HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft S Intertie Envrio Impact Vol 2 2001 JSDA ie za: nies wise SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT VOLUMEH APPENDICES, DRAWINGS, SIMULATIONS, AND MAPS Rural Utilities Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture . cooperation with US. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Defense September 2001 VOLUME It Volume II accompanies the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Southern Intertie Project, a proposed 138kV transmission line from the Kenai Peninsula to Anchorage in south-central Alaska. This volume contains appendices and maps in order to facilitate the review of the DEIS. The appendices include the following: Appendix A - Comparison of Other Routing Alternatives Appendix B - Construction Activities and Drawings Appendix C - Inventory Study and Impact Assessment Methods Appendix D - Mitigation Appendix E - Simulations Appendix F - USACE Public Notice of Application for Permit The maps included in Volume II represent the resources studied for the DEIS, and several scales were used for displaying information. A list of maps follows this introduction. Every map includes the same base information such as place and feature names, major highways and roads, and jurisdictional boundaries. Also, each map includes certain basic project information such as the alternative routes and substations. The alternative routes are delineated on the maps by their reference centerlines, and each route is divided into discrete segments referred to as links. Each link is marked at every mile—the markers are referred to as mileposts. It should be noted that data are documented for every one- tenth mile and often reported in tenth miles in the DEIS. The width of the study corridor inventoried varies depending on the resource being addressed. Southern Intertie Project DEIS 1 Volume II - Appendices, Drawings, Maps, and Simulations September 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS Appendices A - Comparison of Other Routing Alternatives B - Construction Activities and Drawings C - Inventory Study and Impact Assessment Methods D - Mitigation E - Simulations F - Public Notice of Application for Permit Maps a MV-1 General Reference Map = MV-la Proposed Structure Types and Existing Utilities a MV-Ib Submarine Cable Transition Facilities Earth Resources a MV-2 Earth Resources (Kenai Strip) a MV-3 Earth Resources (Kenai Strip) a MV-4 Earth Resources (Turnagain Arm and Anchorage) Biological Resources a MV-5 Burn Areas = MV-6 Vegetation Cover/Wetlands (Kenai Strip) a MV-7 Vegetation Cover/Wetlands (Kenai Strip) a MV-8 Vegetation Cover/Wetlands (Turnagain Arm and Anchorage) a MV-9 Waterfowl Distribution a MV-10 Swan and Eagle Nesting Areas a MV-I1 Lynx Distribution a MV-12 Wolf Distribution a MV-13 Black Bear Habitat a MV-14 Brown Bear Habitat a MV-15 Winter Moose Distribution a MV-16 Caribou Distribution a MV-17 Anadromous Fish and Beluga Whales Land Use and Recreation a MV-18 Jurisdiction/Ownership a MV-19 Land Use (Kenai Strip) a MV-20 Land Use (Kenai Strip) a MV-21 Land Use (Anchorage) a MV-22 Recreation Management Areas (Kenai) a MV-23 Recreation Management Areas (Anchorage) a MV-24 Recreation Use Areas (Kenai Strip) a MV-25 Recreation Use Areas (Kenai Strip) Southern Intertie Project DEIS 7 Volume II - Appendices, Drawings, Simulations, and Maps September 2001 = MV-26 Recreation Use Areas (Anchorage) = MV-27 Subsistence Visual Resources a MV-28 Landscape Scenery a MV-29 Views from Residences a MV-30 Views from Recreation Areas and Travelways Cultural Resources a MV-31 Cultural Sensitivity mks pe = ene. Southern Intertie Project DEIS = Volume II - Appendices, Drawings, u Simulations, and Maps September 2001 APPENDIX A COMPARISON OF OTHER ROUTING ALTERNATIVES Several additional routes are being considered as part of this EIS. These routes have been studied extensively in the past and are being considered as route options; however, they are not part of the Applicant’s proposed route or the environmentally preferred alternative. The connecting links are shown on Figure A-1 in this appendix, and diagrams of route options are shown in Figure A-2. ANCHORAGE AREA ROUTE OPTION CONNECTING LINKS The Anchorage area alternatives included four links that are not discussed in the text of this document. These links provide connections between the three general Anchorage route options presented, and collectively result in 9 additional route options that are associated with the Enstar Route. The other individual links that comprise each of these 9 route options have been identified in Chapter 2 and evaluated in Chapter 3. Therefore, that information will not be repeated in this appendix. Included in the following paragraphs is a description of each connecting link followed by a listing of each route option associated with that connecting link and the links that comprise the route. Link Al7 (0.3 mile) parallels the right-of-way along Dimond Boulevard and crosses a predominantly commercial area consisting of shopping centers and retail stores. This link connector allows routes to reach the Alaska Railroad and avoid Old Seward Highway and International Airport Road. No significant impacts to land use, visual, aquatic, or biological resources are expected to occur along this link. Route Option W, Links All, A1l3, Al4, A17, A9, A10 Links Al8 and A19 parallel the right-of-way along O’Malley Road. Link A18 (1.0 mile) includes open space along the western portion of the link and industrial uses such as sand/gravel operation along the eastern portion of the link. This link serves as a connection for the submarine cable landing at Klatt Road to reach the Alaska Railroad. It also serves as a connection for submarine cable landings at Oceanview and Rabbit Creek to reach Minnesota Drive. No significant impacts to land use, visual, aquatic, or biological resources are expected to occur along this link. Route Option P, Links Al, A3, A2, A18, A8, A9, A10 Route Option R, Links A6, A7, A18, A4, A5 Route Option Z, Links Al1, A20, A7, A8, A4, A5 Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix A - Comparison of Other A-1 Routing Alternatives September 2001 Link A19 (0.2 mile) is characterized by predominantly industrial land uses such as a sand/gravel operation. This link also serves as a connection for submarine cable landings at Oceanview and Rabbit Creek to reach either Minnesota Drive or Alaska Railroad. No significant impacts to land use, visual aquatic, or biological resources are expected to occur along this link. Route Option T, Links A6, A7, A19, Al4, AIS, Al6 Route Option U, Links All, A13, A19, A18, A4, A5S Route Option V, Links All, A1l3, A19, A8, A9, A10 Link A20 (0.1 mile) parallels right-of-way along east 120" Avenue and crosses predominantly industrial land uses such as warehouses. This link serves as a connector for the submarine cable landing at Rabbit Creek to reach the Alaska Railroad, and the submarine cable landing at Oceanview to reach Old Seward Highway. No significant impacts to land use, visual, aquatic, or biological resources are expected to occur along this link. Route Option S, Links A6, A20, A13, Al4, A15, Al6 Route Option Y, Links All, A20, A7, A8, A9, ALO Route Option Z, Links All, A20, A7, A18, A4, A5 Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix A - Comparison of Other A-2 Routing Alternatives September 2001 _4 International” 4 Substation ANCHORAGE AREA ROUTE OPTIONS AND CONNECTING LINKS SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE A-1 | Legend UY | a ae Ee i ql ||| ===" Route Option | 0 —— Connecting Link | \ | I ; asa memationaigport Rg of eo Tudor Rd. i e @ Connecting Link Tag Route Option Links J Al, A3, A2, A4, AS | K A6, A7, A8, A9, A10 | M Al1I, Al3, Al4, A15, Al6 | | 1| Pp Al, A3, A2, A18, A8, A9, A10__ | | | R A6, A7, A18, Ad, AS | i Pa Ss A6, A20, A13, Al4, A15, A16 fa ‘T A6, A7, A19, Al4, A15, A16 U AII, A13, A19, A18, A4, AS Zz Vv AI1, A13, A19, A8, A9, A10 2 i WwW AL, A13, Al4, A17, A9, A10 ae \ | | Y A11, A20, A7, A8, A9, A10 S Z A11, A20, A7, A18, A4, AS ‘ampbell \ i | \ g ‘ 1] | SS 2 { \| i E HH { | } F ___ (AB) g 0 i fo) O’Malley Rd. | Te ee ae | | | ' } ft : : | >: \ >>) Qc ‘1m, t : | ¥ t | i | : , | | t % [ | ash ‘ ! wy » — Pere ae 7 i sN ie “e t — | yee ee ee i : ei | --- t io TN le : — | ! —— t &) { | ! i + : t { i E12 7 N \ ! t ! ) | { : 2 : | | I! t G : ‘ | ees a ee 5 1 r \ | I i ! i \ \ | 1 + i : \ >Y ! : a r I i : A | : : { t : B Sources: ! i : Potter | a Macaig of Anchorage (1994). | Deemer ‘ t Chugach National Forest (1995). ent epee ee A Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). | + USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. LL i 09/12/01 Klatt to International Anchorage International Substation Se] LINKS: Al, A3, A2, A4, AS Klatt to International Anchorage International Substation LINKS: Al, A3, A2, A18, A8, A9, A10 Alaska Railroad/ Oceanview to International Anchorage International Substation ~ LINKS: A6, A7, A8, A9, A10 Alaska Railroad/ Oceanview to International Anchorage International Substation LINKS: A6, A7, A18, A4, A5 Alaska Railroad/ Rabbit Creek to International Anchorage International Substation L LINKS: A11, A13,A14, A15, A16 Alaska Railroad/ Oceanview to International tation Anchorage International Substation LINKS: A6, A20, A13, A14, A15, A16 ANCHORAGE AREA ROUTE OPTIONS SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE A-2 Alaska Railroad/ Oceanview to International Anchorage International Substation ~ LINKS: A6, A7, A19, A14, A1S, A16 Alaska Railroad/ Rabbit Creek to International Anchorage International Substation iy, LINKS: A11,A13, A14, A17, A9, A10 Alaska Railroad/ Rabbit Creek to International Anchorage International Substation as. = LINKS: A11,A13, A19, A18, A4, AS Alaska Railroad/ Rabbit Creek to International ibstation Anchorage International Substation = LINKS: A11, A20, A7, A8, A9, A10 Alaska Railroad/ Rabbit Creek to International Anchorage International Substation May, LINKS: A11, A13, A19, A8, A9, A10 Alaska Railroad/ Rabbit Creek to International Anchorage International Substation LINKS: A11, A20, A7, A18, A4, AS ANCHORAGE AREA ROUTE OPTIONS (continued) FIGURE A-2 APPENDIX B CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND DRAWINGS OVERHEAD LINES Soil Boring Soil is bored and analyzed along the transmission line alignment to determine the engineering properties of the soil for purposes of designing the line. Borings would be made at approximately 1 mile intervals using track-mounted equipment. Where steel poles are used, the intervals between soil borings may be less than | mile, depending on variations in soil types along the route. The borings would be approximately 4 inches in diameter, range from 20 to 50 feet deep, and backfilled with the excavated material upon completion of soil sampling. To minimize ground disturbance, borings would be made adjacent to existing access roads whenever possible. Surveying Surveying would be accomplished by a combination of aerial and ground survey methods. Ground surveying would be required in areas of heavy vegetation and where aerial methods are more expensive. Surveying on the right-of-way would be required for locating structures and soil borings. Survey work on the right-of-way would involve limited cutting of trees and vegetation for line-of-sight staking and distance measuring. No new access would be needed during surveying, since only survey crews and their equipment would be involved. Section and quarter- section corners would be located. The edges of the right-of-way would be staked in areas where clearing for construction is required. Some structure locations may have to be re-staked by the surveyors if the survey markers are destroyed by clearing. Clearin: To allow continued reliable operation of the line, clearing of trees from the right-of-way would be required to prevent potential outages caused by trees contacting the energized conductors. The amount of clearing is dependent on several variables. In general, it is advantageous to remove as many trees as possible initially to minimize maintenance costs (future clearing of maturing trees). However, complete removal of trees has to be compared with potential impacts in the particular area (e.g., wider clearings in rural locations may be more justifiable than in urban areas where land uses restrict the amount of clearing). Right-of-way clearing would be done mechanically, except in sensitive areas where hand clearing may be appropriate. Herbicides would not be used for vegetation control along the right-of-way. In rural areas, the entire 150-foot-wide right-of-way would be cleared of trees except for areas exhibiting special conditions. Figures B-1 through B-S illustrate clearing. In areas where special conditions exist, the area cleared could be reduced. At a minimum, any trees that would directly contact the conductor, with consideration for the next five years of growth, would be removed. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-1 September 2001 Fast growing trees under and between the conductors as well as those within approximately 20 feet of the conductor movement envelope would be removed. In urban areas, right-of-way normally would be restricted by existing facilities such as roadways, private property, and homes. The line is typically located in a reduced right-of-way and tree clearing is more difficult due to landowner objections to clear cutting and removal of danger trees. Single pole structures would minimize conductor spacing and thereby require less clearing (Figure B-6). A minimum 40-foot-wide right-of-way is expected. Wherever possible, the full width of the right-of-way would be cleared of trees. It is often necessary to reduce the visual effects of power lines by screening. However, tree limbs reaching into the right-of-way and in danger of contacting the line would be removed. This method of clearing results in higher costs and more frequent right-of-way maintenance. In both rural and urban areas, it is standard practice to remove trees outside the right-of-way that would endanger the line should the trees fall over (danger trees). Typically these trees are tall and exhibit some defect that indicates future problems. Danger trees outside the right-of-way and trees on the right-of-way would be cut as close to the ground as possible, with stump height not exceeding 6 inches above surrounding ground level. Special conditions would be considered individually. Typical examples include leaving existing vegetation screens at road and river crossings, spanning over special vegetation where possible, and hand clearing in areas sensitive to equipment. To mitigate concerns for spruce bark beetle infestation, options for removing trees, at the direction of the landowner, will be chipping, scattering, or burning. Cleared debris would be disposed of in compliance with local ordinances and in accordance with the landowner’s request. Gates would be installed, as required, in existing fences located on the right-of-way to facilitate construction access. Existing fences and gates would be grounded. Foundation Installation There are two types of foundations for the X-towers or H-frame structures, driven piling or augured holes (Figure B-7). Driven piling generally would be made with truck- or track-mounted pile driving equipment. This type of foundation was commonly used for many of the more recent transmission lines in Alaska. In some instances, an augured hole may be required to place a piling instead of driving it. This type of foundation generally would be made with a truck- or track-mounted auger. The same or similar equipment would be required for all wood pole installations. An alternative to using truck- or track-mounted auger equipment would be to use smaller auger equipment, flown to each site by helicopter. Helicopters are sometimes used in areas without existing access. However, since there are existing access trails or roads along the routes, helicopter transport of augering equipment is not proposed for the Project. Table B-1 tabulates the construction methods proposed by link, for each route. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-2 September 2001 Danger Tree Danger Tree Danger eel Typical Right-of-way Clearing for Rural Areas Southern Intertie Project Figure B-1 }-—~— $0' —-—}_-—__—__- 150" ———__—_-— (approx.) New Clearing for Transmission Line Not to scale Right-of-way Clearing for Enstar Route Southern Intertie Project Figure B-2 oe ~~ Pipelines X Pipelines (= ms || | Ieee | | i | fs $0! ef 50! Future (approx.) Transportation (approx.) New Clearing for North Kenai Road Corridor Transmission Line Right-of-way Clearing for Tesoro Route Adjacent to Future North Kenai Road Southern Intertie Project Figure B-3 Oe a ~~ Pipelines eres ae uture approx.) Residential Lots New Clearing for North Kenai Road Transmission a within Future Transportation Corridor Separated from Pipeline Corridor Not to scale Right-of-way Clearing for Tesoro Route Separated from Future North Kenai Road Southern Intertie Project Figure B-4 Tre : . oo me, * > New — , e “e 3 fae ® 3 , wp en = Clearing eae. ‘Transmission ™, y -—-—--100'.__ —-+---__—__ 100'-_--__— (approx.) (approx.) New Clearing for Transmission Line Not to scale Right-of-way Clearing Adjacent to Existing Transmission Line Southern Intertie Project Figure B-5 Nn s e < S Ss = ~ S amet on & oO = O > 3S 3 ah ° » a on -_ fa‘ 3 9 = S on Southern Intertie Project Figure B-6 Foundation and Structure Construction Activities Structure Assembly Foundation and Erection Installation Conductor Stringing Activities Wire Stringing Truck-mounted Drum Payout and Tensioner Conductor Stringing Truck-mounted Three Reels of Conductor 7 Overland Access -——~ to Pulling Sites ——<— 4 mee ee eee ee Overland Construction Access Overland Access to Pulling Sites Typical Construction Activities - Tesoro or Enstar Routes Southern Intertie Project Proposed Anchorage to Kenai Peninsula Transmission Line | Figure B-7 1007 saquiardeg ora sanAnoy uononnsuoD - g xipueddy SIAd Wefoig ensaquy WisyINoS rel Journ 8 ou peol GMA Ost TaID V/N apis isam - Joyfered peol GMA al vi 00 cIL rel soumuing 8 sok auou ost VHOA - PAID VIN mou - Ve Ve 00 TL ULIy Ureseuiny, re JON € ou peor GMA Ost ysnoiog reuay 001 apis iva - Jorjered ourodid Vel vce £6 LL EC TTA € ou peor GMA OST Tenuspiser 00! apis iva - yoyered sourjodid (Z) £6 £6 00 LL a TOUS /TOVUT AA € ou peor GMA Ost Tenuepisor 001 apis 3st - jaypered souyjedid (Z) OE o€ 00 OL I JouuNg €1 ou peor poard 0c yenuaprsar VIN Opis ysva - joyjered AeMpvol LY LY 00 rh sdunsire 0M1/ I Jowuing €I ou peor poard O€ Jenuoprsos/jeroroWW0S VIN Opts ysvo - joyyered Aemproi rs CL Tc €L 1 JOUUINS €I ou peor poard OE eNuaprsas/[eIs1oWW0S V/N apis ysta - [ayyered AeMpvor ZT TT 00 €L eK I TOUTING cI ou peor poard oc yeLasnpur VIN Oprs IsBa - yeqered AeMpvol C0 ¢c0 00 GL: I TOUTING I ou peor poard OOT Tersnput OOI [arrered AX69 BY AASTI c0 70 00 IL al yoUTUINS 8 ou peol GMA Pyinger Tenuoptsar Prmqer AX69 20e| dar AA69 vr OLT cel sa eT JouTUINS «IT ou peol GMA Prmqer SUS Surpury ssurg Primqer AX69 200] dor “oinqinsip (1) ? AX69 cl cel OCI sa ei JOUTUINS 8 ou peol GMA Pringqot Tenuoptsar Prmqer AX69 200] dar A169 09 OCI 09 sa € JOUTUING TOUT AA 8 ou peol MA Prmqer Tenuoptsar Pinger AX69 a0Rjdax AI69 Or 09 OT Sa € JOUTUING OITA, 8 ou prol (MA Prmqer Tenuoptsar Prmqer AX69 200 dar AI69 FY AASTT Li 4 £0 SA I JOWUINS Sunsixq ou peol [oAvis Pringer Tenuoptsar Prnget AN69 20e|dax A697 AASTI £0 £0 00 sa el JOWTUINS 8 ou peol (MA ool Tenueptsar OOI apis ysva - joyfered AASTI Ol Ol 00 9a eT qourUNS 8 ou peol (MA OOT UMNI/Pae]es oAneU ool apis you - joyjered AXASTT 6Tl rol g9 ca £ JOUTUINS 8 ou peol (MA OOT UMNO/Pedsefes oaneu oor apis you - jayjered aurpadid *AXSTT Te g9 ve ca € TOUTUINS 8 ou peol MA ool podojaaapun oor OpIs yom - Joresed “OINGNSIP 3 AAI “AASTI (Z) a ve 61 ca ECT TOUTING 8 ou peol GMA ool dinsare/jenuapisar OOT Oprs Nos - joyfere AN69 F ASTI (Z) 80 ol Ul ca CTT TOWING 8 ou peol GMA ool Tenuspisor OOl apIs ynnos - jayyered AASTI (Z) Ul Ul 00 ca yma I sourung 6 ou peor yoavss Prinqoa Tenuoprsor prngas a1qnop pringaz ANSTI (Z) ro r0 00 cal el sours Or ou peor joavss oor Tenuapisor SL apis Isom - [a]TeIe AXSTI (@) ro TI L0 la CT Journ Or ou Peo [oAvIs 001 [enuopiser SL apis som - jorfered AXN69 “AX STT @) L0 £0 00 1a PET TOW vol ou Tren GAMA oo! “WIBUT sye1Opour cL apIs sta - yoyyered sourjedid (Z) ST ST 00 old Pec TOUT vol ou Trea GMA oor "UIsUE aIVIOPouT SL apis 1sva - Jayyered sourjedid (Z) 9% oE OT 6a rec TOUT I ou Tren GAA OST “qWsUur sye19pour oor apis jsvo - jorjered sourjedid (Z) OT OT 00 6a VET TOUTING TOIT T ou Ten CAA OST pedojeaspun 001 apis ysva - jayyered souredid (7) Tee Vee 00 8a el qouTUNS 8 sox auou OST poedojeaspun VIN — = £0 £0 00 la €1 aouTuNg I ou peor QM OST pedoyaaspun 001 apis sea - jayjered sourjedid (Z) LO LO 00 va Spuepaoy reuay zo we! a z o ~ow sas yuaoelpy (9223) aur] pesodoig pepPtesed Peassory se | = dW OL dW Wor syury ae gs 3 g z. Pas sanypey pasodorg | Jo wones07] asy eM -Jo-7ysry Bunsixg 23 a A > E Bs pu Bunsre 2 = ~s 5 g = 8s useMjag UonRIedag z: 3 = g z Sz os 5 5 m e 5. 93 * a z Z 2 =e z. = £. = % z 3 a 2 a 2 <q Barly 0} ssa0y SLNAWSDAS ANIT GVaAHAAAO/NOLLAIAOSAG LOALOud T-d aTaVL TABLE B-1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION/OVERHEAD LINE SEGMENTS Access to Area : g zs z z 2 La 7 = 3 £ 52 j 2 S % By z= g g 2 2 &¢2 < o 3 3 Ea Separation Between “BE op g 3 34 2 Existing and 24¢ 2 < z gg Be Existing Right-of-Way Use Location of __| Proposed Facilities oa 3 | 5 5 5 § ae Links From MP | _ToMP_| Miles Crossed Paralleled Proposed Line (feet) Adjacent Uses ee & Z 2 a oF Anchorage Bowl All 1.0 2.9 19 roadway parallel - east side rebuild residential 30 paved road no 14 Summer AT 0.0 0.7 0.7 railroad parallel - east side | use existing 138kV residential 30 gravel RR bed no 13 Summer line within railroad right-of-way Al3 0.0 0.7 0.7 roadway parallel - east side rebuild residential 30 paved road no 15, Summer 1 A20 0.0 0.1 0.1 roadway parallel - south side adjacent industrial 30 __gravel road no 14 Summer 1 A3 0.0 0.5 0.5 roadway parallel - north side adjacent undeveloped 30 paved road/none yes 13 Summer 1,2 Al9 0.0 0.2 0.2 roadway parallel - south side adjacent commercial 30 paved road no 13 Summer 1 Al8& 0.0 1.0 1.0 roadway parallel - south side adjacent extraction 30 paved road no 13 Summer 1 A4 0.0 0.3 0.3 roadway parallel - south side adjacent undeveloped 30 paved road no 13 Summer 1,2,3 Al6 0.0 2.0 2.0 roadway parallel - north side adjacent commercial 30 paved road no 13 Summer 1 Al6 2.0 23 0.3 138kV & (2)distribution lines north side rebuild Arctic to residential 30 paved road no 14 Summer 1 CEA AS 0.0 2.8 2.8 roadway parallel - west side adjacent residential/open space 30 paved road*** no 13 Summer 1232"* AS 2.8 3.0 0.2 (2) distribution lines parallel - west side adjacent industrial 30 paved road*** no 14 Summer 1,2,3*** AS 3.0 33 0.3 138kV & (3) distribution lines parallel - west side rebuild industrial 30 gravel road no 14 Summer 1 Al4 0.0 1.5 15 roadway parallel - east side rebuild mixed use 30 paved road no 15 Summer 1 Al5S 0.0 1.5 LS roadway parallel - east side rebuild mixed use 30 paved road no 15 Summer 1 A8 0.0 1.5 1.5 railroad parallel - east side | within railroad right- industrial 30 gravel railroad bed no 13 Summer 1 of-way AQ 0.0 1.8 1.8 railroad parallel- east side | use existing 138kV industrial 30 gravel railroad bed no 13 Summer 1 line within railroad right-of-way Al7 0.0 0.3 0.3 roadway south of shopping adjacent commercial 30 paved road no 14 Summer 1 center AlO 0.0 0.5 0.5 railroad parallel- east side | within railroad right- industrial 30 gravel railroad bed no 1S: Summer 1 of-way Notes: * Single pole wood, except for Kenai River crossing on H-Frame. Construction Timing Construction Methods — Operation and Maintenance ** Southern Intertie line along east side of road ~ existing lines along west side of North Kenai Spur Road. *k Access along Minnesota Drive would be from outside the highway right-of-way and along the transmission right-of-way at the highway right-of-way edge. Access would not be from the paved highway. * Single wood pole modified for shorter pole heights/spans to reduce clearing and for bird/raptor protection. 4 — Aerial 1 — Rubber-tired vehicle 2 - Tracked vehicle 3 — Special Equipment Winter Season — Frozen: November to March Summer Season — Thawed: April to October Submarine: May to June Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-ll September 2001 Single-shaft steel poles located along roadways generally would be bolted to concrete piers, piling, or directly embedded in the soil. Concrete piers would be placed in augured holes. Steel reinforcing for the concrete foundations would be transported by truck to the structure site, either as a prefabricated cage or as loose bars, which would be fabricated into cages on the site. The reinforcing bar cage then would be placed in the excavation with a crane. Portions of the concrete foundation extending above the ground would be formed. After the foundation has been poured, the forms would be removed, and the surface of the foundation dressed. Concrete would be hauled to the site in concrete trucks. Excavated material normally would be spread at the structure site to match existing ground contours, unless otherwise requested by the landowner, or due to special environmental conditions. The concrete foundations would have threaded anchor bolts embedded in the concrete. The tubular sections of the poles would be attached to the foundation by means of a baseplate welded to the tubular section and placed on the anchor bolts. If pipe piling is used to support a single-shaft steel pole, the piling would be transported to the site with equipment similar to that used for handling poles. Installation of the pipe piling would be completed using a pile driver to drive the pile to the required depth. The single-shaft steel pole then would be bolted to a plate attached to the top of the piling. A cluster of H-type piling also could be used to provide a foundation for a steel pole. Installation would be much the same as the installation of the pipe pile. The H-piling would be driven to the required depth and the single-shaft steel pole would be bolted to a plate attached to the top of the piling. In competent soils, a single-shaft steel pole could be directly embedded into the soil. In this case, installation techniques would be similar as the installation of a wood pole. The steel pole would be placed into an augured hole and then backfill would be tamped into place. Structure Assembly and Erection Towers would be assembled at staging yards along the road or railroad system and flown by helicopter to the sites, or assembled and erected by crane at each site (see Figure B-7). Where tower assembly fly yards are used, they would be placed as conveniently to the line as possible, and spaced for the appropriate flying distance. The optimum distance between assembly yards when using a helicopter to set structures is 5 to 8 miles. However, this distance can be varied somewhat to coincide with existing clearings, such as the airstrips located along the Enstar Route within the KNWR. The size of the assembly yards for helicopter structure staging would be between two and five acres. It is likely that helicopters would be used to set structures on the Kenai Peninsula, except along existing roadways, where cranes would be used. Helicopter setting of structures is also an alternative to mitigate ground disturbance, in the event a structure must be placed in a sensitive area. If cranes are used, there would be some leveling of the immediate tower site required for tower assembly and erection. The area of disturbance for each structure and type of design is as shown in Table B-2. In addition, Figures B-8 through B-16 illustrates structure diagrams. This area of disturbance represents the final tower footprint plus room for maintenance. It does not include a lay down area for tower assembly. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-12 September 2001 Conductor and OPGW Installation Stringing the conductors (and OPGW, if specified) would begin after the structures have been erected for several miles to allow for a separation of job duties (see Figure B-7). The first step would be to place the pulling lines in the previously hung stringing blocks (normally part of tower assembly). The pulling line would be used to pull the conductor off the reels and through the stringing blocks. The puller and tensioner would be located at either end of the stringing operation. A typical pulling section would be about 12,000 feet. The puller would pull the wire off the reels and through both the tensioner and stringing blocks, taking up the pulling lines on reels as the wire is installed. The tensioner would control the tension being applied to the wire as it is pulled off the reels by the puller (tension stringing). Temporary guard structures generally of wood pole construction would be erected to prevent the wires from coming in contact with main roads, telephone lines, power lines, and other similar objects, in case of loss of tension in the wire during stringing. Temporary guying of X-towers or H-frames may be required, and temporary anchors may be installed to hold the stringing equipment and conductors. These temporary guys, anchors, and guard structures would be removed after stringing is completed. Cleanup of Overhead Facility Affected areas would be cleaned up as the construction activities progress and are completed. All waste and scrap materials would be removed from the right-of-way and deposited in local permitted landfills in conformance with local ordinance or in accordance with landowner’s requests. Ruts and holes resulting from construction activities around structures and along the right-of-way would be repaired. Revegetation and restoration would be conducted as stipulated. Existing roads, bridges, field roads, and trails would be used for access to the right-of-way and tower sites. Where this is not possible, cross-country travel would be conducted using equipment and methods designed to minimize impacts on vegetation and soils. For example, soft soils may require additional support such as mats or temporary bridges. In rare cases, a temporary culvert may be installed where streams are crossed. Construction trails would be graded and revegetated as necessary to return the land to as close to original condition as practical. Existing roads and trails would be maintained and repaired as required during use by the construction contractor. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-13 September 2001 TABLE B-2 SUMMARY OF OVERHEAD LINE DESIGN INFORMATION Line Design * 1 | a 8 9 10 ll if} 14 15 Project Region Kenai Lowlands | Kenai Lowlands Kenai Lowlands | Kenai Kenai Kenai Lowlands Anchorage Anchorage Bowl Anchorage Bowl Lowlands Lowlands Bowl, Kenai Lowlands Structure Type Guyed X Steel | Guyed X Steel, H-frame Wood | Single-shaft Single Pole Single Pole Wood, | Single-shaft Single-shaft Steel Single-shaft Steel Pole, Heavy Steel Pole, Wood, Single | Single Circuit, Steel Pole, Pole, Single Circuit, | Single Circuit, with Double Circuit | Circuit with 12.5kV UB Single Circuit | with 12.5kV UB 34.5kV and 12.5kV UB Drawing Number TANGENT X_ | LONG SPAN X TANGENTH | SPOLE-D SWOOD-1 SWOOD-2 SPOLE-| SPOLE-2 SPOLE-3 (See Map Volume) Conductor 795 KCM 795 KCM ACSR_ | 795 KCM 795 KCM 795 KCM 795 KCM ACSR_ | 795 KCM 795 KCM ACSR 795 KCM ACSR ACSR ACSR ACSR ACSR ACSR | Typical Span Length 750 feet 900 feet 750 feet 400 feet 400 feet 300 feet 400 feet 300 feet 300 feet Typical Structure 90 feet 95 feet Long Span | 90 feet 75 feet 70 feet 70 feet 75 feet 75 feet 75 feet Height(above ground) Ground Clearance 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet [ 25 feet 30 feet 25 feet 25 feet Area of Ground 75 feet circle 90 feet circle 70 feet circle 10 feet circle | 10 feet circle 10 feet circle 10 feet circle 10 feet circle 10 feet circle diameter Disturbance diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter NESC Load Zone Heavy | Heavy | Heavy Heavy | Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Extreme Wind - 80 mph 90 mph 80 mph 80 mph 80 mph 80 mph 80 mph 80 mph 80 mph Conductor Extreme Wind - 100 mph 110 mph 100 mph 100 mph 100 mph 100 mph 100 mph 100 mph [100 mph Structure | Extreme Snow 6 inches snow, | 6 inches snow, 6 inches snow, | 6 inches snow, | 6 inches snow, | 6 inches snow, 20 | 6 inches snow, _| 6 inches snow, 20 _| 6 inches snow,20 mph (112 kg/cu m [7 Ib./cu 20 mph wind 20 mph wind 20 mph wind (20 mph) wind | 20 mph wind | mph wind 20 mph wind mph wind wind feet]) Extreme Ice 1.5 inches 2 inches; 40 mph 1.5 inches 1.5 inches 1.5 inches 1.5 inches 1.5 inches 1.5 inches 1.5 inches (913 kg/cu m [57 lb./cu wind feet]) | Predominant Foundation | Driven Pile Driven Pile Direct Concrete Pier | Direct Direct Embedment | Concrete Pier Concrete Pier Concrete Pier | Types Embedment Embedment mph = miles per hour kn/h = kilometers per hour *See Figures B8 — B16 for illustration of line design types and Table B-1 for application by link. Southern Intertie Project DEIS B-14 Appendix B - Construction Activities September 2001 Storage and Staging Construction material storage yards would be located along or near highways, trails, or pipelines in the vicinity of the Project area. The locations of these storage yards are determined by the construction contractor and typically are located approximately every 20 to 30 miles. They are up to 10 acres in size, and probably would be leased property. After construction is completed, all debris and unused materials would be removed and the staging/storage yards would be returned to pre-construction conditions by the construction contractor. Work Force It is expected that the proposed transmission line would be constructed under contract by a company specializing in construction of electric transmission lines. As mentioned previously, construction activities are sequential tasks and the number of personnel working at a location depends on the task being performed. Table B-3 lists typical crew sizes and equipment needed for various construction activities. TABLE B-3 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION CREWS AND EQUIPMENT NEEDS FOR PROJECT CONSTRUCTION Construction Activity Crews Crew Size_| Equipment Needed Soil Boring 1-2 3-4 Rubber-tired or tracked vehicle, or pickup truck Surveying 2-3 3-4 Pickup truck, all-terrain vehicle (ATV) Clearing i-3 3-4 Hydroaxe, chainsaw, pickup truck Foundation Installation 1-3 3-5 Pile driver, auger, bulldozer, 4-wheel drive, tracked vehicle (NODWELL), air compressor, pickup truck Structure Assembly 1-3 3-5 Cranes, NODWELL, pickup truck Structure Erection 1-3 5-6 Cranes, NODWELL, bulldozer, pickup truck Conductor Installation 3-4 6-8 Reel trailer, tensioner, puller, NODWELL, bucket truck, bulldozer Cleanup 1-3 2-3 NODWELL, pickup truck UNDERGROUND FACILITY Soil Borings and Thermal Resistivity Testing Soil borings would be taken and tested to determine thermal resistivity of the soils. The boring holes resulting from the tests would be immediately backfilled with the spoil from drilling the holes. As a result of the soil tests, backfill material for the trench following installation would be specified as either trench spoil (the material excavated from the trench), an appropriate selected backfill, or a combination of both select backfill and trench spoil material. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-15 September 2001 FIBER OPTIC OVERHEAD GROUND WIRE INSULATOR if TWR HT 90 ft. STRUCTURE Ts, 2 FOUNDATIONS AND 2 ANCHORS REQUIRED * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE_NAME: _UNEDSGN.DWG REV 2 - 10/98 IDryven ¢ ILalRue, lnc. SOUTHERN INTERTIE Pe Ta | FIGURE DATE: 10/01/97 B-8 Senahen Ee DSL 230/138 kV DRAWN BY: RAE TYPICAL TANGENT X-TOWER FIBER OPTIC OVERHEAD GROUND WIRE nsuaron—/, GUY WIRE TWR HT 95 ft. STRUCTURE 2 FOUNDATIONS AND 2 ANCHORS REQUIRED * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE NAME: UNEDSGN.OWS REV 2 ~ 10/98 BY: PEI IDryven ¢ ILalRue, linc. SOUTHERN INTERTIE DRAWING NO, DATE: 10/01/97 f ee ee oe 230/138 kV FIGURE B-9 DRAWN BY: RAE TYPICAL LONG SPAN TANGENT X-TOWER INSULATOR WOOD POLE * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE NAME: _UNEDSGN.DWG IDrypven ¢ ILalRug, lnc. CONSULTING DATE: 10/01/97 DESIGNED BY: DSL DRAWN BY: RAE CROSSARM REV 2 — 10/98 SOUTHERN INTERTIE 230/138 kV TYPICAL WOOD POLE TANGENT-H STR HT 90 ft. FIBER OPTIC OVERHEAD GROUND WIRE DRAWING NO. FIGURE B-10 FIBER OPTIC OVERHEAD GROUND WIRE INSULATOR ASSEMBLY STEEL POLE STR HT 75 ft. * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE_NAME:_UNEDSGN.DWo EVE? 310/08 Deyoen f MLalRug, lnc SOUTHERN INTERTIE Deane Wo. FIGURE B-11 DATE: 10/01/97 DESIGNED BY. DSL 230/138 kV DOUBLE CIRCUIT DRAWN BY: RAE SINGLE-SHAFT STEEL POLE TANGENT INSULATOR FIBER EE Lill GROUND WIRE wooD mins # oO R be B fe wn * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE_NAME: _LINEDSGN.DWG REV 2 — 10/98 BY: PEI Dryoen f ILalRue, lnc. SOUTHERN INTERTIE ORANG Wo, ENGINEERS FIGURE B-12 DATE: 10/01/97 DESIGNED BY: DSL 230/138 kV DRAWN BY: RAE SINGLE WOOD POLE TANGENT ae el ” INSULATOR DISTRIBUTION UNDERBUILD CIRCUIT a ea FIBER OPTIC GROUND WIRE STR HT 70 ft. * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE_NAME:_UNEDSGN.DWG REV 2 — 10/98 Dryoen # ILalRue, linc. SOUTHERN INTERTIE ORANG Wo. FIGURE B-13 DATE: 10/01/97 ee ey ae 230/138 kV WITH UNDERBUILD DRAWN BY: RAE SINGLE WOOD POLE TANGENT GROUND WIRE STR HT 75 ft. * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE NAME: UNEDSGN.OWG IDrYpEN ¢ ILalRug, lnc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS: DATE: 10/01/97 DESIGNED BY: DSL DRAWN BY: RAE LIN EOIGN 13 FIBER OPTIC OVERHEAD INSULATOR ASSEMBLY STEEL POLE REV 2 — 10/98 SOUTHERN INTERTIE 230/138 kV SINGLE-SHAFT STEEL POLE TANGENT DRAWING NO. FIGURE B-14 LIN ESIGN 14 FIBER OPTIC_OVERHEAD GROUND WIRE INSULATOR ASSEMBLY STEEL POLE STR HT 75 ft. DISTRIBUTION UNDERBUILD CIRCUIT * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE NAME: UNEDSGN.DWG REV 2 - 10/98 BY: PEI Drvoen ¢ MLalRue, inc SOUTHERN INTERTIE oma No ENGINEERS FIGURE B-15 DATE: 10/01/97 ee 230/138 kV WITH UNDERBUILD DRAWN BY: RAE SINGLE-SHAFT STEEL POLE TANGENT LIN ae Ce FIBER OPTIC OVERHEAD GROUND WIRE INSULATOR ASSEMBLY STEEL POLE STR HT 75 ft. 34.5KV CIRCUIT DISTRIBUTION UNDERBUILD CIRCUIT * ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE FILE_NAME: _UNEDSGN.OWG ReV.2 = 10/08 ryoen ¢ ILalRue, lnc. SOUTHERN INTERTIE DATE: 10/01/97 Sea ee ee 230/138 kV WITH 34.5 kV AND UNDERBUILD DRAWN BY: RAE SINGLE-SHAFT STEEL POLE TANGENT DRAWING NO. FIGURE B-16 Surveying Surveying would be accomplished by ground survey methods. Survey work on the right-of-way may involve limited trimming of trees and vegetation for line-of-sight staking and distance measuring. Section and quarter-section corners would be located to register survey to pre- established coordinates and boundaries. The edge of the right-of-way would be staked in areas where construction clearing is required. Clearing Clearing would be performed as required to allow for access and construction of the underground line and to maintain access for operation and maintenance of the underground system. Trees on the right-of-way would be cut as close to the ground as possible to allow equipment access. Clearing material would be disposed in compliance with local ordinances and in accordance with landowner requests and agreements. Site Preparation During construction, manhole locations require room to access the site for cable pulling and splicing activities. Transition station locations have these same requirements. The operation and maintenance access for the underground cable requires site access roads to the transition sites, riser poles, and manholes. There would be some clearing of access roads and trails, and the leveling of work sites for these activities, which would be accessed by existing public roads to the extent possible. The Anchorage area allows the majority of the underground transition locations to be accessed by public roads. Underground Duct Bank System Installation Trenching Trenching operations for installation of an underground duct bank raceway system would involve similar procedures for the two types of underground duct bank proposed. Either a conventional concrete-encased duct bank or a duct bank casing pipe raceway system could be used, depending on location. Trenching operations would be staged in intervals, with a typical construction sequence having a duration of three to five days per 300 to 500 feet for concrete encased duct bank, and a duration of three to five days per 800 to 1,000 feet of casing pipe duct bank installation. A typical trench would be 3.5 to 4 feet-wide with a depth of 5 feet. The amount of trench open at any one time would be limited to the length required to facilitate the duct bank installation process. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-25 September 2001 In general, underground crossings of roads and railroads would be bored as described below. However, some locations along the proposed routes may require pavement cutting. These locations may include some roadways, driveways, parking lots, and access roads. At these locations, installation work would require ground breaking of the surface layer materials. In the event the route is in line with paved areas, pavement and subsurface material would be removed from the site and disposed of at an appropriate location according to local regulations and guidelines. Trench spoil would be stockpiled alongside the open trench. Topsoil will be segregated from other soil and replaced separately to promote revegetation. Trench sheeting and shoring would be installed to maintain trench walls in trench segments that are deeper than 5 feet and in segments that exhibit unstable soils. Where necessary, temporary fence and traffic control barriers would be used to restrict public access. Traffic would be maintained in areas requiring vehicular traffic crossing of the open trench with steel plating and trench bridging as required. After installation of the duct bank, the ground surface would be restored. Cleared areas would be revegetated in a manner consistent with the surrounding area. Areas involving pavement cutting would be restored by compacting the soil and repaving in conformance with applicable specifications. Underground Concrete-Encased Duct Bank The 138kV hearing, ventilating, and air conditioning cross linked polyethylene underground transmission system would be installed with 4-inch to 6-inch polyvinyl chloride (PVC) conduits in a flat horizontal configuration duct bank encased in concrete. The conduits would be assembled into place in the trench using “chairs” or “spacers” to keep them off the trench bottom and away from the trench sides. Concrete would be poured to completely encase the conduits with a minimum of 3 inches of concrete around the conduits. After the concrete sets up for a 24- hour period, backfilling and compaction may be completed above the duct bank. The equipment required for this installation is listed later in this section. The concrete-encased duct bank installation would prove useful in areas close to public access roads such as North Kenai Road and in Captain Cook SRA in the Kenai Lowlands region. The concrete-encased duct bank installation would be the proposed method of installation in the Anchorage area regions. Underground Duct Bank Casing Pipe Areas involving installation challenges due to limited access, environmental conditions, and limited construction season would involve the use of a duct bank casing pipe. The installation of this duct bank raceway type would be very similar to the installation of a single pipeline. The high-voltage cable conduit would be installed in a 24- to 30-inch polyethylene or steel pipe. The pipe section would be laid along the ground next to an open trench before installation and the Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-26 September 2001 pipe would be laid out along the right-of-way and installed and backfilled simultaneously. After placement in the trench, a concrete slurry would be pumped in the casing pipe at the fill tube locations to fill the casing annulus. Fill tubes would be cut off below grade and sealed. The same duct bank casing arrangement would be used for road and railroad crossings that are not conducive to open cut trenching. However, in those crossings a steel casing would be used. The casing would be installed by a jack and bore method. This technique involves pushing a casing under a road or railroad for crossing distances from 100 to 400 feet in length. In these instances, a launching pit would be installed on one side of the crossing and a receiving pit would be located in line on the other side of the crossing. A jack and bore machine would be anchored in the launching pit. An auger would be installed inside the casing pipe to return the tailings. The ram of the jack and bore machine would push the casing pipe horizontally under the crossing while the auger simultaneously excavates the leading end spoil materials. Each section of pipe would be subsequently welded to the end of the last pipe section pushed into the bore hole until the crossing is completed, with the first pipe section daylighting into the receiving pit. Cleanup Affected areas would be cleaned up as the construction activities progress and are completed. All waste and scrap materials would be removed from the right-of-way and deposited in local permitted landfills in conformance with local ordinance or in accordance with landowners’ agreements. Ruts and holes resulting from construction activities around structures and along the right-of-way would be repaired. Revegetation and restoration would be conducted as required. Storage and Staging Yards Construction material storage yards may be located along or near highways, trails, or pipelines in the vicinity of the Project area. The locations of these storage yards are determined by the construction contractor and typically are located as often as required for efficient operation. They are up to two acres in size, and probably would be leased property. After construction is completed, all debris and unused materials would be removed and the staging/storage yards would be returned to pre-construction conditions by the construction contractor. Trench spoil would be stockpiled alongside the open trench in all areas where trenching is required for duct bank installation. Expected Equipment Construction of the underground portion of a transmission line project requires much of the same equipment required for overhead line construction. During the duct bank, transition site, and riser pole installations, right-of-way access is required. As with other construction projects the contractor methods of approaching the construction may vary. Tables B-4 and B-5 list equipment that would most probably be used for construction, operation, and maintenance access. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-27 September 2001 TABLE B-4 UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION Construction Types Access Construction Equipment 1 Existing roadways Rubber-tired vehicles 1,2 Existing trails NODWELL 3 Soft, difficult trails Special sized equipment, low bearing pressure 1,5 Stream crossing Rubber-tired vehicles special equipment-bridge TABLE B-5 EQUIPMENT NEEDED FOR UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION PROCESS Construction Crew Types Access Crews Size Equipment Needed 1-25.38 Soil boring/ 1-2 3-4 Rubber-tire-tracked vehicle, pickup truck geotechnical 1,2 Survey 2-3 3-4 Pickup truck, ATV E253: Clearing 3-4 2-3 Hydroaxe, chain saws, brush hog, bulldozer, pickup truck 1, 2,3,4 Riser pole 1-3 3-4 Auger, bulldozer, NODWELL, air compressor, installation generator, pickup truck, crane or helicopter 12,3 Duct bank 1-3 6-8 D-7 CAT, 200 Hitachi or 100 Komatsu excavators installation (long carriage/wide track, if required) 1, 2,3 Cable pulling 3 1-2 man, | Reel strands, cable, arbors, bullwheel, pulling 1-3 man, | winch, arnco or mousing winch, crane 100-ton, 1-7 man_ | tractor with low boy trailer, or helicopter dynamometer, generator compressor, water pump 1,23) Splicing of 2; 2-3 Rubber-tired vehicles, pickup trucks, generators, underground splice container, 25-ton crane, tractor with lowboy cable 1, 2,3 Termination of 3 2-3 Bucket trucks or scaffold, 15-ton crane, tarping, underground generators, pickup trucks cable 1,2,3 Cleanup and 1-3 2-3 Pickup trucks, dump trucks, NODWELL, loader demobilize Expected Construction Methods by Link Contractors use similar methods for underground transmission line construction, but each contractor may approach each project in a different manner. However, each contractor would be required to work within the requirements of the Project agreement between the owner and landowners. The types of construction activities that would take place on each link are listed in Table B-6. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-28 September 2001 Access To Area Existing Right-of- Right-of-Way or Miles Way Use Easement Width Construction Construction Operation and Link Crossed Paralleled Adjacent Uses (feet) Existing Proposed Construction Activities Timing (season) Method Maintenance Anchorage Bowl All 0.3 Railroad Coastal Wildlife Refuge 30 Railroad right-of-way Underground*** Trenching*** Submarine 3,5 and7 3 and 5 All 0.7 Railroad Shooting Range 30 Railroad right-of-way Underground cable* _|Duct Bank Type 1, Cable Installation Summer 1 1 A6 0.4 Railroad Residential / Flying Crown airstrip 30 Railroad right-of-way Submarine cable* Trenching*** Submarine 1 1 A6 0.5 Railroad Residential / Flying Crown airstrip 30 Railroad right-of-way Underground cable* _|Duct Bank Type 2, Cable Installation Summer 1 1 A2 0.7 Roadway Klatt Road 30 Paved road Submarine cable* _ Trenching*** Submarine 1 1 T18 0.4 Pipeline Kincaid Park 30 None Underground cable* _|Duct Bank Type 1, Cable Installation] Summer 3 4 T18 Be J Pipeline Kincaid Park/airport 30 None Underground cable* _|Duct Bank Type 1, Cable Installation Summer 2 3 T18 1.9 Future airport Airport 30 None Underground cable* |Duct Bank Type 1, Cable Installation Summer 3 i) development Turnagain Arm T10 9.2 — _ 150 — Submarine cable Direct Lay Submarine 3, 5 and 7 3 and 5 T14 5.0 --- --- 150 --- Submarine cable Embed & Trenching Submarine 3,5 and7 3 and 5 T16 3.8 Pipeline --- 150 --- Submarine cable Direct Lay Submarine 3,5 and 7 3 and 5 id 10.1 Pipeline Coastal Wildlife Refuge 150 --- Submarine cable Direct Lay, Embed and Trenching Submarine 3,5 and7 3 and 5 TS 17.2 _ =_ 150 sea Submarine cable Direct Lay, Embed and Trenching Submarine 3, 5 and 7 3 and 5 Al 0.3 =_ Victor Road 30 — Submarine cable Trenching*** Submarine 1 : Ell liz _ Coastal Wildlife Refuge 150 — Submarine cable Embed, Trenching and HDD Submarine 3,5, 6 and 7 3 and 5 E13 9.0 =_ Coastal Wildlife Refuge 150 — Submarine cable Embed, Trenching and HDD Submarine 3,5, 6 and 7 3 and 5 E12 10.5 _ Coastal Wildlife Refuge 150 -—- Submarine cable Embed, Trenching and HDD Submarine 3, 5, 6 and 7 3 and 5 Kenai Lowland 13 0.9 Roadway Commercial/residential/two airstrips 30 Paved road Underground Cable** _|Duct Bank Type 1, Cable Installation Summer 1 1 yy 3.4 Roadway Captain Cook SRA 30 Paved road Underground cable _| Duct Bank Type 1, Cable Installation Summer lor2 lor2 TS 0.6 Two pipelines Captain Cook SRA 30 FWD road Underground cable __ | Duct Bank Type 1, Cable Installation Summer lor2 lor2 T13 0.4 FWD road CIRI - airstrip 30 FWD road Underground*** Trenching*** Submarine 1223.5 1,2 and5 T8 0.4 Pipeline Private/State Land 30 FWD trail Submarine cable* Trenching*** Submarine 2 or 3 2or3 a 1.0 Pipeline Kenai National Wildlife Refuge 30 FWD trail Submarine cable* Trenching*** Submarine 2or3 2 or 3 CIRI — Cook Inlet Region, Inc. FWD - four-wheel drive HDD - horizontal directional drill SRA - State Recreation Area Construction Timing: Construction and Operation and Maintenance Methods: * Mitigation 1 — Rubber-tired vehicle 2 - Tracked Vehicle 3 — Special Equipment 4— Aerial 5 — Submarine 6 — Horizontal Directional Drilling Casing 7 — Specialized Submarine Embedment Winter Season — Frozen: November to March Summer Season — Thawed: April to October Submarine Cable — May to June is preferred Pickup trucks, bucket trucks, loaders, backhoe, trenchers NODWELL, bulldozers, backhoe Swamp Buggy, low ground pressure vehicles Helicopter, fixed-wing aircraft Cable barge and special equipment HDD drill rig Special submarine water-jet type or marine floor trenching ** Two airstrips in this link. Underground across the end of runways assumed as mitigation. To be discussed with airstrip owners for final configuration. Balance of link is overhead. *** Underground construction techniques would be used to direct bury submarine cable on land without the armor normally used for marine conditions. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-29 September 2001 Work Force Size The underground portions of the proposed transmission line would be constructed under contract by a qualified company with experience in the installation of high-voltage underground systems. Time and other factors such as season and terrain would affect the number and sizes of crews. The contractor selected for construction would determine the size of the work force. It is anticipated that personnel for the work force would be hired locally and others imported from other areas. SUBMARINE CABLE Table B-7 identifies equipment that would be required to complete the installation activities. Figures B-17 through B-25 illustrate submarine cable laying options. Final Survey and Site Preparation Final Survey A final survey would be based on a preliminary survey taken during the detailed design phase of the Project that would identify certain objectives such as local conditions and confirm the survey areas in detail. The following are features to be identified: landing locations for cable contour and profile of seabed support facilities cable routes obstruction and hazards in the vicinity access to landing points from land station site selection for the navigation system used in the survey and installation The perimeter of the final survey would include an area wide enough to accommodate a cable spacing adequate to allow the repair of a cable without the risk of damaging adjacent cables. A sub-bottom seismic investigation and core sampling would be undertaken at frequent locations to allow for an accurate interpretation of the seismic recordings. A side scan and bottom scan sonar survey also may be required to locate seabed features that may influence the trench cutting and cable burying machinery. A water current survey would be performed where the cable would be laid directly on the bottom. An accurate bathymetric survey to identify exposed rock, wrecks, and other hazards would help in the final location and placement of the cable. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-30 September 2001 SUBMARINE CABLE INSTALLATION EQUIPMENT TABLE B-7 Const. # Installation Crew Types* Access Technique | Crews | Size Equipment Needed 1 Final survey Navigation 1 3-4 Marine survey equipment Site Barge Small barge for setting marker buoys, preparation Land clearing setting anchors and trial mooring Front loaders for clearing of cable landing areas 7 Deep channel | Anchor pull line 1-2 5-6 Cable barge+ Direct laying Free boat tow Tug boat Submarine Cable guide boats 1, 2, 3, 5, | Tidal mud flats | Conventional 1-2 3-4 D-7 CAT 6&7* Shore trail | trenching 200 Hitachi or 100 Komatsu excavators installation Horizontal 1-2 5-6 Horizontal Direction Drill (HDD) Drill Rig directional drill # (HDD) Embedment 1-2 5-6 Simultaneous & After Laying A. Hydraulic 1-2 5-6 A. Cable barge+ jetting Special submarine water jet type burying machine B. Marine floor 1-2 5-6 B. Cable barge+ trenching Special submarine marine floor trenching machine + Typical cable barge equipment: # Typical HDD rig and support equipment: = = cable coiling equipment = HDD hydraulic-powered drill rig =~ cable brake equipment @ hydraulic crane = cable skid and rollers = fresh water tank ™ generators = bentonite and water mix tank =~ winches ™ generator = = radio communication system = mud motor and pumping facilities =@ navigation equipment = = drill head control cab trailer = = cable floats = computerized guidance system =@ crane = = drillers mud and re-circulating and screening equipment = radio communication system = utility trailer * Construction types are defined in Table B-6. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-31 September 2001 EXCAVATE CHANNEL 15’ DEEP BELOW LOW WATER. FILL WITH SAND AND LAY CABLE IN SAND, DEPTH AS SHOWN. Moe _ oT SHORE LINE ee TO TERMINAL SUBMARINE CABLE HIGH WATER Tit 4’ SAND COVER 2' SAND ON BOTTOM COMPACTED SELECT SAND TO SHORE LINE Seecr sie PROFILE TRENCHED SHORE END SUBMARINE CABLE LANDING ene een SOUTHERN INTERTIE. PROJECT pee saad oie Pe a Gx TRENCHED SHORE END [RAVING NO. Trev ria cr mua a Eee: SESS | SUBMARINE CABLE INSTALLATION | Figure B-17 ZA, - [poren tor] waarco | ‘SESSSyTIMESSaESSS Z POWER & py 1N 1N CONTROL LLING LINE CABLES NBR PROF ILE INSTALLATION BURYING US MACHINE OR MA SIMULTANEOUS LAYING AND SPECIAL WATER-JET TYPE FLOOR TRENCHING MACHINE BY NG IN I RINE a SOUTHERN INTERTIE. PROJECT SAT we GX DIRECT EMBEDMENT ORAWING NO. REV Hie STS" 8 OF SUBMARINE CABLE Figure B-18| /A\ ‘ssessvTimessesess | hotez.to! | | sent. con | SUBMAR INE CABLE CABLE LAYING BARGE TUG BOAT PROG ILE FREE BOAT DIRECT LAYING PULLING LINE SUBMAR INE CABLE LAYING BARGE CABLE ANCHOR PROF ILE ANCHOR PULL LINE DIRECT LAYING THIS ORAWING WAS PREPARED BY POWER] DGINEERS. Inc. FOR A SPECIFIC PROJECT. TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION TME SPECIFIC SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT DIRECT LAY poe SUBMARINE CABLE INSTALLATION | Figure B-1 NO. |REV seessvrivessesess | hotez.t! | “subeot. don | AM ONIOUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROJECT | REUSE OF THIS DRAWING OR UXT INF CRUATIO SCALE: NTS 3940 GLENBROOK DRIVE HAILEY. [DAHO 83333 ANCHOR LINE TURNAGAIN ARM CABLE VESSEL SUBMARINE CABLE FLOAT OPEN TRENCH SMALL SHORE LINE INSTALLED ~ BOAT (TYP) SUBMAR INE 1 CASLE FINAL PAYOFF OF SUBMARINE CABLE INITIAL PAYOFF OF SUBMARINE CABLE PLAN SUBMAR INE PULL CABLE FLOATS LINE SUBMAR INE CABLE BARGE ROLLERS PROF TEE SHORE END SUBMARINE CABLE LANDING eee SOUTHERN INTERTIE. PROJECT eer eee GR, ae ae fu 8 Pt Pcs ie | Fa BRRES BBHs CABLE LANDING Figure B-20| /A\ FROM BOTH PONER AND POWER'S CLIENT (' cure. ‘sesssvrimessssses | hofsz. tb! subeo!. don _| POWER SOURCE POWER CABLES PULLING LINE FOR MACHINE ANCHOR BURYING MACHINE PROF ILE INSTALLATION OF GUIDE LINE RECOVERED GUIDE CABLE Z POWER & p IN ¥ CONTROL ULLING LINE CABLES ANCHOR SUBMAR INE PROF ILE Bue IES CABLE a UIDE CABLE AFTER LAY EMBEDMENT OF SUBMARINE CABLE eee ee SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROT] = TAKING INTO CORSIOERATION THE S>ECIFC JORN | dw | 9/97 | 120376 FLED WO UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROJECT. [cKD | BH | 9/97 | Paeeaneoe SCALED WIS Es, DIRECT EMBEDMENT WITH GUIDE LINE] DRAWING Wo. REV arate a ores pase AZi2eO%BN8 S85 | SUBMARINE CABLE INSTALLATION | Figure B-21] /A, TrassrTnesveney | hater to1 | maaros.aor | HYDRAULIC DRILL CUTTING HEAD 3000-4000 FT HIGH WATER TIDAL MUD rua MARSH BOG ] Oe TURNAGAIN ARM 3-5 INCH DRILL STRING LOW WATER — SHORE LINE | PROF ILE STEP 1: INSTALLATION OF DRILL STRING PROFILE oe Fat a Bart bart Sar SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT ORN 9/97 sreiremsea Se | rr 15 PROUBITED UWOESS wa TTEX PERMISS{O Bate SG euaROOE SRtNE L Figure B- 22|A\| SeessvTimesssssss | hofaz.rd! | submos.don | THIS ORANING WAS PREPARED BY POW) RARY H- PRODUCT PIPE WELD WOOD POLE PILES & ASSEMBLY BARGE AND ROLLERS GUIDE BARGE & ROLLERS RECEIVING | SHORE LINE LAND 3000-4000 FT | 3000-4000 FT | TURNAGAIN ARM 40-50 FT—4 PLAN TEMPORARY H-FRAME WOOD POLE PILES WITH CROSS MEMBER PRODUCT PIPE WELD Se & ASSEMBLY BARGE HIGH WATER PRODUCT PIPE ae HDD DRILL GUIDE BARGE FLAT MARSH RIG BOG EARTH SOIL | | | 3-5 INCH DRILL 10-12 INCH 4-POINT 4 STRING BACKREAM ANCHORS PRODUCT SHORE LINE AND PULLBACK OF (TYP. ) PIPE CASING PIPE CASING PROF ILE STEP 2: PULLBACK INSTALLATION OF PRODUCT PIPE CASING PROFILE peeeanen eer pana 39 SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT] *. ores" NO UNIQUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROJECT. IckD | BH | 97/97 | nescence ae QR RMU HOD CASING res. Sealfion eons eeurstawa Ts Hate NBINGY 83835 INSTALLATION Figure B-23|A\ ‘sesssrriessesses | hotez. ro! | ssonos-con | SUBMAR INE CABLE BARGE ae PULLING TRUCK te / =T | TRENCH FINAL PAYOFF ROLLERS OF SUBMARINE SHORE LINE CABLE = LAND SMALL INITIAL PAYOFF MARSH BOG BOAT (TYP) OF SUBMARINE CABLE TURNAGAIN ARM PLAN PULL LINE SUBMARINE CABLE & CABLE FLOATS CABLE ROLLERS PULL ING SUBMAR INE WINCH CABLE SUBMAR INE CABLE. BARGE PIPE RESCUE PIT SELECT BACKF ILL LOW WATER SHORE LINE =a PROF ILE Sen | as AND INSTALLATION IN HDD wa] OWN | 9/97 BH 9/97 3940 GLENBROOK DRIVE HALLEY. [IDAHO 83333 THIS DRAWING WAS PREPARED BY PO HCINEERS, IMC. FOR A SPECIFIC PROJECT. TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE SPECIFIC} SUBMARINE CABLE PAYOFF SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT HDD SUBMARINE CABLE INSTALLATION ea Fi 10-12 INCH PRODUCT PIPE CASING DRAWING NO. /REV Figure B-24 SesssyTimesssssss =| hofez. tb! | subeos.aon | TO TERMINAL ———— 3000-4000 FT Tee SHORE. LANDING SAND COVER MARSH BOG Bie” LOW WATER LEVEL UI oT” SAND BAG ON BOTTOM CASING PLUG 20-30 FT DEEP CASING DIRECT EMBEDDED SUBMARINE CABLE SUBMARINE CABLE & SAND SLURRY FILLED CASING PROF ILE HIGH WATER , STEP 4: FINAL PROFILE OF INSTALLED SUBMARINE CABLE HDD LANDING ieee crear paw [ow 9ar SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT] “Soe AMD UWLOUE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROUECT.J lcKD | 8H | 9/97 aroces eee ScALeY WS SS HOD SUBMARINE Resa ee TRY rnin eis etc eee = 32te_stenegox oniye CABLE LANDING PROFILE | Figure B-25 | /\, curs Torssrrmetsoeens | roten vor ] wie. aor | A substantial amount of the basic data required could be obtained from official sources. The NOAA normally provides assistance with more detailed information concerning the area than that shown on other published charts. Available information may include adequate figures concerning tidal conditions, shipping activities, location of existing pipeline, weather statistics, and water temperature. If so, only a limited number of current and tidal measurements may be needed to verify that the data apply to the precise location of the selected route. It is normal for power cables to link island to island or islands to a mainland by as short of a route as is practical. Consequently, the crossing of a narrow channel can involve working in an area of relatively high tidal currents. These currents could cause movement of the cable and consequential damage. It is therefore essential to know the maximum velocity close to the seabed. When the prospective routes have been selected it is necessary to prepare profiles of the sea bed. If possible, it is advantageous to record an echo sounding run along each of the specific routes to confirm the correct interpretation of the survey data. A survey of the landing points to determine the conditions and distance between the underwater section of the route and the actual cable terminal on land would complete the overall picture required. From the full survey data it would be possible to determine the exact length of each route and other features to make an accurate estimate of the cable requirements and allowances for contouring and navigational deviations. The method of cable installation could be determined together with the requirements for the cable laying vessel and other equipment needed to install the cable. Site Preparation for Submarine Cable Installation Bow and stern moorings are normally required close to the shore at each end of the route to secure the vessel while the ends of the cable are pulled ashore. The distance of the moorings offshore should be the minimum to ensure the safety of the vessel; their spacing must be adequate to enable all the cables of the system to be handled without repositioning the anchors between each laying operation. Because the handling of the shore ends is a difficult and challenging part of a cable laying operation, it is desirable to minimize the length of cable involved and the time taken during this step at each end of the route. To prevent the cable from being damaged by tidal action or impacts from floating logs, small boats, or other hazards, it is normal to bury the cable from some distance below the low water mark across the beach to the terminal position. If the cable is routed through a rocky area where it is difficult to cut a trench of adequate depth, protection may be provided by fitting cast iron cable protectors, pre-cast concrete troughs, or concrete bags. After the cable transport vessel arrives on site, the cable would be relocated to a cable installation barge using cable-coiling equipment. The normal procedure is for the cable barge and guide ships to practice the process they will use to lay the cable. This includes entering moorings Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-41 September 2001 at the starting end, leaving the moorings, navigating along the cable route at cable laying speed, and entering moorings at the finishing end. During this practice, useful records of the seabed profile can be obtained, and the manager of the installation operation and captain of the vessel can become familiar with the special requirements for handling his vessel during cabling operations. Shore-Tail Installation Shore-tail installation involves the landing of the submarine cable at the departure and receiving end of the crossing. Installation of the submarine cable at the Turnagain Arm shores would be accomplished by various methods, depending on the specific route selected and the existing conditions at each shore. The installer of the submarine cable system would be responsible for final selection of installation methods. The following methods would be expected to be used for landing the submarine cable at the water crossing shore-tail: = conventional trenching = direct embedment - hydraulic pressure jetting equipment - marine floor trenching equipment = horizontal directional drill installation Conventional Submarine Trenching Conventional trenching would occur on the Turnagain Arm, Kenai Lowlands, and Anchorage area, and would involve the use of typical excavating equipment to open a trench in the tidal mud flat just before the shore line and in the shore landing area along the submarine cable route. The submarine cable then would be paid-off the cable-laying barge onto cable floats and pulled to shore in line with the open cable trench. A typical shore-tail submarine cable landing illustration can be found in earlier in Appendix B. The trench would be backfilled and compacted with the spoil from the trench to maintain the same type of fill as found at that location on the beach, and the surface graded to the same slope as existed prior to the installation. Direct Embedment Submarine Cable Installation Direct embedment of submarine cable may involve the simultaneous excavation, cable laying, and backfilling as a continuous installation operation. This type of operation involves equipment designed specifically for submarine cable installation. Typically, this type of equipment may be operated on the marine floor, in soft tidal flats above the water level and in soft shore-landing Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-42 September 2001 areas. The method of excavation depends on the specific equipment, but this type of installation is generally performed by hydraulic pressure water-jet cutting or belt-mounted cutting teeth on a trench machine arm. Another method of direct embedment involves the pre-installation of a guideline to help guide specialized embedment equipment. This method requires an initial crossing for each embedment laying of submarine cable but helps ensure that the submarine cable stays on course and proves each course before the cable laying operation begins. Typically, the shore end installation is completed with conventional trenching. Horizontal Directional Drill Submarine Cable Installation The HDD shore-tail installation across the ACWR involves more expensive equipment than traditionally used for submarine cable landing activities and more procedures than the previous traditional methods. The HDD method is typically used when conventional excavating equipment cannot be used or if surface obstructions or environmental conditions do not allow surface construction activity. The major steps for installation are as follows: = Step 1: Installation of Drill String-The HDD equipment drills a catenary-shaped pilot hole from shore to an area up to 3,000 to 4,000 feet into the waterway or tidal flat area. = Step 2: Pull Back Installation of Product Pipe Casing—The installation of casing pipe involves preparing the casing by welding the appropriate number of pipes into a long continuous segment. The pipe end is then attached to the drill string along with a back reaming head. The HDD rig pulls the drill string and casing back through the pilot hole while back-reaming the hole so it is large enough to accommodate the casing pipe. The casing ends are then positioned horizontally and the submarine cable feed end is fitted with a bell end to accept the pull through of the cable. = Step 3: Submarine Cable Payoff and Installation in the HDD Casing — This step involves the payoff of the submarine cable from the cable barge and pulling the cable through the HDD casing via pulling line and winch. = Step 4: Embedment of Submarine Cable at HDD Casing Ends — The submarine cable is buried at each end of the casing. The casing is then filled by pump with a sand slurry and the ends are plugged and the access pits are backfilled. Tidal Mud Flats Installation Equipment The tidal mud flat areas of the Turnagain Arm have characteristics similar to a soft shore, consisting of sands, clays, and cobbles. The direct embedment equipment used for the marine floor sediment installation would have the ability to embed the submarine cable in the mud flats during high or low tides. A submarine water jet type excavation machine would be capable of operating in soft soils and relatively loose sediment, although it would be limited by the Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-43 September 2001 availability of water supply. A submarine marine floor trenching machine would have better excavation performance in more dense soils. The production rate for embedment would be slower in the mud flats due to the density of the material being excavated. In some cases conventional trenching may be required to properly embed the submarine cable in these areas. This installation procedure for embedment in the mud flats by direct embedment equipment or conventional trenching would be similar to the shore-tail installation procedures, except for the following differences involving the mud flat installations: 1. The cable barge would pre-lay the submarine cable before embedment/backfill. 2. The trenching installation operation may be interrupted by the tidal flows. The conventional trenching and back hoe would operate from a barge, or drive off a barge on to the mud flat during low tide to perform trenching and the return to the barge and remain idle during high tide. 3. The direct embedment installation operation may be interrupted by the tidal flows. The direct embedment type equipment may need to be anchored or removed and idle during the incoming and ebb tide. Deep Channel Direct Laying Equipment The Turnagain Arm waterway has tidal flows in excess of 30 feet. Low tide stages expose approximately 20 percent of the waterway, leaving extensive mud flats. The deep channels of the waterway have currents up to eight knots that do not allow practical submarine cable embedment. Direct lay submarine cable installation is proposed for the deep channels of Turnagain Arm. The direct laying methods of free-boat direct laying and anchor-pull direct laying provides a pictorial representation of each method. Due to strong currents and frequency of the ebb and flood tides, the anchor-pull direct laying method would be expected to be the predominant method of installation in the deep channel areas on this Project. SUBSTATION Soil Boring Soil borings would be made typically at three to four locations in the substation, particularly at the approximate location of large structures and equipment such as transmission line deadends and transformers, to determine the engineering properties of the soil. Borings would be made with truck or track-mounted equipment. The borings would be approximately four inches in diameter, range from 20 to 30 feet deep, and be backfilled with the excavated material upon completion of soil sampling. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-44 September 2001 Surveying Surveying would be accomplished by ground survey methods. Surveys would be required to establish property boundaries, existing topographic information, construction baselines, and to stake foundation locations. Survey also may be required for permanent access roads. Section and quarter-section corners would need to be located. Clearing and Grading Clearing of all vegetation would be required for the entire substation area including a distance of about 10 feet outside the fence. This is required for personnel safety due to grounding concerns and because of lower clearances to energized conductors in substations as compared to transmission lines. These lower clearances are allowed because the entire substation is fenced. An insulating layer on the surface of the substation is required to protect personnel from dangerous currents and voltages during fault conditions. Typically, this requires removal of all organic material (vegetation) and a 4- to 6-inch layer of crushed rock is applied to the finished surface of the substation. The substation is then usually treated with a soil sterilizer to prevent vegetation growth, which would degrade the insulating qualities of the crushed rock. The entire substation area would be graded essentially flat, with just enough slope to provide for runoff of precipitation. The substation would be graded to use existing drainage patterns to the extent possible. In some cases, drainage structures, such as ditches, culverts, and sumps would be required. Clearing and grading material would be disposed of in compliance with local ordinances. Any material required to be hauled in would be obtained at existing borrow or commercial sites and trucked to the substation using existing roads and the substation access road. Grounding A grounding system is required in each substation or reactive compensation site for detection of faults and for personnel safety. The grounding system typically consists of buried copper conductor arranged in a grid system and driven ground rods, typically 8 to 10 feet long. The ground rods and any equipment and structures are connected to the grounding conductor. The amount of conductor and length and number of ground rods required is calculated based on fault current and soil characteristics. Fencing Security fencing is installed around the entire perimeter of the substation to protect sensitive equipment and avoid accidental contact with energized conductors. This fence is constructed of Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-45 September 2001 chain link with steel posts and is 10 feet high. Generally 1 foot of barbed wire or other similar material is installed on top of the chain link. Locked gates are installed at appropriate locations for authorized vehicle and personnel access. Foundation Installation Foundations for supporting structures are of two types—spread footers or augured holes. Spread footers are placed by excavating the foundation area, placing forms, reinforcing steel and anchor bolts, and pouring concrete into the forms. After the foundation has been poured, the forms would be removed, and the surface of the foundation dressed. Augured foundations are placed in a hole generally made by a truck-mounted auger. Reinforcing steel and anchor bolts are placed into the hole using a truck-mounted crane. The portion of the foundation above ground would be formed. After the foundation has been poured, the forms would be removed, and the surface of the foundation dressed. Equipment foundations for circuit breakers and transformers would be slab-on-grade type. These foundations are placed by excavating the foundation area, placing forms, reinforcing steel and anchor bolts (if required), and placing concrete into the forms. After the foundation has been poured, the forms would be removed, and the surface of the foundation dressed. Where necessary, provision would be made in the design of the foundations to mitigate potential problems due to frost. Reinforcing steel and anchor bolts would be transported to the site by truck, either as a prefabricated cage or loose pieces, which would be fabricated into cages on the site. Concrete would be hauled to the site in concrete trucks. Excavated material would be spread at the site or disposed of in accordance with local ordinances. Structures and equipment would be attached to the foundations by means of the threaded anchor bolts imbedded in the concrete. Some equipment such as transformers and reactors may not require anchor bolts. Oil Containment Some types of electrical equipment, such as transformers and some types of reactors and circuit breakers, are filled with an insulating mineral oil. Containment structures are required to prevent oil from this equipment from getting into the ground or waterways in the event of a rupture or leak. These structures take many forms depending on site requirements, environmental conditions, and regulatory restrictions. The simplest type of oil containment is a pit, of a calculated capacity, under the oil filled equipment that has an oil impervious liner. The pit is covered with metal grating. In case of an Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-46 September 2001 oil leak or rupture, the oil captured in the containment pit is pumped into tanks or barrels and transported to a disposal facility. This is the recommended system for this Project. If required, more elaborate, and more expensive oil containment systems can be installed. This may take the form of an on- or off-site storage tank and/or oil-water separator equipment. Structure and Equipment Erection Supporting steel structures are erected on concrete foundations as noted above. These are set with a truck-mounted crane and attached to the foundation anchor bolts by means of a steel baseplate. These structures would be used to support the energized conductors and certain types of equipment. This equipment is lifted onto the structure by means of a truck-mounted crane and bolted to the structures. Electrical connections to the equipment are then made. Some equipment, such as transformers, reactors, and circuit breakers, are mounted directly to the foundations without supporting structures. These are set in place by means of a truck-mounted crane. Some of this equipment requires assembly and testing on the pad. Electrical connections to the equipment are then made. Control Building Erection A control building is required at each substation to house protective relays, control, standby batteries, and remote monitoring equipment. The size and construction of the building depends on individual substation requirements. For this project, pre-engineered steel buildings on slab or pile foundations are assumed. The buildings are manufactured and fabricated at the factory and assembled on site by means of a truck-mounted crane. Once erected, equipment is mounted and wired inside. Conductor Installation Two main types of high voltage conductors are used in substations: tubular aluminum pipe and/or stranded aluminum conductor. Tubular conductors are a minimum of three inches in diameter for this project and are supported on porcelain insulators on steel supports. The conductors are welded together and to special fittings for connection to equipment. Stranded aluminum conductors are used as flexible connectors to certain types of equipment. These are connected to the tubular conductors through special fittings and then connected to the equipment. These are used when equipment connections are not lined-up with the tubular connectors and for seismic considerations. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-47 September 2001 Conduit and Control Cable Installation Most pieces of equipment in a substation require low voltage connections to protective relaying and control circuits. These circuits allow metering, protective functions and control (both remote and local) of the power system. Connections are made from the control building to the equipment through multi-conductor control cables installed in conduits and/or pre-cast concrete cable trench. Construction Cleanup The cleanup operation would be performed after construction activities are completed. All waste and scrap material would be removed from the site and deposited in local permitted landfills in accordance with local ordinances. Ruts and holes outside the substation fence due to construction activities would be repaved. Revegetation and restoration would be conducted as required. A permanent access road would be constructed to the site when required. Existing roads and trails would be maintained and repaired as required during use by the construction contractor. Storage and Staging Yards Construction material storage yards may be located outside the substation-fenced area in the vicinity of the substation. These storage yards may be part of the substation property or leased by the contractor. After construction is completed, all debris and unused materials would be removed and the staging/storage yards returned to preconstruction conditions by the construction contractor. Work Force Size The substations and reactive compensation sites would be constructed under contract by a qualified company experienced in construction of electrical substations. Table B-8 lists typical crew sizes and equipment needed for various construction activities. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix B - Construction Activities B-48 September 2001 TABLE B-8 EQUIPMENT NEEDED FOR SUBSTATION CONSTRUCTION PROCESS Construction Activity Crews _| Crew Size Equipment Needed Soil boring I 2-3 Rubber-tired drilling equipment Surveying 1 2-3 Pickup truck Clearing and grading 1-2 3-4 Hydroaxe, chainsaw, bulldozer, loader, grader, pick- up truck Grounding 1 2-4 Trencher, pick-up truck Fencing 1-2 2-4 Small auger, concrete truck, pick-up truck Foundation installation 1-2 2-4 Rubber-tired auger, truck mounted crane, concrete trucks, backhoe, loader, pick-up truck Oil containment 1 2-4 loader, backhoe, pickup truck Structure and equipment 1-2 3-4 Crane, pickup truck erection Control building erection 1 3-4 Crane, pickup truck Conductor installation 1-2 2-3 Welder, crane, bucket truck, pickup truck Conduit and control cable 1-2 2-3 Trencher, pickup truck Cleanup 1 2-3 Pickup truck Southern Intertie Project DEIS B-49 Appendix B - Construction Activities September 2001 APPENDIX C INVENTORY STUDY AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT METHODS EARTH AND WATER RESOURCES Inventory Study Methods — Geology/Soils The analysis of geologic resources first involved a review of the regional physiographic setting of the study area, followed by a more specific investigation and evaluation of resource features that could adversely affect, or be adversely affected by, construction, operation, or maintenance of the proposed transmission line. For purposes of the EIS, the study corridor for geologic resources was 0.5 mile wide, centered along the proposed centerline of each of the alternative transmission line routes. Information for the geologic inventory was obtained and reviewed from various federal, state, and local agencies, including the following: = existing USGS geologic, topographic, and slope stability maps of the Anchorage area and the Kenai Peninsula; and USGS historical seismic activity databases = aerial photographs (1996) at a scale of 1:2,000 (1 inch equals 2,000 feet) flown along the alternative routes = NOAA and Minerals Management Service studies m= various maps and information available from municipality and borough planning departments showing surficial geology, geologic hazards, and soil conditions = ADOT/PF and Alaska Railroad information concerning existing geologic conditions along highways and railroads that are within the alternative corridors = discussions with local experts on seismicity and paleontology Fieldwork was limited to site visits and overflights by fixed-wing aircraft for resource verification only. Maps depicting geologic resource constraints were developed using 1:25,000 scale topographic base maps of each route. Resource data were entered into a geographic information system (GIS) for display and analysis. For the purpose of identifying potential hazards to the proposed Project, geologic units prone to certain hazards (e.g., ground failure or slope instability) were separated from other units on Figures MV-2 through MV-4. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-1 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 Inventory Study Methods - Water Resources The analysis of water resources first involved a review of the regional physiographic setting of the study area. The regional overview was followed by a more specific investigation and evaluation of resource features. Results of the evaluation are presented in Chapter 3. Information was obtained and reviewed from various federal, state, and local agencies, including the following: = USGS water resources data = aerial photographs (1996) at a scale of 1:2,000 (1 inch equals 2,000 feet) flown along the alternative routes = Flood Insurance Rate Maps published by the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency showing flood hazard zones a ADOT/PF and Alaska Railroad information concerning flood hazards along highways and railroads that are within the alternative corridors Maps depicting water resource constraints were developed using 1:25,000 scale topographic base maps of each route and are shown on Figures MV-2 through MV-4. Impact Assessment Methods Because of the similarity and interrelationships between the resources, the assessment of impacts on geologic resources and water resources are described together in Chapter 3. Similarly, these resources are mapped together along with marine resources on Figures MV-2 through MV-4. The study included an analysis of potential impacts on surface water and soil, as well as potential hazards to the Project from geological and marine conditions. Hazards are presented for alternative routes in Chapter 2. The following environmental features and hazards were analyzed: stream and rivers 100-year floodplains areas subject to high erosion potential areas with boulders moved by sea currents and sea ice rafting submarine areas prone to ice scour or impact from ice floes and pressure ridges areas prone to seismically induced ground failure potentially active faults and geologic structures surficial deposits prone to slope failure or slope instability (including bluff erosion) near coast mudflat erosion from trenching compressible soils subject to high settlement Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-2 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 Construction of the project could result in increased soil erosion, thereby affecting water quality. Areas prone to increased soil erosion include areas with highly erosive soils, surficial soils prone to slope instability or slope failure (including bluff erosion), and stream crossings. Water quality also may be degraded by accidental spills of petroleum products, solvents, or other construction- related materials at or near stream crossings as well as in the submarine areas. The use of select backfill in near-coast mudflat trenches could cause preferential flow pathways and increase erosion or sediment load. Construction in areas with compressible soils that are subject to settlement may result in compaction of soil structure, causing long-term damage to soil properties including fertility, water holding capacity, hydraulic conductivity, and bulk density. Soils in fragile muskeg or floodplain areas may require several years to fully recover from compression. Water quality could be affected if a submarine cable (with oil) ruptured or cracked, thereby releasing oil into the waterway. The line could be subject to rupture, cracking, or breakage from earthquake, hazardous seafloor conditions, marine currents, and sea ice movement. With the application of selective mitigation measures, impacts may be reduced or avoided. MARINE Inventory and Assessment Study Methods Information about the marine environment was obtained primarily through an extensive marine geophysical survey conducted in Turnagain Arm from July 8, 1996 to July 13, 1996 by Power Engineers, Inc. and Golder Associates, Inc. During the survey, bottom profile, side scan sonar, sub-bottom profile, and deep seismic reflection data were collected along the following routes: Route Link(s) Pt. Woronzof to Fire Island’s North Side T14 Fire Island's South Side to Pt. Possession T1O (Moose Point Light) Pt. Campbell to Pt. Possession (near Tesoro Pipeline) T16 and T17 Potter to South of Burnt Island E13 The results of the hydrographic surveys are presented in the Southern Intertie Environmental Assessment/Environmental Impact Statement and Preliminary Engineering Final Hydrographic Survey Report (Power Engineers 1999). Information also was obtained and reviewed from various federal, state, and local agencies, including the following: = NOAA nautical charts pertinent to marine portions of the routes Fieldwork was limited to site visits and overflights by fixed-wing aircraft for resource verification only. Maps depicting marine environment constraints were developed using 1:25,000 Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-3 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 scale topographic base maps of each route. Resource data were entered into GIS for display and analysis. For the purpose of identifying potential hazards to the proposed Project, geologic units prone to certain hazards (e.g., ground failure or slope instability) were separated from other units on Figures MV-2 through MV-4. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Inventory Study Methods Key wildlife resources within the study area for which data were available were mapped using an ArcInfo GIS. Resources mapped included: anadromous fish streams recently and/or historically active bald eagle nests nesting and staging areas for trumpeter swans, ducks, and geese brown bear feeding and concentration areas relative abundance areas of lynx, wolf, and moose caribou herd distributions beluga whale habitat Location data were obtained from existing GIS databases, low-level aerial surveys, ground surveys, published reports, resource atlases, and interviews with wildlife agency personnel. Information on abundance and distribution of wildlife species was gathered from ADF&G wildlife resource atlases, published literature, unpublished agency reports and survey data, and interviews with biologists from the USFWS, National Marine Fishery Service, KNWR, Chugach State Park, Chugach National Forest, and ADF&G. Habitat maps for waterfowl, bald eagles, and large mammals were being developed by the Municipality of Anchorage for the greater Anchorage area at the time of this writing, but were in preliminary draft form. These preliminary habitat maps of Anchorage delineate habitat quality and wildlife use and abundance relative to other areas in Anchorage and are not directly comparable to similar categories on the Kenai Peninsula. Urbanization of much of the study area within Anchorage has degraded the quality of habitat in many areas, although some areas of open space, such as Kincaid Park, Klatt Bog and Connors Bog, continue to provide important habitat for some species. Therefore, information from preliminary maps combined with the distribution of open space, or areas of low density development, were used to characterize wildlife habitat in Anchorage. Two types of vegetation maps were prepared: one to show the general character of vegetation within the northern Kenai Peninsula and one to evaluate type of landcover traversed by each of the alternative routes and serve as a basis for habitat evaluation for wildlife species. Vegetation along each of the alternative routes was mapped within a |-mile-wide corridor, 0.5 mile on either side of the centerline, for each alternative route, using true-color aerial photography at a scale of Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and c-4 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 1:2,400 (1 inch = 2,000 feet). Wetlands within the study area have been mapped on 1:63,360- scale (1 inch = | mile) quadrants for the Kenai Peninsula and on 1:25,000-scale (1 inch = 0.4 mile) quadrants for the Anchorage area by the USFWS NWI (USFWS 1982, 1994). The classification system used by the USFWS follows Cowardin et al. (1979) and defines wetlands according to ecological characteristics. A total of 19 map units were developed using the Alaskan Vegetation Classification, Level IV (Viereck et al. 1992) where possible, and incorporating wetland types based on NWI wetland maps (Cowardin et al. 1979). After initial mapping of vegetation cover types on photos and ground verification in 1996, map units were transferred onto topographic quadrangle maps (1:25,000) and entered into the GIS. GIS centerline reports, summarizing the length of intersection with vegetation and wetland types, were generated for each alternative. In order to assess the environmental consequences of the Applicant’s proposal, an evaluation of potential impacts on vegetation and wildlife resources was conducted. The ultimate goals of the analysis were to identify impact types, duration, and significance; and possible mitigation scenarios that could be applied to reduce impacts to a more acceptable level. The analysis was conducted on a link-by-link basis, to eventually allow comparisons of impacts on individual links, route segments, and complete routes between the Kenai Peninsula and the Municipality of Anchorage. The following sections describe the methods utilized in the assessment, the rationale for the methods employed, and a general analysis of impacts. Issue Identification Biological resources of particular concern were identified as a result of meetings with land and wildlife management agency personnel, reviews of pertinent regional literature, and comments received from the public and special interest groups. In addition to identifying species and habitats of concern, specific issues associated with those resources were defined. Concerns and issues associated with wildlife species and habitats in general were also identified. Wildlife of concern included the following: = anadromous fish = black bear = waterfowl = brown bear = trumpeter swan = beluga whale = bald eagle = moose = wolf = caribou m= Canada lynx In addition to this group of high profile biological resources, concern also was expressed for neotropical migratory birds, waterbirds in general, raptors, small mammals, and marine Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-5 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 mammals. The value of specific vegetation and aquatic communities as habitat for wildlife in general also was described. Issues associated with potential impacts on biological resources of the Project area include the following: = Loss of habitat due to right-of-way clearing - direct resource loss including nesting and foraging habitat for forest nesting birds, loss of important forage species (e.g., devils club) for brown and black bears, and loss of vertical cover important to a number of species - fragmentation of habitat on a local level, as well as contributing to habitat fragmentation on the Kenai Peninsula in general - creation of additional forest edge effect - creation of barriers to wildlife movement = Creation of improved public access into areas that are presently difficult to reach - increased harvest of large mammals and other high profile species - increased potential for encounters between humans and brown bears, resulting in disturbance to bears and/or increased bear mortality through defense of life and property - increased potential for intentional and unintentional disturbance of all classes of wildlife via winter snow mobile/machine use = Creation of wildlife hazards not currently present in the environment - potential collision hazard created by the presence of overhead transmission lines that could affect ducks, geese, trumpeter swans, bald eagles, and other birds = Creation of obstacles to wildlife management goals and objectives - presence of a wood pole electrical transmission line that could compromise moose management objectives by precluding prescription burns in some areas. Impact Assessment Methods Impact Types Three general categories of impacts were identified—direct, indirect, and cumulative. Direct impacts are caused by the action (i.e., construction) and occur at the same time and place. Indirect impacts are caused by the action, but later in time or farther removed, which are reasonably foreseeable. Indirect impacts could include growth inducing effects, changes in land use, or increased contact between humans and wildlife. Cumulative impacts are impacts that result from the incremental impact of the action when added to other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions. Impacts also are described as either short-term or long- term impacts. Short-term impacts are those that may occur during construction of the Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-6 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 transmission line and related facilities. Long-term impacts are those that could occur as a result of maintenance activities and the presence of the transmission line and associated facilities. Identification of Impacts The first step in the impact analysis was to identify potential impacts related to Project construction, maintenance, and facilities, for each resource of concern. The impact analysis was conducted at a general and a site-specific level. Site-specific analyses involved assessing impacts on selected resources for which there were sufficient site-specific data to map the resources along the alternative routes. Selected resources include all vegetation and aquatic communities present along the alternative routes, as well as some important habitats for wildlife of concern, such as seasonal feeding, staging, or concentration areas; and nesting or spawning areas. Impact Significance Determination of significance is an essential and integral part of assessing impacts on biological resources for the Project. Impact significance is dependent on the sensitivity of a resource to project-related impacts and the context of those impacts. Sensitivity of vegetation and wildlife resources can be described based on the following criteria: = Legal status or protection of the resource or associated species — Species that are legally protected include those that are listed as threatened, endangered, candidates, or proposed for listing under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 as amended; those that are listed by the State of Alaska as Endangered or Species of Special Concern; and those protected by other legislation, such as the Bald Eagle Protection Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and Marine Mammal Protection Act. Community types that are legally protected include wetlands and waters of the United States as directed by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. = Susceptibility to the kinds of impacts associated with the Project — Highly susceptible resources are those for which project-related impacts could result in disturbance, injury, death, or decreased productivity. Resources with low susceptibility are not expected to be disturbed or otherwise harmed by Project-related impacts. = Value and quality as wildlife habitat - Resources are considered of high value if they are characterized by high species richness and/or provide critical resources for species of concern. Resources of low habitat value support relatively few species, none of which are particularly sensitive. = Availability of resource within the Project study area — Resources are highly available if they are widespread within the Project study area. Conversely, resources were considered to be of low availability if they are of limited distribution in the Project study area. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-7 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 For example, brown bear summer feeding areas are not legally protected as defined above. They could be highly susceptible to project-related impacts, such as disturbance during construction and increased human/bear interaction resulting from improved access over the long term. Brown bear summer feeding areas include all anadromous fish streams within the Project study area; however, the quality of these streams as brown bear summer feeding habitat could depend on anadromous fish numbers, levels of human disturbance, and accessibility to fish. Anadromous fish streams that provide good quality summer feeding habitat for brown bears are of relatively low availability within the Project study area. Based on the criteria outlined above, these resources are, therefore, considered sensitive to project-related impacts. Impact significance is evaluated within three levels of context—local, regional, and national. The local context for this Project is defined as the immediate vicinity of the alternative routes. The regional context depends on resource distribution and interactions. For example, the regional context for evaluation of impact significance on brown bear resources would be the Kenai Peninsula, because the population of brown bears on the Peninsula are believed to experience little, if any, immigration from or emigration to other brown bear populations. A national context considers resource status at the national level, and federal mandates for resource protection. For example, wildlife within the KNWR are considered a national resource due to the USFWS mandate to protect wildlife. Adverse impacts on wildlife within the KNWR are considered nationally significant. Impacts on a resource could be significant on a local scale, but insignificant on a regional scale if the resource is widely distributed on a regional basis. Likewise, an impact on a resource that is significant at a regional level could not be significant at a national level if regional impacts do not adversely affect the status of the resource nationally, or interfere with federal protection mandates. For example, increased access as a result of the Project could have a significant impact on brown bears at a local level due to potential increase for human/bear interactions in the vicinity of the alternative routes. Such impacts could be regionally significant if they have an adverse effect on brown bears at the population level on the Kenai Peninsula. Adverse impacts on the Kenai Peninsula population of brown bears would not likely affect brown bears at a national level; however, adverse impacts on the species that take place within the KNWR would be nationally significant due to the federal mandate to protect wildlife. LAND USE AND RECREATION Inventory Study Methods This section describes the land use inventory and analysis conducted to assess the potential sensitivity of identified land uses to the construction, operation, and maintenance of the proposed transmission line and associated facilities. Land use data were collected within 4-mile-wide study corridors, 2 miles wide on each side of the assumed centerlines. This was accomplished by reviewing, refining, and updating data accumulated from previous Southern Intertie Route Selection Study (Power Engineers 1996a) studies. Aerial photography flown in May and August Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-8 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 of 1996 at a nominal scale of 1:2,000 (1 inch = 2,000 feet) was interpreted for the 4-mile- corridor width. Photography at a scale of 1:500 was used for detailed land use investigations in Anchorage, Soldotna, and Nikiski. All mapped data from aerial photography were verified in the field. Field investigations for land use and recreation were conducted from August to September 1996 for all alternative corridors and updated in April 1999. In February 2001, data were updated wherever possible with winter weather conditions. Agency contacts were conducted to obtain and/or confirm specific land use and recreation data. Federal, state, regional, and local governmental agencies and organizations were contacted through telephone, letter, or meetings to collect and discuss data. Detailed data were collected, compiled, and mapped on USGS 1:25,000- and 1:63,360-scale topographic quadrangles and verified with existing GIS data obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage, Kenai Peninsula Borough, and Chugach National Forest. Secondary sources provided additional data for this inventory. Data sources included governmental agencies, private enterprises, and special interest groups in the form of maps, pamphlets, brochures, environmental impact statements, and planning reports. The land use inventory section is divided into the following three major components to document surface land uses, legislative designations, and land management policies that occur within the alternative study corridors: = land jurisdiction and management plans = land use = alternative affected environment/environmental consequences The following figures, located in the EIS, should be reviewed along with each of these sections: Figure MV-18, Jurisdiction/Ownership Figure MV-19 and 20, Land Use Figure MV-21, Land Use (Anchorage Area) Figures MV-22, 23, Recreation Management Areas Figures MV-24, 25, 26, Recreation Use Areas Impact Assessment Methods The land use impact assessment model included three assessment variables for assessing impacts: resource sensitivity, resource quantity, and duration of impact. These three variables resulted in the assessment of an initial impact to each land use category. Once initial impacts were established along the routes, specific measures for mitigating or reducing these impacts were applied. The residual impact represents the potential impact that could be expected to occur, after mitigation, if the proposed Project were constructed along a given route. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and c-9 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 Impact Significant Definitions Resource sensitivity established during the Phase I feasibility study was the primary element in determining initial impacts for land uses. The presence or absence of existing parallel transmission lines or pipelines modified the sensitivity level, while ground disturbance quantified the area of impact. In addition, site-specific circumstances were considered, and in some cases modified the impact significance. Agency, CWG and public concerns helped determine site- specific factors. Significant impacts were assigned to those categories where the officially stated or approved land use restriction, plan, or policy would be violated, or where land use sensitivity was moderate but modified by the lack of existing linear features For a particular land use feature or area of affected resource, only the impact within the assumed centerline of each alternative route was assessed. Impact Types Types of potential physical impacts on land uses in the study area are physical restrictions to residential, commercial, and industrial uses. These impacts would be long term, and would include limitations on future urban development, planned subdivisions, and potential conflicts with local land use plans and policies. Impact significance was assigned assuming Project construction utilizing 230kV X-frame, H-frame and single-pole structures, in addition to underground and submarine cables. Within the study area, significant and potentially significant impacts were initially identified for the following situations: = those areas where the transmission line would require an additional new right-of-way in an existing recreation area or subdivided residential areas occupied by residences m those areas where severance of currently vacant parcels could prohibit future development = residential areas where the Project would prohibit use of a recreation area or physically conflict with existing residences or planned subdivisions at the final approval stage m those areas where the project would physically interfere with recreation activities or create a direct conflict with commercial, industrial or transportation uses In this study, long-term is used to characterize impacts continuing after construction while short- term is for impacts that would be limited to construction. Most impacts in this study are expected to be long term, lasting for the life of the Project. However, changes in development plans necessitated by placement of a transmission line across or bordering a parcel are seen as short term. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-10 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 Direct impacts on recreation uses pertain to physical or operational effects of the proposed Project on recreation resources. Physical impacts include restrictions to existing facilities and uses, and right-of-way restrictions to the occupied land. These impacts would be long term, and would include limitations on future facilities or expansion of existing sites. Direct effects also can include changes in scenic qualities or attributes, particularly in remote natural settings. Only physical impacts on recreation uses occurring within the right-of-way were determined for this analysis. Visual and aesthetic impacts are described in the visual resources section. Indirect effects of transmission lines on recreation resources include potential displacement or concentration of recreation users. The presence of a transmission line may displace those recreation users who find the presence of line intrusive, or the presence of the line may attract users who seek the transmission line corridor as a means of access. This type of an effect could occur on either the Tesoro or Enstar routes. Impact types identified for recreation uses included impacts that: = alter or otherwise physically affect any established, designated or planned recreation, preservation use area, or activity = affect any officially adopted policies or goals of the affected land-managing agency m increase or decrease accessibility to any area established, designated, or planned for recreation or preservation use SOCIOECONOMICS Inventory Study Methods Demographic and economic information for the study area was gathered primarily from secondary sources including state land use plans, local government comprehensive plans, community profiles, and other statistical reports, including the following: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Community Profiles Alaska Department of Labor Population Reports Alaska Department of Labor Economic Reports Municipality of Anchorage, Anchorage Indicators 1996 and 1997 Municipality of Anchorage Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 1996 Kenai Peninsula Borough Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 1995 Kenai Peninsula Borough Coastal Management Program Final Document 1990 1990 U.S. Census Data Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-1l Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 Impact Assessment Methods A socioeconomic impact assessment assesses the social and economic impacts of a proposed project on the local population and the significance of those impacts, and recommends measures to avoid and mitigate adverse impacts. A project’s effects can be a mixture of beneficial and adverse changes in living conditions and quality of life, and may be temporary or permanent. Projects to develop infrastructure or other physical resources affect the human environment in a variety of ways. Demographic and economic changes during the construction of transmission lines, substations, and other facilities are generally the principal impact. New construction activities set off changes in employment, income, demand for public and private services and, through alteration in land uses, changes in living patterns. Impacts are assessed by comparing the likely changes the proposed action would cause to the local socioeconomic setting with current conditions (the baseline or “no-action” alternative). The socioeconomic baseline for the Project region is presented in Chapter 3. It includes trends in population, employment, housing, public services, and fiscal sector characteristics. This section will describe the proposed Project’s activities and associated socioeconomic effects, and will project how the local population’s living conditions and quality of life might change. Socioeconomics is not an exact science. People’s behavior in reaction to the introduction of transmission system construction activities and facilities is difficult to predict. There are regional economic impact modeling methodologies that are helpful in estimating the secondary effects of introducing new money into a local economy. Alaska, however, has a significant seasonally fluctuating workforce and a highly seasonal tourism and recreational market. Therefore, predictions of multiplier effects on local area employment and income due to short-term changes in construction employment and spending are very speculative. Socioeconomic effects operate at two levels. These levels are the “macro” level of system-wide operating benefits accruing to the customers of the Railbelt Utilities, and the “micro” level of impacts on the residents living near Southern Intertie Project’s facilities. At the macro level, Railbelt power customers would benefit from the increased reliability of service made possible by the additional transfer capability between the Kenai Peninsula and Anchorage. Some cost savings would likely develop, which could be translated into rate reductions, but the major benefit would be the avoided costs of power interruptions and associated economic losses. ' Both short-term and long-term socioeconomic effects must be considered. The Project would generate new short-term jobs and wage income for some Alaska residents. The Project would also provide a temporary increment of demand for worker consumption and Project construction goods and services in the Anchorage and Kenai Peninsula areas. Local merchants and businesses : Average rate reductions of 0.16 cents and 0.21 cents per kWh, respectively, are predicted for the Tesoro and Enstar route alternatives over the 40-year life of the Project, which would be equivalent to a saving of about $1 dollar per month for the typical household’s power bill. This is too small to have a noticeable effect on the state economy. Sub-Section 4.7.3, below, presents a digest of the rate impact analysis provided in Chapter 1. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-12 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 would benefit from these short-term impacts. The Project could disrupt recreational activities in the Kenai Lowlands by providing workers who would compete with visitors and tourists for transient accommodations during the summer season. Over the long term, the Project’s micro, or local, level socioeconomic effects would be primarily fiscal, in the form of payments for rights- of-way, taxes, and fees to local jurisdictions. Long-term operations and maintenance activities would have no discernible impacts on local community life due to their very small staffing requirements and the relatively infrequent need for surface access to facility sites. The most critical issue is how communities and residents near the Project right-of-way and along work site transportation routes would accommodate construction logistics. Worker lodging in the lowlands region of the northern Kenai Peninsula is of particular concern because of potential competition between workers and tourists for campsites and other lodging. Other potential issues include impacts on tourism attractions and on property values, environmental justice, and cumulative effects of the proposed transmission line development in conjunction with other major projects. Central to an impact assessment is determining the significance of its effects. There are no legislative or regulatory criteria for establishing the “significance” of a socioeconomic impact, and most practitioners of the social sciences avoid quantifying the thresholds of “goodness” or “badness.” For example, a high level of unemployment is “bad,” but the precise level is subject to debate, and it can be difficult to estimate how a proposed construction project may affect such conditions. It is possible, however, to evaluate localized impacts of an individual infrastructure construction or resource development project and make some judgments regarding the potential significance of an impact. One commonly accepted indicator of socioeconomic stress is the housing vacancy rate. When it falls below 5 percent, the housing market is “tight,” with excess demand for living accommodations and supporting infrastructure and services. In other words, there are more people in the area than it can comfortably support in the near term. Another indicator is the area’s ability to accommodate visitors, reflected in transient accommodation supply and demand. This is probably the primary criterion for assessment of the significance of a construction project’s impacts on the human environment. This issue was considered as part of the study’s socioeconomic investigation. Effects Overall Project Expenditures and Workforces Socioeconomic impacts are caused by changes in utilization of people and material resources. One focus of the analysis is to determine the demand for community resources such as housing, utilities, and other public services during construction, operation, and maintenance of the Project. During construction, the Project would generate between 85 and 90 person-years of direct construction employment (full-time equivalent with 60-hour workweek) during the spring 2002 to fall 2003 period, which would yield around $8.75 million in direct wages and salaries. Another $50+ million is projected to be spent for equipment, materials, and construction goods Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-13 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 and services. Operations and maintenance activities would have no discernible impacts on local community life due to their very small staffing requirements and the relatively infrequent need for surface access to facility sites. The Project consists of two basic alternative routes (each with variants) with transmission facilities to be located in the municipality of Anchorage, the Turnagain Arm area, and the northern lowlands part of the Kenai Peninsula. The Tesoro Route commences near Nikiski, runs along the northwestern shore of the Peninsula to Pt. Possession, crosses Turnagain Arm underwater, and terminates in western Anchorage at the Point Woronzof Substation—a distance of 61.3 miles. The Enstar Route commences near Soldotna (Kenai) and proceeds inland northeasterly up the peninsula, crosses Turnagain Arm underwater, and terminates in Anchorage at the International Substation—a distance of 73.4 miles. Determining whether concentrations of workers and construction activities might stress local communities involves reviewing the timing and location of deployments of workers and local spending (by workers as well as by the Project). Because the Project has not gone out to bid, there are no data on how much work would go to Alaska-based contractors or how they might recruit their workforces (local residents versus outsiders). In a typical project, major parts of the overhead transmission line, submarine cable; and substation construction components typically are contracted to firms of national or even international scope, with local contractors being subcontracted for traditional tasks like site preparation, trenching; and foundation work. Because of the highly specialized nature of power transmission systems and their construction requirements, particularly the submarine cable segments of the Project, it can be expected that many of the supervisory personnel and skilled trades specialties would be hired from out of state. The contractors would be interested in maximizing the hiring of local workers in order to minimize relocation costs, but the more specialized skill requirements would probably have to be recruited elsewhere in order to ensure that the Project is adequately staffed and that completion deadlines would be met. The Project’s consulting design engineers estimate that approximately half of the manpower would be recruited from out of state (Power Engineers 1997a). Therefore, approximately 45 of the 90 worker-years of employment would be completed by out-of-state workers. Such personnel would reside in Alaska only during their specific work phases. A similar number of person-years of work would go to residents of the Anchorage and Kenai Peninsula areas. Much of the equipment, conductors, control systems, and other electrical components would likely be imported from out of state. Local vendors, on the other hand, would be expected to supply the Project’s basic construction materials and logistical services. The Project’s consulting design engineers estimate that most of the non-labor procurements—about 85 percent—would be made out of state.” Accordingly, such non-local procurements of materials, equipment and other construction services would constitute around $42.5 million of the $50+ million of the Project’s non-labor expenses, with the balance of approximately $7.5 million accruing to local suppliers and vendors of construction goods and services. *Source: Power Engineers, Inc. 1997a. Total costs of the Project are outlined in Chapter 1 of the report. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C14 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 Project Scheduling and Location Factors—An Overview of Project Logistics The foregoing numbers provide part of the basis for estimating the economic forces that would act on communities along the Project right-of-way during construction. The other part of the analysis is the timing of construction activities. Much of the construction work on the Kenai Peninsula would be completed during winter months to reduce potential impacts on environmental resources. Figure C-1 provides an overview of the projected monthly manpower loading levels for construction of the two alternatives. The bands depict the average number of workers per month for each route, including all aspects of the Project (i.e., Kenai Lowlands, Turnagain Arm, and Anchorage Bowl segments for power lines, substations, submarine crossings, etc.); subsequent figures break out each area’s loading. Figure C-1 shows the period beginning year | through end of year 2. SOUTHERN INTERTIE MANPOWER LOADING COMPARISON OF ENSTAR VS. TESORO TOTALS 8 3 & § = 3 g °° 8&8 8 8 Figure C-1 The Tesoro Route is projected to have a peak summer loading of around 60 workers in construction year 1, declining to about 45 during the winter, but rising to a peak of approximately 155 workers in construction year 2. The workload then declines, with work completed by fall of year 2. The Enstar Route’s manpower loading rises in the first year to a summer peak of approximately 80 workers, then declines to around 30 in early winter, but rises to over 90 by spring of year 2; the loading continues to rise to its second year peak of about 135 workers in the summer. The pattern of winding down in the summer and fall of year 2 is relatively linear for the Tesoro Route, whereas the Enstar Route has a step in its manpower Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-15 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 loading during the summer due to the greater length of its Anchorage Bowl overhead cable segment. Numbers of workers vary according to the phase of work and the precise route option being implemented in a segment. Based on the design engineers’ estimates of work scheduling and crew sizes, the number of workers involved in the overhead cable portion of the Kenai Lowlands segment could be 95 persons on the Enstar Route (in early year 2). The Tesoro alternative’s peak would be around 65 workers, occurring in the summer of year 2, following a constant level of 45 workers on the peninsula during the winter and early spring months. For either alternative, the overhead cable work would proceed continuously from summer of the first year through winter, spring, and summer of year 2. Work on other components would be undertaken only during the warm weather months. The Tesoro Route’s underground cable sections and associated transition facilities on the Kenai Peninsula would employ approximately two dozen workers during each of the warm weather seasons of both years. The Enstar Route has a smaller component of these facilities, and would employ only about a half-dozen workers on the Peninsula during the spring and summer of the second year. Construction and modification of substations on the Kenai Lowlands and in the Anchorage Bowl would employ an additional one to two dozen workers at the several sites along the rights-of-way for both routes (Power Engineers 1997a). Construction of the submerged cable segment across Turnagain Arm for either alternative would require 55 to 75 workers at the time of maximum effort in late spring of the second year. Finally, in the Anchorage Bowl area, two to three dozen workers (depending on the route) would be involved in constructing the underground and overhead cable sections of the transmission line.* It is difficult to be precise about the timing and location of worker requirements for transient accommodations, which is the critical issue for communities near the Project right-of-way in the Kenai Lowlands region. The communities of Soldotna, Kenai, Nikiski, Sterling, and Cooper Landing would be particularly affected (some more than others, depending on the route option selected). With the May through September construction season coinciding with the peak tourist and recreation season, operators of motels, recreation vehicle parks, and campgrounds in the northern part of the Kenai Peninsula could encounter increased demand for sites from the workers at the same time as they are serving the traditional high season customers. Displacement of traditional motel, recreational vehicle park, and campground users by transmission project workers is an issue that must be assessed in view of the potential for the disruption of business and personal relationships among residents and visitors to the northern Kenai area. >The Tesoro route into the western end of the city involves mainly submerged and buried cable terminating at the Pt. Woronzof Substation. The Enstar route has a short length of underground cable where the line comes ashore at the eastern end of the city, but several miles of overhead cable follow it to the International Substation. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-16 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 VISUAL This section provides a description of visual inventory and impact assessment methods for the Project. Visual Inventory Study Methods The visual resources inventory consisted of a regional overview and a detailed evaluation of the alternative routes within the study area. The inventory is consistent with the principles of the Scenery Management System established by the U.S. Forest Service (1995). The inventory was conducted over a span of a year from 1996 to 1997 and updated in 2001 by a team of landscape architects specializing in visual resources assessment. The Southern Intertie Route Selection Study (Power Engineers 1996a) provided an initial basis for the visual resources inventory. Studies included field observations during all four seasons of the year, and the team met with the public and agencies to review key issues, management strategies, and inventory requirements as well. Data were collected through agency contacts, public and community working group meetings, analysis of tourism information, existing mapped data, and aerial photography interpretation. In addition, extensive ground and air reconnaissance were conducted in support of these efforts. The purpose of the visual resources inventory was to identify and document landscape scenery and views along the alternative routes. The majority of the Project area outside of Anchorage is rural and undeveloped, including the KNWR, portions of the Chugach National Forest, coastal edges of the Cook Inlet, and Turnagain Arm. Urban settings include the Anchorage area and the communities of Soldotna, Sterling, and Nikiski. Since the study area includes both rural and urban settings, the inventory was designed to respond to both. Outside of Anchorage, a 4-mile- wide corridor, 2 miles on each side of an assumed route centerline, was inventoried. Within Anchorage, characterization of alternative routes was based on a general study of the urban setting and a detailed study within a 0.25-mile-wide corridor (660 feet on each side of an assumed route). Landscape Scenery The inventory of rural areas was based on the premise that each characteristic landscape (i.e., mountains, lowlands, coastal areas, and water) exhibits its own type of scenic quality. Landscape scenery within the rural settings of the Anchorage Bowl, Chugach Mountains, Kenai Lowlands, Cook Inlet, and Turnagain Arm is defined by the landscape character and levels of scenic quality inherent to each area. Within the urban settings of Anchorage, Soldotna, Sterling, and Nikiski, landscape scenery is based primarily upon the visual image of the built environment. Existing visual conditions (e.g., the presence of existing transmission lines) that may affect the scenic quality or visual image of an area also were considered in the evaluation of landscape scenery. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-17 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 The landscape character type of each rural and urban setting of Anchorage and the Kenai Peninsula consists of distinct elements that create a visual and cultural image both individually and as a region. This image or “sense of place” for the region is a combination of physical, biological, climatic, and cultural attributes that make the area identifiable and unique. Scenic Quality In the rural setting, scenic quality was determined by evaluating landscape character type based upon the uniqueness and diversity of landform, water, vegetation, cultural features, and influence of adjacent scenery. Higher scenic quality occurs in landscapes with a greater degree of naturalness, diversity of features, and uniqueness. Ground surveys and overflights of the study area were conducted to document conditions and determine levels of scenic quality including Class A, lands of outstanding or distinctive scenic quality; Class B, typical scenic quality; and Class C, indistinctive scenic quality. Visual Image Types In urban areas (i.e., Anchorage and portions of Soldotna, Sterling, and Nikiski) landscape scenery was defined by visual image types. The purpose of characterizing the types of existing and planned visual images in proximity to the alternative routes was to determine the compatibility of the proposed transmission line in these urban settings. Anchorage, in particular, is rapidly changing and evolving. Urban patterns once associated with past development are now being replaced through comprehensive planning efforts that focus on aesthetics as evidenced by the “visioning” process in Anchorage (1997). Image types consist of development patterns that are defined by planning concepts (circulation and building types), visual character (landscape design and architecture), and viewer orientation (viewer position relative to the location of the proposed Project). Four major image types were identified based upon the review of aerial photographs, existing and proposed land use information, and field studies. These image types included residential, park-like, commercial, and industrial areas. Existing Visual Conditions The scenic quality of rural areas and the visual image of urban settings may be modified locally by the presence of facilities including transmission lines, overhead lighting, signage, pipelines, and other features that affect landscape scenery. The existing visual conditions for each alternative were evaluated through field review in order to determine those locations where modifications would influence scenery. Examples of these locations include the Old Seward Highway and North Kenai Road, where the setting has been modified by the presence of existing transmission line(s), among other discordant modifications. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-18 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 Views The inventory of views included three components: (1) the identification of key viewpoints and viewing areas, (2) viewer sensitivity, and (3) the viewsheds from these locations including distance and screening potential from sensitive viewing areas. Key Viewpoints and Viewing Areas Numerous key viewpoints and viewing areas were identified and mapped in coordination with land use investigations, including individual residences and communities, recreational areas (e.g., parks, visitor centers, campgrounds, picnic grounds, trailheads, marinas, and resorts), and travelways (e.g., highways, roads, railroads, and trails). Of particular importance were those locations where dominant regional landscape features could be viewed in the context of the larger setting, such as views from areas along the coastline of the Cook Inlet including Captain Cook State Recreation Area (SRA), Pt. Woronzof, and Kincaid Park on Pt. Campbell. More localized views of importance, within the KNWR, include views along the Moose River, Afonasi Lake, and along the Mystery Creek Road and the Enstar pipeline. These areas are often views in context of the regional setting from flights both for recreational purposes and sightseeing. Viewer Sensitivity Viewer sensitivity is a measure of the degree of concern for change in the scenic quality of the rural landscape or to the visual image of an urban setting. Viewer sensitivity was determined through discussions with the public, the community working group, agency contacts, and field observations. Viewsheds Viewsheds consist of two components—distance zones and screening. A viewshed is the visible portion of the landscape seen from a viewpoint or viewing area. Viewpoints and viewing areas mapped within the study area were modeled using digital terrain data obtained from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Distance Zones—Distance zones were mapped for each viewpoint or viewing area. Typically, in the foreground (0 to 0.4 km [0 to 0.25 mile]), individual objects are seen in detail, whereas the middleground (0.4 to 4.8 km [0.25 to 3 miles]) is an area where objects are typically viewed in relationship to patterns rather than emphasizing individual features. In background areas (4.8 to 24.1 km [3 to 15 miles], or further) landscapes are viewed as horizon lines and tones where atmospheric conditions often dominate. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-19 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 Both local and extended views have been incorporated into the viewshed analysis. In order to display local views, a limit of 1 mile was placed on the extent of the middleground computer viewshed analysis for both the views from residences and views from recreation areas. In addition, areas where the alternative route may be viewed from distant residences were determined through field review. Foreground viewsheds have been grouped into two zones: immediate foreground (0 to 91 meters [0 to 300 feet]) and foreground (91.4 meters to 0.4 km [300 feet to 0.25 mile]) in order to differentiate the degree of influence of the proposed transmission line structures. In the immediate foreground, structures would be most dominant, and would continue to dominate up to 0.4 km (0.25 mile). In summary, distance zones for local viewsheds include the following: immediate foreground (IFg): 0 to 91.4 meters (0 to 300 feet) middleground (Mg): 0.4 to 1.6 km (0.25 to | mile) foreground (Fg): 91.4 meters to 0.4 km (300 feet to 0.25 mile) background (Bg): beyond 1.6 km (1 mile) Screening Potential—There are certain cases where discrete terrain conditions create additional screening that is not accounted for in viewshed modeling due to the level of terrain data available from the USGS. These cases along with areas screened by vegetation and buildings were identified and documented based on field observation and used to determine where visibility from sensitive viewpoints and viewing areas within the alternative routes would be modified. There are three levels of screening. Open viewing conditions exhibit minimal to no screening; partially screened views include areas where viewing opportunities are intermittent; screened views include areas where terrain, vegetation, or buildings obscure views. Visual Impact Assessment Methods Impacts on visual resources were assessed by determining the potential for change to the landscape scenery and views. This section describes criteria, methods, and models used to assess visual impacts of the Project along the alternative study corridors. Key components of the assessment, including visual contrast, visibility, and impact assessment models and assumptions are described below. Visual Contrast Visual contrast is a measure of the degree of perceptible change that would occur in the form, line, color, and texture of the landscape as a result of the construction and operation of the proposed Project facilities. Two major components that contribute to the visual contrast include the addition of structural elements in the landscape and removal of vegetation. The levels (strong, moderate, and weak) and types of visual contrast that could result from the Project route options are defined below. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-20 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 Visual Contrast Levels = Weak contrast—would occur in areas where the proposed transmission line is subordinate to the surrounding setting and does not attract attention = Moderate contrast—would occur where the proposed transmission line begins to attract attention but does not dominate the surrounding setting = Strong contrast—would occur where the proposed transmission line dominates the surrounding setting Visual Contrast Types Vegetation Vegetation contrast would result from the clearing of new right-of-way or widening of an existing right-of-way. Vegetation contrast was determined through an evaluation of the required width of clearing for vegetation types, sizes, and patterns inventoried within the study corridor. Contrast levels were assigned to each vegetation type based on the relative change in appearance of the landscape predicted to occur as a result of right-of-way clearing. Structure Structure contrast examines the compatibility of transmission and other ancillary facilities with the existing landscape. Structure contrast is largely dependent on the presence or absence of existing parallel transmission lines in the landscape. Visual contrast is typically the strongest where there are few existing structural elements (e.g., existing utilities, etc.) in the landscape and weaker where existing transmission lines are paralleled. The range of overall contrast levels that could result from construction of the Project by the combination of vegetation and structure contrast is shown in Table C-1. TABLE C-1 VISUAL CONTRAST LEVELS Vegetation Contrast Structure Contrast Strong Moderate Weak Strong Strong Strong Strong to Moderate Moderate Strong Moderate Moderate to Weak Weak Strong to Moderate Moderate to Weak Weak Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-21 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 Visibility Levels The visibility of Project facilities depends on the context in which the Applicant’s Proposal will be viewed. Although there are many contributing factors, the two major parameters that contribute to the visibility of the Project are distance and screening between the viewer and the alternative route options. Distance Zones The appearance and scale of Project facilities in the landscape change with viewing distance and Project type. Lands seen from sensitive viewing areas, identified in the inventory phase of the study, were divided into four distance zones, including (1) immediate foreground, (2) foreground, (3) middleground, and (4) background or seldom seen. Due to landscape characteristics and development patterns, the extent of viewing distance and perception of structural elements within rural landscapes was determined to be generally greater than in urban settings as indicated in Table C-2. TABLE C-2 LEVELS OF VISIBILITY FOR RURAL AND URBAN AREAS Screening Visibility Fg (300 feet to'’4 | Mg (‘4mile to 1 Bg and SS Potential (0 to 300 feet) mile) mile) (beyond 1 mile) Immediate Foreground Rural Visibility Levels Open High High Moderate Moderate/Low Partially Screened_| High/Moderate Moderate Moderate/Low Low Screened Moderate Moderate/Low Low Low Urban Visibility Levels Open High High High/Moderate Moderate Partially Screened_| High/Moderate Moderate Moderate/Low Low Screened Moderate Moderate/Low Low Low Screening Potential Visibility to and from developed areas and travel routes was determined by the edge conditions bordering individual areas. Edge conditions are described as screened, partially screened, or open conditions. A screened edge condition would block views of the Project. Screened conditions generally consist of topography, vegetation, and/or development that acts as a buffer. Partial screening occurs where there are dispersed patterns of vegetation and development, which are not continuous. Open edge conditions lack any screening. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-22 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 Impact Assessment Impact Assessment for Rural Landscapes In general, significant visual impacts in rural landscape settings are the result of high visibility from sensitive viewing areas such as residences and recreation areas with strong or moderate Project/setting contrast within scenic quality Class A, B, or C landscapes, as shown in Table C-3. Significant impacts also are a result of moderate visibility and strong contrast within scenic quality Class A landscapes. Potentially significant impacts include areas of high to moderate visibility from sensitive viewpoints where the Project would result in moderate to weak contrast within scenic quality Class A landscapes. Potentially significant impacts also were assigned to a wide range of conditions where the Project would be noticeable and begin to attract attention including middleground views located in areas of moderate contrast. TABLE C-3 IMPACT LEVELS FOR RESIDENTIAL AND RECREATION VIEWERS IN RURAL LANDSCAPES Visibility Levels High to Moderate to Visual Contrast High Moderate Moderate Low _| Low Strong pte ete te fete te ete te Strong to Moderate 8 17 6 7 6 15 16 15 1/4 15 14 13 14 13 [2 Moderate 7 |6 5 6 S_|4 |5 |4 {3 |4 Bi |e, | 3 2 1 Moderate to Weak ee ee Ee Eee Weak Sia ls (4 (3 |2 ls toa jedi ls A [B_|c [aA [B |c |A |B |c [A |B |c [A |B Ic Scenic Quality Class Significant Impacts — 7, 8, 9 Potentially Significant Impacts — 4, 5, 6 Non-Significant Impacts — 1, 2, 3 Where structures would be located in conditions that do not attract attention or would be seldom seen, impacts are considered to be non-significant. These include areas where the views are generally beyond 1.6 km (1.0 mile), or screened by vegetation in a middleground setting. Impact levels for residential and recreation viewers in rural landscapes are shown in Table C-3, which displays the relationship between levels of visual contrast and rural visibility levels. Impact Assessment for Urban Landscapes In general, a significant impact is a result of high to moderate visibility and strong or moderate Project/setting contrast within residential and park-like image types. In these settings, the Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-23 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 proposed facilities are visually evident in the landscape and are incongruous with the visual image types. Potentially significant impacts occur in areas where the line is visible but subordinate to the landscape. Potentially significant impacts include areas of strong contrast within open foreground views from commercial/public image types. Potentially significant impacts also were assigned to a wide range of conditions where the Project would be noticeable and begin to attract attention. These conditions include areas with high visibility to areas of strong Project/setting contrast located within commercial/retail image types. Impact levels for residential and recreation viewers in urban landscapes are shown in Table C-4, which displays the relationship between levels of visual contrast and urban visibility levels based on urban landscape. TABLE C-4 IMPACT LEVELS FOR RESIDENTIAL AND RECREATION VIEWERS IN URBAN LANDSCAPES Visibility Levels Visual High to Moderate to Contrast High Moderate Moderate Low Low Strong 9 7 5 3 | 8 6 4 2|7 5 a 1 |6 4 2 114 3 1 Strong to | 8 6 4 Bie 5 3 1/6 4 2 I | 5 3 1 Lis 2 1 Moderate Moderate 7 5 3 2 |6 4 2 1|5 3 1 1 }4 2 1 je 1 1 Moderate 6 4 2 1 |5 3 1 1)4 2 1 1/3) 1 1 ti id 1 1 to Weak Weak 5 3 1 1 |4 2 1 1 |3 1 1 1 |2 1 1 iI 1 1 RP | ci |C2]/1 | RP | Cl} C2]/1 | RP | Cl]C2]1 | RP |Cl}]C2]I | RP {Cl | C2 Visual Image Type* *R = Residential P = Park-like Cl = Commercial-office C2 = Commercial-retail I = Industrial Significant Impacts — 7, 8, 9 Potentially Significant Impacts — 4, 5, 6 Non-Significant Impacts — 1, 2, 3 Impact Assessment for Travelways Visual impacts along travelways were assessed separately from rural and urban landscapes. Impacts on views from travelways are largely dependent upon distance, the setting, and orientation to the Project—either parallel or perpendicular to the roadway. Significant impacts are a result of strong or strong to moderate contrast along a high sensitivity travelway. A high sensitivity travelway would be characterized by an open landscape setting, which offers scenic views to distant or local natural features. Construction of the proposed Project in these locations would interrupt views to natural features and would be one of the few Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-24 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 ~~ manmade elements visible within foreground views from the road. In this condition, the proposed activity would dominate the landscape. Potentially significant impacts occur where strong to moderate through moderate to weak contrast occurs within a moderate sensitivity travelway corridor. A moderate sensitivity travelway would be characterized by landscapes that provide intermittent views to distant and local natural features. Development patterns in these areas typically have a fairly unified and organized appearance. Potentially significant impacts are also a result of moderate to weak contrast along a high sensitivity travel route or strong to moderate contrast within a moderate to low sensitivity travel route corridor. Where structures are located in conditions that do not attract attention, impacts are considered to be non-significant. Non-significant impacts include areas where Project contrast ranges from strong to weak along a low sensitivity travelway. Non-significant impacts also are the result of moderate to weak contrast along a moderate to low sensitivity travelway. Impact levels for views along travelways in rural and urban landscapes are shown in Table C-5, which displays the relationship between levels of visual contrast and travel corridor sensitivity. TABLE C-5 IMPACT LEVELS FOR VIEWS ALONG TRAVELWAYS Project/Setting Travel Corridor Sensitivity Contrast High Moderate Moderate to Low Low Strong _ 18 a 6 3 Strong to Moderate 7 6 5 3 Moderate 6 5 _|4 2 Moderate to Weak > 4 3 1 Weak 4 3 2 1 Significant Impacts — 7, 8, 9 Potentially Significant Impacts — 4, 5,6 Non-Significant Impacts - 1, 2, 3 Scenic Quality and Urban Visual Image Types The assessment of impacts on scenic quality and visual image types accounts in urban settings for levels of impact. The focus of the assessment is on areas rated as scenic quality Level A or residential and park-like visual image types. The scenic quality levels have been incorporated into the visual impact analysis as shown in Tables C-6 and C-7. Table C-6 displays the relationship between visual contrast and scenic quality classes, and Table C-7 shows the relationship between visual contrast and urban image types. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-25 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 TABLE C-6 IMPACT LEVELS FOR RURAL SCENIC QUALITY CLASSES Rural Scenic Quality Classes Visual Contrast Class A Class B Class C Strong Strong to Moderate Moderate wl wl Rin Moderate to Weak WikInlalrn Re lRelrmol wt Weak Significant Impacts — 7, 8, 9 Potentially Significant Impacts — 4, 5, 6 Non-Significant Impacts — 1, 2, 3 TABLE C-7 IMPACT LEVELS FOR URBAN VISUAL IMAGE TYPES Urban Visual Image Types Residential and Commercial Commercial Visual Contrast Park-Like Office Retail Industrial Strong 8 5 4 3 Strong to Moderate 7 4 3 2 Moderate 6 3 2 1 Moderate to Weak 5 2 1 1 Weak 4 1 1 1 Significant Impacts — 7, 8, 9 Potentially Significant Impacts — 4, 5, 6 Non-Significant Impacts — 1, 2, 3 Mitigation Initial impact levels were determined based on the Project description. Selective mitigation was considered to reduce visual impacts. The effectiveness of mitigation techniques in conjunction with the landscape character and visibility can be best determined at the Project design stage. Selective mitigation that would reduce visual impacts include measures are presented in Appendix D (Volume II) of the DEIS. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix C - Inventory Study and C-26 Impact Assessment Methods September 2001 APPENDIX D MITIGATION Contained in this appendix is a discussion of general mitigation for the Project overall. Resource specific mitigation is contained throughout Chapter 3, in the resource discussions. MITIGATION Mitigation typically involves one or more of the following: = avoiding the impact by not taking a certain action or part of an action = minimizing impacts by limiting the degree of magnitude of the action and its implementation = rectifying impacts by repairing, rehabilitating, or restoring the affected environment = reducing the impact = compensating for the impact by replacing or providing substitute resources or environments As part of the Project description, the IPG is proposing to undertake certain measures to protect the environment as standard practice for the entire Project. These measures are referred to as “standard practice project mitigation” and are summarized in Table D-1. It is important to note that the impact levels initially assigned (initial impact levels) assume that the standard practice project mitigation measures are implemented. Where warranted on a case-by-case basis, mitigation beyond these generic measures was recommended to reduce adverse impacts to an acceptable or lesser level. These are called selective mitigation measures, and they include those measures or techniques to which the Project proponents commit on a case-by-case, or selective, basis after impacts are identified and assessed. For purposes of evaluating the alternative routes at the environmental analysis stage of a project, selective mitigation measures provide a planning tool for minimizing potential adverse impacts. Table D-2 summarizes selective mitigation measures. A detailed mitigation plan will be created after any Record of Decision that will describe specific mitigation measures along the route. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix D - Mitigation September 2001 TABLE D-1 STANDARD PRACTICE PROJECT MITIGATION MEASURES INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT DESCRIPTION All construction vehicle movement outside the right-of-way will be restricted to predesignated access, contractor acquired access, or public roads. nN The areal limits of construction activities will be predetermined, with activity restricted to and confined within those limits. No paint or permanent discoloring agents would be applied to rocks or vegetation to indicate survey or construction activity limits. In construction areas where recontouring is not required, vegetation would be left in place wherever possible and original contour would be maintained to avoid excessive root damage and allow for resprouting. In construction areas (e.g., marshaling yards, tower sites, spur roads from existing access roads) where ground disturbance is substantial or where recontouring is required, surface restoration would occur as required by the landowner or land-managing agency. The method of restoration would normally consist of returning disturbed areas back to their natural contour and reseeding af required). Towers and/or conductors would be marked with high-visibility devices where required by governmental agencies (FAA). Prior to construction, all supervisory construction personnel would be instructed on the protection of cultural and ecological resources. To assist in this effort, the construction contract would address (a) federal and state laws regarding antiquities and plants and wildlife, including collection and removal; and (b) the importance of these resources and the purpose and necessity of protecting them. The IPG would continue to consider cultural resources during post-EIS phases of project implementation in accordance with the programmatic agreement that would be developed in conjunction with preparation of the environmental impact statement. This would involve intensive surveys to inventory and evaluate cultural resources within the selected corridor and any appurtenant impact zones beyond the corridor, such as access roads and construction equipment yards. In consultation with appropriate land-managing agencies and state historic preservation officers, specific mitigation measures would be developed and implemented to mitigate any identified adverse impacts. These may include project modifications to avoid adverse impacts, monitoring of construction activities, and data recovery studies. The IPG would respond to complaints of line-generated radio or television interference by investigating the complaints and implementing appropriate mitigation measures. The transmission line would be patrolled by air on a regular basis so that damaged insulators or other line materials that could cause interference are repaired or replaced. The IPG would apply necessary mitigation to eliminate problems of induced currents and voltages onto conductive objects sharing a right-of-way, to meet the appropriate codes. 10 Stream crossings will be as near as possible at right angles to streams. Bridges or culverts would be installed where necessary. All construction and maintenance activities shall be conducted in a manner that would minimize disturbance to vegetation, drainage channels, and intermittent or perennial stream banks. Towers will be sited with a minimum distance of 200 feet from streams. 11 All requirements of those entities having jurisdiction over air quality matters would be adhered to and any necessary permits for construction activities would be obtained. Fences and gates would be repaired or replaced to their original predisturbed condition as required by the landowner or the land-managing agency if they are damaged or destroyed by construction activities. Temporary gates would be installed only with the permission of the landowner or the land-managing agency; and would be restored to its original predisturbed condition following construction. During operation and maintenance of the transmission line, the right-of-way would be maintained free of non-biodegradable debris resulting from IPG activities. 14 Hazardous materials shall not be drained onto the ground or into streams or drainage areas. Totally enclosed containment shall be provided for all trash. All construction waste including trash and litter, garbage, other solid waste, petroleum products, and other potentially hazardous materials shall be removed to a disposal facility authorized to accept such materials. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix D - Mitigation September 2001 D-2 TABLE D-1 STANDARD PRACTICE PROJECT MITIGATION MEASURES INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT DESCRIPTION IS No construction camps will be established along the right-of-way. Construction crews are expected to be able to find housing within communities in the study area. Construction crews will be transported to work sites daily. 16 Pre-construction surveys for plants and wildlife species designated as sensitive or of concern will be conducted in areas of known occurrence or habitat as stipulated by the land-managing agency during the development of the Construction, Operation, and Maintenance Plan once the transmission line centerline, access roads, and tower sites have been located and staked in the field. 17 Care will be taken to reduce the possibility of bear-human interactions during construction. Construction camps will not be established along the right-of-way and any waste generated during construction will be properly stored and disposed of, so that bears are not attracted to construction areas. Bear training will be provided to personnel. 18 Engineering design will include safeguards to prevent or reduce the possibility of fluid leaks due to damage to the cable from natural hazards in submarine and terrestrial environments. 19 Trenching of submarine cables in coastal marsh lands will be backfilled and reclaimed. To the extent practicable, construction will be completed during winter months to avoid damage to areas of sensitivity. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix D - Mitigation September 2001 TABLE D-2 SELECTIVE MITIGATION MEASURES In areas where soils and vegetation are particularly sensitive to disturbance, existing access roads will not be widened or otherwise upgraded for construction and maintenance, except in areas where repairs are necessary to make existing roads passable. nN To avoid disturbance to sensitive features (e.g., streams, recreation trails), access roads will not be constructed in those areas. Rather, construction and maintenance traffic will use existing roads or cross-country access routes (including the right-of-way). To minimize ground disturbance, construction traffic routes must be clearly marked with temporary markers such as easily visible flagging. The construction routes or other means of avoidance must be approved in advance of use. To minimize ground disturbance and/or reduce scarring (visual contrast) of the landscape, the alignment of any new access roads or cross-country route will follow the landform contours in designated areas where practicable, providing that such alignment does not impact resource values additionally. To limit new or improved accessibility into the area, all access that is undesired or not required for maintenance will be closed using the most effective and least environmentally damaging methods appropriate to that area and developed with concurrence of the landowner or land manager. Low growing, native shrubby vegetation such as alders will be planted within the right-of-way. To minimize ground disturbance, operational conflicts, and/or visual contrast, the tower design will be modified or an alternative tower type will be used. To minimize the amount of sensitive features disturbed in designated areas, structures and access roads will be placed so as to avoid sensitive features such as, but not limited to, riparian areas, watercourses, residential uses, and cultural sites, and/or to allow conductors to clearly span the features, within limits of standard tower design. Avoidance may be accomplished by spanning sensitive features, shifting the alignment to the opposite side of an existing line, or realigning the route. To reduce visual contrast and/or potential operational conflicts, standard tower design will be modified to correspond with spacing of existing transmission line structures where feasible and within limits of standard tower design. The normal span will be modified to correspond with existing towers, but not necessarily at every location. To reduce visual impacts, potential impacts on recreation values and safety at highways and trail crossings, towers are to be placed at the maximum feasible distance from the crossing within limits of standard tower design. “Dulled” metal or corten finish on towers will be used to reduce visual impacts. 10 With the exception of emergency repair situations, the construction, restoration, maintenance, and termination activities in designated areas (e.g., buffer zones) will be modified or curtailed during sensitive periods (e.g., nesting and breeding periods) for sensitive animal species. Sensitive periods and areas of concern would be approved in advance of construction or maintenance by the authorized officer. Winter construction during frozen conditions would be an alternative for avoiding sensitive periods or areas of wildlife concern, soft and wet ground conditions, and stream crossings. ll Helicopter placement of towers during construction and helicopter patrol and maintenance may be 12 used to reduce impacts. To reduce visual contrast or avoid features (such as, but not limited to, land uses, jurisdiction, biological or cultural resources sites), clearing of the right-of-way will be minimized or in limited instances the right-of-way may be reduced (within the limits of conductor-clearance requirements and standard tower design). To minimize disturbance to vegetation resources and reduce visual contrast, clearing of trees in and adjacent to the right-of-way will be minimized to the extent practicable to satisfy conductor-clearance requirements (National Electric Safety Code). Trees and other vegetation will be removed selectively (e.g., edge feathering) to blend the edge of the right-of-way into adjacent vegetation patterns, as practicable and appropriate. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix D - Mitigation September 2001 TABLE D-2 SELECTIVE MITIGATION MEASURES 14 Construction near anadromous fish streams will be timed and carried out in a manner that minimizes any potential impacts on subsistence, sport, and commercial fishing efforts, including avoidance of construction along anadromous streams during the peak salmon run periods. nS To avoid disturbance to coastal bluffs and marsh lands in the Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge, submarine cables will be installed with horizontal directional drilling. 16 Transmission line will be placed underground, where required, in parks and in the flight path of airstrips and airports. i, To minimize visual impacts, submarine to overhead transition facilities will be placed within a small enclosed building in context with the surrounding architecture. 18 Routine checks of the insulating fluid system of submarine cables will be made. In the event of a cable break, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation will be notified and cables will be de-energized to minimize the fluid pressure and discharge rates. Cables will be repaired/replaced in a manner that minimizes environmental impacts and fluid loss. 19 Line diverters, spheres, or marking of lines will make them more visible to birds. 20 Burying small diameter wires may be considered in sensitive areas. Once initial impacts were identified for each resource along the reference centerlines of the alternative routes, selective measures were recommended to mitigate potentially significant or significant impacts where warranted. Residual impacts are impacts remaining after mitigation has been applied. Potential residual impacts were reported on maps and tables that identify the locations and magnitudes of potential resource impacts along the reference centerline. The preliminary results of impact assessment and mitigation planning were documented by link in resource analysis studies. Southern Intertie Project DEIS Appendix D - Mitigation September 2001 Legend = Alternative Route ms “View Point EXISTING CONDITIONS North Kenai Road - Forested Setting SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE E-1 Legend — Alternative Route SSS View Point SIMULATION North Kenai Road - Forested Setting SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE E-2 Legend {1 Alternative Route SSS View Point EXISTING CONDITIONS North Kenai Road - Developed Setting SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE E-3 Legend == Alternative Route === View Point SIMULATION North Kenai Road - Developed Setting SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE E-4 Legend Alternative Route feet View Point EXISTING CONDITIONS Moose Point Aerial View SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE E-5 Legend Alternative Route wemmes = Vic Point SIMULATION Moose Point Aerial View SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE E-6 Legend Alternative Route mad =View Point EXISTING CONDITIONS Kenai River - Bing's Landing, North Side SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE E-7 Legend == Alternative Route =——— View Point SIMULATION Kenai River - Bing's Landing, North Side SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE E-8 | | 1. i i ' 1 ; Legend = Alternative Route —— View Point EXISTING CONDITIONS Kenai River - Bing's Landing, South Side SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE E-9 Legend Alternative Route med View Point SIMULATION Kenai River - Bing's Landing, South Side SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE E-10 Legend —— Alternative Route meee’ View Point EXISTING CONDITIONS Mystery Creek Road SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE E-11 Legend == Alternative Route feed = View Point SIMULATION Mystery Creek Road, Single Pole SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE E-12 Legend Alternative Route gamed = View Point SIMULATION Mystery Creek Road, H-Frame SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE E-13 Legend Alternative Route med View Point SIMULATION Mystery Creek Road, X-Frame SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE E-14 Legend =_——= Alternative Route mee View Point TREES TOWER TRAPPER JOE LAKE EXISTING CONDITIONS Trapper Joe Lake - Aerial View SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE E-15 Legend Alternative Route med «View Point TREES TOWER TRAPPER JOE LAKE SIMULATION Trapper Joe Lake - Aerial View SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE E-16 Public Notice Roel of Application CNN es il met eta ET Post Office Box 898 Anchorage, Alaska 99506-0898 PUBLIC NOTICE DATE: Concurrent with DEIS EXPIRATION DATE: Concurrent with DEIS REFERENCE NUMBER: 2-991212 WATERWAY NUMBER: Turnagain Arm 45 Interested parties are hereby notified that an application has been received for a Department of the Army (DA) permit for work in waters of the United States as described below and shown on the attached plan. APPLICANT: Intertie Participants Group (IPG), 5601 Minnesota Drive, Post Office Box 196300, Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300. LOCATION: The proposed electrical transmission line would stretch between the Kenai Peninsula and the City of Anchorage in south-central Alaska. The applicant’s preferred route would originate at the Soldotna Substation, within the NW1/4, section 26, T. 5 N., R. 10 W., Seward Meridian (SM), east of Soldotna, and proceed in a northeasterly direction across the Kenai Peninsula, following an existing natural gas pipeline corridor through the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. The line would cross Turnagain Arm as a submarine cable, entering the arm at Chickaloon Bay, adjacent to Burnt Island, and landing at Oceanview Park in south Anchorage. It would then follow the Alaska Railroad right-of-way north, terminating at the International Substation in the SE1/4, section 36, T. 13 N., R. 4 w., SM, in Anchorage. WORK: The IPG proposes to construct a 74-mile, 138kV electrical transmission line. Approximately 83% of the line would be attached to overhead tower structures, 16% of the line would consist of submarine cabling and approximately 1% would be installed underground. The proposed route would make two aerial crossings of the Kenai River, a navigable water of the United States. The towers would have a 200’ minimum setback at all stream crossings. Installation of the pile-supported towers would not result in a discharge into wetlands being spanned. The marine cable would be installed beneath the vegetated intertidal areas of Turnagain Arm utilizing directional boring techniques from adjacent upland areas. In crossing the Arm, a water jet machine, towed behind the cable-laying barge, would create a trench in the basin substrate into which the submarine cable would be laid. PURPOSE: The Southern Intertie Transmission Line Project is a system improvement project. The line would correct existing system deficiencies by providing a second line to accomplish the following: = Increase reliability of the Railbelt electrical system and power supply to consumers by providing a second path for electrical power during interruptions of the existing Quartz Creek line and by reducing load- shedding requirements in case of system disturbances. = Increase electrical transfer capability of the transmission system between the Kenai Peninsula and Anchorage from 70 megawatts (MW) to 125 MW, reduce operating costs by allowing for more economical usage of existing generation resources, decrease overall system requirements for spinning reserves, and improve electrical system stability. =" Provide adequate access to power entitlements from the Bradley Lake hydroelectric generating station for the utilities north of the Kenai Peninsula, allow the Bradley Lake generation to be more fully utilized to reduce system-operating costs through increased hydrothermal coordination, and provide additional spinning reserves to the system north of the Kenai Peninsula. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The proposed route would parallel an existing pipeline corridor across the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, a designated Alaska National Interest Land Conservation Unit. Pursuant to provisions of Title XI of the Alaska National Interests Land Conservation Act (ANILCA), the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) has taken the role of lead agency and is writing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for this project proposal. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the DA Corps of Engineers are cooperating agencies for project review. A DA permit decision will not be made until after the final EIS is prepared. This Public Notice only describes the applicant’s preferred alternative. Detailed project descriptions, alternative route comparisons, and expected environmental impacts are contained in the draft EIS document for the Southern Intertie Project. MITIGATION: As a result of early project planning, the applicant has incorporated into the proposed project the following mitigation efforts to reduce impacts to the aquatic environment: use of existing access roads, use of tracked and low ground pressure vehicles, temporary steel matting on compressible soils, scheduling of work during winter months when ground is frozen, suspending the transmission line beneath existing bridges, directional boring under streams and intertidal areas, or spanning wetlands and rivers with minimum tower setbacks. WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION: A permit for the described work will not be issued until a certification or waiver of certification as required under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act (Public Law 95-217), has been received from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT ACT CERTIFICATION: Section 307(c) (3) of the Coastal Zone, Management Act of 1972, as amended by 16 U.S.C. 1456(c) (3), requires the applicant to certify that the described activity affecting land or water uses in the Coastal Zone complies with the Alaska Coastal Management Program. A permit will not be issued until the Office of Management and Budget, Division of Governmental Coordination has concurred with the applicant's certification. PUBLIC HEARING: Any person may request, in writing, within the comment period specified in this notice, that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Requests for public hearings shall state, with particularity, reasons for holding a public hearing. CULTURAL RESOURCES: A cultural resource inventory has been completed within a two-mile-wide corridor of the alternative transmission line routes. A detailed record search identified 16 known archaeological and historical sites. All identified sites are listed in the Cultural Resource Inventory, Table 3-29 of the DEIS. In addition, sensitivity zones were modeled and cataloged based on landforms that could have archeological site potential. The resulting map of these sensitivity zones is depicted in Figure MV-31 of the DEIS. This application is being coordinated with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). Any comments SHPO may have concerning presently unknown archeological or historic data that may be lost or destroyed by work under the requested permit will be considered in our final assessment of the described work. ENDANGERED SPECIES: The described activity is not expected to affect threatened or endangered species, or their critical habitat designated as endangered or threatened, under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (87 Stat. 844). This application is being coordinated with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service. Any comments they may have concerning endangered or threatened wildlife or plants or their critical habitat will be considered in our final assessment of the described work. ESSENTIAL FISH HABITAT: The proposed work is being evaluated for possible effects to Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) pursuant to the Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1996 (MSFCMA), 16 U.S.C. et seg and associated federal regulations found at 50 CFR 600 Subpart K. The Alaska District includes areas of EFH as Fishery Management Plans. We have reviewed the January 20, 1999, North Pacific Fishery Management Council’s Environmental Assessment to locate EFH area as identified by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). (B). We have determined that the described activity may adversely affect EFH for juvenile and adult stages of Pacific salmon. This Public Notice initiates consultation requirements with the NFMS, under the MSFCMA, to assess the cumulative effects of the proposed work on EFH. Cumulative effects will be considered in our final assessment of the described work. Any conservation recommendations regarding EFH for federally managed fish will also be considered in our final assessment of the described work. SPECIAL AREA DESIGNATION: The proposed project would be partially sited within the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, the Kenai River Comprehensive Management Plan Boundaries, and the Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge. EVALUATION: The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impacts including cumulative impacts of the proposed activity and its intended use on the public interest. Evaluation of the probable impacts, which the proposed activity may have on the public interest, requires a careful weighing of all those factors that become relevant in each particular case. The benefits that reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. The decision whether to authorize a proposal, and if so, the conditions under which it will be allowed to occur, are therefore determined by the outcome of the general balancing process. That decision should reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. All factors, which may be relevant to the proposal, must be considered including the cumulative effects thereof. Among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, cultural values, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, floodplain values, land use, navigation, shore erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. For activities involving 404 discharges, a permit will be denied if the discharge that would be authorized by such permit would not comply with the Environmental Protection Agency's 404(b) (1) guidelines. Subject to the preceding sentence and any other applicable guidelines or criteria (see Sections 320.2 and 320.3), a permit will be granted unless the District Engineer determines that it would be contrary to the public interest. The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State, and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes; and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects, and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment and/or an Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act. Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Comments on the described work, with the reference number, should reach this office no later than the expiration date of this Public Notice to become part of the record and be considered in the decision. Please contact Mr. Jack Hewitt at (907) 753-2724 or toll free in Alaska at (800) 478-2712, if further information is desired concerning this notice. AUTHORITY: This permit will be issued or denied under the following authorities: (X) Perform work in or affecting navigable waters of the United States - Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403). (X) Discharge dredged or fill material into waters of the United States - Section 404 Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). Therefore, our public interest review will consider the guidelines set forth under Section 404(b) of the Clean Water Act (40 CFR 230). (X) Transportation and Utility Systems in, Across, and Access into, Conservation System Units in Alaska (Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) ) (43 CFR Part 36) A plan and a Notice of Application for Certification of Consistency with the Alaska Coastal Management Program is attached to this Public Notice. District Engineer U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers Transition Facility f Pt. Woronzof Substation (located on state land) asté Water Treatment Plant Legend Overhead Transmission Line Underground Transmission Line Pt. Possession Pt. Woronzof fuss] Submarine Cable - Directional Drilled fesesssens Submarine Cable - Trenched Submarine Cable - Underground Link T18 Transition Facility — 7 * Proposed Transition Facility (located in old borrow area) Note: Locations of proposed transmission line and transition facilities are approximate and not to scale Source: CEA Aerial Photographs, 1996 S es Y a ae eee Victor / Klatt Road Pt. Campbell SUBMARINE CABLE TRANSITION FACILITIES SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-1B (1 of2) Transition Facility —— Link E13 Link E11——— ee eee 4 $e Enstar pipelines © ——— Transition Ceiling Link E10 i i Link E12 ——— & s Rabbit Creek Oceanview Bluff Park Burnt Island SUBMARINE CABLE TRANSITION FACILITIES Source: CEA Aerial Photographs, 1996 ae eae of proposed transmission line and transition facilities are approximate and SOUTH ERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-1B_ 2 of2) EARTH RESOURCES SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-2 Legend MO Q- Unconsolidated Deposits Qg - Unconsolidated Areas Prone to Seismically Induced Ground Failure ae) Qc - Compressible Materials Subject to High Settlement {75} Qs - Unconsolidated Areas Prone to Slope Instability — POI wn ee WE ~~) Potential Ice Scour/Impact Zones / NX \ / ay . . : / \ N\ ye yf Buried Anticline / \ x . II / Ss / Ny é * ———__ Thrust or Reverse Fault Sy / / 0 1 2 Naptown Substation Siting Area, Q "Sy \ bs Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. Soldotna Substation 09/12/01 Moose River EARTH RESOURCES SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-3 e) pS W, 2, NS d Ny, Pos . Me <] Noy, Q ) ey ee Bae? : =) Q yay EN \ D \ a xX Legend ME 8B - Bedrock MS Q- Unconsolidated Deposits |__| Qg- Unconsolidated Areas Prone to Seismically Induced Ground Failure {7} Qe - Compressible Materials Subject to High Settlement [71 Qs - Unconsolidated Areas Prone to Slope Instability (7) Potential Ice Scour/Impact Zones ——_ Thrust or Reverse Fault ‘8 \ \ x \ v ‘ \ x . ” - S09 b - x 7" & \ \ § *y \ by ‘ we \ = \ >F \ Municipality of Anchorage (1994). \ “ Chugach National Forest (1995). \ . Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). \ A USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. a \ \ ‘ YZ 09/12/01 Ko \ Pt. Woronzof | | Substation Pt_Woronzof | | CHICKALOON BAY | International Substation | | | EARTH RESOURCES SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-4 Legend Fess) Q- Unconsolidated Deposits |} Qg-Unconsolidated Areas Prone to Seismically Induced Ground Failure |} Qe - Compressible Materials Subject to High Settlement {7} Qs - Unconsolidated Areas Prone to Slope Instability Flood Zones << Potential Ice Scour/Impact Zones —— Thrust or Reverse Fault Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. 09/12/01 mw TaN TON TN "| Substation ao TaN . > Bernice Lake laptain Cook Soldotna Substation rf ate Rec. Area 4) Pt. Possession NL NOL -| Naptown Substation Siting Area Nov Nel Nol Nei BURN AREAS SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-5 Legend 1947 Burn 1969 Burn i I\ Scale in Miles w NN _ —— — ——— ar 6 3 101 3 6 s Resource Data Source: US. Fish and Wildlife Service, Kenai National Widlife Refuge, 1998. Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. Contour Interval: 200 Feet Contour Labeling in Feet VEGETATION COVER/WETLANDS SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-6 Legend Uplands |] Closed White Spruce Forest Closed Mixed Forest Needleleaf Woodland Closed Tall Shrub Moist Grassland Barren: Bluffs, Beach Developed = etlands, Bogs, Meadows Black Spruce Forest Black Spruce Bogs and Muskegs Low Shrub Bogs Saltmarsh Boggy Meadows Estuarine Flooded Mud Flats Riverine Open Water Estuarine Open Water Black Spruce Forest/ Low Shrub Bogs Black Spruce Bogs and Muskegs/Boggy Meadows | | Low Shrub Bogs/Boggy Meadows | PWAfonasi tate * Proposet Naptown Substation / Siting Area, eo ee Watson Lake | A, Ssiecting Highway ro |! A eerson Lake Sy Kelly Lake SAV Mo Lake (ry | \ Hikers Lake K. ET ee ELT ELI sprees TIT Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. 09/12/01 o Moose ‘River . Oey, VEGETATION COVERIWETLANDS SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-7 Legend Uplands [|] Closed White Spruce Forest MBBS Closed Mixed Forest {7} Needleleaf Woodland HE Moist Grassland Pe Developed Wetlands, Bogs, Meadows HE Black Spruce Forest Black Spruce Bogs and Muskegs Low Shrub Bogs Saltmarsh Boggy Meadows Estuarine Flooded Mud Flats Riverine Open Water Estuarine Open Water Low Shrub Bogs/Boggy Meadows Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. 09/12/01 = Pt. Woronzof Substation " | TAN 5 ibst ees a Say eae g “| 2 ae / ‘ a4 Lass ein “Tudor Rd “inctitond Spy ol CHICKALOON BAY VEGETATION COVERIWETLANDS SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-8 es _| Closed White Spruce Forest HE Closed Mixed Forest HEE Closed Tall Shrub HE Moist Grassland ae Barren: Bluffs, Beach Hae Developed Wetlands, Bogs, Meadows HE Black Spruce Bogs and Muskegs Low Shrub Bogs Saltmarsh Boggy Meadows Estuarine Flooded Mud Flats Riverine Estuarine Open Water HE Black Spruce Bogs and Muskegs/Boggy Meadows Low Shrub Bogs/Boggy Meadows > | tm a a) Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. 09/12/01 tw BR] 2 ¥-] a]. Intemational Substation TaN TaN NL Na Now Bemice Lake Substation Ten — te. i 1 iain 7 ee, Soldotna | ig Rol © [Substation { : 3 “ | Siting Area Proposed ig * y 4) 8.7] Naptown Substation | » i ri New Not Ned WATERFOWL DISTRIBUTION SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-9 Legend Waterfowl Concentration Areas (885 Spring and Summer General Habitat __| Spring and Fall Concentration and Staging Areas Molting MSS Nesting Scale in Miles — VIN 6 2 LOL 3 6 Resource Data Source: Research Planning, Inc. 1994. Summary of Environmentally Sensitive Areas, Cook Inlet/Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Prepared for NOAA, Hazardous Response Division. Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. Contour Interval: 200 Feet Contour Labeling in Feet oni rw TaN TON. TaN Ten TaN Raw ee e f Nikiski_ _~ “0 * -) \ Substation Cook Rec. Area Bemice Lake i = = 3h 4 Soldona e i © | Substation W 2 a = Proposed z Naptown Substation Siting Area Ne SWANS (1968 - 2000) AND BALD EAGLES (1979 - 2000) SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-10 NESTING AREAS FOR TRUMPETER, Ned Now New ~ Now Neo Legend 3] Trumpeter Swan Nesting and Brood Rearing Areas with a 2-mile Influence Zone 1) Bala Eagle Known Nesting Areas with a 1/2 mile Influence Zone Scale in Miles Osa Si Resource Data Source: US. Fish and Wildlife Service, Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, 1998; Migratory Bird Management, Juneau, 1968 - 1995. (1996 - 1997 data not digitized) Great Land Trust, 1999. Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Bi (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. Contour Interval: 200 Feet Contour Labeling in Feet — ; 6 3 ono aw TaN Ten TN Ten TaN Soldotna » | Substation LYNX DISTRIBUTION IN THE KENAI PENINSULA STUDY AREA SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-11 Legend Lynx Relative Abundance High Moderate Low Potential Development 4 Ne ‘\_-| Naptown Substation Peete lei ° | Siting Area eee —— ! Influence Area Hex) Development 2 | Scale in Miles — he AN 3 1 Clat YIN ws s Resource Data Sources U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1998. Unpublished data. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1994. Land Protection Plan for Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Soldotna, Alaska. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1998. Bum Data. Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. Contour Interval: 200 Feet Contour Labeling in Feet TaN TON Ten TaN -—. PTT Nikiski Us g ee: , py Bernice Lake| yt rae ae a si hs Us j (i Bes sg) 7 cs an ; 4 | = | 7m | tw mow i Soldotna ° | Substation -| Naptown Substation © | Siting Area NL Ned WOLF DISTRIBUTION IN THE KENAI PENINSULA STUDY AREA SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-12 Legend Wolf Relative Abundance High Abundance Moderate Abundance faa] Cid | Low Abundance Potential Development Influence Area Eee Development Wolf Pack Territories “~~ Pack #1 -- Big Indian Pack ~~~ Pack #2 -- Bear Lake Pack ~~~ Pack #3 -- Elephant Lake Pack mn Pack #4 -- Swanson River Pack Nel Nel Nei ~~ Pack #5 -- Moose Research Center mal Pack #6 -- Pt. Possession Pack mn Pack #7 -- Skilak Pack =z Scale in Miles —— 5 1 OF 3 w— YIN s Resource Data Sources: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, 1997. Land Protection Plan for the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. Soldotna, Alaska. Wolf Pack Data, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1983 - 1998, Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994) Chugach National Forest (1995), Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994) USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. Contour Interval: 200 Feet Contour Labeling in Feet one tw mw TaN TN Ten TN Nikiski Kenai , f North Foreland . | |, Bernice Lake} * Substation |i" > vm, ‘Stikok Lgke cr BLACK BEAR HABITAT IN THE KENAI PENINSULA STUDY AREA SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-13 NEL Legend MBB Areas Suitable for Devil’s Club within Alternative Study Corridor (Closed White Spruce Forest and Closed Mixed Forest) Important Feeding Habitat Black Bear Habitat Saou 2 0 ‘Wile he Pisa nee * LT Soldotna , if | © [Substation fe. if | Eye e/ts ne er t * Ss SSS es '_ = BBo § hs - | Proposed | pe | -| Naptown Substation q ‘ © | Siting Area No Nei Nel Potential Development Influence Area fee Development Scale in Miles = |= ee AN a 1 ool 3 Resource Data Sources: based on the EPG, Inc. Vegetation Map, MV - 20 Development Based on EPG, Inc. Land Use Inventory, Figure MV - 20 Analysis of Cumulative Effects on Brown Bears on the Kenai Peninsula, Southcentral Alaska, Suring 1997. Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. Contour Interval: 200 Feet Contour Labeling in Feet on tw mw Tw TRN Tien TN Ton TN — | | North Foreland | e GU Ff ; | | yy . A aoa ate Rec. Area B) ‘iate)| Be FY as Soldotna ° | Substation NL Ned BROWN BEAR HABITAT IN THE KENAI PENINSULA STUDY AREA SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-14 Legend —— Anadromous Fish Stream - Important Summer Feeding Area HO Riparian Habitat - Brown Bear Concentration Area |_| Brown Bear Habitat No Nei Nei Potential Development Influence Area ea Development \ Scale in Miles w e ‘meena 3” — | \ 3 1 0 1 3 Resource Data Sources: Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anadromous Fish Stream Catalogue. Analysis of Cumulative Effects on Brown Bears on the Kenai Peninsula, Southcentral Alaska, Suring 1997. Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994), USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. Contour Interval: 200 Feet Contour Labeling in Feet onan TaN eo = ae “ =— =— senion Of L. | WINTER MOOSE DISTRIBUTION =n a i — potter | |? IN THE KENAT PENINSULA tbh ET STUDY AREA EL | SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT D G ji I if? || FIGURE MV-15 C eR Legend CHICKALOON BAY 4 See peheat 5° Fi A tain Cook a “ ee ate Rec. Area ‘ Nikiski ae a es Gee > a A 2 | : A bin Bernice Lake “PSs iH ; Substation oy oe Fe Ta eee Ee Opes sO, oF 5d eo SS ae ; " ite Pay 2 : 5 iz and = — eel no . Fi Kenai ‘ 4 ; a a — B : / _ 1 ra " Zo i : q If : ¢ Al e pe. “| Soldotna ei] fe - & ( sey Ap | ° [Sutton] fH Raptown ution] AD sta We “Sy - laa a i . ') ' fi { iz ta eas gi © pe Winter Moose Relative Abundance Super High MS High HE Moderate UL Low Potential Development Influence Area Development Moose Movement Between Uplands and Lowlands - schematic arrows describe general movement between uplands and lowlands, not specific movement corridors N \ \ _ Scale in Miles S| —e — << YN 3 1 0 1 3 s Resource Data Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. Unpublished Data, 1995 Development Based on EPG, Inc. Land Use Inventory, Figure MV - 20 Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994), USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. Contour Interval: 200 Feet Contour Labeling in Feet Nei one raw ziw now Dw naw, maw Oe North Foreland z A 3 CHICKALOON BAY O i ™. t ; ff wnt poet j ' A laptain Cook Z 4 v Lake fa ate Rec. Area Zk as F = Gat lo Pi Sey SS eee : 2 tate a ee i ff Nikiski i of Pat Q, lf* e / i : ae “\~ Bernice Lake} ‘+ * % Substation fh» Chugach | x ational | a Kenai 2 : G eo 5 Y Nae : \ net) ol : Lake a xd x ae _. - Forest | E South ge | ee Take aaj = , E acpi rae Ps Cooper ~e \ Landing Soild a : a aa Dy, eee ee es 7 Ale p ¢ Ss \ } = z Ze { | we Pro d ale 716 r “ ae Soldotn: i . pose = ‘Et £ 4 °: A 0 Substation : '2 &,) S|; | Naptown Substation & “> Skdlak 4 : ie. | i » 2 . ie Siting Area tte Ss z % we wah To NS LARS Tey . Dp xt aa iz @ t z $e Ls CARIBOU DISTRIBUTION IN THE KENAI PENINSULA STUDY AREA SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-16 Legend Kenai Lowland Herd Kenai Mountain Herd Potential Development Influence Area Development x Scale in Miles w ‘: 3 10 1 3 5 Resource Data Source: US. Fish and Wildlife Service. Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, 1998. Development Based on EPG, Inc. Land Use Inventory, Figure MV - 20 Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. Contour Interval: 200 Feet Contour Labeling in Feet on - Substation _; | Naptown Substation “ | Siting Area Intemational Substation My eA Ne Now New Now Ned ANDROMOUS FISH STREAMS AND BELUGA WHALE CONCENTRATION AREAS SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-17 Legend WN Beluga Whale Concentration Area — Anadromous Fish Streams within Study Area ~~» Upstream Feeding Area " K w—— ee F K 6 3 ny OWal 3 6 Scale in Miles _ s Resource Data Sources anc! Game. Habitat Management Guide, 198S, catalogue database , 1998. Unpublished data life Refuge, 1995. Fishery Management Plan forthe life Refuge, Kenai, Alaska Straton, B. and P. Cyr, 1997, Annual Management Repert for the Anchorage Area, 1995, Prepared by ADE&G, Division of Sport Fish. Fishery Management Report, March 1997 Anchorage, Alaska Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994), USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. Contour Interval: 200 Feet Contour Labeling in Feet JURISDICTIONIOWNERSHIP TA 4 -|*|| SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT . ST FIGURE MV-18 ar S —— Intemational Legend TaN USFWS Surface and Subsurface [5] USFWS Surface (refuge land with other subsurface interests*) Native Conveyed Surface (with other subsurface interests) Native Selected Surface** (with other subsurface interests) TION. ra State Lands Native Conveyed Surface and Subsurface (outside KNWR) ff l Kenai Peninsula Borough Municipality of Anchorage (ownership not shown) Private Lands TaN Chugach National Forest BLM/Military Tt * Other subsurface interests include: native conveyed or selected coal, oil, and gas or USFWS subsurface ** Native selected lands are managed me USFWS as refuge lands until conveyed (ANILCA 906(0)(2)) Ton Scale in Miles _ Resource Data Sources: Kenai Area Plan, 1998. Municipality of Anchorage, Anchorage Bowl Comprehensive Development Plan, 1982. Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Comprehensive Conservation Plan, 1985. Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Land Status for the Northem Section of the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, 2001. Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). 4 i : Foe = x . hy Chugach National Forest (1995). | Soldotna 2 . be , : J Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). 0 | Substation : x ,, | Naptown Substation : 2 = ae tw d /N pe : 7 USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. ane i 1 Siting Area oy . - Hl Contour Interval: 200 Feet As 2 f ‘ ) i Contour Labeling in Feet LAND USE SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-19 Legend Borough/Municipal Land Use Categories |_| Residential Low Density {|} Residential Medium Density (Es Residential High Density {-) Commercial Retail (Light Industrial HE General Industrial HEE Extraction/Gravel Pits HE | andfilJunkyard HE Institution (EG School/Educational Facilities GE Farn/Agriculture GE Municipal Park/Open Space |_| Vacant/Undeveloped Land ANZ Airstrips State Management Areas HEE State Recreation Area/Site Federal Management Areas | _} Kenai National Wildlife Refuge ES Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. 09/12/01 ~<( 1 a Pe ta 8 Shaheed, 99749 Corsi Pee =e5 ee Sachweshewea? Se ae eateachicaceoed==™ poe | LAND USE SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-20 Legend Borough/Municipal Land Use Categories Residential Low Density General Industrial Municipal Park/Open Space Vacant/Undeveloped Land Airstrips Federal Management Areas Kenai National Wildlife Refuge Lo») Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. 09/12/01 _ | Pt. Woronzof Pt-Woronzof -/ a>, een eemeneene ban nsen en ahve anne mn enn baeea enema aman Le L LAND USE SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-21 Legend Borough/Municipal Land Use Categories Residential Medium Density Residential High Density Commercial Retail Commercial Office Mixed Use Light Industrial General Industrial Extraction/Gravel Pits Landfill/Junkyard Institution School/Educational Facilities Airports Float Plane/Seaplane Airport Municipal Park/Open Space Vacant/Undeveloped Land Airstrips Radio Tower ee RS 1 | re State Management Areas Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge VA he | | Eee ws 4 Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. 09/12/01 THN Tien Ten Ten TaN > | Substation -| Naptown Substation © | Siting Area RECREATION MANAGEMENT AREAS SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-22 \ ~ Chugach Legend State Management Areas aed Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge Ea Municipal Parks MH State Recreation Area/Site Kenai National Wildlife Refuge |__| Wilderness Management HS Minimal Management HE traditional Management (1) Moderate Management Intensive Management x A — 4 Scale in Miles __ 5 1 Die 5] VIN s Resource Data Sources: Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge Management Plan, 1991 Municipality of Anchorage, Anchorage Bowl Comprehensive Development Plan, 1983. Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Comprehensive Conservation Plan, 1985, Alaska Department of Natural Resources, ‘Tumagain Arm Management Plan, 1994. Kenai River Comprehensive Management Plan, 1997. Kenai Area Plan, 1998. Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. Contour Interval: 200 Feet Contour Labeling in Feet RECREATION MANAGEMENT AREAS SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-23 (Municipal Parks calle oe sen sear cornea Yee Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. 09/12/01 1/2 Miles ¢ Internation Pt. Woronzof oronzof Pt. W: Substation Legend BS HE Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge eae eaanananmeneenans oO - | aeneceenceanndansnnenceaee 1 1 | T J i 1 1 7 | I 1 ! j ! ! ! J { ! | | 1 | ! =] Pt. Woronzof Substation Pt-Woronzof ° Zé 7 4 _4 (nternationaf 5 Substation : S pete | \e 2 || PROPOSED STRUCTURE TYPES | AND EXISTING UTILITIES | || SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT | ||| FIGURE MV-1A Legend Proposed Structure Types —— Single Pole Steel H-Frame || ——— Submarine Cable || ~~ Underground Cable © Proposed Transition Facility Siting Area Existing Utilities === Transmission Line --- Pipeline Pt ee eit bead ele iS ee let mt le etd do ind CHICKAI JOON BAY oe ate bial ee np i paints he ein Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. 09/12/01 in f || RECREATION USE AREAS Tin | SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT A 2 FIGURE MV-24 =e a smeosageasse ons 7 ||| Recreation and Interpretive Sites 7 oe ls NI EE Campground i “So. /||| TEE Picnic Area ; ES Municipal Parks | i le Overlook/Scenic Viewpoint x : ey © Boat Launch © Cabin © Camp Site Pull-off || gm School Playgrounds Roads, Trails, and Classified Waterways Recreational Trails —— Canoe Trail/Route —— Proposed Trail Proposed) a tase | Naptown Substation eS ~ Siting Area’ * | | mY mene rs Matson Lake — \ miei | a a A) <seiting Hfphway Mo Lake: Hikers Lake Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. a -<<>Soldotna ‘Substation 09/12/01 RECREATION USE AREAS SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-25 Legend Recreation and Interpretive Sites © Cabin © Camp Site Roads, Trails, and Classified Waterways Recreational Trails —— Canoe Trail/Route dabwenbewee i ~ \ LS 5 5 ® { 0 > : Ca Geex -<6W) es pea mata : guwdenessSadensenecel cases C Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. 09/12/01 | fh 7 \ ||| RECREATION USE AREAS || Pt. Woronzof Internation | re 1 SOUTHERNINTERTIE PROJECT Substation Pt. Woronzof er Substation op | ———E _ ALS ——_ | ~ ‘, er y, \ DAD | Miles oe aw - ap | t — | i SS Se ac | Legend Recreation and Interpretive Sites Y Recreation Site '*] — Overlook/Scenic Viewpoint © Boat Launch ® _ Rifle Range | | Roads, Trails, and Classified Waterways == Seward Highway National Scenic Byway/All American Highway ——— Recreational Trails —— Canoe Trail/Route | J | J RW _£ SVs =] | Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. Management Units Federal Public Lands Open to Subsistence Use | FWS Administered Land “closed to Subsistence = - -Special Management & GMENPS Administered Parks = = =eberia\ Management| fee ini Pr NPS Administered Preserves 4 44 ao, =) BLM Administered Land / /Sub-Unit Boundaries SP USFs Administered Land AV Roads SUBSISTENCE SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-27 TaN Ten Sul 4 Bemice Lake ibstation “T Soldotna © [Substation * [Proposed > | Naptown Substation | Siting Area te, = || Pt. Woronzof |LSubstation PL Woronzot. CHICKALOON BAY | | | | | Intemational Substation NEA a Po LANDSCAPE SCENERY SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-28 Legend Natural Scenic Quality Classes — Distinctive* —— Typical** Indistinctive*** Urban Study Corridor Visual Image Types**** Residential . ~~ High, Moderate, and Low Density Park-like — Parks and Recreation, Open Space, Vacant, Agricultural, and Natural Areas Commercial — Office, Public/Quasi Public Retail, Multiple Use Industrial ——~ General, Light Industrial, and Airports * Areas where landform, vegetation patterns, water characteristics, and cultural features combine to Provide unusual, unique or outstanding scenic quality. ‘urnagain Am/Cook Inlet are classified as distinctive. ** Areas of common or ordinary scenic quality. Typically widespread and prevalent landscapes within a landscape province. *** Areas of low scenic quality. These landscapes have weak or missing attributes of Variety, and uniqueness. Source: Landscape Aesthetics, USFS, December 1995 soothe Gefinition of the overall character of St ific use t) in devel . Eased on building types and scale; circulation (terns; natural aréa and open space; and landscape design elements. N A \ Scale in Miles w—— |e = } ) \ 6 3 101 3 6 s Resource Data Source: EPG, Inc. Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. Contour Interval: 200 Feet Contour Labeling in Feet onze VIEWS FROM RESIDENCES SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-29 Legend MH immediate Foreground (0 to 300 feet) HE Foreground (300 feet to 1/4 mile) __| Middleground (1/4 to 1/2 mile) in Anchorage Middleground (1/4 to 1 mile) outside of Anchorage © Areas along alternative routes that may be viewed from distant residences Route Centerline Viewpoint Immediate Foreground Foreground Middleground N h Scale in Miles — | _ e 7 ee — — / ) \ 6 Ss 101 a 6 5 Resource Data Source: EPG, Inc. 2001 Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). 3 ; Sh 5 a c { 3 , Ae eh a Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). Naptown Substation |“ | L i a wf : f ; . USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. iting Area : 5 ‘ _/ 4 Contour Interval: 200 Feet Contour Labeling in Feet one haw niw now derness Locations of Key Wil 1 upoations of Res VIEWS FROM See | areas, a AREAS AND TRAVELWAY;: | Kenai National Wildlife Refuge SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT 1. Skyline Trail and FIGURE MV-30 | Fuller Lakes Trail In ] 2. Mystery Creek Road/ Pt Woronzof Subst Enstar Pipeline 3. Afonasi Lake/East Legend Fork Moose River 4. Swan Lake | 5. Moose Lake Q 6. Trapper Joe Lake 7. Indian Valleys 8. Chickaloon Flats 9. Pt. Possession TaN HS Immediate Foreground (0 to 300 feet) Ea Foreground (300 feet to 1/4 mile) Middleground (1/4 to 1/2 mile) in Anchorage Middleground (1/4 to 1 mile) outside of Anchorage Wilderness Conditions Extended Views (1+ miles) e __ Extended views from recreation areas and travelways of feature scenic landscapes that may be directly affected by alternative routes. e _ Extended views from recreation areas and travelways of feature scenic landscapes that are not directly affected by alternative routes. Viewing Conditions of Key Wilderness Use Areas: © Open Views Towards Route © Screened or Partially Screened Views Towards Route Route Centerline Ie Viewpoint Immediate Foreground 7 Foreground ~ Bemice Lake Substation Middleground — senses io oO 5 isl N £ | . F /\ Scale in Miles ee ; SO enn ee | = Se MN 6 3 101 3 6 3 Resource Data Source: EPG, Inc. 2001 Sc Wcontate | 0 - A sets Hien ray Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. Contour Interval: 200 Feet Contour Labeling in Feet TaN Soldotna © | Substation Proposed ~ -| Naptown Substation | v Siting Area ; a ee nt | 9 ial _ Wildlife CULTURAL SENSITIVITY SOUTHERN INTERTIE PROJECT FIGURE MV-31 Legend (9) High Sensitivity (Within 1/2 Mile of Water Sources) 2-mile-wide Route Inventory Area L Scale in Miles SS A 6 2 D0 q 6 Base Map Sources: Municipality of Anchorage (1994). Chugach National Forest (1995). Kenai Peninsula Borough (1994). USGS 1:63,360 and 1:25,000 Quads. Contour Interval: 200 Feet Contour Labeling in Feet omi201