HomeMy WebLinkAboutS Intertie Cost summary 1998 [5 ) | | February 9, 1998 L\ \\ 1 aie Alaska Electric Generation & Alaska Industrial Development Transmission Cooperative, Inc. and Export Authority P.O. Box 36 Skwentna, Alaska 99667 Attention: Mr. Mike Yerkes, Planning Engineer Subject: Southern Intertie - Cost Summary Report Dear Mr. Yerkes: Enclosed is one copy of the final cost summary prepared for the two remaining routing alternatives for the project for your information. The cost estimates developped in this document form the basis for the Environmental Analysis and the EIS. If you have any questions please contact me at (907) 762-4626 or by fax to (907) 762-4617 or by e-mail to dora_gropp@chugachelectric.com. Sincerely, boa. © frig? Dora L. Gropp, P-E. Manager, Transmission & Special Projects DLG/ahw Brian Hickey W.O. E9590081, Sec.2 RF 5601 Minnesota Drive * P.O. Box 196300 » Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 Phone 907-563-7494 * FAX 907-562-0027 PROJECT NO.: 120376-09 # MER 'SSUED To: _ CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. CONTRACT NO. 95-208 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT JANUARY 23, 1998 COST SUMMARY REPORT Phase 1B FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: = Randy Pollock, P.E. = Bill Hansen, P.E. ™ Mike Walbert, P.E. POWER ENGINEERS, INC. @ P.O. BOX 1066 @ HAILEY, IDAHO 83333 (208) 788-3456 @ FAX (208) 788-2082 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 1 Il. Ill. IV. SUMMARY AND OVERVIEW Cost Estimate Summary ee Present) ValueyAnal ysis smccssercert tcc o ones t tai ie her Peat tani ere aera ees ee 1996 and 1997 Project Cost Estimate Comparison..........:.:.ssssssssseeteeeeeeseseseseseeeteeetenees I-12 OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINE SUBMARINE & UNDERGROUND TRANSMISSION CABLE TIN trOCUCTION races reenter aces eee EE ERLE EE Il-1 Submarine] Cablenirsseaccscsssrassssesessorsesceceesstorseasssveassescasrcsesoeressrorssenestesccasteaesenene esse nents III-2 Land Underground Cables ... Il-4 Piransition; Sites eee aera erie cet ee eee ee EEL Ill-5 Operation and Maintenance/Cable Replacement Costs ...........:.sssesesesseseseesesseeeeeseeseseees Ill-6 SUBSTATIONS AND REACTIVE COMPENSATION Introduction......... Soldotna Substation ... tas International ubstation eee ce enn Point Woronzof Substation.. Naptowne Substation ........... Daves Creek Substation....... Bradley; lakeiiransteri ripest ee I SHUNT REACTOrS ee ccseeetressrees ese ee ere Tete se eee ee HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 000-toc.doc 120376-09/al V. ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING VI. RIGHT OF WAY & PERMIT ACQUISITION Tipit UC O81 rvecersemenessexsrcsenseron sv eveensevoveersxenssnsersnsssonrsevctansensnssesvocnenscusvareesoaesreresweaperes VI-1 Sram ooo o5 soca caccccccocesccccscccssencssccssccouesucsedeccagy soevaeses vasesasersesesdevedesecsaseessesonseessssasateses VI-1 Right of Way Acquisition ..........cccccecscsescscsesesesesssesscseseacseacseaeseseseseeeescacseaeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeees VI-2 REFERENCES APPENDICES Appendix A Overhead Transmission Line (Detailed Estimates) Appendix B Submarine & Underground Transmission Line (Detailed Estimates & Supporting Data) Appendix C Station (Drawings & Detailed Estimates) Appendix D Transition Sites (Drawings & Detailed Estimates) Appendix E Right of Way Cost Estimates Appendix F Project Description/Construction Activities Spreadsheet Appendix G Operating and Maintenance Costs Appendix H Cash Flow/Present Worth Appendix I Detailed Cost Estimates for Each Route Alternative Appendix J Submarine and Underground Lines Cross Section Detail Drawings of Cables, Duct Bank and Duct Bank Casing Pipe Appendix K Submarine Cable Installation Profiles Appendix L Cathodic Protection and Inductive Coordination Appendix M Field Notes Map Pocket Anchorage Area Alternative Routes Alternative Routes HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 000-toc.doc 120376-09/al LIST OF FIGURES Description Location Representative Route Profiles I. Summary and Overview Alternative Routes Map Pocket Anchorage Area Alternative Routes Map Pocket HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 000-toc.doc 120376-09/al iii ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS A ampere AAC all-aluminum conductor AC alternating current ACSR aluminum conductor steel reinforced BESS battery energy storage system BIL basic impulse insulation level cmil circular mil ue degree Celsius DC direct current DNR Department of Natural Resources EIS environmental impact statement EVAL environmental analysis FOB free on board GIS gas insulated switchgear HDD horizontal directional drilling HVED high-voltage extruded dielectric ICBO International Conference of Building Officials TEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers kA kiloamperes (1000 amperes) kAIC kiloampere interrupting capability kemil thousand circular mils KNWR Kenai National Wildlife Refuge kV kilovolt Mvar megavar MW megawatt NESC National Electrical Safety Code NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association OA open air (self cooled) RUS Rural Utilities Service SCFF self-contained fluid-filled SFo sulfur hexafluoride (gas) SMES superconducting magnetic energy storage system sq. mm square millimeters SRA State Recreation Area SSR subsynchronous resonance SVC static var compensator TCSC thyristor-controlled series capacitor XLPE cross linked polyethylene HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) acronyms 120376-09/la I. SUMMARY AND OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION The Southern Intertie Project is proposed as a system improvement project to increase the overall Railbelt electrical system reliability and transfer of energy capabilities between the Kenai Peninsula and Anchorage. The Southern Intertie Project would consist of constructing a second electrical transmission line between the Kenai Peninsula and Anchorage. This report provides a summary of cost estimates for the alternatives of the Southern Intertie Project. The cost estimates are based on a 138kV design and operating voltage, except for the overhead line segments, which are based on 230kV insulation and spacings. The report summarizes recent and previous project information as this information applies to project cost. Cost information from this report will be included in the Environmental Analysis (EVAL) currently being compiled. Information included in previous project documents is referenced in the report and is required to supplement the evaluation presented here. The first reference to a document in each section is footnoted; subsequent references use an abbreviated document name. A list of the supplemental documents published previously for the Southern Intertie Project as well as other documents relevant to this project can be found in the References section. Cost estimates in this report were prepared by POWER Engineers except those for the overhead line segments, which were prepared by POWER Engineers and Dryden & LaRue. The original project altematives were identified in the Design Section Report’ and Economic Section Report.” The current environmental and preliminary engineering efforts* have resulted in the elimination of the Quartz Creek route alternative. The two primary alternatives evaluated in this report are referred to as the Tesoro Corridor and the Enstar Corridor. Based on the results of the preliminary design efforts and environmental evaluations, each corridor has a base route identified. These base routes were selected to allow easy comparison of the cost differences between the base route and the various local alternatives. The cost estimates for the environmental permitting efforts are based on the budgets for the macro corridor study and current environmental studies and reports and preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). " POWER Engineers, Inc., Southern Intertie Route Selection, Study Phase1, Design Section Report (June 14, 1996); hereinafter cited as Design Section Report. 2 POWER Engineers, Inc., Southern Intertie Route Selection, Study Phase 1, Economic Section Report (June 14, 1996); hereinafter cited as Economic Section Report. * Ongoing siting and public involvement studies by Dames & Moore and POWER Engineers. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 1-summary.doc 120376-09/al I-1 For purposes of this report, the base routes are used for the baseline cost estimates. The costs of local alternatives as compared to the base routes are also provided. Refer to the maps titled “Alternative Routes” and “Anchorage Area Alternative Routes” in the map pocket for the locations of the routes considered. On maps and route tables the first one or two letters of each route link designate the overall route or area for a routing opportunity, as follows: Tesoro Route Enstar Route Marine/Submarine Area Links for the purpose of approaching line terminals at the International Substation in Anchorage PW Link for the purpose of approaching line terminals at the Point Woronzof Substation in Anchorage S Links for the purpose of approaching the Soldotna Substation on the Kenai Peninsula = 2me A profile diagram showing the major components of each base route is provided at the end of this section. A brief overview of each component of the project, a summary of the project cost estimates, and the results of the present worth analysis of life cycle costs for the Tesoro and Enstar alternatives are included in this section of the document. Detailed cost summaries and supporting vendor quotations are included in the appendices as noted in the Table of Contents. For reference, a comparison of the 1996 and 1997 cost estimates is also provided in this section. DISCUSSION OF COST ESTIMATE BASIS The Southern Intertie Project has numerous technical challenges regardless of the route selected. The following discussions reflect some of the economically significant assumptions applied to the cost estimates. Present worth cost evaluations were performed for the two base routes (Tesoro and Enstar). Although there are significant local alternatives for each base route, the present value analysis of the base routes provides a good comparison of the relative life cycle present values of the alternatives. Overhead Transmission Line The overhead transmission structure costs in this report are the same as those developed in the Economic Section Report for guyed steel structures and single pole steel structures. In addition, detailed costs were developed for the wood H-frame structure family and several variations of single pole wood and single shaft self-supporting steel pole structure families. Each complete base route uses a select combination of these structures for HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 1-summary.doc 120376-09/al 1-2 preliminary design and cost and are applied to each route link depending on the construction type selected for the subject link. Proposed structure types for each route link are identified in Appendix F under the heading “Line Design Type.” For the overhead line segments, the cost estimates reflect structures with insulation and spacing for operation at 230kV, although the line will be initially operated at 138kV. Submarine Cables The submarine cable cost estimates are based on double armor (two protective layers of galvanized steel strands) for the entire circuit length including cable intended for embedded installation. Additional discussion is presented in Section III and Appendix B of this document, and in the Design Section Report. Costs for submarine cable, installation, operation and maintenance are based on previous project information and recent price quotations. Both a four single-core submarine cable circuit option and a two three-core submarine cable circuit option are evaluated in this document. The present worth project cost includes retirement and replacement of submarine cables according to the schedules presented in Section III. Unit costs were developed for each type of submarine cable and its installation, and then applied to each submarine route length. In December 1997 Chugach Electric Association received bids from six manufacturers for a 138kV submarine cable circuit between Point Woronzof and Point MacKenzie. These bids were reviewed and compared to the submarine cable cost estimates for the Southern Intertie Project. The submarine cable circuit costs in this report for both the cable and the installation were individually compared on a unit price basis to the bids. Both cable and installation cost estimates were comparable to the bids received on the Point Woronzof to Point MacKenzie project. Based on this comparison, an adjustment to cost estimates for the submarine cable circuit for the Southern Intertie Project was not warranted. Land Underground Cables The cost for an underground cable system is based on XLPE (cross linked polyethylene) insulated cables installed in a concrete encased duct bank. Manholes and cross-bonding are built into the unit cost of this type of installation. Other design concepts may prove appropriate as determined during the detailed design process. Transition Stations Transition stations are required to convert from one transmission construction type to another. Transition stations convert transmission lines from overhead to underground construction, overhead to submarine cable construction, and underground cable to submarine cable construction. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 1-summary.doc 120376-09/al 1-3 Detailed cost estimates were prepared for each type of transition station proposed and are included in Appendix D. Transition station site locations and types are identified in the table titled “Transition Sites — Summary of Locations and Features,” found in Section III. Substations The substation estimates are based on the Design Section Report and the general arrangement drawings located in Appendix C of this document. Descriptions of each substation proposed for the various route alternatives are provided in Section IV of this report. To improve stability of the existing Bradley Lake-Soldotna 115kV transmission system, we have included costs to transfer trip one Bradley Lake unit to match power generation to the ability of the remaining line capacity. To maintain stability for a loss of the new intertie at 125MW power transfer, the cost to provide a 0-40Mvar TCSC with 20Mvar of shunt capacitors at Daves Creek is included. Further system studies analyzing the effect of the Wilson BESS and the SMES on the system may alter the requirements for the ESC: Environmental Permitting The two base routes for the project present significant challenges to successfully securing a permitted route based on meetings with the public, affected agencies and a review of previous study correspondence. Cost estimates included in this report are based on the current and anticipated EIS effort for this project. The overall estimate for environmental permitting includes the funds expended to date for the environmental portions of the macro corridor study and the current EIS effort. Right of Way and Permit Acquisition To secure the requisite project right of way, two major acquisition processes will occur: 1. Permit acquisition to secure the right to exist on local, state and federally administered lands. 2. Private land easement acquisition to secure rights to exist on private lands crossed by the transmission line. The variation of project right of way and permit acquisition costs among the two primary alternatives is a direct function of the agency lands crossed that require permitting, as well as the amount of private land crossed by the route. The direct costs are related to the value of the easement-encumbered lands and represent the easement payment that is made to the landowner. Indirect costs are directly related to the number of parcels to be acquired and the labor and expense costs associated with easement acquisitions. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 1-summary.doc 120376-09/al I-4 For those links paralleling the Alaska Railroad right of way, the initial annual payment is included in the capital cost estimate. For the Enstar Base Route present worth calculations, the estimated annual cost of the railroad right of way is included. Engineering Costs for engineering are based on six and one-half percent (6.5%) of total project construction labor and material costs, except for the submarine cable segments where three percent (3.0%) is used. Engineering costs include the preliminary engineering effort for the macro corridor study and EIS preparation, detailed design, project management, and engineering support during construction. The overall estimate for engineering includes the funds expended to date for the preliminary engineering portions of the macro corridor study and the current EIS effort. Construction Management Construction management costs are based on seven percent (7.0%) of total project construction labor and material costs, except for the submarine cable segments where three and one-half percent (3.5%) is used. Construction management costs include project management, procurement, and construction inspection. Operation and Maintenance Operation and maintenance costs are based on anticipated efforts required to properly support the installed equipment. No cost has been included for load and no load losses. Cathodic protection and inductive coordination costs are based on anticipated route conditions for cathodic protection, stray current, and induced voltage mitigation. See Appendix L. Fiber Optics The installation of a fiber optic cable as part of this project is not included in the cost estimates. However, the cost estimates presented will allow for the design and fabrication of the overhead line structures to accommodate a fiber optic cable, if desired. The Design Section Report provided cost ranges for the addition of fiber optics. The values from that report have not been updated but are repeated here for reference. If fiber optics are to be added to the project, it is suggested that the installation be included in the final design criteria for the project. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 1-summary.doc 120376-09/al r5 Estimated Costs of Adding Fiber Optic Cable Application | $ in 1,000s Submarine cable 500 — 1,200 Underground (land) cable 50 — 90 Overhead transmission 1,800 — 4,000 Substation 20 — 40 Total fiber optic costs, dependin 2,370 — 5,330 on route COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY The following tables summarize the base route and alternatives for each corridor. Detailed cost estimates for each alternative are included in Appendix I. Since the submarine cable systems are a significant expenditure on this project, separate tables are provided for the submarine cable systems proposed as a four single-core submarine cable circuit and as a two three-core submarine cable circuit. Acronyms used in the following tables are: OH High-Voltage (138kV or 230kV) Overhead Transmission Line SUBM — Submarine Type Cable (138kV) UG High-Voltage (138kV) Land Underground Type Cable SS Substation (138kV) RC Reactive Compensation (115kV or 138kV) ENV Environmental Permitting (includes EIS) ROW Right of Way and Permit Acquisition PCS Environmental Pre-Construction Surveys In these tables the OH, SUBM, UG, SS, and RC costs are inclusive of construction labor and material, engineering design, construction management, and a ten percent (10%) contingency. Potential Additional Costs The following factors not included in the cost estimates may significantly influence the cost of the alternatives by increasing the cost estimates by up to the amounts indicated. Tesoro Route - The right of way cost of $12,000 included in the estimate for crossing the native conveyed lands at Point Possession (Link T5.2, about one mile) is based on a survey of current land values by Land Field Services, Inc. The conveyed lands, comprising approximately 4,500 acres, are currently for sale by the natives. Without more in depth negotiations with the natives it is not known if a partial purchase could be made for a line right of way, or in the worst case, if the entire parcel would have to be purchased. The current asking price for the entire parcel is $4.1 million. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 1-summary.doc 120376-09/al 1-6 Enstar Route - The route along the Enstar pipeline north of Big Indian Creek to Burnt Island Creek is proposed to be constructed overhead. It may be necessary to underground all or part of this stretch of the route, contingent on mitigation that the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge (KNWR) may deem appropriate for waterfowl or other issues. The total distance from Big Indian Creek north to the transition station near Burnt Island Creek is 4.7 miles (links E2.1 and M5.1). In the worst case, undergrounding the line for this entire distance would add an additional $4.7 million to the cost of the Enstar Route. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 1-summary.doc 120376-09/al T= 7, SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT SUMMARY OF COSTS - Submarine: 2 - 3 Core Cables ($ Millions) Southern Intertie Project Cost Estimate Summa po Southern Intertie Project CostEstimateSummary Diff. From =| Total [TESORO Submarine CableType: 2-3CoreCables ss CSC‘é@ase@ Rute G2A Miles CCsSCSCsCid TESORO Submarine Cable Typ [Base Route sss] $22.6 =| $13.4 [| $41.3 7 $22 7 $147 [ $14 7 $12 7 $31 | Klatt A Klatt B Klatt C Fire Island A Fire Island B Pt.Woronzof A Bez ENSTAR _ Submarine Cab! Base Route | $32.0 | Soldotna North gE Oceanview A Klatt B Klatt C Shooting Range A’ | Shooting Range B Range C | Klattay QD] avi o|6 3 » 3 O o Shooting Range E Pt. Campbell A ' Anchorage Alternatives ? Kenai Alternatives le Type: 2 3 Core Cables : 2-3 Core Cables Base Route 62.1 Miles " Base Route 73.4 Miles HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) ROUTE4.XLS/summary (2) 120376-09/al | $6.3 | | $5.9 | $99.5 $105.7 $98.7 $103.6 $105.4 $90.2 1-8 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT SUMMARY OF COSTS - Submarine: 4 - 1 Core Cables ($ Millions) Southern Intertie Project Cost Estimate Summa Diff. From =| Total Route OH UG SUBM Ts ssaRc | ROW PCS ENV | base Route $ Millions TESORO _ Submarine Cable Type: 4 - 1 Core Cables Base Route 62.1 Miles Base Route $22.6 $13.4 $53.7 $2.2 $15.3 $1.1 $1.2 $3.1 $112.5 Klatt A’ is | ‘ | $7.1 $119.6 Klatt B E I = $7.3 $119.8 Klatt C E ; : | $8.6 $121.1 Fire Island A‘ i $0.2 $112.3 Fire Island B' ; ; | $3.3 $115.8 Pt.Woronzof A j ' i $8.8 $121.3 ENSTAR _ Submarine Cable Type: 4-1 Core Cables Base Route 73.4 Miles Base Route $32.0 $0.7 $44.5 $1.8 $15.5 $1.7 $1.2 $3.1 $100.5 Soldotna North® ; | | $0.5 $100.0 Oceanview A : $0.4 $100.9 Klatt A‘ i [ | $1.3 $101.8 Klatt B' | | $0.9 $101.4 Klatt C : | | $2.9 $103.3 Shooting Range A’ | i oeee $3.1 $97.4 Shooting Range B’ | ; : : Ee ed $3.4 $97.1 Shooting Range C : : ee $2.7 $97.8 Shooting Range D' |) | d i E ($1.3 $99.2 Shooting Range E : Le oe $3.5 $97.0 Pt. Campbell A : 2 [es Ce | $19.4 $119.9 " Anchorage Alternatives ? Kenai Alternatives HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) ROUTE4.XLS/summary (2) 120376-09/al SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Base and Local Alternative Route Links Tesoro Route Alternatives Base Route From Via Base Route Links To Comments '71.1,71.2,71.3,71.4,72.1,73.1, Base Route Bernice Lake Sub 'T3.2,75.1,75.2,M2.1,M2.2,PW1.1 Pt. Woronzof Substation |Via Pt. Possession to Pt. Campbell Local Alternatives From Base Route Link Via Alternative Links To Base Route Link or Endpoint Comments Klatt A, M2.1 M3.1,M3.2,13.1,13.2,15.5 International Substation Via Klatt, Klatt bog & Minnesota Klatt B M2.1 M3.1,M3.2,13.1,13.3,14.4,15.5 International Substation Via Klatt, Tower Road & Minnesota Klatt C M2.1 M3.1,M3.2,13.1,13.3,14.3,15.8,15.9,16.3 |International Substation Via Klatt, O'Malley & Alaska Railroad Fire Island A T5.2 M1.1,14.1,T4.2,74.3,M1.3 Pt. Woronzof Substation Via Fire Island Fire Island B T5.2 M1.1,14.1,T4.2,T4.3,M2.3 [Pwi.1 to Pt. Woronzof Substation _|Via Fire Island & Pt. Campbell Pt. Woronzof A T5.2 M2.4 Pt. Woronzof Substation Via all Submarine Cable Enstar Route Alternatives Base Route From Via Base Route Links To Comments $2.1,S1.5,E1.2,E1.3,E2.1,M5.1,M5.4 South from Soldotna Substation via Base Route Soldotna Substation 12.5,12.6,15.8,15.9,16.3 atemational Substation |Oceanview Park & Alaska Railroad Local Alternatives From Base Route Link Via Alternative Links To Base Route Link or Endpoint Comments Soldotna North Soldotna Sub $1.1,$1.2,S1.3,E1.1 E1.3 North from Soldotna Substation Via Oceanview Park, Alaska Railroad & Oceanview 12.6 14.3,14.4,15.5 International Substation Minnesota Klatt A MS5.1 M4.1,M3.2,13.1,13.2,15.5 International Substation Via Klatt, Klatt bog & Minnesota Klatt B M5.1 M4.1,M3.2,13.1,13.3,14.4,15.5 International Substation Via Klatt, Tower Road & Minnesota Klatt C MS.1 M4.1,M3.2,13.1,13.3,14.3,15.8,15.9,16.3 [International Substation Via Klatt, O'Malley & Alaska Railroad | Via Shooting Range, Old Seward, Shooting Range A M5.1 M5.3,12.4 12.7,14.2,14.3,14.4,15.5 International Substation O'Malley & Minnesota Via Shooting Range, Old Seward, Shooting Range B M5.1 M5.3,12.4,12.7,14.2 15.8 O'Malley & Alaska Railroad Via Shooting Range, Old Seward, Shooting Range C M5.1 M5.3,12.4,12.7,15.6,16.1 15.9 Dimond & Alaska Railroad Via Shooting Range, Old Seward & Shooting Range D MS.1 M5.3,12.4,12.7,15.6,15.7,15.3 International Substation International Airport | Via Shooting Range, Old Seward, 120th Shooting Range E M5.1 M5.3,12.4,12.8 12.6 & Alaska Railroad Pt. Campbell A MS5.1 {M5.5, PW1.1 [Pt. Woronzof Substation Via Pt. Campbell HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) linkco.xls/new chart 120376-09 RLP I-10 PRESENT VALUE ANALYSIS A present value analysis for each base route was performed on the 1997 route cost estimate totals of this report. The following parameters were used to calculate 1997 present worth values. 1. Discount Rate of four and one-half percent (4.5%) — The discount rate reflects the real cost of capital for the Railbelt area.* It is applied to all 1997 costs projected after 1997. 2. Equipment evaluation life cycle is 40 years.° 3. Equipment Replacement Periods: e Tesoro Route — One three-core or two single-core submarine cable(s) every 17 years. e Enstar Route — One three-core or one single-core embedded submarine cable every 30 years. In order to determine the life cycle present worth of each alternative, the cash flow for the project was calculated in 1997 dollars for the years 1997 through 2043, assuming that the project would be constructed and energized by January 1, 2004. The 4.5% discount rate was then applied to the projected cash flow to calculate the present worth of each alternative. A table showing the cash flow and overall present worth calculation is included in Appendix H. The cash flow costs for the required services and components for the project include: Environmental Services Engineering Construction Management Right of Way Acquisition - For Enstar only, an annual right of way payment to the Alaska Railroad where the base route follows the railroad Construction including materials © Operation and Maintenance e Submarine Cable Replacement * Decision Focus, Inc. Update and Reevaluation of Economic Benefits of Southern Intertie Project. (November 1997). ° Ibid. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 1-summary.doc 120376-09/al I-11 The present worth values of the Tesoro and Enstar base routes are shown in the following table: Base Route Present Worth of Life Cycle Costs 1997 $ Millions Submarine Cable Type_ Tesoro Base Route Enstar Base Route 2 - three core cables $114.5 $99.6 4 - single core cables $131.4 $108.9 1996 AND 1997 PROJECT COST ESTIMATE COMPARISON The cost estimates prepared for the project in 1996° were based on a macro corridor level study of potential routing opportunities and sites for the various components of the project. As a result of the efforts expended in the current preliminary engineering and environmental effort, which is leading to the preparation of the project EIS, much more is now known about the various advantages and disadvantages of each route, from both an engineering and environmental perspective. The knowledge gained over the past year has been incorporated into the cost estimates that are presented in this document. There are some variations in the cost of the project as a result of added facilities required to accommodate physical or environmental constraints specific to localized areas of the project, or lower vendor quotations for materials. The following table compares the constructed cost of the Tesoro and Enstar base route alternatives for the 1996 and 1997 cost estimates. The base routes chosen for the 1997 estimate are different from those in the 1996 estimate, so the closest 1996 alternative to the current 1997 base route is listed for comparison. Cost Estimate Comparison - 1996 vs. 1997 138kV Estimates $ Millions Tesoro Base Route | Enstar Base Route | Submarine Cable Type | 1996 | 1997 | 1996 1997 2 - three core cables | $103.5 | $995 | $865 $90.2 4 - single core cables $125.8 $112.5 $98.3 $100.5 Note: For comparative purposes, the 1996 routing alternative that most nearly matches the 1997 base route for Tesoro is Anchorage C and for Enstar it is Soldotna C.’ The major sources of cost difference between the two estimates are described in the following. ° POWER Engineers, Inc. and Dames & Moore, Southern Intertie Project, Route Selection Study Phase 1, Final Executive Summary Report, Revision 1 (October 28, 1996). In: Ibid. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 1-summary.doc 120376-09/al I-12 Tesoro Route Cost Variances e Submarine cable system costs were reduced due to recent price quotations that are based on the hydrographic survey and a preliminary cable performance specification. e Submarine cable termination sites include switch equipment for contingency operation. Enstar Route Cost Variances e Submarine cable system unit costs were reduced due to recent price quotations that are based on the hydrographic survey and a preliminary cable performance specification. However, the total length of submarine cable for the new base route increased by approximately three miles, therefore increasing the cable system total cost. e Gas insulated switchgear (GIS) installed in a building enclosure was used to terminate submarine cable in the Anchorage area. e Submarine cable termination sites include switch equipment for contingency operation. e Addition of self-supporting steel pole transmission line with underbuild in Anchorage and near Soldotna Substation. e The cost to underground the line for approximately 4.7 miles from Big Indian Creek to Burnt Island was included in the 1996 cost estimates. In this current cost update, these links (E2.1 and MS5.1) are estimated as overhead construction. As a result of more detailed research during the 1997 summer, the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge (KNWR) determined that the pipeline corridor all the way north to Burnt Island was considered a “moderate management” area. This is a change from the previous “minimal management” classification, and allows the line to be placed overhead rather than requiring underground. Pending an environmental review of the corridor by the KNWR, portions of these two links could require undergrounding as mitigation, as noted earlier. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 1-summary.doc 120376-09/al I-13 TESORO ROUTE KENAI PENINSULA TURNAGAIN ANCHORAGE ARM PT. CAMPBELL ts OH UG : a i ’ - “ PT. WORONZOF BERNICE ft AIRSTRIPS ———\ CAPTAIN oe “Shore-tail” QU Rr’ SUBSTATION eee SRA Embedded KINCAID PARK/ NORTH KENAI ROAD Cable AIRPORT Non-embedded Embedded “Shore-tail” Cable Cable Embedded Cable ENSTAR ROUTE KENAI PENINSULA TURNAGAIN ANCHORAGE ARM ss TS ss BURNT ISLAND OH NAPTOWNE COS A SG INTERNATIONAL rare le SUBSTATION ENSTAR PIPELINE —“—{ AIRSTRIP SUBSTATION Shore-tail Embedded ALASKA RAILROAD Cable Embedded “Shore-tail” Cable Embedded Cable LEGEND-FACILITY TYPES -OV D LINE bo palesiastnta = REPRESENTATIVE ROUTE PROFILES SUBM - SUBMARINE CABLE SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT TS - TRANSITION STATION Proposed Anchorage to Kenai Peninsula Transmission Line SS - SUBSTATION NOT TO SCALE T- 14 Il. OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINES INTRODUCTION This section presents data related to the cost analysis of the overhead transmission lines portion of the Southern Intertie Project. In the previous Design Section Report’ both 230kV and 138kV overhead designs were provided for Guyed X steel structures and single shaft steel pole, single-circuit structures. For this cost analysis a 138kV overhead transmission line design with 230kV insulation and clearances was selected for a specific set of climatological and terrain conditions that are representative of particular line segments. Appendix F contains a detailed tabulation of structure configurations by link. DISCUSSION OF COST ESTIMATE BASIS For this report, an un-braced wood H-frame structure family and a single shaft steel pole, double-circuit structure family were included in the cost analysis. The costs associated with the wood H-frame and the single shaft steel pole, double-circuit structures, along with costs for single pole wood and steel, single-circuit with 12.5kV or 12.5kV/34.5kV underbuild have been added to the Guyed X and single steel pole, single-circuit structures from the previous Design Section Report. The per mile costs for each of the above designs can be found in Appendix A. A summary of design information is contained in a table at the end of this section. H-frame wood structures were added so they can be specifically included in the environmental and cost analysis. Although generally similar in cost,? wood pole H-frames have an advantage over Guyed X steel structures in areas that have competent soils that can be augured with conventional line construction equipment and have good access for construction equipment. The preliminary design criteria along with the preliminary designs are based on a review of the 1997 edition of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), a review of the designs of existing lines in the area, and the judgment of Dryden & LaRue and POWER Engineers. The preliminary designs are representative of overhead transmission line designs appropriate for the design criteria and documented route conditions. These design criteria will result in designs and cost estimates that allow realistic cost and technical feasibility comparisons between potential corridors, but are not intended for final design. ' POWER Engineers, Inc. Southern Intertie Route Selection Study, Phase 1, Design Section Report (June 14, 1996). ? Dryden & LaRue, Phase | - Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Power Project, Feasibility Study of Transmission Line System (August 1983). This study compared the cost of steel X structure vs. wood pole H-frame line construction and concluded that the transmission line installed costs for the two structure types are virtually the same. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 2-ohline.doc 120376-09/al l=1 In some instances it is expected that designs different from those used in this study may be selected for final design or that more than one design will be used in a link. This study cannot evaluate the requirements of each segment of each potential route in the detail that will be required for final design. In final design, the specific route selected would be evaluated to determine which structure type would be most appropriate on a segment-by-segment basis. Such an evaluation requires a detailed, on-the-ground reconnaissance and a_ geotechnical evaluation of the specific route. This will allow economic, construction and engineering concerms to be weighed to select the most appropriate structure type for each segment. Such an effort is beyond the scope of this study and would be performed in final design. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM Annual Maintenance Program Semi-annual flyover: From a helicopter, fly the entire length of the overhead transmission line. Inspect all structures for loose hardware, abnormal wear on connecting hardware, broken insulators, insulators not hanging plumb, sagging guy wires (if present), and any other visible concerns (e.g., a bird nest that may need to be removed or a perch added). Review conductors and wires for burn marks, indications of wire to wire contacts, abnormal sags or sags within a span that do not match, broken strands or “‘bird-caging.” Note findings on a list to be given to line crews for repair. Also note priority of repair as immediate or to be performed during normal maintenance and repair scheduling. Ground repairs: Perform necessary repairs from list created from helicopter flyover. Perform a ground inspection of each structure visited and perform any other repairs as may be required. Five-Year Maintenance Program Ground inspection of entire overhead transmission line: Drive to all structures on the line; inspect structures for loose hardware, chipped or cracked foundations, and broken insulators; perform a non-destructive strength test on a sample percentage of wood poles; look for evidence of anchors pulling; perform a pull test on a sample selection of guy anchors; inspect anchor rods for signs of corrosion. Note findings with priority of repair and provide to line crews for repair. A yearly cost estimate for operations and maintenance, based on a 40-year period is included in Appendix A. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 2-ohline.doc 120376-09/al Ii-2 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Summary Of Overhead Line Design Information Line Design 1 L 3) 8 9 10 11 ik) 14 | 15 Project Region Kenai Kenai Lowlands | Kenai Kenai Kenai Kenai Anchorage Anchorage Anchorage Lowlands Lowlands Lowlands Lowlands Lowlands Bowl, Kenai Bowl Bowl Lowlands Structure Type Guyed X Guyed X Steel, H-frame Single Shaft Single Pole Single Pole Single Shaft Single Shaft Single Shaft Steel Heavy Wood Steel Pole, Wood, Single | Wood, Single | Steel Pole, Steel Pole, Steel Pole, Double Circuit Circuit, with Single Circuit | Single Single Circuit, with 34.5kV and 12.5kV UB 12.5kV UB Circuit, with 12.5kV UB Circuit Drawing Number TANGENT X | LONG SPAN X | TANGENT H | SPOLE-D SWOOD-| SWOOD-2 SPOLE-2 SPOLE-3 (See Appendix A) Conductor 795 kemil 795 kcmil 795 kemil 795 kemil 795 kemil 795 kemil 795 kemil 795 kemil 795 kemil ACSR | ACSR ACSR ACSR ACSR ACSR ACSR ACSR ACSR Typical Span Length 750 feet 900 feet 750 feet 400 feet 400 feet 400 feet 300 feet 300 feet Typical Structure 85 feet 90 feet 85 feet 70 feet 70 feet 70 feet 70 feet 70 feet Height(above ground) Long Span Ground Clearance 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet 25 feet 30 feet 25 feet 25 feet Area of Ground 75 feet circle | 90 feet circle 70 feet circle 10 feet circle 10 feet circle 10 feet circle 10 feet circle 10 feet circle | 10 feet circle Disturbance diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter Heavy Heavy Heavy Extreme Wind - 80 mph 90 mph 80 mph 80 mph 80 mph 80 mph 80 mph 80 mph Conductot Extreme Wind - Structure Extreme Snow (7 Ib./cu feet) (57 lb./cu feet) Driven Pile Direct Foundation Types Embedment mph = miles per hour, Ib. / cu feet = pounds per cubic feet, in. = inches 100 mph 110 mph 100 mph 100 mph 100 mph 100 mph 100 mph 100 mph 100 mph 6 in. snow, 20 mph wind 1.5 in. ice 6 in. snow, 6 in. snow, 20 mph wind 20 mph wind 1.5 in. ice 1.5 in. ice 6 in. snow, 20 mph wind 1.5 in. ice 6 in. snow, 6 in. snow, 20 mph wind | 20 mph wind 1.5 in. ice 1.5 in. ice 6 in. snow, 6 in. snow, 6 in. snow, 20 mph wind _| 20 mph wind 20 mph wind 1.5 in. ice Direct Concrete Pier | Concrete Pier | Concrete Pier Embedment Direct Embedment Driven Pile Concrete Pier 1 Changes from the 1996 Cost Estimate: e Line Design 2 has been replaced by Line Design 13. e Line designs 4 through 7 are not shown because they apply specifically to the Quartz Creek Line Route, which has been eliminated. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 2-ohline.doc 120376-09 al Ii-3 Ill. SUBMARINE AND UNDERGROUND TRANSMISSION CABLE INTRODUCTION A total of nine submarine crossing alternatives were identified based on a complete review of previous studies, utility experience, and environmental findings. A number of land locations require the use of an underground transmission system to preserve existing environmental conditions and airport glide slopes. The corridors are shown on the Alternative Routes map located in the map pocket of this report. A representation of the underground transmission and submarine cable system crossings is provided in the Representative Route Profiles diagram in Section I. Potential Submarine Cable Routes Tesoro Corridor Five potential submarine cable routes have been identified within the Tesoro Corridor: 1. Point Possession to Point Woronzof: The route makes a submarine crossing from Point Possession to West Point on Fire Island, then an aerial (overhead line) crossing of Fire Island followed by a second submarine crossing from North Point on Fire Island to Point Woronzof in Anchorage. 2. Point Possession to Point Campbell: Same as above, except the approach to the Anchorage area is from North Point on Fire Island to Point Campbell in Anchorage. 3. Point Possession to Point Campbell: Offshore submarine cable only, approximately paralleling the pipeline. 4. Point Possession to Point Woronzof: Offshore submarine cable only, approximately paralleling the pipeline. 5. Point Possession to Klatt and Victor roads: This route parallels the pipeline for approximately four miles. Enstar Corridor The four submarine routes considered in the Enstar Corridor are from near Burnt Island on the Kenai to points on the Turnagain Arm’s northerly side. The submarine cable landfalls for the points on the Turnagain Arm’s northerly side are: 1. Along New Seward Highway near the Shooting Range 2. Cross Road North near Oceanview Park HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 3-ugcable.doc 120376-09/al lil-1 3. Klatt and Victor roads 4. Point Campbell Potential Land Underground Transmission Segments Tesoro Corridor e Kenai Peninsula Link T1.3: Rediske Airstrip Link T1.3: Johnson Airstrip Link T2.1: Captain Cook State Recreation Area Link 5.2: Conveyed Lands near Point Possession e Anchorage Link PW1.1: Point Campbell to Point Woronzof Enstar Corridor e Kenai Peninsula No underground transmission segments e Anchorage Link 12.4: Along Railroad Right of Way at the Shooting Range up the hill to Old Seward Highway Link 12.5: Railroad Right of Way from north of Cross Road to 120th Avenue Previous design and economic studies! provide more detailed technical information pertaining to each potential corridor. The cost estimates presented in this report are a compilation of the individual links and components of each route studied. Linear segments made up of links or portions of links are estimated based on applying the appropriate unit cost to the length of the subject segment (e.g., overhead, underground, submarine). Individual components such as transition stations or submarine terminals are added as they apply to each route. SUBMARINE CABLE In-depth investigations of existing submarine cable installations in the Anchorage area, along with hydrographic surveys, discussions with experienced submarine cable suppliers/installers and additional price quotations, provided guidance for the development of the submarine cable system cost in this report. " POWER Engineers, Inc., Southern Intertie Route Selection Study Phase 1, Design Section Report (June 14, 1996) and POWER Engineers, Inc., Southern Intertie Route Selection Study Phase 1, Economic Section Report (June 14, 1996); hereinafter referred to as Design Section Report and Economic Section Report, respectively. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 3-ugcable.doc 120376-09/al ll -2 Detailed information contributing to the development of the submarine cable system cost is contained in the Economic Section Report and Appendix B of this report. Appendix B also provides summary tables of recent price quotations from submarine cable suppliers. The following cost criteria for submarine cable systems is based on a review of the data collected. Submarine Cable Cost Criteria ¢ Double-armored cable e Either four single-core or two three-core submarine cable system © Copper conductor 600 kemil-1000 kcmil (300 sq. mm — 500 sq. mm) cross sectional area (final selection will be based on in-situ soil conditions) e Insulation: self-contained-fluid-filled (SCFF) with pressurization plants or self compensating with appropriate pressurization plants e Life cycle criteria due to harsh environmental conditions for both the four single-core and two three-core submarine cable systems: - Tesoro Corridor (non-embedded) — replace one three-core or two single-core cables every 17 years - Enstar Corridor (embedded) — replace one three-core or one single-core cable every 30 years Submarine Cable Installation Cost Criteria e Embedded cable via water jet assisted cable plow or laid in backhoe-excavated trench, depending on location specific conditions e Areas considered for embedment - All landfall/shore tail areas, which range in length from 500 to 3,000 feet depending on the individual route - Turnagain Arm between Burnt Island and south Anchorage - Area between Fire Island and Anchorage (Point Woronzof and Point Campbell) - All tidal mud flats e Non-embedded cable in areas where the bottom slope is too steep or severe currents in the ocean prohibit traditional submarine cable embedment techniques or bottom conditions too hard (rocky) to embed e Areas considered for direct lay installation (embedment determined unfeasible): - Corridor areas two to four miles north of Point Possession - Corridor area two to four miles east of Point Possession parallel to Tesoro pipeline Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) will be used at landfalls that are environmentally sensitive to avoid disturbing the surface and subsurface environment. Cost for the submarine cable systems are based on original and recent price quotations from the supplier candidates identified in Appendix B. Recent price quotations were averaged and the unit prices were adjusted based on the engineer’s experience and weighted judgments HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 3-ugcable.doc 120376-09/al ll-3 applying cable systems to the known criteria and site conditions. Suppliers with previous experience near Anchorage were considered to have more accurate quotations. Installation of submarine cable for each route considered the following types of construction: e Landfall Trench Work or HDD (horizontal directional drilling) e Direct Lay Cable Installation e Cable Embedment The cost for each submarine cable route was compiled by applying the unit price of each type of construction to the length of that type of construction along the route. These amounts were then added together to yield the total cost for that particular route. Cost estimates are provided in Appendix B. Submarine cable terminal costs were developed as a separate component of the system based on recent price quotations. These costs are applied to each submarine cable line terminal and added to the transition site cost to yield an overall transition site/terminal cost. Submarine cable terminal costs include ancillary hydraulic support equipment and installation. Cost details are provided in Appendix B. Submarine cable installation profiles are detailed in Appendix K. LAND UNDERGROUND CABLES Cost estimates for underground cable transmission were made by considering the components of a high-voltage extruded dielectric (HVED) transmission cable system installed in a concrete encased duct bank. Other techniques may prove to be appropriate in final design. Cost includes trenching/backfill, installation of duct bank and cables, manholes, sheath bonding and grounding. Concrete and installation costs in Anchorage and on the Kenai Peninsula are based on price quotations from a local supplier. Terminal point costs, such as costs for terminations and structures, are included in the transition site cost components of the electric power system. The per mile unit price for the HVED duct bank installation is based on a minimum of ten (10) miles of HVED-type transmission line. A discussion for the selection of the HVED cable system was provided previously in the Design Section Report. Concrete encased duct bank installation would be predominantly used parallel to city streets and roadways just off the pavement shoulder, in areas close to public access roads and existing pipeline easement maintenance roads. Pavement cutting would be kept to a minimum. Duct bank casing pipe would be used in areas with limited access and where environmental conditions or limited construction seasons are determined to provide additional installation challenges. Please see Appendix J for typical trench cross sections. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 3-ugcable.doc 120376-09/al lll-4 HVED XLPE Cable Cost Criteria The previous design study was reviewed and cable conductor sizes were analyzed for sensitivity to various soil conditions. The previous selection criteria were determined to be conservative and appropriate for this cost study; therefore, the criteria will remain the same. A 1000 kcmil (500 sq. mm) conductor XLPE insulated cable is used for this report. HVED XLPE Installation Cost Criteria Depth of the duct bank is assumed to be 60 inches Controlled thermal backfill is considered to ensure good thermal conductivity Four six-inch conduits are used for the HVED cable Manholes are assumed to be spaced every 2,300 feet along an underground transmission segment Unit price costs are applied to each segment based on economies of scale provided with at least ten (10) miles of HVED underground transmission. TRANSITION SITES Project transition sites are identified in the table titled “Transition Sites, Summary of Locations and Features,” found at the end of this section. The transition sites are listed below by corridor, route and name, along with the description of the type of transition site at each location. Drawings for each transition site type are provided in Appendix D. Tesoro Corridor Route and Name: Point Possession to Fire Island and Fire Island to Point Woronzof Point Possession to Fire Island and Fire Island to Point Campbell Point Possession to Point Campbell Point Possession to Klatt Road Point Possession to Point Woronzof Transition Sites: 1. Point Possession is one 138kV overhead line to either one or two 138kV submarine circuits in an outdoor substation. 2. Rediske Airstrip (two sites), Johnson Airstrip (two sites) and Captain Cook State Recreation Area (two sites) are one 138kV XLPE underground circuit to one 138kV overhead line using a termination riser pole. 3. Klatt Road and Point Campbell are either one or two 138kV submarine circuits to one 138kV XLPE underground or one 138kV overhead line in an outdoor substation. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 3-ugcable.doc 120376-09/al ui-5 4. Point Woronzof is either one 138kV XLPE underground circuit or one or two 138kV submarine circuits to equipment in an existing substation. 5. Fire Island (two sites) is either one or two 138kV submarine circuits to one 138kV overhead line using a take-off tower in an outdoor substation. Enstar Corridor Route and Name: Burnt Island to Shooting Range Burnt Island to Cross Road North near Oceanview Park Burnt Island to Klatt Road Burnt Island to Point Campbell Transition sites: 1. Burnt Island is one 138kV overhead line to either one or two 138kV submarine circuits in an outdoor substation. 2. Shooting Range is either one or two 138kV submarine circuits to one 138kV XLPE underground circuit with a GIS substation in a building enclosure. 3. Cross Road North is either one or two 138kV submarine circuits to one 138kV XLPE underground circuit with a GIS substation in a building enclosure. 4. Klatt Road is either one or two 138kV submarine circuits to one 138kV overhead line in an outdoor substation. 5. Point Campbell is either one or two 138kV submarine circuits to one 138kV XLPE underground circuit in an outdoor substation. 6. 120" Avenue and Old Seward Highway are one 138kV XLPE underground circuit to one 138kV overhead line using a termination riser pole. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE/CABLE REPLACEMENT Submarine Cable Maintenance Costs The costs of operation and maintenance for the submarine cable transmission lines are based on itemized procedures adjusted to a unit price of cost per mile per year. The costs are then applied according to the length of the proposed installation. Itemized costs are provided in Appendix G. Maintenance costs for the submarine cable system ancillary equipment for each submarine transmission line terminal are based on a price quotation from a supplier of leased maintenance. Submarine. maintenance costs include the following: HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 3-ugcable.doc 120376-09/al lll -6 e Dielectric Fluid Pressurization Unit Inspection and Leased Maintenance ¢ Cathodic Protection Testing e Periodic Marine Survey Submarine Cable Replacement Costs Submarine cable replacement costs are based on replacement of one or two cables at the -intervals identified as “life cycle criteria” under submarine cable cost criteria. The cost of replacement cable assumes that economies of scale will be realized on a minimum of eleven (11) miles of submarine cable. If the installed cable system is four single-core cables, only one embedded or two non-embedded cables are considered to be replaced. If the installed cable system is two three-core cables, one complete three-core cable (either embedded or non-embedded) is replaced. Land Underground Cable - HVED XLPE Maintenance Costs Operation and maintenance costs for the HVED transmission line are itemized in Appendix G. Costs are adjusted to a per mile unit price and then applied to the total length of HVED cable transmission line. Costs include the following: e Periodic Inspection of Pot Heads, Link Boxes and Splices e Cable Jacket Integrity Test Transition Station Maintenance Costs Maintenance costs for transition stations are itemized in Appendix G. Costs are applied to each line depending on the total number of transition sites associated with each corridor. Transition station maintenance costs include the following: Control Building Inspection and Repairs Battery Replacement Site Cleanup and Vegetation Control GIS Equipment Five Year Maintenance Inspection and Testing Operation and maintenance costs do not include the cost of load or no load losses associated with the transmission lines or equipment. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 3-ugcable.doc 120376-09/al 7 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Transition Sites - Summary of Locations and Features Tesoro Corridor Cable Transition Type and Drawing Reference | Submarine Cable Terminal Transition Sites le Required Required Kenai Lowlands Overhead/ Solid Dielectric Submarine/ Solid Dielectric Submarine/ Overhead Transition Site Type Footprint Size | Enclosure Secondary Power Requirement Link Numbers Rediske Airport-2 Johnson Airport-1 Johnson Airport-2 ‘South End Captain Cook SRA Rediske Airport-1 | | | TSP 1U10H TSP 1U10H TSP 1U10H TSP 1U10H TSP 1U10H 10' diameter 10' diameter 10' diameter 10' diameter 10' diameter Riser pole Riser pole Riser pole Riser pole Riser pole None None None None None 71.3 11.3 11.3 T1.3 12.1 North End Captain Cook SRA TSP _1U10H Riser pole 10' diameter 12.1 None Pt. Possession Turnagain Arm TSA 2S10H Outdoor substation 100'x200' 15.1 Yes Fire Island South Fire Island North Anchorage Bowl Pt. Woronzof submarine Pt. Campbell TSA 2S10H TSA 2S10H 130'x100" 130'x100' Outdoor substation Outdoor substation SS-17 Outdoor substation TSA 2S1UG]Outdoor substation Existing 130'x100' Fence Fence Fence 14.1 14.3 Yes Yes Yes Yes M1.3, M2.4 PW1.1 Pt. Woronzof via Pt. Campbell Outdoor substation _| Existing Fence PW1.1 Yes Klatt Road TSA 2S10H Enstar Corridor Outdoor substation 130'x100" Fence 13.1 Kenai Lowlands Burnt Island TSA 2S10H Outdoor substation 130'x100' Anchorage Bowl Cross Road North TSG 2S1UG/GIS 30'x30'x25'H 120th Avenue TSP 1U10H Riser pole 10' diameter Klatt Road Shooting Range TSA 2S10H 130'x100' 30'x30'x25'H Outdoor substation TSG 2S1UG|GIS Old Seward Highway TSP 1U10H Riser pole 10' diameter Pt. Campbell TSA 2S1UG|Outdoor substation 130'x100' Riser pole — Single shaft steel pole cable riser structure Station — Crushed rock surface with fence control of access Outdoor substation— Crushed rock surface with fence control of access and small control building — GIS — Gas insulated switchgear contained within a building TS - Transition Station -|A — Air insulated ~|P — Pole structure G-GIs ~|Drawings referenced are in appendices C or D HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) transition.xls 120376-09 Il -8 IV. SUBSTATIONS AND REACTIVE COMPENSATION INTRODUCTION New substations or modifications to existing substations will be required as part of the proposed Southern Intertie Project. As defined in previous systems studies reports, reactive compensation will be required for all scenarios of the project. This section presents the cost estimates and basic design criteria for each of the possible substation and reactive compensation substation modifications required for the project. In compiling the costs for the substation and reactive compensation requirements of the Southern Intertie Project, the Economic Section Report” and Studies Section Report’ prepared by POWER Engineers in 1996 were reviewed and updated where necessary in the preparation of this report. If no changes were required from the previous cost report, then the reader is referred to that report for more detailed discussions. For this report, a new substation, designated the Naptowne Substation, has been considered near the intersection of links $2.1 and $1.5. This substation alternative relates to the route alternative that follows the existing Soldotna to Quartz Creek 69kV transmission line. The portion of the existing line along Link $2.1 will be rebuilt to 138kV and used for the new intertie. The portion along Link $1.5 will be paralleled by the proposed intertie. The new Naptowne Substation is also required to provide a site for the shunt reactor and to maintain service to the remaining portion of the 69kV transmission line from the intersection of links $2.1 and $1.5 to Quartz Creek. A 138/69kV autotransformer will be installed in the proposed Naptowne Substation for this purpose. The autotransformer is not required if the line route north from Soldotna Substation along links $1.1, $1.2, and $1.3 is selected. For this alternative of the Enstar Route, the Naptowne Substation is required in addition to the modifications to the Soldotna Substation, as described in the Economic Section Report. Additional substation sites in the Anchorage area were considered, including the Anchorage APA Substation and ML&P Plant No. 2 Substation. These substations were considered as part of the Quartz Creek route, and were dropped from consideration at the time the Quartz Creek route was dropped. In the previous report, additional termination sites in the Anchorage area and on the Kenai Peninsula were evaluated. This data is still valid and has not been repeated in this report. ' POWER Engineers, Inc., Southern Intertie Route Selection, Study Phase 1, Studies Section Report Volumes I, II, III (June 14, 1996); hereinafter cited as Phase 1 Studies Section Report. ? POWER Engineers, Inc., Southern Intertie Route Selection, Study Phase 1, Economic Section Report (June 14, 1996); hereinafter cited as Economic Section Report. 3 Phase 1 Studies Section Report. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 4-stations.doc 120376-09/al IV-1 Land purchase will be required for the proposed Naptowne Substation. Land acquisition, new right of way and/or expansions of the existing fence will be required for all substations and sites involving submarine/underground reactor installations. Significant land acquisitions would be required both in the Anchorage area and on the Kenai Peninsula to accommodate battery energy storage systems (BESS). Refer to the descriptions of each installation for more information. Design considerations that must be addressed to accommodate the modifications and equipment needed to terminate the Southern Intertie are addressed in the following sections. Descriptions of each facility along with specific electrical and structural requirements are included. These design criteria are not intended for use in final design. The design criteria used for final design will be a refinement of these criteria, and will require a more detailed investigation of the conditions at the selected sites than is possible for a study of this scope. The following codes and practices were assumed to govern design and installation of the substations: e The National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) governs all electrical clearances and provides the minimum recommendations for ice and wind loading. e Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) guidelines will be used to provide additional information on certain clearances, such as from fences to energized parts and from control buildings to oil-filled equipment. e Rural Utilities Service (RUS) guidelines for substation design will be consulted to determine many design parameters. e Zone 4 International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) Seismic Requirements will be consulted. e Local utility experience will be used to modify ice and wind loading and seismic design criteria as necessary. Equipment vendors and turnkey manufacturers were contacted to obtain equipment prices, shipping costs and related construction costs. The pricing information is used in preparing the estimates in this section. The equipment prices are free on board (FOB) site. Cost estimates for the substations are based on the conceptual general arrangement drawings contained in Appendix C and other applicable information contained in the System Studies Report.* Future plans and additions for the substations were considered and accommodated in these estimates to the extent possible. The preliminary design has also considered the addition of switches where appropriate to allow future expansion with minimal outages. * Phase 1 Studies Section Report. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 4-stations.doc 120376-09/al IV -2 Summary cost estimates, detailed cost estimates, and general arrangements for the substations and reactive compensation scenarios are provided in Appendix C. The tables in Appendix C summarize the substation and reactive compensation estimates, inclusive of labor, material, engineering, construction management, and ten percent (10%) contingency. The Appendix C tables present costs by category, more specifically: e Equipment - Major electrical equipment including power circuit breakers, disconnecting switches, transformers, buswork, and similar items e Structures - Galvanized steel substation structures including bus supports, instrument transformer stands, dead-end structures, switch stands, and similar items e Foundations - Reinforced concrete foundations for structures, control house, and transformer(s) e Cable and Conduit - Conduit, control cable, and low voltage power cable e Site Work - Clearing, earthwork, grading, ground grid, fence, and final crushed rock surface e Control House - Control house structure, AC/DC station service, and protective relaying requirements e Testing - Pre-energization checkout of equipment, protective schemes, and control schemes; relay calibration; and assistance during commissioning SOLDOTNA SUBSTATION The Soldotna Substation and Power Plant are located near the Sterling Highway west of Soldotna. Please refer to the Economic Section Report for a more detailed description of existing and proposed facilities. INTERNATIONAL SUBSTATION The International Substation and Power Plant are located near the Chugach Electric Association office in Anchorage. A more detailed description of existing and proposed facilities was contained in the Economic Section Report and will not be repeated here. This section describes the proposed addition of a shunt reactor to the International Substation. The reactor was located in the International Substation rather than at the overhead to underground transition site primarily for land availability reasons. It would be difficult to find enough land for the reactor and associated equipment at the transition site in south Anchorage. The reactor should be located between the underground cable and any loads. If loads are connected to the Southern Intertie between the overhead to underground HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 4-stations.doc 120376-09/al IV-3 transition site and International Substation, the reactors should be relocated to the new station. In addition to the equipment needed for the termination of the Southern Intertie, a deadend structure, a circuit breaker and associated disconnect switches, and a shunt reactor will be required. Electrical Requirements: e One 138kV oil-filled shunt reactor, size depending on submarine cable type e Three inch (3”) schedule 40 aluminum rigid bus, minimum Parallel 795 kcmil AAC strain bus Three 138kV, 1200 A, 40 kAIC, SF¢ circuit breakers Seven 138kV, 1200A, 40kA momentary, vee switches Three 138kV capacitor voltage transformers Grounding per IEEE-80, Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding BIL level: 650kV BIL (basic impulse insulation level) Mechanical/Civil Requirements: Wind and ice loading per NESC Heavy e Spread footer or drilled pier foundations for steel structures Slab-on-grade foundations for circuit breakers and reactor e Catch basin oil containment e Tubular steel structures e Site grading and surfacing e Raceway e Fencing BERNICE LAKE SUBSTATION The Bernice Lake Substation and Power Plant is located northeast of Kenai. Please refer to the Economic Section Report for a more detailed description of existing and proposed facilities. POINT WORONZOF SUBSTATION The Point Woronzof Substation is located near the Anchorage International Airport in Anchorage. Please refer to the Economic Section Report for a more detailed description of existing and proposed facilities. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 4-stations.doc 120376-09/al IV-4 NAPTOWNE SUBSTATION Cost estimates for the new Naptowne Substation were prepared for two alternative general arrangements corresponding to the potential transmission line routes from Soldotna Substation. If the line route selected follows the existing Soldotna - Quartz Creek 69kV line south from Soldotna Substation, resulting in a rebuild of the 69kV line to 138kV from Soldotna to the Naptowne Substation site, then a 138/69kV transformation will be required to maintain 69kV service to the Quartz Creek Substation. If the line route north from Soldotna Substation is selected, then the 138/69kV transformation will not be required. A shunt reactor will be required in either case. The cost estimate for the new Naptowne Substation is based on a 138kV three breaker ring bus. Two positions are used for the proposed Southern Intertie. One position is used for the 138/69kV autotransformer to serve the 69kV transmission line to Quartz Creek. A fourth position is reserved for a future line position. A shunt reactor is connected to the bus at the line position for the portion of the Southern Intertie to Anchorage. The reactor is switched and protected by a breaker. The reactor was located in the new Naptowne Substation rather than at the overhead to underground transition site near Big Indian Creek primarily for access reasons. Access to the transition site, particularly with heavy equipment required to install and maintain circuit breakers and a reactor, would be more difficult than for the Naptowne Substation. The reactor should be located between the underground cable and any loads. It is not anticipated that loads will be connected to the transmission line between the Naptowne Substation and the transition site. Thus, there is no electrical reason, other than slightly higher losses, that the reactor must be located at the transition site. The proposed location for the new Naptowne Substation is approximately one-half (12) mile north of the Sterling Highway. An existing unimproved road from the Sterling Highway to the vicinity of the proposed site would probably need to be improved for construction and maintenance of the substation. Equipment required for the substation includes four 138kV circuit breakers and associated disconnect switches, one 69kV circuit breaker and associated disconnect switches, one 138/69kV autotransformer, one 138kV shunt reactor, bus support structures and buswork, 138kV and 69kV instrument transformers, and protective relaying for the 138kV and 69kV lines, the transformer and reactor. Additional requirements include conduit, cabling, foundations, grounding, fencing, site work, 138kV and 69kV deadend structures, and a control house. Protective relaying for the Southern Intertie and 69kV line will be redundant (primary and backup), microprocessor-based distance relays with microwave transfer trip capability for line protection. Transformer protection will be differential relays with overcurrent relays for overload protection. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 4-stations.doc 120376-09/al IV-5 A general arrangement drawing of the proposed additions is shown in Drawing No. NAP- 01 in Appendix C. Refer to the detailed cost estimates in Appendix C for more information on the specific equipment required. Electrical Requirements: One 138/69kV 30MVA OA 55° C rise autotransformer One 138kV oil-filled shunt reactor, size depending on submarine cable type Three inch (3’’) schedule 40 aluminum rigid bus, minimum Parallel 795 kcmil AAC strain bus Four 138kV, 1200 A, 40 kAIC, SF¢ circuit breakers One 69kV, 1200 A, 40 kAIC, SF¢ circuit breaker Twelve 138kV, 1200A, 40kA momentary, vee switches Two 69kV, 1200A, 40kA momentary, vee switches Six 138kV capacitor voltage transformers Three 69kV voltage transformers Grounding per IEEE-80, Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding BIL levels, as follows: — 138kV: 650kV BIL — 69kV: 350kV BIL Mechanical/Civil Requirements: Wind and ice loading per NESC Heavy Spread footer or drilled pier foundations for steel structures Slab-on-grade foundations for circuit breakers, transformer, and reactor Catch basin oil containment Tubular steel structures Site grading and surfacing Raceway Fencing DAVES CREEK SUBSTATION All scenarios of the Southern Intertie Project require compensation of the existing intertie in the event of loss of the new intertie. For the purposes of this report, it is assumed that the compensation equipment would be located at the existing Daves Creek Substation. Shunt capacitor banks are primarily for improving steady-state system operating conditions. As determined in the systems studies, the shunt banks must be augmented by a fast-acting device (static var compensators [SVC] or thyristor-controlled series capacitors [TCSC]) on the existing 115kV intertie. Please refer to the previous report for details. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 4-stations.doc 120376-09/al IV -6 As described in the Studies Section® and Design Section® reports, the SVC provides dynamic stability during system disturbances. Significant control issues would have to be addressed to coordinate with the existing SVC installations. Refer to the previous report for more information. Normally (mechanically) switched series capacitors can not be utilized for the Southern Intertie application due to response time and subsynchronous resonance (SSR) considerations. A more detailed description and discussion is provided in the Studies Section’ report. Accordingly, this cost estimate includes a 0-40Mvar TCSC bank augmented with 20Mvar of shunt capacitors. This device provides sub-cycle response time and mitigates SSR concerns typically associated with series compensation in close proximity. to generation plants. TCSC provides the best overall technical solution considering both steady-state and dynamic system requirements. Please refer to the Studies Section Report® for more information. The sizes and operating parameters for this installation must be confirmed during the detailed design. BRADLEY LAKE TRANSFER TRIP Transfer trip of one of the Bradley Lake generation units is needed to prevent transient instability and overloading of one of the two Bradley Lake - Soldotna transmission lines, for an outage of one of these lines. This will allow the full output of the Bradley Lake Project to be reliably transmitted to Soldotna Substation. Transfer trip was considered as an alternative to installing compensation to the existing intertie. In the event of loss of the new intertie, one generator at Bradley Lake would be tripped off-line. However, without compensation of the existing intertie, spinning reserves in Anchorage equal to the load on the tripped generator would be required. To realize the benefits of spinning reserve sharing, the cost of compensation of the existing intertie and the Bradley transfer trip scheme are both included in the cost estimates. The existing State of Alaska-owned microwave system is an older analog system and may not have the desired reliability for the Bradley Lake transfer trip scheme. It would be necessary to upgrade the microwave system from Soldotna Substation to Bradley Lake from the existing analog to a new digital system. More study would be required to verify that the path and existing equipment are adequate for the upgrade. For the purposes of these cost estimates, we have assumed that the microwave system upgrade is possible. We have also assumed that the existing towers, antennas, buildings > Phase 1 Studies Section Report. © POWER Engineers, Inc., Southern Intertie Route Selection, Study Phase 1, Design Section Report (June 14, 1996); hereinafter cited as Design Section Report. 7 Phase 1 Studies Section Report. * Ibid. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 4-stations.doc 120376-09/al IV-7 and other equipment are in good shape and can be reused. Allowance has been made for redundancy and upgrading station service systems at the remote sites. SHUNT REACTORS Shunt connected reactors will be used for voltage control on the Southern Intertie Project in conjunction with a long high-voltage submarine cable or underground cable installation. The shunt reactors are connected to the bus via a power circuit breaker. The reactor is switched on (connected) when the high-voltage circuit is energized to counteract the voltage rise due to the capacitance of the high-voltage underground and submarine cables. The size of reactor required is dependent on the specific application as outlined below. Generally reactors are required at each end of long runs of high-voltage cable. A conventional power circuit breaker is used in conjunction with a disconnecting switch to switch and protect the reactor. The shunt reactor primary terminals would be connected to the high-voltage bus via bushings. The oil-filled reactor would require protective relaying, a ground connection and oil containment similar to a power transformer. The basic components are the same whether the reactor is located in the overhead to underground transition station or in a conventional substation. Construction requirements and design criteria are similar to those required for a typical substation. Design criteria for a typical overhead to underground transition station are outlined below. For reactors installed in substations, the design criteria will be the same as for the particular substation. Electrical Requirements: One 138kV, 1200A, 20kA momentary, vee switch One 138kV, 1200A, 40kAIC, SF, circuit breaker One 138kV capacitor voltage transformer One 138kV oil-filled reactor — size as required Two inch (2”) schedule 40 aluminum rigid bus, minimum 795 kcmil AAC strain bus Microwave communications facilities Grounding per IEEE-80, Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding BIL level — 650kV Mechanical/Civil Requirements: Wind and ice loading per NESC Heavy Spread footer or drilled pier foundations for steel structures Slab-on-grade foundations for reactors and control enclosure Catch basin oil containment Tubular steel structures Site grading and surfacing HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 4-stations.doc 120376-09/al IV-8 e Raceway e Fencing e National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 3R enclosure for protective relaying, station service, and communications The following table summarizes the required sizes of shunt reactor installation for the project. Required Shunt Reactor Sizes Reactor Locations | Cable Type Reactor Size 2-3 Core 11.0 Mvar 4-1 Core 40.0 Mvar 2-3 Core 12.5 Mvar Point Woronzof Point Possession 2-3 Core 8.5 Mvar 4-1 Core 28.0 Mvar 2-3 Core 8.5 Mvar 4-1 Core 28.0 Mvar Naptowne Substation | | | | 4-1 Core 40.0 Mvar | | | International Substation BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE Battery energy storage systems (BESS) have the unique capability of providing full power circuit operation. However, the most recent Studies Section Report” concludes that BESS do not significantly improve system performance and increase power transfers. More detailed operational information is provided in the earlier Studies Section'® and Design Section Reports. Cost estimates for BESS systems were provided by vendors. In addition, these were compared with budgetary quotations for the 40MW BESS for the Northern Intertie Project. Together the BESS estimates varied between $25 million and $47 million for a 40MW BESS and $18 million and $31 million for a 20MW BESS. These are rough budgetary numbers only. Significantly more study work would be required to refine the BESS capacity specifications, which could significantly influence the capital cost. Accordingly, detailed cost estimates are not available for this option. ° POWER Engineers, Inc. and Dames & Moore, Southern Intertie Route Selection, Study Phase 1B. Studies Section Report, Volumes I, II, III (September 22, 1997). '© Phase 1 Studies Section Report. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 4-stations.doc 120376-09/al IV-9 V. ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING COST SUMMARY Based on the results of the preliminary environmental evaluations,’ the Tesoro and Enstar routes will be studied in detail within an Environmental Analysis (EVAL) and a subsequent Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Each primary route is a composite of links, some of which are common to each route. Therefore, elements of some studies apply to both routes. The cost estimates for the environmental permitting efforts are based on EIS-level studies, and the preparation of both the EVAL and EIS documents. The EIS will be prepared by Rural Utilities Service (RUS), using a new third-party contractor. Environmental permitting costs for the Southern Intertie Project include: e Costs incurred to date for baseline environmental studies, agency scoping, public involvement and the macro corridor study Agency cost recovery Preparation of an Environmental Analysis document Preparation of an EIS document Ongoing agency coordination and public involvement Mitigation planning and pre-construction natural resource surveys Environmental permitting project management The following table summarizes the overall environmental cost estimates. Environmental permitting and public involvement costs are being accrued under Chugach Electric Association’s contract with POWER Engineers for the services of Dames & Moore. Included in the table below are those costs accumulated under the macro corridor study begun in 1995 and completed in 1996, and the current effort to conduct public involvement and produce the EVAL in 1997, along with support to RUS to produce the EIS. Environmental Cost Summary Estimated Cost ($) Baseline Studies, Scoping, Public Involvement, Macro-Corridor $2,835,000 Study, Environmental Analysis, EIS Preparation Agency Cost Recovery $250,000 Subtotal: Environmental Studies $3,085,000 Pre-Construction Surveys $1,200,000 Total Estimated Cost (all environmental tasks) $4,285,000 ' Ongoing studies by Dames & Moore HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 5-envir.doc 120376-09/al V-1 Agency recovery costs are those costs estimated to be paid to the agencies to reimburse their efforts on the project. We have allocated $150,000 for this effort, plus $100,000 for Mangi, RUS’s contractor, for a total of $250,000 for these two budget elements. Pre-construction surveys will be required pursuant to compliance conditions of permits required for the final selected alternative. We have allocated $1,200,000 for these surveys. Preliminary engineering in support of environmental studies is included separately in the engineering cost estimate. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 5-envir.doc 120376-09/al V=2 VI. RIGHT OF WAY AND PERMIT ACQUISITION INTRODUCTION In the Economic Section Report, easement and permit acquisition costs were based on a general sample of apparent land values within the project area. Cost estimates presented in this report are based on the presently defined route links. An attempt has been made to derive land costs as close as possible to the probable link alignment. The estimates consider such things as a particular side of a street or road and whether the alignment would fall within a road, railroad or other existing right of way, or on private land. While individual link locations have been refined, an exact route centerline has not been determined. Therefore, right of way cost estimates have not been derived from a parcel- by-parcel examination. In compiling this data, the following sources were used: e Municipality of Anchorage, Assessor’s Office and Department of Public Works e Kenai Peninsula Borough, Land Management Department, Assessing Department, and GIS Division e Motznik Title Services e Alaska Railroad Corporation e Area fee appraisers As in previous reports, right of way costs represent the sum of two elements of the right of way acquisition process: 1. Direct cost: Payment made to the landowner for an easement that is based on the fair market value of the real estate. Direct permitting costs are application fees, one-time payments made to an agency or annual rental fees. 2. Indirect cost: Labor and expense cost to conduct the acquisition effort. Costs for condemnation actions have not been estimated as they would represent a task of unknown scope. PERMITTING The two primary study alternatives, as well as their local alternatives, have many common permit requirements. Costs presented for permitting include title services, appraisals and the assembly of exhibits and submission of the permit applications. Also included are costs to track the permit through the approval and granting process. Costs for conducting ' POWER Engineers, Inc., Southern Intertie Route Selection Study Phase 1, Economic Section Report (June 14, 1996). HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 6-row.doc 120376-09/al VI-1 the appropriate environmental compliance associated with permits are covered in the costs for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and pre-construction monitoring. Anticipated permit applications required include: e Kenai Peninsula Borough Right of Way Permit e Alaska Department of Fish and Game Title 16 Stream Crossing Permit e Alaska Department of Fish and Game Title 16 Waterways Permit e Alaska Department of Natural Resources Right of Way Permit e Alaska Division of Governmental Coordination Coastal Zone Consistency Permit e Bureau of Land Management Grant of Right of Way e Alaska Department of Natural Resources Tidelands Lease e Municipality of Anchorage Right of Way Easement e State of Alaska (DNR), Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation Right of Way Permit e Corps of Engineers 404 and Section 10 Permit e State of Alaska, Mental Health Trust Lands Permit e Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Utility Permit e USS. Forest Service Special Use Permit e Alaska Railroad Corporation Crossing and/or Easement Permit e Kenai River Special Management Area Permit e Alaska Department of Natural Resources Tidelands Right of Way Permit e USS. Fish and Wildlife Service RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION The cost of acquiring easements across private lands is directly proportional to the number of parcels crossed. Therefore, the ownership research conducted for this report considered, in some cases, a parcel count on both sides of a street or road. Also, note that there is a cost differential for some route segments where the option exists for being primarily within the railroad right of way or in the street or highway right of way. In our analysis, it has been assumed that for the links that parallel an existing road, highway, railroad, or other identified public utility corridor, the transmission line would be sited within the existing utility corridor. The rationale for this assumption is based on constraints of the Alaska eminent domain statutes. Those proceedings do not allow a utility to condemn private lands if a public utility corridor is available for the proposed use. Therefore, in those cases, right of way acquisition costs would accrue to permitting only, with no costs required for acquiring private land easements. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 6-row.doc 120376-09/al VI -2 The records examinations described above reveal parcel counts for the primary routes as follows: e Tesoro Route - 130 private parcels between Point Woronzof and Bernice Lake e Enstar Route - 177 private parcels between the International Substation and the Soldotna Substation An examination of land status in the vicinity of the Enstar Route transition site alternatives for submarine cable shows that nearly all are owned or administered by federal or state agencies. However, if a site is chosen in the Cross Road North area, a private parcel would have to be acquired. Land values in this vicinity are approximately $40,000 per acre. That amount has been incorporated into the right of way acquisition cost for this route. The cost for permitting transition sites on public lands is covered within the appropriate permitting process. If an alternative transition site is chosen in the Klatt Road area, it is likely that private property would have to be acquired for the transition facilities. It is estimated that land values in that area are $152,000 per acre. Costs for acquiring this site are included in the costs for this alternative. Transition site alternatives have also been identified on private lands at Point Possession and on Fire Island. Additional lands, approximately 2.5 acres, will also be required for the new Naptowne Substation. The estimated cost of these parcels is as follows: e Two sites at Point Possession - $10,000 each e Two sites on Fire Island - $10,000 each e Naptowne Substation - $3,000 These land acquisition costs have been factored into the total right of way acquisition costs for each respective primary route. Approximate land values in other project areas are as follows: Soldotna, $10,000/acre Point Possession, $2,000/acre North of Captain Cook State Recreation Area, $3,000/acre South of Captain Cook State Recreation Area, $5,000/acre Alaska Railroad main line easement rental per year, $3,400/acre These costs form the basis for the direct cost of purchasing the easement. In the case of Chugach Electric Association’s (CEA’s) easement payment policy, the landowner would receive 100% of the fee value of the property for the area encumbered by the easement. In the case of submarine cable crossings, the lands under Turnagain Arm are in public agency jurisdiction; therefore, only permitting costs would be incurred. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 6-row.doc 120376-09/al VI-3 Costs for acquiring private rights of way include: Title services Appraisal services ($750/parcel) Easement surveys and descriptions ($600/parcel) Document preparation Negotiation Recording File transfer/close-out In some cases a route segment traverses within a road right of way that exists as an easement from an underlying private fee ownership, such as the Old Seward Highway. In those cases, right of way costs include the cost to acquire an easement from the underlying fee owner. The above listed costs form the basis for determining the indirect cost of right of way acquisition. Essentially, these costs are associated with the labor and expense of acquiring the easements. It is estimated that the indirect cost per parcel for acquiring easements along either primary route would average between $4,000 and $5,500 per parcel. The total cost for right of way acquisition for each primary route includes direct, indirect, and permitting costs. Right of Way (R/W) Cost Summary by Route R/W Direct $ | R/W Indirect | Permits Total Cost | ($) * $ TESORO Base Route $322,500] _ $773,900| $31,820] $1,128,220 ENSTAR Base Route $469,248 $1,094,912 $21,710 $1,585,860 *The cost to acquire permits and right of way for the entire route, substation-to-substation. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 6-row.doc 120376-09/al VI-4 REFERENCES WORKS CITED IN THIS DOCUMENT Decision Focus, Inc. Update and Reevaluation of Economic Benefits of Southern Intertie Project. November 1997. Dryden & LaRue. Phase I - Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Power Project, Feasibility Study of Transmission Line System. (August 1983). POWER Engineers, Inc. Southern Intertie Environmental Assessment/Environmental Impact Statement and Preliminary Engineering. Hydrographic Survey Report. February 1997. POWER Engineers, Inc. Southern Intertie Route Selection Study Phase 1. Design Section Report. June 14, 1996. POWER Engineers, Inc. Southern Intertie Route Selection Study Phase 1. Economic Section Report. June 14, 1996. POWER Engineers, Inc. Southern Intertie Route Selection Study Phase 1. Lands/Regulatory Section Report. June 14, 1996. POWER Engineers, Inc. Southern Intertie Route Selection Study Phase 1. Studies Section Report. Vols. I, II, Ill. June 14, 1996. POWER Engineers, Inc. Southern Intertie Route Selection Study Phase 1B. Studies Section Report. Vols. I, II, Ill. September 22, 1997. POWER Engineers, Inc. and Dames & Moore. Southern Intertie Route Selection Study Phase 1. Environmental Section Report. June 14, 1996. POWER Engineers, Inc. and Dames & Moore. Southern Intertie Route Selection Study Phase 1. Executive Summary Report. Revision 1. October 28, 1996. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) refer.doc 120376-09/al i APPENDIX A TABLE OF CONTENTS OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINE DRAWINGS Page No. Line Design) 1:\TypicaliMangent X-Towers..cssssscs.sscccecsessnsstecesosessesesosenseeersecentssseres A-2 Line Design 3: Typical Long Span Tangent X-Tower ............:.cssessseseeseeeeeseeeseeeseees A-3 Line Design 8: Typical Wood Pole Tangent-H ..................s.ccsssecosscscsscseserscseserssseces A-4 Line Design 9: Single-Shaft Steel Pole Tangentl.................sssecesssssssssesscsesassnserenenese A-5 ineyDesignylO:;Singlejw.ood Pole)Mangentsussecenssetee eee A-6 Line Design 11: Single Wood Pole Tangent with Underbuild ..0.0.......ccceeeeeeees A-7 Line Design 13: Single-Shaft Steel Pole Tangent.............ccccssscsssssssssseseseseseseseseseees A-8 Line Design 14: Single-Shaft Steel Pole Tangent with Underbuild ................0.... A-9 Line Design 15: Single-Shaft Steel Pole Tangent with Underbuild ....................... A-10 OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINES Description Page No. Cost Estimate per Mile, Line Design 1: Guyed X-frame Structures .............:e:0e0 A-11 Cost Estimate per Mile, Line Design 3: Guyed X-frame Structures, Heavy .......... A-12 Cost Estimate per Mile, Line Design 8: Wood H-frame, Unbraced.................:.000++ A-13 Cost Estimate per Mile, Line Design 9: Double Circuit Steel Pole... A-14 Cost Estimate per Mile, Line Design 10: Single Wood Pole, Single Circuit INGjWnderbuild eierescsnscscssssssconercoceatetecsucsueneasensereanscaneeeerre eee eae ESET A-15 Cost Estimate per Mile, Line Design 11: Single Wood Pole, Single Circuit 125KV/ Wnderbuild iiiissesscstcnsscvscsssevevassosouscararssuauseoescssnen tees vassareeesaeeecaraeeeetRe A-16 Cost Estimate per Mile, Line Design 12: Single Wood Pole, Single Circuit SASKV/I2'SKViUnderbuild eit aeeccscarsssscctscssssssescseseecnaverarreeseuacneeseee ee eer eset A-17 Cost Estimate per Mile, Line Design 13: Single Steel Pole, Single Circuit INojUnderbuild sires cnsrcccccrcransssscerscesacssarsececoerecaseneriter eee eer re an A-18 Cost Estimate per Mile, Line Design 14: Single Steel Pole, Single Circuit T2'SKV) Underbuild ii tielecte tic avussssenscsssceesenssensescssasscsevseesevensssoveseraty cxcusueean eerste A-19 Cost Estimate per Mile, for Line Design 15: Single Steel Pole, Single Circuit, 34.5kV/12.5kV Underbuild ... .A-20 Project description / Proposed Structure Types, Voltages and Segment Costs.......A-21, 22 Cost Estimates for Operations and Maintenance .-A-23 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) appendixa.doc 120376/al DRAWINGS LINE DESIGN 1 TWR HT 85 ft. TTT TET ett 2 FOUNDATIONS AND 2 ANCHORS REQUIRED * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE NAME: _LINEDSGN.OWG SCALE: _1:250 Devoen ¢ ILalRue, linc SOUTHERN INTERTIE DRAWN Wo, CONSULTING / ENGINEERS TANGENT -X DATE: 10/01/97 230/138 kV DESIGNED BY: DSL 1 of 1 DRAWN BY: RAE TYPICAL TANGENT X-TOWER LINE DESIGN 3 TWR HT 90 ft. $I TSI 2 FOUNDATIONS AND 2 ANCHORS REQUIRED * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE NAME: _LINEDSGN.OWG SCALE: _1:250 IDevoen ¢ ILalRue, lnc. SOUTHERN INTERTIE DRAWN Wo. CONSULTING / ENGINEERS LONG SPAN DATE: 10/01/96 : DESIGNED BY: DSL 230/138 kV DRAWN BY: RAE TYPICAL LONG SPAN TANGENT X-TOWER LINE DESIGN 8 STR HT 85 ft. 1 a 1 * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE NAME: _LINEDSGN.OWG IDRYDEN { ILalRue, lnc. CONSULTING / ENGINEERS DATE: 10/01/97 DESIGNED BY: DSL DRAWN BY: RAE l i SOUTHERN INTERTIE 230/138 kV TYPICAL WOOD POLE TANGENT-H SCALE:_N.T.S. DRAWING NO. TANGENT H LINE DESIGN 9 STR HT 70 ft. 7 Tine == == *—TT]—TTI—ITI- * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE NAME: _230TOWN OWG SCALE: NTS. Devoen ¢ ILalRur, lnc. SOUTHERN INTERTIE onan No CONSULTING / ENGINEERS SPOLE-D DATE: 10/01/97 230/138 kV DOUBLE CIRCUIT DESIGNED BY: DSL enh DRAWN BY: RAE SINGLE-SHAFT STEEL POLE TANGENT LINE DESIGN 10 15° ° ~ bE = a -_= no * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE NAME: _LINEDSGN.OWG SCALE: _N.TS. Drvoen # LalRue, Ine SOUTHERN INTERTIE DRAWING NO. CONSULTING i ENGINEERS SwoOopd-1 DATE: 10/01/97 DESIGNED BY: DSL 230/138 kV miu DRAWN BY: RAE SINGLE WOOD POLE TANGENT LINE DESIGN 11 Si STR HT 70 ft. rm sey (era ern et eo to * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE NAME: _LINEDSGN.OWG SCALE: _N.TS. Devoen ¢ ILalRue, linc. SOUTHERN INTERTIE DRAWN Wo CONSULTING / ENGINEERS SwooD-e DATE: 10/01/97 230/138 kV WITH UNDERBUILD DESIGNED BY: DSL 1 of 1 DRAWN BY: RAE SINGLE WOOD POLE TANGENT LINE DESIGN 13 STR HT 70 ft. * —]T]—ITI—ITI- * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE NAME: _230TOWN.OWG SCALE: _N.TS. Bebe Yd Maeve ae SOUTHERN INTERTIE DRAWING No. CONSULTING / ENGINEERS SPOLE-1 DATE: 10/01/97 230/138 kV DESIGNED BY: DSL 1 of 1 DRAWN BY: RAE SINGLE-SHAFT STEEL POLE TANGENT LINE DESIGN 14 STR HT 70 ft. rm lll *« ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE NAME: 230TOWN.DOWG SCALE: _N.T.S. Devoen ¢ iLalRue, linc SOUTHERN INTERTIE GRAN CONSULTING / ENGINEERS SPOLE-2 DATE: 10/01/97 DESIGNED BY. DSL 230/138 kV WITH UNDERBUILD Hi DRAWN BY: RAE SINGLE-SHAFT STEEL POLE TANGENT LINE DESIGN 15 STR HT 70 ft. * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE_NAME:__230TOWN.DWG SCALE: _N.T-S. Devoen ¢ ILalRug, lnc. SOUTHERN INTERTIE DRAWN Wo. CONSULTING i ENGINEERS SPHOEE=S DATE: 10/01/97 DESIGNED BY, DSL 230/138 kV WITH 34.5 kV AND UNDERBUILD a DRAWN BY: RAE SINGLE-SHAFT STEEL POLE TANGENT A-10 COST ESTIMATE TABLES SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT 138kV SINGLE CIRCUIT TRANSMISSION LINE; COST ESTIMATE per Mile GUYED X-FRAME STRUCTURES 138kV Operation with 230kV Clearances, Insulation and Spacings 795 kcmil ACSR "Drake" Conductor Prepared by POWER Engineers, Inc. and Dryden and LaRue, Inc. LINE DESIGN 1 Extended | Extended Clearing (per Mile) 100' ROW _ Tangent Steel Pole (Guyed X-Frame) : $8,836 | $13,255 $39,764 $59,645 | $99,409 Tangent Foundation $1,964 | $2,258 $17,673 $20,324 $37,996 230kV Tangent Suspension PTA A $1,091 | $1,636 $4,909 $7,364 | $12,273 Tangent Screw Anchor E $182 | $1,364 $818 $6,136 $6,955 ‘Tangent Driven Pile Anchor - $982 | $1,865 $4,418 $8,395 $12,813 Light Angle Steel Pole (Guyed X-Frame) i $12,545 | $18,818 $6,273 $9,409 | $15,682 Light Angle Foundation $1,964 | $2,258 $1,964 $2,258 $4,222 230kV Light Angle Suspension PTA : $1,227 | $1,841 $614 $920 $1,534 Light Angle Screw Anchor __| 0. $182 | $1,364 $91 $682 $773 Light Angle Driven Pile Anchor : $982 | $1,865 $491 $933 $1,424 Heavy Angle Steel Pole ; $11,455 | $17,182 $5,727 $8,591 | $14,318 Heavy Angle Foundation : $5,645 | $10,555 230kV Heavy Angle PTA $920 $1,534 Heavy Angle Screw Anchor $2,784 $3,182 Heavy Angle Driven Pile Anchor $3,265 Deadend (30°-90°) Steel Pole 0.25 $15,273 | $22,909 Deadend (30°-90°) Foundation 0.75 $3,273 | $3,764 230kV Deadend (30°-90°) PTA __|-0.25 | $2,455 | $3,682 Deadend (30°-90°) Screw Anchor 1.63 $227 | $1,591 Deadend (30°-90°) Driven Pile Anchor 1.63 $982 | $1,865 Double Deadend Steel Pole 0.25 $17,455 | $26,182 L $10,909 Double Deadend Foundation 0.75 $2,823 230kV Double Deadend PTA 0.25 $920 Double Deadend Screw Anchor 1.63 $2,593 Double Deadend Driven Pile Anchor 1.63 $3,041 $4,641 Conductor 15.84 | $25,920 | $43,200 | $69,120 Fiber Optic Cable, Incl Hdwr, Guying, etc} 5.28 | Additional Str & Fnd Requirements 6 Mob/Demob 1 lot $19,703 SUBTOTAL $134,559 $259,498 $413,760 ENGINEERING 6.5% $26,894 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 7.0% $28,963 CONTINGENCY 10.0% $41,376 TOTAL $510,994 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) chuohes0.xls/OH-1B (2) 120376/al A-1l1 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT 138kV SINGLE CIRCUIT TRANSMISSION LINE; COST ESTIMATE per Mile GUYED X-FRAME STRUCTURES, HEAVY 138kV Operation with 230kV Clearances, Insulation and Spacings 795 kcmil ACSR "Drake" Conductor Prepared by POWER Engineers, Inc. and Dryden and LaRue, Inc. Extended | Extended LINE DESIGN 3 Material Labor Material Labor $48,000 ~_[__ $48,000 ——- ‘Tangent Steel Pole (Guyed X-Frame) : $11,782 | $14,138 $53,018 $63,622 | $116,640 Tangent Foundation $1,964 | $2,258 $17,673 $20,324 | $37,996 230kV Tangent Suspension PTA i $1,091 | $1,636 | $4,909 $7,364 | $12,273 Tangent Screw Anchor - $159 | $1,136 $716 $5,114 $5,830 Tangent Driven Pile Anchor . $982 | $1,865 $4,418 $8,395 | $12,813 Light Angle Steel Pole (Guyed X-Frame) 7 $13,091 | $15,709 $6,545 $7,855 | $14,400 Light Angle Foundation $1,964 | $2,258 $1,964 $2,258 230kV Light Angle Suspension PTA . $1,227 | $1,841 $614 $920 Light Angle Screw Anchor : | $159 | $1,136 $80 $568 $648 Light Angle Driven Pile Anchor ; $982 | $1,865 $491 $933 $1,424 Heavy Angle Steel Pole E $11,455 | $13,745 $5,727 $6,873 | $12,600 Heavy Angle Foundation $3,273 |_ $3,764 $4,909 $5,645 | $10,555 230kV Heavy Angle PTA $1,227 | $1,841 $614 $920 $1,534 Heavy Angle Screw Anchor $159 | $1,136 $278 $1,989 $2,267 Heavy Angle Driven Pile Anchor $982 | $1,865 $1,718 $3,265 Deadend (30°-90°) Steel Pole $15,273 | $18,327 $3,818 $4,582 | Deadend (30°-90°) Foundation $3,273 | $3,764 $2,455 $2,823 230kV Deadend (30°-90°) PTA $2,455 |_ $3,682 $614 $920 Deadend (30°-90°) Screw Anchor $159 | $1,136 $259 $1,852 Deadend (30°-90°) Driven Pile Anchor $982 | $1,865 $1,600 $3,041 Double Deadend Steel Pole $17,455 | $20,945 $4,364 $5,236 i Double Deadend Foundation $3,273 | $3,764 $2,455 $2,823 $5,277 230kV Double Deadend PTA $2,455 | $3,682 $614 $920 | $1,534 Double Deadend Screw Anchor $159 | $1,136 $259 $1,852 $2,112 Double Deadend Driven Pile Anchor $982 | $1,865 $1,600 $3,041 $4,641 Conductor $1,636 | $2,727 $25,920 $43,200 | $69,120 Fiber Optic Cable, Incl Hdwr, Guying, etc. | __ $3,074 |_ $4,149 $16,232 $21,908 | $38,140 Additional Str & Fnd Requirements $455 | $682 $2,727 $4,091 $6,818 Mob/Demob $22,346 | $22,346 SUBTOTAL $166,590 $302,679 $469,269 ENGINEERING 6.5% $30,503 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 7.0% $32,849 CONTINGENCY 10.0% $46,927 TOTAL $579,548 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) chuohes0.xls/OH-3B (2) 120376/al A-12 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT 138kV SINGLE CIRCUIT TRANSMISSION LINE; COST ESTIMATE per Mile WOOD H-FRAME, UNBRACED 138kV Operation with 230kV Clearances, Insulation and Spacings 795 kcmil ACSR "Drake" Conductor Prepared by POWER Engineers, Inc. and Dryden & LaRue, Inc. Mile | Material | Labor Clearing Costs rs Clearing (per Mile) 100' ROW Clean-Up (per Mile) Extended Material Extended Labor Poles -Wood H-frame, Unbraced-138kV 138kV Tangent PTA 138kV Tangent Spnsn Insl Ass‘ Wood Pole, DF, 85'-H4 138kV Heavy Tangent PTA 138kV Heavy Tangent Spnsn Ins! Ass Wood Pole, DF, 85'-H1 Heavy Tangent Driven Pile Anchor - 1/30' 0.5 Heavy Tangent Screw Anchor 0.5 138kV Medium Angle (5°-30°) PTA 138kV Medium Angle (5°-30°) Spnsn Insl Ass Wood Pole, DF, 85'-H1 Medium Angle Driven Pile Anchor - 1/30' Medium Angle Screw Anchor [025 0.88 | $2,585 $1,227 $1,841 $182 $160 $1,200 $933 $682 $1,424 $773 $1,293 $460 $3,825 $1,642 $6,075 $2,506 $1,360 138kV Heavy Angle (30°-60°) PTA 138kV Heavy Angle (30°-60°) Spnsn Insi Assy $1,227 Wood Pole, DF, 85'-H1 Heavy Angle Driven Pile Anchor - 1/30! $3,000 $982 Heavy Angle Screw Anchor $227 0.25 $1,124 | $3,371 $281 $843 $1,124 $307 $2,250 $864 $3,825 $1,642 $6,075 $2,506 138kV Double Deadend PTA 05 | $1,893 138kV Double Deadend (0°-90°) DE Insi Assy Wood Pole, DF, 85'-H1 Double Deadend Driven Pile Anchor - 1/30' 1.63 0.5 | 15 | $2,455 $3,000 $982 $1,600 | $7,650 $3,041 $3,068 $12,150 Double Deadend Screw Anchor 1.63 $227 $2,593 Conductor 795 kemil "Drake" ACSR (1,000 ft) Fiber Optic Cable, Incl Hdwr, Guying, etc. Additional Str & Fnd Requirements Mob/Demob SUBTOTAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MANGAGEMENT CONTINGENCY TOTAL HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) chuohes2.xls/OH-8 138kV (2) 120376/al 6.5% 7.0% 10.0% $2,727 | $1,636 | $25,920 | $118,422 $43,200 $263,053 $69,120 $19,074 $400,549 $26,036 $28,038 $40,055 $494,678 A-13 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT 138kV DOUBLE CIRCUIT TRANSMISSION LINE; COST ESTIMATE per Mile DOUBLE CIRCUIT STEEL POLE 138kV Operation with 230kV Clearances, Insulation and Spacings 795 kcmil ACSR "Drake" Conductor Prepared by POWER Engineers, Inc. and Dryden & LaRue, Inc. LINE DESIGN 9 Clearing (per Mile) 70' ROW $33,600 Extended Material Clean-Up (per Mile) $4,545 Structure Costs (Pole, Base Plate, PTA & Fnd.) | Tangent (0°-3°) Single Steel Pole (70') ‘Tangent (0°-3°) Foundation (70') $6,845 $3,709 $5,564 $35,236 $10,268 $65,032 $97,548 138kV Tangent Braced Post Ins! Assy Light Angle, Long Span (0°-15°) Single Steel Pole Light Angle, Long Span (0°-15°) Foundation $4,364 $5,236 $41,455 $9,033 $7,600 $13,549 $11,400 $7,600 138kV Light Angle Braced Post Ins! Assy $4,364 $5,236 $4,364 Heavy Angle (15°-60°) Steel 2-Pole $13,331 $19,996 $19,996 Heavy Angle (15°-60°) Foundation 138kV Heavy Angle Spnsn Ins! Assy $13,309 $2,455 $19,964 $2,945 $39,927 $3,682 Deadend (0°-90°) Steel 2-Pole $16,238 $24,357 $32,476 Deadend (0°-90°) Foundation $15,018 $22,527 $60,073 138kV Deadend (30°-90°) DE Ins! Assy $4,909 $5,891 $9,818 $1,636 $2,727 $25,920 Fiber Optic Cable, Incl Hdwr, Guying, etc. Additional Str & Fnd Requirements $3,074 $4,149 Mob/Demob SUBTOTAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CONTINGENCY TOTAL COST ESTIMATE FOR ADDITION OF SINGLE 12.5KV UNDERBUILD Tangent (0°-3°) Single Steel Pole (70') 6.5% 7.0% 10.0% 9.5 [$17,156 $25,734 $354,612 $162,981 $244,472 $33,600 $4,545 $162,580 $52,855 | $88,091 $49,745 $91,200 $13,549 $22,582 $11,400 $19,000 $5,236 $9,600 $29,995 $49,991 $59,891 $99,818 $4,418 $8,100 $48,715 $81,191 $90,109 | __ $150,182 $11,782 $21,600 $43,200 $69,120 $18,224 $18,224 $574,812 $929,424 $60,413 $65,060 $92,942 $1,147,838 $407,453 Light Angle, Long Span (0°-15°) Single Steel Pole 1 [$24,146 $36,219 $24,146 $36,219 $60,365 Heavy Angle (15°-60°) Steel 2-Pole 1.5 [$45,584 $68,376 $68,376 $102,564 [__ $170,940 Deadend (0°-90°) Steel 2-Pole 2 $55,022 $82,534 $110,045 $165,067 $275,112 | 1795 kcmil "Drake" ACSR (1,000 ft) 336 kemil “Linnet" ACSR (1,000 ft) Additional Str & Fnd Requirements Mob/Demob SUBTOTAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CONTINGENCY TOTAL HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) chuohes2.xls/OH-9 138kV (2) 120376/al 15.84 [21.12 14 1 lot 6.5% 7.0% 10.0% $1,636 $909 $2,727 $1,636 $25,920 $19,200 $410,668 | | $43,200 $34,560 $20,735 $646,816 $69,120 $53,760 $20,735 $1,057,484 $68,736 $74,024 $105,748 $1,305,993 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT 138kV SINGLE CIRCUIT TRANSMISSION LINE; COST ESTIMATE per Mile SINGLE WOOD POLE, SINGLE CIRCUIT, NO UNDERBUILD 138kV Operation with 230kV Clearances, Insulation and Spacings 795 kcmil ACSR "Drake" Conductor Prepared by POWER Engineers, Inc. and Dryden & LaRue, Inc. Extended LINE DESIGN 10 Labor a Clearing (per Mile) 70' ROW $33,600 $33,600 Clean-Up (per Mile) Structure Costs (PTA, Pole, Fdn Wood Pole, DF, 60'-H1 11 $1,733 $19,060 $32,402 $51,462 ‘Tangent Driven Pile Anchor/Fdn - 1/30! 4 $11,389 138kV Tangent Post Ins! Assy $24,000 $72,000 Wood Pole, DF, 80'-H1 Light Angle Screw Anchor Light Angle Driven Pile Anchor/Fdn - 1/30° 138kV Light Angle Post Ins! Assy Wood Pole, DF, 90'-H4 Heavy Angle Screw Anchor Heavy Angle Driven Pile Anchor/Fdn - 1/30' 138kV Heavy Angle Spnsn Insl Assy Wood Pole, DF, 90'-H4 $9,862 Double Deadend Screw Anchor $10,909 $3,731 $14,727 Pp Conductor 795 kcmil "Drake" ACSR (1,000 ft) $25,920 | $43,200 $69,120 336 kcmil "Linnet" ACSR (1,000 ft) Additional Str & Fnd Requirements Mob/Demob $16,381 $16,381 SUBTOTAL $96,803 $247,195 $343,998 ENGINEERING 6.5% $22,360 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 7.0% $24,080 CONTINGENCY 10.0% $34,400 TOTAL $424,838 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) chuubcs1.xls/OH-10 138kV (2) 120376/al A-15 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT 138kV SINGLE CIRCUIT TRANSMISSION LINE; COST ESTIMATE per Mile SINGLE WOOD POLE, SINGLE CIRCUIT,12.5kV UNDERBUILD 138kV Operation with 230kV Clearances, Insulation and Spacings 795 kemil ACSR "Drake" and 336.5kcmil "Linnet" Conductor Prepared by POWER Engineers, Inc. and Dryden & LaRue, Inc. Extended | Extended LINE DESIGN 11 Material Clearing (per Mile) 70' ROW $33,600 $33,600 Clean-Up (per Mile) $4,545 $4,545 Structure Costs (PTA, Pole, Fdn) Wood Pole, DF, 60'-H1 [Tangent Driven Pile Anchor/Fdn - 1/30° 138kV Tangent Post Ins! Ass $24,000 $48,000 $72,000 $4,626 $7,346 Wood Pole, DF, 80'-H1 i $2,721 Light Angle Screw Anchor $1,364 $364 $2,727 $3,091 Light Angle Driven Pile Anchor/Fdn - 1/30' . $196 138kV Light Angle Post Ins! Ass' Wood Pole, DF, 90'-H4 Heavy Angle Screw Anchor Heavy Angle Driven Pile Anchor/Fdn - 1/30' 138kV Heavy Angle Spnsn Ins! Ass) IN ITI ILE SIMPLISTIC Wood Pole, DF, 90'-H4 Double Deadend Screw Anchor Double Deadend Driven Pile Anchor/Fdn - 1/30° $11,455 12.5kV Heavy Tangent PTA Light Tangent/Angle Screw Anchor 12.5kV Medium Angle (5°-30°)PTA Medium Angle Screw Anchor 12.5kV Heavy Angle (30°-90°) PTA $2,455 Heavy Angle Screw Anchor $2,273 12.5kV Double Deadend PTA $3,545 Double Deadend Screw Anchor $159 | $1,136 $4,545 $5,182 | (Conductor | | 795 kcmil "Drake" ACSR (1,000 ft) $1,636 | $2,727 $43,200 $69,120 336 kemil “Linnet" ACSR (1,000 ft} $34,560 $53,760 Additional Str & Fnd Requirements Mob/Demob $21,865 $21,865 SUBTOTAL $133,820 $325,340 $459,160 ENGINEERING 6.5% $29,845 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 7.0% $32,141 CONTINGENCY 10.0% $45,916 TOTAL $567,063 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) chuubes1.xls/OH-11 138kV (2) 120376/al A-16 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT 138kV SINGLE CIRCUIT TRANSMISSION LINE; COST ESTIMATE per Mile SINGLE WOOD POLE, SINGLE CIRCUIT, 34.5kV/12.5kV UNDERBUILD 138kV Operation with 230kV Clearances, Insulation and Spacings 795 kemil ACSR "Drake" and 336.5kcmil “Linnet" Conductor Prepared by POWER Engineers, Inc. and Dryden & LaRue, Inc. LINE DESIGN 12 Extended Material Clearing Costs Clearing (per Mile) 70' ROW | $33, $33,600 $33,600 Clean-Up (per Mile) $4,545 $4,545 Structure Costs (PTA, Pole, Fdn) Wood Pole, DF, 70'-H1 $65,595 | $104,181 [Tangent Driven Pile Anchor/Fdn - 1/30' : $7,462 $11,389 138kV Tangent Post Ins! Assy $48,000 $72,000 Wood Pole, DF, 80'-H1 . $4,626 $7,346 Light Angle Screw Anchor Oo} $2,727 $3,091 Light Angle Driven Pile Anchor/Fdn - 1/30" . [ $373 $569 138kV Light Angle Post Insi Assy ! $4,364 $6,545 Wood Pole, DF, 90'-H4 | $6,210 $9,862 Heavy Angle Screw Anchor $4,773 $5,455 Heavy Angle Driven Pile Anchor/Fdn - 1/30 $1,865 $2,847 138kV Heavy Angle Spnsn Ins! Assy $2,455 $3,682 Wood Pole, DF, 90'-H4 $6,210 $9,862 Double Deadend Screw Anchor Tt $9,545 $10,909 Double Deadend Driven Pile Anchor/Fdn - 1/30' + $3,731 138kV Deadend (30°-90°) DE Ins! Assy $14,727 [Underbuild Costs 34.5kV Tangent PTA $12,364 $18,545 34.5kV Heavy Tangent PTA fl $1,227 $2,045 Light Tangent/Angle Screw Anchor 1 $1,136 $1,295 34.5kV Medium Angle (5°-30°) PTA $2,045 $3,409 Medium Angle Screw Anchor $2,273 $2,591 [34.5kV Heavy Angle (30°-60°) PTA $2,727 $4,545 Heavy Angle Screw Anchor $2,273 $2,591 34.5kV Double Deadend PTA $4,091 [Double Deadend Screw Anchor $4,545 12.5kV Tangent PTA $9,273 12.5kV Heavy Tangent PTA $682 Light Tangent/Angle Screw Anchor | $1,136 12.5kV Medium Angle (5°-30°)PTA T $1,773 Medium Angle Screw Anchor | $2,273 12.5kV Heavy Angle (30°-90°) PTA | $2,455 $4,094 [Heavy Angle Screw Anchor 2 rT $2,273 $2,591 12.5kV Double Deadend PTA $3,545 $5,909 [Double Deadend Screw Anchor $636 $4,545 $5,182 |Conductor t 795 kcmil "Drake" ACSR (1,000 ft) $25,920 $43,200 [336 kcmil "Linnet* ACSR (1,000 ft) $38,400 $69,120 | $107,520 [Additional Str & Fnd Requirements $69,120 $28,727 $28,727 SUBTOTAL $180,774 $422,491 $603,265 ENGINEERING 6.5% $39,212 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 7.0% $42,229 CONTINGENCY 10.0% $60,326 TOTAL $745,032 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) chuubes1.xls/OH-12 138kV (2) 120376/al A-17 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT 138kV SINGLE CIRCUIT TRANSMISSION LINE; COST ESTIMATE per Mile SINGLE STEEL POLE, SINGLE CIRCUIT, NO UNDERBUILD 138kV Operation with 230kV Clearances, Insulation and Spacings 795 kcmil ACSR "Drake" Conductor Prepared by POWER Engineers, Inc. LINE DESIGN 13 Qty/ Extended | Extended UTM EIL PEA Ui Mile | Material Material Labor $33,600 $33,600 Clean-Up (per Mile) $4,545 Structure Costs (PTA, Pole, Fdn) POLI LIL PE CUO [Tangent (0°-1°) Single Steel Pole (60)-SC 138kV_[ 11 [$4,745] $7,118 | $52,200] $78,300 | $130,500 [Tangent (0°-1°) Foundation (60) -SC138kV_ | 11 $791] $1,186 | $8,700] $13,050 $21,750 . [138kV Tangent Post Insl Ass $72,000 Light Angle, (0°-12°) Single Steel Pole-SC 138 kV $11,168 $11,168 $18,614 Light Angle (0°-12°) Foundation -SC 138 kV $2,843 $2,843 $4,739 138kV Light Angle Post Ins! Assy $4,364 $4,364 $6,545 Heavy Angle (12°-60°) Single Steel Pole-SC 138 kV $13,331 | $19,996 $13,331 $19,996 $33,327 Heavy Angle (12°-60°) Foundation -SC 138 kV $3,327 | $4,991 $3,327 $4,991 138kV Heavy Angle Spnsn Insl Ass’ 1 $1,227 | $2,455 $1,227 $2,455 Deadend (0°-90°) Single Steel Pole-SC 138 kV $16,238 | $24,357 $16,238 $24,357 | $40,595 Deadend (0°-90°) Foundation -SC 138 kV $5,625 $3,750 $5,625 $9,375 138kV Deadend (30°-90°) DE Ins! Assy $7,364 $4,909 $14,727 | $19,636 795 kcmil "Drake" ACSR (1,000 ft) ! $43,200 | $69,120 336 kcmil "Linnet" ACSR (1,000 ft) Additional Str & Fnd Requirements Mob/Demob $23,817 $23,817 SUBTOTAL $165,125 $335,039 $500,165 ENGINEERING 6.5% $32,511 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 7.0% $35,012 CONTINGENCY 10.0% $50,016 TOTAL $617,703 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) chuubes1.xls/OH-13 138kV (2) 120376/al A-18 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT 138kV SINGLE CIRCUIT TRANSMISSION LINE; COST ESTIMATE per Mile SINGLE STEEL POLE, SINGLE CIRCUIT, 12.5kV UNDERBUILD 138kV Operation with 230kV Clearances, Insulation and Spacings 795 kcmil ACSR "Drake" Conductor Prepared by POWER Engineers, Inc. LINE DESIGN 14 Clearing Costs Qty/ Extended | Extended Mile Material | Labor Material Labor Clearing (per Mile) 70' ROW Clean-Up (per Mile) 1 lot 1 lot Structure Costs (PTA, Pole, Fdn) ‘Tangent (0°-1°) Single Steel Pole (60')-SC 138 kV ‘Tangent (0°-1°) Foundation (60') -SC 138 kV AAMC OTT WS VATE TLE 11 11 Heavy Angle (12°-60°) Foundation -SC 138 kV 138kV Heavy Angle Spnsn Ins! Ass‘ PUUTUMLEMCONC CLM TL TLC VLCC TEL Deadend (0°-90°) Single Steel Pole-SC 138 kV ; 1 nin $33,600 $4,545 $5,400 $791 $2,182 $8,100 $1,186 $4,364 $33,600 $4,545 $59,400 $8,700 $89,100 $13,050 L&M Total $33,600 $4,545 $148,500 $21,750 $24,000 $48,000 $72,000 $12,600 $2,843 $4,364 $15,055 $3,327 $1,227 $22,582 $4,991 $2,455 $8,400 | $12,600 $3,327 $1,227 $18,349 | $27,524 $18,349 Deadend (0°-90°) Foundation -SC 138 kV $3,750 | $5,625] $3,750 [2 | $2,455| $7,364 138kV Deadend (30°-90°) DE Ins! Ass' Underbuild Costs 12.5kV Heavy Tangent PTA 12.5kV Medium Angle (5°-30°)PTA 12.5kV Heavy Angle (30°-90°) PTA 12.5kV Double Deadend PTA | $4,909 | $21,000 $19,636 eT LICE En 2 $455 $1,182 $1,636 Conductor 795 kemil "Drake" ACSR (1,000 ft) 336 kcmil "Linnet" ACSR (1,000 ft) ‘Additional Str & Fnd Requirements Mob/Demob SUBTOTAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CONTINGENCY TOTAL HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) chuubcs1.xls/OH-14 138kV (2) 120376/al 6.5% 7.0% 10.0% $25,920 $19,200 $43,200 $34,560 $29,118 $204,678 $406,792 $69,120 $53,760 $29,118 $611,470 $39,746 $42,803 $61,147 $755,166 A-19 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT 138kV SINGLE CIRCUIT TRANSMISSION LINE; COST ESTIMATE per Mile SINGLE STEEL POLE, SINGLE CIRCUIT, 34.5kV/12.5kV UNDERBUILD 138kV Operation with 230kV Clearances, Insulation and Spacings 795 kcemil ACSR "Drake" Conductor Prepared by POWER Engineers, Inc. LINE DESIGN 15 Extended | Extended Clearing (per Mile) 70' ROW Clean-Up (per Mile) ‘Tangent (0°-1°) Single Steel Pole (70')-SC 138 kV ‘Tangent (0°-1°) Foundation (60') -SC 138 kV 138kV Tangent Post Ins! Ass Light Angle, (0°-12°) Single Steel Pole-SC 138 kV Light Angle (0°-12°) Foundation -SC 138 kV 138kV Light Angle Post Ins! Assy Hea’ Heavy Angle (12°-60°) Foundation -SC 138 kV 138kV Heavy Angle Spnsn Ins! Assy Angle (12°-60°) Single Steel Pole-SC 138 kV $33,600 T lot $4,545 eee $9,900 $1,895 $2,182 $17,727 $6,785 ITLL $14,850 $2,843 $4,364 $74,640 $8,700 $24,000 $9,900 $33,600 $4,545 $111,960 $13,050 $48,000 $14,850 $4,991 $33,600 $4,545 $186,600 $21,750 $72,000 $24,750 $4,739 $6,545 $8,318 $2,455 | $3,682 Deadend (0°-90°) Single Steel Pole-SC 138 kV Deadend (0°-90°) Foundation -SC 138 kV 138kV Deadend (30°-90°) DE InsI Assy Underbuild Costs 34.5kV Tangent PTA 34.5kV Heavy Tangent PTA 34.5kV Medium Angle (5°-30°) PTA 1 $1,364 | $2,045 $1,364 34.5kV Heavy Angle (30°-60°) PTA 34.5kV Double Deadend PTA 12.5kV Tangent PTA 12.5kV Heavy Tangent PTA 12.5kV Medium Angle (5°-30°)PTA 12.5kV Heavy Angle (30°-90°) PTA 12.5kV Double Deadend PTA $364 $818 $32,400 $14,727 $19,636 $727 $1,227 $2,727 $2,045 $3,636 $818 $1,818 $2,727 $7,273 $1,227 $2,045 $2,727 $4,091 $10,909 $2,045 $3,409 $4,545 $6,818 $545 $2,727 $682 $1,773 $2,455 $1,773 Conductor 795 kcmil "Drake" ACSR (1,000 ft) 336 kemil "Linnet" ACSR (1,000 ft) 15.84 42.24 $909 | $2,727 $1,636 Additional Str & Fnd Requirements Mob/Demob SUBTOTAL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CONTINGENCY TOTAL HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) chuubcs1.xls/OH-15 138k V (2) 120376/al 6.5% 7.0% 10.0% $25,920 $38,400 $256,905 $43,200 $69,120 $36,025 $499,619 $69,120 $107,520 $36,025 $756,524 $49,174 $52,957 $75,652 $934,307 A-20 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Alternatives for Analysis in the EIS Project description / Proposed Structure Types, Voltages and Segment Costs — 5, | 8 22| 8 ae 5 =| 2 overhead Overhead Phase 1 Proposed structure “ 7 Segment/Mile | Segment Costs Links _types Underbuild voltages Costs ($) ($) EN.E.110 Guyed X Steel $510,994 $357,696 New H -Frame Wood $494,678 $148,403 EN.E.110 Guyed X Steel $510,994 $16,913,901 EN.D.100 Guyed X Steel $510,994 $510,994 EN.D.100 Single Pole Wood $552,289 $1,435,951 New Single Shaft Steel Pole 12.5kV UB $755,165 $1,434,814 EN.A.50. Single Shaft Steel Pole $617,703 $432,392 EN.A.50. Single Shaft Steel Pole] 34.5kV & 12.5kV UB $934,307 $654,015 New Single Shaft Steel Pole 12.5kV UB $755,165 $75,517 AN.20 Single Shaft Steel Pole $617,703 $432,392 AN.60 Single Shaft Steel Pole $617,703 $432,392 EN.A.30 Single Shaft Steel Pole $617,703 $123,541 AN.50, Single Shaft Steel Pole $617,703 $617,703 AN.40. Single Shaft Stee! Pole $617,703 $185,311 EN.A.10 Single Shaft Steel Pole $617,703 $1,235,406 EN.A.10_| Single Shaft Steel Pole 12.5kV UB $755,165 $226,550 AN.10 Single Shaft Steel Pole $617,703 $1,729,568 AN.10 Single Shaft Steel Pole 12.5kV UB $755,165 $151,033 AN.10 Single Shaft Steel Pole 12.5kV UB $755,165 $226,550 New Single Shaft Steel Pole| 34.5kV & 12.5kV UB $934,307 $1,401,461 New | Single Shaft Steel Pole} 34.5kV & 12.5kV UB $934,307 $1,401,461 EN.A.20_| Single Shaft Steel Pole $617,703 $926,555 EN.A.20 Single Shaft Steel Pole $617,703 $1,111,865 New Single Shaft Steel Pole 12.5kV UB $755,165 $226,550 EN.A.20 Single Shaft Steel Pole| 34.5kV & 12.5kV UB $934,307 $467,154 EN.D.100 Single Pole Wood $552,289 $607,518 QC.M.1.80 Single Pole-Wood $424,838 $297,387 QC.M.1.80 Single Pole-Wood $424,838 $169,935 Single Shaft Steel QC.M.1.80 Pole, double circuit 9 $1,147,838 $459,135 QC.M.1.70 H-Frame Wood 8 $494,678 $544,146 QC.M.1.70 H-Frame Wood 8 $494,678 $395,742 QC.M.1.70 H-Frame Wood 8 $494,678 $742,017 $1.3 [QC.M.1.70 | 3.4 6.5 3.1 H-Frame Wood 1,3 8 $494,678 $1,533,502 $1.3 QC.M.1.30] 6.5 19.4 12.9 H-Frame Wood 1,2 8 $494,678 $6,381,346 $1.5 | QC.M.1.15] 0.0 1.0 1.0 H-Frame Wood 1 8 $494,678 $494,678 Single Shaft Steel $2.1 | QC.M.2.10] 0.0 0.3 0.3 Pole, double circuit 1 $1,147,838 $344,351 $2.1 QC.M.2.10] 0.3 2.0 1.7 H-Frame Wood 1,3 $494,678 $840,953 $2.1 QC.M.2.10} 2.0 6.0 4.0 H-Frame Wood 3 $494,678 $1,978,712 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) chulink4.xls 120376/al A-21 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Alternatives for Analysis in the EIS Project description / Proposed Structure Types, Voltages and Segment Costs § c 33\2 ge] 4 @ £ ° 5 § Overhead Overhead Phase 3 Phase 1 From Miles Proposed structure a Segment/Mile | Segment Costs Links Links MP_| ToMP | Crossed types Underbuild voltages Costs ($) (S) $2.1__| QC.M.2.10| 6.0 | 12.0 6.0 H-Frame Wood 1,3 8 $494,678 $2,968,068 $2.1 | QC.M.2.10| 12.0 | 13.2 1.2 *Single Pole Wood 12.5kV UB 1 11" $567,063 $680,476 $2.1 | QC.M.2.05 | 13.2 | 17.6 4.4 H-Frame Wood 1 8 $494,678 $2,176,583 TE.J-K.120 0.2 0.2 | Single Shaft Steel Pole 1 13 $617,703 $123,541 71.2 New 0.0 0.3 0.3 | Single Shaft Steel Pole 1 13 $617,703 $185,311 71.3 New 0.0 1.2 1.2 |Single Shaft Steel Pole 1 13 $617,703 $741,244 71.3 New 2.1 7.5 5.4 | Single Shaft Steel Pole 1 13 $617,703 $3,335,596 71.4 New 0.0 47 4.7__|Single Shaft Steel Pole 1 | 13 $617,703 $2,903,204 73.1 TE.G-H.90| 0.0 3.6 3.6 Guyed X Steel, Heavy 1,2 3 $579,547 $2,086,369 T3.2__| TE.G-H.80| 0.0 9.3 9.3 Guyed X Steel, Heavy 2,3 3 $579,547 $5,389,787 T3.2__| TE.G-H.80| 9.3 | 22.4 13.1__| Guyed X Steel, Heavy | 23 3 $579,547 $7,592,066 14.1 TE.D.40 0.0 3.1 3.1 H-Frame Wood 1,2 8 $494,678 $1,533,502 74.2 TE.D.40 | 0.0 1.4 1.4 H-Frame Wood 1,2 8 $494,678 $692,549 T5.1 TE.F.70 0.0 0.4 0.4 Guyed X Steel 2,3 3 $579,547 $231,819 Notes: Link S2.1 - Need 138/69kv step-down at S2.1 & S1.5 junction. * Single Pole Wood, except for Kenai River crossing on H-Frame, and replace pole for pole through subdivision. ’ Costs increased by 30% over Line Design 10 to account for shorter span lengths. Construction Method 2 1- Rubber tired vehicle Pickup trucks, bucket trucks, loaders 2- Tracked vehicle Nodwell, bull dozers 3- Special equipment Swamp buggy, low ground pressure vehicles 4- Aerial Helicopter, fixed wing aircraft Line Design Type 1- Guyed X Steel 3- Guyed X Steel, Heavy 8- H-frame Wood, un-braced 9- Single Shaft Steel Pole, Double Circuit 10- Single Pole Wood, Single Circuit 11- Single Pole Wood, Single Circuit with 12.5kV underbuild 12- Single Pole Wood, Single Circuit with 34.5kV & 12.50kV underbuild 13- Single Shaft Steel Pole, Single Circuit 14- Single Shaft Steel Pole, Single Circuit with 12.5kV underbuild 15- Single Shaft Steel Pole, Single Circuit with 34.5kV & 12.5kV underbuild HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) chulink4.xls 120376/al A-22 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cost Estimates for Operations and Maintenance Prepared by POWER Engineers, Inc. and Dryden and LaRue, Inc. Semi-Annual Maintenance Program Flyover Helicopter (2 days) 2 man line crew (2 days) Ground Repairs 3 man crew (10-8 hour days) Annual Maintenance Program Cost 5 Year Maintenance Program Pole and Foundation Inspection (2 man crew, 10-8 hour days) Pole Testing (2 man crew, 7-8 hour days) (33% poles tested, treated and analyized, 175 poles) Anchor Testing (2 man team, 4-8 hour days) (10% anchors tested, 17 anchors) 5 Year Maintenance Program Cost Per Year Cost Year 2004 Year 2005 Year 2006 Year 2007 Year 2008 Year 2009 Year 2010 Year 2011 Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014 Year 2015 Year 2016 Year 2017 Year 2018 Year 2019 Year 2020 Year 2021 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2024 Year 2025 Year 2026 Year 2027 Year 2028 Year 2029 Year 2030 Year 2031 Year 2032 Year 2033 Year 2034 Year 2035 Year 2036 Year 2037 Year 2038 Year 2039 Year 2040 Year 2041 Year 2042 Year 2043 Per Year Cost HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) chuomce1.xls 120376-09/db Hours 240 160 112 175 17 Rate (hr.) $675 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 Cost Type (1) (1) (1) (1) (1), (2), (3) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1), (2), (3) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1), (2), (3) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1), (2), (3) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1), (2), (8) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1), (2), (3) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1), (2), (3) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1), (2), (3) Material $1,000 $15,000 (3) (1) $300 /pole $4,000 (2) Total ($) $5,400 $3,000 $8,400 $45,000 $45,000 $53,400 $20,000 $14,000 $52,500 $8,000 $68,000 $162,500 Cost $53,400 $53,400 $53,400 $53,400 $260,900 $53,400 $53,400 $53,400 $53,400 $260,900 $53,400 $53,400 $53,400 $53,400 $260,900 $53,400 $53,400 $53,400 $53,400 $260,900 $53,400 $53,400 $53,400 $53,400 $260,900 $53,400 $53,400 $53,400 $53,400 $260,900 $53,400 $53,400 $53,400 $53,400 $260,900 $53,400 $53,400 $53,400 $53,400 $260,900 $94,900 A - 23 CORRESPONDENCE Date Correspondence Type 07/31/97 Fax/Letter 07/30/97 Fax 07/30/97 Fax 07/30/97 Fax 07/29/97 Fax 05/02/97 — Letter/Teleconference notes 04/14/97 Fax 02/27/96 Fax 02/26/96 Phone Memo 02/26/96 Fax 02/21/96 Fax 02/16/96 Letter 02/08/96 Fax 02/06/96 Fax 02/05/96 Fax 02/02/96 Fax 02/01/96 Fax 01/25/96 —_ Letter/Memo 01/11/96 Fax 01/09/96 Fax TABLES Description APPENDIX B Submarine Cable System Price Quotes - Four 138kV Single-Core (July 1997) Submarine Cable System Price Quotes - Two 138kV Three-Core (July 1997) Submarine Cable Costs 2-3 Core Cables - Tesoro Route Submarine Cable Costs 2-3 Core Cables - Enstar Route Submarine Cable Costs 4-1 Core Cables - Tesoro Route Submarine Cable Costs 4-1 Core Cables - Enstar Route Underground Transmission Cable System Costs - Single-Circuit 138kV Single Phase REFERENCE MATERIAL Submarine cable estimates for the 138kV circuit between Point Woronzof and Point MacKenzie. TABLE OF CONTENTS From / To Description Page No. Mitsui USA to POWER Quotations B-2 Alcatel Cables to POWER Quotations B-5 Pirelli Cable to POWER Quotations B-8 Fujikura America to Quotations B-11 POWER NKT Cables to POWER Quotations - POWER/Dora Gropp Minutes of - Teleconference on 03/11/97 and 3/13/97 Pirelli Jacobson to POWER = Quotations B-22 PCC / POWER Estimates B-24 Okonite / POWER Estimates B-26 PCC / POWER NKT Cable Data B-27 PCC / POWER Estimates B-28 Pirelli Jacobson / POWER Estimate B-30 PCC / POWER NKT Cable Construction B-32 PCC / POWER Estimates B-35 Jacobson International / Estimate B-36 POWER Pirelli / Aabo Estimates B-38 NKT/PCC Estimates B-39 Pirelli Jacobson to POWER _ Route and conditions B-41 installation discussion Alcatel/Isberg / POWER LPOF Details B-46 Pirelli Jacobson / PCC Miscellaneous B-S0 Page No. B-52 B-53 B-54 B-55 B-56 B-57 B-58 Page No. B-59 B-1 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) appendixb.doc 120376-09/al CORRESPONDENCE Mitsul & Co. (U.8.A.),Imc. 1001 Fourth Avenue Tel (206) 223.5604 Suite 4000 Fax (206) 223-5618 Seattle, WA 98154-1196 MM773101 > Mitsui usa Mr. Bill Hansen (ORIGINAL MAILED) Power Engineers, Incorporated 3940 Glenbrook Drive Hailey, ID 83333 Re: Chugach Electric Association Southern Intertie Project Submarine Cable System Price Quotes Project Number 120378-09-22-09-02 Dear Mr. Hansen, The. Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. has provided us with a copy of your request for quote dated July 22, 1997. We are pleased to provide the following budgetary price proposal based upon the route alternatives. our 138kV Single-Cor FF Submarine Cable System (2) G3) (4) (5) Ancillary Cable Two Equipment _ Additional Length F.O.B. Complete Installation (Including ~~ Test& (miles) {at Site) Terminations Estimate Installation) Surveys Total Cost 14.5 $25,685,000 $200,000 $12,875,000 $1,750,000 $550,000 $41,060,000 11 $19,475,000 $200,000 $12,325,000 $1,650,000 $550,000 $34,200,000 B. Two 138kV Mollerhoj Type or Three-Core SCEF Submarine Cable System qd) Q) G3) ; (4) (5) Ancillary Cable Two Equipment Additional Length F.O.B. Complete Installation Cncluding Test & (miles) (at Site) Terminations Estimate Installation) Surveys Total Cost 14.5 $28,255,000 $260,000 $11,000,000 $2,500,000 $550,000 $42,565,000 i $21,415,000 $260,000 $10,725,000 $2,200,000 $550,000 $35,150,000 Switching station, relative compensation, enclosure(s) for the supplier’s ancillary submarine cable equipment and communication systems for remote monitoring are not included in our quotation and shall be provided by others. Additional information as indicated on the enclosed sheet is being forwarded by courier. Visors vi 4U.%4 FAA c£UD é£0 vOoL Milli & LU. MITSUI & CO. (U.S.A.), INC. Thank you for your consideration of Furukawa and Mitsui. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Mitsui & Co. (U.S.A.), Inc. VAI Ll 7— Shigeo Enomoto Gores Manager Machinery Department Seattle Office Enclosure @juuzs vus ete aaa eV eee UUUud MLLola & LU. Contents Commercial Proposal Price Quote Sheet . Technical Proposal Specification for 138kV single-core copper conductor 600MCM paper insulated, lead sheathed and galvanized steel wire around submarine power cable (Spec. No. CY-97063) Cross section of control cable 3 X 2.5 SQMM (SN-95037) Cross section of single bonding wire & Earth Continuity Conductor 300SQMM (SN97026) Specification for 138kV triple-core copper conductor 600MCM paper insulated, lead sheathed and galvanized steel wire around submarine power cable (Spec. No. CY-97064) Specification for accessories for 138kV 1 X 600 MCM oil-filled submarine cable (Spec. No. 6F-97308) Specification for accessories for 138kV 1 X 600MCM oil-filled submarine cable (Spec. No. 6F-97309) . Company Catalogue Approach to off-shore projects Furukawa oil-filled power cables Link to 21 Imagination & Production The Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. Annual report 1996 WUUS7 0US iors ee aval ete te CARE ALCATEL CABLE FRANCE TA, — = (33,1) 30 rue Pierro Bérégovoy - BP 309 Fay = (33.1)47.$6.65.16 | 93113 - CLICHY Cedex - FRANCE DIST.: POWER ENGINEERS To ATTN : Mr Bill HANSEN Aun From REF, 1FB970712 CC. 2 3.M.JAY IM. DULCHAIN D, PAULIN C. DOWLAT & DATE 1 3007/1997 3: Frédéric BENOTT NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET OBJET : CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION SOUTHERN IN'LERTIE PROJECT Subject SURMARBINE CABLE SYSTEM - BUDGET Denr Six, Reference in made to your fax dated July 22, 1997 regarding tho above mentioned project for which we thank you very much for having contuted us and fhr considering ALCATEL CABLE us one of the supplier for your project. Tahing into consideration the short period given to answor your requeat, nussing information such as the cos p value and tho overload time couditions, we Luve proposed the same cable as the ove we have installed in 1990 in the cook inlet, assurcing several paramcters that would have to be contirmed at « lator stagc. Due to the harsh environment and our exporieuce in the lutcuded geographical area, we have considered in the alternative proposal, one type of cable that we feel is the most appropriate solution tor this specific projoct : Single core Oil Filled cable wilh the following characteristics: ™ copper conductor 380 mm" ahaped wires forniluy wandal off duct, * wuper voltage cable paper insulation inppregnated with low viscosity oable oil, * lead alloy sheath, * high duusily polyethylene sheath, * 2 layers of'non magnotio reinforcing stainless stcul tapes. * a double amour « tock armour » type with the following cheractoristlos : - first layer of galvanized atccl wires (7 mm ) dianmtex) with long pitch, ~ a pecond layer of galvanized steel wire (7 mm diameter) with short pitch, * 2 layers of polypropylene rovings and flushing copowud as 4 scive. Yo satisfy your request, we have quoted a single armour cable solution (snue us abuve without the additional armows), This cuble is to he embedded. YUL OU yt 1Z:2i NO.UUS P.02 _. Seana SOooUNS 42-22 WOLUUS FUDD We did nov carry out any technical studies regaining the three-core solution os im a first aproach, wo think that, with uur current knowledge of’ the project, the above wolutions are probubly the most appropriated to the project. Wo have mualyned your preliminary geophysical survey and Lave seen the conclusion. It was noted thet the excavation usmg water jetting method wae mentioned es possible, Neveitheleas, before we quute for excavation, we would prefer having ory details regarding the nature of the seabed : bathymetric chart, scabed profile, sediment layers compositions. At least, regarding tho transpor and luying operations, without any bathymctric profile (ieaportant to detesmine vie laying meana : laymg vossol or laying barge), we have essumed thar the cable will be loaded at factory on ¢ wuventional cargo vessel and unlonded at quay in a suitable harbour close to the site, In M.USD A- Four 138 kV Singk-core SCFF Submarine Cable System - SINGLE ARMOR (1) Propused cuble is in accordance with attached HTC 1262-4 teckmical specification. ‘The price nobsdes the transportutiou of the cable from our europenn factory to the the harbour close tn the site, Price is based on copper price of 12 FRF/kg and will be revised according to LME coppes sput price (2) This item includes price for equipment as outdoor potheads, pruuping station, anchoring device, land cable, Iand/sou juiat, repatring jolnt, carthing system as well as their Listallation with specific equiprosnt that would be required. (3) This itew includes the installation of the submarino cable only. Price for embedding is not included in our budget. (4) Prices for specitio equipment to niount ts sucensories is included in item (2) | (5) Routine factory and site toste are included lu cuble price as well as design studios. | rUWCRK CINOUAINCCRO? we JY seter aivu. beaver orete Y @) @) ) J ength Free Two Tnstallstion | Ancilary (at alte) complete Esthnate equipment (2) (3) (4) (4) Proposed cable is in acoordance with attached! HTC 1262-B technioal specification. ‘The price includes the trangportation of the cable fom our curvpesn factory to the the lurbour close to the site. Price is based on copper price of 12 FRE/kg and will bo revised according to LME copper mot price This item includes price for equipment as outdvur potheads, pumping station, anchoring dovice, Jand cable, land/sea joint, repairing joint, earthing system as well as their installation with specitio equipment that would he required, ‘This item inchydes the installation of the submariue cable only. Price for cmbedding is not iachided in our budget. Prices tor specific cquipment tu mount the accessories is included im item (2) Routine factory and site tests ae inctnded in cable price as well as design sludier. This cstimate is uuly supplled for budgetary purposes and should not be considered as a formal and contractnal offer. The final off: will depend on the availability of the meaus of marine operations and finulizing of of technical pasamctcrs, However, there ure many aspects, both commoroial and teclinival, which we feel would bencfit from further discussion between us. We confirm our readinses to attead « meeting to this purpose and at yuur convenience. ‘I'his could bo carried out wither at your office or iu Europe, In the case of the latter it would give us am excellent opportunity to visit both ow Nourvegian and Freach factories rexponsible for manufoturiug submariae power cables Yours sincerely, a Frédéric BENOIT Wweevusr te Too PIRELLI CABLES and SYSTEMS SA linEiLe IRELLI POWER Engineers, Inc. 3940 Glenbrook Drive, Hailey, Idaho 83333 fax: 001 208 788 0525 At._Mr Bill Hansen Ref. : 2302/428/EQ Milan, 30.07.1997 SUBJECT : Dear Sirs: Chugach Electric Association Southern Intertie Project Submarine Cable System Price Quotation. In response to your kindly inquiry for the subject project, Pirelli Cables and Systems SA are pleased to submit his most competitive offer for design, manufacture and supply of 17.7 Km. or 23.34 Km. Submarine Cable lengths in accordance with your requirements. Installation prices will be forward shortly since we are still collecting informations to prepare a cost effective solution. We have enclosed in this stage Ex-Work price associated to Cable procurement and Accessories procurement. Transportation price will be forward at once with the installation prices. Our proposal consists in two sections that is, Prices and Commercial section and Technical cable description, cable “Cross-section” and Accessories. We believe that you will find in the our proposal a cost effective solution able to fulfill all customer’s economical and technical requirements. For any clarification you may require from us, please contact the undersigned at the following telephone number +39 2 6442-2373 or by fax +39 2 6442-2914. Best Regards. PIRE’ CABLES and SYSTEMS A. St. Jakobs Strasse 54 Tel. (061) 3164 111 CH- 4052 BASLE. Fax: (061) 3164 245 i F9 2 BC YV4 2t:aT Naw ZR fasne TIVIDUINKOD*L's's'a prezze PIRELLI CABLES and SYSTEMS SA inELu iRELLI PRICES and COMMERCIAL SECTION. A PRICES. 1. Cable and Accessories prices are Ex-Works Pirelli's factories Southampton (UK) or Arco Felice {italy). 2. All quoted prices are in US Dollars. B OFFER VALIDITY. The present offer is for budgetary purpose only. C PAYMENT CONDITIONS. 20% (twenty percent) of the total material contract value as Advance Payment, 40% (forty percent) upon completion of Drying and Impregnating process through an Irrevocable Letter of Credit issue by a Primary Bank and Confirmed by a First Class International Bank. 40% (forty percent) upon cable completion through an Irrevocable Letter of Credit issue by a Primary Bank and Confirmed by a First Class International Bank. D DELIVERY Ex-Works. 10 (ten) months from the receipt confirmation of the Letter of Credit. E SCHEDULE OF PRICES. Pls, find attach hereinafter the Schedule of Prices. St. Jakobs Strasse 54 Tel. (061) 3164 111 CH- 4052 BASLE. Fax: (061) 3164 245 2) B- 9 2008 TIVIOWENKOD/ ‘L's *s*a FI6¢ZFEO 2 6€ X¥4d ZR:aT Wak 26. LO/0¢ — PIRELLI CABLES and SYSTEMS SA Firecu IRELLI Chugach Electric Association Southern Intertie Project. PRICE SCHEDULE A. Four 138 Ky, Single-Core SCFF Submarine Cable System, | 17.70 8,707,692 2,308,584 11,016,276 a 11,482,346 2,308,584 13,790,930 | “ani Cable | Accessories | | Total Price | | Ex-Works Ex-Works Ex-Works ~m = = = — al — val St. Jakobs Strasse 54 Tel. (061) 3164 111 CH- 4052 BASLE. Fax: (061) 3164 245 3 B- 10 C00 . RVAHE Sasa eNE a —_ TTVIDMANKOD/ “LS *S ‘a FI6zcteo 2 6€ XVI C¥:9T MAW 16 in-oe uve Prujikura America, Inc. 2121 NEWMARKET PKWY, SUITE 100, MARIETTA, GA 30067 TEL # 770-690-3431 FAX # 770-956-9854 MEMO DATE: 30 July 1997 TO: POWER ENGINEERS ATTN: Mr. Bill Hansen cc: Mr. T. Novakovic and Mr. J. Fukuhara FROM: Cindy Groover RE: Chugach Electric Association Southern Interie Project Number of Pages (including cover sheet): 22 Dear Mr. Hansen: On behalf of Thomas Novakovic and Fujikura America, I am pleased to submit the following budgetary quotation for your above referenced project. Pricing is as per the following price sheet, with lead time and payment terms to be determined upon receipt of contract. We regret that, due to time constraints, we are unable to supply detailed descriptions regarding installation, ancillary equipment, and required testing and surveys at this time. We will, however, work to provide you with these details as quickly as possible. Should you have questions regarding this information, please feel free to contact us. We thank you for your interest in Fujikura products, and we look forward to working with you. Best Regards, Cind\\Groover, Customer Service Coordinator B= iL eI -@ FUJIKURA AMERICA QUOTATION FOR CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION SOUTHERN INTERIE PROJECT (2) Two Complete Length (1) Cable FOB ‘Terminals A. 138KV O.F. Submarine Cable SINGLE X 4 14.5 (23.34KM) $33,615,498.00 $1,630,498.00 11 (17.7KM) $25,391,760.00 $1,479,760.00 B. 138KV O.F. Submarine Cable TRIPLE X 2 14.5 (23.34KM) $28,111,184.00 $1,264,684.00 11 (17.7KM) $20,889,686.00 $1,099,186.00 C. No Alternative Design Proposed (3) Installation Estimate $60,481 ,498.00 $43,280,760.00 $43,282,184.00 $22,589,686.00 (4) Ancillary Equipment (Including Installation) $9,393,498.00 $9,242,760.00 $7,492,684.00 $7,327,186.00 (5) Additional Test And Survey $1,569,498.00 $1,418,760.00 $1,422,584.00 $1,257 ,086.00 Total (US$) $106,690,490.00 $80,813,800.00 $81,573,320.00 $53,162,830.00 _ gables ages powsreng weg fax doe tan 2 FO" Bases Power Cables Division Telefax No.: +45 43 96 07 74 TELEFAX MESSAGE Telephone No: +45 43 482010 Direct Phone No.: +45 43 48 22 23 () CONFIDENTIAL [-] URGENT XX] NORMAL Company : POWER Engineers. Inc. Fax 001 208 788 2082 Attention : Mr. Bill Hansen Ref. 006-mr.fax Copy : Date 29 July 1997 From : Michael Ries Page -1 of 13 (If any problems with this telefax please call immediately) Dear Bill Hansen Re; Chugach Electric Association, Southern Intertic Project Reference is made to your request for budgetary prices for economic evaluation of the above- mentioned project in faxes of 22 and 24 July 1997 As I mentioned by telephone, we are at the moment in the beginning of our vacations, which means that we have no chance of caiculating proper budget prices for item 2, 3, 4, and 5 until the end of august 1997. For (B) item | we can indicate the following rough budget price for the NKT three-core, 145 kV Flat Type Oil-Filled submarine Cable (Mallerhaj type): Item. 1 11/14.5 mites = 3 x 310 mm’, 145 kV, single-armoured Flat Type Oil- 17.7/23.3 km Filled submarine cable according to the enclosed general description Budget price ____DKK: 2900.00 per metre =~ USD: 413 00. per. metre Please note that the budget prices depend on exact cable design (cross section, thickness of lead sheath and sea armouring). The above budget prices are based on delivery FOB (INCOTERMS 1990) NKT’s quay in Kalundborg (Sealand, DK) direct to a turntable of the transport/laying vessel. The prices arc exclusive V.A.T and custom duties and are based on metal and currency quotations of today. Address: 22 Vibehclms Ailé. DK-2605 Brondby. Denmark aos poe Ines tAR 4 AN setae in ee Re eon NKTI Date; 29-07-1997 CABLES Page :2 Power Cables Division For your information we enclose a genera! description of the NKT Flat Type Oil Filled cable (for undergroun use without sea armouring) as well as our reference list for mentioned cable type (underground and submarine type). We believe in your understanding of our need for more time for providing you with prices for all items and the quite detailed information you request for your evaluation. We hope you can make use of the enclosed and are looking forward to your comments. Yours sincerely NKT Cables Michael Ries Area Sales Manager encls, Address: 22 Vibeholms Allé. DK-2605 Brondby. Denmark wp eabicstagenis\powereng usxkeeny fax doe B- 14 arassne PORsAO FART TAR 2 AN FODTTEN An AAVOT TE rINrc? IENGINEERS ODOM May 2,185 Dora Gropp Chugach Electric Association 5601 Minnesota Drive Anchorage, AK 99518 Subject: 120376-01 Souther Intertie Project - Submarine Cable Dear Dora, Attached are the final minutes for the teleconferences we had with Al and Scott Jacobson (Jacobson International) and Bryan Jacobson (Pirelli-Jacobson). A summary of conclusions from these teleconferences follows. e The cable for all routes would be at a minimum double armored. Also, on all routes the landfall ends and the mud flats will be embedded. The deep water portions may or may not be embedded dependent on the route. e In17 years two of the four single-phase cables or one of the two three-phase cables would be replaced if non-embedded. For embedded cable one cable, either single or three-phase, would be replaced every 30 years. e The Jones Act will not allow to simultaneously lay and embed off a foreign vessel. We would either need to post embed or transload cable to a US vessel. We can lay cable but can not bury cable from a foreign vessel in US waters. Route Link Comment Fire Island to Pt. Woronzof M1.2 Embed entire route. Pt. Possession to Pt. Campbell M2.2 & M2.1 Deep water portions will not be embedded. Pt. Possession to FireIsland Md1.1 Deep water portions will not be embedded. Six Mile Creek to Bird Point M6. ’ Embed entire route. Burnt Island to Potter M5.2 Embed entire route. Sincerely, Randy Pollock, P.E. RP/sg ce: File Mike Walbert (PEI) Bill Riall (PEI) Jack Hand (PEI) HLY 23-142 POWER Engineers, Incorporated 3940 Glenbrook Dr. * P.O. Box 1066 Hailes. Idaho 83333 Southern Intertie Project Embedment of Submarine Cable Telephone Conference March 11, 1997 Recorded by POWER Engineers Conferees: Dora Gropp - Chugach Electric Association Randy Pollock - POWER Engineers Bill Riall - POWER Engineers Mike Walbert - POWER Engineers Al Jacobson - Jacobson International Scott Jacobson - Jacobson International Tim Tetherow - Dames & Moore Nik Ranta - Dames & Moore Discussed that there are two generally accepted methods of embedment; 1) simultaneous with layingand | 2) lay the cable and post embedment (the trench is open long enough to be able to lay the cable in the trench). Both of these methods are slow moving; associated with slow moving or anchored vessels. Al feels that because of the Jones Act we can not simultaneously embed off a foreign vessel. We would either have to post embed or transload cable to a US vessel. Al said there are no exceptions; we can lay cable but can not bury cable from 3 foreign vessel in US waters. Discussed Route M1.2 (Fire Island to Pt. Woronzof). Al stated that this route is jettable silts and sands. It would be reasonable to embed 6 to 8 feet. Al’s review of the hydrographic report leads him to believe that 6 to 8 feet is a good depth to protect the cable. _ Discussed Route M1.1 (Pt. Possession to Fire Island). This route contains boulders, cobbles, hard bottom, and high currents. The contractor would not be able to guarantee burial depth in many areas. Al stated there is no economically feasible way to embed with boulders and cobbles. Discussed having a route with some embedded cable and some cable laid on the bottom. Al said the unburied sections of cable would be more vulnerable. Dora asked about repair of a damaged cable. Scott said it would be difficult to repair the cable due to the high currents. HLY 23-143b 1 B- 16 Discussed the Tesoro pipeline. Tesoro has recently completed a side scan of the pipeline and found no exposed portions or areas of bridging. The pipeline was laid in 1976 and re- buried in 1978. Tesoro did some land based burying and sand bagging. Sand bagging is very expensive. Dora suggested that we determine a cost to sand bag the submarine cable. Chugach’s existing submarine cables (Pt. Mackenizie to Pt. Woronzof) are booked for a 17 year life. Dora stated that on the Tesoro Route she would probably armor the cable as much as possible and lay it on the bottom. If cable repair is not feasible, then the cable would be abandoned and a new cable laid. Al mentioned that any time you go in to repair a cable you risk damaging the other cables. Chugach’s 230kV cable crossing is embedded and the cable is double armored. This cable is on the books for a 30 year life. Chugach has done a side scan and did not see the cable unburied. It was noted that the Decision Focus study used a 40 year cable life. For analysis we could consider in 17 years two of the four single-phase cables or one of the two three-phase cables would be replaced if non-embedded. NKT three-phase cable can be provided with double armor, but not with rock armor. Al asked if we had considered contra helically applied armor. Al said if you put the cable on a turntable then there should not be a problem. Contra helically applied armor makes the cable tighter and makes the cable doubling up on itself less likely. Dora asked if we can not bury the cable for the entire route, does it make sense to bury any of the cable? Al would probably double armor (contral helical) and bury the shore ends only. Al cautioned that ice build up may be a concern. Dora mentioned that only one of the existing submarine cables has had ice damage. Discussed the Enstar Route. Al felt the cable could be buried 5 to 6 feet and that it should remain buried. Dora stated that the currents are similar to other routes discussed. Al thought we could get 100 percent burial on this route. Even with 100 percent burial Al would double armor. With 100 percent burial and double armor there should be no reason to deviate from the 30 year life. Al stated that additional sampling (core drills) needs to be done on the south end of the route. This is an area that may not be embedable. The contractor could assume 100 percent embedment but would have a disclaimer that further studies may show otherwise. This portion of the route contains course grained sediments which will require additional studies to determine embedability. tv HLY 23-143b B- 17 The embedment method with the least potential for cable damage is the simultaneous method. Al felt that in the tidal flats if a marsh buggy can be supported that a lot of the work will be able to be done from the marsh buggy. The question was asked about how long a trench would need to be open. The longest that Dora generally goes with is 72 hours. Scott thought that pre-trenching would not be performed. The cable would be laid, then the trench dug and the cable rolled into the trench. The cable would be laid down on plywood to keep it from sinking. The use of plywood as a support system will be limited to areas exposed at low tide. Discussed items needed to go to the contractor for bid. e Detailed geotech data e Current and tide data e Soil resistivity e Exact landing locations Scott mentioned that it is helpful to go 2 to 3 feet beyond the target burial depth with the core drills. Discussed the Bird Point crossing. We were originally looking at directional drilling, but this route has gotten lengthened out and drilling may no longer be feasible. This route would be jettable, but that would be real tide sensitive. Bird Point is similar to the Enstar Route in that there will probably be less workable time with the tides and more workable time on the flats. At Bird Point the marine equipment would be a smaller barge. A sea going barge can not be allowed to go dry because of their sea certification. Noted that the Enstar Route would have the added cost of a turn table. Al again stated he would double armor any route. Dora mentioned that we need to carefully examine what we would do at the shore ends. We also need to look at methods for embedment such as rock saw, or in lieu of embedment the use of concrete or sand bags. wo HLY 23-143b B - 18 Southern Intertie Project Embedment of Submarine Cable Telephone Conference March 13, 1997 Recorded by POWER Engineers Conferees: Dora Gropp - Chugach Electric Association Randy Pollock - POWER Engineers Bill Riall - POWER Engineers Mike Walbert - POWER Engineers Bryan Jacobson - Pirelli-Jacobson Tim Tetherow - Dames & Moore Nik Ranta - Dames & Moore Bryan stated that any of the routes will be a challenge. The submarine cable laying will be similar to the Pt. Mackenzie - Pt. Woronzof project. A barge operation would probably be used, however construction will be very tide dependent because of the flats on the shore ends. Bryan is basing his opinions on the Hydrographic Survey Report. Bryan feels all the routes are embedable with a jetting method. The cable can be embedded among the cobbles and boulders so long as these areas are not solid rock. Areas where there are discrete boulders a cable route will need to be found with more detailed surveys. Bryan stated that embedment depth can be 3-4 feet, up to 8 feet. In the areas with sand waves a depth of 10 feet may be needed. The reason for going deeper in the sand waves is the amount of migration of materials. Dora asked if a slow laying method would be used. Bryan said they would be on anchors the entire way. There are a lot of flats which will require working within tides. Tractor tugs will only be able to be used in the channels. ~ Dora mentioned that the flats are a lot more extensive than at Pt. Mackenzie. Bryan said the challenge will be to have the right equipment. The routes are feasible and Bryan has done similar projects. If one route along the flats has more water than another Bryan would prefer the route with more water. Dora asked about hard packed or solid rock areas. If you are uncertain about being able to embed the entire route do you embed at all? Bryan said the trade off of money for more armor versus more expensive methods of embedding is what needs to be determined. He feels the money is better spent on additional armor. HLY 23-143a 1 B- 19 Dora asked, how do we handle areas with 30-40 feet of change in bottom depth due to materials movement (transport). Bryan answered that if we have 30-40 feet of transport then embedment would not be worthwhile. Transport should not be as much of a problem on Enstar or at Bird Point due to the differences in bottom topography and tidal flows as compared to the routes near the mouth of Turnagain Arm. Bryan feels the more mechanical strength that can be add to the cable the better. Bryan would double or triple armor. Again the more you can do to build strength into the cable the better off you will be. Bryan said there would be two sets of embedding equipment; 1) deep water barge and 2) shallow barge for the flats. Dora mentioned that Mean High Tide is the water level we should be working on and there will be a lot of land based operation. Bryan mentioned that it seems reasonable to use a marsh buggy. Dora agrees but has not seen a marsh buggy used in Alaska. Bryan said that an excavator with mats could also be used. Discussed contacting the Army Corp regarding their embedment requirements. Army Corp had been contacted about the project early on. Agreed to wait until we had a preferred route before contacting the Army Corp. Discussed laying and embedding submarine cable from a foreign vessel. Bryan has an opinion letter from the Customs Office in New York. This letter indicates that laying cable from a foreign vessel is not a problem (i.e.; exempt under the Jones Act). There is a gray area dealing with trenching which includes burying cable with a water jet method. AT&T uses a plow to embed cable and have not had a problem with being in violation of the Jones Act. Bryan’s opinion is that you can not use water jet embedment from a foreign vessel. However, you may be able to use a plow to embed cable from a foreign vessel. Critical data that an installer would require: e Where the cable is to be delivered. e Ifthe cable will be single or double armored. e Ifa turntable is required. e Will the cable be double contra helical armored. e Cable configuration and weight. e Cable route. e Specific hydrographic information. e If embedment will be required. e Tidal current information. e Topography of the shore landing points. HLY 23-1430 2 B - 20 Dora asked about providing the installation contractor with enough time to perform their own soil survey. Bryan feels this would be a good way to go. It puts the burden on the contractor. The schedule should allow the contractor two summer seasons; one for investigation and one for installation. Discussed that a turnkey installation with one company may provide a stronger warranty. Also discussed involving the contractors in the survey process so that the contractors get the information that they need. HLY 23-143a 3 B- 21 ~s vere Vows a ie —_ rue { a : ? = « ew wee Ase FACSIMILE PIRELLI JACOBSON,INC. Date: April 14, 1997 Fax Reference Number: PJI-9131-BJ To: POWER ENGINEERS Atin: MR. JACK HAND From: BRYAN JACOBSON Pages (including this caver); 2 lfyou heve ony protlems with this tanenieson, piecae call ur ot (206) 782-1€18 / fax (208) 789-2851 RE: SUBMARINE IN; FOR INTERTIE Dear Jack, After review of the Hydro Drawing of the above subject project, we would like to advise you of 2 change in the estimate for cable embedment. I have attached our revision for your review. The reason for the change is that nearly all shorends have long flats to contend with which will make the installation more difficult and expensive. Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, Sincerely yours, [22 376 _bf-22-06 -0% = ei. f ‘—r fea. Fis? TS FUBTASK REC'D §355 28t: Avenue N.W,°* Seattle, WA98107"**U.SA. ee -@ TURNAGAIN ARM 138KV INTERTIE SUBMARINE CABLE INSTALLATION ESTIMATE Transpat & Lay (4) cables lacludes: Marinc Survey, Directional Drill and conduits al $8,000,000 each land fall Bary to 2-3 m in jetlable material blow $6,800,000 $4,200,000 seabed [taatayeiaiet | st,s00.000 | suasoo00 | __s12:200,000 ESTIMATE INCLUDES: Marine Survey - For cable routing Fxcavation from H.W.M. to terminal Conduits for each cable to a maximum of 1000' offshore Cable transit from factory to Anchorage All marine equipment and manpower for installation works installation of (4) 13BkV FF D_A. submarine cables , Cable burial to 2-3 meters in jettable material ° Tennination & Testing of cables : Sub-station work (other than cable pull in) . Any material ie: cables, accessorics, splices, terminations, pump station, etc. . *+ @ ee © Fstimate alt ih 1996 dollars “Via mae + WEAN-O © 1RA_N7_O SOA RT AA AR OMA tA iy ey a PW acd \’ bi Torben Aabo 220 Sweetman Road, Ballston Spa, New York 12020-3211 phone 518-384-1613 * fax 518-559-9517 TELEFAX Please deliver to: Mr. Bill Riall, Power Engineers, Hailey, ID Fax Number: 208-788-2082 Total # of Pages: 2 From: Torben Aabo Date: February 27, 1996 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The information contained in this facsimile message is legally privileged and confidential information intended ony for the usc of the indivichial or entity named above. Lf the reader of this massage 1s not the intended recipicnt, you are hereby notified that amy disscminatoo. distibunon or copy of this fax is strictly protubited. If you have received this fax in crror. please immediately notify the sender at the telephone number provided above and return the originel message to us at the address above via the United States Postal Service. Thank vou. See eR eemreseseree reese terleeneorereeteeedensres See EeeeewseeeOSeseeseseterseesorssssdhbsdewedss besessnnuReeeheony ts Dear Bill: The attached is the Alcatel Norge estimated costs. | have summarized it in the table below. Note the cost for the transition joints. I believe it is for the lot of 3 single phase joints. Item : Cost J SCFF, 138 kV Submarine cable | $103/ft. (j— XLPE, 138 kV Submarine cable $93.23/ft. XLPE, 138 kV Land cable | $58.88/ft. [ Transition joint, XLPE/SCFF | ___ $48,300 each (set SCFF Terminations $11,230 each XLPE Terminations $8,855 each Transportation and laying of Submarine cable $14,490,000 Aot | still have one outstanding request (from Japan). Please call me if you have amy questions. Regards, } VAKte Torben Aabo B= 24 ae Os 2910 5955517 NR.S4S Sagi ret | v ee on or ee | KABEL NORGE - Akcatel Kabel Norge AS TE LEFAX Post Office Box 130, Bkern N-0509 Oslo, Nerway Telephone: +47 22 63 83 20 Telefax +47 22 6381 20 To: Power Cable Consuttants Inc. Fax ne.: 518 399 9517 Att: Torben: Aabo Rof.: 138 kV subm. cables in Alasko. Frem: Bertram C. Middelthon Sender's Girect faxre.: +47 47 22 63 74 Sender's direc: i¢i, ne. +47 47 22 63 8B Dave: 32 Fab 1996 Ne. of pages, ine. this: ° W any wort of thie trencurtesten le artusing or illegible, plesves guna ct tul. «47 67 23 63 80 Bt Reterring to your fax of Fabrvary 7, 1996, we hava the pleasure of indicating the Following budget prices. Hh - Qil-filled submarine cable 1000 kemil (500 mm2) NOK 2100,-./meter ex works 7/0 3, ‘L + XLPE submarine cable 1000 kemil (500 mm2) NOK 1900,-./meter ex works 9 7 oe - XLPE land cable 1000 kemil NOK 1200,-./meter ex works 53 Wie - Transition joint NOK 300 000,-. each - YF. a ov - Tarminatioon for oil-filled cable NOK 70 000,-. each + // 236 - Termination for XLPE cable NOK 55 000,-. each -~ 3 855 - Transportation and laying cost for submarine coble NOK 90.000.000,-. . , v, 450, mM The prices ore to be endersiced cs frirly cpproximeta figures basad on 1995 cost tevels ond the vary limied information given to us. We hope to have served you with the above estimates. ords , Middelthon 2/27 /%¢ Trutes Ce: 1 wax =40,/ei0 c \bom elute \ho- pe-us.coe Raceived: 02/27/96 67:32:00 From: 22637444 B - 25 . oo NT a [Si Leask 2226 DLE O2- To: sob Ph Swe CTask Suk P O WE. R TELEPHONE RECORD Engeneers incorporated — com C/ Meiede ~ 226,96 3.467 ee ee ) a Subiect: EE SS. Seo! Dukes 2:2 bye POA . Duikin £ gene BE. Fy MBenh 22 wf 2 SOF Ze. ez zu Cad’ pozUoer LEELA. Follow Up: Jef HY WZ | fa Fre Fn. C7 Power Cable BN ‘ Consultants, Inc. Torben Aabo 220 Sweetmia Road, Ballston Spa, New York 12026-3211 phone $18-384-1613 * fax 518-399-9517 TELEFAX 9 (0.27) 2 2 Please deliver to: Mr. Bill Riail, Power Engineers, Hailey, ID , Fax Number: — 208-788-2082 Total # of Pages: 1 From: Torben Aabo FFE2 i. CLE. Date: : February 26, 1996 SBE Os see ReREAEE sees seeeaSEU EEC Becca eeeESeSSERSEEseessseesesenESeeececesseetEs SESESEUSSRSSeeecauseceREseoessssesse CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The information contained in this facsimile message is legally privileged and confidenual information intended onty for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of tus message ts not the intended reciprent. you arc hereby nouficd that amy disscrrmation, distribution or copy of this fax is sinctly prohibited If vou have reccived this fax in error. pieasc immediately noufy the sender at the telephone umber provided above and recurn the original message to us at the address above via the United States Postal Service. Thank you. Aeewesersscoeegsresseess : see eeuEED CeeemEeseeeeesoceressss aes ESeCORETREEReseeneeess SUS CENeNeoeevessseeseeEstsauasess Dear Bill: NKT informed me that the cost of double armoring the 138 kV Flat Type SCFF cable will increase the cost in the order of 15 to 20 %. Based on this information, the cable cost for one foot of cable would be $173 to $180. NKT has not and do not have plans to research the development and testing of a 230 kV Flat Type SCFF cable construction. The NKT research efforts will continue to be in the HVDC area, tocusing on voltages up to 600 kVDC. Regarding the other csble costs [ have promised you. I have made inquiries to the manufacturers again. Regards, QUAL Torben Aabo B - 27 Power Cable Consultants, Inc. Tarben- Aube 220 Sweetman Road, Ballston Spa, New York 12020-3211 phone 518-384-1613 * fax 518-399-9517 TELEFAX CORRS Please deliver to: | Mr. Bill Riall, Power Engineers, Hailey, ID Fax Number: 208-788-2082 Total # of Pages: 2 From: Torben Aabo Date; - February 21, 1996 SERB Seeweeeecewenese otKEERUSSESR SSE Seeseers SLES CEESREEESETSS Seems seserSEReuTess $94eeeees Se FETs HERGERESEREESESESses CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The information contained in this facsimile message is legally privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity asmed above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient. you arc hereby notified that amy disscrmunoticn, distribution or copy of this fax is strictly prohibited. [f you have received this fax in error, please immediately notify the sender at the telephone number provided above and retum the origina! message to us at the address above via the United States Postal Service. Thank you. 08 caw asccccsccceresees ves eEEeceseeeasececsSeSEUSEt PPEUSSESTSST ES SETTONS OES EEEEESSUL ECTS SELES EES HSSEEECOEEHTOTESIREES Dear Bill: The attached is a summary of the cost information ] received from Nokia Cable. The submarine cable manufacturers are very slow in putting their costs together.. Re v A “Hol pee To, B - 28 Power Cable Consultants, Inc. a = Note: Chugach Cost Sommary Submitted by Nokia Cables USA, Inc. Description Cost 1,00 kcmil XLPE - Reduced insulation $27.75/ft | 1,000 kemil XLPE - Full AEIC insulation | $32.56/ft Ounce terminations $8,898 cach | Sransition joint XLPE/SCFF XLPE Splice - Field molded $6,350 cach $2,250 each Link box © Grounding box These costs include delivery to Alaska and delivery duties paid (DDP) The costs are based on single circuit, 5 miles long Torben Aabo February 21, 1996 xipe-chu.cst B - 29 RECEIVED COPY FEB 2 0 1998 InRecu : JACOBSON, INC. 5355 - 28TH AVE. NW. * SEATTLE, WA 98107 »* (206) 782-1618 (20-2T2- Gr2tr 6-e& February 16, 1996 co”. Five JOBNO. PHASE SVC TASK SUB TASK Belt @ Tack reco FEB 26 1996 peop Power Engineers Inc. . Chus 3940 Glenbrook Drive FILE NAME P.O. Box 1066 mite ie Hailey, Idaho 83333 Attn: Mr. Jack Hand Re: Submarine Cable Circuit Turnagain Arm - Cook Inlet, Alaska Dear Jack, We have completed our rough estimate of installation costs for (4) single conductor 138kV oil filled submarine cables at (4) crossings in Tummagain Arm - Cook Inlet Alaska. We believe it would be in the customers best interest to embed these cables under the sea bed for the total length of the crossing. The embedment of the cables is based upon a jetting method utilizing high pressure water being applied to a cable burial machine. The cable is laid through the sled an:' is placed at a pre-determined depth via a “stinger” located on the burial machine. It is also recommended that double armor be applied to the outer sheath of the cable for added protection and longer life. The armor should be the same lay for ease of handling. We have broken our estimate into two categories including just laying the cables on the sea bed and laying and burial of the cables. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you and should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Best regards, Pirelli Jacobson, Inc. BJ/sk enclosure B - 30 1638 TURAGAIN ARM 138KV INTERTIE SUBMARINE CABLE INSTALLATION ESTIMATE PT. POSSESSION PT. POSSESSION ENSTAR BIRD PT. FIRE ISLAND PT. CAMPBELL PT. WORNSOFF : Transport & Lay (4)cables $10,000,000 $9,300,000 $8,000,000 $5,800,000 Includes: Marine Survey, Directional Drill and conduits at each land fall Bury to 2-3 m. in jettable $4,200,000 $3,800,000 $2,500,000 $1,600,000 material below seabed i Total Lay & Embed $14,200,000 $13,100,000 $10,500,000 $7,400,000 ESTIMATE INCLUDES: . Marine Survey - For cable routing ° Excavation from H.W.M. to terminal ° Conduits for each cable to a maximum of 1000' offshore . Cable transit from factory to Anchorage . All marine equipment and manpower for installation works . Installation of (4) 138kV FF D.A. submarine cables . Cable burial to 2 - 3 meters in jettable material ESTIMATE DOES NOT INCLUDE: . Termination & Testing of cables ° Sub-station work (other than cable pull in) Any material ie: cables, accessories, splices, terminations, pump station, etc. Estimate all in 1996 dollars Power Cable COPY Consultants, Inc. Torben sabe 220 Sweetman Road, Ballston Spa, New York 12020-3211 phone $18-384-1613 * fax 518-399-9517 TELEFAX Please deliver to: Mr. Bill Riall, Power Engineers, TIGA”, e215 ot Ze oz 72 Fax Number: 208-788-2082 Total # of Pages: 3 From: Torben Aabo Date: I February 8, 1996 SA cae cesenenccecssesceeeuseseveRnesecversceunSeEase ns cceneuseseeeeEswadseonse sss eunsUeeESESSSEUERserercevasusscesess CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The informmcon contained in this facsinmie message is legally privileged and confidential mformaton intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. Uf the reader of this mossage is not the mtcoded recipicnt, you arc hereby noutied Unat amy dissermrancn, distmbusion or copy of this fax is swicdy prohibited If you have received this fax in error, please immediately noufy the sender at the telephone number provided above and retum the original message to us at the address above via the United States Postal Service. Thank you 2802002 es Oe ceededereucsrasseeess Ceewnaeteseseeeseres ses CeEE Terese SeseoesoouReeseseceeasseeEseeuseuauercusessezsassse Dear Bil): Attached please find additional costing for XLPE terminations and the three-conductor flat cable. Also attached is a drawing of the cable. You may want to use this to replace Figure 6.3, which at the moment is a drawing of a two-conductor cable. I was promised additional cost data on the SCFF cable by Friday... Please call me at 518-384-1613 so we can discuss how to present the data in an appendix to the report. ; i Me Hf anal 7D x Torben Aabo re Fi Le, By s2 ear be eee 66/02/36 16:22 Kr ENGINEERING > 6815182995S17 NR.671 SB@1 mrss rack TELEFAX Fax No. +45 43 96 07 74 Phone No. +45 43 48 20 10 COMPANY: Power Cable Consultants, Inc. FAX: 00 1 518 399 9517 IN] Kt" a ahereeuNe ATT: Mr. Torben Ambo REF: MKJ-0260/1k3 ce: DATE: 8 February 1996 FROM: Martin K. Jensen PAGE: 1 OF 1 (Inclusive of this cover) (IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES, PLEASE CALL IMMEDIATELY) Dear Mr. Aabo, Ba: Alaska Project Reference is made to your fax of February 7, 1996. Prices for terminations for flat type Mellerhej cable is very much depending on how the cahle system will iscok, in particu- lar lay-out of terminating point etc. However, in order to give you an idea of the total project costs involved, we can inform you of the following rough budget prices as follows: 1) Complete termination for 3-core flat type Mellerhej cable with splitter box and connecting tubes, built up as 3 separate porcelain insulators placed on one common steel atructure. Budges price: Dex 350,000.00 per 3 phase termination ics, o6s 2) Porcelain cable termination for termination of XLPE- tr S Petainchy cables (underground as well as submarine cables). : ; 0.0 ~ B/3,0B 2ath Both the above prices are excl. installation, Furthermore, we take pleasure in fcrwarding the enclosed drawing of Sur’ flat type supbmarine-cabte-furAc*porpose, see Journal No. Al057. Two prints of the same have been airmailed to your address iy express mail. DK VPOI8SG CH). 5.379) Best regards, ob. {4:) "£9 faztin K/, Jensen B - 33 neceived: 02/08/96 10:27:08 From: +45 43 96 07 74 BO°L2:0T 96/80/70 :paeateorE PL LO 96 EP Sb+ “Mor ve - @ AC Flat type submarine cable Straaded copper comdector, Carbosized papes. Paper im sedation. OOOO) Lead alloy sheath Layer of aayhalt and two layers of Oil-ianpreg nated paper. __—— Two Inyors of copper tapes. Corragsted bronze tape on cach side. Copper wire, Asphalt, pol ypropyicec yar, asphalt, hoprega sted crepe paper, seffeulboui we PE-upe, asphalt, pol ypropytese yarn and asphalt. Galvanized steel wires. Asphalt, polypropylene yarn, saplea, Polypropyleas yarn naphak wed chalk. Journ no: A1057 Luaon: 0 Date: 08.00.96 Carboalzed paper ad screen of Al-foll. ee Bon : KT B ENGINEERING 22:53 96-20-80 LISEEESS ISTO + ONIYZSNISNS LON ZB25 «TLR "RN 02/05/1986 18:59 5163999517 AASI PAGE @1 Power Cable (TOBY Consultants, Inc. . Torben abo 220 Sweetman Road, Ballston Spa, New York 12020-3211 phone 518-384-1613 * fax 518-399-9517 TELEFAX r. Bill Risll, Power Engineers, Hailey, ID Please deliver to: J Fax Number: 208-788-2082 Total # of Pages: 6 From: Torben Aabo Date: February 6, 1996 eee encnccesves se censccccccsrereseesscastseuneasss susssecesssese Seo TeUES UTEP ESSE BEE EEE SESS ESoETCSSEE NOE TOTCTEGUEEESSE CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The informstion commmed in tus facsimile mexsage is legally privileged and confidential informaaon intended only for the use of the individual or entity named abovs. If the reader of this message is not the intended recrpiont, vou are harsby notified that amy dissemination, distnbution or copy of this fax is stricth prohibited [f wou have received this Fax in aor, please imumediatety notify the sender at the telephoat aumber provided above and rerum the onginal message ‘o us at the address above via the United States Postat Service. Thank you. Sees cevess seeee TP ANeeeseTeRsessaeesssat ses TECEEEESERAURENETES TE SES eEETESEsETES SOCSRETTENSTUCER OSH ES FeeeusaesssrErsT Dear Bill: Jay requited that | fax you the cost information I used for the development of the Chugach cable cost. I have attached the information received from manufacturers. I have promise from several other manufacturers to supply costs. I will discuss the data with you as soon as I get it. The following cosis were given to me verbally from SILEC: XLPE land cable: $23/ft Splices: $7,000 each Link boxes: $5,000 each Grounding boxes: $3,000 each ese @e:s8 Please call me at 5} 8-384-16]3 so we can discuss how to present the data in an appendix to the report. Regards Ke $ 4 Torben Aabo B - 35 FEFEFE EEE EEE EEE EEEEEEEFEFEEEFEFEEE EF FEFEFEEEEEEEEE TEETH SEH t htt serersamrenrnerenrrtssistsnsne as ODM PY JACOBSON INTERNATIONAL, INC. FAX 206-744-2791 PHONE 2 206-744-9765 Bi 206-546-3766 DATE: Z-$- 9S FAX REF.#: ATING Tack Hal FROM: =) J No. PAGES (INCLUDING THIS COVER) Qs If you nave any problem with this transmission, please call 206-744-9765 clay £54 For 2 Subaares \POUFD- E22-02-¢Y | : i oo ee Praise BTS TASK Sus TASA 1 5 yee 2 130 Reco} F.Le B- 36 JII ¢ NTI TEL: 206-744-2791 Feb OS 96 15:41 No.002 P.01 ~ INSTALLATION PRICING TESORO AND ENSTAR CABLE ROUTES The pricing for these crossings is predicated on the following assumptions: e Arock free right-of-way in which to pull the trencher. « Solls that are considered jetable, such as silt, sand, consolidated sands, gravel, and clay. Burial depth not to exceed 3 meters. « Vehicular access to both shore ends. e One cable loaded on barge at a time, total of 4 cables to be installed. e Cable delivered Anchorage area with 45 days of standby for delivery vessel. Tesoro pricing: in thousands Mobilization $2,000 Shore ends 900 Lay and bury 64 days at $ 80,000. 5,120 Load and refurbish equipment 16 days at $ 80,000 1,280 Risk 3,000 Profit 20% on $12,300,000 2.460 Total $ 14,760 Total estimate for the installation and burial of 4 cables in the Tesoro route is $ 14,760,900.90 US dollars. Enstar pricing: Mobilization $2,000 Shore end south 460 Lay and bury 56 days at $ 80,000. 4,480 Load and refurbish equipment 12 days at $ 80,000. 960 Risk 2,500 Shore end bore under tracks and rip rap north 750 Profit 20% on $ 11,140,000 2.228 Total $13,368 Total estimate for the installation and burial of 4 cables in the Enstar route Is $ 13,368,000.00 US dollars. B= 37 LEVEZSEBOG “BOTZ Bz:97:€0 96/20/20 -pentsosy ELECTRICAL SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION OPERATION 1225 Westfield Averme, Clark, NJ 07066 .. Tel.: (908) 382-3776 Fax: (906) 382-3437 ; Date: oe - a FG NO. OF PAGES: vn FROM: = LTC LOYE ILL . TO: TZ. Ale bo FAX NOs /Z % -297- far REF.;__ IS/)33kKV XLFE CASS LAasKA w ri cled a L ay of x4 syst mquce. B - 38 18 2wd WNITD ---- ITGYId LEPEZBESSE e2:St 9661/28/28 “el7eesgo 69:59 —ONKI ENGINEERING * O@1S1E3S999517 : NR.329 Saet TELEFAX TW) BAH Jenancenine Fax No. +45 43 96 07 74 ai Phone No. +45 43 48 20 10 COMPANY: Power Cable Consultants, Inc. FAX: 00 1 518 399 9517 ATT: Mr. Torben Aabo ‘REF: MKJ-0238/1k4 DATZ: 1 February 1996 Martin K. Jensen PAGE: 1 OF 2 (Inclusive of this cover) g (IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES, PLEASE CALL IMMEDIATELY) Dear Mr. Aabo, Re: Alaska Protect Reference is made to previous correspondence on the above subject plus latest pleasant telephone conversation of today. As requested, we take pleasure in indicating rough budget estimate prices for the cables discussed in our telefax of 15 January 1996, ref. MKJ-0206/1k3. Submarine Cab) a: Alternativi ld: Cabla type: NKT flat type oil-filled (SCOF) 145 kv 3x500 mn? Cu submarine cable. Design details acc. to NKT document No. K 96003. mice: 2,650.00 8492 wut A Aacacaativa 4: Real L. Cable type: 145 kV 1x500 mm? XLPE-Cu-LRT Submarine cable. Design deteils acc. to NKT document No. K 96004. : 2,200.00 x 2223 pls B - 39 Var be eee o. wWivee*s> «iso NKT ENGINEERING 9 8815183959517 NR.329 Saaz . Journal: — MKJ-0238 Ty g Date 1 February 1996 NW] FE. ENGINZERING Ref. MKI/1Lk4 _ Page 2 of 2 Undercround/land cables: Cable type: 145 kV 1x500 mm? XLPE-Cu-LRT unarmoured underground cable. 7 Design details acc. to NKT document No. K 96005. $eysy2/ nudes oxice: ex son.o0 saz aera BLY Vir /, = 45-7 /f gs . : A xgough budget estimate for suitable transition joint for interconnection of three-core flat type oil~filled cable voltage level, will amount to approx. with 3 single core 500 mm’? XLPE cables, both 145 kv ap } He] Kindly observe that ali the above-mentioned budget prices are =x Works our factory. Hoping that the forwarded is in accordance with your wishes, we trust this will assist you in the further investigations ef @ possible submarine cable project. Best regards, NKT Enginesring Lash Martin/K. Censen Svend O. Olsen B - 40 >) JACOBSON INTERNATIONAL, INC. Mr. Jack Hand Power Engineers, Inc. January 25, 1996 3940 Glanbrook Dr., Box 1066 Hailey, ID 83333 Dear Jack: Here is a batch of documents | received from Hal Dryer. In talking with the agencies in Alaska there is not much public information given back to the permitting agency from the owner of the project. | will give you a call Friday or Monday. Regards, tL Alan Jacobson SOB NO PHASE SVC TASK SUB TASK acco JAN 75 1996 peop FILE NAME 300 Admiral Way, Suite 209 e Edmonds, WA 98020 * Phone (206) 744-9765 * Fax (206) 744-2791 B - 41 aK DEJON CORPORATION MEMO DATE: January 24, 1996 TO: Al Jacobson Jacobson International, Inc. FROM: Hal Dreyer YY RE: Intertie Project I have enlisted the aid of Mr. Fred Duthweiler to assist me in researching the information available on the crossing locations that you are interested in. Fred and I have worked together in Cook Inlet for years and he just retired from 32 years with UNOCAL. Most of this time was associated with their efforts in Cook Inlet. What we find is that there is not much information available on these locations, in the public domain. The companies that have pipelines in each location have proprietary information and have shared their most recent experiences with us. As you know, a study on the Intertie issue was completed some time ago for the Alaska Power Authority and the conclusion of the findings in that report are similar to ours. This conclusion is that a preliminary decision can be made about the best location to cross the Inlet, but due to lack of site specific information, a detailed field exploratory program would have to be undertaken to quantify the theories. As to each location, I can offer the following: TH OF PHIL PLATFORM I am familiar with this area from the standpoint of work that I have done on the Phillips pipeline and, more recently, work we did in support of Arco Alaska's exploratory drilling program which came within 1 mile of the platform. Jacobson012496 January 25, 1996 Page 1 Corporate Development Post Office Box 725: Girdwood, Alaska 99587 - 907 248 9490 or 907 783 2255 B- 42 The bottom in the crossing location has a variety of conditions ranging from boulder fields in the shallows at the East beach, to shifting sands along the run towards the platform, to more scattered boulders (some the size of a small house) south of the platform and areas where the bottom is very hard. When setting the jack up drilling rig, we had areas where the spud cans would only penetrate several feet into the bottom. Considering that they usually go 8 to 10 feet, this equates to a very hard pan type material. The water depth seems to max out at 18 fathoms (MLLW), unless you fall into the two trenches that are just south of the platform and then the bottom reaches 26 fathoms. In talking with the Phillips representative, he confirmed that they have done nothing other than side scan sonar on their lines for the last several years. However, it should be kept in mind that Phillips has spent an extraordinary amount of money prior to that in stabilizing these lines. This started with program that went for many summer seasons where they drove piling at 50' intervals along the lines and clamped the pipe to the piling. This proved to be very costly and they decided to go to a method of sand bagging the lines for a more temporary fix. The current, working in the shifting sands, would continually undermine the lines and cause unacceptable spans of suspended pipeline. Apparently, the work that Phillips did over about a 12 year period got the lines to a point that is acceptable. I have attached information which presents the tide elevation change and current velocities for a point very close to this location. To provide a more accurate understanding of the dynamics of these two factors, I have printed out two different periods of time that depict the high and low extremes of each during the sample year of 1995. As you can see, the tide reaches an elevation of 23.45' during December and produces a elevation change of 27.65'. During this period of time, the current velocity reaches 6.03 knots. At the other end of the spectrum, these same values are as low as 16.08' elevation height, 11' elevation change and 1.85 knots current flow during June. Installing a submarine cable in this area would be difficult in terms of fighting the cross current velocity, attempting to work around the vessel traffic into Anchorage and in terms of burial or securing to the bottom. It is also the longest alternative. Jacobson012496 January 25, 1996 Page 2 B- 43 TESORO PIPELINE AREA This line was installed in 1976 and was buried in 1978 by Martech International. The burial was done by the jet sled technique and, other that some minor problems at the South end, has been trouble free since that time. The problems at the southern end were cured by some reburial with land based machinery and divers. The issues that are of concern at either end revolve around the ice scour that occurs. When this line was reburied, it was noted that the protective plastic coating had been damaged by the ice which builds up on the shore ends and eventually makes dramatic moves when the tide currents get it. The bottom conditions for the majority of the run provided a very suitable material for burial and soft mud was only encountered on the North end. This end of the line is basically a mud flat, very similar to the other parts of Turnagain arm which can be seen while driving the Seward Highway. The depths reach about 60 feet (MLLW) and the line was installed with a slight dog leg to avoid the one deep spot that shows on the attached charts. I have included tide and current information from areas that are very close to the crossing location. The information provides similar data and indicates a maximum height of 30.63', elevation differential of 35' and maximum current flow of 6.40 knots during December. During June these same values are as low as 21.02' height, 16’ differential and 2.29 knots current velocity. This location is probably one of the better choices if a submarine installation is anticipated. The bottom conditions are more suitable for burial, the distance is about 13 miles, there is little or no vessel traffic and there is enough water to work in. ENSTAR LOCATION Drew Smith of Enstar indicated that the only problem they have had with their lines was one of scour. This was cured by installing a snow fence in the affected area and allowing the resulting slowed current to drop silt out of suspension. This apparently worked and the problem was resolved in one season. The bottom conditions there consist of a loose silty mud that appears to be building up over the years. Basically, Turnagain Arm is filling in. The depth of water, for most of the distance, seems to be very close to 0 at Jacobson012496 January 25, 1996 Page 3 B - 44 MLLW which would present a significant problem for the laying and burial operations. Obviously, there would be significant periods of time when the marine equipment would be high and dry with the bottom material conditions not suitable for land based equipment. There is also the transition period when the tide comes in at 3 to 4 knots, which is always exciting. Contrary to other opinions, I believe if the line were installed at this location and adequately buried, it would never be seen again, much like Enstar's line. The problem is that the conditions have changed as the Enstar line was installed when most of the crossing allowed for the equipment to float. The tide information for this area is presented in the attached print outs and as you can see, the maximum height is 36.98', differential is 42' during December. These same values during June are 27.7' height, and 23' of differential. There is no current velocity information available for this area but, given the extreme elevation change, it must be significant. As a point of interest, Enstar's preferred approach to another crossing, if they elect to install another line, is a directionally drilled crossing at Bird Point. This is very similar to the conclusion that you seem to be reaching. SUPPORT INFORMATION I have included excerpts from the study that Power Engineers completed in 1987 which addresses very similar issues. Their conclusions and support information may be of assistance to you. Jacobson012496 January 25, 1996 Page 4 B - 45 Isberg & Associates Inc. COPY P.O. Box 5147 Pleasanton, CA 94566-39998 Phone 510-426-4718 Fax 510-426-0323 Facsimile Cover Sheet To: Jack Hand - Company: Power Engineers Inc. Q Phone: 208-788-3456 (Fy Fax: 208-788-2082 - aay ly 12" - [7 { q From: Steve Kanty fe . Company: Isberg & Associates Inc. ie H . Phone: 510-426-4718 JAc Fax: 510-426-0323 Date: 01/11/96 Pages Including this cover page: Three Subject: Alcatel Wire & Cable Kenai Submarine Transmission Project Jack, as promised the following pages provide brief details of the LPOF Submarine cable costs that Alcatel would provide on this project. | hope this will be sufficient to get you to the next stage of the project. Obviously once the route has been selected and load determined we can be much more specific. As | mentioned in our recent conversation, some key individuals from Alcatel France will be attending the ICC in Houston and | have extended an invitation, on your behaif, for them to visit Hailey, | look forward to working with you on this project. Me a Stéve Kanty ~ , B - 46 t P sa HY! 2-13, 5 i rti UNIT PRICE | LOT PRICE uss exci. aj/ tsxos excl, all taxes Cable 1x630mm? Cu LPOF 132/230 (245) kV SSWA Cable laying (not embedded) + Accessories + Packaging + Transportation asso | i, Cable 1x500m:n2 Cu LPOF 132/230] 72kM Mg (245) kV CSWA (ax24km) | $469,2204an $39,788. dg 3), Le 1 Cable laying (net embedded) + Accessaries + Packaging + Lump sum |. $25,594,150 Bic’ HY i Transportation The estimated prices quoled by us ars subject to the following general. qualifications: 1 Delivery: to b¢ advised once more precise requirements are definad, 2. Prices only valid for above quantity and exclude any taxes or duties. More specific prices can be given once more precise requirements are defined. Approved by: , Os Cam Dowlat Director-High Voltage Systems. Enel: Cable Gross Section Drawings Hf 008 SOP eng 8 d . aan Si SCL T TTL Ld Lee a Boot ALCATEL CABLE FRANCE USINE-DE CALAIS. KENAL INTERTIE 500-mm? r O.F, A3S2/Z30 pkV. Doubkis steel wires anne cad submarines cable ol whi co ee B- 48 f— YAINTLETLIIG Glew Pros §SEENU & mod. ir ey " COPPER CONDUCTOR _ INSU ON LEAD ALLOY SHEATH BEDDING PE SHEATH ~ on GALVANIZED STREL WIRES ARMOUR i ‘Ineulation -. w b ‘Outer covering Date ‘ | | armoured submarine cable |) i: ; ? CONDUCTOR SCREEN | ; INSULATION SCREEN } Lees aley sea 3 PEsheath © | 3.0. — Armour ~ eee | 7 ee Sai mo ae METALLIC » ie - REINFORCEMENT, pk ANTI-TEREDD TAPE : . BEDDING ' POLYPROPYLENE ‘YARN AND : FLUSHING COMPOUND ALCATEL CABLE . FRANCE USINEDE-CALAIS. — KENAL INTERTIE 630 mm? Copper O.F. 192/230 (248) KV Single stee! wires B - 49 TCTAL P Ga SAN-@9-1996 16:27 FROM P]RELLI JACOBSON INC TO sSissI7A F.C FACSIMILE PIRELLI JACOBSON,INC. rere aera een Date: January 9, 1996 Fax Reference Number: P]I-8051-PM To: POWER CABLE CONSULTANT Attn: TORBEN AABO From: PIETRO MONDINI Pages (including this cover): 4 Hyou have any problems with this tremsmisalon, plecee call us ot (706) 783-1818 / kur (208) 789-2861 RE: 115/138KV SUBMARINE CABLE FOR ALASKA. REGARDING YOUR FAX DATED JANUARY 9. 1996 Dear Mr, Aabo, In order to respond to your fax in dus time, I will submit 3 rough estimate of » similar cable with a slight difference in the cross section (750 MCM instead of 1000 MCM). The cable that we propose will be SCFF (self contained fluid filled) cable as per attached cable technical data with double armor. The second armor could be of the “rock” type. Qs ~ The cable will have a polypropylene yam serving and it will be manufactur¥d th a continuous length. The budgetary price for the cable ex-factory Naples (Italy) is $160 USD / ft. To the above cost, you will hare to add the import duties and the transportation cost. Aezze also note that we have proposed a double armor cable because as you mentioned in some areas there is rocky hard bottom and the cable buwial is cuestionable from a technical and economical point of view. We have to inform you that our company owns different burial machines that use the jetting method but all are usable in sandy/mud bottoms, ie. jettable bottorn, and we do not have available machine for trenching in rocky bottom. Should you require an estimate for construction, please keep in mind the above. 5385 28th Avenue N.W.*** Seattle, WA 98107**"U. SA Received: 01/09/96 07:37:24" From: 206 789 2851 B- 50 —_Jan-89-1996 16:27 =ROm PIRELLI JACOBSON INC TO 151839995‘7 P.a2 Jarwary 9, 1996 = — Far Raft P73051-P Page To Our suggestion at this time would be to Isy the cable on the sea bottom and have only the shore end protected by conventional ambedment (like backhoe excavation) unless it is feasib!e to find a suitable route that is entirely jottable. Please comment if any. Best regarda, Piel Pietro Mondini Vice President Pirelli Jacobson, Inc. PM/sk 538. wees , 81077" "UU. Received: 01/09/96 07:37:24 From: 206 789 2851 B= 51 TABLES SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Submarine Cable System Price Quotations July 31, 1997 14.5 MILES — FOUR 138KV SINGLE-CORE SUBMARINE CABLE SYSTEM: ALCATEL | FUJIKURA | PIRELLI | MITSU/FURUKAWA| AVERAGE CONDUCTOR ___| 380 sq.mm| 300 sq. mm | 240 sq. mm 300 sq. mm QUOTE Cable FOB $24,590,000] $33,615,498] $11,482,346 $25,685,000] $23,843,211 $4,100,000} $1,630,498] $2,308,584 $2,059,771 slemiesel $10,650,000] $60,481,498] $16,800,000 $12,875,000] $25,201,625 Estimate With Installation $0 $5,571,749 Additional Test Survey HA $1,569,498 $0 $550,000] $1,059,749 TOTAL COST] $39,340,000] $106,690,490] $30,590,930 $41,060,000] $57,736,104 Recent price quotations were averaged and the unit prices were adjusted based on the engineer's experience and weighted judgments applying cable system quotations to the known criteria and site conditions. Suppliers with previous experience near Anchorage are considered to have more accurate quotations. Ancillary Equipment $9,393,498 $0 $1,750,000 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) subquote.xls/138kV Single-Core 120376-09/al B-52 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Submarine Cable System Price Quotations July 31, 1997 14.5 MILES — TWO 138KV THREE-CORE SUBMARINE CABLE SYSTEM: Two Terminals Ancillary Equipment With Installation Additional Test Survey TOTAL COST _CONDUCTOR _ Cable FOB $0| $28,111,184] $14,478,269 $28,255,000] $9,646,560] $20,122,753 installation $0] $43,282,184 = $11,000,000 es $27,141,092 Estimate oa peuaxDeaS) PIRELLI_| MITSUJFURUKAWA| _NKT | AVERAGE | 300 sq.mm |240sq.mm|__300sq.mm__|310sq.mm|_ QUOTE __ | so $1,264,684) $1,331,113 $260,000 | ad $951,932 $7,492,684 $2,500,000 $4,996,342 $1,422,584 $550,000 $81,573,320] $15,809,382 $42,565,000] $9,646,560) $54,198,412 Recent price quotations were averaged and the unit prices were adjusted based on the engineer's experience and weighted judgment: previous experience ne: HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) subquote.xls/138kV Three-Core 120376-09/al 's applying cable system quotations to the known criteria and site conditions. Suppliers with ar Anchorage are considered to have more accurate quotations. B- 53 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT SUBMARINE CABLE COSTS 2-3 CORE CABLES TESORO ROUTE DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL MATERIAL | LABOR MATERIAL LABOR COST CABLE - DIRECT LAY (mi | 5 _| $1,372,800 | $ 528,000 | $ 6,864,000 | $ 2,640,000 | $ 9,504,000 EMBEDDED (mi | 85 | $1,372,800] $ 924,000 | $ 11,668,800 | $ 7,854,000 | $ 19,522,800 SHORE TAIL (mi | 1 ~__ | $1,372,800 | $ 1,056,000 | $ 1,372,800 | $ 1,056,000 | $ 2,428,800 ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT (ea $1,000,000 | $ 2,000,000] ~—————«Y{ $ ‘2,000,000 TERMINALS (ea | 6 ~—S—idS~=—80,000T ~~ CdS 480,000] sd $480,000 CATHODIC PROTECTION (lot) 2 $ 100,000 ee $ 200,000 ~~ —~—~—~«[$__200,000 ADDITIONAL TESTING (mi) 14.5 $ 20,000 $ 290,000[ ———s{ $ __290,000 SUB TOTALS $ 22,875,600 $11,550,000 $34,425,600 ENGINEERING 3.0% $ 1,032,768 CONSTRUCTION MGM 3.5% $ 1,204,896 CONTINGENCY 10.0% $ 3,442,560 TOTAL $ 40,105,824 UNIT PRICE 2-3 CORE TESORO (1 MILE) 2,550,594 TOTAL TERMINAL COST TESORO (EA) $1,561,100 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) submcost.xls/tesoro 2-3 120376-09 al B-54 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT SUBMARINE CABLE COSTS 2-3 CORE CABLES ENSTAR ROUTE COST (CABLE WM MM MTS T_T sSNA [_EMBEDDED(mi)) —CiT=SCS10~SSSC«d $1,372,800] $ 924,000 | $13,728,000 | $ 9,240,000 | $ 22,968,000 | | SHORETAIL(mi)) Cd] Ct $1,372,800 [ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT (ea) ——sd| SS 2S $1,000,000] ss $ 2,000,000f | $2,000,000 | TERMINALS (ea) C“‘(LW*SSOCS OCS 80,000] aia [CATHODIC PROTECTION (lot) | 2 $100,000 ey ADDITIONAL TESTING (mi $ 20,000 | aie SUB TOTALS $18,000,800 $10,296,000 $28,296,800 ENGINEERING 3.0% $ 848,904 CONSTRUCTION MGM 3.5% $ 990,388 CONTINGENCY 10.0% $ 2,829,680 TOTAL $ 32,965,772 UNIT PRICE 2-3 CORE ENSTAR (1 MILE) $2,713,052.00 TOTAL TERMINAL COST ENSTAR (EA) $1,561,100 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) submcost.xls/enstar 2-3 120376-09 al B -55 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT SUBMARINE CABLE COSTS 4-1 CORE CABLES DESCRIPTION ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION MGM CONTINGENCY UNIT PRICE 4-1 CORE TESORO (1 MILE) TOTAL TERMINAL COST TESORO (EA) HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) submcost.xls/tesoro 4-1 120376-09 al TESORO ROUTE MATERIAL COST | 5 | $1,689,600 | $ 844,800 [| 85 | $1,689,600 $ 11,220,000 | __1 __| $1,689,600 | $1,584,000 | $ 1,689,600 | 2 $ | 8 ; 2 2 [$1,000,000[ [$2,000,000 $2,000,000 ] [$_g0,000[ $640,000 $640,000 | | TS 200,000 $200,000 | PTS 290,000[ $290,000 | SUB TOTALS $27,629,200 $17,028,000 $44,657,200 3.0% $ 1,339,716 3.5% $ 1,563,002 10.0% $ 4,465,720 TOTAL $ 52,025,638 $3,359,795 $1,654,300 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT SUBMARINE CABLE COSTS 4-1 CORE CABLES ENSTAR ROUTE DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL MATERIAL [| LABOR | MATERIAL LABOR COST CABLE - DIRECT LAY (mi a ST Tt ST STS YA TS] Tt EMBEDDED (mi $ 1,689,600 | $ 1,320,000 | $ 16,896,000 | $ 13,200,000 | $30,096,000 SHORE TAIL (mi | 1 | $1,689,600 | $1,584,000 | $ 1,689,600 | $ 1,584,000 | $ 3,273,600 ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT (ea | 2. [$1,000000| —*{$ 2,000,000] —s*s| $ ‘2,000,000 TERMINALS (ea) | 8 [$ 80000 _[$ 640,000] === [$ 640,000 CATHODIC PROTECTION (lot |2 |$ 100,000] —'| YT SSCd S$ 200,000 ADDITIONAL TESTING (mi [11 |$ 20,000| ~~! [| $220,000 SUB TOTALS $21,645,600 $14,784,000 $36,429,600 ENGINEERING 3.0% $ 1,092,888 CONSTRUCTION MGM 3.5% $ 1,275,036 CONTINGENCY 10.0% $ 3,642,960 TOTAL $ 42,440,484 UNIT PRICE 4-1 CORE ENSTAR (1 MILE) $3,557,444 TOTAL TERMINAL COST ENSTAR (EA) $1,654,300 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) submcost.xls/enstar 4-1 120376-09 al SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT UG Transmission Cable System Costs Single-Circuit 138kV Single Phase DESCRIPTION (CABLE (ft) Cd 154.400 | $25 | | CONCRETE (cuyds) 9800 | _ $120 | | TRENCH/BACKFILL (ft) 52,800 | $0 | | CONDUIT (ft) 21,200 82 | $ [$2 | | $0 | UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL QTY. MATERIAL] LABOR |MATERIAL LABOR COST $617,60 $294, 00 |__ $0 | $2,640,001 $211,20 oS o So = ojo o|o $52,80 $160,000[ $0 | $160,001 $3,00 $216,001 $3,00 $36,00 $4,000[ $0 $1,000[ $0 $12,000 $336,000 $2,000 $48,000 | 12 | 0 | $0 | 0 |S | | 28 | 24 $2,000 | 0 | 0 Oe | 0 | | $50,000[ SOT SOS $20,000[ Sof SOT G0 $25,000[ $0 $50,000[ $50,000 | | $0 [SOT SOT S80] | so $50,000[ $0] SUB TOTALS $7,094,500 $4,719,600 _ $11,814,100 ENGINEERING 6.50% $767,917 LAND SURVEY LOT $92,000 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $826,987 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $1,181,410 COST PER MILE $1,468,241 TOTAL —-- $14,682,414 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) ugO1chu.xls 120376/al B - 58 REFERENCE MATERIAL CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. January 26, 1998 FEB g 2 1998 Via Fax Line: (303) 716 8980 POWER Engineers, Inc. 3900 S. Wadsworth, Suite 700 Lakewood, Colorado 80235 Attention: Mr. Randy Pollock, P.E. Subject: Southern Intertie - Submarine Cables Cost Estimates Dear Mr. Pollock: Enclosed are copies of the bid unit descriptions and bid result summary for bids received in response to our request for proposals for a 138kV submarine cable circuit between Point Woronzof and Point MacKenzie for your information. The data should be sufficient to allow you a comparison with estimates prepared for the Southern Intertie Project. As we discussed, the estimates will not be changed at this time, but a statement in regard to their sensitivity to submarine cable cost variations will be included, if found warranted. Please, let me know, if you need any additional contract information. Sincerely, Core © PY/ Dora L. Gropp, P.E. Manager, Transmission & Special Projects DLG/ahw SAPOWERLLTR Enclosures: Bid unit descriptions and bid result summary. c: Mike Walbert, PEI, (208) 788-2082 W.0.4£9590081, Sec., RF 5601 Minnesota Drive * P.O. Box 196300 * Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 Phone 907-563-7494 * FAX 907-562-0027 B - 59 Addendum #1 October 6, 1997 Contract No. 97174 138 kV SUBMARINE CABLE POINT MacKENZIE TO POINT WORONZOF Proposal To: Chugach Electric Association, Inc. (Chugach). The undersigned Bidder proposes to provide, install and test the cables ("Project" or "Work") listed in Section 1, Proposals, of the Notice and Instruction to Bidders, and to furnish all other materials, machinery, and equipment, water, heat, utilities, transportation, and other means required to perform the Project in accordance with the plans and specifications (hereinafter called the "Plans and Specifications", and by this reference made a part hereof). The Bidder has made a careful examination of the site(s) on which the Project is to be constructed, has become informed as to all conditions at the site and/or any and all other conditions that may affect the Work to be performed, and the kind of support facilities required before and during the Project. I. COST SCHEDULE Description Schedule | Schedule | Schedule : A B Cc 1999 2000 2001 ucts (fob Anchorage, Alaska) Installation | Installation | Installation 138 kV 3-phase submarine cable circuit 22,000 ft. long, with spare cable in accordance with the technical specifications and data provided in Part Il and III of this Proposal. LF Z 138 kV cable terminations & arrestors Auxiliary equipment Installation | agi Mobilization ss a ee [Shoreendwork | | agi Termination and arrestor installation at Pt. MacKenzie B - 60 Addendum #1 October 6, 1997 Contract No. 97174 Description Schedule | Schedule | Schedule A B Cc Termination and arrestor installation at Pt. Woronzof Auxiliary equipment installation at Pt. MacKenzie Auxiliary equipment installation of Pt. Woronzof | At - g = = ea Demobilization Cable Length 14 Weatherday g 5 | & Latest date of contract award and notice to proceed for: Contract Award Notice to Proceed Schedule A (1999 Installation) Schedule B (2000 Installation) Schedule C (2001 Installation) Only one schedule will be awarded. The Bidder possesses Contractor's License No. for the State of Alaska in which the Project is located, and said license expires on ,19 8 B - 61 Addendum #1 October 6, 1997 Contract No. 97174 Cable laying Shore end work Termination and arrestor insféllation at Pt. MacKenzie Termination and arrestor sfstallation at Pt. Woronzof Auxiliary equipment installation at Pt. MacKenzie ~“ Auxiliary equipmenf installation at Pt. Woronzof esting mobilizatjo (UTI Adjustmerfts 13 [abletenth EVA Ces a Pay items include the following: Item 1. 138 kV Three Phase Cable Circuit - Furnish and deliver continuous lengths (approximately 22,000 ft. each) of double armor cable in accordance with the specifications FOB Anchorage, Alaska. This includes packaging, shipping, insurance, customs and all other costs associated with the manufacture, factory testing, transport and transfer to a laying vessel (if required) of four single conductor or two three conductor cables. Item 2. 138 kV Cable Terminations and Arrestors - Furnish and deliver all 138 kV terminations and arrestors for outdoor use for cables delivered under item 1, in accordance with the specifications FOB Anchorage, offloaded at the project site. This includes packing, shipping, insurance, customs and all other costs associated with the manufacture, factory testing, transport and delivery. 19 | A#1 Af] B - 62 Addendum #1 October 6, 1997 Contract No. 97174 Item 3. Auxiliary Equipment - Furnish and deliver all auxiliary equipment to make the cable circuit under item 1 operational in accordance with the specifications. This includes packing, shipping, insurance, customs and all other costs associated with the manufacture, factory testing, transport and delivery. Item 4. Mobilization - Mobilize all construction and cable laying equipment, supplies and appurtenances manned and ready for commencing the work to the site. It also includes furnishing, clearing and preparation of the Contractor’s storage and field office area; the complete assembly in working order of equipment required to perform the necessary work under the contract. Compensation for this item shall not exceed 20% of the total of all installation work included under items 5 to 10. If the total costs are estimated to exceed this percentage amount allowed, it shall be held that such costs shall be deemed to be included in the prices for other items of work in the contract. Item 5. Cable Laying - Place the cable circuit furnished under item 1 on the ocean floor as specified. This includes all preparatory work, such as surveys and control, as well as diving services, if required to assure proper positioning of cables and/or vessels. Item 6. Shore End Work - Trenching and placement of the cable circuit furnished under item 1) from the tide line indicated in the specifications to the terminals. This includes restoration of disturbed vegetation and/or trails and roadways to their original condition. Item 7. Termination and Arrestor Installation at Point MacKenzie - Mounting of the cable ends, furnishing and installation of all connectors, attachments and appurtenances for the complete installation of all terminations and arrestors supplied under item 2) for the cable circuit delivered under item 1) in accordance with the specifications to provide a complete, functional circuit. Item 8. Termination and Arrestor Installation at Point Woronzof - Mounting of the cable ends, furnishing and installation of all connectors, attachments and appurtenances for the complete installation of all terminations and arrestors supplied under item 2) for the cable circuit delivered under item 1) in accordance with the specifications to provide a complete, functional circuit. Item 9. Auxiliary Equipment Installation at Point MacKenzie - Installation and connection of all auxiliary equipment supplied under item 3) necessary for the operation of the cable circuit furnished under item 1) as specified to provide a complete, functional circuit. Item 10. Auxiliary Equipment Installation at Point Woronzof - Installation and connection of all auxiliary equipment supplied under item 3) necessary for the operation of the cable circuit furnished under item 1) as specified to provide a complete, functional circuit. 20 A#l A#l A#l B - 63 Contract No. 97174 Item 11. Testing - Testing of the cables and their appurtances furnished and installed under items 1) to 10) in accordance with the specifications. This includes furnishing of all test equipment and compilation and distribution of test reports. Item 12. Demobilization - Removal from the site of all equipment and appurtenances used for the performance of the work, as well as clean up and disposal of all debris, spoils and trash after all work is completed. Price and compensation shall not exceed 5% of the installation work included under items 5 to 10 but shall not be less than 25% of the amount listed for “mobilization”. If the total costs are estimated to exceed the percentage amounts allowed, it shall be held that such costs shall be deemed to be included in prices for other items of work. Item 13. Cable Length - Furnishing and delivering one linear foot of cable as described under item 1). This unit will be used to adjust (add or subtract) payment for item 1 for actual cable lengths required as determined from the final route surveys and plans prepared by the Contractor and approved by the Owner. Item 14. Weatherday - One day of “stand by” for men and equipment during installation caused by unsuitable weather (Contractor to describe conditions for invoking “stand by” in its bid). SECTION 3. TERMS OF PAYMENT For services rendered upon completion of milestones as outlined in Section 2 of this Contract, the Contractor, will make application for payment, and Chugach shall pay said invoice on or before thirty (30) days after invoice receipt by Chugach, for Work accomplished. The payment shall be made on the basis of a schedule of values submitted by the Contractor to and approved by Chugach, showing evidence of the Contractor's right to payment for Work accomplished. Approval by Chugach of the application for payment is solely for the purposes of payment and shall not be deemed approval of the workmanship or materials. A maximum of ninety percent (90%) of each such estimate of the costs for Work accomplished and approved shall be paid by Chugach to the Contractor prior to completion of the Project Work. For the cable (products), upon the shipment of the cable and related materials and equipment (Equipment) hereunder, the Contractor shall submit to Chugach a detailed statement of the Equipment shipped. Chugach shall, upon receipt of the Equipment, pay the Contractor ninety percent (90%) of the Contract price of the Equipment, subject to Sections 4 & 5 of this Contract, said price to include insurance, customs duties, shipping, storage/demurrage, taxes, fees for licenses and permits, and unloading at the Project site if applicable. Upon Completion of the Project, Chugach shall inspect the Work, and if Chugach finds the Work acceptable and all provisions hereunder fully performed by the 21 B - 64 + 138KV SUBMARINE CABLES - KNIK ARM CROSSING CONTRACT 97-174 RFP 97-024 SUBMARINE CABLE BIDS BID TABULATION BIDDER BIDDER BIDDER PIRELLI BICC ALCATEL ITEM DESCRIPTION ENG.EST. SCHED. A SCHED. B SCHED. C TYPE OF SCHED. A SCHED. B SCHED. C TYPE OF SCHED. A SCHED. B SCHED. C TYPE OF 1999 2000 2001 CABLE 1999 2000 2001 CABLE 1999 2000 2001 CABLE er ee ee ee Ts320,000| _$104542| stoseaz} __stoa7es{ | ~*~ 8150,743[ s150,g00| «| $246,600] $255,200] szeatoof T__$1,500,000| _$385,5680| $393,202] s4oiise{ —Ssssd| SCs; $746,035] $783,400] | $809,600] $837,900] $867,200] i FN earre cee enenel | ese | ___ $1,200,000 $979,267] so98es2{ $io1ee2o; =—Ssss| SCS $1,126,800] $1,183,250] | $1,628,900] $1,685,900] $1,744,900] | __ $3,520,000] $1,866,518 | $1,903,849| $io41925[ dT SCS $4,372,200] $4,590,810] | $1,534,300] $1,588,000] $1,643,600] | __$1,773,600| $907,760] $925915| soaaass] Si (is| SCCdT;CC8907,800{ $946,900] | $4,464,700] $4,621,000] $4,782,700] Cd | ____ $160,000 $03,962] sase4i| sevcsa] | STS 872,000{ 75,600] | $317,300] $328,400] $339,900] | s120000] sez000| sen. Sa | sso] | stexsoo| _stroaoo|__strssnol_— | $62,000 $63,240 $64,505 $72,000 $75,600 $164,500 $170,300 $176,300 | ___$500,000| _ seie7e| sez910| seaies; =| SCs; $106,200] $117,500] | $399,500] $413,500] $428,000] r__$400,000[ $28,210] $28,775] —szas5o{ | CC] SC $106,200] $111,500] | $246,800] $255,400] $264,300] r $150,000 _$33,944| $34,623] sanate] —s| SS C*dSCCC$36,000] $37,800] | $47,000] $48,600] $50,300/ $468,371 | s477739{ Cd] SSC*~*éiL*C“C‘éSWOWNOOY ~~ GZOA.SBO| | $317,700] _—$328,800] $340,300, Cid $16,983,600 | $11,835,152 | $12,071,856] $12313,203| ss || ~—Ss—CSCSO' | $16,174,201] $16,982940[ | $17,734,500] $18,355,100] $18,997,500 Ec] 7) A |) 7) 1] |_| -seo0a7 |___seieeo | seasz2t | | segs] soia7s|_ ——=—=s«i|-—=«$563,400| _—$502,800| _—$e03,200]) ~—SSSSCSCSC=*@d SR De RS Ge RS in Ee rT +i| 2naoal —aiaoal ~—s aia, ——C—‘i‘iRCSC“‘(‘C;SOOC(*YSSNGB] gata], | tH] G/t/99] OO} r+| 2aoal 2iaool —saiaoo,,——(i‘é~irYSC<;‘C;SSC(*dr OC z8OB]zstoe] | 10408] t0/t/99] tO, OF Cables/Barge XLPE Cables/Stanelco — = - — $12,897,026 | $13,154,965 | $13,418,067 |2-3-CORE 2 yr. Warranty. No surveys, 25% performance bond, liability limits, changes to indemnification. will accept ours, but propose: 10%, 30 days; material at delivery, milestones for work 5 yr. Warranty. Exceptions to Liability, Indemnification, . Payment W.0.#E9720134 SUBMARBD.xIsat-a-glance Page 1 1/27/98 R - 45 « 138KV SUBMARINE CABLES - KNIK ARM CR CONTRACT RFP SUBMARINE CABLE BIDS BID TABULATION BIDDER BIDDER BIDDER FUJIKURA HITACHI MITSUI ITEM DESCRIPTION SCHED. A SCHED. B SCHED. C TYPE OF SCHED. A SCHED. B SCHED. C TYPE OF SCHED. A SCHED. B SCHED. C TYPE OF 1999 2000 2001 CABLE 1999 2000 2001 CABLE 1999 2000 2001 CABLE W/SPARE $7,684,503 $8,152,489] Oil Filled 4-1 Core $7,858,400 $8,054,860 $8,256,232] Oil Filled 4-1 Core $7,515,200} $8,116,416 $8,717,632] Core Fluid Filled [2 _|TERMINATIONS &ARRESTORS| __ $96,000] Pp sione4e] CTS $125,512] $128,650] $t3i,eee] $220,000] $237,600] $255,200 i [3 AUXILIARIES Cd $427,928] $440,766] $453,960] | $92,260] $402,067] $412 tio] $2,300,000] $2,484,000] $2,668,000] oie Wel eee ence e reece ecco ear ec eee ee ee ee ey [4 |MOBILIZATION.___—_+| $556,704 — $590,100] —«s625500]_ S| ~S($5,539,400] $5,811,400] $6,101,700] $1,828,400] $1,974,672] $2,120,944, [5 |CABLELAY.___—————_—*«iY~_—_$7,583,952| $8,039,000] $6,521,300] —SSC*| $15,751,100] $16,471,200] $17,231,100] | ($7,043,000 $7,606,440] $8,169,880] [6 |SHOREENDWORK ___| __$2,783,832| $2,950,900 $3,126,000_——CsC*‘“‘*‘*dCSC*C«CS7,:863;,200/—— $8,466,900] $9,117,700] | $1,302,000] $1,406,160] $1,510,320 [7 |PT.MACKTERMINATIONS | _$221,192| $234,500 —«$24a,60o]_——CCC*d| =S $315,200] $334,400] $354,900] | $84,600] $91,368] $08,136] PT.WORONZOF Pe ewmamiens | szzusea]—_szasoo] __scvoonn) | sets. szzramol sanssol_— | sez] sanamel neg | 3 ]pT. MACK AUX. ] $821,776] $871,100] $923,400] | $763,600] __$822,700| _see6,900_————S—SC=*d=SCSC=CtS 104,000) —ot12,a20|__—ssizo,eao]——SSSSCSC* |___10___|PT. WORONZOF AUX. | ___ $410,888] $435,500] —=s $467,eoo])——(—C(‘;S™:*C*dL:«CSC*«SSG,200|~— $610,500] — $057,700] | $65,000] $70,200] $75,400) Cd 71 testine $196,624] $208,400] $220,900 | $38,400] $40,900] $43,500] —~—~—=—=—=S=S~S~*d~S~C*«ST3,000/ — $14,040) —=«st5,08o] —SS—*d [12 [DEMOBILIZATION | $154,640] $163,900] $173,700] —] _$1.252,900| __ $1,316,100] __$1,363,200| | $383,900] __saiaet2| _saa5.az4| [| TOTAL | $21,189,231 $22,182564| $23,250,924 CSCSC*d;««9:40,682,472 $42,687,577 | $44,618,017| Ss $20,902,000 $22,574,160] $24,246,320] P13 [CABLELENGTH(FT) [22,000 ft. 22,000 ft. j22zooor | | SSS] 3.82} Sm |___14___ |WEATHERDAY $96,472] $102,300 $108,400[CSCSC*édE:C«i‘éS»ONAA#SOY $107,350] $113,570] | $120,000/day | $139,200/day [| i oe nt) Te eee I ee De Tee Te eee eg sl tT Res alesse eee gees ATT Tee TTT To | NOTICE OF AWARD r_anseel—atsige] tg] SC*| SS Mar-98] Mar] Mar-OO] | 5180/98 a) |“ INOTICE TO PROCEED r__saome, vase] a8] SCTSCMay-98] SS May-99] May-OO] 11/30/98) a) Would like 2 years warranty instead of 5 years. Would like 15 months instead of 12 for POP. 5 yr. Warranty. Scrap works not included in offer. Offer 5 yr. Warranty. Wants to discuss terms. includes indication for 7B cable only W.0.#E9720134 SUBMARBD.xIsat-a-glance Page 2 4/27/98 APPENDIX C TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBSTATION DRAWINGS Drawing # Description ....Bernice Lake Power Plant Site Plan International Substation General Arrangement .. .... Soldotna Substation Site Plan Point Woronzof Substation Site Plan Naptowne Substation Conceptual General Arrangement . Substation Reactor Addition SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE TABLES Table # Description Page # Bernice Lake Substation International Substation, Four Single-Core Submarine Cable ... C-12 International Substation, Two 3-Core Submarine Cable C-15 BNC SI cases cisssamansseimonncmmaananvatnemninnuniues 2 Point Woronzof Substation, Four Single-Core Submarine Cable.............. C-21 Point Woronzof Substation, Two 3-Core Submarine Cable .. C-24 . Naptowne Substation, Four Single-Core Submarine Cable . C-27 Naptowne Substation, Two 3-Core Submarine Cable............ C-30 Naptowne Reactor Station, Four Single-Core Submarine Cable .. C-33 . Naptowne Reactor Station, Two 3-Core Submarine Cable.... C-36 Microwave Transfer Trip Upgrade ............::scsesssessseeseees C-39 Point Possession, Four Single-Core Submarine Cable. . C-40 .Point Possession, Two 3-Core Submarine Cable............ - C-42 Daves Creek Substation, 20 Mvar Shunt Caps with 0-40 Mvar TCSC...... C-44 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) appendixc.doc 120376-09/al C-1 SUBSTATION DRAWINGS Cnn Ca = REV. 1 FIGURE SS-09 138KV OPTION mee e288 PROJECT: 2 fl DESIGN. w.0. BERNICE LAKE POWER PLANT CE) RECORD UPDATE 24.94V OVERHEAD DESTINATION, OMS, SCALE MANOR CORRECTIONS: ASBULT 75 MVA AMR & EQUPMENT INSTALLATION ceca SITE. PLAN | 5601 Minnesota Drive Ee sa Anchorage, Alaska [8 /vsonte (ope [sei ALSO%.'.499 10/24/05. 99519-6300 P BLPP-E-0010 PROJECT: Vv ENG. DESIGN: 3. CURA ee emmenemen 10. fof oemmnncom Fa ISSUED FOR CONSIDERATION Drive MINNESOTA -EDOE OF GRAVEL ROAD ASPHALT PARKING LOT are i OE 34.SKV SMLTCHYARO, GENERATOR BLDG. 1 7 GENERATOR BLDG. 2 GENERATOR BLDG. 3 Care 20 TRAMER PARKING Pr & AROOUSE ee ase 7400 oo ea i “4 jozs GATE 23} rue Bde, £ Zareecay aie o i i a a4) 1727 r eae) aoe —-} eerie : / i / ! ii i 1 : 1 ! 1 ta i asowaut i Foran : 1 Location oF i 1 Pua TAs 3 1 ! / i 1 : if i 1 : 1 : 1 i 1 : / ' 1 1 ‘a He am TI { L “YY 1] WATE 12 oce OF PAVING i ews € —— a 8 ren ¥ | stoRAce iS BLDG. E i 1 came 13 99519-6300 a—Z 5601 Minnesota Drive P.O. Box 196300 Anchorage, Alaska LEGEND en pecrextyoae: exsoent a Pre HroRANT ° unury Pou ~ owt Pout I= ewrow rowe e ‘STORM DRAIN MANHOLE ° eLectMc amour o SAMTARY SEWER CLEANOUT i) SANITARY SEWER MARHOLE aspuaut Comme ° MOMENT ——»——_ uworrcrouno mLEcTRICAL UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL a ODEN FENCE SME T= 30 FIGURE SS-11 138KV OPTION INTERNATIONAL SUBSTATION 34.5/138kV SWITCHYARD GENERAL ARRANGEMENT — ALTERNATE #1 5601 Minnesota Drive P.O. Box 196300 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 FIGURE SS-15 138KV OPTION HEA SOLDOTNA SUBSTATION SITE PLAN MAX AMPACITY 450 AMPS REV 1 FIGURE SS-17 138KV OPTION + 98.95 ELEVATION PT. WORONZOF SUBSTATION SITE PLAN 2. 3975 MAC - +112 COORDINATE POINT NUMBER PwSS-S-0002 5601 Minnesota Drive P.O. Box 196300 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 Gene J =¥= NNBSVE_NOUONBISNOD a o af HIE HT HT HT i a+b cog ee (A = [ear] [Ses | | g Le PROJECT: ENG. /DESIGN. 138/69 KV 30 MVA TRANSFORMER 138KV_REACTOR_RATI FLAT TYPE SUBMARINE CABLE - 8.5 MVAR CONVENTIONAL SUBMARINE CABLE - 28 MVAR 7 NAPTOWNE SUBSTATION ISSUED FOR APPROVAL . 3940 GLENBROOK DRIVE CONCEPTUAL GENERAL ARRANGEMENT HAILEY, |DAHO 83333 REVISIONS REFERENCE DRAWINGS THIS DRAWING WAS PREPARED BY POWER ENGINEERS. INC. FOR A SPECIFIC PROJECT. TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE SPECIFIC AND UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROJECT. REUSE OF THIS DRAWING OR ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING FOR ANY PURPOSE 1S PROHIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM BOTH POWER AND POWER’S CLIENT IS GRANTED. 70'-0" BACK-UP GEN -——_, 16' x 16! CONTROL ENCLOSURE ~— 20'-0" DRIVE GATE BUS TIE a CONTAINMENT 110'-0" OSGN| TWA 6/97 ORN DWN 1/97 CKD * * SCALE: NTS GLIA 3940 GLENBROOK ORIVE HAILEY. PLAN SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT POINT POSSESSION 40MVAR REACTOR FOR 4~-SINGLE CORE SUBMARINE CABLE 12.5MVAR REACTOR FOR 2-3 CORE SUBMARINE CABLE 120376 IDAHO 83333 SUBSTATION REACTOR ADDITION JOB NUMBER ORAWING NO. RCO1 |__natsz. tb! 13-JAN-1998 09:13 REV / MN 3 20MVAR SHUNT CAPBANK STET LINE + J TO EXISTING DAVES CREEK SUBSTATION THIS ORAWING WAS PREPARED BY POMER| ENGINEERS. INC. FOR & SPECIFIC PROJECT. TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE SPECIFIC x0 UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROKECT.| REUSE OF THIS ORA®ING OR ANT INFORMATION CONTAINED IM THIS DRAWING FOR ANY PURPOSE 15S PROMIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN PERWISS 10M! FROM BOTH POKER AN POMER'S CLIENT 1S) [cRantED. DISC SW. AND BYPASS DISC Sw € 1.0. TOWER. ISOLATING. 3 = 3 3S = 4S S= es a2 SZ a= e CAPS RACKS (TYP) THYRISTOR HOUSING PIPING AND CABLE TRENCH | HEAT EXCHANGERS. (TYP) REACTORS (TYP) 1.0. TOWER. ISOLATING. DISC SW. AND BYPASS DISC SW TISKV LINE + BYPASS BREAKER (ONE PER PHASE) CONTROL /COOL ING BUILDING (24'-0" x 48°-0") NOTES J. BUS CONNECTIONS ON PLATFORM ARE NOT SHOWN. SOUTHERN INTERTIE WUE ADDITION TO EXISTING DAVES CREEK SUBSTATION ISSUED FOR CONSIDERATION 8/15/97 AO, SLENBROOS ORES 4OMVAR THY CONTROLLED SERIES REVISIONS DATE rank nee CAPS (ICSC & ZOMVAR SHUNT CAP BANK 98 15:17 | SUBSTATION COST ESTIMATE TABLES SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-01 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Summary 138 KV Option, Bernice Lake Substation Summary TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. [MATERIAL [ LABOR _ [MATERIAL COST HRS UNIT EQUIPMENT (# of items) 28 | $1,473,650] 1336 | $133,600 $1,920,400 STRUCTURES (# of items’ 26 $15,677 | 57 $5,708 $71,300 CABLE & CONDUIT (ft. 0.96 $96 $54,600 | 340 $33,990 ISITE WORK (sq.ft) ss (492157 $25] 0.25 | $25] $89.75] 1189 | $118,925] $208,200 | Lot | _$111,500{ 208 | $20,800] — $192,500] 232 [ $23,200] $215,700 | [TESTING (#of majordevices) _ [| 15 [ $3,000] 104 [ $10400[ $3,000 186 [ $18,600] _—_—$21,600 | SUB TOTALS __ $2,378,075 5153 $515,315 $2,893,390 ENGINEERING 6.50% $188,070 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $202,537 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $289,339 TOTAL $3,573,337 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub-2.xls/summary 1 120376/al Cc-9 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS01 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate 138 KV Option, Bernice Lake Substation TOTAL | HRS [UNIT _| | HRS [UNIT | EQUIPMENT | CircuitBreakers CT 4 $100,000 60 [$6,000 $400,000[ 240 [$24,000 $424,000 | | Disconnect Switches dT 11 $10,000 24 [$2,400] $110,000[ 264 | $26,400] $136,400 | |_Instrument Transformers and Misc. Equipmef_12_ [| _$4,250[ 4 [$400] $51,000[ 48 =| $4,800] $55,800 | |_ 138/115 kV 150/200 MVA Autotransformer_[ 1 __[$1,300,000[ 120 | $12,000] $1,300,000| 120 | $12,000 | $1,312,000 | |_Demolition, Removal, Modifications | LOT [SOT 120 | $12,000[ Ss $0] +120 | $12,000] $12,000] | Deadend Structures dT 811,500 40 $4,000 $23,000T 80 [ $8,000 $31,000 | $13,200 [__ $46,200 | |_Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports [13 [$1,177] 5 [$508 $15,300[ 66 | $6,600[ $21,900 | FOUNDATIONS (CU.YD. | CircuitBreakers CT 2 $2507 6 TC SG00T $3,000 72 | $7,200] $10,200 | SwitchStands a se50T 6 s600T $11,000 264 [$26,400 $37,400 | | Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports | 40_[ $250] 6 | $600] $10,000 | 240 [$24,000] $34,000 | |_Autotransformer and OilContainment [44 [$250] 6 [$600] $11,000] $264] $26,400] $37,400 | | ControlHouse_ CT S250 6 S600 $4,000] 96 | $9,600] $13,600 | | _Deadend Structures | 82 S250T 6 Tse00T$8,000[ $i92[ $19,200 | $27,200 | CABLE & CONDUIT (FT. | CircuitBreakers T3030 0.18 TB] $18,9007 113 [ $11,340] $30,240 | | Instrument Transformers | 390 S10 0.05 | $5] $3,900] 20 [$1,950] $5,850 | | Autotransformer_ | 150 | S30 018 | sist $4500 27 [| $2,700] $7,200 | |_Yard Lighting & Convenience Outlets [600 [$8 005 | $5] $4,800 30 | $3,000] $7,800 | | PrecastCableTrench(ft) | 300 | $75] 05 | $50] $22,500[ 150 [ $15,000] $37,500 | |_Site Preparation, Access, and Surfacing [1 43,000[ $0.17 0.016 [$2 $34,750[ 695 | $69,500 $104,250 | | Fencing ts SBT OEE | SI7]$9,725[ 102 | $10,225] $19,950 | Grounding Sd C00 | SB.OOT O07 | S71 $44,800[ 392 | $39,200[ $84,000 | CONTROL HOUSE HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub-2.xls/Bernice Lake 120376/al C-10 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS01 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate 138 KV Option, Bernice Lake Substation TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. MATERIAL TABOR $10 MATERIAL COST | HRS | UNIT __| | Prefabricated Control Building & Accessorie] 1 | $72,000] 160 [| $16,000[ _$72,000[ 160 | $16,000] $88,000 | | AC&DCStationSevice ——s—SCSCSC—C*édL«CLOT. ‘| $1,500 40 | $4,000[ $12,500] 40 | $4,000] $16,500 | | Control, Relay, Metering, &Comm. Panels [ 4 | $27,000[ 8 | $800[ $108,000] 32 | $3,200] $111,200 | TESTING | Physical Check Out& Misc. Systems| LOT [ —s—s$0T =—36_—~dT SS $3,600 ~—s—ss $0] =—36 | $3,600] $3,600 | | Instrument Transformers CT SCT SCO] CTS $200 SO 12 $1,200] $1,200 | | CircuitBreaker—“‘CSSNCOCLC 4 OCT O$OT (12 ~T$1,200] S00 | Control, Relay, Metering, &Comm. Panels | 4 [$0] 12, [$1,200] $0 | | 138/115 kV Autotransformer | CT SO 1G | $1,600] $0 | Mobilization/Demobilization/Report__——s|_ LOT | $3,000] 26 _| SUB TOTALS $2,378,075 5153 _ $515,315 $2,893,390 ENGINEERING 6.50% $188,070 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $202,537 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $289,339 TOTAL $3,573,337 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub-2.xls/Bernice Lake 120376/al C-11 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-02 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Summary International Substation Summary, Four Single-Core Submarine Cable UNIT COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION cost | HRS [UNIT _| | -HRS [UNIT __| JEQUIPMENT (# of items) | '16_|_ $649,950 772 | $77,200 1032 |STRUCTURES (# ofitems) | 18 =| $15,767] 57_ | $5,733] $55,400] 212 | $21,200] $76,600 | JFOUNDATIONS (cu.yd.) | 112 | $1,250] 30 | $3,000] $27,875] 669 | $66,900] $94,775 | |CABLE & CONDUIT (ft) 1825] $126] 0.85 | ges] $35,550] 238 | $23,800] $59,350 | SITE WORK (sq. ft. | 2000] __—$9{ 009 | $9 $8,750] 86 | $8,600] __$17,350 | | 8 | |_32_ | $3,200] $111,200 | | 91 | | 162 | $16,200] $19,200 | SUB TOTALS $1,161,025 2431 $243,100 $1,404,125 ENGINEERING 6.50% $91,268 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. — 7.00% $98,289 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $140,413 TOTAL $1,734,094 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub.xls/Summary 4 120376/al C-12 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-02 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate International Substation, Four Single-Core Submarine Cable EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. cost | CircuitBreakers ss sC—=<“‘—*‘“*ésdSCSSC*dS«CS 100,000 60 | _—$6,000 $300,000] 180 | $18,000] $318,000 | [ Disconnect Switches ——<“C~*é‘L~SC~SSdT;«S $10,000 24 | $2,400[ $60,000] 144 | $14,400[ $74,400 | |_ Instrument Transformers and Misc. Equipme{_ 6 | $4500[ 4 | $400| $27,000[ 24 [| $2,400] $29,400 | | Reactor, 138kV,28MVAR SSCs St —*|«$500,000] 100 | $10,000] $500,000] 100 | $10,000] $510,000 | | Bus, Fittings, andMisc. —————S—SCS~C~*dCSCLOT'«*|~—‘$35,450| 584 | $58,400 $35,450[ 584 | $58,400] $93,850 | [| DeadendStructures—“‘;SM:#C*r OC Cd 500T 40 | $4,000T $23,000] 80 | $8,000] $31,000 | | SwithStands ss —“‘“‘C;SC;C;C;C(;*sSCOZ«COCS;COUC*#CS3,000( «=912 ~=[ $1,200] ~—$24,000| 84 | $8,400] $29,400 | [ Bus andinst. Transformer Supports ss || ~=9 =| ~SSt.267] 5 =| —$533] $11,400] 48 | $4800] $16,200 | FOUNDATIONS (CU. YD. | CircuitBreakers ss t—“‘C;SSOC*iLC COC OCC O$250[ 6 | $6007 $2,250[ 54 | $5,400] $7,650 | [ Switch Stands —C“‘CSWOCL O28 OL ~~ OS250[ 6 ~~ $600{ __—$7,000] 168 | $16,800[ $23,800 | [| ShuntReactor CC—“‘“CSC:#*'LSCOCI3:«CT;:CS $250 6 S000 $3,125] 75 | $7,500] $10,625 | | Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports [| 30__ | $250T 6 | $600 $7,500] 180 | $18,000] $25,500 | | Deadend Structures CC‘. #2~=CT =~ $250] 6 | $600 $8,000] 192 [| $19,200] $27,200 | CABLE & CONDUIT (FT. | Circuit Breakers C~—“‘CSC#*CLS «COO :*CT:~SC“‘éSBOYTCOLIS TC S18 $24,000] 144 | $14,400] $38,400 | [Instrument Transformers Cid; 400=«S| SS 0.05 | $5] $4,000] 20 ~[ $2,000] _—$6,000 | Yard Lighting & Convenience Outlets 100 SE TETIETl TEETIEIET EERTTEEREEeE Sees eeriee ee Precast Cable Trench (ft 75 $75 | S50] $5,625] 38 | $3,750] _— $9,375 | SITE WORK _(SQ. FT. Site Preparation, Access, and Surfacing $0.75 | «$2. | $750 $1,600 $2,350 Grounding $8 $8,000 $15,000 CONTROL HOUSE Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels | 4 | $27,000] 8 | $800 | _ $108,000 $111,200 ESTING Physical Check Out & Misc. Systems | tor] sof 28 | $2800f $0] 28 | $2,800 1,000 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub.xls/International 4 Single Core 120376/al C-13 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-02 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate International Substation, Four Single-Core Submarine Cable UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. |MATERIAL| LABOR _ $100 MATERIAL LABOR COST UNIT UNIT |_HRS_| | HRS _| |_Instrument Transformers | 3 GOT 2 $200 sof 6 $600 $600 | | CircuitBreaker GOT 2 $1,200 [S036 $3,600 | $3,600 | | Shunt Reactor S02 1,200 [02 $1,200 [$1,200 | |_Control, Relay, Metering, &Comm.Panels | 5 | $0f 17 [$1,080 $0 [54 $5,400 [$5,400 | |_Mobilization/Demobilization/Report_ | LOT | $3,000T 26 | $2,600[ $3,000 26 [| $2,600[ $5,600 | SUB TOTALS $1,161,025 2431 $243,100 $1,404,125 ENGINEERING 6.50% $91,268 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $98,289 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $140,413 TOTAL $1,734,094 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub.xls/International 4 Single Core 120376/al C-14 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-03 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Summary International Substation Summary, Two 3-Core Submarine Cable UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. /MATERIAL LABOR MATERIAL LABOR COST | HRS | UNIT | HRS | _UNIT 1032 [EQUIPMENT (# of items) | 16_| $474,950] 772 | $77,200] $747,450 | 1032 | $103,200] $850,650 | [FOUNDATIONS (cu.yd.) [| 107 | $1,250] 30 | $3,000{ $26,625] 639 | $63,900] $90,525 | CABLE & CONDUIT (ft) sf. 1825] $126] 085 | $85| $35,550] 238 | $23,800] $59,350 | CONTROL HOUSE Lot | $27,000[ 8 $800 $108,000 [32 $3,200 $111,200 TESTING (# of major devices | 12 | $3,000] 91 | $9,080 $16,200 $19,200 SUB TOTALS $984,775 _ 2401 $240,100 $1,224,875 ENGINEERING 6.50% $79,617 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $85,741 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $122,488 TOTAL $1,512,721 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub.xls/Summary 3 120376/al C-15 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-03 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate International Substation, Two 3-Core Submarine Cable UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. JMATERIAL [LABOR $100 _ |MATERIAL LABOR COST | HRS | UNIT UNIT EQUIPMENT | Circuit Breakers TT $100,000 60_T $6,000 $300,000 180 [$18,000 [$318,000 | | Disconnect Switches TT $40,000 24 [$2,400 $60,000 | 144 [$14,400 | $74,400 | |_Instrument Transformers and Misc. Equipment |__6 | _$4500[ 4 [$400[ $27,000| 24 [$2,400 $29,400 | | Reactor, 138kV,85MVAR | 7 $325,000] 100 | $10,000 | $325,000 [100 | $10,000 | $335,000 | | Deadend Structures $17,500 40 [$4,000 $23,000 80 [$8,000 $37,000 | | Switch Stands 783,000 12 [$1,200 | $21,000 [84 [$8,400 | $29,400 | |_Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports | 9 T4267] 5 [$533 FOUNDATIONS (CU. YD. | CircuitBreakers $250 6 $600 $2,250 54 T $5,400T $7,650 | | SwitchStands 8 S250 6 $600 $7,000 | 168 [$16,800 [$23,800 | | ShuntReactor 250 6 S600 $1,875 45 | $4,500[ $6,375 | |_Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports [| 30_ [$250 6 [$600 $7,500 180 | $18,000 [$25,500 | | Deadend Structures 82 T2507 6 e600] $8,000] 192 [ $19,200, $27,200 | CABLE & CONDUIT (FT. | Instrument Transformers | 400 [S10 [0.05 | ss[ $4,000[ 20 | $2,000| $6,000 | 450 o.o7 | $7] $1,125 32 $3,150 Yard Lighting & Convenience Outlets | 100 | $8f 0.05 | $5 $soo] 5 | $500 $1,300 | | PrecastCableTrench(ft) ST 75 S75, 0s [sot $5,625] 38 [| $3,750[ $9,375 | ITE WORK (SQ. FT. Site Preparation, Access, and Surfacing | ss. $750] 16 | $1,600] $2,350 | $8 $8,000 CONTROL HOUSE Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels $27,000] 8 | $800] $108,000 $3,200 | $111,200 n ‘a S be a HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub.xls/International Two 3 Core 120376/al C-16 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-03 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate International Substation, Two 3-Core Submarine Cable UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS DESCRIPTION QTY. |MATERIAL {LABOR __ $100 MATERIAL HRS UNIT HRS TESTING |_Physical Check Out & Misc. Systems | LOT [| SOT 28 | $2,800] S028 $2,800] $2,800 | |_InstrumentTransformers_ | ST GOT 2 S200] GOT S600] $600 | | CircuitBreaker SOT 12 $1,200 $0 386_ [$3,600] $3,600 | | ShuntReactor a GOT 12 81,2007 oT 2 [$1,200] $1,200 | |_Control, Relay, Metering, &Comm.Panels | 5 [$0 11 | $1,osof SO 54 [$5,400 $5,400 | |_Mobilization/Demobilization/Report_ | LOT | $3,000T 26 | $2,e00[ $3,000] 26 SUB TOTALS $984,775 2401 _— $240,100 _ $1,224,875 ENGINEERING 6.50% $79,617 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $85,741 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $122,488 TOTAL $1,512,721 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub.xls/International Two 3 Core 120376/al C-17 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-04 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Summary 138 KV Option, Soldotna Substation Summary UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL | HRS [UNIT | STRUCTURES (# of items 27 $15,883 58 $5,767 $60,400 | 238 $23,800 $84,200 $41,750 : |____—$41,750 | 1002 _| CABLE & CONDUIT (ft. 3350 $153[ 0.96 [ —_— $96 | $82,300 $49,800 $132,100 SITE WORK (sq. ft. [22700] (‘sé $26] 0.27 | $27] $41,700 | __573 $57,300 $99,000 $108,000 32 $3,200 $111,200 QTY. $19,000 SUB TOTALS $2,115,350 _ 4299 $429,900 $2,545,250 ENGINEERING 6.50% $165,441 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $178,168 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $254,525 TOTAL $3,143,384 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub-2.xls/summary 2 120376/al C-18 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-04 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate 138 KV Option, Soldotna Substation DESCRIPTION ary. COST | Circuit Breakers SSCSCSC*C~‘idSC‘CSCS «100,000 60 $6,000] $300,000] _180_| $18,000 | __ $318,000 | [ Instrument Transformers and Misc. Equipment 6 | $4,500[" 4 | $400{ $27,000] 24 | $2,400 _ $29,400 | [138/115 kV 150/200 MVA Autotransformer__[ 1 | $1,300,000 [120 | $12,000 $1,300,000 | _120_[ $12,000 | $1,312,000 | | Bus, Fittings, andMisc. | «LOT | $87,200 1304 [ $130,400] $81,200 1304 | $130,400] $211,600 | [ Deadend Structures CT tT $17,500] 40_T $4,000T $11,500] 40 | $4,000] $15,500 | [ SwitchStands CEC 3,000] 12 $1,200] $24,000[ 96 _ | $9,600] $33,600 | [ Bus and inst. Transformer Supports | 18 [$1,383[ 6 [ sse7[ $24,900 102 | $10,200] $35,100 | FOUNDATIONS (CU. YD. [ CircuitBreakers ss C“‘SSC*@YS O}:~=CT S250] 6 S600] $2,250] 54 [$5,400] _$7,650 | [ Switch Stands CC‘“ECSC_ CT $250 6 $600] $8,000 192 | $19,200] $27,200 | | Bus and inst. Transformer Supports | 66 [$2506 | $600] $16,500| 396 | $39,600] $56,100 | | Autotransformer and OilContainment_ [44 [$2506 | $600] $11,000] 264 | $26,400] $37,400 | | DeadendStructures CT te S250 6 fT se00[ $4,000] 96 _ | $9,600 $13,600 | CABLE & CONDUIT (FT. | Circuit Breakers Cd HOT S307 0.18 T sis] $37,500] 225 | $22,500] $60,000 | [Instrument Transformers | 700 [S10 0.05 | $5] $7,000[ 35 | $3,500] $10,500 | | Autotransformer | 800 $30 0.18 | sis] $18,000[ 108 | $10,800] $28,800 | | Yard Lighting & Convenience Outlets [600 | $8{ 005 | $5] $4,800[ 30 | $3,000| _ $7,800 | | Precast CableTrench(ft) | 200 TT s75[ 05 | s50[ $15,000[ 100 | $10,000] $25,000 | SITE WORK (SQ. FT. Site Preparation, Access, and Surfacing 20,000 $0.88] 0.018 | _—_— $2] $17,500 | 350 $35,000 $52,500 Fencing |__300_| $16.67] 0.183 | __—$18 | $5,000[ 55 | $5,500] _ $10,500 2,400 $19,200] 168 | $16,800] $36,000 CONTROL HOUSE Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels $27,000[ 8 | $800 $108,000] 32 | $3,200] $111,200 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub-2.xls/Soldotna 120376/al C-19 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-04 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate 138 KV Option, Soldotna Substation UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. |MATERIAL [LABOR $100 [MATERIAL LABOR COST UNIT UNIT TESTING |_Physical Check Out & Misc. Systems [| LOT [| $0T 28 [ $2g00T SOT 28 TT $2,800T $2,800 | |_Instrument Transformers | TST 2 g200f so 6 $600] $600 | | Circuit Breaker OT 12 $1,200[ $0 36 $3,600 [$3,600 | |_ Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels [4 [$0 12 | $1,200[ $0 [48 $4,800 [$4,800 | | 138/115 kV Autotransformer_ | tT GOT 16 [$1600 $016 [$1,600 | $1,600 | |_Mobilization/Demobilization/Report_ | Lot | $3,000[ 26 [$2600 $3,000 26 [$2,600 [$5,600 | SUB TOTALS $2,115,350 4299 _ $429,900 $2,545,250 ENGINEERING 6.50% $165,441 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $178,168 CONTINGENCY : 10.00% $254,525 TOTAL $3,143,384 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub-2.xls/Soldotna 120376/al C-20 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-05 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Summary Pt. Woronzof Substation Summary, Four Single-Core Submarine Cable UNIT COSTS TOTAL JEQUIPMENT (#ofitems) | 50_| $838,767 [2755 | $275,500] $1,547,600 | 3434 | $343,400| $1,891,000 | ISTRUCTURES (#ofitems) ss [|_ 46 [$16,325] 55 [$5,493] $131,500] 484 [| $48,400] $179,900 | IFOUNDATIONS (cu.yd.) | 283 [$1,500] 36 | $3,600[ $70,750 1698 [| $169,800[ $240,550 | ICABLE & CONDUIT (ft) sd 3150 $14if 0.89 [ sa9t $76,300] 470 [| $46,950] $123,250 | ISITE WORK (sq.ft) ss f@8050] $24] 0.24 [seat $113,250] 1508 | $150,750] $264,000 | Lot_| $110,900[ 208 | $20,800] $348,500 280 | $28,000] $376,500 | [TESTING (# of major devices) [| 31_[ $3,000[ 99 | $9,920] $3,000[ 276 | $27,600 _—_—*$30,600 | SUB TOTALS $2,290,900 8149 $814,900 $3,105,800 ENGINEERING 6.50% $201,877 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $217,406 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $310,580 TOTAL $3,835,663 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub.xls/summary 6 120376/al C-21 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-05 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate Pt. Woronzof Substation, Four Single-Core Submarine Cable UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. SNEED LE eS COST | HRS | UNIT | | HRS | UNIT | EQUIPMENT | CircuitBreakers ss C“‘;™COC*LSOO OC 9916671 ~=55 | $5,500] —$550,000[ 330 | $33,000] $583,000 | | DisconnectSwitches ss CC“‘L «#S13:°«CT:« $10,000 = 24 = [$2,400[ $130,000] 312 | $31,200] $161,200 | |_ Instrument Transformers and Misc. Equipment] 30 | $4500] 4 | $400[ $135,000] 120 | $12,000] $147,000 | 138 kV Reactor, 4OMVAR 1 $8,000 | $600,000] 80 | $8,000] $608,000 | LoT | $132,600[ 2592 | $259,200 STRUCTURES | Deadend Structures C—“‘(W#*L:*S OS OL ~«($12,2007 838 [$3,800] — $61,000] 190 | $19,000] $80,000 | | SwithStands Cti“‘(‘CSCCC*NSCI3':«<CTS $3,000 12 —T$1,200] $39,000] 156 | $15,600] $54,600 | | Bus and Inst. TransformerSuppors _—s—s| 28 [$1,257 5 | $4937 $31,500[ 138 | $13,800] $45,300 | FOUNDATIONS (CU. YD. |_ Circuit Breakers and Circuit Switchers [| 23, [$250 6 $6007 ~~ $5,750] 138 | $13,800] $19,550 | | Switch Stands C—“‘“CSNSCOC*NSCOSQU CT $2501 6 OT S600] $13,000[ 312 | $31,200] $44,200 | | Bus and Inst. TransformerSupports ss] 82_—d| ~$250[ 6 | $600] ~— $20,500] 492 | $49,200] $69,700 | pesctor and OF Corteinment ____f_s8_{ __s260{_6_{_ss00 | __$9.500 $228 |_ControlHouseti“‘“;COC*LCOUG CT O$250[ G6] $600] $4,000 |_96 $9,600 | _ $13,600 | Deadend Structures ss tC (twt*~*é“‘LCS CS 72~CdT:CSC SHOT OG CT SCOOT ~~ $18,000[ $432] $43,200[ $61,200 | CABLE & CONDUIT (FT. | CircuitBreakers ss C“‘“‘S:CO*C«OOO YT CSB O17 | SI7] $28,000] 168 | $16,800] $44,800 | | Instrument Transformers C*dT:C HT CSOT 0.05 | SS] 9,500] 48 | $4,750] $14,250 | | ShuntReactor CT 200 TSO 2 [S12] $4,000] 24 | $2,400] $6,400 | |_Yard Lighting & Convenience Outlets | 600 | $8] 0.05 | $5] $4,800] 30 | $3,000] _—$7,800 | 400 | _$75f 05 [ _—$50[ —-$30,000f 200 | $20,000] $50,000 | SITE WORK (SQ. FT. $45,000 | __900 $90,000 | __ $135,000 | Fencing CC‘ SS‘ | $15.00] 0.150 | S15| $8,250] 83 | $8,250] $16,500 | | __$8.00f 0.07 | _— $7] ~— $60,000 525 [| $52,500] $112,500 | HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub.xls/Pt. Woronzof 4 single core 120376/al C-22 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-05 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate Pt. Woronzof Substation, Four Single-Core Submarine Cable UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. |MATERIAL[LABOR $100 __ [MATERIAL LABOR COST UNIT | HRS [UNIT CONTROL HOUSE Prefabricated Control Building & Accessories $72,000 | 160 $16, oon $72,000 $16,000 $88,000 AC & DC Station Service $12,500 $12,500] 40 | $4,000 $16,500 Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels 10 $26,400 a $264,000 |__ 80 $8,000 |_ $272,000 TESTING |_Physical Check Out & Misc. Systems| LOT [$0] 36_ [$3,600] $0] 386_| $3,600] $3,600 | | Instrument Transformers | 15 OT GOT 2 $200 SO 380 $3,000 $3,000 | | CircuitBreaker GOT 2 $1,200T $0 60 | $6,000] $6,000 | |_ Control, Relay, Metering, &Comm. Panels [10 [ $0[ 11.2 [$1,120] $0] 112 [$11,200] $11,200 | re Mobilization/Demobilization/Report $3,000] 26 | $3,000 SUB TOTALS $2,290,900 8149 $814,900 $3,105,800 ENGINEERING 6.50% $201,877 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $217,406 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $310,580 TOTAL $3,835,663 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub.xls/Pt. Woronzof 4 single core 120376/al C-23 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-06 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Summary Pt. Woronzof Substation Summary, Two 3-Core Submarine Cable UNIT COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. JMATERIAL LABOR MATERIAL COST HRS UNIT | HRS [UNIT | EQUIPMENT (# of items 50 | $588,767 | 2755 | $275,500 $1,641,000 $5,493 $179,900 $3,600 1698 $240,550 3150 0.89 $8 SITE WORK (sq. ft. 0.24 $264,000 CONTROL HOUSE |___ $348,500] 280 | $28,000] _—— $376,500 | TESTING (# of major devices SUB TOTALS $2,040,900 8149 $814,900 $2,855,800 ENGINEERING 6.50% $185,627 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $199,906 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $285,580 TOTAL $3,526,913 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub.xls/summary 5 120376/al SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-06 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate Pt. Woronzof Substation, Two 3-Core Submarine Cable TOTAL DESCRIPTION ary. COST | HRS [UNIT | EQUIPMENT | CircuitBreakers CC‘ )SCS;#SC#C#*dSCO§N:#CYOC$QNG67[ 55 [ $5,500] $550,000] 330 | $33,000] $583,000 | Instrument Transformers and Misc. Equipment 30 | $4,500[ 4 | $400] $135,000] 120 | $12,000] $147,000 | /138kV Reactor, IMVAR—CidECi‘éSSCOCSi 138 kV Reactor, 11MVAR 1 $350,000] 80 | $8,000] $350,000 $8,000 | $358,000 Bus, Fittings, and Misc. $132,600 [ 2592 | $259,200 $132,600 | 2592 | $259,200| $391,800 STRUCTURES Deadend Structures $12,200 | 38 $3,800 $61,000] 190 | $19,000 $80,000 Switch Stands $3,000 $1,200 $39,000] 156 | $15,600 $54,600 |_Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports |] 28 [$1,125 5 | $493] $31,500[ 138 | $13,800[ $45,300 | FOUNDATIONS (CU. YD. |_ Circuit Breakers and Circuit Switchers | 23, [$250] 6 | $600] $5,750] 138 | $13,800] $19,550 | | SwitchStands $250] GT $600] $13,000] 312 | $31,200] $44,200 | | Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports | 82 $250{ 6 | $600] $20,500{ 492 | $49,200] $69,700 | | Reactor and OilContainment___— | 38 [| $250{ 6 | $600 $9,500] $228] $22,800 $32,300 | | ControlHouse tT S250T GT $600] $4,000] 96_[ $9,600] $13,600 | | _Deadend Structures CT eT $250 6 $600] $18,000] $432 $43,200] $61,200 | CABLE & CONDUIT (FT. | CircuitBreakers 1000 $28] 0.17 | $17] $28,000] 168 | $16,800] $44,800 | |_Instrument Transformers | 950 [$10] 0.05 | $5] $9,500] 48 | $4,750] $14,250 | | ShuntReactor 200 $20 0.12 | si2t $4,000] 24 [$2,400 $6,400 | |_Yard Lighting & Convenience Outlets [| 600 | $8{ 0.05 | $5] $4,800[ 30 | $3,000] $7,800 | | PrecastCableTrench(ft) =] 400 TT $75[ 05 [$50] $30,000[ 200 | $20,000T $50,000 | SITE WORK (SQ. FT. Site Preparation, Access, and Surfacing Fencing Grounding 8 [$0.75] 0.015 | $2] $45,000] 900 | $90,000] $135,000 | $15.00 0.150 [$15] $8,250 83 [$8,250] $16,500 | $60,000] 525 | $52,500[ $112,500 “ 3S N a stale 3 ° HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub.xls/Pt. Woronzof two 3-core 120376/al C-25 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-06 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate Pt. Woronzof Substation, Two 3-Core Submarine Cable UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. [MATERIAL[LABOR $100 [MATERIAL LABOR COST | HRS [UNIT UNIT CONTROL HOUSE Prefabricated Control Building & Accessories | __1 | $72,000] 160 | $16,000 $72,000| 160 | $16,000 $88,000 AC & DC Station Service $12,500 40 $4,000 $16,500 Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels | 10 | $26,400 80 $8,000 | $272,000 36 Instrument Transformers | is [| ~=sof 2 | $200] SO] 30 | «$3,000 $3,000 | CircuitBreaker ss Ct—“‘“SC*TSCO OCLCOC“‘é&OYYS «C42s—CdT, $1,200] SOT GO| $6,000] $6,000 Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels [ 10 | — $0[ 11.2 | $1,120[ ~— $0] 112 | $11,200 $11,200 Shunt Reactor | 1 [ gof 12 [ $1,200[ $0 12 [$1,200 $1,200 Mobilization/Demobilization/Report | 26 | $2,600 $3,000[ 26 [ $2,600 $5,600 SUB TOTALS $2,040,900 8149 _ $814,900 _ $2,855,800 ENGINEERING 6.50% $185,627 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $199,906 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $285,580 TOTAL $3,526,913 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub.xIs/Pt. Woronzof two 3-core 120376/al SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-07 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Summary Naptowne Substation Summary, Four Single-Core Submarine Cable UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION MATERIAL COST HRS | HRS [UNIT | | 40 | $1, | 44 | ee eee 44 | $14,749] 66 | ‘$6,605 | $76,560 | 632 $63,200 $139,760 oasis as feta} |e ee CABLE & CONDUIT (ft) —s—“s| 4760 | S93] 13 $130] $49,850 716 $71,570 $121,420 ISITE WORK (sq.ft) —s—SS—S*d'110,000[ S21 03 $26] $232,500[ 3045 | $304,500] —_—*$537,000 | $101,643 | 230 | $23,029] ——-$204,500[ 292 | $29,200] $233,700 | TESTING (# of major devices $3,500] 156 [| $15600[ _—$3,500[ 336 [| $33,600] —_—$37,100 | SUB TOTALS $2,492,285 7829 $782,920 $3,275,205 ENGINEERING 6.50% $212,888 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $229,264 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $327,521 TOTAL $4,044,878 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub.xls/summary 2 120376/al C-27 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-07 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate Naptowne Substation, Four Single-Core Submarine Cable UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL COST DESCRIPTION QTY. |MATERIAL | LABOR $100 MATERIAL LABOR | HRS [UNIT __| EQUIPMENT | Circuit Breakers 5 $92,000T 56 $5,600] $460,000] 280 | $28,000] $488,000 | | DisconnectSwithes 13 89,015 [ 23 | $2,277] $125,000] 296 | $29,600] $154,600 | |_Instrument Transformers and Misc. Equipment_| 20 | $5,300{ 6 | $600 $106,000] 120 | $12,000] $118,000 | | 138/69 kV 30 MVA Autotransformer | 1 $600,000] 100 _| $10,000 | $600,000] 100 | $10,000] $610,000 | |_ Shunt Reactor 138kV, 28MVAR_ | $500,000] 100 | $10,000] $500,000] 100 _| $10,000] $510,000 | 668 STRUCTURES Deadend Structures Switch Stands Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports FOUNDATIONS (CU. YD. Circuit Breakers 3 $12,000 $3,467 $36,000 104 $10,400 $46,400 $2,428] 23 | $2,338] $31,560] 304 | $30,400 $61,960 | $321] 8 $800 | _$9,000| 224 | $22,400[ $31,400 | 6 | seoo] $3,625] 87 [| $8,700] $12,325 | | $250] 6 S600] $11,750] 282 | $28,200] $39,950 | | $260] 6 | $600 $13,625| 327 | $32,700] $46,325 | |__ $250] 6 | $600] $8,375] 201 | $20,100] $28,475 | | 6 | $600] $5,000] 120 | $12,000] $17,000 | $250] 6 | seoo[ $9,500[ 228 | $22,800| $32,300 | Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports Transformer, Reactor and Oil Containment Control House Deadend Structures CABLE & CONDUIT (FT. | Circuit Breakers SOOT SOT 0.13 J $13] $13,500] 188 [$18,750] $32,250 | | Instrument Transformers Tt $3 007 | $7 { $2,275] 64 [$6,370] $8,645 | | _AutotransformerandReactor__— | 600 [$4] 0.08 | sat $2575] 50 [$4,950] $7,525 | |_Yard Lighting & Convenience Outlets] 750_[ $2{ 0.02 | sat $1500] 15 [$1,500] $3,000 | | Precast Cable Trench (ft) |S] 400 T $75[ 1 [$100 $30,000] 400 [$40,000] $70,000 | ITE WORK (SQ. FT. Site Preparation, Access, and Surfacing 110,000] = $1{ 001 [ — $1 [ $152,000] 1,630 | $163,000] $315,000 | Fencing Oe CC“‘(C‘*L OO SIG | 0.17 | $17] $20,500] 215 | $21,500] $42,000 | Grounding C“‘CNCO*1SOOOT $4 0.08 $60,000 [ 1200 | $120,000 [ $180,000 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub.xls/Naptowne 4 single core 120376/al SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-07 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate Naptowne Substation, Four Single-Core Submarine Cable UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. [MATERIAL [LABOR $100 _ [MATERIAL LABOR COST | HRS [UNIT UNIT CONTROL HOUSE Prefabricated Control Building & Accessories | 1 | $72,000] 160 | $16,000] $72,000 $16,000 $88,000 AC & DC Station Service $12,500] 60 | $6,000{ $12,500{ 60 | $6,000 Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels | 7 [| $17,143] 10 [| $1,029 $7,200 | $127,200 TESTING Physical Check Out & Misc. Systems | LoT[ _—- got 52 [| $5,200[ $0[ 52 | $5,200 $5,200 | Instrument Transformers CT CT CSOT 4 S400 SOT 36 ~~ «$3,600 $3,600 | CircuitBreaker CE TCO 12 St200] SO 60 | ~—$6,000 $6,000 Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels Y 6 | $0{ 20 | $2,000] $0{ 120 | $12,000 $12,000 Autotransformer | 2 [ go] 2 | $2e00f sof 28 | $2,800 $2,800 Mobilization/Demobilization/Report $3,500[ 40 | $4,000 $3,500[ 40 | $4,000 $7,500 SUB TOTALS $2,492,285 7829 $782,920 $3,275,205 ENGINEERING 6.50% $212,888 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $229,264 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $327,521 TOTAL $4,044,878 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub.xls/Naptowne 4 single core 120376/al SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-08 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Summary Naptowne Substation Summary, Two 3-Core Submarine Cable UNIT COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION ory. TER COST | HRS [UNIT _| | HRS [UNIT __| [EQUIPMENT (#ofitems) __—=—sd|_ = 40_—*d|« $1,114,415 | 952 | $95,227 | $1,698,500] 1564 | $156,350] _ $1,854,850 | [STRUCTURES (#ofitems) _——sd|—44_—* $14,749 66 | $6,605] $76,560] 632 _[ $63,200] _ $139,760 | [FOUNDATIONS (cuyds) __———sd|_- 203 ‘| $1,500 36 | $3,600| $50,625] 1215 | $121,500] $172,125 | [CABLE & CONDUIT (ft) —Sss——Céd| «A160 ‘| Sos] 13 si30[ $49,850] 716 | $71,570[ $121,420 | 110,000] $210.3 [sae] $232,500] 3045 | $304,500] _—$537,000 | Lot_| $101,643 |" 230 [$23,029] $204,500] 292 | $29,200[ $233,700 | TESTING (# of major devices | 22 | $3,500[ 156 | $15,600 SUB TOTALS $2,316,035 7799 $779,920 $3,095,955 ENGINEERING 6.50% $201,237 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $216,717 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $309,596 TOTAL $3,823,504 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub.xls/summary 1 120376/al C-30 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-08 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate Naptowne Substation, Two 3-Core Submarine Cable on. | UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL QTY. DESCRIPTION MATERIAL | LABOR $100 MATERIAL LABOR COST HRS | HRS | UNIT | | Circuit Breakers C~—“‘;S;N;SCC*‘NSSON CY 992,000[ 56 | $5,600[ $460,000] 280 | $28,000] $488,000 | [ Disconnect Switches C=“‘d SS =| 89,15 | 23 [$2,277] $125,000] 296 | $29,600| $154,600 | [_Instrument Transformers and Misc. Equipment | 20 | $5,300[ 6 | $600 $106,000] 120 | $12,000[ $118,000 | | 138/69kV 30MVA Autotransformer sd = 1 ~—«|:-$600,000[ 100 | $10,000] $600,000| 100 | $10,000] $610,000 | | ShuntReactor 138kV,85MVAR_ dT Ss 1«|_: $325,000] 100 | $10,000] $325,000] 100 | $10,000] $335,000 | STRUCTURES | Deadend Structures C“‘CSCSY'LS #OCSFOC;CO912,0007 35 [ $3,467 $36,000[ 104 | $10,400] $46,400 | | SwithStands ss C“‘“CSNCCOC#*CNSCOCI3: C[:~O$2,4287 23 [$2,338] $31,560[ 304 [$30,400] $61,960 | | Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports | 28 [$321] 8 [$800] $9,000] 224 FOUNDATIONS (CU. YD. | CircuitBreakers_ ss C“‘“‘CS)TC;C)SCOIO CT ~~ $2507 6 ~[ $6007 $3,625] 87 | $8,700[ $12,325 | | SwithStands ss C—“‘“S’NCC#*NSCO47:«~C[:~SC SOHO] GT HOOT $11,750 282 | $28,200] $39,950 | | Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports __——sd|_ 55_~| $250 6 | Se00| $13,625] 327 | $32,700| $46,325 | | Transformer, Reactor and Oil Containment | 29 [$250] 6 [$600] $7,125{ 171 | $17,100] $24,225 | | ControlHouse ss C—“‘SCO(CNS OOO CL OS250] 6 | $600 $5,000] 120 | $12,000] $17,000 | | Deadend Structures C“‘SY!:C*OOS OCT) $250[ 6 | $600] $9,500[ 228 | $22,800 $32,300 | | CircuitBreakers_C“‘SWC*O(Cd*;CASOOT $97 0.13 [$137 $13,500] 188 [$18,750] $32,250 | | Instrument Transformers Cid Ts| Ss $3] 07 [$7] $2,275, 64 [$6,370] $8,645 | | AutotransformerandReactor ss Csd| «00:'[| $4 0.08 | S8t$2.575[ 50 [$4,950 $7,525 | Yard Lighting & Convenience Outlets 750 [ _—$2.| $1,500 | __ $70,000 | | 0.02 _| Precast Cable Trench (ft | 1 | ITE WORK (SQ. FT.) » So o $100 | $30,000 $40,000 $70,000 Site Preparation, Access, and Surfacing 110,000] = $1[ 001 [ ‘$1 | $152,000] 1,630 | $163,000] $315,000 | Fencing Ci‘ B00 [SG 0.17 | S17] $20,500] 215 | $21,500] $42,000 | Grounding —C(‘z‘ S,OOOL $4 0.08 [$8] $60,000 1200 | $120,000[ $180,000 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub.xls/Naptowne two 3-core 120376/al C-31 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-08 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate Naptowne Substation, Two 3-Core Submarine Cable TESTING Physical Check Out & Misc. Systems | Lor [| _— go] 52 | $5,200] ~~ gof 52 [| $5,200 Instrument Transformers | 9 [ sof 4 | $400f sof 36 | $3,600 | CircuitBreaker CT TOT 12 81,200] S060 [$6,000 Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels | 6 | $0] $2,000] ss $0{ 120 | $12,000 Autotransformer ) 2 {$0 | $0 28 | $2,800 Mobilization/Demobilization/Report LOT | 40 | $4,000 SUB TOTALS $2,316,035 7799 $779,920 ENGINEERING 6.50% CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% CONTINGENCY 10.00% TOTAL HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub.xls/Naptowne two 3-core 120376/al TOTAL | HRS [UNIT _| CONTROL HOUSE |_Prefabricated Control Building & Accessories [1 | $72,000] 160 [$16,000] $72,000[ 160 | $16,000 $88,000 | | AC&DCStationService | «LOT [$12,500] 60 [| $6,000] $12,500[ 60 | $6,000] $18,500 | $5,200 $3,600 $6,000 $12,000 $2,800 $7,500 $3,095,955 $201,237 $216,717 $309,596 $3,823,504 C- 32 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-09 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Summary Naptowne Reactor Station Summary, Four Single-Core Submarine Cable UNIT COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION ary. COST | HRS | UNIT _| [FOUNDATIONS (cuyds) __—*| _94 =| $1,500[ 36 | $3,600[$23,375| 561 | $56,100| $79,475 | [CABLE &CONDUIT (ft) _—=—s—s| 2080 [ST] 13 [ giz0]$35,775| 497 | $49,660] $85,435 | 140,000] $21 | | $26 | $232,500 | $23,33 [TESTING (# of majordevices) | __ 8 __| SUB TOTALS $1,159,490 5358 $535,760 $1,695,250 ENGINEERING 6.50% $110,191 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. — 7.00% $118,668 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $169,525 TOTAL $2,093,634 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub1.xls/summary 2 120376/al C-33 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-09 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate Naptowne Reactor Station, Four Single-Core Submarine Cable TOTAL DESCRIPTION LABOR $100 [MATERIAL COST | HRS [UNIT | | HRS [UNIT | | Circuit Breakers ———S=é—<“—tS™~™SCSCS ~~ 1~«dYC« 100,000] 60 | $6,000] $100,000] GO | $6,000] $106,000 | | Disconnect Switches_————————~+i|~—1~_~+i| ~=«$10,000f 24 | $2,400[ $10,000] 24 | $2,400| $12,400 | | Instrument Transformers and Misc. Equipment |__8 | $5,750] 9 | $900] $46,000] 72 | $7,200] $53,200 | | Shunt Reactor 138kV,28MVAR__—_—~—=«iL__1__| $500,000] 100 | $10,000] $500,000] 100 | $10,000] $510,000 | | Bus, Fittings, andMisc. ———=———~idYsCSCLOT *| $9,000] 315 | $31,500] $39,000] 315 | $31,500[ $70,500 | | DeadendStructures ~~ ~~~~~~—~—S«<'([__ 2 | $13,200] 40 | $4,000] $26,400] 80 | $8,000] $34,400 | | SwitchStands —S™é<C~;*;*~*~™S~—C~< SSC*‘dCY’S~Cé‘S2,*SQOTT «24 $2,400T —$7,560[ 72 | $7,200] $14,760 | | Bus andInst. Transformer Supports «| 9 | sa20] 8 | $800] $2880[ 72 | $7,200] $10,080 | FOUNDATIONS (CU. YD. | CircuitBreakersSSt™—~—“—;S™C~CSYSCOC CT SSC SCOCSCT:SCSGOOTTCCS7HQOT 18 | $1,800] $2,550 | | SwitchStands—Ss™~—<CS™~SC—C «SST SCOT CTS SGOT ~~ $3,000[ 72 | $7,200[ $10,200 | | Bus andInst. Transformer Supports «|| ='18 =| ~~ S250] ~6 =| ~—S $000] ~—$4,500{ 108 | $10,800[ $15,300 | | ReactorandOiContainment ———sd| S13 «| =~ 250] 6 =| ~SSS00| ~=—$3,125[ 75 =| $7,500] $10,625 | | Contro\House.—™—~—“—~*~*~*SCSSCSCSCCCSTSCSCd|SCSGOT «OC~SC| «SC GQOT] ~~ $5,000] 120 | $12,000[ $17,000 | | DeadendStructures—~=<“*~*é*sYSCi :C‘*LEC“C#“#’‘CéSST ~~ ~SC GO| ~—sS$7,000 168 | $16,800 $23,800 | CABLE & CONDUIT (FT. Circuit Breakers [0.13 [ $137 $2,700[ 38 | $3,750] —_—*$6,450 | Instrument Transformers | 0.07 | -$7{_—s$70o{ +20 | $1,960] $2,660 | Reactor Yard Lighting & Convenience Outlets | 0.07 [$7] $e75] 25 | $2,450] $3,325 | $1,500 $3,000 NiO aya ojo A N a Precast Cable Trench (ft $100] $30,000{ 400 | $40,000 $70,000 SITE WORK (SQ. FT. Site Preparation, Access, and Surfacing 110,000. $1{[ 0.01 [| $1] $152,000] 1,630 | $163,000] $315,000 | Fencing C—“‘CSCCCC(#*d*QOO'Y]O$16[ 0.17 | $17] $20,500 $21,500 | $42,000 [| Grounding C“‘CS;COOCOC(#*N Y5,OOOL UC S47 0.08 | $8 $60,000] 1200 | $120,000] $180,000 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub-1.xls/Naptowne reactor 4 single core 120376/al C-34 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-09 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate Naptowne Reactor Station, Four Single-Core Submarine Cable UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. [MATERIAL | LABOR ee MATERIAL LABOR cost [| UNIT | UNIT CONTROL HOUSE Prefabricated Control Building & Accessories [| 1 | $72,000] 160 | $16,000] $72,000 150 | $16,000 $88,000 AC & DC Station Service $12,500{ 60 | $18,500 Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels | 3 | $16,000] 13 | j $52,000 Physical Check Out & Misc. Systems | __-$of 48 | $4,800 $4,800 | SO] 612 =| $1,200 $1,200 | sof 12 [$1,200 $1,200 Control, Relay, Metering, & Comm. Panels $2, ooof _—s $of 60 | — $6,000 $6,000 $2,800[ ss $0 {| 28 | $2,800 $2,800 a ToT $4,000 | __ $3,500 $4,000 SUB TOTALS $1,159,490 5358 $535,760 $1,695,250 ENGINEERING 6.50% $110,191 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $118,668 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $169,525 TOTAL $2,093,634 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub-1.xls/Naptowne reactor 4 single core 120376/al C-35 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-10 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Summary Naptowne Reactor Station Summary, Two 3-Core Submarine Cable UNIT COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. COST | HRS | UNIT _| | HRS | UNIT __| [STRUCTURES (#ofitems) [| 14 T $16,040[ 72 | $7,200] $36,840] 224 | $22,400] $59,240 | [FOUNDATIONS (cuyds) | 89_T$4,500[ 36 | $3,600] $22,125] 531 | $53,100] $75,225 | [CABLE & CONDUIT (ft) [2080 [oi 1.3 T si29]$35,775[ 497 | $49,660] $85,435 | ISITE WORK (sq.ft) f4t0,000f S21 0.3 [$26] $232,500] 3045 | $304,500| $537,000 | ICONTROLHOUSE | Lot_| $100,500] 233 | $23,333] $132,500{ 260 | $26,000] _—$158,500 | [TESTING (# of majordevicesy) [8 | $3,500[ 152 [ $15,200] $3,500[ 200 [ $20,000] $23,500 | SUB TOTALS $983,240 5328 $532,760 $1,516,000 ENGINEERING 6.50% $98,540 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $106,120 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $151,600 TOTAL $1,872,260 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub-1.xls/summary 1 120376/al C-36 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-10 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate Naptowne Reactor Station, Two 3-Core Submarine Cable HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub-1.xls/Naptowne reactor two 3-core 120376/al UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION LABOR $100 _|MATERIAL LABOR Cost | HRS [UNIT _ | EQUIPMENT | Circuit Breakers Tt $100,000T 60] $6,000] $100,000] 60__[ $6,000 | $106,000 | | DisconnectSwitches Tt $10,000 24 | $2,400] $10,000] 24 [$2,400] $12,400 | |_Instrument Transformers and Misc. Equipment | 8 [| _$5,750[ 9 [$900] $46,000] 72 [$7,200] $53,200 | | Shunt Reactor 138kV,8.5MVAR_ |_| $325,000 100 | $10,000] $325,000] 100 | $10,000 | $335,000 | |_Bus, Fittings, andMisc. | SLOT | $39,000T 315 | $31,500] $39,000[ 315 | $31,500 [$70,500 | STRUCTURES | Deadend Structures $13,200 40] $4,000] $26,400] 80 | $8,000] $34,400 | | Switch Stands 82,520 24 | $2,400] $7,560] 72 | $7,200[ $14,760 | |_Bus and Inst. Transformer Supports [9 | $3207 8 [S800] s2,ee0[ 72 [ $7,200[ $10,080 | FOUNDATIONS (CU. YD. | Circuit Breakers $250 Se00T $750 18 [$1,800] $2,550 | | SwitchStands Tt $250 6 se00 [$3,000 72 [$7,200 $10,200 | |_Bus and inst. Transformer Supports [| 18 | $2506 [$600 $4,500] 108 | $10,800 | $15,300 | | Reactor and OilContainment_ | 8 $250 6 se00 | sie75] 45 | $4,500| $6,375 | | ControlHouse__ | 20 THOT GT S600 $5,000 [120] $12,000 | $17,000 | | Deadend Structures TT S250 6 S600 $7,000 168 [$16,800 | $23,800 | CABLE & CONDUIT (FT. 300 [| $9 0.13 [$13] $2,700T 38 $3,750] $6,450 | |_Instrument Transformers | 280 | $3T 0.07 | s7{ $700 20 [$1,960 | $2,660 | | Reactor 850 83 07 sz $875 [25 $2,450 [$3,325 | Yard Lighting & Convenience Outlets | 750 | _—$2{ 002 | sat $iso0f 15 $1,500[ $3,000 | | Precast Cable Trench (ft) | 400 YT s75 iT $100 [$30,000 [400 | $40,000 | $70,000 | 110,000] $1] 0.01 T $17 $152,000 [1,630 | Fencing 0 1300 [16 | 0.17 [17 [$20,500 [215 | $21,500 | $42,000 | | Grounding 15,000 $4 | 0.08 [$8 | $60,000 | 1200 | $120,000 [$180,000 | SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-10 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate Naptowne Reactor Station, Two 3-Core Submarine Cable TOTAL | HRS [UNIT __| CONTROL HOUSE |_ Prefabricated Control Building & Accessories [1 | _$72,000[ 160 | $16,000] $72,000] 160 | $16,000] _ $88,000 | | AC &DC StationSevice CT CLOT [$12,500] 60 | $6,000] $12,500[ 60 | $6,000] $18,500 | | Control, Relay, Metering, &Comm. Panels | _ 3 $16,000[ 13 [ $1,333] $48,000] 40 | $4,000] $52,000 | TESTING |_Physical Check Out & Misc. Systems [| LOT | $0] 48 | $4,800f $0] 48 [$4,800] $4,800 | | Instrument Transformers | ST SOT 4 S400 Sof 12 [$1,200] $1,200 | | CircuitBreaker CT TOT 12812007 SO 12 | $1,200] $1,200 | |_Control, Relay, Metering, &Comm.Panels [| 3 {| $0] 20 | $2,000] $0] 60 | $6,000] _—$6,000 | | Reactor O28 2,800] $0] 28 | $2,800] $2,800 | of 40 [ $4,000T $3,500] 40 | $4,000[ $7,500 | SUB TOTALS $983,240 5328 $532,760 $1,516,000 ENGINEERING 6.50% $98,540 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $106,120 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $151,600 TOTAL $1,872,260 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub-1.xls/Naptowne reactor two 3-core 120376/al C-38 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table SS-11 - Cost Estimating Information Substation Cost Estimate Microwave Transfer Trip Upgrade EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL | HRS [UNIT _] UNIT |_ Redundant Digital Transmitter/Receivers [8 _| 000 | 60__| $6,000] $400,000] 480 | $48, | Upgrade Station Power System [3 [$10,000 40 [$4,000 $30,000[ 120 | $12,000| $42,000 | jaar 2a | 24 | | 32_| Transfer Trip Interface Equipment $2,400 | $15,000 $4,800 $19,800 ,200[ _$2,500[ 32 _| $5,700 SUB TOTALS $447,500 _ 680 $68,000 _ $515,500 a LOT $3,200 ENGINEERING 6.50% ; $33,508 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $36,085 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $51,550 TOTAL $636,643 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) sub-L.xls/transfer trip 120376/al C-39 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table RC-01 - Cost Estimating Information Reactive Compensation Cost Estimate Pt. Possession, Four Single-Core Submarine Cable UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. MATERIAL LABOR MATERIAL COST HRS HRS EQUIPMENT | 138 kV, Disc.Sw.(ea) CT tT $10,000T 8 $8007 $10,000T 8 | $800] $10,800 | | 138 kV, Circuit Breaker(ea) Cid S| «$100,000 60 | $6,000] $100,000[ 60 | $6,000] $106,000 | | 138 kV Station Postinsulator(ea) | 12 ~T $400] 4 T4007 $4,800] 48 | $4,800] ‘$9,600 | | 138kV Bus/Fittings CT 870 TSG 0.35 | $35] $5,920] 1295 | $12,950| $18,870 | |_138kV Surge Arrestors(ea) dT 8 T6000 4 [$400 $18,000] 12 [ $1,200[ $19,200 | STRUCTURES (Tapered Tube |_ 138 kV, Disc. Sw., 2700#(ea) | T3300 12 ~[$1,2007 —$3,300[ 12 | $1,200] —*$4,500 | |_138 kV Three Phase Bus Support, 2000# (ea) | 2 [$2,000] 8 | $800[ $4,000] 16 | $1,600] $5,600 | |_138 kV Switch Rack, 15,000#(ea) | tT $15,000 30 | $3,000[ $15,000] 30 [ $3,000[ _ $18,000 | FOUNDATIONS | 138KV,Disc.Sw.2cy dT 4 $505 CT S500T —$4,000T 20 [| $2,000] _—‘$3,000 | 138kV Three Phase Bus Support, 2cy | 8 [| $250[ 5 | $500] ~— $2,000] 40 =| $4,000] —*$6,000 | |_138 kV 40 MVAR Reactor, 15'x15'x2), 17cy [| 17 | $250[ 5 | $500] $4,250/ 85 | $8,500] $12,750 |_138kV SwitchRack,6cy 24 T2505 | S500] ~— $6,000] 120 | $12,000] $18,000 | | 138kV CircuitBreaker, 3cyea. | 3 | S250 5 OT S500] ~—S S750] 15 | $1,500] $2,250 | B.U.Generato,4cy CT 4 TSO 5 CT S500] $1,000] 20 | $2,000] $3,000] | Control Enclosure, 16x16x1',9cy | 9 | S250] 5 =~ $500] ~— $2,250] 45 | $4500] $6,750 | Oil Containment, 25c’ 25 $250 5 $500 $6,250 CABLE & CONDUIT |_Site Preparation, Site Plus 20'(sqft) [12000 $0.30T 0.008 T St{ $3,600 96 [$9,600] $13,200 | | Fence 860 812.00] 0.05 [ss $4,320 18 | $1,800[ $6,120 | Grounding, 4/0 Cu, 20 ft. grid (ft | 800 | $6.00] 0.05 | $5 $4,800] 40 [$4,000 | $8,800 | | AccessRoad_ | 80 $50.00T 1 [$100 | | 50 | $5,000] $7,500 | | Crushed Rock, 6"(sqft) 7000 T $0.25[ 0.004 | $0 | | 26 | $2,800] $4,550 | HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) re_b.xls/RC-01 120376/al C -40 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table RC-01 - Cost Estimating Information Reactive Compensation Cost Estimate Pt. Possession, Four Single-Core Submarine Cable TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY. |MATERIAL[ LABOR __|MATERIAL HRS HRS CONTROL HOUSE |_ Prefabricated Control Building, 16x16" ss | LOT [| $100,000] 80 | $8,000] $100,000] 80 | $8,000] $108,000 | | BuildingAux Systems C‘iEC CT ST $30,000[ 80 | $8,000] $30,000[ 80 [ $8,000] $38,000 | | Testing/Commissioning ss SC*dECLOT. [. ~—«*$5,000 120 | $12,000] $5,000] 120 | $12,000] $17,000] SUB TOTALS $938,490 1547.5 $154,750 _ $1,093,240 ENGINEERING 6.50% $71,061 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $76,527 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $109,324 TOTAL $1,350,151 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) re_b.xls/RC-01 120376/al C -41 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table RC-02 - Cost Estimating Information Reactive Compensation Cost Estimate Pt. Possession, Two 3-Core Submarine Cable TOTAL QTY. {MATERIAL cost | HRS [UNIT _| | HRS [UNIT _| EQUIPMENT 138 kV, Disc. Sw. (ea! $10,000] 8 | $800{ $10,000] 8 | $800] $10,800 DESCRIPTION | 138 kV, CircuitBreaker(ea) ss SSCidSCst SST $100,000] 60 | $6,000 $100,000{ 60 | $6,000] $106,000 | | 138kV Reactor, 125MVAR dT 1 $375,000] 100 | $10,000] $375,000] 100 | $10,000] $385,000 | | 138 kV Station PostInsulator(ea) | S12 CT $400 4 $4007 $4,800] 48 | $4,800] $9,600 | $16] 0.35 | $35] $5,920] 1295 | $12,950| $18,870 | 138 kV Surge Arrestors (ea $6,000 4 1 $3,300 $1,200 |_138 kV Three Phase Bus Support, 2000# (ea) | _ 2 | __$2,000 | $1,600 |_138 kV Switch Rack, 15,000#(ea) | tT $15,000 30 | $3,000] $15,000 30 _[ $3,000] $18,000 | FOUNDATIONS | 138 kV, Disc. Sw. 2cy 4 8250] 5 $500 $1,000] 20 | $2,000] $3,000 | | 138 kV Three Phase Bus Support, 2cy [| 8 [| $250[ 5 | $500] $2,000] 40_| $4,000] $6,000 | |_138 kV 12.5 MVAR Reactor, 15'x12x2, 13cy | 13 | $250[ 5 | $500 $3,250] 65 | $6,500] $9,750 | | 138 kV SwitchRack,6cy TT $250[ 5 $500] $6,000] 120 | $12,000] $18,000 | | 138 kV Circuit Breaker, 3cyea. | 3 | $250 5 $500f S750f 15 [$1,500] $2,250 | | B.U.Generator 4cy ST 4 250] 5 $500 $1,000 20 | $2,000] $3,000 | | Control Enclosure, 16x16x1', 9cy | 9 TT $250[ 5 $500 $2,250] 45 [$4,500] $6,750 | |_OilContainment, 25cy TT S50 5 S500] $6,250[ 125 [$12,500] $18,750 | CABLE & CONDUIT Control Cabling (ft | 500 | _$4f 03 T $30[ $2,000] 150 | $15,000 _ $17,000 SITE WORK |_Site Preparation, Site Plus 20'(sqft) [| 12000 $0.30[ 0.008 [$i $3,600[ 96 _T $9,600T $13,200 | | Fence 860 12.00] 0.05 [$5] 84,3201 18 $1,800] $6,120 | |_Grounding, 4/0 Cu, 20ft.grid(ft) | 800 | $6.00] 0.05 | $5[ $4,800] 40 [$4,000] $8,800 | | AccessRoad 50 850.00f 1 s100[ $2,500] 50 [$5,000] $7,500 | | Crushed Rock, 6"(sqff) | 7000 [$0.25] 0.004 Tso] $1,750 28 [$2,800 $4,550 | HLY23-437 (1/23/98) re_b.xls/RC-02 120376/al C-42 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table RC-02 - Cost Estimating Information Reactive Compensation Cost Estimate Pt. Possession, Two 3-Core Submarine Cable UNIT COSTS DESCRIPTION QTY. JMATERIAL HRS CONTROL HOUSE |_Prefabricated Control Building, 16'x16'_——s | LOT | $100,000] 80 | $8,000] $100,000] 80 | $8,000[ $108,000 | |_BuildingAux Systems CC“‘( «SACL: «= $30,000T 80 | $8,000] $30,000] 80 [ $8,000] $38,000] TESTING/COMMISSIONING | Testing/Commissioning CE «CLOT [ $5,000T 120 [T $12,000T $5,000 120 [ $12,000] $17,000 | SUB TOTALS $712,490 1527.5 $152,750 _ $865,240 ENGINEERING 6.50% $56,241 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $60,567 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $86,524 TOTAL $1,068,571 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) re_b.xls/RC-02 120376/al C- 43 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table RC-03 - Summary Cost Estimating Information Reactive Compensation Cost Estimate Daves Creek Substation, 20 MVAR Shunt Caps with 0-40 MVAR T' TOTAL DESCRIPTION COST $4,728,637 ENGINEERING 6.50% $307,361 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $331,005 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $536,700 TOTAL —« $5,903,704 APPLY TO THE EXISTING 115KV INTERTIE, NEW SITE PORTAGE. APPLICABLE TO ALL BASE ESTIMATES. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) rc_a.xls/summary RC-03 120376-09/al C-44 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) re_b.xls/RC-03 120376/al SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table RC-03 - Cost Estimating Information Reactive Compensation Cost Estimate Daves Creek Substation, 20 MVAR Shunt Caps with 0-40 MVAR TCSC UNIT COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION ory. JRTERRC | LAsOR are COST | HRS | UNIT | | HRS [UNIT _| |_115 kV, 1200A, SF6 Circuit Breaker(ea) [1 | $100,000T 60 | $6,000[ $100,000] 60 | $6,000 $106,000 | | 115 kV, Disc. Sw.1200A(ea)_ | 4 CT S10,000T 8 | s80ot $40,000 32_[ $3,200[ $43,200 | | 115kV,CCvT(ea) CT 86,000 4 $400] $18,000] 12 | $1,200| $19,200 | |_ 115 kV Class Surge Arrestor(ea) | 3 $7,000T 4 | $400 $21,000[ 12 | $1,200] $22,200 | |_ 115 kV Station Post Insulators(ea) | 12 [| S400T 4 $400 $4,800] 48 | $4,800[ $9,600 | 115kVDeadendAssembly | 6 | 82,500] 3 | $300[ $15,000] 18 | $1,800| $16,800 | | 115 kV Bus/Fittings/Jumpers | 600 | S85 05 | $50] $21,000] 300 | $30,000] $51,000 | 3 Phase -20MVAR ShuntCap Banks [1 | $125,000] 40 | $4,000] $125,000] 40 | $4,000] $129,000 | | 115kV AirCoreReactors | 3 CT $9,000] 8 =| $800] ~— $27,000] 24 | $2,400] $29,400 | | Piping forTCSC Cooling | «CLOT [$40,000] 160 | $16,000[ $40,000] 160 _[ $16,000] $56,000 | | HeatExchangers | 4 $10,000] 40 | $4,000] $10,000] 160 | $16,000] $26,000 |_115 kV TCSC Platform w/Bus Equipment |__3 | _ $1,850,000] 1000 | $100,000 | $1,850,000 [3000 |” $300,000 | $2,150,000 | |_ TCSC Controls/instrumentation/Design | LOT | $750,000] 1000 | $100,000 $750,000 | 1000 | $100,000 | $850,000 | |_ Cooling Equipment/Controls | LOT | $75,000] 160 | $16,000] $75,000| 160 | $16,000] $91,000 Fiber Communications STRUCTURES (Tapered Tube |_115KV T.O.Tower, 16,000# (ea) | 3 dT $16,000T 60 | $6,000] —$48,000[ 180 | $18,000] $66,000 | | 115 kV, Disc. Sw. 2500#(ea) | 1 $3,000{ 60 | $6,000] $3,000 60 | $6,000] _$9,000 | |_115 kV Reactor Support, 2000# (ea) | 1 [$2,500] 12 [$1,200] $2,500] 12 | $1,200] $3,700 | 115kV Bus Support, 700#(ea) | 6 CT $1,000] 12 | $1,200] —$6,000| 72 | $7,200] $13,200 | TCSC SupportingInsulators | 18 [$2,000] 8 | $800] — $36,000] 144 | $14,400] $50,400 | | TCSC Steel Platforms | 8 CT 815,000T 40 | $4,000/ $45,000] 120 | $12,000| $57,000, | TCSC Tension Insulators | 24 S750T 4 [$400] $18,000] 96 | $9,600] $27,600, | ViSKVCCVT, 1500# (ea) CE CS TS 500] 12 ~| $1,200] ~—«$7,500| 36 | $3,600] $11,100] FOUNDATIONS . |_115 kV Breaker, (1) 6x6'x2'Slab,3cyea.[ 3 [ $250T 5 | $500] $750] 15 | $1500] $2,250] | 115kV Reactor, (1)@2cyea | 2 s250T 5 YT S500] SC S500] 10 | $1,000] $1,500] 115 kV Disc. Switch, (1) @ 2 cy ea. | 2 | sesof 5 [ ss00fS500[ 10 =| $1,000] _—$1,500 | SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Table RC-03 - Cost Estimating Information Reactive Compensation Cost Estimate Daves Creek Substation, 20 MVAR Shunt Caps with 0-40 MVAR TCSC UNIT COSTS TOTAL | HRS [UNIT | 115 kV Cap Rack (12) @ 1.5 cy ea. ; ie | $250/ 5 | $500] $4500] 90 | $9,000] $13,500 | SS Transformer , (1) @ 2 cy ea. Pp 2 [| $250] 5 | $500] $500/ 10 | $1,000] $1,500] co 115 kV Bus Support, (6) @ 1.5 cy ea. ps S250T 5 | $500] $2,250] 45 | $4,500] $6,750 | | Castin Place Trenches, 60fv4ooft ‘| 60 | $400/ 014 | $i4[ $24,000] 84 | $a40[ $24,840 | | Bypass Breaker, (3)@3cy(ea) Ss || 9 =| ~ SiC‘ SHO 5 CT $500] ~—s $2,250] 45 | $4500] $6,750 | | Platform C(“‘CS;C;C;CO;!COCL:COON*CTSCC‘#SDHOTT 5 CT S500] $8,000] 160 | $16,000] $24,000 | |_ Control Building, 24%x48'x1',(1)@42cy | 42 [$2507 5 | $500] —$10,500[ 210 | $21,000] $31,500 | CABLE & CONDUIT Control Cabling (ft 10000 $4] 0.03 $3 $40,000 | 300 | $30,000] $70,000 | [| FiberOptics ss CC“‘CSSWCCOC*L;«CLOTN CYT ~~ O$5O00O0O[ 60 | $6,000] $50,000[ 60 | $6,000| $56,000 | Se WOR ee Ss TO WORK Site Preparation, Site Plus 20' (sq ft 47500[_—$0.307 0.008 TS $14,250] 380 | $38,000] $52,250 | | Fence, Perimeter&TCSC ss C*d|:C7200.:—«d|~S $12.00 0.05 | = $5] $8,640] 36 | $3,600] $12,240 | | Grounding, 4/0 Cu, 20ft.grid (ft) —s—sd[|_ 1830 [$6.00] 0.05 | $5] $10,980] 915 | $9,150] $20,130 | | CrushedRock, 6"(sqft) ss “€$“s (sSSCid| 38696 | $0.25] 0.004 ~—s_—s $0 $8,424 134.784 CONTROL HOUSE | Prefabricated Control Building, 24'x48'__ | LOT | $184,000] 300 | $30,000] $184,000] 300 [| $30,000 $214,000 | | BuildingAux Systems CdEC 7 S| SS $50,000] 80 | $8,000] —$50,000] 80 | $8,000| $58,000 | SUB TOTALS $3,783,719 9449.18 $944,918 $4,728,637 ENGINEERING 6.50% $307,361 CONSTRUCTION MGMT. 7.00% $331,005 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $536,700 TOTAL $5,903,704 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) re_b.xls/RC-03 120376/al C-46 APPENDIX D TRANSITION SITE DRAWINGS Drawing # Rev. TSA 1S10H A TSA 1S1UG A TSA 2S10H A TSA 2S1UG A TSP 1U10OH A TSH 1U10H A TSG 2S1UG A TSA 1S1OHX A Date 7/21/97 7/21/97 7/21/97 7/21/97 721/97 721/97 7/21/97 7/21/97 Description UG/OH Transition Station 1 ckt Submarine with Spare to 1 ckt OH Outdoor Substation UG/Subm Transition Station 1 ckt Submarine with Spare to 1 ckt UG XLPE Outdoor Substation UG/OH Transition Station 2 ckt Submarine 3-Core to 1 ckt OH Outdoor Substation UG/Subm Transition Station 2 ckt Submarine 3-Core to 1 ckt UG XLPE Outdoor Substation UG/OH Transition Station 1 ckt UG XLPE to 1 ckt OH Riser Pole Structure UG/OH Transition Station 1 ckt UG XLPE to 1 ckt OH Take-Off Structure UG/Subm Transition Station 2 ckt Submarine 3-Core to 1 ckt UG XLPE GIS Substation in Building Enclosure UG/OH Submarine Transitions Station Ickt Submarine to Ickt OH Outdoor Substation with Reactor TRANSITION SITE COST TABLES Table # TSA 1S10H TSA 1S1UG TSA 2S10H TSA 2S1UG TSP 1U1OH TSH 1U10H TSG 2S1UG TS - Transition Station A - Air Insulated P - Pole Structure H - H-Frame Structure G-GIS B - Building Enclosure Description Four Cable Submarine to Overhead Four Cable Submarine to Underground Two 3-Core Submarine to Overhead Two 3-Core Submarine to Underground UG/OH Riser Pole UG/OH Take-Off Structures Two 3-Core Submarine to Underground GIS Substation in Building Enclosure HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) appendixd.doc 120376-09/al Page # D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-8 D-9 Page # D-10 D-11 D-12 D-13 D-14 D-15 D-16 D-1 TRANSITION SITE DRAWINGS = MICROWAVE OISH ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT BUILDING \ 10 x 12 ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT BUILDING OH TAKEOFF STRUCTURE 15° e—2—__- ACCESS ROAD | FENCE TERMINATOR 138kV SCFF FOURTH CABLE SUBMARINE (SPARE) 38 a = SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT mo OL AOU HC OE, J * UG/OH Ye a ae DRAWING NO. [REV Sc rsuabives GAEss vatTens Pouamen! : 3940 GLENBROOK ORIVE CHAIN LINK N A C N L \ FROM GOTH PONER 4NO POER'S CLIENT {S| HAILEY. IDAHO 83333 1-CKT W/ SPARE SUBM TO 1-CKT OH TSA 1S1 onl GRANTED. 12-JAN-1998 15319 afsz.1D1 | TSA1S1ON. aon — MICROWAVE MONO-POLE ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT BUILDING ~ = SECTION UNDERGROUND 138kV XLPE 15i i —_—___>___.| ACCESS ROAD ae 10 x 12 ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT BUILDING Or 138kV SCFF FOURTH CABLE ‘SUBMAR INE USPARE) 38 ieee oe SOUTHERN INTERTIE.PROUECT eesss ee gol 1s OR QQWER UG/SUBM TRANSITION STATION eee ScaLe: Sewo,aegmcoc onive | CHAIN LINK FENCE. ACCESS CONTROL FROM BOTH POWER AND PONER'S CLIENT {S . 1-CKT W/ SPARE SUBM TO 1-CKT UG TSA 1S1UG GRANTED. 12-gAN-1998 15:20 | nofaz.tbi | Tsar ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT BUILDING SECTION MICROWAVE OISH 10 x 12 Stacie! ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT BUILDING KR 138kV SCFF 1 TRIFURCATOR SUBMAR I NE ' 1 + ACCESS ROAD | FENCE 15s THIS DRAWING WAS PREPARED BY POWER ENGINEERS. INC. FOR A SPECIFIC PROJECT. TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE SPECIFIC AND UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROJECT. REUSE OF THIS DRAWING OR ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS ORAWING FOR ANY PURPOSE IS PROWIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM BOTH POWER AND POWERS CLIENT {S| GRANTED. 6/97 1/97 * NTS. SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT UG/0H TRANSITION STATION Seto,quyenaor gnive | CHAIN LINK FENCE ACCESS CONTROL 2-CKT/3-CORE_SUBM TO 1-CKT OH 12-JAN=1998 15:20 JOB NUMBER 120376 ORAWING NO. TSA 2S10H|/\ hater. #0! ‘A2S10H. aon MICROWAVE MONO-POLE ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT BUILDING SECTION “ : - UNDERGROUND 138kV XLPE 1S 10 x 12 =] ACCESS Ri ANCILLARY ceSsarOLo gy EQUIPMENT BUILDING _—FENCE 138kV SCFF ‘SUBMARINE Lae SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT AND UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROJECT. Es sao a aeOMAO ; aT ee HI vr DRAWING NO. {S PRONUITED Ess wlTIEn echelon ; 3940 GLENBROOK OR | vE HAIN LINK FENCE ACCESS CONTROL FRO BOT POWER Fos CENT 15 HALLEY. IDAHO 83333 2-CKT/3-CORE SUBM TO 1-CKT UG TSA 2S1 a T2-JAN=1998 15:21 hofez. tb! | 15a281UG. 999 | eee cnans Yate 138kV_XLPE POLE SIDE ELEVATION RISER POLE Se a SOUTHERN INTERTIE.PROVECT we ioe a a. a power UG/OH TRANSITION STATION beam CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING FOR aN PURPOSE : Sieg 1S PROHIBITED UMLESS WRITTEN PERWISS1ON| Peretitcartrthes oi 1CKT UG XLPE 10 1 CKT 0H omnes ILEFTUTTE OT TUGLGOUTTAIA i RISER POLE STRUCTURE 12-JAN=1998 15:23 afsz.tDi_| TSPIUTOH. don 138kV XLPE TERMINATOR SECTION OH TAKEOFF STRUCTURE Coat ete mar SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT TAKING [NTO CONSIDERATION THE SPECIFIC 120376 FUSE OF TMS OROVING O04 THAT OK UG/OH TRANSITION STATION DRAWING NO. [REV CONTAINED IN THIS ORAVING FOR ANY PURPOSE. : 1 A rit e's mens 5] TOT ILPE TO T-ckT OF [TSH 1U104 Rafsz. tb! | TSHIUTOH. aon 12-JAN=1998 15:23 AIR CIRCULATION VENTS SECTION A o— ‘7 / Ul 138kV / UG XLPE RACEWAY FLAT ROOF ACCESS ROW 15’ x 20° ROLL -UP 00k —__| PERSONNEL ACCESS door IKI K 138kV SCF SUBMAR INE PLAN CABLE RACEWAY uae a SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT] -™= >= Aust OF Tvs GRavine OF fa Ta TO UG/OH TRANSITION STATION DRAWING NO. Is PeniITeD Utess wes Pus Ion 3940 cenaroox orive | 2 CKT SUBM/3-CORE TO 1 CKT UG one en roms ue en LXLPE GIS SUB. £0. IN BLOG ENCL. [TSG _2S1UG T3-JAN=1998 10213 hofez.rdi | tsq2stug.aon STATION SERVICE PT OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINE | | | | | | | UNDERGROUND OR SUBMAR I NE CABLE ROUTE CABLE TERMINATION STRUCTURE WITH JACK BUS FOR 4TH CABLE BACK-UP GEN 16' x 16° CONTROL ENCLOSURE ed MICRO WAVE Al a 20'-0" ORIVE GATE cet an See pa SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT ere ee el sO TRITON STATION DRAWING NO. REV Cocca i Wis Sra Fo a Pe eavalcenneloaive KT SUBM/3-CORE TO 1 CKT een coer ee oer sina “ares tome ©) 1 OH QUTDOOR SUBSTA. W/ REACTOR [TSA 1S10HX V3-JAN-1996 10:02 nofsz. td! t81810Nx. don | TRANSITION SITE COST TABLES SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT TSA1S10H One Submarine Circuit To One Overhead Circuit Outdoor Substation | UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS [TOTAL QTY | Unit MAT. LABOR MAT. LABOR _|COST SITE WORK | | site prep, crushed rock 6", access road 12,715 | Feet| $0.75 $2.00 | $9,536 | $25,430 $34,966 Fence (ft.) | 334 | Feet $12.00 $5.00 | $4,008 | $1,670 $5,678 Grounding, 4/0 cu, 20' grid (ft) | 1,000 | Feet $6.00 $5.00 | $6,000! $5,000 $11,000 STRUCTURES $0 | $o $0 138KV riser pole $0 | $0 $o 138KV t. 0. tower 12,000 # (ea.) 1 Each} $12,000 $4,000 | $12,000 | $4,000 $16,000 Microwve tower mono pole (5000#) ae Each| $5,000 | $1,000| $5,000 $1,000 $6,000 138KV disc. switch (ea.) $0 $0 $0 138KV 3-ph bus support 4 Each} $2,000 $800 $8,000 $3,200 $11,200 138KV switch stand | _2__| Each| $15,000 $3,000 | $30,000 $6,000 $36,000 138KV duct bank $0 $O $0 138KV AIS building 60'x60'x40' $0 $0 $0 138KV GIS building 30'x30'x20' $0 $0 $0 138KV termination structure 2 Each} $5,000 | $3,000 | $10,000 $6,000 $16,000 FOUNDATIONS $0 $0 $0 138KV riser pole fdn. (30 cy) $0 $0 $0 138KV t.o. tower (6 cy ea.) 1 Each| $6,000 | $12,000 $6,000 $12,000 | __ $18,000 138KV 3-ph bus support (2 cy ea.) 1 Each} $2,000 | $4,000/ $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 138KV termination structure (4 cy ea.) 1 Each| $4,000 | $6,000 | $4,000 $6,000 | $10,000 138KV switch stand (4 cy ea.) 1 Each} $4,000 | $8,000 | $4,000 $8,000 $12,000 Microwave tower (lattice) (6cy ea) $0 $0 $0 Microwave mono-pole (16 cy ea) : $0 $0 $0 Cable monitoring enclosure 20x20x1 1 Each} $3,750 | $7,500 | $3,750 $7,500 $11,250 EQUIPMENT $0 $0 $0 |138KV disc. sw. 3-ph 2 | Each| $10,000 $800 | $20,000 $1,600 |- $21,600 138KV station post insulator (ea) 2 Each $400 $400 $800 $800 $1,600 138KV station service PT 1 Each | $40,000 $1,000 | $40,000 $1,000 | $41,000 138KV dead end assembly 3-ph 1 Each| $2,000 $4,000 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 138KV U G cable termination (1-ph) $0 $0 $0 138KV U G SCFF cable termination (1-ph) 0 Each | $22,000 | $20,000 | $0 $0 $0 138KV U G 3-core SCFF trifurcator 0 Each| $10,000 | $8,000 $0 $0 $0 138KV GIS switching equipment W/monitor $0 $0 $0 138KV AIS indoor box structure switch equip. $0 $0 $O 138KV surge arresters (1-ph) 4 Each| $3,000 $400 | $12,000 $1,600 $13,600 138KV bus/fittings (1ft) 380 Feet $15.00 $35.00 $5,700 $13,300 $19,000 Microwave /Communications 1 Each | $12,000 | $4,000 | $12,000 $4,000 $16,000 Conduit and cabling (lump per ft) 220 | Feet $50.00 | $100.00 | $11,000 $22,000 $33,000 Cable monitoring enclosure 20'x20' 1 Each | $60,000 | $10,000 | $60,000 | $10,000 $70,000 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING EQ $o; $0 $0 Testing and commissioning 1 Each| $5,000 | $10,000 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 Mob/Demob __ 1 Each $25,000 $0 | $25,000 | _ $25,000 _ $272,794 | $158,100 | $430,894 ENGINEERING SERVICES 6.50% $28,008) SURVEY LOT $20,000 |CONSTRUCTION MGMT a 7.00% $30,163 CONTINGENCY 10.00% - $43,089 $552,154 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) transite.xis/tsalsloh 120376/al D-10 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT TSA1S1UG One Submarine Circuit To One Underground XLPE Circuit Outdoor Substation | | UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY Unit MAT. LABOR MAT. LABOR _|COSTS SITE WORK site prep, crushed rock 6", access road 10,414 | Feet $0.75 $2.00 $7,811 | $20,828 $28,639 | Fence (ft.) 298 Feet $12.00 $5.00 $3,576 $1,490 $5,066 Grounding, 4/0 cu, 20' grid (ft) 700 Feet $6.00 $5.00 $4,200 $3,500 $7,700 STRUCTURES $0 $0 $0 138KV riser pole $0 $0 $0 138KV t. o. tower 12,000 # (ea.) $0 $0 $0 Microwave tower (lattice) (ea) 1 Each $6,000 | $2,000 $6,000 $2,000 $8,000 138KV disc. switch (ea.) $0 $0 $0 138KV 3-ph bus support 4 Each $2,000 $800 $8,000 $3,200 $11,200 138KV switch stand 2 Each $15,000 | $3,000 $30,000 $6,000 $36,000 138KV duct bank $0 $0 $0 138KV AIS building 60'x60'x40" $0 $0 $0 138KV GIS building 30'x30'x20' $0 $0 $0 138KV termination structure 3 Each $5,000 $3,000 $15,000 $9,000 $24,000 FOUNDATIONS $0 $0 $0 138KV riser pole fdn. (30 cy) $0 $0 $0 138KV t.o. tower (6 cy ea.) $0 $0 $0 138KV 3-ph bus support (2 cy ea.) 1 Each $2,000 | $4,000 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 138KV termination structure (4 cy ea.) 2 Each $6,000 | $12,000 $12,000 | $24,000 $36,000 138KV switch stand (4 cy ea.) 3 Each $4,000 $8,000 $12,000 | $24,000 $36,000 Microwave tower (lattice) (6cy ea) 4 Each $1,500 $2,000 $6,000 $8,000 $14,000 Microwave mono-pole (16 cy ea) $0 $0 $0 Cable monitoring enclosure 20x20x1 6 Each $3,750 | $7,500 $22,500 | $45,000 $67,500 EQUIPMENT $0 $0 $0 138KV disc. sw. 3-ph 2 Each $10,000 $800 $20,000 $1,600 $21,600 138KV station post insulator (ea) 2 Each $400 $400 $800 $800 $1,600 138KV station service PT 1 Each $40,000 | $1,000 $40,000 $1,000 $41,000 138KV dead end assembly 3-ph $0 $0 $0 138KV U G cable termination (1-ph) 3 Each $10,000 $5,000 $30,000 | $15,000 $45,000 138KV U G SCFF cable termination (1-ph) 0 | Each $22,000 | $20,000 $0 $0 $0 138KV U G 3-core SCFF trifurcator 0) Each $10,000 | $8,000 $0 $0 $0 138KV GIS switching equipment W/monitor $0 $0 $0 138KV AIS indoor box structure switch equip. $0 $0 $0 138KV surge arresters (1-ph) 7 Each $3,000 $400 $21,000 $2,800 $23,800 138KV bus/fittings (1ft) 380 Feet $15.00 $35.00 $5,700 | $13,300 $19,000 Microwave /Communications 1 Each $12,000 | $4,000 $12,000 $4,000 $16,000 Conduit and cabling (lump per ft) 220 | Feet $50.00 | $100.00 $11,000 | $22,000 $33,000 Cable monitoring enclosure 20'x20' 1 Each $60,000 | $10,000 | $60,000 | $10,000 $70,000 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING EQ $0 $0 $0 ‘Testing and commissioning 1 Each $5,000 | $10,000 | — $5,000 | _ $10,000 $15,000 Mob/Demob 1 Each $25,000 $0 | $25,000 $25,000 $334,587 | $231,518 | $566,105 ENGINEERING SERVICES 6.50% _ 36,797 SURVEY Lot 20,000 CONSTRUCTION MGMT 7.00% | _ 39,627 CONTINGENCY 10.00% _ ft 56,610) $719,139 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) transite.xis/tsals1ug 120376/al D-11 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT TSA2S10H Two Submarine Circuits To One Overhead Circuit Outdoor Substation UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL QTY | Unit MAT. LABOR MAT. LABOR _|COST SITE WORK site prep, crushed rock 6", access road 12,715 | Feet $0.75 $2.00 $9,536 $25,430 $34,966 Fence (ft.) 334 Feet $12.00 $5.00 $4,008 $1,670 $5,678 Grounding, 4/0 cu, 20' grid (ft) 1,000 | Feet $6.00 $5.00 | $6,000 $5,000 $11,000 STRUCTURES $0 $0 $0 138KV riser pole $0 $0 $o 138KV t. o. tower 12,000 # (ea.) 1 Each| $12,000 $4,000 | $12,000 $4,000 $16,000 Microwve tower mono pole (5000#) 1 Each| $5,000 $1,000 | $5,000 $1,000 $6,000 138KV disc. switch (ea.) $0 $0 $0 138KV 3-ph bus support 4 Each| $2,000 $800 | $8,000 $3,200 $11,200 138KV switch stand 2 Each| $15,000 $3,000 | $30,000 $6,000 $36,000 138KV duct bank 138KV AIS building 60'x60'x40' 138KV GIS building 30'x30'x20' 138KV termination structure 2 Each| $5,000 $3,000 FOUNDATIONS 138KV riser pole fdn. (30 cy) 138KV t.o. tower (6 cy ea.) 1 Each| $6,000 | $12,000 138KV 3-ph bus support (2 cy ea.) 1 Each| $2,000 $4,000 138KV termination structure (4 cy ea.) 1 Each| $4,000 $6,000 138KV switch stand (4 cy ea.) 1 Each| $4,000 $8,000 Microwave tower (lattice) (6cy ea) Microwave mono-pole (16 cy ea) Cable monitoring enclosure 20x20x1 1 Each} $3,750 $7,500 EQUIPMENT 138KV disc. sw. 3-ph 2 Each| $10,000 $800 138KV station post insulator (ea) 2 Each $400 $400 138KV station service PT 1 Each| $40,000 $1,000 138KV dead end assembly 3-ph 1 Each| $2,000 | $4,000 138KV U G cable termination (1-ph) 138KV U G SCFF cable termination (1-ph) 0 Each| $22,000 | $20,000 138KV U G 3-core SCFF trifurcator 0 Each | $10,000 $8,000 138KV GIS switching equipment W/monitor 138KV AIS indoor box structure switch equip. 138KV surge arresters (1-ph) 6 Each} $3,000 $400 138KV busf/fittings (1ft) 380 | Feet $15.00 $35.00 Microwave /Communications 1 Each| $12,000 $4,000 Conduit and cabling (lump per ft) 220 | Feet $50.00 | $100.00 Cable monitoring enclosure 20'x20' 1 Each} $60,000 | $10,000 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING EQ Testing and commissioning 1 Each| $5,000 |_ $10,000 MOB/DEMOB 1 Each _ $25,000 ENGINEERING SERVICES 6.50% _ SURVEY LOT CONSTRUCTION MGMT 7.00% t CONTINGENCY HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) transite.xls/tsa2s1oh 120376/al D-12 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT TSA2S1UG Two Submarine Circuit To One Underground XLPE Outdoor Substation UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY _| Unit MAT. LABOR MAT. LABOR _|COSTS SITE WORK Site prep, crushed rock 6", access road 10,414 | Feet $0.75 $2.00 $7,811 $20,828 $28,639 Fence (ft.) 298 | Feet| $12.00 $5.00 $3,576 $1,490 $5,066 Grounding, 4/0 cu, 20' grid (ft) 700 | Feet $6.00 $5.00 $4,200 $3,500 | $7,700 STRUCTURES 138KV riser pole 138KV t. o. tower 12,000 # (ea.) Microwave tower mono pole(5,000#) 1 Each| $5,000 $1,000 $5,000 $1,000 $6,000 138KV disc. switch (ea.) 138KV 3-ph bus support 4 Each} $2,000 $800 $8,000 $3,200 $11,200 |138KV switch stand 2 Each! $15,000 | $3,000 | $30,000 $6,000 $36,000 138KV duct bank 138KV AIS building 60'x60'x40' 138KV GIS building 30'x30'x20' 138KV termination structure 3 Each; $5,000 | $3,000 | $15,000 $9,000 $24,000 FOUNDATIONS 138KV riser pole fdn. (30 cy) 138KV t.o. tower (6 cy ea.) 138KV 3-ph bus support (2 cy ea.) 1 Each| $2,000} $4,000 $2,000 $4,000 $6,000 138KV termination structure (4 cy ea.) 1 Each} $6,000 | $12,000 $6,000 $12,000 $18,000 138KV switch stand (4 cy ea.) 1 Each! $4,000 | $8,000 $4,000 $8,000 $12,000 Microwave tower (lattice) (6cy ea) Microwave mono-pole (16 cy ea) 3 Each} $4,000/ $8,000| $12,000 $24,000 $36,000 Cable monitoring enclosure 20x20x1 4 Each| $3,750 | $7,500 | $15,000 $30,000 $45,000 EQUIPMENT 138KV disc. sw. 3-ph 2 Each| $10,000 $800 | $20,000 $1,600 $21,600 138KV station service PT i] Each| $40,000 $1,000 | $40,000 $1,000 $41,000 138KV station post insulator (ea) 2 Each $400 $400 $800 $800 $1,600 138KV dead end assembly 3-ph 138KV U G cable termination (1-ph) 3 Each| $10,000 $5,000 | $30,000 $15,000 $45,000 138KV U G SCFF cable termination (1-ph) Each| $22,000 | $20,000 138KV U G 3-core SCFF trifurcator Each} $10,000 $8,000 138KV GIS switching equipment W/monitor 138KV AIS indoor box structure switch equip. 138KV surge arresters (1-ph) 6 Each} $3,000 $400 | $18,000 $2,400 $20,400 138KV bus/fittings (1ft) 380 | Feet} $15.00 $35.00 $5,700 $13,300 $19,000 Microwave /Communications 1 Each} $12,000 $4,000 | $12,000 $4,000 $16,000 Conduit and cabling (lump per ft) 220 |Each| $50.00 | $100.00| $11,000 $22,000 $33,000 Cable monitoring enclosure 20'x20' 1 Each| $60,000 | $10,000 | $60,000| $10,000 $70,000 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING EQ _ Mob/Demob A Each $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 Testing and commissioning 1 {Each} $5,000 | $10,000 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $315,087 $228,118 | $543,205 ENGINEERING SERVICES 6.50% $35,308 SURVEY lot $20,000 CONSTRUCTION MGMT 7.00% $38,024 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $54,320 $690,858 Hly 23-437 (1/2/98) transite.xls/tsa2slug 120376/al D-13 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT TSP1U10H One UG XLPE Circuit To One OH Riser Pole Structure UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS DESCRIPTION QTY Unit MAT. LABOR MAT. LABOR _ [COST SITE WORK Site preparation, site plus 15' (sq. ft.) 1__|Each} $3,000/| $5,000 | $3,000 $5,000 $8,000 Fence (ft.) $0 $0 $0 Grounding, 4/0 cu, 20' grid (ft) $0 $0 $0 Access road (ft.) $0 $0 $0 Crushed rock, 6" (sq ft.) $0 $0 $0 STRUCTURES $0 $0 $0 138KV riser pole 1 Each 15,000 5,000} $15,000 $5,000 $20,000 138KV t. 0. tower 12,000 # (ea.) $0 $0 $0 138KV disc. switch (ea.) $0 $0 $0 138KV 3-ph bus support $0 $0 $0 138KV switch stand $0 $0 $0 138KV duct bank $0 $0 $0 138KV AIS building 60'x60'x40' $0 $0 $0 138KV GIS building 30'x30'x20' $0 $0 $0 138KV termination structure $0 $0 $0 FOUNDATIONS $0 $0 $0 138kKV riser pole fdn. (30 cy) 1 Each| $7,500 | $16,000 | $7,500 $16,000 $23,500 138KV t.o. tower (6 cy ea.) $0 $0 $0 138KV 3-ph bus support (2 cy ea.) $0 $0 $0 138KV termination structure (4 cy ea.) $0 $0 $0 138KV switch stand (4 cy ea.) $0 $O $0 Microwave tower (lattice) (6cy ea) $0 $0 $0 Microwave mono-pole (16 cy ea) $0 $0 $0 Cable monitoring enclosure 20x20x1 $0 $0 $0 EQUIPMENT $0 $0 $0 138KV disc. sw. 3-ph $0 $0 $0 138KV station post insulator (ea) $0 $0 $0 138KV dead end assembly 3-ph $0 $0 $0 138KV U G cable termination (1-ph) 3 Each | $10,000 $5,000 | $30,000 $15,000 $45,000 138KV U G SCFF cable termination (1-ph) $0 $0 $0 138KV U G 3-core SCFF trifurcator $0 $O $0 138KV GIS switching equipment W/monitor $0 $0 $0 138KV AIS indoor box structure switch equip. $0 $0 $0 138KV surge arresters (1-ph) 3 |Each| $3,000 $400 | $9,000 $1,200 $10,200 138KV bus/fittings (1ft) $0 $0 $0 Microwave /Communications $0 $0 $0 Conduit and cabling (lump per ft) $0 $0 $0 Cable monitoring enclosure 20'x20' $0 $o| $0 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING EQ _ $0 _ $0 $0 Testing and commissioning a $0 $O| $0 MobDemob EEL 1 |Each $10,000 $0 $10,000 $10,000 i $64,500 $42,200 | $106,700 ENGINEERING SERVICES _ 6.50% $6,936 SURVEY Te Lot $20,000 CONSTRUCTION MGMT ____| 7.00% iT $7,469 CONTINGENCY 10.00% $10,670 $151,775 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) transite.xls/tsp1uloh 120376/al D-14 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT TSH1U10H One Circuit Underground XLPE To One Overhead Take-Off Structure __JUNITCOSTS| _EXTENDEDCOSTS [TOTAL ‘| DESCRIPTION QTY Unit MAT. LABOR MAT. LABOR _|COSTS SITE WORK Site prep, crushed rock 6", access road 8,890 | Feet $0.75 $2.00 $6,668 | $17,780 $24,448 Fence (ft.) 204 | Feet $12.00 $5.00 $2,448 $1,020 $3,468 Grounding, 4/0 cu, 20' grid (ft) 350 | Feet $6.00 $5.00 $2,100 $1,750 $3,850 STRUCTURES $0 $0 $0 138KV riser pole $0 $0 $0 138KV t. o. tower 12,000 # (ea.) 1 Each $12,000 | $4,000 $12,000 $4,000 $16,000 Microwave tower mono pole (5,000#) 138KV disc. switch (ea.) $0 $0 $0 138KV 3-ph bus support 138KV switch stand 138KV duct bank $0 $0 al 138KV AIS building 60'x60'x40' $0 $0 $0 138KV GIS building 30'x30'x20' $0 $0 $0 138KV termination structure 3 Each $5,000 | $3,000 $15,000 $9,000 $24,000 FOUNDATIONS $0 $0 $0 138KV riser pole fdn. (30 cy) $0 $0 $0 138KV t.o. tower (6 cy ea.) 1 Each $6,000 | $12,000 $6,000 | $12,000 $18,000 138KV 3-ph bus support (2 cy ea.) 138KV termination structure (4 cy ea.) 1 Each $6,000 | $12,000 $6,000 | $12,000 $18,000 138KV switch stand (4 cy ea.) Microwave tower (lattice) (6cy ea) $0 $0 $0 Microwave mono-pole (16 cy ea) $0 $0 $0 Cable monitoring enclosure 20x20x1 EQUIPMENT $0 $0 $0 138KV disc. sw. 3-ph 138KV station post insulator (ea) 138KV station service PT 138KV dead end assembly 3-ph $0 $0 $0 138KV U G cable termination (1-ph) 3 Each $10,000 $5,000 $30,000 | $15,000 $45,000 138KV U G SCFF cable termination (1-ph) 138KV U G 3-core SCFF trifurcator 138KV GIS switching equipment W/monitor $0 $0 $0 138KV AIS indoor box structure switch equip. $0 $0 $0 138KV surge arresters (1-ph) 3 Each $3,000 $400 $9,000 $1,200 $10,200 138KV bus/fittings (1ft) $0 $0 $0 Microwave /Communications $0 $0 $0 Conduit and cabling (lump per ft) $0 $0 $0 Cable monitoring enclosure 20'x20' $0 $0 7 $0 TESTING AND COMMISSIONINGEQ || i $0 $o| _— $0 ‘Testing and commissioning $0 $o| $0 Mob/Demob FY | Each $25,000 $0 | $25,000 $25,000 TMNT Ne $89,216 | $73,750 | $162,966 ENGINEERING SERVICES 6.50% ___ 10,593) SURVEY ie Lot 20,000 CONSTRUCTION MGMT 7.00% l 11,408 CONTINGENCY 10.00% . 16,297) 4 $221,262 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) transite.xls/tsh1uloh 120376/al D-15 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT TSG2S1UG Two Submarine Circuits To One UG XLPE CKT GIS Sub in Building Enclosure UNIT COSTS EXTENDED COSTS {TOTAL DESCRIPTION QTY Unit MAT. LABOR MAT. LABOR _|COSTS site prep, crushed rock 6", access road 2,025 | Feet $0.75 $2.00 $1,519 $4,050 $5,569 Fence (ft.) Grounding, 4/0 cu, 20’ grid (ft) 300 _| Feet $6.00 $5.00 $1,800 | $1,500 $3,300 Crushed rock, 6" (sq ft.) $0 $0 $0 STRUCTURES $0 $0 $0 138KV riser pole $0 $0 $0 138KV t. 0. tower 12,000 # (ea.) $0 $0 $0 Microwave tower mono pole (5,000#) $0 $0 $0 138KV disc. switch (ea.) $0 $0 $0 138KV 3-ph bus support $0 $0 $0 138KV switch stand $0 $O $0 138KV duct bank $0 $0 $0 138KV AIS building 60'x60'x40' $0 $0 $0 138KV GIS building 30'x30'x20' 1 Each $160,000 | $20,000 | $160,000 | $20,000 | $180,000 138KV termination structure 3 Each $5,000 | $3,000 $15,000 $9,000 $24,000 FOUNDATIONS $0 $0 $0 138KV riser pole fdn. (30 cy) $0 $O $0 138KV t.o. tower (6 cy ea.) $0 $O $0 138KV 3-ph bus support (2 cy ea.) $0 $0 $0 138KV termination structure (4 cy ea.) $0 $0 $0 138KV switch stand (4 cy ea.) $0 $0 $0 | Microwave tower (lattice) (6cy ea) $0 $0 $0 Microwave mono-pole (16 cy ea) $0 $0 $0 | GIS building foundation 30x30 (34cy) 1‘ thick 1 Each $10,000 | $18,000 $10,000 | $18,000 $28,000 | Cable monitoring enclosure 20x20x1 6 Each $3,750 | $7,500 $22,500 | $45,000 $67,500 EQUIPMENT $0 $0 $0 138KV disc. sw. 3-ph $0 Et) $O 138KV station post insulator (ea) $0 $0 $0 138KV station service PT 1 Each $40,000 | $1,000 $40,000 $1,000 $41,000 138KV dead end assembly 3-ph $0 $0 $0 | 138KV U G cable termination (1-ph) $0 $0 $0 138KV U G SCFF cable termination (1-ph) $0 $0 $0 138KV _U G 3-core SCFF trifurcator $0 $0 $0 138KV GIS switching equipment W/monitor 1 Each $500,000 $500,000 $0 | $500,000 138KV AIS indoor box structure switch equip. $0 $0 $0 138KV surge arresters (1-ph) $0 $0 $0 138KV bus/fittings (1ft) $0 $0 $0 Microwave /Communications $0 $0 $0 Conduit and cabling (lump per ft) | $0 $0 $0 Cable monitoring enclosure 20'x20' | $0 $0 $0 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING EQ __ $0 $0 $0 Testing and commissioning 1 Each $5,000 | $10,000 $5,000 | $10,000 $15,000 Mob/Demob 1 Each $25,000 $0 | $25,000 $25,000 _ $755,819 | $108,550 | $864,369 ENGINEERING SERVICES 6.50% 56,184) SURVEY _ Lot : 20,000 CONSTRUCTION MGMT 7.00% 60,506} CONTINGENCY 10.00% 86,437] $1,087,495 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) transite.xls/tsg2slug 120376/al D-16 APPENDIX E TABLE OF CONTENTS CORRESPONDENCE Date Correspondence From/To Description Page No. Type 08/14/98 Letter Land Field Services, Inc.to POWER Alaska Railroad E-2 08/04/98 Letter Land Field Services, Inc.to POWER __Enstar and Tesoro E-4 Routes Costs HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) appendixe.doc 120376-09/al E-1 LAND FIELD SERVICES, INC. P.O. BOX 221649 P.O. BOX 72510 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99522 FAIRBANKS, ALASKA 99707 248-6740 452-1206 August 14, 1997 RECEIVED AUG 1 8 1997 Power Engineers, Inc. P.O. Box 1066 Hailey, Idaho 83333 Attention: Mr. Frank Rowland Environmental and Right-of-Way Services Subject: Southern Intertie Dear Frank: Regarding Link 12.6, the Direct Right-of-Way Cost for the Alaska Railroad Corporation is $136,000.00. For your information, the Alaska Railroad Corporation land along their main line right-of-way is based on $1.00 per square foot or, rounded, $43,000.00 per acre multiplied by 80% of the value, or $34,000.00 per acre. This figure is multiplied by a 10% rental rate per annum, or $3,400.00 per year per acre. I then multiplied this figure by 5 years to arrive at $17,000.00 per acre. The rental after the initial 5 year term I considered an O & M cost. Further, as an example, Link 12.6 was estimated to be 8.0 acres, multiplied by $17,000.00 to arrive at the $136,000.00 figure. Concerning 16.3 on the Turnagain Arm to International Substation via Old Seward Highway and International Airport Road route, this Link should be deleted as it does not affect this route. In reference to our telephonic conversation of this morning: Enstar Route: Link S2.1 has 93 private parcels; the Direct Right-of-Way costs are $116,250.00; and the Indirect Right-of-Way Costs are $311,550.00. Link S1.5 has 5 private parcels; the Direct Right-of-Way Costs are $6,250.00; and the Indirect Right-of-Way Costs are $16,750.00. Link El.2 has no private ownership. Power Engineers, Inc. August 14, 1997 Page 2 Concerning the remainder of the primary Enstar Route and the primary Tesoro Route, all of the Link information was included in our report of August 4, 1997. Please phone me if you have any additional questions. Very truly yours, LAND FI SERVICES, INC. Me $__ - Sullivan PJS/ns ‘LAND FIELD SERVICES, INC. P.O. BOX 221649 P.O. BOX 72510 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99522 FAIRBANKS, ALASKA 99707 248-6740 452-1206 August 4, 1997 Power Engineers, Inc. P.O. Box 1066 Hailey, Idaho 83333 Attention: Mr. Frank Rowland Environmental and Right-of-Way Services Subject: Scoping Enstar Route Tesoro Route Southern Intertie Project Dear Frank: Enclosed for your information, please find copies of Link and Transition Site spread sheets, current to August 15, 1997, for the captioned project. In compiling this data, we reviewed the records of the Municipality of Anchorage, Assessor's Office; the records of the Municipality of Anchorage, Department of Public Works; the records of Motznik Title Services; the records of the Kenai Peninsula Borough, Land Management Department and Assessing Department and GIS Division. We also discussed this matter with knowledgeable fee appraisers and Alaska Railroad Corporation personnel. As you realize, an individual parcel by parcel examination for each route link is beyond this phase's scope; however, our dollar figures fit closely with the Assessor's figures for the two municipalities in which this project operates. Because of changes in and further definition of the links, the number of private parcels has increased substantially. We still feel that further field definition at a later phase of this project will reduce the number of private parcels affected by this project dramatically. Following are two areas of concern which we feel are worthy of mention: 1. Between the northwest end of Link S1.3 and Bernice Lake Substation, no transmission links nor routing is indicted. While we are aware that there may be an Ke existing transmission line right-of-way between these two points, we are not comfortable with the sufficiency of this right-of-way, and feel that this matter merits closer attention. Power Engineers, Inc. August 4, Page 2 1997 In the Anchorage area, the routing along the Old Seward Highway is in an area of very heavy private impact and, with the State of Alaska's eminent domain statutes, we do not feel that this route would be defensible. Ifa routing from the Rabbit Creek area to International Substation is viable, then it should probably be within the New Seward Highway right-of-way, and either within the right-of-way of Minnesota Drive or within the right-of-way of the Alaska Railroad. In calculating our indirect costs, you will notice that they have not increased over the past 18 months. The reason for this is that we contemplate some savings in the appraisal discipline, where, for the approved route, we will probably appraise a selected 20 parcels and then produce a range of values report based on these appraisals. If you have any further questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. PJS/ns Enclosures Very truly yours, LAND FIEL ERVICES, INC. Sullivan cc: Warren L. Krotke SOUTHERN INTERTIE TRANSITION SITES NO. OF DIRECT INDIRECT LOCATION LINK NAME OWNER PARCELS R/W_ COSTS R/W_COSTS TESORO CORRIDOR Nikiski Airport - 1 71.3 Private i « Nikiski Airport - 2 TI.) Private 1 - 2 Nikiski Airport - 3 P13) Private 1 * iS Nikiski Airport - 4 71.3 Private 1 * C South End Captain Cook State Park T1.4-T2.1 Private 1 * e North End Captain Cook State Park T2.1-T3.1 Private 1 * * South of Allotment Lands T3.1-T3.2 Private r $ 5,000 $ 3,350 Point Possession T5.2-M1.1 Private 1 $ 10,000 $ 3,350 South End of Fire Island M1.1-T4.1 Private 1 $ 10,000 $ 3,350 North End of Fire Island T4.2-T4.3 Private 7 $ 10,000 $ 3,350 Point Woronzof M1.3 MOA 1 Point Campbell M2.2-PW1.1 MOA 1 Point Woronzof PWl.1 MOA 1 Klatt Road M3.2-13.1 Private al $ 40,000 $ 3,350 NO. OF DIRECT INDIRECT LOCATION LINK NAME OWNER PARCELS R/W COSTS R/W_ COSTS ENSTAR CORRIDOR Big Indian Creek E2.1-M5.1 USF&WS 1 Burnt Island Creek M5.1-M5.4 USF&WS 1 Ocean View Park M5.4-12.5 Private 1 $ 40,000 $ 3,350 Cemetery 12.5-12.6 Private 1 $ 40,000 $ 3,350 Klatt Road M3.2-13.1 Private af $ 40,000 $ 3,350 Shooting Range - Old Seward M5.3-12.4 ADF&G 1 * No direct or indirect costs not already included in R/W Easement Acquisition costs. LOCATION ENSTAR ROUTE Soldotna Substation to Turnagain Arm Turnagain Arm Crossing(s) LINK NAME Sl.1 $1.2 $1.3 El.1 E1.3 E2.1 M5.1 M5.2 M5.4 M4.1 SOUTHERN INTERTIE REAL PROPERTY DESIGNATIONS PHASE 3 NO. OF DIRECT INDIRECT OWNER PARCELS R/W_ COSTS R/W_ COSTS State-DOTPF 1 Private 18 $ 9,000 $ 60,300 Private 3 $ 15,000 $ 10,050 Private 97 $121,250 $324,950 State-DNR 3 KPB 14 Private 2 $ 2,500 $ 6,750 KPB 4 USF&WS aL USF&WS 1 USF&WS i State-DNR a State-DNR 1 State-DOPOR Als State-DNR LINK NO. OF DIRECT INDIRECT LOCATION NAME OWNER PARCELS R/W_COSTS R/W COSTS _ Turnagain Arm to International 2 335 ARRC 1 $ 59,500 Substation via Alaska Railroad State-DOTPF 1 Private 15 $ 37,500 $ 50,250 12.6 ARRC a§ $ 13,600 State-DOTPF 1 Private 27 $ 93,750 $ 90,450 15.8 Private 18 $ 45,000 $ 60,300 15.9 Private 48 $240,000 $160,800 MOA 1 16.3 Private 6 $ 30,000 $ 20,100 Turnagain Arm to International L255 ARRC Ls $ 59,500 Substation via Alaska Railroad State-DOTPF ay and Minnesota Bypass Private 15 $ 37,500 $ 50,250 127316) ARRC 1 $136,000 State-DOTPF 1 Private 27 $ 93750 $ 90,450 14.2 State-DOTPF 2 Private 1 $ 2,500 $ 3,350 14.3 ARRC 1 $136,000 State-DOTPF 1 Private 7 $ 17,500 $ 23,450 M3.2 MOA 1 Private 4 $ 10,000 $ 13,400 oI-@ LOCATION NAME OWNER PARCELS R/W_COSTS R/W_ COSTS 13.1 Private 1 $ 12,500 $ 3,350 13.2 Private ab $ 12,500 $ 3,350 13.3 State-DOTPF 1 Private 2 $ 10,000 $ 6,700 14.4 State-DOTPF iL : Private 2 $ 10,000 $ 6,700 15.5 State-DOTPF 1 State 2 MOA 7 US-DOI 1 Private 41 $102,500 $137,350 Turnagain Arm to International M3.2 MOA ak Substation via Klatt Road and Private 4 $ 10,000 $ 13,400 Minnesota Bypass 131 Private al $ 2,500 $ 3,356 13.2 Private 1 $ 2,500 $ 3,350 LSS State-DOTPF a State 2 MOA 7 US-DOI uk Private 41 $102,500 $137,350 Turnagain Arm to International M5.3 State-DOPOR 1 Substation via Old Seward Highway ARRC 1 $119,000 and International Airport Road 9 LINK NO. OF DIRECT INDIRECT RC ae LOCATION TESORO ROUTE Bernice Lake Substation to Turnagain Arm via North Kenai Road LINK NAME 12.4 12.7 15.6 15.7 16.2 16.3 15.3(N) 15.3(S) T1.1 Died T.1.3 DIRECT NO. OF OWNER PARCELS R/W_COSTS State-DOTPF 1 Private 71 $177,500 State-DOTPF 2 Private 28 $ 70,000 State-DOTPF 1 Private 35 $ 87,500 State-DOTPF iL Private 69 $172,500 Private 46 $115,000 ARRC a $ 34,000 Private 2 $ 5,000 ARRC z $ 17,000 Private 62 $155,000 ARRC 1 $ 17,000 Private 81 $202,500 State-DOTPF 1 Private 1 $ 2,500 State-DOTPF aL Private 7 $ 17,500 State-DOTPF 1 KPB 7 Private 140 $105,000 -4- INDIRECT R/W_ COSTS $237,850 $ 93,800 $117,250 $231,150 $154,100 $ 6,700 $207,000 $271,350 $ 3,350 $ 23,450 $469,000 eI -@ LINK NO. OF DIRECT INDIRECT LOCATION NAME OWNER PARCELS R/W COSTS R/W_COSTS T1.4, State-DOTPF ay State-DOPOR al Private 22 $ 55,000 $ 73,700 T2221 State-DOTPF 1 State-DOPOR a KPB 1 T3.1 State-DNR 2 KPB al Private 8 $ 20,000 $ 26,800 T3.2 State-DNR 1 State-DOTPF ay KPB 18 = Private 50 $ 37,500 : $167,500 T5.1 Private 2 $ 20,000 $ 6,700 75.2 USF EWS 2 Private $12,000 $ 5,000 Turnagain Arm Crossing(s) Ml.1 State-DNR 1 M2.1 State-DNR a M2.2 State-DNR al Fire Island T4.1 Private iL $ 10,000 $ 3,350 T4.2 Private 1 $ 10,000 $ 3,350 T4.3 Private ah $ 10,000 $ 3.350 =§= a er= LINK NO. OF DIRECT INDIRECT LOCATION NAME OWNER PARCELS R/W COSTS R/W_ COSTS Knik Arm Crossing(s) M1.3 State-DNR 1 State-DOTPF 1 MOA 1 M2.3 State-DNR 1 Point Campbell to Point Woronzof PW1.1 State-DOTPF a MOA 1 -6- SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Project Description/Overhead Line Segments HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) evalt2-4.xls 120376-09/al | | Access To Area i | — 3. wo ze | § gi} es ee | & | 28] «x 2 & 5 £6 = 2 | o 3 og sc B= 2 3 3 38 2 | 83 | 85 3 8 a 28 S$ | 8s Separation between Se * < e @ 3 os Miles existing and proposed a 2 a z a 8 5 To MP | Crossed | Existing r-o-w use paralleled | Location of proposed line facilities (in ft.) Adjacent Uses Ww = ° | (2) pipelines | parallel - east side | 100 undeveloped 150 FWD road no 1 Summer 1 = | -- | N/A undeveloped 150 none es 8 Summer 1,2 (2) pipelines parallel - east side | 100 undeveloped 150 FWD road 1 Winter/Summer (2) pipelines parallel - east side 100 moderate mgmt. 150 FWD road 1 Winter/Summer 1,2,3 (2) pipelines parallel - east side 75 moderate mgmt. 100 FWD road Winter/Summer 1,2,3 (2) pipelines parallel - east side 75 moderate mgmt. 100 FWD road Winter/Summer (2) 115 kV, 69kV parallel - west side 75 residential gravel road Summer 2) 115kV parallel - west side 75 residential 100 gravel road Summer (2) 115kV rebuild double circuit rebuild residential rebuild gravel road Summer | (2) 115kV parallel - south side 100 residential FWD road Summer | 2) 115kV & 69kV | parallel - south side 100 residential / airstrip Summer 2) 115KV, 69KV & distrib. arallel - west side 100 undeveloped FWD road 3] native selected / 115kV, pipeline parallel - north side 100 KNWR FWD road | s | native selected / 115kV parallel - north side 100 KNWR FWD road | sa | 115kV parallel - east side | 100 | residential FWD road | 13 | (2) 115kV & 69kV replace 69kV | rebuild | residential gravel road T15KV & 69kV replace 69kV | rebuild | residential rebuild | 3 | 69kV replace 69kV | rebuild | residential rebuild FWD road — 69kV replace 69kV | rebuild | residential | rebuild FWD road 69kV & (1) distrib. replace 69kV | rebuild |_Bing's Landing SRS _|__ rebuild FWD road Summer ; 13 | $2.1 13.2 [ 17.6 69kV replace 69kV rebuild residential [__rebuild FWD road ‘Summer naa 0.0 0.2 115kV & 69kV parallel 100 industrial 100 paved road Summer 71.2 0.0 0.3 roadway parallel - east side ** N/A industrial 30 paved road Summer [eee | commercial / roadway parallel - east side N/A residential 30 paved road Summer | commercial / residential / two roadway parallel - east side N/A airstrips _ 30 paved road Summer roadway parallel - east side N/A residential 30 paved road Summer (2) pipelines parallel - east side 100 residential 150 FWD road Summer 1,3 (2) pipelines parallel - east side 100 residential 150 FWD road Winter/Summer | 23,4 | pipeline | parallel - east side 100 Kenai Borough 150 trail Winter/Summer 3,4 pipeline | parallel -east side 100 private / state lands 150 trail Winter/Summer | | new N/A CIRI - Vortac 150 none Summer Her | parallel - west side N/A CIRI 150 FWD road Summer | 1,24 | Z SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Project Description/Overhead Line Segments | | | | Access To Area | i a = = a Se s = g z 3 5s 8 g Fe Fe zg |¢8 es g & §§ « | 8 3 = D 3 Oo 26 2 so of £ o o oo 3 Sse °o§ = 8 a pe 3 a Separation between Se x < 2 a 3 os From Miles existing and proposed a a us z a 5 5 Links MP__| To MP | Crossed | Existing r-o-w use paralleled | Location of proposed = facilities (in ft.) Adjacent Uses Ww 2 y ° roadwa' parallel - east side rebuild residential 30 paved road no 14 railroad parallel - east side within RR ROW residential 30 gravel RR bed no 13 roadway parallel - east side rebuild residential 30 paved road no 15 roadway }— Beret south sie south side adjacent industrial 30 gravel road no 14 N/A future residential 100 none yes 13 adjacent |____ undeveloped 30 | paved road/none yes 13 02 roadway parallel - = south side adjacent | commercial 30 paved road no 13 an oaraial south side adjacent | extraction 30 paved road no 13 0.3 aa parallel - south side adjacent undeveloped | 30 paved road no 13 ft adjacent commercial [30 paved road no 13 138kV _& (2)distribution lines north side rebuild Arctic to CEA residential | 30 paved road no 14 residential / open roadway parallel - west side adjacent space 30 paved road*** no 13 (2) distribution lines | parallel - west side adjacent industrial | 30 paved road*** no 14 138kV_& (3) distribution lines parallel - west side | rebuild industrial 30 gravel road no 14 roadway parallel - east side | rebuild mixed use 30 paved road no 15 roadwa | parallel - east side | rebuild mixed use - paved road no 15 [ss eos is railroad | parallel - east side |___within RR ROW industrial gravel RR bed no 13 1.8 railroad parallel- east side | within RR ROW industrial gravel RR bed no 13 BEE EEe roadwa’ south of shopping center adjacent paved road no 14 railroad industrial 30 g ak RRbed [| no | 15 Notes: * Single Pole Wood, except for Kenai River crossing on H-Frame ** Southern Intertie line along east side of road ~ existing lines along west side of North Kenai Spur Rd. *** Access along Minnesota Drive would be from outside the highway ROW and along the transmission ROW at the highway ROW edge. Access would not be from the paved highway. 4 Single Wood pole modified for shorter pole heights/spans to reduce clearing and for bird/raptor protection. Construction Timing Construction Methods Winter season - frozen: November to March Operation and Maintenance Summer season - thawed: April to October 1- Rubber tired vehicle Break-up - April to May 2- Tracked vehicle 3- Special equipment 4- Aerial HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) evalt2-4.xls 120376-09/al SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Project Description - Underground & Submarine Cable Links ii Access To Area ROW or Existing ROW use Easement Width Construction Const. Operation & Link Miles Crossed paralleled Adjacent Uses (feet) Existing Proposed Construction Activities timing (season) method Maintenance [Anchorage Bowl | | | | 12.4 0.3 railroad Coastal Wildlife R. 30 | RR ROW | Underground*** Submarine 3,5 &7 3&5 12.4 07 railroad Shooting Range 30 | RR ROW Underground cable* Duct Bank Type 1, Cable Installation Summer 1 1 residential / Flying Crown | 12.5 0.4 railroad airstrip 30 RR ROW Submarine cable* Trenchin Submarine 1 | 1 residential / Flying Crown 12.5 0.5 railroad airstrip 30 RR ROW Underground cable* Duct Bank Type 2, Cable Installation Summer 1 1 | 0.5 roadway Klatt Rd. 30 paved road Submarine cable* Trenching*** Submarine 1 1 | 0.6 pipeline Kincaid park 30 none Underground cable* Duct Bank Type 1, Cable Installation Summer 3 3 | AE. pipeline Kincaid Park/Airport 30 none Underground cable* Duct Bank Type 1, Cable Installation Summer 3 3 1.9 future airport development Airport 30 none Underground cable* Duct Bank Type 1, Cable Installation Summer 3 3 |Turnagain Arm | M1.1 9.2 == — 1500 = Submarine cable Direct Lay Submarine 3,5 &7 3&5 | = --- 1500 Ee] Submarine cable Embed & Trenching Submarine 3:5 18.57 sae | eens 9.15 tae pipeline --- 1500 cae Submarine cable Direct La’ Submarine 3,5&7 10.1 pipeline Coastal Wildlife R. 1500 Submarine cable Direct Lay, Embed & Trenching Submarine 3&5 3.0 = Coastal Wildlife R. 1500 Submarine cable Embed & Trenching Submarine 3&5 M2.4 17.2 = = 1500 Submarine cable Direct Lay, Embed & Trenching Submarine 3&5 M3.1 12.2 = | Coastal Wildlife R. 1500 Submarine cable Direct Lay, Embed, Trenching & HDD} Submarine 3&5 i 0.3 = Victor Rd. 30 Submarine cable Trenching*** Submarine 1 | 11.9 Coastal Wildlife R. 1500 Submarine cable Embed, Trenching & HDD Submarine 3,5,6 &7 3&5 | 9.7 Coastal Wildlife R. 1500 Submarine cable Embed, Trenching & HDD Submarine 3,5,6 &7 3&5 M5.4 11.2 = Coastal Wildlife R. 1500 Submarine cable Embed, Trenching & HDD Submarine 3,5,6 &7 3&5 | M5.5 16.2 = Coastal Wildlife R. Submarine cable Embed & Trenching Submarine 35&7 [| 3&5 | [Kenai Lowlands EEE Eee ] commercial / residential / | T1.3 0.9°* roadwa) two airstrips 30 aved road Underground Cable** Duct Bank Type 1, Cable Installation | Summer 1 | T2.1 3.4 Capt. Cook SRA 30 paved road Underground cable | Duct Bank Type 1, Cable Installation Summer lor2 | T2.1 0.6 Capt. Cook SRA 30 FWD road Underground cable | Duct Bank Type 1, Cable Installation | Summer 1or2 74.3 CIRI - airstrip Underground*** | Trenching*** Submarine 15.2 _ Es __trail Submarine cable* | Trenching*** Submarine Construction Timing: Winter Season - Frozen Summer Season - Thawed Submarine Cable Installed November to March April to October May to August (May to June is Preferred) * Mitigation ** Two Airstrips in this link. UG across the end of runways assumed as mitigation. To be discussed with airstrip owners for final configuration. Balance of link is overhead. *** Underground construction techniques would be used to direct bury submarine cable on land without the armor normally used for marine conditions. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) evalt2-7.xls 120376-09/al Construction and O&M Methods: 14-Rubber Tired Vehicle Pickup Trucks, Bucket Trucks, Loaders, Back Hoe, Trenchers NODWELL, Bull Dozers, Back Hoe Swamp Buggy, Low ground Pressure Vehicles 2-Tracked Vehicle 3-Special Equipment 4-Aerial Helicopter, Fixed Wing Aircraft 5-Submarine Cable Barge & Special Equipment 6-Horizontal Directional Drill Casing HDD Drill Rig ; ; 7-Specialize Submarine Embedment Special Submarine Water-jet Type or Marine Floor Trenching. as Duct Bank Types: Type 1 - See Figure UG-07 Type 2 - See Figure UG-08 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Operating Costs Per Year Cont Tesoro Route Enstar Route (Base Route) (Base Route) $/Mile/Year =] Q 2 Overhead Line es 61.2 mi Pole and Insulator Inspection Maintance and Repair | —«[$ 94,900]$ 94,900 |[$ 94900 | pF CEC CC“C‘dTS:~— 94,900 $94,900 _| |UndergroundCable CC“‘(CSCOCSNOOCC“‘C(CTU O94 mif 0.5 mi] Po C—“‘“CS*S*SCSC™C‘(‘CNC*LS 2 500T$ 5,000] $27,750 S$ 6,250 Total 27,750 S250 [SubmarineCable 14.9 mi 11.6 mii] Cathodic Protection Testing i$ 1675] —«{$__-24,960 Periodic Marine Surve | sd $-30,000[$ 30,000 $_ 30,000 __— Total 58,960 S$ 53,430__ [Transistion Stations Ss CC~C“‘“‘CC*Cd:CdL ini Boxes, PotHead Heat aa |__Control Building Inspectionand Repairs | CC S$ 11,000] $ 44,000 $ 33,000 __— |__BatteryReplacement_ | S725 2,900 |__GIS Equipment 5 year Maintance Inspection [| CS 1,0001$ 4,000 $3,000 |__Site Clean-up and Vegetation Control CT CCS OOTS 2800 [$2,100 Total 53,700 $40,275 ——————————————————————————————————————— Total Tesoro Route Rail Road ROW Annual Cost | sd $136,000[ = --- ~~ $ 136,000 Total Enstar Route $ 330,850 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) opcost.xls 120376-09 al G-1 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cash Flow/Present Worth Discount Rate Enstar Base Route Tesoro Base Route 4.5% 2-3 Core Cable | 4-1 Core Cable 2-3 Core Cable 4-1 Core Cable eet $ 99,613,604] $ 108,866,964]1$ 114,488,128|$ 131,363,850 Project Cash Flow 1997] $4,160,771 1999 $ 1,063,320 | 2000) $10,503,401 $ 11,544,114 11,021,274 $ 12,334,799 $ 12,072,958 $ 41,067,975 2003]$ —32,344,155|$ 36,346,531 $ 41,067,975 IOUS ATT ec Mesa est F111 seen AAT 2006 | MINNIE 330'6S01 | fs MMMM 330/860 $ 330,850 $ 330,850 $ 235,300 $ 235,300 $ 235,300 $ 330,850 $ 235,300 $ 235,300 $ 235,300 $ 235,300 $ 330,850 $ 330,850 $ 330,850 $ 330,850 $ 330,850 ——s eee $ 330,850 | $ 330,850 $ 235,300 $ 330,850 $ 235,300 SUNN TITAS UT epee) xen 11/1111 ees 1 235,300 2027| $ 330,850 | $ 330,850 $ 330,850 $ 330,850 2030] $ 330,850 $ 235,300 2031 $ 330,850 | $ 235,300 $ 330,850 || $ 235,300 | $ 235,300 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) cashflow.xls/present worth 120376/al H-1 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cash Flow/Present Worth Discount Rate Enstar Base Route Tesoro Base Route 4.5% 2-3 Core Cable | 4-1 Core Cable 2-3 Core Cable 4-1 Core Cable An Ut A 2034 12,650,850 8,730,850 235,300 | $ 235,300 330,850 $ 330,850 $ 330,850 | $ 330,850 2038| $ 330,850 | $ 330,850 330,850 235,300 Note: For Enstar, the cash flow for 2003 includes $136,000 for the annual Alaska Railroad ROW payment. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) cashflow.xls/present worth 120376/al H-2 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) cashflow.xls/present worth 120376/al Enstar Base Route Tesoro Base Route 2-3 Core Cable | 4-1 Core Cable | 2-3 Core Cable | 4-1 Core Cable O&M and Cable Replacement Costs (RR ROW Costs for Enstar are included in O&M) Po 004 Po 202 tw poo $7,234,867 [$9,865,728 | | 2084] $3,289,440] $ 2,242,800 frovox roo | 2088)xxxx ooo $3,423,368] $ 4,668,229 | $14,533,957 TotalPwO&Mand | | ee po pO $12,320,000 ReplacementCosti997$_ | pT 1-3 Core Cable at Replacement____—‘|30thyear_—[30th year ReplacementCost_ | P| $1,100,000 Link Distances | PT Marine Links Only | PT (Ee | Met fl M22 ts 10.7 11.2 H -3 APPENDIX I TABLE OF CONTENTS Description Page No. Cost Estimate for the Tesoro Route, Base Route.............escsseseseeeseseeseseseeeeteeneseenes I-1 Cost Estimate for the Enstar Route, Base Route .............cccccessescescessesseseeseceeeeseeeeae 1-2 Cost Estimate for the Tesoro Route, Klatt A--Local Alternative ..............0:ccceeee 1-3 Cost Estimate for the Tesoro Route, Klatt B--Local Alternative ..............0:cccceee 1-4 Cost Estimate for the Tesoro Route, Klatt C--Local Alternative .............:ceeeeee 1-5 Cost Estimate for the Tesoro Route, Fire Island A--Local Alternative ..................5 1-6 Cost Estimate for the Tesoro Route, Fire Island B--Local Alternative ................... 1-7 Cost Estimate for the Tesoro Route, Pt. Woronzof A--Local Alternative............... 1-8 Cost Estimate for the Enstar Route, Soldotna North--Local Alternative................. 1-9 Cost Estimate for the Enstar Route, Cross Road North--Local Alternative ............ 1-10 Cost Estimate for the Enstar Route, Klatt A--Local Alternative ............0..ccccceseee I-11 Cost Estimates for the Enstar Route, Klatt B--Local Alternative..............0:c:cese 1-12 Cost Estimates for the Enstar Route, Klatt C--Local Alternative... 1-13 Cost Estimates for the Enstar Route, Shooting Range A--Local Alternative ........... I-14 Cost Estimates for the Enstar Route, Shooting Range B--Local Alternative .......... 1-15 Cost Estimates for the Enstar Route, Shooting Range C--Local Alternative .......... 1-16 Cost Estimates for the Enstar Route, Shooting Range D--Local Alternative .......... I-17 Cost Estimates for the Enstar Route, Shooting Range E--Local Alternative........... 1-18 Cost Estimates for the Enstar Route, Pt. Campbell A--Local Alternative............... 1-19 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) appendixi.doc 120376/al SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cost Estimate for the Tesoro Route Base Route Cost Item Estimated Cost Overhead Lines 38.2 Miles 22,588,939 Land Underground Cable 13,360,993 Submarine Cable (2-3 Core 38,166,309 Terminals $ 3,122,200 Sub Total Submarine (2-3 Core 41,288,509 Submarine Cable (4-1 Core 50,379,527 Terminals 3,308,600 Sub Total Submarine (4-1 Core 53,688,127 14.9 Miles 14.9 Miles 9 o s & ° ° 3 a c 2 S 3 @ Riser Poles Gas Insulated Switchgear e » 910,650 @ p/p Is = = 2 s = =. ° s ao a =. ° 3 a o |_Sub Total Trans. Sta. (2-3Core) | $2,762,060 | |_Sub Total Trans. Sta. (4-1 Core) | $2,781,943 | ae Nelda deal lle de ee alata | BerniceLake | Cd S3,573,337 | |__International (2-3Core) sos] Cd SC Cd |__International (4-1 Core) ss | CSC; Cd | Soldotna |_Pt.Possession(2-3Core) [| sd $ «1,068,571 | |__Pt. Possession (4-1 Core) | Cd $1,350,151 | |__Pt.Woronzof (2-3Core) | dT $3,526,913 | |__Pt.Woronzof (4-1Core) | C*d $3,835,633 | |__Naptowne (2-3Core) sss] Cd SC-Cd |_Naptowne (4-1Core) sss] Cd SC-sCid | DavesCreekwTCSC | Cd S590, 704 | |__Bradley Lake (TransferTrip) | —Ss_—s—s [$636,643 | |_Sub Total Sub. Sta. (2-3Core) | ss $__—*14,709,168 | | Sub Total Sub. Sta. (4-1Core) | sd $_—_—*15,299,468 | | Sg a aan STS Soi |Environmenta/PCS Costs | dT $4,285,000 | 0 TOE USSD YS TTT) I a Tova @acow came |__| _seamaaa roTaL(-4cow cane) |__| 2805900] HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) route4.xls/Tesoro Base 120376/al I-1 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cost Estimate for the Enstar Route Base Route Overhead Lines | 61.2 Miles|$ 32,038,554 Land Underground Cable | __0.5 Miles | $ 734,121 AAT orrvirveals MASAO | OU 2 WE £S MEES #1 22:20) |_ Sub Total Submarine (2-3Core) | $34,593,603 $41,227,538 IRATE corer OTA AUN 2 een | ESS UNL 3:30, 600 |_Sub Total Submarine (4-1 Core) | $44,536,138 ranationsiatons | $1,087,495 LAM Stations VATE ATAE ALAA | EO Fee ES : $ - $ 560,552 |__Outdoor Substation 1S-1UG__[|_ ea. $ = $ 552,154 |_Sub Total Trans. Sta.(2-3Core) | dT $1,799,822 |_Sub Total Trans. Sta. (4-1 Core) | | $1,791,424 | meee Mind earrolces Lee TNE EUAN UOTE | OER | 5 ATH |__International (2-3Core) |S 1,512,721 | |__International (4-1 Core) | TS 1,734,094 | Nk Soke cote ATLA | A |S S51 433984} HME RAWororizcctlt( 253 {ore ) MinlNNNTD | ANNA ATA Hm AAWeorcnzotlt (4211 Core ) MND | AURA | NAA |__Naptowne (2-3Core) |S 3,823,504 | |__Naptowne (4-1Core) |S 4,044,878 | |_DavesCreekwTCSC_ TS 5,903,704 | |_Bradley Lake (TransferTrip) | $636,643 | |_Sub Total Sub. Sta. (2-3Core) | $15,019,956 | |_ Sub Total Sub. Sta. (4-1 Core) | $15,462,703 | SACHA CAUSA | RAS] SAARC |RightofWayCosts* |S 1,721,860 | |EnvironmentaV/PCS Costs | $4,285,000 | ACTA Ae AVL TL [TOTAL (2-3CoreCable) | $90,192,916 | [TOTAL (1-4CoreCable) | Ss $10,569,800 | * ROW Costs include $136,000 for the first year Alaska ROW Payment. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) route4.xls/Enstar Base 120376/al 1-2 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cost Estimate for the Tesoro Route Klatt A -- Local Alternative Estimated Cost Pen from Base Overhead Lines | 42.2 Miles|$ 25,128,482 | $ 2,539,543 Land Underground Cable | 4.9 Miles | $ 7,194,381 | $ 6,166,612 AT esr NUT ee WTS YOM S31 22200 fk HAL |_Sub Total Submarine (2-3Core) |__| $48,766,460 $ 7,477,952 | LAHAT Sree GIADA RATA | AT 2 ex | ES LLANES 308; GOO | HMA NNAETTAR= |_Sub Total Submarine (4-1 Core) | | $63,559,023 $ 9,870,896 | eee co LAO A $ 910,650/$ = |__Gas Insulated Switchgear | ea [SS IA Stentor VOT ALU CAT | ee | EA TT |__Outdoor Substation 2S-1UG__ | tea. [S$ 690,858]$ | |__Outdoor Substation 2S-10H_ | 2 ea. [$1,121,104] $ 560,552 | |__Outdoor Substation 1S-1UG__[|_—tea. [$719,139] $ = |__Outdoor Substation 1S-10H_ __[|_2 ea. [$1,104,308] $ 552,154 | |_ Sub Total Trans. Sta. (2-3Core) |_| $2,722,612 $ 560,552 | |_ Sub Total Trans. Sta (4-1Core) |_| S$ 2,734,097|$ 552,154 | mene FA Sep eres Leake NAINA EA A | SM 3 737 a] N= HIN bresrrienthoreal fi (223, Cores) IMM IMNTER | LALUAHAATAA SS LAF HET INE rvtesrrenticoreal (421 Core) NOTIN AIOE | SS ADAMO | HHA = en ScocestrenTAT ATM | TN |S a= | 2 AA |__Pt. Possession (2-3Core) | TS 068,571[ |_Pt. Possession (4-1Core) | TS 1,850,151 |__Pt.Woronzof (2-3Core) |S 85269137 $ |__Pt.Woronzot (4-1Core) | TS 8835633 $ IRE Neto (2531C cores) MINA AAALAC LAH | SST ke Neaptowvrve (421; Core) HAULING (ES TAAL | AT |_DavesCreekwTCSC_ TS 5,903,704 $ |_Bradley Lake (Transfer Trip) [| ss [$ 636,643[$ |_ Sub Total Sub. Sta. (2-3Core) | $_14,709,1681$ |_ Sub Total Sub. Sta. (4-1 Core) | S$ 15,299,4681$ EATON TTAT UL LATF IRightofWayCosts |S 1.419.820] $ 318,300 | |EnvironmentaV/PCS Costs | TS 4,285,000 $ | ANCA ATT A AT CCA a ITOTAL (2-3CoreCable) | dS 104,225,923 $ 4,729,734 | [TOTAL (1-4CoreCable) | $19,620,271 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) route4.xls/TPPKRI 120376/al I-3 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cost Estimate for the Tesoro Route Klatt B -- Local Alternative Difference Estimated Cost from Base Cables/Conductors zx re sl | oO oO oO » » » Overhead Lines 42.5 Miles} $ 25,313,793 | $ 2,724,854 Land Underground Cable 4.9 Miles | $ 7,194,381 | $ 6,166,612 Submarine Cable (2-3 Core 17.8 Miles|$ 45,644,260 | $ 7,477,952 Terminals $ 3,122,200[$ ss - Sub Total Submarine (2-3 Core, $ 48,766,460 Submarine Cable (4-1 Core 17.8 Miles 60,250,423 Terminals 3,308,600/$ — - | Sub Total Submarine (4-1 Core) $ 63,559,023 | $ 9,870,896 Transition Stations [$910,650 $ | eS GNU SUT 21S TTT SVIOOC ATVs US TTA _ [$s 690,858]$ 2 ea. | Outdoor Substation 1S-1UG_ | tea [S$ 719,139/$ |_ Sub Total Trans. Sta. (2-3Core) | | $2,722,612 $ 560,552 | |_ Sub Total Trans. Sta. (4-1Core) | |S 2,734,097|$ 552,154 | | Bemicelake = Ct S83 573,337/$ | [__International (2-3Core) | SC US |__International (4-1Core) | SS MR EET 2 SET | _Pt.Possession(2-3Core) | TS 1,068,571$ Pt. Possession (4-1 Core) $ 1,350,151 Pt. Woronzof_(2-3 Core) $ 3,526,913 | $ - Pt. Woronzof (4-1 Core’ $ 3,835633/$ — - | [_Naptowne (2-3Core) | CS Se Daves Creek w/TCSC $ 5,903,704 | $ - |_BradleyLake (TransferTrip) [| [S$ 636,643/$ | [Sub Total Sub Sa-fe Gore) | 15200468 | Sub Total Sub. Sta. (4-1 Core, $ 15,299,468 | $ - CUTE ICM MMCCCE CE Right of Way Costs $ 1,447,370 | $ 345,850 Environmental/PCS Costs $ 4,285,000 | $ : TOTAL (2-3 Core Cable TOTAL (1-4 Core Cable $ 104,438,784 | $ 4,942,595 $ 119,833,132 | $ 7,327,142 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) route4.xls/TPPKR8 120376/al 1-4 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cost Estimate for the Tesoro Route Klatt C -- Local Alternative Cost Item Cables/Conductors 43.7 Miles 26,144,607 7,194,381 17.8 Miles 45,644,260 $___3,122,200 48,766,460 17.8 Miles 60,250,423 3,308,600 63,559,023 Transition Stations Gas Insulated Switchgear |_Stations Outdoor Substation 2S-1UG 1 ea. 1 ea. Substations Difference from Base Estimated Cost 3,555,669 6,166,612 7,477,952 7,477,952 9,870,896 9,870,896 An 910,650 690,858 1,121,104 719,139 1,104,308 2,722,612 2,734,097 560,552 552,154 $ 560,552 $ 3,573,337 1,068,571 3,835,633 avant Ta SoTL eee | 5,903,704 636,643 14,709,168 15,299,468 1,923,970 4,285,000 $ 822,450 105,746,198 121,140,547 6,250,010 8,634,556 °o oO » HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) route4.xls/TPPKR9 120376/al I-5 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cost Estimate for the Tesoro Route Fire Island A -- Local Alternative Difference Estimated Cost from Base Cost Item Cables/Conductors Overhead Lines 42.7 Miles| $ 24,814,990 | $ 2,226,051 |__Land Underground Cable [| 4.9 Miles] $7,194,381 $ _(6,166,612)| |_Sub Total Submarine (2-3Core) |__| $43,073,924 $ 1,785,416 | | Submarine Cable (4-1 Core) __|_ 15.6 Miles[$ 52,736,276 [$ 2,356,749 | |___terminals eS 3,308,600/$ = |_Sub Total Submarine (4-1 Core) | | $—56,044,876|$ 2,356,749 | rananionsutons | | | | RiserPoles CT ea TS 90,650 S$ |__Gas Insulated Switchgear | ea, TS ST | Stations ea SS |__Outdoor Substation 28-10H_ | 2 ea. [S$ 1,121,1047$ 560,552 | |__Outdoor Substation 1S-10H_ _ | 2 ea, | $ 1,104,308/$ 552,154 | |_ Sub Total Trans. Sta.(2-3Core) || $3,413,470 $ 1,251,410 | |_ Sub Total Trans. Sta.(4-1Core) |S 3,453,236|$ 1,271,293 | | BerniceLake |S 8,573,337] $ | |__International (2-3Core) | SS |__International (4-1 Core) | SS |_ Soldotna SC |__Pt. Possession (2-3Core) | TS 1,068,571 $ |__Pt. Possession (4-1 Core) | TS 1,350,151 [$= |__Pt.Woronzof (2-3Core) | TS 8,526,913[$ | Pt.Woronzof (4-1 Core) |S 3,835,633[$ |__Naptowne (2-3Core) | SS bares Osakwrese ———|- ——1 3 —saoa's- ——— Daves Creek w/TCSC $ 5903704/$ — - | |__Bradley Lake (TransferTrip) [ss [S$ 636,643[$ | Sub Toa Sub Sa [e1'Goe) [| 1520868 §- Sub Total Sub. Sta. (4-1 Core, $ 15,299468|$ —s-_—sid 0 a ene ns | ae | mee | ee TL IRightofWayCosts | TS 1174,9201$ 73,400 | |EnvironmentaV/PCS Costs | TS 4,285,000] $ - UNAS A OCT SS PU OL | LR LT [TOTAL (2-3CoreCable) sss | dS (98,665,8531$ (830,335) [TOTAL (1-4CoreCable) ss] CTS 112,266,871]$ (239,119) HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) route4.xls/TFIPW 120376/al 1-6 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cost Estimate for the Tesoro Route Fire Island B -- Local Alternative Difference Cost Item from Base Estimated Cost Overhead Lines Land Underground Cable Submarine Cable (2-3 Core Terminals $ 6,244,400 | $ 3,122,200 Sub Total Submarine (2-3 Core $ 41,094,936 193,572 Submarine Cable (4-1 Core | 13.6 Miles |$- 46,002,708 | $ 4,376,819 $6,617,200 | $ 3,308,600 Sub Total Submarine (4-1 Core) | sss] $ «52,619,908 | $ 1,068,219) s}|$ 24,814,990 | $ } 13,360,993 | $ 13.6 Miles |$ 34,850,536 4ea 3,315,772 ° o i ® 2 9° ° 3 a c g 3 & @ . NI = oy Riser Poles Gas Insulated Switchgear Stations Outdoor Substation 2S-1UG Outdoor Substation 2S-10H Outdoor Substation 1S-1UG Outdoor Substation 1S-10H Sub Total Trans. Sta. (2-3 Core, Sub Total Trans. Sta. (4-1 Core 910,650 221,262 1,381,716 1,681,656 1,438,278 1,656,462 4,195,284 4,226,652 221,262 690,858 1,121,104 719,139 1,104,308 2,033,224 2,044,709 AIA Substations Bernice Lake International (2-3 Core International (4-1 Core Soldotna Pt. Possession (2-3 Core Pt. Possession (4-1 Core Pt. Woronzof (2-3 Core Pt. Woronzof (4-1 Core Naptowne (2-3 Core Naptowne (4-1 Core Daves Creek w/TCSC Bradley Lake (Transfer Trip Sub Total Sub. Sta. (2-3 Core Sub Total Sub. Sta. (4-1 Core 3,573,337 1,068,571 3,526,913 3,835,633 5,903,704 636,643 14,709,168 15,299,468 Right of Way Costs Environmental/PCS Costs 1,174,920 4,285,000 $ Transition Stations NN JM Riser; oles MMMM MN G Yee XN |__Gas Insulated Switchgear | ea. IMAL Stexticores IUAIAN NANT ATTANE MTA ANTENA ese |__Outdoor Substation 2S-1UG__ | 2 ea. |___ Outdoor Substation 2S-10H_ | 3 ea._| |___Outdoor Substation 1S-1UG__|_— 2 ea. |__Outdoor Substation 1S-10H_ __|_— 3 ea._| |_Sub Total Trans. Sta.(2-3Core) |__| |_Sub Total Trans. Sta.(4-1Core) | JN Berrvices Leake INNA NI CLAN | ELL |__International (2-3Core) | |__International (4-1 Core) | JAUULESScobchentroe TOTALCARE {ANAL |__Pt. Possession (2-3Core) | |__Pt. Possession (4-1Core) [| |__Pt.Woronzof (2-3Core) | |__Pt.Woronzof (4-1Core) Td |__Naptowne (2-3Core) | | Naptowne (4-1Core) | | DavesCreekwTCSC_ | |__Bradley Lake (TransferTrip) | |_Sub Total Sub. Sta. (2-3Core) | |_Sub Total Sub. Sta. (4-1Core) | ii iii iin Timi RightofWayCosts | [Environmenta/PCS Costs | ITALENT AA NS | AON TOTAL (2-3 Core Cable) TOTAL (1-4 Core Cable’ $__ 115,781,931 | $ 3,275,941 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) route4.xls/TFIPC 120376/al I-7 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cost Estimate for the Tesoro Route Pt. Woronzof A -- Local Alternative a ee from Base cabiesconauctors =| | | | OverheadLines | 38.2 Miles[$_ 22,588,939[$ [|__Land UndergroundCable [4.9 Miles] $7,194,381 [$___(6,166,612)| [terminals ea TS 6244,400T$ 3,122,200 | |_Sub Total Submarine (2-3Core) |__| $__—52,827,669|$ 11,539,160 | |__Submarine Cable (4-1 Core) _|_ 18.2 Miles[$ 61,489,915 [$ 11,110,387 | [| ___terminals Cd ea S$ 6,617,200] $ 3,308,600 | Sub Total Submarine (4-1 Core) | | $ 68,107,115] $ _ 14,418,987 |_RiserPoles | Se, IS 910,650/$ = Gas Insulated Switchgear | O4ea [S$ - [es |_Stations le Outdoor Substation 2S-1UG $ 690,858/$ = - =| Outdoor Substation 2S-10H 1,121,104 560,552 Outdoor Substation 1S-1UG 719,139 Outdoor Substation 1S-10H 1,104,308 Sub Total Trans. Sta. (2-3 Core 2,722,612 Sub Total Trans. Sta. (4-1 Core 2,734,097 7 oO oy 552,154 560,552 552,154 Bernice Lake International (2-3 Core International (4-1 Core Soldotna Pt. Possession (2-3 Core Pt. Possession (4-1 Core Pt. Woronzof (2-3 Core Pt. Woronzof (4-1 Core’ Naptowne (2-3 Core Naptowne (4-1 Core A 3,573,337 1,068,571 1,350,151 3,526,913 3,835,633 Daves Creek w/TCSC 5,903,704 Bradley Lake (Transfer Trip 636,643 Sub Total Sub. Sta. (2-3 Core 14,709, 168 Sub Total Sub. Sta. (4-1 Core 15,299,468 Right of Way Costs 1,101,520 Environmental/PCS Costs Pp TOTAL (2-3 Core Cable TOTAL (1-4 Core Cable $__ 105,429,288 @ c a 5 = ° s o 8,804,529 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) route4.xls/TPPPW 120376/al I-8 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cost Estimate for the Enstar Route Soldotna North -- Local Alternative = nl from Base Soe MMA [| OverheadLines | 64.1 Miles $ 33,374,750 | $ 1,336,196 $ [terminals eS 3,122,.200[$ = |_Sub Total Submarine (2-3Core) | sd $__34,593,603/$ - $ $ : |_Sub Total Submarine (4-1 Core) | ss $44,536,138 | $ 7 Fete $ : $ - $ : $ : $ : $ : $ : $1,799,822 | $ : $1,791,424 $ : eee AAA AAA iLiBemiceitaken || i TIAA He LL LMI Me Se OT LOCC ( eS FO |__International (2-3Core) TS 1512,721$ |__International (4-1Core) | CS 1734004T$ j'Soldotna | 8149984 SF |__Pt.Woronzof (2-3Core) | CS Se |_Pt.Woronzof (4-1Core) | SC - S- Naptowne (4-1 Core’ Daves Creek w/TCSC $ 5903,704/$ = - | Bradley Lake (Transfer Trip $ 636,643[$ — - | Sub Total Sub. Sta. (2-3 Core, $13,068,712 Sub Total Sub. Sta. (4-1 Core $13,511,459 PME NT UT TUTTO TOTES OEM MCCA CC Right of Way Costs* Environmental/PCS Costs $ _4,285,000/$ —s_—-_—«y STAIN AAMC CC A A CLL TOTAL (2-3 Core Cable $ 89,664,618 TOTAL (1-4 Core Cable $ 100,041,502 * ROW Costs include $136,000 for the first year Alaska ROW Payment. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) route4.xls/EBIOVA 16 120376/al 1-9 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cost Estimate for the Enstar Route Oceanview A -- Local Alternative Cables/Conductors Overhead Lines Land Underground Cable Submarine Cable (2-3 Core Terminals Sub Total Submarine (2-3 Core, Submarine Cable (4-1 Core Terminals Sub Total Submarine (4-1 Core, Riser Poles Gas Insulated Switchgear Outdoor Substation 2S-1UG Outdoor Substation 2S-10H Outdoor Substation 1S-1UG Outdoor Substation 1S-10H Sub Total Trans. Sta. (2-3 Core Sub Total Trans. Sta. (4-1 Core Substations Bernice Lake International International Soldotna Pt. Woronzof (2-3 Core Pt. Woronzof (4-1 Core Naptowne (2-3 Core Naptowne (4-1 Core Daves Creek w/TCSC Bradley Lake (Transfer Trip Sub Total Sub. Sta. (2-3 Core Sub Total Sub. Sta. (4-1 Core 2-3 Core 4-1 Core Right of Way Costs* Environmental/PCS Costs Difference from Base Estimated Cost 62.0 Miles|$ 32,443,145 | $ 0.5 Miles | $ 734,121 11.6 Miles|$ 31,471,403 404,591 2ea $ 3,122,200 $ 34,593,603 11.6-Miles|$ 41,227,538 $ 3,308,600 44,536,138 ny oO » An *n 151,775 $ 1,087,495 $ 560,552 ES = ES sane = $4,044,878 $ 636,643 | $ $__ 15,019,956 | $ oni cena ATA 1,599,160 | $ 122,700 TOTAL (2-3 Core Cable OTAL (1-4 Core Cable * ROW Costs include $136,000 for the a = = 2 Ss Q 4 ° = = = ° Ss a HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) route4.xls/EBIOVC15 120376/al $ 599, $ 4,285,000 $90,474,807 | $ $ 100,851,691 | $ first year Alaska ROW Payment. 281,891 281,891 1 ea. | tea._| | _Oea._| | Oea._| | tea. | Oea. | | iea._| ini aT ene a ceils Tine aa OLA I Ei aT S| Seca mal maa [eT all eal Lime I-10 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cost Estimate for the Enstar Route Klatt A -- Local Alternative Difference Estimated Cost from Base Cost Item Cables/Conductors Overhead Lines 60.7 Miles} $ 31,640,131 Land Underground Cable 0.0 Miles 5 734,121 $34,407,023 | $ 2,935,620 [Terminals SSCd Se $3,122,200]. —*'d |_Sub Total Submarine (2-3Core) | sd $37,529,223 $ 2,935,620 | |___Terminals ek S$ 3,308,6001$ $ 398,423 [Sub Total Submarine (4-1 Core) |__| $ 48,387,600 $ 3,845,662 | rar seeataa NM| N SLT a [ RiserPoles | __oea_|$ | (151,775) [Gas Insulated Switchgear] 0ea_|$ - | $ (1,087,495) [cae Tn eee Ie ee oe [Outdoor Substation 28-1UG | Oea_|$___-_|s | [Outdoor Substation 28-10H | 2 ea._|$ _1,121,104|$ 500,552 [Outdoor Substation 1S-1UG__|0ea_|$ - ‘(S$ _| [Outdoor Substation 1S-10H_ | 2 ea._|$ _1,104,308[$ 552,154 [Sub Total Trans. Sta. (2-3 Core) |__| $1,121,104 [Sub Total Trans. Sta. (4-1 Core) | | $1,104,308 $ (687,116) alee oN eS [erie i) i Oe 1 ere [international (@3 Core) | _|$ _1sta7ai[$_-_ [international (4-1 Corey) | | $ _1,734,094|$ - [Sonora Sd dS tae [ Pt. Woronzot (2-3 Core) | -+4(|$ —- ~‘(s ~~ [ Pt. Woronzof (4-1 Core) | _|$ _- |s-_ [—Naptowne (2-3Gore) | | $ aeoa50a[$_ | [—Naptowne (4-1 Core) | | $ 4,044,78[$ __-_| [Daves Creek wTCSC_____| | $ 5,903,704[$ -_| [Bradley Lake (TransferTrp) | |$ _6s6.64a[$ | [Sub Total Sub. Sta. (2-3 Core) | | $ 15,019,956|$ ____-_| [Sub Total Sub. Sta. (4-1 Core) | | $_15,462,703|$ __-_| Li i i i i [Right of Way Costes | | $ 920810|$ (792,050) lEnvironmental/PCS Costs____| |$ 4285,000[$_—-_| Li i | Lion et et Lin iim TOTAL (2-3 Core Cable) | | $ 90,525224|$ 332,300 | TOTAL (1-4 Core Cable) | | $ 101,803,753 | $ 7,233,953 | * ROW Costs include $136,000 for the first year Alaska ROW Payment. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) route4.xls/EBIKRC1 120376/al I-11 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cost Estimate for the Enstar Route Klatt B -- Local Alternative Cost Item Estimated Cost Difference from Base Overhead Lines | 60.5 Miles|$ 31,447,860 | $ 590,694 Land Underground Cable [| 0.0Miles/$ — -_~—($ 734,121 Submarine Cable (2-3 Core 12.7 Miles|$ _ 34,407,023 | $ 2,935,620 Terminals $ 3,122,200 Sub Total Submarine (2-3 Core $37,529,223 | $ 2,935,620 Submarine Cable (4-1 Core) 12.7 Miles | $_ _ 45,073,200 | $ 3,845,662 Terminals 2ea $ 3,308,600 | $ - Sub Total Submarine (4-1 Core $ 48,381,800 | $ 3,845,662 Transition Stations Riser Poles [S$ TS 51,775)] |__Gas Insulated Switchgear | ea. [SS (1,087,495) |_Stations ec ST |__Outdoor Substation2S-1UG | ea [SS |__Outdoor Substation 2S-10H_ | 2 ea. [$1,121,104] $ 560,552 | |__Outdoor Substation 1S-1UG_ | ea [S$ OS Sub Total Trans. Sta. (2-3 Core) $ 1,121,104 | $ 678,718) Sub Total Trans. Sta. (4-1 Core, $ 1,104,308 | $ 687,116 Substations | BerniceLake CT CS International (2-3 Core | __—«AS$ 1,512,721/$ - | International (4-1 Core | «i$ __—i1i734o94 [$Y Daves Creek w/TCSC $ 5,903,704 | $ Bradley Lake (Transfer Trip $ 636,643 | $ Sub Total Sub. Sta. (2-3 Core, $ 15,019,956 | LT | | | Sub Total Sub. Sta. (4-1 Core) -——— $ 15,462,703 : — P| | $3,143,384 ($ [S$ [S$ $3,823,504 $4,044,878 Right of Way Costs $ 717,510 | $ 1,004,350 Environmental/PCS Costs $ 4,285,000 TOTAL (2-3 Core Cable $ 90,120,653 72,263 TOTAL (1-4 Core Cable’ $ 101,399,181 829,381 * ROW Costs include $136,000 for the first year Alaska ROW Payment. ode HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) route4.xls/EBIKRC8 120376/al I-12 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cost Estimate for the Enstar Route Klatt C -- Local Alternative Estimated Cost Difference from Base Cost Item Cables/Conductors Overhead Lines Land Underground Cable Submarine Cable (2-3 Core’ Terminals Sub Total Submarine (2-3 Core, Submarine Cable (4-1 Core’ Terminals Sub Total Submarine (4-1 Core 617,703 Sea 734,121 12.7 Miles 2,935,620 2,935,620 12.7 Miles 3,845,662 [Overhead Lines | 62,2 Wiles | [Land Underground Cable__| 0.0 Miles | [Submarine Cable (2-3 Core) | 12.7 Miles | [Terminals ~~ Se aie ee [Sub Total Submarine (2-3Core) |__| [~ Submarine Cable (4-1 Core) | 12.7 Miles | a ees I ie i [Sub Total Submarine (+1 Core) |__| $48,387,600 $ 3,845,662 | ee ete Na tM Me ea Ae SS [ RiserPoles | 0ea_[$ - | (151,775) [Gas Insulated Switchgear___| Oea._|$ - | $ (1,087.495)| Te Sentra MWe We I) Se a ee [Outdoor Substation 28-1UG | 0ea_|[$__-]s-_] $1,121,104 [Outdoor Substation 1S1UG__|Oea_|[$ _- [$s —-~_| [Outdoor Substation 1S-10H | 2a. _|$ 1,104,308 $ 552,164 | [Sub Total Trans. Sta. (2-3Core) |__| $1,121, 104 [Sub Total Trans. Sta. (4-1 Core) | | $1,104,308 | $ (687.116)| peel ee ST eget te ieee er Peed [Intemational (@-30ore) | [8 isia701]$ [international (4-1 Core) | | $ 1,734,094] $_- | [Sodoma Cd S*d Sage [ Pt. Woronzof (@-3Core) | _|s_—- +|s [ Pt. Woronzof_(4-1 Core) | _|$__- ]$-_] [—Naptowne (23 Core) | |$ _3,823504]$ —-~_| [—Naptowne (4-1 Corey) | |$ 4,044.a78]$ | [Daves Creek wTCSC______| |$ 5,903,704]$ __-_| [Bradley Lake (Transfer Tip) | |$__636,643|$ | [Sub Total Sub. Sta. (2-3Core) |__| $_15,019,956[$ _- [Sub Total Sub. Sta. (4-1 Core) | | $_15,462,703|$ - [Environmental/PCS Costs | _|$ 4,285,000[$_- |. eg Ie Met To Iu Mo TOTAL (2-3 Core Gable) | | $ 92,045,500 $ 7,850,504 | TOTAL (1-4 Core Cable) | | $ 103,324,028 |$ 2,754,228 | * ROW Costs include $136,000 for the first year Alaska ROW Payment. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) route4.xls/EBIKRC9 120376/al I-13 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cost Estimate for the Enstar Route Shooting Range A -- Local Alternative Cables/Conductors | OverheadLines Difference Estimated Cost from Base Overhead Lines 64.1 Miles 34,223, 122 2,184,568 0.7 Miles 1,027,769 293,648 27,130,520 4,340,883 |___terminals | Re TS 8,122,2007$ = |_Sub Total Submarine (2-3Core) | | $ —-30,252,720|$ __(4,340,883)| |__ Submarine Cable (4-1 Core) _|_10.0 Miles | $ 35,540,981 [$ _(5,686,557)| $3,308,600[$ = $38,849,581 Transition Stations 1 ea. 151,775 1,087,495 Sub Total Trans. Sta. (4-1 Core Substations 1,512,721 1,734,094 3,143,384 Daves Creek w/TCSC Sub Total Sub. Sta. (4-1 Core) Right of Way Costs* Environmental/PCS Costs cml one el ea a TOTAL (2-3 Core Cable’ TOTAL (1-4 Core Cable * ROW Costs include $136,000 for the first year Alask International (2-3 Core 3,823,504 4,044,878 5,903,704 636,643 15,019,956 15,462,703 ALA : 97,388,609 | $ 3,181,190) ROW Payment. » HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) routed.xls/EBISRC22 120376/al I-14 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cost Estimate for the Enstar Route Shooting Range B -- Local Alternative a from Base FA | OverheadLines | 63.3 Miles] $ 33,818,531] $ 1,779,977 | IANO eee age 1 TU TT eae ee eT |_Sub Total Submarine (2-3Core) | | $__<30,252,720|$ __(4,340,883)| |__ Submarine Cable (4-1.Core)__|_ 10.0 Miles[$__ 35,540,981 [$ _(5,686,557)| IONADAT, sree ALANA TN 2 ex WES MANTA 3 S088 G00)}] ES MUNNTANLNNTNNA T= |_Sub Total Submarine (4-1-Core) | sid $38,849,581 $ _(5,686,557)| GD ra Fos HANAN AN ex | SAA 1577-5 4 HT |__Gas Insulated Switchgear] tea. [S$ 1,087.495]$ = LS textbcor is ITHACA AAMAS ene 08 |S NUTT N S ATT=ST |__ Outdoor Substation2S-1UG_ | ea TS ST |__ Outdoor Substation2S-10H [tea [S$ 560,552/$ |__Outdoor SubstationiS1UG_ | Oea [S$ TS |__Outdoor Substation 1S-10H_ | tea. [S$ 552,154/$ | |_Sub Total Trans. Sta.(2-3Core) | S| $1,799,822|$ | |_Sub Total Trans. Sta.(4-1Core) | |S ,791,4241$ | eee B ELTA TACT AT DES A Ee |__International (2-3Core) | 1751257218) ES MNO N= |__Intemational (4-1 Core) | CS ,734,0947$ = NAS ote ex HDI AD INLET NAAT CE ATONE TATA TAT | BS MTS 1-4-3 S.A S| SNM FES WW OrOMZOFIE( 2231 Core ) AlAAINANIAN | IRIAN NNT | SSAA = | RANTS UME ER WW ron Zot HE (=A Core) MUMUOUNNIUER | INRIA NAUTAIUN | 5 ATEN ATNO= |S SEPA = DOE TS Ee) TT eS EST |__Naptowne (4-1Core) | CS 4 044878/$ | DavesCreekwTcsc | CS 5,903,704[$ Ieee er eee ero meno oe TE Sub Total Sub. Sta. (2-3 Core, S501 91956) SIMs} |_Sub Total Sub. Sta. (4-1 Core) [| sss $_~—15,462,703[$ =i SLE ATIC AALS ref wey oe ro eR |Environmenta/PCS Costs | TS 4,285,000/$ OEM: AAG ATA AA | MA [TOTAL (2-3CoreCable) | CdS 88,075,508[$ (2,117,408) [TOTAL (1-4CoreCable) | Cd $97,106,718 [$ _(3,463,082)| * ROW Costs include $136,000 for the first year Alaska ROW Payment. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) route4.xls/EBISRC23 120376/al I-15 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cost Estimate for the Enstar Route Shooting Range C -- Local Alternative from Base eC NNN | OverheadLines | 63.4 Miles|$ 34,06446|$ 2,367,802 | SARA Tesrrvatraalds eA ALAA | AI 2 Tee ES MAES 4 22; 2003 | 15 Ma |_ Sub Total Submarine (2-3Core) | | $__30,252,720|$ __(4,340,883)} |_eterminals Cd eS 3308,6001$ |_Sub Total Submarine (4-1Core) | «| $38,849,581 $ _(5,686,557)| ANNAN AA OTT A GAME Fis F21 ke AAA OA | A eS LS UDMA 51; 752° 1|¢ AAA = |__Gas Insulated Switchgear | tea. |S 1,087,495/$ CE = Ea |__ Outdoor Substation 2S-1UG_ | Oea TS - S |__Outdoor Substation 2S-10H_ | tea. |S 560,552/$ - |__Outdoor Substation 1S-1UG__ | Oea. [S$ - SO - |__Outdoor Substation 1S-10H_ | tea. [S$ 552,154[/$ |_Sub Total Trans. Sta.(2-3Core) | dT S$ 1,799,8221$ - |_Sub Total Trans. Sta. (4-1Core) | dT S$ ,797,4241$ = MAMAN TT Rete) Leo A A | = ES =P |__International (2-3Core) | S15 12,721[$ |__International (4-1Core) | OS 1,734,094[$ HOE Sofchc tr AAA | 2S NS} 1.4 3} 384] FS = $5,903,704 | $ : Bradley Lake (Transfer Trip) $ 636,643 | $ - Sub Total Sub. Sta. (2-3 Core $ 15,019,956 | $ - $15,462,703 | $ : $4,285,000 | $ : OATS ECA AA OA LC [TOTAL (2-3CoreCable) | CdS 88,747,022[$ _(1,445,893)| * ROW Costs include $136,000 for the first year Alaska ROW Payment. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) route4.xls/EBISRC26 120376/al 1-16 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cost Estimate for the Enstar Route Shooting Range D -- Local Alternative Naptowne (4-1 Core Daves Creek w/TCSC Bradley Lake (Transfer Trip Sub Total Sub. Sta. (2-3 Core Sub Total Sub. Sta. (4-1 Core, Right of Way Costs* Environmental/PCS Costs alo}= olol]o Pirie TOTAL (2-3 Core Cable TOTAL (1-4 Core Cable omen Ea | from Base caplesconauctors =| | | | __ terminals ea TS 8,122,200[$ = |_ Sub Total Submarine (2-3Core) | «| $__—<30,252,720|$ (4,340,883) | ___Terminals CT ek [S$ 3,308,600/$ Cd |_Sub Total Submarine (4-1Core) | sd $_~—<38,849,587 | $~_(5,686,557)| rranstionstatons =| | | tea |$ 1,087.495/$ - |_Stations S$ TS - 0 ea. $___1,791,424 | $ : | CT 1,734,094 3,143,384 3,823,504 4,044,878 5,903,704 636,643 15,019,956 15,462,703 2,297,060 4,285, $ 575,200 8 90,136,620 99,167,830 | $ 1,401,969) * ROW Costs include $136,000 for the first year Alaska ROW Payment. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) route4.xls/EBISRC28 120376/al I-17 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cost Estimate for the Enstar Route Shooting Range E -- Local Alternative Estimated Cost eee from Base Cost Item Overhead Lines Land Underground Cable |__ Submarine Cable (2-3 Core) | 10.0 Miles[ $27,130,520 |$_(4,340,883)| | terminals Tea S83, 122,2007$ |” |_Sub Total Submarine (2-3Core) | sd $30,252,720 $ _(4,340,883)| |__ Submarine Cable (4-1 Core) __|_10.0 Miles [$35,540,981 |$ (5,686,557)| |__terminls CE eS 3,308,600]$ CCS |_Sub Total Submarine (4-1Core) | sd $38,849,581 $ (5,686,557) ranstionstatons =| | | | RiserPoles | tea. TS 151,775/$ Cd |__Gas Insulated Switchgear] tea. [S$ 1,087,495[$ Cd | Stations Ce OS [Outdoor Substation 25-1UG_|0ea_[$ _- _|[§—-_ | Outdoor Substation2S-10H_ | tea. [S$ 560,552/$ Cd [Outdoor Substation 1S1UG__|0ea_ [S$ —- ~+[S8—-— |__Outdoor Substation 1S-10H_ | tea. [S$ 552,154[$ Ci |_Sub Total Trans. Sta. (2-3Core) | sd $_~——,799,822($ CS |_Sub Total Trans. Sta. (4-1Core) | sd S$ 1,797,424($ Cs susstaions =| || | BerniceLake CT (‘dU CCC COSC“‘;«‘CC*d”d |__International (2-3Core) | CdS SIA721[$ CCS |__International (4-1 Core) [| C“‘dCS:~==1,734,004TS CS |_ Soldotna CT CdS 8,143,384 SO | Pt.Woronzof (2-3Core) | CSCC! CSC‘ SSC*”d Fi oorze eee) _f_}s__ $ : $3,823,504 | $ : |_Naptowne (4-1Core) | CS 40448787 S| Daves Creek w/TCSC $ 5,903,704 Bradley Lake (Transfer Trip $ 636,643 | $ - |_ Sub Total Sub. Sta.(2-3Core) | sd S—15,019,956|/$ CS Sub Total Sub, Sia (1 Core) $15,462,703 | $ - Po Environmental/PCS Costs $ 4,285,000 | $ - Po [TOTAL (2-3Core Cable) | TOTAL (2-3 Core Cable $87,956,411 TOTAL (1-4 Core Cable’ $ 96,987,621 * ROW Costs include $136,000 for the first year Alaska ROW Payment. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) route4.xls/EBISRC29 120376/al I-18 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Cost Estimate for the Enstar Route Pt. Campbell A -- Local Alternative from Base |__Land Underground Cable | 4.2 Miles[$ 6,166,612] $ 5,432,492 | |__Submarine Cable (2-3 Core) __|_16.2 Miles| $43,951,442 [$12,480,039 | |___ Terminals | ea S$ 8122,2001$ = |_Sub Total Submarine (2-3Core) |__| $_—47,073,642[$ 12,480,039 | |__ Submarine Cable (4-1 Core) _|_ 16.2 Miles] $__57,576,390[$ 16,348,851 | |___Terminals ea $3,308,600] |_Sub Total Submarine (4-1 Core) | —C«dT $~—~60,884,990|$ 16,348,851 | re ee | RiserPoles CdS (sO, TSC CdS (151,775) Oca [S$ - ~[$ _(1,087,495)| [Stations Ce Se |__Outdoor Substation 2S-1UG_ |] tea. [$690,858] $ 690,858 | |__Outdoor Substation 2S-10H_ | tea. [S$ 560,552/$ Cd |__ Outdoor Substation 1S-1UG_ | tea. [S$ 719,139/$ 719,139 | |__Outdoor Substation 1S-10H_ [| tea. [$ 552,154/$ Cd |_ Sub Total Trans. Sta.(2-3Core) | sd S$ ——1,.251,410|$ (548,412) |_Sub Total Trans. Sta. (4-1Core) | $1,271,293] (520,131) Pee TT Te eS TT | BerniceLake = CT C“‘éisdSOOOUUUCOUCOCGC—“‘“C’SCSd |__International (2-3Core) | Cd SCC:SC*dT SS (1,512,721) |__International (4-1Core) | Cd SCC S:C*dC SS SC(1,784,094) | Soldotna Cd CC“‘iSS =~ 3,143,384 T7$ |__Pt.Woronzof (2-3Core) | CdS 8,526,913] $ 3,526,913 | |_Pt.Woronzof (4-1Core) ss] Cd S$ 3,835,633 ]$ 3,835,633 | |__Naptowne (2-3Core) | C—C“‘d SS: ~~ 8823,5047S OT -C |__Naptowne (4-1Core) | C“‘iS:~C4044.878TS CC | DavesCreekw/TCSC | C“‘dCS:~=—=5,903,704/$—-Cd |_BradleyLake(TransferTrip) [| —Ss§»_—sii$_~—s—ss636,643/$ —-Ci |_ Sub Total Sub. Sta. (2-3Core) | «dT S$ —«*17,034,1481$ 2,014,192 | |_ Sub Total Sub. Sta. (4-1Core) | «dS —«17,564,2421$ 2,101,539 | 0 A TN Ta |e |e | SIT [RightofWayCosts* | CS 1T,S10 S$ (1,110,350)| [Environmenta/PCS Costs | CTS 4,285,000/$ S| Cd TOTAL (2-3 Core Cable’ |} $e ar $ 15,329,995 $ 119,884,235 | $ 19,314,436 * ROW Costs include $136,000 for the first year Alaska ROW Payment. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) route4.xlsEPCA 120376/al I-19 APPENDIX J TABLE OF CONTENTS HVUG CABLE TYPES Cross Section of Typical Self-Contained Fluid-Filled Cable 3 x 300-400 sq.mm. Self-Contained Fluid-Filled Cable 3-Core Flat-Type Cable Cross Section of Typical Extruded Dielectric Cable DUCT BANK CASING TYPES Cross Section Concrete Encased Duct Bank and Trench Cross Section Duct Bank Casing Pipe Trench HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) appendixj.doc 120376-09/al HVUG CABLE TYPES CONDUCTOR (COPPER CARBON BLACK PAPER PAPER INSULATION CARBON BLACK PAPER ALUMINUM TAPE TERCALE CARBON BLACK paren)! ence OIELECTRIC FLUID FILLER COPPER WOVEN FABRIC LEAD ALLOY SHEATH FABRIC TAPE STAINLESS STEEL TAPE OIELECTRIC FLUID DUCT COPPER CONDUCTOR CONDUCTOR SCREEN INSULATION PAPER INSULATION SCREEN INSULATION BINDER LEAD ALLOY SHEATH FABRIC TAPE STAINLESS STEEL TAPE FABRIC TAPE FABRIC TAPE POLYETHYLENE SHEATH FABRIC TAPE POLYETHYLENE JACKET POLYPROPYLENE BEDDING GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE ARMOUR POLYPROPYLENE SERVING GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE ARMOUR COPPER TAPE POLYPROPYLENE YARN GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE POLYPROPYLENE YARN GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE POLYPROPYLENE YARN Figure UG-01: Figure UG-02: Cross Section of Typical , 3 x 300-400 sq.mm. Self-Contained Fluid-Filled Cable Self-Contained Fluid-Filled Cable (Submarine) (Submarine) STRANDED COPPER CONDUCTOR CARBONIZED PAPER PAPER INSULATION CARBONIZED PAPER AND SCREEN OF ALUMINUM FOIL COPPER CONDUCTOR LEAD ALLOY SHEATH LAYER OF ASPHALT AND TWO LAYERS OF DIELECTRIC FLUIC- IMPREGNATED PAPER EXTRUDED SEMI-CONDUCTOR EXTRUDED XLPE INSULATION TWO LAYERS OF COPPER TAPES CORRUGATED BRONZE TAPE COPPER WIRE SEMI-CONDUCTIVE BEDDING TAPES ASPHALT. POLYPROPYLENE YARN. ASPHALT. IMPREGNATED CREPE PAPER. EXTRUDED LEAD SHEATH SELFADHESIVE PB-TAPE. ASPHALT.POLYPROPYLENE YARN AND ASPHALT GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES EXTRUDED SEMI-CONDUCTOR PE OUTER JACKET WITH GRAPHITE COATIN( ASPHALT. POLYPROPYLENE YARN. ASPHALT.POLYPROPYLENE YARN ASPHALT AND CHAULK Figure UG-03: Figure UG-04: 3-Core Flat-Type Cable Cross Section of Typical (Submarine) Extruded Dielectric Cable (Land) DUCT BANK CASING TYPES 50'-0" Ny 7 (APPROXIMATELY) 16'-0" Sina 30'-0" MINIMUM MINIMUM CONSTRUCTION: CONSTR ACCESS (TYPICAL) ACCESS os (TYPICAL) EXISTING Si NATURAL BACKFILL WARNING TAPE (TYP) SELECT BACKFILL (OPTIONAL) CONCRETE ENCASEMENT HVED CABLE 6" PVC CONDUIT (TYPICAL 4 PLACES) Figure UGDB-01: Cross Section Concrete Encased Duct Bank and Trench 50'-0" . (APPROXIMATELY) | _16'-0" 3-0" 30'-0" MIN. CONSTRUCTION MIN. CONSTRUCTION ACCESS (TYPICAL) ACCESS (TYPICAL) =| ri — natura. b Tit BACKFILL a = | Tt WARNING tha ee Il TAPE 4 NR fs IN a SELECT BACKFILL (COMPACT SAND) STEEL PIPE NY) 6 INCH NYLON SN ; ie es 2] PNG ys EUN 4/0 AWG XHHW bake Be SAND SLURRY GROUNDING CABLE— LS ZO) y CASING FILL YN IY : a [\\ As IN I HVED RN), NUN Ih P ite} IN I IN 200 wc A he 'S Figure UGDB-02: Cross Section Duct Bank Casing Pipe Trench (Pipe Trench Installation Site Specific) SS S YUyy) Ba APPENDIX K TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBMARINE CABLE INSTALLATION PROFILE DRAWINGS Drawing No. Description Page No. SUBM-01 Trenched Shore End Submarine Cable Installation K-2 SUBM-02 Direct Embedment of Submarine Cable K-3 SUBM-03 Direct Lay Submarine Cable Installation K-4 SUBM-04 Submarine Cable Landing K-5 SUBM-05 Direct Embedment with Guide Line Submarine Cable Installation K-6 SUBM-06 HDD Pilot Hole Installation K-7 SUBM-07 HDD Casing Installation K-8 SUBM-08 HDD Submarine Cable Installation eo) SUBM-09 HDD Submarine Cable Landing Profile K-10 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) appendixk.doc 120376-09/al Kev EXCAVATE CHANNEL 15° BELOW LOW WATER. FIL SAND AND LAY CABLE IN S DEPTH AS SHOWN. ~—~___ATe| iim: STEM HIGH WATER \ RIP-RAP TO TERMINAL SUBMARINE CABLE SELECT SAND BACKF ILL THIS DRAWING WAS PREPARED BY POWER ENGINEERS. INC. FOR A SPECIFIC PROJECT. TAKING INTO CONS (OERATION THE SPECIFIC AND UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROJECT. REUSE OF THIS DRAWING OR ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS ORAWING FOR ANY PURPOSE 15 PROHIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROW BOTH POWER AND PONER’S CLIENT IS. GRANTED, 4" SAND COVER 2’ SAND ON BOTTOM COMPACTED SELECT SAND TO SHORE LINE ee Me TRENCHED SHORE END SUBMARINE CABLE LANDING OSGN BH ORN OWN CKD. BH a SOUTHERN INTERTIE. PROJECT SCALE: NTS wi GRDIMER TRENCHED SHORE END DRAWING NO. [REV iaitevs iano’ 65535 | SUBMARINE CABLE INSTALLATION | SUBM-o1 |A\ O8-JAN-1998 16243, ‘supmO2.a90_ | POWER & : CONTROL ULLING LINE CABLES ANCHOR PRORLLE IMULTANEOQUS LAYING Fee er es rl tre aea tral FLOOR TRENCHING MA D NE 1S S04 IN WT sgn BURN GUIS TINGS MACHINE OR MARINE AN el H | ne G SOUTHERN INTERTIE. PROJECT GR DIUER DIRECT EMBEDMENT ORAWING NO. REV RAILETs NOARO’ 83395 OF SUBMARINE CABLE SUBM-02 CABLE LAYING BARGE SUBMAR INE ma ie Plein ne Oe DN ee Tes Mt NG PULLING LINE CABLE LAYING BARGE SUBMAR INE ANCHOR TEAL eee TEMS Ore mee a MM Estee eet el tele THIS DRAWING WAS PREPARED BY POWER ENGINEERS. INC. FOR A SPECIFIC PROJECT. TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE SPECIFIC AN UNLOUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROJECT. 9/97 9/97 noe Ll ORR OWE SCALE: NTS 3940 GLENBROOK ORIVE HAILEY. IDAHO 83333 SOUTHERN INTERTIE. PROJECT DIRECT LAY DRAWING NO. SUBMARINE CABLE INSTALLATION | SUBM-03 | /A\ OB-saN-1998 16:45 | nofsz. TD! submOT.aon_| REUSE OF THIS DRAWING OR ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS ORAVING FOR ANY PURPOSE 15 PROHIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM BOTH POWER AND POWER’S CLIENT IS GRANTED. ANCHOR VESSEL / L INSTALLED SUBMARINE CABLE INITIAL PAYOFF OF SUBMARINE CABLE SUBMAR INE CABLE BARGE TURNAGAIN ARM SUBMAR INE CABLE FLOAT > L- oe SMALL BOAT (TYP) FINAL PAYOFF OF SUBMARINE CABLE PLAN SUBMAR INE CABLE FLOATS CABLE ROLLERS eee eee SOR EE NG LAND —— WINCH TRUCK CABLE PROLLERS 7 OPEN TRENCH SHORE LINE PULL LINE SUBMAR I NE CABLE | ee SHOREW WTNE: SUBMARINE CABLE LANDING THIS DRAWING WAS PREPARED BY POWER ENGINEERS. INC. FOR A SPECIFIC PROJECT. TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE SPECIFIC AND UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROJECT. REUSE OF THIS DRAWING OR ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING FOR ANY PURPOSE 15 PROMIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM BOTH POWER AND POWER'S CLIENT IS CRANTED. 3940 GLENBROOK ORIVE HAILEY. [DAHO 83333 SOUTHERN INTERTIE. PROJECT SUBMAR I NE DRAWING NO. ra CABLE LANDING SUBM-04 O8-JAN-1998 16:43 nofsz. o [al se POWER SOURCE — POWER CABLES 7 PULLING LINE FOR MACHINE ‘ PULLING LINE BURY ING MACHINE INSTALLATION OF SO ren aL RECOVERED GUIDE CABLE 4 _ POWER & PULLING LINE CONTROL CABLES SUBMARINE CABLE ANCHOR PROF ILE BURIED CABLE ARIE RA MB EDMEN | OF || SH BMAT IT NE CAR iE ene ee 7 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT AND UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROJECT. 9/97 mee rere reat : aS SR gave DIRECT EMBEDMENT WITH GUIDE LINE] RAINE wo. REV 5s PaOnaITED URESS aI TTEN Pension HalLevs WDARO’ 83595 SUBMARINE CABLE INSTALLATION SUBM-05 A : 7 c HYDRAUL IC DRILL CUTTING 3000-4000 FT HEAD HDD DRILL i HIGH WATER MARSH BOG hii MUD FLAT | TURNAGAIN ARM LOW WATER |+—— SHORE LINE Toma ae Sarees eee ene) EIN cole eA esr a ee ace | Nile ee ee = SOUTHER INTERTIE RECT] == so ws he a 2 POWER TARR ae CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING FOR ANY PURPOSE : NTS itn ts wien Ps i 3940 GLENBROOK ORIVE HOD PILOT HOLE INSTALLATION SUBM-06 OB-JAN-1998 16144 Rafsz.tb! | supm03.aan | RS PRODUCT PIPE WELD & ASSEMBLY BARGE \ \ \ GUIDE BARGE & ROLLERS TURNAGAIN ARM 3000-4000 FT PRODUCT PIPE WELD & ASSEMBLY BARGE PRODUCT PIPE GUIDE BARGE TEMPORARY H-FRAME WOOD POLE PILES AND ROLLERS RECEIVING 3000-4000 FT 1 PLAN TEMPORARY H-FRAME WOOD POLE PILES WITH CROSS MEMBER ROLLERS TIDAL HIGH WATER MUD FLAT HDD DRILL RIG 10-12 INCH 4-POINT PRODUCT ANCHORS (TYP. ) SEP lee THIS ORAWING WAS PREPARED BY POWER ™ EARTH I PIPE CASING PULLBAC PRODUCT) PIRE SOIL | l | 3-5 INCH DRILL STRING BACKREAM AND PULLBACK OF PIPE CASING SHORE dye =) PROF ILE STALLATION OF NG PROFILE SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT K IN CAST JOB NUMBER ENGINEERS. INC. FOR A SPECIFIC PROJECT. TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE SPECIFIC 120376 AND UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROJECT. | REUSE OF THIS ORAWING OR ANT INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS ORAWING FOR ANY PURPOSE IS PROMIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM BOTH POWER AND POWERS CLIENT IS) GRANTED. NTS DRAWING NO. SUBM-O7 Ga power 3940 GLENBROOK ORIVE HAILEY. IDAHO 83333 HDD CASING INSTALLATION OB=JAN-1998 16:44 REV AN SUBMARINE CABLE BARGE PULLING FINAL PAYOFF ROLLERS FLOATS OF SUBMARINE SHORE LINE CABLE = SMALL INITIAL PAYOFF MARSH BOG BOAT (TYP) OF SUBMARINE CABLE LAND TURNAGAIN ARM PLAN PULL LINE SUBMARINE CABLE & CABLE FLOATS CABLE ROLLERS PULL ING SUBMAR I NE WINCH CABLE (7 SUBMARINE PIPE RESCUE [iN CABLE BARGE URC SELECH BACKF ILL TSS HNO LOW WATER | i al 10-12 INCH PRODUCT PIPE SHORE Neel bate Ena Ee UA eee St eI eta Rese ee fl | tea ee AND TAL WAT EON eh) | Guess IG ee SOUTHERN INTERTIEPROIECT 10 UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROUECT. Ora COMTANGD IIIS GF: OR a Pose : Peal ceeceery re HOD SUBMARINE ORE NOOR REY) ITTEN Pe $5 sue uss ITT Penasioe HAILEY. IDAHO 83333 CABLE INSTALLATION SUBM-08 canted, O8-JAN-1998 16145, TO TERMINAL 3000-4000 FT ] TIDAL SHORE LANDING HIGH WATER LEVEL MUD LOW WATER EEvEL 7 FLAT SAND BAG . MARSH BOG PLUG Lomo TTTIKRNG SA SAND BAG ON BOTTOM CASING PLUG 20-30 FT DEEP CASING DIRECT EMBEDDED SUBMARINE CABLE SUBMARINE CABLE & SAND SLURRY FILLED CASING PROF ILE STEP 4: FINAL PROFILE OF INSTALLED THIS DRAWING WAS PREPARED BY POWER ENGINEERS. INC. FOR A SPECIFIC PROJECT. | TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE SPECIFIC WO UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROUECT.| (REUSE OF THIS DRAWING OR ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED Im THIS DRAWING FOR ANT PURPOSE IS PROHIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN PERMISS 0M] FROM BOTH POWER AND POWER'S CLIENT IS) GRANTED. SUBMARINE CABLE HDD LANDING SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT rater StRS® BES35 CABLE LANDING PROFILE suBM-09 |/\ K - 10 APPENDIX L TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Cathodic Protection and Inductive Coordination L-2 Preliminary Induction Analysis L-3 Induction Analysis Results Summary Spreadsheet L-5 Date Correspondence From / To Description Page No. Type 8/26/96 Fax Tesoro Alaska Pipeline Co. to Pipeline Data L-11 POWER 9/4/96 Letter Cathodic Protection Services to Estimates L-17 POWER 5/15/97 Fax Pirelli Jacobson to POWER Cathodic Protection L-19 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) appendixl.doc 120376/al L-1 Cathodic Protection and Inductive Coordination The proposed overhead, submarine and underground transmission lines for this project will be installed on existing right of ways and adjacent to existing right of ways at various locations. These existing rights of ways include linear facilities composed of continuous conductive metallic equipment. These parallel linear facilities include: railroad, rails and railroad communication lines, petroleum pipelines, gas pipelines and water supply lines. In order to determine the potential for capacitive and inductive influences from the transmission line, a number of representative analytical models were developed to determine the induced voltage and resulting induced currents that may affect the existing cathodic protection systems of the parallel linear facilities. This appendix provides information on preliminary induction analysis, price quotations for field study of induced voltages from Cathodic Protection Services Company (CPS) and recommendations from an expert with submarine cable systems, Pirelli Jacobson, Inc. Induced voltage levels on buried pipelines co-located with electric power transmission lines are typically mitigated by grounding the pipeline. Maximum effectiveness is obtained when grounds are placed where peak induced voltages occur. Cost estimates prepared for this project include engineering, cathodic protection investigation, stray current investigation and induced voltage analysis for the specific conditions that are anticipated to be a result of the final selected route and transmission line installation. Cost for mitigating influences from the electric power transmission line are included in the construction cost estimates of each transmission line segment. Construction costs include additional grounding systems and ground current blocking devices. HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) 120376-09/al COPY Abstract: we a) Power Engineers conducted a preliminary induction analysis on the first 44 miles of the Nikiski pipeline from the Card Con Building to Point Possession using EPRI’s Corridor Program. The main objective of this analysis was to determine the feasibility of locating a transmission line in the pipeline right of way. A secondary objective was to determine the approximate cost associated with the necessary grounding modifications that would have to be done to the pipeline to mitigate induced voltages of unsafe magnitude. Data: Tesoro Alaska Petroleum provided Power Engineers with the pipeline routing map and data on the rectifiers located on this segment of the pipeline. The rectifier data is provided in Attachment A. Tesoro supplied additional information over the phone: e A pipeline burial depth of four feet except at valve locations e Approximate soil resistivity of 1000 Q-m e A factory application of X-True pipe coating with an estimated original thickness of 40-50 mils e The first four valves of the pipeline (starting at the Card Con Building) have permanent ground jumpers installed across them. The fifth valve (at Point : Possession) has the ground jumper removed e Outside pipe diameter of 10.75 inches Analysis: A Corridor model was created using the data described above. The pipeline was modeled with thirty branches and thirty-one nodes. Each valve and rectifier location was assigned anode number. Two powerline configurations were used in the analysis: a single pole structure (two conductors on one side of the structure and one conductor on the opposite side of the structure) and an X structure (all three conductors in the same horizontal plane). The single pole structure model was used to model the transmission line from the Card Con Building to Captain Cook State Park and the X structure model was used from Captain Cook State Park to Point Possession. The rectifier data was analyzed to determine the condition of the resistive pipe coating. The dc current distribution over the pipe was calculated and showed that the coating was in excellent condition. A value of 1,000 KQ-ft? was used for the coating resistance of the pipe. The model was then used to run several different cases. For the different cases run, the transmission line was located from 55 feet to 800 feet from the pipeline. Cases were run with: all of the ground jumpers at the valves disconnected, the ground jumper at valve five (Point Possession) disconnected and with the rectifiers disconnected (possible maintenance condition). Results: The results of the eleven cases run are shown in Attachment B. All of the results in Attachment B show values of induced voltage on the pipeline without any additional grounding to the pipeline. The induced voltage values for any of the cases could be reduced by additional grounding to the pipeline. The industry standard for an acceptable level of induced voltage for personnel safety is fifteen volts or less. Applying this industry standard, Case 11 shows that for normal operating conditions the transmission line would have to be located at least 300 feet from the pipeline. This safe distance of 300 feet between the pipeline and the transmission line indicates that if the pipeline does not receive additional grounding the transmission line can not be placed in the pipeline right of way without exceeding the industry standard levels of safe induced voltages. Power Engineers investigated the cost of grounding the pipeline that would be incurred if the transmission line were constructed in the pipeline right of way. Power Engineers requested a quote from Cathodic Protection Services Company (CPS) in Sand Springs, Oklahoma for the design, equipment, and installation cost of a cathodic protection system that would allow the transmission line to be built in the pipeline right of way. CPS’s response to our request is shown in Attachment C. This preliminary cost estimate indicates that for approximately $275,000 the transmission line could be installed in the pipeline right of way and the induced voltages mitigated. Southern Intertie Project-Nikiski Pipeline Right-of-Way Ye ee, Induction Study Results Case 1 Case 2 ee eee eee Lo Side | Lo Side | Hi Side | Hi Side | Voltage |] Lo Side | Lo Side | Hi Side | Hi Side | Voltage Volt | Current} Volt | Current] Diff. Volt | Current} Volt | Current] Diff. (volts) | (amps) | (volts) | (amps) | (volts) }} (volts) | (amps) | (volts) | (amps) | (volts) ge ern eee pee Qe TVET Te tee Je Papers bar par po par pee prec o | 53 [441 | 53 | o | 531 | ea | 531 | 64 | 0 | SV 0 es I es ee es Tee eT ees eT es A ms AST psi | 54 | 0 | iz see Te Hee Ne = Qe ie go CO LO Case 1: (File:Chgach) Insulated valve station, rectifiers installed, steady state, T-line at 75 feet. Case 2: (File:Gach) Insulated valve station, rectifiers installed, steady state, T-line at 55 feet. NIKRES.XLS Page 1 12/5/96 || Southern Intertie Project-Nikiski Pipeline Right-of-Way Induction Study Results PSST ST HT Sie T Valage VS Sie SSS Ss Toes] Volt | Current] Volt | Current Tie Current} Volt | Current] Diff. (volts) | (amps) | (volts) | (amps) nes | (volts) | (amps) | (volts) | (amps) | (volts) ay (a ee [os | Pel eee eles een eee ae Pp 8 | 441 | 53 | aes | 53 | 0 | 357 | sige ies ota |e O Tf et EEE |_ 33.2 _| | 43.1 | 54 | 431 | 54 | 0 | 349 | He parpae perso perp as perp aso | 23 | ie | 36 | tes | 36 [ o | 140 | 32 | 149 [32 To | er et. == ae Reap eels an alae pee See Case 3: (File:Gach1) Insulated valve station, no rectifiers installed, steady state, T-line at 75 feet. Case 4: (File:Gach2) Insulated valve station, rectifiers installed, steady state, T-line at 100 feet. NIKRES.XLS Page 2 12/5/96 L- 6 Case 6 Node ve Current} Volt | Current] Diff. Volt | Current} Volt | Current] Diff. (volts) | (amps) | (volts) | (amps) | (volts) }} (volts) | (amps) | (volts) | (amps) | (volts) ae a a a A A a A SA SN Ps ft tT Ct fo 4441 poo | of} of of lo | 6% . Oe eae eee eee ase Paso | 46 | 055 | 46 | 055 | 0 | —— [10 | we] 25 | 78] 25 | 0 | 43 | ose] 43 | ose | 0] 41_| te7 [24] e724 | 0 | 45 | 0565] a5 | oss | 0 | [42 _| 205 | 22] 205 | 22 | 0 | 49 | ome | 49 | om | 0 | [43_| 237 | 18 | 37] 18 | 0 | 57 | oa] 57 | oaio| 0 | [14 | 295 | 0677 | 295 [ 0677 | 0 | 71 | o1e2| 71 | 0102] 0 | RESET as a7_[3a] 37 | 31 | 0 _| ele ses] 0] we] o | 0 _| Ps | o | s [oo] P33 af o [wate [oo fas [oo fas [oo [ o | Southern Intertie Project-Nikiski Pipeline Right-of-Way Induction Study Results ee [sz] 07 | 32 | 0 J 02 [ove] oz | orm] 0 Sao ca Aiea Case 5: (File:Gach3) Case 6: (File:Gach4) Insulated vaive station, rectifiers installed, steady state, T-line at 800 feet. Insulated valve station, rectifiers installed, steady state, T-line at 200 feet. | NIKRES.XLS Page 3 12/5/96 Cae, Southern Intertie Project-Nikiski Pipeline Right-of-Way Induction Study Results Case 7 Case 8 a 5, Side | Lo Side | Hi Side | Hi Side | Voltage }} Lo Side | Lo Side | Hi Side | Hi Side | Voltage Volt | Current} Volt | Current} Diff. Volt | Current] Volt | Current} Diff. (volts) | (amps) | (volts) | (amps) | (volts) | (volts) | (amps) | (volts) | (amps) | (volts) Po ea A ON 7.4 | 10 | 144 | 62 | 144 | 62 | o fs [51 [15 [51 To | ptf 47 foot [47 fot | oo fe fT os1 [ie [541 To p12 [154 | 6 | 54] 6 | 0 pst 5 Pst s fo | | 13 {| 169 | 57 | 169 | 57 | 0 | 135 | 468 | 135 | 48 [To | | 44 {| 202 | 5 | 22) 5 | o | [rez [4a [62 [43 [0 [45 | 221 | 46 | 21 | 46 | 0 | 78] se | we] se | 0 | pete 221 | 46 | 221 | 46 | 0 | ive | 39 | 178 | 39 [To | | 17 | 221 | 46 | 221 | 46 | 0 | ive | 39 | 78 | 39 [To | es ee eee P20 | 2 | 35 | 2 | 35 | 0 | 5 | s2 | 5] a2] 0 | | 24 | 268 | 3 | 26 | 3 | Oo | 216 | 28 [216 | 28 To | | 22 | 249 | 23 | 249 | 23 | 0 | 205 | 22 [ 205 [| 22 To | | 23 | 203 | 39 | 203 | 39 | 0 | nS 2 SEE ses | 24 | 6 | 53 | 8 | 53 | oO fT 74 | 46 | 74 [46 To | P28 | 7s {53 | 7e| sso [7s | 46] 73 | 46] 0 | | 27 _{ e9 | 53 | 69 | 53 | 0 | [er | 46 | a1 | as | 0 | I DS | 29 | 337 | 16 | 337 [ 16 | 0 | pe pO LS | Lee | a | |_32_| | 33 _| ee eC | Pir] o [17 | s4 | 0] | 17 | 39 | 17 | 39 | of 15 | 34 [15 [34 To | Case 7: (File:Gach5) Valve Station 5 insulated, rectifiers installed, steady state, T-line at 75 feet. Case 8: (File:Gach6) Valve Station 5 insulated, rectifiers installed, steady state, T-line at 100 feet. NIKRES.XLS Page 4 12/5/96 L- 8 Southern Intertie Project-Nikiski Pipeline Right-of-Way Induction Study Results Case 9 a a Se te Current} Volt | Current] Diff. Volt | Current} Volt | Current] Diff. (volts) | (amps) | (volts) | (amps) | (volts) |] (volts) | (amps) | (volts) | (amps) | (volts) SCT TTC AI TILT) CTILTTET-)TELUCTEC C7) T0EL 01) ATs 2 Seg TC eT eee I ee eT eT rece ee eT ge T= eS SM TOT Tres oe Tree eee TTA my 2 | 35 | 52 | 35 | 0 | os | oe] o9 | oe] o | Minar ecm ene Mecano ance | mie MnamcNsoe eon ovecet | mom [8 | se | 38 | 56 | 38 | o | 1 | oses| 1 | ose] 0 | 9 | s7 | se | s7| 39 | of 7 fom | 1 [om] o | [40 [7s | 37 | 78 | a7 | 0 | 12 [oo] 42 [ovo] o | ra fs | 37| 6 |sa7| of] o7 | 13 [ o7 | o | 42 | a4 | s6 | 84 | 36 | 0 | 13 | oo] 13 | oo] 0 | -43_[ 92 | 35 | e2 | 35 | 0 | 14 | oes] 14 | ose] 0 | A A EH OE ES A A = A TH a v2 | 220 | Te veo Oe] 61586 (OL omy 22 | 29 | 22 29 | o | 19 | ose] 19 | ose] 0 i e220 TT pe eee [ae see FO fe ee 2 ee NT Oe ae Me eee | MTT P20 | 7 | 25 | 27] 25 | o | 2 | os7 | 2 | o57 | 0, [at | me] 23 | 8 | 23 | 0 | 24 | oso] 24 | sar] 0 | [22 | ms | 18 | 5] 18 | o | 25 | oasz| 25 | oase| 0 | ae 2 2 = Le 0 AL a oe) Loves) OL mm so [34 [59 | 34 | 0 | 14 | 0604 | 14 | o6ea| 0 | 7c ee Fe a eee TO N= O20 OE 2 OE OH FS OA EA EE ne ea Tee ee ea TT To NOS TsO oN i EN = A EE OEE SS See ee oS Case 9: (File:Gach7) Valve Station 5 insulated, rectifiers installed, steady state, T-line at 150 feet. Case 10: (File:Gach8) Valve Station 5 insulated, rectifiers installed, steady state, T-line at 800 feet. NIKRES.XLS Page 5 12/5/96 i 9 Southern Intertie Project-Nikiski Pipeline Right-of-Way Induction Study Results Case 11 Case 12 PTET IMENT Ved L Neem. -00 TIL UTI CME TILTON cama U0 NLU Node Volt | Current] Volt | Current} Diff. Volt | Current] Volt | Current] Diff. (volts) | (amps) | (volts) | (amps) | (volts) |} (volts) | (amps) | (volts) | (amps) | (volts) PUNT TIC eT DCO ONTO TU A VL SIMCLO SEEPS. TLD ME. PICEA TV U VMOU IT 1 Era es TAT PE ETA TT Cee eT TE Sane a ent OEE TTT SSAA eve TE ee eG AEA NET NTT SME Ni ene TE see ATT SN AEE Le 20 Ta 2m) ee 2s ee eA TAA TT SEF 2m TeR Meee ese AN SAT TMT Te TT Ue FN eA Tae see eee TNT et TE ee 82 eT ST TNT eA eS ESN ee Ra eee A eR TE eae ae eea I ees ERT AT Se TESS eigen see Fees ACT ANT TT ree seit ae Se a eve TATTLE EAE TT Tega 1 nese TUITE Ae Les Ae AT TTC EET TTT ee e000 rae Tse EE EA IN TR Te Sea ieee eee Vie TEE ee) eee ee AER A STi eet Me eae eT PT i ese E ga St EE ea TALE EAT ST eae ese TN lee em a TL ERT E AT A T T TTT Ieee Se ae gt ea eA TE MT TT Tema] se ees eA eA Te cee NT ee een ET AE TT 2 A A nee to ee NAT TT ta eet Case 11: (File:Gach9) Valve Station 5 insulated, rectifiers installed, steady state, T-line at 300 feet. NIKRES.XLS Page 6 12/5/96 } L- 10 ‘AUG-26-96 MON 39:28 TESCRO KENAl 3EF INERY Pax NO. 9077765546 P, 31/CE N GORROSION eNGINeERe aN 7 TESORO ALASKA PETROLEUM LaTA SHEET #6) NN / CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEMS NCE JOR#OT13858°P | 1/203 F76-0/ II. RIG TENDERS PIPELINE ROUTE 4 dum °C: Lalént Ref. NCE Dwg C-10563 (5) A. Rectifier Information Rectifier No. 3 = Located at Card Con Bldg., Tesoro Sales Rack Manufacturer: Good-All Electric Model No: CSXYSB100-70NQ Serial No: 88C1738 ne) Rated AC Input: : 240 volt, 47.2 amps ~ DC Output As_ Found Set To Panel Meter: 00.0 volts 27.0 00.0 amps 18.0 Portable Meter: 00.0 volts 27.9 00.0 amps 17.5 Shunt (75A/50mv): 00.0 nv 11.7 Transformer (D/5 Max): A/5 A/Ss Note: AC cable was shorted at rectifier seal off. Cables repaired by J. Hall - - oo oe ee ee FAX Toe: Powen Enrgineeac, Inc. ZO8- 76F-2082 (fan) avin: Holgea Peller TOTAL OF 6 PAGES Fraem: Welson Amen Teseno Alagka Pipeline Company 967-776-8191 x $00 ur t . 71 , ee re above “Cand Con neediFiem IS presently not Fading the pipeline. The Space oF th — pernsining fomn nectificms aque atteched, They SERS RSE ST SETS chastd be noted on the aligned Sheets ZL sent reco AUG 26 1995 reco {emery fir Pt. Pesecesion) . - ——————tCOCOCOOCO—~—S Cet B-26-°-% Fus-<d-9o MUN JY: 2y yORTON CORROSION ENGINEFRA TESCRU ACAAL MEP 201 TOA Wa os TESORO ALASKA PETROLEUM COMPANY NIKISK!] PIPELINE CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM 4996 ANNUAL INSPECTION Rectifiers Location: Manufacturer: Mecde! No.: Serial No.: AC Input Rating: DC Output Rating: DC Output Panel Meters: Portable Meter: Shunt (20A/ 50mvV): Taps (D/6 Max.): de No. 4-7 8 9 10 Other Total CAPTAIN COOK PARK Wayre Broyles Engineering C1/21365% 876133-1 415/230 volts, 23 amps, 1 volts. amps Readin 39 volts 4.2 amps 38.9 volts 4.44 amps 11.1 mV Ci Current disconnected 0.38 amps 0.23 0.32 3.5 4.43 amps + fUvusy APPENDIX A: 1 OF 4 NCE NO.: 0-14329-P DATE: JULY 8-17, 1596 BY: J. KEPPLER L- 12 AUG-26-96 MON 08:29 PESURU SENAL Ker iNEXY THA ALL YI basso sHTON CORROSION ENGINESRS P yi TESORO ALASKA PETROLEUM COMPANY APPENDIX A: 2 OF 4 NIKISK! PIPELINE NCE NO.: 0-14329-P Location: POINT POSSESSION THERMOELECTRIC GENERATOR Manufacturer: Glaba! Thermoelectric Inc. Medel! No.: CP5220L-SI-SO Serial No.: §220-745-X9E Fue! Type: Propane Power Rating: 220 Waits @ 16° C Fue! Pressure: 120L Pa DC Output Rating: 14.87 velts DC Output As Found Set To Panel Meters Current Limiter Meters: 11 volts 9.8 18.5 amps 20 CP Interface Meter. 7.9 voits 9.8 17.9 amps 20 Portable Meter CP Interface Input: 11.29 volts 10.10 CP Interface Output: 7.61 volts 9.80 17.34 amps 19.5 Shunt (30A/ 50mV): 28.9 mV 32.5 Anode Junction Box 4 East (7/13) 7.6 amps 2 West (6/13) 3.7 amps 3 Gaivanic Anodes 0.0 amps (disconnected) Tota! - 17.3 amps ; PROPANE SYSTEM Fill Level Reading Tank 1 110% @ 50°F Tank 2 28% Tank 3 87% @ 50°F Nitrogen Tank 2500 psig continued on next page reels fe Mer uu / / BUNT cOTS0 WN Uo+ ou e2SCRU AENAL REE INES, / JORTON CORROSION ENGINEERS nA wi TESORO ALASKA PETROLEUM COMPANY NIKISKI PIPELINE POINT POSSESSION continued Reculators Tank 1 Nitrogen Tank Tanks 2&3 Vaporizer, Blow off Vaporizer, Regulator TEG OPERATIONAL INSPECTION Radio Self-Igniter Visual Inspection 29.5 psig 33.0 psig 29.0 psig 25.0 psig 21.2 psig 14.9 psig <_< 2. v lever APPENDIX A: 3 OF 4 NCE NO.: 0-14329-P Tide: low Temp: 57°F L- 14 / / / ALC-26-96 MON 39:30 reo" CORROSION ENGINEERS TESORO ALASKA PETROLEUM COMPANY NIKISKI PIPELINE Location: Manufacturer: Model Me.! Serial No.: AC Input Rating: DC Output Rating: DC Output ane! Meters: Portable Meter: Shunt (200A/ SOmV) Taps (D/5 Max.): TESCRU KeNAL XEP NERY TAA AU, tuvusy gy bey APPENDIX A: 4 OF 4 NCE NO.: O0-14329-P ANCHORAGE AIRPORT (ANC) ReavScinN100G (modifed ome > moair: 8201327 ( ) 230 volts, 65.3 amps 100 volts, 100 amps As Found Set To 46 voits 40 162 amps 144 44.9 volts 39.8 165.2 amps 144 R 41.3mV 36.0 D/2 C/5 Note: A cable from the center transformer tap positicn to the panel has burned insulation. Location: Manufacturer: Model No.: Serial No.: AC Input Rating: DC Output Rating: DC Output Panel Meiers: Portable Meter: Shunt (20A/ SO0mV): Taps (D/6 Max.): DETOX Wayne Broyles Engineering AC1/212661 876132-U 115/230 volts 60 volts, 20 amps Reading 37 volts 1.4 amps 37.8 voits 1.44 amps 41.3 mV B/6 Note: The rectifier ground is shorted to the new gravitometer. The rectifier was found off the previous day. The breaker would noi hold more than 10 minutes with an interrupter placed in the circuit. ELS AUG-26-96 MON 39:31 TESORO KENAI 2EF NERY oe PF. IOs LU Amen, Nelson P. , ee From: Neff, Jack D. To: Amen, Nelson P. Ce: Neff, Jack D. Subject: Right-of-way width Date: Monday, August 05. 1996 2:30PM Priority: High 1 went through 32 of the right-of-way files and this 1s now the width brake down goes: 30'= 20 20°= 4 10 = 8 hope this helps, Jack a ee ee REPLY FROM: Neff. Jack D. Microsoft Mail v3.0 IPM.Microsoft Mail. Note From: Amen, Nelson P. To: Neff, Jack D. Cc: Amen, Nelson P. Alkire, Paul J. Samora. Paul Cason, Rodney S. Subject: Right-of-way width Date: 1996-08-05 08:26 Priority: Message ID: DF6B3E68 Conversation ID; DF6B3E68 | have been contacted several times by an electrical utility company. They are researching the installation of an inter-tie from Kenai to Anchorage and (of course) have an interest in our established right-of-way. Can you pull a few of the right-of-way files and determine the typical width of our pipeline right-of-way? Anytime in the next two weeks would be ok. Thanks, Nelson Amen Page 1 L - 16 RECEIVED ne Gelli Ca J Cathodic Protection Services Company P.O. Box 68 5750 S. 116th West Ave. Sand Springs, OK 74063 (918) 245-8855 Fax (918) 245-8866 September 4, 1996 Power Engineers, Inc. 3940 Glenbrook Drive P.O. Box 1066 Hailey, Idaho Re: Power Engineer's Project Number 120376. Induced AC Study for the Southern Intertie Project Gentlemen: Cathodic Protection Services Company (CPS) is pleased to provide the following quotation for induced AC engineering services on the above project. Its is our understanding that the project involves an existing coated underground pipeline somewhere in Alaska that is to be paralleled by a proposed high voltage power line. We are in receipt of a seven page fax from your office setting forth some particulars of the project and some preliminary Program Corridor induction study results. The induction study results are repeated for various pipeline-powerline configurations ranging from a 75 foot separation with the powerline collocated on the pipeline right-of-way to a maximum 800 foot offset with the powerline in independent right-of-way. Induction levels in a given pipeline will vary considerably depending, primarily, upon pipeline coating resistance, soil resistivity and pipeline characteristic impedance. If the pipeline company does not have adequate coating resistance values, for input into Program Corridor, it would be necessary to perform an interrupted potential survey along the pipeline to assess the coating resistance. This would add one additional trip to the outline below. We envision that a minimum of three trips would be required to complete the study and installation of any necessary mitigation on the pipeline. This would apply to any of the cases discussed below except that the case 10 situation (800 foot separation) would not require the construction kick-off trip. We estimate the following field times for the investigation and for coordination with PE. Additionally, the time estimates assume vehicular transportation is possible on or close to the right-of-way. If not, additional field time must be allowed for conducting the survey on foot. With these caveats, we offer the following estimates, based upon 10 hours a day in the field working under summertime conditions: Cathodic Protection Services WORK ITEMS: ESTIMATED OFFICE ESTIMATED FIELD DAYS Initial Site Survey 3 6 Visit Power Engineers office to develop Computer Model 3 Construction Kick-off 2 6 Induced AC Survey after Construction Phase 5 5 TOTAL ESTIMATE 13 Days 17 Days Total Estimated Engineering Cost $ 75,000.00 Estimated Material Cost $ 50,000.00 Estimated Construction (This work performed by Local Contractor) $150,000.00 Total Estimated Cost $275,000.00 It must be recognized that this is a very rough estimate based upon a preliminary mathematic model entered into Program Corridor, over which we have no control or input. All of these figures maybe subject to severe revision upon completion of the necessary investigation. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to quote this significant induced AC study. We look forward to working with you on the project. Respectfully submitted, CATHODIC PROTECTION SERVICES COMPANY CMQAY Gary E. Mikish District Manager L - 18 Cathodic Protection Services Company FACSIMILE COry PIRELLIJACOBSON,INC. Date: May 15, 1997 Fax Reference Number: PJI-9238-PM To: POWER ENGINEERS Attn: MR. WILLIAM A. RIALL From: PIETRO MONDINI Pages (including this cover): 2 If you havo any problerns with this trensmission, please cai! us at (206) 782-1618 / fax (206) 789-2851 RE: SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT CATHODIC PROTECTION Dear Bill, In response to your letter dated May 9, 1997, I have the following comments, It is quite difficult to give precise indications on how to protect the cable armour without having the information relevant to the cable and the cathodic protection used. In any case, please find some comments that I hope can be useful to you. I understand that the cable will laid parallel, at 1000 feet, to a pipeline that is cathodically protected. In general, such a distance could be sufficient to avoid corrosion induced on cable armouring, depending on many factors but in particular to the maximum current that is injected in the pipeline and to the current that is “dispersed” in the sea by the pipeline per unit length (ie: if the pipeline is protected with a plastic layer or sheath, the dispersed current is very low). If the current that is collected from the cable gives current densities lower than 3 - 5 mill Ampere per square meter on cable surface, no additional corrosion can be considered induced on cable armour with respcct to the “natural” corrosion of steel wires in a sea environment. The current density can be calculated, for the sake of simplicity, by neglecting the (positive) effect of burial and of the presence of the external polipropilene bituminized layer on the cable, ie: calculating the current density in the sea in vicinity of the cable. IG3ND. Persz Pn 5355 28th Avenue N.W."* * Seattle, WA 98!07°*‘U.S_A. JA Hopethert Kf ate |2032Y-0F- 22-04-20 > Power Engineers Mr. William A. Riall May 15, 1997 Fax Ref, PJI-9238-PM Page Two Other means, related to the cable, could be used, like extruding a PE sheath overall (cable not coilable!) or by covering each armour wire with plastic material. Da Pietro Mondini Vice President Pirelli Jacobson, Inc. PM/sk 5355 28th Avenue N.W.***Seattle, WA 98107°* "U.S.A. L - 20 APPENDIX M TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Trip Report, June 23 through 27 M-2 Field Trip Report, July 18 and 19, 1996 M-5S Field Trip Report, October 9, 10, and 11, 1996 M-6 HLY 23-437 (1/23/98) appendixm.doc 120376/al M-1 Chugach Trip Report June 23 through 27 (Randy Pollock, Larry Henriksen and Bill Riall) June 23, 1996 Arrived in Anchorage and visited the Pt. Woronzof Substation site, walked the beach and bluff at approximately low tide. Found cable trench located approximately 19' from SW corner of substation fence. Also visited Pt. Campbell landfall site. Walked shoreline from Tesoro pipeline landfall around the point to bluff. Discussed with Tim Tetherow and Nik Ranta (D&M), the potential pitfalls of trying to get a route through the Kincaid Park. One possibility would be to offer a new trail to the park in return for being allowed to bury the cable under the trail’s surface. June 24, 1996 Met with Dora Gropp at CEA office and ascertained which cables in the existing cable field are energized. Met with John Lau of Enstar, who provided some background on their pipeline’s route across Turnagain arm. Turnagain pipelines are not used much. They are afraid to pig the lines due to possible kinks and movement due to earthquake. When asked how far on land we would have to stay from pipeline, he said 50' away from right- of-way. Visited the Potter End of the Enstar route and picked a potential landfall site. The site for transition would be at intersection of Seward Highway and Old Seward Highway. Directional drill under railroad bed and rip rap on bank would be required. Visited Bird Point landfall. After viewing site, it was decided it would be very difficult to bring cable ashore at Bird Point and get across the highway to the existing line’s right-of-way. Moved landfall west of point to area where it would be possible to get line across highway to north and get to the existing line right-of-way. This may prevent using directional drilling to its maximum extent. Met with Golder Associates’ Mark Musial and Bob Dugan at Golder’s office. Discussed arrangements to get state plane coordinates of landfalls to Golder on quads. June 25, 1996 Larry Henriksen and Bill Riall drove to Nikiski to meet with Nelson Amen of Tesoro Alaska. Received two of their line sheets near Point Possession. Nelson promised to send the balance of their sheets. Their sheets should prove useful, in that they indicate distance on given property owners. Nelson said he would help anyway possible. HLY 22-565 Chugach (8/5/96)lj 120376-08 1 Drove to Captain Cook State Park as far as accessible by car. It appears possible to bury cables along road right-of-way. At Swanson Creek it is believed that a drill will be needed to cross creek, due to environmental sensitivity. On way back to Anchorage, covered existing overhead routes adjacent to highway. Stopped at Quartz Creek Substation and observed crossing of Kenai Lake. This crossing is visible from the highway. Observed special cribs around structure bases in several passes in avalanche areas. Drove to Hope to observe Bird Pt. to Six Mile Creek Crossing area. Very difficult to see due to brush in area. Returned to Anchorage late. June 26, 1996. Using helicopter, Bill Riall, Larry Henriksen, Tim Tetherow and Nik Ranta left Anchorage and flew to Fire Island. Landed at old air strip at northern end of island. Picked a shore landing site near mid length of runway to minimize bluff impact. Runway appears to be closed. May have to cross under the runway to wood line, if runway in use. Appears feasible to route an overhead line along existing road to near FAA facility on island and along to south point of island based on aerial observation. Landed near south point of island just SE of end of bluff line. Picked a landing site on south side of island in a notch in the bluff line where a transition facility will have minimal visual impact, yet good access to shore line. Flew to Point Possession. Over flew the NE side of the point, then over land 1-2 miles south of point and then back to the point. Observed a possible landing site at Moose Point Light that may avoid going through moose refuge. Bluffs from Moose Pt. Light to area of Tesoro’s landfall appears to be a formidable obstacle, as well as some native fishing camps. A possible landfall exists just east of the Tesoro pipeline’s landfall. This would mean a possible directional drill from land to just off shore to minimize impact on the moose refuge. Flew coast line to Captain Cook State Park. Surprised by number of cabins on shore line at top of bluffs. Flew pipeline corridor back from Captain Cook Park and observed several cabins east of pipeline. Flew to area of Burnt Island. Helicopter left us off and returned to Anchorage. We walked 1/2 to 3/4 miles to get to Valve Station on Enstar’s pipeline. Slopes east of pipeline appears heavily wooded and steep with rocky base. Picked a landfall further south of Burnt Island. Pipeline is just out of salt marshy area that joins the steep hill side. Pipeline parallels this area to near Burnt Island Creek. HLY 22-565 Chugach (8/5/96)lj 120376-08 2 Flew on to Six Mile Creek area. Best landfall on south side of area appears to be in vicinity of Sunrise Creek. Flew up Six Mile Creek to observe location of existing distribution line. Right-of-way appears to be very buildable. Possible use of single pole structures with distribution underbuild discussed. Observed a right-of-way not in use that was cleared. Flew back up area to observe the steel towers along Seward Highway. Returned to D&M Anchorage office where landfall points were plotted out. Quadrangle maps and route for survey were laid out. State plane coordinates were determined for all landfall points. D&M’s Tetherow and Ranta to arrange copies and forward to Golder. June 27, 1996 Departed from Anchorage. HLY 22-565 Chugach (8/5/96)lj 120376-08 3 Field Trip Report Southern Intertie Project July 18 and 19, 1996 Larry Henriksen Wednesday - July 17, 1996 Travel from Hailey to Anchorage (evening flight) Thursday - July 18, 1996 Del LaRue, Mike Warner, Tim Tetherow and Larry Henriksen performed fixed wing aerial reconnaissance of the overhead line routes identified in the Macro Corridor Study. Specifically, the Tesoro, Enstar, and Quartz Creek routes, including Six Mile Creek. Reviewed maps and aerial photos for the following days helicopter reconnaissance. Friday - July 19, 1996 Del LaRue, Mike Warner, Tim Tetherow and Larry Henriksen performed helicopter aerial reconnaissance of portions of the overhead line routes identified in the Macro Corridor Study. Specifically in the area between Bernice Lake and Point Possession. Field Trip Report Southern Intertie Project October 9, 10, and 11, 1996 Larry Henriksen Tuesday - October 8, 1996 Travel from Hailey to Anchorage (evening flight) Wednesday - October 9, 1996 Del LaRue, Nik Ranta, Tim Tetherow and Larry Henriksen met at Dryden & LaRue’s offices. Performed map and aerial photography review of routes in Point Possession Area and north of Bernice Lake Substation in preparation for field trip on Thursday. Reviewed and discussed options to allow the line get past the native lands at Point Possession. Thursday - October 10, 1996 Del LaRue, Nik Ranta, Tim Tetherow and Larry Henriksen flew commercially to Kenai. Performed ground reconnaissance on routes north from Bernice Lake Substation to Captain Cook State Park. The highway route was driven, two schools, residential and commercial development and the airport were noted, which will create conflicts with _ overhead lines. Reviewed the area west of the highway for possible routes. Drove along the pipeline from Bernice Lake part way to Captain Cook State Park. Drove to Captain Cook Park to review possible underground route within park. Walked pipeline right of way north of Captain Cook Park for approximately 1/2 mile to evaluate for overhead line right of way. Reviewed intersection point of overhead line route avoiding Captain Cook Park to the south with the pipeline right of way north of Captain Cook Park. Returned to Anchorage via commercial flight. Friday - October 11, 1996 Del LaRue, Nike Ranta, Tim Tetherow and Larry Henriksen performed on the ground reconnaissance in the Anchorage area. The Potter Section House area was reviewed for submarine cable landfall and transition station to land cable locations. Possible locations for cable, either on the Cook Inlet side or the marsh side of the railroad tracks north of Potters Marsh were reviewed. Possible underground cable alignments around the old Seward Highway were reviewed. The route north from Potters along the railroad tracks, past the aitport, and along the bluff was reviewed. The route along O’Malley and Minnesota to International Substation was reviewed as was the route from Klatt to International Substation. In the north Anchorage area the circuits between ML&P Plant No. 2 and University were reviewed. Worked on the revision to the Phase I Macro Corridor Study Report Summary in the early evening. Saturday - October 12, 1996 Traveled back to Hailey on the “red-eye”, arriving in Hailey mid morning. o Project ission Proposed Anchorage To Kenai Anchorage Area Alternative Routes Peninsula Transm SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT ate nenn eee Oo me af wae ie i Route 5 2 ive ing k Number i Alternat in i L Exi Oil Platform Ocean/Lakes/Inlet IV — Corridor A & A, 3 Miles ine L ission Facil J Railroad ipeline insit ing i Transmi Study Area Boundary Rivers and Streams Transition iting Area Pi Ss General Reference Features // i N /V/ © TaN Ten TEN TaN Alternative Routes SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Proposed Anchorage to Kenai Peninsula Transmission Line THON Legend [| State Park |_| Kenai National Wildlife Refuge [223] Chugach National Forest Private, Borough, or State Selected Lands General Reference Features Inventory Corridor Alternative Route @}) Link Number Code 4 Existing Substations ® Proposed Transition Facility Siting Area \’ Pipeline // Transmission Line “Quartz Creek Transmission Line “V Railroad “Study Area Boundary © Rivers and Streams A Oil Platform i [J Ocean/Lakes/Inlet . . ———— 01 3 6 Miles of Anchorage (1994). a jational Forest (1995). Ee DAMES & MOORE Kenai Peninsula (1994). PSE) Aik dak was aad USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads.