HomeMy WebLinkAboutAK Basin Outlook Report 2-2000USDA United States <a Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Alaska Basin Outlook Report FEBRUARY 1, 2000 The Following Organizations Cooperate With the Natural Resources Conservation Service In Snow Survey Work: Federal Department of Agriculture Forest Service Chugach National Forest Institute of Northern Forestry Department of Commerce NOAA, National Weather Service Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory Department of Defense U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineers Laboratory Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management Geological Survey Alaska Power Administration Fish and Wildlife Service National Park Service State Alaska Department of Fish and Game Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Parks Division of Mining and Water Division of Forestry Alaska Energy Authority Alaska Railroad Fairbanks SWCD Homer SWCD Salcha/Big Delta SWCD Upper Susitna SWCD Wasilla SWCD University of Alaska Alaska Experiment Station Geophysical Institute Institute of Water Resources Alaska State Climate Center Reindeer Research Program Long Term Ecological Research Program Municipalities Municipality of Anchorage Municipality of Juneau Private Alaska Electric, Light and Power Alaskan Weather Records Alyeska Resort, Inc. Alyeska Pipeline Service Company Chugach Electric Association Copper Valley Electric Association Homer Electric Association Ketchikan Public Utilities Public Schools Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District Fairbanks North Star Borough School District The Lake and Peninsula School District Canada Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Yukon Territory Ministry of the Environment, British Columbia The U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in its programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at 202-720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint, write the Secretary of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C., 20250, or call 1-800-245-6340 (voice) or (202) 720- 1127 (TDD). USDA is an equal employment opportunity employer. TABLE OF CONTENTS February 1, 2000 Hydrologic Basins Map 4 State General Overview 5 Basin Conditions and Data Central Yukon Basin 6 Tanana Basin 8 Western Interior Basins 10 Arctic and Kotzebue Basin 12 Norton Sound, Southwest, and Bristol Bay 14 Copper Basin 16 Matanuska - Susitna Basins 18 Northern Cook Inlet 20 Kenai Peninsula 22 Western Gulf 24 Southeast 26 For more water supply and resource management Issued by Released by information, contact: Pearlie S. Reed Chuck Bell Rick McClure Chief State Conservationist Hydrologist Natural Resources Natural Resources Natural Resources Conservation Service Conservation Service Conservation Service Washington, D.C. Anchorage, Alaska 949 E. 36th Ave., Suite 400 Anchorage, Alaska 99508 (907) 271-2424 Official Business Penalty for Private Use $300 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 17200" 1- 70°00" KOTZEBUE yodut—™. Croame a HYDROLOGIC BASINS ALASKA MILES ° SO 100 150 200 250 ls fore ee As a 1S Sd squno ; LEGEND we . u ASIN Basin Boundaries 3® é ee, ° NORTON SOUND f Pane SO ee oA. von | BABIN CZ NonrON a taacice Wy . Noes a ‘ e canary) souTHWesy, ee SO ge 5 1% ELT an poe BASIN nu az Peas _ ee NG 1SUANO mostetes ISLAND ¢/ TAKU a? _ Bristpt BAY ; wesreiW J - & i / ir GuLF OF ALASKA BASIN Kt cor '. “\ ye Js : ~staMo® ‘Ea eat ¥ BRISIOL wasn of bp. el a a [ > a a SEhan 7 AE CO 2, ceaN = ne? ODN oO Af Be or on Hanct 0 7 “easy 2" men Rah NE anna ony Jew UNALASKA, oe aoe oe “ CI A aun ae cif* nw TAN guns ae ee sean" wiano <4 a o ves mas “oeroo Pp #te Oo 6 3 XN : suo SOURCE: U.S.G.S. HYDROLOGIC UNIT MAP, 1987, AND TIGER/UNE CENSUS FILES, 1990. INFORMATION FROM SCS FIELD PERSONNEL. MAP PREPARED USING AUTOMATED MAP CONSTRUCTION. LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATE SYSTEM CALCULATED BY THE APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE. NATIONAL CARTOGRAPHY AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS CENTER, FORT WORTH, TEXAS, 1993. o& USOA, SCS, NATIONAL CARTOGRAPHY & GIS CENTER, FORT WORTH, TX, 1989, REVISED DECEMBER 1993 1003609 GENERAL OVERVIEW Snowpack Snow began early in the interior and south central at elevation. In the Chena basin near Fairbanks at Munson Ridge(elev. 3100 ft.), it began September 22nd, the normal is October 3rd. In South Central, Turnagain Pass snow began October 10th, the normal is October 23rd. In contrast at lower elevations, Fairbanks received snow on October 13th, the normal is October 14th and Anchorage received snow October 26th, the normal being October 14th. Most of the state had less than normal snow in October and November. A normal amount of snow fell from the Steese Mountains, north of Fairbanks, south to Seward the month of December. Very little snow fell in the Northwest near Nome extending to Coldfoot. South Central and Southeast received much greater than normal percent of snow for December. In January, most of the state south of the Brooks Range received twice normal or better snow. In South Central, a good percent fell January 30 and 31st. Precipitation In Southeast Alaska, Juneau had 150 percent of the normal precipitation in October, approximately 125 percent of normal in November, 200 percent in December, and 50 percent of normal precipitation in January. South Central had greater than normal precipitation in October (approximately 150 percent), December(130 percent) and January(150 percent). November was about 50 percent of normal. The Interior north of the Alaska Range had less than normal precipitation in October, November and December. In January the region received up to 300 percent of the normal monthly increment. Temperature The months of October and November had near normal temperatures while December and January have seen extreme temperature variations. An example is Fairbanks, which had a high of minus 42 degrees F and ten days later the high was 22 degrees F above. Fairbanks had nine days in a row starting the 29th of December where the temperature did not get above minus 20 degrees F. Starting the 18th of January, Fairbanks had ten days in a row where the temperature reached 20 degrees F above or more. These extreme temperatures were from Anchorage north. Central Yukon February 1, 2000 Central Yukon Basin snowpack* Fort Yukon temperature (degrees F) 20 National Weather Service Station | (inches) * Based on selected station: 16 12 zc ” oO oO i D) o a D g. o = = 5 (CB £ £ e5 = = Maximum! 6 4 2 Zz o = T 5 Average 0 jae 5 & —K=== Minimum ie -4 - o 5 x 8 2 G -12 o oO -16 | -20 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR SNOWCOVER: There is significant snowpack in the south central Yukon basin with Lower Beaver Creek reporting 35 inches of snow. This is an increase of 18 inches of snow depth since December Ist. For more information contact your local Natural Resources conservation Service office in Fairbanks, (907) 479-2657. CENTRAL YUKON BASIN SNOWPACK DATA THIS YEAR LAST YEAR 1961-90 AVERAGE SNOW WATER SNOW WATER SNOW WATER SNOW COURSE ELEVATION DATE DEPTH CONTENT DEPTH CONTENT DEPTH CONTENT December Borealis 1330 12/01/99 15 3.0 7 0.8 —— — Graphite Lake 600 11/30/99 5 0.9 4 0.4 -- --- Lower Beaver Creek 400 11/30/99 17 3.0 8 220 -- --- Mission Creek 900 no survey -- --- 6 0.8 -- --- Vunzik Lake 500 11/30/99 14 2.5) 6 On —— --- February Borealis 1330 01/27/00 34 -- --- Five Mile 600 no survey -- 22 4.0 Fossil 1400 01/27/00 34 ed --- Graphite Lake 600 01/26/00 20 -- --- Hess Creek 1000 no survey -- 21 3.6 Lower Beaver Creek 400 01/26/00 35 --- === --- -- --- Mission Creek 900 2/08/00 18 4.8 10 Lie D) 17 Sek Thirty Mile 1350 no survey -- ——— er === 30 6.6 Vunzik Lake 500 01/26/00 31 —— —— ead Windy Gap 1900 01/27/00 41 7.2 a — Wolf 1300 01/27/00 32 6.0 ——— === — --- PRECIPITATION DATA INCHES ACCUMULATED SINCE OCTOBER 1°* 61-90 PRECIPITATION GAUGE Elevation Date Current Last Year Average tof Average Atigun Pass** 4800 1/31/00 Se 2.9 6.6 44 Chandalar Shelf** 3300 no report --- 3.2 39 -- Fort Yukon 430 1/31/00 SB!) ed = -- Mission Creek 900 2/08/00 5.8 1.9) 3.2 181 **Wyoming Shielded Gauge Tanana Basin February 1, 2000 | Tanana Valley snowpack * Fairbanks temperature (inches) (degrees F) National Weather Service Stati Me en ice Station 1971 n 9 a . * Based on 8 164 1991 - s selected statior = 8 ot : ° a * . 12 + $f” 2 5 7 To 8+ £& = = = Maximum! £ = hie — = 6 4T 6 Average Zz is —K— Minimum € 07 S ° uw c -4+ s 2 2 - *T 5 Q-12+ o Oe OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR SNOWCOVER: The Tanana Valley snow is greater than 130 percent of normal. Tok measures 174 percent, Granite Creek near Delta Junction is 169 percent, and Fairbanks is 143 percent of normal. The permanent snowpack began in the Chena basin at Munson Ridge (elevation 3100 ft.) on September 22nd. Snow fell on the 26th at Monument Creek (elevation 1850), a site up the valley from Chena Hot Springs. For more information contact your local Natural Resources conservation Service office in Fairbanks, (907) 479-2657. TANANA BASIN SNOWPACK DATA THIS YEAR LAST YEAR 1961-90 AVERAGE SNOW WATER SNOW WATER SNOW WATER SNOWCOURSE ELEVATION DATE DEPTH CONTENT DEPTH CONTENT DEPTH CONTENT December Bonanza Creek 1150 12/01/99 13 Zee 3 0.4 -- --- Cleary Summit 2230 12/01/99 22 4.1 a. 1.6 -- --- Colorado Creek 700 12/01/99 21 3.1 7 0.7 -- --- Edgar Creek 2400 12/09/99 15 3.0 1 0.4 -- --- Fairbanks Field Off 450 12/03/99 12 19 8 0.8 16 1.9 Fort Greely 1500 12/01/99 10 1.6 6 0.8 -- --- French Creek 1800 11/30/99 21 4.3 ae --- == --- Gerstle River 1200 11/30/99 11 1.6 4 0.4 -- --- Gold King 1700 12/10/99 15 2.6 2 0.2 -- --- Granite Creek 1240 no survey -- ae a Cae 13 2.1 Jatahmund Lake 2180 11/29/99 11 135 a 0.7 -- --- Kantishna 1550 11/30/99 14 2.9 -- --- -- --- Lake Minchumina 730 11/30/99 9 One -- --- -- --- Paradise Hill 2200 11/29/99 10 1.4 5 0.5 oa --- Ptarmigan Airstrip 2400 12/10/99 7 0.9 2 0.2 -- --- Rock Creek Bottom 2250 11/29/99 11 Zot 3 0.6 -- --- Rock Creek Ridge 2600 11/29/99 15 3.6 3 0.4 ae --- Shaw Creek Flats 980 11/30/99 9 del -- --- -- --- Upper Wood River 2400 12/09/99 12 2.0 2 0.2 -- --- January Bonanza Creek 1150 12/29/99 20 Sue) 7 0.9 16 2.9 Chisana 3320 1/03/00 17 3.6 8 La -- --- Fairbanks Field Off 450 1/04/00 18 2.3 12 2.0 17 2.6 Lost Creek 3030 1/05/00 17 327, 10 1.4 -- --- Februanry Bonanza Creek 1150 3/02/00 29 6.2 12 5 19 3.5 Caribou Creek 1250 no survey -- — -- oT 21 3.4 Caribou Snow Pillow 900 no survey -- aos a --- 20 32 Cleary Summit 2230 1/28/00 44 Bc, 20 2.9 24 4.8 Colorado Creek 700 1/28/00 36 6.3 -- --- 21 3.4 Edgar Creek 2400 2/04/00 42 8.4 -- --- aa --- Fairbanks Field Off 450 1/03/00 28 4.6 16 202 18 3.2 Faith Creek 1900 1/28/00 36 6.3 16 2.3 ae --- Fielding Lake 3000 1/26/00 43 9.4 25 4.5 34 7.9 Fort Greely 1500 1/28/00 11 2.0 16 a 15 2.5 French Creek 1800 1/26/00 37 ue) 14 1.5 23 4.7 Gerstle River 1200 1/28/00 17 Sea 11 ae 16 2.4 Gold King 1700 2/04/00 17 Sid -- --- -- --- Granite Creek 1240 no survey -- = 12 1.4 15 2.6 Jatahmund Lake 2180 no survey -- --- co --- -- --- Kantishna 1550 no survey -- 7 - a a aa Lake Minchumina 730 no survey -- a a --- 19 3.4 Mentasta Pass 2430 1/27/00 33 6.5 18 2urk 22 4.5 Paradise Hill 2200 1/31/00 14 2.6 12 1.6 -- oe Ptarmigan Airstrip 2400 2/04/00 21 3.6 -- --- -- --- Rock Creek Bottom 2250 1/31/00 32 6.5 14 2.2 -- --- Rock Creek Ridge 2600 1/31/00 34 7.6 13 2.0 -- --- Shaw Creek Flats 980 1/28/00 13 210) 9 1.0 14 2.3 Tok Junction 1650 1/27/00 23 4.7 13 1.8 16 2.7, Upper Wood River 2400 2/04/00 33 6.6 -- --- -- --- Western Interior Basins February 1, 2000 Koyukuk Basin snowpack * (inches) | Bettles temperature (degrees F) National Weather Service Station ee 24 | 4 s * Based on _ | selected stations = = = Maximu m j——= = Average —K— Minimum| o -4 Water Equivalent (inches) o since 1967 8 -12 Departure From Normal (degrees F) -16 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR SNOWCOVER: Koyukuk The Bettles Field snow course received 20 inches of snow the third week of January and increased to 115 percent of normal. The snow varies, in the Kanuti National Wildlife refuge, form 32 inches at Nolitna to 9 inches at Kanuti- Chalatna, it appears this site is wind effected. Kuskokwim The snow water content for the courses measured appear to be in the 100 to 110 percent of normal range with none of them having a long term average. Telaquana Lake has 20 inches of depth with 3.4 inches of water content. Upper Twin Lakes has the same depth with 3.7 inches of water content. For more information contact your local Natural Resources Conservation Service in Anchorage: (907) 271-2424 10 WESTERN INTERIOR BASINS SNOWPACK DATA THIS YEAR LAST YEAR 1961-90 AVERAGE SNOW WATER SNOW WATER SNOW WATER SNOW COURSE ELEVATION DATE DEPTH CONTENT DEPTH CONTENT DEPTH CONTENT Koyukuk - December Bettles Field 640 12/07/99 11 1.0 a2 1.8 20 Se Kaldoyeit 580 12/01/99 iy 1D) -- --- -- --- Kanuti Chalatna 550 12/01/99 6 0.7 -- -- --- Kanuti Kilolitna 550 12/02/99 2 0.5 a —— --- Minnkokut 580 12/01/99 16 220 -- -- --- Nolitna 560 12/02/99 8 £0 -- -- --- Taiholman 540 12/02/99 5 0.7 -- --- -- --- Kuskokwim - December McGrath 340 12/01/99 5 120 aS 2.0 -- --- Purkeypile Mine 2030 11/30/99 9 1.4 -- --- -- --- Telaquana Lake 1550 11/30/99 10 1.6 -- =——— -- --- Lower Yukon - December Grouch Creek 220 11/30/99 18 3.2 oS ——— — == Holikachuk 100 11/30/99 17 Set = --- -- --- Horsefly Creek 180 11/30/99 21 4.2 -- --- -- --- Innoko Inn 200 no survey -- --- 14 2.0 -- --- Menotl Creek 380 11/30/99 12 nH) -- --- -- --- Middle Innoko 150 11/30/99 14 2E2 -- --- == --- Upper Innoko 180 11/30/99 au 4.2 == -- --- Wapoo Hills 220 11/30/99 11 15 -- -- --- Yankee Slough 100 11/30/99 15 2.4 -- == --- Yetna River 120 11/30/99 15 2.4 = ——— -- --- uk - Februa: Bettles Field 640 2/01/00 34 26 26 See Bonanza Forks 900 no survey -- -- 23 4.2 Coldfoot 1040 no survey -- -- 28 S23) Disaster Creek 1550 no survey -- --- -—- 19 3.0 Kaldoyeit 580 2/03/00 25 4.2 — -- ——— Kanuti Chalatna 550 2/01/00 9 2.0 -- —— --- Kanuti Kilolitna 550 2/01/00 26 4.4 -- -- === Minnkokut 580 2/03/00 41 7.8 -- -- --- Taiholman 540 2/01/00 21 3.6 -- -- --- Table Mountain 2200 no survey -- ——— —— ——— 22 4.2 Kuskokwim - February Lake Minchumina 730 no survey -- -- al 19 McGrath 340 no survey -- == —— 24 Purkeypile Mine 2030 no survey -- a a —— —— Telaquana Lake 1550 1/28/00 20 3.4 == oo — Upper Twin Lakes 2000 1/28/00 20 Sa -- --- -- --- PRECIPITATION DATA INCHES ACCUMULATED SINCE OCTOBER 1°7 PRECIPITATION GAUGE ELEVATION DATE CURRENT LAST_YEAR AVERAGE %OF AVERAGE Bettles Field 640 2/01/00 6.3 3.3 Sad 117, Coldfoot 1040 1/31/00 6.0 3.4 5.4 111 L Arctic and Kotzebue Sound February 1, 2000 | Barrow temperature (degrees F) a National Weather Service Station ] ] | Arctic Coastal snowpack * (inches) | * Based on Wyoming 12 aawine catiane uw = oO oO © D - a) z a ie o £ e 4 = 5 5 Z 0 : a ial g = 5 2 o 8 5 =] = = 5 Q oO a a -16 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR SNOWCOVER: Arctic The Barrow precipitation gauge has received 1.6 inches of precipitation, 73 percent of normal, since October Ist. Prudhoe Bay has 2.2 inches of precipitation or 76 percent of normal since October st. Kotzebue As of December 31st, Red Dog Mine had received .65 inches of precipitation since October Ist, 16 percent of normal. I estimate that in January Red Dog may have received up to 2 inches of precipitation bringing the percent of normal to near 50 percent for February 1st. For more information contact your local Natural Resources Conservation Service in Anchorage: (907) 271-2424 12 ARCTIC AND KOTZEBUE SOUND PRECIPITATION DATA INCHES ACCUMULATED SINCE OCTOBER 1°7 PRECIPITATION GAUGE ELEVATION DATE CURRENT LAST YEAR AVERAGE %OF AVERAGE Arctic Atigun Camp 3400 no report aaa 1.8 369 a Atigun Pass 4800 1/31/00 3.4 2.9 6.6 52 Barrow 25 2/03/00 1.6 2.6 2.2 a3) Imnaviat Creek* 3050 1/31/00 1.4 1.3 2.9 45 Prudhoe Bay 30 1/30/00 Ze 2.0 2.9 76 Kotzebue Sound Red Dog 950 no report TTT Zot 4.9 aan *- Imnaviat Creek formally Toolik River WATERSHED SNOWPACK ANALYSIS NO. COURSES THIS YEAR AS A PERCENTAGE OF: REGION/RIVER BASIN AVERAGED LAST YEAR AVERAGE Arctic Coast 2 106 74 Dalton Highway 2 114 50 LS Norton Sound - Southwest Delta and Bristol Bay February 1, 2000 | Nome precipitation (percent of normal) 150 National Weather Service Station 8 1% Average Percent of Normal 0% Average || Accumulation OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR SNOWCOVER: Norton Sound Nome temperature (degrees F) National Weather Service Station Departure From Normal (degrees F OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR The area had very little snow until the snow started falling the 13th of January where the Rocky Point site south of White Mountain went from 3.5 inches of snow to 22 inches in a ten day time period. This brought the precipitation to a little above normal since October Ist. Southwest Delta - Bristol Bay The King Salmon precipitation gauge received 2.4 inches the month of January bringing the total for the water year to 102 percent. The Brooks Camp aerial marker showed ten inches of snow, about normal. For more information contact your local Natural Resources Conservation Service in Anchorage: (907) 271-2424 SNOWPACK DATA NORTON SOUND / SOUTHWEST DELTA / BRISTOL BAY THIS YEAR LAST YEARS 1961-90 AVERAGE SNOW WATER SNOW WATER SNOW WATER SNOW COURSE ELEVATION DATE DEPTH CONTENT DEPTH CONTENT DEPTH CONTENT Bristol Bay - December Brooks Camp 150 12/01/99 3 OzS -- Fishtrap Lake 1800 11/30/99 9 1.6 == Port Alsworth 270 12/01/99 9 1.4 a --- Three Forks 900 12/01/99 LS 3.0 = --- --- Bristol Bay - February Brooks Camp 150 2/03/00 10 2.4 -- —— SS Fishtrap Lake 1800 1/28/00 28 529 40 Tea --- Port Alsworth 270 1/31/00 25 Aon: 18 3.0 ——— --- PRECEIPITATION DATA PRECIPITATION GAUGE INCHES ACCUMULATED SINCE OCTOBER 1°57 Percent of Normal ELEVATION DATE CURRENT LAST YEAR AVERAGE %$OF AVERAGE Bristol Bay King Salmon* 49 2/03/00 6.2 7.4 6.1 102 *Katmai National Park and Preserve Bethel precipitation Bethel temperature (percent of normal) (degrees F) 250 _ 16 National Weather Service Station _ National 8 Weather o 127 Service S Statian D 8+ Boat = : = E 1% Average 3 ee £ U% Average © Accumuiatio x n o hs 5 Q | © a DEC JAN FEB MAR APR LS -16 -19.2 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR Copper Basin February 1, 2000 Copper Basin snowpack * (inches) 12 * Based on selected stations 10 o \ Water Equivalent (inches) - SNOWCOVER: Departure From Normal (degrees F) Gulkana temperature (degrees F) National Weather Service Station OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR The northern, western, and southern parts of the Copper Basin have snow greater than 150 percent of normal. Lake Louise is 190 percent of normal for February 1st. The eastern side of the basin along the Richardson Highway from Kenny Lake north to Haggard Creek is normal or little below. For more information contact your local Natural Resources Conservation Service in Wasilla: (907) 373-6490. 16 COPPER BASIN SNOWPACK DATA THIS YEAR LAST YEAR 1961-90 AVERAGE SNOW WATER SNOW WATER SNOW WATER SNOW COURSE ELEVATION DATE DEPTH CONTENT DEPTH CONTENT DEPTH CONTENT December Kenny Lake School 1300 12/08/99 16 2.2 4 0.8 oo oa Lake Louise 2400 12/02/99 TS Ze 4 7 1, --- --- Little Nelchina 2650 12/02/99 14 Zee 10 4 a oe Tazlina 1220 12/09/99 14 2.4 4 0.4 oe --- Tolsona Creek 2000 12/02/99 15 2.4 6 1.0 --- --- January Chokosna 1550 1/04/00 2 1.6 6 0.8 --- --- Dadina Lake 2160 1/04/00 18 3.1 10 1.0 aa <= Horsepasture Pass 4300 1/03/00 39 7.8 21 Sie, --- --- Kenny Lake School 1300 1/05/00 10 3.0 6 0.6 13 1.8 Lost Creek 3030 1/05/00 oes 10 1.4 --- --- May Creek 3100 1/03/00 12 2.4 10 1.4 So oes Monsoon Lake 3100 1/03/00 27 4.6 10 NSE --- --- Sanford River 2280 1/04/00 16 2.6 as} 1.4 --- --- St. Anne Lake 1990 1/04/00 28 S3 10 1.0 a Sa Tazlina 1220 1/05/00 8 Zia) 7 On --- --- Twin Lakes 2400 1/03/00 a's Ze 16 2it2 --- --- February Chistochina 2170 1/27/00 14 Zo 12 iets) 18 2.9 Dadina Lake 2160 2/01/00 27 5.1 19 265 22 Sro Haggard Creek 2540 1/26/00 25 4.4 17 ao 22 4:2 Horsepasture Pass 4300 1/28/00 39 8.6 23 9) 22 4.2 Kenny Lake School 1300 1/31/00 10 2.0 12 6) 14 Zee Lake Louise 2400 2/04/00 29 So a Zod 18 29 Little Nelchina 2650 2/01/00 40 iS 18 3.0 aad SD Mentasta Pass 2430 1/27/00 38) 6.5 18 2.1 22 4.5 Monsoon Lake 3100 2/01/00 31 S19 18 2.3 25 4.8 Paxson 2650 1/26/00 35 6.0 19 209 26 Sen Sanford River 2280 2/01/00 20 Seo) 22 Sek 22 38 St. Anne Lake 1990 1/29/00 37, 7.8 18 Zid) 20 Bre Tazlina 1220 1/31/00 12 2.0 14 Ziad, —— cer Tolsona Creek 2000 2/04/00 29 SoU LS) 2.0 13 2.7 Tsaina River 1650 2/02/00 74 15.6 48 10.8 45 11.8 Twin Lakes 2400 1/28/00 28 5.6 22 Shir 24 4.9 Worthington Glacier 2100 no survey -- eo 60 16.2 57 158 WATERSHED SNOWPACK ANALYSIS NO. COURSES REGION/RIVER BASIN AVERAGED Alaska Range* S Basin Floor 3 Chugach Range 4 Talkeetna Mountains 3 Wrangell Mountains 2 * At the foot of the Alaska Range. 17 236 194 168 253 152 AVERAGE 126 122 138 205 112 THIS YEAR AS A PERCENTAGE OF: LAST YEAR Matanuska - Susitna Basins February 1, 2000 Talkeetna temperature (degrees F) National Weather Service Station Lower Susitna Basin snowpack (inches) oa 24 NS 4 i 8 © : & 4 + Water Equivalent (inches) & es ny 4 + ro “ ® ® 2 o) ® 1. oS) 5 E 6 — || 2 0 E Oo 2 uw e 1 ~ c 5 ao ® SE ATTEN AAAS ARR OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR By oO } SNOWCOVER: The west side of the Susitna basin has a snowpack 135 percent of normal while the east side along the Parks Highway goes from 129 percent of normal at Willow to 166 percent of normal at the E. Fork Chulitna snow course. The courses at Hatcher Pass/Independence Mine were not measured due to avalanche danger. The telemetry site at Independence Mine read 91 inches of depth as of February Ist, 168 percent of normal depth. For more information contact your local Natural Resources Conservation Service in Wasilla: (907) 373-6490. 18 MATANUSKA - SUSITNA BASINS SNOWPACK DATA THIS YEAR LAST YEAR 1961-90 AVERAGE SNOW WATER SNOW WATER SNOW WATER SNOW COURSE ELEVATION DATE DEPTH CONTENT DEPTH CONTENT DEPTH CONTENT December Archangel Road 2200 12/03/99 20 4.6 16 2.6 --- --- Blueberry Hill 1200 12/01/99 19 3.7 13 2.6 --- -- Chelatna Lake 1650 11/30/99 14 2.4 = --- --- --- Denali View 700 12/01/99 14 2.4 9 ot --- --- Dutch Hills 3100 11/30/99 36 9.7 27 5.7 --- --- E. Fork Chulitna 1800 12/01/99 20 3.9 16 Jae == --- Fishhook Basin 3300 no survey -- = 22 a2 --- --- Independence Mine 3550 no survey -- = 25 Sao = -—- Lake Louise 2400 12/02/99 15 2.4 7 1.2 --- --- Little Susitna 1700 12/03/99 15 2.8 13 2.0 -—- --- Nugget Bench 2010 11/30/99 20 4.0 16 3u2 --- --- Ramsdyke Creek 2220 11/30/99 29 7.2 24 5.0 --- --- Sheep Mountain 2900 12/02/99 12 1.8 8 1.3 --- --- Susitna Valley High 500 12/01/99 6 Dek 5 a2 21 4.0 Talkeetna 350 12/01/99 5 1.1 2 0.5 Sted --- Tokositna Valley 850 11/30/99 24 S.5 22 4.6 --- === Willow Airstrip 200 12/01/99 6 150 4 0.5 --- --- January Clearwater Lake 2650 1/03/00 12 1.8 12 1.3 --- --- Fishhook Basin 3300 no survey -- --- 29 6.0 --- --- Fog Lakes 2120 1/03/00 43 8.6 13 1.4 =-- == Independence Mine 3550 no survey -- a 34 Wee ——— ae Monahan Flat 2710 1/03/00 33 5.9 18 2.5 cated oe Nugget Bench 2010 no survey -- a 43 7.7 --- cael Square Lake 2950 1/03/00 26 4.6 8 0.8 --- ——— Tokositna Valley 850 no survey -- --- 34 6.8 --- --- Tyone River 2500 1/03/00 21 3.6 15 1.8 oe --- February Alexander Lake 160 2/01/00 50 10.5 42 7.5 35 8.0 Archangel Road 2200 1/13/00 42 12.6 31 6.7 37 10.0 Blueberry Hill 1200 no survey -- --- 38 7.7 45 11.39 Chelatna Lake 1650 no survey -- --- 42 8.0 33 7.7 Clearwater Lake 2650 2/01/00 24 4.6 18 2.3 21 3.8 Denali View 700 1/27/00 66 14.3 32 6.4 35 8.7 Dutch Hills 3100 no survey -- --- 69 14.5 62 19.0 E. Fork Chulitna 1800 1/27/00 67 16.4 42 8.4 40 9.9 Fishhook Basin 3300 1/13/00 67 18.6 37 8.6 48 14.1 Fog Lakes 2120 2/01/00 56 12.33 18 2.3 20 3.7 Independence Mine 3550 1/13/00 77 23.8 42 9.7 54 16.1 Lake Louise 2400 2/04/00 29 5.5 17 2.1 18 2.9 Little Susitna 1700 1/13/00 33 ad 24 5.1 33 8.7 Monahan Flat 2710 2/01/00 45 9.0 23 3.9 27 5.3 Nugget Bench 2010 no survey -- — 45 9.9 44 10.5 Ramsdyke Creek 2220 no survey -- -—- 66 13.9 56 15.8 Sheep Mountain 2900 2/04/00 43 8.7 19 3.1 22 4.1 Skwentna 160 2/01/00 53 11.2 40 7.6 36 8.0 Square Lake 2950 1/29/00 29 5.4 15 1.9 17 2.9 Susitna Valley High 500 1/27/00 47 San 27 4.8 24 5.3 Talkeetna 350 2/01/00 50 10.5 23 3.9 25 5.5 Tokositna Valley 850 no survey -- == 69 13.8 44 12.5 Tyone River 2500 1/28/00 25 4.5 18 2.3 -- --- Willow Airstrip 200 1/27/00 31 6.6 24 4.0 25 5.1 19 Northern Cook Inlet February 1, 2000 Ship Creek snowpack * (inches) 27 1980 | 24 of ews * Based on Ce selected station * 21 ”. since 1967 Water Equivalent (inches) SNOWCOVER: Anchorage temperature (degrees F) National Weather Service Station Departure From Normal (degrees F) OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR The Indian Pass snow telemetry reading showed 25.0 inches of snow water content or 158 percent of normal. The S. Campbell Creek snow course showed 115 percent of normal on the 26th of January prior to the snowfall of the 30th and 31st of January. The snow measured at Portage Valley on February 4th was 320 percent of normal water content. This is a record for February Ist, the measurements began in 1981. For more information contact your local Natural Resources Conservation Service office: Anchorage: (907) 271-6093. Wasilla: (907) 373-6492 20 NORTHERN COOK INLET SNOW PACK DATA THIS YEAR LAST YEAR 1961-90 AVERAGE SNOW WATER SNOW WATER SNOW WATER SNOW COURSE ELEVATION DATE DEPTH CONTENT DEPTH CONTENT DEPTH CONTENT December Anchorage Hillside 2080 12/07/99 15 Sa) al 1.4 = —— Kincaid Park 250 11/30/99 h 1.0 5 0. oe —— Mt. Alyeska 1540 12/03/99 50 10.1 a ——— === --- Point Mackenzie 200 12/03/99 7 10 2) le2 --- --- Portage Valley 50 11/30/99 38 8.5 8 eo --- --- South Campbell Creek 1200 12/07/99 LZ ie 7 0.8 == = January Kincaid Park 250 1/04/00 al: Lee Lo 24 ——— --- Portage Valley 50 12/29/99 39 14.3 68 14.8 --- ——— February Anchorage Hillside 2080 1/26/00 28 5.6 26 5.0 28 7.1 Indian Pass 2350 1/31/00 Est 2520 Est a2) 54 15.8 Kincaid Park 250 2/01/00 23 38 18 360) SSeS ——— Mt. Alyeska 1540 no survey -- --- ——) --- 78 23.4 Point Mackenzie 200 2/03/00 32 6.6 14 3.0 15 3.4 Portage Valley 50 2/06/00 76 36.2 64 19.0 28 8.2 South Campbell Creek 1200 1/26/00 9 4.6 21 4.1 19 4.0 PRECIPITATION DATA INCHES ACCUMULATED SINCE OCTOBER 1°* PRECIPITATION GAUGE ELEVATION DATE CURRENT LAST YEAR AVERAGE _% OF AVERAGE Indian Pass 2350 1/31/00 24.3 10.8 dirs 140 Mt. Alyeska 1540 no report --- 2250) 28.3 --- Point Mackenzie 200 2/03/00 9.5 3.2 5.5 173 WATERSHED SNOWPACK ANALYSIS NO. COURSES THIS YEAR AS A PERCENTAGE OF: REGION/RIVER BASIN AVERAGED LAST_YEAR AVERAGE Campbell Creek 2 Ae 92 Ship Creek a 223 158 Turnagain Arm 2 215 208 21 Kenai Peninsula February 1, 2000 Homer temperature | (degrees F) National Weather Service Station | Northern Kenai Mountains snowpack* (inches) on * Based on selected stations dS @ » a 8 : & & since 1970 Water Equivalent (inches) ' N Departure From Normal (degrees F) Oo on OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR SNOWCOVER: Eight snow courses in the Northern Kenai Mountains were not measured due to the heavy snows of January 30th and 31st. The resulting avalanches closed the Seward Highway for 5 or 6 days, depending on your location. Four of the sites will have estimates of the water content given from the SNOTEL radio telemetry. On the rim above and east of Homer, Bridge Creek is 123 percent of normal and McNeil Canyon is 156 percent of normal. Across the Bay at Bradley Lake the Nuka Glacier snow course is 132 percent of normal with 78 inches of snow depth and 30.3 inches of water. For more information contact your local Natural Resources Conservation Service office in Homer: (907) 235-8177. 22 KENAI PENINSULA SNOWPACK DATA THIS YEAR LAST YEAR 1961-90 AVERAGE SNOW WATER SNOW WATER SNOW WATER SNOW COURSE ELEVATION DATE DEPTH CONTENT DEPTH CONTENT DEPTH CONTENT December Bertha Creek 950 12/04/99 40 8.7 25 4.4 i --- Bridge Creek 1300 12/01/99 14 2.8 14 ae) a IT Cooper Lake 1200 11/30/99 aks} SJo(0) 20 Se) 34 ed) Demonstration Forest 780 12/03/99 9 1.0 13 eS ee --- Grouse Creek Divide 700 11/30/99 20 320) 16 Ales} 29 7.6 Jean Lake 620 11/30/99 5 1.0 8 120 --- --- Kenai Summit 1390 12/04/99 29 5.0 31 4.3 ——— --- McNeil Canyon 1320 12/01/99 18 3.6 15 Zod Zr 3.9 Moose Pass 700 12/04/99 13 See 19 cleat --- --- Nanwalek 500 12/02/99 ey 7X87) -- --- --- --- Nuka Glacier 1250 11/30/99 28 9.1 LS) Clk --- --- Port Graham 300 12/02/99 20 4.0 -- ---- --- --- Snug Harbor Road 500 11/30/99 6 1.8 8 2/0) --- --- Summit Creek 1400 12/04/99 16 Sri 22 2.9 23 5.6 January Bertha Creek 950 12/29/99 or Zine 39 10.3 30 7.8 Cooper Lake 1200 1/03/00 21 4.2 31 455) 34 eo Grouse Creek Divide 700 12/30/99 27 0) 49 8.0 29 7.6 Jean Lake 620 12/31/99 7 1.4 — --- --- --- Kenai Moose Pens 300 1/04/00 14 2.9 20 4.0 9 1.9 Kenai Summit 1390 12/29/99 33 8.1 28 6.7 32 6.9 Moose Pass 700 12/29/99 aa 4.1 25 ao7 11 Zee Snug Harbor Road 500 12/31/99 i 2.0 20 3/40) 12 ale) Summit Creek 1400 12/29/99 22 S)19) 22 4.3 23 5.6 February Bertha Creek 950 no survey -- --- 44 1319) 39 10.9 Bridge Creek 1300 1/28/00 44 9.0 32 7.9 32 wos} Cooper Lake 1200 2/01/00 Est 14.3 47 11.0 40 10-5) Demonstration Forest 780 2/01/00 37 6.2 29 7.8 19 4.8 Eagle Lake 1400 2/01/00 58 ies 35 923 27 6.8 Grandview 1100 2/01/00 Est 33.0 a elven, 69 18.4 Grouse Creek Divide 700 2/01/00 81 irene 46 1132 38 12.4 Jean Lake 620 no survey -- --- 22 4.0 as) Zu, Kenai Summit 1390 no survey -- --- 37 923 39 9.6 McNeil Canyon 1320 1/28/00 48 9.5 34 8.4 25 6.1 Moose Pass 700 1/28/00 or 9.4 34 7.8 16 Seo. Nanwalek 500 no survey -- =a 37 1052 == aaa Nuka Glacier 1250 2/04/00 78 B0ES 45 20 58 22.9 Port Graham 300 1/29/00 66 Sie 40 9 a areal Snug Harbor Road 500 no survey -- Se 28 6.0 14 3.0 Summit Creek 1400 2/01/00 Est 9.6 SL 7.6 32 8.0 Turnagain Pass 1880 2/01/00 Est 30.4 712 22.0 85 23. PRECIPITATION DATA INCHES ACCUMULATED SINCE OCTOBER 1°7 PRECIPITATION GAUGE ELEVATION DATE CURRENT LAST YEAR AVERAGE %OF AVERAGE Cooper Lake 1200 1/31/00 20.7 US Pel. 16.6 125 Grandview 1100 1/31/00 4207, 27.4 25.7 166 Grouse Creek Divide 700 2/01/00 21S 26.0 24.2 133 Kenai Moose Pens 300 1/31/00 eS 4.2 5.5 136 McNeil Canyon 1320 1/28/00 Zo) 10.6 LS ar Middle Fork Bradley** 2300 2/04/00 22.8 18.6 26.0 88 Nuka Glacier** 1250 2/04/00 32.3 32.4 40.3 80 Summit Creek 1400 1/31/00 15.4 8.2 Deo 124 Turnagain Pass 1880 1/31/00 32.8 24.6 26.6 123 **Wyoming Shielded gauge 23 Western Gulf February 1, 2000 Valdez / Thompson Pass * Based on selected stations & 8 R 8 since 1958 Water Equivalent (inches) SNOWCOVER: Valdez temperature (degrees F) National Weather Service Station 3 oO + Departure From Normal (degrees F) a °o OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR The Valdez snow course measured 169 percent of normal and the Lowe River is 175 percent of normal water content. The Worthington Glacier snow course was not measured due to poor visibility and dangerous avalanche conditions. The Soloman Gulch Hydroelectric project has received 41.5 inches of precipitation, a 156 percent of normal since October 1st. For more information contact your local Natural (907) 373-6492. Resources Conservation Service office in Wasilla: 24 SNOWPACK DATA SNOW COURSE December Exit Glacier Grouse Creek Divide Nuka Glacier January Exit Glacier Grouse Creek Divide February Exit Glacier Grouse Creek Divide Lowe River Nuka Glacier Sugarloaf Mountain Tsaina River Valdez Worthington Glacier PRECIPITATION DATA WESTERN GULF THIS YEAR LAST YEAR 1961-90 AVERAGE SNOW WATER SNOW WATER SNOW WATER ELEVATION DATE DEPTH CONTENT DEPTH CONTENT DEPTH CONTENT 400 12/05/99 32 6.2 20 3.4 == SS 700 11/30/99 20 320 16 1-5 29 7.6 1250 11/30/99 28 Sis ae) 4-1. —— --- 400 no survey -- ——— 59 qt S5) -- --- 700 12/30/99 27 7.0 49 8.0 29 7.6 400 2/02/00 86 1855 52 1335 -- --- 700 2/01/00 81 aa 46 TT2 38 12.4 600 2/02/00 78 18.2 52 L259) 42 10.4 1250 2/04/00 78 30.3 45 T2355) 58 22.9 530 2/01/00 94 24.7 = === — --- 1650 2/02/00 74 15.6 48 10.8 45 11.8 50 2/02/00 75 18.4 38 8.9 39 10.9 2100 no survey -- Samad 60 16.2 57 1558 INCHES ACCUMULATED SINCE OCTOBER 1°* PRECIPITATION GAUGE ELEVATION DATE CURRENT LAST YEAR AVERAGE % OF AVERAGE Grouse Creek Divide 700 2/01/00 29.4 26.6 24.2 121 Nuka Glacier** 1250 2/04/00 S2e5 32.4 40.3 80 Solomon Gulch* 36 1/31/00 35.3 19.8 Zee 130 Sugarloaf Mountain* 530 1/26/00 ASS 20.5 26.6 156 **Wyoming Shielded Gauge *Copper Valley Electric Association WATERSHED SNOWPACK ANALYSIS NO. COURSES THIS YEAR AS A PERCENTAGE OF: REGION/RIVER BASIN AVERAGED LAST YEAR AVERAGE Lowe River Valdez 2 ab7 jak 172 25 Southeast February 1, 2000 Douglas Island snowpack* Juneau temperature (inches) es rees F) National Weather Service Station 40 i 10 * Based on no | a 1985 selected station 7 == 5 | se” ® 6+ am 0 ro , a oO * = 5 1991 e 5 < e Ee Est le £ 2 = + 0 6 z 3 ° -—T- 5 2 ~ " El & os = : 2 o since 1977 5 = | 6 -b6 } Q oO a -10 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR SNOWCOVER: The Swan Lake snow courses near Ketchikan were measured. Lake Grace Pass has 97 inches of snow with 37.0 inches of water content. This is probably a near normal of slightly above normal snowpack. The Long Lake SNOTEL site, at the Snettisham Hydro-electric project near Juneau showed 82 inches of snow and 36.3 inches of water content. This is 132 percent greater than the average snow water content recorded from the 1967 to 1975 period. The Douglas Island snow courses near Juneau were not measured, we need a volunteer. For more information contact your local Natural Resources Conservation Service in Anchorage: (907) 271-2424 26 SOUTHEAST SNOWPACK DATA THIS YEAR LAST YEAR 1961-90 AVERAGE SNOW WATER SNOW WATER SNOW WATER SNOW COURSE ELEVATION DATE DEPTH CONTENT DEPTH CONTENT DEPTH CONTENT December Cropley Lake 1650 no survey -- ra 53 15:9 Eagle Crest 1000 no survey -- a 27 TS Fish Creek 500 no survey -- di a So 6 1.5 Moore Creek Bridge 2250 12/01/99 36 ioe 9 2.0 -- --- Petersburg Reservoir 550 11/30/99 ay Oud al 0.1 -- --- Petersburg Ridge 1650 11/30/99 16 2.6 11 1.7 -- --- January Petersburg Reservoir 550 12/29/99 0 0.0 9 1.0 13 Ee Petersburg Ridge 1650 12/29/99 32 9.7 34 9.2 45 12.2 February Cropley Lake 1650 no survey -- = a 70 22.6 Eagle Crest 1000 no survey -- --- -- 35 10.5 Fish Creek 500 no survey -- --- -- 21 2.8 Lake Grace Pass 1900 1/19/00 96 37.0 “= -- --- Lost Lake 425 1/19/00 32 9.0 -- -- --- Mint Creek Ridge 1900 1/19/00 86 31.0 -- -- --- Moore Creek Bridge 2250 1/28/00 37 9.4 a -- --- Mt. Reid Pass 1660 1/19/00 96 37.0 -- -- --- Petersburg Reservoir 550 2/01/00 18 4.8 30 16 4.5 Petersburg Ridge 1650 1/31/00 68 19.8 83 64 19.7 Upper Swan Lake 1700 1/19/00 42 13.0 24 -- --- PRECIPITATION DATA INCHES ACCUMULATED SINCE OCTOBER 157 PRECIPITATION GAUGE ELEVATION DATE CURRENT LAST YEAR AVERAGE %OF AVERAGE Snettisham 25 1/31/00 99.5 71.0 81.6 122 Swan Lake 50 1/31/00 94.5 71.9 65.1 145 WATERSHED SNOPACK ANALYSIS NO. COURSES THIS YEAR AS A PERCENTAGE OF: REGION/RIVER BASIN AVERAGED LAST_YEAR AVERAGE Douglas Island no report Petersburg 2 101 102 27 = US.POSTAGE US. OFFICIAL MAIL PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE $300.00 # 0000000016 CONSERVATION OF WATER BEGINS WITH THE SNOW SURVEY 949 E. 36th Avenue, Suite 400 Anchorage, AK 99508-4362 Stanley E. Sieczkowski (78) Manager of Main. and Operations AIDEA/AEA 480 W. Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99503 Alaska Basin Outlook Report Natural Resources Conservation Service Anchorage, AK