, except near the island. (1216) A passage with general depths of 12 to 15 feet, which is used by cannery tenders, leads across the shoal from 1 to 2.5 miles S of Kalgin Island. A range should be picked up in the opening N of Chisik Island to insure making the course good, as the currents on either side of the island have a ve- locity of 3 to 4 knots at times, and are nearly slack in the lee of the island. There are boulders near Kalgin Island and possibly in the passage. 1217) A sand ridge, which nearly uncovers, is about 2.5 to 3.5 miles W of Kalgin Island. A lighted seasonal bell buoy is off the W side of the shoal. During the summer months, floating debris and logs may be encountered in the channel W of the buoy. (1218) A boulder-strewn shoal with depths of 7 fathoms or less extends 8 miles N from the NE point of Kalgin Island. The outer boulders which uncover are 2.5 miles from the is- land in depths of 22 feet. It is advisable to proceed with cau- tion where the depths are no more than 30 feet greater than the draft. (1219) Small vessels can select anchorage off the middle of the N end of Kalgin Island, with good shelter from S gales .drawing up the inlet. Fair holding ground is from the mid- dle of the N shore W. The currents are as weak as will be found at any of the exposed anchorages. Caution must be observed, however, at low water when crossing the broken boulder-strewn area where depths of less than 5 fathoms make off from the N end of the island. (1220) The highest parts of the shoal between Kalgin Island and West Foreland uncover between 3 and 4 feet. The shoal has been shifting S and is 5.5 miles from the N end of Kalgin Island. Although the shoal is rocky in places, no boulders show at lowest tides. There are boulders in places on the bottom between the shoal and West Foreland. 126 4. CAPE SPENCER TO COOK INLET (1221) West Foreland is a flat headland with a bluff at the water. The shore at West Foreland and for a distance of 4 or 5 miles N is fringed with boulders which extend below low water. (1222) Kustatan River has its entrance 3.5 miles W of West Foreland. It connects inland with McArthur River, which enters the inlet 12 miles N of West Foreland. (1223) For a distance of 8 miles N from West Foreland the bluff is at the water, and numerous boulders are on the beach. The bluff then trends inland to a conspicuous wooded ridge, 5 miles long and 300 feet high, which is 2.5 miles inland at its N end. (1224) For a distance of 15 miles N from the end of the bluff, the shore of Trading Bay is flat, grass covered, and subject to overflow, and has several sloughs. This part of the bay is fronted by a flat that extends off a greatest distance of 2.1 miles at the mouth of McArthur River. This river is about 1 mile wide at its entrance at high water, but because of a bar across its mouth it cannot be entered at low water. (1225) Nikolai Creek is a narrow slough 19 miles N of West Foreland. A depth of 1 to 2 feet at low water is in the chan- nel across the flat. A depth of about 15 feet can be taken into the river at high water. The water in the river is fresh nearly to its mouth except for a short time at high water. (1226) About 3 miles E of Nikolai Creek is a prominent gulch with a small stream in it. The bluffs come to the shore at the gulch and continue around North Foreland. Anchorage | mile off the gulch is in 34 fathoms, hard bot- tom. (1227) Granite Point is a prominent gray bluff 1 mile E of the gulch. Between the point and North Foreland, 5.5 miles to the ENE, is Beshta Bay, a shallow bight with anchorage in 7 to 10 fathoms, mud and gravel bottom. The anchorage is good during moderate weather or with offshore winds. Care should be taken to avoid the rocky shoal that bares at low water and extends 1 mile from shore 1.5 miles E of Granite Point. The flood current has a velocity of 4 to 5 knots and the ebb 2 to 3 knots. North Foreland, on the NW side of Cook Inlet 25 miles above West Foreland, is a bluff about 150 feet high at the shore end of a hilly wooded ridge; thence N the bluff is lower. A large T-head pier, marked by private lights at the outer ends, extends about 0.25 mile SE from North Foreland. ; (1228) Tyonek is a native village near the mouth of Indian Creek, 1.5 miles NE of North Foreland. The village has a Bureau of Indian Affairs school. Vessels call at Tyonek, and a landing strip just N of the village is suitable for light planes. Mail is received once a week from Anchorage. (1229) Chuitna River, 3 miles N of North Foreland, is marked by a low break in the bluff. A depth of about 8 feet can be taken into the mouth of the river at high water, and the tides are felt about 1 mile upriver. In 1966, a pipe cov- ered about 2 feet at mean higher high water was reported E of the entrance to the river in about 61°06.2'N., 150°55.0’W. (1230) A prominent bluff 150 feet high is on the S side of Threemile Creek. Bluffs continue N for 2.5 miles from this creek, and then the tree line is from 2 to 3 miles inland from the ordinary high-water mark, the strip between being sub- ject to overflow at extreme high tides. This feature continues to within 2 miles of Point MacKenzie. (1231) Beginning at Threemile Creek, the shore is fronted by a broad mudflat. Its low-water edge is about 2 miles off the mouth of Beluga River, 5.5 miles off the mouth of Susitna River, 3.5 miles off the shore E nearly to Little Susitna River, and then meets the shore at Point MacKenzie. (1232) Beluga River is 11.5 miles N of North Foreland. The channel through the flats at the mouth of the river has a depth of about 2 feet or less at low water, and is said to shift in the winter and spring from the action of ice. (1233) The effect of the tide is felt in Beluga River 6 to 8 miles above the mouth, and it is said that boats can navigate as far as Beluga Lake, about 20 miles from the mouth. (1234) Theodore River is 3.5 miles NE of Beluga River. Three or 4 miles up, the two rivers are within 1 mile of each other and there is an easy portage between them. (1235) Susitna River is on the N side of Cook Inlet 22 miles NE of North Foreland. Mount Susitna, a prominent landmark along the upper part of the inlet, is about 6 miles W of the river at a point 13 miles above the mouth. (1236) The channels across the flats at the mouth of Susitna River have depths of 2 feet or.less at low water and change during the winter and spring because of ice and freshet ac- tion. The channels above the mouth are said to change fre- quently in the spring and early summer. Vessels navigating the deep channels of Cook Inlet should keep well away from the flats because their outer limits have been known to change drastically. (1237) Launches navigate Susitna River to Yentna River, about 20 miles above Cook Inlet, thence run occasionally up the Yentna to the forks about 65 miles from the Susitna. The tides are not felt more than 7 miles from the inlet, and above this the current is swift. Overhead power cables with a least clearance of 37 feet cross the Susitna River about 5 miles above its mouth. (1238) Alexander is a small settlement on the W side of Su- sitna River 10 miles above the mouth. Susitna is on the E side 18 miles above the mouth and just below the mouth of the Yentna; launches, occasionally towing scows, run to and from Anchorage. Mail is delivered to both settlements twice monthly by airplane from Anchorage. (1239) Iee.—(See page T-21 for dates of ice breakup and freezeup for Susitna River.) (1240) Talkeetna is 65 miles above the mouth of Susitna River. (1241) Little Susitna River, 9 miles W of Point MacKenzie, is said to be navigable for launches at high water for about 8 miles. (1242) Cape Kasilof (60°22.0'N., 151°22.0’W.) is on the E side of Cook Inlet opposite Kalgin Island. The high bluffs characteristic of much of the E shore are absent between the cape and Kenai to the N. (1243) Five miles SW from Cape Kasilof and 2.3 miles from shore are The Sisters, three prominent rocks, the highest of which is 5 feet. The foul ground back of The Sisters extends about 10 miles S from the cape and is strewn with boulders 15 to 50 feet high. (1244) Temporary anchorage is possible in 4 fathoms 1 mile from shore a little S of Cape Kasilof. The area is exposed except in NE weather. (1245) Kasilof River empties into the E side of Cook Inlet 2.5 miles NE of Cape Kasilof. The narrow winding channel that leads through the inner shallows to the river mouth is not navigable at low water. The entrance channel is marked by a light and buoys. A lighted buoy, about 2.5 miles W of the light, marks the approach to the entrance channel; the light, entrance buoys, and approach buoy are maintained seasonally. Entrance should not be attempted without local knowledge of conditions. (1246) A dock with a 78-foot face and a launching ramp are on the N side of the entrance. A 200-foot detached float is moored in the entrance just off the dock. (1247) Kasilof is a small agricultural settlement on the N side of Kasilof River, about 5 miles above the mouth. Cohoe, another small settlement on the S side of the river 4. CAPE SPENCER TO COOK INLET 127 mouth, has a store. Both villages are connected by the Ster- ling Highway with Anchorage, Homer, and other points along the W side of Kenai Peninsula. (1248) Kasilof River is narrow and has a strong current. Boats drawing up to 6 feet can find good shelter in the river and remain afloat at low water. Vessels drawing as much as 10 feet enter the river and go as far as 6 miles upstream. (1249) Ice.-(See page T-21 for dates of ice breakup and freezeup for Kasilof River.) (1250) Karluk Reef, 4 miles N of Cape Kasilof and 3.5 miles from the E shore, is partly bare at low water. There are other shoals and submerged rocks between the reef and the shore. 1251) Salmo Rock, 9.5 miles N of Cape Kasilof and 2 miles from shore, is one of the outer boulders off Kenai River and shows well at low water. (1252) Kenai, 11 miles N of Cape Kasilof and on the N side of the Kenai River mouth, is a fishing town and a support base for offshore drilling operations in Cook Inlet. (1253) Prominent features.-Three towers with red flashing lights are prominent at night S and E of town. (1254) The entrance channel to the Kenai River is marked by a lighted 049° range and a seasonal lighted buoy. The area surrounding the mouth of Kenai River, for about a ra- dius of 2 to 4 miles, is strewn with rocks, boulders, shoals, wrecks, and other obstructions. The bars at the entrance to the river are nearly dry at low water, but there are depths of 8 to 10 feet in places in the river. Because of the shifting bars at the river entrance, the range may not mark the best water. Mariners are advised not to enter Kenai River with- out local knowledge. (1255) It is reported that small craft navigate the river to Soldotna, about 14.5 miles above the mouth. (1256) A fixed highway bridge with a clearance of 15 feet crosses the river about 4.5 miles above the mouth. (1287) (See 162.245, chapter 2, for navigation regulations for the Kenai River.) (1258) Tides and currents.—The diurnal range of tide is 20.7 feet at the Kenai River entrance. The currents in the river mouth attain velocities of 5 knots or more. (1259) Weather.—Prevailing winds in the summer are from the SE and SW; NE winds prevail in the winter. Fog occurs from December to February, with some fog in the early spring. (1260) Ice.—(See page T-21 for dates of ice breakup and freezeup for Kenai River.) (1261) Pilotage, except for certain exempted vessels, is com- pulsory for all vessels navigating the inside waters of the State of Alaska. (See Pilotage, chapter 3, and Pilotage, Ho- mer, for details.) (1262) Customs.—Kenai is a customs station. (1263) Quarantine—A U.S. Public Health Service Contract Physician is located at the hospital in Kenai. (See appendix for additional information.) (1264) Wharves.—Five wharves for barges and fishing vessels are along the Kenai River. (1265) Kenai Packers Wharf: N side of Kenai River, 1 mile above the mouth; 720-foot face; dries at other than high tide; deck height, 25 feet; cranes to 10 tons; receipt of fish; owned and operated by Kenai Packers, Inc. (1266) From June to October, private mooring buoys are placed on the S side of the river channel from about 300 yards W of Kenai Packers Wharf to 400 yards E of the wharf. (1267) Kenai City Dock (Army Dock): a marginal wharf 460 yards upstream (ESE) from Kenai Packers Wharf; 300- foot face; 7 feet to bare; deck height, 28 feet; receipt of fish; owned by the City of Kenai and operated by Salamatof Sea- foods Inc. (1268) Port of Kenai Wharf: 550 yards SE of Kenai City Dock; 365-foot face; 18 feet to bare alongside; deck height, 20 feet; receipt of construction materials, general cargo by barge, fish, offshore oil well supplies, and bunkering vessels, 18 acres of open storage and 30,000 square feet of covered, heated, storage; owned by Cherrier and King, Inc. and oper- ated by Cherrier and King, Inc. and Dragnet Fisheries, Inc. (1269) A small-boat launching ramp and a 240-foot sec- tional mooring float are just S of the Port of Kenai Wharf. The mooring float is removed during the winter. It is owned by the State and operated by the city. (1270) Fishermans Packing, Inc. Piers: lower and upper piers with 50- and 40-foot faces, respectively; 3 feet along- side; deck heights, 27 feet; receipt of fish and bunkering ves- sels; owned and operated by Fishermans Packing, Inc. (1271) Columbia Wards Wharf: 540 yards S of Fishermans Packing, Inc. Piers; 100-foot face; 415 feet of berthing space with dolphins; 2 to 3 feet alongside; deck height, 27 feet; pipeline on wharf extends to storage tanks in rear; receipt of fish and bunkering vessels; owned and operated by Colum- bia Wards Fisheries. (1272) Supplies and repairs.—Gasoline, diesel fuel, berths, water, ice, a lift, and a launching ramp are available. Most supplies are available in Kenai. Repair service is available and machine shops are in town. (1273) Communications.—-Kenai is connected with the Alaska Highway System and scheduled air service to Anchorage is available daily. Landline telephone, radiotele- phone and radiotelegraph communications are available. (1274) Nikiski, 8.5 miles NNW of Kenai, is the site of three deep-draft piers and a shallow-draft wharf. For a complete description of the port facilities refer to Port Series No. 38, published and sold by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. (See appendix for address.) All facilities are used in connec- tion with the petroleum industry. Oil tanks on shore are conspicuous; three brown tanks above the Kenai LNG Dock are the most prominent. (1275) Union Chemcial Wharf: a T-head pier 3 miles S of East Foreland Light; 228-foot face, 1,135 feet of berthing space with dolphins; 40 feet alongside; deck height, 38 feet; bulk urea loading tower with a telescopic loading spout with loading rate of 1,000 tons per hour; storage buildings in rear, total capacity 125,000 tons; shipment of anhydrous ammonia and dry bulk urea, and receipt of sulfuric acid, caustic soda and petroleum products; private lights mark each end of the pier; owned and operated by Union Chemi- cal division of Union Oil Co. of California. (1276) Kenai LNG Dock: a T-head pier just N of the Union Chemical Wharf; 100-foot face, 1,050 feet of berthing space with dolphins; 40 feet alongside; deck height, 40 feet; ship- ment of liquefied natural gas and petroleum products; re- ceipt of crude oil; private lights mark each end of the pier; owned by Kenai LNG Corp., and operated by Phillips Pe- troleum Co. and Tesoro-Alaskan Petroleum Co. (1277) Kenai Pipeline Co. Wharf: a T-head pier just N of Kenai LNG Dock; 348-foot face, 1,310 feet of berthing space with dolphins; 42 feet alongside; deck height, 35 feet; receipt of crude oil, and shipment of petroleum products; private lights mark each end of the pier; owned by Kenai Pipeline Co. and operated by Kenai Pipeline Co., Chevron US.A., Inc., and Tesoro-Alaskan Petroleum Co. (1278) Rig Tenders Dock (Port Nikiski Dock), a wharf just N of Kenai Pipeline Co. Wharf; 600-foot face; depths along- side 10-14 feet, except for a 6-foot shoal at the S end, in 128 4. CAPE SPENCER TO COOK INLET 1974; deck height, 32 feet; 7-acre terminal servicing the off- shore oil-drilling industry, and shipment of petroleum prod- ucts; five fuel and water stations capable of transferring 1,000 gallons per minute; three crawler-type cranes up to 150-ton capacity; pipelines lead from wharf to storage tanks in rear, total capacity 510,000 barrels; heliport adjacent to terminal; owned and operated by Crowley Maritime Corp. and Tesoro-Alaskan Petroleum Corp. (1279) Phillips Petroleum Co. monitors VHF-FM channels 10 and 16 continuously. Kenai Pipeline Co. Wharf and Rig Tenders Dock monitor VHF-FM channel 10 (156.50 MHz) continuously. (1280) The T-head piers are reported to be good radar targets. (1281) A shoal area, about 5 miles long with depths of 2% to 5'4 fathoms, marked by a seasonal buoy, is about 2 miles off the piers at Nikiski. Deeper water is between it and the iers. nen Tides and currents.-The diurnal range of tide at Nikiski is 20.4 feet. (See Tide Tables for daily predictions.) Additional information on the predicted hourly heights of the tide can be obtained from the publication “Supplemental Tidal Predictions-Anchorage, Nikiski, Seldovia, and Valdez, Alaska,”’ published by the National Ocean Service. Tidal currents at Nikiski attain a velocity of about 3.8 knots on the flood and about 2.6 knots on the ebb. (See Tidal Current Tables for daily predictions.) (1283) Ice floes are a severe problem at Nikiski during Janu- ary and February; more so on the flood than the ebb. Ships usually keep their engines running on or standby while moored in case they are needed to help resist the force of these ice floes. (1284) East Foreland, 60 miles N of Anchor Point and about 56 miles from Anchorage, is a nearly level wooded headland with a 276-foot bluff at the water’s edge. East Foreland Light (60°43.2'N., 151°24.3'W.), 294 feet above the water, is shown from a skeleton tower with a red and white diamond-shaped daymark on the highest part of the bluff. A shoal, marked near its W edge by a seasonal buoy, and with a least depth of 3'4 fathoms, extends 2 to 3.5 miles W and SW of the light. (1288) Nikiski No. 2 (Nikiski), 2.5 miles NE of East Fore- land, is the site of a commercial facility (Arness Landing) that was inactive in 1976. It consists of three grounded lib- erty-type ships and a gravel surfaced wharf. The grounded vessels provide about 3,000 feet of berthing space alongside. The majority of the facility is dry at low water. It is owned by Dillingham Corp. 1286) A coastal radio station is at Nikishka No. 2. (1287) Nikiski Bay is the bight between Nikishka No. 2 and Boulder Point, 3 miles to the NE. Boulders, bare in places at low water, fill the bight. The bight provides anchorage in depths of 1 to 5 fathoms. The smooth sloping bottom pro- vides good holding ground. The anchorage is sheltered from E and S winds, but is open to N and NE blows which gener- ally prevail except during the summer. Currents reach 3 to 6 knots on both the ebb and flood and increase greatly with the distance from shore. Mariners should avoid a strong current area around the small, 3-fathom shoal lying 0.25 mile offshore between Arness Landing and East Foreland. (1288) Middle Ground Shoal, which uncovers 6 feet for 3.5 miles of its length, is a long ridge of hard sand with rocky bottom in places, in the middle of the inlet 9 miles N of East Foreland. (1289) Oil Well Structures.—Extensive oil drilling opera- tions are being conducted in Cook Inlet extending as far N as Anchorage. The heaviest concentration of these opera- tions is in the vicinity of Middle Ground Shoal. (1290) Obstructions in these waters consist of submerged wells and oil well structures (platforms), including appurte- nances thereto, such as mooring piles, anchor and mooring buoys, pipes, and stakes. (1291) In general, the oil well structures (platforms), de- pending on their size, depth of water in which located, prox- imity of vessel routes, nature and amount of vessel traffic, and the effect of background lighting, may be marked in one of the following ways: (1292) Quick flashing white light(s) visible at least 5 miles; fog signal sounded when visibility is less than 5 miles. (1293) Quick flashing white light(s) visible at least 3 miles; fog signal when visibility is less than 3 miles. (1294) Quick flashing white or red lights visible at least 1 mile; may or may not be equipped with fog signal. (1295) Structures on or adjacent to the edges of navigable channels and fairways, regardless of location, may be re- quired to display lights and fog signals for the safety of navi- gation. (1296) Associated structures within 100 yards of the main structure, regardless of location, are not normally lighted, but are marked with red or white retro-reflective material. Mariners are cautioned that uncharted submerged pipelines and cables may exist in the vicinity of these structures, or between such structures and the shore. (1297) During construction of a well or during drilling oper- ations and until such time as the platform is capable of sup- porting the required aids, fixed white lights on the attending vessel or drilling rig may be shown in lieu of the required quick flashing lights on the structure. The attending vessel’s foghorn may also be used as a substitute. (1298) Submerged wells may or may not be marked depend- ing on their location and depth of water over them. (1299) All obstruction lights and fog signals used to mark the various structures are operated as privately maintained aids to navigation. (see 67.01 through 67.10, chapter 2, for regulations.) (1300) Information concerning the establishment, change, or discontinuance of offshore oil well structures and their appurtenances are published in Notice to Mariners. These structures and aids are subject to heavy damage and/or de- struction from ice in winter; unlocated debris and remains may exist. Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the vicinity of these structures and in those waters where oil exploration is in progress, and to use the latest and largest scale chart of the area. «301) During the continuing program of establishing, changing, and discontinuing oil well structures, special cau- tion should be exercised when navigating the inshore and offshore waters of the affected areas in order to avoid colli- sion with any of the structures. (1302) Information concerning seismographic operations is not published in Notice to Mariners unless such operations create a menace to navigation in waters used by general nav- igation. Where seismographic operations are being con- - ducted, obstructions such as casings (pipes), buoys, stakes, and detectors are installed. Casings are marked with flags by day and fixed red lights by night; buoys have colored inter- national orange and white horizontal bands, and stakes are marked with flags. (1303) From Boulder Point, a prominent boulder reef with few breaks in it, extends for 20 miles along the shore to Moose Point. For the greater part of this distance the boul- ders, some very large, show at low water to a distance of 2 miles from shore, and there are occasional ones which show above high water. (1304) A prominent yellowish bluff is 4 miles E of Boulder Point. Gray Cliff, 10 miles NE of Boulder Point, is a good 4. CAPE SPENCER TO COOK INLET 129 mark. There is a break in the boulder reef off Gray Cliff where a small vessel can approach the shore as close as 0.8 mile and find anchorage in about 5 fathoms, mud bottom, sheltered from easterly and southeasterly weather. 1305) Rocks awash are about 4.2 miles W and 4 miles NNW, respectively, from Gray Cliff. Because of the size of the boulders along this shore, it is not safe to skirt it with less than about 5 fathoms beneath the keel. .1306) Moose Point, low and wooded with a grassy flat at its end, is not prominent; it is marked by a light equipped with a racon. Between it and Point Possession, a distance of 10 miles, there are few boulders so far as known but the bottom is generally rocky and irregular. Moose Point Shoal, 5 miles long and partly bare at low water, begins opposite Moose Point and is 1.8 to 2.2 miles from shore. \1307) A 2%4-fathom spot, 6.5 miles 293° from Moose Point Light, is marked by a lighted seasonal buoy; shoaling may have taken place between.it and the SE shore. Beluga Shoal, covered 4'/ fathoms, is in the middle of Cook Inlet about midway between North Foreland and Fire Island and about 8.5 miles N of Moose Point. 11308) About 6 miles NE of Moose Point is a prominent reddish bluff, on the N side of which is a small stream in a deep canyon, the latter showing from SW. 1309) Point Possession, 36 miles NE of East Foreland, is on the S side of Cook Inlet and on the SW side of the en- trance to Turnagain Arm. The point, marked by a light, is a low, rounding, heavily wooded headland with a bluff at the water’s edge. Possession, a small native village occupied only during the summer, is on the W side of the point where the bluff is low and a valley leads inland. About | mile S of the village the bluff is 140 feet high, and 1.5 miles inside Turnagain Arm, it rises to 284 feet. (1310) A reef extends about | mile off the NW side of Point Possession. There are depths of 1° fathoms on its NE edge; the N edge drops off abruptly to depths of 12 to 20 fathoms about | mile offshore. Care should be taken when rounding the point at low water not to open this range until well clear of the reef. A current line generally indicates the edge of the reef when the tidal current is strong in either direction. 311) Temporary anchorage for a small vessel can be had 0.8 mile from shore and 2 miles SW of Possession in 4 fath- oms, sandy bottom. It is sheltered from easterly and south- easterly winds, but considerable sea makes around Point Possession at times from the violent northeasterly winds that blow at intervals out of Turnagain Arm. (1312) Shoals with least depths of 2 to 24 fathoms are be- tween Point Possession and Fire Island, in the entrance to Turnagain Arm. 11313) On the N side of Point Possession temporary anchorage for a small vessel can be had in 4 fathoms, hard bottom, 0.3 mile off a gulch 1 mile NE of Possession. The anchorage is out of the strong tidal currents that set in and out of Turnagain Arm. Water can be secured by boats at high tide from the gulch, but in the late summer the flow is ce and the water discolored from flowing over the clay uff. (1314) Fire Island Shoal, marked by a seasonal lighted bell buoy, is about 6 miles N of Point Possession; a description of the shoal is given later in this chapter, under Shelter Bay. ‘S1s) Turnagain Arm is only partially surveyed. Most of it Is a large mudflat, bare at low water and intersected by Winding sloughs. Navigation is sate only for small craft drawing 6 feet or less. Local knowledge is necessary since the channels wind from side to side and are subject to change, and strong currents and tide rips increase the diffi- Culties of navigation. [t is reported that sediment from the ‘vers is causing further general shoaling in the arm. The flood comes in at spring tides as a bore, sometimes attaining a height of 6 feet. [ts rate of advance is about 6 knots but the velocity of the current may exceed 6 knots in places. (1316) A submarine pipeline extends from the mainland shore close E of Burnt Island in a 024°30' direction across the arm to the opposite shore. «i317 Launches can be beached on the gradually sloping, smooth sand in the bight on the W side of Gull Rock, 4 miles E of Burnt Island, or in the bight 2 miles W of Gull Rock. (31s) Small cratt generally use the anchorage on the W side of Fire Island until conditions are favorable for proceeding up Turnagain Arm. (1319) Hope is on the S side of Turnagain Arm 23 miles above Point Possession. Girdwood is on the N side 14 miles farther up. Formerly mining towns of some importance, both have stores and can be reached by small boats at high water. Girdwood is on the Alaska Railroad and the Anchorage-Seward highway which follow the N shore of Turnagain Arm. Portage is at the head of Turnagain Arm, 8 miles above Girdwood, and at the mouth of Placer River. (1320) Turnagain Arm is noted for the violent winds which blow out of it whenever the wind is easterly, and is locally referred to as the Cannon, which expresses the opinion held of it. With light to moderate easterly winds in other parts of the inlet, a moderate gale will frequently blow out of the arm and a heavy sea and tide rips will be raised from its mouth across to North Foreland on the W shore of Cook Inlet. (1321) Charts 16665, 16663, 16660.-Fire Island is about 6 miles NNE of Point Possession. The channel in Cook Inlet W of Fire Island is marked by a 058° lighted’ range at the NW end of Fire Island. (1322) Note: Due to the narrow width of the channel be- tween Fire Island and Fire Island Shoal, the Coast Guard recommends that all inbound and outbound traffic broad- cast a voice security call on VHF-FM channel 16 (156.80 MHz), and establish voice communications with opposing traffic on VHF-FM channel 13 (156.65 MHz), prior to tran- siting the 058° Race Point range. (1323) West Point, the SW extremity of Fire Island, is marked by Fire Island Light 6 (61°07.6'N., 150°16.9'W.), 30 feet above the water, shown from a skeleton tower with a red triangular daymark, and equipped with a racon. Race Point, the NW extremity of Fire Island, is marked by Race Point Light (61°10.1'N., 150°13.5'W.), 170 feet above the water and shown from a skeleton tower with a red and white diamond-shaped daymark. (1324) Fire [sland is wooded and has elevations of more than 250 feet in its central part. Near the SW end are high sandhills, with bare summits, and a small lake. Another lake is in the NE central part of the island. The shores are mostly high bluffs except at West Point and North Point, the NE extremity. 1325) Shelter Bay, on the W side of Fire Island between West Point and Race Point, is mostly mudflats, bare at low water. Anchorage for small vessels has been recommended in 4 to 5 fathoms off the N part of the bay, 0.5 mile from shore. The current is strong throughout the flood, but the ebb is weak and after the first 2. hours is nearly slack. With fresh southwesterly, northwesterly or northerly winds, the anchorage has rough seas and tide rips. (1326) Fire Island Shoal, which bares at low water, is about 2 miles NW of West Point. The shoal, about 3.5 miles long and 0.9 mile wide and marked on the S edge by a seasonal lighted bell buoy, is rapidly shifting ESE. In July 1990, the shoal was encroaching the Race Point rangeline; caution is advised. FIRE ISLAND, ALASKA [Near Anchorage] orl AAS AAV) “b AION! LYINI YOO) OL & 4. CAPE SPENCER TO COOK INLET 131 (1327) Point Campbell, on the NE side of the entrance to Turnagain Arm, is 2.5 miles E of Fire Island. The area be- tween is a mudflat that bares at low water. (1328) Point Woronzof, 3.5 miles NE of Point Campbell, is on the S side of the entrance to Knik Arm, A 242° lighted range NE of Race Point Light, a 081°06' lighted range on Point Woronzot, and a 061° lighted range on Point Mac- Kenzie mark the channel in Cook Inlet from Fire Island to Point Woronzof. Point MacKenzie is on the N side of the entrance to Knik Arm about 2.3 miles NNE of Point Woronzof. Point McKenzie Light 11 (61°14.3'N., 149°59.2’W.), 80 feet above the water, is shown from a square frame structure with a green square daymark on the point. It is reported that the range on Point MacKenzie is sometimes difficult to see when the sun is directly behind the range markers. (1329) Anchorage, on the SE side of Knik Arm, 175 miles from the entrance to Cook Inlet, and 1,428 miles from Seat- tle, is Alaska’s major seaport and largest city. The main in- dustries are government, tourism, and transportation. (1330) Prominent features-When approaching Anchorage, the lights on Fire Island and Point MacKenzie, the gantry cranes on the city wharf, the control tower and aerobeacon at the International Airport, a number of radio and televi- sion towers, and water tanks in the vicinity of Ship Creek are among the conspicuous landmarks. The N tank near Ship Creek is painted in red and white checkers. (1331) Channels.-The main channel leads between Fire Is- land and the shoals to the N and W of the island. The chan- nel is marked by lighted ranges and seasonal buoys at criti- cal locations. The chart is the best guide. (See Routes.) (1332) Anchorages.-The best anchorage for deep-draft ves- sels is W of Anchorage in depths of 10 to 12 fathoms, silt bottom. The usual anchorage for small vessels is nearer Anchorage in depths of 8 to 10 fathoms. Holding bottom is good and there is little chance of dragging if the chain scope is 5 to 7 times the depth, but the anchor probably will foul in a blow if it remains down through two tides. It is danger- ous to remain at anchor in this area when the ice breaks in the spring. (1333) Dangers.-In addition to the dangers in Cook Inlet previously described, North Point Shoal, about 2 miles N of North Point on Fire Island, changes radically from year to year and bares several feet at low water. The shoal is shift- ing ESE onto the Point Mackenzie Range. Knik Arm Shoal, with a least depth of 18 feet and marked by two sea- sonal buoys, is in about the center of the channel, about 2 miles W of Point Woronzof. Woronzof Shoal, a long shoal that bares about 1.2 miles W of Point Woronzof. North Point Shoal, 1.2 miles NW of Knik Arm Shoal, has a least depth of 16 feet. Woronzof Shoal, a long shoal that bares about 1.2 miles W of Point Woronzof, rocks close NW of the point, and the flats off Anchorage, should be avoided. Two submerged dolphins are off the Anchorage waterfront in about 61°13'45"N., 149°54'25"W., and 61°13'59°N., 149°53'S4”W. (1334) In November 1983, a partially submerged barge was reported about 0.5 mile WNW of the Anchorage cargo ter- minals in about 61°14'42"N., 149°54'06" W. (1335) In 1992, three submerged obstructions were reported in the vicinity of General Cargo Terminals 1, 2, and 3 in the following approximate positions: (1336) 61° 14°47.4"N., 149°53' 14.7" W. (1337) O1°14'35.4"N., 149°53'12.4"W. (1338) 61°1435.8"N., 149°53'14.3°W. (1339) Tides and currents.-The diurnal range of tide at Anchorage is 29 feet and the observed extreme low water is” 6.5 feet below mean lower low water. (See Tide Tables for daily predictions.) Additional information on the predicted hourly heights of the tide can be obtained from the publica- tion “Supplemental Tidal Predictions—Anchorage, Nikiski, Seldovia, and Valdez, Alaska,” published by the National Ocean Survey. Close off the town, the current floods NE at a velocity of 1.5 knots and ebbs SW at a velocity of 2.5 knots. One mile off the town, the current averages 2.9 knots. Strong currents and swirls in the area make navigation diffi- cult. It is reported that the flood following the higher of the low waters is unpredictable, especially during the last 3 hours, in the vicinity of the Port of Anchorage wharves. An eddy flows up Knik Arm during the ebb. Vessels anchored close in avoid the stronger currents, which attain velocities of 6 knots or more, at times, in midchannel. (1340) Weather.-The Alaska Mountain Range lies in a long arc from SW, through NW, to NE, approximately 100 miles distant from Anchorage. During the winter, this range is an effective barrier to the influx.of very cold air from the N side of the range. Extreme cold winter weather, associated with a high pressure system over interior Alaska, may lead to a succession of clear days in Anchorage, with temperatures dropping to -15°F to -25°F, as contrasted to the -50°F and even —60°F readings in the interior. There are some factors, however, which tend to offset the sheltering effect of this mountain barrier. Chief among these is cold air entrapment in various suburban areas during periods of light winds. This results occasionally in temperatures on the outskirts of Anchorage as much as 15°F to 20°F colder than observed at the official observation sites. (1341) The four seasons are well marked in the Anchorage area, but in length, and in some major characteristics, they differ considerably from the usually accepted standards in middle latitudes. (1342) Winter is considered to be the period during which the ponds, streams, and lakes are frozen; this normally ex- tends from mid-October to mid-April. The shortest day of the year has 5 hours and 28 minutes of possible sunshine. Periods of clear, cold weather normally alternate with cloudy, mild weather during the Anchorage winter. The clear, cold weather is frequently accompanied by significant fog because of the important low-level moisture source pro- vided by the arms of Cook Inlet which surround the area on three sides; while considerable floating ice is prevalent, the high tides maintain some open water throughout the winter. Visibilities of 0.5 mile, or less, occur about 5 percent of the time during December and January, and most of these low visibilities are associated with fog. Snow visibilities generally range from | to 3 miles though heavier snowfalls will, of course, restrict visibilities to less than | mile on a few occa- sions. The first measurable snow occurs, on the average, on October 15, but has been as early as September 20; latest measurable snow in the spring averages April 14, but has been as late as May 6. Snow occurs on 20 to 25 percent of the midwinter days, and most of the snow falls in relatively small daily amounts, with only 2 percent of the midwinter days having more than 4 inches. The heavier snows occur in conjunction with vigorous storm centers moving N across south-central Alaska. Normally, the depth of snowfall on the ground does not exceed 15 inches. Strong, gusty, N winds which occur, on the average, once or twice during the winter will, under favorable snow conditions, cause drifting and packing of snow cover. Although normally an area of light winds, strong “Northers” at Anchorage occasionally result from the rapid deepening of storms in the nearby Gulf of Alaska at a time when the interior is covered by an exten- sive mass of quite cold air. (1343) Spring is the period immediately following the famed Alaska “Break-up.” This season is characterized by warm, 132 4, CAPE. SPENCER TO COOK INLET pleasant days and chilly nights; the mean temperature rises rapidly; precipitation amounts are exceedingly small. (1344) Summer comprises the period from June through early September, and is, in reality, two seasons of about equal length, the first of which is dry, the second wet. At the time of the summer solstice, possible sunshine in Anchorage amounts to almost 19'4 hours, and the sound of singing birds and pounding hammers is nearly as common at mid- night as at noon. About the middle of July average cloudi- ness increases markedly, and the remainder of the summer usually accounts for about 40 percent of the annual precipi- tation. (34s) Autumn is brief in Anchorage, beginning shortly before mid-September and lasting until mid-October. The frequency of cloudy days and precipitation drops sharply in early October. Measurable amounts of snow are rare in Sep- tember, but substantial snowfalls sometimes reaching 10 to 12 inches occasionally occur in mid-October. Some of the stronger southerly winds, a few with damaging effects, occur in the late summer or fall; these are post-frontal winds fol- lowing the movement of a storm from the southern Bering Sea or Bristol Bay, northeastward across the Alaskan inte- rior. Somewhat less frequent, but more damaging, are the southeasterly ““Chugach” winds which are funneled down the creek canyons on the NW slopes of the Chugach moun- tains E of the city; gusts estimated at 80 to 100 m.p.h. have caused considerable damage to roofs, powerlines and trailers on a few occasions. (1346) The growing season in Anchorage averages 124 days, with the mean Daily temperature above freezing from April 8 to October 23. May 15 is the average date for the occur- rence of a temperature as low as 32°F, while September 16 is the average first date with 32°F in the fall. The latest date with 32°F in spring has been June 6, and the earliest with 32°F jn the fall August 16. (1347) (See page T-4 for Anchorage climatological table.) (1348) Ice.-Upper Cook Inlet rarely, if ever, freezes solid because of the enormous tidal range. Vessels can navigate Cook Inlet in the winter, but reinforced hulls are recom- mended; screws can sustain serious damage unless properly protected. The inlet is ice free from about May to Novem- ber. The ice floes move with the tide, and patches of open water are occasionally visible. (1349) - Routes.-From the entrance point to Cook Inlet, 3 miles S of East Chugach Island Light, set courses to pass 6.5 miles S of the W end of Cape Elizabeth Island, 4.5 miles 208° from Flat Island Light, 6 miles W of Anchor Point Light, 5 miles E of Kalgin Island Light, 5 miles 302° from East Foreland Light; from this position continue on a course to intersect Race Point Range. Follow Race Point Range to a point 1.15 miles 331° from Fire Island Light, then set a course to intersect Point MacKenzie Range at 0.4 mile 319° from Race Point Light. Follow Point MacKenzie Range to the intersection with Point Woronzof Range, thence 081° to the intersection with Fire Island Range (back range), thence 062° along Fire Island Range to a point 1.05 miles 304° from Point Woronzof Rear Range Light, thence 070° to the city of Anchorage facilities. (1350) Mariners are cautioned that the Point MacKenzie Range should not be used S of Race Point and that the use of Point Woronzof Range should be limited to higher tide stages. (1351) Pilotage, except for certain exempted vessels, is com- pulsory for all vessels navigating the inside waters of the State of Alaska. (See Pilotage, chapter 3, and Pilotage, Ho- mer, for details.) (1352) Towage.-Tugs are usually available at Anchorage but they must lay on the mud at low water, and previous ar- rangements for their use must be made. (1353) Quarantine, customs, immigration, and agricultural quarantine.(See chapter 3, Vessel Arrival Inspections, and appendix for addresses.) (1354) Quarantine.-A U.S. Public Health Service Contract Physician is located at the hospital in Anchorage. (See ap- pendix for additional information.) (1355) Customs.—Anchorage is a customs port of entry, (1356) Coast Guard.-A Marine Safety Office is in Anchorage. (See appendix for address.) (357) Harbor regulations.-The Port Commission of the city of Anchorage establishes rates and regulations for the port facilities under their control. The Port Director en- forces harbor regulations and assigns berthing at all munici- pal piers, wharves, and bulkheads. 1358) Wharves.—Anchorage has one deep-draft wharf with berthage for three vessels, a petroleum terminal dock, many commercial barge wharves, and a small-boat marina. For a complete description of the port facilities refer to Port Series No. 38, published and sold by the U.S. Army Corps of En- giners. (See appendix for address.) 1359) Port of Anchorage, General Cargo Terminals No. i, No. 2, and No. 3: (61°14'23”N., 149°53'13”W.); 2,108-foot face; dredged annually to 35 feet alongside; deck height, var- ies from 37 to 40 feet; four level-luffing gantry cranes to 40 tons and two 27'4-ton container cranes; 35,000 square feet of heated, covered storage, and 26 acres of open storage; water, electricity, and telephone service are available; re- ceipt of general cargo, mostly containerized; owned by Mu- nicipality of Anchorage and operated by Sealand Service, Inc., Totem Ocean Trailer Express, and Port of Anchorage. (1360) In 1992, three submerged obstructions were reported in the vicinity of the terminal in the following approximate positions: (1361) 61°14'47.4"N., 149°53'14.7"W. (1362) 61°14'35.4"N., 149°53'12.4"W. (1363) 61°14'35.8"N., 149°53'14.3"W. (1364) Port of Anchorage Petroleum Terminal: offshore wharf just S of General Cargo Terminal No. 1; 605 feet of berthing space with dolphins; dredged annually to 35 feet alongside; deck height, 40 feet; receipt of petroleum prod- ucts, bunkering vessels, occasional receipt and shipment of general cargo; owned by Municipality of Anchorage and op- erated ky Port of Anchorage. (1365) Kaiser Cement Corp. Anchorage Terminal Dock has a grounded 250-foot LST 0.3 mile S of the Port of Anchorage facilities. Depth alongside, 18 feet to bare; re- ceipt of cement by barge; owned by Kaiser Cement Corp. “ The Alaska Railroad and operated by Kaiser Cement ‘orp. (1366) Pickworth & Associates Marine Division Dock: a wharf 100 yards S of Kaiser Cement Corp. Anchorage Ter- minal Dock: 290 feet of berthing space; depth alongside, 16 feet to bare: cranes to 53 tons, and three forklifts are availa- ble; 5 acres of open storage; owned by The Alaska Railroad and operated by Pickworth & Associates. (1367) Anderson Terminal: 400 yards S of Pickworth & As- sociates Marine Division Dock; 100-foot outer face, 557-foot N side, and 217-foot S side, outer face 11 feet to bare along- side; cranes to 150 tons are available; 10,000 square feet of covered storage, and 7 acres of open storage; receipt and shipment of general cargo and heavy lift equipment by barge; owned and operated by North Star Terminal and Ste- vedore Co. (1368) An abandoned fish-processor pier is 50 yards S of Anderson Terminal. \ ' ! ' ! | 4. CAPE SPENCER TO COOK INLET 133 (1369) Pacific Western Lines Cement Dock: 100 yards S of Anderson Terminal and on the N side of Ship Creek; 100- foot wharf with 18 feet to bare alongside, and a 350-foot grounded Liberty ship used as a wharf and storage for ce- ment and barite; cranes up to 40 tons are available; receipt of bulk cement and general cargo by barge; owned and oper- ated by Alaska Aggregate Corp., doing business as Pacific Western Lines. (1370) Whitney Fidalgo: Anchorage Dock: N side of Ship Creek, 300 yards above the mouth; 212 feet of docking space; depth alongside, 3 feet to bare; receipt of fish and sea- food; owned and operated by Whitney Fidalgo Seafoods, Inc. (371) Anderson Pier (61°17'31"N., 149°54'58”W.), on the W shore of Knik Arm, is accessible only at high water. (1372) Supplies.-Bunker C, gasoline, diesel fuel, and water are available at the Port of Anchorage Petroleum Terminal. Some marine supplies can be obtained in town. (1373) Repairs.-Repair facilities for large ships are limited to machinery. Limited engine and hull repairs are available for small boats. (1374) Communications.—Anchorage isserved by coastwise and ocean freight; truck lines serve the port via the Alaska Highway System. The city is the railroad, highway, and ae- rial center for western Alaska. It is the Souiyiations of the Alaska Railroad, the State-owned and operated line which connects with Seward, Whittier, and Fairbanks. 1375) Highways connect with places on the Kenai Penin- sula, Fairbanks, Valdez, and other places in Alaska. The Alaska Highway also provides a land route through Canada to the conterminous United States. (1376) The International Airport, 4 miles SW of Anchorage, is the hub of trans-Pacific air service; flights are offered to all parts of the world. 1377) Radiotelegraph, radiotelephone, and cable communi- cations are available. The Port of Anchorage guards 2182 kHz and VHF-FM channel 16 (156.80 MHz); call letters are KBT-42 and WHJ-82, respectively. (1378) Small-craft facilities Anchorage Marina, 200 yards S of Whitney Fidalgo Seafoods, Inc. on Ship Creek, has moorage for 40 craft on three floating finger piers from May to November. The floating piers go dry at low water and have about 10 feet alongside at high water. A launching ramp is available. Moorage is free, but is limited to 72 hours. The marina is owned by the State and operated by the city. (1379) A small-craft float is at the N end of the Port of Anchorage General Cargo Terminal No. 3. A small-craft ramp and float are approximately 300 feet S of the mouth of Ship Creek. (1380) Ship Creek, on the NE side of the Anchorage water- front, bares at low water and there is no range for entering. Boats rest on the bottom at low water, and local knowledge is recommended. (1381) From about 7 miles above the entrance to Knik Arm to the head are extensive mudflats that bare soon after high water. The flats are cut by numerous channels and doughs. The main channel is close to the W shore of Knik Arm, then winds E and N; it is narrow and intricate, navigable only on the tide, and then only with knowledge of conditions. (1382) Knik is a village on the NW side of Knik Arm, about 15 miles above the entrance. Small craft go to Knik at high water and lie on the bottom at the ends of the landings be- tween tides. The channel to Knik is close along the W shore. Eklutna is on the S bank at the entrance to Knik River. c fe 3 3 . |e 3S 3 3 6 6 6 - Q a Nf a N = on on a 61164 2 2 Sig 2 N ; g g g LEGEND Scale 1:50,000 (at center) WORONZOF CURRENT POINTS Population Center swoon RIVET ' ——4 Mag 13.00 | lesen Open Water ken Fri Dec 29 10:11:16 1995 © Town, Small City 1000 Meters! oe County Boundary Sweet, Road PT. WORONZOF CURRENTS —— Hwy Ramps oe Street, Road oan Trails === Major Street/Road VOW SEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESESEEESESSELE o DAILY CURRENTS Sunday Jan 21, 1996 Alaska Standard Time Qo 14444444444444444444444444444444444444444445444444644444544444444444444444444444N O Point Woronzof, W of 61¥12.42'N ° Sunrise 05:38 AKDT oO Oo Alaska 150% 3.67'W ° Sunset 22:37 AKDT 32 Bee eR AP Ae HABA AR ARSE ROOD TAREA GAS RARRD GO OAGTSEAEANS A SES SEAARAAAG OBE AAT Oo slack ° FLOOD 061% ° EBB 225% ° EQUATORIAL TIDES: GAAdaddsaAsadsaadsAdsaacssadcaadsaaAssadasaasaseaaaaaaaadasaasaascaasaaasaaall Oo 02:24 ° 04:09 4).67)|| "2 °Moon : New Yesterday 4 Oo 08:49 ° ° 10:37 3.98 ° o Oo 14:37 ° 16:15 Ara Le ° o Oo 20:44 ° ° 22:47 4.90 ° o ACEEEEEEEEENEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEEENEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEY EBB Current Speed in kts FLOOD TIME: a4 43 a2 al ) al 2 3 4 5 6 7 44444444446 444446444446 444446 444446444446 444446444446 444446 444446444446 444446 00:00 . ttttttttt+t+t+t+4++4+4+4+448 if -3.64 01:00 ° tttt++ -.78 02:00 ° e Sttttt+++++++ £ 2.00 03:00 C tt+t++t+t+++4++4+4+ 2.37 04:00 ° e St+tttttttt+++s4t4¢ ttt t++sttt+ 4.65 05:00 cc ttttt+tttt+t+tt++t+++4+4+++4+4+444+ 4.34 06:00 ° e Sttt+ttt+t+t++t+t+++t+4+44+ 3.60 07:00 ° ttttt+t+t+¢+¢¢¢¢4¢44+44+ 2.78 08:00 ° e Stt+++t++++ Ef 1.54 09:00 ° ttt+ -.48 10:00 7 tttttt+t++¢¢+++44+4+4+4+4448 if -3.56 11:00 O° tttttttt+++++++++4+4+4+4+4+444 : -3.92 12:00 c ttttttttttt+++4+t+t4+4+5 rf -3.42 13:00 ° tttt++++++4+4+4++44+ -2.66 14:00 ° e tttt+++448 f -1.35 15:00 ° ttttt444+ 1.38 16:00 c e St+tt+ttt+t+t++++t+++++4++4++4+44+ 4.25 17:00 oC tttttttttt++++++ +++ ¢+++44 4.08 18:00 °c e St+tt+t+tt++t+t++++t++++44+44 3.45 19:00 ° ttttttt++4+4+4++4444 2.71 20:00 ° e Sttttt+++++ f 1.48 214:0 0c ++++++ sisi 22:00 Ctstttttttttttttt++ttt+t+++4+4+4+5 f -4.20 23:00 ++4+4+44+++4+4+4+4++++4++++4++4+4+4+4+444+ -4.88 24:00 +4+4+4+4+++4+4++4+4++++4+++4+++++++4++S444446444A6A4A4f 6444446 4444hE4hhh46 44444 42 TIME: a4 a3 a2 al 0 el 2 3 4 5 6 I NO. 1 SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESESSESSESEEE o DAILY CURRENTS Wednesday Jul 31, 1996 Alaska Daylight Time oO 444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444644hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhadaaaNn O Point Woronzof, W of 61¥4%12.42'N ° Sunrise 05:35 AKDT a Oo Alaska 150% 3.67'W ° Sunset 22:40 AKDT oO 4444444444644444444444444444464444444444444444446 4444444444 4hhhhahaaaaaaddaaaNn ao slack ° FLOOD 061% ° EBB 225% ° PERIGEAN SPRING TIDES: o 144444444446444444444444444444644444444444444444h6 4d4ddahhhdddaddddddaaaaddaaaNn OG 03:12 ° 04:50 Ayo lala °Moon in Perigee Yesterday 4 mo 09:18 0 oelis22 4.79 °Moon : Full Yesterday = Oo 15:43 ° 17:26 4.64 ° ° o Oo 22:06 ° ° 23:54 4.07 ° Oo ASSEESEEEEENESEEEESEESEEEEEEEENEEEEEEEEEEEEE GEGEN EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEKESEY *** DAYLIGHT SAVING *** EBB Current Speed in kts FLOOD TIME: a4 a3 a2 al ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 44444444446 444446444446 444446444446 444446 444446 44444644446 4hddhb 4haaabaaadé 00:00 oO t444+4+t+4++4+4+4++++4+4+4+4+4+4+++48 f -3.84 01:00 ° ttttttt+++++4+4+4+++4+ -2.84 02:00 ° e +s f -.18 03:00 ° tttttttt+t+4+44+ 2.32 04:00 ° e Sttt+++t++++4+++44+444 3.15 05:00 ic tttttttttttttttttttt++4tt+ 4.20 06:00 ° e Stttt+ttt+tt+++t++++++4+4+44 3.75 07:00 ° ttttt+tt+t++4+4++4++444 3.10 08:00 ° e St++t+tt+++++4+4++ ff 2.25 09:00 ° t+tt+ -68 10:00 c @ | tt+++++++++4+44+5 f -2.28 11:00 ++4+4++4++4+++4++4+4++4++4++++++44+4+4 -4.69 12:00 +4+++4+++4+4++++++4+++++++++++++4+8 fy -4.64 13:00 oO tttt+4+t¢+4+4¢¢+¢¢¢++4+444444 -4.03 14:00 ° +et¢++t+++¢++4+4++4+4+4+448 £ -3.14 15:00 ° +t++t+++++4+ -1.67 16:00 ° e S++t+++ if 1.01 17:00 ° ttttttttttttt++tt ttt 4¢¢4¢4+4444 4.42 18:00 ° e Stttttttttttt+++t +++ tt ¢¢¢+444 4.49 19:00 ° ttttttttttttt+++¢¢4+4¢4+44+ 3.84 20:00 2 e Sttttt+tt+tt++t+t+++44+ 3.07 21:00 ° ++t+++t+44+4+4++44+ 1.99 22:00 ° e St if eZ! 23:00 ° +ttt+tt+4++t4+44+444++4+ meee 24:00 AAAt+++++ +++ +++ ++ 4++4+4+4+44444+4544hhhb4hhhhE A444 f 6444446444446 4444644444 . 06 TIME: a4 a3 a2 al 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NO. 2 SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSESKEEEEE a DAILY CURRENTS Sunday Jan 21, 1996 Alaska Standard Time g (44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444868444444444444444444444444444N 2 Point Woronzof, SW of 61%11.23'N ° Sunrise 05:33 AKDT oO o Alaska 150% 3.75'W ° Sunset 22:39 AKDT 4 4444444444644444444444444444464444444444444444446444444444444444444444h44ha44N ao slack ° FLOOD 056% ° EBB 224% ° PERIGEAN SPRING TIDES: o 044444444446 44444444444444444464444444444hhdd44464hhhAhhddddddaaddaddaadddaaNn a 7 ° 00:49 3.03 °Moon : New Yesterday u a 02:28 ° 04:18 4.67 ° ° o a 08:54 ° ° 13:21 2.49 ° o a 14:41 ° 16:24 4.31 |} ° o a 20:49 ° e 9 o AGSESEEEESENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEY EBB Current Speed in kts FLOOD TIME: a4 a3 a2 a1 0) a 2 3 4 5 6 7 44444444446 444446444446 444446 444446444486 444446444446 4444h6h44aa6 bhaddéhdAddE 00:00 : t+tt+t+++++4+4+4+4+44+48 £ -2.94 01:00 . tttttttt+t+t++t++4++4+4+4 -3.04 02:00 ° e€ ++4+++++++8 f£ -1.44 03:00 ° ttttt+4+4+4+44+ 1.65 04:00 ° e St+tt++t++t+t+++++4++4++4+++4+4+44 4.53 05:00 7 ttttttttt+tttt+++4++4+4+44+4444+ 4.38 06:00 ° e St+ttt+tt+t+t+4+4++4+4+4+4+444 3.47 07:00 ° tttttttt++tttt4+ 2.49 08:00 ° e Stt+++++++ f 1.36 09:00 ° tt -.17 10:00 ° @ ++4+4+4+4++4+5 f£ -1.42 11:00 ° +tt+t++t+4+t+4+4+ -2.00 12:00 ° tittt+++++++++5 £ -2.29 13:00 ° ++++t4+++++4+4+4++44+ -2.47 14:00 ° tttt++4+4+4+444+45 f -2.15 15:00 ° ttt+++ -84 16:00 ° e Sttt+++++4+4+ 44+ ++ 4+4+++44+4444+ 4.03 17:00 ° tttttttttttttt+ttttttstttt 4.11 18:00 ° e Stttt+t+++++tttes+++$+4 3.33 19:00 ° ttttt+t++++++44444 2.42 20:00 ° e S++tt++++ f 1.31 21:00 ° +++ ; -.35 22:00 ° Ct+++t+4+4++44+4+8S £ -1.72 23:00 ° tett+t+¢+++++4+444+ -2.43 24:00 AA&64Ahhh64+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+44444445444446 444446 Ahhh f 6444446 AAAAAEShAAdE 4442.79 TIME: a4 a3 a2 al 0 J. 2 3 4 5 6 7 NO. 2 SESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEESEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEE ag DAILY CURRENTS Wednesday Jul 31, 1996 Alaska Daylight Time o 0444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444644444444444444hh44aaaaaddadAN MO Point Woronzof, SW of 61%11.23'N ° Sunrise 09:46 AKST oO Oo Alaska 150% 3.75’W ° Sunset 16:38 AKST oO G4444444444644444444444444444464444444444444444446 44444444444 aaaaddddaaNn Oo slack ° FLOOD 056% ° EBB 224% ° SPRING TIDES: o (44444444446 44444444444aaaahhedhdhdddadda eae es ne snes, terete oeeeseee o i ° 01:54 2.40 °Moon in Perigee Yesterday Oo 03:16 ° 04:59 4.21 ° °Moon : Full Yesterday 7 Oo 09:23 ° ° 14:06 2.99 ° oO Oo 15:47 ° 17:35 4.64 ° ° o Oo 22:11 ° ° 7 o ASESESEESEENEEEEEEEEESEEEESEEENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESESESEEEEEY *** DAYLIGHT SAVING *** EBB Current Speed in kts FLOOD TIME: a4 43 A2 al ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 44444444446 444446 444446444446 444446 444446444446 444446 4hhd64dhd6aAdadEAdaAdE 00:00 7 t+tt+t+t++4++++48 f -2.07 01:00 ° tttt+t+t4+t+4++4+4+44 -2.30 02:00 7 tttttt¢+4+4+4+4+4+8 f£ -2.40 03:00 ° +4444 -.72 04:00 ° e Stittt+tt++ttts+4+ £ 2.43 05:00 ° t+t+tttttttt+tt++t++4++4++4+ 4.21 06:00 ° e Sttttttt+t++t+ttttt+ttttt+ 3.74 07:00 7 ttttt+tt+t+t++++++4+44+ 2.90 08:00 ° e St+++tt++++4+44+ £ 1.97 09:00 ° tttt+ .68 10:00 S e t+++++8 £ -1.00 11:00 ° +++tt+++4++4+4+44 -2.04 12:00 ° ttt++++4++4++4+4+448 f -2.54 13:00 io ttttt+ttt+¢+4+4+4+444 -2.83 14:00 ° ttttt++¢+4++4+4+4+4+4445 £ -2.99 15:00 7 +t+t¢+4+4+4+444444+ -2.41 16:00 a e Stt+ £ 56 17:00 ° tttttttttttttttttt¢ ttt $44 4.01 18:00 ° e Stttt++t+t++t+t++4+++4+4+4+4+++4+4+4+ 4444 4.54 19:00 ° t+ttttt+t+tt++++++4+++4+4+4 3.76 20:00 ° e Stttt++t++++4+4+4+++4+44 2.80 21:00 ° ++tt+4+4++4444 1.74 22:00 ° e S++ £ -30 23:00 ° +++t4+++4+ -1.18 24:00 446444446 444444+44+44444444454444464444h6 4444 6444446444446 44444644441. 93 TIME: a4 a3 a2 Al 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NO. 6 SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEEL o DAILY CURRENTS Sunday Jan 21, 1996 Alaska Standard Time Qo 0444444444444444444444444444444444444444haaaadddbhddddddddddadddadaddddaadaaaNn O Anchorage, W of 61%13.67'N ° Sunrise 05:33 AKDT og Oo Alaska 149%56.90'W ° Sunset 22:39 AKDT g 0444444444464444444444444444446444444444444444d446 44444444444hh4hhaaaadddddaaaN Oo slack ° FLOOD 081% ° EBB 233% ° PERIGEAN SPRING TIDES: o 044444444446 4444444444444444446 4444444444444 4h444644444444444444hhhhhsddddaaaaN a 02:38 ° 04:32 5.84 ° : °Moon : New Yesterday o mo 09:05 ° ° 10:41 3.98 ° o Oo 14:51 ° 16:38 5.38 --° ° o Oo 21:00 ° ° 22:51 4.90 ° o ACFSEFEESEEUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY EBB : Current Speed in kts FLOOD TIME: a4 a3 a2 al 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 44444444446 444446444446 444446444446 444486 444446444446 444h46 Ahad ahAhhé aAahdE 00:00 Otsetttetttetttt+++++++++4485 £ -4.14 01:00 ° tttt44++ -1.20 02:00 7 e Sttttt+t++++++ £ 1.82 03:00 2 ttt++++4+ 1.41 04:00 © e St+t+t+t+t+t++t+++++++++++++++4++4+4+4 5.34 05:00 e ttttttttttt+t+tt¢ +++ 444+ +++ +4+4+4+44+4+444 5.68 06:00 ° e Sttttt+ttttttt++++¢¢¢¢+¢+++4¢4+4+44 4.73 07:00 ° tttttttttttttttsettttt44 3.59 08:00 e e Stt+++++++4+444+ £ 2.21 09:00 ° ++ .19 10:00 2 t+ttttt+tt+t++t+++++++8 £ -3.41 11:00 oO +ttt+t++t+t++t+t++++4++4+t+44+4+44+ -3.94 12:00 . tttt+t+tt++++++4++4++4+44448 £ -3.57 13:00 2 tttttt++tt+++4+4+4444 -3.01 14:00 9 e tt+t+++++4++45 f -1.91 15:00 7 ttt +46 16:00 ° e Sttt+++ttt++++¢+4++ +++ ++4+44444 4.65 17:00 S tttttttttttt++t++t+++t++++++++++4+4+4+44+ 5.30 18:00 a e Stt+ttt+t+t++++++4++4++4++4++ 444+ 4.51 19:00 ° ttttttttttttsttttt¢¢4+ 3.49 20:00 ° e Sttttt++++++4+ f 2.15 21:00 ° + -.02 22:00 oO ttttttt+4+44++tt+¢¢4+4+4+4+4+448 £ -3.99 23:00 ++4+4+++4+4+4+4+4+++4+4++++++++++++4++4 -4.89 24:00 +4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+ +++ 4444+ 4+4+444+4444459444446 444446444446 4h f 446444446 4A446 44444 55 TIME: a4 a3 a2 al 0 az 2 3 4 5 6 7 NO. & SEGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGEEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEESESE o DAILY CURRENTS Wednesday Jul 31, 1996 Alaska Daylight Time o i6644444455455454545444444444445454444544444445440454444445444 444544 4454544544N O Anchorage, W of 61%13.67'N ° Sunrise 09:46 AKST 3 Oo Alaska 149%56.90'W ° Sunset 16:37 AKST 2 US AARASASAAOSARSSAGARASSSAESASOS ABSA SAA SAERSASASSESARAAAASAERSANSASAASAESASSOEN Oo slack ° FLOOD 081% ° EBB 233% ° SPRING TIDES: GAA SASERSACAE EEA ASASASAAEE GARR SE RERSSSSAEASASRERRREEAESASERERAREEASERORA ASAI Oo 03:26 ° 05:13 5.26 ° °Moon in Perigee Yesterday 4% Oo 09:34 7 ° 11:26 4.79 °Moon : Full Yesterday 4 Oo 15:57 ° 17:49 5.80 ° ° o O 22:22 ° ° 23:58 4.07 ° o AGSEEEEEEEENLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEE EEEEEGEEEEEEEEEEEEENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY *** DAYLIGHT SAVING *** EBB Current Speed in kts FLOOD TIME: a4 a3 a2 al ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 q 444444444464444464444464444464444h6 444446 444446444446 444Adb4AAAhEhhhdb A444E 00:00 C¢tttttttttt+tt+t++t+t++4++4+4+8 £ -4.11 01:00 e tttttt+t+t+t+++t+++4+4++444+ -3.28 02:00 2 e ++1+8S £ -.56 03:00 ° tttt+++4+4+4+4444+ 2.17 04:00 ° e Sttt+++++4+4+4+4+44 £ 2.36 05:00 ° t+ttttttt+ttt+++++4+++t+4++4++4++4+4+44+ 5.21 06:00 ° e Sttt+++t+t ttt tt +++ +++4+t+tt+t44tt4 4.92 07:00 ° tttt+tttt+tt+tt++t++t+++++4+4+ 4.01 08:00 ° e Stttt+++++++t++++4+4++ f£ 2.94 09:00 7 ttt+++444+ 1.35 10:00 ° e tt+++4+4++4+5 f -1.56 11:00 +4+4++4+4+4+4+++4+++++++++++++++4++4+ : -4.67 12:00 +4+4+4+4++4+4+4++4++++++++++++++++445 £ -4.69 13:00 Cette tt tte tttttttttttttt+44 -4.24 14:00 : tttt+tt+tt+t++++++++++44+8 £ -3.56 15:00 ° +t+tt¢+++44+44444 -2.29 16:00 m e St £ -16 17:00 o ttttttt+tt+t¢t¢¢+¢¢+4+++4+4++4+44444 4.52 18:00 e e Stt+ttttt+tt+++++4++++++++++++++++44+44+ 5.77 19:00 e tttttt+tt ttt tee ttt t4+4¢ t+ 444444 5.05 20:00 ° e Sttt+t+ttt+++ttt+t4tt + $444 3.96 21:00 ° ttttt++4+t+4¢¢4¢4+4+444+ 2.69 22:00 ° e Sttt++ £ -85 23:00 ° ttt+tt+++++++4+4+4 -2.52 24:00 AAaAt+t+++t+ +++ +++ +++4+4+4+4+4+4+4+544h4hE6h4h4h644hhae hf hh6A44A46 444464484 .07 TIME: a4 a3 a2 al 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1993 DeLorme Mapping. LEGEND Population Center o Geo Feature ---- County Boundary —_. Street, Road —— = Major Street/Road wunnnneen RIVED ~~] Land Mass Open Water Scale 1:125,000 (at center) POSSESSION CURRENT PTS. eee, Mag 12.00 a Thu Dec 28 16:10:43 1995 t 2kM | POSSESSION PT. CURRENTS Vo. 3 GEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEESEEESE o DAILY CURRENTS Sunday Jan 21, 1996 Alaska Standard Time og 444444444444444444444444444444444480A44444444446444hh4hhhhhhhhhhh4hh44444444Nn O Point Possession, NW of 61% 5.25'N ° Sunrise 05:38 AKDT oO Oo Alaska 150%28.30'W ° Sunset 22:37 AKDT o (44444444446444444444444444444644804444444444444h64448444444444444444444444444N Oo slack ° FLOOD 087% ° EBB 255% ° EQUATORIAL TIDES: oO 04444444444644444444444444444464444444444444444h464444h4hh44h4hhaadasddaadaaaaNn Oo 01:51 ° 04:10 4.67 ° °Moon : New Yesterday o Oo 08:18 ° ° 10:04 3.98 ° o Oo 14:04 ° 16:16 4.31 ° ° o Oo 20:13 ° ° 22:14 4.90 ° o AGESESEEEEENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESNESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEY EBB Current Speed in kts FLOOD TIME: a4 a3 a2 al 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 44444444446 444446444446444446444446 444486444446 444446444446 h4hAd6 ahaha adAade 00:00 ° e tttttt+t++++++48 f -2.22 01:00 ° tttt4+ -88 02:00 ° e St++ £ +42 03:00 7 ttttttt+++¢t +++ +++4444 3.40 04:00 6 e Sttttt++t+tt¢¢¢ ++ ++++44+4+444444 4.65 05:00 ° ttttttt+ttttt ttt tt+4¢¢¢¢ $4444 4.33 06:00 ° e Stttt++++ +++ +++ +++44+44 3.46 07:00 ° tt+ttt+4++4+4+4++444 2.31 08:00 ° e St+++ £ -63 09:00 ° t+tt4¢+¢+4++44+44+ -2.29 10:00 O° tttttttt++++t++4+4+4+4+t+4+4+44448 f -3.98 11:00 7 tttttttt+tt+t++t+++4+4+4+4+44+ -3.68 12:00 ° tttt+tt+t+4++t+4+4++4448 £ -3.04 13:00 ©° +4+++++4+4+++4+4+ -2.05 14:00 7 e +s = -.19 15:00 ° tttttt+t++ttttt¢44+ 2.80 16:00 ° e Sttt+++++t¢+ +++ 4++44++4+4+4+ +4444 4.26 17:00 ° ttttttt+++¢ +++ 4¢4+4++4+4+44+4+444 4.08 18:00 ° e Stttt++++4+4+4++4+4+4++4+4+44+ 3.33 19:00 ° tttttt++4+4+4+44+44 2.26 20:00 ° e St++ f -48 21:00 ° ttttt+t++t++++++4+ -2.74 22:00 ++4++4+++4++4+4+4+4+4+4+t+4++4+4+4++4+4+4+4448 £ -4.86 23:00 +++4+4++++4++4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4++4+4+4+ 4444 -4.68 24:00 AdAt++t+t+t+++++t+4++4+4+++444+4+4+4594444E 444446 hhhhhE £44446 444446 h4hhhE 44444 . 02 TIME: a4 a3 a2 al 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 No. 3 SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELE o DAILY CURRENTS Wednesday Jul 31, 1996 Alaska Daylight Time o G44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444464444444444444444444444444444N O Point Possession, NW of 61% 5.25'N ° Sunrise 05:35 AKDT Qo Oo Alaska 150%28.30'W ° Sunset 22:40 AKDT 3&2 044444444446444444444444444444644444444444444444h6444hhd444444444haddssaadaaaaNn Oo slack ° FLOOD 087% ° EBB 255% ° PERIGEAN SPRING TIDES: o 44444444446 4444444444444444446444444444444444444644444444hddd4hhhhaddsaadaaaNn Oo 02:39 ° 04:51 4.21 ° °Moon in Perigee Yesterday 4 Oo 08:47 ° ° 10:49 4.79 °Moon : Full Yesterday o Oo 15:10 °917:27 | 4.64 ° 9 o O° 21:35 ° ° 23:21 4.07 ° : o AGSESEESEEENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEY *** DAYLIGHT SAVING *** EBB Current Speed in kts FLOOD TIME: a4 43 a2 al 0) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 44444444446 444446444446 444446444446 444446 444446444446 4hddd6444hdbhhhadbAAde 00:00 2 tttt+tt+t+4++t+4+++4++4++++4+8 £ -3.54 01:00 . tttt+t+t++4++ -1.52 02:00 ° e Stt++++++ f 1.34 03:00 9 ttt++4+ 1.01 04:00 ° e Sttttt+t++++++ +4444 44444 3.66 05:00 ic ttttt+tt+tt+t+t++++4+4+4++44+44+4+44+ 4.20 06:00 ° e Sttttttttt+++t+t+4¢¢ $434 3.72 07:00 ° tttttttttt++++4+4+44+ 2.88 08:00 ° e Stttt+++++++ f 1.60 09:00 ° ttt -.57 10:00 ° +tttt++t++t+++t++++++++4+++8 f£ -4.01 11:00 ++4++++4+4+++4+44+++4+t+ 4444444444 -4.77 12:00 ttttt+tt++t++4+t+++t++++++++++4+5 f -4.34 13:00 ° ttttt+t+t++t+++4++4++44+4+444 -3.59 14:00 2 @ +ttt+++4++4+4+4+44+48 f£ -2.44 15:00 ° t+++ -.43 16:00. ° e Stt++++4+t+t¢t¢¢t¢4¢+++ Ff 2.64 17:00 ° ttttt++tttt++++4++++4++4+4+4+4+4+4+44 4.49 18:00 ° . Sttttttt+t+ttttttt test tts sett 4.49 19:00 ° tttttttt+t+t++++t+4++4+4+44444 3.75 20:00 ° = Sttttttttt++++tt++ Ff 2.72 21:00 ° +++t+4+++4 1.19 22:00 ° e ++++++++5 £ -1.30 23:00 Oo tetttttttttttttet ttt +++ -3.97 24:00 AGG64+4+44+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+44+49444446hh4h6 h444hE £44446 444446 hh444E 44443. 91 TIME: a4 a3 a2 al 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NO ta SEEEEEEEESESEEEEEEEESESEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL o DAILY CURRENTS Sunday Jan 21, 1996 Alaska Standard Time o (4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444446444444444hhhha4haadadhaaadaaNn O Point Possession, NE of 61% 3.55’N ° Sunrise 1015 AKST og Oo Alaska 150%23.00'W ° Sunset 1555 AKST go 04444444444644444444444444444464444444444444444446444444444444a4444a4a4addadaaN Oo slack ° FLOOD 102% ° EBB 274% ° APOGEAN TIDES: Q 044444444446 444444444444444444644444444444444444464a44444a4addaddhaadaadaaaaNn a 01:58 CAO S1c139 7110, OLene, °Moon : New Yesterday Qo Oo 08:12 be * 10:26 Seer te o ee 4 esbel F.24e4as 6),4 Gu o a E2018, 077) o @rgaro6 ets Se oO AEGEESESEEENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEUEEEEEEEEEEEESEEESENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY EBB Current Speed in kts FLOOD TIME: 49 48 A7 46 45 44 43 42 41 0 1 2 x 4 5 6 7 8 RSAAMARAE An Roan a Onee rene ee ee ne Ce aeeeemenee eenen rant coal feeeeerer ones 00:00 tt+tttt++++4+4+4++++++5 if -4.30 01:00 c) + -.04 02:00 gS e St f£ a4 03:00 So t+tttt+t+t+t+t+t+++t+t+++++++ 6.00 04:00 o e Sttttttttttttttttttt+ttt+++++ 6.90 05:00 c) ttttttttt++++++++4++ +4444 5.96 06:00 ° e Sttt++t+t+t+t+++++4++++4+4+ 4.74 07:00 0 ttttt+t+t+++t++4+ 3.16 08:00 co) e St+++ f -63 09:00 ° tttt+t4+t++++444+ -3.16 10:00 So tttttttttt++4+++++4+4++4++4+8 if -5.79 11:00 co) ttttt+tt++t+t++t+t++++++++4++ -5.78 12:00 ° t+ttt++++++++4+4+4+4+4+448 rf -4.86 13:00 ° tttt++4+t+4+4+++44+ SS oKy 14:00 ° e +++8 f£ -.70 15:00 ° ttttttttt+++++4+++4444 4.98 16:00 2 e Sttttttttt++++t+++++++ +4444 6.42 17:00 c ttttttttttt++++4+4++4+4+4+44+ 5.66 18:00 cc e Stttttt+t++++++4++++44 4.59 19:00 cc ttttttt+++++44+ 3.09 20:00 ° e S++ f +39 21:00 c ttt+¢¢+¢+++¢+444 -3.83 22:00 c tttttttt+++++++4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4448 ae -6.97 23:00 c " te¢tttteettttttttt+sttt¢ +++ 444+ -7.25 24:00 AéGGAA6AAAéatttttttttttttt+t+t++++++++4++SAbhbAAdEAbh6hAEd fhbAdAEahdEAAE 38 TIME: A9 48 A7 46 45 44 43 42 41 0 al 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NO. 4 o DAILY CURRENTS "Weaneades Jul 31, 1996 Alaska y paylighe™ Time g 144444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444464454444444444444454444444444N O Point Possession, NE of 61% 3.55'’N ° Sunrise 05:32 AKDT og Oo Alaska 150%23.00'’W ° Sunset 22:42 AKDT o 044444444446444444444444444444644444444044444444464444444444444haaaaaaaaddddANn o slack ° FLOOD 102% ° EBB 274% ° PERIGEAN SPRING TIDES: og (4444444444644444444444444444464444448844444444446 444444444444 aaahhaddaddddAN Oo 02:46 ° 04:20 6.32 ° °Moon in Perigee Yesterday 2 Oo 08:41 ° CeleL rs ples 7.18 °Moon : Full Yesterday o Oo 15:17 oN 16356 6.96 ° e og Oo 21:29 ba © 23:43 6-0; © a AGSEESSEEEEUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESESEEESEESY *** DAYLIGHT SAVING *** EBB Current Speed in kts FLOOD TIME: 49 48 A7 46 45 44 43 42 41 0 a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 AdbdSSSdEASSEAASESASEAAAES AERA RERAKEK AKERS K ARK ERKREK ACRE AERSAERARERAAER ESE 00:00 tttttt+tt++tt++t+++4+4+4+445 £ -5.48 01:00 ° ttttt++4++++444 -3.18 02:00 ° e Stt+ £ .75 03:00 ° ttttt+ 1.21 04:00 ° e Stttttt++t+t++++++4++4+4+4+44444 6.15 05:00 cS ttttttttt+t+t++++4+t+4++4+4+444 6.04 06:00 ° e Stttttt+t+t+++++4++ +++ 5.12 07:00 ° ttttttt++++++++++ 3.98 08:00 ° e S+tt+++++ f£ 2.11 09:00 ° ++++++ -1.20 10:00 rc. ; ttttt+ttt++t++++4++4++4+45 fs -5.41 11:00 c tttttt+++t¢++44¢¢¢ tt tt ¢++4+4444 -7.16 12:00 © tttt+tt+t+t++t+t++t+++++++++++4+4+8 fy -6.81 13:00 ° tt+tt+tttt++++++4+4+4+4+4+ +444 -5.72 14:00 ° ttttttt+++++4+4445 f£ -4.00 15:00 ° ++4+++ -1.08 16:00 ° e Sttt++++t+4+++++4+44++ 4.57 17:00 co titttttttt+tt++tt+t+tt++t+¢+4+¢4¢4¢¢++ 6.95 18:00 ° e Sttttttt++ttttt+tt+t+t+ttttt ttt 6.28 19:00 ° ttttttttttttt++¢4+4+ 4444 5.15 20:00 ° e Stttt+++++++++4+4++ f 3.74 21:00 ° ++t+4+4+4++ 1.48 22:00 ° e ++t+++++8 f£ -2.05 23:00 ° t+tt++tt+++t4++++4+4+4++4+44 -5.52 24:00 Aé6éAa6AaA6oS+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4++4+4++4+4+4+4+4+4+4+454AS64ANbhdAb AAkb Af AE AAAEAAAEHAE.05 TIME: 49 A48 A7 46 A45 44 A43 42 41 0 ae 2 3 4 5 6 a) 8 Vee pad ol ioe kahit pope Sw ok lane a= o DAILY CURRENTS Sunday Jan 21, 1996 Alaska Standard Time GAASAASAKAAAARARAAAAAKEAAALAKAKAE RAK AEAASaRaRSROASaRRARaAdRARAEAAEAEAERSSAN O Point Possession, WNW of 61% 3.00'N ° Sunrise 05:37 AKDT og Oo Alaska 150%27.70'W ° Sunset 22:37 AKDT 4 04444444444644444444444444444464444444444444444446444444444h444hhaaaaaadaadddaNn Oo slack ° FLOOD 073% ° EBB 245% ° EQUATORIAL TIDES: a 04444444444644444444444444444464444444444444408446444h44444h4ahahhaaaadadaadaaN ENO 14:}3, SoS) 4.0) A677 Le °Moon : New Yesterday mn O71:15 OMe ° 10:18 9 Sin o TS 2152) © 15:46 aye Me) ° o elon) Girt ° 22:28 Gipl2ine o ASSSEEEEFSENESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY EBB Current Speed in kts FLOOD TIMECMMaTim ac iaotmaamnasintacnmnal Os diamine inet Ao S ML & 8 SMO 4444444464446 4446 444644464446 4446 44464446 44464446 444644464446 4hhE aAhbhhdEAA4E 00:00 ° Cttt+++++4++445 f -2.98 01:00 ° +++ -49 02:00 ° e S+++++ if 1.25 03:00 c tttttt++++4+4+4+4+4+4+44+ 4.31 04:00 c e Stt+++++t+++4++++++44+ | 4.62 05:00 ° tttt¢tt+¢+++4++4+4+44 4.06 06:00 ° e Stttttt++++t++++ 3.23 07:00 ° tttt+t+++4++ 1.94 08:00 ° e +S £ -.17 09:00 ° ++t+4++t+4++4++44 -3.11 10:00 ci tttt++++4+4+++4+4+4+4++++8 if -4.89 f1i18= 0 OMS +tt++t+++4+4+4+++4++4+44 -4.69 12 COMMING ++t+++4+++4+4++444+5 f£ -3.64 13:00 ° tt++t+4++++ -2.07 aWZ-Mg(OX ili? e S++ f£ +38 15:00 ° ttttt++4++4+4++4+44+ 3.80 16:00 ° e Stt+tt+++++++4+4++4+ 4.29 17:00 ° ttttt+t++++4++++44+ 3.85 18:00 ° e Stt+tt+++++++4+ 3.13 19:00 ° +t+++++++ 1.88 20:00 ° e ++8 f£ -.44 D110, OMS ttttt+t++++++4+++ -3.70 22:00 o ttt+tt¢++tttttttt+t+¢¢4¢4++4+4+8 rc -5.91 23:00 co ttttt++++++++ +++ 444444444 -5.95 24:00 Aé4aaGoo+++t+t+t+++ +++ +4+4+++4+4+4+584AAbhA4Eb444E £44646 4446 hb addbhhhEAA4 .95 TIME ATH OM aS A4 Asana Ll DT TTT 2 TES ATS 6 7 8 SO) No. 5 il SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEEESEEEEEEEELE o DAILY CURRENTS Wednesday Jul 31, 1996 Alaska Daylight Time o (i446444444444445454544445454444444444444444454444644454444444444444505a544444N Oo Point Possession, WNW of 61% 3.00’N ° Sunrise 05:35 AKDT o O Alaska 150%27.70'W ° Sunset 22:39 AKDT 32 0444444444464444444444444444446444444444444444444644444444444444444a44ahaaaaaNn Oo slack ° FLOOD 073% ° EBB 245% ° PERIGEAN SPRING TIDES: o 04444444444644444444444444444464444444444444444446444444444444h4464a4ahhaadaaNn Oo 02:27 © 04:21 Arye den °Moon in Perigee Yesterday 4 Oo 08:25 c eo) i103) 5.98 °Moon: Full Yesterday o Oo 14:58 ° 16:57 4.64 ° ° o Oo 21:13 ° ° 23:35 5.08 ° o AEGEEEEESEENESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY *** DAYLIGHT SAVING *** EBB Current Speed in kts FLOOD TIME: a5 a4 43 A2 al 0 cL 2 3 4 5 6 SSSAAASKKKEAAAAAESEAAK EKA KKK ERASE KESAAAdE KEK dKERARSSEKESRRCRAAadEREKRERSSAdE 00:00 tttttttttt+++4+4+4+++4+4+444448 £ -4.18 01:00 ° ttttttt+t++++++ -2.10 02:00 ° e S+t++t++ iE 1.09 03:00 c tttt+++++++++ 2.05 04:00 cc e Stttt++tttt+t+t+¢+++++++4+4+44+ 4.16 05:00 c ttttt+ttt+t+t+t++t++t++++4++4++4 4.06 06:00 G e Stttt++tt++t+++t+4++4+4+4+4+4+ 3.51 07:00 ° +t+ttt++4++4+4+4++4+44+ 2.66 08:00 . e Stt+++++ £ 1.03 09:00 c tttt++4+4+4++4+ -1.72 10:00 O° s4t++t+++4+4+++4+4+4+4+++4+++t+++4+++4+8 fe -4.80 11:00 t+ttt +e ¢+eesst sets +ttttstttttstt++s -5.98 12:00 +4++++4++++++ ttt ttt 4+4++++4+4+++++444448 £ -5.49 13:00 ° tt+ttttttttttt++t+ttt++++4+4+4+444 -4.27 14:00 c) e +ttt++++4+4+4+++++8 fe -2.49 15:00 o t+ etl 16:00 c e Stttt++++++t++++4+++++ +4444 3.77 17:00 c ttttttttt+ttttt+t+t++ttt+++ttt+++ 4.64 18:00 ° e Stitt++++++t+4++++++++++4+4+4+444+ 4.25 19:00 0 tittt+++t++t++4+4+++4+4++44+ 3.52 20:00 ° e Stit+++++++4++44+ £ 2.42 21:00 ° +444 -51 22:00 e e +++t+t++4+4+++4+444+5 f£ -2.32 23:00 ° tttt+t++t++t+4+4+4+4+4+4+4++4+++4+4++444+ -4.74 24:00 AdA+++t+t +++ tt +++ ttt+ttttt+++t+++++594abdadaeaaaaaéafaadéaaaaaeaaaaa . 98 TIME: a5 a4 a3 a2 al 0 a a 3 4 5) 6 a 31 7 33 27 2 2 = 2 (9 fours) @ 70 CAUTION SUBMARINE FP PELINES AND CABLES Charted submarine pipelines and submarine cables ond submarine pipeline and cable areas are shown cs Additional uncharted submarine pipelines and submarine cables may exist within the area of this chart. Not all submarine. pipelines and submarine cobles are required to be buried, and those thot were originally buried moy have become exposed. Mariners should use extreme caution when operating vesse's in depths of woter_comparable to their draft in areas where pipelines and cables moy exist, and when anchoring, dragging or trawling. Covered wells may be marked by lighted or unlighted buoys. NOTE B Area is subject to drastic and continuing change. Coution should be exercised when navigating in this oreo. 350 1 10 yeasts vt lig, 2 a oy Tuan i vvnatinnat ined, oO gute i a iu, ) Oey us| Lp, Yep, aN; /' Man, a 150° \ lg iiezi bef eelee| SEM Pete ee ii | Nautical Mile i 0 = Yards 500 0 500 1000 Meters : _“ Ir oat 500 7 * 0 500 1000 i ac oe anleteliny 30 aw 30 qh, | . 3 “f 4 3 orn — Zz q, 4 Sem a. gle BiBA e060 166 oh | F258 SM@es” Hace PI | 4 ea iso 6s 176ft / / \ " ° awit \ 330 i A “ly wi ost a XS) ‘See note ’ ( aw” Np SESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESESESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL o DAILY TIDES Sunday Jan 21, 1996 Alaska Standard Time o 044444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444454444444444444h44hhbaddddaaaNn Oo Fire Island 61%10'N ° Sunrise 09:48 o Oo Alaska 150%12'W ° Sunset 16:38 og 014444444444444444444444464444444444444444444444446444444444444444a4hhadadsdaaN HIGH ¢ LOW ° SPRING TIDES: oO 444444444444444464444444444444444444444446444444444444444hdhadhaadadaaN ° 01:44 -5.55 ° Moon : New Yesterday 2 29.14 13 %67 -.09 2 og 30.88 7 ° o ESESEESEEESESEEUEEEEEEESSESEEEEEEESESESEUESESSESEESSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY Tide Height in FEET TIME: °-8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 A444446 464646464646 4646 a6 a6 46 4646 a6 Ab A666 A646 4646464646 6 GE a6 hE SE A646 Ab AEAE 00:00 ° ++++ m h 3.35 01:00 ° ++4+ -2.61 02:00 Oo +4++4+4+4+ m h -5.04 03:00 ° +++4+ 3.79 04:00 7 tttt+++4+++++++M h 13.09 05:00 ° tttttttt+ttttttt ttt tt 20.19 06:00 7 tttttt+tt++t+ttstttt++tttttt+h 25.33 07:00 ° ttttttttt+tt+ttttttt ttt ttt +++ 4+4+ 28.68 08:00 7 ttttttttttttttttt tet ttttttttt 28.49 09:00 ° tttt+tt+tttttttttttstttsstt 24.91 10:00 e tttttt+t+ttttt++++4+44 h : 19.29 11:00 ° ++++t++4+++4+4+4+4+4+ 13.50 12:00 ° ttt++++4++ m h 8.15 13:00 e ++++ 3.34 14:00 ° + m h -.07 15:00 ° ttt+++++ 6.57 16:00 7 +tttttt+t+++++4444+ h 16.28 17:00 7 tttttttttttt++++++4+4+4+ +44 22.52 18:00 e ttttttttttttttste ttt ttttttttt 27.68 19:00 ° ttttttttttttttttttttttst+tt++++44 30.58 20:00 e ttttttttttttttttt ttt ttt tt test 29.77 21:00 7 ttttttttttttttttttt ttt t+ 44 24.71 22:00 7 tttt+tttt+++4t¢¢4++4444 h 18.63 23:00 7 +ttt++4+4+4+4+444 12.48 24:00 A6&6A6864+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+86 6 Ama6 46 4E 46 46446 46 46646 46 a6 A466 SE Ab AEAESEAEA 6.98 TIME: °-8 -4 o 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 SEGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL o DAILY TIDES Wednesday Jul 31, 1996 Alaska Daylight Time o G4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444446444h4444444ha4ah4hhaadaadaaN Oo Fire Island 61%10'N ° Sunrise 05:33 o Oo Alaska 150%12'’W ° Sunset 22:41 o hECEEEEEEEECEEEEEEEEE Ele CEE CEE Ceeeeeeeeeeeceeeeteeceeeeeeeeeeeeeceeeeeeeeeeeeely a HIGH ° LOW ° PERIGEAN SPRING TIDES: o (44444444444444444444444644444444444444444444444h644444444444444444h4haddaddaaN o ° 02:30 : .39 ° Moon in Perigee Yesterday 2 o 07:55 30.43 2 15:03 -5.17 ° Moon : Full Yesterday oO 20:46 29.18 ° 7 a AGSSEEEEESEEEEEESEEEEEEENEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEUEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY *** DAYLIGHT SAVING *** Tide Height in FEET TIME: °-8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 44E5456 4646465646465 64646564 65646464 6464646 4646564 646464646464 656464656464656 00:00 ° ++t++++4+++4++ m h 10.99 01:00 ° ++t4+4++4+ 6.21 02:00 ° ++ m h 1.50 03:00 ° +++ 1.76 04:00 9 ++++++4++4+4++ ™ h 11.02 05:00 . ttttt++t+¢¢++++4+4+4+4+444 19.18 06:00 2 ttttttttt+t+ttttttttststettsh 24.60 07:00 ° +ttttttttttttttttttttttt ttt ttt 28.95 08:00 ° tttttt+ttt+t+tt++t++4+t++4+t+4++++4+4+4+444+ 30.41 09:00 S tttttttttttttttttttttt tte ttt 27.78 10:00 e tttttt+tt++t+++4++4+444+4+44+ h 21.91 11:00 ° ++++tt¢++4+4++4++444 15.81 12:00 ° ttt+tt+t+4+4+ m h 9.93 13:00 ° ++t+4+++ 5.21 14:00 ° + m h -.13 15:00 O° +4+4+444 fe 16:00 ° ++ m h -50 17:00 ° tttttttt++t+4 11.09 18:00 2 tttttttttttt++++4+44+ h 18.39 19:00 ° tttt++tt++++t+4¢+++44 444444 24.19 20:00 ° t+tttt+++t+t++++++++4+++++4+++4+44 28.14 21:00 ° tttt++t+tttttttt+tt ttt tt tee tt tt 29.07 22:00 2 ttt tt+tttttttstttsstst ttt st 26.24 23:00 e +t+++tt++++++4+4+4+44+4+4+444 21.07 24:00 A6A6G6A6A+444+4+4+4+4+ 44444444446 E66 AHAE SE hE AE S6 466464646 46AE64ESEAEA15 .35 TIME: °-8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 SEEESEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEESEEEEEEEEEESE o DAILY TIDES Sunday Jan 21, 1996 Alaska Standard Time g 1444444444444444444444400044444088444444404444444644hh0AAAhhhh44aaddddAAAaAAAN O ANCHORAGE, Knik Arm 61%14'N ° Sunrise 09:47 D a Oo Alaska 149%53'’W ° Sunset 16:36 D Q (4444444444444444444444464444444444444444444444446444aaaaAdhhhhhaaaaddddddddaaNn oO HIGH r LOW ° SPRING TIDES: oO 044444444444444444444444644444444444444444444444h68hddaddddahaaaadaaddadaaNn o ° 02:12 -5.97 ° Moon : New Yesterday 1 a 07:52 31.33 , 14:25 -.10 ° g a 7 33.21 2 2 g AGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEUEEEEEEEE SEES EESEEEEEEEEENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEY Tide Height in FEET TIME: °-8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 AAA4AA6 46 4646 AF 46 46 46 A646 AE A646 Ab AE 46 464646464646 Ab hb a6 A6 A666 Ab AE AEAEAEAERE 00:00 ° +tt++4+ m h 5.89 01:00 ° + -46 02:00 © +44++44+++ m h -5.68 03:00 ° +t -1.27 04:00 ° ++++4+4+4+4+44+ m h 9.99 05:00 7 ttttt+t++t++4+4+4+4+4+4+44+ 18.50 06:00 r tttt+tttt+t+t¢t¢¢¢¢¢4+4¢4¢¢¢+¢++ Hh 25.16 07:00 2 ttttt+tttttt+tt ttt +++ 4¢¢4+++444+4444 29.60 08:00 , tttttt+tt+tt+t+t+++ ++ 444+ 44+ 44444444 31.29 09:00 ° tttt+tttt+tttttt+tttttstt test 28.72 10:00 , tttt+tttt+++¢ +++ 444+ 44444 h 23.49 11:00 ° ++tt+tt++4+4+4+4+4+4+4+44 17.21 12:00 , $et+t¢++4+2+2+ m -h 11.25 13:00 ° ++++4+++ 6.05 14:00 ® ++ m h -84 15:00 7 +++ 2.32 16:00 ° +++++tt++4+4+4+4++ M h 13.29 17:00 a tttt++ttt+++++¢+44+4+4+44 21.42 18:00 ° +t tt+t+ttttt++tt ttt tt tte ¢t44444 27.63 19:00 . ttttttttt ttt ttt ttttttstttt ttt tt44 31.89 20:00 9 t+t+t++++ +++ +++++ +++ +++ 44444444444 33.07 21:00 7 t+t+t ttt +++ ++++++ +++ +++ 4444444 29.15 22:00 o +ttt++ttt++4+¢¢4¢¢44+4+4+4444 h 22.88 23:00 2 tttt++tt++4+4+4+4+4+44 16.26 24:00 A686h6864+4+4+44+444444++4E46mE hE 464646 46 4hh6 4646464646 464646 4646464646410. 03 TIME: °-8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEESEEEEEEEEEEEESEESKSEE o DAILY TIDES Wednesday Jul. 31, 1996 Alaska Daylight Time o 0444444444444444444444444444444444444aaadddd5hdd4444dddddd44haadddaaaaddAN O ANCHORAGE, Knik Arm 61%14'N ° Sunrise 05:31 D a Oo Alaska 149%53'W ° Sunset 22:40 D og (44444444444444444444444684840888444444440d0444446 444444hhhh4hddddddddaddaAAN o HIGH ° LOW ° PERIGEAN SPRING TIDES: o 0144444444444444444444444644444408444444444haadddd64444444adddddbhhaadaddadddaaN o . 02:58 +42 ° Moon in Perigee Yesterday 3 a 08:20 32.72 ° 15:31 -5.56 ° Moon : Full Yesterday a a 21:11 31.38 ° ° o AGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEEEEEEEEEY *%** DAYLIGHT SAVING *** Tide Height in FEET TIME: °- -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 Aa AAAA6 4646 464646464646 4646 46 46 46 46464646 46464646 464646646 46464646 464646 4646 00:00 ° +t++tt+4+4++4+4+4+4+++4M h 14.40 01:00 ° ttt¢t¢t++4++ 8.95 02:00 ° +4444 m h 3.88 03:00 ° + -42 04:00 e t+4++4+4+4+4+ m h 6.62 05:00 7 ttttt+++4+¢t+4+++4444 17.30 06:00 : ttttttt+t+t++t+++++++4+4+4+444 h 23.98 07:00 . ttttt+ttt+t++++++4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+444444 29.45 08:00 : ttttt+t+tt+tt++t++t+t++t++++++4+4+4+4+4+ 32.50 09:00 : ttt+tt+tt+t+t+t+t+t+tt+t++++++4+4+4+44+ 31.65 10:00 . ttttttt+ttttt++t+tt¢ +++ 4¢¢¢++++ Hh 26.41 11:00 ° tet+tt+4+4+44+ 4444444444 19.79 12:00 7 ttttt++++4+4+4+44+ M h 13.42 13:00 ° ttt++4+4+ 7.721 14:00 ° ++++ ™m h 2.88 15:00 ° +4444 => 16:00 7 t+t++ m h -3.88 17:00 ° ttt+tt++ 6.99 18:00 7 tittttttt+++++4++4+ h 16.60 19:00 7 ttttttt++t+ ++ 4+ 444+ 444444 23.46 20:00 c ttttttttttttt+tttttttttsttt¢ttt+ 28.79 21:00 wi tttttt+tttt+tt++t++++++++4+4++4+t+ 44444 31.32 22:00 7 tttttttttttt+++tttt++ttt++++4¢ 4444 29.95 23:00 - tttttt+tttt+t++4+t++4++4+4+444+4444 25.14 24:00 Aé6A64646A++4+4+4+4+44+4++4+4+4+44+4+4+4+4++4+4E G6 SE GH4E6 46464646 4646464646 4646646419. 25 TIME: °-8 -4 0) 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 | 61 7' 30" cen LEGEND Scale 1:175,000 (at center) COOK INLET CABLE ROUTES ‘ —s Mag 11.00 Population Center : aMie Sat Dec 30 08:51:02 1995 o Geo Feature ; © Town, Small City 5KM saa County Boundary —— Street, Road === = Major Street/Road sasssssnsnnee RGVEE "T=] Open Water Scale 1:175,000 (at center) TESORO ROUTE Population Center Trails ‘3Miles : Mag 11.00 Geo Feature ——— Major Street/Road Poe Wed Jan 31 16:03:43 1996 Town, Small City River SEM Airfield [__] Land Mass -. County Boundary Open Water —— Street, Road ——_ Hwy Ramps _. Street, Road : 4 7 / 7 = UM Lia = | | | | | = -* ; ae Chickaloon River ay iene ren oal MTT IWWS \ SINE UZ, cs / ~~ EIA ay {© 1993 DeLorme Mapping LEGEND Scale 1:125,000 (at center) ENSTAR ROUTE Population Center __ Trails =o Miles enninnn ke ae eae State Route —, Major Street/Road eo Geo Feature —— State Route ""2KM Town, Small City eae River County Boundary fess Open Water —— Street, Road titi, Contour —_— Hwy Ramps meee! Street, Road LEGEND Population Center © State Route o Geo Feature ----~ County Boundary .---- Street, Road ----- Trails ===> State Route covwvenven Rivet Open Water Hit, Contour Scale 1:37,500 (at center) 2000 Feet’ 1000 Meters GILL ROCK TO RAINBOW Mag 13.00 Tue Jan 02 15:59:47 1996 LEGEND Population Center / Geo Feature _...... County Boundary —— State Route River Open Water tii Contour Scale 1:21,875 (at center) be 2000 Feet “ste 500 Meters BIRD POINT CABLE ROUTE Mag 14.00 Thu Feb 01 11:34:50 1996 LEGEND Population Center GD) State Route o Geo Feature ----~ County Boundary ===> Major Street/Road ===> State Route memensnor River Open Water nee Contour Scale 1:31,250 (at center) 1 ) 2000 Feet "1000 Meters BIRD POINT CROSSING Mag 13.00 Tue Jan 02 16:04:57 1996 " — L— Vy vi BIRD POINT CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC RURAL ELECTRIFICATION ADMINISTRATION PROJECT ALASKA 8H CHUGACHD -~ - COOPER LAKE PROJECT FRC. LICENSE NO. 2170 TURNIGAIN ARM CROSSING-BOTTOM PROFILE , FROM US BPR SOUNDINGS 945 NORTH PACIFIC CONSULTANTS ‘Anchorage, Alaska-Portiand, Oregon-Seattie, Wash. Scale: | 1000 Hor. DEJON CORPORATION MEMO DATE: January 2, 1996 TO: Al Jacobson Jacobson International, Inc. 206-744-279] FROM: Hal Dreyer KL RE: Intertie Project Last week was not very productive on this project due to Holidays and Government furloes. I will report what I know, most from experience, and then continue on this week: 1) The Phillips crossing area is very difficult in almost every respect. Phillips. spent years stabilizing the lines they have in place, first with piling and then with sand bag piles. The current in that location is as high as it gets in Cook Inlet, the tides are in the order of 34’ at the worst and the bottom conditions range from boulder fields to hard pan and then shifting sands. In addition, the crossing is right in the path of the navigable channel. The water reaches a depth of 160'. I will try to get some hard data this week. 2) The Tesoro location is better in terms of water depth. It is at 60° maximum and the bottom is a silty, mud consistency. The only problem they have had is on the South beach landing, which scoured about 10 years ago. This was cured with burial and sandbagging. There is little or no vessel traffic and the current is limited to the flow out of Turnagain Arm, not all of the input into Cook Inlet. The only problem is a long mud flat exit on the North End, but it can be handled with the tides. 3) Enstar's line was installed over a period of 3 years during 1959-62. They originally had some scour problems that they handled py installing Corporate Development Daat MFtine Bav 79K © Rirdwand Alnaks 995H/ - 907 248 9600 of 907 783 2255 snow fence. This effectively slowed the current down enough to drop silt out of suspension and they were able to take the fence out after a few years. The line has continued to bury itself deeper due to the general filling in of Turnagain Arm. Mr. Drew Smith of Enstar has looked at alternatives for a new line, as the original line is getting quite old. He indicated that their preferred option is to directionally drill from Bird Point to Hope, in Turnagain Arm, and avoid all the water borne activity and the cross current scour concerns. His estimates indicate a much less expensive approach than any of the others. In general, I have determined that Chugach (or some entity) had a similar intertie study done 10 years ago. This was completed by Hart Crowser, a Mr. Jim Gill. Since we may be reinventing the wheel, you may want me to get a copy of this study? Mr. Gill will be back on 1/8/96. Let me know where you would like me to go with any of this. All for now. Ty es COR RO RAT LOIN MEMO DATE: — January 24, 1996 nO: Al Jacobson Jacobson International, Inc. FROM: _ Hal Dreyer WD RE: Intertie Project I have enlisted the aid of Mr. Fred Duthweiler to assist me in researching the information available on the crossing locations that you are interested in. Fred and I have worked together in Cook Inlet for years and he just retired from 32 years with UNOCAL. Most of this time was associated with their efforts in Cook Inlet. What we find is that there is not much information available on these locations, in the public domain. The companies that have pipelines in each location have proprietary information and have shared their most recent experiences with us. As you know, a study on the Intertie issue was completed some time ago for the Alaska Power Authority and the conclusion of the findings in that report are similar to ours. This conclusion is that a preliminary decision can be made about the best location to cross the Inlet, but due to lack of site specific information, a detailed field exploratory program would have to be undertaken to quantify the theories. As to each location, I can offer the following: TH OF P RM I am familiar with this area from the standpoint of work that I have done on the Phillips pipeline and, more recently, work we did in support of Arco Alaska's exploratory drilling program which came within 1 mile of the platform. Jacobson012496 January 25, 1996 Page 1 Corporate Development Post Office Box 725 - Girdwood, Alaska 99587 - 907 248 9600 or 907 783 2255 The bottom in the crossing location has a variety of conditions ranging from boulder fields in the shallows at the East beach, to shifting sands along the run towards the platform, to more scattered boulders (some the size of a small house) south of the platform and areas where the bottom is very hard. When setting the jack up drilling rig, we had areas where the spud cans would only penetrate several feet into the bottom. Considering that they usually go 8 to 10 feet, this equates to a very hard pan type material. : The water depth seems to max out at 18 fathoms (MLLW), unless you fall into the two trenches that are just south of the platform and then the bottom reaches 26 fathoms. In talking with the Phillips representative, he confirmed that they have done nothing other than side scan sonar on their lines for the last several years. However, it should be kept in mind that Phillips has spent an extraordinary amount of money prior to that in stabilizing these lines. This started with program that went for many summer seasons where they drove piling at 50' intervals along the lines and clamped the pipe to the piling. This proved to be very costly and they decided to go to a method of sand bagging the lines for a more temporary fix. The current, working in the shifting sands, would continually undermine the lines and cause unacceptable spans of suspended pipeline. Apparently, the work that Phillips did over about a 12 year period got the lines to a point that is acceptable. I have attached information which presents the tide elevation change and current velocities for a point very close to this location. To provide a more accurate understanding of the dynamics of these two factors, I have printed out two different periods of time that depict the high and low extremes of each during the sample year of 1995. As you can see, the tide reaches an elevation of 23.45' during December and produces a elevation change of 27.65'. During this period of time, the current velocity reaches 6.03 knots. At the other end of the spectrum, these same values are as low as 16.08' elevation height, 11' elevation change and 1.85 knots current flow during June. Installing a submarine cable in this area would be difficult in terms of fighting the cross current velocity, attempting to work around the vessel traffic into Anchorage and in terms of burial or securing to the bottom. It is also the longest alternative. Jacobson012496 January 25, 1996 Page 2 TESORO PIPELINE AREA This line was installed in 1976 and was buried in 1978 by Martech International. The burial was done by the jet sled technique and, other that some minor problems at the South end, has been trouble free since that time. The problems at the southern end were cured by some reburial with land based machinery and divers. The issues that are of concern at either end revolve around the ice scour that occurs. When this line was reburied, it was noted that the protective plastic coating had been damaged by the ice which builds up on the shore ends and eventually makes dramatic moves when the tide currents get it. The bottom conditions for the majority of the run provided a very suitable material for burial and soft mud was only encountered on the North end. This end of the line is basically a mud flat, very similar to the other parts of Turnagain arm which can be seen while driving the Seward Highway. The depths reach about 60 feet (MLLW) and the line was installed with a slight dog leg to avoid the one deep spot that shows on the attached charts. I have included tide and current information from areas that are very close to the crossing location. The information provides similar data and indicates a maximum height of 30.63', elevation differential of 35' and maximum current flow of 6.40 knots during December. During June these same values are as low as 21.02' height, 16' differential and 2.29 knots current velocity. This location is probably one of the better choices if a submarine installation is anticipated. The bottom conditions are more suitable for burial, the distance is about 13 miles, there is little or no vessel traffic and there is enough water to work in. ENSTAR LOCATION Drew Smith of Enstar indicated that the only problem they have had with their lines was one of scour. This was cured by installing a snow fence in the affected area and allowing the resulting slowed current to drop silt out of suspension. This apparently worked and the problem was resolved in one season. The bottom conditions there consist of a loose silty mud that appears to be building up over the years. Basically, Turnagain Arm is filling in. The depth of water, for most of the distance, seems to be very close to 0 at Jacobson012496 January 25, 1996 Page 3 MLLW which would present a significant problem for the laying and burial operations. Obviously, there would be significant periods of time when the marine equipment would be high and dry with the bottom material conditions not suitable for land based equipment. There is also the transition period when the tide comes in at 3 to 4 knots, which is always exciting. Contrary to other opinions, I believe if the line were installed at this location and adequately buried, it would never be seen again, much like Enstar's line. The problem is that the conditions have changed as the Enstar line was installed when most of the crossing allowed for the equipment to float. The tide information for this area is presented in the attached print outs and as you can see, the maximum height is 36.98', differential is 42' during December. These same values during June are 27.7' height, and 23' of differential. There is no current velocity information available for this area but, given the extreme elevation change, it must be significant. As a point of interest, Enstar's preferred approach to another crossing, if they elect to install another line, is a directionally drilled crossing at Bird Point. This is very similar to the conclusion that you seem to be reaching. POR R N I have included excerpts from the study that Power Engineers completed in 1987 which addresses very similar issues. Their conclusions and support information may be of assistance to you. Jacobson012496 January 25, 1996 Page 4 AMPACITY, AMPERES LANDFALL AMPACITY AS A FUNCTION OF BURIAL DEPTH AND SPACING BETWEEN PHASES, FOR LANDFALL SECTION -- 1000 KCMIL 138-KV SCFF AND XLPE CABLE 1100 i 1050 —— . : - = + ‘ ' —e— 54" SCFF be | i i i | | 36" SCFF | | |—t— 54" XLPE 1000 4- ie es 7 Peon — pee i +1 —9— 36" XLPE | |—w-18" SCFF |e 18" XLPE 950 900 850 800 750 BURIAL DEPTH, FEET 2/10/96] AMPACITY, AMPERES SUBMARINE AMPACITY FOR 1000 KCMIL 138-KV SCFF AND XLPE SUBMARINE CABLE AS A FUNCTION OF DEPTH BELOW WATER BOTTOM 1500 1400 |--- 1300 1200 ~"488-KV SCFF CA 1100 138-KV XLPE CABLE 1000 900 800 + — —_—_—_—————> t 0 1 2 3 4 5 DEPTH BELOW WATER BOTTOM, FEET Page 1 10 15 20 —e— XLPE —=— SCFF CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. 138 kV SUBMARINE CABLES Anchorage, Alaska February 1995 DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY OF THE FIELD Prepared by: Dora L. Gropp, P.E. Manager, Transmission & Special Projects Chugach’s 138 kV submarine cable field between point MacKenzie and Point Woronzof consists of the circuits and cables listed in Fable | “138 kV Cable Field - Description”. 138 kV SUBMARINE CABLE FIELD TABLE 1 Insulation Armor DESCRIPTION Cable # 1TO4 5&6 8(A) to 10(A) Manufacturer Simplex STK Pirelli Pirelli/Cable DeLyon | tnstalled In 1967 1971/1975 1990 1976/1990 Length 19,000 ft. - 22.700 ft. | 18,300 ft. & 19,400 19,680 ft. 24,356 ft. - 28.252 ft. ft. Type 1-PH 3-PH 1-PH 1-PH Conductor 500 KCM CU 300 KCM CU 1000 KCM ALU 1000 KCM ALU/750 KCM CU Capacity (A) 500 300 600 600 Extruded Thermo Plastic 58-#6 CU eS Paper/Oil (LPOF) 58-#4 ST. 50-#6 ST. 0.22°0.D. Paper/Oil (LPOF) Paper/Oil (LPOF) 50-#6 ST.0.22"0.D./36+ 16- #4 ST. 0.28"0.D. The cables are operated in individual circuits referred to by the manufacturer’s name. O.D.(IN) 3.68 4.83 3.23/4.82 Weight 10.4 28.4 12/29.8 (Ibs/Ft.) Installation Embedded Bottom Lay Bottom Lay Bottom Lay following provides a brief operating history of these circuits: | of 3 The 1. Simplex Cables #1 to 4 None of the cables in this circuit are operational at this time. Cable #2 was damaged by a ship’s anchor in 1968 and repaired. The same cable experienced dielectric failures in 1971, 1974 and 1975 when it was energized as a “spare”. It appears that the 1974 failure (1,560 ft. from Point Woronzof) occurred in the same location, where the 1971 splice had been made. Cables #3 and 4 failed in December 1973 approximately 5,800 ft. from the Point Woronzof terminal and were repaired. The cables have been deenergized since 1976. They were tested in 1986, showing Cable #4 faulted to ground, and #3 faulting during a 24 hour energization period. Recent TDR measurements show the faults on cables #3 and 4 to be located approximately 5,000 ft. from the Pint Woronzof terminal. Cable #2 was vandalized at its Point Woronzof shore end in 1990 and has been abandoned. Cable #1 had developed an “anomaly” by the Spring of 1995, about 3000 ft. from the Point MacKenzie terminal. [t failed at that location when energized. 2. STK Cables #5 and 6 None of the cables in these circuits are operational at this time. These cables, originally installed in 1971/72, sustained damage in 1974 and were repaired by replacing the submarine portions. Cable #5(A) faulted in 1978 as a result from ice damage near Point Woronzof and was repaired. It suffered damage in its submarine portion about 3,100 ft. from Point MacKenzie in January 1991 and was abandoned. 3. Pirelli/Les Cables de Lyon (CDL) Cables #7 to 10 These cables have been in service since 1976 and were operated in parallel with the two STK cables. Pirelli Cable #10 was damaged by a ship’s anchor in 1979 and repaired. The fault/damage was located about 11,000 ft. from the Pint MacKenzie terminal. Cable #10 began to experience a relatively slow loss of insulating fluid’s pressure. In 1988 Pirelli Cable #7 began to loose liquid also. It faulted in February 1989. The location of the damage causing the liquid loss on cables #7 and #10 could only be approximated with flow differential measurements at between 2,500 and 6,000 ft. from Point Woronzof. The fault in Cable #7 occurred less than a mile from Point Woronzof. The damaged portions of cables #7 and #10 were not found during retrieval attempts in 1989 and 1990. Damage in both cases was attributed to external forces. Repairs for Cable #7 (replacement of the submarine portion) resulted in damage to Pirelli Cable #8, leaving the circuit with the new Pirelli Cable #7(A), Pirelli Cable #9, and the leaking Pirelli Cable #10 in service until 1990. During the repair efforts it was found that the armor on cables #7, #8, #9 and #10 had deteriorated in places to where the cable was left entirely without armor or had very few strands left intact. Preliminary investigations indicated that electrolytic or chemical corrosion were probably not the cause. The phenomenon appears to be associated with abrasion caused by the effects of tidal currents in the silt laden waters of Cook Inlet and shifts in bottom profile of +25 ft. since 1976. Before the submarine portions of cables #8, #9 and #10 could be replaced with double armored (rock armored) cable manufactured by Les Cables de Lyon (CDL), the newly laid Pirelli Cable #7(A) developed a small leak in January 1990. The cable was retrieved and the damage found about 5,000 ft. from the Point Woronzof shore. It was attributed to external forces. The damaged section was eliminated and the cable, now Pirelli Cable #7(B), spliced into the shore end sections of the original cable. Since 1990 the circuit has operated with cables #8(A), #9(A) and #10(A) consisting of Pirelli - shore ends and terminations and CDL submarine portions. Cable #7(B) is operated as a “spare”. The original Cable #9 is sealed under pressure in the crossing, but not terminated. c:\a\wpdocs\subm\subhist 30f3 02/02/9 6 FRI 15:12 FAX 7624693 CEA ENGINEERING @oo1 EEERKEEAESEAELS ASAE SR eRe TX REPORT RE ELEALEAKSAS EAA SAKES TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO 0574 CONNECTION TEL 912087882082 CONNECTION ID ST. TIME 02702 15:10 USAGE T 01'30 PGS. 4 RESULT OK t CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. February 2, 1996 , VIA Fax Line: (208) 788-2082 POWER Engineers, Inc. P.O. Box 1066 Hailey, Idaho 83333 Attention: Mr. Randy Pollock, P.E,, Project Manager Subject: 138 kV Submarine Cables Dear Mr. Pollock: Per our telephone conversation today, I have attached for your information and use, a description and history of Chugach’s 138 kV submarine cable field between Points MacKenzie and Woronzof. If you have any questions, please call me at (907) 762-4626. Sincerley, all he rd Dora L. Gropp Manager, Transmission & Special Projects Attachments DLG/ahw c¢:\a\wpdoca\E959008 1\C8