HomeMy WebLinkAboutS Intertie NEPA Process 1998CHUGACI, ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION AE E | V E | gach LJ 1 ASSOCIATION, INC. oe LI JUN O1 1998 Rares ee ‘ Alaska Industrial Develoomen) May 28, 1998 F ‘a S Via fax fines" 269-3044) Qe. (Hardcopy to follow) Alaska Industrial Development a and Export Authority 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Attention: Mr. Dennis V. McCrohan, P.E., Deputy Director, Energy Subject: Southern Intertie Project NEPA Process — Additional Funding Dear Mr. McCrohan: The Grant Administration Agreement of 08/30/94 for subject project includes Schedule A-2, which governs activities and expenditures for phases of the project. Phase | of the project, entitled “Route Selection and Preliminary Design” is presently in progress and limited to costs of $5,100,000. This phase is intended to cover route selection, preliminary environmental, geotechnical, archaeological, easement and design activities as well as develop budgets for final design and construction. All preliminary investigations addressed in Phase | have been performed and are nearing completion. Reports and documents produced are the Route Selection Studies (June 1996) and the Environmental Analysis (EVAL), which will be finalized in June 1998. These reports include preliminary designs, easement investigations and cost estimates for construction. The utilities participating in the project, the Intertie Participant Group (IPG), have selected the ENSTAR Route terminating at the Soldotna and _ International Substations respectively as their proposed route. The project is subject to NEPA regulations and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be prepared by the federal lead agency RUS from the EVAL. Selection of the ENSTAR Route, which crosses the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, also requires that a permit application be made to the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) at the same time. This application will follow ANILCA regulations. The budget presented with our letter of May 21, 1996 for this phase of the project anticipated that all NEPA related activities (including EIS) could be completed for an amount not exceeding $4,117,765. The route selection studies preceding the NEPA process add $857,994 to this amount for a total commitment of $4,975,759 to date. 5601 Minnesota Drive * P.O. Box 196300 * Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 Phone 907-563-7494 * FAX 907-562-0027 Southern Intertie, NEPA Process — Additional Funding May 28, 1998 Page 2 of 3 These estimates were based on having the EIS completed by our consultant (POWER Engineers/Dames and Moore) for one federal lead agency. RUS agreed in September 1996 to take on the role as lead agency and published its intent to prepare an EIS in the Federal Register in October 1996. The project's complexity with possible routes located in areas under the jurisdiction of the USFWS and USFS made it however mandatory that these agencies be included in the process as cooperating agencies. The ensuing negotiations to develop a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the agencies and the IPG as the Applicant took more time and effort than anticipated. When the MOU was finally signed in July 1997, RUS decided that its staff could not take on the preparation of the EIS and complete it in a timely manner. The agency would delegate this task to a consultant. This preparer could not be our consultant, but would have to be selected from a list of pre approved firms or solicited through requests for proposal. Costs for this consultant would have to be borne by the applicant. It was decided to allow RUS to select the preparer from the pre-approved list to save the time involved in a proposal process. RUS contracted with Mangi Environmental in November 1997 for the EIS preparation based on the EVAL submitted by the IPG. Mangi’s involvement as well as late requests for additional environmental work from USFWS added significantly to the demands on time and efforts of our consultants. What was originally meant to be a draft and final EIS has now become a draft and final EVAL, with continued work required to assure the timely and adequate preparation of the EIS. Actual project costs stand at $4,270,000 as of mid May 1998 and are expected to reach $4,561,000 by July, when the EVAL and ANILCA applications are submitted to the respective agencies. Completion of the NEPA and ANILCA process resulting in a Record of Decision (ROD) by the fall of 1999 are expected to require additional funding of $1,303,500. This leaves a shortfall in allowable funding for Phase | activities of $764,500. While the remaining tasks could be categorized as “Final Environmental Investigations” under the next project phase, we are hesitant to open Phase II at this time, but rather request an increase of funding under Phase | by $800,000 to allow for completion of the environmental process. A budget estimate and schedule are enclosed. Chugach’s General Manager, Gene Bjornstad and | will be prepared to brief AIDEA’s Board of Directors at their June16, 1998 meeting on this project as requested in your letter of April 7, 1998. Please, let me know at what time and location this meeting will be. We would welcome a meeting with you prior to the presentation to discuss items and format of the presentation. Southern Intertie, NEPA Process — Additional Funding May 28, 1998 Page 3 of 3 We trust the information provided is sufficient to support our request. Should you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to call me at 762-4626 or fax to 762-4617. My e-mail address is dora_gropp@chugachelectric.com. Sincerely, boy ©. y/ Dora L. Gropp, P.E. Manager, Transmission & Special Projects DLG/ah SOATAANNAUSAWORDOCSGROPPAIDEADS2I08 DOC Enclosures: 1. Schedule A-2 — Anchorage-Kenai Intertie 2. Funding Requirements of 5/27/98 3. Southern Intertie NEPA Schedule of 5/28/98 4. Letter to AIDEA dated May 21, 1996 — Funding for NEPA Process (os Gene Bjornstad, CEA Robert Hufman, AEG&T Meera Kohler, AML&P Dave Calvert, Seward Michael Kelly, GVEA Norm Story, HEA Wayne Carmony, MEA Lee Thibert Mike Massin Joe Griffith Mike Cunningham W.0.#E9590081, Sec., 2 RF SCHEDULE A-2 ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE I. PHASE DESCRIPTION - Anchorage-Kenai 138 kV Intertie ($84.1 Million) Phase I - Route Selection and Preliminary Design Phase II - Final Design and Construction These phases will be conducted sequentially. However, efficient performance will dictate some overlapping of phases. 2. -R ARY a. The Phase I ceiling shall be $5.1 million. b. Phase I includes the following: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Development and Approval of Project Team Preliminary Environmental Assessment Preliminary Geotechnical and Archaeological Investigation Preliminary Easement Investigation Identify Corridors, Determine Alternate Route Alignments Prepare Route Selection Report Investigate Design Altematives Approval of Line Route End Points and Preliminary Design Development of the Phase II Ceiling for Submission to AIDEA for Approval PHASE I - FINAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION a. The Phase II ceiling will be $ Jl b. Phase II includes the completion of the following tasks: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Final Environmental, Geotechnical, and Archaeological Investigations Selection of Specific Location of Facilities Procurement of Easements Design Modifications to Bernice Lake Substation Design Submarine Cable Terminal Stations Design Submarine Cable Crossing Specifications Preparation of Functional Design, Drawings, Specifications, and Bid Documents and Award Preparation of Construction and Material Contracts Right-of-Way Clearing l To be determined pursuant to 2(b)(9), above. (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) Transmission Line Construction 2 South Kenai Line a North Kenai Line ; Anchorage Line Modification of Bernice Lake Substation Submarine Cable Terminal Stations Submarine Cable Crossing Commissioning and Project Closeout SOUTHERN INTERTIE FUNDING REQUIREMENTS/CASH FLOW |. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS CONTRACT /ACTIVITY CONSULTANT AGENCIES RUS/Mangi USFWS USFS PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOTAL St$sched.xls COST ROUTE SELECTION (TO 6/96) $792,555 $0 $0 $0 $65,439 $857,994 CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION COST COST NEPATOEVAL NEPA-EISTO (TO 7/98) ROD (TO 11/99) $3,379,691 $730,000 $63,761 $150,000 $24,600 $30,000 $34,954 $5,000 $200,000 $270,000 $3,703,006 $1,185,000 Page 1 CONTINGENCY NEPA - EIS TO ROD (TO 11/99) $73,000 $15,000 $3,000 $500 $27,000 $118,500 TOTAL $4,975,246 $228,761 $57,600 $40,454 $562,439 $5,864,500 5/27/98 SOUTHERN INTERTIE NEPA SCHEDULE ACTIVITY FINAL EVAL ANILCA APPLICATION START DEIS PREL. DEIS FOR REVIEW REVIEW COMMENTS DEIS TO APPLICANT FOR PRINTING DEIS PUBLISHED & DISTRIBUTED PUBLIC MEETINGS: WASHINGTON, D.C. ALASKA PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD «as pays) FEIS DRAFT FOR REVIEW REVIEW COMMENTS FEIS PUBLISHED & DISTRIBUTED ROD APPEAL PERIOD CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION RESPONSIBILITY AND COMPLETION DATE APPLICANT RUS/MANGI 7/20/98 7/20/98 7/20/98 7/15/98 10/30/98 12/15/98 1/20/99 2/10/99 2/10/99 3/29/99 4/23/99 5/10/99 5/24/99 *6/24/99 30 DAYS USFWS 7/20/98 12/15/98 *4/20/99 5/10/99 *5/10/99 - 7/20/99 *11/20/99 NONE DATES WITH * IDENTIFY REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AND/OR ALLOWANCES St$sched.xls USFS 12/15/98 *3/11/99 5/10/99 *6/24/99 45 DAYS 5/28/98 CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. May 21, 1996 VIA Fax Line: (907) 269-3044 (Hardcopy to follow) Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503-6690 Attention: Mr. William R. Snell, Executive Director Subject: Southern Intertie - Funding for the NEPA Process Dear Mr. Snell: The route selection effort, which we began in November 1995 with our consultants POWER Engineers and Dames & Moore is coming to its conclusion with the preparation of final reports due in early June. The studies performed so far will serve as a base for the upcoming EIS preparation. Continuation of the project will now lead to the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Some major tasks to accomplish this include: . Determination of a Lead Agency - Formation of the Inter Agency Team - Scoping Meetings ° Field Work to supplement the Environmental Inventory - Hydrograhic Field Work and Studies to verify the feasibility of Submarine Crossings . Prepare Draft and Final EIS POWER Engineers/Dames & Moore have submitted a proposal for this work in response to a request by the IPG. Costs are estimated at $3,347,765. This proposal was presented to you and your staff on April 16, 1996. Overall costs of this phase of the work are estimated at $4,200,000 and include an update of the economic analysis of the project originally prepared in 1991 as well as project management costs and a 10% contingency for all activities through the completion of the EIS process. A Record of Decision (ROD) is anticipated between September 1998 and February 1999 if full use can be made of the 1996 summer field season. Any delays in these critical activities are expected to postpone the ROD by a full year. 5601 Minnesota Drive * P.O. Box 196300 » Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 Phone 907-563-7494 * FAX 907-562-0027 2. Southern Intertie - Funding for the NEPA Process May 21, 1996 Page 2 of 2 A more detailed cost estimate and cash flow projection is attached and we request that funding be made available for the activities described. The work will not proceed until the IPG has concurred. We have scheduled an IPG meeting for May 23, 1996, where POWER’s proposal and contractual matters pertaining to it will be discussed. At this meeting we would like to be able to advocate approval to the participant’s governing bodies for work contemplated with the assurance that AIDEA will make the necessary funds available. Sincerely, CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Eugene “D pjomstad General Manager ENB/DLG:ahw Attachment: Cost estimate. c: Dennis McCrohan, AIDEA General Managers - IPG Michael Massin Lee Thibert Joe Griffith John Cooley Dora Gropp W.0.#E9590081, Sec., RF SOUTHERN INTERTIE - EIS 5/16/96 FUNDING SOUTHERN INTERTIE - EIS FUNDING REQUIREMENTS AND CASH FLOW I. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS CONTRACTIACTIVITY START FINISH cost CONTINGENCY| TOTAL NEPA PROCESS 5/1/96 gn4i98| $3,043,423 $304,342 | $3,347,765 LEAD AGENCY 6/1/96 9/14/98 $100,000 $10,000 $110,000 ECONOMIC FEASIBIL. 6/1/96 10/1/96 $200,000 $20,000 $220,000 PROJ. MANAGEMENT 5/1/96 12/31/98 $400,000 $40,000 $440,000 TOTAL $3,743,423 $374,342 $4,117,765 ll. CASH FLOW CONTRACTIACTIVITY TOTAL CONTINGENCY 1996/3 1996/4 1997/1 1997/3 1997/4 1998/1 1998/2 1998/3 1998/4 NEPA PROCESS $3,347,765 $304,342 $821,724 $669,553 $456,513 | $304,342 | $243,474 | $182,605 | $152,171 | $121,737 | $60,868 | $30,434 LEAD AGENCY $110,000 $10,000 $50,000 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ECONOMIC FEASIBIL. $220,000 $20,000 $100,000 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PROJ. MANAGEMENT $440,000 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 | $40,000 | $40,000 | $40,000 | $40,000 | $40,000 | $40,000 | $40,000 TOTAL $4,117,765 $374,342 $1,011,724 $496,513 Page 1 $283,474 $222,605 $192,171 $161,737 $70,434 c-ae-on; o:asau Ria ieee Nie) a eee CHUGACH ELECTRIC Ghuse SS ASSOCIATION, INC. May 28, 1998 Via fax line: 269-3044 (Hardcopy to follow) Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Attention: Mr. Dennis V. McCrohan, P.E., Deputy Director, Energy Subject: Southern Intertie Project NEPA Process — Additional Funding Dear Mr. McCrohan: The Grant Administration Agreement of 08/30/94 for subject project includes Schedule A-2, which governs activities and expenditures for phases of the project. Phase | of the project, entitled “Route Selection and Preliminary Design” is presently in progress and limited to costs of $5,100,000. This phase is intended to cover route selection, preliminary environmental, geotechnical, archaeological, easement and design activities as well as develop budgets for final design and construction. All preliminary investigations addressed in Phase | have been performed and are nearing completion. Reports and documents produced are the Route Selection Studies (June 41996) and the Environmental Analysis (EVAL), which will be finalized in June 1998. These reports include preliminary designs, easement investigations and cost estimates for construction. The utilities participating in the project, the Intertie Participant Group (IPG), have selected the ENSTAR Route terminating at the Soldotna and International Substations respectively as their proposed route. The project is subject to NEPA regulations and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be prepared by the federal lead agency RUS from the EVAL. Selection of the ENSTAR Route, which crosses the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, also requires that a permit application be made to the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) at the same time. This application will follow ANILCA regulations. The budget presented with our letter of May 21, 1996 for this phase of the project anticipated that all NEPA related activities (including EIS) could be completed for an amount not exceeding $4,117,765. The route selection studies preceding the NEPA process add $857,994 to this amount for a total commitment of $4,975,759 to date. 5601 Minnesota Drive * P.O. Box 196300 » Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 Phone 907-563-7494 » FAX 907-562-0027 5-28-98; 9:35AM; AIDEA / McCrot 3907 7624614 Souther Intertie, NEPA Process — Additional Funding May 28, 1998 Page 2 of 3 These estimates were based on having the EIS completed by our consultant (POWER Engineers/Dames and Moore) for one federal lead agency. RUS agreed in September 1996 to take on the role as lead agency and published its intent to prepare an EIS in the Federal Register in October 1996. The project’s complexity with possible routes located in areas under the jurisdiction of the USFWS and USFS made it however mandatory that these agencies be included in the process as cooperating agencies. The ensuing negotiations to develop a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the agencies and the IPG as the Applicant took more time and effort than anticipated. When the MOU was finally signed in July 1997, RUS decided that its staff could not take on the preparation of the EIS and complete it in a timely manner. The agency would delegate this task to a consultant. This preparer could not be our consultant, but would have to be selected from a list of pre approved firms or solicited through requests for proposal. Costs for this consultant would have to be borne by the applicant. It was decided to allow RUS to select the preparer from the pre-approved list to save the time involved in a proposal process. RUS contracted with Mangi Environmental in November 1997 for the EIS preparation based on the EVAL submitted by the IPG. Mangi’s involvement as well as late requests for additional environmental work from USFWS added significantly to the demands on time and efforts of our consultants. What was originally meant to be a draft and final EIS has now become a draft and final EVAL, with continued work required to assure the timely and adequate preparation of the EIS. Actual project costs stand at $4,270,000 as of mid May 1998 and are expected to reach $4,561,000 by July, when the EVAL and ANILCA applications are submitted to the respective agencies. Completion of the NEPA and ANILCA process resulting in a Record of Decision (ROD) by the fall of 1999 are expected to require additional funding of $1,303,500. This leaves a shortfall in allowable funding for Phase | activities of $764,500. While the remaining tasks could be categorized as “Final Environmental Investigations” under the next project phase, we are hesitant to open Phase II at this time, but rather request an increase of funding under Phase | by $800,000 to allow for completion of the environmental process. A budget estimate and schedule are enclosed. Chugach’s General Manager, Gene Bjornstad and | will be prepared to brief AIDEA’s Board of Directors at their June16, 1998 meeting on this project as requested in your letter of April 7, 1998. Please, let me know at what time and location this meeting will be. We would welcome a meeting with you prior to the presentation to discuss items and format of the presentation. # 27 10 5-28-98; 9:35AM; AIDEA 7 McCro 3907 7624614 # 37 10 Southem Intertie, NEPA Process — Additional Funding May 28, 1998 Page 3 of 3 We trust the information provided is sufficient to support our request. Should you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to call me at 762-4626 or fax to 762-4617. My e-mail address is dora_gropp@ichugachelectric.com. Sincerely, boven. ¥. AH / Dora L. Gropp, P.E. Manager, Transmission & Special Projects DLG/ah poe Enclosures: Schedule A-2 — Anchorage-Kenai Intertie 1. 2: Funding Requirements of 5/27/98 3. Souther Intertie NEPA Schedule of 5/28/98 4. Letter to AIDEA dated May 21, 1996 — Funding for NEPA Process c: Gene Bjornstad, CEA Robert Hufman, AEG&T Meera Kohler, AML&P Dave Calvert, Seward Michael Kelly, GVEA Norm Story, HEA Wayne Carmony, MEA Lee Thibert Mike Massin Joe Griffith Mike Cunningham W.0.#E9590081, Sec., 2 RF 5-28-98; 9:35AM; AIDEA 7 McCror 3907 7624614 SCHEDULE A-2 ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE 1S PHASE D”SCRIPTION - Anchorage-Kenai 138 kV Intertic ($84.1 Million) Phase I Phase II - Route Selection and Preliminary Design - Final Design and Construction These phases will be conducted sequentially. However, efficient performance will dictate some Amn of phases. 2. PHASE | - ROUTE SELECTION & PRELIMINARY DESIGN a. The Phase I ceiling shall be $5.1 million. b. Phase I includes the following: qh) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Development and Approval of Project Team Environmental Assessment : Geotechnical and Archaeological Investigation Preliminary Easement Investigation Identify Corridors, Determine Alternate Route aaerets Prepare Route Selection Report Investigate Design Alternatives of Tee) Route End Points and Preliminary Design Development of the Phase II Ceiling for Submission to AIDEA for Approval 35 PHASE II - FINAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION a. The Phase II ceiling will be $d b. Phase II includes the completion of the following tasks: (1) (2) 3) (4) G) (6) 13) (8) (9) Final Environmental, Geotechnical, and Archaeological Investigations Selection of Specific Location of Facilities Procurement of Easements Design Modifications to Bernice Lake Substation Design Submarine Cable Terminal Stations Design a _ ane tn nge ood Preparation of Functio gn, Drawings, S ions, and Bid Documents and Award . Preparation of Construction and Material Contracts Right-of-Way Clearing 1 To be determined pursuant to 2(b)(9), above. # 47 10 5-28-98; 9:35AM; AIDEA 7 McCrot 3907 7624614 # S710 (10) ‘Transmission Line Construction bd South Kenai Line , North Kenai Line % Anchorage Line (11) Modification of Bernice Lake Substation (12) Submarine Cable Terminal Stations (13) Submarine Cable Crossing (14) Commissioning and Project Closeout 5-28-98; 9:35AM; SOUTHERN INTERTIE NEPA SCHEDULE ACTIVITY FINAL EVAL ANILCA APPLICATION START DEIS PREL. DEIS FOR REVIEW REVIEW COMMENTS DEIS TO APPLICANT FOR PRINTING DEIS PUBLISHED & DISTRIBUTED PUBLIC MEETINGS: WASHINGTON, D.C. ALASKA PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD «as pays) FEIS DRAFT FOR REVIEW REVIEW COMMENTS FEIS PUBLISHED & DISTRIBUTED ROD APPEAL PERIOD AIDEA 7 McCronh CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION 3907 7624614 RESPONSIBILITY AND COMPLETION DATE APPLICANT RUS/MANGI USFWS 7/20/98 7/20/98 7120/98 7/20/98 715/98 10/30/98 12/15/98 12/15/98 1/20/99 2/10/99 2/10/99 *4/20/99 3/29/99 4/23/99 5/10/99 5/10/99 5/24/99 *6/10/99 - 7/20/99 *6/24199 *41/20/99 30 DAYS NONE DATES WITH * IDENTIFY REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AND/OR ALLOWANCES St$sched.xts USFS 12/15/98 *3/11/99 5/10/99 *6/24/99 45 DAYS # 5/28/98 5-28-98; 9:35AM; AIDEA 7 McCroh 3907 7624614 # 77 10 CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION SOUTHERN INTERTIE FUNDING REQUIREMENTS/CASH FLOW I, FUNDING REQUIREMENTS CONTRACT /ACTIVITY cOST cost COST CONTINGENCY TOTAL ROUTE NEPATOEVAL NEPA- EIS TO SELECTION (TO 7/98) ROD NEPA - ElS TO ROD (TO 6/96) (TO 11/99) (TO 11/93) CONSULTANT $792,555 $3,379,691 $730,000 $73,000 $4,975,246 AGENCIES RUS/Mangi $0 $63,761 $150,000 $15,000 $228,761 USFWS $0 $24,600 $30,000 $3,000 $57,600 USFS $0 $34,954 $5,000 $500 . $40,454 PROJECT MANAGEMENT $65,439 $200,000 $270,000 $27,000 $562,439 TOTAL $857,994 $3,703,006 $1,185,000 $118,500 $5,864,500 St$sched.xls Page 1 5/27/98 5-28-98; 9:35AM; AIDEA 7 McCro 3907 7624614 # 87 10 ' . | CHUGACH ELECTRIC | ASSOCIATION, INC. May 21, 1996 VIA Fax Line: (907) 269-3044 (Hardcopy to follow) Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503-6690 Attention: Mr. William R. Snell, Executive Director Subject: Southern Intertie - Funding for the NEPA Process Dear Mr. Snell: The route selection effort, which we began in November 1995 with our consultants POWER Engineers and Dames & Moore is coming to its conclusion with the preparation of final reports due in early June. The studies performed so far will serve as a base for the upcoming EIS preparation. Continuation of the project will now lead to the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Some major tasks to accomplish this include: . . Determination of a Lead Agency - Formation of the Inter Agency Team - Scoping Meetings . Field Work to supplement the Environmental Inventory - Hydrograhic Field Work and Studies to verify the feasibility of Submarine Crossings . Prepare Draft.and Final EIS POWER Engineers/Dames & Moore have submitted a proposal for this work in response to a request by the IPG. Costs are estimated at $3,347,765. This proposal was presented to you and your staff on April 16, 1996. Overall costs of this phase of the work are estimated at $4,200,000 and include an update of the economic analysis of the project originally prepared in 1991 as well as project management costs and a 10% contingency for all activities through the completion of the EIS process. A Record of Decision (ROD) is anticipated between September 1998 and February 1999 if full use can be made of the 1996 summer field season. Any delays in these critical activities are expected to postpone the ROD by a full year. 5601 Minnesota Drive * P.O. Box 196300 »* Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 Phone 907-563-7494 * FAX 907-562-0027 5-28-98; 9:35AM; AIDEA 7 McCror 3907 7624614 # 97 10 Southern Intertie - Funding for the NEPA Process = May 21, 1996 Page 2 of 2 A more detailed cost estimate and cash flow projection is attached and we request that funding be made available for the activities described. The work will not proceed until the IPG has concurred. We have scheduled an IPG meeting for May 23, 1996, where POWER’s proposal and contractual matters pertaining to it will be discussed. At this meeting we would like to be able to advocate approval to the participant’s governing bodies for work contemplated with the assurance that AIDEA will make the necessary funds available. Sincerely, CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Eugene ca General Manager ENB/DLG:ahw Attachment: Cost estimate. c: Dennis McCrohan, AIDEA General Managers - IPG Michael Massin Lee Thibert Joe Griffith John Cooley Dora Gropp W.0.#E9590081, Sec., RF te SOUTHERN INTERTIE - ElS 5/16/96 FUNDING i SOUTHERN INTERTIE - ElS ] 4 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS AND CASH FLOW i ‘ { L ® I. FUNDING REQUIREMENTS TC iz : CONTRACTIACTIVITY START FINISH COST _|CONTINGENCY| TOTAL e > < NEPA PROCESS SSS o14e8| $3,043,423 | —- $304,342 | $3,347,765 | - LEAD AGENCY B/E oft 4/28 $100,000 $10,000 $110,000 ECONOMIC FEASIBIL. G/1I96 TON /06 $200,000) $20,000 $220,000 PROS. MANAGEMENT S196 42/31/98 $400,000 $40,000 $440,000 TOTAL C $3,743,423 $374,342 |___ $4,117,765 = 3 IN. CASH FLOW CONTRACTIACTIVITY TOTAL [CONTINGENCY | feses | i096 1987/1 isova_| 19970 | 19074 | 19961 | 19982 | 1998 | s998/ NEPA PROCESS $3,347,765 $304,342 $621,724 $869,553 $456,513 | $304,342 | $243,474 | $182,605 | $162,171 | $121,737 | $60,668 | $30,434 LEAD AGENCY $110,000 $10,000 $50,000 $50,000 $0} $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ECONOMIC FEASIBIL. $220,000 | $20,000 $100,000 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 $0 $0 PROJ. MANAGEMENT $40,000 | = GO m > . XN = - 0 20 9 ro $ 2 © ° N ~ o © . 5 p Ot vor #