HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Lake Hydro Permit 1995c D N \ . Ax 3 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY connon ao “yn WASHINGTON, D. C. 204 pee e a peer April 17, 1995 nee 2D - RO Re: Project No. ASHE" 000 Grant Lake Water Power Project Office of the Governor Governor of Alaska ln Juneau, AK 99811 Maska fochetri cl Devalopmertt end Expert Authority Dear Governor: The above-designated proceeding is now pending before the Commission. With this letter, we are enclosing a copy of the notice of this proceeding for your review. Any comments or suggestions relating to this matter are welcome and may be sent to the following address: ‘ Secretary of the Commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Room 3110, ES-11 825 North Capitol Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20426 Notice of this proceeding has been sent to the Regulatory Commission of your state. Very truly yours, a A Gell Lois D. Cashell Secretary Enclosure * —- FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY PERMIT (April 17, 1995) Take notice that the following hydroelectric application has been filed with the Commission and is available for public inspection: a. Type of Application: Preliminary Permit b. Project No.: 11528-000 c. Date filed: March 20, 1995 d. Applicant: Alaska Business and Industrial Development Corporation e. Name of Project: Grant Lake Water Power Project f. Location: On Falls Creek and Grant Creek, near the town of Seward, in the Third Judicial District of the st. of Alaska. All project lands are owned by the state. g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. §791(a) - 825(r) h. Applicant Contact: Fred G. Brown, President Alaska Business and Industrial Development Corporation 1469 Holy Cross Drive Fairbanks, AK 99701 (907) 451-2898 i. FERC Contact: Mr. Michael Strzelecki, (202) 219-2827 j. Comment Date: June 26, 1995 k. Description of Project: The proposed run-of-river project would involve dredging a 1,200-foot-long, 40-foot-deep channel in the state’s existing Grant Lake, and would consist of: (1) a lake tap at the outlet of Grant Lake; (2) a 9-foot-diameter, 3,200-foot-long tunnel; (3) a powerhouse containing an unspecified number of generating units with a total installed capacity of 7,000 kW; (4) a 1.2-mile-long transmission line interconnecting with an existing Daves Creek-Seward transmission line; (5) a 2.6-mile-long acc road; and (6) appurtenant facilities. The applicant is also exploriiy the option of diverting water from nearby Falls Creek into Grant Lake to supplement the flow available for the project. This option would Dc-a-23 - nm eee ~y FrLOJeECL NO, 11528-000 -Z< consist of: (1) an intake on Falls Creek; and (2) a 2-mile- long pipeline leading to Grant Lake. No new roads will be constructed to conduct the studies. 1. This notice also consists of the following standard paragraphs: A5, A7, A9, Al0O, B, C, and D2. AS. Preliminary Permit -- Anyone desiring to file a competing application for preliminary permit for a proposed project must submit the competing application itself, or a notice of intent to file such an application, to the Commission on or before the specified comment date for the particular application (see 18 CFR 4.36). Submission of a timely notice of intent allows an interested person to file the competing preliminary permit application no later than 30 days after the specified comment date for the particular application. A competing preliminary permit application must conform with 18 CFR 4.30(b)(1) and (9) and 4.36. A7. Preliminary Permit -- Any qualified development applicant desiring to file a competing development application must submit to the Commission, on or before a specified comment date for the particular application, either a competing development application or a notice of intent to file such an application. Submission of a timely notice of intent to file a development application allows an interested person to file the competing application no later than 120 days after the specified comment date for the particular application. A competing license application must conform with 18 CFR 4.30(b)(1) and (9) and 4.36. A9. Notice of intent -- A notice of intent must specify the exact name, business addre and telephone number of the Prospective applicant, and must include an unequivocal statement of intent to submit, if stich an application may be filed, either a preliminary permit application or a development application (specify which type of application). A notice of intent must be served on the applicant(s) named in this public notice. Al0. Proposed Scope of Studies under Permit -- A preliminary permit, if issued, does not authorize construction. The term of the proposed preliminary permit would be 36 months. The work proposed under the praliminary permit would include economic analysis, preparation of preliminary engineering plans, and a study of environmental impacts. Based on the results of these studies, the Applicant would decide whether to proceed with the preparation of a development application to construct and operate the project. B. Comments, Protests, or Motions to Intervene -- Anyone may submit comments, a protest, or a motion to intervene in accordance with the requirements of Rules of Practice and Procedure, 18 CFR 385.210, .211, .214, In determining the x wy 9453 -logzt i ‘ ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ~ 3 > AND EXPORT AUTHORITY /= ALASKA @— ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 561-8050 FAX 907 /561-8998 June 7, 1995 HECEIVED Ms. Lois D. Cashell, Secretary JUN 13 1995 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission =e 825 N. Capitol Street, NE I OCHFR INTERESTS “73. Washington, D.C. 20426 Subject: MOTION TO INTERVENE Project No. 11528-000 Grant Lake Water Power Project Dear Ms. Cashell: Enclosed is our MOTION TO INTERVENE in the subject proceedings. The Alaska Energy Authority has interests not represented by other parties involved in these proceedings. Sincerely, lhe Executive Director WRS:JHT:cjp Enclosure: As stated coi Mr. Keith A Laufer, Assistant Attorney General, Dept. of Law, Anchorage Mr. Fred G. Brown, Alaska Business and Industrial Development Corporation Mr. Norman L. Story, HEA Mr. S. Sieczkowski, AEA Mr. B. Beardsley, AEA - MMr. J. Thrall, LIL File ALASKA BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION PROJECT NO. 11528-000 Motion to Intervene of Alaska Energy Authority Pursuant to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's ("Commission") Notice of Application for Preliminary Permit of April 17,1995, and the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure, the Alaska Energy Authority, ("Energy Authority") hereby moves to intervene in this proceeding. In support of its motion the Energy Authority states as follows: a: The Alaska Energy Authority is a public corporation of the State of Alaska, having its principal office at 480 West Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska. Correspondence and communications with respect to this Motion should be addressed to: Mr. William R. Snell Executive Director Alaska Energy Authority Attention: Stanley E. Sieczkowski 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Mr. Keith A. Laufer Assistant Attorney General Department of Law General Civil Section 1031 West Fourth Avenue, Suite 200 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 The Energy Authority is a Public Corporation of the State of Alaska. The purpose of the Energy Authority is to promote, develop and advance the general prosperity and economic welfare of the people of the State by providing a means of financing and operating power projects and facilities that recover and use waste energy (§ Ch. 278 SLA 1976; am § 5 Ch 156 SLA 1978; am § 1 Ch 133 SLA 1982; am § 9 Ch 18 SLA 1993). 3. The Energy Authority is supportive of projects resulting in sound energy development by entities other than itself and will make efforts to provide assistance as appropriate. 4. The Energy Authority is the Owner and FERC Licensee of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, located to the southwest of the subject project site. 5. The Bradley Lake Project is interconnected to the Daves Creek—Seward Transmission Line and the Energy Authority Owns a Static VAR Compensator, located within the Daves Creek Substation. 6. The Bradley Lake Project currently provides some of the power for the area to be served by the subject project. ti Operation of the subject project could effect operation of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. WHEREFORE, the Energy Authority moves that the Commission make and issue its Order permitting the Energy Authority to intervene in, and be made a party of, the above-entitled proceedings with a tight to have notice of and appear at all hearings, to produce evidence and witnesses, to cross- examine witnesses, and be heard by counsel, and to submit briefs and participate in oral argument, if oral argument is granted. Dated this Y day of See 1995. Respectfully soa William Ih Snell Executive Director Alaska Energy Authority Mike tebbard -,. #2 FERCEA, 032 Ei UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Alaska Business and Industrial Project No. 11528-000 = Development Corporation Alaska ORDER ISSUING PRELIMINARY PERMIT oh fn, On March 20, 1995, the Alaska Business and Industrial Development Corporation filed an application for preliminary permit under section 4(f) of the Federal Power Act (Act) for the proposed Grant Lake Water Power Project. The project is described in the attached public notice. The purpose of any preliminary permit is to maintain priority of application for a license during the term of the permit while the permittee conducts investigations and secures data necessary to determine the feasibility of the proposed project and prepares an acceptable application for license. A preliminary permit does not authorize construction of any project works. This permit does require the permittee to conduct certain studies to address the technical, environmental, and economic feasibility of the proposed project, but these studies will not cause significant adverse environmental impacts. Should the permittee find the project to be feasible and file a development application, notice of the application will be published and all interested persons and agencies will have an opportunity to present their views concerning the project and the effects of its construction and operation. Issuance of this preliminary permit is therefore not a major federal action significantly affecting the quality eof the human environment. t A motion to intervene, requesting party status, was filed by the Alaska Energy Authority, The motion has been granted. Comments filed by interested agencies and individuals have been fully considered in determining whether to issue this permit. All comments dealing with the potential effects of actually constructing and operating the proposed project are premature at the preliminary permit stage and thus are not addressed here. In their comment letter, the U.S. Department of the Interior requests that the permittee (1) consult with their Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) field office in Anchorage within 60 days of permit issuance; and (2) conduct a cultural resource survey in consultation with the state Historic Preservation Office_ (SHPO). cc} Sten Uso do we do WAhTUas ore re roll 2 718224 Article 9 requires the permittee to consult with the FWS during the pre-filing consultation process. Article 7 requires the permittee to consult with the SHPO during that period. The named permittee is the only party entitled to the priority of application for license afforded by this preliminary permit. In order to invoke this permit-based priority in any subsequent licensing competition, the named permittee must file an application for license as the sole applicant, thereby evidencing its intent to be the sole licensee and to hold all proprietary rights necessary to construct, operate, and maintain the proposed project. Should any other parties intend to hold during the term of any license issued any of these proprietary rights necessary for project purposes, they must be included as joint applicants in any application for license filed, In such an instance, where parties other than the permittee are added as joint applicants for license, the joint application will not be eligible for any permit-based priority. See City of Fayetteville, 16 FERC 4 61,209 (1581). The Director orders: (A) A preliminary permit is issued for this project to the Alaska Business and Industrial Development Corporation for ai period effective the first day of the month in which this permit is issued, and ending either 36 months from the effective date or on the date that a development application submitted by the permittee has been accepted for filing, whichever occurs first. (B) This permit is subject to the terms and conditions of the Act and related regulations. The permit is also subject to articles 1 through 6, set forth in the attached Form P-1, and the following special articles. Article 7. A liaison officer must be designated to act for the permittee in keeping appropriate federal, state, and local agencies specified in this permit informed about the progress of investigations throughout the term of the permit. In the interest of protecting and developing the natural resources and other environmental values of the project area, the permittee shall consult with the appropriate federal, regional, state, and local agencies in their fields of responsibility and expertise, shall conduct its project investigations in a manner that protects the environmental integrity of the area, and shall fully explore all reasonable alternatives to the project and alternative project designs, taking into account impacts on natural resources and other environmental values. These resources and values include but are not limited to the following: forests, land management and treatment, fish, wildlife, recreational and public use, flood regulation, water and air quality (including water supply, groundwater studies, waste treatment’ and disposal), public health and safety, 2 718225 archdéological, historic, Indian religious and cultural sites, threatened or endangered species of flora and fauna, and scenic and aesthetic values. The permittee shall initiate and conduct any studies necessary to determine the impact of the construction and operation of the proposed project on these natural resources and values and to determine measures needed to protect and develop them or to provide for their mitigation or replacement, including alternative designs and operational measures, and shall utilize the results of these studies in the preparation of the relevant exhibits or reports required to accompany any application for a license to construct and operate the project. In connection with studies pertaining to archeological, historic, and Indian religious and cultural sites, the permittee shall consult with the State Historic Preservation Officer for each state in which any part of the project would be located and with: the National Park Service of the Department of the Interior. , Article 8. At the close of each 6-month period from the effective date of this permit, the permittee shall file four copies of a report with the Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 825 North Capitol Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20426, or with any other officer the Commission may designate, and shall provide a copy to any entity specified in this order to be consulted during the permit term. Proof of service on these ! entities shall accompany each copy of the report filed with officers of the Commission. Specifically, the report shall describe the purposes and scope of all conferences and investigations, identify participants, summarize decisions and conclusions, provide a schedule for completing remaining work, and contain copies of important correspondence and studies or summaries thereof. Each report shall include a statement summarizing the permittee’s anticipated date for submitting a license or exemption application, as appropriate. The first report shall include a specific schedule, showing when study tasks will start and when they will be completed. In particular, the report shall address the following items: (1) the studies conducted during the past 6-month period (copies of studies or summaries thereof shall be furnished); (2) a summary of consultation with the agencies and copies of correspondence and meeting notes, verifying that such consultations took place during the past 6-month period; {3) an outline and summary of engineering, environmental, ‘and other investigations to be conducted during the ensuing 6-month period to determine the feasibility of the project, as delineated by article 1; (4) a summary of the consultations with the appropriate federal, state, and interstate resource agencies, and any Indian Tribe affected by the project that will take place during the ensuing 6-month period, as outlined by articles 7 and 9; and (5) an assessment of the feasibility of the project. The appropriate federal, state, and interstate resource agencies, and any Indian Tribe affected by the project shall be contacted, pursuant to section 4.38 of the Commission’s regulations (18 C.F.R. 4.38). 3 718226 Article 9. During the initial period of the permit, the permittee shall consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service of the Department of the Interior, the state fish and game agencies, and the National Marine Fisheries Service of the Department of Commerce, if the project affects anadromous fish, to obtain the agencies’ views and recommendations on studies to be conducted during the term of the permit to assess the effect that the proposed project might have on fish and wildlife resources and the facilities or measures that may be needed to conserve and develop those resources. A copy of the report on the permittee’s study shall be filed as part of the fish and wildlife exhibits or reports of any subsequent application for license. The permittee shall also consult with and seek the views and recommendations of any Indian Tribe or Nation with recognized treaty interests in fish and wildlife resources that could be directly affected by the proposed project. (C) This order is issued under authority delegated to the ‘Director and constitutes final agency action. Request for rehearing by the Commission may be filed within 30 days from the date of issuance of this order, pursuant to 18 C.F.R. 385.713. S53... Chew 2 —— John Clements Director, Division of Project Review ie PUBLIC NOTICE sia (ISSUED APRIL 17, 1995) 718227 Type of Application: Preliminary Permit Project No.: 11528-000 Date filed: March 20, 1995 Applicant: Alaska Business and Industrial Development Corporation Name of Project: Grant Lake Water Power Project Location: On Falls Creek and Grant Creek, near the town of Seward, in the Third Judicial District of the state of Alaska. All project lands are owned by the state. , Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. . §791(a) ~- 825(r) Applicant Contact: Fred G. Brown, President Alaska Business and Industrial Development Corporation 1469 Holy Cross Drive Fairbanks, AK 99701 (907) 451-2898 FERC Contact: Mr. Michael Strzelecki, (202) 219-2827 Comment Date: June 26, 1995 Description of Project: The proposed run-of-river project would involve dredging a 1,200-foot~long, 40-foot-deep channel in the state’s existing Grant Lake, and would consist of: (1) a lake tap at the outlet of Grant Lake; (2) a 9~foot-diameter, 3,200=foot-long tunnel; (3) a powerhouse containing an unspecified number of generating units with a total installed capacity of 7,000 kW; (4) a 1.2-mile-long transmission line interconnecting with an existing Daves Creek=Seward transmission line; (5) a 2.6~mile-long access road; and (6) appurtenant facilities. The applicant is also exploring the option of diverting water from nearby Falls Creek into Grant Lake to supplement the flow available for the project. This option would | consist of: (1) an intake on Falls Creek; and (2) a 2-mile- long pipeline leading to Grant Lake. No new roads will be constructed to conduct the studies. This notice also consists of the following standard paragraphs: A5, A7, A9, A1l0, B, ¢, and D2. 718228 Form P-1 (Revised June, 1987) FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ' PRELIMINARY PERMIT Article 1. The Permittee shall make such engineering and other investigations, secure such data, and perform such acts as are necessary to determine the feasibility of the proposed pro- ject and, if said project is found to be feasible, to prepare an application for license for the project that will be in conferz- ance with current rules and regulations of the Commission. In carrying out the requirements of this permit the Permittee shall: A. Install as soon as practicable, and thereafter maintain, such stream gages and stream-gaging stations as the District Engineer of the United States Geologi- cal Survey having charge of stream-gaging operations t in the region shall designate as necessary and best adapted for the purpose of determining the state and flow of the stream or streams affected by the proposed project, and shall provide for the required reading of such gages and for the adequate rating of such sta- tions. The number, design, location, and time of installation of gages and stations, the rating of such stations, and the determination of the flow of the affected stream or streams, shall be made under the supervision of, or in cooperation with, the District Engineer of the United States Geological Survey having charge of stream-gaging in the region of said project; and the Permittee shall advance to said Geological Survey the amount of funds estimated to be necessary for such supervision, or cooperation for such periods ag may be mutually agreed upon. The Permittee shall, to the-satisfaction of the Commission, keep accurate and sufficient records of the stage and flow of the affected stream or streams, and shall make such records available to the Commission at such times as the Com- mission may prescribe. B. Sink such test pits or make such boring of other foundation explorations, and make such detailed geo~ logic studies and tests on foundations and fill materials, as are necessary to support preliminary engineering designs and cost estimates. Cc. Begin the required investigations within 60 days after acceptance of the permit, and thereafter . 2 prosecute said investigations in such manner and at such rate as in the judgement of the Commission will ensure their completion within the period of the permit. D. Furnish with any application for license subse- quently filed with the Commission copies of engineering and geologic reports, results of tests and analyses, and any other information secured in connection with the investigations, examinations and surveys conducted under this permit. : E. Exercise appropriate measures at all times during field studies to prevent irreparable damage to the environment of the proposed project. All test sites shall be restored as closely as possible ‘to their original condition, and to the satisfaction of the Commission’s authorized representative, or, where Federal lands are affected, to the satisfaction of the agency administering such lands. Article 2. A license will be issued for the proposed : project only if in the judgement of the Commission said project will be best adapted to a comprehensive plan for the improvement or development of a waterway or waterways for the use or benefit of interstate or foreign commerce, for the improvement and utili- zation of water power development, for the adequate protection, mitigation, and enhancement of fish and wildlife (including © related spawning grounds and habitat), and for other beneficial public uses, including irrigation, flood control, water supply, and recreational and other purposes referred to in section 4(e). In reaching a decision on the desirability of issuing a license, the Commission will consider, among other things: A. Whether the maps, plans, and specifications are such: (1) That full, practicable utilization will be made of the water, storage possibilities, and head at the site to be developed; (2) That the structures will be safe and constructed in accordance with good engineer=- ing practice; and (3) That all unnecessary energy losses, whether in hydraulic works or in mechanical or electrical equipment, will be avoided. B. Whether in relation to existing or probable future projects upon the.same or adjacent streams, the poten- tial for the fullest practicable utilization of the . 3 718230 ‘available water, storage possibilities, and head will be maintained. Cc. Whether said project will be in general accord with the most beneficial utilization of the water for navi- gation, water power, irrigation, the adequate Protection, mitigation, and enhancement of fish and wildlife, water supply, recreation, or other public uses, and for aiding flood control, reclamation, and similar developments. ‘D. Whether proper provision is made for present or future electrical interconnection with other projects or systems in order to take advantage of diversity of streamflow and of power demands. E. Whether the use to which the power will be devoted is, in general, in accord with the public interest. F. Whether the applicant is financially able to carry out the development. G. Whether the construction, maintenance, and opera- tion of the proposed project works will interfere or be inconsistent with the purpose for which any reserva- tion, as defined in the Federal Power Act, was created or acquired, Artiela 3. The priority granted under the permit shall be lost if the Permittee fails to fulfill the requirements of the permit, if the permit is canceled by order of the Commission, or if the Permittee fails, on or before the expiration date of the permit, to file with the Commission or its designated agent an application for license for the proposed project in conformity with the Commission’s rules and regulations then in effect. Article 4. The Permittee shall keep accurate records of all expenditures made for the purposes authorized by the permit, together with all vouchers and other supporting data relating to such expenditures, which records and related materials shall be retained by the Permittee. ‘ Article 5. The permit confers no authority upon the Permittee to undertake construction of the proposed project, or any part thereof, or to occupy or use lands or other property or the United States for the purposes of construction, unless speci- fic permission is given by the Commission for such occupancy or use; and neither the granting of such authority nor the perforn- ance of construction work, whether with or without such author- ity, shall be deemed to have created any equities or to have established any rights with respect to issuance of a license for the proposed project, beyond what would have been created or _ 4 718634 established had such authority not been given or such work not been performed. Article 6. The permit is not transferable and may be canceled by order of the Commission upon failure of the Permittee to begin in good faith, or to prosecute diligently, the investi- gations, examinations, and surveys contemplated under the permit, or to comply with any other conditions therein, or for any other good cause shown after notice and opportunity for hearing. LOCHER INTERESTS LTD. 406 WEST FIREWEED LANE, SUITE 101 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503-2649 TELEPHONE (907) 258-2200 FAX (907) 258-5842 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ig Pleska Ener Author: fg |" fafa 10% %5/- 003 Re Crm ee: aye. “je on a ee ee DAW BPEARDILES STAN SIEC2Z KowsKes WE ARE FORWARDING: ATTACHED UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA TRANSMITTED VIA: MAIL <— FAX COURIER WE ARE TRANSMITTING PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET. NO. DESCRIPTION ee Frans, LePe- Par Ms fro. Fe tate-vese Ee ELLE MESSAGE: 7s aHSTh eet ze La for tpn tapnne ays Serr hs a > oe Zepre PA ~& arg LACKS oknTr co asa ts : Corre -7 7 eh COPY Ti FROM: LIL.041 24993 Locher Interests LTD., Rev. 5/95 | S June 7, 1995 Ms. Lois D. Cashell, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 825 N. Capitol Street, NE Washington, D.C. 20426 Subject: MOTION TO INTERVENE Project No. 11528-000 Grant Lake Water Power Project Dear Ms. Cashell: Enclosed is our MOTION TO INTERVENE in the subject proceedings. The Alaska Energy Authority has interests not represented by other parties involved in these proceedings. Sincerely, Wiliam R. Snell Executive Director WRS:JHT:gp Enclosure: As stated cc: Mr. Keith A Laufer, Assistant Attorney General, Dept. of Law, Anchorage (w/enclosure) Mr. Norman L. Story, HEA (w/enclosure) Mr. S. Sieczkowski, AEA (w/o enclosure) Mr. D. Beardsley, AEA (w/o enclosure) Mr. J. Thrall, LIL (w/enclosure) File = UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION ALASKA BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL PROJECT NO. 11528-000 DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Motion to Intervene of Alaska Energy Authority Pursuant to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's ("Commission") Notice of Application for Preliminary Permit of April 17,1995, and the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, the Alaska Energy Authority, ("Energy Authority") hereby moves to intervene in this proceeding. In support of its motion the Energy Authority states as follows: 1. The Alaska Energy Authority is a public corporation of the State of Alaska, having its Principal office at 480 West Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska. Correspondence and communications with respect to this Motion should be addressed to: Mr. Wiliam R. Snell Executive Director Alaska Energy Authority Attention: Stanley E. Sieczkowski 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 General Civil Section 1031 West Fourth Avenue, Suite 200 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 The Energy Authority is a Public Corporation of the State of Alaska. The purpose of the Energy Authority is to promote, develop and advance the general prosperity and economic welfare of the people of the State by providing a means of financing and operating power projects and facilities that recover and use waste energy (§ Ch. 278 SLA 1976; am § 5 Ch 156 SLA 1978; am § 1 Ch 133 SLA 1982: am § 9 Ch 18 SLA 1999). The Energy Authority is supportive of projects resulting in sound energy development by entities other than itself and will make efforts to provide assistance as appropriate. 4. The Energy Authority is the Owner and FERC Licensee of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, located to the southwest of the subject project site. 5. The Bradley Lake Project is interconnected to the Daves Creek—Seward Tranmission Line and the Energy Authority Owns a Static Bar Compensator, located within the Daves Creek Substation. 6. The Bradley Lake Project currently provides some of the power for the area to be served by the subject project 7. Operation of the subject project could effect operation of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. WHEREFORE, the Energy Authority moves that the Commission make and issue its Order permitting the Energy Authority to intervene in, and be made a party of, the above-entitled proceedings with a Tight to have notice of and appear at all hearings, to produce evidence and witnesses, to cross-examine witnesses, and be heard by counsel, and to submit briefs and participate in oral argument, if oral argument is granted. Dated this__ day of ____. 1995. Respectfully submitted, Wiliam R. Snell Executive Director Alaska Energy Authority DRAFT »€ TRANSACTION REPORT > @6-97-199S(WED) 10:06 C TRANSMIT J NO. DATE TIME DESTINATION STATION PG. DURATION MODE RESULT 29268 6-07 10:04 907 S61 8998 4 0°01’55" NORMAL OK Cy /) 4 @°01’S5”" D EC EUW BEFORE THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMI NJAN 0 8 195 Grant Lake Preliminary Permit Alaska Industrie! Dovelopment First Progress Report and Export Authority Alaska Business and Industrial Development Corporation (AK BIDCORP) was issued a preliminary permit by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on July 17, 1995 for the proposed Grant Lake water power project. This 6-month report is filed in accord with Article 8 of the permit. Fred G. Brown, designated liaison officer for the permittee, participated in the following conferences and communications with the following individuals on behalf of the permittee during the past 6-months: (a) Ken Thompson and Bruce Bigelow of the USGS Water Resources Division to obtain technical assistance for the installation of a gaging station for a separate project at Allison Creek. The installation of that gaging station was completed on September 8, 1995. I have also mentioned the need to install a similar gaging station at Grant Creek but have not yet done so. (b) The offices of Cevin Gilleland of Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, Larry Dugan of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Brad Smith of the National Marine Fisheries Service concerning potential fisheries studies. Study recommendations are expected to be developed in the ensuing 6 months and to be undertaken in the following 6 months. (c) David Carter of Conwest Exploration Ltd. concerning project development and financing strategies. Conwest hopes to complete its development strategy recommendations during the ensuing 6-month period. Any required boring or other testing could be undertaken during the following 6-month period. This project is thought to be technically feasible. Its economic feasibility depends on the availability of an adequate market and price for the power generated. Initially, a potential market for power could have been associated with the widely- discussed reopening of the Seward lumber mill. Unfortunately, however, the mill has since been dismantled and many of the parts sold and removed from the site. Accordingly, we do not foresee a dramatic need for an additional power supply for the Seward area in the near future, or a need to submit a license application to FERC within less than 30 months. Respectfully submitted this 4 day of Fete tatcepye 1996. Fred G. Brown AK BIDCORP 1469 Holy Cross Drive Fairbanks, Alaska 99503 (907) 451-2898 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was mailed to the following addresses this 4 day of Nn tate _____., 1996. Ken Thompson and Bruce Bigelow USGS Water Resources Division 4230 University Dr., Ste. 201 Anchorage, Alaska 99508-4664 Vicki Bocivic Division of Governmental Coordination 3601 ‘C’ Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Cevin Gilleland Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game 333 Raspberry Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Larry Dugan U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 605 W. 4th Ave., Rm. G62 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Brad Smith National Marine Fisheries Service 222 West 7th Ave., Box 43 Anchorage, Alaska 99513 William R. Snell, Executive Director Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority Attn: Stanley Sieczkowski 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Keith Laufer Assistant Attorney General 1031 West Fourth Ave., Ste. 200 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 b acter @ ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY = ALASKA mm ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 561-8050 FAX 907 /561-8998 August 3, 1994 Mark Holmstrand R & M Consultants, Inc. 9101 Vanguard Drive Anchorage, AK 99507 Subject: Grant Lake Hydroelectric Project Release of Information Dear Mr. Holmstrand: The Alaska Energy Authority hereby authorizes the release of any topography and geotechnical data, maps, information or reports on the Grant Lake Project as prepared or acquired by R & M under contract to the Authority. Access to this information has been requested by Alaska Power Systems, Inc. who will be responsible for the cost of reproduction. Please call Mr. David Eberle if you should have any questions concerning the release of this information. Sincerely, Syl, of WOT lear) Dennis V. McCrohan Deputy Director (Energy) DVM:ec ec:h:dvmr&m