HomeMy WebLinkAboutY2K Briefing 1999Final Y2K Briefing — 12-20-99 All work has been completed and no significant problems are anticipated. Completed consultant reviews at Four Dam Pool, Bradley, AK Intertie, and HCCP. Responded to all of the issues raised by the consultant and documented response to file. Completed contingency plans on above projects. Completed appropriate 3" party “checks.” Completed appropriate testing and repairs on all projects (some date related upgrade work will be done at HCCP during shutdown). “Lower risk” projects have been assessed so that the risk of problems is remote. Achieved green light on State Y2K office readiness reports. Guidelines have been established by State Y2K office to be followed by executive branch agencies in responding to Y2K-related problems or emergencies that occur on or near December 31, 1999. Reporting procedures attached require reporting at 12:30AM on Four Dam Pool, Bradley, AK Intertie, and Larsen Bay. Just received notice of that yesterday at 2:00 PM and had already made alternate reporting arrangements. WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACQUIRE ALL DATA BY THAT TIME - PLANTS WILL BE IN TESTING MODE AND OPERATING SPINNING RESERVES. Recommend the following response: 1. Call Stan at 12:30 AM confirming he hasn’t heard anything 2. Call DCED Y2K Coordinator indicating that there are no problems to report, but testing and evaluation is still in progress. Call Projects listed below between 1:00 and 4:00 AM, except Larsen Bay. Four Dam Pool Utilities Swan Lake: 225-6135 Scott Anderson Tyee: 874-3712 Carl Thrift Terror Lake: 486-7779 Marv Bartleson ar > Solomon Gulch: confirming with Ray DeStephano — 835-4301 Larsen Bay: Allen Panamarov 847 - 2211 Bradley Lake: confirming with Don Stead — 235-3336 AK Intertie: confirming with Doug Hall — 263-5453 Call DCED Y2K Coordinator immediately if any problems are identified. Call DCED Y2K Coordinator with summary by 4:00 AM. Re-check status at projects above including Larsen Bay at around 11:00 AM. Call DCED Y2K Coordinator with summary by 2:00 PM. If everything OK at that time make no further calls. . Complete any required FERC reporting with Stan. My contact information if needed: 269- 3029 work 346-3978 home 782-1100 cabin 223-7460 cell acopoulos@aidea.org (work) ArtCopoulos@aol.com (home) Dec-20-99 03:16pm © From-DCED HUMAN PFSOURCE OFFICE 19074652563 1-421 P01 F-457 DRAF I: 10/18/99 Y2K PROJECT OFFICE STATE OF ALASKA Y2K END OF YEAR MONITORING AND REPORTING SCHEDULE This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the federal Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). The schedule contained in this document provides details about the monitoring and reporting requirements for executive branch departments and the Y2K Project Office during the period December 20, 1999 - January 31, 2000. This time span is referred to below as the “end of year period”, and represents an update of the time span previously regarded as the end of year period. The monitoring and reporting requirements set out in this schedule apply to: * all mission-critical business functions (MCBFs) currently being tracked by departments; and, « the programs and automation systems encompassed in the federal government's list of “Top 10 Federally Supported And State Implemented Critical Programs” (see List 1, attached). 4. PREPARATION PERIOD - - INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS To facilitate Y2K monitoring and reporting during the end of year period, each department is to provide the Y2K Project Office with the following information no later than the close of business on Friday, November 26, 1999: 1. for each mission-critical business function (MCBF), a listing of all supporting automation systems identified in monthly Y2K status reports, along with a schedule of when they will and/or will not be running during the end of year period (including batch and production systems); 2. alisting of all departmental MCBF contingency plans that will be activated during the end of year period because Y2K remediation or testing of critical alitamatinn evetame will nat ha 109% eomniatad hv Neremher 1 1999° Dec-20-98 03:17pm From-DCED HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICE 19074652563 T-421—-P.02/10 F-457 DRAFT: 10/18/99 3. the name, position, job location, email address, and normal office phone number of each person (if any) who will be stationed at the Department of Military & Veterans Affairs’ Y2K State Emergency Coordination Center during the end of year period, including the dates and times they will be physically present there. 2. MONITORING AND REPORTING SCHEDULE The schedule set out below indicates the dates and times when the Y2K Project Office will contact departments for end of year status information. (A description of the questions which the Y2K Project Office will pose to departments during these contacts is set out in Section 3 of this document, “Reporting Elements’. The same questions and informational elements will be used as the basis for the Y2K Project Office’s reporting of its findings to higher management.) ecember 20 - December 30 During this period, departmental Y2K Coordinators are to notify the Y2K Project Office regarding: e the occurrence of any Y2K-related system problems while running production, batch, or special year-end jobs; * any operationalization of a Y2K contingency plan due to Y2K-related system problems or lack of completion of Y2K remediation or testing * any last-minute changes in federal reporting requirements for any of the Federal “Top 10” programs (see List 1, attached) Additionally, during this period, all departmental Y2K coordinators should review the previously distributed document, “Executive Branch Guidelines For End of Year Y2K Operations’. Pes seckee ne Jaw ed en CNet kes 8 Dec-20-99 03:17pm From-DCED HUMAF ~~~ QURCE OFFICE 19074652563 1-421 P.03/10 F457 12:30am: 1:00 am: 4:00 am: 6:00 am: 7:00 am: 10:00 am: 12:00 pm: 2:00 pm: 4:00 pm: January 2 (Sunda' 8:00 am: 10:00 am: Prences eon DRAET: 10/18/99 YPO calls Y2K Coordinators about status of systems supporting * selected “top-priority” MCBFs (See List 2, attached) YPO reports to Commissioner Poe at SECC regarding status of systems supporting selected “top-priority” MCBFs YPO calls Y2K Coordinators regarding status of systems supporting all MCBFs { ;5/ 72 YPO reports to Commissioner Poe at SECC regarding status of systems supporting all MCBFs Commissioner Poe live appearance on KTUU SECC reports to FEMA (on-line) Commissioner Pos and Commissioner Oates report to Governor and Disaster Policy Cabinet Commissioner Poe and Commissioner Oates to assess Y2K situation in Alaska to determine need to continue SECC operations ’ YPO calls Y2K Coordinators regarding status of systems supporting all MCBFs YPO reports to Commissioner Poe at SECC regarding status of systems supporting all MCBFs YPO calls Y2K Coordinators regarding status of systems supporting all MCBFs YPO reports to Commissioner Poe at SECC regarding status of systems supporting all MCBFs Venn es cae NNiky SEIN OG OM ee a chet cheatin co estctona eed Sas es Fel Aine! rae sass seer eaten Dec-20-99 03:17pm From=DCED HUMAT ~“OQURCE OFFICE 19074652563 1-421 = P.04/10 F457 6:00 am: 7:00 am: 9:00 am: 2:00 pm: 4:00 pm: January 4 (Tuesda' 10:00 am: 12:00 Noon: DRAFT: 10/18/99 YPO open YPO calls Y2K Coordinators about status of systems supporting selected “top-priority” MCBFs (See List 2, attached), plus status of resumed systems and desktop/LANs/WAN infrastructure YPO reports to Commissioner Poe at SECC regarding status of systems supporting selected “top-priority’ MCBFs, plus status of resumed systems and desktop/LANs/WAN infrastructure YPO calls Y2K Coordinators regarding status of systems supporting all MCBFs YPO reports to Commissioner Poe at SECC regarding status of systems supporting all MCBFs - January 7 (Frida YPO calls Y2K Coordinators regarding status of systems supporting all MCBFs YPO reports to Commissioner Poe at SECC regarding status of systems supporting all MCBFs ganuary 8 - January 31 Y2K Coordinators report to YPO on as-needed (event-driven) basis concerning any Y2K-related incidents pertaining to MCBFs or federal “Top 10” pragrams. 3. REPORTING ELEMENTS The questions set out below will be posed to departmental Y2K coordinators when the Y2K Project Office contacts them on the dates and at the times set out in Section 2 (“Monitoring And Reporting Schedule”, above). The same questions, plus departments’ responses to them, will be used by the Y2K Project Office in making its status reports to Department of Administration Commissioner Bob Poe. Dec-20-99 03:18pm From-DCED HUMAN P©QURCE OFFICE 19074652563 T-421P.05/10--F-457 DRAFT: 10/18/99 For each MCBF and federal “Top 10” program, the Y2K Project Office will ask: ie 23 Are the systems supporting the MCBF or “Top 10” program running properly; i.e., without experiencing any Y2K-related problems? Have you checked since we last talked? If Problems Are Being Experienced If for any MCBF the answer to question #1, above, is “No”, then the Y2K Project Office will pose the following questions to the departmental Y2K coordinator: What's the problem? What is its magnitude, severity, importance, etc.? What impact is it having, or is it likely to have? Is it affecting, or likely to affect, any other programs, agencies, or departments? (If so, which ones, and what kind of effects?) How will the problem be remedied? How long will remedying the problem take? Does the department need assistance in dealing with the problem? When should the Y2K Proiect Office check back to aet 4 oroaress update? Dec-20-89 03:18pm — From-DCED HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICE 19074652563 T-421P.06/10 = F-457 DRAFT: 10/18/99 LIST 1 “TOP 10” FEDERALLY SUPPORTED AND STATE IMPLEMENTED CRITICAL PROGRAMS DEPT. OF HEALTH & ES Food Stamps - DPA Welfare TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) - DPA Welfare Medical Assistance Pragram - MMIS Child Nutrition Program - Division of Public Health (not one of our MCBFs) Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for WIC (not one of our MCBFs) Low Income Engergy Assistance Program - EAS Child Welfare - DFYS DEPT. OF LABOR Unemployment Insurance DFPT OF FMUCATION AND EARLY DEVELOPMENT Dec-20-99 03:18pm From-DCED HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICE 19074652563 T-421 P.O7/10 = F-457 DRAFT: 10/18/99 LIST 2 SELECTED TOP-PRIORITY MCBFS * Reason For Dept MCBE Selection DOA PIONGES HOMES ......eessseeeseecsteetrenssecsscecscececeeceaeensenseatenessegnnsseesceecseeenes Residential DCED Bradley Lake Hydro Four Dam Poot Hydro . Power Larsen Bay Hydro.. Alaska Intertie ... Alaska Railroad . Doc Twelve Correctional INstitutions...........cccccccssesscseceeteeeneeeneeeenseescscesas Residential DHSS Youth Detention Facilities. Residential Alaska Psychiatric Institute Residential DMVA Emergency Response Capability-State, Local, Federal Coordination.. Public Safety Disaster Response Database-Emergency Response Support............. Public Safety DPS ID/Locate & Apprehend Suspects and Criminals Public Safety Respond to Emergencies .. Public Safety DOT Alaska Marine Highway System Vessels .. .. Public Safety Alaska Marine Highway System Shoreside ‘Facilities. Public Safety Anchorage International Airport Fire Alarm System. .. Public Safety Anchorage Intemational Airport Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Public Safety Anchorage International Airport Access Control System .. Public Safety Land Highway Traffic Control] Devices... Public Safety State Equipment Fleet Vehicles and Shop Equipment Public Safety State Equipment Fleet Management System..........0 Public Safety Fairbanks !nternational Airport Access Control System . .. Public Safety Fairbanks Int'l Airport Andover Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning. Public Safety Fairbanks International Airport Fire Alarm System . ... Public Safety Sitka Airport oo... eeeeseeeee Public Safety Public Facilities, Buildings .. Residential DOA-ITS Computer Services . ... Core Services Core Services Care Sarvieas Network Services.... Trlnnhkana Ganiinne Dec=20-99 03:18pm — From-DCED HUMAN RFSOURCE OFFICE 19074652563 T-421 P.08/10 F457 Updated: 1/20/99 State of Alaska - Year 2000 Project Y2K Project Office MISSION-CRITICAL BUSINESS FUNCTIONS ENTERPRISE-LEV The list below identifies the "enterprise-level" mission-critical business functions for purposes of the Year 2000 Project. These business functions and the systems which support them (business systems, automation systems, facilities, supplier and customer relationships, etc.) will be the primary focus of Y2K remediation and compliance efforts. Administration Procurement Mental Health Trust Authority Grants Public Guardian Trust Accounting System Alaska Longevity Bonus Program Alaska Pioneer Homes (genera!) Payroll Accounting Computer Services Network Services Telephone Services Telecommunications Services Alaska Public Communications Services Vehicle and Driver Licensing Retiree Payroll Supplemental Benefits System Annuity Plan On-Line Personnel Recruitment co} RC. OMIC DEVELOPMENT Bradley Lake Hydro Four Dam Pool Hydro Larsen Bay Hydro Alaska Intertie AIDEA Loan Servicing Investment Loan Servicing Alaska Railroad COMMUNITY ANO_REGIONAL AFFAIRS Power Cost Equalization State Revenue Sharing Seniors and Disabled Renters Program Safe Communities (formerly Municipal Assistance) Ne Dec-20-99 03:19pm — From=-DCED HUMA™ “"“OURCE OFFICE 19074652563 T-421 P.09/10 F-457 Updated: 1/20/99 ED ON Post-Secondary Education Commission - Loans ENVIRONMENTAL CO ATIO Laboratory Analysis of Food Samples Certifying Commercial Drinking Water Labs Analysis of environmental! sampies Communications System for Emergency Response FISH & GAME Licensing fishermen, crew members and vessels for commercial fishing across the state Enhancement Hatcheries Process Fish Tickets GOVERNOR State Budget Preparation Elections HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES Family and Youth Services - Youth Detention Facilities Family and Youth Services - Family Services, Child Protection Services Alaska Psychiatric Institute Public Health Nursing Medical Benefits to Alaskans who qualify Public Assistance or "Welfare" Programs (ATAP, Food Stamps/EBT, General Relief, Adult Public Assistance and others) for Alaskans who qualify Public Health Laboratories Emergency Medical Services Unemployment Insurance Employment Services Worker’s Compensation Prosecution of Criminals Collection of Civil & Criminal Debts to the State - Child Support Enforcement Collections Investigation, Defense, & Prosecution of State's Oil & Gas Royalty and Taxation Cases Child Protection Cases MILITARY AND VETERANS AFFAIRS Dec-20-99 03:18pm — From-DCED HUMA™ “"“OURCE OFFICE 19074652563 T-421P.10/10 F457 Updated: 1/20/99 Emergency Response Capability - State, Local, Federal Coordination Disaster Recovery Database - Emergency Response Support NATURAL RESOURCES DNR’s revenue processing Property recorder's office system DNR oil patch DNR Land Administration System. Wildland Fire Suppression Systems Field Radio and Mobile Repeater Systems PUBLIC SAFETY’ Alaska Public Safety Information Network 911 Emergency Dispatch Centers Public Safety Message Switch Vehictes, Vessels, Aircraft REVENUE Income & Excise Audit Division’s Cash Processing Process and deliver PFD checks Process, Child Support Payments Collection of State Revenues Disbursement of State Funds In-house investment management of State/ASPIB fixed income Permanent Fund Corporation - Asset Management TRANSPORTATION Alaska Marine Highway System Vessels Anchorage International Airport Fire Alarm System Anchorage International Airport Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning Alaska Marine Highway System Shoreside Facilities Anchorage International Airport Access Control System Land Highway Traffic Control Devices State Equipment Fleet Vehicles and Shop Equipment State Equipment Fleet Equipment Management System Fairbanks International Airport Access Control System Fairbanks International Airport Andover Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning Control Fairbanks International Airport Fire Alarm System Sitka Airport Telecommunication Infrastructure Third Party Billing System Public Facilities, Buildings 7 Y2K Project Office Page 1 of 4 11/19/99 Y2K PROJECT OFFICE STATE OF ALASKA EXECUTIVE BRANCH GUIDELINES FOR END OF YEAR Y2K OPERATIONS This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the federal Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). The guidelines set out below are to be followed by executive branch agencies in responding to Y2K- related problems or emergencies that occur on or near December 31, 1999. The purposes of the guidelines are (1) to establish a proactive readiness in state government for dealing with any year-end problems as they occur, (2) to ensure that decisions, communications, and needed responses are executed and coordinated in an effective and timely manner, and (3) overall, to minimize the risk of disruptions in essential public services provided by the State of Alaska. These guidelines will go into effect on December 29, 1999, and will remain in effect through January 4, 2000, unless extended. This time span is referred to below as the "end-of-year period". Primary Areas of Responsibility Departments will be responsible for dealing with potential Y2K problems in two primary areas during the end-of-year period, each of which is separate and distinct from the other. One primary area pertains to the maintenance of critical internal functions within each department. Efforts in this area will focus on the avoidance of disruptions in business operations and service provision in the 89 mission-critical business functions (MCBFs) identified as the State's most essential areas of operation. Departments' preparedness and problem-response efforts in this area will be coordinated through the State of Alaska's Y2K Project Office (YPO). The second primary area pertains to the provision of emergency response services to the public and entities outside of state government. Efforts in this area will focus on the provision of emergency assistance to communities, the general public and other external parties, as needed. Requirements for each department in this area are set out in the "Y2K Annex" of the State's Emergency Operations Plan. Departments' preparedness and problem-response efforts in this area will be coordinated through the State of Alaska's State Emergency Coordination Center (SECC). These two primary areas of responsibility and their lines of coordination are depicted in the diagram below. http://www. state.ak.us/y2000/standards/year-end/eoy_guidelines.htm 12/20/99 Y2K Project Office Page 2 of 4 STATE EMERGENCY ROLES State Emergency Coordination Fo. flahe ws Center (SECC) pee i“ oO DPC/Y2K Annex ane Responsibilities J Agencies - conrad DOA DCED boc 89 MCBFs ww? Y2K Project * DOE DEC DFG Office C(YPO) ee sov DHSS LABOR d LAW DMVA DNR {- 817 -732 _ S438 DPS DOR DOT/PF ITG Maintenance Of Critical Internal Functions To maintain operational viability and avoid disruption in the provision of essential public services, each department will be responsible for the following: e designation of the department's Y2K Coordinator as the single contact person for reporting and coordinating with the YPO e availability of key management, program, and technical staff e determination of automation production policies (deferred production or batch runs, shutdown of nonessential equipment, etc.) ¢ operational readiness of the department's Y2K contingency plan e determination of emergency personnel policies (leave, overtime, hiring, etc.) e determination of emergency procurement policies e prior review of collective bargaining agreements. Provision Of Emergency Response Services To assure readiness in providing emergency response services to the public and outside entities, each department will be responsible for the following: http://www.state.ak.us/y2000/standards/year-end/eoy_guidelines.htm 12/20/99 Y2K Project Office Page 3 of 4 e designation of a single contact person for reporting and coordinating with the SECC e availability of key emergency response staff and resources ¢ operational readiness of the department's emergency communications infrastructure ¢ operational readiness of the department's emergency response strategy, as specified in the "Y2K Annex" of the State's Emergency Operations Plan (including the Communications Appendix and Public Affairs Appendix) e determination of emergency personnel policies (leave, overtime, hiring, etc.) ¢ determination of emergency procurement policies e prior review of collective bargaining agreements. Reporting Procedures The following reporting procedures will be in effect during the end-of-year period: e the YPO will contact departments on a regular basis to determine the status of systems performance, operational continuity, service delivery, problem occurrences, and problem dispositions, per a schedule to be determined; e departments experiencing internal Y2K end-of-year problems of any kind will immediately notify the YPO; e departments experiencing or learning of Y2K end-of-year problems of any kind outside of state government will immediately notify their SECC agency representatives or the SECC manager; departments are encouraged to provide any such information via the "First Class" e-mail system; alternate communication means include other internet-based email or messaging systems, voice telephone, telephone facsimile, or other redundant communications means outlined in the "Communications Appendix" to the Y2K Annex of the State Emergency Operations Plan; e the YPO will monitor end-of-year Y2K problem occurrences and trends in other states, as well as at the national and international level, and provide updates to Commissioner Poe. The YPO will have access to national-level data and reports available through the White House Information Coordination Center. Announcements, External Reporting, Responses To Inquiries All public announcements, external reporting, and responses to inquiries will be made through Commissioner Poe, Commissioner Oates, or designated public information representatives, including but not limited to the following: e all contacts with the press and media http://www.state.ak.us/y2000/standards/year-end/eoy_guidelines.htm 12/20/99 Y2K Project Office Page 4 of 4 e requests for assistance from communities and the public ¢ inquiries about the status of end-of-year Y2K problems or actions taken e public service announcements. Departments contacted for information regarding the above are to report the contact immediately to the YPO, if the matter pertains to the internal functioning of state government. The YPO will then contact Commissioner Poe to coordinate a response. If the matter pertains to Y2K-related events or disruptions outside of state government, departments are to report the contact immediately to the SECC manager for purposes of coordinating a response. Announcements, reporting, and responses pertaining to the above will be made by Commissioner Poe and Commissioner Oates, and coordinated through the DMVA Public Information Office, the SECC Manager, the Governor's Press Office, the Disaster Policy Cabinet, and the Office of the Governor. [ Webmaster || Y2K Home || Y2K Main || Disclaimer ] http://www.state.ak.us/y2000/standards/year-end/eoy_guidelines.htm 12/20/99 Year 2000 Readiness Status as of November 1999 - Department of Community and Econo.. Page | of 3 REVISED 12/13/99 YEAR 2000 READINESS STATUS - AS OF NOVEMBER 1999 This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OVERALL STATUS: e All Y2K readiness work for this department has been completed (including required testing documentation and contingency plans) and departmental certification has been received. The department is now rated as "GREEN". STATUS OF MISSION-CRITICAL BUSINESS FUNCTIONS (MCBFs): 1. Investment Loans Servicing - © The Mortgage Loans Extended System and Loans Online Information System (LOIS) are both 100% completed for the assessment and planning, remediation, testing and implementation stages. © Two critical supplier dependencies are identified (KeyBank LockBox Services, electrical utilities), and contingency plans for both of them are in place. © The contingency plan and testing documentation for this MCBF have been approved by the YPO. o All Y2K work on this MCBF has been completed and certified, and the MCBF is now rated as "GREEN". 2. Alaska Railroad - : o Assessment and planning, remediation, testing, and implementation stages for all five main automation systems are 100% completed. © Y2K readiness work on the three major embedded systems (signal systems, events recorders, phone/fax/radio controllers) is 100% completed, with all three systems 100% implemented. © One critical supplier dependency is being tracked (electrical power supply for General Office Building) and a contingency plan for it is in place. © All Y2K work on this MCBF has been completed and certified, and the MCBF is now rated as "GREEN". 3. Bradley Lake Hydro - © Assessment and planning for all supporting automation systems is 100% completed. © No remediation per se is required for the facility, as strategy (per normal operations) calls for replacement or manual override of relays, control systems and other parts as or if problems occur. Adequate procedures, on-site personnel, and inventories of replacement parts and equipment are all in http://www. state.ak.us/y2000/readiness/reportcards/99-11/02-dced.htm 12/20/99 Year 2000 Readiness Status as of November 1999 - Department of Community and Econo.. Page 2 of 3 ° ° ° 4. Four-Dam Pool Hydro - # ° ° ° ° ° 5. Larsen Bay Hydro - ° ° 6. Alaska Intertie - ° ° ° ° place. The remediation stage, therefore, is functionally 100% completed. The department has completed its testing of control and monitoring systems for the facility. The contingency plan and testing documentation for this MCBF have been approved by the YPO. All Y2K work on this MCBF has been completed and certified, and the MCBF is now rated as "GREEN". Assessment and planning for all supporting automation systems is 100% completed. No remediation per se is required for the facility, as strategy (per normal operations) calls for replacement or manual override of relays, control systems and other parts as or if problems occur. Adequate procedures, on-site personnel, and inventories of replacement parts and equipment are all in place. The remediation stage, therefore, is functionally 100% completed. The department has completed its testing of control and monitoring systems for the facility. Y2K compliance verifications have been requested from all operators, contractors and service providers supporting operation of the facility. The contingency plan for this MCBF has been approved. All Y2K work on this MCBF has been completed and certified, and the MCBF is now rated as "GREEN". Assessment and planning for all supporting automation systems is 100% completed. No remediation per se is required for the facility, as strategy (per normal operations) calls for replacement or manual override of relays, control systems and other parts as or if problems occur. Adequate procedures, on-site personnel, and inventories of replacement parts and equipment are all in place. The remediation stage, therefore, is functionally 100% completed. The department has completed its testing of control and monitoring systems for the facility. The contingency plan and testing documentation for this MCBF have been approved by the YPO. All Y2K work on this MCBF has been completed and certified, and the MCBF is now rated as "GREEN". Assessment and planning for all supporting automation systems is 100% completed. The department has completed its testing of control and monitoring systems for the intertie. Y2K compliance verifications have been requested from all operators, contractors and service providers supporting operation of the intertie. The contingency plan and testing documentation for this MCBF have been approved by the YPO. http://www. state.ak.us/y2000/readiness/reportcards/99-1 1/02-dced.htm 12/20/99 Year 2000 Readiness Status as of November 1999 - Department of Community and Econo.. Page 3 of 3 o All Y2K work on this MCBF has been completed and certified, and the MCBF is now rated as "GREEN". 7. AIDEA Loan Servicing © Assessment and planning for main automation systems (MLS system, Dynamics interface) are 100% completed, with remediation also 100% completed. Testing and implementation are both 100% completed. © The contingency plan and testing documentation for this MCBF have been approved by the YPO. © All Y2K work on this MCBF has been completed and certified, and the MCBF is now rated as "GREEN". 8. Desktop/LANs/WAN © Assessment and planning, remediation, testing, and implementation stages are all 100% completed for the Investment Loans Servicing, Alaska Railroad and AIDEA Loan Servicing components. © All Y2K work on this MCBF has been completed and certified, and the MCBF is now rated as "GREEN". [ ®} @9x) ] [ Webmaster || Y2K Home || Y2K Main || Disclaimer ] http://www.state.ak.us/y2000/readiness/reportcards/99- 1 1/02-dceed.htm 12/20/99 OCT-13-99 WED 08:15 AM AIDEA FAX NO, 9072693010 P, 02/03 (5V S OLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION INC. PO Box 71249 ¢ Fairbanks, Alaska 99707-1249 * 907-452-1151 October 6, 1999 : Aisske industria! Devslooment end Exsor Authority Art Copoulos Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority 480 W. Tudor Anchorage, AK 99503 Subject: Y2K Contingency Planning Dear Art: This letter responds to your inquiry regarding Y2K contingency planning. Golden Valley is also in the final stages of its Y2K contingency planning. Our responses to your questions are as follows: as Does GVEA need HCCFP to be on-line during the Year 2000 date rollover, that is on 12-31-99 and into 1-31-00? If not, does HCCP need to be in “hot standby” condition? Response: GVEA expects that the HCCP will be an effective source of power during the 2000 date rollover. Therefore, AIDEA should take steps to assure that the project will be available during that period. Whether the plant will be scheduled for operation or in “hot standby’ is a matter for determination at that time. 2) In the unlikely event that HCCP, Unit 1, and the grid are down, what is GVEA’s plant to support HCCP'’s basic power needs for start-up and to power emergency systems using its back-up diesel generator at Unit 1? Response: In the “unlikely event” that HCCP, Unit 1 and the grid are down, GVEA’s restoration procedures would follow our historical practices. Our first priority in restoring the system is to energize the power plants and the backbone of the transmission system necessary to accomplish grid restoration. In the interim (between loss of power and grid restoration) the available backup generation at Healy will be prioritized to serve the basic needs of the entire Healy complex. CCi-i3-99 WED 08:15 AM AIDEA FAX NO. 9072693010 P, 03/03 GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSCCIATION INC. Art Copoulos October 6, 1999 Page 2 The prioritization within the Healy complex should be worked out between AIDEA and GVEA's personnel at Healy. A contingency plan with the associated load sharing of Healy emergency generation is the logical result of that task. As co- project lead for GVEA’s Y2K project, | would expect that a copy of the contingency plan for the Healy complex would be provided for inclusion in GVEA’s documentation of Y2K preparation. Please call me if you have any questions or want to discuss this further. | will notify GVEA’s Healy Plant Manager, Walt Lawson of the need to coordinate the Healy complex contingency pian with on-site AIDEA personnel. Brodie foe Bradley Ev: System Dispatch Manager ce: Walt Lawson ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOP! Hol Rerehe, * AND EXPORT AUTHORITY pike trod 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 2¢€ ov Xe DVA MEMORANDUM aye TO: Project and Procurement Manager(s) and Mike Barsalou FROM: Art E. Copoulos Kee i l- Y2K Project Manager DATE: April 15, 1999 SUBJECT: Y2K - 3" Party Requests for Compliance As you know, 3” parties that support AIDEA and AEA projects need to be asked for written assurances that all of their internal systems products, equipment, and services are Y2K compliant. As discussed in a prior memo, failure to request this information could constitute a waiver of AIDEA’s and AEA’s rights to seek reimbursement for any costs incurred correcting Y2K related “problems.” Another reason for requesting this information is to find out “how prepared” various 3” parties are so that we can develop appropriate Y2K test and contingency plans. Written assurances will be requested using the attached “Y2K letter and questionnaire.” The letter and questionnaire, which has been reviewed by legal staff, has “tough language”, that is very explicit about what AIDEA and AEA require for Y2K compliance. The letter makes it clear up front that AIDEA and AEA are not responsible for repair or replacement costs related to Y2K problems. Slightly different letters are being used for project operators and utilities. A list of key AIDEA and AEA 3% party suppliers, manufacturers, contractors, and project operators is also attached. Please review this list and note in Column D with a Y or N whether or not you think a Y2K letter/questionnaire is appropriate for the 3 party suppliers, manufacturers, contractor, and operators in your project areas. Please check the list of miscellaneous suppliers, manufacturers, and contractors. Also, let me know if there are any other 3 party suppliers, manufacturers, contractors, or project operators that aren’t on this list that also need “Y2K letters and questionnaires”. Since you know the nature of 3” parties’ work on your projects, you can best determine where “Y2K letters and questionnaires” are most appropriate. My general recommendation is that all of the businesses on the list need a “Y2K letter and questionnaire” to ensure that we limit AIDEA and AEA liability. It doesn’t hurt to ask, although in some cases “Y2K letters and questionnaires” may be inappropriate if we are 100% confident that Memorandum April 15, 1999 Page 2 of 2 the Y2K issue has been thoroughly addressed or if there is no chance that the product or service provided had an impact on Y2K compliance. In the case of project operators, most of them have already been contacted and we have already addressed their various states of readiness. Once | have your input, | will start sending out letters as soon as possible. cc: Keith Laufer Brian Bjorkquist Linda MacMillan April xxx,. 1999 AIDEA or AEA suppliers, manufacturers, and contractors Address... To: AIDEA or AEA suppliers, manufacturers, and contractors The "Year 2000" (Y2K) computer date problem has received much attention and we are receiving many inquiries regarding the preparedness of various Alaska Industrial Development Authority (AIDEA) and Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) projects. As a result we are engaged in an active effort to identify and address the impact of Y2K date-related problems on our projects, facilities, and equipment. Key steps in this effort will be confirming that our “suppliers, manufacturers, and contractors,” are not impacted by the "Year 2000" computer date problem and that any services, software, hardware, firmware, products, facilities, or equipment, previously provided, or provided in the future, are Y2K compliant. While we may have reviewed other correspondence from your organization regarding this issue, the following additional information is requested: 1. A written certification warranting that your internal systems, specifically those that could impact your support of an order from, or a delivery to AIDEA or AEA or one of its agents is, or will be, Y2K compliant up to, on, and after the year 2000. If any of these internal systems are not Y2K compliant, please provide a written strategy for bringing them into compliance. 2. A written assurance that any services, software, hardware, firmware, products, facilities, or equipment you have provided, or may provide in the future, to AIDEA or AEA are Y2K compliant. If any of these services, software, hardware, firmware, products, facilities, or equipment are not Y2K compliant, please provide a written strategy for bringing them into compliance. 3: Completion of the attached questionnaire. This questionnaire is most applicable to products supplied to AIDEA or AEA, but it is requested that all suppliers, manufacturers, and contractors fill it out with all appropriate applicable information. Please provide the above information by June 7, 1999. If you have any questions, please contact me at 269-3029. For purposes of these requests, Y2K compliance is defined in the attachment. The attachment also describes AIDEA and AEA’s general requirements for Y2K compliance. Sincerely, Art Copoulos AIDEA and AEA Y2K Project Manager Cc: Y2K Project File/Attachments Definition: Year 2000 Compliant Because there is no universally accepted definition of the exact meaning of the phrase "Year 2000 Compliance," this definition explains how Alaska Industrial Development Authority (AIDEA) and Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) define Y2K compliance. For purposes of equipment specification and readiness planning, AIDEA and AEA require six main factors be satisfied with respect to date and data processing to be considered Year 2000 Compliant: 1. Correctly handle date information before, during, and after January 1, 2000. Accept date input, provide date output, arid perform calculations on dates or portions of dates. 2. Function according to the manufacturer specifications before, during, and after January 1, 2000, without changes in operation resulting from the advent of the new century, assuming correct configuration. 3. Where appropriate, respond to two-digit date input in a way that resolves the ambiguity as to century in a disclosed, defined, and predetermined manner. 4. Store and provide output of information in ways that are unambiguous as to century. 5. Manage the leap year occurring in the Year 2000 following the leap century rule. 6. Where applicable, automatically handle the change in century from 1999 to 2000 while in a "power off" state. Year 2000 Compliant For Alaska Industrial Development Authority (AIDEA) and Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) purposes, if these 6 criteria are met, "Year 2000 Compliance" is achieved. AIDEA/AEA requires that all products and services supplied to AIDEA/AEA be Year 2000 compliant according to this definition. Also, the internal systems and business processes, specifically those that could impact support of an order from, or a delivery to AIDEA or AEA or one of its agents must also be Y2K compliant according to this definition. Partially Year 2000 Compliant A product or system may be considered "partially’ Year 2000 Compliant if it meets only some of the criteria it needs to meet to be considered compliant. To be considered "partially compliant," it must meet factors #1 and #2 as a minimum. In these cases it is important to document both the criteria it does meet and those it does not. Not Year 2000 Compliant A product or system that will not be able to process the millennium rollover according to the six main factors above is "not Year 2000 compliant. In the event that a product or service is not Year 2000 compliant or partially year 2000 compliant according to these definitions, AIDEA/AEA requires that the cost of any required software or hardware upgrades or other expenses associated with achieving Year 2000 compliance will be absorbed by your organization and not by AIDEA /AEA. Furthermore, it is ADEA/AEA’s requirement that a compliant version of your product or service be made available in sufficient time to upgrade the purchased products or services such that no instances of Year 2000 related failures will occur. Year 2000 Questionnaire Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) and Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) are preparing a Yea 2000 Readiness Plan and needs this information as a part of that plan. Please complete this one-page questionnaire as completely as possible. The more device-specific (model, version, serial numbers, dates) your response, the more helpful it will be for us to identify areas of attention in our plan. Company Name of person completing this form: Date: CIRCLE 1. Does your company have a Year 2000 project and plan? ¥ N 2. May we have a copy of your plan and status summary today? Y N 3. May we have a summary of your product testing results (by your company or third party)? Y N 4. Have steps been taken to ensure that your supply chain is also Year 2000 ready? Y N 5. Has your company published information about its products’ Year 2000 readiness? Y N If yes, where is it published? 6. Is your Year 2000 information available on your Web site? Y N What is your Web site URL? Year 2000 page URL? Who is your Year 2000 project manager or contact? Telephone Number w/extension: 7. If required, are Year 2000 upgrades available at no additional cost to us? Y N 8. Is your company providing a Year 2000 warranty or guarantee? Y N 9. Will we be required to implement any non-standard installation or modification steps for your Y N product? 10. . Will we be required to upgrade other standard system software or hardware? Y N 11. Will instructions be provided for our own testing of your company’s products in a Year 2000 Y¥ N scenario? 12. Does the product have an embedded licensing date or other security restraints that will Y N prevent us from safely testing the product under a Year 2000 scenario? 13. | Will you grant us access permissions and passwords to test your products for the Year 2000 Y N purpose? Whom should we contact for password information? Telephone Number w/extension: Please return this questionnaire to: AIDEA Y2K Project Manager 480 West Tudor Anchorage, AK 99503 Written assurances from 3rd party suppliers, manufacturers, contractors, or project operators Company/Organization Name | ___ Business/Contracted task jcolumn d Send Letter (Y/N) |Project Fed-Ex Hanger project suppliers, manufacturers, and contractors cornerstone construction hangar canopy addition Fed-Ex Hanger engineered fire systems Fed-Ex fire alarm |Fed-Ex Hanger Franfurt Short Bruza Associates roof analysis, design |Fed-Ex Hanger Steel Engineering [roof inspection |Fed-Ex Hanger | | Four Dam Pool project suppliers, manufacturers, and contractors dryden & LaRue hydro generation serv. Four Dam Pool generation systems mapcom maintenance Four Dam Pool Big M Corporation Solomon SPCC/construction Four Dam Pool Anderson Construction Construction at Terror Lake |Four Dam Pool City of Wrangell velocity sensors |Four Dam Pool transformer bushing, etc. Irby Construstion Company, Inc. Tyee T-Line Construction Four Dam Pool Thomas & Betts Corporation Tyee T-Line Improvements Four Dam Pool GEC Alsthom 138kv circuit breaker |Four Dam Pool harza northwest terror tunnel repairs Four Dam Pool HDR engineering |transm and substation engsvs. |Four Dam Pool Ketchikan Public Utilities [Emergency repair Structure Four Dam Pool Swan Lake Transmission Four Dam Pool SW Insulation Repair Four Dam Pool T-Line Pole Can Adaptors Four Dam Pool _|Swan Structure 176 Four Dam Pool Kodiak Electric Association Terror Vibration EQ Four Dam Pool Terror Release Water Valve Four Dam Pool | Terror Lake Tunnel Repair-Admin |Four Dam Pool |Support for SPCC Spill Containment Four Dam Pool Terror Lake Staging Area Four Dam Pool Kizhuyak River Dike Four Dam Pool Norcon, Inc. Tyee Subsection Contain Four Dam Pool Swan Lk Structure 176 Bypass Project Four Dam Pool Power Engineers, Inc. | Tyee T-Line Improvement Four Dam Pool Robert Olsen Construction/NBA | Tyee hydro-seed Four Dam Pool Rock-n-road construction |tyee line clearing |Four Dam Pool | | | | HCCP project suppliers, manufacturers, and contractors Sumitomo Corportion of America |Steam Turbine Generator [HCCP Air Resource Specialists [Post construction visibility monitoring |HCCP ABB Raymond Ehrsam operations [Field start-up support; HCCP bottom ash slag ash... | computer software service (Network and lan services |HCCP Denali business services \office specialist |HCCP dokoozian and associates maintenance support |HCCP | ecolaire steam surface condenser |HCCP. enviroplan emissions monitoring |HCCP Foster Wheeler Boiler Design HCCP Mill Exhauster Fan replacement government computer sales computers and software upgrade |HCCP Herrington Management Services HCCP Construction Management HCCP Ingersoll- Dresser Pump Co. |Field Serv Rep S/U Boiler FAW Pumps HCCP |Feedwater pumps | Johnson march System, Inc. Filed Startup Support Supervisor |HCCP | |Water and Steam Sampling System | | Joy Environmental Technologies Assist with Pre-Award Tasks HCCP | |Flue Gas Desulferization System |{HCCP { |Fly Ash/ Middle Ash HDLG System | [ Monitoring Solutions, Inc. |Basic CEMDAS Support Program |HCCP ] Company/Organization Name Business/Contracted task Project Send Letter (Y/N) TLT Babcock (Induced Fan and motor DS HCCP. |Service Engineer S/U Ind Fan and Motor ID Fan Silencer Assembly HCCP HCCP TRW Space and Defense Achieve COOP Agreement HCCP |Eng & Design Comb/Aux Systems [Combustor & Auxiliary System Willis Corrool Corporation |OCIP HCCP Aquatech Ww treatment, etc. HCCP Bailey Controls |Plant system control HCCP Stone & Webster |Letter Agreement HCCP \FERC Part 12 Insp.BR LK Tunnel { Assist with Pre-Award Tasks HCcP | (Engineering/ Design Services HCCP |Engineering/ Design Services HCCP TRW Contributed Capital Contr. Cap. TRW_ Phase II HCCP Golden Valley Electric [professional services |[HCCP he price igeneral contractor HCCP Primavera Expedition Software Closed HCCP. Redick and Associates HCCP RTP Environmental Associates \Air Quality, etc. HCCP Steigers corporation _environmental management HCCP Sonoma technology, Inc. |visibility monitoring review HCCP RW Beck lassist:economic/fin. Tasks HCCP i Miscellaneous suppliers, manufacturers, and contractors, probably mostly HCCP heery international lengineering services Johnston Pump Company \Cir. And Condensate Pump Magnetek Electric Inc./ Waukesha EL__ Power Transformers Mid-West Conveyor Company, Inc. |Coal Handi/Dust Coll System Powell Electric Industries [Med Volt Metal-Clad Switchgear |480 Volt Load Centers |Generator Breaker & Disc Switch Robert Olsen Construction Tyee Hydro Seed Phase II SOA Admin |DED Circuits, Etc. Solidstate Controls, Inc. Uninterruptible power system Steam Supply Company | Safety and Relief Valves Sterling Dearerator |Main Deaerator D&S Sunshine General |Aqueous Fil Form Foam Systems Control Control and Relay Panels Techinical Systems & Controls |Fire Protection Engine Unibus, Inc. |Nonseg Phase Bus Duct Unifin International |Glycol Air Heaters USKH, Inc. |Muliti-Disciplined Engineering Service Valtek Incorporated {Control Valves William W. Nugent ‘Lube Oil Cond. Equip. Yuba Heat Transfer \CLSD Feedwater & Steam/Glycol Heater reat lakes environmental oil/water separator hamilton construction sot maintenance harnischefeger corporation turbine building crane Dames & Moore \environment and ecol. services, etc. Atlas Copco compressors \auxilliary compressors Atwood and Morrill .extraction valve floway pumps ‘diesel fire pump } | DMTS project suppliers, manufacturers, and contractors R&M Consultants |Multi Disciplined Architectural & Eng DMTS Expansion Field Rep. | | Multi-Disciplined Engineering Service | _ | Company/Organization Name Business/Contracted task Project | Send Letter (Y/N) | Snettisham project suppliers, manufacturers, and contractors i Raytheon Risk Assesment Snettisham | | _ CH2MHill A/JE services 2222277 Internal Projects/Loan fininacing project suppliers, manufacturers, and contractors shannon & wilson cleanup, environ. Serv. [mark air/bethel computer equipment warehouse printers software internal computer task group mils conversion internal | Project Operators 1 MEA Utility - Maintains Intertie AK Intertie Yes, letter being sent _ GVEA Utility - Operates/Maintains Intertie AK Intertie Yes, letter being sent Homer Electric Utility - Operates Bradley Lake Bradley Lake Yes, letter being sent Chugach Electric Utility - Operates Bradley substation Bradley Lake [Yes, letter being sent Fed-Ex Transportation - Operates Hangar Fed-Ex Hanger Have contacted and rec Four Dam Pool Operators Utility - Operates Four Dam projects Four Dam Pool Yes, letter being sent ASD Shipyard Operator - Operates KSY KSY Have contacted and rec Cominco Mining - Operates DMTS Red Dog |Have contacted and rec AEL&P Utility - Operates Snett. Snett. [Have contacted and rec -10/21499 THU 15:01 FAX 7624694 CEA BLDG G Ele @oo1 Yat YEAR 2¢9 JOINT UTILITY CONTINGENCY PLANNING COMMITTEE Ay pe" November 3, 1999 tal FE fen’ To: Representative Phone Fax a we Jim Borden, CEA 762-4774 762-4773 Le , can Dave Calvert, City of Seward 224-4071 224-4085 ‘as John Cooley, CEA 762-4789 762-4540 tend er Art Copoulos, AIDEA 269-3029 269-3044 a / Bob Day, AML&P 263-5295 263-5441 wane Brad Evans, GVEA 451-5655 451-5657 tiv Ray Morgan, MEA 761-9318 761-9339 adh any | Don Stead, HEA 235-3336 235-3305 lo agerha, From: Brian Hickey, CEA ah 762-4440 762-4694 —Such 4s Re: ¥2K Joint Utility Contingency Planning Committee Mesting dispatch Date: Wednesday, November 3, 1999 ata { Time: 10:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. prton tes Place: Chugach Electric — Engineering Conference Room (Bldg A) TA event oF power shortfall Agenda: At i. Review the September 14, 1999 minutes. i. Update Y2K Staffing - CEA, MLP, GVEA, HEA, MEA, SES Il. ENSTAR Fuel Supplier/Utility Meeting, John Cooley IV. EPRI Rollover Website, Jim Borden Vv. NERC Y2K update, Jim Borden if you need to attend via teleconference, please contact Andi Hamilton, CEA at (907) 762-4644 so she can arrange a conference call. 10/21/99 THU 15:01 FAX 7624694 CEA BLDG G Moo2 Minutes of the Alaskan Railbelt Y2K Contingency Planning Committee September 14, 1999 Attendees: Brian Hickey, Chugach Electric Association, Inc. John Cooley, Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Jim Borden, Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Art Copoulous, AIDEA Don Stead, Homer Electric Association Ray Morgan, Matanuska Electric Association, Inc. (Teleconference) Brad Evans, Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. (Teleconference) The September 8, 1999 Y2K drill was revicwed. All systems functioned adequately and no problems were encountered. A wide-ranging discussion was held on the Y2K staffing and contingency plans being developed by the interconnected utilities. Several ideas were put forward with the intent of improving the effectiveness of these programs. They included: Contact with Major Accounts prior to the rollover to resolve any outstanding concerns; Establishment of direct communications with the major fuel suppliers and non- electric utility users (Kenai Gas, Beluga Gas, Enstar Gas, Elmendorf AFB, Fort Richardson AP) in south- central. The committee reviewed the staffing plans for each of the utilities; they can be summarized as follows: Homer Electric Association Inc. They are having a company New Years Eve party, attendance js mandatory. Chugach Electric Association Inc. Chugach will be staffed at all critical facilities, with roving crews assigned to patrol all facilities that are not staffed. Chugach will have a helicopter on standby. Details of the staffing will be made available n the Y2K appendix to Chugach’s emergency resource plan. Matanuska Electric Assoc. Inc. | MEA will have an operator at Eklutua and 2 line crew on standby from 11:00pm to 1:00am. The committee discussed actions that would be taken in the event of unforeseen generation shortages. It was determined that it would be advisable for each utility to review its intemal plans and policies relating to rolling power interruptions. The committee will reconvene in early November to further evaluate progress inter-utiliry on Y2K contingency planning. é ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY = ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 October 15, 1999 Ms. Christine Meholic Assistant Project Manager Department of Administration P.O. Box 110099 Juneau, Alaska 99811-0099 Subject: Y2K Testing Dear Chris: Listed below is information you requested for Y2K testing. Please contact me if you need more information. | will be at the Swan Lake Hydro Project for about the next week and a half, and can be reached at (907) 225-6135. AKI i i DA and RTU’ SCADA RTU’s are the most critical microprocessor based items at the Alaska Intertie substations. The RTU’s themselves are date independent and inherently Y2K compliant. The RTU’s receive date information from the Master SCADA, and continued compliant operation is contingent on the compliance of the Master SCADA. These Master SCADAs are not part of the Intertie or “state property,” but the property of individual utilities. Utilities that operate their Master SCADA in RTU’s located at the Intertie substations, Matanuska Electric, Municipal Light & Power, Chugach Electric, and Golden Valley have verbally confirmed that their Master SCADAs which control these RTU’s are compliant. As noted in prior correspondence, except for Chugach Electric, utilities have not responded to a prior written request to certify their systems as being compliant. Also, | looked through the APUC reports | have from the various utilities and they did not supply specific detail on SCADA testing. Documentation on SCADA testing for the Chugach system is attached; it is a new system and it is compliant. Bradley Lake SCADA Testing Attached is documentation from test results of the Homer Electric Landis & Gyr SCADA at Bradley Lake. These results indicate that the Master SCADA is operationally compliant, and only has a problem with reporting. The contingency, however, is to take this SCADA out of service and to operate the Governor manually if it were to fail. This SCADA also communicates with the Chugach SCADA described in the attachments. Ms. Christine Meholic October 15, 1999 Page 2 of 2 E i WAN Lake Documentation describing test results on this PLC is attached. SCADA Testing at Terror Lake Regarding documentation of SCADA testing at Terror Lake. that work is scheduled for mid- November when KEA will be bringing up HSQ (software programmer) to commission a new RTU. As mentioned, that SCADA system is the same as the one that tested successfully at Tyee Lake and by the manufacturer at other locations. Also, the manufacturer has confirmed that it is compliant. Sincerely, A t Gi : Art Copoulos Project Manager Attachments ce: Stan Sieczkowski, Operations Manager LO Dennis V. McCrohan, Deputy Director - Project Development and Operations Keith Laufer, Financial and Legal Affairs Manager Tom Lawson, Director — Division of Administrative Services é +) a HORIAL SCADA: 6 a & leg SCADA Cor Company Product Contacted Ready? Testing Test Action Contingency Reference NC** Schedule Results NC [tana & Gyr SCADA Letter yes with minor | May 99 Complete Issues with sequence of | Take out of 78-82 master issue (Manufact | w/ issue events. Mfg is to service station Suggested | 6/8/99 determine if problem TG6800 Test) lies with our equip/soft- $2 (MST) ware. Problem is with reporting function only. NC Landis & Gyr RTU Letter No date function Take out of 78-82 TG5700 service NC Landis & Gyr | RTU Letter No date function Take out of 78-82 TG0510 service NC | Landis & Gyr RTU Letter yes No date function Take out of 78-82 TG5520 service Landis & Gyr RTU Letter yes No date function Take out of 78-82 TG5320 service NC Data Con- Betty Patch Complete Take out of centrator 1/4/99 6/8/99 service D20 v3.10-2 NC Harris RTU Betty Patch Complete Take out of 73-75 Dart v2 | 1/4/99 (MST) 6/8/99 service NC Harris Config Pro Betty Patch yes May 99 Complete Take out of 73-75 ver. 2.2 1/4/99 (MST) 6/8/99 service T | | NC Best Power UPS Customer support | yes The UPS tracks only the | Take out of FD7.9kva 800-356-5737 time and day. service Software 5/18/98 ver F607 NC Multi Tech Ext modem Letter 12/5/97 yes No date function present | Take out of 71-72 224E | | service NC Practical Ext modem | unable to contact yes No date function present | Take out of Peripherals PM2400 SA service **C=critical NC=non-critical Page 13 Cor Company Product Contacted Ready? Testing Test Action Contingency Reference NC** Schedule Results NC Motorola Ext modem web site 1/4/99 yes No date function present | Take out of 76-77 | UDS2440 service NC Motorola Ext modem web site 1/4/99 yes No date function present | Take out of UDS v 3225 service NC Motorola Cell modem web site 11/20/98 yes No date function present | Take out of SUN service 1493BB NC Motorola Cell modem | web site 11/20/98 yes No date function present | Take out of SUN service 1498BB **C=critical }NC=non-critical Page 14 a 4 A Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure NERC* ELECTRIC SYSTEM READINESS ASSESSMENT Energy Management Systems, SCADA wh Version 3.1 ’ 1. Date 05/28/99 2. Are the following (mission-critical* facilities) Y2K ready? % Complete N/A I) A) _R) N/A) Not applicable Control center computer systems Data acquisition subsystems |) Inventory UPS systems Voice and data communications systems A) Assessment Remote terminal units (RTUs) Metering equipment systems (tie lines) R) Remediation Backup control center and testing (% Complete - Report as amount of work completed in each phase divided by total amount of work to do in that phase. If no remedia‘.2n and testing is required in an area that was inventoried and assessed, then show remediation and testing as 100% complete.) 3Q98 4Q98 1Q99 3. What percentage of your mission-critical” EMS/SCADA facilities do you expect to be Y2K Ready** by the end of:? 2Q99 3Q99 4Q99 “Mission-critical means that misoperation of the referenced device or Software could directly contribute toward the loss of a 50 MW or larger generating resource, the loss of a transmission facility, or interruption of system load. ** Y2K ready means a system or application has been determined to be suitable for continued use into the year 2000, 4. Have you completed necessary integrated system (multi-component) nal] Yes[__] No[-X ] testing of the facilities listed in 2 above? 5. Have you completed contingency planning for components/systems in 2 above? Yes.__] No[_X_] 6. How will your organization establish Y2K readiness? Component test | x | for components/systems in 2 above? (Check all that apply.) Simulations | x | Outside testing | x | Vendor verification | x | Other _ 7. How will communications facilities leased by your organization be determined to be Y2K ready? Check this box if you are providing a single answer for your organization under telecommunications. Chugach leases very few circuits for SCADA/EMS. None of them would be classified as critical. (total less than 10 mw for all leased circuits) Chugach owns and maintains its own microwave and MAS radio for alll critical circuits 8. If your organization has found a unique / creative sclution (a good idea we want to share) to a Y2K EMS/SCADA problem, please first describe the problem and the solution to that problem. 9. Have you encountered any Y2K EMS/SCADA problem(s) that are particularly difficult to resolve and would like to collaborate with others in resolving? If so, please describe: 10. Any comments? Enter below: 2k testing was done for all base SCADA applications for the new Siemens SINAUT Spectrum master station the week of 11/23/98. all critical systems functions were Y2K ready. The System was on line January 25, 1999. Y2k testing for EMS functions of the new Siemens SINAUT Spectrum master station are scheduled to be completed by 6/1/99. The EMS functions of the new system will be put on line by 6/30/99. An integrated system wide Y2k test to include all EMS functions, Telecommunications, and generation controls is scheduled to be completed by 6/30/29 Page 7 OCT-14-99 FRI 2:57 PM KPU ELECTRIC DIV. FAX NO. 9072470755 Pel KETCHIKAN PUBLIC UTILITIES MEMORANDUM - rated ha [T Ark Copoulos TO: Thomas A. Waggoner, Electric Division Manager md . SINT) BOA -BONY FROM: Chuck Bartholomew, Senior SCADA Technician ¢ pay “loge Saapenof DATE: September 21, 1999 7 yu pee SUBJECT: Year 2000 Compliance 5H” oe Per your request, this memo is directed as an effort to bring you up to date with the year 2000 compliance for Swan Lake PLC and Barber-Colman chart recorders. PLC software at the Swan Lake facility was tested for need to be addressed for Y2K compliance, The software running on the Workmaster is as follows 1.12 Workmaster, Logicmaster 6 version 03.04 Parallel, G.E. MS Dos 3.2. The Logicmaster software has been tested for December 31, 1999, rollover to January 1, 2000, and for February 28, 2000, leap year. The unit past these tests successfillly. The Barber-Colman recorder firmware has been updated to version V3.1D1 and tested for Decernber 31, 1999, rollover to January 1, 2000, the unit tested successfully. CW:roma oe: Pat Durkin, Chief Powerhouse Operator Art Copoulos, AEA Fax #: 907-267-3044 “ : ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT =_ AND EXPORT AUTHORITY {= ALASKA @@E_ _ ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 MEMORANDUM TO: Tom Lawson, Director Division of Administrative Services (, FROM: Art Copoulos XC Y2K Project Manager DATE: October 4, 1999 SUBJECT: Requested Y2K Information I've attached the following information as requested in our teleconference with Jack Fargnoli and Chris Meholic on September 29, 1999: te Larsen Bay Consultant report summary attached. According to the attached report, “all Larsen Bay equipment investigated was found to be fully Y2K compliant.” There is no SCADA at Larsen Bay and none of the equipment processes dates. There is essentially no Y2K related risk at Larsen Bay and therefore, | see no reason to prepare a Y2K contingency plan. 2. Alaska Intertie Consultant report documentation from investigations at Stevens, Cantwell, Douglas, and Teeland substations attached. Meeting notes from first Utility Working Group Meeting attached. Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) owns a portion of the transmission line between Anchorage and Fairbanks. AEA’s transmission line is operated and maintained by four different utilities, which have operations in the general proximity of the portion of the line that they operate. Responsibility for all aspects of the transmission line’s maintenance and operation including Y2K related failures, rests solely with the Utilities. With respect to Y2K, that has been made clear in correspondence sent directly to the Utilities and in the attached Y2K working group meeting notes. Tom Lawson October 4, 1999 Page 2 of 2 At the directive of their various General Managers, a Y2K Working Group has been established that includes AEA and all the railbelt utilities. This group has met twice to discuss various railbelt wide Y2K issues. Meeting notes from the first meeting are attached. At the second meeting, rollover staffing plans, how to address energy supply shortages, results of a recent Y2K drill, and other issues were discussed. Minutes will be sent out in the future. At the last meeting, we agreed to meet again in November. Regarding contingency planning, Chugach Electric prepared and proposed a railbelt wide contingency plan (previously submitted to the Y2K Project Office), however, the group as a whole never formally endorsed or adopted this proposed plan. Each utility is working independently, seems to have the problems under control, and are reluctant to work too closely together. SCADA Test Documentation Summary of test results at Swan Lake and Solomon Gulch are attached. Relay Test Documentation Manufacturer compliance information on SEL relays, SEL test procedures that were employed at Swan Lake, and AEA letter to file documenting our “strategy” as it relates to SEL relays are all attached. Mapcon Maintenance Management Software Test Documentation Manufacturer compliance information attached. AEA letter to file documenting our “strategy” as it relates to Mapcon is documented in the file letter attached and referred to in the previous item. Response from Chugach Electric The attached letter is in response to an AEA letter asking for certification of AEA equipment that they operate and/or maintain. Other utilities did not respond, and some utilities were not contacted so that the work could proceed efficiently. Solomon Gulch Contingency Plan The contingency plan is attached. Please call if there are any questions or if you need additional information. Attachments cc: Brian Bjorkquist, w/o attachments Keith Laufer, w/o attachments Mea | Dennis McCrohan, w/o attachments Ele ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT > ¢ AND EXPORT AUTHORITY / => ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 MEMORANDUM 10:2 File FROM: Art Copoulos KY DATE: September 28, 1999 SUBJECT: Y2K Inventory and Assessment at Bradley Lake Project This memo documents results from the Bradley Lake Inventory and Assessment and is a follow- up to “Y2K consultant recommendations” using the same methodology described in the prior memo to the files on this topic, dated September 14, 1999. As requested on other documentation, please review the attached information and let me know if you have any comments or don’t concur with any of the proposed responses or justifications. The consultant (EPS) report for Bradley is also available for your review in my office, if needed. Listed below are recommended actions for follow-up action based on results of Third Party Y2K Inventory and Assessment results, and other data supplied by Bradley Lake staff. | recently received a complete packet of information from the Bradley Lake staff that details their Y2K compliance effort and includes a contingency plan for Homer Electric. Bradley Lake Documentation: » Consultant (EPS) report and investigation. » Homer Electric Year 2000 Project Plan that includes a spreadsheet outlining testing results and compliance issues on most system components. b Bradley Lake Equipment specific contingency plan. » Various letters to HEA/Bradley Lake outlining AEA’s position with respect to Y2K and requesting information. Follow-up Action Recommended: Listed below are recommended actions for follow-up action based on results of Third Party Y2K Inventory and Assessment results, telephone conversations with Don Stead, and other data. The following areas were flagged by EPS as needing attention: Bradley Memorandum September 28, 1999 Page 2 of 3 Andover Controls — “may not comply with AIDEA 6 definition of compliance.” Recommended action: No further action. Justification: Bradley Lake staff successfully completed date rollover test 5/99. Bailey Controller Terminals —- “may not comply with AIDEA 3,4, and 6 definitions of compliance.” Recommended action: No further action. Justification: According to Bradley Lake staff, Bailey controller will be taken out of service and not used prior to the date rollover. Mapcon Maintenance Management Software - consultant recommendation, “partially compliant, leap year calculation not verified.” Recommended action: No action. Justification: If there are problems at leap year they could be fixed at that time, also maintenance schedules can be prepared manually if a problem develops. Not a system critical to project operations. Engineered Fire Systems — Fire Suppression systems — “may not comply with AIDEA 3, 4, and 6 definitions of compliance, if an FCID-A control panel is used a software upgrade may be needed. Test as needed.” Recommended action: No further action. Justification: AIDEA 3, 4, and 6 definitions of compliance deal with data input and output, and power-off conditions none of which apply to this particular device. Upgrade described only deals with century compliance, which is not a critical issue. GE Fanuc PLC and Software - “may not comply with AIDEA 3, 4, and/or 6 definitions of compliance.” Recommended action: No further action. Justification: According to Bradley Lake staff, the software was satisfactorily tested and the PLC has no date function. GE Harris Data Concentrator and_ software — “may not comply with AIDEA 6 definition of compliance.” Recommended action: No further action. Justification: According to Bradley Lake staff, this device will be taken out of service. SuperSoftware Windows NT — ‘may require upgrades.” Bradley Memorandum September 28, 1999 Page 3 of 3 Recommended action: Complete PC upgrade and software replacement. Justification: | Computer and operating system being upgraded and replaced in September, 1999. Power Technical Dynamic System Monitor — “may not comply with AIDEA #6 definitions of compliance.” Recommended action: No further action. Justification: AIDEA 6 definition of compliance only deals with rollover in power off state, which should not be an issue for a dynamic monitor. Also, the date can be manually re- entered after rollover. Power System Stabilizer — “may not comply with AIDEA #6 definitions of compliance.” Recommended action: No further action. Justification: AIDEA 6 definition of compliance only deals with rollover in power off state, which should not be an issue for a dynamic monitor. Also, the date can be manually re- entered after rollover. JEM Meters — consultant recommendation, “recommend firmware upgrade to resolve century ambiguity.” Recommended action: No further action recommended. Justification: Firmware upgrade complete. Version 79 successfully tested. Version 53 not tested. Century ambiguity not a critical issue. Telygyr_ Master station and RTU’s — consultant recommendation, “probability of failure determined by host systems SCADA Y2K compliance. Units themselves are compliant. Contact the manufacturer regarding Y2K updates and testing.” Recommended action: Complete additional testing that is underway as a part of general maintenance activities. Justification: If this system fails, it will be taken out of service and the facility will be controlled by the Chugach Dispatch RTU2 system. Chugach system is fully tested and operational and is essentially new. cc: Brian Bjorkquist Keith Laufer Stan Sieczkowski Dennis McCrohan Karl Reiche es ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY {= ALASKA @@E_ =ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 MEMORANDUM TO: Brian Bjorkquist Keith Laufer Stan Sieczkowski Dennis McCrohan Karl Reiche FROM: Art Copoulos Af*/ DATE: September 14, 1999 SUBJECT: Consultant Y2K Inventories and Assessments Follow-up Results Documentation All of the consultant Y2K Inventories and Assessments have been completed on appropriate AIDEA and AEA projects and a number of problem areas have been identified. At this point, approximately 85% of the testing, remediation, repair, and replacement effort is complete and | feel comfortable that we will not experience any major Y2K related problems on any of the AIDEA projects. Problem areas identified by the consultant are summarized in the attached documentation. Included with that documentation is an explanation of the testing, remediation, repair, replacement, and/or risk-it, strategy employed in response to the consultant recommendation. In developing a “response” to the consultant recommendation, my emphasis has been to avoid disruptions at the projects and to complete the remediation efforts cost effectively and efficiently, while at the same time ensuring that decisions are consistent with the State Y2K Project Office Plan/Guidelines and consultant recommendations. No further action is recommended on those items identified by manufacturer/supplier as being compliant and where the consultant recommends no further testing or action. As an additional means to mitigate risk, detailed contingency plans have been prepared (are still being prepared on Solomon, Bradley, and Healy) and drills testing those contingency plans, have been or will be implemented as appropriate. Please review the attached documentation and let me know if you have any comments or don’t concur with any of the proposed responses or justifications. The consultant (EPS) reports are also available for your review in my office if you haven’t already seen them. Memorandum September 14, 1999 Page 2 Remaining areas of concern are: » A few Bradley Lake repair items that need clarification. Letter to file still needed. ( » Division of Communications completion of remaining scope of work, which includes verifying that Terror Lake microwave system is compliant — said September 30th. Installation of MOSCAD system upgrade. Onaddhy Completion of remaining contingency plans at Bradley Lake, Solomon Gulch, and HCCP. Lack of a Joint Utility/Railbelt Contingency Plan. Documentation of testing results at HCCP and completion of upgrade work on Bailey. ~~ — { D Minor outstanding repair items — Snow Load Monitoring system, data recorders, etc. » Public/Y2K office perception of the likelihood of extended power disruptions. | will schedule a meeting to discuss this memo and these remaining areas of concern in the next few days. Y2K Project Methodology All potentially at risk Project and Power Plant devices evaluated according to AIDEA definition of compliance. Vv Consultant evaluation. Obtain Manufacturer Certificate and review. Not Compliant Appropriate action taken to bring device into compliance or strategy established to work around potential risk. Recommended action and justification for that action No further action = documented in file. Additional Checks and Safeguards: 1. Contingency plan - Risk it and replace is a viable option. 2. Utility review and evaluation on some projects. Dennis McCrohan From: Art Copoulos Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 1999 4:53 PM To: ‘Tom Lawson’ Ce: Keith Laufer; Dennis McCrohan Subject: RE: Sept y2k monthly report state Y2K report September v1.... Tom, Here it is a couple days early so | can quit worrying about it. Call with any questions or problems. If | have anything else in the next 2 days, I'll send it to you. A couple items of note: 1 Contingency Planning - | am faxing down the Terror Lake Contingency Plan. The Bradley and Solomon Plans will be ready at he end of this month. Regarding the Alaska Intertie Contingency Plan, | don't expect to produce anything more than what was previously sent down based on the following and as outlined in the spreadsheet - Contingency planning will be handled by each utility rather than trying to agree on a joint utility contingency plan or an Intertie specific Utility Plan. The previously submitted joint contingency plan, which essentially outlines risks and how the risks willl be mitgated will have to suffice for the Alaska Intertie Contingency Plan. In addition to this, railbelt utilities established a joint utility contingency planning committiee. That committiee is addressing key Y2K issues from a railbelt wide systems perspective, sharing key information such as Y2K rollover staffing plans, communications protocol, and other key issues. Based on a discussion of the issues, adequate safeguards will be in place throughout the railbelt region. 2. | talked with Jack F. at the State Office. | answered some of his questions and he seemed pleased overall. He requested that | change testing percentages to show % implemented. These changes are reflected in the updates. 3. With the exception of internal AIDEA Loan Servicing (as noted in spreadsheet), all tests planned should be implemented by the October deadline. Implementation should be completed by November. 4. | am concerned with the"public perception" of the Y2K issue. In a brochure produced by the State Y2K office, that | got with my paycheck, it suggested that the public should be prepared for extended power outages. Based on remediation efforts | have observed, the risk of any extended power outage is low and | don't think it's necessary to cause any undue concern. Art -----Original Message--—- From: Tom Lawson [SMTP:Tom_Lawson@dced.state.ak.us] Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 4:28 PM To: Jeff Bush; Keith Laufer; Martin Richard; Rick Abbott; Art Copoulos Subject: Sept y2k monthly report Your Sept report is due to me by noon Friday 9/17. As usual, please make changes in red. Following is a note from the y2k office on completing this month's update: As you update this month's status report, please make sure that the dates you report for the completion of your implementation phase accurately indicates the date you will finish your work on each MCBF. Please remember that testing is required to be 100% complete by October, and implementation to be 100% complete by November. Therefore, we'll be reviewing your close-out dates for appropriateness and holding you to them as we work together towards project close-out. Additionally, | have made some minor administrative changes to your spreadsheets. All percentage changes (typos, populating blank cells with zeros) have been made in blue text. Please review these to make sure these changes are accurate. To help you spot them, | have highlighted in blue, cells with dates that have been missed, or blank 1 cells that need dates added to them. Tom Lawson, Director Division of Administrative Services Se, yee of Community and Economic Development P.O. Box 110803 Juneau, Alaska 99811-0803 (907) 465-2506 Fax (907) 465-2563 << File: dced999.xls >> SEPTEMBER STATUS REPORT A B c Do E EF G H | J K 1_|As Of: 09/17/99 DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 2 3 CONTINGENCY SUPPORTING 4 AUTOMATION 5 MISSION- Is There A SYSTEMS Assessment And Planning 6 CRITICAL Contingency 7 | BUSINESS Plan In Place Repair (1) Additional 8 | FUNCTION [For The Function’ Name Of Replace (2), Resources 9 Name Of Critical Name Of § Estimated | Retire (3), [| Date Started | Est'd/Actual | Estimated Needed? 10 [If Not, Automation System Embedded Failure | Risk It (4), Or [/f Not Yet, | Completion | % Work [If Not, 11 Leave Blank, System Interface System Date _| Test/Cert. (5) {Leave Blank; Date Completed| Leave Blank, Investments MLX (Mortage 12 |Loan Servicing Y Loans Extended) 01/02/00 1 05/15/97 07/01/97 100% 13 LOIS (Loans Online 14 Information System) 01/02/00 2 05/15/97 07/01/97 100%| 15 16 17 18 19 ‘OP/LANSW/ 20 AN 01/02/00 2 05/01/98 06/01/98 100%| 21 JAKRR Y System Hardware 01/01/00 5 01/02/98 03/31/98 100% Network Operating 22 System 01/01/00 5 01/02/98 03/31/98 100% 23 Financial Systems 01/01/00 5 01/02/98 03/31/98 100% Real Estate 24 Accounting System 01/01/00 2 01/02/98 03/31/98 100% Operational 25 Information System 01/01/00 5 01/02/98 03/31/98 100% DESKTOP/LANs/W 26 AN 1/1/00 5 1/2/98 4/1/98 100% Signal 27 Systems 01/01/00 5 10/01/98 100% Event 28 Recorders § 01/01/00 5 10/01/98 100% phone/fax/ radio 29 controllers — 01/01/00 5 11/31/98 100% 30 Bradley Lake 31 |Hydro Y SCADA 01/01/00 5 06/01/98 11/15/98 100%| 32 Governor 01/01/00 4&5 06/01/98 11/15/98 100% 33 Protective Relays 01/01/00 4&5 06/01/98 11/15/98 100% 34 Maint. Mgt. Sys. 01/01/00 5 06/01/98 11/15/98 100% 35 state Y2K report September v1 xls This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 1 of 19 SEPTEMBER STATUS REPORT B c D fe YATTON HEY nl FA et Rs ti) Ly" fe) 09/17/99 DEPARTMENT: nS I TTF AUTOMATION 5 MISSION- ls There A SYSTEMS Testing 6 CRITICAL Contingency BUSINESS Plan In Place Additional Additional 8 Name Of Resources Resources Name Of Critical Name Of 4 Date Started | Est'd/Actual Needed? J Date Started | Est'd/Actual Needed? Automation System Embedded # [If Not Yet, | Completion [If Not, [If Not Yet, | Completion [If Not, Interface Date Date Leave Blank] MLX (Mortage 12 |Loan Servicing ¥ Loans Extended) 07/01/98 05/10/99 100% 05/10/99 06/30/99 100% | 13] LOIS (Loans Online 14 Information System) 07/01/98 10/01/99 85% 05/01/99 10/15/99 65%| 15 16 17 18 ra 9 DESKTOP/LANs/W JAN 07/01/98 02/01/99 100% 09/15/98 02/01/99 100% A AK RR System Hardware 100%| 04/01/98 10/31/98 100% Network Operating 22 System 100% 04/01/98 10/31/98 100% 23 Financial Systems 100% 04/01/98 12/01/98 100% ] Real Estate 24 Accounting System 100%| 04/01/98 12/05/98 100%| Operational 25. Information System 100% 04/01/98 12/31/98 100%| DESKTOP/LANs/W) 26 AN 100% 9/15/98 2/15/99 100% Signal 27 Systems 100%| 100% Event 28 Recorders 100% 100% phone/fax/ radio controllers 100% 100% | NA NA 100% 09/01/98 06/30/99 100% NA NA 100% 09/01/98 iar E 100% Protective Relays NA NA 100% 09/01/98 100%| | Maint. Mgt. Sys. NA NA 100% 09/01/98 100%| state Y2K report September v1 xls This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 2 of 19 SEPTEMBER STATUS REPORT PSII =I II] As Of: 09/17/99 DEPARTMENT: 2 Ee ‘SUPPORTING fe AUTOMATION MISSION- Is There A SYSTEMS Implementation CRITICAL Contingency Contingency BUSINESS Plan In Place Additional Plan In Additional Resources Place For Resources Name Of 4 Date Started | Est'd/Actual Needed? Dependency Needed? [If Not, i Embedded § [If Not Yet, | Completion [If Not, [If Not, Date Leave Blank]| e |Leave Blank]| Leave Blank, Investments MLX (Mortage Loan Servicing Loans Extended) 05/01/99 08/01/99 LOIS (Loans Online Information System)! KeyBank-LockBox Services (data entry of loan payments) |AEL&P - no electrical utilities 09/15/98 02/15/99 ‘System Hardware 01/15/99 Network Operating System 12/31/98 Financial Systems 12/31/98 Real Estate Accounting System 05/31/99 Operational Information System 01/31/99 DESKTOP/LANs/W AN 9/15/98 5/15/99 Signal Systems 01/02/98 11/16/98 Event Recorders 01/02/98 11/16/98 phone/fax/ radio controllers 01/02/98 11/16/98 ice Bldg.--power Bradley Lake Hydro SCADA Governor Protective Relays This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the state Y2K report September v1 xis 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 3 of 19 SEPTEMBER STATUS REPORT A B c | eG | eed K 1_|As Of: 09/17/99 DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 2 3 SUPPORTING 4 AUTOMATION 5 Is There A SYSTEMS Assessment And Plannin: Contingency 7 BUSINESS Plan In Place Repair (1) Additional FUNCTION Replace (2), Resources Name Of Critical Name Of § Estimated | Retire (3), | Date Started Estimated Needed? [If Not, Automation Failure _| Risk It (4), Orff [If Not Yet, % Work [If Not, Completed|Leave Blank] 01/01/00 11/01/98 Protective Relays 01/01/00 4&5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100%| Maint. Mgt. Sys. 01/01/00 5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100%) SCADA 01/01/00 5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100%| Protective Relays 01/01/00 4&5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100% Maint. Mgt. Sys. 01/01/00 5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100% SCADA 01/01/00 5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100% Protective Relays 01/01/00 4&5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100% Maint. Mgt. Sys. 01/01/00 5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100% SCADA 01/01/00 5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100% Protective Relays 01/01/00 4&5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100% Maint. Mgt. Sys. 01/01/00 5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100% 01/01/00 4&5 05/01/98 09/01/98 100% Protective Relays 01/01/00 4&5 05/01/98 09/01/98 100%| eee per ae (a a ee aaa 56 [Servicing MLS 01/01/00 1 06/01/96 07/01/96 100% 57 Dynamics 01/01/00 1 06/01/96 07/01/96 100% AIDEA Desktop/ 58 LAN/WAN 11/01/97 02/15/98 100% 59 60 | DESKTOP/LAN i a [62 | state Y2K report September v1.xIs This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 4 of 19 c D DEPARTMENT: SEPTEMBER STATUS REPORT SUPPORTING AUTOMATION MISSION- Is There A SYSTEMS CRITICAL Contingency BUSINESS Plan In Place Additional Additional Resources Resources Name Of Est'd/Actual Estimated Needed? Date Started Est'd/Actual Needed? [if Not, Automation Completion % Work [If Not Yet, Completion [if Not, 6 8 9 | [10 | i System Date _|Complete Leave Blank]] | 36 | Y SCADA 100%| Protective Relays 100% | 38 | Maint. Mgt. Sys. 11/01/98 100%| Ha v SCADA 11/01/98 100%| 4 Protective Relays 11/01/98 400% Maint. Mgt. Sys. 11/01/98 100% | ¥ SCADA 11/01/98 90% 45 Protective Relays 11/01/98 100% Maint. Mgt. Sys. 11/01/98 100%| 47 Y SCADA 11/01/98 100% 49 Protective Relays 11/01/98 100%| Ed Maint. Mgt. Sys. 11/01/98 100% Larsen Bay A Hydro Y Governor NA NA 100% 11/01/98 100% Protective Relays NA NA 100% 11/01/98 100% Ea 54 [Alaska Intertie yi Protective Relays NA NA 100% 11/01/98 100%| See ee ¥ MLS 07/01/96 12/01/96 100% 01/01/97 90% Dynamics 07/01/96 12/01/96 100%| 01/01/97 90%| AIDEA Desktop/ LAN/WAN 02/15/98 01/15/99 100% 02/15/98 90%| state Y2K report September v1 xls 60 DESKTOPILA! 61 |s/\WAN Y lsee each agency entry 62 This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 5 of 19 SEPTEMBER STATUS REPORT AUTOMATION MISSION- Is There A SYSTEMS Implementation CRITICAL Contingency Contingency BUSINESS Plan In Place Additional Plan In Additional Resources Place For Resources Name Of Est'd/Actual Needed? Dependency Needed? [if Not, Automation Completion [if Not, [If Not, Leave Blank, System SCADA Date Leave Blank]| ‘Leave Blank, Protective Relays Maint. Mgt. Sys. SCADA Protective Relays Maint. Mgt. Sys. SCADA Protective Relays Maint. Mgt. Sys. SCADA communications Protective Relays 01/01/97 01/01/97 |AIDEA Desktop/ LAN/WAN 02/15/98 state Y2K report September v1 xls This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 6 of 19 B SEPTEMBER STATUS REPORT DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT P oH 7T i Jf4 SUPPORTING AUTOMATION MISSION- ls There A SYSTEMS Assessment And Plannin: CRITICAL Contingency BUSINESS Plan In Place Repair (1) Additional Replace (2), Resources Name Of Estimated Retire (3), J Date Started Est'd/Actual Needed? [if Not, Automation Failure Risk It (4), Or] [if Not Yet, Completion [If Not, Leave Blank) System Date Leave Blank]| state Y2K report September v1.xls This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 7 of 19 SEPTEMBER STATUS REPORT A B c D E L M N ° P Q s 1_JAs Of: 09/17/99 DEPARTMENT: 2 3 CONTINGENCY SUPPORTING 4 AUTOMATION 5S MISSION- Is There A SYSTEMS Remediation Testing 6 CRITICAL Contingency 7 | BUSINESS Plan In Place Additional Additional 8 | FUNCTION [For The Function Name Of Resources Resources 9 Name Of Critical Name Of { Date Started | Est'd/Actual] Estimated Needed? § Date Started | Est'd/Actual| Estimated Needed? 10 [If Not, Automation System Embedded # [If Not Yet, |Completion| % Work [If Not, [If Not Yet, | Completion | % Work [If Not, 11 Leave Blank System Interface System gLeave Blank, Date _|Complete | Leave Blank]}Leave Blank, Date Completed |Leave Blank) 63 64 65. OVERALL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS STATUS | 66 67 YIN. 68 [Y] Beyond its contingency planning for mission-critical business functions, 69 above, does the department have in place an overall contingency plan for | 70 dealing with other potential Y2K impacts as well? 71 72 [Y] Has the department reviewed its statutory role and responsibilities in the 73 statewide disaster recovery plan? 74 75 Prepared By: | Tom Lawson 465-2506 Tom_Lawson@commerce.state.ak.us 76 Name Telephone # Email Address state Y2K report September v1.xls This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 8 of 19 SEPTEMBER STATUS REPORT | A B c Dy eT - As Of. 09/17/99 DEPARTMENT: ‘SUPPORTING Le er ee eee SUPPLIER DEPENDENCIES [3 | Teontincency AUTOMATION als MISSION- Is There A SYSTEMS Implementation CRITICAL Contingency Contingency BUSINESS Plan In Place Additional Plan In Additional FUNCTION Resources Place For Resources Est'd/Actual Needed? Dependency Needed? [if Not, Completion [If Not, [if Not, Leave Blank, Date Leave Blank] |Leave Blank Leave Blank, 6 7 | 10 | a | 65 | | 66 | 67 68 70 74 | 73 | 74 75 state Y2K report September v1 xls This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 9 of 19 Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: SEPTEMBER STATUS REPORT B1 JFARGNOLI - - 1/13/99: Please update this date, each month. 012 Rick Abbott - 5/20/99 re: Novell Netware 4.11.... Have acquired access to the necessary patch to Netware and will be applying it during the month of July along with a neww file server and moving to the State of Alaska network TREE. Rick Abbott: re: Novell Netware 4.11 or 5.x... A patch to the current Netware 4.10 system will be made when its available. Vendor states that will be before the end of Jan. '99. Later on in FY 99 an upgrade of Netware will be done most likely to Netware 4.2 which is currently available. The rease for the patch rather than the upgrade is that there is less work required and no additional hardware will be needed. N14 JACK FARGNOLI - 4/16/99: Rick - Thanks for the update. We're in the process of revising our requirements schedule, so the remediation completion requirement may stay at 75% for a couple of more monthly cycles. The testing completion percentages may also be backed off a bit, too. We'll be announcing this revised schedule next week, probably. Hope it takes some of the pressure off. - Jack Rick Abbott - 2/23/99 Jack - We should be able to make the April date but it will be close. As you can seen by this month's change we moved from 35 to 65% during the reporting month of Feb. | have put another A/P on the project so things should speed up. Let me know if you need further. Jack Fargnoli - 2/18/99 Rick - Re: porting LOIS, don't forget that by April our readiness report schedule calls for remediation to be 100% completed. Let me know if/as you see any problems coming. Rick Abbott: LOIS is basically an inquiry system against the batch MLX database. It is made up of a number of simple screens and some rather minor processing. Most of the heavy duty loan servicing processing is done in a batch environment by the MLX system. It currently is running on a Wang minicomputer. It will be re-written in Oracle and run on the Investments LAN. The plan for LOIS remediation is quite simple. LOIS will not be re-designed it will be ported to the new DBMS basically as is. The only changes that will be made are those necessary to accomodate the new DBMS environment. The plan is, once training has been obtained and the Oracle DBMS environment established, to spend two months developing the LOIS screens/processing in Oracle. There will be an Analyst/progammer Ill and IV working full time on this phase of the project. Once the above programmer is finished, the old and new versions of LOIS will be run in parallel for at least one month. During the parallel testing phase any problems uncovered will be corrected. If everything goes according to plan full implementation of a Y2K compatable LOIS system should occur May 1, 1999. | have built in a two month buffer to accomodate any unexpected problems F27 Jack Fargnoli - 3/19/96: Need estimated failure dates for this cell and the two immediately below it. V27 Jack Fargnoli - 3/1°9/99: Transferred the completion percentage (and start/finish dates) for this cell and the two cells immediately below from the Embedded Systems section of last month's spreadsheet.. If they are correct as shown here in the Implementation section, please show 100% of work completed in prior stages for these three systems. Thanks. - JF B31 Aidea: detailed contingency plan has been prepared and should be available 9/8/99. This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the state Y2K report September v1 xis 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 10 of 19 SEPTEMBER STATUS REPORT Aidea: Received plan from Bradley Lake staff but it needs some additional work. Cell: D31 Comment: JFARGNOLI: I've deleted all the "none" labels in the cells in this column, as they're not necessary and interfere with cell-count formulas for this column which link to other spreadsheets. Cell: E31 Comment: Jack Fargnoli - 3/19/99: Please be sure to insert additional rows into the spreadsheet to accommodate any embedded systems for hydro/intertie facilities that turn out to need work (e.g., as a consequence of pilot testing at the Solomon Gulch facility). Thanks. - JF Tom Lawson 3/28/98 At this point there is nothing to add. Cell: L31 Comment: JFARGNOLI - - 1/13/99: Start dates and end dates for all hydro systems and the AK Intertie are shown as "NA" because strategy is to Risk It (#4) or "Test/Certify" (#5) . Cell: N31 Comment: JFARGNOLI: Because of the pilot-site testing strategy ("Risk It" or "Test/Certify") adopted by AEA for the hydro systems listed here and for the AK Intertie: (a) start/end dates are shown as "NA", and (b) remediation for these systems is censidered essentially "100% complete", until stablished otherwise by pilot/subsequent testing. Cell: P31 Comment: JFARGNOLI - - 1/13/99: Please indicate in the spreadsheet: (a) which of the hydro facilities will be the pilot test site, (b) the start/end timeframe for the pilot testing, and (c) the start.end timeframes associated for any post-pilot testing or post-pilot remediation of the other, non-pilot hydro facilities. Please do same for the AK Intertie, insofar as it seems to be included within the overall AEA testing plan. Thanks. RESPONSE: The pilot test site will be Solomon Gulch. Testing is planned to occur during the first week of February, 1999 but the planned test date is subject to dispatch requirements. Test dates for the other projects will be scheduled after this testing is completed. 2/24/99 RESPONSE UPDATE: There has been some testing of SCADA by AEA's utility operators. Satisfactory results have been documented. Additional testing by AEA is ongoing with estimated completion date for testing remaining 7/99. Cell: R31 Comment: JFARGNOLI - 1/13/99: Once the testing timeframes for the pilot test site and the other hydro/intertie facilities have been established (or estimated), please enter in this column percentage estimates of progress on any needed work resulting from the pilot-site testing findings. Thanks. This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the state Y2K report September v1 xls 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 11 of 19 SEPTEMBER STATUS REPORT RESPONSE: We will provide upon completing the pilot test now tenatively scheduled during the first week February. See response in cell 031. 2/24/99 REPONSE UPDATE: Some testing of SCADA has been done by AEA's utility operators with satisfactory results. Testing is ongoing with estimated completion remaining 7/99. 5/19/99 Art Copoulos: Chugach Electric can control Bradley Lake power production and output using their new Siemens SCADA system which has been fully tested and is Y2K compliant. Cell: T31 Comment: JFARGNOLI - - 1/13/99: Start dates and end dates for all hydro systems and the AK Intertie are shown as "NA" because strategy is to Risk It (#4) or "Test/Certify" (#5) . Cell: V31 Comment: JFARGNOLI - - 1/13/99: Because of the pilot-site testing strategy ("Risk It" or "Test/Certify") adopted by AEA for the hydro systems listed here and for the AK Intertie: (a) start/end dates are shown as "NA", and (b) implementation for these systems is considered essentially "100% complete", until established otherwise by pilot/subsequent testing. Cell: X31 Comment: JFARGNOLI - - 1/13/99: Deleted all the "None" entries in this column for hydro facilities and the Intertie, because columnar of cell-count formulas linked to other spreadsheets. If there are "none", no need to say so. Cell: G32 Comment: JACK FARGNOLI - - 1/13/99: The comment below also applies to all cells in this column which are marked "4&5" With respect to the Relays with embedded processors, the Governor Control systems, and the miscellaneous systems, it is not practical or feasible to test the systems completely for Y2K compliance. The component parts within these systems that may fail are numerous “black boxes” that cannot individually be tested. Also these systems can be bypassed if they fail. Therefore, the contingency plan for Y2K is the same as it is for whatever other reasons these component parts sometimes fail. The plant operators maintain an inventory of component parts and will replace any failed component parts. Also the equipment manufacturers have been contacted and statements received from most verifying that inventoried replacement parts are Y2K compliant. Those systems that contain suspect component parts are being tested where feasible and any faulty component parts will be scheduled for replacement prior to the expected failure date. Cell: R32 Comment: NOTE - - The AEA comment below applies to the testing of all hydro facilities (i.e., Bradley Lake, 4-Dam Pool, Larsen Bay) plus the AK Intertie. Redundant copies of comment have been deleted. - Jack Fargnoli, 1/13/99 “AEA COMMENT" Even though the SCADA and Maintenance Management systems have manual overrides, AEA will test those systems because it is practical and economically prudent to do so. AEA will be testing these systems during the first half of 1999 by either implementing manufacturer recommended test procedures if available or through scheduled date changes on the systems. Testing cannot be done apart from actual operation of the plants and consideration of the energy needs of the communities served. Therefore, testing has to be planned and coordinated in conjunction with the utility companies’ ongoing operations of the plants. One of the Four Dam Pool plants is scheduled to be tested in January, 1999. If any problems are found, repairs will be made and the systems will be retested to certify Y2K compliance. AEA will schedule tests at the other plants after tests at the first plant is completed, making any necessary changes based on what was learned in the first test. We estimate that testing of all the plants will be completed by July, 1999. 2/24/99 AEA COMMENT UPDATE: This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the state Y2K report September v1 xis 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 12 of 19 SEPTEMBER STATUS REPORT There has been some testing of SCADA by AEA's utility operators with satisfactory results. Additional testing is ongoing with estimated completion of testing remaining July, 1999. 4/26/99 Update Additional inventory and assessment work has been completed at the Four Dam Pool projects. No major problems were identified. Solomon Gulch Project reported that they tested the "off-line" master on SCADA on 4/15/99 and there were no problems. There will a full operational test done at a later date. Y2K drill is scheduled for Swan Lake on 5/27/99. Cell: X32 Comment: Art Copoulos 5/21/99: AEA has requested that the operators of Bradley Lake and the Alaska Intertie certify for Y2K compliance the AEA owned facilities they operate and are responsible for, their own internal systems that support AEA owned facilities, and any equipment or services they provide to support the AEA owned projects. Cell: R34 Comment: Aidea: 7-20-99 Maintenance management program not critical to plant operation. The maintenance schedule can be maintained manually. The system has been verified as complinant by the manufacturer. Non-compliant hardware has been replaced. No testing planned. Cell: R35 Comment: Art Copoulos 5/21/99: Update on communications equipment testing on AEA projects: The Division of Telecommunications, has advised us that the equipment on their “need information” list is very unlikely to have problems. They recommen employing a “risk-it” strategy for all but 2 items on this list. Also, nll but 2 items on this list are date stamped so testing would not be possible. AEA has requested that all the projects update their telecommunications equipment inventories. Once this information is available we will take appropriate actions, if any are needed. 6/15/99 Art Copoulos Provided updated equipment inventory lists as best as possible. Requested cost estimate to finalize need-info list. 7/20/99 Div Comm. is finalizing compliance checks on remaining items. Provided CFR for their time. Cell: B36 Comment: Aidea: more detailed contingency plan has been completed. Cell: R36 Comment: Linda MacMillan/Art Copoulos: 5/19/99: The operating utility, KPU, has completed in excess of 80 hrs. of testing on their SCADA which part of the Swan Lake SCADA System. The system is fully Y2K compliant. Hewlett Packard has also confirmed that the RTE_A operating system is certifiably Y2K compliant. There are a number of subroutines that were modified to handle Y2K date stamps 6/15/99 Art Copoulos - Meet with KPU staff, reviewed documents and test results. Testing is complete on this SCADA system. Cell: X36 Comment: Art Copoulos 5/21/99: AEA has contacted all appropriate Four Dam Pool contractors and service providers requesting certification for Y2K compliance on any equipment or services they provide to support the AEA owned projects. Cell: R37 Comment: Aidea: 7/20/99 Relays coinfirmed compliant by manufacuturer. Testing has been performed successfully on similar realys in the KPU system and on other projects. No additional testing recommended. This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the state Y2K report September v1 xis 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 13 of 19 Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: SEPTEMBER STATUS REPORT R38 Aidea: 7-20-99 Maintenance management program not critical to plant operation. The maintenance schedule can be maintained manually. The system has been verified as complinant by the manufacturer. Non-compliant hardware has been replaced. No testing planned. R39 Art Copoulos 5/21/99: Update on communications equipment testing on AEA projects: The Division of Telecommunications, has advised us that the equipment on their “need information” list is very unlikely to have problems. They recommend employing a “risk-it" strategy for all but 2 items on this list. Also, nll but 2 items on this list are date stamped so testing would not be possible. AEA has requested that all the projects update their telecommunications equipment inventories. Once this information is available we will take appropriate actions, if any are needed. 7/23/99 Div Com has been provided a scope of work and CSR requesting that they finalize compliance remediation effort on certain equipment. B40 Aidea: More detailed contingency plan has been completed. R40 Linda MacMillan/Art Copoulos: 5/19/99: SCADA manufacturer, HSQ Technologies, has developed Y2K testing procedures for the TYEE and Terror Laks SCADAs. The SCADA manufacturer has previously certifed the SCADAs at these facilities to be Y2K compliant and has provided documentation of a similar test on a similar SCADA system they maintain. Considering that similar systems have been tested successfully, that the manufacturerer has certified the system as being compliant, and that we have the option of operating the plants on manual, it will be difficult to justify the additional costs associated with testing. AEA is currently evaluating a proposal to complete SCADA testing by the manufacturer at TYEE and Terror Lake Facilities. 6/15/99 Art Copoulos At this point for reasons stated above, and due to the high associated costs, no additional SCADA testing is recommended for this system. Aidea: 8/30/99 HSQ performed Y2K date rollover test while on location for other purposes. No problems. R41 Aidea: 7/20/99 Relays coinfirmed compliant by manufacuturer. Testing has been performed successfully on simmilar relays at Swan Lake and other projects. No testing recommended. R42 Aidea: Aidea: 7-20-99 Maintenance management program not critical to plant operation. The maintenance schedule can be maintained manually. The system has been verified as complinant by the manufacturer. Non-compliant hardware has been replaced. No testing planned. B44 Aidea: detailed contingency plan is being finalized and should be available 9/8/99. Aidea: Update - now available 9/21 per CVEA CEO. This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the state Y2K report September v1 xls 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 14 of 19 SEPTEMBER STATUS REPORT Cell: R44 Comment: Linda MacMillan/Art Copoulos: 5/19/99: April, 1999 SCADA testing showed no Y2K problems. There is additional operations testing is planned for June, 1999. Results are summarized below: The following tests were executed to evaluate the potential for Y2K problems on the Solomon Gulch SCADA system: 1) SCADA system was locked on side “A”. 2) Side “B" was pulled up on screen 2. 3) Side “B” Early Warning System was toggled out of service on the S/W display pg. 1 at points 6, 7, 8, 9 & 11. Point # 10 is already out of service. 4) At the System Display, the CPU to CPU link was toggled out of service. In effect, our “back up" SCADA computer was isolated and any Y2K issue problems that could have caused an operational malfunction would have been limited to the indication of control signals within the side “B" computer itself. The following tests were then performed to determine Y2K compliance: 1) Time and date were set to 31-DEC-99, 23:56:00. Once the clock was set we waited until it rolled past midnight and the date changed to 10-JAN-00 and continued with no adverse effects. 2) After eight minutes we executed a reload command from the hard drive and it rebooted like normal. 3) At nine minutes past we powered down the “B” side computer at the master station, waited one minute and powered back up. 4) At twelve minutes past we inserted the Bernoulli 20MB floppy disc and reset the “B" side computer. The same tests were performed for each of the following dates with satisfactory results. Inthe year 1999 In the year 2001 1) 08-SEP-99 to 09-SEP-99 1) 28-FEB-01 to 01-MAR-01 2) 09-SEP-99 to 10-SEP-99 In the year 2000 In the year 2004 1) 28-FEB-00 to 29-FEB-00 1) 28-FEB-04 to 29-FEB-04 2) 29-FEB-00 to 01-MAR-00 2) 29-FEB-04 The following additional tests were performed with unexpected events resulting with year recognition problems but no adverse effects were found. 1) Set time and date to 31-DEC-99, 23:56:00 2) Saved the database. 3) Powered down the “B" side computer. 4) Powered back up after five minutes had passed. The expected result was to see the clock and calendar had advanced to 01-JAN-00, 00:01:00 and counting. This did not occur. What we saw was 01-JAN-99, 00:01:00 and counting. The clock, day, and month advanced < expected but the year stayed at 99. This test was repeated several times to confirm the results. The same four steps were then tested on all of the dates listed in the first test with similar unsatisfactory results. When the test was performed on the leap year, the clock always advanced as expected but the month and day did not reflect the leap year 29-FEB, instead it went to 01-MAR. The year remained the same as expected. The incorrect dates were easily changed to indicate the desired day, month, and year by manually entering them and then resetting the clock. Alll of the results from these tests were forwarded to Pete Castingway of Landis & Gyr and he is going to get back with us after doing the same testing in their shop. The SCADA system is powered up 24 hours a day typically. Its power supply comes from the DC inverter which, during a total outage, draws power from the plants main battery bank and never sees an interruption of power. Powering down is not a normal operation. In fact, it is only powered down for non-routine maintenance such as the changing of a hardware device or internal cleaning. Powering down during the change of days, or months, or years would be considered extremely unusual. Under normal conditions, the way the SCADA system works right now, we should not experience any malfunctions caused by Y2K turnover. In the highly unlikely event that we should experience a SCADA power failure during the change, it would appear that the date glitches themselves would have no operational effect. This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the state Y2K report September v1 xis 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 15 of 19 SEPTEMBER STATUS REPORT When Landis & Gyr complete their testing, they will notify us of what action we need to take, if any, to correct the problems with date changes during power down times. Additional operational testing planned for early June consists of connecting side B (back-up) to remote plant PLC's and RTU and isolating side A. This will be followed by repeating the same tests (described above) on side A, with side A isolated. Assuming side A tests successfully, while isolated, it will be reconnected to plant and equipment for live testing. Live testing will then be completed with diesel generators on line and personnel available on standby should unforeseen problems arise Cell: R45 Comment: Aidea: Aidea: 7/20/99 Relays coinfirmed compliant by manufacuturer. Testing has been performed successfully on simmilar relays at Swan Lake and other projects. No testing recommended. Cell: R46 Comment: Aidea: 7-20-99 Maintenance management program not critical to plant operation. The maintenance schedule can be maintained manually. The system has been verified as complinant by the manufacturer. Non-compliant hardware has been replaced. No testing planned. Cell: B48 Comment: Aidea: detailed contingency plan is being finalized and should be available 9/15/99. Aidea: completed 9/15/99. Cell: R48 Comment: Art Copoulos 6-15-99: HSQ may be coming to Terror to do another job, if so, will evaluate the possibility of them doing some SCADA Y2K testing while they are there. 7-13-99 - HSQ not coming to Terror, will forego testing for same reasons as Tyee. Same SCADA system as Tyee. 9-13-99 KEA has decided to bring up HSQ for other reasons and will do Y2K testing at thewir expense. As far as AEA is concerned testing of this SCADA is not needed and implementation is complete. Cell: Y48 Comment: Aidea: 8/30/99 Evaluated telecom equipmet inventory and requested additional info from Div. Comm. Requested finalization of recommendations, and confirmation that Terror Lake Microwave and VHF repeater systems are compliant. As of 8/30, Div Comm. indicates that that effort will be completed by 9/30/99. Cell: R49 Comment: Aidea: 7/20/99 Relays coinfirmed compliant by manufacuturer. Testing has been performed successfully on similar realys . No additional testing recommended. This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the state Y2K report September v1 xls 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 16 of 19 SEPTEMBER STATUS REPORT Cell: X49 Comment: Aidea: 8/31/99 Project underway to upgrade Motorola Moscad sytem for Y2K compliance . This involves upgrading CPU, FIU, and RTU's at remote monitoring and communications sites. Cell: R50 Comment: Aidea: 7-20-99 Maintenance management program not critical to plant operation. The maintenance schedule can be maintained manually. The system has been verified as complinant by the manufacturer. Non-compliant hardware has been replaced. No testing planned. Cell: BS1 Comment: Aidea: No Y2K/date issues have been identified at Larsen Bay based on the Inventory and Assement.. There is no equipment at this small scale Hydro with date/Y2K issues. Consequently it is recommended to forego any detailed Y2K contingency planning . No need to plan for something that "can't happen." Cell: R51 Comment: Linda MacMillan/Art Copoulos: 5/19/99: Control systems do not rely on date information so testing will not be an option. Cell: C52 Comment: Aidea: Cell: R52 Comment: Aidea: Aidea: 7/20/99 Relays coinfirmed compliant by manufacuturer. Testing has been performed successfully on similar realys . No additional testing recommended. Cell: B54 Comment: Aidea: draft contingency plan has been prepared. A joint utility working group has been established to finalize the plan. Meetings will take place in September. 9-14-99 update: Contingency planning will be handled by each utility rather than trying to agree on a joint utility contingency plan or an Intertie specific Utility Plan. The previously submitted joint contingency plan, which essentially outlines r'~"~ and how the risks willl be mitgated will suffice for the Alaska Intertie Contingency Plan. In addition to this, railbelt utilities established a joint utility contingency planning committiee. Tha t committiee is addressing key Y2K issues from a railbelt wide systems perspective, sharing key information such as Y2K rollover staffing plans, communications protocol, and other key issues. Based on a discussion of the staffing plans, adequate safeguards will be in place throughout the railbelt region. AEA has published their position openly, that being that responsibility for the Intertie rests soley with the Utilities that operate and maintain the equipment. Cell: R54 Comment: Art Copoulos 5/21/99: Some follow-up assesment work being finalized. It is not anticiapted that there is any date stamping, in which case testing will not be an option. This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the state Y2K report September v1 xis 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 17 of 19 SEPTEMBER STATUS REPORT 6/15/99 Setting up a meeting with participants to share information, including results from consultant assesment, and to determine if there are any additional items that need to be addressed. 7/20/99 Relays coinfirmed compliant by manufacuturer. Testing has been performed successfully on similar realys and some testing has been performed by utilities operating and maintaining the Intertie. No additional testing recommended. Cell: X54 Comment: Art Copoulos 5/21/99: AEA has requested that the operators and maintaners of Alaska Intertie certify for Y2K compliance the AEA owned facilities they operate and are responsible for, their own internal systems that support AEA owned facilities, and any equipment or services they provide to support the AEA owned projects. Cell: B56 Comment: Aidea: A detailed contingency plan has been prepared. Cell: FS6 Comment: Jack Fargnoli - 4/16/99: Changed this from" "1/1/95". Cell: Q56 Comment: Aidea: A minor part of the sytem is being tested and repaired by a 3rd party. This minor problem won't impact overall operations and a "work-around" solution is in place. Because of the low impact of this problem, it may not get solved in advance of the testing deadline of October, 1999. Cell: X56 Comment: Aidea: All appropriate 3rd party suppliers/partners have been contacted and confirmed to be in compliance as best as can be reasonably ascertained. Cell: F57 Comment: Jack Fargnoli - 4/16/99: Changed this from" "1/1/95". Cell: Q57 Comment: Aidea: A minor part of the sytem is being tested and repaired by a 3rd party. This minor problem won't impact overall operations and a "work-around" solution is in place. Because of the low impact of this problem, it may not get solved in advance of the testing deadline of October, 1999. Cell: Q58 Comment: Aidea: A minor part of the sytem is being tested and repaired by a 3rd party. This minor problem won't impact overall operations and a "work-around" solution is in place. Because of the low impact of this problem, it may not get solved in advance of the testing deadline of October, 1999. This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the state Y2K report September v1 xls 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 18 of 19 SEPTEMBER STATUS REPORT Cell: C61 Comment: JFARGNOLI - - 1/13/99: Data needs to be entered in this row to track progress of efforts involving the department's Desktop/LANs/WAN compliance functionalities (e.g., PC's, servers, routers, etc.). Also, among the other agencies in the rows above, only the AIDEA Loan Servicing MCBF includes any mention of its desktop/LANs/WAN Y2K efforts; these should be added to the spreadsheet. Tom Lawson: Data has been entered in the ARR and Investments (in addition to AIDEA) sections regarding Desktop/LAN/WAN support of MCBF. Each of the DCED MCBF are supported independently by these entities. This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the state Y2K report September v1 xls 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 19 of 19 ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT » ¢ AND EXPORT AUTHORITY / = ALASKA @@E™ ~=ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 July 27, 1999 James E. Borden Y2K Program Coordinator 5601 Minnesota Drive Anchorage, AK 99519-6300 Re: Year 2000 (Y2K) Readiness Disclosure’ Dear Jim: This letter is in response to your attached letter dated June 30, 1999, regarding Y2K compliance. As requested, | have completed and attached the questionnaire per your request. Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) and Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) would agree that sharing information on Y2K will be to the mutual benefit of all railbelt utilities in their efforts to achieve Y2K compliance. We are working towards that effort by responding to this inquiry, sharing information compiled by our 3” party consultant, and also by helping coordinate a meeting to discuss Y2K planning. Although AEA is the legal owner of many parts of the Northern Alaska Intertie and the Bradley Lake Project, responsibility for maintenance and operation of these facilities rests entirely with various utilities. While AEA will work closely with these utilities to share information and to address any potential problems, AEA is not planning to “take over’ responsibility for or supercede any efforts of our Partner Utilities, or other entities, to achieve Y2K compliance. AEA and AIDEA provide this information “as-is” with no representations or warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, and assumes no liability for damages arising out of or relating in any way to the use of the information. The recipient of the information assumes all responsibility and risk relating to the use of the information. James E. Borden July 27, 1999 Page 2 Should you need any additional information, please call me at 269-3029. Sincerely, Ct r *\ Art Copoulos Y2K Project Manager ee cc: Dennis McCrohan, Deputy Director — Project Development and Operations Keith Laufer, Financial and Legal Affairs Manager Stan Sieczkowski, AEA Maintenance and Operations Manager Brian Bjorkquist, Assistant Attorney General '" As defined by the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure act of 1998 (P.L. 105-271, 112 stmt. 2386) (October 19, 1998) CHUGACH ELECTRIC S\ ASSOCIATION, INC. Cs geen ASSOCIATION, INC. June 30, 1999 ECEIVE Art Copoulos, Project Manager JUL 04 1999 AIDEA/AEA 480 W. Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99503 Alaska industrial Development and Export Authority Subject: Year 2000 (Y2K) Readiness Disclosure Dear Art: As you are well aware, Chugach generators and transmission lines are interconnected with facilities owned or operated by AIDEA/AEA, as well as the other “railbelt” utilities. As a part of our continuing Y2K efforts, we are contacting all interconnected electrical utilities to establish the most current status of your respective Y2K compliance program. It is our belief that sharing such information will be of vital assistance in determining possible impacts to our customers due to the Y2K problem. Attached is the most recent status report of Chugach’s Y2K program that is updated monthly to the North American Electrical Reliability Council (NERC) and is provided to AIDEA/AEA as a Year 2000 readiness disclosure. Please provide AIDEA/AEA’s most recent NERC, or similar National Rural Electrical Cooperative Association, status report or, as an alternative, answer and return the enclosed questionnaire no later than July 16, 1999. Chugach Electric Association, Inc. provides the following Year 2000 information (“Information”) “as is” with no representations or warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, and assumes no liability for damages arising out of or relating in any way to the use of the Information. The recipient of the Information assumes all responsibility and risk relating to the use of the Information. If you should have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at 907-762-4774 or I can be reached by e-mail at jim_borden@chugachelectric.com. Sincerely, es E. Borden Y2K Program Coordinator Attachments 5601 Minnesota Drive » P.O. Box 196300 e Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 Phone 907-563-7494 © FAX 907-562-0027 Year 2000 Project Status Questionnaire * i Has your company established a Year 2000 Program? X Yes No 2, Who is the point of contact for your Y2K Program? Company: Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority / Alaska Energy Auth Name: Art Copoulos Title: Project Manager Phone Number: _ 269-3029 Fax: _ 269-3044 E-mail: acopoulos@aidea. org 3) When did your Y2K Program start? Date 7/1/98 4. What is your target date for completion? Date _10/1/99 SS Does your plan include evaluating the following areas? Circle “Yes” or “No” for all areas. Business Applications (Software) CYes? No Computer Infrastructure (Hardware) (Yes No Utilities facilities including: Generators No Substations. No SCADA/EMS. . Yes? No Telecommunications . No ~ Suppliers/Vendors Yes) No Customers es No (WAY 6. Will you have contingency plans in place in the event your systems/suppliers fail? (¥es)No 7. Date contingency plans will be completed? Date 10/1/99 8. Have you documented your efforts to ensure Y2K readiness? ‘Yes )No 9. Will changes be made to any of your systems that directly or indirectly interface with those of Chugach, i.e. SCADA, microwave? Contact individual utility operators/maintainers for that informatin. Yes No If “Yes”, please provide the system(s) involved and what changes will be made. Questionnaire completed by: Art Copoulos Title: Project Manager Please return your completed Questionnaire to: Jim Borden, Y2K Project Coordinator Chugach Electric Association, Inc. P.O. Box 196300 Anchorage, AK 99519-6300 * ATDEA/AEA provide this as a Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure as defined by the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-271, 112 Stmt 2386) (October 19, 1998) 09/02/99 THU 15:35 FAX 7624694 CEA BLDG G ¢ YEAR 2000 JOINT UTILITY CONTINGENCY PLANNING COMMITTEE September 2, 1999 To: Representative Phone Fax Jim Borden, CEA 762-4774 762-4773 Dave Calvert, City of Seward 224-4071 224-4085 John Cooley, CEA 762-4789 762-4540 Art Copoulos, AIDEA 269-3029 269-3044 Bob Day, AML&P 263-5295 263-5441 Brad Evans, GVEA 451-5655 451-0556 Ray Morgan, MEA 761-9318 761-9339 From:“@2)\cBrian Hickey, CEA 762-4440 762-4694 Re: Y2K Joint Utility Contingency Planning Committee Meeting Date: Tuesday, September 14, 1999 Time: 10:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m. Place: Chugach Electric — Building G Conference Room Agenda: I. Review the September 8, 1999 Y2K Drill i. Discuss the rollover staffing & contingency plans. If you need to attend via teleconference, please contact Andi Hamilton, CEA at (907) 762-4644 so she can arrange a conference call. Mooi Dennis McCrohan From: Art Copoulos Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 1999 2:22 PM To: ‘Tom Lawson’ Ce: Keith Laufer; Dennis McCrohan Subject: RE: August y2k status report State y2k report Aug..xis Tom, Enclosed in the AIDEA/AEA August Y2K report. Highlights to note: | have provided information on when detailed contingency plans should become available from the Utilities. Once this information is available | can finalize the plan and send it on to your office. Bradley Lake Project next week. | am expecting some documentation from the A major communications and control upgrade project has been let out and is underway at the Terror Lake Project. We have confirmed that there are no date issues at the Larsen Bay Project - this is a small, "low-tech" hydro without any micro-processor or computer controlled equipment. As a result, Y2K will not be an issue there and my recommendation is that there is no need to do a detailed contingency plan. Let me know if anyone there feels otherwise. In your absence and as a follow-up to our recent discussion | called and left a message with Jack F. to see if he had any comments on our contingency plans that he recieved last month, or had any other specific needs. | never heard back so assume everything is OK. Art -----Original Message----- From: Tom Lawson [SMTP:Tom_Lawson@dced.state.ak.us] Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 1999 9:52 AM To: Jeff Bush; Keith Laufer; Martin Richard; Rick Abbott; Art Copoulos Subject: August y2k status report Attached is the August Y2K spreadsheet. Please complete and return to me by 9/1. Remember to make your changes in red. Tom Lawson, Director Division of Administrative Services Department of Community and Economic Development P.O. Box 110803 Juneau, Alaska 99811-0803 (907) 465-2506 Fax (907) 465-2563 << File: dced899.xls >> Y2K DEPARTMENT STATUS REPORT B c | DEPARTMENT: D E F COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT G H SUPPORTING AUTOMATION MISSION- ls There A SYSTEMS Assessment And Planning CRITICAL Contingency BUSINESS Plan In Place Repair (1) Additional Replace (2), Resources Name Of Critical Retire (3), Date Started Est'd/Actual Estimated Needed? [if Not, Automation System Risk It (4), Or [If Not Yet, Completion % Work [if Not, Investments Loan Servicing Leave Blank, System MLX (Mortage Loans Extended) 01/02/00 Date 07/01/97 Completed Leave Blank]| LOIS (Loans Online Information System) 01/02/00 05/15/97 07/01/97 100% 01/02/00 05/01/98 06/01/98 100% AK RR Y System Hardware 01/01/00 01/02/98 03/31/98 Network Operating System 01/01/00 5 01/02/98 03/31/98 100% Financial Systems 01/01/00 5 01/02/98 03/31/98 100%| Real Estate Accounting System 01/01/00 2 01/02/98 03/31/98 100% Operational Information System 01/01/00 5 01/02/98 03/31/98 100% DESKTOP/LANs/W AN 1/1/00 5 1/2/98 4/1/98 100% Signal Systems 01/01/00 5 10/01/98 100% Event Recorders — 01/01/00 5 10/01/98 100% phone/fax/ radio controllers § 01/01/00 5 11/31/98 100% Bradley Lake Hydro iv SCADA 01/01/00 06/01/98 11/15/98 Governor 01/01/00 06/01/98 11/15/98 100% Protective Relays 01/01/00 06/01/98 11/15/98 100% State y2k report Aug..xls This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 1 of 18 Y2K DEPARTMENT STATUS REPORT fi 2] TYTN J 1 Fcc fl S HH As Of: 08/25/99 DEPARTMENT: si _ Mm] | 4 | 5 MISSION- Is There A Testing 6 CRITICAL Contingency 7 | BUSINESS Plan In Place Additional Additional 8 Resources Resources He | Name Of 4 Date Started |Est'd/Actual|Estimated| | Needed? | Date Started | Est'd/Actual| Estimated Needed? Embedded 4 [If Not Yet, | Completion| % Work [If Not Yet, | Completion | % Work [If Not, 11 [Ip Date (Complete Date Completed |Leave Blank]] MLX (Mortage 12 |Loan Servicing ¥, Loans Extended) 07/01/98 05/10/99 100% 05/10/99 06/30/99 95% | 13] LOIS (Loans Online 14 Information System) Til 07/01/98 07/31/99 80% 05/01/99 08/31/99 60% 15 16 17 18 19 DESKTOP/LANSIW] 20 LLL | bs 07/01/98 | 02/01/99 100%| 09/15/98 | 02/01/99 100%| 21 JAKRR System Hardware 100%| 04/01/98 10/31/98 100%| Network Operating 22 System 100% 04/01/98 10/31/98 100% 23 Financial Systems 100% 04/01/98 12/01/98 100% Real Estate 24 Accounting System 100% 04/01/98 12/05/98 100% ll Operational 25 Information System 100%| 04/01/98 12/31/98 100% re KTOP/LANs/W 26 100% 9/15/98 2/15/99 100% Signal 27 Systems 100%) 100%) Event 28 Recorders 100%| 100% phone/fax/ radio 29 controllers 100% 100% 30 Bradley Lake 31_|Hydro SCADA NA NA 100% 09/01/98 06/30/99 100% 32 Governor NA NA 100% 09/01/98 06/30/99 50%! 33 Protective Relays NA NA 100% 09/01/98 06/30/99 50%! This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the State y2k report Aug..xls 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 2 of 18 DEPARTMENT: Y2K DEPARTMENT STATUS REPORT AUTOMATION | SUPPLIER DEPENDENCIES MISSION- Is There A SYSTEMS Implementation CRITICAL Contingency Contingency BUSINESS Plan In Place Additional Plan In Additional Resources Place For Resources Est'd/Actual Estimated Needed? Dependency Needed? [if Not, Completion % Work [if Not, [lf Not, [if Not, Loan Servicing Leave Blank; MLX (Mortage Loans Extended) 05/01/99 Date 07/26/99 Completed Leave Blank]| |Leave Blank; Leave Blank, LOIS (Loans Online Information System) 09/01/99 KeyBank-LockBox Services (data entry of loan payments) AEL&P - no electrical utilities ‘System Hardware 09/15/98 02/15/99 01/15/99 Network Operating [System 12/31/98 Financial Systems 12/31/98 Real Estate [Accounting System 05/31/99 Operational Information System 01/31/99 DESKTOP/LANs/W 9/15/98 5/15/99 Signal Systems 01/02/98 11/16/98 Event Recorders 01/02/98 11/16/98 phone/fax/ radio controllers 01/02/98 11/16/98 Bradley Lake Hydro eneral Office Bldg.--power generator Governor Protective Relays State y2k report Aug..xls This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 3 of 18 Y2K DEPARTMENT STATUS REPORT a) A Be a_i] i Pei] =| J 1_|As Of: 08/25/99 DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT [3] ———sS. CONTINGENCY SUPPORTING Ly AUTOMATION MISSION- ls There A SYSTEMS Assessment And Plannin CRITICAL Contingency BUSINESS Plan In Place Repair (1) Additional Name Of Replace (2), Resources Name Of Critical Name Of Retire (3), J Date Started | Est'd/Actual Needed? [If Not, Automation System Embedded Risk It (4), Or} [If Not Yet, | Completion [If Not, Leave Blank, System Interface System : Date Leave Blank]] 01/01/00 5 06/01/98 11/15/98 100% SCADA 01/01/00 5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100% Protective Relays 01/01/00 4&5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100% Maint. Mgt. Sys. 01/01/00 5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100%| SCADA 01/01/00 5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100% Protective Relays 01/01/00 4&5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100% Maint. Mgt. Sys. 01/01/00 5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100% SCADA 01/01/00 5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100% Protective Relays 01/01/00 4&5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100% Maint. Mgt. Sys 01/01/00 5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100% SCADA 01/01/00 5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100%| Protective Relays 01/01/00 4&5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100% Maint. Mgt. Sys. 01/01/00 5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100% Governor 01/01/00 4&5 05/01/98 09/01/98 100% Protective Relays 01/01/00 4&5 05/01/98 09/01/98 100% Lea ae Intertie — Protective Relays 01/01/00 4&5 06/20/98 11/01/98 100% EJ 56 [Servicing MLS 01/01/00 1 06/01/96 07/01/96 100% 57 Dynamics 01/01/00 1 06/01/96 07/01/96 100%| |AIDEA Desktop/ 58 LAN/WAN 11/01/97 02/15/98 100% 59 60 DESKTOP/LAN| 61 |s(WAN hi see each agency entry 62 State y2k report Aug..xls This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 4 of 18 Y2K DEPARTMENT STATUS REPORT ee ee c D E L [mM | oN 9° P Q R S 1_JAs Of: 08/25/99 DEPARTMENT: 2 [3 [_____[ Contincency MISSION- Is There A Testing CRITICAL Contingency BUSINESS Plan In Place Additional Additional Resources Resources Name Of Critical Name Of 4 Date Started | Est'd/Actual|Estimated| | Needed? J Date Started | Est'd/Actual| Estimated Needed? | 10 | Automation Embedded § [If Not Yet, | Completion [If Not Yet, | Completion [If Not, 11 [pj Leave Blank; Date Date Leave Blank]] — a Maint. Mgt. Sys. NA NA 100% 09/01/98 | 06/30/99 0% SCADA NA NA 100% 11/01/98 06/30/99 100% a Protective Relays NA NA 100% 11/01/98 06/30/99 50%! 38 Maint. Mgt. Sys. NA NA 100% 11/01/98 06/30/99 0% 39 SCADA NA NA 100% 11/01/98 06/30/99 80%| 41 Protective Relays NA NA 100% 11/01/98 06/30/99 0% 42 Maint. Mgt. Sys. NA NA 100% 11/01/98 06/30/99 0%| 43 44 [Solomon Gulch SCADA NA NA 100% 11/01/98 06/30/99 90%! 45 Protective Relays NA NA 100% 11/01/98 06/30/99 0% 46 Maint. Mgt. Sys. NA NA 100% 11/01/98 06/30/99 0% 47 48 | Terror Lake SCADA NA NA 100% 11/01/98 06/30/99 0% Protective Relays NA NA 100% 11/01/98 06/30/99 50%! Maint. Mgt. Sys. NA NA 100% 11/01/98 06/30/99 0% Governor NA NA 100% 11/01/98 06/30/99 0% Protective Relays NA NA 100% 11/01/98 06/30/99 0% NA NA 100% 11/01/98 06/30/99 50%| 07/01/96 12/01/96 100% 01/01/97 06/01/99 90%| 07/01/96 12/01/96 100% 01/01/97 06/01/99 90%| |AIDEA Desktop/ LAN/WAN 02/15/98 01/15/99 100% 02/15/98 06/01/99 90% IDESKTOP/LAN 61 |s/\WAN ¥ see each agency entry 2 This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the State y2k report Aug..xls 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 5 of 18 A As Of: B 08/25/99 c D DEPARTMENT: Y2K DEPARTMENT STATUS REPORT IN AMS IT SI [| CONTINGENCY oe SUPPLIER DEPENDENCIES MISSION- Is There A Implementation CRITICAL Contingency Contingency BUSINESS Plan In Place Additional Plan In Additional @]N]o] on] a] oo] ro] Resources Place For Resources Est'd/Actual Needed? Dependency Needed? Automation Completion [if Not, [lf Not, [if Not, Date N/A 100% Leave Blank]] Leave Blank) Leave Blank, 36 |Swan Lake 37 Protective Relays 38 Maint. Mgt. Sys. 39 40 |Tyee SCADA 41 Protective Relays 42 Maint. Mgt. Sys. 43 44 [Solomon Gulch SCADA 45 Protective Relays Maint. Mgt. Sys. 46 47 48 | Terror Lake SCADA communications 49 Protective Relays 50 Maint. Mgt. Sys. Larsen Bay 51 |Hydro Governor Protective Relays N/A N/A 100% 56 | Servicing MLS 53 54 [Alaska Intet Y Protective Relays 55 Y 01/01/97 06/01/99 57 Dynamics 01/01/97 06/01/99 58 AIDEA Desktop/ LAN/WAN 02/15/98 06/01/99 59 State y2k report Aug..xls 60 DESKTOP/LAN gp | + snes —_} [ 62 | This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 6 of 18 B Y2K DEPARTMENT STATUS REPORT [ D DEPARTMENT: S COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT H | MISSION- CRITICAL Is There A Contingency SUPPORTING AUTOMATION SYSTEMS BUSINESS FUNCTION Plan In Place Assessment And Plannin Repair (1) Name Of [if Not, Automation Estimated Replace (2), Additional Leave Blank; System Retire (3), Failure Date Started | Est'd/Actual Resources Needed? Date Risk It (4), Or} [/f Not Yet, Completion Date [if Not, Leave Blank]] State y2k report Aug..xls This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 7 of 18 Y2K DEPARTMENT STATUS REPORT A B Cc [a E ETL N ° P Q R 5 1_|As Of: 08/25/99 DEPARTMENT: 2 3 CONTINGENCY SUPPORTING 4 AUTOMATION 5 MISSION- ls There A SYSTEMS Remediation Testing 6 CRITICAL Contingency 7 | BUSINESS Plan In Place Additional Additional 8 | FUNCTION [For The Function’ Name Of Resources Resources 9 Name Of Critical Name Of 4 Date Started |Est'd/Actual|Estimated| | Needed? J Date Started | Est'd/Actual| Estimated Needed? 10 [If Not, Automation System Embedded 4 [If Not Yet, | Completion| % Work [If Not, [If Not Yet, | Completion | % Work [If Not, 11 [pj Leave Blank. System Interface System gLeave Blank, Date _|Complete _|Leave Blank]{Leave Blank, Date Completed |Leave Blank, 63 64 65 OVERALL EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS STATUS 66 67 YIN 68 [Y] Beyond its contingency planning for mission-critical business functions, 69 above, does the department have in place an overall contingency plan for 70 dealing with other potential Y2K impacts as well? 1 71 72 [Y] Has the department reviewed its statutory role and responsibilities in the 73 statewide disaster recovery plan? 74 75 Prepared By: | Tom Lawson 465-2506 Tom_Lawson@commerce.state.ak.us 76 Name Telephone # Email Address This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the State y2k report Aug..xls 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 8 of 18 Y2K DEPARTMENT STATUS REPORT MISSION- SYSTEMS Implementation CRITICAL Contingency Contingency Plan In Place Additional Plan In Additional Resources Place For Resources Est'd/Actual Needed? Dependency Needed? Automation System Completion [If Not, Type Of [If Not, [If Not, Date Leave Blank]| ‘Leave Blank] Leave Blank, This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the State y2k report Aug..xis 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 9 of 18 Cell Comment: Cell: Y2K DEPARTMENT STATUS REPORT : BA : JFARGNOLI - - 1/13/99: Please update this date, each month. O12 Comment: Rick Abbott - 5/20/99 Cell re: Novell Netware 4.11.... Have acquired access to the necessary patch to Netware and will be applying it during the month of July along with a neww file server and moving to the State of Alaska network TREE. Rick Abbott: re: Novell Netware 4.11 or 5.x... A patch to the current Netware 4.10 system will be made when its available. Vendor states that will be before the end of Jan. '99. Later on in FY 99 an upgrade of Netware will be done most likely to Netware 4.2 which is currently available. The rease for the patch rather than the upgrade is that there is less work required and no additional hardware will be needed. M14 Comment: Rick Abbott: Cell: Jack: Changed estimated completion date in anticipation of the new criteria. N14 Comment: JACK FARGNOLI - 4/16/99: Cell Rick - Thanks for the update. We're in the process of revising our requirements schedule, so the remediation completion requirement may stay at 75% for a couple of more monthly cycles. The testing completion percentages may also be backed off a bit, too. We'll be announcing this revised schedule next week, probably. Hope it takes some of the pressure off. - Jack Rick Abbott - 2/23/99 Jack - We should be able to make the April date but it will be close. As you can seen by this month's change we moved from 35 to 65% during the reporting month of Feb. | have put another A/P on the project so things should speed up. Let me know if you need further. Jack Fargnoli - 2/18/99 Rick - Re: porting LOIS, don't forget that by April our readiness report schedule calls for remediation to be 100% completed. Let me know if/as you see any problems coming. Rick Abbott: LOIS is basically an inquiry system against the batch MLX database. It is made up of a number of simple screens and some rather minor processing. Most of the heavy duty loan servicing processing is done in a batch environment by the MLX system. It currently is running on a Wang minicomputer. It will be re-written in Oracle and run on the Investments LAN. The plan for LOIS remediation is quite simple. LOIS will not be re-designed it will be ported to the new DBMS basically as is. The only changes that will be made are those necessary to accomodate the new DBMS envi The plan is, once training has been obtained and the Oracle DBMS environment established, to spend two months developing the LOIS screens/processing in Oracle. There will be an Analyst/progammer Ill and IV working full time on this phase of the project. Once the above programmer is finished, the old and new versions of LOIS will be run in parallel for at least one month. During the parallel testing phase any problems uncovered will be corrected. If everything goes according to plan full implementation of a Y2K compatable LOIS system should occur May 1, 1999. | have built in a two month buffer to accomodate any unexpected problems : F27 Comment: Jack Fargnoli - 3/19/96: Cell Comment: Need estimated failure dates for this cell and the two immediately below it. : V27 : Jack Fargnoli - 3/1°9/99: Transferred the completion percentage (and start/finish dates) for this cell and the two cells immediately below from the Embedded Systems section of last month's spreadsheet. If they are correct as shown here in the Implementation section, please show 100% of work completed in prior stages for these three systems. Thanks. - JF This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the State y2k report Aug..xis 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 10 of 18 Cell Comment: Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Cell: Y2K DEPARTMENT STATUS REPORT : B31 Aidea: detailed contingency plan has been prepared and should be available 9/8/99. D31 JFARGNOLI: I've deleted all the "none" labels in the cells in this column, as they're not necessary and interfere with cell-count formulas for this column which link to other spreadsheets. E31 Jack Fargnoli - 3/19/99: Please be sure to insert additional rows into the spreadsheet to accommodate any embedded systems for hydro/intertie facilities that turn out to need work (e.g., as a consequence of pilot testing at the Solomon Gulch facility). Thanks. - JF Tom Lawson 3/28/98 At this point there is nothing to add. L31 JFARGNOLI - - 1/13/99: Start dates and end dates for all hydro systems and the AK Intertie are shown as "NA" because strategy is to Risk It (#4) or "Test/Certify" (#5) . N31 Comment: JFARGNOLI: Cell: Because of the pilot-site testing strategy ("Risk It" or "Test/Certify") adopted by AEA for the hydro systems listed here and for the AK Intertie: (a) start/end dates are shown as "NA", and (b) remediation for these systems is considered essentially "100% complete", until stablished otherwise by pilot/subsequent testing. : P31 Comment: JFARGNOLI - - 1/13/99: Cell: Comment: Please indicate in the spreadsheet: (a) which of the hydro facilities will be the pilot test site, (b) the start/end timeframe for the pilot testing, and (c) the start.end timeframes associated for any post-pilot testing or post-pilot remediation of the other, non-pilot hydro facilities. Please do same for the AK Intertie, insofar as it seems to be included within the overall AEA testing plan. Thanks. RESPONSE: The pilot test site will be Solomon Gulch. Testing is planned to occur during the first week of February, 1999 but the planned test date is subject to dispatch requirements. Test dates for the other projects will be scheduled after this testing is completed. 2/24/99 RESPONSE UPDATE: There has been some testing of SCADA by AEA's utility operators. Satisfactory results have been documented. Additional testing by AEA is ongoing with estimated completion date for testing remaining 7/99. : R31 : JFARGNOLI - 1/13/99: Once the testing timeframes for the pilot test site and the other hydro/intertie facilities have been established (or estimated), please enter in this column percentage estimates of progress on any needed work resulting from the pilot-site testing findings. Thanks. This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the State y2k report Aug..xis 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 11 of 18 Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Y2K DEPARTMENT STATUS REPORT RESPONSE: We will provide upon completing the pilot test now tenatively scheduled during the first week February. See response in cell 031. 2/24/99 REPONSE UPDATE: Some testing of SCADA has been done by AEA's utility operators with satisfactory results. Testing is ongoing with estimated completion remaining 7/99. 5/19/99 Art Copoulos: Chugach Electric can control Bradley Lake power production and output using their new Siemens SCADA system which has been fully tested and is Y2K compliant. 31 JFARGNOLI - - 1/13/99: Start dates and end dates for all hydro systems and the AK Intertie are shown as "NA" because strategy is to Risk It (#4) or "Test/Certify" (#5) . V31 JFARGNOLI - - 1/13/99: Because of the pilot-site testing strategy ("Risk It" or "Test/Certify") adopted by AEA for the hydro systems listed here and for the AK Intertie: (a) start/end dates are shown as "NA", and (b) implementation for these systems is considered essentially "100% complete", until established otherwise by pilot/subsequent testing. X31 JFARGNOLI - - 1/13/99: Deleted all the "None" entries in this column for hydro facilities and the Intertie, because columnar of cell-count formulas linked to other spreadsheets. If there are "none", no need to say so. G32 JACK FARGNOLI - - 1/13/99: The comment below also applies to all cells in this column which are marked "4&5" With respect to the Relays with embedded processors, the Governor Control systems, and the miscellaneous systems, it is not practical or feasible to test the systems completely for Y2K compliance. The component parts within these systems that may fail are numerous “black boxes" that cannot individually be tested. Also these systems can be bypassed if they fail. Therefore, the contingency plan for Y2K is the same as it is for whatever other reasons these component parts sometimes fail. The plant operators maintain an inventory of component parts and will replace any failed component parts. Also the equipment manufacturers have been contacted and statements received from most verifying that inventoried replacement parts are Y2K compliant. Those systems that contain suspect component parts are being tested where feasible and any faulty component parts will be scheduled =r replacement prior to the expected failure date. R32 NOTE - - The AEA comment below applies to the testing of all hydro facilities (i.e., Bradley Lake, 4-Dam Pool, Larsen Bay) plus the AK Intertie. Redundant copies of comment have been deleted. - Jack Fargnoli, 1/13/99 “AEA COMMENT" Even though the SCADA and Maintenance Management systems have manual overrides, AEA will test those systems because it is practical and economically prudent to do so. AEA will be testing these systems during the first half of 1999 by either implementing manufacturer recommended test procedures if available or through scheduled date changes on the systems. Testing cannot be done apart from actual operation of the plants and consideration of the energy needs of the communities served. Therefore, testing has to be planned and coordinated in conjunction with the utility companies’ ongoing operations of the plants. One of the Four Dam Pool plants is scheduled to be tested in January, 1999. If any problems are found, repairs will be made and the systems will be retested to certify Y2K compliance. AEA will schedule tests at the other plants after tests at the first plant is completed, making any necessary changes based on what was learned in the first test. We estimate that testing of all the plants will be completed by July, 1999. This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the State y2k report Aug..xls 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 12 of 18 Y2K DEPARTMENT STATUS REPORT 2/24/99 AEA COMMENT UPDATE: There has been some testing of SCADA by AEA's utility operators with satisfactory results. Additional testing is ongoing with estimated completion of testing remaining July, 1999. 4/26/99 Update Additional inventory and assessment work has been completed at the Four Dam Pool projects. No major problems were identified. Solomon Gulch Project reported that they tested the "off-line" master on SCADA on 4/15/99 and there were no problems. There will a full operational test done at a later date. Y2K drill is scheduled for Swan Lake on 5/27/99. Cell: X32 Comment: Art Copoulos 5/21/99: AEA has requested that the operators of Bradley Lake and the Alaska Intertie certify for Y2K compliance the AEA owned facilities they operate and are responsible for, their own internal systems that support AEA owned facilities, and any equipment or services they provide to support the AEA owned projects. Cell: R34 Comment: Aidea: 7-20-99 Maintenance management program not critical to plant operation. The maintenance schedule can be maintained manually. The system has been verified as complinant by the manufacturer. Non-compliant hardware has replaced. No testing planned. Cell: R35 Comment: Art Copoulos 5/21/99: Update on communications equipment testing on AEA projects: The Division of Telecommunications, has advised us that the equipment on their “need information” list is very unlikely to have problems. They recommend employing a “risk-it” strategy for all but 2 items on this list. Also, nll but 2 items on this list are date stamped so testing would not be possible. AEA has requested that all the projects update their telecommunications equipment inventories. Once this information is available we will take appropriate actions, if any are needed. 6/15/99 Art Copoulos Provided updated equipment inventory lists as best as possible. Requested cost estimate to finalize need-info list. 7/20/99 Div Comm. is finalizing compliance checks on remaining items. Provided CFR for their time. Cell: B36 Comment: Aidea: more detailed contingency plan has been completed. Cell: R36 Comment: Linda MacMillan/Art Copoulos: 5/19/99: The operating utility, KPU, has completed in excess of 80 hrs. of testing on their SCADA which part of the Swan Lake SCADA System. The system is fully Y2K compliant. Hewlett Packard has also confirmed that the RTE_A operating system is certifiably Y2K compliant. There are a number of subroutines that were modified to handle Y2K date stamps 6/15/99 Art Copoulos - Meet with KPU staff, reviewed documents and test results. Testing is complete on this SCADA system. Cell: X36 Comment: Art Copoulos 5/21/99: AEA has contacted all appropriate Four Dam Pool contractors and service providers requesting certification for Y2K compliance on any equipment or services they provide to support the AEA owned projects. Cell: R37 Comment: Aidea: 7/20/99 Relays coinfirmed compliant by manufacuturer. Testing has been performed successfully on similar realys in the KPU system and on other projects. No additional testing recommended. This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the State y2k report Aug..xis 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 13 of 18 Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Cell: Comment: Y2K DEPARTMENT STATUS REPORT R38 Aidea: 7-20-99 Maintenance management program not critical to plant operation. The maintenance schedule can be maintained manually. The system has been verified as complinant by the manufacturer. Non-compliant hardware has been replaced. No testing planned. R39 Art Copoulos 5/21/99: Update on communications equipment testing on AEA projects: The Division of Telecommunications, has advised us that the equipment on their “need information" list is very unlikely to have problems. They recommend employing a “risk-it" strategy for all but 2 items on this list. Also, nll but 2 items on this list are date stamped so testing would not be possible. AEA has requested that all the projects update their telecommunications equipment inventories. Once this information is available we will take appropriate actions, if any are needed. 7/23/99 Div Com has been provided a scope of work and CSR requesting that they finalize compliance remediation effort on certain equipment. B40 Aidea: More detailed contingency plan has been completed. R40 Linda MacMillan/Art Copoulos: 5/19/99: SCADA manufacturer, HSQ Technologies, has developed Y2K testing procedures for the TYEE and Terror Laks SCADAs. The SCADA manufacturer has previously certifed the SCADAs at these facilities to be Y2K compliant and has provided documentation of a similar test on a similar SCADA system they maintain. Considering that similar systems have been tested successfully, that the manufacturerer has certified the system as being compliant, and that we have the option of operating the plants on manual, it will be difficult to justify the additional costs associated with testing. AEA is currently evaluating a proposal to complete SCADA testing by the manufacturer at TYEE and Terror Lake Facilities. 6/15/99 Art Copoulos At this point for reasons stated above, and due to the high associated costs, no additional SCADA testing is recommended for this system. Aidea: 8/30/99 HSQ performed Y2K date rollover test while on location for other purposes. No problems. R41 Aidea: 7/20/99 Relays coinfirmed compliant by manufacuturer. Testing has been performed successfully on simmilar relays at Swan Lake and other projects. No testing recommended. R42 Aidea: Aidea: 7-20-99 Maintenance management program not critical to plant operation. The maintenance schedule can be maintained manually. The system has been verified as complinant by the manufacturer. Non-compliant hardware has been replaced. No testing planned. B44 Aidea: detailed contingency plan is being finalized and should be available 9/8/99. This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the State y2k report Aug..xIs 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 14 of 18 Y2K DEPARTMENT STATUS REPORT Cell: R44 Comment: Linda MacMillan/Art Copoulos: 5/19/99: April, 1999 SCADA testing showed no Y2K problems. There is additional operations testing is planned for June, 1999. Results are summarized below: The following tests were executed to evaluate the potential for Y2K problems on the Solomon Gulch SCADA system: 1) SCADA system was locked on side “A”. 2) Side “B" was pulled up on screen 2. 3) Side “B” Early Warning System was toggled out of service on the S/W display pg. 1 at points 6, 7, 8, 9 & 11. Point # 10 is already out of service. 4) At the System Display, the CPU to CPU link was toggled out of service. In effect, our “back up” SCADA computer was isolated and any Y2K issue problems that could have caused an operational malfunction would have been limited to the indication of control signals within the side “B” computer itself. The following tests were then performed to determine Y2K compliance: 1) Time and date were set to 31-DEC-99, 23:56:00. Once the clock was set we waited until it rolled past midnight and the date changed to 10-JAN-00 and continued with no adverse effects. 2) After eight minutes we executed a reload command from the hard drive and it rebooted like normal. 3) At nine minutes past we powered down the “B” side computer at the master station, waited one minute and powered back up. 4) At twelve minutes past we inserted the Bernoulli 20MB floppy disc and reset the “B” side computer. The same tests were performed for each of the following dates with satisfactory results. In the year 1999 In the year 2001 1) 08-SEP-99 to 09-SEP-99 1) 28-FEB-01 to 01-MAR-01 2) 09-SEP-99 to 10-SEP-99 In the year 2000 In the year 2004 1) 28-FEB-00 to 29-FEB-00 1) 28-FEB-04 to 29-FEB-04 2) 29-FEB-00 to 01-MAR-00 2) 29-FEB-04 The following additional tests were performed with unexpected events resulting with year recognition problems but no adverse effects were found. 1) Set time and date to 31-DEC-99, 23:56:00 2) Saved the database. 3) Powered down the “B” side computer. 4) Powered back up after five minutes had passed. The expected result was to see the clock and calendar had advanced to 01-JAN-00, 00:01:00 and counting. This did not occur. What we saw was 01-JAN-99, 00:01:00 and counting. The clock, day, and month advanced as expected but the year stayed at 99. This test was repeated several times to confirm the results. The same four steps were then tested on all of the dates listed in the first test with similar unsatisfactory results. When the test was performed on the leap year, the clock always advanced as expected but the month and day did not reflect the leap year 29-FEB, instead it went to 01-MAR. The year remained the same as expected. The incorrect dates were easily changed to indicate the desired day, month, and year by manually entering them and then resetting the clock. All of the results from these tests were forwarded to Pete Castingway of Landis & Gyr and he is going to get back with us after doing the same testing in their shop. The SCADA system is powered up 24 hours a day typically. Its power supply comes from the DC inverter which, during a total outage, draws power from the plants main battery bank and never sees an interruption of power. Powering down is not a normal operation. In fact, it is only powered down for non-routine maintenance such as the changing of a hardware device or internal cleaning. Powering down during the change of days, or months, or years would be considered extremely unusual. Under normal conditions, the way the SCADA system works right now, we should not experience any malfunctions caused by Y2K turnover. In the highly unlikely event that we should experience a SCADA power failure during the change, it would appear that the date glitches themselves would have no operational effect. When Landis & Gyr complete their testing, they will notify us of what action we need to take, if any, to correct the problems with date changes during power down times. This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the State y2k report Aug..xIs 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 15 of 18 Y2K DEPARTMENT STATUS REPORT Additional operational testing planned for early June consists of connecting side B (back-up) to remote plant PLC’s and RTU and isolating side A. This will be followed by repeating the same tests (described above) on side A, with side A isolated. Assuming side A tests successfully, while isolated, it will be reconnected to plant and equipment for live testing. Live testing will then be completed with diesel generators on line and personnel available on standby should unforeseen problems arise Relays coinfirmed compliant by manufacuturer. Testing has been performed successfully on simmilar relays at Swan Lake and other projects. No testing recommended. Cell: R46 Comment: Aidea: 7-20-99 Maintenance management program not critical to plant operation. The maintenance schedule can be maintained manually. The system has been verified as complinant by the manufacturer. Non-compliant hardware has been replaced. No testing planned. Cell: B48 Comment: Aidea: detailed contingency plan is being finalized and should be available 9/15/99. Cell: R48 Comment: Art Copoulos 6-15-99: HSQ may be coming to Terror to do another job, if so, will evaluate the possibility of them doing some SCADA Y2K testing while they are there. 7-13-99 - HSQ not coming to Terror, will forego testing for same reasons as Tyee. Same SCADA system as Tyee. Cell: Y48 Comment: Aidea: 8/30/99 Evaluated telecom equipmet inventory and requested additional info from Div. Comm. Requested finalization of recommendations, and confirmation that Terror Lake Microwave and VHF repeater systems are compliant. As of 8/30, Div Comm. indicates that that effort will be completed by 9/30/99. Cell: R49 Comment: Aidea: 7/20/99 Relays coinfirmed compliant by manufacuturer. Testing has been performed successfully on similar realys . No additional testing recommended. Cell: X49 Comment: Aidea: 8/31/99 Project underway to upgrade Motorola Moscad sytem for Y2K compliance . This involves upgrading CPU, FIU, and RTU's at remote monitoring and communications sites. Cell: R50 Comment: Aidea: 7-20-99 Maintenance management program not critical to plant operation. The maintenance schedule can be maintained manually. The system has been verified as complinant by the manufacturer. Non-compliant hardware has been This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the State y2k report Aug. xis 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 16 of 18 Y2K DEPARTMENT STATUS REPORT replaced. No testing planned. Cell: BS1 Comment: Aidea: No Y2K/date issues have been identified at Larsen Bay based on the Inventory and Assement.. There is no equipment at this small scale Hydro with date/Y2K issues. Consequently it is recommended to forego any detailed Y2K contingency planning . No need to plan for something that "can't happen.” Cell: R51 Comment: Linda MacMillan/Art Copoulos: 5/19/99: Control systems do not rely on date information so testing will not be an option. Cell: C52 Comment: Aidea: Cell: R52 Comment: Aidea: Aidea: 7/20/99 Relays coinfirmed compliant by manufacuturer. Testing has been performed successfully on similar realys . No additional testing recommended. Cell: B54 Comment: Aidea: draft contingency plan has been prepared. A joint utility working group has been established to finalize the plan. Meetings will take place in September. Cell: R54 Comment: Art Copoulos 5/21/99: Some follow-up assesment work being finalized. It is not anticiapted that there is any date stamping, in which case testing will not be an option. 6/15/99 Setting up a meeting with participants to share information, including results from consultant assesment, and to determine if there are any additional items that need to be addressed. 7/20/99 Relays coinfirmed compliant by manufacuturer. Testing has been performed successfully on similar realys and some testing has been performed by utilities operating and maintaining the Intertie. No additional testing recommended. Cell: X54 Comment: Art Copoulos 5/21/99: AEA has requested that the operators and maintaners of Alaska Intertie certify for Y2K compliance the AEA owned facilities they operate and are responsible for, their own internal systems that support AEA owned facilities, and any equipment or services they provide to support the AEA owned projects. Cell: B56 Comment: Aidea: A detailed contingency plan has been prepared. This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the State y2k report Aug..xls 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 17 of 18 Y2K DEPARTMENT STATUS REPORT Cell: F56 Comment: Jack Fargnoli - 4/16/99: Changed this from " "1/1/95". Cell: X56 Comment: Aidea: All appropriate 3rd party suppliers/partners have been contacted and confirmed to be in compliance as best as can be reasonably ascertained. Cell: F57 Comment: Jack Fargnoli - 4/16/99: Changed this from " "1/1/95". Cell: C61 Comment: JFARGNOLI - - 1/13/99: Data needs to be entered in this row to track progress of efforts involving the department's Desktop/LANs/WAN compliance functionalities (e.g., PC's, servers, routers, etc.). Also, among the other agencies in the rows above, only the AIDEA Loan Servicing MCBF includes any mention of its desktop/LANs/WAN Y72K efforts; these should be added to the spreadsheet. Tom Lawson: Data has been entered in the ARR and Investments (in addition to AIDEA) sections regarding Desktop/LAN/WAN support of MCBF. Each of the DCED MCBF are supported independently by these entities. This information is a Year 2000 readiness disclosure statement made under the State y2k report Aug..xls 1998 federal Year 2000 Information And Readiness Disclosure Act Of 1998 (P.L. 105-271). Page 18 of 18 File, CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. EUGENE N. BJORNSTAD, P.E. gir ft re D E ¢ E | V Ip | j General Manager ete agq | U Ce Denms AUG 26 1999 Bete August 24, 1999 Sean /jJaska industrial Development and Export Authority Mr. Randy Simmons fh at Executive Director gn. Alaska Industrial Development ( AQO and Export Authority p esae 480 West Tudor Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Vent Subject: Year 2000 Joint Utility Contingency Planning Dear Randy: Chugach is in the process of preparing detailed contingency plans for the Year 2000 (Y2K) date rollover. As I mentioned at the ARECA Managers Meeting last week, I believe we should make this a coordinated effort among all the Railbelt utilities. It is my understanding that many of the interconnected utilities are also preparing contingency plans. The purpose of this letter is to suggest the creation of a committee representing the interconnected utilities to come together and review our respective efforts. Coordinating our efforts should minimize the risk of Y2K-related outages causing unacceptable “problems” across portions of the system owned by more than one utility or for the system as a whole. I believe joint contingency planning would contribute value to our customers and be a prudent investment of our time and resources. Chugach agrees to be an active participant in such a committee and, if formed, Mr. Brian Hickey will be our representative. Is the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority interested in Y2K contingency planning among the interconnected utilities? I would ask that you name a delegate representing your organization. Please fax your response to 907-562-0027 by August 27. I anticipate that a meeting of those utilities agreeing to participate will be called in the next couple of weeks. To get things started, Chugach agrees to host the kick-off meeting. Thank you and if you shouid have any questions, Randy, piease don’t hesitate to give me a call. Sincerely, ica CU General Manager Alaska Industrial Development and ExporfAuthority will participate in a committee regarding Y2K joint contingency planning. Representative: Signature: Name Art Copoulos dy Simmons/ Executive Director Phone (907) 269-3029 Date: z Email _ acopoulos@aidea. org 5601 Minnesota Drive ¢ P.O. Box 196300 * Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 Phone 907-563-7494 ¢ FAX 907-562-0027 Dennis McCrohan From: Art Copoulos \C Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 1999 9:17 AM ‘ To: Clive Herrington Ce: Dennis McCrohan Subject: Y2K Clive, How's the Y2K test plan coming? Any idea yet when we can schedule in David Burlingame, of EPS, to do the planned third party Y2K review? We have Burlingame scheduled for the Alaska Intertie in late April and he may be able to combine that with Healy. Art DRAFT Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Y2K disclosure meeting / AIDEA — Northern Intertie le July 27, 1999 Meeting Notes Attendees: Jim Borden (Chugach) Art Copoulos (AJDEA) John Cooley (Chugach) Bob Day (AML&P) Brian Hickey (Chugach) Brad Evans (GVEA — by teleconference) Ray Morgan (MEA — by teleconference) The meeting started at 9:10 a.m. at the AIDEA offices on Tudor Road. 1. The agenda was reviewed and approved as submitted. 2. Jim Borden asked the group if everyone was familiar with the liability limitations granted by the public law Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act. The attendees indicated they were familiar the provisions of the Act. Jim inquired if anyone was opposed to the viewpoint that the discussion of the matters on the agenda would be considered as a Year 2000 disclosure and subject to the liability limitations of the Act. The attendees indicated their agreement the Act applied to these proceedings. 3. Art Copoulos briefed the group on the results of the inventory and assessment of devices with potential Y2K impacts for facilities owned by AIDEA at Cantwell, Douglas, Stevens and Teeland Substations. The consultant hired by AIDEA, Electric Power Systems, Inc., did not identify any “mission critical” devices with readiness issues or otherwise requiring replacement or remediation. A non-mission critical system, JEMM metering and associated data recording may require upgrades before being listed as Y2K ready. Bob Day noted that the snow loading monitoring system should be included in the inventory and a determination made as to what actions, if any, should be taken to assure Y2K readiness. (Action Item) 4. A general discussion on Y2K matters included the following items: Bob Day — AML&P has dual fuel capability on its combustion turbines along with sufficient fuel oil storage for 3 to 5 days of service to its native load. Y2K Meeting Notes July 27, 1999 Page | of 3 DRAFT John Cooley - The military bases have coal as a backup fuel. An inquiry should be made to determine if additional coal supplies delivered to the bases will be part of the military Y2K contingency plans. (Action Item) Also, John posed the question of what are the natural gas suppliers curtailment priorities. Bob Day noted that if the Unocal plant on the Kenai Peninsula were shut down, a contingency supply of fuel would be available. John Cooley noted that failure of the compressors on the Steelhead platform will result in not being able to maintain delivery pressure. Brad Evans — Mapco has sufficient oil storage capability to supply GVEA generation until summer. Brad notes that Mapco will probably “top off” their storage tanks as a contingency measure. (Action Item) GVEA is considering increasing their operating and reserve margins to,have additional capacity to meet an unexpected loss of load. Bob Day — AML&P is considering augmenting their emergency planning document to include Y2K related contingencies. Bob posed the question as to whether the group should do a NERC - style drill on September 9. There was a general agreement that such a drill would be valuable if it were designed to exercise the backup systems similar to the April drill. Brad Evans — Brad noted that having some level of staffing on duty during the New Year’s holiday would probably be needed to show the customer a commitment by the utilities to minimize the duration of outages in the system. The group was in general agreement with Brad’s statement. (Action Item) Bob Day — Bob posed the question of whether the mutual assistance agreements between the utilities applied for Y2K related situations. This matter will require a check of the agreements. (Action Item) Brian Hickey — Brian suggested a group or committee be formed under the auspices of either the IOC, ASCC or the RUG to coordinate and manage joint utility contingency planning activities. John Cooley will ask Chugach’s General Manager, Gene Bjornstad to get with the railbelt CEO’s to create such a committee. (Action Item) Jim Borden — Jim asked that a charter document, a statement of goals and objectives, be created as a guideline as to how the committee would proceed. A suggested outline of a charter document was circulated and reviewed. Art Copoulos — Art asked for the following to be added to the meeting notes "Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) and Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) agree that sharing information on Y2K will be to the mutual benefit of all railbelt utilities in their efforts to achieve Y2K compliance. We are working towards that effort by sharing information compiled by our 3rd party consultant, and also by helping coordinate meetings to discuss Y2K planning. Although AEA is the legal owner of many parts of the Northern Alaska Intertie and the Bradley Lake Project, responsibility for maintenance and operation of these facilities rests entirely with various utilities. While AEA will work closely with these utilities to share information and to address any potential problems, AEA is not planning to Y2K / RTS Meeting Minutes July 1, 1999 Page 2 of 3 DRAFT "take over" responsibility for or supercede any efforts of our Partner Utilities, or other entities, to achieve Y2K compliance." 5. The next meeting was tentatively set for August 12, 1999, at 9:00 a.m. at the AIDEA offices on Tudor Road. The meeting ended at 10:15 a.m. Meeting notes were recorded and prepared by Jim Borden. CC! Gene Bjornstad Mike Massin Lee Thibert Tom Lovas Carol Johnson Joe Griffith Brian Hickey Bill Stewart Y2K / RTS Meeting Minutes July 1, 1999 Page 3 of 3 Shauna Dean From: Sent: To: Ce: Subject: Dennis/Clive: natarajan.sekhar@stoneweb.com Friday, July 09, 1999 6:41 AM dmccrohan@aidea.alaska.net; cliveh@pobox.alaska.net Verle.Bland@stoneweb.com; william.cleary@stoneweb.com; steven.rosendahl@stoneweb.com SDA Performance Test - Sample Analysis Could you please let me know the status of coal and slurry sample analysis. As you may know, if there are discrepancies in the results, we may have to send additional samples for analysis and this could take time. | would appreciate it, if you could send any results that you may have or let me know when they would be available. If you need any assistance in expediting the analysis from the labs, please let me know. With best regards, Nat File JULY Update and Y2K outstanding items of concern Summary - no change to summary status Good shape — still expect to wrap things up in September or October. 1. Inventory and Assessment Results mostly completed. Received all results except Larsen Bay, Gold Hill, and Healy which are all in their final stages and should be received soon. 2. Four Dam Pool and Larson Bay Status Swan Lake Completed follow-up meeting. Repairs and diagnostic testing on 2 items at Swan Lake underway. Prepared a letter to file documenting response to all recommendations made by EPS. Provided documented, justifiable reasons for deviations from consultant recommendation. Y2K failures/upgrades defective equipment, repair costs charged to AEA R&R. Assessment items charged to insurance account — risk prevention - All projects Contingency plan completed. Tyee Completed follow-up meeting. Equipment replacements made on failed diagnostics. Prepared a letter to file documenting response to all recommendations made by EPS. Provided documented, justifiable reasons for deviations from consultant recommendation. Contingency plan completed. Terror Lake Completed follow-up meeting. Equipment replacement made based on failed diagnostics. MOSCAD system primary problem — see Div Comm section. Staff will provide their version of contingency plan by August 15". Solomon Gulch No problems of significance there identified by EPS. They are also doing a first rate job of SCADA testing on their system. Follow-up meeting may not be necessary. Ray DeStephano indicated he would provide a contingency sometime in August. Larson Bay No problems of significance there identified by EPS. Follow-up meeting may not be necessary. Will review EPS data and then develop contingency plans as appropriate. Suspect I will go to Kodiak again for acceptance of Moscad system and may visit Larson Bay at that time. 3. Need documentation from Division of Communications confirming compliance of items on “need info” list and Terror communications equipment. Provided Jerry Jasper with a CSR authorizing additional work on a time and materials basis to finalize compliance issues at Terror Lake and with the “need —info” list. Max dollar amount $3000.00 was agreed to. Set a deadline of August 31". He agreed to do the work according to the terms outlined in the scope of work. Communications issues at Terror Lake Non--compliant Motorola Moscad system: Conducted pre-bid walk through with 2 contractors and send out bid and specs. Bids are due in Monday August 2". Work is due to be completed October 15" with field work completed September 15". Project includes 2 new monitoring stations at Falls and Shotgun Creek diversions as well as complete system upgrades. Cost approximately $150K. 4. Alaska Intertie. Had a meeting with Chugach, ML&P, MEA, and GVEA. Shared EPS results and developed strategy for joint railbelt contingency plan. Will meet again next August 12" at AIDEA offices to move it forward further. Minutes were distributed. Reasonable participation level - Chugach was taking a strong lead position and GVEA was reluctantly participating. Lots of issues when looked at from Railbelt perspective — while each Utility is prepared there are significant questions to me about how the railbelt would respond as a whole. Issues that will come up in the next meeting are: Who will lead the effort? What is the organizational structure? What is the budget? How is the budget allocated to the participants? What is the scope of the effort? What is the form of the JCP? How will decisions be made? How will disputes be resolved? Who determines and declares Y2K emergency exists? Who will act as the media “point of contact” for the joint utilities? Etc.... I clearly stated AEA’s and AIDEA’s position in the meeting minutes as follows: "Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) and Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) agree that sharing information on Y2K will be to the mutual benefit of all railbelt utilities in their efforts to achieve Y2K compliance. We are working towards that effort by sharing information compiled by our 3rd party consultant, and also by helping coordinate meetings to discuss Y2K plannin: AF Although AEA is the legal owner of many parts of the NerthersAdeska Intertie and the Bradley Lake Project, responsibility for matterenee-end-eperatien-of these facilities rests entirely with various utilities. While AEA will work closely with these utilities to share information and to address any potential problems, AEA is not planning to "take over" responsibility for or supercede any efforts of our Partner Utilities, or other entities, to achieve Y2K compliance." AK Intertie Snow load monitoring system will require upgrading host computer operating system and bios — currently under evaluation. 5. Bradley Lake. Bradley Operations and Dispatch staff meeting Wednesday August 4" at 10:00 AM. Will discuss technical as well as responsibility issues. Don Stead said he would bring Y2K material as well as contingency plan which should be done by then. I will share EPS results, restate AEA’s position with regard to Y2K, and discuss railbelt wide contingency planning. 6. Healy i ye Tests completed o jor systems while plant is running. Mike Sowards will document Re test results-So problems enc ad o problems encountered, despite claims to contrary by manufacturer. > Mike has documented some model numbers that EPS couldn’t find so EPS should finalize their report by Friday. Likely will be some minor repairs/upgrades on equipment identified by EPS. Sent letter to GVEA asking how they want to handle HCCP as a part of Y2K contingency plan. 7. Insurance Completed coverage at Healy effective 7/30/1999 — 6/30/2000 per Angie Terry’s message — she is out of town and will provide additional details. Have calls into Angie asking for information. She is still also requesting as-builts and other information on testing etc. Other questions about Y2K liability and insurance remain. 8. Legal Federal law in place. 9. State reporting /Contingency plans Changed report to include testing percentages completed per offices request. Also provided justification for not testing where appropriate. Indicated in e. mail that it was highly unlikely that all contingency plans would be completed by August deadline — will see if that generates a response. INTERNAL MEMORANDUM To: Mike Sowards From: Clive Herrington Date: April 22, 1999 Subject: HEALY CLEAN COAL PROJECT Review of Y2K —3" Party Requests for Compliance Please review the attached document on Y2K-3" party requests and provide comments. Please provide a copy of your comments to Cathy so she can forward them to Dennis McCrohan and Art Copoulos. Regards, Cite Art Copou File 320-PC T:C.M.A.maida328 JUL-26-99 MON 09:24 AM P, 04/14 RE: Y2K HCCP Subject: RE: Y2K HCCP Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 15:46:40 -0800 « From: Art Copoulos <ACopoulos@aidea.org> To: Dennis McCrohan <dmcecrohan@aidea,org> CC: Clive Herrington <cherring@mtaonline.net> Alaska inaustna: Cevenoment and Expo Authority Dennis, Healy Clean Coal Project Apparently Cigna has given a 30 day notice of cancellation of the Insurance policy for Healy due to Y2K risk. In response, Angela Terry is trying to line up another carrier but needs an AS-BUILT, or something to show that the facility has indeed been constructed before they can get a quote fropm another Insurance company. Do you or Clive know where I can get a copy of an AS-BUILT or similar document/drawing? If so, I will send it down to Angela. According to Brad Thompson, Cigna is doing this everywhere, it isn't because of any deficiency related to Healy, but apparently more a reflection of their lack of knowledge of the issue. They are also suppossedly still evaluating whether they really want to do this. Art Vv simone Original Message----- From: Dennis McCrohan Sent: Thursday, July 15, 1999 2:07 PM To: Art Copoulos Subject: Y2K HCCP Art See me about Angela's letter on Y2k. VVVVVVVVV VV Vv Dennis cue’ ow] swecf] vere. buf] yeof] owuce(] oevevea[] eo{] wes[] AFileL] ora. REME] a REM] Other——————F" -\ O é 180 ic : = lofl 7/22/99 1:20 PM ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY = ALASKA @@e™ ~=ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 August 2, 1999 Mr. Brad Evans Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. P.O. Box 71249 Fairbanks, Alaska 99707-1249 Re: Year 2000 (Y2K) Readiness Disclosure’ Dear Mr. Evans: Attached for your information is the 3° party Y2K Inventory and Assessment completed at the Cantwell Substation, which we discussed in a recent teleconference. Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) and Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) think that sharing information on Y2K will be to the mutual benefit of all railbelt utilities in their efforts to achieve Y2K compliance. We are working towards that effort by sharing information compiled by our 3" party consultant, and by helping coordinate meetings to discuss Y2K planning. Although AEA is the legal owner of many parts of the Northern Alaska Intertie and the Bradley Lake Project, responsibility for maintenance and operation of these facilities rests entirely with various utilities. While AEA will work closely with these utilities to share information and to address any potential problems, AEA is not planning to “take over” responsibility for or supercede any efforts of our Partner Utilities, or other entities, to achieve Y2K compliance. AEA and AIDEA provide this information “as-is” with no representations or warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, and assumes no liability for damages arising out of or relating in any way to the use of the information. The recipient of the information assumes all responsibility and risk relating to the use of the information. Please call me at (907) 269-3023, if there are any questions or if you would like to discuss this further. Sincerely, Art Copoulds Y2K Project Manager Attachment ' As defined by the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure act of 1998 (P.L. 105-271, 112 stmt. 2386) (October 19, 1998)