HomeMy WebLinkAboutIntertie Responsibilites and Duties 1993e ABN bile ey ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTyiQtr. SO AND EXPORT AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR * ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503-6690 + (907) 561-8050 * FAX (907) 561-8998 November 8, 1993 Mr. Ron Saxton, Esq. Ater, Wynne, Hewitt, Dodson & Skerritt 222 S.W. Columbia, Suite 1800 Portland, Oregon 97201-6618 Subject: AEA Intertie Duties Dear Ron: Attached is a list of current duties provided by AEA staff to the intertie. I have indicated which duties AEA may delegate to the IOC or Operators. We will be pleased to meet with you at your earliest convenience to discuss these matters. Very truly yours, Oem Cha Dennis V. McCrohan, P.E. Project Design/Construction Manager DVM: bjf Attachment cc: William R. Snell, Executive Director James Baldwin, Esq. Eric Wohlforth, Esq. Brad Evans, GVEA 1.0 . ree . Wn 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 INTERTIE AEA DUTIES Duties Current Future Intertie Agreement Own facilities AEA AEA Debt service coverage AEA AEA Guarantee right for transfer of Bradley power AEA AEA Suspend operator if directed by I0C AEA AEA Insurance - Establish amounts AEA AEA - Procure Ioc Ioc - Administer IOC I0c - Disburse proceeds I0C Ioc Make additions, changes, or deletions to intertie AEA 10c Receive and collect operators financial statements AEA AEA November 8, 1993 Concurrence Current Future AEA AEA 2.0 NNN . Wnr 2.4 NN aw 2.7 INTERTIE AEA DUTIES Budgets & Costs Billings and payments Prepare AEA budget Receive, coordinate, and finalize total operating budgets Develop, coordinate, and finalize maintenance budgets Determine intertie usage Determine intertie energy rate, MITCR, and allocation of costs Submit budgets for legislative approval Duties Current AEA AEA AEA AEA AEA AEA AEA Future AEA AEA IoC I0c I0c 10c AEA November 8, 1993 Concurrence Current Future AEA AEA AEA AEA 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 www . auLS INTERTIE AEA DUTIES Operations and Maintenance Maintain or contract for maintenance Prepare maintenance records for FERC Receive usage estimates, prepare annual usage estimates, and end of year reconciliation Procurement of services Energy scheduling Operations of Intertie - Operation procedures - Contract Duties Current AEA AEA AEA I0c 10c AEA AEA Future AEA Open I0c I0c I0C Ioc AEA November 8, 1993 Concurrence Current Future AEA AEA AEA AEA 4.0 4.1 fret FwWwhDh . 4.5 rf NOD . ao oe INTERTIE AEA DUTIES Duties Current Future Administrative Coordination among participants AEA I0c Review power system studies AEA I0c Review relay settings AEA I0c Manage engineering and construction contracts AEA I0C Review maintenance and switching, procedures and reports AEA I0c Secretary of IOC AEA I0C Inspections of transmission line and substations AEA AEA Maintain IOC records AEA I0c Maintain Intertie files on contracts, agreements, usage, and invoices AEA AEA 4.10 Maintain intertie to prudent utility practice AEA Operator 4.11 Maintain engineering drawings “as-builts," and vendor manuals AEA I0c November 8, 1993 Concurrence Current AEA Future AEA AEA AEA AEA AEA 5.0 mw Noe wn Pw 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 INTERTIE AEA DUTIES Other Agreements Own facilities Receive revenues and make disbursements Maintenance contracts Maintain the prudent utility practices Coordinate maintenance scheduling Purchase and install additional equipment as required Receive and maintain "as-built" records Approve extraordinary replacements Review inspection reports, failure reports, and corrective action reports Duties Current Future AEA AEA AEA AEA AEA AEA AEA AEA AEA AEA AEA AEA Operator I0c Operator Operator I0c AEA November 8, 1993 Concurrence Current Future AEA AEA AEA ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT y By AND EXPORT AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR * ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503-6690 + (907) 561-8050 + FAX (907) 561-8998 March 17, 1994 Mr. Brad Evans Golden Valley Electric Association P.O. Box 71249 Fairbanks, AK 99707 Subject: AEA Duties and Responsibilities for Existing A-F Intertie Dear Brad: We have listed below the duties which AEA proposes to retain. This letter supplements our March 14, 1994 budget proposal. For clarification, we have also listed below the duties for which the IOC or operators will provide a lead role where historically, AEA has been involved. Retained AEA Duties and Responsibilities: 1. 2. Review and approve relay settings. Review maintenance’ procedures, switching procedures, and maintenance reports. Review and approve any modifications or additions to the transmission line and substation. Prepare AEA budget and review overall O&M budget. Administer billings and payments. Manage and administer transmission line and substation maintenance contracts. Attend IOC and subcommittee meetings. Annual inspection of transmission line. Semi annual inspection of intertie substations. Mr. Brad Evans March 17, 1994 Page Two | nd/or rator Duti 1. Coordination of participants’ functions. 2. Manage and administer studies, engineering, and construction controls. 3. Develop preliminary and final budgets including scope of services for each major budget item for operations and for maintenance. 4. Coordinate and calculate allocation of costs including annual usage, energy and capacity rates, and MITCR. 5. Receive and maintain complete accurate cost records. 6. Arrange for secretarial duties for |OC and subcommittees. 7. Maintain |OC records on actions and recommendations. 8. Receive from AEA and maintain files for : - studies, engineering, and construction controls. - instruction manuals. - as-built engineering and vendor drawings. Please let me know if you have any questions. Very truly yours Zi) \ Wea Dennis V. McCrohan Deputy Director (Energy) DVM:ec ec100doc cc: R. Snell, AIDEA S. Matthews, AEG&T D. Burlingame, CEA V. Mottola, FMUS J. Hall, MEA T. McConnell, AML&P bec: D. Beardsley, AEA S. Sieczkowski, AEA E. McCambridge, AIDEA cad o ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR * ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503-6690 + (907) 561-8050 + FAX (907) 561-8998 - yr March 14, 1994 Mr. Brad Evans Golden Valley Electric Association P.O. Box 71249 Fairbanks, AK 99707 Subject: | Amended FY95 AEA Budget Existing Intertie Dear Brad: In response to your request for IOC Budget Subcommittee participants, AEA nominates Stan Sieczkowski. I will also participate as required and assist in the transfer of AEA duties to the IOC. AEA’s preliminary proposed amended budget for FY95 is as follows: Amended FY94 FY95 Administrative costs $194,000 $ 82,522 Insurance 65,000 65,000 AF IOC 50,000 50,000 Div. Comm. 28,800 116,500 The above AEA administrative costs assume a transfer of duties to the IOC. We will be pleased to discuss the specific duties which we propose to transfer and retain in the next meeting and provide backup for these costs. Our proposed amended FY95 budget for administration is approximately 43% of FY94. wy 7 Mr. Brad Evans March 14, 1994 Page Two Please call me if you have any questions. Very truly yours, aie (uo hw Dennis V. McCrohan Deputy Director (Energy) DVM:ec ec100doc ce: R. Snell, AIDEA S. Sieczkowski, AEA D. Burlingame, CEA J. Hall, MEA T. McConnell, AML&P S. Matthews, AEG&T V. Mottola, FMUS bec: E. McCambridge, AIDEA D. Beardsley, AEA 3 @ ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR » ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503-6690 + (907) 561-8050 + FAX (907) 561-8998 January 28, 1994 Mr. Brad Evans Golden Valley Electric Association P.O. Box 71249 Fairbanks, AK 99707-1249 Subject: Legislative Budget Requirements Existing Intertie Dear Brad: Regarding the Power Sales Agreement requirement for AEA to submit the existing intertie budget to the legislature, AEA has submitted a FY95 budget to the legislature. This budget included AEA costs for the intertie but not contractual service costs or participant costs. This approach is different than previous budget submissions by AEA, which included all intertie costs. However, the new approach has_ been approved by Department of Commerce and Office of Management and Budget, and substantially simplifies the process. The IOC budget group will, therefore, not have to be concerned with this aspect of the budget process. Please let me know if you have any questions. Very truly yours, Dennis V. eee Deputy Director tiaucay) DVM: ec DOCEVA - 255 - McConnell, AML&P Burlingame, CEA . Matthews, HEA - Mottola, FMUS Hall, MEA Sieczkowski cc: NUao<dnox ~~ bec: D. Beardsley, AIDEA S. Sieczkowski, AIDEA E. McCambridge, AIDEA Fle e \id.2, ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR * ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503-6690 + (907) 561-8050 + FAX (907) 561-8998 November 4, 1993 Mr. Brad Evans Golden Valley Electric Association 758 Illinois Fairbanks, AK 99707 Subject: MEA Stevens Substation Addition Alaska Intertie Agreement Dear Mr. Evans: I apologize for the lateness in our response to your May 19, 1993 questions regarding the Stevens Substation. We have had legal counsel review issues raised in your letter. Based upon our legal review, our opinion is: 1. MEA does not have participant status nor does’ the agreement contemplate construction and operation by a non-participating utility. 2. Construction and operation by a non-participant does require contract changes. In consideration of the above items, we concur that a special meeting should be arranged to discuss the contractual issues as well as impacts on the wheeling rate and MITCR. We will be pleased to meet at your earliest convenience. \tho” Very truly yours, On W seen \O5 > CEM ‘oe WE mead wo \\ \vcrriaker . P.E. a Dennis V. McCrohan, ) Deputy Director (Energy) add W2EDENAM ou DVM:ec ds PEE AT cc: R. Snell, AIDEA Sew E. Wohlforth, WAJ&B J. Baldwin, Dept. of Law bee: S. Sieczkowski, AEA D. Beardsley, AIDEA ie CoS 4sOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION INC. Box 71249, Fairbanks, Alaska 99707-1249, Phone 907-452-1151 _ few zoe hye B oth vite - Gere Jot claran - 4 anerrnn, lCocrreer i Fgeptember 1, 2993 Brad Evans, IOC Chairman Golden Valley Electric Assn. P.O. Box 71249 Fairbanks, AK 99707-1249 Subject: Controller Duties Golden Valley feels that the Alaska Intertie will be a more efficient operation if the following philosophy is followed: One of the controllers will actually operate the intertie facilities and schedule all transfers. The concept of two controllers for checks and balances is appropriate and healthy, and we strongly endorse this concept as long as it is accomplished in the most efficient manner. With these thoughts in mind, we submit what we feel should be the controller duties. Intertie Scheduling - This involves coordination with all affected utilities for reserves and energy to insure proper intertie loading. This also includes var scheduling as required to maintain adequate voltage levels, accounting for all schedules, and preparing a monthly billing for the utilities. (one controller) Auditing is to be done by the other controller or the State as required. Actual Intertie Operation - Scheduling outages for maintenance, restoration of intertie after forced outage, normal operation of intertie equipment. (one controller) The other controller to assist as required and audit performance of duties. GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION INC. Controller Duties September 7, 1993 Page 2 Time Error Correction - Coordination between all generating facilities to adjust time error as required. (one controller) R e i s - Monitoring reserve requirements for all participants, both spinning and operating reserves. Maintaining records of required vs. actual, preparing monthly report to the IOC for review and action as necessary. (one controller) Note: Due to the number of utilities involved, each utility should be responsible for maintaining spinning reserve records for comparison and action as required. Ye Lili Marvin Riddle anager of System Operations cc: IOC Members