HomeMy WebLinkAboutCopper Valley Notes 1995Copper Valley Intertie Notes Wednesday, November 8 3:30p Rep. Gene Kubina Phone (Home) 835-2695 AIDEA to place phone call. Thursday, November 9 10a Sen. Georgianna Lincoln (confirmed). Is in town for Youth Conference. Staff contact: Annie Phone: 465-3732 4:30p Rep. Scott Ogan; Phone: 376-4866; Staff contact: Sandra Rep. Ogan will come to AIDEA for meeting Sen. Lyda Green; Phone: 376-3370 AIDEA to teleconference meeting with Staffer Brett Huber. Others: Senator Drue Pearce; Phone: 258-8185; spoke with Staffer Craig Johnson. Representative Gail Phillips; Phone: 258-1642; Staff will let her know we extended the offer; send report. Will call if she wants briefing. Senator Bert Sharp; Phone: 452-7885; Will be out of town. Please send report. (Marilyn) Rep. Mark Hanley; Phone: 258-8192; Left message on recorder. Call returned asking AIDEA to send report. 716 W. 4th Ave., #300; Anchorage, AK (01). ADDRESSES ATTACHED FOR PEOPLE WHO REQUESTED COPIES OF THE REPORT (CORRESPONDENCE). Sutton-Glennallen Report Mailing List Nancy Berbells c/o Sutton Library P.O. Box 266 Sutton, AK 99674 Phone: 745-4467 Request thru DCRA. KO talked with Nancy on 8/15/95 David G. VanCleve Chickaloon Community Council P.O. Box 1145 Chickaloon, AK 99674 Phone: 745-5038 Letter dated 8/14/95 Warren J. Keogh P.O. Box 1166 Chickaloon, AK 99674 745-1155 Letter dated 8/12/95 and 8/19/95 Nancy Bertels Librarian Matanuska-Susitna Borough P.O. Box 266 Sutton, AK 99674-0266 Faxed letter 8/17/95 Katherine E. Wright Secretary Glacier View Community Council HC03 Box 8496 Palmer, AK 99645 ko:reports:sutton SEN] BY#XerOX lelecopier 7UZ1 + 1-b6-VU + 4:34 5 + 907 561 8998+# 2 Author: Marilyn Heiman at Gov_Juneau_Capitol Date: 11/6/95 5:09 PM Priority: Normal TO: David Ramseur Subject: People for stakeholders meating ee a a etn lime ima iittee Message Contents 9-999 ---- sence wenn n ene -----~------ In addition to Kavin Harun, Chris Rose and Robin McLean I would recommend the following: Cli£f£ Eames Exic Myers Mark Fostar Kay Brown David Pinkelatein I have had several requests to see the report before the maating, even if it is 1 day or a couple of hours. SENT BY+ Xerox lelecopier 721 + I-S7—UO + 4r3U 5 7 907 561 B8Y98+s% 2 State of Alaska - Department of Community and Regional Affairs ee KNOWLES Mike Irwin iovernor Commissioner P.O, Box 110001 907-465-4700 Juneau, Alaska 99611-0001 NEWS RELEASE FAX: 907-466-2948 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Nov. 9, 1995 UPDA P Public Meetings Planned In Affected Communities The proposed Sutton-Glennallen electrical intertie appears economically feasible, according to a consultant’s study, but only if certain conditions are in place such as a commitment to buy power by a major Copper Valley user and a financing plan. Alaska Community and Regional Affairs (C&RA) Commissioner Mike Irwin, limited by state law to deciding the intertie’s future based on economic feasibility, said before the line is constructed, environmental studies must ba completed, the line’s route needs further review and affected Alaskans should have adequate opportunity to voice their opinions. "If all the conditions are in place, building this intertie to provide lower cost power to the affected Alaskans and to facilitate economic expansion appears to make economic sense,” Irwin said, upon receipt of a consultant’s updated study of the project. "Over the next several weeks, we'll be holding public meetings to see if Alaskans agree or have other suggestions about this project’s future.” This week, the engineering consulting firm CH2M Hill, presented an updated economic report to a Knowles administration working group represented by four state agencies, The study says that based on key assumptions and under certain conditions, the intertie is feasible. After studying the report, the working group found it credible and recommended to Irwin that the project proceed, but only if several standards are met. They include: * A power sales agreement between Copper Valley Electric Association and the Valdez refinery Petro Star or another major power user. The two companies and the Chugach Electric Association recently reached such an agreement. In addition, the working group proposed a credit enhancement be provided for Petro Star’s payment obligations. * Copper Valley and Chugach electric utilities agree to participate jointly in the project to help share the project’s financial benefits and risks. The general managers of the two companies already have tentatively agreed In principle to such joint participation. -more- OCNI DT+Aerox lelecopler yUZ!l + ImOTTUU 6 BiOU 5 : c 907 561 8998s# 3 Intertie -2-2-2- November 9, 1995 * Alaska Public Utilitias Commission approval of any power sales agreements. “ An updated finance plan must be in place, subject to C&RA approval. * Expenditure of funds from a $36 million state loan approved by the 1993 Legislature for the project must be repaid, even if the project is never completed. * Environmental conditions are fully complied with, including completion of an environmental study and consideration of alternate routing to minimize public concerns. All environmental and financial permits and plans must be in place before state funds are released for construction. Community and Ragional Affairs officials will hold public meetings in coming weeks in Anchorage, Sutton, Glannalien and Valdez. After the hearings, Irwin will make a final decision about whether to proceed with the project. The working group includes officials from the state departments of Natural Resources, Transportation and C&RA and the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority. In 1993, the Legislature appropriated a $35 million, no interest, 50-year loan to help construct the intertie, which then Gov. Walter Hickel signed into law. The measure also included a requirement for a project feasibility study and plan for finance satisfactory to the C&RA commissioner. In July 1994, Hickel’s CRRA commissioner found the studies satisfactory and approved the loan. Shortly after taking office, because of changing conditions and other factors, Gov. Tony Knowles asked this working group to review certain issues related to the financial feasibility of the intertia. That raview was completed this week by CH2M Hill, under contract to AIDEA. The new review says the intertie is viable from a resource cost standpoint, assuming medium load growths in the affected area. Greater load growth makes the project increasingly economically sound. Additional large power users in the area appear likely, such as construction of major tourist facilities. The study also reaffirmed that other alternatives, such as a Silver Lake hydroelectric project or ganerating power with coal, are more costly than the intertie. Currently, residential electric consumers in the Glennallen area pay some of the highest power rataa in the region, about 18.4 cents per kilowatt hour. Anchorage ratepayers pay about 9 cents per kilowatt hour. Copies of the updated feasibility raport and a public meeting schedule are available from the Department of Community and Regional Affairs in Anchorage (269-4500) or Juneau (465-4700). -30- Contact: Commissioner Mike Irwin, 269-4510 (Anchorage); 465-4700 (Juneau). 41-@8-1995 17:28 919072697463 ANCHORAGE GOVERNOR P.@2 State of Alaska - Department of Community and Regional Affairs TONY KNOWLES Mike Irwin Governor Commissioner P.O. Box 110001 907-465-4700 Juneau, Alaska 99811-0001 NEWS RELEASE FAX: 007-465-2848 MEDIA ADVISORY Nov. 8, 1995 ME N RTI TH A media briefing on the proposed Sutton-Glennallen intertie will ba held Thursday at 12:30 p.m. in the offices of the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority, 480 West Tudor. The briefing will focus on a new economic review of the project by an engineering consulting firm. The briefing will be conducted by officials of AIDEA and the state Department of Community and Regional Affairs, which by state law has jurisdiction over the intertie projact. Copies of the economic report will be available at the briefing. For further information, contact Commissioner Mike Irwin at 269-4510 or Randy Simmons of AIDEA at 561-8050. ##t oEN) BY+Xerox lelecopirer (021 + 1-50-00 5 54522 35 . | * $07 561 8998s% 2 November 2, 1995 Mr. Intertie Interest 123 Nowhere Street Middle of nowhere, AK 99 Dear Mr. Interest: Thank you for contacting my office regarding the proposed Sutton-Glenallen intertie. I appreciate hearing your views on this issue and wanted to provide you an update about the current status of the project. As you may know, the Alaska Legislature in 1993 approved a $35 million, 50-year loan to help construct the intertie, which then-Governor Walter Hickel signed into law. The measure containing the loan also included a requirement for a feasibility study for the project, to be approved by the commissioner of the state Department of Community and Regional Affairs, In July 1994, Governor Hickel’s commissioner found the project feasible. Shortly after taking office, because of changing economic conditions and other factors, I asked for an updated feasibility review. That updated review is nearing Y completion by a ET pw anenne Bits Saeet eeaIoEty Consul “y Swm, CH2M KU, Gnu Hell's Once completed, AIDE AAs report about the economic feasibility of the project will be delivered to Community and Regional Affairs Commissioner Mike Irwin, and a small review team represented by three other state agencies. Commissioner Irwin intends to K seek the public’s comments on the project with a series of vubtielsese in affected areas before issuing his decision about whether to proceed with the intertie project. po in ec cee a spe natens wage eeemen fink Geroeeninnmesiegemtoeapeertenaieeeiag] Gaiety aieciniins Sie! i, foreman 6 SEN] BY+Xerox lelecopier 7021 + 1-50-00 + 5:22 ne ; ns s 907 561 8998+# 3 The 1993 Legislature’s action was clear that the Community and Regional Affairs commissioner, whose department includes the Division of Energy, is responsible for deciding the feasibility of this project. The Legislature said: "The appropriation made (for the intertie) is contingent upon the completion of a feasibility study and finance plan satisfactory to the Department of Community and Regional Affairs as set out in former AS 44,83.181," It is this administration's intention to fully comply with the Legislature's directives and to give affected Alaskans another opportunity to express their views on this project. As is the case with all major development projects facing this administration, before proceeding KW we will insure that it is Leal ee Lath sound and that Alaskans have ample opportunity to discuss it. Thank you again for your interest in this issue. Sincerely, Tony Knowles Governor TK/JV/PF/CB 0114 Rural affairs intertie.con MEMORANDUM TO: Riley Snell, a Executive Director 2. ke ‘i LL, J h J, tena FROM: D. Randy Simmons, S. Says what if 2445 Development & Finance Manager DATE: November 1, 1995 RE: Sutton Glennallen Intertie Process This memo will outline the recommended process and timeline for dealing with the CH2M Hill Report on the Sutton Glennallen Intertie. It will cover the process of the working group that was appointed by the Governor to look at potential changed conditions as they related to the 1994 Intertie Study, as well as the process for DCRA once they receive recommendations from the working group. Working Group Process and Timeline There are four steps that the working group or staff need to complete prior to the fulfillment of the it’s mission. They are: 1. Finalize the CH2M Hill Report. This task is in process and should be complete by the 6th of November. 2. Meet with Alyeska. Staff has had final meetings with all financial feasibility stakeholders with the exception of Alyeska. Alyeska requested a meeting prior to releasing findings of the CH2M Hill Report. This meeting should take place prior to November 8. 3. Working Group Recommendations. The working group should discuss the report and forward recommendations to Mike Irwin, DCRA Commissioner by November 87 7 4. Briefings. Immediately following the forwarding of recommendations by the working group, I believe we should schedule briefings for environmental representatives, IBEW representatives and interested legislators. The purpose of the briefings would be to deliver the report and brief the parties on its’ contents. There would be no testimony taken, but questions would be answered as they related to the report. Public testimony would come later under the DCRA process. I believe this is the fairest way to let the most interested parties get an understanding of the working groups charge and the report that ensued. These meetings should be scheduled for the afternoon of November 8 and morning of November 9. I believe we should also consider a press release from the Governor’s office at this time. The release should explain what the next steps of the process will be and that the working groups recommendations are just that, recommendations and not a final decision. Public meetings on the report will follow. DCRA Process and Timeline : DCRA would have a two step process. BY | 1. Public Meetings. DCRA should hold public meetings on the financial feasibility of the intertie. The purpose of the meetings will be to brief the public on the CH2M Hill Report and solicit public testimony. DCRA is the proper entity to hold the meetings and not the working group. It is likely there will be public testimony in other areas beyond the intertie’s financial feasibility, which was the charge of the working group. CH2M Hill and AIDEA staff should be available for Commissioner Irwin at the meetings. The meetings would be held in Anchorage, Sutton, Glennallen and Valdez. It will take about 2 weeks to schedule and hold the meetings. Based on this schedule, they should be completed by November 20. 2. Final Decision. Based on the CH2M Hill Report, working group recommendations and public testimony, Commissioner Irwin should be able to make a final determination on the financial feasibility of the intertie by November 24. A press release should be prepared at this time. There are numerous other steps that will have to occur in the intertie process. Outlining these steps is best left under the guidance of DCRA. H:ALL/RSIMMONS/SUTPROC.DOC