HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouthern Intertie Final Envrio Impact Vol 2 2002SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT Final Environmental Impact Statement Sea Ice in Turnagain Arm a aa oh OT A ee on * Nag, P Coe ez) 7 BN DY Rural Utilities Service, j -~— | U.S. Department of Agriculture Ree MY Tle lira Ute Pry oF Tati mem Mile la leds > U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Department of Defense Aerial View of Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska Volume II Ly, Mitigation Plan SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT VOLUME II - MITIGATION PLAN Rural Utilities Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture In cooperation with US. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Defense July 2002 TABLE OF CONTENTS PADIS OF COMMIS: serecisscettsescecessecsecoaseruteitbsesesceuecsvesteteyitscenssessussesleastelteusagigsoncestnenvaetseasoxse i List of Tables .... ii List of Figures ii TO TITOQU CHOI seccsncosccs: os cacecvevecusscesed enone) sarwsvasssevases seed essasasweusverae yer rasasaassaseseeeles eel deessers 1 ZO Mit SAtiOM, PLAN... Usa sn casas cssnssesasstsesncpensscansenssete/iivecssoansnsssasirssevsssensssasnsasssvelticaresensass 1 2.1 Mitigation and Standard Practice Measures 2 2.2 Selective Mitigation Measures................. 2 2.3 Design and Construction Mitigation ................ 10 2.3.1 Proposed Structure Types and Existing Utilities. 10 2.3.2 Construction Season ...........sesesesseseeeeeeeeeeeseees 10 2.3.3. Construction Methods and Access . 10 2.4 Selective Mitigation Measure Locations.. ll Z| Impact Mitigation; Summary oi sssscassessessters + svessesesoncnentseyssies+ soesswssararsee + sevessmess 11 Southern Intertie Project Volume II - Mitigation Plan Final EIS : July 2002 LIST OF TABLES 1 Standard Practice Mitigation Measures 4 2, Impact Mitigation, Summiary...............n...ssssssessseescseeosentwonsusosssevnssssessssesuscssserevensatveies 36 LIST OF FIGURES 1 Mitigation) Process )sseccccce-sescssscotessesse-casuces sreneveerserenernsscssesecsssesessecsesesersesnneeassentenststs 3 2 Selective Mitigation Measures ..............scsssssssccescecccseseesessssesssesesseseeeeseeees — 6 3a Proposed Structure Types and Existing Utilities.. . 12 3b Proposed Structure Types and Existing Utilities... ccsessesessesessesssscesseeseseeeese 13 3c Proposed Structure Types) and Existing Utilities 2222225: sscscssososesesscss-o-o.novoeseneseesesseacees 14 4a Construction Season 15 4b Construction Season 16 4c Construction Season 17 Sa Construction Methods 18 5b Construction Methods 19 Se Construction Methods 20 6a Selective Mitigation Measures - Tesoro Route: Option A. , 21 6b Selective Mitigation Measures - Tesoro Route: Option B ...........:.scccsessesseseseeseeeeeees 22) 6c Selective Mitigation Measures - Tesoro Route: Option C .........:sscsssssseeseseseseseseeeees 23 6d Selective Mitigation Measures - Tesoro Route: Option D..... . 24 6e Selective Mitigation Measures - Enstar Route: Option E North.. 25 6f Selective Mitigation Measures - Enstar Route: Option E South.. . 26 6g Selective Mitigation Measures - Enstar Route: Option F.......... : 27 6h Selective Mitigation Measures - Enstar Route: Option G.. 28 6i Selective Mitigation Measures - Enstar Route: Option H.. 29 6j Selective Mitigation Measures - Enstar Route: Option I... 30 6k Selective Mitigation Measures - Enstar Route: Option J... , 31 61 Selective Mitigation Measures - Enstar Route: Option K..........cceeescesesseseeseseeseeeeeeee 32) 6m ___ Selective Mitigation Measures - Enstar Route: Option M............sscsessesesseseeseeeeeees 33 6n Selective Mitigation Measures - Tesoro Route: Option N. ; 34 7 Altematives:Studies|in\ Detail <5--.-.c1----..0..<scercceeerersssrseessonssesecsssnccsscssnssesasernenseotsesssest 35 Southern Intertie Project Volume II - Mitigation Plan Final EIS ii July 2002 MITIGATIONPLAN Bal 1.0 INTRODUCTION Mitigation planning has been an integral component of the Project from the initial Macro Corridor Study beginning in 1995 through the preparation of the DEIS, as shown on Figure 1. Chapter 2 and Appendix B of the DEIS describe the project description, which incorporates both standard and selective mitigation measures listed in the DEIS (Appendix D). During the preparation of the FEIS, interested federal, state, and local agencies reviewed the locations and effectiveness of selective mitigation measures along alternative routes. Meetings occurred in March 2002 in Anchorage and Soldotna with the EPA, ADF&G, KPB, Kenai River Center, Alaska Department of Governmental Coordination, and the Municipality of Anchorage Planning and Park and Recreation Departments. The resulting mitigation plan provides specific locations of the mitigation measures applied in the DEIS and summarizes the effectiveness of these measures in avoiding or reducing environmental impacts. Results of the mitigation plan provide the site-specific mitigation commitments that are required in the Record of Decision (ROD). This will ensure that decisions are made assuming all practicable means to avoid or reduce impacts have been adopted and if not, why not, as required in 40 CFR 15 (5.3(e)). This mitigation plan will also ensure that the mitigation measures presented in the DEIS and prescribed in this plan are incorporated into the ROD and adhered to during the implementation of the Project. 2.0 MITIGATION PLAN The mitigation plan has been divided into five sections that include the following: = Section 2.1 — Standard Practice Project Mitigation, describes measures to protect the environment as standard practice for the entire Project. = Section 2.2 — Selective Mitigation Measures, describes and depicts each selective mitigation measure proposed for the Project. = Section 2.3 — Design and Construction Mitigation, identifies the proposed structure types in relationship to existing utilities and specific design and construction-related mitigation measures for the Project. = Section 2.4 — Selective Mitigation Measure Locations, provides specific locations for the selective mitigation measures. Southern Intertie Project Volume II — Mitigation Plan Final EIS 1 July 2002 = Section 2.5 — Impact Mitigation Summary, documents the combined mitigation measures applied to the environmental receptors and summarizes the overall effectiveness of the mitigation. 2.1. MITIGATION AND STANDARD PRACTICE MEASURES Mitigation typically involves one or more of the following: = avoiding the impact by not taking a certain action or part of an action = minimizing impacts by limiting the degree of magnitude of the action and its implementation = rectifying impacts by repairing, rehabilitating, or restoring the affected environment = reducing the impact = compensating for the impact by replacing or providing substitute resources or environments As part of the Project description, certain measures to protect the environment are considered standard practice for the entire Project as described in the DEIS (Appendix D, Table D-1). These measures are referred to as “standard practice project mitigation” and are summarized in Table 1. The impact levels initially assigned (initial impact levels) to the Project assume that these standard practice project mitigation measures are implemented. 2.2. SELECTIVE MITIGATION MEASURES Where warranted on a case-by-case basis, mitigation beyond these standard measures was recommended to further reduce adverse impacts to an acceptable or lesser level. These are called selective mitigation measures, and they include those measures or techniques to which the Project proponents commit on a case-by-case, or selective, basis after initial impacts are identified and assessed. For purposes of evaluating the alternative routes at the environmental analysis stage of a project, selective mitigation measures provide a planning tool for minimizing potential adverse impacts. Illustrations of the 20 selective mitigation measures described in the DEIS (Appendix D, Table D-2) are presented on Figure 2 of the Mitigation Plan. This figure provides a description of each of the selective mitigation measures developed for the Project and a sketch typical of the application of each measure. Southern Intertie Project Volume II — Mitigation Plan Final EIS 2 July 2002 : Southern Intertie Project Siting Study and Mitigation Process 3s so i S : oC 5 | 3 c Permitting TABLE 1 STANDARD PRACTICE PROJECT MITIGATION MEASURES INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT DESCRIPTION All construction vehicle movement outside the right-of-way will be restricted to predesignated access, contractor acquired access, or public roads. The areal limits of construction activities will be predetermined, with activity restricted to and confined within those limits. No paint or permanent discoloring agents would be applied to rocks or vegetation to indicate survey or construction activity limits. In construction areas where recontouring is not required, vegetation would be left in place wherever possible and original contour would be maintained to avoid excessive root damage and allow for resprouting. In construction areas (e.g., marshaling yards, tower sites, spur roads from existing access roads) where ground disturbance is substantial or where recontouring is required, surface restoration would occur as required by the landowner or land-managing agency. The method of restoration would normally consist of returning disturbed areas back to their natural contour and reseeding (if required). Towers and/or conductors would be marked with high-visibility devices where required by governmental agencies (FAA). Prior to construction, all supervisory construction personnel would be instructed on the protection of cultural and ecological resources. To assist in this effort, the construction contract would address (a) federal and state laws regarding antiquities and plants and wildlife, including collection and removal; and (b) the importance of these resources and the purpose and necessity of protecting them. The IPG would continue to consider cultural resources during post-EIS phases of project implementation in accordance with the programmatic agreement that would be developed in conjunction with preparation of the environmental impact statement. This would involve intensive surveys to inventory and evaluate cultural resources within the selected corridor and any appurtenant impact zones beyond the corridor, such as access roads and construction equipment yards. In consultation with appropriate land-managing agencies and state historic preservation officers, specific mitigation measures would be developed and implemented to mitigate any identified adverse impacts. These may include project modifications to avoid adverse impacts, monitoring of construction activities, and data recovery studies. The IPG would respond to complaints of line-generated radio or television interference by investigating the complaints and implementing appropriate mitigation measures. The transmission line would be patrolled by air on a regular basis so that damaged insulators or other line materials that could cause interference are repaired or replaced. The IPG would apply necessary mitigation to eliminate problems of induced currents and voltages onto conductive objects sharing a right-of-way, to meet the appropriate codes. 10 Stream crossings will be as near as possible at right angles to streams. Bridges or culverts would be installed where necessary. All construction and maintenance activities shall be conducted in a manner that would minimize disturbance to vegetation, drainage channels, and intermittent or perennial stream banks. Towers will be sited with a minimum distance of 200 feet from streams. Southern Intertie Project Volume II - Mitigation Plan Final EIS 4 July 2002 TABLE 1 STANDARD PRACTICE PROJECT MITIGATION MEASURES INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT DESCRIPTION i 12 All requirements of those entities having jurisdiction over air quality matters would be adhered to and any necessary permits for construction activities would be obtained. Fences and gates would be repaired or replaced to their original predisturbed condition as required by the landowner or the land-managing agency if they are damaged or destroyed by construction activities. Temporary gates would be installed only with the permission of the landowner or the land-managing agency; and would be restored to its original predisturbed condition following construction. 13 rn During operation and maintenance of the transmission line, the right-of-way would be maintained free of non-biodegradable debris resulting from IPG activities. 14 tS 16 Hazardous materials shall not be drained onto the ground or into streams or drainage areas. Totally enclosed containment shall be provided for all trash. All construction waste including trash and litter, garbage, other solid waste, petroleum products, and other potentially hazardous materials shall be removed to a disposal facility authorized to accept such materials. | No construction camps will be established along the right-of-way. Construction crews are expected to be able to find housing within communities in the study area. Construction crews will be transported to work sites daily. | Pre-construction surveys for plants and wildlife species designated as sensitive or of concern will be conducted in areas of known occurrence or habitat as stipulated by the land-managing agency during the development of the Construction, Operation, and Maintenance Plan once the transmission line centerline, access roads, and tower sites have been located and staked in the field. 17 Care will be taken to reduce the possibility of bear-human interactions during construction. Construction camps will not be established along the right-of-way and any waste generated during construction will be properly stored and disposed of, so that bears are not attracted to construction areas. Bear training will be provided to personnel. 18 Engineering design will include safeguards to prevent or reduce the possibility of fluid leaks due to damage to the cable from natural hazards in submarine and terrestrial environments. 19 Trenching of submarine cables in coastal marsh lands will be backfilled and reclaimed. To the extent practicable, construction will be completed during winter months to avoid damage to areas of sensitivity. Southern Intertie Project Volume II — Mitigation Plan Final EIS 5 July 2002 DESCRIPTION OF SELECTIVE MITIGATION MEASURES MITIGATION EXAMPLES In areas where soils and vegetation are particularly sensitive to disturbance, existing access roads/trails will not be widened or otherwise upgraded for construction and maintenance, except in areas where repairs are necessary to make existing roads/trails passable. To avoid disturbance to sensitive features (e.g., streams, recreation trails), access roads will not be constructed in those areas. Rather, construction and maintenance traffic will use existing roads or cross-country access routes (including the right- of-way). To minimize ground disturbance, construction traffic routes must be clearly marked with temporary markers such as easily visible flagging. The construction routes or other means of avoidance must be approved in advance of use. Existing [access Temporary access avoids recreation trail ‘Temporary access avoids stream crossing and riparian }Y vegetation To minimize ground disturbance and/or reduce scarring (visual contrast) of the landscape, the alignment of any new access roads or cross- country routes will follow the landform contours in designated areas where practicable, providing that such alignment does not impact resource values additionally. Without mitigation With mitigation To limit new or improved accessibility into the area, all access that is undesired or not required for maintenance will be closed using the most effective and least environmentally damaging methods appropriate to that area and developed with concurrence of the landowner or land manager. Low growing, native shrubby vegetation such as willow will be planted within the right-of-way. Accessibility limite through fencing anid locked gate Road surface. revegetated a * = To minimize ground disturbance, operational conflicts, and/or visual contrast, the tower design will be modified or an alternative tower type will be used. Tower type without mitigation K Road Alternative tower type with mitigation Reduce Right-of-Way Road SELECTIVE MITIGATION Southern Intertie Project Figure 2 DESCRIPTION OF SELECTIVE MITIGATION MEASURES MITIGATION EXAMPLES To minimize the amount of sensitive features disturbed in designated areas, structures and access roads will be placed so as to avoid sensitive features such as, but not limited to, riparian areas, watercourses, residential uses, and cultural sites, and/or to allow conductors to clearly span the features, within limits of standard tower design. Avoidance may be accomplished by spanning sensitive features, shifting the alignment to the opposite side of an existing line, or realigning the route. Route realignment avoids structures wet 4 oR 4 Cultural site (spanned) River and riparian area (spanned). | Construction with mitigation To reduce visual contrast and/or potential operational conflicts, standard tower design will be modified to correspond with spacing of existing transmission line structures where feasible and within limits of standard tower design. The normal span will be modified to correspond with existing towers, but not necessarily at every location. Plan view without 4 || | mitigation Plan view with | mitigation aD To reduce visual impacts, potential impacts on recreation values and safety at highways and trail crossings, towers are to be placed at the maximum feasible distance from the crossing within limits of standard tower design. Towers placed maximum distance from river and highway crossings “Dulled= metal or corten finish on towers will be used to reduce visual impacts. towers blend back 10 With the exception of emergency repair situations, the construction, restoration, maintenance, and termination activities in designated areas (e.g., buffer zones) will be modified or curtailed during sensitive periods (e.g., nesting and breeding periods) for sensitive animal species. Sensitive periods and areas of concern would be approved in advance of construction or maintenance by the author- ized officer. Winter construction during frozen conditions would be an alternative for avoiding sensitive periods or areas of wildlife concern, soft and wet ground conditions, and stream crossings. Construction activities suspended during sensitive breeding periods Construction activities resumed following calving period Calving area SELECTIVE MITIGATION Southern Intertie Project Figure 2 DESCRIPTION OF SELECTIVE MITIGATION MEASURES MITIGATION EXAMPLES 11. Helicopter placement of towers during construction | I and helicopter patrol and maintenance may be used | “Se to reduce surface impacts in highly sensitive locations. | ae ret T , 12 To reduce visual contrast or avoid features (such as, 8 TT! but not limited to, land uses, jurisdiction, biological or i lq ! cultural resources sites), clearing of the right-of-way e,' ieee will be minimized or in limited instances the right-of- i PL a way may be reduced (within the limits of conductor- Trees, a ‘wen clearance requirements and standard tower design). ' R : | 3 | ight-of-way | r Ur: reduced | ° ! ) if = to avoid ya x residences + ' = and reduce oe 4 tS vegetation Fie =! clearing | 13 To minimize disturbance to vegetation resources and Ae ® ah $y reduce visual contrast, clearing of trees in and adjacent bigs i Suey of to the right-of-way will be minimized to the extent | i ae ; y 7 ; | e te practicable to satisfy conductor-clearance requirements | A : %. (National Electric Safety Code). Trees and other tees ‘. | vegetation will be removed selectively (e.g., edge S70 feathering) to blend the edge of the right-of-way | ee 4 a into adjacent vegetation patterns, as practicable - ' j ¢ and appropriate. ¥ ; Shrubs ie <3 abet e Clearing of trees hp. minimized 14 Construction near anadromous fish streams will be timed and carried out in a manner that minimizes any potential impacts on subsistence, sport, and commercial fishing efforts, including avoidance of | construction along anadromous streams during the | peak salmon spawning periods. L 15 To avoid disturbance to coastal bluffs and marsh lands, such as in the Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge, submarine cables will be installed with horizontal directional drilling. In the case of marsh lands, directional drilling would extend out beyond the lower extent of salt marsh vegetation. Submarine cable directional drill SELECTIVE MITIGATION Southern Intertie Project Figure 2 DESCRIPTION OF SELECTIVE MITIGATION MEASURES MITIGATION EXAMPLES 16 Transmission line will be placed underground, where required, in parks and in the flight path of airstrips and airports. Ta enn in 17 To minimize visual impacts, submarine to overhead transition facilities will be placed within a small enclosed building in context with the surrounding architecture. facility 18 Cable system will be designed to limit fluid loss. The submarine cable insulating oil system will be pressurized!) instead of “gravity fed_!, which allows for a lower total amount of insulating oil in the system. 19 Line diverters, spheres, or marking of lines will make them more visible to birds. 20 Burying small diameter fiber optic wires normally carried above conductors may be considered in sensitive areas. SELECTIVE MITIGATION Southern Intertie Project Figure 2 2.3. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION 2.3.1 Proposed Structure Types and Existing Utilities Figures 3a, 3b, and 3c show the location of the existing utilities that are paralleled or replaced by the proposed alternatives. These figures also illustrate where tower designs have been modified or an alternative tower type will be used for mitigation (see Measure 5 on Figure 2), and where transmission lines will be undergrounded to avoid sensitive areas (see Measure 16 on Figure 2). These figures also illustrate where mitigation for avian collision would be applied (see Measures 19 and 20, Figure 2). A detailed discussion on the potential for avian collision and the effectiveness of mitigation is also provided in Chapter 2, Section 2.2.8 (pages 2-32 to 2-34) in Volume I of the FEIS. 2.3.2 Construction Season Construction timing has been assigned to specific seasons to reduce environmental impacts along alternative routes, as illustrated on Figures 4a, 4b, and 4c (follows Figures 3a through 3c). Winter construction during frozen seasons has been proposed to avoid sensitive periods or areas of wildlife concerns, soft or wet ground conditions, and stream crossings. These figures also illustrate the avoidance of construction across the Turnagain Arm during beluga whale calving season and the migratory bird nesting season (Measure 10 on Figure 2). 2.3.3. Construction Methods and Access Figures 5a, 5b, and 5c (follows Figures 4a through 4c) depict the methods by which each alternative would be constructed and construction access. The method of construction has been determined based on response to environmental conditions, timing of construction, and available access. As identified on these figures, special equipment including the use of swamp buggies and low ground pressure vehicles have been prescribed in areas of limited access and sensitive ground conditions (Measures 2 and 3, Figure 2). In addition, these figures illustrate where horizontal directional drilling would occur in order to avoid impacts to bluffs and coastal zone salt marsh areas (see Measure 15, Figure 2). NOTE: When reviewing Figures 3 through 5 the designation of mileposts corresponds to the links as identified on the General Reference Map (located in the map pocket on the back cover of the FEIS, Volume 1). Southern Intertie Project Volume II — Mitigation Plan Final EIS 10 July 2002 2.4 SELECTIVE MITIGATION MEASURE LOCATIONS Bar charts (Figures 6a through 6n) have been prepared to illustrate the specific milepost locations for each of the 20 selective mitigation measures described on Figure 2, as they have been applied to the Tesoro and Enstar alternatives (follows Figures 5a through Sc). Included in each chart is (1) a milepost and link reference; (2) a general description of the area(s) crossed by each alternative including key environmental features (i.e., stream crossings and airstrips); (3) the conditions within which facilities have been sited (i.e., existing or planned utility corridor, or parallel to existing utilities or roads); (4) the specific location of each of the 20 selective mitigation measures (as applicable); and (5) the effectiveness of these measures including significant environmental impacts. A map of the alternatives studied in detail follows these charts for ease of reference to each route option (including submarine cable crossings of the Turnagain Arm). For additional reference to specific links see the General Reference Map (located in the map pocket on the back cover of the FEIS, Volume J). 2.5 IMPACT MITIGATION SUMMARY The impact mitigation summary table, Table 2 (follows Figure 7) documents the combined selective mitigation measures applied to the environmental receptors included in the DEIS, and summarizes the overall effectiveness of the mitigation measures. This table is intended to provide the reader with a breakdown of mitigation effectiveness by alternative route resource topics and concerns. Applicable mitigation measures and the site-specific features are also addressed in the table, and references are made to the applicable maps and resource topic (MV-2 through MV-31 in Volume II of the DEIS) that depict resource conditions. Southern Intertie Project Volume II — Mitigation Plan Final EIS 11 July 2002 FIGURES 3a TO 3c FIGURES 4a TO 4c FIGURES 5a TO 5c DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION PROPOSED STRUCTURE TYPES AND EXISTING UTILITIES SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT | Proposed Structure Types Single Pole Wood (5) i Single Pole Steel (5) | H-Frame (5) | X-Frame (Project Description) Submarine Cable (Project Description) Underground Cable(16) | | Existing Utilities/ROW | ii m || = = Utility Corridor === Transmission Line e¢e Road ROW ==== Pipeline | Sub-Transmission Line ai | === Transmission Line and Pipeline | | | | 1} | Selective Mitigation Ke | (5) Modify tower design. (16) Underground transmission line. 1} * Wire marking location and/or bury fiber optic wire for birds | (19, 20) AU LN I ] Be oe” Ba ieee FIRaRen erase TTT Peas eee Le DUAR LAL See Figure 2 for a complete description | . { « p> 3 = s — — / A 5 . | i ‘ ; y ° sake Islan Pepe | an { ! Be of measures. ~< o y Lake ot . ) , v e / = bodies ALANA ALAA Ut , : - ! L a Z E North)’ °4:-2 [ A a é / ‘ Lake. |The Lake Sagara take z =] *. ee s sca » Le , s — —- Sor rrrs — eS Brboit) *- 4 2 %; ~. J I = Sevena Late Spee? LECT Ar een wre! | rs , hare oN ¢ ss a K Afonasi Lake ‘Trumpeter oak ee a SO 5 G ‘ zg aie EE ———_ ug NG cd > Campsie XX 52 Proposed : Tae ) Naptown Substation Siting Area __Y * Watson Lake ~Sierling Highway ~, 2 “Balie@nininin + *<Siheterson Lake ‘Lake “py Kelly Lake Sy Mox Lake “\, Hikers Lake National Forest (1995). enai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. — —4 06/14/02 Soldotna ‘Substation Lon prnaget i FN 5 . : ° i 4 ‘ HL es LY) ~% 4 . Seon, &/ Yh PROPOSED STRUCTURE TYPES | I | % A eg, ba, tag. sy x | AND EXISTING UTILITIES : Ney “Cen | v og \ 0 2 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT le 1 “ay, aH, —===_—FIGURE 3b ; . Moose River Nua 00 i oS 4 = \| Proposed Structure Types a EE / || == Single Pole Wood (5) || ae x = ||| === Single Pole Steel (5) | SE 4p aa } || ——= H-Frame (5) < === X-Frame (Project Description) e == = Submarine Cable (Project 500 ner, | Description) A og | === Underground Cable(16) 1] bag ie / te, | | A, as. 7 < | | Existing Utilities/ROW ie & ie : fs | || === Utility Corridor | of. g SZ “ {|| == Transmission Line poe 2. Ee * ++ Road ROW Zz - ‘ 8 = SS == Pipeline Sub-Transmission Line | | Transmission Line and Pipeline | | | Selective Mitigation Key _ (5) Modify tower design. | || (16) Underground transmission line. * Wire marking location and/or bury fiber optic wire for birds (19, 20) | | See Figure 2 for a complete description | of measures. | 2a | Base Map Sources: | Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). | USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. | 06/13/02 Little Susitna River Fire —. J la ae / Pt. Woronzof Substation er . > > I | { a ~ o CF we }\ yh ' 4 iG . j I 5 oe 1 ¢ 2 | ye eS if fe Il 4 2 ’ V i= ' 7 rs : / ly aad 4 7 Zz é | XN nN 0 el jugtraional_—— Su se al peace paiansusenonsiaeetannatie aera || PROPOSED STRUCTURE TYPES AND EXISTING UTILITIES | SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE 3c — Structure Types Single Pole Wood (5) | Single Pole Steel (5) || H-Frame (5) | X-Frame (Project Description) Submarine Cable (Project Description) || Underground Cable(16) | Existing Utilities/ROW | Utility Corridor Transmission Line | | Road ROW Pipeline || Sub-Transmission Line Transmission Line and Pipeline i . . . Selective Mitigation Key | 5) Modify tower design. {| li | (16) Underground transmission line. | © Wire marking location and/or bury fiber optic wire for birds | | (19, 20) | | | 1 || Transmission Lines would be | located within the ROW of the | Alaskan Railroad, Minnesota | Drive, Old Seward Highway, and 1) International Airport Road. | See Figure 2 for a complete description of measures measures. Base Map Sources: Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. - pee ane been a cee eee | 1} Municipality of Anchorage (1994). | | | Chugach National Forest (1995). | y~ / 0 fi 2 | Miles i Gq Teal LU Peay, ; ee, ML he q ss Le . SO, Yh ir ~~ al Nees Ag \ £ \ Se oieA WE aes 7s il a r é S Sg « (eS -soldotna 3 or Substation ; Cer CS shut Isiah ne Lake Naptown Sybstation - Siting Area>_ Y * 2s, + \ Watson Lake 2 A SSicrting Highway 4 CONSTRUCTION SEASON SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE 4a Construction Season Summer - Thawed - April to October sss Winter - Frozen - November to March (10) Submarine - May to August (July to August to minimize impacts to Beluga Whale) (10) Selective Mitigation Key (10) Seasonal construction. See Figure 2 for a complete description of measures. a pr) ny { 7 i | tee J QL et LT PSS So 3 Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. 06/13/02 ae aT — = : p eas | 2 ro $ ; 1 | een, &/ | yh CONSTRUCTION SEASON || I es ly Oe S| y~ SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT | | | ° SY Le of! \Jo 1 2.| FIGURE 4b || a ga / cr A oe Moose ‘River / =, | Miles Len Pinte ps, = ’ Ze aS LG Construction Season Summer - Thawed - April to October ss== Winter - Frozen - November to March (10) Submarine - May to August (July to August to minimize impacts to Beluga Whale) (10) Selective Mitigation Key (10) Seasonal construction. See Figure 2 for a complete description of measures. Waa f as Cet eee eee Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. 06/13/02 Little Susitna River Pt. Woronzof Substation Pt oronzof Dithond Blvd. = o sotfretannnneefennnnnnneedannennn cal \ / a | | ed | 0 1 Z | | —————— | Miles io Lf xe International — —— Substation | sane eed enna ten fnene feeereeee| amen meet CONSTRUCTION SEASON SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE 4c | Legend | | Construction Season Summer - Thawed - April to October Winter - Frozen - | November to March (10) Submarine - May to August (July to August to minimize impacts to Beluga Whale) (10) Selective Mitigation Ke (10) Seasonal construction. See Figure 2 for a complete description of measures. ey TR | My IH | ( A 7 | Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. 06/17/02 S, |. CONSTRUCTION METHODS || AND ACCESS | | 2) SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT | | FIGURE 5a egend || Construction Method ||| === Rubber-tired Vehicle - Pickup Trucks, Bucket Trucks, || Loaders || === Tracked Vehicle - NODWELL, Bulldozers === Special Equipment - | Swamp Buggy, Low Ground | | 1 || Pressure Vehicles (2, 3) === Aerial - Maintenance | | Helicopter, Fixed Wing Aircraft | ==—= Submarine - | Cable Barge and Special Equipment Horizontal Directional Drill Casing HDD Drill Rig (15) == Special Submarine Embedment - Special Submarine Water Jet Type | or Marine Floor Trenching | | | - | Construction Access === Paved Road === Gravel Road | === Gravel Railroad Bed ~~ Four-wheel Drive Road == Trail === None Selective Mitigation Key (2) Limited access. (3) Minimize ground disturbance. | (15) Directional drilling. See Figure 2 for a complete description of measures. <=. i] 0 , Proposed? Naptown Sybstation Siting Area 7 aia > (Watson Lake oe Sterling Highway F 4 i = e ) |I . rr Sick at \ 4 |) > E*Rifeterson Lake a, Kelly Lake oY) —Mox Lake “\, Hikers Lake 1 : Cr SS ne Base Map Sources: | Municipality of Anchorage (1994). || Chugach National Forest (1995). || Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). | USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. a Soldotna SX VA Substation wT = LE —=- | 06/19/02 = I , | | va Moose'River : Cota fee || See Figure 2 for a complete description | CONSTRUCTION METHODS | AND ACCESS SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE 5b Legend Construction Method === Rubber-tired Vehicle - | Pickup Trucks, Bucket Trucks, Loaders Tracked Vehicle - || NODWELL, Bulldozers Special Equipment - Swamp Buggy, Low Ground Pressure Vehicles (2, 3) Aerial - Maintenance Helicopter, Fixed Wing Aircraft Submarine - || Cable Barge and Special Equipment || Horizontal Directional Drill Casing - | HDD Drill Rig (15) Special Submarine Embedment - Special Submarine Water Jet Type | or Marine Floor Trenching Construction Access === Paved Road =— Gravel Road === Gravel Railroad Bed ~~ Four-wheel Drive Road a= Trail None Selective Mitigation Key (2) Limited access. (3) Minimize ground disturbance. (15) Directional drilling. Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. 06/19/02 CONSTRUCTION METHODS | | \ J = — / | AND ACCESS | - ae a oy = : || SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT i} = tL ; a 0 : FIGURE 5c Little Susitna Rive 2 vv / f L_ a _ | l/ Legend & ly vf | egen | / ie ' Construction Method || £ Lge === Rubber-tired Vehicle - if L Pickup Trucks, Bucket Trucks, see Loaders Pt Woronzoft Interna ional E ~ NODWELL, Bulldozers S ub St ati on Pt-Woronzof - Sub st ation == Special Equipment - | | | | Swamp Buggy, Low Ground | Pressure Vehicles (2, 3) | > {|| | === Aerial - Maintenance Helicopter, Fixed Wing Aircraft ==— Submarine - Cable Barge and Special Equipment i Horizontal Directional Drill Casing - | | _ -——— ms bee en | | HDD Drill Rig (15) | | {)| == Special Submarine Embedment - | Special Submarine Water Jet Type or Marine Floor Trenching | Construction Access | ||| == Paved Road | === Gravel Road | === Gravel Railroad Bed ~~ Four-wheel Drive Road = Trail === None (2) Limited access. (3) Minimize ground disturbance. Selective Mitigation Key | (15) Directional drilling. ] See Figure 2 for a complete description of measures. Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chi National Forest (1995). ninsula Borough (1994). ‘63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. | \] | i] 06/19/02 | | = —————— —— Route Option A: 44.1 Miles Q Vs x Facility Siting Condition Facilities located within existing transportation or planned utility corridor Selective Mitigation* 1. Limit upgrading of existing access roads 2. Use existing access for construction and maintenance 3. Align new access to landform contours 4.Close all access not required for maintenance 5. Modify tower design or use alternative tower type 6. Span sensitive features/realign route 7.Match existing tower spans 8. Place towers at maximum distance from highway/trail crossing 9. Use dulled metal or corten finish on towers 10. Modify or curtail construction and maintenance during sensitive periods (i.e., use winter Ronstnicton 11. Use helicopter maintenance of towers 12.Reduce or minimize right-of-way width 13. Selectively remove vegetation 14. Avoid construction near anadromous streams during peak salmon run periods 15. Install submarine cables with horizontal directional drilling 16. Place transmission lines underground 17. Place submarine to overhead transition facilities in context with surroundings and architecture 18. Design cable system for limited fluid loss 19. Mark lines for birds 20. Bury small diameter fiber optic wires normally carried above conductors Significant Residual Impacts (remaining with selective mitigation) Significant visual impacts to existing residents @ Stream/creek/river crossing @ Airstrip crossing © Submarine transition facility Visual Birds - Bald Eagle, Trumpeter Swans, Waterfowl (potentially effective) Legend mum =Mitigation to be applied | 88 Mitigation to be applied in consultation with Kenai Peninsula Borough 0 Miles > 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 44.1 | 1 1 i 1 1 1 L | 1 1 1 | 1 1 | 1 t i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | LinkT1 ; He ! Link T8 Link T3 Link T4 Link T5 Link T6 LinkT7 i a 7 | “Link T2 inkT9 — Captain Cook State . mien Recreation Area p—Section Corner of KNWR Private Airstrip i : ‘ Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply * See Figure 2 for full definitions of selective mitigation measures a Private Airstrip | | North Kenai Spur Road Right-of-Way | Bishop Creek —> eee ae Swanson iia) @ | _-—Scaup Creek Otter Creek | ail Bill Besser Lake L Seven Egg Creek Gray Cliffs and Moose Point Subdivisions ~ SESE r— Unnamed Stream Pt. Possession — ceo Creek | i Proposed Pt. Possession Subdivision KPB Transportation Utility Corridor | i Oo @ @eeo eeo |; ee @;O e @ @ Mitigation would substantially reduce potential for bird collision o On Dn NH fF WwW NY eae oT ee 13 o 12 14 @ 15 ey 16 17 oO 18 @ 19 20 wa == 00008 = = = = 2000 = = = 00 wan a a 00 na Grn enn nnn renee 0-2-4 Variable visual impacts to developing area Selective Mitigation Measures Tesoro Route: Option A Southern Intertie Project FIGURE 6a Route Option B: 19.1 Miles \ Va y 7 “ty ee Facility Siting Conditions Turnagain Arm and Fire Island Selective Mitigation* 1. Limit upgrading of existing access roads 2. Use existing access for construction and maintenance 3. Align new access to landform contours 4.Close all access not required for maintenance 5.Modify tower design or use alternative tower type 6. Span sensitive features/realign route 7.Match existing tower spans 8.Place towers at maximum distance from highway/trail crossing 9.Use dulled metal or corten finish on towers 10. Modify or curtail constructionand maintenance uring sensitive periods (i.e., use winter construction 11. Use helicopter maintenance of towers 12.Reduce or minimize right-of-way width 13. Selectively remove vegetation 14. Avoid construction near anadromous streams during peak salmon run periods 15. Install submarine cables with horizontal directional drilling 16. Place transmission lines underground 17.Place submarine to overhead transition facilities in context with surroundings and architecture 18. Design cable system for limited fluid loss 19. Mark lines for birds 20. Bury small diameter fiber optic wires normally carried above conductors OMiles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19.1 EL SS TS SE ST Le EL l. LinkT10 o LinkT11 - Link T12 m “ LinkT14 >! Link T13 Pt. Possession Pt. Woronzof Turnagain Arm Fire Island Turnagain Arm Coastal Bluff Til Coastal Bluff i i Coastal Bluff Submarine Cable | Overhead Line Along Existing Two-Track Road | il Submarine Cable Does not apply 1 Does not apply Does not apply ' Does not apply 1 Does not apply 1 Does not apply Ei Does not apply > | | Does not apply ~ Does not apply I Does not apply |- Does not apply —-—— Significant Residual Impacts (remaining with selective mitigation) None Legend Mu Mitigation to be applied @ Submarine transition facility * See Figure 2 for full definitions of selective mitigation measures DBAnUnRWDBNDASOVMVANAU HEWN = | __@117 | _@118 20 Selective Mitigation Measures Tesoro Route: Option B Southern Intertie Project FIGURE 6b Route Option C:17.2 Miles OMiles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Tr oe i dl ee Ls ie Ome be he dad dleabalallibiclsshahadedlich poi tii tii ti Bd hchaletldetalaiel Jabal poiitiiis Liab peri ti ii tit RAL TLE aed A Se Aste enh upbeat 17S 4 > eee ( ys 7 Sy k LinkT15 - ea Poanene L Pt. Possession Pt.Woronzof t Turnagain Arm + Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge Facility Siting Conditions Coastal Bluff Coastal Bluff Turnagain Arm Submarine Cable Selective Mitigation* 1. Limit upgrading of existing access roads Does not apply + 1 2. Use existing access for construction ! and maintenance Does not apply T } | | 1 i) rT } | | | | T 1 Hil 2 3. Align new access to landform contours - Does not apply | | | HL). =I Lele zsh atu “ _ 3 1 4.Close all access not required for maintenance Does not apply { | | ia | | HL i { | | | . Le | | fe 4 5 3 : 1 5.Modify tower design or use alternative tower type 9 Does not apply 7 T + — t = a t T ot 7 T 1 T oy a 6. Span sensitive features/realign route | Does not apply | 1 —|- +—— —t ——t | | gp th Fe cl eh x pi | | 5 fo 6 1 7.Match existing tower spans Does not apply | | | | | Ll | | ET 7. 8. Place towers at maximum distance from ‘ highway/trail crossing Does not apply t + on + : +— + - = t + T r 8 1 9.Use dulled metal or corten finish on towers Does not apply HL iN | HEL am | | | ELE DL uu | 1 | { We 9 10. Modify or curtail construction and maintenance during sensitive periods (i.e., use 10 winter construction} 11. Use helicopter maintenance of towers Does not apply i ah ol Pm a T 1 t | — : + ~ —- t : 1 12.Reduce or minimize right-of-way width Does not apply ‘a ——}- +—+ +— ———+- _ { { t | | 1 { 2 He ad fa fat, a2 ! 13. Selectively remove vegetation Does not apply uf ath | | | | | | | | | Lo | 13 1 14. Avoid construction near anadromous streams during peak salmon run periods Does not apply T : — j 4 ;— + t | EE | 14 15. Install submarine cables with horizontal e +—— —+ ot { ican} mE pit | | | | { a ee 15 directional drilling 16. Place transmission lines underground Does not apply T = F t + + + + + + {—_ 16 17.Place submarine to overhead transition facilities | = - | | fu | | | . | Ul | igi 47 in context with surroundings and architecture | | | 18. Design cable system for limited fluid loss 1 Tir 7 “TF —- — a — —+ -— —— ———t ;——;@ 18 19. Mark lines for birds Does not apply : { | | | { | 7 fois a | 19 20. Bury small diameter fiber optic wires normally Does not apply T 1 - t— t | + | fi + | jee a | | 20 carried above conductors Significant Residual Impacts (remaining with selective mitigation) None L d P sys , ie Mitigation to be applied Selective Mitigation Measures oO Submarine transition facility Tesoro Route: Option C Southern Intertie Project FIGURE 6c * See Figure 2 for full definitions of selective mitigation measures Route Option D:13.9 Miles 0 Miles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 13.9 Sy Va ies De ATG HT Nees cede Reo HLCP AML AP ee IA Se SSeS eee eee eee ees | LUTE MCA UE GLAL TERRY eel OCALA Ue ALA BL ROLL ee a bee > TS ‘5 Le res LinkT16 ” Link T17 : B >| =< Pt. Possession Pt. Campbell < - > Turnagain Arm Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge Facility Siting Conditions Coastal Bluff Intertidal Area Turnagain Arm Submarine Cable Selective Mitigation* 1. Limit upgrading of existing access roads Does not apply | | i : 7 2. Use existing access for construction ino | | | | | LEAL and maintenance Does not apply 3. Align new access to landform contours Does not apply 7 { { { | | : | | 4 4.Close all access not required for maintenance Does not apply + me {__ } i 1 amen u i | | a | = eee design or use alternative Does not apply LL | 7 | HL | | UL | L _| 6.Span sensitive features/realign route Does not apply — t : t | = ue | | = 7.Match existing tower spans Does not apply + 7 | Ra { { { 4 aR | _ | tol | 8. Place towers at maximum distance from highway/trail crossing Does not apply - 7 + + { at 7 | { 4 | L | 9.Use dulled metal or corten finish on towers Does not apply } | { | EB a qu ab a 7 10. Modify or curtail construction and [ | maintenance gaan SENSITIVE PeTIOS ([.€., USO eee ee ee winter construction’ 11. Use helicopter maintenance of towers “Does not apply | | : Til Ti T i 12.Reduce or minimize right-of-way width + Does not apply T oo ‘ai + - + { { | | 13. Selectively remove vegetation Does not apply ] | | | 14. Avoid construction near anadromous streams during peak salmon run periods Does not apply | i—— {__ | a 15. Install submarine cables with horizontal je T T 7 T + —__! directional drilling 16. Place transmission lines underground | Does not apply 17.Place submarine to overhead transition facilities }- Does not apply in context with surroundings and architecture 18. Design cable system for limited fluid loss Does not apply is 1 t t ' —+ — 19. Mark lines for birds Does not apply : - } 2 | | | Oty il ami 20. Bury small diameter fiber optic wires normally —_ }- Does not apply j a j t : 4 | — | | t- carried above conductors Significant Residual Impacts (remaining with selective mitigation) None Legend Mmmm Mitigation to be applied Selective Mitigation Measures Tesoro Route: Option D Southern Intertie Project FIGURE 6d * See Figure 2 for full definitions of selective mitigation measures SaeuMauhRUoneaoYPONoaunwn = N oO Route Option E North: OMiles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21.6 21.6 Miles LEELA AIPA MARSHES HiA Ehelnseo Ga Le Soke ARR MELA GeOe DEAL ue ABe Ta Thad Mee Ae eS le e eeLetedeat ed A C a ie —Link E2 Link E4 — 1 . Link E1 "e . Link E3 ok | so 4 Unnamed Stream cs f Soldotna Creek Unnamed Stream Soldotna Creek — Swanson River Road Moose River ' Soldotna Sterling Facility Siting Conditions Parallel to two 115kV Lines Existing utility corridor Parallel to 115kV Selective Mitigation* Parallel to two 115kV, 69kV Lines Parallel to 115kV, Pipeline Parallel to Enstar Pipelines 1. Limit upgrading of existing access roads 2. Use existing access for construction and maintenance 3. Align new access to landform contours Does not apply 4.Close all access not required for maintenance Does ne: apply 5. Modify tower design or use alternative tower type 6. Span sensitive features/realign route 7.Match existing tower spans 8.Place towers at maximum distance from highway/trail crossing oO AN ADAM BRWN = 9.Use dulled metal or corten finish on towers Does not apply | - 1 10. Modify or curtail constructionand maintenance during sensitive periods (i.e., use Does not apply ] 1 ; | 110 winter construction ! 11. Use helicopter maintenance of towers — Does ne apply | all | | 1 T T T T 7 : : 1 { 11 12. Reduce or minimize right-of-way width | Does not apply ——- Sr 1 t— | 1 L | | | a a | 12 13. Selectively remove vegetation 14. Avoid construction near anadromous streams during peak salmon run periods 15. Install submarine cables with horizontal Does not apply —+ t t + + - . . | | | | | 15 directional drilling I! 16. Place transmission lines underground Does not apply | ] T 16 17.Place submarine to overhead transition facilities |— Does not apply = | | | i 17 in context with surroundings and architecture 1 18. Design cable system for limited fluid loss ~ Does not apply TI Hit Mn 1 T 7 7 1 aI : ——+ [—— _— —.- 18 19. Mark lines for birds ] b @ @; O - - @ —+t ~ | 19 20. Bury small diameter fiber optic wires normally Does not apply ——}— |__| | | | | | | | = a | eee 11 20 carried above conductors Significant Residual Impacts (remaining with selective mitigation) Visual- Landscape scenery Residential viewers —_ —_ al Legend 5 oie . mE Mitigation to be applied Selective Mitigation Measures 2 ryan to Enstar Route: Option E North Southern Intertie Project * See Figure 2 for full definitions of selective mitigation measures FIGURE 6e Route Option E South: 19.0 Miles > Vs a f Shy > ne V Ya — . Facility Siting Conditions Existing utility corridor Selective Mitigation* 1. Limit upgrading of existing access roads 2. Use existing access for construction and maintenance 3. Align new access to landform contours 4.Close all access not required for maintenance 5.Modify tower design or use alternative tower type 6. Span sensitive features/realign route 7.Match existing tower spans 8.Place towers at maximum distance from highway/trail crossing 9.Use dulled metal or corten finish on towers 10. Modify or curtail construction and . maintenance uring sensitive periods (i.e., use winter construction’ 11.Use helicopter maintenance of towers 12. Reduce or minimize right-of-way width 13. Selectively remove vegetation 14. Avoid construction near anadromous streams during peak salmon run periods 15.Install submarine cables with horizontal directional drilling 16. Place transmission lines underground 17. Place submarine to overhead transition facilities in context with surroundings and architecture 18. Design cable system for limited fluid loss 19. Mark lines for birds 20. Bury small diameter fiber optic wires normally carried above conductors Significant Residual Impacts (remaining with selective mitigation) Visual- Landscape scenery Residential viewers Legend mum =Vitigation to be applied @ Stream/creek/river crossing @ Road/highway crossing 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Loh hhh ‘ Link E5 ‘ Link E6 ; Link E7 Unnamed Stream Banas Pein Kenai River L Funny River Road Funny River [ Sterling Highway | 1 | per [ . Soldotna Sterling Rebuild 69kV Line | Does not apply 1 Does not apply T a 7 — Does not apply Does not apply + + — SS 7 Does not apply — ' Does not apply — Seauanaaqgrwonrrsaewrvanswn = Q eo “ oO 7 Does not apply Does not sly _ |— Does not apply + j— ss =| 4 = bs Does not sod + o +®@ @- ° - Does not apply ~ Pesiercn| aa N Oo Selective Mitigation Measures Enstar Route: Option E South Southern Intertie Project * See Figure 2 for full definitions of selective mitigation measures FIGURE 6f Route Option F: 38.5 Miles a oF ‘ Fa ee Facility Siting Conditions Parallel to Enstar Pipelines Selective Mitigation* 1. Limit upgrading of existing access roads 2. Use existing access for construction and maintenance 3. Align new access to landform contours 4.Close all access not required for maintenance 5. Modify tower design or use alternative tower type 6. Span sensitive features/realign route 7.Match existing tower spans 8.Place towers at maximum distance from highway/trail crossing 9.Use dulled metal or corten finish on towers 10. Modify or curtail construction and . maintenance eating sensitive periods (i.e., use winter construction 11. Use helicopter maintenance of towers 12. Reduce or minimize right-of-way width 13. Selectively remove vegetation 14. Avoid construction near anadromous streams during peak salmon run periods 15. Install submarine cables with horizontal directional drilling 16. Place transmission lines underground 17. Place submarine to overhead transition facilities in context with surroundings and architecture 18. Design cable system for limited fluid loss 19. Mark lines for birds 20. Bury small diameter fiber optic wires normally carried above conductors Significant Residual Impacts (remaining with selective mitigation) Vegetation Brown Bear, Moose, Predators Wetlands (potentially effective) Land Use and Recreation Visual ~— 0 Miles 10 15 20 25 30 35 38.5 | 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L L 1 1 mt 1 | 1 i 1 | Link E8& Link E9 nk a -— Mystery Creek Road pied River Burnt Island Creek East Fork Moose River Mystery Creek Road | Mystery Creek — Chickaloon River i ; ; Little Indian Creek [ | IL | | — Trapper Joe Lake Big Indian Creek 4 ] Burnt Island | | | | © O oo oo | © 4 —s © 4 —) > 1 e Unnamed Stream Crossing Birds - Bald Eagle, Trumpeter Swans, Waterfowl (potentially effective) Legend Gum Mitigation to be applied e@ Stream/creek/river crossing Qe Submarine transition facility * See Figure 2 for full definitions of selective mitigation measures Kenai National Wildlife Refuge AR A, Te N Selective Mitigation Measures Enstar Route: Option F Southern Intertie Project FIGURE 6g 1 2 Does not apply 3 Does not apply 4 a 5 @ @ @-@ @ @ @ @ @ @ Qe 6 Does not apply 7 Does not apply 8 9 10 Leanne eee ere reer ee | | en SP a SS. GS ESSE SS SSE 13 1) @ @ @ @ @ @ 14 - al +4 15 Does not apply 16 Does not apply 17 = . Oj 18 © e jee ee © ° ’ ° OQ mm 19 Qa 20 PSS RR LE a ET ITE II ST SE BES BPS ED BE SEE TE NT EE I EE ES EE EE LTE SE Route Option G: 11.2 Miles C Vs > ty Facility Siting Conditions Submarine cable across Turnagain Arm Selective Mitigation* 1. Limit upgrading of existing access roads 2. Use existing access for construction and maintenance 3. Align new access to landform contours 4.Close all access not required for maintenance 5.Modify tower design or use alternative tower type 6. Span sensitive features/realign route 7.Match existing tower spans 8.Place towers at maximum distance from highway/trail crossing 9.Use dulled metal or corten finish on towers 10. Modify or curtail constructionand maintenance during sensitive periods (i.e. use winter construction} 11. Use helicopter maintenance of towers 12.Reduce or minimize right-of-way width 13. Selectively remove vegetation 14. Avoid construction near anadromous streams during peak salmon run periods 15. Install submarine cables with horizontal directional drilling 16. Place transmission lines underground 17.Place submarine to overhead transition facilities in context with surroundings and architecture 18. Design cable system for limited fluid loss 19. Mark lines for birds 20. Bury small diameter fiber optic wires normally carried above conductors 0 Miles 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ULLRIALEAL LIRA ECM ASHeeL I el Col ALOHA bl Pe Pe propa tii ee ep pp pa pe ep gg a ng | . Link E11 _»| Burnt Island Klatt and Victor Roads >| F Intertidal Area Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply ~ Does not apply Does not apply | Does not apply —Does not apply Does not apply — Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Significant Residual Impacts (remaining with selective mitigation) None Legend mum «Mitigation to be applied * See Figure 2 for full definitions of selective mitigation measures Turnagain Arm Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge Intertidal Area Submarine Cable SeaunnRenaDnNnraorvrAnNAUNARWN = N Oo Selective Mitigation Measures Enstar Route: Option G Southern Intertie Project FIGURE 6h Route Option H:10.5 Miles 0 Miles 2 4 5 10 OE Si = : S sayees fay ocean tence ea fina feeds [bad feuded a] le papel [eae eee lB (eset despa fianjacy | [estyeerfcasgisu| ef caa anyon] ee fede aren te pee oe pte pen Oe gee jeeeias |e peepee | peat epee peajenpepes| “ty - [a Link E12 aI Rae Burnt Island Oceanview Bluff Park = Facility Siting Conditions Submarine cable across Turnagain Arm Selective Mitigation* 1. Limit upgrading of existing access roads 2. Use existing access for construction and maintenance 3. Align new access to landform contours 4.Close all access not required for maintenance 5.Modify tower design or use alternative tower type 6. Span sensitive features/realign route 7.Match existing tower spans 8.Place towers at maximum distance from highway/trail crossing 9. Use dulled metal or corten finish on towers 10. Modify or curtail construction and maintenance curing sensitive periods (i.e., use winter construction 11. Use helicopter maintenance of towers 12. Reduce or minimize right-of-way width 13. Selectively remove vegetation 14. Avoid construction near anadromous streams during peak salmon run periods 15. Install submarine cables with horizontal directional drilling 16. Place transmission lines underground 17. Place submarine to overhead transition facilities in context with surroundings and architecture 18. Design cable system for limited fluid loss 19. Mark lines for birds 20. Bury small diameter fiber optic wires normally carried above conductors M« Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply = Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Intertidal Area Significant Residual Impacts (remaining with selective mitigation) None Legend Turnagain Arm 7 Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge Intertidal Area Submarine Cable Selective Mitigation Measures Enstar Route: Option H Southern Intertie Project FIGURE 6i Gam Mitigation to be applied * See Figure 2 for full definitions of selective mitigation measures Oo AN AUN FWHN — Route Option I: 9.0 Miles Ny VT F ; hy wee / ae Facility Siting Conditions Submarine cable across Turnagain Arm Selective Mitigation* 1. Limit upgrading of existing access roads 2. Use existing access for construction and maintenance 3. Align new access to landform contours 4. Close all access not required for maintenance 5.Modify tower design or use alternative tower type 6. Span sensitive features/realign route 7.Match existing tower spans 8.Place towers at maximum distance from highway/trail crossing 9. Use dulled metal or corten finish on towers 10. Modify or curtail construction and maintenance during sensitive periods (i.e., use winter construction’ 11.Use helicopter maintenance of towers 12. Reduce or minimize right-of-way width 13. Selectively remove vegetation 14. Avoid construction near anadromous streams during peak salmon run periods 15. Install submarine cables with horizontal directional drilling 16. Place transmission lines underground 17.Place submarine to overhead transition facilities in context with surroundings and architecture 18. Design cable system for limited fluid loss 19. Mark lines for birds 20. Bury small diameter fiber optic wires normally carried above conductors 0 Miles 1 Link E13 Burnt Island Rabbit Creek Intertidal Area Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply 4 Does not apply — Does not apply — Does not apply | Does not apply — Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply = Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply Does not apply — + Does not apply —— + Significant Residual Impacts (remaining with selective mitigation) None Legend Mum Mitigation to be applied * See Figure 2 for full definitions of selective mitigation measures Turnagain Arm Submarine Cable —| +t Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge Intertidal Area — Selective Mitigation Measures Enstar Route: Option | Southern Intertie Project FIGURE 6j AN AWM BRWN oO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Route Option J:5.1 Miles = Vs Facility Siting Conditions Underground and overhead transmission line in road right-of-way Selective Mitigation* 1. Limit upgrading of existing access roads 2.Use existing access for construction and maintenance 3. Align new access to landform contours 4.Close all access not required for maintenance 5.Modify tower design or use alternative tower type 6. Span sensitive features/realign route 7.Match existing tower spans 8.Place towers at maximum distance from highway/trail crossing 9.Use dulled metal or corten finish on towers 10. Modify or curtail construction and . maintenance uring sensitive periods (i.e., use winter construction 11.Use helicopter maintenance of towers 12.Reduce or minimize right-of-way width 13. Selectively remove vegetation 14. Avoid construction near anadromous streams during peak salmon run periods 15.Install submarine cables with horizontal directional drilling 16. Place transmission lines underground 17.Place submarine to overhead transition facilities in context with surroundings and architecture 18.Design cable system for limited fluid loss 19. Mark lines for birds 20. Bury small diameter fiber optic wires normally carried above conductors Significant Residual Impacts (remaining with selective mitigation) Visual- Residential Views Landscape Scenery Legend mum (\Vitigation to be applied e@ Stream/creek/river/greenbelt crossing © Submarine transition facility 0 Miles 1 2 3 4 5 5.1 | | L Yr : Link Al . Link A2 . Link A3 ol Link A4 . Link AS L Campbell Creek Greenbelt } Victor + Klatt Road i Overland Route i Minnesota Drive | Road Underground Cable in Overland Route Overhead Line in Road Right-of-Way Road Right-of-Way ON ADM BWN CCA NIT EIEN ASINN SEE Does not apply t = Does not apply ~ Does not apply — _ Oo 7 _ oO Does not apply Does not apply J es EY Bar | Selective Mitigation Measures Enstar Route: Option J Southern Intertie Project * See Figure 2 for full definitions of selective mitigation measures FIGURE 6k So a ONAnUnRWNHZSO LO No ow Route Option K:5.4 Miles — O Miles 1 2 3 4 5 54 [=o ~ Vy / I calles aienenil at Peg allel et ey |, ey 1 1 Bee Tk lg El A gH l, Link A6 » Link A7 - Link A8& » Link A9 - Link A10 ‘ MoT {~ je ‘i Hy Oceanview Park O'Malley Road Campbell Creek Greenbelt Flying Crown Airstrip i i Alaska Railroad Right-of-Wa' Facility Siting Conditions 7 7 Underground and overhead lines in railroad right-of-way Underground Line in Overhead Line in Right-of-Way Selective Mitigation* Railroad Right-of-Way 1. Limit upgrading of existing access roads [pana merase ES aS SE, EP RES SS LE OE AT STE A OP ST ED I I EE PT SE 2. Use existing access for construction and maintenance 3. Align new access to landform contours Does not apply __, 1 { - | 4.Close all access not required for maintenance Does not apply ——- ah | ut | 5.Modify tower design or use alternative | tower type @ | 6. Span sensitive features/realign route 7.Match existing tower spans Does not apply ——_———— 3 | Ha pa 8.Place towers at maximum distance from highway/trail crossing Does not apply ———— r T T . aA il 7 9.Use dulled metal or corten finish on towers A A A A cS A AA I a th 10.Modify or curtail constructionand maintenance during sensitive periods (i.e, use winter construction} | oO 11.Use helicopter maintenance of towers Does not apply 12. Reduce or minimize right-of-way width Does not apply 1 | . me 13.Selectively remove vegetation 14. Avoid construction near anadromous streams | © during peak salmon run periods 15.Install submarine cables with horizontal directional drilling 16. Place transmission lines underground 17.Place submarine to overhead transition facilities }~ Does not apply in context with surroundings and architecture 18. Design cable system for limited fluid loss oO 19. Mark lines for birds Does not apply ——______- ae a ch ced 20. Bury small diameter fiber optic wires normally Does not apply carried above conductors Significant Residual Impacts (remaining with selective mitigation) Visual- Residential views a Campbell Creek Landscape scenery fale Legend ; aig : wm Mitigation to be applied Selective Mitigation Measures @ Stream/creek/river crossing Enstar Route: Option K oO Submarine transition facility Southern Intertie Project * See Figure 2 for full definitions of selective mitigation measures FIGURE 61 ON WAU BPWN 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Route Option M: 8.9 Miles ty u Facility Siting Conditions Rebuild distribution lines in road right-of-way Selective Mitigation* 1. Limit upgrading of existing access roads 2. Use existing access for construction and maintenance 3. Align new access to landform contours 4.Close all access not required for maintenance 5.Modify tower design or use alternative tower type 6. Span sensitive features/realign route 7.Match existing tower spans 8.Place towers at maximum distance from highway/trail crossing 9.Use dulled metal or corten finish on towers 10. Modify or curtail construction and | maintenance curing sensitive periods (i.e., use winter construction 11. Use helicopter maintenance of towers 12. Reduce or minimize right-of-way width 13. Selectively remove vegetation 14. Avoid construction near anadromous streams during peak salmon run periods 15. Install submarine cables with horizontal directional drilling 16. Place transmission lines underground 17.Place submarine to overhead transition facilities in context with surroundings and architecture 18. Design cable system for limited fluid loss 19. Mark lines for birds 20. Bury small diameter fiber optic wires normally carried above conductors 0 Miles 1 2 3 4 6 r 8 8.9 | Ricsudienciilcsised Dass 1 1 1 casiliidieanil | diseediasstliimadl Tiendiemsliiansll ! 1 Bech 1 | 1 1 1 L | 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 | L 1 1 1 | 1 1 Lt 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 _| 1 1 Lt | 1 1 1 1 | tt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 hoc . Link A11 . Link A13 Link A14 Link A15 + Link A16 : Rabbit Creek Campbell Creek Greenbelt [" O'Malley Road C Unnamed Stream a New Seward t Highway Underground Cable in Road Right-of-Way Significant Residual Impacts (remaining with selective mitigation) Visual- Residential views Landscape scenery Legend mum = (Vitigation to be applied -Does not apply -- — —— Does not apply | — —-. -} - Wn ° ——-- ° + | Does not apply —_—_—_— SS | | 1 _@ | la © SS SS © Does not apply aaa ~-+-- Does not apply ————j— fF + == ES == @ @ @ LAE TE TE Does not apply — SS SS es reas — - == Ss == as | = Does not apply Does not apply ———_+—____-_ —- Se SS = = sls Sh = |__ggrs gsm rae spt OUSSSOTO IEE EIS. TEED aaa Old Seward Highway Rebuild Overhead Line in Right-of-Way i International Airport Boulevard New Line in Road Right-of-Way | @ Stream/creek/river/greenbelt crossing @ Road/highway crossing Oo Transition facility * See Figure 2 for full definitions of selective mitigation measures AON AWN PWN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Selective Mitigation Measures Enstar Route: Option M Southern Intertie Project FIGURE 6m Route Option N: 4.0 Miles C V3 3 fp fl Vaal TF ai Facility Siting Conditions Underground line parallel to Tesoro Pipeline Selective Mitigation* 1. Limit upgrading of existing access roads 2. Use existing access for construction and maintenance 3. Align new access to landform contours 4.Close all access not required for maintenance 5. Modify tower design or use alternative tower type 6. Span sensitive features/realign route 7. Match existing tower spans 8. Place towers at maximum distance from highway/trail crossing 9. Use dulled metal or corten finish on towers 10. Modify or curtail construction and ; maintenance during sensitive periods (i.e., use winter construction’ 11. Use helicopter maintenance of towers 12. Reduce or minimize right-of-way width 13. Selectively remove vegetation 14. Avoid construction near anadromous streams during peak salmon run periods 15. Install submarine cables with horizontal directional drilling 16. Place transmission lines underground 17. Place submarine to overhead transition facilities in context with surroundings and architecture 18. Design cable system for limited fluid loss 19. Mark lines for birds 20. Bury small diameter fiber optic wires normally carried above conductors 0 Miles 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 ei 1 1 1 1 wl 1 L 1 1 LinkT18 i >| Pt.Campbell = Tony Knowles Coastal tral Pt Woronzof Substation | k 1 - - | iam Coastal Trail Crossing Kincaid Park Tesoro Pipeline Planned Airport Road Coastal Trail Crossing Coastal Bluff Significant Residual Impacts (remaining with selective mitigation) None Legend mum (Vitigation to be applied Maintain Buffer and Separation From Coastal Trail - Underground Line Parallel to Tesoro Pipeline Underground Line Parallel to Planned Road ET ESS AO Pt A ITS ST ARRIETA IT TI TT 1 2 - — - - — — RT SIE A Ta T Ss 4 Does not apply 5 PER RR RRR Does not apply 7 Does not apply 8 ~ Does not apply 9 ae Does not apply 11 Does not apply 12 TTT trier ati! 13 Does not apply - + 14 — 15 a a a a A AE OE ET RE? ELE TI PT Oo PITT AA aE aT SRR Does not apply aa ; V7 oO 18 Does not apply 19 Does not apply 20 Selective Mitigation Measures = 8 8B Mitigation to be applied in coordination with Municipality of Anchorage and Airport Authority Submarine transition facility * See Figure 2 for full definitions of selective mitigation measures Tesoro Route: Option N Southern Intertie Project FIGURE 6n Kenai National Wildlife Refuge ALTERNATIVES STUDIED IN DETAIL SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE 7 Legend "=== Applicant’s Proposed Route ===" Enstar Route Options ===" Tesoro Route Options Chugach State Park Kenai National Wildlife Refuge Chugach National Forest ‘oi Private, Borough, or State Selected Lands Note: No-action alternative is shown in inset in upper left-hand corner of map. Scale in Miles w 88 — 6 3 101 3 6 Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. Contour Interval: 200 Feet Contour Labeling in Feet 061702 TABLE 2 IMPACT MITIGATION SUMMARY Applicable Resource Topic on Selective Referenced Map and Mitigation Key Site-Specific Features or Alternative Map Legend Features Measures General Areas and Mitigation Mitigation Effectiveness Earth and Water Resources: Earth Resources Maps, Figures MV- 2,3,4 (Volume II of the DEIS) Tesoro Compressible soils (Qc) 1,10 Dispersed Impacts mitigated based on the use of existing access, tracked and low ground pressure vehicles, special equipment, and winter construction. Results - Highly effective Slope Instability (Qg, Qs) | 15 Pt. Possession and Pt Campbell— Impacts mitigated as structural impacts are avoided horizontal directional drilling through horizontal directional drilling at Pt. Possession and Pt. Campbell. Results — Highly effective Stream Crossings 6, 10, 15, 16 Bishop Ck — span Impacts mitigated by spanning streams (minimum Swanson River — bore or attach to bridge | 200’ setback including the placement of Scup Ck — span foundations and structures), and temporary man- Otter Ck — span made and ice bridges. If local conditions do not Seven Egg Ck — span allow for ice bridges, snow will either be brought Miller Ck — span in, or construction suspended. Results — Highly effective Enstar Compressible soils (Qc) 1,10 Chickaloon marsh, Rabbit Ck, Oceanview and Klatt Rd salt marsh Same as Tesoro Route crossings — horizontal directional drilling Slope Instability (Qg, Qs) | 15 Oceanview Park — horizontal directional drilling Same as Tesoro Route Southern Intertie Project Final EIS ‘S:\projects\SIP\2002\FEIS\Final FEIS\Table 2 vol II.doc 1 of 12 Volume II — Mitigation Plan July 2002 TABLE 2 IMPACT MITIGATION SUMMARY Applicable Resource Topic on Selective Referenced Map and Mitigation Key Site-Specific Features or Alternative _| Map Legend Features Measures General Areas and Mitigation Mitigation Effectiveness Enstar (cont.) Stream Crossings 6, 10, 15, 16 Moose River drainage area Same as Tesoro Route (4 crossings) - span East Fork Moose River (3 crossings) - span Chickaloon River drainage area (7 crossings) - span Mystery Creek - span Chickaloon River drainage area (5 crossings) - span Big Indian Creek - span Little Indian Creek - span Burnt Island Creek - span Kenai River (2 crossings) - span Funny River - span Soldotna Ck (3 crossings) - span Moose River -span 2 unnamed ck crossings - span Southern Intertie Project Volume II — Mitigation Plan Final EIS 2 of 12 July 2002 S:\projects\$1P\2002\FEIS\Final FEIS\Table 2 vol II.doc TABLE 2 IMPACT MITIGATION SUMMARY Applicable Resource Topic on Selective Referenced Map and Mitigation Key Site-Specific Features or Alternative | Map Legend Features Measures General Areas and Mitigation Wetlands: Vegetation Cover/Wetlands Map, Figures M- 6,7,8 (Volume II of the DEIS) Mitigation Effectiveness Tesoro All types listed under wetlands, bogs and meadows 1, 2, 6, 10, 15 Pt. Campbell salt marsh crossings — horizontal directional drilling Impacts to Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge salt marsh are mitigated by avoidance through directional drilling and impacts to wetlands, bogs and meadows will be substantially reduced by winter construction, use of existing access, tracked and low ground pressure vehicles and special equipment. Results - Highly effective, and Tesoro is considered the less damaging practicable alternative, without significant impacts to aquatic resources (USACE Draft Section 404(b)(1) Evaluation results, Appendix B in FEIS Volume 1) Enstar All types listed under wetlands, bogs and meadows 1, 2, 6, 10, 15 Chickaloon marsh, Rabbit Ck and Oceanview salt marshes crossings — horizontal directional drilling Impacts to Chickaloon marsh, and Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge salt marshes are mitigated by avoidance through directional drilling. While impacts to wetlands, bogs and meadows will be substantially reduced by winter construction, use of existing access, tracked and low ground pressure vehicles and special equipment, any impacts on these areas within the KNWR would be at a national level due to conflicts with the USFWS mandate to protect wildlife and their habitats on the KNWR. Results — Highly effective during construction, less effective at wetland crossings during operation and maintenance along Mystery Creek trail within KNWR, also more extensive presence of wetlands Southern Intertie Project Final EIS S:\projects\SIP\2002\FEIS\Final FEIS\Table 2 vol II.doc 3 of 12 Volume II - Mitigation Plan July 2002 TABLE 2 IMPACT MITIGATION SUMMARY Alternative Resource Topic on Referenced Map and Map Legend Features Applicable Selective Mitigation Measures | Upland Vegetation: Vegetation Cover/Wetlands Map, Figures M- Key Site-Specific Features or General Areas and Mitigation 6,7,8 (Volume II of the DEIS) Mitigation Effectiveness Tesoro All types listed under Uplands 1, 6, 10, 13 Spruce bark beetle and mitigation including disposal of logs and slash Impacts on upland vegetation will be reduced by not improving existing roads, minimizing clearing of the right-of-way, and selective removal of vegetation with the right-of-way. In order to discourage spruce bark beetle infestation, spruce logs and slash from clearing in closed mixed forests would be chipped, dispersed or hauled away. Results — Partially effective Enstar All types listed under Uplands 1, 6, 10, 13 Spruce bark beetle and mitigation including disposal of logs and slash Same as for the Tesoro route, however, any impacts on areas within the KNWR would be at a national level due to conflicts with the USFWS mandate to protect wildlife and their habitats on the KNWR. Results — Less effective than Tesoro due to poor existing access conditions and denser vegetative cover on steep slopes, especially in the Indian Creek Area Southern Intertie Project Final EIS ‘S:\projects\SIP\2002\FEIS\Final FEIS\Table 2 vol IL.doc 4 of 12 Volume II — Mitigation Plan July 2002 TABLE 2 IMPACT MITIGATION SUMMARY Resource Topic on Referenced Map and Applicable Selective Mitigation Key Site-Specific Features or Alternative Map. Legend Features Measures General Areas and Mitigation Mitigation Effectiveness Waterfowl: Waterfowl Distribution Map (1968-2000), Figure MV- 9, and Vegetation Cover/Wetlands Ma p, Figures MV — 6,7,8 (Volume II of the DEIS) concentration and staging areas, open bodies of water outside of forest or woodland areas ( MV 6, 7, 8) within 1,312 feet of alignment and stream or river crossings bodies of water and wetlands (non- forested or non- developed), lines will be marked Near Chickaloon Flats concentration and staging areas (70°) poles are prescribed between links E 9 and E 10 Tesoro Open bodies of water 1, 5, 10, 19, 20 In areas within 1,312 feet of open Mitigation measures (marking wires) will reduce the potential for outside of forest or bodies of water and wetlands (non- _| collision mortality, and disturbance to nesting birds is minimized woodland areas (MV 6, 7, forested or non- developed), lines through limiting access and seasonal construction 8) and stream or river will be marked Results — Substantially reduced potential for bird collision crossings Enstar Spring and fall 1, 5,10, 19, 20 In areas within 1,312 feet of open Same as for the Tesoro route, including the installation of 70- foot high poles adjacent to the Chickaloon marsh lands, however any impacts on waterfowl within the KNWR would be at a national level due to conflicts with the USFWS mandate to protect wildlife and their habitats on the KNWR. Results — Substantially reduced potential for bird collision Trumpeter Sw ans: Nesting Area for Trumpeter Swans Map, Figure MV-10 (Volume II of the DEIS) areas with a 2-mile influence zone mile during nesting season and mark wires within 1,312 feet of nest sites in non-forested, non-developed areas Tesoro Nesting and brood rearing | 1,2, 10, 13, 19,20 | Avoid nesting areas by at least 1- Avoiding spring construction and maintenance, recorded nesting areas with a 2-mile mile during nesting season and mark | areas and breeding periods and selective mitigation measures influence zone wires within 1,312 feet of nest sites | (marking, limiting access) will reduce the potential for collision in non-forested, non-developed areas | mortality, and disturbance to nesting birds. Results — Substantially reduced potential for bird collision Enstar Nesting and brood rearing | 1, 2, 10, 13, 19,20 | Avoid nesting areas by at least 1- Same as for the Tesoro route, however any impacts on Trumpeter Swans within the KNWR would be at a national level due to conflicts with the USFWS mandate to protect wildlife and their habitats on the KNWR. Results — Substantially reduced potential for bird collision Southern Intertie Project Final EIS ‘S:\projects\SIP\2002\FEIS\Final FEIS\Table 2 vol IL.doc 5 of 12 Volume II - Mitigation Plan July 2002 TABLE 2 IMPACT MITIGATION SUMMARY Resource Topic on Referenced Map and Applicable Selective Mitigation (1979 — 2000), Figure Key Site-Specific Features or MV-10 (Volume II of the DEIS) Alternative Map Legend Features Measures General Areas and Mitigation Mitigation Effectiveness Bald Eagles: Nesting Areas for Bald Eagles areas within a 0.5 influence zone nest zone — 0.25 mile And avoid construction activities during nesting within — 0.5 mile Tesoro Bald Eagle known nesting | 1, 2, 6, 10, 13, 14 Avoid any clearing within primary Avoiding spring construction and maintenance, recorded nesting areas within a 0.5 nest zone — 0.25 mile and avoid areas and breeding periods and selective mitigation measures will influence zone construction activities during nesting | reduce the potential for collision mortality, and disturbance to within — 0.5 mile nesting birds. Results — Substantially reduced potential for bird collision Enstar Bald Eagle known nesting | 1,2, 6, 10, 13, 14 Avoid any clearing within primary Same as Tesoro Route, however any impacts on Bald Eagles within the KNWR would be at a national level due to conflicts with the USFWS mandate to protect wildlife and their habitats on the KNWR. Results — Substantially reduced potential for bird collision Lynx and Wolves: Lynx Distribution Map, Figure MV-11 and Wolf Distribution Map, Figure MV-12 (Volume II of the DEIS) abundance in non- developed areas including construction timing, limiting access and clearing addresses general area Tesoro Areas of higher 1, 10, 12,13 Non - site specific measures Modifying or curtailing construction and maintenance during abundance in non- including construction timing, sensitive periods, and limiting access and the clearing of right-of- developed and future limiting access and clearing way will reduce impacts on lynx and wolf. development areas addresses general area Results — Partially effective Enstar Areas of higher 1, 10, 12, 13 Non — site specific measures Same as Tesoro Route, however any impacts on Lynx or Wolf within the KNWR would be at a national level due to conflicts with the USFWS mandate to protect wildlife and their habitats on the KNWR. Results — Partially effective Black Bears: Black Bear Habitat Map, Figure MV-13 (Volume II of the DEIS) Tesoro Black bear habitat, and presence of Devil’s Club in non-developed areas l, 10,12, Non - site specific measures including construction timing, limiting access and clearing addresses general area Modifying or curtailing construction and maintenance during sensitive periods and limiting access and clearing will reduce impacts on Black Bear. Results - Highly effective Southern Intertie Project Final EIS S:\projects\SIP\2002\FEIS\Final FEIS\Table 2 vol Il.doc 6 of 12 Volume II — Mitigation Plan July 2002 TABLE 2 IMPACT MITIGATION SUMMARY Alternative Black Bears (continued): Black Bear Habitat Map, Figure MV-13 Applicable Resource Topic on Selective Referenced Map and Mitigation Map Legend Features Measures (Volume II of the DEIS) Key Site-Specific Features or General Areas and Mitigation Effectiveness Enstar Black bear habitat, and presence of Devil’s Club 1, 10, 12, 13 Non — site specific measures including construction timing, limiting access and clearing address general area Same as Tesoro Route, however any impacts on Black Bear within the KNWR would be at a national level due to conflicts with the USFWS mandate to protect wildlife and their habitats on the KNWR. Results — Partially effective, concern for increased access resulting from construction Brown Bears: Brown Bear Habitat Map, Figure MV-14 (Volume II of the DEIS) Tesoro Brown bear and riparian 1, 6, 10, 12, 13, 14 | Span riparian areas by placing Modifying or curtailing construction and maintenance during habitat including towers 200 feet from stream sensitive periods, spanning streams, and limiting access and clearing, important summer crossings and avoid construction along with proper storage of waste and bear training (standard feeding areas along streams during peak salmon mitigation measure 17) will reduce impacts on Brown Bear. runs, limited access and clearing, Results — Highly effective and winter construction timing Enstar Brown bear and riparian 1,6, 10, 12, 13, 14 | Span riparian areas by placing Same as Tesoro Route, however any impacts on Brown Bear within habitat including important summer feeding areas towers 200 feet from stream crossings and avoid construction along streams during peak salmon runs, limited access and clearing, and winter construction timing the KNWR would be at a national level due to conflicts with the USFWS mandate to protect wildlife and their habitats on the KNWR. Results — Partially effective, concern for increased access resulting from construction Moose: Winter Moose Distribution Map, Fig ure MV-15 (Volume II of the DEIS) Tesoro Areas of higher 13 Selective vegetation clearing Selective removal of vegetation within the right-of-way might abundance in non proposed in general improve winter range if preferred browse species vegetate the developed areas cleared areas. Results — Highly effective Enstar Areas of higher 13 Selective vegetation clearing Selective removal of vegetation within the right-of-way might abundance in non developed areas proposed in general improve winter range if preferred browse species vegetate the cleared areas however, because of conflicts with the KNWR Fire Management Plan, any impacts on the KNWR would be at a national level. Results — Low effectiveness Southern Intertie Project Final EIS ‘S:\projects\S1P\2002\FEIS\Final FEIS\Table 2 vol II.doc 7 of 12 Volume II — Mitigation Plan July 2002 TABLE 2 IMPACT MITIGATION SUMMARY Applicable Resource Topic on Selective Referenced Map and Mitigation Key Site-Specific Features or Alternative Map Legend Features Measures General Areas and Mitigation Mitigation Effectiveness Anadromous Fish and Beluga Whales: Anadromous Fish Streams and Beluga Whale Concentration Areas, Figure MV-17 (Volume II of the DEIS) Tesoro Anadromous Fish 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 13, Span riparian areas by placing Mitigation measures will reduce impacts on anadromous fish streams Streams 14, 15, 16 towers 200 feet from stream by spanning streams, and beluga whales by avoiding peak runs and crossings, and avoid construction calving periods. during peak salmon runs (winter Results — Highly effective construction). Beluga Concentration NMSF prefers July to August Areas construction season. Spring, May- June is the most sensitive due to salmon runs and calving Enstar Anadromous Fish 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 13, Span riparian areas by placing Mitigation measures will reduce impacts on anadromous fish streams Streams 14, 15, 16 towers 200 feet from stream and beluga whales crossings, and avoid construction Results — Highly effective during peak salmon runs (winter construction). Beluga Concentration NMSF prefers July to August Area construction season. Spring, May- June is the most sensitive due to salmon runs and calving Southern Intertie Project Volume II - Mitigation Plan Final EIS 8 of 12 July 2002 S:\projects\SIP\2002\FEIS\Final FEIS\Table 2 vol II.doc TABLE 2 IMPACT MITIGATION SUMMARY Applicable Resource Topic on Selective Referenced Map and Mitigation Key Site-Specific Features Alternative | Map Legend Features Measures and Mitigation Land Use: Land Use Maps, Figures MV-19,20,21 (Volume II of the DEIS) Mitigation Effectiveness Residential, institutional, and airports/airstrips Tesoro 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16 KPB CMP compliance including locating line within planned transportation corridor and North Kenai Road ROW with aerial easement; Compliance with FAA regulations to avoid VORTAC and use of markers and high visibility balls; Underground cable past 2 airports, though Captain Cook SRA, Pt. Possession lands, and Kincaid Park; span highway crossings Impacts to land use are mitigated through selective measures. Results — Highly effective Residential, institutional, and airports/airstrips Enstar Rebuild 69kV line on Enstar South; Underground cable past Flying Crown airstrip; hazard warning ball at Moose River crossing; locate line within road ROW; revegetation in Oceanview Bluff Park; span 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16 Impacts to land use are reduced through selective mitigation measures however; impacts within the KNWR would be at a national level due to conflicts with the KNWR Comprehensive Conservation Plan. Results - Highly effective within KPB, and Anchorage. Incompatible with KNWR highway crossings Comprehensive Conservation Plan Southern Intertie Project Final EIS S:\projects\S1P\2002\FEIS\Final FEIS\Table 2 vol I.doe 9 of 12 Volume II — Mitigation Plan July 2002 TABLE 2 IMPACT MITIGATION SUMMARY Applicable Resource Topic on Selective Referenced Map and Mitigation Alternative | Map Legend Features Measures Key Site-Specific Features and Mitigation Recreation: Recreation Management Areas Maps, Figure MV-22, 23 and Recreation Use Areas Maps, Figures MV-24,25,26 (Volume II of the DEIS) Mitigation Effectiveness ACWR, Parks, SRA, KNWR, Trails, Recreation Sites Tesoro 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16 Underground cable though Captain Cook SRA, Pt. Possession lands, Kincaid Park; directional drilling under ACWR; seasonal construction (fall) will avoid conflicts associated with tourism along the Kenai Spur Highway and Captain Cook SRA Impacts to recreation are mitigated through selective measures. Results — Highly effective ACWR, Parks, SRA, KNWR, Trails, Recreation Sites Enstar 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16 Replace park facilities and revegetation; directional drilling under ACWR; winter construction will reduce impacts to tourism on the KNWR Impacts to recreation are reduced through selective mitigation measures however, impacts within the KNWR would be at a national level due to conflicts with the KNWR Comprehensive Conservation Plan. Results - Highly effective within KPB, and Anchorage. Incompatible with KNWR Comprehensive Conservation Plan Southern Intertie Project Final EIS ‘S:\projects\SIP\2002\FEIS\Final FEIS\Table 2 vol II.doc 10 of 12 Volume II — Mitigation Plan July 2002 TABLE 2 IMPACT MITIGATION SUMMARY Resource Topic on Referenced Map and Map Legend Features Visual: Landscape Scenery Map, Figure MV- Alternative Applicable Selective Mitigation Measures Key Site-Specific Features and Mitigation 28, Views from Residences, Recreation Areas, Travelways Mitigation Effectiveness Map, Figures MV-29,30,31 (Volume II, DEIS) class, park-like visual image type, immediate foreground and foreground views from residences, recreation areas, and travel ways 13;,15,,16, 17 KNWR; Lowering tower heights in select areas through KNWR; changing structure types in Chickaloon area; directional drilling through coastal marsh; location of transitional facility in shed; towers placed at maximum feasible distance from crossings at recreation areas, highways and trails Tesoro Distinctive scenic quality | 3,5,6,7,8,9, 12, | North Kenai Road; Captain Cook | Impacts to visual resources are reduced through class, park-like visual 13, 15, 16, 17 SRA; Pt. Possession; Kincaid selective mitigation measures. image type, immediate Park; underground due to the Results — Partially effective foreground and proximity to Captain Cook SRA; foreground views from directional drilling under ACWR; residences, recreation use of planned transportation areas, and travel ways corridor to allow for vegetative screening along Grey Cliffs and Moose Point Subdivisions; Reduce vegetation contrast in dense forest areas; underground along Tony Knowles Coastal Trail Enstar Distinctive scenic quality | 3,5,6,7,8,9, 12, | Winter construction through Impacts to visual resources are reduced through selective mitigation measures; however, any impacts within the KNWR would be at a national level Results —Partially effective Southern Intertie Project Final EIS ‘S:\projects\SIP\2002\FEIS\Final FEIS\Table 2 vol IL.doc 11 of 12 Volume II — Mitigation Plan July 2002 TABLE 2 IMPACT MITIGATION SUMMARY Alternative Resource Topic on Referenced Map and Map Legend Features Applicable Selective Mitigation Measures Cultural: Cultural Sensitivity Map, Figure MV-31 (Volume II, DEI. Key Site-Specific Features and Mitigation S) Mitigation Effectiveness Tesoro High sensitivity areas 2,4, 5, 6, 12 To be determined during pre- construction activities and surveys To be determined during pre-construction activities and surveys Results - Effective Enstar High sensitivity areas 2, 4,5, 6, 12 To be determined during pre- construction activities and surveys To be determined during pre-construction activities and surveys Results - Effective Southern Intertie Project Final EIS S:\projects\SIP\2002\FEIS\Final FEIS\Table 2 vol II.doc 12 of 12 Volume II — Mitigation Plan July 2002