HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnchorage Kenai Intertie Feisability Study 1987Project No.: 1064 Copy No.: Issued To: ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY RAILBELT UTILITIES ANCHORAGE-KENAI * TRANSMISSION INTERTIE FEASIBILITY STUDY MAY 1987 FOR INFORMATION REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT CONTACT: @ John McGrew (POWER) @ Jim Gill (Hart-Crowser) APPENDIX ANCHORAGE-KENAI FEASIBILITY STUDY APPENDICES A __ RAILBELT UTILITIES CORRESPONDENCE B PIRELLI CORRESPONDENCE Gc LOAD FLOW DIAGRAMS D STATION ONE-LINE DRAWINGS E AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE F LAND OWNERSHIP MAPS G STABILITY CASES H TRANSMISSION LINE SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS T&O 51 1064 (5/14/87) APPENDIX A RAILBELT UTILITIES CORRESPONDENCE RAILBELT UTILITIES CORRESPONDENCE (included in Preliminary Report) :APA + 3- 4-37 3 2:ad74M i AK BCWER alTacRI Municipal Light & Power <°. 1200 EAST FIRST AVENUE — ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99501-1685 TELEPHONE (907) 279-7671 Tony Knowles. Mayor TELECOPIER (907) 276-2961 March 2, 1987 Don Shira Alaska Power Authority 701 E, Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99503 Dear Don: We have reviewed the Preliminary Report on the Feasibility Study of the Anchorage-Kenai Intertie presented by Power Engineers, Inc. on February 17, 1987. We feel both that they did a very good job on the study and that the presentation was professional and infor- mative. Our comments relate to the preferred route selection and how we feel the study should proceed. First, we feel that any upgrade of ‘the existing line between Anchorage and Kenai would not provide acceptable reliability for the interconnected system. This, combined with the significant line loss and line loading problems identified by PEI at 138 kv, and with the fact that the estimated cost for upgrade of the existing line to 230 kV exceeds the estimated cost to construct a new line in two of the remaining scenarious, leads us to recommend that all scenarios having to do with upgrade of the existing line be eliminated from further consideration. Second, we feel that the Beluga Alternative should also be elimi- nated from further consideration due to technical difficulties associated with the underwater crossing and potential power flow problems between Beluga and Anchorage. In addition, PEI's environmental consultant has indicated that they feel there may be significant permitting problems associated with routing this alternative. It would appear that any one of the four remaining alternative line routings would satisfy the requirements that we have iden- tified from a technical perspective, and that none of the four has any indication that significant environmental or routing problems are expected to be encountered. We, therefore, recommend that one of the lines following the Enstar routing be pursued for further study at this time. If, in the course of further atudy, it is determined either that this alternative is not technically suf- ficient, that environmental concerns are present that are expected to be fatal, or that this alternative is expected to be signifi- cantly more expensive than one or more of the remaining three, we would recommend that the Tesoro routes be pursued. We see no PROVIDE FOR TOMORROW, SAVE ENERGY TODAY. v= 22s 733 cos 2 March 2, 1987 Don Shira Page 2 problems associated with termination of the line at Huffman substation and initial operation at 138 kV, but would like to stress that we feel that all construction should be 230 kV for future operation. Further, we would like to suggest that the estimates associated with the Enstar route in particular reflect reasonable costs to thoroughly develop the Potter Terminal Station for maximum aesthetic consideration through proper landscaping. Finally, it is our recommendation that the study proceed as origi- nally outlined, with a preferred alternative identified by the utilities and the Power Authority and studied further by PEI. We would, however, like to see the work that has been done to date on all alternatives included in the Final Report so that if there are questions about the alternatives not selected as the preferred routing, the background information can be easily provided. Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments, and once again, our compliments to PEI for a job well done. “nike LM] Chief Engineer Municipal Light & Power MEM/TL/csn u n a + oja11-87 : a ' t ire o a or w ur @ & 1 " r u < 1987 ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION. INC. MAR 1 9 198 ALASKA PCWER AUTH 02:7 (01 MINNESOTA DRIVE * PO BOX 196300 * ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6300 © PHONE 907-563. 7s35 TELEX: CHUGACH ARG 1090) 25 TELECOP 307-564-0632 March 9, 1987 Don Shira - Director, Program Development Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Subject: Anchorage-Kenai Intertie Feasibility Study February 17, 1987, Meeting Summary Dear Mr. Shira: The following are the comments of Chugach Electric Association, Inc. on the content and written summary of the meeting on the morning of February 17, 1987, between Power Engineers, Hart Crowser and the Railbelt utilities. 1. On Page 2 of the meeting summary, cost matrix development is mentioned for ranking the routes with a capacity ranking included. We are not aware of what is meant by capacity ranking and ask that it be defined further. Chugach's concern with capacity is to identify the costs associated with construction at 230 KV for any new routes, although 138 KV may be determined as adequate for transfers during the time frame of the study. The cost savings of initial energization at 138 KV may not be justified if the incremental cost of 230 KV energization is small. Furthermore, if 138 KV is ultimately chosen, a difference in upgrade costs between routes may be a factor in selection. Ze A difficulty and time requirement factor for both permitting and right-of-way acquisition should be included in the ratings. As the meeting summary stands now, only difficulty is mentioned. Sa With regard to the lack of estimates on the Cook [Inlet crossing from Kenai to Beluga, a detailed discussion of the recommendation against such a crossing by Pirelli and Jacobsen should be included in the report, along with all analysis performed to date by Power Engineers and Hart Crowser. 4. Regarding the Huffman Substation, Chugach stated at the meeting that room for a breaker and transformer at the site Don Shira -2- March may be available at the 138 KV level, but that Power Engineers should plan on extensive site work that would be required for such installation. Recent developments in ordinances on substation landscape requirements in the Anchorage Bowl may preclude the use of Huffman for the Intertie or any other expansion, however, and must be considered. Hart Crowser has been notified of the proposed landscape ordinance. 5. Any Intertie construction at International will require a new substation, requiring extensive site preparation in addition to the landscaping requirements. 6. It was requested by Chugach that minimum load transfer cases be investigated to establish the amount of reactive compen- sation required at the cable terminals. This was apparently omitted in the original studies. Chugach also suggested that close attention be paid to cable terminals as it is possible that very compact terminals will be required due to environmental or aesthetic concerns, Te Chugach had asked Power Engineers to evaluate the capability of the existing substation at Bernice Lake to hold a 138 KV or 230 KV substation as the existing location may require extensive reconstruction and land acquisition. If you require any additional information on these comments, piease let me know. Sincgrely, Aras -XPueas Thomas A. Lovas Manager, Planning TL/pkd4/104 Homer Electric Association, Inc. COMPRA ORR rr ‘ ' e woe woe soe e ” Fabruary co. Lyas Hart Crowser, Inc. ' COPY 2550 Lenali street, suite yuu Anchorage. AK y95u3 Attention : James D. Gili Regaraing ? Anchcraze-kKenai intertie study bear Mr. Gill? We Nave feceived and reviewed the route selection inrormation rorwarded to Homer Electric. No one route of those suggested stands out as the best ror Homer Electric. We thererore orrer the tollowing brier comments on each route and will be present at tne meeting on Feb. 1/7 to discuss them with vou. 1. Existing Route Homer Electric has considered this route to be undesirable because or the reliability experienced on the present line. This route is over rough, mountainous terrain and would be in our opinion the most difficult route to construct a new line. <. Enstar Pipeline Route This is considered a desirable route by Homer Electric as it traverses a area already being used by a pipeline. is not subject to adverse weather conditions and would require the shortest submarine crossing. This route will. if selected, tie the ends of both the existing and new line between the Kenai Peninsula and Anchorage together thereby not ortering the highest degree of relability. Tesoro Pipeline Route This route 1s not considered a desirable route because of the extreme weather conditions experienced by Homer Electric along the route and because ot the long submarine crossing coming up in the area of the airport. In regards to the extreme weather, this area is one of the few areas were lines designed tor heavy loading conditions have actually experienced such conditions. uw 4. Forelands/Beluga Substation Route The increased realibility by connecting this new intertie line with the Beluga Station makes this route desirable to Homer Electric. This route would however require the crossing of the Cook Inlet in an area known tor extreme tidal conditions and may make the submarine very difficult. In summary Homer tlectric would suggest the route selection be narrowed to the Enstar and Forelands/Bbeluga proposed routes. we will be wiliing to discuss these issues at the Feb. Lv meeting. Sincerely. HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. (oa Tom Smal! Manager of Uperations & Engineering cc: Afzal Kahn, Alaska Power Authority Dave Barden, Homer Electric LOCATION MAP FRITZ CREEK~SOLDOTNA HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION HOMER,ALASKA Tyonek © Nikiski Kenai IISKV LINE 2 SOLDOTNA SOL DOTNSNSS SUBSTATION ustumena AWS PROJECT . > FRITZ LA, CREEK 2 SUBSTATION FIGURE ee Municipal Light & Power 1200 EAST FIRST AVENUE ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99501 Ths TonpeRrowh TELEPHONE (907) 279-7671 ony Knowles Mayor TELECOPIER (907) 276-2961 February 9, 1987 REC'OFEB 1 -3 17 1997 Mr. James D. Gill, P.E. Project Manager Hart Crowser, Inc. 2550 Denali Street Suite 900 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Reference: Anchorage/Kenai Transmission Intertie Feasibility Study-Preliminary Route Options Dear Mr. Gill: Municipal Light and Power has reviewed each of the four possible transmission line routes; Existing, Enstar, Tesoro and Beluga, and finds no reason at this time to recommend exclusion of any single one from further consideration. The Beluga route, which received little attention during preliminary discussions prior to commencement of this study, appears to be one in which consideration should be sustained pending further underwater analysis and power flow analysis. We are obviously concerned about a new underwater route not previously used. The Tesoro route has us concerned from the standpoint of having the longest sub- marine route plus the difficulties likely in going through the Anchorage Airport area with additional underground cables. We also understand that the overland route of the Tesoro alignment is one which currently experiences weather related problems. Even so, the route is a viable one. The Enstar route will be facing problems with the Potter Marsh crossing as well as problems on the Moose Range, but still appears to be the leading contender in our mind. The Existing route should remain in the running, but we have concern both from the standpoint of ending up with a single transmission line to the Kenai as well as problems with this circuit being out of service for extending periods of time during any type of reconstruction. We would continue to urge you to thoroughly document your review process par- ticularly as options are narrowed to three alternatives and then selection of the preferred route. We look forward to meeting on the 17th of February to further discuss your progress. Mam Sincerely, Mike Massin Chief Engineer cc: T. Stahr,ML&P D. Shira, A.P.A. J. McGrew,P.E.I.,Hailey, Idaho File PROVIDE FOR TOMORROW, SAVE ENERGY TODAY. MEM/csn RAILBELT UTILITIES CORRESPONDENCE (included in Final Draft) SENT BY:4. PL AL + 4-23-87 3: 9:42 : 9075618584— 208 758 2liz:8 2 Maranuska Etectric Association, INc. P.O. BOX 1148 TELEPHONE PALMER, ALASKA 99645 (907) 745-3231 April 3, 1987 RECEIVEO BY ALASKA FOWE™ A THCRI: / ‘87, APR =7- All 59 Mr. Don Shira, Director Program Development Alaska Power Authority P. O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Dear Don: SUBJECT: Anchorage-Kenai Transmission Intertie Feasibility Study The following is the result of MEA's review of the Preliminary Report dated March 1987 for the above study: Section 1.3, Page 1-3 -- Second sentence is incomplete. The "Kenai, Anchorage and Fairbanks" what? Section 1.4.1, Page 1-5, first paragraph -- Change the wording in the last sentence from "replace existing the” to "replace the existing". Table 1.5-l1. Page 1-1l -- Under "Enstar Route", can the following sentence be reworded so it is not so critical: “Most significant impact to the environment of all routes." Perhaps the word "Most" should be dropped? Section 1.5.2, Page 1-15, second paragraph -- Insert the words "and cost" in the last sentence so it reads: “However, there is a considerable degree of difference between the routes as far as reliability and cost are concerned." Section 1.5.2, Page 1-17 -- It is recommended that consideration be given to moving the next to the last paragraph to the front of this section. The paragraph starts with: “The preferred route, when considering all the factors that have been evaluated to date, is the Enstar Route..." ALASKA’S FIRST REC—INCORPORATED 1941— ENERGIZED 1942 SENT BY:?A. F. AL + 4-23-87 3 9:44 9075618584- 208 788 27252: Mr. Don Shira, Director Page 2 April 3, 1987 Section 2.2, Page 2-5 -- In the sentence "MEA would purchase from CEA, AML&P and the Kenai", "AML&P" should be changed to "“AEG&T". Section 3.2.2, Page 3-3 -- Next to the last sentence says, in part: ". . . both the Beluga and Enstar undersea crossings are subject to severe tidal currents and ice flows , , ." The Enstar crossing is not as severe as the Beluga crossing. Suggest the sentence be rewritten to convey this thought. Section 4.3, Page4-9 -- In the fourth paragraph, eliminate the word “miles" in the phase "difficulty factor of 1.5 miles". Section 5.1, Page 5~-l, last paragraph -- State the names of the manufacturers of the major equipment used in the cost estimate. Sincerely, Ce mes F, Palin General Manager WVL: bb 330.0402.1 cc: Ken Ritchey Walt Lawson Steve Cowcer. Sovernc’ = Ni Alaska Power Authority State of Alaska April 22, 1987 Mr. John McGrew Power Engineers, Inc. Airport Way P.O. Box 1066 Haily, Idaho 83333 Subject: Anchorage-Kenai Transmission Intertie Feasibility Study Dear John: We have reviewed the Preliminary Report and offer the following com- ments: Comments from Municipal Light and Power (ML&P): 1. ML&P recommend that the Enstar 230KV alternative be selected as the preferred route for more detailed studies leading to the construc- tion of the project. ML&P also recommend that the actual alterna- tive between Huffman and International not be selected until more study work is completed. 2. ML&P is requesting that the "area interchange" specific designa- tions as to exactly how much generation either ML&P or Chugach Electric Association (CEA) may provide, be left in the generic sense as was agreed to at the first assumptions meeting held at the Alaska Power Authority. ML&P understand that it was probably necessary to designate biased weightings to one of them for purpos- es of running certain cases, but ML&P want to make it absolutely clear that ML&P is not endorsing some type of actual method to ultimately supply generation based on these numbers. This informa- tion is on pages 2-6 through 2-10 of the report. This change from the initial assumptions meeting was made without our approval. 3. ML&P also insist that more backup be furnished from Pirelli con- cerning the reasons why Pirelli indicates that a submarine crossing is not feasible on the Beluga route alternative. It would be helpful if they would cite technical or other reports which may have been done by oil companies or others to support their conten- tion. 8851/DD20(1) PO. Box AM = Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Mr. John McGrew April 22, 1987 Page 2 — ML&P is concerned about the 180 MVA capacity of the submarine crossing of Turnagain Arm. Shouldn't this be more in the area of 250-300 MVA? ML&P continue to be concerned about the portions of the cost estimates specifically related to substation and switchyard site development. Also, it is absolutely critical that estimates include costs for landscaping and other aesthetic enhancements which will be required at all Anchorage area substation locations, particularly the Potter Marsh location terminal site. One sure way to lose support from the community and other concerned parties is to not provide for aesthetics. If the estimates for permitting and right-of-way acquisition are at all pessimistic in nature, as far as the time elements, ML&P would encourage the consultants to be more optimistic. It would be a shame if these lengthy time frames end up being used against the Power Authority and the utilities as an excuse to delay or stop the project from coming on-line in the time frame of the related Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. ML&P's experience on this in the past has been that if you tell reviewing agencies that "consid- erable" amounts of time have been allocated, considerable amounts of time will be utilized, often times unreasonably. ML&P wholeheartedly agree with the consultant that action on permitting and right-of-way acquisition be initiated as soon as possible to allow this project to come on-line in conjunction with Bradley Lake. Attached is listing of minor "housecleaning" items involving typographical errors, etc. for your use. Golden Valley Electric Association comments on load flow is attached. Comments from Alaska Power Authority: Executive Summary needs to be a strong document. Introduction should have examination of different cases, 230KV vs. 138KV. Is there a need for second intertie? More discussion on how PEI arrived at Enstar route. Explain term "complexities" for Enstar and Tesoro route. Permitting and acquisition costs are about same between two routes. Explain the differences. Explain paralling existing line is not possible. 8851/DD20(2) Mr. John McGrew April 22, 1987 Page 3 Describe what a feasibility type estimate is. Soldotna Substation is not expandable. Comments from Chugach Electric Association: CEA strongly feels that the PEI has to review the station cost estimate as for the accuracy. Please call with any questions at (907) 561-7877. Sincerely, /) / 7 Yac Li, tee ob Afzal H. Khan Director/Engineering Support AHK: it cc: Don Shira, Alaska Power Authority Remy Williams, Alaska Power Authority Attachment as stated 8851/0D20(3) 10: MEM FROM: Toby : SUBJECT: PEI Report--List of Typos and Other Minor Comments Following is a list of the typos I noticed when going through the report and the minor comments I have on the report. This list supplements the previous memo I sent you outlining the more important comments I have. Fage Line Comment isd 6 upgrade should be upgrading i=1 21 add “, through system studies conducted by PEI“ at the end of the line 1-3 2 typo is 11-16 doesn’t make sense to me ‘ 1=5 1S substitute “an upgrade to" for “the” before "230 kv" 1-6 14 delete first “the" i—10 7 replace “in" with “with” 1-12 10-13 it appears to me that the Tesoro route is more expensive than the existing route estimate 1-15) LZ insure should be ensure 2-1 18 utilities should be utilities’ 2-1 23 Cooke should be Cook | 2-5 4 insert “and to supply Fairbank’s needs in excess of Kenai purchases” after "Kenai" 2-S & replace “Unit” with “at Plant" and add the same phrase as above at the end of that sentence 2-6 mid add “L" to "AM&P” 2-7 mid ditto 2-8 mid ditto 2-9 mid ditto a 2-10 Ss SES not SEA 4-8 2 add period Jo? 10 typo Jae 11 typo 2-39 i2 change line to read “have to be underground for a...” S-41 4 add period 6-1 74 replace “which" with “that" 6-1 7 insert “of" between “north" and “the” 6-2 LS insert "be" between “would” and “constructed” 6-3 9 replace “as" with “to be" 6-S Z add “ing” to “contain” 6-12 TZ, add "in" before “which" 6-14 1S insert “for” between “-way" and “a" 6-15 6 delete "A" 6-19 9 change to read"process is begun" 6-20 table consider adding column of averages or ranking in addition to totals 6 “affect" should be “affected” 8 add period 7-15 19 add “will” after “alternative” S add “by” before the last “the” 4 delete comma 4 typo 7-20 1 All lines count text only--not titles or subtitles. In addition, I have a pet peeve: mVAR should be MVAR. We don’t have milliVARs on the system-—-or at least we don’t care about them if we do! Call me if you shave questions. et hae mae. 4 wom ans to cee as os¢ @ «> “we > 3 : 6.77 Phe times ms o' > Pecans 133 =e.) 24.8 Ld 418.8) tamzeacer ts wets! - tucrs os aae,38° 23.4 a2.e 22.8 se ce ee? eee 60 OTR a> <a. 48> 7. eww ru <2 92> ‘ @.9% Fu <0. g m ee. on a e eG@viermere 11s 2 3 o.ecw wu = he s ase 6.970 ou Lut 616s 12 ' 0.e88 Fu Swern 415 6.98% PU aA aor, a 2 scerne os oom Pu 3.79 POWER ENGINEERS I18C ANC HORAGE-KERMI ENTERTE CREE mM. FuTIG LL ae tt tn ( 7" 10s “OF 3989 SAO Sert9NME Ce * % 3tiwain! (UN3n-as9uve ME <a el oe b OM Nt SU3INTONa Bande ; see ty 62 | sere | z aA s F : a 2 21s 3 sae ok ¢ ms east é : ascare® “ =“ = ZR w oor g é ns 28"e [3 -@e> ote “ ee fe eB ae fe me's var cas os (ae s> oe oy = 4 as'e> oe eje = owl es veep st 32> 2 con a> | Ge &> ous essis or. EJ etsino es us See sa ett ae bt uz APPENDIX B PIRELLI CORRESPONDENCE Mar 11,87 10:01 mu VRE LL CABLE CORPORATION 800 RAHWAY AVENUE - UNION, NEW JERSEY 07083 -(201) 687-0250 March 10, 1987 Mr. John McGrew Power Engineers Incorporated Airport Way Post Office Box 1066 Haily, Idaho 83333 Alaska-Kenai Intertie Study Dear John: We are pleased to submit the following additional requested information pertaining to the subject study: Technical Feasibility of the Three Submarine Cable Routes West Forelands - Beluga Station Route This route, of the three submarine crossings investigated, is considered most difficult and presents the highest degree of risk for submarine céble installation/operation for the following reasons: ° The current flow in the Cook Inlet in the vicinity of the proposed crossing between East and West Forelands is very swift. ° The fast flowing water and extremely quick tidal movements with resultant scouring action would act to unearth embedded cable. ° There is a build up of ice and heavy jamming of ice at the shore ends. ° There is heavy fishing activity on the west coast of the inlet. In view of the above adverse conditions, it is not considered practical to install and operate a submarine cable in this route. Tesoro Route The Tesoro Route is preferred. The water depth is adequate to minimize problems due to ice formation and movement. The soil stability is good as determined from pipeline construction emperience. Current flow and tidal action are within working limi¢s. Mar 11,87 10:01 Mr. John McGrew March 10, 1987 Page Tow Enstar Route The 28 foot tides and resultant tidal water flow forces water into rivers with reverse movement as the tide subsides. The effect is exceptionally poor soil stability increasing the difficultly and cost of burial of the cable. Budgetary Costs and Physical Properties Pumping Plant The weight and dimension of each self contained pumping plant structure are as follows: Dimensions: 24.5 feet in length, 9.2 feet wide and 12 feet in height Weight Without Oil: 30,000 lbs Weight With Oil: 67,500 lbs Cost: $840,000 for two pumping plants including freight and handling to Anchorage Alaska. Terminal Structure The terminal structure defined herein is for accommodating and eee four submarine cable terminals rated 138 kV and 230 Dimensions 138 kV 24 feet long, 3 feet wide and 10 feet high 230 kV 40 feet long, 3 feet wide and 10 feet high Cost of Terminal Structure 138 kV $3,750 per structure 230 kV $7,500 per structure Mar 11,87 10:02 Mr. John McGrew March 10, 1987 Page Three Installed Cost (Foundation Material, Labor & Equipment Including Cost of Structure as above) 138 kv $25,000 for two structures 230 kV $30,000 for two structures Jointing of 138 kv and 230 kV Land Cables 138 kv Materials for Jointing $26,000 Surge Diverter and Link Box 2,500 Labor, Equipment Rental and Miscellaneous Materials 12,000 Total Cost for Jointing 3-1/c Cables: $40,500 230 kV Materials for Jointing $30,000 Surge Diverter and Link Box 3,000 Labor, Equipment Rental and Miscellaneous Materials 15,600 Total Cost for Jointing 3-1/c Cables: $48,000 Insofar as the number of joints required in the cable run, it can be considered that three 1/c joints will be required for each 3000 foot circuit length of cable. The reservoir oil feeding system previously described for the land cables is valid for a cable run of approximately 2 miles. For a cable run of up to 4 miles, it will be necessary to install a buried oil pressurization system consisting of 6 reservoirs at the midpoint of the circuit. In order to feed oil into the cable at this location, stop joints will be required. The cost of this midpoint pressurization system including the three stop joints is as follows: 138 kv Materials for Jointing $40,000 Surge Diverter and Link Box 2,500 Reservoirs 36,000 Labor, Equipment Rental and Miscellaneous Materials 15,000 Total Cost for Midpoint Stan Inint/Preesurization of 3-1/ce Cables: $93,500 oT Mr. John McGrew March 10, 1987 Page Four 230 kv Materials for Jointing $ 45,000 Surge Diverter and Link Box 3,000 Reservoirs 36,000 Labor, Equipment Rental and Miscellaneous Materials 18,009 Total Cost for Midpoint Stop Joint/Pressurization of 3-1/c Cables: $102,000 Kindly advise if any additional information is required, Yours sincerely, PIRELLI CABLE CORPORATION LS Hf Mither . Leonard M. RBonacorsa DAS: aab oT REC'DFEB 20 1987 lire CABLE CORPORATION 800 RAHWAY AVENUE ~ UNION, NEW JERSEY 07083 (201) 687-0250 February 16, 1987 Mr. John McGrew Power Engineers Incorporated Airport Way Post Office Box 1066 Haily, Idaho 83333 Anchorage-Kenai Intertie Study Dear John: This is an update to our letter of February 13th and includes information and cost data transmitted by telephone on the 16th. Submarine Cables Self Contained Oil Filled (SCOF) 138 and 230 kV Cables 180 MVA 90% Load Factor Single conductor SCOF cable is comprised of an annular conductor, oil impregnated paper insulation, lead sheath, suitable mechanical reinforcement, polyethylene jacket, anti teredo tape and metallic armor. The cable is oil filled and pressurized by means of an oil pumping plant. The oil pressure is adjusted such that the cable is under positive oil pressure for all operating conditions and such that in the event of any mechanical disturbance the oil pressure in the cable at any location will be greater than the external water pressure. 1. 138 kV SCOF Standard Armor 1/c 630 mm? Cu conductor oil impregnated paper insulation, lead alloy sheath, bronze tape reinforcement, polyethylene jacket, antiteredo copper tape, polypropylene bedding, round galvanized steel armor wire, polypropylene serving overall O.D. 93 mm Wt. 25 kg/m Estimated cost $158/m Ze 138 kV _SCOF Ruggedized Cable Ditto above except double flat galvanized steel wire armor. O.D. 94 mm Wt. 28 kg/m Fetimated cost $180/m ~~ a February 16, 1987 Page Two 3. 230 kV _SCOF Standard Armor 4. Note: l/c 240 mm Cu conductor ditto Item 1 O.D. 102 mm Wt. 26 kg/m Estimated cost $160/mm 230 kV _SCOF Ruggedized Armor l/c 240 mm? Cu ditto Item 1 except double flat galvanized steel wire armor. O.D. 104 mm Wt. 29 kg/m Estimated cost $183/m 230 kV _SCOF Standard Armor Operating at 138 kV 1/c 630 mm? Cu conductor ditto Item 1 O.D. 108 mm Wt. 32 kg/m Estimated cost $200/m 230 kV_SCOF Ruggedized Armor Operating at 138 kV 1/c 630 mm? Cu conductor ditto Item 1 except double flat galvanized steel wire armor O.D. 110 mm Wt. 35 kg/m Estimated cost $228/m We did not receive the change in load factor to 75% in time to adjust our calculations accordingly. However, the decrease in load factor will have minimum impact on the cable design or rating for these cables. Land Cables 1. 138 KV _SCOF Cable l/c, 630 mm Cu conductor, oil impregnated paper insulation, lead alloy sheath, copper tape reinforcement, polyethylene jacket O.D. 65 mm Wt. 14 kg/m Estimated cost $80/m February 16, 1987 Page Three 2. 230 KV_SCOF Cable 1/c 400 mm* Cu ditto Item 1 O.D. 80 mm Wt. 15 kg/m Estimated cost $95/m 3. 230 KV_SCOF Cable Operating at 138 KV 1/c 630 mm? Cu conductor ditto Item 1 O.D. 85 mm Wt. so--- Estimated cost $105/m NOTE: A change from 90% to 75% load factor will result in an increase in MVA capability of approximately 8%. Installation The installation cost for the Enstar or Tesoro Route submarine cable, including a spare cable, is estimated at 8.5 million dollars. The cost includes the following items: Rigging Transportation Unloading the cable in Seattle Prelay survey Mobilization of the laying barge Loading of the cable onto the laying barge in Seattle Movement of the laying barge to Anchorage Laying of four cables Landing of the cables to the terminal locations The cost of embedment of the four cables for the entire route in 2 to 3 m depth of soil is estimated as 6 to 9 million dollars. Although the cost will vary with local and environmental conditions it can also be considered that the higher figure would apply to the longer of the two routes. Installation of submarine cables across the Cook Inlet (Beluga Route) is not recommended due to bottom conditions, strong tidal currents, ice flows and resultant scouring. Pipeline installations in this area require continuous maintenance due to damage incurred by these conditions. The cost of installation of the land cables will depend to a large extent on local labor costs, nature of soil, environmental conditions, obstructions, i.e. pipeline crossings, rocks, etc, depth of burial and regulatory requirements. With limited February 16, 1987 ~ - Page Four information presently available we estimate a cost in the range of $500,000 to $600,000 per mile for normal installation conditions. Pressurization Equipment The cost of two dual remote controlled pumping plants for the submarine cables, one located at each end of the crossing, is estimated at $750,000. These plants are free standing requiring only a suitable foundation and a source of power. For the underground sections in the overhead lines, pressurization could be provided by means of oil pressure reservoirs mounted on supporting structure. Assuming two reservoirs per phase at each end and hence a total of twelve reservoirs, the cost of the reservoirs would be in the order of $40,000. Enclosed is a drawing of a typical termination with oil pressure reservoirs mounted on the supporting structure. Terminal Equipment The budgetary cost of each 138 kV termination (three required per 3 circuit at each end for land cable and four for submarine cable installation) is $10,000. The budgetary cost of each 230 kv termination (three required per 30 circuit at each end for land cable and four for submarine cable installation) is $12,250. Enclosed are drawings of typical terminations for 138 kV and 230 kV cables. Kindly advise if we may be of further assistance in this project. Sincerely yours, PIRELLI CABLE CORPORATION aul & AL David A. Silver DAS:aab Encl/ nos T.. Bonacorsa APPENDIX C LOAD FLOW DIAGRAMS APPENDIX C List of Load Flow Diagrams Description Case No. Existing Kenai Intertie at 138kV FUT 11 SVS at Portage and Quartz Creek Page 4&5 118 MW to University Substation Existing Kenai Intertie at 138kV FUT 12 SVS at Quartz Creek Page 4&5 105 MW to University Substation Existing Kenai Intertie at 138kV FUT 13 SVS at Portage Page 4&5 104 MW to University Substation Existing Kenai Intertie at 230kV FUT 7 114 MW to University Substation Page 4&5 Enstar Route at 138kV - Heavy Winter 2000 FUT8 125 MW to Huffman Substation Page 4&5 Enstar Route at 230kV - Heavy Winter 2000 FUT 19 125 MW to Huffman Substation Page 1-5 Enstar Route at 230kV - Heavy Winter 2000 FUT 15 125 MW to University Substation Page 1-5 Tesoro Route at 138kV - Heavy Winter 2000 FUT 21 125 MW to International Substation Page 1-5 Tesoro Route at 138kV - Heavy Winter 2000 FUT 22 125 MW to Pt. Woronzof Station Page 1-5 Tesoro Route at 230kV - Heavy Winter 2000 FUT 16 125 MW to International Substation Page 1-5 Tesoro Route at 230kV - Heavy Winter 2000 FUT 20 125 MW to Pt. Woronzof Station Page 1-5 Beluga Route at 138kV - Heavy Winter 2000 FUT 4 125 MW to Beluga Substation Page 4&5 Beluga Route at 230kV - Heavy Winter 2000 FUT 2 125 MW to Beluga Substation Page 4&5 Tesoro Route at 230kV - Light Summer 2000 FUT 18 50 MW from International Substation Page 1-5 Enstar Route at 230kV - Light Summer 2000 FUT 23 50 MW from Huffman Substation Page 1-5 T&D 12 1064 (3-16-87) Tesoro Route at 230kV - Heavy Winter 1991 119 MW to International Substation Tesoro Route at 230kV - Heavy Winter 1991 119 MW to Pt. Woronzof Station Enstar Route at 230kV - Heavy Winter 1991 119 MW to Huffman Substation Tesoro Route at 230kV - Light Summer 1991 45 MW from International Substation Tesoro Route at 230kV - Light Summer 1991 45 MW from Pt. Woronzof Station Enstar Route at 230kV - Light Summer 1991 45 MW from Huffman Substation T&D 12 1064 (3-16-87) INT 3 Page 1-5 INT 5 Page 1-5 INT 7 Page 1-5 INT 4 Page 1-5 INT 6 Page 1-5 INT 8 Page 1-5 €. TERM. 238 To mPa TO TESLAND #288 Gu. TERM. 238 8. 986 PU -D <ae.@> eT. MAC 238 8.982 PU <8 BELUGA 136 To mre a a o PT. “zFe 39.8 <38.> <27.@> 6.993 PU POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENAI] INTERTIE CASE NO FuTII @.9@) PU AGE 4 6.9685 PU 8.961 Pu PORTAGE !2. @ sas = Ieflussy anc 138 TO DAVES a a Tr a <ee. <3a 2> <4me.9> INDIAN 8.998 PU GIRDWOOD e991 PU PORTAGE 6.9% PU HOPE 6.988 PU 138 BERNICE bo QUARTZ 138 DAVES 138 sOLOoT ms sSOLDT 138 189 1s4 TO HOPE 138 3.9 => =| 4a TO TesoRO wa 3 isa 154 puss 41 Ts ue <i@ ad Pe = <2.88> <1.2a J<.te 1a im) “ead <a1.a> aa. 1.816 PU iat O42 a a> <2a.2) <48.8> 8.991 PU e eee BERNICE 115 sovor. 13.8 fee QUARTZ j2.8 -|" : = ‘ oe @.a42> 8 s2ze ©) fe. sa> | 8-5 oe.s saa [se (6) Ha f4a.2> <41.2@> <e.4eau> J<s. a> Seeit> 19.6 <5.be> <8. Wb> 1.804 PU 1.898 PU (6) = (.023 PU a sa SKI-MILL 115 w.a ofS tay 18.1) 2.85 1.9 Le : oe 2 fff quartz bs <2 <in.a> P<ie.e> 0 <0.8> a 1.884 PU o 1. Bt» PU ' a tees Pu elz n n " c & = cr s c zis OijyKasivcoF ois = : -he 1.803 PU v 8.998 PU ste 7 e BERNICE 24.9 a]« = oj} Y = “tS coorer es BRAD JCT 115 i > 1 B89 PU ie 1.823 Pu Hite sali rc afc ancuor ws a x 7 1.813 PU 7 |r © me : es sila BRAD L ws elic 44.2 “| DiAnonD bb (5) i <a.8D 18.8 <13.6> ‘= 44.2 <.2a> | 18 e ta et a.uircs.aa 15.1 = (6) a . = : aT oie Ba <3.8> sls <e.22> <e.9@> FRITZ vis i>! | te oly 1.803 PU 1.815 PU ey ae G THY cewann a) DIAMOND 115 <3.80 246 Fu POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO FuTit AGE S as 118 TO TEELAND €. TERM. 238 SOS ,5 O5 TO mLP2 ae Nan = ce aiaea eatin TO mre AiGH. TERM. 238 o ese! PU s \ZUNIY ANC 238 6.998 PU INDIAN 138 PT. AC 6238 e.971 PU <8 8.91— PU UNIV ANC 138 PT. MRC 138 “b.a ‘38 e.901 Pu 22.6 = GIRDWOOD 138 SB %sS PU 228 8.997 PU ter [<ta.4> PORTAGE 138 PT. “zFe 138 TINH PORTAGE 12.8 . - BELUGA «1.38 y n 8.985 PU e 8 963 PU 2 HOPE 138 POWER ENGINEERS INC 8.967 PU ANCHORAGE-KENAI] INTERTIE CASE NO FUTI2 AGE 4 TO DAVES 138 QuARTZ 138 Daves peer Cees so.or. 11S sont 138 ran 129 To Hore 13.9 =| ay To Tesoro 4a = yy 'a3 | 138 ‘257% a> <a oad [= <2. 08> 2.1 )<2.08) 12 as> <a 2 sce © 2s 1.809 PU is. 8 ‘sa> @ a» <48.@> 8.78 Pu a —— SERIE Tits so.or. 13.8 'e-@] quartz 12 . =|" 7S onves ©) a w [2-5 WS pais “ele? ease? ) = = = (6) tue.=> <43. 5> a in a7 F 1.8 <2. 82> <4.98> 14 95> <S. Sb) P 6.997 PU 17ee4 PU ewe 6) = 1.@33 PU A rape <a.4a> SKI HILL 19S wee al? ¢ en 18.1 71.99 1.98 zis = fifo eunetz a) <e ve, a ’ eu in 1.083 PU 2 a 3 ani |e A] ° . r s 212 elle aarine Se SHipwasicor ovis = As - Vv 8 .9e7 -WY 1.818 PU tle 8.992 PU atiig a 3 aie BERNICE 24.9 x 2 s a|r 8 y e1. “fs coorer a) BRAD SCT 11S NS e |.e0s PU ns 1.825 PU Se te sei aie, 2 a A , a r * ii s © Y LAHING Wh e.904 ew a “~~ BRAD LU ms nla £* 246 ° BIARMNOND a @.4> <13.9 , ‘e.8 44.2 = ©) <e.22> ] 18 8 18.8 | <b. 9e><e.1a> | <s.45> <3.4m> S = 1 e28 PU . =\> <e 22) < FRITZ vis <s.re> [te rele 1.084 PU 1.817 PU = G “WW ccunen DIAMOND es POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO FuTI2 AGE S$ e.12e *§ 38 bd 4 €. TERM. 238 Sw ys 12 TO MLPe =e ow oer <4.) T <4 BD To mre 6.989 PU Su TERM 228 TO TSGLAND -1> <@8.@> 3.94> eT. mAcC 6238 8.982 PU es <4I ha <t5.8 PT. MAC 138 PT. WZFI iae8 8.982 PU 4b. 2 ay —_- — — =z e <27.2> a a ens = <21.2> Kg a a Vv S “ PT. WzZFe 138 PORTAGE 12.8 I 7 44.0 . 2 esl ewe sae 2 BELUGA 138 <3b.3> <2s.4> o-se8° 8.994 PU 4a @> <m@. a> < POWER ENGINEERS INC lee ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO FUuTIa Ta OAVES 138 AGE 4 INDIAN 6.992 PU GiROWOoOOD @sa92 PU PORTAGE 8.9% PU I o 2 m 8.974 PU 138 GUARTZ 128 DAVES ‘38 BERNICE 69 souot. 1s souat tas haz rae TO HOPE 138 sae 134 133 ) 133 tes * = ses TO TESORO BA = —- — | Sl lee.9> <an 2d =p <e. 887 <i. 3 <s.89> |Z wa 7 ae ase 1.885 PU nas —~ <a. s2> ©) <5. be> <48.@> 6.964 PU 3 SEILER TE SOLDT. 13.8 'e-8] guartz 2.8 ~)s ee s see a ZHIP ovves os ) = 41.2 41.2 e 8 aa Ss, = (G) <s ea =o ft! - 48.8 = — (6) ce luaa> <8. a88> anne SbI PU 11.8 <e.42a> )<2.08> [Ze se> <2.be> 8.965 PU 8.965 PU aie () = |. 82 PU am = a m <a.1@> SKI HILL s wW.2 ale we 5 - 2.00 eis Ce Lee lege AtZ quartz eS a a 2 ot, 8 188 Pu ala © mis 5 = ane TW inwins 15 = a a KASILOF IS z : i _ael vax -iy 1.66b PU nti? s a nie 8.998 Pu S 4 a | = BERNICE 24.9 . : c/a z a 22 coorer bS BRAD JCT 1S WY a a 1.828 PU ~ a «file ; < _ sie 2 Wi = a z = x os - a 4 3 ¢ ¥ y sla 7 mi s ©) “HY Cawins 69 . 8.958 PU es Ie BRAD L wis ala 44.2 é) 2) DIAMOND = 6S Zee 18.8 <12.@> tava = = (6) a bb. 22. ‘ee '@ @ / ¢s.es><s.11> §<4.aD ae a . - le = 1.e1s PU <a > 2 xz] <b. 22> <b 99) <a ae> |. wie 8.998 PU 1.818 PU = (6) “WIV senarn bd .28> 8.985 PU POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO FUTIa AGE 5 €. TERN. 238 $3.9 53.9 To MLP2 a — nm a nw tf qu <rt.a> a Pu Z a z z « UNIV ANC 238 o J e o uw + o WwW. TEAM. 228 hs @.989 Pu aA a s a - v UNIY ANC 138 “a x a Tr @.98s PU a cA a i z z PT. mac oe é . v oe s 8.994 PU 8.985 PU nA & cr “a = ie c = PT. MAC 138 d Vv’ CHUFFRAN 138 = 3 s2-—- — — — 8.987 PU 2 BELUGA 1.682 PU tboM BELUGA = — — —2} ie. =. <0. a> > <1.98> <7.91 =a InNTu 138 8.989 PU -4@> @@> PT. WZF2 138 <a.awm <I — POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO FUT PAGE 4 TO DAVES 238 BIRDWOOD 238 s Pu PORTAGE 238 8.999 PU s nm soLor. 238 BURRTZ 236 Ld 124 laa DAYES 238 u = — . te i> <1 o> = SOLDT. ms tae tae o 124 1es == + = = <2.81> <2.82> '.@223 PU <48.8> | es . 1 BERNICE §=69 BERNICE 115 <1.B8> = 13.7 a.7 ay 1.@rt eu iv’ E = 1.885 Pu TO TESORO b9 $4 3!.7 a1. 48.6 Feore ee eed [se =e] <4 om <a (6) Ke <3.3) <4.88> '2.b o © oS 28 (034 PU a au: SKI HILL 11S , Selsey 1.93 ‘em [as ; ‘e.9 a ae 19.7> 11.5 = (6) + '.031 PU <4 14> * 1.822 PU LAWING 8 8% PU os 18 - KASILOF 11S = a (6) e 1.818 PU - : Z = 2 cooren BRAD SCT 11S v giz PU . 1.826 PU 4 "WW 5 ce 3 : § *|s el|r s ales as x -tHw 8.993 PU a LAWING 1.085 PU BERNICE 24.9 tf is 44.2 DIAMOND 6S i be 32 1 G.4> ae <4. 2> 2 <e.22> | 168 18.8 1 <1. 22> <e. s2> § <5. 18> m | g22 PU . <b 22> <b.97> FRITZ ts <s we> | 44.2 1.686 PU 1.819 PU 3 <3.71> SEWARD bo 8.956 PU DIAMOND 115 POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENAI] INTERTIE CASE NO FUTI PREE 5 aay a7 €. TEAN. 238 To MLP2 TO MLPa @.994 PU <@.a39> UNIV ANC 138 o.994 Pu er. Ac 6238 <48.9> <39.8> PT. MAC 128 a9.s a8 3 t YRELUGR = 238 > 'B@ [<s. a> <m. 38> <2.95> 8.998 PU PT. uZFa <@e.e> | <ia. BELUGA BURNT 15.138 1.812 PU AGE 4 HUFFMAN 8:53 ,68.53 8 —. J = <5.55> <3. 55> , \ ANC 238 : = on aia : ele Z <a.s4a> | ae. aad s Ss 994 PU . o W. TERN. 238 UNIV ANC HIS fc 138 68.999 PU P. MARSH (38 1.888 PU afils POWER ENGINEERS INC = . ANCHORAGE-KENA] INTERTIE v CASE NO FUTe 10 sovnr. V INDIAN 1.848 PU A wu c 7 a a cr o a \¥Y GIRDWOOD ' eye PU <e.e4> .34> 'V PORTAGE 1.849 PU ~ a a y a a 4 a Y HOPE 1.858 PU es mes ws mis BERNICE bd ia. TO TESORD Bo = sOLDT. ts sovor vou 138 <2.88> t2e } vay) '3 ane a 5 te ©) z i = 1 ees Pu QUARTZ 11S 213 ug wee 1s a e <@ e2> <4.72@> Lo” (6) Ee BERNICE 11S '».8 1S ap “we <ea0i> sae” aS. 1/99-9 asa |? (G) <e.45> aes 8 <3.99 J<b.25> [25> elu 12. 5> 1 u (G) = 1.@as Pu <2.84a> Ea . 2. SKI HILL 11s aoe P = 7 SURRTZ es <e 784 rN 1.882 PU 1.818 PU 2 . z o|r o 7 he = a s 8.992 PU = a 4 BERNICE 24.9 ~ a afr = “fils coorer Ss BRAD JCT 11S v ot DIAMOND Ss 18.8 = <be.2a> | 18 8 <b. 22> 1.887 PU 1.826 PU 18.81 61.21 <e. sD ! <5. 88> |. e22 Pu FRITZ os <s.w> [te 6) e:9a Pu DIAMOND 115 POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENAI] INTERTIE CASE NO FuTe AGE Ss TO BURNT <2 9% aL BAvEeSs ws '.82t PU <3.93> <2.09% 12.9 LRWING es @i2 Pu a <7 1a.9 <2 &e> LAWING 39 1.823 PU <2 o> $1> z aie —"'V SEWARD ed 6.9704 Pu ZNS 69 i 8 2 n Pe “ o ee To uas 68) = e TO STS ba 31.8 <4 9a> | <3 38> aos > | 32-7 32.3 HAS 9 <s a> = = a2 ewe2 31.3 = <4.a9> <a.sD FE = 1.988 PU <s a> <s.12) '<e.3e> GHS bs 232. 8 9% PU '.a08 PU < a 5 4 CPs TAP ba e.992 PU 8 20.6 ,1b.2 + = Ss. sine eq ba <2.4e> 1 Cr ee 8.989 PU 1.887 PU a a 1.886 Pu mus CHNA bo 8.991 PU A . S “ 4 IAS bs Vv. ba 1.884 PU 3 4 “ = Vv nus ta.s ¥ 1.825 PU 138 o at P6S bs ses ba eas 4 8.9be 78.64 HLP 128 Ee ese = _ '.eta Pu <1 .a4d PS os> is.sd tes a 1 e832 PU 1 88 PU oe ve POWER ENGINEERS INC cHS ans 1.65b PU ANCHORAGE-KENAI] INTERTIE CASE NO FUTIGa '’ TO DOUGLAS 34S Tocue) ae SHAH ees LAZELLET VIS O° NEIL is Lucas tts 9 234 ee eae ee sfeeo = => = ee 448 = NC a ete? aie <4. 18> f= 8 M2 PU <@ asa ab Az B.9a1t PU a 8.978 Pu . : @974 Pu = LAZELLE 115 { nousLAS 345 ly 8.973 PU Y Don s @ 978 Pu _ EKLUTNA! & EKLUTNA ms | 98 Pu 14.8 la TEELAND 139 s TEELAND 345 YHERNING 115 1se 8.984 PU EKLUTNR2 b.F = A a <18%> a = t. = <7.4@)> ”“ o 1.888 PU 1.821 PU = VREeD 1.818 PU TEELAND 1a. <29a 2 a PARKS @.995 Pu 2 - ' @@e PU Tcorme ms @ 998 Pu BRIGGS 115 dtepen ut rane ‘ 8.998 PU dl aaa pu ” @ 95% PU c te JS TEELAND 238 ate eset eu BRIGESTP 115 es nw u = 48 3 a: - Pe o 5 STEELAND 115 iia <o.asud | 0; 325 = <ia 4> 8.991 PU POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO. FUTIG PAGE 2 1O mere 115 TO PT MAC 238 is is 1s. TO 1S BRIGGSTP * aie ails OW | a wl. “a “ -|- MLPI ay.s e ania als rie a|oa 8.913 PU 8 . S all MLPe ws , @ 988 PU cua cia ale v a a so > MP2 238 “A @ 994 PU 5 ae e ae 2 o ao v Vv oc = STA. 14 us Jsta 8.972 PU 8.%b7 PU N. LTS.T 8IS 3.61 ae <a.918> ms bB.2 ro es Hy <29. a> n 6.973 PU es z zr a Ua POWER ENGINEERS INC o > [a= . : <a.ea> | %q.2 ANCHORAGE-KENAIL INTERTIE w 3 Seo ce CASE NO. FUTIG pacer s te € TERN. 238 8 32 ,8.32 To MLR : A | >> r <4.68> ' <4. 88> UNIY ANC 238 @ 99%» PU 4.4 i <8. S2@> TO TEELAND 2238 WH TERN 238 UNIV ANC HIS @.994 Pu > | — H <e ad <2 a> 1.849 PU <aa> <O.311> 48 met UNIV ANC 138 HUFFMAN 238 8.98b PU es> > @ 995 PU n r - .. n = A PT. MAC 238 . eee 8.998 PU EN » PT mAC 138 v eT wZFi 138 28 b ~ 3s | aos || oes ie . Cis.e> (2a > s ' 138 o Oe el oe eomeed ean Y GIRDHOOD = =e 8.994 Pu ae <is.b> <@3.8) e eas x a a). a a s a —_ | a . a a <i. 09> nM ¢ 4 a eee PU ' v v. BELUGR = 248 | w ns 1 @Be PU \ ; po 2 2 = [pe a | HARSH 238 | INTL 138 Sz ry cies Pu 8.997 PU alle ORTAGE | " ar ese Pu Ln z | m BELUGA 1.38 Pr. WZF2 138 tert pu [ee eee ace © er BURNT IS 238 “ ie <a2.D oe 1.884 PU aasteu THY 3 v POWER ENGINEERS INC i leea ed - Y ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO. FUTIG AGE 4 s BERNICE 69 be oa so.oT 238 = 19 TesoRO bo >= soLDT. wis z <2. 8@> 120 27 12) 2 = Se Cie > <1 ae> P<t.9e@> o (G ae “ee, wawirel gunarz 4s = "i <48.@ | — _ on —STi4.t <@ abs> <a.4a> | 7 228 BERNICE 115 '»-61G@.1 “8 8 & aw | 22-" ae 38.9 ey == (6) «1.33), <2.21> 9e8.ase> 7 &> '.e1a PU 1.8 . : <8.656> <t.22> (C) = 1.827 PU Aw 7 <3.45> = s sta SkI HILL Hts ane a|r = 19 3 12,22 2TY quartz 9 <8 784 1.818 Pu in 1.084 PU afi, 2 x ay I 2s s e;er HIT -|r r o —Wtv KASILOF & -We y 8.993 PU i K e BERNICE 24.9 . x cla “ o fo coorer ba BRAD JCT tIS WY, 1.004 PU z 1.@28 Pu ttle ial ANCHOR ms ae 1.887 PU s s vi . s n BRAD L is 44.2 DiReoND bs sp (6) 12.) <2. ab> 18.8 <t2.7 49 baie = - : = = = (6) <b.2a> | e-8 '@ 8 | cs. 13><4.9@> I <4. aw = =. <2. @b> = —_— 1 84% PU ao Saran? <e 9) FRITZ os <2 2 “4.2 @.997 PU 1.818 PU 5 (G) DIAMOND 115 <2. 8b> POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO. FUTIG AGE S$ a al z in e Tym “Waaves ms 1.886 PU ails alo . 7 a o cio x n WY canis iis 1 @@e Pu alo ~ s a v a afr wo “HWY Cauine ba 1.689 PU Tila ufer 7] v a z “ my —"!Ysenaro bs 8 .9b8 PU ZNS ba 2607 8 22 nos TAP 69 to uns 48) [EE To sts BA a1.8 <4.9a> | <3 38> > | 22-7 32.3 HAS ba 4 <b 88> = = tau e2 a4.2,31.2 zi" <4.9D> <3.94> FE os 2 1.818 PU <S.22> <s.a@> ! <8.4e> ~ SHS i) 8.998 Pu '.e12 PU ces TRAP 69 b7 8.994 PU <@.e@> 28.6 ,Ib.2 — | Ss. sine 4 8.991 PU = | Fup 6S <2 b2> Pdi tb> 1.889 PU (6)svs |.888 PU 8.993 PU in z « i « MY FHS ba a a '.e18 PU ™ 4 v FuS 138 <18.9> (<7.48> 1.g69 PU HLP 12.8 => _ 1.804 PU <1.a95 TS. sep 3 1.885 PU 1.888 Pu 8.729 PU ENGINEERS INC cHS 34s ANCHORAGE-KENA] INTERTIE = 10 DOUGLAS 345 CASE NO. FUuTIS 1 SHAW TO CHS 34S a a.9018 ie Tq8 DOusLAS 345 1.038 PU s a oc = TEELAND (28 TEELAND 345 158,158 1s8 = = <1p9 *<18% <99.8> 1.627 PU “2.7 TEELAND 13.8 <29 44 8.99%p PU equ Pu a 3 8 a 7 ZTEELAND 238 8.95 Pu sits mn n es ° LT LT : a - oc sis = n v v eo a yo pt nAC 238 <b “3 cn Pu <e7.> is Be> a> LAZELLET tts O°’ NEIL us LucAS ts aa)8) 235 oe ee. 22.b > — “ 88 44 <e ae> | <4 aa> <4 48> TS > <4. 18> Ee e973 PU <@ a92> 3,66 8.971 PU “a <1. «lt @.904 PU o|- olllvcazecce tis o a 6.973 PU x 7 DoW ms ea # EKLUTNA! & 9 EKLUTNA ws 3 '.898 PU ais Lae a BPHSHERNING 115 8.984 PU EKLUTNAS b.9 zTiA a|- S]- = 1.eat v os Pu a as s Gers wee Pu Sttccorme tis 8. ' Pu _ nan wile Sie BRIGGS 115 v MCRAE oes PIPrPeL oes 7 8.998 PU 8.99% PU 6.995 Pu BRIGGSTP 115 eS a Ze The see sity SC TEELAND 115 a1 .@> 8 998 PU 6.327 = POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE - KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO. FUTIS Tie a> 8.991 PU TO mLP2 11S <31.6> as ALPI ay.s <a2.5> @o.97' Pu 8 %B PU STA. 14 8.912 PU s iS : eajr nN. os a 3.by vv = <e.91@> as is a ae ie s mi- rie é "Is $ le 8 a We ANCH 11 6.974 Pu = <29.3> A STA. B 11S STA. 1S 11S a a3.3 445.8 45.9 "a", = ‘oe a ylen <e2.@> <ez.9> <eo.4> -Wv sta. 1 vis 8.971 PU 8 973 PU 2 8 6.973 Pu m A] “Te TAS POWER ENGINEERS INC ¥ ele a.ee | fa. ae> ANCHORAGE-KENAl] INTERTIE @ %e PU CASE NO. FuTIS PAGE 32 TO 1S BRIGGSTP nan a a 7 MLPe iis | o o al- Vv “a os o|" al|- alft> mp2 238 @ 99s PU T An tga tite ec] cade a|aa] - - r viv s a sa Cy a u z xr c | i. | w > + = | : z u a a a r r €. TEAN. 238 59.3 ,59.3 TO MLPe Hl = — a == I <3. b<ia.» UNITY ANC 238 8.99 PU $2.5 2 TO TSESLAND <t.e4> § <4. 34> HW. TERN 228 8.9% PU @.a9s Pu '.888 Pu “ UNIY ANC 138 © 18.3 | <e.ss> VY INDIAN ms 1.898 PU es 4tD> wWZFI 138 HUFFRAN 138 8.994 PU <B.bsi> <1 a s s “ iv GIRowooD 115 ' see PU <s.4D BELUGA | 88» PU tea [<s.47> I | | a : a HARSH 238 | INTL ‘a8 € y $ 8.998 PU 8.998 PU : | z v | ° PT. uZFa2 138 BURNT IS 238 1 e81 PU “a a POWER ENGINEERS INC « z y ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO. FuTIS TO SOoLDT BERNICE 69 “ tae sovot 230 5 TO Tesoro Ba = STs = hE z <@.Ba> vay ‘aa say 2 = usi® <i2.» <a sti 5 (6) fa 1.814% PU paes is & ia wee | = fe 12 <3.69) = A 6) eae BERNICE 11S 'e81@.en -|s Sea} © ve 7NSanves rr , 1.a0s Pu v ms ince <e.a72> 38.998) ten Pu = 1 929 e =| e (6) <2.98> wW.2 are 1. SKI HILL 1158 ete e|js ~ie '@ 2172. 1b 2.07 2 tS ounarz Ss Vv — Ta — 4 413.8 dia.) <te.s> 1.612 Pu c ese Pu z tere PU 119 PU S «Se 2 os ul o = —"Y LAKING wis = KASILOF 115 a 1 @@2 Pu v ahha afi, '-287 Pu x rahe 8.991 PU ° - a ale aj” BERNICE 24.9 . 2 ojo a - ye 4S coorer Ba Vv BRAD SCT 115 ier eu n 1.92) PU or atic ancuor mis a 1.009 PU malic “ wii s ©) —4HV LAWING ba = t.er2 Pu aHle ts ele i] . Ld DIAMOND = ba 4D (5) lave <13.8) = ©) <p.22> | 18-8 <b. 84> <5.38> § <4. Sb> “MID 4 = 1. 8te PU zx “ Sbamey <e. 98> FRITZ ses S 8.999 PU 1.812 PU «> G rH ceunnn bd DIAMOND 115 BLakalen POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENAI] INTERTIE CASE NO. FUTIS AGE $ ZNS 6a 8 22 = To Sts 69 <3 38> aft TO uUAS ba = mOS TAP) ba <4. 935 ot 32.3 = -1s> <3.92> cPS TARP 4 26.b ib.2 13.8 <2. be> tz | t 1.988 *& 1.818 Pu 1.625 Pu INC POWER ENGINEERS cws ays 1 os? PU 8.12» PU INTERTIE FuT2t ANCHORAGE -KENAI CASE NO. TO DOUGLAS 34S SHAH mas LAZELLET 115 O° NeIL us Lucas 1s TO CHS 34s 22-5 sero |eoens 2 Sfeee 22.b ze <liet 4 ge ie ot <b a | <4. a> <4.40> <4. 00> <“.10 bs 8 %7 PU <e.39) = 88) 8.9m PU x a a a 8.973 PU a. .|2 8 34 PU s 2 oligcazecce is =e Poe us z BOUGLAS 34S aeecarea rity ; a! 838 Pu c 8.95 PL A EKLUTNA! &.a EKLUTNA is alr “7 TeeLaAnD 345 TEEL AND 150 4.68 “8 = tse = v rs ‘se <9. 38> , 8.998 Pu s Niel, JUS) EKLUTNR2 &.9 8.979 PU 14.8 is eS REED us iw '.e87 eu TEELAND 13.8 <32.b> wt. 8.9% PU x PARKS 1s 2 a B.999 PL TCOTME 11S <2.49> 8.985 PU 8.945 PU > ~ BRIB6S «11S v 8.996 PU PIPPEL 11S = ° TEECANE RCRRE tis g ee @ 959 Pu e.aar Pu s aA a u = BRIGESTP 115 RCTEELAND 11s aeeee 8.992 PU <un.e@> 8.a22 J = POWER ENGINEERS INC <18. s> 8 987 PU ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE TO Pr. WAC 238 CASE NO. FuTet PAGE 2 TO mre its (6) (6) (G) () TO BRIGGSTP 115 aie alte a ahs a? al] - fea ea ee ALP! au.s s/s ala woriz alo 8.989 PU v g . Gs ails re ms oi @ 985 PU ° ee . . er a e al}: n na Zz a Vv v .13 58. == q <ai.e> | Gaa.n> : -4b7 PU > F rye MLPI vis i , @.964 PU 8.969 PU £ y mPa 238 rs s 8.987 PU ala 3 APR OANCH 11S afites tls 1 s 6.978 Pu See iS 3 a c le 3 UstTA 14 1s ¥ .1% 8.49 PU - a A alll¥ a c = <i v mw. LTS.T OS = 3.67 A = fic @yRSstA. 1 is <29.4> o eu lhe <a.28) | @a2.a> <aa.a> <2. 5) : 2 afl't 8.9b7 PU 6.969 PU 8.969 PU u o z i. qr « Pe POWER ENGINEERS INC = . yj . ea <1.ta> | <a.ai> ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE ie z 8 %e4 PU CASE NO. FUT2! PAGE 3 o 9° €. TEAM. 238 s To mLPe : = z a UNLY ANC 238 = 18.6 9 Z _ w <4.18> = o ir $ <4. 1@> x ‘ Ww TERN 238 8.987 FU UNIV ANC IIS a.49 @.987 Pu UNITY ANC 138 > s V INDIAN ous 8.987 Pu <41.4> <4e es4 Pr. MAC 238 8.983 PU 17 +87) <b. 34> 33> PT. MAC 138 al.e2 = c n n z 2 z <aa.y <b PT. HZFI 1368 @.9682 PU .9ai> <1 iY GIRDWOOD 1:15 @ 987 PU Ite. S @.997 PU -§S> o a z <t4.4> INTL. 138 v ls < Ene | 8.986 PU a 1.68) PU \ 2 AIRPORT 138 4 . a | Pr. Mzee 138 = te. " v Jt | Salen iY PORTAGE os <aa.@ | Ge.e> oper PH a.99c4 Pu BELUSR 138 1 eee PU PT. POSS.!a8 =— <a z oS 3 ms POWER ENGINEERS INC 8.988 PU ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO. FuTe2! TO BERNICE 138 AGE 4 BERNICE 138 133 TO PT. POSS. 138 4 sountT. tae soLnrT. 1s ws 1 ws I %e 7 | -— <a. ta@a> '<e. i@a> a QUARTZ is .829 PU 2.42 ew BERNICE 113 = 4s re qt.1s> <S.8b> | + 'b.8 48.8 SU :sa> ean? hai «3.43 1.812 PU <8. | 1.1 ©) 1.928 PU BERNICE 13.7 <3.74> x ‘ '.@t» PU TO Tesoro 4a = s SKI HILL 11S Deri oe 73 es 0.74 2 Te eunrtz 9 I~ <1s.3> A 1.828 Pu oe 2 1.627 PU 1.83b PU a e 7 IV KASILOF 11S gs 1.623 PU lp lig s 2 = v ic Aff coorer &9 Iw > BRAD JCT 11S 1.@22 PU . 1.628 PU “~ © ie 2 a a}- We . rs nm * tre BRADL oS BERNICE 24.¢ 44.2 bb.3 | (6) BIAMOND 115 1 <4.29 earotanin a 30.7 44.2 ‘— 7 . FRITZ = (6) 19.8 <0. 67 Tag, =| <4.2m = = <b.4a> Jaye <b.2a> | 18 8 18.812. ed <e.99> |e. a 3 (6) = 1.@24 Pu <4 29> <b .22> <b. 9b? 1.826 PU 1.889 PU 1.822 PU POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO. FuTal AGE 5 4.0 = = <a@.aip> DAVES 1.824 PU = = 12.98 > <@.81> 3 4 na We ania 1. Otte Pu lo c wile m v ia.9 = LAHWING 1.82@b PU 2.8 <a.ed |Za.eD s1> aye —4VSeWARD 6.978 PU os bd bd 136 mos TARP 21.8 — = <b.8D ‘e818 Gus '.612 Pu el ae.7 = <4.715> Pu Ft CPS TAP ZNS a6 TO uAS ba <4.935, a@.2a <a.9> e.994 bo GHS 34s 1sB —- a <39.@> = '.@M2@ Pu 1.8 a ANS aus 1.858 Pu HLS 1.8 A a a Tr aoe fae f che WZ Cyteees ays ~ 1 B49 PU z Y cus ays A! @S7 PU s -— TO DOUGLAS 34S 22} “ bo 8 22 = To STS ba a> HAS bo a4.2 “2{e5 ts. <s.2s> [Zp .4a> 23. 8.997 PU <2. 58> Pu S. SIRE bF 8.991 PU s cfft@mus cana 69 @.993 PU <$.28> (5.87) <i2.@> <e sys je Pu '2e 24 Pu HLP. ta.a 23.9 = ) <8.b36> 1.864 PU HLS 12.8 8.208 Om = <A > 68 2b PU ANCHORAGE - KENAI POWER ENGINEERS INC INTERTIE CASE NO. FUuTee PAGE | <18.8> (<7. 44> FHP eS 1.888 PU FHS bq 1.818 PU FHS 138 TO BRIGGSTP 115 (=) (©) @ G) alis alg aig etts rl? s * “ * “ 7 a = : wLPI ay.s e;- aia na = ria a Ld ¥ % v y silly mre id @ 984% PU a y ° I alte : : -ja a a al. n n a Vv Vv Vv sTA. 18 os 4a.7 ) 58.9 3 <at> te 3 @.%bb PU 3 na 7 Ee a Vv API tis A len @.9b3 FU £ alff% mPa 238 eae @ 986 Pu -|n x APA OANCH 11S “ a alin a s - z s 8.99 PU a : 3 Sista mm os ¥ 2 vein: cla 8.9bB Pu all? STR. & ms a a 6.92 PU al: ip a : v wy. LTS TOUS : ‘tS STA. 1S 41S © 45.8 45.9 be.e | o = <aa.> a j = _— a n = <a awd |Ga.a> <a2.93 a = | i @.9%bb Pu ® 9be PU 8.968 PU c 7 af z | c 2 POWER ENGINEERS INC £ = , = a. | 9. aea> ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE ‘< 5 | Llalaeie CASE NO. FuT22 price.’ a a \ TO TEGLAND e358 'BB k<ig.a> by TERN. 238 28.5 To mre a z @ 98s PU 4) BELUGA 238 '.888 PU 'e8 [Cia.e> f' 1.887 PU <e BELUGA 138 a4.b => 3 E -3b> | <2. 3b> @.987 PU WZ 4. TEAM. 2aB UNIY ANC 136 @.982 PU x v a cy 5 z er. mAC 238 8.991 PU an a “a | ‘a wae : oe PT. MAC 138 er ¥ = <29.9 <a1.> 8.9% PU POWER ENGINEERS ANCHORAGE-KENAI] INTERTIE CASE NO. UNIV ANC 238 8.985 PU UNIV ANC 11S <e.asd |e as> 8.98 Pu <3.@8> e.48 <s.11 HUFFRAN ee PU 38> <3. 54> @.58e> <I @.992 PU Pposs.1a38 @ 997 Pu PT. INC eB @> Fulee TO BERNICE 138 AGE 4 TO mLPe VPORTAGE 115 8.987 PU BERNICE 128 To PT POSS ‘a8 ] tae sovoT 138 so.ntT ws 9b. ' 96.7 r = < -48> . <a QUARTZ ws jae Pu 203 aw s = qa. “ r ct Bente Ci. 3@> <s.23> [> a 'b.8 a = = me ef} <b .9> -l|e % 42> = (6) <3.31> ye '.8lb PU <8. @ | Sie. 1 ese Pu Y paves tis BERNICE 69 1 1.82@b PU . a TO TESORO &9 aL Mel e ula LS SKI HILL HIS ete lie ila 17.9 11.88 1.78 2 qi quartz oy v — ee A -821 PU = es ee cle s a J n ine “Weimwinc 11s KASILOF 8 1.g17 Pu ohana 1.884 Pu ie alr . % cooreER ba BRAD JCT 11S '.@2a Pu 1.829 Pu ms ba 8.989 Pu BRAD LOIS BERNICE 24.9 2 DIAMOND 115 -5'> (6) DIAMOND 4 oe EE b' _ FRITZ <i4.e> 50> (6) a 18.8 3 ele ee ‘ae : 4 wil te.aa> | 32 = Seer eee cnint ay GaaiS (5) “WWsewarp = ua <t 22> <b. b> 8.988 PU ee) 1.823 PU POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENAI] INTERTIE CHSE NO. FUT2e ZnS ba @ 2 eo TO STS && TO UAS ba ae> MOS TRE) bb <4 aad. a2.2 ES ba 5.998 Fup 6 MUS CHNA bo @ 392 PU FHS 69 1.689 PU 1.825 Pu rus ‘38 ' e188 PU 1.867 Pu POWER ENGINEERS INC cus ays ' ese PU 8 ae PU ANCHORAGE-KENA] INTERTIE Ss CASE NO.FUTIb TO BDOUSLAS 34s PAGE | = . 2 SHAH ois LAZELLET 11S O'weie ms LUCAS us To CHS ans ost eee fiee oe S\ee.v 22.6 <e. @2> <e a> | <4 aa> <4.4a> [oe ane <4. 18> <4.18> > we e.94 Pu <@ as> 3.68 e.02 Pu nt <7.90> ¢ 3 8.979 PU <t.ar | Spe 3 @as Pu es : 8 pon is 2 UIGeazecce ots “he : TF oouccas aus = a minelty ray ee . 8.971 PU a SiS EKLUTNA! &.9 EKLUTNA 11S “4 TEELAND aus TEELAND 138 m™ se ™e aos ge “a < '33 20 ‘se 2 <9. 16> ais <18> TGea> <as.i> MySnerning 11s i a eee ag sine EKLUTNR2 &.9 8.985 Pu 14.8 7 A 42.8 s ae Rees os - - 5 1.018 PU TEELAND 13.8 a ws 8.9% PU 4 PARKS us 6) 8.808 Glics 7 tee Pu <b4.@> Stccorme ws . ess Pu : 8.941 PU <M, v Sila BRIBES 11S 3 ¥ cape 388 eu PIPPEK ots i ° 8.995 Pu ACRRE ws : 2 TEELAND 228 s e 296s PU esa Pu o ala in - nate S BRIGGSTP 115 y $ T *- a ; we b.48 s TTEELAND 115 8.999 PU '1.@> ~> <a.1s3 alt 8.a20 ajc = v POWER ENGINEERS INC <1@.a> ess: Pu ANCHORAGE-KENA] INTERTIE To Pr. WAC 238 CASE NO. FUTILE page Ta To mpe iis (6) (6) (6) (6) TO BRIGGSTP 115 alte = alig suic 2/3 mLPI au. s sic = a|- rie ala e.91a Pu v g g ¢ ally mre iis a e 998 FU 2 ayn a StA. 12 tS : E oyr % é . Ve Vv v v a a a a 1] Tr Pg (Oe 1% a r cr -de $ nm . nm es a a a # wes ie TAY me is a e|- 8. %e PU @.972 PU c alffy mre 226 Wa “ Renee i 7 RO 99s PU als o APA OANCH IIS “Hoe Wis q sje 6.973 PU ere. a es a e & Usta. ™m ts Vv Vv © . - ea Pu a iv sT® & os a 8.47 Pu al” is in = A v alr na v <a. 922: a rl? str. @ 11S STA. 1s IS Ca aa.a,us-8 45.9 be.2 Sa» SikestA. 1 11s = = 3 a TY <a 239 | a.a> <22.9> <e8.4> 2 s af A.A? PU 8.971 PU 8973 PU 6.9123 Pu u o ea a z : STA tb s el ' POWER ENGINEERS INC = . 13.b ) 33.2 o > v = |= > ee <1.e0> | (4.21 ANCHORAGE-KENA] INTERTIE a z es Pu me CASE NO. FUTIb PAGE 3 a o = eas TO TEELAND ese To mre Ww TERN a z s iv @.995 PU BELUGA 228 (.607 PU '.e18 Pu UNITY ANC 238 TO = Pe UNIV ANC HIS c e UNITY ANC 138 s eu .3@> <i <B.psid> <i.41> PT. WZFI 138 _—_-—_— — GiRawooD <ez.e> ee * a rare 138 ALReORT 238 v | ene Pu ~ 5 6.995 PU | ” \ rr. Mzre 138 : —— ae Y PORTAGE <ar.u> |e. a> ry Pu '.88 PU S 7 INTL. 230 = o.9%4 Pu x s pt. poss.2ae “hiv sis ‘oor PU iB avy nore POWER ENGINEERS INC 1.982 PU ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO FUTIb -<es &> 10 BERNICE 238 AGE 4 1s) BERNICE 228 PT. Poss.238 ‘aq Ls se 38> SOLDT. aaa so_nrT. is Ss Sb pe 7 = a unui <0. 532 Te saa <o ey QuARTZ 115 1.882 PU 2. ew = BERNICE 115 1. ase 20.8 <@.4“322> <4.29) idhd 'e- BIG .a 2 se> (a Be 40.8 1.807 eu 38.8 aay BERNICE bs <14.2> <3.34%> To TesoRO 69 3 ia ala 3 <e.ond [23-2 SKI WILL 115 44 ain 4.9 <4. 'o.. ) 2.82 9a fo euartz mo) (6) =z a 1.815 PU ay v s 5 ele sja ede ai% © 21.8 bad | y a a> els ms x|° a =| 3 s (G) 4. e@> v S coorer ny cr 2 BAAD UCT 11S a me ru = os 1.624 PU fis <a. 784. sa = 2 Lad A ‘.es8 ru Biv 7 s v Tr z oli © “he a -Hiv 8.998 PU BRAB LU os BERNICE 24.9 wie «a 24> (5) "4.2 BDIRMOND 4 FRIIZ us 21S eo G) 19.8 so.8 ,S2.2 <0 bau e <e.22> [18-8 <b. Te> <b.84> | <5. 38> = 1.019 PU <3.24> G b.Be> <b. 97. 1.924 PU 1.904 PU 1.81% PU POWER ENGINEERS } ANCHORAGE -KENAI INC INTERTIE CASE NC FUTIb AGE 5 a e ‘a s r — NY aves 1.817 Pu ata ale “Te v a a cir ™y a — RY LAWING ‘968 Pu a « e s mie LAMING 918 Pu s he aja a] v “a z “ =e —"'VSEWARD 6.978 Fu 10s os bd ba 138 i is ZNS bo @ 22 13. ES to Sts o9 nos TARP) ob zo Be anes; <a. se> ar.e | 32-7 a2.3 | ou 2 = _— 3 de. a> | <4. > <3.0@ TS 2e> = ' e818 PU aa. <2. a> 2.994 PU 5S. SIME 6S cPs TARP «69 6.991 Pu 28.b),1b.2 <e2.se> '<i.12> “a a 1.989 Pu o/s oaf- ait! = -ft%eus cunA 69 @ 993 PU > : 3 a “ vy ias = of, 1.985 PU : ala © . ane F . oe). . y v 1.825 Pu nus 12.5 3 6HS 34s - 1se td Qn <39.2> v m= '.eM2 PU '.e38 PU te ©) MNS ays 1.858 PU HLS 128 pss &s ses 9 '.@2s PU 8.871 ),68 937 @ aa 1 8.b2 HLP. ta.@ Ht a a 25.9 <1.82> Is sa> <«s 4s 8.24% ¥ . (6) 1.065 PU 1.888 PU - 4 = © Le <@.b48> % CMges aus 1.004 PU a ¢.e4n PU HLS 12.8 5 2008 2 | @pv = POWER ENGINEERS INC Y cus aus Se eu aH es2 ee ANCHORAGE -KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO. FUT20 TO DOUSLAS as PREE e '.688 PU 6S SHAH us LAZELLET 115 O'mEIL us LucAS is TO Cus ays aaa 2 nares) 22.0 = <b @e> <4 48> a.2 Pu = a o : 6.978 PU § ea a4 Pu s aii olicenzene is a sou ‘ag TF pouccas aus =. ‘ tah 8.972 PU e.378 Pu s EKLUTNA! &.9 EKLUTNA tS g a : TEELAND aus TEELAND 138 eee s m™e os a g se ‘sa é <9..2b> |.e88 Pu <189%> 89 os pee acee > HERNING 113 ae we . 6.904 PU 14.8 4 Le 7. 52> 7 reen ms iv |.808 PU paar ee .81B PU TEELAND 13.8 PARKS us - 1.802 PU he ~ SCoTmMEe 115 = 2.998 Pu S a v « BRIG6S 11S v 8.989 PU PIPPEL is é & a4 Pu TEELAND 228 REARS tus 5 @ 964 PU oe 8 a BRIGGSTP 115 . sa TS TEELAND 115 Seam 8977 PU ANCHORAGE - KENAI CASE NO. Fu To PT. NAC 238 POWER ENGINEERS > | PRGE 2 = <18.4) @ 998 PU INC INTERTIE ms To mre BRIGGSTP APR OANCH 6.973 PU <8. 29m8.a50> 8.%bb PU n <3.78> <B.918> sta. 8 "1S stra. 18 11S aaa,4s.e 45.9 bB.2 == = = = = s <a ad | Ga2.e> <22.9> <en.4> = es Pu @ a2 PU 6.912 PU a POWER ENGINEERS INC <r.e81rdl <ai> <1. 899 | <4.20> ANCHORAGE-KENA] INTERTIE TO UNIV ANC gae 70 &. TERM CASE NO. FUT26 PAGE 3 ons e €. TERN. 2328 = el 4 he | To Pe 25 a ea e «4.59 14. s> os « 9.995 PU z = Qa E + e a e a Zz + -le aie 4. Tean. 228 @.993 PU z aA Te s "ls - ¥ a UNIY ANC 138 = aA “a = ac 2.992 PU a 8 2 er. mac e238 a VINDIAN 41S 8.999 PU 8.989 PU 138 ahha ay ee = 8.992 PU ne a : 2 * 8 er. mac tae Vv a4.8 ,a2a.5 > | -- -e8B> <I 3.98> A 2 g ° = pb leemueteiuion AIRPORT 238 BELUGA =. 238 '.0mm Pu |.688 oud VPORTAGE 115 8.998 PU “a s 7 a s i is ty i i ; “ 3 wile tn Ha «fn «fs a pt. poss.220 “I a ° 7 a bf a rn - a - es PIreig Fim #1. €£- She 1.985 eu os =“ -¢ vw > Is S S yf! [poweR ENGINEERS INC as ie <1. be> ANCHORAGE-KENAI] INTERTIE (6) (6) (6) (G) (6) (6) (G) CASE NO. FUT2B Bates TO BEANICE 238 BERNICE 238 12 > <2.3a) '.4s> 1.628 PU BERNICE 3.70 TO Tesoro 69 <2. 88. a9 O73 tas e168 ©) <e 92> 1.8 4B <a. 48>. 6.991 PU BERNICE 24.9 BIANOND eS ‘9.8 <w.22> | 18.8 <b .22> 1.8808 PU <3.8> To Pl Poss 238 SOLDT. 238 SOLDT. 115 6.7 7’ % 7 a "2 <e. sam TZ sae> Gisa ee '.e25 Pu 2a 22 ie BERNICE 115 mot see (@. Ses> caw Le = ‘6.61 G.em 40.8 : <a. ss 7 38.8 mae Tt (6) <e.4y : 13.b> '.ee3 Pu <e. 55> '.@22 Pu S SmI MILL Hts as e|" '@.8 41.99 1.89 2fic eunatz es x <4. 1.816 PU wha 1.019 PU = s aia BHi- = . Sf) xmsicor otis 3 e 1.81» PU a = x = |r ic “ts coorer ny a BRAD SCT 11S tors eu t.eas Pu ig 7 v DIAMOND 38.9 <13.> is FRITZ 58.8 18.8 | <e.93><e.22> §<5.4m> (6) '.@28 PU <a“> <b. 1.017 PU POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO. FUT28 noe $s ] i. 4 <a. %e> DAVES 1.618 Pu 7 .1s> <e ois = LAWING 1.828 PU A c 2s s iv ia c s . Vv @.51> VSEWARD e.908 PU bd So ©. TEAM. 238 3'.8),31.68 To mLP2 z =}s + <p x <e.e3> °<e.em> a e903 PU Uni ease 9 z 2 oe es "5 — Ts e <e.6% | <e8.69 s ean fu + a w. TERN 228 UNIV ANC TIS e e.s18 Pu ae) Se A 3 <a.we <2 wa> z a 1.015 PU z z y c UNIV ANC '38 n a a u @.%3 PU w r x . 4 a z . Vv INDIAN ues s iv 1.818 PU A a Vv PT “2 138 3 a s aw r a o a VY @IRDWOOD 115 v ‘ers Pu vay zr s s Vv BeLUGA . = 8.987 PU s PORTAGE oes the PU al Ne HOPE ts INC '.@07 PU POWER ENGINEERS ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO. .FUTY AGE 4 Ww. FORE 138 tas TO BELUGA a0 | <2 ae> &.FORE 138 BERNICE 138 tes vas 4 tes es soupT os -_ — = lay Ucnalest Stee? (17.6) | 49 4 : : ‘ > = = ies a oun is <se.8> -<s8.@> ae ; 7 ses 1.822 PU : . i | B23 PU <1.@2> <5.) [=> BERNICE 115 io. aes ' 18 PU tae “s.8 . = <3.92@> ‘sp ae Sant tO reas ru TO TESORO 6&9 32.8 32.8 )au eo we 7 <e.08 = = = ° ron <2.89) <8.Sb1> Tia > <2.90> [44.9 ele * ee ee 29) eunntz 9 ©) 5 41> SKI HILL HIS 2nie 1.7 1. Sto 1.8284 PU 7.4 bse — efile © 216 ale <b 28> ei ¢ 168 = KASILOF 11S + 1 83 PU $ a (G) <3.44> = 5 cj¢e a = 2f\S cooren 9 kt - BRAD SCT 11S v - = ees pu <a_78% 1.632 PU A z . air Tr a . s “We (6) 68.993 PU « BERNICE 24.9 s DIAMOND Cel ee <8. s> @ | <@. sa><1.86> § <1. 12> 1.828 PU <t.95> 1.826 PU <s. et: 6) <s. <rv.as [te ) <5. 2b> POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE -KENA] CASE WO FUTY INTERTIE PREE 5 A : a -is ; 1 DAVES ms 1.821 PU oa wiles s v a es ois = Si mwins os '.@22 PU © e ajs a v 4 a sis ae = LAWING ba 1.834 PU © -” ais - v a zia s SEuARD 9 @ 986 PU ©. TEAM. 238 es 31.8 ,3!'.8 To mre ei 5 3|= ? . <e.ar> '<e.er> ee ae = a o z oye an 22.5 ,21.5 + i =te s say '<e. sa> = ese) PU £ W. TERN. 228 UNIV ANC 11S 982 PU aA a s z 7 UNIY ANC 138 3 a Ll es PU | 5 x = S a z ’ Vinpran : c 1.829 PU A ia “a a a : - y Cepnteepneye atm CHUFFHAN 188 ES — << @.978 PU s A s <2 2) te elt ae a3 Re etlv simnwooo v 1 @29 PU <eb.2> ik. 2 9 7 : | c) a — Vv ¥. | PE 220 INTL 130 als | 8.988 FU 3 - 7 : . s | a 7 VPORTAGE | 1.829 PU e | PT. wZF2 138 4 ee.5 : e-— v x s 4 a NY wore HO POWER ENGINEERS INC ee ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO. FuTe AGE 4 | TO WwW FORE 238 os mis vis 238 so.nrT 238 sov.oT os A] 12s 126 j 12 12 <4. 11> de> TE ae C <r.4ed ae a> | '.@23 Pu QUARTZ ois 2.72 2.73 ' @@1 Pu mt <8.325> <4.1@> Lo BE ane) 4.0 BERNICE = 69 BERNICE 11S 6) <2. 1b) 13.9 a8 20s [Tae | 828 Pu To Tesoro 9 =429.8 a.8 135. ae <.5> ite 1.881 PU +s ARTZ & G) = SMI MILE 18S aes eis Pu 26 1@.a> <8 (G) a 1.685 PU <4 o> 7 17.8 z a = s (6) <2. s4> * a x 2 won z 2f\c cooren 69 BRAD JCT 115 ei Pu 1.824 PU . s n s fe ote s a & = ; a - ele % g yy, “We (©) 8.993 PU BERNICE 24.9 w.2 Pos DIAMOND 6S be .2 | G.an> © ‘68.8 44.2 <e.2a> | ee > ©) 1.82 Pu a (6) POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENA] INTERTIE CASE NO.FUTe PREE 3 io e.9 > <e.98> <a We> <a WD <3. > <2._%> <@.8> <e.sI> DAVES 1.818 Pu LAHING 1.687 PU LAWING '.867 PU SEWARD @ Wwe PU es ms 9 9 ZNS bo 2 68 “ 1 ES 1o sts 69 To uAs b§ TT a> mos TAP bs <1 bad HAS ba b.328 bab s $0947.55 a <10.> == oy : <s 9 1S eer 12 PU ' Bet Pu 4a 1.819 PU cPsS TRP ba os 1.828 PU 5.67 4.4.34 z{= —_ 13.8 <1. 8b> 3a» <68.b8b> 1a 1.82b PU muS CHNA 69 1.e2) PU A a “ 4 5 fe FHS bo a e |.82> PU c o - nm “ v z 1.855 PU t2.s x <38 . b> Fus 1ae weirs 1 ew Pu PTZ wns aus 1.864 PU HLS 128 s sFs 9 wT + ea yp 4. ae = = <i8 &> <'@ &)> 1.824 PU POWER ENGINEERS INC 8 bear PU ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE au 9,284. CASE NO FuTIe PRGE |! ~ TO DOUGLAS 34S pee “a8 LAZELLET To Cus ays saa) wl SLAZeLLe DOUGLAS iV ecrali ea 1.8432 PU EKLUTNAL EKLUTNA ™ TEELAND TEELAND Po By»as @ <b .44> HERNING 1.625 Pu EKLUTNRe bo 8.ece TEELAND “8 996 PU COrmTLe <@ B87> BRI665 Bib PU TEELAND 8 98> PU <i2.5> BRIGESTP <@.788> 2 TEELAND s2ea PU POWER ENGINEERS ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE F To Pr. AC 238 CASE NO. FUTIG To mPe PARKS 1.824 PU PIPPEL 1.826 PU ey oy ons CLS. s ©. TEAN. 238 . a To mee . - 2 a rt a UNIV ANC 238 z 2s.t . = rs = <B.25> [= A “ a eS rie sas UNIV ANC IIS . TERN 238 A 1 Bea PU nm s a a ‘ vi " unity anc 138 @ a a s = 1 @te Pu > a s i = a z INDIAN oes z Pr. mAC 238 a : 1.828 Pu v 7 2.998 Pu ¥ a = PT. wAC 138 < z 3 PT. HZFI 138 VMUFFARN 128 $32.9 — 1.8tb PU > GIRDWOOD 115 1 @2@ PU <e.9a> <7 41D = ALRPORT 238 Pu -<eB.8> “> PT. wzFe 138 PORTAGE 115 <9.15> . 1.827 Pu ' ee : , sa> BELUGA 8 987 PU Inte. 238 1.8638 PU v HOPE is INC 1 828 PU POWER ENGINEERS ANCHORAGE-KENA] INTERTIE CASE NO. FUTIB To sovonT BERNICE 238 TQ BURNT 1S. ih 490 a § qa> so.nt. 238 soot. 41s a 20.8 =e jae ae = a — aaa ST OSSD ead <a avy QuARTZ 115 1.839 PU » oa en fee BERNICE 115 = 7s 12 126 <@ 1ss> <4. @4)> ; = = el Secu aio als C7 BD <1 se@> Ss) alate tea <s.22) 8 eee ee ee | fe.44> ©) 1 Bab PU alt® DAVES BERNICE 69 1.835 Pu <1. 58> wiits ba 1.638 Pu ayr To TesoRO 69 12.6 nia rit <8.989) }= SKI HILL HIS 7 ai 2 .28> a fit eunrtz 69 8 x a © 5 1.0% PU BLY 2 ty c ei- -th- R 2ttY LAW ING 6) 8. eee fF KASILOF 115 sis E me abalien a's ' e2> s 4 a 2 8.088 2 Sis ae => 7 o a) Vv (6) <8.377) te e coorer bd BRAD JCT 115 1 en Pu Sis 4 1.049 Pu aiile a «ee s e|n 2 ~ 8.995 PU als a a a s a ojo 3\°% i G ule "he . LAKENG alll 1.857 Pu abla 8.991 PU ala BERNICE 24.9 sia (6) 2 DIAMOND 115 s 1AMOND ne as tai a FRITZ 6) M aia <1.28> &.94 14a> atti = =- > <e 223) = RS <a.a0> [2:37 9.37 | <4. aa><a.s1> | <a.e@> (6) EllSecuhen _— _— '.O4s PU <3.@1> <3.19%> 1.835 PU '.83b PU 1.042 PU POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENAIL INTERTIE CASE NO. FuTIB AGE 5 29 <8. te <8. esa> 4198.9 (C18. a> <8.) ZNS ba 4 17,2 o8 neeetnn ies To urs 69 «=> f= To sts BS V.a3 <1 wad | wad &.a4 ».28 a co Ise = 18.9> <8. FE we t.e1t Pu te. 14> are on a” a.tay = 818 PU a ces TARP 4 Hail S.Qe »4.33 =. S. SIDE 64 <7.98) ‘@.49> 1.019 PU ‘a.8 -1e Pu a <8. D @ eee -14 - (6)svs ajs eff Epa Cee? effS = afffSeus cunA 69 <a. 1.828 PU 8.972 PU “ ry - - “ SHS 138 a LI na 2.08 - As i] v 1.618 PU 3 é a s te.8 fae : . 4 i - Vv nus ‘2.5 <ay.t <ttoa> 1.654% Pu SHS aus rite 4b. a]" - 7 <9. S rc 1.859 PU 1.648 PU 2 z ass us ‘38 (6) 1.86% PU 1 8@4 PU Pes Lal sFs 4 1.78 po. 1.78) 4.49 2 in HLP ise oe = ai-e@fa 1.884% PU <9. Me 1 <18.7 <1.) om? sihc 25.9 6) 1.18 PU 1 Bay Pu are Sig 34S = 1.857 PU <6. »39> . HLS ‘2.8 a a Svs ris <tnn> © ait’ eee POWER ENGINEERS INC offf-~ cHs aus 7 = oleh aeene ANCHORAGE-KENAL INTERTIE| ~ I a“ v 1O BOUGLAS as CASE NO. Futea '.8@>b PU aw Pu bd ms LAZELLET TO CwS 34S LUCAS mas LAZEL <@.5a@> ans aee8> TEELAND (128 JS HERNING 115 2b.2 1.827 PU = “Aw 3 <iis> i 1.831 Pu = 1d TEELAND 13.8 hed <b 23 s s 6.997 Pu 2if Scomme 1S eze ru MCRAE us 1.925 PU 2 TEELAND 228 POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE -KENAI CASE NO. Futea Pr omACc 238 '.@aS Pu INTERTIE st = <8. S@b> <8.beqd ee4 Pu a = Le ts " , s i ’ pow ws 124 Pu EKLUTNAL & 9 EKLUTWA IS |.@88 PU 8.656 _ EKLUTNRS b.4 a se <e 1 a 1.688 PU 1.@a4 Pu vy, REED vies 1.829 Pu PARKS ses ' @e4 PU BRIGGS 115 Pere” ws 1.8t» Pu 1.828 PU BRIGESTP 11S < TO mp2 Fis PAGE 2 aia i site aie alte ais afr «je ae mLPt au.s el. i. ST. =e v g Vv v e es v STA. 18 11S STA. INT HIS 22.4 )34.9 an \V FPR ANCH tt ‘e988 PU STA. 14 FNS us N. LTS.T (.bs => <8.2@sD ws s Vv 3 STA. @ is STR. 1S 2 38.8 - ea.e = POWER ENGINEERS INC «a.is> Via.40> ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE 1 Pp TT CASE NO. FuT2a3 PAGE 2 TG 1S BARIGGSTP 13.8> .. 1. TO &.TerRnm ea.3 = <a. <8. 4@> 1e@> mLPe 1 om PU TO UNIV.ANC ae es TO THELAND ese TERN. 238 To mre UNIY ANC 238 21.6 _— ce UNIV ANC 1280 & s ‘38 n '.809 PU <4.aH> | <5. 55> Pr. uzFa _ POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENAI] INTERTIE CASE NO. FUT22 HUPFHAN 238 1.632 Pu HARSH 238 (.632@ Pu to so.prT TO mre is sovoT 238 BERNICE 6&9 bat To Tesoro 6a = SOLDT. iis <e.989> 498 & — <t @b> ©Bas = ae age <(s.14e@> (G) S BERNICE 115 a tiem) greece '2-Syie.s 12.6 e.ene | <b> J<ce.94 TS a> <s.55 ao) (G) == 1 @3e Pu <8. 2a2>) aa Sxl Hite bbs > acta? 7:85 515.9 <o.29 8.9%» Pu <b.08) 14a = <5. 34> 3 55 1 exe PU 1 e42 PU ajo a aia Tue G KASILOF 115 == 1.048 Pu 8.992 PU BERNICE 24.9 BIAMOND 4 9.37 <a.8m> >3 37 <a eID 1.034 PU 4.52 ois BRAB ICT c 1.847 Pu A- = x 2 8 - = x : ns @ Vv r LJ . <i <4. 15> <2. 88; <4.28> 1.843 PU <a.1%) FRITZ ois 1.839 PU DIAMOND 115 18> <i 4a bm p49. =| <a w> 1¢a.9D> 38 PU ©) a ale -|e Shs a itZ eunarz . 1.817 PU a = We s|e ajz Vv "bs all coorer os 1.e1m PU <8. Sb9> POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO Fure2a AGE 5 TO BURNT a 3 a“ c es ies otllvanves 1.832 PU aya ays lm a= s ¥v x rs ale BLS avy LAWING '.@29 Pu alia a'r : es 2 _ a | a a ale . he uty LAWING 1.954 PU le eC 2 es 8 Vv “a 2 J “2 WV scuunao 1.@3@ PU os bo =F ZNS ba s 92 a a4 FS 10 STS 69 mOS TRE) bo i Meee 23.4 23.2 =— — =z = <1.aa> <2.32> Pu »s 1.084 PU ces TAP 9 ™m e 3.8 <3.bID> te—5 tert eu 1 83 PU 4 e | as 3 a na - 7d =Uty tas »s v, 1.608 PU 3 CHA ry " a 7 s iv v 1.825 Pu nus ta.s P6s = s's es w.ta = as 1.802 PU 1.817 PU oo a sia PU eo 12.8 a POWER ENGINEERS INC Y cus ays eu A) @bt PU ANCHORAGE-KENA] INTERTIE zz 5 CASE NO. INT? PASE | TO DOUGLAS 345s SHAH is LAZELLET 11S OQ welL tts vucam ha TO CHS ans ae. a2ea,23 2 2aae -> | - = <s a4) 3% eee csiany e 7s5 Pu o.904 PU <t.6D @a1 eu aa> 88> 9.55 LAZELLE ais oon ' 1s <a BOUGLAS aNS ' 8.9% PU 8.913 Pu ey! PU EKLUTNAL &.a 4.8 EKLUTNA 11S TEELAND 345 TEELAND 1368 <a. a ‘ez EKLUTNR2 &.9 4.68 = REED oes 1.826 PU <ia.@ 1<ie > 1.815 Pu TEELAND 13.6 = ae PARKS as - 1.888 Fi TCOTmMeE 115 esse Pu BRI66S ws 6.997 PU PIPPEL ms 1.6681 Ps TEELAND 238 <tr. @ Web PU BRIGESTP us 44 = 2.03 PO TEELAND IS = <9.05> POWER ENGINEERS al'ssa au INC ANCHORAGE -KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO Int]? To PT. WAC 238 To mepe iis a7 » an es <8. Bees. 79'> | 55 4 6.78 6.78 -4 A es es nm mLPI ay. s = c ale 8.9S2 PU ve Vv A F se sta. 12 11s v wes te <aa.e> | <ea.e> ea) Pu STA. 18 ots 39.4 41.2 == ? : a <2a.a> § <ay.1> a ilie ohm @.382 PU a a we a ay nce wis @ 968 Pu 8.982 PU APR a a STA. & us a 6.979 PU a “A a a a v z sT? @ as STA. 2 27.8 )39.8 37.4 55.1 = USTA. 1 1S = = : ie we ws boa.» <4. <2e.2> Aa. a7 PU 8.982 Pu 8 983 PU 6.983 PU is 4 ecto POWER ENGINEERS INC v ‘_ 2 <s.05> | <e.ee> ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE! ® 98@ PU ence ha. iva ence 3 alla alls We lls alo os ajeoric = = Vv Vv nS =| s cr nm a a Vv v ANCH 115 8.984% PU TO BRIGGSTP . =i To € TERM a 2 a o v ons mPa tis @.995 PU <@.@be2> ~ u z « > z =) o = | | | | ! €. TEAN. 238 - . 2 31.b .3!.b To mp2 : =f= ? : <o.49> | Xo. UNIY ANC 238 . 12.8 ° 4 u . - o s e : Ww TERN 228 UNIV ANC IIS eas eu A ie 8 a v a UNITY ANC 1380 — a a a a e992 PU a = = e 4 INDIAN ois = fw 8.997 PU So a s 3 : eS c S v 8 138 a J nm o Ls iY GIRDWOOD 1:5 @ a7 PU <12.2> AIRPORT 2386 BELUGA 6.993 Pu 8.9% PU Pl. POSS.238 + @84 PU sis POWER ENGINEERS INC 8.999 PU ANCHORAGE-KENAI] INTERTIE -<eB @> CASE NO. INTS TO BERNICE 238 BERNICE 228 To PT. POssS.238 oy 3» sont. 228 sont. 115 Bene oes jee 4 be 4 = Ps 3. . hs <4.o 4. @1> <e.a4 QuARTZ ws 1.825 Pu 4“ se “4 se pa = BERNICE 115 vas sae s3 8 <e 228> <4.as> | 12:3 'e-B1 Gi .ea <1 as <1 .a8) 48.8 6) '.e28 PU 53.8 <ea.@> BERNICE = 9 ole m2) <1 .@8> yo Teseen' us" ¢ pene ew . io 69 33.8 <1.) b= SWI HILL 1t5 ey . aa4 <3. 18> 7-81 14 as 29m eunerz 9 ) s 1.819 PU a s > _|4 ats rie s\|s © ae ell wmsicor otis u 1.623 PU a es “ Wa A 1.8 21" o (6) L 4q% coorer 4 S BRAB SCT 11S 1 eas Pu s ole t.e32 eu tile ts er = . 8 a . 2% : © Le £ -Hiv 28.998 PU BERNICE 24.9 BRAD OS BIAMOND 11S 19.8 “2 BIAMNOND De _ PREZ <s @8> te.a <a-em) I o..a a.3 © = = = 44.2 < <S.aa> [te 2 s.38> 1.814% PU 'e.@ | <2.98><2.%)> | <2.32> 1 .e28 PU <5. <3s.93> '.82s Pu POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO INT? AGE $ a a “ihm = We oaves 1.024 Pu a “~ We -|e ¥ a so ale - . — EV LAWNS 1 ai eu LJ “Hie -|e n Vv x oe mile =ae Y LANING 1.@32@ PU mile a . Vv “a oc ~ 4 WV ccunen e.998 PU ons es bd ba mos TRE Ss TO UAS bo ZNS 68 ss = ro sts 69 <2 3»> 3 e4 <a sad 232.2 — <4..74> <b. 84> — <2.3a <'.@a> 1.684% PU e4 “ c [MUS CHNA ba 1 e823 PU A ~ 2 a z 7 2 m IAS es yy x FHS ba a a '.B08 PU “ “ See Fu a a LJ = v Vv 1.825 Pu nus 12.8 rus ‘ae | 828 PU Ps6s es ss 9 TO DOUBLAS 34S BS wia yh. i iy <a — is e 1.617 Pu - r 2 aA S c 5 POWER ENGINEERS INC cus aus 7 se ib PU r oa Be PU is ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE e ie CASE NO. INTS PAGE | SHAH uns LAZELLET 11S O° NEIL ms TO CHS ays t= Ooh = qv 8.9% Pu 88> : WGUAZELLE is a BOUGLAS 34s ene 2.97) PU 8.98 PU 1.042 PU = ~ TEEL AND aus ‘@ li “or ry = se ™ oe TEELANB 138 in => 1s 3 ou 1.808 PU i. VMERNING 113 EKLUTNR2 &.9 6.981 Pu wee REED os 1.013 PU TEELANS 13.8 PRAKS mis ' 88b PU BRIGGS os 6.994 PU PIPPEL vos 6999 PU ACRARE es A TEELAND 8.993 PU abt BRIGGSTP 11S 1.08 TTEELAND 11S POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE -KENAI CASE NO INTERTIE INTs To PT RAC 238 To mre 3 » a a1.e © t 8.78 - a A 2 el “ ALPI ayu.s - . ry 8.49 PU v in Tr a v ? a <aa.a> | fa4. > aS 5 8.975 PU vs Vv mp! is ean Pu a a ete ae mtv STA. & ous . 3 8.7 Pu . r 7 a r g a 7 <6.2% o = sTA s os ere... cs ms = ave,21.8 att Ss.! MSTA. 1 IS = = Y Ge wd Paw <1. <ee.2> A 8 Tw PU 6.979 Pu @ 988 PU 6.988 e “ Miiiestal | POWER ENGINEERS INC v ‘on as <s.a5> | <b 82> ANCHORAGE-KENAL INTERTIE ean Pu CASE NO INTS <i8.4. 22. b> Pu APR ANCH IIS <B7.8> <i> 8.981 Pu <e3. 2e.> TO €. TERM TO BRIGGSTP 115 a c - c vw mPa os esa fu ~ThS Ts @eir s Vv a . -|" ens wee 238 e987 PU Ar “as s a v s n A] u z « > z 2 oa e €. TERN. 238 s s 37.8 , 31.8 To Pe = —_ —_ Pry a 2 <b. 13> as 5 = ep en ee UNIV ANC 238 a a = a e + e a L s S 4. TERN 238 UNIV ANC FIs @ 984% PU a a 5 j UNITY ANC 138 4 a = i @.919 Pu atta z , atte ei 3 PT. nAC 238 ie) || inpiAN od . - 8.984 PU 2.979 PU vom HUFFHAN 138 ch, a 8.904 PU TS ein gc a ime T et mac tae a Vv v t@.t r seetitit| (POU a pe z, 3 = Vv c <ai.a> <aa.> TMTe. 128 5 o 1B. Y GIRDHWOOD || 8 984 PU <ea.> MN Fetes AIRPORT 230 <28.&> a i 2 |’ PORTAGE 8.985 Pu 8.994 PU . PT. poss.238 {it ' @@82 Pu AY v a es HOPE POWER ENGINEERS INC a Bs jp. 988 PU ® - ANCHORAGE -KENAL INTERTIE 2 v . CASE NO INTs TO BERNICE 238 vis ies nis = ? : iy ‘ BERNICE 2a To FP’ POSS e236 ] ter <a @> sont. 238 soLDT. vis 3 oe jue 4 bay 3.9_> “wat = = , . Boa <e. se QUARTZ ots 1.824 PU 4 se 4 sa BERNICE 113 = =] 12.3 sa 8 s3 08 <a 171—> <4. @3)> mn ib.B s <1.69 mi - <t aa <1 ag 0.8 : 1.019 PU 53.8 wots (6) «<e.95) “ye BERNICE 6s . <13.8> 1.27 Pu DAVES oes <1.39> 1.823 Pu 12.8 101s Pu a mate TO TESORO && 53.8 ate = -loa <e.) SKI HILL WIS aje -|: aas <5.4@> 7-6e 4.29 2 ot eunnrz ay ¥ (6) ao) <b .a> '.e09 PU 3 a. 1.624 PU one 217 , 2|*° =Weenwins 1s 28 L ' 6) s KASILOF 115 | 1 @te PU <1 78> « 1.822 PU = lg a ae 11.8 2 ole s ° v (6) <4.48> 25> coorer ro) i= BRAB JCT 11S '.@2@) PU a 1.ea2 PU ox fta ~ The ry as 2 WCHOR «1S : a . Ef 2i* -499 PU = = ° e v Y Y; a|= 5 s (F) - |}, 0 s = NY | ania ba -tiv 1.831 PU 8.998 Pu mile BERNICE 24.9 BRAD L is on 44.2 iS DIAMOND 115 Ss BIAMOND = 6S Ln 44.2 ~ FRITZ (6) te.2 <8.1»> 2e.4 <4. 99> a <4 9 Jaw 2 cia <s.3@> [i> 3 te 3] <2.84><2.91> §<2.2D (6) oy\e 1.828 PU “4 > —"IVSEWARD a <3. 38> <s.93> 1.639 PU 8.989 PU 1.813 PU 1.824 PU ANCHORAG CASE nO. E-KENAI POWER ENGINEERS INC INTERTIE INTs AGE 5 i) er 4, an ZNS bo 9 o4 ,5 92 nos TARP ba Tours 49 = 10 5TS b9 mu.s <3 s@> | <2 ae> — a <a and [23-4 721s ale Zi .a» <2.205 }= se tert Pu CS? wlltv GHS et 11.6 '.e12 Pu <t.d2> ces TAP 64 1.884 Pu 14.9 01.8 —e | —> eS bs <a sO TR ww 12.8 1.812 PU = ase im <s.92> 3 1.616 PU (6)svs s ie «ai s> [MUS CHNR bo ' e84 PU Pu e <b 98> 138 . - = ins Ss w = ae FHS 6S 1.e12 Pu e 1.828 Pu z | 4 : ~ Ll = v nus ai <25.0> [Cia a> 1.28 eu ly 6HS aus THA 4 2 a = Ss 3 <38.» ¥ FHS 138 1.058 Pu 1.839 PU | 29 PU NS a 34s ns 128 east ce | @24 PU a . S HLuP 268 | 2 1.814 Pu < : "| : 1 81@ PU —*Y nes 34s 1.853 PU HL ‘2.6 (6)svs @.bbe PU ENGINEERS INC CHS 34s '.@b' PU ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO INT) ' a a a v A a a v 10 DOUGLAS ays SHAH ms LAZELLET 115 O'NEIL i TO CHS aNSs LUCAS ms s ae @ 1,23 2 23212 eis = ‘= ww <S BS) <4 2e> @.4> a —- elk eo8 Pu <@ a> = = e.ae2 Pu a $ 4 8.979 PU m s s|.- eas eu “ s zi TeMzeLce 11s r SUS pouscas 34s s Ee ale : '.e4t Pu : Y pow = aa Pu -_ in EKLUTNA! & & EKLUTNA tS 1 ese eu a> 4.8 — TEELAND ize c YY HERNING oes “4 TEELAND 34S ‘er ise EKLUTNAe b.4 ‘oe 6.984 Pu <1@ TEELAND 12.8 PRRKS 8.9% PU ' ms Pu BRIGG6S ois MCRAE is wieee 6.99% Pu esr @ 9% PU t. u VY TEELAND 238 BRIGGSTP 11S a r a ST TEELAND 115 <9 26> 8.997 PU POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENAI] INTERTIE INT) CASE NO TO mP2 HIS PAGE 2 To Pr mAc 238 1.885 Pu wis ms os TO 1S BRIGGSTP ea site sila |e mLP ays sir ele r 5c le 8.952 PU v Vv 3 «=f mre its iF esas fu r alle THla “ afin e STA. 12 61S ee sale « ain Vv sig ate 4 = =e.8 103.3 & & 8 <ae.@) I <ea.2> e.991 Pu oes STA. WNT 1S aM paie 40.3 )b3.9 ma “a = = Sele 6@3.37 T Gau.0> <ay.ad | <ae.a> n a s @ 98: PU s 2 = iis ae u|% Os mre 2328 c a @ 993 PU si An “ a m APR RANCH . = - . STA. 14 11S a STA. & ts 2 PU «its Tle NO LTS.T WIS e|- am s —_ v <o.21 in STA. @ 11S STA. 1S tS = ai. 4.37.8 a7. sc) zi" = = ane Ke. > 1417. <1. 0 <e2.2> $2.2 2 ey suns es 8.98) PU ® 9828 PU Paares . a 8.979 PU : a o -H'e e.9083 FU y Ss r « =| eiteases POWER ENGINEERS INC s a v . : - = = = z <s.as> |e aa ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE . =| @ 979 PU a a CASE NO. INT) PRGE 3 t= - TO TSEGLAND #88 ©. TEAR. 236 23.3 ,23.3 —- | — = <8.32> | <8. 32> a = = < 7 = =. “1 ar = = “a w Inte 2 8.995 PU | t | | | | Pr. wZF2 128 a aia yai.e POWER ENGINEE ANCHORAGE - KENAI UNITY ANC 236 BURNT ([S 238 @ 96 PU RS INC -<45.@> INTERTIE CASE NOD INTD AGE 4 To mre HUFFHAN 238 8.985 Pu ale ate MARSH 238 8.987 PU <4.78> To sov.pT TO mLPe <a.e4m> <I GiroxnooD @a97 PU .es> V PORTAGE 8.998 Pu as es +. rT = BERNICE 69 be 12.8 ' =. z 1O TeSoRO &9 Se we a F ' «WD saa 3 ‘S13 a ase 1s = st <1 ..St> 6) = cea ea iS eRe QuARTZ 11S r “> +49 4 se a © Ze BEANICE 115 e oe @S ww | 24-& S46 1b s4 ie 53.7 ie VBAYES us ate us J<1.s0 1S. sp <s.e0 |°'? 2 tent Pu | 82» Pu e (6) <a. si e aoe SKI HELL HOS aes i. eS v (.e82 Pu UBil-re é i~ . a ‘.ee8 Pu ey Pu ® o- s 3 = Y LAKING oes a a o KASILOF 11S | @Ba PU - wv 1.687 Pu 8.992 PU rig aja ‘ BERNICE 24.9 =| s v 9 BRAD JCT 115 mls 1.824 PU ~ s 5 = ir s g v «ja Vv LRWING ro) 1.057 PU ie Cy 2 BIAnonD Ll =e <a.3apD fone <s.a@> | ie 3 te. 3 1 <i.42><1.44> | <8. aBa> a = 1 eo: PU * <s 38> <5.95) FRITZ is % 1.682 PU 1.814 PU Vscwaro 6S DIAMOND 115 @ 475 PU POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE -KENAI INTERTIE CASE NO INT? AGE 5 a = ZNS ba ea) a 43 }= ro STs 6&9 to uns 69 |G uss> mos TRE bo Ka we HAS Bo 3, a 3-02 12 2s 2 4.86 = se sles = a 1.6 61-5 OUT w> <3 2) t3 @.6> mile ei2 Pu a.as 1 826 Pu . = “eer v aus ae <8. ba2> t.e1t Pu 1.e17 Pu S. SIDE ba + : q ba . f ces TAP i eva toa 13.8 e <a. 55>, . <7.485 ' ‘e123 Pu a 1.82b Pu SMus CHNA bo 1.898 PU es 1|”Ss 9 z FHS bd 1.01 PU 1.82 PU { LJ 1.825 Pu nus 12.5 FHS 136 1 ee PU pss i sus es 1.22 piles ate <e.18> Ifa 42> 1.0149 PU 1.824 PU POWER ENGINEERS INC cus ays 1} @bb PU ANCHORAGE-KENAL INTERTIE CASE NO INTs PAGE | TO DOUGLAS 345 To cus ays SHAH is LAZELLET 115 O mEIL ms s a so194 ii oT Silize: SJ s.4e > < “@e> <e Sead sori <B.494a> + ei Pu DOUGLAS 34S 1.844 PU A @YEELAND ans £9.07 TEELAND 1368 an ais <8 8a5> TEELAND 13.8 <9.22> 8 9% PU <@.Baa> 8.899 PU <8.97a> TEELAND 3.604 so <0. 78e> 2s Tao PT. WAC 238 POWER ENGINEERS ANCHORAGE-KENAI] INTERTIE 2.39 a <a. «il? ' B88 PU nm wlfiSenzecce is 18 PU EKLUTNAI &.9 8 ase -_ — <b.4D 1.866 PU EKLUTNAR2 &.9 6.184 HERNING mas 1.019 PU cOrmLE mas 1 ees Pu BRI665 es 1.86tb» PU <@.29—> BRIGGSTP 11S 4. =. } TEELAND 115 EKLUTNA wis wis > 1.826 PU PARKS 1.824% Pu PIPPEL 1.869 PU ' B22 PU INC CASE NO. INTH TO mPe 15 os ves vis is te = _—_— — = = -_ re & a (6) (E) (G) (6) TO BRIGGSTP 115 ens s s| a - a =|” “ is) a|*% mLPI au.s i" a al” ea|- ujn = . Ss ‘eli 1.838 PU v v v v rts mre tea) ' i '@1a Pu s aha t 2 are fal Els : PAS 7 s a Vv v z : <a.4s> |! @.a1> on a (.088 PU $ Van ¢ a |” mPt sis cr “elias 1 9a PU z rffy mePe en8) ies e all ee =13 APR ANCH 11S sfis= -Ia - ’ 2 1.589 PU alee 8 Z 5 s © vi = Ee ie a 1.688 Fu =u STA. & os s 3 1.687 PU -|e F a “a - a s v A a ai lie era 'tS STA. 1S 1tS o|- ay Pl ie a 'e.2 e4.é SR HES STA. 7 mas = 7 8 Le <2 2D 1G.te o.ead <a.98> 2 " 1 e870 Pu 1.Be8 Pu 1 e988 PU 1.0988 PU u es o z © STA s rc a z | laniettet POWER ENGINEERS INC = y gai roe hy i <1.bs> | f2.43> ANCHORAGE-KENAL INTERTIE i z | @@7 PU CASE NO) oINTY PAGE 3 9 2 | €. TEAM. 238 To Pea UNITY ANC 236 1.2 _ <t. 3as> TO mre TO TEELAND esa 24.w UNIV ANC 1S 2623 ,2.84 Ww TERN 228 e992 Pu a a s s UNIY ANC 138 iy '.@87 fu . s = 75 nAC 2 © INDIAN s = 5 a ; b z er. 238 é eee tee) 8.989 PU Ng . A S 5 :. 4 v Oe ar nan PT. WZFI 138 V HUFFHAN 138 aes 1.eas PU <em> iad GIRDWOOR +15 7 <B.11> 4 ai Pu 1.014 PU ’ (e s ’ - a INTL. 138 AIRPORT 238 Y ele le 1.82— PU A ¢ r PT. wZFe 138 4M. 6 s <b. 58> § <4. be> 1.e12 PU 4a> BELUGA 8.98 138 UWL. 238 1.825 Pu Pu Poss .238 + eae Pu gae>d<' POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE -KENA] INTERTIE -(e8 @> CASE NO. INTY 10 BERNICE 238 BERNICE 238 =~ TO PT. Poss 238 “4 8B on a 5 $33 sa.Dt. 238 SOLDT. mts 2.4 32.6 — —» | 32 & a2 & <1s.9> <a.a> = = ‘ . %@ 90> <a ash QUARTZ o1IS 1.838 PU » 29 eo => — BERNICE 115 = bes we was <e @Is> <3 98) | = = 6.815 <1.4a> <e wi> <e 45> 4.68 2 1.8as PU taut = (G) <5.33> i BERNICE bs <2.44> 1 @ad Pu 3.97 x To Tesoro &9 te. “1/3 <o.8s bs es 1° <b. 18> afl aunarz es (6) 1.819 PU “ . - Ts s oie allfv wasicor its ajo ailtn | -045 Pu s a ain n <8. o8e> £ © iin coorer 4 : x s atta 5 BRAD SCT 11S 1.e0s PU = -|© 1.849 PU silo e <@ 237 1 ais ~ e.99s eu MV al« Cc Vv cise ria e E ie “he . a v 8.991 PU BERNICE 24.9 Los DIAMOND 115 BIAMNOND ef FRLIZ i aa © <2.be> | 8's es 1G. w<2.eD 1G. 1 6) = = 1 w%e PU <o.a91> <2. be@> <2.73> + @s@ PU 1.839 PU 1.844 PU a POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE -KENAL INTERTIE CASE NO oINTs a . . ‘ ” ' s . “ihe 2 ty saves is 1.83b PU a nw alls -ls air alo a “is wh) AH ING is 1 gam Pu alla “Toa “ a s Vv a LJ Zz a 2 “hs aH awins b9 1. 8bB PU alla alte -|s “ 2 a v a al 7 alllvseunnn ro) toast Pu ZnS bo 2.07 a “2 To STS && a 4 nos TAP) ob to eae s <@ bs ba 2, 8b 2262: |e ae 229 4.86 = = —|s: _— _ .bs> <1. sa> al bares ei2 Pu e826 PU Sus a) '.80t Pu 1.8:7 Pu 5S. SIDE 69 La 7 Pu 3 <a.ss> 2 z 1.82 PU @nuS CHNA bo ' PU a a aio 7 es a tits FHS ba 1.8te Pu 1.82b Pu ale nm s 1.825 Pu v nus tas Fus ‘ae ' @39 PU PGs Te ses tbe '.22 p1 2s —— {3 <a.1> 2 12> 1.019 PU 1.624 PU a ei Pu HLS 12.8 {@)*" POWER ENGINEERS INC cus 8 be PU 7 ANCHORAGE -KENAI INTERTIE CASE nO INTe TO BOUBLAS 34S SHAH os LAZELLET 1S O NEIL us LUCAS ms To CHS ays ew e sa s 19 <B.494> 1 ent Po . 1.817 PU s a ' zr s 7 Scazecce 11s Bow is aff% Souccas § aus eer we '. y 1.844 PU 1.017 eu a EKLUTNAL & . es ~ TEELAND aus TEELAND 130 os b) a g 9.86 s.12 s yee ees EKLUTNR2 &.9 1.819 PU e.1a8 <b .4D Kb. 23> Rees is '.Ba4 PU <ia.@ b<ie TEELAND 13.6 — <9..2b> 6 9% PU w s. PRRKS ms a a svs e a 1.6 Pu oe Scomme wis '.828 PU 8.899 PU ie [i c s PIPprEe. os ‘i c x ens eu TEELAND <@.2aa> <!2.—> BRIGGSTP 115 EELAND 11S an ' e22 Pu POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENAL INTERTIE CASE NO To Pr. mAC 238 INTs rT a a (6) (6) (6) (G) TO BRIGGSTP 115 a : alts a : « ajiT ° 2 ° mid aril = s © 7% & i mPa os 1.638 PU v v v cfe : e ‘eta Pu s r s ans - ole is c|? s re 2 wile os oe ~ ao ss v v STA. INT STA ‘ss oes ma ul =fe z 3 . <a.4a> | <e.a8> Il ee dl EL ied 1.088 Pu $ : e : ms ein VA Wa ae tis a w | - = cr ° a 1.687 Pu 1.888 PU pe rcflY Pe 2328 a Ww ' e8' PU = . APR OANCH 11S a IS 2 2 1.085 PU s = g f . Lf se is nm es - s Smo STA. & is = o fC - ~ o's ae a a s a s cla ~— & 1 STA. 18 11S ole te. tb.a . = hs Mois = = <a. 14> a tS = = a s any ce aed 1G.ag <.83> <9.08) s s lA '. Pu ' 688 PU 1.988 PU s " FY ——— z te aie Po E NC z « EH INE 8 WER ENGINEERS I a = S , be ees ANCHORAGE-KENAl INTERTIE ie 5 CASE NO INT PAGE 32 2 Qa | | | - a 3 z € UNIV ANC 238 a ™ 7 o « - + oa a nm c Bs v UNIV ANC 138 a A a = 1e87 PU a s . J 4 5 © seem nn oes a zy er. wAC 6238 - '.B8lb PU ae9 PU HUFFMAN 138 alta 1.883 PU 3 ~ PT mAC 138 er ¥ Si. )48.68 48.8 => | e-— — — — a @.aw> <1e.a> a GIRDWOOD 115 48.8 = 1 gin PU A ie = a ALRPORT 236 v 1.829 PU ie 5 : o I ie x ix s PORTAGE 115 l 1.618 PU oe . lA = Is Pr. woss.2a8 Th ' @32 FU 1 : Vv HOPE mes POWER ENGINEERS INC e 1.819 PU ANCHORAGE-KENAIL INTERTIE CASE nO InTe TO BEANICE 236 Or a ae oT ae a BERNICE 238 To fe’ Poss ese “4 se $ 25> soLpT. 238 sovor. 415 z 32S 32 » a2» <is.4> <a.42> = = ° i @ 42> <a 38 QuARTZ ts 1.639 PU » os » a7 == —- BERNICE | 2 cal te <@ @si> aap [es25 2 =~ — 8.815 a <1.4a> a/s ; <I <» 95> po . 1.837 PU 2.4 (6) seat alts BERNICE bo <2. te> 1.037 PU DAVES tis art; . 1.637 Pu 3.0 S seen Pu A ale TO TESORO &9 teen sles ale -le SKI MILE tS mile 1: . SS ysae alc eunnrz 9 $ (6) a <s. 1 1G ead <s.a4> o 1.828 PU alin a 1.8% PU 1.047 PU ae si° =|5 SNE soe IV KASILOF 11S ®|9 A Bers “ aft, |-e%b Pu § le o's $ >| = a a «ajo 6.688 a 2 = a iG 4 se <2. ee8> i = coorer »s ¥ aul _ BRAB JCT 11S 1.e1s PU = aje 1.858 PU <e aad 2 x 3 8.9% PU Z z cies a ria s (E) x 12 io . ty LAMinG 4 alliv 1.@b! Pu 8.901 PU 5 la BERNICE 24.9 Baap ots mile s DIAMOND 115 v DIAMOND bs ee FRUIZ (6) sa> <B.2047 a g.is &.87 . <@.2'4%> |e ese a= <2.68> 78 15 @ 1s | 3.69 <2.98) § <3. 12> = (6) tis = = 1.@47 PU <@ 214 atilvSeMARD 9 <2.bm> <e.13> 1.056 PU '.ene2 PU 1.939 PU 1.844 PU POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE CASE nO INTs ZNS ba a3 es ao ee lone To urs 89) f= TO STS BS 4.12 <1 4s> | <@ Bs4> - 3.04 HAS i) —+j2eay 2es ee " Fup aad == 1.813 Pu <3 8) <" @s> <t@.b> Gus 4 2.99 ' Ba! PU '.8te Pu <8.294> cps TRE 4 1.818 PU bi 4.28 ,3.'18 = { = <1 sa 1 %b> <7. ea> FuP 69 '.e04% PU <a.ss> 1.627 Pu veus CHNR bo 1a Pu . s - > FHS bd 1.627 Pu 1.625 Pu s FHS 136 s ' ene Pu <9. 58> 1.Bas PU svs POWER ENGINEERS INC crs ays ANCHORAGE-KENAL INTERTIE |. Obb PU CASE NO INTB <e4 >! ces. @> 10 DOUGLAS 34s . ee Tr ae SHAH ws LAZELLET 1S ONE ots } To Cus ays LUCAS ms | e s 198 cour <o se? Te aas> <e.bsb> ps 'e18 PU 8 Bbs> 1.817 Pu ' wiISLAZELLE fis rf Bousiams = 34s 1.818 Pu v 1.844 PU pon us ' era PU . a SxCurNaieeS EKLUTNA 11S c |. e808 Pu . 8.658 _— TEELAND 1238 orks ' TEELAND 34S — deiteliaidee es extur 4 9.03 )9.83 1.828 PU Leta = in x s © . <e 22> s 3 1.034 PU = | ™ REED os 1.@28 Pu | TEELAND 132.8 ieee! <a e PRAKS oes 6.997 Fu _|s e ' @e4 PU Scorme iis ‘e881 Pu @eat Pu ie c oc oes es MCRAE os Y 1. eaa PU > 1.819 PU STEELAND 238 ® esse Pu a s BRIGGSTP 115 ia a Cy HO TEELAND 115 '.@22 PU POWER ENGINEERS INC INTERTIE Inte ANCHORAGE -KENAI CASE NO PAGE TO mP2 11S TO 1S BRIGGSTP i ? ais alle Zul 3 | n «je ales gt: mLPI ay.s " sje al? al- &)n | v g g > ri mPa is '@ra Pu e ote r a i s a | = | | } | <@.79> <@.ta> | <iB.1> 7 ‘e098 Pu a ait } . = ' al che mre ae r 1 @@1 PU i li ” A | a M7] £ = APR OANCH It « | @85 PU v } STA. 14 11S = 1.009 PU alts ets N.LTS.T ONS erie 1.27 } 7 Pal y <e.ese> | 3 STR. @ 11S STA. 1S 11S i a4.2 s * = 7 = CO] 1. 18> <1.84> <8.98> s ie hd JJ oa 1.998 PU 1 eee PU 2 : ata 1987 Pu eee ees a y | IC © « | 71] - tantviect POWER ENGINEERS INC & = g, “ey ytie . > ° z <1.bs> 12 4a> ANCHORAGE-KENAI INTERTIE . 3 1 987 PU Pees ° 2 PAGE 32 eT Oe eae ae €. TEAN. 238 To mPa = UNITY ANC 238 c 22.2 s <V.4)D i a 22.2 2 = = = SHiZ 4 TeAN 238 pour ane oa Univ ANC 11S e994 Pu : cee aces ~ Cy a in <ae <3 @s> s aie a 1.e18 PU v ake = e UNIV ANC 138 wy s HUFFHAN 238 a 1 wee Pu A Tiha 1.825 Pu s im e = iS PT. MAC 238 aj- ® aes 8.989 PU v v Fle Tle e v v a ce PT mAC tae v pT wWZFi 128 wes! ale a8 a iS, pm a 8 a|” <@ e2e> <e@ 13) ciht nel © 21.8 a8 alt) orflv wurenan 138 zh ut See ee 1.888 PU <8.bz28> <8.13) a 2 2 fia.a> | et Bie PU | 1.815 Pu a Aa . | cy © - e a lee zs HARSH 228 | INTL. tae Sil Sty t 1.82 Pu 1 er Pu - ; | otite z s v -|s ’ BELUGA 1.38 | Pr. uze2 tae 7 le 8.968 PU ie we ee i <1.88> 1a.ia> ee ae 1.a12 PU ' e295 PU a POWER ENGINEERS INC “ z z ANCHORAGE-KENAIL INTERTIE . CASE nO NTS 10 SOLDT 8.678 = = eu se * a a r a + “a a ue “INDIAN ms 1.818 Pu a Tr a - ¥ A a“ 'Y GIROnooE 1 e199 PO is <e.28> 43> PORTAGE 1.828 PL es sa> @ @a8>d<: mes irre BERNICE 69 “ 3.47 TO TESORO bY 2 sou DT wis so.oT 2308 z = <8.857> 447 ga § @ ose = = a pe <t 4e> | Ce. 4b> o (6) 1.835 PU QUARTZ «11S e 2 79> » 89 ea == — Ce 44> <a aap [o25 e ae Oe <inai> a|2 ' ee (6) <4.88> sie <b. aa> <5. tb> 4 12> 1.033 PU VBAVES mis ‘e380 Pu lee ec ae ie SKI HILL HS a. tat 32 aja La o_o) 12.8 all sunerz es z =e <b. 14> 1 Ca. e> <S. > 1.017 Pu a cae 1 e4e8 PU 1 owt PU mi . os c . eje a 2 ; LAHING 115 5 2 KASILOF 115 els ! 1 @a8 Pu alin 1.848 PU ste 8.991 PU alto in 3 ale es BERNICE 24.9 a|° $ . a s . s wi a J coorer bs ra BRAD JCT HIS v a 3 rs te! gia PU "8 1.647 PU shi allfy Anchor is ee ox a lz 5 “ J s g 4 5 6) “he es ath LAWING bo '.@5b Pu abla ar BRAD L ‘is aa lie DIAnOND 4 9 B.1s se 8.008 <a.be> [8 15 @ 1s 1 <4. 19> <a.at <2. a> B.bS5> G a 1844 PU B.bs4> al- se wa <2 FRITZ ois \ o.ese ©) ; 1.026 PU '.eMe _ hw! DIAMOND line eae all seunnn es 1.649 PU 1.837 PU POWER ENGINEERS INC ANCHORAGE -KENAI cmse no INTs INTERTIE AGE 5 = a on oe oe oe oe APPENDIX D STATION ONE-LINE DRAWINGS _ ~~ i) a oe oo oe 230-115 KV 200 MVA us KV —~—{_ |} TO EXISTING SOLDOTNA SUB SKV 2000A 230 KV —~_{_}— 230KV 2000A NEW SOLDOTNA SUBSTATION 115 -230KV J) ae Se ae! ee 230KV REPLACE EXISTING 230-69KV ISMVA 230KV EXISTING REPLACE SECONDARY EXISTING —~{_}— 230KV REPLACE EXISTING QUARTZ CREEK 230KV UPGRADE _ ee NEW 230-1ISKV 33 MVA 5 KV —_—— RELOCATE 230 KV 230 KV ~~ + SEWARD 230-249KV | 10 MVA 230 KV | | {coor en LANDING REPLACE EXISTING 24.9 KV EXISTING DAVES CREEK 230KV UPGRADE ee 230-249 EXISTING ai — - SECONDARY 230KV 2000 230 KV UPGRADE AT INDIAN, GIRWOOD, PORTAGE, HOPE 230 KV T/L 3 chs REACTORS MAY OR MAy NOI BL REQUIRED PRANSER IE BI, eee ee ee ee TERMINAL STATION RESERVOIR PLANT si ¥ REACTORS nh MAY OR ) MAY NOT BE REQUIRED i I UNDERGROUND CABLE SECTION | SA SA I8OKV I8OKV t 2 >) x TT Th 2 nu eo—}|! i|#-o SA | SA IBOKV 18O KV '8OKV IROKV a wa — — =< _ - - | | TRANSFER RUS 0 e— ele nye e IBOKY IHokK 2 eh ee ET eT ag aT ol 230 KV 230 KV BREAKER BAY UNIVERSITY 230 KV VL TRANSFER BUS REACTORS MAY OR MAY NOT BE REQUIRED i a a 2 a a TERMINAL STATION PUMPING PLANT REACTORS MAY OR MAY NOT BE REQUIRED SUBMARINE CABLE SECTION | oi | san! Ir 180KV 18OKV § => x rs & au ol kee sa” 54 IBOKV I80KV » el I<, 18OKV I8OKV SPARE _ oil 'I-*, oa a a 2 2 a a . 230-11ISKV 200 MVA "S KV 230 KV — ee TO EXISTING — — 230KV ISKV 2000A 2000A INTERNATIONAL suB. REACTOR REQUIRED FOR ENSTAR ROUTE ONLY NEW HUFFMAN OR INTERNATIONAL SUBSTATION 230-115 KV — ‘ a i a a oe ee we, S 32 i peo eet g= NS KV 230KV 230KV & 115-230 KV 5 150 MVA a 230 KV TO SOLDOTNA NEW BERNICE LAKE SUBSTATION 115-230 KV TO AIRPORT WEST (co toe a re 230KV PO! NT CAMPBELL —~|_}— ae I Lae | I38KV Pal 250 MVA 138 KV ee le 138 KV NEW POINT WORONZOF SUBSTATION 138-230 KV ee a ae oe a ae ae APPENDIX E AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE ad het a ee ee ee AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE (included in Preliminary Report) mn it~ Fr Fr —_-" —_— wee STEVE COWPER, GOVERNOR STATE OF Alas: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES 4111 AVIATION AVENUE P.O. BOX 196900 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6900 CENTRAL REGION — PLANNING —* (TELEX 25-185) (907) 266-1462 March 24, 1987 RE: Anchorage-Kenai Intertie Ms. Linda Perry Dwight Hart Crowser, Inc. GEST 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ud ec Lunde. Gwe Dear Ms. Dwight: Please reference my letter dated March 13, 19987 concerning plans by the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities for realignment of the Seward Highway between Bird Point and Girdwood. One point needs further clarification concerning the new alignment. Right-of-Way will be acquired for a four-lane highway, however, only a two-lane roadway will be initially constructed tentatively in 1991-1992. This route will later be widened to four lanes to accommodate increasing traffic when warranted and dependent on the availability of funding in the future. Hopefully, this additional information concerning the Bird Point-Girdwood project will be useful to you in further evaluating route alternatives for the Anchorage-Kenai intertie. Please contact me at 266-1675 or John Dickenson of the DOT&PF Reconnaissance Section at 266-1500 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Weds M. Murph O'Brien Kenai/Prince William Sound Area Planner JHH/1dm cc: John Dickenson, Project Manager, Design & Construction A MW " M h a rer STEVE COWPER, GOVERNOR SHAME OlF ai: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES AITTAVIATION AVENUE P.O. BOX 196900 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6900 CENTRAL REGION — PLANNING (TELEX 25-185) (907) 266-1462 March 13, 1987 RE: Anchorage-Kenai Intertie \I™ fA) f- here B 68 lauviz [ Ms. Linda Perry Dwight sl 7] Hart Crowser, Inc. vans 17 1987 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 PART-CROWSER & ASSOC., I/'> Dear Ms. Dwight: : During the Alternative Route Evaluation meeting for the Anchorage-Kenai Intertie on February 17, the possibility of conflicts between the Existing Route Alternative and future realignment of the Seward Highway between Bird Point and Girdwood was mentioned. Since detailed maps of the Existing Route Alternative were not available during the meeting, comments on this route segment comments were deferred pending receipt of a copy of the maps from your office. Thank you for sending the annotated USGS quad maps showing the Existing Route Alternative alignment. The following are DOT&PF's plans for the Bird Point-Girdwood highway project. The highway realignment project will relocate the roadway closer to Turnagain Arm, i.e., from above the railroad right-of-way to between the railroad and the existing transmission line along the shore of Turnagain Arm. The new roadway will be four lanes to meet increasing traffic demands and probably will require some realignment of the railroad because of the limited area between it and the existing transmission line. Our design staff hopes to work closely with both the Alaska Railroad and APA during the design phase of this project. Project construction is programmed for 1991-1992. During the meeting on February 17, the suggestion was made by Al Meiners of the Division of Parks that underground cable be used for this segment of the new intertie to protect aesthetic values along this scenic area of Turnagain Arm. Also, the suggestion was made that the existing highway right-of-way be used for the underground cable, since the highway will be relocated anyway. I have discussed these suggestions with our design staff, who feel that an underground cable along the current highway right-of-way may be a good solution to some highway-railroad-intertie clearance problems which would arise during design of the new highway segment. If the existing transmission line along the shoreline were removed, the highway probably could be designed Closer to the shoreline, and less displacement of the railroad and excavation would be required. If the 230 KV option of the Existing Route Alternative were selected and the existing transmission tower alignment were utilized, this would require an additional 25 feet of utilities ROW, thus increasing clearance problems along this route segment. We, therefore, strongly es that an underground cable utilizing the existing highway roadbed be considered. Linda Perry Dwight 0s Hart Crowser, Inc. I hope these comments will be of assistance in further evaluating the route alternatives for the Anchorage-Kenai Intertie. Please contact me at 266-1675 or John Dickenson of the DOT&PF Reconnaissance Section at 266-1500 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Mp h CG ‘hue M. Murph O'Brien Kenai/Prince William Sound Area Planner JHH/1dm cc: John Dickenson, Project Manager, Design & Construction UNITED STATES OSPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service P.0. Box 1668 iy Alaska 99802 ’ aj 1 3 . oe NF Ses hy Lay ly Tot ge pce Ser cuacy zi, ree ‘24h 1557 HART-CROWSER & ASSOC., INC. BSA James D. Gill, P.E. Hart Crowser Project Manager Hart Crowser, Inc. 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Mr. Gill: We have received the Anchorage - Kenai Transmission Intertie information package that you provided. Having reviewed this material and discussed the proposal during the February 17 meeting at the Alaska Power Authority, we agree with the general conclusion reached so far. That is, we concur with the decision to delete the Beluga alternative from further consideration. As both the Enstar and Tesoro routes would necessitate marine crossings of Knik Arm and construction of sub-stations at or near tidewater, these options are initially less attractive to our agency than the existing route alternative. We do not, however, consider any of the three remaining routes to be unacceptable at this time. We welcome the opportunity to review any additional information that you may provide. Sincerely, Ze tors | obert W. McVey ‘Director, Alaska Region DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ALASKA oe P.0.80X 898 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99606-0898 pon GYAN Te! i a Regulatory Branch IAN 1 2 1987 Special Actions Section AART-CRGWCER & ASSOC., INC. ves KA Mr. James 0. Gill Hart Crowser, Incorporated 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 J Dear Mr. Gill: This is in response to your request for our comments concerning the feasibility study you are conducting for the Alaska Power Authority to construct a new transmission line between Anchorage and Soldotna, Alaska. An interagency meeting was held on December 15, 1986, to introduce the study and present three general alternatives which you plan to study in detail within the next few months. These alternatives include: 1) Following the existing transmission line which generally parallels the Seward and Sterling highways; 2) a route across Turnagain Arm and down the west side of the Kenai Mountains along an existing natural gas pipeline; and 3) across the mouth of Turnagain Arm and along the east shore of Cook Inlet following the alignment of an existing | petroleum pipeline. As you develop more specific plans for these or other alternatives, we request that you consider the following: | a. Department of the Army (DA) permits would be required to construct a transmission line across Turnagain Arm, either aerial or subaqueous. Particularly sensitive biological areas such as those utilized by waterfowl or extensive marshes and mudflats should be avoided. You should also address construction impacts such as dredging, spoil disposal, effects on navigation expected to result from powerline installation. | b. DA permits would also be required to place dredged or fill material into waters or wetlands along the transmission line route. It is our understanding that the land - based portion of the line would be pole | or tower supported. Generally pole or tower sites should be on uplands wherever practical. Where supports would be located in waters or wetlands, the type of foundation should be addressed as well as equipment access, construction techniques and construction impacts. Permanent fills i or those desruptive to wetland hydrology and sensitive or unique biological areas should be avoided. Stee ss he —_—=S=V—T es =—wW c. Generally speaking, we would expect impacts to the aquatic environment to be minimized by following the existing transmission line corridor along the Seward and Sterling highways. Thank you for this opportunity to comment at this early planning stage of your project. If you have any questions on these comments, please contact Mr. Steve Lund of my staff at telephone (907) 753-2724. After February 1, 1987 Mr. Jeff Steen, also of my office, will be the point of contact for your projects. Sincerely, fay = lecde_ Larry LY Reeder Chief, Special Actions Section Regulatory Branch DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY UB. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ALASKA ?.0.80X 898 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99606-0898 26 JAN lye Regulatory Branch ts Special Actions Section Ae a ht Porshe. & Aeer, ING. Mr. James D. Gill Hart Crowser, Incorporated 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Oear Mr. Gill: We have received and reviewed your letter of January 15, 1987, with its attached information regarding alternative routes under consideration for the proposed Anchorage - Kenai Transmission Intertie. Please refer to our letter to you of January 6, 1987, for comments on the routes currently under study. We note that a fourth alternative is now being considered. This alternative would run northwest from Soldotna, cross Cook Inlet to the west foreland and follow an existing transmission line to Beluga. With this alternative, we would add that a submarine cable crossing of Cook Inlet would require a Department of the Army permit. Given existing vessel use of the inlet, additional consideration should be paid to effects of this alternative on navigation. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Steven W. Lund of my staff at telephone (907) 753-2724. Sincerely, ing Fla Larry L. Reeder Chief, Special Actions Section Regulatory Branch | —_—_ > —_—_ —, United States Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Anchorage Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Sunshine Plaza, Siute 2B 411 West 4th Avenue IN REPLY REFER TO: Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Mr. FWE FEB | 7 IS87 James D. Gill Project Manager Hart Crowser, Inc. 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Re: Anchorage-Kenai Transmission Line Intertie Feasibility Study Dear Mr. Gill: In response to your January 26, 1987, request to provide narratives for each of the four Anchorage-Kenai Transmission Line Intertie routes proposed, we submit the following comments and concerns in the preferred ranking: 1. 2. Forelands/Beluga Substation Route (Sheet 4). This route, as proposed, should provide the least impact to Kenai National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) wildlife resources, involving only those refuge lands near the Beaver Creek drainage. Upgrading the existing facilities within the 200-foot rights-of-way now supporting a single pole 69kV facility, a 115kV double pole structure, and a buried 8-inch gas pipeline would be preferable to new vegetative clearing parallel and adjacent to the present rights-of-way. This route does impact former refuge lands, which are now Kenai Native Association lands under the Section 22(g) covenant of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA), the Marathon Oil Road, and the Beaver Creek drainage. Use of equipment within the drainage may be limited to winter conditions to protect the lowland bog, creek banks, and fishery resources. Proper posting and vehicle barriers must be installed at refuge boundaries and at the Marathon Oil Road crossing to control unauthorized vehicle use. Vegetative clearing will be minimized and vegetative screening of and within the right-of-way would be appropriate. Tesoro Pipeline Route (Sheet 3). This route, as proposed, also provides reduced impacts to refuge lands and includes all the concerns of priority 1, above. In addition, it involves the extreme northern tip of the refuge at Point Possession. The Tesoro 10-inch products pipeline (50-foot right-of-way) crosses approximately 4,700 feet of refuge lands. This route, however, is within the designated Kenai Wilderness, therefore, Title XI of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) will apply and require both Presidential —_— fa af | a ee en ee ee ee and Congressional approvals. Also, this immediate area has been selected by the Point Possession Native Group for conveyance under ANCSA. Negotiations are currently underway between the Group and FWS. A number of bald eagle nests exist along this coastal routing, as well as trumpeter swan nesting locations. Shown as private land on Sheet 3, these former refuge lands, now private lands of the Tyonek Native Corporation, were conveyed with the 22(g) ANCSA covenant, i.e., ". . . lands remain subject to the laws and regulations governing use and development of such Refuge.” Existing Route (Sheet 1). The upgrading and use of the existing rights-of-way and facilities within the Kenai NWR is the preferred option under this routing. Designated Wilderness abuts both the Sterling Highway and the existing powerline rights-of-way north, which supports both 69kV and 115kV structures. Construction within the undulating terrain outside the rights-of-way would be limited. New vegetative clearing would further scar the natural scene, especially the mature forest areas along the Jean Lake hillside. Any new clearing authorized would have to immediately parallel the existing rights-of-way. New right-of-way routes would not be permitted. Winter construction within wetland areas would be required should heavy surface equipment be utilized that could result in surface scarring. Cook Inlet Region, Inc., (CIRI) 14(h)(1) selected lands include those adjacent the Russian River. Up to 600 bald eagles have been documented using the Kenai River drainage during winter. Additional line crossings could directly impact the mortality rates of eagles using this State-wide important bald eagle wintering area. Eagle nests adjacent the river have been identified. Draft recommendations for a Kenai River Special Management Area (KRSMA) Bald Eagle Management Plan will include several relating to the construction of new powerline crossings and modifications of existing transmission line facilities. Sufficient vehicle barriers and posting to control unauthorized vehicle use at the west refuge boundary will be required to be maintained for the life of the facility. Enstar Pipeline Route (Sheet 2). This proposed routing would impact the Kenai NWR lands most significantly and is the least desirable of the four proposed routings. The Chickaloon Flats region is a very sensitive waterfowl area. The approved Kenai Comprehensive Conservation Plan (KCCP), as mandated by Congress under ANILCA, does not allow the construction or use of facilities outside the existing right-of-way. In addition, the KCCP does not permit the construction of above ground facilities in the Chickaloon Flats area because of potential mortality problems associated with the migration of thousands of migratory birds. An underground facility within the existing 50-foot right-of-way would also be required. This right-of-way supports two buried gas pipelines, a bridge, gate, posting, and block valves. The routing of this right-of-way would also require the construction and continued maintenance of several bridges crossiag fishery streams. The siltation of fish streams disrupted during vehicie crossings and stream bank breakdowns would necessitate bridge construction. The maintenance — — —_— — —_— —= a _ — i i == and upkeep of the right-of-way to refuge standards are the responsibility of the permittee for the life of the facility (Enstar is wholly responsible for their right-of-way maintenance as uses impact the existing bridges and maintenance road). Most of the existing right-of-way passes through mature mixed forests. Bald eagle nests, fishery resources, and trumpeter swan nesting sites will be impacted along this proposed routing. In addition, stipulations attached and made a valid part of any special use permit authorizing this construction will include: o Selective vegetative clearing only. o Dozer clearing will be not authorized or will be very restricted. o Construction of gates and maintenance of posting for the life of the facility. o Access will be by the established and existing trails only. o No structures will be authorized within 150+ feet of the East Fork of the Moose River. o Certain structure placements may be mandatory to protect wildlife resources. o Equipment crossings of fishery resource waters will be restricted. o Timber salvage and payment to FWS for merchantable will be required. o Burning will be restricted as to time and place. o The reclamation of disturbed lands and streambeds will be mandatory and may require contouring, seeding and fertilizing as may be necessary during several seasons. o A surety bond of at least $100,000 will be required. o Authorization to utilize existing rights-of-way will be required from current right-of-way holders. o A letter of non-objection from CIRI will be necessary, as well as from any private inholder within the refuge. 0. EWS will be reimbursed for costs incurred in preparing and issuing any "permits and for inspecting, monitoring, and enforcing compliance with those permits. Please contact either Hank Hosking of my staff (271-4575) or Mr. Daniel Doshier, Manager, Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, P.O. Box 2139, Soldotna, Alaska 99669 (262-7021) with any questions. Please copy both parties with any and all correspondence. Yea ean arr a Re a cee ce a | STEVE COWPER, GOVERNOR DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME April 28, 1987 Mr. James D. Gill Hart Crowser Project Manager Hart Crowser, Inc. 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Anchorage, AK 99503 Dear Mr. Gill: Re: Anchorage-Kenai Transmission Intertie Feasibility Study The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) has reviewed the Preliminary Report on the Anchorage-Kenai Transmission Line Intertie Feasibility Study. For a variety of reasons, the report identifies the Enstar Pipeline Route as the preferred alternative. In conducting our review, the department was unable to identify any serious deficiencies in the Preliminary Report's conclusions. However, from a fish and wildlife perspective, we continue to believe that the Tesoro route would be preferable over the other alternatives evaluated if project impacts and mitigation costs are to be minimized. Given that specific project construction and design details are not available at this time it is unknown how much additional cost might be incurred in mitigating the Enstar Route compared to the Tesoro Route. However, while the amount probably would not approach the 20 million dollar cost differential that is estimated to exist between the two alternatives, the additional expense still could be substantial. This is based on the premise that there are more environmental concerns associated with the Enstar Route than the Tesoro Route that will require mitigation, and the fact that additional time and expense will be needed to gain approval to proceed in the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. To the extent possible, we believe such factors should also be considered when evaluating these alternatives. In addition, the Preliminary Report does not address the department's suggestion that transmission towers associated with the Enstar Route might be sited east of Potter's Marsh State Game Refuge and the old Seward Highway. Such a James D. Gill -2- April 28, 1987 configuration would minimize the amount of wetlands that will be lost if the transmission line is buried in the railroad right-of-way, and would avoid a crossing of Rabbit Creek. This concludes the department's comments. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely N Wh & Mark N. Kuwada Habitat Biologist Habitat Division (907) 267-2284 cc: H. Hoskings, USFWS R. Sumner, EPA M. Hayes, ADNR D. Wilkerson, ADEC STEVE COWPER, GOVERNOR ~~ DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 3601 C STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99503 PHONE. (907) 561-2020 DIVISION OF PARKS AND OUTDOOR RECREATION May 5, 1987 EGEIWE MAILING ADORESS. PO. BOX 107001 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 995 10-700! James D. Gill, P.E. MAY 08 1987 Hart Crowser Project Manager HART - CROWSER, INC. 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 ALASKA Anchorage, AK 99503 Dear Mr. Gill: We have reviewed the Anchorage-Kenai Transmission Line Intertie Feasibility Study, Preliminary Report and offer the following comments, which are in addition to the comments we provided you on February 17th. The Enstar route, as we understand its alignment, would enter the Anchorage area somewhere in the immediate vicinity of the Potter Section House Historical Site. If this route is eventually chosen, the Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation will require that the transmission line and any ancillary structures be located and constructed so their visual impacts are eliminated. This would include burial of transmission lines and the undergrounding of pump stations and other support structures for the marine cable. A primary purpose of Chugach State Park is “to protect areas of unique and exceptional scenic value..." We suggest that the intertie be buried parallel to and outside of the Alaska Railroad corridor. In the event that the Enstar route encounters technical or permitting difficulties and the APA must reconsider other route alternatives, we would reiterate our earlier concerns with the existing route and Tesoro route alternatives. In the case of the existing route alternative, we would require that several miles of powerline be constructed underground. The Powerline Pass area and other stretches of the route are highly scenic and would be protected with very strict mitigation requirements. The Tesoro alternative would traverse Captain Cook State Recreation Area. We would require that the line be entirely buried as it passes through the recreation area, paralleling the existing gas line and perhaps using its right-of-way. Please refer to our earlier comments concerning park areas which have recieved federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) monies and the mitigations measures which would be required if their uses were to be converted to powerline purposes. Thank your for the opportunity to comment. — Sincerely, Neil Cc. Johannsen Director By: Dave Stephen Associate Mamager Southcentral Region STEVE COWPER, GOVERNOR STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES - 4111 AVIATION AVENUE P.O. BOX 196900 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6900 CENTRAL REGION — PLANNING (TELEX 25-185) (907) 266-1462 April 29, 1987 RE: Anchorage-Kenai Intertie James D. Gill, P.E. Project Manager a Hart Crowser, Inc. —- a 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 an Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Mr. Gill: The Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT&PF) has completed its review of the Preliminary Report for the Anchorage-Kenai Transmission Intertie Feasibility Study. We concur with the recommendation of the Enstar Route, which appears to be the most feasible alternative in view of environmental, cost, and engineering considerations. We strongly support the Huffman Substation option, which would have the least impact on Anchorage roads. We recommend that the final report include a detailed analysis of the two alignment options in the Potter Marsh area as well as further analysis of the Huffman Substation versus the International Substation options. Thank you for the opportunity to review this preliminary report. We look forward to receiving a copy of the final report in May 1987. Sincerely, M, Wink OB M. Murph O'Brien Kenai/Prince William Sound Area Planner JHH/1dm cc: Peggy McNees, Anchorage Area Planner, Planning APPENDIX F LAND OWNERSHIP i MAPS — —_ =F Aw — — — — — ween pace — eee ae ue eee a An, N : £ s University GACH ¢ @ eo Substation in (19 eee ae oe, * : ‘oD 3 (0) \! pat - e fw ¢ CHUGACH Sv) umn @ KENAI NATIONAL s I s FOREST } a a WILDLIFE REFUGE e Seward Sterl(n9 Highway (Existing) Route To Seea © o u Land Ownership © (see Map Key - General Land Ownership) Approximate Mileage From Soldotna Substation “ emer oan Scale: 1°=4 Miles a ubstation National “ . Wildlife / ® Refuge \ ‘Enstar Gas Pipeline Route Land Ownership (see map Key - General Land Ownership) 60) Approximate Mileage From Soldotna Substation CLM Scale: 1°=4 Miles » ‘International Substation NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE i) Tesoro Products Line Route oO Land Ownership (See map Key - General Land Ownership) 86 uolye}SQnNS eBuyopjos (G0) Approximate Mileage From Soldotna Substation Scale: 1°=4 Miles uoieys Bulyesouey Beluga Generating Station ’ TRADING BAY ils STATE’ GAME REFUGE a a Bernice Lake Generating Station SNE SEES il West Forelands-Beluga Station Route Land Ownership (see map Key i - General Land Ownership) Approximate Mileage From 3 2 Soldotna Substation , . Soldotna i Substation C2UM Scale: 1°= 4 Miles GENERAL LANDOWNERSHIP MAP KEY FIRST AND SECOND DIGIT: OWNERSHIP 1 THIRD AND FOURTH DIGIT: OWNERSHIP 2 (DUAL) STATE GENERAL GRANT LAND 10 UNDIFFERENTIATED 1 PATENTED 12 TENTATIVE APPROVED SELECTION 13 DISPOSED OF TO PRIVATE PARTIES 14 CHUGACH STATE PARK 15 STATE GAME REFUGE 16 ALASKA RAILROAD BOROUGH LAND 20 UNDIFFERENTIATED 21 TENTATIVE APPROVED OR PATENTED 22 DISPOSED OF TO PRIVATE PARTIES 23 BOROUGH SELECTION-NOT APPROVED 24 MUNICIPAL PARK LAND SCHOOL GRANT LAND AREA STILL IN STATE OWNERSHIP 30 UNDIFFERENTIATED MENTAL HEALTH GRANT LAND 40 UNDIFFERENTIATED 41 MENTAL HEALTH GRANT LAND STILL IN STATE OWNERSHIP 42 MENTAL HEALTH GRANT LAND DISPOSED OF TO PRIVATE PARTIES UNIVERSITY GRANT LAND 50 UNDIFFERENTIATED LAND PURCHASED BY THE STATE FOR STATE PURPOSES 60 UNDIFFERENTIATED NATIVE INTERIM CONVEYANCE OR PATENTED LAND 70 UNDIFFERENTIATED 71 CIRI SURFACE RIGHTS 72 VILLAGE CORPORATION SURFACE RIGHTS a 22(G) LAND FEDERAL LAND 80 UNDIFFERENTIATED 81 VACANT AND UNAPPROPRIATED 82 WITHDRAWN FORA FEDERAL SYSTEM 83 STATE OF ALASKA SELECTION 84 NATIVE CORPORATION SELECTION 85 KENAI NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE 86 CHUGACH NATIONAL FOREST PRIVATE OWNERSHIP - LAND OBTAINED FROM THE FEDERAL PUBLIC DOMAIN HOMESTEAD, ETC. 90 UNDIFFERENTIATED 99 NO DATA DATASOURCES: Base Map by State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Division of Geophysical Services, Alaska Land and Resource Mapping Program, December, 1983. Revised with data provided by Cook Inlet Region, Inc. Land Ownership Map, 1986; ONR Kenai River Comprehensive Management Plan, 1986; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Kenai National Wildlife Refuge Final Comprehensive Construction Plan, 1985; and Municipality of Anchorage, Anchorage Coastal Resource Atlas, 1980. APPENDIX G STABILITY CASES T&D 51 1064 (5/14/87) CASE 1- HW 2000 2 - HW 2000 3 - HW 2000 4-HW 2000 5 - HW 2000 6 - HW 2000 7 -LS 2000 8-LS 2000 9-LS 2000 10 - LS 2000 11-LS 2000 12 - LS 2000 T&D 51 1064 (5/14/87) APPENDIX G LIST OF STABILITY CASES Fault at Healy 345kV bus - open the Healy/Douglas Line. Fault at Pt. Mackenzie 230kV bus - open the Beluga/Pt. Mackenzie Line 1. Fault at Soldotna 115kV bus - open the Soldotna/Quartz Creek Line. Fault at Bradley Junction 115kV bus - open the Bradley Junction/Soldotna Line. Fault at AML&P 230kV bus - open the AML&P 230kV/University Line. Fault at Burnt Island 230kV bus - open the Burnt Island/Soldotna Line. Fault at Healy 345kV bus - open the Healy/Douglas Line. Fault at Pt. Mackenzie 230kV bus - open the Beluga/Pt. Mackenzie Line 1. Fault at Soldotna 115kV bus - open the Soldotna/Quartz Creek Line. Fault at Bradley Junction 115kV bus - open the Bradley Junction/Soldotna Line. Fault at AML&P 230kV bus - open the AML&P 230kV/University Line. Fault at Burnt Island 230kV bus - open the Burnt Island/Soldotna Line. ; SFEED CASE Bee SU Dy NTERTI| SPEED ANCHORAGE —KENAI SPEED SEE Bp Up. ua) 1) MACH 5 (7 BELUGA MACH 6 (2 BELUGA MACH 7 (6 BELUGA €5 @ 6: Sez SPEED SPEED 1) 1) 1) €4 BELUGA MACH 2 (8 BELUGA MACH 3 (3 BELUGA MACH 4 (5 BELUGA 1 MACH SPEED 1) Tas 108. 144. 180 TIME C CYCLES) 36. CASE Be Ss Vly Nee Ul SPEED SPEED ANCHORAGE —-KENAI SPEED 12 ©€S4 MEP2:.5)42) 15) (SS [IMEr2) 6. 2) 14 (S6 MLP2 7 2) SPEED US €57 iMieP2) Bi 2) MACH MACH MACH MACH yLO'l 6001 v'C'Z'L -- Nd Ties 108. 144. TIME (CYCLES) 36 j CASE E:.S7 UDY NT.E-RT 4 ANCHORAGE —KENAI ANGLE 2 ANGLE 4 ANGLE 155 BRAD L 4 ANGLE 1 BUS 39 BELUGA BUS S58 MLP2 BUS 92 SOLDT. BUS eee ed ee ee 108. 144. 720 TIME (CYCLES) 7 Sc —— 1930 “Ged “Sas “Sty “$8z “GEL “Gif = 2S Diy CASE NTERTI ANCHORAGE —-KENAI ANGLE S ANGLE S ANGLE 1 TOS” HEP 146 MUS BUS 9 BELUGA BUS BUS 1 2 3 ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' \ ' |@o ' ' ' ' ' = ' ' ' 1 ' ' t ' 1 ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ! t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' 1 y ' ' ' ' ' 7 enue Saal laa == ea a el ee = ae tet daa ane eoea 4 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ! + ' 1 ' ' 1 7” ' ' 1 ' ' 1 ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' 1 ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' 1 ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . eo desocenccs ol S = ie - ~~ Oe - - -- - 4-- - -- - -d--------- 40 ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ° ' ' ‘ ' ' r 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' 1 ' 1 ' wn ' ' ' ' w 1 1 ' ' ' at ' ' ' ' 1 ' ! 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CCy CLES) Dien: Tl ME 36. vy 19 yi 9 ¥8 09 9S 09 2 09 96 een 99 “”9 “C9 09 8s 20 =-—20 GASES 72 Boas Uy NT-ER'T | SPEED: ANCHORAGE —KENAI SP-EE® SPEED SPEED 1) a) i) MACH 5 (7 BELUGA MAGH 6 (2 BELUGA MACH 7 (6 BELUGA # 5 @ 6: $ 7 SPEED oF BED See ED 1) 1) 1) WP) (4 BELUGA MACH 2 (8 BELUGA MACH 3 (3 BELUGA MACH 4 (5 BELUGA 1 MACH $800 1 900 1 £001 roo 1 $866 L°€‘@'t -— Nd i a 966° CiCyY CEES) “am *¢zi00 1 $Zs00 1 $700 1 $Zz00 | $2100 1 $2666" 9‘S‘¥ -- Nd CASE 2 E STUDY NTERTI SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED ANCHORAGE —KENAI 12 (54 MLP2 5 2) MACH 13 (55 MLP2 6 2) 14 (56 MLP2 7 2) MACH MACH 15 (57 MLP2 8 2) MACH 7200 “1 vS00 L vC00 1 v'c'Z'l -- fd vIDO'L 108. 144. 180. 72. TIME (CYCLES) ° v666 CASE 2 Best Vib y IN ah) Eset | ANCHORAGE —KENAI ANGLE 2 ANGLE 4 ANGLE 15S BRAD L 4 ANGLE 1 BUS 9 BELUGA BUS 58 MLP2 BUS" 'iS2 SOLDT. BUS === = SS SS SS oe a Se eS Sai a a ee ew 3 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 9 1 1 ' i 1 ~ ' ' ' ' t ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! 1 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ! 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Z Best UDY PNT ERT VOLTAGE ANCHORAGE —-KENAI S VOLTAGE S VOLTAGE 1 BUS 3 BELUGA 10S) HLP 146 MUS BUS BUS = 108. 144. 180 72k TIME (CYCLES) & STUDY NTERTI ANCHORAGE —-KENAI FREQUENCY 2 FREQUENCY 4 FREQUENCY 1 BUS 9 BELUGA BUS S8 MLP2 BUS 92 SOLDT. BUS 155 BRAD L 4 FREQUENCY ah 144 72k TIME (CYCLES) 36. CASE 2 BE St Uiby NTERTI FREQUENCY Ss NA AMCHORA GE —KE 1 BUS 9 BELUGA BUS BUS le 10S HLP FREQUENCY 146 MUS 2 S FREQUENCY Se $29 09 2s 09 sz¢ 09 ee $22 09 ZH $20 09 144. 108. = 12 Ti ME CCYCLES) S GASIE EB) Si Ubi NEERT | ANCHORAGE —-KENAI a) 180 144. © ° 0 Ww al o > o a . aaw as ww ie Ww aan = nw met tT? 0 oor ee ZZ«& eeu ww . oo © a n NOK So ° OQor TT 000 ade 23 eee ° “Nm ¢27900°1 Szgoo'l $zto0 1 SL866° C2966" SLE66" aS c'Z'l -- fd 3 GASIE ESL Diy NT ERT ANCHORAGE —-KENAI ANGLE 4 ANGLE ANGLE 155 BRAD L 4 ANGLE 4 1 BUS 9 BELUGA BUS 58 MLP2 BUSH 2 (SOLDiIc BUS “06 02 ‘OS ‘or Vo teci te POO —1_ Wie TIME (CYCLES) 180 144 108. Gi LOS CASE 3S Esa UD ¥ NTERTI ANCHORAGE —KENAI!I BUS 9 BELUGA 1 ANGLE BUS BUS S ANGLE S ANGLE 105 HLP 146 MUS LSC: 144. 0 ° 0 Ww 4 Oo > Oo pw SS b © a) ° S‘¢e+ S82 sel clr S29 I= Tg Gf == 930 “Bt ¢ el SEC= Oe “LS- € -- 930 CASE. 3 E Sa VOY NTERTI ANCHORAGE —-KENAI \ ° S t ' 1 ' ' ' ' < 7 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ‘ ' . ; o : ' ' ' ~ ' wo i Ww ! a ' ; o ' > ' oO ; ~~ u pw n2 ' F wey wwd ' wood 1 Odade | <rerdi ' Eo j 1.0 90> ' o> ' = + 1 : at \ © - af 1 m _ ' < +O ; onadc | 2a sf 1 0 ' wn 1 oo no onw ' Ona i yyey : : EB mimo e’ gt 901 gy x 7 98 92 HNN e GIT Sl6~ Gel Sly Gee $20 “0- +.» oo tS —— Nd CASE 3 E STUDY I NT ERT } VOLTAGE ANCHORAGE —KENAI 1 BUS 9 BELUGA BUS BUS S*VOLTAGE S VOLTAGE 105 HLP 146 MUS Tas 108. 144. 180 TIME (CYCLES) 36. 3 CASE IESS Sa Ding NT -E-RT FREQUENCY 2 FREQUENCY 4 FREQUENCY / BUS 39 BELUGA AMCHORAGE —-FENAI BUS S58 MLP2 1 BUS 92 SOLDT. 144 © So o a Oo > oO »- nis : ie w - 2) a WwW a a ¢t | a © < ” x a w wo ” =) a ; ° * sss a9 SOv 09 $Sz 09 $01 09 SS6 6S $08 6S VC" 1, =—- 2H CASE 3S Est UbY NTERTI1 FREQUENCY NAI ANCHORAGE —-KE 1 BUS 39 BELUGA BUS BUS 1 2 3 S FREQUENCY S FREQUENCY 105 HLP 146 MUS 12°09 ju 144 Ties TIME (CYCLES) 36 Ea eo WD CASE ING ER oy | ANCHORAGE —KENAI MACH 8 (17 BERNIC 4) SPEED MACH 9 (18 BERNIC 4) SPEER SPEED 10 (19 BERNIC 4) MACH $Z200 1 $2000 | SLL66° SZS66° &-c—l=——=Nd GSLZ66° 24. TIME (CYCLES) Wi2n ° SZ066° CASE 4 eS T UDY NE Raed ANCHORAGE —-KENAI W wus wiIsid a0OZ OZZ< Zaid < t Nt c el < +O ONAC 2Gs-5 & a Om win oO wo on wn ONWOr HnHnOYN 2-2 2 2. onoaa -“-NnNMOT oe oo ‘OSL 1 a ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' Jd ' 1 1 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' “009 “OSL 56. 24. TIME (CYCLES) 12; *82- i2t- E Si UDY GAS E NT ERT ANCHORAGE —-KENAI BUS 9 BELUGA 1 ANGLE BUS BUS S ANGLE S ANGLE 10S; ALP 146 MUS 2: at 48. 60 36. 24. TIME (CYCLES) 2: SE 4 “AS Cc Bs UD Y HELE RT ANCHORAGE —-F ENAI ANGLE 3 ANGLE 1 BUS 9 BELUGA BUS 72 EKLUTTH BUS 24 COOPER 4 ANGLE BUS 21 4 ANGLE ie BERNI 36. 48. 24. TIME (CYCLES) 12 “Le- So ‘Gh % ‘8- *B1- “82- GAPSIE) | 4 ES ihe i NT ERT | ANCHORAGE —KENAI VOLTAGE 2 VOLTAGE 4 VOLTAGE 155 BRAD L 4 VOLTAGE 1 BUS 39 BELUGA BUS S58 MLP2 BUS |S2 SOLDT.. BUS SL¢ 24). 36. 48. 60 TME | C.GYCLIES) 2s CASE 4 ES 7 UD NTE RT| ANCHORAGE —-KENAI VOLTAGE S VOLTAGE S VOLTAGE 1 105 HLP 146 MUS BUS 39 BELUGA BUS BUS tat 2s tes amin Seem eee ee Sk oe Ol ee oe ek es ee wee cee wen okie cae = dt oe ee ed ' HI ' 24. 56. 48 TEKME CCYCLES) v2: “t yea | cut £0°L r6° 8° fc sd CASIE . 4 esi Dy IN ER FREQUENCY 2 FREQUENCY 4 FREQUENCY \ ANCHORAGE —-KENAI 1 BUS 39 BELUGA BUS 58 MLP2 BUS ~9S2.SOLDT. 155 BRAD L 4 FREQUENCY BUS 0 0 9 9 Z°L9 60 48. 24. TUMME IC CYCLES) 25 vy 6S ¢- y-- 4 eS & CA Ea sit) bing Myer tT FREQUENCY HORAGE -FENAI BUS 9 BELUGA BUS BUS Arle 1 13 FREQUENCY S FREQUENCY Ss 2 105 .HLP 146 MUS 91°09 “6S ro 36. 48, TIME (CYCLES) Viges 99 6S Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Sincerely, Bt bord, Field Supervisor cc: Manager, Kenai NWR - Soldotna Ref. Super, South, RO7 — Anchorage ADF&G, Habitat - Anchorage United States Department of the Interior KENAI NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE IN REPLY REFER TO: P.O. BOX 2139 SOLDOTNA, ALASKA 99669-2139 (907) 262-7021 KNWR/0197L February 4, 1987 Mr. James D. Gill Hart Crowser, Inc. 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Re: Anchorage/Kenai Intertie Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Kenai National Wildlife Refuge Dear Mr. Gill: In response to your letter request of February 27, 1987, with accompanying documents, we take this opportunity to provide the following comments regarding the proposed Anchorage/Kenai transmission line Intertie as it may impact Kenai National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) lands. The proposed Tesoro route between Bernice Lake and Point Possession provides for an alternate routing east of Stormy Lake outside any existing refuge right-of-way. Substantial evidence supporting this route with respect to its compatibility with the purposes for which this refuge was established and whether there is any economically feasible and prudent alternative to the routing of this proposed utility system through this conservation system unit will be required. In addition, we are uncertain as to the criteria used in your feasibility study document titled, Evaluation of Environmental Impacts Summary. We are therefore not necessarily in agreement with that summary. We appreciate this opportunity to comment on the provided material and request you kindly keep this office advised of any new developments involving Kenai NWR lands. Sincerely, Daniel W. Doshier Refuge Manager ty pe: H. Hosking, FWS rar STEVE COWPER, GOVERNOR DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME 333 RASPBERRY ROAD ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 995 18.1599 PHONE. (907) 344.0541 February 9, 1987 James D. Gill " Hart Crowser Project Manager Hart Crowser, Inc. 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Anchorage, AK 99503 Dear Mr. Gill: Re: Anchorage-Kenai Transmission Intertie Feasibility Study The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has reviewed your letter of January 15, 1987 in which you present general information on four alternate routes for the Anchorage to Kenai transmission intertie. We are not providing detailed comments at this time because detailed engineering studies are not yet available. However; the following general comments are provided. 1s We strongly recommend that the Forelands/Beluga Substation route be deleted from further consideration because of the potential impacts to the Trading Bay State Game Refuge and several Major anadromous fish streams. 2. We are concerned about the potential adverse impacts associated with the Enstar Pipeline route on the Potter Point State Game Refuge, particularly the Potter Marsh portion. If the line were to be buried along the Seward Highway and the Alaska Railroad, important wetlands would be disturbed, and a crossing of Rabbit Creek would be required. The transmission line would also pass through the Rabbit Creek rifle range and could adversely effect its operation. An aerial line along the Old Seward Highway in back of Potter Marsh would be more acceptable, if it could ' be screened from the Marsh. Construction would have to be scheduled to avoid impacts to important wetlands and wildlife populations. 3. The Tesoro Pipeline route appears to be acceptable because impacts to the Potter Point State Game Refuge will be minimized. ft James D. Gill . February 9, lLyu?/ 4. Construction along the existing transmission line route will involve numerous anadromous fish streams, and department approval will be required for crossings. Timing of construction will have to be closely coordinated to avoid impacts to these streams. The department will provide more detailed comments as additional information becomes available. Sincerely, ily | Pin Philip J. Brna Habitat Biologist Habitat Division Telephone 267-2284 cc: R. Bowker, USFWS D. Wilkerson, ADEC M. Hayes, ADNR L. Rand, OMB R. Sumner, EPA M. Dalton, MOA S. Spearow, KPB A. Meiners, ADNR/Parks L. Keeler, USFS D. Clausen, ADF&G STEVE COWPER, GOVERNOR DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT 9001 STREET SOUTHCENTRAL REGION ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99510-7005 PHONE: (907) 561-2020 February 3, 1987 James 0. Gill, P.E. Hart Crowser, Inc. 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Anchorage, AK 99503 Dear Mr. Gill: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Anchorage-Kenai Transmission Line Intertie Feasibility Study. Due to the short review time our comments are limited. As more economic and engineering studies become available, we will comment in greater depth. The existing route described in Section 3.1 may present the least land acquisition and permitting difficulties since the rights-of-way have already been acquired for electrical power transmission purposes. As with all four routes presented, land status may have changed since permitting of the existing right-of-way, which may present different permitting requirements. The existing route should also be re-evaluated to determine if the route is still appropriate with the changes in land management priorities for the land impacted by the route. The Enstar Pipeline Route described in Section 3.2, being the shortest route and having the least state land impacted, is attractive, although we have the following concerns. It is unclear from the Feasibility Study how much additional right-of-way will be required for engineering safety with the transmission line route following the Enstar pipeline right-of-way and Alaska Railroad. If the land ownership along the Enstar Pipeline has changed since the acquisition of the pipeline right-of-way, the current land owner would be subject to the pipeline right-of-way as it existed at the time of transfer. Therefore, changes to the use of the right-of-way may necessitiate negotiating with the new land owner. Other concerns with a route along the railroad are the instability of Potter Hill and an airport called "Tom's Landing" between the railroad and the Flying Crown Subdivision. James 0. Gill. Februrary 3, 1987 Page 2 Difficulties in acquiring an easement for the transmission line route along The Tesoro Pipeline Route described in Section 3.3 and the Forelands/Beluga Substation Route described in Section 3.4 would be similar to those described above for the Enstar Pipeline Route. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Deborah Heebner at 762-2274. Sincerely, Margaret J. Hayes Regional Manager Quah Ki VeDner By: Deborah K. Heebner Natural Resource Officer MJH:0KH: ec :0227L STEVE COWPER. GOVERNOR DEPARTM ENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 3601 C STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99503 PHONE. (907) 561.2020 TDOOOR RECREATION DIVISION OF PARKS AND OUTD' iaaluinGADORESS PO. BOX 107001 February 17, 1987 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 995 10-700! James D. Gill, P.E. Hart Crowser Project Manager 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Anchorage, AK 99503 Dear Mr. Gill: We have reviewed your letter of January 29, 1987 which presented alternative routes for the proposed Anchorage to Kenal Transmission Line. We are unable to provide a detailed review of the alternatives without detailed maps and design specifications for the line. We are, however, able to offer some general comments and preferences concerning the alternatives. We strongly prefer either the West Foreland/Beluga Substation or Tesoro Products Line alternative. Our primary concern is to avoid placing the line through Chugach State Park or near the Potter Section House State Historic Site. As noted in the attached memo from Bill Garry, Superintendent of Chugach State Park, the line will have a major adverse visual and physical impact on Chugach State Park. Also, because of the investment of federal Land and Water Conservation Fund moneys in the park, detailed mitigation measures, including the acquisition of replacement lands, would be necessary. The existing transmission line in the park is considered a detriment to the park which was established "...to protect areas of unique and exceptional scenic value,..." The Enstar Gas Pipeline Route would be acceptable if the line is not located near the Potter Section House or is_ buried. The Tesoro Products Route will pass through the Captain Cook State Recreation Area. This recreation area has federal Land and Water and Fund invested in it = and, like Chugach State Park, will require mitigation and replacement of lands used for the powerline corridor. If state park lands are involved in the project, you will need to apply for a Special Park Use Permit. Comments on the routes for our field managers are attached for your review. Please feel free to contact us as you develop more information on the project. incerely, < Wy Al™Meiners Southcentral Regional Manager enclosures MEMORANDUM State of Alaska TO FROM Al einen’ Cranace: OATE January 28, 1987 SCRO FILE NO TELEPHONE NO 345-5014 Bill Garz--, ee 7 SUBJECT Anchorage to Soldotna Chugach/Southwest Son cee Powerline We. The proposals male a a: this area significantly are #1, the Existing Route, and #2, the Enstar Pipeline Route. I will immediately comment on #2 to refute the statement in the Feasibility Study that "It was considered desireable in the study to find a route east of Potter Marsh to connect to the Powerline Pass route of the existing pipeline." (pg 6.) Only as a last resort should a new line be built in Chugach State Park along “the highly scenic foothills and rim of the Anchorage Bowl. The park's legislation states clearly that "The park is established to...protect areas of unique and exceptional scenic value,..." The existing route was established before this legislation, and it would surely not be allowed if it were a new proposal at this time. In addition, if a new route were to be cut through the park, a large amount of recreation land would have to be added to the park to replace converted LWCF lands. Public sentiment, statutes, and cost availability of replacement lands would prohibit a route east of Potter Marsh through the park. The Existing Route (#1) has a permit for the existing powerline. According to verbal testimony from the Bureau of Land Management this permit is for the 115Kv line, and no further construction would be allowed without another permit. The BLM status plat shows two powerline rights-of-way, but in fact they are the same. Only one right-of-way permit has been issued (A04681l1) persuant to the Federal Power Commission License 2170 in 1964 (noted as Pwr Proj 2170 50' on the status plat). Any additional construction or use of a new right-of-way would require a new right-of-way permit from the Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation, since most of the existing route in the park is on state TA'd or patented land. Comments on the Existing Route are as follows: l. The land has been dedicated by the legislature as State Park land and state statute requires protecting the land for its scenic value. New construction would run contrary to public sentiment and the Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation policy to protect such resources. 2. New construction would require, under LWCF Agreement, the replacement of new right-of-way lands with land of equal value. Maintaining the integrity of park land and recreational values of Chugach State Park in this agreement would be at a high cost considering land replacement costs in this area. ALASKA STATE PARKS -- Let's Put Them on the Map! Al Meiners January 28, 1987 Pace 2 of 2 in cenclusion, I recommend that no new construction for the proposed cowerline be allowed in Chugach State Park. If, as a last resort, the oark must be used, the powerline, if feasible, should be comstructed underground and new land be purchased to replace right-of-way lands used. WWG/1 MEMORANDUM State i of Alaska Ta: AL derners Dare: January 22, 1737 Southecantrat Fearonat Manager Fria aa Sao Tehannaiw no lol Frou: Xows: Loder fuperince 7. Na; Ares Suoiecc: Anchorsee to Selaotna Powering Ye have revieued the 4+ prosesad utiiity iine routes and our recommendation would be to utilize the existing Enstar Gas Fipeline Route. It is the shortest raute and would totally avoid Captain Cook State Recreation Area. Without knowing the voltsge, tower/pole size or the required ROW width, it is difficult to assess the iwpscts and prescribe mitigation measures. We will research the ROW through Captain Cook SKA and would appreciate any future information regarding the required ROW widths. Thiz would enable us to assess the impacts accurately and provide you with more detailed information. RCL/ jmw BE sna =o Se / ‘ ~ Fy yal 1 & M aia , x ol. i - 4 i\i ; rai Fe STEVE COWPE::, GOVERNOR DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES — | af 3601 C STREET ! ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99503 DIVISION OF PARKS ANDO OUTDOOR RECREATION ,; PHONE. (907) 561-2020 MAILING ADORESS. January 27, 1987 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99510 Re: 1130-13 Subject: Anchorage-Kenai Transmission Intertie Feasibility Study . — vv ? fF a tS Mr. James D. Gill, P.E. Hart Crowser, Inc. 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Mr. Gill: Due to the short review time frame, our comments will be cursory in nature. We hope to have a longer time to review and comment on a preferred alternative. The Seward/Sterling Highway Route probably has the least potential for impacting cultural resources. However, there are many known prehistoric and historic resources close to and in the existing right-of-way. If this becomes the preferred alternative, the route and the proposed upgrades will have to be inspected by an archaeologist to insure that any new pole or tower placement will not adversely affect a cultural resource. Some of the right-of-way has been surveyed by archaeologists, as a result of highway realignments. There may be only a limited account of field work necessary. All other proposed alignments may require more intensive pre-construction cultural resource surveys. There are known cultural resources sites in the vicinity of all alternatives and the probability is high that other such resources would be found as a result of archaeological survey. We look forward to working with you on this project. Please let us know the time of the meeting with APA scheduled for February 13, 1987. We may be able to send a representative. Sincerely, Neil C. Johannsen Director Aithlitf- By: Judith E. Bittner State Historic Preservation Officer COOK INLET REGION, INC. January 29, 1987 Mr. James D. Gill Project Manager Hart Crowser, Inc. 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Re: Anchorage-Kenai Transmission Intertie Feasibility Study CIRI 480.2 Dear Mr. Gill: Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI) has reviewed the proposed alternative routes for the Anchorage - Kenai Transmission Intertie. After a review of each alternative and its impact on CIRI land, it is our recommenda- tion that the proposed intertie be confined to the existing 115 KV transmission line right-of-way. Use of the existing right-of-way has the least impact to CIR! recreational property values in the Soldotna area and should not impact CIRI historical and cultural land selections along the Russian River. It should also be noted however, that we have no objection to the Enstar Pipeline Route alternative as proposed at this time. If you should have any questions or desire additional information concerning our comments and recommendations please do not hesitate to contact me at (907) 274-8638. Sincerely, COOK INLET REGION, INC. LiL (ck Brad Curtis Senior Land Management Officer BC:ah 35:152 CIRI BUILDING 2525 “C" STREET P.O. BOX 93330 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509-3330 (907) 274-8638 TELECOPIER (907) 279-8836 TELEX 090-26-465 e COOK INLET REGION, INC. March 4, 1987 Mr. James D. Gill, P.E. Project Manager Hart Crowser, Inc. 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Re: APA Anchorage-Soldotna Transmission Line Intertie CIRI 1468 Dear Mr. Gill: Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI) has reviewed the recommended routes for the Anchorage-Soldotna Transmission Line Intertie. Based on the information we received during the February 17th meeting, we concur that the existing route suffers from geologic hazards that could cause frequent interruptions of service. We therefore are in favor of the proposed Enstar Pipeline Route to be considered as the preferred alternative. We base this opinion on the following factors: - Less impact to CIRI owned lands. - Shorter route length than other alternatives. - Minimal geologic hazards. 1 2 3 4. Insignificant impacts to habitat. CIRI hopes you will consider our comments when selecting the final preferred alternative. If you should have any questions or desire additional information please do not hesitate to contact me at (907) 274-8638. Sincerely, COOK INLET REGION, INC. BOC Brad Curtis Senior Land Management Officer BC:ah 35:183 CIRI BUILDING 2525 “C" STREET P.O. BOX 93330 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509-3330 (907) 274-8638 TELECOPIER (907) 279-8836 TELEX 090-26-465 8OxX 850 » SOLDOTNA ALASKA 99669 PHONE 262-4441 STAN THOMPSON ri YS MAYOR we i Bahar pilin Tin % >i KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH iB , al “he March 11, 1987 Ms. Linda Dwight Perry HartCrowser, Inc. 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Ms. Perry: The Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning Commission recommends that the Tesoro Product Pipeline route be considered as the preferred alternative. The Commission feels the Tesoro route would be the most suitable alternative for the following reasons: Ke Highest degree of system reliability as compared to the other alternatives; tO The most environmentally sound route of the alternatives listed; Bis It provides for industrial expansion in North kenai area which is the area of the Kenai Peninsula Borough that we have most of the large scale industrial activity which would tie in if there were users to tie into major transmission lines; 4. The development of a major transportation corridor that will increase the development or the possibility for development for commercial industrial, residential, recreational land in that part of the Kenai Peninsula Borough. Z “ Kevin 5 Director EGE U Yel i KF/tn "4 AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE (included in Final Draft) DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY US. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ALASKA ?.0.80X 696 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99606-0898 nary re 08 MAY 1987 ATTENTION OF: Regulatory Branch Special Actions Section peci tions Secti iD ECEIVE fi MAY 1 2 1987 James D. Gill, Project Manager HART - CROWSER, INC. Hart Crowser, Incorporated ALASKA 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Anchorage, Alaska 99506 Dear Mr. Gill, This is written with regard to your letter of April 13, 1987, concerning the “Preliminary Report for Alaska Power Authority Railbelt Utilities Anchorage-Kenai Transmission Intertie Feasibility Study," March 1987. The following comments, in addition to comments previously submitted in correspondence from this office dated January 6 and 26, -1987, are offered with regard to the above noted report and study: a. Construction of the Intertie would require issuance of a Corps of Engineers (Corps) permit prior to its installation. In the event that the Enstar Route remains the preferred alternative, preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) concerning the use of wilderness areas within the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge is indicated. To assure that Corps concerns with regard to the proposed work are fully addressed in the EIS, this office anticipates serving as a cooperating agency with regard to its preparation. In the event that the Enstar route does not remain the preferred alternative, preparation of an EIS, from the Corps' perspective, may not be warranted. However, full discussion of alternative routes, including discussion of cable burying technologies, construction techniques, mitigation proposals, and other considerations would be required as part of permit application review. b. All areas subject to Federal jurisdiction, e.g., waters of the United States, including wetlands, and navigable waters of the United States (see 33 CFR 328 and 329 for a complete description of areas subject to Federal jurisdiction), (Enclosure), must be identified for each alternative route. Further, the environmental impacts of work performed in areas subject to Federal jurisdiction along each route require identification and discussion. c. Mitigation measures including avoidance, minimization, compensation, and enhancement must be addressed in future documentation associated with permit application and preparation of an EIS if required. Examples of mitigative measures would include burying the proposed cable within all or portions of alternative routes, providing screening for poles, scheduling construction activities during periods of minimal biological activity, and similar measures. d. With regard to alternative routes, this office suggests that a fifth alternative be considered. This alternative would extend from the Soldotna Substation, along the existing route, to Sixmile Creek drainage. From Sixmile Creek drainage, it would continue in the vicinity of Sixmile Creek until reaching Turnagain Arm. From the vicinity of the mouth of Sixmile Creek, a cable would be placed until connecting with the existing route on the northern side of Turnagain Arm. From this connection with the existing route, it would continue to its final destination in Anchorage. The advantages of this route include avoidance of wilderness areas within Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, avoidance of additional visual intrusions at the eastern end of Turnagain Arm, avoidance of certain avalanche areas along the existing route, and minimization of costs with regard to stepping down current to serve communities at the distal end of the Arm. Included within the discussion of the feasibility of this alternative would be discussion of acquisition of right-of-way lands, the feasibility of placing cable across Turnagain Arm at the vicinity of Sixmile Creek, permit approval requirements, and associated costs. e. Consideration should be given to burying the proposed cable within the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. Though not eliminating all indications of intrusion, burying the cable would significantly diminish visual impacts within wilderness areas. The “Preliminary Report" indicates that the line would be buried approximately seven miles along the existing route and six miles along the Enstar Route. These proposed burials suggest that the technology is available for such an effort within the Refuge. f. The "Preliminary Report" discusses the proposed shape, height, and type of material of proposed poles; distance between poles; and other considerations. In addition to these design features, consideration should be given to other measures which would minimize visual impacts of the proposed line. Examples of such measures would include methods and locations of pole/line screening, pole/line orientation, and avoidance of promentories and other areas of particular scenic value. g. This office does not consider, at this time, the difference in cost among the alternatives presented within the "Preliminary Report" to be significant. The "Summary of Costs--Project Alternatives", Table 1.5-2 (Beluga Route excluded), indicates an increased cost between the least ~~ expensive alternative (Enstar Route, Huffman Substation Alternative), and the most expensive alternative (Tesoro Route, Point Woronzof Alternative), of $22,777,000, an increase over the least cost alternative of approximately 30%. The difference in cost between the Preferred Alternative and the Existing Route is $15,827,000, an increase over the least cost alternative of approximately 21%. The increased cost between the Existing Route and the second ranked alternative, Enstar Route (International Substation Alternative) is less, $13,424,000, or approximately 17% over the cost of the Enstar Route (International Substation Alternative). Though the above cost figures may be realistic in today's market, a delay of three years, the anticipated amount of time necessary to obtain necessary permits/approvals for the Preferred Alternative, could significantly alter costs depending on the then present interest rates, agency shifts regarding mitigation requirements, costs of materials and labor, and other considerations. Building a more expensive alternative earlier could be less expensive than building a lesser expensive alternative later. Further, delay of theBradley Lake project could further affect final expenditures of the proposed work. h. In Item "7.2.2," page 7-6, the term “regulatory floodplains" requires clarification. Reference to, and consideration of, Executive Order 11988 on Floodplains and of Federal floodplain studies is recommended. i. The discussion in Item "7.2.4," page 7-9, requires expansion. Areas subject to Federal jurisdiction, including wetlands, need to be identified for all alternative routes including the Existing Route. j. The comment in Item "7.2.5," page 7-12, “The potential for collisions would be moderate to high as the route along Cook Inlet intersects a major flyway," requires clarification and expansion. The terms “moderate” and “high” need to be quantified or put into context. The species at risk need to be identified. Measures to be taken to minimize collisions, including cable burial, need to be identified and eee This discussion should also include expansion of Item "7.2.6," page 7-13. k. Item "7.2.11," page 7-26, states that “Slash from right-of-way clearing that cannot be utilized and excavated materials that cannot be used as fill would be disposed of in approved sites." Activities involving deposition of dredged and/or fill material in waters of the United States, including wetlands, require Department of the Army authorization. In future documentation, site preparation, installation techniques, and maintenance of the Interite facilities require full explanation. The occasions of filling and of the measures to be taken to avoid or minimize filling in areas subject to Federal jurisdiction must be fully described. 1. With regard to coordination of the proposed work, this office requests that it be invited to attend all meetings with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service so that it may remain informed of current topics of discussion. Should you have any questions with regard to the above matters, please contact Mr. Jeffrey Steen at (907) 753-2724. Sincerely, fag fe Larry LY Reeder Chief, Special Actions Section Regulatory Branch Enclosure Vv ~ ECEIVE MAY 11 1987 HART - CROWSER, INC, ALASKA COOK INLET REGION, INC. May 7, 1987 Mr. James D. Gill, P.E. Project Manager Hart Crowser, Inc. 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Re: Anchorage-Kenai Transmission Line Intertie Dear Mr. Gill: Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI) has reviewed the Anchorage-Kenai Transmission Line Intertie Feasibility Study. The upgrade of the existing 115KV line to a 230KV line will necessitate the revision of an easement across several CIRI parcels. Further, a number of previously unencumbered CIRI parcels will be impacted by the preferred Enstar Route. At this point, it is simply our intention to bring the need for easement revision and acquisition to your attention. With respect to the existing line, there are several CIRI parcels that contain an easement for a 115KV line. This easement (ADL 38269), which was transferred to CIRI's administration in 1982 by the State of Alaska, will need to be revised to reflect the proposed 230KV use and re-issued under a CIRI easement. The easement encumbers_ the following corporate land: Township Range Section 5N ow NEtNEd, NWENE? of Section 1 (Lots 1, 2) 5N 8W Lots 3, 4, 14, 15, 16, 17 of Section 6 5N 8W NEt, NE¢ (Lot 1) Section 5 5N 8w NWENWE, SWENWE, NWESEL, SEXSEL Section 4 5N 8Ww S3S} Section 3 Referencing the preferred alternative, the Enstar Route, it is clear that new CIRI easements will have to be acquired in several areas. The following corporate land will be encumbered by the proposed Enstar Route alignment: Township Range Section 5N 10W NE#SE% Section 13 5N 10W N4INW¢E Section 24 5N OW SWENWE Section 18 5N OW NWSE Section 8 CIRI BUILDING 2525 "'C" STREET P.O. BOX 93330 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509-3330 (907) 274-8638 TELECOPIER (907) 279-8836 TELEX 090-26-465 Mr. James D. Gill, P.E. Anchorage-Kenai Intertie May 7, 1987 Page 2 We trust this information will be useful when the easement acquisition process begins. If you have any questions, please call me at 274-8638. Sincerely, COOK INLET REGION, INC. Cred (ute Brad Curtis Senior Land Management Officer GC:ah 22:506 United States Department of the Interior KENAI NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE IN REPLY REFER TO: P.O. BOX 2139 SOLDOTNA, ALASKA 99669-2139 (907) 262-7021 KNWR/0211L May 6, 1987 James 0. Gill Project Manager Hart Crowser, Inc. 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Re: Anchorage-Kenai Transm. Intertie Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Kenai National Wildlife Refuge Dear Mr. Gill: We appreciate the opportunity to expand upon our necessarily hasty response to your initial request for comments regarding the four preliminary route selections for the proposed Anchorage-Kenai Transmission Intertie as they may impact Kenai National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) lands. After personal discussions with you and your representative Ms. Linda Perry Dwight, it appears only the two really viable routes, i.e., the Enstar and Tesoro alternatives, are still being discussed. In light of the limited time frame provided for our response, we will confine our discussion to these two routes. The Enstar Route recommended as the preferred alternative under the feasibility study, is certainly the more environmentally damaging to Kenai NWR lands. It is also in direct conflict with the Congressionally mandated Kenai Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) as approved June 1985. That management direction confines such use to the existing Enstar right-of-way with buried facilities within the minimal management area portion. That direction also recommends new utility systems be routed away from the Chickaloon Flats/Alaska Pipeline Company corridor to the coastal strip of former refuge lands specifically provided for that use. The Enstar Route, as proposed, would require construction of a 125 foot wide right-of-way through 36 miles of forested refuge wildlands directly impacting 23 miles of a minimal management area now recommended for wilderness designation under the Wilderness Act. Construction of the powerline along this route will result in this area being unsuitable for wilderness designation. In addition to the certain visual and aesthetic impacts associafed with the Enstar Route, other negative effects include fishery stream siltation, additional bird strikes at stream crossings, with more than twice as many streams crossed via the Enstar Route, public pressure for access into otherwise undisturbed areas, other facility use demands, etc. Page 2 of 3, Anchorage-Kenai Intertie, Kenai NWR Although both the Enstar and Tesoro Routes are considered equally reliable, the original project costs as Listed iu the feaslbility study were only twenty-three percent more utilizing the Tesoro alternative, but this figure is qualified, because 22 miles instead of the earlier 4 mile distance must be buried along the Enstar route probably increasing that route's cost substantially. The Tesoro Route would also avoid any potential adverse effects on the wintering area of the lowland caribou herd, a major moose migration route, and the Chickaloon Flats waterfowl staging area. We are also unaware of any major waterfowl flyway the Tesoro route would cross. Except as a means of access, the Enstar Route does not utilize the existing right-of-way, rather it proposes to construct an entirely new right-of-way, an opportunity equally provided along the Tesoro Route alternative. Your letter dated April 29, 1987, which discussed the most current right-of-way location proposal for the Enstar Route, still requires the construction of a 125 foot maximum right-of-way clearing. This proposal impacts about 545 acres of refuge forest lands with new access routes to approximately 223 adjacent pole structures and the development of a completely new refuge right-of-way. The Tesoro Route, in contrast, would only require clearing about 12 acres within the Kenai NWR, should additional clearing be required outside the existing 200 foot transmission line rights-of-way. Current laws and regulations that govern non-program uses on National Wildlife Refuge lands require a compatibility determination. This transmission facility with its proposed Enstar routing will undoubtedly require an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). One of the requirements under this Act necessitates a demonst ration that no other feasible alternative route(s) exists outside this conservation system unit. Also, under Title XI of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) of 1980, a determination of whether there is any economically feasible and prudent alternative to the routing of the proposed system through or within this conservation unit that would result in fewer or less severe adverse impacts upon these wildlife refuge lands must be made. Your feasibility study supports such a route in the Tesoro alternative. In 1964, Congress approved a refuge boundary change which removed approximately 500 square miles from the refuge including all the coastal land from near Point Possession southwest to the Kasilof River to provide a future corridor for transportation and development. Again, during February 1974, the Kenai NWR was the subject of an extensive study by the Joint Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission. An analysis of refuge goals was evaluated to determine whether additions, deletions, or modifications of the existing refuge boundaries should be recommended. The Commission's summary of findings stated,~"Based upon the data available for this report, it appears that local communities have sufficient lands either within their control or yet to be conveyed by the State to the Borough to accommodate normal growth patterns for many years to come.” Page 3 of 3, Anchorage-Kenai Intertie, Kenai NWR More recently, Congress stated in ANILCA Section 10l(d), they had provided sufficient protection for the public lands and at the same time provided “adequate opportunity for satisfaction of the economic and social needs of the State of Alaska and its people.” Also, in 1982, the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities prepared the Kenai Regional Transportation Study (Phase II). This study found no additional needs for transportation corridors on the refuge but identified several needs nearby. Additional protection of refuge lands occurs under Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966. This section states: “...the Secretary shall not approve any program or project which requires the use of any land from a...wildlife and waterfowl refuge...unless (1) there is no feasible and prudent alternative to the use of such land,...and is compatible with the purposes for which those lands have been established.” The laws and Congressional mandates governing management of refuge lands require a transportation or utility project be compatible with the primary purpose of the area [50 CFR 29.21-3(a)] if there is not any economically feasible and prudent alternative to the routing of the system off refuge lands. Support for the Tesoro Route alternative, both within the feasibility study and in those letter responses.from other agencies and corporations published within that document, is apparent. We continue to stand by our original response and for the reasons cited above and recommend the Tesoro Route alternative be utilized in support of the proposed Anchorage - Kenai Transmission Intertie facility. Sincerely, Daniel W. Doshier Refuge Manager pe: P. Schmidt, Refuge Supervisor-South (RF) H. Hosking, Fish & Wildlife Enhancement RAR/rr i vy) United States Forest Snugaen uF 2901 5. 9tan Ave. Jenartment of Service Suite 295 Ajriculture Anchorage, AX 99501 ee Reply to: 2729 Date: April 16, 1987 dart Crowser, Inc. James D0. Gill, P.&. 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Anchorage, AX 99503 Dear ‘Ie. Gill: Thank you for the opportunity to review the Anchorage - Xenai Transmission Line Intertie Feasibility Study. The Forest Service will not be involved with this project since your preferred alternative, tne Enstar Route, does not cros3 tational Forest System lands. Please keep us informed if there is any change in your plans or the location of your project. Sincerely, sce Qe Cae? a . ALTON Du LAC ql wh Bdiew WS Forest Supervisor ec: ARD “ei sgup SRD PERT GRO TT & P5508., PIC, FS-6200-28(7-62) CASE E sTrPuby NTERTI SPEED SPEED ANCHORAGE —-KENAI SPEED SPEED 12 (54 MLP2 5 2) 13 (55 MLP2 6 2) 14 (56 MLP2 7 2) 15 (57 MLP2 8 2) MACH MACH MACH MACH “N+ 99001 + ere 7900 L ¥v00 1 ¥Z00 1 yc 'Z'L -- Nd v000 1 725 108. 144. TIME (CYCLES) 36). ° ¥866° CASES esi Uy NT ER EA | ANCHORAGE —KENAI ANGLE 2 ANGLE 4 ANGLE 1 155 BRAD L 4 ANGLE BUS 9 BELUGA BUS S58 MLP2 BUS 'S2 )/SOLO0T. BUS t Se rratteriat= Steer oreietaies _iaeoossSS tT ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ' 1 t ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ! ' ' ' 1 ' ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 ' ' 1 SSotee ae ao ae eae = = ' ' Lh. ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 ' ' ' ' ' q ' 1 ' 1 ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 1 ' * ' 1 1 ' ' Jae ete at a Le {=== ' ' ' 1 ' ' 1 ' ' ' . ' ' ' 1 ' t 1 ' ' iu t 1 a 1 ' t ' ! ! ' ' t ' 1 ' ' ' ' al ' ) et aes asso ' ' ' 1 1 ' ' t 1 ' ' ' ' ' t ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' 1 ' . ' y VS | 80L 89 82 vs “Cb "930 144. 108. qi TIME CCYCLES) 36. CAS & E STUDY NTERT | ANCHORAGE —-KENAI Be BUS 9 BELUGA 1 ANGLE BUS BUS S ANGLE S ANGLE 105 HLP 146 MUS 2 3 Cree Oa Wis 108. 144. 180 TIME (CYCLES) 36. “CS- GAS B= 5 E STUDY NTERTI ANCHORAGE —-KENAI 1 ANGLE BUS 72 EKLUTN 3 ANGLE BUS 24 COOPER 4 ANGLE BERNIC 4 ANGLE BUS 9 BELUGA BUS 21 “Lye - ee j ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' “La “LS e £ ¢ b — 930 ee dias 108. 144. 180 TIME (CYCLES) 36. CASE E SJ UiDY NTERT I ANCHORAGE —KENAI VOLTAGE 2 VOLTAGE 4 VOLTAGE 155 BRAD L 4 VOLTAGE 1 BUS 93 BELUGA BUS S8 MLP2 BUS 92 SOLDT. BUS ft 2 3. 4 ee 3 ag t vt © °o o wW a oO > oO jw vz E © mM o 82° 80'l 83° 89° ay” 8c £'7') -- Nd vo y7°1 +1 vO'L v6° +8 CASE E ot UDY I NT-ERT I VOLTAGE ANCHORAGE —-KENAI ws 1 BUS 9 BELUGA BUS BUS S VOLTAGE S VOLTAGE 105 HLP 146 MUS Ti2is 108. 144 TIME (CYCLES) 36. CASE=-5 Es Dy NTERTI FREQUENCY 2 FREQUENCY 4 FREQUENCY 155 BRAD L 4 FREQUENCY ANCHORAGE -KENAI it BUS 3 BELUGA BUS S58 MLP2 BUS 92 SOLDT. BUS S “09 7°09 £09 Zz °09 1°09 TS Co *b) = 2H i Tia 108. 144 180 TIME (CYCLES) 35:6), CASE BE a rupy NTERTI FREQUCNCY ANCHORAGE —-KENAI 1 BUS 39 BELUGA BUS BUS ve S FREQUENCY S FREQUENCY 105 HLP 146 MUS 2 3 $29 09 $z2s ‘09 G2 (09 c'e' $¢z 09 -- 7H $40 09 ve. 108. 144. TIME (CYCLES) 36 $26 6S CASE 6 E STUDY NTERTI SPEEDO SPEED | ANCHORAGE —KENAI SPEEO 1) 9) 1) MACH 5 (7 BELUGA MACH 6 (2 BELUGA MACH 7 (6 BELUGA 5 1) 1) 1) Ve) (4 BELUGA MACH 2 (8 BELUGA MACH 3 (3 BELUGA MACH 4 (5S BELUGA MACH 1 i: + . SPEED 6 2: SPEED 7: $ SPEED S SPEED 108. 144 72s. TIME (CYCLES) SL£L6° E .s7-Uby CASE NTERTI| SPEED SPEED ANCHORAGE —KENAI 12 (54 MLP2 5 2) 13° (55 MLP2 6 2) MACH MACH SPEED SPEED 14 (S6 MLP2 7 2) 15 (57 MLP2 B 2) MACH MACH =) Zi 108. 144. 180 TIME (CYCLES) 3G CASE iG esi ew i NT ERT SPEED SPEED ANCHORAGE —-KENAI SPEED 10) (iS (BERN C4) MACH 8. (17 BERN! C.4) MACH 9 (18 BERNIC 4) MACH 9101 3) 144 108. TZ Tl ME CCYCLES) CASE! 6 BE) Sep y NTERTI| ANCHORAGE —KENAI ANGLE 2 ANGLE 4 ANGLE 155 BRAD L 4 ANGLE 1 BUS 93 BELUGA BUS 58 MLP2 BUS 92 SOLDT. BUS 180 144 108. 3G; (CYCLES) ES Viby NTERTI! ANCHORAGE —KENAI ANGLE S ANGLE S ANGLE 1 BUS 39 BELUGA 105 HLP 146 MUS BUS BUS “06 “OL2- “09f- Gach == 9390 “ObS- 108. 144. 7 2s TIME (CYCLES) ° “099- CASE 6 E sTUDY NER TI ANCHORAGE —-KENAI 1 ANGLE BERNIC 4 ANGLE BUS 24 COOPER 4 ANGLE BUS 72 EKLUTN 3 ANGLE BUS 21 BUS 93 BELUGA "5 «2 1 3: 1 4 Sv “0S61 “OS+1 “0S6 OS+ 180 108. (CYCLES) Us | ME T 36. GASE 6 E siuDpy I NTERTI VOLTAGE 2 VOLTAGE 4 VOLTAGE 155 BRAD L 4 VOLTAGE ANCHORAGE —KENAI q BUS 9 BELUGA BUS S8 MLP2 BUS 92 SOLDT. BUS + 1 mi 12) 13: ' 4 72. 108. 144. 180 TIME (CYCLES) 36. Bsr YU Dy CASE 6 I NTERTI VOLTAGE ANCHORAGE —KENAI V: 1 BUS 9 BELUGA BUS BUS S VOLTAGE S VOLTAGE 105 HLP 146 MUS 180 144 0 ° 0 WwW a o > oO jut nS = © nm ° v9 vy v2 yO 18° 99° Z‘L -- Ad 99° 9+ 92° 901 98° 99° ¢ nd CASE-+S E=S1-U DY NTERTI FREQUENCY 2 FREQUENCY 4 FREQUENCY ANCHORAGE —KENAI 1 155 BRAD L 4 FREQUENCY BUS 9 BELUGA BUS S8 MLP2 BUS 92 SOLOT. BUS 1 iz 3 4 fe les oe w Ww 4 oO > Oo ww pW N n= bE CASE 6 E STUDY NTERTI| FREQUENCY ANCHORAGE —KENAI Te 1 BUS 9 BELUGA BUS S FREQUENCY S FREQUENCY 105 HLP 146 MUS BUS “22 108. 144. 180 TIME (CYCLES) 36. E ust UDY CASE 7 NTERTI SPEED ANCHORAGE —KENAI SPEED SPEEO SEED 1) 1) aD) MACH 5 (7 BELUGA MACH 6 (2 BELUGA MACH 7 (6 BELUGA € 5 @ 6: $ 7 SPEED SPEED 1) 1) 1) (4 BELUGA MACH 2 (8 BELUGA MACH 3 (3 BELUGA MACH 4 (5 BELUGA MACH 1 1 2 3 a SPEED 1) 4: 12001 9S00 1 1700 ‘1 9200 1 L£°9'°S*v'S*S'L -- Nd i 108. 144. 180 (CYCLES) rar TI ME E sSivby GiA'S Es 37 NTERTI ANCHORAGE —KENAI ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' i ' ' ! ' ' . 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EB) Sau Diy CASE..7 NTERTI ANCHORAGE —KENAI 1 ANGLE BUS 72 EKLUTN 3 ANGLE BUS 24 COOPER 4 ANGLE BERNIC 4 ANGLE BUS 9 BELUGA BUS 21 1 2 oe 4 + . ! ' v0 72. ===" 930 108. 144. 180. 7 aia Tl.ME €CYCLES) “‘¥0- & -s7UDY CAS Ee 7 NTERTI ANCHORAGE —-KENAI ' ' ' ' ' t ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ! ' ' ' ' 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' U ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ! ' ' ' 4 ' ' 1 ' 1 ' (oetaore an = Do oa Ne es ea = ese ee Sia eet aeteteetesl ene ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 ' 1 1 ' ' ' ' 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' 1 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' i ' ' 1 ' \ ' ' ' ' l ' ' ! ' 1 ' 4 4 ea ee eel ' ' ' ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' t t ' ' ' ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' ' t ' ' ' U ! ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' 4 el eee el oes el nt ' ' ' ' ' ' Ww 1 ' ' wud 1 ' 1 WOoOd ' ' ' Oddte ' ' ' <qrredi ' ' uy PO ' ' ' aooO>. ! ' ' 0.>(> ; ; } > - ' ' ve = ~ \ ' ‘ tose ee oe < +O ‘ "i 1 onad 1 ' 1 2232 ' ' 1 +i0@ ' ' ' wen ' 1 ' oO n 1 ' ' onn ! ! ! Ona- ! : ; ! ' ' nonn } ; ; PaP eI) : i —— a ' [ SEZ. 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